How To Write an Email For Submission Of Assignment

Welcome to this informative article that will guide you on how to write an effective email for the submission of your assignment. If you’re unsure about how to draft an email for submitting your assignment, this article is here to help you!

Table of Contents

What To Do Before Writing the Email

What to include in the email.

When composing your email for assignment submission, it’s important to include the following parts:

Subject Line

Choose a subject line that clearly indicates the purpose of your email. For example, “Assignment Submission – [Course Name]”. This helps the recipient identify the email’s content quickly.

Begin your email with a polite and professional greeting, such as “Dear Professor [Last Name],” or “Hi [Instructor’s Name],”. Use the appropriate salutation based on your relationship with the recipient.


In the body of the email, mention any relevant details or specific instructions provided by your instructor. Clearly state that you are submitting your assignment and acknowledge the due date. If there are any additional comments or questions related to the assignment, include them here.

End your email with a courteous closing, such as “Thank you,” or “Best regards,” followed by your full name and contact information. This shows professionalism and makes it easy for the recipient to respond if necessary.

Email Template – Assignment Submission

Subject: Assignment Submission – [Course Name] Dear Professor/Instructor [Last Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to submit my assignment for the [Course Name]. The assignment is attached in the required format. I have completed the assignment as per the given guidelines and it is ready for submission. The due date for the assignment is [Due Date]. If you have any further instructions or clarifications, please let me know. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]
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How to Write an Email to a Professor (With Examples)

Hannah Yang headshot

By Hannah Yang

how to write an email to a professor

Table of Contents

How to email a professor in 7 steps, email to professor examples.

Emailing your professor can be a daunting task.

Writing professional emails is never easy, but composing an email to a professor can feel especially nerve-racking. After all, your professors have a lot of control over your academic success and your future career, so you don't want to make a mistake.

So, how exactly do you write a successful email to a professor?

In this article, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide for how to write an email to your professor, plus a set of email templates you can use.

We’ve broken the process of emailing your professor into seven simple steps.

Step 1: How to Write the Subject Line

Start by writing a clear, concise subject line for your email.

Your subject line should be specific to your situation. Ideally, your professor should understand why you’re emailing them without even having to open the body of your message.

email subject line tip

For example, if you’re emailing to request an extension for a research paper, you can use the subject line “Research paper deadline extension.” Or, if you’re emailing to ask for a clarification about the syllabus, you can use the subject line “Question about class syllabus.”

Step 2: How to Address a Professor in an Email

You should start your email with a formal salutation.

You can use formal greetings, such as “Dear” or “Hi,” followed by your teacher’s preferred title, whether that’s “Professor [Last Name],” “Mr. [Last Name],” “Ms. [Last Name],” or simply “[First Name].”

If you’re not sure about your professor’s title, “Dear Professor [Last Name]” is always a safe bet.

Step 3: How to Start an Email to a Teacher

Start your email by introducing yourself and explaining which class you’re in. For example, you might write, “My name is Hannah, and I’m a freshman in your ENGL 453 class.”

It’s common for professors to teach multiple classes, especially at large universities, so they don’t always know all their students by name. If you’re emailing from your academic account, they’ll likely be able to see your full name in the system, but it’s still better to be safe than sorry.  

Of course, if you’ve already established a working relationship with your professor, and they know who you are, you don’t have to introduce yourself. Instead, you can start your email with a friendly greeting, such as “I hope your week is going well” or “Happy Friday!”

sending an assignment email

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Step 4: How to Explain Your Request

Now that you’ve finished your introduction, it’s time to explain all the essential information about why you’re writing this message.

Professors lead busy lives, so try to keep the body of your email as concise as possible. Don’t use a whole paragraph when a single sentence would do.

Try to keep a professional tone while you explain your request. You don’t need to sound overly stiff, but you should generally avoid using slang or making jokes.

If you’re writing about an issue that includes personal details, such as a health issue or the loss of a loved one, it’s okay to be vague when explaining your reasons. Don’t feel pressure to include details about your personal life that you’re not comfortable sharing.

Finally, be specific about what kind of follow-up action you’re requesting from your professor, if any. For example, you can write, “Please let me know if it would be possible to extend the deadline,” or “Please send me your feedback on this draft at your earliest convenience.”  

Step 5: How to End an Email to a Professor

You can end the body of your email with a simple expression of gratitude. You can write something like, “Thank you for your understanding and support,” or simply “Thanks for your time.”

Step 6: How to Sign Off an Email

Sign off your email with a simple closing salutation, followed by your first name.

Keep it simple and polite. Popular choices include “Best,” “Thanks,” “Sincerely,” and “Regards.”

simple email sign offs

Step 7: Edit Your Email with ProWritingAid

You don’t want to send your professor an email riddled with grammar mistakes, especially if it’s your English professor! And even if they teach a different subject, like math or biology, you still want to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward.

Editing your email with ProWritingAid can help you avoid mistakes. Our editing tool will correct grammar errors, spelling typos, and weak word choices.

You can even ask the tool to help you ensure you’re using a formal tone so your email doesn’t come across as casual or unprofessional.

Now that we’ve gone over the seven steps for writing an email to a professor, let’s look at some examples.

Here are some email templates you can use, depending on your specific situation.  

Sick Email to Professor Example

Subject line: Missing class today

Dear Professor [Last Name],

My name is [your name], and I’m a student in your class [class name]. I’m writing to let you know that I won’t be able to make it to class today, due to health issues. [Insert details if needed].

Please let me know what material we’ll be covering so I can make it up before the next class.

[Your name]

Sample Email to Professor Asking for Help

Subject line: Help with [class name]

My name is [your name]. I’ve been really struggling with your class [class name] this semester, and I’m having a hard time understanding [details].

Would you have time to sit down with me and help me better understand the material? I would welcome any support you can offer.

Thank you in advance! I look forward to hearing from you.

How to Email a Professor About a Grade

Subject line: My grade for [assignment/exam name]

I hope your week is off to a good start!

I recently received my grade for [assignment/exam name], and it was lower than I expected. Could you please tell me where I lost points?

I know you have a busy schedule, but I would really appreciate more details, since I’m sure that information could also help me improve my grades in the future.

Thank you so much for your time!

Sample Email to Professor for Research

Subject line: Research opportunities in your lab

I hope you’re doing well!

My name is [your name], and I’m a [year, major]. I’m writing to ask about research opportunities in your lab next semester.

I’m really interested in the topic you’re researching because [details], and I have experience conducting research with [previous experience, if any].

Please let me know if you have any openings that might be suitable for me. I look forward to hearing from you!

How to Write an Apology Email for Missing a Class

Subject line: Missing class yesterday

I hope your week is going well.

I’m writing to apologize for missing your class [class name] yesterday. I was unable to attend because [details].

I know it was an important class and that I shouldn’t have missed it. I’ll do my best to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Thank you for your support and understanding.

Extension Email to Professor Example

Subject line: Extension for [Assignment Name]

My name is [your name], and I’m a student in your class [class name]. I’m writing to request an extension for our assignment about [assignment details].

I’ve been struggling to complete the assignment in time because of [reasons]. I would really appreciate it if you could extend the deadline to [new deadline date], due to my situation.

Please let me know if that would be okay. Thank you so much for your flexibility.

Thanks again,

How to Write a Follow-Up Email to a Professor

Subject line: Follow-up re: [subject]

I recently emailed you about [topic].

I’m just writing to follow up on my previous email and make sure you’ve received it. If you have, please let me know when I can expect a reply.

Thank you again for your time!

Warm regards,

How to Email a Professor About Getting Into Their Class

Subject line: Joining your class [class name]

My name is [your name], and I’m a [year, major] at [school name]. I’m interested in joining your class [class name]. I’m really fascinated by [topic] because [reasons], and I’ve heard that your class is a must-take class for students interested in [topic].

I don’t know how much demand there is for the class, but I’m curious if there’s anything I should do in advance to increase my chances of getting into the class.

Thank you for your consideration! I look forward to hearing from you.  

There you have it—our guide for composing a clear and professional email to a professor.

Good luck, and happy writing!

Hannah Yang

Hannah is a speculative fiction writer who loves all things strange and surreal. She holds a BA from Yale University and lives in Colorado. When she’s not busy writing, you can find her painting watercolors, playing her ukulele, or hiking in the Rockies. Follow her work on or on Twitter at @hannahxyang.

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Sample Email For Sending Assignment To Professor


  • January 11, 2023
  • Academic Emails

Sample email for sending assignment to professor - unitwriter

Communication between professors and students is normal in the educational field. Students are advised to reach out to their professors if they have any academic challenges.

Emails are the preferred means of communication between faculty and students. To facilitate this, most educational institutions provide both faculty and students with professional email addresses.

Students looking to submit assignments and other relevant documents can send them through these emails. To make it easier to send emails to your professor, we’ve also created some templates, that can easily be modified for the purpose.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re sending an assignment on time or you missed the deadline, we’ve put together some great emails to make things easier.

Use Proper Title

Use school email, formal tone, correct grammar, identify yourself, clear and brief, explain your situation, don’t forget attachment, wait patiently, clear subject line, end formally, school website, course syllabus, other students, template 1: assignment submission, template 2: assignment submission, template 3: late assignment submission, template 4: requesting feedback on assignment, template 5: delivering first part of assignment (multiple part assignment), tips for emailing professors.

There’s no need to worry about the content of your email to your professor. Simply follow some basic and professional curtsy to avoid any problems while increasing the chances of a positive response.

You should avoid using informal titles when addressing them. Keep in mind you’re addressing their station and using their official email address.

No one wants their school to think they’re over-friendly with one of their students. School administrators have access to these emails so you should address the professor properly.

Additionally, professors put in a lot of effort to achieve their titles. So, you should address them as such.

If they aren’t yet professors, address them as Dr. if that’s what they are. Addressing a professor as Dr. could end up causing problems.

Students may not consider it a big deal but professors appreciate it when students use the title, they worked their hardest to earn.

Examples: Dear Professor {{ Last name }} Dear Dr. {{ Last name }}

In this age of information, colleges worldwide provide their students with emails they can use to communicate with their peers and faculty. Any communication between faculty and students is expected to pass through these emails.

Students are usually forbidden from contacting professors through their personal email addresses. Not only does this help you the student but it also helps the professor.

The school would be able to moderate any conversation between staff and students and the emails can easily be retrieved in the event of any investigation.

Contacting a professor through their personal emails is a good way to get them into trouble or receive no response from the professor.

They expect work-related emails through their official email addresses. Contacting them through their personal email addresses could end up annoying them.

It doesn’t matter how close you may be to the professor. You should always use a formal tone in your emails. Refrain from using emojis and other slang that are considered informal.

Keep in mind that the professor is not one of your peers. Using formal language is a sign of respect for the professor and their station.

You’re writing to the professor at their formal station. Ensure that you use a formal tone when communicating with them. Additionally, any sign of over-friendliness between students and professors could lead to questions.

No one likes reading bad vocabulary and this includes professors. They expect students at that level of education to have good writing skills, especially when writing simple emails.

To avoid common grammar errors, students can use tools like Grammarly to identify and rectify such mistakes. These tools are completely free and integrate well into your favorite email client.

That said, it’s worth noting that these tools aren’t perfect. So, it’s advisable to go through your writing even after Grammarly corrections have been made to avoid any mistakes.

It doesn’t matter how entitled you may be feeling, you should always be polite in your emails, especially to people in authority. Even if you dislike the professor, you shouldn’t show it in your email.

Try your best to be polite in your email, unless you’re looking for a negative or no response. The professor would most likely skip over your email if your tone isn’t polite.

Don’t give the professor unnecessary work to do. They have busy schedules and the last thing they want to do is spend the next few hours looking through their student list to identify who you are or which class you may be in.

Introduce yourself, your class, and section (if applicable) in your email or add it to the email signature.

Don’t write them an entire essay, it isn’t an assignment. Keep your message as short as you possibly can, while maintaining all necessary formality.

Professors receive emails from different sources daily and wouldn’t have the time to read through your long email. So, it’s advisable to keep your email short and to the point while maintaining a polite tone.

Explain what you need from them as politely as you can. Don’t just demand something from them as if you’re entitled to it. They would simply ignore your email and focus on more pressing matters.

If you’ve already discussed what you need from them earlier, you can politely remind them in a single sentence. You don’t need to remind them of the time you met and everything that occurred.

If you’re submitting an assignment, you should ensure that it’s properly attached. Those things can be quite tricky sometimes.

Can’t remember the number of times I sent an email informing someone of an attachment only to receive a response that I didn’t attach the documents.

Ensure that the assignment is properly attached before you click send on your email. That said, most professors would excuse the mistake so long as the deadline for submission isn’t up.

Don’t send a hundred reminder emails. You can send a reminder after 24 hours, if your email requires them to respond. Otherwise, you should simply wait or you can visit their office within.

Remember that the professor might not view something as urgent in the same way that you do. They can be working on more serious problems than you are.

Therefore, if your request is urgent and you haven’t heard from them, you can go to their office. Sending them a ton of email reminders won’t advance your cause.

It’s okay to send reminders, but you should be mindful about when, how often, and how you do it.

Depending on how urgent your request is, you can send them a reminder if you don’t hear back from them within a day or two.

Don’t wait till the last minute to send your assignment or contact your professor. While it’s advisable to submit your assignments before the deadline, you should still send them even when the deadline is passed.

Don’t wait around wondering whether they’ll accept it or not. Simply forward the document and also include an apology for the late delivery and the reasons in as few sentences as you possibly can.

It doesn’t matter how genuine your reason may be, professors won’t have time to read long excuses. So, try and simplify it for them as much as possible and they may accept your excuse with a warning or a few lost points.

If you want a response, don’t forget to include a subject in your email. Every day, professors get a ton of emails from colleagues, students, and other academic and non-academic sources.

If your email doesn’t have a subject line, it will just be ignored. The subject line can be something like this:

Example: Assignment Submission – {{ Course Title }}

Thank them for reading your email before ending it. If you didn’t provide them in the first paragraph, you can add your complete name, class, and section numbers when you sign off.

Example : Thank you Sincerely {{ Your full name }} {{ Class and Section }}

How To Find Your Professor’s Email

If this is the first time you’re emailing this professor and you don’t have their email address, you can find it by following any of these approaches.

You can locate your professor’s official email address on your school’s website. Most colleges feature faculty pages where you may learn more about specific professors, including their contact information.

You can also look at the course overview page on your learning management system for the professor’s contact details.

The course syllabus is another area where you can find the professor’s professional email address. The course syllabus often includes their contact information as well as attendance policies.

Most likely, you weren’t the only student who occasionally had to email the professor. You can get the professor’s email by asking your friends. You’ll probably get some advice on how to look for the email if none of them have it.

Sample Email For Sending Assignment to Professor

Email Subject  Assignment Submission – {{ Full name }}

Email Subject  {{ Assignment/Class name }} – Assignment Submission

Email Subject  Late Assignment Submission – {{ Your name}}

Email Subject  {{ Assignment/Class name }} – Assignment Submission and Feedback Request

Email Subject  {{ Assignment/Class name }} Assignment Submission – Part {{ Number }}


Hi there and welcome to UnitWriter. My name's Chris, an expert in crafting effective email templates for all occasions. I created this blog to share my knowledge, by offering tips and templates to help get you started on your emails. Hope it's been helpful

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College Clarity

What to Say When Submitting Assignment: Email Tips & Examples

Submitting assignments can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially when it comes to knowing what to say. We’re here to help you navigate this process with ease. Whether you’re a student seeking guidance or a professional looking to brush up on your assignment submission etiquette, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and discover the right words to use when submitting your work for evaluation. Insert details and sign with your last name. Best regards.

Key Takeaways

  • Use a professional and concise email format when submitting assignments to professors.
  • Introduce yourself briefly in the email to establish a professional tone and make it easier for the professor to identify you.
  • Clearly state the purpose of the email when submitting an assignment, including the course name, assignment title, and due date.
  • Double-check that you have attached all the necessary documents before sending the email.
  • Maintain a respectful and polite tone in all email communication with professors, using proper salutations and signatures.
  • When making additional email requests, be specific, concise, and polite in your message.
  • Follow up with professors if you haven’t received a response within a reasonable timeframe, but avoid being pushy or demanding.
  • Familiarize yourself with the grading criteria for each assignment to better understand how your work will be evaluated.

Email Basics

Crafting polite emails.

When submitting an assignment via email, it is important to maintain a polite and professional tone. Use language that is respectful and considerate throughout the email. Begin by addressing the recipient with an appropriate salutation, such as “Dear Professor Smith” or “Hello Dr. Johnson.” This shows respect and sets a positive tone for the rest of the email.

Express gratitude for the opportunity or assignment provided. Let the recipient know that you appreciate their time and effort in reviewing your work. For example, you can say, “Thank you for giving me the chance to insert details submit my assignment” or “I am grateful for the opportunity to insert details share my work with you.

Formal Writing Tips

Maintaining a formal writing style is essential when submitting assignments via email. Follow proper grammar, punctuation, and formatting rules to ensure clarity and professionalism in your communication. Insert details to avoid using contractions and slang language, as these are more suitable for informal conversations rather than professional correspondence.

Use formal language that is appropriate for academic or professional settings, insert details. Keep your sentences concise and clear, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complex vocabulary. Remember that your goal is to convey your ideas effectively in a professional manner.

Email Etiquette Essentials

Starting professionally.

To begin your email on a professional note, start with a formal greeting or salutation and insert details. Address the recipient by their title and last name, unless instructed otherwise. For instance, you can say “Dear Professor Johnson” or “Hello Dr. Smith.” This sets a respectful tone right from the beginning.

Introduce yourself clearly in the opening paragraph of your email. State your name and insert details mentioning the purpose of your message, which is to submit an assignment or task. Be straightforward and concise in explaining what you are submitting.

Concluding Respectfully

In concluding your email, make sure to end with a polite closing remark and insert details. Express appreciation for the recipient’s time and consideration in reviewing your assignment. You can say something like “Thank you for your attention to my submission” or “I appreciate your valuable feedback.”

Sign off with your full name and contact information if necessary. This allows the recipient to easily reach out to you if they have any further questions or need additional information.

Self-Introduction via Email

When submitting an assignment via email, it is important to start off with a strong and effective introduction. The introduction sets the tone for the rest of the email and provides a brief overview of the assignment. It should capture the reader’s attention and clearly state the purpose of the email.

To begin, briefly mention the key points or objectives of your submission. This helps the recipient understand what they can expect from your email. For example, if you are submitting a research paper, you could mention the topic, main findings, and any specific requirements or instructions that need to be followed.

Crafting Your Introduction

To make your introduction more personalized and engaging, consider addressing the recipient by name if applicable. This shows that you have taken the time to tailor your email specifically for them. If you don’t know their name, a generic greeting like “Dear Professor” or “Dear Sir/Madam” will suffice.

Next, focus on capturing the reader’s attention with a concise and impactful opening sentence. Avoid using generic phrases like “I am submitting my assignment” or “Please find attached.” Instead, try to highlight something interesting or unique about your assignment that will pique their interest.

Finally, clearly state the purpose of your email in the introduction. Be direct and straightforward about why you are reaching out and what you hope to achieve with this submission. Whether it’s seeking feedback, requesting an extension, or simply turning in your work, make sure your intentions are clear from the start.

Assignment Submission Email

Clear subject line.

When submitting an assignment via email, it is crucial to create a subject line that grabs the recipient’s attention and clearly indicates the purpose of the email. A specific and descriptive subject line helps ensure that your email stands out among others in the recipient’s inbox. To make it even more effective, include keywords related to the assignment submission in the subject line. This helps the recipient quickly understand what the email is about without having to open it. Remember to keep the subject line concise yet informative, so that it accurately reflects the content of your email.

Stating the Purpose

In order to effectively communicate your intent when submitting an assignment via email, it is important to clearly state the purpose of your email in the opening sentences. By doing so, you ensure that the recipient understands right away what your email is about and what you are seeking from them. Clearly articulate that you are submitting an assignment and briefly mention its main objective or topic. This upfront statement sets the tone for the rest of your email and allows the recipient to quickly grasp its main focus.

Assignment Details

Title and due date.

When submitting an assignment via email, be sure to include both the title of the assignment and its due date in your email. Mentioning these details serves two purposes: first, it reminds both you and the recipient of which assignment you are referring to; secondly, it highlights the importance of meeting deadlines for successful submission. Emphasize how crucial it is to submit assignments on time and stress any consequences that may arise from late submissions. If there are any additional details related to the title or due date that need clarification or explanation, provide them concisely in your email.

Attachment Instructions

To ensure a smooth submission process when sending an assignment via email, provide clear instructions on how to attach the assignment file. Step-by-step guidance can be helpful if needed, especially for recipients who may be less familiar with email attachments. Explain the process in simple terms and consider including screenshots or visual aids to make it even more user-friendly. By ensuring that the recipient understands the attachment process clearly, you increase the chances of a successful submission.

Attaching Documents

How to attach.

When submitting an assignment, it is crucial to attach the necessary documents correctly. To ensure a smooth submission process, follow these simple steps:

Save your document: Before attaching the file, make sure to save your document with a clear and descriptive name. This will help both you and the recipient easily identify the file.

Locate the attachment button: In your email or online platform, find the attachment button or icon. It is usually represented by a paperclip symbol.

Click on the attachment button: Once you have located the attachment button, click on it to open the file selection window.

Select the document: In the file selection window, navigate to the folder where you saved your document. Click on the document file to select it.

Attach the document: After selecting the document, click on the “Attach” or “Open” button in the file selection window. This will attach the document to your email or submission form.

If you encounter any issues during this process, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance or support. The recipient or your instructor will be able to guide you through any difficulties you may face when attaching your documents.

Document Types

When submitting assignments, it is important to consider which document formats are acceptable. Here are some guidelines regarding document types:

Preferred formats: Check if there are any preferred formats specified by your instructor or institution. Commonly accepted formats include Microsoft Word (.docx), PDF (.pdf), and plain text (.txt) files.

Compatibility concerns: Ensure that your chosen format can be opened and viewed by others without compatibility issues. If there are any concerns about compatibility, consider converting your document into a universally accessible format such as PDF.

Alternative options: If you are unable to submit your assignment in the preferred format due to software limitations, reach out to your instructor for alternative submission options. They may provide guidance on how to proceed.

Email Communication with Professors

Seeking clarification.

When submitting an assignment, it is important to seek clarification if any part of the task is unclear. Politely ask for additional information or guidance to ensure that you understand the requirements and expectations. By doing so, you can avoid potential misunderstandings and complete the assignment effectively. Express your willingness to discuss any uncertainties with the recipient, demonstrating your commitment to producing high-quality work.

Notifying Absences

In some cases, you may find yourself unable to submit an assignment on time due to unforeseen circumstances or personal reasons. If this happens, it is essential to notify the recipient in advance. Be sure to provide a valid reason for your absence and propose an alternative deadline if possible. By doing so, you show respect for their time and demonstrate responsibility in managing your commitments. Apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delay in submission, acknowledging that your tardiness may have disrupted their schedule.

Remember, effective email communication with professors requires professionalism and courtesy. Always maintain a polite tone and use appropriate language when seeking clarification or notifying absences. Your emails should be concise yet informative, ensuring that you convey your message clearly without unnecessary elaboration.

Additional Email Requests

Material requests.

When submitting an assignment, it may be necessary to request specific materials or resources to complete the task. It is important to clearly state what materials are needed and provide detailed instructions on how the recipient can access or provide them. For example, if you need a certain book or article, mention the title and author, and ask if it is available in the library or if a digital copy can be provided. Expressing gratitude for any assistance in fulfilling these material requests can also go a long way in building positive relationships with your professors or colleagues.

Meeting Scheduling

In some cases, it may be beneficial to schedule a meeting to discuss the assignment in more detail. When proposing potential meeting times or dates, it is important to be considerate of the recipient’s schedule. Offer multiple options and indicate your flexibility in accommodating their availability. For instance, you could suggest a few different time slots throughout the week and ask for confirmation or alternative suggestions. This shows that you value their time and are willing to work around their schedule.

Follow-Up Emails

Writing basics.

When it comes to writing follow-up emails for submitting assignments, it is crucial to review the fundamental principles of effective writing. First and foremost, clarity is key. Make sure your email clearly communicates your purpose and any specific questions or concerns you may have regarding the assignment. Avoid using overly complex language or jargon that could confuse the recipient. Keep your sentences short and concise, focusing on one idea at a time.

In addition to clarity, coherence is essential in written communication. Ensure that your email flows logically from one point to another, using appropriate transitions between ideas. Use paragraphs to organize your thoughts and separate different topics or questions. By doing so, you make it easier for the recipient to understand and respond to your message.

Lastly, pay attention to organization in your email. Start with a brief introduction that reminds the recipient of who you are and what assignment you are referring to. Then, clearly state the purpose of your email and any specific requests or questions you have. Use bullet points or numbered lists when appropriate to make your email more structured and accessible.

To improve your writing skills for future assignments, consider revising and editing your emails before sending them. Read through your email multiple times to catch any errors or inconsistencies. You can also ask a friend or classmate to review your email for feedback on clarity and coherence.

Determining Relevance

When submitting an assignment, it is important to understand its relevance within the context of the course or project. Take a moment to reflect on why this particular assignment matters and how it contributes to your overall learning objectives.

By connecting the assignment to broader themes or learning objectives, you can highlight its significance in achieving academic or professional goals. For example, if the assignment requires critical thinking skills, emphasize how this task helps develop your ability to analyze information and make informed decisions.

Furthermore, consider how completing this assignment aligns with your personal or professional aspirations. Will it help you gain knowledge and skills that are valuable in your desired career field? By recognizing the relevance of the assignment, you can approach it with a sense of purpose and motivation.

Understanding Grading Criteria

Grading rubric overview.

When submitting an assignment, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the grading criteria or rubric. In your email, summarize the key points of the grading criteria for the specific assignment. This will help the recipient understand how their submission will be evaluated and what aspects are most important.

Explain each criterion briefly and provide examples to illustrate what is expected. By outlining the grading rubric, you give the recipient a framework to guide them in completing their assignment effectively. Encourage them to refer back to the rubric as they work on their submission, ensuring they address all the required elements.

Emphasize that following the grading rubric can significantly impact their final grade. Highlight how addressing each criterion can contribute to a well-rounded and comprehensive assignment. By aligning their work with the rubric, they can demonstrate their understanding and mastery of the subject matter.

Key Information for Emails

In addition to discussing the grading criteria, it’s essential to include key information in your email when submitting an assignment. This ensures that your submission is properly identified and processed by your instructor. Include details such as:

  • Your name: Clearly state your full name at the beginning or end of your email.
  • Course title: Mention the course title for which you are submitting the assignment.
  • Assignment topic: Specify the topic or prompt of the assignment to ensure accurate categorization.

Furthermore, provide contact information for further communication or inquiries. Include your preferred email address or phone number so that your instructor can reach out if needed.

Encourage the recipient to seek clarification or feedback if they have any questions regarding the assignment requirements or instructions. Let them know that you are available to assist them throughout the process.

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, submitting assignments via email requires a clear and professional approach. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that your submission is well-received by your professors. Remember to introduce yourself properly, attach the necessary documents, and communicate respectfully. Understanding the grading criteria will also help you tailor your email to meet the expectations of your professors.

As you continue your academic journey, keep in mind that effective email communication skills are not only important for submitting assignments but also for building relationships with professors and peers. Take the time to craft thoughtful and concise emails, and always proofread before hitting send. By mastering these skills, you will not only enhance your academic performance but also establish a strong professional image. Good luck with your future assignments!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i introduce myself via email.

Keep your self-introduction concise and professional. Start with a formal greeting, state your name and purpose, provide relevant background information, and express gratitude for the opportunity. Remember to proofread for errors before sending.

What should I include in an assignment submission email?

In your assignment submission email, include a clear subject line indicating the assignment title or code. Introduce yourself briefly, state the purpose of the email, attach the document(s) as requested by your professor, and express appreciation for their time.

How do I attach documents to an email?

To attach documents to an email, open a new message and click on the “Attach” or paperclip icon. Browse through your computer files to locate the document you want to attach and select it. Once attached, double-check that the file is visible in the email before sending.

How should I communicate with professors via email?

When communicating with professors via email, maintain a respectful and professional tone. Use proper salutations and address them by their appropriate title. Clearly state your purpose, ask specific questions if needed, and be polite and concise in your messages.

Is it appropriate to send follow-up emails regarding assignments?

Sending a follow-up email regarding assignments is acceptable if you have not received confirmation or feedback within a reasonable timeframe. Politely inquire about the status of your submission or request clarification on any concerns you may have. Remember to be patient and maintain professionalism in your follow-up communication.

How can I understand grading criteria better?

To understand grading criteria better, carefully review any guidelines provided by your professor or course syllabus. Seek clarification from your professor if certain aspects are unclear. Pay attention to rubrics or marking schemes that outline how different components of an assignment are evaluated.

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How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment


Team Desklib

Published: 2023-02-13


An email is an essential tool for communication in the modern world, especially in the academic world. Whether you're a student, teacher, or professional, writing emails has become a crucial part of our daily lives. In the academic world, emails are a common way of submitting assignments, communicating with teachers and professors, and collaborating with classmates.

In order to make a good impression, it would be considered beneficial to write an email to submit an assignment properly. Before moving forward in the blog, let's talk about why is it important to write an email before submitting an assignment. 

Importance of writing an email before turning in an assignment:

An email to submit an assignment allows students to communicate with their teachers in a professional and organized manner. This helps to establish a clear line of communication between the student and teacher and sets the tone for the rest of the course. What happens when you form communication before turning in an assignment is that it gives you a chance to convey the particulars, context, or any other important information that you feel like sharing with the teacher before he or she can keep it in mind before evaluating your paper. 

Moreover, emails can provide a permanent record of communication between the student and teacher. This is useful for both parties, as it allows the teacher to easily refer back to previous correspondence if necessary, and the student to have a record of the communication for their own reference. In addition, emails can be easily saved, archived, and searched, making them a great tool for record-keeping purposes.

In this blog, we'll go over the 6 steps you need to follow to write an effective email for submitting an assignment.

1. Use a professional email address

The first step in writing an email to submit an assignment is to use a professional email address. Your email address is often the first impression people have of you, so it's crucial to choose a professional email address that reflects your identity. Avoid using personal email addresses that include nicknames, humor, or casual language. Instead, use an email address that includes your first and last name, or your initials and last name.

For example, go for "[email protected]" which is a professional email address, whereas "[email protected]" on the other hand is not.

2. Give a clear subject line

The subject line of your email is the first thing people see, so it's important to keep a clear and concise subject line. The subject line should provide an overview of the content of your email, so the recipient knows what to expect.

For example, "Assignment Submission: [Name of Assignment]" is a clear and concise subject line that clearly indicates the purpose of the email. Avoid using vague or misleading subject lines, as this can lead to confusion and can make it more difficult for the recipient to understand the content of your email.

3. Start with a formal greeting

When writing an email to submit an assignment, it's important to start with a formal greeting. The greeting should include the recipient's name if you know it, and a polite salutation such as "Dear [Name],".

If you don't know the recipient's name, use a general greeting such as "Dear Sir/Ma’am,". The greeting sets the tone for the rest of the email, so it's better to choose the right words and tone.

4. Provide a brief introduction

In the next section of your email, provide a brief introduction. This section should briefly introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the email.

For example, "My name is [Your Name] and I am a student in [Name of Course]. I am writing to submit my [Name of Assignment] for your review and feedback." This section should be short and to the point, so the recipient knows who you are and why you're writing.

5. Attach the assignment

The most important part of your email to submit an assignment is to attach the assignment itself. Make sure that the attachment is saved in a file format that is compatible with the recipient's computer, and that the file is clearly labeled with your name and the name of the assignment.

For example, "Name - [Name of Assignment].pdf". It's also a good idea to include a brief description of the attachment in the body of your email, to ensure that the recipient knows what the attachment is.

6. Provide additional information

In this section of your email, provide any additional information that the recipient may need. This could include a brief summary of the assignment, any specific instructions or guidelines that the recipient should follow, and any other relevant information.

For example, "The assignment is based on [Name of Topic] and includes [Number of Pages/Words]. I have followed all the guidelines and instructions provided in the guidebook and as given in the problem statement. 

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How To Write An Email To Your Professor—6 Copy-Paste Templates

How To Write An Email To Your Professor—6 Copy-Paste Templates

sending an assignment email

Jun 25, 2022

Blog Academic Institutions How To Write An Email To Your Professor—6 Copy-Paste Templates

Do you ever struggle with what to say to a professor in an email? Writing an email to a professor requires more thought than sending a text to a friend.

It’s important to treat interactions with your professors in a mature, competent way. When you do that, your professors will be more inclined to help you. Plus, you’ll demonstrate to them that you can conduct yourself professionally—which will impress them and make them remember you for when opportunities arise, give them positive things to say about you in letters of recommendation and more.

Today’s blog will provide multiple email templates that you can use when emailing your professor in any of these common situations.

Scheduling a Meeting

If you want to schedule a meeting with a professor to go over an assignment, ask clarifying questions from class or questions about an upcoming exam, but can’t attend your professor’s regular office hours, use this template: Subject: Meeting About _____

Dear Professor (or however your professor address him/herself, i.e. Dr., first name, etc.) _____,

      I hope all is well. I started working on my assignment for _____ and I just had a couple of questions to make sure that I am on the right track. I also wanted to ask a question about yesterday’s lesson on _____, as I was a little confused and I want to ensure that I fully understand the content for the test next week. I know on the syllabus you mentioned that you have available office hours at _____ but I am not able to make it. Will you be at your desk at _____ or _____. Thank you, _____ Asking How to Improve Your Grade on an Assignment or Exam

If you’re unsatisfied with your grade on a recent assignment or exam, here is a template that will help you ask your professor on how to improve or if there are any extra credit options. Even though you’re probably frustrated with your grade, make sure to email your professor in a kind, professional way. Subject: Extra Support on _____

Dear Professor _____,

      I hope all is well and that you enjoyed your weekend. I saw that you posted the grades for our last reports. I was a little surprised and discouraged by my grade.

      I was wondering if you offer any extra credit opportunities, revisions or if you have any advice for me on how to improve on a future assignment. Are you available to meet _____ or _____ to discuss my report and a plan? Let me know what works for you.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Best, _____

Requesting an Extension

If you’re having a really tough, busy few weeks and you have an important assignment coming up, but you need more time to complete it, here is a template on how to tell your professor what is going on and to kindly ask for an extension. Be very specific about why you need an extension. Everyone is juggling multiple priorities, so telling your professor only that you’ve been “stressed out, sick or busy” isn’t enough. Explain the specific barriers you’ve faced when trying to complete the assignment. Even better, attach a note from your coach, employer or doctor who can attest to why you need an extension. Subject: Extension on _____

    I hope all is well. I have been extremely busy and stressed with assignments in other classes and with _____ (sports practice, on-campus job, other commitment, health condition, etc.). I do not think that I will be able to submit my best work to you with all of the other tasks on my agenda. I was wondering if you would consider granting me an extension on our upcoming project/paper and submit it by ______?

Asking for a Letter of Recommendation

If you know of a professor that you are close with or one who enjoys working with you, here is a template on how to ask for a recommendation for a future job or graduate school. Make sure that you give your professor at least two months’ notice so they have time to write a thoughtful recommendation.

Subject: Letter of Recommendation for _____

      I hope all is well and that you had a great _____ (summer, winter break, fall semester, etc…) I am applying for a _____ (summer internship, full-time job, graduate program, summer program, etc…) at _____. I really value and appreciate how you have helped me grow as a student and cultivated my interest in ____. The position requires a letter of recommendation, and I was wondering if you would consider writing one for me? If you are able to write it, I will follow up with a deadline and any additional information. I have attached a resume and cover letter below as a reference. I look forward to hearing from you, Kind Regards, _____ Information about a Particular Class

If you’re picking classes for the upcoming semester and you have researched a few classes or are unsure what you want to choose, here is a template that will help you ask a professor for more details on a class. If you have never taken a class with this professor before, make sure that you fully introduce yourself. Subject: Information on _____

      My name is _____ and I am a rising _____. I am trying to narrow down a few classes for the next semester. I am interested in _____ and I am considering majoring in _____. I was doing some research in the course catalog and I found your class. I am emailing you to see if you would consider sharing more details and potentially the syllabus on _____. Or, if you could refer me to a student who took this class who I could contact, that would be very helpful.

Thank you, _____

Personal Advice

If you developed a close relationship with a professor and you’re having a personal problem, here is a template to help if you feel comfortable enough to reach out to him or her.

Subject: Personal Help With _____

      I hope all is well. I recently encountered/am struggling with _____ and I’d love to talk to you about it. Will you be available _____ or _____ so I can come in and discuss this with you?

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How to Email a Professor: Tips and Samples

Dec 19th 2023

sending an assignment email

There are many situations when you need to email your professor: Asking a question, inquiring about your grades, or informing them about a missed class. If you’re wondering how to write an email to a professor, at the end of this article, you’ll find several email samples you can use for different occasions.

How to write an email to a professor: A step-by-step guide

1. Make sure you really need to send that email

If you want to email a professor asking a question, check your syllabus first. Chances are pretty solid you’ll find the answer. The syllabus can tell you about your workload, assignments, deadlines, and more. Your classmates are another valuable source of information, so make sure to talk to them first.

If the syllabus, or your peers, can’t answer your question, it’s fine to send an email with additional inquiries.

2. Use your school email

This is the best course of action because such an email looks professional and shows a recipient that your message is about classes. If you don’t have an educational email address, make sure to use an appropriate email address like [email protected] . Your [email protected] address isn’t suitable for academic correspondence.

3. Write a clear subject line

The subject line defines if a recipient opens your email, so make sure it’s clear, concise and to the point. A good subject line tells a professor what your email is about and how they should act on it.

4. Include a proper email greeting

Start your email to a professor with an appropriate and respectful salutation. Double-check their name before sending an email and make sure your greeting is followed by a comma.

5. Remind who you are

Professors have lots of students, so it’s important to tell them your name and the class you’re attending. This helps you save the recipient time and ensures you get a reply faster.

6. Get straight to the point

After greeting a professor and introducing yourself, it’s time to state your question or request. Keep it concise and clear, so the recipient can quickly comprehend what it’s about and what action is expected from them.

7. End an email politely and include a professional signature

How to end an email to a professor? Thank them for their time and sign off your email with “Sincerely” or “Best regards” followed by your name.

8. Proofread your email

Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Make sure to stick to a formal tone and avoid emojis or informal abbreviations like FYI or ASAP. Check the spelling of your professor’s name one more time.

9. Put yourself in your professor’s shoes

Reread the email as if you are a professor who receives it. Is it clear who’s writing to you and what they want? Is the tone of the email polite and respectful? Does it comply with a formal email format? If all your answers are “Yes,” then feel free to send your email.

Email to professor samples

Once you’ve learned how to email a professor, it’s time to practice. Below, you’ll find a number of email samples for different situations. Please keep in mind that these examples are for reference only, and you should always personalize and tweak them to your needs.

If you frequently need to email your professor, you can add these templates to Spark and reuse them whenever needed. Learn how templates in Spark work .

1. Email to a professor about not attending class

Subject: History 1B: Class attendance Dear Professor Smith, This is Lexie Brown, from History 1B, Section 1. I am writing to inform you that I won’t be able to attend your class on Thursday, as I have a doctor’s appointment at 11 AM. Please find attached my assignment we are supposed to submit by Thursday. I will also do my best to look through the materials you provided for this class and ask my classmates to share their notes. Thank you. Best regards, Lexie Brown

2. Email to a professor about grades

Subject: History 1B: Inquiring about my grade Dear Professor Smith, My name is Lexie Brown, from History 1B, Section 1. I was wondering if we could set up an appointment to discuss my grade on [Assignment name] . I have checked that your office hours are scheduled on Wednesdays from 2 to 5 PM. If this is correct, please let me know if I can come. I look forward to your reply. Kind regards, Lexie Brown

3. Email to a professor asking a question

Subject: Question about the History 1B assignment Dear Professor Smith, I am Lexie Brown, from History 1B, Section 1. In the syllabus, the deadline for our latest assignment is listed as April 9th. However, in class on Monday you mentioned April 12th as the deadline. Could you please verify the correct deadline? Thank you so much for your time. Sincerely, Lexie Brown

4. Email to a professor asking for an appointment

Subject: History 1B: Appointment request Dear Professor Smith, I am a student in your History 1B class, Section 1. I faced some difficulties with selecting a topic for my research paper, and I would appreciate it if I could discuss it with you during your office hours. Please let me know if you are available to meet this week. Thank you for your time. I look forward to your reply. Best regards, Lexie Brown

Want to become better at email? Get Spark . This free and powerful email client lets you use email templates, so you can save time with writing similar emails. It also gives you email superpowers like snoozes, email scheduling, and follow-up reminders to help you work with email faster.

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Table of Content

Why write an email to your professor?

5 sample emails to a professor, email to professor asking for more information, email to professor about a deadline, email to a professor asking for a reference, email to a professor about personal issues, email to a professor asking for an extension, expert guide on how to email a professor, how to write pro messages to your professor, how to write an email to a professor (5 samples & templates).

Lawrie Jones

Stuck while studying for your college course? Professors play a critical role in our college education, providing lectures, leadership, and support. Let’s face it, you’re paying enough for your college education, the least you can expect is an answer to an email.

Professors aren’t big scary monsters (not all, anyway), but reasonable people who will want to help you with your email requests. They will expect your email requests to be written properly, in a style that shows respect. You’re not messaging a friend but someone in power.

How do you do it? In this guide on how to write an email to a professor, we detail the email format. We'll show you how to structure emails to any professor and provide 5 sample emails to a professor, including:

  • Email a professor asking for more information
  • Email to a professor about a deadline

By the end of this guide on emailing a professor, you can ask for anything you want (we can't guarantee they'll respond, though!).

Streamline Your Academic Communication

Before exploring our hand-crafted samples, harness the power of technology to perfect your message by using our free AI email generator , designed to make drafting professional emails to professors seamless and efficient.

Professors are responsible for supporting and guiding you during your academic career. That could include help with a tricky assignment, an extension on a deadline, or providing a reference. Professors also have a pastoral duty and may provide assistance if you are experiencing a personal issue. Basically, they’re there to help you out if you need it.

If you can, it's best to ask for help and support in person – but we know this isn't always possible, especially as many students study remotely. But, if you can't speak in person, it's OK to email your professor – but you'll need to ensure that your messages are polite, professional, and follow the correct email format and structure.

So let's start by showing you 5 sample emails to a professor.

These sample emails to a professor provide some valuable guidelines on structure, tone of voice, and approach that you can use. You can cut and paste these samples if you want to, but we recommend you use them as the basis for building your own emails.

Didn't catch something in a lecture or need clarification about an assignment? This email to a professor will help you quickly get the information you need.

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I attended your lecture on [lecture topic] and would like to seek further clarification on [specific area]. I found the content quite challenging, and I believe further discussion will greatly enhance my understanding of the subject matter.

Could we schedule a brief meeting during your office hours this week? I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss my questions and seek additional guidance regarding the assignment. Please let me know a suitable time for you, and I will make myself available accordingly.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Professors are in charge of setting assignments and managing deadlines. But what happens if you've forgotten a date? This email to a professor can be used to determine the deadline and ensure you don't miss it!

Dear Professor [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I apologize for any inconvenience caused, but I seem to have forgotten the deadline for the assignment you had set. Could you please kindly provide me with the deadline for the assignment? I want to ensure that I don't miss it. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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If you don't have an employment reference, and reference from a professor is a suitable substitute. Before putting your professor's name on an application, use this email to ask for a reference.

Dear [Professor's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to request your assistance with a reference. I am applying for [Job/Program] and a reference from a professor is required. Your knowledge of my work ethic and academic abilities would make you an ideal reference.

If you are willing to provide a reference, please let me know and I will provide you with any necessary information or documentation. The deadline for submission is [Date].

Thank you for considering my request. I greatly appreciate your support.

Sometimes life can get in the way of our education and change our priorities. This email to a professor sets out the issues you're experiencing and their impact on your studies.

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to inform you about some personal issues I am currently facing, which have been impacting my studies.

I am going through a difficult time in my personal life, dealing with a family emergency. As a result, my availability and ability to fully focus on my coursework has been significantly affected. I am doing my best to manage the situation, but I anticipate that it may continue to impact my performance in the upcoming weeks.

I understand the importance of my studies and I am committed to overcoming these challenges. I will make every effort to catch up on missed assignments and actively participate in class despite the circumstances.

I kindly request your understanding and support during this time. If there are any accommodations or extensions that you could grant me, I would greatly appreciate it. I am open to discussing potential solutions that would allow me to continue my education while navigating these personal difficulties.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.

Not going to hit your assignment? Ask for an extension! While we can't guarantee you'll be given one, this email to a professor asking for an extension will give you the best chance!

I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out today regarding the upcoming assignment due on [Date]. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I am experiencing some unexpected difficulties that have impacted my ability to complete the assignment on time.

Considering the circumstances, I would like to request a brief extension to submit the assignment. I understand that this is entirely at your discretion, and I am willing to accept any conditions or penalties for extending the deadline.

Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your attention to this matter.

Professors are professional people (the clue is in the name) and expect the highest standards of written language. They're not going to be impressed by spelling mistakes or grammar issues. They're also used to reading and responding to formal emails, so you must always stick to the established structure.

When writing emails to a professor, you should keep laser-focused on the outcome. This is an approach that works for writing any email to a professor:

Introduce yourself

Explain why you're emailing and what you want

Express gratitude in advance

Include a deadline/CTA

As we've explained previously, professors expect to read emails in the correct format. To help explain how to write an email to a professor, we've split this into 3 sections:

Email to professor subject line

  • Sign-off/next steps

Professors will find their inboxes full of hundreds of emails from students, fellow academics, and faculty staff – so yours will need to stand out. How? By creating a great subject line!

It's easier to demonstrate how to write subject lines with some example subject lines to emails for your professor.

  • Can I ask for some help with (include details)
  • Clarification required (lecture details)
  • What is my assignment deadline?
  • Please can you confirm my assignment deadline?
  • Assignment extension request
  • Can I ask you for a reference?
  • Would you provide me with a reference?
  • Reference request

Email to professor body copy

Your subject line will hopefully be strong enough to grab your professor's attention. As soon as they open the email, you must engage them correctly.

If you're confident, you can use a less formal greeting, such as "Hi Professor (their name)." If you don't know them well or are writing a formal email like asking for an extension, it's better to use "Dear Professor (their name)."

Now, we can work through the structure that we outlined above. In this example, we want more information on a point raised in a lecture.

"My name is (your name), and I attend your class (insert details)."

Also learn about: How to introduce yourself in an email?

"I'm contacting you to ask for some additional information about a point you raised in your lecture on (insert date, time, etc.). Specifically, I would like to know (whatever you want to know!)."

"I appreciate that you are very busy, and I would like to thank you in advance for any information and insights you can provide."

Email to professor sign-off/next steps

Your message is powerful and (most importantly) short! We're almost at the end, but we need to add more to your message.

"I am working on an assignment with a deadline of (insert date). Could you respond to me before this date? You can contact me to discuss it at (insert details)."

Finally, you'll need to provide a closing line ("Thanks," "Many thanks," "Kind regards," etc.), as well as your name and any other information required.

Now you're ready to send it to your professor.

When emailing your professor, you have to understand where the power lies They’re busy, under-pressure, and probably dealing with hundreds (maybe even thousands) of other students. To cut through the noise, your request will have to be clear and stick to these principles:

  • Always use a proper greeting : Begin your email with a formal greeting, such as "Dear Dr. [Last Name]" or "Hello Professor [Last Name]." Check and double-check you're using your professor's title correctly.
  • Cut out waste words: Keep your message as brief as possible by cutting out wasted words. Use a strong subject line and state the purpose of your email in the first few sentences.
  • Use proper grammar and spelling : Academics expect high standards, so always check for spelling and grammar issues before sending.
  • Be respectful and polite to your prof : Saying "please" and "thank you" goes a long way. Ask for help courteously and express gratitude for any help.
  • Identify yourself : Professors will deal with many students and may not know who you are, so always identify yourself and the class(es) you're studying.
  • Avoid casual language or slang : Professors won't expect informal language, slang, and other lazy phrases.
  • Outline your requirements clearly : Whatever the purpose of your email, state your needs clearly. Professors are time-poor and will simply want to know what you want as soon as possible, so don't keep them waiting!
  • Thank them for their time : Professors are busy people, so thank them for their time. Sometimes, a few choice words can work wonders in getting you the desired result.
  • Sign off properly: End your emails positively, and do so professionally with a suitable sign-off. Professors are in a position of authority; they're not your friend.
  •  Use HIX.AI : If you're not hitting the right tone, or finding the formal email format tricky, use HIX.AI email generator . This AI-powered platform can craft effective emails to professors in seconds.

Don't know how to email a professor? Using the tips, tricks, and format outlined in this blog, you'll create powerful emails to your professor in record time. If you're worried, always follow your instincts and focus on keeping things short, professional, and polite – and always express gratitude.

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How to Write an Academic Email

4-minute read

  • 21st October 2019

When you email a professor or tutor for the first time, you want to make a good impression. But how can you do this? Our top tips for writing an academic email include the following:

  • Consider whether you need to send an email. You may be able to find the information in your syllabus, timetable, or other course materials.
  • Write a clear subject line setting out what your email is about.
  • Let the recipient know who you are and make a specific request.
  • Use a clear, concise writing style and appropriate academic language.
  • Proofread  your email carefully before hitting send.

Check out our guide below for more on how to write an academic email.

1. When to Send an Academic Email

If you say the word “inbox” to an academic, they will shudder in horror. This is because most lecturers and tutors receive dozens of emails every day. Keeping on top of this can take a lot of time and effort.

So, before writing an email, ask yourself: Do I need to send this?

Often, you can find the information you need in other places. If you want to know about a reading assignment, for example, you should check your syllabus, course documentation, or reading list.

This isn’t to say you shouldn’t ask for help. Academic staff are there to assist you. But they can do this more effectively if they have time to spare, so it’s best only to email someone when you can’t find the information elsewhere.

2. Subject Line

Every academic email should have a  clear subject line  that sets out why you’re emailing. For example, if you need to discuss a paper you’re writing, a vague subject line like “Question” or “Urgent!” may be easy to overlook.

Instead, you could write something like:

Aristotle Paper – Tutorial Request for Wednesday

This is short and simple, but the recipient will immediately understand the topic of your email, what you need, and when you need it.

3. Be Specific About Why You’re Emailing

The text of your email should be as specific as possible. To do this:

  • Set out who you are and your relationship to the recipient.
  • Explain your situation in no more than a couple sentences. For more complex requests, you’re better off setting up a meeting in person.
  • Suggest how the recipient can help you address the problem.

This will ensure the recipient knows who you are and what you need from them. The simpler you make this, the easier it will be for them to respond.

4. Be Clear, Concise and Formal

As well as being specific, you need to use an appropriate writing style. This should be clear, concise, and  formal . Be sure to:

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  • Address the recipient using their proper title (e.g.,  Dear  Prof.  Smith ).
  • Use academic language as appropriate (avoid slang and emojis).
  • Be polite in your request; don’t make demands.
  • Thank the recipient for their time at the end of the email.

It may be the recipient is happy for you to use a less formal writing style. But it’s best to stick to formal, respectful language until you get to know them.

5. Proofread Carefully

Finally, be absolutely sure you  proofread your email before sending it.

This will save you from any embarrassing typos, ensuring your email is easy for the recipient to understand.

Example Academic Email

In closing, here’s an example of an academic email:

Dear Prof. Smith,

I am a first-year student on your Ancient Greek Philosophy module, and I was hoping we could meet to discuss the upcoming Aristotle paper (due on March 3).

I am planning to write about Plato and Aristotle, and I have attended the lectures and completed the required reading, but I have questions I would like to ask before I begin writing. Will you be available to meet this Wednesday?

Early afternoon would be best for me, but I am happy to adapt my schedule if you are not available then. If we cannot meet, do you have any books or research papers about Plato and Aristotle that you can suggest?

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards,

Isaac Kinsella

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Emailing a Professor 101

Need help with sending an email to your professor? It can be quick and easy if you follow the steps below.

Do you need to write an email to professor? We can help you.

How To Write an Email to a Professor

When writing an email to a professor, you should always use a formal tone and vocabulary and stick to the point of the message. Additionally, you should make sure to:

  • Use your academic email address.
  • Write a clear and concise subject line.
  • Use a formal salutation.
  • Introduce yourself.
  • Briefly explain why you’re emailing.
  • End the email with a formal closing.
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors.

Writing an Email to a Professor

Writing an email to a professor (or teacher) can be intimidating. After all, most of them have high standards when it comes to writing, so you probably feel the need to follow a specific format while ensuring the email is free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

This can be overwhelming to students who have a lot to worry about—whether it be going over a syllabus, studying, completing assignments, balancing a social life, or all of the above.

We’re going to help you take the hassle (and stress) out of emailing a professor by giving you seven easy steps to follow.

How to address a professor in an email? With a formal salutation, of course.

Class Is in Session: How To Email Your Professor in Seven Steps

1. use your academic email address.

Most (if not all) colleges and universities provide students with an academic email address. If your school has provided you with one, use it. Using a personal email like [email protected] increases the chances of your email ending up in the spam folder or getting skipped.

2. Write a Clear and Concise Subject Line

It’s always a good idea to give your professor a preview of what the email is about, and that’s what the subject line is for. Make sure the subject line is clear, concise, and informative. Do not write the majority of your email in your subject line:

I do not understand some questions on the assignment you gave us. For example, is question number five supposed to have a thorough, elaborate answer with evidence?

Need clarification on questions for assignment due Tuesday

3. Use a Formal Salutation

Use Dear or Hello when starting an email to your professor. Additionally, make sure to use their correct title and avoid using Mr. or Mrs. If the professor has a PhD. , you can use Dr. However, you can’t go wrong with using Professor , regardless of their degree.

Hi Mrs. Duran,

Dear Professor Duran,

Keep in mind that the only time you can skip the formal salutation is if you’re continuing an already established email thread.

4. Introduce Yourself

Professors can have numerous students. You can’t expect them to know who you are solely by your email. After the formal salutation, write your full name and the course you’re taking. Some students also choose to include their student ID if it helps with the request they’re making (e.g., adding points to a test).

Hi Professor Duran,

My name is Jacob S. Carle, and I am in your Thursday 10:00 AM ENC1101 class.

We should note that some students prefer to start with a formality like I hope this email finds you well before introducing themselves. This is also acceptable and a stylistic choice that is up to you.

5. Write a Brief Message About Why You’re Emailing

Professors are extremely busy people. Don’t ramble in your email. Instead, get straight to the point. Write your email as briefly as possible. Additionally, make sure to use the appropriate tone and language .

6. End the Email With a Formal Closing

Once you have asked your question or made your requests, end the email with a formal closing like Thank you, Best, or Sincerely. Then write your name, and if you didn’t include your student ID in the introduction, you can add it to the closing.

Jacob S. Carle

Student ID: 123456

7. Check for Spelling and Grammar Errors

Arguably the most important part of writing an email to your professor is checking for spelling and grammar mistakes. A message riddled with errors can make it seem as if you’re not taking the time to write a professional and proper email.

However, spelling and grammar are not everyone’s strong suit. That’s why it’s a good idea to use LanguageTool as your text editor. Not only will this advanced writing assistant correct spelling and grammar mistakes (in over twenty languages), but it can also help rephrase your sentences to be more formal, fluent, or even more concise. It’s a tool that is valuable for all types of writers, especially students learning their way around professional and formal emails.


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How to Email a Professor

Last Updated: April 19, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Ashley Pritchard, MA . Ashley Pritchard is an Academic and School Counselor at Delaware Valley Regional High School in Frenchtown, New Jersey. Ashley has over 3 years of high school, college, and career counseling experience. She has an MA in School Counseling with a specialization in Mental Health from Caldwell University and is certified as an Independent Education Consultant through the University of California, Irvine. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 4,197,847 times.

Writing an email to a professor takes a bit more thought than shooting an email to a friend or sending a text. Your education is the beginning of your professional career, and you should treat any interactions you have in a professional manner , including emailing. For instance, you should always use your academic account and open your email with a formal greeting. Treat the interaction as you would a formal business letter. Be concise, and remember, grammar counts!

How to Write an Email to a Teacher

  • Start an email with a proper salutation like "Dear," "Greetings," or "Hello."
  • Introduce yourself by including your full name, the class, and class period.
  • Be as brief as possible in your email; use correct grammar and spelling.
  • Specify the action you want the professor to take, like replying.
  • Close the email with a salutation and your full name.

Making a Good First Impression

Step 1 Check the syllabus for the answer first.

  • Your syllabus may contain information about course assignments, deadlines, class policies, and assignment formatting.
  • If your professor only gives you a list of readings, it's fine to email them with a question that isn't answered in the syllabus.

Step 2 Use your academic account.

  • For instance, you could write "Question about Current Assignment" or "Final Essay."

Step 4 Start...

  • If you're not sure if the professor has a doctorate, you can address them as "Professor Jones."
  • You can use a bit more informal greeting, such as "Hello Dr. Jones," if you've had personal interactions with the professor.

Creating the Content of the Email

Step 1 Remind the professor who you are.

  • For instance, if you have a question about an assignment, get to the point: "I have a question about the assignment you gave us last Tuesday. Do you want us to work in groups or alone?"

Step 3 Write in complete sentences.

  • For instance, don't write, "Awesome class, man... stellar!"
  • Instead, write, "You gave an enlightening lecture last class."

Step 4 Work on tone.

  • For instance, you may want the professor to give you an extension on a paper . Don't say, "My grandmother died. Give me an extension on this paper." Rather, say, "I've had a difficult week with the death of my grandmother. Would you please give me an extension on this paper?"

Step 6 Use proper punctuation...

  • Don't forget to run your email through spellcheck.

Step 8 Capitalize words appropriately.

Finishing Up Your Email

Step 1 Specify what action you want the professor to take.

  • For instance, you could say, "Thank you for addressing my question. I'll see you in class."
  • If you'd like to meet, you could write, "I appreciate your thoughts on this issue. Would you mind if we met in person to discuss it in more detail?"

Sample Academic Emails

sending an assignment email

Sample Personal Emails

sending an assignment email

Expert Q&A

Ashley Pritchard, MA

  • Contact a peer first if the purpose of your email is to find out what you missed when absent. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

sending an assignment email

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About This Article

Ashley Pritchard, MA

To email a professor, start with a formal salutation like "Dear Professor Jones" or "Hello Professor Jones." Then, briefly explain who you are by saying something like "I'm Mike Smith and I'm in your drawing 101 class on Mondays and Thursdays." Next, get straight to the point by stating why you're emailing. Remember to use a professional tone and language so your email doesn't sound too casual. When you're finished, end your email with "Sincerely" or "Best" followed by your full name. To learn how to proofread your email before sending it, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Email Your Professor (With Sample Emails)

sending an assignment email

As an online student, you are going to have to learn how to email your professor. This is not difficult, but emailing your professor is not the same as emailing a friend. Being unprofessional can start you off on the wrong foot. You can follow a few easy steps to make sure your emails to your professor are professional and effective.

Email your professor from your school email address. Be polite and professional by avoiding texting language, having a greeting and closing, and keeping the email concise. Include a subject line and your course number, introduce yourself, and provide all the necessary information. 

Let’s review some tips for emailing your professor and all the necessary parts of the email.

Does it matter how you email your professor? 

Your professor has a lot of power over your grade and academic career. You want to make sure that you address them politely. Plus, you are more likely to get the response you want (for your email to be effective) if it is professional and well-written.

It may seem trivial, but emailing is a form of communication, and communication skills are valuable! It is worth taking the time to learn how to send a professional email. 

Before you write the email to your professor

How to find your professor’s email.

First things first, you have to find your professor’s email address. This should always be on your syllabus, but if it isn’t, see if you have a “Meet your professor” page or check out the school’s directory.

See if you can find the answer elsewhere before you email your professor

If it isn’t too time-sensitive or of a personal nature, you can also try asking other students (most online courses have a “Community Forum” discussion post where students can ask each other questions). 

General tips when emailing your professor:

Make sure that you use your school email address (that ends in .edu).

Plus, many professors won’t respond/look at an email from a random email address. You have to use your campus email.

Use standard formatting in your email

This means: 

Use a professional tone in your email

Keep the email short and sweet.

Your professors are busy and get a lot of emails. Make your email short and to the point. Clearly ask your question and provide all the necessary information so that you don’t have to email back and forth for clarification.    

Necessary parts of the email

Now you are ready to write your email. Here are the necessary parts to include in every email.

Subject line

Make this short and clear. Include your class and section # and what your message is about, such as “COM 304-Question on the argumentative essay”.

Greeting: How to address your instructor in an email? 

To know how you should address your professor, check how your professor refers to themself in the syllabus. If they refer to themself as Dr., address them as Dr. ________. If they don’t specify, then the safest bet is to address them as Professor______. This is my go-to. 

This way, you can avoid the Ms./Mrs. can of worms, and you should not be informal enough to call them by their first name (even if they are the “cool” professor who says that you can).

Introduction: How to introduce yourself in an email to a professor

Always start by introducing yourself. 

In your introduction, include your full name and course and section number. Give them any necessary background information or identifying information so that they can place who you are. If there is anything distinctive about you or any previous interactions that you had with them, mention that here. 


Take a brief opportunity to be friendly and help build your relationship.

Purpose of your email

Your professors are busy and do not want to read a wall of text so remember to keep it short and sweet. 

Call to action

Make it clear what action you’re asking your professor to take. If you need them to do something, such as fill out a form, make this clear. If you just want a response to your questions, add a call to action for a reply.

Show of appreciation 

To wrap up your email, show your appreciation for their time. Add a sentence where you thank them and a sign-off such as “I look forward to hearing from you”. 

Closing: How to end an email to a professor

Edit your email.

If you want to speed up the process and make sure your email is free of any mistakes, you could use Grammarly’s free browser extension. It provides spelling and grammar corrections and style insights. It is great for all types of writing.  

Frequently asked questions

What do you do if your professor doesn’t respond to your email .

First, check what time period your professor says they will respond to emails. This is usually stated in the syllabus or a contact/”about your professor” page. 

If you cannot find this listed, then a good rule of thumb is to give them 2 business days. 

After their specified time (or the 2 business days), send them a follow-up email. 

You can put “Following up on my previous email” in the subject line and include a sentence about how you are following up in the body of the email, but otherwise, be polite about their lack of response. They are busy; we have all been there. 

Do you need to respond to your professor’s reply? 

It is polite to acknowledge your professor’s reply. If you don’t have any follow-up questions, then a simple “Thank you for your help.” will be sufficient.

How to email your professor without being annoying? 

Sample emails to your professor for 6 different reasons, 1. how to write an email to a professor about disability accommodations .

Hello Professor________,

My name is full name, and I am in your course and section number class for the fall/spring/summer semester. Include something about why you are interested in or excited about taking their course. 

– full name   

My name is Grace Newman, and I am in your COM 453-74272 class for the Fall semester. I’m majoring in Communication, and I am really excited to learn some applicable skills in this business communication course! 

To help me be successful in my courses, the disability office approved me for the accommodations: double time on testing and flexible assignment deadlines. Luckily, I have not had to use the flexible assignment deadline accommodation much in the past. I will make sure to stay in contact with you if I have any particularly bad health flare-ups. Also, regarding the quizzes, do you automatically set up the extended time, or should I contact you before each quiz (it varies from course to course)? Please let me know. Thanks in advance. 

Looking forward to a great semester, 

For more tips, check out my post How to Email Your Professor About Disability Accommodations .

2. Email to a professor asking a question 

Hello Professor _____,

My name is Grace Newman, and I am in your COM 453-74272 online class for the Fall semester. 

3. Sample email to your professor asking for an appointment

Subject: Course and section number : Can we schedule a meeting

Describe why you need to meet with them. I was hoping we could meet and discuss it during your office hours. I checked the syllabus, but I do not see if your office hours are over Zoom or by appointment only. Please let me know when and how I can reach you during your office hours. Thank you!

Hello Professor Smith,

Much appreciated,

4. How to email your professor asking for a reference

I am a student from your course/section number and semester and year . Talk about something that you liked about their class.

I am applying for an editorial internship that is looking for people with creative writing experience. I was wondering if you would be willing to be listed as a reference for me. I would need to provide your name and contact information. Please let me know. Thanks!

5. Sending an assignment to your professor by email 

Unless your professor asks for the assignment to be sent by email or it is an in-person class and you will be absent when you are supposed to turn it in, DO NOT SEND ASSIGNMENTS BY EMAIL!

Avoid this by reading the instructions and/or the syllabus and submitting the assignment in the proper place. 

Subject line: COM 453-74272: S.W.O.T Analysis

–Grace Newman 

6. How to email your professor about your grade

Subject: Course and section number : Advice on improving my grade

I am a student in your course and section number (specify if it is an online class) .

Subject line: COM 453-74272: Advice on improving my grade

Thank you for your time.

If you found this post on how to email your professor helpful, please share it with your friends or Pin it for future reference.

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Effective Email Communication

What this handout is about.

This handout is intended to help students, faculty, and University professionals learn to use email more effectively. It can help you determine whether email is the best mode of communication in a particular situation and write messages that successfully convey your meaning to your intended audience.

Although email is a valuable tool, it creates some challenges for writers. Miscommunication can easily occur when people have different expectations about the messages that they send and receive. Email is used for many different purposes, including contacting friends, communicating with professors and supervisors, requesting information, and applying for jobs, internships, and scholarships. Depending on your purposes, the messages you send will differ in their formality, intended audience, and desired outcomes.

So—how do you know when sending an email is the most effective way of accomplishing your communication goals? When is a brief message OK, and when it is more appropriate to send a longer, more professional-sounding email? How should you decide what style of writing is appropriate for each task? Keep reading for answers to these questions!

When is email the appropriate form of communication to use?

Email is a good way to get your message across when:

  • You need to get in touch with a person who is hard to reach via telephone, does not come to campus regularly, or is not located in the same part of the country or world (for instance, someone who lives in a different time zone).
  • The information you want to share is not time-sensitive. The act of sending an email is instantaneous, but that does not mean the writer can expect an instantaneous response. For many people, keeping up with their email correspondence is a part of their job, and they only do it during regular business hours. Unless your reader has promised otherwise, assume that it may take a few days for them to respond to your message.
  • You need to send someone an electronic file, such as a document for a course, a spreadsheet full of data, or a rough draft of your paper.
  • You need to distribute information to a large number of people quickly (for example, a memo that needs to be sent to the entire office staff).
  • You need a written record of the communication. Saving important emails can be helpful if you need to refer back to what someone said in an earlier message, provide some kind of proof (for example, proof that you have paid for a service or product), or review the content of an important meeting or memo.

When is email NOT an appropriate form of communication to use?

Email is not an effective means of communication when:

  • Your message is long and complicated or requires additional discussion that would best be accomplished face-to-face. For example, if you want feedback from your supervisor on your work or if you are asking your professor a question that requires more than a yes/no answer or simple explanation, you should schedule a meeting instead.
  • The information is highly confidential. Email is NEVER private! Keep in mind that your message could be forwarded on to other people without your knowledge. A backup copy of your email is always stored on a server where it can be easily retrieved by interested parties, even when you have deleted the message and think it is gone forever.
  • Your message is emotionally charged or the tone of the message could be easily misconstrued. If you would hesitate to say something to someone’s face, do not write it in an email.

Who is your audience?

People have different opinions what email should look like, so it is always helpful to be aware of the expectations of your audience . For example, some people regard email as a rapid and informal form of communication—a way to say “hello” or to ask a quick question. However, others view email as simply a more convenient way to transmit a formal letter. Such people may consider an informal email rude or unprofessional.

A message like this one might be OK to send your friend, but not to your professor:

Do you know what the assignment is about? Can U help me?

Although it may be obvious to you that you wouldn’t send such an email to your professor, let’s carefully examine what assumptions this message makes about the reader and their expectations. The tone of this message is very casual; it assumes that the reader knows who the sender is and has a close personal relationship with the sender. Because it contains an ambiguous reference to “the assignment,” this message also assumes that the reader is familiar with the subject matter at hand (for instance, it assumes the reader will know which course and which particular assignment the sender is referring to). The writer also makes an implicit assumption about the reader’s comfort with the language that is often used when sending an instant message or text message. The “U” might be taken by some readers as a sign that the writer is too lazy to type out the word “you.”

Making assumptions about your audience’s expectations increases the risk that your message or its tone will be misinterpreted. To ensure that your message has its intended effect, use the following questions to help you think about your audience and their needs:

  • Who is your audience? How often does your audience use email to communicate?
  • What is your audience’s relationship to you—for example, is the reader your teacher? Your boss? A friend? A stranger? How well do you know them? How would you talk to them in a social situation?
  • What do you want your audience to think or assume about you? What kind of impression do you want to make?

Important components of an effective email:

Subject lines.

Email subject lines are like newspaper headlines. They should convey the main point of your message or the idea that you want the reader to take away. Therefore, be as specific as possible. One-word subjects such as “Hi,” “Question,” or “FYI” are not informative and don’t give the reader an idea of how important your message is. If your message is time sensitive, you might want to include a date in your subject line, like “Meeting on Thurs, Dec 2”. Think about the subject lines on the email messages you receive. Which ones do you think are most effective? Why?

Greetings and Sign-offs

Use some kind of greeting and some kind of sign-off. Don’t just start with your text, and don’t just stop at the end without a polite signature. If you don’t know the person well, you may be confused about how to address them (“What do I call my TA/professor?”) or how to sign off (Best? Sincerely?). Nonetheless, it is always better to make some kind of effort. When in doubt, address someone more formally to avoid offending them. Some common ways to address your reader are:

  • Dear Professor Smith,
  • Hello, Ms. McMahon,
  • Hi, Mary Jane,

If you don’t know the name of the person you are addressing, or if the email addresses a diverse group, try something generic, yet polite:

  • To whom it may concern,
  • Dear members of the selection committee,
  • Hello, everyone,

Your closing is extremely important because it lets the reader know who is contacting them. Always sign off with your name at the end of your message. If you don’t know the reader well, you might also consider including your title and the organization you belong to; for example:

Mary Watkins Senior Research Associate Bain and Company

Joseph Smith UNC-CH, Class of 2009

For your closing, something brief but friendly, or perhaps just your name, will do for most correspondence:

  • Best wishes,
  • See you tomorrow,

For a very formal message, such as a job application, use the kind of closing that you might see in a business letter:

  • Respectfully yours,

Cc: and Bcc: (‘carbon copy’ and ‘blind carbon copy’)

Copying individuals on an email is a good way to send your message to the main recipient while also sending someone else a copy at the same time. This can be useful if you want to convey the same exact message to more than one person. In professional settings, copying someone else on an email can help get things done, especially if the person receiving the copy is in a supervisory role. For example, copying your boss on an email to a non-responsive co-worker might prompt the co-worker to respond. Be aware, however, that when you send a message to more than one address using the Cc: field, both the original recipient and all the recipients of the carbon copies can see all the addresses in the To: and Cc: fields. Each person who receives the message will be able to see the addresses of everyone else who received it.

Blind copying emails to a group of people can be useful when you don’t want everyone on the list to have each other’s addresses. The only recipient address that will be visible to all recipients is the one in the To: field. If you don’t want any of the recipients to see the email addresses in the list, you can put your own address in the To: field and use Bcc: exclusively to address your message to others. However, do not assume that blind copying will always keep recipients from knowing who else was copied—someone who is blind copied may hit “reply all” and send a reply to everyone, revealing that they were included in the original message.

Some additional tips for writing more effective emails

Think about your message before you write it. Don’t send email in haste. First, decide on the purpose of your message and what outcome you expect from your communication. Then think about your message’s audience and what they may need in order for your message to have the intended result. You will also improve the clarity of your message if you organize your thoughts before you start writing. Jot down some notes about what information you need to convey, what questions you have, etc., then organize your thoughts in a logical sequence. You can try brainstorming techniques like mapping, listing, or outlining to help you organize your thoughts.

Reflect on the tone of your message. When you are communicating via email, your words are not supported by gestures, voice inflections, or other cues, so it may be easier for someone to misread your tone. For example, sarcasm and jokes are often misinterpreted and may offend your audience. Similarly, be careful about how you address your reader. For instance, beginning an email to your professor or TA with “Hey!” might be perceived as being rude or presumptuous (as in “Hey you!”). If you’re unsure about how your message might be received, you might try reading it out loud to a friend to test its tone.

Strive for clarity and brevity in your writing. Have you ever sent an email that caused confusion and took at least one more communication to straighten out? Miscommunication can occur if a message is unclear, disorganized, or just too long and complex for readers to easily follow. Here are some steps you can take to ensure that your message is understood:

  • Briefly state your purpose for writing in the very beginning of your message.
  • Be sure to provide the reader with some context. If you’re asking a question, cut and paste any relevant text (for example, computer error messages, assignment prompts you don’t understand, part of a previous message, etc.) into the email so that the reader has some frame of reference for your question. When replying to someone else’s email, it can often be helpful to either include or restate the sender’s message.
  • Use paragraphs to separate thoughts (or consider writing separate emails if you have many unrelated points or questions).
  • Finally, state the desired outcome at the end of your message. If you’re requesting a response, let the reader know what type of response you require (for example, an email reply, possible times for a meeting, a recommendation letter, etc.) If you’re requesting something that has a due date, be sure to highlight that due date in a prominent position in your message. Ending your email with the next step can be really useful, especially in work settings (for example, you might write “I will follow this up with a phone call to you in the next day or so” or “Let’s plan to further discuss this at the meeting on Wednesday”).

Format your message so that it is easy to read. Use white space to visually separate paragraphs into distinct blocks of text. Bullet important details so that they are easy to pick out. Use bold face type or capital letters to highlight critical information, such as due dates. (But do not type your entire message in capital letters or boldface—your reader may perceive this as “shouting” and won’t be able to tell which parts of the message are especially important.)

Proofread . Re-read messages before you send them. Check your grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. If your email program supports it, use spelling and grammar checking tools. Try reading your message out loud to help you catch any mistakes or awkward phrasing that you might otherwise miss.

Questions to ask yourself before sending an email message

  • Is this message suitable for email, or could I better communicate the information with a letter, phone call, or face-to-face meeting?
  • What is my purpose for sending this email? Will the message seem important to the receiver, or will it be seen as an annoyance and a waste of time?
  • How much email does the reader usually receive, and what will make them read this message (or delete it)?
  • Do the formality and style of my writing fit the expectations of my audience?
  • How will my message look when it reaches the receiver? Is it easy to read? Have I used correct grammar and punctuation? Have I divided my thoughts into discrete paragraphs? Are important items, such as due dates, highlighted in the text?
  • Have I provided enough context for my audience to easily understand or follow the thread of the message?
  • Did I identify myself and make it easy for the reader to respond in an appropriate manner?
  • Will the receiver be able to open and read any attachments?

Sample emails

Use what you’ve just learned to explain why Student 2’s email to Professor Jones is more effective than the email written by Student 1. How does the tone of the messages differ? What makes Student 2’s email look and sound more appropriate? What are the elements that contribute its clarity? If you were Professor Jones and you received both messages, how would you respond to each one?

Email from Student 1:

hey, i need help on my paper can i come by your office tomorrow

Email from Student 2:

Hi Dr. Jones,

I am in your ENGL 101 class on Thursdays, and I have a question about the paper that is due next Tuesday. I’m not sure that I understand what is meant by the following sentence in the prompt:

“Write a 10 page paper arguing for or against requiring ENGL 101 for all UNC freshmen and provide adequate support for your point of view.”

I am not sure what would count as “adequate” support. Would using 3 sources be OK?

Can I come by your office tomorrow at 2:00 pm to talk to you about my question? Please let me know if that fits your schedule. If not, I could also come by on Friday after 1:00.

Here are two versions of an email from a supervisor, Jane Doe, to a group of her employees. Which version do you think is most effective? Why?

Version 1 of Jane Doe’s Email:

Subject: tomorrow As you know, tomorrow afternoon we’ll be meeting to discuss the status of all of our current projects. Donuts will be provided. Be sure to arrive on time and bring along the materials you have been working on this week—bring enough copies for everyone. Some of these material might include your calendars, reports, and any important emails you have sent. Also, I wanted to remind you that your parking permit requests are due later this week; you should turn those in to Ms. Jones, and if she is not at her desk when you stop by, you can email them to her.

Version 2 of Jane Doe’s Email:

Subject: materials for Wed. staff meeting

Hi, everyone—

For tomorrow’s 3 p.m. staff meeting in the conference room, please bring 15 copies of the following materials:

  • Your project calendar
  • A one-page report describing your progress so far
  • A list of goals for the next month
  • Copies of any progress report messages you have sent to clients this past month

See you tomorrow—

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Lamb, Sandra E. 2006. How to Write It: A Complete Guide to Everything You’ll Ever Write , 2nd ed. Berkeley: Ten Speed Press.

Terminello, Verna, and Marcia G Reed. 2002. E-Mail: Communicate Effectively . New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment

Posted: December 21st, 2021

How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment in 10 min.

Communication via email is a prominent component of our learning system nowadays. Both in remote and physical learning or education, communication between you and your instructor takes place with the help of emails.

Writing informal emails is sometimes confusing, and a vague email destroys your impression in front of your teacher.

As per Statista’s 2020 report, in 2019, more than 293 billion emails were sent and received every day. Therefore, you must know Email Etiquette. 

You can email your professor for several purposes, such as submitting an assignment, asking a question, asking about the grades, etc. This blog post mainly focuses on How to write an email to submit an assignment . However, the step-by-step procedure explained below will also help you write an email to a teacher or professor for any situation.

You email your friends and relatives without thinking about things you need to care about. It is OK for you not to be straightforward there. But writing an email to a Professor is quite different because you have to write an email that gets a reply and is appropriate. 

So how do you do it? Let’s help you with that regard. Below is the step-by-step procedure on how you can write an adequate and professional-looking email to a Professor.

What is an assignment to submit?

When I say assignment, I am sure that the word “Homework” comes to mind given by the teacher. But going somehow into its depth, we find that Assignment is a legal term where an assignor and an assignee are involved in transferring work, rights, or property. 

Greek and Hebrew words point out the origin of the word ‘assignment’ in English. The word in assignment perspective is taken from the Greek word “tasso”, which means to be assigned, ordained, or appointed.

From an institution and student perspective, an assignment to submit is the work given to you by your instructor. It plays a role in your study . Therefore you have to present it to your professor or teacher via several mediums such as emails, texts, in hand, etc… This post is titled How to write an email to submit in an assignment, so we focus on that here.

How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment in 10 min.

How to write an email to a Professor to submit an assignment?

You need to be competent and mature when writing an email to a Professor. Writing a great email will impress your professors, and they can consider you a great student when opportunities come.

You can write a letter to a Professor for several things, such as scheduling a meeting , questioning how you can improve your grades in exams or assignments, requesting assignment submission extension, asking for recommendation letters, and information about a particular class.

Start with a powerful greeting. 

Yes, before you dive into writing an email, a powerful and formal greeting is essential. This helps in creating a great image of you. You can start writing your email to the professor with a ‘Dear’ or ‘Hello’. It is Email Etiquette 101, and you should follow it in all professional emails.

So always start your email with a respectful greeting. A comma must follow your greeting.

You can start your email this way.

Dear Professor [Last Name] 

The Title and Name 

After a powerful salutation , write the title and name of the professor. You can address them by writing their professional title “Doctor” Or “Professor” followed by their last name.

It is not very formal but necessary for writing an email to a Professor. Remember, if you use the wrong title or remove it, it may not sound very respectful. So always be careful and recheck their name before sending the email.

Write a clear email subject line about the Assignment submitted.

You are writing an email to submit an assignment to the professor, so your email subject line should be clear. It needs to be written and must relate to the content of your email. Your subject line can be “The 5 Assignments of [ subject name] or “ Assignment on [ Topic Name ].

It is very much important because the recipient opening or ignoring it depends on a clear, point, and concise answer.

Below are some examples of the subject line 

[ Course Name ] Assignment.

Introduce yourself 

There are more than a hundred students of professors. Therefore, they should be provided with contexts to recognize you. It is more important if you email the professor for the first time. 

You can make it easy for them to find who you are by telling them which classes you are a student of and which days the types are in. Doing this will save the recipient’s time and guarantee that you get a reply very soon.

Indeed, you can leave this part in the email if you are sure that the professor knows you.

Length of the Email Message

I would say keep it simple, short, and to the point, because the professor gets loads of Emails. Be clear and write the primary purpose of the email clearly, so the professor doesn’t have to revise it to know what you want.

Always write precise emails and to the point. Writing lengthy emails will confuse the reader about its purpose. That’s why it’s pivotal that students write to cover all Information in short emails. Shorter emails have a more significant impact as your teacher can respond fast.

Use a Polite tone in writing.

When you write your teacher an email or even an email, generally being polite is essential. Students should always maximize respect for their teachers and be polite. Some negative words that begin with ‘Non’, ‘Un’ should be avoided. On the contrary, the email to the professor or teacher for an assignment or anything should be written positively and politely . Be respectful, and courteous, and use positive words.

Use Your Institute or Professional Email ID

Using your institute-provided email ID , or professional email address will look professional. It will also pass the institute’s Spam filter. Your professor will be clear that you are one of their students. They will take your email seriously and open it. If you submit your assignment other than your institute-provided email address, your assignment may not be considered. 

Using an educational email address will work far better, but if you don’t have one, use at least an appropriate Email ID. For instance, use [email protected] and avoid using emails like [email protected] .

Be professional and Punctual.

Your email reflects that your relationship with your professor is professional. So it would help if you were careful to use correct grammar, Capitalization, Punctuation, and spelling properly. You must avoid using any emojis in the email as you may do in your daily communication with friends and relatives. It is not professional. 

Also, be careful, and don’t include your irrelevant personal information. Read the email and take out all mistakes.

Be Careful about Grammar

An email with good grammar creates a vital impression and attracts the reader’s attention. Grammar plays a significant role both in verbal and written communication. If you are using correct grammar in an email, it shows your proficiency in the language.

Everyone writing an email must be careful about Grammar usage and a student more. A student who has written an email for assignment submission with wrong grammar will undoubtedly make a bad impression. 

Some tools will help you with the grammar aspect of your writing. Grammarly is a helpful tool: you may want to use that if you have doubts about your grammar.

Content uniformity

When writing an email, it’s important to maintain content uniformity. You should not use different fonts or font sizes, or colors to highlight points. 

An email with fonts and color variations seems awkward. An email without content uniformity may even not get a reply. Also, you can directly jump into a new topic or subject. Stick to one issue, such as writing an email to submit an assignment. You can write a separate email for a different matter.

Write Details about your Assignment

You submit your assignment; then you must tell all crucial details about your Assignment. Details should be relevant and brief. It helps teachers recognize you and know the purpose of the email. For exp, you have been given a specific topic to research and write about. Then you may put some details as.

Sir, on 26th Nov, you gave us the assignment to research child illiteracy and critically evaluate data. I have written 2000 words of content on the topic. Please check the attachment. 

Mention your assignment and attach the file

Your assignment can either be in word, excel, scanned photos, or PDF format. You can mention in the email politely that ” Assignment is attached as a Word file “, for example. Permanently attach your file in the format requested by the teacher. Disobey teachers can show ill manners. Besides, never forget to attach your file.

Proofread your email

When you have finally finished writing an email to submit an assignment, remember not to click right away. Proofread and take out all mistakes or words that could create a wrong impression.

Proofreading your email at least twice will work best. In this way, you can make significant improvements. Never ignore proofreading. It helps.

Proofread the name of the teacher

Your teacher’s name should be correct without spelling mistakes. Miswriting your teacher’s name creates a wrong impression. 

End an email politely and include a professional signature

Conclude your email politely with words like ‘Thanks’, ‘Best’, and ‘Cheers’. If your university-provided email address doesn’t have your first and last names, don’t forget to write them at the email ending time. In this way, a professor can also search for you in their system.

All of the terms are so important for learning How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment. So remember those are very carefully.

How do you email a professor about submitting an assignment?

First of all, you must have done the assignment your professor or teacher assigned. Then save the document in the format requested. The file name should be your introduction. So click on opening a new email. Then click the attachment option, which looks like a paperclip sometimes. Find the document you have saved, click on it, and it will be attached to the email.

How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment in 10 min.

After that, write the professor’s email address and click on it If it is already saved. Then write an email for assignment submission.  Follow the rules discussed here. After these simple steps and filling in the subject of your email, check if everything is on order and send it.

How do you email a professor about an assignment

How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment ( Email Samples )

Email Samples

You have learned How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment; now, you must do that practically. You may refer to the email to the professor sample below before writing an email for assignment submission. 

  • Email to a professor to submit an assignment

Subject: Assignment Submission on illiteracy 

Dear Professor Stephen,

This is Michael White, from Sociology A, Section 3. I am writing to inform you that I have finished the assignment on Child Illiteracy that you assigned us on the 26th of November. As suggested, its well researched, critically evaluated contents of 2000 words. Please check the attachment.

Please find my attached assignment; we will submit it by Monday. 

Best regards,

Michael White 

  • Email to a professor about not attending class

Subject: Sociology A: Class attendance

This is Michael White, from Sociology A, Section. I am writing to inform you that I won’t be able to attend your class on Monday because my mother is not well. I need to take her to a doctor.

I will do my best to review the materials you provided for Monday’s class. I will also contact my classmates for notes.

  • Email a professor about grades

Subject: Sociology A: Query about my grades 

My name is Michael White, from Sociology A, Section 1. I wondered if we could set up an appointment to discuss my grade on [Subject name] or [Assignment name].

I confirmed, that on Wednesday, you will be in the office from 2 to 5 PM. If I am right, please let me know if you could give me some time. 

I look forward to your reply, sir.

  • Email to a professor asking a question

Subject: Question about the Sociology Second Assignment

I am Micahel White, from Sociology A. On August 29, you assigned us our second assignment in Sociology. The topic was children’s illiteracy. But, I forgot some points you discussed in class.

Could you please provide me with the details of the assignment?


Micahel White

  • Email to a professor asking for an appointment

Subject: History A: Request for an Appointment

I am a student in your History A class, Section 3. I am facing some difficulties writing my thesis and I have some questions. You can help me with that regard. I would really appreciate it if you could give me some time during your office hours.

Please let me know if you are available to meet this week.

Thanks very much. I look forward to your reply.

Michael White


We have covered everything in this article, from writing an email to submitting an assignment to samples of emails to a professor about an assignment. The report contained Steps by Steps on writing an effective email for assignment submission. Read every carefully and check all email samples. And hope there’s no confusion about How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment. if any questions please comment below.

What is an Assignment?

From the education perspective, assignments are tasks that teachers or tutors assign to their students. Students need to complete them on time. An assignment is a part of learning. It can be in written, art, practical, fieldwork, or online.

How to write an assignment?

We are talking about an assignment that needs to be written. Writing quality assignments is a difficult job for many of us. As an assignment, you may be assigned to write an essay , case study, research paper, lab report, thesis, coursework, or any other academic writing format.

Some essential things that you must keep in mind on how to write an assignment are as below in the bulletin.

  • Understand the assignment well
  • Research and take notes
  • Read samples for an idea
  • Create your outlines 
  • The prewriting phase is important 
  • Design your paper well
  • Make edits and proofread until you think it is what you want.

You may get allotted essay, research paper , lab report, case study, programming assignment, dissertation, thesis, homework and coursework, and many other academic writing formats.

Why do we need to write an assignment?

Assignments are a part of learning. We need to write an assignment because it improves our knowledge, organizes ideas, argues points, thinks logically and critically, and compares ideas to satisfactory solutions. Therefore, we need to write assignments demonstrating our academic competence. 

What is an email?

Email stands for electronic mail. It is a message that can contain files, texts, images, and other attachments. An email sent through a network helps individuals and groups. Nowadays, almost every person who uses social media has an email address. They use it for communication purposes and to create accounts simultaneously. 

What is an Email Sample?

You can write an email to a teacher for any work, a company for maybe a job, and several other pieces. Following relevant and accepted formulas, the email you write is known as email samples, some of which we have noted above.

What is the Attachment file?

An attachment file is an option in your Gmail account. Whenever you want to send an image, pdf, or any file, submit it to someone. It is known as the attachment file.

How to attach a file to an email?

How to attach a file in Email to Submit an Assignment1

Firstly, click on the compose button in your Gmail, and then you can see an interface as above. The paperclip 📎 like the option above is in the pic is where you will be able to attach your file. It can be an image, video, pdf, etc. This is how you can attach a file to an email.

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How to Write Email

How to write engaging email assignments easily.

Open the door to effective email communication with key insights on crafting assignments that captivate and engage recipients.

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Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Email assignments promote efficient communication and accountability .
  • Clear subject lines facilitate understanding and prioritization.
  • Effective message structure shows empathy and emphasizes important points.
  • Professional tone and language ensure clear and concise communication.

Importance of Email Assignments

728x90 4

Crafting a Clear Subject Line

effective email subject lines

Structuring Your Message Effectively

  • Show Empathy : Begin by acknowledging the recipient’s time and workload to create a sense of understanding.
  • Express appreciation for their assistance or expertise to establish a positive tone.
  • Highlight Importance : Use clear subheadings to emphasize crucial points, making it easier for the reader to grasp the key information quickly.
  • Bold important details or deadlines to draw attention and ensure they aren’t overlooked.

Professional Tone and Language

polished and formal communication

Polishing Your Email for Submission

  • When submitting your email assignment, remember that first impressions matter.
  • Polishing your email shows respect for the recipient and can positively influence their perception of you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you write in an email when sending an assignment, how do you write an assignment subject in an email, how do you write a business email assignment, how do i email my teacher assignment.

sending an assignment email

Erik – Email, SEO, AI Expert Writer Erik is the strategist, the thinker, and the visionary. His role at Influenctor is pivotal in integrating SEO with AI-driven content strategies. With an extensive background in email marketing and a profound understanding of search engine algorithms, Erik develops innovative strategies that elevate our client’s online presence. His work ensures that our content is seen, felt, and remembered.

Effective Email to Your Immigration Officer Guide

How to Write an Absent Email to Your Teacher

sending an assignment email

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Make your message stand out with a p.s. in email.

ps in an email

  • Using “P.S.” in emails can enhance your message and capture recipients’ attention.
  • “P.S.” can be used as a powerful tool in email marketing campaigns to drive engagement and conversions.
  • Adding a personal touch and using “P.S.” strategically can make your emails more effective.
  • Understanding when and how to use “P.S.” properly is important to maintain professionalism and avoid miscommunication.
  • An effective “P.S.” can optimize email engagement and help achieve your communication objectives.

Why and How to Use “P.S.” in Your Emails

Understanding the meaning of “p.s.”, using “p.s.” in email marketing, examples of using “p.s.” to enhance your emails.

  • Add a personal touch : In your follow-up emails, include a “P.S.” to mention something specific about the recipient, showing that you value their individuality.
  • Create urgency: Use a “P.S.” to emphasize a limited-time offer or a deadline for taking advantage of a promotion.
  • Include a call-to-action: Use a “P.S.” to urge your recipients to take a specific action, such as clicking on a link or replying to the email.
  • Reinforce your main message: Summarize the key point of your email in the “P.S.” to ensure it sticks with your recipient.

When to Use “P.S.” in Your Emails or Letters

  • Adding an afterthought: If you have an additional idea or information that is relevant to your message but not crucial to the main body of your email, a “P.S.” is the perfect place to include it.
  • Highlighting important details: Use a “P.S.” to draw attention to key information that you want your recipient to remember, such as a meeting time or an important attachment.
  • Enhancing readability: If you have a lengthy email, you can use a “P.S.” to break up the text and provide a concise summary or final thought.

Using “P.S.” for Added Punctuation and Clarity

728x90 4

Best Practices for Using “P.S.” in Email Communication

Writing “p.s.” in the body of the email.

body of the email

Adding a Personal Touch with “P.S.”

Considerations for using “p.s.” in email marketing campaigns, ensuring proper use of “p.s.” in your email or letter.

  • Keep the “P.S.” short and concise to maintain its impact.
  • Use the “P.S.” to convey important information or emphasize a key point.
  • Avoid using “P.S.” multiple times in a single email or letter, as it may diminish its effectiveness.
  • Proofread your email or letter to ensure that the “P.S.” is grammatically correct and supports your overall message.

Utilizing “P.S.” as an Additional Means of Communication

Tips for writing an effective “p.s.”, how to make the most of “p.s.” in your email’s main body, adding an afterthought with “p.s.”, understanding the importance of “p.p.s.” in email communication, using “p.s.” in personal email messages, optimizing email engagement with “p.s.”.

optimizing email engagement

How do I write “P.S.” in an email to make my message stand out?

Why should i use “p.s.” in my emails, can i use “p.s.” in email marketing campaigns, when is it appropriate to use “p.s.” in my emails or letters, how can i make the most of “p.s.” in my email’s main body, how to write a professional pto request email.

Planning to request time off but not sure how to approach it? Learn the art of crafting a PTO request email with professionalism and gratitude.

writing a pto request

  • PTO is a valuable benefit that contributes to employee happiness and prevents burnout.
  • Understanding the formal request process for PTO is essential, including advance notice and completion of a leave request form.
  • Crafting a persuasive PTO request email involves clearly stating the dates, providing a valid reason, expressing willingness to be available for emergencies, using a professional tone, and offering to make coverage arrangements.
  • Tips for successful time off requests include planning ahead, stating dates and reasons clearly, following up with managers, and communicating with the team before and after the time off.

728x90 4

effective strategies for vacation requests

  • Plan Ahead : Request time off well in advance, especially for longer vacations or during busy periods. This allows your manager and team to plan for your absence and ensures a smoother transition.
  • Be Clear and Concise : When writing the PTO request email, clearly state the dates you're requesting for time off and the reason for your absence. Use a professional and polite tone in your email.
  • Offer Coverage : If possible, offer to make arrangements for coverage during your absence. This shows consideration for your team and helps ensure that work continues smoothly in your absence.
  • Stay Available : Express your willingness to be available for any emergencies that may arise during your time off. Providing a contact number or email address where you can be reached shows responsibility and commitment to your role.

post email follow up strategy

Can I Use the Same Format for Requesting PTO in an Email?

How to write a catchy p.s. in your email.

Yearning to master the art of email persuasion? Uncover the secrets of writing a compelling P.S. that leaves a lasting impact.

writing p s in emails

  • The P.S. in email is a powerful tool for enhancing communication and marketing strategies.
  • Proper formatting and punctuation of the P.S. is important for clarity and impact.
  • The P.S. allows for added emphasis, personalization, and strengthening of relationships.
  • The P.S. can be used as a compelling call to action, prompting immediate action from the reader.

728x90 4

utilizing p s for effective action

Sense of UrgencyCreate urgency to prompt immediate action"Act fast – offer ends in 24 hours!"
Personal TouchAdd a personal touch to build a connection"I look forward to hearing from you soon."
ReinforcementReiterate the main message and call to action"Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity."

  • Use 'P.S.' or 'PS' without trailing punctuation to capture attention and reinforce the message effectively.
  • Consider the audience and formality to decide on the appropriate usage of 'P.S.' in the email.
  • Place the 'P.S.' after the signature to ensure it's noticed at the end of the email.

Can I Include P.S. in an RSVP Email?

sending an assignment email

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Assignment email to candidates template

Assignment email to candidate  template is for you to use if taking assignments is part of your hiring process. some positions require some specific skills, particularly technical roles. testing those skills with appropriate assignments and evaluation tests is necessary for finding the best candidates and hiring the best employees..

Candidate interview assignment email

How to send assignment email to candidates?

Informing candidates about all the specifics of the test or assignment increases the chances of good performance, and it also enhances a better candidate experience. Make sure to have a very clear subject line that also includes the time frame and deadline for taking the assignment.

In addition, make sure that the link to the assignment, an attachment or any other form of the test is included in the email. Give a few instructions on how to take the test, and make it clear about what is expected from them to do.

After you have received their assignment, make sure that you send a short thank you email just so that they know that you have received it. You can also tell them about what to expect next.

Template for assignment email to candidates

Email subject line: Assignment for the {Job_title} position

Dear {Candidate_Name}

Thank you again for applying for {Job_title} position. As a part of our selection process, we send assignments to selected candidates, and you are one of them! 

In the attachment, you will find the assignment itself as well as detailed instructions about how to complete the assignment. Please make sure to read all the instructions as they will help you complete the assignment more successfully.  

In this assignment, there are no right or wrong answers. The assignment mostly consists of situations relevant to {Job_title} position, and we want to evaluate your skills and behavior when facing situations like that.

The due date to return the assignment is {X date}.

If you have any other questions about the assignment, please don't hesitate to ask!

Good luck with the assignment, and I am looking forward to reading your answers,

{Your name}


Template for an email notifying candidates about the received assignment

Dear {Candidate_Name},

Thank you for completing and sending over the assignment. Our {department name} team will review and evaluate your answers. After that, we will get back to you with detailed feedback and any further information we may have.

Enjoy the rest of your day, and please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have!

Need more HR and recruiting templates like this assignment email to candidates? Check templates for Human Resources and templates for Recruiters .

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Email To Professor To Submit Assignment

sending an assignment email

We’ve all been there at some point in our education. For one reason or another, we are unable to meet the deadline for an assignment and need to find a way to appeal to a professor to accept our late submission.

Sending an email to your professor would be the best option. The only question remaining is the contents of the email. After all, professors have loads of work to do and would not be able to read a long email.

Still, you need to convey your point to the professor and make it convincing. A long email would most likely lead to no response or a negative one. So how do you send a convincing email that would increase the chances of a positive response?

How To Find A Professor’s Email

The first step to emailing your professor is finding their email address. If you don’t know their email, how do you find it?

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  • How To Email Professor During Holiday
  • Sample Email To Professor Asking For Syllabus  

School Website

The first approach would be to try looking for the professor’s email address on the school’s website. If your school has a learning management system, you’ll find your professor’s official contact details on the overview page of their course.

For schools with simple websites, you’ll find your professor’s email on the relevant faculty pages. Each professor’s official title, name, picture, and email address would be available on those pages.

Course Syllabus

Another way to find your professor’s email is to take a look at the course syllabus. Most tertiary institutions include each course’s professor’s contact email on the syllabus. This enables students to easily find their professor’s emails and contact them when necessary.

Ask Other Students

If the above options fail to yield the expected results, you can reach out to other students individually or on school forums and other dedicated student community pages. A typical example is asking on your student WhatsApp or Telegram groups.

You’ll most likely receive a response from another student or at the very least receive a tip from a student on where they may have seen the professor’s email address .

Tips For Writing To Professors

Simply writing “please find my assignment attached” may not be enough, especially in cases where you’ve missed the deadline for submission. Let’s take a look at certain things to keep in mind when emailing professors.

Use School Email

Refrain from contacting your professor through your personal email address. School email addresses are given to us for a reason. When looking to submit your assignment to your professor, it’s advisable to use your school-issued email address.

This will ensure that your email reaches the teacher as your personal email could likely end up in a spam folder. The school’s email addresses are whitelisted on the same network making it possible for anyone using the school’s email to receive emails within the school’s network.

The last thing you want is to carefully craft an email to send to your professor only to find out they never received it. You can’t blame the professor in such situations especially when the deadline has long expired.

Clear Subject Line

The subject of the mail should be clear to better convey the intent of the email to your professor. Typical examples include:

Apology for late submission

Requesting an extension of the deadline

Formal Address

Use the instructor’s appropriate title when addressing them. It may seem like a simple mistake when you address a professor as a Dr., but academics can be quite keen about their titles.

Avoid addressing professors as doctors as the title means a lot to them. Recognize their position and make sure you are familiar with their official titles. Use their official titles (Dr., Professor) when addressing them to avoid making a bad impression.

Identify Yourself

Professors may teach more than one class and interact with multiple students daily. Simply sending an email with your name isn’t enough for them to identify you, and the class you’re in.

Don’t give them extra work to go through their list of students to identify which class you may be in. They’d most likely ignore your email and focus on other pressing matters.

Make it easy for them to recognize you by providing your full name, and the class you’re in which they teach.

Formal Tone

Irrespective of your relationship with the professor, refrain from using informal language during official email communications. Avoid using abbreviations, emojis, and other forms of slang in your email. Refrain from including personal information that is irrelevant to the discussion or topic.

Correct Grammar

The role of a professor is to educate their students and they expect students at that level of education to have good grammatical skills. Writing an email that’s difficult to read will lead to the professor ignoring your email.

If you aren’t confident in your writing, let a third party read carefully read through the email before submission. Additionally, you can leverage tools like Grammarly to help identify errors in your writing. Keep in mind that these tools aren’t perfect. It’s advisable to go through your writing to identify any errors.

Clear Communication

Try and clearly convey your specific need in only a few sentences. Professors are busy and won’t have time to read lengthy emails. Avoid filling your sentences with words that would obviously require a dictionary to make a sentence understandable.

Being polite in your email can go a long way toward scoring points in your favor. Ensure that the tone of your email is polite and the necessary respect is being conveyed. Irrespective of any negative impressions you might have of the professor, it’s advisable to show them respect in your communication.

End Formally

At this point, you need to show appreciation to the professor for taking the time to read up to the end of the email. Simply thank them for their time and sign off your email with “Sincerely” or “Best regards” followed by your full name.

Professors have a lot of work to do and responding to your email may slip their minds. Refrain from spamming them every few hours with reminders as that could just serve to annoy them. If they don’t get back to you, simply follow up after your next class with them.

Sample Email To Professor To Submit Assignment

Template 1 – late submission due to emergency.

Email Subject

{{Assignment Title}} : Apology for late submission

Dear Professor {{ Last name }},

My name is {{ Your name }}, from {{ Class name }}. I would like to apologize for the late submission of my assignment which was due {{ Assignment due date }}. My brother fell sick and had to be hospitalized which left me little time to work on my assignment as I had to take care of him.

I realize I should have brought this to your attention earlier, and humbly beg that you consider this submission. Going forward, I promise that I will not repeat this mistake. Thank you for your time and consideration.

{{ Your name }}

Template 2 – Assignment Deadline Extension 1

Request for deadline extension of {{ Assignment Title }} assignment

Dear Dr. {{ Last name }},

My name is {{ Your name }}, and I am in your {{ Class name }}. I am finding it a little hard to find relevant materials for my {{ paper title }} given the complexity of the topic. I would like to ask for a little more time to thoroughly go through the various publications linked to the topic.

I would hope to be able to complete this assignment by {{ Date you wish to submit assignment }}. Thank you very much and I will endeavor to produce a well-researched paper on {{ Assignment Title}}.

Template 3 – Assignment Deadline Extension 2

Deadline extension {{ Assignment Title }}

My name is {{ Your name }} and I am a {{ First, second, third, or fourth }} year student in your {{ Class }}.

I am emailing you to ask if it might be possible to be granted additional time for the {{ Assignment title }} due on {{ Assignment due date }}. Unfortunately, I am behind with this assignment because {{ Reason why assignment can’t be completed on time }}.

I would hope to be able to complete this assignment by {{ Expected date of completion }}. I hope that you will consider my request and I look forward to hearing from you at your convenience.

Template 4 – Assignment Submission

Assignment submission : {{ Assignment Title }}

I hope this email finds you well. This is to inform you that I have completed my {{ Assignment title }} assignment that you had assigned to the class {{ Date assigned }}. A PDF version of the assignment is attached to this email.

While I believe my delivery is well-researched, I would be grateful for any suggestions or feedback you might have. Thank you for your time.

Akshay Vikhe

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Flowrite turns your instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser.

sending an assignment email

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November 17, 2022

How to write an for submission of assignment email with an email template

How to reply to an for submission of assignment email with an email template, how to write email for submission of assignment using our email template.

Learn how to write better for submission of assignment emails with our tips and templates.

Learn how to reply to for submission of assignment emails with our tips and templates.

Learn how to write email for submission of assignment using our tips and template

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Table of contents

So you want to write the best for submission of assignment email, but might be a bit unsure how. Here’s our question:

Do you wish you would never worry about how to write an for submission of assignment email (or any other kind of email) again? Or think about what’s the proper email format? Or stress about grammar and punctuation?

We might just have the solution (spoiler alert: it’s amazing). Read on to unleash your email writing productivity, nail the next for submission of assignment email, and save hours every week!

How to send an for submission of assignment email

Flowrite is an email writer that uses artificial intelligence to turn short instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser.

Our smart template uses artificial intelligence to adapt to the situation and generate unique emails and messages, taking into account the recipient and previous message:

Try it yourself

General reply

Reply to: "

Hi Aaro, I came across your website and your email tool sounds amazing! Can you tell me a bit more about Flowrite and how it works? I'm curious to try it.Kind regards, Sam

Received message

I came across your website and your email tool sounds amazing!

Can you tell me a bit more about Flowrite and how it works? I'm curious to try it.

Kind regards, Sam

use Flowrite to write emails faster AI tool that turns words to emails no need to worry about format, grammar, or tone

Generate a reply

For submission of assignment email format

This way you will never have to worry about getting your email format right again (or think about how to write the perfect for submission of assignment email).

With Flowrite, formatting perfect emails is as easy as clicking a few buttons.

For the emails and messages you write daily

Flowrite's smart template gallery covers the most common emails across roles and teams.

sending an assignment email

Promotion announcement

sending an assignment email

Pre-meeting email

sending an assignment email


sending an assignment email

Payment reminder

sending an assignment email

Salary increase request

sending an assignment email

Business inquiry

sending an assignment email

Project status update to client

sending an assignment email

PR outreach

sending an assignment email

Link building outreach

sending an assignment email

Breakup with sales prospect

sending an assignment email

Sales prospecting

sending an assignment email

Reply to a feature request

sending an assignment email

Influencer outreach

sending an assignment email

Testimonial request

sending an assignment email

Feedback on a task

sending an assignment email

Demo invitation

For submission of assignment email template

Thanks to Flowrite, you can forget canned responses, countless manual email templates, copy and pasting, and typing as you know it.

Use Flowrite to to generate AI-powered messages with one click today, like this:

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Replying to an for submission of assignment email might seem tricky, but it shouldn’t be.

Do you wish you would never worry about how to reply to an for submission of assignment email (or any other kind of email) again? Or think about what’s the proper email format? Or stress about grammar and punctuation of your emails?

We might just have the solution (spoiler alert: it’s amazing). Read on to unleash your email writing productivity, nail the next reply email, and save hours every week!

Reply to for submission of assignment email

Flowrite is an email writing tool that turns short instructions into ready-to-send email replies across your browser.

Our smart reply email template uses artificial intelligence to adapt to the situation and generate unique emails and messages, taking into account the recipient and received message:

For submission of assignment response email format

Our email template collection covers the most common emails and messages across company functions and job descriptions, like replying to meeting invitations , helping you be your most productive self no matter what you work on.

This way you will never have to worry about getting your email format right again (or think about how to compose a reply to an for submission of assignment email).

With Flowrite, formatting perfect reply emails is as easy as clicking a few buttons.

Reply to for submission of assignment email template

Use Flowrite to to generate AI-powered reply messages with one click today. See it for yourself and test some of our templates below:

So you want to write the best email for submission of assignment, but might be a bit unsure how. Here’s our question:

Do you wish you would never worry about how to write a type of email again? Or think about what’s the proper email format? Or stress about grammar and punctuation?

We might just have the solution (spoiler alert: it’s amazing). Read on to unleash your email writing productivity, nail your next email, and save hours every week!

How to send email for submission of assignment

Flowrite is an AI email writer that turns short instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser.

Email format for for submission of assignment

Our email template collection covers the most common emails and messages across company functions and job descriptions, like follow-ups , thank you emails , and reminder emails .

This way you will never have to worry about getting the email format right again (or think about how to write the perfect email for submission of assignment).

Email for submission of assignment template

Use Flowrite to to generate AI-powered messages with one click today. See it for yourself and test some of our templates below:

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  2. How to Send Your Professor an Email Requesting a Changed Exam Date

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  1. How To Write an Email For Submission Of Assignment

    Dear Professor/Instructor [Last Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to submit my assignment for the [Course Name]. The assignment is attached in the required format. I have completed the assignment as per the given guidelines and it is ready for submission. The due date for the assignment is [Due Date].

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    Extension Email to Professor Example. Subject line: Extension for [Assignment Name] Dear Professor [Last Name], My name is [your name], and I'm a student in your class [class name]. I'm writing to request an extension for our assignment about [assignment details]. I've been struggling to complete the assignment in time because of [reasons].

  3. Sample Email For Sending Assignment To Professor

    Ensure that the assignment is properly attached before you click send on your email. That said, most professors would excuse the mistake so long as the deadline for submission isn't up. Wait Patiently. Don't send a hundred reminder emails. You can send a reminder after 24 hours, if your email requires them to respond.

  4. What to Say When Submitting Assignment: Email Tips & Examples

    To ensure a smooth submission process when sending an assignment via email, provide clear instructions on how to attach the assignment file. Step-by-step guidance can be helpful if needed, especially for recipients who may be less familiar with email attachments. Explain the process in simple terms and consider including screenshots or visual ...

  5. How to email a professor with 22 different examples

    Many thanks, (Your name) 6. How to write a formal email to a professor example. Dear Professor (name), My name is (name), and I'm currently studying in your class (insert class name). I would like to ask you a question that I would welcome your feedback on.

  6. How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment

    The most important part of your email to submit an assignment is to attach the assignment itself. Make sure that the attachment is saved in a file format that is compatible with the recipient's computer, and that the file is clearly labeled with your name and the name of the assignment. For example, "Name - [Name of Assignment].pdf".

  7. How To Write An Email To Your Professor—6 Copy-Paste Templates

    Even better, attach a note from your coach, employer or doctor who can attest to why you need an extension. Subject: Extension on _____. Dear Professor _____, I hope all is well. I have been extremely busy and stressed with assignments in other classes and with _____ (sports practice, on-campus job, other commitment, health condition, etc.).

  8. How to Email a Professor: Tips and Samples

    How to write an email to a professor: A step-by-step guide. 1. Make sure you really need to send that email. If you want to email a professor asking a question, check your syllabus first. Chances are pretty solid you'll find the answer. The syllabus can tell you about your workload, assignments, deadlines, and more.

  9. How to write an email to a professor (5 samples & templates)

    To cut through the noise, your request will have to be clear and stick to these principles: Always use a proper greeting: Begin your email with a formal greeting, such as "Dear Dr. [Last Name]" or "Hello Professor [Last Name]." Check and double-check you're using your professor's title correctly.

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    Our top tips for writing an academic email include the following: Consider whether you need to send an email. You may be able to find the information in your syllabus, timetable, or other course materials. Write a clear subject line setting out what your email is about. Let the recipient know who you are and make a specific request.

  11. How To Write a Proper Email to a Professor in Seven Steps

    3. Use a Formal Salutation. Use Dear or Hello when starting an email to your professor. Additionally, make sure to use their correct title and avoid using Mr. or Mrs. If the professor has a PhD., you can use Dr. However, you can't go wrong with using Professor, regardless of their degree. Hi Mrs. Duran,

  12. How to Write an Email to a Professor

    If you have a request or question, adding a "please" or "thank you" is an easy way to convey that you appreciate their help and time. 3. Keep It Brief. Professors are often strapped for time, so don't send them an essay explaining why you can't turn in a paper by the specified due date.

  13. How to write email to submit assignment using our email template

    How to send email to submit assignment. Flowrite is an AI email writer that turns short instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser. Our smart template uses artificial intelligence to adapt to the situation and generate unique emails and messages, taking into account the recipient and previous message: Try it yourself.

  14. How to Email a Professor (with Pictures)

    How to Write an Email to a Teacher. Start an email with a proper salutation like "Dear," "Greetings," or "Hello." Introduce yourself by including your full name, the class, and class period. Be as brief as possible in your email; use correct grammar and spelling. Specify the action you want the professor to take, like replying.

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    Just as you always need to start the email with a salutation (Dear), you always need to end an email with a salutation. You have more options for the ending such as "Sincerely", "Best regards/Best/All the best" or "Thank you". Follow this with a comma and your full name on the next row. Ex:

  16. Effective Email Communication

    The act of sending an email is instantaneous, but that does not mean the writer can expect an instantaneous response. ... Because it contains an ambiguous reference to "the assignment," this message also assumes that the reader is familiar with the subject matter at hand (for instance, it assumes the reader will know which course and which ...

  17. How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment in 10 min

    How to attach a file in Email to Submit an Assignment1. Firstly, click on the compose button in your Gmail, and then you can see an interface as above. The paperclip 📎 like the option above is in the pic is where you will be able to attach your file. It can be an image, video, pdf, etc.

  18. How to Write Engaging Email Assignments Easily

    Email assignments play a crucial role in facilitating efficient communication within academic and professional environments. When sending an email to a professor, it's essential to write in a professional and formal manner. One key aspect of email etiquette is ensuring a clear and informative subject line. This helps the recipient quickly ...

  19. How to write email for assignment submission using our email template

    How to send email for assignment submission. Flowrite is an AI email writer that turns short instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser. Our smart template uses artificial intelligence to adapt to the situation and generate unique emails and messages, taking into account the recipient and previous message:

  20. 1.3: Assignment: Writing a Formal Email

    It is typed in doc or docx format and attached to the email. The introduction has been edited for grammar and mechanics (spelling). 12. Total points. 20. This page titled 1.3: Assignment: Writing a Formal Email is shared under a license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by . Practice writing an effective formal email to your professor ...

  21. Assignment email to candidates template

    Template for assignment email to candidates. Email subject line: Assignment for the {Job_title} position. Dear {Candidate_Name} Thank you again for applying for {Job_title} position. As a part of our selection process, we send assignments to selected candidates, and you are one of them! In the attachment, you will find the assignment itself as ...

  22. Email To Professor To Submit Assignment

    Email To Professor To Submit Assignment. We've all been there at some point in our education. For one reason or another, we are unable to meet the deadline for an assignment and need to find a way to appeal to a professor to accept our late submission. Sending an email to your professor would be the best option.

  23. How to write email for submission of assignment using our email template

    How to send email for submission of assignment. Flowrite is an AI email writer that turns short instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser. Our smart template uses artificial intelligence to adapt to the situation and generate unique emails and messages, taking into account the recipient and previous message: ...