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Lignin as a renewable aromatic resource for the chemical industry

  • Biobased Chemistry and Technology

Research output : Thesis › internal PhD, WU

Valorization of lignin plays a key role in the further development of lignocellulosic biorefinery processes for biofuels and biobased materials production. Today’s increased demand for alternatives to fossil carbon-based products expands the interest and the need to create added value to the unconverted lignin fraction. The aim of the research was to study the potential of lignin to become a renewable aromatic resource for the chemical industry. Lignin can be considered as an abundantly available and cheap raw material for the manufacturing of an array of products. Development of applications needs to go hand in hand with the anticipated increased production of technical lignins derived from the pulp and paper industry and the emerging lignocellulosic biorefinery industry. Two promising lignin applications are studied in this thesis:

1)         the use of lignin in wood adhesives

2)         the use of lignin for the production of aromatic chemicals

PCA modeling was performed aimed at the prediction of the application potential of different technical lignins for wood adhesive production. The lignins and their fractions could be classified in different clusters based on their structure dependent properties. Lignins exhibiting sufficient reactive sites, medium molar mass and low level of impurities are most promising candidates for the development of lignin based wood adhesives. Both lignin reactivity and formaldehyde-free crosslinking agents are needed to develop emission-free adhesives. Periodate oxidation was studied as method to improve the lignin reactivity. Alternatives to formaldehyde- based glues are under investigation and a combination of lignin and furans might be an interesting concept to develop renewable adhesives. 

In this research a reliable SEC methodology was developed for the analysis of the molar mass distribution of a wide range of different lignins. The major drawback of this method is that the molar masses are calculated on a relative basis to sulfonated polystyrenes. Using MALDI-TOF-MS and prior fractionation of lignin did not solve all problems associated with the determination of the absolute molar mass of lignin.   

Supercritical depolymerisation of lignin using a carbon dioxide/acetone/water fluid resulted in a depolymerised lignin oil. In this oil some monomeric compounds are present in relatively high amounts up to 3.6% (based on dry lignin). These products maybe further isolated by downstream processing to obtain purified fine chemicals. For continuous operation of this supercritical process, the formation of char should be further limited. 

The results presented in this thesis are expected to contribute - together with the many on-going activities worldwide - to the increased commercial utilisation of lignin in the future. Moreover, the obtained results contribute to the increasing knowledge on lignin analysis, chemistry and reactivity.  

Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
Supervisors/Advisors , Promotor , Co-promotor, External person , Co-promotor
Award date7 Dec 2011
Place of Publication[S.l.]
Print ISBNs9789461731005
Publication statusPublished - 7 Dec 2011
  • renewable resources
  • lignocellulose
  • lignocellulosic wastes
  • pulp and paper industry
  • biobased chemicals
  • biobased chemistry

This output contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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  • Aromatics Engineering 100%
  • Renewables Engineering 100%
  • Molar Mass Engineering 100%
  • Fractionation Chemical Engineering 100%
  • Carbon Dioxide Chemical Engineering 100%
  • Polystyrene Chemical Engineering 100%
  • Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Agricultural and Biological Sciences 100%
  • Alpha Oxidation Agricultural and Biological Sciences 100%

Projects per year

Lignin as the renewable resource for the future.

Gosselink, R. & Sanders, J.

1/06/05 → 7/12/11

Project : PhD

  • Aromatics 100%
  • Renewables 100%
  • Molar Mass 100%
  • Fractionation 100%
  • Carbon Dioxide 100%

T1 - Lignin as a renewable aromatic resource for the chemical industry

AU - Gosselink, R.J.A.

N1 - WU thesis no. 5138

PY - 2011/12/7

Y1 - 2011/12/7

N2 - Valorization of lignin plays a key role in the further development of lignocellulosic biorefinery processes for biofuels and biobased materials production. Today’s increased demand for alternatives to fossil carbon-based products expands the interest and the need to create added value to the unconverted lignin fraction. The aim of the research was to study the potential of lignin to become a renewable aromatic resource for the chemical industry. Lignin can be considered as an abundantly available and cheap raw material for the manufacturing of an array of products. Development of applications needs to go hand in hand with the anticipated increased production of technical lignins derived from the pulp and paper industry and the emerging lignocellulosic biorefinery industry. Two promising lignin applications are studied in this thesis: 1)         the use of lignin in wood adhesives 2)         the use of lignin for the production of aromatic chemicals PCA modeling was performed aimed at the prediction of the application potential of different technical lignins for wood adhesive production. The lignins and their fractions could be classified in different clusters based on their structure dependent properties. Lignins exhibiting sufficient reactive sites, medium molar mass and low level of impurities are most promising candidates for the development of lignin based wood adhesives. Both lignin reactivity and formaldehyde-free crosslinking agents are needed to develop emission-free adhesives. Periodate oxidation was studied as method to improve the lignin reactivity. Alternatives to formaldehyde- based glues are under investigation and a combination of lignin and furans might be an interesting concept to develop renewable adhesives.  In this research a reliable SEC methodology was developed for the analysis of the molar mass distribution of a wide range of different lignins. The major drawback of this method is that the molar masses are calculated on a relative basis to sulfonated polystyrenes. Using MALDI-TOF-MS and prior fractionation of lignin did not solve all problems associated with the determination of the absolute molar mass of lignin.    Supercritical depolymerisation of lignin using a carbon dioxide/acetone/water fluid resulted in a depolymerised lignin oil. In this oil some monomeric compounds are present in relatively high amounts up to 3.6% (based on dry lignin). These products maybe further isolated by downstream processing to obtain purified fine chemicals. For continuous operation of this supercritical process, the formation of char should be further limited.  The results presented in this thesis are expected to contribute - together with the many on-going activities worldwide - to the increased commercial utilisation of lignin in the future. Moreover, the obtained results contribute to the increasing knowledge on lignin analysis, chemistry and reactivity.  

AB - Valorization of lignin plays a key role in the further development of lignocellulosic biorefinery processes for biofuels and biobased materials production. Today’s increased demand for alternatives to fossil carbon-based products expands the interest and the need to create added value to the unconverted lignin fraction. The aim of the research was to study the potential of lignin to become a renewable aromatic resource for the chemical industry. Lignin can be considered as an abundantly available and cheap raw material for the manufacturing of an array of products. Development of applications needs to go hand in hand with the anticipated increased production of technical lignins derived from the pulp and paper industry and the emerging lignocellulosic biorefinery industry. Two promising lignin applications are studied in this thesis: 1)         the use of lignin in wood adhesives 2)         the use of lignin for the production of aromatic chemicals PCA modeling was performed aimed at the prediction of the application potential of different technical lignins for wood adhesive production. The lignins and their fractions could be classified in different clusters based on their structure dependent properties. Lignins exhibiting sufficient reactive sites, medium molar mass and low level of impurities are most promising candidates for the development of lignin based wood adhesives. Both lignin reactivity and formaldehyde-free crosslinking agents are needed to develop emission-free adhesives. Periodate oxidation was studied as method to improve the lignin reactivity. Alternatives to formaldehyde- based glues are under investigation and a combination of lignin and furans might be an interesting concept to develop renewable adhesives.  In this research a reliable SEC methodology was developed for the analysis of the molar mass distribution of a wide range of different lignins. The major drawback of this method is that the molar masses are calculated on a relative basis to sulfonated polystyrenes. Using MALDI-TOF-MS and prior fractionation of lignin did not solve all problems associated with the determination of the absolute molar mass of lignin.    Supercritical depolymerisation of lignin using a carbon dioxide/acetone/water fluid resulted in a depolymerised lignin oil. In this oil some monomeric compounds are present in relatively high amounts up to 3.6% (based on dry lignin). These products maybe further isolated by downstream processing to obtain purified fine chemicals. For continuous operation of this supercritical process, the formation of char should be further limited.  The results presented in this thesis are expected to contribute - together with the many on-going activities worldwide - to the increased commercial utilisation of lignin in the future. Moreover, the obtained results contribute to the increasing knowledge on lignin analysis, chemistry and reactivity.  

KW - vervangbare hulpbronnen

KW - lignine

KW - lignocellulose

KW - lignocellulosehoudend afval

KW - pulp- en papierwarenindustrie

KW - chemicaliën uit biologische grondstoffen

KW - chemie op basis van biologische grondstoffen

KW - renewable resources

KW - lignin

KW - lignocellulosic wastes

KW - pulp and paper industry

KW - biobased chemicals

KW - biobased chemistry

M3 - internal PhD, WU

SN - 9789461731005

CY - [S.l.]

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Open Access Dissertations

A computational and experimental investigation of lignin metabolism in arabidopsis thaliana..

Rohit Jaini , Purdue University

Date of Award

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Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Chemical Engineering

Committee Chair

John A. Morgan

Committee Member 1

Natalia Dudareva

Committee Member 2

Doraiswami Ramkrishna

Committee Member 3

Rajamani Gounder

Predominantly localized in plant secondary cell walls, lignin is a highly crosslinked, aromatic polymer that imparts structural support to plant vasculature, and renders biomass recalcitrant to pretreatment techniques impeding the economical production of biofuels. Lignin is synthesized via the phenylpropanoid pathway where the primary precursor phenylalanine (Phe) undergoes a series of functional modifications catalyzed by 11 enzyme families to produce p-coumaryl, coniferyl, and sinapyl alcohol, which undergo random polymerization into lignin. Several metabolic engineering efforts have aimed to alter lignin content and composition, and make biofuel feedstock more amenable to pretreatment techniques. Despite significant advances, several questions pertaining to carbon flux distribution in the phenylpropanoid network remain unanswered. Furthermore, complexity of the metabolic pathway and a lack of sensitive analytical tools add to the challenges of mechanistically understanding lignin synthesis. In this work, I describe improvements in analytical techniques used to characterize phenylpropanoid metabolism that have been applied to obtain a comprehensive quantitative mass balance of the phenylpropanoid pathway. Finally, machine learning and artificial intelligence were utilized to make predictions about optimal lignin amount and composition for improving saccharification. In summary, the overarching goal of this thesis was to further the understanding of lignin metabolism in the model system, Arabidopis thaliana, employing a combination of experimental and computational strategies. First, we developed comprehensive and sensitive analytical methods based on liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to quantify intermediates of the phenylpropanoid pathway. Compared to existing targeted profiling techniques, the methods were capable of quantifying a wider range of phenylpropanoid intermediates, at lower concentrations, with minimal sample preparation. The technique was used to generate flux maps for wild type and mutant Arabidopsis stems that were fed exogenously 13C6-Phe. Flux maps computed in this work; (i) suggest the presence of a hitherto uncharacterized alternative route to caffeic acid and lignin synthesis, (ii) shed light on flux splits at key branch points of the network, and (iii) indicate presence of inactive pools for a number of metabolites. Finally, we present a machine learning based model that captures the non-linear relationship between lignin content and composition, and saccharification efficiency. A support vector machine (SVM) based regression technique was developed to predict saccharification efficiency and biomass yields as a function of lignin content, and composition of monomers that make up lignin, namely p-coumaryl (H), coniferyl (G), and sinapyl (S) alcohol derived lignin. The model was trained on data obtained from the literature and validated on Arabidopsis mutants that were excluded from the training data set. Functional forms obtained from SVM regression were further optimized using genetic algorithms (GA) to maximize total sugar yields. Our efforts resulted in two optimal solutions with lower lignin content and interestingly varying H:G:S composition that were conducive to saccharide extractability.

Recommended Citation

Jaini, Rohit, "A Computational and Experimental Investigation of Lignin Metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana." (2017). Open Access Dissertations . 1569.

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Microwave-Assisted Treatments of Biomass: Lignin Isolation from Lignocellulose and Natural Products Recovery from Bilberry Presscake

--> zhou, long (2018) Microwave-Assisted Treatments of Biomass: Lignin Isolation from Lignocellulose and Natural Products Recovery from Bilberry Presscake. PhD thesis, University of York.

Abstract Microwave thermal treatment has generated an increasing interest in biomass valorisation. In this research, softwood, hardwood and straw are processed by microwave-assisted acidolysis, producing high quality residual lignin without significant modification, especially softwood (purity 93%, yield 82%). Under equivalent conditions, microwave treatment produces lignin with higher yield and purity than conventional treatment. The aqueous hydrolysate is fermented by two oleaginous yeasts, Cryptococcus curvatus and Metschnikowia pulcherrima. Both yeasts could grow on the hydrolysate and produce an oil with similar properties to palm oil. This preliminary work demonstrates new protocols of microwave-assisted acidolysis and therefore offers an effective approach to produce high purity lignin and fermentable chemicals, which is a key step towards developing a zero-waste lignocellulosic biorefinery. In addition, microwave conversions (lab and pilot scale) of bilberry presscake, aiming to fulfill multiple chemicals recovery, were carried out using only water as the solvent, ensuring all products are suitable for food grade status applications. Microwave hydrolysis gives much higher yield of mono-/disaccharides than conventional extraction, with the yield of rhamnose particularly high (10.8%). Pilot scale microwave conversions are also carried out with high conversion. It is believed microwave hydrolysis offers an efficient and green approach to convert bilberry presscake into value-added products for food industry and biorefinery.

Supervisors: Budarin, Vitaliy and Macquarrie, Duncan
Awarding institution: University of York
Academic Units:
Depositing User: Mr long zhou
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2018 16:02
Last Modified: 13 Nov 2023 01:05

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phd thesis on lignin

(2022) Doctoral (PhD) thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Available under License - The author retains copyright ownership and moral rights in this thesis. Neither the thesis nor substantial extracts from it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's permission.

Lignin is a complex biopolymer abundantly found in all vascular plants. It plays a key role in building connective tissues and giving them strength, rigidity, and resistance to environmental factors such as pathogens. Extracted lignin finds diverse applications in the commercial sector with immense potential in novel value-added applications. Therefore, it is important to develop optimum and sustainable processes for lignin extraction. To this end, one of the aims of the present research was to examine different lignin extraction methods on common wood species present in Newfoundland, Canada – balsam fir, pine, spruce (softwood), birch, maple, and oak (hardwood). Two different lignin extraction methods were studied: (1) the Formacell method, which uses acetic acid/formic acid/water; and (2) the BioEB method, which uses only formic acid/water. Various parameters were tested, including solvent concentration, temperature, cooking time, to determine the most optimal lignin extraction conditions. The results of this study can be applied to inform and improve industrial lignin extraction processes to obtain better yields in the most optimal manner. This thesis also discusses the latest developments in value-added uses of extracted lignin for the preparation of novel bio-based materials. Lastly, it provides a review of the mechanisms of microbial biodegradation of lignin. These microbial ligninolytic mechanisms provide a host of possibilities to overcome the challenges of using harmful chemicals to degrade lignin biowaste in many industries.

--> -->
Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral (PhD))
Item ID: 15354
Additional Information: Includes bibliographical references.
Date: January 2022
Date Type: Submission
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
Library of Congress Subject Heading: Lignin--Newfoundland and Labrador; Lignin--Biodegradation--Newfoundland and Labrador; Wood--Chemistry; Softwood--Newfoundland and Labrador; Hardwoods--Newfoundland and Labrador; Extraction (Chemistry).

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Lignin conversion to fine chemicals

de Albuquerque Fragoso, Danielle Munick (2018) Lignin conversion to fine chemicals. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

The large availability of Kraft lignin as an industrial by-product and its polyaromatic characteristic, is ideal to consider the potential for recycling it into fine chemicals. To depolymerise lignin, solvolysis and hydrogenolysis experiments were performed. This research considered whether the low yields of products (fine chemicals) were related to the low content of β-O-4 bonds or if it was also associated to the dissolution of lignin in the solvent solution employed in the reactions. The type of solvents chosen to check the dissolution effect were those with low cost and were more sustainable than traditional solvents. Water, ethanol, isopropanol (IPA) and acetone were used. The water mixtures were applied in the tests in various proportions (25:75, 50:50, 75:25 solvent/water v:v). Due to their ability to break C-C and C-O bonds in lignin model compounds [1][2], the efficiency of platinum and rhodium in these reactions supported on alumina was also studied. It was found that the non-catalysed (solvolysis) and catalysed reactions showed different selectivities but similar overall yields ~ 10 % wt of monomeric phenols. The difficulty in increasing yields was mainly associated with the highly condensed character of Kraft lignin and re-polymerisation issues. To achieve an understanding of Kraft lignin depolymerisation, isotopic labelling reactions were completed in the presence of deuterated solvents as well as deuterium gas. This gave information on how Kraft lignin depolymerises, the influence of solvent to products formation and the involvement of hydrogen in the rate determining steps in the reactions. These results have led to an initial mechanistic understanding on how this complex molecule may yield alky-phenolic compounds. It was revealed that the solvent was directly involved in the products’ formation and that they were not generated by simple thermolysis. In addition, the presence of catalysts and hydrogen influenced product formation. The compounds showed different kinetic isotopic values, suggesting that each of these molecules came from individual mechanisms, highlighting the complexity of their formation. This was a relevant study as most of lignin depolymerisation mechanistic insights are based on model compounds and not on lignin itself. It was of interest to this project to explore not only different catalysts and their relationship to lignin depolymerisation, but also different lignin types. A simple pre-treatment for lignin extraction using sawdust (from oak and birch wood) in a Parr autoclave reactor in the presence of hydrogen, solvent and high temperature was developed. The lignins obtained after the pre-treatment were named parr-lignin and successfully resulted in polyaromatic molecules with less condensed character compared to lignins from Soda or Kraft pulping. Reactions were carried out with these lignins and a sugar-cane lignin.

Different catalytic systems with these lignins were investigated and how depolymerisation was affected by the metal and support used. The catalysts involved in the reactions included platinum, rhodium, nickel and iron. Various supports such as alumina, zirconia and carbon were tested along with the metals described. It was found that the supports were not inert in these experiments presenting catalytic activity. Materials with low surface area (zirconium catalysts) gave a poor performance compared to the others. In addition, nickel, a non-noble metal, showed as good a catalytic effect in the depolymerisation of these lignins as Pt and Rh. The components in the system influenced the reactions to different extents, especially product distribution. The catalysts had different selectivities and the solvents were not only dissolving lignin but also influencing the results. GPC analysis was performed to give an overview of the condensed level of these lignins and degrees of depolymerisation compared to the original material. GC-MS enabled the identification and quantification of 18 monomeric compounds. The post reaction characterisation of selected alumina catalysts (Pt/Al2O3, Ni/Al2O3 and Al2O3) was performed using XRD, BET, CHN, TPO and Raman Analysis to study the nature of the carbonaceous layer deposited on these materials. The work showed that after reaction the catalysts turned black in colour and the carbon laydown consisted of not only one simple type of carbon, and included graphitic species. The amount of carbon deposited depended on the type of lignin. Oak and birch parr-lignins had the highest and lowest amount of carbon over the catalysts respectively. No obvious trend relating to the type of catalyst, lignin and solvent used to the carbon nature was identified. This work showed that lignins with less condensed nature were less susceptible to solvolysis and more to hydrogenolysis. For example, sugar-cane lignin gave 3.9% of phenolic compounds in the solvolysis while reaction with Rh/Al2O3 gave 12.9% of products. This indicated that more selective cleavage of bonds were promoted by heterogenous catalysts. The results suggested that some compounds were mainly generated via dealkylation and hydrodeoxygenation, allowing a future possibility to generate target molecules. These results were mainly due to the presence of more labile bonds, vulnerable to hydrogenolysis. Highlighting that prior to depolymerisation, the pre-treatment used to extract lignin must be appropriate to avoid depletion of the alkyl-aryl ether bonds (β-O-4 bonds, especially) relevant for fine chemicals generation.

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Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Qualification Level: Doctoral
Additional Information: Supported by: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (scholarship) and financed by CNPq, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações, Brazil.
Keywords: Lignin, depolymerisation, hydrogenolysis.
Subjects: >
Colleges/Schools: >
Supervisor's Name: Jackson, Professor Samuel David
Date of Award: 2018
Depositing User:
Unique ID: glathesis:2018-30847
Copyright: Copyright of this thesis is held by the author.
Date Deposited: 08 Oct 2018 12:45
Last Modified: 13 Nov 2018 08:00
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  • Published: 08 May 2020

Enzymatic and genetic characterization of lignin depolymerization by Streptomyces sp. S6 isolated from a tropical environment

  • Fatimah Azizah Riyadi 1   na1 ,
  • Analhuda Abdullah Tahir 1   na1 ,
  • Nurtasbiyah Yusof 1 ,
  • Nurul Syazwani Ahmad Sabri 1 ,
  • Megat Johari Megat Mohd Noor 1 ,
  • Fazrena Nadia M. D. Akhir 1 ,
  • Nor’azizi Othman 2 ,
  • Zuriati Zakaria 1 &
  • Hirofumi Hara   ORCID: 3  

Scientific Reports volume  10 , Article number:  7813 ( 2020 ) Cite this article

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  • Applied microbiology
  • Environmental biotechnology

The conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into bioethanol or biochemical products requires a crucial pretreatment process to breakdown the recalcitrant lignin structure. This research focuses on the isolation and characterization of a lignin-degrading bacterial strain from a decaying oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB). The isolated strain, identified as S treptomyces sp. S6, grew in a minimal medium with Kraft lignin (KL) as the sole carbon source. Several known ligninolytic enzyme assays were performed, and lignin peroxidase (LiP), laccase (Lac), dye-decolorizing peroxidase (DyP) and aryl-alcohol oxidase (AAO) activities were detected. A 55.3% reduction in the molecular weight (Mw) of KL was observed after 7 days of incubation with Streptomyces sp. S6 based on gel-permeation chromatography (GPC). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) also successfully highlighted the production of lignin-derived aromatic compounds, such as 3-methyl-butanoic acid, guaiacol derivatives, and 4,6-dimethyl-dodecane, after treatment of KL with strain S6. Finally, draft genome analysis of Streptomyces sp. S6 also revealed the presence of strong lignin degradation machinery and identified various candidate genes responsible for lignin depolymerization, as well as for the mineralization of the lower molecular weight compounds, confirming the lignin degradation capability of the bacterial strain.

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Lignocellulosic biomass is the most abundant renewable organic carbon source on earth and can be effectively used as an alternative to biofuels, biochemicals, and biomolecules, with zero net carbon emission. However, the main challenge for its commercial application is the technology for converting lignocellulosic biomass into sugars for bioethanol/biochemicals. Lignocellulosic biomass, the main component of plant structure, mainly consists of two carbohydrate polymers, cellulose and hemicellulose, and an aromatic polymer, lignin, organized and interlinked together. Cellulose and hemicellulose are chains of polysaccharides that can be easily degraded by microbial enzymes or by chemical hydrolysis and are considered the main candidates for bioethanol and biochemical production. Meanwhile, lignin, the most complex among them, is a three-dimensional heterogeneous crosslinked macromolecule comprising numerous aromatic phenylpropanoid monomeric units identified as guaiacyl (G), p-hydroxyphenyl (H), and syringyl (S) units 1 , 2 . In the plant cell wall, lignin acts as a cellular glue between cellulose fibers and is covalently bonded with hemicellulose, thus enhancing its strength and rigidity. In addition, being aromatic in nature and relatively hydrophobic, lignin acts as an antimicrobial and waterproofing agent and provides carbohydrates protection from hydrolysis by microbial enzymes 3 , 4 .

There are several pretreatment approaches that use mechanical, chemical, physicochemical, and biological methods to depolymerize the recalcitrant lignin fraction of lignocellulosic biomass. Among them, biological pretreatment using microbial enzymes appears to be the most promising method, as it offers more environmentally friendly treatment with lower energy requirements and costs. In addition, biological pretreatment could offer advantages, as microbial degradation can be controlled to achieve desired, valuable aromatic and phenolic byproducts, such as vanillin, catechol, styrene, and polyphenols 2 , 5 . Ligninolytic microorganisms attack lignin by forming complex systems of oxidative enzymes 6 . Synergistic actions of groups of extracellular oxidative enzymes are required to initiate lignin depolymerization by generating highly reactive non-specific free radicals, which will simultaneously lead to cleavage of lignin inter-unit bonds (C-C and C-ether bonds) and further breakdown of the lignin structure 2 , 7 .

Some microorganisms, especially white-rot and brown-rot fungi, have been reported to depolymerize lignin during carbon limitation, secreting ligninolytic enzymes, such as lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase (MnP), versatile peroxidase (VP) and copper-containing laccase (Lac) 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 . However, most studies have not achieved commercial-scale lignin degradation since fungi have relatively complex genetic and protein expression characteristics 12 . Although less well identified and characterized than the ligninolytic enzymes from fungi, researchers have begun reporting some of the ligninolytic enzymes from bacteria 4 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 . However, actual lignin depolymerization and the relationship between the enzymology and molecular understanding of lignin degradation by bacteria are still poorly understood. Bacteria are predicted to possess other classes of ligninolytic enzymes that are not found in fungi. However, these potential ligninolytic bacteria are largely undiscovered, and many novel ligninolytic enzymes may still emerge. In addition, previous characterization studies on lignin-degrading bacteria mostly used lignin model dimers, such as β-aryl ether lignin 12 , veratrylglycerol-β-guaiacol ether 17 , guaiacylglycerol-β-guaiacyl ether 18 , and lignin-related aromatic acids 19 , to evaluate lignin degradation ability. However, depolymerization of polymeric lignin, which can closely resemble natural lignin, is limited and requires further evaluation.

As a tropical country, Malaysia provides a more stable growth temperature for microorganisms compared to temperate countries where the temperature fluctuates year-round. Microbes isolated from the local environment could improve biological treatment processes and further minimize the treatment cost for lignin degradation. In addition, the abundance of oil palm biomass in the country makes it a possible source of bacterial strains with lignin-degrading abilities. Therefore, in this study, biomass from a palm oil mill was used to isolate the lignin-degrading bacterium strain S6. Subsequently, the potential lignin-degrading ability of the strain was evaluated by performing enzymatic assays and gel-permeation chromatography (GPC) using Kraft lignin (KL) as the lignin model compound. The intermediate metabolites of the degraded lignin compounds were also identified using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Last, the draft genome sequence of the potential ligninolytic strain was obtained to confirm the degradation process and to reveal all the candidate genes responsible for lignin degradation.

Results and Discussion

Growth of streptomyces sp. s6 on kraft lignin.

To identify the ability of the isolated bacterium to metabolize lignin, the growth of the bacterium on agar plates containing W-minimal media with 2.5 g/L KL was tested. In this study, we utilized KL as the lignin model. Strain S6 was successfully isolated from decaying oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) and grew well on the tested agar plate. The cells showed a morphology of clear white and leathery spores (Supplementary Fig.  S1 ). To further confirm the ability of the strain to grow on lignin, the growth pattern was observed in liquid culture (in terms of optical density at 600 nm (OD 600 )) using 2.5 g/L KL as the sole carbon source (Supplementary Fig.  S2 ). Although relatively slow, the growth of S6 in the presence of KL was clearly observed. The strain reached a maximum growth after 3 days of incubation, with an OD 600 of approximately 0.2. This showed that despite being recalcitrant, this organism could adapt and metabolize KL as a carbon and energy source. In this study, KL was used as the sole carbon source without additional nutrients, to ensure that the bacterium can degrade lignin substrate. This could be the reason for the slow growth pattern of the bacterium. The organism was expected to depolymerize lignin and take up the lower molecular-weight KL-derived compounds and other organic compounds present in KL to grow.

Previous studies have reported that several lignin-degrading bacteria, including Bacillus ligniniphilus L1 and Streptomyces sp. F2621, require glucose, peptone, or yeast powder as additional carbon and nitrogen sources to stimulate bacterial growth on KL 20 , 21 . According to Zhu et al . 22 , an additional carbon source is necessary for microbial lignin degradation, even though the complete oxidation reaction of lignin is highly exothermic, i.e., generates energy, as the degradation of lignin is still too slow to function as the main source of metabolic energy for the microorganism. However, based on our results, strain S6 was able to grow even when KL was used as the sole carbon source, suggesting that this strain has the ability to degrade and use highly recalcitrant lignin as the carbon source. In addition, in a recent study, the growth of the lignin-degrading bacterium R. opacus was observed on plates after only two weeks of incubation with 2 g/L depolymerized softwood Kraft lignin (DL). R. opacus and P. putida EM42 growth was further evaluated in liquid cultures with 1 g/L DL, and maximum OD 600 values of approximately 0.15 and 0.12, respectively, were observed after two weeks of cultivation, while the maximum OD 600 value for non-depolymerized lignin was approximately one-third of that obtained with DL 23 .

Analyses of extracellular ligninolytic enzyme activities

In most previous studies, lignin degradation by microorganisms were examined by evaluating the activities of ligninolytic enzymes secreted by the organisms. In addition to observing the growth pattern of strain S6, in this study, the activities of various reported ligninolytic enzymes, such as lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase (MnP), dye-decolorizing peroxidase (DyP), laccase (Lac) and aryl-alcohol oxidase (AAO), were also evaluated to confirm the lignin degradation ability of the strain. The cell-free supernatant was used as the crude enzyme to measure the activity of various extracellular ligninolytic enzymes. No MnP activity was detected in strain S6. On the other hand, considerable LiP (7.4 ± 0.032 U/L) and AAO activities (13.0 ± 0.170 U/L) were detected. However, in the case of Lac and DyP, S6 showed a low activity with 0.1 ± 0.095 U/L and 0.1 ± 0.036 U/L, respectively.

Previous enzymatic studies on numerous strong lignin degraders, such as Pandoraea sp. B-6, Comamonas sp. B-9, and Novosphingobium sp. B-7, reported that these strains only secrete MnP and Lac, and no obvious LiP activity was observed when strains were grown on KL 13 , 24 , 25 . In contrast, in this study, the highest enzyme activity was shown for LiP when grown in KL, and no MnP and slight Lac activities were detected. Previous observations for AAO activity were limited, but some fungi, such as Aspergillus nidulans 26 and Pleurotus ostreatus 27 , and bacteria, such as Sphingobacterium sp . ATM 28 , were also reported to show AAO activity. According to Tamboli et al . 28 , AAO catalyzes aryl-α- and α-β-unsaturated γ-alcohol oxidation to the subsequent aldehydes with the simultaneous reduction of O 2 to H 2 O 2 . The H 2 O 2 generated is predicted to be used by ligninolytic peroxidases to regulate lignin degradation and to secrete enzyme activities.

Evaluation of depolymerization activity by GPC analysis

Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) was performed to observe the degradation of the lignin polymer by comparing the changes in the molecular weight distribution of the polymer after being treated with the isolated bacterium. In this study, GPC was used to evaluate the molecular weight (Mw) of KL before and after 7 days of incubation with strain S6. Based on Table  1 , the average Mw of KL on day 0 was approximately 3,401 Da. The Mw of KL decreased to 1,415 Da on day 3 and was further reduced to 1,286 Da after 7 days of being treated with strain S6, achieving 55.3% lignin degradation. In addition, the polydispersity (Mw/Mn) of lignin fragments decreased from 1.5 (control) to 1.1 (day 3 and day 7). A decrease in the molecular weight distribution of treated KL over time indicated that the KL polymer sample was successfully degraded after 7 days of treatment with S6. The bacterial strain showed fast depolymerization of KL after 3 days, as seen from the decrease in the molecular weight of KL and narrowing of the distribution ranges from the chromatograph (see Supplementary Figs.  S3 and S4 ). This result is consistent with our growth curve result that demonstrates a higher growth curve during the first 3 days. Although fast depolymerization was observed after 3 days of treatment, we observed slight depolymerization with the continuation of 7 days of incubation, as seen from the shifted peak in the chromatograph (Supplementary Fig.  S3 ). The presence of these shifted peaks indicates the production of smaller polymers of lignin as a result of bacterial growth. The GPC results suggest that this strain may be able to efficiently degrade polymeric lignin. We believed that strain S6 secretes ligninolytic enzymes that break the intermolecular C-C and C-O bonds of the lignin polymer into oligomers, trimers and dimers of lignin, indicating the feasibility of the biodegradation of the KL polymer. This result is parallel with previous reports on the bacterial utilization and depolymerization of lignin by GPC analysis 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 .

Identification of lignin monomers by GC-MS analysis

GC/MS has been proven to be a very suitable technique to analyze low molecular weight compounds (LMW) released from lignin, as reported by previous research 30 , 31 , 33 , 34 . The LMW compounds produced from KL were analyzed before and after 3 days and 7 days of treatment with strain S6, as summarized in Table  2 and Supplementary Fig.  S5 . Approximately eight aromatic compounds (1,4-dichlorobenzene, 2-methoxyphenol (guaiacol), vanillin, 1,3-dichlorobenzene, apocynin, 2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl) phenol, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and triphenylphosphine oxide) and nine linear/branched oxygenated hydrocarbons (butyl acetate, 3-methylbutanoic acid, 2-methylbutanoic acid, 3-methyl 2 butanol, 1-4-dichloro benzene, 1-3-dichloro benzene, 2,6-dimethyldecane, 5-methyl-5-propylnonane, 4-methyltridecane, 4,6-dimethyldodecane, and bis(2-ethylhexyl) hexanedioate) were detected by GC-MS analysis. Several lignin monomeric compounds, such as 2,6-dimethyldecane, tridecane, 4-methyl, vanillin and apocynin, that were detected in the untreated KL samples were not detected in the KL samples treated with S6 on days 3 and 7. In addition, new monomer compounds, such as 3-methylbutanoic acid, 2-methylbutanoic acid, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, guaiacol, 5-methyl-5-propylnonane, and 4,6-dimethyldodecane, were detected on day 3 and/or day 7 after treatment with sample S6, suggesting that KL was further degraded by catalytic cleavage of C-C and C-O-C bonds. Since the first step of monomer production from lignin is depolymerization, it is important to break the bonds that hold the phenyl propane units. We believe that strain S6 produces several ligninolytic enzymes, such as peroxidases, that are responsible for depolymerizing lignin polymers and metabolizing low molecular weight aromatic compounds. In addition, the produced lignin fragments may be involved in different reactions, including hydrolysis of C4–ether bonds, dimethoxylation, aromatic ring opening, and C α –C β breakdown 35 . Some linear alkanes, such as 2,6-dimethyldecane and nonane-5-methyl-5-propyl, were also detected, indicating that a ring-opening reaction occurred in strain S6. The phthalate derivative bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate has been detected and previously reported from fungal peroxidase degradation of lignosulfonate 36 and from photodegradation of black liquor lignin 37 .

Gene features of Streptomyces sp. S6

The draft genome of strain S6 was 6,420,514 bp in size, with a GC content of 71.23%, 9,405 coding sequences (CDS), 6,064 proteins with predicted functions, and 3,341 hypothetical proteins (Table  3 ). Strain S6 was classified as a gram-positive bacterium, Streptomyces sp ., according to its morphological characteristics, 16S rRNA region, and complete genome sequences. Based on the 16S rRNA sequence phylogenetic tree (Fig.  1 ), strain S6 is closely related to other Streptomyces groups, showing the highest similarity to Streptomyces cavourensis strain NRRL 2740 (NR_043851.1) and Kitasatospora albolonga strain NBRC 13465 (NR_041144.1), a homotypic synonym of Streptomyces albolongus . From the phylogenetic tree, Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) (NC_003888.3) 38 , Streptomyces sp. F-6 (FJ405358.1) and Streptomyces sp. F-7 (FJ405357.1) 16 , as well as Streptomyces griseorubens strain JSD-1 (KC736485.1) 39 were also previously reported to demonstrate lignin-degrading ability. A gram-positive Bacillus subtilis strain 168 (MH283878.1), was used as the outgroup strain to root the phylogenetic tree. The protein-coding genes from the draft genome sequences of strain S6 were annotated and classified into 23 and 27 functional classes/subsystems according to COG and RAST, respectively. Based on the COG functional categories (Supplementary Table  S1 ), general processes and metabolic pathways related to amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and lipids were dominant. In addition, the moderate quantity of categories, such as secondary metabolite biosynthesis, transport, and catabolism in the subsystem features suggests that strain S6 is capable of surviving and metabolizing lignin or aromatic compounds.

figure 1

Phylogenetic analysis of Streptomyces strain S6 (highlighted) with the related species strains based on 16S rRNA gene homology. This tree was generated by the maximum-likelihood algorithm using Jukes-Cantor distance correction and the bootstrap resampling method after 500 replications, which was conducted with MEGA 7 software. GenBank accession numbers of related species are shown in parentheses. Bacillus subtilis strain 168 (MH283878.1) was used as an outgroup to root the tree.

Identification of ligninolytic enzyme genes through the draft genome sequence of strain S6

Lignin degradation that occurs in nature is mainly a result of two processes: first is the depolymerization of native polymeric lignin to produce low molecular weight aromatic compounds, followed by the mineralization of the resulting aromatics. Depolymerization of native lignin is driven by extracellular oxidative enzymes, such as Lip, MnP, and Lac, which have been highly reported in fungi. Bacteria are thought to have a lesser amount of these powerful ligninolytic enzymes and are generally predicted to play a key role in the second stage of lignin degradation: the mineralization of lignin-derived aromatic compounds. Although studies on the enzymology of lignin-degrading bacteria are still limited, bacteria are also expected to use extracellular peroxidases to initiate lignin depolymerization, and these enzymes are still used as indicators of bacterial lignin degradation. The draft genome of strain S6 was used to verify the presence of genes that encode known ligninolytic enzymes. Since no MnP activity was detected in this study, it was not surprising that searching for the MnP gene in strain S6 also showed the absence of the gene. However, when comparing strain S6 with the reference genome that encodes LiP and Lac, only open reading frames (ORFs) with very low amino acid identities were found: ~32% against LPOA of Phanerochaete chrysosporium (UniProt Entry: P06181) and ~34% against lccA of Haloferax volcanii strain ATCC 29605 (UniProt Entry: D4GPK6).

The absence or low enzymatic activities detected for some of the enzymes could be due to the inadequacy of the reaction conditions and substrate concentration used in the reported enzymatic assays 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 ; therefore, further optimization is required in the next studies. However, in a previous study, Shi et al . 44 also reported that although Lac and MnP activities were detected for Cupriavidus basilensis B-8, no MnP or Lac genes were found in the strain. According to Davis et al . 45 , homologs of the most common ligninolytic peroxidases, such as LiP and MnP, have not been fully acquired in biochemical studies on lignin-degrading bacteria, and analyzing the gene sequences or proteomes of ligninolytic bacteria revealed no homologs. In addition, previous studies on lignin degradation were mostly conducted on fungi. Thus, the well-known ligninolytic peroxidases, the Class II plant peroxidase superfamily, are only limited to fungi, but bacteria are expected to possess unique lignin-degrading mechanisms and other types of peroxidases 46 . Surprisingly, our analysis showed that some genes in S6 demonstrated high homology and similarity with genes encoding DyP in the reference genome, with 59% similarity to the DyP of Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 (UniProt Entry: Q0SE24) and 44% similarity to the Tfu_3078 gene of Thermobifida fusca strain YX (UniProt Entry: Q47KB1). These results are consistent with the DyP activity detected, although at low quantity. Variations in the genes and activities of enzymes secreted by S6 in comparison to previous reports could indicate that strain S6 possesses a diverse regulation mechanism for novel ligninolytic enzyme-encoding genes.

Putative genes responsible for lignin degradation and central intermediate metabolic pathways based on draft genome sequences

The complex structure of lignin requires the synergistic action of various lignin-degrading enzymes. Exploring the draft genome of strain S6 revealed the presence of putative genes that could be responsible for the degradation of lignin and lignin-derived aromatic compounds (Supplementary Table  S2 ). Peroxidases are reported to be the key enzymes in lignin degradation and could be involved in the initial depolymerization stage 47 , 48 . The draft genome of strain S6 showed the presence of bacterial peroxidases, such as catalase, catalase-peroxidase, peroxiredoxins, glutathione peroxidase, and DyP-type/ deferrochelatase peroxidase, which may be responsible for the enzymatic activities observed during the peroxidase assay. In a previous study on bacterial lignin degradation, DyP appeared to have wide substrate specificity and was shown to degrade not only high redox anthraquinone dyes and aromatic sulfides 49 but also veratryl alcohol, phenolic/nonphenolic lignin compound units 9 , 17 , and manganese 17 . In addition, DyP was also reported to degrade the aryl ether bonds in lignin model compounds 12 , 50 . Catalase peroxidase was reported to degrade a phenolic lignin model compound 46 . Peroxiredoxin is a cysteine-dependent peroxidase that reacts with hydrogen peroxide, organic hydroperoxides, or peroxynitrite. Peroxiredoxin is critical in bacterial cells and acts as an antioxidant defense system to protect cellular components from oxidative damage while regulating various signaling processes, such as cell proliferation, reactive oxygen species scavenging, and cell death 51 .

Several oxidoreductases, ferroxidases (including multicopper oxidases), oxidases, reductases, and dehydrogenases were also present in the genome of strain S6. These enzymes might also be responsible for the AAO activity of strain S6. The oxidases function as auxiliary enzymes by generating hydrogen peroxides utilized by peroxidases for the degradation of lignin and aromatics 52 . The oxidoreductases degrade lignin and aromatic compounds by generating nonspecific free radicals and reactive intermediates. Thus, for cell survival, these intermediates need to be removed or transformed into more stable and less toxic compounds 53 . In addition, multicopper oxidase, which was reported as a bacterial laccase, was also detected. Thus, the laccase activity observed in this study could be due to the presence of this enzyme. Multicopper oxidase functions by reducing dioxygen to water while oxidizing phenolic and nonphenolic compounds to their respective radical species, which can undergo further hydration, oxidation, and polymerization/depolymerization reactions 54 , 55 . Dehydrogenase works in the lignin mineralization stage by cleaving ether linkages and targeting toxic aldehydes, converting them into stable intermediates intracellularly 56 . According to Sato et al . 57 , alcohol dehydrogenase, when combined with short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases and glutathione S-transferase, can synergistically degrade ether linkages of the lignin model compound.

The draft genome analysis of strain S6 also revealed several proteins related to the oxidative stress response for protection from reactive species and detoxification mechanisms during aromatic metabolism, including catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione, glutaredoxins, peroxiredoxins, and thioredoxin. Cytochrome P450-related genes, a superfamily of heme-thiolate proteins, were also detected in the draft genome of S6. Cytochrome P450 detected in S6 was also previously reported to support lignin degradation by acting as an oxidase enzyme and was also found to catalyze several enzymatic reactions for the conversion of aromatic/xenobiotic chemicals into more polar and/or less toxic derivatives 58 , 59 . In addition, lignin degradation by fungi requires the support of the quinone oxidoreductase system to utilize Fenton chemistry for degradation 60 . Thus, the presence of quinone oxidoreductase genes in strain S6 could also indicate its lignin-degrading ability. In previous reports, NADPH:quinone oxidoreductase was expressed by the bacterium Pandoraea ISTKB and fungus Trametes versicolor , and the gene was reported to degrade lignin by the Fenton reaction 61 , 62 . Some transferase and hydratase enzymes, such as acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase and enoyl-CoA hydratase, were also reported to have roles in the degradation of the aromatic compound benzoate 63 .

Many studies have reported that bacteria take part in the mineralization of lignin-derived low-molecular-weight aromatic compounds. These aromatic compounds generally have restricted chemical reactivity and are commonly attacked with the help of oxygen by oxygenase enzymes 64 , 65 . Such limited reactivities also lead to the production of some common central intermediates, such as catechol, protocatechuate, gentisate or homogentisate, that will further undergo central-ring cleavage catalyzed by ring-cleaving dioxygenase. Detection of these metabolic pathways in strain S6 confirmed the potential of this strain for lignin degradation. Metabolic pathway analysis with the RAST subsystem and KEGG revealed the genes involved in the metabolism of central aromatic intermediates (Supplementary Table  S3 ). The draft genome of S6 revealed genes responsible for the catechol branch of the beta-ketoadipate and homogentisate pathways as well as salicylate and gentisate catabolism, including catechol 2,3-dioxygenase, homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase, 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase, and fumarylacetoacetase, which are involved in the degradation of central intermediate pathways.

Materials and Methods

Bacterial growth on kraft lignin.

Sample preparation and lignin-degrading bacterial isolation were performed according to Tahir et al . 66 . Isolated bacteria were grown in 100 mL of Luria Bertani (LB) broth for cell enrichment and incubated at 30 °C with shaking at 160 rpm until OD 600 ~ 1.0 was reached. After that, a 50 mL aliquot of each bacterial strain was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 min to pellet the cells. The bacterial cells were washed twice with W-minimal media to remove LB broth completely and resuspended in 50 mL of W-minimal media to be used as a seed culture for KL degradation. The washed cells were inoculated into W-minimal media with KL at the initial OD 600 ∼ 0.1 in a 150 mL flask and incubated at 30 °C and 160 rpm for 10 days. KL was used as the sole carbon source. The medium without seed culture was used as a control. One milliliter of the sample was taken daily to evaluate bacterial growth. Lignin is oxidized during the growth conditions, and the color of KL is dark, which could considerably interfere with the absorbance measurements. Thus, the culture sample was centrifuged, and the obtained cells were diluted with W-minimal media, vortexed and used to measure the OD 600 .

Ligninolytic enzyme activity

Collected samples were centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 5 min to separate the supernatant from the cell pellets. The cell-free supernatant was collected and used as a crude enzyme to measure ligninolytic enzyme activity. LiP enzyme activity was measured following veratryl (3,4-dimethoxybenzyl) alcohol oxidation to veratryl aldehyde 40 . The enzyme reaction consisted of 500 µL of 100 mM sodium tartrate buffer (pH 3.8), 500 µL of 4 mM veratryl alcohol, and 0.1 mL of crude enzyme. To start the reaction, 0.1 mL of H 2 O 2 (2 mM) was added to the mixture, and incubated at 30 °C for 5 min. A change in absorbance at 310 nm (ɛ = 9,300 M/cm) was observed. MnP activity was determined based on phenol red assay 41 by mixing 0.0025% phenol red, 50 mM sodium tartrate buffer (pH 4.5), 0.2 mM MnSO 4 , 0.1 mM H 2 O 2 , and crude enzyme in a total volume of 1 mL. The enzyme mixture was incubated at 30 °C for 5 min and monitored at 431 nm (ɛ = 22,000 M/cm). Lac enzyme activity was assayed through guaiacol oxidation 42 . The enzymatic mixture consisted of 2 mM guaiacol, 10 mM acetate buffer (pH 5.0), and crude enzyme to a total volume of 1 mL. Guaiacol oxidation was determined by incubating the mixture at 25 °C for 2 hours, and the increase in the absorbance at 450 nm (ɛ = 12,100 M/cm) was observed. DyP activity was determined by monitoring the anthraquinone dye decolorization 43 Reactive Black 5 (RB5) at 597 nm (ɛ = 37,000 M/cm). The enzymatic reaction consisted of 25 mM citrate buffer (pH 3) and crude enzyme at a pH of 3.2, followed by the addition of 119 µM RB5. The reaction was started by adding 0.3 mM H 2 O 2 at 30 °C. The lignin-degrading auxiliary enzyme activity of AAO was also determined by observing veratryl (3,4-dimethoxybenzyl) alcohol oxidation to veratryl aldehyde at 310 nm (ɛ = 9,300 M −1 cm −1 ) 67 . The enzymatic reaction consisted of 5 mM veratryl alcohol, 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.0), and crude enzyme. All enzymatic assays were conducted in triplicate.

Characterization of lignin-degrading activity by GPC and GC-MS analysis

The KL molecular weight (Mw) distribution before and after pretreatment with strain S6 was determined using aqueous GPC (LC-20AD GPC Shimadzu, Japan), and the procedure was performed using the acetobromination method 68 and following the method by Tahir et al . 66 . Briefly, tetrahydrofuran (THF) (HPLC grade, without stabilizer) was used as the mobile phase, and Styragel HR-5E, as well as Styragel HR-1 (Waters, Milford, MA, USA), were used as the separation columns. System calibration was performed using several polystyrene standards (Supplementary Fig.  S4 ) and detected by UV at a wavelength of 280 nm. Each analysis was performed in triplicate. The degradation products were detected using GC-MS analysis according to Tahir et al . 66 . Briefly, once the culture in LB medium reached OD 600 ~ 1.0, the cells were harvested by centrifugation at 10,000 × g for 10 min and resuspended twice in 100 mL of W-minimal media, prior to washing. Then, 10 mL of W-minimal media and 2.5 g/L KL were added to the cells for seven days, and the cells were incubated at 30 °C with shaking at 160 rpm. Aliquots (1 mL) of each culture were collected every 24 hours and used as the sample. The identification of intermediate metabolites of lignin-derived compounds from the isolate was performed by comparing the mass spectra to the National Institute of Standards and Technology 11 (NIST 11) library provided with the instrument.

Draft genome sequencing and functional annotation

The genomic DNA of S6 was extracted prior to draft genome sequencing using the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen). The draft genomic libraries were sequenced on the Ion X5 XL sequencer system (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Reads from the Ion X5 XL sequencer were quality trimmed using CLC Genomics Workbench software (version 11.0.1; CLC bio, Aarhus, Denmark). High-quality reads were de novo assembled using the same software. The sequences and homologous sequences obtained from GenBank were aligned with the Clustal W 2.0 algorithm. Phylogenetic analysis was performed with the maximum-likelihood algorithm using Jukes-Cantor distance correction and the bootstrap resampling method from the software package MEGA 7 69 . The 16S rRNA gene sequence of Bacillus subtilis strain 168 (MH283878.1), taken from GenBank, was used as an outgroup to root the tree. The genome sequences of bacterial strains were functionally annotated using the Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology (RAST) database. Protein-coding genes were also annotated and grouped based on the functional classes using the Cluster of Orthologous Groups (COG) and PATRIC databases. Genes related to lignin degradation in strain S6 were identified using the KEGG database and manually annotated by performing a BLASTP search against the ‘nr’ database. Genes involved in the metabolism of central aromatic intermediates were identified using the RAST subsystem features.

This study demonstrated that a Streptomyces sp. isolated from a tropical environment could be a useful choice for lignin degradation. The strain was successfully proven to possess KL-degrading ability, while producing various low molecular weight lignin-derived compounds, and significant enzymatic activities (LIP, LAC and AAO). Comprehensive draft genomic analysis of Streptomyces sp. S6 revealed various candidate genes related to lignin degradation and potential degradation pathways. To fully understand the metabolic characteristics of lignin and to identify the actual enzymes that are responsible for lignin degradation by strain S6, more experiments and investigations, such as gene expression and proteomics, are needed in the future. Since the bacterial lignin depolymerization mechanism has not been fully understood, a study that combines both characterization and genomic assays using KL as the lignin model is highly important and can have an impact on the conversion of lignin into renewable chemicals.

Data availability

All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article (and the Supplementary Information files). The Whole Genome Shotgun (WGS) project used in this paper has been superseded by the complete genome in (non-WGS) GenBank record CP040654 ( ). The version described in this paper is version SDIJ01000000, which consists of sequences SDIJ01000001-SDIJ01003896.

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The authors are grateful to Universiti Teknologi, Malaysia, for their financial support through a Research University Grant (GUP) Tier 1 (PY/2014/01793).

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These authors contributed equally: Fatimah Azizah Riyadi and Analhuda Abdullah Tahir.

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Department of Environmental Engineering and Green Technology, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, 54100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Fatimah Azizah Riyadi, Analhuda Abdullah Tahir, Nurtasbiyah Yusof, Nurul Syazwani Ahmad Sabri, Megat Johari Megat Mohd Noor, Fazrena Nadia M. D. Akhir & Zuriati Zakaria

Department of Mechanical Precision Engineering, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, 54100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Nor’azizi Othman

Department of Chemical Process Engineering, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, 54100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Hirofumi Hara

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F.A.R. and A.A.T. contributed equally to the manuscript, and the experiments were mainly carried out by both. N.Y. and N.S.A.S. performed the draft genome sequencing by an Ion S5 XL sequencer. F.A.R., A.A.T., M.J.M.M.N., F.N.M.A., N.O., Z.Z. and H.H. contributed to writing, reading and approving the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Hirofumi Hara .

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Riyadi, F.A., Tahir, A.A., Yusof, N. et al. Enzymatic and genetic characterization of lignin depolymerization by Streptomyces sp. S6 isolated from a tropical environment. Sci Rep 10 , 7813 (2020).

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Received : 03 September 2019

Accepted : 23 April 2020

Published : 08 May 2020


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phd thesis on lignin


Lignin, from biomass waste to sustainable materials for food packaging, antiviral coatings and agriculture

Our planet has been challenged for years by our reckless use of fossil fuels, which has led to the ongoing climate change and energy crisis. The transition to the use of renewable alternative sources has now became urgent and inevitable. The valorization of lignin can be a key component of this transition, and this Thesis aims to contribute promoting this process. Lignin is an aromatic polymer that constitutes approximately one third of the total lignocellulosic biomass and is isolated in huge quantities as a waste material of biofuel and paper production. About 98% of the 100 million tons of lignin produced each year is simply burned as low-value fuel, so this renewable polymer is widely available at very low cost. Lignin has valuable properties that make it a promising material for numerous applications. Despite the recent interest in lignin valorization from industry and researchers, this natural polymer is far from being fully exploited due to several limitations. The overall scope of this PhD Thesis is to address some of the challenges in lignin employment and to find new applications for this underutilized material. Chapter 1 defines the main lignin features and describes how this polymer can be utilized as filler for food packaging films, as antimicrobial agent and as fertilizer. This chapter also points out the main challenges and limitations for the lignin involvement in these three fields of application. In Chapter 2, lignin nanoparticles have been functionalized and efficiently incorporated into a film of poly(lactic acid), a biodegradable polymer already utilized in sustainable food packaging. The lignin nanoparticles addition provided the final film with outstanding mechanical properties, antioxidant and UV-barrier activities, improving its performance as food packaging material. Chapter 3 explores the use of lignin as an antiviral coating. Viruses can transmit through the contact with contaminated surfaces and the systematic disinfection of surfaces is labor and time consuming, hence the development of coatings able to directly inactivate viruses would be useful to minimize the contamination risk. All the antiviral coatings known so far are inappropriate for the application on a large scale, while lignin would be an abundant and cheap solution. This chapter investigates the activity of lignin coatings against herpes simplex virus type 2 and examines the mechanism of viral inactivation through reactive oxygen species generation on the lignin surfaces. Chapter 4 describes the preparation of lignin nanoparticles bearing nitrogen and phosphorous, which are designed for the application as controlled-release fertilizers. These particles were conceived to be degraded by an enzyme produced by the plant roots, so that they can release the nutrients mainly in the plant proximity. The final purpose of the research work outlined in this chapter is to develop nano-fertilizers with efficient delivery of the active principle only where it is needed, reducing the waste of nutrients in the environment that characterizes the current agriculture practices. This Thesis work was accomplished hoping to contribute to the transition to a more careful and sustainable use of the resources our planet is providing us, starting with the valorization of an underutilized renewable biopolymer to address a wide spectrum of global challenges.



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Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Polymer-grafted Lignin Surfactants

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phd thesis on lignin

Green Chemistry

A sustainable approach for lignin valorization by heterogeneous photocatalysis.

* Corresponding authors

a State Key Laboratory of Photocatalysis on Energy and Environment, College of Chemistry, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, P. R. China E-mail: [email protected]

b College of Chemistry, New Campus, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, P. R. China

c Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Kasprzaka 44/52, 01-224, Warsaw, Poland E-mail: [email protected]

The depletion of the Earth's fossil fuel reserves and the rapid increase in the emission of greenhouse gases and other environmental pollutants are driving the development of renewable energy technologies. Lignin is one of the three main subcomponents of lignocellulosic biomass in terrestrial ecosystems and makes up nearly 30% of the organic carbon sequestered in the biosphere. As a result of its rich content of aromatic carbon, lignin has the potential to be decomposed to yield valuable chemicals and alternatives to fossil fuels. However, the complex and stable chemical bonds of lignin make the depolymerization of lignin a difficult challenge with regard to its valorization. In this review, we highlight recent advances in the selective decomposition of lignin-based compounds via photocatalysis into other value-added chemicals and the treatment of waste water containing lignin. The photocatalytic transformation of lignin under mild conditions is particularly promising.

Graphical abstract: A sustainable approach for lignin valorization by heterogeneous photocatalysis

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phd thesis on lignin

S. Li, S. Liu, J. C. Colmenares and Y. Xu, Green Chem. , 2016,  18 , 594 DOI: 10.1039/C5GC02109J

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CNRS - National Center for Scientific Research

  • CNRS - National Center for Scientific Research
  • Posted on: 24 May 2024

PhD offer: Study of the pyrolysis of lignins extracted from black liquors (M/F)

The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

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This thesis will take place at the University of Lorraine (UL) at the Reaction and Process Engineering Laboratory (LRGP – UMR CNRS 7274) in Nancy (54000, France).

The subject of this thesis concerns the precipitation step of lignin present in black liquors assisted by CO2 coupled with a conversion by pyrolysis to produce molecules of interest (phenols). One of the technological issue associated with the lignin pyrolysis is the agglomeration and clogging of the reactors. Indeed, during pyrolysis, the lignins form a sticky reactive intermediate material converted into char and liquid products (bio-oils) generated in the form of aerosols or vapors condensed in pyrolysis units. The scientific challenge of lignin pyrolysis is to control the composition of the liquids (monomers, suitable oligomers) and the structure of the char (biochar) produced. The objectives of this doctorate are: - ) to optimize the lignin precipitation step from black liquors from the DREAM project in a semi-continuous reactor: study of the effect of temperature, pressure, pH. Characterize the products obtained (GC, LC, NMR, IR, thermal analyses, etc.) -) study the pyrolysis of lignins obtained in a fluidized bed reactor (and others): flow rates, temperatures, fluidization behavior of the bed depending on the lignins. Hydrodynamic study by in-situ visualization of the reactor. Characterization of the products obtained (GC, LC, NMR, IR, thermal analyses, etc.).

The development of alternative biosourced processes is one of the major challenges of a sustainable economy concerned with preserving the environment. In pulp mills (from wood raw material to pulp), cellulose (fibers) are separated from lignin, hemicellulose and inorganic molecules. Around 100 million tonnes of wood are recovered for a production of 85 million tonnes of pulp in Europe (2022 data, including the use of recycled paper – 185 million tonnes worldwide, 7 million tonnes in France). The most used process is the Kraft process (90% of world production) which involves the treatment (digestion) of wood fibers in an aqueous solution called white liquor containing sodium hydroxide and sodium sulphide. Thus, black liquors (BL) are a waste stream from the Kraft process obtained after delignification of the biomass (wood) during the digestion operation. With more than 500 million tonnes/year of BL generated worldwide, the treatment and recovery of BL is an important industrial and environmental issue. Currently, BLs are concentrated by multiple evaporator systems and are then burned to regenerate inorganic materials and recover heat necessary for the Kraft process. Since evaporation systems have a fixed capacity, they currently constitute a bottleneck compared to a potential increase in production within factories using the Kraft process. In fact, these factories cannot produce more paper pulp without taking the risk of not being able to regenerate all of the by-products formed. Thus, the exploration of alternative processes for a portion of the BL produced could benefit pulp mills by reducing CO2 emissions and producing a wide variety of biosourced compounds: lignin, phenolic compounds, aromatics, acids. In the medium term, these pulp mills have the potential to transform into integrated forest biorefineries, producing a wide range of bio-sourced products. Numerous valorization strategies have been explored to extract/separate the compounds of interest (membrane filtration, liquid-liquid extraction, decantation, distillation) or to transform BL directly into energy (gasification, pyrolysis, hydrothermal treatment). It is in this context of need for development that the EIC Pathfinder DREAM project (processing complex matrices: Description, REAction-separation, Modelling) financed by the European Council takes place. The DREAM project aims to contribute to major scientific advances in the study of complex matrices (black liquor as a case study) with potentially future “on-site” industrial development. Several separation/extraction routes are studied in the DREAM project (membrane separation, precipitation, membrane filtration) followed by several transformation/purification routes (Reactive distillation, thermochemical processes).

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  • Corpus ID: 92329892

Production of vanillin from lignin present in the kraft black liquor of the pulp and paper industry

  • José P. Araujo
  • Published 2008

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figure 1.1

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    TY - BOOK. T1 - Making the Most of Lignin by Catalytic Depolymerization. AU - Zhang, Zhenlei. PY - 2022. Y1 - 2022. N2 - Lignin, as the most abundant aromatic polymer, renders a great opportunity to produce sustainable aromatics with a low carbon footprint.

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    Lignin-Based Thermosets with Tunable Mechanical and Morphological Properties A Study of Structure-Property Relationships IULIANA RIBCA Doctoral Thesis in Fibre and Polymer Science KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden 2023 Academic Dissertation which, with due permission of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology,

  17. PDF Microbial Lignin Degradation in the Environment

    mechanisms. Lignin-degrading bacterial isolates from these environments and their phylogenetic characterization and ligninolytic enzyme activity analysis revealed varying utilization of oxidative enzymes by different isolates. Furthermore, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of lignin oxidised phenols from bacterial isolate cultures

  18. Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Polymer-grafted Lignin

    In this work we sought to develop lignin surfactants by augmenting lignin's natural surfactant activity through the grafting hydrophilic of polymers onto a lignin core. Primarily focusing on utilizing kraft lignin and lignosulfonate cores, this thesis looks at the interplay between lignin core and polymer graft length to determine design ...

  19. Lignin pyrolysis for profitable lignocellulosic biorefineries

    Lignin is world's second biopolymer and a major potential source for production of performance materials and aromatic chemicals. Lignin valorization is a key-issue for enhanced profitability of sustainable bio-based industries. Despite a myriad of potential applications for lignin and decades of research, its heterogeneity and recalcitrance ...

  20. A sustainable approach for lignin valorization by heterogeneous

    Lignin is one of the three main subcomponents of lignocellulosic biomass in terrestrial ecosystems and makes up nearly 30% of the organic carbon sequestered in the biosphere. ... If you want to reproduce the whole article in a third-party publication (excluding your thesis/dissertation for which permission is not required) please go to the ...

  21. PhD offer: Study of the pyrolysis of lignins extracted from black

    Offer Description. This thesis will take place at the University of Lorraine (UL) at the Reaction and Process Engineering Laboratory (LRGP - UMR CNRS 7274) in Nancy (54000, France). The subject of this thesis concerns the precipitation step of lignin present in black liquors assisted by CO2 coupled with a conversion by pyrolysis to produce ...

  22. [PDF] Production of vanillin from lignin present in the kraft black

    Lignin removal from black liquor and utilization of lignin into energy and chemicals is the main focus of STFI-Packforsks biorefinery efforts. In close cooperation with Chalmers a process for … Expand. 8. 3 Excerpts; Save. Kinetics of vanillin oxidation. C. Fargues A. L. Mathias J. A. Silva A. Rodrigues.

  23. Congratulations to Dr. Naomi Intrator for successfully defending her Ph

    The Department of Geosciences and Princeton University congratulates Dr. Naomi Intrator on successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis: "Copper's Role in Marine Denitrification: Phylogeny, Bioavailability, and Particulate Chemistry" on Wednesday, August 28, 2024.

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    %PDF-1.4 %âãÏÓ 2204 0 obj > endobj xref 2204 37 0000000016 00000 n 0000005229 00000 n 0000005383 00000 n 0000005909 00000 n 0000006755 00000 n 0000006870 00000 n 0000006983 00000 n 0000007263 00000 n 0000008026 00000 n 0000008343 00000 n 0000008400 00000 n 0000008518 00000 n 0000009406 00000 n 0000009904 00000 n 0000009970 00000 n 0000010085 00000 n 0000010362 00000 n 0000010939 00000 n ...