Road Accident Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on road accident.

Essay on Road Accident: Road accidents have become very common nowadays. As more and people are buying automobiles, the incidences of road accidents are just increasing day by day. Furthermore, people have also become more careless now. Not many people follow the traffic rules. Especially in big cities, there are various modes of transports. Moreover, the roads are becoming narrower and the cities have become more populated.

Essay on Road Accident

Thus, road accidents are bound to happen. You pick up a newspaper and you will find at least one or two news about road accidents daily. They cause loss of life as well as material. People need to be more careful when on the road, no matter which mode of transport you are from. Even the ones on foot are not safe because of the rise in these incidences. Every day people witness accidents in the news, from relatives and even with their own eyes.

Road Accident Incident

Once I was on my way back home from festive shopping when I witnessed a road accident. I was with my sister and it was around 6 o’ clock in the evening. In the middle of the road, we saw a crowd surrounding something. We weren’t quite sure what was happening as the first thought that came to our mind was that it was probably a quarrel between two men. However, when we reached the spot, we found out an accident had taken place.

an accident essay with quotation

Subsequently, the police arrived as the people had caught the driver and were beating him up. After the police came, they caught hold of the driver and asked about the incident. Later, we came to know that the driver was drunk. The police detained him and went to the hospital for a statement. Fortunately, the driver was declared out of danger. The doctors dressed his wounds and informed that he was still in shock.

That incident made me realize how precious our lives are. In addition, as to how we take it for granted. We must all be very careful when on road, on foot or by a car that does not matter. We can adopt measures that will prevent road accidents.

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Road Accident Prevention

We need to prevent road accidents to decrease the death rate. Every year thousands of people lose their lives to road accidents. Children must be taught from an early age about traffic rules. They must be taught the value of life and how they can safeguard it.

Moreover, the government must pass more stringent laws for people who disobey traffic rules. They must fine people heavily or take strict action when found guilty of breaking these laws irrespective of gender.

Similarly, parents must set an example for the younger ones by not using phones while driving. Also, they must always wear their helmets and seatbelts to avoid the chances of an accident.

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Essay on Accident

Students are often asked to write an essay on Accident in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Accident

Understanding accidents.

Accidents are unexpected events. They can happen anywhere, anytime. Accidents can cause harm to people or damage to things. They can be small, like spilling milk, or big, like a car crash. Accidents are not planned or wanted.

Types of Accidents

There are many types of accidents. Road accidents are common. They involve cars, bikes, or pedestrians. Home accidents can include falls or burns. Work accidents can happen in factories or offices. Accidents can also occur in sports and games.

Causes of Accidents

Accidents can happen for many reasons. Carelessness or not paying attention often cause accidents. Bad weather or broken equipment can also lead to accidents. Sometimes, accidents happen because of bad luck.

Preventing Accidents

We can prevent accidents. Being careful and paying attention can help. Following rules and using safety gear are also important. Regular checks on equipment can prevent accidents too. Let’s all try to avoid accidents.

Dealing with Accidents

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250 Words Essay on Accident

What is an accident.

An accident is an unexpected event that often results in harm or damage. It can happen anywhere, at any time. It is not planned or intended. Accidents can involve people, vehicles, buildings, or other things in the environment.

There are many types of accidents. Car accidents are common and can cause injury or even death. Slips and falls are another type of accident that can happen at home or in public places. Accidents can also happen at work, like when someone gets hurt using a machine.

Accidents often happen because of mistakes or carelessness. For example, a car accident might happen because a driver is not paying attention to the road. Or a person might fall because they are not looking where they are going. Sometimes, accidents happen because of things we can’t control, like bad weather.

We can’t stop all accidents, but we can try to prevent them. Paying attention to what we are doing can help. Following rules and safety guidelines is also important. For example, wearing a seatbelt can prevent injuries in a car accident. Using safety equipment at work can prevent accidents there.

500 Words Essay on Accident

An accident is an unexpected event that often results in injury, damage, or loss. It can happen anywhere, anytime, and to anyone. Accidents can involve cars, bikes, people, or even objects. They are often sudden and can be very scary.

There are many types of accidents. Car accidents are very common. They happen when cars collide with each other or hit something like a tree or a wall. Bicycle accidents can occur when a cyclist falls off their bike or collides with a car or pedestrian. Slips and falls are accidents that often happen at home or in public places. They can cause injuries like broken bones or bruises.

While we can’t stop all accidents, there are things we can do to lower the chance of them happening. Being careful and aware of our surroundings can help. For example, looking both ways before crossing the street can prevent getting hit by a car. Wearing safety gear like helmets when riding a bike can protect us if we fall. Regularly checking and maintaining our equipment can also prevent accidents caused by faults or failures.

Effects of Accidents

Accidents can have a big impact. They can cause physical injuries like cuts, bruises, or broken bones. Some accidents can even cause death. Accidents can also affect our mental health. They can cause fear, stress, or trauma. Accidents can also lead to financial problems. They can cause damage that costs money to fix, or result in medical bills if someone is injured.

Learning from Accidents

In conclusion, accidents are unexpected events that can cause harm. They can be caused by many things and can have a big impact. But with care and awareness, we can lower the chance of accidents happening, and learn valuable lessons when they do occur. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, and every accident avoided is a potential tragedy prevented.

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Essay on an accident I saw

Essay on an Accident I saw| Description of A Car Accident Essay

The experience you had in your life of watching an accident is a personal story that describes the incident chronologically and the lessons you take from it.

These are two examples: an essay on an accident I saw; sharing a personal story; and learning from a road accident you encountered in life.

Table of Contents

Pro tips: While you write an essay on any personal story, always present the fact that the story’s influence on your life.

Essay on an Accident I saw points:

  • Introduction
  • Eyewitness experience
  • My immediate reaction
  • Reflecting on the Consequences
  • The impact on me

Short Essay on an Accident I Saw

On a regular day, I was returning from school. It was a hot summer day, and the road was clean and traffic-free. Suddenly, listen to a loud sound: a bike hits an SUV car, and the biker falls onto the road.

Immediately, I ran to the biker. He was without a helmet and heavily injured in the head. Meanwhile, the driver of the car came out and started scolding the biker. I stopped the driver and said, This is the time to help, not fight. I requested that he call an ambulance a few minutes later to the hospital.

This accident experience will stay with me for the rest of my life. This experience taught me the importance of helmets and road safety.

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Long Essay on an Accident I Saw

The time was early morning on winter’s foggy day. The road was fully covered by fog, and there was not any traffic on the road.

I woke up early that day for my study. I was studying at my table when I suddenly heard the loud sound of someone shouting. I opened my window and saw that somebody had crashed his car into the wall beside the road.

Immediately I ran to that car, and two of my neighbours reached the car, and we together brought the driver outside of the car. He was bleeding from his head and had several other injuries to his body.

The driver had not worn a seatbelt, and that led to several injuries. I called an ambulance within 5 minutes, and it reached and took him to the hospital. In the evening, the police took his car out.

I remember this terrible experience from that accident. It happened so fast that I just can’t believe it in my eyes. This accident reminds me about road safety and the importance of consciousness when driving.

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9. Creation of Awareness About Road Accidents

10. Alarming Rate of Fatal Road Accidents in Malaysia

11. The Evolution of Detection Devices: Smart Accident Device

12. Lost In The Great Smokies: Mystery Surrounding Disappearance Of Three Boys

13. Implausible Adventures of Euglena: the First-Person Narrative of an Algae

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Top 20 a Road Accident Essay Quotations

an accident essay with quotation

  • February 1, 2024

Kainat Shakeel

Road accidents have become a current concern in our society, causing ruinous consequences that extend beyond the immediate incident. This essay explores the colorful aspects of road accidents, from their causes to forestallment measures and their impact on lives. 

Causes of Road Accidents

  • Distracted Driving 

One of the leading causes of road accidents is distracted driving. The use of mobile phones, conforming to the radio, or indeed eating while driving diverts attention from the road. 

Excessive speed is a significant contributor to accidents. Speed limits live for a reason, and exceeding them jeopardizes the safety of everyone on the road. 

  • Drunk Driving 

Driving under the influence of alcohol or medicines poses severe trouble. disabled judgment and delayed response times contribute to accidents. 

  • Poor Road Conditions 

Poor road conservation, lack of signage, and inadequately designed corners contribute to accidents. Addressing these issues is pivotal for overall road safety. 

Quotes on Road Accident

  • ” In the blink of an eye, lives can change forever on the road.”
  • ” A moment’s distraction can lead to a continuance of remorse.”
  • ” The road does not forgive, and accidents do not forget.”
  • ” Behind every statistic is a mortal story, altered by a road accident.”
  • ” The scars of a road accident go beyond the visible damage.”
  • ” Speed limits aren’t suggestions; they are a commitment to safety.”
  • ” Driving responsibly is a pledge to cover not just your life but the lives around you.”
  • ” Road accidents shatter the vision of invincibility.”
  • ” Every crash is a lesson in the fragility of life.”
  • ” In the race of life, the finish line isn’t worth the threat of reckless driving.”
  • ” The road is a participated space; let’s make it a safe one for everyone.”
  • ” Glasses show us where we have been, but responsibility attendants us where we are going.”
  • ” Two seconds of distraction can lead to a continuance of consequences.”
  • ” Drive as if every auto around you carries someone you love.”
  • ” Road safety isn’t just a rule; it’s a responsibility.”
  • ” No textbook is worth a life. Do not let your phone drive your opinions.”
  • ” It takes only a moment to make a bad choice on the road, but a continuance to recover from its impact.”
  • ” A crash is the result of conduct, but the fate requires responses.”
  • ” Road accidents do not distinguish; they can be to anyone, at any time.”
  • ” The sound of tires screaming is a memorial to pay attention, not a soundtrack to tragedy.”
  • ” An accident does not just leave descent marks on the pavement; it leaves an unforgettable mark on the soul.”
  • ” Road accidents aren’t accidents; they are the result of choices made on the road.”
  • ” A road accident is a collision of paths, frequently with ruinous consequences.”
  • ” Road safety is a participated responsibility; let’s not let each other down.”
  • ” The road is a classroom; wisdom is learning without having to endure a crash.”
  • ” It’s not just about arriving safely; it’s about ensuring everyone differently does too.”

In conclusion, addressing road accidents requires a multifaceted approach involving individualities, communities, governments, and transnational collaboration. By understanding the causes, enforcing preventative measures, and fostering a culture of responsibility, we can inclusively strive towards safer roads.

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Kainat Shakeel is a versatile SEO-Content Writer and Digital Marketer with a keen understanding of tech news, digital market trends, fashion, technology, laws, and regulations. As a storyteller in the digital realm, she weaves narratives that bridge the gap between technology and human experiences. With a passion for staying at the forefront of industry trends, her blog is a curated space where the worlds of fashion, tech, and legal landscapes converge.

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The Accident Quotes

The Accident by Elie Wiesel

(approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page)

"They had known how to fight hunger, conquer fear, and outmaneuver the myriad perils that had plagued them during the reign of Night. But once the world had more or less returned to 'normal,' they gave up." Preface

"You see, Doctor, what people say is true: man carries his fiercest enemy within himself." Section 1, pg. 22

"To talk to a stranger is like talking to stars: it doesn't commit you." Section 4, pg. 45

"Suffering brings out the most cowardly in man. There is a phase of suffering you reach beyond which you become a brute: beyond it you will sell your soul - and worse, the souls of your friends - for a piece of bread, for some warmth, for a moment of oblivion, of sleep. Saints are those who die before the end of the story. The others, those who live out their destiny, no longer dare look...

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an accident essay with quotation

An Accident | A road accident | FA/FSC

Essay on road accident with quotations for students.

Before writing an essay on road accident you should have some brainstorm idea in mind. First you must discuss the definition of the accident. Afterwards write the description in which you should mention about the numbers of road accidents being faced daily in our country, your plan to visit somewhere, incident of road accident and your feelings about that accidents. Also mentioned the reasons of increasing numbers of road accidents day by day. Also use the rich vocabulary and good grammar.

A Road Accident Essay with Quotes for Matric, F.A, FSC, 2nd Year, B.A, BSC for Examinations

The word ‘ACCIDENT’ can be defined as damaging happening from human recklessness. It can also be defined as a sudden detrimental happening mostly triggered by human carelessness.  This often happens due to human violation of immutable laws.  Life is not a bed of roses.  It is indeed uncertain, fleeting and unpredictable.  Man is subject to unforeseen incidents.  Human is exceedingly conscious to adopt adequate measures for his security and safety.  But in spite of his efforts and struggle, he cannot escape from the clutches of ‘Nature, red in tooth and claw’.  In short human cannot escape from the fate.  We daily observe accidents of various kinds occurring at different places all around the world.  Thousands of the people lose their precious lives in these accidents and many others are crippled for the rest of their lives.  They moan, sob, weep and wail but unseen hand of fate does not take pity on them. 

Perhaps their surging stream of human blood is not enough to satiate the unquenchable thirst of furious fate.  Shakespeare said:

   “As flies wanton boys are we to the gods,    They kill us for their sport”

Accidents are always terrible, pathetic, distressing and heart-rending. The accident that I am going to narrate is tragically terrible and dreadful.  Once I made a program with my friends to spend a few days in the comforting company of nature in Swat valley.  The preparations were finalized within two days.  On the third day, we started off our journey at dawn.  All of us were excited and thrilled about our adventure. The journey to Peshawar was tremendously tiresome as we had to travel in the scorching heat of summer.  After having a brief rest at Peshawar, we decided to proceed immediately to our destination.  We hired a jeep and after a couple of hours were creeping at the scary road of Malakand pass. 

The scenery around was amazingly captivating and mesmerizing.  Lush green trees and flowery bushes were growing in abundance on the slopes of hills.  Thin fleece-like clouds floating in the sky were playing hide and seek with sun.  Cool gentle breeze was growing from the green hills. It fanned our faces and lifted our spirits.  The road winding around the cliffs looked somewhat scary.  But the sensation of excitement made the journey pleasant and delightful. 

“Road sense is the offspring of courtesy and the parent of safety.” (Australian Traffic)

We were entirely absorbed in that magical scenery when the deafening noise of horns of two buses brought us back to our world.  The two buses overtook us at the breakneck speed.  The reckless drivers did not know that they were engaged in death-race.  All of the sudden a truck appeared from the curve of a cliff collided with one of the buses.  There was a loud bang and the vehicles jammed into each other.  The second fast flying bus also crashed against them and the three vehicles rolled down the slope at a terrific speed into the deep gorge below.  It was a horribly harrowing scene.  The heartbreaking shrieks of ill-starred passengers echoed back from the hills. 

We got down the jeep and rushed to the spot to help the passengers but the downward slope was so steep that no one could get down to the vehicles below.  After a desperate struggle we managed to approach the place where these vehicles were lying utterly smashed.  No one had survived.  All the passengers had died then and there.  Their blood stained bodies were lying around.  No one was found sobbing and crying.  It was a terrible sight.  Human flesh and blood was visible at the arid stones all around.  Everyone was horror-struck.  The shock crippled all of us.  Neither could we speak nor move nor cry.  Soon the police and district administration arrived to take away the corpses.  We could stand it no longer.  We cancelled our program and returned with heavy hearts. 

“When you. gamble with safety, you bet your life.” (Charles Dickens)

The effect of that accident was so shocking that whenever I recollect this regrettable accident I become deeply depressed.  May the departed souls be blessed with eternal joys of heaven! Ameen. 

This essay can be written as Essay on A Bus Accident for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

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Road Accident Quotes | Quotes About Accident Essay

Road Accident Quotes. 100+ Quotes about Road Accident

100+ Quotes About Road Accident Essay 

Road accident quotes.

1 In life, more than in anything else, it isn’t easy to end up alive
2 Accidents happen. Our bones shatter, our skin splits, our hearts break. We burn, we drown, we stay alive
3 After being bombarded endlessly by road-safety propaganda it was almost a relief to find myself in an actual accident
4 Accident is the name of greatest of all inventors
5 I don’t believe in accidents. There are only encounters in history. There are no accidents
6             Misfortunes one can endure – they come from outside, they are accidents. But to suffer for one’s own faults – Ah! there is the sting of life
7             Accidents will occur in the best-regulated families; and in families not regulated by that pervading influence which sanctifies while it enhances… in short, by the influence of Woman, in the lofty character of Wife, they may be expected with confidence, and must be borne with philosophy
8 I swear, the best things come to me by accident! Or should I say, effortless destiny?
9 No, it wasn’t an accident, I didn’t say that. It was carefully planned, down to the tiniest mechanical and emotional detail. But it was a mistake
10             Accidents are not accidents but precise arrivals at the wrong right time.
11 By accident of fortune a man may rule the world for a time, but by virtue of love he may rule the world forever
12             Accidents will occur in the best-regulated families
13 Human life, its growth, its hopes, fears, loves, et cetera, are the result of accidents
14             And it is great to do that thing that ends all other deeds, Which shackles accidents, and bolts up change.
15             Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, But beautiful old people are works of art
16 On that walk around the building, two sets of cops coming out stopped to tell our guys to hustle us inside so they could head back out on the road. Accidents everywhere. A pileup on

each of two major roads. “Welcome to winter,” one said. “When fifty percent of drivers should have their licenses temporarily suspended.

17             Andy was receptive, like a deep vessel into which life was poured. If this terrible particular thing hadn’t been poured into her, she would have been happier–it goes without saying–but less of a person. She was filled out by her fate. I actually think that this is quite rare, the capacity to become the whole shape of the accidents that happen to you.
18             Literature, art, like civilization itself, are only accidents.
19 Get out, but don’t cause unneeded accidents.”
20 In so many ways, his family’s life feels like a string of accidents, unforeseen, unintended, one incident begetting another. It had started with his father’s train wreck, paralyzing him at first, later inspiring him to move as far as possible, to make a new life on the other side of the world. There was the disappearance of the name Gogol’s great-grandmother had chosen for him, lost in the mail somewhere between Calcutta and Cambridge. This had led, in turn, to the accident of his being named Gogol, defining and distressing him for so many years. He had tried to correct that randomness, that error. And yet it had not been possible to reinvent himself fully, to break from that mismatched name. His marriage had been something of a misstep as well. And the way his father had slipped away from them, that had been the worst accident of all, as if the preparatory work of death had been done long ago, the night he was nearly killed, and all that was left for him was one day, quietly, to go. And yet these events have formed Gogol, shaped him, determined who he is. They were things for which it was impossible to prepare but which one spent a lifetime looking back at, trying to accept, interpret, comprehend. Things that should never have happened, that seemed out of place and wrong, these were what prevailed, what endured, in the end.”
21 The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances
22 I’m hoping the backlash is over. We’ve been going through that for the past eight years
23 Ugly accidents happen . . . always have and always will. But the failures are swept back into the pile and forgotten. They don`t leave any lasting scar in the world, and they don`t affect the future. The things that last are the good things. The people who forge ahead and do something, they really count.
24 With the accidents that have been happening on Blue Diamond, we’ve been talking with NDOT (Nevada Department of Transportation) on things we can do
25             I think it’s going to increase the number of accidents. People are going to turn anyway without the benefit of the left turn signal, and we’ll see some lovely broadsides, probably some fatalities.
26 There were very few accidents of any significance
27             Being younger than someone has the tendency to leave you with the belief that you will outlive them.
28 Perhaps it was an accident, I told myself. Perhaps he didn’t mean to expose himself to me deliberately.

But then again, wasn’t he the very same person who told our class that there were no accidents or coincidences? That every action we make creates a ripple in the universe which meant that all actions are interconnected?

29 Sometimes, tragic accidents happen by design
30 There are more wrecks out of the ocean than in.
31             Accidents—you never have them till you’re having them.”


32 I don’t believe you should just be able to shoot; I think there would be too many accidents that should never have happened.
33 The State Highway Patrol has responded to more than 3,000 weather-related accidents since Wednesday, … We still urge people to take care on secondary roads and in rural areas. And especially at night in freezing temperatures it will be very dangerous on the highways of North Carolina tonight.
34 Since you cannot do good to all, you are to pay special attention to those who, by the accidents of time, or place, or circumstances, are brought into closer connection with you
35 Be Alert, Accidents hurt.
36 Road sense is the offspring of courtesy and the parent of safety.
37 Accidents, and particularly street and highway accidents, do not happen they are caused.
38 Chance takers are accident makers.” “Know safety, no injury. No safety, know injury.
39 The Mysterie and chief Matter of all the Covenants of Faith, whether Covenants of Promise or New Covenant, though for Accidents and Circumstances it be very variously represented, yet for essence and Substance it is only one and the same, viz. The Recovery of lapsed Sinners from Sin and Death, to Righteousness and life by JESUS CHRIST alone through Faith. The same CHRIST, the same Faith, The same Recovery of lapsed sinners by Christ through Faith is Revealed in all the Covenants of Faith, but in every of them diversly.
40             Destiny is surely propelled by desires. Desires push and pull you to make big moves and landslide changes, but they don’t propel you to the people who will help shape those desires. The street directions of our life’s path are difficult to read. They aren’t intuitive… they’re the product of the minutiae of our daily lives: accidental meetings and chances that happen while you’re getting fed or finding shelter. And on the road, that means the influence of complete strangers.
41 I have seen ideas that work on paper not work in the field. But I have never seen an idea that does not work on paper work in the field.
42 When things consistently go wrong you know you’re living in the real world.
43 When you gamble with safety, you bet your life.
44 Prepare and prevent, don’t repair and repent.
45 The steering wheel is turned by the driver, not the indicator, or the road sign.
46 Nothing is an accident,’ Pauline would say, again and again.
47             Sometimes those little accidents are done on purpose
48 We are accidental people occupying an accidental planet in an accidental universe.
49 Millions of deaths would not have happened if it weren’t for the consumption of alcohol. The same can be said about millions of births.
50 They’re funny things, Accidents. You never have them till you’re having them.
51 Not everyone who has killed themselves because they were HIV positive would have been killed by AIDS.
52 Some people would not be dead if they have not gotten the things or people they had prayed for.
53 I think irradiating pilots with WiFi radio frequency (RF) radiation is really going to hit about five years from now as ‘Delayed Radiation Complications’ show up. I am expecting to see increased airplane accidents & crashes for various reasons starting in 2020 onward.
54 Enjoy without injury, live without loss.
55 Just because you’ve a best Insurance, doesn’t mean you’ve to collide intentionally.
56 Accidents are like death. Waiting for us everywhere. Inevitable. Unavoidable. Plan as we might, they defy our planning.
57 Comfort without action is only discomfort and dissatisfaction in latent action. It always seems we shall have a good tomorrow until a bad tomorrow comes
58 So easy to go sailing off this road. A wonder more folks didn’t. All that space, waiting.
59 Accidents and sicknesses are accepted as deserved retribution by the person who has feelings of guilt.
60 When the train stays on the tracks you don’t ask why.
61 We have to accept that there are certain things in our life that are inescapable. These are the things that come natural to us and are necessary to our existence.
62 There are no such things as accidents. Only fate redesigned.
63 Most people neglect their lives and allow all kinds of accidents, mishaps and misfortunes to happen to them.
64 Accidents happen. That’s what everyone says. But in a quantum universe there are no such things as accidents, only possibilities and probabilities folded into existence by perception.
65 The man of method may channel all his spiritual currents towards productive ends, be relentless in his suppression of predilection and propensity, but when accident upsets the flow of his life, he finds himself drowning in a sea of tedium, hatred, and rage.
66 You don’t know how shallow you are, or how narcissistic, until you acquire a facial scar. On the plus side, it’s so situated as to make me look tough and worldly. On the downside, I’m never kissing my dog again.
67 Faster is fatal, slower is safe.
68 How many deaths before the real one?
69 Great discoveries are made accidentally less often than the populace likes to think.
70 My life seemed to be a series of events and accidents. Yet when I look back, I see a pattern.
71 They’re funny things, Accidents. You never have them till you’re having them.
72 To see an almost certain horrible death–you know how crowds all sit at the edge of their seats, /praying/ subconsciously for a spectacular accident–and then to be whisked away from it so suddenly–brought to the edge of tragedy, and then to have their better natures win out, showing them how much nicer they always /knew/ they were–that was the supreme thrill.

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An Accident Essay Quotations

Updated at Nov 09, 2023 | by Admin

accident quotes

"Be Alert, Accident hurt" -Charles Lamb
"Accidents are built into the road" -Marty Rubin
"Chance takers are accident makers" -Rick Allen
"Unsafe acts will keep you institches" -Proverb
"Know safety, no injury. No safety, know injury" -Horace
"If you drink, don’t drive. Don’t even putt" -Dean Martin
"Get out, but don’t cause unneeded accidents" -Dejan Stojanovic
"When you. gamble with safety, you bet your life" -Charles Dickens
"Accidents — you never have them till you’re having them" -Eeyore
"An accident won't arrive with a bell on its neck" -Finnish Proverb
"The mobile phone makes the automobile even more deadly" -Mokokoma
"Road sense is the offspring of courtesy and the parent of safety" -Slogan
"Decisions can be like car accidents, sudden and full of consequences" -Allison Glock
"Road sense is the offspring of courtesy and the parent of safety" -Australian Traffic
"Accidents are not accidents but precise arrivals at the wrong right time" -Dejan Stojanovic
"Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead" -Mac McCleary
"It was the first car accident I had ever been in. It shakes you up a little bit" -Matt Hasselbeck
"Accidents, and particularly street and highway accidents, do not happen they are caused" -Ernest Greenwood
"Accidents happen and all of that, but it's how we pick ourselves up from the accidents that matters" -Aquaria
"A lot of the people who keep a gun at home for safety are the same ones who refuse to wear a seat belt" -George Carlin

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In this post, you will find the Top 20 Quotations for Essay on A Road Accident for Students. A Road Accident Essay quotations for being shared especially for the students of Class 10 and Class 12. However, students of FSC 2nd Year try to write down Quotes in their English Essays to make them beautiful. If you place the appropriate …

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Analysing near-miss incidents in construction: a systematic literature review.

an accident essay with quotation

1. Introduction

  • Q 1 —Are near-miss events in construction industry the subject of scientific research?
  • Q 2 —What methods have been employed thus far to obtain information on near misses and systems for recording incidents in construction companies?
  • Q 3 —What methods have been used to analyse the information and figures obtained?
  • Q 4 —What are the key aspects of near misses in the construction industry that have been of interest to the researchers?

2. Definition of Near-Miss Events

3. research methodology, 4.1. a statistical analysis of publications, 4.2. methods used to obtain information about near misses, 4.2.1. traditional methods.

  • Traditional registration forms
  • Computerized systems for the recording of events
  • Surveys and interviews

4.2.2. Real-Time Monitoring Systems

  • Employee-tracking systems
  • Video surveillance systems
  • Wearable technology
  • Motion sensors

4.3. Methods Used to Analyse the Information and Figures That Have Been Obtained

4.3.1. quantitative and qualitative statistical methods, 4.3.2. analysis using artificial intelligence (ai), 4.3.3. building information modelling, 4.4. key aspects of near-miss investigations in the construction industry, 4.4.1. occupational risk assessment, 4.4.2. causes of hazards in construction, 4.4.3. time series of near misses, 4.4.4. material factors of construction processes, 4.5. a comprehensive overview of the research questions and references on near misses in the construction industry, 5. discussion, 5.1. interest of researchers in near misses in construction (question 1), 5.2. methods used to obtain near-miss information (question 2), 5.3. methods used to analyse the information and data sets (question 3), 5.4. key aspects of near-miss investigations in the construction industry (question 4), 6. conclusions.

  • A quantitative analysis of the Q 1 question has revealed a positive trend, namely that there is a growing interest among researchers in studying near misses in construction. The greatest interest in NM topics is observed in the United States of America, China, the United Kingdom, Australia, Hong Kong, and Germany. Additionally, there has been a recent emergence of interest in Poland. The majority of articles are mainly published in journals such as Safety Science (10), Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (8), and Automation in Construction (5);
  • The analysis of question Q 2 illustrates that traditional paper-based event registration systems are currently being superseded by advanced IT systems. However, both traditional and advanced systems are subject to the disadvantage of relying on employee-reported data, which introduces a significant degree of uncertainty regarding in the quality of the information provided. A substantial proportion of the data and findings presented in the studies was obtained through surveys and interviews. The implementation of real-time monitoring systems is becoming increasingly prevalent in construction sites. The objective of such systems is to provide immediate alerts in the event of potential hazards, thereby preventing a significant number of near misses. Real-time monitoring systems employ a range of technologies, including ultrasonic technology, radio frequency identification (RFID), inertial measurement units (IMUs), real-time location systems (RTLSs), industrial cameras, wearable technology, motion sensors, and advanced IT technologies, among others;
  • The analysis of acquired near-miss data is primarily conducted through the utilisation of quantitative and qualitative statistical methods, as evidenced by the examination of the Q 3 question. In recent years, research utilising artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant advances. The most commonly employed artificial intelligence techniques include text mining, machine learning, and artificial neural networks. The growing deployment of Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology has precipitated a profound transformation in the safety management of construction sites, with the advent of sophisticated tools for the identification and management of hazardous occurrences;
  • In response to question Q 4 , the study of near misses in the construction industry has identified several key aspects that have attracted the attention of researchers. These include the utilisation of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies for risk assessment, the analysis of the causes of hazards, the identification of accident precursors through the creation of time series, and the examination of material factors pertaining to construction processes. Researchers are focusing on the utilisation of both databases and advanced technologies, such as real-time location tracking, for the assessment and analysis of occupational risks. Techniques such as Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and clustering facilitate a comprehensive assessment and categorisation of incidents, thereby enabling the identification of patterns and susceptibility to specific types of accidents. Moreover, the impact of a company’s safety climate and organisational culture on the frequency and characteristics of near misses represents a pivotal area of investigation. The findings of this research indicate that effective safety management requires a holistic approach that integrates technology, risk management and safety culture, with the objective of reducing accidents and enhancing overall working conditions on construction sites.

7. Gaps and Future Research Directions, Limitations

  • Given the diversity and variability of construction sites and the changing conditions and circumstances of work, it is essential to create homogeneous clusters of near misses and to analyse the phenomena within these clusters. The formation of such clusters may be contingent upon the direct causes of the events in question;
  • Given the inherently dynamic nature of construction, it is essential to analyse time series of events that indicate trends in development and safety levels. The numerical characteristics of these trends may be used to construct predictive models for future accidents and near misses;
  • The authors have identified potential avenues for future research, which could involve the development of mathematical models using techniques such as linear regression, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. The objective of these models is to predict the probable timing of occupational accidents within defined incident categories, utilising data from near misses. Moreover, efforts are being made to gain access to the hazardous incident recording systems of different construction companies, with a view to facilitating comparison of the resulting data;
  • One significant limitation of near-miss research is the lack of an integrated database that encompasses a diverse range of construction sites and construction work. A data resource of this nature would be of immense value for the purpose of conducting comprehensive analyses and formulating effective risk management strategies. This issue can be attributed to two factors: firstly, the reluctance of company managers to share their databases with researchers specialising in risk assessment, and secondly, the reluctance of employees to report near-miss incidents. Such actions may result in adverse consequences for employees, including disciplinary action or negative perceptions from managers. This consequently results in the recording of only a subset of incidents, thereby distorting the true picture of safety on the site.

Author Contributions

Institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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No.Name of Institution/OrganizationDefinition
1Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) [ ]“A near-miss is a potential hazard or incident in which no property was damaged and no personal injury was sustained, but where, given a slight shift in time or position, damage or injury easily could have occurred. Near misses also may be referred to as close calls, near accidents, or injury-free events.”
2International Labour Organization (ILO) [ ]“An event, not necessarily defined under national laws and regulations, that could have caused harm to persons at work or to the public, e.g., a brick that
falls off scaffolding but does not hit anyone”
3American National Safety Council (NSC) [ ]“A Near Miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage—but had the potential to do so”
4PN-ISO 45001:2018-06 [ ]A near-miss incident is described as an event that does not result in injury or health issues.
5PN-N-18001:2004 [ ]A near-miss incident is an accident event without injury.
6World Health Organization (WHO) [ ]Near misses have been defined as a serious error that has the potential to cause harm but are not due to chance or interception.
7International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) [ ]Near misses have been defined as potentially significant events that could have consequences but did not due to the conditions at the time.
No.JournalNumber of Publications
1Safety Science10
2Journal of Construction Engineering and Management8
3Automation in Construction5
4Advanced Engineering Informatics3
5Construction Research Congress 2014 Construction in a Global Network Proceedings of the 2014 Construction Research Congress3
6International Journal of Construction Management3
7Accident Analysis and Prevention2
8Computing in Civil Engineering 2019 Data Sensing and Analytics Selected Papers From The ASCE International Conference2
9Engineering Construction and Architectural Management2
Cluster NumberColourBasic Keywords
1blueconstruction, construction sites, decision making, machine learning, near misses, neural networks, project management, safety, workers
2greenbuilding industry, construction industry, construction projects, construction work, human, near miss, near misses, occupational accident, occupational safety, safety, management, safety performance
3redaccident prevention, construction equipment, construction, safety, construction workers, hazards, human resource management, leading indicators, machinery, occupational risks, risk management, safety engineering
4yellowaccidents, risk assessment, civil engineering, near miss, surveys
Number of QuestionQuestionReferences
Q Are near misses in the construction industry studied scientifically?[ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ]
Q What methods have been used to obtain information on near misses and systems for recording incidents in construction companies?[ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ]
Q What methods have been used to analyse the information and figures that have been obtained?[ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ]
Q What are the key aspects of near misses in the construction industry that have been of interest to the researchers?[ , , , , , , , , , , , , ]
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Share and Cite

Woźniak, Z.; Hoła, B. Analysing Near-Miss Incidents in Construction: A Systematic Literature Review. Appl. Sci. 2024 , 14 , 7260.

Woźniak Z, Hoła B. Analysing Near-Miss Incidents in Construction: A Systematic Literature Review. Applied Sciences . 2024; 14(16):7260.

Woźniak, Zuzanna, and Bożena Hoła. 2024. "Analysing Near-Miss Incidents in Construction: A Systematic Literature Review" Applied Sciences 14, no. 16: 7260.

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Angrezi PK

Quotations For Essay An Accident

“An Accident”  is a familiar topic for the essay at the Intermediate level. Occasionally, it is also asked at the graduation level. It is a hot topic to assess the aptitude and observation of the students.

As it is written in a narrative style so while narrating the story, different scenes are produced. And these different scenes require different quotes to be quoted.

Following are the best quotes for the essay, “An Accident.” These are written in a poetic style so can easily be adjusted in different scenes of the essay “A Road Accident.”

To make these quotations more dominant in the essay, use a different shade of blue ink. Leaving one line blank before and after the quote will also be a good idea.

Take great care of punctuation marks and add these quoted word for word.

Quotations on An Accident in Pakistan For 2nd Year

Here are the best quotations on an accident essay in English. You can use these quotes about essay an accident in your test or paper with confidence.

Time brings up permanently, Accidents, don’t happen accidentally. Calym Nush

an accident essay quotations

To me being an evident, It was more than accident, To see the people spent, There time in argument, Instead of taking care, Injuries who did bear. Calym Nush

an accident essay quotation

Those who happily leave, Their folks never believe, They will never come back, As in the sudden attack, Of the road accident, They are no more resident, Of the earth, Ahh! Has life any worth? Calym Nush

quotations for essay an accident

Also, Check: Quotations For Essay My Last Day At College

In accidents, those who die, The rank may they have high, Up above in the heaven, Twenty-four and seven. Calym Nush

quotation for essay an accident

What I had to see, I wish wouldn’t thee, Crushed life and the van, All hurried, all we ran, What a horrible accident, Experienced, while home I went. Calym Nush

an accident essay for 2nd year quotations

What is life, Can’t we relieve, In the seconds, The cruel winds, In road accident, Make us repent, But what is done, Is just the fun, For the Lords, While playing the cards. Calym Nush

an accident essay for 2nd year quotation

Moments make the mistake, While we intend to overtake, What remains behind, It can’t be defined. Calym Nush

quotations on an accident essay in English

The lives that are lost, In the road accidents, Give the grief in tonnes, To the near and dear ones. Calym Nush

quotation on an accident essay in English

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How to Write an Introduction Paragraph: Examples and Guide

There are times when an introduction predicts what your entire essay will say—it’s essentially a reflection. If done successfully, it grabs the reader’s attention and entices them to read further into the essay. As a writer, I know the importance of a strong and engaging introduction, and with practice, I have excelled in the art of writing a good intro. Here’s how you can write a compelling introduction with examples.

The Purpose of the Introduction Paragraph

A good introduction serves as a roadmap for your essay, setting the stage for what is to come. Its primary purpose is to grab the reader’s attention, provide necessary background information, and clearly state the main argument or thesis of the essay. By doing so, it helps the reader transition from their own world into the context of your analysis, making them interested in reading further. A well-written introduction also outlines the structure of the essay, ensuring that the reader knows what to expect in the body paragraphs. This initial section is crucial for making a strong first impression, establishing the tone, and demonstrating the quality and direction of your work. A good introduction paragraph should be able to:

Engage the Reader: Capture interest with an intriguing opening sentence or a compelling story.

Provide Context: Offer background information needed to understand the topic.

State the Thesis: Clearly present your main argument or thesis statement.

Outline the Structure: Briefly mention the main points or sections covered in the essay.

Establish Relevance: Explain why the topic is important and worth discussing.

Set the Tone: Establish the style and tone of your writing.

Write an Introduction Paragraph

An introduction paragraph sets the tone for your entire essay, shaping your reader's expectations and mood. It's like the gateway to your ideas - a good one hooks the reader, compelling them to continue, while a weak introduction might make them lose interest before they've even begun. That's why learning how to start an introduction paragraph for an essay is crucial for students and writers alike.

With tools like WPS Office at your fingertips, you're not just getting a word processor, but an AI assistant to guide you through the entire journey of crafting that perfect opening. In fact, I'll be using WPS Office for this tutorial to demonstrate its features. So, let's dive in and explore how to write an essay introduction step by step:

The hook is the opening sentence or a few sentences of an essay designed to grab the reader's attention and entice them to keep reading. It serves to engage the reader by presenting something intriguing, surprising, or relevant to the essay's topic.

The main purpose of the hook is to spark the reader's interest and make them want to read more. It's the first impression the reader gets, so it needs to be compelling and relevant to the essay's subject.

1.Start with a Surprising Fact or Statistic: Begin with an interesting or shocking fact that relates to your topic. This immediately grabs the reader's attention.

Bad Example: "Drunk driving is a serious issue."

Good Example: "Every year, over 1.25 million people die in car accidents, many of which are caused by drunk driving."

2.Use a Quote: Introduce your essay with a relevant quote that encapsulates your main point.

Bad Example: "Drunk driving is defined as driving while impaired by alcohol."

Good Example: “At eighteen, Michelle had a lifetime of promise in front of her. Attending college on a track scholarship, she was earning good grades and making lots of friends. Then one night her life was forever altered…”

3.Pose a Rhetorical Question: Ask a question that provokes thought and engages the reader.

Bad Example: "Have you ever driven a car?"

Good Example: "What if every time you got behind the wheel, you risked not only your life but the lives of others?"

4.Tell an Anecdote or Story: Share a brief, compelling story that relates to your topic.

Bad Example: "I once heard a story about a drunk driver."

Good Example: "At eighteen, Michelle had a lifetime of promise in front of her. Attending college on a track scholarship, she was earning good grades and making lots of friends. Then one night her life was forever altered..."

If you need ideas to help you improve on the hook for your introduction, consider providing WPS AI with a prompt such as:

"Write an introduction on the topic 'Risks of Driving Intoxicated' and provide four individual hooks: one with a surprising fact, one using a quote, one with rhetorical questions, and one through telling an anecdote."

WPS AI will produce a catchy hook statement that you can use for your introduction, such as:

Background Information

Background information provides the reader with the necessary context to understand the essay's topic. This may include historical, geographical, or social context, definitions of key terms, or an outline of the debate surrounding the topic.

The background helps to bridge the gap between the hook and the thesis statement. It gives the reader the context they need to understand the main argument of the essay and why it's important.

1.Provide Context: Explain the broader context of your topic to show its significance.

Bad Example: "Drunk driving is bad."

Good Example: "Michelle's story is not isolated. Each year, over 1.25 million people die in car accidents, many of which are caused by drunk driving."

2.Introduce Key Terms and Concepts: Define any terms or concepts that are crucial to understanding your thesis.

Bad Example: "Drunk driving is when you drink alcohol and drive."

Good Example: "Drunk driving, legally defined as operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, is a preventable cause of many fatalities."

3.Set Up the Problem: Briefly discuss the scope of the issue or debate you will be addressing.

Bad Example: "People drive drunk sometimes."

Good Example: "Despite strict laws, drunk driving continues to be a significant problem worldwide, leading to devastating consequences for victims and their families."

To give an effective and detailed background information in your introduction consider proving WPS AI with a prompt like this:

“This serves as the background to my introduction: 'People frequently choose to drive under the influence of alcohol.' Please enhance it to address the problem and discuss its scope."

WPS AI will produce a detailed background passage for your introduction, give as:

Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of the essay. It usually appears at the end of the introduction and states the essay's central argument or position.

The thesis statement guides the direction of the essay by informing the reader what the essay will argue or discuss. It sets the tone and focus of the entire paper.

1.Be Clear and Specific: Clearly state your main point and how you will support it.

Bad Example: "This essay will talk about drunk driving."

Good Example: "Drunk driving laws need to include stricter penalties for those convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol to reduce accidents and save lives."

2.Make an Argument: Present a claim that requires evidence and can be debated.

Bad Example: "Drunk driving is bad and should be stopped."

Good Example: "Implementing harsher penalties for drunk driving will deter offenders and significantly decrease the number of alcohol-related accidents."

3.Outline Your Main Points: Indicate the main points you will cover in your essay to support your thesis.

Bad Example: "I will discuss the problems with drunk driving."

Good Example: "Stricter penalties are necessary because they act as a deterrent, they can prevent repeat offenses, and they provide justice for victims."

You can take help from WPS AI to extract the thesis statement of your essay using the WPS AI chat box.

Step 1: Click on the WPS AI widget at the top corner of the WPS Writer interface.

Step 2: The WPS AI pane will open on the right side of the screen. Type in your prompt to extract the thesis statement of your essay and then paste the essay.

Here is a prompt example that you can use:

"Extract the thesis statement from the following essay:"

Step 3: WPS AI will provide the thesis statement. To refine it further, engage with the WPS AI chatbot by asking more questions or queries.

The summary or road map briefly outlines how the essay will be structured. It provides a preview of the main points that will be covered, giving the reader a sense of the direction of the argument.

1.Summarize Main Points: Briefly mention the key arguments or points you will discuss in your essay.

Bad Example: "I will talk about drunk driving laws, penalties, and justice."

Good Example: "This essay will first examine the current state of drunk driving laws, then explore the impact of stricter penalties on reducing incidents, and finally discuss how these penalties can bring justice to victims."

2.Be Concise: Keep it short and to the point, providing a clear outline without going into too much detail.

Bad Example: "I will write about drunk driving and why it is bad."

Good Example: "By examining the effectiveness of current laws, the potential benefits of stricter penalties, and the importance of justice for victims, this essay argues that harsher punishments for drunk driving are essential."

“Write a concise summary for the introduction of an essay on the topic "Risks of Driving Intoxicated." The summary should briefly mention the key points that will be covered in the essay, without going into too much detail."

The summary should briefly outline the main points covered in the essay, emphasizing the societal impact, legal ramifications, and personal consequences of driving under the influence. Ensure clarity and coherence, setting the stage for a comprehensive exploration of the topic in the subsequent sections.

Examples of Different Essays

Essays come in various forms, each serving a unique purpose and following specific structures. Understanding these different types can help you write an essay introduction more effectively. Let's explore three common types of essays: Argumentative, Expository, and Literary. Each example below demonstrates the key elements of its respective essay type, including the hook, background information, and thesis statement.


An argumentative essay aims to present a position on a topic and support it with evidence.

An expository essay explains a topic in a clear and concise manner without arguing a specific position.

A literary essay analyzes and interprets a work of literature, focusing on elements such as theme, character, or style.

More Examples of Different Topics

Let's take a look at some sample introductions of essays in different disciplines. This will further help you in writing an effective essay introduction.

Example #1 Medicine

Example #2 literature, example #3 social sciences, example #4 engineering, example #5 business & marketing, using wps ai to perfect your introduction.

With WPS Office, you have access to a comprehensive suite of tools designed to support your academic writing needs. Its AI-powered features enhance your writing process, from initial drafting to final proofreading. Specifically, WPS Office AI will help perfect your introduction, ensuring it captures attention and sets the stage for your paper. Plus, WPS Office is available for free, making it an accessible and indispensable resource for students and academics alike.

1.Check the Grammar and Syntax

Your introduction sets the tone for your entire essay, so it's crucial that it's grammatically correct and free from syntax errors. WPS AI careful checks for any grammatical mistakes and syntax issues, ensuring that your introduction is polished and professional. It provides suggestions for corrections, helping you present a clear and error-free first impression.

2.Rewrite Your Statement for Clarity

WPS AI can improve the clarity and coherence of your introduction by rewriting complex or awkwardly phrased sentences. It identifies areas where your writing may be ambiguous or convoluted and offers alternative phrasing that enhances readability. This feature ensures that your introduction is clear, concise, and compelling.

3.Automatically Expand Content

When you need to elaborate on a point or expand your introduction, WPS AI can automatically generate additional content. This feature helps you add relevant information that aligns with your essay's theme and tone. It’s particularly useful for developing a strong hook, providing context, or setting up your thesis statement.

4.Give an Outline for Your Paper

Writing a strong introduction often involves giving your readers a brief outline of what to expect in your essay. WPS AI can assist in structuring your introduction to include a concise overview of your main points, providing a roadmap for your readers. This feature ensures that your introduction effectively sets the stage for the rest of your essay. Here is an example of an outline generated using WPS AI Writer for an essay:

If you find this outline suitable for your essay, simply scroll down and click on "Insert" to use the outline for your essay.

1. What is the structure of an essay?

An essay is divided into three main parts:

Introduction: This section introduces the topic and presents the main idea (thesis). It provides some background information and outlines what the essay will discuss.

Body: The body forms the essay's core, where you develop arguments to support your thesis. It is organized into several paragraphs, each presenting a distinct point backed by evidence.

Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the main points covered in the essay and strengthens the thesis statement. It wraps up the discussion and may offer final insights or suggestions.

2. Why do I need a thesis statement?

A thesis statement plays a crucial role in academic essays and research papers by presenting the central argument or idea to be explored and developed. Here are several key reasons why a thesis statement is essential:

It provides clear direction and focus for your writing.

It summarizes your main argument for the reader.

It maintains clarity and coherence throughout the essay.

It serves as the foundational basis for structuring the entire essay.

3. How long should the introduction paragraph be?

The introduction paragraph for a research paper typically spans one to two paragraphs. As a general rule, the entire introduction section—which includes the opening paragraph, literature review, and research questions—should constitute approximately 10% to 15% of the paper's total length. This structure allows for a comprehensive yet concise setup of your research topic, providing readers with the necessary context before delving into the main body of your work.

Beyond the Hook: Building a Strong Introduction Paragraph

Writing an introduction is perhaps the most thought-provoking and critical task in crafting any assignment. With the myriad features offered by WPS Office, you can effortlessly create a phenomenal essay introduction. WPS AI enhances this process with tools that ensure clarity, coherence, and creativity. Whether it's organizing your thoughts or refining your language, WPS Office empowers you to craft introductions that captivate readers from the start. Download WPS Office today and experience firsthand how it transforms your writing process into a seamless and impactful journey.

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The Australian Professor Who Turned Breaking on Its Head

Rachael Gunn, known as B-girl Raygun, displayed some … unique moves as she competed in a field with breakers half her age. The judges and the internet were underwhelmed.

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A woman wearing green track pants, a green polo shirt and a cap poses with her hand up in front of a judges table.

By Dodai Stewart and Talya Minsberg

Reporting from Paris

Breaking made its debut as an Olympic sport Friday, and among the competitors was Dr. Rachael Gunn, also known as B-girl Raygun, a 36-year-old professor from Sydney, Australia, who stood out in just about every way.

By day, her research interests include “dance, gender politics, and the dynamics between theoretical and practical methodologies.” But on the world’s stage in Paris, wearing green track pants and a green polo shirt instead of the street-style outfits of her much younger fellow breakers, she competed against the 21-year-old Logan Edra of the United States, known as Logistx.

During the round robin, as Raygun and Logistx faced off, Raygun laid on her side, reached for her toes, spun around, and threw in a kangaroo hop — a nod to her homeland. She performed a move that looked something like swimming and another that could best be described as duckwalking. The high-speed back and head spins that other breakers would demonstrate were mostly absent.

The crowd cheered Raygun politely. The judges weren’t as kind. All nine voted for Logistx in both rounds of the competition; Logistx won, 18-0.

Online, Raygun’s performance quickly became a sensation, not necessarily in a flattering way.

“The more I watch the videos of Raygun, the Aussie breaker, the more I get annoyed,” one viewer posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. “There’s 27.7 million Australians in the world and that’s who they send to the Olympics for this inaugural event??? C’mon now!”

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A Road Accident Essay with English Quotation for Students

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“There is no armour against fate - Death lays its icy hands on kings."
"Life is short, don't rush it"
"Carelessness doesn't bounce; it shatters."
"It is better to lose one minute in life... than to lose life in a minute."
"Unsafe acts will keep you institches."
“The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there’s no risk of accident for someone who’s dead.”
"Accidents and particularly street and highway accidents, do not happen - they are caused."
"Chance takers are accident makers."
"A couch of thorns, or an embroidered bed, I Are matters of indifference to the dead."
"We should not learn safetly rules simply by accidents."

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    An Accident Essay Quotations. Updated at Nov 09, 2023 | by Admin "Be Alert, Accident hurt" -Charles Lamb "Accidents are built into the road" -Marty Rubin "Chance takers are accident makers" -Rick Allen "Unsafe acts will keep you institches" -Proverb "Know safety, no injury. No safety, know injury" -Horace

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  20. An Accident Essay Quotations

    In this post, you will find the Top 20 Quotations for Essay on A Road Accident for Students. A Road Accident Essay quotations for being shared especially for the students of Class 10 and Class 12. However, students of FSC 2nd Year try to write down Quotes in their English Essays to make them beautiful. If you place the appropriate …

  21. Applied Sciences

    The construction sector is notorious for its high rate of fatalities globally. Previous research has established that near-miss incidents act as precursors to accidents. This study aims to identify research gaps in the literature on near-miss events in construction and to define potential directions for future research. The Scopus database serves as the knowledge source for this study. To ...

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    Following are the best quotes for the essay, "An Accident.". These are written in a poetic style so can easily be adjusted in different scenes of the essay "A Road Accident.". To make these quotations more dominant in the essay, use a different shade of blue ink. Leaving one line blank before and after the quote will also be a good idea.

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    Good Example: "Every year, over 1.25 million people die in car accidents, many of which are caused by drunk driving." 2.Use a Quote: Introduce your essay with a relevant quote that encapsulates your main point. Bad Example: "Drunk driving is defined as driving while impaired by alcohol."

  24. The Australian Professor Who Turned Breaking on Its Head

    Breaking made its debut as an Olympic sport Friday, and among the competitors was Dr. Rachael Gunn, also known as B-girl Raygun, a 36-year-old professor from Sydney, Australia, who stood out in ...

  25. An Accident Essay Quotes || Accident Essay For 2nd Year Quotations

    An Accident Essay Quotes || Accident Essay For 2nd Year Quotations || City Academy MGWelcome to our channel! If you are interested to learn quotations, you a...

  26. A Road Accident Essay with English Quotation for Students

    Sometimes, these accide prove to be fatal. Two main factors responsible for road accidents are heavy traffic on roads and rash driving. Normally, these are cyclists and motor cyclists who are the victims of such accidents. Sometimes, pedestrians are also killed in these accidents. Read this: Dowry System is Curse - English Essay (1000 Words)

  27. Quotation about A Road Accident Essay || #Road Accident essay ...

    Quotation about a road accident essay#aroadaccident#roadaccidentIf you like the video subscribe my channel.Thankyou

  28. A Road Accident With Quotations

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