Frantically Speaking

10 Of The Best Things To Say In Closing Remarks

Hrideep barot.

  • Presentation , Public Speaking , Speech Writing

Picture of a speech where the speaker is talking.

What are closing remarks?

A closing remark is the last sentence, paragraph or concluding part of your speech or presentation. They are also referred to as ‘concluding remarks’.

In a speech/presentation, the outset and the conclusion are 2 essentials. It leaves an impact on the audience and makes your speech/presentation eloquent .

We have written an article on opening lines in speech writing , read this article to know how to begin your speech perfectly.

Every speech or presentation comes with an objective and something to take away from it. The point is that if you don’t end your speech appropriately the main essence of your speech /presentation will be forgotten and dispersed just as quickly.

The closing remark will be your last chance to be innovative and make up for the missing bits if any.

The limit of your closing remark must last between 10% to 15% of your speech. So for instance, if your speech is a 7-minute speech your closing remark must last for at least a minute.

The purpose of closing remarks

The main purpose of closing remarks is, it lets the audience know that the speech is supposed to end.It helps to summarize your speech in short and accentuate the main points of your speech.

Also, research suggests that the audience often remembers the end closing part precisely than the entire speech.

A powerful speech ending does 40% of your work. It’s also not easy to write a ‘Closing remark’. You have to think and choose the right words that hit hard and leave a mark. Here’s a detailed video we have made of some amazing speech ending lines you can get inspiration for your own speech:

Some Dos of closing remarks

The speaker must follow a few things with respect to the format of the speech. Here are some dos which will help the speaker in concluding his speech.

Indicate that the speech is close to the end

An experienced speaker will always signal that the speech is about to end so that the audience is mentally ready for a conclusion. For example- In a novel, the author uses Epilogue as a tool to let the readers know that the story is going to get over soon.

Give a rundown of your speech/presentation

At times, it’s possible that the readers may have missed some points while you were speaking or they may have zoned out during the span of your speech. So give a brief run-through of your points at the end and this will reinforce the message of your speech.

Make eye-contact

As mentioned above, the closing remark or concluding part of your speech will be the last chance of leaving an impact on the audience. So a confident eye-contact may let the audience know so much more than just words could convey.

It will also make your call-to-action more effective and influencing.

In case you find eye contact difficult (like I did), here are some alternatives you can use that give the illusion that you are maintaining eye contact without you actually having to do so:

Some don’ts of closing remarks

Some things should be avoided when writing your closing remarks for a speech or presentation. Given below are the most primal things that the speaker should keep in mind.

Don’t make the closing remarks lengthy

If the speaker does not add a closing remark, the speech would look incomplete and end abruptly. Also, try not to make the closing remark too prolonged, this may bore the audience and they may lose interest.

The audience may also not be able to distinguish between the main points and jumble up what is important and what is not.

Don’t end with a simple ‘Thank You”

Saying a dry and plain ‘Thank you’ to be polite at the end of your speech is not very persuasive. It is a very mundane way of ending your speech.You need to drive your point home so be creative.

Don’t add new material out of no where

Adding in new material in the closing remarks which are not mentioned in the speech will catch the audience off guard. The audience may not be able to process what’s going on. So mention only those points in your closing remarks that have already been spoken about.

Types of closing remarks

You want your closing remarks to be such that the audience can get a flashback of the entire presentation or speech with just what you said at the end. These may alter accordingly with what kind of a presentation it is.

The fitting remark

What is it.

The fitting remark is the most basic remark of them all. It’s to the point, decisive and direct. The idea of your presentation is conveyed through this remark.

The fitting remark mainly summarizes your speech in sweet and simple words with no extra spice to your conclusion.

Example of a fitting remark

Here is an example of a Speech where Emma Watson closes her speech with a fitting remark. Like I mentioned above, this speech is to the point and decisive. The idea of Gender Equality was conveyed very clearly and directly by her closing remark.

The motivational remark

The motivational remark is used when the speaker uses motivational quotes, phrases, or even dialogues for that matter. The objective is to leave the audience on a ‘motivated to do something’ note.

A motivational quote depicted in the form of a picture.

This remark is to re-energize your audience towards your speech/presentation. When the speaker ends his speech it should have such an impact that they remember your words and do something with that motivation.

Motivational speeches can be given on a variety of topics. We have written an article about ‘How to give a motivational speech on leadership to students’ . You can check it out to get a better idea. This is just one example of how to go about it.

Example of a motivational remark

This speech by Jeremy Anderson just leaves a mark that has you sitting straight and energized. It motivates the audience to know their worth and not let themselves down.

The expository remark

In this type of a remark the speaker shares his anecdotes, his own experience or has a very relatable end to his speech. The main purpose of such an end is so that the audience can connect to the speaker on a deeper level and know exactly what he is saying.

It’s a sort of a congenial connect with the audience. We have written an article on Storytelling approaches you can use in your speech or presentation. This article will give you an insight into why storytelling is so important what are the different techniques used.

Example of a expository remark

Priyanka Chopra in this speech shares her own experiences and anecdotes that people can connect with which makes her speech so much more interesting and inspiring.

The contemplative remark

The contemplative remark leaves the audience pondering over what the speaker has said. Its goal is to make the audience think about all factors such as the lessons, the theme of the speech and wavelength during the span of the presentation/speech.

The speaker can emphasize ‘what the audience thinks’ and leave it there for them to figure out their thoughts.

Example of a contemplative remark

For instance, President Obama in his speech about Bin Laden’s death concludes with a contemplative remark that leaves the audience pensive.

“Finally, let me say to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 that we have never forgotten your loss, nor wavered in our commitment to see that we do whatever it takes to prevent another attack on our shores. And tonight, let us think back to the sense of unity that prevailed on 9/11.  I know that it has, at times, frayed.  Yet today’s achievement is a testament to the greatness of our country and the determination of the American people. The cause of securing our country is not complete.  But tonight, we are once again reminded that America can do whatever we set our mind to.  That is the story of our history, whether it’s the pursuit of prosperity for our people, or the struggle for equality for all our citizens; our commitment to stand up for our values abroad, and our sacrifices to make the world a safer place. Let us remember that we can do these things not just because of wealth or power, but because of who we are:  one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” President Obama in his speech about Bin Laden’s death

The propositional remark

This picture is basically of a word related to the types of closing remarks.

In this remark, the speaker ends with a piece of advice for the audience. It’s more subjective than objective. This is more like a suggestion/tip.

Example of a propositional remark

Michelle Obama’s speech is an advice for students about how to succeed in life. Her closing remark suggests that it’s not important if you went to an Ivy League or a State School what is important is the hard work you do and that will take you closer to success.

The rhetoric remark

The rhetoric remark has to do with a question that doesn’t really need an answer. The speaker leaves the audience hanging with this question.

The speaker has no intention of expecting an answer from the audience and neither does he want one. He just wants the audience to consider what he said and reflect upon it.

Rhetoric is used in many forms and speakers use rhetoric in their speeches for a powerful effect. Here are 4 ways how you can use rhetorical devices in your speech to make it powerful.

Example of a rhetoric remark

 “In the end, that’s what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism, or do we participate in a politics of hope?” President Obama in 2004 Democratic National Convention Speech

The funny remark

One of the best thing that helps make your speech effective and interactive is humour. It lightens the environment and works as a tool to break the ice between the speaker and the audience.

The emotion of humour shown by the action of a laugh.

Adding humour to your speech will make the audience lively and enthusiastic. If you leave the audience laughing at the end of your speech you will leave on a positive note and they will most probably leave with a good impression of you and your words.

Humour can be one of the strongest tools in a speech, especially for a closing remark, if used correctly.

Qualified speakers frequently make use of humour all through their speech and then at the end strike with a humourless thought and leave the audience serious. Such a sudden change has a powerful impact.

Example of a funny remark

In this speech by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi he uses humour to close a speech by successfully summing up the title and summarizes the content of his speech.

The factual remark

In this type of remark, the speaker ends with some facts related to his speech and presentation. Adding facts as the closing boosts your speech. Facts presented in the form of tables, graphs and diagrams are easy to understand and visually appealing.

At times facts can seem boring if not presented appropriately. To know what facts to add and what not to add in a speech follow our article on ’11 Steps to Add Facts in A Speech Without Making It Boring’.

Example of a factual remark

Given below is a paradigm of a pie diagram. The speaker can fill in his facts according to the theme and research of his presentation.

This is a pie diagram used in factual representation of data.

Call-to- action

This is the most common remark and can be utilized in most of the closing remarks. Call- to- action is simply requesting your audience to take a step forward and take action towards the theme of your speech.

Make your CTA direct and don’t hint at it, this may induce confusion.

Why is it a must, you may ask? This is because the audience may have listened to your entire speech but until and unless you won’t take the initiative and be upfront not everyone is compelled to take action.

Example of a call-to-action

Leonardo DiCaprio in this speech is asking the audience and people to take action to put a price tag on carbon emissions and eliminate government subsidies for coal, gas, and oil companies.

The Activity Remark

This closing remark can be one of a kind for the audience. In this kind of a remark the speaker can undertake an activity that will help the audience understand the theme of the speech with an act of creativity.

For instance, the speaker can make use of his talents to showcase his message through them. Like singing, doing a trick or playing a quiz with the audience.

Example of a activity remark

Sparsh Shah a 13 year old boy who ends his inspiring speech with a song and rap wants to tell the audience that nothing is impossible in life. He uses music as a closing remark to end his speech in a heartening way.

Scenarios for closing remarks 

Closing remarks for a meeting/conference.

Meetings are often compulsory as compared to presentations or speeches. They can be called at any time and are mostly informal. Whereas, a conference is formal and has a specific time and place, where it is conducted.

But in both of them, the purpose is to plan and execute. So end your closing remarks with action.

For example- Reiterate the actions that need to be executed so that the actions will remain fresh and can be recalled easily.

Here is a pro-tip, do not drag the meeting/conference over time and then rush up to close the conference. This will make no room for your closing remark and many things will remain unsaid even if you manage to close the meeting/conference in a rush.

Closing remarks for a school activity

As the heading suggests the closing remark for a school activity will be for school kids so try not to use too many technical terms or make it complicated. Keep the remarks simple and fun.

Here the speaker can use the Activity remark mentioned in the types of closing remarks. It is creative, engaging and hence the kids will connect more to fun activities rather than to boring long remarks.

For example- The speaker can use the Q & A method to end or play a quiz and include all the points mentioned in their speech/activity.

Closing remarks after a workshop

Workshops come with an intent to teach and for the audience to learn. So make your closing remarks interactive. You can ask questions like ‘What is your take-away from this workshop?’

This will let the audience ponder over what they learnt during the entire span of the workshop.

One more way to end is by requesting the audience to fill out the feedback form and cater step by step guidance.

Closing remarks for a webinar/Zoom meeting

Since a zoom meeting/webinar is a virtual platform, there are chances the speaker might not see all the audience or ‘participants’ of the meeting but everyone can see the speaker.

So this may also fall as a disadvantage in the speaker’s case but don’t let this demotivate you.

In your closing remark, you can add a poll that is a feature of zoom to know how many of them are listening. Before closing the webinar, leave your Twitter or Facebook handles so that if the audience has questions they can connect with you on these platforms.

Closing remarks for a ceremony speech

A ceremony is more of a large scale event with too many decorations, music, and arrangements.

Keep in mind though, these things are not what the audience will want to leave with, so what you say last will be the end of what they take-away. Therefore, in a ceremony, you can use any one of the types of closing remarks mentioned above.

For example- You can use ‘The expository remark’ where you can share your own story to make your closing remark relatable and two-sided.

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Some last words

Closing remarks are important in speech writing because without a closing remark your speech will seem unfinished. To leave on a happy note the speaker must organize his speech with the perfect end and time it accordingly.

Closing remarks can be of varied types but using the appropriate closing remark according to the situation and time can make a huge difference in your speech.

Still looking for inspiration? Check out this video we made on closing remarks:

Hrideep Barot

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Commission on Research Next

Chapter 6: closing remarks.

A core thesis of this landscape analysis is that research universities have a key role to play in addressing the dominant opportunities and challenges facing society, including climate change, equity, health and aging, security, maintaining peace, and strengthening our democratic institutions.

More than ever, research universities must be deeply engaged in these discussions. Coupled with these societal challenges and opportunities are also deeply concerning issues in the national discourse – growing polarization in thought, growing distrust in foundational institutions, and growing distrust or cynicism regarding experts. We must be engaged, but we must engage in new ways. Referring to the societal engagement models discussed in Chapter 1, universities will continue to serve as homes for innovative “pure scientists” or “pure technology developers.” However, we must increasingly serve as trusted partners and step into “honest broker” roles – bringing more ideas and options into discussions, enabled by deeper understanding of the broader set of political, regulatory, and equity issues. We must be vigilant to avoid “stealth advocacy,” which contributes to cynical ideas that everyone can bring their expert to bear for a price, thereby discounting the important role of subject expertise.

Fulfilling this potential will require developing, fostering, and contributing to a widening network of partners that share our core values and add to our execution of the research university mission. Increasingly, research universities will be relied upon to be conveners and partnership builders for local communities, government, industry, and other non-governmental organizations. Some of these partnership models and support structures, such as federal engagement, are well developed. Others, such as serving as anchor institutions and fully engaging local communities, are less so. A key point of Chapter 4 was the need for universities to define and understand their ecosystems when framing partnership opportunities. No university can be all things to all sectors. Universities should strive for clarity, complementarity, shared values, and transparency around intellectual property, publishing, impact on student education, how activities will be guided and reviewed, as well as overarching goals of a given partnership; e.g., advancing knowledge in a particular domain or the development of processes or prototypes. This will, by its very nature, promote an ethical, responsible brand. Additionally, the values of long-term strategic partners will reflect on and become living dimensions of a university’s brand via the purposeful, chosen association.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion issues cut across all of these chapters, and we embrace them as core values and enablers of more innovative approaches and better solutions. Bringing the full fruits of research and innovation to everyone in society, and engaging the full representation of humanity into the research enterprise, will continue to require attention, monitoring, and new models to include more minds, all voices, and diverse perspectives. Similarly, understanding how innovation and technology and the fruits of research promote equity or inequity must be a topic of research itself. It is core to our being a trusted partner. Finally, it must be integral to how we organize ourselves to carry out the research mission.

We envision many exciting innovations in how research organizations are organized to execute on their mission. Commercialization and licensing, interdisciplinary research, external partnerships, and the other functions within the research enterprise all cut across many of the current departments and people in existing universities, and there are many possible ways to organize these functions. Continued effort, thoughtful experimentation, and sharing of best practices will be key to continued improvement in research organization. In closing, research universities have unparalleled opportunities to serve as contributors to, and enablers and producers of, innovation and solutions. They can be enablers of economic prosperity. They can play critical roles as conveners, bridge builders, and partners, not only reacting to, but also influencing broader conversations. They can — and must be — indispensable, trusted partners to society.

closing remarks in research defense

Preparing For Your Dissertation Defense

13 Key Questions To Expect In The Viva Voce

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) & David Phair (PhD) . Reviewed By: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | June 2021

Preparing for your dissertation or thesis defense (also called a “viva voce”) is a formidable task . All your hard work over the years leads you to this one point, and you’ll need to defend yourself against some of the most experienced researchers you’ve encountered so far.

It’s natural to feel a little nervous.

In this post, we’ll cover some of the most important questions you should be able to answer in your viva voce, whether it’s for a Masters or PhD degree. Naturally, they might not arise in exactly the same form (some may not come up at all), but if you can answer these questions well, it means you’re in a good position to tackle your oral defense.

Dissertation and thesis defense 101

Viva Voce Prep: 13 Essential Questions

  • What is your study about and why did you choose to research this in particular?
  • How did your research questions evolve during the research process?
  • How did you decide on which sources to include in your literature review?
  • How did you design your study and why did you take this approach?
  • How generalisable and valid are the findings?
  • What were the main shortcomings and limitations created by your research design?
  • How did your findings relate to the existing literature?
  • What were your key findings in relation to the research questions?
  • Were there any findings that surprised you?
  • What biases may exist in your research?
  • How can your findings be put into practice?
  • How has your research contributed to current thinking in the field?
  • If you could redo your research, how would you alter your approach?

#1: What is your study about and why did you choose to research this in particular?

This question, a classic party starter, is pretty straightforward.

What the dissertation or thesis committee is assessing here is your ability to clearly articulate your research aims, objectives and research questions in a concise manner. Concise is the keyword here – you need to clearly explain your research topic without rambling on for a half-hour. Don’t feel the need to go into the weeds here – you’ll have many opportunities to unpack the details later on.

In the second half of the question, they’re looking for a brief explanation of the justification of your research. In other words, why was this particular set of research aims, objectives and questions worth addressing? To address this question well in your oral defense, you need to make it clear what gap existed within the research and why that gap was worth filling.

#2: How did your research questions evolve during the research process?

Good research generally follows a long and winding path . It’s seldom a straight line (unless you got really lucky). What they’re assessing here is your ability to follow that path and let the research process unfold.

Specifically, they’ll want to hear about the impact that the literature review process had on you in terms of shaping the research aims, objectives and research questions . For example, you may have started with a certain set of aims, but then as you immersed yourself in the literature, you may have changed direction. Similarly, your initial fieldwork findings may have turned out some unexpected data that drove you to adjust or expand on your initial research questions.

Long story short – a good defense involves clearly describing your research journey , including all the twists and turns. Adjusting your direction based on findings in the literature or the fieldwork shows that you’re responsive , which is essential for high-quality research.

You will need to explain the impact of your literature review in the defense

#3: How did you decide on which sources to include in your literature review?

A comprehensive literature review is the foundation of any high-quality piece of research. With this question, your dissertation or thesis committee are trying to assess which quality criteria and approach you used to select the sources for your literature review.

Typically, good research draws on both the seminal work in the respective field and more recent sources . In other words, a combination of the older landmark studies and pivotal work, along with up-to-date sources that build on to those older studies. This combination ensures that the study has a rock-solid foundation but is not out of date.

So, make sure that your study draws on a mix of both the “classics” and new kids on the block, and take note of any major evolutions in the literature that you can use as an example when asked this question in your viva voce.

#4: How did you design your study and why did you take this approach?

This is a classic methodological question that you can almost certainly expect in some or other shape.

What they’re looking for here is a clear articulation of the research design and methodology, as well as a strong justification of each choice . So, you need to be able to walk through each methodological choice and clearly explain both what you did and why you did it. The why is particularly important – you need to be able to justify each choice you made by clearly linking your design back to your research aims, objectives and research questions, while also taking into account practical constraints.

To ensure you cover every base, check out our research methodology vlog post , as well as our post covering the Research Onion .

You have to justify every choice in your dissertation defence

#5: How generalizable and valid are the findings?

This question is aimed at specifically digging into your understanding of the sample and how that relates to the population, as well as potential validity issues in your methodology.

To answer question this well, you’ll need to critically assess your sample and findings and consider if they truly apply to the entire population, as well as whether they assessed what they set out to. Note that there are two components here – generalizability and validity . Generalizability is about how well the sample represents the population. Validity is about how accurately you’ve measured what you intended to measure .

To ace this part of your dissertation defense, make sure that you’re very familiar with the concepts of generalizability , validity and reliability , and how these apply to your research. Remember, you don’t need to achieve perfection – you just need to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your research (and how the weaknesses could be improved upon).

Need a helping hand?

closing remarks in research defense

#6: What were the main shortcomings and limitations created by your research design?

This question picks up where the last one left off.

As I mentioned, it’s perfectly natural that your research will have shortcomings and limitations as a result of your chosen design and methodology. No piece of research is flawless. Therefore, a good dissertation defense is not about arguing that your work is perfect, but rather it’s about clearly articulating the strengths and weaknesses of your approach.

To address this question well, you need to think critically about all of the potential weaknesses your design may have, as well as potential responses to these (which could be adopted in future research) to ensure you’re well prepared for this question. For a list of common methodological limitations, check out our video about research limitations here .

#7: How did your findings relate to the existing literature?

This common dissertation defense question links directly to your discussion chapter , where you would have presented and discussed the findings in relation to your literature review.

What your dissertation or thesis committee is assessing here is your ability to compare your study’s findings to the findings of existing research . Specifically, you need to discuss which findings aligned with existing research and which findings did not. For those findings that contrasted against existing research, you should also explain what you believe to be the reasons for this.

As with many questions in a viva voce, it’s both the what and the why that matter here. So, you need to think deeply about what the underlying reasons may be for both the similarities and differences between your findings and those of similar studies.

Your dissertation defense needs to compare findings

#8: What were your key findings in relation to the research questions?

This question is similar to the last one in that it too focuses on your research findings. However, here the focus is specifically on the findings that directly relate to your research questions (as opposed to findings in general).

So, a good way to prepare for this question is to step back and revisit your research questions . Ask yourself the following:

  • What exactly were you asking in those questions, and what did your research uncover concerning them?
  • Which questions were well answered by your study and which ones were lacking?
  • Why were they lacking and what more could be done to address this in future research?

Conquering this part dissertation defense requires that you focus squarely on the research questions. Your study will have provided many findings (hopefully!), and not all of these will link directly to the research questions. Therefore, you need to clear your mind of all of the fascinating side paths your study may have lead you down and regain a clear focus on the research questions .

#9: Were there any findings that surprised you?

This question is two-pronged.

First, you should discuss the surprising findings that were directly related to the original research questions . Going into your research, you likely had some expectations in terms of what you would find, so this is your opportunity to discuss the outcomes that emerged as contrary to what you initially expected. You’ll also want to think about what the reasons for these contrasts may be.

Second, you should discuss the findings that weren’t directly related to the research questions, but that emerged from the data set . You may have a few or you may have none – although generally there are a handful of interesting musings that you can glean from the data set. Again, make sure you can articulate why you find these interesting and what it means for future research in the area.

What the committee is looking for in this type of question is your ability to interpret the findings holistically and comprehensively , and to respond to unexpected data. So, take the time to zoom out and reflect on your findings thoroughly.

Discuss the findings in your defense

#10: What biases may exist in your research?

Biases… we all have them.

For this question, you’ll need to think about potential biases in your research , in the data itself but also in your interpretation of the data. With this question, your committee is assessing whether you have considered your own potential biases and the biases inherent in your analysis approach (i.e. your methodology). So, think carefully about these research biases and be ready to explain how these may exist in your study.

In an oral defense, this question is often followed up with a question on how the biases were mitigated or could be mitigated in future research. So, give some thought not just to what biases may exist, but also the mitigation measures (in your own study and for future research).

#11: How can your findings be put into practice?

Another classic question in the typical viva voce.

With this question, your committee is assessing your ability to bring your findings back down to earth and demonstrate their practical value and application. Importantly, this question is not about the contribution to academia or the overall field of research (we’ll get to that next) – it is specifically asking about how this newly created knowledge can be used in the real world.

Naturally, the actionability of your findings will vary depending on the nature of your research topic. Some studies will produce many action points and some won’t. If you’re researching marketing strategies within an industry, for example, you should be able to make some very specific recommendations for marketing practitioners in that industry.

To help you flesh out points for this question, look back at your original justification for the research (i.e. in your introduction and literature review chapters). What were the driving forces that led you to research your specific topic? That justification should help you identify ways in which your findings can be put into practice.

#12: How has your research contributed to current thinking in the field?

While the previous question was aimed at practical contribution, this question is aimed at theoretical contribution . In other words, what is the significance of your study within the current body of research? How does it fit into the existing research and what does it add to it?

This question is often asked by a field specialist and is used to assess whether you’re able to place your findings into the research field to critically convey what your research contributed. This argument needs to be well justified – in other words, you can’t just discuss what your research contributed, you need to also back each proposition up with a strong why .

To answer this question well, you need to humbly consider the quality and impact of your work and to be realistic in your response. You don’t want to come across as arrogant (“my work is groundbreaking”), nor do you want to undersell the impact of your work. So, it’s important to strike the right balance between realistic and pessimistic .

This question also opens the door to questions about potential future research . So, think about what future research opportunities your study has created and which of these you feel are of the highest priority.

Discuss your contribution in your thesis defence

#13: If you could redo your research, how would you alter your approach?

This question is often used to wrap up a viva voce as it brings the discussion full circle.

Here, your committee is again assessing your ability to clearly identify and articulate the limitations and shortcomings of your research, both in terms of research design and topic focus . Perhaps, in hindsight, it would have been better to use a different analysis method or data set. Perhaps the research questions should have leaned in a slightly different direction. And so on.

This question intends to assess whether you’re able to look at your work critically , assess where the weaknesses are and make recommendations for the future . This question often sets apart those who did the research purely because it was required, from those that genuinely engaged with their research. So, don’t hold back here – reflect on your entire research journey ask yourself how you’d do things differently if you were starting with a  blank canvas today.

Recap: The 13 Key Dissertation Defense Questions

To recap, here are the 13 questions you need to be ready for to ace your dissertation or thesis oral defense:

As I mentioned, this list of dissertation defense questions is certainly not exhaustive – don’t assume that we’ve covered every possible question here. However, these questions are quite likely to come up in some shape or form in a typical dissertation or thesis defense, whether it’s for a Master’s degree, PhD or any other research degree. So, you should take the time to make sure you can answer them well.

If you need assistance preparing for your dissertation defense or viva voce, get in touch with us to discuss 1-on-1 coaching. We can critically review your research and identify potential issues and responses, as well as undertake a mock oral defense to prepare you for the pressures and stresses on the day.

closing remarks in research defense

Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...


Jalla Dullacha

Very interesting

Fumtchum JEFFREY

Interesting. I appreciate!

Dargo Haftu

Really appreciating

My field is International Trade

Abera Gezahegn


Peter Gumisiriza

This is a full course on defence. I was fabulously enlightened and I gained enough confidence for my upcoming Masters Defence.

There are many lessons to learn and the simplicity in presentationmakes thee reader say “YesI can”

Milly Nalugoti

This is so helping… it has Enlightened me on how to answer specific questions. I pray to make it through for my upcoming defense

Derek Jansen

Lovely to hear that 🙂


Really educative and beneficial

Tweheyo Charles

Interesting. On-point and elaborate. And comforting too! Thanks.

Ismailu Kulme Emmanuel

Thank you very much for the enlightening me, be blessed

Gladys Oyat

Thankyou so much. I am planning to defend my thesis soon and I found this very useful

Augustine Mtega

Very interesting and useful to all masters and PhD students


Wow! this is enlightening. Thanks for the great work.

grace pahali

Thank you very much ,it will help me My Master Degree. and am comfortable to my defense.

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closing remarks in research defense

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What is the best "last slide" in a thesis presentation?

There are some possible options as the last slide of a typical thesis presentation. I've heard of some possibilities:

A question-mark image (as the time to be slaughtered by the referees!),

A Thank You declaration (There are some negative viewpoints about these two options.),

A slide including summary of the presented ideas,

A slide reflecting the presenter's contact info (I think it does not really make sense for a thesis presenter.),

A slide including a quote (I really doubt it's the best way.),

What is the best practice to arrange the last slide, then?!

  • presentation

Wrzlprmft's user avatar

  • 8 There are probably also cultural differences to consider. In France it's customary not to thank the audience at the end of the defense -- you only thank everyone once the jury has decided to award the degree to you (or not, if they don't...). So option #2 would not be doable in France, for example. –  user9646 Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 8:59
  • 3 I'd finish on a one-liner that summarises what the audience should take away. Or the biggest lesson that you have learnt. –  user2768 Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 14:13
  • 8 Don't make it the last slide, stop at the summary, but have additional slides afterwards giving any figures or data that might be useful in answering the questions that follow. You might not need them, but they are there just in case you do. –  Dikran Marsupial Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 18:40
  • 55 Clearly this –  David Z Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 19:34
  • 3 Why Not Zoidberg? ;) Seriously though, probably a good choice is the conclusions slide... I used one on my slides that you can see here . –  Andrea Lazzarotto Commented Apr 15, 2017 at 16:24

14 Answers 14

The last slide will typically be seen for some minutes after you finished talking – until you jump to some other slide for addressing a question. This is something that you should use. If you ended your talk with a summary (which is a good thing in most cases), leaving that slide gives the audience opportunity to reflect on your talk, remember what they wanted to ask a question about, or just let your central messages sink in. If they do not want to do this, but focus on the questions, they are not distracted by anything new that you didn’t talk about.

The main exception is if you find it difficult to orally convey that the talk has finished – in that case a thank you slide or an any questions? slide may be the lesser evil and save you from a few seconds of awkward silence that everybody needs to realise your talk is over. Note that you can use such a slide as a backup behind your summary slide – if you manage to finish your talk on the summary slide, the audience never gets to see it. If you botch it, you can quickly jump to the summary slide.

In most situations, however, I consider thank you slides and any questions? slides pointless, as they do not tell the audience anything new and are things that you or the chair have to say. A quote would distract the audience from the questions – unless you are going to read it, but then the quote has to really fit the occasion. Your contact information does not need an entire slide and can usually be fitted on the bottom of the summary slide.

Finally note that on some rare occasions, the following order of slides may work:

  • main talk with main results
  • summary and outlook
  • one or two appetiser slides illustrating first steps into what you just announced as future work, e.g., to show that you paved the way for something interesting.

In this case, you can either jump back to the summary slide or stay on your last appetizer slide – depending on what is more attractive.

aparente001's user avatar

  • 8 +1 - for everything in this (particularly noting that the 'thank you' or 'any questions' slides seem pointless unless speaker has a hard time 'closing' a talk. (And then, just flash it and get back to the summary slide so you don't leave non-content fluff up in front of audience for longer than any other slide in the talk while waiting for questions, etc. –  Carol Commented Apr 15, 2017 at 14:18
  • 34 @Carol I find your comment deeply unsettling . (I do fully agree with it though.) ;) –  Martin Ender Commented Apr 16, 2017 at 22:22
  • 6 The "any questions" slide is not only useless - it's rude. The presenter is usually not the host of a meeting - it's chair's responsibility to decide whether there is time for questions, and when it's appropriate to open the discussion. –  BartoszKP Commented Apr 19, 2017 at 18:38
  • 8 @BartoszKP I strongly disagree that it's rude. Even if the host has absolute authority over the structure of the meeting (which seems strange to me, especially at a defense, since presumably the speaker knows the schedule and can see the clock), the speaker is merely signaling that they are ready to take questions. –  JeffE Commented Aug 18, 2017 at 2:55
  • 2 @JeffE You're right, that the intent can be clear, and be a simple signal that they are ready for questions, but it looks rude, regardless of the intent. It looks like "taking over" the meeting, intruding into the position of a host. Especially at a defense, which usually is a quite formal occasion, with quite strictly defined structure and quite strictly defined rules of behaviour. –  BartoszKP Commented Aug 18, 2017 at 10:00

Another alternative I have tried recently is putting thumbnails of all the previous slides on it:

enter image description here

It's just a recent experiment, though; I don't have enough data to tell if it's the best last slide. Apart from the eye-candy, I think it can be useful as a pseudo-summary if your slides are sufficiently recognizable (for instance, if they have pictures).

For sure it helps solving the problem mentioned in another answer: "You had this formula on one slide. Can you go back? ... No not that one, before that ... Ahh yes that one."

It's kind-of tricky to do automatically in beamer, though. You can always do it manually by copying the output file somewhere else and specifying the page numbers manually, which is how I achieved it:

Federico Poloni's user avatar

  • 20 Interesting touch... but don't you think it might not transfer any meaningful idea to the audience? Especially when there is a multitude of slides. So, the thumbnails will be very small and unreadable. –  user41207 Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 6:36
  • 14 @Roboticist Depends on your goal... If you want to transfer meaningful ideas with your last slide, this works definitely worse than a summary but definitely better than a big question mark. :) The thing I wanted to do is trying to remind the audience of the content of your talk by appealing to visual memory. Just a random thing I am trying, anyway, it's not like I have research on its effectiveness. :) If there are too many slides, you can choose to include only the "most important" ones. –  Federico Poloni Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 6:43
  • 11 This is great! As a bonus it provides incentive to keep presentations within a reasonable number of slides. –  user1717828 Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 12:17
  • 25 And if it a computer science course you should include this last slide in the thumbnails, recursively, all the way down. –  Dithermaster Commented Apr 15, 2017 at 14:32
  • 12 “It's just a recent experiment, though; I don't have enough data to tell if it's the best last slide” Now we are all wondering how many thesis defenses you are going to do in order to test this approach with enough data. :D –  Andrea Lazzarotto Commented Apr 15, 2017 at 16:26

If I were on your thesis committee I would be most happy with your slides if they were your original work and represented your own personal tastes and sensibilities. Therefore I would be more impressed with even a goofy or weird last slide that I knew you actually came up with yourself and made sense to you, than one that was proposed to you by people on, even if it were ostensibly more professional looking or slick.

In other words, the "best last slide" is, by definition, whatever you decide it is.

And yes, I realize this is a bit of a smartass answer. I am trying to make a point here about the value of original thought, and hope that some people will find this perspective helpful or thought provoking. But to anyone who doesn't get it or thinks I am barking up the wrong tree, feel free to downvote this answer.

Dan Romik's user avatar

  • 2 I actually think it's a good sensible answer. –  Nobody Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 8:33
  • 3 Knowing when to learn from Academia.SE is important. I'd say "designing the last slide" is one of the cases where one can learn and not reinvent the wheel. –  svavil Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 23:43
  • 12 @svavil if OP had framed the question as "what are some good ideas for the last slide" then I would agree that that's a reasonable thing to get advice on here. But the question is framed in a way that assumes there's a unique "best last slide", which I find off-putting. In general, many questions here seek advice on optimizing every little nuance of academic life. At some point I think it makes sense to encourage people to think for themselves. And as I said, I am more impressed by people who put personal/creative touches into their work even if the result is quirky and a little less slick. –  Dan Romik Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 23:51
  • @DanRomik thanks, the last comment makes your stance clearer. –  svavil Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 23:52
  • 3 This. My last slide was a picture of the beach I was planning to spend the next month on, trying to recover from the ordeal of writing the damn thing. It got a laugh from the audience and helped me have something to look forward to while answering the questions :) –  terdon Commented Apr 17, 2017 at 21:56

In my opinion, the best last slide is a short summary of your presentation. It should contain the question you researched and what your result was. This has several advantages:

Your audience can recapitulate your talk. This allows them to better place what you told them in your conclusion and why what you did is awesome. Following the scheme "Tell them what you are going to tell them. Tell them. Tell them what you told them." makes your topic easier to understand. Since it is a graduate thesis, chances are your topic is rather complex and merits recapitulation.

This is the last slide your audience is going to see and should be the "take home message". So it can be a condensed version of what you presented, now that you explained all they need to know. This is going to fortify what the audience remembers from your talk.

A recapitulation also offers the referees prime material for slaughtering you (in the positive sense). You can keep all your used variable names, concepts, definitions, etc. on this slide so that the referees remember them. This makes asking questions so much easier and prevents question of the style: "You had this formula on one slide. Can you go back? ... No not that one, before that ... Ahh yes that one." If this is out of the way, you can directly jump to the interesting questions.

m00am's user avatar

It's not anything particular to a thesis presentation, but I've found that an acknowledgement slide is a solid last slide for the presentation. It's a choice that I've found rather common from experienced presenters (e.g. visiting professors when giving seminar talks.)

I agree with others in saying that slides with just "Any Questions" or "Thank You" isn't the best. They're rather content free, and such sentiments can be handled verbally. (Also, depending on how things are handled, your advisor or committee chair may be the one to open the floor for questions and select who asks the next question, in which case it may be slightly awkward if you've already opened the floor for questions.)

Instead, you can take the opportunity at the very end of your talk to thank and acknowledge the people who have helped you out. Generally this takes the form of a photo of your advisor's group, often with a list of names of others in your group, along with several columns of names pointing out any collaborators. It's also nice to point out in a corner any funding sources, if you received any grants or scholarships which supported the work. If you put their names up in writing you don't necessarily need to read out everyones name, but it is good to point out some of the key people and potentially mention their specific contribution.

One caution is to keep the amount of talking you do on your acknowledgment slide brief. I'd recommend a minute or so at most. Spend too long - particularly with a bland recitation of 20+ names - and you'll bore the audience. If you're going to name names, pick out just a few key people whose help you'd like to highlight. Err on the side of being too brief rather than too effusive. If you have individual names up, you can acknowledge in groups ("my collaborators in the Smith Group") rather than individually.

With an acknowledgement slide you have a rather "neutral" slide that clearly signals the end of the presentation, but contains a non-trivial amount of content in itself.

Note: You didn't mention which field you were in, so I gave an answer from my experience in biochemistry. Do keep in mind that presentation styles do vary somewhat from field to field. If it's not common in your field for experienced people giving seminars to present an acknowledgement slide, please ignore my answer and pick something that's more common to your field.

R.M.'s user avatar

  • 3 While this is certainly laudable, it's also likely that this will bore at least a part of the audience. In that respect, presentations are quite a bit like movies - when the credits (that producers are ethically, and possibly even legally, obliged to show) start rolling, almost the entire audience stops watching and leaves. –  O. R. Mapper Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 17:19
  • @O.R.Mapper Oh, certainly. Spending too long on an acknowledgment slide is indeed terribly boring. I added in more mention of keeping it brief. -- Even then, I agree some people will "zone out". If you're lucky, they'll take the "free" time to formulate the question they want to ask you. –  R.M. Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 17:36
  • 5 I second @O.R.Mapper here: Any form of acknowledgement at the end of the talk is lethal to attention, enthusiasm, and flow. The only thing I consider bearable is if you just show the acknowledgement slide but do not talk about it – but then it still steals the attention of your audience. If your talk has “coäuthors”, list them on the title slide. If specific parts have collaborators, mention them on the respective slides (but only in writing). Funders can also be acknowledged on the title slide. –  Wrzlprmft ♦ Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 19:19
  • 3 I prefer acknowledgements up front as part of the settling-in phase. –  The Nate Commented Apr 15, 2017 at 2:45
Most people won't remember where they had questions without some help. So if you want questions from the audience, end with a summary slide. And if you don't want questions, just write: "Thank you! Any Questions?"

That's how my thesis tutor described it, great advice!

Community's user avatar

  • Wouldn't that be the other way around? Remind them if you want questions, and don't remind them if you don't? –  timuzhti Commented Apr 17, 2017 at 6:53
  • 1 @Alpha3031: That's the point, that explicitly inviting questions is not as effective as laying the groundwork for questions. –  Ben Voigt Commented Apr 17, 2017 at 17:02

What I was advised to do and have seen done several times, and it worked rather well was to highlight 3-4 main pertinent points, specifically:

  • brief reiteration of the research problem
  • reiteration of a main aspect of the method
  • a statement or 2 of the main result/outcome of the results

Underneath, I included my email address and any other main researchers - with a statement that if they wished to receive a copy of the presentation to contact by email - but check to see if this is allowed first.

(The slides before had the acknowledgements and references)

This way, while questions and/or discussion was occurring, a clear and concise summary of the presentation remained projected.

Having gone through many variations myself, more recently I settled on putting a brief bibliography on the last page. I think it is more meaningful than a "thank you" or "questions?" page (certainly more meaningful than some "inspirational" quote!), and perhaps more appropriate than contact details. Of course it does not prevent me from having a summary (if applicable) on the next-to-last page.

The bibliography need not be long; it may include references to your prior research relevant to the current presentation, or other key pieces of literature that anyone in the audience who became interested in the topic of your presentation might benefit from. (A couple of times I went overboard and had two dense bibliography pages; I don't think that was a good idea.)

Viktor Toth's user avatar

I have not yet had to prepare and present a thesis but I have done a lot of presentations for my studies.

I usually use a dark background for my first slide, with the title in a light coloured font and use a light background with dark text for the presentation so my solution is to have a blank last slide with a dark background.

I usually thank the jury for their attention verbally, as a sign the presentation is finished so I do not need to thank them "in text" which feels awkward.

I also avoid the "Any questions ?" slide, especially if it is going to stay on display. I rather say something close to "If you have any question feel free to ask them I/we will do my/our best to answer them".

The reason I don't leave the summary visible too long is that I find I tend to read it over and over again when watching a presentation rather than listening to other peoples questions. If I'm like that I'm sure, or at least I hope, other are as well.

Valentin Pearce's user avatar

  • Would the downvoter explain what's wrong with this answer? –  Nobody Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 8:08
  • 3 I did not downvote, but the answer is a bit unclear. Is the proposed solution simply a blank last slide? –  user21264 Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 9:26
  • Yes that's it. I could maybe edit my answer to make it more obious. It should be noted though that I usually have a very simple summary of the key points and/or conclusions before that blank slide. –  Valentin Pearce Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 9:30
  • Also, it should fit in your presentation's overall appearance, to show that it is, in a way, part of it and not just a white slide. –  Valentin Pearce Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 9:32

US Military typically employs option 3 as the penultimate slide, followed by a slide asking for questions, followed by the statement or a slide "This concludes my brief" or presentation.

For the presentation of a thesis, option 3 is always good for a penultimate slide at which you can ask for questions. I'd follow that with a thank you slide to conclude.

user26439's user avatar

  • Interesting and practical response, thank you! –  user70612 Commented Apr 15, 2017 at 15:04
  • 1 @Saturnus Thanks. This is my first post on the site. I think a summary should always be included in any good conclusion, like most of us are taught in grade school. –  user26439 Commented Apr 15, 2017 at 15:12

I've been at a Master thesis defence, where professor N., known for his inspiring and engaged teaching style, and admired by many students, was present. At the end of the presentation, the last slide said

Thank you for your attention!

The chairman asked whether there are questions, and as usual, there was one from N. The student answered, and then clicked to the next slide, saying

Thank you for your attention, professor N.!

Kostya_I's user avatar

This will depend largely on what happens after your presentation. If the last slide will stay on screen during discussions between the thesis committee and you, a picture representing your work (e.g. your thesis cover) might be a good choice.

Mark's user avatar

How about combining option 2 and 3

Since I sometimes find it hard to round-off a presentation without creating an awkward silence, but do not like having a slide saying only "Thank you", let me offer one more alternative.

Have a last slide with a summary/conclusion of your main results, and possibly some future work. Also end the talk by quickly reiterating your main result(s). Then at the end, let the words "Thank you" (or "Questions?" or whatever you want to end the presentation with) appear at the bottom of this slide. I usually use a slightly larger font and different color, such that it stands out.

This allows you to smoothly end your presentation, yet keeps the useful summary slide on screen during the discussion.

user53923's user avatar

Best way to end your presentation is to give an overview of whole things you described in earlier slides. you can also request for feedbacks for your presentation to improve according to audience point of view.

Mamoon Rao's user avatar

  • 10 And would should be on the last slide then? –  FuzzyLeapfrog Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 16:59

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closing remarks in research defense


How to Deliver an Effective Closing Speech for a Scientific Conference

In the world of scientific conferences, delivering a well-crafted closing speech is an important task. In this post, we will guide you through the key sections of a successful closing speech, helping you leave a lasting impression on the attendees and wrap up the conference on a high note.

Key Highlights and Breakthroughs

As the conference comes to an end, it's crucial to provide a concise summary of the main highlights. Reflect on the significant themes, breakthroughs, and notable research contributions discussed throughout the event. By summarizing the conference, you reinforce the key takeaways for the attendees and remind them of the value gained from their participation.

Recognizing Organizers and Contributors

Expressing gratitude is an essential part of any closing speech. Take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and dedication of the conference organizers. Recognize their efforts in creating a platform that fosters knowledge exchange and supports scientific advancement. This is also an opportune time to thank the speakers for sharing their expertise and the attendees for their active participation.

Spotlight on Inspiring Presenters

Highlighting the contributions of the keynote speakers and presenters adds a personal touch to your closing speech. Briefly mention some of the standout speakers and their presentations, emphasizing the significance of their research and the value it added to the conference. This recognition not only acknowledges their efforts but also provides a sense of accomplishment and appreciation for their contributions.

Thanking the Active Conference Participants

Expressing gratitude towards the attendees is crucial, as their presence and engagement play a pivotal role in the success of the conference. Thank them for their active participation, thought-provoking questions, and valuable discussions. Emphasize that their collective presence contributed to the vibrant and intellectually stimulating atmosphere of the event.

Personal Insights and Takeaways

In this section, share your own reflections on the conference. Discuss the most memorable, interesting, or impactful moments that stood out to you personally. Highlight how the conference has contributed to the advancement of knowledge in the field and inspired further research. By offering your insights, you encourage others to reflect on the value and impact of the conference as well.

Keep momentum, keep the community

As the conference draws to a close, it's important to inspire and motivate the attendees to continue their scientific endeavors beyond the event. Encourage them to maintain the spirit of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and research excellence that the conference exemplified. Emphasize the importance of sustained efforts and continued engagement to drive scientific progress in the future.

In the closing section, provide your final remarks and wrap up the speech. Reiterate your gratitude to the attendees, organizers, and speakers for their contributions. Leave them with a positive and uplifting message that reinforces the significance of their involvement and participation in the conference.

Delivering a compelling closing speech for a scientific conference requires careful planning and execution. By following the structure outlined in this post, you can create a memorable and impactful closing speech that leaves a lasting impression on the attendees. Remember, a well-crafted closing speech not only signifies the end of a conference but also acts as a catalyst for future collaborations, research endeavors, and scientific advancements.

We hope this guide helps you deliver an effective closing speech at your next scientific conference. Best of luck with your future presentations.

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How to Start a Thesis Defense Presentation

How to Start a Thesis Defense Presentation | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

After months and years of hard work, the moment to wrap things all up is finally here—your thesis defense presentation.

Whether you’re pursuing a master’s degree or doctorate, it’s the final step to that much-deserved achievement. 

A thesis defense requires a lot of prior research and preparation. And as important as its content is, so is how you present it because a stunning design with clear data and text hierarchy plays an immense role in comprehension.

In this article, we’ll explore how you make your thesis defense .

The organization is the key to success. Establishing some previous steps before any project or work is essential for the result to be very positive. And the defense of a thesis could not be less. 

Below, we will develop all the necessary steps to make a thesis defense presentation and we will give you some tips on how to carry them out.

How to Make an Amazing Presentation

Defining the concept of your thesis presentation, structuring your thesis defense presentation, how do you welcome the audience, tell them why you did this thesis, go into the content by explaining your thesis part by part, how to end the defense of the thesis.

After a long time of research and study, the content of your thesis is ready. Now, you have to find the best way to reflect all that effort behind your work. The information comes across more clearly if you use a visual format, as it attracts the attention of the audience. To present your thesis information in a clear, concise, and ultimately amazing way, you can use one of our unique thesis defense templates , available at Slidesgo.

As an example, in this article, we are going to use the Ecology Thesis template . With it, we will show you what to include in your presentation and how to make an attractive design.

After choosing the Google Slides and PowerPoint template that best suits the needs and subject matter of your thesis, it is time to define an overarching concept.

This is the main theme on which your designs are based. It must be relevant to your thesis as its purpose is to guide your selection of colors, typography, images, style, etc. 

These must be portrayed in a way that supports the main message of your slides and should be aligned with your concept both visually and sociologically.

Once you have defined the concept, you will have to move on to the next step: structuring the content of your thesis. A good structure will show that there is a good organization behind the work, but most importantly: it will highlight your content.

In this article, we are going to show you a structure that could be a good example of how to structure a thesis, but you can adapt it to what your specific content requires.

Before you begin your thesis defense, you should welcome your audience. A good presentation will make you connect with your audience, which will result in more general interest in your work.

Use an appropriate language register (avoid informal language), but be approachable and natural.

"Welcome to the thesis defense on [the title of your thesis]". Next, introduce yourself with your name and give a short description of your background and occupation.

Don't forget to say “thank you for attending!”

To continue establishing that connection with your audience, explain the reasons that led you to do this thesis. Tell the professional reasons, and you can even say some personal ones, which will denote closeness, and your audience will appreciate it.

Now it's time to go into the content of the thesis ! After these preliminary steps, which are just as important as the thesis itself, it is time to explain part by part the structure (which you had previously established). We are going to propose a structure for your project, but the final decision is always yours!

closing remarks in research defense

First impressions are very important. Because your title page is the very first thing viewers see, it must be striking and impactful. It also sets the stage for the rest of your slides.

In one glance, the following should be established:

  • Thesis defense topic
  • Design style

For instance, the ecology thesis’s title page uses illustrations of a natural landscape to represent the topic of nature and a striking shade of blue to set the tone.

The sans serif font used depicts clean-cut typography and style and the thesis topic is written in large and bold typography, which draws attention to it immediately.

closing remarks in research defense

Right after your title page, include an introduction slide to provide more details about your topic. 

This means explaining what you hope to answer with your research, its importance to your field, and why you chose it.

Continue to incorporate design elements relevant to your concept. This example has done just that by using a different natural landscape and including animals. For coherence, stick to the same typography and style throughout your presentation.

closing remarks in research defense

The aim of the literature review slide is to illustrate your knowledge of your thesis topic and any relevant theories.

Walls of text kill a design. For clarity, we recommend presenting this with bullet points. Each one should be short and sweet and only touch on the basics; you can elaborate on them in your speech. 

Don’t forget to be consistent with your design. In our example, we’ve maintained the tone of blue chosen and added illustrations of leaves in the far corners of the slide. 

Also, address similar research that has been done. This is to showcase your topic’s originality and, if relevant, how it’s different and/or an improvement from previously done research. 

closing remarks in research defense

This is one of the most important parts of a thesis defense presentation.

It allows your viewers to assess the rationality and validity of your approach and consequently, the accuracy of your results.

A great methodology slide explains the what , how, and why :

  • What method did you use for your research
  • Why did you choose it
  • How did you conduct it

Because this part of your thesis will be rather technical, the most effective way to aid understanding is by using graphics like charts and tables. 

closing remarks in research defense

Keep text to a minimum to avoid drawing attention away from the graphics. If there is a text that must absolutely be included, consider using bullet points and keep them short.

Don’t forget to maintain color, style, and typography coherence.

closing remarks in research defense

The results slides are easily the most quantitative part of a thesis defense. 

Here, your aim is to simply introduce your findings. Select the most impactful data and highlight them here.

Just as with methodology, use graphics like charts, tables, and graphs to portray the data in a clear way. And, once again, try not to write too much text. Let the visual content do the talking .

closing remarks in research defense

After you’ve introduced your data, the next step would be to help your audience make sense of it. That means understanding what it means in the context of your thesis research topic and your discipline. 

Simply put, you should answer the question: What do the numbers mean?

The best way to approach this would be to do it as if you were creating an infographic . 

Illustrations like icons are a quick and simple way to represent your message. It also reduces the amount of text on your slide, which makes the information much more digestible. 

For a balanced thesis presentation, you should also address any outliers and anomalies.

To quote bestselling author Robin Sharma, “Starting strong is good. Finishing strong is epic.”

That’s exactly what to aim for in your conclusion.

Provide an overview of your thesis topic and remind your audience what you set out to answer with your research. In our example, we’ve used three icons accompanied by a short title and text. 

closing remarks in research defense

Following that, reiterate the important points of your research results you want your audience to take away from your thesis defense presentation. 

You can do so by expanding the next slide to have more icons and points, for example.

closing remarks in research defense

Don’t forget to address any shortcomings and limitations in your approach and extra points for suggesting possible improvements for future research.

We are going to give you a little tip to make your thesis defense a success. You can combine your defense with good public speaking techniques. Take a look at our article "How to become a great speaker" .

We hope this article has been of great help, have you already seen our templates to make the presentation of your thesis ? Choose the one that best suits your needs, we are sure that one of them will go perfectly with your thesis presentation! 

Good luck from Slidesgo.

closing remarks in research defense

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How to prepare an excellent thesis defense

Thesis defence

What is a thesis defense?

How long is a thesis defense, what happens at a thesis defense, your presentation, questions from the committee, 6 tips to help you prepare for your thesis defense, 1. anticipate questions and prepare for them, 2. dress for success, 3. ask for help, as needed, 4. have a backup plan, 5. prepare for the possibility that you might not know an answer, 6. de-stress before, during, and after, frequently asked questions about preparing an excellent thesis defense, related articles.

If you're about to complete, or have ever completed a graduate degree, you have most likely come across the term "thesis defense." In many countries, to finish a graduate degree, you have to write a thesis .

A thesis is a large paper, or multi-chapter work, based on a topic relating to your field of study.

Once you hand in your thesis, you will be assigned a date to defend your work. Your thesis defense meeting usually consists of you and a committee of two or more professors working in your program. It may also include other people, like professionals from other colleges or those who are working in your field.

During your thesis defense, you will be asked questions about your work. The main purpose of your thesis defense is for the committee to make sure that you actually understand your field and focus area.

The questions are usually open-ended and require the student to think critically about their work. By the time of your thesis defense, your paper has already been evaluated. The questions asked are not designed so that you actually have to aggressively "defend" your work; often, your thesis defense is more of a formality required so that you can get your degree.

  • Check with your department about requirements and timing.
  • Re-read your thesis.
  • Anticipate questions and prepare for them.
  • Create a back-up plan to deal with technology hiccups.
  • Plan de-stressing activities both before, and after, your defense.

How long your oral thesis defense is depends largely on the institution and requirements of your degree. It is best to consult your department or institution about this. In general, a thesis defense may take only 20 minutes, but it may also take two hours or more. The length also depends on how much time is allocated to the presentation and questioning part.

Tip: Check with your department or institution as soon as possible to determine the approved length for a thesis defense.

First of all, be aware that a thesis defense varies from country to country. This is just a general overview, but a thesis defense can take many different formats. Some are closed, others are public defenses. Some take place with two committee members, some with more examiners.

The same goes for the length of your thesis defense, as mentioned above. The most important first step for you is to clarify with your department what the structure of your thesis defense will look like. In general, your thesis defense will include:

  • your presentation of around 20-30 minutes
  • questions from the committee
  • questions from the audience (if the defense is public and the department allows it)

You might have to give a presentation, often with Powerpoint, Google slides, or Keynote slides. Make sure to prepare an appropriate amount of slides. A general rule is to use about 10 slides for a 20-minute presentation.

But that also depends on your specific topic and the way you present. The good news is that there will be plenty of time ahead of your thesis defense to prepare your slides and practice your presentation alone and in front of friends or family.

Tip: Practice delivering your thesis presentation in front of family, friends, or colleagues.

You can prepare your slides by using information from your thesis' first chapter (the overview of your thesis) as a framework or outline. Substantive information in your thesis should correspond with your slides.

Make sure your slides are of good quality— both in terms of the integrity of the information and the appearance. If you need more help with how to prepare your presentation slides, both the ASQ Higher Education Brief and James Hayton have good guidelines on the topic.

The committee will ask questions about your work after you finish your presentation. The questions will most likely be about the core content of your thesis, such as what you learned from the study you conducted. They may also ask you to summarize certain findings and to discuss how your work will contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

Tip: Read your entire thesis in preparation of the questions, so you have a refreshed perspective on your work.

While you are preparing, you can create a list of possible questions and try to answer them. You can foresee many of the questions you will get by simply spending some time rereading your thesis.

Here are a few tips on how to prepare for your thesis defense:

You can absolutely prepare for most of the questions you will be asked. Read through your thesis and while you're reading it, create a list of possible questions. In addition, since you will know who will be on the committee, look at the academic expertise of the committee members. In what areas would they most likely be focused?

If possible, sit at other thesis defenses with these committee members to get a feel for how they ask and what they ask. As a graduate student, you should generally be adept at anticipating test questions, so use this advantage to gather as much information as possible before your thesis defense meeting.

Your thesis defense is a formal event, often the entire department or university is invited to participate. It signals a critical rite of passage for graduate students and faculty who have supported them throughout a long and challenging process.

While most universities don't have specific rules on how to dress for that event, do regard it with dignity and respect. This one might be a no-brainer, but know that you should dress as if you were on a job interview or delivering a paper at a conference.

It might help you deal with your stress before your thesis defense to entrust someone with the smaller but important responsibilities of your defense well ahead of schedule. This trusted person could be responsible for:

  • preparing the room of the day of defense
  • setting up equipment for the presentation
  • preparing and distributing handouts

Technology is unpredictable. Life is too. There are no guarantees that your Powerpoint presentation will work at all or look the way it is supposed to on the big screen. We've all been there. Make sure to have a plan B for these situations. Handouts can help when technology fails, and an additional clean shirt can save the day if you have a spill.

One of the scariest aspects of the defense is the possibility of being asked a question you can't answer. While you can prepare for some questions, you can never know exactly what the committee will ask.

There will always be gaps in your knowledge. But your thesis defense is not about being perfect and knowing everything, it's about how you deal with challenging situations. You are not expected to know everything.

James Hayton writes on his blog that examiners will sometimes even ask questions they don't know the answer to, out of curiosity, or because they want to see how you think. While it is ok sometimes to just say "I don't know", he advises to try something like "I don't know, but I would think [...] because of x and y, but you would need to do [...] in order to find out.” This shows that you have the ability to think as an academic.

You will be nervous. But your examiners will expect you to be nervous. Being well prepared can help minimize your stress, but do know that your examiners have seen this many times before and are willing to help, by repeating questions, for example. Dora Farkas at notes that it’s a myth that thesis committees are out to get you.

Two common symptoms of being nervous are talking really fast and nervous laughs. Try to slow yourself down and take a deep breath. Remember what feels like hours to you are just a few seconds in real life.

  • Try meditational breathing right before your defense.
  • Get plenty of exercise and sleep in the weeks prior to your defense.
  • Have your clothes or other items you need ready to go the night before.
  • During your defense, allow yourself to process each question before answering.
  • Go to dinner with friends and family, or to a fun activity like mini-golf, after your defense.

Allow yourself to process each question, respond to it, and stop talking once you have responded. While a smile can often help dissolve a difficult situation, remember that nervous laughs can be irritating for your audience.

We all make mistakes and your thesis defense will not be perfect. However, careful preparation, mindfulness, and confidence can help you feel less stressful both before, and during, your defense.

Finally, consider planning something fun that you can look forward to after your defense.

It is completely normal to be nervous. Being well prepared can help minimize your stress, but do know that your examiners have seen this many times before and are willing to help, by repeating questions for example if needed. Slow yourself down, and take a deep breath.

Your thesis defense is not about being perfect and knowing everything, it's about how you deal with challenging situations. James Hayton writes on his blog that it is ok sometimes to just say "I don't know", but he advises to try something like "I don't know, but I would think [...] because of x and y, you would need to do [...] in order to find out".

Your Powerpoint presentation can get stuck or not look the way it is supposed to do on the big screen. It can happen and your supervisors know it. In general, handouts can always save the day when technology fails.

  • Dress for success.
  • Ask for help setting up.
  • Have a backup plan (in case technology fails you).
  • Deal with your nerves.

closing remarks in research defense


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