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What is an ai text generator.

AI text generator tools create text using artificial intelligence and advanced language models. These models are trained on large amounts of data to understand and mimic human writing styles. Whether you need to write articles, emails, or social media posts, these tools help you get the job done quickly and naturally.

How does the AI Text Generator work?

The tool uses smart algorithms and natural language processing to create text. It studies large amounts of data to learn how language works, including patterns and styles. When you enter your prompt, the tool uses this knowledge to predict and arrange words in a way that produces content that feels natural, fits your needs, and closely resembles human writing.

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Why I changed my mind about volunteering

My generation was taught to change the system. That lesson came at a cost.

by Rachel M. Cohen

EleniKalorkoti_Vox Volunteering

Last fall, a reader asked me what they could really do, as one person, to aid people living on the streets. “I often feel helpless to enact change,” they wrote. I’d been covering homelessness in America and knew that even the sprawling support organizations that have been working on outreach for decades had failed to end the crisis. My mind immediately went to systemic solutions, like voting for candidates who prioritize building more housing, or supporting efforts to loosen zoning codes.

But when I called experts, their answers surprised me. Some of our ideas overlapped, but many of their suggestions were ones I had admittedly not entertained: passing out socks or hand-warmers, donating items like sleeping bags to local shelters, or giving office supplies and bus passes to nonprofits serving unhoused people.

The reporting left me uneasy. Why did I think only about structural change and disregard more immediate help? And why don’t I do more of those day-to-day charitable things, or know many people who do, either?

I did growing up. I have clear memories of bagging meals at food pantries, of cleaning up parks, of Walking for the Cure. I sold lemonade for Darfur and baked brownies for victims of Katrina. In Hebrew school, I learned about giving tzedakah, a form of charity, and our obligation to “repair the world.”

But over time, those childhood activities started to look, well, childish. My coming of age in the 2010s coincided with critiques of individual action that were gaining prominence in media, politics, and academia — overlapping with a growing national focus on inequality and the climate crisis. It was the era of Occupy Wall Street and Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, and our whole country grew more fluent in rebukes of billionaires and plutocracy.

Different arguments began to emerge: Volunteering, donating, and modifying one’s personal behavior were, at best, unproductive; at worst, they were harmful distractions from the change we really need. Be wary of those tote-bag shoppers at Whole Foods, championing recycling and reducing one’s carbon footprint. Didn’t they know that BP coined the idea of the “carbon footprint” to shift blame off its own oil production? Didn’t they understand that “ lifestyle politics ” was not the answer? Volunteering or bake sales didn’t threaten the status quo. They were what people in power wanted you to be doing.

Real social change would come only from mass protest and collective pressure on governments and corporations. It didn’t hurt that such protests against poverty, police brutality, and rising global temperatures were also exciting, and seemed to offer young people better and more visible ways of making a difference.

As a left-leaning college student, I was persuaded by leaders who warned that personal consumer choices would never amount to real social change. I also grew familiar with arguments by activists and intellectuals that nonprofits were too often complacent and even disincentivized to solve real problems, since doing so could threaten their own funding streams. Contributing my time and money to this “ nonprofit industrial complex ” would be a mistake. Cutting checks wouldn’t change anything other than the balance in my savings account. For real social progress, we’d need systematic policy shifts, comprehensive legislation, and political power.

Since I received the reader’s note about homelessness last fall, I’ve been thinking more about the cost of all this cynicism. Were the arguments against individual action even helpful?

I also started to wonder if these beliefs contributed to the American “ friendship recession ” and loneliness crisis I kept hearing about. Back in 2000, in his book Bowling Alone , political scientist Robert Putnam highlighted declines in American church attendance, volunteering, civic associations, and team sports ; it seems our “social cohesion” had only gotten worse since then. Gen Z and millennials volunteer at lower rates than adults born in earlier generations, even though there is pretty overwhelming research that volunteering and donating makes people happier , and boosts their self-esteem , physical health , and lifespan.

It’s not considered socially acceptable to tout personal benefits derived from charitable acts. It’d be unusual to hear volunteers say they’re going to a soup kitchen to improve their self-esteem. Perhaps this is because those gains suggest that there are more selfish motivations for behaviors we want to think of primarily as selfless. But wealthy philanthropists don’t seem shy about citing their self-interest, and often say their humanitarian work leaves them with deep feelings of pleasure, optimism, and agency.

It struck me as rather sad that those of us who are not billionaires may have convinced ourselves that volunteering or fundraising was mostly a waste of time.

When did I become someone who placed such exhausting value on optimizing my time, anyway? It suddenly felt much more arrogant than altruistic. Convenient, and uncaring.

Perhaps most importantly, had distancing ourselves from charity and service made the world a better place? Has it made my own life better?

A few developments helped sour so many in my left-leaning generation on individual action.

The climate movement over the last 15 years played a leading role, rejecting solutions based on individual responsibility, and emphasizing the limits of forgoing meat or driving hybrid cars. Activists organized worldwide youth climate strikes and pipeline protests , focusing the public’s attention on governments, oil companies, and fossil fuel lobbyists.

People protesting in front of a Hilton with a banner that says “stop funding fossil fuels.”

In the 2016 presidential primary, where he captured over 70 percent of the Democratic youth vote , Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders took aim at “corporate polluters” driving the climate emergency. And perhaps no claim had more cultural influence than the widely shared, though misleading , statistic that just 100 companies were responsible for 70 percent of the world’s emissions .

There was also a largely successful effort to link curbing climate change with anti-capitalism. The 2011 Occupy protests got an even bigger boost following Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century , published in English in 2014. ( Vox called it “the most important economics book of the year, if not the decade.”) Naomi Klein’s influential book This Changes Everything , also published in 2014, made the case that capitalism itself was an existential threat, that saving the planet would not be possible without overhauling the economic order.

In many ways, the growing emphasis on collective action felt clarifying, righteous, and long overdue. Student debt activists who emerged from Occupy helped millions of people process their feelings of shame and guilt over falling victim to predatory loans. New and influential left-wing outlets, like Jacobin, helped shape my generation’s consciousness and inspire us to demand more from those in power.

At their best, these collectivist messages inspired hope, agency, and empathy — spelling out a concrete playbook for a more just planet. At their worst, though, they fueled despair, cynicism, and nihilism, promising a better world only if near-impossible political changes were made, and fast. Social and economic conditions were characterized as terribly as possible, to galvanize more people to upend them. Even those who weren’t necessarily looking to foment a revolution contributed to growing negative attitudes around individual action. The Effective Altruist movement , for example, argued that most charities were wasteful and ineffective, save for some rare exceptions.

A recent Harvard Institute of Politics poll found that young people are far more fearful than hopeful about the future: They worry about the moral direction of the country, don’t think their vote will make a real difference, and don’t volunteer for community service. It’s not that people today are choosing to protest instead of recycling; it’s that in our current environment, many people are doing neither. Despite all the attention on collective action and solidarity, many young adults are isolated and pessimistic about social change.

I set a New Year’s resolution to volunteer. Here I was, a self-motivated journalist with professional research skills; finding charitable work I could donate my time to shouldn’t have been too hard.

But it was more difficult than I expected. I’m not a member of a faith-based organization, neither my workplace nor my union organizes volunteer events, and my initial inquiries to nonprofits through went ignored. Lacking something I could easily plug into, I felt the poverty of my institutional connections in a new way. Robert Putnam would be nodding sagely, I thought.

Finally, I stumbled on something called a “giving circle,” where people donate money collectively, mostly to local nonprofits. It resembled a book club but for philanthropy, and I found one focused on women and children in the DC area. The full group, roughly 250 people, convenes annually to vote on donating their pooled membership funds, though those who want to be more involved can participate in subcommittees that review grant applications to help narrow down the list. Since I report on housing, I decided to join the housing subcommittee and our group of roughly 20 began meeting weekly on Tuesday nights. ​​It was unfamiliar work, but I appreciated it and all the women involved who took the reviews so seriously. I learned about extraordinary groups in the DC area, like Together We Bake , which has trained hundreds of women in food production, and SafeSpotDC , which helps victims of child abuse.

I also started reading books on volunteering, grasping for new ways to make sense of what I was feeling. I read in Arthur Brooks’s book, Who Really Cares , that secular liberals like myself are stingier givers — less likely to donate to charity or volunteer than the general population, and much less likely to donate or volunteer than religious conservatives. The larger decline in organized religion loomed over this research.

“For many Americans, political opinions are a substitute for personal checks,” Brooks writes. He even observed that proponents of income redistribution were less likely to give blood. “If everyone in the population gave at the same rate as government aid advocates, the supply would drop by about 30 percent,” he reported.

I squirmed when I read this. I’d never given blood. I found a study that said among first-time blood donors, the most frequently cited reason for giving was “influence from a friend.” I couldn’t think of anyone encouraging me to donate, but that felt like a weak excuse.

Around the same time, the Red Cross declared an emergency blood shortage ; donors had dropped by 40 percent over the last two decades. With Brooks’ book fresh in my mind, I decided to sign up. In early February, I went downtown to a blood donation center; the whole thing was relatively quick, and I felt happy when I left.

I caught a charitable bug. None of this was hard, I realized. I just hadn’t prioritized any of it. I found a local homeless organization that had an Amazon wish list of needed items. I sent them tampons, pads, wipes, underwear, and hand-warmers, and chided myself for not having done such easy things sooner.

The US has long been defined by its culture of volunteerism. When French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville came to America in the 1830s he marveled at the many civic groups, later arguing that such volunteer organizations were integral to American democracy. Our bustling nonprofit sector would become a global symbol of entrepreneurialism and freedom.

It’s become common to say this vibrant civic fabric has since frayed. America is hanging out less. Our “social fitness” in shambles . But over the last year, I’ve found plenty of data that complicates this narrative.

Volunteer rates have not fluctuated very much over the last 75 years. There were declines in the 1980s, then surges following the 9/11 attacks and again during the Trump presidency. Researchers find mixed evidence that social capital is declining, though there’s more consensus that volunteering itself has become more episodic and time-limited than before. Nonprofit donations are down , but crowdfunding contributions keep soaring .

Some scholars say the Bowling Alone thesis was always missing the forest for the trees, that Putnam’s analysis privileged the kinds of activities white people of means were most likely to do.

“You had the largest immigration rights mobilization in 2006 ever, and then the white people were all reading Putnam,” Erica Kohl-Arenas, a professor of American Studies at the University of California, Davis, told me. “Numbers are not down in terms of people as part of associations, groups, or affiliated networks, but they might be down in terms of those who say, ‘I’m going to go look at the Yellow Pages to do five hours of service a week.’”

In contrast to the Yellow Pages form of service, so-called informal volunteering — meaning unpaid acts of service not coordinated through legal nonprofits — is harder to track, practiced more by communities of color, and almost never included in official counts of philanthropy.

“There’s lots of volunteering that doesn’t involve an organization,” said Mark Snyder, the director of the Center for the Study of the Individual and Society at the University of Minnesota. “When neighbors on a block shoot a message to your group text asking if someone can keep an eye on your kid, or bring over a meal, these things aren’t considered volunteering. But do you get paid for it? Do you get a sense of benefit by helping?”

Paul Schervish, a retired sociologist who directed the Center on Wealth and Philanthropy at Boston College, spent his career urging colleagues to take interpersonal and intra-family caregiving more seriously. He noted that while charitable giving is measured at roughly $500 billion annually in the US, remittances to relatives in poorer countries exceed $100 billion per year.

“None of those payments are included in what we talk about when we talk about philanthropy,” he told me. “Furthermore, Hispanics rank lower on charitable giving than other ethnic groups, but part of that is they are offering their homes up to family and living with extended family members so much more often, and carrying out these remittances. Care for each other, and even within your own family, is something that we don’t pay attention to.”

Schervish argues that a proper understanding of philanthropy has always been more vast than the way Putnam and conventional theorists have sliced and diced it. It should encompass both informal aid for friends and family, and acts of service for people more distant from you. Look no further than the Greek word philia , he says, referring to non-romantic love, that shares the same root as our modern word philanthropy.

“ Philia or friendship love, for Aristotle, extends out in concentric circles from the family to the entire species,” Schervish has written. “Friendship love is a relation of mutual nourishment that leads to the virtuous flourishing of both parties.”

Or put differently, rather than debate whether acts of philanthropy are motivated by selfishness or selflessness, or whether it “counts” if it’s service for your aunt versus your neighbor versus a child in Africa, Schervish encourages thinking about donors, volunteers, and all caregivers as people who take action in connection with others, who “view others in need as familial.”

I took the point that the popular view on social cohesion may have oversights. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that people today are feeling more despair, especially younger people.

I know firsthand that many Americans are overwhelmed by negative news stories, which compound in exhausting ways. It’s become far too hard to know what’s true, and all the contradictory information leads some to give up trying to make sense of the world altogether. The proportion of readers who say they avoid news is close to an all-time high.

Volunteering wouldn’t solve these problems, but given what we know about volunteering’s benefits, it seems it could certainly help. One University of Oxford researcher surveyed over 45,000 employees whose companies offered wellness benefits like massage classes, coaching sessions, and mindfulness workshops. The only option that seemed to actually have a positive effect on well-being, the study found, were those jobs that provided workers with opportunities for charity or volunteering.

Volunteers help bag to-go meals at Catherdral Kitchen on August 21, 2013, in Camden, New Jersey. Cathedral Kitchen is a multi-service soup kitchen that has been serving the Camden homeless community since 1976. They serve between 300 and 600 dinners each night, as well as offering biweekly dental services, and periodic medical and legal services as well.

A friend from my giving circle pointed out that the vast number of activities billed as self-care are pricey beauty treatments, boutique fitness classes, and other ways to “treat” ourselves. They all tend to advance the idea that feeling better, and even simply feeling good, is found in helping oneself rather than each other.

Still, it can be harder for young people today to volunteer, Snyder, from the University of Minnesota, told me. “Young people are scrambling more than cohorts before to make a living, making ends meet through multiple jobs,” he said. “There are fewer discretionary hours available in a day.”

I reached out to the Making Caring Common Project at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education. In 2014, it found that a large majority of American teenagers value personal achievement and happiness over caring for others, priorities they felt their parents also shared. Richard Weissbourd, who directs the center, told me they’ve re-surveyed youths several times over the last decade and found similar results. Teens consistently rank happiness and personal achievement most highly, and caring for others and concern for the common good at the bottom.

“The irony of course is that by encouraging everyone to prioritize individual success and happiness, people are getting further from the kinds of activities and mental frameworks that drive satisfaction, fulfillment, community, and peace,” Weissbourd said.

While most news stories on mental health tend to focus on youth struggling in middle and high school, Weissbourd said his research has him worrying most about people ages 18 to 25, who he finds doing “twice as badly” as younger teens. “There’s a lot of apocalyptic thinking and not a lot of action there,” he said. “It’s like a deep tiredness, a feeling like people are in deep winter.”

Meanwhile, though the climate crisis drove people like me to be more distrusting of calls for individual action, some climate leaders have been calling for a different approach. More activists now stress that systemic and individual change should be understood as two sides of the same coin , and that individual action can be necessary for building sustainable, transparent political movements.

“A fixation on system change alone opens the door to a kind of cynical self-absolution that divorces personal commitment from political belief,” Jason Mark, the editor of Sierra magazine, wrote in 2019 . “This is its own kind of false consciousness, one that threatens to create a cheapened climate politics incommensurate with this urgent moment.”

In his book Giving Done Right , Phil Buchanan, the president of the Center for Effective Philanthropy, refers to a longstanding debate over whether it’s useful for donors to spend money on alleviating effects of problems, rather than attacking the problems’ underlying causes. Philanthropy certainly has some great victories in funding “root” solutions, but Buchanan urges against the mentality that only permanently eradicating a problem is worth doing. “You shouldn’t assume that a focus on roots is necessarily superior,” he writes. “Trimming branches is also important.”

In a way, it can feel safe to distrust the value of individual action. Being wary of philanthropy and charitable groups that promise to better the world resonates with the skepticism I’ve been trained to have, professionally and culturally. It also allows me to avoid making sacrifices; there’s no real vulnerability or bets required.

But as time goes on, and as I think about the family I might one day raise , I’m coming to appreciate the value of letting go and taking gambles on hope, as long as they point generally in the moral direction I want to go.

With all these questions swirling in my head, I cold-emailed a local rabbi. She offered to meet and pointed me to a story in Exodus about Jews who agreed to accept the Torah from God before really knowing what was in it. “Naaseh v’nishma,” the Israelites said, which roughly translates to “we’ll do, and then we’ll understand.” The lesson, the rabbi told me, is about diving in with imperfect information, of learning through doing.

Schervish, the retired sociologist, thinks I should worry less about carving time outside of my regular routine to volunteer, and to count acts of service I take for my friends, partner, colleagues, and others just as much as philanthropy organized through 501c(3)s.

“Meeting the true needs of others is how you nourish somebody, but what that nourishment is, and what those true needs are — we’re always going to find people debating about that,” he told me. “And you’re going to have debates within yourself. But it’s always the right question.”

This was his gentle reminder that determining how to live morally requires wrestling that is messy, personal, and evolving. I haven’t figured it all out yet. But I don’t want imperfect information to stop me from diving in, now.

Naaseh v’nishma, I signed up to donate blood again.

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Application and selection process.

Can I submit my application via email?

No. You can only submit your application via Talent Marketplace.

What are the parts of my application?

The application has two parts: (1) a form to fill out directly in Talent Marketplace (including participant and supervisor signatures) and (2) a PDF containing essay questions. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Is Supervisor endorsement required?

Yes. The supervisor’s application signature meets the endorsement requirement. Applications MUST be signed by supervisors to be considered. Unsigned applications will not be reviewed. Supervisor endorsement is committing to:

  • Financially support the participant's travel to three in-person sessions. The first two sessions will be 5 business days each, and the third session will be 3 business days long. A travel day before and after each session will be needed.
  • Work out labor funding with the home organization/center.
  • Acknowledge that NASA LEADS is a 12-month, part-time program. Selected participants will commit up to 20% of their time to program activities and travel over the entire performance period.
  • Allow participants to be assigned to small teams to work on center and/or agency-level projects, which are expected to be completed before the final module.
  • Work with this participant to ensure full commitment to gain the maximum value from NASA LEADS, which includes proactively balancing workload.

How do I know that my application has been received?

Talent Marketplace provides a confirmation screen after a submission is complete. Please note that unsigned applications will not be reviewed.

How many participants will be selected?

Twenty (20) Civil Servants from Science organizations will be selected from across the Agency.

Are contractors eligible to participate?

Unfortunately, like all other Agency leadership development programs, NASA LEADS is unavailable to contractors.

Are term civil servants eligible to participate?

Yes. Term employees, please review the detailed term CSA conditions outlined in Form #1885 (Employee Continued Service Agreement (CSA) for Term Appointed Employees). Visit the NEF site, input 1885, and select Term Appointed Employee in the drop-down

What are the stages of the selection process?

  • The NASA LEADS application will be available in Talent Marketplace from September 13 th -October 4 th , 2025. Please plan ahead, as the application requires supervisor endorsement and completing essay questions.
  • Completeness (questions and essay questions)
  • Supervisor endorsement
  • GS/NEX grade
  • Job series (e.g., all job series 1300, 0400, or 1515, 1520, 1530, 1550 in science organizations).
  • Applicants who are not eligible and their supervisors will be notified as soon as the initial screening is complete.
  • 3 reviewers will evaluate each application
  • Reviewers are senior GS-15+ in Science & Science-related fields
  • Responses to six essay questions in the applications will be scored from 0-5 and given a final recommendation of “highly recommend,” “recommend,” “recommend with reservations” or “do not recommend”
  • Recommendation scores will be averaged with the independent evaluations from all reviewers
  • If the standard deviation of the Recommendation Score is very large, an additional reviewer will be sought 
  • All eligible applicants and their supervisors will be notified of the selection outcomes at this time.

Who will pay for the FTEs to participate in NASA LEADS?

Your organization will cover the ~0.2 FTE needed to participate in NASA LEADS. Supervisor endorsement acknowledges and commits to providing FTE support.

Who will pay for travel expenses to participate in NASA LEADS in-person sessions?

Your organization will pay for travel to all three NASA LEADS in-person sessions. Supervisor endorsement acknowledges and commits to providing travel support.

Attendance and Expectations

Is attendance to in-person sessions mandatory?

Yes. You cannot participate in NASA LEADS unless you attend and actively participate in all the in-person sessions. You are not eligible for participation if you cannot commit to traveling to these sessions. In-person sessions cannot be substituted by hybrid or remote participation. In-person completion of these sessions is required for NASA LEADS graduation.

Is synchronous participation in virtual courses mandatory?

Yes. You cannot participate in NASA LEADS unless you attend all the courses at the time they are taught. If you cannot commit to attending these courses, you are not eligible for participation.

Can I step out to attend non-LEADS meetings while at an in-person session or a virtual course?

No. All participants are expected to fully focus on NASA LEADS content for the duration of program activities. This is standard practice in all NASA leadership development programs. Supervisors will receive an orientation about NASA LEADS good-standing and graduation requirements during the program kickoff.

What are the requirements for program participation and completion?

To remain in good standing, a NASA LEADS participant will:

  • Attend all three in-person sessions, including the in-person graduation. In-person sessions cannot be substituted by hybrid or remote participation. In-person completion of these sessions is required for NASA LEADS graduation.
  • Attend all three virtual, inter-session meetings, including the program orientation.
  • Meet all the requirements set forth by the program, including assigned coursework, a capstone group project, assessments, session assignments, and pre-session reading assignments.
  • Meet with an assigned coach monthly.
  • What activities are NASA LEADS participants required to attend?
  • NASA LEADS participants are required to attend all virtual and in-person components to remain in good standing. If you cannot commit to attending all NASA LEADS activities, you are not eligible for participation. Note that the following dates are tentative.
  • Orientation: 21 January 2025 (12:00 pm to 4 pm ET)
  • Virtual High Performing Teams Course: 3 days during the week of 27 January 2025 (specific days TBD)
  • In-Person Session 1 at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA: 2-7 February 2025 (full week, including Sunday evening)
  • Virtual Intersession 1: 6 March 2025 (12:00 pm to 4 pm ET)
  • Virtual Negotiations and Influence Course: 4 days during the week of April 2025 (specific days TBD)
  • Virtual Leading for Technical and Scientific Innovation Course: 3 days during the week of May 2025 (specific days TBD)
  • Virtual Strategy and Change Management Course: 3 days during the week of June 2025 (specific days TBD)
  • In-Person Session 2 at the Penrose House in Colorado Springs, CO: 6-11 July 2025 (full week, including Sunday evening)
  • Virtual Crucial Conversations Course: 3 days during the week of August 2025 (specific days TBD)
  • Virtual Intersession 2: September 2025 (half-day)
  • Virtual Stewardship of Federal Resources Course: 4 days during the week of October 2025 (specific days TBD)
  • Virtual Leading in the Global Technical and Scientific Communities Course: 4 days during the week of November 2025 (specific days TBD)
  • In-Person Session 3 and Graduation:  3-6 December 2025 (half week)


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To regain trust, universities must affirm commitment to open inquiry (Guest Opinion by Bradley Cosentino)

  • Updated: Sep. 03, 2024, 8:32 a.m.
  • | Published: Sep. 03, 2024, 8:30 a.m.

Pro-Palestine protests

A student sits with her cap decorated to read "Free Palestine" while attending the University of Minnesota's College of Liberal Arts graduation ceremony, Sunday, May 12, 2024, in Minneapolis, Minn. (Angelina Katsanis /Star Tribune via AP) AP

  • Bradley J. Cosentino

Bradley J. Cosentino is Professor of Biology at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York.

Confidence in higher education is eroding. A recent Gallup poll found only 36% of Americans have “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in universities, down from 57% in 2015. Trust in higher ed is decreasing not just among Republicans who led recent congressional hearings, but across the political spectrum, compounding the enrollment challenges universities face as the college-age population declines.

Reasons for the public’s declining confidence in higher ed are complex and multifaceted. Rising tuition costs, perceived political bias and questions about the practical relevance of university degrees are certainly contributors. The public has also seen an increasing tendency for administrators to punish faculty or students for their speech, raising concerns about the university’s commitment to free inquiry and debate.

Consider a recent case from my institution, Hobart and William Smith Colleges. Jodi Dean, Professor of Politics, published an essay describing Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel as “exhilarating.” Concerned that students may feel threatened or unsafe, HWS relieved Dean of her teaching duties pending an investigation. Unsurprisingly, an independent law firm concluded Dean’s speech, while offensive to some, did not rise to the level of discriminatory harassment, and she returned to the classroom last week. But the decision to suspend Dean was a serious mistake that reflects broader concerns about the value of free inquiry in higher ed.

Cleansing universities of controversial viewpoints is antithetical to the core mission of higher education: seeking truth. Beyond the provocation in Dean’s piece, there remains an argument about the nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the means of liberation. Rather than shielding students from ideas they may find offensive, institutions of higher education should leverage these challenging situations as teaching moments, modeling the process of inquiry they are supposed to cultivate.

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Dark days for free speech at Hobart and William Smith Colleges (Guest Opinion by Graham Piro)

Discipline for faculty member over blog post about Israel-Hamas war endangers academic freedom, writes free speech advocate.

Dean’s argument boils down to this: Palestinians are a “colonized, occupied, and oppressed people,” and any means to liberate them is justified. To Dean, the attack by Hamas represents a global fight against imperialism. Nothing less than “radical universal emancipation” is acceptable.

Personally, I find Dean’s glorification of violence offensive. Her argument suffers from logical fallacies and claims without evidence. I think the whole concept of radical universal emancipation is sophomorically idealistic.

But here’s the thing. Final say about the value of Dean’s argument doesn’t rest with me. The foundation of our liberal intellectual system is public scrutiny, what Jonathan Rauch calls “liberal science” in his book “Kindly Inquisitors.” To advance knowledge, individuals need the right to freely express and exchange ideas, and to freely hear and evaluate the ideas of others. Ideas may be hurtful or offensive to some, but in our system, no individual has the authority to decide for others what claims are offensive, scholarly or true. Ultimately, the merit of ideas and the production of knowledge relies on a system of public evaluation and criticism, and universities are the lifeblood of this system.

What value is there in exploring Dean’s argument in the university? First and foremost, we can model the public process of argumentation, criticism, and persuasion as a means of building consensus. Universities play a crucial role in shaping the norms of reasoned debate, where even controversial opinions can be examined and challenged. Punishing individuals for a viewpoint circumvents public criticism, and the threat of punishment makes it less likely that faculty and students will discuss other controversial topics.

An examination of Dean’s piece can also teach students how to think critically. In her essay, Dean asks “Which side are you on? Liberation or Zionism and imperialism? There are only two sides and no alternative, no negotiation of the relation between oppressor and oppressed.” This is a clear example of binary thinking. As a logical fallacy, binary thinking oversimplifies complex situations and reduces them to only two opposing viewpoints. In Dean’s view, justice for Palestine effectively requires the elimination of Israel.

In “The Coddling of the American Mind,” Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt argue that binary thinking underlies a divisive form of identity politics on college campuses, promoting the idea that “life is a battle between good people and evil people.” In this worldview, people are classified as privileged or oppressed, often based on their immutable characteristics. This perspective stifles intellectual exploration and promotes a culture of “safetyism” and fragility, where shielding students from perceived harm can justify silencing dissent.

Punishing Dean for her speech reinforces this toxic campus culture. Lukianoff and Haidt argue that “safetyism deprives young people of the experiences that their antifragile minds need, thereby making them more fragile, anxious and prone to seeing themselves as victims.” By removing Dean from the classroom, the institution forfeited the chance to show students how to grapple with offensive viewpoints head-on.

Higher education is at a crossroads. Rather than shying away from contentious ideas, universities need to seize these opportunities as teaching moments. By affirming their commitment to open inquiry and reasoned debate, universities can show the public they are not overpriced echo chambers, but places where students will prepare for the lifelong process of navigating complex discussions and diverse viewpoints, even ones they find offensive.

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Attitude of society towards women is sometimes not mature, needs to change, says Murmu

President draupadi murmu said that if society takes responsibility for changing the environment for women, india, known as the mother of democracy, would become a safe haven for girls and women.

Mumbai: President Droupadi Murmu said on Tuesday that society’s attitude towards women is sometimes not mature and needed to change, while also emphasising that the nation’s progress cannot be fully realised without the socio-economic and educational development of women.

Mumbai, Sep 03 (ANI): President Droupadi Murmu, Maharashtra Governor CP Radhakrishnan, State Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, State Deputy Chief Ministers Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar, State Textiles Minister Chandrakant Patil and others during the centenary year function of the State Legislative Council, at Vidhan Bhavan in Mumbai on Tuesday. (ANI Photo) (ANI)

Speaking at the centenary celebrations of the Maharashtra legislative council at Vidhan Bhavan in Mumbai, Murmu said everyone should take care of women’s concerns so that the atmosphere for them in society is transformed by the country’s centenary year in 2047.

Murmu said that if society takes responsibility for changing the environment for women, India, known as the mother of democracy, would become a safe haven for girls and women. “Every girl child who sits in her mother’s lap feels safe and is assured to be safe from evil eyes in society. The change in attitude and mindset will help us get freedom from such malice. It is the responsibility of all of us to inculcate the same responsibility within each one of us,” she said.

Noting that women constitute half of India’s population, Murmu said the growth of the country is not possible without the financial, social, and educational growth of women. “ The women will achieve their own prosperity and leap high in the sky once they are given the support and a conducive atmosphere,” she said.

The comments were made in the backdrop of widespread outrage over the rape and murder of a junior doctor at a government hospital in Kolkata and the sexual abuse of two minor girls at a school in Badlapur last month.

The president said it is time for India to wake up to the “perversion” of crimes against women and counter the mindset that sees women as “less powerful, less capable, less intelligent”. She hailed the contributions of Veermata Jijabai, the mother of Maratha warrior king Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, and social reformer Savitribai Phule.

At the Vidhan Bhavan function, the president also felicitated 53 lawmakers for their performance and speeches in the state legislature houses in the last five years. Maharashtra governor CP Radhakrishnan, chief minister Eknath Shinde, deputy chief ministers Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar, legislative assembly speaker Rahul Narwekar, and council chairman Neelam Gorhe, among others, were present at the function.

Murmu also referred to poems by noted Marathi poets Shripad Krishna Kolhatkar and Raja Bade, much to the delight of the legislators and dignitaries. She said that the Rajya Sabha and legislative council were seen as the houses of elders, but even young lawmakers have been entering in the last few years and contributing to nation building. She added that it is a matter of pride that Maharashtra’s legislative council had the likes of BR Ambedkar, Lokmany Tilak, and Gopal Krishna Gokhale as its members.

All the speakers at the function, including Murmu, Radhakrishnan and Shinde also raised slogans in praise of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, days after the collapse of the 17th-century ruler’s statue in Malvan snowballed into a major political controversy. Governor Radhakrishnan said, “Like other Indians, even I was pained when the statue of Shivaji Maharaj fell. The statue has collapsed but Shivaji Maharaj is in the hearts of every Indian. Maharashtra is known in the entire country because of Shivaji Maharaj.”

Radhakrishnan also praised the political culture of Maharashtra by narrating an incident of senior BJP leader Gopinath Munde taking leaders from all parties to visit former chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh from the Congress, who was admitted in a hospital in Chennai.

“Maharashtra is known for its social and political amity. The differences on party policies and programmes never hindered personal relationships. This is the reason that legislators from other parts of the country look up to Maharashtra to draw inspiration and to seek guidance,” he said.

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How to write the “About Me” section in a Resume? (11+ examples)

Published on September 2nd, 2024


While building your resume, the "About Me" section in a resume is that golden opportunity to showcase who you uniquely and professionally are. It is in this section that you get to tell them who you are beyond titles and skills. But how do you know this section hits the mark? Let's dive into some tips and examples to help you write an "About Me" section worth reading.

Why is the “About Me” Section Important?

Your "About Me" section is the elevator pitch of your resume. This is the summary of your professional journey, your skills, and the value you can bring to the table. If it's done correctly, it will grasp the recruiter's attention and set the tone for the remainder of your resume.

Tips for Writing an Engaging “About Me” Section

  • Keep it short: Your "About Me" section is supposed to summarize, not be a biography. Try to keep it within 3-4 sentences that highlight your career and what sets you apart.
  • Be real: This is your opportunity to shine as you. Stay away from jargon and clichés and get to the root of what makes you different from every other candidate out there.
  • Personalize it for the Job:  Tailor-make your "About Me" section for each application. Highlight those skills and experiences that best fit the job you are applying for.
  • Achievements: Just listing your responsibilities isn't saying enough; show how well you can do it. Mention significant achievements or milestones that prove the impact.
  • Industry Keywords:  Sprinkle relevant industry keywords naturally in your "About Me" section. It will not only help with the ATS but also do wonders for the human reader.
  • Enthusiasm: Convey that you are very excited to be hired because you love the work involved in the field.

What to Put in the “About Me” Section of a Resume?

Knowing what to put in the “About Me” section of a resume can be challenging, but it's important to strike the right balance between professionalism and personality. Here are some key elements you should consider including:

Professional Summary: In the resume summary, write a small introduction about yourself regarding your designation, experience, and key skills. This gives the reader a snapshot of your professional background quickly.

Core Skills:  List some of the most important skills that you master for the job you are applying for. These would range from technical expertise to soft skills such as leadership or effective communication.

Career Achievements:  Highlight some of the greatest accomplishments or milestones of your career. This will go a long way to show the impacts you have brought to previous roles and can further enhance your profile.

Personal Traits:  While it’s important to focus on professional attributes, including a few personal traits can help humanize your resume. For example, you might mention your enthusiasm for problem-solving, creativity, or passion for continuous learning.

Career Goals:  If space permits, briefly mention your career goals or what you’re looking for in your next role. This can show potential employers that you’re thoughtful about your career trajectory and how their role fits into your plans.

11+ Resume About Me Examples

For a Marketing Professional:  

Passionate marketing strategist with over 5 years of experience in developing data-driven campaigns that drive brand awareness and sales growth. Skilled in social media management, content creation, and analytics.

For a Software Engineer:  

Innovative software engineer with 7+ years of experience in full-stack development. Adept at solving complex problems and building scalable applications that improve user experience.

For a Graphic Designer:  

Creative graphic designer with a knack for visual storytelling. Expert in Adobe Creative Suite with a proven track record of delivering compelling designs that captivate audiences.

For a Human Resources Specialist:  

Experienced HR professional with a passion for fostering a positive work environment. Specializes in talent acquisition, employee relations, and implementing effective HR policies.

For a Sales Manager:  

Results-driven sales manager with a decade of experience in leading high-performing teams. Adept at crafting strategies that boost sales and enhance customer satisfaction.

For an Accountant:  

Detail-oriented accountant with a strong background in financial reporting and analysis. Committed to delivering accurate and timely financial information to support business decisions.

For a Content Writer:  

Versatile content writer with a flair for crafting engaging copy across various platforms. Specializes in SEO content that drives traffic and enhances brand visibility.

For a Project Manager:  

Seasoned project manager with a proven ability to lead cross-functional teams and deliver projects on time and within budget. Skilled in Agile methodologies and risk management.

For a Data Analyst:  

A data-driven analyst with a passion for uncovering insights from complex datasets. Proficient in SQL, Python, and data visualization tools to support strategic decision-making.

For a Customer Service Representative:  

Dedicated customer service professional with a strong focus on customer satisfaction. Experienced in resolving issues efficiently and building long-term customer relationships.

For a Teacher:  

A passionate educator with over 8 years of experience in creating engaging learning environments. Committed to fostering student growth through innovative teaching methods.

How HireQuotient AI Resume Builder Help In Creating an About Me Section?

The HireQuotient AI Resume Builder simplifies creating the "About Me" section by generating personalized, keyword-optimized summaries. It analyzes your skills, experience, and achievements to craft a compelling and concise profile, ensuring you make a strong first impression on potential employers. The tool tailors the content to match the job description, enhancing your chances of standing out in the hiring process.

Ready to create a standout 'About Me' section effortlessly? Give AI Resume Builder a try – visit now and craft your perfect resume in minutes!

Instead, the "About Me" section is not just a resume filler, but it's your ticket to making a lasting impression. Whether you're a seasoned pro or fresh off the career boat, a well-crafted "About Me" section can make all the difference. Keep in mind to keep it short, real, and relevant for the job one applying for. With these few tips and examples, you're off to a great start in writing that "About Me" section, representing yourself with the real deal of what you bring to the table.

By following these guidelines, you’ll ensure your “About Me” section is not only engaging but also optimized with the keyword "About me" naturally integrated throughout the content. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you introduce yourself in a resume?

The first words of your professional introduction should include your name, job title, and employer.

What is a good line about me for a resume?

A strong line should summarize your professional identity and key skills. Example:  “Results-driven project manager with 7+ years of experience leading successful teams and projects.”

How do I write about me?

Summarize your career highlights, skills, and unique qualities in a concise, engaging way relevant to the job.

How do I tell about myself?

Briefly cover your professional background, key skills, and personality traits that align with the role you’re applying for.

How to write a personal profile?

Write a short, focused summary of your career goals, skills, and accomplishments that align with the job and capture attention.


Soujanya Varada

As a technical content writer and social media strategist, Soujanya develops and manages strategies at HireQuotient. With strong technical background and years of experience in content management, she looks for opportunities to flourish in the digital space. Soujanya is also a dance fanatic and believes in spreading light!

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change my essay

Teachers' Day 2024: Ten Lines, Short and Long Essays For School Students

Published By : Suramya Sunilraj

Trending Desk

Last Updated: September 04, 2024, 09:00 IST

New Delhi, India

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Students celebrate their teachers’ dedication and arduous work on this day by participating in exciting activities (Representative Image/ Shutterstock)

This special day encourages students to express their gratitude and admiration for their teachers, who have a significant impact on their lives and future

Teachers’ Day is an occasion set aside to celebrate and appreciate their hard work, dedication and contributions. Teachers’ Day is held every year on September 5 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a prominent scholar, teacher and India’s second president. This special day encourages students to express their gratitude and admiration for their teachers, who have a significant impact on their lives and future.

Students celebrate their teachers’ dedication and arduous work on this day by participating in exciting activities and events such as delivering speeches and writing essays, making cards and posters, reciting poetry and slogans, engaging in fun games, and singing and dancing. Here are some simple essays to write and share with your adored teachers.

10 Lines Essay on Teacher’s Day (Primary Level):

– Teachers play an important role in our lives.

– In India, people celebrate this day on September 5 of every year.

– The Teacher’s Day celebration was started in 1962.

– The day is commemorated to honour Dr S Radhakrishnan, the first vice president and second president of India, on his birthday.

– In addition to being a renowned scholar, diplomat and President of India, he was also acommitted teacher.

– He stated that people shouldcelebrate September 5 as Teacher’s Day rather than his birthday.

– The teaching community is respected on this day and is widely observed across the country.

– To show love and appreciation for teachers, students make greeting cards and give presents.

– Schools and other institutions host a variety of events and programmes on this day.

– A few exceptional teachers get awarded with National Awards from the Ministry of Education in recognition of their outstanding work.

Teacher’s Day 2024: Short Essays 150 words (Secondary Level)

Every year on the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, India observes Teachers’ Day. He was deeply committed to the teaching profession. Some kids reportedly approached him and asked whether he wanted to celebrate his birthday on September 5. He then suggested that they honour all teachers on this day to mark their outstanding efforts and accomplishments. Teachers are the genuine builders of the nation’s future, influencing the lives of students, who in turn shape the nation’s destiny.

Teachers have an essential role in nation-building. However, one hardly recognises the necessity of teachers in the community. Teachers’ Day has been honoured on September 5 each year since 1962. Our teachers not only teach us, but they also help us develop our personalities, confidence and abilities. They assist us in overcoming whatever hurdles we may encounter in life. Here’s a Happy Teachers’ Day to all the hardworking teachers across India!

Teachers’ Day 2024: Long Essays 250 words (Higher Secondary Level)

Every year on September 5, students observe Teacher Day. It honours the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, India’s first Vice President and a dedicated teacher. He was a staunch promoter of education and was well-known for his work as a scholar, diplomat, educator and former President of India.

Teachers’ Day is a wonderful time to honour and cherish the relationship between teachers and students. Nowadays, students and instructors in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions exhibit their enthusiasm and excitement. Students often wish their teachers a long life. The relationship between teachers and students is something to be thankful for and treasure for a lifetime. These days, students and professors gladly participate in the celebrations at schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions.

Students organise several events on Teachers’ Day to show respect for their teachers. These activities include cultural programmes, lectures, poems and small expressions of gratitude. Some students show their gratitude through heartfelt comments or notes. In some schools, senior students serve as instructors for the day, gaining experience with the problems and responsibilities of teaching.

We should recognise and cherish the teachers in our lives, and we should celebrate Teachers’ Day every year to express our gratitude for their work. Teachers, like our parents, help us develop our minds to thrive in life. And, it is our responsibility to honour them by adhering to all of their lessons and teachings. Happy Teachers’ Day to all!

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  • Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
  • teacher's day
  • Teachers day celebrations

J.D. Vance Praised Extremely Dark Report by Project 2025 Architects

J.d. vance once applauded a report that said people going hungry is a good thing—but having access to ivf isn’t..

J.D. Vance smiles at a campaign rally

J.D. Vance gave heavy praise to a 2017 Heritage Foundation report that suggested restricting reproductive rights and called hunger a “great motivation” for Americans to work.

Vance wrote the report’s introduction, and was even the keynote speaker when it was publicly released just months after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, according to The New York Times . At the time, Vance hadn’t yet entered politics, and was known as the author of the bestselling book Hillbilly Elegy .

The Index of Culture and Opportunity report consists of 29 essays from people from across the conservative movement, including commentators, members of the clergy, policy experts, and local community leaders. In addition to saying there’s an upside to people going hungry, the essays opposed fertility treatments including in vitro fertilization, calling them harmful to women. The writers also praised state-level laws restricting abortion and hoped the procedure would be “unthinkable” one day in America.

The report seems like a preview of the Republican policies that have been pushed in the years since, with essays calling for women to be pregnant at younger ages and extolling heterosexual couples as “ideal” for raising children. When asked, a spokesperson for the Trump-Vance campaign said Vance didn’t edit the essays or have “any input on the commentary.”

But in his introduction to the report, Vance tied economic distress with what he viewed as cultural decline, arguing that Americans needed a return to conservative values along with practical solutions like education and policy changes to fix their lives.

“Culture, in other words, must serve as the beginning of a conversation, not the end of one, and proper conversation about culture will never be used as a weapon against those whom Christ described as ‘the least of these,’” he wrote in the Index of Culture and Opportunity report. “It will be a needed antidote to a simplistic political discourse.”

Since Trump named him as his running mate, Vance has taken a lot of heat for his past comments, many of which had to do with his views on family life. He’s faced heavy criticism for attacking people without children , not just from politicians but from celebrities . This latest revelation is a reminder of his ties to the conservative Heritage Foundation , which was behind the infamous Project 2025 manifesto that Vance and Trump have unsuccessfully tried to distance themselves from. At this point, Republicans have to be wondering if Vance’s efforts in the conservative movement, considered an asset to the GOP, will hurt their chances in November.

Panicking RFK Jr. Sues Key Swing State to Help Trump

Robert f. kennedy jr. is struggling to execute his spoiler plan..

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump shake hands

It seems that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s pro–Donald Trump spoiler campaign isn’t going too well.

The failed independent presidential candidate has begun desperately attempting to scrape his name off the ballot in battleground states where his presence might give Kamala Harris a boost—but to no avail. While Kennedy once struggled to get on the ballot in several states, now he can’t seem to find his way off.

Kennedy is suing North Carolina’s State Board of Elections, after it declined to remove his name from the state’s ballot because 1.7 million ballots had already been printed and 67 of the state’s 100 counties have already received their ballots.

To pause or disrupt ballot printing could interfere with the distribution of absentee ballots, according to the board’s executive director, Karen Brinson Bell. Printing new ballots could cost in the high six-figure range and take nearly two weeks, said Bell.

Last week, the board voted 3–2 along partisan lines to keep Kennedy’s name on the ballot. In response, a lawsuit has been filed on Kennedy’s behalf demanding that he be removed.

“By refusing to acknowledge Kennedy’s statutory rights and entitlements, defendants have irreparably harmed him,” said the lawsuit, which was filed in Wake County Superior Court late last month. “Even worse, by forcing Kennedy to remain on the ballot against his will, defendants are compelling speech in violation of (the Constitution).”

The suit argues that “practicality” is not a valid legal standard by which the board can deny Kennedy’s request.

Kennedy’s inability to slink out of the race in key battleground states has the potential to hurt the Trump campaign. Kennedy even said that his own campaign’s polling showed that it would “likely hand the election over to the Democrats” if he remained on the ballot in certain states. As the race between Harris and Trump narrows, the likelihood of his spoiling Trump’s chances too only increases.

In North Carolina, Trump has retained a one-point lead, but a new report last week found that Harris had shored up support among Democratic and independent voters, gaining 13 points with each group. As a result, the Cook Political Report updated the race from a “leaning Republican” rating to a “toss-up.”

Kennedy’s requests to be removed from the ballot in Michigan and Wisconsin have also been denied. Election officials in Michigan said that minor parties were unable to withdraw from the ballot, while officials in Wisconsin said that anyone who filed nomination papers and qualified to appear on the ballot could not decline the nomination.

In the less than two weeks since Kennedy announced he was suspending his campaign to throw his weight behind Trump, the whale-decapitator has made clear that he intends to stay on the ballot in some states but not others. He has successfully removed himself from the ballot in other battleground states, including Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Arizona.

Top Trump Volunteer Quits Over How Badly the Campaign Is Going

A vice chair for donald trump’s massachusetts team revealed that new hampshire is no longer winnable..

Donald Trump looks shocked at a campaign rally

A top volunteer is no longer with Donald Trump’s campaign over fears that the former president is wasting resources in a nonnegotiable state.

Tom Mountain, a former vice chair of Trump’s effort in Massachusetts, will reportedly “no longer have any involvement” in helping the Republican presidential nominee, according to The Boston Globe . At issue was an alarm-raising email that Mountain sent out on Sunday, notifying fellow Trump volunteers that “the campaign has determined that New Hampshire is no longer a battleground state” and that staff should redirect campaign efforts in Pennsylvania.

According to Mountain, Trump was “sure to lose by an even higher margin” in New Hampshire than in the previous two election cycles, citing “campaign data/research.” Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won New Hampshire by a hair in 2016, clinching a minuscule margin of 0.37 percent with 2,736 votes.

The messaging was a near complete reversal for the Trump campaign, which had high ambitions of claiming the Granite State when President Joe Biden was still the Democratic presidential nominee.

Officials with the Trump campaign didn’t give the warning much merit and were quick to attack Mountain’s position in the campaign. In an interview with the Globe, Trump campaign senior adviser Brian Hughes said that to describe Mountain as a “leading volunteer” would be a “massive overstatement of his involvement.”

“This isn’t true,” Hughes said in reference to Mountain’s email. “President Trump’s campaign maintains an on-the-ground presence in New Hampshire, including staff and offices, while Kamala Harris is parachuting in because she knows that the Granite State is in play. We look forward to building on the momentum that we have grown since the primary and sending New Hampshire’s four electoral votes to President Trump’s column on November 5.”

Watch: Trump Basically Admits He Tried to Overthrow the 2020 Election

Donald trump insisted he had “every right” to interfere with the election results..

Donald Trump holds up a fist at a campaign rally

Donald Trump is claiming he had “every right” to interfere in the 2020 election.

During an interview Sunday on Fox News’s Life, Liberty & Levin , Trump seemingly defended his right to illegally interfere with the 2020 election—while also claiming he did not do it, when asked about the Justice Department’s plans to “keep smearing” him.

“It’s so crazy that my poll numbers go up. Who ever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election—where you have every right to do it—you get indicted, and your poll numbers go up?” Trump said . “When people get indicted, your poll numbers go down!”

Trump: Who ever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have every right to do it. — Acyn (@Acyn) September 2, 2024

Trump is facing charges in Washington, D.C., for alleged election interference, as well as a separate slate of charges in Georgia for election interference.

Last week, special counsel Jack Smith filed a superseding indictment against Trump in his federal election interference case. While the indictment did not drop any of the four original charges against Trump, it did remove some of the specific allegations and emphasize how Trump’s actions fell outside of the bounds of “official conduct,” in an effort to adhere to the Supreme Court’s new definition of presidential immunity.

Trump responded by going on a disturbing social media rant about how he plans to jail and even kill his enemies.

Harris Refuses to Change Course on Israel in Alarming First Interview

Kamala harris made some egregious comments on israel’s war on gaza during her cnn interview..

Kamala Harris speaking

Kamala Harris made her Middle East policy abundantly clear during her first big media interview on Thursday: America will continue to arm Israel, unconditionally.

In the much-hyped interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, and Tim Walz by her side, Harris was asked how she’d differentiate her stance on Israel from President Joe Biden’s.

“Would you do anything differently, for example, would you withhold some U.S. weapons shipments to Israel? That’s what a lot of people on the progressive left want you to do,” asked Bash.

“Let me be very clear. I’m unequivocal and unwavering in my commitment to Israel’s defense and its ability to defend itself, and that’s not going to change,” replied Harris. “As I said then [on October 7], I say today Israel has a right to defend itself … and how it does so matters.”

Harris went on to clarify that “far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed” by Israel, but still refused to commit to changing U.S. policy on Israel.

HORRIFIC. It's extremely clear that Kamala Harris would do the same as what Biden is doing on Gaza: "Would you do anything differently? For example, would you withhold some U.S. weapons shipments to Israel?" Kamala Harris: "I'm unequivocal and unwavering in my commitment to… — HalalFlow (@halalflow) August 30, 2024

Harris emphasized the need for a cease-fire agreement saying “we have to get it a deal done,” mentioning the Biden administration’s presence this week at negotiations in Qatar . At talks in Doha, the potential deal included a limited six-week cease-fire, prisoner release, and aid into Gaza in exchange for 33 living hostages returned to Israel. However, Hamas has not participated directly in the talks because they say the negotiations “provide cover for Israel to continue its war”—and Israel left the talks on Thursday with no final agreement. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu said he believes Israel must keep military pressure to force a deal.

Harris has previously told Netanyahu, “ It is time for this war to end ,” but the Israeli prime minister has refused to accept anything but a “partial” cease-fire deal , like the one that was being negotiated in Doha.

As Bash pointed out, many Americans are looking at Harris and Biden to cease arms sales to Israel. A June CBS poll found that 61 percent of Americans oppose weapons aid to Israel, including 77 percent of Democrats and 62 percent of independents. Moreover, 77 percent of those under 30 oppose arming Israel in its continued assault on Gaza. Another YouGov/IMEU Policy Project poll this month found that voters in swing states are more likely to vote for a nominee who vows to withhold weapons.

CNN’s Bash continued by zeroing in on this issue, pressing the vice president in terms of how this deal would get done. “But no change in policy, in terms of arms and so forth?”

“No, we have to get a deal done,” Harris replied, shooting down the possibility of an arms embargo. “I remain committed, since I’ve been on October 8, to what we must do to work toward a two-state solution—where Israel is secure and in equal measure, the Palestinians have security and self determination and dignity.”

In Delicious Twist, Rudy Giuliani Is at Risk of Losing All His Assets

The defamed georgia poll workers who successfully sued rudy giuliani once are suing him again..

Rudy Giuliani holds a small portable camera and yells

Former New York City mayor turned Trump fixer Rudy Giuliani may soon lose control of all his assets for his involvement in defaming two Georgia poll workers in 2020.

The defamed election workers, mother-daughter duo Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, successfully sued Giuliani last year—and asked a federal court Friday to hand over control of his assets to fulfill the judgment.

In a court filing, the pair accused Giuliani of having “spent years evading accountability for his actions” with extemporaneous litigation and unproductive bankruptcy filings.

“Now that Mr. Giuliani’s bankruptcy case has been dismissed, Plaintiffs are finally in a position to receive a measure of compensation by enforcing their judgment,” attorneys for Freeman and Moss wrote. “In this motion, Plaintiffs seek two remedies to which they are entitled under New York law: an order requiring Mr. Giuliani to turn over personal property in his possession in satisfaction of the judgment, and an order appointing Plaintiffs as receivers with the power to take possession of, and sell, both real and personal property that Mr. Giuliani does not turn over.”

Giuliani was ordered to pay nearly $150 million in damages in December to Freeman and Moss. Since then, the former Trump attorney unsuccessfully filed for bankruptcy, lost his accountant over his insurmountable debts, begged Trump for help settling his seven-figure legal fees (he refused), had his WABC radio show canceled for spewing 2020 election lies, and miserably started his own coffee brand , “Rudy Coffee,” in an effort to funnel in some extra cash.

But running out of funds didn’t hamper Giuliani’s prolific spending habits. In May, unsecured creditors for the disbarred attorney slammed Giuliani’s “extravagant lifestyle” as “gross mismanagement,” and torched him for having “accomplished almost nothing” in his bankruptcy case. That resulted in a New York judge throwing out the bankruptcy case in July, calling the former city mayor a “ recalcitrant debtor .”

Giuliani is also under the gun for a lawsuit from his former legal representation, who accused him of failing to pay his bill and allegedly only dishing out $214,000 of nearly $1.6 million in legal expenses. Giuliani, meanwhile, claimed he was stiffed by his favorite client, Trump, to the tune of millions of dollars. Amazingly, Giuliani’s legal troubles don’t end there, either: The MAGA henchman is also one of 19 co-defendants in the Georgia election interference case and was named in April in an Arizona indictment charging another slew of Republican officials and Trump allies for their alleged involvement in a scheme to overturn the state’s 2020 presidential election results.

After this story was published, Giuliani’s spokesperson reached out to The New Republic to decry the news.

“This lawsuit has always been designed to censor and bully the mayor, and to deter others from exercising their right to speak up and to speak out,” spokesman Ted Goodman said in a statement. “America is facing an existential crisis. We were once a country that put a premium on free speech and the integrity of our justice system, yet we now live in a time where the justice system has been weaponized against Mayor Giuliani and so many others for strictly partisan political purposes.”

This story has been updated.

Watch: Trump Struggles to Keep Track of His Thoughts in Weirdest Rant

Donald trump is becoming totally incoherent..

Donald Trump raises his hands outward (as if in welcome) at a campaign rally

Donald Trump was absolutely incomprehensible at his campaign rally in Potterville, Michigan, on Thursday.

While starting off talking about how Kamala Harris “destroyed the city of San Francisco,” Trump’s rant quickly devolved into him ranking which presidents were most “horribly treated.”

Of course, Trump considers himself the most persecuted, with Andrew Jackson following close behind.

“Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all, that he was treated worse than any other president,” Trump rambled. “And I said, ‘Do that study again,’ because I think there’s nobody close to Trump,” he continued, speaking in the third person. “I even got shot! And who the hell knows where that came from.” Abraham Lincoln, whom he mentioned lower down in his ranking, also famously was shot.

Absolute incoherence, can’t keep track of a thought from one second to the next, bubbling over with whiny rage. Where are the headlines? — Jesse Lee (@JesseCharlesLee) August 29, 2024

But perhaps Trump’s tangent about the presidents was the most coherent part of his speech in Michigan, which was supposed to be about the economy. He struggled to find what he wanted to say after claiming California was “destroyed.”

“I own a big building there—it’s no—I shouldn’t talk about this—but that’s okay I don’t give a damn because this is what I’m doing. I should say it’s the finest city in the world—sell and get the hell out of there, right? But I can’t do that, I don’t care. I lost billions, billions of dollars.”

And yet Trump’s team says Kamala Harris doesn’t make any sense …

Watch: J.D. Vance Flails When Grilled on Trump’s Surprise IVF Proposal

J.d. vance is scrambling to justify how trump’s new proposal on ivf fits with their previous stance on “religious liberty.”.

J.D. Vance

Even Donald Trump’s number two can’t seem to make heads or tails of his recent comments on in vitro fertilization.

Speaking with CNN on Friday, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance couldn’t cook up a reasonable explanation of the Republican presidential nominee’s sudden flip-flop on IVF access, which included saying that “right from the beginning” he was “always for IVF” and suggesting that government funding or insurance companies should cover the procedure.

“How would this work if a state—and you believe that states should have the right to make these decisions—if a state bans IVF, but Donald Trump says he wants to guarantee and/or pay for IVF for everyone who wants it, how would that work?” asked CNN’s John Berman.

“I think it’s such a ridiculous hypothetical,” Vance started. “Alabama, which is maybe the most conservative state in the entire union, has actively protected fertility access and fertility treatments. There’s no state in the union, whether a right-wing state or a left-wing state that I think is trying to ban access to fertility treatments.”

That is, however, not true. Earlier this year, the Alabama Supreme Court issued a devastating decision that classified single-celled, fertilized eggs as children, effectively stalling IVF access across the state. In a desperate bid to salvage votes, Alabama Republicans then passed a law to shield IVF providers from lawsuits or criminal charges relating to the death of embryos. Even still, legal experts have warned that while the new law helps clinics, there’s a long way to go in actually protecting fertility treatments for patients.

At the national level, Senate Republicans—including Vance— near-unanimously voted against a bill in June that would have enshrined IVF access across the country.

“You also voted against a measure that would have guaranteed access to IVF around the country, so it’s possible, right?” asked Berman, pointing to potential future restrictions on the family development procedure.

“Well, no, two things John: First of all, yes, a court made that decision in Alabama and like the next second, the Alabama state legislature fixed that problem and ensured women had access to these fertility treatments,” Vance said. “And all that I voted on, John, was for religious liberty.”

“I don’t want Christian hospitals or Christian charities to be forced to do something that they don’t want to do,” Vance continued. “We have multiple Republican measures that support fertility treatments, support IVF, but don’t require Christian hospitals or other religious organizations to violate their conscience.”

Trump has worked to soften his anti-choice position in recent weeks and appeal to women’s rights activists in an effort to draw more voters to his campaign—but his renewed rhetoric won’t change the practical effects of his presidency, not least of all instilling a hyper-conservative Supreme Court that overturned Roe v. Wade , which Trump has proudly taken credit for. In 2023, the former president also claimed that he should be celebrated for every single state abortion ban.

BERMAN: How would this work if a state bans IVF, but Trump says he wants to pay for IVF for everyone who wants it, how would that work? JD VANCE: I think it's such a ridiculous hypothetical B: You voted against guaranteeing access to IVF VANCE: I voted for religious liberty — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 30, 2024

Cognitive Decline? Trump Goes on Weird Rant About Bacon and Wind Power

Donald trump is losing it, folks..

Donald Trump speaking

Donald Trump seems to believe that the price of bacon is caused by the blowing of the wind.

At a campaign town hall in La Crosse, Wisconsin, on Thursday, the 78-year-old presidential candidate rambled incoherently about wind power while answering a question about inflation.

An attendee asked Trump his plan “to make life more affordable and bring down inflation,” in what should have been a softball question for the Republican candidate.

“Some people don’t eat bacon anymore,” Trump replied. “We are going to get the energy prices down,” he continued, jumping from topic to topic. 

Trump: Some people don't eat bacon anymore. This was caused by their horrible energy. Wind. They want wind all over the place. When it doesn't blow, we have a problem. — Acyn (@Acyn) August 30, 2024

“This was caused by their horrible energy. Wind. They want wind all over the place. But when it doesn’t blow, we have a little problem.”

In the most charitable read, it seems like Trump was trying to complain about food price inflation, which has slowed after hitting a high in 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But jumping right into complaining about wind energy decimates any point he was trying to make. Additionally, if Trump is trying to blame wind power for rising energy costs, he’s dead wrong .

This is not the first time Trump has complained about wind energy. Previously, the former president has said he “ never understood wind ,” claimed wind farms are driving whales “batty,” and told oil and gas executives that he hates wind . The more he babbles, the more it’s clear he has no idea what he’s talking about.

Trump Team Desperately Tries to Rewind His Shocking Abortion Comment

Donald trump has upset some of his biggest fans with his latest comment on abortion—and his campaign wants to make the whole thing go away..

Donald Trump

Donald Trump and his campaign are suddenly at odds on the issue of abortion.

Speaking with NBC News , the Republican presidential nominee shared that he intended to vote in favor of abortion rights when it comes up on the ballot in Florida, believing that a “six-week [ban] is too short.”

“I’m going to be voting that we need more than six weeks,” Trump told NBC on Thursday.

He also elaborated that he believed there should be exceptions in abortion restrictions in instances of rape or incest, and that medical intervention should be allowed to maintain the life of the person pregnant.

But that wasn’t what his campaign had expected him to say. In a statement to NPR , Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt left the political decision ajar, insisting that “President Trump has not yet said how he will vote on the ballot initiative in Florida, he simply reiterated that he believes six weeks is too short.”

Florida’s abortion ban , which went into effect in May, is one of the most extreme in the nation. The new law prohibits abortion well before a lot of people even realize they’re pregnant, and just one week before drug store pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy hormones in their earliest, and least reliable, window. The restriction has forced patients in need of the procedure to seek treatment in North Carolina, where abortion is banned after 12 weeks, or even further.

Prior to the ban, Florida allowed abortion up to 15 weeks, making it a haven for people seeking the medical procedure in the South. The six-week ban passed alongside similarly restrictive bans in neighboring states, meaning that abortion access throughout the entire region has been crippled.

Backlash to Florida’s new law has been extreme, with more than a million Floridians signing a petition to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution. The effort has placed abortion rights on the ballot in November. That initiative, known as Amendment Four, would protect abortion until “fetal viability” at approximately 24 weeks. Still, a possible win in the second half of the year will come “on the backs” of people who have had to suffer in the interim, giving birth “when they didn’t want to,” executive director of the Chicago Abortion Fund Megan Jeyifo told NPR shortly after the ban was enacted.

“I was able to kill Roe v. Wade , much to the ‘shock’ of everyone,” Trump posted on Truth Social last year, “and for the first time put the Pro Life movement in a strong negotiating position.… Without me there would be no 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, or whatever is finally agreed to.”

Advanced Paraphrase

Paraphrased text


Paraphrasing Tool

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We are here to offer you the best free tool to enhance your writing and edit any sentence you need

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Paraphrasing and the functions of a paraphrasing tool

So what is paraphrasing? It is the process of rewriting sentences to present your ideas in a new and clearer way.

The core functions of a paraphraser are as follows:

Rewords the text by offering synonyms

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Our smart free paraphrasing tool takes this process to a whole new level. We integrate innovative solutions with traditional rewording tools to get the best outcome. Our precise software will help you get improved structure and well-written content.

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Our interactive tool helps you decide which version you want to use. Select the variant you are most comfortable with to ensure natural and comprehensive results.


Differences between a Paraphrasing Tool and a Paraphrasing Bot



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Produce sensible, unique work

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Machine learning NLP algorithms

Basic algorithms

Students, professionals, researchers, poets, and storytellers

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When using our exceptional tool, you get the following advantages, which we like to call the 4Cs:

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On the other hand, paraphrase bots do not provide any of the above-mentioned points. They are built in a simple way and just offer synonyms, turning your work into an unreadable collection of words.

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We have incorporated the best practices in machine learning to present you with high-quality sentence rewriting options. Our software works wonders and is the best free tool available on the market.

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Is using a paraphrasing tool considered plagiarism?

No. As mentioned, the tool provides plagiarism-free content while keeping the original meaning of your work. Each rephrasing is unique and unlike any other piece paraphrased on our website.

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If you are paraphrasing your own ideas or looking for inspiration, it is not cheating. When paraphrasing, you are not stealing any ideas; you are just researching other options for presenting your ideas.

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The tool uses special algorithms to paraphre your work with human-like options. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to tell whether you have used a paraphrase tool.

Which paraphrasing tool is best for academic writing?

The tool is structured to help you get new ideas and freshen up your academic work. The paraphraser identifies the subject you are writing about and, with special algorithms, offers you words and phrases relating to your topic.

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Essay Rewriter Tool for Students

The Essay Rewriter tool is easy to use. Follow these steps to obtain a perfectly paraphrased text.

  • Copy the original that you need to rewrite.
  • Paste it into the tool, checking if the text length doesn’t exceed the limit.
  • Select the required paraphrasing rate.
  • Press the “Rewrite” button.
  • Copy the result for further use.

Wondering how to avoid plagiarism in a paper or article? You are welcome to use the essay rewriter tool above. It was designed for academic purposes. Easily paraphrase texts in no time!

  • ✅ The Benefits of the Tool
  • ✍️ Avoiding Plagiarism with a Rewriter

🆚 Quoting vs. Rewriting vs. Plagiarism

🔗 references, ✅ essay rewriter: 5 key benefits.

  • It helps to avoid plagiarism. Not all plagiarism happens intendedly. Essay Rewriter eliminates the human factor in paraphrasing. It provides you with a text that contains a preset quantity of original words.
  • It is specially designed for students. The rephrasing is neither too academic nor conversational. The style of the resulting text perfectly fits all educational requirements.
  • It is simple to use. It would be strange to waste your time exploring a tool that should save it. Essay Rewriter is intuitively clear. You can open the web page and use it straight away.
  • It has an adjustable percentage of paraphrased words. Sometimes you need to preserve some part of the original. Try various rates to choose the best result.
  • It is equally functional on computers and mobile devices. You can use the tool at home or college from your smartphone. All the features will be available in the mobile version.

✍️ Rewriter Tool: An Easy Way to Avoid Plagiarism

Want to know when rewriting means plagiarizing?

It is easy.

When you use someone else’s intellectual property, pretending it’s your own, you plagiarize. When you reword a text that another person wrote without referencing the original, it is plagiarism.

Unfortunately, even if you unwillingly copy someone’s text, it is also punishable . The consequences range from lowered marks and reprimanding to expulsion from the educational institution or research community. Nobody likes plagiarizers. People perceive them as thieves.

Still, every researcher resorts to paraphrasing. What is the recipe for the balance between rewriting and plagiarism? The short answer is, always mention the original . There are more nuances, like retelling the text with your own words rather than using synonyms here and there. But whichever method or app you use, give credit to the author.

When you wish to use someone else’s words as a part of your writing, you insert a quote . In this case, you are supposed to enclose the phrase or sentence in quotation marks to signal that you are quoting. After that, include a citation with page number and author’s name.

When should you quote?

There is a general rule that if more than four words in a row match the source, you should enclose them in quotation marks.

But if the sentence or paragraph you wish to use is too long, it is better to paraphrase it. In such a case, quotation marks are unnecessary. Still, paraphrases also require citations at the end of the rewritten text and in the list of references. Make sure to modify the words and their order to avoid plagiarism.

You can consult the examples of quoting, rewriting, and plagiarism examples below. Compare them to find out the difference and never have problems using someone else’s text in your research article or essay.

Quoting: Example

The quote from a book by Oliver Sacks below contains quotation marks and a reference to the original according to APA citation style.

“The scientific study of the relationship between brain and mind began in 1861, when Broca, in France, found that specific difficulties in the expressive use of speech, aphasia, consistently followed damage to a particular portion of the left hemisphere of the brain. This opened the way to cerebral neurology, which made it possible, over the decades, to ‘map’ the human brain, ascribing specific powers — linguistic, intellectual, perceptual, etc. — to equally specific ‘centers’ in the brain. Toward the end of the century it became evident to more acute observers that this sort of mapping was too simple, that all mental performances had an intricate internal structure, and must have an equally complex physiological basis.” (Sacks, 1998, p. 5)

Rewriting: Example

The rewriting sample below contains all the essential features. All the grammatical structures of the sentences have been modified. Most words have been replaced with synonyms, and most importantly, it contains a reference to the original . You can use this example as a good one.

In “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat: And Other Clinical Tales,” Sacks (1998) describes the beginning of the research on brain and mind. In particular, Broca was the first to discover the relationship between aphasia and the damaged section of the left hemisphere. This finding started a breakthrough in cerebral neurology. In some decades, people described the brain’s structure with respect to its functions and the centers responsible for them. Later, researchers found that this approach overly simplified mental processes. On the contrary, the human brain has a complicated psychological structure, and its functioning is much more intricate.

Plagiarism: Example

This plagiarism sample does not change the sentence structure and frequently uses the same word order. Deleting the subordinate parts of sentences and changing some words with synonyms does not suffice for a good rewriting. Plagiarism checkers will recognize this passage as the original . But if your poor rewriting is revealed, you will be punished. Its main drawback is the absence of credit to the original.

The study of the brain and mind began in 1861 when Broca found that specific difficulties in the expressive use of speech usually followed damage to the left hemisphere of the brain. This gave impetus to the development of cerebral neurology, which made it possible to ‘map’ the human brain. Scientists ascribed specific powers — intellectual, linguistic, perceptual, etc. — to some particular areas in the brain. At the end of the century, it became evident that such mapping was too simple. Therefore, all mental activities had a complicated internal structure, and they must have an equally intricate physiological basis.

Hope the tips and examples above are useful for you. By the way, summarizing the sources you use is another way to avoid plagiarism – in case you mention the author, of course. If you need to summarize anything, use our free tool !

❓ Essay Rewriter Tool: FAQ

Rewrite means paraphrasing the original writing to obtain a new text. The level of plagiarism defines the quality of rewriting, i.e., the lower, the better. Currently, there are hundreds of free online rewriting tools, including Essay Rewriter, that can transform any text into an original with zero plagiarism.

  • Read the source, making notes of the essentials.
  • Start each sentence from a different point, as compared to the original.
  • Rewrite only the most significant parts, leaving out the less critical ones.
  • Skip all the previous issues and automatize the process with Essay Rewriter.

Essay Rewriter is the best online tool to rewrite an article. It allows choosing the paraphrasing level, depending on your needs. The entire process requires a couple of clicks. Its primary benefit is that it is absolutely free and simple to use.

Article rewriting is legal as long as you include a proper reference to the source and paraphrase it sufficiently to look original. Otherwise, the copyright holder may reveal your infringement. It can entail legal, financial, or reputational consequences. But the use of shared knowledge does not require any credit to the original. For example, the names of capitals, presidents, or nationalities are common knowledge.

Updated: Jun 28th, 2024

  • 6 Ways to Rewrite Someone Else's Short Story - wikiHow
  • How to Avoid Plagiarism: 5 Easy Methods | Grammarly
  • Plagiarism | University of Oxford
  • Quoting and Paraphrasing - UW-Madison Writing Center
  • Paraphrase: Write It in Your Own Words - Purdue OWL
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Need to rephrase your text without wasting much time on the task? IvyPanda's free essay rewriter tool will make paraphrasing much quicker and easier. Just paste your text, choose the paraphrasing rate, and get a unique result within a few seconds!

Rewrite: Paraphrase your writing for free

Instantly rewrite paragraphs, reword sentences, or humanize AI content with Wordtune.

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Do more with Rewrite. Much more.

  • 01.   Sign up for Wordtune (it’s free)
  • 02.   Write or paste your text
  • 03.   Highlight the text you want to paraphrase
  • 04.   Click “Rewrite”
  • 05.   Choose a paraphrasing suggestion
  • 06.   Pick the tone and/or length of your choice

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news to share with you.

I'm thrilled to let you know that we have some new developments to share.

I have some very exciting and important news to share with you all today.

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Translate with AI

Ai text humanizer.

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Join 10s of millions of users who use Wordtune to go beyond their English boundaries 

Join 10s of millions of users who use wordtune on a daily basis.

"Wordtune is the best in my opinion, when it comes to rewriting content."

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"Can't live without wordtune, as someone who writes a-lot of sales related copy wordtune helps me personalize and gives me ideas on how to rewrite words or sentences."

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"It's like having 10 friends all willing to suggest alternatives to a sentence I'm writing, and I can pick the best one without hurting anyone's feelings.  :-)"

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"Though my writing's pretty cogent, I'm always running it through Wordtune to find inspiration and better ways to express myself."

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Everything you need to keep your words flowing

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Produce AI content

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Identify typos before hitting ‘send’

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Catch grammatical errors in real time

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Instant AI proofreading

Wordtune offers both free and premium plans. The free version offers up to 10 Rewrites and Spices, three AI generations, and three summaries a day. On top of that, you have unlimited grammar and spelling corrections. There are a range of premium plans with different features and pricing, including Advance, Unlimited, and Business options. Compare pricing and plans.

Yes, Wordtune integrates with other apps, including various web applications, your chosen internet browser, and Google Docs.

Wordtune has a variety of features, including grammar and spell check, Rewrite tools, a Summarizer, and your own personalized knowledge library. To learn more about the features, read this guide or check out our dedicated support section .

Yes. Wordtune has a smart synonym tool that allows you to highlight a single word and get a list of optional synonyms or substitutions. It also works on phrases, so you’re not just limited to single words.

Absolutely. You can easily switch between rewriting a sentence or a whole paragraph, too. When your Rewrite panel pops up, simply choose Sentence or Paragraph in the right-hand corner.

Yes. Wordtune is a fine choice for students who are working on essays, reports, or really any formal piece of writing. Unlike other AI tools, it actually cites its source of information, avoiding common AI problems like hallucinations or copycatting. The best part is it allows you to take even further steps to avoid plagiarism and assure that your work is your own by offering you a wide array of rephrasing options.

Yes. Wordtune’s AI-assisted translation can help you rewrite your text in English from any of these 10 languages: Chinese - Mandarin, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Hindi, Russian, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese. Simply click Rewrite and Wordtune will translate your text into English.

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Free Paraphrasing Tool

Paraphrase text effortlessly with AI Sparks, a powerful paraphraser by ProWritingAid.

Start typing, paste or use

Sign up to get 3 Sparks per day or check out our paid plans to get even more.

We are unable to generate rephrasings for this text. Please try a different piece of text.

Why choose our paraphrasing tool?

Choose how to paraphrase.

Expand text, enhance readability, or even add descriptive detail.

Paraphrase in the click of a button. If you’re not satisfied with the result, simply try again.

Strengthen your text

Enhance the structure and vocabulary of your text without removing key information.

Trusted by industry leaders

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Power up your writing with ProWritingAid

Our paraphrasing tool reworks vocabulary, sentence structure, and syntax to create new, high-quality content that resonates with your readers.

Find the best way to express your ideas with AI Sparks, a powerful paraphraser. Explore options to enhance readability, expand text, change tense, or even add descriptive detail.

Correct grammar and spelling

Whether you’re working on a quick email or a full-length novel, ProWritingAid catches grammar and spelling errors as you write so no pesky mistakes slip through.

Evaluate your writing

Assess your writing with 25+ reports, including established readability tests, sentence structure analysis, overused words, and more.

Ideate with AI

Experiment with AI Sparks Continue to find fresh ideas to continue your writing. Add new lines of dialogue, find an interesting analogy, formulate a counterargument, and more.

ProWritingAid is used by every type of writer

Join over 3 million users improving their writing.

I am continually impressed with the positive input this program offers me every time I sit down to write. My skills have improved immensely since I bought it and heartily recommend it to anyone who wants to have more confidence in their own writing.

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Ginger Wakem

I’ve tried every free and paid writing/editing/grammar extension out there and this by far is the best one my team and I have found. It’s fast, accurate and really helps improve your writing beyond simple grammar suggestions.


Joel Widmer

ProWritingAid has been a resource in my writer toolkit for many years. The program helps me to craft and clarify my stories for a better reader experience. Your editor will thank you for making their job easier.

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Siera London

Who can benefit from a paraphraser?

Anyone who wants help expressing their writing in a stronger and clearer way.

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Our free paraphraser can help you write logical, eloquent, and plagiarism-free assignments. Use ProWritingAid to write a strong thesis statement, make your arguments sound compelling, or craft a poignant conclusion.

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ProWritingAid makes sure your language is always appropriately formal and helps you easily present complex ideas in a digestible manner—all while avoiding plagiarism.

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Trying to add more vivid descriptions to your prose? Do your characters keep doing the same actions over and over? Use ProWritingAid like a great critique partner or line editor to improve your fiction or nonfiction writing.

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Communication is crucial for any successful business. Spend more time thinking about what to say and less time on how to say it. ProWritingAid can help you write emails, presentations, reports, training documents, and so much more.

Works in all your favorite writing apps

Access all ProWritingAid's features directly in your writing app of choice.

Paraphrasing Tool FAQs

What is prowritingaid.

ProWritingAid is a digital toolkit that helps you craft your story and bring it to life.

ProWritingAid helps you unlock the full potential of your story by fixing grammatical errors, improving sentence clarity, and creating more engaging prose. Plus, it integrates with any writing app, so you can get support in whichever one you use.

It’s like having an English teacher, professional editor, writing buddy and honest critic sitting inside your favorite writing app.

Is ProWritingAid free?

A free account allows you to edit and run reports on up to 500 words. It also gives you three AI Sparks per day, which is needed to paraphrase text. If you want more, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan .

How do I access the paraphraser in-app?

Follow these steps to paraphrase text:

Highlight the text you want to paraphrase, then click “ Sparks. ”

Next, choose how you want to paraphrase.

For standard paraphrasing, the Fluency mode works best. However, you can also improve readability, expand text, change tense, or even add descriptive detail.

What is a paraphrasing tool?

A paraphrasing tool is a tool that helps you express words in different way to improve the understanding of your message. It keeps the original meaning of your text but makes it clearer, more impactful, or more professional.

Is paraphrasing the same as rewording?

Originally, the terms paraphrasing and rewording had slightly different meanings. Paraphrasing meant rewriting text in a different form, while still retaining the meaning of the original text. Rewording meant simply switching out words with synonyms. Nowadays, the terms are often used interchangeably.

What software integrations does ProWritingAid offer?

ProWritingAid works in all major writing apps, like MS Word, Google Docs, Scrivener, Atticus, Apple Notes, and more. To access ProWritingAid in a computer-based writing app, you must install Desktop Everywhere. If you’re writing online, we offer browser extensions (Google Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge). Click here to learn more.

Does ProWritingAid have a plagiarism checker?

Yes, it does. ProWritingAid’s plagiarism checker will check your work against over a billion web pages, published works, and academic papers, so you can be sure of its originality. Find out more about pricing for plagiarism checks here .

Try our paraphraser today

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Paraphrase Online

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Paraphrase online is a free online paraphrasing tool used to change words and rephrase sentences.

How to Use our Paraphrasing Tool?

It is very easy to paraphrase online with our paraphrasing tool. To rephrase, follow the steps below.

  • Type/paste the text into the input box or upload a file (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt) from local storage.
  • Select the required paraphrasing mode and click on the "Paraphrase" button.
  • The paraphrased text will be displayed on the right box. You can also change the modes for different outputs.
  • You can also copy and download the paraphrased text by clicking on the output buttons.

Free Paraphrasing Tool

Our paraphrasing tool (paraphraser) helps students, writers, and bloggers to avoid plagiarism. This rewording tool uses advanced AI algorithms to change sentence structure, synonymize the text and make other similar changes. 

This word changer has a built-in paraphrase generator that helps in rephrasing any paragraph accurately.

What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is one way to use a text in your own writing without directly quoting source material ( according to Purdue University ). It is the process of rewording and rearranging sentence structure while keeping the original meaning of the context.

Features of Paraphrase Online

Paraphrase Online offers numerous features such as paraphrasing essays, assignments, and rewording articles. Our paraphrase tool works as the best sentence rephraser and word changer.

Upload Files

You can use this feature to upload files directly from your device and skip the copy-paste or typing step. Our tool supports Doc, Docx, PDF & .txt file formats.

Free and Secure

Our word paraphraser is 100% free and completely secure to use for all kinds of rephrasing paragraphs and sentences to avoid plagiarism.

Rephrase Accurately

Our rephrase tool is based on advanced AI algorithms that can rephrase more accurately than humans and makes text grammatically correct and plagiarism free.

Ease to use

Paraphrase Online has a user-friendly interface and simple navigation that makes our paraphrase generator the most easy to use paraphrasing tool online.

Plagiarism Free Content

Content paraphrased by our sentence rephraser will be 100% plagiarism-free. Our paraphrasing tool helps you rephrase any text in seconds to avoid plagiarism issues.

Speed & Customization

Our paraphraser can rephrase any text within seconds and provides quick results. Paraphrase Online also allows you to customize the output to suit your needs, e.g: choosing the specific words to be replaced.

05 Different Paraphrasing Modes

Our paraphrasing tool offers five different paraphrasing modes/styles that you can choose from as per your need and requirement. Here is a brief profile of each mode:

Word Changer

The Word Changer mode is designed to replace the words in the text with suitable synonyms. This mode focuses on changing words and does not make other types of alterations.

Sentence Rephraser

The Sentence Rephraser mode is made to rephrase sentences as a whole by making changes to the words as well as the phrases.

The Academic mode of our paraphrasing tool makes your text more formal and suitable for academic uses.

The Creative mode makes smart and extensive changes to the text to make it look different from the original version. This mode is best for avoiding plagiarism, improving readability, and enhancing engagement.

The Shorten mode rephrases text while also making it shorter than the original input. This mode is best for creating a paraphrased + summarized output for your existing text.

Why Our Paraphrase Tool?

Our paraphrase tool is the best rewording tool that helps you to write content in your own words. This paraphrase generator changes words and phrases quickly and accurately.

Supported Languages

ES , ID , BR

🌪️ Quickly ParaphraseSentences & Paragraphs
🥇 Paraphrasing Styles05 AI Modes
📝 ImprovesWriting style, Word choice & Vocabulary
😍 Write UniqueAssignments & Essays
💰 Pricing100% Free

Users of Paraphrase Online

This paraphraser is widely used by:

Students can use this paraphrasing tool to paraphrase their assignments and research papers. Our tool can help students:

Avoid plagiarism : It helps students to make their work plagiarism-free.

Make assignments more readable : Our tool also makes content more readable and free of grammar errors. And if English is not their first language then this tool is no less than a best friend.

  • Save time : Generate assignments and essays by quickly paraphrasing the existing content.

Creating class notes and study material on the same topic is a very tough task for teachers. Hey teachers! You can thank us for this awesome rewording tool. You can:

  • Paraphrase any notes within seconds while keeping its original meaning;
  • Make study notes easy to understand for your class students; 
  • Generate new assignment ideas by rephrasing the same topics.


Bloggers have to post on a regular basis, and mostly on similar topics. They can create unique content for their blogs without spending a lot of time by just rewording existing blogs.

SEO Specialists

SEO specialists can use our AI-based paraphrasing tool to create unique content for their websites. SEO experts must use our tool because:

  • The final result of our tool is also optimized for search engines; 
  • It adjusts multiple keywords by rephrasing text

Content Writers

Content writers play the most creative part in a website. Our rephrase tool helps them to come up with new ideas using existing content. Content writers can also use our paraphrase tool to rephrase their write-ups to avoid plagiarism.


Make your next advertising campaign line catchy and engaging using our paraphrasing tool. Create messages that will sell products, services, or ideas. Paraphrase Online makes your writing visually appealing and effective.

Media Marketers

Best marketing lines matter in digital marketing. Our paraphrase tool provides different versions of the same lines that can be used for A/B testing. Even a simple choice of different words can generate more leads.


Researchers can use our shorten mode to summarize and paraphrase their research papers. It makes it easy for them to change their literature reviews.

Business Professionals

Rewording emails, reports, or other business documents is very common for business professionals. Our reword tool could be very helpful in rewording texts for better clarity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is using an online paraphrasing tool illegal.

No, using an online paraphrasing tool is not illegal. If you want to paraphrase someone else’s content, be sure to cite the source to avoid plagiarism.

Why is paraphrasing important?

Paraphrasing is important as it lets you avoid plagiarism and make your content more easily understandable. Paraphrasing is often done to improve clarity in a piece of text.

Which paraphrasing tool is best for university students?

The paraphrasing tool by Paraphrase Online is an excellent choice for university students. It is free and provides accurate results.

How can I use paraphrase tool for research paper?

You can easily use our paraphrase tool for improving the quality of your research papers and for getting new/better ideas for them. Using Paraphrase Online is easy and simple. You just have to enter your text, choose a mode, and then click on the button.

What are the benefits of paraphrasing in communication?

Paraphrasing can help make communication easier and more clear. You can paraphrase your mails and messages to make them more readable, natural, and better-flowing.

Paraphrasing in communication examples:

  • You can paraphrase your work emails to make sure that the recipient easily understands them.
  • You can paraphrase your letters and memos to make them clear and understandable for the office people.
  • You can also paraphrase simple text messages to avoid having to repeat or explain yourself afterward.

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Rewrite with Outwrite

Rework sentences to make them clear, concise or different with our AI paraphrasing tool

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See different ways to paraphrase your writing

Enhances the clarity and flow of your writing

Rephrases sentences to make them longer

Shortens sentences by cutting out unnecessary words

Rewords sentences to make them more formal

Suggests ways to make your writing sound more informal


Changes sentence structure to improve clarity and variety

How it .css-1bin4wx{position:relative;background-color:transparent;background-repeat:no-repeat;-webkit-background-position:1px 55%;background-position:1px 55%;-webkit-background-size:calc(100% - 2px) 50%;background-size:calc(100% - 2px) 50%;background-image:linear-gradient( to right, hsla(8, 66%, 83%, 1) 0%, hsla(8, 66%, 83%, 1) 100% );} works

Rewrite your sentences in three easy steps

  • Highlight a section of text
  • Choose a goal

Rewrite .css-1803rni{position:relative;background-color:transparent;background-repeat:no-repeat;-webkit-background-position:1px 55%;background-position:1px 55%;-webkit-background-size:calc(100% - 2px) 50%;background-size:calc(100% - 2px) 50%;background-image:linear-gradient( to right, hsla(46, 95%, 84%, 1) 0%, hsla(46, 95%, 84%, 1) 100% );} anywhere online

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Unlock other .css-1bin4wx{position:relative;background-color:transparent;background-repeat:no-repeat;-webkit-background-position:1px 55%;background-position:1px 55%;-webkit-background-size:calc(100% - 2px) 50%;background-size:calc(100% - 2px) 50%;background-image:linear-gradient( to right, hsla(8, 66%, 83%, 1) 0%, hsla(8, 66%, 83%, 1) 100% );} advanced features

Style suggestions

Simplifies and shortens wordy or complex phrases

Passive voice detection

Converts phrases from passive voice to active voice

Multilingual support

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Free Paraphrasing Tool to Avoid Plagiarism

3 hours!

You've finished your essay, but are worried about plagiarism? We’ve got good news for you. Our free online paraphrasing tool is here to rewrite your texts. Be sure never to be accused of plagiarizing!

In this article, you’ll find:

  • The paraphrasing tool;
  • Ways to steer clear of plagiarism;
  • All you need to know about sentence rewriting;
  • Answers to frequently asked questions about this topic.

Free Paraphrasing Tool to Avoid Plagiarism.

  • What Is a Paraphrasing Tool?
  • How to Use the Rewording Tool
  • What Makes Our Online Rephrasing Tool Handy?
  • How to Reword a Sentence
  • How to Reword a Quote

✅ What Is a Paraphrasing Tool?

To paraphrase means to present an idea in different words. A big part of this technique is consulting a thesaurus for synonyms. Luckily, you can put the dull dictionary aside and let the plagiarism changer do the job for you.

When writing a paper, make sure you properly cite all your sources. Also, keep your content unique. Failing to do this will result in plagiarism.

Cue the rephrasing generator. This quick machine:

  • Provides alternative word suggestions;
  • Replaces any part of speech with synonyms;
  • Keeps your intended meaning;
  • Guarantees plagiarism-free results.

🖥️ How to Use the Rewording Tool

With our free paraphrasing tool, you can rewrite a text in your own words in a matter of seconds. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll find everything you need to do:

  • Open the website and paste your document into the box.
  • Click “paraphrase my text.”
  • Pick the synonyms you like.
  • You’re done! Now you can copy your paraphrased text.
  • Be sure to do a plagiarism check. For example, the online writing tool Grammarly has a professional plagiarism checker.

👍 What Makes Our Online Word Changer Handy?

Now that you know how our tool rephrases your sentences, you’re probably wondering why you need it. Here are its benefits;

  • Unlike expensive software with the same purpose, it’s free and always available .
  • It offers various synonyms to choose from , saving you time, and ensuring that your text still makes sense.
  • Rephrasing helps avoid plagiarism .
  • The generator can also assist you in creating summaries .

We’ve got your back, but it’s good to know how to stay away from trouble by yourself. Read on to get acquainted with various rewriting strategies.

✏️ How to Rephrase: Strategies to Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone’s intellectual property. It can be deliberate but often happens unintentionally. In academia, this mostly means taking someone’s idea and not crediting the source. But don't worry: there are many ways avoid this. Here are the basics:

  • Always using a plagiarism checker . This way, you’ll know for sure that what you’ve written is 100% yours.
  • Quoting means adopting the original author’s wording directly and putting it in quotation marks. Make sure to resort to direct quoting only if it strengthens your argument, or if the quote is particularly expressive.
  • A summary is a shortened version of the source. You don’t paraphrase its entire contents but break it down into the crucial parts.
  • Taking notes while reading articles. Try to formulate the central ideas in simple words. This way, you'll automatically have a first draft of what you want to paraphrase.
  • Lastly, changing the sentence structure while paraphrasing will help you sound natural.

Keep reading to learn more about rewording sentences and quotes.

📖 How to Reword a Sentence

Paraphrasing is very similar to summarizing. Both are key skills for writers. With these recommendations, you’ll always rewrite correctly and without plagiarizing.

To some terms, such as "globalization," you’ll hardly find alternatives. However, common words can easily be replaced.

Use various conjunctions or break the sentences up.

Replace nouns with verbs, verbs with adjectives, or vice versa.

This includes:

  • Switching the voice from passive to active and the other way round.
  • Turning clauses into phrases and vice versa, e.g., by omitting or adding pronouns.

This being said, the most effective method to rephrase something is by using all these techniques combined. Here are some examples:

“Categorization has become a major field of study, thanks primarily to the pioneering work of Eleanor Rosch, who made categorization an issue. (Lakoff 1987: 7)”

“Eleanor Rosch, who was the first to point out the importance of categorization, paved the way to make it an important subject. (see Lakoff 1987: 7)”

In this version, you can see multiple strategies at work. The structure is different, and all possible words were substituted. Yet, it still contains the original meaning. That’s precisely what we want!

Let’s have a look at this variant instead:


“Categorization is now a major field of study. It can be credited to the pioneering work of Eleanor Rosch, the first person to make categorization an issue.”

While the voice is switched in this paraphrase, it still is too close to the original. It uses the same wording and doesn’t credit the source.

Here’s another example:

“In a rare instance of consensus, linguists agree that grammar is extremely complex and hard to properly describe. (Langacker 2008: 27)”

“Linguists rarely agree with each other, but they all acknowledge that grammar is problematic and that it’s nearly impossible to explain it correctly. (Langacker 2008: 27)”

This version has synonyms and adds an extra preposition. Unfortunately, the alternatives "problematic" and "explain" tamper with the original meaning. Let's see how to paraphrase this paragraph properly:

“While linguists rarely share the same opinions, they all admit that grammar is almost impossible to depict comprehensively due to its intricate nature. (Langacker 2008: 27)”

In this case, the concept stays the same. The phrases are changed; there are a new structure and extra conjunction. Perfect!

💬 How to Reword a Quote

If you want your assignments to sound natural, provide the proper context for your quotes. It includes introducing them with phrases such as according to, in the words of, as defined by . Citing is appropriate, if:

  • The wording is especially valuable;
  • You need to support a claim;
  • You want to debate and analyze the author’s position.

When writing, use a mix of direct quotes and paraphrases with an emphasis on the latter. Once you cite a source, adhere to specific standards. Stick to any one of these styles throughout your entire text:

  • An in-text APA style reference can be either narrative , e.g. Zaliznyak & Šmelev, 1997, or parenthetical , e.g. (Zaliznyak & Šmelev, 1997).
  • MLA formatting style requires the author’s last name and the page, for example, Clasmeier 37.
  • When citing Chicago style , all source data (name, title, publisher, year, page) goes into the footnotes.

We're happy if this article was useful to you. And don't forget: if you want to save yourself some time, try our free paraphrasing tool!

📌 Is Rewording Plagiarism?

📌 how do you rewrite articles in your own words, 📌 can i use the rewriting tool to avoid plagiarism.

Updated: Apr 5th, 2024

🔗 References

  • Avoiding Plagiarism: Choosing Whether to Quote or to Paraphrase: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Quoting: Australia University
  • Quoting, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing: Ashford University
  • Paraphrasing: American Psychological Association
  • Chicago Quoting and Paraphrasing: Massey University
  • MLA In-Text Citations: Purdue University

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Rephrase easily to avoid plagiarism. Free and Easy to use!

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Hire a professional editor to paraphrase your essay.

How to use paraphrasing tool:

  • Paste the text you need to be reworded in the box and click the “paraphrase” button.
  • You will see a series of highlighted words in your text. Click on each to view a list of prospective synonyms with which to replace said words.
  • Replace the original word with the synonym of your choice by clicking on it.
  • Once you have changed all the words from the original text you deem necessary, click “finish.”
  • If you are satisfied with the results, copy and paste the text to your desired location.
  • If you think more changes are necessary at this point, click “retry” to start again, or the “paraphrase another text” button to repeat the process on a new text you need reworded.

(Votes: 0 )

How to avoid plagiarism?

Proper citation style.

Avoid plagiarism by always listing the source and formatting it correctly when you are note-taking. Take care of the proper formatting and citation style when using content from outside sources.

Write on your own

Avoid borrowing and overusing large pieces of the content from outside sources, especially Wikipedia. Write your own thoughts and use sources only to support your opinion (remember to cite it though!).

Rewriting Service

PapersOwl Expert can rewrite up to 75% of your content, and edit and proofread your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Editing Service

PapersOwl expert can edit up to 50% of your content, proofread and polish your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Writing Service

PapersOwl expert can rewrite your paper from scratch according to instructions and guidelines and make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

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Free Top Paraphrasing Tool Trusted by Students

Being a student isn't always easy, especially when there're many essays waiting to be written. Every paper requires research, a particular number of words, top-quality text that's understandable and enjoyable to read, and more. Following all those requirements isn't always simple. Plus, the text should be original. Is using an online rephraser a good idea? Sometimes, you lack inspiration or time to create the paper you want. In such situations, an essay rephraser can do miracles. Here, you'll learn about the steps to use it and more. Let's dive in.

How Does Essay Re phraser Work?

Using a parahrasing tool is effortless. Its purpose is to complete essay rephrasing and create content that'll be 100 % authentic. Again, being a student can be hard some days. When such days arrive, it's good to be ready and complete it in time. Getting an online paraphrasing tool's help is useful. Plus, it will make your life easier.

The process of getting things done requires a few minutes only. You enter the text in the desired field and then click on a Paraphrase button. Several seconds later, another area will show rephrased text. You can use a free plagiarism checker by Papersowl to check for originality and ensure the essays are authentic. When you complete all the steps, your paper will be ready!

These tools are pretty straightforward so that first-time users can handle it all simply without any fuss.

What Makes Our Free Paraphrasing Tool the Best?

There're many rephrasing tools on the market these days, but still, you should choose one carefully. After all, your goal is the best experience. You'll achieve it by selecting the top option.

Our rephrase tool is designed for those interested in text creation of any kind. Use the online paraphrase tool for:

  • Research papers
  • Other types of text

With it, you can paraphrase anything, from sentences to paragraphs, simply and effortlessly. By using the tool, you'll get original content and more. When using it regularly, you'll improve your writing skills as well.

A student can also struggle with title creation. To avoid such issues, use a free title page generator that'll help you create unique and catchy titles for your papers and articles. The tool will design the title in any style you need, from APA and MLA to Chicago, AMA, or Harvard.

A reword tool doesn't cost a thing and can help you in many ways. Having a rich vocabulary can become much easier with this simple-to-use article rewriter. You'll save many hours and a lot of energy. Yet, all your papers will be excellent. You can stop asking - can someone rephrase my essay. Instead, you'll do it yourself. One thing is guaranteed - the results will astonish you.

👍Guarantee of Quality

Improved algorithms

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Simple for using

⌛Works on real-time

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📚Excellent result

You can calm down

Papersowl's Paraphrasing Tool: When to Use?

Creating original and effective essays requires a lot of research, work, and patience. These tasks don't always go smoothly. When chasing better grades, you want everything to be fantastic, right?

You don't always feel inspired, motivated, or have enough hours or days on your hands to complete your papers, ensuring they're excellent and completely authentic. What to do?

A paraphrasing tool for essays is an option worth considering. It's ideal for many reasons. It'll help you complete the texts without changing their meaning. Plus, the content is 100 % authentic. Forget about plagiarism issues. Every single sentence will be authentic. You'll save hours, if not days. In addition, count on more energy to complete other tasks.

If you don't feel comfortable using the tool to paraphrase the original text, there's another option. That's using a custom writing essay service , which is affordable and gives impressive results. Qualified and experienced writers create content at low prices no one can beat. Plus, the authors are creative and know to structure the texts and create unique content.

The vital thing is there're many options to consider. Eventually, you'll select what's working for you. You can pick a tool. Or, get a rewriter. Both online solutions will be helpful, that's for sure.

How Does This Professional Paraphrasing Tool Work?

There's nothing complicated about it. It all goes smoothly and effortlessly. The only requirement is to follow several steps to rephrase essays easily.

  • Open the page with a rephraser
  • Enter the content you want to reword
  • Select Paraphrase by clicking on it
  • The content will feature many highlighted words
  • By clicking on each, you'll see the synonyms
  • Simply change the word you wish by clicking on offered synonym of your choice

Once the changes have been made, end the task by clicking on Finish and copying the content to any desired location.

That's it! The content is rephrased! There's nothing simpler than this.

If you want additional changes, you can start again by clicking on Retry. You can continue rewording other texts as well. You can complete tasks the way it suits you, by alternating sentences or paragraphs, at the pace that works for you.

When working using the paraphrase generator, there's no need to spend hours searching for synonyms. All are presented right there. Thus, you won't waste a minute. Plus, more ideas and words will flow.

Difference Between Rephrasing & Plagiarism

Understanding the difference between these two terms isn't complicated. As you know, when working on articles or another type of content for school or college, it's vital to deliver 100 % authentic textual content that is plagiarism-free. It means that copying isn't an option. That's where the reword option comes. When you reword the content, you'll ensure it is plagiarism-free. The PapersOwl designed a word changer to allow everyone to complete their tasks and deliver originality.

Getting around the sentence rephraser is straightforward. Even first-time users can complete the tasks in minutes. Avoiding copying issues has never been easier. Everything can be managed through the tool that suggests suitable synonyms, and all texts will be authentic and plagiarism-free.

Wrapping It Up

If you struggle with creating articles or essays for school or college and need help, use a PapersOwl rephraser. It's the top option that doesn't require some special skills to be used. The content will look and sound completely different in just a few clicks. Plus, it'll be 100 % authentic. Yet, the meaning of the content will remain the same. Get everything done much faster and easier. Let's not forget to mention the service won't cost you a cent. You can basically paraphrase an essay in minutes. You'll have lots of fun doing this. Simultaneously, you'll improve your vocabulary and textual content creation skills.

PapersOwl is a well-known provider of all types of academic papers.

  • Research paper
  • Dissertation

and many more

  • Stuck with a lot of homework assignments?
  • Worried about making your work 100% plagiarism free?
  • Looking for a writing help with affordable price?

How Does Paraphrasing Tool Work?

  • Copy the desired text or manually enter the text you need to paraphrase. Click on the button, and the artificial intelligence algorithm will define the series of words in the text for you. The result will appear on your screen instantly.
  • Click on the words highlighted in blue to change them to synonyms. Two lines will appear under the text window. The first one is the source word, and the second one is the suggested alternatives. Choose the synonyms that seem most relevant to you and click on them. This place will automatically change in the text. Modify the source text until you are satisfied with the result. Once you have completed editing the text, hit the finish button.
  • After the editing stage, the window's initial text will be changed. If you like the final version, copy the ready text into your document. If you want to edit the text or start the rewriting process again, click on the retry button. You can check it for plagiarism at the end for free. To start rewording a new text, click on the paraphrase button.
  • The last stage is optional. You can get assistance from experts if you have difficulties with the rewrite or don't like your final version. To do this, click on the "I need expert help" button. You can place your order there by specifying the deadline and the number of pages and providing detailed instructions.
  • Reliable Editors
  • Any Field of Study
  • Fair Prices

Free Paraphrasing Tool is rated 4.8 /5 based on 644 user reviews.

Want your voice to count in? Send us your review with all the details.

Advantages Of Paraphrasing Tool By PapersOwl

Why choose us? Our excellent paraphrasing tool will help you optimize both your input research data and your considerations to obtain an authentic and smartly compiled paper. Let’s see what miracles our essay rephraser can do with your essay:

We value your loyalty and made this convenient service free for your usage. No matter the complexity of the paper you want to rephrase, you can do it without paying anything.

We don't want to weigh you down forcing you to explore complex educational tools. Our experts elaborated on a simple yet efficient tool. No special knowledge is needed for fast and quality paraphrasing of your papers

Being a student is not always easy, and when you are short of time you can resort to a rephrasing instrument. In a couple of minutes, you will have a powerful and unique paper you can be proud of.

Combining the requirements provided for a paper and creative component uniquely isn’t always easy. That’s what our paraphrasing tool can do to your best advantage delivering a quality plagiarism-free essay.

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change my essay

Paraphrasing Tool

Paraphrasing Tool in partnership with QuillBot. Paraphrase everywhere with the free Chrome Extension .

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Text Summariser

Avoid plagiarism in your paraphrased text

paraphrase text

What's a paraphrasing tool?

This AI-powered paraphraser lets you rewrite text in your own words. Use it to  paraphrase articles, essays, and other pieces of text. You can also use it to rephrase sentences and find synonyms for individual words. And the best part? It’s all 100% free!

What's paraphrasing

What's paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing involves expressing someone else’s ideas or thoughts in your own words while maintaining the original meaning. Paraphrasing tools can help you quickly reword text by replacing certain words with synonyms or restructuring sentences. They can also make your text more concise, clear, and suitable for a specific audience. Paraphrasing is an essential skill in academic writing and professional communication.

why use this paraphrasing tool

Why use this paraphrasing tool?

  • Save time: Gone are the days when you had to reword sentences yourself; now you can rewrite an individual sentence or a complete text with one click.
  • Improve your writing: Your writing will always be clear and easy to understand. Automatically ensure consistent language throughout. 
  • Preserve original meaning: Paraphrase without fear of losing the point of your text.
  • No annoying ads: We care about the user experience, so we don’t run any ads.
  • Accurate: Reliable and grammatically correct paraphrasing.
  • No sign-up required: We don’t need your data for you to use our paraphrasing tool.
  • Super simple to use: A simple interface even your grandma could use.
  • It’s 100% free: No hidden costs, just unlimited use of a free paraphrasing tool.

People are in love with our paraphrasing tool

Paraphrasing tool trustpilot 01

Features of the paraphrasing tool

rephrase sentences

Rephrase individual sentences

With the Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool, you can easily reformulate individual sentences.

  • Write varied headlines
  • Rephrase the subject line of an email
  • Create unique image captions

Paraphrase a whole text

Paraphrase a whole text

Our paraphraser can also help with longer passages (up to 125 words per input). Upload your document or copy your text into the input field.

With one click, you can reformulate the entire text.

find synonyms

Find synonyms with ease

Simply click on any word to open the interactive thesaurus.

  • Choose from a list of suggested synonyms
  • Find the synonym with the most appropriate meaning
  • Replace the word with a single click

Paraphrase in two ways

Paraphrase in two ways

  • Standard: Offers a compromise between modifying and preserving the meaning of the original text
  • Fluency: Improves language and corrects grammatical mistakes

Upload any document-to the paraphrase tool

Upload different types of documents

Upload any Microsoft Word document, Google Doc, or PDF into the paraphrasing tool.


Download or copy your results

After you’re done, you can easily download or copy your text to use somewhere else.

Powered by AI

Powered by AI

The paraphrasing tool uses natural language processing to rewrite any text you give it. This way, you can paraphrase any text within seconds.

How does this paraphrasing tool work?

1. put your text into the paraphraser, 2. select your method of paraphrasing, 3. select the quantity of synonyms you want, 4. edit your text where needed, who can use this paraphrasing tool.


Paraphrasing tools can help students to understand texts and improve the quality of their writing. 


Create original lesson plans, presentations, or other educational materials.



Explain complex concepts or ideas to a wider audience. 



Quickly and easily rephrase text to avoid repetitive language.



By using a paraphrasing tool, you can quickly and easily rework existing content to create something new and unique.


Bloggers can rewrite existing content to make it their own.


Writers who need to rewrite content, such as adapting an article for a different context or writing content for a different audience.


A paraphrasing tool lets you quickly rewrite your original content for each medium, ensuring you reach the right audience on each platform.

The all-purpose paraphrasing tool

The Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool is the perfect assistant in a variety of contexts.



Writer’s block? Use our paraphraser to get some inspiration.

professional written communication

Professional communication

Produce creative headings for your blog posts or PowerPoint slides.

academic writing paraphrasing

Academic writing

Paraphrase sources smoothly in your thesis or research paper.

social media paraphrasing

Social media

Craft memorable captions and content for your social media posts.

Paraphrase text online, for free

The Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool lets you rewrite as many sentences as you want—for free.

💶 100% free Rephrase as many texts as you want
🟢 No login No registration needed
📜 Sentences & paragraphs Suitable for individual sentences or whole paragraphs
🖍️ Choice of writing styles For school, university, or work

Write with 100% confidence 👉

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Frequently asked questions

The act of putting someone else’s ideas or words into your own words is called paraphrasing, rephrasing, or rewording. Even though they are often used interchangeably, the terms can mean slightly different things:

Paraphrasing   is restating someone else’s ideas or words in your own words while retaining their meaning. Paraphrasing changes sentence structure, word choice, and sentence length to convey the same meaning.

Rephrasing   may involve more substantial changes to the original text, including changing the order of sentences or the overall structure of the text.

Rewording   is changing individual words in a text without changing its meaning or structure, often using synonyms.

It can. One of the two methods of paraphrasing is called “Fluency.” This will improve the language and fix grammatical errors in the text you’re paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing and using a paraphrasing tool aren’t cheating. It’s a great tool for saving time and coming up with new ways to express yourself in writing.  However, always be sure to credit your sources.  Avoid plagiarism.  

If you don’t properly reference text paraphrased from another source, you’re plagiarising. If you use someone else’s text and paraphrase it, you need to credit the original source. You can do that by using citations. There are different styles, like APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago. Find more information about referencing sources  here.

Paraphrasing   without crediting the original author   is a   form of plagiarism , because you’re presenting someone else’s ideas as if they were your own.

However, paraphrasing is not plagiarism if you correctly referencing the source . This means including an   in-text citation   and a full reference, formatted according to your required   citation style.

As well as citing, make sure that any paraphrased text is completely rewritten in your own words.

Plagiarism   means using someone else’s words or ideas and passing them off as your own.   Paraphrasing   means putting someone else’s ideas in your own words.

So when does paraphrasing count as plagiarism?

  • Paraphrasing   is   plagiarism if you don’t properly credit the original author.
  • Paraphrasing   is   plagiarism if your text is too close to the original wording (even if you cite the source). If you directly copy a sentence or phrase, you should   quote   it instead.
  • Paraphrasing  is not   plagiarism if you put the author’s ideas completely in your own words   and   properly referencing the source .

Reword My Essay: Rewriter for Students

How do I reword my essay without plagiarizing? Find here the answer! This essay rewriter was designed for students. It will easily reword an essay, paragraph, article, or any other piece.

Rewriting can sometimes be even more challenging than writing a new essay. Yet we know how to save your time and nerve cells. That’s why our team designed Rewrite My Essay – a rewording tool for students. It will help you create a unique writing piece without putting too much time and effort into it.

Copy and paste the initial text, press the button, and enjoy the high-quality work in several moments.

We also collected the most useful rewriting tips in the article below. They will help you reword your essays or any other academic papers like a pro. Content creation has never been so easy!

  • 🙌 5 Benefits of the Tool
  • 👨‍🎓️ Plagiarism & How to Avoid It
  • 👣 5 Rewriting Steps
  • 🌟 Polishing the Text

🔗 References

🙌 essay rewriter: 5 key benefits.

In case you might be asking yourself why you should choose our rewriter tool, here are some valid reasons.

It is 100% intuitive. Forget about putting much effort into receiving a new text. With our rewording generator, you don’t have to make anything complicated. Copy and paste the initial text and receive high-quality content by clicking a button.

It is 100% automatic. How much time do you spend looking through thesaurus? Trying to replace a word or a phrase can be exhausting. Our essay rewriter does not require any additional actions. It is fully automatic and searches the synonyms from a database in seconds.

It is 100% free with no registration. “Register,” “buy a monthly subscription” – annoying, right? That is why Rewrite My Essay does not require completing any registration steps. What is more crucial, it does not take money from you.

It is 100% online. The lack of storage space can be one of the most irritating problems people deal with. But don’t worry! Our essay rewriter does everything online. Now you don’t have to waste your memory space on numerous downloaded documents.

It is 100% original. Stressed out about the plagiarism issue? No need to! If you use our essay rewording tool, the content will be completely unique. Besides, you’ll have time to add something to the document, making it even more original.

👨‍🎓️ Avoid Plagiarism with an Essay Rewriter

Now you know that our sentence changer is a perfect choice for you. So, it’s time to figure out why every student should know about it.

According to integrity rules, any academic work requires a 100% uniqueness. However, composing an original paper can be an incredibly tricky task. And when you should write a research paper with plenty of citations and rewriting, you may face even more issues.

That is to say:

Our tool is an excellent helper if you need to rewrite any content without losing its meaning. For more insights, explore the following sections.

Plagiarism is unacceptable for any type of academic work. So, carefully structure your thoughts while taking information from the secondary sources. Rewriting may become a real struggle for students, especially in papers with numerous references.

First of all:

There are two main types of plagiarism – intentional and unintentional . If you strive to demonstrate high academic performance, you have to avoid any kind of plagiarism.

Consequences of plagiarism in academic writing.

Intentional plagiarism is one of the offenses that may result in dismissal from the college . Be extremely careful while using someone else’s works. Claiming other people’s ideas as yours without listing them as sources is unethical. You disobey the moral and academic rules.

Sometimes, however, students plagiarize unintentionally. For example, they might forget to use proper punctuation marks to determine the quote. It can happen when you take notes and then insert them into the paper. Or it might be quite challenging for students to rewrite the paragraph, so they don’t change the wording properly.

What is more:

Imagine you managed to prove that you plagiarized unintentionally. Even then there is no 100% guarantee that you will omit the academic penalty.

Therefore, rewriting the essay, you should use rewording tools and be as attentive as possible: changing the text does not guarantee that you don’t plagiarize.

Rewriting and Plagiarism: What’s the Difference?

Rewriting that uses the pattern of words from the source text is plagiarism. But are there situations when rewriting does not violate any intellectual property rights?

Paraphrasing does not count for plagiarism if:

  • You give credit to the original author according to the selected citation style.
  • You reword the cited material enough to make the sentence structure and word choice different from the original.
  • Copying a sentence from the source, you cite it as a quote.

To make your rewriting far from the original wording, try putting away the text once you have read it. Wait for several minutes. Then sit down and paraphrase it without consulting the original. You will perfectly transmit the idea in your own words. Below are easy but essential rewriting steps that describe the process in more detail.

👣 How Do I Rewrite My Essay? 5 Easy Steps

  • Read the text several times to understand the author’s message. Paraphrasing should be accurate and objective. You can achieve this level of quality only by gaining a thorough understanding of the source. Pay attention to the sentence structure and the flow of thought. You will have to change it while rewriting your essay.
  • Take notes of the essentials. This piece of advice is suggested for your convenience. Use these notes as an outline later while rewriting. It will give you more freedom of expression and lower the chance of plagiarism.
  • Put aside the original and write your summary, consulting the notes. Once again, follow your notes, looking up into the original only for the details. Mind that the more you peep into the text, the more you will be tempted to copy the author’s manner of writing.
  • Look through your writing and compare it with the source. Rewrite the sentences that look too similar. You can use a plagiarism checker for this purpose. Still, a computer program can miss some points a human eye would detect. Making it by hand eliminates the chance of unintended plagiarism.
  • Include a reference to the source. Using the respective rules of the citation style, give credit to the author.

But there is an easier way to paraphrase a text than doing it by hand. Use Rewrite My Essay tool to save time and get high-quality reworded text without plagiarizing.

🌟 Polishing Your Essay

Rewrite My Essay tool is an excellent helper for text rewording. It will do most of the work for you. Yet, after using it, you still should proofread your essay.

Why? See the following reasons:

  • The tool is automatic. Nowadays, artificial intelligence is still not as developed as a human brain. So, there is a probability of some drawbacks, improperly chosen words, punctuation mistakes, etc.
  • The synonym selected by the tool is not that precise.
  • The tool confused the homographs or homonyms. Instead of selecting a synonym, it offers an antonym (or just an inappropriate alternative).
  • Proofreading is essential for any writing. Before submitting the paper, you should always ensure its high quality. Thoroughly revise and proofread it so that your text is free of mistakes, coherent, and properly structured. All in all, never skip this step while working on an assignment.

Here is a pleasant bonus for you – five essential tips on proofreading.

Tips on proofreading an academic paper.

  • Take a break before proofreading. As you finished writing your essay, take a pause and do something you like. After your brain got refreshed, carefully reread your work and correct all the mistakes.
  • Know your weaknesses. Do you always struggle with the punctuation marks in the compound sentences? Or maybe you know that you tend to write monotonous, boring paragraphs that need improvement? While proofreading, focus first on your weak sides and try to correct them.
  • Proofread the text out loud. This trick will help you to spot the repetitions, indicate the incoherent or weak parts. Another good idea is to use our text-to-speech tool that will read the text for you.
  • Read backward. Of course, we don’t recommend reading each word from right to left - sentences only. With this method, you will better focus on spelling, punctuation , and grammar mistakes, rather than on the content. It might be useful for identifying and correcting minor errors.
  • Let the other person read your work. When you are writing a paper, you know the idea, so everything seems clear for you. Ask someone to read your paper and indicate the wordy or unconcise fragments.

That’s it! Thank you for visiting our page. Use our sentence rewriter and share it with the other students who need to rewrite their essays. By the way, you might want to try our thesis statement generator . This tool can be used for essays and more complicated academic assignments, such as a term paper or thesis.

❓ Essay Rewriter FAQ

❓ how to rewrite an essay in your own words.

To rewrite an essay, article, or paragraph in your own words, you need to read the text first. Do that several times to make sure you understand the author's message. Making notes while reading is a good idea. After that, you can put the original text aside and write your own summary.

❓ Who Can Rewrite My Essay?

To make sure the reworded text is truly original and meaningful, you can rewrite it by yourself. However, if you lack time, you might want to use our essay rewriter. The tool on this page will paraphrase any paper quickly and easily.

❓ Why Is It So Hard to Rewrite an Essay?

While rewriting a paper, you need to perform two major tasks. The first one is to understand and convey the author's message. The second one is to avoid plagiarism. That is why essay rewriting may become a real struggle.

❓ Is Article Rewriter Legal?

Our essay rewriter is 100% legal. You are welcome to use it to prepare indirect quotes and paraphrased texts. However, if you use someone else's ideas, you should refer to the author to meet the requirements of academic integrity.

  • Proofreading: The Writing Center, the University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • Tips For Effective Proofreading - Writing Center, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock
  • Plagiarism: Study Skills and Training, the University of Oxford
  • Academic Writing Style, Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Research Guides at University of Southern California
  • What Is Academic Writing: Library at University of Leeds
  • How to Write a College Essay Best Colleges: Kelly Mae Ross, Devon Haynie, and Josh Moody, US News
  • Basics of Writing An Effective Essay: Becton Loveless, Education Corner

Switch to PRO account to get premium access.

Paraphrasing Tool

Use our Paraphrasing Tool to instantly rephrase any of your essays, articles, blogs, and other pieces of content, while maintaining original context. This paraphrase tool is supported by “Artificial Intelligence” and “Large Language Models”. It is a useful solution for writers, bloggers, and students to turn plagiarized text into unique and refine weak content into high quality.

🚀 Paraphrase Plagiarism Free
📖 Maintain Readability, Uniqueness, Creativity
🆓 Freemium Free and Paid
🌐 Languages and more

The paraphraser tool works effectively to rewrite the content in a way that removes plagiarism, maintains readability, and makes the content considerably more appealing.

Leverage any of its six paraphrasing modes to rewrite the content as required. It enables you to rewrite the content using the regular, formal, text optimizer, smarter, creative, or AI paraphrase modes, each of which resonates with a distinct writing style.

Using groundbreaking AI technology , our paraphrasing tool lets you rewrite the content with the utmost accuracy. It neither changes the context nor compromises the content quality. No matter which type of content you are working on, you can run it through our paraphrasing tool and perfect it by all means.

The users including writers, bloggers, researchers, students, and any layperson can get the best out of our online plagiarism remover for free. It facilitates quick paraphrasing of 1000 words in one attempt.


Use to rewrite your content in original and improved wording that stands out from the rest. Change the choice of words and the way words are combined to construct sentences, achieving uniqueness and creativity in writing. Rephrase your content to ensure that it is free from potential writing errors and perfectly crafted to meet the target audience's needs. The AI paraphrasing tool will make your content unique, engaging, and easier to read by using new, trendy, simple, and fluent words and sentences.

Remove the Plagiarism

Eliminate duplicate phrases, clauses, and sentences to make the content unique

Improve Content Quality

Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and diction errors to enhance the readability score

Modify Writing Style

Modify the choice of words to change the tone and rewrite the content in different writing styles

FEATURES OF REPHRASER, the best sentence rephraser, thoroughly analyzes the given content to understand the context and then rewrite it with an intention to:

User-friendly Interface

Anyone can easily find, access, and use this tool to paraphrase the content from a beginner to an expert.

Improved Functionality

This paraphraser tool uses advanced AI algorithms to ensure that the content is paraphrased without errors and delays.

Error-Free Results

This paraphrasing tool skillfully rewrites the content as it works effectively in terms of accuracy and efficiency.

Multiple Rephrasing Modes

Six different rewriting modes are available, which lets you change the tone and style of the writing without changing the context.

Multi Languages Support

There are 17 different languages available, any of which you can choose to rewrite the content as required.

100% Secure Paraphraser

The content is paraphrased with absolute precision and automatically removed from the tool's database upon reloading.

Freemium Tool

Our AI paraphrasing tool is freemium, meaning it offers free (with limited features) and premium (with all features) access.

Optimize the Content

Maintain readability, uniqueness, and creativity in content to make it search-engine-friendly.

How Paraphrase Online Can Enhance Your Writing?

Whoever creates content is well aware of the fact that uniqueness has great importance in writing. This is because duplicate content is not accepted anywhere. Even if a few phrases or sentences are similar to previously published content, it is considered plagiarism. To paraphrase online, you can easily remove plagiarism from the content that you can ensure with a plagiarism checker .

Must be unique words

The content must be created using unique words, whether for the web or any academic assignment. Anyhow, it isn’t easy to write unique content. It is error-prone and time-consuming.

Readability and creativity

Take into account some more essential factors in writing: readability and creativity. The words you choose and how you combine them must be easy-to-read and creative enough to hook and engage the readers. Unfortunately, there can be various writing errors, such as misused and misspelled words in your writing. These writing issues can ruin your content quality, leaving no chance for a high ranking or score.

Unique and appealing

The students, researchers, and content writers can use an online paraphrasing tool to rewrite any content and make it 100% unique and appealing. The online rephrase tool uses advanced “artificial intelligence” algorithms to rewrite a piece of content to make it free from plagiarism and writing errors.

Multiple rewriting modes

For instance, you can use our word paraphraser then. It will take only a second to provide you with a unique and improved version of your content. There are multiple rewriting modes available, any of which you can leverage to change your content's writing style and make it much more captivating for the target audience.

Who Can Use Our AI Paraphrasing Tool?

Our online AI paraphraser tool can benefit different types of users. Some common users of the rephraser are listed below:

The rephrasing tool can help students automatically remove all instances of plagiarism from their assignments. To ensure, they can check the rephrased essays, thesis, and research papers with a plagiarism checker tool.

Content writers have to write unique and high-quality content pieces. The rephraser can help them automatically improve the clarity, uniqueness, and readability of their content. They can check the readability score with a readability checker .

Our AI paraphraser is a helpful tool for copywriters. They can write attractive and engaging copies. Also, the tool is useful in repurposing and A/B testing of product descriptions.

SEO executives can remove instances of AI detections by our rephraser and make their content search engine friendly. They can use an AI detector to check whether all the AI content is rephrased into human writing.

How does our free paraphrasing tool work?

Our free online rephrasing tool is based on artificial intelligence algorithms that help in attaining uniqueness in less time with accuracy. is considered as an AI-based free rewording tool that makes content unique by replacing the words with synonyms while keeping the content quality high. Editpad contributed to the development of this great paraphrasing tool.

Who can provide excellent services ?

There are so many online paraphrase companies that offer help with many writing types of assignments and a host of others that it can be hard to know which to choose. documents, texts, articles - when it comes to paraphrase this, you need a professional such as we have that offers to refresh the given paper using a vast amount of experience in their fields of expertise.

Software and inexperienced writers will paraphrase text and swap individual terms for their synonyms. Not only is that likely to still be seen content piracy as the structure and order of wordings as are still the same but it will often not maintain the original meaning and will often use phrases that are out of context and will make the text meaningless as best.

Why should you consider ?

This paraphrasing tool provides various reasons and features by which we can easily differentiate this tool from any other online rephrase tool.

The reasons why you need to choose this sentence rephraser are listed below.

How to use Paraphrase Tool?

To use best paraphrasing tool follow the 4 simple steps given below:

  • You can choose from 15 different languages: en id da de es fr it pl pt ro sv vi cs ru th ja ko
  • Paste/write it into the text box or upload file in txt, doc, and docx format
  • Modes `Regular`, `Formal`, `Text Improver`, `Smarter`, `Creative`, and `AI Paraphrase` to modify concerning.
  • Click "Start Paraphrasing" button to rephrase and get an error-free, unique version of the content

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  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Simple Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Fluency Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Creative Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Smarter Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Natural Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Improver Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Academic Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Shorten Go Pro
  • Paraphrasing Tool

The paraphrasing tool (paraphraser) is a sentence changer generator that can rephrase sentences, paragraphs, articles, and essays.

This sentence rephraser helps students and writers to avoid plagiarism while writing blogs and research papers with state-of-the-art technology.

What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is expressing ideas and information in your own words and mentioning their source. ( By University of New South Wales )

Why our paraphrasing tool?

Our paraphrasing tool helps to rewrite plagiarism-free content 😊. It can change sentence structure without changing the context of the topic.

Our rewording tool is 100% free and easy to use. Editpad AI reworder helps you reword assignments, sentences, paragraphs, and essays with one click.

💨Instant paraphraseEssay, paragraphs & more
😉AI modes12 paraphrasing styles
✍️ImprovesWriting tone, readability, style & vocabulary
📖Support17+ Languages
💲 PriceFree

How does Paraphrase Tool work?

The paraphraser provides a simple interface.

To use paraphrase tool, follow the below steps:

Type your text or upload file

Features of Paraphrasing Tool Free

Some of the features of this rephrase tool are:

Files Uploading

You can upload a file directly from your computer in the following formats:

You can also upload a file directly from Google Drive with just a single click.

Plagiarism-Free Content

The final output from our rephrasing tool would be completely plagiarism-free.

If not sure about plagiarism in text, you can check it on the  plagiarism checker .

Download Report

Our free rephrasing tool provides an option to download the final report in Docx and Txt format.

Free and Secure

The paraphrase generator is completely free and 100% safe to use for all kinds of rewriting purposes.

Accurate and reliable rephrasing of text

Our tool rephrase text accurately and keep the same meaning and context as the original text. 

12 Different paraphrasing modes:

To provide the best results, we have developed twelve different modes 😏 Smooth : It paraphrases text that flows well, is grammatically correct, and is easy to read. This type of paraphrasing is often used in academic or professional writing. Best for students to make assignments and presentations.

😉 Reworder : This mode works as a rewording tool that can help you reword your text or words with their best synonyms that are new, trendy, and engaging.

🤠  Formal : Formal paraphrasing is complex and time-consuming because it requires a deep understanding of the original text, so we have developed a separate mode for it.

🙂‍ Simple : This paraphrasing mode focuses on making alternative expressions of the input text without adding extra details or altering the core message. It is useful when you want to avoid plagiarism or need to write information in a different style.

😃 Fluency : It can be used to build a strong connection between sentences to improve the readability and clarity of the text.

🤩 Creative : Creative is another unique mode used to diversify the content structure to make it appear more creative.

😎 Professional : This mode is highly accurate and reliable. It allows professionals to fine-tune the output. It rewrites text using advanced algorithms and natural language processing techniques.

🤗 Natural : The Natural mode of Editpad's paraphrasing tool is designed to rephrase content that sounds like it was written by a human, rather than just changing words or sentence structures automatically.

🧐 Improver : This mode will paraphrase and improve your content. Removes grammar mistakes, changes sentence structure and good word choice for better readability. Best for teachers to create study notes.

👨‍🎓 Academic : This mode is specially built for students to rephrase their assignments in an academic tone.

🤓 Expand : Expand mode helps you extend or elaborate on the original content. When you use this mode, our paraphraser doesn't just rephrase the text; it adds more details and explanations, making the content more comprehensive.

📝 Shorten : It is designed to provide a brief statement of the main points of your text concisely to convey the message in a short and summarized way.

Easy-to-use interface

With our super easy-to-use interface, you can reword content within seconds. 

Uses of Online Paraphrasing Tool

Paraphrasing content manually is not an easy task. It takes both time and effort to do this. Therefore, using the paraphrase online tool can save a lot of time and effort.

Other uses are:

  • It helps students to submit plagiarism-free assignments and academic work
  • Quickly paraphrase the content
  • It helps to learn new sentence structures
  • It reduces the chances of plagiarism in the paraphrased content
  • 100% free paraphrasing tool

Who uses Paraphrasing Tool?

This sentence rephraser is not the requirement of every writer but it is widely used by:

It is hard to come up with engaging content. This rewording tool helps to write articles on the same topic in unique ways. 

Editpad Online Paraphrase tool helps bloggers to rephrase text in a way that is more easily readable by a general audience.

Freelance Writers

Freelance writers have to write high-quality and original content now and then. It helps them complete content tasks.  Use sentence rephraser to save time in the writing process and spend more time on other important tasks such as research, editing and proofreading.

It allows students to paraphrase essays, assignments, and lengthy writing homework. Our tool helps students to avoid plagiarism and to improve their writing skills.

Using editpad paraphrasing tool students can express their ideas in a better writing style.

Pro tip: Do not forget to check assignments and papers for plagiarism . 


Researchers need paraphrasers to prevent plagiarism in their research work and to improve readability. They can also use our tool to quickly summarize large content to identify key points. just want to summarize your text? Try our text summarizer . 


Copywriters can use our rephrase tool to refresh old content and give it a new angle. Rephraser is super helpful when you have to write bulk content under tight deadlines. Present the same information in a new and unique way.

As a webmaster, you have to always keep content quality, SEO quality, and usability at best. And we are here for you to help.

  • Quality content : With a paraphrasing tool, webmasters can ensure that the content on their website is unique and free of plagiarism.
  • SEO : To optimize the website for different keywords, you can paraphrase online same text multiple times. 
  • User-friendly content : Make your content more readable and easily understandable for website users by rephrasing it. Our tool not only improves the content quality but also removes basic grammar errors. You can use Editpad's grammar checker tool to correct all grammatical mistakes.  

Digital Marketers  

Create your next best-quality Social Media Posts using our paraphraser. Digital marketers can generate different ideas for Email Campaigns and advertisements. 

Which is the most effective paraphrasing tool?

Rephrasing tool by Editpad is the most effective paraphrasing tool. It provides four different modes as per your need. Advanced algorithms, lightning-fast speed, and state-of-art technology make our tool the best of all. 

Is using a paraphrasing tool illegal?

Using a paraphrasing tool is not illegal. The outputs are unique and they are not an exact replication of the original content.

Can I use paraphrasing tool for legal writing?

Yes, you can use a paraphrasing tool for legal writing. However, if you want to quote someone or use someone else’s words, you have to give the proper citation.   

Does paraphrasing tool count as plagiarism?

No, using a paraphrasing tool does not count as committing plagiarism. Plagiarism means copying content directly whereas using a paraphrasing tool involves changing the wording.  

Other Tools

  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Reverse Text - Backwards Text Generator
  • Small Text Generator - Small Caps / Tiny Text
  • Upside Down Text Generator
  • Words to Pages
  • Case Converter
  • Online rich-text editor
  • Grammar Checker
  • Article Rewriter
  • Invisible Character
  • Readability Checker
  • Diff Checker
  • Text Similarity Checker
  • Extract Text From Image
  • Text Summarizer
  • Emoji Translator
  • Weird Text Generator
  • Stylish Text Generator
  • Glitch Text Generator
  • Cursive Font Generator
  • Gothic Text Generator
  • Discord Font Generator
  • Aesthetic Text Generator
  • Cool Text Generator
  • Wingdings Translator
  • Old English Translator
  • Online HTML Editor
  • Cursed Text Generator
  • Bubble Text Generator
  • Strikethrough Text Generator
  • Zalgo Text Generator
  • Big Text Generator - Generate Large Text
  • Old Norse Translator
  • Fancy Font Generator
  • Cool Font Generator
  • Fortnite Font Generator
  • Fancy Text Generator
  • Word Counter
  • Character Counter
  • Punctuation checker
  • Text Repeater
  • Vaporwave Text Generator
  • Citation Generator
  • Title Generator
  • Text To Handwriting
  • Alphabetizer
  • Conclusion Generator
  • Abstract Generator
  • List Randomizer
  • Sentence Counter
  • Speech to text
  • Check Mark Symbol
  • Bionic Reading Tool
  • Fake Address Generator
  • JPG To Word
  • Random Choice Generator
  • Thesis Statement Generator
  • AI Content Detector
  • Podcast Script Generator
  • Poem Generator
  • Story Generator
  • Slogan Generator
  • Business Idea Generator
  • Cover Letter Generator
  • Blurb Generator
  • Blog Outline Generator
  • Blog Idea Generator
  • Essay Writer
  • AI Email Writer
  • Binary Translator
  • Paragraph Generator
  • Book Title generator
  • Research Title Generator
  • Business Name Generator
  • AI Answer Generator
  • FAQ Generator
  • Active Passive Voice Converter
  • Sentence Expander
  • White Space Remover
  • Remove Line Breaks
  • Product Description Generator
  • Meta Description Generator
  • Acronym Generator
  • AI Sentence Generator
  • Review Generator
  • Humanize AI Text
  • AI Translator
  • Excel Formula Generator
  • AI Prompt Generator
  • Sentence Rewriter
  • QR Code Generator
  • QR Code Scanner
  • Paragraph Rewriter

Supported Languages


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Edit Pad - Free Online Text Editor

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Most Advanced Online Rewrite Tools & Paraphrase Generator

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Create, optimize, and grow with the best content-creating tools.

Paraphrasing Tool, Article Rewriter, and Article Spinner - these tools might sound similar to each other, however, some qualities make them different in a few aspects. Paraphrase generator - what do we think about it, and what is rewriting? There is a basic rule of paraphrasing - you need to keep the same meaning of sentences by changing words, phrases, etc. But in the case of rewriting, we change the words and phrases as well as add more sentences to enrich the article.

That’s why is designed to focus on all kinds of writing and content creation and allow the content creator to produce meaningful content. 

It goes without explaining how important it is to generate unique content. Whether you are writing essays, online content, or novels, you want to give something unique and high-quality. However, producing unique and improved content is not as easy as it sounds. Fortunately, if you have the free paraphrase generator with you, you can generate as much unique content as you want. 

Generally speaking, paraphrasing means, changing your original content into new content with the same message by changing the wordings, phrases, sentence patterns, etc. Paraphrasing is a powerful way to make your content stronger, and more precise. 

We offer three variations of rewording tools that you can use to improve your writing.

The three tools that we offer are  Paraphrasing Tool ,  Article Spinner , and  Article Rewriter . By the name of the tools, they might sound similar to each other. However, each of these tools has some qualities that make them quite different from each other. 

Let’s find out why these tools are different from each other and how you can use these tools to create strong and highly original content.

Paraphrase Generator Tool

No matter how good you are as a writer, sometimes you might experience some writing issues if you have to write about something that you know only a little about. Especially, if you have to deliver your content within a short time, it becomes tough to maintain good quality in your writing. However, the paraphrase generator tool can immediately help you out of this tough situation by instantly producing rich and powerful content. 

This tool changes your content in a clever and meaningful way to give you the same content but in a different style. It will change the words, phrases, etc. with appropriate synonyms and rearrange the sentences wisely so they look different but give the same message as before. That’s  why you should use this tool whenever you have to deliver great content within a short time.

The best thing about the online rewriter tool is that it gives you flawless content within a few seconds. So, when you use this tool, you don’t have to think about compromising quality or time. You simply have to enter the original content and the  paraphrase tool will do the changes and give you the output. 

Article Rewriter Tool

Article Rewriter enhances the readability of your content and makes it more precise. At the same time, it also makes the content easier for the reader to understand by making the sentences easier. The tool replaces unsuitable words and phrases with simple and easy-to-understand alternatives. 

Just like the paraphrase generator, the article rewriter is a very effective tool if you are going to create content that is easily understood by people of every age. 

Article Spinner 

Suppose, you have a good piece of an article at hand, but you think something is missing from it. Maybe it needs a little bit of flavor or a bit of boldness to become a masterpiece.  But how do you make it happen? It may not be easy if you do it manually, but with Article Spinner, you’ll get an instant result.  This tool works quite similarly to the paraphrase generator, only more boldly and creatively. It’s a great tool for writers who want to spice up their creative writing.

More tools for creating improved and unique content 

Along with the three tools mentioned above, we also offer a few more tools that can help you create grammatically flawless and concise content.

Grammar Checker

If your content is full of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, even the paraphrase generator won’t be able to save your writing. So, you have to be very careful with grammar rules and spelling while creating essays, or online content. Fortunately,  the online grammar checker tool finds out the errors in your content instantly and suggests corrections as well.

Word Counter

Almost in every type of writing, you have to maintain a certain word count rule. Word count can be different for different types of writing. And you have to follow the word limit rule carefully to make your writing more concise and clear. The word counter tool can instantly count your words and give you accurate results. This tool also works as a character counter, so you can check the total character along with the total word count.

To produce high-quality content you have to be creative and flawless in your writing. And the paraphrase generator tools above along with the other tools can help you do that easily. 

Explore our Advanced Curated SEO, SMM, and Writing Toolset

AI Rewriter Tool

Our AI Rewriter Tool allows you to easily produce original, engaging, and SEO-friendly content. Simply enter your words and see our powerful algorithms turn them into new, original content. Stop worrying about duplicate content and improve your content’s ranking in the SERP. 

Tag Generator Boost your content's exposure using our intuitive Tag Generator. Optimize your tags for search engines and social media platforms to ensure your content reaches your target audience. Increase visibility and stay ahead of the competition by simply creating relevant and trending tags.

Video Title Generator

Writing captivating video titles is an art, and our Video Title Generator can help you become a master of creating awesome titles. Create attention-grabbing titles that will appeal to your target audience and increase the click-through rate of your video. Increase your presence on YouTube and other platforms by creating catchy titles.

Video Idea Generator

Allow our Video Idea Generator to fire up your creativity. Discover trending subjects, popular keywords, and niche-specific ideas to keep your audience interested. Stay ahead of the competition by continuously providing content that connects with your target audience.

Video Outline Generator

Use our Video Outline Generator to properly format and outline your thoughts and information. Plan your videos with ease, guaranteeing a seamless flow and maximum audience engagement. Create outlines that keep your readers engaged from beginning to end.

YouTube Intro Generator

First impressions matter. Create visually attractive video introductions that engage your audience instantly using our YouTube Intro Generator. Improve your branding and create a memorable identity for your channel, so your visitors are captivated from the start.  

Perfect for Content Creators, Students, Teachers, and professionals

All of our tools are dedicated to catering to the needs of all sorts of writers and content creators. Whether you are a blogger, social media content creator, student, or professional author– these tools will help you boost your skills, and create outstanding, high-quality content without any fuss.

What are the best tools for writers?

-  Word Processors:  Essential for formatting, and basic writing features, word processor tools provide a suitable environment where writers can create their creations. Popular word processing tools are Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Apple Pages.

Grammar Checkers and Grammar Fixers:  undeniably the most fundamental tools for any type of writer. These tools are best for detecting and correcting grammar and spelling errors, as well as punctuation mistakes. Some of the best grammar checker tools are RewriterTools Grammar Fixer and SEOWagon Grammar Checker .  

Rewriting/Paraphrasing tools:  Rewriter, paraphraser, or text spinner – these tools may have different names, and somewhat different but mostly common roles in creating unique, plagiarism-free content. These tools are exceptionally great when it comes to creating unique content such as online articles, and thesis papers.

Popular rewriting tools: RewriterTools AI Article Rewriter , Paraphrasing Tool , Quilbot.

Plagiarism Checkers:  These tools are important for every writer as they help to detect plagiarized content easily and quickly. Some of the best plagiarism checker tools are SEOWagon and ParaphraseApp .

Word Counter:  Word counters are simple yet essential tools for writers that help them to count the words and characters of the content. 

Best word counters: RewriterTools , RewritingTools .

What tools are essential for content creators?

Here’s a list of essential tools for content creation –

- AI Content Creator

- AI Article Rewriter

- Grammar Checker

- AI Video Title Generator

- Video Description Generator

- Tag Generator

- AI Video Idea Generator

- YouTube Intro Creator

- YouTube Video Outline Creator

- Tweet Generator

- Instagram Hashtag Generator

- Facebook Post Generator

- LinkedIn Post Creator

- Quora Answer Generator

What is a digital content creator?

- A digital content creator is an individual or entity who creates and publishes different types of digital content on the internet. The content can include blogs, articles, videos, social media posts, podcasts, infographics, eBooks, photography, Email newsletters, online courses, and so much more.

How can I make my writing more interesting and engaging to my readers?

- Use a conversational tone, narrative approaches, and relevant examples or personal experiences in your content to make it more engaging. To develop a solid connection with your audience, promptly address their needs, questions, and interests.

How can I produce SEO-friendly content?

- Conduct keyword research and include important, relevant keywords in your content. Use descriptive headers, titles, and meta tags. Ensure clarity, as well as perfect grammar and spelling. Avoid plagiarism, and apply interesting writing styles by using a plagiarism checker tool, and a paraphrasing tool respectively. Aim to generate useful, detailed content that addresses readers' concerns.

Free Essay and Paper Checker

Try our other writing services

Paraphrasing Tool

Correct your entire essay within 5 minutes

  • Proofread on 100+ language issues
  • Specialized in academic texts
  • Corrections directly in your essay

Correct your entire essay in 5 minutes

Why this is the best free essay checker.

Best Grammar Checker Test Result Graph

Tested most accurate

In the test for the best grammar checker , Scribbr found 19 out of 20 errors.

No Signup Needed

No signup needed

You don’t have to register or sign up. Insert your text and get started right away.

Unlimited words and characters

Long texts, short texts it doesn’t matter – there’s no character or word limit.

The Grammar Checker is Ad-Free

Don’t wait for ads or distractions. The essay checker is ad-free!

Punctuation checker

Nobody's perfect all the time—and now, you don’t have to be!

There are times when you just want to write without worrying about every grammar or spelling convention. The online proofreader immediately finds all of your errors. This allows you to concentrate on the bigger picture. You’ll be 100% confident that your writing won’t affect your grade.

grammar mistake

Correcting your grammar

The Scribbr essay checker fixes grammar mistakes like:

  • Sentence fragments & run-on sentences
  • Subject-verb agreement errors
  • Issues with parallelism

spelling mistake

Spelling & Typos

Basic spell-checks often miss academic terms in writing and mark them as errors. Scribbr has a large dictionary of recognized (academic) words, so you can feel confident every word is 100% correct.

Punctuation errors

The essay checker takes away all your punctuation worries. Avoid common mistakes with:

  • Dashes and hyphens
  • Apostrophes
  • Parentheses
  • Question marks
  • Colons and semicolons
  • Quotation marks

word use

Avoid word choice errors

Should you use   “affect” or “effect” ? Is it   “then” or “than” ? Did you mean   “there,” “their,” or “they’re” ?

Never worry about embarrassing word choice errors again. Our grammar checker will spot and correct any errors with   commonly confused words .

accept all

Improve your text with one click

The Scribbr Grammar Checker allows you to accept all suggestions in your document with a single click.

Give it a try!

change my essay

Correct your entire document in 5 minutes

Would you like to upload your entire essay and check it for 100+ academic language issues? Then Scribbr’s AI-powered proofreading is perfect for you.

With the AI Proofreader, you can correct your text in no time:

  • Upload document
  • Wait briefly while all errors are corrected directly in your document
  • Correct errors with one click

Proofread my document

all english variants

A Grammar Checker for all English variants

There are important differences between the versions of English used in different parts of the world, including UK and US English . Our essay checker supports a variety of major English dialects:

  • Canadian English
  • Australian English

Why users love our Essay Checker

🌐 English US, UK, CA, & AU
🏆 Quality Outperforms competition
✍️ Improves Grammar, spelling, & punctuation
⭐️ Rating based on 13,657 reviews

Save time and upload your entire essay to fix it in minutes

Scribbr & academic integrity.

Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our plagiarism checker , AI Detector , Citation Generator , proofreading services , paraphrasing tool , grammar checker , summarizer , and free Knowledge Base content are designed to help students produce quality academic papers.

We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

Ask our team

Want to contact us directly? No problem.  We  are always here for you.

Support team - Nina

Frequently asked questions

Our Essay Checker can detect most grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. That said, we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy. 

Absolutely! The Essay Checker is particularly useful for non-native English speakers, as it can detect mistakes that may have gone unnoticed.

The exact time depends on the length of your document, but, in most cases it doesn’t take more than a minute.


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  9. Free AI Paraphrasing Tool

    Ahrefs' Paraphrasing Tool uses a language model that learns patterns, grammar, and vocabulary from large amounts of text data - then uses that knowledge to generate human-like text based on a given prompt or input. The generated text combines both the model's learned information and its understanding of the input.

  10. Paraphrasing Tool

    Paraphrasing Tool. This is a free AI-powered rewrite tool that offers you rephrasing of your articles, sentences, essays, stories, and other creations. Our tool finds the best options for text rewording thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) AI software and presents you with a variety of choices. We are here to offer you the best free tool ...

  11. Paraphrasing Tool

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  12. Free AI Paragraph Rewriter

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  13. Free AI Sentence Rewriter Tool

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  14. Essay Rewriter Tool for Students

    Learn More. The Essay Rewriter tool is easy to use. Follow these steps to obtain a perfectly paraphrased text. Copy the original that you need to rewrite. Paste it into the tool, checking if the text length doesn't exceed the limit. Select the required paraphrasing rate. Press the "Rewrite" button. Copy the result for further use.

  15. Free Online Paraphrasing and Rewriting Tool

    Follow these 6 steps to reword emails, paraphrase academic sources, avoid plagiarism, or even fine-tune text messages. 01. Sign up for Wordtune (it's free) 02. Write or paste your text. 03. Highlight the text you want to paraphrase. 04. Click "Rewrite".

  16. Free Paraphrasing Tool

    Our free paraphraser can help you write logical, eloquent, and plagiarism-free assignments. Use ProWritingAid to write a strong thesis statement, make your arguments sound compelling, or craft a poignant conclusion. Researchers. ProWritingAid makes sure your language is always appropriately formal and helps you easily present complex ideas in a ...

  17. Paraphrase Online

    Free Paraphrasing Tool. Our paraphrasing tool (paraphraser) helps students, writers, and bloggers to avoid plagiarism. This rewording tool uses advanced AI algorithms to change sentence structure, synonymize the text and make other similar changes. This word changer has a built-in paraphrase generator that helps in rephrasing any paragraph ...

  18. Paraphrasing Tool

    Enhances the clarity and flow of your writing. Expand. Rephrases sentences to make them longer. Shorten. Shortens sentences by cutting out unnecessary words. Formal. Rewords sentences to make them more formal. Casual. Suggests ways to make your writing sound more informal.

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    With our free paraphrasing tool, you can rewrite a text in your own words in a matter of seconds. In this step-by-step guide, you'll find everything you need to do: Open the website and paste your document into the box. Click "paraphrase my text.". Pick the synonyms you like.

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  22. Free Online Paraphrasing Tool For Avoiding Plagiarism

    Rephrase easily to avoid plagiarism. Free and Easy to use! How to use paraphrasing tool: Paste the text you need to be reworded in the box and click the "paraphrase" button. You will see a series of highlighted words in your text. Click on each to view a list of prospective synonyms with which to replace said words.

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  25. Paraphrasing Tool

    Use our Paraphrasing Tool to instantly rephrase any of your essays, articles, blogs, and other pieces of content, while maintaining original context. This paraphrase tool is supported by "Artificial Intelligence" and "Large Language Models". It is a useful solution for writers, bloggers, and students to turn plagiarized text into unique ...

  26. Paraphrasing Tool

    It can change sentence structure without changing the context of the topic. Our rewording tool is 100% free and easy to use. Editpad AI reworder helps you reword assignments, sentences, paragraphs, and essays with one click. 💨Instant paraphrase: Essay, paragraphs & more: 😉AI modes: 12 paraphrasing styles: ️Improves: Writing tone ...

  27. Online rewrite tool

    Whether you are writing essays, online content, or novels, you want to give something unique and high-quality. ... paraphrasing means, changing your original content into new content with the same message by changing the wordings, phrases, sentence patterns, etc. Paraphrasing is a powerful way to make your content stronger, and more precise ...

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    Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our plagiarism checker, AI Detector, Citation Generator, proofreading services, paraphrasing tool, grammar checker, summarizer, and free Knowledge Base content are designed to help students produce quality academic papers. We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for ...

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  30. How to Revise: A Step-by-Guide to Revising Your Writing

    1 Prepare to revise. Once you've finished your rough draft, it's time to get ready to revise. The revision process will be more effective if you follow a few basic steps beforehand. First, take a break from writing after the first draft.