Home Blog Business Business Presentation: The Ultimate Guide to Making Powerful Presentations (+ Examples)

Business Presentation: The Ultimate Guide to Making Powerful Presentations (+ Examples)

Business Presentation Ultimate Guide plus examples

A business presentation is a purpose-led summary of key information about your company’s plans, products, or practices, designed for either internal or external audiences. Project proposals, HR policy presentations, investors briefings are among the few common types of presentations. 

Compelling business presentations are key to communicating important ideas, persuading others, and introducing new offerings to the world. Hence, why business presentation design is one of the most universal skills for any professional. 

This guide teaches you how to design and deliver excellent business presentations. Plus, breaks down some best practices from business presentation examples by popular companies like Google, Pinterest, and Amazon among others! 

3 General Types of Business Presentations

A business presentation can be given for a number of reasons. Respectively, they differ a lot in terms of content and purpose. 

But overall, all types of business presentations can be classified as:

  • Informative
  • Persuasive 
  • Supporting 

Informative Business Presentation 

As the name suggests, the purpose of an informative presentation is to discern the knowledge you have — explain what you know. It’s the most common type of business presentation out there. So you have probably prepared such at least several times. 

Examples of informative presentations:

  • Team briefings presentation 
  • Annual stakeholder report 
  • Quarterly business reviews
  • Business portfolio presentation
  • Business plan presentation
  • Project presentation

Helpful templates from SlideModel:

  • Business plan PowerPoint template
  • Business review PowerPoint template
  • Project proposal PowerPoint template
  • Corporate annual report template

Persuasive Business Presentation 

The goal of this type of presentation is to persuade your audience of your point of view — convince them of what you believe is right. Developing business presentations of this caliber requires a bit more copywriting mastery, as well as expertise in public speaking . Unlike an informative business presentation, your goal here is to sway the audience’s opinions and prompt them towards the desired action. 

Examples of persuasive presentations:

  • Pitch deck/investor presentations
  • Sales presentation  
  • Business case presentation 
  • Free business proposal presentation
  • Business proposal PowerPoint template
  • Pitch deck PowerPoint template
  • Account Plan PowerPoint template

Supporting Business Presentation 

This category of business PowerPoint presentations is meant to facilitate decision-making — explain how we can get something done. The underlying purpose here is to communicate the general “action plan”. Then break down the necessary next steps for bringing it to life. 

Examples of supporting presentations:

  • Roadmap presentation
  • Project vision presentation 
  • After Action Review presentation 
  • Standard operating procedure (SOP) PowerPoint template 
  • Strategy map PowerPoint template 
  • After action review (ARR) PowerPoint template 

What Should Be Included in a Business Presentation?

Overall, the content of your business presentation will differ depending on its purpose and type. However, at the very minimum, all business presentations should include:

  • Introductory slide 
  • Agenda/purpose slide
  • Main information or Content slides
  • Key Takeaways slides
  • Call-to-action/next steps slides

We further distill business presentation design and writing best practices in the next section (plus, provide several actionable business PowerPoint presentation examples !). 

How to Make a Business Presentation: Actionable Tips

A business presentation consists of two parts — a slide deck and a verbal speech. In this section, we provide tips and strategies for nailing your deck design. 

1. Get Your Presentation Opening Right 

The first slides of your presentation make or break your success. Why? By failing to frame the narrative and set the scene for the audience from the very beginning, you will struggle to keep their interest throughout the presentation. 

You have several ways of how to start a business presentation:

  • Use a general informative opening — a summative slide, sharing the agenda and main points of the discussion. 
  • Go for a story opening — a more creative, personal opening, aimed at pulling the audience into your story. 
  • Try a dramatic opening — a less apparent and attention-grabbing opening technique, meant to pique the audience’s interest. 

Standard Informative Opening 

Most business presentation examples you see start with a general, informative slide such as an Agenda, Problem Statement, or Company Introduction. That’s the “classic” approach. 

To manage the audience’s expectations and prepare them for what’s coming next, you can open your presentation with one or two slides stating:

  • The topic of your presentation — a one-sentence overview is enough. 
  • Persuasive hook, suggesting what’s in it for the audience and why they should pay attention. 
  • Your authority — the best technique to establish your credibility in a business presentation is to share your qualifications and experience upfront to highlight why you are worth listening to. 

Opening best suited for: Formal business presentations such as annual reports and supporting presentations to your team/business stakeholders. 

Story Opening 

Did you ever notice that most TED talks start with a quick personal story? The benefit of this presenting technique is that it enables speakers to establish quick rapport and hold the listener’s attention. 

Here’s how Nancy Duarte, author of “Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations” book and TED presenter, recommends opening a presentation: 

You know, here’s the status quo, here’s what’s going on. And then you need to compare that to what could be. You need to make that gap as big as possible, because there is this commonplace of the status quo, and you need to contrast that with the loftiness of your idea. 

Storytelling , like no other tool, helps transpose the audience into the right mindset and get concentrated on the subject you are about to discuss. A story also elicits emotions, which can be a powerful ally when giving persuasive presentations. In the article how to start a presentation , we explore this in more detail.

Opening best suited for: Personal and business pitches, sales presentations, other types of persuasive presentations. 

Dramatic Opening 

Another common technique is opening your presentation with a major statement, sometimes of controversial nature. This can be a shocking statistic, complex rhetoric question, or even a provocative, contrarian statement, challenging the audience’s beliefs. 

Using a dramatic opening helps secure the people’s attention and capture their interest. You can then use storytelling to further drill down your main ideas. 

If you are an experienced public speaker, you can also strengthen your speech with some unexpected actions. That’s what Bill Gates does when giving presentations. In a now-iconic 2009 TED talk about malaria, mid-presentation Gates suddenly reveals that he actually brought a bunch of mosquitoes with him. He cracks open a jar with non-malaria-infected critters to the audience’s surprise. His dramatic actions, paired with a passionate speech made a mighty impression. 

Opening best suited for: Marketing presentations, customer demos, training presentations, public speeches. 

Further reading: How to start a presentation: tips and examples. 

2. Get Your PowerPoint Design Right

Surely, using professional business PowerPoint templates already helps immensely with presentation deck design since you don’t need to fuss over slide layout, font selection, or iconography. 

Even so, you’ll still need to customize your template(s) to make them on brand and better suited to the presentation you’re about to deliver. Below are our best presentation design tips to give your deck an extra oomph. 

Use Images, Instead of Bullet Points 

If you have ever watched Steve Jobs’s presentations, you may have noticed that he never used bullet-point lists. Weird right? Because using bullet points is the most universal advice in presentation design. 

business presentation examples for students

But there’s a valid scientific reason why Jobs favored images over bullet-point texts. Researchers found that information delivered in visuals is better retained than words alone. This is called the “ pictorial superiority effect ”. As John Medina, a molecular biologist, further explains :

“Hear a piece of information, and three days later you’ll remember 10% of it. Add a picture and you’ll remember 65%.”

So if your goal is to improve the memorability of your presentation, always replace texts with images and visualizations when it makes sense. 

Fewer Slides is Better

No matter the value, a long PowerPoint presentation becomes tiring at some point. People lose focus and stop retaining the information. Thus, always take some extra time to trim the fluff and consolidate some repetitive ideas within your presentation. 

For instance, at McKinsey new management consultants are trained to cut down the number of slides in client presentations. In fact, one senior partner insists on replacing every 20 slides with only two slides . Doing so prompts you to focus on the gist — the main business presentation ideas you need to communicate and drop filler statements. 

Here are several quick tips to shorten your slides:

  • Use a three-arc structure featuring a clear beginning (setup), main narrative (confrontation), ending (resolution). Drop the ideas that don’t fit into either of these. 
  • Write as you tweet. Create short, on-point text blurbs of under 156 symbols, similar to what you’d share on Twitter. 
  • Contextualize your numbers. Present any relevant statistics in a context, relevant to the listeners. Turn longer stats into data visualizations for easier cognition. 

Consistency is Key 

In a solid business presentation, each slide feels like part of the connecting story. To achieve such consistency apply the same visual style and retain the same underlying message throughout your entire presentation.

Use the same typography, color scheme, and visual styles across the deck. But when you need to accentuate a transition to a new topic (e.g. move from a setup to articulating the main ideas), add some new visual element to signify the slight change in the narrative. 

Further reading: 23 PowerPoint Presentation Tips for Creating Engaging and Interactive Presentations

3. Make Your Closure Memorable 

We best remember the information shared last. So make those business presentation takeaways stick in the audience’s memory. We have three strategies for that. 

Use the Rule of Three 

The Rule of Three is a literary concept, suggesting that we best remember and like ideas and concepts when they are presented in threes. 

Many famous authors and speakers use this technique:

  • “Duty – Honor – Country. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, and what you will be” . Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
  • “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” are the unalienable rights of all humans that governments are meant to protect.” Thomas Jefferson 

The Rule of Three works because three is the maximum number of items most people can remember on their first attempt. Likewise, such pairings create a short, familiar structure that is easy to remember for our brains. 

Try the Title Close Technique

Another popular presentation closing technique is “Title Close” — going back to the beginning of your narrative and reiterating your main idea (title) in a form of a takeaway. Doing so helps the audience better retain your core message since it’s repeated at least two times. Plus, it brings a sense of closure — a feel-good state our brains love. Also, a brief one-line closure is more memorable than a lengthy summary and thus better retained. 

Ask a Question 

If you want to keep the conversation going once you are done presenting, you can conclude your presentation with a general question you’d like the audience to answer.

Alternatively, you can also encourage the members to pose questions to you. The latter is better suited for informational presentations where you’d like to further discuss some of the matters and secure immediate feedback. 

Try adding an interactive element like a QR code closing your presentation with a QR code and having a clear CTA helps you leverage the power of sharing anything you would like to share with your clients. QR codes can be customized to look alike your brand.

If you are looking for a smoother experience creating presentations on the fly, check out the AI PowerPoint maker —it offers everything you can ask forfrom presentation design in a couple of clicks.

12 Business Presentation Examples and What Makes Them Great 

Now that we equipped you with the general knowledge on how to make a presentation for business, let’s take a look at how other presenters are coping with this job and what lessons you can take away from them. 

1. N26 Digital Bank Pitch Deck 

The Future of Banking by N26. An example of a Business Presentation with a nice cover image.

This is a fine business pitch presentation example, hitting all the best practices. The deck opens with a big shocking statement that most Millennials would rather go to the dentist than step into a bank branch. 

Then it proceeds to discuss the company’s solution to the above — a fully digital bank with a paperless account opening process, done in 8 minutes. After communicating the main product features and value proposition, the deck further conceptualizes what traction the product got so far using data visualizations. The only thing it lacks is a solid call-to-action for closing slides as the current ending feels a bit abrupt. 

2. WeWork Pitch Deck

Business Presentation Example by WeWork

For a Series D round, WeWork went with a more formal business presentation. It starts with laying down the general company information and then transitions to explaining their business model, current market conditions, and the company’s position on the market.

The good thing about this deck is that they quantify their business growth prospects and value proposition. The likely gains for investors are shown in concrete numbers. However, those charts go one after another in a row, so it gets a bit challenging to retain all data points. 

The last part of their presentation is focused on a new offering, “We Live”. It explains why the team seeks funds to bring it to life. Likewise, they back their reasoning with market size statistics, sample projects, and a five-year revenue forecast. 

3. Redfin Investor Presentation 

Redfin Investor Presentation for Business. A Technology-Powered Real Estate Company.

If you are looking for a “text-light” business presentation example, Redfin’s investor deck is up to your alley. This simple deck expertly uses iconography, charts, and graphs to break down the company’s business model, value proposition, market share, and competitive advantages over similar startups. For number-oriented investors, this is a great deck design to use. 

4. Google Ready Together Presentation 

This isn’t quite the standard business presentation example per se. But rather an innovative way to create engaging, interactive presentations of customer case studies .

Interactive Online Presentation example by Google, from Customer Insights.  Google Ready Together Presentation.

The short deck features a short video clip from a Google client, 7-11, explaining how they used the company’s marketing technology to digitally transform their operations and introduce a greater degree of marketing automation . The narrated video parts are interrupted by slides featuring catchy stats, contextualizing issues other businesses are facing. Then transitions to explaining through the words of 7-11 CMO, how Google’s technology is helping them overcome the stated shortcomings.

5. Salesforce Business Presentation Example 

This is a great example of an informational presentation, made by the Salesforce team to share their research on customer experience (CX) with prospects and existing customers.

Business Presentation Example by Service Salesforce on How to Know Your Customer. A look into the Future of Customer Experience.

The slide deck errs on the lengthier side with 58 slides total. But bigger topics are broken down and reinforced through bite-sized statistics and quotes from the company leadership. They are also packaging the main tips into memorable formulas, itemized lists, and tables. Overall, this deck is a great example of how you can build a compelling narrative using different statistics. 

6. Mastercard Business Presentation

This slide deck from Mastercard instantly captures the audience’s attention with unusual background images and major data points on the growth of populations, POS systems, and payment methods used in the upcoming decade.

Business Presentation by MasterCard on Technology and Payment solutions. The Unfinished Revolution.

Perhaps to offset the complexity of the subject, Mastercard chose to sprinkle in some humor in presentation texts and used comic-style visuals to supplement that. However, all their animations are made in a similar style, creating a good sense of continuity in design. They are also using colors to signify the transition from one part of the presentation to another. 

In the second part, the slide deck focuses on distilling the core message of what businesses need to do to remain competitive in the new payments landscape. The team presents what they have been working on to expand the payment ecosystem. Then concludes with a “title close” styled call-to-action, mirroring the presentation title.

7. McKinsey Diversity & Inclusion Presentation 

This fresh business slide deck from McKinsey is a great reference point for making persuasive business presentations on complex topics such as D&I. First, it recaps the main definitions of the discussed concepts — diversity, equity, and inclusion — to ensure alignment with the audience members. 

Business Presentation Example by McKinsey Company on Diversity Wins: How inclusion matters.

Next, the business presentation deck focuses on the severity and importance of the issue for businesses, represented through a series of graphs and charts. After articulating the “why”, the narrative switches to “how” — how leaders can benefit from investment in D&I. The main points are further backed with data and illustrated via examples. 

8. Accenture Presentation for the Energy Sector

Similar to McKinsey, Accenture keeps its slide deck on a short. Yet the team packs a punch within each slide through using a mix of fonts, graphical elements, and color for highlighting the core information. The presentation copy is on a longer side, prompting the audience to dwell on reading the slides. But perhaps this was meant by design as the presentation was also distributed online — via the company blog and social media. 

Business Presentation Example by Accenture on Accelerating Innovation in Energy.

The last several slides of the presentation deck focus on articulating the value Accenture can deliver for their clients in the Energy sector. They expertly break down their main value proposition and key service lines, plus quantify the benefits. 

9. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Technical Presentation 

Giving an engaging technical presentation isn’t an easy task. You have to balance the number of details you reveal on your slides to prevent overwhelm, while also making sure that you don’t leave out any crucial deets. This technical presentation from AWS does great in both departments. 

Business Presentation created by AWS explaining how to build forecasting using ML/DL algorithms.

First, you get entertained with a quick overview of Amazon’s progress in machine learning (ML) forecasting capabilities over the last decade. Then introduced to the main tech offering. The deck further explains what you need to get started with Amazon Forecast — e.g. dataset requirements, supported forecasting scenarios, available forecasting models, etc. 

The second half of the presentation provides a quick training snippet on configuring Amazon SageMaker to start your first project. The step-by-step instructions are coherent and well-organized, making the reader excited to test-drive the product. 

10. Snapchat Company Presentation

Snapchat’s business model presentation is on a funkier, more casual side, reflective of the company’s overall brand and positioning. After briefly recapping what they do, the slide deck switches to discussing the company’s financials and revenue streams.

business presentation examples for students

This business slide deck by Snap Inc. itself is rather simplistic and lacks fancy design elements. But it has a strong unified theme of showing the audience Snapchat’s position on the market and projected vector of business development. 

11. Visa Business Acquisition Presentation 

VISA Acquisition of Plaid Business presentation.

If you are working on a business plan or M&A presentation for stakeholders of your own, this example from Visa will be helpful. The presentation deck expertly breaks down the company’s rationale for purchasing Plaid and subsequent plans for integrating the startup into their business ecosystem. 

The business deck recaps why the Plaid acquisition is a solid strategic decision by highlighting the total addressable market they could dive into post-deal. Then it details Plaid’s competitive strengths. The slide deck then sums up all the monetary and indirect gains Visa could reap as an acquirer. 

12. Pinterest Earnings Report Presentation 

Pinterest Business Presentation Example with Annual Report

Annual reports and especially earnings presentations might not be the most exciting types of documents to work on, but they have immense strategic value. Hence, there’s little room for ambiguities or mistakes. 

In twelve slides, this business presentation from Pinterest clearly communicates the big picture of the company’s finance in 2021. All the key numbers are represented as featured quotes in the sidebar with diagrams further showcasing the earning and spending dynamics. Overall, the data is easy to interpret even for non-finance folks. 

To Conclude 

With these business presentation design tips, presentation templates , and examples, you can go from overwhelmed to confident about your next presentation design in a matter of hours. Focus on creating a rough draft first using a template. Then work on nailing your opening slide sequence and shortening the texts in the main part of your presentation when needed. Make sure that each slide serves a clear purpose and communicates important details. To make your business presentation deck more concise, remove anything that does not pertain to the topic. 

Finally, once you are done, share your business presentation with other team members to get their feedback and reiterate the final design.

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Business Presentations, Corporate Presentations, Design, Design Inspiration, Examples, Executive Reports, Inspiration, Presentation Ideas Filed under Business

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23 presentation examples that really work (plus templates!)

Three professionals engaged in a collaborative meeting with a Biteable video maker, a laptop, and documents on the table.

  • 30 Mar 2023

To help you in your quest for presentation greatness, we’ve gathered 23 of the best business presentation examples out there. These hand-picked ideas range from business PowerPoint presentations, to recruitment presentations, and everything in between.

As a bonus, several of our examples include editable video presentation templates from  Biteable .

Biteable allows anyone to create great video presentations — no previous video-making skills required. The easy-to-use platform has hundreds of brandable templates and video scenes designed with a business audience in mind. A video made with Biteable is just what you need to add that wow factor and make an impact on your audience.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

Video presentation examples

Video presentations are our specialty at Biteable. We love them because they’re the most visually appealing and memorable way to communicate.

1. Animated characters

Our first presentation example is a business explainer video from Biteable that uses animated characters. The friendly and modern style makes this the perfect presentation for engaging your audience.

Bonus template:  Need a business video presentation that reflects the beautiful diversity of your customers or team? Use  Biteable’s workplace scenes . You can change the skin tone and hair color for any of the animated characters.

2. Conference video

Videos are also ideal solutions for events (e.g. trade shows) where they can be looped to play constantly while you attend to more important things like talking to people and handing out free cheese samples.

For this event presentation sample below, we used bright colours, stock footage, and messaging that reflects the brand and values of the company. All these elements work together to draw the attention of passers-by.

For a huge selection of video presentation templates, take a look at our  template gallery .

Business PowerPoint presentation examples

Striking fear into the hearts of the workplace since 1987, PowerPoint is synonymous with bland, boring presentations that feel more like an endurance test than a learning opportunity. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Check out these anything-but-boring business PowerPoint presentation examples.

3. Design pointers

This PowerPoint presentation takes a tongue-in-cheek look at how the speakers and users of PowerPoint are the problem, not the software itself.

Even at a hefty 61 slides, the vintage theme, appealing colors, and engaging content keep the viewer interested. It delivers useful and actionable tips on creating a better experience for your audience.

Pixar, as you’d expect, redefines the meaning of PowerPoint in their “22 Rules for Phenomenal Storytelling”. The character silhouettes are instantly recognizable and tie firmly to the Pixar brand. The bright colour palettes are carefully chosen to highlight the content of each slide.

This presentation is a good length, delivering one message per slide, making it easy for an audience to take notes and retain the information.

Google slides examples

If you’re in business, chances are you’ll have come across  slide decks . Much like a deck of cards, each slide plays a key part in the overall ‘deck’, creating a well-rounded presentation.

If you need to inform your team, present findings, or outline a new strategy, slides are one of the most effective ways to do this.

Google Slides is one of the best ways to create a slide deck right now. It’s easy to use and has built-in design tools that integrate with Adobe, Lucidchart, and more. The best part — it’s free!

5. Teacher education

Here’s a slide deck that was created to educate teachers on how to use Google Slides effectively in a classroom. At first glance it seems stuffy and businessy, but if you look closer it’s apparent the creator knows his audience well, throwing in some teacher-friendly content that’s bound to get a smile.

The slides give walkthrough screenshots and practical advice on the different ways teachers can use the software to make their lives that little bit easier and educate their students at the same time.

6. Charity awareness raiser

This next Google slide deck is designed to raise awareness for an animal shelter. It has simple, clear messaging, and makes use of the furry friends it rescues to tug on heartstrings and encourage donations and adoptions from its audience.

Pro tip: Creating a presentation is exciting but also a little daunting. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed — especially if the success of your business or nonprofit depends on it.

Prezi presentation examples

If you haven’t come across  Prezi , it’s a great alternative to using static slides. Sitting somewhere between slides and a video presentation, it allows you to import other content and add motion to create a more engaging viewer experience.

7. Red Bull event recap

This Prezi was created to document the Red Bull stratosphere freefall stunt a few years ago. It neatly captures all the things that Prezi is capable of, including video inserts and the zoom effect, which gives an animated, almost 3D effect to what would otherwise be still images.  

Prezi has annual awards for the best examples of presentations over the year. This next example is one of the 2018 winners. It was made to highlight a new Logitech tool.

8. Logitech Spotlight launch

What stands out here are the juicy colors, bold imagery, and the way the designer has used Prezi to its full extent, including rotations, panning, fades, and a full zoom out to finish the presentation.

business presentation examples for students

Sales presentation examples

If you’re stuck for ideas for your sales presentation, step right this way and check out this video template we made for you.

9. Sales enablement video presentation

In today’s fast-paced sales environment, you need a way to make your sales enablement presentations memorable and engaging for busy reps.  Sales enablement videos  are just the ticket. Use this video presentation template the next time you need to present on your metrics.

10. Zuroa sales deck

If you’re after a sales deck, you can’t go past this example from Zuora. What makes it great? It begins by introducing the worldwide shift in the way consumers are shopping. It’s a global phenomenon, and something we can all relate to.

It then weaves a compelling story about how the subscription model is changing the face of daily life for everyone. Metrics and testimonials from well-known CEOs and executives are included for some slamming social proof to boost the sales message.

Pitch presentation examples

Pitch decks are used to give an overview of business plans, and are usually presented during meetings with customers, investors, or potential partners.

11. Uber pitch deck

This is Uber’s original pitch deck, which (apart from looking a teensy bit dated) gives an excellent overview of their business model and clearly shows how they intended to disrupt a traditional industry and provide a better service to people. Right now, you’re probably very grateful that this pitch presentation was a winner.

You can make your own pitch deck with Biteable, or start with one of our  video templates  to make something a little more memorable.

12. Video pitch template

This video pitch presentation clearly speaks to the pains of everyone who needs to commute and find parking. It then provides the solution with its app that makes parking a breeze.

The video also introduces the key team members, their business strategy, and what they’re hoping to raise in funding. It’s a simple, clear pitch that positions the company as a key solution to a growing, worldwide problem. It’s compelling and convincing, as a good presentation should be.

13. Fyre Festival pitch deck

The most epic example of a recent pitch deck is this one for Fyre Festival – the greatest event that never happened. Marvel at its persuasion, gasp at the opportunity of being part of the cultural experience of the decade, cringe as everything goes from bad to worse.

Despite the very public outcome, this is a masterclass in how to create hype and get funding with your pitch deck using beautiful imagery, beautiful people, and beautiful promises of riches and fame.

Business presentation examples

Need to get the right message out to the right people? Business presentations can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

Simply press play and let your video do the talking. No fumbling your words and sweating buckets in front of those potential clients, just you being cool as a cucumber while your presentation does the talking.

Check out two of our popular templates that you can use as a starting point for your own presentations. While they’re business-minded, they’re definitely not boring.

14. Business intro template

Modern graphics, animations, and upbeat soundtracks keep your prospects engaged as they learn about your business, your team, your values, and how you can help them.

15. Business explainer template

Research presentation examples.

When you’re giving a more technical presentation such as research findings, you need to strike the perfect balance between informing your audience and making sure they stay awake.

As a rule, slides are more effective for research presentations, as they are used to support the speaker’s knowledge rather can capture every small detail on screen.

With often dry, complex, and technical subject matter, there can be a temptation for presentations to follow suit. Use images instead of walls of text, and keep things as easy to follow as possible.

16. TrackMaven research deck

TrackMaven uses their endearing mascot to lighten up this data-heavy slide deck. The graphs help to bring life to their findings, and they ensure to only have one bite-size takeaway per slide so that viewers can easily take notes.

17. Wearable tech research report

Obviously, research can get very researchy and there’s not a lot to be done about it. This slide deck below lays out a ton of in-depth information but breaks it up well with quotes, diagrams, and interesting facts to keep viewers engaged while it delivers its findings on wearable technology.

Team presentation examples

Motivating your team can be a challenge at the best of times, especially when you need to gather them together for….another presentation!

18. Team update template

We created this presentation template as an example of how to engage your team. In this case, it’s for an internal product launch. Using colorful animation and engaging pacing, this video presentation is much better than a static PowerPoint, right?

19. Officevibe collaboration explainer

This short slide deck is a presentation designed to increase awareness of the problems of a disengaged team. Bright colors and relevant images combine with facts and figures that compel viewers to click through to a download to learn more about helping their teams succeed.

Recruitment presentation examples

Recruiting the right people can be a challenge. Presentations can help display your team and your business by painting a dynamic picture of what it’s like to work with you.

Videos and animated slides let you capture the essence of your brand and workplace so the right employees can find you.

20. Company culture explainer

If you’re a recruitment agency, your challenge is to stand out from the hundreds of other agencies in the marketplace.

21. Kaizen culture

Showcasing your agency using a slide deck can give employers and employees a feel for doing business with you. Kaizen clearly displays its credentials and highlights its brand values and personality here (and also its appreciation of the coffee bean).

Explainer presentation examples

Got some explaining to do? Using an explainer video is the ideal way to showcase products that are technical, digital, or otherwise too difficult to explain with still images and text.

Explainer videos help you present the features and values of your product in an engaging way that speaks to your ideal audience and promotes your brand at the same time.

22. Product explainer template

23. lucidchart explainer.

Lucidchart does a stellar job of using explainer videos for their software. Their series of explainers-within-explainers entertains the viewer with cute imagery and an endearing brand voice. At the same time, the video is educating its audience on how to use the actual product. We (almost) guarantee you’ll have more love for spiders after watching this one.

Make a winning video presentation with Biteable

Creating a winning presentation doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive. Modern slide decks and video software make it easy for you to give compelling presentations that sell, explain, and educate without sending your audience to snooze town.

For the best online video presentation software around, check out Biteable. The intuitive platform does all the heavy lifting for you, so making a video presentation is as easy as making a PowerPoint.

Use Biteable’s brand builder to automatically fetch your company colors and logo from your website and apply them to your entire video with the click of a button. Even add a  clickable call-to-action  button to your video.

Share your business presentation anywhere with a single, trackable URL and watch your message turn into gold.

Make stunning videos with ease.

Take the struggle out of team communication.

Try Biteable now.

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20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

Carly Williams

Published: August 06, 2024

When it comes to PowerPoint presentation design, there's no shortage of avenues you can take.

PowerPoint presentation examples graphic with computer monitor, person holding a megaphone, and a plant to signify growth.

While all that choice — colors, formats, visuals, fonts — can feel liberating, it‘s important that you’re careful in your selection as not all design combinations add up to success.

In this blog post, I’m sharing some of my favorite PowerPoint tips and templates to help you nail your next presentation.

Table of Contents

What makes a good PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint design ideas, best powerpoint presentation slides, good examples of powerpoint presentation design.

business presentation examples for students

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

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In my opinion, a great PowerPoint presentation gets the point across succinctly while using a design that doesn't detract from it.

Here are some of the elements I like to keep in mind when I’m building my own.

1. Minimal Animations and Transitions

Believe it or not, animations and transitions can take away from your PowerPoint presentation. Why? Well, they distract from the content you worked so hard on.

A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image.

2. Cohesive Color Palette

I like to refresh my memory on color theory when creating a new PowerPoint presentation.

A cohesive color palette uses complementary and analogous colors to draw the audience’s attention and help emphasize certain aspects at the right time.

business presentation examples for students

Image source

Mesmerize your audience by adding some neon colors and effects to your PowerPoint slides. Adding pops of color to your presentation will create visual interest and keep your audience engaged. 

What I like: Neon will add personality and depth to your presentation and will help the information you're providing stand out and be more memorable. 

2. Use an interesting background image.

Interesting PowerPoint

Do you have some interesting nature photos from a recent road trip? Or maybe a holiday passed, and you have gorgeous photos to share? If so, consider incorporating them into your PowerPoint. 

What I like: PowerPoints don't have to be stuffy and boring. They can be fun and a unique or interesting background will enhance the experience of your presentation.

3. Or be minimal.

Powerpoint Minimal

Have you ever heard of K.I.S.S.? Not the band! I mean, Keep It Simple, Sweetheart. If you're worried too many colors or visuals could take attention away from the message of your presentation, consider going minimal. 

Pro tip: Stick to no more than three colors if you're going for a minimalist design in your slides. 

4. Incorporate illustrations.

PowerPoint Illustration

Illustrations are a great way to highlight or break down a point in your presentation. They can also add a bit of whimsy and fun to keep viewers engaged.

5. Use all caps.

PoiwerPoint Capital Letters

Using all capital letters can draw your audience's eyes to where you need them, helping cement your message in their minds. It can also just be aesthetically pleasing.

Pro tip: If you choose to use all capital letters, use varying fonts so readers can tell which information is important and which are supporting details.

6. Alternate slide layouts

PowerPoint alternate slides

You don't want readers to grow bored with your presentation. So, to retain visual interest, use alternating slide layouts. The example above shows PowerPoint slides alternating between vertical and horizontal layouts.

This keeps things interesting and ensures your presentation isn't monotonous.  

7. Inject a little humor.

Humor is a great way to drive a point home and help people remember the information you're presenting. People remember a good joke, so if you have a funny pun to connect to a concept in a presentation, why not use it in a slide?

Pro tip: Remember you're in a professional setting, so keep your jokes appropriate. If you're worried a joke can get you a meeting with HR, then keep it to yourself. 

8. Use duotones.

PowerPoint Duotones

Duotones (or gradience) can take the aesthetic of your PowerPoint to new levels. They can provide a calming energy to your presentation and make viewers feel relaxed and eager to stay focused. 

9. Include printed materials.

Let's say you have a PowerPoint you're proud of, but you want to go that extra mile to ensure your audience understands the material. A great way to do this would be to supplement your presentation with printed materials, as such as:

  • Pamphlets 
  • Printed slides
  • Short quizzes on the material

10. Keep it to one chart or graph per slide.

powerpoint chart

This is both a design example and a warning. Graphs and charts are an excellent way of displaying quantitative data in a digestible format.

However, you should have no more than one graph or chart per slide so your presentation doesn't get too confusing or muddled. 

11. Use a large font.

PowerPoint Large Font

Just like capital letters, a large font will help your shift your audience's focus to key points in your presentation.

Pro tip: You can combine large fonts and capital letters to boost its effectiveness. 

12. Include videos.

Embedding a video into your PowerPoint can help you expand on a point or effectively break down a complex topic. You can either embed a video from a platform like YouTube or TikTok or use HubSpot's Clip Creator to make your own.

Pro tip: Try to keep videos short, like, under a minute, and don't use more than one or two. 

13. Use GIFs.

GIFs add more visual interest, and they can be a great way to add humor or personal touch to your PowerPoint presentation.

14. Use contrasting colors when comparing two ideas or arguments. 

powerpoint contrast

Contrasting colors can convey the difference between two opposing thoughts or arguments in a way that is visually appealing. 

15. Add a touch of nature.

PowerPoint nature

If you want your presentation to exude a calming energy to your audience, including images of trees, flowers, and natural landscapes can do the trick.

PowerPoint Theme Ideas

Atlas (theme).

Covering a more creative subject for a younger or more energetic audience? I’d recommend using the cover slide design below. Its vibrant red color blocks and fun lines will appeal to your audience.

business presentation examples for students

This simplistic presentation example employs several different colors and font weights, but instead of coming off as disconnected, the varied colors work with one another to create contrast and call out specific concepts.

What I like: The big, bold numbers help set the reader's expectations, as they clearly signify how far along the viewer is in the list of tips.

10. “Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling,” Gavin McMahon

This presentation by Gavin McMahon features color in all the right places. While each of the background images boasts a bright, spotlight-like design, all the characters are intentionally blacked out.

What I like: This helps keep the focus on the tips, while still incorporating visuals. Not to mention, it's still easy for me to identify each character without the details. (I found you on slide eight, Nemo.)

11. “Facebook Engagement and Activity Report,” We Are Social

Here's another great example of data visualization in the wild.

What I like: Rather than displaying numbers and statistics straight up, this presentation calls upon interesting, colorful graphs, and charts to present the information in a way that just makes sense.

12. “The GaryVee Content Model,” Gary Vaynerchuk

This wouldn‘t be a true Gary Vaynerchuk presentation if it wasn’t a little loud, am I right?

What I like: Aside from the fact that I love the eye-catching, bright yellow background, Vaynerchuk does a great job of incorporating screenshots on each slide to create a visual tutorial that coincides with the tips. He also does a great job including a visual table of contents that shows your progress as you go .

13. “20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius,” IMPACT Branding & Design

We‘ve all seen our fair share of quote-chronicling presentations but that isn’t to say they were all done well. Often the background images are poor quality, the text is too small, or there isn't enough contrast.

Well, this professional presentation from IMPACT Branding & Design suffers from none of said challenges.

What I like: The colorful filters over each background image create just enough contrast for the quotes to stand out.

14. “The Great State of Design,” Stacy Kvernmo

This presentation offers up a lot of information in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming.

What I like: The contrasting colors create visual interest and “pop,” and the comic images (slides 6 through 12) are used to make the information seem less buttoned-up and overwhelming.

15. “Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines,” Ethos3

Not going to lie, it was the title that convinced me to click through to this presentation but the awesome design kept me there once I arrived.

What I like: This simple design adheres to a consistent color pattern and leverages bullet points and varied fonts to break up the text nicely.

16. “Digital Transformation in 50 Soundbites,” Julie Dodd

This design highlights a great alternative to the “text-over-image” display we've grown used to seeing.

What I like: By leveraging a split-screen approach to each presentation slide, Julie Dodd was able to serve up a clean, legible quote without sacrificing the power of a strong visual.

17. “Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint,” Slide Comet

When you‘re creating a PowerPoint about how everyone’s PowerPoints stink, yours had better be terrific. The one above, based on the ebook by Seth Godin, keeps it simple without boring its audience.

What I like: Its clever combinations of fonts, together with consistent color across each slide, ensure you're neither overwhelmed nor unengaged.

18. “How Google Works,” Eric Schmidt

Simple, clever doodles tell the story of Google in a fun and creative way. This presentation reads almost like a storybook, making it easy to move from one slide to the next.

What I like: This uncluttered approach provides viewers with an easy-to-understand explanation of a complicated topic.

19. “What Really Differentiates the Best Content Marketers From The Rest,” Ross Simmonds

Let‘s be honest: These graphics are hard not to love. I especially appreciate the author’s cartoonified self-portrait that closes out the presentation. Well played, Ross Simmonds.

What I like: Rather than employing the same old stock photos, this unique design serves as a refreshing way to present information that's both valuable and fun.

20. “Be A Great Product Leader,” Adam Nash

This presentation by Adam Nash immediately draws attention by putting the company's logo first — a great move if your company is well known.

What I like: He uses popular images, such as ones of Megatron and Pinocchio, to drive his points home. In the same way, you can take advantage of popular images and media to keep your audience engaged.

And if you want more templates and examples, you can download them here .

PowerPoint Presentation Examples for the Best Slide Presentation

Mastering a PowerPoint presentation begins with the design itself.

Get inspired by my ideas above to create a presentation that engages your audience, builds upon your point, and helps you generate leads for your brand.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

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27 Presentation Examples That Engage, Motivate & Stick

Browse effective professional business presentation samples & templates. Get great simple presentation examples with perfect design & content beyond PowerPoint.


7 minute read

Presentation examples

helped business professionals at:


Short answer

What makes a good presentation.

A good presentation deck excels with a clear, engaging narrative, weaving information into a compelling story. It combines concise, relevant content with visually appealing design to ensure simplicity and impact.

Personalizing the story to resonate with the audience's interests also enhances engagement and understanding.

Let’s face it - most slides are not interesting - are yours?

We've all been there—trapped in a never-ending session of mind-numbing slides, with no hope in sight. It's called "Death by PowerPoint," and it's the silent killer of enthusiasm and engagement. But fear not! You're a short way from escaping this bleak fate.

We've curated perfect presentation examples, crafted to captivate and inspire., They will transform your slides from yawn-inducing to jaw-dropping. And they’re all instantly usable as templates.

Prepare to wow your audience, command the room, and leave them begging for more!

What makes a bad presentation?

We've all sat through them, the cringe-worthy presentations that make us want to reach for our phones or run for the hills. But what exactly pushes a presentation from mediocre to downright unbearable? Let's break it down:

Lack of clarity: When the presenter's message is buried in a heap of confusing jargon or irrelevant details, it's hard to stay focused.

Poor visuals: Low-quality or irrelevant images can be distracting and fail to support the main points.

Overloaded slides: Too much text or clutter on a slide is overwhelming and makes it difficult to grasp the key ideas.

Monotonous delivery: A presenter who drones on without variation in tone or pace can quickly put their audience to sleep.

No connection: Failing to engage with the audience or tailor the presentation to their needs creates a disconnect that stifles interest.

What makes an exceptional presentation?

A clear structure set within a story or narrative: Humans think in stories. We relate to stories and we remember stories, it’s in our genes. A message without a story is like a cart full of goods with no wheels.

Priority and hierarchy of information: Attention is limited, you won’t have your audience forever, 32% of readers bounce in the first 15 seconds and most don’t make it past the 3rd slide. Make your first words count. They will determine whether your audience sticks around to hear the rest.

Interactive content: Like 99% of us, you’ve learned that presentation = PowerPoint. But that’s the past, my friend. PowerPoint is inherently static, and while static slides can be really beautiful, they are all too often really boring. Interactive slides get the readers involved in the presentation which makes it much more enjoyable.

Wanna see the actual difference between static and interactive slides? Here’s an example. Which one would you lean into?

Static PPT example

Get started with business presentation templates

We have quite a few presentation examples to show you further down the page (all of them creative and inspiring), but if you’re itching to start creating your first interactive presentation I don’t blame you.

You can grab a presentation template that you like right here, right now and get started on your best presentation yet, or you can check out our perfect presentation examples and get back to your template later…

Business presentations by type and use

The arena of business presentations is deep and wide. You can easily get lost in it. But let us be your guide in the business document jungle.

Below is a quick bird’s eye view of the main presentation types, what each type is used for, where it’s situated in the marketing and sales funnel, and how you should measure it.

Let's dive right in.

Presentation type Use Funnel stage KPIs
Report presentation Sharing data-driven insights and findings Consideration - Average reading time
- Reading depth
- Reading completion
- Next step conversion rate
Pitch deck presentation Showcasing a product or startup to investors N/A - Investor meetings booked
- Average reading time
- Reading depth
- Reading completion
- Amount of funding received
One-pager Providing a brief, informative overview of your solution Awareness - Lead generation
- Engagement
- Average reading time
- Reading depth
- Reading completion
- Next step conversion rate
Sales deck presentation Persuading prospects to buy your product Consideration - Next step conversion rate
- Average reading time
- Reading depth
- Reading completion
- Internal shares
Product marketing presentation Introducing a new product or feature Awareness - Lead generation
- Engagement
- Sales figures
- Return on investment
Business proposal presentation Closing deals at the end of a sales cycle Decision - Average reading time
- Reading depth
- Reading completion
- Conversion rate
White paper In-depth analysis of a problem and solution Consideration - Average reading time
- Reading depth
- Reading completion
- Next step conversion rate
Case study Showcasing a success story or customer outcome Action - Average reading time
- Reading depth
- Reading completion
- Next step conversion rate
Business plan presentation Detailing a company's strategy and objectives N/A - Average reading time
- Reading depth
- Reading completion
- Meetings booked
- Amount of funding received

Perfect presentation examples to inspire you

Feeling ready to unleash your presentation skills? Hold on to your socks, because we've got a lineup of battle-tasted business presentation samples that'll knock ’em right off!

From cutting-edge design to irresistible storytelling, these effective business presentations exemplify best practices and are primed to drive results.

See exceptional presentations by type:

Report presentations

Effective report presentations distil complex data into clear insights, essential for informed decision-making in business or research. The key lies in making data approachable and actionable for your audience.

Meta interactive corporate report

SNC DeserTech long-form report

Business report

Pitch deck presentations

Pitch deck presentations are your storytelling canvas to captivate investors, blending inspiring ideas with solid data. It's essential to create a narrative that showcases potential and practicality in equal measure.

Cannasoft investment pitch deck

Y Combinator pitch deck

Investor pitch deck

One-pager presentations are a masterclass in brevity, offering a snapshot of your product or idea. This concise format is designed to spark interest and invite deeper engagement.

Yotpo SaaS product one-pager

Octopai outbound sales one-pager

Startup one-pager

Sales deck presentations

Serving as a persuasive tool to convert prospects into customers, sales deck presentations emphasize product benefits and solutions. The goal is to connect with your audience's needs and present a compelling solution.

ScaleHub sales deck

Deliveright logistics sales deck

AI sales deck

Product marketing presentations

Product marketing presentations are a strategic showcase, introducing a new product or feature to the market with a focus on its unique value proposition. It's not just about listing features; it's about weaving a narrative that connects these features to real customer needs and desires.

Mayku physical product deck

Matics digital product brochure

Modern product launch

Business proposal presentations

At the heart of closing deals, business proposal presentations combine persuasive argumentation with clear data. Articulating the unique value proposition and the mutual benefits of the proposal is key.

WiseStamp personalized proposal deck

RFKeeper retail proposal deck

General business proposal

White papers

White paper presentations are an authoritative deep dive into a specific problem and its solution. Providing well-researched, informative content educates and influences your audience, showcasing your expertise.

Drive automotive research white paper

Executive white paper

Business white paper

Case studies

Case study presentations use real-world success stories as a storytelling tool. Building trust by showcasing how your product or service effectively solved a client's problem is their primary function.

Boom25 interactive case study deck

Light mode case study

Business case study

Business plan presentations

Business plan presentations lay out your strategic roadmap, crucial for securing funding or internal buy-in. Clearly articulating your vision, strategy, and the practical steps for success is vital for a successful deck.

Start-up business plan

Business plan one-pager

Light mode business plan

Best presentation content examples

The secret sauce for a business presentation that leaves a lasting impression lies in delivering your content within a story framework.

3 presentation content examples that captivate and inspire the audience:

1. Inspirational story:

An emotional, relatable story can move hearts and change minds. Share a personal anecdote, a customer success story, or an account of overcoming adversity to create a deep connection with your audience.

Remember, vulnerability and authenticity can be your greatest assets.

2. Mystery - Gap theory:

Keep your audience on the edge of their seats by building suspense through the gap theory. Start by presenting a problem, a puzzle, or a question that leaves them craving the answer. Gradually reveal the solution, creating anticipation and excitement as you guide them through the resolution.

3. The Hero's Journey:

Transform your presentation into an epic adventure by incorporating the classic hero's journey narrative.

Introduce a "hero" (your audience), and introduce yourself or your company as a “guide” that will take them on a transformative journey filled with challenges, lessons, and triumphs.

This powerful storytelling structure helps your audience relate to your message and stay engaged from start to finish.

Here’s a great video on how to structure an effective sales story:

How to structure a

Best presentation document formats

Selecting the right format for your business presentation plays a huge part in getting or losing engagement. Let's explore popular presentation document formats, each with its own unique advantages and disadvantages.

PowerPoint : Microsoft's PowerPoint is a tried-and-true classic, offering a wide array of design options and features for crafting visually appealing static presentations.

Google Slides : For seamless collaboration and real-time editing, Google Slides is the go-to choice. This cloud-based platform allows you to create static presentations that are accessible from anywhere.

Keynote : Apple's Keynote offers a sleek, user-friendly interface and stunning design templates, making it a popular choice for crafting polished static presentations on Mac devices.

PDF: PDF is ideal for sharing static presentations that preserve their original layout, design, and fonts across different devices and operating systems.

Prezi : Break free from traditional slide-based presentations with Prezi's dynamic, zoomable canvas. Prezi allows you to create interactive decks, but it follows a non-chronological presentation format, so it may take some time to get the hang of it.

Storydoc : Elevate your presentations with Storydoc's interactive, web-based format. Transform your static content into immersive, visually rich experiences that captivate and inspire your audience.

Best tool to create a perfect presentation

There are countless presentation software options. From legacy tools like PowerPoint or Google Slides to more modern design tools such as Pitch or Canva.

If you want to create pretty presentations any of these tools would do just fine. But if you want to create unforgettable, interactive experiences , you may want to consider using the Storydoc interactive presentation maker instead.

Storydoc specializes in storytelling. You get special storytelling slides built to help you weave your content into a compelling narrative.

You can do better than “pretty” - you can make a presentation that engages, motivates and sticks.

Storydoc presentation make

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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10 Business Presentation Examples | Say Goodbye to PowerPoint!

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Renderforest Staff

11 Apr 2023

13 min read  

10 Business Presentation Examples | Say Goodbye to PowerPoint!

Have you ever found yourself delivering a presentation to a disengaged audience, wondering where you went wrong? If the struggle to make your business presentation stand out and leave a lasting impression is real, don’t worry – there’s a way out!

In today’s fast-paced business world, traditional slideshows may no longer cut it. Audiences expect more creative and interactive presentations beyond bullet points and stock images. But here’s a dilemma. How do you adopt contemporary trends while staying authentic to your business? 

While skimming through dozens of business presentation examples , we found that adjusting one according to your communication goals requires a certain approach and a little technical support. To help you solve the riddle, we’ve compiled 10 outstanding presentations that will surely spark ideas for your business.

If you are ready to embrace a revolution, keep reading, as we’ll give you editable templates as a starting point for your next presentation!

Revamp Your Business Presentations With These 10 Engaging Examples

Informative, motivational, entertaining – presentations come in all shapes. The following business presentation examples can offer insightful solutions, whether you go for an entirely new approach or just tweak an existing template.

Without further ado, let’s dig deeper to see how famous companies meet today’s demand.

Adidas Annual Report 2021

Adidas annual report video presentation example

Image source: Adidas Annual Report 2021

The Adidas annual report for 2021 is a comprehensive and detailed report providing an overview of the company’s performance and financial results over the year. Presented as a combined publication for investors, stakeholders, and everyone interested in the company’s activity, it’s a business presentation example focusing on:

  • Professionalism
  • Clean manner

One of the key peculiarities of this report is its abstract style. The way it uses visuals and infographics to present complex financial information and data in an easy-to-understand format tells about its business-oriented approach.

Starting with a letter from the CEO, the presentation goes further with a strategic overview, financial highlights, yearly highlights, sales outlines, and more. 

Here is a sneak peek at its visuals!

A six-slide presentation has two times as many pages organically integrated as internal resources. For instance, by clicking on the green box entitled “Letter from the CEO,” you’ll be taken to the page where Kasper Rorsted expresses his gratitude toward each team member and business-related aspirations for the future.

Adidas annual report CEO page

A map depicting the company’s sales by segment has a neat yet bold aesthetic that adds to an overall business feel.

Adidas annual report map page

The company’s commitment to environmental sustainability and social responsibility is highlighted throughout the report, with sections dedicated to topics such as sustainable sourcing, supply chain transparency, and diversity and inclusion. This business presentation example showcases the power of design in business communication, proving that a combination of text and visuals is key to making an impact.

Create Yours With Renderforest

Embracing a minimalistic yet professional approach business presentation ideas is no longer a challenge for those using Renderforest for design-related tasks. The platform has hundreds, if not thousands, of editable slideshow templates for every business purpose.

Here’s your editable business presentation template to create your next annual report. Start by customizing business presentation examples according to your company’s style guide and feel the difference.

Renderforest review 2022 video presentation template

Porsche Company Presentation 2022

Porsche company presentation

Image source: Porsche Company Presentation 2022   The Porsche company presentation is a sleek and polished business presentation example  of the company’s current company heads, key statistics for the past year of 2021, brand philosophy, and more. The presentation is presented in a professional and sophisticated manner, with a focus on high-quality visuals and concise, impactful text. We see striking images and graphics as a business presentation example for a luxury brand. Intending to convey the Porsche brand’s essence and identity, presentation makers have included a range of visual elements, from illustrations to car photographs and graphs demonstrating the business growth.  

Porsche presentation key facts

The strategic focus on highlighting Porsche’s commitment to sustainability and social responsibility allows the business to stand out against its competitors and speak for itself. As a proof, the following slide depicts the company’s objectives for the future of environmental protection. 

Porsche sustainable development business presetation example

Image source: Porsche Company Presentation 2022

Overall, the presentation’s clean aesthetics, consistent color palette, and use of appropriate corporate visuals make it a great business presentation example for other businesses to follow.

Whether you are more into strict or creative presentations, we have yet other business presentation ideas for you. Staying true to your business values is essential, so take the time to personalize the following template and set yourself apart. And if you’re planning on rebranding, the AI business name generator can come in handy. 

Company profile overview presentation

Pixar’s 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling

Pixar business presentation example

Image source: Pixar’s 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling

This extra vivid yet minimalistic presentation provides guidelines for creating compelling and memorable stories. The presentation is demonstrated in a simple and clear manner, with a focus on concise text and playful, colorful visuals.

With its simple design, this guide provides clear and actionable steps for creating stories that engage, inspire, and resonate with audiences. The well-known character outlines evoke a solid connection to the visual content of Pixar’s films.

Pixar presentation page 2

Here we may also see the constant use of large fonts and bold colors that deliver a powerful and emotional impact on the viewers.

How Google Works by Eric Schmidt

How Google works

Image source: How Google Works by Eric Schmidt & Jonathan Rosenberg with Alan Eagle

The “How Google Works” presentation is highly informative and visually engaging. It’s a comprehensive overview of the company’s operations and the little secrets behind its success. Presented as illustrated storytelling, the presentation is an excellent example of incorporating relevant facts and figures without overwhelming the audience.

One of the key peculiarities of this business presentation example is the focus on Google’s unique corporate culture and management philosophy. The presentation highlights the corporate emphasis on innovation, collaboration, and open communication and how these values have contributed to the company’s success.

Google business presentation examples

Overall, its clear and appealing design doesn’t bore but works effectively, helping the audience quickly grasp the business model.

Whether for education, corporate identity outline, or simply presenting yourself in a fun and creative way, Renderforest’s business presentation templates stand out from the crowd. Hit the Edit button to customize the following template and fit your brand, style, and message accordingly.

Education class presentation template

Let’s make a lasting impression with your speech!

HupSpot’s Quarterly Investor Presentation Q4’22

HubSpot business presentation

Image source: HubSpot Quarterly Investor Presentation Q4’22

As a polished and professional document, The HubSpot Quarterly Investor Presentation provides an in-depth overview of the company’s financial performance and strategic priorities. The presentation features metrics demonstrating HubSpot’s business progress, including growth in revenue and customer retention. 

Through simple visualizations in corporate colors, the presentation has a clear and concise manner of presenting business performance. The key data points are easily identified through charts and graphs, appealing to the business-minded audience.

Infographics work best for such pitch decks as they help deliver relevant information visually attractively. Also, the use of icons makes the document more readable.

Indeed, this is a great example of creating a visually appealing slide deck that investors and executives can easily understand. 

Graphs, charts, tables, and infographics are some of the most effective ways to help you clearly communicate your business performance and strategies. For instance, you can incorporate the following slides into your next presentation and emphasize the company’s priorities in a captivating way.

Renderforest’s corporate presentation templates provide creative and eye-catching design elements that will surely leave an impression on the viewers.

Renderforest business presentation template

HupSpot’s 2022 Analyst Day

HubSpot Business Presentation Example

Image source: HubSpot’s 2022 Analyst Day Presentation

Consistency is the key, and HubSpot’s second presentation proves that. The presentation features the corporate style and has the same icons, clear visualizations, and simple yet informative text blocks that provide a comprehensive overview of business metrics.

It’s an extended 75-page presentation with two constituent presentations covering specific business topics, such as defining the company’s commerce vision, highlighting the best-working practices toward customer acquisition, predicting future performance, etc.

business presentation page

The way these presentations provide valuable insights into the company’s business strategy, corporate integrity, product offerings, and market positions speaks much about professionalism. That said, a well-designed and unified corporate presentation will become your ace in the hole for pitching business ideas and strategies and positioning yourself as a reliable niche representative.

Netflix Culture Deck

Netflix culture deck

Image source: Netflix Culture Deck

Concise and impactful corporate presentations help with new employee onboarding and business development, and Netflix’s Culture Deck is a good example. Through minimal use of visuals, it provides detailed information on how the company fosters a culture of innovation, encourages risk-taking, and empowers employees to make decisions and take ownership of their work. 

Although this presentation mainly features plain text blocks on a white background, it is a well-structured, logically organized, and easy-to-follow corporate manual. 

Sometimes less is more! That’s the core idea behind Netflix Culture Deck.

Renderforest’s business presentation templates allow you to craft a captivating employee handbook and leave a good first impression on new employees. Select the template that best fits your corporate mindset and message, spice it up with visuals, and you’ll be ready to present your company most effectively. 

employee handbook presentation

Coca-Cola | Investor Overview – Updated for Third Quarter 2022

coca cola business presentation

Image source: Coca-Cola | Investor Overview – Updated for Third Quarter 2022

Here’s another case where a company presents a detailed financial performance analysis, strategic initiatives, and market position through easy-to-digest infographics. The colorful and fresh design style leaves viewers with an informative and creative impression.

The presentation contains concise business updates and insights that help business partners comprehend the company’s state and further development opportunities.

Cola busness presentation

Coca-Cola’s Investor Overview is a good example of how a business presentation should look regarding design, usability, and niche-oriented content.

Disney’s Q1 FY23 Earnings

Disney business presentations

Image source: Disney’s Q1 FY23 Earnings

Disney’s presentation highlights business performance in the context of industry trends and features detailed graphs and diagrams that help business partners efficiently identify recent business updates. It’s a clearly designed overview of the company’s current and future development plans. 

Media and entertainment distribution results come in simple bar charts, as shown below.

Disney q1 presentations

Performance highlights include updates from parks, experiences, products, and more. Although there is statistics overload, infographics present it in a well-structured way.

Renderforest’s engaging templates can help you get that business presentation ready in no time. Whether you’re creating a business overview, getting ready for a new product launch, or need to send a financial report to your stakeholders, Renderforest provides you with sophisticated editing tools for business presentation ideas . 

You’ll get access to all content customization elements, from infographics to maps, charts, graphs, and beyond.

Get everything you need in one place!

pitch deck professional slides

Albrecht Solutions | Company Presentation

albrecht company presentation

Image source: Albrecht Solutions | Company Presentation

Last but not least is a company presentation from Albrecht Solutions. Focused on highlighting the company’s history, customer value, and corporate culture ideology, this example features formal visuals, discreet color pallets, and data charts.

It’s a valuable resource for future partners and potential customers interested in learning more about Albrecht Solutions. 

Business Presentation Hacks for a Captivating Pitch

Going through each example has advantages, as now you have a certain degree of knowledge regarding the best practices. However, aspects like the delivery manner, laconic speech, and visual storytelling play a crucial role in all business presentation examples discussed above.

Let’s quickly skim through several tips and tricks to help you polish your slides and boost your confidence:

Choose the Right Opening

Start by introducing the presentation topic and yourself. Explain your intent for giving this talk in a few words and get people hooked on your words.

Remain Laconic: Avoid Text Overload

The fewer words, the better! Your audience will thank you for clear, concise presentations that are easy to follow. You can always go into more detail and answer questions afterward.

Tell a Story with Visuals

People fall for stories, so why not use visuals to support your points and illustrate the message you want to convey? Use color schemes and graphics that complement your narrative, as well as charts and diagrams to present data.

Create Visual Consistency with Templates

While looking for consistency and clarity, templates can help. Templates keep the background uniform, give you a range of options to choose from, and create professional-grade presentations in no time. 

The best part about Renderforest’s business presentation templates is they are fully customizable, so you can make them your own by adding your text, images, and branding. With a ready-made business presentation kit , even non-designers can make stunning presentations for their audience.

Use Videos to Stand Out

Video content rules almost every industry, and business communication is no exception. Audiences today require visual aids for better engagement and understanding. Incorporating videos into your presentation can be a powerful tool to grab attention and keep your audience interested.

Renderforest’s presentation videos are a fantastic way to create engaging and professional-looking presentations that captivate your audience. Our video presentation templates are designed to be user-friendly and easy to customize, even if you have no prior video editing experience.

From 3D animations to corporate overviews, these business presentation examples with videos are sure to leave a lasting impression.

Incorporate Data Visualizations (Infographics)

The examples analyzed above clearly outline the importance of having visually appealing data. While numbers can be dry and dull, video infographics and animations can water down complex data and make it easier for your audience to digest. Renderforest offers a perfect solution to this.

The Bottom Lines

In conclusion, effective business presentations are essential for any organization to succeed in today’s competitive world. By reviewing 10 outstanding examples from world-known companies, we have seen that there are various ways to make your presentations stand out and leave a lasting impression. 

However, creating a professional presentation from scratch can be time-consuming and challenging, especially for those who are not design-savvy. 

That’s where Renderforest comes in, offering a wide range of editable presentation templates, infographics, and video presentations that are easy to customize and can elevate your business communication game to the next level. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to impress your audience and achieve your business goals with Renderforest’s user-friendly presentation and logo animation maker tools. 

Try them out today!

Recommended Reading

  • A Guide to Presentation Outline [Infographic]
  • How to Make a Pitch Deck for Your Business Idea
  • 10+ Corporate Presentation Designs

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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

  • Carmine Gallo

business presentation examples for students

Five tips to set yourself apart.

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

business presentation examples for students

  • Carmine Gallo is a Harvard University instructor, keynote speaker, and author of 10 books translated into 40 languages. Gallo is the author of The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman  (St. Martin’s Press).

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Investment Business Plan presentation template

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Investment business plan.

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Top 20 Free Templates For Corporate And Business Presentations

Angie Arriesgado

When you hear the words ‘corporate presentation’ or ‘business presentation,’ what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Serious ? Informative ? Or are you thinking more like boring and yawn-inducing ? Whichever adjective comes to your mind, know that you can break away from the corporate presentation stereotype. How? By using modern-looking PowerPoint templates. In this article, I’ve compiled a list of the top 20 free templates for corporate and business presentations.

business presentation examples for students

But before I give you the list, here are some common reasons you may want to use these templates for your next presentation:

  • You don’t have time to design your slides from scratch

Even if you know your way around presentations and graphic design, you don’t have the time to create your presentation slides from scratch. Now, most business templates you’ll find on the web look like amateurs made them. But fret no more. This article will give you the links to all the best free corporate and business presentation templates you’ll ever find online.

  • You’re not a design expert

If creativity and design are your weak points, then worry no more. These 20 templates will be literal life-savers! You no longer need to take a few days off from work just to finish your presentation. You’ll simply need to devote a few hours to customize these templates and you’ll have your slides ready in a few!

  • You don’t want to spend $$$ on a premium business template

While there are advantages to using premium templates, they can easily set you back by $50 or so. While it may not sound like much in the grand scheme of things, a price tag of $0 is a very attractive alternative. Why spend money when you can download a professionally-designed template for free, right?

So, without further ado, here are the top 20 free templates for corporate and business presentations you can download right now!

  • 26 Slide Corporate Template Pack by 24Slides

24Slides' 26 Slide Corporate Template Pack

No matter how long or short your presentation is, you’ll find something useful in this 26-slide template pack. It doesn’t even matter what industry you’re in. If you need a quick and professional template, look no further than this!

You can use this template to outline your organizational chart. You can also use it to simplify your complex business processes. If you’re doing a business proposal, you can use some of the slides to explain how your plan will work and how it’s going to materialize.

  • Corporate Free Presentation Template by SlideForest

SlideForest's Corporate Free Presentation Template

This template pack from SlideForest comes with 8 slides. It may not sound like much, but if you’re an avid Apple Keynote or Google Slides user, then you’ll be happy to know that this pack comes in 3 different file formats. There’s (1) PPTX for PowerPoint, (2) KEY file for Apple Keynote, and (3) GS file for Google Slides.

You can use this pack to give a little background about your company, your social media statistics, and your business process. You can even share a bit about your team’s travel adventures!

  • Light Themed Corporate Presentation Template by 24Slides

24Slides.com's Light Corporate PowerPoint Template Pack

If you need a light-themed PPT template for your presentation, then you need to check this 14-slide template pack right away. With shades of violet, pink and green, this template is bound to capture people’s attention. The icons, graphics and diagrams included in the slides are all on point, and will look good in any business or corporate presentation!

  • Regulus by Jun Akizaki

Regulus by Jun Akizaki of ThePopp

If you want a stylish and elegant-looking template, then make sure to check out Regulus. This template may have been published in 2014, but this is still as relevant today as it was 5 years ago. It includes 22 slides and uses 4 different color themes – pink, blue, green, and yellow. The dark wood background provides a nice contrast to the various elements on the foreground.

  • Corporate PowerPoint Template Pack by 24Slides

Cover slide of Corporate PowerPoint Template Pack from 24Slides

With fuchsia and dark blue highlights, this 14-slide template pack will fit right in in most boardroom meetings and presentations. Use the agenda slide to outline your plan for your meeting and let everyone know what to expect. The process delivery slide can showcase every step of your process – whatever it may be. The product comparison slide is perfect for weighing the pros and cons of your products.

  • Trine by Gabriele Romagnoli

Trine Free PowerPoint Template Pack

As you can see on the screenshot above, this template pack is quite the looker. It has over 50 slides included and comes in two color schemes: aqua and dark wood. Each slide comes in two variants (dark/light), so if you’re a fan of dark backgrounds, you’ll love this pack. Best of all, you can use these for all kinds of presentations too – not just corporate ones!

  • Corporate Package of 20 Slides by 24Slides

Corporate Package of 20 Slides Template Pack cover slide

If you intend to cover a bit of everything in your presentation, then you may want to download this 20-slide template pack. It’s got a lot of graphics and charts included. So, if you intend to use a pie chart, line chart, SWOT analysis, gear process, before and after comparisons, calendars, and more, then this may be the perfect template for you.

  • Nowco Free Corporate Template by Kata Ragasits

Nowco Free Corporate Template

You don’t need to go over the top to get your audience to pay attention to your presentation. You just need to download the Nowco template. It is a perfect example of a template that strikes a nice balance between minimalism, functionality and design. The author has labeled what each slide is for. So, you can go through the different slides and pick out what’s most relevant to your needs.

  • Corporate Data Presentation Template Pack by 24Slides

Corporate Data Presentation Template cover slide

If you need to give a presentation with lots of graphs and charts, then this is the right template for you. This 9-slide template is all about visualizing data. We’ve included a bar chart, several pie charts, stacked bar chart, and stacked line chart. There’s also a dashboard slide to give your audience a bird’s eye view of your corporate data sets.

  • Corporate Sales Management PowerPoint Template by PowerPointify

PowerPointify's Corporate Sales Management PowerPoint Template

As you can see in the screenshot above, this 10-slide template pack comes in a blue background. The smartly-dressed human icons that are present on every slide will add a nice corporate touch to your presentation. You can use the slides to introduce your team, outline your goals, direction and progress. There’s also a couple of slides dedicated to presenting the challenges you’ve faced, your growth and ultimately, your success.

  • Business Clean Presentation by Aleksandr Babin

Aleksandr Babin's Business Clean Presentation Template

There are 15 slides included in this free template pack. If you find this a bit lacking, then the good news is that the author also sells a much more comprehensive premium version (150+ unique slides) on Graphic River. However, for most quick corporate presentations, the free version is good enough to use as a starting point. You can simply duplicate some of the slides and edit the elements as you see fit. To download, simply type $0 on the field, “Name a fair price,” and click the Purchase button.

  • Competitor PowerPoint Template by 24Slides

Top 20 Free Templates For Corporate And Business Presentations - Competitor PowerPoint Template Pack by 24Slides

If you have done no competitor research at all, then you’re potentially leaving a lot of money on the table. It’s important to know your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses, and why customers flock to them. Study the competition and find out how you can fill a specific gap in the market. Then use this PPT template pack to present your findings to your stakeholders.

  • Free SWOT Diagram PowerPoint Templates by SlideForest

SlideForest's Free SWOT Diagram PowerPoint Templates

You need to invest some time to do a thorough SWOT analysis. You don’t want to leave any stone unturned, or else your decision-making skills may be adversely affected. With that said, if you don’t want to settle for plain, old bullet points to present your SWOT analysis, then this template pack will surely help you out. You can choose from 8 different SWOT diagrams. Choose the ones that appeal most to you, and replace the placeholder text with the results of your SWOT analysis.

  • Exclusive Free PowerPoint Template by Slidesmash

Slidesmash's Exclusive Free PowerPoint Template

If you’re looking for an exclusive template, something that’s only unique to you, well, you need to keep looking. But if you don’t mind using something other people have downloaded as well, then the so-called ‘Exclusive’ Free Template may be perfect for your presentation! This template pack includes 25 slides in 16:9 widescreen layout. From the introduction to the ‘meat’ of your discussion, this pack has all the slides you need.

  • Business Presentation Template by 24Slides

24Slides.com's Business Presentation Template

This 20-slide template is perfect for any kind of business presentation. You don’t want to bore your audience off with plenty of text-based slides. Instead, you want to use something like this template pack. It’s packed with graphs and charts that you can use in your presentation. From organizational charts to Gantt charts, mind maps and timelines, and everything in between, this template has got you covered. You can even use this to share your social media statistics or describe your marketing funnel. Check this template out today and add it to your personal template library!

  • Business Pitch by RRGraph Design

RRGraph Design's Business Pitch Template

This is one of the most helpful free templates I’ve downloaded on the web so far. In addition to the PPT file, the author also includes a help guide in PDF format. The guide will show you how you can change the logo, header, footer, color theme, images, adjust the layouts, and edit the placeholders. To download this 10-slide template pack, just hit the social media like or share buttons. The download link will then appear on your screen.

  • Business PowerPoint Template by Slide Fabric

Slide Fabric's Business PowerPoint Template

This free 15-slide PowerPoint template distinguishes itself from all the other templates in this list. How? Well, the authors have added slide transitions and animations, so that’s one less thing you need to worry about.

As you can see in the screenshot above, the template pack already looks great on its own. You don’t need to do a whole lot of changes to make your very own corporate or business presentation slides. All you need to do really is just replace the placeholder content with your own, delete any unnecessary slides, and call it a day!

  • Business Roadmap PowerPoint Template by 24Slides

Business Roadmap PowerPoint Template Pack cover slide

You don’t want to leave your business’ success to pure luck. Instead, you need to spend considerable time and effort planning every aspect of your business. As in, plan everything from A to Z. If you’re trying to persuade potential investors and/or your stakeholders to invest a considerable sum of money on your business, then you should spend most of your time learning how to become a better presenter .

It’s nerve-wracking enough presenting in front of others. So, you should download this 10-slide template pack to make your life less complicated. It’s got all the slides you need to present your business roadmap. It’s got charts and diagrams to give your audience a nice, colorful visual aid during your presentation.

  • Vega by ThePopp

Vega by ThePopp

This template pack is best used by brands that embody the meaning of fun and youthfulness. It’s vibrant and colorful, and a younger audience may be better appreciative of the slide design.

The author has been generous enough to include 89 slides in this template pack. So, you need not be afraid of running out of presentation slides anytime soon. They’ve also bundled free icons as well as two PPT versions in the zip file. One has built-in animations and transitions while the other has none. Pick which one you like best and start customizing it!

  • Aemelia Presentation Template by Slides Carnival

Slides Carnival's Aemelia Presentation Template

Sometimes, you don’t need to use something flashy to make your corporate or business presentation stand out. A simple, but well-designed template pack like Aemelia may be enough to do the job for you. This 25-slide template pack uses transparent icons as a pattern. This is a great design choice because it looks great no matter what background color you choose. You can download the file as a PowerPoint file or use it as a Google Slides theme.

business presentation examples for students

Have You Downloaded Your Favorite Templates Yet?

If you have, then good for you! Otherwise, you better get cracking. I’ve handpicked these 100% free templates for corporate and business presentations especially for you. If you’ve done all the hard work, but you’re not 100% satisfied with it, then why don’t you let our in-house designers fix your slides for you? Click here to know more about our presentation design services.

You might also find this interesting:

  • 10 Ways To Repurpose Your Presentation Slides
  • How to improve your business presentations in 2021
  • Top Alternatives To SlidesCarnival Templates

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Best Business Presentation Examples To Ace Your Next Meeting

Imagine yourself sitting in a boardroom, surrounded by high-level executives, investors, and clients, eagerly waiting to hear what you say. You feel the weight of their expectations bearing down on you as you stand up to deliver your business presentation ppt.

You know this is your chance to showcase your knowledge and expertise and persuade them that your idea is worth investing in or implementing. But you’re plagued with anxiety – what if you stumble over your words, forget crucial information, or fail to engage your audience?

A successful presentation  is crucial for anyone looking to excel in the corporate world. Whether you’re an entrepreneur  pitching your start-up to investors , a salesperson trying to close a deal, or a manager presenting a project proposal to stakeholders, your ability to deliver information effectively can make or break your career. A well-crafted and delivered presentation has the potential to not only to persuade but also inspire, motivate, and create meaningful connections with your audience.

Shows 10 Best Business Presentation Examples

This blog post will explore the art of making business your audience and achieve your desired outcomes. As we go ahead, we will share presentations to captivate some captivating business presentation examples that will inspire you for your next business meeting.

So, let’s get started and unlock the tips for PowerPoint presentations for business!

What is a Business Presentation?

Business presentations are tools that business professionals use within a business context to convey information, proposals, strategies, reports, or ideas to their stakeholders. These presentations use visual aids like slides, charts, graphs and multimedia elements like videos or animations.

The primary goal of a business presentation ppt is to inform, persuade, or educate the stakeholders and team members on a specific topic related to the business’s operations, products, services, or goals. Brief corporate presentations are commonly used in meetings, conferences, seminars, sales pitches, training sessions, and other professional settings to communicate effectively with stakeholders, clients, employees, investors, or other interested parties.

Successful business PowerPoint presentation examples often involve thorough preparation, clear organization, engaging delivery, and effective use of visual aids to convey key messages and achieve desired outcomes effectively.

What to Include in a Business Presentation?

Before discussing some business presentation examples, we need to understand the necessary sections and things you need to add to your presentation. It would be best to prepare beforehand so you don’t miss out on anything because you cannot disappoint the stakeholders in these crucial presentations. Make sure to think about and add all the slides with correct information along with appropriate visuals to attract the stakeholders and team members. We have discussed in detail the crucial slides to include in your presentation below:

  • Introduction
  • Problem Statement
  • Proposed Solution
  • Implementation Plan
  • Business Case

Follow on to read about each slide in detail.

1. Introduction

When making a business PowerPoint presentation, starting on the right foot is essential to capture your audience’s attention and engage them from the  beginning of the presentation . Here are some tips for creating an introduction that can set the stage for success:

Shows Title Slides Template Collection For PowerPoint

Greetings And Acknowledgments

Begin by greeting your audience and thanking them for their time. If applicable, introduce yourself and your team and acknowledge any relevant stakeholders or sponsors in the room.

Purpose Of The Presentation:

Next, explain the purpose of your presentation. Make your point clear and straightforward, and give your audience a convincing reason to listen. Mainly, professionals present on main  business presentation topics  important to senior management and clients.

Overview Of The Agenda

Provide an overview of the agenda to help your audience understand what to expect. The  agenda slide  can include a list of topics, the duration of the presentation, and any activities or interactions that will occur.

2. Problem Statement

The problem statement is a critical component of any brief corporate presentation design.  Problem statement templates  help to highlight the challenges or opportunities you aim to address. Here are some tips to ensure that you craft an effective problem statement:

Shows Problem Statement Slide

Description Of The Problem Or Opportunity

Start by describing the problem or opportunity that you aim to address. Provide necessary information and be comprehensive and concise to assist your audience in comprehending the situation.

Impacts On The Business

Next, explain the impacts of the problem or opportunity on your business. It could be lost revenue, decreased productivity, increased costs, or any other negative impact.

Importance Of Addressing The Issue

Finally, explain why it’s crucial to address the problem or opportunity. Highlight your proposed solution’s benefits, including increased revenue, improved customer satisfaction, and reduced costs.

3. Proposed Solution

The proposed solution is the centerpiece of any best business presentation PowerPoint, and it’s essential to explain it clearly and effectively to win the audience’s approval. Here are some tips for crafting a compelling proposed solution:

Shows Proposed Solution Slide

Explanation Of The Proposed Solution

Start by providing a clear and concise explanation of your proposed solution. Make sure to break it down into steps or phases if it’s complex, and provide relevant details.

Benefits Of The Proposed Solution

Next, talk about the advantages of the proposed solution. Highlight how it can address the problem or opportunity and its positive impacts on the business.

Comparison With Alternative Solutions

Finally, compare your proposed solution with alternative solutions that your audience may consider. Highlight the advantages of your proposal, including any unique features or benefits, and explain why it’s a better option than the alternatives.

4. Implementation Plan

When presenting a professional presentation, it’s essential to explain what to do and how to do it. An implementation plan makes all the difference between a fantastic idea and a successful one. Here are some tips for building a successful implementation plan:

What is a Project Planning Presentation PowerPoint Template

Timeline For Implementation

Start by providing a timeline for implementing your proposed solution. Break it into specific stages or phases, and provide dates or timeframes for each step.

Resource Requirements

Next, outline the resource requirements for implementing the proposed solution. The requirements can include staff, tools, software, or other resources. Be specific and provide details on the number of resources needed, their qualifications, and any associated costs.

Risks And Mitigations

Finally, identify and address any risks that may arise during the implementation of the proposed solution. It could include technical challenges, personnel issues, budget constraints, or any other risks that may occur.

5. Business Case

This section of a business presentation PowerPoint is where you provide evidence to support the proposed solution. By including a  robust business case , you can demonstrate to your audience that the proposed solution is viable and financially advantageous for the business. Here are some tips for crafting a compelling business case:

Shows Business Case Slide template

Financial Analysis

Begin by outlining the financial analysis of the proposed solution. It should contain the solution’s expenses, such as the initial investment, recurring expenditures, and potential risks.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Next, conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the proposed solution. Compare the costs and benefits to determine if the proposed solution is financially viable. Consider the short-term and long-term costs and benefits, including potential risks or uncertainties.

Return On Investment (ROI)

Finally, calculate the proposed solution’s return on investment (ROI). It is a critical metric that your audience will be interested in as it shows the financial benefits of the proposed solution.

6. Conclusion

The conclusion is the summary of your professional presentation is your last chance to impact your audience. By providing a solid conclusion, you can ensure that your audience leaves with a clear understanding of the proposed solution and what actions they need to take next. Here’s how to do it:

Shows PowerPoint Concluding Slide

Recap Of Key Points

Start by briefly  summarizing the key points  covered in your presentation. It will help your audience remember the proposed solution’s critical aspects and ensure that they understand how it will benefit the business.

Call To Action

Next, provide a call to action. Let your audience know what steps to take next, whether providing feedback, seeking further information, or taking action to implement the proposed solution.

Thank You And Closing Remarks

Finally, at the end of your presentation, appreciate your audience for their attention and time. Provide any appropriate final remarks, such as reiterating the importance of the proposed solution or expressing your confidence in its success.

Business Presentation Examples You Can Take Inspiration From

By now, you should have a clear understanding of what constitutes a business presentation PowerPoint and the essential elements to include in one. We will provide several business presentation examples to enhance your comprehension of this topic.

These examples have various business presentation ppt, inspiring and guiding you in crafting engaging and impactful presentations of your own. Feel free to draw inspiration from these examples when creating your presentations.

  • 30-60-90 Day Plan Presentation

Business Review Presentation

Business proposal presentation, project kick-off presentation, company strategy presentation, marketing plan presentation, business sales presentation.

  • Business Pitch Deck
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Animated Presentation

30 60 90 Day Plan Presentation

This  30 60 90 day planning template  is one of the best business presentation examples. This meticulously crafted template adheres to a simple yet effective goal-setting framework designed to highlight diverse priorities and evaluate advancement in multiple objectives, including Learning Goals, Performance Goals, and Personal Goals.

The template is thoughtfully partitioned into three distinct slides, enabling a seamless transition for a broad spectrum of users, including new managers, new hires, team leaders, and sales managers. Additionally, the template provides the flexibility to switch between planning durations of 30, 60, or 90 days, delivering unparalleled ease and convenience in the planning process.

The Business Review Presentation PowerPoint Template is one of the best business presentation examples for business. This comprehensive template presents a complete collection of expertly designed  PowerPoint slides , indispensable in presenting an exhaustive Business or Project/Program Review to esteemed audiences, whether senior management, managers, or clients.

The template, equipped with an array of customizable features, provides unmatched ease in its adaptation to suit individual requirements. The inclusion of advanced infographics elevates the visual appeal of the presentation. At the same time, pie charts and bar graphs lend credence to the statistics presented. This template is an excellent choice for business managers who want to focus on the firm’s goals, understand the present state of the business, and determine the following actions to attain the business goals.

The Business Proposal Summary PowerPoint Template is another business presentation examples. This outstanding template, meticulously designed to cater to diverse professional needs, is optimal for generating a concise and coherent summary of a business proposal. 

The template offers a comprehensive overview of the presenter’s primary points, encapsulating the problem at hand, the proposed solution, and the advantages of implementing the said solution. Proficient sales and marketing professionals use it to construct compelling and persuasive  business proposal presentations , equipped with an effortless and intuitive customization process.

The Project Kick-Off PowerPoint presentation is one of the best business presentation examples for project managers. This template is often used in  project management presentations  to bring all the stakeholders on the same page related to project details and milestones.

It helps to understand the project’s initiation plan and the timelines to achieve its objectives. This plan outlines all the necessary targets and deadlines, clarifying the project’s goals and milestones.

Other business presentation examples include a Company Strategy Presentation. This dynamic and comprehensive graphic illustration showcases a business’s meticulous planning and strategy. The template functions as a powerful tool, assisting managers in aligning their strategic initiatives with business plans, ensuring that the overarching goals and objectives align with the company’s vision.

What is a Business Strategy Template

The template’s versatility lies in its aptitude to provide a well-rounded business strategy perspective. It caters to various timeframes, covering the next one, three, and five years. This  Strategic roadmap template  briefly describes short-term, medium-term, and long-term planning.

A marketing plan presentation explains how companies promote their products and services. It helps companies figure out who they’re selling to, what those customers need, and how to keep them interested.

Shows Marketing Plan Deck PowerPoint Template

These Marketing Plan Business presentations will help you understand how to build and present a marketing plan to your stakeholders and team members. It outlines the marketing strategy and tactics for a business or product. It has slides that include your targeted audience, market analysis, competitor analysis, marketing goals, budgets, and timelines. 

These business presentation examples serve as a roadmap for the business’s marketing efforts. It guides decision-making and ensures alignment with overall business objectives. You can also use metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success and effectiveness of your marketing activities.

This Business Sales presentation example will help you understand how to present a sales report to your stakeholders and team members. It outlines the overview of the sales performance of the business. It includes data analysis, insights, sales trends, revenue generated, units sold, and sales forecasts.

Shows Sales Plan Example

A Business Sales Report Presentation aims to communicate the state of sales activities to relevant stakeholders and investors. These presentations help stakeholders understand the effectiveness of sales strategies, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to optimize sales performance. Slideuplift offers various business PowerPoint presentation examples

Business Pitch Deck Presentation

A Business Pitch Deck Presentation is a short, eye-catching slideshow to introduce a business idea, product, or service to potential investors, partners, or customers. It includes slides summarizing the business concept, its value, the market opportunity, and financial forecasts, among other vital details.

Shows Business Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

These presentations are usually brief, with about 10-20 slides, and are delivered in a short time, around 10-20 minutes. This way, it fits busy schedules and keeps the audience interested. The slides use simple language and striking images or graphics to get the main points across effectively.

SWOT Analysis Presentation

A SWOT analysis presentation clearly shows a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It’s a strategic tool for evaluating both internal and external factors affecting the business.

Shows SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template

These business presentation examples often discuss strategies for using strengths, improving weaknesses, seizing opportunities, and dealing with threats. It helps companies make smart decisions and plan effective strategies for growth and success.

Training and Development Presentations

Use This Training and Development Business Presentation examples to showcase activities to enhance employees’ knowledge and skills in the company. It guides in performing tasks more effectively.

Shows Training-Development-PowerPoint-Template

Learning and Development initiatives help employees acquire additional skills and foster personality development. These templates allow you to present data and information in a structured and professional manner. The infographics included in these Skill Development templates are visually engaging and attractive. Their minimal design facilitates easy understanding for the audience.

Moreover, the employee Learning templates are fully editable and customizable. They are compatible with both PowerPoint and Google Slides platforms.

Animated Business Presentation Examples

Animated business presentations are slideshows or videos that use dynamic visual elements like animations, transitions, and effects to make the content more engaging and easy to understand. You can create these presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, or specialized animation software.

Shows Animated-Business-Plan

They offer multiple advantages such as:

  • Enhanced Engagement:  Animated elements grab the audience’s attention and keep them interested throughout the presentation.
  • Improved Understanding:  Visual animations help clarify complex ideas and make information easier to remember.
  • Professionalism:  Well-designed animations can make the presentation look polished and professional, leaving a solid impression on the audience.
  • Brand Personality:  Animated presentations allow businesses to express their brand personality and creativity, reinforcing their identity and values.

How to create a Business Presentation?

Crafting a presentation that captures your audience’s attention and delivers your message effectively can seem daunting. One method is to create these presentations using MS PowerPoint or Google Slides. But then, you have to build them from scratch. To make it easier for you, SlideUpLift offers multiple templates. You can download them and customize them as per your needs. Just choose the content and edit the slides.

With our business PowerPoint presentation examples, you can create a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

A good presentation needs meticulous planning, preparation, and delivery. Following the strategies and techniques outlined in this blog, including reviewing business presentation examples, you can create a compelling narrative, engage your audience, and achieve your desired outcomes.

Remember that presenting information and developing genuine relationships with your audience is essential to a successful presentation.

So, the next time you find yourself standing in front of a boardroom full of high-level executives, investors, and clients, remember the tips and tricks you’ve learned in this blog. Take a deep breath, speak confidently, and know you have what it takes to ace your business presentations. With practice, dedication, and some help from business PowerPoint presentation examples, you can master the art of effective communication and achieve your goals.

What makes a business presentation effective?

An effective business presentation typically involves clear communication of ideas, engaging visuals, concise messaging, and a strong delivery style that captures the audience’s attention and conveys the intended message effectively.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in business presentations?

Common mistakes include overwhelming slides with text, reading directly from slides, lack of audience engagement, poor time management, and failure to tailor the presentation to the audience’s needs.

How can I engage my audience during a presentation?

Audience engagement can be enhanced through interactive elements, storytelling, asking questions, incorporating multimedia, encouraging participation, and maintaining eye contact.

How can I make my slides more visually appealing?

To make slides visually appealing, use clean and consistent design elements, high-quality images, minimal text, complementary color schemes, and effective layout techniques. You can also use SlideUpLift’s Templates.

Table Of Content

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Business Review Presentation Template

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Project Status Deck Template

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Blog Data Visualization 120+ Presentation Ideas, Topics & Example

120+ Presentation Ideas, Topics & Example

Written by: Ryan McCready May 08, 2023

Best Presentation Ideas, Design Tips & Examples

Did you know that 46% of people can’t sit through a presentation without losing focus? 

That’s why I wanted to learn how to make a presentation that will captivate an audience. After looking at hundreds of different authors, topics and designs, I’ve assembled over 100 presentation ideas and tips on how to design a compelling presentation for:

  • Social media
  • Online courses
  • Pitch decks
  • Lead generation

In this blog, you’ll find 120+ presentation ideas, design tips and examples to help you create an awesome presentations slide deck for your next presentation.

To start off, here’s a video on the 10 essential presentation design tips to make sure that your presentations don’t fall under the YAWN category.

1. Use a minimalist presentation theme

Modern Airbnb Presentation Ideas


The best designs can also be some of the simplest you see. In the Airbnb pitch deck below, they use a minimalist color scheme and font selection.

Creative Airbnb Pitch Deck Ideas

A minimalist design is sleek, organized and places the most important thing in focus: your information. There are no distracting stock images, icons, or content. Everything on this unique presentation feels like it belongs and works together perfectly. 

Learn how to customize this template:

2. Use a consistent design motif throughout your presentation

Here’s a go-to tip to for a cohesive presentation design: use a design motif. The motif could be a recurring shape (like circles, lines or arrows) or symbol (like a leaf for “growth” or a mountain for “goals”). For more ideas, check out our guide to common symbols and meanings used in design .

For example, this  presentation template uses circles as a design motif. The same circle icon is used in three different colors to add a bubbly touch to the design. The team photos are also incorporated using circle frames:

Creative Marketing Presentation Ideas

3. Use an eye-catching presentation background image

Photography Creative Presentation Ideas copy

Like with any type of design work, you should want to catch the eye of your audience. In a presentation, this should be done from the beginning with a  compelling background image or a color gradient.

Creative Tech Presentation Ideas

In this presentation template, the creators were able to do just that with a landscape photo. When a presentation like this is seen on social media, during a webinar or in person, your audience will definitely listen up.

4. Visualize your points with icons

Storytelling Business Presentation Ideas

Icons are the perfect visuals to include in presentations. They’re compact and can convey a concept to your audience at a glance. You can even combine multiple icons to create custom illustrations for your slides. 

Use the Icon Search in Venngage to find illustrated and flat icons:

Venngage Icon Search

5. Use a black & white color scheme for a corporate presentation design

Easy Black Business Presentation Ideas

In the presentation below there are only two colors used: black and white. Now, you might be worried that only using two colors is boring, but it all comes down to balance.

Minimalist White Business Presentation Ideas

Playing off the ideas of classic minimalism, the designer made this presentation look sleek and professional. And now your content can be the main attraction of your presentation as well!

6. Repurpose your slide deck into an infographic 

OfficeVibe Creative Illustrated Presentation Ideas

Different types of presentations serve different purposes and sometimes it helps to work smarter, not harder when you are creating a unique presentation. In fact, the spacing, layout, and style used in this presentation makes it easy to repurpose the same images into an infographic.

OfficeVibe Creative Marketing Presentation Ideas

This allows you to create two unique pieces of content from one idea!  Which is exactly what  Officevibe did .

coronavirus webinar

Join Venngage’s CEO, Eugene Woo, to learn how you can design impactful infographics that will help maintain trust, increase productivity and inspire action in your team.


7. Break your genre mold for a fun presentation idea

SEMRush Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

When I first clicked on this creative presentation from SEMrush, I was not expecting to be transported into a comic book. I’m glad I clicked because it may be the most unique slide deck I have ever seen. Going this extreme with your presentation ideas may seem a bit risky, but to be able to break the mold in this age of cookie-cutter presentations is worth it.

To leave a lasting impression on your audience, consider transforming your slides into an interactive presentation. Here are 15  interactive presentation ideas  to enhance interactivity and engagement.

8. Make your presentation cover slide count

WebTrends Business Presentation Ideas

As I was scrolling through all of the presentations, this one made me stop in my tracks. It could be that I have a life-long love of Star Wars, or it could be that their presentation cover slide was designed to do just that: grab your attention. That’s why you should not stick with a boring, text-only title slide. Don’t be afraid to use icons and illustrations to make a statement.

9.  Alternate slide layouts to keep your presentation engaging

Easy Real Estate Presentation Ideas

Keeping your audience engaged throughout an entire presentation is hard, even if you have been working on your presentation skills . No one wants to look at slides that look exactly the same for an hour. But on the other hand, you can’t create a unique masterpiece for each slide.

Creative Real Estate Marketing Presentation Ideas

That’s why I’m very impressed with what the designers did in the presentation example above. They use a consistent visual theme on each slide, but alternate between vertical and horizontal orientations.

The swapping of orientations will show people that the presentation is progressing nicely. It can help you make a strong, almost physical, distinction between ideas, sections or topics.  

10. Make your audience laugh, or at least chuckle

Modern Company Branding Presentation Ideas

Sometimes you need to not take your business presentations too seriously. Not sure what I mean? Go check out slide number 10 on this slide deck below.

Funny Branding Presentation Ideas

If you did not actually laugh out loud, then I don’t know what to tell you. Small illustrated embellishments can be very powerful because they evoke an emotional response and to gain your audience’s trust.

Did you know 70% of employees think that giving a good presentation is an essential workplace skill? Check out the top qualities of awesome presentations and learn all about how to make a good presentation to help you nail that captivating delivery.

11. Supplement your presentation with printed materials

Presentation Ideas Brochure

Printed takeaways (such as brochures and business cards ) give audience members a chance to take home the most important elements of your presentation in a format they can easily access without using a computer. Make sure you brand these materials in a way that’s visually consistent with your slide deck, with the same color scheme, icons, and other iconic features; otherwise, your recipients will just end up scratching their heads.

Presentation Ideas Brochure

If you’re giving people multiple materials, try packaging them all into one convenient presentation folder. There are over 100 styles with a wide range of custom options, so feel free to get creative and make your folder stand out. Sometimes a unique die cut or an unusual stock is all you need to make something truly memorable. Here are some brochure templates to get you started.

12. Only use one chart or graphic per slide 

Data Driven Presentation Ideas

Having too much information on a slide is the easiest way to lose the focus of your audience. This is especially common when people are using graphs, charts or tables .

Blue Creative Tech Presentation Ideas

In this creative slide deck, the author made sure to only include one focal point per slide, and I applaud them for it. I know this may sound like a simple presentation tip, but I have seen many people lose their audience because the slides are too complex.

13. Keep your employee engagement presentations light   

OfficeVibe Modern Presentation Ideas

Sometimes you need to get away from stuffy, professional presentation ideas to capture your audience’s attention. In this case, Officevibe used some very colorful and playful illustrations to stand out from the crowd.

Creative Startup Presentation Ideas

I mean, who could not love the plant with a face on slide number 9? And if you want to see some more icons and illustrations like this, be sure to check out our article on how to tell a story with icons.

14.  Feature a map when talking about locations

Purple Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

Including a map in your creative presentations is a fantastic idea! Not only do they make an interesting focal point for your slide layout, they also make location-based information easier to understand.

Purple Startup Pitch Presentation Ideas

This cool presentation example by our pro designers at Venngage uses maps to visualize information. This map both dominates the screen, and also displays all the locations being covered.

15. Use a font that is large and in charge 

Bold Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

If you are presenting to a small group or a packed stadium, make sure your audience can see your text! Use a large and in charge font that can be read from even the nosebleed seats. 

Honestly, you really never know where your unique presentation will be seen. It could be seen in a conference room or conference hall, and everything in between. Be ready to present almost anywhere with a bold and easy to read font.

16. Use pop culture references to build a fun presentation 

Drift Business Presentation Ideas

Using a meme or pop culture reference is another way that you can jive with your audience. It can be used to quickly get a point across without saying a word or create a moment that you can connect with the room. For example in this presentation, they used Napoleon Dynamite to give the audience feelings of nostalgia.

17. Use more than one font weight on your presentation cover slide

Steve Jobs Apple Presentation Ideas

Just like you would never use one font on an infographic, you should never use just one font on your presentation (for more tips, read our guide on how to choose fonts ). In this presentation example from HubSpot, they use a bunch of different font weights to add emphasis to key words and ideas.

As you can see, they use a bold font on the presentation cover to bring attention to Steve Jobs name. This makes it easy for the audience to know what your presentation is going to be about from the beginning as well. 

18. Use a color theme for each idea 

Colorful Dell Tech Presentation Ideas

Color is another extremely powerful nonverbal tool that you can use to guide your audience. By using a different color for each section of your creative presentation, Dell is able to clearly indicate when they are switching points or ideas.  Going from green to orange, and even red almost effortlessly.

Colorful Technology Presentation Ideas

This is a great way to design a list, guide, or a  how-to presentation as well. And each color can be assigned to a different step or number with ease. 

Need help picking the perfect color palette? Start here !

19. Use illustrations instead of pictures 

Illustrated Tech Presentation Ideas

An easy way to keep your design consistent throughout your unique presentation is to use illustrations like in this slide deck by Domo.

They used illustrations instead of pictures to show off their subject on slide numbers 4-10 and it looks fantastic. This will ensure that the audience focuses on the content, instead of just the photo they could have used.

It also helps that illustrations are a top design trend for 2020 .

20. Use contrasting colors to compare two perspectives or sides of an argument 

Creative Comparison Presentation Ideas

Contrasting colors can be used to quickly show each side of topic or an argument. For example in this presentation, they use this trick to show the difference between their company and the competition.

Simple Product Comparison Presentation Ideas

They use color very effectively in this example to show their company is better, in a nonverbal way. With a lighter color and illustrated icons, the company is able to position them as the better choice. All without saying a word.  

Now if they would have used similar colors, or a single color the effect wouldn’t have been as strong or noticeable.

21. Include your own personal interests

Innovative Business Tech Presentation Ideas

This example is one of the most interesting and cool presentations I have seen in awhile, so I suggest checking out the entire thing. The creator inserts a bunch of his personal interests into the slide to make his presentation about education fun and relatable. And they even use a Super Mario Bros inspired presentation cover, so you know it has to be fantastic! 

22. Try to stick to groups of three 

Simple Black Presentation Ideas

How many major ideas should be present on your presentation aid? Never break your  presentation layout down into anything more than thirds. This means there should be at most three columns, three icons, three ideas and so on.  A great example of this idea starts on slide number 9 in this slide deck and continues throughout the rest of the presentation.

 Here is a great three columned slide template to get started with.

23. Add a timeline to help visualize ideas 

Modern History Presentation Ideas

One of the best ways to visualize a complex process or historical event is to use a timeline presentation. A list of all the steps or events is just not going to cut it in a professional setting. You need to find an engaging way to visualize the information.

Simple History Class Presentation Ideas

Take the presentation example above , where they outline the rise and fall of Athens in a visually stimulating way.

24. Label your graphs & charts 

Creative Data Visualization Presentation Ideas

If the people at Pollen VC had not added those annotations to the graphs on slide number 5, I would have definitely not known what to make of that graph.

But when you combine the visuals on a graph with descriptive text, the graph is able to paint a picture for your audience. So make your graphs easy to understand by annotating them (this is a chart design best practice ).

Create a free graph right here, right now!

25. White font over pictures just works 

Elegant Marketing Presentation Ideas

There is a reason that you see so many quotes or sayings in a white font that are then overlaid on an image. That it is because it just works in so many situations and the text is very easy to read on any image.

If you do not believe me, look at the slide deck example above where they use a white font with a few different fonts and about 100 images. Plus the presentation template is chocked full of other tips on how to create a winning slideshow.

26. Color code your points across the whole presentation 

Creative Tech Startup Presentation Ideas

Here is another example of a presentation that uses color to keep their points organized. In this case, they use 10 different pastel colors to match the 10 different tips for employee engagement .

Illustrated Tech Business Presentation Ideas

Check out our guide for how to pick the best colors for your visuals .

27.  Use a simple flow chart to break down a process

Colorful Sponsorship Presentation Ideas

If you’re a fan of the movie Step Brothers , you may have heard of Prestige Worldwide before. In this fun presentation example they are back to sell you on their business model and growth plans.

This time, the presentation will be effective because it actually talks about what the business does.

Colorful Marketing Event Presentation Ideas

Instead of making a music video, they use a helpful flowchart template to explain their business model. I would recommend following their lead and creating a dynamic flow chart to visually break down any process.  Try making your own flowchart  with Venngage.

28. Make your slide deck mobile friendly 

Globoforce Red Human Resources Presentation Ideas

As more people move to mobile as their main device each year, making your presentations mobile-friendly is becoming increasingly important. This means that the text is large and there aren’t too many small details, so everything can scale down. Just like in this presentation example from the creators at Globoforce.

29. Don’t be afraid to include too many examples 

With Company Product Development Presentation Ideas

If you are presenting a complex idea to a group, especially a large audience, I would recommend having a ton of good examples. Now, I would try not to overdo it, but having too many it is better than having too few.

In this creative presentation, the people at With Company spend about 20 slides just giving great examples of prototyping. It doesn’t feel too repetitive because they all are useful and informative examples.

30.  Use consistent visual styles for an elegant presentation design

Black Professional Business Presentation Ideas

I have already written extensively about using icons in all of your design projects . I haven’t talked as much about matching icons to your presentation template.

Modern Business Marketing Presentation Ideas copy

But that’s just as important, especially if you want to create a professional presentation for your audience.

As you can see in the example above, the designer used minimalist icons that fit the slide designs. All of the other graphics, charts and visual elements fit together nicely as well.

Plus the icons don’t distract from the content, which could ruin a stellar presentation.

31. Use a consistent presentation layout 

Bannersnack Graphic Design Presentation Ideas

In this example from Bannersnack, they use a consistent layout on each of their slides to help with the flow by using the same margins and text layout.

Bannersnack Modern Design Presentation Ideas

It’s a solid presentation example because they help the user know where to look immediately. It may seem like they are playing it safe, but anything that can speed up the time it takes for a user to read the content of the slides, the better.

32. Use loud colors as much as possible 

Colorful Creative Tech Presentation Ideas

This is one of my favorite presentations because of the highlighter yellow they chose to use as their main color. It is actually very similar to one that I saw presented live a few years ago and I have used this same approach in a few presentations ideas of my own.

33. Pull your design motif from your content 

Creative Education Workshop Presentation Ideas

If you are talking about an interesting topic, why not use the topic as the main design motif in your creative slide deck? For example, in this presentation about sketchbooks, the creator uses a sketchy, handwritten motif. It is something simple that helps the audience connect with the topic. Plus, it allows you to include a ton of great examples.

34. Utilize a call & answer cadence

Simple White Marketing Presentation Ideas

In this SlideShare about how to create a presentation, Peter Zvirinsky uses a two-step process to present a point. First, he presents the header presentation tip in a speech bubble. Then he shows a supporting point in a responding speech bubble. This gives the presentation a conversational flow.

35. Repurpose ebook content into a creative presentation

Purple Seth Godin Presentation Ideas

This slide deck was adapted perfectly from a Seth Godin ebook into the presentation example you see above. In the slide deck, they take a piece of content that would usually take a while to read and cut it down to a few minutes. Just remember to include only the most important ideas, and try to present them in a fresh way.

36. Add a timed outline to your presentation

Simple Blue Monthly Business Presentation Ideas

We have already covered how important it is to have a table of contents in your slides but this takes it a bit further. On the second slide of the presentation below, the creator added how long each of the slides should take.

White Minimalist Business Presentation Ideas

This is great because it helps your audience know the pace the presentation will take and will help keep them engaged. It also will help them identify the most important and in-depth parts of the presentation from the beginning.

37. Use a “next steps” slide to direct your audience

Purple Gradient Presentation Ideas

One of the worst things you can do as a presenter is to leave your audience without any idea of what to do next. A presentation should never just end because you ran out of slides.

Blue Creative Gradient Presentation Ideas

Instead, use a conclusion or “next steps” slide like in the example above to finish your presentation. Sum up some of your main points, tell your audience where they can get more information, and push them to take action.

38. Go a bit crazy with the design 

Velocity Partners Simple White Presentation Ideas

Sometimes you need to throw convention to the wind to create something unforgettable. This presentation from Velocity Partners does just that, and I think it is one of my favorite ones from this entire roundup.

Velocity Partners Simple Tech Presentation Ideas

They use unconventional typography, quirky icons, and unusual presentation layout to make each slide surprising.

39. Make your slide deck easy to share 

Simple Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

If you are looking to get a lot of eyes on your presentation I would make sure people will want to share it on social media. How do you do that? By presenting new and interesting value. This means your content needs to answer a common question and your design needs to be clutter-free. For example, look at this very social media-friendly. The slides are simple and answer questions directly.

40.  Use shapes to integrate your photos into the slides

Colorful Food Presentation Ideas

Want to include a bunch of images in your presentation? I say do it!

Now most of the time you would add a raw image directly to your slide. However, if you want to present images in a professional way I would recommend using an image frame .

Nutrition Creative Presentation Ideas

Like in the example above, you can use these frame to create a collage of images almost instantly. Or provide a similar visual theme to all of your slides.  

Overall, I believe it’s a great way to add a new visual component to your presentation.

41. Hijack someone’s influence in your marketing slides

Creative Social Media Presentation Ideas

If you are stuck in the brainstorming phase of your presentation, focusing on a brand or influencer is a great place to start. It could be a case study, a collection of ideas or just some quotes from the influencer. But what makes it effective is that the audience knows the influencer and trusts them. And you are able to hijack their awareness or influence.

42. Put y our logo on every slide 

Moz Business Marketing Presentation Ideas

Whether you have a brand as powerful as Moz, or you are just getting started, you should always have your logo on each slide. You really never know where a presentation is going to end up–or what parts of it will! In this presentation template, Moz does a good job of including their branding and such to get others interested in Moz Local. Don’t have a logo yet? Our logo design tips will help you create a logo that’s iconic and will stand the test of time.

43. Lead your audience to it 

Blogging Tips Presentations Ideas

In this example, the creator uses something very similar to the call and answer approach I mentioned above, but with a little twist. Instead of just throwing all the info up at once, they use three slides to build to a particular point and include a subtle call to action in the third slide.

44. Make visuals the focal point of your presentation slides

Non Profit Creative Presentation Ideas

If you haven’t noticed, illustrated icons are having a revival in 2020 and beyond. This is likely because minimalist icons dominated the design world for the past decade. And now people want something new.

Brands also like using illustrated icons because they are seen as genuine and fun.

Blood Donation Creative Presentation

And because they are so eye-catching you can use them as focal points in your presentation slides. Just like they did in the creative presentation example above.

Picking the perfect icon is tough, learn how you can use infographic icons like a pro.

45. Use a quirky presentation theme 

Animation Ninja Funny Tech Presentation Ideas

In this slide deck, the authors show you how to become an Animation Ninja…and they use ninja graphics and icons extensively. This caught my eye immediately because of the amount of work that I knew was behind this. It takes a lot of time and effort to line all of the content and graphic up to create a cohesive theme, but the payoff can be massively worth it.

46. Use a consistent background image 

Simple Modern Business Presentation Ideas

I am a big fan of the way that Aleyda Solís uses only a single presentation background image throughout her presentation.

Modern SEO Marketing Presentation Ideas

By using this tactic the audience is able to focus on what is happening in the foreground. Plus it gives the whole presentation a different feel than all the other ones I have looked at.

47. Summarize your points at the end

Deanta Data Driven Marketing Presentation Ideas

It’s a good idea to summarize your points before you end your presentation , especially if you’ve covered a lot of information. In this presentation example, Deanta summarizes exactly what they do on slide numbers 16-18. They also provide their contact information in case their audience has any more questions. I think that every presentation should use this same approach, especially the ones you are presenting outside of your company.

48. Use a minimalist presentation template

QuickBooks Minimalist Presentation Ideas

This slide deck from QuickBooks uses a minimalist theme to help the audience focus on what is important, the content.

QuickBooks White Simple Presentation Ideas

There were only five colors used in the entire presentation and the graphics were simple line drawings. This made it easy to read and very pleasing to the eyes.

49. Split your slides length-wise 

Sequoia Startup Presentation Ideas

Here is a simple template you can use to separate your headers, or main points, from your body text in a presentation.

Minimalist White Startup Presentation Ideas

Instead of using a solid presentation background, split the slide in half like Sequoia did in their slide deck. They used their brand color for the title portion and a neutral white for the supporting content.

Use this company report template to create a very similar slide right now!

50.  Embrace a bold color scheme throughout your presentation

Colorful Modern Creative Presentation Ideas

My favorite part of the creative presentation example above is the use of complementary colors in each slide. As you can see, not one of the slides use the same color scheme but they all feel related connected.

Colorful Modern Presentation Ideas

This approach can be used to make your presentation visually unique, without abandoning a cohesive theme or idea.

51. Put text in the top left corner 

Simple Orange Business Presentation Ideas

English speakers will instinctively try to read text from a top to bottom, left to right orientation. I would recommend using a left alignment for your text and adding additional things from top to bottom, just like Aaron Irizarry did in this presentation layout.

52. Break up your tables 

Intuit Financial Business Presentation Ideas

A plain table with a white background with black or gray lines are difficult to read on a computer screen, so why would you create one for viewing on a large presentation screen? You shouldn’t!

Instead, follow Intuit’s lead and break up the rows with a bit of color. This applies to data visualization in general , but think it is even more important when it comes to presentations.

53.  Present connected information in a visually similar way

Yellow Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

In this startup pitch presentation example, they have a ton of information to get through. But they present their most important slides, the problem and solution, in a visually similar way.

Yellow Creative Startup Presentation Ideas

By using a similar layout on each slide, the audience will be able to quickly make a connection. If you want to present two connected pieces of information, use this tactic.

Yellow Modern Startup Presentation Ideas

From the font to the layout, it’s all basically the same. The main message they’re trying to impart is a lot more impactful to the reader.

If they would have used two wildly different presentation layouts, the message may have been lost.

54. Roundup expert tips into one presentation 

Venngage Presentation Ideas

If you are looking for useful insights into the topic of your presentation, talk to some influencers in your niche. These are called “expert roundups” in the content marketing world and they are incredibly shareable.

Data Driven Presentation Ideas

Plus, they are pretty easy to create and have a great shelf life. In the example above, we talked to a gaggle of marketing experts about what makes a SlideShare great.

55. Use bold & brash colors throughout 

Gradient SEO Marketing Presentation Ideas

B old colors usually make your presentation template a lot easier to read and remember. Like at this slide deck made by our talented designers, which doesn’t shy away from bright, bold colors.

Want to pick a perfect color palette for your presentation? Read this blog on the do’s and don’ts of infographic color selection .

56. Make your graphs easy to read & interpret 

Futuristic Presentation Ideas

It should not require a Master’s degree in statistics to understand the graphs that someone uses in a presentation. Instead, the axis should be easy to read, the colors should enforce the point, and the data should be clearly plotted.

Creative Data Presentation Ideas

For example, in this presentation on slide numbers 14 and 25, the graphs nail all of those tips perfectly.

57. Condense your presentation into a memorable line 

Red Simple Business Presentation Ideas

If you can, try condensing your information into a simple one-liner to help the message stick with your audience. In slide number 36 of this presentation, Mika Aldaba does just that and shows that “Facts + Feelings = Data Storytelling.”

Minimalist White Business Presentation Ideas

He does this again a few times throughout the presentation with other memorable one-liners.

58.  Bring attention to important figures with colorful icons

Blue Investor Pitch Deck Presentation Idea

If you’re including a figure or number on your slides, I’m guessing you want the audience to actually see it.

That’s why I would recommend using an icon or graphic to highlight that figure. Maybe use a color or icon that isn’t used anywhere else in the presentation to make sure it really jumps off the screen.

Colorful Blue Yellow Investor Presentation Idea copy

In the presentation example above, all that’s used is a simple circle to make each figure a focal point. It’s really that easy, but many people leave it out of their presentations.

59. Anchor Your Text With Icons 

Studio Ninja Creative Gradient Presentation Ideas

Having your text or content floating out in the white space of your presentation is not a good look.

Studio Ninja White Presentation Ideas

Instead, you should use anchor icons to give the text something to hold onto and draw the audience’s eye. If you need some examples of good anchor icons, check out slide numbers 4, 7 and 9 in this presentation example.

60. Add semi-opaque lettering as a presentation background 

Stinson Illustrated Presentation Ideas

A neat way to keep your slide deck organized is to number your slides or points using semi-opaque lettering in the background.

Stinson Creative Illustrated Presentation Ideas

Then, place your slide content on top of the opaque lettering. This helps your audience know that you are on the same point or idea, plus it just looks really good when done right.

61. Use simple or minimalist borders

Transparent Orange Business Presentation Ideas

An easy way to class up your slides is to put a border around your text. Take this presentation from Venngage that uses a couple of different types of borders to make their slides look professional.

Modern Orange Business Presentation Ideas2 copy

Plus it helps keep all of your content contained on the slide!

62. Feature one idea per slide

Minimalist Marketing Presentation Ideas

Nothing is worse than a confusing, cluttered slide. Instead of trying to pack a bunch of ideas into one slide, focus on one core idea on each slide. If you need to flesh the idea out, just make another slide. 

Having trouble condensing your slides? Our presentation design guide can help you summarize your presentations and convey a singular idea with a clear focus.

63. Keep your style consistent with your brand 

Creative OfficeVibe Presentation Ideas

You might be tempted to switch up the style of your creative presentations each time, but think again. If your brand is known for fun and lighthearted content, like Officevibe, let that be your style throughout all of the presentations you publish under that brand. This will make your slide decks recognizable and will enforce your brand’s message .

64. Use accent fonts to emphasize important numbers

Social Media Business Presentation Ideas

Some people hate pie charts with a passion, but I think they are perfect for presentations. Especially if you want to bring attention to a figure or percentage point .

Colorful Social Media Marketing Presentation Ideas

In this simple example, the pie charts are used to visualize each figure in an interesting way. Plus the pie charts fit the circular and fun theme of the rest of the presentation very well.

65. Use patterned and textured presentation backgrounds

Design Tips Presentation Ideas


Adding some subtle textures, icons or shapes to the presentation background can help make your slides more interesting. This is especially effective when you are only showing one point per slide, because it makes the slide design less sparse.

DesignMantic Creative Presentation Ideas

You can even switch up the colors on your shapes or textures to match the theme of the slide like DesignMantic did in this presentation.

66. Illustrate complex or confusing concepts with icons 

Gluwa Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

Ideally, you don’t want every slide in your deck to just be text. Instead, switch things up every few slides by using just pictures.

Simple Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

This slide deck by Gluwa uses icons to create little diagrams to illustrate their presentation ideas. Their slides still communicate concepts to the audience, but in a new way.

67. Overlay stock photos with color 

Change Sciences Data Driven Presentation Ideas

One problem many people encounter when creating a presentation or slide decks are finding photos with a consistent style. An easy way to edit photos to make them consistent is to add a transparent color overlay. In this example, Change Sciences uses a blue overlay on all of their photos. Plus, the color you choose can also help convey a particular mood.

68. Use black and white blocks 

Creative Leadership Presentation Ideas

An easy way to make your text pop, particularly on a photo background, is to use white font on a black blog background (and vise-versa). Check out this slide deck by Abhishek Shah, which uses this trick in an effective way.  

Now if you want to become a better leader this year, check out some of our favorite leadership infographics .

69. Use photos with similar filters 

Hubspot Business Presentation Ideas

Using a bunch of photos with wildly different filters can be jarring in a business presentation. To maintain a consistent flow, use photos with a similar filter and color saturation.

Hubspot Creative Presentation Ideas

Take a look at this example from HubSpot across slide numbers 1-6 and you can see what I mean.

70. Visualize your points with diagrams 

Purple Data Driven Presentation Ideas

Sometimes the best way to get your point across is to throw some diagrams into the presentation mix. But be sure to make is something that the audience can pick up on in three to five seconds tops.

Purple Data Driven Business Presentation Ideas

For example, Jan Rezab uses a diagram to illustrate what takes up time in our lives on slide numbers 4, 5, 7 and 9!

71. Get experts to share tips

Expert Business Presentation Ideas

If you want to provide even more value to your audience than you can offer yourself, why not call in some expert reinforcement? See what experts in your field have to say on the topic of your presentation and include their tips and insights. Plus you can hijack their influence and expand your audience fairly quickly. 

72. Mimic a popular presentation style 

Uber Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

Uber’s pitch deck helped them raise millions of dollars in venture capital eventually leading to the glorious moment when they IPOed this year.

Aside from our sleek design upgrade (hey, we love good design!), this pitch deck template is the exact same one that Uber used to go from Idea to IPO.

And who knows? Maybe you might start the next Uber. But to raise money, you will need to create flawless business pitch decks to impress investors and raise those dollars.

73. Plan your presentation idea ahead of time

HighSpark Marketing Presentation Ideas

I know that minimalist designs are all the rage this year, but there is a big difference between a well-thought-out minimalist design and a lazy design without the finish touches. The same goes for a cluttered design with too many things going on at once.

HighSpark Creative Presentation Ideas

That’s why it’s worth it to take the time to really plan out your presentation ideas and design concepts. Take this slide deck about storytelling by HighSpark. A quick glance will tell you that they put a lot of thought into designing their slides.

74.  Use tables to compare your brand to the competition in sales presentations/pitch decks

Mint Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

There are a lot of ways to visually compare similar things in this day and age. You could use a comparison infographic , or even a venn diagram!

However, when it comes to presentations I think that the simple table is best. Especially if you are comparing more than two things, like in this presentation example.

Green Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

With a table, you can clearly lay out all the pros and cons of each idea, brand or topic without it being overwhelming to the audience. Plus, virtually everyone knows how to follow a table, so your information will be easy to consume.  

See more examples of the best pitch decks .

75. Blend icons & content effortlessly

Social Media Trends Presentation Ideas

Usually, icons are used as eye-catching objects detectors or anchors for text in a slideshow. But they can be used for so much more than that!

Social Media Marketing Presentation Ideas

Like in this marketing presentation from Constant Contact they are very large but do not distract from the content.

76. Make your audience want more 

Green Growth Hack Presentations Ideas

This tactic has been used by everyone since the idea of marketing was invented (or close to that). In this presentation example called “100 Growth Hacks, 100 Days” the creator only shows the audience the first 10 days of it and then uses a call to action at the end of the presentation to encourage them to seek out the rest.

Simple Green Marketing Presentations Ideas

The only risk with these kinds of presentation ideas is if your initial content is not great, you can’t expect your audience to seek out more information.

77. Use memes (for real, though) 

Moz Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

Usually, memes do not have a place in a serious business setting, so maybe don’t use them for formal presentations. But if you’re covering a lighter topic, or if you’re going for a fun presentation that will connect with your audience, don’t be afraid to throw a meme or two into the mix.

The audience immediately knows what you are trying to say when you use a popular meme in your presentation. For example, on slide number 7, the creator uses a meme to show that it will be hard to create great content

78.  Include a slide that introduces your team in pitch decks

Modern Black Business Presentation Ideas

In this presentation example, the creators decided to include their team on a slide. I think it’s a great gesture.

Minimalist Black Presentation Ideas

Showing your team can help the audience put a face to your brand and make the whole company feel more genuine. So if there is a team that has helped you get where you are today, give them some recognition!

79. Feature a complementary color palette

Bright Yellow Gary Vaynerchuk Presentation Ideas

Even though I am not a formally trained designer, I still understand that proper color usage is the base of any good design. Although not all of the tenets of color theory work great for presentations, complementary colors are always a great pick.

Creative Gary Vaynerchuk Presentation Ideas

Take a look at the color usage in this business presentation from Gary Vaynerchuk below . The purple and Snapchat yellow, which are complementary colors, look fantastic and the content jumps off the screen.

80. Use a heavy or bold font 

Throwback HR Presentation Ideas

The very back of the room should be able to read your content if you are giving a group presentation. To ensure that your entire audience can read the slides I would not only use a large font, but also use a heavy font.  If you are confused by what I mean by a heavy font take a look at this unique presentation example by Slides That Rock.

81. Do the math for your audience

Data Driven Startup Presentation Ideas

If you are going to use a graph in your presentation to compare data you should do the match for your audience. Do not make them do the calculations in their head because you will quickly lose their attention. For example, on slide number 5 the people at Sickweather lay out exactly what figures they want the audience to take from the slide.  

82. Use unique colors for different sections

Copywriting Presentation Ideas

The example below has 145 slides but it does not feel overwhelming or confusing.

Marketing Tips Presentation Ideas

That’s because each section has a different corresponding color, which makes it easier to flip through the slide deck and find a particular part.

83.  Give your presentation a catchy title that anyone can remember

Information Creative Presentation Ideas

What I really love about the presentation example above is that it features a catchy tagline on the second slide–“The 3S Framework.” It’s simple but it works!

Modern Summary Presentation Ideas

This motto helps outline the structure of the presentation, and each slide referring back to it. Plus, the tagline will give the audience something to latch onto and remember from the presentation.

84. White backgrounds are not always bad 

Minimalist White Presentation Ideas

A lot of people think that plain white background is a boring presentation faux pas. So the first thing they do is add color or image, which is not a bad thing at all.

Modern Simple White Presentation Ideas

But I also think that when used correctly, like in this example, plain white backgrounds can lead to beautiful presentations.

85. Split the header text from the body text

Bold Purple Tech Presentation Ideas

This idea is very similar to the one-two punch tactic that I talked about above, but it spreads the content over two slides as opposed to a single slide.

Bold Orange Tech Presentation Ideas

Use this design choice when you have fairly easy to follow presentations, like the one below from Steve Young. I know that this is effective because it allows the audience to focus on the main point before he drives it home with the supporting details.

86. Feature circle image frames 

Black & White Presentation Ideas

I am a big fan of the design choices that Frank Delmelle uses in this slide deck about content strategy. He uses circles as his main design motif and frames his images in circles as well.

87. Talk directly to your audience 

Simple Gray Tech Presentation Ideas

This slideshow tops out at 70 slides but it’s a breeze to flip through. That’s because the creator, Ian Lurie, decided to present it in the form of a conversation instead of a classic slide deck.

While each slide only has one or two sentences, it flows just like a friendly chat. He also includes the necessary pauses, breaks and other conversational tics that helps make it even more convincing.

88. Illustrated icons are key this year 

Illustrated Design Guide Presentation Ideas

Icons add a fun and functional element to your designs. In this presentation by Iryna Nezhynska, they use illustrated icons to make a potentially intimidating topic seem manageable.

89. Highlight key numbers and percentages 

Marketing Stats Presentation Ideas

Surprising percentages have the ability to excite and shock an audience. To make the percentages on your slides even more impactful, present them in a different color or font than the rest of the text.

Simple Data Driven Presentation Ideas

In the presentation example above, Contently uses that exact tactic to bring more attention to key numbers.

90. Use a gradient as your presentation background 

Modern Gradient Business Presentation Ideas

Just like bold color schemes, gradients are a current social media graphic design trend . They may feel retro to some, but I believe they will be around well into the future.  

Gradients are perfect for presentation backgrounds because they are so versatile and eye-catching. I mean, you can literally create a gradient with any colors you can think of! And they look a lot more interesting than a simple flat background.

So embrace the future and use a gradient in your next presentation!

91. Track the steps in a process 

10 Tips Human Resources Presentation Ideas

In this example, the creators from O.C. Tanner add a very interesting feature to their slides, starting on slide number 6. If you take a look at this business presentation template, you will see that they number the steps in a process and track which step they’re on at the bottom of the slides.

92. Use mind blowing font pairings 

Visual Communications Presentation Ideas

The creator of this slide deck uses at least 10 different types of fonts. And it looks fantastic because they know that one font choice is boring. But this does not mean that you should use a bunch of random fonts–pick font pairs that play well together and keep your font choices for different types of information consistent throughout the presentation.

93. Make your ideas as obvious as possible 

White Tech Education Presentation Ideas

Your audience shouldn’t be guessing at what you mean. That is why I think that this presentation example from In a Rocket is so powerful because they make the information easy to digest.

White Simple Education Presentation Ideas

Learning to code can be challenging, but they break the information down with simple diagrams and clear examples. Heck, I have not touched CSS in a few years and I could still follow what they were instructing.

94. Use images that will actually scale 

Modern Education Presentation Ideas

A large mistake that you can make in your slide deck is using low-quality images. They may look great on your computer, but as soon as the slides are put up on a screen, the low quality will show. In this example by ThoughtWorks, all of their presentation background images look great and will scale well to a bigger screen. And that is even after the image compression that LinkedIn most likely does!

95. Take risks with your presentation layout

Creative Illustrated Presentation Ideas

I honestly was blown away the first time I saw this presentation because it capitalized on such a risky design idea. The creators from Weekdone literally turned their presentation into an 8-Bit video game. A nd if you are looking for something that will stick with your audience, I would take a few creative cues from them!

96. Seriously, you better use memes 

Creative Data Driven Presentation Ideas

In this day and age memes are mainstream, so why wouldn’t you use them in a creative presentation? These do not have to be the coolest meme that all the hip kids are sharing, they can be some of the classics. Like the one that Dana DiTomaso uses on slide 16 to emphasize that it’s a trap!

97. Follow a clear design rhythm

Ultra Minimalist Marketing Presentation Ideas

I really like how this presentation introduced each new point in three or four steps, using the same design. It gave the presentation a rhythm that flowed almost like a song!

White Minimalist Marketing Presentation Ideas

I would recommend using this approach if you have to introduce multiple points per slide.

98. Use LOTS of icons

Creative Project Management Presentation Ideas

If you have made it this far in the list you have already probably seen how effective icons are in presentations. They are the perfect way to support your ideas and make your presentation more pleasing to the eyes.

Illustrated Project Management Presentation Ideas

For example, take a look at all the icons SlideShop uses in this presentation. Almost every slide has at least one icon and a few have more than ten!

99. Give each slide its own spark

Creative HR Presentation Ideas

I know this goes against earlier points I had about creating a cohesive theme in your presentation layout, but everyone knows that rules are made to be broken (if you can do it better)!

Illustrated Creative HR Presentation Ideas

In this slide deck, the team at Officevibe literally created different designs for all 27 of their slides. And to top it off, each of the designs fit the quotes they used extremely well.

100. Use LARGE header cards 

Growth Hack Marketing Presentation Ideas

An easy way to stick to that “one piece of content on each slide rule” is to use header cards. They are basically the header that you would normally use in a blog post or article, but it gets is own slide before the content. Here is an example of that idea in the real world in this presentation from Brian Downard.

101. Ask your audience questions 

Creative Branding Presentation Idea

I think one of the most common elements I saw in all the slide decks was that they asked the audience questions. You can use questions to engage with your audience and get them thinking a bit harder about the topic. The Site By Norex team did an exceptional job of this when they explored what the topic of what makes up a brand.

Need some more info about creating a memorable brand? Check out some of the best branding stats for 2020 and beyond!

102. Introduce yourself and your brand 

Grey Tech Presentation Idea

I would say that a majority of presentations that I looked at in this list just jumped right into the content without an introduction to the author or brand in the actual slide deck.

This introduction is very important because it establishes your credentials from the beginning, especially if someone is just reading the slide deck. In this example from Losant, they do just that by spending the first few slides telling the audience who they are.

103. Mix up your mediums 

Creative Tips Presentation Ideas

Finally, this slide deck effectively marries two very distinct content forms together: digital images and hand-drawn illustrations. In this example, Freshdesk uses the timeless classic of a comic strip, Calvin & Hobbes, in something so modern to inform the audience in a fun way.

104. Show off your credentials 

Simple Tech Presentation Ideas

Just like with any piece of content, people are more likely to believe what you are saying if they know what your company does. That is why I really like when people insert their qualifications right into the presentation slides. Just like Andreas von der Heydt, from Amazon, did at the beginning of this presentation about thinking big.  

105. Highlight key data points 

Simple Graph Presentation Idea

If you are presenting a chart or graph on a dry topic, I would recommend using a single color to highlight the most important data point. For example, the investment firm a16z uses orange to highlight the data points they want their audience to focus on in each of their charts.

Check out some examples of how to highlight your key information in bar charts .

106. Show your audience where to find more information 

Blue Futuristic Presentation Idea

A lot of people end their presentations by literally just running out of slides, and that is the wrong way to do it. Instead, CBInsights consistently pushes their readers towards another piece of content at the end. This is also where you can insert a call to action!

107. Tell your origin story

Blue Marketing Presentation Ideas


This idea is kinda similar to showing off your company qualifications at the beginning of your presentation. But with this approach, you are trying to make an emotional connection with your audience instead of just showing off accolades.

White Marketing Presentation Ideas

And Rand from Moz does this extremely well in the presentation example above.

108. Use one focused visual 

Modern Tech Presentation Ideas

This presentation uses a central visual of a structure, with each slide moving down the levels of the structure. This is incredibly powerful because the entire presentation is about sinking your company, and the visual they designed mirrors that idea perfectly. Using one focus visual also makes your slide deck design cohesive.

109. Don’t take presentation design too seriously

Retro Creative Presentation Ideas2

Sometimes we get caught up trying to make the perfect presentation and it ends up making us crazy!

Retro Creative Presentation Ideas1

But in this presentation example, Jesse Desjardins uses a mix of wit and hilarious retro images to create a memorable and light-hearted presentation.

110. Use size to your advantage 

Blue Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

I am a big fan of using bubble charts and other charts that use size to compare two pieces of data. That is why I like this pitch deck from the ShearShare team that utilizes a size-based chart on slide number 9. The chart is used to illustrate the massive growth potential in their industry.

111. Split section headers from the main content with different background colors 

Design Presentation Ideas1

In this presentation, Seth Familian uses alternating colors in a very interesting way. For each of the title slides, he uses a black color background, but for the content slides he uses a white background.

Design Presentation Ideas2

This helped the readers follow along and comprehend what was on the page even faster. And when you are presenting to hundreds of different types of people, this can make or break your presentation.  

112.  Have a conversation with your audience 

Creative Marketing Presentation Ideas

Take a conversational tone in your presentation is a great way to encourage your audience to participate.

In this slide deck example, we presented a simple storyline and use questions to engage with the audience throughout. And it helped create a flow throughout the  presentation template  that is easy to follow.

113.  Include your branding throughout your presentation ideas

Hubspot Marketing Presentation Idea

Another thing that people seem to forget when they are working on a presentation is to include their business’s branding. You honestly never know where your work is going to be shared, so it is important to make sure people know it’s yours. HubSpot does an outstanding job of this on all their presentations, as you can see in the bottom left corner of each slide.

Plus you have spent a ton of time creating your  brand guidelines , might as well use them.

114.  Include multiple slides to build to your main point

Creative Art Presentation Ideas

Try using multiple slides to build to your main point. This helps you walk through the components of one overarching point while also building suspense. In this slide deck, the creator uses 6 slides to build up to one main point, adding a new illustration to the diagram on each slide.

115.  Split the difference 

Apple Tech Presentation Ideas

Use either the left or right side of the slide to hold your text and the opposite to display an image. If you are using a photo or graphic as the main background in your slides, this is a great way to keep things organized. 

116. There are millions of fonts out there…use them

Modern Nonprofit Presentation Ideas

Hey, I love simple fonts just as much as the next guy, but sometimes you need to step up your font game to stand out. For example, WebVisions uses a very gritty, probably custom font in their unique presentation that fits the topic extremely well. Take a look!

117.  Build your presentation content around icons 

Illustrated Health Presentation Ideas

Try using icons as the focal points of your presentation layout. This example from Omer Hameed  uses icons to draw the audience’s eyes  right to the middle of the presentation, where the main points and headers are located.  

118.  Mix up font style to emphasize important points

SEO Marketing Presentation Ideas

If you would like to draw some extra attention to a certain word or idea,  switch up the font  to one that is bolder. For example, in this oldie but goodie presentation from HubSpot they use a heavy sans-serif font to highlight ideas, as opposed to the serif font for the other text.

119.  Add personal touches to your presentation

Simple Creative Design Presentation Ideas

If you want to create a truly unique presentation, add personal touches. In the slide numbers 6-13 from this presentation, the creator adds something to their design that no one else could ever have: they use original drawings they did themselves.

120.  Harness the power of your own brand colors

Modern White Digital Marketing Presentation Ideas

Sometimes people forget that they already have a battle-tested color palette that they can use in their  brand colors . I try to incorporate one of our brand colors in most of my designs and it makes so much easier to choose colors.

In this simple presentation example, Spitfire Creative used a palette that had both of their brand colors throughout the slideshow.

121.  Used dark-colored blocks to highlight words

Bold Yellow Marketing Presentation Ideas

I have seen this trick used in a lot of presentations and it works well. Highlight certain words or phrases by laying them overtop a colored rectangle. Take slide number 7 in this presentation example as a great guide. Use it to bring attention to a saying or idea you really want your audience to remember.

122.  Show the audience your mug 

Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

This presentation example comes from the same presentation as a previous one, but it was too good not to share. Throughout the slides, you will see Rand from Moz pop up to add a human element to the design. Using an image of your team or yourself can put the audience at ease and make it easier to connect with the presenter.

123.  Include a helpful table of contents 

Facebook Marketing Presentation IDeas

I only saw this presentation idea used a few times throughout my research, but I believe it should be used a lot more. A table of contents will help the audience know what to expect and keep their focus throughout. Especially if you are creating a presentation that is a bit longer than normal.

124.  Do not post just screenshots, do more

Tech Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

Screenshots of a program or app are very common in any blog post, but I think you can do a little better when it comes to presentations.

So instead of just posting a boring screenshot, add a little more to the slide by using illustrations and product shots. If you are not sure what I am talking about, just check out how great the screenshots look at slide numbers 7 and 8 in this presentation.

125. Highlight keywords using BOLD color 

Lifestyle Presentation Ideas

Here’s another slide deck that uses different colors and blocks to highlight keywords. If you are going to use text-heavy slides, then make sure the key points are easy to pick out. Take this slide deck: starting in slide number 4, they highlight exactly what they want you to take away from the text on each slide!

Enough presentation ideas for you?

You made it! I applaud you for making it through all those presentations. Hopefully, now you have a few nifty presentation ideas ready for when you need them.

The next step is to create a presentation that will captivate a meeting room, an amphitheater, and even the world (hey, it doesn’t hurt to dream big).

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Timeline maker

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How to Start a Presentation: 5 Templates and 90 Example Phrases

By Status.net Editorial Team on February 27, 2024 — 11 minutes to read

Starting a presentation effectively means capturing your audience’s attention from the very beginning. It’s important because it sets the tone for the entire presentation and establishes your credibility as a speaker.

Effective Openers: 5 Templates

Your presentation’s beginning sets the stage for everything that follows. So, it’s important to capture your audience’s attention right from the start. Here are some tried-and-true techniques to do just that.

1. Storytelling Approach

When you start with a story, you tap into the natural human love for narratives. It can be a personal experience, a historical event, or a fictional tale that ties back to your main point.

Example Introduction Template 1:

“Let me tell you a story about…”

Example : “Let me tell you a story about how a small idea in a garage blossomed into the global brand we know today.”

2. Quotation Strategy

Using a relevant quote can lend authority and thematic flavor to your presentation. Choose a quote that is provocative, enlightening, or humorous to resonate with your audience.

Example Introduction Template 2:

“As [Famous Person] once said…”

Example : “As Steve Jobs once said, ‘Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.'”

3. Questioning Technique

Engage your audience directly by opening with a thoughtful question. This encourages them to think and become active participants.

Example Introduction Template 3:

“Have you ever wondered…”

Example : “Have you ever wondered what it would take to reduce your carbon footprint to zero?”

4. Statistical Hook

Kick off with a startling statistic that presents a fresh perspective or underscores the importance of your topic.

Example Introduction Template 4:

“Did you know that…”

Example : “Did you know that 90% of the world’s data was generated in the last two years alone?”

5. Anecdotal Method

Share a brief, relatable incident that highlights the human aspect of your topic. It paves the way for empathy and connection.

Example Introduction Template 5:

“I want to share a quick anecdote…”

Example : “I want to share a quick anecdote about a time I experienced the customer service that went above and beyond what anyone would expect.”

How to Start a Powerpoint Presentation: 45 Example Phrases

Starting a PowerPoint presentation effectively can captivate your audience and set the tone for your message. The opening phrases you choose are important in establishing rapport and commanding attention. Whether you’re presenting to colleagues, at a conference, or in an academic setting, these phrases will help you begin with confidence and poise:

  • 1. “Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. Thank you for joining me today.”
  • 2. “Welcome, and thank you for being here. Let’s dive into our topic.”
  • 3. “I’m excited to have the opportunity to present to you all about…”
  • 4. “Thank you all for coming. Today, we’re going to explore…”
  • 5. “Let’s begin by looking at the most important question: Why are we here today?”
  • 6. “I appreciate your time today, and I promise it will be well spent as we discuss…”
  • 7. “Before we get started, I want to express my gratitude for your presence here today.”
  • 8. “It’s a pleasure to see so many familiar faces as we gather to talk about…”
  • 9. “I’m thrilled to kick off today’s presentation on a topic that I am passionate about—…”
  • 10. “Welcome to our session. I’m confident you’ll find the next few minutes informative as we cover…”
  • 11. “Let’s embark on a journey through our discussion on…”
  • 12. “I’m delighted to have the chance to share my insights on…”
  • 13. “Thank you for the opportunity to present to such an esteemed audience on…”
  • 14. “Let’s set the stage for an engaging discussion about…”
  • 15. “As we begin, I’d like you to consider this:…”
  • 16. “Today marks an important discussion on a subject that affects us all:…”
  • 17. “Good day, and welcome to what promises to be an enlightening presentation on…”
  • 18. “Hello and welcome! We’re here to delve into something truly exciting today…”
  • 19. “I’m honored to present to you this comprehensive look into…”
  • 20. “Without further ado, let’s get started on a journey through…”
  • 21. “Thank you for carving time out of your day to join me for this presentation on…”
  • 22. “It’s wonderful to see such an engaged audience ready to tackle the topic of…”
  • 23. “I invite you to join me as we unpack the complexities of…”
  • 24. “Today’s presentation will take us through some groundbreaking ideas about…”
  • 25. “Welcome aboard! Prepare to set sail into the vast sea of knowledge on…”
  • 26. “I’d like to extend a warm welcome to everyone as we focus our attention on…”
  • 27. “Let’s ignite our curiosity as we begin to explore…”
  • 28. “Thank you for your interest and attention as we dive into the heart of…”
  • 29. “As we look ahead to the next hour, we’ll uncover the secrets of…”
  • 30. “I’m eager to share with you some fascinating insights on…”
  • 31. “Welcome to what I believe will be a transformative discussion on…”
  • 32. “This morning/afternoon, we’ll be venturing into the world of…”
  • 33. “Thank you for joining me on this exploration of…”
  • 34. “I’m delighted by the turnout today as we embark on this exploration of…”
  • 35. “Together, let’s navigate the intricacies of…”
  • 36. “I’m looking forward to engaging with you all on the subject of…”
  • 37. “Let’s kick things off with a critical look at…”
  • 38. “Thank you for your presence today as we shine a light on…”
  • 39. “Welcome to a comprehensive overview of…”
  • 40. “It’s a privilege to discuss with you the impact of…”
  • 41. “I’m glad you could join us for what promises to be a thought-provoking presentation on…”
  • 42. “Today, we’re going to break down the concept of…”
  • 43. “As we get started, let’s consider the significance of our topic:…”
  • 44. “I’m thrilled to lead you through today’s discussion, which centers around…”
  • 45. “Let’s launch into our session with an eye-opening look at…”

Starting a Presentation: 45 Examples

Connecting with the audience.

When starting a presentation, making a genuine connection with your audience sets the stage for a successful exchange of ideas. Examples:

  • “I promise, by the end of this presentation, you’ll be as enthusiastic about this as I am because…”
  • “The moment I learned about this, I knew it would be a game-changer and I’m thrilled to present it to you…”
  • “There’s something special about this topic that I find incredibly invigorating, and I hope you will too…”
  • “I get a rush every time I work on this, and I hope to transmit that energy to you today…”
  • “I’m thrilled to discuss this breakthrough that could revolutionize…”
  • “This project has been a labor of love, and I’m eager to walk you through…”
  • “When I first encountered this challenge, I was captivated by the possibilities it presented…”
  • “I can’t wait to dive into the details of this innovative approach with you today…”
  • “It’s genuinely exhilarating to be at the edge of what’s possible in…”
  • “My fascination with [topic] drove me to explore it further, and I’m excited to share…”
  • “Nothing excites me more than talking about the future of…”
  • “Seeing your faces, I know we’re going to have a lively discussion about…”
  • “The potential here is incredible, and I’m looking forward to discussing it with you…”
  • “Let’s embark on this journey together and explore why this is such a pivotal moment for…”
  • “Your engagement in this discussion is going to make this even more exciting because…”

Building Credibility

You present with credibility when you establish your expertise and experience on the subject matter. Here’s what you can say to accomplish that:

  • “With a decade of experience in this field, I’ve come to understand the intricacies of…”
  • “Having led multiple successful projects, I’m excited to share my insights on…”
  • “Over the years, working closely with industry experts, I’ve gleaned…”
  • “I hold a degree in [your field], which has equipped me with a foundation for…”
  • “I’m a certified professional in [your certification], which means I bring a certain level of expertise…”
  • “Having published research on this topic, my perspective is grounded in…”
  • “I’ve been a keynote speaker at several conferences, discussing…”
  • “Throughout my career, I’ve contributed to groundbreaking work in…”
  • “My experience as a [your previous role] has given me a unique outlook on…”
  • “Endorsed by [an authority in your field], I’m here to share what we’ve achieved…”
  • “The program I developed was recognized by [award], highlighting its impact in…”
  • “I’ve trained professionals nationwide on this subject and witnessed…”
  • “Collaborating with renowned teams, we’ve tackled challenges like…”
  • “I’ve been at the forefront of this industry, navigating through…”
  • “As a panelist, I’ve debated this topic with some of the brightest minds in…”

Projecting Confidence

  • “I stand before you today with a deep understanding of…”
  • “You can rely on the information I’m about to share, backed by thorough research and analysis…”
  • “Rest assured, the strategies we’ll discuss have been tested and proven effective in…”
  • “I’m certain you’ll find the data I’ll present both compelling and relevant because…”
  • “I’m fully confident in the recommendations I’m providing today due to…”
  • “The results speak for themselves, and I’m here to outline them clearly for you…”
  • “I invite you to consider the evidence I’ll present; it’s both robust and persuasive…”
  • “You’re in good hands today; I’ve navigated these waters many times and have the insights to prove it…”
  • “I assure you, the journey we’ll take during this presentation will be enlightening because…”
  • “Your success is important to me, which is why I’ve prepared diligently for our time together…”
  • “Let’s look at the facts; they’ll show you why this approach is solid and dependable…”
  • “Today, I present to you a clear path forward, grounded in solid experience and knowledge…”
  • “I’m confident that what we’ll uncover today will not only inform but also inspire you because…”
  • “You’ll leave here equipped with practical, proven solutions that you can trust because…”
  • “The solution I’m proposing has been embraced industry-wide, and for good reason…”

Organizational Preview

Starting your presentation with a clear organizational preview can effectively guide your audience through the content. This section helps you prepare to communicate the roadmap of your presentation.

Outlining the Main Points

You should begin by briefly listing the main points you’ll cover. This lets your audience know what to expect and helps them follow along. For example, if you’re presenting on healthy eating, you might say, “Today, I’ll cover the benefits of healthy eating, essential nutrients in your diet, and simple strategies for making healthier choices.”

Setting the Tone

Your introduction sets the tone for the entire presentation. A way to do this is through a relevant story or anecdote that engages the audience. Suppose you’re talking about innovation; you might start with, “When I was a child, I was fascinated by how simple Legos could build complex structures, which is much like the innovation process.”

Explaining the Structure

Explain the structure of your presentation so that your audience can anticipate how you’ll transition from one section to the next. For instance, if your presentation includes an interactive portion, you might say, “I’ll begin with a 15-minute overview, followed by a hands-on demonstration, and we’ll wrap up with a Q&A session, where you can ask any questions.”

Practice and Preparation

Before you step onto the stage, it’s important that your preparation includes not just content research, but also rigorous practice and strategy for dealing with nerves. This approach ensures you present with confidence and clarity.

Rehearsing the Opening

Practicing your introduction aloud gives you the opportunity to refine your opening remarks. You might start by greeting the audience and sharing an interesting quote or a surprising statistic related to your topic. For example, if your presentation is about the importance of renewable energy, you could begin with a recent statistic about the growth in solar energy adoption. Record yourself and listen to the playback, focusing on your tone, pace, and clarity.

Memorizing Key Points

While you don’t need to memorize your entire presentation word for word, you should know the key points by heart. This includes main arguments, data, and any conclusions you’ll be drawing. You can use techniques such as mnemonics or the method of loci, which means associating each key point with a specific location in your mind, to help remember these details. Having them at your fingertips will make you feel more prepared and confident.

Managing Presentation Jitters

Feeling nervous before a presentation is natural, but you can manage these jitters with a few techniques. Practice deep breathing exercises or mindful meditation to calm your mind before going on stage. You can also perform a mock presentation to a group of friends or colleagues to simulate the experience and receive feedback. This will not only help you get used to speaking in front of others but also in adjusting your material based on their reactions.

Engagement Strategies

Starting a presentation on the right foot often depends on how engaged your audience is. Using certain strategies, you can grab their attention early and maintain their interest throughout your talk:

1. Encouraging Audience Participation

Opening your presentation with a question to your audience is a great way to encourage participation. This invites them to think actively about the subject matter. For instance, you might ask, “By a show of hands, how many of you have experienced…?” Additionally, integrating interactive elements like quick polls or requesting volunteers for a demonstration can make the experience more dynamic and memorable.

Using direct questions throughout your presentation ensures the audience stays alert, as they might be called upon to share their views. For example, after covering a key point, you might engage your audience with, “Does anyone have an experience to share related to this?”

2. Utilizing Pacing and Pauses

Mastering the pace of your speech helps keep your presentation lively. Quickening the pace when discussing exciting developments or slowing down when explaining complex ideas can help maintain interest. For example, when introducing a new concept, slow your pace to allow the audience to absorb the information.

Pauses are equally powerful. A well-timed pause after a key point gives the audience a moment to ponder the significance of what you’ve just said. It might feel like this: “The results of this study were groundbreaking. (pause) They completely shifted our understanding of…”. Pauses also give you a moment to collect your thoughts, adding to your overall composure and control of the room.

How should one introduce their group during a presentation?

You might say something like, “Let me introduce my amazing team: Alex, our researcher, Jamie, our designer, and Sam, the developer. Together, we’ve spent the last few months creating something truly special for you.”

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  • 8 Templates: A Perfect Letter of Recommendation
  • 100 Performance Review Phrases for Job Knowledge, Judgment, Listening Skills
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  • Interactive Presentation

Less is More: 15+ Brilliantly Simple Presentation Examples to Nail Every Event

Leah Nguyen • 08 April, 2024 • 8 min read

While spending time making a beautiful, well-crafted slide design that makes your audience's jaws drop to the floor is a good idea, in reality, we often don't have that much time.

Making a presentation and presenting it to the team, the client, or the boss is just one of the countless tasks we'll have to juggle for a day, and if you're doing it on a daily basis, you'd want the presentation to be simple and concise.

In this blog, we'll give you simple presentation examples plus tips and trips to help you rock the talk in style.

Table of Contents

Simple powerpoint presentation example, simple pitch deck template example, simple business plan presentation sample, simple powerpoint presentation examples for students, tips for giving a simple presentation, frequently asked questions, more tips on interactive presentation.

  • Presentation Format: How To Make An Outstanding Presentation
  • 220++ Easy Topics for Presentation of all Ages
  • Complete Guide to Interactive Presentations
  • Ted Talks Presentation
  • Presentations examples in powerpoint

Alternative Text

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Simple presentation example - How-to guide

PowerPoint presentations are so versatile in applications that you can use them in almost any scenario, from university lectures to business pitching, the possibilities are endless. Here are some simple PowerPoint presentation examples that require minimal slides and design elements:

Introduction - 3-5 slides with your name, topic overview, agenda. Use simple slide layouts, and large titles.

  • Informational - 5-10 slides conveying facts through bullet points, images. Stick to 1 idea per slide in headlines and subheads.
  • How-To Guide - 5+ slides demonstrating steps visually. Use screenshots and keep the text concise per slide.
  • Meeting Recap - 3-5 slides summarising discussions, next steps, assignments. Bullet points work best.

Simple presentation example - Meeting recap

  • Job Interview - 5-10 slides highlighting your qualifications, backgrounds, referrals. Customise the template with your photo.
  • Announcement - 2-3 slides alerting others to news, deadlines, events. Large font, minimal clip art if any.
  • Photo Report - 5-10 slides of images telling a story. 1-2 sentences of context beneath each.
  • Progress Update - 3-5 slides tracking work to date through metrics, graphs, screenshots against goals.

Simple presentation example - Progress update

Thank You - 1-2 slides expressing gratitude for an opportunity or event. Personalised the template.

When you're pitching your project to investors, a simple presentation will win the heart of these busy businessmen. An example of a simple pitch deck template that could be used for early-stage startups would be like this:

business presentation examples for students

  • Slide 1 - Title, company name, tagline.
  • Slide 2 - Problem & solution: Clearly define the problem your product/service solves & explain your proposed solution concisely.
  • Slide 3 - Product/Service: Describe the core features and benefits of your offering, illustrate usability through screenshots or diagrams.
  • Slide 4 - Market: Define your target customer and the size of the potential market, highlight trends and tailwinds in the industry.

business presentation examples for students

  • Slide 5 - Business model: Describe your revenue model and projections, explain how you will acquire and retain customers.
  • Slide 6 - Competition: Note top competitors and how you differentiate, highlight any competitive advantages.
  • Slide 7 - Traction: Provide metrics showing early progress or pilot results, share customer testimonials or case studies if possible.

business presentation examples for students

  • Slide 8 - Team: Introduce co-founders and advisory board members, highlight relevant experience and expertise.
  • Slide 9 - Milestones & Use of Funds: List key milestones and timeline for product launch, detail how funds from investors will be allocated.
  • Slide 10 - Financials: Provide basic 3-5 year financial projections, summarise your fundraising request and offering terms.
  • Slide 11 - Closing: Thank the investors for their time and consideration. Reiterate your solution, market opportunity, and team.

For the business plan, the goal is to clearly present the opportunity and gain investors' support. Here is a simple presentation example that captures all the essence of the business aspects:

Simple presentation example - Business plan

  • Slide 1 - Introduction: Introduce yourself/team briefly.
  • Slide 2 - Business Overview: State the name and purpose of the business, briefly describe the product/service, capture the market opportunity and target customers.
  • Slide 3+4 - Operations Plan: Describe how the business will operate on a day-to-day basis, summarise the production/delivery process, highlight any competitive advantages in operations.
  • Slide 5+6 - Marketing Plan: Outline the marketing strategy, describe how customers will be reached and acquired, detail promotional activities planned.

business presentation examples for students

  • Slide 7+8 - Financial Projections: Share projected financial numbers (revenue, expenses, profits), highlight key assumptions used, show the expected return on investment.
  • Slide 9+10 - Future Plans: Discuss plans for growth and expansion, outline capital needed and intended use of funds, invite questions and next steps.
  • Slide 11 - Close: Thank the audience for their time and consideration, provide contact details for the next steps.

As a student, you will have to make presentations and present them regularly in class. These simple PowerPoint presentation examples will work well for student projects:

  • Book Report - Include title, author, summary of plot/characters, and your opinion on a few slides.

Simple presentation example - Book report

  • Science Experiment - Introduction, hypothesis, method, results, conclusion each on their own slide. Include photos if possible.
  • History Report - Pick 3-5 important dates/events, have a slide for each with 2-3 bullet points summarising what happened.
  • Compare/Contrast - Choose 2-3 topics, have a slide for each with bullet points comparing the similarities and differences.

business presentation examples for students

  • Movie Review - Title, genre, director, short summary, your review and rating on a 1-5 scale slide.
  • Biographical Presentation - Title slide, 3-5 slides each on important dates, accomplishments, and life events in order.
  • How-To Presentation - Demonstrate instructions for something step-by-step over 4-6 slides using images and text.

Simple presentation example - How-to presentation

Keep the language simple, utilise visuals when possible, and limit each slide to 5-7 bullet points or less for ease of following along.

Delivering an outstanding presentation is no easy feat, but here are the best tips for you to get down to it quickly:

  • A sweet start with icebreaker games , or general knowledge quiz questions , choosing randomly by spinner wheel !
  • Keep it concise. Limit your presentation to 10 slides or less.
  • Have crisp, well-formatted slides with ample whitespace and few words per slide.
  • Use headers to clearly separate different sections.
  • Supplement your points with relevant graphics/images.
  • Bullet point your content rather than long paragraphs of text.
  • Limit each bullet point to 1 short idea/sentence and 5-7 lines max per slide.
  • Rehearse your presentation until you can discuss without reading slides verbatim.
  • Don't cram too much info into slides, present key highlights concisely.
  • Practice your timing to evenly pace yourself within any time constraints.
  • State conclusions clearly and leave slides visible as you answer questions.
  • Bring a paper handout if further detail is needed but not crucial to your talk.
  • Consider interactive elements like online quiz , a poll , mock debate or audience Q&A to involve them.
  • Gather feedback live from audience, with brainstorm tool , word cloud or an idea board !

The goal is to thoughtfully entertain as much as educate through an engaging style and dynamic delivery. Questions mean you succeeded, so smile at the chaos you created. End on a high note that’ll have them buzzing like bees for weeks to come!

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What are the examples of presentation?

Some examples of simple presentation topics you could do:

  • How to care for a new pet (include different animal types)
  • Safety tips for social media use
  • Comparing breakfast foods from around the world
  • Instructions for a simple science experiment
  • Book or movie review and recommendation
  • How to play a popular sport or game

What is a good 5 minute presentation?

Here are some ideas for effective 5-minute presentations:

  • Book Review - Introduce the book, discuss the main characters and plot, and give your opinion in 4-5 slides.
  • News Update - Summarise 3-5 current events or news stories in 1-2 slides each with images.
  • Profile of an Inspirational Person - Introduce their background and accomplishments in 4 well-crafted slides.
  • Product Demonstration - Showcase the features and benefits of a product in 5 engaging slides.

What is the easiest topic for presentation?

The easiest topics for a simple presentation could be about:

  • Yourself - Give a brief introduction and background about who you are.
  • Your favourite hobby or interests - Share what you enjoy doing in your spare time.
  • Your hometown/country - Highlight a few interesting facts and places.
  • Your education/career goals - Outline what you want to study or do.
  • A past class project - Recap what you learned from something you've already done.

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

Words that convert, stories that stick. I turn complex ideas into engaging narratives - helping audiences learn, remember, and take action.

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business presentation examples for students

Business Presentation Examples to Help You Improve Your Presentation Skills

Delivering a presentation at work. It’s a task few look forward to.

Regardless, delivering business presentations may be part of your job at times. Examples of common business presentations include:

  • Sales presentations
  • Pitches to investors
  • Training sessions
  • Status updates
  • Project reviews
  • Strategy summaries
  • Marketing events

Don’t worry if standing in front of an audience and presenting on a topic that could impact your employment worries you. You’re not alone. Many feel anxiety when tasked with giving speeches in front of others. However, experts point out that cultivating one’s skills in this area can  play a significant role  in professional success across a range of industries.

There are many ways to become more comfortable with presenting in front of colleagues, supervisors, investors, etc. One is to simply study effective strategies for common business presentation examples, such as the following:

Business Presentation Examples to Study and Learn From

The video-based onboarding example.

Video presentations are becoming increasingly common in the age of remote work and dispersed teams. Of course, video content can still be quite valuable during in-person speeches and meetings as well.

Luckily, by using a presentation maker that allows you to incorporate video, you can generate creative visual content that may engage your audience more effectively than a generic speech.

One common type of company presentation that benefits from the use of video is an  onboarding presentation . With video, companies can provide all new hires with a consistent onboarding experience. 

Don’t underestimate the value of this! Research indicates that effective onboarding has a  positive impact  on employee retention.

Try some of these onboarding video templates:

business presentation examples for students

The Product Demonstration With Audience Involvement

Some products are fairly simple and intuitive. The moment a potential customer “meets” your product, they understand what it does and why it may be useful.

Other products are different. It may not be immediately clear to a customer what function they serve.

Pitching such products to investors and customers often requires demonstrating them. This is another instance in which video is helpful, as a video demonstration of a product will be free of errors that you could make during an in-person demonstration if you’re nervous.

That’s not to say you should rely solely on video in these circumstances. For instance, after screening a video demonstration showing how to use a product, you may invite audience members to test out the product themselves. This results in an engaging and interactive presentation.

The Project Update

This may be one of the most familiar business presentation examples no matter what your industry is. If your superiors, clients, or fellow team members need an update on the status of a project, they might require you to provide an update via a slideshow, informal speech, or similar means.

The challenge in this scenario is to capture and keep the attention of your audience while discussing what might not be the most exciting subject matter. Ways you can do so include:

  • Using animation to illustrate complex topics or to give life to otherwise bland infographics or graphs
  • Not packing too much information on an individual slide during a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation
  • Focusing on a pain point to immediately demonstrate to an audience why the content of your presentation is of interest to them
  • Telling a story to add narrative heft to an update while still expressing your main points

business presentation examples for students

The Pitch Deck

A pitch deck is typically a presentation you might give to investors to explain why they should fund your business or product. Without their investments, you might not have the resources necessary to translate your ideas into realities. Thus, you need to prepare thoroughly, ensuring your slide deck is thorough and that you are prepared to answer any questions potential investors may have.

Tips to improve the quality of this type of presentation include:

Maintain a consistent visual theme so that your fonts, color palette, and other such elements reflect your brand without overwhelming a viewer Focus on concision, using bullet points and other such methods to ensure you’re not wasting the time of busy investors Conduct thorough research to include realistic financial projections Consider using a template to simplify the process of actually creating your slide deck Highlight the qualifications of yourself and your fellow team members Bonus tip: Use an online presentation maker to create a fully digital version of your presentation to share with investors who you may be unable to meet in person.

The Case Study or Project Review

Just as you may sometimes have to update your team on the status of an ongoing project, once you’ve completed a project, you may have to deliver a presentation covering what went right, what went wrong, and what you can learn from the experience to improve future projects.

Once again, telling a story during such a presentation can make it more entertaining and informative for those watching you. The human brain is essentially wired to pay more attention to certain information when it’s presented in narrative form.

Other ways this business presentation example can be optimized include:

  • Create an animated presentation to illustrate what you might otherwise struggle to put into words
  • Use your own images instead of relying on stock photos to illustrate the actual, specific work you and your team members put into this project
  • Highlight practical achievements, such as how your work on this project yielded an increase in sales
  • Use a presentation template if you’re not confident in your ability to organize all the important information properly

Most of all, remember that developing your business presentation skills requires practice. By studying effective strategies for these common business presentation examples and analyzing your strengths and weaknesses as a public speaker, you’ll cultivate a natural sense of self-assuredness.

The Ideal Presentation Tool for Your Needs: Powtoon’s Presentation Maker

Using the right tools can make improving the quality of your own presentations much easier than you’re accustomed to. Powtoon, designed to simplify the process of making videos and presentations for everyone from experts to amateurs, offers everything you need. It allows you to customize business presentation templates, easily generate presentation videos, and more, allowing you to focus on other aspects of preparation. Learn more about what this presentation design tool can do for you by  signing up for free  today.

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Building a Presentation for Business: Best Practices

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business presentation examples for students

Some folks relish the opportunity. Others dread it.

Whichever you are, if you're going to succeed in the professional world, you're probably going to have to create and deliver a business presentation at least once.

Building a presentation that impresses your colleagues and supervisors is something anyone can do—so long as they have the right tools, the right mindset, and a good plan.

Whether you're a new student or are in the middle of a lifelong career, it never hurts to brush up on your business presentation skills. After all, there's always room to improve.

Planning and preparing.

Proper planning and preparation are essential when you're building a presentation and looking to leave a good impression. Even if your improvisational skills are terrific, you'll need to at least have an outline of what your business presentation will look and sound like.

Creating a slideshow in Microsoft PowerPoint or a similar presentation program will effectively put your notecards right there on the screen. But don't depend solely on your slides. Instead of writing out line-by-line everything you plan to say, put a balanced mix of images and bullet points on the slides, and use those to help you remember what comes next.

It also helps to learn as much as you can about your audience. Who'll be listening to your presentation? What positions do they hold? Are they likely to be agreeable, neutral, or hostile to your viewpoint? Find out, then tailor your presentation to them.

Practice makes perfect.

Having your slides prepared is an important step, but don't forget the three P's: practice, practice, practice. This includes anticipating the questions your audience will ask and crafting informed responses.

Familiarize yourself with the environment and the equipment, too. If you're presenting from home via a web conference , make sure that what your audience sees on their screens—including what's behind you—is professional and neutral, and not distracting. If you're presenting in person, test out the equipment and arrange the seating, if you can, so that you will be the focus of attention during the presentation.

Embed your presentation with opportunities for the audience to participate. Just because it's a business presentation doesn't mean that it can't be fun and dynamic. Don't just ask questions; prepare individual, partner, and small-group activities for your audience. Make them fun, and you'll leave a lasting impression

During and after the presentation.

You've probably already heard the clichés about maintaining eye contact, using natural hand gestures, and varying the pitch and tone of your voice to keep the presentation interesting. Well, sometimes clichés are true for a reason: These tips still hold true, particularly in a business setting, where you can't afford to lose your audience's attention.

To practice your presentation polish, record yourself practicing your presentation and watch it later. Research published by Lincoln University found that participants who recorded their oral presentations noticed where they could improve: 47.5% of them found that they needed to make more consistent eye contact, and 22% were "surprised by their hand movement and recognized that their body language was not appropriate."

If you start to feel anxious during your presentation, slow down your breathing. You might be surprised to discover how effective this technique can be at slowing down your heart rate and convincing your mind that everything will be all right—which is true, so long as you believe it.

Finally, don't forget to solicit audience feedback after you've wrapped up your presentation. Your colleagues or a current or potential employer will probably appreciate the opportunity to give you some constructive criticism, and you'll gain valuable insight that you put into your next presentation.

Relax—and go for it.

If you've planned, prepared, and practiced, just take a few deep breaths and know that you've done all you can. Let the words flow from you, and try to enjoy the experience. 

Business presentations don't have to be stodgy or intimidating. The best ones reflect your personality. If you can get that across, then it's a success by any measure.

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