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5 Compare and Contrast Essay Examples (Full Text)

5 Compare and Contrast Essay Examples (Full Text)

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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A compare and contrast essay selects two or more items that are critically analyzed to demonstrate their differences and similarities. Here is a template for you that provides the general structure:

compare and contrast essay format

A range of example essays is presented below.

Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

#1 jean piaget vs lev vygotsky essay.

1480 Words | 5 Pages | 10 References

(Level: University Undergraduate)

paget vs vygotsky essay

Thesis Statement: “This essay will critically examine and compare the developmental theories of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, focusing on their differing views on cognitive development in children and their influence on educational psychology, through an exploration of key concepts such as the role of culture and environment, scaffolding, equilibration, and their overall implications for educational practices..”

#2 Democracy vs Authoritarianism Essay

democracy vs authoritarianism essay

Thesis Statement: “The thesis of this analysis is that, despite the efficiency and control offered by authoritarian regimes, democratic systems, with their emphasis on individual freedoms, participatory governance, and social welfare, present a more balanced and ethically sound approach to governance, better aligned with the ideals of a just and progressive society.”

#3 Apples vs Oranges Essay

1190 Words | 5 Pages | 0 References

(Level: 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade)

apples vs oranges essay

Thesis Statement: “While apples and oranges are both popular and nutritious fruits, they differ significantly in their taste profiles, nutritional benefits, cultural symbolism, and culinary applications.”

#4 Nature vs Nurture Essay

1525 Words | 5 Pages | 11 References

(Level: High School and College)

nature vs nurture essay

Thesis Statement: “The purpose of this essay is to examine and elucidate the complex and interconnected roles of genetic inheritance (nature) and environmental influences (nurture) in shaping human development across various domains such as physical traits, personality, behavior, intelligence, and abilities.”

#5 Dogs vs Cats Essay

1095 Words | 5 Pages | 7 Bibliographic Sources

(Level: 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade)

Thesis Statement: “This essay explores the distinctive characteristics, emotional connections, and lifestyle considerations associated with owning dogs and cats, aiming to illuminate the unique joys and benefits each pet brings to their human companions.”

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

I’ve recorded a full video for you on how to write a compare and contrast essay:

Get the Compare and Contrast Templates with AI Prompts Here

In the video, I outline the steps to writing your essay. Here they are explained below:

1. Essay Planning

First, I recommend using my compare and contrast worksheet, which acts like a Venn Diagram, walking you through the steps of comparing the similarities and differences of the concepts or items you’re comparing.

I recommend selecting 3-5 features that can be compared, as shown in the worksheet:

compare and contrast worksheet

Grab the Worksheet as Part of the Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Pack

2. Writing the Essay

Once you’ve completed the worksheet, you’re ready to start writing. Go systematically through each feature you are comparing and discuss the similarities and differences, then make an evaluative statement after showing your depth of knowledge:

compare and contrast essay template

Get the Rest of the Premium Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Pack (With AI Prompts) Here

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Thesis Statement

Compare and contrast thesis statements can either:

  • Remain neutral in an expository tone.
  • Prosecute an argument about which of the items you’re comparing is overall best.

To write an argumentative thesis statement for a compare and contrast essay, try this AI Prompts:

đź’ˇ AI Prompt to Generate Ideas I am writing a compare and contrast essay that compares [Concept 1] and [Concept2]. Give me 5 potential single-sentence thesis statements that pass a reasonable judgement.

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How to Write a Compare and Contrast Thesis: a Formula to Success


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is a Compare and Contrast Essay Thesis?
  • 2 Tips for Writing a Good Compare and Contrast Thesis
  • 3 Compare and Contrast Thesis Formula

The basis of a good compare and contrast paper is the thesis statement. For an essay to be effective, it should have a strong thesis that grabs the reader’s attention. If a paper doesn’t have one, or if it has one that’s no good, it probably won’t do well. To write an assignment of quality, understanding how to develop a compare and contrast thesis statement is key.

Before tackling the bulk of your work, you should focus on perfecting the thesis. This establishes the direction your work is going in. Approaching the thesis for compare and contrast essays from different angles helps writers produce one that’s worth reading.

If you’re wondering how to write a thesis for a compare and contrast essay, carry on reading this article. Learn more about this type of thesis for assignments and how you go about producing one. You’ll learn how to persuade the reader and tell them what your point of view is.

What Is a Compare and Contrast Essay Thesis?

So what is a compare and contrast thesis statement and what’s the purpose of one? It’s a brief summary of what your argument will be about. It introduces the reader to your argument and gives them a clear idea of what’s to come. Crafting one helps you develop the  structure of a compare and contrast essay , as well as the outline. This is because it gets you thinking about your topics.

Condensing your whole work into a single summary can be challenging. However, doing so will help you expand your thoughts and come up with new ideas for the rest of your work.

Before coming up with the thesis statement for compare and contrast essay, ask yourself what your goal is. Simply put, it’s about finding and analysing the similarities and differences between two topics. Examples include:

  • The emotional responses of men vs. women
  • The MLA and APA citation styles

Writing about contrasting topics can be approached in two different ways. It’s important you understand each one before starting your work.

Tips for Writing a Good Compare and Contrast Thesis

Any type of college or university work should have a good-quality argument. If you’re wondering how to make a compare and contrast thesis statement good, there are several simple yet worthwhile things to do.

In this section, we’ll look at writing good thesis statements for compare and contrast essays. To produce one that’s well-written, you should know where your work is heading. This means having a thorough understanding of the topics you’ll be contrasting.

You’ll probably have to do a lot of research to understand your topics well enough to write about them. Gather information and evidence that you can use in your work. Once you know enough about them, you should see how they differ and how they’re similar. This should reveal the relationship between the topics and what similarities and differences there are.

Follow the tips for writing a good compare and contrast thesis ensure yours is of good quality.

  • Know what direction your piece of writing will head in. Understand your main argument and how you’ll conclude your work. If you’re struggling, create an outline and this should help you determine a route to go down.
  • Choose a topic that’s quite specific but still has enough content to meet the word count. If your topic is too broad, it’ll be harder to condense everything.
  • Include the most important comparisons and contrasts. Use an anchor chart to help determine what to include.
  • Use compare and contrast words to give your summary more flow and improve its readability.
  • Place the thesis statement of the compare and contrast essay at the end of the introduction. People reading your work should be able to easily identify it.
  • Choose your tone of voice carefully. Use language that’s to the point but also informative. Don’t put any words or phrases in that aren’t necessary and don’t contribute anything.

Use these tips to improve your thesis statement for comparison and contrast essays. Don’t just write it in a hurry; spend time on it because it’s an important part of your work. Come up with several versions and determine which one is likely to be the best to use.

Again, it’s best that you produce the thesis before tackling the rest of your comparison assignment. This is because it should help you determine where the argument is heading. It should also remind you of the key points you’ll be making throughout the work.

A compare and contrast essay thesis statement should be as long as necessary but, at the same time, as short as possible. Make it a few sentences in length. You should write what you need but not overdo it.

Compare and Contrast Thesis Formula

When composing a compare and contrast essay thesis, there’s a general formula you should stick to. Below is the formula in a single sentence. Further down are some examples.

“Although topics X and Y are similar because of A and B , topic X is (your argument) because of C and D. “

How exactly does this formula work? First, you’ll identify the topics you’ll be discussing. These are X and Y. Then, you’ll focus on some facts that they have in common. These are A and B – you can have more, but two should be enough.

Then, you’ll bring in your argument. You’ll then say that topic X wins the argument because of reasons C and D. Again, there can be more reasons, but you should keep it brief and have just two or possibly one.

Here are some examples:

  • Although medicine and chemistry are great degrees because of their job prospects and reputation, medicine is better for those who want to help people. This is because it involves direct contact with patients.
  • While Spanish and French are easy to learn and widely spoken, Spanish is better for those living in the USA. The reason is that the USA has many more Spanish speakers.
  • Although smartphones and tablets are great for mobile gaming, those who prefer a quality gaming experience prefer tablets. They cite the larger screens as the key reason why.

In each of the examples above, the topics X and Y are introduced early on. Then there are one or two things they have in common. Topic X is mentioned as fitting the argument. Finally, there’s an explanation for this that highlights a point topic X has that topic Y doesn’t.

Use our compare and contrast thesis template and improve your work with statements of quality. Getting your thesis statement for a compare and contrast paper is crucial if your work’s going to read well. Don’t forget to use our custom writing service if you’re stuck on drafting a thesis for compare and contrast papers and still need help. We have experienced essay, dissertation and even PowerPoint presentation writers available to help bring to ideal your assignment.

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Writing effective comparison/contrast essays.

1. Brainstorming and Prewriting

Recall that a comparison/contrast essay serves the purpose of examining the similarities and/or differences between two subjects. When you compare things, you show their similarities; when you contrast things, you show their differences.

The first step in writing a comparison/contrast essay is to brainstorm ideas and decide upon a topic. It's important that you find two things that have enough similarities or differences in order to be able to effectively compare or contrast them. If you choose two things that are too similar, you’ll struggle to find meaningful differences. If you choose two things that are too different, you’ll struggle to find meaningful comparisons.

During the brainstorming stage of the writing process, you can use a variety of activities to help you generate ideas for your topic. It can be helpful to make a list of similarities and differences between your two subjects, then choose the ones that are most important to use in your comparison/contrast essay.

This will help you to see the multitude of similarities and differences, and then focus in on the most important ones to use in your essay:

Similarities Differences
Both are cold-blooded reptiles. Crocodiles are larger than alligators.
Both eat a similar diet. Crocodiles have a pointed snout, and alligators have a rounded snout.
Both can move quickly on land. Crocodiles live in saltwater, and alligators live in freshwater.
Both live in a water environment. Alligators live only in the U.S. and part of China, while crocodiles live across the globe.

Clustering, or mapping, is another way to generate ideas using words, shapes, and lines that show the connections between those ideas.

  • There are unending things that you can compare/contrast, and choosing two might seem overwhelming. Some common themes for a comparison/contrast essay may include events (Battle of Fort Sumter versus Battle of Sewell’s Point), situations (riding the bus versus driving to work), people (a CEO versus a CFO of a company), and places (London versus Tokyo).
  • A good approach for beginner writers can be to pick two things that are in the same overarching category (foods, animals, locations, people, events, etc.) but differ in some significant ways. This can make it easier to see the similarities as well as the differences.
  • Don’t forget to consider the "So what?" question when deciding on your topic. Why are you choosing this topic? Why should anyone care? Is it at all meaningful? You should be able to explain to your readers why it is useful that they understand the similarities or differences between these two topics.
  • Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. (historical figures)
  • The 1960s and today (two eras in time)
  • Pop music and country music (genres of music)
  • Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres (talk show hosts)
  • Online college courses and in-person college courses (ways to take college courses)
  • Communism and socialism (belief systems)
  • Solar power and wind energy (energy types)

As you narrow your focus, you will need to determine which points of comparison or contrast are most important. The number of points of comparison or contrast that you settle on will be driven by the topic you choose. However, for the comparison/contrast essay you’ll be writing for this course, you will need to focus in on two or three main points of comparison or contrast.

As you know, an outline can be a useful tool during prewriting to help you further develop the ideas and organization of your essay. Creating an outline will help you plan the way in which you want to organize your body paragraphs, and which details you want to include in each. This will help you to produce a sort of roadmap for your essay.

2. Drafting a Thesis Statement

A good thesis statement is the cornerstone of any academic essay. During the brainstorming and prewriting steps, you will have selected a topic and chosen your strongest main points to either compare or contrast within your essay. This will help you further develop your thesis statement.

A good thesis statement should convey the main points of your essay and should avoid being overly generic.

Instead, a good thesis statement should provide more information on which points of comparison or contrast will be discussed in the essay. Below are some templates you can consider as you begin to draft your thesis statement. A good thesis statement is not required to follow one of these patterns, but as a beginning writer, you may find that they provide a helpful starting point.

For an essay contrasting two subjects, your thesis statement may look something like this:

{Subject 1} and {Subject 2} may appear similar, but they differ in {first point of contrast}, {second point of contrast}, and {third point of contrast}.

Or, if you are comparing two subjects, your thesis statement might look something like this:

{Subject 1} and {Subject 2} do not appear to have a lot in common, but they are very similar in {first point of comparison}, {second point of comparison}, and {third point of comparison}.

A thesis statement might meaningfully contrast two subjects using the template above, like this:

Paris and Tokyo are both large metropolitan cities, but they differ in terms of their job opportunities, average income, and living expenses.

Notice how the primary emphasis in the above thesis is about how the two cities differ based on the three points the author chose to focus on: job opportunities, income, and living expenses. This thesis statement gives the reader a clear idea of the specific points of contrast that will be covered within the body of the essay.

3. Methods of Organization

Now that you have your working thesis statement, you’re ready to begin thinking about how to organize the body paragraphs within your essay.

  • The point-by-point method
  • The block method

You may also consider your particular approach to the subjects as well as the nature of the subjects themselves; some subjects might better lend themselves to one structure or the other.

3a. Point-by-Point Method

The point-by-point method, also known as the alternating format method, is one method of paragraph development and organization for a comparison/contrast essay.

When you use the point-by-point method, you are choosing one point of comparison and then writing one paragraph about each of your subjects that shows how they are similar or different.

IN CONTEXT If you are comparing two fast-food restaurants, McDonalds and Burger King, you would first determine your points of comparison. Let’s say you're going to focus on similarities in costs, menus, and taste. Your first body paragraph would consider the costs at McDonalds, and your second body paragraph would consider the costs at Burger King. Your third and fourth body paragraphs would consider the menus at McDonalds and Burger King, and your final two body paragraphs would consider the taste of the food at both restaurants.

This method of organizing is usually easier for the reader to follow, as the main points of the body paragraphs alternate in sequence between subjects.

To demonstrate this method, let’s take the thesis statement, "Paris and Tokyo are both large metropolitan cities, but they differ in terms of their job opportunities, average income, and living expenses." In this case, the author is focusing on the differences between the two cities in regard to three main points.

  • Introduction + thesis statement
  • Body paragraph 1: Job opportunities in Paris
  • Body paragraph 2: Job opportunities in Tokyo
  • Body paragraph 3: Average income in Paris
  • Body paragraph 4: Average income in Tokyo
  • Body paragraph 5: Living expenses in Paris
  • Body paragraph 6: Living expenses in Tokyo

3b. Block Method

The block method, also known as the subject-by-subject method, is another method of paragraph development and organization in a comparison/contrast essay.

As the name implies, if you choose the block method, you will consider all of your points of comparison or contrast for one subject in the first two or three body paragraphs of your essay, and then discuss the same main points for the second subject in the remaining body paragraphs.

IN CONTEXT If you're contrasting your local grocery store with the giant superstore outside of town, you would first determine your points for contrast. You might choose to focus on the differences in prices, convenience, and atmosphere. You would begin the body of the essay by devoting one paragraph each to these three points about your local grocery store; then, you would write three paragraphs that show how the superstore is different according to those same points.

hint If you choose this method, pay special attention to transition use to help guide your reader.

To demonstrate this method, let’s again take the thesis statement, "Paris and Tokyo are both large metropolitan cities, but they differ in terms of their job opportunities, average income, and living expenses."

  • Body paragraph 2: Average income in Paris
  • Body paragraph 3: Living expenses in Paris
  • Body paragraph 4: Job opportunities in Tokyo
  • Body paragraph 5: Average income in Tokyo

4. Using Transitions

Given that comparison/contrast essays analyze the relationship between two subjects, it is also helpful to have some transitions on hand that will cue the reader to such analysis.

These words and phrases help to highlight the points you are trying to make by signaling the relationships between the subjects in a clear way.

Below are some sample transitional words and phrases that you may use to indicate a comparison or contrast.

Comparison Words/Phrases Contrast Words/Phrases
Both Alternatively
Similarly In contrast
Likewise One difference/another difference
One similarity/another similarity Conversely
In comparison Whereas
Like Nevertheless
Similar to Unlike
In the same way On the other hand
Also Despite
Compared to However
In a similar fashion While

summary In this lesson, you learned how to begin putting your comparison/contrast essay together by first starting with brainstorming and prewriting, then moving on to drafting a thesis statement . There are two methods of organization for the body of a comparison/contrast essay that you can choose from: the point-by-point method and the block method . The specific way in which you organize your body paragraphs will be largely determined by your topic and subjects, your audience, and your purpose. Whichever method you choose, using transitions effectively can help readers follow along with your main points. Best of luck in your learning!


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How to Write a Thesis for a Compare and Contrast Essay

October 25, 2023

The purpose of the thesis in a compare and contrast essay is to clearly establish the main point or argument that you will be making throughout the paper. This thesis statement will serve as a roadmap for your essay, allowing the reader to understand the scope and purpose of your analysis. When writing a thesis for a compare and contrast essay, you need to carefully consider the similarities and differences between the two subjects or ideas you are exploring. By identifying these key elements, you can craft a thesis that highlights the main points of comparison and contrast. The thesis should be concise and specific, capturing the essence of your analysis. As you write the thesis for your compare and contrast essay paper, ensure that it effectively guides your writing and provides a clear direction for your argument.

What is a Good Thesis

A good thesis for a compare and contrast essay serves as a clear, concise, and compelling statement that presents the main argument or point of your essay. It should capture the essence of your analysis, effectively summarizing the similarities and differences between the two subjects or ideas you are comparing. A well-crafted thesis sets the tone for the entire essay and provides a roadmap for the reader to follow.

In order to develop a strong thesis, it is essential to thoroughly analyze and understand the subjects or ideas being compared and contrasted. Look for key similarities and differences that will form the basis of your analysis. Consider the significance of these similarities and differences, and how they contribute to your overall argument.

A good thesis statement may take the form of a declarative sentence, directly stating the main point of your essay. It should be specific, focused, and arguable, allowing for further exploration and analysis in the body of your essay. Additionally, a strong thesis should also be supported by evidence and examples throughout the essay, demonstrating the validity of your argument.

Ultimately, a good thesis for a compare and contrast essay will engage the reader, provide a clear direction for your analysis, and showcase your understanding of the topic.

Compare and Contrast Thesis Types

In writing a thesis for a compare and contrast essay, there are several types of thesis statements that you can consider. The type of thesis statement you choose depends on the nature of the subjects or ideas being compared and contrasted, as well as the purpose of your essay.

  • Point-by-Point Thesis: This type of thesis statement highlights the specific points of comparison and contrast between the subjects. It organizes the essay by discussing one point at a time, analyzing how each subject relates to that point.
  • Subject-by-Subject Thesis: In contrast to the point-by-point thesis, the subject-by-subject thesis statement addresses each subject separately. It presents a comprehensive analysis of one subject first, and then transitions to the next subject, discussing similarities and differences along the way.
  • Comparative Thesis: A comparative thesis statement focuses on the similarities between the subjects, exploring how they are alike and why these similarities are significant. This type of thesis statement highlights shared characteristics and can be effective for emphasizing common ground.
  • Contrastive Thesis: Conversely, a contrastive thesis statement highlights the differences between the subjects, examining why these differences matter and how they shape each subject’s distinct characteristics. This type of thesis statement is useful when you want to emphasize diverging aspects.
  • Combination Thesis: A combination thesis statement incorporates elements of both comparison and contrast. It identifies key similarities and differences between the subjects, delivering a balanced analysis that explores both shared traits and distinctive features.

Consider the nature of your subjects and the desired focus of your essay when selecting the appropriate thesis type. Remember to be clear, specific, and arguable in your thesis statement, providing a foundation for your compare and contrast essay.

Step by Step Guide: How to Write a Thesis for a Compare and Contrast Essay

  • Understand the Assignment:
  • Read the essay prompt carefully to understand the specific requirements and expectations for the compare and contrast essay.
  • Identify the subjects or ideas that need to be compared and contrasted.
  • Analyze the Subjects:
  • Take time to research and understand each subject thoroughly.
  • Identify the key similarities and differences between the subjects.
  • Look for patterns, themes, or significant aspects that stand out.
  • Brainstorm:
  • Make a list of all the similarities and differences you have found.
  • Consider the significance of these similarities and differences and how they contribute to your overall argument.
  • Reflect on your personal insights and observations about the subjects.
  • Develop a Working Thesis:
  • Based on your analysis and brainstorming, craft a working thesis statement that summarizes the main argument or point you want to make in your essay.
  • Remember that the thesis should clearly express the similarities and differences between the subjects.
  • Refine and Revise:
  • Evaluate your working thesis critically and consider any possible weaknesses or limitations.
  • Ensure that your thesis statement is specific, focused, and arguable.
  • Make necessary revisions to improve the clarity and strength of your thesis.
  • Test the Thesis:
  • Review your thesis statement with a critical eye.
  • Ask yourself if the thesis effectively captures the essence of your analysis and argument.
  • Consider whether the thesis provides a clear direction for the rest of your essay.
  • Incorporate Supporting Evidence:
  • Gather evidence and examples from your research to support your thesis statement.
  • Select specific points of comparison and contrast to strengthen your argument.
  • Craft an Introduction:
  • Write an introduction paragraph that sets the tone for your essay and introduces your thesis.
  • Provide background information on the subjects and clearly state your thesis statement.
  • Write the Body Paragraphs:
  • Organize your essay by discussing each similarity or difference in separate paragraphs.
  • Use topic sentences to introduce the main point of each paragraph.
  • Provide supporting evidence, examples, and analysis to support your main point.
  • Analyze and Evaluate:
  • Dive deeper into the significance and implications of the similarities and differences discussed in your essay.
  • Offer critical analysis and evaluation of the subjects, using your thesis statement as a guide.
  • Summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis statement in the conclusion paragraph.
  • Reflect on the overall significance and relevance of your analysis.
  • Revise and Edit:
  • Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammar.
  • Make necessary revisions to strengthen your thesis and improve the flow of your essay.

By following these step-by-step guidelines, you can effectively craft a thesis for a compare and contrast essay that will guide your analysis and present a compelling argument to your readers.

Compare/Contrast Essay Thesis Examples

  • Despite their similar appearances, cats and dogs have distinct characteristics that make them suitable as pets for different types of people.
  • While traditional classrooms offer face-to-face interaction, online education provides flexibility and convenience, making it a viable alternative for many learners.
  • The advancements in technology have transformed the way we communicate, but face-to-face communication remains crucial for fostering deep connections and understanding.
  • By analyzing the novels “1984” by George Orwell and “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, one can uncover the contrasting methods of dystopian control and the resulting consequences on society.
  • While both ancient Greek and Roman civilizations made significant contributions to art, literature, and philosophy, their cultural and political structures exhibit notable differences that shaped their respective legacies.

Remember, these are just examples, and your thesis should be tailored to the specific subjects and arguments you are discussing in your compare and contrast essay.

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10 Good Examples Of Thesis Statements For A Compare And Contrast Essay

If you’ve been set this type of paper, you’ll need to know how to handle each part of its construction; and one of those parts is getting your thesis statement right!

It should come after the introduction and is usually just one sentence in the first paragraph of your first chapter. So, for something so short, it could be overlooked as not being as important as other parts of the paper. Well, don’t overlook it! In that short thesis statement should be contained your intention for the whole paper- so make sure you get it right! Don't hesitate to use this essay website in case something is not clear to you.

A thesis statement should interpret the significance of the subject to be discussed. Simply, it informs the reader of the expectations they can have for the rest of the essay; it is the argument for the forthcoming thesis.

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Here are 10 good examples:

  • Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream contrasts the fairies and the mortals’ perception of, and boundaries of, reality, which is furthered by the play within a play.
  • Although Egyptian and South American pyramids differed greatly in many respects, as with their exterior and interior construction techniques, they also had many striking similarities; most obviously, they were made by two geographically different peoples who had no contact with one another according to official history.
  • There are an incredible amount of similarities between the stories of the movies Dances With Wolves and Avatar, with plenty of reason to think this is not accidental.
  • When comparing and contrasting the Republicans and Democrats, it seems as though they have so much more in common than not.
  • With Richard Dawkins and others promoting atheism these days, there are many atheists who have uncanny similarities with Christian preachers.
  • Seeing as Judaism, Christianity and Islam all stem from the same Abrahamic religion, and therefore they all technically worship the same god, are there enough differences between them to keep them opposed?
  • How exactly does Milton’s Paradise Lost differ to Genesis of the Bible, and due to many factors (such as having a single author) does Milton’s work actually contain more wisdom than the other?
  • With quantum physics discovering what many would claim as old mystical truths, let’s examine just how many similarities can be seen in the spiritual and scientific worlds.
  • Manet’s Olympia painting obviously has many similarities to the Titian’s original (the Venus of Urbino) and there are plenty of apparent contrasts in its artistic perception, but what of the public’s perception to such paintings at different points in time?
  • With so many obelisks placed in major cities around the world, are there enough similarities in their placement to give weight to ancient ley line theories?
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Writing a Paper: Comparing & Contrasting

A compare and contrast paper discusses the similarities and differences between two or more topics. The paper should contain an introduction with a thesis statement, a body where the comparisons and contrasts are discussed, and a conclusion.

Address Both Similarities and Differences

Because this is a compare and contrast paper, both the similarities and differences should be discussed. This will require analysis on your part, as some topics will appear to be quite similar, and you will have to work to find the differing elements.

Make Sure You Have a Clear Thesis Statement

Just like any other essay, a compare and contrast essay needs a thesis statement. The thesis statement should not only tell your reader what you will do, but it should also address the purpose and importance of comparing and contrasting the material.

Use Clear Transitions

Transitions are important in compare and contrast essays, where you will be moving frequently between different topics or perspectives.

  • Examples of transitions and phrases for comparisons: as well, similar to, consistent with, likewise, too
  • Examples of transitions and phrases for contrasts: on the other hand, however, although, differs, conversely, rather than.

For more information, check out our transitions page.

Structure Your Paper

Consider how you will present the information. You could present all of the similarities first and then present all of the differences. Or you could go point by point and show the similarity and difference of one point, then the similarity and difference for another point, and so on.

Include Analysis

It is tempting to just provide summary for this type of paper, but analysis will show the importance of the comparisons and contrasts. For instance, if you are comparing two articles on the topic of the nursing shortage, help us understand what this will achieve. Did you find consensus between the articles that will support a certain action step for people in the field? Did you find discrepancies between the two that point to the need for further investigation?

Make Analogous Comparisons

When drawing comparisons or making contrasts, be sure you are dealing with similar aspects of each item. To use an old cliché, are you comparing apples to apples?

  • Example of poor comparisons: Kubista studied the effects of a later start time on high school students, but Cook used a mixed methods approach. (This example does not compare similar items. It is not a clear contrast because the sentence does not discuss the same element of the articles. It is like comparing apples to oranges.)
  • Example of analogous comparisons: Cook used a mixed methods approach, whereas Kubista used only quantitative methods. (Here, methods are clearly being compared, allowing the reader to understand the distinction.

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examples of thesis statements for compare and contrast

Compare/Contrast Papers

  • Getting started
  • Primary & secondary sources
  • Scholarly, trade, & popular publications
  • Scholarly & peer-reviewed journals
  • Grey literature
  • Brainstorming
  • Exploring the internet
  • Exploring background information
  • Narrowing/broadening your topic
  • Block organization
  • Point-by-point
  • Compare then contrast
  • Introduction
  • Thesis statement
  • Supporting paragraphs
  • Transitions
  • Citing your sources

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What is a thesis statement.

A thesis statement is a sentence that directly states the central idea of your written assignment. In essays, a thesis statement is usually included in the introduction. In longer pieces of writing, it may appear further along, but still near the beginning.

A successful thesis has the following characteristics:

  • it is  interesting  to the readers
  • it is  specific
  • it narrows down the scope of the topic to "make it  manageable "

What are some examples of a thesis statement?

Your thesis is generally one of the harder sentences to write, especially for those new to writing research papers.  You want the reader to know with this one statement what your stance on the topic is and what you intend to prove with your research.  Some good examples of a thesis statement would be:

  • While cake and pie are both desserts, the structure, ingredients, and ease of transportation sets pie apart from its main competitor.
  • An analysis of video game profit margins reveals one challenge facing game developers: the success of AAA games and the popularity of independent titles.
  • In the movies  Shaun of the Dead  and  28 Days Later , the opening sequence establishes the tone and theme of the film through non-diegetic sound, methodical pacing, and striking visuals.

I don't know what my thesis is yet!

That's ok! As you develop your essay or research paper, your thesis may change. Revise it to reflect the scope and the central idea of your writing.

Writing evolves in stages; sometimes, you may not know what your thesis will be until you start to write. The concept of a  working thesis  is important here.

What is a working thesis?

A working thesis  should have two parts: a topic part, which states the topic, and a comment part, which makes an important point about the topic. 

  • Topic:  Cake and pie are both desserts but are very different
  • Comment:  pie is the clear winner because its better structured, has a bigger variety of fillings, and is much easier to take with you
  • Topic:  Difference in profit margins: AAA games vs Indie titles
  • Comment:  indie titles are growing in popularity and may make the smaller teams more money than what programmers get from AAA titles
  • Topic:  There were a lot of zombie movies in the 00s but only a handful really stick out as "noteworthy"
  • Comment: Its not just about the tone of the movie, but how they pace it.  The sound and visuals have to be unique but not jarring or hokey.  
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examples of thesis statements for compare and contrast

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15 Compare and Contrast Thesis Examples to Inspire You

Compare and contrast thesis are written solely based on comparison. Composing a comparative thesis simply implies writing an essay aimed at defining two or more entities based on their differences and similarities to each other.  With this, it is important to establish a criterion to make any analysis on the two things to be compared and contrasted. A comparative thesis statement is used to introduce the reader or the audience to the result obtained from comparing and the essence of contrasting. While comparing shows the similarities, contrasting identifies the differences between two things. These things should, however, be related or connected in some way.

Writing a Compare and Contrast Thesis Statement

As humans, there is always this urge to compare things. We see two similar products and we try to find the key differences or similarities between them. Most times, humans are keen on finding and comparing the key elements of two entities and how we can tell one apart from the other. Making comparisons is important to widen and deepen our understanding of the subjects being compared.

In constructing a compare and contrast thesis statement, it is important to use related items to point both items to a common course. It is quite easy to construct a thesis statement of this sort. However, it is very important to use the right points in making any form of comparison or contrast. This point can in turn be used to create a thesis for compare and contrast essay.

Compare and Contrast Thesis Examples

Below are examples of thesis statements:

  • Electric cars are safer, cleaner, and easier to maintain than biodiesel cars. Biodiesel cars, however, are still the major driving force of the auto industry of which can be attributed to a large number of biodiesel cars present in the market when compared to the small number of electric cars available for purchase.
  • Unlike in a parasitic association where one organism deprives the other of basic nutrients and necessities, the symbiotic association comprises two organisms living and depending mutually on each other.
  • Although IOS and Android are two of the most trusted products in the mobile phone market, the Android operating system offers a more open system compared to the IOS.
  • While many Americans prefer to have a cat as a pet, others still rate dogs as better pets because dogs are considered more loyal than any house pets there are.
  • Egypt and Sudan are known to have many pyramids built during ancient times. Egypt however accommodates more tourists even with fewer pyramids than Sudan.
  • While many differences exist between Netflix and Disney, one of the most important is the availability of more movies and shows on the former than on the latter.
  • Both Spotify and Tidal are well-known music streaming platforms. Spotify however, is far more popular than Tidal
  • Though the plot of Harry Potter and The Wizards of OZ is very distinct. Both however manage a common core theme: Wizardry.
  • World War I was fought with medieval weapons and archaic machinery, World War II was fought with quite advanced and modern artillery of which include tanks, airplanes, ships, and submarines. Both wars, however, were caused by imperialism, alliances, nationalism, and militarism.   
  • While many exceptional footballers have been involved in the game of football, both Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are considered the greatest players of all time.
  • So many people today will mistake coca-cola for Pepsi as a result of their similar taste. Their brands, however, can be used to tell them apart.
  • While it may seem as though women’s rights have improved drastically since ancient times, studies have shown that women are still the most oppressed and shamed sexually, morally, and emotionally when compared to men’s rights even in modern times.
  • While North Korea and South Korea have always shared similar cultures and traditions since time immemorial, South Korea is more stable both politically and economically.
  • Venus is often regarded as Earth’s twin as a result of the similar size, mass, distance, and composition between them. Earth however is still the only planet known to support life.
  • Just like Google, Yahoo is a prominent search engine. But through massive innovation, and publicity, Google has become the major powerhouse in the tech industry.

Compare and contrast essay thesis should be able to introduce the reader to a paragraph without emphasizing too much on the subjects to be discussed. This makes them very important in the English language structure.

examples of thesis statements for compare and contrast

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  • How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from

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How to Write a Thesis Statement Compare and Contrast + Example

Writing a thesis statement compare and contrast can be an easy thing to do if you know what to do when writing. In this article, you will be getting tips on how to write a compare and contrast thesis statement.

What is a Thesis Statement Compare and Contrast?

Compare and contrast means to put two topics side by side and examine their similarities and differences to get a result. A thesis statement compare and contrast example includes the spending habit of men vs women, patriarchy vs feminism, 21st-century living vs 20th-century living, etc.

Tips for Writing a Thesis Statement Compare and Contrast

  • Draw out a rough outline

Many students usually use a Venn diagram to help them with brainstorming their thesis statement. A Venn diagram is a drawing of two or more circles overlapping each other. Since you are writing a compare and contrast statement between two topics, you should only have two circles. One circle should be for the first topic and contain its main features. Similarly, the second circle should be for the second topic and contain its main features. With a Venn diagram, you can easily spot out the similarities and differences between your topics.

Some students use a tabular form to outline their ideas while others simply scribble down their ideas on paper. Just find out which method works best for you and stick with it.

  • Create a thesis statement

After getting the similarities and differences from your topics, the next thing to do is create a thesis statement. A thesis statement is the central idea of an academic work. Usually, it appears as the last sentence in the introduction of an academic paper. It explains the main idea or what the paper is claiming to focus on. It could come in the form of a question or just a statement. Usually, the writer may repeat this thesis statement over and again in the paper for emphasis. However, this should not be abused as the thesis statement should only be repeated only when necessary.

It is your thesis statement that will be the guide for your thesis, essay, or any other academic paper.

  • Create a structure

The structure of your work depends on the type of academic paper that you are writing. If you are writing an essay, then the structure of your work will follow the basic introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, if you are writing a thesis, your structure will consist of chapters. These include chapter one which is the introduction; chapter two which is the literature review; chapter three which is the methodology; chapter four which is the analysis; chapter five which is the discussion chapter; and chapter six which is the conclusion.

  • Write for your structure

After outlining the structure for your academic work, the next thing to do is write content for each of them. To write your introduction, make sure you start with a statement that will hook the reader’s attention. This could be a controversial statement or a shocking question. Make sure that a reader can tell the direction of the content of your paper just by reading your introduction.

After writing your introduction, write the body paragraphs. You can start by comparing the differences or similarities between your topics. For example, if your topic was patriarchy vs feminism, you could write about how each one wants to dominate the other. Make sure your body paragraphs have enough points so that you are not just using words. The most important thing is to constantly make comparing and contrasting statements in your body paragraphs.

After writing your body paragraphs, write your conclusion. Now, do not write new information in your conclusion. Instead, make your conclusion a summary of all your main points.

  • Edit and proofread

After writing, the next thing to do is edit and proofread. If you are feeling tired after writing, then you can take a break before editing and proofreading. You can also use an online spellchecker to correct for errors and bad grammar. After editing and proofreading, check for plagiarism.

Now before you submit, you can give your work to a senior or an expert to help you proofread.

With this thesis statement compare and contrast example, it should now become easier for you to write yours.

examples of thesis statements for compare and contrast

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How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

Written by MasterClass

Last updated: Jun 7, 2021 • 3 min read

Compare and contrast essays examine topics from multiple viewpoints. This kind of essay, often assigned in middle school and high school, teaches students about the analytical writing process and prepares them for more advanced forms of academic writing. Compare and contrast essays are relatively easy to write if you follow a simple step-by-step approach.

examples of thesis statements for compare and contrast

Essay Papers Writing Online

Tips for crafting effective compare and contrast essays.

Writing compare and contrast essays

Comparing and contrasting is a common method used in academic writing to analyze the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. Whether you are a student working on an assignment or a professional writing a research paper, mastering the art of compare and contrast essays can greatly enhance your writing skills.

In this article, we will explore useful tips and provide examples to help you create compelling and well-structured compare and contrast essays. From understanding the purpose of the essay to organizing your thoughts and arguments effectively, we’ll cover key strategies to ensure your essay is clear, concise, and engaging.

Guide to Writing Successful Compare and Contrast Essays

Compare and contrast essays can be a challenging but rewarding type of academic writing. By comparing and contrasting two or more subjects, you can deepen your understanding of complex topics and improve your critical thinking skills. To help you write effective compare and contrast essays, follow these tips:

1. Choose an appropriate topic: Select two or more subjects that have some similarities and differences. This will make it easier to compare and contrast them effectively.

2. Develop a clear thesis statement: Your thesis statement should clearly state the purpose of your essay and the main points you will be comparing and contrasting.

3. Create a structure: Organize your essay in a way that makes it easy for the reader to follow. You can use a point-by-point or block structure, depending on your preference.

4. Provide evidence: Support your comparisons with evidence from the subjects you are analyzing. This could include quotes, statistics, or examples.

5. Use transitions: Transition words and phrases help to guide the reader through your essay and make it easier to follow your arguments.

6. Revise and edit: After you have written your essay, be sure to revise and edit it carefully. Check for grammar and spelling errors, as well as clarity and coherence.

By following these tips, you can write successful compare and contrast essays that impress your readers and demonstrate your understanding of the subjects you are analyzing.

Understanding the Essay Structure

When writing a compare and contrast essay, it is crucial to follow a clear structure to ensure that your arguments are presented effectively. The basic structure of this type of essay typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Introduction: This section provides an overview of the topics being compared and contrasted. It should also include a thesis statement that highlights the main point of the essay.

Body Paragraphs: The body of the essay is where you provide detailed comparisons and contrasts between the two subjects. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point of comparison and include evidence to support your arguments.

Conclusion: In the conclusion, you should summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis. This section should also provide a final thought or insight to leave a lasting impression on the reader.

By following this structure, you can ensure that your compare and contrast essay is well-organized and easy for readers to follow.

Choosing the Right Topics

When it comes to writing a compare and contrast essay, choosing the right topics is crucial. The topics you select will determine the focus of your essay and set the tone for the rest of your writing. Here are some tips for choosing the right topics:

  • Choose topics that have a clear connection: Make sure the topics you choose have some similarities and differences that you can explore in your essay. This will help you create a meaningful comparison.
  • Opt for topics that interest you: Select topics that you find engaging and meaningful. This will make the writing process more enjoyable and will help you stay motivated throughout.
  • Consider your audience: Think about who will be reading your essay and choose topics that will resonate with them. Consider their interests and preferences when selecting your topics.
  • Avoid overly broad topics: Make sure the topics you choose are specific enough to allow for a focused comparison. Overly broad topics can lead to a lack of depth in your analysis.
  • Look for unique angles: Try to find topics that offer a fresh perspective or unique angle for comparison. This will make your essay more interesting and engaging to your readers.

Gathering and Organizing Information

Before you start writing a compare and contrast essay, it is essential to gather and organize all the necessary information. Begin by selecting the subjects you want to compare and contrast. Make sure they have enough similarities and differences to make your essay informative and engaging.

Once you have chosen your topics, gather relevant information from credible sources. This can include books, academic journals, articles, and reputable websites. Take detailed notes and highlight key points that you can use in your essay. Organize your information in a systematic way to make it easier to reference and use while writing.

Consider creating a T-chart or Venn diagram to visually map out the similarities and differences between your subjects. This can help you see the relationships between the two topics more clearly and guide your essay structure.

By effectively gathering and organizing information, you will set a strong foundation for your compare and contrast essay and ensure that your arguments are well-supported and coherent.

Developing a Strong Thesis Statement

Developing a Strong Thesis Statement

One of the key elements of a successful compare and contrast essay is a strong thesis statement. Your thesis statement should clearly outline the main points you will compare and contrast in your essay. It should also convey your overall argument and the significance of the comparison. Here are some tips for developing a strong thesis statement:

1 Be specific: Make sure your thesis statement is clear and concise. Avoid vague language and provide a specific comparison or contrast.
2 Focus on the main idea: Your thesis statement should capture the main point of your essay and guide the reader on what to expect.
3 Provide a rationale: Explain why the comparison or contrast you are making is important and how it contributes to the understanding of the topic.
4 Use parallel structure: Ensure that the elements being compared or contrasted are presented in a parallel structure within the thesis statement.

By following these tips, you can develop a strong thesis statement that sets the foundation for a well-organized and effective compare and contrast essay.

Writing the Essay: Tips and Tricks

When writing a compare and contrast essay, it’s important to keep in mind a few tips and tricks to make your essay effective and engaging. Here are some strategies to help you craft a compelling piece:

1. Begin with a Strong Thesis Statement:

Start your essay with a clear and concise thesis statement that highlights the main points of comparison and contrast. This will help guide your reader through the rest of the essay and provide a roadmap for your argument.

2. Organize Your Essay Carefully:

Structure your essay in a logical and coherent manner. You can choose to arrange your points by subject or point-by-point, but make sure your essay flows smoothly from one section to the next.

3. Use Transition Words:

Transition words and phrases like “similarly,” “in contrast,” and “however” can help signal the relationship between different ideas and improve the overall coherence of your essay.

4. Provide Concrete Examples:

To illustrate your points effectively, include specific examples and evidence to support your comparisons. This will add depth and credibility to your argument.

5. Revise and Edit:

Finally, don’t forget to revise and edit your essay before submitting it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, ensure your ideas are clear and well-supported, and make any necessary adjustments to improve the overall quality of your writing.

By following these tips and tricks, you can write an effective compare and contrast essay that engages your reader and effectively communicates your ideas.

Examples of Compare and Contrast Essays

1. Online Learning vs. Traditional Classroom Learning

This essay compares and contrasts the benefits and drawbacks of online learning and traditional classroom learning. It discusses factors such as convenience, interaction with instructors, and learning outcomes.

2. iOS vs. Android: A Comparison of Smartphone Operating Systems

This essay delves into the differences between iOS and Android operating systems, comparing their user interface, app availability, customization options, and overall performance. It aims to help readers make informed decisions when choosing a smartphone.

3. Vegetarianism vs. Veganism: Contrasting Plant-Based Diets

This essay explores the distinctions between vegetarianism and veganism, focusing on their dietary restrictions, ethical considerations, environmental impact, and health benefits. It aims to assist individuals in understanding the differences and choosing the diet that aligns with their values and goals.

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Compare and Contrast Thesis Statement Generator

Generate a beautiful thesis in no time with our compare and contrast essay thesis generator.

Any academic paper in college will require a good thesis statement. Make sure you know how to write one using our free compare and contrast thesis statement generator.

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This tool provides you with a reliable template that you can use to write a topic sentence by filling in the required fields:

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You can generate a strong thesis statement for your essay in no time with us!

đź“ť What Is a Compare and Contrast Essay?

A paper of this genre aims to compare two or more things, ideas, or concepts. The comparison must be able to highlight the similarities while also pointing out the differences .

You may structure this essay using the alternating method (discussing one similar feature and then discussing the differences) or the block method (focusing on all the features of one thing and then doing the same for the other thing it is compared to).

Students have to write thesis statements for compare and contrast essays to demonstrate their critical thinking and analytical skills. You need a good hook for this type of essay to capture the reader's interest right from the start.

Step 1: Identify the Similarities and Differences

You can create a Venn diagram to be able to visualize the comparable qualities of the two subjects. This visual representation will make it easier to see where the two subjects overlap, and you can use that as an area of focus for comparing them in the essay. It is also important to pay attention to the features or aspects where they don’t overlap so you can determine their differences.

Take out the items you have listed in the diagram and form them into an outline. These ideas will serve as essay topic ideas, and you can compare that to the assignment brief.

For example, you are tasked to write a compare and contrast essay on two people.

You can focus your comparison on these questions:

  • What are they known for?
  • What do they do?
  • What relationship do they have?
  • What makes them interesting?
  • Do they identify with a particular race, gender, or group?

Step 2: Choose Your Focus

The steps above will help you to build the foundation for your compare and contrast essay. Choose a focus for the point of comparison for your subjects.

Make sure you choose an interesting angle for these subjects or ideas to expound on in your essay. Depending on the assignment brief provided by your instructor, you can narrow down your focus based on what is required for your paper or choose the angle that delivers maximum impact for your thesis statement.

When choosing your focus for the essay, think about its relevance to the course. Think about how you can make your paper interesting and informative. Is there anything of value you can get out of the comparison of the two items?

Step 3: Write Your Thesis Statement

Creating your thesis statement is the next step in writing your academic paper. The thesis statement is more important in the compare and contrast essay type than most other essay types.

You must succinctly identify the distinction between the two objects, people, or ideas compared. Your thesis statement must not be vague; instead, it should be detailed and specific.

If you are struggling with writing a thesis statement that is also an attention grabber , you can utilize a compare and contrast thesis statement generator.

Step 4: Organize Your Ideas

You can organize your ideas in the essay using 2 methods .

The first method is known as subject-by-subject , which is to focus on each subject at a time. You will begin by discussing the features of one subject and then move to the next. When using this method, avoid providing a boring list of features.

Another method is the point-by-point one. Instead of highlighting the features of each subject, you will identify the key points and discuss them one by one.

🤓 Compare and Contrast Thesis Statement Examples

Writing a thesis statement for a compare and contrast essay can be tricky because it should create a focused argument. It should provide your readers with a roadmap of the key points discussed within the academic paper.

  • Does playing violent video games cause players to act violently?
  • What can harm your teeth?
  • Burger King and McDonald’s are both good, but they have several areas to improve on.
  • Burger King uses high-quality ingredients that make the price worth it for their burgers, while McDonald’s offers good value for money with their affordable menu.

As you can see from the both bad examples, they are lacking when it comes to providing specific details about each fast-food chain. Your instructor might require additional details to support your thesis statement.

You can simplify the process of writing the thesis statement using an automated tool like the compare and contrast thesis statement generator.

Thank you for reading this article! If you need more instruments to prepare and polish your assignment, check the collection we prepared .

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Updated: Jul 25th, 2024

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Struggling to create a strong thesis statement for your compare and contrast essay? IvyPanda's free Compare and Contrast Thesis Statement Generator is here to simplify the process! In a few clicks, you can generate a perfect thesis. Try it now and start your essay off right!


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    Step 2: Write your initial answer. After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process. The internet has had more of a positive than a negative effect on education.

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  21. How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

    Contact Sales Learn More. Compare and contrast essays examine topics from multiple viewpoints. This kind of essay, often assigned in middle school and high school, teaches students about the analytical writing process and prepares them for more advanced forms of academic writing. Compare and contrast essays are relatively easy to write if you ...

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    This will make it easier to compare and contrast them effectively. 2. Develop a clear thesis statement: Your thesis statement should clearly state the purpose of your essay and the main points you will be comparing and contrasting. 3. Create a structure: Organize your essay in a way that makes it easy for the reader to follow. You can use a ...

  23. Compare and Contrast Thesis Statement Generator

    Step 3: Write Your Thesis Statement. Creating your thesis statement is the next step in writing your academic paper. The thesis statement is more important in the compare and contrast essay type than most other essay types. You must succinctly identify the distinction between the two objects, people, or ideas compared.