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Essay on Child Labour with Outline and Quotation

essay on child labour in pakistan with outline

  • November 27, 2023

Kainat Shakeel

Child labor is a serious issue involving the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives them of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular schools, and is mentally, physically, socially, or morally harmful.

“The abuse of children would end if parents would raise their kids with love, instead of raising them with fear,” (Joe Vitale)

The historical environment of child labor:.

The roots of child labor trace back to the dawn of industrialization when profitable musts forced families to shoot their children to work in manufactories. The Industrial Revolution, while marking progress in numerous spheres, also etched the exploitation of innocent lives into history. youthful minds toiled in dangerous conditions, laying the foundation for a persisting problem. 

Global Statistics and Impact:

Presently, child labor remains a pervasive concern worldwide, with stunning statistics painting a grim picture. Millions of children engage in labor, frequently subordinated to dangerous surroundings that peril not only their physical well-being but also their internal health. It’s imperative to sound the profound impact of child labor on individuals and societies. 

International Efforts to Combat Child Labor:

In response to this global extremity, international associations have commanded enterprises and conventions to check child labor. Notable sweats include the International Labour Organization’s conventions and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development pretensions. Still, the effectiveness of these measures hinges on collaborative adherence and enforcement. 

Causes of Child Labor:

Poverty emerges as a primary catalyst for child labor, compelling families to shoot their children to work for survival. The vicious cycle of poverty intertwines with limited educational openings, immortalizing the cycle of exploitation. Addressing child labor necessitates diving into the root causes bedded in profitable differences. 

Effects on Education:

Child labor isn’t simply a profitable issue but a grave violation of the right to education. Children engaged in labor are frequently denied the occasion to develop academically, leading to a ripple effect that impacts societies in the long run. The denial of education energies a cycle of ignorance and perpetuates socio-profitable imbalances. 

             ” There’s no future for people who deny their children education.”

Child labor laws and programs:.

While transnational and public legal fabrics live to combat child labor, enforcement poses a considerable challenge. inadequate coffers, corruption, and lack of mindfulness hamper the effective perpetration of laws designed to cover vulnerable children. Strengthening enforcement mechanisms is pivotal for meaningful change.

Enterprise and Programs Addressing Child Labor:

 Multitudinous non-governmental associations lifelessly work towards barring child labor. Their enterprise ranges from deliverance and recuperation to advocacy for legislative changes. Success stories crop up from communities that have witnessed positive metamorphoses, pressing the impact of devoted sweat. 

Cerebral Impact on Child Labor:

 Beyond the physical risk, child labor inflicts severe cerebral trauma on its victims. The scars of exploitation frequently endure into the majority, hindering emotional well-being and immortalizing cycles of trauma. Admitting and addressing the cerebral impact is pivotal for comprehensive recuperation. 

Governmental Initiative:

Governments worldwide must take a visionary station against child labor, enforcing and buttressing programs that cover children. Country-specific sweats need to be acclimatized to address the unique challenges each region faces, icing a holistic approach to eradication and recuperation.

The Cultural Aspect of Child Labor:

Certain artistic practices contribute to the continuity of child labor. It’s essential to navigate the delicate balance between esteeming artistic diversity and dismembering dangerous traditions that immortalize exploitation. Shifting artistic perspectives is a crucial element in the broader strategy against child labor. 

Media's part in Raising mindfulness:

The media, with its unequaled reach, plays a pivotal part in raising mindfulness about child labor. Thoughtful liars and poignant juggernauts have the eventuality to rally public sentiment, egging action and fostering a collaborative commitment to annihilate child labor. 

“The best way to predict the future is to create it,” stated computer scientist Alan Kay.


In conclusion, the fight against child labor requires a multifaceted approach, addressing its literal roots, socio-profitable causes, and legislative failings. The global community must unite to apply laws, hold pots responsible, and apply enterprises that cover and rehabilitate affected children. Eradicating child labor isn’t just a moral duty but a collaborative responsibility for securing a better future

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Kainat Shakeel is a versatile SEO-Content Writer and Digital Marketer with a keen understanding of tech news, digital market trends, fashion, technology, laws, and regulations. As a storyteller in the digital realm, she weaves narratives that bridge the gap between technology and human experiences. With a passion for staying at the forefront of industry trends, her blog is a curated space where the worlds of fashion, tech, and legal landscapes converge.

Essay on Child Labour with Quotations and Outline

Child labour essay with quotations and outline for matric, intermediate fa, 2nd year, fsc, ba and bsc.

Here is an essay on Child Labour with outline and quotation for students of Class 10, class 12 and graduation. In child labour essay, a student should write the outline first and then discuss the reasons behind child labour and at the end suggestions to end this.

Outline of Essay on Child Labour with Quotes for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

  • Introduction to child labour in developing countries.
  • Reasons behind the child labour.
  • The children are maltreated by the employers.
  • Law against child labour does not work practically.
  • Suggestions to end child labour in our society

“The Change starts within each one of us. And ends only when all children are free to be children.” Craig Kielburger

Child labour is a common thing in the countries which are not well developed yet. It is very popular in all parts of our country. The children are used to render cheap labour in the factories, shops and business centres. They are also employed at the filling stations, bakeries, hotels, and offices of different firms. Child labour is available in all developing and poor countries. The following reasons are responsible for child labour In our country.

First, Pakistan/India is a poor, backward and underdeveloped country. Its population is on the increase. Poverty haunts one home or other. Poor parents cannot afford to send their children to schools for education. Education in our country is very expensive. In order to meet daily expenses of life, they send their children to earn money. In this way, they add to their income.

The child is meant to Learn, not to Earn.

In the villages, the feudal lords employ children for the cultivation of fields and marketing of their production. They pay to these children a very meagre amount of Wages. The children are forced to work in the fields. If they do not cooperate, their parents are punished and beaten by the landlords.

The children are maltreated by the employers. They are abused and insulted if they become a bit careless in their word. They are beaten and punished. They are given very ‘ low wages for their work. They are made to work from morning till night. They are kept hungry. They are forced to lead a life of pain and sorrow.

In our country, there exists a law against child labour, but it does not operate practically. The children do not get any relief from this law. The labour department is bribed to remain silent about the painful condition of children. The children are bound to suffer.

“Child labour is a devastation, they should concentrate on Education.”

We can make an end of child labour by acting upon the following steps:-

  • Child labour can be brought to an end when large-scale social and economic reforms take effect in our country. In the first place, the economic condition of the ppm. people must be made better. Measures should be taken to make an end of poverty. The poor parents do not send their children to school for fear of starvation. They can send their children to school if their economic condition is made better Education for the poor must be made cheap. “ Don’t ask Children to Take Tool, instead send them to school.”
  • The feudal or Jigardi system must be abolished. If it happens, the landlords will not employ children to work in their fields.
  • The Government Should make a law for universal education for everybody. The parents who ‘do not send their children to school, must be fined and punished. However, they must be given ample resources to lead a good life. Without improving their economic condition it is not possible to end child labour. In order to improve their economic condition, they will continue to send their children to work in factories, shops and business centers.

Show a Child Love & Care,

Child Labour is just not fair

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Child labor in pakistan: policy analysis.

essay on child labour in pakistan with outline

In Pakistan, child labor is a serious human rights issue with millions of children working to support their families. These children are deprived of their basic right to education. In this context, this policy brief aims to highlight the seriousness of the child labor issue, showing its links to poverty, lack of access to education, and ineffective government laws and policies. Pakistan is an economically developing country where poverty and inflation are high, and these factors ultimately promote child labor. Therefore, this paper suggests various ways to resolve the issue of child labor with an integrated long-term approach based on community needs and requirements, including initiation of poverty eradication programs, provision of income generation opportunities to poor families, implementation of free primary and compulsory education, vocational training for children and awareness programs, as well as, enforcement of laws and policies by the state. Many of the reflections that laid the foundation of the present study for resolving child labor issues were based on five years of practical experience in the field of human rights, particularly focused on child protection, child labor, non-formal education, and creating livelihood opportunities for poor families in Pakistan.  Subsequently, various policy alternatives were proposed and evaluated using Policy Delphi rankings and certain assessment criteria such as efficiency, liberty, acceptability, socio-political feasibility, economic feasibility and ease of implementation that could be effective in providing income generation opportunities to the families of child laborers, quality education to these children, and proper implementation of existing laws and policies related to child labor, child rights, and child education.

Key findings

The findings of the analysis highlighted certain major causes of increasing child labor in Pakistan including poverty and inflation due to which poor families are left with fewer employment options in Pakistan, non-availability and non-accessibility of schools for poor child laborers, lack of implementation of universal and compulsory primary education that  further compels many parents to send their children to work, earn money, and learn new skills, and rapidly growing illiteracy and ignorance especially in the lower economic classes due to lack of resources. The study further proposed significant policy alternatives for restricting child labor and reforming the socio-economic status of poor children by promoting child rights and child education in Pakistan. These policy options included banning child labor entirely, poverty alleviation programs, vocational schooling programs, enforcing part-time education, and research and data collection. Since criteria-based assessment exposed certain trade-offs between different alternatives, the decision was made considering what society would value more and what would be administratively feasible for the government to do. According to the Policy Delphi results, the most desirable alternative was the imposition of part-time education on children. Although it ranked well on ensuring liberty and long-term effectiveness, the economic costs and difficulty in implementation would cause problems since this alternative would require time especially in case of setting up separate schools for the provision of such part-time education. On the contrary, the policy option of carrying out research and data collection was found as the easiest to implement but it would not be efficient in the short-run as it could not generate quick results. Therefore, it was ranked as the least desired alternative, although such research might not be as costly as the other alternatives and would help in drawing up future policy alternatives that could target the problem more effectively. However, the Pakistani society was found favoring quick results over calculated and well-researched alternatives that might take longer to implement and bring about results.


The study suggests that the action plan to reduce and prevent child labor must consider all aspects of education, from the government school system, non-formal and transitional programs to curriculum development, provision of materials and equipment, quality teachers and extracurricular activities. There should be a strong focus on non-formal education in rural and remote areas or in disadvantaged urban districts. Vocational training and skill education can also be essential components and strategies to reduce child labor. Besides all that, the public needs to be made aware of child labor, particularly its worst forms, and how child labor is harmful to the children as well as to the society. For this, awareness-raising activities including social mobilization, workshops, seminars, and trainings could be beneficial to inform communities and parents about the detrimental effects of child labor. Moreover, to encourage children and ensure their effective participation in decision-making, children’s clubs could be formed promoting child rights, raising awareness and discouraging child labor in society. These clubs could be set up at the community, schools, district, provincial and national levels. In addition to that, the industrial areas in Pakistan such as Sialkot, Kasur and Hyderabad should be targeted and part-time education should be imposed upon all child laborers with careful monitoring of progress, especially in the first few years to ensure that the children are benefitting from the education. Through the imposition of part-time education, the child laborers will not only be able to support their families, but they will also be able to get educated, hence ensuring better prospects for them in the future. Similarly, it can lead to more children being streamlined into the education system in the long-run, ending the cycle of illiteracy and poverty. Therefore, sperate schools for child laborers should be set up in partnership with local and international NGOs so that the entire economic and administrative burden does not fall on the government, as well as to allow more innovation in ideas and better planning. However, in the short-term, government should set up temporary schools or space should be made in government schools for evening classes to cater to child laborers since separate schools serving this purpose can only be set up in the longer run. Furthermore, the government of Pakistan needs to revise its poverty eradication strategy and should include broader participation by the civil society and the private sector at all stages of policy process including formulation, implementation, and outcome-based monitoring. This strategy should recognize the multidimensional nature of poverty and the scope of actions needed to reduce poverty by controlling inflation and providing income generation opportunities to poor and vulnerable families. Similarly, the government of Pakistan could conduct a survey to identify the extent of the issue of child labor. The findings of the survey would be helpful in designing an action plan for combating child labor effectively. However, the engagement of civil society organizations and International Labor Organization (ILO) would be quite essential in this whole process to provide technical assistance to the government of Pakistan. The government also needs to increase the wages of labor class people according to the market rates. Moreover, providing microcredit or microfinance assistance to poor families without interest for business purposes would be another effective policy option to increase their income. Whereas, in order to resolve the issue of indebtedness and bonded child labor, the social protection system needs to be promoted. Similarly, the existing social protection programs by the government including Bait-ul-Mal and Zakat programs should be strengthened and promoted to give benefits to maximum number of poor families. In addition to that, allocation of special funds in terms of cash, alternate livelihood, a piece of land, and quality education to children along with scholarships, incentives to families, low-cost housing, vocational trainings and social security cards for the rehabilitation of bonded and child labor families could be another positive action for the protection and prevention of child labor. Since, the government of Pakistan has amended Employment of Children Act (ECA) 1991 to include child labor issues in informal sectors such as agriculture, livestock, and home, the government of Pakistan and law enforcement agencies should also make efforts to enforce all these laws in their true sprit by allocating sufficient funds and establishing an implementation infrastructure mechanism in the country. Additionally, in the long-term, more policies should be implemented and research should be carried out to monitor progress of the initial policy plans and their success rate.

essay on child labour in pakistan with outline

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Child Labour In Pakistan Causes And Effects Essay

Child Labour refers to the employment of children especially when considered illegal. It is the full-time employment of children in any industry or a business. In some countries, child labour is strictly prohibited and it is considered a violation of human rights. Pakistan is country in which half of the population lying below the poverty line. It is facing the problem of poverty due to which Child labour is working in almost every field but it mainly exists in the home-based industries. The practice of child labour ultimately harms the social, physical, moral and mental level of children. Most of the children in Pakistan are employed in any industry, business and factories instead of studying in any school. It is one of the social problems growing in Pakistan will alarming situation. The Federal Bureau of Statistics FBS released the report of last year survey which show that between 5 to 14 aged, more than 40 million child labour is working in Pakistan. There are so many causes and effects which lead to the child labour in Pakistan which are listed below in detail.

Child Labour In Pakistan Causes And Effects Essay

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Causes of Child Labour in Pakistan:

Poverty is one of the basic and major causes of Child labour in Pakistan. Half of the population of Pakistan is facing the problem of poverty and lies below the poverty line. Poverty forces the children from middle-class families to earn their living along with their parents to generate income. Children get employed in mines, factories and hawking in the street, working on street shops in order to earn money. Child labour in Pakistan is the alarming situation as it harms or damages the talented children which further prove to be the rising stars and maybe some of them are history makers.

Most of the people living in our society do not know the importance of education. They didn’t force their children on education but out them on labouring in any factory or any business. Illiteracy is also playing a vital role in child labouring. They to choice education to generate money instead of labour their children at a small age.

  • High Cost of Education

There is a huge ratio of middle-class families are living in Pakistan. Some of them are not eligible to afford the expense of education in order to educate their children even from government schools.

  • Over Population

Overpopulation is also the major cause of child labour in Pakistan. The birth rate in Pakistan is very high. A huge number of family member leads to poverty which ultimately results in working with the child along with parent in order to earn living for all family members.

Effect of Child Labour in Pakistan:

Society: Our society plays a vital role in developing child labour and causing bad effect on children. And the child labour is also affecting our society. They are not award with enough wage and they try to steal and snatch the thing from other in order to fulfil the need of money which results into the severe situation and they literally involve in criminal activities too.

Health Issues: Childhood is very innocent and delicate age in which we grow into potential skills. But unfortunately, due to child labour, it results into health complication such a mental disorders, depression, anxiety etc. working on an unsuitable or unfavorable place like mines, constructions places, factories etc with full time working hours lead to the lifetime health issues.

The government should take serious steps to overcome the social problem of child labour in Pakistan. They are the major assets of the nation and leads to the proud of a nation with their talent and potential. The government should impose the institute which solely works with the aim of preserving the rights of children and bring a law to avoid child labour. Some of the developed countries have imposed a restriction on child labour in order to save their assets and grow well for the success of their country. We hope that Pakistan will be one of them and took serious steps to overcome this social evil from Pakistan.

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Child labor in Pakistan and its solution

Profile image of Pirbhu Satyani

In Pakistan, child labor is a serious human rights issue with millions of children working to support their families. These children are deprived of their basic right to education. This essay aims to highlight the seriousness of the child labor issue, showing its links to poverty, lack of access to education, and ineffective government laws and policies. Pakistan is an economically developing country where poverty and inflation are high; these factors ultimately promote child labor. This paper suggests various ways to resolve the issue of child labor with an integrated long-term approach based on community needs and requirements, including initiating poverty eradication programs, providing income generation opportunities to poor families, implementing of free primary and compulsory education, vocational training for children, awareness programs, and enforcing laws and policies by the state. Many of the reflections on which this paper is based for resolving child labor are based on five years of practical experience in the field of human rights particularly focused on child protection, child labor, non-formal education, and creating livelihood opportunities for poor families in Pakistan.

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Child Labor in Pakistan: A Complex Issue

  • Category: Social Issues , Life
  • Topic: Child Protection , Labor

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