1. Microblog: The Many Benefits of an Animal-Based Diet

    research on animal based diet

  2. Animal-Based Diet Food List: A Simple Guide for Animal-Based Eating

    research on animal based diet

  3. New Animal-Based Diet Study

    research on animal based diet

  4. Animal-Based Diet

    research on animal based diet

  5. (PDF) Demand for Animal-Based Food Products and Sustainability

    research on animal based diet

  6. Balancing Animal Diets

    research on animal based diet


  1. Animal-based diet on a 9-5 office job

  2. animal based diet: update + how clear my body communicates now

  3. Carnivore diet/Animal Based diet… which INFLUENCER should you follow?

  4. Animal Based Diet Is Superior

  5. Transform Your Life: Starting an Animal-Based Diet

  6. Reject Veganism...Return To Animal Nutrition


  1. The Impacts of Animal-Based Diets in Cardiovascular Disease Development: A Cellular and Physiological Overview

    Animal-based diets tend to be much lower in fiber, and indeed, the consumption of fiber, ... This work was supported by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative grant no. 2023-67012-39756/project accession no. 1030574 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

  2. Plant- and Animal-Based Diet Quality and Mortality Among US Adults: A

    INTRODUCTION. A plant-based diet has been recommended for preventing obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases (1; 2; 3).While a plant-based diet refers to a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and low in red and processed meats in dietary recommendations (), it may also be interpreted as the reduction or elimination of animal foods to various ...

  3. Effect of a plant-based, low-fat diet versus an animal-based ...

    In an inpatient, randomized controlled crossover trial, participants consumed 550-700 kcal day−1 fewer calories when following a plant-based, low-fat diet with a high glycemic load compared ...

  4. Effects of single plant-based vs. animal-based meals on satiety and

    Adopting plant-based diets high in fiber may reduce global warming and obesity prevalence. Physiological and psychological determinants of plant-based food intake remain unclear. As fiber has been ...

  5. Plant- and animal-based diet quality and mortality among US ...

    We aimed to assess the quality of plant-based v. animal foods in relation to mortality in a prospective cohort study. Using data collected from a nationally representative sample of 36 825 adults in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2014, we developed a de novo Comprehensive Diet Quality Index (cDQI) that assesses the ...

  6. Homepage

    The Animal Based Nutrition Research Foundation is a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to further clinical research that explores the value of animal meat and organs in the human diet. ABNRF was founded by Dr. Paul Saladino, the Carnivore MD, who wrote the best-selling book . Paul is a board certified physician and nutrition specialist.

  7. The effects of plant-based diets on the body and the brain: a

    Background. Western societies notice an increasing interest in plant-based eating patterns such as avoiding meat or fish or fully excluding animal products (vegetarian or vegan, see Fig. 1).In 2015, around 0.4−3.4% US adults, 1−2% British adults, and 5−10% of German adults were reported to eat largely plant-based diets 1-4, due to various reasons (reviewed in ref. 5).

  8. NIH study compares low-fat, plant-based diet to low-carb, animal-based

    The researchers housed 20 adults without diabetes for four continuous weeks in the NIH Clinical Center's Metabolic Clinical Research Unit. The participants, 11 men and nine women, received either a plant-based, low-fat diet or an animal-based, low-carbohydrate diet for two weeks, immediately followed by two weeks on the alternate diet.

  9. The effects of plant-based diets on the body and the brain: a ...

    Background. Western societies notice an increasing interest in plant-based eating patterns such as avoiding meat or fish or fully excluding animal products (vegetarian or vegan, see Fig. 1).In ...

  10. The opportunity cost of animal based diets exceeds all food losses

    We find that although the characteristic conventional retail-to-consumer food losses are ≈30% for plant and animal products, the opportunity food losses of beef, pork, dairy, poultry, and eggs are 96%, 90%, 75%, 50%, and 40%, respectively. This arises because plant-based replacement diets can produce 20-fold and twofold more nutritionally ...

  11. Plant-Based Diet: Is It as Good as an Animal-Based Diet When It Comes

    This review discusses the benefits and drawbacks of a plant-based diet, as well as some of the latest literature on muscle protein synthesis between animal- and plant-based dietary intakes of protein. Recent findings: High meat consumption is associated with increased saturated fat intake and lower dietary fiber intake.

  12. Behavioral Characteristics and Self-Reported Health Status among 2029

    Behavioral Characteristics and Self-Reported Health ...

  13. Animals

    Human health and diet are closely linked. The diversity of diets consumed by humans is remarkable, and most often incorporates both animal and plant-based foods. However, there has been a recent call for a reduced intake of animal-based foods due to concerns associated with human health in developed countries and perceived impacts on the environment. Yet, evidence for the superior nutritional ...

  14. New Study Finds Plant-Based and Animal-Based Diets Yield Similar

    In another related research paper, published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2020, Gardner compared cardiometabolic risk factors among those eating animal meat vs. Beyond Meat products and found that the diet featuring animal protein resulted in higher TMAO (a marker of inflammation), LDL-cholesterol and weight.

  15. Plant versus animal based diets and insulin resistance ...

    We aimed to investigate whether level of adherence to a diet high in plant-based foods and low in animal-based foods is associated with insulin resistance, prediabetes, and T2D. Our analysis included 6798 participants (62.7 ± 7.8 years) from the Rotterdam Study (RS), a prospective population-based cohort in the Netherlands.

  16. What makes a plant-based diet? a review of current concepts and

    The literature research also revealed a case report by Massera et al., ... The opportunity cost of animal based diets exceeds all food losses. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2018;115:3804-9.

  17. The opportunity cost of animal based diets exceeds all food losses

    We consider replace-ments that minimize cropland use for each of the main US animal-based food categories. We find that although the characteristic conventional retail-to-consumer food losses are ≈30% for plant and animal products, the opportunity food losses of beef, pork, dairy, poultry, and eggs are 96%, 90%, 75%, 50%, and 40%, respectively.

  18. Environmental Impact of Animal-Based Food Production and the

    As more research on the stress that the current food system—particularly animal-based food production—places on the global environment comes into focus, food industry leaders, climate activists, and policymakers are driving change to promote diets rich in plant-sourced foods (Tziva et al., 2020).

  19. Plant-Based Diets: Considerations for Environmental Impact, Protein

    Plant-based diets (including generally less animal-food intensive, vegetarian, or vegan diets) represent a growing area of interest in the promotion of physical and environmental health [1,2]. ... Other research has shown reduced visceral fat, improved oxidative stress markers, ...

  20. A Guide to Animal Based Diets

    Animal-based diets are founded on a growing body of research suggesting that early humans practiced an essentially all-meat dietary pattern. Researchers, including Miki Ben-Dor and Amber O'Hearn , tell us that early humans were hyper-carnivorous apex predators for nearly two million years until only around 10,000 years ago when agriculture ...

  21. Study Says Mom Was Right: Eat Your Vegetables to Live Longer

    A new study reveals that while plant-based fats found in grains, oils, fruits, and veggies decrease the risk of death, animal-based fats in meat, dairy, and eggs increase them.

  22. The Impact of Vegan and Vegetarian Diets on Physical Performance and

    VEG diets contain high amounts of plant-based protein but low amounts of creatine- and leucine-rich animal-based proteins. Therefore, a VEG diet result in a lower activation of mTOR-based signaling which reduces the potential for increased MFPS.Vegetarian diets (VGT, yellow section) possess a higher amount of dietary fiber.

  23. Nutrition researchers urge update to lab animal diets

    Nutrition scientists met last week to discuss possible revisions to the almost 30-year-old formulation of the diet consumed by laboratory rats and mice—the most commonly used animals in biomedical research. At a session of the online American Society for Nutrition (ASN) meeting, researchers described how making rodent feed more nutritious and ...