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More than two hours of homework may be counterproductive, research suggests.

Education scholar Denise Pope has found that too much homework has negative impacts on student well-being and behavioral engagement (Shutterstock)

A Stanford education researcher found that too much homework can negatively affect kids, especially their lives away from school, where family, friends and activities matter.   "Our findings on the effects of homework challenge the traditional assumption that homework is inherently good," wrote Denise Pope , a senior lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Education and a co-author of a study published in the Journal of Experimental Education .   The researchers used survey data to examine perceptions about homework, student well-being and behavioral engagement in a sample of 4,317 students from 10 high-performing high schools in upper-middle-class California communities. Along with the survey data, Pope and her colleagues used open-ended answers to explore the students' views on homework.   Median household income exceeded $90,000 in these communities, and 93 percent of the students went on to college, either two-year or four-year.   Students in these schools average about 3.1 hours of homework each night.   "The findings address how current homework practices in privileged, high-performing schools sustain students' advantage in competitive climates yet hinder learning, full engagement and well-being," Pope wrote.   Pope and her colleagues found that too much homework can diminish its effectiveness and even be counterproductive. They cite prior research indicating that homework benefits plateau at about two hours per night, and that 90 minutes to two and a half hours is optimal for high school.   Their study found that too much homework is associated with:   • Greater stress : 56 percent of the students considered homework a primary source of stress, according to the survey data. Forty-three percent viewed tests as a primary stressor, while 33 percent put the pressure to get good grades in that category. Less than 1 percent of the students said homework was not a stressor.   • Reductions in health : In their open-ended answers, many students said their homework load led to sleep deprivation and other health problems. The researchers asked students whether they experienced health issues such as headaches, exhaustion, sleep deprivation, weight loss and stomach problems.   • Less time for friends, family and extracurricular pursuits : Both the survey data and student responses indicate that spending too much time on homework meant that students were "not meeting their developmental needs or cultivating other critical life skills," according to the researchers. Students were more likely to drop activities, not see friends or family, and not pursue hobbies they enjoy.   A balancing act   The results offer empirical evidence that many students struggle to find balance between homework, extracurricular activities and social time, the researchers said. Many students felt forced or obligated to choose homework over developing other talents or skills.   Also, there was no relationship between the time spent on homework and how much the student enjoyed it. The research quoted students as saying they often do homework they see as "pointless" or "mindless" in order to keep their grades up.   "This kind of busy work, by its very nature, discourages learning and instead promotes doing homework simply to get points," said Pope, who is also a co-founder of Challenge Success , a nonprofit organization affiliated with the GSE that conducts research and works with schools and parents to improve students' educational experiences..   Pope said the research calls into question the value of assigning large amounts of homework in high-performing schools. Homework should not be simply assigned as a routine practice, she said.   "Rather, any homework assigned should have a purpose and benefit, and it should be designed to cultivate learning and development," wrote Pope.   High-performing paradox   In places where students attend high-performing schools, too much homework can reduce their time to foster skills in the area of personal responsibility, the researchers concluded. "Young people are spending more time alone," they wrote, "which means less time for family and fewer opportunities to engage in their communities."   Student perspectives   The researchers say that while their open-ended or "self-reporting" methodology to gauge student concerns about homework may have limitations – some might regard it as an opportunity for "typical adolescent complaining" – it was important to learn firsthand what the students believe.   The paper was co-authored by Mollie Galloway from Lewis and Clark College and Jerusha Conner from Villanova University.

Clifton B. Parker is a writer at the Stanford News Service .

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Homework or extracurricular activities why some families are choosing activities over homework.

homework interferes with students opportunity to socialize

Over the last few years, the effectiveness of homework in relation to child development has received significant scrutiny. On average, high school students are expected to complete approximately 3.5 hours of homework per day in addition to participating in extracurricular activities. This can raise questions about the balance between homework and extracurricular activities and whether students are being asked to do too much of either. 

Parents and their kids need to find a balance that allows the student to engage in academic and non-academic activities, as both can benefit their overall development. However, it can be challenging to determine the right balance and what is most important, as both homework and extracurricular activities can offer valuable experiences and benefits. 

Homework Pitfalls

Most parents seem to opt for extracurricular activities compared to homework, which can be attributed to various reasons. Homework can cause the following situations:

Homework Increases Stress Levels

Homework can be a source of stress for both children and parents. Most children may feel overwhelmed by the amount of homework they have to complete, particularly if they are struggling to understand the material or have other commitments such as extracurricular activities, leading to increased stress and anxiety levels, which can negatively affect their mental and physical health. Depending on the number of subjects they do, this can be extremely strenuous and stressful to both kids and parents. 

Homework Decreases Enjoyment of Learning

If children feel overwhelmed by homework, they may begin to see learning as a chore rather than something enjoyable, leading to decreased motivation and engagement. This attitude may result in a decline in academic performance, which may worry parents.

Homework Disrupts Family Time

Homework can also take up a significant amount of time, disrupting family time and other activities. This can be particularly challenging, especially for families with busy schedules or multiple children with different homework commitments.

Extracurricular Activities > Homework

On the other hand, families are beginning to see the benefits of allowing their kids to partake in extracurricular activities rather than focusing solely on homework. Some of these reasons families choose extracurricular activities over homework include the following:

Development of New Skills and Interests

Extracurricular activities allow children to learn and develop new skills and interests that may not be covered in their regular academic curriculum. For example, a child interested in music may take piano lessons or join a school choir, while a child interested in sports may join a soccer team or take martial arts classes. These activities can help children discover and pursue passions they may not have known they had and can also help them build confidence and self-esteem. 

Physical and Mental Health Benefits

Extracurricular activities can have numerous physical and mental health benefits for children. Physical activities, such as sports, can help children stay active and fit, while activities, such as music or art, can provide an outlet for creativity and expression. Coupled with the rigorous nature of classwork, participating in extracurricular activities can also help children reduce stress and improve their overall mental health by providing a break from academic work and allowing them to engage in activities they enjoy.

Socialization and Teamwork

Sociability is a critical aspect of a child's development. Extracurricular activities allow children to socialize with their peers and learn how to work effectively as part of a team, which can help children develop important social skills and improve their communication and collaboration abilities.

College and Career Preparation

Participating in extracurricular activities can also help children develop skills and experiences that may be valuable in preparing for college and future careers. For example, being a school club or team member may help a child develop leadership skills. Volunteering in the community may help a child learn about social issues and develop a sense of civic responsibility.

Parents are beginning to consider these passions as viable career options, and extracurricular activities help them assess their kid's potential. 

Final Thoughts

Overall, there are many benefits to enrolling children in extracurricular activities, and these activities can complement and enhance the skills and knowledge they learn in school. Ultimately, the importance of homework versus extracurricular activities may depend on the individual student, their needs and goals.

It is crucial for parents to carefully consider their child's interests and needs when deciding whether to enroll them in extracurricular activities and how that will effect the child's homework schedule.

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Evaluating the Role of Homework

Winter 2022

By Alison Baran


Doing Our Homework

A sign of the times, through the pandemic lens.

  • Homework was never intended to make up for “learning loss”; it is a tool for reinforcement and enrichment.
  • Caregivers are more overwhelmed than ever before. Many are not in the position to support children with their homework.
  • Students have the right to socialize with their peers and engage in extracurricular activities that bring them happiness. During the height of the pandemic, children and teens had limited, if any, opportunities to socialize.
  • More than a third (37%) of teens surveyed say their mental health has worsened throughout the pandemic, according to a study done by the Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children’s Mental Health (2021). It is important that all constituents—faculty, administrators, caregivers—have a clear understanding and shared language about the expectations around giving and receiving homework. More than ever, we need to be working together in our schools with the express purpose of putting the mental health needs of our students first.
  • Children have the right to playtime, extracurricular activities, downtime, and adequate sleep.
  • Teachers should assign homework with a clear sense of why it is being given.
  • The purpose of the homework assignment should be articulated to the students, including the fact that a certain task might be a challenge. Research shows that when children know why they are doing the homework, they are more engaged and inspired.
  • Tasks should be personally relevant to students and should allow for choices. Children are motivated when they have ownership in their learning.
  • Over the course of time, the kinds of homework should vary depending on what is happening in class.
  • Homework assignments better serve students when they feel competent and confident with the material being assigned.
  • Children deserve feedback about the homework that they have completed.
  • Teachers should differentiate for individual needs across all grade levels. This might mean adjusting number of math facts, amount of reading, etc.
  • Parents have the right to control their child’s time outside of school without being judged.
  • If you have doubts about whether the assignment will further learning, consider that the default might be to have no homework, or think about conducting an experiment of not doing homework for a set period of time.

Readings and Resources

  • The Battle Over Homework: Common Ground for Administrators, Teachers, and Parents by Harris Cooper
  • The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad Thing by Alfie Kohn
  • Rethinking Homework: Best Practices that Support Diverse Needs by Cathy Vatterott
  • “ The Case for (Quality) Homework ,” by Janine Bempechat, Education Next , Winter 2019
  • “ The Lost Cause of Homework Reform ,” by Brian Gill and Steven Schlossman, American Journal of Education , November 2000
  • “ New York School District Weighs Banning Homework ,” by Alexa Lardieri, U.S. News & World Report , May 31, 2018
  • “ Why this superintendent is banning homework—and asking kids to read instead ,” by Valerie Strauss, The Washington Post , July 17, 2017

Alison Baran is a fourth grade teacher at The Park School of Baltimore in Maryland. She’s also the lower school new faculty coordinator.

homework interferes with students opportunity to socialize

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10 Ways – How Does Homework Affect Student Social Life

How does homework affect students' social life?

Homework is a crucial part of a student’s academic life, but it can also significantly impact their social life. While homework helps students reinforce their learning and improve their academic performance, it can also create stress and take up valuable time spent socializing with friends and family.

When students are asked to do Homework, they are often urged to “do what you love.” However, doing Homework has been shown to affect students’ social life negatively.

Table of Contents

What is “homework”?

Homework can be a valuable source of information for students and teachers, as it provides information about what happens in the classroom and other influences on student learning.

10 ways how Homework affects students social life

1. students have less time for social activities.

Homework is often a burden for students as they spend less time on their free time activities and spending time with their friends. Regular homework assignments can take students out of the academy or to regions they cannot usually reach.

2. Students are more socially anxious

The high expectations that students must meet with their parents and teachers make them feel more pressure and stress when it comes to their studies.

3. Students have less time for sleep

4. students have less time for family and friends.

Students” limited free time due to Homework takes them away from family and friends, which might affect relationships with parents and other family members.

5. Students have less time for entertainment

6. students have less time for sleep.

Homework requires a lot of effort and concentration. Thus it can be physically and mentally exhausting. Students may get too tired to do their Homework as it is a long period and frequently interrupts the students’’ sleep.

7. Students have less time for learning

8. students have less time for exercise and other physical activities.

Homework stresses students, making them too tired to go for a healthy meal or workout. It is not just mentally tiring but causes physical fatigue too.

9. Students may have less time for socializing

10. students are more stressed out and less happy.

How do I make myself do my homework?

FAQ – How Does Homework Affect Social Life

Is homework beneficial for students.

Homework is beneficial for students as it increases their knowledge. Students can always receive education, even when they are not at school. Moreover, there is evidence that practicing problems and taking tests while learning positively affects students’’ performance in later exams.

How Much Homework Should Be Assigned?

Will homework benefit students in the future, will homework overload students.

Homework overload is possible for some students. Homework has many disadvantages for some students, like a lack of time for family and friends and not getting enough sleep.

Is Homework Helpful?

What is the best way to reduce the amount of homework.

The best way is to balance homework and other aspects of student life. This means that kids need enough time to study but spend enough time with friends and family. Parents should clarify that they will not help their students with Homework.

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Pros and Cons of Homework

benefits and drawbacks discussed

Homework presents a double-edged sword with benefits like reinforcing learning, developing critical thinking, and improving time management skills, essential for academic success . However, it can also lead to heightened stress and anxiety , especially with tight deadlines and juggling multiple responsibilities. Parental involvement plays a fundamental role in enhancing academic success, creating a conducive study environment, and fostering family bonding. While homework can limit creative exploration and impact social life balance, it's important to take into account equity and access to guarantee all students have the support needed. The impact of homework is profound, affecting students in various ways.

Table of Contents

  • Homework enhances learning retention and critical thinking skills.
  • Effective time management aids in balancing academic and extracurricular activities.
  • Homework can lead to stress and anxiety if not managed properly.
  • Parental involvement supports academic success and family bonding.

Academic Improvement

Can homework truly enhance academic performance or is its impact overstated ? Homework has long been a topic of debate in the education sector .

Proponents argue that homework allows students to reinforce what they have learned in class, develop critical thinking skills , and improve time management abilities . These skills are vital for academic success and can lead to improved performance in exams and overall understanding of the material. Research has shown that when homework is used effectively, it can indeed have a positive impact on academic achievement.

On the other hand, critics argue that homework can be overwhelming for students, leading to burnout and decreased motivation. They suggest that excessive homework may not necessarily translate to better academic outcomes and can even have detrimental effects on students' mental health.

It is imperative for educators to strike a balance between assigning meaningful homework that reinforces learning and allowing students enough time for rest and extracurricular activities. Ultimately, the key lies in the quality and relevance of the homework assigned, rather than the quantity.

Time Management Skills

Time management skills are essential for students to effectively balance their academic responsibilities with extracurricular activities and personal time.

While mastering time management can lead to increased productivity and academic success, it also presents challenges such as procrastination and distractions that can hinder progress.

Understanding the benefits of efficient time management and overcoming its associated challenges are vital for students to excel in their academic endeavors.

Benefits of Time Management

Effective time management skills play an essential role in enhancing productivity and success in completing homework assignments . By efficiently organizing and allocating time for different tasks, students can experience various benefits.

To start, good time management allows students to prioritize assignments based on deadlines and importance . This helps in avoiding last-minute rushes and guarantees that tasks are completed thoroughly.

Furthermore, it enables students to set realistic goals and create a study schedule that balances academic work with other activities, fostering a sense of control and reducing stress levels.

Additionally, effective time management enhances focus and concentration as students learn to dedicate specific time slots for studying without distractions. This leads to improved retention of information and overall academic performance.

In addition, by mastering time management skills during homework assignments, students develop a valuable life skill that will benefit them in their future careers and personal endeavors.

Ultimately, the benefits of time management extend beyond homework, positively impacting various aspects of a student's life.

Challenges With Time

Mastering time management skills presents various challenges for students , requiring discipline and a strategic approach to effectively allocate time for homework assignments . One common challenge is the tendency for students to underestimate the time required to complete tasks accurately. This can lead to rushed work, lower quality output, and increased stress levels.

Additionally, distractions such as social media, television, or extracurricular activities can derail a student's focus, making it difficult to adhere to a set study schedule.

Furthermore, some students struggle with prioritizing assignments based on their deadlines and level of difficulty. Without a clear plan in place, they may end up procrastinating or spending too much time on less important tasks, causing last-minute rushes and subpar performance.

Balancing homework with other responsibilities like part-time jobs or family obligations can also pose a significant challenge, requiring students to juggle competing demands on their time effectively.

To overcome these challenges, students can benefit from implementing strategies such as creating a study timetable , breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and eliminating distractions during study periods.

Developing effective time management skills not only improves academic performance but also sets students up for success in their future endeavors.

Impact on Productivity

Developing strong time management skills is essential for enhancing productivity and achieving academic success. Homework plays a significant role in shaping students' time management abilities, influencing their overall productivity levels.

Here are some ways in which homework impacts productivity:

  • Improved Prioritization: Homework assignments require students to prioritize tasks based on deadlines and importance, helping them develop prioritization skills that are beneficial beyond academics.
  • Enhanced Focus: Engaging with homework tasks can improve a student's ability to concentrate on a specific task for an extended period, leading to increased productivity in other areas of life.

Stress and Anxiety

Homework assignments can often exacerbate feelings of stress and anxiety among students, impacting their overall well-being and academic performance . The pressure to complete multiple assignments within tight deadlines , along with the fear of underperforming or failing, can contribute to heightened stress levels.

As students juggle homework from various subjects, extracurricular activities, and personal responsibilities, the added workload can lead to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety . Moreover, the constant focus on academic tasks can result in students neglecting self-care practices , such as exercise, relaxation, and socializing, further intensifying their stress levels.

This chronic stress not only affects students' mental health but also their physical well-being, potentially leading to issues like insomnia, headaches, and decreased immune function. In some cases, excessive homework can create a cycle of stress and anxiety that hinders students' ability to concentrate, retain information, and perform well academically.

It is essential for educators to be mindful of the amount of homework assigned and its potential impact on students' mental health, aiming to strike a balance that promotes learning without overwhelming students.

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement in homework can greatly impact a student's academic success .

Support from parents can help children develop effective time management skills and create a routine for completing assignments.

In addition, homework provides opportunities for families to bond over educational activities, fostering a positive learning environment at home.

Parental Support Impact

Effective involvement of caregivers in their children's academic activities has been shown to greatly influence the outcomes of homework completion. Parents play an essential role in supporting their children's educational journey, and their support can considerably impact the success of homework assignments.

Here are three key ways in which parental involvement can positively influence homework completion:

  • Providing guidance and clarification: Parents can help clarify homework instructions, offer guidance on challenging tasks, and provide explanations to enhance their child's understanding.
  • Creating a conducive environment: Establishing a quiet and organized study space at home can help minimize distractions and promote focus during homework time.

A critical aspect of fostering academic success in students involves instilling effective time management skills, which can be greatly influenced by parental involvement in their child's educational pursuits. Parents play a vital role in helping students prioritize tasks, allocate study time effectively, and maintain a balance between academics and extracurricular activities. By guiding their children in managing homework deadlines, project timelines, and study schedules, parents contribute greatly to their academic progress.

Improved Academic Performance Parents can assist in creating study plans and monitoring progress.
Enhanced Organizational Skills Parents can teach children how to use planners and calendars effectively.
Better Stress Management Parents can help students break down tasks into manageable chunks.

Family Bonding Opportunities

Fostering family bonding through active involvement in a child's educational journey can greatly strengthen the parent-child relationship. Engaging in homework-related activities provides parents with unique opportunities to connect with their children, offering a glimpse into their academic progress and challenges. This involvement not only supports the child's learning but also nurtures a sense of support and encouragement within the family dynamic.

  • Quality Time: Homework sessions create dedicated time for parents and children to work together, fostering a deeper connection and understanding.
  • Communication: Discussing homework tasks can open up channels of communication, allowing parents to guide, clarify concepts, and provide assistance where needed.

These family bonding opportunities not only enhance the educational experience but also contribute to a strong and supportive familial relationship.

Creativity and Exploration

Encouraging students to engage in creative thinking and explore new ideas can be limited by the demands of excessive homework assignments . When students are overwhelmed with homework tasks , they may not have the time or energy to pursue creative endeavors or investigate topics that spark their curiosity. This lack of freedom to explore can hinder the development of critical thinking skills , problem-solving abilities , and innovative thinking .

Homework that focuses solely on rote memorization or repetitive exercises can stifle a student's natural inclination to question, experiment, and think outside the box. Creativity thrives in an environment that fosters exploration and allows for personal expression. Without the opportunity to explore their interests and passions, students may struggle to develop a sense of autonomy and self-discovery.

To address this limitation, educators and policymakers should consider the balance between homework assignments and opportunities for creative exploration . By assigning meaningful and purposeful homework tasks that encourage students to think critically and creatively, educators can support the development of well-rounded individuals who are equipped to tackle the challenges of the future.

Social Life Balance

Striking a balance between academic responsibilities and social activities is essential for the overall well-being and development of students.

Maintaining a healthy social life alongside schoolwork can contribute positively to a student's mental health, social skills, and overall happiness.

Here are some key points to take into account in achieving a well-rounded social life balance:

  • Time Management : Efficiently managing time between homework, extracurricular activities, and socializing helps students avoid burnout and maintain a fulfilling social life.
  • Quality Over Quantity : Focusing on meaningful social interactions rather than the number of social events can lead to deeper relationships and a more satisfying social life.

Equity and Access

Achieving equity and access in educational opportunities is a fundamental aspect that must be carefully considered in the context of homework policies and practices. Homework can either bridge or further deepen the existing educational disparities among students.

Students from disadvantaged backgrounds may not have the same resources or support systems at home to complete homework assignments, leading to an inequitable learning experience. This can perpetuate a cycle of inequality, hindering students' academic progress and overall well-being.

Ensuring equity and access in homework requires schools and educators to be mindful of students' diverse needs and circumstances. Providing additional support , such as access to resources like textbooks, technology, or tutoring services, can help level the playing field for all students.

Additionally, offering flexibility in homework deadlines or assignments can accommodate students facing challenges outside of school.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does homework affect students' physical health?.

Homework can impact students' physical health due to prolonged sitting, increased screen time, and disrupted sleep patterns. It may lead to issues such as poor posture, eye strain, and fatigue. Balancing academic demands with physical well-being is essential.

How Does Homework Impact Students' Mental Well-Being?

Homework can impact students' mental well-being by increasing stress levels, leading to anxiety and burnout. It may hinder relaxation time, social interactions, and sleep quality. Balancing homework demands with self-care practices is essential for mental health maintenance.

Can Excessive Homework Lead to Burnout in Students?

Excessive homework can indeed lead to burnout in students due to increased stress, lack of time for relaxation, and limited opportunities for social activities. It is essential to strike a balance to maintain student well-being.

Does Homework Contribute to Academic Dishonesty?

Homework can inadvertently contribute to academic dishonesty by creating an environment where students may feel pressured to cheat to meet deadlines or achieve high grades. Striking a balance in workload and promoting integrity is essential.

How Does Homework Impact Students With Learning Disabilities?

Homework can present unique challenges for students with learning disabilities. It may require accommodations or modifications to guarantee meaningful participation and learning. Tailoring assignments to individual needs and providing support can help foster academic success.

To sum up, homework has the potential to improve academic performance and develop important skills such as time management.

However, it can also lead to increased stress and anxiety, limit creativity, and impact a student's social life.

Parental involvement in homework can vary, affecting equity and access to resources.

Ultimately, the debate over the pros and cons of homework continues, highlighting the need for a balanced approach in education.

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Denise Pope

Education scholar Denise Pope has found that too much homework has negative effects on student well-being and behavioral engagement. (Image credit: L.A. Cicero)

A Stanford researcher found that too much homework can negatively affect kids, especially their lives away from school, where family, friends and activities matter.

“Our findings on the effects of homework challenge the traditional assumption that homework is inherently good,” wrote Denise Pope , a senior lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Education and a co-author of a study published in the Journal of Experimental Education .

The researchers used survey data to examine perceptions about homework, student well-being and behavioral engagement in a sample of 4,317 students from 10 high-performing high schools in upper-middle-class California communities. Along with the survey data, Pope and her colleagues used open-ended answers to explore the students’ views on homework.

Median household income exceeded $90,000 in these communities, and 93 percent of the students went on to college, either two-year or four-year.

Students in these schools average about 3.1 hours of homework each night.

“The findings address how current homework practices in privileged, high-performing schools sustain students’ advantage in competitive climates yet hinder learning, full engagement and well-being,” Pope wrote.

Pope and her colleagues found that too much homework can diminish its effectiveness and even be counterproductive. They cite prior research indicating that homework benefits plateau at about two hours per night, and that 90 minutes to two and a half hours is optimal for high school.

Their study found that too much homework is associated with:

* Greater stress: 56 percent of the students considered homework a primary source of stress, according to the survey data. Forty-three percent viewed tests as a primary stressor, while 33 percent put the pressure to get good grades in that category. Less than 1 percent of the students said homework was not a stressor.

* Reductions in health: In their open-ended answers, many students said their homework load led to sleep deprivation and other health problems. The researchers asked students whether they experienced health issues such as headaches, exhaustion, sleep deprivation, weight loss and stomach problems.

* Less time for friends, family and extracurricular pursuits: Both the survey data and student responses indicate that spending too much time on homework meant that students were “not meeting their developmental needs or cultivating other critical life skills,” according to the researchers. Students were more likely to drop activities, not see friends or family, and not pursue hobbies they enjoy.

A balancing act

The results offer empirical evidence that many students struggle to find balance between homework, extracurricular activities and social time, the researchers said. Many students felt forced or obligated to choose homework over developing other talents or skills.

Also, there was no relationship between the time spent on homework and how much the student enjoyed it. The research quoted students as saying they often do homework they see as “pointless” or “mindless” in order to keep their grades up.

“This kind of busy work, by its very nature, discourages learning and instead promotes doing homework simply to get points,” Pope said.

She said the research calls into question the value of assigning large amounts of homework in high-performing schools. Homework should not be simply assigned as a routine practice, she said.

“Rather, any homework assigned should have a purpose and benefit, and it should be designed to cultivate learning and development,” wrote Pope.

High-performing paradox

In places where students attend high-performing schools, too much homework can reduce their time to foster skills in the area of personal responsibility, the researchers concluded. “Young people are spending more time alone,” they wrote, “which means less time for family and fewer opportunities to engage in their communities.”

Student perspectives

The researchers say that while their open-ended or “self-reporting” methodology to gauge student concerns about homework may have limitations – some might regard it as an opportunity for “typical adolescent complaining” – it was important to learn firsthand what the students believe.

The paper was co-authored by Mollie Galloway from Lewis and Clark College and Jerusha Conner from Villanova University.

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Review: The End of Homework: How Homework Disrupts Families, Overburdens Children, and Limits Learning

(An updated version of this piece is available at this link.)

The End of Homework by Etta Kralovec and John Buell offers a succinct and researched account of why homework does little to actually improve academic performance, and instead hurts a family’s overall well-being. Kralovec and Buell analyze and dissect homework studies over the last few decades, finding that most research supports their claims or, at-best, makes dubious claims on the affects of homework. Although written in 2000, The End of Homework makes arguments that are only strengthened today: homework is discriminatory toward the poor (and the wealth gap has grown), it separates families from their children (and families work longer hours, and homework assigned has increased), and academic results are mixed (and recent studies reflect this.)

At Human Restoration Project , one of the core systemic changes we suggest is the elimination of homework. Throughout this piece, I will include more recent research studies that add to this work. I believe that the adverse affects of homework are so strong that any homework assigned, outside of minor catching up or incredibly niche cases, does more harm than good.

Summarized within The End of Homework , as well as developmental psychologists, sociologists, and educators, are the core reasons why homework is not beneficial:

Homework is Inequitable

In the most practical terms, calls for teachers to assign more homework and for parents to provide a quiet, well-lit place for the child to study must always be considered in the context of the parents’ education, income, available time, and job security. For many of our fellow citizens, jobs have become less secure and less well paid over the course of the last two decades.

Americans work the longest hours of any nation . Individuals in 2006 worked 11 hours longer than their counterparts in 1979. In 2020, 70% of children live in households where both parents work. And the United States is the only country in the industrial world without guaranteed family leave. The results are staggering: 90% of women and 95% of men report work-family conflict . According to the Center for American Progress , “the United States today has the most family-hostile public policy in the developed world due to a long-standing political impasse.”

As a result, parents have much less time to connect with their children. This is not a call to a return to traditional family roles, or even to have stay-at-home parents. Rather, our occupational society is structured inadequately to allow for the use of homework, and Americans must change how labor laws demand their time. For those who work in entry level positions, such as customer service and cashiers, there is an average 240% turnover per year due to lack of pay, poor conditions, work-life balance, and mismanagement. Family incomes continue to decline for lower- and middle-class Americans, leaving more parents to work increased hours or multiple jobs. In other words, parents, especially poor parents, have less opportunities to spend time with their children, let alone foster academic “gains” via homework.

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In an effort to increase engagement in homework, teachers have been encouraged to create interesting, creative assignments. Although this has good intentions, rigorous homework with increased complexity places more impetus on parents. As Gary Natrillo, an initial proponent of creative homework, stated later:

‘…not only was homework being assigned as suggested by all the ‘experts,’ but the teacher was obviously taking the homework seriously, making it challenging instead of routine and checking it each day and giving feedback. We were enveloped by the nightmare of near total implementation of the reform recommendations pertaining to homework…More creative homework tasks are a mixed blessing on the receiving end. On the one hand, they, of course, lead to higher engagement and interest for children and their parents. On the other hand, they require one to be well rested, a special condition of mind not often available to working parents…’

Time is a luxury to most Americans. With increased working hours, in conjunction with extreme levels of stress, many Americans don’t have the necessary mindset to adequately supply children with the attention to detail for complex homework. As Kralovec and Buell state,

To put it plainly, I have discovered that after a day at work, the commute home, dinner preparations, and the prospect of baths, goodnight stories, and my own work ahead, there comes a time beyond which I cannot sustain my enthusiasm for the math brain teaser or the creative story task.

Americans are some of the most stressed people in the world. Mass shootings, health care affordability, discrimination, sexual harassment, climate change, the presidential election, and literally: staying informed have caused roughly 70% of people to report moderate or extreme stress , with increased rates for people of color, LGBTQIA Americans, and other discriminated groups. 90% of high schoolers and college students report moderate or higher stress, with half reporting depression and lack of energy and motivation .

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Perhaps the solution to academic achievement in America isn’t doubling down on test scores or increasing the work students do at home, but solving the underlying systemic inequities : the economic and discriminatory problems that plague our society? Kralovec and Buell note,

Citing the low test scores of American students has become a favorite cocktail party game. However, some scholars have offered a more nuanced explanation for the poor showing by U.S. students in international academic performance comparisons, suggesting that it may have more to do with high levels of childhood poverty and a lack of support for families in the United States than with low academic standards, shorter school days, and fewer hours spent on homework.

Finland, frequently cited as a model education system, enjoys some of the highest standards of living in the world:

  • Finland’s life expectancy is 81.8 years, compare to the US’ 78.7 years and a notable difference exists in the US between rich and poor . Further, America’s life expectancy is declining, the only industrialized country with this statistic .
  • Finland’s health care is rated best in the world and only spends $3,078 per capita, compared to $8,047 in the US.
  • Finland has virtually no homelessness , compared to 500,000 homeless in the United States .
  • Finland has the lowest inequality levels in the EU , compared to the United States with one of the highest inequality levels in the world . Research has demonstrated that countries with lower inequality levels are happier and healthier .

Outside of just convincing you to flat-out move to Finland, these statistics reflect that potentially — instead of investing hundreds of millions of dollars in initiatives to increase national test scores , such as homework strategies, curriculum changes, and nationwide “raising the bar” initiatives — the US should invest in programs that universally help our daily lives, such as universal healthcare and housing. The solution to test scores is rooted in solving America’s underlying inequitable society — shining a light on our core issues — rather than making teachers solve all of our community’s problems.

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But Wait, Despite All This…Does Homework Even Work!?

‘Extensive classroom research of ‘time on task’ and international comparisons of year-round time for study suggest that additional homework might promote U.S. students’ achievement.’ This written statement by some of the top professionals in the field of homework research raises some difficult questions. More homework might promote student achievement? Are all our blood, sweat, and tears at the kitchen table over homework based on something that merely might be true? Our belief in the value of homework is akin to faith. We assume that it fosters a love of learning, better study habits, improved attitudes toward school, and greater self-discipline; we believe that better teachers assign more homework and that one sign of a good school is a good, enforced homework policy.

Numerous studies of homework reflect an inconsistent result. Not only does homework rarely demonstrate large, if any, academic gains for testing, there are many negative impacts on the family that are often ignored.

  • Countries that assigned the least amount of homework: Denmark, Czech Republic, had higher test scores than those with the most amount of homework: Iran, Thailand .
  • Quality of instruction, motivation, and ability are all correlated with student success in school. Yet homework may be marginal or counterproductive .
  • Of all homework assigned, homework only saw marginal increases in math and science standardized testing , and had no bearing on grades.
  • Homework added pressure and societal stress to those who already experienced the same at home , causing a further divide in academic performance (due to lack of time and financial stress.)

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By bringing schoolwork home, the well-intentioned belief of promoting equity through high standards has the adverse affect of causing further inequity. Private and preparatory schools are notorious for extreme levels of homework assignment . Yet, many progressive schools assign no homework and achieve the same levels of college and career success . Again, the biggest predictor of college success has nothing to do with rigorous preparation, and everything to do with family income levels. 77% of students from high income families graduated from a highly competitive college, whereas 9% of students from low income families did the same .

School curriculum obsession in homework is likely rooted in studies that demonstrate increased test scores as a result of assigned homework. The End of Homework deciphers this phenomena:

Cooper’s work provides us with one more example of a problem that routinely bedevils all the sciences: the relationship between correlation and causality. If A and B happen simultaneously, we do not know whether A causes B or B causes A, or whether both phenomena occur casually together or are individually determined by another set of variables…Thus far, most studies in this area have amounted to little more than crude correlations that cannot justify the sweeping conclusions some have derived from them.

If other countries demonstrate educational success (albeit measured through standardized testing) with little to no assigned homework and limited school hours , shouldn’t we take a step back and analyze the system as a whole, rather than figure out better homework schemes?

A Reflection of Neoliberal Society

According to New York State’s Teacher of the Year in 1990:

‘[Schools] separate parents and children from vital interaction with each other and from true curiosity about each other’s lives. Schools stifle family originality by appropriating the critical time needed for any sound idea of family to develop — then they blame the family for its family to be a family. It’s like a malicious person lifting a photograph from the developing chemicals too early, then pronouncing the photographer incompetent.’

Education often equates learning with work. I have to stop myself from behaving like an economics analysist: telling students to quit “wasting time”, stating that the purpose of the lesson is useful for future earnings, seeing everything as prep for college and career (and college is ultimately just for more earnings in a career), and making blanket assumptions that those who aren’t motivated will ultimately never contribute to society, taking on “low levels” of work that “aren’t as important” as other positions.

Since the nineteenth century, developmental psychology has been moving away from the notion that children are nothing more or less than miniature adults. In suggesting that children need to learn to deal with adult levels of pressure, we risk doing them untold damage. By this logic, the schoolyard shootings of recent years may be likened to ‘disgruntled employee’ rampages.

This mentality is unhealthy and unjust. The purpose of education should be to develop purpose. People live happier and healthier lives as a result of pursuing and developing a core purpose. Some people’s purpose is related to their line of work, but there is not necessarily a connection. However, the primary goal stated by districts, states, and the national government of the education system is to make “productive members of society.” When we double down on economic principles to raise complex individuals, it’s no wonder we’re seeing such horrific statistics related to childhood .

Further, the consistent pressure to produce for economic gain raises generations of young people to believe that wealth is a measurement of success and that specific lines of work create happiness. Teachers and parents are told to make their children “work hard” for future success and develop “grit.” Although grit is an important indicator of overcoming obstacles , it is not developed by enforcing grit through authoritarian classrooms or meaningless, long tasks . In fact, an argument could be made that many Americans accept their dramatically poor work-life balance and lack of access to needs such as affordable health care by being brought up in a society that rewards neoliberal tendencies of “working through it” to “eventually achieve happiness.”

Kralovec and Buell state,

Many of us would question whether our fighting with our children for twelve years about homework could possibly foster good habits. In contrast, participating in the decisions of the household and collaborating with others on common chores, from cooking to cleaning to doing routine repairs, are important life skills that also require good work habits. For many children, these habits are never learned because homework gets in the way of that work.

Americans have more difficulty than ever raising children, with increasing demands of time and rising childcare costs . Children often need to “pick up the slack” and help taking care of the home. In fact, children with chores show completely positive universal growth across the board . When teachers provide more and more homework, they take away from the parents’ ability to structure their household according to their needs. As written in The End of Homework ,

Most of us find we do not have enough time with our children to teach them these things; our ‘teaching’ time is instead taken up with school-mandated subjects. We often wonder if we wouldn’t have less tension in our society over prayer in schools if our children had more time for religious instruction at home and for participation in church activities. When school is the virtually exclusive center of the child’s educational and even moral universe, it is not surprising that so many parents should find school agendas (with which they may or may not agree) a threat to their very authority and identity.

Of course, this is not to say that it is all the teacher’s fault. Educators face immense pressure to carry out governmental/school policies that place test scores at the forefront. Many of these policies require homework , and an educator’s future employment is centered on enacting these changes:

As more academic demands are placed on teachers, homework can help lengthen the school day and thus ensure ‘coverage’ — that is, the completion of the full curriculum that each teacher is supposed to cover during the school year…This in itself places pressure on teachers to create meaningful homework and often to assign large amounts of it so that the students’ parents will think the teacher is rigorous and the school has high academic standards. Extensive homework is frequently linked in our minds to high standards.

Therefore, there’s a connection to be made between “work”-life balance of children and the people who are tasked with teaching them. 8% of the teacher workforce leaves every year , many concerned with work-life balance . Perhaps teachers see an increased desire to “work” students in their class and at home due to the pressures they face in their own occupation?

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We have little opportunity to enjoy recreation, community events, local politics, or family life. Our diminished possibilities in this regard in turn reinforce our reliance on wages and the workplace. And even the family time that remains after the demands of work and commuting are met is increasingly structured by the requirements of the workplace and school.

The more we equate work with learning, and the more we accept a school’s primary purpose to prepare workers, the less we actually succeed at promoting academics. Instead, we bolster the neoliberal tendencies of the United States to work hard, yet comparably to other countries’ lifestyle gains, achieve little. The United States must examine the underlying inequities of peoples’ lives, rather than focus on increasing schools’ workloads and lessening children’s free time for mythical academic gains that lead to little change. Teacher preparation programs and popular authors need to stop promoting “ interesting and fun ways to teach ‘x’! ” and propose systemic changes that radically change the way education is done, including systemic changes to society at large. Only then will the United States actually see improved livelihoods and a better education system for all.

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I think there's a common misconception that school is the only thing that matters. And the school system makes a lot of people feel like if they're not doing the best academically or kind of meeting the limit, then maybe they're not going to do as well later in life or maybe there's something wrong with them. I feel like that's a whole, really incorrect kind of idea that's perpetuated by the school system.

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homework interferes with students opportunity to socialize

Students’ Study Time and Their “Homework Problem”

  • Published: 18 December 2008
  • Volume 93 , pages 111–115, ( 2009 )

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homework interferes with students opportunity to socialize

  • Jiri Zuzanek 1  

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Bennett, S., & Kalish, N. (2006). The case against homework . Bethel: Crown Publishers.

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Cooper, H., Robinson, J. C., & Patall, E. A. (2006). Does homework improve academic achievement? A synthesis of research, 1987–2003. Review of Educational Research, 76 , 1–62.

Article   Google Scholar  

Kohn, A. (2006). The homework myth. Why our kids are getting too much of a bad thing . Cambridge, MA: De Capo Press.

Kralovec, E., & Buell, J. (2000). The end of homework. How homework overburdens children, and limits learning . Boston: Beacon Press.

Zuzanek, J. (2005). Adolescent time use and well-being from a comparative perspective. Loisir & Societe/Society and Leisure, 28 , 5–42.

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Zuzanek, J. Students’ Study Time and Their “Homework Problem”. Soc Indic Res 93 , 111–115 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-008-9411-8

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Accepted : 01 August 2008

Published : 18 December 2008

Issue Date : August 2009

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-008-9411-8

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Using homework as an excuse to avoid family time

Using homework as an excuse to avoid family time

H omework: it’s accepted as an integral part of school life, going as far back as kindergarten for many people. Piles of papers stacked on students’ desks, keyboards poised underneath their fingertips, hours worth of assignments waiting for them — under these circumstances, g etting fewer than five hours of sleep per night isn’t unusual.

A 2014 Stanford University survey of 4,317 students from 10 high-performing high schools in California revealed that the average student is assigned over three hours of homework on a typical night. It also showed increased amounts of homework led to greater stress and less family time. While it’s obvious that more homework means less time to do other things, the interesting aspect isn’t the survey results — it’s the reasoning behind it. Homework is used as a reason and an excuse. Students with too much homework take what little family time they have and further lessen it. Because of homework, students have less time to spend with their families and yet,the excuse “I can’t, I have too much homework” is commonly used to avoid family time.

In a part of the country where high tech companies such as Apple and Google flourish, expectations rise each year for the students in Bay Area schools. Because of outside perception of the Bay Area’s reputation and parents wanting their children to lead privileged lives, academics have taken over much of the family life.

“Before high school,whenever [my parents] talked to me, it was mainly about what I dreamed of doing,” senior Christine Chyu said. “But the moment I entered high school, everything was about GPA and standardized tests.”

Chyu feels like her relationship with her parents has become more distant.  

“My mom comes home at around 6 p.m.,” Chyu said, “and then we talk about stuff like ‘what do you want to eat for dinner tonight?’ but then she also asks about how I’m doing in my classes, and ‘how do you think you did on your ACT?’”

The discussion then shifts to college applications. These questions continue until it’s time for Chyu to go to bed.

While Chyu uses homework as an excuse to stop these conversations, freshman Rukmini Banerjee uses homework as an excuse to procrastinate, choosing to spend more time with her family.

Banerjee knows that it can be exhausting to answer questions about grades and the like. Though she brushes off school-related questions and ignores her parents’ urging her to manage her time more efficiently, Banerjee takes every opportunity that her family offers to get out of doing her homework, choosing instead to go hiking with them or out to dinner. Other times, her dad will sit by her and they’ll watch the news.

It is natural for parents to ask about school because it takes up so much of their children’s lives, but it takes away from the quality of conversations when academics become the only topic.

“When parents interfere with their children’s homework activities… or are over-controlling,” said Richard Walker, an associate professor of educational psychology at the University of Sydney. “Parental involvement in homework can have detrimental effects on achievement outcomes.”

Chyu and Banerjee just reply with generic answers to their parents’ questions instead of initiating more practical conversations because they know the topic will eventually shift to academics.

Cathy Vatterott, an education professor at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, says that homework has become so ingrained into lives beyond the classroom that teachers have more control over a student’s free time than parents do. The reasoning for this is that homework teaches responsibility, and that “intellectual pursuits hold an implied superiority over unintellectual tasks such as throwing a ball, walking a dog, riding a bike, or just hanging out.”This statement dismisses the value of leisure activity, which is just as crucial in child development as academics are. While homework may facilitate learning, seven to eight hours of a child’s day is already dedicated to learning — this is more than enough time spent on intellectual pursuits, rather than time socializing.

Junior Daniel Hong doesn’t spend much time with dad, who comes home late after work, but when his dad makes an effort to spend time with his family on weekends, Hong frequently chooses not to, citing homework and sports injuries.

“I have a little regret, maybe I should have been closer to my family,” Hong said. “[When we don’t go out on weekends], [he gets] really disappointed.”

Hong’s mom frequently requests that he finish his homework earlier so that  he doesn’t have to tell his dad ‘I have homework so I can’t hang out with you.’

Homework has become so predominant in student’s lives that although it is meant to help them do well in school, it instead has taken over family life to an extent at which it’s hurting students’ relationships with their parents. But despite the pressure students have from homework, it cannot be fully blamed in this situation because there are some who consciously choose not to spend time with family.

Parents may mean well by realizing the importance of school and turning it into the most discussed topic in the household. Even so, discussing about academics has become a way for parents to keep in check with their kids’ lives. Unfortunately, their intentions are often misunderstood. Once parents bring up the topic of homework, students close themselves off for fear of being reprimanded for being unfocused or simply because it’s a redundant talk. .

“If we joke around, then I’m closer with my mom,” said Chyu. “But if I ever bring up my own thoughts, she’d probably shut it down, saying that it’s useless to think about other stuff, just do what you’re told and you’ll be fine.”

Although spending time with family is important, its purpose is defeated it continues to revolve around school, or worse — cause as much stress as school does. Conversing with family may be stressful, but the majority of the time, family members are only concerned about our well-being and want the best for us. Using homework as an excuse not to participate in family time would mean losing out on these valuable experiences.

Additional reporting by Krishna Sunder.

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Is homework robbing your family of joy? You're not alone

Children are not the only ones who dread their homework these days. In a 2019 survey of 1,049 parents with children in elementary, middle, or high school, Office Depot found that parents spend an average of 21 minutes a day helping their children with their homework. Those 21 minutes are often apparently very unpleasant.

Parents reported their children struggle to complete homework. One in five believed their children "always or often feel overwhelmed by homework," and half of them reported their children had cried over homework stress.

Parents are struggling to help. Four out of five parents reported that they have had difficulty understanding their children's homework.

This probably comes as no surprise to any parent who has come up against a third grade math homework sheet with the word "array" printed on it. If you have not yet had the pleasure, for the purposes of Common Core math, an array is defined as a set of objects arranged in rows and columns and used to help kids learn about multiplication. For their parents, though, it's defined as a "What? Come again? Huh?"

It's just as hard on the students. "My high school junior says homework is the most stressful part of high school...maybe that’s why he never does any," said Mandy Burkhart, of Lake Mary, Florida, who is a mother of five children ranging in age from college to preschool.

In fact, Florida high school teacher and mother of three Katie Tomlinson no longer assigns homework in her classroom. "Being a parent absolutely changed the way I assign homework to my students," she told TODAY Parents .

"Excessive homework can quickly change a student’s mind about a subject they previously enjoyed," she noted. "While I agree a check and balance is necessary for students to understand their own ability prior to a test, I believe it can be done in 10 questions versus 30."

But homework is a necessary evil for most students, so what is a parent to do to ensure everyone in the house survives? Parents and professionals weigh in on the essentials:

Understand the true purpose of homework

"Unless otherwise specified, homework is designed to be done by the child independently, and it's most often being used as a form of formative assessment by the teacher to gauge how the kids are applying — independently — what they are learning in class," said Oona Hanson , a Los Angeles-area educator and parent coach.

"If an adult at home is doing the heavy lifting, then the teacher never knows that the child isn't ready to do this work alone, and the cycle continues because the teacher charges ahead thinking they did a great job the day before!" Hanson said. "It's essential that teachers know when their students are struggling for whatever reason."

Hanson noted the anxiety both parents and children have about academic achievement, and she understands the parental impulse to jump in and help, but she suggested resisting that urge. "We can help our kids more in the long run if we can let them know it's OK to struggle a little bit and that they can be honest with their teacher about what they don't understand," she said.

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Help kids develop time management skills

Some children like to finish their homework the minute they get home. Others need time to eat a snack and decompress. Either is a valid approach, but no matter when students decide to tackle their homework, they might need some guidance from parents about how to manage their time .

One tip: "Set the oven timer for age appropriate intervals of work, and then let them take a break for a few minutes," Maura Olvey, an elementary school math specialist in Central Florida, told TODAY Parents. "The oven timer is visible to them — they know when a break is coming — and they are visible to you, so you can encourage focus and perseverance." The stopwatch function on a smartphone would work for this method as well.

But one size does not fit all when it comes to managing homework, said Cleveland, Ohio, clinical psychologist Dr. Sarah Cain Spannagel . "If their child has accommodations as a learner, parents know they need them at home as well as at school: quiet space, extended time, audio books, etcetera," she said. "Think through long assignments, and put those in planners in advance so the kid knows it is expected to take some time."

Know when to walk away

"I always want my parents to know when to call it a night," said Amanda Feroglia, a central Florida elementary teacher and mother of two. "The children's day at school is so rigorous; some nights it’s not going to all get done, and that’s OK! It’s not worth the meltdown or the fight if they are tired or you are frustrated...or both!"

Parents also need to accept their own limits. Don't be afraid to find support from YouTube videos, websites like Khan Academy, or even tutors. And in the end, said Spannagel, "If you find yourself yelling or frustrated, just walk away!" It's fine just to let a teacher know your child attempted but did not understand the homework and leave it at that.

Ideally, teachers will understand when parents don't know how to help with Common Core math, and they will assign an appropriate amount of homework that will not leave both children and their parents at wits' ends. If worst comes to worst, a few parents offered an alternative tip for their fellow homework warriors.

"If Brittany leaves Boston for New York at 3:00 pm traveling by train at 80 MPH, and Taylor leaves Boston for New York at 1:00 pm traveling by car at 65 MPH, and Brittany makes two half hour stops, and Taylor makes one that is ten minutes longer, how many glasses of wine does mommy need?" quipped one mom of two.

Also recommended: "Chocolate, in copious amounts."

homework interferes with students opportunity to socialize

Allison Slater Tate is a freelance writer and editor in Florida specializing in parenting and college admissions. She is a proud Gen Xer, ENFP, Leo, Diet Coke enthusiast, and champion of the Oxford Comma. She mortifies her four children by knowing all the trending songs on TikTok. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram .

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Homework that encourages socializing and learning from each other

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2 Responses to Homework that encourages socializing and learning from each other

' src=

I agree! As a social scientist myself I have always questioned this aspect of online classes. I have often wondered if we are moving toward producing a socially awkward generation. As I think about my Hybrid course, I am considering using online tools such as discussion boards and wikis to facilitate discussion among the students in the class. I think that these tools give everyone a voice unlike in a Face to Face setting where only some students might speak up. I intend to use class time for presentations of group work.

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I ran into this thought too right away – when I was thinking about out-of-classroom learning experiences I thought of just as many that would be face to face as online. That’s partly because of the U-Engage common content, which emphasizes exploring OSU, but not totally.

As someone who is in the library every day, I can attest to the importance of these in-person, f2f study groups and homework parties — we absolutely cannot buy enough whiteboards to meet the demands of those groups! It’s fair to say that OSU students are as interested in our whiteboards as in our computers 🙂

It seems like that is one of the advantages of the hybrid model – that it can include a variety of out-of-classroom assignments and activities, and that it’s not limited to online substitutes for activities that would normally happen in the classroom?

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No More Homework: 12 Reasons We Should Get Rid of It Completely

Last Updated: May 4, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Finn Kobler . Finn Kobler graduated from USC in 2022 with a BFA in Writing for Screen/Television. He is a two-time California State Champion and record holder in Original Prose/Poetry, a 2018 finalist for the Los Angeles Youth Poet Laureate, and he's written micro-budget films that have been screened in over 150 theaters nationwide. Growing up, Finn spent every summer helping his family's nonprofit arts program, Showdown Stage Company, empower people through accessible media. He hopes to continue that mission with his writing at wikiHow. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 149,054 times. Learn more...

The amount of homework students are given has increased dramatically in the 21st century, which has sparked countless debates over homework’s overall value. While some have been adamant that homework is an essential part of a good education, it’s been proven that too much homework negatively affects students’ mood, classroom performance, and overall well-being. In addition, a heavy homework load can stress families and teachers. Here are 12 reasons why homework should be banned (or at least heavily reduced).

School is already a full-time job.

Students already spend approximately seven hours a day at school.

  • For years, teachers have followed the “10-minute rule” giving students roughly 10 minutes of homework per grade level. However, recent studies have shown students are completing 3+ hours of homework a night well before their senior years even begin. [2] X Trustworthy Source American Psychological Association Leading scientific and professional organization of licensed psychologists Go to source

Homework negatively affects students’ health.

Homework takes a toll physically.

Homework interferes with student’s opportunities to socialize.

Childhood and adolescence are extraordinary times for making friends.

Homework hinders students’ chances to learn new things.

Students need time to self-actualize.

Homework lowers students’ enthusiasm for school.

Homework makes the school feel like a chore.

Homework can lower academic performance.

Homework is unnecessary and counterproductive for high-performing students.

Homework cuts into family time.

Too much homework can cause family structures to collapse.

Homework is stressful for teachers.

Homework can also lead to burnout for teachers.

Homework is often irrelevant and punitive.

Students who don’t understand the lesson get no value from homework.

  • There are even studies that have shown homework in primary school has no correlation with classroom performance whatsoever. [9] X Research source

Homework encourages cheating.

Mandatory homework makes cheating feel like students’ only option.

Homework is inequitable.

Homework highlights the achievement gap between rich and poor students.

Other countries have banned homework with great results.

Countries like Finland have minimal homework and perform well academically.

  • There are even some U.S. schools that have adopted this approach with success. [13] X Research source

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  • ↑ https://www.edutopia.org/no-proven-benefits
  • ↑ https://www.apa.org/monitor/2016/03/homework
  • ↑ https://healthier.stanfordchildrens.org/en/health-hazards-homework/
  • ↑ https://teensneedsleep.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/galloway-nonacademic-effects-of-homework-in-privileged-high-performing-high-schools.pdf
  • ↑ https://time.com/4466390/homework-debate-research/
  • ↑ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00220485.2022.2075506?role=tab&scroll=top&needAccess=true&journalCode=vece20
  • ↑ https://kappanonline.org/teacher-stress-balancing-demands-resources-mccarthy/
  • ↑ https://www.chicagotribune.com/lifestyles/ct-life-homework-pros-cons-20180807-story.html
  • ↑ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6294446/
  • ↑ https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/06/homework-inequality-parents-schedules-grades/485174/
  • ↑ https://www.bbc.com/news/education-37716005
  • ↑ https://www.wsj.com/articles/no-homework-its-the-new-thing-in-u-s-schools-11544610600

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What Negative Effects Does Homework Have on a Student's Social & Family Life?

Van thompson, 25 jun 2018.

What Negative Effects Does Homework Have on a Student's Social & Family Life?

The amount of homework children bring home every day can be overwhelming. A 2004 University of Michigan study found that the amount of homework had increased 51 percent since 1981. While many educators use homework to supplement the material learned in class, homework doesn't always improve academic performance, and a 2003 "Review of Educational Research" study found that the current way teachers assign homework is not academically beneficial. Students who struggle with homework or who get a large volume of homework each night can experience negative effects in their family and social relationships.

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  • Time Constraints
  • Family Stress
  • Less Active Learning
  • Disrupted Routines

1 Time Constraints

Homework takes time away from other pursuits. Children who have a large quantity of homework have less time to spend with their families and friends as regular social interaction plays a critical role in brain development. Children who get plenty of opportunities to interact with friends and family can gain valuable social, conflict management and impulse control skills. When homework reduces this time, children's social development may suffer.

2 Family Stress

It's not surprising that homework can greatly increase family stress. Parents may spend an inordinate amount of time fighting with their children over homework, enforcing homework rules and mastering concepts they need to help their children excel. The study found that stress, frustration and conflicts over homework are particularly pronounced in families with a child who is struggling academically.

3 Less Active Learning

Active learning is learning that occurs in context and that encourages participation. For example, a child who goes on a scavenger hunt with his friend and, upon seeing a frog, decides to watch the frog and learn about its movement is engaged in active learning. When homework takes children away from their friends and families, the opportunities for active learning are greatly decreased. This can decrease opportunities for parents to be involved in their children's education in a fun, mutually fulfilling way, and also reduces the amount of time children have to engage in active learning with their friends.

4 Disrupted Routines

Many families have established routines, such as eating dinner at a certain time or reading together before bed. These routines can increase closeness, make it easier to manage stress and ensure that a household runs smoothly. A child who has several hours of homework, for example, might not be able to eat dinner with her parents, and a parent might have to alter her schedule to help her child with homework. An everyday scenario like this, easily highlights how homework can disrupt family routines.

  • 1 Child Development Supplement: Changing Times of American Youth
  • 2 Penn State University: Is Homework Bad for Kids?

About the Author

Van Thompson is an attorney and writer. A former martial arts instructor, he holds bachelor's degrees in music and computer science from Westchester University, and a juris doctor from Georgia State University. He is the recipient of numerous writing awards, including a 2009 CALI Legal Writing Award.

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U-M study: Video game play among teens affects school work, not socializing

  • Jared Wadley

ANN ARBOR—Kids who spend a lot of time playing video games are finding time to socialize with friends too—though that’s not the case when it comes to doing homework.

A new study by the University of Michigan shows game players and non-game players spent the same amount of time with parents and friends. The study sampled nearly 1,500 teens nationwide.

For boy and girl gamers, the more time they spent playing video games with their friends on the weekends, the more time they spent in other activities with them as well, said Hope Cummings, a graduate student in the U-M Department of Communication Studies.

Cummings and Elizabeth Vandewater, an associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin, wrote the study, which appears in the July issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.

But while video games did not negatively affect teens’ social interaction, the same could not be said for school-related activities. Compared to non-gamers, kids who played video games spent 30 percent less time reading and 34 percent less time doing homework.

The sample of 1,491 children ages 10 to 19 years kept diaries about how they used their time for 24 hours on one weekday and one weekend day, with each day randomly chosen. The diaries tracked adolescents’ time spent playing video games, with parents and friends, reading and doing homework, and in sports and active leisure.

In the study, 534 kids (or 36 percent) played video games. Eighty percent (425) were boys and 20 percent (109) were girls. Female gamers spent an average of 44 minutes playing on the weekdays and one hour and four minutes playing on the weekends. Male gamers spent an average of 58 minutes playing on the weekdays and one hour and 37 minutes playing on the weekends.

Among gamers, time spent playing video games without parents or friends was related to less time spent with parents and friends in other activities. For girl gamers only, the more time they spent playing video games with their parents, the more time they spent with their parents in other activities.

“Video game popularity continues its rapid growth,” Cummings said. “This creates concerns among parents, teachers and politicians who think video games will interfere with adolescences’ social interaction and academic success.”

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  • Department of Communication Studies
  • Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine

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