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Thesis मीनिंग : Meaning of Thesis in Hindi - Definition and Translation


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Definition of thesis.

  • an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument
  • a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree


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Thesis meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Thesis in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages by ShabdKhoj. Know answer of question : what is meaning of Thesis in Hindi? Thesis ka matalab hindi me kya hai (Thesis का हिंदी में मतलब ). Thesis meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is शोध प्रबन्ध.English definition of Thesis : an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument

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  • American English : thesis / ˈθisɪs /
  • Brazilian Portuguese : tese
  • Chinese : 论点
  • European Spanish : tesis
  • French : thèse
  • German : These
  • Italian : tesi
  • Japanese : 主張
  • Korean : 논지
  • European Portuguese : tese
  • Latin American Spanish : tesis
  • Thai : ข้อสมมุติ, ข้อวินิจฉัย

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Hindi meaning of thesis

meaning of thesis in hindi

Synonym dissertation; handout; context; recognition; ism; word; vindication;

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What is the translation of "thesis" in Hindi?

"thesis" in hindi, thesis {noun}.

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Thesis meaning in Hindi

Thesis meaning in hindi (हिंदी में मतलब), thesis = शोध-प्रबन्ध.

  • Usage: Her thesis on environment protection has come out well.

Thesis Meaning in Detail

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कैसे एक शोधपत्र (Research Paper) लिखें

इस आर्टिकल के सहायक लेखक (co-author) हमारी बहुत ही अनुभवी एडिटर और रिसर्चर्स (researchers) टीम से हैं जो इस आर्टिकल में शामिल प्रत्येक जानकारी की सटीकता और व्यापकता की अच्छी तरह से जाँच करते हैं। wikiHow's Content Management Team बहुत ही सावधानी से हमारे एडिटोरियल स्टाफ (editorial staff) द्वारा किये गए कार्य को मॉनिटर करती है ये सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि सभी आर्टिकल्स में दी गई जानकारी उच्च गुणवत्ता की है कि नहीं। यहाँ पर 8 रेफरेन्स दिए गए हैं जिन्हे आप आर्टिकल में नीचे देख सकते हैं। यह आर्टिकल १,३९,२०० बार देखा गया है।

स्कूल की ऊंची कक्षाओं में पढ़ने के दौरान और कॉलेज पीरियड में हमेशा ही, आपको शोध-पत्र तैयार करने के लिए कहा जाएगा। एक शोध-पत्र का इस्तेमाल वैज्ञानिक, तकनीकी और सामाजिक मुद्दों की ख़ोज-बीन और पहचान में किया जा सकता है। यदि शोध-पत्र लेखन का आपका यह पहला अवसर है, तो बेशक कुछ डरावना भी लग सकता है, पर मस्तिष्क को अच्छी तरह से संयोजित और एकाग्र करें, तो आप खुद के लिए इस प्रक्रिया को आसान बना सकते हैं। शोध-पत्र तो स्वयं नहीं लिख जाएगा, पर आप इस प्रकार से योजना बना सकते हैं, और ऐसी तैयारी कर सकते हैं कि लेखन व्यावहारिक रूप में खुद-ब-खुद जेहन में उतरता चला जाए।

अपने विषयवस्तु का चयन

Step 1 अपने आप से महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न कीजिए:

  • आम तौर पर, वेबसाइट जिनके नाम के अंत में .edu, .gov, या .org होता है, ऎसी सूचनाएं रखती हैं जिन्हें इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है। ऐसा इसलिए है कि ये वेबसाइट स्कूलों, सरकार या उन संगठनों की होती हैं जो आपके विषय से सम्बंधित हैं।
  • अपनी खोज का प्रश्न बार-बार बदलें ताकि आपके विषय पर अलग-अलग तरह के खोज परिणाम मिलें। अगर कुछ भी मिलता नज़र न आये तो ऐसा हो सकता है कि आपकी खोज का प्रश्न अधिकाँश लेखों के शीर्षक से मेल नहीं खा रहा है जो आपके विषय पर हैं।

Step 5 एकेडमिक डेटाबेस का इस्तेमाल कीजिये:

  • ऐसे डेटाबेस ढूंढ़िए जो आपके विषय को ही सम्मिलित करते हों। उदहारण के लिए PsycINFO एक ऐसा डेटाबेस है जो कि केवल मनोविज्ञान और समाजशास्त्र के क्षेत्र में ही विद्वानों द्वारा किये काम को सम्मिलित करता है। एक सामान्य खोज के मुकाबले यह आपको अपने अनुरूप शोध सामग्री पाने में मदद करेगा। [२] X रिसर्च सोर्स
  • पूछताछ के एकाधिक खोज-बॉक्स या केवल केवल एक ही प्रकार के स्रोत वाले आर्काइव के साथ अधिकाँश अकादमिक डेटाबेस आपको ये सुविधा देते हैं कि आप बेहद विशिष्ट सूचना मांग सकें (जैसे केवल जर्नल आलेख या केवल समाचार पत्र)। इस सुविधा का लाभ उठाकर जितने अधिक खोज बॉक्स आप इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं उतना करें।
  • अपने विभाग के पुस्तकालय जाएँ और लाइब्रेरियन से अकादमिक डेटाबेस, जिनकी सदस्यता ली गयी है, की पूरी सूची और उनके पासवर्ड ले लें।

Step 6 अपने शोध में रचनात्मक हो जाएँ:

एक रूपरेखा का निर्माण

Step 1 किताब पर टीका-टिप्पणी,...

  • रूपरेखा बनाने और शोधपत्र लिखने का काम आखिरकार आसान करने के लिए टीका-टिप्पणी का काम गहनता से कीजिये। जिस चीज़ के महत्वपूर्ण होने का आपको ज़रा भी अंदेशा हो या जो आपके शोधपत्र में इस्तेमाल हो सकता है, उसकी निशानदेही कर लीजिए।
  • जैसे-जैसे आप अपने शोध में महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सों को चिन्हित करते जाएँ, अपनी टिप्पणी और नोट जोड़ते जाएँ कि इन्हें आप अपने शोध-पत्र में कहाँ इस्तेमाल करेंगे। अपने विचारों को लिखना जैसे-जैसे वे आते जाएँ, आपके शोधपत्र लेखन को कहीं आसान बना देगा और ऎसी सामग्री के रूप में रहेगा जिसे आप सन्दर्भ के लिए फिर-फिर इस्तेमाल कर सकें।

Step 2 अपने नोट्स को सुनियोजित करें:

  • हर उद्धरण या विषय जिसे आपने चिन्हित किया है उसे अलग-अलग नोट कार्ड पर लिखने की कोशिश कीजिए। इस तरह से आप अपने कार्डों को मनचाहे ढंग से पुनर्व्यवस्थित कर सकेंगे।
  • अपने नोट का रंगों में कोड बना लें, ताकि वे आसान हो जाएँ। अलग-अलग स्रोतों से जो भी नोट आप ले रहे हैं, उन्हें सूची बद्ध कर लें, और फिर सूचना के अलग-अलग वर्गों को अलग-अलग रंगों में चिन्हित कर लें। उदाहरण के लिए, जो कुछ भी आप किसी विशेष किताब या जर्नल से ले रहे हैं उन्हें एक कागज़ पर लिख लें ताकि नोट्स को सुगठित किया जा सके, और फिर जो कुछ भी चरित्रों से सम्बंधित है उसे हरे से चिन्हित करें, कथानक से जुड़े सबकुछ को नारंगी रंग में चिन्हित करें, आदि-आदि।

Step 3 सन्दर्भों का पन्ना बना लें:

  • एक तार्किक शोधपत्र विवादित विषयों पर एक पक्ष लेता है और एक दृष्टिकोण के लिए तर्क प्रस्तुत करता है। मुद्दे पर एक तर्कसंगत प्रतिपक्ष के साथ बहस की जानी चाहिए।
  • एक विश्लेषणात्मक शोधपत्र किसी महत्त्वपूर्ण विषय पर नए सिरे से दृष्टिपात करता है। विषय आवश्यक नहीं है कि विवादित हो, पर आपको अपने पाठकों को सहमत करना पड़ेगा कि आपके विचारों में गुणवत्ता है। यह महज आपके शोध से विचारों की उबकाई भर नहीं, बल्कि अपने उन विशिष्ट अद्वितीय विचारों की प्रस्तुति है जिन्हें आपने गहन शोध से सीखा है।

Step 5 आपके पाठक कौन होंगे यह निर्धारित कर लीजिये:

  • थीसिस विकसित करने का आसान तरीका है कि उसे एक प्रश्न के रूप में ढालिए जिसका आपका निबंध उत्तर देगा। वह मुख्य प्रश्न या हाइपोथीसिस क्या है जिसको आप अपने शोधपत्र में प्रमाणित करना चाहते हैं? उदाहरण के लिए आपकी थीसिस का प्रश्न हो सकता है, “मानसिक बीमारियों के इलाज की सफलता को सांस्कृतिक स्वीकृति कैसे प्रभावित करती है?” यह प्रश्न आपकी थीसिस क्या होगी उसे निर्धारित कर सकता है – इस प्रश्न के लिए आपका जो भी उत्तर होगा, वही आपका थीसिस-कथन होगा।
  • शोधपत्र के सभी तर्कों को दिए बिना या उसकी रूपरेखा बताये बिना ही आपकी थीसिस को आपके शोध के मुख्य विचार को व्यक्त करना होगा। यह एक सरल कथन होना चाहिए, न कि कई सहायक वाक्यों का एक समूह, आपका बाक़ी शोधपत्र तो इस काम के लिए है ही!

Step 7 अपने मुख्य बिन्दुओं को निर्धारित कर दें:

  • जब आप अपने मुख्य विचारों की रूप-रेखा बनाएं, उनको एक विशिष्ट क्रम में रखना अहम है। अपने सबसे मज़बूत तर्कों को निबंध के सबसे पहले और सबसे अंत में रखिये। जबकि ज्यादा औसत बिन्दुओं को निबंध के बीचोंबीच या अंत की तरफ रखिये।
  • सबसे मुख्य बिन्दुओं को एक ही पैराग्राफ में समेटना ज़रूरी नहीं है, विशेष करके अगर आप एक अपेक्षाकृत लंबा शोधपत्र लिख रहे हैं। प्रमुख विचारों को जितने पैराग्राफ में आप ज़रूरी समझें फैलाकर लिख सकते हैं।

Step 8 फॉरमैटिंग के दिशानिर्देशों को ध्यान में रखिये:

  • अपनी हर बात को साक्ष्यों से पुष्ट करें। क्योंकि यह एक शोधपत्र है इसलिए ऐसी टिप्पणी न करें जिसकी पुष्टि सीधे आपके शोध के तथ्यों से न हो।
  • अपने शोध में पर्याप्त व्याख्याएं दीजिये। बिना तथ्यों के अपने मत के बखान का विलोम बगैर किसी व्याख्या के बिना तथ्यों को देना होगा। यद्यपि आप निश्चित ही पर्याप्त प्रमाण देना चाहते हैं, तो भी जहां भी संभव हो अपनी टिप्पणी जोड़ते हुए यह सुनिश्चित कीजिए कि शोधपत्र पर आपकी मौलिक और विशिष्ट छाप हो।
  • बहुत सारे सीधे लम्बे उद्धरण देने से बचें। यद्यपि आपका निबंध शोध पर आधारित है, फिर भी महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि आपको अपने विचार प्रस्तुत करने हैं। जिस उद्धरण का आप इस्तेमाल करना चाहते हैं, जब तक वह बेहद अनिवार्य न हो, उसे अपने ही शब्दों में व्यक्त और विश्लेषित करने की कोशिश कीजिए।
  • अपने पेपर में साफ़-सुथरे और संतुलित गति से एक बिंदु से दूसरे तक जाने का प्रयास करें। निबंध में स्वछन्द तारतम्य और प्रवाह होना चाहिए, इसके बजाय कि अनाड़ी की तरह रुक-रुक कर क्रम टूटे और फिर अचानक शुरू हो जाए। यह ध्यान रखें कि लेख के मुख्य भाग वाला हर पैरा अपने बाद वाले से जाकर मिलता हो।

Step 2 निष्कर्ष लिखें:

  • आपके निष्कर्ष का लक्ष्य, साधारण शब्दों में, इस प्रश्न का उत्तर देना है, “तो क्या?” ध्यान रखें कि पाठक आख़िरकार महसूस करे कि उसे कुछ प्राप्त हुआ है।
  • कई कारणों से अच्छा नुस्खा तो यह है कि, निष्कर्ष को भूमिका के पहले लिख लिया जाये। पहली बात तो यह है कि जब प्रमाण आपके दिमाग में ताज़ा हों तो निष्कर्ष लिखना ज्यादा आसान होता है। उससे भी बड़ी बात यह है, सलाह दी जाती है कि आप निष्कर्ष में अपने सबसे चुनिन्दा शब्द और भाषा का मजबूती से इस्तेमाल करें और फिर उन्हीं विचारों को भिन्न शब्दों में अपेक्षाकृत कम वेग के साथ भूमिका में रख दें, न कि इसका उल्टा करें; यह पाठकों पर ज्यादा स्थायी प्रभाव छोड़ेगा।

Step 3 निबंध की प्रस्तावना लिखें:

  • MLA फॉर्मेट को विशेष रूप से साहित्यिक शोध-पत्रों के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता है और इसमें ‘उद्धृत सामग्री’ की एक सूची अंत में जोड़नी होती है, इस विधि में अंतरपाठीय उद्धरण प्रयोग किये जाते हैं।
  • APA फॉर्मेट का इस्तेमाल सामाजिक विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में शोधपत्रों के लिए शोधकर्त्ताओं द्वारा किया जाता है, और इसमें भी अंतरपाठीय उद्धरण देने होते हैं। इसमें निबंध का अंत “सन्दर्भ” पृष्ठ के साथ होता है, और इसमें मुख्य भाग के पैराग्राफों के बीच में अनुच्छेद शीर्षक का प्रयोग भी किया जा सकता है।
  • शिकागो फोर्मटिंग को प्रमुखतः ऐतिहासिक शोधपत्रों के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता है और इसमें अंतरपाठीय उद्धरण के स्थान पर पृष्ठ के नीचे फुटनोट का प्रयोग होता है और साथ में एक ‘उद्धृत सामग्री’ और सन्दर्भों का पृष्ठ जुड़ता है। [७] X रिसर्च सोर्स

Step 5 अपने कच्चे प्रारूप...

  • अपने पेपर का सम्पादन यदि खुद आपने किया है, तो उस पर वापस आने से पहले कम से कम तीन दिन प्रतीक्षा कीजिए। अध्ययन दिखाते हैं कि, लेख समाप्त करने के बाद भी दो-तीन दिन तक यह आपके जेहन में ताज़ा बना रहता है, और इसलिए ज्यादा संभावना यह रहेगी कि आम तौर पर आप जिन बुनियादी त्रुटियों को पकड़ पाते, उन्हें भी अपनी सरसरी नज़र में नजरअंदाज कर जाएँगे।
  • दूसरों के द्वारा संपादन को महज इसलिए नजरअंदाज न करें कि उनसे आपका काम बढ़ जाएगा। अगर वे आपके पेपर के किसी अंश को दोबारा लिखे जाने की सलाह दे रहे हों तो उनके इस आग्रह का संभवतया उचित कारण है। अपने पेपर के सघन सम्पादन पर समय दीजिए। [८] X रिसर्च सोर्स

Step 6 अंतिम ड्राफ्ट को लिखिए:

  • रिसर्च के दौरान महत्वपूर्ण थीम, प्रश्नों और केन्द्रीय मुद्दों को ढूँढ़ें।
  • यह समझने की कोशिश करें कि, आप वास्तव में निर्दिष्ट रूप में किस चीज़ का अन्वेषण करना चाहते हैं, इसके बजाय कि पेपर में ढेर सारे व्यापक विचारों को ठूस दिया जाए।
  • ऐसा करने के लिये अंतिम क्षण तक प्रतीक्षा मत कीजिए।
  • अपने असाइंमेंट को समयानुसार पूरा करना सुनिश्चित कीजिए।

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इंटर्नशिप के बाद रिपोर्ट लिखें (Write a Report After an Internship)

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How to Write a Thesis in Hindi?

  • December 19, 2022
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Thesis in Hindi

Thesis Writing in Hindi is not an easy task. It requires a lot of time, research, and the development of ideas. You have to put in the effort before you can write your thesis paper . The best way to do this is by sitting down with a dictionary or thesaurus for some time so that you can find out about new words that come up while writing in Hindi language. 

What is a Hindi thesis?  

A Thesis is a research paper that you write while pursuing your higher education in Hindi language. This document is a culmination of all the research work you have done during your studies. It is a document that you submit to your college or university for evaluation. 

There are several types of thesis papers , depending on the topic and structure of the paper: 

  • Thesis proposal – A proposal for writing an academic study on some subject matter (usually concerning literature). This type of thesis also includes an outline and bibliography listing all sources used in preparing it; 
  • Thesis proposal/dissertation – A form of dissertation written by students who have completed their coursework but have not yet defended their dissertations (or “theses”). These students often use this term when referring to their dissertations. 

How to write a thesis in Hindi?  

Writing a Thesis in Hindi is not an easy task. It requires you to put a lot of time and effort into research work and developing ideas to address the selected topic. You should be ready for some hard work because, apart from writing your own thesis statement or introduction, you will have to fulfill all other requirements such as references and bibliography sections as well as editing your text at least once before submitting it for evaluation by supervisors or peers. 

There are many ways to write a Thesis in Hindi:  

  • You can choose among several methods that have been developed over time; these include: narrative essay (including research papers ), expository essay (including arguments), argumentative essay (including dialogues). 

How to write a thesis

Steps involved in writing a thesis in Hindi  

  • Researching and Developing Ideas 
  • Writing the Thesis Statement  
  • Writing the Essay Body and Conclusion 

How to find the best topic for your thesis in Hindi?  

To find the best thesis topic , you should read the topic carefully. Look for a topic that is relevant to you, and look for something you can research about. You should also look at how much time and effort it will take to write this paper. If it takes too long, then maybe this isn’t the right type of assignment for your academic career! 

Once all these factors have been considered, think about what would make this assignment stand out above all others (a great idea is if there were no other similar ones). This may sound obvious but when we’re talking about writing our first Thesis in Hindi or any other language…it IS important! 

Research and analyze the topic first.  

Research is the key to writing a good thesis paper . It is important to identify the problem or issue you are studying and doing some background research on it. Come up with ideas for your thesis statement , outline, and research method before starting to write your thesis paper . 

  • Identify the Problem or Issue: Write down what you want to study in detail so that when it comes time for writing, there will be no confusion about what needs to be covered in this particular paper (or essay). 
  • Do Some Background Research : This can include reading articles online or books that have been written on the same topic as yours; interviewing people who have lived through similar experiences; watching documentaries about past events related once again by someone else who lived through them too! 

Define your goals and objectives

The next step is to define your goals and objectives. This will help you plan a research project that will help you accomplish these goals. 

The first thing to do is determine the purpose of your thesis in Hindi . What do you want this paper or research project to achieve? The answer should be clear from what has gone before in this section of the paper, especially if it’s an introduction or conclusion. If there isn’t any clear aim for what needs doing, then consider asking yourself: “What does this paper need?” You might also want to consider whether there are any wider implications for other people reading it; if so then consider making those connections between different parts of your work together too! 

Thesis paper

Outline the steps and milestones

  • Outline the steps and milestones. 
  • Write down the steps and milestones in a clear, organized manner that helps you to remember them easily. 
  • Follow every bullet and write about the steps properly. This will ensure that every topic has been covered in your thesis. 

Conduct proper research work

The most important part of your Thesis in Hindi is the research work. It is the foundation of your thesis, and it must be done properly. 

In order to conduct proper research work, you need to know what type of research is needed for your particular topic. For example, if your topic is related to the history of Hindi and linguistics then you need to find out what famous linguists say about that particular topic. 

Gather information from reliable sources.  

You can gather information from reliable sources. You can use the Internet to find information on your topic, or you can go to a library and look through books. If you don’t have access to a library, there are many online journals and magazines that will help you learn more about your topic. There are also many websites, such as Wikipedia and Britannica, where people share their knowledge with others by writing articles about different topics related to their field of study or profession (for example: “How do scientists discover new things?”). 

You might want something simple like “How do scientists discover new things?” But if you’re looking for something more specific like “Why did the Greeks build so many temples?”, then we recommend going straight over there! 

Order your data into paragraphs

The first step to writing a thesis in Hindi is to order your data into paragraphs. This will help you stay organized and keep the flow of your argument going smoothly. 

Paragraphs are the building blocks of the thesis, so they should be logical and well-organized. This means that each paragraph should have a topic sentence (which provides an overall direction), followed by several supporting sentences that help explain what you’re talking about in more detail or expand upon the main point made in your topic sentence. 

Finally, make sure that each paragraph has its own conclusion at all times—even if it takes multiple pages! 

Thesis Statement

Write the Thesis in Hindi language.  

It is important to write a Thesis in Hindi language . A thesis is a summary of what you have researched and written down, so that it can be used as evidence for your paper. That’s why it is important to write a Thesis in Hindi language . 

Thesis writing can be done by using many different styles, but there are some general rules which apply to all types of theses: 

Check out the grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary while pursuing Hindi for your Thesis

  • Check the grammar 
  • Check the sentence structure 
  • Use a thesaurus to find synonyms for words you don’t know 
  • Check your grammar and sentence structure using an online tool like Grammarly or Ask A Linguist 

Writing a thesis in Hindi requires you to put a lot of time and effort into research work and developing ideas to address the selected topic.  

Writing a thesis in Hindi requires you to put a lot of time and effort into research work and developing ideas to address the selected topic. This process can be challenging because it requires research on your own, which may take some time. However, if you want to write your thesis paper in Hindi language then there are several ways that you can do so: 

  • You can hire someone who is fluent in Hindi language as an editor or writer for your thesis paper . They will help with writing down all of your thoughts into words while also providing feedback on how they look when they are written down properly; this way they will make sure that everything looks correct before submitting it back again! 
  • You could also ask one of these editors/writers if they know any good sources online where people post articles about subjects like this one – maybe even ones written by experts who have studied at the top universities of India? 

A thesis is not just about writing, but also about finding the right topic and presenting your findings in an interesting manner. With the help of these tips, you will be able to write your thesis paper in Hindi easily.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Start with a topic sentence that states what you’re going to write about. Then state your hypothesis, which is the reason why you think this topic will help solve a problem or answer an issue. Next, state your methods and data sources you’re going to use in your research project. Finally, address any potential conflicts of interest or ethical concerns that might arise from conducting this study (if any).

Start with a topic sentence that states what you’re going to write about. Then state your hypothesis, which is why you think this topic will help solve a problem or answer an issue. Next, state the methods and data sources you’re going to use in your research project. Finally, address any potential conflicts of interest or ethical concerns that might arise from conducting this study (if any).

You should always write your thesis with proper grammar and spelling because it will help you communicate better with others through written documents and papers, etc., which are all required for writing a good paper or thesis at the school or University level too! You can also use good words which are used widely in everyday life like “I”, “You”, “We”, “Myself”, “Myself”, etc. so that you don’t have much trouble when writing your thesis in the Hindi language!

You can follow these steps to write a thesis in Hindi: Choose an interesting topic which is related to your field of study. Read and understand the relevant books, magazines or journals on this topic. Write down all the points you have gathered from reading these materials in a notebook.

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Education Aacharya - एजुकेशन आचार्य

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Education Aacharya - एजुकेशन आचार्य

Synopsis / शोध प्रारूपिका (लघु शोध व शोध के विद्यार्थियों हेतु)

किसी भी क्षेत्र में शोध करने से पूर्व मनोमष्तिष्क में एक तूफ़ान एक हलचल महसूस होती है, शोध परिक्षेत्र की तलाश प्रारम्भ होती है, विषय की तलाश से लेकर परिणति तक का आयाम मुखर होने लगता है और इसी मनोवेग वैचारिक तूफ़ान को शोध एक सृजनात्मक आयाम देता है एवं अस्तित्व में आता है शोध प्रोपोज़ल या शोध प्रारूपिका। हमारे शोधार्थियों में इसके लिए शब्द प्रचलन में है: —- Synopsis.

शोध को क्रमबद्ध वैज्ञानिक स्वरुप देने हेतु लघुशोध व शोध के विद्यार्थी सरलता से कार्य कर सहजता से इस परिणति तक ले जा सकते हैं, Synopsis के चरणों(Steps) को इस प्रकार क्रम दिया जा सकता है –

1. प्रस्तावना 2. आवश्यकता क्यों? 3. समस्या 4.उद्देश्य 5.परिकल्पना 6. प्रतिदर्श 7. शोध विधि 8. शोध उपकरण 9. प्रयुक्त सांख्यिकीय विधि 10. परिणाम, निष्कर्ष एवं सुझाव 11. प्रस्तावित रूपरेखा (शोध स्वरूपानुसार)

1. प्रस्तावना(Introduction)-

जिस तरह रत्नगर्भा पृथ्वी के गर्भ से प्राप्त अयस्क परिशोधन से शुद्ध धात्वीय स्वरुप प्राप्त करते हैं उसी प्रकार हमारे मस्तिष्क में उमड़ते-घुमड़ते तथ्य प्रगटन के लिए अपने परिशुद्ध स्वरुप को प्राप्त करने का प्रयास करते हैं और हम अपनी क्षमता के अनुसार उसे बोधगम्य बनाकर उसका प्रारम्भिक स्वरुप प्रस्तुत करते हैं जो मूलतः हमारे विषय से सम्बन्ध रखता है, शीर्षक से जुड़ाव का यह मुखड़ा, भूमिका या प्रस्तावना का स्वरुप लेता है इसके शब्द हमारी क्षमता अधिगम स्तर और प्रस्तुति कौशल के अनुसार अलग-अलग परिलक्षित होता है इसमें वह आलोक होता है जो हमारे शोध का उद्गार बनने की क्षमता रखता है।

2. आवश्यकता क्यों?(Importance)-

यह बिंदु विषय-वस्तु के महत्त्व को प्रतिपादित करता है और उस पर कार्य करने के औचित्य को सिद्ध करता है कि आखिर अमुक चर को या अमुक पात्र या विषय वस्तु को ही हमने अपने अध्ययन का आधार क्यों बनाया? हमें देश, काल, परिस्थितियों के आलोक में अपने विषय और उसी परिक्षेत्र पर कार्य करने की तीव्रता का परिचय कराना होता है इसे ऐसे शब्दों में लिखा जाना चाहिए कि पढ़ने वाला उसकी तीव्रता को महसूस कर सके और उसका मानस सहज रूप से आपके तर्कों का कायल हो जाए।

3. समस्या(Problem)-

यहाँ समस्या या समस्या कथन से आशय शोध के ‘शीर्षक’ से है। शीर्षक संक्षिप्त, सरल, सहज बोधगम्य व सार्थक भाव युक्त होना चाहिए अनावश्यक विस्तार या अत्यधिक कठिन शब्दों के प्रयोग से बचकर उसे अधिक पाठकों की बोधगम्यता परिधि में लाया जा सकता है यह शुद्ध व भाव स्पष्ट करने में समर्थ होना चाहिए। शोध स्वरूपानुसार इसका उपयुक्त चयन व शुद्ध निरूपण होना चाहिए।

4. उद्देश्य(Objectives)-

उद्देश्य बहुत सधे शब्दों में बिन्दुवार दिए जाने चाहिए। तुलनात्मक अध्ययन में निर्धारित चर के आधार पर न्यादर्श के प्रत्येक वर्ग का दुसरे से तुलनात्मक अध्ययन करना, उद्देश्य का अभीप्सित होगा यह शोधानुसार क्रमिक रूप से व्यवस्थित किए जा सकते हैं।

5. परिकल्पनाएं(Hypothesis)-

परिकल्पनाओं का स्वरुप शोध के स्वरुप पर अवलम्बित होता है। सकारात्मक, नकारात्मक और शून्य परिकल्पना अस्तित्व में है लेकिन शोध हेतु शून्य परिकल्पना सर्वाधिक उत्तम रहती है, इसको भी क्रमवार तुलना के स्वरुप के आधार पर व्यवस्थित करते हैं। यदि ग्रुप ‘A’ और ग्रुप ‘B’ के लड़कों की ‘कम्प्यूटर के प्रति भय’ के आधार पर तुलना करनी हो तो इसे इस प्रकार लिखेंगे :

ग्रुप ‘A’ और ग्रुप ‘B’ के लड़कों में कम्प्यूटर के प्रति भय के आधार पर कोई सार्थक अन्तर नहीं है।

6. प्रतिदर्श(Sample)-

प्रतिदर्श या न्यादर्श शोध की प्रतिनिधिकारी जनसंख्या होती है यह समस्या के स्वरुप, शोधार्थी की क्षमता, समय व साधनों द्वारा निर्धारित होती है। शोध हेतु चयनित जनसंख्या का शोध स्वरूपानुसार विभिन्न वर्गों में वितरण कर लेते हैं जिससे परस्पर तुलना सुगम हो जाती है यह भी परिकल्पना निर्धारण में सहायक होती है।

7. शोध विधि(Research Method)-

इसका निर्धारण शोध शीर्षक के स्वरुप पर अवलम्बित होता है हिस्टॉरिकल रिसर्च या सर्वेक्षण आधारित शोध Synopsis के पूरे स्वरुप को प्रभावित करते हैं। शोध विधि, शोध की दिशा तय करने में सक्षम है।

8. शोध उपकरण(Research Tools)-

शोध स्वरूपानुसार ही इसकी आवश्यकता होती है कुछ प्रामाणिक शोध उपकरण मौजूद हैं एवं कभी आवश्यकता अनुसार खुद भी स्व आवाश्यक्तानुसार शोध उपकरण विकसित करना होता है। वर्णनात्मक शोध प्रबन्ध में इसकी आवश्यकता नहीं होती।

9. प्रयुक्त सांख्यिकीय विधि(Used Statistical Method)-

जिन शोध के प्राप्य समंक होते हैं उनसे किसी निष्कर्ष तक पहुँचने में शोध की प्रवृत्ति के अनुसार सांख्यिकी का प्रयोग करना होता है यहां केवल प्रयुक्त सूत्र एवं उसमे प्रयुक्त अक्षर का आशय लिखना समीचीन होगा।

10. परिणाम, निष्कर्ष एवं सुझाव(Result, Outcome & Suggestion)-

इस भाग में केवल इतना लिखना पर्याप्त होगा कि ‘प्रदत्तों का सांख्यकीय विश्लेषण से प्राप्त परिणामों के आधार पर निष्कर्ष निकाला जायेगा एवं भविष्य हेतु सुझाव सुनिश्चित किए जाएंगे।

11. प्रस्तावित रूपरेखा (शोध स्वरूपानुसार)(Proposed Framework)-

  • सम्बन्धित साहित्य का अध्ययन
  • अध्ययन की योजना का प्रारूप
  • आकङों का विश्लेषण एवं विवेचन
  • शोध निष्कर्ष एवं सुझाव
जहां सांख्यिकीय विश्लेषण आवश्यक नहीं है उन वर्णनात्मक, ऐतिहासिक या विवेकनात्मक शोध में चतुर्थ अध्याय आवश्यकतानुसार परिवर्तनीय होगा।

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dissertation - Meaning in Hindi

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A thesis , or dissertation , is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings. In some contexts, the word thesis or a cognate is used for part of a bachelor's or master's course, while dissertation is normally applied to a doctorate. This is the typical arrangement in American English. In other contexts, such as within most institutions of the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, the reverse is true. The term graduate thesis is sometimes used to refer to both master's theses and doctoral dissertations.

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  • Published: 10 May 2024

Social, economic, and demographic factors drive the emergence of Hinglish code-mixing on social media

  • Ayan Sengupta 1 ,
  • Soham Das 2 ,
  • Md. Shad Akhtar 2 &
  • Tanmoy Chakraborty   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0210-0369 1 , 3  

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume  11 , Article number:  606 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Cultural and media studies
  • Language and linguistics

The advent of globalization and adaptation to multiple cultures has emanated a fusion of Hindi and English, casually known as Hinglish . The phenomenon of mixing multiple languages (such as Hindi and English) within a single utterance is often called code-mixing . Lately, code-mixed Hinglish has emerged as a dominant conversational language for Hindi-speaking citizens both online (on social media platforms) and offline. Although previous studies investigated such linguistic traits of Hinglish over the past few years, some pertinent questions still need to be answered: How did Hinglish evolve? And, what are the factors behind the evolution of Hinglish? Does the fusion of English impact all Hindi words similarly? To this end, we explore the empirical and statistical shreds of evidence behind the rise of Hinglish on social media such as Twitter. We show that adopting Hinglish depends on several socio-economic and demographic factors. We further formulate dynamic models to explore the socio-economic factors driving the growth of Hinglish, derive the future growth of Hinglish in the upcoming years, and estimate the propensity of users to change their linguistic preferences. Our study highlights that the Hinglish population has evolved steadily between 2014 and 2022, with an annualized growth rate of 1.2%, and the usage of Hinglish on Twitter has increased annually by 2%. Further, we find that the impact of Hinglish evolution is not uniform across different word groups and affects the contextual meaning of different words differently. Although our findings are specific to the Indian Hinglish community, our study can be generalized to understand the evolution and dynamics of other code-mixed languages, such as Spanish-English or Chinese-English.

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India is a land of diversity. Diverse linguistic origins and diverse ecology have given birth to over 700 languages in India (Gazette 2014 ), out of which over 100 are spoken as the mother tongue by natives. As different cultures interchange, they give rise to multilingualism (Mallikarjun 2019 ). In fact, according to the 2011 census, over 26% of the Indian population is multilingual (TOI 2010 ). Spoken by over 500 million Indians, Hindi is among the most popular choices for bilingual and multilingual speakers. Hindi is also a dominant global language, the third most-spoken language worldwide with 602 million speakers (counting both first and second-language speakers) (International 2022 ; Barath 2019 ). An undeniable impact of British colonization in India is the interface between Hindi and English (Annamalai 2004 ). English was introduced in India by the British primarily for administrative and educational purposes. In the early days of English adoption, the elitists mainly adopted it as a symbol of modernity and societal status. Over the years, Indians have owned English in their vernaculars, amalgamating English and other Indian languages. This hybridization has also impacted the linguistics and morphology of both foreign and domestic languages. There are several instances of English words originating from Hindi or Urdu, such as ‘chutney’ (a thick sauce of Indian origin that contains fruits, vinegar, sugar, and spices, which is used as a condiment), ‘khaki’ (a light yellowish-brown cloth usually made of cotton or wool), and ‘mantra’ (a mystical formula of invocation). Similarly, loanwords can also be found in Hindi that originated from English : ‘botal’ (bottle), ‘kaptaan’ (captain), and ‘tamatar’ (tomato).

This cultural fusion has manifested in mixing Hindi and English, giving birth to a new hybrid language of ‘code-mixed Hinglish.’ In general, code-mixing (aka code-switching) (Nilep 2006 ) is a phenomenon that occurs when two or more languages are used together in a single utterance. It is a commonly observed phenomenon in multilingual societies and is widely spread in many language pairs such as Hinglish (Hindi-English) (Nema and Chawla 2018 ; Parshad et al. 2016 ), Spanglish (Spanish-English) (Otheguy and Stern 2011 ), Dutch-English (Roelofs 2019 ), and Chinese-English (Zhang 2012 ).

Several linguistic theories have been proposed (Poplack 1980 ; Sankoff and Poplack 1988 ) to understand the emergence of code-mixed languages from monolinguals. Generally, code-mixing emerges from a dominant language (aka matrix language) and a non-dominant foreign-embedded language (Myers-Scotton et al. 2002 ). In most cases, code-mixed texts follow the matrix language’s syntactic structure.

As shown in example 1, Hindi is the matrix language, and English is the foreign-embedded language. On the other hand, in example 2, English is the matrix language, and Hindi is the embedded language. Being an informal conversational language, code-mixing can be observed in many conversation settings, a popular one being online social networks (Yusnida et al. 2022 ). Due to ease of access, most users prefer using romanized scripts for written communications, leading to script-mixing . Transliterations in script-mixing have become a common way to write Hinglish on online platforms, and it has allowed users to express themselves in their preferred language, regardless of the script. In example 1, we find the Hindi words ‘tumhara’ , ‘kya’ , ‘hai’ transliterated to Romanized script. On the other hand, in example 3, both Romanized and Devanagari scripts are used for the Hindi text. These diverse linguistic properties of code-mixed languages need to be studied to understand the emergence of derived synthetic languages from natural languages.

Several computational studies (Srivastava et al. 2020 ; Pratapa et al. 2018 ) have been conducted to understand how code-mixed texts are formed. Computational linguists have also attempted (Bhatia and Ritchie 2016 ; Nema and Chawla 2018 ; Mabule 2015 ; Thara and Poornachandran 2018 ) to understand the linguistic variabilities of Hindi-English code-mixed language. Significant efforts have been made for building computational systems for several applications; sentiment analysis (Joshi et al. 2016 ), parts-of-speech tagging (Singh et al. 2018 ), named-entity recognition (Priyadharshini et al. 2020 ), hate detection (Sreelakshmi et al. 2020 ), and sarcasm detection (Aggarwal et al. 2020 ) from Hindi-English code-mixed texts. Notable contributions have also been made to develop computational systems (Chakravarthi et al. 2022 ; Wang et al. 2018 ) to solve semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic tasks for other code-mixed languages.

Like any other language, code-mixing as a language shows evolutionary traits. Societal, cultural, and evolutionary changes drive the evolution of human languages. Kothari and Snell ( 2011 ) delved into the history and origin of the Hinglish language, and the different extents of its integration into various geographical, cultural, and social strata. The authors also explored the potential of Hinglish to grow further as a regular conversational instrument among Indians and in Indian media. Today, Hinglish has become a popular choice of communication for the young Indian population from different demographic and cultural backgrounds. Not only within India, Hinglish has also emerged as a popular language among the Indian diaspora in the US and the UK (Baker 2015 ). Code-mixing is a phenomenon that has been shown to evolve, bringing changes in the interacting languages and the populations speaking them. The dynamics of such a system can be understood through language competition models, which establish a relationship among the fractions of the population using each participating language. In this work, we answer the following questions: What are the empirical and statistical pieces of evidence of the evolution of Hinglish code-mixing in social networks? Does code-mixing have a similar impact on different word groups? What are the drivers behind the evolution of Hindi-English code-mixing? And, can they be used to predict the adaptation of Hindi-English in the upcoming years?

To our knowledge, ours is the first large-scale computational study addressing the evolution of Hinglish code-mixed language and the drivers behind the evolution. We conduct thorough empirical and statistical analyses to understand the evolution of the Hinglish code-mixed language and the evolutionary dynamics of different linguistic groups. Beyond analyzing Hinglish’s current prevalence and characteristics, we look at the phenomenon’s temporal evolution in the social media context for Indian users. Social media users often use code-mixing to engage a wider audience and appear relatable. We hypothesize that the use of code-mixing has followed a trend over the years, correlating to the trend of other socio-economic factors. We attempt to find and analyze the strongest of such connections. Our analyses are based on a dataset we collected from Twitter, spanning 2014–2022. Twitter (Twitter underwent rebranding in July 2023 and has since been known as X), one of the most popular online forums among the young urban population, is a medium where users prefer hybrid code-mixed language over monolinguals for a wider audience and for expressing creativity and humor. We chose our population of study from Twitter and collected 262, 578 tweets posted by 16, 710 unique Twitter handles between January 2014 and September 2022. Unlike existing Hinglish code-mixed corpus, we retain the user information (although anonymized) to understand the micro traits of code-mixed evolution. Using a list of annually recorded socio-economic and demographic features of India, we conduct correlation analysis with these trends and create a dynamic model that can predict the growth or decline of code-mixing in the coming years, given certain constraints. Instead of modeling the language evolution purely using the ordinary differential equations (Parshad et al. 2016 ) or game-theory-based approaches (Nowak and Krakauer 1999 ), we adopt an econometric technique on the available proportional data while including the exogenous socio-economic and demographic variables recorded annually. Our proposed dynamic model considers the dynamics among Hindi, English, and Hinglish languages and captures the dependence of different exogenous socio-demographic and economic macro features on language evolution. We conduct linguistic analysis to understand the impact of code-mixing on different words their linguistic properties and how they evolve (Srivastava et al. 2020 ). Our analyses conclude that Hinglish adoption has evolved consistently between 2014 and 2020 with an annualized growth rate of 1.2% and will grow beyond 2023 at an even higher rate of 2.98%. Artifacts collected in this work can aid in computational research on code-mixed language. We also hypothesize and, through our analysis, highlight the role of Bollywood films and actors in the widespread adoption of Hinglish in the Indian community. Code-mixing affects the hierarchy of society differently and, therefore, emerges as a personalized language instead of a language with universal recognition. Our current work sheds light on these aspects and leaves room for researchers to explore more about the personalization of this cultural phenomenon. Insights from our work can also aid in building conversational systems – chatbots and virtual assistants in code-mixing languages. These applications can leverage the code-switching patterns found in real-life conversations to break the language barrier and reach wider audiences. Our work shows the existence of an evolutionary trend in code mixing in the Indian social media context and extracts several patterns about it. It provides arguments for the need to work with newly collected data to capture the ever-evolving semantics of the Hinglish language in natural language models. From our results, we argue the inability to treat natural language processing (NLP) tasks on code-mixed data the same as the tasks on monolingual corpora. We find various characteristic patterns of the Hinglish phenomenon, which are integral to determining and predicting the semantics of the language. Our work is not a comprehensive analysis of the language but provides a basis for deeper analysis that new research works on code-mixed datasets should perform to eliminate erroneous, outdated assumptions of older research and models.

Related work

In one of the earliest studies on code-mixing, Joshi 1982 explained how the dynamics between two grammatical systems lead to the hybrid language of code-mixing. Motivated by this study, Myers-Scotton 1997 proposed a matrix language frame (MLF) model, which theorized the effect of the matrix language and embedded language in forming code-mixed language. Other popular theories on code-mixed language formation include equivalence constraint (EC) (Poplack 1980 ) and functional head constraint (Di Sciullo et al. 1986 ). The EC theory expands the concept of code-mixing beyond lexical substitutions and highlights the roles of context-free grammars of the matrix and embedding languages. Several attempts (Bromham et al. 2015 ; Nowak and Krakauer 1999 ; Parshad et al. 2016 ; Abrams and Strogatz 2003 ; Nie et al. 2013 ; Walters 2014 ; Patriarca and Heinsalu 2009 ) have been made to study the effect of exogenous socio-linguistic and geographical features on the spread of code-mixing and language competition phenomena. Variations can also be observed in the amount of code-mixing observed in utterances on average. Nema and Chawla 2018 discussed the adoption and impact of Hinglish in Indian media, its causes and effects, and various sociological aspects. Analyses of different modes of code-switching have been explored in Bollywood scripts (Si 2011 ). The language dynamics of Hindi and English were discussed via several models and assumptions, such as ordinary differential equation (ODE) and partial differential equations (PDE) models (Parshad et al. 2016 ), reaction-diffusion models (Walters 2014 ), and control theoretical approaches (Nie et al. 2013 ). Despite these linguistic and computational studies, there has been no large-scale empirical study on the evolution of Hinglish code-mixing that unearths the socio-demographic aspects behind code-mixing. Moreover, most existing studies on the emergence of code-mixed language are based on social interactions and, therefore, overlook the impact of social media on linguistic evolution. We attempt to model the evolution of Hinglish code-mixing on both linguistics and exogenous socio-economic and demographic factors. In contrast to existing studies, we conduct our analyses on curated social media data instead of census data, allowing us to perform both aggregated and fine-grained studies. Our study aims to shed light on the language dynamics in the Indian social media space, where people might be motivated to present and converse differently than in other day-to-day interactions, given different sizes of audiences.

Dataset collection and labelling

To understand the temporal trend of linguistic preferences of Indians on Twitter, we used Twitter academic API (Twitter 2023 ) (Application Programming Interface) to fetch 260k tweets related to ‘Cricket’, ‘Bollywood’, and ‘Politics’ from 2014 (see SI Appendix , Section 1.1) . We did not have any specific criteria for choosing the keywords for our queries, except for using terms and themes widely discussed in the Indian social media context. Cricket, for example, has a much wider consumer space in India than most other sports (Economist 2014 ). We filtered tweets posted by users in the Mumbai and Delhi metropolitan regions, two regions with predominantly Hindi-speaking populations. While multiple Indian states satisfy the previous condition, we arbitrarily chose Delhi and Mumbai to obtain a sizable number of tweets as representatives of the Hindi, English, and Hinglish-speaking populations in the Indian social network scenario. Starting from the year 2014, Twitter automatically tags the language of a tweet. We considered tweets with tagged language ID ‘hi’ (Hindi) and ‘en’ (English). This led us to 2,62,578 tweets from 16,710 Twitter handles (users), averaging ~16 tweets per user. We used a pre-trained language model open-sourced with (Sagorsarker 2020 ) to perform word-level language identification and parts-of-speech (PoS) tagging (see Section 2.3 and Table 3 of SI Appendix ). A popular metric to quantify the degree of code-mixing is the code-mixing index (CMI) (Gambäck and Das 2014 ). For a text with n tokens (including Hindi, English, language-invariant words, and symbols) with n h i Hindi and n e n English words, we defined the code-mixing index (CMI) as:

CMI quantifies the extent of code-mixing in the text; having a higher CMI indicates more mixing patterns in a text. Therefore, a text with an equal number of Hindi and English words has a higher CMI than a text skewed more toward any particular language. We adopted the following logic to determine if a text is written in monolingual Hindi, English, or Hinglish.

To determine the linguistic preference of a user, we adopted a similar logic, where we calculated the mean CMI and the total number of Hindi words and English words used by the user in a quarter.

Dynamic model

To understand the trends expressed in the monolingual Hindi ( h i ), monolingual English ( e n ), and Hindi-English code-mixing ( c m ) populations (fraction of total population) and the role of various socio-economic factors in influencing these trends, we developed a dynamic econometric model. Towards this, we curated 1, 442 countrywide socio-economic indicators ( SI Appendix , Section 1.2) between 2014 and 2022. We selected 10 features based on Spearman’s rank correlation with the three population trends (see Section 2.1 and Tables 1 and 2 of SI Appendix ). The filtered indicators directly or indirectly influence the living standards, internet activity, and other behavioral traits of the Indian populace ( SI Appendix , Table 1) . Rather than the actual values of the exogenous variables, we hypothesize that the rate of change in the linguistic populations is influenced by the temporal trends captured in these variables (see Fig. 1 ).

figure 1

All the features are scaled between (0, 1).

For the three population ratios represented by h i , e n , and c m respectively, we define the relationship as

Here p i → j is the transition probability from population i to population j . Therefore, it follows, ∑ j = h i , e n , c m p i → j  = 1, 7D1  ∀   i   ∈  { h i , e n , c m }. The dynamic system calculates the yearly rate of change in each population. Using the transition probabilities, we determined the inflow and outflow rates of each population. The bias terms b h i , b e n , and b c m denote the prior probabilities of each user being in Hindi, English, and Hinglish populations, respectively. For all the exogenous features (see Section 1.2 of SI Appendix ), we calculated the year-wise rate of change, denoted by Δ X . The weight vectors W h i , W e n , and W c m denote the importance of each of these features on the Hindi, English, and Hinglish populations, respectively.

We assumed that the temporal trend of the population fractions only depends on the current fractions and the change in the exogenous features. The inflow of the net Indian population (combining Hindi, English, and Hinglish) on Twitter is captured through Δ X t . Using the total number of Twitter users per year as the actual population count does not work for two reasons. Firstly, the net population of India will directly depend on the birth, death, and migration rates. However, the number of Twitter handles extracted in our analysis depends on the subset of tweets returned by our API. Secondly, the number of Twitter handles available in a particular year would also not represent the Indian population. Hence, we worked with only the fractional populations to isolate a study on the relative trends of the three linguistic categories. The method used for identifying a particular Twitter handle as code-mixed, monolingual English, or monolingual Hindi for a year is independent of the volume of tweets extracted.

We trained our dynamic system with ordinary least square (OLS) regression. As exogenous features are of different scales, we standardized (scikit-learn developers 2023 ) these variables based on their values between 2014 and 2021. Using 2014 as the base year t  = 0, we calculated the proportion of Hindi, English, and Hinglish population in 2015 using the dynamic system defined in Equation ( 2 ). Henceforth, we calculated the population proportions in the subsequent years 2016 to 2022, which are used to fit the system parameters. Using our dynamic model and assuming that the exogenous factors stay the same in future years as in the last recorded year in our dataset, we predicted the future population trends for the three language-specific populations.

Word representation model and retention rate

We obtained a vectorized representation of each word using the context-based language model, Word2Vec (Mikolov et al. 2013 ). Word2Vec uses neural architecture to learn representations of words from each sentence that are algebraically viable. We used the Gensim toolkit (Řehůřek 2022 ) to train the Word2Vec model on tweet corpora collected each year. We obtained a 100D vector representation for each word in every year between 2014 and 2022. To define each word’s context, we used a window of size 4 (i.e., considering all 2-hop neighbors). To avoid overfitting the models, we considered only the words that appear at least 10 times in the corpus. The contextual similarity between any pair of words can be calculated using the dot product between their vectorized representations. We defined the neighborhood of each word by considering the closest 25 nodes. For each word w and its neighbor \({N}_{w}^{(t)}\) in t th year, we defined ‘retention rate’ as:

According to the principles of contextualized word representation (Mikolov et al. 2013 ; Liu et al. 2020 ; Sezerer and Tekir 2021 ), the meaning of a word can be determined based on its context, i.e., its neighboring words. Therefore, a word that does not change its neighborhood structure in subsequent years has a higher retention rate.

Evidence of Hinglish evolution

We conducted regression analyses on CMI calculated on tweets posted by different users. We highlighted the year-wise CMI distribution and the temporal drift in median CMI over the years in Fig. 2 . The drift in year-wise CMI distribution suggests splitting the entire period into several smaller phases (time periods with consistent trends). We adopt the Fisher-Jenks break point algorithm ( SI Appendix , Section 2.2) to split the entire period details into three phases, with the first phase spanning January 2014 to December 2014 (containing 1502 tweets with a median CMI of 0.52). The second phase spanned January 2015 to March 2020 (43,877 tweets with median CMI 0.53), and the third phase spanned April 2020 to September 2022 (217, 120 tweets with a median CMI 0.57). We observe that median CMI increased 0.2% per year between 2014 and 2022 with an intercept (bias) of 0.506 (see Table 1 a). In phase 2, CMI increases significantly with an annualized growth rate of 1.2%. We observed the goodness-of-fit of the regression model with a high adjusted R 2 of 0.755 and F-statistics of 59.41 with p  < 0.001. On the other hand, after 2020, CMI stabilizes, which can be empirically justified with a low adjusted R 2 and a slope of 0.00.

figure 2

We highlight three different temporal phases based on the trend in CMI. The shift in CMI distribution also shows how the perception of code-mixing has shifted at the population level.

Based on the CMI value, we divided the tweets into three categories: Monolingual Hindi, Monolingual English, and Hinglish Code-mixed. The overall trend in terms of the usage of Hinglish code-mixing language shows a similar upward trend (see Fig. 3 A). The yearly number of tweets has increased 12-fold in the third phase i.e., after 2020. The proportion of usage of code-mixing has increased from 42% to 60% between 2015 and 2020. After 2020, however, the usage of code-mixing has remained stable at ~60%. The use of monolingual Hindi and English steadily decreased between 2015 and 2022. Table 1 b highlights the results of the regression study to quantify these growth rates further. Between 2014 to 2022, usage of monolingual English on Twitter among Indians has decreased at a steady rate of 1.2% per year. On the other hand, code-mixing has increased with a growth rate of 2%. Compared to these, monolingual Hindi usage has remained almost constant, with a prevalence of 26.6%. For each user, we computed the total number of monolingual and code-mixed tweets, based on which we determined the most popular language for each user. Similar to the previous analyses, we analyzed the users and the evolution of their linguistic preferences over the years (see Fig. 3 B). It shows the quarter-wise trend in the number of users preferring monolingual Hindi, monolingual English, and Hinglish in their communication on Twitter. Based on regression analysis (highlighted in Table 1 c), we conclude that Hinglish has always been the most popular choice mode of written communication among Indian Twitter users (44.9% preferred Hinglish in 2014). The proportion of users preferring Hinglish has increased to 56.3% after 2020 with a steady growth rate of 1.2% year-wise. On the contrary, the proportion of users preferring monolingual English has decreased steadily from 23.3% to 11.2% with a rate of 1.6%.

figure 3

A . Proportion of tweets made with different languages. The volume (secondary y-axis) shows the increase in the total number of tweets made by the Indian Hindi-speaking population. Both the quarterly and daily time-series data show an upward trend in code-mixed usage between 2015 and 2020 before saturating in 2021. B . Proportion of users from different language groups. The upward trend in both volume and code-mixing population shows the adaptiveness of the Indian Hindi-speaking population in terms of using code-mixing language on Twitter.

Linguistic changes due to Hinglish evolution

meaning of thesis in hindi

Frequent Hindi words are more likely to be written in Devanagari than Romanized ones. The topical difference between Hindi and English usage is clearly visible. A The most prominent Hindi words are either pronouns or adverbs. B On the other hand, the frequent English words are mostly nouns and adjectives and are majorly used in political tweets.

figure 5

We observed words surrounded by words from other languages. We highlighted popular Hindi words ( A ) occurring in English contexts, i.e., Hindi words that frequently co-occur within other English words. Similarly, frequent English words occurring in Hindi contexts are highlighted in B .

figure 6

We calculated the retention rate of words between the period 2017 to 2021 and categorized them based on the parts-of-speech (PoS) tags. Proper nouns, determinants, and conjunctions exhibited high retention over the years, whereas nouns, verbs, and adjectives exhibited low retention.

We further illustrate the evolution of Hindi words under the influence of English by highlighting two words in the context of other Hindi words – ‘government’, a noun, and ‘khan’, a proper noun, and a popular surname in India. To understand how Hinglish evolution impacted the meaning of individual words, we obtained their neighbors (words with high cosine similarity between their vector representations) and analyzed how their similarity values changed over the years (see Fig. 7 A). We observed that the similarities between the word ‘government’ and its neighbors, such as ‘Delhi’ and ‘central’, increase with time. On the other hand, for the word ‘khan’, the similarity and neighborhood structure remain stable over the years (see Fig. 7 B). Additionally, we analyzed the neighborhood structures of these words and their evolution over the years. Each year, we highlighted the neighbors retained in the neighborhood in the next year. Blue nodes denote the neighbors retained over the years, whereas green nodes denote the new neighbors. Thus, having more green nodes indicates that the word’s meaning changes and therefore changes its neighbors.

figure 7

We visualize the linguistically similar words to `government', a noun ( A ), and `khan', a proper noun ( B ) between 2018 and 2022. We analyze the top five neighbors of the words `government' ( C ) and `khan' ( D ) to understand the linguistic evolution of these words. `Blue' nodes denote the neighbors retained over the years, `green' denotes neighbors added in a particular year, and `red' denotes neighbors from the previous year that are dropped in the next year. More red nodes for the word `government' highlight nouns' low retention rate. The neighborhood networks of `khan' are observed to be denser as compared to the networks of `government'.

On the other hand, having more blue nodes indicates a more stable neighborhood structure. For the word ‘government’, the blue nodes were reduced between 2018 and 2020, and more green nodes were introduced in the later years. We observe very few green nodes and more blue nodes for the word ‘khan’, suggesting that the word preserves its neighborhood structure and has not evolved. This analysis shows the micro-level linguistic changes due to Hinglish evolution.

Drivers behind Hinglish evolution

We highlighted the importance scores and Spearman’s correlation of the exogenous features (elaborated in Section 2 , SI Appendix ) with different population trends in Fig. 8 . We observed that the wholesale price index (WPI) has the highest correlation of 0.86 with the extent of code-mixing, followed by net secondary income (correlation of 0.83) and government consumption expenditure. Our proposed econometric model suggests that key economic indicators such as agriculture value-added and bilateral aid flows are the most important factors behind the growth of the Hinglish population.

figure 8

We calculated feature importance ( A ) and Spearman’s rank correlation ( B ) between the features and the proportion of users speaking in monolingual Hindi, English, and Hindi-English code-mixed language. We highlighted the top 10 features in terms of the highest absolute correlation with any of the two language groups. A . We observed the importance of each feature on different populations obtained from the dynamic model. Each importance value signifies the change in the proportion of different linguistic groups with a unit change in the feature. C We highlighted the transition probabilities between Monolingual Hindi (Hi), Monolingual English (En), and Code-mixed (CM) populations. Transition probabilities are not symmetric, i.e., the transition probability En → CM is not same as the transition probability CM → En. A high transition probability CM → CM indicates the propensity of CM users to stay in the CM population. D The bias term denotes the probability of a user being in each group without prior knowledge. Generally, users are more likely (0.36) to prefer Hinglish over monolingual Hindi or English.

We further highlighted the transition probabilities between different linguistic groups in Fig. 8 C. The probability of changing a user’s linguistic preference from Hindi to Hinglish is 0.43. On the other hand, a user preferring English has a higher chance of moving to Hinglish (probability of 0.78) than to Hindi (probability of 0.14). Contrarily, a user preferring Hinglish has a high probability (0.74) of remaining in the Hinglish population. If the user plans to switch to monolingualism, the chances are very high that the user will prefer Hindi (conditional probability of 0.98) to English. On average, a user has a prior probability of 0.36 (shown in Fig. 8 D) being preferred to Hinglish, higher than monolingual Hindi and English.

Forecasting the growth of code-mixing on Indian Twitter

We obtained the probability of users being in different linguistic groups in the future years from the dynamic model, which we highlight in Fig. 9 . Our dynamic model obtains a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.029. We further used an ablation of our model without considering the exogenous variables. This model resembles the ODE model proposed by Parshad et al. 2016 and achieves an RMSE of 0.045. The relative improvement of our model (55% lower RMSE) compared to its ablation version can be attributed to the influences of the exogenous variables on the dynamics of different language groups. We observe that the Hinglish population is predicted to rise with a steady annualized growth rate of 2.97%. The population’s preference for monolingual Hindi will remain constant. However, the population preferring monolingual English will decrease between 2022 and 2025 with an annualized rate of 2.98%. A sudden drop in the code-mixed population is observed for the year 2022, which can be attributed to the break in the collected data. However, it is interesting that our fitted mathematical model can resemble the historical trends observed in future years.

figure 9

A steady growth in the code-mixed population can be observed after 2022, with a consistent decline in the monolingual English population. The sudden dip in the code-mixed population in 2022 is due to discontinuity in the training data.

Our work aims to analyze the state of the English, Hindi, and code-mixed (Hinglish) languages and populations concerning the Indian population engaging with social networks. The datasets were curated from Twitter as a proxy of the Indian population to obtain its general linguistic trends and insights. Our empirical analyses suggest that Indians tend to prefer Hinglish over monolingual Hindi or English to communicate on Twitter. Monolingual Hindi has been the second preferred mode of communication. Although the population preferring Hinglish was 26% more in 2014 than in 2015, we could not use 2014 as the base year due to the lack of tweets during the early months. Considering 2015 as the base year, we observe that the propensity for speaking in Hinglish increases steadily between 2015 and 2020, after which it stabilizes. The extent of code-mixing has also increased steadily since 2015 - 2020. Also, instead of treating the year 2022 in retrospect, we used it in a prospective analysis, as the dataset was curated until August 2022. We observe that Hinglish evolution has left a different impression on different linguistic groups. The historical average CMI on political tweets is 0.51, which is significantly higher than tweets covering Bollywood (0.47) and sports (0.43). The most frequent English words are used in political contexts, indicating that political figures tend to use Twitter as a medium to reach out to more English-proficient demographics. Twitter has become a platform for social and political activism, and Hinglish has made it easier for Indians to express their opinions and debate important issues. Bollywood, the Hindi film industry, has played a significant role in the evolution of Hinglish (Dixit 2016 ). Bollywood films have been a significant source of entertainment and cultural influence in India. Hinglish usage on topics related to Bollywood has grown with an annualized rate of 1.7%. On the other hand, the annualized growth rates of Hinglish on political and sports-related tweets are 1.5% and 1.4%, respectively. The regression analysis highlights how Bollywood influences the adaptability of Hinglish and helps to popularize and standardize the language. Famous Bollywood actors – Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, and Akshay Kumar are often at the center of discussions among Hindi movie-loving communities. The high coherence among the keywords ‘khan’, ‘Shahrukh’, ‘Aamir’, and ‘Akshay’ (see Fig. 7 B) is the empirical evidence behind this. Further, as highlighted in the previous section, the coherence has remained stable over the years, indicating Bollywood’s consistent influence on Hinglish’s linguistic evolution.

To understand the key drivers behind the evolution of Hinglish, we analyzed the socio-economic and demographic indicators over the years and their impact on different linguistic groups. As described in the previous section, the economic indicators – bilateral aid flows, agriculture value-added, net secondary income, and government consumption expenditure play a positive role in the rise of Hinglish. Higher secondary income leads to higher purchasing power parity (PPP), leading to more access to the internet, which naturally gives rise to Hinglish in social media. Education and access to information are also important factors driving the evolution of Hinglish. We further report the year-wise values of these socio-economic factors in Fig. 1 . Due to the economic slowdown during COVID-19, there was a dip in most of the economic indicators during 2020 - 2021 (Chaudhary et al. 2020 ). However, the volume of tweets was high during this period, perhaps due to the countrywide lockdown (Lancet 2020 ) and more time to spare. As Indians are inherently biased towards Hinglish (as observed in Fig. 8 C, D), a higher number of tweets automatically leads to more code-mixing on Twitter. It is safe to assume that this will lead to Hinglish evolution in the future. Historical trends of linguistic evolution are captured in our statistical study. With the assumption that exogenous variables remain constant after the last recorded year, code-mixing follows an increasing trend after a sharp dip. This implies that under the current conditions, the code-mixed population that the linguistic environment in India can support is lesser than the present proportion and will increase steadily to a lower asymptotic value of around 50% of the population.

Hinglish is a linguistic phenomenon derived from the cultural fusion of Hindi and English. Indians, being multilingual at large, have always been inclined towards using this hybrid language, at least on social media platforms. The code-mixed language was widely adopted in 2015 - 2020, which can be attributed to the economic growth factors. However, the switching pattern differs across all the linguistic categories but depends on the context in which the words are used. These results imply how fusion languages are derived and adopted among communities. With more engagement in social platforms comes more ethical and societal responsibilities. Fake and harmful content detection (Goel et al. 2023 ) from social platforms has become an urgent need for the hour. Identifying harmful materials from social media content requires natural language understanding capabilities at different linguistic hierarchies. In this work, we lay the groundwork for several fundamental properties of Hinglish code-mixed language and shed some light on how the language could evolve. By understanding how fake-news peddlers and hatemongers make use of code-mixing for information propagation, one can build robust computational systems to tackle these issues. Observing the results of our dynamic model and the changing semantics of words over time, we conclude that any existing datasets for code-mixed utterances will fail to capture the semantics of the ever-evolving Hinglish language. Therefore, generating new code-mixed datasets might prove helpful in keeping large language models and other NLP applications updated to consumer needs.

Data availability

All data used in this study are shared at Harvard Dataverse (can be found at https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/BIUUW4 ). We collected the year-wise socio-economic features from a data bank maintained by the World Bank at https://data.worldbank.org/country/india .

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Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, 110016, India

Ayan Sengupta & Tanmoy Chakraborty

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, New Delhi, 110020, India

Soham Das & Md. Shad Akhtar

Yardi School of Artificial Intelligence, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, 110016, India

Tanmoy Chakraborty

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Sengupta, A., Das, S., Akhtar, M.S. et al. Social, economic, and demographic factors drive the emergence of Hinglish code-mixing on social media. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11 , 606 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-03058-6

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Received : 18 October 2023

Accepted : 12 April 2024

Published : 10 May 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-03058-6

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meaning of thesis in hindi


  1. THESIS Meaning in Hindi

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    THESIS translate: थीसिस, शोध प्रबंध, अभिधारणा, किसी व्यक्ति, समूह, लेख या भाषण के प्रमुख विचार. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Hindi Dictionary.

  3. thesis

    विवरण. A thesis, or dissertation, is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings. In some contexts, the word thesis or a cognate is used for part of a bachelor's or master's course, while dissertation is normally applied to a doctorate.

  4. thesis meaning in Hindi

    What is thesis meaning in Hindi? The word or phrase thesis refers to a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree, or an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument. See thesis meaning in Hindi, thesis definition, translation and meaning of thesis in Hindi ...

  5. Hindi translation of 'thesis'

    Hindi Translation of "THESIS" | The official Collins English-Hindi Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Hindi translations of English words and phrases.

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  7. thesis

    1. Thesis [n.] - A position or proposition which a person advances and offers to maintain, or which is actually maintained by argument. - Hence, an essay or dissertation written upon specific or definite theme; especially, an essay presented by a candidate for a diploma or degree.


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    thesis (noun) = a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree. Synonyms: dissertation, thesis. Other words to learn. wear_out meaning in Hindi. confection meaning in Hindi.

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  11. Thesis Meaning In Hindi

    The correct meaning of Thesis in Hindi is अभिधारणा. It is written as Vikretā in Roman. Thesis is a noun, plural theses [thee-seez] /ˈθi siz/ (Show IPA) according to parts of speech. It is spelled as [thee-sis]. There are also several similar words to Thesis in our dictionary, which are Contention, Contestation, Hypothesis ...

  12. Thesis Meaning In Hindi

    Know the meaning of the Thesis word in Hindi with this amazing online English to Hindi dictionary. Thesis is an English word that is translated in Hindi and carries a lot more information on this page. Thesis meaning in Hindi is थिसिस and it can write in roman as Thisis. Along with the Hindi meaning of Thesis, multiple definitions are ...

  13. dissertation

    विवरण. A thesis, or dissertation, is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings. In some contexts, the word thesis or a cognate is used for part of a bachelor's or master's course, while dissertation is normally applied to a doctorate.

  14. Thesis meaning in Hindi

    Thesis meaning in Hindi | Thesis का हिंदी में अर्थ | explained Thesis in Hindiमैं अपनी जो माइक, कैमरा और अन्य ...

  15. एक शोधपत्र (Research Paper) लिखें

    कैसे एक शोधपत्र (Research Paper) लिखें. स्कूल की ऊंची कक्षाओं में पढ़ने के दौरान और कॉलेज पीरियड में हमेशा ही, आपको शोध-पत्र तैयार करने के लिए कहा जाएगा। एक शोध ...

  16. How to Write a Thesis in Hindi?

    Thesis Writing in Hindi is not an easy task. It requires a lot of time, research, and the development of ideas. You have to put in the effort before you can write your thesis paper.The best way to do this is by sitting down with a dictionary or thesaurus for some time so that you can find out about new words that come up while writing in Hindi language.

  17. DISSERTATION in Hindi

    DISSERTATION translate: (प्रायः कॉलेज या युनिवर्सिटी में) किसी विशेष विषय पर ...

  18. Synopsis(शोध प्रारूपिका) लघु शोध व शोध के विद्यार्थियों हेतु

    वैचारिक तूफ़ान को शोध एक सृजनात्मक आयाम देता है व अस्तित्व में ...

  19. THESIS

    THESIS meaning: 1. a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done for a higher…. Learn more.

  20. dissertation

    A thesis, or dissertation, is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings. ... What is dissertation meaning in Hindi, dissertation translation in Hindi, dissertation definition, pronunciations and examples of dissertation in Hindi. dissertation ...

  21. Format of Thesis Writing (in Hindi)

    Format of thesis;Thesis and Dissertation,Parts of Thesis and its content. (Hindi) Research Aptitude - NTA-UGC NET. 11 lessons • 2h 19m. 1. Research: Meaning and Characteristics (in Hindi) 11:01mins. 2. Types of Research (in Hindi) 12:36mins.

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  23. THESIS

    THESIS definition: 1. a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done for a higher…. Learn more.

  24. Social, economic, and demographic factors drive the emergence of

    For a text with n tokens (including Hindi, English, language-invariant words, and symbols) with n hi Hindi and n en English words, we defined the code-mixing index (CMI) as: