
The research process on the Extended Essay: Academic Honesty

  • Extended essay and the research process
  • Task definition
  • Identify Keywords
  • Find background information
  • Manage your time
  • Locate Books
  • Locate Articles
  • Search Engines, Repositories, & Directories
  • Databases and Websites by subject
  • 4. Organize
  • Citations and References
  • How to Avoid Colloquial (Informal) Writing
  • Academic Honesty
  • 6. Reflect/Evaluate

Academic honesty

Singapore International School, guided by the philosophy of the IB, places great value on the ethical qualities of personal integrity and academic honesty. Academic honesty is expected of all members of the school community; students, faculty, administration and parents. We are guided in our expectations and practices by two of the Learner Profile attributes which describe students as:

PRINCIPLED : They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.

 REFLECTIVE : They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development.

It is the policy of Singapore International School that:

  • All Diploma Programme students understand the basic meaning and significance of academic honesty
  • All work produced by Diploma Programme students is their own, authentic work
  • All such authentic work has the ideas and words of others fully acknowledged
  • Students understand and obey the rules relating to proper conduct of examinations
  • Students understand the difference between collaboration and collusion, and that it is unacceptable to present work arrived at through a process of collusion
  • The policy refers to all assignments set and completed in school or at home, ranging from basic pieces of homework to formal assessments required by the IB

The aim of this policy is to:

  • Promote good academic practice and a school culture that actively encourages academic honesty
  •  Enable students to understand what constitutes academic honesty and dishonesty
  •  Encourage students to look to their teachers, supervisors and coordinator for support when completing assessed work in order to prevent any possible form of malpractice (See page 6 for further details)
  •  Ensure that students understand the importance of acknowledging accurately and honestly all ideas and work of others
  •  Explain to students that they have an important role in ensuring that their work is ‘academically honest’
  •  Impart to students that plagiarism is a serious academic offence for which Copenhagen International School shows no tolerance
  •  Explain to students precisely what sanctions will be imposed should they be found guilty of malpractice.

What is 'Academic Honesty'?

Academic honesty refers to:

  • Proper conduct in relation to the conduct of examinations
  •  The full acknowledgement of the original authorship and ownership of creative material
  •  The production of ‘authentic’ pieces of work
  •  The protection of all forms of intellectual property – which include forms of intellectual and creative expression, as well as patents, registered designs, trademarks, moral rights and copyright

Academic Dishonesty, therefore, involves:

  • Collusion ·
  •  Duplication of work
  •  All forms of malpractice

What is ‘Malpractice’ ?

Malpractice is behaviour that results in, or may result in the candidate or any other candidate gaining an unfair advantage in one or more assessment component.

Malpractice may include:

  • Plagiarism: The representation of the ideas or work of another as the candidate’s own
  •  Collusion: Supporting malpractice by another candidate – allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another
  •  Duplication of work: The presentation of the same work for different parts of the diploma. (An example would involve submitting the same piece of work for a History Extended Essay and the History internal assessment)

Malpractice also includes :

  • Making up data for an assignment
  •  Falsifying a CAS record
  •  Taking unauthorized material into the examination room, including a mobile phone, an electronic device, own rough paper, notes … 
  • Misbehaving during an exam, including any attempt to disrupt the examination or distract another candidate
  •  Copying the work of another candidate
  •  Referring to or attempting to refer to, unauthorized material that is related to the examination
  •   Failing to comply with the instructions of the invigilator or other member of the school’s staff responsible for the conduct of an examination
  •  Impersonating another candidate
  • Including offensive material in a script
  •  Stealing examination papers
  •  Disclosing or discussing the content of an examination paper with a person outside the immediate community within 24 hours after the examination 
  • Using an unauthorized calculator during an examination
  •  Concealing and/or using unauthorized software on a graphic calculator, particularly, but not only, during examinations

Defining forms of malpractice

· Collusion/Collaboration

 Collaboration involves working together with other students. There are occasions where collaboration with other candidates is permitted or actively encouraged. Nevertheless, the final work must be produced independently, despite the fact that it may be based on similar data. This means that the abstract, introduction, content, conclusion or summary of a piece of work must be written in each candidate’s own words and cannot therefore be the same as another candidate’s. Working together is collaboration. Copying someone else’s work is collusion. Even if you have ‘collaborated’ with another student, the work you present must be your own. Collusion is malpractice and will be penalized.

 · Plagiarism

 Plagiarism is passing off someone else’s work, writing, thoughts, visuals, graphics, music and ideas as your own. Plagiarized work is work which fails to acknowledge the sources which it uses or upon which it is based. Plagiarism is a clear breach of academic honesty. It is also a criminal offence.

What is paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is writing a piece of text out in your own words. You are allowed to do this, but you must acknowledge the source you have used

Acknowledging sources

How can I make sure that I am not plagiarizing material?

  • The simplest method of avoiding plagiarism is to honestly, accurately and clearly acknowledge, by references in the body of your work, and/or in a bibliography at the end, each and every piece of material you used in the production of your work.
  •  All ideas and work of other persons, regardless of their source, must be acknowledged
  •  CD Rom, email messages, web sites on the Internet and any other electronic media must be treated in the same way as books and journals 
  • The sources of all photographs, maps, illustrations, computer programs, data, graphs, audio-visual and similar material must be acknowledged
  •  Passages that are quoted verbatim must be enclosed within quotation marks and references provided
  •  All works of art, film, dance, music, theatre arts or visual arts must have their source/origin acknowledged
  •  Always use Turnitin in accordance with the school’s regulations.
  • Material cannot be paraphrased without acknowledging the source The SIS Library libguides contains links to sites that give detailed instructions on citing sources using different styles such as APA, MLA, Chicago and more. Many of the sites also provide information on grammar and mechanics. Singapore International School prefers the use of the MLA 8 style when acknowledging sources.

OWL: Avoiding Plagiarism

academic honesty extended essay

Academic Honesty in the IB Diploma

  • Academic Honesty in DP
  • << Previous: How to Avoid Colloquial (Informal) Writing
  • Next: 6. Reflect/Evaluate >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 14, 2022 10:58 AM
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Extended Essay: Advice (and Warnings) from the IB

  • Extended Essay- The Basics
  • Step 1. Choose a Subject
  • Step 2. Educate yourself!
  • Using Brainstorming and Mind Maps
  • Identify Keywords
  • Do Background Reading
  • Define Your Topic
  • Conduct Research in a Specific Discipline
  • Step 5. Draft a Research Question
  • Step 6. Create a Timeline
  • Find Articles
  • Find Primary Sources
  • Get Help from Experts
  • Search Engines, Repositories, & Directories
  • Databases and Websites by Subject Area
  • Create an Annotated Bibliography
  • Advice (and Warnings) from the IB
  • Chicago Citation Syle
  • MLA Works Cited & In-Text Citations
  • Step 9. Set Deadlines for Yourself
  • Step 10. Plan a structure for your essay
  • Evaluate & Select: the CRAAP Test
  • Conducting Secondary Research
  • Conducting Primary Research
  • Formal vs. Informal Writing
  • Presentation Requirements
  • Evaluating Your Work

Advice from the IB on Referencing and Citations

academic honesty extended essay

Documentation Checklist

Acknowledging the Work of Another Person

Referencing Online Materials

Caution on using footnotes and endnotes.

IB Publications on Academic Honesty

Use this checklist from IB to make sure you've done a complete job of referencing all the sources in your EE.

academic honesty extended essay

When you have used an author’s exact words, have you put “quotation marks” around the quotation named (cited) the original writer?

(If you indent your quotation(s), quotation marks are not needed, but the author must still be cited; have you cited your indented quotations?)

When you put someone else’s thoughts and ideas in your own words, have you still named (cited) the original author(s)?  
When you use someone else’s words or work, is it clear where such use starts—and where it finishes?  
Have you included full references for all borrowed images, tables, graphs, maps, and so on?  
Have you included the page number(s) of print material you have used (especially important with exact quotations)?  
Have you included both the date on which the material was posted and the date of your last visit to the web page or site?  
Have you included the URL or the DOI?    

For each citation in the text, is there a full reference in your list of references (works cited/bibliography) at the end?

Is the citation a direct link to the first word(s) of the reference?


For each reference in the list of references (works cited/bibliography) at the end, is there a citation in the text?

Do(es) the first word(s) of the reference link directly to the citation as used?

Is your list of references (works cited/bibliography) in alphabetical order, with the last name of the author first?  

'Acknowledging the Work of Another Person' from IB Extended Essay Guide

Students must acknowledge all sources used in work submitted to IB for assessment.  

Diploma Programme students submit work for assessment in a variety of media that may include audio-visual material, text, graphs, images and/or data published in print or electronic sources.  If students use the work or ideas of another person, they must acknowledge the source using a standard style of referencing in a consistent manner.  A student's failure to acknowledge a source will be investigated by the IB as a potential breach of regulations that may result in a penalty imposed by the IB final award committee.

The IB does not proscribe which style(s) of referencing or in-text citation should be used by students; this is left to the discretion of appropriate faculty/staff in the student's school.  In practice, certain styles may prove most commonly used, but schools are free to choose a style that is appropriate for the subject concerned and the language in which students' work is written.

The following criteria must be applied:

  • Students are expected to use a standard style and use it consistently so that credit is given to all sources used, including sources that have been paraphrased or summarized.
  • When writing, students must clearly distinguish (in the body of the text) between their words and those of others by the use of quotation marks (or other method like indentation) followed by an appropriate citation that denotes an entry in the bibliography.
  • Students are not expected to show faultless expertise in referencing, but are expected to demonstrate that all sources have been acknowledged.
  • Students must be advised that any audio-visual material, text, graphs, images and/or data that is crucial to their work and that is not their own must also attribute the source.  Again, an appropriate style of referencing/citation must be used.
  • name of author
  • date of publication
  • title of source
  • page numbers as applicable
  • date of access (electronic sources)

Adapted from "Introduction; Academic honesty, Acknowledge the work or ideas of another person", from Extended Essay Guide, International Baccalaureate Organization, 2016.

References to online materials should include the title of the extract used as well as the website address, the date it was accessed and, if possible, the author.

In other words, all electronic sources must be date stamped by including the date the student accessed the resource (for example, accessed 12 March 2016). Caution should be exercised with information found on websites that do not give references or that cannot be cross-checked against other sources. The more important a particular point is to the essay, the more the quality of its source needs to be evaluated.

IB has a caution for students using footnotes and/or endnotes in their Extended Essays:

Shark warning sign - Britannica ImageQuest

Footnotes and endnotes may be used for referencing purposes and if this is the case will not be included in the word count of the essay.

In order to avoid confusion and unwittingly exceed the word limit, students are advised to avoid using footnotes or endnotes other than for referencing purposes unless it is appropriate.

As footnotes and endnotes are not an essential part of the extended essay students must take care to ensure that all information with direct relevance to the analysis, discussion and evaluation of their essay is contained in the main body of it.

An essay that attempts to evade the word limit by including important material in footnotes or endnotes will be compromised across the assessment criteria. Please note that footnotes and endnotes are added to the word count as they are encountered.

Extended Essay Guide, International Baccalaureate Organization, p. 86, 2016.

IB Publications

For information on academic honesty in the IB Diploma Programme, see these IB publications:

  • << Previous: Create an Annotated Bibliography
  • Next: Chicago Citation Syle >>
  • Last Updated: Sep 3, 2024 10:01 AM
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International Baccalaureate (IB) Guide: Academic Integrity & Honesty

  • Extended Essay
  • Research Skills
  • State Library of Victoria (SLV) This link opens in a new window
  • Referencing This link opens in a new window
  • Study Skills & Tools
  • Academic Integrity & Honesty

academic honesty extended essay

Academic Integrity

Ib - academic integrity.

What is Academic Integrity?  What is expected of IB students? Your questions answered in the IB Academic Integrity booklet.

academic honesty extended essay

The IB Academic Integrity guide (2019, p.16) outlines the following responsibilities for students:

  • Have a full understanding of their school’s and the IB’s policies
  • Respond to acts of student academic misconduct and report them to their teachers and/or programme coordinators
  • Respond to acts of school maladministration and report them to their teachers and/or programme coordinators
  • Complete all assignments, tasks, examinations and quizzes in an honest manner and to the best of their abilities
  • Give credit to used sources in all work submitted to the IB for assessment in written and oral materials and/or artistic products
  • Abstain from receiving non-permitted assistance in the completion or editing of work, such as from friends, relatives, other students, private tutors, essay writing or copy-editing services, pre-written essay banks or file sharing websites
  • Abstain from giving undue assistance to peers in the completion of their work • show a responsible use of the internet and associated social media platforms.

How students can avoid committing plagiarism

The IB Academic Integrity guide (2019, p.47) outlines the following points on avoiding plagiarism:

  • Read and understand their school’s academic integrity and honesty policy.
  • Design time schedules or plans to manage tasks sensibly.
  • Maintain organized notes and sources consulted during the production of work.
  • Seek guidance and support from their teachers or tutors when doubts arise about referencing.
  • Cite sources by making clear which words, ideas, images and works are from others, including maps, charts, musical compositions, films, computer source codes and any other material.
  • Give credit for copied, adapted, paraphrased and translated materials from others. • Make sure that information used is acknowledged in the body of the text and is fully listed in the bibliography using the referencing style agreed with the teacher or tutor.

For further details about the IB’s expectations in regards to referencing see the publication Effective citing and referencing .

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  • Last Updated: Jun 4, 2024 4:42 PM
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IB Extended Essay Guide: Academic Honesty

  • IB Extended Essay Guide
  • September - Overview
  • October - Subject Selection
  • November - Topic Selection
  • December - Research Question Feasibility
  • January - Supervisor Meeting 1
  • February - Outline + 1,000 Words
  • March - Supervisor Meeting 2 + Reflection 1
  • April - 2,000 Words
  • May - First Draft
  • June - Supervisor Meeting 3 + Reflection 2
  • July/August - Final Essay
  • September - Coordinator Meeting
  • October - Viva Voce + Reflection 3

Academic Honesty

  • Exemplar Essays

The IB takes academic honesty very seriously!  All Diploma Programme students must review the resources below.

Academic Honesty - Methods

Academic Honesty - Resources

  • Are You Completing Your IB Assignments Honestly?
  • Academic Honesty in the Diploma Programme
  • Academic Honesty in the IB Educational Context
  • Academic Honesty - IB Handbook of Procedures
  • << Previous: October - Viva Voce + Reflection 3
  • Next: Checklists >>
  • Last Updated: Dec 10, 2019 10:32 AM
  • URL:

Library & Innovation Centre

academic honesty extended essay

APA Template

Ib - effective citing and referencing, purpose of this document.

The purpose of this publication is to guide members of the International Baccalaureate (IB) community in understanding the IB’s expectations with regards to referencing the ideas, words, or work of other people when producing an original document or piece of work.

This document provides guidance on referencing and demonstrates some of the differences between the most widely used styles. Due to the wide range of subjects, multiple response languages and the diversity of referencing styles, the IB does not prescribe or insist on a particular style. All examples provided in this document are for illustration purposes only. The IB’s requirements are for honesty in indicating when and which ideas and words are not the writer’s own, and consistency in referencing the source of those ideas and words.

Click on this link for further information: Effective citing and referencing

(Sourced from IB)

Citations for Beginners from Imagine Easy Solutions on Vimeo .

In-text Citations from Imagine Easy Solutions on Vimeo .

Paraphrasing from Imagine Easy Solutions on Vimeo .

Created by Luciana Cavallaro 2018 | Updated Sept 2020

14 McNeil Street

Peppermint Grove


Extended Essay: Introduction to the EE

  • Introduction to the EE
  • Step 1 - Choose a subject
  • World Studies
  • Step 3 - The Researchers Reflection Space
  • Identify Sources
  • Tools for Note Taking
  • Video Guides
  • Step 5 - Creating Research Questions
  • Step 6 - Outlines and Plans
  • Step 7 - Citing
  • Criteria E - 3 Reflections
  • Know Your Criteria
  • Criteria D - Check your Formatting
  • 4000 words final hand in

Introduction to EE

academic honesty extended essay

The 12 Step Guide - Follow this (Use the tabs at the top)

academic honesty extended essay

How to start...

Jan 15th - the ee begins -, summary of tasks to complete, welcome to the beginning of the extended essay - a 4000 word research based essay. you will need to stick to all deadlines that are given you. , initial tasks, bookmarking: add the  cislibguide extended essay   and the ibo extended essay pages to your bookmarks., educate yourself: look at the information in the subject pages of mycis  - note - if you want further information on world studies ee go to ew414 on wednesday 17th at smart., create a folder for all your ee work: entitle this  firstname_lastname_extended_essay2024.  share your folder:  with p [email protected] and   [email protected] . you will also share your folder with your supervisor once they have been assigned.**   ., link your folder to the researchers reflection space on managebac: in this area: -.

  • a) Add the link to your EE folder.
  • b) Write down your initial ideas as to what you might want to do your EE in and what potential topics you want to do. 
  • c) Add your mindmap of ideas (see below)

5.   Sign the Extended Essay Essential Agreement: This is a mandatory form you must fill in to show that you understand the expectations that we have regarding academic honesty, the use of the RRS and your Google Folder.

academic honesty extended essay

7. Read Example Essays: I n subjects that you may be interested in download and read through   some example assessed essays . Note - there are some from the IB and there are also A grade essays from past CIS students in the subject specific areas of this site . Be ready to explain to your supervisor on day 1 all that is expected of a good essay.

8. complete your proposal: you will need to download  the proposal form  . this must be completed as well as possible showing that you have looked for sources of information that are not just from the internet but also using the school academic databases - . here is a document with examples of acceptable and unacceptable proposals., how and where to submit the proposal, deadline:   friday january 27th to managebac - also print out a hard copy and give to your ag teacher., note - you must give options in two different subject areas as places are limited in some popular subjects e.g. business, psychology., please note, some subjects are more popular than others, and not everyone can have their first choice. you are more likely to get your first choice if your proposal is excellent., day 0 - research workshops.

  • Next: Step 1 - Choose a subject >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 18, 2024 5:40 PM
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Extended Essay: Citations/Sources/Academic Honesty

  • Before You Start
  • Business Management
  • Language and Literature
  • Visual Arts
  • World Studies
  • Developing a Research Question
  • Structure of the Extended Essay
  • Writing the Essay
  • Citations/Sources/Academic Honesty
  • Timelines and Materials
  • Example Research Questions
  • Supervisors

academic honesty extended essay

Know When and What to Cite

academic honesty extended essay

Citation Styles

Subject area

Citation Style










Chicago or MLA



Sports, Exercise and Health Science  APA or MLA

Visual Arts


World Studies

Chicago or MLA

Academic Honesty

According to IB:

Academic honesty

Research practices when working on an extended essay must reflect the principles of academic honesty. The essay must provide the reader with the  precise  sources of quotations, ideas and points of view through accurate citations, which may be in-text or footnotes, and full references listed in the bibliography, which, regardless of the system used, must ensure the minimum requirements.

Producing accurate references and a bibliography is a skill that students should be seeking to refine as part of the extended essay writing process. Documenting the research in this way is vital: it allows readers to evaluate the evidence for themselves, and it shows the student’s understanding of the importance of the sources used.

Failure to comply with this requirement will be viewed as academic misconduct and will, therefore, be treated as a potential breach of IB regulations.

What is Plagiarism?

According to Merriam-Webster:

Definition of  plagiarize

transitive verb

intransitive verb

Style Guides

  • APA Style Guide
  • Chicago Style Guide
  • MLA Style Guide
  • << Previous: Writing the Essay
  • Next: Timelines and Materials >>
  • Last Updated: Nov 18, 2020 8:01 AM
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US IB Extended Essay: Home

  • Academic Writing
  • Researchers Reflective Space (RRS)
  • Research Questions
  • Databases & Web Resources (English & Spanish)
  • Bibliographies, References & Citations
  • Reflections
  • Subject Specific EE Resources

Getting Started

academic honesty extended essay

Academic Integrity-The IB Guide


To read the full Academic Integrity IB Guide, click HERE.

Extended Essay Guides


If you have questions or concerns about the Extended Essay, see your supervisor, or Dr. Bree. Research needs, see Ms. Keating.

The first part of the IB guide contains general information that is relevant to all Extended Essays, regardless of subject. The section is quite short, and it is well worth reading for the advice and information given. 

Six required elements of the extended essay: Title page Contents page Introduction Body of the essay Conclusion References and bibliography

Presentation of Your Extended Essay


The extended essay should be written in a clear, correct and formal academic style, appropriate to the subject from which the topic is drawn. Given that the extended essay is a formally written research paper, it should strive to maintain a professional, academic look.

To help achieve this, the following formatting is required: the use of 12-point, readable font double spacing page numbering no candidate or school name on the title page or page headers.

Submitting the extended essay in the required format will help set the tone of the essay and will aid readability for on-screen assessment by examiners.

  • ASM Extended Essay Information
  • General EE Info for Juniors

Assessment Points

Points awarded for the Extended Essay in conjunction with the Theory of Knowledge Essay - out of a maximum total of 45 points.   (See the IBO webpage on Assessment for more information.)

Extended Essay Topics

Your Extended Essay (research topic) must fall into one of the six approved DP categories , or IB subject groups, which are as follows:

  • Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature
  • Group 2: Language Acquisition
  • Group 3: Individuals and Societies
  • Group 4: Sciences
  • Group 5: Mathematics
  • Group 6: The Arts

IB Academic Honesty/Integrity

Academic honesty in the IB educational context

Most students understand that it is wrong to copy another student's work and submit as their own. However, it is also dishonest to copy and paste text from WWW into your paper and submit as your own writing or ideas. 

Academic Honesty   The website provides some helpful information on intentional and unintentional plagiarism, and on how students can avoid plagiarism by good citation. Paraphrasing can be difficult, and the  Indiana University Writing Tutorial Services provides some helpful information on how to properly paraphrase.

Citing Sources for Academic Research When doing research for papers and projects, it is necessary to properly acknowledge authors whose work has been used in your end product. This acknowledgement takes place in your writing in the form of parenthetical references, footnotes, endnotes, works cited pages or bibliographies. There are many documentation styles used by a variety of academic disciplines.  At the American School of Madrid , students are strongly encouraged to use MLA. Noodle Tools is an excellent way to assure students that their citations will be correctly formatted.

Plagiarism Plagiarism is often clear to students only when it involves non-electronic sources. For example, buying a paper from a paper mill to turn in as one's own work is unquestionably plagiarism. Students realize that copying from a book or journal without properly citing the source is plagiarism, but using materials from Web documents seems to be different. Students have the perception that everything on the Web is free, therefore could be no theft involved in taking material that is found there. However, plagiarism is not limited to any specific format, electronic or non-electronic.

Copyright law protects Web documents. Georgia Harper, a lawyer for the University of Texas, says that people assume that everything on the Web is public domain, probably because the law used to require that copyrighted material display a copyright notice. The law changed, however, and "putting the fingers on the keyboard creates a copyrighted work." She says that copyright protection is automatic, so that postings of all kinds are protected (Harper). (Southeastern Louisiana University)


To view this PowerPoint click HERE.

The Extended Essay-Understand the Process

Click here to get the full Extended Essay Guide , or the links below to the specific sections. 

Overview of the Extended Essay

Academic honesty in the IB

Ethical guidelines for Extended Essay research and fieldwork

Researcher's Reflection Space

Role of External Mentors

Viva voce final reflection session

  • Next: Academic Writing >>
  • Last Updated: Oct 16, 2023 4:40 PM
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HS DP Extended Essay: Academic Honesty

  • General Information
  • Class of 2025 EE Calendar
  • The assessment criteria
  • Criterion D
  • Research Questions, Topics & Keywords
  • ISZL Online Subscription Sources
  • Open Access Resources
  • NoodleTools
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Academic Honesty
  • Understanding Source Types
  • Formatting and Citation Assistance
  • EE Exemplars from IBO
  • HS Library Homepage This link opens in a new window

IBO: Academic Integrity Policy

academic honesty extended essay

Plagiarism Spectrum

academic honesty extended essay

ISZL Academic Honesty Policy

academic honesty extended essay

Understanding Plagiarism


Plagiarism is a common (and often misunderstood) problem that is often the result of a lack of knowledge and skills. Our mission is to support the education community with a comprehensive set of resources to help students write with integrity.

Are you completing assignments honestly?

academic honesty extended essay

  • << Previous: Images
  • Next: Understanding Source Types >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 27, 2024 3:50 PM
  • URL:


Extended Essay

  • The Extended Essay
  • EE Inquiry Process
  • Extended Essay Guide
  • Sample EE's
  • Finding Sources
  • Academic Honesty - Citing Sources
  • Formatting the EE

The GSS Detailed Guidelines for Documenting Sources in Research Papers is your go to document for all your IB research papers (including EE, TOK Essay, IAs etc.). Start there!

  • GSS Detailed Guidelines for Documenting Sources in Research Papers (APA Style) This guide gives an overview of how document your sources in research papers, including how to use in-text citations , how to format figures (images) and tables , and how to properly set up your References list (using APA style).
  • IB Citation Guidelines For full details on citing sources, refer to the guidelines outlined on this comprehensive IB Citations Guidelines page. Choose APA style for all fields of study except for Language. Choose MLA style for a Language EE.
  • How to Spot Fake News An excellent infographic describing how to evaluate your online sources. From the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.
  • How to Cite Your Own Translation - APA Style This article explains how to cite a passage you translated from one language into another.
  • What isTitle Case

Cite your sources for your Extended Essay and all other IB work with Noodle Tools. See your Teacher Librarian for login information.

academic honesty extended essay

  • << Previous: Finding Sources
  • Next: Formatting the EE >>
  • Last Updated: Nov 18, 2022 9:14 AM
  • URL:

Garibaldi Secondary School, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada


Extended Essay: Extended Essay Home

  • Extended Essay Home
  • Academic Honesty
  • Research and Source Information
  • EE Formal Presentation - Formatting & Citing
  • Reflection Overview
  • Read Exemplar EEs

Key Features of the Extended Essay

academic honesty extended essay

  • The extended essay is compulsory for all students taking the Diploma Programme and is an option for course students.
  • A student must achieve a D grade or higher to be awarded the Diploma.
  • The extended essay is externally assessed and, in combination with the grade for theory of knowledge, contributes up to three points to the total score f or the IB Diploma.
  • The extended essay process helps prepare students for success at university and in other pathways beyond the Diploma Programme.
  • When choosing a subject for the extended essay, students must consult the list of available Diploma Programme subjects published in the Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme for the session in question.
  • The extended essay is a piece of independent research on a topic chosen by the student in consultation with a supervisor in the school.
  • It is presented as a formal piece of sustained academic writing containing no more than 4,000 words accompanied by a reflection form of no more than 500 words.
  • It is the result of approximately 40 hours of work by the student.
  • Students are supported by a supervision process recommended to be 3–5 hours, which includes t hree mandatory reflection sessions .
  • The third and final mandatory reflection session is the viva voce , which is a concluding interview with the supervising teacher.

Important Due Dates for the EE

Class of 2025 extended essay deadlines:.

5 May: First reflection due in ManageBac

23 August: Second reflection due in ManageBac

29 - 30 August: Senior Retreat

18 September: Completed draft due to Supervisor

23 October: Completed EE due to Supervisor

23 October - 7 November: Viva Voce and final reflection due in ManageBac

4 November: EE Assembly, 8:20 - 9:30 am

Extended Essay Books in the Library

academic honesty extended essay

Find both of these Extended Essay books in the IB and University Collection.

Useful Forms

  • EE Expectations Agreement to be signed by student, supervisor and parent

EE Criteria

academic honesty extended essay

  • This criterion focuses on the topic, the research question and the methodology. 
  • It assesses the explanation of the focus of the research (this includes the topic and the research question), how the research will be undertaken, and how the focus is maintained throughout the essay.

Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding [6 marks]

  • This criterion assesses the extent to which the research relates to the subject area/discipline used to explore the research question, or in the case of the world studies extended essay, the issue addressed and the two disciplinary perspectives applied, and additionally the way in which this knowledge and understanding is demonstrated through the use of appropriate terminology and concepts.

Criterion C: Critical Thinking [12 marks]

  • This criterion assesses the extent to which critical-thinking skills have been used to analyse and evaluate the research undertaken.

Criterion D: Presentation [4 marks]

  • This criterion assesses the extent to which the presentation follows the standard format expected for academic writing and the extent to which this aids effective communication.

Criterion E: Engagement [6 marks]

  • This criterion assesses the student’s engagement with their research focus and the research process.
  • It will be applied by the examiner at the end of the assessment of the essay, and is based solely on the candidate’s reflections as detailed on the  RPPF , with the supervisory comments and extended essay itself as context.
  • Only the first 500 words are assessable.

EE Markbands

academic honesty extended essay

A = 27 - 34

B = 21 - 26

C = 14 - 20

D =  7 - 13

E =  0 - 6

EE/TOK Matrix

Ee guide and website.

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Extended Essay: Academic Honesty

  • Essay Structure and PPT Outline
  • Referencing & Formatting
  • Critical Thinking
  • Reflections
  • Academic Honesty
  • Marking Criteria
  • Starting Research
  • Research Questions
  • EE Report Feedback: Data Analysis & Evaluation of Sources

Academic Integrity

academic honesty extended essay

A student's perspective

academic honesty extended essay

Academic Integrity- Student PPT

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  • Next: Marking Criteria >>
  • Last Updated: Sep 4, 2024 10:22 AM
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Extended Essay: Interdisciplinary essays

  • General Timeline
  • Group 1: English Language and Literature
  • Group 2: Language Acquisition
  • Group 3: Individuals and Societies
  • Group 4: Sciences
  • Group 5: Mathematics
  • Group 6: The Arts
  • Interdisciplinary essays
  • Six sub-categories for WSEE
  • IB Interdisciplinary EE Assessment Guide
  • Brainstorming
  • Pre-Writing
  • Research Techniques
  • The Research Question
  • Paraphrasing, Summarising and Quotations
  • Writing an EE Introduction
  • Writing the main body of your EE
  • Writing your EE Conclusion
  • Sources: Finding, Organising and Evaluating Them
  • Conducting Interviews and Surveys
  • Citing and Referencing
  • Check-in Sessions
  • First Formal Reflection
  • Second Formal Reflection
  • Final Reflection (Viva Voce)
  • Researcher's Reflection Space (RRS) Examples
  • Information for Supervisors
  • How is the EE Graded?
  • EE Online Resources
  • Stavanger Public Library
  • Exemplar Essays
  • Extended Essay Presentations
  • ISS High School Academic Honesty Policy

Interdisciplinary Studies EEs

An interdisciplinary extended essay (EE) gives students an opportunity to undertake an in-depth and independent investigation into a topic of their choice that considers the relationship between subjects and allows for meaningful connections to be made in relation to their chosen area of research.

For a longer general introduction to undertaking an EE in an interdisciplinary subject area, see  Interdisciplinary essays: An introduction  .

World Studies EE

academic honesty extended essay

An EE in world studies gives students the opportunity to undertake an interdisciplinary study of an issue of contemporary global significance.

“Interdisciplinary” in this context refers to research that draws on the methods, concepts and theories of two Diploma Programme subjects . It is strongly recommended that students are undertaking a course of study in at least one of the subjects chosen for their essay.

“Contemporary” in this context refers to events that took place during the student’s lifetime.

Students are required to

  • identify an issue of global importance
  • identify a local manifestation of the issue of global importance
  • develop a clear rationale for taking an interdisciplinary approach and use the conceptual framework and vocabulary of two Diploma Programme subjects.

This provides an opportunity for students to conduct independent interdisciplinary research (not necessarily primary research) that draws on Diploma Programme subjects and integrates them to produce a coherent and insightful analysis of the global issue they choose to investigate.

World studies EEs are registered in one of six areas of study: these are not the same as the Diploma Programme subjects. They are:

  • Conflict, peace and security
  • Culture, language and identity
  • Environmental and/or economic sustainability
  • Equality and inequality
  • Health and development
  • Science, technology and society.

The interdisciplinary essay is designed to provide students with the opportunity to:

  • engage in, and pursue, a systematic process of research appropriate to the topic—a process that is informed by knowledge, concepts, theories, perspectives and methods from two chosen subjects
  • develop research and communication skills—including the ability to communicate with readers who have a background in more than one subject or discipline
  • develop the skills of creative and critical thinking—particularly those skills involved in integrating concepts, theories, perspectives, findings or examples from different subjects to develop new insights or understandings
  • experience the excitement of intellectual discovery—including insights into how different subjects complement or challenge one another when used to address the same topic or issue.

(See World Studies EE  and  IB World Studies: Subject Guide  for more information about this topic)

Environmental Systems and Societies EE

academic honesty extended essay

Environmental issues occupy a position of increasing significance on the world agenda. An EE in environmental systems and societies gives students an opportunity to explore an environmental topic of particular interest to them.

Since the subject is interdisciplinary, the student will need to select and integrate theoretical contexts and methodologies with those academic disciplines appropriate to the chosen topic.

In this respect, a systems approach is particularly effective, and students will be expected to use this approach in the analysis and interpretation of their data.

Choice of Topic and Examples

Environmental systems and societies focuses upon the interaction and integration of “natural” environmental systems and human societies. An EE in this subject should give significant (though not necessarily equal) weight to both these dimensions.

The topic should allow the student to demonstrate some grasp of how environmental systems and societies function together. For example:

  • studying pure ecological principles within the context of human interaction with the environmental system
  • addressing philosophical approaches to the environment in relation to specific natural systems.

Students must ensure that their topic would not be better submitted under one of the specialized subject areas of the experimental or the human sciences. For example, topics focusing exclusively on human health, disease or politics are usually more appropriate to a single-discipline essay.

The topic must be open to analytical argument. If it lends itself only to a descriptive or narrative treatment, the student will be unable to achieve marks for critical thinking in the assessment criteria.

For example, it would be of minimal value simply to  describe  a given nature reserve. Instead, the topic should involve an  evaluation  of the reserve’s relationship with a local community, or a  comparison  of its achievement with its original objectives or with those of another conservation initiative.

The topic must enable students to construct and support an argument from their own analysis of the information, rather than simply reporting others’ analysed data.

These examples are just for guidance. Students must ensure their choice of topic is focused (left-hand column) rather than broad (right-hand column).

academic honesty extended essay

Environmental Systems and Societies

Environment Iconixar Lineal Color icon

Helpful Websites for ESS EE Students:

IB ESS Subject Specific Guide  - Use tabs on the left under Environmental Systems and Societies: Subject Specific Guide for more information. 

For Research:

Gale Environmental Studies and Policies

Gale Environmental Studies 

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  • Next: World Studies EE's >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 23, 2024 12:12 PM
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  1. The research process on the Extended Essay: Academic Honesty

    Promote good academic practice and a school culture that actively encourages academic honesty Enable students to understand what constitutes academic honesty and dishonesty Encourage students to look to their teachers, supervisors and coordinator for support when completing assessed work in order to prevent any possible form of malpractice (See ...

  2. PDF Academic integrity

    Academic honesty in the IB educational context. Key terms. These are some key terms which are used in this publication. Academic integrity . Academic integrity is a guiding principle in education and a choice to act in a responsible way whereby others can have trust in us as individuals. It is the foundation for ethical decision-making and ...

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  4. Academic Integrity & Honesty

    The IB Academic Integrity guide (2019, p.47) outlines the following points on avoiding plagiarism: Read and understand their school's academic integrity and honesty policy. Design time schedules or plans to manage tasks sensibly. Maintain organized notes and sources consulted during the production of work.

  5. LibGuides: IB Extended Essay Guide: Academic Honesty

    IB Extended Essay Guide: Academic Honesty. IB Extended Essay Guide; September - Overview; October - Subject Selection; November - Topic Selection; December - Research Question Feasibility; January - Supervisor Meeting 1; February - Outline + 1,000 Words; March - Supervisor Meeting 2 + Reflection 1;

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    The purpose of this publication is to guide members of the International Baccalaureate (IB) community in understanding the IB's expectations with regards to referencing the ideas, words, or work of other people when producing an original document or piece of work. This document provides guidance on referencing and demonstrates some of the ...

  8. LibGuides: Extended Essay: Introduction to the EE

    a) Add the link to your EE folder. b) Write down your initial ideas as to what you might want to do your EE in and what potential topics you want to do. c) Add your mindmap of ideas (see below) 5. Sign the Extended Essay Essential Agreement: This is a mandatory form you must fill in to show that you understand the expectations that we have ...

  9. Extended Essay: Citations/Sources/Academic Honesty

    According to IB: Academic honesty. Research practices when working on an extended essay must reflect the principles of academic honesty. The essay must provide the reader with the precise sources of quotations, ideas and points of view through accurate citations, which may be in-text or footnotes, and full references listed in the bibliography, which, regardless of the system used, must ensure ...

  10. Home

    Extended Essay Topics. Your Extended Essay (research topic) must fall into one of the six approved DP categories, or IB subject groups, which are as follows: Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature. Group 2: Language Acquisition. Group 3: Individuals and Societies. Group 4: Sciences. Group 5: Mathematics.

  11. Academic Honesty

    Extended Essay Home; Academic Honesty; Research and Source Information; EE Formal Presentation - Formatting & Citing; Reflection Overview; Read Exemplar EEs; The IBO and Academic Honesty. Academic Honesty: Principles to Practice. View this IBO presentation about academic honesty, why it's important and how it relates to all areas of the DP. (2014)

  12. Extended Essay: ISS High School Academic Honesty Policy

    ISS HS Academic Honesty Policy. The following policy was created to provide a cohesive understanding of academic honesty for all high school students. Philosophy -- Education. ... For IBDP, including the Extended Essay and Internal Assessments, students should confer with their advisors to determine the most appropriate style for their subject ...

  13. PDF The Extended Essay A guide for students

    An extended essay must reflect academic honesty in research practices and provide the reader with the . exact. sources of quotations, ideas and points of view through accurate bibliographies and referencing. Failure to comply with this requirement will be viewed as plagiarism and will be treated as.

  14. LibGuides: HS DP Extended Essay: Academic Honesty

    HS DP Extended Essay: Academic Honesty. General Information; Class of 2025 EE Calendar; The assessment criteria; Criterion D; Research Questions, Topics & Keywords ... Images; Academic Honesty; Understanding Source Types; Formatting and Citation Assistance; EE Exemplars from IBO; AI; HS Library Homepage This link opens in a new window; IBO ...

  15. LibGuides: Extended Essay: Academic Honesty

    Academic Honesty - Citing Sources . ... Cite your sources for your Extended Essay and all other IB work with Noodle Tools. See your Teacher Librarian for login information. << Previous: Finding Sources; Next: Formatting the EE >> Last Updated: Nov 18, 2022 9:14 AM;

  16. Extended Essay Home

    The extended essay is a piece of independent research on a topic chosen by the student in consultation with a supervisor in the school. It is presented as a formal piece of sustained academic writing containing no more than 4,000 words accompanied by a reflection form of no more than 500 words. It is the result of approximately 40 hours of work ...

  17. Academic honesty in the DP

    This study compares survey responses of students, teachers, and school administrators from schools in 76 countries worldwide. The surveys addressed their knowledge, understanding, and attitudes toward academic honesty, how it is taught at their school, as well as school experiences. Results indicate that students mostly learn about academic ...

  18. Academic Honesty

    Essay Structure and PPT Outline; Databases; Referencing & Formatting; Critical Thinking; Reflections; Academic Honesty; Year 12 Sessions; Year 13 Sessions; Marking Criteria; Starting Research; Research Questions; EE Report Feedback: Data Analysis & Evaluation of Sources

  19. Extended Essay

    Requires academic honesty in your approach to research and the final production of your Extended Essay. Contact Information. Mrs. Shapiro ... The Extended Essay is a 3500-4000 word research paper on a topic of your choosing with internal citations or footnotes. It must include a Works Cited (MLA) or a Bibliography (Chicago/Turabian) as a ...

  20. LibGuides: Extended Essay: Interdisciplinary essays

    ISS High School Academic Honesty Policy ; Interdisciplinary Studies EEs. An interdisciplinary extended essay (EE) gives students an opportunity to undertake an in-depth and independent investigation into a topic of their choice that considers the relationship between subjects and allows for meaningful connections to be made in relation to their ...