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Doctoral Program "Clinical Pharmacy"

The doctoral program "Clinical Pharmacology" is an interdisciplinary institution at the Klinikum der Universität München. The doctoral research projects, which take place within the framework of the program, focus on the question of how to increase drug therapy safety - the increase of patient safety within the treatment of several illnesses is one of the main goals. A further goal is to strengthen the scientific database in the area of applied clinical pharmacology.

Doctoral candidates are offered a stimulating research and work environment. The projects are interprofessionally and collectively co-supervised by a pharmacologist and a medical doctor, so that an intensive interdisciplinary exchange can take place, not only related to basic, but also to therapy-oriented questions. Regular seminars, workshops and a number of other possibilities for an active exhange with other supervisors, doctoral candidates and the excellent surrounding scientific community in Munich complete the structured program in "Clinical Pharmacology".

More information on the program can be found on the website (in German).

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Doctoral Program Clinical Pharmacy

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The doctoral program Clinical Pharmacy is an interdisciplinary institution at the university hospital of LMU Munich. Research projects of this program intend to improve safety in drug therapy and aim to increase patient safety for various medical conditions. To create a scientific data base in the field of applied clinical pharmacy in Germany is a further objective. In a stimulating research environment doctoral projects are supervised by interprofessional teams each consisting of a pharmacist and a medical doctor. This way scientific and clinical resources and support are ensured. Active exchange during regular seminars, workshops and further occasions with fellow doctoral candidates, supervisors and other scientists of the excellent research environment in Munich complement this program.


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Doctoral programme clinical pharmacy, welcome to the application portal for the doctoral programme clinical pharmacy.

The doctoral programme Clinical Pharmacy is an interdisciplinary institution at the university hospital of LMU Munich. Research projects of this programme intend to improve safety in drug therapy and aim to increase patient safety for various medical conditions. For further information about the doctoral programme Clinical Pharmacy, visit

We are looking for a pharmacist as PhD student (TV-L E14 50%) for the following project starting 01.09.2024:

"Auf dem Weg zur individualisierten Antibiotikatherapie: Evaluierung von Software-Tools zur modellbasierten Präzisionsdosierung von Piperacillin und Meropenem bei kritisch kranken Patientinnen und Patienten"

The project is to be carried out in the course of a PhD in the Doctoral Programme Clinical Pharmacy and the Clinic for Anaesthesiology at LMU Munich.

We are looking for a pharmacist interested in a PhD in pharmacokinetic modelling with high motivation and strong interest in critical care issues.

Our Requirements:

  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills
  • Active participation in the doctoral networks of the Doctroal Programme Clinical Pharmacy and the Department of Anaesthesiology on campus as well as in scientific seminars and workshops
  • Very good German (minimum requirement is CEFR-C1) and English language skills
  • Completion of pharmacy studies in the second state examination with a minimum grade of "good" (2.5)
  • Approbation as pharmacist and work permit in Germany
  • First experience in pharmacokinetic modeling, dealing with critically ill patients and/or scientific work desirable but not mandatory for application
  • Employment with remuneration according to TV-L, limited to 2 years (with option for extension).
  • Close qualified, scientific and pharmaceutical supervision
  • An interesting clinical research environment
  • Courses for key scientific qualifications in clinical pharmacy.

The selection will be made in two stages based on the written documents and, in the case of shortlisted applicants, in one or more interviews.

  • Application deadline until 03.07.2024
  • Review of applications until 05.07.2024
  • Interviews until 17.07.2024

For vacant positions visit:

How to apply:

Registration  To be able to apply for the project, you have to register  by entering a user name and password under the button create new account. You will instantly receive a confirmation email with an activation link. After activation of your account, you can start your application (see link below), enter your details and submit your application.

Required Documents

During the application process you will be asked to upload the following documents:

  • CV (max. 2 pages) and letter of motivation
  • High school degree transcripts
  • State examination certificate
  • Licence to practice as a pharmacist in Germany
  • Letter of recommendation and/or details of a referee

You will also be able to upload up to three other certificates stating your expertise or work experience.

Please let us know your earliest possible date to start.

For further questions, please contact  [email protected]

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clinical pharmacy phd in germany

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You are here

Doctoral programme clinical pharmacy, welcome to the application portal for the doctoral programme clinical pharmacy.

The doctoral programme Clinical Pharmacy is an interdisciplinary institution at the university hospital of LMU Munich. Research projects of this programme intend to improve safety in drug therapy and aim to increase patient safety for various medical conditions. For further information about the doctoral programme Clinical Pharmacy, visit

We are looking for a pharmacist as PhD student (TV-L E14 50%) for the following project starting 01.09.2024:

"Auf dem Weg zur individualisierten Antibiotikatherapie: Evaluierung von Software-Tools zur modellbasierten Präzisionsdosierung von Piperacillin und Meropenem bei kritisch kranken Patientinnen und Patienten"

The project is to be carried out in the course of a PhD in the Doctoral Programme Clinical Pharmacy and the Clinic for Anaesthesiology at LMU Munich.

We are looking for a pharmacist interested in a PhD in pharmacokinetic modelling with high motivation and strong interest in critical care issues.

Our Requirements:

  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills
  • Active participation in the doctoral networks of the Doctroal Programme Clinical Pharmacy and the Department of Anaesthesiology on campus as well as in scientific seminars and workshops
  • Very good German (minimum requirement is CEFR-C1) and English language skills
  • Completion of pharmacy studies in the second state examination with a minimum grade of "good" (2.5)
  • Approbation as pharmacist and work permit in Germany
  • First experience in pharmacokinetic modeling, dealing with critically ill patients and/or scientific work desirable but not mandatory for application
  • Employment with remuneration according to TV-L, limited to 2 years (with option for extension).
  • Close qualified, scientific and pharmaceutical supervision
  • An interesting clinical research environment
  • Courses for key scientific qualifications in clinical pharmacy.

The selection will be made in two stages based on the written documents and, in the case of shortlisted applicants, in one or more interviews.

  • Application deadline until 03.07.2024
  • Review of applications until 05.07.2024
  • Interviews until 17.07.2024

For vacant positions visit:

How to apply:

Registration  To be able to apply for the project, you have to register  by entering a user name and password under the button create new account. You will instantly receive a confirmation email with an activation link. After activation of your account, you can start your application (see link below), enter your details and submit your application.

Required Documents

During the application process you will be asked to upload the following documents:

  • CV (max. 2 pages) and letter of motivation
  • High school degree transcripts
  • State examination certificate
  • Licence to practice as a pharmacist in Germany
  • Letter of recommendation and/or details of a referee

You will also be able to upload up to three other certificates stating your expertise or work experience.

Please let us know your earliest possible date to start.

For further questions, please contact  [email protected]

  • How to use this application tool

' title=

Doctoral Studies and Postdoctoral Research (Habilitation)

All you need to know for doing a doctorate or Habilitation at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy.

The doctoral office will be closed from 19.08.2024 up to and including 11.09.2024 due to vacation and staff changes. Processes for doctoral procedures that have already begun (submissions, circulation, sending invitations, forwarding examination documents, etc.) cannot be carried out.

Your milestones for phd or postdoc program at the faculty of chemistry and pharmacy., further links:, phd and habilitation office.

  • Start / PhD Registration
  • End / Submission of the thesis and oral examination (defense)
  • Registration as PostDoc (Habilitation)

General information on doctoral studies

Dear PhD candidates and all those who want to become one, here you will find all information about doctoral studies at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy. We will answer your questions and accompany you on the way to your doctorate!

Are you thinking about doing a doctorate? First of all, think about the research area you would like to work in

The choice of your doctoral topic is of central importance, because those who research with enthusiasm, will reach their goal in the end!

At the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, a doctorate is possible in the subjects Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Didactics of Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmacology for Natural Sciences, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Technology, Physical Chemistry or Theoretical Chemistry.

  • PhD regulations(only in German) (PDF, 83 KB)
  • PhD regulations Statute Amendment of 12 February 2020 (only in German) (PDF, 25 KB)

We suggest to read the PDF about good scientific practice (made by the Council of Physics Research Areas) before you start writing your doctoral thesis. These rules are supported also by the Council of Chemistry Research Areas.

  • Good scientific practice (PDF, 461 KB)

The Conference of the Chemistry Department agrees with the recommendations of the Physics Department.

Further links :

  • LMU, General information for the PhD
  • Information on doctorates, habilitation, research training groups and the Bavarian Elite Network in the central web presence of the LMU

Information on data protection:

  • Consent for the collection, storage and use of personal data (PDF, 15 KB)
  • Data protection declaration (only in German) (PDF, 40 KB)

Continue to:

Start / phd registration end / submission of the thesis and oral examination (defense), general information on postdoctoral research program.

Dear postdoc candidates here you will find all information you need about your Habilitation at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy. We will answer your questions and accompany you on your way!

  • Registration as postdoc researcher

Brankica Lukic

Continue to PhD and Habilitation Office

What are you looking for.

More information about Google data transfer in LMU's Privacy Policy.

Promotionsprogramm Klinische Pharmazie

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Doctoral programme Clinical Pharmacy

The doctoral programme Clinical Pharmacy is an interdisciplinary institution at the university hospital of LMU Munich. Research projects of this programme intend to improve safety in drug therapy and aim to make a significant contribution to increase patient safety in the treatment of a wide variety of medical conditions. A further focus is to extend the scientific data in the field of applied clinical pharmacy.

The programme offers a stimulating research environment. Projects are mentored by teams consisting of scientists, pharmacists as well as clinicians to ensure an interprofessional exchange regarding basic as well as therapy-related issues. Regular seminars, workshops and various possibilities for a lively exchange with the accompanying supervisors, fellow, doctoral students and the excellent scientific environment in Munich complete the Doctoral Programme Clinical Pharmacy.  

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Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology

Pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics, clinical pharmacy and pharmacotherapy, the department of pharmacy.

The Department of Pharmacy with the four institutes is responsible for the study of pharmacy at the University of Düsseldorf.

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Staatsexamen pharmazie.

This site is only available in German language!

Industrial Pharmacy

The master course of Industrial Pharmacy is a world-leading study programme in English language covering all aspects of pharmaceutical sciences in an industrial setting.

Institutes and Departments

The key aspect of the studies at the Institute for Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology is the research for drugs of natural origin.

The studies of the Institute for Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry are primarily concerned with the chemical and biochemical research of drugs.

The major research topic of the Institute of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics is the development, manufacturing and characterization of drug dosage forms.

The center of attention of the Institute of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy is pharmaceutical topics in the clinical routine.

History of Pharmacy and Natural Sciences

The field of History of Pharmacy and National Sciences is a special feature in the Department of Pharmacy.

Research in the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology focuses on the discovery and structural identification of new bioactive natural products from marine organisms, plants and endophytic fungi with emphasis on anti-tumor and antimicrobial compounds. New antibacterial agents from these as well as other sources are profiled in-depth regarding their efficacy against multi-resistant clinical isolates and mechanisms of action.

Current research of the Institute for Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry focusses on computational investigations on the molecular action of drugs, the synthesis of bioactive compounds, the search for new targets, as well as biomolecular screening methods for identification and testing of active compounds.

Major research topics at the Institute of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics are solid dosage forms such as powders, granules, pellets and tablets. Manufacturing processes, drug preparations and pharmaceutical excipients are scientifically investigated and characterized. Utilizing these results the properties of medicinal products are significantly improved and precisely controlled. Paediatric drug formulations are a special focus of our research.

The Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy is at the intersection between pharmacy and medicine. In this respect, the department focusses on paediatric pharmacology and of the performance of paediatric clinical trials. To achieve this goal, tools like modeling and simulation of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic behavior of drugs in adults and children, highly sensitive and selective methods for the determination of drugs and metabolites from small volume blood samples (HPLC tandem-MS, HPLC with fluorescence or UV-detection) and standardized literature reviews (Cochrane) are used. The department is closely collaborating with national and international clinical and research paediatric departments. A special focus is set on cardio-vascular drugs.

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Institute of Pharmacy

Managing director.

  • Prof. Jörg Rademann
  • Prof. Burkhard Kleuser
  • Professors at the Institute of Pharmacy


  • Clinical Pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutical Biology
  • Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
  • Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Pharmacology
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences Master's Program

Structured Doctoral Programs

Each of our structured doctoral programs offers a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary curriculum designed to help you realize your full potential and prepare for a successful career. The programs include innovative, personalized advising with regular progress checks, as well as extensive opportunities to broaden your research network and connect with peers in your field.

The University of Bonn offers a wide range of funding opportunities, which have been summarized for you on this page, divided into the following categories:

Bonn International Graduate Schools (BIGS)

Phd programs within our cluster of excellence.

  • Structured Doctoral Programs by Discipline 

Third-Party Funded Programs

Doctoral education at the highest level: BIGS enable doctoral studies in outstanding research contexts with attractive international collaborations and a qualification program tailored to the needs of graduate students.

Located at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics and supported by Germany’s Excellence Initiative, BIGS-M  is home to all of the University’s doctoral candidates in mathematics and contributes to Bonn’s excellent international reputation in the field.

BGSE offers a structured program that is tailored to the needs of doctoral candidates, including an internationally recognized research network.

Supported by Germany’s Excellence Initiative and jointly administered by the renowned Physics Institutes at the Universities of Bonn and Cologne, BCGS  offers doctoral studies through an integrated honors program.

Home to an international community of talented biomedical scientists, BIGS DrugS 6 6 is the hub for doctoral candidates from pharma research institutes within the University’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Faculty of Medicine.

BIGS-OAS offers a wide range of courses within a research context, focused on the cultures and societies of Asia and Asia Minor.

BIGS Neuroscience provides a top-level, internationally competitive program in this rapidly growing field.

BIGS CPS's interdisciplinary approach combines medical, agricultural and pharmaceutical research.

BIGS Chemistry 10 doctoral candidates enjoy an exceptional and ambitious program covering all fields of chemistry.

This three-year doctoral program  is offered in conjunction with the University’s ImmunoSensation Cluster, which is funded by Germany’s Excellence Initiative.

Part of the University of Bonn’s Center for Development Research, BIGS-DR   trains students for an international career in development cooperation, policy or research through a combination of academic study and intensive tutorship.

The BIGS Land and Food combines the research at the agricultural Faculty with an interdisciplinary study program.

Clusters of Excellence stand for international and interdisciplinary elite research and offer young scientists excellent funding and career conditions. The University of Bonn currently has six clusters of excellence, more than any other university in Germany, and thus opens up a broad spectrum of possible research topics to doctoral candidates. Here you will find an overview of the university's clusters of excellence.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.

PhD Programs within our Excellence Cluster

The goal of the Hausdorff Center of Mathematics is to identify and address mathematical challenges of the 21st century, to advance groundbreaking fundamental mathematical research worldwide, and to develop the mathematical methods and tools required by science and society.

Part of the Hausdorff Center is also a graduate school: The Bonn International Graduate School of Mathematics (BIGS-M) hosts all doctoral students of mathematics and contributes to the outstanding international reputation of the university in this field. The duration of the program is usually 3 years, and the doctorate (Dr. rer nat.) can be earned as a degree.

More information: 14 15 15

ImmunoSensation2 aims to continue the success story of the existing ImmunoSensation cluster. While the emphasis so far has been on fundamental research in particular of the innate immune system, now the mechanisms of immune intelligence are to be uncovered, i.e. the question of how the body succeeds in adapting immune responses to specific situations and then remembers this in order to be optimally prepared for similar challenges in the future. The cluster's graduate school, the Bonn International Graduate School Immunosciences and Infection offers a structured, three-year doctoral program.

You can find further information about this program here:

Until today, dependency studies has almost exclusively dealt with slavery on the American continent or in antiquity. The Cluster of Excellence "Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS)" aims to broaden this perspective in terms of content, space and time. Within the framework of the cluster, a structured doctoral program with a duration of 4 years is offered.

Further information can be found at: 15 16

Over the last few decades, computer hardware has become smaller and smaller, but their technology remains more or less the same. Slowly, this development is reaching its limits.Thus, we need new technologies that satisfy our growing hunger for even more powerful hardware.

Quantum physics could be a solution.

Together with the University of Cologne and the RWTH Aachen, Bonn researchers want to work on making this new technology usable. To achieve this, quantum bits or even qubits - the quantum counterpart to our previous bits - quantum communication channels that build networks and error correction methods have to be explored from the ground up. As part of the Excellence Initiative, the Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy (BCGS) offers a doctoral program with an integrated honors program.

Further information can be found at: 4 4

The ECONtribute researches the functioning of markets as well as reasons for their failure. In doing so, the cluster goes beyond traditional analyses by systematically combining model-based theoretical approaches and behavioral explanatory models while incorporating legal and political frameworks. Within the cluster, the Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) offers doctoral students a tailored structured doctoral program that includes an internationally recognized research network.

Further information can be found at: 3 3

Increasing agricultural production despite limited land while reducing the ecological footprint of agriculture - this is one of the challenges of our time. For this reason, the University of Bonn and Forschungszentrum Jülich are jointly developing methods and new technologies to observe, analyze, better understand and more specifically treat plants. The cluster's graduate school, the Theodor Brinkmann Graduate School, offers an interdisciplinary study program to master's students and doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Agriculture.

More information: .

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.

The Third-Party Funded Programs at the University of Bonn offer structured doctoral studies on selected research topics. They enable close networking among doctoral students conducting research on related topics.

Bonn International Graduate School of Mathematics (BIGS-M) 2 17 18 18 Located at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, BIGS-M provides an umbrella for all Bonn PhD students in mathematics. Thus, the BIGS-M contributes to the excellent national and international reputation of mathematics at Bonn.

Bonn International Graduate School Immunosciences and Infection The BIGS Immunosciences and Infection is a structured 3-year PhD program in conjunction with the ImmunoSensation Cluster/Bonn. The ImmunoSensation Cluster is part of the Excellence Strategy.

DFG Research Training Group "Gegenwart/Literatur. Geschichte, Theorie und Praxeologie eines Verhältnisses" (GRK 2291) [only in German] The Research Training group supported by the DFG  aims at the exploration and analysis of the constitutive dimensions of the concept of contemporary literature.  

DFG international Research Training Group "Myeloid antigen presenting cells and the induction of adaptive immunity" GRK (2168) 19 19 19 19 The DFG-funded project is a cooperation of the University of Bonn and the University of Melbourne. The principal research focus is the intersection between innate and adaptive immunity in the context of infection.

DFG Research Training Group "Template-designed Organic Electronics (TIDE)" (GRK 2591) 21 21 21 The Graduate Program 'Template-Designed Optoelectronic Devices' (TIDE) aims to provide comprehensive doctoral education in the field of Organic Electronics (OE) to meet the requirements of highly qualified and multidisciplinary professionals. 

DFG Research Training Group "Tools and Drugs of the Future - Innovative Methods and New Modalities in Medicinal Chemistry" (GRK 2873) The goal of the RTG " Tools and Drugs of the Future" is to modernize medicinal chemistry and train a new generation of medicinal chemists and researchers at the interface with interconnected disciplines. In addition, the projects are intended to contribute to the development of new drug substances.

Integrated Research Training Group at the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Synaptic Micronetworks in Health and Disease" (SFB 1089) 22 22 27 27 Located at the newly inaugurated SFB 1089 on neuronal networks, the Integrated Research Training Group offers a structured graduate program for all doctoral researchers at the Centre.

Integrated Research Training Group at theDFG Collaborative Research Centre "Future Rural Africa" (SFB/TRR 228) The integrated research group is investigating the relationship between land use change and shaping the future in rural Africa in a total of 14 subprojects.

Integrated Research Training Group at the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Open System Control of Atomic and Photonic Matter" (SFB/TRR 185) 24 The collaborative research centre Oscar will explore the physics of open systems.

Integrated Research Training Group at the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Aortic Diseases" (SFB/TRR 259) 25 The aim of this research initiative is to better understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms of resident and non-resident cells in aortic diseases.

Integrated Research Training Group at the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Regional Climate Change: Disentangling the Role of Land Use and Water Management" (SFB 1502) The SFB combines the strengths of the University of Bonn and its project partners to answer one of the most difficult questions in understanding climate change.

Integrated Research Training Group at the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Brown and Beige Fat - Organ Crosstalk, Signaling and Energetics (BATenergy)" (SFB/TRR 333) The CRC investigates metabolism/diabetes and focusses on brown adipose tissue. 

One Health and Urban Transformation

The NRW Forschungskolleg One Health and Urban Transformation is a transdisciplinary graduate school that aims to find interventions to achieve optimal health for humans, animals, plants and the environment with a special focus on developments in NRW, Saõ Paulo, Accra and Ahmedabad.

International Max Planck Research School Moduli Spaces 27 27 In cooperation with the University of Bonn, the renowned Bonn Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics offers a PhD program with a special focus on the study of moduli.

International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy and Astrophysics 28 28 In cooperation between the Max-Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy and the Universities of Bonn and of Cologne, the Research School facilitates 3 years of PhD studies with a curriculum tailored to the individual student.

International Max Planck Research School for Brain and Behavior 29 The IMPRS for Brain & Behavior is a cooperation between the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior - caesar, the University of Bonn and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn

International Max Planck Research School - Recharge IMPRS-RECHARGE focuses on interdisciplinary research between chemistry and physics with an emphasis on catalytic mechanisms, physical-chemical analysis and energy topics. Scientific challenges shall be looked at from different angles. Furthermore the combination of theory and practice is a vital aim of the IMPRS-RECHARGE.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network "Macro and Microplastic in Agricultural Soil Systems“ (SOPLAS) The SOPLAS project will assemble a multidisciplinary team to study the nexus of plastic–agriculture–soil. It will also train a new generation of leading experts. The project aims to identify the plastic cycle within agricultural soil systems and support the development of environmental policies related to mitigating the impact of plastics. The findings will advance our knowledge about the sustainable use of plastics in European agriculture.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network "Early Stage Researchers EDUCational Program on Factor VIII Immunogenicity“ (EDUC8 ) 32 37 The EDUC8 program is a multidisciplinary training program with exposure of the enrolled ESRs to a core common educational package and development of individual PhD researchprojects dedicated to decreasing the societal burden associated with the development of anti-FVIII antibodies in Europe.

Tools4Teams - "Research Training to Design and Implement Tools Supporting Safe Teamwork in Healthcare"

The Tools4Teams research project will prepare the next generation of teamwork experts to contribute new insights and smart technologies for safe and effective care. Tools4Teams brings together expertise from social and technical sciences, human-centered design, education, and clinical specialties.

Trinational Graduate College "Mass and Integration in Antique Societies" [in German/French] Supported by the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule since 2011, the tri-national Graduate School in Ancient History offers curriculum events in Bonn, Berne, and Strasbourg.

Structured Doctoral Programs by Discipline

Find the right structured doctoral program at the University of Bonn in your discipline here:

  • Cross-Disciplinary Options
  • Medicine and Life Sciences
  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • Agriculture


Faculties at the University of Bonn work together to design interdisciplinary programs that combine key perspectives and offer unique insights.

Cross-Disciplinary Programs

Bonn International Graduate School for Development Research (BIGS-DR) 42 Unique in Europe, BIGS-DR links perspectives from the Faculties of Philosophy, Agriculture, and Law and Economics – with an international focus.

Bonn International Graduate School of Neuroscience (BIGS Neuroscience) 8 8 A collaboration between the University’s Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, as well as external partners, BIGS Neuroscience offers a medical program alongside five research areas in medicine.

SciMed Doctoral College 43 42 The Doctoral College offers scientific training for students in medicine and dental medicine, leading to a dual Dr. med. and Dr. med. dent. degree.

Researchers at the University of Bonn explore a wide variety of issues in economics, including game theory, applied microeconomics, monetary and international macroeconomics, contract theory, labor economics and finance.

Economics Programs

Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) BGSE offers a structured program that is tailored to the needs of doctoral candidates, including an internationally recognized research network.

Law Programs

Graduate School of Law and Political Science Department of Law The Graduate School of the Faculty of Law and Political Science was founded in the summer semester of 2018 and supports the doctoral students in preparing their doctoral studies.

The University of Bonn’s Faculty of Medicine offers doctoral programs in medical biochemistry, neurosciences and pharmacology. With the exception of the SciMed Doctoral College, all programs are administered in cooperation with the University’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Cross-Disciplinary Program

SciMed Doctoral College The Doctoral College offers scientific training for students in medicine and dental medicine, leading to a dual Dr. med. and Dr. med. dent. degree.


Bonn International Graduate School of Neuroscience (BIGS Neuroscience) BIGS Neuroscience provides a top-level, internationally competitive program in this rapidly growing field.

Synaptic Micronetworks in Health and Disease (SFB 1089) Supported by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG) collaborative research centers, this integrated research training group works to identify fundamental rules that govern neuronal behavior at the network level and translate network dynamics to mammalian and human behavior.

International Max Planck Research School for Brain and Behavior A joint venture of the University of Bonn, the Max-Planck-associated Center of Advanced European Studies and Research, the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, and Florida Atlantic University, this graduate school offers a complete doctoral and research program in the neurosciences.

Pharma Research

Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS) Home to an international community of talented biomedical scientists, BIGS DrugS is the hub for doctoral candidates from pharma research institutes within the University’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Faculty of Medicine.

Bonn International Graduate School of Immunosciences and Infection

This three-year doctoral program is offered in conjunction with the University's ImmunoSensation Cluster , which is funded by Germany’s Excellence Initiative.

DFG Research Training Group "Myeloid antigen presenting cells and the induction of adaptive immunity" GRK (2168) The DFG-funded project is a cooperation of the University of Bonn and the University of Melbourne.

At the University of Bonn’s Faculty of Arts, you’ll find a highly international environment with students and researchers in a wide range of fields.

German Studies, Comparative Literature and Culture 

Structured Doctoral Program in German Studies (SPP) [website in German] Taught in German, the SPP supports doctoral candidates’ initiatives within the Institute for German, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies.

German-Italian Doctoral College [website in German] Taught in German, this three-year grant program provides structured doctoral studies for researchers in German and Italian, with time in both Bonn and Florence.

History and Ancient History 

Mass and Integration in Antique Societies [website in German and French] Supported by Franco-German University and taught in German and French, this trinational doctoral program includes study in Bonn; Berne, Switzerland; and Strasbourg, France.

Oriental and Asian Studies Bonn

International Graduate School of Oriental and Asian Studies (BIGS-OAS) BIGS-OAS offers a wide range of courses within a research context, focused on the cultures and societies of Asia and Asia Minor.

Romance Studies

Italian Studies [website in German and Italian] Offered in cooperation with the Universities of Florence and Paris-Sorbonne IV, this trinational doctoral program is taught in German and Italian.

Structured DPhil program at the Faculty of Arts The program supports qualified doctoral candidates from all disciplines in their doctoral projects. It provides the opportunity for networking, interdisciplinary exchange in diverse social sciences and humanities subjects, progress monitoring and financial support for travel, workshops or research funding as part of the doctorate.

European Founding Myths in Literature, Arts and Music [website in German, French and Italian] This trinational program is jointly organized by the Universities of Bonn, Florence and Paris-Sorbonne IV and taught in German, French and Italian.

Bonn International Graduate School for Development Research (BIGS-DR) Part of the University of Bonn’s Center for Development Research, BIGS-DR trains students for an international career in development cooperation, policy or research through a combination of academic study and intensive tutorship.

The University’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences offers numerous externally funded doctoral programs in areas including mathematics and informatics, physics, biology, pharmacology and molecular biomedicine.

Programs in neuroscience, pharma research, immunoscience, and infection and molecular biomedicine are offered in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine.


Bonn International Graduate School of Mathematics (BIGS-M) 2 2 Located at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, BIGS-M is home to all of the University’s doctoral candidates in mathematics and contributes to Bonn’s excellent international reputation in the field.

International Max Planck Research School on Moduli Spaces 53 53 This program includes courses, seminars and activities focused on the geometric spaces whose points represent fixed algebro-geometric objects (or isomorphism classes of such objects).

Physics und Astronomy

Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy (BCGS) 4 4 Supported by Germany’s Excellence Initiative and jointly administered by the renowned Physics Institutes at the Universities of Bonn and Cologne, BCGS offers doctoral studies through an integrated honors program.

International Max Planck Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics 55 55 This program offers a broad spectrum of topics in observational and theoretical galactic and extragalactic astrophysics, observational and theoretical cosmology, and fundamental physics – using astronomical tools and instrumentation.

Leibniz Graduate School on Genomic Biodiversity Research Based at Bonn’s Alexander Koenig Research Museum, this school is focused primarily on insect genome evolution.

Bonn International Graduate School of Chemistry (BIGS Chemistry) 57 57 BIGS Chemistry offers an internationally competitive doctoral program and opportunities to perform cutting-edge research.


Bonn International Graduate School of Neuroscience (BIGS Neuroscience) 8 8 BIGS Neuroscience provides a top-level, internationally competitive program in this rapidly growing field.

Synaptic Micronetworks in Health and Disease (SFB 1089) 22 22 Supported by DFG collaborative research centers, this integrated research training group works to identify fundamental rules that govern neuronal behavior at the network level and translate network dynamics to mammalian and human behavior.

International Max Planck Research School for Brain and Behavior 29 29 The IMPRS for Brain & Behavior is a cooperation between the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior - caesar, the University of Bonn and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn.

Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS) 6 6 Home to an international community of talented biomedical scientists, BIGS DrugS is the hub for doctoral candidates from pharma research institutes within the University’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Faculty of Medicine.

BIGS Immunoscience and Infection A structured, three-year doctoral program, IITB is offered in conjunction with the ImmunoSensation Cluster at the University of Bonn.

Doctoral candidates in the field of agriculture may choose to study through the Faculty of Agriculture’s Theodor Brinkmann Graduate School or earn their degree through the University of Bonn’s Center for Development Research.

Agriculture Programs

Bonn International Graduate School for Land and Food (BIGS Land and Food)  Founded in 2008, the Brinkmann School is home to master's and doctoral candidates in the Faculty of Agriculture, combining research with an interdisciplinary study program.

Bonn International Graduate School for Development Research (BIGS-DR) 12 Part of the University of Bonn’s Center for Development Research 59 , BIGS-DR trains researchers for an international career in development cooperation, policy or research through a combination of academic study and intensive tutorship.

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Dr. Robert Radu

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+49 228 73-60222

Poppelsdorfer Allee 47

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3198 Study programs


Study Pharmacy in Germany: 16 Universities with 18 English Degree Programs

All important info for international students in germany (2024/2025).

With big pharmaceutical companies in Germany such as Bayer and Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany is a hub for research and production for the pharma industry. Beyond that, work as a pharmacist in local pharmacies is a well respected and highly regarded profession. This high recognition of the profession creates good opportunities to study this subject in Germany.

There are slightly more than a handful of English-language Master’s programs in Pharmacy at German universities, but they still offer a broad and interesting variety of specializations: You may for example study the marketing side of pharmaceutical products, industrial pharmacy or the medical, chemical, and biotechnological side of this topic. Browse your options in the StudyFinder.

Study Programs in English


Universities in International Rankings

€ 0 (10 programs for EU citizens, 8 programs for Non-EU citizens)

€ 9,250 per semester (1 program for EU citizens/Non-EU)

Winter Semester

between September 30 and August 15

Summer Semester

between May 31 and July 15

Top-ranked German Universities in Pharmacy


public University

No. of Students: approx. 36,000 students

Program Fees: € 2,250 (per semester)


No. of Students: approx. 38,000 students

Program Fees: € 0 (per semester)


No. of Students: approx. 37,000 students

Tuition Fees

3 english degree programs for pharmacy in germany.


Friedrich Schiller University Jena Jena

Ehealth and communication.

program image

TU Bergakademie Freiberg Freiberg

Advanced materials analysis.

program image

University of Göttingen Göttingen

Chemistry [english & german track].


Application Deadlines

Winter Semester 2024/2025

Summer Semester 2025

Winter Semester 2025/2026

Open Programs

10 programs

16 programs

Application Requirements

Master degrees in Pharmacy accept students who gained a first academic degree in a related field such as Pharmaceutical Medicine, Chemistry or Biology or others, depending on each programs’ specifications. For most programs, entrance tests or interviews are not part of the admission process, you only have to hand in standard certificates (your first degree certificate, a transcript of records). These typically include your CV and a letter of motivation. Additionally, you will have to prove your English language abilities with a language certificate, typically on a B2 level.

Application Modes

Application process.


Kiel University Kiel

Medical life sciences.

program image

Chemistry of Materials

program image

Chemistry [English track]

program image

TOEFL Scores

Cambridge Levels

5 (1 program )

80 (4 programs )

B2 First (FCE) (4 programs )

6.5 (5 programs )

94 (1 program )

C2 Proficiency (CPE) (3 programs )


program image

Cardiovascular Science

program image

Hochschule Fresenius - University of Applied Sciences Idstein

Bioanalytical chemistry and pharmaceutical analysis - part time.

program image

2-7 semesters

→ View all programs with online courses

Master of Business Administration

Master of Science

Bachelor of Science

Winter intake

Summer intake

Winter & Summer intake

List of all German Universities offering English-taught Study Programs in Pharmacy


Freie Universität Berlin

Program Fees: € 0

M.Sc. (Master of Science)


Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Program Fees: € 4,300


Fulda University of Applied Sciences

B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science)


Goethe Business School

Program Fees: € 9,250

MBA (Master of Business Administration)


Goethe University Frankfurt

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Next Page →

News & Articles


Tuition-free Universities in Germany in English


Master's Requirements in Germany


Scholarships for international students 2024/25


Uni-assist: A guide for international students (2024)


How Much Does it Cost to Live in Germany?


Germany in University Rankings


DAAD Scholarships: Guide


Engineering Universities in Germany: A Guide 2024/25

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students in teaching room

Higher Education Compass

Drug discovery and development full time, master of science.

Master Degree

4 semesters

Standard period of study (amount)

July 2025 (Germans and inhabitants)

July 2025 (EU), July 2025 (Non-EU) Please enquire

Overview and admission

Admission semester.

Winter Semester only

Area of study

Pharmacy, Pharmacology

Target group

The research-oriented degree course is offered by the University of Cologne and the TH Köln and leads to a joint qualification from both higher education institutions. Students acquire knowledge and skills to enable them to work in the research and development of innovative pharmaceuticals throughout the value chain. The courses on offer are designed for graduates of relevant degree courses in chemistry, biology or medical pharmacology fields.

Study location: Leverkusen-Opladen

Admission modus

Local admission restriction

Admission requirements (Link)

Admission requirements

Admission requirements for acceptance to the degree course is the successful completion of a university degree in pharmaceutical Chemistry or pharmacy with the minimum degree of Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Engineering or a successfully completed second section of the Pharmaceutical Examination (medical licensing regulations for pharmacists) or another relevant programme such as biochemistry, medicine or analytics.

Lecture period

  • 08.04.2024 - 19.07.2024
  • 07.10.2024 - 31.01.2025

Application deadlines

Winter semester (2024/2025), deadlines for international students from the european union.

Application process: You need preliminary review documentation (VPD) from uni-assist e.V. to apply for all Master's degree programmes The processing time is approx. 4 - 8 weeks. Please apply for the VPD as early as possible before the application deadline at the UoC.

Deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the European Union

Application deadline for germans and inhabitants.

Deadline: Application process:

Enrollment deadline for Germans and foreign students

15.09.2024 (Universitywide deadline)

Deadline: Application process:

Tuition fee

Fees (Link)

There is a semester fee that includes a NRW-wide public transport ticket (no tuition fee).

Languages of instruction

Main language, further languages.

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. Kennedyallee 50 53175 Bonn

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Welcome to the homepage of the Department of Pharmacy at Saarland University!

Important general notice.

If you are the one who is interested in studying pharmacy or doing research at our university, you shall be the one to contact us! Neither your parents, nor your spouse, nor any other relatives, nor a friend or colleague who already lives in Germany!

Undergraduate studies

All undergraduate courses are held in German! Knowledge of the German language is therefore essential for studying Pharmacy at our university. Moreover, you can not obtain a Bachelor degree in Pharmacy at our university, but a state examination.

If you have already studied pharmacy (or other natural sciences) and you would like to continue studying pharmacy in Germany, please follow these instructions (in German).

Please address any other questions concerning admission to the Registration Office ( Studierendensekretariat ) or to the International Office, not to the Department of Pharmacy! You can find some more information and contact data on the University website .

If you are interested in doing a research project (with supervision in English), please contact one of our professors directly.

Master and PhD studies

You have the opportunity to obtain a Master of Science degree in Pharmacy at our university. Read more

A Master degree does not grant you the licence to work as a pharmacist in Germany! If you would like to work as a pharmacist in Germany, please read the following section.

If you are interested in a PhD studentship, please directly contact the faculty member who matches your scientific interests and might therefore potentially accept you as a group member. You can find the contact information in the list below.

Working as a pharmacist in Germany

If you already have a degree in Pharmacy in your country, please consult the ABDA website for more information about how to obtain a licence to work as a pharmacist in Germany. The responsible local authority in Saarland is the Zentralstelle für Gesundheitsberufe .

The university does not grant licences to work as a pharmacist in Germany! However, you only need the licence to work in a pharmacy, hospital pharmacy or in certain positions in pharmaceutical industry. You do not need the licence to do Master or PhD research.

Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland

If you are interested in further research activities in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Saarbrücken, take a look at the website of the Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland . Master and PhD studies are possible at this institute as well.

Research groups

Pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry, prof. dr. christian ducho.

Professor of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry

Bldg. C2 3 Ground floor

Prof. Dr. Claus Jacob

Professor of Bioorganic Chemistry

Bldg. B2 1 1st floor

Prof. Dr. Anna K. H. Hirsch

Head of the Department Drug Design and Optimization (DDOP) at the HIPS Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at Saarland University

Bldg. E8 1 2nd floor

Prof. Dr. Alexander Titz

Head of the Department Chemical Biology of Carbohydrates (CBCH) at the HIPS Professor of Pharmaceutical and Organic Chemistry at Saarland University

Pharmaceutical Biology

Prof. dr. alexandra k. kiemer.

Professor of Pharmaceutical Biology

Bldg. C2 3 2nd floor

Prof. Dr. Andriy Luzhetskyy

Professor of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Bldg. C2 3 1st floor

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Rolf Müller

Managing Director of the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) Head of the Department Microbial Natural Products (MINS) at the HIPS Professor of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at Saarland University

Bldg. E8 1 3rd floor

Biopharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology

Prof. dr. marc schneider.

Professor of Biopharmacy und Pharmaceutical Technology

Bldg. C4 1 1st floor

Prof. Dr. Claus-Michael Lehr

Head of the Department Drug Delivery (DDEL) at the HIPS Professor of Biopharmacy und Pharmaceutical Technology at Saarland University

Bldg. E8 1 1st floor

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sangeun Lee

Junior Professor of Pharmaceutical Materials and Processing

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Prof. dr. markus r. meyer.

Professor of Experimental and Clinical Toxicology Faculty of Medicine, Homburg

Bldg. 46 (Homburg) 1st floor

Clinical Pharmacy

Prof. dr. thorsten lehr.

Professor of Clinical Pharmacy

Bldg. C5 3 and C4 1

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Studying in Germany

Top 8 German Universities to Study Pharmacy

Study Pharmacy in Germany

Studying Pharmacy is a dream for numerous students around the world. For those who aim Germany as an international experience offering great study environments, innovative and accessible practice laboratories, highly grated professors and researchers and low tuition costs the choice won’t bring any regrets. Pharmacy is an important part of the healthcare chain presenting a broad job market for those who successfully accomplish the title and right to be part of this ginormous circuit. According to Zeit Online rankings for the year 2013/2014, several criteria chosen carefully are presented in order to choose for the best German University to study Pharmacy. Among the pool of standards expected to be met, I chose the following five in order to come up with a list of best accomplished Universities in Germany to study Pharmacy.

  • Laboratories – Students in Medicine and Natural Sciences assessed the availability and state of laboratory workstations.
  • Support for stays abroad – Students assessed the attractiveness of the exchange programme, the attractiveness of the partner universities, the sufficiency of the number of exchange places, support and guidance in preparing the stay abroad, financial support (scholarships, exemption from study fees), the accreditation of studies performed abroad and the integration of the stay abroad into studies (no time loss caused by stay abroad).
  • Research Reputation – Which tertiary institutions are the leading ones according to the opinion of the professors in research? Naming the own tertiary institution was not taken into consideration.
  • Study Organization – Students assessed amongst other things the completeness of the courses offered in respect of the study regulations, the access opportunities to compulsory events and the co-ordination of the courses offered with the examination regulations
  • Job Market Preparation – Students assessed the programs offered by their college to promote the relevance to the professional field and jobs market. This includes information events on professional fields and the jobs market, specific programs and lectures to provide job relevant and subject comprehensive qualifications, support in looking for work placements, arranging Diplom work subjects in co-operation with the world of work help when looking for a job after completing studies.

Zeit Online based the criteria on the students, alumni and professor judgments randomly questioned as well as fact and accurate data. The following list comprises of eight German Universities that popped to meet the selected criteria with flying colors, making for this year’s best choice to study the designated field.


Pharmacy has been taught at TU Braunschweig since 1835. Today, the campus hosts over 600 pharmacy students. It is one of largest centers of pharmacy among German universities and the only one in the state of Lower Saxony. The study of pharmacy centers around the scientific bases of medical drugs ranging from the preparation of bioactive substances, their chemical analysis and pharmaceutical formulation to their effects on humans. Students also gain insight into different aspects of current research carried out at the pharmaceutical institutes under the common research focus “Bioactive molecules and drug development”. Major research themes include, for example, rational drug design, molecular pharmacology of cardiovascular diseases, and the development of colloidal microparticlesas drug delivery systems and the biotechnology of bioactive compounds from plants.


Philipps-Universität is not only a German university drenched in tradition, but also the oldest university in the world. It started as a Protestant institution in 1527. For nearly five centuries now the University has served as THE place of research and teaching.  Currently there are nearly 25,000 students studying in Marburg of which 12 percent come from all over the world.  Except for the engineering departments, the University hosts almost all the other scientific fields of study. The different disciplines are assigned to different faculties. Philipps-Universität is considered to be the cradle of prosperity and emancipation in the Marburg region of Germany.


Founded in 1456, the University of Greifswald was and is one of the oldest academic institutions in Europe taking pride in decades of tradition.  Over 12,000 students from all over the world receive the most modern academic guide ways and exciting research opportunities in a learning- friendly environment. Research priorities at the University of Greifswald are in the life sciences, physics and geosciences, cultural interaction in the Baltic/Nordic region, as well as law and economics. The students engage in inter-disciplinary collaborations across faculties and aim for excellence in both research and teaching.


Goethe University Frankfurt, positioned among the top international research universities, offers a wide variety of academic programs, a diverse group of research institutes, and a focus on interdisciplinary approaches to solving complex problems. The university is named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the Frankfurt-born polymath renowned for his exceptional contributions to literature, science, and philosophy. In the department of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy, 32 professors are involved in research and teaching. They are supported by 215 permanent members of staff and are involved in teaching for more than 1.850 undergraduate and 500 PhD students and postdoctoral fellows in four different subjects: Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Important Tip: To Maximize Your Chances of Getting Your German Student Visa You Should Use a Blocked Account as Proof of Financial Resources.

A blocked account is a special type of bank account , to prove you have enough funds to live in Germany for one year.

As of 2024, as a foreigner in Germany you need a minimum of €992 euros per month for living expenses. So, you are required to have a total of €11,904 in your bank account before you apply for a German internship visa.

Click here to learn more about the German Blocked Account


Among the great study conditions and circumstances the University of Freiburg offers a great practical approach to its students. The pharmaceutical bioinformatics lab at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences develops algorithms and software for pharmaceutical research. The fields of research at this institution include the modeling of molecular interactions, prediction of biological effects of molecules, and identification of potential new drug agents. Also, different reactions and effects of therapeutics can be analyzed and explained. A further area of work in the lab is the evaluation of the vast amounts of data, produced by up-to-date measurement methods and processes of systems biology.


Situated in the city of Kiel Germany, the University of Kiels foundations go way back 1665. The institution was found and established as the Academia Holsatorum Chiloniensis by Christian Albert, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp. There are approximately 24,000 students studying in the University of Kiel today. The University of Kiel is the largest, oldest, and most prestigious in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The Institute of Pharmacy belongs to the department of Pharmacy and is divided into the sub-departments Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutics and Bio pharmaceutics.


Interdisciplinary research training is the key to the success of tomorrow’s life scientists, as the motto of the University states. The University of Würzburg provides a world class environment of research institutions, which have a long and successful tradition of cooperation across faculties. The Graduate School of Life Science results from a common initiative of the Faculties of Biology, Medicine, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Physics, and Philosophy. It is this interdisciplinary spirit that propelled Würzburg to among the top four German Universities in the Life Sciences.

The Institute of Pharmacy at Freie Universität Berlin is one of the largest pharmaceutical training facilities in Germany. In Berlin-Brandenburg Freie Universität is the only university that has the discipline of pharmacy. Teaching and research are carried out in the fields of pharmaceutical biology, pharmaceutical chemistry, clinical pharmacy, pharmacology, and pharmaceutical technology. The institute focuses on drug development and testing, the analysis of natural substances, alternative testing methods, and innovative drug delivery systems.

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Latest News and Statistics

Must-know changes for students in germany in 2025, german universities receive €220 million to improve international mobility for students & staff, german universities registered 9% increase in guest students in winter semester 2023/24, bachelor students in germany more likely to drop out within first academic year, higher education in germany: key trends & statistics.

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8 pharmacology-phd PhD positions in Germany

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  • pharmacology-phd

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  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München • 2
  • University of Göttingen • 2
  • Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin • 1
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena • 1
  • University of Cologne • 1
  • University of Tübingen • 1
  • Linguistics 2
  • Computer Science 1
  • Mathematics 1
  • Medical Sciences 1

Graduate school •

-DS) Max Planck Institute of Solar System Research (MPS) Leibniz Institute German Primate Center (DPZ) German Aerospace Center (DLR) Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology

PhD / Doctorate •

Degree PhD in Medical Research, Dr med In cooperation with Technical University of Munich, Bundeswehr Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Helmholtz Zentrum München Teaching language English

-NAT) and Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPI-DS), the Leibniz Institute German Primate Center (DPZ), as well as the Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology (ITMP-TNM). Sixteen

Degree PhD , Dr rer nat In cooperation with DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) Universitätsklinikum Jena JCSM (Jena Center for Soft Matter) Leibniz-Institut für Altersforschung: Fritz-Lipmann

Degree PhD in Experimental Medicine Possibility to receive the double academic degree of MD/ PhD Teaching language English Languages Courses are held in English (100%). Full-time / part-time full

Degree PhD , MD/ PhD (for medical students), Dr rer nat, Dr rer medic, Dr phil In cooperation with NeuroCure – Cluster of Excellence Berlin School of Mind and Brain Bernstein Center for Computational

for the PhD programme must have completed an advanced academic degree (MSc or equivalent) in fields such as biology, biochemistry, biophysics, bioinformatics, bioengineering, pharmacology , neuroscience

6 semesters Beginning Winter and summer semester Application deadline Annually on 31 October Tuition fees per semester in EUR None Combined Master's degree / PhD programme No Joint degree / double

Searches related to pharmacology phd

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We have 47 clinical pharmacy PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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clinical pharmacy PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Take your research degree with the school of pharmacy, monash university malaysia, funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

International PhD Programme

International PhD programs are often designed for international students. Your PhD will usually be delivered in English, though some opportunities to gain and use additional language skills might also be available. Students may propose their own PhD topics or apply for advertised projects.

Developing and testing indicators to enhance the quality and safety of care in professional community pharmacy services

Phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Self-Funded PhD Students Only

This project does not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Multimorbidity PhD Programme for Health Professionals Fellow

Funded phd programme (uk students only).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. It is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Clinical PhD Programme

A Clinical PhD Programme is usually intended for qualified practising clinicians looking to carry out additional research or receive advanced training. Applicants often receive a full clinical salary during their studies.

Peptide-mediated nanocarrier drug delivery for enhanced brain targeting and treatment of inflammation

Phd studies in mental health, substance use disorders, multimorbidity, health services research (nursing, pharmacy, allied or public health focus).

The PhD opportunities on this programme do not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

PhD Research Programme

PhD Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

Developing novel delivery systems for local administration of drugs to the eye

Designing and evaluating novel nanotherapeutics to enhance the effectiveness of radiotherapy in the treatment of solid cancers., clinical: adherence with cancer treatment in adolescents and young adults, exploring innovative approaches in chronic pain: focus on neuropathic pain and spinal cord stimulation, dexamethasone-releasing cochlear implants to reduce foreign body response, funded phd project (uk students only).

This research project has funding attached. It is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Creating microcarriers for improving the survival and integration of cells transplanted to the brain.

Developing novel therapeutic strategies to better treat triple negative breast cancer, freeze-dried bacteriophage formulations against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, peptide-based nanoparticles for brain targeted gene delivery., assessing the molecular mechanisms by which cathepsin v promotes breast cancer growth and metastasis.

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  1. Clinical pharmacy services in Germany: a national survey

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  6. Clinical Pharmacy

    clinical pharmacy phd in germany


  1. Doctoral Program "Clinical Pharmacy"

    Doctoral Program "Clinical Pharmacy". The doctoral program "Clinical Pharmacology" is an interdisciplinary institution at the Klinikum der Universität München. The doctoral research projects, which take place within the framework of the program, focus on the question of how to increase drug therapy safety - the increase of patient safety ...

  2. Doctoral Program Clinical Pharmacy

    The doctoral program Clinical Pharmacy is an interdisciplinary institution at the university hospital of LMU Munich. Research projects of this program intend to improve safety in drug therapy and aim to increase patient safety for various medical conditions. To create a scientific data base in the field of applied clinical pharmacy in Germany ...

  3. Doctoral Programme Clinical Pharmacy

    We are looking for a pharmacist as PhD student (TV-L E14 50%) for the following project starting 01.09.2024: ... The project is to be carried out in the course of a PhD in the Doctoral Programme Clinical Pharmacy and the Clinic for Anaesthesiology at LMU Munich. ... Licence to practice as a pharmacist in Germany;

  4. Doctoral Programme Clinical Pharmacy

    The doctoral programme Clinical Pharmacy is an interdisciplinary institution at the university hospital of LMU Munich. Research projects of this programme intend to improve safety in drug therapy and aim to increase patient safety for various medical conditions. For further information about the doctoral programme Clinical Pharmacy, visit https ...

  5. PhD/Habilitation

    Doctoral Studies and Postdoctoral Research (Habilitation) All you need to know for doing a doctorate or Habilitation at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy. The doctoral office will be closed from 19.08.2024 up to and including 11.09.2024 due to vacation and staff changes. Processes for doctoral procedures that have already begun (submissions ...

  6. Promotionsprogramm Klinische Pharmazie

    Doctoral programme Clinical Pharmacy. The doctoral programme Clinical Pharmacy is an interdisciplinary institution at the university hospital of LMU Munich. Research projects of this programme intend to improve safety in drug therapy and aim to make a significant contribution to increase patient safety in the treatment of a wide variety of ...

  7. Universität Düsseldorf: Pharmacy

    The Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy is at the intersection between pharmacy and medicine. In this respect, the department focusses on paediatric pharmacology and of the performance of paediatric clinical trials. To achieve this goal, tools like modeling and simulation of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic behavior of ...

  8. Pharmacy in Germany: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Why Study Pharmacy in Germany. Studying Pharmacy in Germany is a great choice, as there are 6 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 369,000 international students choose Germany for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.

  9. Clinical Pharmacy, Ph.D.

    The Clinical Pharmacy programme at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich offers a stimulating research environment. Projects are mentored by teams consisting of scientists, pharmacists as well as clinicians to ensure an interprofessional exchange regarding basic as well as therapy-related issues. Regular seminars, workshops and various ...

  10. Study "Pharmacy" in Germany

    Find the right degree programme among over 21,000 courses in Germany. Cookie Consent. To improve the website, the DAAD and third ... Pharmaceutics, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Medical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Biology, Toxicology, Science of Pharmaceutical Formulation ...

  11. Institute of Pharmacy • Departments • Freie Universität Berlin

    Institute of Pharmacy. Address. Königin-Luise-Straße 2 and 4. 14195 Berlin. Office. Petra Heine. Tele­phone. +49 30 838 54070. Fax.

  12. Structured Doctoral Programs

    The University of Bonn's Structured PhD Programs offer a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary curriculum designed to prepare students for a successful career. Programs such as the Bonn International Graduate Schools (BIGS), PhD programs within our Clusters of Excellence, Structured Doctoral Programs by Discipline, and Third-Party Funded Programs include innovative, personalized supervision ...

  13. List of 10 Pharmacology Universities in Germany ️

    Top-ranked German Universities in Pharmacology. Top 250 Worldwide. National Ranking. #101-150 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) University of Göttingen. public University. No. of Students: approx. 28,000 students. Program Fees: € 0 (per semester) Times Higher Education Ranking #119, QS World University Rankings #204.

  14. List of 16 Pharmacy Universities in Germany ️

    Top-ranked German Universities in Pharmacy. Top 100 Worldwide. Top 250 Worldwide. National Ranking. #74 Times Higher Education Ranking. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. public University. No. of Students: approx. 36,000 students. Program Fees: € 2,250 (per semester)

  15. 17 pharmacy-phd positions in Germany

    Research assistant (Praedoc) (m/f/d) - Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy. Nature Careers | Berlin, Berlin | Germany | 2 months ago. Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy - Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry AG Absmeier Research assistant (Praedoc) (m/f/d) with 65%-part-time job limited to 30.06.2028 salary grade.

  16. 5 phd-in-clinical-pharmacy positions in Germany

    The GRADE team supports you during your decision-making processes and helps with problems during your doctoral studies. Structured. 5 scholarship, research, uni job positions available phd-in-clinical-pharmacy positions available on, Germany.

  17. PhD programmes in Medicine & Health in Germany

    Find the best PhD programmes in the field of Medicine & Health from top universities in Germany. Check all 65 programmes. ... Clinical Pharmacy. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. Free. 3 years. Ludwig-Maximilians ... in HeidelbergHeidelberg, Germany. View Programme Information. Add to compare. Life Sciences. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. Free. 3 ...

  18. Study "Drug Discovery and Development" in Germany

    The research-oriented degree course is offered by the University of Cologne and the TH Köln and leads to a joint qualification from both higher education institutions. Students acquire knowledge and skills to enable them to work in the research and development of innovative pharmaceuticals throughout the value chain.

  19. Department of Pharmacy at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

    Professor of Clinical Pharmacy. Bldg. C5 3 and C4 1. Contact: Phone: +49-681-302-70255 E-Mail. Click here for further information. Department of Pharmacy at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany - Research groups, Master, PhD.

  20. Top 8 German Universities to Study Pharmacy

    In the department of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy, 32 professors are involved in research and teaching. They are supported by 215 permanent members of staff and are involved in teaching for more than 1.850 undergraduate and 500 PhD students and postdoctoral fellows in four different subjects: Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biochemistry.

  21. 8 pharmacology-phd PhD positions in Germany

    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München • | Germany | 24 days ago. 6 semesters Beginning Winter and summer semester Application deadline Annually on 31 October Tuition fees per semester in EUR None Combined Master's degree / PhD programme No Joint degree / double. 8 scholarship, research, uni job positions available pharmacology-phd ...

  22. clinical pharmacy PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    University of Glasgow. The Clinical PhD Research Fellowships are fixed term 3 year appointments offering training, mentoring and support to health professionals undertaking a PhD on the topic of multimorbidity. Read more. Funded PhD Programme (UK Students Only) Clinical PhD Programme. More Details.