Science Presentation for Class 10

Chapter 1: chemical reaction and equation, chapter 2: acid bases and salts, chapter 3: metals and non-metals, chapter 4: carbon and its compounds, chapter 5: periodic classification of elements, chapter 6: life process, chapter 7: control and coordination, chapter 8: how do organism reproduce, chapter 9: heredity and evolution, chapter 10: light reflection and refraction, chapter 11: human eye and the colourful world, chapter 12: electricity, chapter 13: magnetic effects of electricity, chapter 14: sources of energy, chapter 15: our environment, chapter 16: sustainable management of natural resources.

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class presentation tips for students

31 of the best class presentation tips for students

Katie September 20, 2022 communication , grades

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By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed.

Giving class presentations is just part of the school experience. Some students dread presenting to their classmates, and others prefer class presentations to written assessments. If you’re new to this, or if you’re just looking for some ideas, I share my best class presentation tips for students in the post below. 

Class presentations often involve a visual component, and an audio and delivery component. The tips in this post are for class presentations that involve SLIDES, such as Google Slides or PowerPoint. Therefore, I break down the class presentation tips for students into the following categories:

  • text and content
  • Audio and delivery class presentation tips
  • Bonus class presentation tips to up-level your game

Class presentation tips for VISUALS

The following tips will enhance the visual component of your school presentation. The strategies are further categorized by format, text, and images.

Class presentation tips for slide FORMAT 

The visual format of your presentation must be clear and easy to read.

1. Use a slide deck.

This class presentation tip is obvious, but I can’t leave it off the list. If you’re presenting to your fellow students, you will need some kind of visual representation of the information you’re delivering. Very rarely will you present to your class without slides. Google Slides and PowerPoint are the two primary products to make slides. 

2. Use the right number of slides.

Class presentations in high school and college will likely be 5 minutes or less. Follow your teacher’s guidelines, of course, but generally, students will use 1-2 slides per minute. (That would be 5-10 slides for a 5-minute presentation.)

3. Use an appropriate slide template and theme.

PowerPoint and Google Slides come with default slide templates (themes). Most of the default templates are suitable for class presentations, and so you should be fine choosing one of those. You can also find templates on the free version of Canva. I like for free templates (it’s not sketchy – I’ve personally used it. I also like but you have to import the templates into Canva first, and then export them from Canva into Google Slides or PowerPoint. 

4. Use clear fonts.

Pick your font based on clarity, not creativity. Your audience should be able to read your text effortlessly and from the back of the classroom. Here are some rules:

  • Avoid cursive / script fonts
  • Avoid writing in all capital letters
  • Avoid fonts that are entirely in italics (slanted)

5. Use a maximum of two fonts.

Stick to two fonts: one for headings and titles, and one for body text. More than two fonts make your slides hard to read.

6. Use 3-4 colors.

Stick to a basic color palette of no more than four colors. It’s fine to use images that are outside your color scheme, but besides images, avoid too many colors. Most default templates stick to four colors or less, so you’re safe if you use a pre-made template. 

7. Use high-contrast text-on-background combinations.

Your text needs to stand out from the background color. Black font on a white background or white font on a black background provides the highest contrast and best readability. This website here provides excellent information and examples about color combinations.

Class presentation tips for slide TEXT and CONTENT

8. start with a simple title slide..

Your teacher will likely require a title slide in the syllabus. Even if it’s not required, make one anyway. A title slide should be simple: the name of the presentation, your name, and a simple graphic or image. 

9. Include a roadmap slide.

A roadmap slide (I made up that term, but it works) is like a table of contents. It tells your classmates what they will learn from your presentation. Even if your presentation is only 6 slides long, a roadmap slide can be helpful. Below is an example. 

tips for class presentations for students - roadmap slide

10. Include enough white space.

White space is the blank space that doesn’t contain text or images. White space is very important for readability. In the image below, you can see the impact white space has on readability. 

tips for class presentations for students - include margin

11. Use bullet points.

Whenever possible, use bullet points instead of complete sentences. Most slides should include no more than 5-6 bullet points. If you need to say more, continue the bullet points on another slide.

12. Leave some text off the slides.

Your slides should include minimal to moderate text that you will elaborate on during your class presentation. In other words, don’t cram the slides full of everything you want to share on the topic. The only exception to this rule is if you are not verbally presenting to the class, but are instead just sharing the slides with your classmates to view on their own.

13. Include examples.

Examples make most things clearer. When possible, include an example for all your main points. 

14. Include statistics and other quantitative information.

Use numbers in place of text when you can. Numbers and statistics can be easier for your audience to process. Example below:

  • Instead of saying this: There is one-third as many Giant Pandas living in 2020 as there were in 2014.
  • Say this: Giant Panda population in 2140 = 1864 | Giant Panda population in 2020 = 600 [ source ]

15. Include a summary slide

Consider adding a final summary slide to your class presentation. This is an excellent strategy because it will increase your audience’s understanding of your main points. The text on this slide should be in bullet-point format. The information on this slide might align with the information on your roadmap slide.

tips for class presentations for students - summary slide

Class presentation tips for slide IMAGES

16. include an image or graphical element on each slide..

Every slide should have some kind of graphical element to complement the text. Some slides might even have an image and no text. (You would explain the image in your verbal presentation to the class.) Note: be sure to cite all images.

17. Use images / graphics for illustration and emphasis, not decoration .

Avoid using images for decoration. Images and graphics should do one of the following:

  • Add something valuable to the text
  • Illustrate the idea on the slide
  • Represent the idea on the slide
  • Emphasize an element of the slide (such as underlines, stars, etc.)

18. Resize and reformat images.

Resize images and graphics to fit the scale of your slide. It should be big enough to see clearly, but still allow for plenty of white space (Class Presentation Tip #10). You can remove the background of an image using a mobile app, or something like the paid version of Canva or PicMonkey. Again, be sure to cite your images.

19. Use video when appropriate.

If your presentation calls for it, include short video clips. Only use video if it adds value. 

20. Use icons for emphasis.

Use icons like stars, 3D shapes, speech bubbles, and arrows to emphasize important text. Keep these icons within your color scheme. You can find free icons within Google Slides and PowerPoint, or you can use Google Images or Canva.

21. Use graphs and charts.

Too much text is confusing. Too many images is boring. Solve this problem by using pie charts, bar graphs and other graphical ways of representing data.

Class presentation tips for SPEAKING

You might have the best slides in the class, but your presentation is not complete until you deliver it to your classmates. The following tips are for improving your audio and delivery.

22. Never read directly from the slides.

Use the slides as a reference, but don’t read word-for-word. How do you do this? First change to the next slide. Then look at it for cues. Next, speak directly to your classmates, making eye contact as your speak. It’s okay to glance back at the slide if you need to.

23. Face your audience.

Your body should always face the audience. Stand or sit either straight on, or at a 45-degree angle. Never have your body square to the presentation screen.

24. Explain the images.

When you present each slide, you should spend some time on the text and some time on the images. If your images add value (which they should), then this should be simple to do.

25. Speak slowly and clearly.

Speak slower than you naturally speak. Practice difficult words until they are smooth.

26. Use verbal transitions between topics.

When you change topics, use transition expressions such as “Next, we are going to look at …” or “Now, let’s move on to …”

27. Practice more than you want to.

Practicing your class presentation over and over improves your delivery and increases your confidence. Practice in front of the mirror, in front of others, or in front of your camera (to be watched later, of course).

Bonus class presentation tips for students: How to up-level your game 

The following bonus tips are for students looking to take their class presentations to the next level. Keep in mind that some of the ideas below are best suited for college and university students.

28. Provide a printed note-catcher.

An engaged audience is the best audience. To increase your classmates’ active focus, provide each student a printed note-catcher they can use to follow along with your presentation. PowerPoint and Google Slides both have features that enable you to print out your presentation with the slides on the left and space to take notes on the right. 

29. Ask questions and survey your classmates.

Another way to engage your audience is by asking them questions. You can build these questions into the slides themselves, or you can pause your presentation to ask questions before moving to a slide with the answers.

30. Use the Speaker Notes section .

The text on your slides should vary from the words you speak to your classmates during your presentation. Either you practice your presentation so much that you memorize it, or you use the Speaker Notes section on PowerPoint or Google Slides.

31. Open with a question, and close with an answer . 

A great class presentation tip for students is to open with a question you pose to your classmates at the beginning, and then close with the answer. You could put the question on its own opening slide and then close with another slide that re-poses the question and features the answer. 

For example, if you are presenting on Susan B. Anthony, your question could be Who was Susan B. Anthony? and the answer – which is the point of your presentation – could be Susan B. Anthony was one of America’s greatest champions for freedom and equality of women and slaves. College-level presentations would have more complex question-and-answer pairings than this example, but you get the idea.

Class presentation tips for students – summary notes

It’s important to follow your teacher’s requirements when creating your class presentation. Use these tips and strategies to maximize your grade, impression on the class, and your content delivery – but always consult your syllabus first. 

And finally, the greatest tip of all is to PRACTICE. In Tip #27 I emphasize the importance of practicing more than you want to. Watch TED talks and other notable speakers to see how smooth they speak – these presenters have practiced the same presentation hundreds of times. Practice is the key.

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Class 10 Science | PPT (PowerPoint) Presentations

Class 10 science | ppt presentations.

Chapter 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations

Chapter 2: Acids, Bases and Salts

Chapter 3: Metals and Non-metals

Chapter 4: Carbon and its Compounds

Chapter 5: Periodic Classification of Elements

Chapter 6: Life Processes

Chapter 7: Control and Coordination

Chapter 8: How do Organisms Reproduce?

Chapter 9: Heredity and Evolution

Chapter 10: Light – Reflection and Refraction

Chapter 11: The Human Eye and the Colourful World

Chapter 12: Electricity

Chapter 13: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

Chapter 14: Sources of Energy

Chapter 15: Our Environment

Chapter 16: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

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How to do a class presentation (11 steps)

How to do a class presentation

The best class presentations combine strong content and visuals with an engaging presentation style. This post offers 11 steps for creating memorable and high-performing class presentations.

1. Review assignment guidelines

Before you can strategize about how to start a class presentation, you need to be certain that you understand the assignment details. Consult materials that your instructor provided, like rubrics, to determine what your presentation needs to cover and what form it should take.

For instance, are you presenting individually or as part of a group? How long should the presentation be? Are you required to have visuals? Knowing these details will help you to plan a successful class presentation.

2. Make a presentation plan

Once you've reviewed the specific assignment details, it's time to make a presentation plan. You can start by making an outline of your talking points. Outlines for class presentations will look similar to those for papers, with sections and subsections that work through your main ideas. You'll want to be precise about what points are essential to communicate to your audience. Also, take some time to decide on a completion timeline to ensure that you're ready on presentation day. Remember to build in time for practice!

3. Choose your visuals

At this point, you'll also want to determine what kind of visual aid(s) you want to use: a handout or a digital presentation, or both? Keep in mind the assignment requirements, but also the audience and the presentation format. For example, are you presenting to a large audience? If so, a handout might not be efficient. Are you presenting in-person or online? If you're preparing an online presentation, a PowerPoint or Google slides presentation will help your audience follow along.

4. Fill out your outline and keep it simple

Now that you've developed a plan for completing your class presentation, you can begin to build out the actual content. If you've created a basic outline, fill it in with some substance. Remember to keep it simple. At around 10-15 minutes, the average in-class presentation can only effectively communicate around three main points. Avoid long quotes or monologues. Your audience may find it difficult to follow longer textual components.

5. Design your visuals with minimal text

Along similar lines, don't simply plop your outline or textual notes into your visuals. Visual aids should be just that: aids that allow your audience to better visualize the main points of your presentation. Large blocks of text on a PowerPoint can be hard to see, so work on creating a digital aid that is mostly comprised on images. When text is appropriate, use bullet points and active words that your audience can remember.

6. Allow time for revisions

Once you've compiled your notes and created your visuals, take some time away from the project. You'll return to your work with fresh eyes. Then, allow time for revision: be sure to proofread your notes, slides, and/or handouts and make sure your visuals are clear. Check to see if any images that you're using appear pixelated on a larger screen and make sure your text is readable from a distance.

7. Check your citations

Many in class presentations will require citations, especially if they are accompanying a paper or another class research project. You can use BibGuru's citation generator to create your citations and copy them to your slides or handout. Consult your assignment guidelines, or ask your instructor, to find out what citation style is required.

8. Practice...and practice again

Give yourself time to practice your presentation in front of an audience before the big day. Familiarize them with the assignment guidelines, as needed, and ask them to time you. You'll need to know if your presentation meets the time requirements. After the first run though, consider these questions:

  • Is your presentation too long or too short?
  • Are you hitting the main points in a logical sequence that your audience can follow?
  • Are your visuals clear?
  • Is your delivery fluid or are you pausing too often to look at your notes?
  • Are you making eye contact with your audience?

Use your answers to these questions to determine what, if at all, you need to change and then schedule another practice. You should practice your presentation as many times as you need to in order to achieve a fluid delivery.

9. Prepare for technical difficulties

Since most class presentations will include a digital element, be prepared to troubleshoot if there are technical difficulties on presentation day. Always have a back-up plan and be sure to save your visuals in multiple places. Keep a copy of your notes and slides in your email, on a thumb drive, and/or on the cloud. Practice enough so that, in the event that you can't get your visual aid to work, you can still deliver your presentation.

10. Take the stage with confidence

If you've followed your plan, practiced thoroughly, and prepared for possible technical difficulties, you should be ready to take the stage with confidence. Nervousness is absolutely natural, but try your best to relax and breathe. A few shoulder rolls and deep breaths right before the presentation can go a long way to making you feel more focused and centered.

11. Connect with your audience

From the first moment of your presentation, you'll want to establish a strong connection with your audience. Smile, make eye contact, and modulate your voice appropriately. Remember, people exhibit all kinds of facial expressions when they are listening or concentrating, so try not to pay too much attention to individual faces.

Also, although your instructor will be the one grading you, don't simply present to them. Include the entire class in your gaze. Finally, be careful about pace. If you have a tendency to speed up your speech when you're nervous, make a conscious effort to slow down.

The bottom line

Following the tips above will enable you to confidently deliver a class presentation to your instructor and classmates, or to any audience. With solid preparation and ample practice, your next class presentation will be a memorable success.

Frequently Asked Questions about class presentations

The most successful presentations begin with a hook. This could be a short, yet compelling story, an eye-catching visual with brief analysis, or an inspiring quote or statistic. No matter how you begin, ensure that you can fluidly transition to the main substance of your presentation in a way that your audience can easily follow.

Regardless of the subject of your presentation, you can make it interesting for your audience by engaging them through consistent eye contact, a relaxed and confident delivery style, and interactivity. For instance, to keep your audience engaged, you might try including questions or brief activities in your presentation.

Wrap up your presentation by summarizing your key points. You can also end with a provocative question or thought. You should also thank your audience for listening.

Good presentations are well-organized, time-sensitive, clear, and delivered with confidence.

The most common presentation mistakes include: not engaging your audience, using visuals that are overloaded with text, and not practicing enough.

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How to Do a Presentation in Class

Last Updated: August 29, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,643,564 times.

Doing a presentation in class can be intimidating, but it does not have to be. This wikiHow will give you lots of pointers on how to do a presentation in class with minimal stress .

How to Give a Good Class Presentation

  • Practice running your presentation before you give it in class.
  • Write down the points you want to remember on note cards.
  • Picture yourself doing well to get a boost of confidence before you present.
  • Make eye contact with other people in class while you're presenting.
  • Speak with a clear voice and vary your inflection to keep it interesting.

Planning the Presentation

Step 1 Write note cards...

  • Write down keywords or main ideas. If you need to consult your index cards, you're only going to want to scan the index card for information, not read every last word.
  • Most of the time, the act of putting information down on your index cards will help you remember the information. So, while you might not strictly need the note cards, it's a nice security blanket to have if you happen to forget what you were going to say.
  • You don't want to be reading straight off your notecards during your presentation.

Step 2 Practice.

  • Practice in front of your family or friends, or in front of the mirror, when you rehearse your presentation. It's probably better to do it in front of friends who you may not know well, as this will help you replicate the feeling of being in front of the class.
  • Ask your friends for feedback after you finish your presentation. Was the presentation long enough? How was your eye contact? Did you stammer at all? Were all the points clearly made?
  • Make a critique of your practice performance. Challenge yourself to work on all the things that you believe you can improve during the real presentation. When it comes time to deliver the real deal, you'll feel confident knowing that you've worked extra hard on what was toughest for you.

Step 3 Do your research....

  • Get quotes from reliable sources. Good quotes make a good presentation great. Taking what smart people have said and putting it into your presentation not only makes you look smart, it shows the teacher that you spent time thinking about what other people said.
  • Make sure your sources are trustworthy . There's nothing that can quite break your confidence like a fact that turns out to not be a fact. Don't always trust the information you get off the Internet.

Delivering the Presentation

Step 1 Smile...

  • Studies have shown that smiles are infectious; that means that once you smile, it's hard for everyone else not to smile. So if you want your presentation to go off without a hitch, force yourself to smile. That'll make everyone smile; and maybe those smiles will make you actually smile.

Step 2 Feel confident...

  • Think about your intention before you talk to your audience. Do you want to educate, enlighten, or entertain this audience? What is the effect that you want to have on the listener?
  • Visualize success before, during, and after your presentation. Be humble about what you do — no need for cockiness — but imagine a successful presentation at all times. Don't let the thought of failure creep into your mind.
  • In many ways, your confidence is just as important as the information you're delivering. You don't want to spread misinformation, or skimp on doing your research, but a lot of what you'll be graded on — and what the other students come away with — is going to be your level of confidence. Also if you are confident, you will have a better time exchanging ideas with the class.
  • If you need a confidence boost, think big picture. After 10 or 15 minutes, your presentation will be over. What will your presentation matter in the long run? Probably not very much. Try to do the best you can, but if you're getting nervous, remind yourself that there are much more important moments in your life to come.

Step 3 Make eye contact.

  • Have the goal of looking at every person in the classroom at least once. That way, everyone will feel like you've engaged with them. Plus, you'll look like you know what you're talking about.

Step 4 Be sure to have inflection in your voice.

  • Inflection is the kind of movement that radio DJs put into their voice; it's the ramped-up pitch in your voice when it gets excited. You don't want to sound like you've just seen a lion, but you also don't want to sound like you've just seen a squirrel, either. Vary it up to make the presentation more interesting.

Step 5 Use hand motions.

  • Tell a story, maybe one with a personal note. Stories are great for history or English presentations. Maybe you can tie your presentation into a little anecdote about a famous historical person?
  • Ask a provocative question. Ending with a question is a good way of getting your audience to think about your presentation in an interesting way. Is there a certain conclusion you want them to come to?

Step 7 Walk back to your seat with a smile.

What Is The Best Way To Start a Presentation?

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  • Have good posture. Don't cross or fold your arms, keep them open. Don't slouch and keep your back straight. [8] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't forget to look at everyone, not just the floor. Don't stare at anyone in particular but 'skim' the class. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Try not to argue with your audience. This detracts from your presentation. Just tell them they have an interesting point and that you'll check and get back to them. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 1

Tips from our Readers

  • Don't be afraid to interact with the audience. Ask and answer questions about your presentation. If you're giving a demonstration speech, you could even take volunteers to help out during your presentation.
  • If you have a visual aid, don't include a lot of writing on it because your audience will get distracted reading it. Instead of writing out points, bring them up naturally in your presentation.
  • If you stress out and can't remember a line, just pause and take a deep breath. Try to pick up right where you left off and keep going so you finish strong.
  • If you don't like looking at people's eyes, try looking at the corners of the room or at peoples' foreheads so you still feel engaging with your audience.

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  • Some people may be so tied up before a presentation that they feel faint and may pass out during their speech. If this describes you, make sure you prepare especially hard and keep your blood sugar up before you present. Thanks Helpful 15 Not Helpful 1
  • Don't keep your mobile phone in your pocket or it will interfere with the microphone (if any). Thanks Helpful 14 Not Helpful 6

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About This Article

Patrick Muñoz

The best way to prepare for your class presentation is to practice in front of a friend or family member. When it’s time to present, make eye contact with your audience and use hand motions to illustrate your points. Don’t forget to smile! Finish strong with a final statistic or provocative question. If you’re still nervous, read on for more advice! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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  4. PPT

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  5. Tout savoir sur le Mercedes Classe X (présentation vidéo)

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  6. Class X

    class x presentation


  1. Class 32: Poster Presentation Feedback Live

  2. Class 8| Lesson 01|Data Representation and Processing 04(Spreadsheet)| Lecture 02

  3. Class-X Result VLOG (2023-2024) 🙏🏻

  4. Mutant X Presentation

  5. Class X students performance

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  1. ClassX Presentation

    ClassX Presentation is like a breath of fresh air. Every member in this group of talented musicians are passionate, lively and their good energy is contagious. In our Nepali Music Industry with numbered music producers, Storenutter makes a brilliant addition. He doesn't shy away from exploring his musical prowess and fearlessly walks in -road ...

  2. ClassX Presentation

    Nestled in the heart of the culturally rich and musically diverse landscape of Nepal, we are more than just a company; we are a collective of artists, dreamers, and creators, on a mission to ...

  3. About

    Never Abandon Imagination. ClassX Presentation is a mission with the aim of exploring, assembling and organising the emerging music enthusiasts; and providing them a learning, self-exploring and connection-building arena. Often times, we have encountered many flourishing musicians who deserve their place to be heard out in the market, yet due ...

  4. ClassX Presentation (@classxpresentation)

    6,991 Followers, 379 Following, 426 Posts - ClassX Presentation (@classxpresentation) on Instagram: "Never Abandon Imagination"

  5. Science Presentation for Class 10 Chapter Wise

    Next Post →. Science Presentation for Class 10 Science Chapter 1: Chemical Reaction and Equation Click Here Click Here Chapter 2: Acid Bases and Salts Click Here Click Here Chapter 3: Metals and Non-Metals Click Here Click Here Chapter 4: Carbon and its Compounds Click Here Click Here Chapter 5: Periodic Classification of Elements Click Here ...

  6. Artists

    Artists Vek Artist Dong Artist Yabesh Thapa Artist SNJV Artist Oshin Karki Artist Storenutter Artist BIZEN Artist Jybs Gurung Artist Zeroo Artist Mallika Gurung Artist Rushan Shrestha Artist AASH Artist.

  7. ClassX Presentation

    ClassX Presentation, Kathmandu, Nepal. 13,586 likes · 24 talking about this · 554 were here. Never Abandon Imagination.

  8. ClassX Presentation (@classxpresentation)

    ClassX Presentation. Follow. 43 Following. 8775 Followers. 318.9K Likes. Never Abandon Imagination. Videos. Liked. 821. Kehi Kura - Supral Raj Joshi & Sanyamita Shrestha #classxpresentation. 2735. VEK's Sakina from the album Sampanna starring Simran Piya out now. #vek #sakina #classxpresentation.

  9. Classx Presentation

    ClassX Presentation is a mission with the aim of exploring, assembling and organizing the emerging music enthusiasts; and providing them a learning, self-exploring and connection-building arena. Henceforth, ClassX aims to take this step to bring forth these talents. By providing them this space to learn, discover and cultivate themselves, free ...

  10. 31 of the best class presentation tips for students

    2. Use the right number of slides. Class presentations in high school and college will likely be 5 minutes or less. Follow your teacher's guidelines, of course, but generally, students will use 1-2 slides per minute. (That would be 5-10 slides for a 5-minute presentation.) 3.

  11. ClassX Presentation Lyrics, Songs, and Albums

    Get all the lyrics to songs by ClassX Presentation and join the Genius community of music scholars to learn the meaning behind the lyrics.

  12. ClassX Presentation (@classxpresentation)

    Kathmandu, Nepal - 6,989 Followers, 379 Following, 426 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from ClassX Presentation (@classxpresentation) classxpresentation. Follow. Message. 462 posts. 7,199 followers. 382 following. ClassX Presentation classxpresentation. Never Abandon Imagination Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal ...

  13. Class 10 Science

    Class 10 Science | PPT Presentations. Chapter 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations. Chapter 2: Acids, Bases and Salts. Chapter 3: Metals and Non-metals. Chapter 4: Carbon and its Compounds. Chapter 5: Periodic Classification of Elements. Chapter 6: Life Processes. Chapter 7: Control and Coordination. Chapter 8: How do Organisms Reproduce?

  14. Contact

    ClassX Presentation, Charkhal Rd, Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal 44600 We're open Sunday - Friday, 11:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Frequently Asked Questions Please read our FAQ before sending us a message. How can i join ClassX Presentation?

  15. How to do a class presentation (11 steps)

    The best class presentations combine strong content and visuals with an engaging presentation style. This post offers 11 steps for creating memorable and high-performing class presentations. 1. Review assignment guidelines. Before you can strategize about how to start a class presentation, you need to be certain that you understand the ...

  16. A Triumph of Surgery

    Presentation on theme: "A Triumph of Surgery | English - Class X"— Presentation transcript: 1 A Triumph of Surgery - JAMES HERRIOT. 2 Mrs. Pumphrey. She loves her dog very much and is unable to refuse him anything he wants. Tricki, is fond of eating cream cakes and chocolates. So one day when Mrs. Pumphrey is out with Tricki for a walk the ...

  17. What Are Effective Presentation Skills (and How to Improve Them)

    Presentation skills are the abilities and qualities necessary for creating and delivering a compelling presentation that effectively communicates information and ideas. They encompass what you say, how you structure it, and the materials you include to support what you say, such as slides, videos, or images. You'll make presentations at various ...

  18. ClassX Spotlight

    Sabing: Sabda Kordai Chu. On the 4th episode of our ongoing series, ClassX Spotlight, where we introduce young and [...] 07. Oct. 1. 2. Signup for Newsletter. About us. Record Label based in Kathmandu, Nepal.

  19. How to Do a Presentation in Class: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

    You don't want to sound like you've just seen a lion, but you also don't want to sound like you've just seen a squirrel, either. Vary it up to make the presentation more interesting. 5. Use hand motions. Move your hands along as you talk, using them to emphasize points and keep the audience interested.

  20. Class X

    Class X- Electricity Ppt Final Modified - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. 1. Electricity is the flow of electric charge through a conductor. The fundamental property of matter that allows it to experience electric force is charge, which comes in positive and negative types.

  21. Dental Arch Shape in Relation to Class II Subdivision Malocclusion

    Class II subdivision malocclusion is a common orthodontic presentation characterized by the presence of asymmetric molar relationships. Dental arch form asymmetry may involve the presence of asymmetric crowding or spacing due to underlying dentoalveolar disproportion.

  22. News

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