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upenn secondary essays

July 5, 2022

University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Secondary Application Essay Tips [2022 – 2023]

University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Secondary Application Essay Tips [2022 - 2023]

With excellent ratings in research and primary care, UPENN’s Perelman School of Medicine is looking for students with strong communication skills who can articulate their motivations to study medicine and serve as community leaders. Providing further information and insight in this secondary application about the reasons why you are motivated to study medicine at UPENN will be important. Even better, if those motivations illuminate character and the way your life goals have shaped you as a person and leader, you will impress the adcom.

To learn more about UPenn Med School, check out our recent podcast interview: Deep Dive Into Penn Perelman School of Medicine With Dr. Neha Vapiwala, Dean for Admissions >>

UPenn Medical School 2022-23 secondary application essays

Upenn medical school essay #1.

Were there changes to your academic work and/or personal circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic that you would like to share with the committee? Y/N If Y, Please describe these changes during this time in 500 characters or less .

It might be helpful to brainstorm a little before answering this prompt. Other schools categorize the adjustments due to COVID-19 in three ways: personal, professional and educational. Stay factual. You do not have a lot of room here (500 characters or less). Close positively. What did you do to engage the pandemic and help the vulnerable? How did this unprecedented world moment teach you something about being a physician, about population health? How did a pandemic motivate you to get involved in the community in new ways?

UPenn Medical School essay #2

If you were offered an option to continue courses with a standard grading system or switch to Pass/Fail, and you elected Pass/Fail, please describe the reason(s) for your decision here. (500 characters)

Historically in higher education, Pass/Fail is an opportunity for students to explore without consequence a subject matter that is not germane to their degree, or it’s an intervention for an impending poor final grade, which could have a variety of causes. If you chose Pass/Fail during the pandemic, there may be a very reasonable explanation. Also, sometimes, the reason for choosing Pass/Fail for Spring coursework in 2020 has something to do with your college or university’s policies. Don’t over-explain. Don’t be emotional. Just explain the course and the circumstances that made Pass/Fail the right option. If there was institutional precedent to encourage students to choose the Pass/Fail option explain that rationale here. Schools have different circumstances and reasons for the pandemic decisions they made. If you quarantined during Spring 2020 and this influenced your decision to switch to Pass / Fail, explain what is reasonable about having made that decision. Keep it short and clear.

UPenn Medical School essay #3

Have you taken any online courses for credit? (not due to the COVID-19 pandemic) 

You should answer this question directly and honestly, giving your grades on the courses. If you took a course online to offset a grade for the same course taken in person at your school because  you were unhappy with your performance, please explain what happened, if anything, that influenced your performance without blaming others. If there was a positive reason for taking that online class that had nothing to do with poor performance, tell them that too. Please list all science courses taken online.

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UPenn Medical School essay #4

Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization? 

You should answer this question practically, providing the award, an explanation of what the award is for if it is not immediately clear in the award name, the awarding organization, and the year of the award. You need very little story here. State your awards and honors simply, clearly and directly. Don’t pad this answer. No gloating.

UPenn Medical School essay #5

Have you taken or are you planning to take time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation? If so explain in  500 characters or less .

If you have already graduated from college, you should explain what you were doing over the last year(s). If you haven’t yet graduated, you should describe plans for the gap year(s) , including positions for which you plan to apply and planned or actual volunteer work. 

Staying engaged in clinical activities is key. Building upon your exposure to patient care and research is wise as well. You might travel abroad for a medical mission trip, volunteer, or work in health care for pay. Are you a scribe? An EMT? The gap year experience must be an opportunity to show the admissions committee how practically or imaginatively you utilized this time to engage health care, locally or abroad, or re-engaged academia in a master’s program, to offset a low GPA, to show your commitment to becoming a doctor.

Show that your gap year will be a growth year!

UPenn Medical School essay #6

Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application? If so, explain in 1,000 characters or less .

For this question, you should respond if you have done any volunteer, paid or academic work outside of the U.S. This would include overseas missions and study abroad programs. For each activity, provide a brief explanation, including the amount of time you were abroad and the general scope of your activities there. This response should be direct and to-the-point. Be sure to provide the name and brief mission of the organization, if that is how you participated in a medical or humanitarian mission. Conclude with what you learned.

UPenn Medical School essay #7

The Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) is deeply committed to recruiting a diverse class to enrich an inclusive team-based learning experience. How would you and your experiences contribute to the diversity of the student body and/or how would you contribute to an inclusive atmosphere at PSOM? Please explain and limit your response to 1,000 characters .

Please explain an aspect of your identity or culture or upbringing as a valuable contribution to a diverse and inclusive group of medical students, or tell a brief story about how you advocated for someone who experienced bias or discrimination. Witnessing bias or discrimnation and not doing anything about it is not a wise story to tell here. Schools want to see advocacy not solely as an ideal, but as a verb, as an action in the name of inclusivity.

UPenn Medical School essay #8

We are all navigating through challenging times, and physicians and physician-scientists must contend with many instances of uncertainty. Describe a time when you faced a situation that was ambiguous, confusing, or uncertain, and how you navigated making a decision without complete information (3000 characters)

This is a new prompt for UPenn. Uncertainty, in medicine, engages an academic concept from Philosophy called epistemology, or knowing, and is often included in Narrative Medicine curricula. Uncertainty is a concern in the study of epistemology about encounters in human experience where there is a lapse in or absence of explicit evidence. It is a lapse between what we already know about data-driven truths and a lack of information present in what is being assessed, whether communities and cultures, pandemics, the human body, disease or human biology – or the research related to any of these subjects. Uncertainty happens in medicine when health care professionals, in this case, physicians, shift from textbook knowledge of medicine to the practice of medicine. Also, uncertainty happens in medicine when faced with novel situations, take COVID-19, for instance.

Uncertainty enters into the professional experiences of physicians acutely when they begin to practice and will continue through the whole arc of their career. Handling uncertainty is an advanced skill, yet a necessary one, for physicians and scientists. 

What does a physician do when they do not have quite enough “truths” related to a patient’s condition and situation? The first step is to identify where the lapse exists. Does the physician need to further educate themself on a topic or call upon another physician who has the specialized knowledge necessary in order to understand what they’re assessing?  Or is the topic still rife with opaque mysteries and thereby requires further study and investigation? Or both?

Once the source of the lapse is identified explicitly, a physician makes a decision about what to do under less than ideal circumstances based on pathways including but not limited to improving or finding further medical evidence, improving or employing health information technology such as extracting data from electronic health systems and databases or improving electronic patient notification systems, finding and correcting bias, and developing theoretical approaches to making predictions for a plan to move forward. In answering this prompt, begin with identifying and defining what was uncertain about a problem you faced. Then explain how you identified the source of the lapse of knowledge.  Then explain how you figured out what to do about it, to the best of your ability. Do not feel compelled to make the uncertainty go away. Remember, so much uncertainty in medicine is intricately related to the vital space of research and discovery situated at the demarcation between what we already know and what we do not yet know.

UPenn Medical School essay #9

Do you identify as a first-generation college graduate and/or having a low-income background? We recognize that the definition of “low income” can vary based on geographic location and size of your household, but there are other factors that may be consistent with low-income, such as having qualified for free/reduced lunch in middle/high school, having received Pell grants or work-study aid during college, having qualified for Medicaid/Social Security benefits, or having attended a high school with low per capita funding or title 1 designation and/or a low percentage of seniors receiving a high school diploma.

If you are not a first-generation college graduate and do not have nor have had a low-income background simply state that. 

If your family or school circumstances fit any of the examples, please state which ones and give a little context. For instance, if your public high school was a Title 1 school, a school with at least a 40% low-income population, state that information while providing some facts about the school or school district’s demographics. It’s likely you can find these facts online.

This prompt aims to rectify bias, yet they are not asking for a personal story. They are seeking the facts that are strong indicators that your life, compared to others, likely had more hardship. If your family or school circumstances contain any low-income identifiers, it’s likely U Penn is trying to use this information to help eliminate bias that is not necessarily evident by solely asking for your family income, as they do in another part of the application. 

They ask about some indicators of socio-economic disparities to catch any SES ambiguity. For instance, a family of six living in San Francisco may have a higher income than a family of three in Average Town, USA, but they may experience much more economic hardship because the cost of living in San Francisco is exorbitant. Or someone might be from a family whose income is not notably low, but they may have received Medicaid benefits because they were adopted through the county under high-risk circumstances. 

Also, feel free to provide any other facts that might point toward disparity in any way, as long as the facts are true, including changes in family circumstances. Sometimes a family falls into hard times, loses an income, suffers the loss of a parent, or a parent became disabled and qualified for social security disability while you were in high school. If you were still a child when any hardship happened, it’s worth mentioning.

UPenn Medical School essay #10

Have you or your family experienced economic hardships?  (1000 characters if yes)

If you answer yes to this question, you should briefly explain what those hardships were and how they impacted your journey to medical school (etc. frequent moves, working during school, etc.). If you left and returned to school because of hardship, please explain that here.

This prompt is linked to the #9 in that you can answer this prompt with a story of hardship rather than providing potential evidence of low-income hardship, as you may have done in the previous prompt.

UPenn Medical School essay #11

Have you ever been employed at the University of Pennsylvania Health System or Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and worked with a University of Pennsylvania faculty mentor? If yes, please indicate name, department, phone number of faculty member(s) , and start/end dates.

You should answer this question briefly with the information requested.

UPenn Medical School essay #12

Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine and limit your response to 1,000 characters.

Since this secondary question requests a short essay, be succinct in your response. Start by doing your research on UPENN; read their mission statement , standards for admission , and basic requirements . Check out the structure and focus of their curriculum.

What excites you about their school? Do you have a connection to their location? Do they offer any special programs or specialties that you are interested in? In what ways are the school’s goals similar to your own? How will Perelman’s faculty, curriculum, or special programs better prepare you for a career in medicine? This is an opportunity to show Perelman that you understand who they are, and how you’re a good fit for them — not just what they can do for you.

Watch: Perelman’s Dean of Admissions debunks common myths about the program

Applying to UPenn Med School? Here are some stats:

UPenn median MCAT score: 522

UPenn Medical School median GPA: 3.95

UPenn Medical School acceptance rate: 8.8%

U.S. News  ranks UPenn #6 for research and #20 for primary care.

Check out the Med School Selectivity Index for more stats.

Has this blog post helped you feel more confident about approaching your UPenn Med School application? We hope so. It’s our mission to help smart, talented applicants like you gain acceptance to your top choice med school. With so much at stake, why not hire a consultant whose expertise and personalized guidance can help you make your dream come true? We have several flexible consulting options— click here to get started !

University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine application timeline [2022-2023]

Deadline for Early Decision Program applicants to complete AMCAS applicationAug 1
Deadline for Early Decision Program applicants to complete AMCAS applicationAug 15
Deadline for submitting the AMCAS applicationOctober 15
Supplemental application and all required materials (supplemental application, supplemental fee payment, MCAT score, and LORs) are dueNovember 15
Interview Invitations are releasedSeptember-January

Source: Perelman School of Medicine website

Mary Mahoney Admissions Expert

Related Resources:

  • 5 Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your Med School & Secondary Essays , a free guide
  • 3 Reasons Why Writing About Overcoming Obstacles Strengthens Your Application Essays
  • 7 Simple Steps to Writing an Excellent Diversity Essay (With an Example)

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University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine – UPenn Secondary Essays & Tips

  • Cracking Med School Admissions

Getting accepted to Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania is hard. Very hard. Submitting an OUTSTANDING UPenn secondary application is vital to receiving an interview invite, which ultimately can lead to an acceptance. Perelman School of Medicine loves to recruit the best of the best. Although the UPenn secondary essays are short, you have to convey your leadership and vision to advance medicine. Read more of our UPenn secondaries tips below! Your AMCAS primary application and UPenn medical school secondary application must show strong research and strong academics. 

The UPenn secondary application is rather short, so if you receive a secondary from the admissions committee, make sure to fill it out right away. 

Our Cracking Med School Admissions team has a track record of helping our mentees receive acceptances to UPenn Medical School year after year. We are successful in helping students receive acceptances to both MD, MD/MBA, and MSTP (MD/PhD). C ontact us if you want help or have questions about your UPenn secondary essays. 

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UPenn Medical School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2023 – 2024

  • If you were offered an option to continue courses with a standard grading system or switch to Pass/Fail, and you chose Pass/Fail, please describe the reason(s) for your decision here. (500 characters max)
  • Have you taken any online courses for credit? (Not due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
  • Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization?
  • Have you taken or are you planning to take time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation? (500 characters max)
  • Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application? (1,000 characters max)
  • Are there any special, unique, personal, or challenging aspects of your personal background or circumstances that you would like to share with the Committee on Admissions, not addressed elsewhere (siblings/relatives at Penn, applying as a couple, educational environment, culture, ethnicity, etc.) (If yes, 1,000 characters max)
  • Have you or your family experienced economic hardships? (1,000 characters max)
  • Have you been employed at the University of Pennsylvania Health System or Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and worked with a Penn faculty mentor? If yes, please indicate name, department, phone number of faculty, and start/end dates.
  • The Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) is deeply committed to recruiting a diverse class to enrich an inclusive team-based learning experience. How would you and your life experiences contribute to the diversity of the student body and/or how would you contribute to an inclusive atmosphere at PSOM? (1,000 characters max)
  • Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine. (1,000 characters max)

Tips to Answer UPenn Secondary Essays

UPenn Secondaries Pre-Writing Guidance: The UPenn secondary application is rather short with fewer essays and a low character limit. Many of the questions are yes/no. So if you receive a secondary from the admissions committee, make sure to fill it out right away.  

  • Read all our secondary essay tips –   Cracking Med Secondary Essay Workbook and Examples

UPenn Secondary Essays Tip #1: Highlight your leadership, passion to change healthcare, and impact on society. What is your vision to advance medicine? How will you pursue that vision throughout your career in medicine? 

What will make you stand out is if you can convey your desire to be innovative and improve healthcare through interdisciplinary approaches. The undergraduate and graduate schools of University of Pennsylvania are extremely collaborative, and there is a lot of cross-school / cross-department projects. If you like interdisciplinary approaches to improve healthcare, then this school is for you. 

UPenn Secondary Essays Tip #2: Other than leadership & innovation, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania values research and clinical experiences. Make sure to include research + patient care in your UPenn secondaries. 

UPenn Secondary Essays Tip #3: Don’t forget to add awards, even if you included them in your primary application / AMCAS work & activities section.

Common awards mentioned for in UPenn secondaries:  Marshall Scholar, Rhodes Scholar, Fulbright Scholar, Gates Scholar, Truman Scholar, national research grants

UPenn Secondary Essays Tip #4: Be very specific about why you want to go to UPenn School of Medicine. Talk about projects and research you want to do at UPenn. UPenn is a very interdisciplinary institution, so don’t hold back if you have ideas to work with a leader in the business school professor, a nursing in the School of Nursing, or a professor in the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering. Read an example of how to write a strong “ why this medical school ” essay. For this UPenn secondary, you don’t have much space! Be very specific in opportunities you want to take advantage of at UPenn.

UPenn Secondary Essays Tip #5: For the UPenn secondaries question, “ The Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) is deeply committed to recruiting a diverse class to enrich an inclusive team-based learning experience. How would you and your life experiences contribute to the diversity of the student body and/or how would you contribute to an inclusive atmosphere at PSOM? ” For the diversity essays, remember that diversity is all encompassing. We recommend our students to talk about their strengths and skills they will bring to the Perelman School of Medicine. It is important to convey to UPenn that you have made a big impact on the world through your activities.

  • Read more tips for diversity essays:  Medical School Diversity Essay Examples and Tips
  • Examples from our past successful students : Innovations through research; Founding a public health organization; Working with the World Health Organization; Leading a global health initiative

UPenn Secondary Essays Tip #6: It is super important that you have guidance from advisors from top medical schools and who repeatedly have helped medical school applicants get accepted to UPenn Perelman School of Medicine. Contact us below. Need editing help on your secondary? We can help you edit and strategize your UPenn secondaries through our secondary essay packages .

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UPenn Medical School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2022 – 2023

  • Were there changes to your academic work and/or personal circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic that you would like to share with the committee? Yes or No? If yes, please describe these changes during this time. (500 characters max)

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UPenn Medical School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2021 – 2022

Upenn medical school secondary application essay prompts: 2020 – 2021.

  • Were there changes to your academic work and/or personal circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic that you would like to share with the committee?  Yes or No? If yes, please describe these changes during this time.  (500 characters max)
  • If you were offered an option to continue courses with a standard grading system or switch to Pass/Fail, and you chose Pass/Fail, please describe the reason(s) for your decision here.  (500 characters max)
  • Have you taken or are you planning to take time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation?  (500 characters max)
  • Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application?  (1,000 characters max)
  • Are there any special, unique, personal, or challenging aspects of your personal background or circumstances that you would like to share with the Committee on Admissions, not addressed elsewhere (siblings/relatives at Penn, applying as a couple, educational environment, culture, ethnicity, etc.)  (If yes, 1,000 characters max)
  • Have you or your family experienced economic hardships?  (1,000 characters max)
  • Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine.  (1,000 characters max)

UPenn Medical School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2019 – 2020

  • Have you taken any online courses for credit? Yes or No?
  • Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization? Yes or No? List all awards received.
  • Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application? (If yes, 1,000 characters max)
  • Have you or your family experienced economic hardships?  (If yes, 1,000 characters max)

UPenn Medical School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2018 – 2019

  • Have you taken any online courses for credit?  Yes or No?
  • Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization?  Yes or No?  List all awards received.
  • Have you taken or are you planning to take time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation?  (If yes, 1,000 characters max)
  • Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application?  (If yes, 1,000 characters max)

UPenn Medical School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2017 – 2018

Upenn medical school secondary application essay prompts: 2016 – 2017, upenn medical school secondary application essay prompts: 2015 – 2016.

  • Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization? If so, please describe. (Each line, 100 characters max)
  • Have you taken or are you planning to take time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation?  (If yes, 500 characters max)
  • If you are traveling outside of the U.S. during the application year, will you need special scheduling if invited for an interview? If so, please describe and indicate dates that you are in the U.S. (255 characters max)

UPenn Medical School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2014 – 2015

  • Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization? If so, please describe.  (Each line, 100 characters max)
  • Have you taken or are you planning to take time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation?  (If yes, 250 characters max)
  • Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application?
  • Are there any special, unique, personal, or challenging circumstances that you would like to share with the Committee on Admissions (siblings/relatives at Penn, applying as a couple, educational environment, culture, ethnicity, etc.)

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2023-2024 Pennsylvania (Perelman)

  • Thread starter wysdoc
  • Start date Mar 21, 2023

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  • Mar 21, 2023

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  • Jun 23, 2023

Prewriting rn and wondering if studying abroad is a global activity for "Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application?" (1,000 characters max)  


Is presenting at an industry-level conference internationally considered a global activity?  



sillyhorse said: Prewriting rn and wondering if studying abroad is a global activity for "Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application?" (1,000 characters max) Click to expand...
  • Jun 24, 2023

global activities outside of the U.S. - this would not refer to paper presentations. They are looking for activities, preferably health relevant but not specifically, where one has spent time volunteering or part of an organized corp like peace corps, americorps, or one of the many something without borders and spent any amount of time abroad. Many schools have programs in Uganda, Haiti and other locations where students have spent a month or more during summers.  

texasvandy said: global activities outside of the U.S. - this would not refer to paper presentations. They are looking for activities, preferably health relevant but not specifically, where one has spent time volunteering or part of an organized corp like peace corps, americorps, or one of the many something without borders and spent any amount of time abroad. Many schools have programs in Uganda, Haiti and other locations where students have spent a month or more during summers. Click to expand...
sillyhorse said: could you clarify if this includes studying abroad in Europe for 4 months through a medical program? (it did not include volunteering) Click to expand...


JisungHan said: What if the poster presentation was in regards to a medical innovation that's being used outside the US Click to expand...
  • Jun 25, 2023
texasvandy said: Its not a must that everyone has an opportunity to do something and in fact I am surprised no one in Penn has determined this is a privilege not available to many poorer people. Click to expand...
JisungHan said: This is a poor take. Many conferences offer financial aid for attendance/ meeting registration. Most labs with enough funding offers to cover travel/ hotel fees as well. I encourage you to think more before posting any more silly suggestions like this. In all fairness to you, I do concur with your first statement. Click to expand...


Medologist342 said: While what you said is true regarding events being funded normally, the lack of accessibility I feel doesn’t stem from lack of available opportunity, it is a result of the disadvantaged people @texasvandy is referring to not having the time to put towards these sort of conferences. The priority for the less fortunate is to stay afloat and make enough to fund their education and living expenses, and it is hard enough getting the baseline activities like clinical hours on top of working a job. The work you have to put in to get to the global events Penn wants or the time required to participate is simply too much to ask for. That said, a rare few will find ways to still reach that level of achievement, but they are the exceptions. Click to expand...


  • Jul 1, 2023
texasvandy said: Unless you spent time working with it in the country you are claiming the global activity in, how do you call it an activity? In theory, they are giving you space to expand on one of your 10 activities listed in your primary. Presenting a paper is a culmination of an activity and more like an honor. Its not a must that everyone has an opportunity to do something and in fact I am surprised no one in Penn has determined this is a privilege not available to many poorer people. Click to expand...


  • Jul 7, 2023

Is anyone else unable to fill out their app  

Secondary Received 10:04 EST  

AnxiousCapybara said: Is anyone else unable to fill out their app Click to expand...

It is not letting me fill out any information on the secondary  

+1 secondary received  

If you were offered an option to continue courses with a standard grading system or switch to Pass/Fail, and you elected Pass/Fail, please describe the reason(s) for your decision here (500 characters). The Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) is deeply committed to recruiting a class inclusive of diverse perspectives and experiences; this enriches the instruction we provide, enhances team-based learning, and ensures our students’ preparation to address the health needs of a pluralistic society. How would your life experiences contribute to the student body and how would you contribute to an inclusive atmosphere at PSOM? Please explain and limit your response to 1,000 characters. We are all navigating through challenging times, and physicians and physician-scientists must contend with many instances of uncertainty. Describe a time when you faced a situation that was ambiguous, confusing, or uncertain, and how you navigated making a decision without complete information (3000 characters). Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine and limit your response to 1,000 characters: @wysdoc  


Labe said: Secondary Received 10:04 EST Click to expand...


It also won't let me fill out anything here.  

Has anyone been able to fill it out?  


  • Jul 8, 2023

+1 OOS  


gotta love them sending out the secondary at 10pm on a friday night, only for the website to not work, and there likely won't be a resolution until monday  

For "Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization?" they're talking about awards during college right (surely not high school)?  

chimchar02 said: For "Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization?" they're talking about awards during college right (surely not high school)? Click to expand...


The portal still isn't fixed right?  



Doja Stan said: If you were offered an option to continue courses with a standard grading system or switch to Pass/Fail, and you elected Pass/Fail, please describe the reason(s) for your decision here (500 characters). The Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) is deeply committed to recruiting a class inclusive of diverse perspectives and experiences; this enriches the instruction we provide, enhances team-based learning, and ensures our students’ preparation to address the health needs of a pluralistic society. How would your life experiences contribute to the student body and how would you contribute to an inclusive atmosphere at PSOM? Please explain and limit your response to 1,000 characters. We are all navigating through challenging times, and physicians and physician-scientists must contend with many instances of uncertainty. Describe a time when you faced a situation that was ambiguous, confusing, or uncertain, and how you navigated making a decision without complete information (3000 characters). Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine and limit your response to 1,000 characters: @wysdoc Click to expand...
SultanateIV said: Does it still include the other question asking about global activities? Click to expand...
  • Jul 9, 2023

Trying to get it written and ready to upload bc we have the prompts. Though I'm very frustrated that their diversity prompt is a mere 1000 chars. That's nothing compared to the other ones I've been working with. Gonna have to choose a different topic and rewrite that one completely.  

dotpot said: I feel you on that. I had to write a new one too, and didn't even come close to saying everything I wanted to say about my identity. The prompt itself is 430 characters... Click to expand...


Is anyone else kind of lost for the uncertainty question? I feel like none of my other secondaries include anything like this and I'm struggling to brainstorm.  


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roundgarlic said: Is anyone else kind of lost for the uncertainty question? I feel like none of my other secondaries include anything like this and I'm struggling to brainstorm. Click to expand...
Doja Stan said: Describe a time when you faced a situation that was ambiguous, confusing, or uncertain, and how you navigated making a decision without complete information (3000 characters). Click to expand...
Mr.Smile12 said: It's a challenge question focused on problem solving where you felt uncomfortable or had to guess/go on a hunch. Do not answer "this essay made me uncertain...". Click to expand...
roundgarlic said: Based on that, would it be appropriate to talk about a class I struggled in and a difficult project where I was sort of lost and had to exhaust a lot of avenues to figure it out? I generally try to avoid talking about academic things in secondaries because I feel like it's kind of generic. Click to expand...
Mr.Smile12 said: Would you mind giving more details? How did you make a decision? Yes, something less related to class would be preferred in general. Remember that you need to cater to a broad audience. Click to expand...
roundgarlic said: There wasn't a ton of decision making involved, so I'll probably go with something else. Maybe talking about a student I mentor and not knowing a ton about her background and history because she's a refugee, but having to figure out what we do in our time together that will be the best for her! Click to expand...



Would a merit-based salary increase count as an award if it was given by PSOM ( are they a state institution and is this an award or am I pushing it)? I work at the med school at the moment.  

TheCarotidMasseur said: Would a merit-based salary increase count as an award if it was given by PSOM ( are they a state institution and is this an award or am I pushing it)? I work at the med school at the moment. Click to expand...

Penn is a private school. There is no true way to measure pay raises and so it would not be considered an award. If it came with a certificate saying something exemplary about your contributions like contributed most to a project curing cancer (in jest but anything would do in terms of recognizing YOU in the team for something) that is an award.  





The Secondary Application is working for me now!  

Is anyone else having trouble selecting and saving their letters of recommendation?  

student159 said: Is anyone else having trouble selecting and saving their letters of recommendation? Click to expand...



Labe said: I tried checking the box and saving after which I get error messages. Not sure what or how it happened, but despite the error message the section is marked as complete for me even though the box next to my letter is unchecked. Click to expand...
  • Jul 10, 2023

One of the secondary questions asks if we have taken an online course. If we say "yes," then we are asked "how many?" and to "list all science courses that you have taken online." If I have taken 1 online course but it is not a science course, should I just leave the "list all science courses" part blank but still say "yes" and put "1 course"?  

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University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Secondary Essay Prompts

These are the secondary application essay prompts for University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) Perelman School of Medicine. To put your best foot forward and maximize your chance of an interview invitation, visit our secondary application editing page .

About University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) Perelman School of Medicine

Secondary Deadline : November 15, 2024 Secondary Fee : $100 FAP Waiver : Yes CASPer Required : No Screens Applications : Yes Accepts Application Updates : Yes

Our mission is to advance knowledge and improve health through research, patient care, and the education of trainees in an inclusive culture that embraces diversity, fosters innovation, stimulates critical thinking, supports lifelong learning, and sustains our legacy of excellence.
To empower the talent within our integrated Academic Medical Center to find new cures, disseminate knowledge, and improve hea lth for all people.

1. Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization?

2. Have you taken or are you planning to take time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation? If yes,  500 character limit.

3. Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application? If yes,  1000 character limit .

3. Are there any special, unique, personal, or challenging aspects of your personal background or circumstances that you would like to share with the Committee on Admissions, not addressed elsewhere (siblings/relatives at Penn, applying as a couple, educational environment, culture, ethnicity, etc.) If yes,  1000 character limit

4. Have you or your family experienced economic hardships? If yes,  1000 character limit .

5. Have you been employed at the University of Pennsylvania Health System or Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and worked with a Penn faculty mentor? If yes, please indicate name, department, phone number of faculty, and start/end dates.

6. Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine and limit your response to 1,000 characters .

MD: 1. Have you taken any online courses for credit?

Answer as appropriate based on your past academic experience.

2. Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization?

Answer as appropriate based on your prior scholastic achievements.

3. Have you taken or are you planning to take time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation? If you answer yes, a 1,000 char prompt to elaborate appears.

If you have taken or will be taking time off between undergraduate and medical school, describe the experiences you had during that time. For each experience, explain how this helped you grow and become a better medical school candidate, which is the most important goal of the gap year in the admissions committee’s eyes. Focus on the lessons you learned and skills you gained during the time off. Do not repeat what is in your primary application. This is a key to all secondaries. If you use a prior experience from the AMCAS primary (which can be difficult to avoid given the nature of some secondary questions), try to adopt a new angle or describe a different aspect of the experience than has been presented before. Consider using an anecdote to spice up the answer.

4. Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application?

Discuss any prior experiences which are relevant here, including but not limited to medical mission work, medical volunteer work or clinical experience abroad, other volunteer work abroad, study abroad programs. Be sure to discuss how the experiences expanded your horizons and helped you grow as a person and future physician. If interested in global health, this is a perfect time to discuss it.

5. Are there any special, unique, personal, or challenging aspects of your personal background or circumstances that you would like to share with the Committee on Admissions, not addressed elsewhere (siblings/relatives at Penn, applying as a couple, educational environment, culture, ethnicity, etc.) (1000 characters if you answer yes)

Start by brainstorming what is unique about your background. Is it your place of birth, your family, your culture, or you path to medicine? Next consider prior adversity you have had to overcome and how that has shaped your values. Consider 1-2 of these experiences and weave a story about them which show your unique characteristics. Specifically answer how this can contribute to your medical school class; consider the effect you might have on your peers, professors and patients. Be sure not to repeat issues discussed elsewhere.

6. Have you or your family experienced economic hardships? (1000 characters if yes)

If relevant to you, discuss your prior experiences here. Be sure not to make yourself sound like a victim as this can reflect poorly. Instead focus on the lessons these hardships taught you and how they made you stronger. How did they help develop your perseverance, discipline or drive to succeed. Focus on the positive growth from these hard times.

7. Have you been employed at the University of Pennsylvania Health System or Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and worked with a Penn faculty mentor? If yes, please indicate name, department, phone number of faculty, and start/end dates

List past experiences as appropriate.

8. Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine and limit your response to 1,000 characters.

The first step to answering this question is doing some research on the program website to understand some of its nuances. Is it very strong in a particular field of research, or perhaps in community clinical work for the underserved? If one of these aspects aligns with your strengths or interests, explain how you are a great fit for this reason. Outline how these opportunities will help you grow toward your career goals as you envision them. Think about the opportunities the location provides in terms of clinical experience and social experience as well.

9. Sexual and Gender Identity (optional)

Do you identify as (please check all that apply):

Heterosexual/Straight Gay Lesbian Bisexual Asexual Queer Other

Cisgender Transgender Gender non-conforming Gender non-binary Other

Please let us know if you have a preferred name and/or preferred Gender Pronouns.

Answer the above questions as you see fit.

10. Additional pages to check your preferred research group at the time of application (History and Sociology of Medicine, Anthropology, and Business/Economics have further requirements). Also a 500 character box to list keywords related to your research interests.

List your preferred research group. For your research interests, do your research on existing labs, mentors, and research opportunities at the University of Pennsylvania and detail those which interest you. Tie them to your prior experiences and your future career goals. If you discuss topics which were touched on in your primary application, try to approach your prior research experience from a new angle, perhaps employing anecdotes to convey a point. Make sure you answer how these opportunities will prepare you to achieve your goals in medicine.

  • Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization? Yes/No… “Add Award”
  • Have you taken or are you planning to take time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation? Yes/No… If yes, 500 characters given.
  • Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application? Yes/No… If yes, 1000 characters given.
  • Are there any special, unique, personal, or challenging aspects of your personal background or circumstances that you would like to share with the Committee on Admissions, not addressed elsewhere (siblings/relatives at Penn, applying as a couple, educational environment, culture, ethnicity, etc.) Yes/No… If yes, 1000 characters given.
  • Have you or your family experienced economic hardships? Yes/No… if yes, 1000 characters given.
  • Have you been employed at the University of Pennsylvania Health System or Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and worked with a Penn faculty mentor? If yes, please indicate name, department, phone number of faculty, and start/end dates.
  • Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine and limit your response to 1,000 characters.

1. Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization? If so, please describe; each line allows 100 characters. (Please do not list awards from high school or earlier.)

2. Have you taken or are you planning to take time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation? (500 characters to describe plans, if yes)

3. Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application? (1000 characters to describe, if yes)

4. Are there any special, unique, personal, or challenging aspects of your personal background or circumstances that you would like to share with the Committee on Admissions, not addressed elsewhere (siblings/relatives at Penn, applying as a couple, educational environment, culture, ethnicity, etc.) (1000 characters if yes)

5. Have you or your family experienced economic hardships? (1000 characters, if yes)

6. Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine and limit your response to 1,000 characters.

Disclaimer: The information on this page was shared by students and/or can be found on the medical school’s website. Med School Insiders does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this page.

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Secondary Essay Prompts – University of Pennsylvania Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine

No responses, secondary essay prompts for the raymond and ruth perelman school of medicine at the university of pennsylvania.

Please explain and limit your response to 1,000 characters.

Please describe a time when you faced a situation that was ambiguous, confusing, or uncertain, and how you navigated making a decision without complete information. (3000 characters)

We recognize that the definition of “low income” can vary based on geographic location, zip code, and size of your household, but there are some factors typically associated with being low-income, such as qualifying for free/reduced lunch in middle/high school, receiving Pell grants or work-study aid during college, qualifying for Medicaid/Social Security benefits, or attending a high school with low per capita funding, Title 1 designation and/or a low percentage of seniors receiving a high school diploma. (Y/N)

If yes, please indicate name, department, phone number of faculty member(s), and start/end dates (Y/N)

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University of Pennsylvania Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine Secondary Essay

Secondary essay webcast with Dr. Jessica Freedman, founder and president of MedEdits Medical Admissions.   Read more about Dr. Freedman.

Topics covered in this presentation:

When should I submit my secondary essays?

Pay attention to the word/character limits.

Can I recycle secondary essay prompts for multiple schools?

Identify topics that you left out of your primary application.And, much more.

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How to Ace Your UPenn Secondaries

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By Eric Eng

Very old building in University of Pennsylvania

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on one of the most crucial milestones in the path towards becoming a medical professional – tackling UPenn secondaries. In the rigorous and competitive realm of medical school admissions, the University of Pennsylvania ‘s (UPenn) secondary applications stand out as a formidable challenge. They offer a unique opportunity for prospective students to highlight their strengths, showcase their dedication to medicine, and present compelling reasons for their interest in UPenn.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of how to ace your UPenn Medical School secondaries, from understanding the application process to tackling common essay prompts. Let’s dive in!

Understanding UPenn Medical School’s Secondary Application Process

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of crafting your UPenn Medical School secondary essays, let’s first take a step back to understand the application process as a whole.

After submitting your primary application through AMCAS, you’ll receive an email inviting you to complete UPenn’s secondary application. This application has several components, including:

  • Demographic information
  • Academic history
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Three essay responses

Your secondary application is due within two weeks of receiving the invitation, so it’s important to move quickly and thoughtfully through the process.

Young woman using a microscope to analyze a specimen.

One important thing to keep in mind is that the secondary application is just as important as the primary application, if not more so. The primary application provides a broad overview of your qualifications, but the secondary application allows you to showcase your fit with UPenn’s program on a more personal level. Admissions committees use this information to evaluate your candidacy more holistically and to determine whether you would be a strong match for the school’s program.

Importance of Secondaries in the Admissions Process

Given the competitive nature of medical school admissions, it’s essential that you put your best foot forward in every aspect of the application process, including your secondaries. The tips and strategies we’ll cover in this article will help you do just that.

One way to approach the secondary application is to think of it as an opportunity to tell your story. What experiences have led you to pursue a career in medicine? What unique perspectives or skills do you bring to the table? How do your values align with UPenn’s mission and values?

Timeline for UPenn Medical School Secondaries

As mentioned earlier, you’ll have two weeks to complete your UPenn secondaries once you receive the invitation. However, it’s important to note that submitting your application as early as possible can increase your chances of being invited for an interview.

With that in mind, we recommend creating a timeline for yourself as soon as you receive the invitation email. This timeline should include specific deadlines for each component of the application, such as:

  • Completing the demographic and academic history sections
  • Listing all of your extracurricular activities
  • Brainstorming and outlining your essay responses
  • Drafting and revising your essay responses
  • Submitting your final application

By breaking the process down into smaller, more manageable tasks, you’ll be able to stay focused and on track throughout the two-week window.

Key Components of UPenn’s Secondary Application

Let’s take a closer look at the various components of UPenn’s secondary application and what admissions committees are looking for in each section.

Demographic Information and Academic History

The demographic information and academic history sections are fairly straightforward. Be sure to double-check your entries for accuracy and completeness. Admissions committees will use this information to get a sense of your background and academic achievements.

Extracurricular Activities

The extracurricular activities section is where you can really shine. Be sure to include all relevant activities, such as research projects, volunteer work, and leadership roles. Admissions committees are looking for applicants who have demonstrated a commitment to service, leadership, and intellectual curiosity.

One way to make your extracurricular activities stand out is to provide specific examples of how you have made an impact. For example, if you volunteered at a free clinic, describe the patients you worked with and the services you provided. If you conducted research, describe your findings and how they contribute to the field of medicine.

upenn secondary essays

Essay Responses

The essay responses are perhaps the most important part of the UPenn secondaries. This is where you can really showcase your fit with UPenn’s program and demonstrate your writing skills.

Be sure to read the essay prompts carefully and answer them directly. Avoid vague or generic responses. Instead, provide specific examples and anecdotes that illustrate your points. Use your essays to tell a cohesive story about your experiences, values, and goals.

Remember, the secondary application is your chance to make a strong impression on the admissions committee. Take the time to craft thoughtful and compelling responses that highlight your strengths and fit with UPenn’s program.

Tips for Writing Effective UPenn Medical School Secondary Essays

Applying to medical school can be a daunting process, but with the right tools and strategies, you can craft a compelling application that showcases your strengths and potential as a future physician. One important aspect of the application process is the secondary essay, which gives you the opportunity to provide additional information about yourself and your fit with the program. In this article, we will explore some tips for writing effective UPenn Medical School secondary essays.

Researching UPenn’s Mission and Values

Before you start writing your essays in UPenn secondaries, it’s important to do your research on the program’s mission and values. This will help you understand what qualities and experiences the admissions committee is looking for in applicants, and allow you to tailor your responses accordingly. Take some time to explore UPenn’s website, read about the program’s history and philosophy, and learn about the faculty, students, and alumni. This will give you a sense of the program’s culture and priorities, and help you highlight your fit with the program.

For example, if UPenn is known for its commitment to community service and social justice, you might want to emphasize your own experiences working with underserved populations or your interest in health equity. On the other hand, if UPenn has a strong research focus, you might want to highlight your research experience and interests. By showing that you have done your homework and understand UPenn’s values, you can demonstrate your enthusiasm and dedication to the program.

Tailoring Your Responses to UPenn’s Prompts

Each year, UPenn releases a set of essay prompts for applicants to respond to. These prompts are designed to elicit specific information about your background, experiences, and goals, and to help the admissions committee get a sense of who you are as a person and a potential physician. When writing your UPenn secondary essays, it’s important to read each prompt carefully and think about what the admissions committee is looking for.

Three people working on a laboratory.

For example, one of UPenn’s essay prompts might ask you to describe a challenging situation you have faced and how you overcame it. In your response, you might want to focus on a specific experience that demonstrates your resilience, problem-solving skills, and commitment to patient care. You might also want to reflect on what you learned from the experience and how it has prepared you for a career in medicine.

Demonstrating Your Fit with UPenn’s Medical Program

One of the key goals of the UPenn secondaries is to demonstrate your fit with the program. The admissions committee wants to see that you have a clear understanding of what makes UPenn’s medical program unique, and that you are excited about the opportunities it offers. To demonstrate your fit with the program, you might want to highlight specific aspects of UPenn’s curriculum, faculty, or research programs that align with your interests and goals.

For example, you might be interested in UPenn’s emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, and how this approach can lead to innovative solutions to complex medical problems. Or you might be drawn to UPenn’s commitment to global health, and how this aligns with your own interest in working with diverse patient populations. By showing that you have thought deeply about UPenn’s program and how it aligns with your own goals, you can demonstrate your commitment and enthusiasm for the program.

Addressing Gaps or Weaknesses in Your Application

Finally, the UPenn secondary essays provide an opportunity for you to address any gaps or weaknesses in your application. For example, if you have a lower GPA or MCAT score than the average applicant, you might want to use your essays to explain any extenuating circumstances that affected your academic performance, and to highlight other strengths that demonstrate your potential as a future physician.

Alternatively, you might want to use your essays to explain any gaps in your resume or experiences that might raise questions for the admissions committee. For example, if you took time off between college and medical school to work in a different field, you might want to explain how this experience has prepared you for a career in medicine, and how it has helped you develop skills and perspectives that will be valuable as a physician.

Overall, the UPenn secondary essays are an important part of the medical school application process, and can help you showcase your strengths and potential as a future physician. By doing your research, tailoring your responses to UPenn’s prompts, demonstrating your fit with the program, and addressing any gaps or weaknesses in your application, you can craft a compelling set of essays that will impress the admissions committee and increase your chances of acceptance.

Strategies for Efficiently Completing Your UPenn Secondaries

Navigating the secondary application stage of medical school admissions is a crucial and challenging task. The process can be demanding, but with the right strategies, it’s one that can be approached with confidence and efficiency. Here are several key strategies that can help in successfully completing your UPenn secondaries.

Firstly, understanding the structure and purpose of secondary applications is essential. UPenn’s secondaries are designed to evaluate not just an applicant’s academic achievements, but their character, motivation, and fit for the medical profession. To this end, the applications often involve questions centered around applicants’ past experiences, future ambitions, and views on ethical or societal issues related to medicine.

An initial strategy should be to thoroughly reflect on your motivations for wanting to study at UPenn specifically. This means understanding what sets UPenn apart, whether it’s the university’s commitment to holistic education, emphasis on innovative medical research, or its strong sense of community and diversity. This self-reflection can help you answer questions about why you want to study at UPenn in a sincere, compelling manner.

two women examining a specimen

Secondly, effective time management is paramount. Secondary applications typically arrive soon after the primary ones, and they come with their own deadlines. Create a schedule that accounts for research, brainstorming, drafting, revising, and proofreading your responses. Break the process into manageable chunks to avoid being overwhelmed.

The third strategy revolves around showcasing your experiences and achievements that align with UPenn’s mission and values. Here, specificity is key. Rather than listing numerous accomplishments, focus on a few that are most impactful and demonstrate your commitment to serving others, continuous learning, and problem-solving.

Lastly, consider the importance of obtaining feedback. Seek advice from mentors, professors, or peers who can offer different perspectives on your responses. This will not only ensure that your applications are free of errors, but it will also help you confirm that your responses are compelling and resonate with others.

The Bottom Line

The secondaries for UPenn Medical School can seem daunting, but with the right strategies in place, you can complete them efficiently and effectively. By researching the school’s mission and values, tailoring your responses to the prompts, demonstrating your fit with the program, and addressing gaps in your application, you’ll be well on your way to acing your UPenn secondaries . Remember to stay organized, seek feedback, and create a schedule that works for you. Good luck!

How AdmissionSight can help you with college admissions

AdmissionSight is a college consulting firm that provides personalized assistance to students throughout the college admissions process. Here are some ways that AdmissionSight can help you:

Admissions strategy: AdmissionSight can help you develop a strategic plan for your college application process. Our professional consultants can assist with identifying schools that are a good fit for your academic, extracurricular, and personal goals and help you plan and prioritize your application strategy.

a male student sitting and thinking intently

Application review: AdmissionSight can review your application and provide feedback on how to improve it. We can offer suggestions on how to make your application stand out and highlight your strengths and unique qualities.

Essay coaching: AdmissionSight can help you craft compelling essays that showcase your personality, goals, and achievements. We can guide you through the essay writing process and provide feedback on your drafts to help you refine your writing.

Interview preparation: AdmissionSight can provide interview coaching to help you feel confident and prepared for your college interviews. Our experts can offer tips on how to present yourself professionally and how to answer common interview questions.

Extracurricular planning: AdmissionSight can help you plan and develop your extracurricular activities to make them more impactful and meaningful. We can suggest activities that align with your interests and goals and provide guidance on how to demonstrate your leadership and initiative.

Overall, AdmissionSight can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the college admissions process to help you maximize your chances of getting accepted into the college of your choice .

With a high success rate of over 75%, we have built a strong network in the past decade. Book an initial consultation today, free of charge!


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The Ultimate Guide to 2022-23 UPenn Essays

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Learn how to craft compelling standout responses to the 2022-23 UPenn short answer and essay prompts!

College consultant Aja Altenhof and CollegeVine co-founder Vinay Bhaskara will break down everything you need to know to ace these prompts and present a strong application to the UPenn admissions officers.

Aja and Vinay will be taking questions throughout the stream, so be sure to stop by for personalized advice from them!

Aja Altenhof

Specialties, other recordings by aja altenhof.

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How to Write Your Best College Essay


Application Requirements

Applications for fall 2025 are open.

Early Decision DeadlineRegular Decision Deadline
November 1, 2024January 5, 2025

So, what goes into your application to Penn? We've broken down each component for you below!

To be Submitted BY Your Application Deadline:

Application forms.

Penn accepts applications from the Common App and Coalition Application . We have no preference for either format and treat both applications equally in our process. We encourage you to review the features of each application format and use the platform that suits you best. You should submit only one application per admissions cycle and not mix-and-match across platforms.

Penn is also a proud QuestBridge partner institution and participates in the National College Match program for high-achieving students with significant financial need. We will accept the QuestBridge Application from QuestBridge National College Match Finalists and non-finalists alike in lieu of the Common App or the Coalition Application.

We encourage you to learn more about QuestBridge and the National College Match program .

These applications will include prompts to share:

  • autobiographical information about you and your family
  • how you spend your time inside and outside of school
  • your accomplishments
  • your personal essay, which is sent to most schools

Application Fee or Fee Waiver

The application fee to apply to Penn is $75. If paying the application fee is a significant financial burden for you and your family, please request an application fee waiver through either your Common App or the Coalition Application in the “fee waiver” section.

Penn-Specific Essays and Short Answers

2024-25 Short Answer and Essay Prompts

When answering these prompts, be precise when explaining both why you are applying to Penn and why you have chosen to apply to a specific undergraduate school. Some of our coordinated dual-degree or specialized programs will have additional essays to complete, but the Penn short answer prompts should address your single-degree school choice.

Students will be asked to respond to the following three prompts in their application to Penn:

  • Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet thanked and would like to acknowledge. (We encourage you to share this note with that person, if possible, and reflect on the experience!) (150-200 words, only required for first-year applicants)
  • How will you explore community at Penn? Consider how Penn will help shape your perspective, and how your experiences and perspective will help shape Penn. (150-200 words)
  • The school-specific prompt is unique to the school to which you are applying. (For example, all applicants applying to the College of Arts and Sciences will respond to a prompt specific to the College of Arts and Sciences).

Official High School Transcript and School Report (SR)

You will need to request that an official transcript is sent by a school counselor or another school official for all high schools you have attended. 

Your counselor will also need to submit a School Report form (available on the Common App or Coalition Application website). You may need to invite your school counselor or another school official to complete these steps.

Letters of Recommendation

Your counselor or another school official will need to send a Counselor Recommendation on your behalf. You will also need to request recommendation letters from two other teachers OR one teacher and a non-academic supporter.   

Early Decision Agreement (only if applying for Early Decision)

If you decide to apply through the Early Decision round, you, your parent or guardian, and your counselor will be prompted to sign and submit an Early Decision Agreement form which confirms you will attend Penn if you are admitted. 

Financial Aid Materials

To apply for financial aid, you will need to submit a separate application for aid in addition to your application for admission. Here’s what you’ll need to submit: 

  • FAFSA 
  • CSS Profile 
  • Penn Financial Aid Supplement (PFAS) 
  • Federal Tax Returns 

Standardized Testing (Optional for the 2024-2025 Admissions Cycle)

Penn will not require applicants to submit the SAT, ACT, or SAT Subject Tests for the 2024-25 application cycle. This applies to both first-year and transfer applicants. If you decide not to submit SAT, ACT, or SAT Subject Test scores, you will not be at a disadvantage in the admissions process. Students who are able to take the SAT, ACT, and/or SAT Subject Tests and wish to report them may continue with that plan.

  • Early Decision: Last Test Dates Accepted—October 2024 (ACT) or November 2024 (SAT)
  • Regular Decision: Last Test Dates Accepted—December 2024 (ACT) or December 2024 (SAT)

Alumni Conversations

Penn alumni make efforts to arrange informational conversations with applicants to provide an opportunity to get to know the Penn alumni community and for applicants to share information about themselves. These optional conversations are not evaluative and are subject to alumni volunteer availability . After you submit your application, keep an eye on your email for an invitation to interview with an alum. You are not required to have this conversation, but it can be a great opportunity to learn more about you, and for you to learn more about Penn! 

  • Early Decision:  Mid-October–Early December 
  • Regular Decision:  December–Early March 

Supplementary Materials (Optional)

All of the information that we feel is crucial in making an admission decision is included within our required documents. While most students who apply to Penn do not submit supplemental materials, you may choose to share other materials if you feel there is information essential to your application which was not able to be captured within the required documents. 

To be Submitted AFTER Your Application Deadline:

Mid-year report.

Ask your school counselor or another school official to complete and submit your mid-year school report when your grades become available. Your mid-year report should include your grades for the end of your first semester of 12th grade. If you have already completed high school by November/December and we already have your grades, you will not need to submit this.

  • Early Decision:  Required by February 15, 2025 (for deferred applicants only) 
  • Regular Decision:  Must be submitted directly by your high school as soon as mid-year grades are available 

Final Transcript (for matriculating students)

If you are accepted and decide to enroll at Penn, matriculating students must submit their final transcript for the end of their 12th grade semester in June. 

Verification Policy

All application materials, unless otherwise stated, must be official and sent directly to the University or the University’s designated application platform from an official source (e.g., high school), not through an agent or third-party vendor, with the following exceptions: submissions by government and partner organizations and/or submissions by non-profit, community-based organizations when schools are unable to provide this information on behalf of the student.  

Applicants are required to attest to the accuracy and authenticity of all information and documents submitted to the University of Pennsylvania. Failure to submit complete, accurate, and authentic application documents may result in denial or revocation of admission, cancellation of academic credit, suspension, expulsion, or eventual revocation of degree. Applicants and/or school officials may be required to assist Penn Admissions in the verification of application documents and statements.  

All applicants to the University of Pennsylvania must confirm on their application that they understand and agree to adhere to the above expectations. Questions about this policy can be directed to Penn Admissions at  [email protected] .  

Submitting Supporting Documents

If sending supporting documents via email, they should be sent to  [email protected]

If sending supporting documents via mail, they should be sent to:  3535 Market Street, Suite 850  Philadelphia, PA 19104 

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7 Strong UPenn Essay Examples

upenn secondary essays

What’s Covered

  • Essay 1: Neuroscience
  • Essay 2: Why UPenn
  • Essay 3: Why Nursing
  • Essay 4: Library Love
  • Essay 5: Tug of War
  • Essay 6: Internet Networks
  • Essay 7: Thank You

Where to Get Your UPenn Essays Edited

The University of Pennsylvania is a highly-selective Ivy League school in the heart of Philadelphia. UPenn is known for its rigorous academics and exceptional opportunities, so it’s no easy feat to get in. To help your application stand out, it’s important to have strong essays.

In this post, we will share six strong essays real students have submitted to UPenn to give you some inspiration for your essays. We will also be going over what each essay did well and where there is room for improvement. (Names and identifying information have been changed, but all other details are preserved).

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our UPenn essay breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts.

Essay Example #1: Why Major

Prompt: Considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected, how will you explore your academic and intellectual interests at the University of Pennsylvania?  For students applying to the coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer these questions in regard to your single-degree school choice; your interest in the coordinated dual-degree or specialized program may be addressed through the program-specific essay. (300-450 words)

I always loved watching the worms when it rained. I used to put my little raincoat on, sit on the doorsteps, and watch them move toward the puddles. My younger brother, forever intent on destroying the world around him, would try to stomp on the worms, and I would run after him screaming. In my imagination, the brain looked like a pile of squiggly worms. However, my neuroscience curiosity has since grown beyond a worm’s habits.

For example, my mother thought that I was insane when I wanted to watch American Murder: The Family Next Door . To her immense relief, I was interested in the psychology of the criminal rather than the crime itself. Although neuroscience is my primary interest, I also hope to learn more about the intersection between law and medicine at the UPenn College of Arts and Sciences. I’ve been able to explore this topic through various projects at school such as presentations on juvenile crime and the death penalty.

At the University of Pennsylvania, I look forward to taking classes like Forensic Neuroscience (BIBB 050) as well as Neuroscience and Society (PSYC 247) both of which directly combine my two interests. Hopefully, the Take Your Professor to Dinner program resumes as I would make sure to talk to Dr. Daniel Langleben about his research on forensic functional brain imaging over a meal of Philly cheesesteaks.

I also hope to participate in the Race, Science, and Society Program where I can discover how race biases and neuroscience go hand-in-hand and contribute to the fight against racism. The Beyond Arrests: Re-Thinking Systematic-Oppression Group immediately caught my attention while looking at Penn’s opportunities to engage in relevant dialogue. My fascination with the criminal system began with reading Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment , and Penn will both fuel that curiosity as well as introduce new questions about the world of justice reform.

As an eight-year Latin scholar and a five-time reader of the Percy Jackson franchise, I would like to take classes in the Penn Classical Studies department where I can learn more about the impact of ancient cultures on society today. Classes such as Greek and Roman Medicine (CLST 271) would intersect my interests in medicine and classical civilizations.

Although I do harbor a deep love for Philly cheesesteaks and enjoyment of running in strange places like the Woodlands Cemetery, the range of programs to support my diverse interests and unmatched opportunities to put learning into action make me confident that the University of Pennsylvania is the best university for me to succeed.

What the Essay Did Well

The real strength in the essay lies in the sheer number of details this student is able to include in a short space, without sacrificing style and flow. The first two paragraphs really have nothing to do with Penn, but the inclusion of them makes this response feel like an essay, rather than a list of offerings at Penn. Striking the balance is important, and the anecdote at the beginning ultimately humanizes the writer.

From the three unique courses to the specific professor and his research to the race and criminal justice programs, this student has clearly done their homework on Penn! The key to this essay’s success isn’t just mentioning the offerings at Penn that excite the student, but the context that explains how each opportunity fits into the student’s academic interests.

Adding book titles like Crime and Punishment and Percy Jackson to support their passion for the criminal justice system and classics are extra details that help us learn more about how this student pursues their passions outside of the classroom. Finding little ways to humanize yourself throughout the essay can take it from good to great.

What Could Be Improved

One area of improvement for this essay is the structure. It follows a very traditional “ Why This College? ” framework—start with an anecdote, then discuss classes, and then extracurriculars and programs—that gets old quickly for admissions officers.

A great way to add some spice to the format would be to use a sample schedule for the day. This essay mentions three different classes, two different groups, and a Take Your Professor to Dinner opportunity. Together, that’s the recipe for a full day at UPenn!

There are a few ways to play around with an essay that follows a typical day-in-the-life. Maybe each paragraph starts with a time and explains what they do during that hour. Maybe they narrate walking through campus on their way from one class to the next and what they just learned. However they choose to go about it, adding in a playful spin to the traditional essay structure is one of the best ways to instantly set an essay apart from the crowd. 

Essay Example #2: Why UPenn

Prompt: Considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected, how will you explore your academic and intellectual interests at The University of Pennsylvania? (300-450 words)

“Arnav, we want you to apply”, I received this email from Penn and DASHED to tell mum. My naïve self had forgotten I had checked the ‘Student-Search-Service’ box, and schools could send system-generated emails predicated on my SAT scores. 

This pure, childlike delight was out of my sheer obsession with Penn. When my senior at school got in here last year, I pestered him all year long trying to know HOW. Tireless researching, approaching hundreds of alumni on Reddit, watching EVERY millisecond of YouTube advice, and painting a life-size Quaker on my bedroom walls only to miss the ED deadline by falling to pneumonia: Regardless of these setbacks, I sported an impending dream.

At Penn, I intend to revitalize this dream through the College of Arts and Sciences. Classes like “ Political Journalism at the Crossroads” and “ Queer Theory ” blend my love for English and politics which I will reflect through writing for Penn’s signature magazine- The Pennsylvania Gazette. At the Penn Institute of Urban Research and CAS, I aim to make the best use of Summer Humanities Internships (SHIP) and Global Research Internship Programs (GRIP) to finance my collaborative research in the Public Affairs domain. I’ll also sign on for the Penn Debate Society (PDS), and collaborate with TEDxPENN to hear budding speakers from different walks of life. As perhaps my country’s most accomplished debater, I vow to make this my personal goal to lead our team to total victory at the World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) that Penn has dreamed of winning since 1981. To further my progress with the fight against child labor , I shall assist and seek assistance of a like-minded student-body via the Barbara and Edward Netter Center for Community Partnerships.

For someone who’s obsessed with rhetoric, I totally understand the definition of an ‘agreement’. In our context, an agreement would be a two-way street where I avail facilities Penn offers while adding to its community, campus, and unwavering prestige. As I pack my bag with all essentials- my brain, my grit, and my quirky self- I complete one half of the agreement. 

Dear Penn, I now wait for you to hand me that beautiful letter as we seal our deal.

If there’s one thing this essay has, it’s confidence. From the first line to the last, there’s an energy and electricity running through the essay that maintains that quick, self-assured pace. Sharing the anecdotes of their long withstanding obsession with Penn strikes a balance between playfully self-deprecating and demonstrating true interest in the school. College essays shouldn’t kiss up to schools, and while this one approaches that level, using the anecdote for humor rather than fact helps avoid a sense of groveling.

This student clearly dreams big and is unapologetic about it: the mark of a true Quaker. From getting involved in internships to joining Ted talks and the Penn Debate Society, they will be an active member of the campus community, which is something admissions officers are keeping an eye out for when scanning applications. With the use of an assertive tone (“ I aim ”, “ I vow ”, “ I shall ”, etc) this student conveys exactly who Penn can expect to step onto their campus next fall.

While this student’s personality shines through without a doubt, their academic interests and motivations are not as clear. The third paragraph lists a host of opportunities they are interested in, and it does connect Penn offerings back to the student, but it doesn’t reveal much about the student in the process.

They mention “ Classes like ‘ Political Journalism at the Crossroads’ and ‘ Queer Theory’ blend my love for English and politics, ” but we have no idea where that love came from or what they hope to accomplish in the future. This essay would have benefitted from mentioning two or three less opportunities and elaborating on the significance of the select programs they chose.

You’ve likely heard that less is more, and in the case of this essay that’s true. The pressure to look well-researched by including as many Penn offerings as possible overwhelmed this student. In reality, choosing a few meaningful, unique opportunities and tying them back to your intellectual passions will reveal your passion for Penn far more than eight or nine disconnected resources thrown together.

Essay Example #3: Nursing

Prompt: How will you explore your intellectual and academic interests at the University of Pennsylvania? Please answer this question given the specific undergraduate school to which you are applying (650 words).

Sister Simone Roach, a theorist of nursing ethics, said, “caring is the human mode of being.” I have long been inspired by Sister Roach’s Five C’s of Caring: commitment, conscience, competence, compassion, and confidence. Penn both embraces and fosters these values through a rigorous, interdisciplinary curriculum and unmatched access to service and volunteer opportunities.

COMMITMENT. Reading through the activities that Penn Quakers devote their time to (in addition to academics!) felt like drinking from a firehose in the best possible way. As a prospective nursing student with interests outside of my major, I value this level of flexibility. I plan to leverage Penn’s liberal arts curriculum to gain an in-depth understanding of the challenges LGBT people face, especially regarding healthcare access. Through courses like “Interactional Processes with LGBT Individuals” and volunteering at the Mazzoni Center for outreach, I hope to learn how to better support the Penn LGBT community as well as my family and friends, including my cousin, who came out as trans last year.

CONSCIENCE. As one of the first people in my family to attend a four-year university, I wanted a school that promoted a sense of moral responsibility among its students. At Penn, professors challenge their students to question and recreate their own set of morals by sparking thought- provoking, open-minded discussions. I can imagine myself advocating for universal healthcare in courses such as “Health Care Reform & Future of American Health System” and debating its merits with my peers. Studying in an environment where students confidently voice their opinions – conservative or liberal – will push me to question and strengthen my value system.

COMPETENCE. Two aspects that drew my attention to Penn’s BSN program were its high-quality research opportunities and hands-on nursing projects. Through its Office of Nursing Research, Penn connects students to faculty members who share similar research interests. As I volunteered at a nursing home in high school, I hope to work with Dr. Carthon to improve the quality of care for senior citizens. Seniors, especially minorities, face serious barriers to healthcare that I want to resolve. Additionally, Penn’s unique use of simulations to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world application impressed me. Using computerized manikins that mimic human responses, classes in Penn’s nursing program allow students to apply their emergency medical skills in a mass casualty simulation and monitor their actions afterward through a video system. Participating in this activity will help me identify my strengths and areas for improvement regarding crisis management and medical care in a controlled yet realistic setting. Research opportunities and simulations will develop my skills even before I interact with patients.

COMPASSION. I value giving back through community service, and I have a particular interest in Penn’s Community Champions and Nursing Students For Sexual & Reproductive Health (NSRH). As a four-year volunteer health educator, I hope to continue this work as a Community Champions member. I am excited to collaborate with medical students to teach fourth and fifth graders in the city about cardiology or lead a chair dance class for the elders at the LIFE Center. Furthermore, as a feminist who firmly believes in women’s abortion rights, I’d like to join NSRH in order to advocate for women’s health on campus. At Penn, I can work with like-minded people to make a meaningful difference.

CONFIDENCE. All of the Quakers that I have met possess one defining trait: confidence. Each student summarized their experiences at Penn as challenging but fulfilling. Although I expect my coursework to push me, from my conversations with current Quakers I know it will help me to be far more effective in my career.

The Five C’s of Caring are important heuristics for nursing, but they also provide insight into how I want to approach my time in college. I am eager to engage with these principles both as a nurse and as a Penn Quaker, and I can’t wait to start.

This essay has many positive aspects, but the most impressive one is the structure. Utilizing the Five C’s of Caring to discuss Penn’s offerings was a genius way of tying in this student’s passion for nursing while also making their essay exciting and easy to read. Beginning each paragraph with the respective adjective helped focus the paragraph and allowed the student to demonstrate how they exemplify each quality without explicitly stating it. The student wasn’t afraid to think outside the box and add creativity to their essay structure, which really paid off.

Another positive is how specific and specialized the Penn resources and opportunities the student mentions are. This essay did not fall into the trap of name-dropping professors or programs. In every paragraph, there was a connection to something the student wants to do at Penn to further themselves in the respective characteristic they were describing.

Not only did this student mention a resource at Penn—whether it was a professor, a class, or a club—in every paragraph, but they elaborated on what that resource was and how it would help them achieve their goal of becoming a nurse. The what and how is what sets this essay apart from other supplements that just name-drop resources for the sake of it. The amount of detail this essay went into about some of these resources makes it clear to the admissions officers reading the essay that this student has seriously looked into Penn and has a strong desire to come to campus and use these resources.

One thing this essay could do to make it stronger is improve the first paragraph. The student does a good job of setting up Sister Roach and the Five C’s, but they don’t mention anything about their desire to study or pursue nursing. The first paragraph mentions both Sister Roach and Penn, but left out the student. This could be fixed by simply adding something along the lines of “ I can’t wait to embody these values as a nursing student at Penn ” to the paragraph.

Essay Example #4: Library Love

Prompt: How did you discover your intellectual and academic interests, and how will you explore them at the University of Pennsylvania? Please respond considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected (300-450 words).

“This book again?” My mother sighed as she cracked open the punctuation picture book I’d picked out for the fifth time. At the age of four, I had little knowledge of punctuation, so the words “exclamation” and “comma” remained elusive; I grew obsessed with puzzling out its meaning. Growing up in the Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library surrounded by the scent of old books, comforting silence, and librarian friends made it easy to forget about the world outside, yet my thirst for answers always pushed me out of literary comfort zones and into the unknown. Even as I moved on from Magic Tree House to Harry Potter , my inquisitive nature and determination to understand the literature around me only evolved. Foreign concepts and obstacles sparked my ambition as I tackled the intimidating Les Misérables sophomore year, Crime and Punishment junior year, and Jane Eyre senior year. I found a relatability in Joy Luck Club characters that I incorporated into my writing and an emotional outlet in the depths of the poetry aisle and writer communities at literary magazines like Polyphony Lit . I can find similar communities at Penn by curating pieces for Penn Review or spending days soaking in knowledge at the Van Pelt Library, poring over Macbeth or the Iliad . Although libraries may provide sanctuaries, they also open infinite worlds and viewpoints. I realized that stories (no matter what form they take) always manage to capture the intrinsic connection between humans that I seek in every interaction I have. 

I’ve learned that life beyond the library teems with complex characters and lessons of its own–especially at Penn, where students are determined to grapple with difficult questions involving cultural differences or the declining value of art in an increasingly STEM-focused world. I am eager to challenge my boundaries as a reader, writer, and human being by applying the relational lessons of a Fiction and Connectivity seminar to real life, reading to younger generations during Children’s Story Hour at Penn Bookstore, and hosting Open Mic Nights with Kelly Writers House. I can see myself initiating change in society by researching the effects of Western society’s harmful misconceptions of Asian and African-American culture in literature with Professor Josephine Park. Penn will not only satisfy some of my curiosities–it will provoke even more daunting and thrilling questions for me to pursue.

This essay does a really nice job of showing the student’s interest in reading and literature. The language they used to describe their library as “ comforting “, and finding an “ emotional outlet ” in reading creates a clear picture for the reader that this student loves to read. Not only do we learn about this student’s passion, but we learn through them showing us. The essay shows us how the student felt in the library and takes us on a journey as they tackle more and more advanced books, as opposed to telling us they are passionate about reading.

The use of book titles was another positive aspect of this essay. Citing actual books and explaining how they affected the student helps display to the admissions officers reading the essay that literature has impacted this student in a multitude of ways. We see the student grow from being young and curious to tackling challenging concepts, embracing new cultures, and engaging in self-reflection all through reading. 

The main part of this essay that could use improving was the second paragraph that discussed how Penn will allow this student to continue exploring their passion. Although the student did provide some explanation as to how these resources at Penn will help them grow their interest in reading and writing, the elaboration was pretty weak. 

The student mentions they want to grow as “ reader, writer, and human being by applying the relational lessons of a Fiction and Connectivity seminar to real life, reading to younger generations during Children’s Story Hour at Penn Bookstore, and hosting Open Mic Nights with Kelly Writers House. ” These are all great, but nothing mentioned here is specific to Penn. This student could host an open mic night at any college they go to, so they either need to pick something more unique  or provide detailed elaboration on how participating in this will help them in the long run.

If this student had focused more on the research they want to do with the professor, they could have had a stronger response to the second part of the prompt. Sometimes, going into detail about one resource that you have a strong connection to is far more powerful than cramming in a bunch of opportunities that relate to your desired field—which is what the essay is currently doing. For example, discussing how they want to research cultural representation in literature with this professor to understand and reverse harmful misconceptions in their own writing and have more cultural diversity in libraries for future generations to enjoy, would have provided a lot more detail about the student and their goals than saying they want to read to kids when they get to Penn.

Essay Example #5: Tug of War

Prompt: At Penn, learning and growth happen outside of the classrooms, too. How will you explore the community at Penn? Consider how this community will help shape your perspective and identity, and how your identity and perspective will help shape this community (150-200 words).

I used to face two paths: one flocked with taxis, people, and the smell of pizza, and the other a wet street laced with cicada symphonies and the aroma of beef noodle soup. It always felt easier to walk the streets of Taiwan (where people speak meekly and tiptoe around confrontation) rather than New York (where people argue, think, and exist fearlessly). PBS created a documentary titled Tug of War: The Story of Taiwan (1998) , and I believed that I embodied the little potato island, since balancing between two cultures resulted in a “Tug of War” within me. Although I am proud to be Taiwanese, New York has cultivated an unbridled emotion and passion within me, molding me into a bold author, shameless poet, and strong-willed advocate for Asian-American youth. I am excited by the similar passion and confidence of Penn students, and the vibrant conversations I might have at a Campaign for Community event about racial justice or with Professor David Eng about Asian literature influences upon American society. I can support peers struggling with their own “Tug of Wars” by sharing my story through the Penn Taiwanese Society, and learn their stories as a writer for Robinson Press .

This essay does a great job of establishing this student’s background and the distinction between their two cultures. There is a great use of imagery, especially at the beginning, which displays this student’s strength as a writer and highlights the internal “Tug of War” they experience. It is evident how their past community has shaped their perspective and identity. Knowing how their background shaped these things makes it easy for admissions officers to see what type of student they would be adding to their campus.

While the prompt doesn’t ask the student to reflect on their community, explaining their background helped this student describe how they will shape their Penn community. A big part of what this student hopes to bring to Penn is helping other students who feel a similar “Tug of War”, so understanding how this student has coped with their internal struggle is important to understand what they will bring to Penn. 

Unfortunately, by spending so much space discussing their “Tug of War”, this student didn’t have the strongest answer to the main question in the prompt: how will you explore the community at Penn? This essay should have been far more focused on opportunities and resources at Penn that will shape this student’s identity. The last few sentences mentioned resources the student wants to take advantage of, but there wasn’t a lot of elaboration on how engaging with these resources will influence their identity.

This doesn’t mean the student must completely forgo discussing the internal struggle they feel coming from two separate cultures, but they could have continued with the “Tug of War” idea to discuss how they will pursue opportunities at Penn that allow them to engage both aspects of their culture. Describing how participating in a certain club would allow them to embrace their emboldened New Yorker while working with a professor on their research about Asian literature might spark their interest in writing a novel about Taiwan, for example, would have been an effective way to continue the “Tug of War” metaphor and fully answer the prompt.

One other thing that could improve the essay is splitting it into two paragraphs. Reading one large block of text gets tiring for admissions officers who spend all day reading. Dividing the essay into paragraphs provides clear delineations for where new information is being presented, thus helping admissions officers stay focused on your essay.

Essay Example #6: Internet Networks

Prompt: Describe your interests in modern networked information systems and technologies, such as the Internet, and their impact on society, whether in terms of economics, communication, or the creation of beneficial content for society. Feel free to draw on examples from your own experiences as a user, developer, or student of technology. (400-650 words)

In 9th grade, I made my most astonishing work of art.

Funnily enough, it wasn’t for any class related to the arts. It was for my statistics class. I created it to answer a simple question: are people happier when they have more friends? To answer that question, my group and I surveyed 240 students. That month, the ink from my printer was running as dry as my body was soaked with sweat from running around the school collecting questionnaires. We compiled all results into a spreadsheet with hundreds of thousands of cells. It was the largest amount of data I had ever handled. I started analyzing it, cell by cell. The method of analysis? A node network graph. It was something new to me at the time and I didn’t know what to expect. The final result was an intensely vivid web of color composed of 240 nodes connected by thousands upon thousands of lines. It was magnificent to behold. It was intensely surreal as I witnessed the abstract concept of friendship manifested in something tangible and visual. This chaotic and hypnotizing mess of dots and lines was a snapshot of the relationships between an entire batch of students! From the graph, I could immediately discern that people aren’t automatically happier if they have more friends. It’s the quality of your friendships that matter. Ever since that project, I have been constantly seeking new ways to make the invisible structures around us visible.

Over the years, this interest has driven me to study the effects of the internet in greater depth. This is because the internet, for the past few decades, has been the biggest black box that our society has ever created. It has been credited for both promoting democracy and blamed for destroying it. It has been praised for spreading information, and decried for spreading misinformation. All of the confusion surrounding what the internet actually is stems mostly from the fact that it’s very hard to see the full extent of how it actually works and how it affects people. Media coverage of Google’s use of data or Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal, services I use every day, have left me wondering how we can improve the internet and make it more transparent for the people who use it.

As a policy-minded thinker and problem solver, I have done a lot of research and contemplation on the current problems and benefits of these platforms and services. I read about how Youtube has served as a platform for populist strongmen. I read about how Facebook enabled the Arab Spring. So far, all that I have learned is that the problem is an incredibly complex and nuanced one, with a lot of different actors and moving parts. It involves multinational companies, governments, and billions of individual users. In order to maximize the potential of these networks and minimize their harms, we have to be tactical in our approach. From figuring out data privacy to figuring out whether these companies are platforms or basic services, almost all aspects of the role of these networks fascinate me. It is also a topic that I have debated competitively in the past. I have participated in motions ranging from “This house would ban Google from retaining search data” to “This house believes news media outlets should use AI for the production and presentation of its news content”. I am highly invested in the role of social networks in today’s society; rather than their complexity pushing me away, it is what draws me in. 

The costs of not understanding social networks in this era is incredibly high. This is why I am willing to dedicate myself to studying it and uncovering the ways of how to deal with it. 

This student crafts a narrative that exudes the elusive show-not-tell quality that separates good essays from great ones. In order to generate this, the applicant employs phrases packed with vivid imagery like “ the ink from my printer was running as dry as my body was soaked with sweat”  and “ an intensely vivid web of color composed of 240 nodes connected by thousands upon thousands of lines. ” They also vary their sentence structure and include rhetorical questions to make the reader interact more with their essay content. 

Their passion for technology is well-expressed through the current examples they sprinkle throughout the essay like Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal and Google retaining search data. The NETS program values innovation and out-of-the-box thinking, so demonstrating they are keeping up with current events in the field and have opinions on ongoing debates shows UPenn that this student has a unique perspective to offer.

The student mentions debating topics related to the Interest in a structured manner; this shows, rather than tells admissions officers that they have strong research skills and communication abilities. By showing how their varied interests combine to produce an interdisciplinary passion, it makes their application unique and memorable to admissions officers. Not only that, but speaking about past experiences in detail allows them to establish credibility and demonstrate to admissions officers that they would be a good fit for this program.

As a whole, the essay is strong. It shares the student’s background, is well-written, and thinks about nuanced issues relating to technology.

Something that could have helped this essay would be to break up the long paragraphs into smaller, more digestible chunks. Because of the long paragraphs, it can be a little difficult to read the essay. There are many points where a new paragraph would’ve been logical, and flowed better.

For example, the first paragraph discusses both the process of collecting data and building the model and the student’s reflection on the results. A break after “ The final result was an intensely vivid web of color composed of 240 nodes connected by thousands upon thousands of lines”  would have been a natural switch from the physical aspects of the model to the introspection it spurred.

Another place for a new paragraph is when the student switches from discussing their research to their debate experience in the third paragraph. While they were trying to keep their extracurricular encounters with these topics together in one paragraph, it is far too dense as it’s written, and ideas gets lost in the sheer amount of information presented. Breaking it up would provide relief to the reader and help emphasize each point better by giving it its own space.

Essay Example #7: Thank You

Dear Mrs. Peterson,

After finishing my drawing of Timothée Chalamet this semester, I was stunned by its beauty—it was one of the first pieces that I was proud of. Because of the debacle with the charcoal drawing of my sister last year, I avoided drawing another human. Yet, you persisted in encouraging me to tackle this challenge; from achieving Timothée’s chiseled cheekbones to highlighting his curls, you always stood by my side—even when I wanted to quit.

Honing my artistic abilities was only a portion of what you taught me. You always encouraged me to be vulnerable, and I am gratified by our insightful conversations. From consoling me through the stress of finals to supporting my aspirations of becoming a lawyer, you never wavered in listening to my stories. You weren’t just my art teacher, but my shoulder.

I am inspired by how you lead your life with compassion and authenticity. Watching you build a community through dialogue furthered my own love of interaction as an instrument to foster connection. Thank you for being my guidepost. You made a home for me in your class, and it saddens me that I will be leaving it soon.


Future Empathetic Lawyer

A strong hook is an essential part of any essay, to really draw a reader into the story. This writer does an excellent job immediately grabbing our attention by describing a tangible object that represents why they are thankful to their art teacher, which is a far more powerful technique than just saying something general like “You have made me a much better artist.”

The drawing of Timothée Chalamet also serves as an anchor for the traits the writer wants to highlight about themselves, such as risk-taking (taking on the challenge of drawing “his chiseled cheekbones…[and] curls” ) and perseverance ( “you always stood by my side” ). Remember that showing your reader something about yourself, through a tangible example like an art project, makes your points far more convincing than just telling them you are a certain way, as then you’re just leaving them to take your word for it.

The writer also seamlessly transitions from talking about their drawing to talking about how their art teacher has helped them in general, with the line “Honing my artistic abilities was only a portion of what you taught me.” This line provides the perfect jumping-off point for the writer to show us how their teacher has supported them in non-art contexts as well.

Finally, in a big-picture sense, the writer strikes a great balance between highlighting their art teacher’s virtues, and how those virtues have helped them grow and develop their own personality. With this prompt, there’s a risk that you end up talking too much about the person you’re thanking, and not enough about yourself–remember, you’re the one admissions officers are trying to make a decision about! But this writer avoids that pitfall by always connecting the things they admire in their art teacher to qualities they have developed themselves.

There is not much room for improvement in this essay. The author directly connects the values they have learned from their art teacher to tangible experiences, which ensures their essay will stand out even from other essays written about teachers.

The only point in the essay that reads a little strangely is the inclusion of the word “empathetic” in the student’s signature. Although we can read between the lines that they learned empathy from their teacher, that actually isn’t a value they name outright. They do highlight vulnerability, compassion, authenticity, and connection, so to make the end of the essay feel more cohesive, they could either replace “empathetic” with something like “compassionate,” or just make sure they do explicitly include empathy in the body of the essay.

If you want more examples of strong UPenn “Thank You” essays , check out our post dedicated exclusively to this new supplement!

Do you want feedback on your UPenn essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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UPenn Supplemental Essays 2024-25 – Prompts & Advice

August 7, 2024

The University of Pennsylvania accepted 40% of applicants back in 1980—as of 2024, that figure had plummeted to under 7%. Those wanting to join the Quaker campus a generation ago could gain acceptance simply by producing strong grades and test scores. Today, applicants find themselves in a hyper-competitive admissions process. In 2024-25, they need to find ways to separate themselves from tens of thousands of similarly accomplished peers. This brings us to the topic of this blog: the UPenn supplemental essays.

(Want to learn more about How to Get Into UPenn? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into Penn/Wharton: Admissions Data and Strategies. Here, you’ll find all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

The UPenn supplemental essays present applicants with just the opportunity they need to showcase their unique personality, writing ability, passions, and talents. Further, those who generate responses that are authentic, honest, and compelling can truly capture the attention of a Penn admissions reader.

Below are UPenn’s two general essay prompts for the 2024-25 admissions cycle. The College Transitions team also offers accompanying advice about how to tackle each one.

UPenn Supplemental Essays – Prompt #1

1) Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet thanked and would like to acknowledge. (We encourage you to share this note with that person, if possible, and reflect on the experience!) (150-200 words)  

In essence, this one is about how you express gratitude. A mature young person realizes that their success was not achieved in a vacuum. Rather, it was likely aided by many adults and peers. The target of your letter could be a parent, other relative, teacher, coach, spiritual leader, friend, classmate, fellow team member, or boss. This prompt, which debuted last year, is an excellent opportunity for highly decorated applicants to display their appreciative and humble side. We recommend taking their advice and actually sharing the letter in real life. This will likely make the essay more authentic and from the heart. The more sincere your essay turns out, the better it will likely be received by UPenn (and its intended IRL target!).

UPenn Supplemental Essays – Prompt #2

2) How will you explore community at Penn? Consider how Penn will help shape your perspective and identity, and how your identity and perspective will help shape Penn. (150-200 words)  

Keep in mind that Penn has already seen the President’s Volunteer Service Award and the impressive number of hours you volunteered at multiple nonprofit organizations. They know that you have been an active member of your high school/local community. The admissions committee now desires to understand precisely how you will contribute to  their  community of almost 10,000 undergraduate students. Highlighting the link between your past efforts and future aims is critical here. For example, if you dedicated many hours working with people with Alzheimer’s Disease throughout high school, it will be more impactful when you now express your commitment to joining Penn’s Alzheimer’s Buddies organization.

The strongest Penn community essays show evidence of meaningful school-specific research. This research process will actually give you a better idea of how you would sincerely like to become engaged at each prospective school on your list. Admissions officers will appreciate a Penn-centric answer far more than a generic (often recycled from app to app) response. Moreover, given the word count, you’ll be able to produce the strongest response if you focus on just one or two specific aspects of your identity and perspective.

UPenn Supplemental Essays – School & Program-Specific Prompts

In addition to the above, you’ll also need to write an essay that is specific to the undergraduate school or coordinated dual-degree program you’re applying to. Below, we’ve covered how to approach the most popular choices:

1) The College of Arts and Sciences

The flexible structure of The College of Arts and Sciences’ curriculum is designed to inspire exploration, foster connections, and help you create a path of study through general education courses and a major. What are you curious about and how would you take advantage of opportunities in the arts and sciences? (150-200 words) 

To help inform your response, applicants are encouraged to learn more about academic offerings within the College of Arts and Sciences at  college.upenn.edu/prospective . This information will help you develop a stronger understanding of how the study of the liberal arts aligns with your own goals and aspirations.

UPenn Supplemental Essays (Continued)

In this essay, admissions officers want to see evidence of your drive, passion, and intellectual ambition. Further, they want to learn your specific plans for continuing to be academically engaged while at the University of Pennsylvania. Great things to highlight here include:

  • Firstly, specific courses offered in your discipline of interest at UPenn.
  • Next,  Penn professors  whose work/research/writings you find fascinating and how you would ideally like to connect with them as an undergraduate.
  • Additionally, academically-focused student organizations  at Penn.
  • Undergraduate research opportunities  in the summer or during the school year as well as independent research you would like to conduct under faculty supervision.
  • Lastly,  study abroad opportunities.

In addition to Penn-specific offerings that you are dying to take advantage of, you can also cite past experiences which will ideally be tied into future ventures. For example, if you were captain of the robotics team in high school—and hope to continue robotics in college—you might note why you’re interested in joining the UPennalizers, Penn’s student-run robotic soccer team.

2) School of Engineering and Applied Science

Penn Engineering prepares its students to become leaders in technology by combining a strong foundation in the natural sciences and mathematics with depth of study in focused disciplinary majors. Please share how you plan to pursue your engineering interests at Penn. (150-200 words)

To help inform your response, applicants are encouraged to learn more about Penn Engineering and its mission to prepare students for global leadership in technology  here . This information will help you develop a stronger understanding of academic pathways within Penn Engineering and how they align with your goals and interests.

Similar to the prompt for the College of Arts and Sciences, you’ll want to research Penn’s engineering offerings. You’ll want to pay particular attention to those related to your primary major of interest. You can discuss several that you find most compelling. Great things to highlight here include:

  • Specific courses  offered in your discipline of interest at UPenn.
  • Penn professors  whose work/research/writings you find fascinating and how you would ideally like to connect with them as an undergraduate.
  • Academically-focused  student organizations  at Penn.
  • Undergraduate research opportunities  in the summer or during the school year. Also, independent research you would like to conduct under faculty supervision.

3) School of Nursing

Penn Nursing intends to meet the health needs of a global, multicultural world by preparing its students to impact healthcare through advancing science. How will you contribute to our mission of promoting equity in healthcare and how will Penn Nursing contribute to your future nursing goals? (150-200 words)

To help inform your response, applicants are encouraged to learn more about Penn Nursing’s mission and how we promote equity in healthcare  here .  This information will help you develop a stronger understanding of our values and how they align with your own goals and aspirations.

There are two prongs to this prompt. First, the admissions committee wants to understand how you think scientific advancements and increased equity will impact nursing as a profession. Since you’re applying to this program, it’s likely that you believe in the benefit of both objectives. Therefore, you don’t need to spend time convincing the admissions committee that you’re on board. Instead, and based on what you understand about the nursing field, consider discussing what types of positive impact you could have on patient outcomes and/or healthcare in general. Lastly, if you don’t know much about the current landscape, be sure to do some research.

Second, Penn wants to understand how you—as a nursing student—will contribute to the mission of promoting equity in particular. Based on what you know about Penn’s nursing programs and initiatives (which, again, will require some research) how do you see yourself getting involved?

4) The Wharton School

Wharton prepares its students to make an impact by applying business methods and economic theory to real-world problems, including economic, political, and social issues. Please reflect on a current issue of importance to you and share how you hope a Wharton education would help you to explore it. (150-200 words)  

To help inform your response, applicants are encouraged to learn more about the foundations of a Wharton education   here . This information will help you better understand what you could learn by studying at Wharton and what you could do afterward.

To craft a strong response to this prompt, you’ll first need to choose an issue that is important to you. The issue can be on either a global, regional, or community scale. If you pick something general (and popular), like climate change or AI, consider choosing a specific angle that relates to you personally. For example, while “climate change” in general is an absolutely massive undertaking that will be difficult to differentiate, discussing the impact of flooding on your city’s downtown businesses could be far more specific and accessible.

After choosing an issue and sharing why it’s important to you, you’ll then need to discuss how Wharton’s specific offerings will help you explore it. Excellent possibilities include:

5) DMD: Digital Media Design Program

Discuss how your interests align with the Digital Media Design (DMD) program at the University of Pennsylvania? (400-650 words)

6) Huntsman: The Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business

The Huntsman Program supports the development of globally-minded scholars who become engaged citizens, creative innovators, and ethical leaders in the public, private, and non-profit sectors in the United States and internationally. What draws you to a dual-degree in business and international studies, and how would you use what you learn to make a contribution to a global issue where business and international affairs intersect? (400-650 words)

7) LSM: The Roy and Diana Vagelos Program in Life Sciences and Management

The LSM program aims to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the life sciences and their management with an eye to identifying, advancing and implementing innovations. What issues would you want to address using the understanding gained from such a program? Note that this essay should be distinct from your single degree essay. (400-650 words)

8) M&T: The Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology

  • Explain how you will use the M&T program to explore your interest in business, engineering, and the intersection of the two. (400-650 words)
  • Describe a problem that you solved that showed leadership and creativity. (250 words)

9) NHCM: Nursing and Healthcare Management

Discuss your interest in nursing and health care management. How might Penn’s coordinated dual-degree program in nursing and business help you meet your goals? (400-650 words)

10) VIPER: The Roy and Diana Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research

How do you envision your participation in the Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) furthering your interests in energy science and technology? Please include any past experiences (ex. academic, research, or extracurricular) that have led to your interest in the program. Additionally, please indicate why you are interested in pursuing dual degrees in science and engineering and which VIPER majors are most interesting to you at this time.  (400-650 words)

How important are the UPenn supplemental essays?

There are six factors that UPenn considers “very important” in evaluating a candidate and the essays are among them. In addition to the essays, UPenn gives the greatest consideration to the rigor of an applicant’s secondary school record. Of equal consideration are GPA, standardized test scores, recommendations, and character/personal qualities.

UPenn Supplemental Essays – Want Personalized Essay Assistance?

In conclusion, if you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your UPenn supplemental essays, we encourage you to get a quote  today.

Looking for additional writing resources? Check out the following blogs:

  • Common App Essay Prompts
  • 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples
  • College Application Essay Topics to Avoid
  • How to Quickly Format Your Common App Essay
  • Should I Complete Optional College Essays?
  • How to Brainstorm a College Essay
  • 25 Inspiring College Essay Topics
  • “Why This College?” Essay Examples
  • How to Write the Community Essay
  • College Essay

Andrew Belasco

A licensed counselor and published researcher, Andrew's experience in the field of college admissions and transition spans two decades. He has previously served as a high school counselor, consultant and author for Kaplan Test Prep, and advisor to U.S. Congress, reporting on issues related to college admissions and financial aid.

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  • Medical School Secondary Essays

UPenn Medical School Secondary Essay Examples

UPenn Medical School Secondary Essay Examples

If you’re feeling stumped, staring at a blank page, tired of reading tips and articles on structure, you might try a new approach: perusing some UPenn medical school secondary essay examples. Studying expertly written essay examples will let you see how all the advice and tips on writing secondary essays get put into action.

There is always the question of how to make your medical school application stand out . Look to your essays, as secondary essays are uniquely tailored to you and your school of choice. What better method can there be for how to prepare for your medical school application ?

In this article, we will provide you with up-to-date prompts for the University of Pennsylvania’s secondary essays and examples for each prompt.

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Article Contents 7 min read

List of prompts, required upenn essay prompts.

The following essay prompts are required for all students:

“The Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) is deeply committed to recruiting a diverse class to enrich an inclusive team-based learning experience. How would you and your experiences contribute to the diversity of the student body and/or how would you contribute to an inclusive atmosphere at PSOM?”

Limit: 1,000 characters

Sample Answer:

My friends and I looked like a Diversity poster. I was the Asian kid, but we basically had the whole spectrum of humanity contained within our group. The thing is, we never treated each other differently, and in our group, the idea of equality and philadelphia between people of all races, nationalities, and groups seemed possible in our lives.

When we were younger, we didn’t pay any attention to that kind of race stuff, but as we got older, the inevitable hard truths rained down on us. I, and my friends, became involved in local movements to champion diversity.

I believe in these ideals, but one thing that always bothered us was how divisive the language of inclusion is, which is dreadfully ironic. I believe that my unique contribution can be as an activist and as a champion of diversity who is also a peacemaker and a bridge between people who aren’t yet interested in rallying to a cause.

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“Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine.”

Perelman School of Medicine is located in a hospital. Other schools have a more academic setting, but you are right there in the thick of the action, as it were. I think that this direct contact with medicine will take me from academia and theory directly into the clinical and practical context that is the purpose of my studies.

Very few schools can boast of such close proximity to the environment that their graduates will one day occupy. In my case, I have always been a “doer,” and more theoretical aspects of learning never suited me as much as the hands-on. I was far more at home in shop class than in English. I’d rather have tools than theories.

For this reason, I believe that not only will I learn best through Perelman, but I also believe that I will sync up well with the School and be able to contribute in ways I would not be able to at other institutions.

Looking for college essay tips? Check out the infographic below:

“Have you taken or are you planning to take time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation? Please describe your activities during this time.”

Limit: 500 characters

I plan to take a gap year before medical school due to my college experiences. Growing up in a very small, very conservative area, I was not exposed to many alternative viewpoints, and I found that my ideas were challenged at college in the best way. I felt like I was expanding my horizons exponentially. I want to continue that experience.

I am joining Habitat for Humanity to build houses and assist communities that have been adversely affected by disaster.

“Have you participated in any global activities outside of the US prior to submitting your AMCAS application?”

I am a traveler between multiple worlds, and these worlds stretch and strain me constantly. My family comes from Iran. I am a Muslim, and I find myself at a strange nexus: perceived as radical by other people, I am an American, but also an “Other.” I seek peace, but I struggle with notions of diversity that are challenged every day.

The global activity I participated in involved an invitation to travel to France and participate in a campaign of togetherness and tolerance. Despite having a very thin grasp of French, I agreed to go along. My cousin was organizing an outreach program to help establish better relations between Muslim and non-Muslim populations in France – a nation that increasingly must make peace with its Muslim denizens.

The events were a series of meals between community members and leaders, which functioned simultaneously as social events and think tanks. I believe we helped make some small progress toward amity in France.

Free Webinar: How to Make Your Secondary Essays Stand Out ","buttonText":"Register Now!","buttonColor":"#ffffff","bannerUnderText":null,"belowButtonText1":null,"belowButtonText2":null,"trustpilot":false}" :url=""https:\/\/bemoacademicconsulting.com\/secondary-essay-webinar-registration-initial"" code="banner2" background-color="#000066" button-color="#ffffff" banner-image> Prompt 3

“Are there any special, unique, personal, or challenging aspects of your personal background or circumstances that you would like to share with the Committee on Admissions, not addressed elsewhere (siblings/relatives at Penn, applying as a couple, educational environment, culture, ethnicity, etc.)”

My husband and I both aspire to work in the medical community, and we are applying together to suit that end. We both met while doing our undergrads – he was studying English while I was working on anthropology – and while we knew there would be difficulties in getting married prior to medical school, we also knew that we didn’t want to wait for all the years required to attain our degrees.

Therefore, we are applying together. He is looking into specializing in psychology, while at the moment, I favor general medicine. Ideally, we would like to practice together someday, but for now, the goal is just to study and train together.

While we have discussed the ramifications of studying separately, we would prefer to acquire our medical degrees together, as this would make our personal lives much, much easier. We both agree that Perelman is our top choice.

“Were there changes to your academic work and/or personal circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic that you would like to share with the committee? Please describe these changes during this time.”

As part of my psychology major, we were studying the effects that casual, social interaction had on outcomes in psychological treatment.

If there ever was a discipline and study that was debilitated by the concept of “social distancing,” this was it. We were forced to put our research and experiments on hold while we conceptualized a way forward in a project that required human interaction.

Our solution was a photo-negative of the study: focusing on absence, rather than presence.

“If you were offered an option to continue courses with a standard grading system or switch to Pass/Fail, and you chose Pass/Fail, please describe the reason(s) for your decision here.”

I chose Pass/Fail because I wanted to refocus my attention. I felt like my goal was becoming the acquisition of the highest possible grade. I knew that this was not really the point of education. The point of education is to acquire knowledge, to learn how to think, and to gain insights into whatever subject you are studying.

The Pass/Fail system allowed me to forget grades and focus on what really mattered: knowledge. I did this to keep myself focused on the true goal of education.

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“Have you taken any online courses for credit? (not due to the COVID-19 pandemic)”

Limit: Unknown

The History of Eastern Europe, as taught by Prof. Davisfield, was a unique opportunity I could not pass up. Offered at a college in another country, I could not afford travel expenses, nor could I arrest my studies at my then present institution.

I elected to take Prof. Davisfield’s wonderful course, based on its reputation for immersion in the history of Eastern Europe from unique perspectives. Davisfield’s unique approach meant focusing on the everyday lives of citizens, rather than going from conflict to conflict and centering on division, as so many courses on Eastern Europe do.

Due to the uniqueness of the course, I requested to attend lectures via Davisfield’s livestream and was accepted.

Have you started planning your Medical School Secondary Essays yet? Stay ahead of the curve with this helpful video!

“Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization? (if you select Yes, you can list different awards and write about them briefly)”

State level:

Rhode Island Spelling Bee – Runner-up / 2 nd place awarded

Charles Innsfield Essay Competition – Presented from the Innsfield Future Leaders Society – 2 nd Runner-up / 3 rd place awarded

Regional level:

New England Sustainability Award – with my high school class. Presented by the Greener New England Organization, given for our work collecting trash and assisting with a new recycling program.

National Level:

Research Initiative Award – nominated – for a research paper I wrote while doing my undergrad; the paper concerned rituals shared between humans and animals, focusing on how elephants and people mourn the dead.

“Have you or your family experienced economic hardships?”

You see a game piece, used to propel your token between one and six spaces, but I get anxiety every time it rolls. My father used to have a very big problem rolling dice. He always seemed to be “up” for “so long,” but by the time he got back to the house, he had found his way down again. This behavior lost us our house and moved us into much smaller accommodations. It meant downsizing and putting to yard sale most of our toys. How many of your toys lasted your whole childhood? I had two make it through.

My parents almost lost their marriage as well; they separated but never divorced, and once Dad got help, they got back together.

We’re doing fine now, but these trials have left me with a major aversion to gambling activities. Fortunately, I have also learned to persevere, to help loved ones, rather than give up on them, and to make homes out of human connection instead of material things.

Acing your medical school secondaries is not easy. We can help! ","buttonText":"Free Strategy Call","buttonColor":"#ffffff","bannerUnderText":null,"belowButtonText1":null,"belowButtonText2":null,"trustpilot":false}" :url=""https:\/\/bemoacademicconsulting.com\/contact-schedule-free-strategy-call"" code="banner3" background-color="#000066" button-color="#ffffff" banner-image> Prompt 9

“Have you been employed at the University of Pennsylvania Health System or Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and worked with a Penn faculty mentor? If yes, please indicate name, department, phone number of faculty, and start/end dates.”

I was employed at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and worked with a Penn faculty mentor.

Name: Dr. Beth McCartney

Department: Pediatrics

Phone Number: Add the phone number of the faculty member.

Start Date: Add the start date: day, month, year.

End Date: Add the end date: day, month, year.

Reading the expertly written essays above should give you excellent insight into how to form your own answers to the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine’s secondary essay prompts.

Secondary essay prompts change, but not radically. You are almost guaranteed to come across a “Why this school?” essay, for instance. Most other prompts will remain fairly similar, as secondary essays are often focused on diversity, adversity, personal growth, and other similar qualities.

Yes, they are usually similar, although they will not be identical; don’t think you’ll be able to copy-paste essays from one school to the other.

If a prompt is extremely similar and your answers will be similar, yes, you can use the same language for both responses.

However, do note that you need to be extra careful to eliminate any references to specific schools or programs. Take the time to tailor your responses to each school.

Yes. Not only are the character caps hard limits, but they also include spaces, so make sure you measure your essays accordingly.

Never exceed the limit by so much as one character. It is better to adopt a policy of brevity, anyway; say more with less whenever possible.

As soon as the prompt list is released, you should begin working on your essays at least a little bit each day. We recommend, if possible, to spend some time every day for 2–3 weeks working on your essays.

Essentially, yes. You might not be getting a letter grade or score, but you are being evaluated. Treat these as though you are being graded.

Absolutely, yes. If you were an evaluator – a member of the admissions committee – and you came across an essay which was difficult to read due to frequent spelling and grammar errors, what would you think of the writer?

Linguistic errors might occur for many reasons – dyslexia or having English as a second language, for instance – and those are legitimate apologies for a certain number of errors. However, the committee is selecting students who will one day become medical doctors, with literal lives in their hands. If they are worried about your ability to communicate life-saving instructions, or understand important details, that will reflect negatively on your candidacy.

Write all the essays. Each essay is an opportunity to improve your standing with the committee. Take advantage of every opportunity given. In this way, you will be as competitive as possible with your application.

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How To Answer UPenn's 2024/25 Supplemental Essays: Tips & Insights

How To Answer UPenn's 2024/25 Supplemental Essays: Tips & Insights

Essay Requirements

How to Answer Prompt 1

What UPenn Looks For

Essay Examples

I often get questions from students about how to tackle UPenn's supplemental essays. How do you craft a compelling response? What makes an application truly stand out in such a competitive pool?

As a former admissions officer at the University of Pennsylvania, I’ve reviewed countless applications. Let’s break down UPenn’s supplemental essays: what the prompts are, how to approach them, and common pitfalls to avoid.

With an acceptance rate of around 5.8% , UPenn is one of the most selective universities in the country. Your application needs to be exceptional to gain admission .

While your grades , test scores , and extracurriculars provide a snapshot of your academic and personal accomplishments, the supplemental essays offer a unique opportunity for you to share your story and your voice directly with the admissions committee.

This is your moment to explain why UPenn is the perfect match for you and how you will enrich its vibrant community.

UPenn’s Supplemental Essay Requirements & Prompts

UPenn accepts applications through both the Common Application and the Coalition Application , and they don’t prefer either over the other.

Besides the personal statement of the Common App or the Coalition App , you’ll need to write 3 essays answering 3 different prompts:

Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet thanked and would like to acknowledge. (We encourage you to share this note with that person, if possible, and reflect on the experience!) (150-200 words, only required for first-year applicants)

How will you explore community at Penn? Consider how Penn will help shape your perspective, and how your experiences and perspective will help shape Penn. (150-200 words)

A school-specific prompt that is unique to the school to which you are applying. (For example, all applicants applying to the College of Arts and Sciences will respond to a prompt specific to the College of Arts and Sciences).

What did Upenn students write their Common App essays about?

Prompt #1: How You Should Answer it

The first prompt is quite unique, which I actually find refreshing. At first glance, it might seem a bit unconventional and could throw you off, but this is exactly where the opportunity lies. This prompt allows you to be creative and express yourself in a way that can really make your application stand out.

1. Write about yourself, not the person

The key to tackling this prompt is to remember that while you’re technically being asked to thank someone, the real focus should be on what this person has done to inspire you , challenge you, or set you on a meaningful path. It’s not just about the person themselves, but about how they’ve influenced your life and shaped who you are today.

2. Find unique perspectives

Consider this example: One applicant wrote a heartfelt thank-you note to the person who discovered antihistamines. At first, this might seem like an odd choice, but the story behind it was powerful.

This student suffered from severe seasonal allergies that could have easily kept them indoors and away from their passion for environmental work.

Instead, antihistamines allowed them to engage fully in outdoor activities and pursue their interests. This example stood out to me because it showed how a seemingly small discovery had a profound impact on the student's life, enabling them to follow their passions.

Notice that the essay was less about the person who invented antihistamines and more about the freedom and opportunities their discovery provided to the student.

When approaching this prompt, think about someone who has genuinely impacted you. This could be someone famous, like the inventor of a life-changing technology.

3. Address the second part of the prompt

Another way to make your response stand out is by thoughtfully addressing the second part of the prompt, which asks you to imagine what it would be like if you had the opportunity to actually give this thank-you note to the person.

This is usually included as a postscript at the end of your essay, signing off with your name and adding a “P.S.” that reflects on the imagined moment.

This might look something like, “P.S. Seeing the look of gratitude on their face made the experience of delivering this note even more inspiring.”

By doing this, you not only complete the prompt fully but also show that you’ve thought deeply about the experience and the impact it could have on both you and the person you're thanking.

Mistakes To Avoid

1. focusing too much on the person.

One common mistake applicants make with this prompt is focusing too much on the person they are thanking, often spending the bulk of the essay describing that person's qualities, achievements, and how wonderful they are.

While it's natural to want to praise someone who has made a significant impact on your life, remember that this essay is part of your application, not theirs.

The admissions committee wants to learn more about you as a student and as a person, not the person you are thanking. Again, the key is to highlight how this person's influence has shaped you—what it says about your values, character, and growth.

2. Making a generic choice

Another frequent pitfall is choosing someone too obvious or generic, like a parent, teacher, or coach. While writing about parents or teachers can certainly be profound, it needs to offer a unique perspective that makes you stand out.

For example, thanking a parent for always being supportive is a common theme and doesn’t offer much insight into what makes your experiences or your response to those experiences distinctive.

Instead, try to think about specific, unique ways that a person’s influence has shaped your path. Did a teacher challenge you in an unexpected way that changed your perspective on learning? Did a mentor introduce you to a field you had never considered before, sparking a passion that you have pursued ever since?

Even if you choose someone who might initially seem like a common choice, focus on a unique story or aspect of your relationship that others might not think of.

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UPenn Prompt #2: How You Should Answer it

The second prompt is a classic "community" question, which is common in many college applications. UPenn’s version of this prompt asks you to reflect on a community that you’re deeply invested in and how you will continue to engage with that community or a similar one once you’re on campus.

1. Showcase your connection to your community

What UPenn is really looking for here is a genuine connection to a community that has significantly impacted you or that you have had a meaningful role in. When thinking about which community to write about, consider the ones you are most passionate about .

This could be a cultural group, a local organization, an online forum, or any other group where you’ve felt a strong sense of belonging and purpose.

2. Highlight your passion to giving back to community

UPenn places a strong emphasis on community engagement and giving back, so think about an element of service or involvement that you’re truly passionate about. It shouldn’t be a one-time volunteer experience, like a single shift at a soup kitchen.

Instead, it should be something that demonstrates a long-term commitment and genuine interest. For example, maybe you started a non-profit organization in your hometown and have continued to find ways to expand its impact. Maybe this involvement has taught you valuable lessons about leadership, empathy, and resilience, which you can bring to UPenn.

While your chosen community doesn’t necessarily have to be service-oriented, essays about service tend to be powerful because they often reveal a deep commitment and a genuine passion.

Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you are already invested in, not just something you hope to be involved in in the future.

Admissions officers want to see evidence of your dedication and impact, so pick a community that has been a significant part of your life and one where you’ve made meaningful contributions.

3. Show personal growth

As you write, consider addressing both your contributions to the community and what you’ve learned from being a part of it. Remember, UPenn isn’t just looking for students who want to “save the world” but for those who are also eager to learn from others, work collaboratively, and show openness to diverse perspectives and ideas.

Reflect on how your experiences have shaped you and how you’ve grown from engaging with people from different backgrounds and viewpoints.

1. Writing too generally or vageuly

A common mistake students make with this prompt is being too general in their response. For example, stating that you want to join UPenn’s rugby team because you were part of a rugby club in high school, or saying that yoga is important to you and you want to continue practicing it in college.

While these statements might be true, they don't demonstrate any significant impact. The university isn't just looking to hear about what activities you want to continue at college; they want to understand how you will make a meaningful contribution to the UPenn campus and the broader West Philadelphia community.

To avoid falling into this trap, focus on describing a deeper level of involvement. Think about the ways you have already made a difference in a community and how you intend to bring that same level of commitment to UPenn.

For example, rather than simply stating that you enjoy playing rugby, you could talk about how you organized a charity rugby tournament in high school to raise money for a local cause. This shows initiative, leadership , and a willingness to use your interests to benefit others.

Avoid vague statements like “I want to continue doing yoga at UPenn.” Instead, focus on how yoga has helped you build a sense of mindfulness and resilience, and discuss how you plan to share these practices with the broader community by, for example, starting a yoga program for stress relief during finals or volunteering to teach yoga at a local community center in West Philadelphia.

2. Focusing on academics

For this prompt, I would advise against focusing on an academic community, especially since there’s another essay prompt specifically geared towards academics. Instead, use this essay to showcase a different side of yourself and what drives you outside the classroom.

How Talia Got Into Penn with Crimson

UPenn Prompt #3: How You Should Answer it

This prompt is typically the classic “Why UPenn?” or “Why Us?” question, tailored to the specific school or program you're applying to within the university.

The goal here is to demonstrate a clear, well-researched understanding of what makes UPenn the perfect place for you to pursue your academic and professional goals.

1. Do your research

To answer this prompt effectively, you’ll need to do a lot of research before you start writing. You should delve deeply into the unique opportunities available within your intended major or program.

For example, if you’re applying to the College of Arts and Sciences, you could highlight the flexibility of the curriculum, which allows students to explore interdisciplinary interests and customize their education.

When researching, look for specific higher-level courses that align with your academic interests and future goals. Think about the theories, concepts, or methodologies taught in these courses and how they will help you achieve your long-term aspirations.

Showing that you’ve thought carefully about your academic path at UPenn will demonstrate that you’re serious about your studies and have a clear plan for your education.

2. Relate the opportunities to you and your experiences

Explore the faculty members in your department of interest. Look into their research areas and see if any align with your own interests or previous work.

Mentioning specific faculty whose work excites you and explaining why it resonates with you can be a great way to show that you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in the academic community at UPenn.

Consider the undergraduate research opportunities that UPenn offers. Whether it’s through specific labs, research centers, or interdisciplinary projects, find opportunities that connect with your interests and could help you achieve your goals.

Discussing these opportunities shows that you are proactive about your education and are looking to take full advantage of what UPenn has to offer.

Most importantly, make sure your essay ties everything back to your own experiences, achievements, and future aspirations. It’s not enough to simply list what you like about UPenn—you need to explain why these elements are important to you and how they will help you grow.

Demonstrate how the unique resources at UPenn, from courses to faculty to extracurriculars, fit into the larger picture of your academic journey and career goals .

1. Not making your answer specific to UPenn

One of the most common mistakes students make with this prompt is not making their answer unique enough to UPenn. If your essay could easily apply to another university, like Cornell or NYU , then it's not specific enough.

For instance, saying you want to study abroad or that you're excited about a strong liberal arts education isn't compelling because these are opportunities offered by many schools. This prompt is really about demonstrating why UPenn is the perfect fit for you, and why no other university can offer the same unique combination of resources, culture, and opportunities that align with your goals.

2. Not demonstrating your knowledge of UPenn

The admissions committee is looking for clear, focused answers that demonstrate your knowledge of UPenn and your fit for the university. Start your essay with a strong statement that directly addresses why UPenn is your ideal choice, and maintain that focus throughout.

To avoid this pitfall, think about what makes UPenn distinct from other universities. Ask yourself: “Why UPenn and not another school?” Be specific about the programs, courses, faculty, research opportunities, and campus culture that make UPenn the best place for you. Highlight how these aspects uniquely align with your personal interests, experiences, and future aspirations.

With a limited number of words, you need to be concise and get straight to the point. Don't waste time on generic statements or overly broad introductions.

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What Do UPenn Admissions Officers Look for in These Essays?

Besides the points I mentioned above, there are several key characteristics that UPenn admissions officers look for in these essays. Understanding these traits and making sure they're reflected in your writing will help make your application stand out.

1. Good writing quality 

This is a fundamental expectation for any university application, but it's particularly crucial for UPenn. Your essays should be clear, concise, and free of errors. 

Good writing is not about using fancy language or complex sentences—it's about effectively communicating your ideas in a way that is both engaging and easy to understand. Make sure to proofread your essays carefully and have others review them to catch any typos or grammatical mistakes. 

Pay special attention to details like spelling the names of faculty members correctly and ensuring your essay is well-structured and coherent.

2. Leadership

UPenn values applicants who demonstrate strong leadership skills. Things showing initiative and making an impact in your community. 

For instance, if you’ve started your own nonprofit organization or led a significant project, make sure to highlight this in your essays.

Admissions officers are interested in seeing how you have used your leadership abilities to address challenges, mobilize others, and create change. Moreover, they want to know how you will bring this same level of initiative to UPenn. 

Make a clear connection between your past leadership experiences and the specific opportunities at UPenn where you could apply these skills, such as joining a student organization or engaging in community projects.

3. Intellectual Curiosity

Another critical trait UPenn looks for is intellectual curiosity. For academic prompts, it’s important to showcase a genuine passion for a subject and a desire to learn more. This means going beyond simply listing your academic achievements. 

Reflect on what excites you about your chosen field and discuss the steps you’ve already taken to explore this interest. Have you pursued independent research, taken online courses, or engaged with related extracurricular activities? 

Then, connect this curiosity to specific opportunities at UPenn, such as particular courses, research programs, or faculty whose work intrigues you.

While they’re not expecting you to have your entire life planned out, admissions officers do want to see that you’ve thought about how a UPenn education will help you delve deeper into your passions and develop your intellectual interests further.

UPenn Essay Examples

The best inspiration for a good essay is other well-written essays. Here are a few essay examples from AdmitYogi written by successful applicants who got admitted to UPenn:

Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet thanked and would like to acknowledge. (200 words)

To my third grade teacher [Name Redacted],

Thank you for all that you did to help me get accustomed to life in the US after living in Ethiopia for two years. Thank you for showing me how to properly write on lined paper, for telling me to point all fingers up when raising my hand, and for teaching me how to type since everyone had learned the year before. Thank you for always making sure I felt comfortable, for always greeting me in the halls, and for introducing me to sports fiction novels.

Thank you for putting up with all my talking in class, for always answering my text messages at six o’clock telling you that I had just woken up, and for staying late with me after school until my mother picked me up. Thank you for treating my little brother with the same kindness seven years later when he was your student, and thank you for all the kind messages that you send to my family. Without you, [Name Redacted], I would not have thrived in this new environment and enjoyed each second of my elementary school years. Most importantly, thank you for being you.

How will you explore community at Penn? (200 words)

Throughout my life, I have moved thirteen times. My parents, Ethiopian immigrants, separated when I was three years old, and since then I have lived in various parts of the world. When I was six years old, I lived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for two years and became fluent in Amharic and Ge’ez. My childhood has introduced me to a multitude of different languages and cultures, as I lived with friends and family from Cameroon, Cape Verde, and India.

As a result, I have always been fascinated by languages, and how each has a different grammatical structure, writing system, and phonetics. I have learned six languages so far, and hope to continue my passion in college by taking Linguistics courses.

At UPenn, I am looking forward to meeting people from all over the world and contributing towards building a multi-cultural campus. By joining the African Students Association and connecting with other Ethiopian students, I hope to share my story with others and hear theirs as well. I am excited for the next chapter in my life and hope that it is spent at Penn.

What are you curious about and how would you take advantage of opportunities in the arts and sciences? (200 words)

[School-specific essay] What are you curious about and how would you take advantage of opportunities in the arts and sciences? (200 words)

Since a young age, I have always loved learning languages. My passion started when I was just six years old when my father was teaching Amharic to a student at Boston University. He sometimes dragged me along with him, promising me twenty dollars every time I helped him. I reluctantly went and served the role of “Assistant Professor”.

He never paid me any money, but after the class ended, I didn't even care about the money anymore. I was amazed by the concept of languages, and my father, who studied archaeology, saw this newly formed interest of mine and began to teach me Ge’ez, an ancient Semitic language of Ethiopia.

Since then, my love for languages has only grown stronger. I regularly watch videos by polyglots and play Geoguessr, where knowing the alphabet of languages comes in handy. At school, I have had the opportunity to learn Mandarin, Latin, Italian, and Ancient Greek, while also learning Amharic and Ge’ez at home.

At UPenn, I will be able to take a linguistics course for the first time while also continuing my passion for the Classics. I hope to take courses such as Black Classicisms taught by Professor Greenwood.

How Ken Got Into UPenn Wharton with Crimson

How You Can Stand Out

The best way to perfect your essay is to work with an expert .

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Key Resources & Further Reading

  • Acing your College Application Essay: 5 Expert Tips to Make it Stand Out from the Rest
  • MIT Supplemental Essay
  • Northwestern Supplemental Essay
  • Harvard Supplemental Essay
  • Columbia Supplemental Essay
  • Princeton Supplemental Essay
  • Cornell Supplemental Essay
  • Brown Supplemental Essay
  • UPenn Supplemental Essay
  • Dartmouth Supplemental Essay
  • Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essay
  • University of Chicago Supplemental Essay
  • NYU Supplemental Essay
  • How to Tackle Every Type of Supplemental Essay
  • What are the Most Unusual US College Supplemental Essay Prompts?

About the Author

Eileen Dougherty

Eileen Dougherty

UPenn Former Admissions Officer

A seasoned college admissions expert with nearly 10 years of experience working in college admissions offices, including a role as an Admissions Officer at the University of Pennsylvania. Eileen earned a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from The Pennsylvania State University and has over 5 years of experience in admissions consulting. Her guidance has helped students gain acceptance into top institutions such as UPenn, NYU, USC and more.

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  • penn admissions info

faq for potential penn mstp applicants

What does the penn mstp value and how does the program select candidates.

What does the Penn MSTP value and how does the program select candidates?

We are fully committed to a holistic approach to admissions, selecting MD-PhD candidates who show outstanding potential as future physician-investigators. Here are some of the things that we value and look for when the admissions committee makes decisions. We want to be as transparent as possible, so we hope that you will find the information useful when you consider applying to Penn. For context, this past year (2023-2024 application cycle) we received 785 applications (nearly half of the national MD-PhD applicant pool), interviewed 122 candidates, and ended with an entering class of 31. This year there are 240 MD/PhD trainees in Penn MSTP.

• Well-articulated goals that are a good match for our  program's mission  to train successful physician-scientists.

• Research experience. Sustained research experience and a passion for investigation and medicine. “Sustained” typically includes at least 1 year of research in the same laboratory or with the same research mentor during college or after (usually more).

• Academic excellence including, but not limited to excellent grades in challenging courses. We view the MCAT as only one factor among many. Successful applicants in the past 5 years have had an average GPA of 3.91 (range 3.51 to 4.00) and an average MCAT score of 521 (range 506-528).

• Outstanding letters of recommendation , particularly from the faculty with whom you did research and who can speak knowledgeably about your potential as a physician and an investigator.

• Gap years after college are OK, but also not required. We get asked about this a lot. One or more years between college and medical school may be helpful for those with limited research experience during college or who want to take a break before plunging into an MD-PhD program. Note, however, that although we recognize that there has been a nationwide trend in which prospective MD-PhD applicants have been encouraged to postpone applying until after college we do not require it. This is particularly true for applicants who have done meaningful research in college and are otherwise ready to apply. The training path for physician-scientists is rewarding, but long. For many applicants, the right answer is to dive in and get started.

• Publications are OK, but not required . The need to have publications prior to applying has become another popular question. Many of our successful candidates have authored or co-authored manuscripts and conference abstracts. However, publications are not required, especially for candidates who are applying after their junior year in college.

• Emotional intelligence, leadership potential and clinical experience. Most of our graduates go on to become physician-scientists who take care of patients and conduct research.  They typically become leaders of teams in both the clinical and the research setting. Therefore, we value the ability to work well with others, and look for evidence of leadership potential.

• Diversity of culture, perspective and identity. We believe strongly that greater diversity leads to better discoveries and better clinical care. Our goal is to be inclusive. We welcome applicants of diverse backgrounds, including diversity of work and life experiences, culture, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability, whether they have a longstanding family tradition of becoming physician-investigators or, like many of us, are members of the first generation to complete college. The average entering class percentages over the last five years are as follows: 50% of the entering students identify as women and 23% as members of groups underrepresented in medicine.

• Diversity of interests. Penn MSTP takes advantage of belonging to a unified campus that includes the School of Arts and Sciences, the School of Engineering, the Wharton School of Economics and the School of Veterinary Medicine, as well as the School of Medicine. We are a joint program with the VMD-PhD program, and, in addition to traditional biomedical research disciplines, current students and graduates of Penn MSTP are in PhD programs in bioengineering, medical anthropology, healthcare economics, history and sociology of medicine, physics and chemistry.

Skip Brass, MD PhD Penn MSTP Director and Admissions Co-Chair

Aimee Payne, MD PhD Penn MSTP Associate Director and Admissions Co-Chair

how do i apply?


when should i apply?

Most applicants apply for the MD-PhD program when initially applying for Medical School via AMCAS. However, some decide to apply to join the MD-PhD program after matriculating as an MD or PhD student. We strongly advise any candidate who is uncertain of his or her career goals to delay applying to the MD-PhD program. We recommend that these individuals spend additional time exploring their career goals before applying, or apply to the appropriate single degree program first.

does the penn mstp admit and support students with disabilities?

Yes. The Perelman School of Medicine, the School of Veterinary Medicine, and the Medical Scientist Training Program seek students from diverse backgrounds, including diversity of work and life experiences, interests, culture, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity. This includes welcoming applicants with disabilities and providing an accessible and inclusive environment in which all learners have access to our programs. Information about academic accommodations, technical standards for admission , auxiliary services and technology is made available to applicants as well as students. Since we recognize that potential applicants may wish to inquire about disability services before deciding to apply, we encourage you to do so confidentially by contacting Aaron Spector, Office of Student Disabilities Services ( [email protected] , 215-573-9235, https://www.vpul.upenn.edu/lrc/sds/ ). Information provided by applicants to Student Disabilities Services is not made available to the admissions committee unless the applicant chooses to share it.

does the md-phd program accept md students from penn into the combined program?

We welcome the applications of Penn medical students in the fall semester of their first or second year. (The deadline for 1st years to apply is typically early January. The deadline for 2nd years to apply is typically mid-October.) In a typical year we receive 0-3 applications through this avenue, and we currently have several students who were admitted through this pathway. Penn medical students applying to join the program in Biomedical Graduate Studies programs will complete our internal application forms. Applicants to the program in other graduate groups may be asked to complete a standard PhD application, in addition to our internal application. The admissions process is competitive and acceptance decisions are made collaboratively by the MD-PhD program and the relevant PhD program. The curriculum plan for candidates admitted through this mechanism is very similar to that of students who matriculated in the MD-PhD program initially in that students are primarily focused on the MD during years 1-2, then switch to focus primarily on the PhD starting in year 3, and eventually return to the MD curriculum after completing their graduate degree. (Current Penn MD students can request application materials from Maggie Krall- [email protected])

does the md-phd program accept phd students from penn into the combined program?

The MD-PhD program is open to considering applications from students entering the first or second year of the PhD, if the faculty in the PhD program are supportive of the student’s application to the MD-PhD program. In broad strokes, the curriculum plan for a student through this pathway would be: 1-2 years of the PhD program, then 2 years in the MD curriculum, then returning to the PhD program to complete the dissertation, and ultimately returning to the MD curriculum after completion of the graduate degree. During the first two years of the MD curriculum, the student would be able to continue some involvement in the PhD program as follows: 1) during fall and spring of MD year 1, they would be able to continue in research part time, 2) during the summer between year 1 and year 2 of the MD curriculum the student would conduct full time research, 3) during the fall semester (only) of MD year 2, they could again continue research part time. It is essential that students considering this pathway discuss their interests and goals with their Graduate Group Chair (and/or Track Chair if in CAMB) and other relevant faculty advisors, in addition to contacting the MD-PhD program. Penn graduate students who have the support of the PhD program to pursue this would then apply through AMCAS and complete the MD-PhD supplemental application. MCATs are required, and students must meet all the relevant external application deadlines in summer/fall at the start of their first or second year. We have had a very small number of students in the program who entered via this pathway.

does penn accept transfer applicants?

There is no MD or MD-PhD transfer admissions program at the School of Medicine.

what happens after i submit my application?

Our interview visit is virtual and takes place over two days.  It consists of orientation sessions with the MD-PhD/MD program leadership and the selected PhD program, along with opportunities to meet with students, and individual faculty interviews (typically 4-6).

how does the selection process work?

Penn has an integrated admissions process and the MD-PhD program works closely with the MD admissions committee and the graduate groups to make joint decisions about admission. Offers of admission typically go out in March.

what type of funding do applicants receive?

Offers of admission come with full funding which consists of tuition, health insurance, most fees, a $2,000 relocation cost and a stipend ($40,000 for 2023-2024). In addition, the program provides reimbursement for dental and vision coverage through the University. This funding support remains in effect for the entire duration of the program, as long as the student remains in good standing. Financial support for these funding packages is derived from the Medical Scientist Training Program grant funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the NIH, the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, private foundation funds, faculty research grants and other sources.

In some cases, candidates for graduate programs outside of Biomedical Graduate Studies and Bioengineering may receive an offer of admission with a less comprehensive funding package. In extremely rare situations, it is also possible that a candidate to one of the programs above would receive an alternative funding offer.

which phd programs are active in the penn mstp?

We currently have students enrolled in the following 12 programs: the 7 groups in Biomedical Graduate Studies (traditional basic science groups, as well as computational biology and epidemiology), Bioengineering , Anthropology , Chemistry , History & Sociology of Science , and Health Care Management & Economics .

can i apply to the program and designate a phd program other than the ones listed above?

Absolutely! The MSTP is open to considering applications for any PhD program at Penn. Our supplemental application allows candidates to designate most of the active programs listed above, or to check “other” and list the PhD program that is of interest to them. When an applicant applies and lists a program under “other” that is not currently active, the first step (as with all applications here) is review by the MD-PhD admissions committee. If the MD-PhD committee believes that the candidate may be competitive for admission and a good fit for the program, the application will be forwarded to the relevant Graduate Group for additional review. At that point, faculty members in the MD-PhD program and the chosen PhD program will discuss the specific application under consideration and also broader issues, such as a potential joint curriculum plan. If the leadership of the MD-PhD program and the chosen PhD program reach a shared vision of a training plan, and believe the candidate could be competitive for admission, he or she will be invited to interview and may be asked to provide additional application materials that are required by the chosen PhD program (such as GRE scores, additional application forms, or a writing sample).

is the gre required?

GREs are NOT required by the majority of our programs:  Biomedical Graduate Studies Graduate Groups, Anthropology, Bioengineering, Chemistry, History and Sociology of Science. 

The one Graduate Group within the MD-PhD Program that does currently (in 2023) require the GRE or GMAT is Health Care Management. 

are there any special requirements for applicants outside of biomedical science?

As noted above, Health Care Management candidates must take the GRE or GMAT.

Candidates for Anthropology and History and Sociology will be asked to complete one additional application essay about their interest in the Graduate Group at Penn on the supplemental application.

are international applicants eligible to apply?

Yes, we do accept applications from candidates who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and these candidates are eligible for consideration for fully funded offers of acceptance. To be considered, candidates must have a minimum of one year of course work (at least 24 credits worth) in the sciences at a U.S. institution, as described on the  Applicant Procedure  page . (An exception to the one year of US course work policy applies for certain Canadian institutions that are similar to US Schools. Please contact the Admissions Office directly if you are at a Canadian institution and have a question about this).

For international applicants who do not have a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) from a US or Canadian institution and are planning to apply with the minimum of one year of course work in the sciences, we strongly recommend getting in touch with Applicant Relations at AMCAS, 202-828-0600 to clarify which of your courses are considered BCPM (biology, chemistry, physics, or math-based). We are an AMCAS-affiliated institution, therefore we abide by their transcript policies. AMCAS unfortunately will not verify foreign education from outside of the US or Canada nor evaluations of foreign coursework through WES or similar entities; which is why a year’s worth of full-time BCPM credits are required prior to application. You will need to confirm how many of the program credits are classified as BCPM because completion of a graduate degree in the US does not equate to eligibility to apply to our program and your total BCPM credits will be reviewed to confirm eligibility.

Approximately 10% of our students are individuals who earned their Bachelor’s degrees (or equivalents) from a US or Canadian institution, but are not US citizens or permanent residents.

can i be considered for both the md-phd and md?

No. AMCAS requires applicants to indicate a program choice of MD or MD-PhD, and this is also true for Penn.

if I apply MD-PhD and am not admitted MD-PhD, will I be considered for the MD program?

No, as noted above, you must choose either MD-PhD or MD and will only be considered for the program that you select.

what if i am undecided between md-phd and md?

If you are committed to a career as a physician investigator and plan to spend the majority of your time conducting research, you should apply MD-PhD. If you are not sure of your career goals, or do not intend to have a primary research focus, you should apply for the MD program. (If you are undecided, you will have the opportunity to apply to enter the MD-PhD program during the first or second year of medical school if you later decide this is the best path for you).

is it easier to gain admission through the md program?

No. Both applicant pools are extremely competitive and have very similar average grade point averages and MCAT scores. There is no strategic advantage to choosing one program over the other, and we strongly encourage applicants to choose a program based on their interests and goals.

can i change from md-phd to md or md to md-phd part way through the application process?

Applicants are strongly encouraged to carefully consider their choice before designating MD or MD-PhD. However, it is possible to change the program designation up until October 15th. No changes are permitted after October 15th. Applicants who wish to make a change prior to October 15th must make the change through AMCAS, and must also contact the Penn School of Medicine Office of Admissions directly.

does the penn mstp participate in the nih / md-phd partnership training program (aka the nih gpp program)?

The Penn MSTP does NOT participate the NIH / MD-PhD Partnership Training Program (with one exception, noted below). Students who are currently in the NIH GPP program (track 3) are welcome to apply to Perelman, but should designate MD (rather than MD-PhD) on their applications and will not be considered for funding through the Penn MSTP. It is possible that students in this situation may continue to receive some funding via the MD-PhD Partnership Training Program, and they should consult their Partnership program leaders for information about financial support. (The Penn MSTP participates fully in only one aspect of the Partnership program, and this is limited to our Immunology students in the full time PhD phase of the program. Our Immunology Graduate Group faculty includes a limited number of investigators with labs at NIH. MD-PhD students in Immunology may consider these labs for thesis work).

what is the deadline for application?

The deadlines for MD and MD-PhD candidates ( excluding the Early Decision Process) are posted here: https://www.med.upenn.edu/admissions/applications-timeline.html .  While the final deadlines are mid-October for AMCAS and mid-November for the supplemental, the vast majority of our candidates complete their applications in the summer or very early fall.  We typically begin issuing interview invitations in early September.  We encourage applicants to submit materials in the summer, rather than waiting until the final deadlines.

does the MD-PhD program participate in the Early Decision Process (EDP)?

No, the MD-PhD program does not participate in the EDP mechanism.  The EDP mechanism can put candidates at a significant disadvantage overall in the application process, since they can only apply to a single school initially.  If they are not admitted early, they will then be behind in terms of applying more widely to other programs.  MD-PhD candidates are not eligible to apply EDP at Penn.

Do you have a question that wasn’t answered above or in our other Applicant Info pages?

If so, please email the MD-PhD Associate Director, Carina Myers, at [email protected] and she will get back to you as soon as possible.

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