
Do you think extra-curricular activities are important in a student’s life?- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Aug 14, 2024


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Do you think extracurricular activities are important in a student’s life? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Opinion Essay


Sentence 1: Paraphrase the essay with the help of synonyms to create an understanding of the topic.

Sentence 2: Mention that extra-curricular activities are essential in students’ lives.

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1: Implore how immersing in books cannot always positively impact a student’s life.

Paragraph 2: Implore and exemplify how extracurricular activities can feel refreshing and cite examples.

Paragraph 3: Acknowledge that studies are a vital part of a student’s life too, but to feel rejuvenated again, they are allowed to have their extracurricular activities.

Restate your views

Not all students are good at academics, and it is imperative for students to exercise regularly. Therefore, besides studying, keeping their physical and mental growth in mind becomes a vital part of their lives. So, I ultimately favour the phenomenon that extracurricular activities are essential in students’ lives.

In the first place, scholars should not focus on books alone as their brain gets lethargic. They should have insight into their hidden talents because such engagements will not only invigorate them to find their passion but also help them find their desired dreams sometimes. Additionally, spending all the time with books can lead to numerous problems related to health. For example, being studious can be stressful, which results in depression and, in the worst-case scenario, suicide.

Moreover, the teachers should exemplify people who have not performed well in academics to understand that one can excel through extracurricular activities as well. To cite an example, the legendary cricketer M.S. Dhoni spent most of his time on the ground rather than in his classroom. Had he not been given the exposure, then he might not be one of the finest cricketers in the world. Moreover, there is no such rule that only graduates have a better life.

However, it can be discerned that as per human nature, small children are always bewildered and have an immense curiosity to know. They keep on asking questions to quench their curiosity. Studies can aid to attain knowledge about everything. The books on different subjects help us learn about other things present around us. Accordingly, it is crucial to inculcate studying in students. But it should be kept in mind that the brain needs rejuvenation after a certain time, for which co-curricular activities are also necessary.

To conclude, I would like to state that giving more time to books is necessary along with participating in extracurricular activities. However, the students should not overindulge in extracurricular activities to have a well-adjusted life.

Meaning – of vital importance or crucial. Example – His immediate action was imperative on the matter of his child.

Meaning – instil (an idea, attitude, or habit) by persistent instruction. Example – I tried to inculcate an attitude of enquiry in my pupils.

  • Overindulge

Meaning – to allow yourself to have too much of something enjoyable Example – To overindulge in any sort of food can cause an imbalance of nutrients in our body.

Meaning – recognise or find out. Example – She could faintly discern the shape of a skull.

Meaning – perplexed and confused; very puzzled. Example – He saw the bewildered look on my face when I saw a clown.

Meaning – affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic. Example – I felt lethargic after a long day of work.

Meaning – give strength or energy to. Example – The shower had invigorated her.

Meaning – satisfy (a desire). Example – The group of travellers was looking for water to quench their thirst.

Meaning – be a typical example of. Example – He exemplified his point with an anecdote.

  • Rejuvenation

Meaning – the action or process of giving new energy or vigour to something. Example – The society was planning to create a rejuvenation area for the elderly.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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The Importance of Extracurricular Activities in Schools: An IELTS Writing Guide

“ The Importance Of Extracurricular Activities In Schools. #8221; is a common topic in IELTS Writing Task 2, especially for opinion or discussion-type essays. Understanding the keywords and their implications is crucial for crafting a well-structured and high-scoring response.

  • Extracurricular activities: Activities performed by students outside of their regular curriculum, such as sports, clubs, volunteering, etc.
  • Importance: The significant value or benefits these activities bring.
  • Schools: The context in which these activities take place, implying their role in a student’s overall development.

LSI Keywords:

  • Holistic development
  • Life skills
  • Social skills
  • Time management

Common User Queries:

  • How do extracurricular activities benefit students?
  • What is the role of extracurricular activities in education?
  • Should schools make extracurricular activities mandatory?

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample IELTS Essay Questions
  • 3 Writing Tips:
  • 4 Vocabulary:
  • 5 Conclusion

Sample IELTS Essay Questions

Based on the keyword analysis, here are three potential IELTS Writing Task 2 questions:

Some people believe that extracurricular activities are as important as academic subjects for a student’s development. Others argue that they are a distraction from studies. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  • Schools are increasingly emphasizing the importance of extracurricular activities. What are the benefits of these activities for students, and how can they be effectively integrated into the school curriculum?
  • Many students are pressured to focus solely on their academic performance, neglecting extracurricular activities. What are the potential consequences of this approach, and how can a balance be achieved?

Sample Essay Response

Let’s choose the first question for our sample essay:

It is widely acknowledged that a well-rounded education is crucial for the holistic development of an individual. While academic subjects undoubtedly form the cornerstone of this education, the significance of extracurricular activities in shaping well-adjusted and successful individuals cannot be overstated. This essay will delve into both perspectives surrounding this issue before presenting a reasoned conclusion.

Proponents of prioritizing academic subjects argue that the primary objective of education is to equip students with knowledge and skills essential for their future careers. They believe that time spent on extracurricular pursuits detracts from valuable study time, potentially jeopardizing academic performance and limiting future prospects. In a highly competitive academic landscape, where grades are paramount for university admissions and job opportunities, this concern holds considerable weight.

Extracurricular Activities Benefits

However, advocates for the equal importance of extracurricular activities posit that these pursuits contribute significantly to a student’s personal and social growth. By engaging in activities like sports, music, or volunteering, students develop essential life skills such as teamwork, communication, leadership, and time management. These experiences foster a sense of responsibility, resilience, and problem-solving abilities – qualities highly sought after in today’s dynamic world. Furthermore, extracurricular activities provide a platform for students to explore their interests, nurture their talents, and discover hidden passions that may lie dormant within the confines of a traditional classroom.

In conclusion, while academic excellence is undeniably vital, dismissing the profound impact of extracurricular activities on a student’s holistic development would be a grave oversight. A balanced approach that integrates both academic pursuits and extracurricular involvement is crucial for nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped to thrive in all aspects of life. Educational institutions bear the responsibility of fostering an environment that recognizes and encourages both, paving the way for a future generation of well-educated and well-rounded global citizens.

(Word count: 285 words)

Writing Tips:

  • Structure: Clearly state your position in the introduction, discuss both sides of the argument in separate paragraphs, and reiterate your stance in the conclusion.
  • Vocabulary: Use a wide range of vocabulary related to education, development, and benefits.
  • Grammar: Employ complex sentence structures and ensure correct grammar usage.
  • Examples: Provide specific examples to support your points.


  • Holistic (adjective) /hōˈlistik/: Relating to or concerned with the whole system rather than individual parts.
  • Cornerstone (noun) /ˈkɔːrnərˌstōn/: An important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends.
  • Proponents (noun) /prəˈpōnənts/: People who speak publicly in support of a particular idea or plan of action.
  • Detracts (verb) /dɪˈtrækts/: Reduces the strength, value, or importance of something.
  • Paramount (adjective) /ˈperəˌmaʊnt/: More important than anything else; of supreme importance.
  • Posit (verb) /ˈpɑːzɪt/: Put forward as a fact or basis for argument.
  • Fosters (verb) /ˈfɑːstərz/: Encourages the development or growth of something.
  • Resilience (noun) /rɪˈzɪliəns/: The ability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
  • Dormant (adjective) /ˈdɔːrmənt/: Not active or developing now, but able to become active later.
  • Oversight (noun) /ˈōvərˌsīt/: An unintentional failure to notice or do something.

This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into effectively addressing IELTS Writing Task 2 questions related to the importance of extracurricular activities in schools. By understanding the keywords, structuring your essay logically, using appropriate vocabulary, and providing relevant examples, you can craft a compelling and high-scoring response. Remember to practice regularly and familiarize yourself with various IELTS essay topics to enhance your writing skills.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Full-Time University Students (Real Past IELTS Exam)

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Full-Time University Students (Real Past IELTS Exam)

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Full Time University Students

Full-time university students spend a lot of time studying. Some say they should do other activities too.

To what extent do you agree or disagree ?

Some today feel that university students should focus completely on their studies, while others feel it is important to have a diverse range of interests and activities. In my opinion, extracurriculars are a key part of the university experience.

Those who advocate students dedicating themselves solely to academics can point out the singular learning opportunity. An undergraduate is typically paying large sums of money, burdening themselves with student debt in most cases, in order to become an expert in a given field. This is the only period in life they will have to study a single, chosen subject without the pressures of work. Freedom from a job allows them to invest fully in academics and learn the theories and skills that will form the basis of their entire professional career. Some would argue that there is little value in diluting this experience by taking on other responsibilities.

Nonetheless, outside activities are also an important element of higher education. There are countless examples of successful individuals who joined a comedy or art club unrelated to their major and later ended up working in that field. Even those who do not receive such tangible rewards from their extracurriculars can learn a lot. For example, a student may opt to become involved with a local charity, university initiative or work a part-time job. These will all be formative experiences and may be more memorable and useful for them than the subject they study. Many graduates today switch career paths soon after university regardless, so the respective value of these other activities will increase as they look back on their college experience and recognise what was truly instrumental in their development.

In conclusion, though university is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to focus on a single subject, I believe finding activities outside the classroom also has value. Students should prioritise academics but not ignore the full breadth of learning experiences on offer.

1. Some today feel that university students should focus completely on their studies, while others feel it is important to have a diverse range of interests and activities. 2. In my opinion, extracurriculars are a key part of the university experience.

  • Paraphrase the topic for the essay.
  • State your opinion clearly.

1. Those who advocate students dedicating themselves solely to academics can point out the singular learning opportunity. 2. An undergraduate is typically paying large sums of money, burdening themselves with student debt in most cases, in order to become an expert in a given field. 3. This is the only period in life they will have to study a single, chosen subject without the pressures of work. 4. Freedom from a job allows them to invest fully in academics and learn the theories and skills that will form the basis of their entire professional career. 5. Some would argue that there is little value in diluting this experience by taking on other responsibilities.

  • Write a clear topic sentence with your main idea at the end.
  • Begin to develop your main idea.
  • Continue developing the same idea with supporting ideas.
  • Be as specific as possible.
  • Conclude the paragraph. I don’t agree with this side so the paragraph is a little shorter.

1. Nonetheless, outside activities are also an important element of higher education. 2. There are countless examples of successful individuals who joined a comedy or art club unrelated to their major and later ended up working in that field. 3. Even those who do not receive such tangible rewards from their extracurriculars can learn a lot. 4. For example, a student may opt to become involved with a local charity, university initiative or work a part-time job. 5. These will all be formative experiences and may be more memorable and useful for them than the subject they study. 6. Many graduates today switch career paths soon after university regardless, so the respective value of these other activities will increase as they look back on their college experience and recognise what was truly instrumental in their development.

  • Write another topic sentence with a new main idea.
  • Explain your main idea or begin developing it.
  • Make sure that your ideas flow neatly together.
  • Give an example if possible. Here I use a hypothetical example.
  • Explain your example.
  • Conclude with a strong statement explaining the full results.

1. In conclusion, though university is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to focus on a single subject, I believe finding activities outside the classroom also has value. 2. Students should prioritise academics but not ignore the full breadth of learning experiences on offer.

  • Summarise your main ideas and repeat your opinion.
  • Add a final thought/extra detail for full marks from the examiner.

What do the words in bold below mean?

Those who advocate students dedicating themselves solely to academics can point out the singular learning opportunity . An undergraduate is typically paying large sums of money, burdening themselves with student debt in most cases, in order to become an expert in a given field . This is the only period in life they will have to study a single, chosen subject without the pressures of work . Freedom from a job allows them to invest fully in academics and learn the theories and skills that will form the basis of their entire professional career . Some would argue that there is little value in diluting this experience by taking on other responsibilities.

Nonetheless , outside activities are also an important element of higher education . There are countless examples of successful individuals who joined a comedy or art club unrelated to their major and later ended up working in that field. Even those who do not receive such tangible rewards from their extracurriculars can learn a lot. For example, a student may opt to become involved with a local charity , university initiative or work a part-time job . These will all be formative experiences and may be more memorable and useful for them than the subject they study. Many graduates today switch career paths soon after university regardless , so the respective value of these other activities will increase as they look back on their college experience and recognise what was truly instrumental in their development.

In conclusion, though university is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to focus on a single subject, I believe finding activities outside the classroom also has value. Students should prioritise academics but not ignore the full breadth of learning experiences on offer .

focus completely pay attention to totally

diverse range lots of different

extracurriculars outside academics

key part essential element of

advocate support

dedicating committing

solely only

point out argue

singular learning opportunity only chance to learn about

undergraduate first four years of university

sums amounts

burdening stuck under

student debt money you must pay back after graduation

a given field whatever calling they choose

period in life time in their life

pressures of work feeling stressed or burdened by work

invest fully commit to completely

theories ideas

skills practical skills

form the basis make up the foundation for

entire professional career whole working time

little value not much importance

diluting watering down, making weaker

taking on committing to

nonetheless regardless

important element key part

higher education university/college

countless examples many instances

unrelated to their major nothing to do with what they studied

ended up finally/in the end

tangible rewards actually getting something out of

local charity nearby community organisation

university initiative uni program

part-time job hourly paid work

formative experiences shaping life experiences

memorable unforgettable

switch career paths change jobs

regardless nonetheless

respective belonging to the specific area mentioned

look back on remember

recognise identify

truly instrumental actually important

once-in-a-lifetime opportunity chance that only happens one time

prioritise consider more important

ignore not pay attention to

full breadth diverse range of

on offer available


Listen and repeat:

ˈfəʊkəs kəmˈpliːtli   daɪˈvɜːs reɪnʤ   ˌɛkstrəkəˈrɪkjʊləz   kiː pɑːt   ˈædvəkɪt   ˈdɛdɪkeɪtɪŋ   ˈsəʊlli   pɔɪnt aʊt   ˈsɪŋgjʊlə ˈlɜːnɪŋ ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪti ˌʌndəˈgrædjʊɪt   sʌmz   ˈbɜːdnɪŋ   ˈstjuːdənt dɛt   ə ˈgɪvn fiːld ˈpɪərɪəd ɪn laɪf   ˈprɛʃəz ɒv wɜːk ɪnˈvɛst ˈfʊli   ˈθɪəriz   skɪlz   fɔːm ðə ˈbeɪsɪs   ɪnˈtaɪə prəˈfɛʃənl kəˈrɪə ˈlɪtl ˈvæljuː   daɪˈljuːtɪŋ   ˈteɪkɪŋ ɒn   ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs ɪmˈpɔːtənt ˈɛlɪmənt   ˈhaɪər ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃən ˈkaʊntlɪs ɪgˈzɑːmplz   ˌʌnrɪˈleɪtɪd tuː ðeə ˈmeɪʤə   ˈɛndɪd ʌp   ˈtænʤəbl rɪˈwɔːdz   ɒpt   ˈləʊkəl ˈʧærɪti ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsɪti ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv   pɑːt-taɪm ʤɒb ˈfɔːmətɪv ɪksˈpɪərɪənsɪz   ˈmɛmərəbl   swɪʧ kəˈrɪə pɑːðz   rɪˈgɑːdlɪs rɪsˈpɛktɪv   lʊk bæk ɒn   ˈrɛkəgnaɪz   ˈtruːli ˌɪnstrʊˈmɛntl   wʌns-ɪn-ə-ˈlaɪftaɪm ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪti   praɪˈɒrɪˌtaɪz   ɪgˈnɔː   fʊl brɛdθ   ɒn ˈɒfə

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

Some today feel that university students should f____________________y on their studies, while others feel it is important to have a d_____________________e of interests and activities. In my opinion, e____________________s are a k___________t of the university experience.

Those who a_____________e students d________________g themselves s___________y to academics can p_______________t the s____________________________y . An u__________________e is typically paying large s________s of money, b_________________g themselves with s_______________t in most cases, in order to become an expert in a________________________d . This is the only p________________e they will have to study a single, chosen subject without the p____________________k . Freedom from a job allows them to i__________________y in academics and learn the t_______________s and s_______s that will f__________________s of their e__________________________r . Some would argue that there is l____________________e in d______________g this experience by t________________n other responsibilities.

N_________________s , outside activities are also an i_____________________t of h______________________n . There are c___________________s of successful individuals who joined a comedy or art club u______________________r and later e______________p working in that field. Even those who do not receive such t______________________s from their extracurriculars can learn a lot. For example, a student may o___t to become involved with a l_________________y , u_____________________e or work a p_________________b . These will all be f__________________________s and may be more m________________e and useful for them than the subject they study. Many graduates today s_______________________s soon after university r__________________s , so the r__________________e value of these other activities will increase as they l______________________n their college experience and r________________e what was t__________________________l in their development.

In conclusion, though university is a o______________________________y to focus on a single subject, I believe finding activities outside the classroom also has value. Students should p________________e academics but not i_____________e the f__________________h of learning experiences o_____________r .

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Jessica Nadal

People are divided in their opinion whether university students should spend full-time on their studies or participate in other school activities as well. While others believe that giving more extended time on academics is more advantageous, I completely disagree with this idea. The following paragraphs discuss both views and reach a reasonable conclusion.

To begin with, some people think that an uninterrupted focus on lectures is the only means of learning. They believe that extrinsic activities such as sports, music, and competitions are just distractions to students’ education. Moreover, students are spending a lot of money on their university so they are expected to just allocate all efforts to read books. Some would argue to the fact that forcing students to learn theories is solely the way to become intelligent.

On the other hand, it is also essential for students to do extra-curricular activities. Firstly, these tasks can improve not only the person’s leadership ability but also teamwork and time management skills. It is undeniable that joining organizational clubs can help students to discover their strengths in some areas. In addition, having a variety of activities in school is a way of building self-confidence by learning how to express themselves in a better way.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that extra-curricular activities are important just as academics. Although intellectual learning is beneficial in theoretical improvement, other school activities should also be considered as they can contribute to the student’s overall development.


Well written Jessica!

I don’t have time to check writing this week but you can sign up for some corrections here:

Keep up the the good effort!

I apologize for flooding your site with my answers. 🙂

I just want to continue my writing practice despite the pandemic.

Do you think I can get 6.5 & above in my style of writing (Task 2)?

Thank you, Dave!

No need to apologise, Jessica – it is great to see you putting in so much hard work and making great progress!

Let me take a look at some of yours and get back to you.

Thank you! 🙂

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    This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into effectively addressing IELTS Writing Task 2 questions related to the importance of extracurricular activities in schools. By understanding the keywords, structuring your essay logically, using appropriate vocabulary, and providing relevant examples, you can craft a compelling and high ...

  5. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Full-Time ...

    On the other hand, it is also essential for students to do extra-curricular activities. Firstly, these tasks can improve not only the person’s leadership ability but also teamwork and time management skills.

  6. 50 Latest Extra curricular IELTS Topics - Writing9

    50 Latest Extra curricular IELTS Topics. Get a band score and detailed report instantly. Check your IELTS essays right now! Some parents believe that their children should do extra curricular activities after school.Others say in this way children are under pressure. Discuss both views and give your opinion .