20+ Useful Classroom Phrases In Thai For You

Picture of Punya

  • , March 14, 2023

Classroom Phrases In Thai

For those looking to immerse themselves in the Thai language , learning common classroom phrases in Thai is a great starting point. Although they might seem super simple, these phrases can be used to communicate with Thai teachers and classmates and help learners navigate the classroom environment. If you’re ready to learn more about that, read below!

If you plan to study or teach in Thailand, learning common classroom phrases in Thai is essential for effective communication with students and colleagues. Being able to speak this Asian language will not only help you to understand better the needs and concerns of the people around you but will also enable you to create a more welcoming and inclusive classroom environment. Now, who wouldn’t what that, right? Let’s jump right into it in the sections below!

Schooling In Thailand

Proper schooling is an essential aspect of Thai society. Thai children begin attending school at the age of six when they get enrolled in a primary school ( โรงเรียนประถม – Rongreīyn prat̄hm ). Before that, an elementary school student attends three levels of kindergarten ( โรงเรียนอนุบาล – Rongreīyn xnubāl ) starting at the age of three.

The Thai language is the official language of Thailand and, consequentially, the medium of instruction in a majority of public schools (โรงเรียนของรัฐ – Rongreīyn k̄hxng rạṭ̄h). However, several higher education institutes and international schools also use the English language as their medium of instruction.

Thai students in primary or secondary school often use Thai when speaking among themselves. They also often speak Thai with their Thai teachers.

Classroom Phrases In Thai

Easy Classroom Phrases In Thai

A classroom is called ห้องเรียน (H̄̂xngreīyn ) in the Thai language. Most of the Thai phrases or Thai words that you will be learning in the sections below are related to the day-to-day conversation between Thai students and their Thai teacher ( ครู – Khrū ) regarding their present common school subjects.

#1 Good Morning, Teacher!

This phrase is written as สวัสดีตอนเช้าคุณครู and pronounced as S̄wạs̄dī txn chêā khuṇkhrū in the Thai language. Greetings are always accompanied by a traditional wai ( ไหว้ ) – bringing together one’s palms in the prayer gesture, at the chest level, with a little bow.

#2 Thank You, Teacher!

This phrase is written as ขอบคุณคุณครู and pronounced as K̄hxbkhuṇ khuṇkhrū in the Thai language.

#3 I Have A Doubt!

Written as ฉันมีข้อสงสัย and pronounced as C̄hạn mī k̄ĥx s̄ngs̄ạy in the Thai language, this phrase is one of the most commonly used ones in the classroom.

#4 May I Go To The Toilet?

This phrase is written as ฉันขอเข้าห้องน้ำได้ไหม and pronounced as C̄hạn k̄hx k̄hêā h̄̂xngn̂ả dị̂ h̄ịm, and is commonly used as an excuse by the students.

#5 May I Ask A Question?

Written as ฉันขอถามสักคำได้ไหม and pronounced as C̄hạn k̄hx t̄hām s̄ạk khả dị̂ h̄ịm in the Thai language . This is known to be a common expression as well.

#6 Can You Repeat The Question?

Think that something is not clear enough? Don’t be afraid to write คุณช่วยทวนคำถามได้ไหม or say Khuṇ ch̀wy thwn khảt̄hām dị̂ h̄ịm ?

#7 I Don’t Understand!

Still unsure of the topic? Speak up and say C̄hạn mị̀ s̄āmārt̄h k̄hêācı dị̂ or write it on a sheet of paper like this “ฉันไม่สามารถเข้าใจได้,”

#8 I Forgot My Homework!

Left your homework alone? Tell your teacher C̄hạn lụ̄m xeākār b̂ān mā or ฉันลืมเอาการบ้านมา.

#9 Can You Explain It Again?

Want someone to explain something to you again? Don’t beat around the bush! Simply say Khuṇ ch̀wy xṭhibāy xīk khrậng dị̂ h̄ịm or คุณช่วยอธิบายอีกครั้งได้ไหม.

#10 I Was Late, Teacher

Stuck in traffic? Say ขอโทษที่มาช้าครับครู or K̄hxthos̄ʹ thī̀mā cĥā khrạb khrū to your teacher the moment you arrive!

Classroom Phrases In Thai

Thai Conversation Phrases In Classroom

When learning a new language, one of the most important skills to develop is the ability to hold a conversation. Thai language learners who plan to study or teach in Thailand must become familiar with Thai conversation phrases commonly used in a classroom setting. To help you get started, we rounded up below the best phrases you can use when speaking to a student or colleague. Although the table might look overwhelming, we only focused on phrases that are easy enough for beginners.

EnglishThaiRoman TranscriptionSound
Listen carefullyตั้งใจฟังนะTậngcı fạng na Play
Any question?มีคำถามมั้ยMī khảt̄hām mậy Play
Be quietเงียบหน่อยNgeīyb h̄ǹxy Play
Do you understand?เข้าใจมั้ยK̄hêācı mậy Play
Take out your bookเอาหนังสือของคุณออกมาXeā h̄nạngs̄ụ̄x k̄hxng khuṇ xxk mā Play
Go to the page number…เปิดหนังสือไปที่หน้าPeid h̄nạngs̄ụ̄x pị thī̀ h̄n̂ā Play
Does anyone know the meaning of…?มีใครรู้ความหมายของ…บ้างMī khır rū̂khwām h̄māy k̄hxng…b̂āng Play
Where is your homework?การบ้านของคุณอยู่ที่ไหนKārb̂ān k̄hxng khuṇ xyū̀ thī̀h̄ịn Play
Raise your hand before speakingยกมือขึ้นก่อนพูดYkmụ̄x k̄hụ̂n k̀xn phūd Play
Why didn’t you do your homework?ทำไมไม่ทำการบ้านThảmị mị̀ thảkārb̂ān Play
Why are you late for the class?ทำไมคุณถึงเข้าเรียนสายThảmị khuṇ t̄hụng k̄hêā reīyn s̄āy Play
You may go to the toiletคุณอาจไปห้องน้ำKhuṇ xāc pị h̄̂xngn̂ả Play
Stand in a queueยืนเข้าคิวYụ̄n k̄hêākhiw Play
Don’t talk in the classห้ามคุยในชั้นเรียนH̄̂ām khuy nı chận reīyn Play
Speak louderพูดให้ดังขึ้นPhūd h̄ı̂ dạng k̄hụ̂n Play

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Want To Learn Some More Thai? Try Ling

That was quite an extensive and informative list of Thai conversation phrases tailored explicitly to the classroom environment! With these phrases in mind, we hope you can develop a strong foundation in Thai vocabulary and communication, gaining confidence when interacting with Thai teachers, classmates, and students. However, there’s so much more to learn aside from these phrases! If you want to achieve fluency, you should try out the Ling app!

The Ling app brings together advanced tools and engaging techniques for easy language learning through a variety of its features – a gamified interface, interactive exercises, and fun quizzes. What’s more, not only can you speak & write Thai, but you can also learn 60 more languages with its help. I am sure that once you get hooked on this app, you won’t be looking back! So, go to your Google Play Store or Apple App Store and download the Ling App for free now!

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Why learn Thai with Bowie?

Sawatdii kha :D 

    Many of you may have different purposes in learning Thai whether it is traveling, building a good relationship with Thai people, working in Thailand or simply enjoying the Thai language journey.

    Thai is a beautiful tonal language that is mainly spoken by Thai people. However, many learners have found that the Thai language is difficult to comprehend.

    As a teacher and a language learner, I strongly believe that when you enjoy learning a language, your skills improve quickly. These days, with the benefit of online video, you can easily study Thai anywhere and anytime.  

Bowie Studying Master Degree

 I have received a certificate of teaching Thai to foreigners from Mahidol University, Thailand. I have been teaching Thai online for almost two years and have taught more than 1,500 lessons with students from various countries. 

     I have created three Thai online courses - Basic Thai Language for Beginners ; Speak like a Thai ; and Reading and Writing in Thai .

    However, depending on a student's individual needs I can customize a Thai language course.

For example, you might be particularly interested in politics or want to study vocabulary for a certain industry.

    I would delighted to accompany you on your Thai learning journey and to help you learn to speak Thai confidently and with cultural awareness. 

Looking forward to talking with you.

Khobkhun kha

Bowie Supaporn

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“ขอบคุณมากค่ะ วันนี้เรียนลักษณนามสำคัญ

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I always enjoy lessons with you, and I'm glad that you give me homework to practice every week (videos, sentences to write, new phrases to learn, etc). you.” 

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The DLI Thai Language Course - Homework material can be used both as a self-guided course or with the assistance of a qualified tutor.

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  • Click on "Allow" when the app asks to use your microphone.
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The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Learning Thai

So you want to learn Thai?  Learning Thai like any other language or skill, is a fairly long process.  The first obstacle for most people to get over is deciding how to approach learning a language in the first place.  There are so many different methods, classes and courses both on and off the internet.  I’ve tried many of them over the years of learning many languages and I eventually settled on this approach for 2 primary reasons:

  • Focusing nearly all of your energy in the beginning is on getting conversational (with decent pronunciation) quickly allows you to get to the fun part much quicker.
  • I’ve used this approach with many hundreds of students during my early years tutoring online and we’ve helped thousands of people learn to speak Thai with this same methodology with my online program.

It originally took me about a year to reach a level where I was comfortable in many situations using the Thai language.  After 3 years in Thailand, I felt that I had reached a reasonable level of fluency.  I learned primarily by going out every day and trying to speak with people over and over again.  I carried a small note pad and wrote notes which I then reviewed multiple times per day.   Looking back, I realise this wasn’t the most efficient way to learn, but it still got me there.  Over many years of teaching and learning other languages, I’ve developed a very solid method for becoming conversational in a language fairly quickly and setting yourself up to go further if you choose to get fluent in Thai (or any language).

3 Simple Steps for Learning to Speak Thai

Step 1:  learn the thai script, sound system and tone rules.  (time: 2-3 weeks).

  • Can’t read yet?  Check out my 50+ lesson Thai foundation course which covers everything you need to know about about the Thai script, sounds and tone rules.   Read Thai in 2 Weeks
  • It’s ok to learn a few words and/or sentences during this stage, but it’s worth spending most of your time on getting the sounds correct.  This will pay off very big, very fast.
  • Reading is more important than writing, and these days, so is typing.  I wouldn’t bother practicing writing or typing single letters.  I’d wait until you knew a few short common words and learn to write and spell them simultaneously.  Eg; ผม กิน ดี ไป Once you are comfortable writing 20-25 words,  If there is interest, I could put together a mini 10 day Thai typing primer course.

Step 2: Learn 50+ high-frequency basic sentence patterns while continuing to drill step 1 (Time: 2-3 Months)

  • You are much better off spending time drilling very short, high frequency sentence patterns than just trying to memorize lists of words.  This strategy will allow you to have partial conversations immediately which means you get to the fun stuff much faster.
  • If you have access to Thai people, you’ll want to test out these sentences as you study them every day.  If you aren’t in Thailand or don’t know any Thai people, you still have a few options.  Is there a Thai restaurant where you live?  Try and go eat there once or twice a week and chat with the staff when they aren’t busy.  No Thai people within miles?  Then look into Italki or similar sites.  Read my review of Italk i’s site here.
  • How’s it going?
  • Once you get in the range of 50-100 short sentences, you’ll probably already be able to fumble through a few short conversations.  And if you really mastered the script + sound system, you will amaze and horrify people by your ability to pronounce things better than most other foreigners while still not having any clue what people are saying half the time.  The reactions you’ll get will help make up for the embarrassed feelings that come when you don’t understand.  

Step 3: Continue Drilling sentences, adding more and practicing them on real humans as often as possible

  • Keep practicing those sentences and applying the tone rules each time.  Don’t have any sentences?  Check out one of my sentence based courses, or look at the free resources below.
  • If you have already mastered 50 sentence patterns and you still aren’t speaking Thai with any native speakers, you really need to start doing this now.  You aren’t going to get fluent in Thai with flashcards or talking to yourself in the mirror.  You need real live conversation over and over for an extended period of time to find your footing in a language.
  • If you haven’t already, you’ll also want to start stringing those sentences together into longer ones as well as using them in short dialogues.  We start with basic every day Q&A that is relevant to your life and master this first.  If you build a solid core being fluent with just 50 or 100 sentences, you can fake fluency very quickly.  The more fluent you appear, the more people will warm up to you and speak to you like a normal person.  This in turn means you get exposed to real language much more often.  Of course you will miss lots and make loads of mistakes, but this is a process and failing over and over is how you get awesome at anything in life.

Learn Thai Vocabulary:

*Want more of these?  Send me an email with requests.

  • Thai Colors 
  • Thai Numbers
  • Thai Days of the Week
  • Thai Months

Learn Thai Tones:

  • Thai Tones  – This page contains examples, explanation and drills regarding the 5 tones in Thai.

Learn Thai Sentences:

  • I was very keen on focusing on getting beginners to study entire sentences rather than single words as early as 2007-8.  I spent quite a while trying to come up with a list of sentences that I would hear almost every day.
  • I’ve had much of that document translated into a number of other languages.  If you’d like to contribute another language, please let me know.  This spreadsheet will always be a free resource.

Learn Thai Conversation:

  • Fakingfluency.com/thai  – * BETA: This course contains 50 dialogues created around  carefully selected high frequency sentence patterns. As with the sentences above, you are meant to drill these dialogues by reading, listening and practicing them aloud over and over again.

Learning Thai Videos:

  • How to Pronounce the TURTLE (ต เต่า) in Thai
  • How to Pronounce the COMPLEX VOWELS in Thai:  เอีย เอือ อัว
  • How to Pronounce the Thai W sound  (ว แหวน) at the end of words.
  • How to Practice THAI TONES
  • How to DOWNPLAY or SHOW INDIFFERENCE in Thai using เฉยๆ

Learn Thai Online

Try My Course Free

Try 5 Free Lessons from my Online Thai Beginner Course and You’ll See Why it Works.

No Magic or Ancient Ninja Tricks here, Just An Effective Way to Learn to Speak Thai.

How to Say it in Thai

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My name is Natt

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My students say

Shanen Li

So much fun!

Kap khoon ka! Thank you Natt, I had so much fun! Your lesson structure was very neat and useful, and it was very relevant! I feel like I’m ready to visit Thailand now! 😍

Saru Salvador

Saru Salvador

Spanish Teacher

I totally recommend her lessons

Great lesson! Natt’s class was very cozy and relaxed, she is so friendly and easy to talk to, but she also prepared really nice materials with a clear and systematic structure, that covered vocabulary, expressions and dialogues. Also, she sent me the pronunciation for me to practice and gave me meaningful homework. During the lesson we practiced pronunciation, talked about the uses, and she let me build my own examples. I totally recommend her lessons!

Emily Huang

Emily Huang

Very kind teacher

Natt is a very kind teacher who taught me pronunciation practice patiently. Let me to improve after each class. Before teaching a new vowel, Natt would help me review what I had learned to strengthen my memory. Thanks, teacher Natt.

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How to Teach Yourself Thai

by Chris | Last updated Mar 15, 2018 | Published on Nov 23, 2013 | How Tos , Lifestyle | 23 comments

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How do you teach yourself Thai?

Teach Yourself to Speak Thai

Teach Yourself Thai with Pimsleur

Pimsleur Thai Phase 1: Learn to Speak and Understand Thai

The best way to teach yourself conversational Thai is to do what babies do (but with Pimsleur’s Thai ): listen and repeat, again and again. The audiobook (CD or downloadable audio files with booklet) provides roughly fifteen hours of conversation from which you can teach yourself Thai by listening to and repeating the dialogue.

Why I Like Pimsleur Thai

I like that Pimsleur Thai introduces new words or phrases one at a time, most of which I learned through context. This method helped me retain the new vocabulary better than traditional word drills. I also like that the conversation length and complexity gradually increase during each topic. During every conversation, small sections were repeated several times, which gave me time to absorb everything. After listening to Pimsleur’s Thai, I was more comfortable with sentence structure, repeating the proper tones, and understanding common topics, such as ordering food from a restaurant, asking how much something costs, and telling time in Thai.

Get your copy of Pimsleur’s Thai (audio recording + booklet)

Teach Yourself to Read and Write Thai

Teach Yourself Thai with Complete Thai

Complete Thai by David Smyth

If you want to take it a step further and teach yourself Thai characters in order to read and write, Complete Thai is a wonderful book-CD combo to use. Within each chapter, new vocabulary and short conversations are provided. This helps you reaffirm the Thai alphabet and strengthen your reading skills. The optional CDs also provide extra listening material.

Why I Like Complete Thai

This book is different from many beginner Thai books because it breaks down the Thai letters into small, easily digestible clusters within each chapter while gradually introducing the infamous five tone rules of the Thai language. This is better than being handed a long list of consonants (44!) and vowels (32!) with their respective sounds.  Complete Thai also showed me the proper pen strokes needed to create each character. Because Thai is a very phonetic language, I was quickly on my way to reading basic Thai after learning the characters and tone rules.

Get your copy of Complete Thai (book + CD)

Teach Yourself Thai Grammar

Teach Yourself Thai Grammar

Thai: An Essential Grammar by David Smyth

Thai: An Essential Grammar by David Smyth

Why I Like Thai: An Essential Grammar

I think this book is a one-stop-shop for grammar rules.  It does an excellent job of breaking down Thai grammar, which quickly diverges from English grammar beyond simple sentences. Direct translation only goes so far! I also like that it provides tons of vocabulary and small phrases among the grammar rule examples. If anything, this is a great book to use as a reference or supplement while you teach yourself Thai.

Get your copy of Thai: An Essential Grammar (book)

Yes, You Can Teach Yourself Thai

It takes dedication and determination to learn Thai outside of a traditional classroom setting, but it can be done. If you’re passionate about learning beginner Thai and want to teach yourself, I recommend any of the above books. I’ve been extremely happy with my progress using them. It’s exciting when you begin to understand and take part in basic Thai conversations.

Teach Yourself Thai Audio, CDs, and iTunes

Have you tried learning Thai yet? Would you rather stick to a class or is it worth it to try to teach yourself? Do you think it’s best to learn conversation or is it worth it to learn to read and write, too?

Really interesting post. Now it is also easier because you can use some apps.

Some great resources you listed there. Personally I always been a fan of Pimsleur. That’s how I learned Spanish. But I am eager to master the Thai language. I’ll check out the “Complete Thai” course.

Thanks for sharing! Andy

Pimsleur is great if you really want to practice your listening and critical thinking skills (by figuring out new vocabulary from context rather than giving the definition outright). Thanks for commenting!

Complete Thai by David Smyth, I have that, and it’s excellent for the alphabet, as you have said. It’s interesting that there are a lot of different books, each one teaches a different style or thing, out there. For those still in the US, Half-Price books is a good resource, if you live near one. A few dollars goes a long way. You can pick up cultural guides, sometimes, also. Thai language books aren’t as common as French, German, Italian, but they exist. There are also Compilations such as Southeast Asian Languages, which cover Thai, Burmese, Vietnamese, Malay, etc, all …  Read more »

David Smyth rocks. I owe it all to him to be able to read and write Thai! I even like how he tells your which strokes/which order to draw each part of the letter. I feel formally trained :)

Hi, Chris and Angela: I just wanted to make a comment to this post regarding thai language study. I have been studying with a teacher named Miki. She is a very intelligent and talented teacher living in Bangkok. Miki and her older sister Tachaya are both Thai/English Teachers and they have developed their own thai language website: here is the link to it (pickup-thai.com). They also have developed an on-going Podcast series that has a two-tiered learning study focus: (1) for Beginner learners; and (2) for Intermediate to Advanced learners of Thai. The Podcast series is absolutely superb. I have …  Read more »

Thanks, Brian, for sharing this. What a great resource for both us and our readers! We be sure to take a look at this tonight.

As always with languages, there are so many different ways of studying. I know a lot of people here in Bangkok that have signed up for expensive two or three months “intensive” beginner courses only to tell me that it’s still difficult and they are struggling. You don’t get to talk much in the classroom as well as direct feedback from the teacher and that’s so important for a tonal language like Thai. As for myself, I just bought a textbook and studied all by myself during the first 6 months, and just applied the vocabulary that I have learned …  Read more »

Self studying takes a lot of discipline, but you can get pretty far at your own pace. Supplemented with a tutor to fine-tune things like tones and sentence structure or pronunciation is great. Glad to hear you’re well on your way to being comfortable speaking Thai. We can’t wait to be more proficient at it ourselves!

Chris and Angela, I just wanted to post this reply to “How to Teach Yourself Thai.” I have been doing my own self-guided study of Thai in preparation for moving to either CM / BKK. It is not an easy task because there are so many sources of Thai language study information available online (books, CDs, Youtube, MP3 audio, etc.], that It is easy to get overwhelmed and result in a lack of consistent, progressive focus. The sources you have listed are excellent for getting to a good, basic beginner’s level. But a source I really want to point out …  Read more »

We never heard of the Mahidol Channel “Click” videos. They look like an excellent way for beginner Thai language learners to bump it up to an intermediate level. Great recommendation! It’s definitely worth adding to the “teach yourself Thai” rotation. We agree that modern Thai font is hard to read because they’ve taken out the loops that typically help to distinguish certain letters. The fact the videos use this font is good for exposure and learning to recognize the letters. It is certainly very different from the typical font they use (what we consider the English equivalent of Times New …  Read more »

I love the pimsleur series but had no idea they did a Thai one. I’ve been struggling with a VERY dry grammar book and I think I might go insane soon… I will get the pimsleur right away. :-) Thank you!!

Great! Glad we could point that out for you. If you do purchase it we would be grateful if you could do it through the link in this post. It doesn’t cost you any extra but does earn us a small affiliate commission. Best of luck learning Thai. Take care and have a great day!

I took three years of German in high school and two years in college. I’m headed to Munich next year and will definitely be brushing up on my German. Programs and books are great helpers, but there is no substitute for interacting with a native speaker. I worked with two guys years ago who taught each other to speak fluent Spanish and English respectively while working on the line. It make their working hours pass much faster. Also, some language learners have high affective filters (so named by Stephen Krashen) that makes it harder to learn language. Certain setting and …  Read more »

Completely agree. Interaction with a native speaker is one of the best ways to reinforce what you have learned through self study. We try to practice with our Thai friends whenever we are out and about. Thanks for sharing.

I agree 100% that learning Thai is essential for the long term. Thanks for the book ideas. A free youtoob search of Thaipodcast.com is worth it too. There are many free lessons that can get you started. They break down the phrases well and repeat them slowly with a native Thai speaker.

No problem Roger! Youtube is a fantastic resource. We go heavy on the books and the audio programs as we find Youtube can be easy to deviate from with the suggested videos, ads, and other websites. Definitely good for quick shots of information though!

100% agree. Dont buy 100’s of books and stick to those! And for those with an Ipad /Iphone: 2 apps Thai Scribe and Thai Tone Master

Thanks for the recommendations. We will check them out!

Because we are rarely in a country for more than 1 or 2 months during this trip, it makes it really hard for us to learn a respectable amount of any of the local languages. BUT, we always make an effort and always do learn some of the phrases and do try to go beyond “hello” and “thank you”. I was worried about Thai because it’s tonal, but I found that unlike many other tonal languages, the tones in Thai seems quite obvious and exaggerated and so much easier to hear and mimic. There are a few Asian languages that …  Read more »

We agree. If you can read and write the characters it makes the tones not seem so daunting. It comes with time, but it starts to stick after studying and interacting with Thai people in their own language for a while. The exaggerated sounds do also help quite a bit. Thanks for you comment Steph!

I am extremely disappointed in myself for not learning more in the 18 months we’ve been here. But you are right, it all comes down to how much you want it. I am impressed by your reading abilities so far ;-) I only know 2 characters.

It’s all about what you need! You know way more “mechanics” lingo that I do. I only now the words for “car” and “parking” and could never work my way through a conversation if we ever had motorbike problems. If I remember correctly, you know ยา for pharmacy, right :) That’s important! Only 74ish more characters to go!

Chris Tieland to Thailand

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The best methods for learning the Thai language

Photo of Thaiger

If you are planning to stay in Thailand, then learning Thai may be a good idea as it can be handy and help you survive long-term. Different methods of learning Thai can offer different benefits, and it really depends on what method is convenient depending on your needs.

Learning Thai with a mobile phone app

Girl holding Phone wearing white jumper

If you’re a complete beginner who wants to familiarise yourself with the Thai language, using a mobile app is a great starting point. Simply search “learn Thai” on Google Play or Apple Store, and you’ll find various language-learning apps.

One of the best apps to learn Thai is the Ling app , One of the best is the Ling Language App, which is popular for its fun approach to language learning. Developed in Thailand, this app offers comprehensive lessons covering vocabulary, grammar, writing, and speaking in a gamified format. The interactive exercises and chatbot in the Ling app aid in improving pronunciation and listening skills through native speaker audio.

In addition, you can enjoy fun mini-games and lesson review features that make learning feel more enjoyable. The app also used linguistic research-backed methods, promising fluency in a short span of time.

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For more information, visit Ling Language App’s website .

Learning at a Thai language school

Female speaker giving presentation in hall at university workshop. Audience or conference hall

Attending a Thai language school may be for you if you have the time to go and the money. At school, you will get to study with other learners and practise in and out of the classroom. Most Thai teachers also offer one-on-one private lessons that can speed up your command of the language.

Most of the Thai language learning centres focus on serving 2 different purposes. One is for actually learning the Thai language, while the other is a bit more watered-down version of learning Thai as part of keeping an education visa. If you choose to get an education visa, the class pricing will be higher as it includes the visa.

In Bangkok, there are several language centres that can help you learn Thai. Duke Language School, Sumaa, and ALA Language School are known to be reputable. AUA Thai, which features a unique teaching style that was adapted from a famous algebra teaching method, is also a great option. Rak Thai Language’s method of teaching is similar to the Union Thai method, which was created over 40 years ago for the purpose of teaching missionaries to be fluent in the language.

Pro Language School is also another reputable language school to attend as well as Jentana & Associates. The latter school is great for those who want to learn specific Thai vocabularies, such as business , law, etc.

If you are dead-set on getting fluent in Thai, Chulalongkorn University has a Centre for Thai as a Foreign Language. For those enrolling in the programme, you can also obtain an education visa using this route. The programme is divided into several courses (updated 2024):

1. Intensive Thai Programme (On-site) Price: 29,500 THB Times: Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 12.00 (Level 1 to 4) and 13.00 to 16.00 (Level 5 to 9) Duration: 100 hours/course (30 days) Application deadline: February 1, April 1, June 1, August 1, October 1

2. Intensive Thai Online Course Price: 23,000 THB Times: Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 12.00 (Level 1 to 3) and 13.00 to 16.00 (Level 4 to 9) Duration: 100 hours/course Application deadline: February 1, April 1, June 1, August 1, October 1

3. Academic Thai for Advanced Learners Price: 42,000 THB/1 module Times: Monday to Friday, from 09.00 to 12.00 (lecture and practice) and 13.00 to 16.00 (langauge and culture activities) Duration: 100 hours/module (30 days) Application deadline: April 17, June 17, August 16, October 17

4. Thai for Mandarin Chinese speakers Price: 45,000 THB Times: Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 12.00 or 13.00 to 16.00

5. Basic Reading and Writing Thai Course Price: 7,500 THB/level Times: Every Saturday, 09.00 to 12.00 Duration: 30 hours (3 hours per class) Application deadline: January 14, April 12, July 12, October 4

6. Communicative Thai for Beginners (Online Course) Price: 9,500 THB Times: Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday, 18.00 to 20.00 Duration: 40 hours Application deadline: January 1, April 1, July 1, October 2

For more information on Thai language centres in Bangkok for learning the Thai language, check out our guide.

Taking private tutoring

Colleagues doing team work for a project

Taking in-person, private classes or tutoring is probably the most effective way of learning the Thai language. As you can clearly hear the tones and get immediate feedback, if you have the funds, it may be worth the price. Bangkok’s Sumaa learning centre offers such classes at a starting cost of 39,000 baht. The course at Sumaa offers 60, 1-hour classes. And, if you just want to try out the course, you can pay for a minimum of 10 classes at 1,000 baht each, and then add more later at a rate of 650 baht per class. Another option is hiring a freelance tutor. In Bangkok, rates for a private tutor range from 300 baht to 500 baht per hour.

Learning Thai online

The best methods for learning the Thai language | News by Thaiger

Studying the Thai language online is another popular option. As you don’t have to leave the comforts of your home and can study whenever you want, it is a more convenient option for many. However, your motivation must be high as it is easy to put off studying using this method.

Online learning does have its cons, however, as the lack of physical and social interaction is evident. Immediate feedback from teachers is missing as well.

ThaiPod101.com is a reputable online learning platform for Thai and upon signing up, you get a free, 7-day premium class trial. Their lessons are divided into 4 different proficiency levels, allowing you to choose which one you think suits your skills the best. The lessons revolve around using the language practically, as they include everyday phrases that you can use in daily life.

The platform also offers cheat sheets, flashcards, word banks, and bonus apps for additional learning. Learn Thai from a White Guy is also a popular online learning platform. Brett Whiteside, the “White Guy,” created his system that was based on 10+ years of direct experience and teaching Thai to foreigners. As a native English speaker, he is accustomed to the many questions and issues that non-native Thai speakers may face when learning the language. He also knows the problems associated with a speaker of a non-tonal language learning a tonal language.

His course is broken into 3 areas that are divided over 4 courses. Those areas include:

1. Read Thai 2. Learn common Thai sentences and phrases 3. Understand basic conversations

Those who enroll in the courses, get access to audio clips, examples, exercises and almost weekly supplemental material by email.

Online tutoring

Close up student in online class

An online tutor is another great way to tackle the Thai language. A tutor can provide uninterrupted attention, while answering your specific questions. They can also teach you exactly what you want or need to know. As they are usually cheaper than taking private classes, it could be a great way to learn the language.

italki.com is a great website that will allow you to choose your online Thai tutor. After choosing, you get a half-priced trial hour in which you can try out the tutor and lesson to see if it is right for you. If it is, you can go ahead and continue learning with your chosen teacher. If it is not, you can switch.

Reading Thai language books

Student woman studying at the library

If you like to learn through reading books, this is a good option. However, beware of the pitfalls in learning the correct tones that are used in the Thai language. As you don’t have someone speaking to you or someone to assess your tonal skills, it could not be as efficient as some of the other methods listed. It is recommended to use books as a secondary resource due to the absence of hearing, seeing, and speaking to someone who can give you feedback.

So, which method do you think is best for you?

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Translation of "homework" into Thai

การบ้าน is the translation of "homework" into Thai. Sample translated sentence: How are over the summer reading and homework different? ↔ แล้วหนังสืออ่านหน้าร้อนกะการบ้านมันต่างกันไงล่ะ?

Work that is done at home, especially school exercises set by a teacher. [..]

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work that is done at home [..]

How are over the summer reading and homework different?

แล้วหนังสืออ่านหน้าร้อนกะ การบ้าน มันต่างกันไงล่ะ?

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Guide to Thai Time: How to Ask for the Time in Thai & More

Time is an important part of our life. Thus, it makes sense for Thai learners to learn how to ask for and give the time in Thai. Knowing Thai time phrases enables you to plan your schedule, make appointments, and better understand Thai conversations.

Telling Thai time is pretty different from doing so in English. Most of the words and phrases we’re going to look at aren’t difficult to understand, but you will need some time to get used to using them. For example, you don’t have to worry about remembering a.m. or p.m. in Thai because there is none. And we can also assure you that the way Thai people tell time is pretty straightforward, so it’s not hard to remember.

In this lesson, we’ll teach you basic time-related vocabulary such as the hours, minutes, and seconds in Thai. You’ll also get to learn various ways of telling the time in the Thai language, grouped into formal and informal ways for easier understanding. Of course, you’ll get to see and practice with many examples. Moreover, this lesson also provides you with a list of adverbs of time in Thai for more fluent speech, as well as time-related proverbs.  

So let’s get started!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Time Phrases in Thai

  • Time-Related Vocabulary in Thailand
  • Formal Way to Tell Time in Thai
  • Informal Way to Tell Time in Thai
  • Time Adverbs in Thai
  • Time-Related Proverbs and Sayings in Thai

1. Time-Related Vocabulary in Thailand


Before learning how to tell time in Thailand, there’s some vocabulary to get out of the way first. Here’s a list of words you should know.

1- Time 

Thai word : เวลา ( wee-laa )  

Example :  

จะเริ่มประชุม เวลา กี่โมง

Jà rôoem bprà-chum wee-laa gìi moong

“What time will the meeting start?”

2- Day time 

Thai word : กลางวัน ( glaang-wan )

ตอน กลางวัน ข้างนอกร้อนมาก

Dtaawn glaang-wan khâang nâawk ráawn mâak

“In the day time, it is very hot outside.”

Additional note : 

There are three words that are often followed by กลางวัน ( glaang-wan ), listed below. The meaning of กลางวัน ( glaang-wan ) and these three words are pretty similar, so they can be used interchangeably.

  • เวลากลางวัน ( wee-laa glaang-wan ) 
  • ตอนกลางวัน ( dtaawn glaang-wan ) 
  • ช่วงกลางวัน ( chûuang glaang-wan )

3- Night time 

Thai word : กลางคืน ( glaang-khuuen )

อย่าออกไปข้างนอกเวลา กลางคืน คนเดียว ไม่ปลอดภัย

Yàa àawk bpai khâang nâawk wee-laa glaang-khuuen khon-diiao mâi bplàawt-phai

“Don’t go out alone at night time, it is not safe.”

There are three words that are often followed by กลางคืน ( glaang-khuuen ), listed below. The meaning of กลางคืน ( glaang-khuuen ) and these three words are pretty similar, so they can be used interchangeably. 

  • เวลากลางคืน ( wee-laa glaang-khuuen ) 
  • ตอนกลางคืน ( dtaawn glaang-khuuen ) 
  • ช่วงกลางคืน ( chûuang glaang-khuuen )

4- O’clock 

Thai word : นาฬิกา ( naa-lí-gaa ); โมง ( moong )

Example 1 :  

เมื่อวานนี้ นายกรัฐมนตรีเดินทางไปประเทศญี่ปุ่นตอนเวลา 10 นาฬิกา

Mûuea-waan-níi naa-yók rát-thà-mon-dtrii dooen-thaang bpai bprà-thêet yîi-bpùn dtaawn wee-laa sìp  naa-lí-gaa

“Yesterday, the prime minister went to Japan at 10 o’clock.”

Example 2 :  

เธอจะถึงตอน 4 โมง

Thooe jà thǔeng dtaawn sìi moong

“She will arrive at 4 o’clock.”

There are two points you need to know about the words for “o’clock” in Thai. 

One is the difference between นาฬิกา ( naa-lí-gaa ) and โมง ( moong ). นาฬิกา ( naa-lí-gaa ) is used in formal conversations, while โมง ( moong ) is used in informal conversations.  

Another point you should know is that นาฬิกา ( naa-lí-gaa ) can also mean “clock” or “watch” in the Thai language.

5- Hour 

Thai word : ชั่วโมง ( chûua-moong )

1 ชั่วโมง ในภาษาไทยคืออะไร

Nùeng chûua-moong nai phaa-sǎa thai khuue à-rai

“What is 1 hour in the Thai language?”

6- Minute 

Thai word : นาที ( naa-thii )

ขอเวลาอีกไม่กี่ นาที

Khǎaw wee-laa ìik mâi gìi naa-thii

“I want a few more minutes.”

7- Second 

Thai word : วินาที ( wí-naa-thii )

1 นาทีมี 60 วินาที

Nùeng naa-thii mii hòk-sìp wí-naa-thii

“There are 60 seconds in 1 minute.”

Additional note :  

In casual communication, Thai people often shorten the word วินาที ( wí-naa-thii ) to วิ ( wí ).

Thai word : นาฬิกา ( naa-lí-gaa )

นาฬิกา ของเธอสวยจัง

Naa-lí-gaa khǎawng thooe sǔuai jang

“Your clock is so beautiful.”

As mentioned above, นาฬิกา ( naa-lí-gaa ) has many meanings in the Thai language. It can mean “o’clock” or “watch.”

9. Watch 

Thai word : นาฬิกาข้อมือ ( naa-lí-gaa khâaw muue )

นาฬิกาข้อมือ ของเธอนั้นราคาเท่าไหร่

Naa-lí-gaa khâaw muue khǎawng thooe raa-khaa thâo-rǎi

“How much is your watch?”

นาฬิกาข้อมือ ( naa-lí-gaa khâaw muue ) is the combination of two words: นาฬิกา ( naa-lí-gaa ) which means “clock” and ข้อมือ ( khâaw muue ) which is “wrist” in Thai. Combined, the word refers to a clock on your wrist, which is a “watch.”

As mentioned above, you can also use the word นาฬิกา ( naa-lí-gaa ) to refer to a “watch” in the Thai language.  However, comparing the two words, นาฬิกาข้อมือ ( naa-lí-gaa khâaw muue ) conveys a more specific meaning.

2. Formal Way to Tell Time in Thai 

Improve Listening

In the Thai time system, there are two main ways of telling time: a formal way and an informal way. We’ll start with the formal way first. Thai people rarely use this in daily conversation, and you’re much more likely to hear this in the news or an announcement.

The basic thing you need to know about the Thai clock is that Thai people use the twenty-four-hour clock in formal situations. Fortunately, this part is pretty easy.

1- Formal Way to Tell Time in Thai – Full Version

Below is the pattern you need to remember. You may recognize these words from the vocabulary section above.

….. นาฬิกา   + ….. นาที  

….. naa-lí-gaa   + ….. naa-thii

….. o’clock   + ….. minute

To tell the time, all you need to do is put the number in front of the unit. Just remember that Thai people use the twenty-four-hour format in formal situations. So from 1 p.m. to 12 a.m., don’t forget to change the number of the hour to 13-24 instead. For example:

  • 3 a.m. in Thai is 3 นาฬิกา ( sǎam naa-lí-gaa ).
  • 4 p.m. in Thai is 16 นาฬิกา ( sìp-hòk naa-lí-gaa ).
  • 10:26 a.m. in Thai is 10 นาฬิกา 26 นาที ( sìp naa-lí-gaa yîi-sìp-hòk naa-thii ).
  • 11:58 p.m. in Thai is 23 นาฬิกา 58 นาที ( yîi-sìp-sǎam naa-lí-gaa hâa-sìp-bpàaet naa-thii ).

4 p.m.

2- Formal Way to Tell Time in Thai – Short Version 

Thai people only use this shortened version in writing. You have to remember the pattern above. XX is the hour and YY is the minutes, so just put the numbers for the hour and minute where they belong. For example:

  • 3 a.m. or 3 นาฬิกา ( sǎam naa-lí-gaa ) is 3:00 น.
  • 4 p.m. or 16 นาฬิกา ( sìp-hòk naa-lí-gaa ) is 16:00 น.
  • 10:26 a.m. or 10 นาฬิกา 26 นาที ( sìp naa-lí-gaa yîi-sìp-hòk naa-thii ) is 10:26 น.
  • 11:58 p.m. or 23 นาฬิกา 58 นาที ( yîi-sìp-sǎam naa-lí-gaa hâa-sìp-bpàaet naa-thii ) is 23:58 น.

3- Common Formal Time-Related Sentences and Phrases

Now, let’s practice some sentences and phrases for telling time in Thai in formal situations.

What time is it?

  • ขณะนี้เวลาเท่าไหร่
  • Khà-nà-níi wee-laa thâo-rài

What Time Is It?

The current time is …..

  • ขณะนี้เวลา ….. นาฬิกา ….. นาที
  • Khà-nà-níi wee-laa ….. naa-lí-ga ….. naa-thii

What time is the …..? 

  • ….. เวลาอะไร
  • ….. wee-laa à-rai


Bprà-chum wee-laa à-rai

“What time is the meeting?”

The time for XXX is ….. o’clock ….. minute.

  • XXX เวลา ….. นาฬิกา ….. นาที
  • XXX wee-laa ….. naa-lí-gaa ….. naa-thii

ประชุมเวลา 10 นาฬิกา

Bprà-chum wee-laa sìp naa-lí-gaa

“The time for the meeting is 10 o’clock.”

3. Informal Way to Tell Time in Thai 

You’ve already learned the formal way to tell the time. Now, let’s learn the informal way. Thai people use this a lot in daily communication, both for speaking and writing.

The first thing you need to know is the main difference between the formal and informal ways to tell time in Thai. For the formal way, Thai people use the twenty-four-hour clock; for the informal way, Thai people use the twelve-hour clock.

When Thai people tell time informally, they either give you the number specifically or tell you the general period of time. We’ll explain both below, respectively. 

1- Informal Way to Say ….. O’clock in Thai

This is more difficult than the formal way of telling the time. Since the way you tell time is different for each period of the day, you have a bit to remember. For easy understanding, we’ve summarized what you need to remember in the table below.

1-5 a.m.1-5 a.m. ตีสาม ( ) is “3 a.m.” in Thai.
6-11 a.m.….. โมงเช้า 7 โมงเช้า ( ) is “7 a.m.” in Thai.
12 p.m.เที่ยงวัน
1-5 p.m.บ่าย ….. โมง บ่ายสี่โมง ( ) is “4 p.m.” in Thai.
6 p.m.หกโมงเย็น
 The informal way of telling time from 7-11 p.m. is special. The way to say this is …ทุ่ม ( ). However, instead of saying the number on the clock, Thai people start counting 7 as 1, 8 as 2, and so on. 
7 p.m.1 ทุ่ม
8 p.m.2 ทุ่ม
9 p.m.3 ทุ่ม
10 p.m.4 ทุ่ม
11 p.m.5 ทุ่ม
12 a.m.6 ทุ่ม

2- Informal Way to Give the Minutes in Thai

The informal way of giving someone the hour is quite hard as there’s a lot to remember. However, that’s probably the most difficult part of this lesson and you’ve already passed it. Another bit of good news is that the minute part is pretty easy. There are only three points you have to remember.

0 minute in Thai 

Thai word : ตรง ( dtrong )

How to use : In English, if it’s XX:00 a.m. or XX:00 p.m., such as 3 p.m. sharp, you ignore the minute part.  However, Thai people put the word ตรง ( dtrong ) after the o’clock time.

ตอนนี้เวลา 9 โมง ตรง

dtaawn-níi wee-laa gâo moong dtrong

“It is 9 a.m. now.”

30 minutes in Thai 

Thai word : ครึ่ง ( khrûeng )

How to use : 

There are two ways to use this word in Thai. 

The first is to just put ครึ่ง ( khrûeng ) after the o’clock time.  

The second is, if you want to say thirty minutes as a period of time, you use ครึ่งชั่วโมง ( khrûeng chûua-moong ), which means “half an hour” in Thai.

เจอกันตอนสองทุ่ม ครึ่ง นะ

Jooe gan dtaawn nùeng thûm khrûeng ná

“I will meet you at 7:30 p.m.”

แม่ใช้เวลาทำซุป ครึ่งชั่วโมง

Mâae chái wee-laa tham súp khrûeng chûua-moong

“Mom spent thirty minutes cooking soup.”

….. minutes in Thai

Thai word : XX นาที ( naa-thii )

How to use : Now that we’ve covered the 0-minute and 30-minute rules, the rest is very easy. It’s the same as the formal way to tell the time. You just put the number followed by นาที ( naa-thii ).

หนังจะเริ่มตอน 10 โมง 15 นาที

Nǎng jà rôoem dtaawn sìp moong sìp-hâa naa-thii

“The movie will start at 10:15 a.m.”

3- Informal Way to Tell the Time Period in Thai

Now that you can tell the time, let’s learn the name of each time period Thai people use in daily life. Thai people use ตอน ( dtaawn ) followed by the names of each period, except midnight.

Morning (6-9 a.m.) 

Thai word : ตอนเช้า ( dtaawn-cháo )

ตอนเช้า แถวนี้รถติดมาก

Dtaawn-cháo thǎaeo níi rót thìt mâak

“In the morning, the traffic is very bad around here.”

Nice Weather in the Morning

Morning (9-12 a.m.)  

Thai word : ตอนสาย ( dtaawn-sǎai )

พ่อออกกำลังกาย ตอนสาย ๆ ทุกวัน

Phâaw àawk-gam-lang-gaai dtaawn-sǎai-sǎai thúk wan

“Dad exercises every day in the morning.”

Noon (12 p.m.) 

Thai word : ตอนเที่ยง ( dtaawn-thîiang )

ตอนเที่ยง อากาศข้างนอกร้อนมาก

Dtaawn-thîiang aa-gàat khâang nâawk ráawn mâak

“The weather outside is very hot at noon.”

Afternoon (1-3 p.m.) 

Thai word : ตอนบ่าย ( dtaawn-bàai )

ตอนบ่าย วันพรุ่งนี้ ฉันมีประชุม

Dtaawn-bàai wan phrûng-níi chǎn mii bprà-chum

“I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon.”

Afternoon (3-6 p.m.) 

Thai word : ตอนเย็น ( dtaawn-yen )

ร้านอาหารแถวบ้านคิวยาวมาก ตอนเย็น

ráan aa-hǎan thǎaeo bâan khiu yaao mâak dtaawn-yen

“The queue of restaurants near my home is very long in the evening.”

Evening (6-9 p.m.) 

Thai word : ตอนค่ำ ( dtaawn-khâm )

น้องกลับถึงบ้าน ตอนค่ำ เพราะรถติด

Náawng glàp thǔng bâan dtaawn-khâm phráw rót dtìt

“My sister came back home in the evening because of a traffic jam.”

Night (9-12 p.m.)  

Thai word : ตอนดึก ( dtaawn-dùek )

เธอตื่นสายเพราะมัวแต่เล่นเกมส์ ตอนดึก เมื่อคืน

thooe dtùuen sǎai phráw muua dtàae lèn geem dtaawn-dùek mûuea-khuuen

“She woke up late because she played a game last night.”

Midnight (12 a.m.) 

Thai word : เที่ยงคืน ( thîiang-khuuen )

เที่ยงคืน แล้ว ยังนอนไม่หลับเลย

Thîiang-khuuen láaeo yang naawn mâi làp looei

“I still can’t sleep despite it being midnight.”

It’s Already Midnight

4- Common Informal Time-Related Sentences and Phrases

Now that you know how to informally tell the time in Thai, you should practice some time-related sentences and phrases to use in real life! 

  • ตอนนี่กี่โมงแล้ว
  • Dtaawn-níi gìi moong láaeo

The current time is ….. 

  • ตอนนี้เวลา …..
  • Dtaawn-níi wee-laa …..
  • ….. ตอนกี่โมง
  • ….. dtaawn gìi moong


gin kâao yen dtaawn gìi moong

“What time is dinner?”

The time for XXX is YYY.

  • XXX ตอน YYY
  • XXX dtawwn YYY

กินข้าวเย็นตอน 6 โมงครึ่ง

Gin khâao yen dtaawn hòk moong khrûeng

“The time for dinner is at 6:30 p.m.”

4. Time Adverbs in Thai 

Now that you know how to tell time in Thai, it’s useful to know some time adverbs as well. They will enable you to include more detail and speak more like a native when telling the time in Thai. Here’s a list of time adverbs you should know:

1- Right now 

Thai word : ตอนนี้ ( thaawn-níi ); เดี๋ยวนี้ ( dǐiao-níi )

เธอต้องทำ ตอนนี้ เลย

Thooe dtâawng tham dtaawn-níi looei

“You have to do it right now.”

ออกไป เดี๋ยวนี้ เลย!!

Àawk bpai dǐiao-níi loei

“Get out right now!!”

ตอนนี้ ( thaawn-níi ) and เดี๋ยวนี้ ( dǐiao-níi ) are pretty much the same and can be used interchangeably. However, เดี๋ยวนี้ ( dǐiao-níi ) conveys a more immediate and urgent feeling.

2- Currently

Thai word : ปัจจุบันนี้ ( bpàt-jù-baan níi )

ปัจจุบันนี้ โรงเรียนของเรา มีนักเรียน 500 คน

Bpàt-jù-baan níi roong-riian khǎawng rao mii nák riian hâa-ráauy khon

“Currently, our school has 500 students.”

3- Before 

Thai word : ก่อน ( gàawn )

อย่าลืมล้างมือ ก่อน กินข้าว

Yàa luuem láang muue gàawn gin khâao

“Don’t forget to wash your hands before the meal.”

When using ก่อน ( gàawn ), the event that happens first is always in front of ก่อน ( gàawn ), while the event that happens later is put behind it.

Thai word : หลัง ( lǎang )

หลัง กินอาหาร ต้อง ทานยา ทันที

Lǎang gin aa-hǎan dtâawng thaan yaa than-thii

“Take medicine immediately after meals.”

When using หลัง ( lǎang ), the event that happens later always follows หลัง ( lǎang ). But the event that happens first can be both in front of and after หลัง ( lǎang ).

5- Soon 

Thai word : เร็ว ๆ นี้ ( reo-reo-níi )

เจอกัน เร็ว ๆ นี้

Jooe gan reo-reo-níi

“See you soon.”

6- Almost 

Thai word : เกือบ ( gùueap )

อาหาร เกือบ จะเสร็จแล้ว

Aa-hǎan gùueap jà sèt láaeo

“The food is almost done .”

7- In a while

Thai word : อีกสักครู่ ( ìik sàk-khrûu ).

งานจะจบใน อีกสักครู่

Ngaan jà jòp nai ìik sàk-khrûu

“The event will end in a while.”

8- For a long time

Thai word : เป็นเวลานาน ( bpen wee-laa naan ).

เขาอาศัยอยู่ที่ บ้านหลังนี้ เป็นเวลานาน แล้ว

Khǎo aa-sǎi yùu thîi bâan lǎang níi bpen wee-laa naan láaeo

“He has lived in his house for a long time.”

Thai word : เมื่อไหร่ก็ได้ ( mûuea-rài gâaw dâi ); ตอนไหนก็ได้ ( dtaawn-nǎi gâaw dâi )

เธอจะมาที่นี่ เมื่อไหร่ก็ได้

Thooe jà ma thîi nîi mûuea-rài gâaw dâi

“You can come here anytime.”

พรุ่งนี้วันอาทิตย์ ฉันจะตื่นนอน ตอนไหนก็ได้

Phrûng-níi wan-aa-thít chǎn jà dtùuen naawn dtaawn nǎi gâaw dâi

“Tomorrow is Sunday. I can wake up anytime.”

เมื่อไหร่ก็ได้ ( mûuea-rài gâaw dâi ) and ตอนไหนก็ได้ ( dtaawn-nǎi gâaw dâi ) are exactly the same and can substitute one another.

10- As soon as possible

Thai word : โดยเร็วที่สุด ( dooi reo thîi sùt ).

ฉันจะทำให้เสร็จ โดยเร็วที่สุด

Chǎn jà tham hâi sèt dooi reo thîi sùt

“I will finish it as soon as possible.”

5. Time-Related Proverbs and Sayings in Thai

As you learn about Thai time, it’s a great idea to learn some proverbs and sayings about time in Thai. Below are five proverbs and sayings you should know! 

1- ผัดวันประกันพรุ่ง

Thai pronunciation : phàt-wan-bprà-gan-prûng

Literal meaning :  –

English meaning : Keep postponing the time

Explanation : This proverb is used to explain a situation in which something is being postponed many times over. For example, A promises to finish his homework on Saturday at first, but then he tells his mom that he’ll finish it on Sunday instead. When Sunday comes, he tells her that he’ll  finish on Monday. ผัดวันประกันพรุ่ง ( phàt-wan-bprà-gan-prûng ) can explain A’s behavior well.

ทำให้เสร็จเลย อย่าผัดวันประกันพรุ่ง

Tham hâi sèt looei  yàa phàt-wan-bprà-gan-phrûng

“Finish it now, don’t keep postponing the deadline.”

Thai pronunciation : gài-hòo

Literal meaning : Cock yells.

English meaning : Very early morning

Explanation : Since the cock often crows in the early morning, Thai people call the early morning time ไก่โห่ ( gài-hòo ).


Wan-níi mâae bplùk chǎn dtâng dtàae gài-hòo

“Today, mom woke me up in the early morning.”

Rooster Crows Loudly

3- คาบเส้นยาแดง

Thai pronunciation : khâap sên yaa daaeng

English meaning : Almost not finishing the task in time

Explanation : The Thai proverb คาบเส้นยาแดง ( khâap sên yaa daaeng ) is used to explain when someone nearly misses their deadline to do something.  


Thooe tham raai-ngaan sèt bàaep khâap sên yaa daaeng phaaw dii loeei

“She almost didn’t finish the report in time.”

4- เวลาเป็นเงินเป็นทอง

Thai pronunciation : wee-laa bpen ngen bpen thaawng

Literal meaning : Time is silver and gold.

English meaning : Time is valuable.

Explanation : This Thai saying is used to say that time is valuable. It’s often used in situations when you’re made to wait for no good reason or your time is being wasted.

ทำเร็ว ๆ หน่อย อย่าให้ต้องรอนาน เวลาเป็นเงินเป็นทอง

Tham reo-reo nàauy yàa hâi dtâawng raaw naan wee-laa bpen ngen bpen thaawng

“Quickly, don’t make me wait. My time is valuable.”

5- เวลาผ่านไปไวเหมือนโกหก

Thai pronunciation : wee-la phàan bpai wai mǔuean goo-hok

Literal meaning : Time passed quickly as if flying.

English meaning : Time flies.

Explanation : This Thai phrase is used to explain that time passes very quickly. Its meaning is exactly the same as “time flies” in English.

อีกไม่กี่วันลูกชายก็จะอายุ 20 ปีแล้ว เวลาผ่านไปไวเหมือนโกหก

Ìik mâi gìi wan lûuk chaai gâaw jà aa-yú yîi-sìp bpii láaeo wee-la phàan bpai wai mǔuean goo-hòk

“My son will be twenty years old in a few days. Time flies.”

6. Conclusion

Basic Questions

What do you think about our Thai time lesson? Did you find it easy or difficult? How does time-telling in Thai compare to telling time in your own language? Please comment below to let us know.

In our opinion, some parts of this lesson are easy while others are a bit more complicated. However, with some practice, you can master it in no time. Try practicing this a lot with your peers or other Thai people you know. If you practice a lot, you’ll find everything you learned here a lot easier to remember. 

And once you’re good with this lesson, don’t forget to check out other interesting and fun lessons at ThaiPod101.com, such as Songkran Festival , Noodle in the Boat , or Wat Phra Kaew . In addition to learning more about the Thai language, you’ll also get to learn about Thai culture and traditions!

Until next time, happy Thai learning!

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Callina Liang Stars in Cheating Thriller 'Bad Genius' Remake Trailer

by Alex Billington August 30, 2024 Source: YouTube

Bad Genius Trailer

"No one can do what you do." Vertical has revealed an official trailer for Bad Genius , an English-language 2024 remake of the hit Thai film of the same name from 2017. This new version is set for a US release in October this fall, despite not showing up at any other festivals or elsewhere. The original Bad Genius from Thailand was a huge hit - we raved about it back in 2017 with this glowing review and it set new box office records in Thailand. It's a twisty, complex thriller about exam cheating and the students caught up in this scheme. Genius scholarship student Lynn Kang starts a cheating operation at her elite private school to fund her college dreams, giving her a unique opportunity to challenge the American education system, and her morals, in the process. This version stars Callina Liang (a breakout actress who also stars in Soderbergh's Presence ghost thriller ), Jabari Banks , Taylor Hickson , Sarah-Jane Redmond , Adam Beauchesne , Tina Grant , with Benedict Wong . This remake looks solid, but I'm not so sure it'll top the original flick.

Here's the official trailer (+ poster) for J.C. Lee's film Bad Genius , direct from Vertical's YouTube :

Bad Genius Poster

Bad Genius is a high-stakes, high-octane thriller about a diverse group of students who team up to fight a system of injustice and inequity and take down the rigged academic institutions around them. Released in 2017, the original Thai version was written and directed by Nattawut Poonpiriya and produced by Thai film studio GDH 559 Company Limited. In addition to debuting at #1 at the box office in Thailand, the film quickly became the highest-grossing Thai film of the year and the most internationally successful Thai film ever, breaking box office records in several Asian countries, including China. Bad Genius is directed by producer / filmmaker J.C. Lee , after producing & writing on the series "Looking", "How to Get Away with Murder", "The Morning Show" previously. The screenplay is written by J.C. Lee & Julius Onah (also writers of Luce previously). Produced by Erik Feig, Ashley Stern, Jessica Switch, Patrick Wachsberger. Vertical will debut this Bad Genius remake in select US theaters starting October 11th, 2024 this fall. Who's curious?

Find more posts: To Watch , Trailer




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    Dutch het huiswerk. Icelandic heimavinna. Indonesian pekerjaan rumah. British English homework. Mexican Spanish la tarea. European Portuguese trabalho de casa. Cantonese Chinese 功課. Polish praca domowa. Greek οι εργασίες.

  12. How to Teach Yourself Thai

    Pimsleur Thai Phase 1: Learn to Speak and Understand Thai. The best way to teach yourself conversational Thai is to do what babies do (but with Pimsleur's Thai ): listen and repeat, again and again. The audiobook (CD or downloadable audio files with booklet) provides roughly fifteen hours of conversation from which you can teach yourself Thai ...

  13. The best methods for learning the Thai language

    One of the best apps to learn Thai is the Ling app, One of the best is the Ling Language App, which is popular for its fun approach to language learning. Developed in Thailand, this app offers comprehensive lessons covering vocabulary, grammar, writing, and speaking in a gamified format. The interactive exercises and chatbot in the Ling app aid ...

  14. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  15. homework

    homework translate: การบ้าน. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Thai Dictionary.

  16. Top 8 Words for I do my homework in Thai.

    You may know how to say "I do my homework." in Thai, but do you know the words for I do my homework? Learn the Top 8 words for I do my homeworkwith their pronunciation.


    What is the translation of "homework" in Thai? en. volume_up. homework = th การบ้าน. Translations Examples Translator Phrasebook open_in_new. EN.

  18. Learning the Thai language : r/Thailand

    This will also allow you to have the discipline needed to study the language and pass exams and homework Thai is a very difficult language and it's the kind of language where you need to be living in the country (Thailand) to have some fluency ... then enroll in a language class at any Thai university, especially the ones in Bangkok ...

  19. homework in Thai

    การบ้าน · โจทย์ · โจทย์ปัญหา. Add example. Translations of "homework" into Thai in sentences, translation memory. Declension Stem. Check 'homework' translations into Thai. Look through examples of homework translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.

  20. Homework in Thai Language

    Homework in Thai Language - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  21. How to say Homework in Thai Translation

    How to say Homework in Thai. Easily find the right translation for Homework from English to Thai submitted and enhanced by our users. Show translation: Translate: Related word/phrases: Last entry: Help us! Translation of "Homework" in Thai? Original language: English .

  22. Team Thailand Schedule

    Team Thailand official schedule by day and sport for the Paris 2024 Paralympics (Aug 28-Sep 8, 2024). Cheer on team Thailand at the world's biggest sporting event. Skip to main content Skip to language selection Skip to Login/Profile Skip to Search Skip to footer

  23. Telling Time in Thai

    The first thing you need to know is the main difference between the formal and informal ways to tell time in Thai. For the formal way, Thai people use the twenty-four-hour clock; for the informal way, Thai people use the twelve-hour clock. When Thai people tell time informally, they either give you the number specifically or tell you the ...

  24. Callina Liang Stars in Cheating Thriller 'Bad Genius' Remake Trailer

    Vertical has revealed an official trailer for Bad Genius, an English-language 2024 remake of the hit Thai film of the same name from 2017. This new version is set for a US release in October this ...