Overpopulation Essay

500 words essay on overpopulation.

Overpopulation refers to an undesirable condition in which the number of existing human being exceeds the actual carrying capacity of the earth. It has many causes which range from a decline in the death rate to early marriages and more. The overpopulation essay will throw light on this issue.

overpopulation essay

Ill-Effects of Overpopulation

The ill-effects of overpopulation are quite severe. The first one is that natural resources deplete at a faster level. Our planet can produce only a limited amount of water and food . Thus, overpopulation causes environmental damage including deforestation, pollution, etc.

Similarly, there is the degradation of the environment which happens because of the overuse of resources like coal, oil, natural gases and more. As a result, the quality of air also gets affected in this manner.

In developing countries, overpopulation puts a strain on resources. Thus, it gives rise to conflicts and tension. It also causes more diseases that become harder to control. Next up, we have the issue of unemployment.

Moreover, it rises due to overpopulation. There is more number of people than job opportunities. As a result, unemployment gives rise to crimes like theft and more. We also have pandemics and epidemics which happen due to overpopulation.

It is because overcrowded and unhygienic living gives rise to infectious diseases . Another ill-effect is malnutrition and starvation. When there are scarce resources, these diseases will likely to be on the rise.

Most importantly, we have a shortage of water which makes it tougher for people to get access to clean water. Similarly, lower life expectancy also happens because of the boom in population, especially in less-developed nations.

We also witness faster climate change as nations continue to develop their industrial capacities. Thus, they emit industrial waste which gives rise to global temperatures . It will keep getting worse if things are not checked immediately.

Solutions of Overpopulation

There are many solutions which we may take up to prevent overpopulation. The best measure is family planning to keep the overpopulation check. In order to do that, one can ensure proper spacing between the births of the children.

Further, limiting the number of children as per income and resources must also be important. Similarly, it is essential to increase resources. The government must make the horrors of overpopulation reach the public through the use of media.

Moreover, better education can help implement social change which can curb overpopulation. Next up, knowledge of sex education must be made mandatory in schools so students learn young about everything they need to know.

Most importantly, it is essential to empower women so they can break out of poverty. This way, they can learn about reproductive health and make better decisions. Another solution can be government incentives.

Many governments of countries already have various policies which relate to tax exemptions for curbing overpopulation. For instance, some waive a certain part of income tax for married couples with one or two children.

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Conclusion of Overpopulation Essay

All in all, overpopulation is no less than a curse that poses a permanent threat to the development of any country. It is essential to stop the flood of population. In order to do that, one must indulge in proper family planning and creating balance in society for a better world.

FAQ of Overpopulation Essay

Question 1: What is the main cause of overpopulation?

Answer 1: It is believed that the main cause of overpopulation is poverty. When there is a lack of education resource which coupled with high death rates, it results in impoverished areas witnessing large booms in population.

Question 2: How is overpopulation affecting the world?

Answer 2: Overpopulation is affecting the world as it is outpacing the ability of the planet earth to support it. It also has environmental and economic outcomes which range from the impacts of over-farming on global warming.

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Overpopulation Essay: Causes and Solutions

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Overpopulation Essay: Causes and Solutions

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Overpopulation: Cause and Effect

A large group of people walking in a city

Conversations about overpopulation can quickly become controversial because they beg the question: Who exactly is the cause of the problem and what, if anything, should be done about it? Many population experts worry discussions around overpopulation will be abused by small-minded people to suggest some are the “right people” to be on the planet (like themselves), and some people are “the wrong people” (usually people in poverty, people of color, foreigners, and so on—you get the drift). But there are no “right” or “wrong” people on the planet, and discussing the problems of global overpopulation can never be an excuse, or in any way provide a platform, for having that type of conversation.

Each human being has a legitimate claim on a sufficient and fair amount of Earth’s resources. But with a population approaching 8 billion, even if everyone adopted a relatively low material standard of living like the one currently found in Papua New Guinea , it would still push Earth to its ecological breaking point. Unfortunately, the “average person” on Earth consumes at a rate over 50% above a sustainable level. Incredibly, the average person in the United States uses almost five times more than the sustainable yield of the planet.

When we use the term “overpopulation,” we specifically mean a situation in which the Earth cannot regenerate the resources used by the world’s population each year. Experts say this has been the case every year since 1970, with each successive year becoming more and more damaging. To help temper this wildly unsustainable situation, we need to understand what’s contributing to overpopulation and overconsumption and how these trends are affecting everything from climate change to sociopolitical unrest.

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The causes of overpopulation.

Today the Earth is home to over 8 billion people. By 2100 the population is on track to hit 10.8 billion , according to the United Nations — and that’s assuming steady fertility declines in many countries. Interestingly, if extra progress is made in women’s reproductive self-determination, and fertility falls more than the United Nations assumes is likely, the population in 2100 might be a relatively smaller 7.3 billion.

For now, the world’s population is still increasing in huge annual increments (about 80 million per year), and our supply of vital non-renewable resources are being exhausted. Many factors contribute to these unsustainable trends , including falling mortality rates, underutilized contraception, and a lack of education for girls.

Falling Mortality Rate

The primary (and perhaps most obvious) cause of population growth is an imbalance between births and deaths. The infant mortality rate has decreased globally, with 4.1 million infant deaths in 2017 compared to 8.8 million in 1990, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). This is welcome public health news, of course.

At the same time, lifespans are increasing around the world. Those of us who are alive today will likely live much longer than most of our ancestors. Global average life expectancy has more than doubled since 1900 , thanks to advancements in medicine, technology, and general hygiene. Falling mortality rates are certainly nothing to complain about either, but widespread longevity does contribute to the mathematics of increasing population numbers.

Underutilized Contraception 

The global fertility rate has fallen steadily over the years, down from an average of 5 children per woman in 1950 to 2.4 children per woman today, according to the UN Population Division . Along with that promising trend, contraceptive use has slowly but steadily increased globally, rising from 54% in 1990 to 57.4% in 2015. Yet, on the whole, contraceptive use is still underutilized. For example, according to the WHO, an estimated 214 million women in developing countries who want to avoid pregnancy are not using modern contraceptives.

These women aren’t using contraceptives for a variety of reasons, including social norms or religious beliefs that discourage birth control, misconceptions about adverse side effects, and a lack of agency for women to make decisions around sex and family planning. An estimated 44% of pregnancies were unintended worldwide between 2010-2014. Getting more women the access and agency to utilize family planning methods could go a long way in flattening the population curve.

Lack of Female Education    

Although female access to education has increased over the years, the gender gap remains. Roughly 130 million girls worldwide are out of school currently, and an estimated 15 million girls of primary school age will never   learn to read and write, compared with 10 million boys.

Increasing and encouraging education among women and girls can have a number of positive ripple effects, including delayed childbearing , healthier children, and an increase in workforce participation. Plenty of evidence suggests a negative correlation between female education and fertility rates.

If increased female education can delay or decrease fertility and provide girls with opportunities beyond an early marriage, it could also help to mitigate current population trends. 

The Effects of Overpopulation

It is only logical that an increase in the world’s population will cause additional strains on resources. More people means an increased demand for food, water, housing, energy, healthcare, transportation, and more. And all that consumption contributes to ecological degradation, increased conflicts, and a higher risk of large-scale disasters like pandemics.  

Ecological Degradation 

An increase in population will inevitably create pressures leading to more deforestation, decreased biodiversity, and spikes in pollution and emissions, which will exacerbate climate change . Ultimately, unless we take action to help minimize further population growth heading into the remainder of this century, many scientists believe the additional stress on the planet will lead to ecological disruption and collapse so severe it threatens the viability of life on Earth as we know it. 

Each spike in the global population has a measurable impact on the planet’s health. According to estimates in a study by Wynes and Nicholas (2017) , a family having one fewer child could reduce emissions by 58.6 tonnes CO2-equivalent per year in developed countries.

Increased Conflicts 

The scarcity brought about by environmental disruption and overpopulation has the potential to trigger an increase in violence and political unrest. We’re already seeing wars fought over water, land, and energy resources in the Middle East and other regions, and the turmoil is likely to increase as the global population grows even larger.

Higher Risk of Disasters and Pandemics 

Many of the recent novel pathogens that have devastated humans around the world, including COVID-19, Zika virus, Ebola, and West Nile virus, originated in animals or insects before passing to humans. Part of the reason the world is entering “ a period of increased outbreak activity ” is because humans are destroying wildlife habitats and coming into contact with wild animals on a more regular basis. Now that we’re in the midst of a pandemic, it has become clear how difficult it is to social distance in a world occupied by nearly 8 billion people.   

Discover the real causes and effects of overpopulation

What can be done about overpopulation.

When addressing overpopulation, it’s crucial to take an approach of providing empowerment while mobilizing against anybody advocating for the use of coercion or violence to solve our problems. The combined efforts of spreading knowledge about family planning, increasing agency among women , and debunking widely held myths about contraception will measurably change the trajectory of the world’s population.

As we carry out our work at Population Media Center (PMC), we see first-hand that spreading awareness about family planning methods and the ecological and economic benefits of having smaller families can change reproductive behavior. For example, listeners of our Burundian radio show Agashi (“Hey! Look Again!”) were 1.7 times more likely than non-listeners to confirm that they were willing to negotiate condom use with a sexual partner and 1.8 times more likely than non-listeners to say that they generally approve of family planning for limiting the number of children.


In the spirit of Earth Day, it’s crucial to approach discussions about overpopulation with sensitivity and inclusivity. Overpopulation conversations should focus on the collective responsibility to steward Earth’s resources sustainably, rather than assigning blame or dividing communities. By fostering understanding and promoting access to education and reproductive health services, we can work towards a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

At PMC we harness the power of storytelling to empower listeners to live healthier and more prosperous lives, which in turn contributes to stabilizing the global population so that people can live sustainably with the world’s renewable resources. Discover how PMC is taking action against overpopulation today!

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Essay on Overpopulation

Kunika Khuble

Introduction to Overpopulation

Our planet has experienced an extraordinary population increase, highlighting the pervasive challenge of overpopulation. Earth is home to over 8 billion individuals, a staggering number that is continuously increasing. This surge, which reflects an exponential growth trajectory, is pushing us into an era where the implications of overpopulation are looming ominously over our collective future.

The relentless surge in global population poses a formidable challenge to the delicate balance of our planet’s ecosystems and the well-being of its inhabitants. Overpopulation, defined as the condition where the number of individuals in a given area surpasses the environment’s capacity to support them, has become a pressing concern on a global scale. As we navigate the 21st century, the world witnesses unprecedented demographic shifts and exponential population growth. This essay explores the complex issues of overpopulation, analyzing its root causes and significant effects on the environment and society and outlining workable strategies to lessen its effects. Recognizing and treating overpopulation is essential to building a sustainable future for future generations in a world where human footprints are considerably larger than the planet’s natural boundaries.

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Causes of Overpopulation

Causes of Overpopulation

Here are some of the primary factors contributing to this global predicament:

  • High Birth Rates : In many regions, particularly developing countries, cultural and religious factors often encourage more prominent families. Limited access to family planning and education further maintains high birth rates.
  • Decreased Death Rates : Healthcare, sanitation, and medicine advances have significantly reduced mortality rates worldwide. This has increased life expectancy, contributing to a larger overall population.
  • Migration : Rural-to-urban migration within countries and international migration from less developed to more developed regions also contribute to population density. Urban centers often attract people for better opportunities and resources, leading to overcrowding.
  • Social Norms and Expectations : Societal norms that favor larger families or place value on male offspring can lead to larger populations. In some cultures, having more children is considered a form of security or status.
  • Improved Quality of Life : Economic growth and technological advancements have improved living standards, leading to better healthcare and increased food production. While positive, these advancements also contribute to sustaining larger populations.
  • Political and Economic Factors : Instability, conflict, and economic disparities can influence population growth. In some cases, political or economic conditions encourage higher birth rates.

Effects of Overpopulation

Overpopulation exerts profound and multifaceted effects on our planet, impacting the environment, society, and economies in ways that demand urgent attention and thoughtful intervention.

A. Environmental Impact

Resource Depletion:

  • The surge in population strains water resources, leading to over-extraction from rivers and aquifers, exacerbating water scarcity.
  • Expanding urbanization and agriculture encroach upon valuable ecosystems, depleting fertile land and threatening biodiversity.
  • Meeting the demands of a burgeoning population places immense pressure on agricultural systems, depleting soil fertility and stressing food production.

Pollution and Climate Change:

  • High population density areas often experience increased industrial activity and vehicle emissions, contributing to air pollution and respiratory diseases.
  • Rapid population growth results in heightened waste production, challenging waste management systems and contributing to pollution.
  • Overpopulation-related increases in carbon emissions speed up the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and harsher weather.

Loss of Biodiversity:

  • The expansion of human habitats leads to habitat destruction, threatening the existence of numerous plant and animal species.
  • Overpopulation contributes to the illegal wildlife trade, further endangering already vulnerable species.

B. Social and Economic Ramifications

Strain on Infrastructure and Public Services:

  • Basic infrastructure, including transportation, healthcare, and sanitation, struggles to keep pace with the growing demands of an expanding population.
  • Public services, such as education and healthcare, face challenges in delivering quality services to an increasing number of people.

Unemployment and Poverty:

  • High-population-density areas often experience elevated levels of unemployment as job opportunities fail to match the pace of population growth.
  • Overpopulation can contribute to a cycle of poverty, where limited resources are stretched thin, hindering social and economic mobility.

Social Unrest and Migration Issues:

  • As marginalized people compete for opportunities and resources, social unrest may result as they demand fair access to basic services.
  • Overpopulation can drive internal and international migration, strain host communities, and create geopolitical tensions.

C. Impact on Healthcare Systems

Spread of Diseases:

  • Living in close quarters with little access to medical facilities fosters an environment that is conducive to the quick spread of infectious diseases. Overpopulation makes it harder to regulate and stop the spread of diseases in both remote rural areas and heavily populated urban centers.
  • The repercussions of this extend far beyond the immediate health crisis, affecting societal well-being and economic stability.

Lack of Access to Healthcare:

  • In regions grappling with overpopulation, disparities in healthcare access become glaringly apparent. Limited resources and overstretched healthcare infrastructures make it difficult for individuals, particularly in marginalized communities, to access essential medical services.
  • This perpetuates health inequalities and poses a formidable barrier to overall societal development.

D. Educational Challenges

Overcrowded Schools:

  • The surge in school-aged children strains educational institutions, leading to overcrowded classrooms and overburdened educators. This not only hampers the quality of education but also diminishes the learning experience for students.
  • Overpopulation in schools is a barrier to achieving the essential goal of providing quality education for all, hindering intellectual growth and perpetuating cycles of poverty.

Limited Resources for Education:

  • Overpopulation places immense pressure on educational resources, ranging from textbooks and classroom space to qualified teachers.
  • These resources are necessary for delivering a robust education, hindering the development of critical skills for individuals to thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape. As a result, the cycle of poverty persists, further deepening social inequalities.

Regional Disparities

Regional disparities play a pivotal role in shaping the narrative of this global predicament, influencing and exacerbating the challenges faced by different parts of the world.

1. Population Density in Different Regions

The global population distribution is far from uniform, with some regions grappling with high population density while vast, uninhabited expanses mark others. For instance, mega-cities in Asia and Africa witness a concentration of people that strains urban infrastructure and resources. In contrast, sparsely populated areas in North America and Australia present a stark contrast, raising questions about the equitable utilization of the Earth’s finite resources.

2. Impacts on Developed and Developing Nations

Overpopulation affects developed and developing nations differently, amplifying existing disparities. Developed nations often grapple with aging populations, where declining birth rates and increasing elderly citizens pose economic and social challenges. On the other hand, developing nations face the brunt of rapid population growth, straining limited resources, and hindering efforts to achieve sustainable development goals. To close this gap, one must have a sophisticated awareness of the particular difficulties that every group of countries faces.

3. Migration Trends

Overpopulation prompts migration patterns that further contribute to regional imbalances. Individuals and families from densely populated regions often seek economic and social opportunities by migrating to less crowded areas. Whether internal or international, this movement can lead to challenges such as overcrowded urban centers, cultural clashes, and stress on public services. Examining these migration trends provides insights into the complex interplay between overpopulation and regional dynamics.

Here’s a structured overview of potential solutions:

1. Education and Family Planning

  • Importance of Education : When it comes to providing people, particularly women, with information about family planning, reproductive health, and the effects of overpopulation, education is essential. Investing in education, particularly for girls, has proven to correlate with lower fertility rates, contributing to a gradual decrease in population growth.
  • Access to Family Planning Services : Education is crucial for educating people, especially women, about family planning, reproductive health, and the repercussions of overpopulation.

2. Sustainable Development

  • Renewable Energy and Resource Management : Embracing renewable energy sources and implementing efficient resource management strategies can alleviate resource strain. This includes investing in renewable energy technologies, adopting sustainable agricultural practices, and managing water resources effectively.
  • Eco-friendly Technologies : Encouraging the adoption of eco-friendly technologies across industries can minimize environmental degradation. Innovations in waste management, cleaner production processes, and green infrastructure are critical in reducing the ecological footprint of human activities.

3. Government Policies

  • Population Control Measures : Governments can implement policies that promote responsible family planning, such as incentives for smaller families, awareness campaigns, and reproductive health services. Additionally, policies that support women’s rights, gender equality, and empowerment contribute to lower birth rates.
  • Economic Incentives for Sustainable Practices : Governments can introduce economic incentives for businesses and individuals adopting sustainable practices. Tax breaks, subsidies, and investment in green technologies encourage a shift toward environmentally friendly choices.

Case Study: China’s One-Child Policy

China’s population boom in the late 20th century sparked worries about resource shortages and long-term economic viability. In response to these problems, the Chinese government implemented the One-Child Policy in 1979.


Under the One-Child Policy, most urban couples were restricted to having only one child. This policy was enforced through a combination of financial penalties, employment repercussions, and, in some cases, forced sterilizations. While the policy faced criticism for its strict measures and human rights concerns, it significantly impacted population growth.

The One-Child Policy successfully curbed China’s population growth. From 1980 to 2015, China’s population growth rate dropped from 1.2% to 0.5% . The policy prevented an estimated 400 million births. The aging population, gender inequality brought on by the cultural desire for male children, and societal problems brought on by the compulsory implementation were among the unanticipated results that drew criticism for the program.

Revisions and Abandonment

Recognizing the challenges and social implications, the Chinese government gradually relaxed the policy in the late 20th century. In 2015, the policy was officially replaced with a two-child policy, and in 2016, the government allowed all couples to have two children.

Lessons Learned

The One-Child Policy in China serves as a reminder of how crucial it is to weigh population control strategies’ long- and short-term effects. While the policy effectively addressed immediate concerns, its rigid implementation led to unintended social and demographic challenges. This case study emphasizes the need for a balanced and adaptable approach considering population management’s cultural, ethical, and social dimensions.

Current Status

Even after the abandonment of the One-Child Policy, China continues to grapple with demographic challenges, including an aging population and gender imbalances. The experience offers valuable insights into the complexities of implementing population control measures and underscores the importance of a comprehensive and flexible approach.

Future Outlook

Several key elements shape the future outlook:

  • Projected Population Growth: As we project into the future, population estimates vary, but most agree that the world’s population will continue to grow. By 2050, estimates suggest a global population nearing 10 billion people. This growth trajectory will significantly impact global resource demands, environmental stability, and socio-economic structures.
  • Resource Strain and Environmental Impact: The strain on resources will intensify with a burgeoning population. From food and water scarcity to increased energy demands and heightened pressure on ecosystems, overpopulation will exacerbate environmental degradation and climate change. Addressing these challenges requires immediate action and innovative solutions.
  • Technological Innovations and Sustainable Practices: The future outlook is not bleak. Advancements in technology offer promising solutions. From sustainable energy sources to innovations in agriculture and waste management, technological advances provide avenues for mitigating the impacts of overpopulation. Embracing eco-friendly practices and renewable technologies will be crucial for a sustainable future.
  • Socio-economic Transformations: Overpopulation will continue to influence socio-economic landscapes. It will shape job markets, healthcare systems, urban planning, and social services. Governments and societies must adapt policies and structures to accommodate the changing demographics and address inequalities exacerbated by population pressures.
  • Global Collaboration and Responsibility: The future hinges on global cooperation. Overcoming the challenges of overpopulation requires collaborative efforts among nations, organizations, and individuals. Initiatives focused on education, equitable resource distribution, and sustainable development must be globally embraced and supported.
  • Ethical Considerations and Human Rights: Balancing population control measures with ethical considerations and human rights remains paramount. Upholding individual autonomy while addressing the collective challenge of overpopulation necessitates respectful, inclusive, and rights-based approaches.
  • Urgency of Action: The urgency to act cannot be overstated. Delayed action will exacerbate the challenges posed by overpopulation, magnifying its impact on future generations. Immediate steps toward sustainable practices, population education, and policy adaptations are imperative.

Overpopulation is a formidable global challenge, intricately weaving its impact through health and education. Urgent action necessitates comprehensive strategies to address overcrowded living conditions, strained healthcare systems, and compromised educational opportunities. As we navigate these complexities, fostering sustainable development requires a shared commitment to equitable access, robust healthcare infrastructure, and educational reforms. Only through concerted efforts can we pave the way for a balanced future where individuals thrive, societies prosper, and the shadows of overpopulation recede.


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The Problem of Overpopulation Essay

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Overpopulation has become one of the main challenging trends over the past centuries. Governments accept the fact that they are no longer capable of managing this problem. According to Rieder, the significant aftermath of this event is that “the Earth will, at some point, be unable to provide for our population, even without more growth” (2). Commonly proposed ways of solving the problem and treating its current consequences are widely discussed in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to examine the causes and effects of overpopulation, potential threats to society, and the ecosystem, as well as the ways to overcome the problem.

The United Nations (UN) forecasts that the world’s population is expected to increase by 2 billion in 30 years. Despite the aging population and downtrend of fertility in European countries, the amount of people is growing because of developing states. For example, the people in Africa is expected to double by 2050 (Uniyal et al. 21). Scientists provide numerous reasons for overpopulation, which include historical, sociological, psychological, and other factors (Uniyal et al. 21). It is commonly believed that overpopulation is caused by the growth of natality, the decrease of mortality, and migration flows. Other causes are attributed to cultural and religious beliefs as well as lack of education (Farraji et al. 16). Overall, there is a complex set of multiple interrelated reasons that should be examined altogether.

Overpopulation carries many environmental and social risks. Approximately 40% of the land is used for agriculture, and this figure has to grow to keep up with the growth of the population (Uniyal et al. 22). To cover up the scarcity of food, companies, and farmers are required to increase production. Therefore, a fragile balance of the global ecosystem is directly and indirectly threatened by harmful human activities. Uniyal et al. state that “deforestation, the effect on welfare, climate change, the decline in biocapacity, urban sprawl, food security, increase in energy demand and effect on the marine ecosystem are amongst most severe impacts of overpopulation” (20). Overpopulation affects the overall well-being of the society: thus, overcrowded urban cities demonstrate high rates of unemployment and unhappiness.

There are several ways of reducing the rate of overpopulation, and the main actors responsible for implementing proper policies are the national governments. Chen suggests that governments should provide citizens with affordable healthcare and social security (57). Actions such as the promotion of smaller families, gender equality, and education are considered to be effective by the UN (Farraji et al. 16). Additionally, young people should have easy access to birth control. Developing countries must create partnerships with major non-governmental organizations to fight the threat. Including these measures on the agenda may help to reduce poverty and depletion of resources.

Sustaining a population remains a great struggle, and it is going to impact the development of society. Overpopulation is caused by a set of various anthropological and natural reasons. It imposes a massive risk for life on Earth due to the exploitation of natural resources and makes the lifestyle of future generations more challenging. If the issue is not treated, the surplus population will highly likely face the scarcity of food, accommodation, and fresh air and water. However, the situation may change with the help of a global community and national governance. Many types of research and enthusiasts have proposed a system of actions, such as the adoption of “small family” policies and welfare.

Works Cited

Chen, Ying. Trade, Food Security, and Human Rights. Ashgate, 2014.

Farraji, Hossein, et al. “Overpopulation and Sustainable Waste Management.” International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management, vol. 5, no. 3, 2016, pp. 13-36.

Rieder, Travis N. Toward a Small Family Ethic: How Overpopulation and Climate Change are Affecting the Morality of Procreation. Springer Nature, 2016.

Uniyal, Shivani, et al. “Human Overpopulation: Impact on Environment.” Megacities and Rapid Urbanization: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice , edited by Information Resources Management Association, IGI Global, 2019, pp. 20-30.

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IvyPanda. (2019, December 3). The Problem of Overpopulation. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-problem-of-overpopulation/

"The Problem of Overpopulation." IvyPanda , 3 Dec. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/the-problem-of-overpopulation/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'The Problem of Overpopulation'. 3 December.

IvyPanda . 2019. "The Problem of Overpopulation." December 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-problem-of-overpopulation/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Problem of Overpopulation." December 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-problem-of-overpopulation/.


IvyPanda . "The Problem of Overpopulation." December 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-problem-of-overpopulation/.


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  5. Overpopulation Troubles! (Part 2) #shorts

  6. Overpopulation Troubles! (Part 1) #shorts


  1. Overpopulation Essay in English for Students | 500 Words Essay

    Learn about the definition, causes and effects of overpopulation, and how to solve this problem. This essay provides 500 words of information on overpopulation with examples and FAQs.

  2. Overpopulation Essay: Causes and Solutions - Free Essay ...

    As the global population grows, understanding and addressing the implications of overpopulation becomes increasingly critical. This essay explores the multifaceted aspects of overpopulation, analyzing its causes, effects, and potential solutions through essays of varying lengths.

  3. What is Overpopulation? Causes, Effects, and Solutions

    Overpopulation is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today. In this article, Population Media Center examines the root causes of overpopulation, its impact on our environment and society, and what we can do to address it.

  4. Overpopulation: Causes, Effects and Consequences Essay - IvyPanda

    The essay at hand is going to analyze the existing problem investigating its causes and effects. The primary objective is to highlight the deplorable consequences of overpopulation and thereby persuade people not to overpopulate. Possible solutions will also be suggested.

  5. The Causes, Effects, and Consequences of Overpopulation

    Overpopulation is a critical issue that requires concerted efforts to address effectively. This essay has explored the causes, effects, and consequences of overpopulation, as well as potential solutions to alleviate the issue.

  6. Overpopulation: Causes, Effects, Future & Solutions Essay

    This essay explores the complex issues of overpopulation, analyzing its root causes and significant effects on the environment and society and outlining workable strategies to lessen its effects. It covers topics such as resource depletion, pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss, social unrest, healthcare challenges, and educational disparities.

  7. Overpopulation: Causes, Effects, and Solutions Essay - IvyPanda

    Solutions to Overpopulation. There are two popular paths to take when trying to solve the overpopulation problem. The first deals with the roots of overpopulation itself and are aimed at lowering the number of births through state programs, family planning, sex education, and other such initiatives.

  8. The Problem of Overpopulation Essay - IvyPanda

    The purpose of this paper is to examine the causes and effects of overpopulation, potential threats to society, and the ecosystem, as well as the ways to overcome the problem. Get a custom essay on The Problem of Overpopulation. 189 writers online. Learn More.

  9. How many people can Earth handle? - BBC

    Alamy. Tokyo is the world's most populous city, with 37 million people, 60,000 restaurants and 167 skyscapers (Credit: Alamy) Towards the end of 2022, the human population on Earth is expected to...

  10. The Overpopulation As A Global Crisis: [Essay Example], 1131 ...

    From the depletion of natural resources to the exacerbation of food scarcity and the proliferation of epidemics, the ramifications of overpopulation permeate our planet and its inhabitants, firmly establishing it as a global crisis.