case study sst class 5

19 Powerful Activities to Teach Grade 5 Social Studies

Grade 5 social studies is one of my favourite subjects to teach, but would you believe it was one of my least favourite subjects as a student? Well, 99% of the time I was in an elementary social studies class, we were reading a textbook and answering questions about it. I love reading, but even I found that boring! Reading comprehension is not what social studies is about.

Reading comprehension is not social studies.

What is social studies?

  • Perspective-taking
  • Understanding of how history has shaped our present
  • Research skills, fact-checking, and synthesizing information
  • Knowledge of how our government works
  • Using what we have learned to make ethical judgements about particular events
  • Equipping students with the tools to work toward positive change
  • Geography skills

If our grade 5 social studies lessons don’t include these competencies, what are we actually teaching? Here are 19 activities you can use in your grade 5 social studies class that require at least one of these competencies.

Role-Play in Grade 5 Social Studies

Role-play can be a great way for students to engage meaningfully with grade 5 social studies concepts and demonstrate their understanding. It can also be a powerful tool to help students stretch their social justice thinking and practice advocating for themselves and others.

I try to do role-playing in my grade 5 social studies class in a way that is loosely based on Augosto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed. Essentially, a few students begin to role-play a situation with a social justice issue. The other students, who Boal calls “spect-actors”, jump in to try and solve the problem in an equitable and realistic way.

Students can engage with social studies concepts through role-play.

Here are some examples of role-playing tasks you might use:

  • A sighted student is walking down the hall when a blind student asks them for directions to the nearest bathroom. The sighted student points in the direction of the bathroom and says, “over there”.
  • Pretend you are in the classroom and your teacher tells a friend with ADHD to “sit still and just pay attention”.
  • Pretend you are a white theatre-goer who was in the theatre when Viola Desmond was arrested. Retell the story to a friend (the theatregoers, as far as we know, did not stand up for Desmond).

Simulations and Games for Elementary Social Studies

Let me say one thing up front: I don’t think we should be running a simulation for the sake of showing how terrible an event was. Kids don’t need to pretend they are in a slave ship to know that enslavement is terrible. There are some grade 5 social studies concepts that do provide great contexts for simulations, though. Here are a few:

  • Trading game:  Divide students into nations and give them little cards that represent that nation’s resources. Have them trade with one another without using spoken language. At the end of the game, have everyone reflect on the kinds of trades they made and how ‘far’ different items travelled.
  • Mock trials (but let’s not run trials for people like Columbus, OK? We all know he was guilty, guilty, guilty).
  • Mapmaking (ex. visit a new park and try your hand at drawing an accurate map of the area between the school and the park)
  • Mock governments and elections (see below)
  • Archeology (keep reading!)

How to Teach Government in Grade 5 Social Studies

Mock election or student vote.

What better way to learn about government than by setting up one of your own? Let students run for positions in a class government and then run a mock election. Make the stakes higher by letting the elected government plan a day or week in your class (within parameters, of course).

If you’re in Canada, check out Student Vote and their phenomenal resources. They offer lesson plans, fantastic social studies videos , and official-looking mock election materials for municipal, provincial, and federal elections. They even send those cool little “I Voted” stickers! The ‘real’ ballots and boxe s add a lot of excitement to the process.

Create a New Law

Give your students roles to play and have them draft and pass a law. It can be a serious law or a pretend one; the goal is to focus on the process of creating a law rather than the law itself. Once they’ve drafted several laws, get them to work together to vote on one or two to really engage with. Have students pretend they’re MPs and have them take the law through imaginary readings in the House of Commons! You can take it one step further by sending their law to the Senate, which might be a group of staff members or another class.

A government unit is the perfect place for role-play.

Fake Archeological Digs

At the beginning of the year, I like to teach about the different ways we can learn about the past. Students are often totally fascinated by archeology, and it seems like there is always someone who decides to become an archeologist after I teach about it. If you have a sand box, sandpit, empty flower box, or access a sand table, consider burying some things and having your students play archeologist as they excavate them! They can try to think like an archeologist and imagine what the historical significance of the items might be.

Primary Source Analyses in Grade 5 Social Studies

I love, love, love primary source analyses! Some people are hesitant to move away from tertiary sources in elementary school, but fifth grade is NOT too young to engage in primary sources. For a successful interaction with a primary source text in a grade 5 social studies class, you will need:

  • A good understanding of the context
  • Small chunks of text
  • A few carefully chosen vocabulary words
  • Square brackets and ellipses to rephrase and chop out words and sections that don’t work for your group

Two ways to approach primary sources:

  •  Read as a class , assess based on discussions.
  • Stations I like to let students work with their peers and rotate at their own pace. Sometimes I ask them to visit a minimum number of stations, but sometimes I tell them to just take the time they need and not worry about how many they get done. Instead of having specific questions for them to answer at these stations, I try to get them to think more generally. For example:
  • Was Joseph Howe for or against Canadian confederation? How do you know?
  • Give some examples of how Indigenous families fought back against Indian Residential Schools*

*FNESC ( First Nations Educational Steering Committee ) has tons of primary resources and lesson plans you can use to teach about Indian Residential Schools in Canada in grade 5 social studies as well as grade 10 .

case study sst class 5

Image Analysis

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Show students images of a particular time or event and have them analyse it. Some guiding questions might be:

  • Who do you see? (we’re not looking for names here as much as we are looking for groups of people who are represented)
  • Who do you not see?
  • What is happening?
  • Why would the photographer take this photo?
  • What message is the creator trying to get across?
  • What do you wonder?
  • Can you make any connections?
  • Does this fit in with anything you know?
  • What surprises you?

Canadian Social Studies Videos for Kids

Canadian teachers: Take a look at Historica Canada’s youtube channel ! They have tons of Heritage Minutes and other neat videos you can easily use as a hook for a lesson. Not all their videos are a minute long, and the newer Heritage Minutes seem a lot better than the ones I used to see on TV as a kid. The National Film Board of Canada also has lots of interesting documentaries and films. A lot of them are quite long, but you can show your students portions of them. If you’re in the States, check out PBS for educational content.

Canadian Social Studies Podcasts

Podcasts are such a great way to introduce new material! Kids love how they can draw or doodle as they listen. You can even try getting them to create their own doodle notes! The Secret Life of Canada is my favourite Canadian history podcast. Lots of the episodes have **bad words** that aren’t appropriate for a grade 5 social studies class, so definitely make a point to listen to them ahead of time and select sections you can play at school. They offer teaching guides for select episodes that seem promising for older students. They also have teeny-tiny podcasts called Shout Outs , which introduce neat people from Canadian history. I’ve listened to most of them so far, and they all seem appropriate for grade 5 social studies.

Social Studies Picture Book Read Alouds or Historical Fiction Novel Studies

Who doesn’t love a good picture book? With time for discussion, a picture book can be an incredibly powerful tool for a social studies lesson. Check out my list of Picture Books for Black History Month in Canada for some suggestions!

Picture books can be an incredibly powerful tool for social studies.

Using Timelines in Grade 5 Social Studies

The ability to put things in timeline order is an important competency for grade 5 social studies. There are so many great ways to use them:

  • A giant beaded timeline that shows the history of your country makes a great visual for your first social studies class (I have instructions for a Canadian/Turtle Island one here )
  • A quick three-event timeline can be assigned as a summarization tool after a book, podcast, or documentary
  • Combine geography and timelining by having students draw a timeline on a map showing movement over time (ex. Terry Fox’s route, trade patterns during the fur trade, the construction of the CPR…)
  • A timeline that students add to all year or throughout a unit as they learn about different historical events
  • A timeline that students create at the end of the year or the end of a unit. Have them explain why they feel the events they chose are most significant.
  • Students create timelines that branch off in several different directions, showing how one event caused others. Encourage them to make connections between branches.

Virtual Field Trips for Elementary Social Studies

Virtual field trips are so much fun! If you’re learning about a new area or telling stories from a different place, consider taking a virtual field trip to that place first. All you need are a couple of youtube videos and maybe some images. Check back, because I’ll be posting some ideas for how to add extra **magic** to your virtual field trips soon!

Social Studies Stations

Stations are one of my favourite social studies tools. I love combining them with primary source analyses. They’re also a great activity when you don’t have a class set of the materials you’re using. For example, my Acadia Learning Stations feature several videos, but you don’t need a class set of iPads to run them. Some stations have images to analyse, some have texts to read, and others have videos to watch and listen to. Check out this Instagram post to see how I ran primary source stations about Canadian Confederation!

Create an Artifact

Have students create something that represents the time period and/or event they are learning about. I do have two big notes on this though:

  • This should be a project for the students, not their adults.
  • If you make it an art project, you should be marking it for art!

I’m all for a cross-curricular project, but that model I made of Ramses’ Temple in sixth grade was NOT a social studies project. It was an art project that my dad and I spent way too much time and money on. And guess what? I can’t tell you a dang thing about Ramses’ Temple today. Make sure that your criteria for this assignment is super explicit and the competencies your students are using to complete the assigned task actually meet the curricular outcomes you’re trying to work on.

Think Outside the History Box

Social Studies isn’t all about history and government! It’s also about natural resources and issues of equity. When you’re planning your units, try to include some topics that the kids who ‘hate history’ can get into. Here are some examples…

Learn About Minoritized People Groups and Explore Issues of Equity

In the BC social studies curriculum for grade 5 , we explore “policies and treatment of minority peoples”. When I first saw that Big Idea, I thought of racial and ethnic groups. However, there are lots of other ways that people have been and continue to be minoritized.

Last year, my students learned about the Accessible Canada Act and how it aims to make Canada a more accessible and equitable place for people with disabilities. We walked around our school and community, looking for things that made our spaces accessible or inaccessible. Students role-played disability etiquette. We watched youtube videos and listened to podcasts about spaces created specifically for people with disabilities (like Gallaudet University ) and people with disabilities who have done cool things (like Ashley Fiolek )

Next year, I hope to do a unit on LGBTQ+ rights and advocacy throughout Canadian history. I know that Historica Canada has some good videos that I think would be useful. If you know of any good books, please share them in the comments!

If you’re looking to engage in discussions about social justice, be sure to equip your students with the vocabulary they’ll need! Grab this free social justice and activism word wall set!

When teaching about injustice, please try to also teach about resistance! Check back for a future blog post where I’ll link some of my favourite Canadian Social Studies resources about people groups who fought back against injustice.

When talking about injustice in grade 5 social studies, be sure to also teach about resistance.

Engage Your Students with Current Events

There’s nothing more engaging than following an event in class that is unfolding in real-time. Whether it was following the arguments for and against the construction of the Site C Dam or learning about the Wet’suet’en pipeline protests, I’ve found there has always been a current story that was relevant to the BC grade 5 social studies curriculum. When we’re following current events in class, I try to use a combination of social media posts , videos, and articles to share information. The one downside is that it does require you to be really on top of things because the stories can change and develop so quickly!

Learning about current events also fits beautifully in with media literacy and learning about fact-checking strategies…

Media Literacy and Fact-Checking Strategies

Being able to find information and fact-check it is one of the most fundamental social studies competencies! When our students grow up, they won’t have social studies teachers to curate information for them. With all the information students have access to every day, they need to be able to fact-check it efficiently and accurately! I’m super concerned about the spread of misinformation and disinformation and the way it is polarizing people around the world. Media literacy and the ability to fact-check claims quickly is a tool that can fight that. As much as I love history and social justice, my media literacy unit is one that I don’t think I’ll ever go a year without.

Civix Canada, the organization that runs Student Vote, has tons of fabulous videos and online activities about media literacy, mis- and disinformation, and fact-checking for kids. They’re not Canada-specific, so anyone in an English-speaking classroom could use them. I cannot recommend their videos enough. I get students telling me about things they’ve fact-checked at home long after the unit is done.

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Case Studies in the Grade 5 Social Studies Classroom

There are so many interesting ways you can use case studies in your classroom! You can use them to juxtapose historical and contemporary events (for example, the 1990 Oka Crisis/Kanasetake Resistance and the protests in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs). You can also use case studies for social justice topics, like this set of Equity and Equality Case Studies . These case studies require students to imagine equitable outcomes for smaller, everyday social justice issues that your students will experience in their classrooms.

Try using case studies to examine history and social justice.

Social Activism for Kids

At the end of the day, knowing about history, politics, and social justice does us no good if we don’t use what we have learned to make the world a more equitable place. Encourage your students to look for causes they are passionate about and ways they can make a difference. If you can, arrange to video chat with local activists who are engaged with causes your students are interested in.

It’s so interesting to see what different groups are passionate about year-to-year. Here are some of the things my students have done as little activists over the past few years:

  • Written letters to the school board with suggestions for how we might make the buildings more environmentally-friendly
  • Written letters to our local and federal government with their suggestions of what the budgets should prioritize
  • Sewed tiny owls and sold them alongside baked goods to raise money for the Nature Conservancy of Canada
  • Created a petition and tried to get the government to protect spotted owl habitats. I was even able to take some of them to a strip mall near our school during lunch so they could collect signatures from shoppers. It was such an empowering experience for them! They were also excited to learn that there was no minimum age to sign a petition in Canada. They worked that playground hard at recess and lunch to collect signatures! Some of them even took clipboards to their soccer practices to try and get their teammates’ signatures.
  • Collecting pads and tampons to make period care kits for a local shelter.

Truthfully, some of these are more charity than activism, but I think it’s a decent start for a grade 5 social studies class. Older students could even work on creating social media posts, articles, or blogs that share information about a topic of their concern. They could also organize a protest, demonstration, or installation of some sort!

My favourite quick grade 5 social studies assessment …

Last but not least, here’s a strategy you can use to check understanding of virtually any story-based lesson: a somebody-wanted-but-so summary! It’s a great way to see whether students understand who the key players are and whether they get cause and consequence (aka cause and effect). I love hearing all the different ones that students come up with from a particular lesson; it really shows what resonated with them!

How do you feel about teaching social studies? Do you love it, hate it, or fall somewhere in between? What are some of your go-to social studies activities or tools? Share your thoughts in the comments!

For a quick socials assessment, try a somebody wanted but so summary

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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 5 with Solution 2024-25

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CBSE Sample Question Paper for Class 5 with Solutions - Free PDF Download

Class 5 subject sample question paper with solutions greatly assists students in exam preparation. Class 5 is an important academic year for students keen to gain good scores. Subjects like Maths, Hindi, English, and EVS cover all major aspects to learn. After completing the chapter, they can practice sample questions and answers to help them understand the subject and chapters. Vedantu experts have also formulated some important questions for Class 5 subjects . These important questions will help students practice better to earn good marks in the exams.

Students can take help from the available question and answers drafted by subject experts of Vedantu. They can understand the question pattern and figure out how to answer the questions according to CBSE guidelines. Vedantu experts have provided accurate and verified answers to the essential questions for students to develop a good understanding of the chapter.

Class 5 is considered the preparatory stage in every student’s life, where they get trained to perform for the higher classes. All the basic concepts required to support topics of higher order are being taught in this class. The students need to get their concepts cleared and practice many model questions. Therefore, the students must solve as many sample question papers for Class 5.

The subject experts at Vedantu have prepared a set of several CBSE sample question papers for Class 5. They have followed the CBSE guidelines to prepare them. The students can access them in their preparation for their respective examinations.  They can download these sample papers in PDF format for free at their convenience. These question papers will help them in many ways, as discussed in the next section.

CBSE Class 5 Sample Papers with Solutions (2024-25) 

CBSE Sample Question Paper for Class 5 Maths


CBSE Sample Question Paper for Class 5 EVS

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The subject experts have prepared the CBSE sample question paper for Class 5 for Maths, English, EVS and Hindi. These subjects require elaborate practices and proper construction of the fundamental basis for all students. The students can form the platform for the higher-level complexities they will face in higher classes by clearing the concepts they learn in Class 5. One way to do so is to practice as much as they can. You can form a solid base for yourself by practising the provided questions in these model papers.

An important part of the practice is self-evaluation. Unless you understand your problems, you cannot rectify them. For self-evaluation, you can refer to the solution sets provided at the end of the model questions. You can check the quality of your answers with these model answers. You can also self-mark your answers and try to repeatedly solve these questions until your answers match the quality of the model answers provided. By such repeated practices, your answer’s quality will get better.

While you answer these model questions, some new doubts might come up. You might find your answer’s quality unsatisfactory or not in the same line as that of the model questions. Such instances of realization are crucial before the final examination. You can get these fallacies corrected, and by doing so, you will get confident about such questions for the final examination.

Formulate a Successful Plan to Score More

If you wish to score high marks in your final examination, devise a proper plan to do so. Download the sample papers on these subjects and plan accordingly. Formulating a proper plan and sticking to it till the end will surely fetch you high marks in your final examination.

Importance of Class 5 Important Question and Answers Samples

Class 5 consists of all major subjects and chapters, including EVS, Maths, English, and Hindi. These major subjects play a big part in a student's academic life. The class 5 curriculum for students includes a variety of subjects. These disciplines not only give students a solid foundation in knowledge but also help them develop their aptitude for more challenging coursework.

In class 5, students are exposed to a vast array of topics and ideas that were not previously covered in their curriculum. These sample questions and answers introduce students to various aspects of chapters. Students are given complete insight and assisted in answering their questions regarding various concepts.

Vedantu subject experts have created CBSE solutions class 5 for the students to enable them to finish their curriculum more quickly and to help with test preparation.

Students will find it simple to browse through the subjects, chapters, and topics to discover the one they are seeking with the aid of CBSE class 5 important question and answer samples . They will be able to review the chapters according to the subjects and get ready for their tests.

Download the PDF version of Class 5 Sample Papers

Students can download the PDF version of class 5 CBSE sample papers free from Vedantu. The accuracy of these solutions has been confirmed, and they will offer the students all the advantages. They might use CBSE Solutions and frequently practise to fully comprehend all their courses and chapters.

Important Study Materials for CBSE Class 5



FAQs on CBSE Sample Papers for Class 5 with Solution 2024-25

1) How can CBSE Paper Solution for Class 5 help me?

If you are a student of Class 5, the CBSE Solution of Class 5 will be of great significance and help to you. Students practising for the final exam can use these paper solutions available for free.

2) Is the Class 5 EVS subject easy to practice?

Yes, the sample question solutions of class 5 EVS are easy to practice. All chapters are presented in simple language for better understanding.

3) Do I need to practice all the questions provided in Class 5 CBSE Solutions?

It is crucial to practice as much as possible since Class 5 subject chapters vary and cover different aspects, which can be challenging, and it would be quite difficult for you to complete the syllabus and score well if you do not grasp the concepts.

4) Where can I easily access the Solutions of CBSE Class 5?

Students can download the Class 5 CBSE chapters in PDF format, which is available for free download from the Vedantu website.

5) Is CBSE Class 5 subjects easy to score?

Yes, subjects like English, Hindi, EVS, and Maths of Class 5 CBSE are easy to score.


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CBSE Case Study Questions for Class 6 – 10, 12 for Maths, Science, SST

Cbse case study questions for maths, science, social science.

CBSE Case Study Questions:   Case Study Questions for all Class 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11 and 12 by Experienced Teachers. We Net Ex. Arranged here Important Case Based Questions for CBSE Board – Maths, Science, Social Science, English.

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5th Class Social Science Sample Paper

Done social studies - sample test paper-5 total questions - 50    [download].

 (A) Gandhiji came to India (I) 1919
 (B) Partition of Bengal (II) 1942
 (C) Formation of Indian National Army (III) 1947
 (D) Jallianwala Bagh massacre (IV) 1915
 (E) India wins independence (V) 1905

A) A - V; B - II; C - I; D - III; E - IV done clear

B) A - I; B - III; C - V; D - IV; E - II done clear

C) A - IV; B - V; C - II; D - I; E - III done clear

D) A - III; B - I; C - IV; D - II; E - V done clear

E) None of these done clear

Who am I?
Located at New Delhi, I am at the top of India's judiciary. My independence is provided The Constitution of India.

A) The Parliament of India done clear

B) The Supreme Court of India done clear

C) The President of India done clear

D) The Indian Army done clear

question_answer 3) Why are there so many oil refineries in Prairies?

A)  For its geographical location. done clear

B)  For its climate, which is most suitable for oil refineries. done clear

C)  For its vast reserves of petroleum and natural gas. done clear

D)  All of these done clear

E)  None of these done clear

question_answer 4) Who is the present Secretary General of United Nations?

A)  Ban Ki-Moon done clear

B)  Vijay Lakshmi Pandit done clear

C)  Kofi Annan done clear

D)  Trygve Lie done clear

question_answer 5) The sudden sliding of soil down a mountain is known as:

A)  Earthquake       done clear

B)  Tsunami done clear

C)  Flood   done clear

D)  Landslide done clear

question_answer 6) Why Antarctica is called a white continent?

A)  Because the continent is inhibited by all white population. done clear

B)  Because 98% of its surface area is covered with permanent ice. done clear

C)  Because of its all white animal kingdom. done clear

question_answer 7) Which of the following gases comprises nearly 79% of our atmosphere?

A)  Carbon dioxide done clear

B)  Oxygen done clear

C)  Nitrogen            done clear

D)  Argon done clear

question_answer 8) Rabindranath Tagore received the prestigious Nobel Prize in literature for:

A)  Amar Sonar Bangla       done clear

B)  Jana Gana Mana done clear

C)  Gitanjali           done clear

D)  Santiniketan done clear

question_answer 9) Which of the following revolutions marked a drastic change in the nature of British rule in India?

A)  Indigo Revolution done clear

B)         Pabna Uprising done clear

C)  Santhal Revolution done clear

D)  Sepoy Mutiny done clear

question_answer 10) Suppose, in an assembly election no political party has mastered a clear majority to form the government. In that case what will happen? (Give the most appropriate answer.)

A)  There will be fresh election. done clear

B)  Governor, according to his choice, will ask a person to form the government. done clear

C)  Some like-minded parties will come together to form a majority, thereby a coalition government. done clear

D)  President will rule the state. done clear

A) Bactrian camel, Gobi desert done clear

B) Humpy camel, Sahara desert done clear

C) Two hump camel, Thar desert done clear

D) Camel, Arabian desert done clear

One of your friends performed a religious ritual at her home. Next day she collected all the leftover materials used for the ritual in a polythene bag and threw it in the nearby river. Do you support this 'post ritual' activity of her?
Give reason for your answer.

A) Yes. It is a common practice. done clear

B) No. She is polluting the river water. done clear

C) Yes. It is her right to do so. done clear

D) Yes. No one can interfere in her personal affair. done clear

question_answer 13) How are the non-permanent members of UN Security Council selected?

A)  They are elected by the members of General Assembly. done clear

B)  They are chosen alphabetically from among the member nations. done clear

C)  There is no non-permanent member in Security Council. done clear

D)  They are chosen on the basis of their military strength. done clear

question_answer 14) Which of the following is the realm of land of the earth?

A)  Hydrosphere      done clear

B)  Biosphere done clear

C)  Lithosphere done clear

D)  Atmosphere done clear

question_answer 15) Equinoxes occurs on:

A)  21 March          done clear

B)  23 September done clear

C)  21 June            done clear

D)  Both [A] and [B] done clear

question_answer 16) Which of the following is regarded as the 'Land of the Rising Sun'?

A) Japan   done clear

B) Norway done clear

C) USA                 done clear

D) India done clear

question_answer 17) Who formed the Indian National Congress?

A)  Mahatma Gandhi done clear

B)  Jawaharlal Nehru done clear

C)  A. O. Hume done clear

D)  Subhash Chandra Bose done clear

question_answer 18) Of which of the following organizations India is not a part?

A)  SAARC done clear

B)  ASEAN done clear

C)  NAM                done clear

D)  UNO done clear

question_answer 19) Floating hill of snow in water is known as:

A)  Camouflage      done clear

B)  Habitat done clear

C)  Hibernation       done clear

D)  Iceberg done clear

Read both the statements carefully and pick your option.
Statement I: General Assembly of UN meets once in a year.
Statement II: Decisions taken in General Assembly is binding on the member nations.

A)  Only I is correct done clear

B)  Only II is correct done clear

C)  Both I and II are correct done clear

D)  Neither I nor II is correct done clear

question_answer 21) Intensity of an earthquake is maximum:

A)  on a Richter Scale done clear

B)  near its epicenter done clear

C)  on Seismograph done clear

D)  on nearby areas done clear

question_answer 22) Four friends are discussing oceans among themselves. Who among them is True?

A) Robin: The Pacific Ocean is almost square in shape. done clear

B) Rayan: The Indian Ocean is the shallowest of all oceans. done clear

C) Rohit: The shape of the Atlantic Ocean resembles the English alphabet 'S'. done clear

D) Rezuban: The Arctic Ocean is also known as the Southern Ocean. done clear

E) None of them done clear

question_answer 23) Which of the following passes through India?

A)  The Tropic of Cancer done clear

B)  The Tropic of Capricorn done clear

C)  The equator done clear

D)  The Arctic Circle done clear

question_answer 24) Which of the following movements led by Mahatma Gandhi had economic demands?                                                      

A)  Satyagraha done clear

B)  Non-Cooperation done clear

C)  Civil Rights Movement done clear

D)  Civil Disobedience Movement done clear

question_answer 25) The concept of Reduce, Recycle, Reuse relates to:

A)  Environmental hazards done clear

B)  Natural disaster done clear

C)  Cleaner environment done clear

D)  Religious rituals done clear

question_answer 26) Which of the following is the preventive medical step against dreadful diseases?

A) Vaccination done clear

B) Pasteurisation done clear

C) Sterilisation       done clear

D) All of these done clear

question_answer 27) Tundra is in:

A)  Torrid region      done clear

B)  Frigid region done clear

C)  Temperate region done clear

D)         Grassland done clear

question_answer 28) Average heights of 'Pygmies'are:

A) 6 ft      done clear

B) 100 inches done clear

C) 1 ft                  done clear

D) 59 inches done clear

question_answer 29) Bengaluru and Chennai are nearly equidistant from the equator. But Bengaluru is cooler than Chennai. Why?

A)  Chennai is on a sea shore. done clear

B)  Bengaluru receives wind from nearby cold places. done clear

C)  Bengaluru is situated at higher altitude than Chennai. done clear

D)  Chennai receives more rainfall than Bengaluru. done clear

He was the President of the USA, who abolished slavery from the land. He is also known for giving the most popular definition of democracy.

A) Abraham Lincoln           done clear

B) Socrates done clear

C) A. O. Hume      done clear

question_answer 31) On which parts of our body a doctor puts his stethoscope diaphragm?

A)  Head    done clear

B)  Arm pit done clear

C)  Mouth  done clear

D)  Chest done clear

question_answer 32) In order to understand even an ordinary Chinese book one needs to know:

A)  26 alphabets done clear

B)  10 thousands or more alphabets done clear

C)  10 thousands or more pictorial symbols done clear

D)  26 pictorial symbols done clear

question_answer 33) A man can communicate:

A)  verbally done clear

B)  non verbally done clear

C)  by combining both verbal and non-verbal mode done clear

E)  none of these done clear

question_answer 34) Who among the following was also known as the 'Frontier Gandhi'?

A) Maulana Abul Kalam done clear

B) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan done clear

C) Mohammad Ali done clear

D) Shaukat Ali done clear

question_answer 35) Which of the following is not the purpose with which the UNO came into being?

A)  Maintaining international peace and security done clear

B)  Encouraging international cooperation done clear

C)  Developing friendly relation among nations on the principle of equal rights and self-determination done clear

question_answer 36) Name the paper edited by Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

A)  Times of India done clear

B)  The Hindu done clear

C)  Ananda Bazar Patrika done clear

D)  Kesari done clear

question_answer 37) At which session of the Indian National Congress 'Quit India' resolution was passed?

A) Bombay (Mumbai) Session done clear

B) Calcutta (Kolkata) Session done clear

C) Lahore Session done clear

D) Poona Session done clear

question_answer 38) Who wrote 'Das Capital'?

A) Karl Marx         done clear

B) Martin Luther King done clear

C) Abraham Lincoln done clear

D) Mahatma Gandhi done clear

A) Boundary of a district done clear

B) Railway line done clear

C) Boundary of a country done clear

D) River done clear

question_answer 40) During the time of Indians independence (1947) which party was in power in British Parliament?

A)  Liberal Party                 done clear

B)  Labour Party done clear

C)  Conservative Party         done clear

D)  Freedom Party done clear

Enfield rifle

A) Revolt of 1857 done clear

B) Chauri-Chaura incident done clear

C) Swadeshi and Boycott movement done clear

D) Jalliwanwala Bagh massacre done clear

question_answer 42) Which of the following is not an agency of the United Nations?

A)  FAO                 done clear

B)         ILO done clear

C)  UNICEF            done clear

D)  WHO done clear

question_answer 43) The British divided Bengal in 1905 into two parts, according to their policy of:

A) Divide and Rule done clear

B) Oppression done clear

C) Colonization      done clear

D) Exploitation done clear

question_answer 44) Which of the following is a preventive medical step?

A)  Pasteurisation    done clear

B)  Infection done clear

C)  Vaccination done clear

D)  Sterilisation done clear

question_answer 45) Which of the following may result in flood?

A)  Exceptionally high tides done clear

B)  Sudden melting of snow from the hills done clear

C)  Collapsing of a dam done clear

question_answer 46) Which of the following is an incorrect statement?

A)  Greenland has more ice cover than Iceland. done clear

B)  Greenland is the largest island in the world. done clear

C)  Baffin Bay separates Northern Islands of Canada from Greenland. done clear

D)  Almost 90% of an iceberg remains inside the water. done clear

question_answer 47) The process of converting waste materials into new and useful products is known as:

A)  Reusing done clear

B)         Recycling done clear

C)  Renewing          done clear

D)  Reviving done clear

question_answer 48) Sphygmometer is used to measure:

C)  Blood pressure done clear

D)         Landslide done clear

question_answer 49) For which of the following reasons Ooty is cool in summers even though it is closer to equator?

A)  Because of its distance from the sea. done clear

B)  Because of its altitude. done clear

C)  Because of the humidity in its climate. done clear

D)  Because it is situated in Frigid Zone. done clear

question_answer 50) Who among the following is the political head of Delhi?

A)  Lieutenant Governor      done clear

B)  Chief Minister done clear

C)  Governor          done clear

D)  Prime Minister done clear

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Class 10 Social Science Case Study Questions

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If you’re looking for CBSE Class 10 Social Science case study questions, myCBSEguide provides all the resources you need. We have a wide range of Class 10 Social Science case studies covering various topics, and our team of experts is on hand to provide guidance and support to Class 10 students. Whether you’re struggling with a particular topic or just need some extra help, myCBSEguide is the perfect place to turn.

Purpose of Class 10 Social Science

Up to the secondary level of schooling, social science is a core course. It is an essential component of a general education because it assists Class 10 Social Science students in comprehending the environment as a whole and acquiring a broader perspective as well as an empirical, reasonable, and humanitarian outlook. This is critical because it helps Class 10 Social Science students into well-informed and responsible citizens with the required qualities and skills to effectively engage and contribute to the process of development and nation-building.

Case Study Questions in Class 10 Social Science

Class 10 social science curriculum includes a wide range of topics. One way to help students learn and retain information from these topics is to incorporate case studies into the classroom. Case studies can provide real-world examples of the concepts being taught, and help students to understand how the theory can be applied in practice.

Incorporating case studies into the Class 10 social science curriculum can also help to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By working through a case study, Class 10 social science students can learn how to identify key issues, consider different options and make decisions. These skills will be valuable in their future studies and careers.

Whichever way case studies are used, they can be a valuable addition to the Class 10 social science curriculum.

Class 10 Social Science Case Study Questions Samples

Students must solve a range of Class 10 Social Science case study questions in order to achieve good grades in Social Science. Students in Class 10 Social Science must be looking for some samples of case study questions in order to improve their grades. myCBSEguide has collected a variety of case study questions for Class 10 Social Science that will undoubtedly assist all students studying the subject. We’ve put created a collection of Class 10 Social Science case study questions for you.

Class 10 Social Science Case Study Question 1

Class 10 HISTORY: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow: Frederic Sorrieu prepared a series of four prints visualizing his dream of a world made up of ‘democratic and social Republics’, as he called them. The first print of the series shows the peoples of Europe and America – men and women of all ages and social classes – marching in a long train, and offering homage to the Statue of Liberty as they pass by it. Artists of the time of the French Revolution personified Liberty as a female figure. She bears the torch of Enlightenment in one hand and the Charter of the Rights of Man in the other. On the earth in the foreground of the image lie the shattered remains of the symbols of absolutist institutions. In Sorrieu’s utopian vision, the peoples of the world are grouped as distinct nations, identified through their flags and national costume. Leading the procession, way past the Statue of Liberty, are the United States and Switzerland, which by this time were already nation-states. France, identifiable by the revolutionary tricolour, has just reached the statue. She is followed by the peoples of Germany, bearing the black, red and gold flag. Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option:

Who was Frederic Sorrieu?

  • French artist
  • German Artist
  • Italian Artist
  • British Artist

In which year did Frederic Sorrier prepare a series of four prints?

Which of the following statements correctly describes “absolutist”?

  • Monarchical Government
  • Democratic Government
  • Uncentralised Government
  • Bureaucratic Government

Which of the following is correct with respect to “utopian vision”?

  • Homogenous society
  • Monarchical society
  • Ideal society
  • All are correct

Answer Key:

  • (a) French artist
  • (a) Monarchical Government
  • (c) Ideal society

Class 10 Social Science Case Study Question 2

Class 10 GEOGRAPHY: Lifelines of National Economy

Read the extract and answer the question that follows:

We use different materials and services in our daily life. Some of these are available in our immediate surroundings, while other requirements are met by bringing things from other places. Goods and services do not move from supply locales to demand locales on their own. The movement of these goods and services from their supply locations to demand locations necessitates the need for transport. Some people are engaged in facilitating these movements. These are known to be traders who make the products come to the consumers by transportation. Thus, the pace of development of a country depends upon the production of goods and services as well as their movement over space. Therefore, efficient means of transport are pre-requisites for fast development.

The movement of these goods and services can be over three important domains of our earth i.e. land, water and air. Based on these, transport can also be classified into the land, water and air transport. For a long time, trade and transport were restricted to limited space. With the development in science and technology, the area of influence of trade and transport expanded far and wide.

Today, the world has been converted into a large village with the help of efficient and fast-moving transport. Transport has been able to achieve this with the help of an equally developed communication system. Therefore, transport, communication and trade are complementary to each other.

  • Explain the necessity of means of transport in modern times. (1)
  • Enumerate the domains and means of transport. (2)
  • Why are efficient means of transport pre-requisites for the fast development of the country? (2)
  • The movement of goods and services from their supply locations to demand locations necessitates the need for transport.
  • The movement of these goods and services can be over three important domains of our earth i.e. land, water and air.
  • Based on these, transport can also be classified into the land, water and air transport.
  • (Any two relevant points)
  • Efficient and good transport for speedy movement of goods and services to different parts of India and to fulfill the needs of the people is needed.
  • Goods and services do not move from supply locations to demand locations on their own. This necessitates the need for transport.
  •  Some people are engaged in facilitating these movements. They go to traders who make the products and take them to the consumers by transportation.
  • Thus, the pace of development of a country depends upon the production of goods and services as well as their movements over space.

Class 10 Social Science Case Study Question 3

Class 10 POLITICAL SCIENCE: Power-sharing

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: The Belgian leaders recognised the existence of regional differences and cultural diversities. Between 1970 and 1993, they amended their constitution four times so as to work out an arrangement that would enable everyone to live together within the same country. The arrangement they worked out is different from any other country and is very innovative. Here are some of the elements of the Belgian model:

  • Constitution prescribes that the number of Dutch and French-speaking ministers shall be equal in the central government. Some special laws require the support of the majority of members from each linguistic group.
  • Many powers of the central government have been given to state governments of the two regions of the country. The state governments are not subordinate to the Central Government.
  • Brussels has a separate government in which both the communities have equal representation. The French-speaking people accepted equal representation in Brussels because the Dutch-speaking community has accepted equal representation in the Central Government.
  • Apart from the Central and the State Government, there is a third kind of government. This ‘community government’ is elected by people belonging to one language community – Dutch, French and German-speaking – no matter where they live. This government has the power regarding cultural, educational and language-related issues.

Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option:

  • India, Srilanka
  • Belgium, Sri Lanka
  • Wallonia, Brussels
  • Flemish, Wallonia
  • Which of the following is not the element of “Belgian model”?
  • Equal number of ministers for both the groups
  • Setting up of Community Government
  • More power to the central government
  • Equal representation at the state and central level
  • “Apart from the Central and the State Government, there is a third kind of government”. Which of the following is incorrect with respect to this?
  • The unique government is Community Government
  • A single social group is given powers to handle community-related affairs
  • Elected by people belonging to Dutch, French and German-speaking
  • Power regarding cultural, educational and language-related issues
  • Which of the following title best describes the given passage?
  • The ethnic composition of Belgium
  • Accommodation in Sri Lanka
  • Accommodation in Belgium
  • The ethnic composition of Sri Lanka
  • (b) Belgium, Sri Lanka
  • (c) More power to central government. [Explanation: Many powers of the central government have been given to state governments of the two regions of the country. The state governments are not subordinate to the Central Government.]
  • (b) Single social group is given powers to handle the community-related affairs. [Explanation: A community government is one in which different social groups are given powers to handle community-related affairs.]
  • (c) Accommodation in Belgium

Class 10 Social Science Case Study Question 4

Class 10 ECONOMICS: Development

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Besides seeking more income, oneway or the other, people also seek things like equal treatment, freedom, security, and respect of others. They resent discrimination. All of these are important goals. In fact, in some cases, these may be more important than more income or more consumption because material goods are not all that you need to live. Money, or material things that one can buy with it, is one factor on which our life depends. But the quality of our life also depends on non-material things. Consider an example: If you get a job in a far-off place, before accepting it you would try to consider many factors, apart from income, such as facilities for your family, working atmosphere, or opportunity to learn. In another case, a job may give you less pay but may offer regular employment that enhances your sense of security. Another job, however, may offer high pay but no job security and also leave no time for your family. This will reduce your sense of security and freedom. Similarly, for development, people look at a mix of goals. It is true that if women are engaged in paid work, their dignity in the household and society increases. However, it is also the case that if there is respect for women there would be more sharing of housework and a greater acceptance of women working outside. A safe and secure environment may allow more women to take up a variety of jobs or run a business. Hence, the developmental goals that people have are not only about better income but also about other important things in life. Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option:

  • Opportunity to learn
  • Working atmosphere
  • Job security
  • All of the above
  • The approach of living a life in bungalows, with costly cars, bikes and international tours is ________ life.
  • Materialistic
  • Both a and c
  • “Women, who are engaged in paid jobs are an example of persons who fulfil a mix of goals.” Which of the following statement is incorrect with the given statement?
  • A secure environment may allow more women to take up a variety of jobs or run a business.
  • If there is respect for women, there would be greater acceptance of women working outside.
  • If women are engaged in paid work, their dignity in the household and society decreases.
  • “Besides seeking more income, people also seek things like equal treatment, freedom, security and respect of others”. What does the given statement signify?
  • Mixed goals are important for people for development.
  • Common goals are important for people for development.
  • Conflicting goals are important for people for development.
  • Similar goals are important for people for development.
  • (d) All of the above
  • (a) Materialistic
  • (c) If women are engaged in paid work, their dignity in the household and society decreases. [Explanation: If women are engaged in paid work, their dignity in the household and society increases.]
  • (a) Mixed goals are important for people for development.

Class 10 Social Science curriculum at a glance

The material of the Class 10 Social Science curriculum is mostly drawn from history, geography, politics, and economics. There are also elements of Sociology and Commerce. They provide a holistic vision of society in space and time, as well as in relation to one another. The numerous methods of inquiry used in each topic assist Class 10 Social Science students in understanding society from various perspectives and forming a comprehensive vision. Class 10 Social Science curriculum is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of various disciplines like History, Geography, Economics and Political Science.

The table below provides the complete syllabus structure for Class 10 Social Science curriculum.


1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
2. Nationalism in India:
3. The Making of a Global World
4. The Age of Industrialization
5. Print Culture and the Modern World
1. Resources and Development
2. Forest and Wildlife
3. Water Resources
4. Agriculture
5. Minerals and Energy Resources
6. Manufacturing Industries
7. Life Lines of National Economy
1. Power Sharing
2. Federalism
4. Gender, Religion and Caste
6. Political Parties
7. Outcomes of Democracy
1. Development
2. Sectors of the Indian Economy
3. Money and Credit
4. Globalization and the Indian Economy
5. Consumer Rights

Reasons to choose myCBSEguide for class 10

There are many reasons to choose myCBSEguide for CBSE social science Class 10.

  • First and foremost, myCBSEguide provides comprehensive and up-to-date study material for the entire syllabus including class 10 social science case study questions. In addition, myCBSEguide also provides practice questions, sample papers and previous year question papers to help students prepare for the exams.
  • Another reason to choose myCBSEguide is the online tests. Online tests are a great way to test your knowledge and prepare for the exams.
  • Finally, myCBSEguide also provides a “Home Work help” forum where students can ask questions and get answers.

In conclusion, myCBSEguide is the ideal resource for CBSE social science Class 10 students, offering everything they need to excel in their studies.

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Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes (Handwritten Short & Revision Notes)

Studying well and grasping the concepts of the chapter Natural Disasters is the most crucial part while preparing; doing this can help them to get average marks. But to score well in questions related to the chapter, for that students need to act smartly and use the important study material that is Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes. Through the Class 5 Notes one can keep a track of the performance in questions related to the chapter Natural Disasters and can progress accordingly.

Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes PDF

While completing the chapter Natural Disasters, students have the habit of noting down all the key concepts, topics in a separate notebook. To save their time and energy, students can look through the Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes PDF which is available on the Selfstudys website. With the help of PDF, students can simply complete the chapter Natural Disasters from their comfort zone. 

Where Can Students Find Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes?

Students can find the Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes from the Selfstudys website; steps to download are explained below: 

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  • Now select Social Studies from the list. Again a new page will appear and select the chapter Natural Disasters from the given chapters. 

Features of Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes

The Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes are considered to be an essential source of study material as it has important features; those are discussed below: 

  • Name of the Chapter is Mentioned: In the Natural Disasters Notes Class 5, name of the chapter as well as number of the chapter are mentioned. Through this, students don't need to search much for resources, they can just look for the chapter number. 
  • Overview of the Chapter is Given: As students open up the PDF, an overview of the chapter is given; through the overview students can get a brief idea about the chapter. This overview of the chapter Natural Disasters can be a very useful one for teachers as accordingly they can teach their students. 
  • Important Questions are Given: In the Class 5 Natural Disasters Notes, important questions are given for students to practise on a regular basis. Through the important questions of the chapter Natural Disasters, students can improvise their score if in case that particular question is asked in the exam. 
  • Concepts are Discussed: Through the Class 5 Notes of Natural Disasters, students can understand the concepts properly as all concepts are discussed in a well defined manner. 
  • For CBSE Board: These Class 5 Notes of Natural Disasters are designed specifically for students who are studying in CBSE board as the topics and concepts are according to the CBSE syllabus.  
  • Point Wise Explanation: Each topic in the Class 5 Natural Disasters is explained in a point wise manner; through this students can also attempt the questions in the same approach. 

What Are the Benefits of Taking Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes?

We all know that now Notes have moved from pages to screen; accordingly these Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes can enhances academic success, apart from this there are more benefits: 

  • Helps in Organisation: The Natural Disasters Notes Class 5 are organised in a systematic manner; with the help of it students can have an organised preparation. 
  • Helps in Attempting Questions: The Class 5 Natural Disasters Notes helps in attempting questions in a very different approach as all the concepts are explained in a stepwise manner. 
  • Can Help in Assignments: The Class 5 Social Studies Notes of the chapter Natural Disasters can help students in doing assignments in a good manner ; through this students can also score well in internal assessments. 
  • Can Learn More About the Topic: Most students invest time in understanding topics; they can learn and understand more about the topics with the help of Class 5 Notes of the chapter Natural Disasters. 
  • Boosts Comprehensive Skills: The topics and concepts in the Class 5 Notes of Natural Disasters are explained in a comprehensive way; accordingly it can also boost the comprehension skills while attempting questions. 
  • Promotes Active Learning: By going through the Class 5 Notes of the chapter Natural Disasters can help students to get involved in active learning so that they can improve their productivity.  

Tips to Cover The Whole Lesson With the Help of Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes

Preparing for the Natural Disasters lesson with the help of Class 5 Natural Disasters Notes can be a challenging so, it is better to follow the below steps:

  • Plan Ahead: Students are advised to make a proper study plan with goals to complete Natural Disasters Notes Class 5 so that they can be well prepared. Through this students don’t take a chance to procrastinate the topics of the chapter Natural Disasters. 
  • Try to Reach Out to Classmates: One needs to reach out to their classmates while completing the Class 5 Natural Disasters Notes as they would be facing the same kind of struggles. Having a good study group while completing the chapter Natural Disasters can help students to explain the topics to one another, can build a healthy network, etc. 
  • Find the Own Learning Style: Students need to find their own learning style by trial and error method like which method best suits one while completing the chapter Natural Disasters with the help of Class 5 Notes. 
  • Take Breaks: As we all know that brains can absorb a required amount of information at a time so it is must to take breaks while completing the chapter Natural Disasters with the help of Class 5 Social Studies Notes . 
  • Try to Cultivate a Productive Space: Surroundings are more important than the study resource, so it is advisable for students to select a place where there are no distractions and other essential items are also available: water bottle, snacks, study materials while completing the chapter Natural Disasters. 
  • Try to Set Specific Goals: Students need to set specific goals while completing the chapter Natural Disasters with the help of Notes so that they can think about the progress. 

When is the Right Time to Look Through the Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes?

The right time to look through the Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes can totally depend on the way the students are trying to complete the chapter, those ways to look through are discussed below: 

  • Before Starting the Chapter: Students can look through the Natural Disasters Notes Class 5 before starting the chapter so that they can engage themselves during the offline class. 
  • While Completing the Chapter: Students can look through the Class 5 Natural Disasters Notes while completing the chapter as in it all topics and concepts are explained in brief ways. Through this self learning for the chapter Natural Disasters students can smoothly improvise their score. 
  • After Completing the Chapter: It is advisable for students to examine the Class 5 Notes for the chapter Natural Disasters so that they can attempt questions in a good approach; with this they can also score good in those questions. 
  • To Resolve Doubts: Students can seek help from the Class 5 Notes to solve any kind of confusions or doubts regarding the chapter Natural Disasters, they can also take the help of concerned teachers to solve doubts. 
  • To Understand the Key Concepts: Students can refer to the Class 5 Notes for the chapter Natural Disasters if they are facing any kind of difficulties in understanding the key concepts as in it all topics are explained in a proper way. 
  • To Solve Questions: Students can take the help of Class 5 Notes of the chapter Natural Disasters to solve questions regarding the concepts, accordingly they can understand the chapter in a better way and can score well. 

How to Use the Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes Effectively To Improve Student’s Marks?

Students need to use the Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes effectively so that they can improve their marks, below are some suggestions to use the study material effectively: 

  • Identify the Learning Objectives: Students can identify the learning objectives of the chapter with the help of Natural Disasters Notes Class 5; by getting to know the learning objectives students can focus on main key points. 
  • Solve Practice Questions: The Class 5 Natural Disasters Notes provides practice exercises for students so that they can apply the concepts learned in the given questions, accordingly they can improvise their score. 
  • Go Through the Feedback: Students can utilise the Class 5 Notes for the chapter Natural Disasters for an immediate feedback; accordingly they can identify those areas which need more attention and focus. Through this students can also score well in questions related to the chapter Natural Disasters. 
  • Gives Examples to Reinforce Learning: In the Class 5 Notes of the chapter Natural Disasters examples are given for some topics and concepts so that students can understand it in a better way; accordingly they can improvise their score. 
  • Provides a Positive Learning Environment: To have a positive learning environment, students can utilise the Class 5 Notes of the chapter Natural Disasters, accordingly they can feel engaged and motivated throughout the preparation. 
  • Visual Aids are Given: To understand the concepts with the help of visual aids, students can utilise the Class 5 Notes of the chapter Natural Disasters; through this they can visualise the concepts in the brain, this can help them to score well. 

Impact of Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes on Student’s Preparation

The impact of Natural Disasters Class 5 Notes can be significant, here are some ways that can have impact on student’s preparation: 

  • Explained in a Comprehensive Way: The Natural Disasters Notes Class 5 provides a comprehensive understanding; accordingly students can have a better understanding of the key concepts, theories, and principles. 
  • Enabled in Effective Revision: Revision helps students to recall the smallest detail of the topic for the chapter Natural Disasters; they can easily revise with the help of Class 5 Notes of Natural Disasters, this can have a positive impact on the preparation. 
  • Helps to Improve the Performance in the Exam: Through the Class 5 Notes of the chapter Natural Disasters, students can have a clear view point of the concept; accordingly they can improvise the impact on the preparation. 
  • Improvises Confidence: The Class 5 Natural Disasters Notes provides clear and concise information, through this students can improve their confidence while attempting questions of the chapter Natural Disasters. 
  • Saves Time: Students don’t need to waste their time in searching for the relevant content to complete the chapter Natural Disasters, they can simply open the Selfstudys website and go through the Notes to cover the syllabus; this can have a positive impact on the preparation. 
  •  Helps in Retaining Information: While preparing for the chapter Natural Disasters, it is normal to forget the studied topics, students can retain the key concepts with the help of Class 5 Social Studies Natural Disasters Notes. 

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Class 5 SST HOTS Questions - Natural Disasters

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Q1: What are the examples of natural disasters? Ans: Earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, droughts, cyclones, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc. Q2: What are Seismographs? Ans: The instrument that is used to study earthquakes are called seismographs. Q3: What does a Richter scale tell us about earthquakes? Ans:

  • 3 or less on the Richter scale is a weak earthquake.
  • Above 3 and below 6 on the Richter scale is a moderate earthquake.
  • Above 6 on the Richter scale is a strong and destructive earthquake.

Q4: How are buildings constructed to sway with the earthquakes? Ans: These days earthquake-proof buildings and bridges are constructed so that these don’t collapse during earthquakes. Q5: How does a flood affect our lives? Ans:

  • Floods damage crops, roads, buildings, etc.
  • They also affect electricity and water supply.
  • Transport and communication are disturbed by floods.
  • Floods cause a shortage of food and shelter.
  • Floods cause unhygienic conditions that cause the break out of diseases.

Q6: How can we prevent floods? Ans:

  • High embankments – Prevent floods.
  • Trees (afforestation) – To control the speed of the water.
  • Check dams – To check the flow of water and prevent floods.

Q7: Which states are prone to cyclones? Ans: Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarat, and Maharashtra. Q8: How can we stay safe from cyclones? Ans: We can go to a safer place (away from the coastal areas) when there is a warning of cyclones. We can take our animals and belongings with us to a safer place. Q9: What is a drought? Ans: Severe shortage of water is called drought. Rivers and ponds dry up. Crops don’t grow due to the shortage of water. Animals also die due to the shortage of water and fodder. Q10: What is an epidemic? Ans: When so many people in an area due to diseases. it is called an epidemic. Q11: What is Seismology? Ans: The study of earthquakes is called seismology. Q12: What is a Richter Scale? Ans:  The scale at which the intensity of an earthquake is measured is called the Richter scale. Q13: Describe the Earthquake that came in 2001 in India? Ans:  On 26 January 2001, A massive earthquake came in the city of Bhuj in Gujarat. It caused so much destruction. About 20,000 people lost their lives. Q14: What are aftershocks? Ans:  Smaller shocks shake the ground repeatedly even after several days after the earthquake. These small shocks are called aftershocks. Q15: What are the advantages of floods? Ans: Floodwater brings new soil from the hills and deposits in the plain areas. This process makes the plain areas very fertile and very good for agriculture. Q16: What are tidal waves? Ans : The high waves caused by very strong winds and heavy rains are called tidal waves. Q17: Which states are frequently affected by floods? Ans:  Utter Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam. Q18: What are check dams? Ans:  Check dam is a small and temporary dam constructed in the flow of water to prevent floods. Q19: What is a famine? Ans: When people die due to a shortage of food, it is called famine. Q20: How dangerous can a tsunami be? Ans: In a tsunami, a series of high waves are generated. These waves can be high up to 20 meters and these waves can travel up to hundreds of kilometers per hour. These waves strike suddenly and cause great damage.

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  • Agriculture Class 8 Case Study Social Science Geography Chapter 3

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Last Updated on September 12, 2024 by XAM CONTENT

Hello students, we are providing case study questions for class 8 social science. Case study questions are the new question format that is introduced in CBSE board. The resources for case study questions are very less. So, to help students we have created chapterwise case study questions for class 8 social science. In this article, you will find case study for CBSE Class 8 Social Science Geography Chapter 3 Agriculture. It is a part of Case Study Questions for CBSE Class 8 Social Science Series.

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Social Science – Geography
Resources and Development
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Case Study Questions on Agriculture Class 8

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Agricultural Development refers to efforts made to increase farm production in order to meet the growing demand of increasing population. This can be achieved in many ways such as increasing the cropped area, the number of crops grown, improving irrigation facilities, use of fertilisers and high yielding variety of seeds. Mechanisation of agriculture is also another aspect of agricultural development. The ultimate aim of agricultural development is to increase food security.

Agriculture has developed at different places in different parts of the world. Developing countries with large populations usually practise intensive agriculture where crops are grown on small holdings mostly for subsistence. Larger holdings are more suitable for commercial agriculture as in USA, Canada and Australia.

Q. 1. Efforts made to increase farm production in order to meet the growing demand of increasing population: (a) Agricultural Development (b) Industrialisation (c) Globalisation (d) Privatisation

Difficulty Level: Medium

Ans. Option (a) is correct Explanation: Agricultural Development refers to efforts made to increase farm production in order to meet the growing demand of increasing population.

Q. 2. Which of the following is not the aspect of achieving agriculture development? (a) Industrialisation (b) Use of fertilisation (c) Mechanisation (d) Using HYV seeds

Ans. Option (a) is correct Explanation: Agricultural development can be achieved in many ways such as increasing the cropped area, the number of crops grown, improving irrigation facilities, use of fertilisers and high yielding variety of seeds. Mechanisation of agriculture is also another aspect of agricultural development.

Q. 3. What is the ultimate aim of agriculture development? Choose correct answer from the given options. (a) Increasing population (b) Increasing food security (c) Increasing globalisation (d) Increasing production

Ans. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: Food security exists when all people, at all times, have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

Ans. Option (a) is correct

Q. 5. What are the two fundamental types of farming? Choose correct answer from the given options. (a) Subsistence farming and primitive farming (b) Primitive farming and commercial farming (c) Intensive farming and primitive farming (d) Subsistence farming and commercial farming

Ans. Option (d) is correct Explanation: Subsistence farming and commercial farming are two fundamental types of farming.

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From Trade to Territory Class 8 Case Study Social Science History Chapter 2

How, when and where class 8 case study social science history chapter 1, topics from which case study questions may be asked.

Here is a list of topics from which case study questions may be asked.

  • Know about different types of economic activities.
  • Learn about different kinds of agricultural activities.
  • Understand various farming techniques.
  • To know different types of crops.
  • Learn about agricultural development.

Agriculture is the art and science of growing crops, cultivating the soil and raising livestock. It contributes significantly to a country’s GDP that is the Gross Domestic Production of a country.

Agriculture provides most of the world’s foods and fabrics. It includes preparation of plant and animal products for people to use and their distribution to market.

The word agriculture is derived from Latin words ager or agri meaning soil and culture meaning cultivation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Agriculture Class 8 Case Study

Q1: what are case study questions.

A1: Case study questions are a type of question that presents a detailed scenario or a real-life situation related to a specific topic. Students are required to analyze the situation, apply their knowledge, and provide answers or solutions based on the information given in the case study. These questions help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Q2: How should I approach case study questions in exams?

A2: To approach case study questions effectively, follow these steps: Read the case study carefully: Understand the scenario and identify the key points. Analyze the information: Look for clues and relevant details that will help you answer the questions. Apply your knowledge: Use what you have learned in your course to interpret the case study and answer the questions. Structure your answers: Write clear and concise responses, making sure to address all parts of the question.

Q3: What are the benefits of practicing case study questions from your website?

A3: Practicing case study questions from our website offers several benefits: Enhanced understanding: Our case studies are designed to deepen your understanding of historical events and concepts. Exam preparation: Regular practice helps you become familiar with the format and types of questions you might encounter in exams. Critical thinking: Analyzing case studies improves your ability to think critically and make connections between different historical events and ideas. Confidence: Practicing with our materials can boost your confidence and improve your performance in exams.

Q4: What are the important keywords in this chapter “Agriculture”?

A4: Important keywords for CBSE Class 8 Agriculture are given below: Primary Activities: Primary activities are those activities, which involve direct extraction and production of natural resources. Secondary Activities: Secondary activities are concerned with the processing of natural resources. Tertiary Activities: These economic activities provide services to the consumers by providing support to primary and secondary sectors. Mixed Farming: This is a type of commercial farming under which land is used to grow food grains and fodder crops and for animal husbandry. Plantations: A type of commercial farming in which only a single crop is grown at a time. Examples include-tea, coffee, rubber, banana, cotton, cashew, sugarcane, etc. Food Crops: Crops such as wheat, rice, millets, maize, etc., are food crops. Fibre Crops: Crops such as jute and cotton are fibre crops. They are not used as food. Beverage Crops: Tea and coffee are included in beverage crops. Pesticides: A chemical substance that is used for killing animals, especially insects that eat food crops. Fertilizers: A natural or chemical substance that is put on land or soil to make plants grow better. Artificial Insemination: The technique in which semen with living sperms is collected from the male and introduced into female reproductive tract at proper time with the help of instruments.

Q5: What is agriculture?

A5: The word agriculture is derived from Latin words agri meaning soil and culture meaning cultivation. Thus, agriculture is the art of cultivating or tilling the soil and raising crops

Q6: Name the factors influencing agriculture.

A6: Favourable topography of soil and climate are the main factors influencing the agriculture. Besides this, the availability of seeds, fertilizers, machinery, irrigation facility also influence the agriculture.

Q7: What is shifting cultivation? What are its disadvantages?

A7: In shifting cultivation, farmers clear a plot of land for growing crops. After the soil loses its fertility, the land is abandoned, and the cultivator moves to a new land. 1 The disadvantages of shifting cultivation are: (a) It makes the land infertile. 1 (b) Due to deforestation, the problem of soil erosion arises and slowly, the area converts into desert.

Q8: What is Plantation agriculture?

A8: Plantation agriculture is a type of commercial farming where a single crop such as tea, coffee, sugarcane, cashew, rubber, banana or cotton is grown.

Q9: Define Nomadic Herding

A9: In nomadic herding, herdsmen move from place to place with their animals for fodder and water, along defined routes. Sheep, camels, yaks and goats are most commonly reared.

Q10: Are there any online resources or tools available for practicing “ Agriculture” case study questions?

A10: We provide case study questions for CBSE Class 8 Social Science on our  website . Students can visit the website and practice sufficient case study questions and prepare for their exams.

Agriculture Class 8 Case Study Social Science Geography Chapter 3

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