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సమీక్ష : ’47 డేస్’ – డల్ గా సాగిన సస్పెన్స్ థ్రిల్లర్ !

47 Days Review

Release date : జూన్ 30th, 2020

123telugu.com Rating : 2.5/5

నటి నటులు : సత్యదేవ్, పూజాజవేరి, రోహిణి ప్రకాష్ ,సత్య ప్రకాష్,రవివర్మ తదితరులు

రచన,దర్శకత్వం : ప్రదీప్ మద్దాలి

నిర్మాతలు : శశిభూషణ్ నాయుడు,రఘు కుంచె ,శ్రీధర్ మక్కువ,,విజయ్ శంకర్ డొంకాడ,

సంగీతం : రఘు కుంచె

సినిమాటోగ్రఫీ : జి.కె.

హీరో సత్యదేవ్, పూజా ఝవేరీ,రోషిణి ప్రకాష్ ప్రధాన పాత్రలుగా వచ్చిన సినిమా ’47 డేస్’. ఈ సినిమాకి ప్రదీప్ మద్దాలి దర్శకత్వం వహించారు. ఈ లాక్ డౌన్ సమయంలో ఈ సినిమా ఓటిటిలో రిలీజ్ అయింది. ‘జీ5’లో అందుబాటులో ఉంది. మరి ఈ మూవీ ఎలా ఉందో రివ్యూలోకి వెళ్లి చూద్దాం.

సత్య (సత్యదేవ్) ఏసీపీ.. చిన్నప్పటి నుండి తనతో అనాధ ఆశ్రమంలో పెరిగిన పద్దూ (రోషిణి ప్రకాష్)ని ప్రేమించి పెళ్లి చేసుకుంటాడు. ఇక అంతా హ్యాపీగా వెళ్తున్న వాళ్ల లైఫ్ లో సడెన్ గా పద్దూ ఆత్మహత్య చేసుకుని చనిపోతుంది. అసలు పద్దూ అలా ఎందుకు చేసిందో అర్ధం కాక సత్య డిప్రెషన్ లో వెళ్లి జాబ్ నుండి సస్పెండ్ అవుతాడు. ఈ మధ్యలో బిజినెస్ మెన్ శ్రీనివాస్ అనే వ్యక్తి ఆత్మహత్య కేసు సత్య దృష్టికి వస్తోంది. శ్రీనివాస్ ఆత్మహత్యకి పద్దూ ఆత్మహత్యకి సంబంధం ఉందేమోనని సత్యకి అనుమానం రావడంతో, శ్రీనివాస్ కేసు పై విచారణ చేస్తాడు. ఈ క్రమంలో సత్య ఎదురుకున్న సమస్యలు ఏమిటి ? ఇంతకీ పద్దూ ఎందుకు ఆత్మహత్య చేసుకుంది ? ఆమె చావు వెనుక ఉన్న రహస్యం ఏమిటి ? లాంటి విషయాలు తెలియాలంటే ఈ సినిమాని చూడాల్సిందే.

ప్లస్ పాయింట్స్ :

సత్యదేవ్ వన్ మ్యాన్ షోతో నడిచిన ఈ సినిమాలో.. సత్యదేవ్ రెండు గెటప్స్ లో చక్కగా నటించాడు. ముఖ్యంగా తన డైలాగ్ డెలివరీ మరియు తన బాడీ లాంగ్వేజ్ తో అలాగే, కొన్ని ఎమోషనల్ అండ్ సప్సెన్స్ సీక్వెన్స్ స్ లో సత్యదేవ్ చాలా బాగా నటించాడు. సినిమాకే హైలైట్ గా నిలిచాడు. ఇక హీరోయిన్ గా నటించిన రోషిణి ప్రకాష్ తన క్యూట్ అండ్ హోమ్లీ లుక్స్ లో అందంగా కనిపిస్తూ.. తన నటనతోనూ ఆకట్టుకుంది.

సెకెండ్ హీరోయిన్ గా చేసిన పూజాజవేరి కూడా బాగానే నటించింది. విలన్ గా నటించిన నటుడు కూడా చాల బాగా నటించాడు. అలాగే హీరో ఫ్రెండ్ మరియు మిగిలిన నటీనటులు కూడా తమ పాత్ర పరిధి మేరకు బాగా నటించారు. ఇక దర్శకుడు తీసుకున్న స్టోరీ లైన్, రాసుకున్న కొన్ని లవ్ సీక్వెన్స్ బాగున్నాయి. అలాగే సెకెండ్ హాఫ్ లో ఆయన రాసుకున్న కొన్ని సస్పెన్స్ సీన్స్ మరియు విలన్ క్యారెక్టర్ పాయింట్ ఆఫ్ వ్యూలో వచ్చే ట్విస్ట్ కూడా పర్వాలేదనిపిస్తోంది. చివర్లో థ్రిల్లింగ్ ఎలిమెంట్స్ తో సినిమాని ముగించడం కూడా పర్వాలేదు.

మైనస్ పాయింట్స్ :

ఇలాంటి సస్పెన్స్ థ్రిల్లింగ్ కాన్సెప్ట్ తీసుకున్నపుడు ఆ కాన్సెప్ట్ కి తగ్గట్టు సినిమాని ఆద్యంతం ఉత్కంఠ రేకెత్తిస్తూ ర‌క్తి కట్టేలా సినిమా సాగితేనే.. ఆడియన్స్ ను ఆకట్టుకోగలం. ఈ సినిమాలో కొన్ని ఎమోషనల్ అండ్ సస్పెన్స్ సీన్స్ ఆకట్టుకున్నా.. మిగతా సన్నివేశాలు అంతగా ఆకట్టుకోవు. దర్శకుడు సెకెండాఫ్ ని థ్రిల్లింగ్ ఎలిమెంట్స్ తో ఇంట్రస్ట్ గా నడుపుదామని మంచి ప్రయత్నం అయితే చేశారు గాని, అది స్క్రీన్ మీద ఎఫెక్టివ్ గా వర్కౌట్ కాలేదు.

దీనికి తోడు మెయిన్ గా సినిమాలో ఇంట్రసింగ్ ప్లే మిస్ అయింది. కొన్ని సీన్స్ గందరగోళంగా సాగుతున్న ఫీలింగ్ కలిగిస్తాయి. సినిమాలో హీరో హీరోయిన్ల క్యారెక్టైజేషన్స్ కూడా ఇంకా ఎఫెక్టివ్ రాసుకోవాల్సింది. అలాగే సెకెండ్ హారోయిన్ క్యారెక్టర్ కూడా సినిమాకి మైనస్ అయింది. పైగా ఆమె ట్రాక్ బలహీనమైన ఎమోషన్ కి లోబడి బలహీనంగా సాగడం కూడా బాగాలేదు. పైగా సినిమాలో కొన్ని సన్నివేశాల్లో నాటకీయత ఎక్కువడంతో ఆ సన్నివేశాల్లో సహజత్వం లోపించింది. మొత్తానికి దర్శకుడు ప్రదీప్ మద్దాలి మంచి అటెంప్ట్ చేశాడు గానీ, అది ఎఫెక్టివ్ గా వర్కౌట్ కాలేదు.

సాంకేతిక విభాగం :

టెక్నికల్ గా చూసుకుంటే సినిమాలో సాంకేతిక విభాగం వర్క్ బాగానే ఉంది. మ్యూజిక్ సినిమాకు ప్లస్ ఆయింది. అదే విధంగా సినిమాటోగ్రఫీ సినిమాకే హైలెట్ గా నిలుస్తోంది. కొన్ని కీలక సన్నివేశాల్లో కెమెరామెన్ పనితనం చాలా బాగుంది. సినిమాలోని నిర్మాతలు పాటించిన ప్రొడక్షన్ వాల్యూస్ పర్వాలేదు. అయితే దర్శకుడు ఆకట్టుకునే ఉత్కంఠభరితమైన కథనాన్ని రాసుకుని ఉండి ఉంటే ఇంకా బాగుండేది.

’47 డేస్’ అంటూ వచ్చిన ఈ సస్పెన్స్ థ్రిల్లర్ కొన్ని థ్రిల్లింగ్ ఎలిమెంట్స్ తో మరియు ఫ్యూ ఎమోషనల్ సీన్స్ తో ఆకట్టుకున్నా.. ఇంట్రస్టింగ్ గా సాగని ట్రీట్మెంట్ తో పాటు మెయిన్ క్యారెక్టైజేషన్స్ బలహీనంగా ఉండటం, పైగా సినిమాలో ఫేక్ ఎమోషన్స్ వంటి అంశాలు సినిమా ఫలితాన్ని దెబ్బ తీశాయి. అయితే ఈ లాక్ డౌన్ లో ఖాళీగా ఉంటే మాత్రం.. సత్యదేవ్ నటన కోసమైనా ఈ సినిమాని చూడొచ్చు.

123telugu.com Rating : 2.5/5 Reviewed by 123telugu Team

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సంబంధిత సమాచారం

కుమారుడికి మహేష్ బర్త్ డే విషెస్.. గర్వంగా ఉందంటూ ట్వీట్, అక్కడ మార్కెట్లో “దేవర” మాస్ హిస్టీరియా, అవైటెడ్ “ఓజి” రిలీజ్.. నిర్మాత సాలిడ్ స్టేట్మెంట్, ఫోటో మూమెంట్: “సరిపోదా శనివారం” మ్యాడ్నెస్ వెనుకున్న వారితో నాని, డిజిటల్ రైట్స్‌తో ‘పుష్ప-2’ రికార్డులు షురూ.., వరల్డ్ వైడ్ “సరిపోదా శనివారం” రెండు రోజుల వసూళ్లు.., ఫోటో మూమెంట్: మ్యాన్ ఆఫ్ మాసెస్ తో రిషబ్ శెట్టి డైనమిక్ వాక్, “విశ్వంభర” లో ఆ ఒక్క సీన్ సీజీ కోసం 12 కోట్లు, ఫోటో మూమెంట్: తన పిల్లలతో డాషింగ్ లుక్ లో మహేష్ బాబు., తాజా వార్తలు, ఫోటోలు: రిషబ్ శెట్టితో కలిసి ఉడిపి శ్రీకృష్ణ ఆలయాన్ని దర్శించుకున్న జూ.ఎన్టీఆర్ మరియు కుటుంబం, ఫోటోలు : సరిపోదా శనివారం మూవీ థాంక్స్ మీట్, వీక్షకులు మెచ్చిన వార్తలు.

  • సమీక్ష: “సరిపోదా శనివారం” – మెప్పించే ఫీల్ గుడ్ యాక్షన్ డ్రామా!
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  • వీడియో: మత్తు వదలారా 2 మూవీ టీజర్ (శ్రీ సింహా, ఫరియా అబ్దుల్లా)
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'47 Days' Movie Review: Unexciting Thriller

'47 Days' Movie Review: Unexciting Thriller

Movie: 47 Days Rating: 2/5 Cast: Satya Dev, Pooja Jhaveri, Roshni Prakash, Srikanth Iyengar, Ravi Varma, and others Cinematography: GK Music: Raghu Kunche Editor: SR Sekhar Written and directed by Pradeep Maddali Release Date: 30 June 2020 OTT Platform: ZEE5 Telugu

Satya Dev’s “47 Days” is the latest small-budgeted Telugu film that skipped the theatrical release during this corona crisis. The film is now streaming on Zee5.

Let’s analyze.

Story: Satya (Satya Dev), an ACP in Vizag, has been dying to find out the truth behind his wife Paddu’s (Roshini Prakash) death.

Why did she commit suicide is an answer he needs to know, or he would spiral into an emotional morass.

Months later, another suicide case of a businessman, which is handled by his friend Ravi (Ravi Varma), makes him believe that the two cases might be interconnected.

A mysterious girl Juliet (Pooja Jhaveri) is also involved in this? What is the connection between these cases? 

Artistes’ Performances: Satya Dev who has proven his versatility in films like ‘Brochevarevarura’ and ‘iSmart Shankar’ has once again put in sincere efforts but somehow he doesn’t fit for this role. Still, he has tried hard to make it convincing.

Pooja Jhaveri as the mysterious girl and Rohini Prakash as Satya Dev’s wife are just okay, nothing much to write about them.

Srikanth Aiyengar grabs the opportunity to steal the show with both hands. 

Technical Excellence: Raghu Kunche’s songs are not worth listening but the BGM saves the day. GK captures the Vizag locations beautifully. 

Highlights: Initial Set Up

Drawback: Weak screenplay Dull narration Unexciting performances Unconvincing Twist

Analysis New director Pradeep Madalli must have inspired by the plot of Swedish thriller “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” but he feared to lift the story as is.

In an attempt to make the story look like the original, the director wrapped it up with standard elements that we see in Hollywood movies.

Thus the most engaging and intriguing aspects of “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” has got diluted and thereby it ends up as a boring thriller.

To be fair to the young director, he has managed to build the suspense element in the second act with the appearance of a mysterious girl, and a photograph of schoolmates (similar to that of ‘Dragon Tatto). The interval bang is also a nice build-up. 

Despite these sporadic interesting episodes, the film never completely draws us into the story mainly due to the drab screenplay. As said above, the plot itself is weak. 

The director never seemed to have a grip on the narration. Plus, many sequences have amateurish handling.

Example: The Darga shootout, the apartment general secretary behavior with the police officer, and the oil-selling guy’s characterization (this is also a copy). The film tests our patience after the interval bang.

Even the technique of narrating the movie with the countdown of days has failed to interest us. The last revelation also looks ridiculous.

Despite the presence of two heroines, the film also lacks the glamor quotient.

“47 Days” is another OTT release that makes a tedious watch. Thrillers need to have a twist that surprises the audiences, or convincing and also engaging narration. But lately, the thrillers are failing on those counts and “47 Days” is another addition.

Bottom-line: Dull and Boring

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47 Days Review: An Unbearably Loopy Crime-Thriller With A Mass Produced Aesthetic

47 Days Review: An Unbearably Loopy Crime-Thriller With A Mass Produced Aesthetic

Writer-Director: Pradeep Maddali Editor: SR Shekhar Cinematographer: GK Cast: Roshini Prakash, Satyadev Kancharana, Pooja Jhaveri, Ravi Varma, Srikanth Iyengar, Mukhtar Khan Producer: Dabbara Sashi, Bhushana Naidu, Raghu Kunche, Sridhar Makkuya, Vijay Shankar Donkada Streaming Platform: Zee5

Rape and suicide are used as cavalier plot points to establish the hero's heroism in this one hour forty minute trainwreck. It's the kind of reverse engineering in plotting, to fit rape and suicide, that is obvious to spot. The rape scene specifically plays out without conviction, with muted normalcy, dingy lighting, and a drug induced delirium. The shock of such moments never register, because they are not meant to shock, because the point of the film is not rape, but the heroism that uncovers it. The sadness of the violative moment is felt not when the act is underway or finished, but when a man, who finds out about it much later, weeps. 

Also Read: Locked Review: Satyadev Kancharana Charms In An Otherwise Charm-Less Thriller

47 Days is about ACP Satya ( Satyadev Kancharana , brooding, mopish, not unlike his character in Locked ) mourning the death by suicide of his wife. On the same day of his wife's death, a pharma big-wig too is found to have been killed by suicide. There's a connection- a stamp of a club on both their arms. There's also a drug ring that is being uncovered by him, and a mysterious childhood acquaintance who turns up, and disappears mist-like, much like the apparitions he sees of his dead wife. It is a chaotic broth that doesn't take anything but the central character seriously, so the serpentine subplots weave themselves around him as he takes it towards the underwhelming climax. 

Now, craft-wise the mediocre mass produced allure shows. The generic top shots of Visakhapatnam, the compensated colour correction, the dismal subtitling (replete with errors, grammatical, and spelling, to a point where the dialogues don't make sense- "When you're filled in heart, will we be different as you and me?"), the attempted creation of tension by numbering the days (something similar Zee5 did in even Karoline Kamakshi , failing in both, but here, it is felt more severely because time is the titular character). Add to this the usage of cliches to make points- processing grief through hallucinating the one that passed, solving a mystery through a white board with generic phrases "Mystery Girl" "Murder?" "Suicide?", and love songs that are cloying excuses for mediocrity, lovers running towards and away from each other in ill-fitting dream-scapes. (There are also some Hindi lyrics too, "Kya Karoon," the ACP's wife croons)

Also Read: Review: ZEE5's Tamil Web-show Karoline Kamakshi is Awful

For what I assume was meant to be an entertaining thriller, the plot points are all over the place, and their tenuous connections feel forced. The voice-overs of the females have this muffled quality, as if they are speaking in a tone, one notch lesser than they normally do. (I felt the same in films like World Class Lover and Krishna and His Leela ) The sheer number of characters whose convictions are introduced before they are, overpopulate this simple tale, bereft of coherence, craft, or conscience, unnecessarily. But then again, this is a film with the only African man as the drug lord who points at Indian women he wants to sleep with. Justice For George Floyd? 

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47 Days Movie Review: This malnourished crime thriller is riddled with loopholes

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47 Days, which was supposed to head to theatres in 2019, is out. This direct-to-web release stars Sathyadev in the lead. An underwhelming fare, it's 104 minutes long. Our Rating: 1.5 stars.

OTT streams 47 Days

Telugu cinema's obsession with crime-cum-investigative thrillers has been recent. In February, for example, Sailesh Kolanu-directed HIT was a genuine thriller. 47 Days , streaming on an OTT app, is the latest release.  Released today (June 30), the film tells the story of a widowed cop who inadvertently discovers that there is more to the death of Srinivas, a pharma industry tycoon, than meets the eye.  In turn, the cop realizes early on, there is a mystery behind his wife's sudden death by suicide.

ACP Sathya (Sathyadev) faces the twin challenge of grappling with the demise of his wife Paddu (Roshini Prakash) and proving to the world that a seemingly good-natured Christina (Pooja Jhaveri) may hold the clue to a web of crime and deceit.  He has to constantly impress upon his boss (Mukthar Khan), and take his handicapped colleague Rajaram (Srikanth Iyengar) and sceptical fellow cop Ravi (Ravi Varma) along. 

Debutant filmmaker Pradeep Maddali condenses everything in a span of 104 minutes.  Yet, he fails to be brief.  All those repetitious interactions between the lead man and his boss/colleagues can be replaced with just two matter-of-fact, professional conversations.  But, no!  They are made to spout silly things over and over again.  Imagine a subordinate telling an IPS officer that the latter's wife may not have committed suicide but just fell off the building accidentally!  The thought process that goes into writing such juvenile scenes is mind-boggling. 

The widowed male protagonist stops showing signs of trauma after a point.  He seems to have put his wife's passing away behind, somehow and got busy speaking back to the dissuading characters around him.  There is hardly a heart-tugging moment involving him and his adopted daughter, whom his late wife used to love so much.  

In a film full of sketchy characters, the pharma mogul's character is laughable.  (We know it's insensitive to put pharma and laughable in the same sentence in COVID times but such is the level of this film).  This guy has set a Mukesh Ambani-type ambition for himself, but busies himself with a woman just because she has been stalking him for a few days after falling in love with his media interview.  

The hero starts suspecting unlikely clues from random events.  Like he thinks he should go to a Zumba training institute, check the attendance register and mark the one trainee who doesn't attend classes regularly.  Because if you are not attending Zumba classes regularly, you must be having a link to something unusual.  Things just fall in place for him fortuitously.  Some of the coincidences are so bewildering that they leave you in disbelief.  

The film has a very basic background score (by Raghu Kunche) and a really shabby camera work.  But for Sathyadev's performance, there is hardly anything that the artists have to offer.  One of them goes over-the-top in the climax.  Sathya Prakash offers old-school villainy.  The film itself, in fact, is old-school villainy. 

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47 days movie review in telugu

47 days movie review in telugu

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47 days movie review in telugu

Movie Review: 47 Days

Article by Satya B Published by GulteDesk --> Published on: 1:51 pm, 30 June 2020

47 Days Review

  |   Zee 5   |   30 June 2020

Cast - Satya Dev, Pooja Jhaveri, Roshini Prakash, Ravi Varma, Srikanth Iyengar and others

Director - Pradeep Maddali

Producer - Dabbara Sashi Bhushan Naidu, Raghu Kunche, Sridhar Makkuva, Vijay Shankar D

Banner - Title Card Entertainment

Music - Raghu Kunche

47 Days starring Satya Dev opted for direct to OTT release and it is now streaming on Zee5. Directed by Pradeep Maddali, the film revolves around a murder mystery that the protagonist solves in 47 Days.

What is it about?

Satya (Satya Dev), a suspended cop couldn’t get over the suicide of his loving wife Paddu (Roshini). He is intrigued when he comes to know that an entrepreneur also committed suicide on the same day as is wife. Both of them attending the same party draws Satya into finding the mystery behind the deaths.


Satya Dev is usually bankable, but he too appears clueless after the initial portions. Not just him, almost every actor appears to be clueless of what is happening. Bad writing and equally bad execution make most of the actors look clownish. Pooja Jhaveri and Roshini are just okay. Srikanth Iyengar is good until the climax and he hams it up towards the end. Ravi Varma couldn’t keep any mystique around him as his performance gives away many clues.


Pradeep Maddali picks a regular plot where a suspended cop goes after a mysterious crime case. Initial portions are mildly intriguing, but it becomes very tedious after some time. Characterizations and situations don’t keep you invested in the story. It is a bad sign for a mystery film. Raghu Kunche’s background score is alright in tense situations and the DOP does an okay job too. Production values and other technical aspects are pretty standard.

The story seems intriguing when Satya finds out that his wife and a businessman died on the same day by committing suicide. He tries to find answers for it and bumps into a mysterious woman (Pooja Jhaveri), who claims to be the wife of the dead businessman. But he comes to know that the businessman wasn’t married and his flat has been kept locked since his death. Plot thickens and this is where the director lost grip on the narrative.

None of the back stories excite and in turn they seem silly and absurd. The back story of Pooja’s character seems pretty stupid and it gets stupider when she reveals that she had got into a relationship with someone else by mistake. The drug mafia link doesn’t add any excitement to the proceedings. There is never an urgency in Satya’s pursuit nor does he get challenged by the bad guys.

Everything happens conveniently until the final twist that falls flat on its face. Even the link to the two deaths is preposterous and we will never know why the case was solved in 47 Days. Mystery movies are best suited for OTT platforms when done well, but 47 Days ends up as a dull and uninteresting affair.

Verdict: Drab and Unengaging!

Tags 47 Days 47 Days review Satya Dev

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47 Days Movie Review

47 Days Movie Review

Movie Review:  47 Days Director :  Pradeep Maddali Producers :  Vijay Donkada, Raghu Kunche Star Cast :  Satyadev Kancharana, Roshini Prakash, Pooja Jhaveri, Ravi Varma Music :  Raghu Kunche Release Date:  30th June 2020 Rating:   2.25 /5

47 Days movie Review:  The Telugu film 47 Days,  starring Satyadev Kancharana, Roshini Prakash, Pooja Jhaveri , Ravi Varma and others, has hit the screens today and is available on Zee5. The movie is helmed by Pradeep Maddali, and jointly bankrolled by Vijay Donkada and Raghu Kunche. Let’s see the story of Satyadev film.

Story:  ACP Satya (Satyadev)  is on a six-month suspension because he cannot get over his wife Paddu’s (Roshini Prakash) mysterious death. However he chances upon a case that might finally give him all the answers he is  looking for but he falls prey to a drug case. What happened next? Form rest of the story of 47 days.

  Plus Points:

  • Satyadev performance
  • Srikanth Iyengar

Minus Points:

Performance:  Satyadev’ performance is highlighted in this film. He is superb in the investigating case.  As a frustrated cop with an emotional backdrop, Satyadev is superb. He looks good in all the investigating scenes. Pooja Jhaveri is fine. Roshini Prakash is also decent in her role. Srikanth Iyengar gives his top notch performance too. His way of dialogue delivery is appreciable. Ravi Varma in the role of a cop, is good. Remaining cast perform accordingly.

  Technical:  The story of 47 days is interesting. Pradeep Maddali has written a decent story and also places his characters well. The dialogues are good but the movie has weak screenplay.  The cinematography work is superb and showcases Vizag superbly. Production values are decent. The music by Raghu Kunche is  painful but his BGM is  good. The folk songs are placed neatly. Editing is below par as at least fifteen minutes should have been chopped off in the first half.

Analysis:  Overall, Satyadev starrer 47 Days has a decent story.  The movie has predictable twists and the lack of gripping scenes that a thriller needs are missing.

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47 days movie review in telugu

  • Pooja Jhaveri (Heroine)
  • Pradeep Maddali (Director)
  • Raghu Kunche (Music Director)
  • Raghu Kunche (producer)
  • Vijay Donkada (producer)
  • Sridhar Makkuva (producer)
  • Dabbara Sashi Bhushan Naidu (producer)

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Pradeep Maddali is the writer and director of the mystery drama film 47 Days, which will be released in 2020 in Telugu. Raghu Kunche wrote the soundtrack for the Title Card Entertainment-produced movie, which stars Satyadev and Pooja Jhaveri.

Production on the movie started in 2018, how ever it was postponed because to the COVID-19 outbreak. On June 30, 2020, ZEE5 released 47 Days digitally. The film received a mixed reception upon its debut.

“47 Days” is a Telugu mystery thriller that intricately weaves together elements of suspense, crime, and drama. The story revolves around the mysterious disappearance of Satya, a successful businessman, and the subsequent investigation led by ACP Satya.

The movie begins with the shocking vanishing of Satya on the eve of his wedding anniversary. As his family and friends grapple with disbelief and confusion, ACP Satya takes charge of the case, determined to unravel the truth behind Satya’s disappearance.

As the investigation progresses, ACP Satya discovers a series of perplexing clues and hidden secrets that lead him down a labyrinth of deceit and betrayal. He delves deep into Satya’s past, uncovering a web of lies and manipulation that shatter the façade of his seemingly perfect life.

Through flashbacks and interrogations, the film unravels the complex relationships and motives of the suspects, including Satya’s wife, friends, and business associates. Each revelation brings ACP Satya closer to uncovering the truth, but also raises more questions about the circumstances surrounding Satya’s disappearance.

Meanwhile, Satya’s family is consumed by grief and uncertainty as they grapple with the possibility of never seeing him again. Their emotional journey adds depth to the narrative, highlighting the human toll of the investigation and the desperate search for closure.

As ACP Satya pieces together the puzzle, he faces numerous obstacles and challenges, including threats from powerful individuals who are determined to keep the truth buried. However, his unwavering determination and keen intellect drive him forward, leading to shocking revelations that shake the foundations of everyone involved.

In the climax, ACP Satya uncovers the shocking truth behind Satya’s disappearance, exposing a complex conspiracy orchestrated by those closest to him. The resolution of the case not only brings justice to Satya but also provides closure to his grieving family.

“47 Days” concludes with a poignant message about the consequences of greed, betrayal, and the search for truth in a world filled with deception. Through its gripping narrative and suspenseful twists, the film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end, leaving a lasting impact with its powerful storytelling and thought-provoking themes.

More Details

Director Pradeep Maddali
Story Pradeep Maddali
Screenplay Pradeep Maddali
Dialogues Pradeep Maddali
Cinematography GK
Producer , Vijay Donkada, Sridhar Makkuva, Dabbara Sashi Bhushan Naidu
Cast , Baby Akshara, Mukthar Khan
Release Type OTT
Language Telugu
Production Title Card Entertainment
OTT Platform Zee5

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‘47 Days’ movie review: Barring Satyadev’s performance, there’s nothing to root for

There’s a lot going on in the film written and directed by pradeep maddali, but it ends up as a hotchpotch.

Updated - July 01, 2020 11:47 am IST

Published - June 30, 2020 02:12 pm IST

Sangeetha Devi Dundoo

Satyadev in ‘47 Days’

A moodboard, if there was one, while working on the story and screenplay of 47 Days (now streaming on Zee5) might have been a busy one, with many subplots that needed to be cohesively woven together. A drug racket, a Romeo-Juliet school play and one-sided romance, a husband trying to understand what shattered his happy family, suspicious suicides, the frustration that builds up within the police force... There’s a lot going on in the film written and directed by Pradeep Maddali, but it ends up as a hotchpotch. The only reason to watch it till the end is its leading man Satyadev, whose empathetic performance goes in vain.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Satyadev (Satyadev Kancharana) is on suspension after a mission goes wrong, and he’s also brooding over the loss of his wife Paddu (Roshini Prakash). He hallucinates and imagines her presence, unable to come to terms with her loss.

  • Cast: Satyadev Kancharana, Pooja Jhaveri, Roshni Prakash
  • Direction: Pradeep Maddali
  • Streaming on: Zee5

In a better thriller, the progression of days would have built up momentum and kept us at the edge of the seat. In this film, the cards announcing Day 40 or 42 generate little interest.

The supporting actors grapple with poorly written parts and go through the dialogues and expressions just because they have to. The curious and suspicious looks from some of them are a giveaway of something sinister. We don’t know the brief given to them. But had some of these characters behaved normal, it might have added to the conceit till the final reveal.

The final twist makes a point about a section of the workforce bearing the brunt of disdain, of being scoffed at by the powers to be. But the episode doesn’t have its desired impact. The actor who plays this part goes overboard, and by then we’ve sat through a number of listless incidents in the film to be bothered.

The segment of ‘the mystery girl’ brings with it some more sub-plots — sexual harassment, childhood romance, a live-in relationship that goes sour… 47 Days bites off more than it can chew.

Raghu Kunche’s music works in a couple of songs. The title invokes memories of K Balachander’s 47 Rojulu starring Chiranjeevi and Jayaprada, but sadly, there’s nothing much to root for in this film.

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47 Days: The Mystery Unfolds

Satyadev Kancharana in 47 Days: The Mystery Unfolds (2020)

Satya, a Suspended Cop, who lost his wife in mysterious circumstances, unexpectedly gets hold of a case which relates to his wife's death. He's starts investigating which eventually hunts do... Read all Satya, a Suspended Cop, who lost his wife in mysterious circumstances, unexpectedly gets hold of a case which relates to his wife's death. He's starts investigating which eventually hunts down his past and brings chaos in his life. How Satya solved the mystery surrounding him for... Read all Satya, a Suspended Cop, who lost his wife in mysterious circumstances, unexpectedly gets hold of a case which relates to his wife's death. He's starts investigating which eventually hunts down his past and brings chaos in his life. How Satya solved the mystery surrounding him forms the rest of the story.

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47 Days The Mystery Unfolds (2020) Trailer

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47 Days Story

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Satya Dev

47 Days Crew Info

Cinematography NA
Editor NA
Budget TBA
Box Office TBA
OTT Platform TBA
OTT Release Date 2020-06-30

47 Days News

EXCLUSIVE! Pooja Jhaveri Rejects Bigg Boss Telugu 4 As She Likes To Stay Away From Arguments

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About 47 Days

In this 47 Days film, Satya Dev , Pooja Jhaveri played the primary leads.

The 47 Days was released in theaters on 30 Jun 2020.

The 47 Days was directed by Pradeep Maddali

Movies like Prabhas Hanu , Mechanic Rocky , The Raja Saab and others in a similar vein had the same genre but quite different stories.

The soundtracks and background music were composed by Raghu Kunche for the movie 47 Days.

The movie 47 Days belonged to the Mystery, genre.

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Movie 47 Days
Star Cast Satyadev, Pooja Jhaveri, Roshini Prakash
Director Pradeep Maddali
Producer D. Sashi Bhushan Naidu, Raghu Kunche, Sridhar.M, D. VIjay Shankar
Music Raghu Kunche
Run Time 1hr 44mins
Release 30th June, 2020

Starring Satyadev and Pooja Zaveri in the lead roles, 47 days had been facing numerous hurdles ahead of its OTT release. The film was wrapped up last year but found it hard to hit the big screens for various reasons. Thanks to the evolution of OTT platforms, the film got a direct digital release. Here is our review of 47 days which was directed by Pradeep Maddali, one of Puri Jagannadh’s protege.

Suspended ACP, Satya(Satyadev) anticipates a mysterious connection between the deaths of Srinivas, the MD of a pharmaceutical company and his wife, Paddu(Roshini Prakash). Baffled by these incidents, Satya starts investigating the case after it was closed by the Circle Inspector, Ravi (Ravi Varma). How does Satya, an ACP who was suspended solve this case? The answer to this question forms the remaining story.

How about on-screen stars performance?

Young and exciting talent, Satyadev impresses in the role of a police officer. He emotes well and delivers a mature performance. That said, the character does not challenge him much as an actor. The lady leads, Pooja Zaveri, and Roshini Prakash are okayish. Srikanth Iyengar’s performance in the climax is commendable. The rest of the star cast deliver what is expected of them.

How about off-screen talents?

There are two people who deserve a shoutout for their work in the film. The first is the music director, Raghu Kunche. He gave mediocre songs but compensated it with his excellent background score. For most parts, there isn’t much happening in the film, bht Raghu keeps the audience intrigued with his background score. Next is the cinematographer, GK. His visuals are appealing and elevate the narrative.

Editing could have been better as the film feels like a borefest despite its short run-time (104 minutes). It needs to be said that the debut director, Pradeep Maddali picked a story that has nothing new to offer. It has a repetitive plotline that neither excites the viewer nor has any novelty. There are no thrilling elements whatsoever. The screenplay is snail-paced and there is very little action, if not any going on from the start to end. Production values are decent.

What’s hot?

– Satyadev’s performance

– Raghu Kunche’s background score

What’s not?

– Lackluster storyline

– Poor screenplay

– Zero entertainment

– Songs

47 days was promoted as a mystery thriller but there are absolutely zero thrilling elements in the film. The film fails to keep the audience engaged even for its relatively short run-time. No aspect of the film evokes interest.

Watch or not?

Spend your free time watching some other worthy thriller and give 47 days a skip.

TeluguBulletin.com Rating: 1.5/5


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47 DAYS Telugu Movie

47 DAYS is an Indian movie directed by Pradeep Maddali starring Satyadev Kancharana, Pooja Jhaveri, Roshini Prakash and Sathya Prakash. Music for the Movie is composed by Raghu Kunche.

Satyadev Kancharana in 47 DAYS

Sathya Prakash
Srikanth Iyengar

Director: Pradeep Maddali Music Director: Raghu Kunche Background Music Composer: Raghu Kunche Editor: S R Shekar Art Designer: Brahma Kadali Screenplay Writer: Pradeep Maddali Dialogue Writer: Pradeep Maddali Original Story Writer: Pradeep Maddali

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  • Who are the actors in '47 Days'? '47 Days' star cast includes Satya Dev, Pooja Jhaveri and Roshini Prakash.
  • Who is the director of '47 Days'? '47 Days' is directed by Pradeep Maddali.
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47 Days

47 Days: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast

  • Release Date 30 June 2020
  • Language Telugu
  • Genre Drama, Thriller
  • Cast Satyadev Kancharana, Pooja Jhaveri, Roshini Prakash, Satya Prakash, Hari Teja, Ravi Varma, Srikanth Iyyengar, Irfan, Baby Akshara, Mukthar Khan, Kireeti Damaraju, Ashok Kumar, Appaji Ambarisha Darbha
  • Director Pradeep Maddali
  • Writer Pradeep Maddali
  • Cinematography GK
  • Music Raghu Kunche
  • Producer Vijay Donkada, Raghu Kunche, Sridhar Makkuva, Dabbara Sashi Bhushan Naidu
  • Production Title Card Entertainment
  • Certificate U/A

About 47 Days Movie (2020)

After ACP Satyadev (Satyadev Kancharana) loses his wife, he comes across a case that leads him to a cobweb of new information about her death.

47 Days Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings

47 Days Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings


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Aho Vikramarka Movie Review - అహో విక్రమార్క రివ్యూ: 'మగధీర' విలన్ దేవ్ గిల్ హీరోగా నటించిన సినిమా

Aho vikramarka review in telugu: 'మగధీర'తో విలన్‌గా తెలుగు పాపులరైన ఉత్తరాది నటుడు దేవ్ గిల్. తర్వాత కొన్ని సినిమాలు చేశారు. పాన్ ఇండియా సినిమా 'అహో విక్రమార్క'తో ఆయన హీరోగా ఇంట్రడ్యూస్ అవుతున్నారు..

in Telugu Aho Vikramarka rating starring Dev Gill Chitra Shukla Tejaswini Pandit Aho Vikramarka Movie Review - అహో విక్రమార్క రివ్యూ: 'మగధీర' విలన్ దేవ్ గిల్ హీరోగా నటించిన సినిమా

పేట త్రికోటి

దేవ్ గిల్, షాయాజీ షిండే, ప్రవీణ్ తార్డే, తేజస్విని పండిట్, చిత్ర శుక్లా, 'కాలకేయ' ప్రభాకర్, పోసాని కృష్ణమురళి, 'బిత్తిరి' సత్తి తదితరులు

Dev Gill's debut movie as a hero, Aho Vikramarka review: దేవ్ గిల్ పేరు చెబితే తెలుగు ప్రేక్షకులకు 'మగధీర' గుర్తొస్తుంది. అందులో విలన్ రోల్ ఆయనకు పేరు తీసుకొచ్చింది. 'మగధీర' తర్వాత తెలుగులో పలు సినిమాలు చేశారు. ఇప్పుడు పాన్ ఇండియా సినిమా 'అహో విక్రమార్క'తో కథానాయకుడిగా ప్రేక్షకుల ముందుకు వచ్చారు. రాజమౌళి కో డైరెక్టర్, 'దిక్కులు చూడకు రామయ్య' ఫేమ్ త్రికోటి పేట దర్శకత్వం వహించగా... 'కెజిఎఫ్', 'సలార్' ఫేమ్ రవి బస్రూర్ సంగీతం అందించారు. ఈ సినిమా ఎలా ఉంది? అనేది రివ్యూలో చూడండి. 

కథ (Aho Vikramarka Movie Story): విక్రమార్క (దేవ్ గిల్) సబ్ ఇన్స్పెక్టర్. పుణెలో ఓ స్టేషన్‌లో పోస్టింగ్ వచ్చిన వెంటనే అక్రమార్జనకు తెర తీస్తాడు. డ్రగ్ మాఫియా కీలక సభ్యుడు బిలాల్ (పోసాని కృష్ణమురళి) దగ్గర డబ్బులు తీసుకోవడం మొదలు పెడతాడు. ప్రేమించిన అమ్మాయి అర్చన (చిత్రా శుక్లా) కోసం అక్రమార్కుడు కాస్త నీతి నిజాయితీలకు మారు పేరుగా మారతాడు.

విక్రమార్కలో మార్పు తీసుకొచ్చిన ఘటన ఏమిటి? ఎక్కువ కూలికి ఆశపడి 25 ఏళ్ల క్రితం పనికి వెళ్లిన పార్వతి స్లమ్ ఏరియాలో మనుషులు ఏమయ్యారు? వాళ్లకు, ఈ విక్రమార్కకు సంబంధం ఏమిటి? దట్టమైన అడవుల్లోని దండక ప్రాంతంలో ఏం జరుగుతోంది? అసుర (ప్రవీణ్ టర్డే) ఎవరు? పుణెలో డ్రగ్ మాఫియాను భయంతో పరుగులు పెట్టించిన భవాని (తేజస్వినీ పండిట్) మాయం కావడం వెనుక కారణం ఏమిటి? చివరకు ఏమైంది? అనేది సినిమా చూసి తెలుసుకోవాలి. 

విశ్లేషణ (Aho Vikramarka Review Telugu): సిల్వర్ స్క్రీన్ మీద తనను తాను హీరోగా చూసుకోవడం కోసం దేవ్ గిల్ తీసుకున్న సినిమా 'అహో విక్రమార్క'. ఇక్కడ 'తీసుకున్న' అని ఎందుకు అనాల్సి వచ్చిందంటే... నిర్మాతల్లో ఆయనొకరు. కోట్ల రూపాయల డబ్బు, డబ్బు కోసం పని చేసే టెక్నీషియన్లు ఉంటే సినిమా తీయడం సులభం అని చెప్పడానికి 'అహో విక్రమార్క' ఒక ఉదాహరణ.

కథ, కథనం నుంచి మొదలు పెడితే నటీనటుల ప్రతిభ, సంగీతం, దర్శకత్వం వరకు... ఒక్కటంటే ఒక్క అంశంలోనూ ఆకట్టుకొని సినిమా 'అహో విక్రమార్క'. 'కెజిఎఫ్', 'సలార్' ఫేమ్ రవి బస్రూర్ ఈ సినిమాకు సంగీతం అందించారంటే నమ్మడం కష్టంగా ఉంటుంది. బహుశా... దేవ్ గిల్ నటన, పేట త్రికోటి దర్శకత్వం, పెన్మత్స ప్రసాద్ వర్మ కథ చూశాక ఏదో ఒకటి కొట్టేద్దాం అని ఆయన కూడా లైట్ తీసుకున్నారేమో!?

పెన్మెత్స ప్రసాద్ వర్మ కథలో ఇసుమంతైనా కొత్తదనం లేదు. పది పదిహేను హిట్ తెలుగు సినిమాలను మిక్సీలో వేసి తీసినట్టు ఉంది. ఎన్టీఆర్ 'టెంపర్', కళ్యాణ్ రామ్ 'పటాస్' సినిమాలు గుర్తు ఉన్నాయా? అవినీతుపరుడైన పోలీస్ మనసును కదిలించే ఘటన తర్వాత నీతిపరుడిగా మారాడతాడు. ఆ రెండూ విజయాలు సాధించాయి. అందుకు కారణం ఆయా కథలను తెరకెక్కించిన తీరు. యాక్షన్, వినోదం, హీరోల నటనతో కొత్తగా ప్రజెంట్ చేసిన విధానం. 'అహో విక్రమార్క' కథను మరొక హీరోతో, దర్శకుడితో తీసి ఉంటే బావుండేదేమో!? యాక్షన్ తప్ప మిగతా సన్నివేశాల్లో మినిమమ్ నటన ఇవ్వలేని దేవ్ గిల్ ప్రేక్షకుల సహనానికి పరీక్ష పెట్టారు. కొన్ని సన్నివేశాలు చూస్తే ఎలా తీశారని నవ్వు వస్తుంది.

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బిలాల్ పాత్రలో పోసాని కృష్ణమురళి, హీరో తండ్రిగా షాయాజీ షిండే ఓకే. వాళ్లకు అలవాటైన క్యారెక్టర్లు కావడంతో ఈజీగా చేసుకుంటూ వెళ్లారు. కానిస్టేబుల్‌గా బిత్తిరి సత్తి సన్నివేశాల్లో వినోదం రాలేదు. అసుర అనుచరుడిగా తన పాత్రకు న్యాయం చేశారు 'కాలకేయ' ప్రభాకర్.

స్టార్టింగ్ టు ఎండింగ్ ఫక్తు కమర్షియల్ ఫార్మాటులో ఏ దశలోనూ ఆకట్టుకొని నటన, సన్నివేశాలతో తెరకెక్కిన సినిమా 'అహో విక్రమార్క'. కథ, కథనంతో సంబంధం లేకుండా నాలుగు యాక్షన్ సన్నివేశాలు చూడటానికి వెళ్లే ప్రేక్షకులు అయితే హాయిగా వెళ్లొచ్చు. స్క్రీన్ మీద హీరో చేసే చిత్ర విచిత్ర విన్యాసాలు చూసి జోక్స్ వేసుకునే స్నేహితుల బృందం వెళ్లొచ్చు. ట్రోలర్స్, మీమ్ పేజీలకు మంచి స్టఫ్ ఇచ్చే సినిమా 'అహో విక్రమార్క'.

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ట్రెండింగ్ వార్తలు

ABP Premium

ట్రెండింగ్ ఒపీనియన్

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వ్యక్తిగత కార్నర్

Hyderabad Rains: హైదరాబాద్‌కు భారీ వర్ష సూచన, ఇళ్ల నుంచి బయటకు రావొద్దని హెచ్చరికలు జారీ


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  5. 47 Days

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  6. An Average Crime Mystery Thriller

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  3. తప్పిపోయిన అమ్మాయిల జాడను కనిపెట్టాలిరా బ్లాకీ

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  1. 47 days Telugu Movie Review

    47 Days The Mystery Unfolds, 47 days Movie Review, 47 days Movie Review and Rating, 47 days Movie Rating, Satyadev Kancharana, Pooja Jhaveri, Roshini Prakash, Ravi Varma, Pradeep Maddali

  2. 47 days Movie Review in Telugu

    47 Days The Mystery Unfolds, 47 days Movie Review, 47 days Movie Review and Rating, 47 days Movie Rating, Satyadev Kancharana, Pooja Jhaveri, Roshini Prakash, Ravi Varma, Pradeep Maddali

  3. '47 Days' Movie Review: Unexciting Thriller

    Movie: 47 Days Rating: 2/5 Cast: Satya Dev, Pooja Jhaveri, Roshni Prakash, Srikanth Iyengar, Ravi Varma, and others Cinematography: GK Music: Raghu Kunche Editor: SR Sekhar Written and directed by Pradeep Maddali Release Date: 30 June 2020 OTT Platform: ZEE5 Telugu. Satya Dev's "47 Days" is the latest small-budgeted Telugu film that skipped the theatrical release during this corona crisis.

  4. 47 Days review. 47 Days Telugu movie review, story, rating

    47 Days Review. Review by IndiaGlitz [ Friday, July 3, 2020 • Telugu ] Preview; Review; ... Telugu Movie Reviews Revu Demonte Colony 2 Maruthi Nagar Subramanyam Thangalaan Aay Double iSmart.

  5. 47 Days

    47 Days is a 2020 Indian Telugu-language mystery drama film written and directed by Pradeep Maddali. Produced by Title Card Entertainment, the film stars Satyadev and Pooja Jhaveri with music composed by Raghu Kunche.. The film began its production in 2018 which was delayed due to COVID-19 pandemic. 47 Days was digitally released on 30 June 2020 via ZEE5, and opened to mixed reviews.

  6. 47 Days Movie Review : A missed opportunity!

    47 Days Movie Review: Critics Rating: 2.0 stars, click to give your rating/review,47 Days only works in bits and pieces because Satyadev does enough to ensure you stay invested.

  7. 47 Days Review: An Unbearably Loopy Crime-Thriller With A Mass Produced

    Starring Satyadev Kancharana as the grief-stricken ACP, this Telugu thriller streaming on Zee5, unveils itself with alarming stupidity. Prathyush Parasuraman. Updated on : 30 Jun 2020, 11:31 am. Writer-Director: Pradeep Maddali. Editor: SR Shekhar. Cinematographer: GK. Cast: Roshini Prakash, Satyadev Kancharana, Pooja Jhaveri, Ravi Varma ...

  8. 47 Days Movie Review: This malnourished crime thriller is riddled with

    47 Days, which was supposed to head to theatres in 2019, is out. This direct-to-web release stars Sathyadev in the lead. An underwhelming fare, it's 104 minutes long. Our Rating: 1.5 stars. Telugu cinema's obsession with crime-cum-investigative thrillers has been recent. In February, for example, Sailesh Kolanu-directed HIT was a genuine ...

  9. Movie Review: 47 Days

    Mystery movies are best suited for OTT platforms when done well, but 47 Days ends up as a dull and uninteresting affair. Verdict: Drab and Unengaging! Tags 47 Days 47 Days review Satya Dev. 47 Days starring Satya Dev opted for direct to OTT release and it is now streaming on Zee5. Directed by Pradeep Maddali, the film revolves around a murder.

  10. 47 Days Movie Review

    Rating: 2.25/5. 47 Days movie Review: The Telugu film 47 Days, starring Satyadev Kancharana, Roshini Prakash, Pooja Jhaveri, Ravi Varma and others, has hit the screens today and is available on ...

  11. An Average Crime Mystery Thriller

    An Average Crime Mystery Thriller | 47 Days Movie Telugu ReviewExclusive Telugu mystery movie, starring Satyadev Kancharana, Pooja Jhaveri, Roshini Prakash, ...

  12. 47 Days: Cast, Crew, Movie Review, Release Date, Teaser, Trailer

    Pradeep Maddali is the writer and director of the mystery drama film 47 Days, which will be released in 2020 in Telugu. Raghu Kunche wrote the soundtrack for the Title Card Entertainment-produced movie, which stars Satyadev and Pooja Jhaveri. Production on the movie started in 2018, how ever it was postponed because to the COVID-19 outbreak.

  13. '47 Days' movie review: Barring Satyadev's ...

    Telugu cinema '47 Days' movie review: Barring Satyadev's performance, there's nothing to root for There's a lot going on in the film written and directed by Pradeep Maddali, but it ends ...

  14. 47 Days: The Mystery Unfolds (2020)

    47 Days: The Mystery Unfolds: Directed by Pradeep Maddali. With Satyadev Kancharana, Pooja Jhaveri, Roshini Prakash, Ravi Varma. Satya, a Suspended Cop, who lost his wife in mysterious circumstances, unexpectedly gets hold of a case which relates to his wife's death. He's starts investigating which eventually hunts down his past and brings chaos in his life.

  15. 47 Days Movie (2020): Release Date, Cast, Ott, Review, Trailer, Story

    47 Days Telugu Movie: Check out Satya Dev's 47 Days movie release date, review, cast & crew, trailer, songs, teaser, story, budget, first day collection, box office collection, ott release date ...

  16. 47 days Telugu Movie Review and Rating

    47 days Telugu Movie Review and Rating | Satyadev | Kancharana | Pooja Jhaveri | i5 Network 47 Days is an upcoming Indian Telugu-language mystery-drama film ...

  17. 47 Days Movie Review, 47 Days Telugu Movie Review and Rating

    Starring Satyadev and Pooja Zaveri in the lead roles, 47 days had been facing numerous hurdles ahead of its OTT release. The film was wrapped up last year

  18. 47 DAYS

    47 DAYS is an Indian movie directed by Pradeep Maddali starring Satyadev Kancharana, Pooja Jhaveri, Roshini Prakash and Sathya Prakash. Music for the Movie is composed by Raghu Kunche.

  19. 47 Days (2020)

    2D. Telugu. Drama,Mystery,Thriller• 30 Jun, 2020. Share. 47 Days. About the movie. Satya, a Suspended Cop, who lost his wife under mysterious circumstances, unexpectedly gets hold of a case that relates to his wife`s death. He starts investigating which eventually hunts down his past and brings chaos to his life. How Satya solves the mystery ...

  20. Watch 47 Days

    47 Days. Satya (SatyaDev) is a suspended ACP in Vizag who is looking for reasons behind his wife, Paddu's (RoshiniPrakash) mysterious death. One fine day, he comes to know that a lady named Juliet (PoojaJhaveri) is involved in all this. He starts investigating her but falls prey to a drug case. What is this drug case?

  21. Watch 47 Days Full HD Movie Online on ZEE5

    47 Days is a 2020 ZEE5 Exclusive Telugu mystery movie, starring Satyadev Kancharana, Pooja Jhaveri, Roshini Prakash, and Ravi Varma. Satya, a police officer probing a suicide case, gets sucked into the nerve-racking complexity of the case when he discovers there may be a connection between the case he is investigating and his wife's mysterious death.

  22. 47 Days Movie: Showtimes, Review, Songs, Trailer, Posters, News

    47 Days Movie Review & Showtimes: Find details of 47 Days along with its showtimes, movie review, trailer, teaser, full video songs, showtimes and cast. Satya Dev,Pooja Jhaveri,Roshini Prakash are ...

  23. 47 Days Movie (2020)

    47 Days Movie: Find 47 Days movie release date, cast, trailer, review, critics rating, duration on Gadgets 360. Home; Entertainment; New Hindi Movies; 47 Days; Watch Options. ... Upcoming Telugu Movies; POPULAR MOVIES . Bollywood Hollywood Web Series. 9/10. Kaam Chalu Hai. Hindi 2024. 9/10.

  24. 'నేను కీర్తన' సినిమా రివ్యూ

    telugu-news; movies; Facebook X Linkedin Pinterest WhatsApp ... Galli Gang Stars Movie Review: గల్లీ గ్యాంగ్ స్టార్స్ మూవీ రివ్యూ.. ఎలా ఉందంటే? టైటిల్: గల్లీ గ్యాంగ్ స్టార్స్ నటీనటులు ...

  25. in Telugu Aho Vikramarka rating starring Dev Gill Chitra Shukla

    Aho Vikramarka Review In Telugu: 'మగధీర'తో విలన్‌గా తెలుగు పాపులరైన ఉత్తరాది నటుడు దేవ్ గిల్. తర్వాత కొన్ని సినిమాలు చేశారు. పాన్ ఇండియా సినిమా 'అహో విక్రమార్క'తో ఆయన ...