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Critical Thinking Test: Online Preparation & Free Practice Questions – 2024

Job Assessment

  • Information
  • Free Example Questions

What Is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is a form of decision making and reasoning using data and observations. Someone who is a strong critical thinker can find quality solutions efficiently and can evaluate issues objectively.

What Is a Critical Thinking Test?

Critical thinking tests provide companies valuable insight into the leadership, reasoning, and overall capabilities of candidates. Because strong critical thinking skills are highly sought after, the critical thinking test can be applicable to any field and discipline across multiple levels of expertise from recent graduate to executive. However, it is commonly administered to those applying for criminal justice and business-related occupations.

Job seekers with upcoming critical thinking tests will be evaluated on more than their ability to rationalize, critical thinking tests also measure the following subsets:

  • Organizing & Planning
  • Strategizing
  • Decision Making
  • Problem Solving

The format of the critical thinking uses hypothetical scenarios to assess candidates. The scenarios are typically relevant to the field you are interested in to assess your knowledge of the role. There will also be general questions concerning more basic issues or problems that commonly occur in a workplace environment.

The critical thinking test is multiple-choice with thirty minutes to complete the assessment. Candidates will receive a notification stating whether or not they passed within a week of completion.

How Is the Critical Thinking Test Scored?

The critical reasoning test is scored based on your raw score and your percentile in comparison with your norm group. It’s important to note that these will not be the same number.

A norm group is a collection of scores from individuals in your field at your level of experience. The percentile score is used to alert employers if you exceed, meet or miss the benchmark for the average expectations of candidates. You will be rated on a scale of one to one hundred with fifty consisting of the mean and median scores.

A raw score is simply the number of correct answers. The critical thinking test comprises your raw score based on the performance in the following areas:

  • Recognizing Assumptions The candidate must be able to understand when a statement is made with no supporting evidence and how this can affect a decision. Further, candidates are asked to identify these discrepancies, whether they are stated explicitly or implicitly, and assess its relevance to the given scenario.
  • Evaluating Arguments Candidates must evaluate arguments without considering inferences or being subjective. Beyond that, candidates must assess the supporting evidence, the structure of the argument and the degree of its influence. It is very important to dismiss emotions for this portion of the critical thinking test.
  • Drawing Conclusions Drawing conclusions puts a large emphasis on reasoning. In this section, it’s important to assess all of the available evidence and data to form a plausible conclusion that accurately applies to all the given information. Employers also want to see candidates that will consider all possible solutions rather than making the evidence fit a desired narrative.

Employers will receive all of this information in a performance report construed by the assessment company. Employers will also be given insight into your overall potential, job knowledge, creativity and job performance per the report.

Where Will I Take a Critical Thinking Test?

Critical thinking tests are non-proctored online assessments that are typically sent via email after an initial screening. For some occupations, the company may ask that the candidate take the critical thinking test again on-site either before their final interview or during an assessment day. The most common test candidates are asked to take is the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA) created by the popular assessment company, Pearson . This assessment company is on their third edition with new scoring and subsets described above. The WGCTA gained popularity because of its ability to assess a candidate’s potential alongside their aptitude. Another established assessment is the SHL Critical Reasoning Battery that contains sixty questions with a thirty-minute time limit. Both of the aforementioned critical thinking tests are multiple choice.

How to Prepare for the Critical Thinking Test?

The critical thinking test is difficult to study for because the test is designed to assess your bare knowledge and raw skills. In order to prepare successfully, it is important to focus on the areas of the test that you can equip yourself for. One aspect of the test that demands preparation is the time limit. Many candidates’ scores are negatively impacted because they skip or guess too many of the questions in an attempt to beat the clock. If you want to optimize your chances of achieving a good score, use online practice tests to acquaint yourself with the time constraint and the general theme of the questions. By utilizing the online practice tests, you can find the pace that works best for you. Another helpful way to prepare is running through sample questions. This way, you can warm-up your brain and gain an understanding of the expectations that both the test and the company have of you.

Free Sample Questions to Practice

  • Look over her past quizzes to see what she missed.
  • Set aside more time during the week to review the material for the quiz.
  • Get to class on early Wednesday and briefly look over the chapters.
  • Get a good night’s sleep.
  • Parents should find an alternative way to get their kids to school next week.
  • The premiums must be over-priced.
  • Collective bargaining is no longer a feasible solution.
  • Their employers are being unreasonable.
  • People in Hawaii dislike living on an island.
  • Colder climates induce more happiness than warmer climates.
  • The high scores on the Alaska survey were produced by people who enjoy snow.
  • People in Hawaii should move to Alaska.
  • Jenny’s credit card was declined at the mall.
  • Jenny’s bank keeps charging her $30 overdraft fees.
  • Jenny’s check bounced when she attempted to purchase a new TV.
  • Jenny spends more money than she makes.
  • Lori has thirty cans of soda in a refrigerator in her garage and another fourteen sitting on the counter. Lori does not have anymore cans of soda. Therefore, Lori has 44 cans of soda.
  • The accounting department loves math. My friend works in the accounting department. My friend loves math.
  • Everyone southbound on the freeway yesterday was late to work. Jackie was southbound on the freeway. Jackie was late to work.
  • Adrian lives in either Springfield, California, or Springfield, Illinois. If he lives in Illinois, then he is an American.

Aptitude Tests

  • Aptitude Tests Guide
  • Numerical Reasoning Test
  • Verbal Reasoning Test
  • Cognitive Ability Test
  • Critical Thinking Test
  • Logical Reasoning Test
  • Spatial Reasoning Test
  • Technical Aptitude Test
  • Inductive Reasoning Test
  • Analytical Reasoning Test
  • Deductive Reasoning Test
  • Mechanical Reasoning Test
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests
  • Diagrammatic Reasoning Test
  • Concentration Assessment Test
  • Finance Reasoning Aptitude Test
  • Fault Finding (Fault Diagnosis) Test
  • Senior Management Aptitude Tests
  • Error Checking Tests
  • In-Basket Exercise

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal

What Is the Watson Glaser Test?

Who uses the watson glaser test and why, why is it so important to be a critical thinker, what is the watson glaser red model, how to pass a watson glaser test in 2024, how to prepare for a watson glaser critical appraisal in 2024, frequently asked questions, the watson glaser critical thinking appraisal.

Updated May 10, 2024

Amy Dawson

Modern employers have changed the way that they recruit new candidates. They are no longer looking for people who have the technical skills on paper that match the job description.

Instead, they are looking for candidates who can demonstrably prove that they have a wider range of transferrable skills.

One of those key skills is the ability to think critically .

Firms (particularly those in sectors such as law, finance, HR and marketing ) need to know that their employees can look beyond the surface of the information presented to them.

They want confidence that their staff members can understand, analyze and evaluate situations or work-related tasks. There is more on the importance of critical thinking later in this article.

This is where the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking test comes into play.

The Watson Glaser critical thinking test is a unique assessment that provides a detailed analysis of a participant’s ability to think critically.

The test lasts 30 minutes and applicants can expect to be tested on around 40 questions in five distinct areas :



The questions are multiple-choice and may be phrased as true/false statements in a bid to see how well the participant has understood and interpreted the information provided.

Employers around the world use it during recruitment campaigns to help hiring managers effectively filter their prospective candidates .

The Watson Glaser test has been used for more than 85 years; employers trust the insights that the test can provide.

In today’s competitive jobs market where every candidate has brought the best of themselves, it can be increasingly difficult for employers to decide between applicants.

On paper, two candidates may appear identical, with a similar level of education, work experience, and even interests and skills.

But that does not necessarily mean both or either of them is right for the job.

There is much information available on creating an effective cover letter and resume, not to mention advice on making a good impression during an interview.

As a result, employers are increasingly turning to psychometric testing to look beyond the information that they have.

They want to find the right fit: someone who has the skills that they need now and in the future. And with recruitment costs rising each year, making the wrong hiring decision can be catastrophic.

This is where the Watson Glaser test can help.

It can provide hiring managers with the additional support and guidance they need to help them make an informed decision.

The Watson Glaser test is popular among firms working in professional services (such as law, banking and insurance) . It is used for recruitment for junior and senior positions and some of the world’s most recognized establishments are known for their use of the test.

The Bank of England, Deloitte, Hiscox, Linklaters and Hogan Lovells are just a few employers who enhance their recruitment processes through Watson Glaser testing.

Critical thinking is all about logic and rational thought. Finding out someone’s critical thinking skill level is about knowing whether they can assess whether they are being told the truth and how they can use inferences and assumptions to aid their decision-making.

If you are working in a high-pressure environment, having an instinctive ability to look beyond the information provided to the underlying patterns of cause-and-effect can be crucial to do your job well.

Although it is often thought of concerning law firms and finance teams, it is easy to see how critical thinking skills could be applied to a wide range of professions.

For example, HR professionals dealing with internal disputes may need to think critically. Or social workers and other health professionals may need to use critical thinking to assess whether someone is vulnerable and in need of help and support when that person does not or cannot say openly.

Practice Watson Glaser Test with TestHQ

Critical thinking is about questioning what you already know . It is about understanding how to find the facts and the truth about a situation or argument without being influenced by other people’s opinions .

It is also about looking at the bigger picture and seeing how decisions made now may have short-term benefits but long-term consequences.

For those working in senior managerial roles, this ability to think objectively can make a big difference to business success.

As part of the critical thinking assessment, the Watson Glaser Test focuses on the acronym, 'RED':

  • R ecognize assumptions
  • E valuate arguments
  • D raw conclusions

Put simply, the RED model ensures you can understand how to move beyond subconscious bias in your thinking. It ensures that you can identify the truth and understand the differences between fact and opinion.

To recognize assumptions , you must understand yourself and others: what your thought patterns and past experiences have led you to conclude about the world.

Evaluating arguments requires you to genuinely consider the merits of all options in a situation, and not just choose the one you feel that you ‘ought’ to.

Finally, to draw an accurate and beneficial conclusion you must trust your decision-making and understanding of the situation.

Watson Glaser Practice Test Questions & Answers

As mentioned earlier, the Watson Glaser Test assesses five core elements. Here, they will be examined in more depth:

This part of the test is about your ability to draw conclusions based on facts . These facts may be directly provided or may be assumptions that you have previously made.

Within the assessment, you can expect to be provided with a selection of text. Along with the text will be a statement.

You may need to decide whether that statement is true, probably true, insufficient data (neither true nor false), probably false or false.

The test looks to see if your answer was based on a conclusion that could be inferred from the text provided or if it is based on an assumption you previously made.

Take a Watson Glaser Practice Test

Example Statement:

500 students recently attended a voluntary conference in New York. During the conference, two of the main topics discussed were issues relating to diversity and climate change. This is because these are the two issues that the students selected that are important to them.

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

Many people make decisions based on assumptions. But you need to be able to identify when assumptions are being made.

Within the Watson Glaser test , you will be provided with a written statement as well as an assumption.

You will be asked to declare whether that assumption was made in the text provided or not .

This is an important part of the test; it allows employers to understand if you have any expectations about whether things are true or not . For roles in law or finance, this is a vital skill.

We need to save money, so we’ll visit the local shops in the nearest town rather than the local supermarket

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

As a core part of critical thinking, 'deduction' is the ability to use logic and reasoning to come to an informed decision .

You will be presented with several facts, along with a variety of conclusions. You will be tasked with confirming whether those conclusions can be made from the information provided in that statement.

The answers are commonly in a ‘Yes, it follows/No, it does not follow’ form.

It is sometimes sunny on Wednesdays. All sunny days are fun. Therefore…

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

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Critical thinking is also about interpreting the information correctly. It is about using the information provided to come to a valuable, informed decision .

Like the deduction questions, you will be provided with a written statement, which you must assume to be true.

You will also be provided with a suggested interpretation of that written statement. You must decide if that interpretation is correct based on the information provided, using a yes/no format.

A study of toddlers shows that their speech can change significantly between the ages of 10 months and three years old. At 1 year old, a child may learn their first word whereas at three years old they may know 200 words

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

Evaluation of Arguments

This final part requires you to identify whether an argument is strong or weak . You will be presented with a written statement and several arguments that can be used for or against it. You need to identify which is the strongest argument and which is the weakest based on the information provided.

Should all 18-year-olds go to college to study for a degree after they have graduated from high school?

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

There are no confirmed pass/fail scores for Watson Glaser tests; different sectors have different interpretations of what is a good score .

Law firms, for example, will require a pass mark of at least 75–80% because the ability to think critically is an essential aspect of working as a lawyer.

As a comparative test, you need to consider what the comparative ‘norm’ is for your chosen profession. Your score will be compared to other candidates taking the test and you need to score better than them.

It is important to try and score as highly as you possibly can. Your Watson Glaser test score can set you apart from other candidates; you need to impress the recruiters as much as possible.

Your best chance of achieving a high score is to practice as much as possible in advance.

Everyone will have their own preferred study methods, and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another.

However, there are some basic techniques everyone can use, which will enhance your study preparation ahead of the test:

Step 1 . Pay Attention to Online Practice Tests

There are numerous free online training aids available; these can be beneficial as a starting point to your preparation.

However, it should be noted that they are often not as detailed as the actual exam questions.

When researching for online test questions, make sure that any questions are specific to the Watson Glaser Test , not just critical thinking.

General critical thinking questions can help you improve your skills but will not familiarize you with this test. Therefore, make sure you practice any questions which follow the ‘rules’ and structure of a Watson Glaser Test .

Step 2 . Paid-for Preparation Packs Can Be Effective

If you are looking for something that mimics the complexity of a Watson Glaser test , you may wish to look at investing in a preparation pack.

There are plenty of options available from sites such as TestHQ . These are often far more comprehensive than free practice tests.

They may also include specific drills (which take you through each of the five stages of the test) as well as study guides, practice tests and suggestions of how to improve your score.

Psychologically, if you have purchased a preparation pack, you may be more inclined to increase your pre-test practice/study when compared to using free tools, due to having invested money.

Step 3 . Apply Critical Thinking to All Aspects of Your Daily Routine

The best way to improve your critical thinking score is to practice it every day.

It is not just about using your skills to pass an exam question; it is about being able to think critically in everyday scenarios.

Therefore, when you are reading the news or online articles, try to think whether you are being given facts or you are making deductions and assumptions from the information provided.

The more you practice your critical thinking in these scenarios, the more it will become second nature to you.

You could revert to the RED model: recognize the assumptions being made, by you and the author; evaluate the arguments and decide which, if any, are strong; and draw conclusions from the information provided and perhaps see if they differ from conclusions drawn using your external knowledge.

Prepare for Watson Glaser Test with TestHQ

Nine Top Tips for Ensuring Success in Your Watson Glaser Test

If you are getting ready to participate in a Watson Glaser test, you must be clear about what you are being asked to do.

Here are a few tips that can help you to improve your Watson Glaser test score.

1. Practice, Practice, Practice

Critical thinking is a skill that should become second nature to you. You should practice as much as possible, not just so that you can pass the test, but also to feel confident in using your skills in reality.

2. The Best Success Is Based on the Long-Term Study

To succeed in your Watson Glaser test , you need to spend time preparing.

Those who begin studying in the weeks and months beforehand will be far more successful than those who leave their study to the last minute.

3. Acquaint Yourself With the Test Format

The Watson Glaser test has a different type of question to other critical thinking tests.

Make sure that you are aware of what to expect from the test questions. The last thing you want is to be surprised on test day.

4. Read the Instructions Carefully

This is one of the simplest but most effective tips. Your critical thinking skills start with understanding what you are being asked to do. Take your time over the question.

Although you may only have 30 minutes to complete the test, it is still important that you do not rush through and submit the wrong answers. You do not get a higher score if you finish early, so use your time wisely.

5. Only Use the Information Provided in the Question

Remember, the purpose of the test is to see if you can come to a decision based on the provided written statement.

This means that you must ignore anything that you think you already know and focus only on the information given in the question.

6. Widen Your Non-Fictional Reading

Reading a variety of journals, newspapers and reports, and watching examples of debates and arguments will help you to improve your skills.

You will start to understand how the same basic facts can be presented in different ways and cause people to draw different conclusions.

From there, you can start to enhance your critical thinking skills to go beyond the perspective provided in any given situation.

7. Be Self-Aware

We all have our own biases and prejudices whether we know them or not. It is important to think about how your own opinions and life experiences may impact how you perceive and understand situations.

For example, someone who has grown up with a lot of money may have a different interpretation of what it is like to go without, compared to someone who has grown up in extreme poverty.

It is important to have this self-awareness as it is important for understanding other people; this is useful if you are working in sectors such as law.

8. Read the Explanations During Your Preparation

To make the most of practice tests, make sure you read the analysis explaining the answers, regardless of if you got the question right or wrong.

This is the crux of your study; it will explain the reasoning why a certain answer is correct, and this will help you understand how to choose the correct answers.

9. Practice Your Timings

You know that you will have five sections to complete in the test. You also know that you have 30 minutes to complete the test.

Therefore, make sure that your timings are in sync within your practice, so you can work your way through the test in its entirety.

Time yourself on how long each section takes you and put in extra work on your slowest.

What score do you need to pass the Watson Glaser test?

There is no standard benchmark score to pass the Watson Glaser test . Each business sector has its own perception of what constitutes a good score and every employer will set its own requirements.

It is wise to aim for a Watson Glaser test score of at least 75%. To score 75% or higher, you will need to correctly answer at least 30 of the 40 questions.

The employing organization will use your test results to compare your performance with other candidates within the selection pool. The higher you score in the Watson Glaser test , the better your chances of being hired.

Can you fail a Watson Glaser test?

It is not possible to fail a Watson Glaser test . However, your score may not be high enough to meet the benchmark set by the employing organization.

By aiming for a score of at least 75%, you stand a good chance of progressing to the next stage of the recruitment process.

Are Watson Glaser tests hard?

Many candidates find the Watson Glaser test hard. The test is designed to assess five different aspects of logical reasoning skills. Candidates must work under pressure, which adds another dimension of difficulty.

By practicing your critical thinking skills, you can improve your chances of achieving a high score on the Watson Glaser test .

How do I prepare for Watson Glaser?

To prepare for Watson Glaser , you will need to practice your critical thinking abilities. This can be achieved through a range of activities; for example, reading a variety of newspapers, journals and other literature.

Try applying the RED model to your reading – recognize the assumptions being made (both by you and the writer), evaluate the arguments and decide which of these (if any) are strong.

You should also practice drawing conclusions from the information available to you.

Online Watson Glaser practice assessments are a useful way to prepare for Watson Glaser. These practice tests will give you an idea of what to expect on the day, although the questions are not usually as detailed as those in the actual test.

You might also consider using a paid-for Watson Glaser preparation pack, such as the one available from TestHQ . Preparation packs provide a comprehensive test guide, including practice tests and recommendations on how to improve your test score.

How long does the Watson Glaser test take?

Candidates are allowed 30 minutes to complete the Watson Glaser test . The multiple-choice test questions are grouped into five distinct areas – assumptions, deduction, evaluation, inference and interpretation.

Which firms use the Watson Glaser test?

Companies all over the world use the Watson Glaser test as part of their recruitment campaigns.

It is a popular choice for professional service firms, including banking, law, and insurance. Firms using the Watson Glaser test include the Bank of England, Hiscox, Deloitte and Clifford Chance.

How many times can you take the Watson Glaser test?

Most employers will only allow you to take the Watson Glaser test once per application. However, you may take the Watson Glaser test more than once throughout your career.

What is the next step after passing the Watson Glaser test?

The next step after passing the Watson Glaser test will vary between employers. Some firms will ask you to attend a face-to-face interview after passing the Watson Glaser test, others will ask you to attend an assessment center. Speak to the hiring manager to find out the process for the firm you are applying for.

Start preparing in advance for the Watson Glaser test

The Watson Glaser test differs from other critical thinking tests. It has its own rules and formations, and the exam is incredibly competitive. If you are asked to participate in a Watson Glaser test it is because your prospective employer is looking for the ‘best of the best’. Your aim is not to simply pass the test; it is to achieve a higher score than anyone else taking that test .

Therefore, taking the time to prepare for the Watson Glaser test is vital for your chances of success. You need to be confident that you know what you are being asked to do, and that you can use your critical thinking skills to make informed decisions.

Your study is about more than helping you to pass a test; it is about providing you with the skills and capability to think critically about information in the ‘real world’ .

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Critical Thinking Tests (2024 Guide)

Or explore the Aptitude Tests / Test Types sections.

What is the Critical Thinking Test?

Critical thinking practice test, take a free practice critical thinking test, practice critical thinking test.

Updated November 16, 2023

Edward Melett

The Critical Thinking Test is a comprehensive evaluation designed to assess individuals' cognitive capacities and analytical prowess.

This formal examination, often referred to as the critical thinking assessment, is a benchmark for those aiming to demonstrate their proficiency in discernment and problem-solving.

In addition, this evaluative tool meticulously gauges a range of skills, including logical reasoning, analytical thinking, and the ability to evaluate and synthesize information.

This article will embark on an exploration of the Critical Thinking Test, elucidating its intricacies and elucidating its paramount importance. We will dissect the essential skills it measures and clarify its significance in gauging one's intellectual aptitude.

We will examine examples of critical thinking questions, illuminating the challenging scenarios that candidates encounter prompting them to navigate the complexities of thought with finesse.

Before going ahead to take the critical thinking test, let's delve into the realm of preparation. This segment serves as a crucible for honing the skills assessed in the actual examination, offering candidates a chance to refine their analytical blades before facing the real challenge. Here are some skills that will help you with the critical thinking assessment: Logical Reasoning: The practice test meticulously evaluates your ability to deduce conclusions from given information, assess the validity of arguments, and recognize patterns in logic. Analytical Thinking: Prepare to dissect complex scenarios, identify key components, and synthesize information to draw insightful conclusions—a fundamental aspect of the critical thinking assessment. Problem-Solving Proficiency: Navigate through intricate problems that mirror real-world challenges, honing your capacity to approach issues systematically and derive effective solutions. What to Expect: The Critical Thinking Practice Test is crafted to mirror the format and complexity of the actual examination. Expect a series of scenarios, each accompanied by a set of questions that demand thoughtful analysis and logical deduction. These scenarios span diverse fields, from business and science to everyday scenarios, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your critical thinking skills. Examples of Critical Thinking Questions Scenario: In a business context, analyze the potential impacts of a proposed strategy on both short-term profitability and long-term sustainability. Question: What factors would you consider in determining the viability of the proposed strategy, and how might it affect the company's overall success? Scenario: Evaluate conflicting scientific studies on a pressing environmental issue.

Question: Identify the key methodologies and data points in each study. How would you reconcile the disparities to form an informed, unbiased conclusion?

Why Practice Matters

Engaging in the Critical Thinking Practice Test familiarizes you with the test format and cultivates a mindset geared towards agile and astute reasoning. This preparatory phase allows you to refine your cognitive toolkit, ensuring you approach the assessment with confidence and finesse.

We'll navigate through specific examples as we proceed, offering insights into effective strategies for tackling critical thinking questions. Prepare to embark on a journey of intellectual sharpening, where each practice question refines your analytical prowess for the challenges ahead.

This is a practice critical thinking test.

The test consists of three questions . 

After you have answered all the questions, you will be shown the correct answers and given full explanations.

Make sure you read and fully understand each question before answering. Work quickly, but don't rush. You cannot afford to make mistakes on a real test .

If you get a question wrong, make sure you find out why and learn how to answer this type of question in the future. 

Six friends are seated in a restaurant across a rectangular table. There are three chairs on each side. Adam and Dorky do not have anyone sitting to their right and Clyde and Benjamin do not have anyone sitting to their left. Adam and Benjamin are not sitting on the same side of the table.

If Ethan is not sitting next to Dorky, who is seated immediately to the left of Felix?

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Watson Glaser Assessments

  • 228 questions

Watson Glaser tests are a form of psychometric assessment that fall under the category of critical thinking tests. They are designed to determine how well an individual can process information from a logical perspective, and then evaluate, analyse and make sound judgements. As such, they are commonly used in the recruitment process for professions that rely on these skills.

What is a Watson Glaser test?

Watson Glaser test is a comprehensive psychometric assessment that falls under the category of critical thinking tests. It is designed to determine how well an individual can process information from a logical perspective, and then evaluate, analyze and make sound judgments. Watson Glaser test is commonly used in the recruitment process for professions that rely on these skills.

Watson Glaser tests have been around since 1925 when they were first developed by American psychologists Goodwin Watson and Edwin Glaser. Subject to many revisions and improvements over the years, they are now produced by test publisher TalentLens and are considered one of the most trusted methods of evaluating critical reasoning.

Critical thinking is a complex skill that requires the ability to interpret information, differentiate fact from fallacy, draw evidence-based conclusions and identify sound arguments, all while remaining objective.

Like many critical thinking tests , the Watson Glaser test measures these skills through verbal information: that is, statements or passages of text from which an individual is required to make deductions and inferences, pinpoint assumptions needed to validate a proposition, and weigh up the strength of an argument.

These are inherent skills, more prominent in some than others. The Watson Glaser test, therefore, requires no prior knowledge. Success relies on existing knowledge being put to one side, the sole focus being the evidence laid out in each question.

You may be asked to sit a Watson Glaser test by the potential employer if applying for a graduate, professional or managerial level position in a sector where critical thinking is a prerequisite. Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal is most commonly used in the legal sector, but also the selection process of organizations like the Bank of England.

The test may be used for screening purposes in the initial stages of the hiring process, or at a later date as part of an assessment day .

What is the format of a Watson Glaser test?

The Watson Glaser test is a timed, multiple-choice assessment, the most recent version of which consists of 40 critical reasoning questions with a 30-minute time constraint.

Questions are split across five areas of logical reasoning ability:

Drawing inferences

To draw inferences is essential to make an educated guess based on the evidence in front of you, without being swayed by any pre-existing knowledge or subconscious bias.

You’ll be presented with a short paragraph, followed by a set of inferred statements. Potential employees need to critically analyse the information in the given paragraph to determine if these statements are true, probably true, false, probably false, or if there is insufficient proof to determine either way.

Recognising assumptions

Assumptions relating to what we understand to be true without needing solid proof. They are the underlying facts that give an argument its validity.

In this section of the test, you’ll be presented with a statement and a set of assumptions. If the statement relies on the assumption being true, you would mark it as ‘assumption made’.

If the assumption is irrelevant to the statement or bears no weight on its validity, you would mark it as ‘assumption not made.

Deductive reasoning is the act of arriving at a fact-based conclusion through a logical thought process. A deduction differs from an assumption in that it is what we take away from an argument, as opposed to the facts on which an argument needs to stand.

Based solely on the evidence presented in a statement or short paragraph, you’ll need to determine if a list of conclusions does or does not logically follow the information in front of you.


The interpretation section of the Watson Glaser test is similar to the deduction section, in that you’ll be asked to determine whether a given conclusion can logically be drawn from an argument.

However, with these questions, you’ll need to be able to identify significant pieces of information and decide if a logical interpretation can be applied in support of the conclusion in question.

Evaluating arguments

This last section looks at your ability to separate a weak argument from a strong one. It is designed to test your impartial evaluation of arguments, not your personal opinion.

A question will be posted, followed by a set of arguments on either side of the debate. You’ll need to decide if an argument is relevant and challenging, and therefore strong, or vague and unrealistic, and therefore weak.

What skills does it look to measure?

The five sections combined to give an overall picture of your performance in key areas, and measure your ability to:

Define a problem

Select key points of information to formulate a solution

Understand when an assumption has been made, and when it has not

Hypothesise, or select an applicable hypothesis based on limited evidence

Draw fact-based conclusions

Determine the probability of an inference

What is a passing score on the Watson Glaser tests?

The results of your Watson Glaser test will be assessed against a norm group: individuals of a comparative educational background or professional standing – within a relevant field – that have previously sat the exam.

It is therefore difficult to state an exact pass score on the test since it depends entirely on the performance of your peers. Ideally, you’d look to reach 75% and above to give yourself a competitive edge.

Which professions use Watson Glaser tests, and why?

Watson Glaser tests are used to assess suitability for several occupations including those in the medical profession, marketing, and education. Those critical reasoning tests are most common in law firms and professional services sectors.

Many positions in law, banking, and finance, for example, require that an individual make informed decisions that can be justified, are rooted in fact, and are free from bias. Since critical thinking is an essential skill here, employers use Watson Glaser tests to determine how well-suited a candidate is for these professions.

How to prepare for a Watson Glaser test

Practice is the first port of call when preparing for your Watson Glaser test. Although critical thinking is an inherent skill, it can be nurtured and improved upon.

Watson Glaser tests are built around a model known as RED . Try to keep this in mind as you approach both practice tests and daily tasks.

The components associated with the RED model are:

Recognising assumptions . Instead of simply taking things at face value, such as the news or a part of a conversation with a friend or co-worker, ask yourself if what you’re hearing can be classified as true, and what the facts are that back it up. Are they evidential, or based on assumptions?

Evaluating arguments . We’re all guilty of seeking out information that confirms our perspective. Instead, actively look for opinions that contradict your own and assess them from an objective point of view. The better you become at seeing both sides of a story, the more prepared you’ll be to critically evaluate arguments in your Watson Glaser test.

Drawing conclusions . Try to get used to drawing fact-based conclusions, rather than those based on emotional reactions or subconscious bias. These conclusions may not align with your perspective, but a Watson Glaser test requires that you conclude impartially – and as with most things in life, practice makes perfect here.

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Tips for Watson Glaser tests

Study the practice questions.

In the official test, you’ll have the opportunity to complete practice questions. These are there for a reason, so use them wisely. Each section of the test differs slightly in its approach, and the more comfortable you are with what is being asked of you, the more clearly you’ll be able to approach the problem.

Leave instinct and intuition at the door

To succeed on a Watson Glaser test, you need to go against human nature and ignore everything you think you know. Each question will contain all the relevant information you need. Whether you believe it to be true, agree with it, or not, is irrelevant. For the sake of the test, evaluate only the information given. Any outside knowledge should temporarily be forgotten.

Examine each question carefully

The key to strategic critical thinking is to fully understand what is being presented. You cannot draw a valid conclusion, or understand what assumptions support an argument, if you do not fully comprehend what is put forward. You may feel the need to rush under the time pressure, but attention to detail is vital.

Look for keywords and phrases

The statement, proposition or paragraph of text at the start of each question will inevitably include keywords or phrases that relate directly to the assumptions, inferences or conclusions given. These are your clues. Identify them, and you’ll find it much easier to analyse each scenario objectively.

Split your time evenly

Remember, you have a set amount of time to work through all five sections of the test. Split this evenly across the board before you start, and keep track of how much time you spend on each question. It may seem counterintuitive to add to the pressure, but in setting yourself a time frame, you eliminate the risk of dedicated excessive attention to any one part of the test.

For further advice, check out our full set of tips for Watson Glaser tests .

Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with Watson Glaser. We provide preparation services for Watson Glaser psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry. Visit to find out more.

Sample Watson Glaser Tests question Test your knowledge!

What can be inferred from the following statement? 'Despite increased competition, sales figures for Company Y have improved.'

  • Increased competition has had a direct negative effect on sales figures.
  • Company Y has possibly employed successful strategies to overcome competitive challenges.
  • The overall market has been declining.
  • Company Y's products are unaffected by competition.

Which of the following conclusions can logically be drawn from the information given? Despite its small size, Company X is the market leader in its segment.

  • Company X's market segment prefers quality over size.
  • Company X has a larger market share in its segment than its bigger competitors.
  • The size of a company is not related to its market leadership.
  • Company X is the smallest company in its market segment.

After reading the passage, what is the author's main argument?

  • Traditional education systems are adequate to meet current workforce needs.
  • Workplaces need to ensure their employees are consistently learning to keep up with technological changes.
  • Technological innovation has little impact on the skills required by the workforce.
  • Education systems are evolving faster than workplaces can keep up.

Which assumption is implicit in the following statement? 'We expect our customer base to double when we expand our services internationally.'

  • International markets are eager for the company's services.
  • The company has conducted ample market research on international markets.
  • The company's services are currently not available internationally.
  • Customers are dissatisfied with the current services.

Evaluate the strength of the given argument: 'Since implementing the new safety protocol, our factory has seen a 30% reduction in workplace injuries.'

  • The new safety protocol is ineffective and should be reviewed.
  • The 30% reduction in workplace injuries can be solely attributed to the new safety protocol.
  • The factory should promote the person responsible for the new safety protocol.
  • The new safety protocol may have contributed to the reduction in workplace injuries.

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Watson Glaser Tests Tips

1 understand the test structure.

Before you dive into practicing for the Watson Glaser tests, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with their structure. These tests aim to assess critical thinking skills across a range of areas, which TalentLens categorizes as ‘select’, ‘develop’, and ‘engage’. By understanding the types of questions and sections you will encounter, you can tailor your test preparation strategy effectively.

2 Focus on Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is at the heart of Watson Glaser tests. It’s not just about what you know but how you apply your knowledge to analyze, evaluate, and make decisions. Spend time honing your reasoning skills—practice breaking down complex information into manageable parts and consider arguments from multiple perspectives.

3 Manage Your Time Wisely

Like many aptitude tests, the Watson Glaser tests require you to balance accuracy with speed. Practice managing your time efficiently so you can give each question the attention it deserves while ensuring you complete the test within the allotted time frame. Use timers in your practice sessions at Practice Aptitude Tests to simulate real test conditions.

4 Sharpen Your Reading Skills

Reading comprehension is essential for Watson Glaser tests, as you’ll need to interpret written material quickly and accurately. Practice reading dense and challenging texts to improve your absorption and analysis capabilities. The key here is to not only understand the passages but also to critically evaluate them.

5 Stay Calm and Confident

Test anxiety can affect your performance. Remember to stay calm, take deep breaths, and approach each question with confidence. Regular practice at Practice Aptitude Tests will help build your familiarity with the question types and format, which in turn will boost your test-taking confidence.

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Watson Glaser Tests FAQs

How does watson glaser define critical thinking.

According to the methodology behind Watson Glaser tests, critical thinking is the ability to observe a scenario and consider it from various perspectives, whilst identifying what is fact, what is assumed and what is mere opinion. In doing so, you should be able to draw logical conclusions and use these for informed decision making.

How can I improve my critical thinking skills?

Critical thinking is a part of our daily lives; we’re just not always aware that we’re doing it. To improve your skills, tune in to the world around you, ask questions, read actively and look for evidence in every statement or argument you come across. Take practice tests regularly to assess your progress.

Is the Watson Glaser test hard?

Watson Glaser tests are considered among the most challenging of all critical thinking assessments, since they test five separate aspects of logical reasoning ability . Time constraints also add to the pressure. That said, they are typically no harder than the careers for which they test your suitability, and with dedicated practice, you can hone your skills and make critical thinking second nature.

Where can I practice Watson Glaser tests?

There are multiple online resources available to help you prepare for your Watson Glaser test, including our own free practice tests . We recommended you work through these questions to familiarise yourself with the format and improve your critical thinking skills.

Reviews of our Watson Glaser tests

What our customers say about our Watson Glaser tests

Jozef Bailey

United Kingdom

April 05, 2022

Doesn't cover all aspects of Watson-Glaser tests but useful

The WGCTA uses more categories to assess critical thinking, but this was useful for the inference section.

April 01, 2022

Just practicing for an interview

Good information and liked that it had a countdown clock, to give you that real feel in the test situation.

Jerico Kadhir

March 31, 2022

Aptitude test

It was OK, I didn't understand personally whether or not the "cannot say" option was acceptable or not in a lot of the questions, as it may have been a trick option.

Salvarina Viknesuari

March 15, 2022

I like the test because the platform is simple and engaging while the test itself is different than most of the Watson Glaser tests I've taken.

Alexis Sheridan

March 02, 2022

Some of the ratios were harder than I thought!

I like how clear the design and layout is - makes things very easy (even if the content itself is not!)

Cyril Lekgetho

February 17, 2022

Mental arithmetic

I enjoyed the fact that there were multiple questions pertaining to one passage of information, rather than multiple passages. However I would've appreciated a more varied question type.

Madupoju Manish

February 16, 2022

Analytics are the best questions

I like the test because of its time schedule. The way the questions are prepared makes it easy to crack the original test.

Chelsea Franklin

February 02, 2022


I haven't done something like this for ages. Very good for the brain - although I certainly experienced some fog whilst doing it.

[email protected]

January 04, 2022

Population/exchange rates were the hardest

Great test as it felt a bit time pressured. Very different types of questions in terms of difficulty.

faezeh tavakoli

January 02, 2022

More attention to detail + be more time conscious

It was asking about daily stuff we all deal with, but as an assessment it's scrutinising how we approach these problems.

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Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Tests

Complex and challenging critical thinking tests, including the Watson-Glaser, are used mostly by law firms.

Page contents:

About critical thinking tests and how they work, free practice critical thinking test, the watson glaser critical thinking appraisal, what is measured by a watson glaser critical thinking test, what should i know before taking a watson glaser critical thinking test, major publishers' critical thinking tests, advice for all critical thinking tests, assessmentday's practice tests can help you to prepare for a critical thinking test, one final point, other test publishers.

Updated: 08 September 2022

Critical thinking tests, or critical reasoning tests, are psychometric tests used in recruitment at all levels, graduate, professional and managerial, but predominantly in the legal sector. However, it is not uncommon to find companies in other sectors using critical thinking tests as part of their selection process. This is an intense test, focusing primarily on your analytical, or critical thinking, skills. Some tests are still conducted by paper and pen, but, just like other psychometric tests, critical thinking tests are mostly administered online at home or on a computer at a testing center.

The questions are multiple choice, and these choices and the style of questions are explained in more detail further down the page. The tests will often follow these two common timings:

  • 30 questions with a 40 minute time limit
  • 80 questions with a 60 minute time limit

Critical Thinking can be defined in many ways and an exact description is disputed, however, most agree on a broad definition of critical thinking, that 'critical thinking involves rational, purposeful, and goal-directed using certain cognitive skills and strategies.' An absence or lack of critical thinking skills at times may lead us to believe things which aren't true, because we haven't sufficiently analysed and criticized the information we've received or used this to formulate and independently test our own theories, arguments and ideas. These are all examples of critical thinking skills put into practice. Glaser (An Experiment in the Development of Critical Thinking, 1941) stated that to think critically involved three key parts:

  • An attitude of being disposed to consider in a thoughtful way the problems and subjects that come within the range of one's experiences
  • Knowledge of the methods of logical inquiry and reasoning
  • Some skill in applying those methods

Note: AssessmentDay and its products are not affiliated with Pearson or TalentLens. Our practice tests are for candidates to prepare for the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal; we do not sell tests for employers to select candidates.

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Free Critical Thinking Test

Here, we have a full critical thinking test for you to practice for free. You can dive straight in and practice the full test (in blue at the bottom), or tackle each individual section one at a time.

All answers and explanations are included at the end of the test, or alternatively you can download the Solutions PDF. Each test has been given a generous time limit.

Critical Thinking Test 1

  • 40 questions

Critical Thinking Test 2

Critical thinking test 3, critical thinking test 4.

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TalentLens' Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA) is the most common critical thinking test. You can visit their official site here: Watson Glaser . Most other critical thinking tests are based on the Watson Glaser format. More than 90 years' of experience have led to many modifications and improvements in the test.

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal is widely regarded as a good predictor of work productivity and at identifying candidates with a good potential to become managers and occupy other positions as a senior member of staff. The latest edition of the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test has improved its validity, appealed more to businesses by focusing on business-relevant topics, switched to the Item Response Theory (IRT) for its scoring, updated norm groups, and integrated anti-cheat measures by having an online retest, which can be used to validate results.

Developed by Goodwin Watson and Edward Glaser, the Watson Glaser test is favored by law firms , keen to measure people's abilities to reason, reach conclusions and know when leaps in logic have been made. Skills which are required in the legal sector. The questions in each of the 5 sections aims to evaluate the candidate's ability to:

  • 1. Arrive at correct inferences
  • 2. Identify when an assumption has been made
  • 3. Use deductive reasoning
  • 4. Reach logical conclusions
  • 5. Evaluate the effectiveness of arguments

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Did You Know

The most recent revision of the W-GCTA was published in 2011 with notable improvements being better face validity and business-relevant items, scoring based on Item Response Theory (IRT), updated norm groups, and an online retest which can be used to validate a paper and pencil test result.

A Critical thinking tests assesses your ability in 5 key areas mentioned above; assumptions, arguments, deductions, inferences and interpreting information. Often in this order. A short paragraph of text a few sentences long or a single sentence is used as a starting point. This passage will contain information which you will base your answer to the question on. Another sentence is then presented to you and you will be asked to judge something about this sentence based on the information in the short paragraph. The five sections are explained in more detail here:

  • Assumptions - You are being asked to state whether the information in the second set of text you are presented is an assumption made in the first paragraph. Quite a tricky concept to get your head around at first. In a nutshell, when people speak or make arguments, there are underlying assumptions in those arguments. Here you are presented with some assumptions and are asked to judge if that is being made in the original statement. For example in the statement "only people earning a high salary can afford a fast car," what's being assumed is that fast cars are expensive because only people who are earning a lot of money can buy one, however, what's not being assumed is that people without high salaries aren't legally allowed to buy a fast car. You are asked to choose whether an assumption has been made or has not been made.
  • Arguments - You are presented with an argument, such as "Should college fees be abolished?" Regardless of your own opinions and thoughts on the argument, you are then presented with statements related to this original argument. You are asked to say whether the responses to the original argument of "Should college fees be abolished?" make for strong or weak arguments. Arguments are considered strong if they are related to the topic such as, "Yes, many people who would benefit from a college education do not because they cannot afford it. This hurts the country's economic growth." The argument presented is sound, related to the original question. Compare this with a weak argument, "No, I do not trust people who read a lot of books." It is clear that the second argument bears very little relation to the subject of the abolition of college tuition fees. This is not to say that an argument against the original argument will always be a weak one, or that an argument in favor will always be a strong one. For example, "Yes, I like people that read books," is in favor of the abolition as indicated by "yes," but that person's like or dislike of others that read books isn't related, or hasn't been explained how it's related to removing the fees. Carefully considering what is being said, remove it from your own personal opinions and political views to objectively analyse what someone else has put forward.
  • Deductions - A few sentences of information are presented to you. Another separate short statement will also be shown to you, which is supposed to represent a conclusion that someone has reached. You will have to determine whether this conclusion logically follows from the information given to you. Can the statement be deduced from the information available>? If so, and without a doubt, then the conclusion follows, if not, then the conclusion does not follow. Your decision must be based on the information given and not from your own knowledge.
  • Inferences - A short scenario is described to you, followed by possible inferences. The inferences are short statements. Imagine that these are what people have said is inferred from the scenario. Use your judgement and the short scenario to assess whether what's being said has actually been inferred from the passage and the likelihood of this inference. You are asked to rank each inference as either 'true,' 'false,' 'possibly true,' 'possibly false.' For some proposed inferences there isn't enough information to say either 'true' or 'false' so a fifth option is included; 'more information required.' You can only select one option from the five.
  • Interpreting Information - Following a similar format to the previous four sections, a short passage of information and then a series of statements are shown to you. You are asked to judge whether the information in the passage can be interpreted as the statements suggest. The answer options are straightforward here; you either select 'conclusion follows,' or 'conclusion does not follow,' depending on whether or not you believe that the statement can be logically reached from the information given. Again, for this section and all others, you are to base your choice of answer on what you're given, not on any specialized knowledge you might have.

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If a watson glaser critical thinking test is used in the early stages of the application process it's likely to be used as a screening tool. This puts some pressure on candidates to meet a minimum pass mark, which will allow them to be selected to go on to the next stage of the selection process. If it's used at a later stage in the process, the results from this will be combined with performance in other assessments, tests, exercises and interviews. All the information you need to answer the questions will be in the test. Below the details of a few companies' critical thinking tests are pointed out.

Here is a list of critical reasoning tests on the market at present, which candidates may be likely to encounter for recruitment, selection or development.

  • W-GCTA - The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal as it is formally called is the most ubiquitous critical thinking test out there. This is the one that you are most likely to encounter.
  • GMAT - The general management aptitude test, used by business schools and colleges test students' critical thinking ability. The critical thinking questions are written in a business or finance context.
  • SHL - SHL have produced the Critical Reasoning Test Battery composed of 60 critical reasoning questions with a strict time limit of 30 minutes.
  • Cornell - Cornell have developed a critical thinking test to be used in educational environments. The two levels, X and Z, are aimed at children and adults, respectively.
  • Area-specific - There are tests which focus on either numerical critical reasoning skills and verbal critical reasoning skills. These tests will ask only numerical or only verbal questions to assess your skills in a specific area.

Here is some general advice to help you perform to the best of your ability for your critical reasoning test.

  • No prior knowledge - The key point here is that critical reasoning tests are measuring your ability to think, or the method that you use to reach a conclusion. You should therefore not rely on prior knowledge to answer the question. Questions will be written so that you do not need to know any specialist knowledge to answer the question. For example, you will not be expected to know mathematical formulas or laws of nature and to answer questions with that information. If you are given the formula and its description in the questions, you are expected to use that information to reach the answer.
  • Carefully read the instructions - There are 5 sections to most critical thinking tests and each will assess a slightly different skill. Make sure you have read the instructions and understand what it is you are expected to do to answer the questions for this section. There is quite a difference between the Assumptions section and the Deductions section for example. Applying the rules of one to the other would lead to just guessing the answers and making many mistakes.
  • Keep your eye on the timer - These tests are complex. You might find yourself fixated on answering one question and taking up a lot of the time you are allowed. Checking how much time you have every so often can help you to more evenly distribute your time between the questions. This is done to avoid spending too much time on one question when that time would be better spent answering more or checking your answers. This time management applies to all tests, but is particularly important with Critical Thinking tests, as many people believe they have such a large amount of time, but underestimate the number of questions they have to answer.
  • Logical fallacies - Identifying logical fallacies is key to many parts of this test, and researching the difference between sound and fallacious logic will prove helpful in a critical reasoning test. A fallacy is an error in reasoning due to a misconception or a presumption, and an argument which employs a formal fallacy, logical fallacy or a deductive fallacy in its reasoning becomes an invalid argument. Researching the different types of fallacy (i.e. red herring argument, straw man argument, confusing correlation and causation etc.) can help you spot these in the test and correctly answer the question.

The practice tests that we have cover all of the sections of the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking test and these overlap with many of the variations in Critical Thinking tests produced by major publishers. practice helps to increase your confidence, gives you a chance to learn from your mistakes in a risk-free environment, and can reduce stress before an exam.

The best place to get advice on taking a critical thinking tests is the test publisher's website, for example this one for the Watson Glaser .

If you have already successfully passed a few initial stages of the application process, it's unlikely that companies will focus solely on your results in the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking test when deciding whether or not to hire you. This type of selection by results on one test is more likely if it is part of the early stages of the process. However, towards the later stages the company will look at your results across interviews, group exercises, other aptitude tests and your résumé and will collate all of this information before reaching a decision. If you have been invited to undertake a critical reasoning test then the organisation clearly has an interest in hiring you, let that fact inspire confidence and perform to the best of your ability on your test, good luck!

You may also be interested in these popular tests sections.

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  • Knowledge Base
  • Working with sources
  • What Is Critical Thinking? | Definition & Examples

What Is Critical Thinking? | Definition & Examples

Published on May 30, 2022 by Eoghan Ryan . Revised on May 31, 2023.

Critical thinking is the ability to effectively analyze information and form a judgment .

To think critically, you must be aware of your own biases and assumptions when encountering information, and apply consistent standards when evaluating sources .

Critical thinking skills help you to:

  • Identify credible sources
  • Evaluate and respond to arguments
  • Assess alternative viewpoints
  • Test hypotheses against relevant criteria

Table of contents

Why is critical thinking important, critical thinking examples, how to think critically, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about critical thinking.

Critical thinking is important for making judgments about sources of information and forming your own arguments. It emphasizes a rational, objective, and self-aware approach that can help you to identify credible sources and strengthen your conclusions.

Critical thinking is important in all disciplines and throughout all stages of the research process . The types of evidence used in the sciences and in the humanities may differ, but critical thinking skills are relevant to both.

In academic writing , critical thinking can help you to determine whether a source:

  • Is free from research bias
  • Provides evidence to support its research findings
  • Considers alternative viewpoints

Outside of academia, critical thinking goes hand in hand with information literacy to help you form opinions rationally and engage independently and critically with popular media.

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critical thinking test 2022

Critical thinking can help you to identify reliable sources of information that you can cite in your research paper . It can also guide your own research methods and inform your own arguments.

Outside of academia, critical thinking can help you to be aware of both your own and others’ biases and assumptions.

Academic examples

However, when you compare the findings of the study with other current research, you determine that the results seem improbable. You analyze the paper again, consulting the sources it cites.

You notice that the research was funded by the pharmaceutical company that created the treatment. Because of this, you view its results skeptically and determine that more independent research is necessary to confirm or refute them. Example: Poor critical thinking in an academic context You’re researching a paper on the impact wireless technology has had on developing countries that previously did not have large-scale communications infrastructure. You read an article that seems to confirm your hypothesis: the impact is mainly positive. Rather than evaluating the research methodology, you accept the findings uncritically.

Nonacademic examples

However, you decide to compare this review article with consumer reviews on a different site. You find that these reviews are not as positive. Some customers have had problems installing the alarm, and some have noted that it activates for no apparent reason.

You revisit the original review article. You notice that the words “sponsored content” appear in small print under the article title. Based on this, you conclude that the review is advertising and is therefore not an unbiased source. Example: Poor critical thinking in a nonacademic context You support a candidate in an upcoming election. You visit an online news site affiliated with their political party and read an article that criticizes their opponent. The article claims that the opponent is inexperienced in politics. You accept this without evidence, because it fits your preconceptions about the opponent.

There is no single way to think critically. How you engage with information will depend on the type of source you’re using and the information you need.

However, you can engage with sources in a systematic and critical way by asking certain questions when you encounter information. Like the CRAAP test , these questions focus on the currency , relevance , authority , accuracy , and purpose of a source of information.

When encountering information, ask:

  • Who is the author? Are they an expert in their field?
  • What do they say? Is their argument clear? Can you summarize it?
  • When did they say this? Is the source current?
  • Where is the information published? Is it an academic article? Is it peer-reviewed ?
  • Why did the author publish it? What is their motivation?
  • How do they make their argument? Is it backed up by evidence? Does it rely on opinion, speculation, or appeals to emotion ? Do they address alternative arguments?

Critical thinking also involves being aware of your own biases, not only those of others. When you make an argument or draw your own conclusions, you can ask similar questions about your own writing:

  • Am I only considering evidence that supports my preconceptions?
  • Is my argument expressed clearly and backed up with credible sources?
  • Would I be convinced by this argument coming from someone else?

If you want to know more about ChatGPT, AI tools , citation , and plagiarism , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • ChatGPT vs human editor
  • ChatGPT citations
  • Is ChatGPT trustworthy?
  • Using ChatGPT for your studies
  • What is ChatGPT?
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  • Paraphrasing


  • Types of plagiarism
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critical thinking test 2022

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Critical thinking refers to the ability to evaluate information and to be aware of biases or assumptions, including your own.

Like information literacy , it involves evaluating arguments, identifying and solving problems in an objective and systematic way, and clearly communicating your ideas.

Critical thinking skills include the ability to:

You can assess information and arguments critically by asking certain questions about the source. You can use the CRAAP test , focusing on the currency , relevance , authority , accuracy , and purpose of a source of information.

Ask questions such as:

  • Who is the author? Are they an expert?
  • How do they make their argument? Is it backed up by evidence?

A credible source should pass the CRAAP test  and follow these guidelines:

  • The information should be up to date and current.
  • The author and publication should be a trusted authority on the subject you are researching.
  • The sources the author cited should be easy to find, clear, and unbiased.
  • For a web source, the URL and layout should signify that it is trustworthy.

Information literacy refers to a broad range of skills, including the ability to find, evaluate, and use sources of information effectively.

Being information literate means that you:

  • Know how to find credible sources
  • Use relevant sources to inform your research
  • Understand what constitutes plagiarism
  • Know how to cite your sources correctly

Confirmation bias is the tendency to search, interpret, and recall information in a way that aligns with our pre-existing values, opinions, or beliefs. It refers to the ability to recollect information best when it amplifies what we already believe. Relatedly, we tend to forget information that contradicts our opinions.

Although selective recall is a component of confirmation bias, it should not be confused with recall bias.

On the other hand, recall bias refers to the differences in the ability between study participants to recall past events when self-reporting is used. This difference in accuracy or completeness of recollection is not related to beliefs or opinions. Rather, recall bias relates to other factors, such as the length of the recall period, age, and the characteristics of the disease under investigation.

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Ryan, E. (2023, May 31). What Is Critical Thinking? | Definition & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 30, 2024, from

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Critical Thinking Questionnaire (CThQ) -construction and application of critical thinking test tool

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Critical thinking definition

critical thinking test 2022

Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.

Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to belief and action, requires the critical thinking process, which is why it's often used in education and academics.

Some even may view it as a backbone of modern thought.

However, it's a skill, and skills must be trained and encouraged to be used at its full potential.

People turn up to various approaches in improving their critical thinking, like:

  • Developing technical and problem-solving skills
  • Engaging in more active listening
  • Actively questioning their assumptions and beliefs
  • Seeking out more diversity of thought
  • Opening up their curiosity in an intellectual way etc.

Is critical thinking useful in writing?

Critical thinking can help in planning your paper and making it more concise, but it's not obvious at first. We carefully pinpointed some the questions you should ask yourself when boosting critical thinking in writing:

  • What information should be included?
  • Which information resources should the author look to?
  • What degree of technical knowledge should the report assume its audience has?
  • What is the most effective way to show information?
  • How should the report be organized?
  • How should it be designed?
  • What tone and level of language difficulty should the document have?

Usage of critical thinking comes down not only to the outline of your paper, it also begs the question: How can we use critical thinking solving problems in our writing's topic?

Let's say, you have a Powerpoint on how critical thinking can reduce poverty in the United States. You'll primarily have to define critical thinking for the viewers, as well as use a lot of critical thinking questions and synonyms to get them to be familiar with your methods and start the thinking process behind it.

Are there any services that can help me use more critical thinking?

We understand that it's difficult to learn how to use critical thinking more effectively in just one article, but our service is here to help.

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  • Thinker's Guides

critical thinking test 2022

CT800: Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life - Fall 2022

Whatever you are doing right now is determined by the way you are thinking. All your emotions—whatever you feel—are determined by your thinking. All your desires —whatever you want—are determined by your thinking. If your thinking is unrealistic, it will lead you to many disappointments. If your thinking is overly pessimistic, it will deny you due recognition of the many things in which you should properly rejoice.

Since few people realize the powerful role that thinking plays in their lives, few gain significant command of it. Most people are in many ways victims of their thinking; that is, they are  hurt  rather than  helped  by it. Most people are their own worst enemy. Their thinking is a continual source of problems, preventing them from recognizing opportunities, keeping them from exerting energy where it will do the most good, poisoning relationships, and leading them down blind alleys.

This course will introduce you to the tools the best thinkers use, and will exemplify the activities and practice you can use to begin emulating them. Here are some of the qualities of the best thinkers.

·         The best thinkers think about their thinking.  They do not take thinking for granted. They do not trust fate to improve their thinking. They  notice  their thinking. They  reflect  on their thinking. They act upon their thinking.

·         The best thinkers are highly purposeful.  They do not simply act. They know why they act. They know what they are about. They have clear goals and clear priorities. They continually check their activities for alignment with their goals.

·         The best thinkers have intellectual “tools” that they use to raise the quality of their thinking.  They know how to express their thinking clearly. They know how to check it for accuracy and precision. They know how to keep focused on a question and make sure that it is relevant to their goals and purposes. They know how to think beneath the surface and how to expand their thinking to include insights from multiple perspectives. They know how to think logically and significantly.

·         The best thinkers distinguish their thoughts from their feelings and desires.  They know that wanting something to be so does not make it so. They know that one can be unjustifiably angry, afraid, or insecure. They do not let unexamined emotions determine their decisions. They have 'discovered' their minds, and they examine the way their minds operate as a result. They take deliberate charge of those operations.

·         The best thinkers routinely take thinking apart.  They analyze thinking. They do not trust the mind to analyze itself automatically. They realize that the art of analyzing thinking is an art one must consciously learn. They realize that it takes knowledge (of the elements of thinking) and practice (in exercising control over those elements ). 

·         The best thinkers routinely evaluate thinking—determining its strengths and weaknesses.  They do not trust the mind to evaluate itself automatically. They realize that the automatic ways in which the mind evaluates itself are inherently flawed. They realize that the art of evaluating thinking is an art one must consciously learn. They realize that it takes knowledge (of the universal standards for thinking) and practice (in applying those standards).  

This course, as a whole, will introduce you to the tools of mind that will help you reason well through the problems and issues you face, whether in the classroom, in your personal life, or in your professional life. If you take these ideas seriously, and practice using them, you can take command of the thinking that ultimately will command the quality of your life.

As an outcome of this course, students will:

·         Demonstrate understanding of the importance of fairminded critical thinking in the cultivation of fairminded critical societies.

·         Demonstrate understanding of the parts of thinking and how these parts work together in reasoning.

·         Demonstrate understanding of universal intellectual standards and their importance in human reasoning.

·         Demonstrate understanding of the barriers to critical thinking development and ability to intervene in thinking for the purpose of improving it.

·         Articulate and exemplify the primary concepts in critical thinking and how they can be used as tools for understanding, and improving, human reasoning.

·         Articulate understanding of the problems of media bias and propaganda as barriers to critical thought in human societies.

·         Demonstrate understanding of ethical reasoning; show understanding of the differences between ethics and other modes of thought, including religion, social ideologies, politics, and the law.

·         Demonstrate abilities in close reading and substantive writing.

If you register for credit, we will direct you to the Sonoma State University form where you can apply for credit and pay the credit fee separately.

critical thinking test 2022

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IMAT 2022: Past Paper PDFs, Topic Breakdown, and Analysis

Start your IMAT preparation with our IMAT 2022 past paper analysis. Get the PDF and detailed topic breakdowns to improve your score and ace the exam.

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Ari Horesh University of Pavia, Italy

On September 13, 2022, the highly anticipated IMAT 2022 exam was released to the public as a PDF, and I had the opportunity to analyze it. As an experienced tutor, I teach my students how to confidently tackle the exam and provide helpful tips and tricks to navigate the most probable topics that might appear on the exam.

In previous years, I shared this knowledge during private lessons. Still, this year I started a class called “The 50+ Club,” where I teach students how to identify common traps and keywords for potential topics and pitfalls that are likely to appear on the exam. Over the past three years, I have had tremendous success in predicting some of the questions, topics, and traps that were likely to appear on the exam during my private lessons and free public marathons. It has become a hallmark of my teaching approach.

However, this year’s exam was slightly different from previous years, as expected. There were other exam writers and question styles, and many of the traditional traps and topics still existed, but the questions were written slightly differently. As a result, we suspect that the passing scores might be affected due to the different exam formats.

Content Quick Navigation

If you plan on taking the IMAT 2023 as a practice exam, I recommend not reading this article, as it contains questions from the IMAT 2022 exam. Instead, focus on preparing for the upcoming exam with relevant study materials and practice tests.

To download the IMAT 2022 Past Paper PDF Please remember that this is an A form, meaning that all answers are always A.

IMAT 2022 Analysis

Critical thinking and problem-solving.

IMAT Logic Section topics list

The Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving section of the IMAT 2022 exam consisted of five questions each. While my team and I did not have any specific predictions for this section, we expected to see more questions related to assumptions and the main conclusion, which did in fact appear on the exam. Overall, the critical thinking questions were focused on primary critical thinking skills, such as identifying and evaluating arguments, and were of average difficulty.

IMAT Logic Section Breakdown from All Years

One notable aspect of the Critical Thinking section was that there were no questions related to Venn diagrams (parallel reasoning), a recurring theme on previous IMAT exams. Instead, the questions focused on areas such as identifying and evaluating premises and conclusions, logical fallacies, and identifying the assumptions in an argument. There were also a few questions that required test-takers to identify the validity of an argument or determine if an argument was well-supported by evidence.

In the Problem-Solving section, the questions focused on applying mathematical concepts, reasoning, and critical thinking to solve complex problems. These questions required a solid understanding of mathematical principles and the ability to use them quickly. The difficulty of the questions varied, with some being straightforward and others requiring more in-depth analysis and problem-solving skills.

Overall, the Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving section of the IMAT 2022 exam was challenging but manageable, with questions that tested the test-takers ability to analyze, evaluate, and apply concepts in a logical and structured manner.

General knowledge

As always, the General Knowledge section of the IMAT 2022 exam was challenging to predict. However, a few years ago, I created a list of potential topics that might appear on the exam and compiled them into a set of flashcards for my students to use for practice. Although there were no questions from the flashcards on this year’s exam, the questions were still focused on a wide range of general knowledge topics.

One notable question in this year’s General Knowledge section related to prizes, which required test-takers to identify the specific prize that was awarded to a particular scientist. Another question focused on Marie Curie, a renowned scientist whose work has significantly impacted various fields of study. These questions highlighted the importance of studying key figures and their contributions to their respective fields as part of the preparation for the IMAT exam.

IMAT General Knowledge Section Breakdown from All Years

As with previous years, the General Knowledge section of the exam required test-takers to have a broad knowledge base on a range of topics, including history, literature, art, science, and current events. To prepare for this section, it is recommended that test-takers read widely and stay up-to-date on current events, as well as review key historical and scientific figures and their contributions to their fields.

In summary, the General Knowledge section of the IMAT 2022 exam was challenging to predict, but it remained a vital part of the exam that required test-takers to have a broad knowledge base on various topics. It is essential to have a solid understanding of key historical and scientific figures and their contributions and stay informed on current events to perform well in this section.

The Biology Section

IMAT Biology section topics list and breakdown

The Biology section of the IMAT 2022 exam was different this year, focusing on different topics compared to the past ten years. The exam also utilized a lot of illustrations, which was something that my students and I had anticipated. To prepare for this, I allowed my students to practice with as many illustrations as possible, but we still noticed a shift in the question style that required us to update our courses and materials to cover every ground.

IMAT Biology Topic Breakdown

Despite the shift in the question style, many expected topics were still covered in the exam. These topics included Genetics, Mitosis, Meiosis, Membranes, Organelles, and DNA. One notable question was related to the nephron, which I had anticipated as they had asked a similar question in 2020 but not in 2021. To help my students prepare for this, I created a summary of the nephron and ADH in my summer class, which benefitted my students who took the exam.

Overall, the Biology section of the IMAT 2022 exam required a solid understanding of fundamental concepts, such as genetics, cell biology, and molecular biology. Test-takers also needed to understand the workings of different organ systems, such as the renal system. To prepare for this section, it is essential to review the core concepts of biology and to practice interpreting and analyzing illustrations.

In conclusion, the Biology section of the IMAT 2022 exam was challenging but manageable, with questions that tested the test-takers understanding of fundamental concepts in biology and their ability to analyze and interpret illustrations. The shift in question style highlighted the importance of staying up-to-date with changes to the exam format and adjusting study materials accordingly.

The Chemistry Section

IMAT Chemistry section topics list and breakdown

The Chemistry section of the IMAT 2022 exam was relatively easy and fair, with most of the expected topics and questions appearing on the exam. These topics included weak and strong acids, basic atomic number questions, basic organic chemistry, van der Waals (vdv) questions (covered thoroughly in our course), redox reactions, equilibrium, and molecular shapes.

IMAT Chemistry Breakdown by Topic

One notable aspect of this year’s Chemistry section was the emphasis on basic concepts, which allowed test-takers to focus on the core principles of chemistry. The questions were straightforward and required a solid understanding of fundamental concepts, such as the different types of chemical bonds, basic acid-base chemistry, and the properties of molecules.

Overall, the Chemistry section of the IMAT 2022 exam was relatively easy and fair, with questions that tested the test-taker’s understanding of fundamental concepts in chemistry and their ability to apply them to solve problems. To prepare for this section, it is important to have a solid understanding of the core principles of chemistry, such as atomic structure, chemical bonds, and chemical reactions. It is also essential to practice problem-solving and to review key concepts thoroughly to ensure a strong foundation in chemistry.

In conclusion, the Chemistry section of the IMAT 2022 exam was manageable, with questions that tested the test taker’s understanding of core principles in chemistry. The emphasis on basic concepts highlighted the importance of a solid understanding of fundamental concepts to succeed in this section. It is recommended that test-takers review key basic concepts thoroughly and practice basic chemical questions from our recommended books and resources to prepare for this section of the exam.

Math and Physics Question

The Physics section of the IMAT 2022 exam was challenging, with a few new topics that had never appeared on the exam before. One notable topic was the pendulum, a new addition that proved difficult for many test-takers. However, we were able to prepare for this topic by including it in our course materials, and it served as a reminder that the section is becoming more complex every year.

IMAT Math Breakdown

Despite the challenging new topics, there were still many familiar topics that we had predicted to appear on the exam. These topics included electrical circuits, basic algebra, gas laws, and kinematics. However, these topics were at a higher difficulty level than in previous years, which is indicative of a growing trend to emphasize more on physics and math over the years.

IMAT Physics Breakdown

Overall, the Physics section of the IMAT 2022 exam required a solid understanding of fundamental concepts in physics, such as mechanics, thermodynamics, and electricity. It also required strong math skills, such as algebra, geometry, and calculus, to solve problems effectively. To prepare for this section, it is recommended that test-takers review key concepts thoroughly and practice problem-solving extensively.

IMAT Physics section topics list and breakdown

Updated Post – IMAT 2022 Scores

After the official scores for the IMAT 2022 exam were released, we have updated this article to include them in the interactive map on our homepage or in the specific university page using our menu. We are proud to say that our predictions were correct, even when trying to avoid predicting them.

We had received many inquiries about our opinion on the minimum scores for the IMAT 2022 exam, and although we usually do not like to predict these, we decided to share our opinion on this topic. It seems that the competition for the exam was higher this year, with a significant increase in the number of test-takers.

For Non-EU test-takers, we predicted that the scores would remain around the same as the previous year, and for some universities, they might cross the 50 mark, but not for southern universities. As for EU test-takers, there was a drop in the minimum scores last year, and although we were unsure if it would remain the same this year, it was unlikely to jump back and be even higher than before. Therefore, we recommended that a score above 45-46 should most likely be sufficient to enter most of the northern universities.

We are always happy to hear from our readers and would love to know if you used EnterMedSchool to study for the IMAT 2022 exam. If so, please share your experience with us by commenting down below. We would love to hear about your first choice university and your expected scores as a Non-EU or EU test-taker.


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  3. HESI A2- Critical Thinking 2022 Flashcards

    2. A 45-year-old with pneumonia, complaining of shortness of breath. 3. A 31-year-old with abdominal pain who has just vomited blood. 4. An 88-year-old who has right-sided paralysis and wants to be helped to the. bathroom immediately. The Situation: The nurse is caring for these patients.

  4. Critical Thinking Test Assessment

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  5. HESI A2

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  6. Hesi_Critical Thinking 2022_2023 Flashcards

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  7. HESI A2 critical thinking questions Flashcards

    Hesi Nursing Critical Thinking 2021-2022. 30 terms. Lauren_B_17. Preview. HESI A2 - Critical Thinking. 220 terms. Alex_S14. Preview. The Crucible Final Multi Choice Questions. 18 terms. Ariweyn_Thompson. ... Unit 2 LA Test (NONFICTION) 23 terms. quizlette355949591. Preview. english. 19 terms. greatDoratheexplore. Preview. EES 130 Module II ...

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  9. Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Tests: Free Examples & Tips

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    Updated: 08 September 2022. About Critical Thinking Tests and How They Work . Critical thinking tests, or critical reasoning tests, are psychometric tests used in recruitment at all levels, graduate, professional and managerial, but predominantly in the legal sector. ... If a watson glaser critical thinking test is used in the early stages of ...

  12. Pages

    Front cover of 2023 Critical Thinking Test (July 2023) Past tests and test reports Tests relating to the current study design. The following tests relate to the current VCE Extended Investigation study design and other curriculum materials. 2023. 2023 Critical Thinking Test. 2023 Critical Thinking Test report. 2022. 2022 Critical Thinking Test

  13. Online Critical Thinking Basic Concepts Test

    Online Critical Thinking Basic Concepts Test. Assessing the Understanding of Basic Critical Thinking Concepts and Principles. Developed by Dr. Linda Elder, Dr. Richard Paul, and Dr. Rush Cosgrove. The test is a three-part, 100-item test. The test can be used at the high-school level and above, and it takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.

  14. What Is Critical Thinking?

    Critical thinking is the ability to effectively analyze information and form a judgment. It also involves being aware of your own biases. ... 2022 by Eoghan Ryan. Revised on May 31, 2023. Critical thinking is ... The CRAAP test is a method to evaluate the credibility of a source you are using. This ensures the trustworthiness of your argument ...

  15. (PDF) Critical Thinking Questionnaire (CThQ) -construction and

    An example of such a tool could be the Critical Thinking Questionnaire (CThQ) test tool explicitly prepared for the needs of adults and adolescents (Kobylarek et al., 2022). This tool enables us ...

  16. Critical Thinking Midterm Review 2022 Flashcards

    The tendency to want to conform with groups. Critical Thinking. The general focus is on how one thinks, not what one thinks; thinking about how to think with better judgment. Dissection, taking apart for analysis, etc.―hence, it is about detailed analysis in thinking; dissecting as many details as possible in our inquiries. Argument.

  17. Bridging critical thinking and transformative learning: The role of

    In recent decades, approaches to critical thinking have generally taken a practical turn, pivoting away from more abstract accounts - such as emphasizing the logical relations that hold between statements (Ennis, 1964) - and moving toward an emphasis on belief and action.According to the definition that Robert Ennis (2018) has been advocating for the last few decades, critical thinking is ...

  18. PDF 2022 Extended investigation

    CRITICAL THINKING TEST Wednesday 27 July 2022 Reading time: 10.00 am to 10.15 am (15 minutes) Writing time: 10.15am to 11.30am (1 hour 15 minutes) Victorian Certificate of Education 2022 Structure of test Number of questions to be answered 10 Number of marks 40 Number of questions 10 •ts are permitted to bring pens and pencils into the ...

  19. Using Critical Thinking in Essays and other Assignments

    Share via: Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement. Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to ...

  20. What is critical thinking?

    Critical thinking is a kind of thinking in which you question, analyse, interpret , evaluate and make a judgement about what you read, hear, say, or write. The term critical comes from the Greek word kritikos meaning "able to judge or discern". Good critical thinking is about making reliable judgements based on reliable information.

  21. Learn Essential Critical Thinking Skills

    Choosing the right critical thinking course depends on your current skill level and career aspirations. Beginners should look for courses that cover the basics of logical reasoning, argument analysis, and introductory problem-solving techniques.Those with some experience might benefit from intermediate courses focusing on advanced problem-solving strategies, decision-making processes, and the ...

  22. Accredited Online Critical Thinking Course

    CT800: Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life - Fall 2022. Whatever you are doing right now is determined by the way you are thinking. All your emotions—whatever you feel—are determined by your thinking. All your desires—whatever you want—are determined by your thinking. If your thinking is unrealistic ...

  23. IMAT 2022: Past Paper PDFs, Topic Breakdown, and Analysis

    Overall, the Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving section of the IMAT 2022 exam was challenging but manageable, with questions that tested the test-takers ability to analyze, evaluate, and apply concepts in a logical and structured manner. General knowledge. As always, the General Knowledge section of the IMAT 2022 exam was challenging to predict.