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  • 7 Rejection Letter Samples to...

7 Rejection Letter Samples to Send to Unsuccessful Applicants

9 min read · Updated on August 15, 2024

Ken Chase

Simplify the candidate rejection letter process with these templates.

Whenever you hire a new employee, it almost always means you selected them over other applicants. Obviously, the courteous thing to do is to let each of the other candidates know you've decided not to offer them employment. 

But how should you notify them that they've been passed over for the position? 

For many companies, the answer is simple – send them a clear and professional rejection letter that confirms your decision. 

Why send out a job rejection letter?

Obviously, writing rejection letters is not the easiest thing to do, and sending them out to applicants does take up precious time. However, there are good reasons why companies send them. 

First, a polite rejection notice is considered good etiquette since it lets the candidate know the job has been filled. That confirmation shows you respect their time enough to help them avoid wasting it on a job that's no longer available. It also helps avoid any candidate confusion by helping them understand why they weren't selected for hire.

Companies that develop a habit of sending out formal rejection letters can also help themselves by promoting their own commitment to respectful professionalism. This can leave a positive impact on the rejected candidate, as well as anyone else they might talk to about their job search experience.

Why use template rejection letters?

Template rejection letters can be a great way to save time and ensure a consistent approach to your communication with unsuccessful candidates. They can help you provide uniform answers to explain why a candidate was rejected and advice you think may help the candidate as they continue their job search. Well-constructed rejection letters that offer helpful feedback to candidates can help to soften their disappointment while providing useful information that can benefit their careers .

How to write a rejection letter

So, how do you write a positive and helpful employment rejection letter? The following tips can help you t determine what to include in your applicant rejection letters, along with the best tone and method for addressing rejection in the clearest and most concise manner possible.

Don't delay the rejection

Once you've decided to move forward with a specific candidate, notify rejected applicants as soon as possible. Remember, they may also be pursuing other open positions, so you're doing them a favor by letting them know your company's job has been filled.

Send by email

Today, it's standard practice to send a candidate rejection letter via email rather than by regular mail service. While a mailed letter might seem more formal, most candidates will appreciate receiving the news as soon as possible – and email is always quicker.

Try to be as positive as possible

The rejection will be disappointing for the candidate, so there's no need to pile on with negative feedback or other criticism.

Keep your rejection letters short

No candidate wants to read through a lengthy explanation about why they didn't measure up to expectations. At the same time, though, your letter should include enough detail to ensure that you explain the decision. As a rule, keep your letter limited to no more than three short paragraphs as follows:

Thank them for their interest and let them know you've decided not to hire them. 

Next, include some positive affirmation by focusing on something that impressed you during their interview before you cite a reason they've been rejected. If you might consider them for a different job in the future, tell them that too. 

Finally, wish them well in their efforts to land the right job in the future.

Seven rejection letter samples

Below, we've included seven example job rejection letter templates that you can customize and send to unsuccessful applicants. This selection of templates covers a variety of different approaches for rejecting candidates, so you can choose one or several depending on your company's needs.

1.     Generic rejection letter template

Dear Mr / Ms [Applicant's name],

Thank you for submitting your application and resume for our [title of the position they applied for] position. We deeply appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us. However, after reviewing your application, we have decided not to move forward with your application.

As you probably know, we received a tremendous amount of interest in this position, so this was an extremely difficult decision for our hiring team. Unfortunately, we concluded that your impressive array of skills and achievements were not what we were looking for at this time.

We wish you the best of success in your future career endeavors.

[Your name and company name]

2.     Application rejection letter template

Thank you for submitting your application. We appreciate your interest in a position as a [job title] in our company and the effort you invested in reaching out to us. Unfortunately, our review of the many applications and resumes we received in response to our job posting has moved us to select another candidate for the role.

We do want to commend you for your impressive skill set and accomplishments, and hope you will consider a different role with us at some future point in time. We will keep your resume on file and may reach out to you if we have another opening for a job that better aligns with your unique talents.

We wish you luck and much success in your job search efforts.

Warmest regards,

3.     Screening stage rejection letter template

Thank you for your resume and application submission and for participating in our initial screening process. Unfortunately, our screening suggests that you may not be the best fit for this position or our company at this time. As a result, we have decided to decline moving forward with our interview process.

We should note that your skills, experience, and other qualifications are very close to what we need for this position. However, our screening results found that [provide reason for rejection, such as failed background check, failed drug test, etc.]. Those results led us to focus on other candidates to fill this position.

Again, we applaud your credentials and wish you nothing but the best in your job search efforts. Good luck throughout your career.

Best regards,

4.     Early-stage interview rejection letter template

We truly appreciate you taking the time to meet with our hiring team to interview for our open [title of the job] position. I speak for everyone on the team when I say that we were really impressed with your overall performance and believe that you have a lot to offer to any company that hires you. Regrettably, however, we have decided to decline moving forward in our interview process.

While your interview was solid and compelling, and your resume qualifications are close to what we were looking for, we have decided to hire another candidate whose skills more closely align with our needs for this position. Make no mistake, though – this was a difficult decision.

Since we were so impressed with your candidacy, we will keep your resume on file and contact you if any other opportunities arise in the future. Until then, we wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors and hope for your continued career success.

5.     Final stage interview rejection letter template

Thank you so much for your time and attention throughout our application and interview process. We appreciate the patience you extended to everyone on our team during all [number of interviews] of your meetings with us. Unfortunately, after reviewing the results of our assessments of every candidate for the position, we have decided not to offer you the role.

Everyone on our team agrees that your skills and experience are beyond question, so this decision is in no way a reflection on your qualifications. Our decision was based solely on an evaluation of every candidate's experience and how well we believe they might fit with the specific needs of that open position. Regrettably, that decision process led us to another candidate.

We would appreciate it if you would allow us to contact you if or when another position opens that we believe might be a better fit for your core competencies. In the meantime, we want to extend our best wishes for your future success.

With our best regards,

6.     Post-phone call rejection letter template

Dear Mr /Ms [Applicant's name],

This letter is to follow up on our recent phone call with you confirming that we will not be hiring you for the position of [name of position the applicant applied for]. I wanted to personally contact you and let you know how much we all appreciated having the opportunity to get to know you throughout our interview process.

I  would like to point out how impressed we were with your qualifications and interview skills. We all recognize the potential value our company could enjoy if you were a member of our team.

Thank you for your interest in our company. We wish you luck in your career journey.

7.     Rejection letter template advising candidate to reapply in the future

Thank you so much for interviewing for our position as a [job title]. Your qualifications are impressive, which made our hiring decision extremely difficult. However, the team here has decided to offer the job to another candidate.

Still, we want to let you know that we recognize your talents and are confident you would do well in a different role within our organization if you focused on developing [cite a skill that the candidate needs to enhance]. With those added skills , we would be eager to consider you for a different role in our company.

Good luck to you in your job search!

Simplify your efforts to follow-up with rejected candidates

It's never easy to craft a letter letting job candidates know that they've been rejected. Still, it's something that every company should do, and it's helpful to streamline the process as much as possible. By using some variation of these rejection letter templates and customizing them to fit your unique needs, sending out these notifications can be quicker and easier than ever before.

Looking to avoid a job rejection letter by bolstering your resume? Get a free resume review from our experts today!

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Sample Job Rejection Letters

A LinkedIn survey found that 94% of talent would like to get interview feedback .

Make sure you provide a great employer branding experience by communicating with your candidates when they haven’t been successful in applying for a job.

When you send a candidate  rejection letter, it puts your company in a good light.

This will encourage candidates to reapply for another position, speak to their friends or leave good reviews about your business.

The sample job application rejection letters below will give you a good start when communicating with candidates who haven’t made the grade. Use these candidate rejection letter templates and personalize them according to your company. Before we get into the “you didn’t get the job” email samples, here are some tips for writing job applicant rejection letters.

Job applicant rejection letter tips

  • Keep it straightforward. Don’t make the applicant letters long-winded. Keep it professional and to-the-point.
  • Personalize your applicant rejection letters. Use the candidate’s name and position and, if they attended an interview, make a comment about their performance.
  • Be gracious. As well as being professional, you should also be gracious. The person applied for a job at your business because they wanted to work with you, so make sure that your applicant rejection letter is respectful and considerate.
  • Be honest. It may be tempting to say things you don’t mean in your applicant rejection letter. So, keep things simple. For example, don’t include that you want the candidate to apply for more openings going forward if you know that the person isn’t a good fit for your business.
  • Be swift. When you know an applicant isn’t suitable for the role, don’t wait a long time before sending a rejection letter. Do it as soon as possible, so they will concentrate their efforts elsewhere.
  • Cushion the blow. When you have to give the candidate constructive criticism, start off with something positive. You can talk about things you were impressed with and then go into the skills or qualifications they were lacking. Always end on a positive note by wishing them well.
  • Always remember your brand. The applicant rejection letter could be your last chance to convey a positive impression of your business. This will either make your applicant feel favorably towards your business or hard done by. Always think about your reputation when communicating. This should be no different with an applicant rejection letter.

The structure of the job applicant rejection letter

You should have a structure for all of your job candidate rejection letters. This will enable you to say what you need to quickly and efficiently as well as sticking to your company’s brand. Use the following information when formatting a job applicant rejection letter:

  • ‍Address. Start the sample letter for rejecting a candidate with the official address of your business in the top right hand corner. You need to include your address only if you’re sending a physical letter. ‍
  • Date. A few lines under the address, include the date. You don’t need to do this if you’re sending an email.‍
  • Inside address. The candidate’s address goes a few lines underneath the date. ‍
  • Subject. Use a subject line  that is short and to-the-point. For example, the candidate’s name – job application.‍
  • Salutation. How formal or informal your salutation is will depend on your company and whether you’ve met the applicant. If you’ve met them in an interview and have developed a rapport, you can go on a first name basis, for example, “Dear Jane.” ‍
  • Opening paragraph. In the opening paragraph, convey that you appreciate that the candidate took the time to apply for the job and, if applicable, attended the interview.‍
  • The body. Use this part of the job candidate rejection letter to inform the applicant that they were not successful at this time. You can give reasons or just let them know that other candidates were more suitable and matched the job description better .‍
  • Last paragraph. How you use this last paragraph depends on your company’s policies. Some companies use it to give more detailed advice about the application while others simply note that, if the job applicant wants more detailed feedback, they can make a request.‍
  • Closing. Keep this short and to-the-point. Thank the candidate for their time and wish them the best in their future job search.‍
  • Your name and signature. You need to include your name and signature in the last part of the letter. Also, include your contact information just in case the applicant wants more information. In addition, include a signature if you’re sending a physical letter.

Job candidate rejection letter samples and templates

Job rejection letter sample 1, the standard sample rejection letter from an employer to an applicant who will not get an interview..

Dear < Applicant’s first name >,

I would like to say thank you for taking the time to apply and meet with our team about the <role title=””> at <company name=””>. It was great to find out more about what you have achieved, as well as your skills and qualifications.</company></role>

Regrettably, you were not selected by our team to go forward. Please remember that competition for jobs at <company name=””> is very high and it is often difficult to choose between many experienced and quality applicants.</company>

We will be keeping your details on file in case any openings come up in the future that we believe you would be a better fit for.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like detailed feedback about the selection process.

Many thanks again for your interest and application to <company name=””> and all the best with your job search.</company>

< Sender’s name >

Job Rejection Letter Sample 2

Dear Mr./Miss < Applicant’s last name >,

Thank you for applying for the <job title=””> at <company name=””>. We want to thank you for making the effort to apply to our company and we value your interest in becoming part of our team.</company></job>

The number of applications we received for this role was unprecedented and, after careful consideration of every single one of them, it is unfortunate that we have to let you know that you will not be proceeding to the next phase of our selection process. Although your skills and qualifications are remarkable, we have chosen to go forward with another applicant, who is a better fit in terms of experience.

Again, we value your interest in our company and would welcome an application from you in the future, should you come across another role that you think you will be suitable for.

If you need further information or have any more questions, please feel free to contact me by phone at <phone number=””> or email< email address>.</phone>

We wish you all the best with your future ventures.

Job Rejection Letter Sample 3

After a phone interview.

Dear Miss/Mr. < Applicant’s last name >

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me on the phone for the position of <job title=””>.</job>

Our company has received a high number of applications and we have contacted a number of applicants. We would like to let you know that, although your qualifications and skills were very impressive, we have decided to go forward with other candidates whose experience and skills better meet the needs of our organization at this time.

Thank you again for your interest in <company name=””>. I wish you success in your career search.</company>

Job Rejection Letter Sample 4

After a face-to-face interview.

Thank you for taking the time to interview with <company name=””> for the <position name=””>.</position></company>

We value your interest in our company and this role. I am writing to inform you that we have chosen an applicant who is the closest match for the job requirements and description of this role.

We very much appreciate you taking the time and making the effort to attend the interview. We would like you to consider applying for future openings at our company.

Once again, thank you very much for your time.

Job Rejection Letter Sample 5

Dear Miss/Mr. < Applicant’s last name >,

I appreciate you taking the time and making the effort to meet with our team to talk about the <position> at <company>.</company></position>

Your time, enthusiasm and interest in this position are much appreciated. I would like to inform you that the position has been filled by another candidate, whose qualifications, skills and experience most closely matched the requirements in the job description.

However, your application will be kept on file and you will be considered for future openings, if they are a good fit.

Again, it was good to meet with you and I wish you all the best in your future job search.

Job Rejection Letter Sample 6

Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to meet and interview you for <job position=”” title=””> with our company. We value your interest and enthusiasm in joining our team and we enjoyed getting to know more about you.</job>

It can be difficult to choose among brilliant candidates who we interview, especially when we have many who are so qualified for this particular role. Even though we would love to welcome every single person we interview to our team, in the end we need to choose an applicant who we know most closely fulfills the requirements of the position’s job description.

Although your qualifications, experience, skills and education are very impressive, we have chosen to go forward with another candidate who better matches and meets the needs of this role. Our decision was based on small nuances, but you were still a very exceptional candidate. We do hope that you keep us in mind and apply again in the future for a role you believe would be a good fit, as we appreciate your expertise in our industry. You were one of the few top candidates and it was a pleasure to meet you.

If you need more information or have any questions, I would be happy to speak with you. You can contact me by email at <email address=””> or phone at <phone number=””>.</phone></email>

Once again, thank you for the time, effort, energy and enthusiasm you have invested in this process and we wish you all the best in your personal and professional endeavors.

Job Rejection Letter Sample 7

This job applicant rejection letter is used for after a second interview.

Thank you for investing the time to go through our two-stage interview selection process for the position of <job title=””>. Our team really enjoyed meeting you and discussing various aspects of the < industry>.</job>

We have now had the time and opportunity to consider every candidate. You were one of the candidates most highly regarded for this position. However, on this occasion, the team felt that another candidate’s experience and skills were a better match for the position. We want to take this time to encourage you to continue to check our vacancies for future positions that match your skills and experience.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and the next part of your career. Thank you again for your interest in <company name=””>.</company>

Job Rejection Letter Sample 8

After assessment test.

Dear <applicant’s first=”” name=””>,</applicant’s>

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and the team for <job title=””> at <company name=””>. It was a pleasure to learn more about your accomplishments and skills.</company></job>

We have now had the chance to review all applicants and, unfortunately, we regret to inform you that, at this time, we have decided not to proceed with your application. This has been a tough decision as the applicant standards have been very high. However, we have found that, during the test, other candidates had higher verbal reasoning skills. We would like to give you the advice to gain more experience in this field and to submit another application in the near future when more vacancies become available.

Thank you once again for your interest in <company name=””> and we wish you all the best in your job search and career.</company>

Conclusion: Job applicant rejection letter sample

Use the job applicant rejection letter templates above by customizing them according to the different stages of the hiring process .

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After you’ve filled in your job description templates, you can use Fountain’s Boost to get your description in front of the most qualified candidates on both free and paid platforms.

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Deliver a better candidate journey.

You want to hire fast, but you also want your candidates to have a smooth journey to their first day of work. Learn how to enhance the applicant experience to build a successful frontline workforce.

About the Author

Josh harrisking, related content, what is recruitment process outsourcing, redefining rpo: how can the new model elevate your frontline hiring, fountain is now available on the sap® store.


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How To Write a Professional Rejection Letter (+ FREE Samples)

If you’re human (and we know you are, or HR wouldn’t be your calling), rejection letters are never easy. Here’s the good news. Handled well, a rejection letter can leave candidates feeling good about themselves and your brand. And that’s a win-win.

A conceptual representation of a rejection letter.

What is a rejection letter?

application letter denied

Why (and when) should you provide a rejection letter?

  • 34% of candidates do not hear back from employers two months after applying for a role 
  • Only 7% of candidates say they hear back from an employer if they don’t get the job – the other 93% are ghosted
  • Candidates who receive notifications throughout the hiring process rate the candidate experience 50% higher than those who receive no communications (including hearing whether they did or did not land the position) 
  • Candidates who receive timely feedback are 52% more likely to engage with an employer again  
  • Over 69% of job seekers will share negative candidate experiences online.
Did you know? Research from reveals that kindness is the foundation of job satisfaction and employee happiness. Showing candidates respect, communicating clearly and timeously, and providing an efficient hiring experience influence how candidates view your organization and what they share online. Yes, rejection letters are difficult to write, and we naturally want to avoid them, but what can show more kindness than a respectful, empathetic rejection letter? 

The benefits of candidate rejection letters

For candidates.

  • Conveys respect and appreciation for the effort the candidate has put into their application
  • Closes the loop on the process, ensuring that the candidate is not left wondering about the outcome 
  • Can lead to a lasting positive impression of the company, even in rejection.

For employers

How to write a rejection letter.

  • Deliver the news
  • Give the main reason
  • Offer hope.
HR tip Offering hope does not mean giving false hope. Hope is simply a good piece of advice that they can use going forward. It’s a way of subtly implying there are many opportunities out there

Checklist: Writing a rejection letter

A checklist for crafting a concise, professional job rejection letter.

Legal considerations and tips

  • Ensure that the language used in the letter cannot be construed as discriminatory based on race, gender, age, disability, or any other protected class.
  • It’s usually safer not to provide specific reasons for the rejection to prevent misinterpretation or legal action.
  • Treat all candidates who are rejected at the same stage in the process similarly to avoid claims of unfair treatment.
  • Keep records of all communications with candidates and internal decision-making processes for accountability and in case of legal challenges.

3 types of rejection letters + free templates

Did you know? 87% of candidates change their mind about a company they didn’t like if they had a positive candidate experience . – Deloitte research

1. Pre-screening rejection letter

Sample pre-screening rejection letter, 2. post-screening rejection letter, sample post-screening rejection letter, 3. rejection letter after interview, sample rejection letter after interview, the dos and don’ts of writing a rejection letter.

  • Send the rejection letter as soon as the decision is made
  • Maintain a professional and polite tone throughout the letter
  • Thank the candidate for their time and interest in the position
  • Offer constructive feedback if appropriate and feasible
  • Encourage the candidate to apply for future opportunities if you believe they could be a good cultural fit
  • Be succinct yet thoughtful in your message
  • Ensure the rejection is communicated privately
  • Keep the language neutral to avoid any misunderstandings

A comparision chart illustrating the dos and dont's you need to consider when writing a rejection letter.

  • Give false hope. Avoid language that could be misinterpreted as an invitation to apply for the same role again
  • Provide too much detail about the selection process or why others were chosen
  • Be generic. Tailor the letter to address the candidate by name, avoiding overly generic templates
  • Dont delay sending the rejection notice unnecessarily
  • Use language that might come across as insensitive or personal
  • Invite further negotiation or discussion about the decision. The letter should be conclusive
  • Compare the recipient to other applicants or disclose information about them
  • Share the candidate’s status or your feedback publicly or with other candidates.

Mastering the rejection letter

application letter denied

Nadine von Moltke

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Letters , Rejection Letters

37 Polite Rejection Letter and Email Samples (+ Writing Tips)

A polite rejection letter is written by the HR or hiring manager. Many people usually apply for a job, and there is a possibility that a few among the applicants will not qualify for the vacancy advertised. Furthermore, dismissing an application might seem easy, especially if it indicates that a person is not qualified for a job. However, this is not the perfect option because the applicants usually take their time to apply and get interviewed for the position.

Therefore, you must reciprocate the effort even if they are not fit for the job by writing them a job rejection letter. Bear in mind that a job rejection letter respectfully and formally declines a job application. This enables the applicants to continue searching for a job that suits them better and not wait for a letter that is nowhere and is likely not to come. Suppose you do not send this letter; your company is likely to have a negative image during the process of hiring.

What is a Polite Rejection Letter?

A polite rejection letter is a professional courtesy response written to a job seeker who has not been successful after applying, submitting, and attending the interview.

What is a Polite Rejection Letter Template?

A polite rejection letter template is a fillable or editable document that guides you in writing a professional response to unsuccessful job applicants .

Polite Rejection Letter Templates and Examples

Polite rejection letter #01

Why is a Polite Rejection Letter Important?

Below are a few reasons why a polite letter is essential:

Helps the employer in branding

A brand or company that takes time to issue a rejection letter will likely enjoy excellent PR from applicants even when they are not fit for the advertised job. Besides, applicants can refer other individuals to apply with an assurance that they will get a response from the employer.

Similarly, if the applicant is not issued a rejection letter, they are likely to share what they got when they applied with their friends and family. And this might spoil the reputation of the company or employer. As a result, this will limit the figure of individuals applying for the job. Hence limiting the company’s choice, more so in terms of qualified candidates.

It opens a chance for the future

When an applicant receives this letter from the employer, they will boost the experience and skills required. This will make them valuable applicants to the employer soon. This letter creates malice between the applicant and the employer. Therefore, if a vacancy position is advertised in the future, the candidate will comfortably apply.

If the employer does not issue this letter to the unqualified candidates, they improve their weaknesses. They might hesitate to apply for the job if the same company advertises for a job in the future and needs a maximally qualified employee. This will be a loss to the company or brand.

Excellent experience standards

The experience you get when applying for a job plays a vital part in your life. And issuing a rejection letter ensures that you have a polite and professional experience with the company or employer. Furthermore, it also enhances a healthy relationship with candidates, and most people consider this a healthy business practice.

Essential Elements of a Rejection Letter

There are a few essential elements of a rejection letter, these elements include:

  • Thanking the applicant

Applicants usually invest a lot of effort and time to apply, and while undergoing this process, they are usually emotional, excited, and enthusiastic. Applying for a job is demanding, and rejection makes it more complicated, which explains why you should be thankful to them.

Break the negative news

A rejection letter entails bad news, and thus ensure you are clear and upfront when giving this information. Say no and mean a no. You will leave your applicant with no illusions that they have an opportunity.

Explain reasons

As much as the applicants were unsuccessful, you need to explain why they were never chosen. Here you can state that you found more suitable candidates or give comprehensive feedback.

A positive end

Ending your job rejection letter positively is crucial because as much as you have not given them a job, there are many positions out there to try their luck. Thank the jobseeker, appreciate their strengths and encourage them to make applications again in the future.

How to Write a Polite Rejection Letter?

The following are steps you must follow to write a rejection letter:

Develop an informative subject line

When writing a rejection letter, create a unique and straightforward subject line that will stand out in your applicants’ inbox. Include the organization name and the position for the jobseeker to understand the letter’s purpose.

Appreciate the candidate for their precious time

Start your letter by thanking the applicant for taking their time to apply and come for the interview. Stay specific to show that the letter is sincere and unique.

Tell them you do not consider them for the position

Inform them about being unsuccessful and why you considered other candidates. And this is the primary purpose of this letter.

Offer them reasons why they are unsuccessful

Giving the applicant reasons for being unsuccessful usually helps the candidates enhance future roles. Furthermore, explain what you were looking for in a potential candidate. Candidates are never picked because of missing experience, education, and skills.

You must provide them with several positive aspects about your interview or qualification

To leave your candidate smiling, talk about one to two qualities you love about them. When you describe these positive aspects, they will understand where they need to improve.

Inform them you will consider them for future opportunities

Suppose you think that the candidate can be fit for your company, you can choose to consider them for future opportunities. Informing them that you will consider them next time is perfect for maintaining your connection with applicants. In addition, the tone of your letter should be positive.

Motivate them to apply for other positions

Build a connection by encouraging the applicant to apply for other advertised positions they might be interested in. This is another way to show your applicants that you would love them to be part of your company.

End with a positive message

How you close your letter matters; in this section, you need to thank the candidate for their time and wish them the best in their endeavors.

Sample Rejection Letter to Job Candidate

Below is a sample of the rejection letter to the job candidate:

Linda Walker

133 Main Street

1122- Virginia Road, South West Avenue

November 24th, 2019

Cynthia Whitney

133 Business Street

Business Town, NY 12033

Dear Madam Applicant

We interviewed multiple candidates for the finance position, and we offered another applicant this position. Therefore, this letter is to notify you that you were not chosen for the position you applied for.

However, the interview panel was captivated by your experience and credentials. Hence we are offering you a chance to be interviewed for the next finance job in our company. Enclosed is a vacancy description for the review. Suppose you are interested in the second opportunity offered by our company. Kindly email Chris Brown and your interview will be scheduled at your convenient time. The position interviewed is the first one.

We greatly appreciate your effort to come and meet our entire interview team. We enjoyed our discussion and meeting you. Whatever you decide concerning the second interview coming soon, please feel free to apply for the vacancy position you qualify for soon.

Furthermore, we wish you professional success as you search for a job now and also in the future. Thank you for showing maximum interest in our company.

HR Director for employment section

Polite Candidate Draft Rejection Letter

Polite Candidate Draft Rejection Letter

Job Applicant Rejection Letter

A job application rejection letter is a document an employer or sends to a candidate that didn’t meet the qualifications they were looking for. A job application rejection letter can help any individual know where they stand with the company.

Job Applicant Rejection Letter

Proposal Rejection Letter

Proposal Rejection Letter

Polite Business Application Rejection

A business application rejection letter or a letter of declination is a formal letter sent from one business to another declining an offer or proposal. A business application rejection letter is a firm and direct way for B2B (business to business) to correspond with each other in regard to client acquisitions or proposals.

Polite Business Application Rejection

Polite Interview Rejection Letter

A post-interview rejection letter is a document that an employer sends to job candidates who didn’t make it to the next phase of the selection process. No one likes to be “left in the dark” when it comes to the knowing the status of an application or interview. A post interview rejection letter is a very direct and professional way to respond to the declined client.

Polite Interview Rejection Letter

Resume Rejection Letter

A pre-interview rejection letter is a document stating a declination of an interview. A pre-interview rejection letter is ideal for a company to send to candidates when they don’t currently have any openings with their company. A pre-interview rejection letter may also help the candidate find another company that are accepting resumes that match the person’s skill set.

Resume Rejection Letter

Response to Rejection Letter

Response to Rejection Letter

Polite Employment Rejection Letter

Polite Employment Rejection Letter

Example of Polite Rejection Letter

Example of Polite Rejection Letter

Job Offer Rejection Letter

Job Offer Rejection Letter

Polite Client Rejection

Polite Client Rejection

What Is a Rejection Email?

A rejection email is a professional courtesy response to an applicant how has not succeeded after applying and attending an interview.

How to Reject a Candidate via Email?

You might be well familiarized with a job rejection letter, but how do you reject a candidate via email? Below is an overview of how to reject a candidate through email:

Use a person’s name

Most employers find it tempting to create and send a group email to the entire interviewees, but it is inappropriate. It is good to address an applicant by name and make them grateful, and using the first name sounds more personal.

Appreciate them for applying

Applying for a job and attending the interview takes a lot of effort. Therefore, thanking the applicant is a necessity.

Commence with the negative news

This letter needs you to be true and straightforward. It would help if you told the applicant directly that they are unsuccessful. Do not wait to break the bad news at the end of your email. Additionally, job seekers are likely to read and read your rejection letter email. Stay clear and not vague. Do not be sorry for the bad news since whatever decision you make is suitable for your company.

Be personal

Take a considerable amount of time to reflect on the candidates’ experience to make the applicant feel your decision is fair. A rejection letter without any explanation can cause frustrations and confusion and upset the job seeker.

If you offer to give feedback, ensure you fulfill your promise

Many companies offer to give feedback, but they never fulfill their promises. If you are not ready to provide feedback, avoid being promising.

Encourage the applicant to apply again

Being unsuccessful does not mean the doors are shut, and this means you should encourage the jobseeker to make an application in the future. Please include information on how they can find new opportunities in your company, and you can offer them your social media platforms.

End your email professionally

Ensure you end your email professionally and with a salutation.

Proofread your email

Nothing can be irritating like a job-written letter that is poorly written. Ensure you check it before sending it to the applicant.

Sample Detailed Rejection Email

Here is a sample of a detailed rejection email:

To: [email protected]

Your application for the finance position

Dear Cynthia,

It was an honor to meet you at our interview this week. We were captivated by your approach, professionalism, and experience, but we have selected another candidate. I know this comes as a disappointment to you, and however, our interview panel valued your strategy and maximally enjoyed your presentation.

Currently, we are transforming. And we are searching for people with a robust digital background. Therefore, with your qualification, experience, and knowledge, you will feature a suitable position to meet your goals.

We wish you all the best as you continue searching for a job and future endeavors. Kindly feel free to call me or contact me via email suppose you need me to break this down further.

Tips for Writing a Rejection Letter

A rejection letter that serves its exact purpose while maintaining its level of professionalism is a dream of every employer. Below are several tips you must consider when writing your rejection letter.

Inquire for feedback on the process of recruitment

Employers must ask for methods of improving their process of recruitment. This will offer the company room for improvement. This is important because applicants are better positioned to see the recruitment process than the employers.

Avoid terms that can be translated as discrimination and unlawful evidence

Your rejection letter should be based on the qualifications, not a disability or other physical aspect. On the other hand, you should avoid comparing the candidates, which falls under unlawful discrimination.

Offer constructive feedback

As an employer, you should be sure to include constructive feedback in your rejection letter. You can identify certain concerns and issues and provide solutions to your candidate’s area of weakness for improvement purposes. Ensure that positive intentions lead your feedback.

Stay honest

The kind of information on your rejection letter should be 100% true. It would help if you pointed out specific reasons why the applicant did not qualify for the advertised vacancy. Avoid assuring the candidate that you will reach out while you know you will not.

Keep it clear and brief

This letter needs to be as brief as possible. Furthermore, going through a lengthy rejection letter can be pretty boring. Keep this letter brief and clear. A long letter becomes boring very fast.

Avoid using the word rejected

There is no point in using the word reject when writing a job rejection letter, and it would be best if you opted for other phrases or words with the same meaning as rejection. Your objective is to ensure that your letter remains positive.

What makes a good candidate rejection email?

A rejection email has four essential parts that make a good candidate rejection letter, these parts include:

  • Breaking the bad news
  • Explaining reasons
  • Offering a positive end

How long should my rejection letter be?

This question has no wrong or right answer, and it just needs you to create a job rejection letter, which so many organizations and businesses never do. The rejection letter length depends on how long an applicant was involved in the job selection process, and in many cases, 3 to 4 paragraphs are sufficient.

How do you politely reject a job application?

You can politely reject a job application by sending a job rejection letter at the right time, selecting the right medium, and Keeping your letter brief. It would help if you also were personal and asked them to reach out in case of anything and be honest with them.

How do you respond to rejection politely?

Once you receive a job rejection email, you must write your response to the interviewers. It would help if you thanked the interviewers for letting you know they successfully got a potential candidate. Take your time, express your disappointment, and let the interviewer know how disappointed you are.

Let your response show that you are interested in working with the company again to make them consider you the next time in case of any vacancies. This shows the employer how you would love to be considered in the coming future. You can also proceed and ask for feedback about why you failed. This is acceptable to applicants’ who are starting their careers as recent college graduates or student interns.

Final Thoughts

Writing and sending a job rejection letter is crucial because it keeps a professional relationship between employers and applicants. Most employers find it challenging to write a rejection letter, but it is necessary to reach out to candidates who did not qualify for the position advertised. Ensure that the job rejection letter is polite, honest, and brief. Similarly, the letter also needs to be personalized to show the employer’s appreciation to each individual who underwent the application process. Feedback is \ in the job rejection letter since it encourages the jobseeker to enhance the skills and qualities they need.

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Rejection letter or email to applicants - Letter Sample

This applicant rejection letter sample or rejection email template can save you a lot of time when sending responses to job applicants who did not qualify for your open positions. writing and sending a clear and positive rejection letter is crucial for ensuring a great employer branding and improving your candidate experience. this means that a rejection letter can have a direct outcome on your future hiring success.

Applicant rejection letter

How to send a rejection letter or rejection email

What is a rejection letter or email to applicants, the importance of a rejection letter or email to applicants, how to use this ejection letter sample or rejection email template, template for a rejection letter or email to applicants.

Use this rejection letter sample or rejection email template to save time. This rejection letter sample or rejection email template contains all the most important elements that a good rejection letter should have. Use this rejection letter sample or rejection email template and feel free to customize it to fit your own needs. 

Need more HR and recruiting templates like this rejection letter for applicants?

Check templates for Human Resources and templates for Recruiters . 

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Similar to this, further reading by topic.

How to Write Professional Yet Kind Rejection Letters [4 Templates]

Caroline Forsey

Published: April 28, 2022

It's never easy notifying someone that they didn’t get the job.

hiring manager uses rejection letter template to notify candidate

This often leads to generic emails, or worse, complete silence – that’s where a rejection letter template can come in handy.

While it’s never fun to do it, there are kind yet professional ways to reject an applicant that preserve your employer brand .

→ Click here to download our free guide to hiring and training a team of  all-stars [Free Ebook].

How to Write a Rejection Letter

You might not think twice about a rejection letter once you send it. But the truth is, your rejection letter is a reflection of your company. If it’s poorly written, that leaves a negative impression of your company that could easily spread to other candidates.

This is why writing a thoughtful rejection letter is key. It allows you to maintain a good relationship with the applicant, even if they were not a good fit for a particular role. Who knows, you may want to circle back to them if another position opens up.

When that comes up, you want a candidate to be excited about the prospect of working with you – and how you communicate plays a pivotal role in this.

It's critical you remain positive with your language and focus on language from the job description itself.

In addition, keep in mind that a rejection letter is a fantastic opportunity for the candidate to receive positive feedback and learn how to do better in the future. Consider how you can include specific and valuable feedback.

A rejection letter can be broken down into three sections:

Paragraph One

Your first paragraph should be completely personalized and include the applicant’s name and the position for which they applied. Next, thank the candidate for their interest in your company and for taking the time to interview.

Finally, it's critical you tell the candidate within the first paragraph you've decided to move forward with another candidate.

You can let them down kindly by including a compliment in the rejection, such as "While your qualifications are quite impressive …"

Paragraph Two (Optional)

The second paragraph is where the personalization really comes in. What you write will depend on your experience with the candidate and how far into the process they got.

For instance, if you’re rejecting a candidate after the first round, you can keep this section brief and jump to paragraph three. However, for a candidate who reached the final round, you’ll likely want to give more context to the reason for the rejection.

The candidate took time to prepare for your interview process, so if you were impressed by them during the interview, it could make a huge difference to let them know.

Simply include one strength of theirs you remembered from the interview process, like "Our team was particularly impressed with your writing skills."

To truly add value, you'll also want to include constructive feedback to help your candidate identify areas of improvement. Take detailed notes during the interview (or ask the hiring manager to do so) and when you reject your applicant, provide one or two areas of improvement.

Focus on one aspect of the job description you feel the candidate didn't quite match.

Say the role required expertise in data analytics, but the applicant wasn’t strong in this area. You might say, "At this time, we're looking for candidates with a deeper understanding of data analytics…"

If you were impressed by the candidate and genuinely feel they’d be a good fit for your company down the road, leave the door open by telling them you'll put them into your contact database and reconsider them in the future.

Additionally, if it was a difficult decision, tell your candidate – it can help soften the blow.

Paragraph Three

Conclude by wishing the candidate luck in their job search, and thanking the applicant again for considering your company.

Standard Rejection Letter

Dear [Name],

Thank you for interviewing for [position] on [date of interview] and taking the time to learn about our company. After careful consideration, we have selected another candidate for the position.

We do hope you’ll keep us in mind when we advertise roles in the future and encourage you to apply again.

We wish you the best of luck in your job search and thank you for your interest in our company.

Feedback Rejection Letter

Thank you for interviewing for [position] on [date of interview]. It was a very tough decision but we have selected another candidate for the position.

Our team was particularly impressed with your [skills], but we felt you lacked experience in [skill/experience]. We'd recommend [taking a course/obtaining a certificate/gaining project experience] to improve.

We would like to stay in touch with you for future opportunities that might be a good fit. Please let us know if you're interested in remaining in our talent pool.

Thanks again for taking the time to apply and come in to meet the team. We wish you the best of luck in your job search and thank you for your interest in our company.

Redirection Rejection Letter

Thank you for interviewing for [position] on [date of interview]. After careful consideration, we have decided to move forward with another candidate.

Our team was particularly impressed with your [skills], but we felt you lacked experience in [skill]. However, we believe your skillset would align better with [position] and would love to consider you for it.

Please let us know if you would be interested in discussing it further.

We’d like to thank you again for your time and wish you the best in your future endeavors.

Short Rejection Letter

We thank you for your interest in the company and we wish you the best of luck in your job search.

Notifying a candidate that they have been rejected is never easy. By writing a thoughtful letter fit for the situation, you leave the door open for future collaboration and leave a positive impression of your company.

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in Oct. 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Writing a Rejection Letter (with Samples)

  • Sarah Green Carmichael

application letter denied

A quick no is better than a long maybe.

I have a friend who appraises antiques — assigning a dollar value to the old Chinese vase your grandmother used for storing pencils, telling you how much those silver knickknacks from Aunt Fern are worth. He says the hardest part of his job, the part he dreads the most, is telling people that their treasure is worthless.

  • Sarah Green Carmichael is a former executive editor at Harvard Business Review. skgreen

application letter denied

Partner Center

Rejection Letter Samples for Unsuccessful Applicants

Sending a Rejection Letter Makes a Good Impression on Applicants

Theresa Chiechi © The Balance

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  • Rejection Letter Sample #1 for Applications

Applicant Sample Rejection Letter #2

  • More Related to the Rejection Sample

Susan Heathfield is an HR and management consultant with an MS degree. She has decades of experience writing about human resources.

Many employers skip sending a rejection letter to unsuccessful job applicants who they haven't invited to come in for an interview. Employers rationalize that they have never had any contact with the applicant so no response to the application is necessary. You could not be more wrong. As long as an applicant hears nothing, he or she feels as if their application is still under consideration, or worse, lost in the ether.

This is unkind and unfeeling and your applicants deserve better. At least, consider sending a customized form letter that lets the applicant know that you received the application. The second goal of a rejection letter is to let the candidate know they will not be invited to your organization for an interview. This is kind and professional.

Sending a letter is a courtesy and can emphasize your position as an employer of choice . Your reputation, built one candidate at a time, is critical to your ongoing ability to attract the best and most skilled talent to your firm. Don't make a lasting bad impression when your opportunity to shine is so easy.

Your rejection letter should be straight-forward and officially notify an applicant of their status. The following samples should serve as your guide when you write your own applicant rejection letters.

Rejection Letter Sample #1 for Unsuccessful Applications

This is a rejection letter example for unsuccessful applications. Download the rejection letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples. It is a template that you can use in the future when you need to reject job applicants.

Rejection Letter Sample for Unsuccessful Applications (Text Version)

September 1, 2018

Thomas Rodriguez 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 1234

Dear Thomas,

We appreciate that you took the time to apply for the position of (name of position) with our company. We received applications from many people. After reviewing your submitted application materials, we have decided that we will not offer you an interview.

We appreciate that you are interested in our company. Please do apply again in the future should you see a job posting for which you qualify. Again, thank you for applying. We wish you all the best.

Bill Lee (Human Resources Staff Signature)

Bill Lee (Human Resources Staff Name)

This second sample applicant rejection letter is not so much a template as you saw in the first sample. Rather it is a fully written sample that reinforces the appropriate contents for an applicant rejection letter. Download the sample rejection letter (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online).

Sample Rejection Letter #2

Ellen Johnson

8888 Munger Ln.

Santa Fe, NM 87501

Dear Ms. Johnson,

The Norton Company wanted to let you know that we received your application for our position as Director of Marketing. Thank you for taking the time to send your resume and cover letter as we know how time-consuming this effort is.

After reviewing all of our applications, you were not selected to come in for an interview. Please don't take this as notice that we are not interested in your qualifications. We reacted favorably to your application materials and encourage you to apply for another role within our company when an appropriate role becomes available.

We wish you all of the best in your current job search and trust that you will find a position that will suit your needs.

Avram Prudhomme

Manager of Human Resources

Email Address

Smartphone Number

More Related to the Rejection Letter Samples

Remember that the rejection letter is your last opportunity to build a relationship with the applicant. A rejection letter following this format should cause the applicant to think favorably of your company.

Hopefully, the second applicant rejection letter sample will reinforce the positive approach that is essential in an application rejection letter.

Your reputation as an employer is affected by this applicant's opinion and the opinions of the people who hear this applicant's opinion.

Don't ever believe that sending a rejection letter is unimportant for your reputation as a potential employer for desirable employees.

Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and ​ employment laws  and regulations vary from state to state and country to country. Please seek legal assistance , or assistance from State, Federal, or International governmental resources, to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.

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8 Tips for Writing a Compassionate Rejection Letter + Samples

Post Author - Juste Semetaite

Writing a rejection letter can be stressful.

Nobody likes being rejected, and depending on how you craft your message, you could end up with an upset but understanding candidate who becomes a fan of your brand and how you handle candidate communications. Or, you could end up with an angry applicant who takes to sites like Glassdoor to talk about their poor experience.

Regardless, sending rejection letters to applicants who don’t make the final cut is an inevitable part of the hiring process. And since rejection letters impact the candidate experience , employer branding , and long-term talent acquisition strategy , they’re pretty important.

So, how do you craft a polite rejection letter in a way that’s considerate and doesn’t twist the knife any further? Luckily, learning how to write a rejection letter is more about following a good recipe than needing any great creative writing skills .

TL;DR — Key Takeaways

  • When rejecting a candidate, showing appreciation for the time and effort candidates put into applying can leave a positive impression of your brand , which can not only help boost your employer branding long-term but also leave the door open for both parties to work together in the future.
  • Saying “no” in a thoughtful way can actually make people like your company more . They’re likely to spread the word about how you handle things gracefully, which can attract more great candidates down the line.
  • Sharing some positive feedback can help rejected candidates see the silver lining. Learn how to offer constructive criticism in a way that helps guide them on what to polish for their next shot, without adding any sting.
  • The more you’ve interacted with someone, the more personalized your parting words should be. Tailoring your message for different stages of the process shows you care about the connection, however brief.
  • It’s tempting to want to soften the blow and offer a large explanation or apology up front, but it’s often better to jump straight to the point and then follow up with positive notes, constructive feedback, or more information.

What is a rejection letter?  

A rejection letter is a formal notification from an employer to a job candidate that they will not be progressing to the next stages of the selection process, usually in the form of an email.

The importance of the rejection letter 

While rejecting applicants or sending rejection letters probably isn’t your favorite part of your role (at least we hope not!), they are important for a few reasons:

  • Building relationships in your talent pool: A well-written and polite rejection letter can demonstrate that you appreciate the candidate’s time and effort, which can go a long way in building a relationship with them (and other potential candidates they chat with). Plus, they’ll be more likely to allow you to retain their details in the  talent pool  for future openings.
  • Improving your candidate experience and employer brand: Applicants want to feel that your company appreciates their efforts, even if they didn’t get the job position. Then they’ll be more likely to recommend your company to other candidates (or re-apply at a later stage). If you can get the letter to them in good time, too, then you’re also supporting a good candidate experience.
  • Give and receive feedback on your interview process : Provide applicants with valuable feedback on why they were unsuccessful for a particular role, and offer job-seeking advice on how they can improve. This gesture makes it easier to solicit feedback on the interview process from them, too, which you should take and implement to improve your own processes.

Common issues leading to a poor candidate experience

But how do you create a meaningful rejection letter after an interview when you have a looming pile of candidates to communicate with and other job tasks to handle?

Rejection letter templates are one tool that can help automate the most time-consuming aspect of the process, which is starting from scratch with a blank page.

What is Candidate Experience & How to Improve It

How to write a great rejection letter (+ rejection letter templates)

We know it can be difficult to treat each candidate as an individual after your 100th or 1000th letter! So, here are a few tips (and rejection letter samples) to help personalize, automate, and reduce the stress of the process.

Top tips to enlarge those brains

Keep the subject line short and simple, and try one of these popular formats:

  • Your application with [company name]
  • [Job title] — Your application
  • Interview feedback for [candidate name]

1. Get straight to the point

Your candidate is already expecting an email from you about their application for the position. So, get straight to the point in the first paragraph.

Don’t make them read five paragraphs before you get to the crux of the email (which is that they ultimately didn’t get the job). And, when you do get to the point, it’s important to communicate in a compassionate way.

Dear [Candidate],

We appreciate your interest in [company name] and the [position] role. After careful consideration, we’ve decided not to take your application through to the next stage.

Though we were impressed with your [Skills/Experience], we have selected another candidate who better matches the skills and experience we are looking for with this position.

Thank you for the time and effort you’ve put into your application. We wish you success in your job search.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

2. Give them feedback

Many companies don’t provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants to prevent possible litigation. However, even a little (positive) feedback can go a long way.

Candidate experience and interview feedback statistics

For those who want to go the extra mile, inform the applicant why they weren’t a good fit for the particular position or job description . Most applicants will appreciate the positive feedback so they know what areas of their knowledge, education qualifications, or experience to work on.

Thank you for your taking the time to apply for the [job title] role at [company]. Your application was unfortunately unsuccessful.

While we’ve decided to move forward with another candidate, it was not an easy decision. Your [x] years’ experience in [industry/department] and particular skills in [job function] are definitely impressive. But for this role, it is also crucial that the candidate has in-depth knowledge of [area of specialty/software tool].

With that in mind, we’d hate to lose touch with you, as there may be a future role that matches all the great things you have to offer. May we retain your details in our database?

In the meantime, we wish you all the best in your job search and success on your career journey.

Bonus Tip: Avoid Criticism

Avoid being critical with your candidate feedback, as this will probably create a negative impression, a bad candidate experience, and ultimately harm your employer brand.

While the above rejection letter template is a good example of positive, constructive feedback, here’s an example of what a critical tone looks like:

Your poor communication skills and lack of relevant scenario examples during the interview were major red flags for us. It is essential for a [Position] to be able to effectively communicate and provide examples of their experience and skills.

3. Write different rejection letters for each stage in the hiring process

You wouldn’t break up with someone you’ve dated for two months the same way as a partner of five years. The same applies here. There should be a different rejection letter template for every stage of the hiring funnel.

The further along the candidate is in the process, the more personalized and detailed the letter should be.

The level of detail in the core message should increase depending on how far the candidate has made it in the process, such as after the initial phone screen or pre-employment skills assessment , after a manager interview, and after a homework assignment .

Let’s take a look at some more rejection letter samples depending on the stage of the interview process the candidate made it to:

⭐ After a screening skills test

Thank you for your taking the time to apply for the [position] role at [company]. Your application was unfortunately unsuccessful. We wish you luck with your job search.

application letter denied

⭐ After the phone screen or interview

Thank you, [candidate name], for taking the time to meet with [manager name] and share more information about your [job title] skills and experience. Unfortunately, we will not be taking your application to the next round.

While we appreciate your efforts, we have decided to move forward with another candidate who has more experience in [skill/software] for this position.

We wish you the best of luck with your job search.

⭐ After a homework assignment

Great job with your homework assignment , [candidate name]. We can see that your [role/task] skills are really well-honed. You know your stuff!

And while you do have what it takes for this type of position, we have chosen to go with another candidate. It was not an easy decision, but we felt they were a better fit due to their particular proficiency in [skill] and their [another point tied to the job spec]. Unfortunately, your application will not be taken further.

However, we’d hate to lose touch with you, as there may be a future position that matches your fantastic skill set. May we retain your details in our database?

In the meantime, we wish you all the best in your job search and success on your career journey. Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.

4. Let the candidate know that more positions will open in the future

A candidate may have been unsuccessful with a specific role, but if they’re really good, you want to keep their personal details for future opportunities. This part of the email could be something along these lines:

We appreciate your time and efforts and see your skills shining through. So we’d hate to lose touch with you. May we retain your details in our database for future opportunities that match your skill set?

5. Wish them good luck

Always include this part. It’s just good manners (and the candidate will definitely notice if it’s not there ), and an essential part of the candidate experience for any potential employer. Forbes says it like it is:

Job applicants who do not receive a job offer are 80% more likely to apply again if they already had a positive impression of the hiring organization. Forbes | Source

6. Send it as soon as possible

If you’re sending a rejection letter, send it as soon as possible . This way, you’re saving time and respecting everyone’s efforts in the process. Candidates want to know ASAP whether they’ve got the position or not so they can move on with their job search.

According to research :

  • 44% of candidates get feedback from the employer within a few weeks of applying
  • while 37% of candidates get it within one week
  • and just 4% of candidates get it the same day

Since the average recruitment process often takes way longer than human resources or job-seekers would like, speeding up your response time can give you a big advantage over the competition in terms of candidate experience.

Skills assessments can help employers automate the screening process and provide instant feedback to candidates!

application letter denied

7. Personalize your letter

After spending an hour or more on a job application, candidates want to know their efforts and time are valued. You can do that by personalizing your communication to unsuccessful applicants. At a minimum, include their name and the job title they applied for. And the further down the hiring process they get, the more personalized the letter.

application letter denied

8. Thank the candidate

At the very beginning, make sure to thank the applicant for applying to your company. After all, they’re spending their valuable time and energy applying for your job opening and trying to make a good impression in an interview.

What else to know about rejection letters

If that didn’t answer all your niggling questions about how to write a rejection email, we should have it covered in this Q&A.

Should I write a rejection letter to every candidate?

Yes! Automate this process as much as possible using a rejection email template. Early-stage candidates can receive a less detailed email, while shortlisted candidates who attended an interview deserve more feedback and personalization (and well wishes for future career endeavors).

What’s the best way to close a rejection email?

Ugh. This is often one of the hardest parts. Here are a few ways to end the email.

  • “Thank you for applying to join the [company] team. We appreciate the time and effort you’ve invested in the application process.”
  • “Though we get that this may be disappointing news, we hope you continue your job search and wish you good luck in your career path.”
  • “While we will not be moving forward with your application for [position], we hope you continue to apply for other positions. Thanks for all the time and energy you’ve put into your application, and we wish you the best going forward with your career.”
  • “Thank you for your application. While we will be moving forward with other candidates, we wish you good luck in your job search.”

What are some of the most important things to keep in mind while drafting a rejection letter to a job applicant?

  • Include their name and the job title
  • Get to the point quickly
  • Don’t criticize the applicant
  • Use different templates for the different hiring stages
  • Ask permission to keep them in your talent database for future positions
  • Stay clear of fake feedback—better nothing than made-up or copy-and-paste reasons
  • Ask for feedback on your recruitment process, especially for post-interview rejection

Should we send a rejection email to internal candidates?

Yes, but an internal candidate rejection will be a bit different than one for external candidates in these ways:

  • Provide a more detailed explanation of the decision: They’re more familiar with the company’s needs, processes, and necessary qualifications.
  • Share detailed, open feedback: If they want to grow in the company, open feedback and detailing their next steps will help them better plan any internal mobility moves and general career growth.
  • Strike the right tone: You need to be professional but bear in mind that you already have a relationship with the person.

Developing Internal Mobility Strategy: 6 Best Practices

How can a bad rejection email backfire on the employer?

A badly written rejection email can affect your company negatively in ways such as:

  • Creating a bad rep as a company
  • Possible legal consequences if the content is viewed as discriminatory or inappropriate
  • Damage the relationship between the candidate and the employer
  • Negative impact on current employee morale if they learn about the situation

Go forth and write better rejection letters

Unfortunately, regardless of how well-crafted your rejection letter is, it’s still a rejection. Nobody likes to be rejected, so even if you do it “right,” you still might feel bad about having to reject a great candidate or receive some upset replies to your emails.

Take these helpful tips to heart so you can communicate to unsuccessful applicants in a way that is caring and practical. That way, you’ll be building better relationships, growing your candidate pool , and maintaining a positive employer brand for your company (plus, it’s just the right thing to do!).

Don’t forget that you can automate the time-consuming parts of talent acquisition with skills assessments , so your team has more time to communicate from human to human. To see how that works (and to check out our email templates), create a free Toggl Hire account now!

Hire the right candidates with skills assessments

Juste loves investigating through writing. A copywriter by trade, she spent the last ten years in startups, telling stories and building marketing teams. She works at Toggl Hire and writes about how businesses can recruit really great people.

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Applicant rejection letter sample

Save time writing your application rejection letter, or email, with this all-purpose template. Just copy, paste, and customize for your specific needs. This sample job application rejection letter can be used to reach out to job applicants seeking employment that will not be receiving an interview or moving to your second stage. This rejection letter template can be repurposed to address specific issues with a candidate's resume, or as a blanket resume rejection letter after an interview for all disqualified candidates. When writing a letter of rejection for a job, be sure to be concise, clear, and positive.

Hi [ first name ],

Thank you for your interest in joining the [ company name ] team. We wanted to let you know that although your resume and cover letter were very competitive, our hiring team reviewed your application and did not select it for further consideration.

We will, however, keep your resume on record and get in touch with you about future opportunities that may be a better fit for your skills and experience.

We wish you all the best in your job search and hope we will have the chance to consider you for another role in the future.

[ Sender Name ]

  • For a more formal rejection letter, see our sample job rejection letter template  or our job application rejection email template .
  • Tutorial:  How to reject candidates without burning bridges

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Home Employee Job Rejection Letter

Job Rejection Letter Template

Use our employment rejection letter to inform a candidate you didn’t choose them for the job.

employment rejection letter

Updated February 28, 2024 Written by Sara Hostelley | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

An job rejection letter informs job applicants you haven’t chosen them for an open position. It lets you deliver the news respectfully and allows them to continue their job search instead of waiting to hear if they got a position with your company.

What If You Want to Extend an Offer?

While you need to send applicant rejection letters to some candidates, you may have found your ideal employee during the hiring process. Use a job offer letter template to extend an employment offer to the right candidate.

How to Reject a Candidate After an Interview

How to write a rejection letter for a job, rejection letter samples.

Follow these tips to include the necessary information candidates desire and demonstrate brand integrity after making your hiring decision:

Inform Them as Soon as Possible

Inform the candidate that you won’t hire them as soon as you decide. Providing immediate notice is respectful and informs them to proceed with their job search.

Quick turnaround times show your organization understands the competitive job market and empathizes with people looking to further their careers.

Personalize Your Communication

Tailor the messaging if possible. Write the candidate’s name, the position they applied for, and something specific from their application or interview.

Including a reference from the interaction shows your thoughtfulness as a recruiter or manager.

You can also include personalized feedback and pointers if you have ways for the candidate to improve their performance. Delicately point out areas where they excelled during the interview and ways to polish other elements.

Keep the Letter Concise

Briefly highlight key reasons the organization respectfully selected another applicant. Then, point out the person’s strengths and areas of feedback about possible resume growth.

Demonstrate Compassion and Respect

Choose your words carefully to respect the person’s professional dedication. Indicate you’d be open to considering their candidacy after they garner more experience or credentials.

Offer Context

Losing out on a position can be a challenging experience for a candidate. However, job hunters may feel more hopeful when the employment rejection letter notes the approximate number of applicants and their experience. It can also remove some of the candidate’s ill feelings about the lost opportunity.

Wish Them Well

Express professional understanding and a sense you want others to succeed. State that you wish the candidate well in securing a good position.

Step 1 – Format as a Formal Business Letter

Format the document as a formal business letter. Write your information in the upper right-hand corner, including your name and address. Detail the date you’re writing the letter and the applicant’s name and address on the upper left-hand side of the page.

Personalize the letter to the person instead of sending an identical document to several rejected applicants.

Step 2 – Use a Standard Salutation

Use a typical salutation such as “Dear [First and Last Name]” to begin your letters. This simple addition ensures they know they’re the intended recipient.

Step 3 – Thank the Applicant

The first sentence should thank the applicant for their time and application. Consider using a sentence such as “We greatly appreciate your application and your interest in our company” or “Thank you for applying for the position of [Position Name].”

Thank the applicant for their effort, but don’t make promises of future consideration.

Step 4 – State the Reason for the Rejection

Consider stating the reason for the rejection, like if you decided to move forward with a different candidate or the applicant didn’t have enough experience.

Step 5 – Include Your Closing Statements

The final paragraph should encourage the employee to apply again in the future if you desire or say your goodbyes. Keep these statements concise, as simple statements can prevent any miscommunication.

You may also:

  • Communicate your intent to keep the applicant in the hiring pool for the future.
  • Encourage the applicant to apply for a different position.
  • Ask that they apply again when they meet the qualifications for the position.

Format the end of the letter how you want to fit your individual needs. Consider requesting feedback from the candidate on the hiring process so you can pinpoint weaknesses and make improvements.

Step 6 – Sign the Letter

A company representative should personally sign the letter and provide their title. This addition gives a personal touch to the letter that demonstrates your care.

When you’re ready to hire your successful applicant, use an employment contract to make it official.

Here are various examples of rejection letters depending on the situation:

Generic Rejection Letter

It often does not provide specific feedback or reasons for the rejection, as it aims to maintain a professional and neutral tone.

Dear Frances Obel,

Thank you for expressing your interest in the Occupational Therapist position at St. Mark and Matthew’s Hospital.

After thoroughly reviewing your application, we regret to inform you that we have chosen to move forward with candidates whose qualifications more closely align with the specific requirements in the job description. In particular, we are looking for someone with at least three years of experience in a pediatric setting.

While we recognize your interest in joining St. Mark and Matthew’s Hospital, we want to express our gratitude for your application and the time you invested in the process. We encourage you to explore other opportunities with us in the future that may be a better match for your skills and experience.

We wish you the best in your job search and appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Dylan Moore Recruiter St. Mark and Matthew’s Hospital

After a Screening Stage

It may express appreciation for their interest in the position and the effort they put into the application. It often does not delve into specific reasons for the rejection but may briefly mention that the decision was made based on the qualifications and fit of the candidates relative to the requirements of the role.

Dear Natalie Turner,

We appreciate the time you contributed to the application process for the Marketing Director position at Pinnacle Grove Strategies. After thorough consideration and screening, we regret to inform you that we will not be moving forward with your application.

We based our decision on a comprehensive evaluation of various factors, including your qualifications and experience. Additionally, as part of our standard procedure, we conduct an online presence review. Unfortunately, our findings raised concerns regarding the alignment with our company values and brand image.

We understand that this news may be disappointing, and we want to express our gratitude for your interest in joining Pinnacle Grove Strategies. We recognize your skills and experience, and we encourage you to continue pursuing opportunities that align more closely with your professional goals.

Thank you once again for considering a career with us.

Best regards,

Ava Collins Recruiting Manager Pinnacle Grove Strategies

After the Final Interview Round

These letters often express appreciation for the candidate’s time, effort, and interest in the position and organization. Some companies may offer feedback or provide information on keeping in touch for future openings.

Dear Scarlet Robinson,

We want to express our sincere appreciation for your interest in the Accountant position at Echo Accounting.

After careful consideration and a thorough evaluation of all candidates, we regret to inform you that we have chosen to move forward with another candidate for this particular role. We did not make the decision lightly, as we recognized the depth of your skills and experience.

We want to extend our gratitude for your professionalism throughout the interview process. Your qualifications and achievements are commendable, and we believe you would be a valuable asset to any organization.

We were fortunate to have had the opportunity to consider your candidacy, and we appreciate your interest in joining Echo Accounting.

We wish you continued success in your future career endeavors, and we hope our paths may cross again.

Josh Martin Recruiting Manager Echo Accounting

After an Interview (Including Specific Feedback)

Here’s a rejection letter to a candidate that includes specific feedback on how they can improve:

Dear Madison Green,

We appreciate the time and effort you dedicated to the application and interview process for the Research Scientist position at BioCosmic Dynamics. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we have chosen not to move forward with your application.

While we were impressed with many aspects of your candidacy, we believe certain areas could benefit from further development. Constructive feedback is crucial for professional growth, and we would like to provide you with some specific examples that you may find useful:

  • Communication Skills: Consider refining your communication style, particularly in conveying complex scientific concepts to a non-expert audience.
  • Adaptability to Change: Demonstrating a proactive approach to adaptability and flexibility in response to changing project requirements and priorities could further showcase your resilience in dynamic research environments.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Actively seeking collaborations within the scientific community may open up new opportunities and broaden your exposure to different research methodologies.

Please view these suggestions as constructive feedback to support your ongoing professional development. We believe your commitment to continuous improvement will contribute to your success in future endeavors.

We genuinely appreciate your interest in BioCosmic Dynamics. If you have any questions or require further clarification, feel free to reach out.

Thank you for your understanding.

Mia King Recruiting Manager BioCosmic Dynamics

After an Interview (Advising to Reapply in the Future)

Here’s a rejection letter to a candidate in which you advise them to apply in the future:

Dear Oliver Lee,

I hope this message finds you well. On behalf of Magnificent Creations, I want to express our sincere appreciation for your interest in the Chef position with our esteemed culinary team.

Your qualifications and culinary expertise truly impressed us during the interview process, and we are grateful for the opportunity to have considered your application. After careful deliberation, we have decided to move forward with another candidate for the current opening.

I want to emphasize that the decision was a challenging one, as we recognized the exceptional skills and creativity you bring to the culinary field.

We believe in maintaining a strong network of talented individuals, and we would be thrilled to see you apply for future opportunities at Magnificent Creations. Your culinary prowess aligns with the standards of excellence we uphold, and we are confident there may be suitable positions for you in the future.

We appreciate the effort you invested in the application and interview process. Please contact us if you have any questions or want additional feedback.

Jacob Taylor Head Chef Magnificent Creations

Blank Job Rejection Letter Template

A standard employment rejection letter template can help you get started. You can download a free template in Word or PDF format below.

employment rejection letter

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How to Write a Rejection Letter

Last Updated: August 7, 2024

This article was co-authored by Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA . Stephanie Wong Ken is a writer based in Canada. Stephanie's writing has appeared in Joyland, Catapult, Pithead Chapel, Cosmonaut's Avenue, and other publications. She holds an MFA in Fiction and Creative Writing from Portland State University. This article has been viewed 1,134,038 times.

Notifying an applicant that they didn’t get the job is important, but it can be difficult to know what to say. When writing a rejection letter, it is important to keep it brief, considerate, and direct. The job candidate is going to be disappointed no matter what, but a well-written rejection letter can soften the blow and encourage the applicant to continue with their job search.

Sample Rejection Letters and Template

application letter denied

Writing a Basic Rejection Letter

Step 1 Use company letterhead.

  • For example: “Dear Ms. Atkins”, or “Dear Mr. DeVos”.

Step 4 Thank the candidate.

  • For example, your opening lines could look like: “Thank you for your interest in the writing position at ABC, Inc. and for all the time you have put into the application and interview process.

Step 5 State your decision right away.

  • For example, you might simply say something like, “Unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with your application at this time.”

Step 6 Include something supportive.

  • For example, you might say, “Your experience and educational background are impressive, and it was difficult to decide due to the many impressive applications that we received.”

Step 7 Finish with a salutation and a signature.

  • For example: “On behalf of ABC, Inc., I thank you for your time and interest in the position and I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Your Name.”
  • You may also want to include a contact number or email if the applicant has any questions about your decision.

Including Optional Details

Step 1 Compliment the candidate.

  • For example, you might add something like, "You gave an amazing presentation!" Or you might say something like, "I was really impressed by your knowledge of the industry."

Step 2 Talk about the decision-making process.

  • For example, you might say something, “We received 56 applications for this position and everyone who applied for the position was well-qualified.” Or, “You were one of our top choices for the position.”

Step 3 Encourage the candidate to apply for other positions.

  • Including this suggestion will also send a positive message to the applicant. This is important because you never know if the applicant may apply again in the future or end up working at the company in a different position. [4] X Research source
  • You may also want to let the candidate know if your company policy is to keep the resume on file for a certain amount of time. [5] X Research source This can make it easier for the applicant to apply to other jobs with the company.

Step 4 Suggest areas for improvement.

  • If appropriate, you can frame your suggestion as something like, “After you have gained some hands on experience in the field, we hope you will re-apply at ABC, Inc.”

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Remember to sign the letter with your full name, including your title. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Keep in mind that your letter should be businesslike, but not cold. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About this article

Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA

To write a rejection letter, start with a salutation like “Dear Ms. Atkins." Next, thank the candidate for applying for the position and going through the interview process. Then, state the decision in a direct, simple way immediately after the first line. You can also include a brief line letting the candidate know that they were well-qualified and that it was difficult to make a decision. Finally, wrap up the letter with a brief note of thanks, a courteous salutation, and a signature. For tips on including additional details for different situations, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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WTO / Letters and Emails / 10 Sample Job Candidate Rejection Letters

10 Sample Job Candidate Rejection Letters

You are bound to receive various job applications from aspiring employees as an employer. If the particular job candidate does not qualify for the job position, it is necessary and respectful to inform them to continue with their job search. The best way to do that, as an employer, is by using a job rejection letter.

You will formally tell the candidate that they did not get the job with a job rejection letter. This will help create a good impression for you and your company or business. It will also improve your company’s brand and hiring experience. Therefore, it is best to write and send this job rejection letter as soon as possible.

The letter should always be positive and also encouraging for the aspiring employee. Apart from this rejection letter, you can also write them a job rejection email to save time and get the message faster. However, you will have a personalized and more professional way of informing the aspiring candidate that you are not considering them for the job with a letter.

A job rejection letter is usually a formal letter written by an employer and sent to a job applicant who did not qualify for the job position they applied for. This letter is also known as an employment rejection letter or a candidate rejection letter. It is essential to write this letter to inform the aspiring employee if they are still being considered in the hiring process.

You should send a job rejection letter immediately after realizing that the job candidate does not fit the job requirements. This should be within a week of interviewing them.

Free Sample Letters

As an employer, delivering rejection news can be challenging, but utilizing these samples offers several technical benefits. They provide a structured framework to ensure clarity and professionalism in your communication, save you time by offering pre-drafted templates, and serve as a guide to crafting thoughtful and respectful rejection letters. Explore the following templates and streamline your candidate rejection process today.

Great Editable Job Candidate Rejection Letter Template 01 in Word Format

Significance of a Job Rejection Letter

An employer needs to write a job rejection letter for different reasons. It offers constructive and essential feedback that is useful for job candidates searching for other jobs. It also indicates to the aspiring employee how much you respect their effort, which helps to avert any negativity towards the company and its brand. With this letter, you will reduce the check-ins from job candidates who want to know about the status of their applications.

As an employer, you can help to ease the future hiring process by being in contact and on good terms with a candidate whose skills you might need in your company in the future. You will have connections to them and even have their resume, making future hiring processes more accessible and faster. Finally, not only sending a rejection letter but sending it early will help improve your company’s image.

Writing a Job Candidate Rejection Letter

A job rejection letter is essential, as it benefits the job applicant and helps improve the image and brand of the company. Therefore, you need to write a positive and impactful job rejection letter as an employer.

Here is how to write this letter:

The letter’s header is the first part written in a job rejection letter. It usually contains the following information: the date when the letter was written, the name of the candidate, the contact details of the candidate, a subject line, followed by greetings. You should always include a greeting to indicate your respect for them.

The subject line should be brief, informative, and easiest to spot in the letter.

“Subject: (Name of Organization)—Job Position.”


For the introduction of the letter, you will need to include the following information:

  • Thank the candidate for applying: You should thank the candidate for their time and efforts to apply for the job.

“Thank you for taking the time to send in your application documents and attend the job interview for the job position.”

The body part of the letter is the most important and must contain the details highlighted below.

  • Give them the total number of candidates who applied : You can inform them of the number of candidates who applied for the job. You can choose to mention “a large group of candidates” instead of giving an exact number.

“With the opening in the marketing and sales department, we received about 120 job applications here at ABC Company.”

  • Tell them they are not selected: Inform the candidate that they were not chosen for the job. It would be best to inform them that they are no longer considered. It is best to say “declined” rather than “rejected.”

“We really appreciate the effort, but unfortunately, your application was declined, and hence you were not chosen for the position.”

  • Explain why you didn’t select them: Give clear reasons why you did not choose them. This information should not be negative but should instead focus on what made you choose your final candidate. In addition, you can provide them with positive feedback on what they can do better next time.

“As a company, we are looking for a candidate with a higher education level than what your application documents indicated about you. That was the main reason why the final candidate was selected for the job.”

  • Explain the positive qualities you observed during the interview : It is also essential to include the positive qualities that the candidate had during the interview. This will help them highlight their qualifications and strengths as they apply for another job.

“However, the hiring team appreciated your leadership qualities and team member abilities. You will be a great employee when it comes to handling projects that involve many people who require supervision.”

  • Encourage them to apply again in the future : You should end the body part of the letter by encouraging them to apply again shortly. You should explain why you will consider them for future opportunities. Ensure your tone is positive ad sincere as you write this information.

“With your set of skills, abilities, and qualifications, our company will consider you in the future when international projects are launched. So please feel free to apply for a job with us again in the future.

The conclusion of a job rejection letter should include the following details: closing the letter with a positive note, signing off, and writing your name as the employer, your designation, and your contact information at the end. The ending should be positive and appreciative.

“Thank you once more for your time, and we wish you good luck as you embark on searching for a new job.

Job Rejection Letter Templates

Here is a template and sample you can use as a guide when writing a job rejection letter:

template 01

[Name of the candidate] [Contact details of the candidate]

Subject: [Name of Company] – Job Position

Dear [Name of candidate]

[Start by thanking them for their time and appreciate the effort they took to apply for the job position].

We received [state the number of applications] for the [state the job position] here at [name of company]. Sadly though, [inform them that were not selected as the final job candidate for the job]. [Provide brief but detailed reasons why they were not selected].

However, [mention their positive skills, education level, and qualifications] observed during the interview [praise and give them positive feedback]. [Also, encourage them to apply in the future for other job positions at the company].

Once again, thank you for your time and effort, and we wish you all the best in your future activities.

[Employer’s name]

[Job title]

template 02

[Your First and Last Name] [Your Company and Title] [Your Company’s Street Address]

[Candidate Name, First and Last] [Candidate Street Address] [Town,State,Zip Code]

Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you for your interest in the [Insert Name of Position Here] position with [Insert Company Name Here]. As you know, we interviewed a number of candidates. It was a very difficult decision to make. We regret to inform you that you have not been selected for the position.

Thank you for taking the time to interview with us. The team appreciates your time. The candidate that was selected demonstrated [Insert Skill 1 Here] and [Insert Skill 2 Here]. We believe these are qualities of a good [Insert Name of Position Here] candidate.

We want to wish your luck with your ongoing job search. Thank you for your interest in [Insert Company Name Here].

[If you are sending a handwritten letter, this should be signed]

[Insert Your First and Last Name]

[Insert Your Title] [Insert Company Name]

Sample Letter

Within this section, you will find a free sample letter designed to extend thoughtful guidance when communicating a job rejection to a candidate. The provided sample serves as a guide, offering a framework for crafting personalized and empathetic rejection letters. 

Subject: Job Application Update – Marketing Specialist Position

Dear Jonathan Smith ,

Thank you for taking the time to send in your application documents and attend the job interview for the Marketing Specialist position at Zenith Innovations. We genuinely appreciate your interest in joining our team.

With the opening in our Marketing and Communications department, we received applications from over 150 talented candidates, reflecting the high level of interest and expertise in the field. Each application, including yours, was reviewed with great attention.

We wanted to inform you that, after careful consideration, your application has been declined for the Marketing Specialist position. This decision was not easy, and it reflects more on the specific needs of our team at this time than on your qualifications.

One of the key factors in our decision was the search for a candidate with an advanced degree in Digital Marketing, which we found essential for this role. This was a primary criterion that guided our final selection.

However, it is important to mention that your application stood out in several ways. During your interview, we were particularly impressed by your leadership qualities and your ability to work effectively as a team member. Your approach to handling projects involving supervision and coordination demonstrates a strong potential for leadership roles.

We encourage you to consider applying for future opportunities with Zenith Innovations. Your skills and experiences are valuable, and we believe there could be a role that aligns more closely with your profile in the future. Please keep an eye on our careers page for upcoming opportunities that might be a better fit.

Thank you once again for your interest in Zenith Innovations and for the effort you put into your application. We wish you the best in your job search and professional endeavors.

Alexandra Hughes

Human Resources Manager

Zenith Innovations

The provided rejection letter serves as a model for crafting professional and empathetic job rejection communications. Its clarity is evident from the outset with a straightforward subject line, crucial for sensitive contexts like job rejections. The letter maintains a balanced tone, acknowledging the recipient’s efforts in the application and interview process while providing detailed feedback on the decision, fostering transparency and offering valuable insights for future job searches.

A notable feature is the letter’s focus on personalization, addressing the candidate by name and referencing specific details from their application and interview. This thoughtful touch elevates the communication, making it more considerate and less like a standard template. The conclusion maintains a courteous and optimistic tone, thanking the candidate for their interest, expressing appreciation for their efforts, and wishing them success in their future endeavors.

In summary, this rejection letter is an excellent template for crafting respectful, informative, and empathetic communications. It effectively balances organizational requirements with consideration for the candidate’s feelings, making it a valuable guide for those tasked with writing rejection letters.

Letter Writing Tips

There are some special considerations that you should always have in mind when writing a rejection letter. You will write a proper and positive letter to the job candidate with these tips.

Here are some of the tips you need to consider:

It would be best to always thank the job candidate when writing a job rejection letter. Appreciate them for applying for the job. Also, you can thank them for taking the time to attend the job interview.

Personalize the letter

As an employer, you should personalize the job rejection letter. This will ensure it sounds more truthful and authentic. Also, it is more beneficial to you if you do not send an aspiring employee a “cold” rejection letter.

Give feedback

The job rejection letter must not only stop at informing them that they were not picked for the job. You should provide the job applicant with feedback regarding the decision you made. The feedback should be about what caused them not to qualify and highlight the qualities suitable for another job.

Frequently Asked Questions

In a rejection letter, you should include the following information: the date when the letter was written, the full name of the job candidate, thank the candidate, provide the number of job applications that arrived at the company, give the reasons why you cannot hire them and wish them well as they continue with their employment search.

To politely reject a candidate, you should first appreciate their effort to apply for the job. The next step is to thank them and provide them with valid reasons why they were not picked for the job position. Finally, your rejection letter should be brief and contain sensitive words that will not sound abusive to the candidate.

When you sign a rejection letter, ensure a polite tone to leave the candidate with a good impression. Also, always be thankful for the efforts before signing off the company’s name and letterhead.

For your subject line, when it comes to writing a job rejection letter, you will need to include the name of the candidate, the position title, and the name of the company.

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Zhaniece Hill

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7 Scholarship Rejection Letter Templates [Free Samples]

One of the most important things many prospective students strive to obtain is a scholarship. It provides them with financial support and assistance for their studies. In general, the scholarship follows specific laws that are subjective to the scholarship offering organization. A student’s application letter may be accepted or denied depending on the conditions set by an agency or institution.

A rejection letter is a formal letter that conveys a message to the receiver informing him that they have not been selected. It can be a rejection for a submission or a specific position that they had applied to be selected for, currently.

With the ever-growing list of students applying for scholarships, not all can be admitted into the limited available slots in different learning institutions.

A scholarship rejection letter is informed to those whose application is declined for not meeting the specified requirements. For it to dampen the scholar’s spirit, the letter should be written in the most respectful and motivating way.

The decision to refuse the request for a scholarship should be well thought out and explained in a letter to ensure that the applicant knows why his application was rejected.

Some of the reason why you should write a rejection letter is:

  • It is the most systematic and professional way of telling the applicant about the status of their application.
  • It clarifies the applicant as to where they went wrong and which requirements they did not follow.
  • It also provides the applicant with meaningful feedback about the areas that need to be improvised for their potential applications for scholarships.

Why Some Scholarship Requests are Rejected?

A scholarship request can be rejected for several different reasons depending on the institution’s institution and requirements to avail of a scholarship. The scholarship application may be get denied if the applicant cannot meet the scholarship’s appropriate requirements, based on the institution’s terms or the information sent by the student for the scholarship was incomplete.

It can also get declined if the applicant was unable to complete the application within the given deadline. In some cases, it may be that the application submitted was not acceptable as the supporting documents submitted by the applicant were not satisfactory.

Components of a Scholarship Rejection Letter

A scholarship rejection letter must include all the essential elements of formal writing. It must consist of all the minute details so that there is no confusion or misunderstanding.

The structure is as follows:

It is placed in the upper left or upper right.

Issuer details

All the information of the institution that is sending the scholarship rejection letter must be placed in the beginning so that the applicant can identify who the issuer is.

A cordial greeting, written formally, can make a scholarship rejection letter look like a well-founded response, even when it is a denial. Address the applicant with “Dear,” followed by the name of the applicant.

Full name of the receiver

The applicant who receives the scholarship rejection letter must feel that it was taken into account, even if it is for a rejection, and there should be no room for confusion.

Body of the letter

In the first paragraph, provide yourself and the institution’s name. Also, note the type of scholarship you are providing to eligible individuals. In the next paragraph, tell the applicant why their application has been denied. Soften the blow with soft phrases, like “unfortunately” or “We are sorry to say.” These sentences show the applicant that the rejection decision was not easy to make.

The formal language also adds an air of courtesy, which reduces the emotional effect of rejection. For example, your letter could say: “We will not move forward with your application” or “Your application did not make it to the next round.”

Closing or conclusion

Closing or conclusion is the last part of the letter; it is where you will have the opportunity to show cordiality to the reader.  Here you can also add remarks that encourage the student to reapply or apply later. If you had a large number of applicants, you could also mention the candidate pool’s competitiveness. Adding this additional explanation (“It was a difficult choice due to many applicants”) makes the rejection feel less personal.

Ending the rejection letter on a positive note is critical. You want to make a good impression on applicants during this final step, so they are more likely to reconnect in the future. Closing on a short general note of “good luck” is a kind and cheerful ending to your letter.

Contact information

Contact information is necessary to enter the information to have contact with the institution.

Student Scholarship Rejection Sample Letter

City, State Zip Code

Dear applicant XYZ,

Thank you for your application for the scholarship. We enjoyed getting to know more about you. We appreciate you sharing information about yourself with us. Determining the recipient of the scholarship is always a difficult decision and is based on many factors. I regret to inform you that you were not selected to receive this award this year. Unfortunately, this year applicants were too many, and the foundation does not have the resources available at this time to provide a scholarship to each worthy applicant. We wish you the best of luck in pursuing your educational goals.

Grants and Scholarships Board

ABC Community Foundation

Merit Scholarship Rejection Letter Sample

  Dear applicant,

Thank you for applying to XYZ Scholarship. We have chosen the final list of students for the annual scholarship after several debates and discussions. We are, however, very sorry to inform you that it does not contain your name.

There was a massive rise in the number of candidates competing for this scholarship this year. We have chosen the applicants for the scholarship based on their merits and extracurricular activities.

  We are sending you an enclosed list of scholarship schemes where you can still apply with this letter. Some other independent organizations that give scholarships to students applying to our institute are available. You can also contact our company’s counselling department to learn about the best scholarship opportunities for you.

  We wish you the best in all your future endeavours. Thank you for taking an interest in ABC Scholarship.

Scholarship Board

XYZ Institute of Humanities

Scholarship Award Rejection Letter

Dear applicant,

As you should be aware that our institution seeks to nurture talent, we offer scholarships annually to a chosen group of scholars in our effort to do so, which amounts to prize money.

We have received your scholarship application for the same, and our highly respected section has gone through your request. We are sorry to inform you that your name is not on the roster of those who qualify for this year’s scholarship. You can apply for a paid course here until (date) of this month if you are still interested in college admission.

We urge that you not misplace your heart and wish you all the very best in life for all your future endeavours. Expressing thanks to you for showing your concern.

Free Scholarship Rejection Letter Templates

Know that we have guided you through all the aspects of scholarship rejection letter writing; you will have an idea of how much effort goes into writing it. We offer you fully customizable scholarship rejection letter templates to simplify the process, which you can download for free.


Scholarship Rejection Letter Writing Tips

Writing a scholarship rejection letter is not an easy task as you have to present the message and have to consider the student or applicant’s feelings as well.

Following are some writing tips that will help you in the process:

  • Maintain a clear structure, along with correct spellings and grammar to avoid common mistakes .
  • Keep the tone optimistic in the final paragraph and encourage the applicant to apply for a scholarship again in the future.
  • Unlike other applications, scholarship applications must follow written guidelines, as writings must be concise, clear, and forma l.

Final Words

A scholarship rejection letter is an official written letter to confidently reveal to a scholar that their application for a scholarship has been turned down by those awarded the mandate to go through the applications to get the best deserves the scholarship. The scholarship rejection letter also provides explanations for the rejection of the scholar.

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Rental Application Denial Letter: How to Politely Reject a Tenant

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Although the ultimate goal of any landlord is to put a renter into a property, there are some times when it’s just not the right fit. Not every applicant who wants to live in your rental is going to work – whether it’s because you have too many applicants or a renter has a less-than-stellar record. When this happens, you’ll find yourself having to prepare a rental application denial letter.

It may feel daunting to have to write this type of letter, but it doesn’t have to be. In this Redfin article, we’ll guide you through the process. Whether you’re a landlord renting a home in Miami or a property manager renting apartments in Los Angeles , find out how to write a rental application denial letter that conveys the right message.

contemporary townhouses

How to write a polite rental application denial letter

Writing a denial letter can feel stressful, because you’re having to let someone down. Your letter should have a professional and informative tone, covering exactly why you’re denying their rental application. Include as many specifics as possible, such as:

  • Application date
  • Property address
  • Reason(s) for rejection
  • Supporting documents (if necessary; i.e., a copy of their credit report)
  • Your contact information (for additional questions)
  • Suggestions for alternate options (optional)

Don’t forget to thank them for applying and let them know you feel bad about having to say “no.” You can include phrases like, “We regret to inform you,” to help soften the rejection.

application letter denied

Deciding between renting or buying your next home?

Some rental application denial letters will feel like you’re filling out a form. They’ll list all the possible, legal, reasons to deny a renter, and let you check the boxes. This does save time, but it’s often impersonal and can turn prospective renters away from re-applying in the future.

If you can, take the time to make it a little more personal, and a little less formulaic. Try out this template instead.

(Applicant’s full name)

(Address of rental property)

RE: Rental application review

Dear (Applicant’s name),

Thank you so much for submitting your rental application for (Property Address.) I’ve had time to review it and sincerely regret to inform you that it was not accepted at this time.

The decision was made based on (fill in as many specifics regarding the reason why you denied the application such as low credit score, income concerns, the property is no longer available, issues with rental history, etc.)

I understand this is not the news you were hoping to hear. Should you have any questions regarding your rental application status, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly at (your phone or email.)

You may also want to consider (insert any advice, if applicable to help them out the next time such as offering up a co-signer, seeking rentals more in their price range, etc.)

(Your Name)

Interior of large loft apartment

Legal reasons you can’t reject a rental application

As a landlord, you most likely want to rent to a tenant who will respect your property and take good care of it. However, you can’t reject a potential tenant based on their personality alone. The Fair Housing Act restricts the reasons landlords can reject someone’s rental application . You must adhere to these regulations to prevent any legal recourse.

Under the Fair Housing Act , a rental application denial letter can’t be served on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. This prevents housing discrimination and reverses housing segregation. 

You’re also not allowed to deny a renter’s application based on their criminal record, unless there are dangerous criminal convictions that could put people, and your property, at risk. In other words, a DUI is not grounds to deny a potential renter, but getting convicted of arson most likely is. If you’re unsure about what is considered a “dangerous criminal conviction,” you can always speak to a lawyer.

6 legal reasons you can reject an application

In addition to a dangerous criminal conviction, there are several other legal reasons why you can reject a potential tenant’s application.

1. When their credit score isn’t high enough

It’s common practice for a landlord to run a credit check on every applicant. If the potential tenant’s score is too low, then you can reject their application. Since a credit score is often indicative of an applicant’s financial history, a low number could mean they don’t pay their bills, including rent. It’s up to you whether you allow them to bring in a guarantor or co-signer to help get their rental application approved. You may also consider asking for a credit reference , which may give you additional information about the applicant’s creditworthiness.

2. When their finances don’t cover expenses

A prospective tenant’s finances are also a major concern for landlords. Not only does an applicant need to have enough funds to cover all the upfront costs – first and last month’s rent, security deposit, etc. – but they need enough income to pay the rent each month along with their other bills. Many landlords ask that their renters make a specific amount annually. The standard ask is three times as much income as rent costs to ensure rent is paid. In some areas, the ask may be even higher.


3. When their rental record is less than stellar

Looking at a potential tenant’s rental history report may also raise some red flags that could lead to a rental application denial letter. Situations like prior evictions , records of unpaid rent or fees, bad feedback from previous landlords, and proof of previous property damage can be reasons to reject a rental application. You need to protect your property, so it’s best to be hesitant when issues like these arise.

4. Inadequate references

When reaching out to references such as former landlords, employers, or others, you may receive a wide variety of responses. If the applicant’s references provide negative feedback, this can be a reason to reject their application. 

5. When there’s an issue with their application

If a potential tenant lies on their application or omits information, you also have grounds to deny them tenancy. Either they’ve falsified the information you need to approve their application, or they simply didn’t give you enough. As a result, those are two major reasons to write a rental application denial letter.

6. When the property is no longer available

When demand is high for a specific property, you may get more rental applications than you actually need. Evaluating them on a first-come, first-served basis, you may fill the vacancy quickly. It’s polite to send a letter out to the other applicants letting them know the property is no longer available. It’s another example of when it’s legal to tell an applicant “no” in regards to renting your property.

Alison is part of the Content Marketing team as a Content Marketing Specialist. In her 4 years at Redfin, Alison has written a variety of articles ranging from home design tips to housing affordability. A California-native, Alison currently resides in Seattle where you can find her catching a concert or exploring farmers’ markets. Her dream home is a cottage-style house with a chef’s kitchen and a cozy room to store and play vinyl records.

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    How To Write a Professional Rejection Letter ...

  6. 37 Polite Rejection Letter and Email Samples (+ Writing Tips)

    37 Polite Rejection Letter and Email Samples (+ Writing Tips) A polite rejection letter is written by the HR or hiring manager. Many people usually apply for a job, and there is a possibility that a few among the applicants will not qualify for the vacancy advertised. Furthermore, dismissing an application might seem easy, especially if it ...

  7. Rejection letter or email to applicants

    Rejection letter or email to applicants - Letter Sample

  8. How to Write Professional Yet Kind Rejection Letters [4 Templates]

    How to Write Professional Yet Kind Rejection ...

  9. Writing a Rejection Letter (with Samples)

    Writing a Rejection Letter (with Samples)

  10. What Is a Rejection Letter? (And Elements To Include in One)

    What Is a Rejection Letter? (And Elements To Include in One)

  11. Sample Rejection Letters for Unsuccessful Applicants

    Download the Word Template. Rejection Letter Sample for Unsuccessful Applications (Text Version) September 1, 2018. Thomas Rodriguez. 123 Main Street. Anytown, CA 1234. Dear Thomas, We appreciate that you took the time to apply for the position of (name of position) with our company. We received applications from many people.

  12. Writing candidate rejection letters

    Writing candidate rejection letters | LinkedIn Talent Solutions

  13. 8 Tips for Writing a Compassionate Rejection Letter + Samples

    8 Tips for Writing a Compassionate Rejection Letter ...

  14. Job Applicant Rejection Letter Sample Template

    Just copy, paste, and customize for your specific needs. This sample job application rejection letter can be used to reach out to job applicants seeking employment that will not be receiving an interview or moving to your second stage. This rejection letter template can be repurposed to address specific issues with a candidate's resume, or as a ...

  15. Job Rejection Letter Samples & Template

    How to Write a Rejection Letter for a Job Step 1 - Format as a Formal Business Letter. Format the document as a formal business letter. Write your information in the upper right-hand corner, including your name and address. Detail the date you're writing the letter and the applicant's name and address on the upper left-hand side of the page.

  16. How to Write a Rejection Letter: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

    Writing a Basic Rejection Letter. 1. Use company letterhead. If you work for a large company, use your company's letterhead. If you do not have a company letterhead, create your own letterhead by placing the company logo at the top of a Word document or including a header with the company's name on it. 2.

  17. 10 Sample Job Candidate Rejection Letters

    A job rejection letter is essential, as it benefits the job applicant and helps improve the image and brand of the company. Therefore, you need to write a positive and impactful job rejection letter as an employer. Here is how to write this letter: Header. The letter's header is the first part written in a job rejection letter.

  18. 7 Scholarship Rejection Letter Templates [Free Samples]

    A student's application letter may be accepted or denied depending on the conditions set by an agency or institution. A rejection letter is a formal letter that conveys a message to the receiver informing him that they have not been selected. It can be a rejection for a submission or a specific position that they had applied to be selected ...

  19. How to Deny a Renter's Application + Sample Letter

    Rental application denial is a part of a landlord or property manager's job. However, with good reason, many landlords and property managers aren't as keen on sending out rental application denial letters, as they are to fill their rental vacancies. Rental application denial isn't a straightforward matter.

  20. How To Write a Denial Letter (Template and Examples)

    How To Write a Denial Letter (Template and Examples)

  21. What to Include In Your Rental Application Denial Letter [With PDF]

    Rental Application Denial Letter Sample. Here's an example of a rejection letter that you can use to politely and professionally decline a rental application: Date: Name(s): For Address: Dear , Thank you for submitting an application for the property listed above. We regret to inform you that your rental application has been denied due to the ...

  22. Rental Application Denial Letter: Rejecting a Tenant

    Sample rental application denial letter template. Some rental application denial letters will feel like you're filling out a form. They'll list all the possible, legal, reasons to deny a renter, and let you check the boxes. This does save time, but it's often impersonal and can turn prospective renters away from re-applying in the future.

  23. 8 Reasons Job Applications May Be Rejected Immediately

    8 Reasons Job Applications May Be Rejected Immediately

  24. What to Do If Your Mortgage Application Is Denied

    Common reasons a mortgage application is rejected include low credit scores, fluctuations in your income and a high debt-to-income ratio. Whatever the reason your application was denied, there are steps you can take to get back on the path to homeownership. If your mortgage application has been rejected, you may be unsure of what steps to take ...