How to Write an Excellent NP School Personal Statement

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“Try not to rush this statement. We recommend taking some time to reflect on your nursing career accomplishments, as well as situations that perhaps were learning situations that did not end favorably. Use these to reflect on your motivation and priorities and how they apply to the topic that the school has provided.”

Dr. Doreen Rogers, DNS, RN, CCRN, CNE, Assistant Professor of Nursing & Graduate Nursing Program Director at Utica University

Anyone who’s ever applied to a nurse practitioner program knows two things: careers in nursing are in high demand and graduate school admissions are competitive. Nurse practitioner careers are one of the fastest-growing occupations in the United States; in fact, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS 2023) predicts that 118,600 new NP jobs will be added to the economy between 2022 and 2032—a 45 percent increase.

So why are nurse practitioner admissions so competitive? A shortage of qualified nursing teaching faculty and an increasing number of retiring nurses are some possible reasons, according to CNN . 

Despite these admissions barriers, a nationwide shortage of doctors is poised to restrict patients’ access to care. To address this problem, states are beginning to expand the scope of practice laws for nurse practitioners. The U.S. News & World Report shows that 22 states, the District of Columbia, and the Veterans Health Administration removed practice authority limitations for NPs, which resulted in expanded healthcare and decreased costs. 

One thing is sure: applicants for nursing practitioner programs must put together flawless applications to rank high with an admissions committee. In addition, an aspiring nurse practitioner who wants to stand out and make a solid first impression needs to write an excellent nurse practitioner (NP) school personal statement.  

To help out hard-working nurses who spend more time seeing patients than practicing academic writing skills, here are some tips for writing an excellent nurse practitioner (NP) school personal statement.

Follow the Five-Paragraph Essay Format

Drexel University has a video featuring several tips for writing a personal essay for admissions committees. The video recommends applicants organize their statements in a five-paragraph essay format and write no more than 500 words. 

  • First paragraph: Make an immediate impact in your introduction
  • Second paragraph: Explain what attracted you to the program and field
  • Third paragraph: Compare your short- and long-term goals with the program goals
  • Fourth paragraph: Share your skills, experiences, and characteristics
  • Fifth paragraph: Conclude by summarizing your five-paragraph essay

Drexel University also offers a downloadable infographic to illustrate what admissions committees are looking for in an applicant’s essay.

Write an Impactful Introduction

Pretty Nurse Ashley , a registered nurse who documented her experience getting into Vanderbilt University’s top-ranked nurse practitioner program, emphasizes the importance of an impactful introduction in a personal statement in her YouTube video:

That first sentence needs to be something spectacular, something that’s going to pull them in, so it needs to be very creative and something that’s going to get their attention. With your personal statement, you want to stand out from the other applicants. You want to create a story, create a vivid picture of who you are.

At a time when nursing schools are sending thousands of rejection letters to qualified applicants, Pretty Nurse Ashley’s advice to make a strong introduction is solid advice to help an applicant open their statement with what makes them unique.

Do Your Homework: Advice From an NP Career Coach

Renee Dahring is a nurse practitioner career coach , past president of the Minnesota chapter of the APRN Coalition, and a nursing university instructor with extensive experience in recruitment and admissions for nurse practitioner programs. When applying to NP schools, Ms. Dahring recommends that nurse practitioner applicants do their homework in three areas.

Show Your Commitment to Finish

Dahring said, “Every university wants its students to finish, especially in a nurse practitioner program. If you drop out, your spot in the NP cohort is empty. Mostly we like to know: ‘Have people thought this decision through?’” 

In other words, when an NP program admission committee decides to admit a student, they are investing in that person to finish the program. Therefore, if it seems like a risky investment, they will not want to admit that individual.

Connect Your Career Goals to the NP Program’s Mission

“Understand what the program’s goals and missions are and align your personal statement with them. . .Also, consider the mission of the educational institution; most have a dedication to the underserved, but that will vary from place to place,” Dahring advised.

Addressing a program’s or an institution’s mission statement directly in a personal essay can catch the attention of an admission committee. They want to ensure that a person is a strong fit for their specific program. It’s also a benefit for applicants to be familiar with a school’s objectives and guiding philosophy, as it can help ensure that a program is the right fit for them.

Demonstrate Your Understanding of NP Scope of Practice Laws 

Dahring also stated, “The other important thing is to have a really good understanding of the NP Scope of Practice Laws. . .You should have a clear idea of what you are allowed and not allowed to do in the states where you apply for NP school and intend to work as a nurse practitioner.” 

NPs can practice more independently in some states than others—and a solid understanding of these regional nuances can inform one’s essay.

Take Time to Communicate Clearly

Above all, take the time to write and edit well. Admissions committees read through hundreds of personal statements, so communicating concisely and clearly can increase an applicant’s chances of admission to an NP program.

Dr. Doreen Rogers is an assistant professor of nursing and the graduate nursing program director at Utica University in New York. She advises applicants to use their best writing skills:

Remember, your personal statement is an opportunity for you to convey what motivates you and discuss your priorities as a healthcare professional while extending them to your future career as a nurse practitioner. Some aspects that are exceptionally important are the use of appropriate grammar, spelling, word selection, and sentence structure (including an introductory paragraph, transition sentences in between paragraphs, and a conclusion that ties everything together).

Dr. Rogers also recommended taking the time to communicate clearly: “Try not to rush this statement. Instead, we recommend taking some time to reflect on your nursing career accomplishments, as well as situations that perhaps were learning situations that did not end favorably. Use these to reflect on your motivation and priorities and how they apply to the topic that the school has provided.”

Rachel Drummond, MEd

Rachel Drummond, MEd

On, Rachel Drummond has leveraged her extensive background in education and mindfulness to provide valuable insights to nursing professionals since 2020. She explores how mindfulness and movement can be incorporated into the demanding routines of nurses, emphasizing the importance of mental and physical well-being for increased resilience and effectiveness in the challenging field of nursing.

Rachel is a writer, educator, and coach from Oregon. She has a master’s degree in education (MEd) and has over 15 years of experience teaching English, public speaking, and mindfulness to international audiences in the United States, Japan, and Spain. She writes about the mind-body benefits of contemplative movement practices like yoga on her blog , inviting people to prioritize their unique version of well-being and empowering everyone to live healthier and more balanced lives.

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7 Tips for Writing the Perfect Family Nurse Practitioner Essay

NurseJournal Staff

If you are pursuing a career as a family nurse practitioner, you will likely be required to submit a personal essay. Your nurse practitioner personal statement explains why you want to become a family nurse practitioner (FNP) and is an important step in the graduate nursing program application process.

What you say in your nurse practitioner essay should tell the admissions committee who you are as a person and why you will make an effective and ethical nurse practitioner.

When answering the section on “why I want to be a nurse practitioner,” your response may come easily. Others might struggle with putting their reasons into words in an original and clear way. This guide will show you how to convey who you are and why you make an excellent candidate.

1. Be Specific

When you receive your essay questions, you will notice that they are reasonably generic. What the university is looking for, however, is how you turn that into something specific.

Don’t just outline your overall feelings about a full topic. Instead, go into detail and use specific examples from your personal experience that truly demonstrate your capabilities. Not only is this a better way of answering the question, but it also means your essay will be far more interesting. It will properly showcase your personality, which is a very important part of nursing.

2. Be Concise

Always remember that you are writing an essay and not the next great saga. Oftentimes, there will be a word count limit. However, if there isn’t, you shouldn’t write every little detail you come up with. What matters is that the information is complete and doesn’t go off-topic. Stick to the guidelines provided, as they have been given for a good reason (one of them is to test you on how well you can follow instructions). You must be concrete in your answers.

Admissions committees must get through dozens or hundreds of applications. If your nurse practitioner essay is too long, they’ll likely lose focus. In addition, nursing requires concise communication in daily work. If you come across as taking a long time to get to the point, this may leave an unprofessional impression.

3. Demonstrate Your Passion and Commitment

When you describe why you want to be a nurse practitioner, your passion and commitment should leap off the page and make the admissions committee excited to offer you a place. They should see you as the kind of student and colleague that they want to represent their school. You can do this by making sure that your nurse practitioner essay:

  • Shows how your experience and education motivate you
  • Describes specific motivators, such as mentors, experiences with nurses, or even experiences as a patient
  • Shows that you are committed to all aspects of nursing, including patient care, collaboration, cultural competence , and continual learning and improvement
  • Clearly summarizes these elements to match your background and passion to the school’s culture, as well as to nursing

Avoid clichés or general statements about why nursing is important. They already know that. What they don’t know — what you have to tell them — is why your passion will make you an excellent FNP.

4. Tell a Story

Storytelling is the most powerful and memorable form of communication. The stories we’ve lived shape who we are. Leverage the power of storytelling in your nurse practitioner essay.

  • Choose the right story and apply it to nursing. It doesn’t have to be about nursing specifically, but it needs to apply to nursing. Talk about instances where you’ve demonstrated teamwork, perseverance, crisis response skills, or communication successes.
  • Start with a vivid hook that makes the reader want to know what happens next.
  • Use clear language that helps the reader understand and identify with the choices you made.
  • Make stories about more than just yourself. Nursing is a team practice, and if you write as though you’re the only important character in the story, it can seem arrogant or self-involved.
  • Show empathy. Empathy doesn’t mean having a lot of feelings or dwelling on them. It means understanding others and meeting them where they are.
  • Customize your nurse practitioner essay to the program. What values does the school hold? How does the school site describe learning, teachers, and current students? Make these values and priorities stand out in your writing.

5. Highlight Your Strengths

Your essay is an opportunity for you to show what you are made of. Highlight all the things that are good about you, such as your education, your career, your background, and other experiences. Perhaps you have done volunteer work, or you have already been employed in the medical field. It is always a good idea to give some examples of the experiences you have had to demonstrate why you are good at what you do and why you want to become an FNP.

When highlighting these strengths, it is best to be specific and include examples. For instance, saying you are hardworking may sound like a good trait to focus on, but it could be more impactful to provide a specific example of how you have worked hard during your career. This will add credibility to your essay and reinforce your claims.

6. Keep it Professional

You want your nurse practitioner personal statement to be memorable, but only in the right way. Keep your tone professional and individual. Think of your essay as though you were a stranger reading it. Would you want the person who wrote this essay to be in charge of your or a loved one’s care?

Never make a colleague or patient look bad in your nurse practitioner essay. This is a surefire way to get rejected, as it comes across as unprofessional, unfair, and potentially unethical. While a sense of humor is invaluable for a nurse practitioner, humor is very difficult to convey to an audience you don’t know.

Avoid exaggerating, even for dramatic effect. While exaggerating might improve the story, obvious exaggeration will cast doubt on your professional judgment.

Lastly, don’t use foul language in your nurse practitioner essay. Just like humor, while many nurses use it as a coping method, they are careful about their intended audience.

7. Edit Again and Again

Finally, once you have completed your essay, proofread it. After that, give it to someone else to proofread and then edit it once more yourself. Spelling errors, typos, and layout problems are certain to have your application denied because they show a lack of attention to detail. Share your essay with as many people as possible and ask for their suggestions and edits before you finally submit it.

Remember that the faculty members of the FNP program you are applying for also look at how well you can write. Clear communication will be an important skill for successful FNPs. Hence, you must make sure that your essay is well-reviewed and well-written. This is also why you should start developing your essay as early as possible, as this is not a job that can be rushed.

Putting Pen to Paper

Think of your nurse practitioner essay as a way to show who you are, to reflect what is most important to you, and why you will be an excellent FNP.

If you’re not sure where to start, try having a conversation with a friend who is a good listener and have them ask you questions about why you want to be a nurse practitioner. Ask them to probe into what you say and tell you when something comes across as especially meaningful or significant.

Begin by writing anything at all about “why I want to be a nurse practitioner.” Turn your inner editor off. For this first step, the goal is quantity, not quality. Either as you keep writing or when you review it later, you’ll usually find something valuable you can use.

A few final tips:

  • Start early. Even if you’re not sure when you’ll want to earn your MSN, you can start keeping notes now. Once you know when you want to apply, outlining your nurse practitioner essay months ahead will pay off.
  • Ask a variety of people to review your writing. Different people bring different perspectives.
  • Think of it not just as an essay but as a chance for reflection. This is another reason to start early, since this kind of reflection can bring new insights that you’ll want to use.
  • Remember that the better your nurse practitioner personal statement reflects you, the better the decision the committee can make. Be your best self, but be yourself.

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9 Tips for Writing the Perfect NP Program Application Essay

While many NP program application deadlines are still months away, now is the perfect, stress-free time to start getting your application materials together.  Filling out endless amounts of personal information, gathering transcripts and requesting letters of recommendations is easy.  The application essay?  Not so much.

We all hate responding to the types of questions NP program applications typically ask.  “Why do you want to become a nurse practitioner?” and “Talk about a time you overcame a challenge” can be difficult questions to answer…eloquently at least.  Responding by saying you want to become an NP “so you can make decent money and aren’t sure what else to do with your life” isn’t going to cut it.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make sure your admissions essays are top notch.

  • Get Specific – Most application essay questions are generic.  This doesn’t mean your response should follow suit.  Rather than describing how you feel about a topic, give details.  Outline a specific example from your own personal experience.  This makes your essay more interesting and memorable while highlighting your experience and personality.
  • Keep it Simple – Admissions staff want to read an essay, not a novel.  Avoid verbosity keeping your essay simple and succinct but complete.  Make sure to stick to specified length guidelines.  They are there for a reason.
  • Understand the Role of a Nurse Practitioner -NP program faculty want to know that you understand the role of nurse practitioners .  Make sure you accurately present the NP profession in your essay responses.  If you aren’t quite sure what an NP does, job shadow an NP or two for a day to learn more about the career before applying.
  • Be Concrete -Even if you aren’t 100% sure what your future holds, explain your future plans and goals as if they are set in stone.  Saying you “might” do this or you “hope” to do that isn’t as powerful as saying you “will”.
  • Keep Your Essay Appropriately Personal – Many essay topics ask you to explain a time you overcame an obstacle or hardship in life.  If your life’s major challenge has been extremely personal, choose something else to discuss in your essay. Don’t mention your marriage woes or your teen’s problems with the law to admissions staff.  Instead, choose something career or volunteer related (but not trivial) even if it isn’t actually your life’s most insurmountable obstacle.
  • Follow Directions – Yes, you learned this in kindergarden but some of us still have trouble sticking to guidelines.  If a school asks for an essay written in APA format, for example, make sure you exhaustively research APA requirements and format your essay appropriately.
  • Brag a Little -Application essays are your chance to shine .  Highlight your career, education and experience.  If you have volunteered extensively or worked in the medical field, share examples of your experiences and how they have helped shape your interest in becoming a nurse practitioner.
  • Stick with Facts Over Characteristics -When describing yourself in your application essay, examples and facts speak louder than description.  Anyone can say, for example, they are hardworking.  If you can describe your involvement in multiple nursing organizations while raising a family and working full-time in the ICU, however, this proves your industrious character.
  • Edit, Edit, Edit -Nothing ruins an application essay like typos and misspellings.  Look over your essay multiple times continuing to refine your work.  Then, share it with family, friends and colleagues asking for feedback.  The more eyes you have read your essays before submitting your application, the better.

NP program faculty are looking at your essays as samples of your writing ability.  Start your application essays early making sure you have enough time to review them thoroughly.  You wouldn’t want a poorly written writing sample to hurt your chances of admission.

Questions about your NP program application essay?  Ask other NP’s their opinions by commenting below.

You Might Also Like: A Sneak Peak Into the World of NP Program Admissions 

All About Nurse Practitioners

7 Essential Topics To Include In Your Personal Statement

Nurse Practitioner (NP) programs often ask for a personal statement with your application. So, what exactly is a personal statement, and why does it matter so much?

A personal statement is an essay where you talk about yourself – your background, work experiences, why you want to become a nurse practitioner, and your goals for your career. 

Here’s why it’s key to your application:

It shows who you are.  Beyond grades and test scores, this essay lets you share your unique story. You can show the admissions team your personality, values, and what makes you a great candidate for their NP program.

It proves you can communicate well.  Being able to clearly express yourself is crucial for nurse practitioners. Your personal statement lets you show that you can organize your thoughts and explain things well, skills you’ll need for both your studies and your career.

It explains your motivation.  This is your chance to talk about why you want to be a nurse practitioner and how the program you’re applying to fits with your career plans. It’s your moment to share your passion for nursing and healthcare.

It highlights your experience.  You can use the essay to shine a light on the healthcare work you’ve done, like nursing roles, volunteering, or research. This helps show you’re ready for the challenge of an NP program and a career in advanced nursing.

It sets you apart.  When many applicants have similar backgrounds, a well-written personal statement can help you stand out. Sharing your unique experiences and viewpoints can leave a lasting impression on the admissions team.

7 Topics To Include In Your Personal Statement With Examples:

sample nurse practitioner application essay

1. Your Motivation for Becoming a Nurse Practitioner

Start with a strong introduction that captures your passion for nursing and your reason for pursuing an advanced practice role. This could be a personal anecdote that illustrates your dedication to healthcare, patient care experiences that motivated you, or an encounter with a Nurse Practitioner who inspired you.

  • Example 1: “Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the impact of health disparities in my community, which ignited my passion for nursing. A pivotal moment came when a nurse practitioner in our local clinic went above and beyond to care for my family. Her dedication inspired me to pursue a career where I could make a significant difference in people’s lives, especially in underserved areas.”
  • Example 2: “My motivation to become a nurse practitioner was solidified during my work in a pediatric unit. Seeing children’s resilience in the face of illness, and realizing the profound difference that personalized, compassionate care can make in their recovery, drove me to seek a role where I could offer such care on a deeper, more autonomous level.”

sample nurse practitioner application essay

2. Educational and Professional Background

Outline your academic achievements, especially those relevant to nursing and healthcare. Include any honors, awards, or scholarships. Also, detail your work experience, particularly in healthcare settings, emphasizing roles that have prepared you for advanced practice nursing. This could include leadership positions, special projects, or initiatives you were part of.

  • Example 1:  “ Earning my BSN with a focus on pediatrics, I graduated with honors and worked at a children’s hospital for over five years. This role deepened my skills in managing diverse pediatric conditions and honed my ability to communicate with young patients and their families effectively. My passion for child health care drives me to specialize further through a Nurse Practitioner program, aiming to enhance my impact on pediatric well-being.”  
  • Example 2:  “I graduated summa cum laude with my BSN and actively contributed to research on geriatric care management. Working as a nurse in a community health center, I spearheaded a project to improve patient education for managing chronic conditions, which fueled my desire to advance my practice through an NP program.”
  • Example 3:  “After achieving my BSN, where I specialized in emergency care and graduated at the top of my class, I embarked on a career in a Level I Trauma Center. This fast-paced environment honed my decision-making skills and my ability to quickly adapt to changing situations, traits essential for the dynamic role of a Nurse Practitioner. My leadership capabilities were recognized when I was appointed as the head of the unit’s mentoring program for new nurses, a role in which I thrived by guiding others towards excellence in patient care.”

sample nurse practitioner application essay

3. Clinical Skills and Experience

Highlight your clinical experiences and the skills you’ve developed. Be specific about the types of healthcare settings you’ve worked in (e.g., hospitals, clinics, community health), the medical specialities and patient populations you’ve served (e.g. pediatric, oncology, cardiology, surgery), and any specialized skills or certifications you have (e.g., ACLS, PALS).

  • Example 1: “In my role as an RN in a cardiac care unit, I developed proficient skills in managing acute cardiac episodes and providing post-operative care. This experience, complemented by my ACLS certification, has prepared me for the acute care challenges I will face as a Nurse Practitioner.”
  • Example 2: “My clinical rotation in a rural health clinic exposed me to a wide range of primary care issues, from managing chronic illnesses to delivering preventive care. This experience honed my ability to adapt to diverse healthcare settings and solidified my commitment to primary care as a Nurse Practitioner.”

sample nurse practitioner application essay

4. Professionalism and Leadership

Demonstrate your commitment to professionalism and leadership in nursing. This could include involvement in professional organizations, volunteer work, leadership roles you’ve held, and how you’ve contributed to improving patient care or healthcare delivery.

  • Example 1: “As a member of the Nursing Professional Development Committee at my hospital, I led initiatives to enhance ongoing education and training for nurses, demonstrating my commitment to professional growth and quality patient care.”
  • Example 2: “Volunteering as a nurse in a local shelter, I organized health screening events and educated the community on disease prevention. This leadership experience reinforced the importance of community health and advocacy in nursing practice.”
  • Example 3: “As a charge nurse in a busy medical surgical unit, I’ve honed leadership skills that are directly transferable to a Nurse Practitioner role. Managing a team of nurses, I’ve learned the importance of clear communication, teamwork, and quick decision-making to ensure efficient patient care and safety. My experience in delegating tasks, mentoring new staff, and collaborating with interdisciplinary teams has prepared me to take on the advanced responsibilities of a Nurse Practitioner. I believe these skills will enable me to effectively lead patient care initiatives, contribute to team-based healthcare delivery, and ensure positive outcomes for my patients.”

sample nurse practitioner application essay

5. Your Understanding of the Nurse Practitioner Role

Show that you have a clear understanding of what Nurse Practitioners do, the challenges they face, and the impact they have on healthcare. Discuss how you see yourself fitting into this role and contributing to the profession.

  • Example 1: “I recognize that Nurse Practitioners play a critical role in expanding access to healthcare, especially in primary care shortage areas. My aspiration is to contribute to this effort by combining my clinical skills with a holistic approach to patient care.”
  • Example 2: “Understanding the Nurse Practitioner’s role in leading patient-centered care teams, I am eager to leverage my experience in interdisciplinary collaboration to improve healthcare outcomes and patient satisfaction.”
  • Example 3: “Shadowing and working alongside Nurse Practitioners in a primary care setting provided me with invaluable insights into the multifaceted role of NPs in healthcare. Observing their holistic approach to patient care, from conducting thorough assessments and developing personalized care plans to educating patients on disease prevention and health maintenance, reinforced my understanding of the critical impact NPs have on improving healthcare outcomes. This experience has deepened my appreciation for the NP’s role in bridging gaps in healthcare accessibility and has motivated me to contribute to this vital field. My firsthand observations of NPs in action have equipped me with a clear vision of the collaborative, patient-centered care I aspire to provide as a Nurse Practitioner.”

sample nurse practitioner application essay

6. Personal Qualities and Strengths

Share personal qualities and strengths that make you a good fit for the Nurse Practitioner role. This could include empathy, resilience, excellent communication skills, ability to work well under pressure, and a strong commitment to lifelong learning.

  • Example 1: “My colleagues commend my empathy and ability to communicate effectively with patients from diverse backgrounds, strengths I believe are essential for a successful Nurse Practitioner. My resilience, developed through handling challenging patient care situations, has prepared me to face the complexities of advanced practice nursing.”
  • Example 2: “Known for my meticulous attention to detail and analytical skills, I am adept at assessing patient needs and developing comprehensive care plans. These strengths, coupled with my commitment to continuous learning, will enable me to excel in the dynamic environment of advanced nursing practice.”

sample nurse practitioner application essay

7. Your Goals and Aspirations

Conclude with your professional goals and aspirations. Explain how the NP program will help you achieve these goals, the areas of practice you are particularly interested in (e.g., family health, pediatrics, geriatrics), and how you plan to contribute to the field and to improving patient care.

  • Example 1: “Upon completing the Nurse Practitioner program, my goal is to work in a rural health clinic, addressing the gap in primary care access. I aspire to advocate for preventive care measures and manage chronic conditions, improving the overall health of rural communities.”
  • Example 2: “After completing the Nurse Practitioner program, I aim to specialize in mental health, addressing the urgent need for accessible psychiatric care. My goal is to integrate holistic and evidence-based approaches to support individuals with mental health challenges, fostering resilience and well-being in my community.”
  • Example 3: “My long-term aspiration is to specialize in oncology as a Nurse Practitioner, contributing to both patient care and cancer research. I aim to use my skills and knowledge to improve treatment protocols and support services for patients undergoing cancer treatment, ultimately enhancing their quality of life.”

Each example is crafted to showcase not only the candidate’s qualifications and experiences but also their personal connection to the field, their understanding of the NP role, and their future aspirations. Tailoring your statement to reflect your unique story will make it compelling and memorable.

Remember, your personal statement should be a reflection of who you are. It should be well-organized, concise, and clearly written, free from grammatical and spelling errors. Tailor it to each program you apply to, ensuring it aligns with their values and expectations. Showcasing your unique experiences and aspirations will make your application stand out.

Don’t forget to check out the other helpful articles on this website!

  • How to Prepare for NP School While Still in College
  • How to Prepare for NP School- Advice From Current Students
  • The Top 9 Things Most Nurses Don’t Know When Applying to NP School
  • A Detailed Guide to the Nurse Practitioner School Interview
  • Can You Go to NP School Right After BSN With No Experience?
  • Stethoscope Recommendations for Nurse Practitioners
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Effective NP School Personal Statements to Consider

Table of Contents

A personal statement is an invaluable tool for creating a successful career in nursing. It serves as a reflection of one’s qualities, experience and ambition — demonstrating your commitment to the profession.

Crafting a standout personal statement requires skillful articulation of both dedication and knowledge. It must capture the reader’s attention while succinctly conveying what sets you apart from other candidates.

In this article, we will explore effective strategies for constructing a compelling personal statement that can elevate your candidacy above the competition. In addition, you’ll find a few NP school personal statement examples to guide you.

How to Craft an Effective NP School Personal Statement

Your NP school personal statement is an essential part of your application to any nurse practitioner program. You must pay attention and write a convincing essay.

Highlight Relevant Academic Qualification

First and foremost, the statement should highlight information on your academic achievements as well as any certifications or specialties you possess. This offers insight into your qualifications and allows readers to ascertain whether you are qualified for the program.

Additionally, being able to articulate your passion for nursing is critical. Discussing how you decided to toe this career path demonstrates commitment and shows readers that you have a genuine interest in nursing.

Adding stories about meaningful experiences or patients can help show the reader that you are compassionate and capable.

Highlight Your Soft Skills

Beyond the academic qualifications, your essay should also highlight your soft skills, like compassion, leadership and effective communication. It is important for nurses to have these skills as it aids their work.

Write Concisely

In addition to giving details regarding your background and aspirations, NP personal statements must also demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively .

Therefore, it is imperative to use clear and concise language throughout the piece. Writing in a conversational manner that reflects your personality is more likely to captivate the reader than overly formal wording.

Furthermore, if appropriate, including factual examples helps bolster arguments and display knowledge. 

Format Appropriately

Once the content of the statement has been finalized, the focus turns towards ensuring proper formatting and structure. It is advisable to keep paragraphs short and maintain consistency across each section; an easy-to-follow structure will ensure readability. 

NP School Personal Statement Examples

black and silver stethoscope on white surface

Check out these examples of NP school personal statements before writing yours.

Nursing has been my professional passion since I was a child, and becoming a Nurse Practitioner is the logical culmination of my lifelong goal. From shadowing in medical clinics to volunteering as an Emergency Medical Technician, I have devoted my time and energy to gaining invaluable care-related experience. My knowledge of nursing science and practice deepened through coursework during college and subsequently at various hospitals and healthcare facilities. Seeing the impact of excellent patient care on health outcomes, I’m confident that being a Nurse Practitioner will enable me to serve patients better. 

I strongly believe that this profession is not only rewarding but also crucial for providing comprehensive primary care to communities. As a Nurse Practitioner, I look forward to leveraging my clinical acumen to diagnose and treat ailments. By combining evidence-based protocols with personal empathy and understanding, I aim to become a trustworthy ally for every patient. 

I know that NP education requires considerable dedication. I’m ready to rise to the challenge by employing rigorous self-discipline and advanced studying techniques. Moreover, working together with like-minded people who share similar objectives would provide an indispensable impetus for amplifying my intellectual aptitude. With these qualifications and enthusiasm, I’m certain that a Nurse Practitioner program would be one of the most meaningful decisions in my life.

I seek admission to a nurse practitioner program in order to further my education and professional goals. With a passion for service, I want to read and learn more so that I can effectively care for patients in need. My plan is to build upon the knowledge and experience gained through my prior positions as a registered nurse. I hope to use those skills to provide competent and compassionate care. 

I have had the pleasure of providing healthcare services on the frontline for over 10 years. During this time, I’ve developed expertise in many aspects of nursing. Furthermore, I believe strongly in collaborative practice, which has allowed me to form meaningful relationships with both colleagues and patients alike. These experiences have given me the confidence to take on greater responsibility within the field of nursing. Ultimately, it has led me here to pursue a nurse practitioner degree. 

Not only do I possess knowledge of clinical practices and procedures, but I also am well-versed in health policy, advocacy, and team management. Additionally, I thrive when faced with challenges that require problem-solving or critical-thinking skills. As such, if accepted into your esteemed program, I will bring diverse perspectives and insights based on my past experiences. My ultimate goal is to provide excellent patient-centered care while advancing my professional career by expanding my scope of practice.

Final Thoughts

By taking into consideration these tips and referencing the provided samples, you can create a compelling personal statement.

If you need more help, you should consider using the new Hey INK tool . It is an AI-powered writing assistant that turns your simple instructions into well-written content.

Effective NP School Personal Statements to Consider

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Tips for Writing a Great Nursing Personal Statement

When preparing to apply to a graduate nursing program, there are many requirements and submission guidelines to remember. The component that allows you to tell your unique story — your personal statement — is one of the most important.

Writing a compelling personal statement for an MSN program, like the Nursing@Simmons online  Family Nurse Practitioner  (FNP)  or Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner programs, takes time and can be challenging for some applicants. Just as a poorly written essay can hinder your chances of acceptance, a great one can set you apart from other applicants. Below are three steps to writing a personal statement that will make a positive impression on any admissions committee.

sample nurse practitioner application essay

1. Plan Your Story

Very few people can sit down at a keyboard and craft the perfect personal statement without preparation. It may take several weeks of thinking about how to communicate your story, so give yourself plenty of time to plan, jot down thoughts, and make an outline as ideas come to you. Use the following tips to gather the information you’ll need to create an excellent statement.

  • Consider how your work experience as a registered nurse (RN) has influenced you and shaped your goals for the future.  How will an advanced education promote your professional growth and help you transition into the role of an FNP or PMHNP?
  • Think beyond your resume.  What traits, strengths, and accomplishments aren’t captured there? Consider your interests, including how they will contribute to your success in the program. Provide examples of nursing goals, leadership, mentorship, or growth you have accomplished or experienced. Write these down and keep them in mind as you begin your draft.
  • Choose appropriate topics for your statement.  Avoid soapbox issues, and don’t preach to your reader. This kind of statement can come across as condescending and obscure the point you’re trying to make.
  • Research the program.  Make sure you understand the school’s values and reputation. Do they align with yours? How so?

sample nurse practitioner application essay

2. Create Your Draft

  • When it is time to start putting your thoughts on paper, try to avoid overthinking your work.  Strive for a natural voice. Pretend you are talking to a friend and write without fear — you can edit and polish your piece to perfection in the next stage.
  • Avoid cliches and nursing generalities.  Generic descriptors, such as “caring,” “compassionate,” “people person,” and “unique,” have been so often overused that they no longer carry much weight with an admissions committee. They also don’t address your personal experience in the nursing sphere. Try not to start your story with phrases like “for as long as I can remember” or your audience may stop reading.
  • Show, don’t tell.  Strong storytelling is grounded in personal details that illustrate who you are, both as a nurse and a person. Be specific by describing how many patients you managed, how you earned promotions, or a time when your supervisor praised your professionalism and clinical abilities. Here are examples that illustrate the difference between telling and showing: 

“I perform well under pressure.”

“Although my patient arrived for a different ailment, I suspected that her symptoms were consistent with a serious infection. As a result, I was able to advocate for a care plan that prevented further damage.”

  • Use specific examples when talking about your experience with direct patient care and evidence-based practice.  Provide details about how your clinical experiences have demonstrated patient advocacy, leadership, communication, or confidence.
  • Discuss how earning a  Master of Science in Nursing  aligns with your career plans and why you want to become a FNP  or PMHNP .  Explain that you understand the commitment required and that you have the skills and dedication to become an FNP   or PMHNP. Be sure to let the admissions committee know why you are choosing their program and what makes their program stand apart from the rest. Reflect on the school and program research you did during your planning stage.

sample nurse practitioner application essay

3. Edit and Perfect

Even the best writers have to edit and polish their work. Reviewing and revising your personal statement ensures that the piece is clear, organized, and free of errors.

  • Once you have written your first draft, take a break and distance yourself from your work.  This will allow you to return to the draft with a clear head to review objectively and spot potential issues and errors.
  • Read your statement aloud.  Does it sound like you? Does it reflect your best qualities and the strengths you’ll bring to a nursing program?
  • Always use spell check on your essay, but be careful as it won’t catch every spelling error.
  • Use a grammar editing tool, such as  Grammarly .
  • Ask a friend, family member, or mentor to review your statement. This is a great way to catch errors or awkward phrasing that you may have missed.

Your nursing personal statement should be a window into your life. Use it to share specific experiences that have influenced your decision to advance your nursing education. Adhering to professional standards and presenting yourself in a positive, open, and honest way will help the admissions committee determine your fit and future in an FNP or PMHNP program.

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Educator, Research Writer. Masters Degree in Nursing

Sep. 20, 2023

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Sample of nurse practitioner’s entrance essay

Question Explanation

In the report titled “ The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health ” the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in collaboration with Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) developed four key recommendations.  One of the recommendations was that nurses should be empowered to practice to their full capacity of their educational and training achievements.  Secondly, nurses should attain higher levels of education and training in an enhanced education system, which encourages scholarly progress. The goal of the IOM recommendations is to build the capacity of the nursing profession to address   the emerging challenges and demands of the American healthcare system (IOM, 2011).


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Published: Mar 25, 2024

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sample nurse practitioner application essay

Nurse Practitioner essays

Personal philosophy on advanced practice nursing and healthcare, patient safety, applications of nursing theory, using the resolution guidelines with the mnemonic ethical, professional development plan, introduction of hospice/palliative care in a medical skilled unit, ethical dilemmas for np’s, patient satisfaction, nurse practitioner essay essentials: examples & help.

Nursing practitioners hold a lot of responsibilities. They can diagnose and treat illnesses while being allowed to prescribe medication and offer health promotion advice. Becoming one involves encountering various challenging tasks, including a nurse practitioner essay. Like other academic assignments, this one requires planning and some skills in writing. And a sample essay can provide insightful guides in composing a superb paper.

Many students get stuck while writing essays because of inadequate preparation or lacking samples for reference. Creating such a paper requires a plan, a process to give you the best chance. So, here are some steps we encourage students to follow when composing a nurse practitioner school essay.

Pick a Suitable Topic

Brainstorm some topics and then narrow them down to the best one. It should be in an area that interests you and comfortably meet the word count. Plus, having several topics means you may choose one that has enough materials to process.

Conduct Proper Research

Collect information from reputable sources to support your arguments. Use both primary and secondary sources to give your nurse practitioner essay more credibility.

Make an Outline

Create a list and organize all your main points and the evidence as they appear in your work. It will save you time when writing and ensures you stick to the central issue.

Start with a Catchy Introduction

The introduction of your essay about nurse practitioner should capture the reader’s attention early and introduce them to your thesis. You can do the following:

  • Begin with interesting statistics about the topic.
  • Give a relevant quote to the main idea.
  • Give a personal experience.
  • Present background information.

Body Paragraphs

Start each text paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces and supports the main idea with evidence. Each section should have one main idea or argument. End it with a sentence that transitions to the next.

Write a Great Conclusion

The conclusion of the nurse practitioner essay is where you summarize all your main points. Start by restating your ideas & thesis in different words and briefly summarizing the whole paper. Also, ensure that your conclusion doesn’t provide any new information.

After completing your work, go through it and fix any errors you made when writing. Proofread it multiple times to ensure your nurse practitioner essay is free of mistakes and typos. Consider this stage also as your opportunity to improve your paper delivery and ability to increase its quality by adding clarifying details and removing unnecessary text parts.

Explore Our Best Nurse Practitioner Essay Examples

Do you still need help writing nurse practitioner graduate school essay? Even with the instructions, a paper might still seem difficult, especially for a student composing it for the first time. One great way to fight the fear a task inspires is to review how other people have approached it in their work. That’s why we have some excellent examples of well-written essays to inspire your writing. Besides, we also provide many reference materials like “ How to become a nurse practitioner without a nursing degree ” and more you can find in the Q+A section.

Reasons to Check Out Our Nurse Practitioner Essay Example

First, our examples are free, so the only resource you will be investing in is your time. We make them accessible so that students can learn how to be better writers and understand how to approach different types of tasks.

Then, each nurse practitioner sample essay is composed by top writers with a deep understanding of the topic and who possess impeccable writing skills. So, you’ll learn a lot from our sample essays and use that information to improve your writing abilities.

The Great Way to Use Our Samples of Nurse Practitioner Essays

So how can you take the most of our essays? Read the sample related to your field or topic and note how the writer applies different elements to produce a good-quality nurse practitioner paper. They are elements such as language, word choice, and tone.

Moreover, you can learn the correct format and structure of different types of essays by reading the samples. Note that the nurse practitioner essay examples are meant to guide you, and you shouldn’t try to plagiarize them.

Cannot Find Something Exciting? Let’s Make a New One!

Composing essays is sometimes daunting, but you should always aim to produce good quality work to keep your academic performance high. Our sample nurse practitioner essay can be among the elements of your writing preparation process. Moreover, expert help is available anytime you may need it. So don’t hesitate, and drop us a line if you need assistance with any of your numerous nursing writing tasks!

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It is, I must confess, virtually impossible for me to convey why I am pursuing the Nurse Practitioner program, simply because doing so would require a distancing of everything that I am. Identifying actual reasons and motivations is difficult when the matter in question goes to personal essence. Being a skilled Nurse Practitioner is more than a goal for me; it translates to my becoming the person I feel I must be. That said, I can offer a more pragmatic, and hopefully more useful, rationale: what you offer is the best in the field and, in committing to it, I will be nearer to attaining that state of being for myself. I am keenly aware of the demands of the profession, and this awareness compels me to pursue the highest degree of education available. Having done my homework, I then apply for this graduate course.

In regard to career goals, I am both optimistic and exceedingly open. In a sense, obtaining my degree will be a culmination of the most important goal, in that working as a Nurse Practitioner in any environment will fulfill my dream. I cannot even generally indicate at this point where I would seek to practice, simply because I believe that the education I receive will introduce me to new possibilities and avenues as yet unknown to me. Wherever my career takes me, I will be looking to be challenged, and encouraged to reach beyond my abilities. I am also committed to working in a situation in which my learning never ceases, as I believe that real learning for a nurse is not a process that is ever completed. Whether it lies ion technical proficiency or in developing talents in perception and caring for patients, there is always something to take in, and than translate into nursing.

If there is anything specific I would wish to communicate to the program director, it is the scope of my interest and the degree of my commitment. I am intelligent, dedicated, and my calling to the profession fuels my dedication. Very simply, there is no attribute of myself I am not eager to invest in the field, for only by giving so fully of myself can I hope to attain my dream, and be the Nurse Practitioner I so desire to be.

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DNP Statement of Purpose and Personal History Statement Tips

Writing a statement of purpose and personal history statement for any doctor of nursing practice (DNP) program can be a challenge, especially if you are not used to writing. However, it is an important opportunity to illuminate parts of yourself that may not be on your application.

Instead of detailing accomplishments on your curriculum vitae, your statement of purpose and personal history statement should be a compelling narrative of your personal and academic achievements.

By the end, the admissions committee should have a better understanding of who you are as a person, what drives you and what led you to apply for admission to the UCI Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing DNP program — Post Master’s or Family Nurse Practitioner tracks.

It is worth the time spent preparing to write a statement that truly makes you stand out.

Writing tips

  • Before starting, make sure you carefully read the prompts provided by the program for the Statement of Purpose and Personal History Statement.
  • Brainstorm ideas and develop an outline.
  • Review UCI Nursing’s mission and vision to ensure they align with your professional aspirations.
  • Know your audience — you are writing to the admissions committee rather than a friend.
  • Consult with a mentor about your professional development. Your mentors can be a great source of advice about your aspirations to become a doctorally-prepared nurse.
  • Read other statements for inspiration.
  • Adhere to any word limits and instructions outlined on the application.
  • Capture the reader’s attention in your opening paragraph. The most compelling aspects of your story should be highlighted first.
  • Show, don’t tell. Back up your statements with specific examples and evidence (e.g. “I demonstrate leadership capabilities in my role” vs. “Leadership comes naturally to me, as evidenced by…”).
  • Be clear, concise and selective in your word choices.
  • Show where you have come from and where you plan to go. Explain how the DNP program will help you achieve your goals.
  • Use first person, “I” language (e.g., “I am interested in…” or “I would like to study…”).
  • Avoid being overly general, clichés and informal (using slang).
  • Make your statement of purpose and personal history unique.
  • Review your writing closely for mistakes in grammar and spelling.
  • Ask for feedback on your statement and history. Have colleagues, friends or family read it.
  • Read your essays out loud.

The Statement of Purpose and Personal History Statement are not:

  • A list of activities
  • A life story
  • Fiction or creative writing

Note: While following this guide may be helpful, it does not guarantee admission to our program.


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Directions for Completing FNP Application Documents

Application essay.

The purpose of the application essay is to demonstrate to the FNP Admissions Committee your understanding of the family nurse practitioner role, justifications for the family nurse practitioner role in delivering high-quality and cost-effective healthcare, and how the WGU FNP programs might prepare you to meet the healthcare needs of your local community or population of interest. This is an opportunity for you to communicate directly with the admissions committee, highlighting how your life and professional experiences have prepared you for the transition from the role of Registered Nurse to Family Nurse Practitioner.   

Use your personal and professional preparation to answer the following questions in your application essay for the WGU FNP programs:  

  • Why do you want to become a nurse practitioner at this time in your life?   
  • What type of clinical practice will you pursue upon graduation from the WGU nurse practitioner program (FNP or PMHNP)?   
  • What is the role of nurse practitioners in delivering high quality, cost-effective healthcare?   
  • How do you plan to balance the demands of a rigorous nurse practitioner program with other personal or professional commitments? Please provide specific strategies you have used to manage your time effectively.  
  • If you have a significant life change, how will you adjust your time and priorities to ensure you are dedicating the time necessary to be successful in the NP program?   

As you answer the questions above, we will examine your application essay to ensure your writing meets the following criteria: 

  • Plagiarism will result in an automatic decline during the competitive selection process . 
  • Originality and uniqueness are expected.  Writing is self-reflective, creative, innovative, and diverse.
  • Writing directly addresses all four application essay questions.
  • Writing is clear and appropriate for the purpose of the assignment. 
  • All evidence and examples are used effectively and are specific and relevant. 
  • Ideas are coherently and logically organized with well‐developed paragraphs and effective transitions. 
  • All sentences are well written with varied sentence structure and are free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. 
  • Maintains appropriate tone, diction, and vocabulary for various modes of writing. 
  • Work demonstrates clear understanding of the target audience.  

The purpose of the CV/résumé is to directly tie your previous and current life and professional experience, as noted in your résumé or CV, to the WGU FNP program.   

CV/Résumé Criteria

  • Audience and purpose of the résumé are strong and clear.
  • Format of the résumé is clear. Each major section includes required information (names, dates, locations, etc.).
  • Résumé shows a very professional appearance, tone, and style.
  • Writer follows all guidelines for spelling, grammar, usage, mechanics, etc. Sentences are strong and have a varied structure.

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DNP-FNP entrance essay

Specialties NP

Updated: Jul 23, 2023   Published Jan 20, 2020

Dane Yu

Hello, I am applying for a DNP -FNP program and would love some feed back on my essay.

Specifically I would like to be reviewed for the following but am open to other suggestions

1) Did I answer the prompts appropriately?

2) Is the writing concise, easy to understand and has decent flow? I had some trouble with transitioning in the last few paragraphs as I wanted to answer the prompt in order. I also feel my opening is a little abrupt, but again, trying to be concise and answer the prompt appropriately.

PROMPT: Please describe (1) Your understanding of the family nurse practitioner role and why you are interested in this role, (2) Your perception of what the doctorate of nursing practice education adds to advanced practice nursing, and (3) Your understanding of integrative health and how it blends with the nurse practitioner role.

I believe the primary role of the family nurse practitioner is to function as a central part of an interdisciplinary team to promote and direct primary healthcare for individuals of all age groups. Unique to the role and purpose of nurse practitioners is the merging of the nursing/psychosocial model of care and medical/pathophysiological model. It is the marriage of the two modalities that allows the provision of the highest quality patient centered care. I feel this role highlights our ability to treat diseases and illnesses as they arise, while simultaneously addressing the individuality of patients in context to their culture, economic status, belief and social system.

Personally my interest in becoming a family nurse practitioner stems from my passion for public health especially in sub urban and rural communities having grown up in one myself. I feel strongly that access to primary and preventative health care is a core foundation of a healthy individual and a healthy community. The most rewarding aspect of my current job as a home health case manager is assisting in creating and directing an individualized plan of care for my patients that addresses every aspect that may present as a barrier or support for their success, such as financial status, living environment, or social support, and working with providers and other disciplines to best achieve our goals. Becoming a FNP would allow me to continue this aspect of my career with an expanded scope of practice, advanced clinical skills, and a strong basis of leadership, advocacy and scientific inquiry. My hope is that with a FNP license I can better assist in expanding high quality primary care to areas and populations of STATE that experience difficulties with accessibility.

I feel what the DNP degree adds to advanced practice nursing is a strong core of leadership and advocacy for both our patients and profession. From general coursework to the final research project, the DNP degree seems to focus on the development of strong leaders in healthcare to assist in the promotion and advancement of quality patient care. Being the terminal clinical degree available, it allows nurses who pursue this avenue to function in the highest healthcare settings and assist in policy making, quality review and various other leadership roles which are much needed in the fast shifting area of healthcare today.

One of the central components of my personal practice as a Home Health RN is the incorporation of integrative health. My understanding of integrative health stems from my own cultural background and upbringing being Chinese-Taiwanese. Growing up my family practiced various different types of Eastern and Traditional medicine ranging from acupressure to herbal remedies in combination with seeing providers for traditional Western Medicine. I believe integrative health to be the recognition and use of all different types and modalities of health promotion with a patient centered approach. It is an expansive, inclusive and culturally sensitive practice and by recognizing and including these alternative practices we are better able to create comprehensive treatment plans with cohesive care. As nurses I feel we are always striving to provide holistic health, or health to the whole person, body and mind. By utilizing an integrative health framework as a nurse practitioner we would be adding tools to our toolkit for treating patients as a whole, fostering better outcomes and satisfaction.

Thank you for your consideration for my entrance into the DNP -FNP program at the SCHOOL. I would be honored to one day practice at the highest level of the nursing profession, bringing with me my skills, passion and knowledge as well as experience and leadership that will be gained during my schooling.

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Yes on both your questions! Concise, easy to understand, and well written. Best of luck! ?


kcheck5, MSN, APRN, NP

I think it answers all of the questions and flows well.

This is for U of P, yes? I pulled out my application and will be applying for next year. Timing isn’t right anymore for my little family. Good luck!!!

18 hours ago, kcheck5 said: I think it answers all of the questions and flows well. This is for U of P, yes? I pulled out my application and will be applying for next year. Timing isn’t right anymore for my little family. Good luck!!!

Thank you, and yes it is! I have 1 recommendation waiting before my app is complete. If I don't get in this year I will definitely be reapplying next year, so we very well may be in the same cohort. Best of luck when you apply! Hopefully it will be better timing


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