How to get a PhD: Steps and Requirements Explained

Interested in obtaining a phd learn more about the steps to earn a phd, careers with phd, list of colleges offering programs and more., college monk — how to get a phd, what is a phd.

A PhD is actually just one type of doctoral degree. PhDs are research-focused. The other type of doctorate is application-focused (also known as an applied doctorate).

PhD admission requirements 

Not just anyone can earn a PhD. Given how well-respected the title is, it takes a lot of work and very specific criteria to enter a doctoral program.

Steps to obtain a PhD

Step 1: complete an undergraduate degree, step 2: complete a master's program, step 3: apply for a phd program.

During the application process, you’ll have to submit the following:

Step 4: Complete your coursework

Step 5: prepare a research proposal.

A research proposal is a document that outlines what, exactly, a PhD student will focus on during their research. 

A research proposal should include the major question or questions someone plans to answer with their dissertation, and how exactly they plan to arrive at that answer. 

Step 6: Complete a literature review

Step 7: research and collect results, step 8: produce a thesis and write a dissertation.


Step 9: Viva Voce

Online colleges offering phd programs.

What can you do with a PhD?

Frequently asked questions.

How to Get A PhD: A Step-by-Step Guide

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PhD Admission Guide

Gain admission to your dream school, guide to phd admission.

While some students swear off further education after undergrad, some love the thrill of intellectual discovery and research. For these students, graduate school is a natural choice. Graduate degrees are separated into “professional” and “academic” categories. Professional degrees are JDs and MDs, while academic degrees are PhDs (literally “Doctorates of Philosophy” regardless of what field you actually study).

Whether or not you need to pursue a PhD depends entirely on what career you wish to have. Some require higher education, while many others do not. In this guide we’ll go over how to apply to PhD programs, what they are looking for, and how the application process works. This guide is focused on the US and Canada; Europe has a system which is simultaneously similar and very different.

What PhD Programs Look For

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PhD programs want to make sure you are prepared academically for the rigors of the program, and that you have a concrete research goal in mind. PhD programs culminate with each student answering a research question they devise, contributing new knowledge to the world in the process. 

Thus these programs seek to evaluate your intellectual ability, research goals, previous research experience, and how you will contribute to their program. To determine this, they ask for the following:

Letters of Recommendation

We’ll go through each of these in turn, and explain what graduate programs are looking for from each.

Your GPA in undergrad is the single most important factor in PhD admissions. If your GPA is too low your application will be dismissed out of hand. While there are no hard limits, we suggest a minimum GPA of 3.5 for serious contention, especially at top schools. If your GPA is below 3.0 then you will likely not get admitted into any PhD programs.

The reason for this is that PhD programs are a lot of work. Being intelligent is necessary, but is far from sufficient alone. Everyone in PhD programs is intelligent, and everyone is also willing to do the work. Your GPA is seen as the primary indicator of your willingness and ability to do academic work to a high standard, and your preparation for the rigors of a PhD program.

Along with your overall GPA, schools request your major GPA. This is your GPA when calculated only using courses in your major. This is usually expected to be higher than your overall GPA. Your major GPA should be over 3.5.

While taking harder courses in undergrad is a great experience, they can also harm your overall GPA. Of course, the best approach is to take very hard classes and do well in them, but this is not always possible. We recommend taking a blend of courses, so you are never overloaded, and able to give each the attention it needs to do well.

Academic Preparation

Your GPA and transcript is also used to judge your academic preparation for the program. You should have a solid grounding in the field, and have taken advanced courses as well. Taking graduate level courses in undergrad can exemplify this. 

Some PhD programs also require research languages. This is more common in the social sciences and humanities, but all students will benefit from knowing other languages well enough to do research in them. You should look up language requirements when researching programs to apply to.

The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) is a standardized test meant for students who intend to apply to graduate programs. Both MA and PhD programs ask for GRE scores. Much like the SAT or ACT in college exams, the test is meant to be a standardized measure of academic preparation and logical skill.

The test consists of six sections. The first is writing, next are two on verbal reasoning, then two on quantitative reasoning, and finally a research or experimental section, meant to test new questions. The entire test is offered on the computer, with one minute breaks after each section, and a ten minute break after the third section. While there is also a paper-based test, almost all testing is now done on a computer. Due to the pandemic, both testing centers and at-home testing are offered. The GRE is a multi-stage test, and how well you do on earlier sections determines the difficulty of later sections and questions. 

The verbal sections each consist of 20 questions, to be answered over 30 minutes. The whole is scored on a scale of 130-170. The quantitative section is scored the same, and consists of two 20 question sections, each of which should be completed in 35 minutes. The writing section is scored from 0-6. For this section, you write an essay on a given issue in 30 minutes, and offer a response critiquing a provided argument for 30 minutes.

Your total score from the GRE is given from 130-170. While the exact scores you need to enter graduate school vary, higher is better. In addition, some programs only care about your verbal score, while others only care about your quantitative score. How much weight each program puts on GRE scores varies greatly.

We recommend studying for the GRE for some time before testing. You can take the GRE up to five times per year, but must wait at least 21 days between testing dates. Only scores from the past 5 years will be released or considered by graduate programs.

Curriculum Vitae

This is akin to a resume, but is dissimilar enough that the two cannot be used interchangeably. The purpose of a CV is, like a resume, to detail what you have accomplished academically and in your career. It is far more focused on academics however, and is widely used for academic careers.

We recommend finding a template for a CV online, or asking your college’s advisors for help in creating one. If you already have a resume, then you will easily be able to convert it into a CV.

What admissions officers are looking for in your activities is primarily signs of research. This should be in whatever field you intend to pursue a PhD in. Publications are also incredibly valuable. All of academia runs on publication, and getting an early start helps your career at every step.

You should try to do research while still in undergrad. What this looks like depends entirely on what field you are pursuing. While the research does not have to exactly line up with what you wish to pursue, it should teach you skills which are cross applicable. Higher level academic research has its own set of methods and language which must be learned, and students who are already familiar with the forms and structures of research have a leg up in graduate school. 

Publication is not required, but is nice to see. If you have completed a master’s degree, you should have some publication history; of your thesis if nothing else. Speak with your academic advisors about getting your work published.

Each graduate school you apply to will ask for an essay. You will be able to use the same basic form for each, but will need to edit it to be about the particular program you are applying to. Most schools only require a single essay, although some programs ask for a second on diversity.

The purpose of this essay is to explain your research interests, what you have studied, your intended area of specialization, and what your focus will be on. Every PhD student is asking and trying to answer a very specific research question. This question forms the basis of their dissertation, and will be the focus of your life for several years if you are accepted.

Thus the essay is the most important part of your application. Your grades and GRE are required to see if you are academically ready for graduate school, but the essay lets readers know if you are a match for their program, and serious about your research.

Your essay should begin by stating which program you are applying to, and why. Next, go through your previous academic experience in the field, both coursework and research. You don’t have to go through every class, but cover the ones most relevant to your desired research topic.

You should discuss any prior research you have done in the field. If you completed a thesis for your undergraduate degree or a master’s program, cover that here. If you have any publication credits, cover those as well. This should relate directly to the field you are trying to enter. If you wish to pursue lab work, discuss your previous experiences; if instead you are pursuing field work, talk about your experiences there.

Next you should talk about the research you specifically wish to pursue through a PhD. You don’t need to have an exact research question worked out, but it is helpful to have some idea; you should at least know the subfield you will be focusing on. The more specific you are, the better. Having some discussion of methodology can be nice, but is not always necessary.

If there are any ongoing research projects ongoing at the school you wish to work on, cover those next. You should discuss how these projects specifically relate to your own research interests. Finally, you should talk about which professors you wish to work with. Professors take on graduate students to advise, and you ideally want one with a specialization at least tangentially related to your field of interest. The more closely related the professor’s studies are to your own, the better.

You will be able to leave much of this essay the same for each school you apply to, changing only the name of the program, the research projects, and the professors you wish to work with. 

This essay should be a page and a half to two pages long, single spaced. You should go into sufficient detail for those reading it to understand the research you want to pursue. These essays are reviewed by the faculty who run the department, and they make the admissions decisions for PhD programs. There are many more applicants than there are spaces, and admissions rates are low. The more specific and detailed you are in this essay, the better the faculty will understand your research aims, and the better your chances will be.

Diversity Statements

Not all programs ask for these, but you will likely be able to reuse the same essay for those that do. The purpose of the diversity statement is to see what unique points of view and experiences you will be able to contribute to the program. PhDs are about learning, and the more viewpoints and ideas within a program, the broader the experience will be.

If you are a member of an underrepresented group, an immigrant, come from an underprivileged background, or come from an area which is generally underrepresented, we suggest discussing that in this essay. You should not write an essay about your interactions with members of these groups, or a study abroad experience.

Above all, this essay should be authentic to you and your experience. The goal is to show how your background has shaped you as a person, and how it impacts your view of the world.

As with college applications, letters of recommendation are required for PhD admissions. These tell admissions committees who you are as a student and researcher, and give their opinion on how you will perform when doing graduate level work. Academic fields are small and often insular, and the professors writing your letters will often be known by those reading them, either by reputation or in person.

Programs ask for two to four letters. These should primarily come from professors who know you and your work well. If you had a thesis advisor, they should write one of your letters. If you’ve worked doing research for some time, then a mentor or lab director can also be a good source of a letter, even if they haven’t taught you in class. Letters should not come from non-academic sources, unless you have worked professionally in that field. 

While you have the option to read the letters that are written for you, you should always waive that right. If you don’t trust your writers to craft good letters for you, then you shouldn’t be asking them for letters. Asking to see letters is considered a sign of lack of trust, and is gauche. Many professors will decline to write letters if you insist on seeing them.

You should ask for letters well in advance of when they are due; we recommend at least a month or two. If you are asking non-tenured faculty for a letter, more leeway is recommended, as they have more on their plate, and are often more stressed. You may need to send a reminder as deadlines approach. You should also share a copy of your essay with letter writers, so they know exactly what subfield you intend to pursue, and can discuss this in their letters.

Finally, you should be aware of politics when asking for letters. Some professors do not like each other at all. If you are seen as the protege of a professor who others detest, this can impact your admissions chances. Always discuss which schools and programs you are applying to with your letter writers. You should also discuss your choices of writers with an advisor (for example a thesis advisor) familiar with the field. Academic politics are incredibly petty, but if you plan to pursue a PhD you need to be aware of the game, and how it is played.

how to get s phd

If your application passes the first review, you will be invited to do an interview. This will be with faculty in the program you are applying to. This is to further get to know you, and to understand your research objectives. 

You should be able to clearly explain what you want to research, and how this program will help you do so. The people talking to you will all be familiar with the field, though not necessarily your specific subfield. They are looking for your ability to communicate and explain your view. Be prepared to answer some questions about the specifics of your goals, though it’s ok if you don’t know everything right now.

Interviews are generally in person, though due to the pandemic, virtual interviews have become more common. This is also your chance to ask any questions you have about the program you were unable to find answers to online. You can practice for this interview with an advisor or mentor; many schools have career centers which hold mock grad school interviews as well.

When and How to Apply to Grad School

There is no unified platform for PhD applications. Instead you must apply to each program individually, through the school’s website. This will mean filling out information multiple times, but they fortunately don’t ask for much. Once you have your documents in order, the rest is personal, demographic, and contact information.

You will need to pay to have your GRE scores sent to each school you apply to. Even though this is all electronic, they still charge dearly for it. 

Applications are generally due in December or January, with interviews held over the next few months. Applications open in September or October. We recommend getting your applications in before the due date, though most programs don’t use rolling admissions. Each program sets their own deadlines, so you should track when each of your applications is due carefully to make sure nothing gets overlooked.

Paying for Grad School

PhD programs are for the most part fully funded. This means you will not be paying tuition, and will also get funding to live on. This funding is generally contingent on academic standing, and doing work TAing, teaching, or on ongoing research projects (or most commonly, all of the above). Many grad students also work full or part time to support themselves. 

While you will not need to take on additional debt to pay for graduate school, you will not be well paid either. While the exact amount graduate students receive varies by school and program, it is generally in the range of $20-30,000 annually. This goes towards food, housing, and supplies.

While you are in a PhD program, you will not have to make payments on any government loans you took out to pay for undergrad, though they will continue to accrue interest. Making payments on them during grad school is difficult, but will greatly cut down on the amount you need to pay back later.

There are also outside scholarships available to help pay for graduate studies. While the amounts offered by these vary, most are small. They can help greatly with paying for the necessities however, and applying to them is usually worth the time investment.

Grad School Admission FAQ

Now we’ll answer some of the most common questions about applying to PhD programs.

Can older students apply?

Yes. Many professionals return to school for a PhD long out of undergrad. We suggest taking some courses at a local university in the field you plan on entering before you do this however. Academic research advances quickly, and this will familiarize you with the latest developments. Further, this will introduce you to professors who can provide you with letters of recommendation.

What are my odds of acceptance?

This depends on both your field and program. Generally, however, it is quite difficult to gain admissions to a PhD program, and admission rates hover around 10%. Only the best students get accepted, and this is even more the case at the top schools and programs.

When should I start thinking about applications?

When you choose your major, you should decide what level you want to reach within that field. Some majors lend themselves to PhDs if you want to work in that field, while others allow employment at various levels.

Where should I apply?

You should find programs with professors who are dedicated to your particular subfield. A prestigious institution which does not focus on your area is far less useful, regardless of how famous its name is. You are looking for someone who will be able to advise you, and help you perform worthwhile research. Further, professors are looking for students studying fields similar to their own when they admit graduate students.

How long are PhD programs?

Generally programs last 4-5 years, though this can vary based on field. The exact structure of the programs also varies a lot based on field and program.

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How To Get a PhD [2024 Guide – Campus & Online]

Are you wondering how to get a PhD? Although it requires dedication and focus to complete, the process of earning your doctorate can be broken down into a few simple steps.

How To Get a PhD

Earning your PhD is a way to become involved in a specific academic community while strengthening your research, writing, and presentation skills.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Professionals who earn their doctoral degree often go on to accept leadership roles in a variety of fields, including academia, education, and healthcare.

How to Get a PhD

earning a PhD

Earning a PhD does not have to be a complex process, though it can be a long one. Regardless of the topic you choose to focus on, the journey toward your doctorate will likely begin with earning a bachelors degree and end with a public defense of your doctoral dissertation.

1. Earn an Undergraduate Degree

The road to a PhD begins with earning an undergraduate degree from an accredited school. Bachelor’s degrees generally take about 4 years to complete if you follow a traditional academic schedule.

If you are considering applying for higher degree programs after graduation, it is beneficial to maintain a high grade point average over the course of your undergraduate career. If you aren’t sure whether you’d like to pursue further education, there are generally plenty of career opportunities available for students with a bachelor’s-level education.

2. Obtain a Master’s Program

Obtain a Master’s Program

The next step in your journey will be to obtain a master’s degree from an accredited institution. During your master’s degree program, you will select an area of study on which to focus more. Over the course of your studies, you can develop expertise in your discipline through a combination of theoretical analysis and fieldwork.

Because there are fewer credits required to complete a master’s degree than a bachelor’s degree, a graduate program will typically take 2 years to complete with full-time study. Some schools offer accelerated programs, offering the possibility to finish your degree sooner.

The focus of your master’s degree program will likely inform your professional career or your doctoral field of study. So, it is beneficial to consider the areas you are passionate about and to conduct extensive research into your schools of interest prior to applying.

3. Apply for a PhD Program

Apply for a PhD Program

After earning your master’s degree, you may be qualified to apply for a doctoral program. One factor that becomes important is the master’s degree GPA needed for a PhD program admission. Admissions requirements will vary from program to program.

Another one of the most important parts of the application process is determining what you will study during your time as a doctoral candidate. Because it may take up to 5 years to complete your PhD, it is essential that you pursue something you are passionate about.

After you decide what you’d like to study, you can begin to research programs and schools to see if they fit your needs. As you conduct your search, you may want to pay close attention to the professors who work in your field of study. You will need someone to advise you, and it can be helpful to have an understanding of the resources available to you before you apply.

4. Complete the Requisite Coursework

Complete the Requisite Coursework

If you are admitted to a doctoral program, your first few semesters will be spent completing the required coursework. The courses that you’ll complete will be dependent on your field of study and the specific program you attend.

For example, a student pursuing their PhD in Comparative Studies might take classes on approaches to comparative cultural comparative studies as well as contemporary political problems. Their classes could also cover topics in narrative, culture, and representation.

Taking classes at the start of your program can help you decide on a topic for your final dissertation and may equip you with relevant research skills and tools.

5. Submit a Research Proposal

Submit a Research Proposal

Once you complete your initial courses, you will be asked to submit a research proposal. A research proposal outlines what topic you are going to focus your research on and what your approach will consist of.

Why is this important? Not only does it give professors a clear understanding of your research, your method, and your thinking, but it also helps you get organized. As you work through your dissertation, you can refer back to what you planned in your proposal to keep you on track.

6. Research and Collect Data

Research and Collect Data

Conducting research and collecting data is a critical component of your PhD. Working toward and completing your dissertation not only allows you to become an expert in your field but also provides the opportunity for you to have a voice in the academic community.

In order to ensure that the information you present is valid, it is necessary to use extensive research to back up your findings.

7. Perform a Literature Review

Once you have chosen a specific research topic, you may be required to perform a literature review. During this review, you will analyze books and papers that are related to your field of study in order to determine any strengths, weaknesses, or gaps. You may also compare different literature and take note of recurring themes.

This review process helps you develop a broader understanding of what research already exists in your field related to your topic of interest. It also helps highlight any gaps that your thesis may be able to fill and identifies prominent authors and works to which you can refer while completing your dissertation.

8. Write and Produce a Thesis and Dissertation

One of the final tasks of your Ph.D. program will be to write and produce a thesis and a dissertation. Your thesis is the question or argument to which all your research will work to answer or prove.

Your dissertation is the collection and presentation of your findings, which should be a comprehensive response to your thesis statement. Dissertations can run in length from 100 pages to 300 pages on average. They often require a significant amount of preparation and effort, along with several months or years of hard work.

9. Defend Dissertation and Public Research

Defend Dissertation and Public Research

As your final step in your PhD journey, you may be asked to defend your thesis. While this may sound intimidating, it is simply the opportunity for you to present your research and answer questions posed by the thesis committee.

In some cases, this portion of the process is largely symbolic because your dissertation will have already been assessed. Depending on your specific program, this process can take anywhere from 25 minutes to over an hour.

PhD Admissions Requirements

PhD Admissions Requirements

Specific PhD admissions requirements will vary between programs, but most schools typically require the following items:

  • GRE or GMAT scores (only some schools require them)
  • Statement of purpose
  • Undergraduate and graduate degree transcripts
  • Letters of recommendation

It’s strategic to research the specific admissions requirements for your schools of interest prior to applying. In addition to these items, some programs may ask for an application fee as well as a resume as proof of experience in your field of interest.


PhD Accreditation

Accreditation is an external and internal review process of an educational program. This process signals to applicants, students, and employers that a program is legitimate.

By choosing to participate in the accreditation process, schools are ensuring that the education they offer is up to current standards. This means that you will most likely be taught by qualified staff members and receive appropriate educational materials.

It is beneficial to check for regional accreditation. This information is often posted on a school’s website, but you can also verify a prospective school’s status by looking through the US Department of Education’s list of accredited institutions.

Is Financial Aid Available?

PhD Financial Aid

The most common form of financial aid available to qualifying students is provided by government loans. To determine the amount of federal assistance you qualify for, you can fill out the FAFSA, or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid . This form takes into account details about your personal life and income to ensure a fair decision based on your circumstances.

In addition to federal aid, you can also apply for state aid, a process which will vary by state. You can also check for available scholarships at your schools of interests. There are often unique opportunities to apply for financial help at each school.

What Is a PhD?

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is considered to be among the highest academic degrees you can achieve. A PhD program is centered around developing an original thesis and conducting the accompanying research.

Your final product is often a written dissertation, in which you showcase your research and present your findings. If you are interested in a career in academia or research, then a PhD may be a good fit for you.

Should I Get a PhD?

The question of whether you should obtain a PhD is one that will be determined by your personal career goals and aspirations. As you make your decision, it might be helpful to consider these factors:

  • Time and money . Do you have the time and finances needed to complete a PhD?
  • Dedication and focus . Will you be able to stay passionate and motivated about one topic while you work through your doctoral program?
  • Career goals . How will earning your PhD help propel you toward your professional goals?

Since every doctoral program is unique, you can search for schools that offer the programs that most align with your goals.

Do You Need a Masters to Get a PhD?

Masters to Get a PhD

No, you do not always need a masters degree in order to earn a PhD, depending on the school and program. While the traditional path to getting a doctorate consists of earning your undergraduate and masters degrees before applying to a PhD program, there are some exceptions.

For schools that allow you to pursue a PhD directly after earning your undergrad degree, you will likely apply as a Master of Philosophy student. After that, you can have the opportunity to submit a thesis proposal for review. If it is accepted, you may be able to continue your research as a PhD candidate.

How Many Credits for a Doctorate Degree?

The amount of credits needed to complete your doctorate will be determined by a number of factors. These include your specific school requirements, the type of degree you earn, your chosen area of study, and the requirements of your state.

Credits for Doctorate Degree

Typically, a PhD program will consist of 60 to 120 credits. Your credits will likely be split between electives, major courses, research core courses, and dissertation requirements. Some fields, such as psychology, may require more time and credits to complete.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD?

The length of a PhD program varies widely. Most take between 3 to 5 years to complete due to the dissertation requirement.

There are some doctoral programs that require less than 60 credits and do not include a final dissertation. These types of programs can be finished more quickly if you are enrolled full-time. Professional doctorates are more likely to follow this abbreviated structure and are generally intended for students who already have their masters in a specific field.

How Hard Is It to Get a PhD?

earn a PhD

Determining how difficult it is to earn a PhD will depend on what you consider to be the biggest roadblocks. As you research your schools of interest, it’s beneficial to check eligibility criteria and admissions requirements. This may be an area of difficulty if you lack the transcripts, finances, or test scores needed to apply.

Alternatively, the admissions process may seem simple, but you might find the prospect of researching one subject over the course of many years a difficult one. It’s strategic to conduct extensive research and consider your career goals as you make your decision.

If Someone Has a PhD, Are They a Doctor?

If someone has a PhD, they are considered a doctor in the academic sense, but they are not a medical doctor (MD).

A doctoral degree is the highest academic degree you can earn. In this case, the term “doctor” simply refers to one’s formal academic standing. Unlike a licensed medical doctor, someone with a PhD is not qualified to perform and provide medical services.

What’s the Difference Between a Professional Doctorate vs. PhD Degree?

A professional doctorate is typically pursued by those who hold a master’s degree in a specific field. A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is usually taken on by those interested in conducting extensive research into a topic.

The right degree for you will largely be determined by your career aspirations. Most professionals who pursue a PhD are interested in the field of research or academia.

What’s the Difference Between an MPhil vs. PhD?

An MPhil, or a Master of Philosophy, is a degree that can be taken in place of a PhD or as part of an existing PhD program.

You might consider pursuing an MPhil if you are short on time but would like to conduct research into a certain topic.

Is a PhD Worth It?

PhD-level jobs

Yes, a PhD is worth it for many students. If you are eager to contribute to the existing research around a particular topic, then this degree may be a good fit for you. The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists positive job outlooks for a variety of PhD-level occupations.

For instance, 12% job growth is projected for postsecondary teachers over the next ten years, which is much faster than average. Top executives and management positions are also expected to have positive job outlooks.

Additionally, the research you conduct and the dissertation you create will become part of the larger academic conversation around your area of study. This could be a beneficial way to establish yourself in academia.

Getting Your PhD Degree Online

PhD Degree Online

Getting a a degree from one of the best online PhD programs is a lucrative choice for many students. If you are interested in becoming a leader within academia or contributing significant research to a specific subject area, then this may be a fitting path for you.

Positive job outlooks, higher earning potential, and a multitude of career opportunities also make this degree desirable to many. A number of professionals who earn their PhD go on to pursue leadership roles in education, healthcare, and law.

If you are ready to begin your PhD journey, are are looking for the highest paying doctorate degrees , you can start by researching potential programs from accredited universities today.

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9 things you should consider before embarking on a PhD

June 23, 2021 | 15 min read

By Andy Greenspon

Andy Greenspon

The ideal research program you envision is not what it appears to be

Editor's Note:  When Andy Greenspon wrote this article, he was a first-year student in Applied Physics at Harvard. Now he has completed his PhD. — Alison Bert, June 23, 2021

If you are planning to apply for a PhD program, you're probably getting advice from dozens of students, professors, administrators your parents and the Internet. Sometimes it's hard to know which advice to focus on and what will make the biggest difference in the long-run. So before you go back to daydreaming about the day you accept that Nobel Prize, here are nine things you should give serious thought to. One or more of these tips may save you from anguish and help you make better decisions as you embark on that path to a PhD.

1. Actively seek out information about PhD programs.

Depending on your undergraduate institution, there may be more or less support to guide you in selecting a PhD program – but there is generally much less than when you applied to college.

On the website of my physics department, I found a page written by one of my professors, which listed graduate school options in physics and engineering along with resources to consult. As far as I know, my career center did not send out much information about PhD programs. Only after applying to programs did I find out that my undergraduate website had a link providing general information applicable to most PhD programs. This is the kind of information that is available all over the Internet.

So don't wait for your career center or department to lay out a plan for you. Actively seek it out from your career center counselors, your professors, the Internet — and especially from alumni from your department who are in or graduated from your desired PhD program. First-hand experiences will almost always trump the knowledge you get second-hand.

2. A PhD program is not simply a continuation of your undergraduate program.

Many students don't internalize this idea until they have jumped head-first into a PhD program. The goal is not to complete an assigned set of courses as in an undergraduate program, but to develop significant and original research in your area of expertise. You will have required courses to take, especially if you do not have a master's degree yet, but these are designed merely to compliment your research and provide a broad and deep knowledge base to support you in your research endeavors.

At the end of your PhD program, you will be judged on your research, not on how well you did in your courses. Grades are not critical as long as you maintain the minimum GPA requirement, and you should not spend too much time on courses at the expense of research projects. Graduate courses tend to be designed to allow you to take away what you will find useful to your research more than to drill a rigid set of facts and techniques into your brain.

3. Take a break between your undergraduate education and a PhD program.

You are beginning your senior year of college, and your classmates are asking you if you are applying to graduate school. You think to yourself, "Well, I like studying this topic and the associated research, and I am going to need a PhD if I want to be a professor or do independent research, so I might as well get it done as soon as possible." But are you certain about the type of research you want to do? Do you know where you want to live for the next five years? Are you prepared to stay in an academic environment for nine years straight?

Many people burn out or end up trudging through their PhD program without a thought about what lies outside of or beyond it. A break of a year or two or even more may be necessary to gain perspective. If all you know is an academic environment, how can you compare it to anything else? Many people take a job for five or more years before going back to get their PhD. It is true though that the longer you stay out of school, the harder it is to go back to an academic environment with lower pay and a lack of set work hours. A one-year break will give you six months or so after graduation before PhD applications are due. A two-year gap might be ideal to provide time to identify your priorities in life and explore different areas of research without having school work or a thesis competing for your attention.

Getting research experience outside of a degree program can help focus your interests and give you a leg up on the competition when you finally decide to apply. It can also help you determine whether you will enjoy full-time research or if you might prefer an alternative career path that still incorporates science, for example, in policy, consulting or business — or a hybrid research job that combines scientific and non-scientific skills.

I will be forever grateful that I chose to do research in a non-academic environment for a year between my undergraduate and PhD programs. It gave me the chance to get a feel for doing nothing but research for a full year. Working at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in the Space Division, I was the manager of an optics lab, performing spectroscopic experiments on rocks and minerals placed in a vacuum chamber. While my boss determined the overall experimental design, I was able to make my own suggestions for experiments and use my own discretion in how to perform them. I presented this research at two national conferences as well — a first for me. I was also able to learn about other research being performed there, determine which projects excited me the most, and thus narrow down my criteria for a PhD program.

4. Your current area of study does not dictate what you have to study in graduate school.

You might be studying the function and regulation of membrane proteins or doing a computational analysis of the conductivity of different battery designs, but that doesn't mean your PhD project must revolve around similar projects. The transition between college or another research job to a PhD program is one of the main transitions in your life when it is perfectly acceptable to completely change research areas.

If you are doing computation, you may want to switch to lab-based work or vice versa. If you are working in biology but have always had an interest in photonics research, now is the time to try it out. You may find that you love the alternative research and devote your PhD to it, you might hate it and fall back on your previous area of study — or you may even discover a unique topic that incorporates both subjects.

One of the best aspects of the PhD program is that you can make the research your own. Remember, the answer to the question "Why are you doing this research?" should not be "Well, because it's what I've been working on for the past few years already."While my undergraduate research was in atomic physics, I easily transitioned into applied physics and materials science for my PhD program and was able to apply much of what I learned as an undergraduate to my current research. If you are moving from the sciences to a non-STEM field such as social sciences or humanities, this advice can still apply, though the transition is a bit more difficult and more of a permanent commitment.

5. Make sure the PhD program has a variety of research options, and learn about as many research groups as possible in your first year.

Even if you believe you are committed to one research area, you may find that five years of such work is not quite what you expected. As such, you should find a PhD program where the professors are not all working in the same narrowly focused research area. Make sure there are at least three professors working on an array of topics you could imagine yourself working on.

In many graduate programs, you are supposed to pick a research advisor before even starting. But such arrangements often do not work out, and you may be seeking a new advisor before you know it. That's why many programs give students one or two semesters to explore different research areas before choosing a permanent research advisor.

In your first year, you should explore the research of a diverse set of groups. After touring their labs, talking to the students, or sitting in on group meetings, you may find that this group is the right one for you.

In addition, consider the importance of who your research advisor will be. This will be the person you interact with regularly for five straight years and who will have a crucial influence on your research. Do you like their advising style? Does their personality mesh with yours? Can you get along? Of course, the research your advisor works on is critical, but if you have large disagreements at every meeting or do not get helpful advice on how to proceed with your research, you may not be able to succeed. At the very least, you must be able to handle your advisor's management of the lab and advising style if you are going to be productive in your work. The Harvard program I enrolled in has professors working on research spanning from nanophotonics to energy materials and biophysics, covering my wide range of interests. By spending time in labs and offices informally chatting with graduate students, I found an advisor whose personality and research interests meshed very well with me. Their genuine enthusiasm for this advisor and their excitement when talking about their research was the best input I could have received.

6. Location is more important than you think — but name recognition is not.

The first consideration in choosing a PhD program should be, "Is there research at this university that I am passionate about?" After all, you will have to study this topic in detail for four or more years. But when considering the location of a university, your first thought should not be, "I'm going to be in the lab all the time, so what does it matter if I'm by the beach, in a city, or in the middle of nowhere." Contrary to popular belief, you will have a life outside of the lab, and you will have to be able to live with it for four or more years. Unlike when you were an undergraduate, your social and extracurricular life will revolve less around the university community, so the environment of the surrounding area is important. Do you need a city atmosphere to be productive? Or is your ideal location surrounded by forests and mountains or by a beach? Is being close to your family important? Imagine what it will be like living in the area during the times you are not doing research; consider what activities will you do and how often will you want to visit family.

While many of the PhD programs that accepted me had research that truly excited me, the only place I could envision living for five or more years was Boston, as the city I grew up near and whose environment and culture I love, and to be close to my family.

While location is more important than you think, the reputation and prestige of the university is not. In graduate school, the reputation of the individual department you are joining — and sometimes even the specific research group you work in — are more important. There, you will develop research collaborations and professional connections that will be crucial during your program and beyond. When searching for a job after graduation, other scientists will look at your specific department, the people you have worked with and the research you have done.

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At the Asgard Irish Pub in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Andy Greenspon talks with fellow graduate students from Harvard and MIT at an Ask for Evidence workshop organized by Sense About Science. He grew up near Boston and chose to go to graduate school there.

7. Those time management skills you developed in college? Develop them further.

After surviving college, you may think you have mastered the ability to squeeze in your coursework, extracurricular activities and even some sleep. In a PhD program, time management reaches a whole new level. You will not only have lectures to attend and homework to do. You will have to make time for your research, which will include spending extended periods of time in the lab, analyzing data, and scheduling time with other students to collaborate on research.

Also, you will most likely have to teach for a number of semesters, and you will want to attend any seminar that may be related to your research or that just peaks your interest. To top it all off, you will still want to do many of those extracurricular activities you did as an undergraduate. While in the abstract, it may seem simple enough to put this all into your calendar and stay organized, you will find quickly enough that the one hour you scheduled for a task might take two or three hours, putting you behind on everything else for the rest of the day or forcing you to cut other planned events. Be prepared for schedules to go awry, and be willing to sacrifice certain activities. For some, this might be sleep; for others, it might be an extracurricular activity or a few seminars they were hoping to attend. In short, don't panic when things don't go according to plan; anticipate possible delays and be ready to adapt.

8. Expect to learn research skills on the fly – or take advantage of the training your department or career center offers.

This may be the first time you will have to write fellowship or grant proposals, write scientific papers, attend conferences, present your research to others, or even peer-review scientific manuscripts. From my experience, very few college students or even PhD students receive formal training on how to perform any of these tasks. Usually people follow by example. But this is not always easy and can be quite aggravating sometimes. So seek out talks or interactive programs offered by your department or career center. The effort will be well worth it when you realize you've become quite adept at quickly and clearly explaining your research to others and at outlining scientific papers and grant proposals. Alternatively, ask a more experienced graduate student or your advisor for advice on these topics. In addition, be prepared for a learning curve when learning all the procedures and processes of the group you end up working in. There may be many new protocols to master, whether they involve synthesizing chemicals, growing bacterial cells, or aligning mirrors on an optical table. In addition, the group may use programming languages or data analysis software you are unfamiliar with. Don't get discouraged but plan to spend extra effort getting used to these procedures and systems. After working with them regularly, they will soon become second nature. When I first started my job at Johns Hopkins, I felt overwhelmed by all the intricacies of the experiment and definitely made a few mistakes, including breaking a number of optical elements. But by the end of my year there, I had written an updated protocol manual for the modifications I had made to the experimental procedures and was the "master" passing on my knowledge to the next person taking the job.

9. There are no real breaks.

In a stereotypical "9-to-5" job, when the workday is over or the weekend arrives, you can generally forget about your work. And a vacation provides an even longer respite. But in a PhD program, your schedule becomes "whenever you find time to get your work done." You might be in the lab during regular work hours or you might be working until 10 p.m. or later to finish an experiment. And the only time you might have available to analyze data might be at 1 a.m. Expect to work during part of the weekend, too. Graduate students do go on vacations but might still have to do some data analysis or a literature search while away.

As a PhD student, it might be hard to stop thinking about the next step in an experiment or that data sitting on your computer or that paper you were meaning to start. While I imagine some students can bifurcate their mind between graduate school life and everything else, that's quite hard for many of us to do. No matter what, my research lies somewhere in the back of my head. In short, your schedule is much more flexible as a PhD student, but as a result, you never truly take a break from your work.

While this may seem like a downer, remember that you should have passion for the research you work on (most of the time), so you should be excited to think up new experiments or different ways to consider that data you have collected. Even when I'm lying in bed about to fall asleep, I am sometimes ruminating about aspects of my experiment I could modify or what information I could do a literature search on to gain new insights. A PhD program is quite the commitment and rarely lives up to expectations – but it is well worth the time and effort you will spend for something that truly excites you.


Andy greenspon.

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How Do You Get a PhD? A Guide to the PhD Timeline

Man sits at a library table researching several books.

Everyone who considers a doctoral degree knows a PhD is a big commitment. 

Not only will it require all your mental energy, focus, and persistence, but it will also require a significant investment of your time. Your particular area of research, your institution’s policies and procedures, and the standard expectations within your field affect how long it takes to earn a PhD. The average PhD length is five or six years, while some students may take eight or nine years.

Regardless of how long a PhD program takes,  there are some common stages of a PhD that all doctoral students share. These significant and essential milestones shape the timeline for earning your doctorate . Read on as we take you through each step and explore the typical steps to a doctorate degree.

Are you just starting to apply to graduate school? Check out our Guide to  Graduate Admissions to get all your questions answered! 

How Long Do PhD Programs Take?

The number of credit hours that you need to complete your doctoral coursework might depend on several factors: do you already have a master’s degree? Will you earn one en route to the doctorate? Or do you even need one? 

Different disciplines and research interests have their own PhD process, but even within your field of study, institutions may have diverse pathways for obtaining that terminal degree. For most, coursework will take anywhere from two to three years to complete.

During this time, students can serve as graduate research or teaching assistants or could even lead their own courses as instructors. In many degree programs, students develop their potential dissertation topics through their coursework and define their research plans in the next few years.

Steps to Getting a PhD: PhD Qualifying Exam and Comprehensive Exam

Many programs set up academic checkpoints to help keep students on track during their PhD journeys. The timing varies by program, but one of the most common – and possibly most stressful – forms of benchmarking is the PhD comprehensive exam or qualifying exam. Often administered around the end of the student’s coursework, these exams are your chance to demonstrate what you learned in your classes.

A faculty committee from your department oversees testing. Usually comprised of at least three members, your professors ask questions or assign writing prompts based on your experience in the program thus far. The format is generally a combination of written and oral exams designed to test your expertise in your discipline’s methodologies and significant content areas.

To better prepare yourself, research the number and kind of qualifying benchmarks the program will require in the university catalog before you begin your program. This will allow you and your advisor to effectively plan out the first few years of your degree and give you an idea of how you’ll be evaluated throughout your program.

Doctoral Dissertation Prospectus and Defense

You may be required to complete and defend a dissertation prospectus before officially becoming a PhD candidate. A prospectus is a document outlining your dissertation plan, which includes an explanation of your research topic, a potential outline of your dissertation, the methodologies you intend to employ, the significance of your research question, and a bibliography including sources that form the foundation of your research.

Your prospectus allows your dissertation advisor to understand the scope of your project. It should be thorough enough that they can provide useful feedback to help shape your research plan. After some revisions, an approved prospectus is the green light to move into the next stage of your PhD.

Advancement to Doctoral Candidacy

If you have heard the term ABD – “All But Dissertation” – then that means you are in the home stretch of your doctoral program!

Well, sort of…only your dissertation remains!

Doctoral Dissertation Research and Writing

While you’ve made it through the coursework and qualifying exams, the dissertation is the culminating component of the doctoral degree. At this point, your approved research plan is ready to be set into motion. Depending on your discipline, this could be the stage where you travel extensively to conduct fieldwork, explore archives, or visit labs to collaborate on projects that relate to your dissertation work. For many students, the research phase can take a couple of years, but some may be able to complete it in one.

Writing your dissertation can be one of the most challenging parts of the whole PhD process. Not only are you condensing years of research into a single cohesive document, but you are also formulating graphs, charts, and other textual references to help clarify your argument. Often, formatting can be a major challenge for many students. 

In this stage, it’s most helpful to seek out resources to help you with the writing process. Many universities have dissertation writing workshops where you can learn best practices, as well as support groups where students meet regularly and help keep each other accountable. Most universities also offer competitive dissertation completion grants, supporting students with additional funding so they focus more of their time and effort on completing this undertaking.

Dissertation Defense

Everyone gets nervous about this major rite of passage. It can be difficult to take criticism over something you have poured your heart and soul into for years. Remember, though, that a good advisor will not let you defend if you’re not ready, and you literally wrote the book on your topic!

The dissertation defense is not intended to tear your work apart but rather is your opportunity to prove your expertise to your dissertation committee. Many defenses are open to observers, so you should attend a few in advance of your own, especially within your department, to get a sense of what it’s like. 

First, you’ll present the main points of your thesis. Then the committee will ask questions so they can clearly understand your arguments. Finally, they’ll send you out of the room while they deliberate and decide if you pass or not. If all goes well, you’ll be addressed as “Doctor” the next time you walk into the room!

Get Started on Your PhD Journey Today

No matter what your particular timeline looks like as you work toward your doctorate, know that the faculty and other students within your program are frequently a huge source of support — which means you won't do this alone! Additionally, every school has resources to assist PhD students, from libraries to writing centers to dedicated student support services. 

If you are excited about beginning your PhD journey, we invite you to request more information or reach out to one of our admissions professionals today. Best of luck as you begin this transformational experience!

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what it takes to apply to and succeed in a PhD program. Explore our resource — A Guide to Choosing, Applying for, and Thriving in a PhD Program!

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How to Apply for a PhD in the US

Last Updated: January 18, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Carrie Adkins, PhD . Carrie Adkins is the cofounder of NursingClio, an open access, peer-reviewed, collaborative blog that connects historical scholarship to current issues in gender and medicine. She completed her PhD in American History at the University of Oregon in 2013. While completing her PhD, she earned numerous competitive research grants, teaching fellowships, and writing awards. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 20 testimonials and 96% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 630,842 times.

Getting a PhD is a challenging undertaking that takes years to achieve. It can also be an incredibly rewarding experience: you'll become a true expert in your field, and you'll be able to apply for a number of interesting jobs, including academic ones. If you're considering a PhD, start by figuring out which programs best fit your needs (they may not always be the ones at the biggest or most prestigious schools). Once you know what those programs are, you can tailor your materials accordingly and put together the best possible application packages.

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Researching Schools and Programs

Step 1 Identify your research interests.

  • Keep in mind that it is not necessary for you to have a dissertation topic already chosen or even to have an extremely specific research focus. At this stage, you should just have a general idea of what you want to study and why. For example, if you are considering a PhD in English, then you should at least have an idea of the literary period that you wish to focus on.

Step 2 Search for programs that suit your needs.

  • For example, if you are planning to pursue a PhD in Chemistry, then you should find out more about the lab facilities at the university that you are considering.
  • Try to identify as many potential schools as you can. Graduate school is competitive and you will have a better chance of getting accepted if you submit multiple applications.

Step 3 Identify professors whose research interests you.

  • Keep in mind that you may be working closely with the professor(s) you identify, so it is important to select professors who you really admire and whose research genuinely interests you.

Step 4 Look for funding opportunities.

  • Keep in mind that funding opportunities are competitive. Putting forth a strong application may increase your chances of getting funding, but there are no guarantees.

"Even then, you need a back-up plan (or two or three) before you commit years of your life to a PhD."

Carrie Adkins, PhD

Carrie Adkins, PhD

Step 6 Consider other factors.

  • Location. If you plan to return to your home country during breaks, then some schools may make the trip home less time consuming than others. For example, if you will be flying back to India at the end of each school year, then choosing a school closer to one of the US coasts will make traveling easier than flying out of the Midwest. Keep in mind that it is not a good idea to select a school based solely on location. This will severely limit your choices.
  • Cost of living. Some US college towns can be quite expensive, which can make it hard to get by on your student stipend. Look into the average cost of housing, food, and other expenses in the university areas where you plan to apply.
  • Extracurricular opportunities. Clubs can other types of groups can make the transition to a US university a bit easier. Many schools have clubs for people from certain countries, who speak certain languages, or who share other interests. Check out the extracurricular opportunities that are available at the universities you are considering.

Meeting the Basic Requirements

Step 1 Obtain the appropriate degrees.

  • Taking the GRE three to six months in advance is a good idea. You may even want to take it about year before you plan to apply, just in case you do not get a good score and you need to retake it.

Step 3 Take the TOEFL or IELTS.

  • Score requirements vary by university, so check with each university to learn the score requirements before you apply. For TOEFL, you need to have at least a 600 on the paper-based test OR above a 95 to 100 on the internet-based test. For IELTS, you need to have above a 7.0 to 7.5.

Step 4 Ensure that you can afford the fees.

  • For example, if you plan to apply to 20 different programs, then you will need to ensure that you have about $2,000 for the application fees.
  • Keep in mind that the fees may vary drastically among schools. More prestigious schools may charge higher application fees than less prestigious schools.

Step 5 Compare special requirements for different schools.

  • For example, some programs require applicants to answer a specific question or set of questions in the statement of purpose.

Step 6 Request letters of recommendation.

  • For example, it would be better to ask a professor in your discipline than someone who taught an elective class that you enjoyed.
  • Having one letter of recommendation from an administrator or employer can be helpful to show a different perspective of your academic goals. For example, you might ask your department’s chairperson, one of the university’s deans, or a current or former boss. As with the professors you ask, the administrator who recommends you should be someone who will give you a glowing recommendation.

Step 7 Order transcripts.

  • Keep in mind that most schools require official transcripts.
  • Sending transcripts may or may not require you to pay fees, depending on your university’s policies.

Step 8 Choose a writing sample (if required).

  • If you have a piece that has been published, then this is an especially great choice for the writing sample, but unpublished pieces are fine as well.

Writing Your Statement of Purpose

Step 1 Check for special requirements before you start to write.

  • You may want to write one “basic” SOP and then alter or add to it as needed based on the special requirements of each university.

Step 2 Provide a bit of background.

  • For example, you might say something like, “Since I was a child, I had a passion for the natural world, and this passion led me to my desire to become a biologist.”

Step 3 Talk about your preparation for a doctoral program.

  • For example, you might say something like, “As an undergrad, I participated in on-campus research expos and even attended a local conference. Then, during my MA program, I had an article accepted to Biology Quarterly and presented at a national conference.” [2] X Research source
  • You can also talk about specific courses you took, professors who have supervised your work, and research that you conducted during your BA and MA programs.

Step 4 Explain the types of contributions you would like to make.

  • For example, you might say something like, “I hope to develop a new process for growing corn.”

Step 5 Mention professors with whom you would like to work and explain why.

  • Try reading each professor’s biography on the university website. You may also consider reading one of these professors’ publications, such as an article or book.
  • Try saying something like, “I hope to work with Professor Jones because she and I share a similar interest in botany.”

Step 6 Use examples to illustrate your points.

  • Make sure that you include examples throughout your entire SOP.

Submitting Your Application Packets

Step 1 Complete online application components.

  • Some schools also require letters of recommendation to be submitted via an online system. You may need to submit your recommenders email addresses so that they can access this system.

Step 2 Prepare your application items to mail.

  • Address the packets. Make sure that you double check the addresses for each of your packets to ensure that they will be delivered to the correct location.
  • Pay for postage. International postage can be quite expensive, so make sure that you reserve some money to pay for this cost. Pay the postage for each of your packets and send them out.

Step 3 Wait for responses.

What Are The Main Reasons People Go To Graduate School?

Expert Q&A

Carrie Adkins, PhD

  • Even if a university is unable to provide you with direct funding or a scholarship, there may be other opportunities for you to earn an income while you are there, such as research assistantships. Look into this before turning down an offer from a university you might otherwise want to attend. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
  • Once you are done with everything, do not forget to thank everybody who helped you, especially the referees who wrote letters of recommendation. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Gaining some sort of research or work experience in the field you plan to apply to will greatly improve your chances of admission. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to get s phd

  • Keep your address consistent throughout - do not abbreviate or introduce variations. This makes it all the more difficult for the graduate office to file your documents. Thanks Helpful 18 Not Helpful 5
  • Use a reliable courier service to send documents to universities - FedEx, DHL, UPS, etc. Do not use a service for which you cannot track your package. Thanks Helpful 15 Not Helpful 7

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About This Article

Carrie Adkins, PhD

To apply for a Ph.D. in the US, earn a Bachelor’s degree and take the GRE, or Graduate Record Examination. Then, carefully read the application instructions of each school to increase your odds of getting accepted. In the mean time, request letters of recommendation from professors in your discipline or an employer. You will also need to have your transcripts on hand, and to write a statement of purpose. For tips on writing a great statement of purpose and nailing the rest of the process, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How Long Does it Take to Get a PhD?: A Go-Getter’s Guide to Graduation

Featured Expert: Dr. Charlene Hoi, PhD

How Long Does it Take to Get a PhD?

How long does it take to get a PhD? On average, PhD programs are 4 or 5 years long. The time it takes to get a PhD is slightly longer in the US, between 4-6 years, because these programs tend to be more structured. If you want to know how to get a PhD in Canada or Europe, you can expect it to take 3-5 years. However, there are PhD programs that take longer, such as part-time programs, or are extremely short, like online accelerated PhD programs. Ultimately, how long it takes to get a PhD is up to you. In this article, we’ll look at the average PhD program lengths, the typical PhD timeline, and tips on how to get your PhD finished faster.

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How long does it take to get a phd.

On average, it takes 4-5 years to complete a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program. In the US, most PhD programs are between 4-6 years, while in Canada they are typically shorter, around 3-4 years.

Some students take longer than 6 years to complete their PhD, but in general the longest time it takes to get a PhD is capped at 8 years. If you’re enrolling in a part-time PhD program, for instance, your timeline will probably be extended to 6-8 years.

The shortest PhD programs out there are accelerated or sometimes online PhD programs. Some of these are only 1-2 years long, but there are comparatively fewer programs available, and they are only suitable for certain fields and careers which require less intensive research which defines most PhD programs.

One of the main reasons why it takes many years to get a PhD is because these programs are comprehensive and the requirements to graduate are extensive. Most have a set number of credit hours you need to complete, examinations to write, plus you’ll need to write your PhD thesis or dissertation, unless you pursue a PhD without dissertation .

There are certainly ways to shorten the PhD application timeline and time to graduate, which includes enrolling in a shorter program if possible, increasing your course load or the number of research hours you can dedicate per week, but generally a PhD will still take some time.

Even if you want to do a PhD without a master’s degree first, such as by applying to a direct entry PhD program, the program is still usually 4-5 years long.

We’ll take a look at the typical PhD timeline and how long it takes to get a PhD normally. After, we’ll cover some tips on how to get your PhD done faster or how you can avoid dragging things out.

In North America, the typical PhD program is divided into two stages. The first stage is where you complete all the required coursework, comprehensive exams and other academic requirements, depending on the program. The second stage is when you submit a proposal for original, independent research, get it approved and start working on your thesis or dissertation. Your PhD culminates with your thesis defense. Once your thesis has been approved, you’ll be eligible to graduate.

This timeline is somewhat flexible, as you might complete the first stage in 1 or 2 years but take longer to complete your dissertation. For the purpose of this general PhD schedule, we’ll assume your PhD program is a typical length of 4-6 years.

Application Stage

We’ve included the application stage of getting your PhD here first because the grad school application timeline can take several months to put together your application package and hear back about acceptance to a program. Secondly, because the application stage involves some critical steps you’ll need to complete in order to get your PhD.

1. Research proposal

To apply to a PhD program, you’ll most likely be required to submit a research proposal and be prepared to answer any research proposal questions your advisor will have. This is your “proposal” of what research question you will explore during your studies at a program, or an outline of what research topic you want to pursue. If you’re not sure how to write a research proposal, check out these Oxford PhD proposal samples or a Cambridge PhD proposal sample.

2. Application materials

The admission requirements for a PhD can vary from program to program, but here are the general components of a PhD application:

  • Required prerequisite coursework
  • Official transcripts (and minimum GPA)
  • Graduate school statement of purpose
  • CV for graduate school or research resume
  • PhD motivation letter

Some programs may also ask you to submit additional essays, such as a letter of intent, research interest statement or grad school career goals statement .

Many PhD programs also invite you to a grad school interview to get to know you better. Be ready for common graduate school interview questions such as “ tell me about yourself ” and “ why do you want to do a PhD ?”

PhD Years 1-3: Coursework Stage

1. orientation.

Your PhD program will usually begin with your orientation, where you’ll learn about the program’s individual structure, requirements and expectations. You’ll also either choose or be assigned an academic advisor and schedule an initial meeting with them. Your advisor will be a member of the university faculty who will act as your support while you complete your research and write your thesis.

2. Coursework

The first year or two of your PhD will involve completing required advanced coursework in your field. You’ll attend lectures and seminars and you may participate in research projects with department faculty or fellow graduate students or even lab work, depending on your field.

3. Electives

Along with required coursework, you’ll have the chance to take elective courses that interest you or relate to your field. It’s important to choose electives that will enrich your program. Choose ones that really interest you, that might help inform your PhD research or that will help you fulfill your credit requirements.

4. Extracurriculars

PhD programs sometimes have extracurricular activities or additional requirements outside the classroom. This can include internships or a practicum you need to complete for credit, or you might be interested in attending academic conferences or relevant events to socialize and network you’re your colleagues in the field.

5. Comprehensive exams

The coursework stage of your PhD program will end with comprehensive exams , sometimes called qualifying or preliminary exams. These are your “final exams” to make sure that you completed the necessary PhD coursework and that you’re ready and qualified to take on your own independent research in the next phase.

1. Thesis proposal

You may recall that you submitted a research proposal as part of your PhD application, and this step of the process is similar. Your thesis proposal is just like your research proposal, but it’s a more refined and developed version. Throughout your coursework, your research question might have changed or you might have changed course a little bit. If you’re still thinking about your PhD topic , take the time to solidify it before you reach the thesis proposal stage.

Your research proposal might have been a first draft, while your thesis proposal is your official announcement of: this is what I propose to research in this PhD program.

Depending on your field and the program, you thesis research might involve a great deal of lab work, or data collection or fieldwork. Whatever the case, your thesis proposal is a complete outline of what you intend to do for this independent research project and the steps you’ll take.

2. Thesis approval

Once your proposal is written, you’ll submit it for approval. Your academic advisor, PhD supervisor or the PhD committee overseeing your program will review it and either approve it or make suggestions for changes. Once it’s been polished and finalized, you’ll be given the go ahead to start conducting your research.

3. PhD research

Your research alone will probably take you several semesters to complete. On top of the fieldwork, lab work or data collection and analysis you’ll be completing, you’ll be using this time to write and review. Writing your thesis or dissertation takes a fair number of hours to outline, draft, edit and complete. It also means hitting the books to complete a literature review of your research topic so you have a complete background understanding of your chosen topic and how it will inform your research.

Your research and the preparation of your thesis is really the biggest part of this second stage, and is probably the longest part of your PhD altogether.

4. Extra requirements

When you’re not deep in your research, you’ll be completing other requirements of your PhD program or additional duties that enrich your education. Some programs require you to dedicate some hours to teaching, whether it be leading seminars for undergraduate students or acting as a teaching assistant for university faculty.

You’ll also be strongly encouraged to publish as a graduate student , so you may be involved in the research projects of faculty members or other grad students when you’re not working on your dissertation.

5. Thesis submission and preparation for thesis defense

When you’re finished writing your thesis and you’re ready to submit it, it’s critical to know how to prepare for thesis defense . Because not only do you have to complete this original, new body of research work, you have to get the approval of your PhD committee to put it out into the world.

Your thesis defense is essentially the final presentation of your PhD.

6. Thesis defense

Your thesis defense is an oral presentation of your research project, but it also involves submitting your written document to be reviewed. Essentially, you’ll present the entirety of your thesis to the PhD supervising committee, including your findings and conclusions. From there, the committee will ask thesis defense questions . Your answers will defend your methodology and results to the committee, basically proving the value and validity of your work. While this is an evaluation of sorts, it is also your opportunity to share your original ideas and invite further research into your topic.

After your defense, the PhD committee will either approve your thesis or send it back to you with edits or changes to be made before it can be formally approved.

Graduation and Postdoc

Once your thesis has been approved, congratulations! You’ll be eligible for graduation and be awarded your degree. Now that you’ve finished this marathon, you can choose to pursue further studies or start looking for a job after grad school .

With a PhD, you have many different options for positions in your field. You might want to know how to find a job in academia or how to get a tenure track position at a university if you’re interested in teaching others. PhD graduates who decide to transition from academia to industry or who would rather work outside the realm of academia can find industry jobs after PhD that suit their skills and experiences.

Either way, you’ll need to prepare for how to find a postdoc position, explore what the career options are for you, decide what your career goals are and start sending out applications. Remember to prep your postdoc resume and get read for postdoc interview questions , since the job hunt will begin soon after you finish your PhD!

Is it possible to get your PhD done faster? What are some ways you can speed up the process and avoid taking 8 years to complete your graduate studies? Luckily, there are many key ways you can make your journey through grad school easier and speed things up a little, from the type of PhD program you choose to the habits and skills you cultivate during your program.

#1 Enroll in an accelerated program

The first way to guarantee it will take less time to get your PhD is to, of course, enroll in a shorter PhD program. Direct entry PhD programs allow you to enroll once you’ve completed your bachelor’s degree in exceptional circumstances. Note that these are not the easiest PhD programs to get into , as your academic record needs to be excellent, and you’ll likely need prior research experience and you may even need to have publications already. However, a direct entry PhD program is around 4-5 years, but it allows you to skip the 1-2 years it would take to earn a master’s degree.

You can also choose to enroll in an online or accelerated PhD program that is designed to be much shorter than the traditional PhD. Once again, though, these programs are not available to students in every field, so you may need to research whether there are any options for you.

#2 Choose the right mentor

One of the first things you can do to ensure your PhD is smooth sailing is to choose the right mentor or academic advisor. Many programs allow you to choose your advisor, while some assign one to you. Whatever the case, it’s important to establish a strong working relationship and clear expectations early on.

One of the first things you’ll do as a PhD student is meet with your advisor. Take the time to discuss with them what your expectations for the program are, ask questions and ask them what their expectations are of you. Your advisor is there to help you and advise you, and they have resources and connections you can use to your advantage. But they are also working with a busy schedule and might be advising more than one PhD student, too. A mutually respectful relationship with open communication will ensure fewer interpersonal hurdles down the road.

#3 Earn credit hours faster

One way you can shave some time off your PhD is by earning your credit hours faster and getting to the research and thesis-writing stage faster. This might mean you take on a full-time course load or ask your advisor for ways to earn extra credit, such as participating in research projects. Some PhD programs will give you course credit for previous graduate level coursework you might have completed during your master’s degree, or for certifications and professional education you completed outside of school.

#4 Keep your thesis focused

When you get started on your research, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the amount of work you need to complete, with the writing of your thesis on top of it all. One way to keep your research hyper-focused and on point is to keep your thesis topic narrow. If your subject is too broad, you’ll be spending way too much time in your research. Give yourself clear objectives and scope, and don’t deviate from your PhD proposal if you don’t have to.

There may be a million questions you want to explore within your PhD topic, but there will be other opportunities to explore them. Keep your focus narrow so you don’t spend years and years asking and answering research questions!

One of the best things you can do to get your PhD done faster and adjust to the experience of graduate school is to change your thinking. Adopt a growth mindset so that you’re open to new learning, willing to listen to constructive feedback on your proposal or thesis and willing to grow your skills. A PhD is an advanced program, and you’ll already be very skilled, but it is also an opportunity to learn and grow. There will be challenges for you, so be ready to meet and overcome them instead of letting them draw you back or slow you down.

#5 Develop your professional skills fast

A PhD is an opportunity to grow your professional skillset as much as it is an opportunity for you to contribute meaningfully to your field. If you haven’t already been working on skills such as communication, presenting or lecturing and writing, now is the time to start.

Strong writing skills will help you get your thesis finished and edited faster, as you’ll be more familiar with the process and understand what makes a strong document. It’s also a useful skill to learn how to write effective funding proposals or grant proposals. You may need to do so to secure funding for your research, but it’s a highly valuable skill in the workforce, too.

Good presentation skills will help you during your thesis defense or if you’re asked to present during a conference. They will also help you build confidence in your voice and ideas and make you a better communicator when you’re networking or job searching.

#6 Keep to your schedule

This is maybe the most important skill if you want to finish your PhD faster: make a detailed schedule and hold yourself accountable to it. If you like, you can plan out your entire PhD week by week from Day 1. Write down what your course schedule is, when you’ll do research and how many hours, when you’ll write and how many hours, what extracurriculars or personal activities will take up your time and so on.

A detailed schedule gives you an overview of your PhD and a timeline of when you’ll finish. It will keep you organized and accountable, so you can avoid procrastinating or avoidable speed bumps that might slow you down. It also helps you compartmentalize the many items on your to-do list so you don’t stress out about how much you need to accomplish.

When creating your schedule, especially during the research stage when there is no formal class schedule for you to adhere to, focus on deliverables. Set a date when you will submit a section of your thesis to your advisor, or when you will complete your literature review. Setting goals and clear outcomes will keep you on track and focused.

#7 Take initiative and be independent

The last tip to help you get your PhD done faster is to take initiative. Remember that a PhD is a largely independent endeavor. You’ll have the support of a committee or advisor, but you can’t rely on them to do the work for you or put everything on hold if they aren’t available when you need them. Be flexible and adaptable so you can keep working and moving forward, even if your schedule gets interrupted or needs to change to suit your situation.

It's also important to take the initiative in your learning. Take advantage of opportunities for growth, networking, and gaining experience where you can. Get the most out of your PhD program and use your experiences to fuel your end goal of completing your thesis.

On average, it takes 4-5 years to get a PhD. There are a few factors that can influence the time it takes to complete your PhD, from program length and structure to what country you are earning your PhD in, to your own personal work ethic and schedule.

PhD programs in the US are on average 4-6 years. In Canada and the UK, they are usually 3-5 years long. Part-time PhD programs may take up to 7-8 years to complete. Direct-entry PhD programs and dual master’s and PhD programs are typically 5 years long. If you’re enrolling in an online, hybrid or accelerated PhD program, the timeline is usually 2-3 years, but there are some extremely short 1-year PhD programs offered online for specific disciplines.

Yes, you can finish your PhD before the “normal” timeline. For example, if you complete your coursework early, if you finish writing your thesis faster than average and get it approved, or if you otherwise complete all your PhD program requirements before the anticipated finish date. 

Yes, there are online PhDs available for certain fields and disciplines. These typically range from 2-3 years, although there are some traditional 4-year PhD programs offered online. There are also some “accelerated” online PhDs which last 12-18 months.

A PhD program is not necessarily shorter if you first complete a master’s degree, but having gone through a master’s program can better prepare you to finish your PhD faster. Some PhD programs accept credit hours from your master’s degree towards the coursework requirements for a PhD, and if you’ve previously written a master’s thesis or completed some research during your graduate studies, this will be an advantage. Since you’ll already be familiar with the process of writing a thesis and conducting your own research, you can avoid some stumbling blocks in your PhD program that might otherwise slow down your progress.

Yes, it is possible to get a PhD without first completing a master’s degree. There are direct entry PhD programs that allow students with a bachelor’s degree to enroll, so long as they meet the admission requirements and have exceptional academic records. Some online PhDs also waive the master’s degree requirement.

Yes, it is possible to complete a traditional PhD program in a shorter amount of time than anticipate. This usually means dedicating yourself to full-time study or taking on a larger course load and increased research hours. It takes significant work, but it can be done with the right schedule and commitment.

The fastest PhD programs are the short, 1-year accelerated programs. These programs have fewer credit hours to complete, and some have no dissertation requirement, only qualifying exams to finish. However, there are not many programs out there, and they are not available for every field of interest.

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how to get s phd

  • PhD in USA – A Guide for 2024/25
  • Finding a PhD

A PhD in USA takes approximately 5 – 6 years of full-time study and can cost between $12,000 – $45,000 per academic year. PhD programs in USA differ from that in the UK and Europe in that students must first take taught classes, coursework and exams before starting their research project.

Why Do a PhD in USA?

The United States has long had some of the most distinguished universities and advanced PhD programmes in the world. Combined with curriculum flexibility, rigorous teaching methods, vast funding opportunities, breathtaking campuses and significant career prospects, it’s no wonder that it is one of the most sought-after study destinations for research students.

In addition to comprehensive training standards, here are a few other reasons why a student may choose to undertake their PhD in the United States:

  • Longer learning timeframes – A PhD in the US lasts longer than a PhD in the UK or Europe. This allows students to more confidently transition from undergraduate to postgraduate studies; more commonly referred to as ‘graduate studies’ in the US. This gives you the opportunity to learn more about your subject, research methods and academic writing in general before starting your research project.
  • World-class universities – It’s no secret that some of the most well-known higher education institutions that continue to dominate global rankings are based in the United States. Although many factors go into determining whether a position is right for you, a PhD at a high-ranking American university will undeniably have many benefits, from excellent learning standards to access to innovative equipment and deep expertise.
  • International network – The US has long been a popular choice among PhD students around the world. As such, the US hosts a diverse and multicultural learning environment in which many research students will quickly feel at home.
  • Opportunities – With over 4,000 universities in the US, we can safely say you will have plenty of opportunities to find the ideal combination of project, supervisor and university that works for you.

Universities in USA

Universities in the United States can be divided into two types: public universities and private universities.

Public universities are financed by the state in which they are based. Because of this, public universities charge less for students from within the state and more for students from outside the state, including international students.

Private universities are not financed by their state, but by private donors, research funds and tuition fees. For this reason, private universities generally charge higher tuition fees than public universities and require all students to pay the same amount, regardless of whether they come from out-of-state or abroad.

According to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024 , eight of the top ten universities in the world are located in the United States. These are:

1 UK University of Oxford
2 USA Stanford University
3 USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4 USA Harvard University
5 UK University of Cambridge
6 USA Princeton University
7 USA California Institute of Technology
8 UK Imperial College London
9 USA University of California, Berkeley
10 USA Yale University

Method of Study

The main difference between a PhD in the US and a PhD in Europe lies in the program structure. Whereas a European PhD essentially consists of a single phase lasting three to four years , an American PhD consists of three different phases, each with its own time frame.

  • Phase One – The first phase lasts approximately two years and focuses on building a basic foundation for the doctoral student. This phase consists largely of taught components such as lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions, in which the student learns more about theoretical concepts and research methods within their discipline.
  • Phase Two – The second phase can be considered an assessment phase, which runs both periodically alongside and at the end of the first phase. Here, students complete coursework and take exams on the basis of the material they have covered of which they must pass in order to proceed to the third phase.
  • Phase Three – The third phase lasts approximately three years and resembles the European PhD structure. During this period, the student undertakes an independent research project, including forming a research design, conducting experiments, writing a thesis (more commonly referred to in the USA as a dissertation) and sitting a viva exam.

Teaching Requirements

Besides structure, a key difference between a PhD program in the US and in Europe is the focus on teaching requirements. In the US, doctoral students are expected to lecture, lead tutorials, host laboratory sessions, mark coursework and provide office hours for undergraduate students. Although students studying in European will likely contribute to these at some point during their study, this would normally be on a voluntary basis and involve less time commitment.

Research Flexibility

Another difference is project flexibility. In Europe, students typically apply to a PhD project predetermined by a supervisor, and although there may be some scope to adapt the project, depending on the funding provider , it will usually be limited to how the project is carried out rather than what it is about. In the US, however, a student applies to become a doctoral candidate within a department rather than applying for a particular research project. This is because students are expected to decide on their thesis topic (also commonly referred to as a dissertation research topic) near the end of their first phase after they have developed a better understanding of their subject and know where their interests lie. Therefore, research students in the US generally have more flexibility and influence in the direction of their research than students in the United Kingdom or Europe.

PhD Admission Requirements in USA

PhD admission into US universities can be highly competitive, both because of the limited number of positions and the large number of annual applicants.

The eligibility requirements for a doctoral program in the USA can generally be divided into four sections:

How to Apply for a PhD in USA

  • Grade Point Average ( GPA ) – in the US, a scoring system known as Grade Point Average is used to measure academic ability. A student’s GPA is calculated as a weighted score of the subjects they study during their undergraduate degree; an equivalent score is calculated by universities for international applicants. Although universities rarely set minimum GPA requirements for doctoral study, it’s worth being aware that a GPA of 3.0 is equivalent to a UK second class honours (2:1); the typical entry requirement for UK universities.
  • Graduate Records Exam (GRE) – most universities will require you to take a series of examinations known as Graduate Records Exams, which are used to determine your suitability for graduate study. GREs will assess your analytical, reasoning and critical thinking skills as well as your depth of your subject.
  • Student aptitude – in addition to academic ability, US universities also look for characteristics of a strong researcher. These include traits such as engaging in the subject in your own time, e.g. by attending talks and conferences, demonstrating a high degree of independence and enthusiasm, and a general passion for your subject.
  • English Language Proficiency – international students whose first language is not English must sit language exams such as IELTS or TOELF to demonstrate their English language proficiency.

International students will also require a F1 student visa in order to study in the US, however, you would typically apply for this after you have secured a place into a doctorate program.

How to Apply for PhD in USA

When applying for a PhD position at a graduate school, the application process will differ between universities, however, they will all typically ask for the following:

  • Academic CV – a short document summarising your educational background and current level of experience .
  • Personal statement – a document which outlines why you believe you are suitable for PhD study and your passion for the subject.
  • Academic transcripts – a complete breakdown of the modules and their respective marks you have taken as part of your previous/current degree.
  • GRE scores – a transcript of your Graduate Records Exam results.
  • Research statement – a condensed version of a research proposal outlining your general research interests, if required.
  • Recommendation letters – references from several academic referees who endorse your qualities as a person, your abilities as a student and your potential as a doctoral researcher.

Application Deadlines and Fees

Since PhD programs in the United States have taught components, they commence at the same time as all other taught degrees, and therefore share the same application deadlines and start dates. This corresponds to an application period that typically begins in August and ends in February. Admission decisions are typically made in April, with successful students starting in August/September.

When you apply to a graduate school, you will be expected to pay a fee for each doctorate application to cover the school’s administrative costs for processing your application. The fee varies from university to university, but typically ranges from $50 to $100 .

Funding your PhD in USA

It’s very common for a PhD student to receive financial aid in the form of a PhD scholarship; in fact, this will be the case for the vast majority of students in the US.

PhD funding can be ‘fully funded’ covering the student’s graduate program tuition fees, accommodation and living costs, or ‘partially funded’ covering the student’s tuition fee only in part or full.

Besides funding, a graduate student can take on an assistantship, such as a graduate teaching assistant or research assistant, in which they take on a part-time salaried position at the university alongside their studies.

Due to the international and collaborate nature of American universities, there are also a number of international scholarships available, such as the Fulbright Scholarship and the AAUW International Fellowship .

PhD Duration in USA

In the US, a PhD takes approximately 5 – 6 years to complete if studying full-time, and 8 – 10 years if studying part-time.

If you already have a Master’s degree, your first phase can be shortened by one year at the discretion of the university.

Cost of a PhD in USA

The cost of a PhD program in the US can vary considerably depending on the type of university, i.e. whether it’s a public or private university, the doctoral course, i.e. whether it’s in a STEM subject such as computer science, engineering or a non-STEM subject, and whether you are a home or international student.

In general, however, the typical annual tuition fee for a PhD in the US is between $12,000 and $45,000 per academic year.

As with any doctoral degree, additional costs may include travel for collaborations, bench fees, accommodation and living expenses.

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  • Applying for a PhD in the USA

Written by Taru Medha

Applying to a PhD degree in the USA can be quite an extensive and competitive process. Universities want to make sure students end up on the right graduate programmes and therefore put a lot of time and effort into their admissions process. They expect you to do the same with your application.

This doesn't mean that it's harder to get a place on a US PhD degree. But you will need to provide more material and more detail about your existing qualifications than you might be asked for elsewhere.

On this page

When should i apply for a phd in the usa.

US graduate programmes will have specific application deadlines. It’s common for application windows to open between August and December for admission to a PhD in the autumn (or ‘fall’) of the following year.

How should I apply for a PhD in the USA?

Applications for US PhD programmes are made directly to graduate schools. But bear in mind that US graduate schools will often ask for a lot of supplementary material with your application. Most will also charge an admission fee (usually between $50 and $100 ).

Do I need a Masters to apply for a PhD in the USA?

You won’t necessarily need a Masters to apply for a PhD in the USA. American graduate programmes effectively combine Masters and PhD study. Some students actually receive a Masters at the end of their coursework stage.

If you do already have a Masters , you may be able to receive credit for it and spend less time on the coursework stage of your programme. This decision is made by your graduate school, who will decide how relevant your existing degree is.

To apply for a PhD at an American university, you’ll need to submit a list of documents which include:

  • academic transcripts;
  • personal statement ;
  • letters of recommendation;
  • research statements – A research statement is different from a research proposal (required if you’re applying for a PhD in most other countries). You’ll only need to give a general sense of your research interests and possible directions you might like to pursue. The specific details for your project will be developed later in your programme and put forward as part of your research prospectus;
  • graduate admission tests – They are a more common requirement in the US education system than they are in other countries. They allow your university to assess general skills such as abstract reasoning, problem solving and critical thinking. A number of tests are in use, but the two most common are the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) . Some PhD subjects may use other graduate entry tests in place of (or in addition to) the GRE such as the LSAT for Law programmes . You must check with your university to know which test it requires;
  • English academic language test - If English is not your first language you may need to submit a score from a recognised body such as TOEFL or IELTS. Your prospective university will be able to tell you which test it prefers (many will accept more than one), and the minimum score, or scores, it requires.

Decision on your PhD application

There are three potential outcomes for a US PhD application. You may be successful , waitlisted or unsuccessful . If you’re successful or unsuccessful, your university will let you know straight away. However, you may also be waitlisted as a second-choice candidate. If the first-choice candidate declines their offer or isn’t able to enrol on the programme, you’ll be offered their place.

Once you’ve heard back from your university and you have a confirmed place, you’re all set to start applying for your student visa! Read our comprehensive guides to know more how a PhD looks like in the US and the funding options at your disposal.

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Our doctoral students work with faculty and access resources throughout HBS and Harvard University. The PhD program curriculum requires coursework at HBS and other Harvard discipline departments, and with HBS and Harvard faculty on advisory committees. Faculty throughout Harvard guide the programs through their participation on advisory committees.

How do I know which program is right for me?

There are many paths, but we are one HBS. Our PhD students draw on diverse personal and professional backgrounds to pursue an ever-expanding range of research topics. Explore more here about each program’s requirements & curriculum, read student profiles for each discipline as well as student research , and placement information.

The PhD in Business Administration grounds students in the disciplinary theories and research methods that form the foundation of an academic career. Jointly administered by HBS and GSAS, the program has four areas of study: Accounting and Management , Marketing , Strategy , and Technology and Operations Management . All areas of study involve roughly two years of coursework culminating in a field exam. The remaining years of the program are spent conducting independent research, working on co-authored publications, and writing the dissertation. Students join these programs from a wide range of backgrounds, from consulting to engineering. Many applicants possess liberal arts degrees, as there is not a requirement to possess a business degree before joining the program

The PhD in Business Economics provides students the opportunity to study in both Harvard’s world-class Economics Department and Harvard Business School. Throughout the program, coursework includes exploration of microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory, probability and statistics, and econometrics. While some students join the Business Economics program directly from undergraduate or masters programs, others have worked in economic consulting firms or as research assistants at universities or intergovernmental organizations.

The PhD program in Health Policy (Management) is rooted in data-driven research on the managerial, operational, and strategic issues facing a wide range of organizations. Coursework includes the study of microeconomic theory, management, research methods, and statistics. The backgrounds of students in this program are quite varied, with some coming from public health or the healthcare industry, while others arrive at the program with a background in disciplinary research

The PhD program in Organizational Behavior offers two tracks: either a micro or macro approach. In the micro track, students focus on the study of interpersonal relationships within organizations and the effects that groups have on individuals. Students in the macro track use sociological methods to examine organizations, groups, and markets as a whole, including topics such as the influence of individuals on organizational change, or the relationship between social missions and financial objectives. Jointly administered by HBS and GSAS, the program includes core disciplinary training in sociology or psychology, as well as additional coursework in organizational behavior.

Accounting & Management  

Business economics  , health policy (management)  , marketing  , organizational behavior  , strategy  , technology & operations management  .

Academia Insider

How Long Does it Take To Get A PhD? Doctorate Degree Timeline

Starting a PhD means you’re ready for a big academic adventure, full of tough challenges and exciting discoveries.

If you’re thinking about going for it, you’re probably wondering just how much time you’ll need to commit to this big goal.

For full-time PhD students, the journey typically take 3-6 years. However, if you’re juggling other commitments and opt for a part-time PhD, the timeline can extend to 7 years to complete, sometimes more.  

This article breaks down what the PhD journey looks like, what can make it longer or shorter, and some tips on how to make it through.

If you’re curious about how long it’ll take to add ‘Dr.’ before your name, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive into the world of PhD timelines!

How Long Does It Take To Get A PhD?

The answer here isn’t straightforward, as it hinges on various factors, including:

  • the discipline,
  • the institution, and
  • whether you’re a full-time or part-time student.

For full-time PhD students, the journey typically take 3-6 years. However, if you’re juggling other commitments and opt for a part-time PhD, the timeline can extend to 7 years to complete, sometimes more.  

how long does it take to get a phd

Distance learning PhD programs offer flexibility but similarly require a substantial time commitment, often mirroring the length of part-time studies.

The heart of a doctoral program is the dissertation, a rigorous research project that demands an in-depth exploration of your chosen field. This phase alone can take several months to years, significantly influencing the overall length of your PhD journey.

Beyond the dissertation, coursework, exams, and sometimes teaching responsibilities add layers to the doctoral experience.

The requirements for a PhD vary widely across disciplines and institutions. For instance, a doctorate in the sciences might involve extensive lab work, potentially extending the time to completion.

In contrast, a doctorate in the arts could hinge more on coursework and creative output, leading to variations in the timeline.

Does A Doctorate Degree Take Longer Than Masters?

A doctorate degree typically takes longer to complete than a master’s degree.

While a master’s program can often be completed in 1-2 years of full-time study, a doctoral program usually requires 4-6 years, depending on the:

  • research complexity, and
  • whether the student is enrolled full-time or part-time.

The doctoral journey is more than just additional coursework; it involves conducting original research, writing a comprehensive dissertation, and often teaching or engaging in professional development activities.

The dissertation phase, which requires students to contribute new knowledge to their field, is particularly time-consuming and can extend the duration of a PhD program significantly.

The time it takes to complete a doctorate can be influenced by your

  • research topic,
  • funding availability, and
  • the level of support from advisors and faculty. 

Master’s programs are typically more structured, with a clearer set of coursework requirements and a shorter thesis or capstone project, leading to a quicker path to graduation.

how to get s phd

Why Does It Take So Long To Finish Doctoral Program?

Starting a doctoral program is a significant commitment, often taking longer than anticipated. If you wonder why it takes so long, here are a couple of reasons you can think about: 

Extensive Coursework

Initially, you might think coursework in your PhD study is just a continuation of your previous studies.

Doctoral level courses are a different beast. They demand not just understanding but the ability to critically analyze and apply complex concepts.

Each course can feel like a mini research project, requiring more than just classroom attendance. This phase lays the foundation but is time-consuming.

The Dissertation

The heart of your doctoral journey is your dissertation. This isn’t just a long essay or an extended research paper. It’s an original contribution to your field, requiring:

  • exhaustive research,
  • experimentation, and

Some students find their research path straightforward, while others may hit unexpected roadblocks or need to pivot their focus, extending the time required.

Part-Time Study

Many PhD candidates choose a part-time path due to work, family, or other commitments. While this flexibility is crucial for many, it stretches the duration of the program.

What a full-time student might complete in 4-6 years, part-time students might take 7 years or more to finish.

Funding and Resources

Access to funding and resources can significantly impact the timeline. Some projects require extensive fieldwork, specialised equipment, or access to rare materials. Delays in funding or accessing necessary resources can stall progress.

If funding is an issue, consider applying for work outside of the university. You can also try your luck with the university, as a research or teaching assistant , or more.

how long does it take to get a phd

Academic Publishing

As part of the doctoral process, many students are encouraged or required to publish their findings.

However, the process of submitting to academic journals, undergoing peer review, and possibly revising and resubmitting, is lengthy.

This step is crucial for the academic community but adds time to the doctoral timeline. If may help to start writing and publishing work earlier to ensure you have enough time to finish.

Faculty Supervision and Mentorship

The relationship with your advisor or supervisory committee is pivotal. These mentors gatekeep your studies, as they:

  • guide your research,
  • provide feedback, and
  • approve your progress.

Scheduling conflicts, feedback loops, and the iterative nature of research can add semesters or even years to your timeline.

Personal Growth and Professional Development

Beyond the academic requirements, doctoral students often engage in teaching, attend conferences, and network within their academic community. These activities contribute to your professional development but also extend your time in the program.

Factors That Influence The Time To Get A PhD

The time it takes to complete PhD is influenced by a multitude of factors, each significant in its own right. Let’s delve deeper into these elements to understand the intricacies of the PhD voyage.

The Scope of Research :

The ambition of your research can significantly dictate the duration of your PhD. Some projects will need more time and commitment, especially if they:

  • Demand extensive fieldwork,
  • elaborate experiments, or
  • groundbreaking theoretical developments.

Imagine embarking on a quest that not only seeks answers but also questions the very foundations of your field. Such endeavours are thrilling but inherently time-consuming, often extending the PhD journey beyond the typical timeframe.

Program Structure and Requirements

The architecture of a PhD program—its coursework, qualifying exams, and other prerequisites—lays the groundwork for your academic expedition.

Programs with a heavy load of initial coursework aim to equip you with a broad foundation, yet this can elongate the path to your actual dissertation work. 

Mode of Study

The decision between full-time and part-time study is pivotal. A full-time commitment allows you to immerse yourself in research, ideally hastening progress.

Yet, life’s obligations may necessitate a part-time route, extending the journey but offering flexibility.

Distance learning, with its inherent flexibility, caters to those balancing diverse commitments, yet this mode, too, can stretch the timeline, particularly if it lacks the immediacy and intensity of on-campus engagement.

Quality of Supervision

The symbiotic relationship with your advisor is the compass guiding your research voyage. An advisor who is both a mentor and a critic, offering timely and constructive feedback, can expedite your journey.

Less engaged supervision may leave you adrift, prolonging the process as you navigate the academic waters largely on your own.

Worse still, if you are unlucky enough, you may end up with supervisors that not only does not help you, but actively attempt to make your study life difficult. These nightmare scenarios do exist, and you should be aware of them.

Financial Stability

The financial underpinnings of your PhD endeavor are more critical than often acknowledged. Consistent funding allows you to dedicate yourself fully to your research, free from financial distractions.

Conversely, the absence of stable support might necessitate part-time employment, diluting focus and extending the timeline.

Resource Availability

Access to specialized resources—be it state-of-the-art laboratories, rare archival collections, or cutting-edge software—can be the wind in your PhD sails.

Limited or delayed access to these essential tools, however, can stall progress, turning what could be a swift journey into a prolonged odyssey.

If you found yourself in a position without the right resources to complete your PhD, consider to propose your university to allow you to work with other universities with what you need. If this is not possible, you can always transfer university, although this would mean more work.

Publishing Requirements

The adage “publish or perish” holds particularly true in the realm of PhD studies. The process of getting your research published, from initial submission to eventual acceptance, is fraught with delays and revisions. Each publication cycle can add months to your timeline,

Yet these publications are crucial stepping stones towards establishing your academic credibility. In fact, some universities want you to publish papers to graduate.

Personal Life and Circumstances

The journey towards a PhD is not undertaken in academic isolation. Life, with its unforeseen challenges and responsibilities, continues.

Personal circumstances can impact your ability to devote time and energy to your studies, necessitating pauses or a reduction in research intensity.

These issues can range from situation such as:

  • such as health issues,
  • family commitments, or
  • significant life events

how long does it take to get a phd

Tips To Earn Your Doctoral Degree Fast

Earning a doctoral degree is a significant academic endeavor, often perceived as a marathon rather than a sprint. However, with strategic planning and focused effort, you can navigate this journey more swiftly than you might expect.

Here are some tips to help you earn your doctoral degree faster, drawing from the experiences and strategies of successful PhD candidates.

Choose Your Program Wisely

The structure of the PhD program you choose can greatly influence how long it takes to complete your degree. Programs that allow you to start your dissertation research early, even while completing your coursework, can save you a considerable amount of time.

Some program are designed to integrate dissertation work with coursework, enabling a more seamless transition into the research phase.

Opt for Full-Time Study If Possible

While part-time PhD programs offer flexibility for working professionals, full-time study allows for a more immersive research experience.

Dedicating all your working hours to your doctoral research can expedite the process, reducing the time it takes to get your PhD significantly.

Secure Adequate Funding

Financial stability is key to focusing fully on your research without the distraction of part-time work. Look for:
  • scholarships,
  • grants, and
  • funding opportunities from your institution.

You can also try to secure funding from external sources like the National Science Foundation. 

Secure funding not only supports your financial needs but also often comes with academic resources that can accelerate your research progress.

Develop a Strong Relationship with Your Advisor

Your advisor is your guide through the PhD process. A supportive advisor can provide invaluable feedback, help you navigate academic challenges, and keep you on track.

Regular meetings and clear communication with your advisor can help you refine your research direction and avoid time-consuming pitfalls.

Focus Your Research

A well-defined research question can provide a clear path forward. The more focused your research, the less likely you are to get bogged down in unmanageable amounts of data or tangential studies.

It’s about depth rather than breadth; delving deeply into a specific area can lead to significant contributions to your field and a quicker path to completion.

how to get s phd

Take Advantage of Existing Research and Resources

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Building on existing research and utilizing available resources can save you time. This includes:

  • leveraging datasets,
  • using established methodologies, and c
  • ollaborating with other researchers.

Access to resources like specialized labs or archives, as provided by your institution, can also streamline the research process.

Stay Organized and Manage Your Time Effectively

Good time management is crucial. Set realistic goals, create a timeline for your research and writing, and stick to it.

Tools like Gantt charts can help you visualize your PhD timeline, including key milestones like coursework completion, comprehensive exams, and dissertation chapters.

Get Your PhD Without Taking Too Much Time – Possible

The journey to obtaining a PhD is a unique blend of personal commitment, academic rigor, and research innovation.

While the timeline can vary widely, most candidates find themselves immersed in their studies and research for anywhere from 4 to 6 years. Exceptions can happen, and you may finish earlier or later.

Key factors like your field of study, the nature of your research, and your personal life circumstances play significant roles in shaping your individual journey.

Remember, earning a PhD is more than just a race to the finish line; it’s a profound journey of learning, discovery, and personal growth. Embrace the journey, stay focused, and the day you earn the title of ‘Doctor’ will be a milestone to remember.

how to get s phd

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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How To Get A PhD

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How to get a PhD

Do you want to study a PhD? Studying a PhD is a big commitment in terms of time and money – but is thoroughly worthwhile if it's the right path – and the right time – for you.

Let’s take a look at how to get a PhD.

Are you ready to do a PhD?

The first thing you need to ascertain is whether you are ready to study a PhD .

The usual first step in gaining a PhD is to have a relevant undergraduate degree completed to a sufficiently high enough quality. You will usually also have had to complete a masters-level degree in a related subject, preferably with a substantial piece of research included.

Can you fund your PhD?

PhDs in the UK are funded in two ways, and this pattern of funding is fairly similar around the world.

The first way to fund your PhD is through PhD studentships , these are part of larger research projects. In the UK there are seven research councils in the UK that can provide this type of funding for PhD students, these are:

  • Arts and Humanities Research Council
  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
  • Economic and Social Research Council
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
  • Medical research Council
  • Natural Environment Research Council
  • Science and Technology Facilities Council . 

The other way is by choosing your own topic of research and finding funding or providing funding yourself. And once you have been accepted onto a PhD you are eligible to apply for one of our Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries worth £500.

Applying for a PhD studentship

Studentships for doctorates are advertised on university websites and places where other academic jobs are advertised, such as the Times Higher Education website in the UK. Applications for these PhD studentships are in many ways similar to job applications . They are usually very competitive.

Find a PhD supervisor

If you are self-proposing your PhD, then you will have to write your research proposal, find an institution to support you during your research and an academic to supervise you. This is a difficult process and requires you to have spent time networking and meeting other people in the same field of research as you.

It's vital to the success of completing your PhD that you find a supervisor and institution that you will work well with.

PhD interview

To gain a place on a PhD course you are likely to have to attend a PhD interview .

At the PhD interview your potential supervisor(s) will ask you a number of questions to enable them to get to know you better and have a good understanding of your area of interest and research and ascertain whether you’d be a good fit for the PhD program.

The PhD interview will also give you the opportunity to ask questions about the program, department and university to make sure it’s the right place for you to undertake your doctoral studies.

Complete an MRes or MPhil firss

Most universities require their PhD students to complete an MRes (Masters by Research) or an MPhil (Master of Philosophy) in the first year and then progress onto a PhD. This provides proof that the PhD student is academically capable of high-level research and original ideas.

It also means that if after their first year the student decides that studying a PhD is not the right path for them, they will still leave university with a good qualification.

Choose your PhD study mode

Another decision that you will have to make to get a PhD, is whether to study full time, part time or via distance learning.

One of the main influencing factors in this decision is the amount of time the mode of study makes completing the PhD take.

Full- or part-time PhD study

Most PhD candidates study full time, this is mainly because if they opt for part-time study, it will make a three- or four-year process take eight years. This is a serious time commitment.

However, many students who are self-funding their PhD may undertake their PhD on a part-time basis before they get more funding in place so they can work alongside their studies.

Distance learning PhD

Many PhD students choose to undertake their PhD via distance learning .

This option can make the actual researching much easier, as the student can live near the source of their research while keeping in contact with their supervisor online.

Studying a PhD via distance learning is not usually available for those undertaking their PhD through a studentship as they will usually being lab work and have other academic obligations at their university department.

However, it is suitable for PhD candidates who do not need to regularly attend their institution.

How to get a PhD

Research your PhD subject properly

Researching into a PhD will involve many steps including reviewing all the literature written about your chosen research subject and exploring the intricacies of gathering the data that will ultimately form the basis of your research.

How you gather your research will depend greatly on your research subject – and this is something that you need to give a lot of consideration.

Writing up your PhD research

The PhD thesis is the research project that results from your research argument, data compilation and any conclusions you have come to after reviewing all of your research.

It will depend on your subject area and your research methods as to whether you have been writing your PhD thesis as you go, or if you  have to write it up fully after all the research has taken place.

Once your PhD thesis has been written up it is likely to be between 70,000 and 100,000 words long.

Do you have any additional responsibilities?

Whilst researching and writing up your PhD thesis, many PhD students take on additional responsibilities in their academic department. These responsibilities can include helping professors and lecturers with their classes, or marking and evaluating undergraduate work.

If you are studying your PhD in the UK, then you will find there are regulations that govern what you must be paid for by the UK Research Council. In other countries, some PhD students can be asked to undertake a variety of tasks without payment.

If you are an international student studying your PhD in the UK, there may be limitations as to how much work you can undertake whilst living in the UK on a student visa. It’s important to check what your restrictions are, so you don’t break the terms of your student visa.

A PhD viva is an oral exam that takes place at the end of the PhD program, during which the PhD student will present, discuss and defend their PhD thesis with fellow academics.

Some students find this an intimidating prospect whereas others are excited about the possibility of discussing their PhD with professionals who are truly interested in their research.

There is no set time limit for a PhD viva – they can last anything from one to three hours, but to ensure success it’s imperative that the student knows their work inside out and is fully prepared for the viva.

The word ’viva’ is a shortened form of the Latin term ‘viva voce’ which means ‘live voice’.

Different ways of getting a PhD

There are several different ways to study a PhD – here is a summary of them.

1. PhD by Thesis

A PhD by Thesis is the most common way to study a doctorate program, and this will take three to four years to study full time at university and up to eight years if studied part time. Throughout your studies you will be supported by a PhD supervisor who will be there to advise you while you are writing your research-based thesis, which will be between 70,000 and 100,000 words long. Upon completion of the thesis, you will need to defend your research in front of a panel of academic experts in an oral examination known as a viva.

2. Integrated PhD

An Integrated PhD usually takes four years of full-time study. This timeframe includes studying a one-year MRes (Masters of Research) as part of the Integrated PhD program. Integrated PhDs are a particularly good idea for students who haven’t previously undertaken much research-based academic work, as essential research skills can be learnt whilst studying the MRes. The research undertaken during the MRes can then be used as the basis for the PhD research project.

3. PhD by Publication

A PhD by Publication is a postgraduate research degree based on previously published pieces of work, for example journals and articles. These are submitted by the student as a body of work. In addition to this, the student needs to demonstrate evidence of original thought and unique contribution to their specific field of study with an extensive supporting statement. A PhD by Publication is often the chosen PhD pathway by mid-career academics that didn’t undertake a PhD before embarking on their career. Some universities only accept academic staff or their own graduates for a PhD by Publication.

4. Distance Learning PhD

Online PhDs provide students with a good, flexible option as there is no need for relocation for their doctorate studies. As a large proportion of any PhD course is spent doing independent study and research, unless regular access to a science lab or other specialised facilities is necessary, PhDs are ideally suited to distance learning, with students able to maintain regular contact with supervisors online. Distance learning PhDs are a good option for people with family or work commitments, or for international students who want to study their PhD at a particular university without the upheaval or expense of moving overseas. When studying an online PhD, it is likely that the student will have to be onsite at the university for a few days each academic year to meet with their supervisor and get any necessary training.

5. Professional Doctorate

Professional Doctorates are aimed at professionals working in vocational sectors, for example those working in healthcare, education and engineering. Professional Doctorates are often accredited by a professional body, making them a great way to advance your career path. Professional Doctorates tend have a greater taught element and a smaller thesis than other types of PhD and will lead students in a career-focussed direction rather than along an academic pathway.

What countries have the most PhD graduates?

Universities on countries all over the world offer PhD programs. This table illustrates the countries with the highest number of PhD graduates in 2014 – and how many PhD graduates they had.














South Korea
















South Africa


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5 routes to getting a Doctorate

While most of those studying for a PhD take the PhD by thesis pathway, there are five viable routes to achieving a Doctorate, with both full-time and part-time options available

PhD by thesis

This is the most common means of getting a Doctorate. Over the three or four years of research at university, your PhD supervisor will support you as you aim to produce a thesis based on your research proposal .

A thesis is typically 60,000-90,000 words in length - although this can vary between institutions. For instance, the University of Glasgow's College of Social Sciences expects a thesis to be 70,000 to 100,000 words including references, bibliography and appendices, while the University of Cambridge has set an upper limit of 80,000 words.

Once completed, you'll need to defend your PhD thesis in front of a panel of examiners during your viva voce .

Doctorate by publication

This route involves submitting previously published work - such as books, book chapters and journal articles, which together form a coherent body of work and show evidence of an original contribution to a particular field of study.

The PhD by publication route is often taken by mid-career academics that haven't had the opportunity to undertake a standard Doctorate degree.

Generally, a minimum of five to eight published pieces are required, but this varies between institutions and depends on their length. The published work will be assessed to the same rigorous standards as a traditional PhD by thesis.

You must also provide a written supporting statement, which typically ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 words.

For instance, the University of Westminster asks for a commentary of 5,000 words (science and technology subjects) or 10,000 words (arts, social sciences and humanities). On the other hand, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh requires 12,000 to 15,000 words on the rationale and theoretical context for the portfolio of published work.

The work will then be presented to an academic committee. A supervisor will assist you with selecting which publications to submit, as well as guidance on the supporting statement.

Some universities accept only their own graduates for a PhD by publication, while others restrict this route to their academic staff. In general, you should have graduated from your first degree at least seven years ago to be eligible.

For example, The University of Manchester has published its own Guidance for the PhD By Published Work , with eligibility only extending to current members of staff.

Professional Doctorate

This type of Doctorate includes a significant taught component and a smaller research project, and is geared primarily towards current professionals in vocational sectors such as:

  • engineering and manufacturing
  • teaching and education .

Professional Doctorates are often taken on a part-time basis and can last between two and eight years. Like their standard PhD counterparts, they usually begin in October or January.

While you won't typically be looking to get an academic job , your research is expected to contribute to theory as well as professional practice. Projects often revolve around a real-life issue that affects your employer.

Several professional Doctorates, such as the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy), are accredited by a professional body - for instance, the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) and The British Psychological Society (BPS) - and may also lead to a professional qualification .

Common titles for graduates of professional Doctorate degrees include:

  • Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
  • Doctor of Education (EdD)
  • Doctor of Engineering (EngD)
  • Doctor of Medicine (MD).

Unlike many professional Doctorates, the EngD is typically offered as a full-time course and is aimed at young engineering graduates with little or no professional experience.

Integrated PhD

This four-year qualification, also known as the New Route PhD, involves studying a one-year research Masters degree (MRes) before progressing onto a three-year PhD.

Offered by a select number of universities across the UK, integrated PhDs are supported by the government and the British Council through UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) .

Visit Research Council funding for further information on research and funding for different types of PhD.

The integrated PhD involves a combination of taught materials, practical experience and advanced research. This allows you to learn subject-specific methodologies, while building the transferable skills that will enable you to become a leader in your chosen profession.

Institutions can also develop personalised integrated PhD programmes to meet each student's needs. For example, universities may offer you the opportunity to gain a postgraduate certificate (PGCert) in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education - perfect if you're considering a career as a higher education lecturer .

Online/distance learning PhD

As PhDs are based primarily on independent research rather than time spent in lectures and seminars, distance learning has always been a viable route for many Doctoral students.

PhDs by distance learning offered by course providers such as The Open University are therefore a good option to consider if you've got family or work commitments or are an international student - as this gives you the chance to undertake Doctoral research without having to live close to your chosen institution. It's also a suitable mode of study if your subject requires you to be based in a specific location away from the university.

For the most part, you'll be in touch with your supervisor by phone, email or Skype/Zoom. You'll need to bear in mind that even if you opt for this form of research, you'll generally still need to attend university for one or two weeks of each academic year for meetings and to receive research skills training. Your final exam may be undertaken either face-to-face or virtually.

With online PhDs, you can usually register as a full or part-time student. The level of fees you pay varies between institutions - some charge the same as for a standard PhD while others offer a reduced rate.

Check that any funding you plan to apply for is available to distance learning students, as this isn't always the case.

Search for online/distance learning PhDs .

Find out more

  • Discover what is a PhD?
  • Sort out funding for postgraduate study .
  • Consider what to do after completing your PhD .

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How To Pay For A Ph.D.

Kat Tretina

Fact Checked

Updated: Jan 25, 2024, 12:13pm

How To Pay For A Ph.D.

If your heart is set on earning a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree, you’ll join an elite club. In the United States, only 4.9 million people—about 2% of adults—hold a Ph.D. or other doctoral degree.

A Ph.D. can lead to a significantly higher salary. According to The College Board, the median earnings for those with doctoral degrees was $120,700, 38% more than the median for those with master’s degrees.

However, earning a Ph.D. can be an expensive endeavor. To avoid racking up too much debt, learn how to pay for a doctorate with grants, scholarships and other sources of financial aid.

What Does a Ph.D. Cost?

If your goal is to earn a Ph.D., be prepared for a significant investment of both time and money. Depending on the type of university you choose and your program, a Ph.D. usually takes three to five years to complete. If you attend school part-time, it can take even longer.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), tuition and fees cost, on average, $20,513 for the 2021-2022 academic year, so you’ll spend anywhere from $61,539 to $102,565 to complete a Ph.D. program. In addition, you’ll need to account for about $16,000 to $20,000 per year in added costs, such as room and board, supplies and other fees.

That total is on top of what you spent on a bachelor’s and master’s degree, so your education will likely cost well into the six figures. With such a high cost, it’s no surprise that many Ph.D. earners have substantial student loan balances.

7 Ways To Pay For a Ph.D.

Ph.D. costs can be significant, but a variety of financial aid opportunities can make the price tag more manageable. Paying for a Ph.D. is possible using the following options:

1. Fully Funded Ph.D. Programs

Fully funded Ph.D. programs typically cover the cost of tuition and fees, and they also provide a monthly stipend for living expenses and health insurance. Some examples of fully funded Ph.D. programs include:

  • Boston University . Attendees of Boston University’s Charles River Campus can take advantage of a fully funded model. The program includes 100% tuition coverage, a health insurance credit and a living expense stipend. Depending on your program, the stipend ranges from $27,318 to $40,977 per year.
  • Duke University . At Duke University, Ph.D. students are guaranteed five years of tuition and living stipends and up to six years of full health and dental insurance coverage. The amount of financial support varies by program and stipend amounts range from $2,538 to $3,217 per month.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management . MIT’s fully funded Ph.D. program covers students for up to five years. The program pays for the full cost of tuition and provides students with a monthly stipend of $4,497, student medical insurance and a new laptop. Students also receive up to $4,500 for travel and conferences.

Not all universities offer fully funded Ph.D. programs, and existing programs are highly competitive. For example, the Stanford University Department of Political Science Ph.D. program selects 12 to 15 students per year.

2. Ph.D. Fellowship Programs

A fellowship program provides students with financial support so they can focus on their academic work. Issued based on the student’s academic merit or research achievements, fellowships may or may not have a service requirement attached.

Fellowships can come from universities, nonprofit organizations or government agencies. For example:

  • American Psychological Association (APA) Doctoral Fellowship in Health and Substance Abuse Services . The APA fellowship is for full-time doctoral students who are committed to working in behavioral health. It provides up to three years of financial support, and the stipend amounts vary by year and program.
  • Cornell Fellowship . Cornell University operates several fellowship programs. The Cornell Fellowship pays for one academic year of tuition, fees, health insurance and a stipend.
  • U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program . The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program is a five-year fellowship that gives students three years of financial support. The fellowship includes an annual stipend of $37,000 and pays up to $16,000 per year in tuition and fees.

You can search for fellowship opportunities through the ProFellow database .

3. Doctoral Scholarships

Scholarships are available to Ph.D. students, and these merit-based awards can come from nonprofit organizations, private companies, states and government agencies. The award amounts vary, ranging from smaller awards that may only cover incidental expenses to more substantial awards of $20,000. For example:

  • Accounting Doctoral Scholars Program . Certified public accountants (CPAs) intending to earn a Ph.D. in accounting can qualify for up to $20,000 through the Accounting Doctoral Scholars Program.
  • American Library Association (ALA) Century Scholarship . The ALA Century Scholarship gives up to $2,500 to library school students with disabilities pursuing a doctoral degree.
  • Washington State American Indian Endowed Scholarship . In Washington, Native American students can receive $500 to $2,500 to pay for their education at an eligible school within the state.

You can search for additional scholarship opportunities with tools like FastWeb or .

4. Ph.D. Grants

Unlike scholarships, grants are usually awarded based on the student’s financial need. Ph.D. grants can be issued by states and nonprofit organizations. For example:

  • José Martí Scholarship Challenge Grant Fund . This grant, issued to Hispanic students in Florida, is both need-based and merit-based. Eligible recipients can receive up to $2,000 per year.
  • Organization For Autism Research Graduate Research Grant . Doctoral candidates conducting autism research can qualify for a grant of $2,000.
  • Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant Program . Virginia residents attending an eligible university can receive between $5,000 and $12,500 per year in financial assistance.

You can find Ph.D. grant opportunities through your state education agency or CareerOneStop .

5. Employer Reimbursement

If you’re currently working full- or part-time, your employer may be willing to help with some of your education expenses. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, 48% of employers offer tuition assistance or reimbursement benefits.

Contact your human resources department to find out if tuition reimbursement is available and what you need to do to qualify for the benefit.

6. Federal Student Loans

Depending on the other financial aid you qualify for, you may need to borrow some money to cover your remaining expenses. Federal student loans are a good starting point since they have more borrower protections than other options, and you may qualify for loan forgiveness later on based on your employment.

Ph.D. students may qualify for either direct unsubsidized loans or grad PLUS loans. Unsubsidized loans have lower interest rates but have annual and aggregate borrowing maximums that your program may exceed. If that’s the case, you can use grad PLUS loans to pay for your remaining expenses.

  Direct Unsubsidized (Graduate or Professional) Grad PLUS

7. Private Student Loans

If you aren’t eligible for federal loans or need to borrow more than the federal limits allow, private student loans are another way to pay for your Ph.D. Private loans come from banks, credit unions and other lenders, and your loan eligibility is based on your credit, income and whether you have a co-signer (someone who agrees to repay the loan if you miss payments).

If you have excellent credit, you could qualify for private loans with lower rates than you’d get with federal loans, and private student loans can have terms as long as 20 years.

If you decide to take out a private loan, compare quotes from several lenders offering loans for Ph.D. programs. Consider the rates, terms and overall repayment costs to find the best loan option.

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For the past seven years, Kat has been helping people make the best financial decisions for their unique situations, whether they're looking for the right insurance policies or trying to pay down debt. Kat has expertise in insurance and student loans, and she holds certifications in student loan and financial education counseling.

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How to Apply - PhD in Social Work

The application for the Summer 2025 cohort is open.  Click the yellow Apply Now button in the bottom right corner to begin your application. 

To learn more about our program and the application process, please fill out our inquiry form . Baylor University is an NC-SARA approved institution .

Admission to the PhD program is a highly selective process. The admissions committee selects up to seven students every other year that have:

  • Clear interest in developing theory, policy, and research skills in a substantive area relevant to the field of social work
  • A superior academic record in all previous work
  • The maturity, intellectual ability, and readiness for doctoral study

A completed application includes:

1) Garland School of Social Work (GSSW) Required Statistics Exam

  • The statistics exam is required in order for an application to be considered complete. The GRE is not required.
  • Applicants must complete the exam with an earned grade of B or better .
  • Applicants are allowed only two attempts  to earn the required score on the exam.
  • There are modules that can be used as a refresher for students prior to taking the exam. The modules and exam are  free  for students. 
  • Click  here  to access the review modules and required statistics exam. Note: A passcode for the exam will be provided once you begin an application to the program.

2) Personal statement

A personal statement of 7-10 pages that:

  • explains your motivation for and expectations of doctoral education in social work
  • includes particular assets that you would bring to the school and to the profession, as well as areas in which you would most like to grow academically and professionally
  • specifies your areas of academic and research interest
  • briefly describes your understanding of the integration of faith and ethical social work practice, supported by existing literature

3) Sample of Scholarly Writing

A sample (not exceeding 25 pages) of a recent, single or co-authored work of scholarly writing that provides evidence of your capacity to think analytically and critically about a social welfare issue. The following are examples of appropriate submissions:

  • published article
  • book chapter
  • other excerpts
  • unpublished research report
  • a paper written in a graduate-level course
  • grant application

4) Resume or Curriculum Vitae

This should include a list of publications and professional presentations.

5) Three letters of recommendation

At least two recommendations should come from faculty who can attest to the applicant’s superior ability and potential. A third recommendation should come from a supervisor, director or someone that can provide insight into the applicant's ability and achievement in social work.

6) Degree Bearing Transcripts from Previously Attended Universities

A Master of Social Work from a CSWE accredited program is preferred but not required. Applicants without an MSW will be considered if they have exceptionally strong credentials, a master's degree in a related field, and experience working in social service settings. Exceptions may also be made for applicants from countries without university accreditation but with exceptionally strong credentials.

The Graduate School requires applicants to submit transcripts from every institution which has granted a bachelor's degree and higher. Transcripts should indicate the degree granted. If the transcript does not list the degree and date conferred, applicants must also submit a proof of degree (certificate, diploma, etc.).

7) $50 Application Fee

8) foreign national and permanent resident applicants:.

English as a Foreign Language ( TOEFL ) or International English Language Testing System ( IELTS ). Scores are valid for two years from the time the test is taken.

  • Diana R. Garland School of Social Work

811 Washington Ave. Waco, TX 76701

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COD MW3 Zombies: All Free Perk Easter Egg locations

  • Author: Dave Aubrey

Call of Duty : Modern Warfare III has an expansive Zombies mode it’s dubbing MWZ for short. MW3’s Zombies takes place on the wide open map of Urzikstan, meaning it’s a bit more large, and a bit less focused than previous entries.

Still, that doesn’t mean the usual Zombies staples aren’t here. Yes, you can load up on free perks as long as you complete some pretty harmless Easter Egg challenges. Each challenge is marked by a ragged toy rabbit, and completing different tasks will unlock reward portals that always hold specific perk cans. If you’re doing a solo run and manage to acquire all of the perk cans before moving into the High Threat Zone, you’ll be in an amazing position to survive.

For everything you need to know to get all of the free perks in MWZ, just read through our Easter Egg breakdown below.

Free Death Perception Easter Egg – MW3 Zombies

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (10)

On the North side of the map you’ll find a factory with two large smokestacks on either side. For this Easter Egg we’ll need to climb the West stack.

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (7)

Once at the top took Southeast to the large sculpture with three rings. You’ll need to jump, parachute, and fly through each of the rings without touching the ground.

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (11)

Get the right angle and you can glide straight through the three rings while turning to the left.

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (13)

This will spawn the reward portal wherever you land.

Free Elemental Pop Easter Egg – MW3 Zombies

As of right now the location of the Easter Egg that leads to the free Elemental Pop perk is unknown. It’s possible that it doesn’t exist, but given there’s a method for every other perk, that seems unlikely. We’ll update this guide when we can confirm a method that works.

Free Jugger-Nog Easter Egg – MW3 Zombies

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (14)

Located on the West side of the map, you’ll need a Molotov Cocktail to complete this Easter Egg. 

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (12)

All you need to do is throw the Molotov onto the burnt-out bonfire which the toy bunny is sitting near, this will spawn the reward portal.

Free PHD Flopper Easter Egg – MW3 Zombies

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (1)

This Easter Egg can be found at Shahin Manor. The toy bunny will be sitting by the pool.

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (5)

All you need to do is climb to the roof of the manor and swan dive from the roof into the pool. Do it successfully and you’ll spawn the reward portal. Do it unsuccessfully, and you’ll probably take some damage.

Free Quick Revive Easter Egg – MW3 Zombies

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (3)

For this one you’ll need to find an ATV and get to the ring road just Southwest of Hadiqa Farms. 

cod mw3 atv glhf

There are two large overhead signs in this area, both of which have a toy rabbit on the top. You’ll need to park your ATV under the North sign while facing South. Park directly under where the toy rabbit is and you’ll hear a ghoulish cackle – this is your green light to race to the other sign.

cod mw3 reward portal

Do it fast enough and you’ll earn a reward portal with the Quick Revive can inside.

Free Speed Cola Easter Egg – MW3 Zombies

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (2)

There’s a big bird sculpture that you can clearly see on the map if you zoom into the Northwest corner of the Medium Threat zone.

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (15)

All you need to do is use it as a ramp and land on the road just below. If you clear the road, you won’t get the reward portal, so don’t go too fast.

Free Stamin-Up Easter Egg – MW3 Zombies

cod mw3 staminu up glhf

This might be one of the easier ones to get – all you need is to have your hands free, and find the right building in Zaravan City.

cod mw3 zaravan city

Find the tall building near the roundabout with blue stripes on it, and then head to the stairwell to find the toy rabbit at the bottom of the stairs.

cod mw3 stamin up portal

This is a race against time, so unequip your weapon and sprint up the stairs. If you do it fast enough, you’ll unlock a reward portal when you reach the roof.

Free Tombstone Soda Easter Egg – MW3 Zombies

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (9)

This is located really close to where you’ll get the PHD Flopper perk Easter Egg, so you can potentially get both at the same time.

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (8)

In the area marked on the map above, West of Shahin Manor, stand on the building under construction – it’s the East-most building in this area – and aim at the yellow crane to the Southwest.

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (6)

You’ll need a weapon with a zoomed scope for this – you need to place a ping on the toy rabbit that’s sat on the crane, just above the top platform, to the right side. We’re aiming directly at the toy rabbit in the pic above.

cod mw3 mwz zombies perk locations (4)

Do this correctly and you’ll get a surprise, in addition to the Tombstone Soda can from the reward portal.

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PhD Writers' Week August 2024

PhD Writers' Week 2024

This PhD Writers’ Week was one for the books!

“ It was a great week. I found it beneficial ” – participant of PhD Writers’ Week

We welcomed seven PhD candidates to the Writing Centre on 12 August 2024.  The participants were from a variety of disciplines ranging from law to artificial intelligence, but they were joined by a mutual goal – to work on their PhD thesis.

Everyone was required to arrive at our Writers’ Space for 9am each morning. Lawrence began each day with ‘writing about writing’ prompts, allowing the candidates time to get their writer juices flowing! This gave the writers time to reflect on their research and writing processes, their understanding of their writing situation and the strategies they are using to overcome cognitive, affective and social obstacles. The feedback from this section of the week was positive “ The 5 min free write was very helpful at the start of each day ”

The group worked on their writing process and strategies. They motivated each other to be productive throughout the week and shared advice on how to improve as a writer and on how to approach parts of the doctoral thesis. Each candidate engaged in a session with either Naa or Damian, our brilliant peer tutors.  This gave them the opportunity to discuss their work with a fellow PhD candidate and to seek guidance in areas they were struggling with.

Coffee and biscuits were an essential to our PhD Writers’ Week. We had plenty to go around! Aramark provided lunch for us on Monday and Friday. We value inclusivity at the Writing Centre, so we catered to all dietary needs from Halal to Vegetarian.

Our candidates were extremely hard working and gave the week their all. The event was successful with all the candidates leaving on Friday feeling accomplished!  Members of the group expressed interest in joining one of our regularly meeting Writers’ Groups to maintain momentum.

Stay tuned - We will be running another PhD Writers’ Week in January 2025 😊

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