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College personal statement examples and writing tips.

A crucial step in your nursing journey is learning how to write a personal statement that resonates with admissions committees and vividly portrays your passion for healthcare. This collection of amazing personal statement examples is curated to guide and inspire you as you articulate your aspirations, experiences, and motivation to pursue nursing.

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a written narrative that typically forms a significant part of an application to universities, colleges, or professional programs, particularly in fields like nursing. It’s an opportunity for junior year applicants to present themselves beyond test scores and grades, offering insights into their personalities, experiences, goals, and motivations.

In a personal statement, applicants explain why they are interested in a specific field of study or profession, what they hope to achieve through the program, and how their background and experiences have prepared them for this path. It’s a chance to highlight unique attributes, significant life experiences, challenges overcome, or special achievements that make them an ideal candidate for the program.

Why Read Personal Statement Examples?

Reading personal statement essay examples is immensely beneficial for several reasons, especially when preparing your own statement for applications to nursing programs:

  • Inspiration and Ideas: Examples can inspire you and provide ideas on structuring your statement, what kind of content to include in your application essay, and how to convey your story and passion effectively.
  • Understanding Expectations: They offer insight into what admissions committees look for, helping you understand the level of detail, tone, and approach that resonates successfully in such applications.
  • Learning from Others: Seeing how others have articulated their experiences, challenges, and aspirations can guide you in reflecting upon and articulating your own journey and motivations.
  • Avoiding Common Mistakes: By examining a range of examples, you can identify common pitfalls and clichés to avoid, ensuring your statement stands out and feels genuine.
  • Gaining Confidence: Reading successful common app essays can boost your confidence, showing you that crafting a compelling narrative that combines personal experiences with professional aspirations is possible.
  • Diverse Perspectives: Examples offer a glimpse into the diversity of paths and motivations that lead people to nursing, potentially broadening your perspective and enriching your own approach to writing your statement.

How Long Should a Personal Statement Be?

The length of your personal statement should ideally align with the guidelines provided by the institution or program you are applying to. Personal statements are expected to be concise yet comprehensive, often ranging around 500 to 650 words , translating to about one to two pages. 

This word count allows enough space to clearly articulate your experiences, motivations, and aspirations without overloading the reader with information. It’s important to always adhere to the program’s specific word or character limits to demonstrate your ability to follow instructions and present your thoughts.

What Should a Personal Statement Include?

A well-written college admissions essay should include several key elements to effectively communicate your suitability for the program or position you are applying for. Here’s what to typically include:


Your personal statement should begin with an engaging introductory paragraph that captures the essence of your motivation for pursuing your chosen field. This could be a brief narrative of a defining moment, an experience that ignited your passion, or a clear articulation of your interest and enthusiasm.

The introduction sets the tone and should intrigue the reader, providing a glimpse into your unique journey and motivation. It’s important that this section hooks the reader’s attention and provides a compelling reason to continue reading your statement.

Academic and Professional Background

In this section, brainstorm and detail your relevant academic and professional experiences that have prepared you for this next step. Highlight key academic achievements, coursework, research, or projects that align with the field you are pursuing.

Also, include any relevant work experience, internships, or positions that have given you practical skills and insights. This part of the statement is crucial for showcasing your foundational knowledge and preparedness for advanced study or professional development and gaining a scholarship in your chosen area.

Extracurricular Activities and Volunteering

Your involvement in extracurricular activities and volunteering can significantly enrich your personal statement. This section should reflect how these activities have contributed to your personal growth, skills development, or understanding of your field.

Whether it’s a hobby, leadership roles in clubs, participation in sports teams, or volunteer work in community organizations, these experiences demonstrate your broader interests, commitment, and ability to balance multiple responsibilities. It’s an opportunity to show aspects of your character and values that academic achievements alone might not convey.

Personal Qualities and Skills

Reflect on and draft the personal qualities and skills that make you suited for your chosen path. This might include traits like resilience, empathy, critical thinking, or effective communication. Use specific examples or experiences to demonstrate how you have developed and applied these traits.

This personal reflection not only provides depth to your statement but also gives the admissions committee a clearer picture of who you are as an individual, beyond academic and professional achievements.

Career Goals and Aspirations

Discuss your career aspirations and how the program or position you are applying for aligns with these goals. This section should convey a clear vision of where you see yourself in the future and how the specific program or role will be a stepping stone toward that vision.

It’s important to show that you have a direction and purpose and that you see this opportunity as integral to your career journey. This not only demonstrates foresight and planning but also shows your commitment and seriousness about the path you are choosing.

Reasons for Choosing the Specific Program or Institution

Clearly articulate why you are applying to this particular program or institution. Discuss what specific aspects of the program, faculty, institution’s philosophy, or opportunities available are particularly attractive to you and why they resonate with your goals and preferences.

This shows that you have done your research and are making a well-informed decision. It also indicates that you have a genuine interest in what the program or institution uniquely offers, rather than a generic application.

Conclude your statement with a strong, memorable closing that encapsulates your main points and reaffirms your enthusiasm and suitability for the program or career. This is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression, summarizing why you believe you are an ideal candidate.

The conclusion should tie back to your opening, creating a cohesive narrative that leaves the reader with a clear understanding of your passion, commitment, and readiness for the next step in your academic or professional journey.

What Does an Admissions Officer Look for in a Personal Statement?

When reviewing a personal statement, admission officers are looking for several key elements to assess the suitability of a candidate for their program:

  • Clarity of Purpose: Admissions officers want to see a clear understanding of why the applicant wants to pursue a particular field or program. The statement should convincingly articulate the candidate’s passion, motivation, and how the program aligns with their career goals.
  • Personal Insight and Self-Reflection: A strong personal essay offers insight into the applicant’s personality, experiences, and the factors that have shaped their decision to pursue a specific path. Admissions officers look for depth of reflection and a sense of how past experiences have driven the candidate’s current ambitions.
  • Relevant Experience and Skills: It’s important for the statement to highlight any relevant academic, professional, or volunteer experiences that demonstrate preparedness for the program. Admissions officers are interested in how these experiences have contributed to the development of skills and knowledge pertinent to the field.
  • Writing Quality and Structure: The ability to communicate effectively and coherently through writing is crucial. Admissions officers pay attention to the overall quality of writing, including grammar, clarity, coherence, and the ability to organize thoughts logically.
  • Individuality and Authenticity: They seek to understand what makes each applicant unique. A personal statement should reflect the individual’s authentic self, showcasing unique perspectives, diverse experiences, and personal growth.
  • Commitment and Passion: Demonstrating genuine enthusiasm and a strong commitment to the field is essential. Admissions officers look for candidates who are likely to thrive in the program and contribute positively to their field.
  • Alignment with Program Values and Goals: Candidates who show that their personal and professional values align with those of the program or institution often stand out. Admissions officers look for indications that the candidate has researched the program and understands how it fits into their broader aspirations.
  • Future Potential: Finally, they are interested in the applicant’s potential for future success and contribution to the field. A compelling statement should give a sense of the candidate’s ambition to go to college and how they intend to utilize the education and opportunities provided by the program to achieve their long-term goals.

The Best Personal Statement Examples

Here are some nursing statement examples that illustrate effective writing styles, clear articulation of goals, and the ability to connect personal experiences to broader career or academic aspirations:

Personal Statement Example #1 

Personal statement example #2, college essay example #3, personal statement example #4, application essay example #5, personal statement example #6, personal statement example #7, personal statement example #8, personal statement example #9, personal statement example #10, personal statement example #11, personal statement example #12, personal statement example #13, personal statement example #14, personal statement example #15, child nursing personal statement examples, community nurse personal statement examples, key takeaways for writing a great personal statement.

When reflecting on the nursing personal statement examples provided, several key takeaways emerge that are crucial for anyone crafting their statement. These insights are vital for effectively conveying your passion, commitment, and suitability for a career in nursing:

  • Clearly articulate your personal motivation for choosing nursing.
  • Highlight your relevant healthcare experiences and achievements.
  • Specify your interest in any particular nursing specialty.
  • Showcase qualities and skills that make you suitable for nursing.
  • Outline your long-term professional aspirations in nursing.
  • Acknowledge the challenges and rewards in the nursing profession.
  • Express dedication to ongoing learning and professional development.
  • Ensure clarity, structure, and coherence in your statement.
  • Customize your statement for each specific nursing program.
  • Maintain authenticity and genuineness throughout your statement.

Final Thoughts: Personal Statement Essay Examples

These nursing personal statement examples and key takeaways provide valuable insights for anyone aspiring to enter the nursing freshman year. They demonstrate the importance of a well-crafted statement that blends personal motivation, relevant experiences, and a clear understanding of the nursing profession’s demands and rewards. 

An effective personal statement is not only a reflection of your qualifications and aspirations but also a testament to your passion, empathy, and commitment to the field of nursing. It’s a unique opportunity to showcase your individuality and suitability for a career that is as challenging as it is rewarding. 


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Tips on Writing a Nursing School Admission Essay

When it comes to getting into nursing school, a good admission essay is at the center of the decision. An admission essay can help or hurt students who wish to get into nursing school. The essay is not only about the content but about other important components that let the admission board know that students are serious about entering their programs and that they will be valuable assets as well. It is important for potential nursing students to know that there are important elements needed to write the perfect admission essay to get into nursing school.

How to Write a Nursing School Application Essay

The application essay is a requirement that applicants must complete as a part of the admission packet. Some call this essay the personal essay, letter of intent, or statements of purpose. In essence, the application essay is the applicant’s chance to plea with the admission board for admission into their nursing program. Applicants explain their reasons for becoming nurses and explain why this program can help them achieve their dreams.

It is important to know what elements are needed to write a successful application essay. One of the most important things that applicants need to remember is to plan the essay carefully. Making an outline of important items to include is very important to the success of the essay. It is important to adhere to the length of the essay so that the board does not throw it out. If the application says 500 to 1000 words, it means just that and nothing more or less. The applicant should include information about accomplishments in the applicant’s life and the hopeful accomplishments for the future.

Applicants should only include a short personal statement about them and reserve the majority of the essay for information about experiences that have shaped them. They should use other parts of the application to cover information that does not make the applicant stand out from other applicants. Remember, admission officers read numerous essays so it is important to stand out from other applicants.

Provide a structurally sound application. Make sure that the application essay has the proper spelling, format, and grammatical structure before turning in the finished product. An essay with errors will make the officers believe that the applicant may not be a desirable nurse. Keep the paragraphs short so that they are easy to read for the officers.

What to Include in a Nursing School Essay

A nursing school applicant should include the following in the nursing school essay:

  • Things that interest the applicant about the nursing industry
  • Reasons for choosing the specific nursing program
  • A clear view of the future vision of the applicant
  • Previous preparation to become a successful nurse
  • Superior personal accomplishments and standouts (test scores, transcripts, etc.)
  • Experience with medical training and patient care (volunteer opportunities, internships, etc.)
  • Academic interests
  • Character traits that focus on desires and strengths to become a nurse
  • Reasons the officers should accept the application

Tips on How to Write a Nursing School Application Essay

The purpose of the admissions essay is to prove that the application is a worthy selection for the nursing program. Applicants are only allowed a few words to tell their personal stories, but their rejection or acceptance depends on it. The following tips will help applicants write a successful nursing school application essay:

  • Choose information wisely. Make sure that the information included paints a vivid picture of past and future accomplishments so that the admissions officers are impressed.
  • Select a strong essay topic. Applicants want to be remembered for their essay well after the officers have read it. Make sure to stay on the topic and provide strong supporting information within the paragraphs.
  • Provide a glimpse of the applicant’s life. The admissions officers do not want to be bored with the mundane details but rather the important things that make the applicant unique.
  • Intrigue the reading in the first few lines. Capture the essay reader within the first few lines so that they want to continue reading.
  • Make sure the essay has structure. The essay should include an introduction, body, and conclusion that is easy to read and understand. Make sure to add a memorable statement to the conclusion so that the essay readers do not forget the essay.

The application essay is a very important aspect of the nursing school application process. It can make or break the chance that an applicant gets into nursing school. The applicant should plan accordingly before writing the essay and make sure that it is rich with intriguing information. It is important to make sure that the essay is error free. This is the only chance that an applicant has to impress the admission board.

Thinking about going to Nursing School?

Are you contemplating going to nursing school, or are you actually in nursing school right now? Nursing school can be challenging, especially if you do not know what to expect. Here is a great guide by S. L. Page BSN, RN called “ How to Pass Nursing School “. This book gives you detailed information about how to pass nursing school from beginning to end. S.L. Page, the creator of this website, complied all the information students what to know about nursing school into one easy to read guide. She gives in depth information on how to succeed in nursing school.

S.L. Page graduated from nursing school with honors and passed the NCLEX-RN on her first try. In this ebook, she reveals the strategies she used to help her succeed.

Here is what the book looks like:


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Sample LPN Entrance Essay: Why I want to be a Licensed Practical Nurse

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As a prospective Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or learner, you will require to meet the admission requirements provided by the nursing school before getting accepted into the program.

One of the most common requirement is the submission of an LPN entrance essay, also referred to as a nursing application essay or a personal nursing statement.

Aspiring LPNs become anxious about writing an exceptional LPN entrance essay. Their desire is to impress the admission committee in their preferred nursing school so that they can be accepted into nursing school.

When writing an LPN entrance essay, the key considerations include the content of the essay as well as the proper use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure. The following is a  sample LPN entrance essay (LPN admission essay examples), otherwise known as a 500-word essay on why I want to be a LPN or why I want to be a practical nurse essay.

Why I want to be a Licensed Practical Nurse

Introduction of an lpn entrance essay.

My late grandmother always told me to ‘choose the less traveled road.’ I am very heartbroken that she cannot see me now, choosing the tough and challenging yet fulfilling path. She was my favorite person in the world, and I have always wanted to make her proud.

Right out of high school, I took a job that paid me enough to take care of my parents. While I had comfort and stability, I realized that getting stuck in an office doing some mundane activities for the rest of my life was utterly unfulfilling.

I would have easily gotten complacent, but I chose to go back to college, which is not easy both emotionally and financially. My desire is to live my purpose and lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Body of LPN Entrance Essay

I chose to enroll in your school for the nursing program to become a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) because I needed personal satisfaction. I am well aware that while the nursing occupation can be very stressful as it involves life-and-death scenarios, temperamental patients and doctors, and long shifts, it also presents an opportunity to care for people.

When my grandmother was battling colon cancer before her untimely death, I spent much time in the hospital. I saw how the nurses always greeted her with her smile and spoke so much life in her. They provided not only medical care but also spiritual nourishment and ensured that she was in my best mental state .

I saw how much my grandmother adored them as they made a difference in her life during her last days. I instantly knew that I wanted to be one of those people who serve others.

Therefore, I knew that becoming an LPN would provide me with a career that I can help people directly, which provides me with the utmost level of satisfaction.

  After the death of my grandmother, I took got more interested in serving my community. I volunteered at an Assisted Living community within my community. I wanted to care for older adults who were battling end-stage-cancer during their end of life period. I loved my interaction with the residents, their families, and healthcare providers.

It was rewarding to see their smiles and laughter despite the pain. I knew that I was there for someone mentally, spiritually, and physically at a moment when they needed it the most. The job was challenging, but the fulfillment and satisfaction that I got from it made it all worth it.

I also developed solid relationships with the residents and their families, and they had so much trust my skills and compassion for them. Therefore, being in a position to serve people is very rewarding for me.

I also got an opportunity to learn about the importance of teamwork and other vital skills, such as communication and problem-solving. I will need them when working as a nurse; the healthcare industry comprises of various health professionals.

Signing Off

Proper communication and coordination of care are prioritized to ensure that patients get useful, timely, and safe care. It was interesting to learn about the dynamics of the workplace . I believe that pursuing the profession of a Licensed Practical Nurse would give me to improve on the skills and enhance my performance as a nurse and a team player.

In my previous job, I was lead the market research team through the process of innovative product development and market analysis. It was an opportunity for me to demonstrate my leadership skills and got me out of my comfort zone.

I had to ensure that our company stayed innovative and aligned with the changing market trends. While it was not an easy position, it helped me to perfect my leadership skills that I would be invaluable in my future nursing career.

Concluding your Licensed Practical Nurse Entrance Essay

Pursuing the LPN profession will provide me with the utmost satisfaction of serving and caring for people. I will actively partake in health promotion and disease promotion as well as patient management.

The leadership, decision-making, teamwork, and communication skills garnered during my previous job, and voluntary work prepared me to serve in the healthcare sector effectively. I hope that I will get the opportunity to study in your institution as I seek to attain my dream of becoming a licensed practical nurse.

Consider using our service for college admission essay examples about yourself and cover letter , college application essay examples 500 words, essay for university application, college admissions essay examples, and free college essay examples.

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Why I Want to Get my BSN: Tips to Help With Your Entrance Essay

Nursing is more a calling than a profession. If you feel called to help and care for others, then nursing school may be a smart move. But nursing school can be difficult to get into, typically requiring an entrance essay, among other things. Nursing educational programs select BSN applicants based on their academic excellence and essay response. If you're concerned your written communication skills aren't up to par, read on for our nursing school entrance essay tips. 

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Tips on How to Write a Nursing School Admission Essay

For you to enter nursing school, you will need a good admission essay. The essay is much more than the content, and there are some key points that the admission board will consider. Ideally, your essay should answer the question “Why Do I want to get my BSN?” Some of the things that you should include in your nursing essay are:

  • Why nursing interests you
  • Why you chose the specific nursing school and program
  • Your preparedness to become a great nurse
  • Your personal vision and goals
  • Personal accomplishments like outstanding test scores and transcripts
  • Describe your academic interests
  • Your experience with patient care and medical experiences
  • Reasons why the board should consider your application

While you will only be required to write a few words about your personal life, your acceptance or rejection could depend on these words--so choose each carefully. Keep in mind that the admission essay is an essential part of the selection program. To write a successful essay, follow these simple but important tips:

Select a strong topic for your essay: You want to be remembered for your essay even after the admissions officers have read it. Therefore, ensure that you choose a strong topic and are able to back it up with supporting information. Making an outline of all the points you want to cover can help. While editing (yes, you MUST proofread and edit), compare your essay to your outline to ensure they match and support your overall message.

Choose the information you include wisely: Ensure that the information you include helps paint a positive and accurate portrait of your past and what you intend to accomplish, so that you can impress the admission board. It may be helpful to have others in your life review your essay. Those who know you best can help you paint yourself in the best light.

Provide a glimpse about your life: Don’t bore the admissions officers by including mundane details in your essay. Instead, include vital information that makes you unique from the rest of the applicants. Such information should be interesting while still relevant. 

Structure your essay: Your essay should have an introduction, body, and a conclusion that is easy to read and comprehend. Remember, your introduction and conclusion should support one another--it may even be helpful to write the conclusion first. The last paragraph and sentence should really drive home your point, and stick in the heads of the admission board.

Captivate your readers in the first few lines:  Your first sentence should be strong. It should introduce your topic and 'hook' your audience, enticing them to keep reading. The job of your first sentence is to spark curiosity and interest--no matter what you're writing or to whom. 

Simple is strong: If you're not confident in your skills as a writer, that's ok. You're looking to become a nurse, not a novelist. Your essay is important because it shows who you are, in your own words. When in doubt, keep them short, sweet, and to the point. Flowery language won't get you as far as clear communication.

Why I Want to Get my BSN: Essay Starting Points to Help You Move from RN to BSN

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Nursing Scholarship Essay Example

Home » Nursing Scholarship Essay Example

Wow! I never thought I would have my own scholarship , but this opportunity has come to fruition and I plan to use every dollar for the good of nursing. It is wonderful to be able to give back to the nursing profession, and it humbles me to be a part of this year’s recipient’s journey. I have been there, and nursing school is incredibly tough. To be able to ease the stress of that journey for a nurse pursuing his or her BSN is an honor !

I want to tell you why I believe scholarships are so important.

You always hear people talking about “nurse burnout”. Well, it is a real thing. Retirement is also a real thing. And the nursing shortage is a real thing . Therefore, we want and we need more nurses in this profession. I, personally, had to take out over $40,000 in student loans when I went to school, so I completely understand the need for scholarship and outside opportunities to fund your dreams. I want to live in a scholastic world where money does not stop one selfless human being from pursuing the most trusted profession in the world. Scholarships are super important to ensure that we can build up our profession with nurses for the future.

I would like to share an example of the Nurse Kelley Scholarship essay that I have written. It is completely true, and hopefully, this nursing scholarship essay example will give you a good idea of what we are looking for in a submission.

  There are many reasons someone might choose to go into the nursing profession. Maybe they “want to help people”. Maybe they love math and science. Maybe they want to give back to their community. Maybe their mom was a nurse. Whatever the reason may be, for most of us, it’s different. I chose to go into nursing because of a personal experience that I had when I was young. I lost my biological father to colon cancer, and I wanted to be a caring support system for other families going through what we did.  The strange thing about the many reasons people choose nursing, is that somehow, we are all still very connected in this choice.

You see, nursing is a profession where you have to take care of complete strangers, and we have signed on to do this for life.

Nursing is so incredibly unique and selfless in that what we do every single day is care for people who are at their most vulnerable moments, and we often times do it while missing something in our life that means something to us. We constantly sacrifice for our patients. We constantly give while barely taking.  The most important thing to remember is that we don’t mind. That’s what makes us different. We know what we have gotten ourselves into, and we love doing it. There is a special place in a nurse’s heart that draws them to the type of work that we do. And it brings us all together, our binding character trait.

I think I can say now that I guess my reason for going into nursing is a combination of everyone’s reason. They may spark from different experience, but we are intertwined in our methodology for career choice through our heart for others. I am PROUD to be a nurse!

I want to remind any nurse reading this that nursing will continue to choose you throughout your career. It is so funny how nursing just pulls you out of your everyday life as if to say, “nope, you don’t get to be a civilian today, you’re still a nurse”! I’ll give you an example. Four days after I was crowned Miss Colorado I was driving in my crown and sash away from an appearance as a car flipped over on our interstate and started on fire. Of course, I pulled over. A fireman also pulled over (that special place in our hearts, other service industry members have that too!), and we collectively (after removing the crown and sash) helped pull this man from his car and start working on him. It was wild. I remember shaking my head thinking, “thanks a lot, nursing”, and then giggling. How lucky I am to have been chosen by this profession!

Nursing is the best. It will be a part of you forever.

Congratulations on making this choice for your career. You won’t regret it.

All my love,

Nurse Kelley

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My Journey to the B.S. Nursing Prelicensure Program at WGU

Use the information from your own personal and professional preparation to answer the following questions in your application essay for the B.S. Nursing Prelicensure program:

  • How have your life and professional experiences prepared you for the WGU B.S. Nursing Prelicensure program?
  • Previous experience
  • Educational background
  • Community involvement
  • How can the WGU nursing program prepare you to deliver and/or support healthcare to the community in which you live?
  • Tell us about the characteristics, abilities, and skills you would bring to the nursing profession.
  • Reflect on your decision to become a nurse and tell us about any concerns that surfaced and how you overcame those concerns.


My decision to pursue the B.S. Nursing Prelicensure program at WGU has been shaped by a combination of life experiences, educational background, and a deep commitment to community health. In this essay, I will share how my past experiences have prepared me for this program, discuss how the program can enhance my ability to support local healthcare, highlight my unique qualities for the nursing profession, and address any concerns I had on my path to becoming a nurse.

Life and Professional Experiences

My previous experiences have significantly contributed to my readiness for the B.S. Nursing Prelicensure program. My background in [mention relevant experience] has given me insight into the importance of compassionate patient care and effective communication . Additionally, I have honed my time management, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which are vital in the nursing field.

Educational Background

My educational background in [mention relevant degree or courses] has provided me with a strong foundation in [mention relevant subjects], fostering an analytical mindset that I can apply to nursing. Furthermore, my commitment to lifelong learning aligns perfectly with the nursing profession’s continuous educational requirements.

Community Involvement

Engaging with my community through [mention community involvement activities] has heightened my awareness of healthcare disparities and the importance of accessible healthcare. This has driven my passion for nursing, motivating me to make a meaningful impact on my community’s health .

WGU Nursing Program and Community Healthcare

The WGU nursing program’s curriculum and hands-on experiences will equip me with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver healthcare effectively to my local community. Courses in community health, clinical rotations, and patient-centered care will prepare me to address the unique healthcare needs of the area in which I live.

Characteristics, Abilities, and Skills

As a future nurse, I bring compassion, empathy, and a strong work ethic to the profession. My ability to adapt to fast-paced environments, collaborate with interdisciplinary teams, and communicate effectively with patients will enable me to provide high-quality care . Additionally, my commitment to ethical practice and evidence-based care aligns with the core values of nursing.

Addressing Concerns

While embarking on this journey, concerns about the rigorous demands of nursing education and the emotional toll of patient care arose. However, I have overcome these concerns through thorough research, speaking with experienced nurses, and volunteering in healthcare settings. These experiences reinforced my passion for nursing and my determination to navigate any challenges that come my way.

My life and professional experiences, educational background, and community involvement have paved the way for my pursuit of the B.S. Nursing Prelicensure program at WGU. I am confident that this program will further prepare me to deliver and support healthcare in my community. With my unique qualities, including empathy, adaptability, and a commitment to ethical practice, I am excited to embark on this rewarding journey and make a meaningful impact on the lives of patients in need.

Approximate price: $ 22

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Nursing Program Essays

Advancing to nurse practitioner in the oncology field, popular essay topics.

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Nursing - Guidelines to Personal Statement

Guidelines for personal statement.

Pierce College District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability or age in its programs, activities or employment.

The following essay question will be scored on the basis of your ability to address the essential elements. We are looking for honesty, openness, self-awareness and the ability to problem solve. Please submit a personal essay that covers one of the essential elements listed below. The essay should be no more than 2 pages in length, double-spaced with a 12-point Times New Roman font, and one inch margins. Each page should have your name typed at the bottom and signed and dated in blue ink. Do not print on both sides of the page and do not use card stock paper.

This essay is intended to be an example of your ability to communicate effectively in writing while telling us more about your personal background and experiences. Please address the elements as they pertain to you and your personal life experiences. Please choose only one of the following questions (1A, 1B or 2). Identify which question you are answering, as often the answers can overlap.

Essay Questions

Question 1a.

Since Nursing continues to be the #1 high-demand health occupation, it is critical that applicants to nursing programs make an informed decision and know this is what they really want to do. This question is the opportunity to describe not only the intrinsic motivators but also extrinsic motivators that you have pursued to help you develop realistic expectations of this profession.

Describe the factors that influenced your decision to choose nursing as a career. Be sure to include intrinsic motivators as well as extrinsic motivators. (2 page maximum.)  

Question 1B

Explain why you are a fit for Pierce College and why Pierce College is a fit for you. Please describe the factors that influenced your decision to choose Pierce College Nursing and be sure to relate this to the Nursing program mission statement. (2 page maximum.)

With the changing demographics in our region, the nursing profession is faced with an increasingly diverse patient clientele. Nursing requires an understanding of underrepresented cultural, racial and social groups along with awareness of economic issues related to healthcare. As a result, there is a growing need for nursing professionals who are culturally and linguistically sensitive to human conditions. (2 page maximum.)

  • Describe the insight you’ve gained from working and interacting with diverse groups.
  • How will that experience affect your continued growth and development personally and professionally?

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Practical Nursing Essay Instructions

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Clicking the Submit button constitutes your express written consent to be called and/or texted by Hunter Business School at the phone number(s) provided, including a wireless number, and your understanding that these calls may be generated using automated technology. Your consent is not required to obtain information regarding Hunter Business School or its programs.

Amongst the many prerequisites to get admitted into the highly competitive Practical Nursing program at Hunter, the applicant must write and submit a typed essay of not less than 250 words, and no more than 500 words, based on this question.

What qualities do you believe you possess that will enable you to cope with the rigors of nursing school, perform successfully as a student, and later work effectively as a licensed practical nurse?

These are the criteria upon which your essay will be judged.

Good  – Essay is typed, titled, and contains the applicant’s name. The text flows well and is organized. In addition, spelling and grammar are accurate. Bad  – Essay is handwritten and disorganized, with spelling and grammar errors.

Good  – The writing clearly identifies the purpose of the paper and answers the topics posed above. Bad  – Text of composition does not identify a specific purpose or direction or answer the topics posed above.


Good  – The essay is organized and well structured. There is a beginning, main body, and conclusion. Bad  – The essay lacks structure. There is no beginning, body, and/or conclusion.

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Accelerated 15-Month

Tab section ofaccelerated 15-month.

  • Eligibility

Prospective students with a bachelor's degree in another field can apply to the Accelerated 15-month program provided they have completed the following nursing prerequisite courses prior to starting the program: nutrition, chemistry (with lab), statistics, anatomy and physiology (I and II), microbiology, and developmental psychology. The Accelerated 15-month program is completed in four consecutive semesters of full-time study and can begin in the fall (September) or spring (January) semester. By the end of the accelerated program, you will be prepared to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) to obtain licensure.

Accelerated Baccalaureate students are admitted to NYU Meyers as undergraduates with 44 advanced standing credits in the liberal arts and 20 advanced credits in the sciences--based on credits they earned while obtaining a bachelor’s degree plus additional prerequisite requirements completed  prior to matriculation .

Admission criteria

  • Completion of a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution.
  • Demonstrated overall strong academic performance.
  • Completion of the following prerequisite courses with a grade of C or better before starting the program.

Prerequisite courses

Make sure to review all the required criteria necessary to accept prerequisite courses . All courses must be at least three-semester hour credits, except for chemistry (which must be four-semester hour credits with lab).

  • Human Anatomy & Physiology I and Human Anatomy & Physiology II - OR- one semester of Human Anatomy and one semester of Human Physiology
  • Chemistry with Lab (at least four credits) Note that Organic or Biochemistry will not satisfy this prerequisite.
  • Microbiology
  • Developmental Psychology Across the Lifespan (the course must cover the psychological development of a human across the lifespan). Note that the following courses will not satisfy this prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology, General Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Child Psychology, and Adult Psychology

Review the prerequisite courses

Additional information on prerequisite courses

Due to COVID-19, NYU Meyers accepts all prerequisite courses taken online during the spring 2020 semester, summer 2020 semester, and the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 academic years. This includes chemistry with a lab taken online.

As of the 2022-2023 academic year and thereafter, all prerequisite courses may be taken online and will be accepted, except for chemistry with a lab . Chemistry with a lab must be taken in person beginning September 2022 and thereafter by applicants.

  • During this time, all prerequisite courses will be weighed equally whether taken in a classroom setting or online.
  • Prerequisite courses must be completed at a regionally accredited four-year or two-year college or university.
  • All prerequisites must have been taken less than ten years prior to the date of matriculation.
  • It is recommended that students have at least half of the prerequisite courses completed at the time their application is submitted.  

Technical standards requirements

Applicants must meet the  Technical Standards for Core Professional Nursing Competency Performance  in order to be eligible for admission to, progress in, and graduate from the nursing program.

Criminal background check policy

All nursing students will be required to complete a series of clinical learning experiences in order to successfully meet the learning outcomes for a given program of study. Prior to participating in clinical learning experiences at any off-campus healthcare facility, students are required to complete a criminal background check and a drug test. Each clinical facility has policies regarding possible convictions and potential drug use that may bar students from being accepted at the facility for clinical placement. If a student is not accepted to an assigned placement because of the findings of a background check or drug screen, NYU Meyers does not guarantee an alternate clinical placement. College policy dictates that students who are unable to complete clinical requirements for any reason will be subject to dismissal from the program.

The process of obtaining a nursing license in New York and many other states may involve consideration of an applicant’s criminal history or other conduct (see the link to NYS license application. Criminal convictions and/or a record of certain other conduct may prevent a nursing student/graduate from being licensed and may preclude the nursing graduate from obtaining gainful employment as a nurse. Applicants to NYU Meyers are encouraged to determine, prior to matriculation, the licensure requirements in the state(s) in which they intend to practice.

Equal opportunity statement

NYU Meyers does not discriminate due to race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender and/or gender identity or expression, marital or parental status, national origin, ethnicity, citizenship status, veteran or military status, age, disability, or any other legally protected basis. Prospective students of diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds are encouraged to apply for all of our programs.

Contact the Office of Admissions

For any questions regarding the Accelerated 15-month program, please contact NYU Meyers Office of Admissions at [email protected] or 212-998-5317.

The Accelerated 15-month program is for students with a baccalaureate degree in another field, offering options for students who want to make a career change to nursing. Students enter the program with an advanced standing of 44 liberal arts credits based on completing a baccalaureate program at an accredited university or college. Students must complete or satisfy the requirements for prerequisite courses in nutrition, chemistry, statistics, anatomy and physiology, microbiology, and developmental psychology, and complete 64 credits of nursing courses. Students with a baccalaureate degree in another field who have successfully completed the prerequisite courses in nutrition, chemistry, statistics, anatomy and physiology, microbiology, and developmental psychology can complete the BS in the nursing program in 15 months. Review  a list of nursing electives from which you can choose.

Course Number Course Title Credit Term
4 Fall, Spring
3 Fall, Spring
6 Fall, Spring
3 Fall, Spring
Course Number Course Title Credit Term
3 Spring, Summer
3 Spring, Summer
6 Spring, Summer
3 Spring, Summer
Course Number Course Title Credit Term
3 Fall, Summer
6 Fall, Summer
3 Fall, Summer
3 Fall, Summer
Course Number Course Title Credit Term
6 Fall, Spring
6 Fall, Spring
3 Fall, Spring, Summer
3 Fall, Spring, Summer

Application deadlines

How to apply  

Priority - March 1 Final - April 1

Spring entry

Priority - September 15 Final - October 15

Applications will not be accepted after the final deadline. Applications will not be considered for admission until all required documents are submitted.

Applicants for the Accelerated 15-Month BS program may be offered conditional admission while in the process of completing any remaining prerequisite or degree requirements. However, all degrees and prerequisites must be completed before students can start the program. 

Application requirements

Application fee.

An $80 non-refundable fee must be paid when submitting your admission application.  Fee waivers are available upon approval.  If you would like to apply for a fee waiver, please fill out the section “request for fee waiver” in the Personal Information section of the Common Application.

You are required to submit one full-length essay. This will be located under the Program Materials "Questions" section in the Common Application and should be up to 400 words (2500 characters).

Recommendation letters

One to two professional or academic letters of recommendation are recommended but not required. Your letter of recommendation should comment on your maturity, intellectual potential, and motivation to pursue a career in nursing.

To submit a recommendation letter, follow the instructions once you are in the Common Application.  The application will provide you with an electronic link to send to your recommenders. They will then submit their recommendation letter through that link.


You must submit an official college transcript(s) in a sealed envelope from each college or university that you attended before the application deadline.  Applications with missing transcripts will not be reviewed. Transcripts can be sent to the following address ( not NYU Meyers ):

New York University Office of Undergraduate Admissions 383 Lafayette Street New York, NY 10003, USA.

Transcripts may also be emailed to [email protected] or [email protected] but should still bear an official stamp, must come from a school official, and must be sent from an official school email address.

Standardized test scores

Standardized test scores are NOT required for admission into the Accelerated 15-Month BS program and will not be used as a factor when determining your admission decision.

If English is not your first language, please send your TOEFL or IELTS scores. You can read more about  the standardized testing policy for international students here .

I have an associate degree in nursing and a bachelor's degree in a non-nursing field, which program should I apply for?

Registered nurses who have a bachelor’s degree in another field are eligible to apply to the master’s program.

What factors are considered when reviewing applications to the 15-month Accelerated Bachelor of Science program?

Applications to the 15-Month Accelerated Bachelor of Science program at NYU Meyers consider the strengths of the applicant’s academic history and performance, letter(s) of recommendation, one essay response, and any related work or volunteer experience.

Can I schedule an individual meeting with someone at NYU Meyers to discuss my application?

Interviews are not a part of the admissions process for applicants to NYU Meyers baccalaureate program. Due to the volume of applications received, staff and faculty are not able to meet individually with potential applicants to answer questions about the program. Applicants are encouraged to attend an information session to learn about the admissions process.

Can I send my application for the 15-month Accelerated Bachelor of Science program directly to NYU Meyers?

No, do not send your application materials to the college. Supplemental application materials that cannot be submitted online can be mailed to New York University’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions, 383 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10003.

What are the tuition and fees for the current academic year?

Information about tuition and fees can be found at… .

How can I find out about scholarships and awards at NYU Meyers?

Information about NYU Meyers scholarship and award opportunities can be found at .

When does the 15-month Accelerated BS program start?

Students can apply to enter in the fall semester (September) or the spring semester (January).

What should my letter of recommendation include?

Your letter of recommendation should comment on your maturity, intellectual potential, and motivation to pursue a career in nursing.

How can I check the status of my application?

You can check the status of your application by calling the NYU Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 212-998-4500.

Will I have an opportunity to visit NYU Meyers?

NYU Meyers holds information sessions in the fall, spring and summer semesters. Information about upcoming information sessions can be found at .

Can I request staff or faculty from NYU Meyers to review my transcripts before I apply to the nursing program?

NYU Meyers does not offer preadmission transcript evaluations.

I completed my degree more than ten years ago. Will this affect my chances for admission?

Applicants with courses completed more than ten years ago are eligible for admission. However, NYU Meyers does not accept prerequisite courses (including statistics) that are more than ten years old.

Are there opportunities to study abroad?

Go to the following URL to see current opportunities to study abroad as an NYU Meyers student:

Can I do internships or externships as a nursing student?

Nursing students may take advantage of nursing externship programs offered at most hospitals and medical centers throughout the United States. Internships and externships are not required for successful passing of NCLEX-RN or securing a position following graduation. NYU Meyers's Office of Student Affairs and Admissions maintains a listing of student nurse externship programs.

How do I apply for financial aid?

Information about financial aid can be found at .

Can I receive financial aid if I already have a bachelor's degree?

Financial aid including merit-based and need-based aid is available to college graduate students. More information about financial aid can be found at .

What are the prerequisite courses for the 15-month Accelerated BS program?

• Anatomy & Physiology I or Human Anatomy • Anatomy & Physiology II or Human Physiology • Chemistry with Lab (one semester) • Microbiology • Nutrition • Statistics • Developmental Psychology (also known as Life Span Psychology or Human Growth & Development)

I don't have all the prerequisite courses, can I still apply to the 15-month Accelerated BS program?

You can apply to the 15-month Accelerated BS program while prerequisite courses are in progress as long as you plan to finish them before matriculating. It is recommended that students have at least half of the prerequisite courses completed at the time their application is submitted. All prerequisites must be completed with a grade of C or better before students can start the program.

Does NYU Meyers offer a master's entry program for college graduates?

NYU Meyers does not offer a master’s entry option but it does offer a dual degree BS/MS. Students who apply for admission into the baccalaureate program, are offered admission, and matriculate into the baccalaureate program are eligible to apply to the dual degree BS/MS program in their third term of the nursing course sequence for traditional four-year students (fall of senior year) or 15-month accelerated students (summer for fall admits and fall for spring admits). Click here for more information about the BS/MS dual degree program.

Does NYU Meyers require any nursing examinations for admission?

The college does not administer or require nursing examinations for admission to the baccalaureate program. Students seeking to transfer nursing courses completed at another college or university are required to submit a course syllabus for each course they would like to have evaluated for possible transfer credit. Transfer credit for nursing courses completed at another school of nursing is not guaranteed.

I've been out of school for some time, do I still need a letter of recommendation from a professor?

Students who have been out of school for more than one year can submit a professional letter of recommendation from a current supervisor or employer.

I am a college graduate, does my letter of recommendation have to be on the forms included with the application?

No, the person writing your letter of recommendation can provide a separate letter on his or her professional letterhead.

Why I Want to Be a Nurse Essay Samples

Published by gudwriter on June 9, 2018 June 9, 2018

Why I Want to Be a Nurse Essay

Nursing schools try to scrutinize the students they are admitting to their institutions. In most cases, they want to have students who have a passion for the course. So, they ask for candidates to prove that they are worth the mettle. Sometimes, they require those interested in taking the course to state why exactly they love that career. Topics like ‘Why Do you Want to Become a Nurse’ are common gateways for admission into such institutions. They help get the best candidates as there are usually too many applications to consider. Students joining nursing/ healthcare programs should consider taking our free ATI TEAS 7 practice tests  to help them prepare for the TEAS exam.

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When you are writing this essay you need to, understand the college application essays dos and don’ts and to express your passion for helping people. Again, you should keep in mind that there are probably thousands other applicants who seek to get a spot in the same school as you. Thus, you should try as much as you can to impress the evaluators and convince them that you’ve got the potential to be the nurse that the world needs. We hope our tutorial will help you write the best application essay.

Stuck and wondering where you can order admission essay online? Gudwriter’s has the best team of qualified writers to help you craft a quality admission essay. Contact us now and receive the best service.

What to include in a Nursing School Essay

  • Reasons why you’ve chosen the program
  • Previous engagements that either inspired or prepared you to become a good nurse
  • Your academic interests
  • What fascinates you about nursing?
  • Why the evaluators should consider your application
  • Your character that would make you a successful nurse
  • Your motivation to become a nurse

Get more information on what to include in a college admission essay .

Tips on How to write a good Nursing School Application Essay

  • Choose the content prudently. Paint a clear picture of your accomplishment in order to impress the evaluators
  • Have a strong topic, and stick to it by providing supportive material in your paragraphs
  • Be precise and informative. Avoid fluff or anything that can bore the readers
  • Use a capturing introduction to make your readers love reading the article
  • Focus on the positive issues- it’s not a platform to bash on anyone
  • If you’ve had low GPA, or you dropped out from your first nursing school, give a story that proves you did so to help someone e.g. aging or sick parents
  • Adhere to the guidelines. Ensure that the essay is within the given number of words, font and spacing. Most essays are 400-500 words long.

Get more information about how to write a good scholarship essay that will be accepted .

Why I Want to Be a Nurse: Example A

I’ve researched several dictionaries for the word ‘nurse’, and I must admit that they disappoint me. They believe it’s a professional who takes care of sick people. However, that sounds impersonal and simple and does not fully describe the work a nurse does. I believe there is more to being a nurse than just “taking care of sick people.” As the adage goes “nurses are people whose need to understand supersedes the need to be understood.”  I believe it’s the nursing profession that holds the world, literally. People who have saved lives on given circumstances are regarded as heroes. However, only nurses save lives every day. I believe it takes determination, self-will, and passion to achieve this status, and in summary, that’s why I want to be a nurse.

So, am I possibly motivated by the money? Well, sometimes, it is easy to be attracted to the salaries that those who work in the medical field get. But again, as we may all know, nurses don’t get much. It’s a decision that I’ve made; that I’d rather have a fulfilling career than have money without one. A good nurse is a person who meets penniless people who need medical attention and helps them without much regard to what they have in their accounts. Saving lives comes first especially because money can be quantified and made, but life cannot.

I’m the kind of a person that gets a heartache when I see people suffering. I want to help. And, I want to be part of the people who help people live a pain-free life. In school, I always loved to be the first to attend to kids who experienced nose-bleeding. It’s probably why I belonged to both the Scouts and St John’s Ambulance associations. I felt within me an urge to give a hand to everyone who needed it. I did not have enough skills, though. In spite of that, I mastered the little we’d been taught about first aid and I always put it to action. It’s one of the ways I came to know that nursing was what I wanted for a career.

The feeling of helping needy people doesn’t end with the sick. Whenever I walk down the street, I often see people begging for pennies so that they can provide for their families. Well, I don’t really think they are acting on their own will. In fact, most of those beggars and homeless people do what they do for the sake of their families and children. This leaves me helpless. I want to help them attain a stable life, and help them directly. That’s why I will do anything in my power to help a person in need, even if he or she is a complete stranger.

Life for me hasn’t been easy. I’ve had to grow up with my grandparents. They didn’t have much money and I always wanted to be able to provide for them one day. With time, I’ve learnt to love and take care of the elderly. The good thing about such experiences is that they equipped me with striking character traits that point towards the nursing profession. I am an understanding, empathetic, and confident diplomatic quick learner with great communicative skills . I know I will need these skills as a nurse. However, to be able to take this path, all I need is excellent education to become who I was meant to be.

Why I Want to Be a Nurse: Example B

After I got my examination results, and I told my parents that I wanted to be a nurse, they had mixed feelings. Yes, they always knew I wanted to help people, study hard, and work in the medical field. However, the fact I had chosen nursing and not anything else despite my high GPA was not wholly welcome for them. Fortunately, my aunt, who is a retired nurse, was able to convince them to let me pursue my passion. So, why have I always wanted to be a nurse?

Well, my life, character, mindset, and motivation have always been in this profession. I’m a person who loves to help people in pain to recover. It’s been so much in me that when I was a kid, I could ‘nurse’ my dog Tommy for the whole day. I didn’t know that I was subconsciously practicing for a path that I’d pursue for the rest of my life.

I believe that nursing is a calling, and that I’m one of the chosen. As a kid, I liked how concerned my aunt was about us. I was fond of her and she could always pick me to visit my grandparents in the weekends. It was not only fun, but also a chance to attend to them. It gave me great joy to see them happy and I knew I was already in love with helping the elderly, children, the sick, and the needy. In the process, I learnt that people in need aren’t always far from us. They are also not always in the hospital. They are right where we are and I should help them.

So, when I went to school, I took biological courses with great passion. I wanted to learn how the human body works and how illness occur. Off studies, I loved to be the person offering first aid to pupils who were injured. In fact, I had become so popular in this that kids first called me before we reported to the school nurse. It gave me great admiration to see how the nurse attended to the kids. Every day, I knew I wanted to become a nurse and be like him.

Every time I hear about a voluntary medical mission , I want to be part of it. I believe that a fulfilling career should have little to do with the money or remunerations offered and much with providing services. In life, I’ve learnt that happiness is everything, and that life is too short to count all the pennies in the world! To me, life is priceless because no amount of money can purchase the life of a human being. This has taught me to disregard the wealth of individuals in the face of saving life. I want to be the nurse that attends to people without even giving a thought to what I am going to get in return.

My personal attributes, inspirations, and character all point towards nursing. I’m a dedicated, loving, listening, understanding, concerned, and empathetic quick learner. It’s my strong belief that these traits set me a notch higher towards achieving my life goal of becoming a nurse. It’s my hope that I’ll get the chance to receive the esteemed education needed to do this.

Why I Want to Be a Nurse: Example C

My passion to become a nurse started in my childhood when I watched my mother work as a nurse. She built good relationships with her patients and she did all that she could in order to ensure they felt comfortable. This informed my decision to choose nursing as a career because it will provide me with a challenging but rewarding work as well as stable work opportunities. I want to experience growth in my career and I am sure nursing will enable me to advance and specialize. This way, I will be able to continue challenging myself while providing the best possible care to my patients.

When I was in middle school, I got involved in a car accident which saw me spend a week as an inpatient in hospital. I watched with awe how the nurses were committed to offering attention and care to the patients, me included. Unlike the doctors who only appeared briefly during their daily rounds, the nurses were always there, ensuring that I was comfortable and on the right path to recovery. They made less scary and a little easier a situation that would have otherwise been a difficult one. I realized just how much nurses mean to their patients. From thence, I decided that I would also become a nurse and make a difference for my patients by helping them through the difficult period of illness.

My decision to become a nurse was also informed by my desire to learn new things. As a nurse, I will have to keep challenging myself to keep abreast with medical training and trends. This will ensure that I continue to care for my patients in the best possible manner. In my everyday practice in my workplace, I will learn at least something new from both my patients and colleagues. This will inspire me to continue exploring deeper knowledge of the procedures and techniques I apply on a daily basis. I thus consider nursing a rich field for personal learning and development.

As I moved through my high school education, I realized that I possess some of the qualities that are needed for nursing. For example, I established that I am a good communicator who is both good at listening and providing feedback. I realized this during group and class discussions during which I would lead discussions and respond to various questions from my fellow students satisfactorily. I believe a good nurse should be able to communicate effectively with their patients and explain things to them clearly both in a nontechnical and technical way.  

Further, I am a team worker. I would be no different from a square peg in a round hole if I found myself working in a profession where there is little or no teamwork. I particularly embrace working in a team because just like any other person, I can never be perfect in terms of skills and abilities. I will definitely need someone to complement my shortcomings and inadequacies in performing my job tasks. I thus further want to become a nurse so I may thrive in the teamwork aspect of a nursing environment. I will highly be satisfied working with fellow healthcare professionals, including doctors and fellow nurses, in providing my patients with the best care possible.

Finally, I have always wanted to pursue a fulfilling career and I believe nursing is one of them. By caring for people during their time of need on sickbeds, I will be able to get a gratifying feeling. I will be fulfilled knowing that I will be doing something great for humanity while also developing myself in the process. Service to humanity is service to God and sickness is one of the times that people need help the most. Therefore, becoming a nurse would be to live the dream of my life.

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Why Get a Master's in Nursing? 12 Ways It Can Change Your Life

By Alex Sher on 08/29/2024

An RN looks into the specialization options for a masters in nursing program

My life was forever changed when I went from a registered nurse with an undergraduate degree to a master's in nursing, and I will tell you why.

I was working as a registered nurse (RN) when I started looking into more in-depth education. Spending years on the same floor, doing the same jobs started to feel like a rut. Even more than that, I worried that the pressure of a stressful work environment would wear me down over time. First, I asked myself okay, why get a masters in nursing? (MSN) Will it really change anything significant?

I didn't want to enroll in a master's degree program until I had a good idea of what the advanced degree would bring to my nursing career. After that research, I took the leap and earned my MSN, and I can tell you that program has given me the best return on my investment in my whole nursing career.

If you are looking for some concrete details on why this nursing degree is worth pursuing, read on. Here's what I've learned.

1. A master's degree could mean higher salary potential

Your MSN degree will most likely be a reason to ask for a raise. Nothing is guaranteed of course, but in my own career experience, the MSN made a huge difference in what I could earn.

Another great thing for your wallet is a lot of MSN programs allow you to continue working full-time as a registered nurse while you're studying for your MSN degree online or in person.

It's definitely extra work to balance both of those commitments at once. But since many MSN students are in the same boat, lots of programs are designed to accommodate a working nurse's schedule. This amounts to no lost income as you pursue your degree.

2. It opens the door to less back-breaking work

Some of my earliest memories as a new RN were of the other nurses telling me about their aching backs and knees from years of hard work on the nursing floor.

In nursing, as we become more educated and specialized, we are afforded more job opportunities and advanced positions that rely more on specialized skills and less on physical labor.

Standing on your feet for 12- to 14-hour shifts is hard on your body over time. And that's not even to mention the toll stress can take on your physical and mental health.

Education leading to more intellectual work and less physical work is true for nursing careers, but also for most industries as well. For example, someone just starting their construction career compared to a general contractor; one role is a lot more physically demanding than the other.

3. You'll gain more control of your schedule

One of the most challenging aspects of nursing is the schedule. If you are working as an RN in a hospital or a long-term care facility, your days are sometimes nights, and your weekends are sometimes non-existent.

Holidays? Schedule your family plans after you get your working schedule.

Some MSN careers will allow you a better schedule that can consist of no weekends, 8-9 hour workdays and holidays off. To each their own, but I really liked having holidays and weekends off. It was a better arrangement for my family.

For example, when I worked as a family nurse practitioner at a primary care clinic, I had the option of working Monday through Friday 8-hour days or Monday through Thursday 10-hour days. I had weekends and holidays off with plenty of PTO.

I later worked at an urgent care and had the opportunity to work three 12-hour shifts a week, with the rest of the week off. A friend of mine got her MSN degree to become a nurse educator and works Monday through Friday, teaching for a nursing program at a graduate school. She no longer dreads having to work a “forced” weekend shift on the floor and missing birthdays and holidays.

Work hours and schedules are set by employers of course, so be sure to ask about these elements of the job before you apply.

4. You can teach!

Speaking of nurse educators--every nursing school needs them. But a nurse educator position requires, a minimum of a master's in nursing. When I earned my master's in nursing, I started teaching adult students and worked as a clinical preceptor.

This is another income stream, as training a nursing student does come with extra pay in most situations. And if you don't want to teach in the clinical setting, you can teach in the classroom.

If you've never considered teaching work, check out Would I Be a Good Nurse Educator? 7 Qualities You’ll Need to Succeed to see if you might be suited for it.

My current role gives me the best of both worlds. I teach a simulation lab class at Rasmussen University on weekends. The simulation lab program is a great mixture of both clinical and academic work.

Money is one motivator, but another reason I took students was to pay it forward. I wanted to give back to nursing, since it has given so much to me. Let's be honest, most of us are in this profession in the first place because we want to help people. Training the next generation of nurses is a satisfying way to make an impact.

Plus, educating students in the clinical arena qualifies you for continuing education credits towards your state license and national certification in my home state of Florida. It's a bit of a win-win-win.

Continuing education requirements do vary by state, so check with your state’s board of nursing to find out what qualifies.

5. You might find employers who will help pay your MSN tuition

You've probably already heard of hospitals and healthcare systems that incentivize their nurses to earn a BSN degree by offering to help pay the tuition. This is becoming more common at the Master's degree level as well!

A lot of hospitals will pay a part of the tuition for certain MSN programs, as long as you stay with them for a certain amount of time after your complete your MSN degree. Many places are experiencing a shortage of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), and offering to help fund their tuition is one way they try to attract and retain highly-educated nurses.

6. There are scholarship and funding options

If you don't have an employer who will help pay your MSN tuition, you may still have cost-effective options. For example, HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration) is a federal agency that provides scholarships and loan repayment programs. Usually, these loan repayment programs require you to work in an area of need, and with the current shortage, these areas are vast.

7. You can earn an MSN online

Accessibility for master's in nursing programs is at an all-time high. Many nursing schools offer online programs. This saves you the potential commuting time and allows you to work around your schedule a bit more.

In my program, we used a hybrid schedule. I was able to complete some course work and didactics online and went to in-person class one time a week. Then, of course, we completed our clinical hours in-person.

Again, this allows you to continue working part-time or full-time as a registered nurse, while completing your education.

Rasmussen University’s Master of Science in Nursing—Nurse Practitioner degree programs are offered online with practicum experiences in your own community. These programs and their specializations are not available to residents of all states. Please speak with an admissions advisor to determine your eligibility for enrollment.

8. Nurse practitioners have so many workplace options

If you take the nurse practitioner route of the MSN, you can choose your credentials based on where you want to work and who you want to work with.

If you want to get out of the hospital environment, you could aim your career at a clinic and become a primary health care provider. This is why one of the most popular master's degrees in nursing is the FNP, specializing as a family nurse practitioner.

This MSN degree allowed me to wear a white coat with the credentials MSN, APRN- BC. That means that I held a master's degree in the science of nursing, and I was a board-certified advanced practice registered nurse.

My patients listed me as their primary care provider, and I worked alongside different types of primary care providers, such as family doctors, internal medicine doctors and other healthcare professionals.

In this role, I provided primary care needs. I was writing my patient's prescriptions for their chronic and acute illnesses, ordering diagnostic exams, and scheduling follow-ups, and referrals.

You could also specialize in mental health and become a PMHNP (psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner). Or you could specialize to work with children or infants or the elderly--there are plenty of options. For a look at them, check out Nurse Practitioner Specializations: A Newcomer’s Guide .

A clinical nurse specialist is a type of MSN-trained nurse who works in a more supervisory role, which can be an appealing career choice for RNs who like their current workplace but want to advance into higher roles.

MSN nurses who don't choose the NP route can also go into nursing leadership and administration, public health and policy making, and even work as a consultant for non-healthcare organizations like insurance companies, corporations and law firms.

9. Help solve the current shortage

We have all heard about the nursing shortage, and this also extends to master's level nurses. By becoming an MSN nurse, you can help solve the shortage by becoming a family nurse practitioner, certified nurse midwife, nurse anesthetist, a nurse administrator or adult/geriatric nurse practitioner.

There is a dire need for nursing educators as well, and with an MSN, you can fill this gap as well.

As a family nurse practitioner and a resident physician in psychiatry, I can attest to the fact that we have an urgent need for mental health providers. Psychiatric advanced practice registered nurses can help fill these voids. A large swath of the US does not have adequate primary and mental health care coverage.

10. Travel with more options

You can say MSN means career opportunities.

With your MSN degree and acquired nursing skills, you are considered a highly specialized and sought-after nurse with unique leadership skills. You are in high demand with many companies and healthcare facilities around the US.

If you want to take a travel assignment to Alaska and work alone or with other certified nurse midwives for six to twelve weeks, there are contracts for that. If you are ready for some sunshine, you can then head to Hawaii to thaw out and pick up an eight-week assignment.

Not only do these travel assignments pay you more than your local jobs, but many also cover your travel and lodging expenses. If you're somebody who wants to get out and try new places, getting into advanced practice will broaden your options.

11. Reinvigorate instead of burning out

Sometimes getting out of a stressful work environment and into a new, calmer, one can exhilarate one's passion for life and the nursing field. Nursing burnout is a real problem, and when you are burning out, you can't imagine taking on new responsibilities or diving into a whole new thing. But then, the problem only grows worse. If nursing has started to feel heavy or monotonous, you might want to make a change.

Nursing is demanding—but for many, the hardest part is the beginning, getting yourself through nursing school and earning your RN license. If you've already done that, you might be surprised at how well you adapt to an MSN program.

If you are looking into direct entry msn programs, (where you complete requirements to become an RN and earn an MSN in one go) you are definitely in for a learning curve. But the upside will be the chance to walk right into these benefits that take many nurses a longer time to enjoy.

12. You will meet the best people

By the time you hit the graduate level, you are likely to interact with nurses who excited about expanding their potential and deeply passionate about patient care, public health, nursing policy and administration and more.

One of the best things about education is the way it expands your circles and networks. I've made lifelong friends and met some of the best people I know while attending my MSN program. And that trend only continued in my career as a nurse practitioner.

What could a master's degree in nursing mean for your life?

If you feel you have the ability and energy to further your education in the nursing field, I recommend you make the jump from your bachelor's degree and go for the MSN degree. Think it over, research and imagine what opportunities an MSN degree might open for you.

What would you specialize in? What aspects of nursing do you love most or want to do more of? What would you change about your career as it is now?

When all of these benefits stack up, you can really see how an MSN can offer a better quality of life for yourself and your loved ones.

At the end of the day, we all work so we can create a life that we are proud of. An MSN degree can help you achieve your dreams inside and outside of nursing. Go for it! Maybe I'll get to see you in the nursing simulation lab.

Get more details on program start dates, tuition costs, specialization options, schedule and more at Rasmussen's Master of Science in Nursing - Nurse Practitioner page .

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About the author

Dr. Alex Sher, DO, MSN, MBA, APRN-BC, began his early career in the business, accounting and insurance industry. He then transitioned into healthcare as a registered nurse. He continued his education by receiving a Master's in nursing and worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in various specialties. After a successful career in nursing, he completed medical school and is currently a resident physician in Psychiatry.

Dr. Alex Sher

Posted in Master of Science in Nursing

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  • master of science in nursing
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MBBS in Russia | MBBS in Moscow | Study Nursing in Russia | Study Nursing in Moscow | Nursing Education in Russia | Nursing Education in Moscow | MBBS Admission in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | MBBS Fee in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | Apply for MBBS Admission in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | How to Get Direct Admission in MBBS in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | Study Nursing in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | Nursing Fee in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | About Nursing

The Department of Nursing was opened in accordance with the order of the Rector and the decision of the Academic Council of the I. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy (now the First Moscow State Medical University named after I. Sechenov) in February 2004.

The Department of Nursing is the first department of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (Sechenov University), created to provide clinical training for students of the Faculty of Higher Nursing Education and Psychological Social Work (FVSO and SDP) in the direction of training 34.03.01 “Nursing” ( Bachelor’s degree) and the ACT in the specialty 34.02.01 “Nursing”. Since 2011, the department taught the discipline “Nursing” and the practice of obtaining the primary professional skills “Care of the sick” at the medical faculty in the specialty 31.05.01 “General Medicine”. Since 2014, the department also teaches the discipline “First Aid and Nursing” and the practice of obtaining professional skills and professional experience “Sister” in the specialty 31.05.03 “Dentistry”.

The department is located on the basis of the Clinical Center of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (Sechenov University) in UKB number 3 at ul. Rossolimo house 11, page 5, students of the medical faculty, the dental faculty and the faculty of the MPF are engaged in this base. In 2017, the department allocated educational premises at the address: ul. 1st Borodino, house 2.

Since January 31, 2018, the Department of Nursing Year is part of the Medical and Preventive Faculty (MPF).

Scientific work of the department: Complex scientific theme of the department “Psychovegetative correlations in patients with coronary heart disease.”

The department has postgraduate study and a competition in scientific specialties: cardiology and internal diseases.

The department has a scientific student circle, research work is devoted to topical issues of clinical medicine.

Employees of the department conduct advisory and medical work in medical institutions in Moscow.

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Minimum TRAD Admissions Requirements

How to Apply

  • Earned grades in the prerequisite courses, as detailed below. These courses must be earned from a regionally accredited institution with a grade of C or higher. A minimum 3.0 prerequisite GPA is required. This prerequisite GPA only includes the highest grade attempts for courses listed on transcripts at the time of application. If your outstanding course(s) drops your prerequisite GPA to below a 3.0, your offer of admission will be withdrawn. Prerequisite courses must be completed within 10 years of the application deadline . We strongly suggest a minimum overall GPA of 3.0. Note that the overall GPA calculation includes all previous course attempts from regionally accredited institutions, regardless of the year courses were completed. Grade forgiveness and repeat/delete policies are not honored for the overall cumulative GPA.

Applicants without a bachelor's degree are required to complete a total of 60 semester credits (or 90 quarter credits) from a regionally accredited institution. You may take a maximum of 18 semester credits (12 quarter credits), the semester before you start the program. Of these 18 semester credits (12 quarter credits), only one course can be from Anatomy, Chemistry, Physiology, or Microbiology.

The required courses include: (view BS prerequisite descriptions and track your prerequisite progress )

Watch our video guide on prerequisite information.

  • Human Anatomy (or A&P I)
  • Human Physiology (A&P II)
  • Microbiology
  • General Chemistry*
  • College Algebra
  • General Sociology
  • General Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Cultural Anthropology or Multicultural Studies
  • English Composition II
  • Creative Arts
  • Two from Foreign Language, History, Microeconomics, Philosophy, or Political Science (courses must be from two different content areas)

*One of these science lectures must have an accompanying lab.

Note: Prerequisites alone often do not total 60 semester (or 90 quarter) credit hours. Some electives may be necessary. Elective credit hours may be selected from most major academic disciplines. Examples of exceptions are commercial or vocational courses, doctrinal courses in religion, and physical education activity courses.

Applicants with a bachelor's degree are only required to complete five prerequisite courses listed below. Only two of the following prerequisites may be taken the semester before you begin the program: 1) statistics and 2) one course from anatomy, chemistry, physiology, or microbiology.

  • General Chemistry

Note: Degrees have no expiration date, but need to be posted on your transcripts the semester before you start the program.

  • International credential evaluation for degrees earned outside of the United States. To request an evaluation of a foreign degree, a prospective student should submit copies of their diploma and transcripts to [email protected] .
  • English language proficiency (see Additional Requirements below)
  • Letter of good academic standing if you have previously attended or are transferring from another nursing program.
  • Meet the minimum requirements outlined in the Technical Standards for admission, progression, and graduation.

How to Apply/Application Materials

  • Complete the application and pay the required application fee. Note that there are two fees associated with the application (NursingCAS and CU Nursing). Both must be paid for an application to be considered complete.
  • Submit official transcripts from all institutions attended directly to NursingCAS. Official transcripts from all institutions must be sent regardless of years attended, the number of credits enrolled, or grades earned. This includes any concurrent/dual enrollment courses you took in high school; you must submit official transcripts for any post-secondary school(s) from which you earned college credit while in high school. Submitting transcripts is a two-step process:
  • Order your official transcripts in NursingCAS and submit them directly to NursingCAS.
  • Enter all courses from each transcript into NursingCAS; this includes the school name, course name, course code, grade, credit number, and term completed. Applicants have the option to pay for this service offered by NursingCAS and is available on the transcript entry page in the application. Failing to accurately report can result in an application being withdrawn from admissions consideration.
  • Three professional or academic references (at least one academic reference is recommended). The NursingCAS application will ask for the contact information for your three references. References will be contacted by NursingCAS to complete an online Likert-scale reference form, which is then submitted directly back to NursingCAS. Letters of reference are not accepted.
  • Personal statement responding to the following: “Given your personal background, describe your interest in nursing and what makes you special or unique.” Statements must be no more than 500 words, 12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced, with one-inch margins.
  • Official TOEFL scores reports (international applicants only - see Additional Requirements below).

When to Apply

  • The application process often takes several weeks (including entering courses into NursingCAS, receiving recommenders' ratings, and ordering all official transcripts [domestic and foreign]), therefore applicants should allow themselves ample time to complete each section. We recommend applicants submit their applications 4 to 6 weeks prior to the application deadline. For details on deadlines, refer to undergraduate application deadlines .
  • Applications must be submitted (i.e., in a Received status) by the application deadline. After the application deadline, there is a consecutive 10-day grace period which allows for: all references to reach a Completed status, all official transcripts to be received by NursingCAS, and the application to reach Verified Status. After this grace period, applications not in a Verified status and/or without these required supporting documents will not move forward in the application process. Learn more about your application status .

What to do After Applying

  • Once any additional course(s) currently being taken are completed, a final official transcript must be received in NursingCAS, and course information manually entered, using the Academic Update feature. See more information on the Academic Update process and timeframe in NursingCAS.
  • Make sure your application is listed in Verified status. Verified status means the application has been received and transcripts have been delivered and determined to be accurate and complete. Learn more about your application status .
  • You must be available for the interview and orientation dates listed in the NursingCAS application. The interview dates are not negotiable.
  • If any academic history (grades, courses, student standing, etc.) has changed after your application has reached Verified status, you may do an Academic Update in NursingCAS. See more information on the Academic Update process and timeframe in NursingCAS.

Interview Selection

A select number of students will be invited to interview for a position in the TRAD cohort. The admission interview consists of program presentations, individual and group interview activities.

Admissions Notifications

All admission notifications are delivered by email to the address listed in NursingCAS. Admission decisions are generally admitted, waitlist, or deny. All admits are given 10 consecutive days to respond to the offer of admission. Failure to respond to the offer will result in administrative withdrawal. An enrollment deposit is not required.

Students placed on the waitlist are notified by phone if space becomes available. The waitlist ranks are not provided.

Pre-enrollment Requirements

All students at CU Nursing are admitted conditionally pending successful completion/passing of the pre-enrollment requirements including, but not limited to background checks, drug screens (including marijuana), immunizations, etc. Prospective students who have criminal convictions (or pending criminal activity) are encouraged to contact an admissions representative prior to applying. If criminal history or a pending criminal charge prohibits the possibility of clinical placements, admission will be rescinded/denied.

Admitted students should not start any of the pre-enrollment requirements until properly informed and instructed to do so. Many of the pre-enrollment requirements are timed and starting items prematurely can result in a financial loss to the student.

Admitted students are considered CU Nursing students and are held to all policy and procedures that govern the university and college.

TRAD Timeline

Additional Requirements

Transfer credit requirements, transfer credit.

All of your prerequisite classes will be considered transfer credit. This college level credit may be accepted by the University of Colorado if:

  • It has been earned at a regionally accredited college or university.
  • A grade of C (not C-) or better has been attained.
  • The credit is for courses appropriate to the degree sought at this institution.
  • It is not vocational-technical course work.
  • It is not remedial course work

Advanced Placement (AP) Credit

  • Only specific prerequisites and electives can be met using AP credit; view the AP Credit Transfer Guide .
  • The minimum score shown is required to transfer the AP credit to meet prerequisites and electives.
  • The official transcript (score report) from the College Board is required to show the score(s) earned. This document needs to be sent directly to the University of Colorado College of Nursing.
  • To ensure that your official score report is received by the College of Nursing, please request that the College Board mail the document to:

University of Colorado College of Nursing Office of Admissions 13120 E. 19th Avenue, Mailstop C288-6 Aurora, CO 80045

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit

  • Only specific prerequisites and electives can be met using IB credit. View the IB Credit Transfer Guide .
  • The minimum score shown is required to transfer the IB credit to meet prerequisites and electives.
  • Instructions for ordering your IB diploma are available through on the IB Requesting transcripts and certificates page .
  • To ensure that your official score report is received by the College of Nursing, please request that the International Baccalaureate program mail the document to:

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit

  • Only specific prerequisites and electives can be met using CLEP credit; view the CLEP Credit Transfer Guide .
  • The minimum score shown is required to transfer the CLEP credit to meet prerequisites and electives.
  • The official transcript (score report) from the College Board is required to show the score(s) earned.
  • To ensure that your official score report is received by the College of Nursing, please use the following school code when ordering the report from College Board: 5281.

Pass/Fail Credit

  • COVID-19 Exception for Prerequisite Courses - The CU College of Nursing's strong recommendation is that students choose to have standard grades listed on their transcript and not the Pass/Fail grade option. However, for courses completed in Spring 2020 only, Passing (P) or Satisfactory (S) grades may be accepted to fulfill prerequisite courses, provided the P or S indicates that the student has earned a C grade or higher. For GPA calculation purposes, an approved P or S course grade will be converted to the lowest score associated with the P or S by the sending institution (e.g. a C grade will be calculated as a 2.0). For spring 2020 grades only, the student, via the sending institution, will have the option of submitting the underlying/actual grade earned, e.g. A, B, etc., which will be used in the GPA calculation for review purposes. There will not be a cap to the total number of prerequisite credits that may be taken on a P/F or S/U basis for spring 2020 coursework, provided that the aforementioned criteria are satisfied.

Foreign Transcripts and Study Abroad Credits

Transcripts for all foreign (non-study abroad) coursework must be submitted directly to the University of Colorado College of Nursing for evaluation through the Office of International Affairs. Transcripts for study abroad coursework from a non-U.S. institution may be required depending on how foreign coursework is posted on the domestic (receiving institution) transcript. If all course information (course title, credits hours and grades) is posted to the domestic transcript, applicants do not need to submit a separate transcript from the study abroad institution. If any course information is incomplete, or the grades are posed as Pass/Fail, a transcript for the study abroad coursework will need to be submitted directly to the University of Colorado College of Nursing Office of Admissions & Student Affairs .

English Language Proficiency

Due to the clinical nature of the nursing profession, all students must meet the following communication standards, as outlined in the Technical Standards of our Student Handbook :

  • A student must be able to communicate clearly and effectively in English with clients, teachers and all members of the health care team. Written and oral communication must use standard, professional medical terminology.
  • He/she must communicate with clients clearly and effectively in English to elicit information regarding history, emotional status and activity, and to perceive nonverbal communications.
  • Communication includes speech, hearing, reading, writing and computer literacy.
  • A student must be able to clearly and effectively report in English to members of the health care team. Additionally, students must be able to relay appropriate information to clients, as well as teach, explain, direct and counsel a wide variety of individuals.
  • In some instances the student will be required to provide clear, direct communication in English during highly stressful, crisis situations. These skills necessitate a strong command of the English language and prompt, timely interpretation of pertinent patient data.
  • Students must be able to communicate online in a timely, professional manner, e.g., enter an electronic medical record immediately after the patient visit.

If your primary language is not English, or if you are an International Student, you will need to demonstrate required English language proficiency by meeting one of the following criteria:

  • You are a citizen of a country whose official language is English including Australia, Belize, Botswana, Canada (except Quebec), Commonwealth Caribbean, Ghana, United Kingdom, Ireland, Kenya, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
  • You have obtained a total score of at least 560 on the paper-based TOEFL and 50 or above on the Test of Spoken English (TSE); a score of 83 on the Internet-based TOEFL with 26 or above on the spoken English section. For other minimum subscores see . The College of Nursing TOEFL Exam Code is 3377. Be sure to use this code when registering for the exam to ensure that we will receive the results.
  • You have obtained a total score of 6.5 on IELTS with a minimum speaking subscore of 8. Official IELTS scores must be sent directly to the College of Nursing.
  • You have graduated from the University of Colorado Denver’s ESL Academy.
  • You have graduated from a US/UK accredited school abroad with English as the medium of instruction.
  • You have earned a Bachelor’s degree in the U.S. or you have successfully completed a minimum of 2 semesters of full-time study in a master’s program at an accredited institution in the U.S.

Previous Enrollment in a Nursing Program

Applicants who were previously enrolled in another nursing program (prerequisite courses excluded) are required to submit a letter of good standing from the previous school indicating that the student left in good academic standing. Documentation can be sent to [email protected] and will also need to be included in the NursingCAS application profile.

Technical Standards

All College of Nursing students must meet the minimum requirements outlined in the Technical Standards for admission, progression and graduation.

Healthcare Experience Recommended

Healthcare experience is not an admissions requirement for the Traditional Pathway. However, it is strongly recommended that applicants have exposure to the nursing field so that they better understand the expectations for this career path. Applicants are encouraged to include information about healthcare experience in their resume and the Experiences section in NursingCAS.

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The Ultimate List of Nursing Scholarships

Trying to figure out how to pay for nursing school? Whether you're earning your BSN or you're on your way to getting a DNP, there's a nursing scholarship, grant, or student loan forgiveness program out there that can help you afford that next step. Check out our list of nursing scholarships to find the right one for you.

Find Nursing Programs

Undergraduate nursing scholarships, rn to bsn scholarships, accelerated nursing program scholarships, graduate nursing scholarships, nurse practitioner scholarships, dnp nursing scholarships, minority nursing scholarships, non-traditional nursing scholarships, nursing scholarships for single parents, military nursing scholarships, see more nursing scholarships.

Have a nursing scholarship that we should add to this list? Reach out to us at [email protected] .

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RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Ohio State Online student studies nursing online on a tablet.

Earn Your Bachelor's of Nursing Online with Ohio State

Elevate your confidence and competence to care for your patients and develop the skills to advance the field of nursing.

The online Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program provides the academic foundation for licensed nurses to keep pace with change, as well as to shape the profession of nursing. Graduates will be well-equipped to work in a variety of healthcare settings and prepared to pursue graduate degrees in nursing.

Ohio State’s RN-BSN program was ranked No. 7 in U.S. News & World Report’s Best Online Bachelor’s Programs in 2024.

RN-BSN student at Ohio State works in hospital setting with cohort.

"The online RN-BSN program fits the needs of a full-time nurse, and the understanding faculty worked with me to make sure that I got the support I needed."

Headshot of Audra Hanners, Ohio State Online DNP graduate

"There's so many connections you can make that will have a really meaningful impact on you and provide you with a rich education. The opportunities that exist at Ohio State feel limitless."

Frequently asked questions, does the rn to bsn program require prerequisites.

No, the RN to BSN program no longer requires prerequisite courses for application or admission. Any prospective student who meets the other admission requirements will be eligible for admission.

Is the program fully asynchronous?

Yes, the online RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is fully asynchronous, meaning you can log in to view instructional materials and complete your work when it is best for your schedule.

Is the program 100% online?

Yes, this program is 100% online, offering flexibility for working RNs to study from wherever they are.

Ohio State's online undergraduate programs are top-ranked by U.S. News and World Report.

Official Recognition

Ohio State’s RN-BSN program is ranked #7 in  U.S. News & World Report Best Online Bachelor’s Programs .

Academic Calendar

For the convenience of online students, multiple start dates are offered during the academic calendar year for the RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.

Spring 2025

Application Deadline October 30, 2024

Term Start Date January 6, 2025

Summer 2025

Application Deadline March 31, 2025

Term Start Date May 6, 2025

Autumn 2025

Application Deadline June 30, 2025

Term Start Date August 26, 2025

Admission Criteria

  • An associate degree in nursing or a nursing diploma
  • An active and unrestricted RN license
  • A cumulative undergraduate degree GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale

Application decisions are made on a rolling basis. Most applicants will receive a decision on their application within one month of completing the full application process.


The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, also known as  SARA , establishes uniform standards for distance education for all participating states and institutions. Ohio State joined SARA in 2015, which means Ohio State can offer most online and on-ground courses and programs in  SARA member states, districts and territories without seeking authorization in each state.

Career Outlook

With a BSN, you’ll be eligible for a wider range of nursing roles such as nurse managers, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse educators.

Whether you’re looking to grow in your current career or make a career change altogether, Ohio State’s online programs can help you achieve your goals. Learn what the outlook is for your current or next career move using O*Net’s My Next Move tool.



Advertising Sales Agents – $61,270 –

Sell or solicit advertising space, time, or media in publications, signage, TV, radio, or Internet establishments or public spaces.

Wage Range Related Careers Job Sectors
Entry Level: $31,200 Advertising and Promotions Managers Sales and Marketing
Mid Level: $61,270 Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists Customer and Personal Service
Senior Level: $133,150 Marketing Managers English Language
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Experience top-tier curriculum in our online bachelor’s in nursing program, structured to provide graduates with comprehensive knowledge and practical expertise to advance their careers in nursing.

NRSADV 2440 – Foundations and Contemporary Issues for RNs

Provides the framework for exploration of professional issues in contemporary nursing and health care for nurses pursuing a baccalaureate degree.

NRSADV 4240 – Concepts in Community Health Nursing

Study of community health nursing theory and principles applied to the nursing care of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations.

NRSADV 4780 – Evidence Based Practice: Transforming Healthcare

Study of concepts, application and implementation of evidence based nursing for transforming quality health care.

NRSADV 4402 – Evolving Concepts in Leadership and Management

Exploration and application of leadership and management concepts as applied to nursing practice and the health care environment.

Understanding Online Course Types

As you research the right online program for you, you likely will come across the terms “asynchronous” and “synchronous.” Learn what these terms mean and how they’re important to consider when understanding how a program will fit into your life.

Diagram explaining the differences between synchronous and asynchronous online courses.

Program Faculty

RN-BSN students will experience unparalleled learning from our world-class faculty within The Ohio State University College of Nursing.

Headshot of Wendy Bowles, online Nursing faculty

Wendy Bowles, PhD, RN, APRN-CNP, CNE

Dr. Wendy Bowles has been a nurse since 1994 and a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner since 1998. In addition to a fulfilling career as a nurse, she began her journey in nursing education in 2005 and realized the importance of educating future nurses for current practice environments. She is committed to advancing the science of evidence-based pedagogies of teaching and learning in nursing education.

Jessica Reuter, DNP, RN, CCRN

Headshot of Jessica Reuter, online RN-BSN faculty

Amy Jauch, DNP, RN, CNE

Headshot of Amy Jauch, online RN-BSN faculty


See what students and graduates have to say about Ohio State’s online RN-BSN program.

Get Started

Speak with a knowledgeable Enrollment Advisor who can help answer your questions and explain different aspects of the more than 70 online degrees and certificates offered at Ohio State.

An Ohio State Online student at work.

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College essays matter. Here's how to write one that stands out | College Connection

Students facing the college application process typically dread one component: the Common App essay. 

Students are presented with six essay prompts, as well as a seventh option, which is “topic of your choice.” Students therefore have limitless possibilities for this essay which will be carefully reviewed by each college to which the student applies.

The goal of college admissions officers is to learn about the student who is applying: personal qualities, struggles, ambitions, priorities. On other parts of the application a student’s “data” is detailed. So, this is not the place to write about one’s SAT scores, GPA, or intended major, or to enumerate one’s activities. It is the place to write about an event, situation, or life circumstance that has influenced the student’s attitudes, goals, and perceptions of life.

The options are limitless. Students can write about life occurrences that impacted them: an illness, a learning disability, a relocation. They can use a sport, club, organization, or volunteer group as the overarching framework within which they learned important life lessons. 

More: The biggest key to college acceptance | College Connection

One student’s essay, which went viral after its author was accepted to a multitude of Ivy League schools, focused on lessons she learned from visits to Costco over the years. In short, students can write about anything that has impacted them – hopefully in a positive way.

Then, students face supplemental essays. Many colleges, including almost all the most competitive ones, require an essay that is specific to the school. Typically, the question is along the lines of, “Why do you want to attend this institution?” or “Why did you choose your particular major and how will our school prepare you to meet your future goals?”

More: These are the latest trends in college admissions | College Connection

Colleges are aware that students typically apply to 8 to 12 different schools, and they are trying to discern “demonstrated interest,” or, in other words, the likelihood of a student enrolling if accepted. So, students should utilize each supplemental essay as an opportunity to demonstrate their interest in the particular college, and should specifically state the courses, programs, study abroad options, internships, and any other characteristics that make the institution a perfect match for their college ambitions.

By showing enthusiasm for each school and sharing their attributes through the Common App and supplemental essays, students will greatly enhance their prospects of experiencing a successful college application process.   

Susan Alaimo is the founder & director of Collegebound Review, offering PSAT/SAT ® preparation & private college advising by Ivy League educated instructors. Visit or call 908-369-5362 .

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5 Best Nursing Schools in Russia

Before the Crimean War, which lasted from 1853 to 1855, nursing in Russia was primarily based on religion and philanthropy. The war sparked an interest in nursing care among many women in the country. In the 1900s, rumors of war and epidemics reinforced and expanded the nursing (Sister of Mercy) community. During that time, the revolution shaped the roles of nurses in the country, including military, visiting, kindergarten, and specialty nurses. Formal nurse training schools were established beginning in 1935.

Russia’s medical education has evolved in recent years, and it is now recognized as one of the best countries for offering health-related programs, with internationally renowned colleges and universities. Nursing in Russia is a four-year undergraduate program; postgraduate nursing education is not yet widely available in the country. Because teaching instruction is also given in Russian, international students must be fluent in the language before being admitted.

Russia has become a popular destination for international students seeking higher education due to its internationally renowned institutions and its cost of studying and living . The institutions listed below are some of the best nursing schools in Russia.

Top Schools Offering Nursing Programs in Russia

1. first moscow state medical university.

  • Study Program
  • Degree/s Offered: Bachelor’s, Ph.D.

The First Moscow State Medical University, also known as Sechenov University, was founded in 1758 and is the country’s pioneer and oldest medical school. Over the years, the institute faced numerous challenges, which necessitated numerous reconstruction and rebuilding projects. It did not receive university status until 2010, after which it was named the top medical school in the country by the QS World University Ranking in 2017. Nursing education and training at the postgraduate level were only established in 1991.

The university has established research centers that have contributed to its growing influence in medical research, resulting in its global recognition in the field. As a result, international students seeking a high-quality, low-cost medical education are flocking to universities. In response, English is now used as the language of instruction in the majority of the university’s post-graduate programs.

The tuition for the post-graduate nursing program is $10,000 per year for three years. The university also provides a school residence for $3,800 per year. Other fees are listed on the university’s website.

2. RUDN University

  • Degree/s Offered: Bachelor’s

The Government of Russia named the RUDN University the “People’s Friendship University of Russia” in 1992 because of its outlook and principles of providing education with total student autonomy – allowing students and staff to pursue education and research and participate in activities without being bound by politics or other restraining ideals.

In 1964, the university became a member of the International Association of Universities, adding to its illustrious and renowned international reputation. The university received a 5-star rating from the QS Star rating system for its quality education, internationalization, innovation, and sustainability. It was granted autonomy in 2012 for the development, implementation, and administration of its educational program.

RUDN University is also one of the best nursing schools in Russia. Its nursing program, which is part of the institute of medicine, was established with a curriculum that focuses on providing competencies in medical skill, administration, and research. Students are also trained in foreign languages, as well as practical and clinical skills, through immersions in partner institutions in Moscow. The annual tuition for the program is US$4,300.

3. Perm State Medical University

The Perm State Medical University is one of the oldest and largest universities in Russia. Its medical faculty was initially part of the faculty of physics and mathematics in 1916. By order of the State Committee of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, its name was changed to its current name in 1994, and it became a member of the European Association of Medical Schools in 1997.

Because of its excellence in the field, the University is well-known both locally and internationally for its MBBS programs, with its graduates proving to be highly employable. It also holds the most number of patents for medical inventions in the country.

Perm State Medical University is a top nursing institution in Russia, with the nursing program being administered by the Faculty of Psychology, Social Work, and Nursing. Further information on fees, curriculum, and offers is available on the university’s website upon request.

4. Novosibirsk State Medical University

The Novosibirsk State Medical University is yet another one of the best nursing schools in Russia. It was founded in 1935 as the Novosibirsk Medical Institute, and its name was only changed in 2005. Over the years, the university has received awards and recognitions in the country for its quality education, and also won the contest on ‘Novosibirsk Trade Mark 2006’.

The university expanded dramatically and is now able to produce over 32,000 doctors and thousands of medical health workers who serve all over the country and the world. Its faculty is involved in international medical projects and attends symposiums and conferences to remain relevant to health industry changes.

The university established an international center to promote its programs to students abroad and offers English-taught programs and preparatory courses for international students. Under the education for international students, vocational and undergraduate education in nursing is offered. Tuition and other fees are available upon request on the university website.

5. First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg

  • Degree/s Offered: Ph.D.

The First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg was founded as the Medical Institute for Women in 1897. It was the first institution in Europe to provide opportunities for women to pursue higher medical education, and male students were not admitted until 1916. With its innovations in both diagnostics and treatment, the university has quickly established a recognized standard curriculum for medical education since its inception.

With its large campus and numerous research centers, the university has grown into a reputable university over the years. It is the city’s only medical school with an outpatient department. In addition, the university has international partners from all over the world with whom it collaborates on patient care, education, and research.

The university only offers higher education in Nursing. Tuition and other fees are available on the university’s website upon request.

We hope this article on the best nursing schools in Russia was helpful. Make sure to also check out the Available Programs in Europe for International Students !

About the Author: Hyun Lee

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Fact-checking warnings from Democrats about Project 2025 and Donald Trump

This fact check originally appeared on PolitiFact .

Project 2025 has a starring role in this week’s Democratic National Convention.

And it was front and center on Night 1.

WATCH: Hauling large copy of Project 2025, Michigan state Sen. McMorrow speaks at 2024 DNC

“This is Project 2025,” Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow, D-Royal Oak, said as she laid a hardbound copy of the 900-page document on the lectern. “Over the next four nights, you are going to hear a lot about what is in this 900-page document. Why? Because this is the Republican blueprint for a second Trump term.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has warned Americans about “Trump’s Project 2025” agenda — even though former President Donald Trump doesn’t claim the conservative presidential transition document.

“Donald Trump wants to take our country backward,” Harris said July 23 in Milwaukee. “He and his extreme Project 2025 agenda will weaken the middle class. Like, we know we got to take this seriously, and can you believe they put that thing in writing?”

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Harris’ running mate, has joined in on the talking point.

“Don’t believe (Trump) when he’s playing dumb about this Project 2025. He knows exactly what it’ll do,” Walz said Aug. 9 in Glendale, Arizona.

Trump’s campaign has worked to build distance from the project, which the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, led with contributions from dozens of conservative groups.

Much of the plan calls for extensive executive-branch overhauls and draws on both long-standing conservative principles, such as tax cuts, and more recent culture war issues. It lays out recommendations for disbanding the Commerce and Education departments, eliminating certain climate protections and consolidating more power to the president.

Project 2025 offers a sweeping vision for a Republican-led executive branch, and some of its policies mirror Trump’s 2024 agenda, But Harris and her presidential campaign have at times gone too far in describing what the project calls for and how closely the plans overlap with Trump’s campaign.

PolitiFact researched Harris’ warnings about how the plan would affect reproductive rights, federal entitlement programs and education, just as we did for President Joe Biden’s Project 2025 rhetoric. Here’s what the project does and doesn’t call for, and how it squares with Trump’s positions.

Are Trump and Project 2025 connected?

To distance himself from Project 2025 amid the Democratic attacks, Trump wrote on Truth Social that he “knows nothing” about it and has “no idea” who is in charge of it. (CNN identified at least 140 former advisers from the Trump administration who have been involved.)

The Heritage Foundation sought contributions from more than 100 conservative organizations for its policy vision for the next Republican presidency, which was published in 2023.

Project 2025 is now winding down some of its policy operations, and director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, is stepping down, The Washington Post reported July 30. Trump campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita denounced the document.

WATCH: A look at the Project 2025 plan to reshape government and Trump’s links to its authors

However, Project 2025 contributors include a number of high-ranking officials from Trump’s first administration, including former White House adviser Peter Navarro and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.

A recently released recording of Russell Vought, a Project 2025 author and the former director of Trump’s Office of Management and Budget, showed Vought saying Trump’s “very supportive of what we do.” He said Trump was only distancing himself because Democrats were making a bogeyman out of the document.

Project 2025 wouldn’t ban abortion outright, but would curtail access

The Harris campaign shared a graphic on X that claimed “Trump’s Project 2025 plan for workers” would “go after birth control and ban abortion nationwide.”

The plan doesn’t call to ban abortion nationwide, though its recommendations could curtail some contraceptives and limit abortion access.

What’s known about Trump’s abortion agenda neither lines up with Harris’ description nor Project 2025’s wish list.

Project 2025 says the Department of Health and Human Services Department should “return to being known as the Department of Life by explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is health care.”

It recommends that the Food and Drug Administration reverse its 2000 approval of mifepristone, the first pill taken in a two-drug regimen for a medication abortion. Medication is the most common form of abortion in the U.S. — accounting for around 63 percent in 2023.

If mifepristone were to remain approved, Project 2025 recommends new rules, such as cutting its use from 10 weeks into pregnancy to seven. It would have to be provided to patients in person — part of the group’s efforts to limit access to the drug by mail. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a legal challenge to mifepristone’s FDA approval over procedural grounds.

WATCH: Trump’s plans for health care and reproductive rights if he returns to White House The manual also calls for the Justice Department to enforce the 1873 Comstock Act on mifepristone, which bans the mailing of “obscene” materials. Abortion access supporters fear that a strict interpretation of the law could go further to ban mailing the materials used in procedural abortions, such as surgical instruments and equipment.

The plan proposes withholding federal money from states that don’t report to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention how many abortions take place within their borders. The plan also would prohibit abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, from receiving Medicaid funds. It also calls for the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that the training of medical professionals, including doctors and nurses, omits abortion training.

The document says some forms of emergency contraception — particularly Ella, a pill that can be taken within five days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy — should be excluded from no-cost coverage. The Affordable Care Act requires most private health insurers to cover recommended preventive services, which involves a range of birth control methods, including emergency contraception.

Trump has recently said states should decide abortion regulations and that he wouldn’t block access to contraceptives. Trump said during his June 27 debate with Biden that he wouldn’t ban mifepristone after the Supreme Court “approved” it. But the court rejected the lawsuit based on standing, not the case’s merits. He has not weighed in on the Comstock Act or said whether he supports it being used to block abortion medication, or other kinds of abortions.

Project 2025 doesn’t call for cutting Social Security, but proposes some changes to Medicare

“When you read (Project 2025),” Harris told a crowd July 23 in Wisconsin, “you will see, Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

The Project 2025 document does not call for Social Security cuts. None of its 10 references to Social Security addresses plans for cutting the program.

Harris also misleads about Trump’s Social Security views.

In his earlier campaigns and before he was a politician, Trump said about a half-dozen times that he’s open to major overhauls of Social Security, including cuts and privatization. More recently, in a March 2024 CNBC interview, Trump said of entitlement programs such as Social Security, “There’s a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting.” However, he quickly walked that statement back, and his CNBC comment stands at odds with essentially everything else Trump has said during the 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump’s campaign website says that not “a single penny” should be cut from Social Security. We rated Harris’ claim that Trump intends to cut Social Security Mostly False.

Project 2025 does propose changes to Medicare, including making Medicare Advantage, the private insurance offering in Medicare, the “default” enrollment option. Unlike Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans have provider networks and can also require prior authorization, meaning that the plan can approve or deny certain services. Original Medicare plans don’t have prior authorization requirements.

The manual also calls for repealing health policies enacted under Biden, such as the Inflation Reduction Act. The law enabled Medicare to negotiate with drugmakers for the first time in history, and recently resulted in an agreement with drug companies to lower the prices of 10 expensive prescriptions for Medicare enrollees.

Trump, however, has said repeatedly during the 2024 presidential campaign that he will not cut Medicare.

Project 2025 would eliminate the Education Department, which Trump supports

The Harris campaign said Project 2025 would “eliminate the U.S. Department of Education” — and that’s accurate. Project 2025 says federal education policy “should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.” The plan scales back the federal government’s role in education policy and devolves the functions that remain to other agencies.

Aside from eliminating the department, the project also proposes scrapping the Biden administration’s Title IX revision, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It also would let states opt out of federal education programs and calls for passing a federal parents’ bill of rights similar to ones passed in some Republican-led state legislatures.

Republicans, including Trump, have pledged to close the department, which gained its status in 1979 within Democratic President Jimmy Carter’s presidential Cabinet.

In one of his Agenda 47 policy videos, Trump promised to close the department and “to send all education work and needs back to the states.” Eliminating the department would have to go through Congress.

What Project 2025, Trump would do on overtime pay

In the graphic, the Harris campaign says Project 2025 allows “employers to stop paying workers for overtime work.”

The plan doesn’t call for banning overtime wages. It recommends changes to some Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, regulations and to overtime rules. Some changes, if enacted, could result in some people losing overtime protections, experts told us.

The document proposes that the Labor Department maintain an overtime threshold “that does not punish businesses in lower-cost regions (e.g., the southeast United States).” This threshold is the amount of money executive, administrative or professional employees need to make for an employer to exempt them from overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

In 2019, the Trump’s administration finalized a rule that expanded overtime pay eligibility to most salaried workers earning less than about $35,568, which it said made about 1.3 million more workers eligible for overtime pay. The Trump-era threshold is high enough to cover most line workers in lower-cost regions, Project 2025 said.

The Biden administration raised that threshold to $43,888 beginning July 1, and that will rise to $58,656 on Jan. 1, 2025. That would grant overtime eligibility to about 4 million workers, the Labor Department said.

It’s unclear how many workers Project 2025’s proposal to return to the Trump-era overtime threshold in some parts of the country would affect, but experts said some would presumably lose the right to overtime wages.

Other overtime proposals in Project 2025’s plan include allowing some workers to choose to accumulate paid time off instead of overtime pay, or to work more hours in one week and fewer in the next, rather than receive overtime.

Trump’s past with overtime pay is complicated. In 2016, the Obama administration said it would raise the overtime to salaried workers earning less than $47,476 a year, about double the exemption level set in 2004 of $23,660 a year.

But when a judge blocked the Obama rule, the Trump administration didn’t challenge the court ruling. Instead it set its own overtime threshold, which raised the amount, but by less than Obama.

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A Classical & Christ-Centered Education

Classical Christian Education

Classical Christian Education


In all its levels, programs, and teaching, Logos School seeks to: Teach all subjects as parts of an integrated whole with the Scriptures at the center (II Timothy 3:16-17); Provide a clear model of the biblical Christian life through our staff and board (Matthew 22:37-40); Encourage every student to begin and develop his relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 19:13-15).

In all its levels, programs, and teaching, Logos School seeks to: Emphasize grammar, logic, and rhetoric in all subjects (see definitions below); Encourage every student to develop a love for learning and live up to his academic potential; Provide an orderly atmosphere conducive to the attainment of the above goals.

Grammar : The fundamental rules of each subject. Logic : The ordered relationship of particulars in each subject. Rhetoric : How the grammar and logic of each subject may be clearly expressed.

What Do We Mean by Classical?

In the 1940’s the British author, Dorothy Sayers, wrote an essay titled The Lost Tools of Learning . In it she not only calls for a return to the application of the seven liberal arts of ancient education, the first three being the “Trivium” – grammar, logic, rhetoric, she also combines three stages of children’s development to the Trivium. Specifically, she matches what she calls the “Poll-parrot” stage with grammar, “Pert” with logic, and “Poetic” with rhetoric (see The Lost Tools Chart ). At Logos, the founding board members were intrigued with this idea of applying a classical education in a Christian context. Doug Wilson, a founding board member explained the classical method further in his book, Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning. Logos School has been committed to implementing this form of education since the school’s inception.


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