25 fun icebreakers for virtual meetings

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Icebreakers can help teams get to know each other, increase creativity, and improve team cohesion. Use these icebreakers to enhance your next virtual meeting.
  • Icebreaker questions for virtual meetings
  • Icebreaker activities for virtual meetings
  • Icebreaker games for virtual meetings

Across many industries, working from home and an evolving environment of hybrid, distributed, or remote teams has become the norm. 

With these changes come many advantages for individuals as they navigate life and work — people spend fewer hours commuting, and can focus on being effective first and foremost, instead of just physically present. As a result, individual productivity has gone up, but it has come at a cost: Team productivity has gone down. 

How do we facilitate better teamwork in a virtual environment?

The key element to better teamwork, whether in person or remote, is connection. The more connected your teammates, coworkers, or employees feel, the more effective and productive the group becomes. 

So, how can we build better connections in a remote workforce?

Just having more meetings isn’t the answer (in fact, it can even make the problem worse). The key is to build intentional and meaningful collaborative experiences into your work. These experiences can take many forms, but one effective approach is to use icebreakers to kick off a meeting.  

What is an icebreaker?

An icebreaker is a team-building activity that helps group members get to know each other and feel more comfortable. Often used in team meetings or to introduce new students in a class, icebreakers foster a sense of community and help build rapport between colleagues, students, or team members.

Icebreaker activities can vary widely, but there are three main types of icebreakers: 

  • Questions : Icebreaker questions are often simple conversation starters that provide an opportunity for team members or participants to find common ground or share something about themselves. 
  • Activities : Icebreaker activities are a bit more interactive and may involve an aspect of problem-solving. ‍
  • Games : Icebreaker games allow people to relax and have fun while communicating and collaborating. While these are the most engaging, they also take the most time to run.

Each approach can be as elaborate or as simple as you like — if you’re short on time or have a large group, just having a question in mind can do the trick. If you have a larger team, activities or games are sometimes the best options since they will allow for natural opportunities to break out into smaller teams or subgroups.

Below are 25 examples of icebreakers you can use to kick off a more impactful virtual meeting:

15 Icebreaker questions for virtual meetings

Icebreaker questions are an easy way to build connection over a video call. Other than Zoom or Microsoft Teams, you don’t need any extra tools or support. Simply ask the question, give your participants time to think about an answer, and let the team bonding begin!

1. Where in the world are you?

If you’re kicking off a virtual meeting with a new team, chances are you’re not all located in the same city or region (or even country). Have participants describe the city or town where they live, and name something they find iconic about that place.

A map of the world with pins showing where team members are located.

2. What is your favorite film, TV series, or book?

Have everyone introduce themselves and give a 30-second pitch for their favorite film, show, or book. Did you know that your new Product Manager was super into Film Noir because of the underlying structure that mysteries provide both the narrative and the viewer? No? Well, now you do — and you’ve learned a little bit about how she thinks as well.

Related: team bookshelf template

3. What are your favorite foods?

For this exercise, have your team introduce themselves and then describe one dish that they love, and what it means to them. This is an easy way to get people talking, and again offers insight into people’s personal history, likes and dislikes, and even ways of working. Also, a shared digital space can help make this even more engaging — and even educational (new recipes, anyone?).

‍ Related: team feast template

4. If you could choose to have any superpower, which would you choose?

Ask your team to choose one or more superpowers (typically one, for the sake of keeping it short) that they might wish they had as a way to help them understand one another’s values and approaches to work. You could also tie this to an existing superhero, or even a feature film (since most of them seem to be about superheroes these days).

5. What was your very first job?

Ask each of your team members to share what they did in their first job, and (of course) bonus points for any funny stories that went with it. (Did you know that the ‘E’ in Chuck E. Cheese stands for ‘Entertainment?’ You’re welcome.)

online presentation icebreakers

6. What’s your nickname?

When establishing relationships, it can be good to learn familiar ways to refer to one another (pending comfort zones, of course), and the backstory angle adds a twist that can be fun and unexpected. Have everyone introduce themselves, and then share their nicknames and the backstories that go with them.

7. What animal are you?

Go around the meeting participants and hear what animal they think represents them the best. What animal each participant relates to the most may say a lot about them! Give a little bit of time before starting to let participants think about animals and what their favorite says about them.

8. What’s your cure for hiccups?

People sometimes have some pretty original ideas about how to do this! Also, it’s a lighthearted and unobtrusive way to kick things off with some potentially funny outcomes. Ask everyone to introduce themselves, and then encourage them to share a unique method of escaping the hiccups — you never quite know whom you’ll be helping along the way!

9. What’s the weirdest way you’ve met someone and become friends?

This offers teammates a way to share a personal (and probably funny) story without much risk, and gives everyone a chance to talk about not only themselves but their friends. Have everyone introduce themselves, and then share a short (1-2 minute) origin story behind one of their friendships.

10. What video game have you spent hours playing?

Just about everyone has played video games at some point in their lives (guilty), so it’s a pretty safe bet. Bonus points if you are familiar with the classics (and by that of course I mean NBA Jam and Crash Bandicoot).

11. What was cool when you were younger but isn’t cool now?

Does anyone remember parachute pants? The only risk involved in this one is that some folks are more sensitive than others about revealing their (approximate) age, but outside of that, the results are often hilarious. Use your discretion.

12. What's the first album you ever bought?

Again, there is the slight risk here of people feeling uncomfortable about age, but in our experience, many people love the opportunity to reminisce — a good follow-up question is what format. (Vinyl is back! But then, my first album was on a cassette tape — not back, yet…)

13. Who is your celebrity lookalike?

Ask your teammates to share the celebrity that people say resembles them most, and include an image reference if possible. With a visual platform, you could also gamify the experience by having everyone vote anonymously for the most convincing doppelgänger.

14. What's your go-to karaoke song?

This can be a fun way to introduce favorite kinds of music, with potentially hilarious outcomes. Also, singing has been shown to mediate fast social bonding . Bonus points if people have good stories about why they selected their songs — or particularly memorable performances.

15. What are the last 3 emojis you typed in your phone?

It’s hard to predict, but this one could get interesting, so our advice is to use only with established teams. Given that there are so many ways to interpret emojis (and, in fact, those interpretations often change across demographics), this exercise can also be useful in terms of clearing up any potential miscommunications across your team in platforms like Slack, or other tools where emoji reactions have become ubiquitous.

[Bonus] Virtual icebreaker question generator

Look, sometimes you just want to click a button and get a great icebreaker for your next virtual meeting. That’s why we created this simple icebreaker generator — so you can get a quick icebreaker idea and focus on running better team meetings.


These questions can help people open up, get to know one another, and spark further discussion (and even friendships) down the road.

Want more questions to break the ice? Check out these 100 icebreaker questions to get the conversation started .

5 Icebreaker activities for virtual meetings

One thing that can make for a good icebreaker is building strategies for working together in an open and informal way. Activities offer opportunities for team members to work together in a format that is lighthearted, but still impactful.

If you’re running a larger meeting with more than 10 people, you may want to create teams and have them run the icebreaker in a breakout room. Once 5-10 minutes have passed, bring everyone back together and share the funniest moments from the activity.

16. One-minute introductions

Short introductions are a good way to take the pressure off people when getting to know one another and set expectations. For brevity’s sake, it’s best to break it down into simple categories such as first name, last name, and one fact about each person.

17. Define ways of working together

Working together to build a team charter is a great way to learn about teammates as well as establish ground rules for engagement. Define things like: What’s the best way to get in touch? Do you prefer asynchronous work or would you rather set a meeting? How are you accustomed to collaborating with teammates? How have you handled this in your previous experiences?

We’d recommend using a visual medium for this, like the hybrid team charter template , so teammates can get a better understanding of their virtual and physical workplaces, as well as more information about time zones for synchronous and asynchronous communication.

18. Share your workspace

This activity is centered on sharing the space around you. Have everyone introduce themselves and then pick out one aspect of their workspace that is important to them.

Note: Using a visual platform where still images can be provided instead of live video can mitigate any potential discomfort during a team meeting. It can also inform colleagues about ways of working together and work styles that can build empathy and spark conversation.

online presentation icebreakers

19. Most embarrassing stories

It’s a fine line (so having some guidelines like ‘work appropriate’ for stories up front is the way to go), but when people share personal stories, it offers diverse groups an immediate window into their colleagues’ experiences, and fosters empathy and understanding that has measurable, positive effects on team creativity. As people introduce themselves, ask them to pick a 1-2 minute anecdote that was embarrassing for them in the past, and what they learned from the experience.

20. Show and tell

This one is a throwback to elementary school — but it’s still fun! Have everyone pick an item they want to share with the group, and allot 1-2 minutes per person to keep things moving. Questions and back stories encouraged! 

Pro-tip: If you want to add more visual interest to this activity, you can use the (free) Mural show and tell template and have all your meeting attendees submit photos before the meeting starts.

5 Icebreaker games for virtual meetings

Sometimes a little (unserious) competition can be a great way to build camaraderie — here are a few of our favorite icebreaker games for virtual meetings.

21. Company trivia

See how well your team members know the organization with a simple trivia game, and reward the winners with kudos (or maybe even a little swag?). This can be as quick as 5 company-related questions, or more involved, like a traditional game show. Just make sure the emphasis is heavy on family and light on feud (jokes!).

Related: try the Mural trivia game template

22. Throwback photos

This one is both a walk down memory lane, as well as a nice opportunity for some good natured humor. To run this game, have all your attendees send the facilitator an image of themselves as a child prior to the meeting so that you can get started right away, and then take turns guessing who’s who. 

23. Name that tune

Play a snippet of a song (or better yet, sing a few lyrics, strum a couple chords — anything you can do to make music) and see who can be first to guess the name. If you want to make it more difficult, ask your attendees to guess the artist and the year as well!

24. Two truths and a lie 

This is a classic icebreaker that can easily be played virtually. To play, each person will share three things about themselves, two of which are true and one of which is a lie. Everyone else in the group then has to try to guess which of the three things is the lie.

25. Virtual scavenger hunt 

This is a great icebreaker for larger groups as it encourages people to work together in teams. To play, divide the group into teams and give each team a list of items or tasks that they need to find or complete within a certain time limit. The team that finds or completes the most items on the list wins.

Alternatively, you can apply this same approach to smaller groups, with the Mural obstacle course template — whoever accomplishes all the tasks first gets a (virtual) gold medal!

Why should you use icebreakers?

Whichever approach you choose, icebreakers are meant to be a fun opportunity to get to know your team, while at the same time having a measurable, positive impact on team performance.

When people are more comfortable, they are more likely to participate and engage in your meeting, leading to stronger connections and better group outcomes. But how can you make people feel comfortable in a new, virtual setting?

Icebreakers contribute to are an important part of an environment of great stepping stone to psychological safety — that is, an atmosphere of respect that promotes confidence among team members that they can share their thoughts, feedback, and concerns without fear of retribution. This approach leads to a greater diversity of ideas, and ultimately more productive meetings.

Note: These benefits are why icebreakers get used in classroom settings , too

By allowing people to relax, find ways to relate to one another, and connect with each other on more informal terms, icebreakers can help set the baseline of mutual trust and respect that can grow into healthy and productive working relationships in the future, and even reinforce existing friendships.

More ways to break the ice

Yes, icebreakers can sometimes feel cheesy, but it's a fun way to learn more about your coworkers, build trust among team members, and make online meetings more engaging.

These are some of our favorites, but we love new ideas and ways of working together. We’re constantly adding to (and improving) our template library. Also, if you’re looking for warm-ups and energizers , icebreaker questions , or icebreakers for small groups , we have you covered. 

What is Mural?

Mural is the visual work platform that allows all kinds of teams to do better work together — from anywhere. Team members get aligned faster with templates, prompts, and proven methods that guide them to quickly solve any problem. They can gather their ideas and feedback in one spot, allowing them to see the big picture of any project and act decisively. 

That’s what happens when you change not just where, but how you work.

Get started with the free plan with Mural to start collaborating with your team. Don’t forget to break the ice first!


Bryan Kitch

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12 Actually Not Awkward Virtual Ice Breakers for Remote Meetings

online presentation icebreakers

Bonus Tip: Use Krisp to Enjoy Noise-Free Virtual Ice Breakers

12. play to your strengths, conclusion .

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  • If planned well, virtual ice breakers build relationships and boost morale and motivation. Also, virtual meeting ice breakers enhance communication, reduce anxiety and tension, and increase engagement.
  • Online ice breakers range from simple introductions to creative challenges or trivia games. They’re designed for large and small groups as well as remote and hybrid teams.
  • You can enhance your remote ice breakers by using an AI-enabled meeting assistant. It’ll minimize distractions and automate note-taking, keeping participants engaged and productive.

Well-planned virtual ice breakers are enjoyable and beneficial for team building. Did you know that engaging and enjoyable work is the #1 factor for almost 50% of knowledge workers to achieve their best work, according to Asana?

I know many hate online ice breakers, especially when these activities are accompanied by background noise. So, imagine being able to select the perfect virtual ice-breaker activities while ensuring a noise-free environment to encourage interaction and strengthen team bonds.

Let’s explore 12 engaging ice breakers designed to enhance team closeness. We’ll also discover how to eliminate background noise to facilitate seamless online interactions. Lastly, we’ll uncover how you can transcribe, record, and summarize your virtual meetings to preserve valuable memories and insights.

What Is a Virtual Ice Breaker?

virtual ice breakers Krisp

communicating virtually discussing via computer

An ice breaker is a game, activity, or question that prompts discussion. It has two main goals:

  • Make participants feel comfortable talking to each other and avoid miscommunication .
  • Help participants get to know each other.

But they remind many of childhood when the teacher made them stand up and state their names and one “fun fact” about themselves. Then, they realized they weren’t that fun and didn’t remember their names when under pressure.

While the word’s origin is disputed , I like to think of its physical equivalent. An icebreaker is a type of boat that breaks the ice to allow it to keep cruising along smoothly, so it doesn’t get stuck in one place.

Virtual meeting ice breakers can be a powerful tool if organized well. Specifically, they keep the conversation flowing and prevent awkward silence. Most importantly, as many of us study or work from home , virtual ice breakers create a conducive environment for collaboration and help us feel connected.

Here are some ground rules for doing ice breakers right.

5 Tips on Doing Virtual Ice Breakers Right

online ice breakers tips Krisp

virtual communication via computer

1. Exercise Sensitivity and Emotional Intelligence

Are you trying to find the best answer to “How do you break the ice with friends online?” First, know the difference between a fun virtual ice breaker and a cringe-worthy one. Because the best answer depends on the level of closeness between those interacting online.

Specifically, personal-question-based ice breakers are the best fit for team members who have worked together. What about new team members? As a rule, personal questions posed to meeting attendees who have never met can create awkwardness and embarrassment.

2. Have a Backup Plan for Virtual Ice Breakers

Some ice breaker questions won’t go over well with some people, and that’s okay. So, try giving them something easier to answer. For instance, if they can’t tell something good that happened to them last week, ask, “What’s one goal you have for the upcoming week?”

Pay attention to their tone of voice and facial expressions. If that person is uncomfortable, thank them for trying and move on to the next.

3. Don’t Do Virtual Ice Breakers for Every Meeting

Remember an important point when looking for the best answer to “How do you break the ice in virtual meetings?” Some ice breaker activities, such as “Item on Your Desk” and “Two-Word Check-In,” are suitable for weekly team meetings.

Other options should be used sparingly. Because they become cumbersome and dreaded if you do it every time you have a virtual meeting .

4. Consider “Breakout Rooms” for Virtual Ice Breakers with More Than 10 Attendees

Some video conferencing tools , such as Zoom and Google Meet, include breakout rooms for multiple attendees. Specifically, this feature lets you organize groups of three to six attendees to complete the meeting activities separately.

Why? Virtual ice breakers with more than 10 participants can become unwieldy and time-consuming.

5. Know When to Move On

One of the biggest complaints about virtual icebreakers is that they waste valuable time. So, don’t let them drag on.

Set a timer for your meeting and start the official part once it goes off. Additionally, you can give people a set time limit to answer a question, such as 30 seconds.

Krisp AI meeting assistant virtual ice breakers

Krisp AI meeting assistant for calls virtual ice breakers

Virtual meetings are essential to our daily lives in our increasingly digital world. So, it’s no surprise that the global market share of videoconferencing software witnessed nearly 68% growth in 2023.

But that’s only part of the story: not all online meetings succeed. That’s where AI meeting assistant Krisp steps in to cancel the background noise during your virtual ice breakers to make them successful and productive.

Krisp, a must-have noise cancellation and note-taking app, eliminates background voices and echoes during ice breakers for meetings to make them more productive. Moreover, Krisp automatically records, transcribes, and summarizes virtual meetings to simplify collaboration.

Now that you’re set up for success, let’s go through great virtual ice breaker ideas.

12 Unique Virtual Ice Breakers That Won’t Traumatize Your Team

 unique remote ice breakers Krisp

people communicating online via computer

1. This or That

Level of effort required: Low

Level of team closeness required: Low

Best for: Larger meetings with people who don’t know each other well.

Are you googling “What is a fun, quick ice breaker?” Here is a lighthearted and quick idea: you throw out two options. Then, the participant chooses one and tells you why they chose it.

Consider these options:

  • Hot or cold weather
  • French fries or a side salad
  • Beer or wine
  • Los Angeles or New York City
  • Travel by train or travel by plane

Use The Game Gal “This or That” to generate ideas for quick ice breakers for virtual meetings.

2. Song on Repeat

Best for: Informal, less corporate virtual ice breakers for team meetings.

For such virtual icebreakers, people can share which song they’re listening to or repeating these days. “Song on Repeat” also allows people to get new music recommendations. Why not? Almost everyone loves music.

“Song on Repeat” helps reveal personality types. How? Our preferred music style is tied to our personality type . Specifically, our musical tastes reflect our personalities, emotions, and social identities. Did you know people with higher openness enjoy sophisticated music genres like classical, opera, and jazz?

3. Tell Us Which City You’re in Without Telling Us Which City You’re in

Best for: Remote or distributed teams.

Here is another type of virtual ice breakers for work. Each attendee states a unique fact or description of their city, state, or country . Importantly, they mustn’t use the actual name of the city, state, or country. Others try to guess.

For example, someone working from Austin, Texas, might say, “This capital city used to be called Waterloo.” Someone working from Los Angeles might say, “This city is known for famous people and terrible traffic.” The same goes for cities and states.

4. Zoom Background Charades

Level of effort required: Medium

Best for: Informal environments and large groups.

Such virtual ice breakers for Zoom or Google Meet work if your web conferencing tool allows you to upload images for backgrounds. Specifically, have your team upload a background based on a theme before the meeting. Then, have everyone guess where they took the photo or what it depicts.

Given the global video conferencing market is projected to almost double, reaching 19.1 billion U.S. dollars, this online ice breaker is a go-for option.

Ideas to consider:

  • A photo from a scene in their favorite movie
  • A photo from a favorite vacation
  • A place they’d like to visit
  • The best meal they’ve ever had: have people guess the name of the dish and where it’s from

5. Item on Your Desk

Best for: One-time use at a weekly or quarterly meeting.

Are you googling “What are some fun virtual ice breakers”? Virtual ice breakers like “Item on Your Desk” are sentimental and humorous. Have participants choose an item on the desk and hold it to the camera for everyone to see.

Then, have them explain the meaning behind the item or why it’s on their desk. For example, someone might hold up an empty bowl and say, “I haven’t had time to do dishes yet.”

Experiencing fun either in job-related activities or socializing with coworkers boosts job satisfaction and lowers employee burnout.

6. Show and Tell: Pet Edition

Best for: Virtual ice breakers for students or any other group.

People are often much more comfortable talking about others than themselves. Have everyone show a photo of their pet and talk about it. If someone doesn’t have a pet, they can show an animal they used to have or wish they could have.

How can participants show the pet during the virtual team meeting ice breakers?

  • If the pet lives with them, have the attendee show the pet or point the camera at it.
  • Have the photo be pulled up on their phone and face the screen toward their computer camera. However, this doesn’t always work and may lack good quality.
  • Share their screen and have their pet photo pulled up.
  • Submit the photo file or link to it in the group chat.

What can attendees share about their pets?

  • The story behind adopting or buying the pet.
  • One quirky thing their pet does.

7. The View from My Office

remote online meetings

man looking out of window

Best for: Virtual ice breakers for any group, especially for distributed teams.

Such virtual icebreakers help remote coworkers have fun , that is, enjoy the experience of liberating engagement. Have everyone share the view from their window or show their desk setup. You have two options:

  • Alert participants beforehand to prepare a photo to share during the call.
  • Have attendees pick up their laptops and show you the view in real time during the call. However, the latter option can place more pressure on people, so option A is safer.

8. Two Truths and a Lie

Best for: Virtual ice breakers for any group.

What is the most common ice breaker? Have each participant come up with two factual statements and one lie. Then, the other participants will guess which statement is a lie. Why not find out how sneaky some people can be?

For example, an attendee might say, “Hi, I’m Janet. I once met Justin Timberlake. I own a dog. And I can’t whistle.” People might guess that her comment about Justin Timberlake is untrue. What if she used to be a roadie and worked on the setup of one of his concerts? People might assume having a dog is relatively common, so it must be true.

Did you know that, according to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, people tell one to two lies daily ?

9. Two-Word Check-In

Level of team closeness required: Medium to high

Best for: Regular check-ins, such as at weekly team meetings.

Two-Word Check-In involves emotions and moments of vulnerability. So, avoid using it for one-time meetings with people you’ve never met.

Begin the meeting by saying, “Let’s go around and say two words that describe how we’re feeling today. I’ll go first. My two words are tired and hopeful.”

To facilitate discussion, pull up a photo of the emotional wheel , also known as the Plutchik wheel, developed by psychologist Robert Plutchik. According to Plutchik, people experience eight core emotions, including sadness and joy, anger, and fear.

For example, someone who is upset might use the word “angry.” But if they dig deeper, they’ll find the word “frustrated” to describe their feelings.

Such virtual ice breakers build emotional intelligence (EQ) , the ability to understand and manage one’s and others’ emotions.

Additionally, “Two-Word Check-In” helps you eliminate the question, “How are you doing?” And that’s why I love it. That question always elicits the same automatic and socially conditioned response of “good” or “fine,” whether true or not.

10. Highs and Lows

Such virtual ice breakers involve sharing vulnerable moments, too. And emotional vulnerability can be a path to connect ion. They’re best for teams already sharing some closeness.

Go around the virtual room and share something good or high and bad or low that happened this week. Often, attendees prefer to flip the order: do lows first and then highs. Why? Because it can be a downer to end on a low. But it’s up to you.

Say something encouraging or meaningful after each person goes. After all, sharing something negative and receiving no reaction can feel disappointing.

11. Common Ground

Level of effort required: High

Best for: Group meetings for the first time, and longer meetings.

Common Ground suggests finding the one thing participants have in common unrelated to work. For example, “Common Ground” is a fun virtual ice breaker that reveals more about each person.

Have participants share random facts, ask questions, and see where they can connect, even if it’s a stretch.

For example, you might say, “I love to cook.” Another coworker might say, “I’m a terrible cook, but I love to eat. My favorite food is Italian.” Someone else might say, “I studied abroad in Rome during my senior year of college.” From there, you might discover you’ve all been to Rome.

As a result, participants can share stories about those trips and find a common hobby, like playing the piano. And storytelling is a vital human tool for building a connection during virtual ice breakers.

Best for: Team meetings about a particular project.

Are you googling “What are the most popular ice breaker questions?” Why not try these question-based virtual ice breakers that help identify which strengths are best for particular projects?

Have everyone take this University of Pennsylvania Brief Strengths Test . It consists of 25 questions measuring people’s strengths, from bravery to humor. Then, have each attendee share their top strengths and brainstorm one way they can apply them to a particular project.

As you can see, virtual ice breakers don’t have to be awkward. It’s all about assessing the group’s dynamics and picking an activity or question appropriate for your team. Specifically, online ice breaker ideas such as “This or That” and “Play Your Strengths” help teams create stronger bonds and build trust.

AI meeting assistant Krisp can help you filter out noises, take notes, transcribe and record your virtual ice breakers, and localize speakers’ accents for enterprises and call centers. As a result, you can enjoy effective and productive meetings online.

Get Krisp For Free

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Most Fun Virtual Ice Breaker?   It all depends on the group’s preferences. However, consider “Two Truths and a Lie,” “Tell Us Your Most Used Emoji,” and “Virtual Scavenger Hunt” when participants pick an item and tell the story behind it. These virtual ice breakers resonate well with any group by encouraging participation and setting a positive tone for meetings. What Is a Good Ice Breaker on Zoom?   Consider riddle ice breakers for meetings on Zoom. Share a riddle with the participants and give them a moment to think about the answer. For example, try this one, “I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?” Once guesses are in, tell the participants the correct answer and briefly discuss it. What Are Three Fun Ice Breaker Questions?   The funniest questions for virtual ice breakers depend on the group’s humor. Consider these questions, “What were words you couldn’t pronounce as a child, so you made up your own?” “ What safe animal are you afraid of?” “If you could have any superpower for just one day, what would it be and why?” What Are the 4 Cs of Ice Breakers? Regarding primary goals, the 4Cs indicate critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration within a group. 4Cs also refer to the questions to ask during virtual ice breakers. Specifically, ask participants to name a cartoon character, color, car, and cuisine that best describes their personalities. What is the Best Ice Breaker for a Hybrid Meeting? To seamlessly integrate in-person and remote participants, consider the following ice breaker: collaborative storytelling. Have your team create a story, each participant contributing a sentence or paragraph. You can start the story with a theme or prompt, and others will continue. Remote team members can contribute via video or chat, while in-person participants can verbally add their parts during virtual ice breakers.

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