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Constants, Variables, and Data Types

Published by Matthew Curran Modified over 10 years ago

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Constants, Variables, and Data Types

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Data Types in C

Each variable in C has an associated data type. It specifies the type of data that the variable can store like integer, character, floating, double, etc. Each data type requires different amounts of memory and has some specific operations which can be performed over it. The data type is a collection of data with values having fixed values, meaning as well as its characteristics.

The data types in C can be classified as follows:



Primitive data types are the most basic data types that are used for representing simple values such as integers, float, characters, etc.
The user-defined data types are defined by the user himself.
The data types that are derived from the primitive or built-in datatypes are referred to as Derived Data Types.

Data Types in C

Different data types also have different ranges up to which they can store numbers. These ranges may vary from compiler to compiler. Below is a list of ranges along with the memory requirement and format specifiers on the 32-bit GCC compiler .

Data Type 
Size (bytes) 
Format Specifier 

-32,768 to 32,767 

0 to 65,535 

0 to 4,294,967,295 

-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 

-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 

0 to 4,294,967,295 

-(2^63) to (2^63)-1 

0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 

-128 to 127 

0 to 255 

1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38 %f 

1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308 %lf 

3.4E-4932 to 1.1E+4932 %Lf 
Note: The l ong, short, signed and unsigned are datatype modifier that can be used with some primitive data types to change the size or length of the datatype.

The following are some main primitive data types in C:

Integer Data Type

The integer datatype in C is used to store the integer numbers(any number including positive, negative and zero without decimal part). Octal values, hexadecimal values, and decimal values can be stored in int data type in C. 

  • Range:  -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
  • Size: 4 bytes
  • Format Specifier: %d

Syntax of Integer

We use int keyword to declare the integer variable:

The integer data type can also be used as

  • unsigned int: Unsigned int data type in C is used to store the data values from zero to positive numbers but it can’t store negative values like signed int.
  • short int: It is lesser in size than the int by 2 bytes so can only store values from -32,768 to 32,767.
  • long int: Larger version of the int datatype so can store values greater than int.
  • unsigned short int: Similar in relationship with short int as unsigned int with int.
Note: The size of an integer data type is compiler-dependent. We can use sizeof operator to check the actual size of any data type.

Example of int

Character Data Type

Character data type allows its variable to store only a single character. The size of the character is 1 byte. It is the most basic data type in C. It stores a single character and requires a single byte of memory in almost all compilers.

  • Range: (-128 to 127) or (0 to 255)
  • Size: 1 byte
  • Format Specifier: %c

Syntax of char

The char keyword is used to declare the variable of character type:

Example of char

Float Data Type

In C programming float data type is used to store floating-point values. Float in C is used to store decimal and exponential values. It is used to store decimal numbers (numbers with floating point values) with single precision.

  • Range: 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38
  • Format Specifier: %f

Syntax of float

The float keyword is used to declare the variable as a floating point:

Example of Float

Double Data Type

A Double data type in C is used to store decimal numbers (numbers with floating point values) with double precision. It is used to define numeric values which hold numbers with decimal values in C.

The double data type is basically a precision sort of data type that is capable of holding 64 bits of decimal numbers or floating points. Since double has more precision as compared to that float then it is much more obvious that it occupies twice the memory occupied by the floating-point type. It can easily accommodate about 16 to 17 digits after or before a decimal point.

  • Range: 1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308
  • Size: 8 bytes
  • Format Specifier: %lf

Syntax of Double

The variable can be declared as double precision floating point using the double keyword:

Example of Double

Void Data Type

The void data type in C is used to specify that no value is present. It does not provide a result value to its caller. It has no values and no operations. It is used to represent nothing. Void is used in multiple ways as function return type, function arguments as void, and pointers to void .

Example of Void

Size of Data Types in C

The size of the data types in C is dependent on the size of the architecture, so we cannot define the universal size of the data types. For that, the C language provides the sizeof() operator to check the size of the data types.

To check your knowledge of data types in C, go through the Quiz on Data Types .

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c data types and declarations

C data types and declarations

Apr 06, 2019

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C data types and declarations. (Reek, Ch. 3). Four basic data types. Integer: char , short int , int , long int , enum Floating-point: float , double , long double Pointer Aggregate: struct , union Reek categorizes arrays as “aggregate” types –

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Presentation Transcript

C data types and declarations (Reek, Ch. 3) CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Four basic data types • Integer: char, short int, int, long int, enum • Floating-point: float, double, long double • Pointer • Aggregate:struct, union • Reek categorizes arrays as “aggregate” types – fair enough, but as we’ve seen, arrays also have a lot in common with pointers • Integer and floating-point types are atomic, but pointers and aggregate types combine with other types, to form a virtually limitless variety of types CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Characters are of integer type • From a C perspective, a character is indistinguishable from its numeric ASCII value – the only difference is in how it’s displayed • Ex: converting a character digit to its numeric value • The value of '2' is not 2 – it’s 50 • To convert, subtract the ASCII value of '0' (which is 48) char digit, digit_num_value; ... digit_num_value = digit - '0'; Behaviorally, this is identical to digit - 48 Why is digit - '0' preferable? CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Integer values play the role of “Booleans” • There is no “Boolean” type • Relational operators (==, <, etc.) return either 0 or 1 • Boolean operators (&&, ||, etc.) return either 0 or 1, and take anyint values as operands • How to interpret an arbitrary int as a Boolean value: • 0→ false • Any other value → true CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

The infamous = blunder • Easy to confuse equality with assignment • In C, the test expression of an if statement can be any int expression — including an assignment expression if (y = 0) printf("Sorry, can't divide by zero.\n"); else result = x / y; • The compiler will not catch this bug! Assignment performed; y set to 0 (oops) Expression returns result of assignment: 0, or "false" else clause executed: divide by 0! CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

The less infamous “relational chain” blunder • Using relational operators in a “chain” doesn't work • Ex: “age is between 5 and 13” 5 <= age <= 13 • A correct solution: 5 <= age && age <= 13 evaluate 5 <= age result is either 0 or 1 Next, evaluate either 0 <= 13 or 1 <= 13 result is always 1 CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Enumerated types • Values are programmer-defined names • Enumerated types are declared: enumJar_Type { CUP=8, PINT=16, QUART=32, HALF_GALLON=64, GALLON=128 }; • The name of the type is enumJar_Type, not simply Jar_Type. • If the programmer does not supply literal values for the names, the default is 0 for the first name, 1 for the second, and so on. • The ugly truth: enum types are just ints in disguise! • Any int value can be assigned to a variable of enum type • So, don't rely on such variables to remain within the enumerated values CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Ranges of integer types CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Ranges of integer types • Ranges for a given platform can be found at /usr/include/limits.h • char can be used for very small integer values • Plain char may be implemented as signed or unsigned on a given platform – safest to “assume nothing” and just use the range 0...127 • short int “supposed” to be smaller than int― but it depends on the underlying platform CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Ranges of floating-point types Floating-point literals must contain a decimal point, an exponent, or both. 3.14159 25. 6.023e23 CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Danger: precision of floating-point values • Remember the Patriot story – • How much error can your software tolerate? • Testing for equality between two floating-point values: almost always a bad idea • One idea: instead of simply using ==, call an “equality routine” to check whether the two values are within some margin of error. • In general, use of floating-point values in safety-critical software should be avoided CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Casting: converting one type to another • The compiler will do a certain amount of type conversion for you: int a = ‘A’; /* char literal converted to int */ • In some circumstances, you need to explicitly cast an expression as a different type – by putting the desired type name in parentheses before the expression • e.g. (int) 3.14159 will return the int value 3 CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Pointers • A pointer is nothing more than a memory location. • In reality, it’s simply an integer value, that just happens to be interpreted as an address in memory • It may help to visualize it as an arrow “pointing” to a data item • It may help further to think of it as pointing to a data item of a particular type 0xfe4a10c5 (char *) 0xae12 0x0070 p (char) 0x015e ... ... 0xfe4a10c4 0xfe4a10c5 0xfe4a10c6 CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Pointer variables • A pointer variable is just like any other variable • It contains a value – in this case, a value interpreted as a memory location. • Since it’s a variable, its value can change... • ... and since it occupies some address in memory, there’s no reason why another pointer can’t point to it 0xcda200bd 0xfe4a10c5 0xfe4a10c6 (char *) (char *) 0xcda200bd (char **) 0xae12 p (char) 0x0070 0x0071 q (char) ... ... 0xfe4a10c4 0xfe4a10c5 0xfe4a10c6 CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Pointers • Reek uses the metaphor of “street address” vs. “house” to distinguish a pointer (address) from the data it points to • OK, but don’t forget that the data at an address may change, possibly quite rapidly • Maybe a better metaphor: Imagine a parking lot with numbered spaces. Over time, space #135 may have a Ford in it, then a Porsche, then a Yugo,... • Here the “pointer” is the space number, and the data is the make of car. CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Variable declarations • A variable without an initializing expression contains “garbage” until it is assigned a value. int a; float f; char *m, **pm; /* m is a pointer to char */ /* pm is a pointer to a pointer to char */ ??? (int) a ??? (float) (char *) f m (char **) pm CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Variable initialization int a = 17; float 3.14; char *m = ″dog″, **pm = &m; • The string literal ″dog″generates a sequence of four characters in memory. • m then points to the first of these characters, • and mp points to &m, the address of m. 17 (int) d (char) o (char) g (char) NUL (char) a 3.14 (float) (char *) f m (char **) pm CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Array declaration • Subtle but important point: There are no “array variables” in C. Why not? int m[4]; • The declaration creates a sequence of four spaces for chars. • The array name m refers to a constant pointer – not a variable • Of course, the contents of the four char spaces may vary m[2] = 42; (int []) ??? (int) ??? (int) ??? (int) 42 (int) ??? (int) m CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

typedef • A convenient way of abbreviating type names • Usage: keyword typedef, followed by type definition, followed by new type name typedef char *ptr_to_char; ptr_to_char p; /* p is of type (char *) */ CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Constant declarations • The keyword const makes the declared entity a constant rather than a variable: It is given an initial value and then cannot be changed • int const a = 17; 17 (int) a CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Constant declarations int a = 17; int * const pa = &a; • The pointer pa will always point to the same address, but the data content at that address can be changed: *pa = 42; 17 (int) 42 (int) a (int *) pa CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Constant declarations int a = 17; int b = 42; int const * pa = &a; • The pointer pa can be changed, but the data content that it’s pointing to cannot be changed: pa = &b; 17 (int) 42 (int) a b (int *) pa CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Constant declarations int a = 17; int const * const pa = &a; • Neither the pointer pa nor the data that it’s pointing to can be changed 17 (int) a (int *) pa CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Linkage • If a variable is declared multiple times in a program, how many distinct variables are created? • Local variable declared within a function: a fresh instance of the variable is created – even if there’s a local variable in another function with exactly the same name. • There is no linkage here. int f ( void ) { int g ( void ) { int a; int a; } } file1.c file2.c Two distinct variables CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Linkage • If a variable is declared multiple times in a program, how many distinct variables are created? • Variables declared outside of any function: Only one instance of the variable is created (even if it’s declared in multiple files). • This is external linkage. int a; int a; int f ( ) { ... } int g ( ) {...} ... ... file1.c file2.c Refer to the same variable CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Forcing external linkage • A local variable declared as extern has external linkage. int a; int f ( void ) { int g ( void ) { extern int a; extern int a; } } file1.c Refer to the same variable file2.c Declaring a here is not strictly necessary, since f() is within the scope of the first a declaration CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Dangers of external linkage • It’s a way to avoid the trouble (both for the programmer and the machine) of passing parameters). • But... it can lead to trouble, especially in large multi-file programs constructed by many people • Where exactly is the variable a declared? • What is all that other code (possibly in different files) doing with a? • If I modify ain a certain way, is it going to mess up code elsewhere that uses a? • It’s harder to reuse g() if it depends on a variable declared elsewhere CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Restricting external linkage • Q: What if you have a “global” variable, but you only want internal linkage (i.e. just within the file)? • A: Declare it static: static int a; static int a; int f ( void ) { int g ( void ) { extern int a; extern int a; } } file1.c Two distinct variables file2.c CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Storage class: automatic • If a variable declaration is executed multiple times, is new memory for the variable allocated each time? • For automatic variables (what we’re accustomed to), the answer is “yes”. int f ( void ) { int temporary; ... } • Each time f() is called, new memory is allocated for temporary. And every time a call to f() terminates, the memory is deallocated – that instance of temporary “vanishes”. • All that “housekeeping” takes time and effort CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Storage class: static • If a variable declaration is executed multiple times, is new memory for the variable allocated each time? • For static variables the answer is “no”. Memory is allocated once – at the first use of the variable – and then reused. int f ( void ) { static int persistent; ... } • The first time f() is called, new memory is allocated for persistent. • And every subsequent call to f() reuses that memory – potentially using values that earlier calls to f() left behind. CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Why use static storage? • Avoid overhead of allocating, initializing, deallocating memory with each function call • Maintain some state information over multiple calls to the function int f( void ) { /* count number of times f has been called */ static intnum_calls = 0; ... num_calls++; return; } CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

Confused about static? • Yes, that’s right – static means two different things: • For “global” variables, declared outside of any function, static means “restrict the linkage of this variable to internal linkage”. • For “local” variables, declared inside a function, static means “allocate static memory for this variable”. CS 3090: Safety Critical Programming in C

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Home Blog Business Consulting Presentation Slides: A Guide to PPT Consultant Tools

Consulting Presentation Slides: A Guide to PPT Consultant Tools

Cover for Consulting Presentation Tools Guide for PowerPoint

Consulting presentations are the foundation of professional communication in disciplines like strategic planning, management, and corporate decision-making. Notably, firms like McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), and other leading management consulting firms have mastered the art of creating effective slide decks to a level where these presentations are not just tools but strategic assets.

Fundamentally, consultant presentation slides allow business professionals to share insights, recommendations, and any kind of complex data in a coherent, visual, engaging format that facilitates understanding [3]. In this article, we will explore what defines a consulting presentation, what a consulting slide deck is, and the types of templates we can implement in our daily work lives for this purpose.

Table of Contents

What is a Consulting Presentation?

What is a consulting presentation template, types of consulting presentation slides, final words.

A consulting presentation is a carefully structured visual tool consultants use to communicate analyses, findings, and recommendations to clients. It synthesizes complex information into digestible, visually engaging slides that facilitate understanding and decision-making [1]. Typically, these presentations are grounded in rigorous research and analysis and aim to address specific client challenges or opportunities. 

Consulting presentations serve multiple purposes: to inform, persuade, and provide a clear path forward based on data-driven insights and strategic thinking. The effectiveness of a consulting presentation lies in its ability to make the complex simple, turn data into narratives, and inspire action among its audience, which often includes key stakeholders and decision-makers within an organization.

We can define a consulting presentation template as a slide or slide deck tailored to create assets inside consulting presentations. These templates can depict graphs, diagrams, roadmaps, dashboards, strategies, etc. Presenters can mix and match templates from different styles, modify their PowerPoint theme, customize the content, and get it ready to create a unique slide deck for a consultancy report.

In this section, we will group the different consultancy presentation templates by category. Remember that McKinsey presentations, BCG slides, and other popular consulting deck options are made from these tools.

Strategy Consulting Templates

Strategy consulting templates are visual tools designed to assist in developing and presenting business strategies. They facilitate a systematic approach to analyzing market conditions, competitive landscapes, and internal capabilities to make strategic decisions. McKinsey slide decks are fine examples of this category.

Market Analysis and Competitive Landscape

Whenever we use market analysis or competitive landscape templates, we aim to present research on market trends, customer behavior, and competitive landscapes. To name a few potential options, we can work with a Go-To-Market template outlining the target market, value proposition, marketing and sales strategies, distribution channels, and competitive analysis of a product or service release.

Consulting firm presentation go-to-market slide

A second option would be to work with a Sales Battlecard , a concise, strategic document used by sales teams to understand and communicate the key features, benefits, and differentiators of their product or service compared to competitors. It’s designed to equip sales representatives with quick references and talking points highlighting competitive advantages and addressing potential objections during sales conversations. For this reason, it can be instrumental in consulting presentations to develop new sales strategies for your operators.

Sales battlecard consulting presentation slide

A third option is to implement a Competitive Landscape slide in the format of a competitor matrix to identify the leading competitors and understand their products, strategies, strengths, weaknesses, market share, and positioning. By analyzing competitors’ performance and strategies, a business can better position itself, differentiate its offerings, anticipate competitor moves, and identify areas for growth and improvement.

Competitive landscape slide in consultant slide deck

Business Model Canvas

The business model canvas evaluates a company’s value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances. Therefore, it helps businesses align their activities by illustrating potential trade-offs. The canvas includes nine key components: Key Partners, Key Activities, Key Resources, Value Propositions, Customer Relationships, Channels, Customer Segments, Cost Structure, and Revenue Streams.

Business model canvas in a consulting slide deck

If you seek a creative option, try this layout alternative to the typical business model canvas PPT template.

Creative Business Model canvas in a consultant slide deck

SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

The SWOT analysis framework is a popular tool across presenters as it can be repurposed for any industry. They allow us to provide a comprehensive overview of the current strategic situation for consultancy presentations. Organizations can then leverage strengths and opportunities while addressing weaknesses and mitigating threats.

Some options of SWOT Analysis PPT templates include:

SWOT diagram consulting presentation

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

Porter’s Five Forces is a framework developed by Michael E. Porter that analyzes the industry structure and corporate strategy. It identifies the intensity of competition and attractiveness of a market through five forces: Competitive Rivalry, Threat of New Entrants, Threat of Substitute Products or Services, Bargaining Power of Suppliers, and Bargaining Power of Buyers. In consulting presentations, this framework is instrumental for several reasons:

  • Industry Analysis and Strategic Planning: This tool allows us to get a comprehensive overview of the external environment, which helps customers understand an industry’s dynamics. It will also enable consultants to identify where power lies in business situations, guiding the decision-making toward profitability and competitiveness. You can find some McKinsey slides examples covering this approach [2].
  • Assessment of Profitability Potential: A market with weak forces suggests higher profitability potential, while solid forces may signal a competitive and challenging market.
  • Investment Decisions: For clients considering entering new markets or industries, Porter’s Five Forces can guide investment decisions by highlighting the barriers to entry, the potential for rivalry, and other critical factors influencing the sector’s attractiveness.

data types in c ppt presentation

Blue Ocean Strategy

The Blue Ocean Strategy , developed by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, is a business strategy that encourages companies to create new demand in an uncontested market space, or a “Blue Ocean,” rather than competing head-to-head with other companies in an existing industry, or “Red Ocean.” This approach focuses on innovation, differentiation, and creating value for both the company and its customers, leading to new opportunities for growth.

Consultants can apply this framework to encourage clients to explore new, uncontested markets. Another approach is to emphasize the importance of the unique value proposition. 

Presenters can also combine this tool with strategic planning to boost organizational innovation.

Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas consultant presentation slides

Strategy Roadmap

To implement the strategies defined in a plan, consulting firm presentations must use graphic methods to clearly depict the different stages. This is where Strategic Roadmaps become valuable resources for consulting presentations. We can use the road metaphor for the roadmap, work with timelines, or use any other visual tool to depict a segmented plan.

Strategic roadmap for priorities consulting slide

Operations Consulting Templates

Operations consulting templates are visual tools designed to showcase the analysis and improvement of business processes and operations. Business professionals can use these graphic elements in presentations to identify bottlenecks, waste, and opportunities for improvement. In short, operations consulting templates enable consultants to deliver actionable recommendations that enhance operational performance.

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a critical element in Operations as it involves overseeing/managing the flow of goods and services, from raw materials to delivered products to the customer. Working with SCM templates helps consultants present tailored reports about supply chain processes and their inefficiencies: bottlenecks, sub-optimized stages, etc. Consequently, organizations can work on cost-reduction strategies, leverage IoT technologies, and aim for sustainable practices.

Supply chain management consulting PPT

Lean Management and Six Sigma

Presenters can use a multitude of slides to discuss lean management or Six Sigma processes, but above all, two elements stand out: the DMAIC and the SIPOC diagram .

The DMAIC diagram can be used for multiple cases in consulting presentations. One option would be presenting a case study where defining the project scope led to targeted improvements, illustrating how a similar focus could benefit the client. For companies already implementing Six Sigma strategies, consultants can share benchmark data and metrics from past projects during the Measure phase, showing how precise measurement informed the strategy. Or discuss an Analyze phase from a previous engagement where deep data analysis revealed unexpected insights, suggesting a thorough examination could uncover similar opportunities for the client.

DMAIC slide in a consulting presentation

In turn, the SIPOC diagram can visually summarize a process by mapping out its key components, aiding in understanding and communication with the client. Consultants can highlight specific segments of the SIPOC diagram to pinpoint where inefficiencies or issues occur, directing focus to areas with the most significant potential for improvement. Another use in consulting presentations is before implementing changes, as the SIPOC diagram can capture the current state of a process as a baseline, making it easier to measure the impact of improvements post-implementation.

SIPOC diagram consulting presentation

Performance Dashboard

As the final element in this category, consultants are often hired to analyze a company’s performance. This is where Performance Dashboard PPT templates shine, offering a visual method to share condensed data extracted from analysis. The performance dashboard can reflect sales operations, logistics, marketing engagement rate, and plenty of other options. It’s a versatile tool that can be customized to track different metrics.

Performance dashboard slide

Financial Consulting Templates

Financial consulting templates help consultants guide the analysis and presentation of financial data, strategies, and recommendations. They enable systematically reviewing and communicating aspects of financial health, including performance analysis, budgeting, forecasting, and investment strategies. Elements like financial ratios, cash flow analysis, and cost-benefit assessments are typical examples, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of financial stability and growth opportunities.

Financial Performance Analysis

Several tools can be used to conduct a financial performance analysis in a consulting presentation. The typical options are the Profit & Loss (P&L), financial dashboards, and performance review templates.

P&L dashboard in consulting presentations

Cost Reduction Strategies

These templates showcase proposed strategies to minimize operational costs and increase overall profit. We can select the preferred presentation template depending on the company’s size, operational complexity, and other variables. Here, we leave you two potential options.

Cost reduction diagram slide in consulting report

Investment Appraisal

The Investment Appraisal slide deck contains tools to evaluate the viability and profitability of proposed investments or projects. Although you can find some valuable tools for this in the format of Porter’s Five Forces, DMAIC and SIPOC, and SWOT analysis, it’s best to work with tailored slide decks for investment and financial projects.

Investment appraisal slide in consulting presentation

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Strategy

Business deals and negotiations regarding mergers or company acquisitions should be handled carefully. Consultants addressing clients about these two situations must communicate clearly, simplify the steps to follow, define the best practices to complete the process smoothly and define how to communicate with the personnel. You can check our Business Partnership PowerPoint template for a well-rounded framework for consultants to discuss these topics.

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Strategy slide

Financial Modeling Overview

We can work with plenty of templates for this last element to discuss financial modeling. For instance, the P&L model is a good fit in this category, but we can broaden our horizons – depending on the type of analysis – by using tools like the ones below.

The Efficient Frontier Curve is a concept from portfolio theory. It illustrates the set of optimal portfolios that offer the highest expected return for a given level of risk or the lowest risk for a given level of expected return. As part of a financial model overview, it can help investors understand the risk-return trade-off of different investment portfolios, aiding in selecting an investment strategy that aligns with their risk tolerance and return objectives.

Efficient frontier curve consulting report

The Optimal Capital Structure Curve demonstrates the relationship between a company’s debt-to-equity ratio and its overall cost of capital. Including this in a financial model overview can provide insights into how different financing strategies might affect a company’s value. It highlights the theoretically optimal mix of debt and equity financing that minimizes the company’s cost of capital and maximizes its value.

Optimal Capital Structure Curve consulting slide

The Trade Off Theory of Capital Structure Curve suggests that there’s an optimal capital structure where the tax benefits of debt financing are balanced against the costs of financial distress. Including this curve in an overview can illustrate companies’ balancing act in deciding how much debt to take on, considering the benefits of tax shields against the potential costs of bankruptcy or financial distress.

Trade Off Theory of Capital Structure Curve consulting slide

Finally, the CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model Curve determines the expected return on an asset or portfolio based on its beta (volatility or risk relative to the market). This model can be part of a financial model overview to demonstrate the relationship between the expected return of a security or portfolio and its risk, helping investors understand how to price risk when making investment decisions.

CAPM curve consulting PPT slide

Human Resources Consulting Templates

Human Resource (HR) consulting templates are PPT templates designed to assist in evaluating and improving HR functions such as recruitment processes, talent management, and employee performance evaluation, to name a few. HR consulting templates enable consultants to offer actionable insights and recommendations that support the development of a motivated, efficient, and cohesive workforce aligned with the organization’s goals.

Organizational Design and Development

Whenever we think about organizational development, Org Charts come to mind. We can work with the classical, tier-oriented chart that is easy to understand from a quick view or opt for more complex models like matrices, multi-layered level org charts, etc.

Animated org chart slide

Talent Management Strategy

Talent Management PPT templates are oriented to increase the efficiency levels of talent supply inside organizations. HR teams can implement these templates to identify vacant areas, establish suitable candidate criteria, or develop training programs for the current workforce.

Talent management slide

Employee Engagement and Satisfaction

HR consultants often collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to boost employee engagement and foster a company culture across all levels. Employee satisfaction remains a core factor, which can be linked to financial or environmental factors and career development opportunities. To address those needs in presentation design, consultants can use models like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Employee Engagement or the X Model of Employee Engagement.

Maslow's pyramid of employee engagement slide

Compensation and Benefits Analysis

Another stage in HR consultancy services is tailoring attractive recruiting strategies for companies in highly competitive markets, such as the IT industry. Since employees often ask for the benefits of their job offer, consultants can use tools like Employee Benefits Diagrams to express the importance of their value proposition regarding the company culture.

Employee benefits slide in consulting presentation

Training and Development Roadmap

Continuous education plans are among the tasks requested by HR consultancy services. Professionals can impact clients by delivering custom-made slide decks as if the stakeholders were part of the event, a practice commonly seen in McKinsey slides [2]. These slide decks will state the learning objectives to achieve, development roadmap, roles and responsibilities, knowledge assessments, etc.

Training slide concept in consulting slide deck

Digital Transformation Consulting Templates

Digital Transformation Consulting Templates are slides or slide decks designed to guide organizations through integrating digital technology into all business areas. These templates help map out strategies to change how businesses operate and fundamentally deliver value to customers. They cover digital strategy formulation, technology adoption, process digitization, and digital skill development.

IT Infrastructure Review

This category features a long list of templates, as we can talk about reviewing the current network infrastructure, a migration process from physical storage to the cloud, or ITIL processes.

Network diagram slide for IT consulting

Digital Marketing Strategy

In our experience, consultants offering digital marketing services are required to use slide decks to wow prospective clients into hiring their agency. This can be either for SEO consultancy, e-commerce, social media marketing, and plenty of other options.

Content marketing slide example in consulting mentoring

Another take in this category is when internal consultancy is done regarding the current digital marketing strategy, and the experts have to share their findings across all levels of the organization to adjust the efforts in the right direction.

Internal audit consultancy slide

Risk Management Consulting Templates

Risk Management Consulting Templates help consultants identify, assess, and present mitigation strategies for potential risks within an organization. The core aspect these templates focus on is analyzing the impact those threats can pose on a business’s operation, financial health, or reputation.

Risk Assessment Framework & Compliance

Multiple methods and tools are used for risk assessment . For instance, we can use a typical Deloitte Governance Framework Model, work with a ROAM chart, use an RMF Framework, or the COSO Cube, to name a few.

Deloitte Governance Framework slide

Alternatively, we can use a risk assessment matrix. Keep in mind that some of the tools mentioned in this category work both for compliance and risk assessment.

Risk assessment matrix slide in consulting presentation


Consultancy presentations regarding cybersecurity can have two potential main uses: the first one, is where the findings of research about cybersecurity are presented to the management or key team members. This is with the objective of fixing potential threats to the organization. The second take is from a consultancy agency on cybersecurity that aims to promote its services, thus requiring high-quality visuals to communicate its value proposition to potential clients [3].

Cybersecurity consulting slide

Change Management Consulting Templates

Change Management Consulting Templates are designed to support organizations through transition processes. Whether implementing new technologies, organizational restructuring, new manufacturing processes, or other changes, these templates ensure that employees are guided, supported, and motivated throughout the transformation process.

Change Management

Management consulting slide decks are used to guide clients through the process of planning, implementing, and sustaining changes within their organizations. Several models can be a good fit for this purpose, like the ADKAR framework , change management diagrams, change management models, and even change management slide decks.

Change management model slide

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Analysis templates are ideal whenever we need to systematically identify, categorize, and assess the interests and influence of individuals or groups critical to the success of a project or initiative. This can involve working with a stakeholder matrix to evaluate their influence level and prioritize strategies, or simply identifying the stakeholders in a diagram at the initial stages of a project.

Stakeholder analysis matrix

Communication Plan

A communication plan is a high-level document that includes all the information pertinent to the organization’s business objectives, goals, competitors, and communication channels. These kinds of presentations are created when the communication plan is presented to key stakeholders and management, so all details can be reviewed before sharing the document across all levels of the organization. We can work with generalist communication plans or niche-specific ones, like marketing communication plans.

Consulting slide communication plan example

Customer and Marketing Consulting Templates

Customer and Marketing Consulting Templates were created to enhance engagement with target markets and customers. By implementing these templates, consultants can represent insights for market segmentation, product positioning, or mapping the customer journey. This, in turn, helps businesses align marketing efforts with real consumer needs and preferences in their niche.

Customer Journey Mapping

Customer Journey Mapping templates are used in consulting presentations to provide a visual overview of a customer’s experience with a brand, product, or service from initial contact through various stages of engagement and long-term relationships. They serve to identify key interactions, touchpoints, and the emotional journey customers undergo. 

The usage of these consulting slides helps pinpoint areas for improvement, uncover customer pain points, and highlight moments of delight. By mapping out the customer journey, consultants can offer targeted recommendations for enhancing the customer experience, improving customer satisfaction, and ultimately driving business growth.

Customer journey consulting slide

Market Segmentation

Market Segmentation Templates are utilized in consulting presentations to visually categorize a market into distinct groups based on various criteria like demographics, psychographics, behavior, and needs. These templates help illustrate the composition of a market, showcasing how each segment differs in terms of preferences, purchasing behavior, and responsiveness to marketing strategies. 

By employing market segmentation templates, a consulting company presentation can effectively communicate targeted strategies for reaching and engaging specific customer segments. This approach aids businesses in focusing their marketing efforts more efficiently, tailoring products, services, and messaging to meet the unique needs of each segment. Examples of templates we can use are the PAM TAM SAM SOM model, a target market diagram, the VALS framework, or generic market segmentation slides.

Market segmentation slide in consulting presentation

Marketing Mix Strategy (4Ps)

The Marketing Mix Strategy (4Ps) templates help consultants delineate how each component (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) can be optimized to meet the target market’s needs and achieve a competitive advantage. This, in turn, allows us to provide recommendations on product development, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and promotional tactics.

Marketing Mix consulting slide

Alternatively, we can work with more complete frameworks, like the 7Ps Marketing Mix or the 8Ps Marketing Mix.

Marketing Mix 8Ps slide example

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Analysis

One commonly asked consultancy service is to explore customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, and for that reason, presenters can work with customer lifecycle templates, which explore the process from a buying need to a recurring consumer of a brand.

Customer lifecycle journey consulting slide

If the issue regarding customer satisfaction is linked to customer service, then consultants can evaluate factors like the customer service maturity level – going from cost-based strategies to customer service that adds value to a consumer’s life.

Customer service consulting slide

Customer satisfaction surveys are typically conducted in this kind of analysis, and results can be presented using templates like the NPS Gauge Infographic.

Customer satisfaction analysis consulting slide

Sustainability and ESG Consulting Templates

Sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Consulting Templates are slides that help presenters communicate sustainable practices and ESG principles into their organization’s operations. They assess the importance of environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices, becoming actionable tools to define sustainable goals, measure progress, and communicate achievements.

Sustainability Strategy and Roadmap

Sustainability Strategy and Roadmap consultancy PowerPoint templates allow us to outline an organization’s approach to integrating sustainable practices into its business operations. Consultants work with these templates to present a structured plan, from setting sustainability goals to implementing initiatives and monitoring progress.

5S Strategy diagram slide example

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Reporting Framework

ESG slide templates enable consultants to communicate a company’s commitment to sustainability, ethical practices, and social responsibility to stakeholders. By showcasing achievements, challenges, and future goals, these templates facilitate transparent dialogue with investors, customers, and regulatory bodies. They are crucial for companies looking to demonstrate accountability, enhance their reputation, and attract sustainability-conscious investors and consumers.

ESG report slide

Circular Economy Strategy

In our final category, we can find the circular economy strategy templates, which aim to redefine growth and focus on positive society-wide benefits. These templates enable consultants to illustrate how businesses can transition from a linear “take-make-waste” model to a circular economy model that designs out waste, keeps products and materials in use, and regenerates natural systems. By detailing strategies for sustainable product design, recycling, reuse, and remanufacturing, the templates help visualize companies’ steps to become more sustainable and efficient.

Circular economy animated 3D slide

Creating a tailored consulting slide deck from scratch involves hours of planning, including which information you intend to deliver, which graphic outlook will engage the audience, how you will highlight key factors, and the list goes on. Therefore, we invite you to explore the possibilities that consulting presentation templates offer regarding reduced effort and better time management for your presentations. All the designs shown in this article can be fully customized to the presenter’s requirements or preferences.

[1] Alexander, E. R. (1982). Design in the Decision-Making Process . Journal Name, 14(3), 279-292.

[2] Rasiel, E. (1999). The McKinsey Way . McGraw-Hill.

[3] Sibbet, D. (2010). Visual Meetings: How Graphics, Sticky Notes and Idea Mapping Can Transform Group Productivity . Wiley.

[4] Baret, S., Sandford, N., Hida, E., Vazirani, J., & Hatfield, S. (2013). Developing an effective governance operating model: A guide for financial services boards and management teams . Deloitte Development LLC.

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