
Tips for writing an Excellent Current Events Essay or Research Paper


Let's face it, writing a current events essay can be challenging if you are not adequately prepared. It is a laborious process, especially if you are to select a current event issue, formulate a topic, plan, write, and polish your essay within a tight deadline.

The bitter truth is that no professor will teach you how to write one. Well, at least not as deep as our detailed guide here will do in the next less than a quarter an hour of your time. Yet it is an assignment assigned at grades 6-8, high school, college, university, and sometimes even at Ph.D. levels.

In most cases, your role is to present points or concrete arguments about the event in question. In essence, you need to plan, research, and engage your best writing, critical thinking, and creativity skills. Good analysis, organization, and presentation are necessary more like when writing a synthesis essay or expository essay .

With all that in mind, let's find the way out. You can read this article and scoop some ideas on the elements that make a good current events paper, even if you are writing it for the first time.

What is a current events essay?

A current events essay describes a recent issue, situation, phenomenon, or happening that is interesting, drawing the attention of many people, shocking, or fascinating. In some cases, current event essays describe an event that is yet to happen. It helps relate what you have learned in class to the real-world situations that occur around you. Most current event essays are five-paragraph essays.

In a current events essay, you are to address the historical context, current state, and the potential short- and long-term effects of a given aspect of a current issue or phenomenon that has a global impact. In most cases, the topics will relate to concepts from the law, politics, international relations, technology, science, sociology, medicine and health, and other controversial societal issues. You will take a current event or issue and present it in its context.

It is a common assignment for students taking English writing classes, which is meant to assess writing, editing, and research skills. It also informs students about important occurrences across the world.

When writing one, you are to reflect on and form opinions about social justice and also learn how to spot publication bias. And as you write it, you get to hone your reading comprehension, summary, creativity, and critical thinking skills.

As well, writing an essay on current events helps you to develop your argumentative and persuasive skills.

Now that we know what a current events essay or the paper is let's explore the various steps you should take to write one successfully.

Steps to Write a Current Events Essay

Before everything else, let us show you the steps you need to follow when writing a current events essay. Although there is no one single proven way to approach such an essay better, these steps can help you avoid writer's block and write a current events essay that becomes your teacher's favorite. To write a current events essay, follow these steps:

1. Select a topic you find interesting

Although some professors or educators provide specific instructions about what topic to choose or write about, others leave it up to you (the student) to choose one. When allowed the flexibility of selecting a current events essay topic, you need to be very careful.

Check whether the instructions have specific time constraints on the topic you are to select. For instance, the instructions could stress that you focus on current events within the last year, one month, or five years.

You must also check whether your topic relates to a specific area, field, or industry. For example, understand whether it relates to education, banking, investments, technology, sports, business, religion, discrimination, gender, or politics.

Finally, check whether you need to choose a topic with some analytical aspects. This step should help you choose a topic that will not end up with a descriptive tone.

To choose a fit essay topic , you can focus on your notes, ask for insights from classmates and peers, or consult with your teacher. And as you select a topic, remember to choose one that is interesting, easy to find information about, and one you can write a complete 5-10 page essay on.

Suppose you are unsure and cannot get enough help from your teacher. In that case, you can engage an essay writing service for topic selection and further guidance.

Related Reading:

  • Informative Speech topics to consider.
  • Writing a descriptive essay the right way.
  • Good topics and ideas for persuasive essays.
  • Current and interesting argumentative essay topics.
  • Tips for writing an informative essay.

2. Choose a reputable news source and select an article

Some of the good places to find topics and articles for a current events essay include New ELA, NY Times , National News, Local news websites, Sports News, The Atlantic , BBC News , Daily Mail, The Economist, The Guardian, Investopedia, Forbes, TIME Magazine, The Harvard Business Review, National Public Radio (NPR), CNN News , USA Today, The Wall Street Journal , The Washington Post , and other credible news outlets.

The source you select should be reliable, reputable, and credible. It should write well-researched, verified, and trustworthy news. After finding the source, research a fresh article as you write about a current event. Besides, choose an article on the correct topic and ensure it has the right information for your current events paper.

If you are writing a current events paper for a politics class, use the section of the major newspapers that deals with political matters. In the same way, if you are writing on science topics, target the science and technology section of the newspaper for appropriate articles.

Consider choosing from scholarly sources such as empirical journal articles, scholarly books, government documents, or peer-reviewed articles.

3. Read the selected article and take notes

After you have selected the article, read through it severally. In the first few instances, skim through the article to have a rough idea of its contents, then subsequently read as you take notes.

When reading, highlight the critical points within the article. If you are unsure of some vocabulary in the article, use a dictionary and note the contextual meaning of the words.

 You should then use the highlighted notes to identify the 5 Ws: who, what, where, when, why, and how. Answer briefly the questions below:

  • What happened?
  • Where did it happen?
  • When did it happen?
  • Who was involved?
  • Why did it happen?
  • How did it happen?

Determining these aspects helps you develop an angle of analysis, develop lead sentences, craft a strong thesis statement , and develop claims and arguments necessary for your current events paper. You can also document your thoughts about the article and its content.

4. Develop a thesis statement and hook for your essay

With the notes, you can develop a thesis statement and choose a good hook for your essay . A current events essay needs to be captivating, which means supporting the main arguments with credible evidence. Therefore, develop a strong thesis that each body paragraph will support using evidence.

If you are writing a current events essay on human trafficking during COVID-19, you can use the hook and thesis below:

Hook: In a study by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC) , it emerged that the COVID-19 pandemic had had a devastating impact on the victims and survivors of human trafficking, with an increased targeting and exploitation of children and women.

Thesis Statement: It is time for world leaders, investigative agencies, and law enforcement agencies to come together and develop a platform that would curb human trafficking, especially during challenging times such as pandemics and natural disasters.

5. Select the sources you are going to use to support the thesis

Research is the most critical yet intimidating part of writing any paper. However, to set yourself up in the right direction, consider doing this:

  • Understand the number of sources you are to use to determine the scope of your research
  • Choose credible sources. This primarily depends on the instructions. Some professors and teachers will allow you to use media and business articles. At the same time, some will only accept essays written with scholarly sources.
  • Know the scope of your research or paper before commencing research. Try to write down the main points that you will use to support the thesis then research.

These are blueprints for your research as you seek to expound on the 5Ws and H of your current events essay paper.

The sources should help you fortify your position. Find and quote from experts, public figures, and scholars in the field.

When researching, look for relevant passages. Then, skim and read the documents with the 5Ws and H in your mind. If a section has ideas, consider them and highlight the significant points. You can also use the organizing tools to organize ideas from the sources.

6. Create an outline

A current events essay follows the five-paragraph essay format:


  • Body paragraphs

The body section is where the rubber meets the road as you provide evidence to support the thesis. For example, you can use subheadings in the body corresponding to the 5Ws and H.

Below is a breakdown of what should go where:

  • What is the event?
  • What happened or is yet to happen?
  • What are the consequences?
  • Which media has covered the event, and when did it do so?

The answers to these questions should be brief. Your current events essay introduction aims to give the reader insight into the event. Brevity helps you to sound reliable, knowledgeable, and engaging. The introduction should not exceed five to six sentences in most cases unless it is a very long essay.

Body Paragraph 1

  • Give a history of the event
  • What factors led to the event, and who was involved

Body Paragraph 2

  • Explain the two sides people can take regarding the event (one side agrees, the other disagrees)- give adequate reasons.

Body Paragraph 3

  • Explain the significance of the event
  • As yourself, "who will the event impact?"
  • What will happen?
  • What roles do the people involve play?
  • What can be done to change things, and by who?
  • Summarize the crucial details of your essay
  • Discuss the possibility of bias in the article
  • Reflect on how bias informs you of the way the article was created
  • Tell your readers why the event is significant enough to cover in an essay.

Works Cited Page

  • List of the sources used in the essay

7. Write the first draft

It is now time to make the outline count with the outline completely. Then, you can start organizing your research and developing ideas in your essay. We advise that you begin by writing the body paragraphs, then the introduction, finally winds up with the conclusion. We are of the opinion that writing the introduction last ensures that it is excellent, composed, and consistent.

Regardless of the process, even if you begin writing chronologically (from introduction to conclusion), only focus on writing and not perfection when developing the first draft.

Select from the important passages you read evidence that support your thesis. Paraphrase, quote, and summarize from the sources, then provide an appropriate citation. Write the respective headings, subheadings, and paragraphs, and use transitions to maintain a good flow.

Your first draft should be rough, which means writing and not editing. Then, when writing the conclusion , it should be a recap of your essay. It should have a rephrased thesis and some important points of your research.

To avoid writer's block, ensure you systematically complete the paper when you have the will and zeal to write. Do not wait until later. Instead, plan your essay and complete it in phases before the deadline.

8. Proofread and edit the essay

With everything completed, it is time to refine the first draft and turn it into a final draft. First, edit your essay for the flow of ideas and sentence structure. Check whether there are ambiguous sentences, run-on sentences, or sentences that don�t make sense and are correct. If essay phrases have been misplaced, replace them with the best ones.

Proceed to proofread your essay for spelling and grammar errors. To conclude the polishing process, countercheck the sources cited in your essay. Check if the citations are done per the preferred format and that sources used in the in-text citations appear in your list of references in the correct format.

If possible, have another person read your essay. Trust our online proofreaders to read your essay, highlight mistakes, and make necessary corrections. You will get a smart paper that explains the significance of these changes. Your essay sells ideas to your professor or markers and anticipates the best Grade.

Tips when writing a current events paper

Use the following tips to perfect your current events essay.

1. Always read, understand, and analyze the essay question or the essay prompt

Check the limiting terms that define the scope of the topic, the content terms specific to the task, and the directive terms that define what your essay will be about. Directive terms include discussing, evaluating, comparing, illustrating, or exploring.

2. Define your arguments as you plan to write the essay

Ensure you have claim statements , thesis statements, and good hooks related to the main topic. Make an informed opinion, position, or point of view on the topic.

3. Use evidence, reasoning, and scholarship.

Evidence should offer data and facts to support your claim. It could be statistics, examples, quotations, and facts. Reasoning helps connect the evidence to your main argument. You will have to use reason when evaluating the evidence to show how it fits in the context of your paper. The scholarship aspect helps show how your arguments relate to what you have cited.

4. Ensure that your essay has an excellent organization

Use good essay hooks and thesis statements, and write befitting background information in your introduction. Next, organize the body paragraphs using different paragraphing techniques for a good flow. Finally, let your conclusion leave the readers yearning for more from you. It should show how the topic fits a broader context of your discipline, the significance of your findings, and factors you have covered that might interest your readers.

5. Have an essay plan

An essay plan will help you avoid writer's block. It will also help break down the writing process's parts, making it easier to concentrate, focus, and achieve more.

6. Have an essay checklist to help you refine and polish the paper

Develop the checklist from the rubric or marking scheme if one is provided. If not provided, consider some factors for a successful essay and mark your paper against the checklist.

7. Cite sources and evidence in your essay

Check whether each of the in-text citations is done as per the requirements. Equally, ensure that your list of references is up-to-date and formatted correctly in MLA, APA , Chicago, or Harvard formats.

8. Do not plagiarize

Ensure that every piece of information you use is well-cited. Acknowledge others for their credible information as you use their evidence, findings, and data to write your essay. This also means referring to verified sources such as authoritative newspapers, government journals, company data, images, and scholarly articles.

9. Be impartial

When writing, describe an event objectively without taking a subjective position. Look at the causes, factors, and other background details of the event that are not accessible. Choose not to guess or misrepresent ideas. Instead, analyze the chosen issue or event critically. And if you are writing about an event yet to occur, write what is expected based on evidence. Make good predictions and offer rationale or justifications to support your arguments. Your current event essay must be objective, convincing, informative, and educative.

These current essay tips can be the only determinant for getting the best Grade off your current events essay. Perfect and polish your writing, reading and comprehension, analytical, and organization skills because that is what is being tested. Avoid using complicated vocabulary. Instead, focus on the simplicity required in scholarly writing.

Current Event Topics

We have brainstormed, researched, and developed various current event essay topics you can choose and write about. Alternatively, these topics can be a great starting point for brainstorming and developing an appropriate topic.

  • How Twitter is a significant political tool
  • The USA uses drone strikes to attack terrorists; how accurate is the move?
  • Causes of the high cost of healthcare in the USA
  • Shortage of nurses and healthcare workers in the USA
  • Wildfires in Australia
  • Is the WHO trustworthy?
  • Is Big Pharma taking us around with COVID-19 vaccines?
  • Controversies about green energy
  • Ballooning student loans in the USA
  • Is social media to blame for rising teenage suicides?
  • Is TikTok better than Google?
  • Trump's presidency and international relations
  • Afghan women's rights under Taliban 2.0
  • The Black Lives Matter Movement in America
  • How COVID-19 changed the global politics
  • Are mandatory vaccination laws legal?
  • Should the USA reduce its strictness to illegal immigrants considering its built on the same workforce?
  • Should children above 15 years be allowed to vote?
  • Should the government be representative?
  • Should developed nations stop funding corrupt developing countries?
  • Should rich people be exposed?
  • Do rich people control the world
  • Are wars a tool to thwart developing nations?
  • The war in Syria is a creation of selfish leaders
  • Why America and Russia are not on good terms
  • Should North Korea stop nuclear weapons manufacturing?
  • Relationship between North Korea and the USA
  • The impacts of COVID-19 on the Tokyo Olympic
  • Eliud Kipchoge's 1:59 marathon Record
  • Should NFTs be banned?
  • Is Blockchain the next big thing for the world?
  • Nations should negotiate with North Korea
  • Causes of global hunger and poverty
  • Is NATO an effective organization
  • Did COVID-19 change the global healthcare system?
  • Is it possible that we are headed for a third world war?
  • Is China an observer of human rights?
  • Is China the new world's superpower?
  • China is the world's kitchen, a chief polluter
  • Is the Indian Judicial system better?
  • Foreign aid has hurt Africa for ages
  • African leaders are mainly corrupt, and dictators
  • Should Africa be recolonized
  • Is China using loans and foreign aid to recolonize Africa?
  • Is cycling better than football?
  • Covid-19 and the Olympic games
  • How covid-19 has affected sports
  • Should euthanasia be legalized
  • The endless destruction of Amazon and what governments are doing
  • Sex work should be legalized
  • Women's rights in Afghanistan
  • Mental healthcare for the LGBTQ people
  • How COVID-19 Exposed the Flaws of America's Private Health Insurance System
  • Why should Korea not forgive Japan for its past war crimes?
  • Did History Repeat Itself in Afghanistan?
  • The Afghanistan-Taliban scandal
  • Is Dubai a hub for international organized financial crimes?
  • Social isolation of prisoners during covid-19?
  • Was the media skewed in telling lies during the pandemic?
  • The no-mask mandate in England
  • Why is it time to lift COVID-19 restrictions?
  • Mandatory vaccinations and global travel
  • Was the alarm around COVID-19 necessary?
  • Housing shortage in China
  • Gender reveal parties are a waste of time
  • Is democracy doing any good?
  • Social distancing distanced people all over the world
  • Vaccine equality
  • Science and lies during the covid-19
  • Politics behind climate change
  • Fascism in the contemporary society
  • Can Trump make it back in 2024?
  • Covid-19 and property pricing in New York
  • Media censorship and oppression
  • The media only sings the tunes of the rich
  • Effects of covid-19 on financial stabilities of families
  • Being a Muslim in China
  • Are electronics the ultimate weapons?
  • Are the media houses making us more divisive through the news?
  • The third hand in Myanmar chaos
  • Africa and its ballooning foreign debts
  • Why do African countries store their money abroad?
  • Immigration and covid-19
  • Access to food and water during the pandemic
  • Should TikTok be banned?
  • Is TikTok a tool that has enabled LGBTQ people to come out?
  • Is universal basic income attainable?
  • Are trade unions any better in contemporary society?
  • Who runs the world?
  • Role of the New Silk Road from China to Pakistan
  • Justice in a divided country
  • Is Kim Jong-Un displaying his insecurity by flexing his nuclear muscles?
  • Is Trump among the best Presidents the USA has ever had?
  • Is Medical marijuana a promise for terminally ill patients?
  • Can medical marijuana be used to manage COVID-19 symptoms?
  • Deepwater Horizon Explosion and the environment
  • Walmart and gun ordinances
  • Consumer behavior in the age of social media
  • Nissan's CEO a wanted man
  • The latest breakthroughs in Fusion power
  • Elizabeth Holmes and her Theranos ideas
  • Is Next-Gen Graphics the next big thing?
  • Using CRISPR to reverse blindness
  • Silicon valley's greatest disaster
  • Thorium is the future of energy
  • Apple's M1 Chip as a game-changer
  • Rise of bank fraud
  • Ponzi schemes in the 21 st Century
  • The rise and fall of HTC
  • Humanoid robots and the future

Any of these topics can make it to a good current project paper. You can also consider a current event project example on issues such as war, political assasinations, olympics, global disease outbreaks, air accidents, economic depression, inflation, etc.

List of Current Events to Write About

We have listed elsewhere social issues that you can also look into as possible topics and titles for your current event essay. Apart from those, here are suggestions of recent events that you can check and pick an appropriate topic. First, focus on what is in the news pertaining to these areas, then choose your angle of analysis.

  • Airline travel
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Assisted suicide
  • Bilingual education
  • Black lives matter
  • Blockchain technology
  • Border Security
  • Capital punishment
  • Charter schools
  • Childhood obesity
  • Citizen scientists
  • Civil rights
  • The civil war in Ethiopia
  • Climate change
  • Concussions and injuries in football
  • Cyberbullying
  • Cyber security
  • Cybersecurity
  • Digital divide
  • Drug trafficking
  • Early childhood development
  • Early voting
  • Electric vehicles
  • Electronic voting
  • Environmental laws
  • Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam
  • Executive order
  • Factory farming
  • Food security
  • Fast food advertisements
  • Flint water issues
  • Foreign aid
  • Freedom of speech
  • Genetic engineering
  • Gerrymandering
  • Green energy
  • Green New Deal
  • Global Recession
  • Hate crimes
  • Hate speech
  • Health insurance
  • Healthcare access
  • Heart diseases among footballers
  • Human trafficking
  • Immigration
  • Investigative journalism
  • Israel-Palestinian relations
  • Land ownership
  • Land use and management
  • Lead and copper rule
  • Lead toxicity
  • Machine learning
  • Me Too movement
  • Minimum wage
  • Misinformation
  • Money laundering
  • National elections
  • Natural disasters (Tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, flooding, snowing, storms, etc.)
  • Net neutrality
  • Nuclear energy
  • Offshore drilling
  • Online anonymity
  • Organic food
  • Organized crimes
  • Outsourcing
  • Police reforms
  • Police shootings
  • Poor governance
  • Racial profiling by law enforcement
  • Russian hacking
  • Scientific Research
  • Self-driving cars
  • Sex education
  • Shale gas exploration
  • Slacktivism
  • Smart devices
  • Social security
  • Space exploration
  • Stimulus packages
  • Supreme Court
  • Taliban and Afghanistan
  • Trade tariffs
  • Transgender rights
  • Transnational crimes
  • Ukraine and Russia
  • Voter fraud
  • Voting laws
  • Water resources
  • Water rights
  • Water supply regulation
  • White nationalism
  • White privilege
  • Women's rights
  • World cycling tours
  • Zero tolerance policies

Final Remarks

Now you understand how to write and what to include in a current events paper. We hope you are inspired to write one on your own following the steps, structure, and examples outlined above.

Related Read: Titling an article in an essay.

Although this guide is the surest way to write a quality paper, you can always look at samples of current event papers written in the past. You can also consult with peers and professors for the best ideas. Finally, you can choose from our list of topics and develop further ideas from our list of current events.

If you are not satisfied or confident with your research and writing skills, you are welcome to seek the help of our essay writing experts . We offer 24/7 professional support that can help you when stuck. Do not hesitate to contact us and ask us to write your current events paper.


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How to Write a Current Event Essay: Tips, Structure, Topics, Example

Students are often tasked with the responsibility of how to write a current events essay paper. This paper assesses their research, writing, and editing skills. It also helps them keep tabs on the occurrences in the world and draw a relationship between them and their possible effects.

a good current events essay

When writing this kind of paper, reflecting on a situation and exercising your critical thinking and creativity is essential. This writing also develops your argumentative and persuasive skills .

What Is a Current Events Essay?

Unlike most papers, a current events essay focuses on clearly and effectively outlining a particular phenomenon, situation, or happening. The event has to be interesting enough to draw most people’s attention and evoke different emotions from them. On rare occasions, this kind of writing could also describe an event that has yet to occur.

This kind of writing requires you to address the phenomenon’s historical context, current state, and potential effects. As a result, your topics will relate to concepts in fields such as technology, politics, medicine and health, sociology, science, international relations, law, and controversial societal issues and standards.

Current Event Paper Format

Having defined what this kind of paper is about, how about diving into details about its format? Before getting into intricate details about event paper writing, how about taking a detour to learn more about EssayAxe ? We are a cheap essay writing service you can confidently rely on. These are the reasons why you should hire us to work on your assignment:

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How Do You Write a Summary of an Event?

Back to the format of writing current events papers, these steps will help you better approach this kind of essay. They will also help you avoid writer’s block and develop a well-structured essay. Follow these steps on how to write a current events report:

1. Select an Exciting Topic

Your tutor may provide a specific topic or instructions for this essay. On other occasions, they might ask you to select a topic and write an essay about it. The latter might sound easy, even though most students fail at approaching it. Therefore, you must be very careful when choosing a topic for your writing.

Before settling on a topic, go through the tutor’s instructions to establish the constraints of your essay’s topic. Some tutors specify the timeframe of the events they want to write about. Others limit the subject or field they want the writing to be about. Some instructions will also dictate the tone of your paper. For instance, an analytical essay should not have a descriptive tone.

Current Events Essay Topics

How do I make my current event article engaging and interesting? The first step is to choose the right topic. Focus on your notes or news outlets for ideas on what to write about. Ask for insights from your mates or tutor. Alternatively, consult our team for information on what to write about.

Meanwhile, here are examples of current events to write about:

  • How can we control inflation?
  • Should college be free?
  • Should all college debt be forgiven?
  • Is the U.S. going to go into recession?
  • Was the defunding of police departments a good idea?
  • What should be the rules for the repayment of college loans?
  • Is the U.S. economy becoming stronger or weaker?
  • How important is it to reduce the Federal budget deficit?
  • Should the death penalty be outlawed throughout the U.S.?
  • Should the United States raise the minimum wage for workers?
  • How is COVID-19 changing working in America? Around the world?
  • Does it make sense to give U.S. citizenship to all babies born in the United States?
  • What is causing the increasingly high cost of healthcare in the United States?
  • Does better health care for everyone make a better and stronger economy in the U.S.?
  • How should the U.S. respond to cyber hacking by Russia, China, and other countries?

writing a current events essay

2. Choose a Reputable News Source and Select an Article

What are some good sources for finding current events to write about? You could base your essay on sources like media publications. Some of them include:

  • National News
  • Sports News
  • The Atlantic
  • The Economist
  • The Guardian
  • Investopedia
  • TIME Magazine
  • The Harvard Business Review
  • National Public Radio (NPR)
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • The Washington Post

Remember, your source should be credible, reliable, and reputable. It should have a history of writing trustworthy news. You could also base your essay on publications on empirical journal articles, government documents, scholarly books, and peer-reviewed articles.

3. Read the Selected Article Keenly and Take Notes

After specifying the article you want to write about, read through it carefully, jotting down important details. If you are unsure about the vocabulary used in the article, look it up and note the contextual meaning of words. Identify the five Ws in the article:

  • What happened?
  • Where did it happen?
  • When did it happen?
  • Who was involved?
  • Why did it happen?
  • How did it happen?

Answers to these questions will help develop an angle for your analysis. It will also help build key sections of your essay like the lead sentences, thesis statement, title, claims, and arguments.

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4. Develop a Thesis Statement and Hook for Your Essay

How do you start an event essay? Using your notes, develop a thesis statement for your essay. Ensure you are creative enough to come up with a unique statement. In the same breath, it should be strong enough to form the basis of your arguments.

For instance, if you are writing about human trafficking during the COVID-19 pandemic, here is an example of a thesis statement and hook statement.

Thesis Statement

It is time for world leaders, law enforcement agencies, and investigative agencies to team up and develop structures and measures to curb human trafficking, especially during natural disasters and pandemics.

A study by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had dire effects on the victims and survivors of human trafficking; there was an increased targeting exploitation of women and children.

5. Choose the Sources You Wish to Use to Support the Thesis

How do I make sure my current event article is accurate and unbiased? Establish the sources you wish to use to determine the scope of your essay. They have to be credible. If your instructions specify the sources for your paper, bear that in mind. When researching, highlight the specific pages with information you will use to support your arguments.

How do I cite my sources in a current event article? The style depends on the instructions specified by your tutor.

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6. Create an Outline

Your current events essay should follow the five-paragraph essay format:


  • 3 body paragraphs

The three body paragraphs should include arguments backing up the thesis statement.

How do I write a strong introduction for my current event article? The introduction paragraph should brief the reader on the event’s details by answering the five Ws. Remember not to make it too long; five to six sentences should work.

Body Paragraphs

The details of the first body paragraphs should explain the factors that led to the event and how they influenced it. The second paragraph should highlight the two sides people can take regarding the event and provide adequate reasons for it. The third paragraph should explain the significance of the event and who it will impact.

How do I conclude my current event article effectively? The conclusion should summarize the crucial details of the writing. It should also discuss the possibility of bias in the article, reflect on how bias informs how the article was created and why it was essential to highlight the event’s significance.

What Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Current Event Article?

These are the most commonly highlighted mistakes students make with this kind of writing:

  • Spelling errors
  • Pronoun errors
  • Using irrelevant images
  • •Direct rewriting of original news
  • Lack of clarity
  • Too much or little details

If you were wondering how to write a current events essay, these details help you write your paper. If you need help, reach out to us.

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Current Events Essays

Leadership and decision-making in current events, essay on current events, popular essay topics.

  • American Dream
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Bullying Essay
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  • Causes of the Civil War
  • Child Abusing
  • Civil Rights Movement
  • Community Service
  • Cultural Identity
  • Cyber Bullying
  • Death Penalty
  • Depression Essay
  • Domestic Violence
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Global Warming
  • Gun Control
  • Human Trafficking
  • I Believe Essay
  • Immigration
  • Importance of Education
  • Israel and Palestine Conflict
  • Leadership Essay
  • Legalizing Marijuanas
  • Mental Health
  • National Honor Society
  • Police Brutality
  • Pollution Essay
  • Racism Essay
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Same Sex Marriages
  • Social Media
  • The Great Gatsby
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Through the writing of the essay, students learn to reflect on interesting topics and form opinions. The writing of the Current Events Essay promotes the mastery of comprehension skills and enhances argumentative skills

This article explains the defining elements of a Current Events Essay, its distinct characteristics, and tips on how to write it.

There are always trending issues around the world that find their way into news outlets. The current events essay tests the students' knowledge of such affairs. It provokes them to be critical and make judgments on important issues that are current.

Current events essay needs to be relevant to the readers. The discussion relies on facts from reliable and credible sources to eliminate the possibility of delivering fake information.

Demonstrating knowledge of the issue

Can one write a good essay without knowing the topic? Tutors test students' grasp of the current affairs through the writing of the essays. To write a good Current Events Essay on a particular topic, you must be conversant with the issue. If not, you should research and establish facts, read and comprehend them before responding in writing.

Showcasing critical thinking skills

Current Events Essay demands a mastery of critical thinking skills. The essay should demonstrate that the writer is knowledgeable and can form an opinion on the issue. The issue which generates the essay becomes a springboard for exciting the intellect of the writer.

Demonstrating the ability to cite credible sources

Current events are dictated by facts, although there are some cases of misinformation. For credibility, you should identify trustworthy sources that inform the topic and cite them appropriately. Acknowledging sources is a demonstration of knowledge and avoids cases of plagiarism.

Current events essays have the following features:

Current Events Essay comments on an issue that is still relevant to the readers. The event should have happened within a particular time frame.

The essay relies on facts, and thus you must cite relevant sources and credible authorities while commenting on an issue. As a writer, you are supposed to acknowledge your source of information to avoid plagiarism and ensure that your arguments are credible.

The Current Events Essay makes facts explicit to the readers. The essay details specific points that are verifiable to the readers. Before you decide on a particular issue under discussion, you start by revealing the facts that inform your judgment.

1.  Understand the issue

Start by researching on the Current Events Topic to have a clear understanding. Sources of information are available on several platforms, including online. The instructor can also ask you to use one source of information. When that happens, read or listen exhaustively to the resource as you write down key points. If you do not understand the issue, will you manage to comment on it?

2.  Identify key facts and sources

Not every information available in a news source is important. Look for the essential points that include figures and important places and persons. Research on the authenticity of the sources referred to in the material you are using based on your writing. Ensure that you highlight the facts and sources.

3.  Form an opinion based on facts

Upon getting the facts and other important details, you should think about the resource you are using critically. Ask yourself questions such as: To what extent is this true? To what extent do I find this presentation accurate or believable? What assumptions and contradictions have been made in the document I am relying on? Thereafter, declare your stand and write down all the key points informing your decision.

4.  Pre-write your essay

From the notes you have made, you can start the first stage of writing the draft. For inspiration, you can sample some Current Events Essay topic examples and learn how the writing is done, Start the first paragraph by informing your readers what you are commenting on to familiarize themselves with the issue. Arrange your arguments in an orderly manner to ensure there is continuity in your argument.

5.  Edit and proofread your draft

After writing the first draft, it is important to proofread your work. Confirm if you got the facts right and whether the argument is consistent. Edit out any grammatical errors and ensure your points are exhausted.

For you to write an impressive current events essay, consider the following tips:

Current events essay topics tests your ability to comprehend a situation. This leaves out imagination and demands facts and convincing arguments. Do not make the mistake of commenting on an issue that you have little knowledge. Even if you are restricted to use one article or any other news material, you should do extra research to enable you to connect with the realities you may have missed. Always remember that facts matter in the current events essay. As you go through the news material, write down all the facts, including data. Also, list the claims that the story makes as you critically think about them. You can write the best essay if you identify inconsistencies in the story. Look out for contradicting claims. Verify data, especially numbers from different credible sources. If you manage to point out some discrepancies, you can challenge the story's validity and make a convincing conclusion.

Globalization has enabled easy access to information. Follow current events and research extensively to enrich yourself with information about issues. While writing your Current events essay, create a strong thesis that will guide your argument. Be keen on facts and establish any inconsistencies to assist you in forming a strong thesis and conclusion.

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130 New Prompts for Argumentative Writing

Questions on everything from mental health and sports to video games and dating. Which ones inspire you to take a stand?

current event essay examples

By The Learning Network

Note: We have an updated version of this list, with 300 new argumentative writing prompts .

What issues do you care most about? What topics do you find yourself discussing passionately, whether online, at the dinner table, in the classroom or with your friends?

In Unit 5 of our free yearlong writing curriculum and related Student Editorial Contest , we invite students to research and write about the issues that matter to them, whether that’s Shakespeare , health care , standardized testing or being messy .

But with so many possibilities, where does one even begin? Try our student writing prompts.

In 2017, we compiled a list of 401 argumentative writing prompts , all drawn from our daily Student Opinion column . Now, we’re rounding up 130 more we’ve published since then ( available here as a PDF ). Each prompt links to a free Times article as well as additional subquestions that can help you think more deeply about it.

You might use this list to inspire your own writing and to find links to reliable resources about the issues that intrigue you. But even if you’re not participating in our contest, you can use these prompts to practice the kind of low-stakes writing that can help you hone your argumentation skills.

So scroll through the list below with questions on everything from sports and mental health to dating and video games and see which ones inspire you to take a stand.

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How to write a current events essay.


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Current events essays are common assignments given by English professors which means learning to write them is a key to passing and succeeding in English class. Writing an essay may seem like a simple assignment, but when it is due tomorrow, a blank word document and piles of books can seem paralyzing.

This post will cover everything you need to know about how to write a well-organized current events essay including where to find trustworthy help from an online resource like an essay writing service.

Because successful writing depends on how you research and organize an outline to guide your writing, this post will spend a lot of time talking about how to set yourself up for success using research and outlining tools.

We will cover:

  • What a current events essay is

How to choose your topic

How to research efficiently.

  • How to organize your research
  • How to create an outline
  • The writing process

Keys to successful proofreading

  • Where to find assistance when you need it and how resources such as an essay writing service can help

What is a current events essay?

Woman with laptop and coffee

A current events essay is a written description of a recent situation, issue, or happening. Current events essays area often assigned by English professors as a way to teach students about the research, writing, and editing process.

Current events essays generally:

  • Are written in standard essay format
  • Include in-text citations and follow a specific citation format
  • Summarize a recent or upcoming event known to the public

Sometimes a current events essay assignment will provide specific instructions about what topic to write about. Other times, students will have more flexibility with choosing a topic. Be sure to carefully review your assignment’s rubric and instructions. If you will be choosing your own topic, make note of the following before you narrow down topic choices:

  • 1. Do the instructions place any time constraints on your topic? In other words, does your current event have to be something that happened within the last year or can it be something that happened five years ago?
  • 2. Does your topic need to relate to a specific industry or genre such as politics, sports, or business?
  • 3. Are there any analytical components that are supposed to be addressed by your essay or is it purely descriptive?

Behind stack of books

After you are clear on these three things, choose a topic you think will be most interesting to write about and easy to research. If you are not sure, try using Google Scholar to do some exploratory searches.

Choose a topic that is easy to find information about. If you are still not sure where to start, consider reaching out to an essay writing service for thought-joggers and topic inspiration. An essay writing service will generally be able to provide an example paper that can be helpful in generating topic ideas.

Tackling the research process can, no doubt, feel a bit intimidating. Here are some basic steps for getting started:

  • 1. Know how many sources you will need so that you can allow enough time to research.
  • 2. Choose credible sources. This will depend on the instructions you are given. some professors allow business or media articles while others will only want scholarly sources.
  • 3. Know exactly what you are looking for before you start your research . Jot down three or four main bullet points of what you will be looking for while you are researching.

Think of these points like a road map. They will guide your reading so you know what passages will be relevant to your paper. Usually, you will be looking for information that relates to the What, Where, When, Who, Why, and How aspects of your topic.

Here is an example:

Election of Donald Trump as President of the United States

  • What happened?
  • U.S. presidential election
  • Where did it happen?
  • The United States, specifically Washington D.C.
  • When did it happen?
  • Who was involved?
  • Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, their respective running mates, and electors
  • Why did it happen?
  • This section may include subjective elements or a discussion with multiple perspectives, unlike the others that are mostly objective facts.
  • How did it happen?
  • A majority of electoral votes were cast in favor of Donald Trump

The research process can be one of the most challenging and time-consuming parts of essay writing. Some high-quality essay writing services are able to provide assistance identifying and recommending credible sources. Generally, an essay writing service will do this by providing an annotated bibliography .

How to choose sources

Using computer with headphones

Again, be sure to review your assignment’s instructions about what types of sources your professor is letting you use. Wikipedia is almost always not allowed. If you are allowed to use business and media sources, some relevant sites may include:

  • The Harvard Business Review
  • Investopedia
  • TIME magazine

However, if you are asked to only use scholarly, peer-reviewed sources, you will want to use search engines such as Google Scholar, the Cochrane Database, JSTOR, or your school’s library database. Make sure that the sources you choose:

  • Are empirical journal articles or
  • Are scholarly books or government documents and
  • Are peer reviewed

If you are having difficulty determining whether or not a source is scholarly, try reaching out to a professional researcher and editor who works with high quality essay writing service such as Ultius. Ensure the essay writing service you choose only hires professional writers .

Differences between primary and secondary sources.

Use the above criteria as a filter when choosing sources to read. Next, choose the sources you will read based on how relevant they are to your topic. Use the title or meta-description to inform you, skim the first couple paragraphs, or read the abstract if one is available.

Look for the most relevant passages

Follow these simple steps to stay organized while you are reading your research:

  • 1. Pause and refresh. Remember that handy bullet point list you created in step #3? (You can also use a What, Where, When, Who, Why, and How list instead of bullets). That list is going to be your reading road map. Take a moment to review it. What information will you want to be looking for while you read?
  • 2. Read with clear intention. Begin skimming and reading your documents with these bullet points in mind. When you get to a section that tells you something you will need to know, read it more thoroughly.
  • 3. Use organizing tools. Use a highlighter tool or copy-paste excerpts to a separate document for later reference. Do not forget to include a citation if you copy-paste, so that you know where each excerpt came from. If highlighting, consider using a different color highlighter for each of the What, Where, When, Who, Why, and How subtopics.

Organize your research

Here are three basic methods of organizing your research:

Using hotkeys on laptop

  • 1. If you are a visual learner , use a different color highlighter or text for research that relates to each of your What, Where, When, Who, Why, and How subtopics. Then you will know exactly what passages to use for each part of the outline you will create next.
  • 2. If you like to compartmentalize, open a different Word document for each What, Where, When, Who, Why, and How subtopic. Copy-paste the most relevant research excerpts onto each document. Include citations.
  • 3. Combine methods 1 and 2 above for compartmentalized color-coded research. That way, if you move research around in your outline, you will still know what aspect or subtopic each item relates to most.

Create your outline

A current events essay outline will follow this general format:

  • Introduction

The body section will include additional subheadings. An easy way to start outlining these subheadings is to make them correspond to the What, Where, When, Who, Why, and How subtopics. For example, if writing a current events essay on the recent election of Trump, an outline might look like this:

  • 1. Introduction. (1 page)
  • a. A brief description of Donald Trump and Presidential elections. ( What )(0.5 pages)
  • b. The political context leading up to and surround the 2016 election. ( Where and When )(0.5 pages)
  • i. Candidates. (0.5 pages)
  • ii. Senate. (0.5 pages)
  • iii. House. (0.5 pages)
  • iv. Campaign initiatives. (0.5 pages)
  • v. State electors and public voters. (0.5 pages)
  • d. Polarized political views and primary political issues surrounding the election. ( Why )(0.5 pages)
  • i. Why Trump one the election over Hillary. (0.5 pages)
  • ii. Conspiracy speculations and opposing opinions (0.5 pages)
  • 3. Conclusion. Re-summarize the introduction and make note of any key takeaways. (1 page)

Notice the page count notes next to each subheading. Making note of page length per subtopic will also help you to write more efficiently and be sure to hit your assignment’s requirements.

Plug your research into your outline

Working at laptop from handwritten notes

Once you organize your research and create your outline, fitting the two together is like putting together a simple puzzle. Simply select the most important passages of research based on your organized subtopic documents or color-coded notes and place them under the outline heading each passage relates to. Also:

  • Be sure to include the citations after each. Do not worry if your citations are not perfectly formatted; you can go back and correct them later. (An essay writing service can also help you correctly format your citations ).
  • Do not try to paraphrase information yet. You will write everything in your own words later. Right now, the idea is simply to create a writing map for yourself so that you do not feel lost or stuck once you begin writing. Also, make notes to yourself on your outline. Jot down writing prompt ideas using keywords or simple phrases.

Remember, this process can be challenging the first couple times you try it. That is completely ok. It takes practice. Creating an outline or understanding what research passages relate to what subtopics are things a high-quality essay writing service can help with. But, be sure to find an essay writing service that can create customized research outlines rather than just providing example papers.

Once you are ready to write, begin by following these steps. Remember, your outline is your road map.

  • 1. Copy-paste your outline to a new document. Save an original version of your outline in case you need to reference it. You will do your writing in the new version.
  • 2. Start writing. As you write, follow your prompts, research, and subheadings. Erase the outline’s subheadings and prompt information as you write about it. Analyze and implement your research as you go, using the notes you wrote to yourself.
  • 3. Keep your writing rough. Avoid the temptation to edit as you write. Just keep writing!
  • 4. Start by writing a summary introduction about the entire current event. Keep your summary brief, about one paragraph. This will be the introduction. Do not worry about getting it perfect; you can revise it later. The goal is simply to write an overview.
  • 5. Write the body of your essay following your outline. Use connecting phrases between paragraphs that explain how thoughts and ideas are related.
  • Finally, write your conclusion. Your conclusion will be a re-cap of the entire essay. It will be similar to the introduction, but will re-state important points the research demonstrated.

Writer’s block can be a stressful obstacle for many students. If you are finding it difficult to get the words to flow, consider reading an example essay—which a professional essay writing service can provide —to inspire your writing.

Now it is time to go back and edit. During the proofreading process, try these 3 steps:

  • 1. Edit your essay for flow and sentence structure. Fix any awkward phrasing or elements that don’t make sense.
  • 2. Next, proofread your essay again for spelling and grammar errors.
  • 3. Finally, ensure all your sources are cited correctly. If you are not sure how to follow a specific citation format, ask your professor for help or reach out to an essay writing service for examples of how a particular citation style should look.

Ask for help when you need it

Writing group working at table

Asking for help is completely ok, and actually recommended . When we have help, we often learn more productively and retain information better.

Despite the many types of essay writing services available online today, high quality essay writing services can be an excellent source of help. Instead of choosing just any paper writing service, the key is to choose the best essay writing service to fit your needs.

Here are some tips for choosing a high quality essay writing service to help with your current events essay:

  • Read reviews.
  • Ask for examples of the essay writing service’s writing and editing to make sure the quality is up to par.
  • Make sure the service provides outlining, researching, and editing services in addition to writing.
  • Steer clear of free services (they sometimes plagiarize content)!
  • Make sure the essay writing service allows you to message your writer directly.

Follow the steps we covered in this post and choose a reliable essay writing service , and you will be on the road to writing an A+ current events essay.


  • Chicago Style

Ultius, Inc. "How to Write a Current Events Essay." Ultius | Custom Writing and Editing Services. Ultius Blog, 22 Nov. 2019. https://www.ultius.com/ultius-blog/entry/how-to-write-a-current-events-essay.html

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Ultius, Inc. (2019, November 22). How to Write a Current Events Essay. Retrieved from Ultius | Custom Writing and Editing Services, https://www.ultius.com/ultius-blog/entry/how-to-write-a-current-events-essay.html

Click here for more help with APA citations.

Ultius, Inc. "How to Write a Current Events Essay." Ultius | Custom Writing and Editing Services. November 22, 2019 https://www.ultius.com/ultius-blog/entry/how-to-write-a-current-events-essay.html.

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Practical Guide on How to Format a Current Event Essay 2024

Rachel r.n..

  • February 22, 2024
  • How to Guides

Writing a current events essay can be tough if you’re not well-prepared.

It involves a lot of work, especially when choosing a current event, coming up with a topic, planning, writing, and polishing your essay within a tight deadline.

No professor will teach you how to write one as thoroughly as our detailed guide will in less than twenty minutes.

You usually present clear points or solid arguments about the event. You need to use your planning, research, writing, critical thinking, and creativity skills.

For example, good analysis, organization, and presentation are crucial when writing a synthesis or expository essay.

Now, let’s figure out how to do it. Read this article to get ideas on the elements that make a good current events paper, even if you’re doing it for the first time.

What You'll Learn

How to Format a Current Event Essay

What is a current events essay.

A current events essay is a type of writing that discusses and analyzes recent or ongoing events, issues, or developments worldwide. These essays are typically written in response to current news or topics that are of public interest.

A current events essay aims to provide readers with information, analysis, and insights into the chosen topic, offering an informed and up-to-date perspective.

The content of a current events essay can cover a wide range of subjects, including politics, economics, social issues, technology, science, culture, and more. Writers often include facts, statistics, and quotes from relevant sources to support their arguments and provide a well-rounded view.

Additionally, these essays may express the author’s opinions and interpretations, making them a blend of factual reporting and personal analysis.

Current events essays are valuable for staying informed about the world, fostering critical thinking, and encouraging discussions about contemporary issues. They can be assigned in academic settings or written for publication in newspapers, magazines, or online platforms.

Now that we have understood what a current events essay or the paper is let’s explore the various steps you should take to write one successfully.

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Steps to Writing an Excellent Current Events Essay with Examples

Writing a current events essay involves analyzing and discussing recent news or issues in a clear and organized manner. When writing a current events essay, the best approach is to follow your teacher’s instructions to the latter. However, there is no proven record of anyone who has handled this essay topic better.

Here are steps to guide you through the process:

1. Choose a Relevant Topic

If your professor or educator has not provided specific instructions about what topic to choose or write about, start by considering your interests and the context of your assignment or class. Look for recent, pertinent topics, and societal or global significance. Use reputable news sources, academic journals, or government reports to identify potential subjects.

Example: Let’s say you’re interested in writing about the recent electric vehicle (EV) adoption surge. This topic is relevant because it addresses current trends in technology and sustainability.

2. Conduct a Thorough Research

After you select the topic you want to focus on, dive into primary and secondary sources to comprehensively understand the chosen topic. Utilize databases , official reports, expert analyses, and news articles. Take notes on key facts, statistics, and expert opinions.

Some of the best and trusted sites to get the most recent and legitimate articles for your current events essay include BBC News, Investopedia, Forbes, CNN News, TIME Magazine, Sports News, and other ranking news outlets.

From these research articles, you will gather information on the growth of EV sales, advancements in EV technology, government policies promoting EV adoption, and challenges the EV industry faces.

3. Make sure you understand the Context

Explore the historical background of the event or issue. Identify the key players, historical developments, and relevant contexts that contribute to the current situation. Understanding the context will help you present a well-informed analysis in your essay.

For example, in the above case, understand the historical context by researching the evolution of EVs, including milestones in battery technology and government initiatives to reduce carbon emissions. Identify key players such as Tesla, Nissan and government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Some of the things you need to ask yourself while exploring an event include:

  • What happened?
  • Where did it happen?
  • When did it happen?
  • Who was involved?
  • Why did it happen?
  • How did it happen?

4. Create an Outline

Develop a detailed outline with clear sections for the introduction, body, and conclusion. Each body paragraph should have a specific focus or argument related to the current event. This structure helps maintain a logical flow and ensures that you cover all essential aspects of your chosen topic.

5. Write a Strong Introduction

Craft an introduction that captivates your reader. Start with a compelling hook, providing context for the current event. Clearly state the main thesis or purpose of your essay. Your introduction should highlight the following points:

  • What is the event?
  • What happened or is yet to happen?
  • What are the consequences?
  • Which media has covered the event, and when did it do so?

Example: Your hook can be: In recent years, electric vehicles have emerged as a promising solution to combat climate change and reduce reliance on fossil fuels . Provide an overview of the topic and your thesis statement: This essay will explore the factors driving the surge in electric vehicle adoption, including technological advancements, government incentives, and environmental concerns.

Read more on how to write a strong introduction for your paper

6. Develop Clear Body Paragraphs

Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence introducing the main idea. Provide evidence, examples, or quotes from your research to support your arguments . Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain a coherent flow of ideas.

7. Consider Multiple Perspectives

Acknowledge various viewpoints surrounding the current event. Discuss contrasting opinions and analyze the reasons behind them. This demonstrates your ability to think critically and present a well-rounded understanding of the issue.

Example: Acknowledge different viewpoints on EV adoption, such as concerns about the environmental impact of manufacturing EV batteries and the need for infrastructure development to support widespread EV usage

8. Write a Coherent Conclusion

Summarize the main points discussed in your essay. Emphasize the significance of the current event and its potential implications. Offer insights into possible future developments or actions. Craft a conclusion that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Example: Summarize the main points discussed in the essay, highlighting the key factors contributing to the surge in EV adoption. Discuss the potential impact of EVs on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the need for continued innovation and government support in the EV industry.

9. Cite Your Sources:

Follow the citation style specified by your instructor (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago). Ensure proper citation for all information, quotes, and ideas borrowed from other sources. This enhances the credibility of your essay and avoids issues of plagiarism.

Tips when writing a current events paper

Use the following tips to write the best-scoring current events essay paper:

1. Develop a Strategic Essay Plan

Begin your essay journey by creating a well-thought-out plan. This not only aids in preventing writer’s block but also helps break down the writing process into manageable components. By concentrating on each part, you can achieve greater focus and success.

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2. Understanding the Essay Question

Before diving into the writing process, always read, understand, and analyze the essay question or prompt. Identify limiting terms, content terms, and directive terms that shape the scope and focus of your essay. This initial step is crucial for setting the foundation of your essay.

3. Define Your Arguments Early

Define your arguments as part of your planning process. Ensure your essay incorporates strong claim statements, compelling thesis statements, and engaging hooks relevant to the main topic. Develop an informed opinion, position, or point of view to guide your writing.

4. Utilize Evidence, Reasoning, and Scholarship

Incorporate evidence, reasoning, and scholarship effectively in your essay. Use data, statistics, examples, and quotations to support your claims. Employ reasoning to connect evidence to your central argument, showcasing its relevance. Highlight scholarly insights to emphasize alignment with cited sources.

5. Maintain Excellent Organization

Organize your essay meticulously to enhance its overall quality. Create captivating hooks and thesis statements in the introduction, strategically structure body paragraphs for a seamless flow, and conclude in a way that leaves readers eager for more. Address the broader context of your discipline and emphasize the significance of your findings.

6. Employ an Essay Checklist

Utilize an essay checklist to refine and polish your paper. If a rubric or marking scheme is provided, incorporate it into your checklist. Otherwise, create a checklist based on critical factors for a successful essay. This ensures a thorough evaluation of your work against predefined criteria.

7. Cite Sources and Evidence

Pay careful attention to citing sources and evidence. Ensure in-text citations adhere to formatting requirements such as MLA, APA, Chicago, or Harvard. Verify the accuracy of your references list to maintain academic integrity.

8. Avoid Plagiarism

Emphasize the importance of avoiding plagiarism. Acknowledge and cite every piece of information used, attributing credible sources. Rely on authoritative newspapers, government journals, company data, images, and scholarly articles.

9. Maintain Impartiality

Strive for impartiality in your writing. Objectively describe events without taking a subjective stance. Analyze causes, factors, and background details critically, avoiding guesswork or misrepresentation. For future events, base your predictions on evidence, offering rationale or justifications.

10. Refine Essential Skills

Focus on refining essential skills, including writing, reading, comprehension, analytical, and organizational skills. Embrace simplicity in scholarly writing by avoiding complicated vocabulary. Collectively, these tips form the foundation for achieving excellence in your current events essay and securing the best possible grade.

50 Current Event Essay Topics to write about

Our team of professional writers and educators have brainstormed, researched, and developed various current event essay topics you can choose and write about. Moreover, these topics can be a great starting point for brainstorming and developing an appropriate topic

  • Global response to COVID-19
  • Climate change and environmental policies
  • Political developments in various countries
  • Economic impact of the pandemic
  • Vaccine distribution and accessibility
  • Cybersecurity threats
  • Technology and artificial intelligence advancements
  • Social justice movements and protests
  • International relations and conflicts
  • Space exploration and developments
  • Healthcare reforms
  • Brexit and its implications
  • Trade tensions between major economies
  • Immigration policies and border control
  • Rise of populism around the world
  • Gun control debates
  • Education reforms and challenges
  • Impact of social media on society
  • Global economic recovery post-pandemic
  • Advances in renewable energy
  • Natural disasters and their aftermath
  • Geopolitical tensions in the Middle East
  • Nuclear proliferation concerns
  • Rise of nationalist movements
  • Challenges in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Developments in 5G technology
  • Ongoing conflicts and humanitarian crises
  • Rise of digital currencies and blockchain
  • Gender equality and women’s rights
  • Impact of remote work on the workforce
  • Aging population and healthcare challenges
  • Global efforts to combat terrorism
  • Political instability in specific regions
  • Space tourism industry developments
  • Artificial intelligence ethics and regulations
  • Autonomous vehicles and their implications
  • Sports events and controversies
  • Global efforts to address poverty
  • Developments in quantum computing
  • Mental health awareness and policies
  • Corporate social responsibility initiatives
  • Challenges in the global supply chain
  • Cultural heritage preservation efforts
  • International response to humanitarian crises
  • Nuclear energy policies and developments
  • Food security and agriculture challenges
  • Advances in medical research and treatments
  • LGBTQ+ rights and legislation
  • Impact of the gig economy on employment
  • Global efforts to address plastic pollution

Now that you have an understanding of how to write and what to include in a current events paper. We hope that you now have the courage and inspiration to craft your own paper and get the best grades.

Here are examples of some of the essays on current events that have been written in the past.

Comprehensive Current Essay Paper on the Green Revolution 2.0

Current Event Essay Example on the Rise of Digital Currencies and the Future of Finance

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130 + Best Current Event Essay Topics & Current Event Essay Example

  • July 29, 2022
  • Writing Guides

This article covers a list over 130 Current Event Essay Topics and a Current Event Essay Example. It also discusses the ho to choose a Current Event Essay Topic that best fits your interests.

Here's What You'll Learn

Current events essays are common assignments given by English professors which means learning to write them is a key to passing and succeeding in English class. Writing an essay may seem like a simple assignment, but when it is due tomorrow, a blank word document and piles of books can seem paralyzing.

Current Event Essay

A current events essay is a written description of a recent situation, issue, or happening. Current events essays are often assigned by English professors as a way to teach students about the research, writing, and editing process.

Properties of Current Events Essays

  • Are written in standard essay format
  • Include in-text citations and follow a specific citation format
  • Summarize a recent or upcoming event known to the public

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How to choose your topic

Sometimes a current events essay assignment will provide specific instructions about what topic to write about.

Other times, students will have more flexibility in choosing a topic. Be sure to carefully review your assignment’s rubric and instructions.

If you will be choosing your own topic, make note of the following before you narrow down topic choices:

1. Do the instructions place any time constraints on your topic? In other words, does your current event have to be something that happened within the last year or can it be something that happened five years ago?

2. Does your topic need to relate to a specific industry or genre such as politics, sports, or business?

3. Are there any analytical components that are supposed to be addressed by your essay or are it purely descriptive?

How to Research Efficiently

Tackling the research process can, no doubt, feel a bit intimidating. Here are some basic steps for getting started:

1. Know how many sources you will need  so that you can allow enough time to research.

2. Choose credible sources.  This will depend on the instructions you are given. some professors allow business or media articles while others will only want scholarly sources.

3. Know exactly what you are looking for  before you start your research. Jot down three or four main bullet points of what you will be looking for while you are researching.

Think of these points like a road map. They will guide your reading so you know what passages will be relevant to your paper.

Usually, you will be looking for information that relates to the  What, Where, When, Who, Why,  and  How  aspects of your topic.

Best Current Event Essay Topics

Politics current event essay topics.

  • How will Black Lives Matter affect the 2020 elections?
  • Should the police be defunded?
  • How is the Trump presidency changing international relationships?
  • How should the U.S. respond to cyber hacking by Russia, China, and other countries?
  • Should the United States raise the minimum wage for workers?
  • How can cities in the U.S. be better designed to create a safer and more economically productive community?
  • Is the U.S. economy becoming stronger or weaker?
  • How will COVID-19 change working in America? Around the world?
  • Getting “off the grid” is a current trend. What is the benefit of becoming self-sufficient? Is it worth the cost?
  • Does better health care for everyone make a better and stronger economy in the U.S.?
  • Does it make sense to give U.S. citizenship to all babies born in the United States?
  • Gallup polls show that Americans view Unemployment and the economy as the top problem in the United States. Does evidence suggest they are right?
  • What are the different sides of the current debate over immigration reform in the U.S.?
  • Does the United States have a good or a poor educational system compared to the rest of the world?
  • How important is it to reduce the Federal budget deficit?
  • What will be the most important issues in the next Presidential election cycle?
  • What is causing the increasingly high cost of healthcare in the United States?
  • Should the U.S. continue using drone strikes against terrorists?
  • How is the current U.S. drought going to affect the fire season and food supply?
  • Should the death penalty be outlawed throughout the U.S.?
  • Should the U.S. aggressively work to change towards alternative energies like solar and wind power?
  • What is the best way to create new jobs in the United States to get people back to work?
  • Is the United States responsible for keeping peace around the world? What role should the U.S. play in preventing or intervening in wars and abusive governments?
  • Should the United States fund college education more for people? What should be the rules for the repayment of loans?
  • Should the United States make it easier for educated people or people with valuable skills to immigrate to the United States?
  • How can the Borders of the United States be made more secure? How important is border security?
  • Should it be easier for people to become United States citizens?
  • What infrastructure projects should be the top domestic priority in the United States?
  • How has the high incarceration rate in the United States affected the economy? What Federal and State policies have driven up this incarceration rate?
  • How has the Black Lives Matter movement affected the debate about racism in the United States?

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Sports Current Event Essay Topics

  • Should sports teams play to empty stands rather than not play at all?
  • How will COVID-19 affect sports in the future?
  • Should college football players receive a salary or other compensation for their playing?
  • Should the owner of a professional team be held accountable for the comments he makes in a private conversation?
  • Is it worth it for a city to invest in building a bigger and better stadium for its professional sports team?
  • What is the value of a college sports team for a college? How does this help the college in terms of getting financial support from alumni? Attracting students? Supporting the economy of their community?
  • What is the difference between sports and entertainment?
  • How have new technologies made by watching sports different? Is the experience of watching sports better or worse than it was before?
  • Which is more interesting to watch, college or professional sports?
  • What sports should be taken out or added to the Olympic games?
  • Should performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in sports? What should be the rules about these drugs? Should athletes who used them in the past before they were outlawed be prevented from being entered into Hall of Fame?
  • Is racism in sports a problem?
  • Should athletes protest racism in America by not participating in the National Anthem or Pledge of Allegiance?
  • Is participating in organized sports a good or bad idea for young people?
  • Is it better for young people to specialize in one sport from a young age? Or should they try a variety of sports?
  • Choose your favorite sport. What is the best way for coaches to identify the best talent in their specific sport? Are there better ways to pick a team?
  • How much of a role do parents play in developing top talent in their children? What is the best way parents can help develop their children’s sports career? What are the worst mistakes parents make?
  • Can fan-owned teams solve sports problems?

World Issues Current Event Essay Topics

  • How will COVID-19 change the world economy?
  • Is WHO and organization that provides the information we can trust?
  • Is the International Space Station a good way to bridge differences between nations, or is it vulnerable to become a political tool?
  • Are we heading towards a 3rd World War?
  • Is N.A.T.O. and an effective organization?
  • How can the International Community prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons? How important is it that Iran not be allowed nuclear weaponry?
  • What is the effect on Africa on the fact that many children have been forced to be soldiers?
  • Is the EU going to survive the current economic problems countries have been having? Should the EU nations separate their economies?
  • Is violence along the border of Mexico getting better?
  • How can ethnic killings be stopped in Sudan?
  • Is China easing up in restrictions for Religion or not? Are human rights better or worse in China than in the past?
  • Should women’s issues be more important in international affairs?
  • Is China about to overtake the United States economically?
  • What is the effect of piracy on the stability of world commerce? How important is it to stop African pirates?
  • Is there a better way to fight the war against drugs internationally?
  • Is China starting to deal with their pollution problem?
  • How has social media helped positively influence the world?
  • Is India a poor nation or an emerging superpower?
  • How can we stop the world population from reaching 9 billion in 2050? Is it important to work to limit world population growth?
  • Should the world follow Bhutan’s development model?
  • How healthy is the Indian Judicial System?
  • Why do African nations have so many civil wars?
  • Has foreign aid hurt Africa more than helping it?
  • How has the influence of western media hurt underdeveloped nations?
  • Does Colonialism still affect the nations that were colonized? Pick a nation and explain the continuing problems in that nation due to the history of being colonized.

Health and Medicine Current Event EssayTopics

  • What can we do to better prepare ourselves for pandemics in the future?
  • What are the lessons the medical community will learn from COVID-19?
  • Are E-Cigarettes less harmful than smoking?
  • Why do people oppose the Affordable Care Act?
  • Does spending time on media cause children to have mental health problems?
  • How is the job of frontline health workers like pharmacists, nurses, and doctors going to change?
  • Is it possible to get AIDS infection rates to zero?
  • What is preventing the world from eradicating polio?
  • How are new technologies changing health care?
  • What are the current trends in research about helping people break out of addictive behaviors?
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine birth practices like eating the placenta (which in Western countries is usually encapsulated by being steamed dried and ground into pills) are becoming popular among some celebrities. What is the benefit of this practice? Is there any scientific evidence it works?
  • Does making a city a “no smoking zone” really benefit health? Does it stop people from smoking, or help them quit? Does it result in fewer smokers in that city?
  • What is the best diet for people with heart disease in their family history?
  • The length of the average life continues to increase. What does current research say about the best lifestyle for someone who wants to live to be 100?
  • Research is finding that what we think a medicine or food will do sometimes affects the way our body reacts. What is the evidence that our mind controls our body?
  • Current health food trends include eating “superfoods” or going “gluten-free.” Take a current food trend and investigate the scientific evidence that this helps people have better health.
  • What is the benefit of taking a daily low dose of Aspirin for older people?

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Current Event Essay Topics

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Media and Entertainment Current Event Essay Topics

  • How has Twitter changed Entertainment news? What are the most recent scandals made bigger because of Tweets?
  • Is it inevitable that teenage stars eventually turn to drugs, alcohol, or other destructive behavior?
  • Are female stars fighting back effectively against being judged by their looks, and especially by their weight?
  • Which celebrity does the best job of seeming to be authentic? Is there a celebrity who seems to be as nice as they appear? How can fans know?
  • How have shows like “Project Runway” influenced fashion? Have they motivated people to become more creative and personal in what they wear?
  • In what way does the attention of the media on religious figures like The Pope affect the way they behave?
  • Are the recent Christian movies helping win the culture wars?
  • Why are cooking shows like “Chopped” popular?
  • What is the best recent film adapted from a novel?
  • What are the best movies in the current year? Do the Academy Awards winners reflect the very best movies?
  • Is recap culture hurting television?
  • Recently, scripts from pro-wrestling have been released showing that the storyline is written even though the wrestling is improved. Analyze how pro-wrestling is similar to other forms of live or taped entertainment.
  • Which current actors from Bollywood or other film industry outside of the U.S. seem most likely to make it big in Hollywood?
  • Does getting involved in a scandal hurt or help a celebrity’s career?
  • Does being on American Idol, The Voice or other singing contest help an artist’s career? Do winners do better than other contestants?
  • Pick one of the current Reality T.V. shows to investigate. How “Real” are these shows? What is done for entertainment value more than for depicting real life? Do these shows hurt or help the people on them?

Controversial Issues Current Event Essay Topics

  • Affirmative Action
  • Alternative medicine
  • America’s global influence
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Assisted suicide
  • Bilingual education
  • Capital punishment
  • Charter schools
  • Childhood obesity
  • Civil rights
  • Climate change
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Cyber bullying
  • Drug legalization
  • Eating disorders
  • Factory farming
  • Foreign aid
  • Freedom of speech
  • Genetic engineering
  • Health insurance
  • Immigration
  • Labor unions
  • Minimum wage
  • Nuclear energy
  • Organic food
  • Offshore drilling
  • Outsourcing
  • Racial profiling
  • Reparations
  • Screen addiction
  • Self-driving cars
  • Sex education
  • Smart speakers
  • Social security
  • Standardized testing
  • Urban agriculture
  • Violence in the media
  • Women’s rights
  • Zero tolerance policies

Current Event Essay Example

The negative social impacts of “tomorrowland music festival” essay.

“Tomorrowland” is among the biggest global music events that were first launched in 2005. Despite the benefits of this festival for the local community, such as increased economic activity and employment, “Tomorrowland” has also been criticized for the presence of drugs on-site, the issues with cleaning up the location after the festival, local community’s quality of life, and noise pollution.

According to Turner (2017), during events such as Tomorrowland, “police generally occupy a low-key role at festivals with a focus on the seizure of drugs, rather than arrests” (241). Hence, the youth attending this event is exposed to drugs and seeing people around them be under the influence.

Another issue with Tomorrowland is the effect that this festival has on the local community. According to Pavluković et al. (2018), the governments and organizers of festivals usually cite the economic benefits of these events but fail to acknowledge the discomfort the locals feel. An obvious environmental impact is trash left behind by the visitors, which requires the administration of the festival to invest in clearing the site after “Tomorrowland” is over.

Adbulredha et al. (2017) argue that major music festivals generate substantial quantities of solid waste, an estimated “0.89 kg per guest” (p. 388). This problem affects the environment negatively since this waste includes non-recyclable objects or items that need to be collected and send for recycling.

Finally, noise pollution due to the powerful sound systems used by “Tomorrowland’s” performers, which can affect the hearing of the people attending the festival and cause discomfort to the community members, is also a problem.

Overall, although “Tomorrowland” is an important cultural event that has multiple benefits, it also endangers the youth and the environment and causes discomfort for the locals.

Abdulredha, M., Al Khaddar, R., Jordan, D., Kot, P., Abdulridha, A., & Hashim, K. (2018). Estimating solid waste generation by hospitality industry during major festivals: A quantification model based on multiple regression.  Waste Management, 77 , 388-400. Web.

Pavluković V., Armenski T., Alcántara-Pilar J.M. (2019) The impact of music festivals on local communities and their quality of life: Comparation of Serbia and Hungary. In A. Campón-Cerro A., J. Hernández-Mogollón, & J. Folgado-Fernández (Eds.), Best practices in hospitality and tourism marketing and management. Applying quality of life research (pp. 217-237). Springer.

Turner, T. (2017). Space, drugs and Disneyfication. An Ethnography of British youth in Ibiza. [Doctoral dissertation, Coventry University]. CURVE.

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Related FAQs

1. what are the components of a current events essay.

A well-written, “current events essay” has four main components: Research: Make sure that you’re getting your news from a reputable source. Online news sources like Google News and any national news syndication Web site are good, convenient sources from which to gather reputable information and compile research data.

2. How to write a narrative discussion analysis article about current events?

The eply a narrative discussion analysis article, Current Event, include: (1)’s significance, relevance, relationship PUBLIC ADMINISTATION, (2) student’s opinion article’s public administration issue / problem, (3) supported (4) -text reference citations pages text 300 words.

3. How to write an essay about a recent event?

Select a recent article. Your task is to write about a current event; therefore, you have to choose the material that is one or two days old, maximum, one week old. The topic must be appropriate.

4. How to write a summary for a current event assignment?

Choose an article that is fresh since the assignment is to write about a current event. In addition, choose an article on the correct topic and make sure that the article gives enough information. Prepare to write the summary by reading the entire article.

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How to Write a Current Event Essay

Kelly chester.

Students using computer in library

Current event essays are assigned to inform students about important occurrences around the world. Students will learn to reflect and form opinions about social justice while also learning how to look for publication bias. As an academic skill, current events essays enhance reading comprehension skills and allow students to strengthen their argument writing skills.

Explore this article

  • Choose an Appropriate Newspaper or Periodical Article
  • Determine Who, What, Where, When and How
  • Develop a Supported Argument for Your Current Events Essay
  • Make Current Events Connections and Address Biases

1 Choose an Appropriate Newspaper or Periodical Article

Choose an article from a reliable source, such as a major newspaper or periodical either in print or online, that best fits the current events assignment your teacher assigned you. For example, if your science teacher has assigned you a current events essay, use either the science and technology section of a major newspaper or an approved science publication or website to find an article suitable for your essay.

2 Determine Who, What, Where, When and How

After choosing an article, read through the article several times and highlight important points within the piece. Use a dictionary to define difficult words and read the article aloud to aid in reading comprehension. After reading, use your highlighted notes to jot down who, what, where, when and why. This will enable you to determine the angle of the article. Once you have an angle, develop a thesis statement that you can support using your article. For example, if you are writing about an article on global warming, you might use the following thesis: The UN states that world leaders must come together to stop global warming.

3 Develop a Supported Argument for Your Current Events Essay

In the first paragraph, introduce your article by sharing the title of the article, the author and publication. Then briefly summarize the article and state your thesis. Refer back to your highlighted article and use the body paragraphs to explain how the article proves your thesis statement. For example, if we were to use the global warming thesis statement, the body paragraphs would explain how the article proves that leaders and countries need to come together to strategize how to prevent further global warming.

4 Make Current Events Connections and Address Biases

After you have completed the body of your current events essay, move to complete the conclusion. Be sure to reaffirm your thesis once more and make any other final thoughts or observations in your conclusion. The conclusion is a suitable place to discuss the possibility of bias in your article. For example, many newspapers tend to write to a very specific type of audience. Use the final moments of your essay to reflect on how bias informs you of the way in which your article was created.

  • 1 PBS: Current Events Awareness NOW Classroom
  • 2 Education World: Twenty-Five Great Ideas for Teaching Current Events
  • 3 Freakonomics: How Biased Is Your Media?
  • 4 Huffington Post: World Running Out of Time to Stop Global Warming

About the Author

Kelly Chester is an educator and writer who has worked in both public and private schools for almost a decade. Her areas of expertise include literature, writing, history and art for adolescents. In addition to writing reports for NYSAIS, she has also written a biography on artist Frank Covino, which was published in the anthology “Teaching Lives.”

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How to Write a Current Events Essay

  • Jun 13, 2008
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How to write a current events essay

A current event essay will address the historical context and long term effects of a given aspect of current happenings in the world . Usually, such a topic will stem from the realm of politics, law, international relations, or some other controversial issue. For instance, The United States presidential election of 2008 . More often than not you will have to argue or present some sort of point about the given current event. This will require research and critical thinking skills. A current events essay provides the unique challenge of presenting a modern-day issue in the context of history . If, again, your topic is the U.S. Presidential election 08, you should be able to provide good analysis of possible outcomes of the election and its long-term effects over the social, political, and economical situation in the United States and the rest of the world.

Research information that is not yet printed in textbooks

Once again, research is the key to such an essay. What makes a current events essay different, however, is that relevant information is usually not yet printed in books . Therefore, journals, magazines, and websites will be of great use to the writer . News websites like BBC News , The New York Times , CNN.com would be of great help. However, websites like Digg or Yahoo! Buzz , or Google News are the best source for current events information since many, if not all, news corporations provide biased information that is approved by a political force that funds it. Social bookmarking services like Digg make it possible for any user to submit news which makes it impossible to neglect opinions. Moreover, they present all possible opinions and arguments which means you won't suffer long researching the issue. Research needs to be geared to providing a broad understanding of historical context and lasting impact of the current event. It can be assumed that there is some sort of progression of events that have allowed the given current event to have the impact that it is having on the world (region, community, anything). This needs to be carefully analyzed and incorporated into the writing. It is also important for the writer to develop a strong, multi-layered thesis that addresses the complexity of many current events.

Template of a Current Events Essay


  • Should include a brief discussion of the historical context of the current event
  • The thesis should include a relevant position or point taken about the current event topic

Body Paragraphs

  • Present evidence in support of the thesis statement
  • Be adequately supported by evidence from credible sources
  • Address the complexities and historical intricacies of the given topic
  • Re-examine the historical context of the current event
  • Address potential lasting issues of the current event

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1923-present. Each single-themed, 12,000-word report is researched and written by a seasoned journalist, and contains an introductory overview; background and chronology on the topic; an assessment of the current situation; tables and maps; pro & con statements from representatives of opposing positions; and bibliographies of key sources.

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Covers 1995-present. A Read Aloud button is available for text-to-speech for much of the content.

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Free Event Essay Examples & Topics

An essay describing certain events that happened to you or other people is called an event essay. It doesn’t matter if the situation you’re writing about happened to you or not since your overall task does not change. This task can be a challenging one. You need to include the illustrative details of the event to make the readers feel like they’re experiencing the event firsthand. It needs to be more than a mere description of an event and contain elements of the narrative style.

Two paper types are the most common for the task.

A narrative essay is designed to tell a story; think of it as a review of an event. It will try to persuade rather than describe a situation. Such papers are written in first-person, which is usually not acceptable for essay writing.

A descriptive essay should convey a description of an event. You can start by sharing some details of the situation, providing colorful characterizations. That is to say, you draw an illustrative picture of the event but in words.

On this page, our writers have combined a list of event essay examples on various topics. You will find the guidelines for writing papers about current situations and issues. Besides, you’ll discover what events can lay the foundation for a great essay.

Neither narrative nor descriptive essays can be simply subjective. You have to research the event you’re trying to convey, not mess the facts and details. Of course, there is no way to represent an event in a completely objective manner, but fact-checking never hurt anyone.

To write an excellent event essay, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose the event.

Look for an event that you can describe in the form of an essay. You can do that by looking at reputable news sources. Ensure that the articles you are examining are fresh and up-to-date.

Step 2: Do your research.

Start your research by reading the picked articles several times. Ask yourself questions about the events such as:

  • What happened?
  • When did the situation occur?
  • Where did it happen?
  • Who was involved?
  • What was the result?

Make sure not to plagiarize when you write your essay. If you use direct or indirect quotes, don’t forget to include proper citations.

Step 3: Describe the event.

After you are done with the initial research, you can start by describing the event. Answer all the questions you have come up with. If you think you don’t have enough information, consult other sources: documentaries, journals, diaries, etc. Present several points of view and perspectives to make your description more accurate.

Step 4: Outline your essay.

By writing an outline, you can effectively prepare your thoughts and ideas. Creating a structure is an excellent way to logically connect the information from different sources and your own story.

Step 5: Write and cite.

At this point, you have done all the needed research and outlined your arguments. It’s time to create a description of the event. So, the last step is to compose it and cite your sources.

If you are assigned to elaborate on current events, here are some notorious occasions happening today. We’ve selected a few, but there are many more that you can find.

So, here are current events to write about:

  • Is the US economy becoming stronger or weaker in 2021?
  • How will COVID-19 affect the labor market around the world?
  • Can China take over the world economically in the next decade?
  • Does international aid hurt African countries?
  • What sport should be introduced to the 2022 Olympics?
  • Can India become the next superpower in the post-COVID world?
  • Is racism a problem in sports in American colleges?

As you could imagine, any good paper starts with a good idea. Additionally, any good idea for an event essay begins with the properly picked situation. We’ve selected fifteen topic ideas that are designed to inspire and encourage.

Check this list and find a perfect event essay topic:

  • Describe a life-changing event or experience that impacted you or your behavior in a significant way.
  • Tell about an experience when you overcame a fear or phobia and how it happened.
  • Remember a school event you are ashamed of.
  • Describe your experience attending a concert, a cultural event, or a festival and your emotions.
  • Try to think about your childhood heroes and how they changed your life.
  • Describe your feelings during the moment you understood someone lied to you.
  • Retell your experience solving a problem or a dilemma.
  • Recall some of the lessons you learned by helping others.
  • Do you remember how you found out you will have a sibling? Describe your feelings, thoughts, and how your parents told you.
  • Write a paper about the first time you went abroad.
  • What is the most famous person you have ever met, and how did it happen?
  • In this essay, write about a memorable event that broke your heart.
  • What was the saddest day of your life so far? What upset you that day?
  • What about the happiest day of your life? What significant event has happened?
  • Describe an unexpected event or a day you have felt humiliated and ashamed.

Thank you for reading the article till the end. We hope you find it helpful, and it will inspire you to write the event essay in the best way possible. Share it with those who may need our advice, and check the samples below.

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How to Write a Current Events Summary

Last Updated: February 12, 2023 Fact Checked

Choosing a News Article

Preparing to write, summary section, reflection section, final touches.

This article was co-authored by Richard Perkins . Richard Perkins is a Writing Coach, Academic English Coordinator, and the Founder of PLC Learning Center. With over 24 years of education experience, he gives teachers tools to teach writing to students and works with elementary to university level students to become proficient, confident writers. Richard is a fellow at the National Writing Project. As a teacher leader and consultant at California State University Long Beach's Global Education Project, Mr. Perkins creates and presents teacher workshops that integrate the U.N.'s 17 Sustainable Development Goals in the K-12 curriculum. He holds a BA in Communications and TV from The University of Southern California and an MEd from California State University Dominguez Hills. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 266,635 times.

A current events summary is a short description of an event that has recently happened or is going to happen. Current events summaries are often assigned by junior and senior high school educators for the purpose of teaching research, writing, and editing skills. The following steps will help you create a current events summary that is accurate, informative, and readable.

Step 1 Use a reputable news source.

  • Some possible news sources might include your local newspaper or larger newspapers such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times and others.
  • Check with your teacher for suggestions. He may have specific news sources to use.

Step 2 Choose an article that is less than one week old.

  • Most major newspapers have sections on their websites dedicated to certain topics. For example, the Washington Post has a section dedicated to “Tech.”
  • Search online for an article on one of these topics. For example, try searching “healthcare news” to find new information.

Step 4 Make sure the article is a good length.

  • An article that is one to two paragraphs long is probably not going to be lengthy enough.

Step 1 Read the entire article.

  • Look up any words you don’t know.
  • Take notes on the article or highlight passages that you think are important.

Step 2 Recount the article.

  • The headline typically indicates the article’s main idea, but the article will likely include more information that is relevant to your summary.
  • Choose five main points from the article that you think are important.
  • Find some keywords to get the main idea across to the people. [1] X Research source

Step 3 Read the article again.

  • Who: This is the person or group involved in the story. For a story on a recent arson case, you might say, “The people involved are four teenage boys who were charged with arson, a police investigation team, and the community that lost its historic baseball stadium.”
  • What: This is the event or the action discussed in the story. In an arson case, it might be: “The oldest wooden baseball stadium in the country burned to the ground.”
  • When: This is the date and time when the event took place: “The stadium burned down at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, June 29.”
  • Where: This is where the event took place: “The baseball stadium was in the middle of the city, surrounded by residences.”
  • Why: This is the cause or reason for the event: “The summer has been unusually dry and hot. The stadium had been sitting empty for five years and was not patrolled by security.”
  • How: This point explains the ways in which the events took place and the connections between them: “The teenagers walked into the stadium and began playing with lighters and loose debris. Once the fire was set, they ran off.”

Step 5 Write a sentence that gives the impact of the story.

  • Think about the story’s connection to your community, the nation, or the world, for example.

Step 1 Set aside the article.

  • When you recounted the article to someone else, you highlighted the most important parts of the article. These things will go in your outline. Now your job is to put them in an order that makes sense.

Step 3 Write your topic sentence.

  • Depending on your assignment, this might be three or four sentences, or it might be seven to nine sentences. Check your assignment for your length requirement.

Step 5 Write a closing sentence.

  • Even though the reflection is short (usually just a paragraph), you should still aim to make an argument , at least to some degree. Determine the main point that you want to make and think about how you will support that main point.

Step 2 Write a topic sentence.

  • Some teachers don’t allow the use of “I” (first person) in these reflections. Check with your teacher to determine if you can write in first person or not.

Step 3 Follow up with supporting sentences.

  • Don’t just string together random thoughts about why the news story is important.

Step 4 Wrap up with a concluding sentence.

  • Take a look at your verbs. If you use boring or the same verbs, your audience will get bored. See if you can make efficient choices of great action verbs.
  • If you are handwriting your summary, you may need to write it out again as a clean copy after you’ve corrected any errors. For this reason, it may be preferable to type out the summary. Some teachers may require a typed paper.

Step 2 Follow guidelines for the assignment.

  • If you have a grading rubric for the assignment, review this before turning in the assignment. Make sure you have met all the requirements to ensure a good grade.

Step 3 Include a citation for the article.

  • Lee, Morgan. “California Regulators Approve Higher Electricity Rates for Most Residents.” The Los Angeles Times. The Los Angeles Times, 3 July 2015. Web. 4 July 2015.

Step 4 Include the article with your summary.

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  • Every teacher’s assignment is going to be a little bit different. Make sure you follow your assignment exactly. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

current event essay examples

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About This Article

Richard Perkins

A current events summary is a short review of a recent news story. To write your own, start by finding an interesting story from a reputable source, like a popular newspaper or news website. Read the full article and look up any words or phrases you don’t understand. Then, read the article again and take note of the most important facts, like who was involved, where and when the story took place, why it happened, and how it happened. Use these notes to write your summary. In your first sentence or 2, give a brief summary of what happened. Then, write a few more sentences to give your readers the extra details they need to know. For more tips from our Education co-author, including how to write a reflection on your current events summary, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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current event essay examples

An Example of UMich’s Ross School of Business Prompt 1

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Robert Crystal in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.

What’s Covered

Setting the scene, proposing a solution, taking initiative, being specific.

In this post, we go over an example answer to the first essay prompt for the University of Michigan ’s Ross School of Business. For more information about this college’s admissions, check out this article on how to get into the University of Michigan .

The first essay prompt reads:

“Choose a current event or issue in your community and discuss the business implications. Propose a solution that incorporates business principles or practices. The review panel will look for creativity, drawing connections, and originality.”

This example essay is about how one student worked to close the gender gap in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) by making their robotics club more inclusive. It begins:

“Over the whir and clank of the seniors’ latest 3D printing project, I struggled to hear the freshmen introduce themselves during our school’s first robotics info session. My heart sank as I looked around the lab and realized that orientation was in just a couple of weeks, and it looked like I’d be the only girl on the team — again.”

This response starts off with an anecdote, using onomatopoeia and sensory language to draw in the reader right away. You can imagine what’s going on here as you’re being immersed in this world. This writer also sets up the main issue that she’s trying to solve, all within the first few sentences. Even if she doesn’t say explicitly that there aren’t enough girls on the robotics team, the reader can gather that immediately. It’s a good idea to keep the background and context short like this, so the reader knows the central issue of your essay right away.

Next, the student shifts to discussing her proposed solution:

“Day to day, practices can be tough in this boys’ club. It’s not that I don’t get along with my teammates, but sometimes, they exhibit a sort of bromance I just don’t feel like I’m a part of. This year, I was tired of setting an example from afar — I was determined to make sure everyone who was interested felt empowered to join our team.”

This is what the writer plans to do about her problem, spoken in plain terms. We get a sense of the dynamic of this club and what the student’s goals are in terms of changing the culture.

She goes on:

“After the info session, I laid a whiteboard on one of our workbenches and got to work brainstorming potential solutions to this gender gap. I analyzed our current recruiting methods by crafting a flowchart and pinpointing specific spots in which the gender balance started thinning out. I isolated our social media approach as a faulty positive feedback loop — as we grew our mainly het-cis male following, more of them were likely to follow us, and their mutuals, typically also male, would show up as our suggested outreach audience.”

This is where the student shows that she has thought critically about why this gender gap issue exists. She’s done her research by analyzing the current recruiting methods, crafting a flowchart, and identifying a potential issue. Business elements are making an appearance in the essay at this point. 

The essay goes on:

“With this information in mind, I drafted up a social media campaign that I felt would attract and retain more nonmale participants. I focused on the target audience and drafted tenets for our robotics team to embody this year that would hold us accountable to gender parity. By catering this campaign to women and nonbinary folks at my high school, I hoped that the right groups of people would feel empowered to at least check our robotics club out.”

This section shows initiative on the part of the student. It’s clear she was actively working toward increasing the number of nonmale participants in the club. This section would be a bit stronger, however, if the student gave more specific details about what she did and how she put these ideas into practice while using more business terminology specifically and correctly. 

“Pitching my campaign idea to my team reinvigorated my love for engineering. Together, we talked through logistical barriers, potential obstacles, and other conflicts that could arise as we tried to reach our goal of making the team more inclusive.”

This section demonstrates the student’s leadership skills in including the rest of the team in her initiatives. She could have added more detail about whether there were any difficulties in getting the male participants on the team to be receptive to her ideas. This section could also benefit from including more business case terms and more specifics about the process. 

“Not only did I pitch my campaign idea to my team, but I also did cross-club outreach by presenting to the Women in STEM Club and Gay/Straight Alliance to reach my target audiences. I created fliers to hand out at these events with our social media handles to maximize our reach.” 

Here, the writer is providing specific details on how she worked to achieve this goal. For this essay prompt, it’s important to give as much detail as possible on your initiative: what you did, who you engaged with, and how your experience aligned with your own principles and business goals. 

The essay concludes:

“Two weeks later, I stood by the 3D printer and passed out orientation badges. As I glanced over the pronouns written under the name stickers, my heart soared as I took in the diversity around me in this once homogenous robotics lab. Seeing the hopeful faces of our newest members, I vowed to continue championing diversity within STEM to create safe spaces within technology for all.” 

This is a great ending. It ties everything together and reiterates the student’s goals and principles. It could be improved by the inclusion of more specifics, such as numbers to show the exact increase in nonmale participants following her campaign. The student does hint that there are more nonmale participants, but the ending would be stronger if she quantified them with data.

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Current Event Assignment - Guidelines

The TOTAL Current Event Essay Assignment is worth  100 points:

  • 10 points for a Current Event Quiz   (due in module 2 materials)
  • 25 points for a Current Event Discussion   (due in module 4 materials)
  • 65 points for the Current Event Essay   (due in module 5 materials)

Minimum Word Length for the Current Event Essay:  1000 words 

Late Essays are NOT accepted.


  • Science  (Links to an external site.)
  • Discover  (Links to an external site.)
  • Nature  (Links to an external site.)
  • New Scientist  (Links to an external site.)
  • Geology  (Links to an external site.)
  • Scientific American  (Links to an external site.)
  • Another starting point for student research is  Science News for Students  (Links to an external site.)
  • Pick out articles that relate directly to topics covered within this Earth Science class (published within the last  three  years). 

Topics for the Current Event Essay might include :

renewable/nonrenewable resources, energy resources, minerals, rocks, plate tectonics, earthquakes, earthquake prediction/forecasting/mitigation, Earth's interior, volcanoes, volcanic eruption prediction/forecasting/mitigation, intraplate volcanism, deformation, faulting, mountain building, Isostacy, weathering & erosion, soil, soil conservation, landslides, surface water, groundwater, aquifers, flooding, deserts/desertification, glaciers, ice ages, geologic time, age of the Earth, relative age dating, radiometric age dating, extinction events, origin of Earth's atmosphere, origin of Earth's oceans, oceanic ridges, seafloor sediments, continental margins, deep ocean trenches, ocean waves/tides/currents, Earth's seasons, greenhouse effect, ozone hole, albedo, humidity, clouds, precipitation, cloud seeding, fog, air pressure, wind, El Nino/La Nina, monsoons, air masses, weather fronts, thunderstorms, tornadoes, tornado prediction/forecasting/mitigation, hurricanes, hurricane prediction/forecasting/mitigation, sea level rise, ocean acidification, climate, or climate change.

  • Once you find a primary source article that you are interested in, search for at least one additional RELATED source article to add further support & details to your primary source.


  • 2  source articles are required; however, most students utilize more sources plus their textbook
  • Guide to  Evaluating Sources  (Links to an external site.)
  • In other words, describe the author's background in detail. 
  • minimum length = 1 detailed paragraph
  • Note - if the chosen article is a summary of a scientific journal article, include qualifications of both the article author and the research scientist
  • minimum length = 2 detailed paragraphs
  • this section should be the bulk of your essay; minimum length = 4 detailed paragraphs
  • How does the topic of the article affect the Earth as a whole?
  • How does this article relate to my life?
  • References  (APA format preferred) - Purdue's  OWL  (Links to an external site.)  website can assist with APA citation formatting

Please use the above 6 numbers/headings to organize your essay.

Additional Information:

What is a Critique? 

A book report only  summarizes  the article.  A critical essay is you explaining what  you think  of their data.  For a 1000-word essay, the summary should only be about two paragraphs long.  The rest of the report should be your thoughts about the topic.  Analyze the pros and cons of the article.  Is the author presenting good science or just opinion?  Is the author a recognized expert?  How could the article be improved?

What is Good Science? 

The instructions above ask you to evaluate whether the article is ‘good science’.  DO NOT just tell me it is ‘good science’.  Explain why.  Start by asking yourself these questions: Did they try and use the scientific method (Ch. 1)? Did they support the conclusions with facts?  Did they provide the facts or a reference to them?  If the answer is no to any of those basic questions, then it’s probably not good quality science, and you probably need to find at least 1 more supplemental article to add additional support to your essay.

Avoiding Plagiarism

Essays will be submitted online and checked for plagiarism via TurnItIn.  Here is a link to common  Plagiarism FAQs  (Links to an external site.) .  Any essay found to have significant plagiarism detected (above 25%) will receive a 0 for this assignment.  

If you would like to pre-check your essay for plagiarism before turning it in, try  Free online plagiarism checker  (Links to an external site.)

Tutor.com (direct link on the left) offers free tutoring and proof-reading services to students.  This online service is free and generally you will have feedback on your essay within 24 hours of request. 

Grading Rubric for Current Event Assignment - Essay:

  • Discussion of Author Qualifications = 5 pts
  • Summary = 15 pts
  • Critique = 20 pts
  • Discussion of 2 required supplemental questions = 10 pts
  • Reference Page with correct citations = 6 pts
  • Length / Word Count = 4 pts
  • Appropriate Grammar & Organization = 5 pts

The following list is of science magazines and journals available through your Ivy Tech library.  

Not all magazines may be fully available online.

If you find an article you need, but you cannot access it, please Ask-A-Librarian and we can help you! 

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  23. Science

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