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Full Stack Developer
Step by step guide to becoming a modern full stack developer in 2024
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What is Full Stack Development?
Full stack development is the practice of being proficient in both the front-end and back-end aspects of web application development. A full stack developer is capable of working on all layers of a software application, from the user interface and user experience (front-end) to the server, database, and server-side logic (back-end). This versatility allows them to create and maintain complete web applications independently or as part of a development team.
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What is a Full Stack Developer? Full Stack Engineer Guide
Full-stack developer roles are among the most highly sought after positions in the current job market.
But what exactly is full-stack web development, and how do you become a full-stack developer?
In this article, you will first learn what the term full-stack means.
Then, you will see some suggested technologies to learn accompanied by learning resources to start your full-stack web development journey.
What is Full Stack Development?
The web applications you use daily consist of:
- and the back-end , also known as the server-side part of the application.
What is front end development?
The front end is the user interface of the application.
It’s the presentation of the content, the parts the user views and interacts with, and the look and feel of the web page. It’s how information displays on both web browsers but also mobile devices.
It includes different components such as navigation bars, dropdown menus, buttons, and links.
The front end consists of all the visible parts responsible for the user experience.
What is back end development?
The back end consists of a server that receives and processes requests and a database used to store data.
The back-end is all the behind-the-scenes processes happening in a web application.
It is the business logic, the handling and manipulation of data, and the algorithms.
Essentially, it is all the hidden parts that a user is not directly aware of when viewing and interacting with a webpage. These parts are processes running in the background.
The back end is considered the logical side or the ‘brain’ of a web application.
Both the front-end and the back-end together make up a full-stack web application.
So, full-stack web development refers to the knowledge of all the parts responsible for the front-end and the back-end side of a web application.
Full Stack Engineer Guide
When you are a beginner just starting out on your learning journey, you may spend more time searching for what to learn instead of actually learning. And there is a lot to learn when it comes to full-stack web development - which can be overwhelming and intimidating.
In the sections to come, we'll discuss a lot of different technologies you'll need to learn, and there are many more which are not listed.
It's impossible to learn everything at once, just as it is also impossible to become an expert in everything.
This guide is a suggestion and a starting point. It provides the basics on which you can later expand.
Remember that it is going to take time to become a full stack developer. It may take some trial and error to find a learning schedule and routine that suits you and works for you, as you may have commitments such as taking care of family, working a full-time job, or any other life obligations.
Success is not linear.
The key to success is staying consistent and beating procrastination.
Map out and set aside some time every day - whether that is for only half or one hour. An hour a day is better than not doing any coding at all.
Remember to rest and take time away from the screen to not burn yourself out in the process.
Now, let’s see some of the technologies you should learn to become a full-stack web developer in 2022.
Basic Understanding of How the Internet and the Web Work
You will be spending a lot of time on the Internet, designing and developing for the Web.
Instead of just learning how to create web applications, products, and services, it is wise to have a well-rounded knowledge and good understanding of how these tools you are using to achieve your own goals work underneath the hood and interact with each other.
For example, it is a good use of your time to learn:
- What is HTTP?
- What are the different HTTP methods, and what does each mean and do?
- What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
- What is an IP address, a Domain Name, and DNS?
- An understanding of clients and servers, and how they interact using what is called the request-response cycle.
- How the Internet works as a whole.
Here is some suggested reading to get you started:
- How HTTP Works and Why it's Important – Explained in Plain English
- HTTP Request Methods – Get vs Put vs Post Explained with Code Examples
- What is HTTPS? HTTP vs HTTPS Meaning and How it Works
- What is DNS? Domain Name System, DNS Server, and IP Address Concepts Explained
- How the Web Works: A Primer for Newcomers to Web Development (or anyone, really)
- How the Web Works Part II: Client-Server Model & the Structure of a Web Application
- How the Web Works Part III: HTTP & REST
Frontend Web Development Fundamentals
Start off learning to code by practicing HTML and CSS.
HTML and CSS are two languages that serve a different purpose but come together to create static web pages. For this reason, it is often the case that you'll learn them both in parallel.
First, learn HTML fundamentals, specifically HTML5, which is the latest HTML version and supports many more features.
What is HTML?
HTML (which stands for HyperText Markup Language) is used for defining the structure and content on a web page. So, the paragraphs, headings, lists, images, forms, and links you see on a page, along with their hierarchies, are all HTML code.
Key HTML concepts to learn are:
- There are many HTML tags (as a matter of fact, there are over a hundred), but you only need to learn the most commonly used ones that you will end up using the most.
- Learn to write semantic HTML. Semantic HTML describes the tag and the content it will hold instead of using a tag that has no meaning. For example, if you want to create a section on a webpage to hold specific content, you could use the <section> tag that specifies and describes the tag instead of the <div> tag that doesn't have any meaning behind it. All-in-all, avoid using too many <div> tags and learn the alternatives you can use instead .
- The above point ties in well with learning to write HTML with accessibility in mind. Designing and developing with accessibility in mind means creating websites for everyone. People with visual impairments rely on assistive technologies such as screen readers to read the content out loud. People with other disabilities may depend on keyboard-only navigation. So, learning to write accessible HTML will lead you to create more user-friendly web pages.
- Learn how to create HTML forms. Forms are present on almost all websites. It's how you log in or sign up and register to a website. It's also how websites gather information and data from users.
What is CSS?
Next, it's time to learn CSS.
CSS (short for Cascading Style Sheets) styles HTML elements. It is responsible for presenting content in a visually appealing way .
CSS code enables all the different colors and fonts. The sizing of elements and how those elements get displayed on the page. The page layout and how items get arranged next to one another.
Start learning CSS fundamentals to apply styles to the plain-text HTML content by covering topics such as:
- CSS selectors. Learn the different ways you can select HTML elements, how each of them works, and how to choose which one to use. For example, you can use simple selectors that select an HTML element by its tag name, class name, or id name. In addition, a way to select HTML elements is by using pseudo-element selectors and pseudo-class selectors, to name a few.
- Learn CSS specificity. When there are two or more selectors with the same matching CSS rules, how does the browser decide which styles get applied to the HTML element? Every selector has a different specificity value, so learning about specificity will help you avoid any confusion as to why styles are not applied.
- Learn the Box Model. HTML elements are considered boxes, with each box consisting of the content, padding, border, and margin.
- Learn the different ways to position elements on a page. Learn the differences between the relative, absolute, fixed, and sticky position properties.
- Learn about the display and how block elements differ from inline and inline-block ones.
- Learn layout techniques such as Flexbox for creating one-dimensional layouts or CSS Grid for creating two-dimensional ones.
- Learn Media Queries and responsive web design. Websites are viewed on many devices nowadays, such as laptops, mobiles, and tablets, and each device has a different size and resolution. It's paramount that the site looks good and is usable no matter the device.
How to Learn HTML and CSS
The best place to start learning HTML and CSS is with freeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design Certification .
It's a free, structured, and well thought-out interactive curriculum. You learn in a practical way by building projects.
You will learn all the concepts listed above (and more) by building 15 practice projects and five certification projects.
Once you've completed the certification projects, you can claim the certification and add it to your LinkedIn profile. It's a way to showcase your achievement to your network and prospective employers.
Know Your Way Around The Command Line
Knowing at least the basics of the command line will make you more productive by saving you a significant amount of time when performing repetitive and time-consuming tasks.
You can achieve the same things (and more!) as you can when using a GUI (Graphical User Interface). But with the command line, you'll use keyboard-only navigation and enter text commands instead of clicking and dragging icons.
You can create files and folders, view the contents of files and folders, copy or move the contents of a file to another one, and delete files and folders altogether, to name a few.
You type and enter the commands in a window or CLI (short for Command Line Interface).
Depending on your Operating System, this will be a different application. On a Mac, it’s called Terminal.app. On Windows, it’s called the Command Prompt.
The application runs a shell, such as Bash or Zsh, which acts as an intermediary between you and your computer’s Operating System. You type commands and essentially give orders to your computer. The shell running in the CLI reads the commands and instructs the Operating System. The Operating System carries out the instructions.
No matter the Operating System you are using, whether it's MacOS or Microsoft Windows, as a full stack developer, it will help if you learn Linux. Linux powers the majority of the servers on the Internet.
A way to get started with Linux is by installing it on your Operating System.
You can do this by setting up a Virtual Machine. A Virtual Machine acts as a separate computer inside your computer.
Once you set up a Virtual Machine, you can install one of the Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, which is a version of Linux.
Here are some helpful resources to get you started:
- Learn the Basics of the Linux Operating System
- Learn the 50 Most-Used Linux & Terminal Commands
- What is a Virtual Machine And How to Setup a VM on Windows, Linux, and Mac
Learn To Use A Code Editor
To start developing your projects locally, you will need a designated place for writing code.
It is not advised to code using a word processor such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word but instead set up a code editor to write source code.
There are many to choose from, with some of the most popular ones being Atom, Sublime Text, and Visual Studio Code. Many developers also use a command-line text editor called VIM. It is not recommended for beginners since there is a steep learning curve.
Visual Studio Code is the editor of choice for many developers, which you will also see referred to as VS Code.
It is free, open-source, and has many features available.
VS Code has powerful tooling and features that resemble an IDE (which stands for Integrated Development Environment).
When using Visual Studio Code, you can write and edit source code, save time with code autocompletion, and use the built-in debugger and terminal. You can compile and run source code, all under the same roof.
Additionally, it is easy to customise your workspace with the different extensions available in Visual Studio Code Marketplace to further enhance your productivity.
Below are links to download Visual Studio Code for your Operating System and for learning how to use it:
- Download VS Code
- Visual Studio Code Course – How to Increase Your Productivity in VS Code
- VS Code Extensions to Increase Developer Productivity
Learn A Version Control System
A Version Control System is a way to back up and save your projects and collaborate with other team members. It is a tool used in every software development job.
The most popular Version Control System is Git, which is free and open-source.
You can view a project’s entire history and keep track of all the changes. If needed, you can also revert to a previous version of it.
Git is not only practical for your personal projects, but it is necessary when you are part of a team.
For example:
- You can download (or clone) a working copy of the entire project’s codebase source code on your local machine. Codebase refers to all the folders and files that make up the project.
- You can stay up to date by pulling all the recent changes that have taken place in the codebase.
- You can make changes safely, without affecting the original codebase, by creating what is known as a branch. Branches allow you to work on bugs or specific features.
- You can review the modifications you made and merge them with the content in the original codebase.
Now, you may have heard of the term GitHub and may be confused about the differences between Git and GitHub.
Git is a tool you install locally to manage your projects, whereas GitHub is an online hosting service. GitHub makes it easier to use Git and is a place for you and your team to upload code.
Here are some helpful resources for you to learn Git and GitHub:
- Git and GitHub Crash Course
- Git and GitHub Tutorial – Version Control for Beginners
- The beginner’s guide to Git & GitHub
- How to Use Git and GitHub in a Team like a Pro – Featuring Harry and Hermione 🧙
Now that you are familiar with the command line, Git, and GitHub, you can deploy a static HTML and CSS webpage and publish it to the Internet. You can do this using either GitHub pages or Netlify .
Learn a Programming Language
Programming languages act as the translator between humans and machines.
Programming languages are similar to human languages. They have syntactical elements like nouns, verbs, and phrases. And you group these elements to form something that resembles a sentence to create meaning.
Some of these languages resemble and look a lot like English. But they offer a shorter, more precise, and less verbose way to create instructions that the computer can understand.
A spoken/natural language like English, on the other hand, leaves a lot of room for ambiguity and different interpretations from different people. With programming languages, you don't have that ambiguity.
How to Make Web Pages Dynamic with JavaScript
You may have noticed that I used the word static to describe the type of webpages created when using just HTML and CSS.
To add dynamic behaviors and interactivity to the web pages, you need to use JavaScript alongside HTML and CSS.
JavaScript is a scripting language designed to run in the browser. It adds interactive features to otherwise static web pages.
Some interactive features JavaScript adds are:
- A map with a user’s current location
- A message shown to a user once they land on the page
- A change on the page based on user input
- An animation when a user clicks a button
- A smooth scroll effect when there is a button to scroll back up to the top of the page.
To start learning JavaScript, begin studying the basic syntax, or what is known as Vanilla JavaScript.
There are a lot of concepts to learn, and this is not a complete list, but some of the topics to pay attention to are:
- Variables and Scope
- Conditional statements
- DOM Manipulation
- Event Handling
- Array Methods
To start learning JavaScript, you can go through freeCodeCamp’s JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures certification .
You will start with the fundamentals and progress to more advanced topics such as Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures.
In the end, you will build five certification projects, some of which include a telephone number validator and a Roman numeral converter.
Another fun way to sharpen your JavaScript skills is by building games.
Check out the following videos from freeCodeCamp’s YouTube channel to get started:
- Learn JavaScript by Building 7 Games - Full Course
- Easy JavaScript Game Development with Kaboom.js (Mario, Zelda, and Space Invaders) - Full Course
- JavaScript Tutorial: Build Flappy Bird and Doodle Jump
JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
Before moving on to different technologies, you need to be comfortable with the basic JavaScript concepts. Take time to practice and build some projects using the language.
Then, you can learn one of the JavaScript libraries or frameworks.
JavaScript libraries and frameworks provide pre-written code that implements specific functionalities. They help you develop web applications much easier and faster and with more consistency across the different parts by creating what are known as UI components.
The most popular and commonly used JavaScript library to learn is ReactJS.
To learn React, here are some helpful resources to help you get started:
- Learn React JS in This Free 7-Hour Course
- Free React Course for 2022
- Learn ReactJS – Complete Roadmap
- If you are a Spanish speaker, or have a friend/ family member that is a Spanish speaker and wants to learn React JS, check out this 8-hour free course on React in Spanish.
Server-side Scripting Languages
As a full-stack web developer, you will need to know both front-end technologies and back-end tools. You will also need to be able to work with server-side scripting programming languages.
There are many to choose from, such as PHP, Ruby, and Java, to name a few.
And just a note about JavaScript – it's used widely in front-end development, but in recent years many developers have started using it for back-end development too.
This is all thanks to NodeJS (a JavaScript runtime environment) which makes that possible by providing back-end functionality.
Pairing NodeJS with the ExpressJS server-side web framework, you are now able to create full-stack web applications.
To learn Node JS and Express JS, check out the following resources:
- Build Four Node.js and Express.js Projects
- Learn Node.js and Express with This Free 8-hour Back End Development Course
Knowledge of SQL and Relational Databases
As a full-stack developer, you will need to know how to interact with databases.
Databases fall into two categories, relational and non-relational.
Relational databases (also referred to as SQL databases) store data in a structured, organized, tabular format.
There are clearly defined relationships between the data points, which makes searching for data easy.
Some relational databases include:
- Microsoft SQL Server
The way to communicate with relational databases and manipulate stored data is to query them using a query language such as SQL (short for Structured Query Language).
It helps to have an understanding of how relational databases and SQL work. A great place to start your learning is with freeCodeCamp's Relational Database Course .
You will learn relational databases through interactive tutorials and projects using SQL and PostgreSQL.
Non-relational databases (also referred to as NoSQL databases) don’t store data in tables.
They instead store data in a less structured manner, and items are not related to one another, which allows for more flexibility.
The most popular non-relational database is MongoDB.
MongoDB, along with some of the technologies mentioned in previous sections, is part of the MERN stack. The MERN stack is a set of tools used for developing full-stack web applications.
So putting it all together, this is what MERN stands for:
- M ongoDB is the non-relational database for storing data.
- E xpressJS is a server-side web framework layered on top of Node JS.
- R eactJS is a JavaScript client-side web library for building user interfaces
- N odeJS is the JavaScript runtime environment for running JavaScript on a server and not just the browser.
To learn more about MongoDB, here are some resources to get you started:
- Back End Development and APIs Certification
- MongoDB Full Course w/ Node.js, Express, & Mongoose
- Learn the MERN stack by building an exercise tracker app (MERN Tutorial)
Hopefully, you found this article helpful, and you now have a better understanding of what full-stack web development entails.
In this article, we went over the definition of full-stack development, and you saw a suggested learning path to get you started with full-stack development.
Thank you for reading!
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What is a Full-Stack Developer Exactly? A Complete Guide
It’s one of the most popular coding jobs , but what is a full-stack developer, what do they do, and why are they so in-demand?
Let’s clear it all up for you.
Maybe you’re someone interested in making a career change and have repeatedly seen the words “full-stack web developer” on every technical educational website and job application.
Considering that the majority (33%) of professional coders surveyed in the 2023 Stack Overflow survey are full-stack developers, what this position involves can still be a bit…blurry.
We’ll explore what a full-stack dev is, their tasks, and why you’ll want to become one yourself.
If you’d like to start becoming one, then a free coding short course is the simplest way to begin. Start coding and building things as soon as possible, and CareerFoundry’s course will put you in a great position to do that.
So, let’s take a look at what we’re going to cover:
- What is frontend web development?
- What is backend web development?
- What is a full-stack developer?
- What does a full-stack developer do?
- Why become a full-stack web developer?
- How to become a full-stack web developer
There are two general fields that make up a full-stack developer’s skillset: frontend development and backend development . Let’s explore those first!
1. What is frontend web development?
This skillset involves the actual presentation of your website—how the information in your website is laid out in browsers and on mobile devices as well.
Everything that you actually see on a website—the layout, the positioning of text and images, colors, fonts, buttons, and so on—are all factors that the frontend developer must consider.
A dedicated frontend developer will be very experienced working with languages like:
With these languages, the developer can very efficiently manipulate the information on a website to make it appealing and effective.
The main goal of a frontend developer is to provide the platform for visitors to interact with , a platform which provides and receives information. This means some frontend developer skills include being well-versed in web and UX design and using tools such as Photoshop and Figma to create graphics and themed layouts.
Now that we know what the frontend is, let’s look at what coding “under the hood” is like.
2. What is backend web development?
Creation, edit/update, and collection of data are some of the processes that are most often associated with backend development.
Some examples of common backend scripting languages include:
- JavaScript (with the help of Node.JS )
With these languages, a backend developer can create algorithms and business logic to manipulate the data that was received in frontend development.
This means that a backend developer must be able to write code to receive the information input from the user and also save it somewhere–like in a database.
There are two main types of databases: relational (like PostgreSQL and MySQL) and non-relational management systems (like Mongo). The language used for database management is SQL , which helps the developer interact with the database. You can get started with it in our beginner’s guide to SQL .
The concepts might sound foreign, but just understand that there are different database management systems based on convenience and use.
Another component of backend development is server management , which are applications that host the database and serve up the website. An alternative to knowing how to manage servers is to use cloud-based platforms that provide the infrastructure, like Heroku or Amazon Web Services .
Understanding server management allows a developer to troubleshoot slow applications and even determine how scalable their websites are to include more users.
3. What is a full-stack developer?
Full-stack developers are experts in both the frontend and backend; so, the full-stack of technology that makes up a website.
They are proficient in both frontend and backend languages and frameworks, as well as in server, network and hosting environments.
To get to this breadth and depth of knowledge, most full-stack developers will have spent many years working in a variety of different roles. They also tend to be well-versed in both business logic and user experience, meaning they are not only well-equipped to get hands on, but can also guide and consult on strategy too.
If you’d like to look more closely at the range of skills required to make it, check out our guide to full-stack developer skills .
A note on frameworks
Rather than having to develop complex proprietary code every time for creating different websites, frameworks have become popular resources to make many processes more efficient and convenient.
Libraries like jQuery are extremely popular for frontend developers using JavaScript, as they can implement various functions that other developers have already cultivated and tested.
JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and EmberJS solve many of the challenges faced by frontend developers by developing conventions that can easily be implemented with any website.
On the backend, there are frameworks like Rails for the programming language of Ruby, Django and Flask for Python, and CakePHP for working with PHP.
The main purpose of frameworks is to make a developer’s job easier by developing a set of conventions that can be adopted for many of the different processes involved in creating a website—from how information is displayed to how it is stored and accessed in the database. If you want to look at them in more depth, we’ve created a beginner’s guide to web frameworks .
Now that you’ve learned what they actually are, another way to understand this job is by looking at what they do in their day-to-day.
4. What does a full-stack developer do?
They say you are what you do, so what does that mean when it comes to a full-stack developer?
Well, the answer there depends on several factors, mainly the type of company and industry they are working in.
It makes sense that a full-stack programmer working as a freelance developer will much more likely be working on every aspect of a project than one working as part of a team for a large multinational firm.
However, a general run-through of some full-stack developer responsibilities you might expect would be:
- Designing user interactions with frontend code
- Ensuring webpages are mobile-optimized
- Creating and maintaining databases and servers
- Receiving design handoffs from UX and UI designers and coding them
- Testing and debugging on both the front- and backend
- Designing and developing functioning APIs
- Writing documentation
- Communicating with data scientists and analysts on the data architecture
- Staying up-to-date on new technologies which could improve technology and customer experience
5. Why become a full-stack web developer?
Given the choice to specialize in frontend or backend development, why would any developer choose to learn the full spectrum?
It goes back to the value of being a T-shaped person. You’re more valuable to a team when you are able to address and discuss both aspects of the web development process and bridge the disconnect.
In other words, one developer who can readily assess and communicate how a website should look, feel, and manipulate data while understanding the technical limitations of such implementations will be a respected and valuable member of any team or company.
Are full-stack developers in demand?
In a word, yes. A quick search shows that there are currently over 8,000 open full-stack developer positions in the US right now, according to job site Indeed .
Drilling down a little to “full-stack web developer” shows up over 5,000 openings , and that’s not even counting similar titles such “full-stack engineer”.
Needless to say this shows that is incredibly encouraging if you are looking for a career path that is flexible and generally recession-proof. But can you earn a good living from it?
How much does a full-stack developer earn?
Here’s another reason why you’d want to become a full-stack coder—it pays. According to Glassdoor , the average total salary for a full-stack web developer in the US is $109,393 . That’s double the national salary average !
It’s unsurprising that considering the broad range of skills from across the tech spectrum that they are expected to have, this position is a well-remunerated one.
You can dive deeper into the data and see how much you could earn in your region in our complete full-stack developer salary guide .
6. How to become a full-stack web developer
Now that you know what is a full-stack developer, it’s time to look at how to get there.
Build experience with languages
First of all, you’ll need to gather a good deal of industry experience. You’ll need to learn both frontend and backend languages, as well as the ins and outs of databases and storage.
Hone your soft skills
It’s also worth remembering not to neglect your soft skills either—you’ll probably have some of these already! Full-stack developer soft skills include:
- Collaboration: Being able to work with others is vital, for example designers or
- Problem-solving: A key trait for any type of successful coder
- Communication: Whether you work in a team or freelance with clients, this is essential
Get an education
If you’re starting from scratch, then online tutorials are an excellent way of working out if the field is for you.
The next step is to take a full-stack development certification course . This is key to not only learning those T-shaped skills we mentioned earlier, but also having a recognizable acknowledgement of that for potential employers.
Build a portfolio
As well as your certification, your full-stack developer portfolio will also do the talking for you. Just look at CareerFoundry graduate and full-stack developer Felix Pujols—for his professional portfolio, he built a healthcare app, ARS Reclama , from scratch .
In fact, you can’t just study to become a full-stack developer; it’s all about constantly learning and getting as much experience as you can in both frontend and backend development.
Final thoughts
There are many resources available to learn about full-stack web development. Google the phrase “become a full-stack developer” and you will get pages and pages of different venues and methods to learn.
But you’re probably at the start of the journey and don’t feel like you have the knowledge to differentiate between the step-by-step guides, YouTube videos, bootcamps, and online courses.
A good first tip is to review the resources based on the topics mentioned in this article. Ask yourself questions like:
- How much frontend development is involved?
- What will I learn for backend development?
- What programming languages and frameworks are being taught?
A full-stack developer has all the keys to the house –there’s no door that you cannot open.
It provides an unparalleled freedom to simultaneously work on the front- and backend, and evaluate the capabilities and potential of your website or app in real-time, without having to wait for another developer to review if what you’re desiring is possible or not.
In short, you become a master of the internet.
Interested in becoming a full-stack web developer? Or perhaps you’d like to specialize in frontend or backend development? I recommend you start with CareerFoundry’s free set of coding tutorials and read the following articles to help you get started.
- How To Get Your First Job As A Web Developer
- What’s the Best Coding Language to Learn?
- What’s The Difference Between Backend And Frontend Development?
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Sizing Charts
Size | XS | S | S | M | M | L |
EU | 32 | 34 | 36 | 38 | 40 | 42 |
UK | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 |
US | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 |
Bust | 79.5cm / 31" | 82cm / 32" | 84.5cm / 33" | 89.5cm / 35" | 94.5cm / 37" | 99.5cm / 39" |
Waist | 61.5cm / 24" | 64cm / 25" | 66.5cm / 26" | 71.5cm / 28" | 76.5cm / 30" | 81.5cm / 32" |
Hip | 86.5cm / 34" | 89cm / 35" | 91.5cm / 36" | 96.5cm / 38" | 101.5cm / 40" | 106.5cm / 42" |
Size | XS | S | M | L | XL | XXL |
UK/US | 34 | 36 | 38 | 40 | 42 | 44 |
Neck | 37cm / 14.5" | 38cm /15" | 39.5cm / 15.5" | 41cm / 16" | 42cm / 16.5" | 43cm / 17" |
Chest | 86.5cm / 34" | 91.5cm / 36" | 96.5cm / 38" | 101.5cm / 40" | 106.5cm / 42" | 111.5cm / 44" |
Waist | 71.5cm / 28" | 76.5cm / 30" | 81.5cm / 32" | 86.5cm / 34" | 91.5cm / 36" | 96.5cm / 38" |
Seat | 90cm / 35.4" | 95cm / 37.4" | 100cm / 39.4" | 105cm / 41.3" | 110cm / 43.3" | 115cm / 45.3" |
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Full Stack Development PowerPoint and Google Slides Template
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Our Full Stack Development PowerPoint template is the best pick to describe all the technologies and frameworks involved in the front-end and back-end website development. Developers and engineers can use this fully editable deck to explain how a full-stack developer can simultaneously work on the front and back end portions of the application or site and produce end-to-end solutions. You can also use it to highlight the skills required to become a full-stack developer.
Embellish your presentation with high-quality graphics and enriching visuals with our PPT, which is bound to highlight your information and make it stand out. This pristine and minimalist template is going to help you achieve a great visual impact. So, download it right away!
What is Included in the Deck?
- A beautifully-designed flower-shaped diagram illustrates different frameworks for front and back end development.
- A gorgeous pattern with differently colored ellipticals depicts the responsibilities of a full-stack developer.
- A comprehensively designed infographic with relevant vector icons provides a detailed description of three types of developers.
- The responsibilities, background, skills, and salary of a full-stack developer have been given in an easy-to-understand manner.
- Three distinctly shaded circles with appealing icons present the full stack development services.
- The tasks of full-stack developers have been explained in a comprehensible manner.
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Download this Full Stack Development PPT and craft visually impactful presentations without investing much effort and time!
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Full Stack Development Explained
Software development is a fast-paced, exciting field that reflects the centrality of software in today's world. From smartphones to organizational productivity to AI applications, the famous 2011 claim made by venture capitalist Marc Andreessen still rings true: “Software is eating the world.”
As a result, the term "full stack" has gained significant traction in technology circles in recent years. But what exactly is full stack development and what does it mean to be a full stack developer?
What is full stack development?
Full stack development encompasses the complete process of application software development, including both the front-end and back-end development. The front end consists of the user interface (or UI), and the back end handles the business logic and application workflows that run behind the scenes.
Full stack developers possess the skills and knowledge to work across the entire technology stack, enabling seamless user experiences and developing robust backends.
The front end: Crafting engaging user interfaces
The front end is the face of a web application, the part that users interact with directly. Full stack web developers possess a deep understanding of front-end technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They leverage these foundational languages to structure, style, and enhance the visual appeal of web pages.
Full stack developers also stay current with the ever-evolving front-end landscape, constantly exploring and mastering the latest technologies and frameworks. Whether it's harnessing the power of React to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces, leveraging Angular's robust features for complex web applications, or embracing the simplicity and flexibility of Vue.js, full stack web developers are well-versed in a wide range of tools.
Full stack developers understand the importance of creating responsive designs that seamlessly adapt to various devices and screen sizes. They employ CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation to streamline the development process and ensure a consistent and visually appealing user interface across different platforms.
With their expertise in front-end optimization techniques, full stack web developers strive to deliver fast-loading and high-performing web experiences.
But front-end development isn't just about making things look pretty. Full stack developers also focus on usability and accessibility, ensuring the UI is intuitive, easy to navigate, and inclusive to all users, including those with disabilities.
Moreover, most full stack developers are proficient in integrating the front end with back-end APIs and services. They utilize modern JavaScript features that are built into modern browsers to seamlessly communicate with server-side components, retrieve and manipulate data, and update the user interface in real time. Additionally, they leverage popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js to build dynamic, interactive user interfaces. This enables them to create data-driven web applications that provide a smooth and interactive user experience.
The back end: Powering the application's core
Behind the scenes, the back end is where the magic happens.
Full stack developers are proficient in server-side languages such as Python, Ruby, PHP, and JavaScript, allowing them to build robust and scalable back-end systems. Back-end developers play a crucial role in designing and implementing the application's core functionality, handling data management, and ensuring smooth integration with databases like MySQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL.
Additionally, they possess the skills to write clean, efficient, and maintainable code that powers the application's back-end logic. Whether it's Python's simplicity and versatility, Ruby's elegance and readability, PHP's widespread adoption, or Node.js's event-driven architecture, full stack developers are well-versed in multiple programming languages and can choose the best fit for the project at hand.
Back-end development — more than just writing code
Back-end development involves more than just writing code. Full stack developers have a keen understanding of server architecture and API development. They design and implement RESTful APIs that enable seamless communication between the front-end and back-end components of the application. By creating well-structured and documented APIs, they facilitate easy integration and ensure that the front-end developers can efficiently interact with the back-end services.
Efficient data management — a critical skill
Efficient data management is another critical aspect of back-end development. Full stack developers are skilled in working with databases, whether it's relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL or NoSQL databases like MongoDB. They design database schemas, optimize queries, and ensure data integrity and security. They also implement caching mechanisms and performance optimization techniques to enhance the speed and scalability of the back-end system.
As full stack developers are responsible for both the front-end and back-end components of an application, they ensure a seamless integration between the user interface and the underlying back-end logic. They define and clarify the data architecture and establish communication protocols across the front and back ends. It’s a holistic approach that allows them to quickly identify and troubleshoot any issues that arise during the development process.
Full stack developers: An increasingly important role
As the complexity of web applications grows, the role of back-end developers becomes increasingly important.
Full stack developers who excel across the stack are highly sought after by companies in many industries. They bring a comprehensive understanding of the entire web development stack, from the front end to the back end, and can drive the development of robust, scalable, and efficient applications.
Full stack development in an end-to-end workflow
To illustrate the power and versatility of full stack development, let's walk through a typical end-to-end workflow for building a web application.
Planning and design
The full stack web developer starts by gathering requirements and understanding the project scope. They collaborate with stakeholders to define the desired features and technical specifications.
Front end development
With the design in place, the full stack developer shifts their focus to the front end. They begin by setting up the project structure and choosing the appropriate technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular. They implement the user interface, ensuring responsiveness, accessibility, and adherence to design guidelines.
The developer creates reusable components, handles user interactions, and integrates with backend APIs to fetch and display data dynamically.
Back end development
As the front end takes shape, the full stack developer is simultaneously building and integrating the back end. They select a server-side language like Node.js, Python, or Ruby and set up the necessary development environment. They design the database schema, choosing a suitable database management system like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB.
The full stack web developer implements the server-side logic, creates RESTful APIs, and handles data retrieval, manipulation, and storage. They ensure the security and scalability of the back-end system, implementing authentication, authorization, and data validation mechanisms.
Testing and integration
Before launching into implementation and production, the full stack developer creates a comprehensive test plan. They define unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests that address the desired functionality and application edge cases. By writing tests ahead of time, they establish clear goals and requirements for the required features.
Once the front-end and back-end components are in place, the full stack developer focuses on integrating them seamlessly. They establish communication between the client side and server side, ensuring smooth data flow and error handling. And the developer conducts thorough testing across a range of relevant devices, browsers, and scenarios to identify and fix any bugs or performance issues.
By following best practices like writing tests at the beginning of the project, the full stack developer ensures the application is reliable, maintainable, and meets the required specifications.
Deployment and maintenance
Once the web application is fully developed and tested, the full stack developer prepares it for deployment. They configure the necessary server environments, set up continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, and ensure the application is optimized for production. They handle tasks such as database migrations, server provisioning, and scaling to accommodate user traffic.
After deployment, the developer monitors the application's performance, addresses any issues that arise, and provides ongoing maintenance and updates.
Throughout this end-to-end workflow, the full stack developer demonstrates their versatility and expertise in multiple technologies and domains. They seamlessly switch between front-end and back-end tasks, ensuring a cohesive and efficient development process. Their ability to handle the entire stack enables them to make informed decisions, optimize performance, and deliver a high-quality web application. What is a full stack developer and what do they do?
What languages do full stack developers use?
Full stack developers are free to use any set of languages that are compatible with each other and the overall application framework. JavaScript is a popular language often used by full stack developers as it's one of the very few languages that can be used both on the front end and back end. Companies will most likely hire a full stack developer for smaller or medium-size projects. Some popular languages are:
- Front end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
- Back end: Python, Java, R, Ruby, Node.js, PHP.
A popular and convenient practice is to use technology stacks like MEAN stack , MERN stack , Ruby on Rails, and LAMP for faster, more efficient development. These full-stack technologies also offer an easier learning curve.
The benefits of full stack developers
There are many advantages to hiring full stack developers for web application development, including:
- Complete ownership and project understanding.
- Time and cost savings/enhanced productivity.
- Faster bug fixing and troubleshooting.
- Seamless knowledge transfer and collaboration.
- Optimal division of work and resource allocation.
Complete ownership and project understanding
Full stack developers have a comprehensive understanding of the entire web application, from the front end to the back end. This holistic knowledge allows them to take complete ownership of the project, making informed decisions and ensuring a cohesive development process. They can anticipate potential challenges, optimize performance, and create seamless integrations between different components of the application.
Time and cost savings/enhanced productivity
Hiring full stack developers can significantly reduce project time and costs while boosting productivity. Instead of engaging separate teams for front-end and back-end development, a full stack developer can handle both aspects simultaneously. This eliminates the need for extensive communication and coordination between different teams, streamlining the development process.
Full stack developers can work efficiently, leveraging their broad skill set to tackle multiple tasks concurrently.
Faster bug fixing and troubleshooting
When issues or bugs arise in a web application, a full stack developer can be invaluable. Their knowledge of the complete system allows them to quickly identify the root cause of the problem, whether it lies in the front end, back end, or the integration between the two. They can efficiently navigate through the codebase, pinpoint the issue, and implement a fix promptly.
Optimal division of work and resource allocation
With full stack developers on the team, project managers can achieve a better division of work and optimal resource allocation. Full stack developers can flexibly switch between front-end and back-end tasks based on project requirements and priorities, which allows for efficient resource utilization, prevents bottlenecks, and ensures a balanced workload distribution. Project managers can assign tasks strategically, leveraging the full stack developers' versatility to address critical areas of the project and maintain a steady pace of development.
Full stack developers are invaluable in today's software-powered world
The advantages a full stack developer offers extend beyond technical expertise. They bring a holistic perspective, efficient problem-solving skills, and the ability to drive the project from start to finish. The versatility and comprehensive knowledge of full stack developers make them valuable assets in today's rapidly evolving web development landscape.
Full stack developers often use MongoDB as their core database because it’s used by the two most popular technology stacks — i.e., the MEAN stack and MERN stack. Developers benefit from the advantages of MongoDB, which include a flexible schema, scalability, and high availability for any project size.
What is meant by full stack development?
Full stack development refers to the end-to-end development of web applications, encompassing both the front end (user interface) and the back end (server-side logic and database integration).
Is full stack development a skill?
Yes, full stack development is a skill that involves proficiency in a wide range of technologies and the ability to work on both the front end and back end of web applications.
Is a software engineer the same as a full stack developer?
While there is overlap between the roles, a software engineer typically focuses on the overall design and architecture of software systems, while a full stack developer specializes in developing complete web applications from front to back.
What is Python full stack?
What is javascript full stack, which language is best for a full stack developer.
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Full Stack Web Development Course
Jan 20, 2022
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In this PPT you have to see complete full stack web development course details... For more information please download this ppt
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SelfIntroduction FullStack WebDevelopment Course
Gain full knowledge in frontend development, backend development, workingwithdatabase,versioncontrol,debuggingerrorsandvariousother webtechnologies. OnlinecoursewithPDFs,on-demandvideosandothermaterialswithlifetime access. Certificatetobereceivedoncompletionofthecourse,aftercompleting& submittingallprojectsandassignments. Approximately3-4monthslongcourse,thedurationvariesaccordingtothe speedofthestudent. About theCourse Acompletecourseforlearningallthelatestwebdevelopmenttechnologies requiredforcreatingwebsites,applicationsandsoftware.
Who is thisCourse for? This course can be taken by both freshers as well as those who have some knowledge in programming.Itismeantforstudentsaswellas programmers who wish to become full stack webdeveloperstobeabletodesignwebsites, mobile apps, web apps and desktop software solutionscompletely.
What DoYou Require? Beginnersarewelcometotakethiscourse.However,itmightbebetterifyou haveanypre-requisiteknowledgeinthebasictheoriesofwebtechnology. Yourkeyrequirementsincludeinterestanddedicationinlearningand becomingafullstackwebdeveloper.
WhyTake Up This Course? Learn multiple programminglanguages Developfrontendandbackendforapps,websitesandsoftware Canbetakenupbybeginners Flexible learninghours Lifetimeaccesstolearningmaterials Practicallearning–Workonreal-worldprojects Experiencedfaculty–Receivetechnicaland24/7supportfrom instructors Quality placements Recognizedcertifications
Syllabus FrontendProgramming Introduction toHTML ProgrammingwithHTML5Elements Twitter BootstrapProgramming CSSPreprocessors Less andSass Introduction to JavaScript Programming with jQuery IntroductiontoNode.jsandNPM
BackendProgramming Node.jsModulesforBackendDevelopment PHP Ruby onRails API Development &Documentation Building RESTfulAPIs CRUDoperations
AppDevelopment Meteor.js Angular2 Working withReact Library Bootstrap4
Database Introduction toMySQL UsingPostgreSQLforDatabaseDesigning NoSQL Database Design with MongoDB CouchDB PythonProgramming
Cache Database withRedis Memcached for Caching IntroductiontoMarkdown– AMarkupLanguageforFormatting ApacheLucene ApacheSolr CSS Preprocessor:SASS WebTechnologies
Controlling andDebugging GIT Grunt TaskRunner Gulp TaskRunner Various Chrome DeveloperTools DebuggingPHPErrorsusingXdebugandFiredebug PHPConfiguration
BuildingyourownHTMLTemplate CreatinganAppUsingHTML5 MakingaDropdownMenuUsingCSS3 Creating a Custom Bootstrap Theme Building AJAX GitHub Profile Finder Creating an Image Slider Using jQuery Designing anSQL Database CreatingaDatabaseUsingFauxton Using PHP for PageCaching UsingPHP andMySQLtoBuildanApp Projects
Email [email protected] Website webnware.com ContactInformation
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Full Stack Web Development Training
This is a procedure for making Front-end and Back-end segments of an application, and incorporates the creation and social event an application through their understanding into web improvement. By and by you may be thinking about what definitely you require to transform into a Full Stack Web Developer, this current request's answer lies in the data on what correctly front end and back end segments are.
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As time passes by, organizations are getting more digitalized and are continually scanning for proficient web designers who have been prepared in different controls identifying with web improvement so they can play out a wide scope of capacities in the work environment. As it is hard to play out all undertakings expected of you with just a solitary specialization in the field of web improvement, it is more valuable to have different abilities instead of a particular ability as individuals are required to satisfy various jobs. This may achieve the inquiry to what exactly precisely is preparing to be a Full Stack Developer.
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Full stack web development
Full Stack Web Development Courses allow you to grow your insight and aptitudes via preparing you to have both Front-end and Back end components as an aspect of your toolbox, thus making you a substantially more important representative as far as application advancement and creation. There are a few instruments needed to take up this course and most courses offering Full Stack Web Development anticipate that the competitors should have solid establishments in PC programming and coding dialects, the words 'full stack' is plain as day as in the up-and-comers are required to execute capacities that aren't limited to a solitary job, and they are the full bundle. It urges the engineer to investigate and encounter both the customer based side just as the worker side and become experts at web advancement and creation.
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Full Stack Developer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Full Stack Developer
Sv digital india, pune teaches the entire syllabus of the entire stack web development certification course. includes full web development and mains stack advance advance. this helps web developers to become a stack developer course in pune. – powerpoint ppt presentation.
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The Ultimate Checklist for Releasing Your Full-Stack Web Application
Minimize risks and launch your web app successfully with this checklist, covering essential steps like code quality, testing, deployment, and more.
If you work on a site and do not review it properly and carefully, something wrong can happen in future, money, customers and even reputation of the site can be lost.
A research done by the National Institute of Standards and Technology-NIST reveals that unduly insufficient testing of software leads to nearly 70% software failures. These failures may lead to simple inconsistencies to total system breakdowns, thus affecting business processes and user interaction tremendously.
To minimize these risks, there must be a scanning and testing document for all aspects of a full-stack web application before release. By following this guide, development teams can minimize the risks that come with post-release problems and have a seamless release.
Let us go through the most important stages of preparing your application for the launch success.
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Section 1: Development and Code Quality
Code quality is often considered to be the basis of having a durable and easily maintainable software application. It has immediate implications on development efficiency, product quality, and sustainability. This section delves into critical practices that contribute to exceptional code quality: includes peer code reviews, unit/integration tests, code coverage information, code quality checks, dependencies, and source control.
Code Reviews and Peer Feedback
The code review is a process wherein two or more developers go through the code, analyze it for errors, and assess the design and coding standards. Peer feedback is an integral component, fostering knowledge sharing and skill development.
- Early defect detection: Identifying issues before they reach production.
- Knowledge sharing: Promoting knowledge transfer within the team.
- Code improvement: Enhancing code readability, maintainability, and efficiency.
- Adherence to standards: Ensuring consistency and compliance with coding guidelines.
Best Practices:
- Establish clear code review guidelines.
- Encourage constructive feedback.
- Use code review tools for efficient management.
- Prioritize code reviews for critical code paths.
- Code review techniques: Pair programming, over-the-shoulder reviews, asynchronous reviews.
- Code review metrics: Measuring code review effectiveness (defect detection rate, review time).
- Code review tools: Comparing popular code review platforms (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket).
Unit and Integration Testing
In unit testing, the testing of each component that is developed in the program is carried out separately while in integration testing the testing of these components as they are integrated.
- Increased code reliability: Ensuring code correctness at the unit level.
- Faster development cycles: Enabling quicker regression testing.
- Improved code maintainability: Facilitating refactoring with confidence.
- Better code design: Encouraging modular and testable code.
- Write unit tests for all critical code paths.
- Aim for high test coverage.
- Use mocking and stubbing effectively.
- Prioritize unit tests for complex or critical components.
- Test-driven development (TDD): Writing tests before code implementation.
- Unit testing frameworks: Comparing popular unit testing frameworks (JUnit, NUnit, Jest).
- Test code coverage analysis: Measuring the effectiveness of unit tests.
Code Coverage Analysis
Code coverage analysis is defined as the measure of the amount of code that is exercised by the test cases. In other words, it enables one to understand which parts of the codebase are less tested.
- Identifying untested code: Revealing potential vulnerabilities.
- Improving test effectiveness: Focusing on areas with low coverage.
- Assessing code quality: Correlating code coverage with code reliability.
- Set code coverage targets based on project risk.
- Prioritize coverage for critical code paths.
- Use code coverage tools to measure and track coverage.
- Code coverage metrics: Line coverage, branch coverage, function coverage.
- Code coverage tools: Comparing code coverage tools (Jacoco, Istanbul, Coveralls).
- Code coverage trade-offs: Balancing code coverage with test maintenance costs.
Linting and Formatting
Code formatting and indentations facilitates in making code more readable and easier for other members of the team to manage.
- Improves code readability: Promoting consistent code formatting.
- Reduces errors: Catching potential syntax errors and style violations.
- Improves collaboration: Facilitating code sharing and understanding.
- Define clear coding standards.
- Use linting tools to enforce style rules.
- Configure linters to match team preferences.
- Automate linting as part of the build process.
- Popular linting tools: ESLint, Pylint, TSLint.
- Code formatters: Prettier, Black.
- Integrating linting and formatting into CI/CD pipelines.
Dependency Management and Security
Dependencies must be managed well because failure to do that leads to conflicts, security breaches and poor performances.
- Resolves dependency conflicts: Ensuring compatibility between libraries.
- Improves build reproducibility: Guaranteting consistent build results.
- Enhances security: Identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities.
- Use dependency management tools (npm, pip, Maven).
- Regularly update dependencies.
- Conduct security audits.
- Prioritize open-source software security.
- Dependency vulnerability scanning: Tools and techniques for identifying vulnerabilities.
- Dependency lock files: Ensuring consistent dependency versions.
- Dependency management strategies: Centralized vs. decentralized approaches.
Version Control Best Practices
Version control is necessary to control the changes of codes, to work collectively, and to deal with several versions of the codes.
- Enables collaboration: Multiple developers can work on the same codebase simultaneously.
- Facilitates code rollback: Reversing changes to previous versions.
- Supports branching and merging: Managing different code features and releases.
- Provides code history: Tracking code evolution over time.
- Use a robust version control system (Git, SVN).
- Commit code frequently with clear messages.
- Branch effectively for feature development.
- Merge code carefully to avoid conflicts.
- Utilize code review and pull requests.
- Git workflows: Centralized, distributed, and feature branching.
- Git branching strategies: Gitflow, GitLab Flow, GitHub Flow.
- Version control best practices: Commit message guidelines and branching conventions.
Following these practices keenly, development teams are not only able to come up with improved code quality, fewer defects but also a better software development process.
Explore the essential stages of a robust Software Development Life Cycle .
Section 2: Functionality Testing
Functionality testing is crucial in the SDLC process since it ensures that the application fulfils its intended purpose.
User Story Testing
User story testing is one of the black-box testing types that check whether the developed software corresponds with the information from the user stories. It is useful to know how exactly the application is seen by the final consumers, and whether they get the value which is expected.
Key focus: Verifying that the application fulfills the user's needs as described in user stories.
- Acceptance criteria-based testing
- Scenario-based testing
- Exploratory testing
- Ensuring comprehensive coverage of all user stories.
- Balancing depth and breadth of testing.
Best practices:
- Involve product owners and business analysts in test case creation.
- Prioritize user stories based on business value and risk.
- Use test management tools to track user story coverage
Smoke Testing
Smoke testing is a preliminary testing level, through which it is checked that the software application works properly. Its main purpose is to check whether the critically important elements of the system are in order or not.
Key focus: Verifying the buildability and stability of the application.
- High-level functional testing
- Sanity checks
- Determining the scope of smoke tests.
- Balancing speed and effectiveness.
- Automate smoke tests for faster execution.
- Include smoke tests in the CI/CD pipeline.
Functional Testing
Functional testing confirms satisfaction of a given software application with respect to the functions that are required of it. It ensures that when an input is entered to the application then the application provides the right output.
Key focus: Validating the application's behavior against functional requirements.
- Equivalence partitioning
- Boundary value analysis
- Decision table testing
- State transition testing
- Designing comprehensive test cases.
- Identifying all possible input combinations.
- Use test case management tools to organize test cases.
- Prioritize test cases based on risk.
- Automate repetitive test cases.
API Testing
API testing is all about ensuring the Operational efficiency, effectiveness of the APIs of the application. It makes sure that APIs achieve the right levels of performance and reliability.
Key focus: Verifying API responses, error handling, performance, and security.
- REST API testing
- SOAP API testing
- GraphQL API testing
- Handling complex API structures.
- Ensuring adequate test coverage.
- Use API testing tools for efficient test execution.
- Consider API security testing.
- Implement API versioning.
Performance Testing
Performance testing assesses the ability of the system to respond in terms of time, stability and how well it can handle loads of users at a go. It enables one to know areas of slowness and enhance the application.
Key focus: Measuring system performance under various conditions.
- Load testing
- Stress testing
- Endurance testing
- Volume testing
- Setting realistic performance goals.
- Identifying performance bottlenecks.
- Use performance monitoring tools to gather data.
- Analyze performance metrics to identify improvement areas.
- Conduct performance testing regular
Security Testing
Security testing is used to find out gaps in the application so that it cannot be attacked. It assists in protecting the continuity, security, and confidentiality of the system.
Key focus: Assessing the application's security posture.
- Vulnerability scanning
- Penetration testing
- Security audits
- Risk assessment
- Keeping up with evolving threats.
- Balancing security with usability.
- Conduct regular security assessments.
- Implement security best practices throughout the development lifecycle.
- Stay informed about the latest security threats.
Accessibility Testing
Accessibility testing is a process to ensure that applications can be used by the disabled persons. Admission and non-discrimination policy is present, it also follows accessibility standards.
Key focus: Evaluating the application's usability for people with disabilities.
- Manual testing
- Automated testing tools
- User evaluation
- Covering all accessibility standards.
- Ensuring compatibility with assistive technologies.
- Follow accessibility guidelines (WCAG, ADA).
- Involve users with disabilities in testing.
- Use accessibility testing tools.
Browser Compatibility Testing
Browser compatibility is a process that ensures that the interaction with the application goes smoothly across different browsers and their versions. It helps to achieve a high degree of identity in them throughout the client’s campaigns and prevent the untidy appearance of various identities across the marketing channels.
Key focus: Checking application behavior in different browsers.
- Browser compatibility matrix
- Keeping up with browser updates.
- Addressing browser-specific issues.
- Prioritize popular browsers.
- Use responsive design principles.
- Test on different browser versions.
Cross-Device Testing
Cross-device testing makes sure that the application will run properly on different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile). It keeps the IOS user's experience of the product constant irrespective of the device they use.
Key focus: Verifying application functionality on different devices.
- Emulator and simulator testing
- Real device testing
- Responsive design testing
- Different screen sizes and resolutions.
- Varying operating systems and browsers.
- Test on a wide range of devices.
- Prioritize popular devices and operating systems.
Through the integration of these testing techniques, it is possible to improve the overall quality, functionality, and performance of full stack web applications.
Section 3: Deployment and Infrastructure
There are various components of a software delivery environment, but each has to be properly structured to support the deployment process. It has separate phases so as to cover all the testing and validation processes before the application goes into the production phase.
- Development Environment: Where developers write and test code. It should be isolated from other environments to prevent conflicts.
- Testing Environment: Replicates the production environment as closely as possible for comprehensive testing.
- Staging Environment: A pre-production environment for final testing and user acceptance.
- Production Environment: The live environment where the application is accessible to end-users.
- Use configuration management tools to standardize environment setup.
- Employ infrastructure as code (IaC) to automate environment provisioning.
- Implement environment-specific configurations to avoid conflicts.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipeline
CI/CD is a process strategy in software development that relies on the use of tools that automatically build, test and release software. It allows software delivery to be more frequent and, at the same time, more trustworthy.
- Continuous Integration (CI): Software developers merge code modifications into a common repository regularly. Automated builds and tests ensure that the code is high quality.
- Continuous Deployment (CD): Pushes code to production instantly after testing is complete.
Key components:
- Version control system (Git, SVN)
- Build server (Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, CircleCI)
- Test automation framework
- Deployment tools (Ansible, Puppet, Chef)
- Configuration management tools
- Faster time-to-market
- Improved software quality
- Increased deployment frequency
- Reduced manual errors
Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
IaC sees infrastructure as an actual code that can be managed and provisioned through code. This approach leads to improvement of efficiency, accuracy and repeatability when various activities are performed.
Key benefits:
- Increased infrastructure reliability
- Faster provisioning and updates
- Improved collaboration
- Enhanced version control
Popular tools:
- CloudFormation
- Use modular and reusable code.
- Implement configuration management for consistency.
- Test infrastructure code thoroughly.
Load Testing
Load testing establishes or indicates how or to what extent a system responds under anticipated traffic situations. It assists to find out inefficiencies in application and to improve it.
Key metrics:
- Response time
- Apache JMeter
- Simulate realistic user behavior.
- Monitor system resources during testing.
Disaster Recovery Planning
DRP defines strategies and approaches of how the IT systems can be recovered and restored in case of a disaster. They make sure the operations of the business are not interrupted, and there is minimum time when they are not operational.
- Business impact analysis (BIA)
- Data backup and recovery strategies
- Disaster recovery site (hot, warm, cold)
- Incident response plan
- Testing and drills
- Regularly update the disaster recovery plan.
- Conduct disaster recovery drills.
- Test backup and restore processes.
Monitoring and Logging
The use of application and infrastructure monitoring tools is critical to detecting and rectifying problems immediately. Logging helps give great information concerning the status of the system.
- Application performance
- System resource utilization
- Error rates
- User behaviour
- Application performance monitoring (APM) tools (New Relic, AppDynamics)
- Infrastructure monitoring tools (Nagios, Zabbix)
- Logging platforms (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK stack))
- Define clear monitoring objectives.
- Set up alerts for critical issues.
- Analyze logs to identify trends and patterns.
In this way, applying the above-mentioned practices helps organizations to create a reliable, easily scalable, and highly available base for the deployment of full-stack web applications.
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Section 4: user experience (ux) and user interface (ui).
Any web application should have a good user interface because this has an impact on how many people will visit this application.
Usability Testing
Usability testing seeks to establish the level of facility or the degree of difficulty that the users experience when using a certain application.
Key focus: Determining the level of satisfaction, performance and usability of the users.
- User observation
- Task-based testing
- Heuristic evaluation
- A/B testing
- Recruiting representative users
- Designing effective test tasks
- Analyzing qualitative and quantitative data
- Create detailed test scripts.
- Observe users without interference.
- Conduct usability tests early and often.
User Feedback Analysis
Collecting and evaluating feedback is the crucial step for both identifying users’ requirements and understanding their expectations as well as difficulties. It allows us to see where improvements can be made, and what features should be added next.
Key focus: Identifying user needs, preferences, and pain points.
- User reviews and ratings
- Social media monitoring
- Collecting sufficient and representative feedback.
- Analyzing qualitative and quantitative data.
- Prioritizing feedback for implementation.
- Create multiple feedback channels.
- Use feedback analysis tools.
- Involve stakeholders in feedback review.
Design Consistency
Consistent design elements create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity. It enhances user experience by reducing cognitive load and improving usability.
Key focus: Maintaining visual and interaction consistency throughout the application.
- Color palette
- Iconography
- Layout and spacing
- Balancing consistency with innovation.
- Ensuring consistency across different platforms and devices.
- Develop a comprehensive design system.
- Use style guides and design libraries.
- Conduct design audits regularly.
Responsiveness and Adaptability
Responsive design ensures that the application adapts to different screen sizes and devices, providing an optimal user experience across platforms.
Key focus: Creating a seamless user experience on various devices.
- Fluid grids
- Flexible images
- Media queries
- Balancing design elements for different screen sizes.
- Ensuring optimal performance on various devices.
- Prioritize content over design.
- Use responsive design frameworks.
Performance Optimization
Performance optimization is crucial for delivering a fast and responsive user experience. It involves identifying and eliminating performance bottlenecks.
Key focus: Improving application load time, responsiveness, and scalability.
- Image optimization
- Code minification
- Content delivery networks (CDNs)
- Performance profiling
- Balancing performance with features.
- Measuring performance accurately.
- Set performance goals and KPIs.
- Conduct regular performance tests.
- Optimize for mobile devices.
By focusing on these areas, development teams can create web applications that are not only functional but also delightful to use.
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Section 5: Security and Data Protection
A robust security posture is essential for protecting user data and maintaining trust. This section outlines key security and data protection practices.
Vulnerability Assessment
A vulnerability assessment identifies potential weaknesses in the application, infrastructure, and network. It helps prioritize remediation efforts.
Key focus: Discovering vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
- Static code analysis
- Dynamic application security testing (DAST)
- Identifying all potential vulnerabilities.
- Prioritizing vulnerabilities for remediation.
- Conduct regular vulnerability assessments.
- Integrate vulnerability scanning into the CI/CD pipeline.
- Use vulnerability management tools.
Penetration Testing
Penetration testing simulates real-world attacks to identify and exploit vulnerabilities. It helps assess the overall security posture of the application.
Key focus: Identifying exploitable vulnerabilities.
- Black-box testing
- Grey-box testing
- White-box testing
- Balancing security with business impact.
- Ensuring ethical and legal compliance.
- Develop a penetration testing plan.
- Involve security experts.
- Prioritize critical vulnerabilities.
Data Encryption
Data encryption protects sensitive information by converting it into an unreadable format. It safeguards data both at rest and in transit.
Key focus: Protecting data confidentiality.
- Symmetric encryption
- Asymmetric encryption
- Selecting appropriate encryption algorithms.
- Managing encryption keys.
- Use strong encryption algorithms.
- Implement key management practices.
- Encrypt data at rest and in transit.
Secure Authentication and Authorization
Authentication verifies user identity, while authorization determines user access privileges. Strong authentication and authorization mechanisms protect against unauthorized access.
Key focus: Protecting user accounts and data access.
- Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
- Role-based access control (RBAC)
- Single sign-on (SSO)
- Balancing security with user convenience.
- Implementing effective password policies.
- Enforce strong password requirements.
- Implement MFA for critical systems.
- Regularly review and update access controls.
Data Privacy Compliance
Adhering to data privacy regulations is crucial for protecting user data and avoiding legal penalties.
Key focus: Complying with data protection laws (GDPR, CCPA, etc.).
- Data subject rights (access, rectification, erasure)
- Data breach notification
- Privacy by design and default
- Data minimization
- Understanding complex regulations.
- Implementing data protection measures.
- Staying updated with regulatory changes .
- Conduct data privacy impact assessments (DPIAs).
- Appoint a data protection officer (DPO).
- Train employees on data privacy.
By implementing these security measures, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and protect the privacy of their users.
Section 6: Legal and Compliance
Terms of service and privacy policy.
A well-crafted terms of service (TOS) and privacy policy outline the rights and responsibilities of both users and the organization. These documents should be clear, concise, and legally compliant.
Key elements:
- User rights and responsibilities
- Service description and limitations
- Intellectual property rights
- Payment terms and conditions
- Dispute resolution
- Privacy practices and data collection
- Cookie policy
- Review and update regularly.
- Use plain language.
- Obtain legal advice.
- Make them easily accessible to users.
Copyright and Intellectual Property
Protecting intellectual property (IP) is essential for maintaining a competitive advantage. Ensure that all original content is copyrighted and that appropriate measures are taken to prevent unauthorized use or infringement.
- Copyright registration
- Trademark protection
- Patent applications
- Licensing agreements
- Copyright notices and attribution
- Identify and document IP assets.
- Use copyright and trademark symbols.
- Take action against infringement.
- Consider licensing opportunities.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Adhering to legal and regulatory requirements is crucial for avoiding penalties and maintaining a positive reputation. Stay informed about relevant laws and regulations, such as:
- Data protection laws (GDPR, CCPA)
- Consumer protection laws
- Intellectual property laws
- Anti-discrimination laws
- Industry-specific regulations
Key considerations:
- Conduct regular compliance audits.
- Implement necessary controls and procedures.
- Train employees on compliance requirements.
- Seek legal advice when needed.
Data Retention and Deletion Policies
Establish clear data retention and deletion policies to manage data storage and disposal effectively. This helps ensure compliance with legal requirements, reduce storage costs, and minimize security risks.
Key factors:
- Data classification
- Retention periods
- Deletion procedures
- Data backup and recovery
- Regularly review and update policies.
- Implement data retention management tools.
- Securely destroy sensitive data.
- Comply with applicable data retention laws.
Section 7: Final Checks and Release Planning
Staging environment testing.
Before deploying to the production environment, conduct thorough testing in a staging environment that closely mimics the production environment. This helps identify and address any potential issues before they impact real users.
Key areas to focus on:
- Functional testing
- Performance testing
- Security testing
- Integration testing
- User acceptance testing (UAT)
- Use automation tools to streamline testing.
- Involve stakeholders in UAT.
- Monitor and address any performance bottlenecks.
Rollback Plan
Develop a comprehensive rollback plan to revert to a previous stable state in case of a critical issue or unexpected failure. This plan should include detailed instructions and procedures for reversing changes, restoring data, and minimizing downtime.
- Backup procedures
- Rollback scripts
- Communication plan
- Incident response procedures
- Test the rollback plan regularly.
- Maintain up-to-date backups.
- Communicate the rollback plan to relevant stakeholders.
Communication and Change Management
Effective communication and change management are essential for a successful release. Inform stakeholders about the release schedule, key changes, and potential impacts. Manage changes carefully to minimize disruptions and risks.
- Stakeholder communication
- Change management process
- Release communication plan
- Incident management procedures
- Use a change management tool.
- Provide clear and timely communication.
- Manage changes effectively to minimize risks.
Release Notes and Documentation
Create detailed release notes that document the changes, improvements, and bug fixes included in the release. This helps users understand the new features and address any questions or issues.
- Release summary
- New features
- Known issues
- Installation instructions
- Make release notes easily accessible to users.
- Use clear and concise language.
- Provide contact information for support.
Post-Release Monitoring and Feedback
Continuously monitor the application's performance, stability, and user experience after the release. Gather feedback from users to identify any issues or areas for improvement.
- Performance monitoring
- Error tracking
- User feedback
- Use analytics tools to track performance.
- Respond promptly to user feedback.
- Conduct regular post-release reviews.
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In a Nutshell
In order to successfully launch a full stack web application, it is crucial to go through a series of checklists before deploying the application. Such areas as the design’s robustness, functionality check, performance tuning, security features, and compliance to SEO requirements should not be left out on this checklist. These all contribute to the most important thing we aim at achieving; providing a reliable and robust application we need to see on the end-users’ screen, with a renewed sense of purpose to meet business objectives.
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Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for Full Stack Developers
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This is our One To Many Strategies For Full Stack Developer Infographic Template designed in PowerPoint, however, you can also access it in Google Slides. It comes in two aspect ratios standard and widescreen, with fully-editable visual content.
This slide represents the full stack development and how these developers are responsible for maintaining both sides of the website. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Full Stack Web Development Technique. This template helps you present information on three stages. You can also present information on Full Stack Web Development Technique using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.
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- Zig คืออะไร ? ภาษาโปรแกรมมิ่ง ภาษาใหม่ที่ ที่หวังมาแทนที่ภาษา C
- DevOps คืออะไร ? สำคัญอย่างไรกับการเปลี่ยนผ่านสู่ยุคดิจิทัล ?
- Library ในทางวิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์ คืออะไร ? รู้จักประเภท ข้อดี-ข้อเสีย ของการใช้มันกัน
- Agile Software Development คืออะไร ? สำคัญกับการพัฒนาซอฟต์แวร์อย่างไร ?
- IDE คืออะไร ? ตัวช่วยเขียนโปรแกรม มันต่างจาก Text Editor อย่างไร ?
โดยมันมักจะถูกพูดถึงอยู่บ่อยครั้งไม่ว่าจะเป็นในหมู่เพื่อนร่วมงานที่คุ้นเคยกับเทคโนโลยี หรือในฟอรัม (Forum) บนชุมชนออนไลน์ โดยเฉพาะเมื่อเราเริ่มสนใจอาชีพด้านการเขียนโค้ดก็จะยิ่งได้เห็นมากขึ้นไปอีก แล้ว Full Stack Developer มันคืออะไรกันแน่ ?
ถ้าให้พูดกันง่าย ๆ นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก พวกเขาก็เป็นเหมือน "มีดพกอเนกประสงค์" ในโลกของการพัฒนาโปรแกรม ซึ่งในบทความนี้จะพาทุกคนไปดูภาพรวมเกี่ยวกับนักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กว่าพวกเขาเป็นใคร ? นักพัฒนา Full Stack Developer มีที่มาอย่างไร ? พวกเขาทำอะไร ? ความต้องการในตลาดแรงงาน และแนวทางการเรียนรู้สำหรับการเป็นนักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก
ฟูลสแต็ก คืออะไร (what is full stack ), นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก คือใคร (who are full stack developer ), นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก มีที่มาอย่างไร (where did full stack developer come from ), หน้าที่รับผิดชอบของ นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก (full stack developer responsibilities), นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก กำลังเป็นที่ต้องการในตลาด หรือไม่ (is full stack developer in demand ), อยากเป็น นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก ต้องเรียนรู้อะไรบ้าง (what to learn to become a full stack developer ), บทสรุปสำหรับ นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก (full stack developer conclusion).
ก่อนที่เราจะไปทำความรู้จักกับนักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก เราต้องมาทำความเข้าใจกับสิ่งแรกที่เป็นจุดเริ่มต้นกันก่อนซึ่งนั่นก็คือ "เทคโนโลยีฟูลสแต็ก (Full Stack)" ซึ่งคำนี้เป็นคำที่ใช้เพื่ออธิบายการทำงานทั้งด้านหน้า และด้านหลังของระบบแอปพลิเคชันคอมพิวเตอร์ หรือเว็บไซต์ โดยจะแบ่งออกเป็นสองส่วนที่มีความสำคัญพอ ๆ กัน ได้แก่ Front End และ Back End โดยแต่ละส่วนจะมีความหมายดังนี้
Front End (ส่วนหน้าบ้าน หรือส่วนโต้ตอบกับผู้ใช้)
Front End หมายถึงส่วนที่ผู้ใช้งาน หรือผู้เข้าชมเว็บไซต์ สามารถมองเห็น และโต้ตอบได้ เช่น การออกแบบหน้าตาเว็บไซต์, ตำแหน่งปุ่ม, การจัดวางเนื้อหา หรือแอนิเมชันต่าง ๆ ทุกสิ่งที่ผู้ใช้สามารถสัมผัสได้ในแอปพลิเคชัน หรือบนเว็บนั้นถูกสร้าง และควบคุมโดยนักพัฒนาส่วนหน้า เครื่องมือที่ใช้ในการพัฒนา Front End ส่วนใหญ่จะประกอบด้วย ภาษา HTML , ภาษา CSS , และ ภาษา JavaScript (JS) รวมถึงเฟรมเวิร์ก หรือ ไลบรารี (Library) ที่พัฒนาต่อจากภาษาเหล่านี้ เพื่อช่วยให้การทำงานเร็วขึ้น เช่น React, Angular หรือ Vue.js นอกจากนี้ยังมีการใช้ระบบการจัดการเนื้อหาของเว็บไซต์ (Content Management System - CMS) เช่น WordPress ในการพัฒนาเว็บไซต์อย่างรวดเร็วโดยไม่ต้องเริ่มจากศูนย์นั่นเอง
Back End (ส่วนหลังบ้าน หรือ ส่วนเบื้องหลัง )
ในทางกลับกัน Back End คือส่วนที่อยู่เบื้องหลังระบบทั้งหมด จะเป็นโค้ด และโครงสร้างพื้นฐานที่ช่วยให้แอปพลิเคชันทำงานได้ราบรื่น ส่วนนี้ประกอบด้วย เซิร์ฟเวอร์ (Server) , ฐานข้อมูล (Database) และแอปพลิเคชันเซิร์ฟเวอร์ที่ใช้ในการจัดการข้อมูล ส่วนนี้ทำการคำนวณ และประมวลผลต่าง ๆ เพื่อที่จะส่งข้อมูลไปยัง Front End นักพัฒนาส่วนหลังนี้ มักจะใช้ภาษาโปรแกรมเช่น ภาษา Python , ภาษา Java , ภาษา Ruby หรือ ภาษา PHP ในการเขียนโค้ดที่สื่อสารกับฐานข้อมูล และระบบเซิร์ฟเวอร์ ส่วนฐานข้อมูลเองก็มักจะเป็น ระบบจัดการฐานข้อมูล (Database Management System - DBMS) เช่น MySQL, PostgreSQL หรือ MongoDB
ด้วยการแบ่งการทำงานของการพัฒนาแอปพลิเคชัน หรือเว็บไซต์แบบนี้ ก็จะทำให้องค์กร หรือผู้ให้บริการสามารถส่งมอบประสบการณ์ผู้ใช้ขั้นสูงได้
หลังจากที่เราได้รู้จักเทคโนโลยีฟูลสแต็กไปกันไปแล้ว ทีนี้เรามาเข้าประเด็นกันที่ นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก หรือ ฟูลสแต็กดีเวลลอปเปอร์ (Full Stack Developer) กันต่อเลยดีกว่า พวกเขาเป็นใคร ?
นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก เป็นผู้ที่มีทักษะทั้งสองด้านไม่ว่าจะ Front End หรือ Back End พวกเขาสามารถพัฒนาแอปพลิเคชันได้ครอบคลุมทุกส่วน ตั้งแต่การออกแบบหน้าจอที่ผู้ใช้ไปจนถึงการจัดการ และประมวลผลข้อมูลในเบื้องหลัง ซึ่งความสามารถที่ครอบคลุมนี้ทำให้พวกเขามีบทบาทสำคัญในอุตสาหกรรมเทคโนโลยีสมัยใหม่ เพราะเนื่องจากพวกเขาสามารถทำงานได้ครอบคลุม และเข้าใจทุกขั้นตอนตลอดกระบวนการพัฒนาแอปพลิเคชัน หรือเว็บไซต์
เพื่อให้เห็นภาพที่ชัดเจนขึ้น ให้ทุกคนลองนึกถึงร้านอาหาร โดย Front End เปรียบเสมือนห้องอาหารที่ตกแต่งอย่างดี ลูกค้าสามารถเห็น และสัมผัสได้ เช่น โต๊ะอาหาร, การจัดวางจาน และการบริการที่ดีเยี่ยม ส่วน Back End ก็เปรียบเหมือนครัว และห้องเก็บวัตถุดิบที่ถูกซ่อนอยู่จากสายตาลูกค้า นักพัฒนาส่วนหน้าทำหน้าที่เหมือนกับพนักงานที่บริการลูกค้าในห้องอาหาร คอยทำให้การใช้งานแอปพลิเคชันลื่นไหลและดูดี ขณะที่นักพัฒนาส่วนหลังทำหน้าที่เหมือนเชฟที่ทำงานในครัว คอยนำวัตถุดิบจากห้องเก็บ (ฐานข้อมูล) มาปรุงในครัว (เซิร์ฟเวอร์) ให้ได้อาหารที่สมบูรณ์ (ข้อมูล) เสิร์ฟให้กับลูกค้า
โดยนักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กไม่เพียงแค่ทำงานในส่วนหน้า และส่วนหลังเท่านั้น แต่พวกเขายังมีความสามารถในการทำงานร่วมกันระหว่างทั้งสองส่วนได้อย่างราบรื่น พวกเขาจำเป็นต้องเข้าใจโครงสร้างการทำงานของทั้งสองด้านเพื่อให้แอปพลิเคชันทำงานได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กจึงถือเป็นบุคคลที่มีความสามารถหลากหลาย และเป็นที่ต้องการในวงการพัฒนาโปรแกรม
โดยจริง ๆ แล้ว คำว่า “ฟูลสแต็กดีเวลลอปเปอร์” เกิดขึ้นในช่วงยุคแรก ๆ ของเว็บไซต์ ที่ในตอนนั้นยังมีความเรียบง่ายไม่ซับซ้อนมาก และเล็กพอที่คนเพียงคนเดียวจะสามารถดูแลทุกส่วนของการสร้างเว็บไซต์ได้ คำว่า "ฟูลสแต็ก" จึงหมายถึงการครอบคลุมทุกชั้นหรือ "สแต็ก" (Stack) ของเทคโนโลยี ตั้งแต่การออกแบบ ส่วนต่อประสานกับผู้ใช้ (User Interface - UI) ไปจนถึงการจัดการข้อมูลและระบบที่ซ่อนอยู่เบื้องหลังเว็บไซต์หรือแอปพลิเคชัน
แต่ในช่วงหลายทศวรรษที่ผ่านมานั้น โลกอินเทอร์เน็ตกว้างขวางมากขึ้น เว็บก็ซับซ้อนขึ้นมากเช่นกัน การมาของเทคโนโลยีใหม่ ๆ เช่น การเรียนรู้ของเครื่อง (Machine Learning) , การคำนวณแบบทำนายล่วงหน้า (Predictive Computing) และการออกแบบที่ตอบสนองได้ทุกอุปกรณ์ (Responsive Design) ทำให้การพัฒนาเว็บไซต์หรือแอปพลิเคชันนั้นยากขึ้นไปตาม ๆ กัน แต่มันก็ยังคงเป็นไปได้สำหรับนักพัฒนาเพียงคนเดียวที่จะทำทุกอย่างได้
ภาพจาก : https://kinsta.com/blog/responsive-web-design/
ในปัจจุบัน บริษัทสมัยใหม่มักพึ่งพาทีมนักพัฒนาเพื่อจัดการอุปกรณ์เครือข่าย, ใช้เครื่องเสมือน (Virtual Machines) และดูแลฐานข้อมูลขนาดใหญ่ การที่จะเข้าใจเทคโนโลยีใหม่ ๆ ที่ซับซ้อนทั้งหมดนี้ต้องใช้เวลา ทำให้นักพัฒนาที่สามารถทำเช่นนี้ได้จึงถือเป็นบุคคลที่มีความสามารถหลากหลาย สามารถปรับตัวทำงานได้ทั้งในส่วน Front End และ Back End และพร้อมที่จะรับมือกับงานที่ทีมต้องการ
จากการสำรวจของ Stack Overflow ในปี 2020 ซึ่งสำรวจนักพัฒนากว่า 65,000 คนทั่วโลก พบว่า ประมาณ 54.9 เปอร์เซ็นต์ระบุว่าตนเองเป็นนักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก และ 55.2 เปอร์เซ็นต์ของผู้ที่ตอบแบบสอบถามระบุว่าตนเองเป็นนักพัฒนาส่วนหลัง (Back End Developer), 37.1 เปอร์เซ็นต์ระบุว่าตนเองเป็นนักพัฒนาส่วนหน้า (Front End Developer), และมีเพียง 19.2 เปอร์เซ็นต์ระบุว่าตนเองเป็นนักพัฒนาสำหรับมือถือ (Mobile Developer)
นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กมีหน้าที่รับผิดชอบที่หลากหลายมากมาย พวกเขาต้องสร้างเว็บไซต์ที่มีโครงสร้างภายในแข็งแรง และมีอินเทอร์เฟซที่ตอบสนองรวดเร็ว ใช้งานง่าย นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กจะต้องมีความเชี่ยวชาญในการเขียนภาษา HTML, CSS, และ JavaScript รวมถึงเข้าใจเทคโนโลยีเบื้องหลัง และโครงสร้างของฐานข้อมูลอีกด้วย
นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กมักทำงานกับโปรเจกต์ตั้งแต่การเริ่มต้นจนถึงขั้นของการเปิดตัว โดยใช้วิธีการพัฒนาแอปพลเคชัน หรือเว็บไซต์แบบมาตรฐาน เพื่อให้มั่นใจได้ว่าทุกขั้นตอนของการพัฒนา ถูกจัดการอย่างเหมาะสม พวกเขาเริ่มจากการระดมความคิดร่วมกับทีมออกแบบกราฟิก และตรวจสอบต้นแบบก่อนแปลงให้เป็นโค้ด จากนั้นจึงจะสร้างฐานข้อมูล และเซิร์ฟเวอร์ที่รองรับเนื้อหาที่ผู้ใช้เห็น และจะคอยประเมินการตอบสนองของแอปพลิเคชัน พร้อมแก้ไขปัญหาที่อาจเกิดขึ้นในอนาคต
นอกจากนี้ นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กที่ดีจะต้องติดตามเทรนด์ใหม่ ๆ ในอุตสาหกรรม และเรียนรู้วิธีการใช้เทคโนโลยีที่เกิดขึ้นใหม่สม่ำเสมอ เพื่อให้สอดคล้องกับความต้องการของบริษัท
- ใช้ CSS, HTML, และ JavaScript รวมถึง CSS Preprocessors ในการสร้างแพลตฟอร์มสำหรับผู้ใช้
- จัดการฐานข้อมูล และเซิร์ฟเวอร์
- เขียนโค้ดให้ทำงานได้ในหลายภาษา และแพลตฟอร์ม
- สื่อสารกับนักพัฒนาผู้เชี่ยวชาญ และทีมออกแบบกราฟิกเพื่อสร้างผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ดีที่สุด
- ติดตามเทคโนโลยีใหม่ ๆ ที่อาจเป็นประโยชน์ต่อธุรกิจ
- สร้างต้นแบบผลิตภัณฑ์เพื่อสื่อสารกับผู้ถือหุ้นในบริษัท
อาชีพที่เกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีติดอยู่ใน 10 อันดับแรก ในรายงาน LinkedIn สำหรับตลาดงานในเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ไม่ว่าจะเป็น การวิเคราะห์ข้อมูล (Data Analytics) และ Software & Technology นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กไม่ได้จำกัดแค่ในวงการเทคโนโลยีเท่านั้น รายงานยังพบว่าภาคอุตสาหกรรมที่ต้องการนักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กมากที่สุด ได้แก่ ซอฟต์แวร์คอมพิวเตอร์, เทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ, อินเทอร์เน็ต, บริการทางการเงิน และการตลาดโฆษณา
ซึ่งไม่ใช่เรื่องที่น่าแปลกใจ เพราะนักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กมีประสบการณ์ที่กว้างขวางในแพลตฟอร์มเทคโนโลยีต่าง ๆ พวกเขาสามารถทำงานร่วมกับทีมพัฒนา Back End, Front End และทีมออกแบบได้อย่างราบรื่น ประกอบกับในยุคนี้เกือบทุกบริษัทจำเป็นต้องพึ่งพาแพลตฟอร์มที่ต้งแสดงผลต่อผู้ใช้ และต้องมีระบบที่ช่วยในการโฆษณาสินค้า และบริการ, ดึงดูดลูกค้าใหม่ และยังต้องออกแบบให้ทำงานอัตโนมัติในงานประจำแต่ละวัน
นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กจำเป็นต้องมีทักษะทั้ง Front End และ Back End เพื่อพัฒนาเว็บไซต์ หรือแอปพลิเคชันที่ครบถ้วนสมบูรณ์
ภาพจาก : https://bootcamp.cvn.columbia.edu/blog/how-to-become-computer-programmer-fast-without-degree/
- Front End Development : นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กควรรู้วิธีใช้ HTML, CSS, และ JavaScript รวมถึงเทคนิคการจัดการ DOM เพื่อให้การแสดงผลทำงานได้ดีบนหลากหลายอุปกรณ์ และเบราว์เซอร์
- Back End Development : นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กต้องเข้าใจภาษาโปรแกรมเช่น Java, Python รวมถึงระบบฐานข้อมูลแบบ SQL และ NoSQL รู้วิธีเขียนโปรแกรมเชิงวัตถุ (Object Oriented Programming (OOP) เพื่อให้ระบบสามารถทำงานได้อย่างราบรื่น และประสิทธิภาพสูงสุด
การเรียนรู้ทักษะเหล่านี้สามารถทำได้หลายวิธี เช่น การเรียนระดับปริญญาตรีในสาขาคอมพิวเตอร์ ซึ่งให้ความรู้ทั้งทฤษฎี และปฏิบัติ นอกจากนี้การเรียนรู้ด้วยตนเองผ่านคอร์สออนไลน์, หนังสือ และบทเรียนต่าง ๆ ก็เป็นทางเลือกที่มีประสิทธิภาพเช่นกัน อีกทางเลือกคือ Coding Boot Camp ซึ่งเป็นหลักสูตรเข้มข้นที่ใช้เวลา 3 - 6 เดือน มุ่งเน้นทักษะที่ใช้งานจริง ช่วยสร้างผลงานในพอร์ตโฟลิโอ และสร้างความสัมพันธ์ในวงการเทคโนโลยี
ก่อนเลือกเส้นทางการศึกษา เราก็ตั้งคำถามให้กับตัวเองก่อน เช่น
- มีเวลาทุ่มเทให้การเรียนแค่ไหน ?
- ควรเลือกเรียนแบบเต็มเวลา หรือไม่ ?
- สะดวกกับการแบบเรียนออนไลน์ หรือออฟไลน์ ?
- งบประมาณที่สามารถลงทุนกับการศึกษา ?
- ต้องการเริ่มสมัครงานฟูลสแต็กเมื่อไหร่ ?
ซึ่งเส้นทางการเรียนรู้แต่ละแบบ จะมอบทักษะที่จำเป็นสำหรับการเติบโตในสายงานนี้ ดังนั้นแล้วเราต้องเลือกทางที่เหมาะกับตัวเองมากที่สุด
นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก คือผู้เชี่ยวชาญที่สามารถทำงานได้ทั้งในส่วน Front End และ Back End ของการพัฒนาแอปพลิเคชัน หรือเว็บไซต์ ด้วยความสามารถที่ครอบคลุมงานทั้งสองด้านนี้ ทำให้พวกเขามีบทบาทสำคัญในการสร้างระบบที่ซับซ้อน และตอบโจทย์การใช้งานผู้ใช้ได้อย่างครอบคลุม
หากผู้อ่านมีความสนใจในงานด้านนี้ การเตรียมตัวเพื่อที่ะเป็นนักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็กก็อาจทำได้ผ่านหลายช่องทางตามความสะดวกของเรา ซึ่งแต่ละเส้นทางจะช่วยพัฒนาทักษะที่จำเป็นสำหรับการเติบโตในสายงานนี้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ
Full-stack web development is a comprehensive approach to building web applications that involves working on both the client and server sides, covering the entire spectrum of development. A full-stack web developer possesses skills and expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies, enabling them to create end-to-end solutions. In this 2000-word description, we'll explore the key ...
Introducing Full Stack Web Development Technique Ppt File Graphics Download to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Optimize Performance, Server And Database, Full Stack Developers, Database, using this template. ...
This slide represents the full-stack development and how these developers are responsible for maintaining both sides of the website. Introducing Full Stack Web Development Technique Ppt File Graphics Download to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience.
Full stack development is the practice of being proficient in both the front-end and back-end aspects of web application development. A full stack developer is capable of working on all layers of a software application, from the user interface and user experience (front-end) to the server, database, and server-side logic (back-end).
These parts are processes running in the background. The back end is considered the logical side or the 'brain' of a web application. Both the front-end and the back-end together make up a full-stack web application. So, full-stack web development refers to the knowledge of all the parts responsible for the front-end and the back-end side ...
In a word, yes. A quick search shows that there are currently over 8,000 open full-stack developer positions in the US right now, according to job site Indeed. Drilling down a little to "full-stack web developer" shows up over 5,000 openings, and that's not even counting similar titles such "full-stack engineer".
Get hold of our innovative Full Stack Development presentation template for MS PowerPoint and Google Slides to describe a web development technique in which both the front-end and back-end developments are combined. This impressive PPT will definitely grasp your intended audience's attention.
Unit6FullStackWebDevelopment.ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Full stack development refers to building both the front end and back end of a web application. Full stack developers have skills in front end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like Angular and React.
A Full Stack Developer is a relatively new role which brings together the skills and roles for what were traditionally known as web designer and web develope...
A full-stack developer is someone who works on the back end (or server side) of an application and on the front end or clientside. For full-stack development, there is a stack of applications that the developer handles, and the developer works with the complete end-to-end stack of applications. One can be a Developer with a Full Stack Web ...
Development. Our Full Stack Development PowerPoint template is the best pick to describe all the technologies and frameworks involved in the front-end and back-end website development. Developers and engineers can use this fully editable deck to explain how a full-stack developer can simultaneously work on the front and back end portions of the ...
Introducing Full Stack Web Development Technique Ppt File Graphics Download to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Optimize Performance, Server And Database, Full Stack Developers, Database, using this template. ...
Full stack development encompasses the complete process of application software development, including both the front-end and back-end development. The front end consists of the user interface (or UI), and the back end handles the business logic and application workflows that run behind the scenes. Full stack developers possess the skills and ...
INTERNSHIP - FULL STACK WEB DEVELOPMENT - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This internship opportunity involves full stack web development training and projects. The internship will provide training on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, ReactJS, MongoDB, Git, and GitHub over 3 weeks.
About This Presentation. Title: Full Stack Web Development. Description: Full Stack Web Development course teaches the students the roles of a full stack web developer. Students will have expertise in programming fundamentals like HTML/CSS, front end track like Javascript and back-end track like python. They will also work on a project which ...
Full Stack Web Development Course. An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared on other websites without getting consent from its author. Download presentation by click this link.
Title: Full Stack Developer. Description: SV Digital India, Pune teaches the entire syllabus of the entire Stack Web Development Certification Course. Includes Full Web Development and Mains Stack Advance Advance. This helps web developers to become a stack developer course in Pune. - PowerPoint PPT presentation. Number of Views: 938.
By following this guide, development teams can minimize the risks that come with post-release problems and have a seamless release. Let us go through the most important stages of preparing your application for the launch success. Full-stack web app launch? Hire top full-stack developers fast with Index.dev's talent network.
Introducing Full Stack Web Development Technique Ppt File Graphics Download to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Optimize Performance, Server And Database, Full Stack Developers, Database, using this template. ...
Full Stack Web Developer - Open Source, PHP, Laravel We are seeking a talented and motivated Full Stack Web Developer to join our client's dynamic team in the heart of Dubai, UAE. As a key player in their IT Consulting firm, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining high-quality web applications using open-source ...
Title: Senior Web Application Developer (Full Stack .NET) State Role Title: Information Technology Specialist III Hiring Range: $123,000 - $143,000 Pay Band: 6 Agency: Department of Accounts Location: JAMES MONROE BUILDING 101 North 14th Street Richmond, VA 23219 Agency Website: https://doa.virginia.gov/ Recruitment Type: General Public - G **This position has a hybrid work schedule and ...
Full Stack Developer คือใคร ? คือใคร ? ทำความรู้จักกับ นักพัฒนาฟูลสแต็ก ทั้งความหมาย, หน้าที่, ความต้องการในตลาด และแนวทางการเรียนรู้