Alphabet to numbers

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How to use this alphabet-to-numbers converter.

  • Simply type or paste your letters into the textbox, and the letters you input will automatically convert to numbers.
  • Code type: choose a mapping schema, A1Z26, or A0Z25. The start value can be 1 or 0.
  • Separator: choose a character to separate the numbers in the result. Leave it blank if you want to remove the separator and make the result more compact and mysterious.
  • Code for space character: map spaces to a special code, for example "66". Leave it blank if you want to remove the white space code from the result.
  • Alphabet type: choose from the supported alphabets: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. You can also customize your own alphabet, and characters outside of the alphabet will be ignored.
  • Padding with 0: turn 1-9 into 01-09 to ensure that all codes have the same width.
  • Reverse: reverse the order of the result, make it backward.
  • Copy the result and share it with your friends or use it in your work.

What is an Alphabet-to-Numbers Converter?

An Alphabet-to-Numbers Converter is a tool that converts text or alphabet characters into their corresponding numeric values using a given numbering scheme. This tool encodes text in a numeric form, which can be decoded back into text when using the same numbering scheme.

Alphabet-to-Numbers Converters typically offer the following features:

  • Choosing a numbering system: The most common system is A1Z26, where A is assigned 1, B is assigned 2, and so on up to Z, which is assigned 26. However, other numbering systems are possible.
  • Entering text or alphabet characters: The converter accepts input in various formats, such as simple text, words, or sentences.
  • Converting to numeric values: Based on the chosen numbering system, each letter is converted and displayed as its numeric equivalent. Numbers, symbols, and spaces may be excluded or converted separately.
  • Copying or exporting the numeric values: The numeric output can be copied directly or exported as a text file for further use.
  • Decoding numeric values back to text: Some converters include a decoding feature that converts numbers back to their corresponding letters, allowing the original text to be reproduced.

An Alphabet-to-Numbers Converter performs a simple numeric encoding of text data. This tool can be used as a basic form of cipher or code for encrypting messages, experimenting with cryptography, or solving word puzzles that utilize numeric representation of letters.

While the A1Z26 numbering scheme is the most straightforward, Alphabet-to-Numbers Converters offer flexibility in choosing numbering systems depending on the intended application.

Main Users of Alphabet to Numbers Converters

Alphabet to numbers converters are used by a variety of individuals and groups for different purposes. Some of the main users include:

  • Students studying cryptography: Alphabet to numbers converters can be a useful tool for students learning about encryption and ciphers, as it provides a simple and understandable introduction to the concepts involved.
  • Word puzzlers and gamers: Alphabet to numbers conversion is often used as a component of word puzzles, anagrams, crosswords, and other games that require numeric representation of letters. This adds an extra layer of challenge and complexity to the game.
  • Children and young adolescents exchanging secret notes: Converting letters to numbers can be a fun and simple way for kids to create secret messages and communicate with each other, adding an element of mystery and excitement to their interactions.
  • Cryptography enthusiasts experimenting with simple ciphers: Alphabet to numbers conversion can be used as an introductory exercise for cryptography enthusiasts who want to explore encryption techniques. It provides a basic understanding of how substitution ciphers work and can be a starting point for more complex encryption methods.
  • Researchers for demonstrations or educational purposes: Alphabet to numbers conversion can serve as an illustrative example in demonstrations or educational materials for teaching the concepts of encryption and substitution ciphers. It can help to make these concepts more accessible and understandable to a wider audience.

Overall, alphabet to numbers conversion has a range of applications and is used by a diverse group of individuals for different purposes.

A Brief History of Converting Letters to Numbers

The practice of converting letters to numbers has a long history dating back thousands of years. Here are some key milestones:

  • Ancient Greece: The earliest known examples of letter-to-number conversion date back to ancient Greece, where scholars created substitution ciphers by assigning numbers to letters. This allowed them to encode secret messages and communicate securely.
  • Middle Ages and Renaissance: During this period, numerous letter-number encryption systems were developed to securely communicate military and diplomatic secrets. Alphabetic ciphers became increasingly complex with multiple substitution tables.
  • 16th and 17th centuries: More sophisticated numeric codes were created using polyalphabetic ciphers that utilized multiple substitution alphabets. This greatly increased the difficulty of decoding the messages.
  • Mid-1800s: The A1Z26 numbering system was introduced as a simple numeric code for children and amateur cryptologists. It became popularized due to its ease of use and memorization.
  • Modern era: Letter-number conversions are still used for basic coding purposes, word puzzles, and games. However, more complex cryptographic algorithms are needed for truly secure encryption.

Despite the availability of sophisticated encryption technologies today, the basic concept of assigning numbers to letters continues to be utilized for simple substitution ciphers and as an introduction to the field of cryptology.

The practice of converting letters to numbers has a long history dating back thousands of years. It began as a means of secure communication and later evolved into games and puzzles. The A1Z26 system became popular in the mid-1800s and remains a basic coding system still used today.

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Free Alphabets with Numbers Resources

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: May 10, 2024

letter number assignment

Discovering the connection between letters and numbers is a foundational skill that sets the stage for a multitude of learning experiences. The simple act of pairing each letter of the alphabet with its corresponding numerical order can be a gateway to exploring this fascinating intersection of language and mathematics.

Whether it’s to reinforce the basics of letter recognition, delve into the intriguing world of encoding and decoding, or even introduce the rudimentary concepts of cryptography, this approach provides a versatile tool for enhancing the learning process.

Integrating such a concept into classroom activities not only makes learning more dynamic and engaging but also enables students to discern the intricate connections between different subjects. It’s about turning abstract ideas into tangible skills that they can apply both within and beyond the classroom walls. The beauty of this method lies in its simplicity and its power to open up a world of creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

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Alphabets with Numbers

In today’s post I am sharing with you this free resource I created in Canva where I paired each alphabet letter with its corresponding number in order. The purpose is to provide you with a practical tool that you can use with your students in class.

This poster is available for free download in PDF format!

Alphabets with Numbers

Here is the second version of this poster with alphabet letters in lowercase:

Alphabets with Numbers

I also created this table featuring alphabet letters with numbers. You can use it as a reference for teaching letter positions, for encoding and decoding exercises, or for introducing basic concepts of cryptography to students. Incorporating it into activities can make learning more engaging and can help students see the connections between different subjects, such as language and math.


Alphabet Number Pairing Activities

In this section, I share with you some helpful alphabet number pairing activities designed not just to teach, but to inspire curiosity, foster creativity, and encourage exploration in a fun and interactive manner. From scavenger hunts that get kids moving and thinking, to artistic projects that blend numerical understanding with creative expression, these activities bridge the gap between the abstract and the tangible. Whether you’re looking to enhance classroom engagement, support home learning, or simply introduce a fresh approach to educational fundamentals, these alphabet number pairing activities are a valuable resource.

1. Alphabet-Number Scavenger Hunt

The Alphabet-Number Scavenger Hunt is an exciting activity that combines movement, exploration, and learning. Create a list of objects around your classroom or home, each starting with a different letter of the alphabet. Assign a number to each letter (A=1, B=2, etc.), and then provide clues to the students based on these numbers. For example, “Find something that starts with the 13th letter of the alphabet.” This encourages children to move around, think critically about the clues given, and apply their knowledge of the alphabet’s numerical order. It’s a fantastic way to make learning interactive and fun, promoting both physical activity and cognitive skills.

2. Alphabet Tower Activity

In the Alphabet Tower Activity, children use blocks or cards labeled with both letters and their corresponding numbers to build towers in alphabetical or numerical order. Starting with ‘A=1’, they stack blocks in sequence, challenging their understanding of the alphabet and numbers simultaneously. This physical representation of sequencing helps reinforce numerical order and alphabetical order knowledge. It also enhances fine motor skills and spatial awareness as they carefully balance the blocks. This activity can be adapted for individual play or teamwork, fostering cooperation and communication skills.

3. Code-Breaking Games

Introduce children to the world of cryptography with simple code-breaking games. Using the alphabet-number pairing, create secret messages by substituting letters with their corresponding numbers (A=1, B=2, etc.). Provide the students with the coded message and a key to decode it. This activity not only reinforces the letter-number associations but also encourages logical thinking and problem-solving skills. As they decipher messages, they’re engaging in a form of linguistic and mathematical puzzle-solving, which can be both challenging and rewarding.

4. Alphabetical Order Race

The Alphabetical Order Race is a dynamic activity that can be played indoors or outdoors. Write down letters and their corresponding numbers on separate pieces of paper or cards. Scatter them around the play area. The challenge for the students is to find and arrange the cards in the correct alphabetical or numerical order. Time the students or create teams for a competitive twist, encouraging quick thinking and physical activity. This race not only helps with understanding the sequence of letters and numbers but also adds an element of excitement to learning.

5. Letter-Number Art Project

Combine creativity with learning through a Letter-Number Art Project. Assign each student a letter of the alphabet and its corresponding number, then ask them to create an artwork that represents both the letter and the number. For example, they might draw one apple for ‘A=1’ or 26 zebras for ‘Z=26’. This activity encourages artistic expression while reinforcing the connection between letters and numbers. It’s also an excellent way for students to showcase their understanding in a visual and creative format, making learning memorable and personal.

Final thoughts

In wrapping up, the integration of alphabet and number pairing into educational activities offers a multifaceted approach to learning that bridges the gap between language and mathematics, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for both. By engaging students in these interactive and creative exercises, we not only enhance their cognitive skills but also ignite their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.

These activities demonstrate the power of innovative teaching methods in making abstract concepts tangible and enjoyable for students. Whether through scavenger hunts, building challenges, code-breaking games, races, or art projects, we provide learners with the tools to explore, discover, and make meaningful connections across different subjects.

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Meet Med Kharbach, PhD

Dr. Med Kharbach is an influential voice in the global educational technology landscape, with an extensive background in educational studies and a decade-long experience as a K-12 teacher. Holding a Ph.D. from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada, he brings a unique perspective to the educational world by integrating his profound academic knowledge with his hands-on teaching experience. Dr. Kharbach's academic pursuits encompass curriculum studies, discourse analysis, language learning/teaching, language and identity, emerging literacies, educational technology, and research methodologies. His work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published in various esteemed academic journals.

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Tool to convert letters to numbers and vice versa using the alphanumeric code A1Z26 (A=1, B=2, C=3).

Letter Number Code (A1Z26) A=1, B=2, C=3 - dCode

Tag(s) : Substitution Cipher


dCode is free and its tools are a valuable help in games, maths, geocaching, puzzles and problems to solve every day! A suggestion ? a feedback ? a bug ? an idea ? Write to dCode !

Please, check our dCode Discord community for help requests! NB: for encrypted messages, test our automatic cipher identifier !

Feedback and suggestions are welcome so that dCode offers the best 'Letter Number Code (A1Z26) A=1, B=2, C=3' tool for free! Thank you!

  • Letter Number Code (A1Z26) A=1, B=2, C=3
  • Cryptography
  • Substitution Cipher
  • Number to Letter A1Z26 Converter

  • Letter to Number A1Z26 Encoder
  • Calculate a word's value

Answers to Questions (FAQ)

  • What is the A1Z26 cipher? (Definition)

The Letter-to-Number Cipher (or Number-to-Letter Cipher or numbered alphabet ) consists in replacing each letter by its position in the alphabet , for example A=1, B=2, Z=26, hence its over name A1Z26 .

  • How to encrypt using Letter-to-Number/A1Z26 cipher?

A1Z26 encryption requires to count the positions/ranks of letters in the alphabet. If it is the Latin alphabet of 26 characters here is the correspondence table letter ↔ number/value:


Replace each letter with its position in the alphabet (A = 1, B = 2, … Z = 26)

Example: DCODE is encrypted 4-3-15-4-5 by alphanumeric substitution

Often the space character is also encoded with the number 0

  • How to decrypt Number-to-Letter cipher?

Decryption requires taking each number and replace it with the letter of same position in the alphabet : 1 = A, 2 = B, … 26 = Z

Example: gives ALPHABET

  • How to recognize Letter-to-Number ciphertext?

The crypted message is made of numbers between 1 and 26, sometimes the number 0 is used to code a space.

The digit 5 for E is supposed to appear regularly for an English text.

This encryption is sometimes called alphanumeric code .

  • What are the variants of the Letter-to-Number cipher?

Shift of numbers: the alphabet can start with A = 0 or A = 1, but also A = 65 or A = 97 ( ASCII code ).

Use of a supplementary character for space (usually 0 or 27)

Use of leading zeros to be able to concatenate numbers AB = 0102 , else AB = 12 and 12 = L .

Use of a custom alphabet , or reversed alphabet (A=26, Z=1)

Use of modulo 26 in order to get 1=A,2=B,…26=Z then 27=A, 28=B etc.

Source code

dCode retains ownership of the "Letter Number Code (A1Z26) A=1, B=2, C=3" source code. Except explicit open source licence (indicated Creative Commons / free), the "Letter Number Code (A1Z26) A=1, B=2, C=3" algorithm, the applet or snippet (converter, solver, encryption / decryption, encoding / decoding, ciphering / deciphering, breaker, translator), or the "Letter Number Code (A1Z26) A=1, B=2, C=3" functions (calculate, convert, solve, decrypt / encrypt, decipher / cipher, decode / encode, translate) written in any informatic language (Python, Java, PHP, C#, Javascript, Matlab, etc.) and all data download, script, or API access for "Letter Number Code (A1Z26) A=1, B=2, C=3" are not public, same for offline use on PC, mobile, tablet, iPhone or Android app! Reminder : dCode is free to use.

The copy-paste of the page "Letter Number Code (A1Z26) A=1, B=2, C=3" or any of its results, is allowed (even for commercial purposes) as long as you credit dCode! Exporting results as a .csv or .txt file is free by clicking on the export icon Cite as source (bibliography): Letter Number Code (A1Z26) A=1, B=2, C=3 on [online website], retrieved on 2024-07-01,

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Letters To Numbers Converter

Convert letters to numbers in various formats. Numbering the letters so A=1, B=2, etc is one of the simplest ways of converting them to numbers. This is called the A1Z26 cipher. However, there are more options such as ASCII codes and tap codes to decode numbers. This translation tool will help you easily convert between letters and numbers.

Need to translate in the other direction? Use the Numbers to Letters Converter instead.

Convert Letters To Numbers

Letter numbers are used frequently in geocaching mystery caches (puzzle caches), CTFs and puzzle games.

See also: Code-Breaking overview | A1z26 | Ascii table | Barcode | Base64 decoder | Base64 encoder | Baudot code | Book cipher | Geek code | Numbers to letters | Pixel values extractor | Qr codes | Tap code | Unicode | Utf-8 decoder | Utf-8 encoder

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F2 - Numerology Charts - Converting Letters Into Numbers

Numerology charts .

How to calculate the numerological meaning of your name? With help of numerology charts.

First you need to know the numeric values ​​of all the letters in the alphabet. Fortunately, you can see these values ​​in the Numerology Chart .

Now I will show you various numerological tables - and the numerology chart that I myself use.

There are several schools of numerology. And they use different systems for assigning numbers to letters. The Pythagorean and Chaldean schools are the most widely used.

The Chaldean numerology system assigns the numbers to letters according to their sounds. I prefer to use the Chaldean system.


In Pythagorean system , the numbers of the letters are arranged in alphabetical order. In English alphabet it looks like this:

Pythagorean Numerology Chart

Pythagorean numerology table


In the Chaldean system , derived from Hebrew alphabet, numbers are attributed to letters according to their sound vibrations. British numerologist Cheiro, the father of modern Chaldean numerology, has set up a system that is mainly used today:

Chaldean Numerology Chart

Chaldean numerology table (by Cheiro)

The Chaldean numerologists are not unanimous in assigning numerological values ​​of letters. For example, Walter Gibson, Cheiro's younger English contemporary, attributed different numbers to some of the letters (X=6, C=2, H=8, CH=8, TH=9).

Some Chaldean numerologists also included a value of number 9 , which the Chaldeans supposedly didn't use because 9 was a sacred number. But that's probably just a myth, since number 9 is included in the Chaldean alphabet itself! The Chaldeans used the first nine letters also as numbers from 1 to 9, and the next nine letters as tens from 10 to 90.

With some study and with the help of radiesthesia, I arrived at the improved Chaldean numerology alphabet. This numerology alphabet has different values ​​(from Cheiro's) for four letters/sounds: H, S, T, and E.

I replaced the Hebrew letter he (with value 5) with a more appropriate het (value 8); the Hebrew letter sin (value 3) with sameh (value 6); and the Hebrew tav (value 4) with letter tet (value 9).

And the "prohibited" value 9 I attributed to letter E.

So here is my improved Chaldean numerology conversion system:


Chaldean numerology table (improved version)

I must say, however, that there is no single best numerology conversion system. They all give more or less good results, and we can see for ourselves which one suits us best in our numerology work.


This Numerology chart is most handy for practical work  - since the letters are arranged according to English alphabet:

= 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 9
= 8 = 3 = 8 = 1 = 1
= 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 7
= 8 = 1 = 2 = 6 = 9
= 6 = 6 = 6 = 5 = 1
= 7
  • Coronavirus
  • Letters in the English Alphabet

Letters in the alphabet:

The English Alphabet consists of 26 letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.


1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E
6 F
7 G
8 H
9 I
10 J
11 K
12 L
13 M
14 N
15 O
16 P
17 Q
18 R
19 S
20 T
21 U
22 V
23 W
24 X
25 Y
26 Z

Total number of letters in the alphabet

  • 23 letters (A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z) are the first 23 letters of the 29 original Old English Alphabet recorded in the year 1011 by the monk Byrhtferð. Dropped from the Old English alphabet are the following 6 letters: & ⁊ Ƿ Þ Ð Æ
  • 3 letters have been added from Old English: J, U, and W. J and U were added in the 16th century, while W assumed the status of an independent letter.
  • Until 1835, the English Alphabet consisted of 27 letters: right after " Z " the 27th letter of the alphabet was ampersand ( & ).
  • The English Alphabet (or Modern English Alphabet) today consists of 26 letters: 23 from Old English and 3 added later.
  • English Alphabet

Unlocking the Alphabet – A Guide to Understanding Letters by Numbers 1-26

letter number assignment

The Alphabet by Numbers 1-26: Exploring the Numeric Dimension of the Alphabet

The alphabet is a fundamental building block of communication. Without it, written language as we know it would not exist. We often think of the alphabet in terms of letters, but did you know that each letter also has a numeric value associated with it? In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the numeric dimension of the alphabet and explore the importance and various applications of letter-number combinations.

Understanding the Numeric Value of Letters

Assigning numbers to letters is a concept that has been around for centuries. As most of us know, the alphabet consists of 26 letters, from A to Z. The numeric value of letters is based on their alphabetical order, with A being assigned the number 1 and Z being assigned the number 26. This numeric value system allows us to quantify and assign a numerical representation to each letter of the alphabet.

Major Uses of Numeric Values in the Alphabet

Numerology is a belief system that assigns significance to numbers and their relationship with different aspects of life. Numerologists often use the numeric value of letters to uncover symbolic meanings and interpret messages. For example, the letter-number combination “A-1” is associated with new beginnings and leadership, whereas “B-2” represents cooperation and balance. This use of letter-number combinations adds another layer of depth to the study of numerology.


Cryptography, the practice of secure communication, also utilizes letter-number combinations. Encryption and decryption algorithms often rely on numeric values assigned to letters to transform plain text into coded messages. Different cryptographic methods, such as Caesar ciphers or polyalphabetic ciphers, incorporate the letter-number combinations to ensure secure communication between parties. Understanding the letter-number relationships is crucial for decoding and encoding messages.

Word Play and Games

The numeric values of letters in the alphabet have also found their way into various word games and puzzles. For example, Scrabble and similar word games assign different point values to each letter based on their numeric value. This adds strategy and depth to the gameplay, as players have to consider the value of each letter in relation to their overall score. Other word play activities, such as anagrams or crossword puzzles, may also incorporate letter-number combinations to create challenging and engaging experiences.

Practical Applications and Examples

Personalized number plates.

One practical application of letter-number combinations is found in personalized number plates for vehicles. People often choose combinations that hold personal significance, such as their initials or important dates, represented by letter-number combinations. It’s important to note that regulations regarding letter-number combinations on number plates vary from country to country, with some allowing personalized combinations and others following specific guidelines.

Alphabetical Sorting

Numeric values assigned to letters are integral to alphabetical sorting. When organizing words or names in alphabetical order, the numeric values of the letters determine their position. Alphabetical sorting techniques not only assist in finding information quickly but are also essential in databases and libraries where efficient organization is vital. Understanding the letter-number combinations allows for accurate and effective sorting in various contexts.

Summary and Conclusion

In conclusion, delving into the numeric dimension of the alphabet provides a deeper understanding of the letters we use every day. Understanding the letter-number combinations allows us to explore numerology, cryptography, and engage in various word play activities. Furthermore, the practical applications of letter-number combinations, such as in personalized number plates or alphabetical sorting, demonstrate the importance of this numeric aspect of the alphabet. So, embrace and explore the numeric dimension of the alphabet and discover a whole new layer of meaning and possibilities.

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Converting Alphabet Letters to Numbers Using Python


Converting alphabet letters to numbers is common in computer science and programming. This process, known as letter-to-number mapping, involves assigning a numerical value to each letter of the alphabet. Python can accomplish this through various methods, including dictionaries, ASCII values, and built-in functions.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, this guide will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how to convert alphabet letters to numbers using Python. With step-by-step instructions and clear explanations, you will be able to apply this knowledge to solve real-world problems and enhance your coding skills.

Converting alphabet letters to numbers was used as the earliest means of encryption of the English alphabet to a corresponding pre-assigned numerical value. Its roots can be traced back to Julius Caesar, who introduced the Caesar cipher during times of war. The Caesar cipher assigned a number to each letter in the alphabet. The encryption was done by subtracting the number by two and replacing the original letter with the letter corresponding to the resultant number. Caesar cipher was a huge success in the old times and was used to relay messages throughout the war, but converting alphabet letters to numbers is out of fashion in the world with modern technology.

Still, it provides a small coding exercise, and this article will show three different methods to do the same. The corresponding number to the letter is called it’s ordinal. American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) provides an ordinal number to every character available in its language. All letters of the English alphabet are also assigned ordinal numbers, which can be used.

The numbering scheme used in this article for each letter is shown in the table below:


It should be noted that the lower case, as well as the upper case letters, are being considered in this article. The article provides three different methods to convert alphabet letters to numbers. They are as follows:

  • Using two separate lists
  • Using a dictionary iterable
  • Using ord() function

Method 1: Using Two Separate Lists

In this method, two different lists of equal size are maintained. The first list is a list of all letters of the English alphabet, in both lower case followed by upper case. The second list contains numbers from 1 to 52, each number assigned to its corresponding letter. On reading the input data, each character from the input data is checked for its presence in the letters list; if it is found, its index in the list is found. It is replaced by the element from the numbers list present at the same index. It also replaces a space with a white tab to produce cleaner output. It is represented in the code below:

The charstr in the above code is a string of all letters of the English Alphabet in lower case followed by letters in upper case. The list() function of Python helps in converting the given string to a list of all the characters that form the string. nums is another list that contains the string form of all the numbers from 1 to 52. It should be noted that the range for loop mentions 1 to 53 as the for loop runs from the first input mentioned to the second input mentioned but does not include the second input. The program here uses a Text file called ‘data.txt’ to take its input which needs to be encoded. The data.txt file contains the following text:

Hello everyone, How are you doing? Looks something fishy? Well it is!!

Contents Of Data Text File

The code iterates through all the contents of the above-given text file and if it finds a letter, it replaces it with the corresponding element from nums list. The index() function of the Python list provides the letter’s position in the chars list. It lets the other characters as it is. But in place of space, it leaves a white tab. The output is as shown:

Output Using Two Lists

Method 2: Using a Dictionary Iterable

Using a dictionary is indirectly the same as using two lists. The only difference here is the two lists are merged as one single data structure. Python dictionary allows users to subscript strings to the dictionary name, making element access easier. It is shown in the code below:

The lists used in this code snippet are the same as those used in code for converting alphabet letters to numbers using two lists. But here, a dictionary object is created, called orddict, using the zip() function of dict(), which contains the keys as letters from the English alphabet and values as their corresponding numbers. It looks something like this:

As can be seen in Line 10 of the code, the dictionary can be subscripted using the key value, which in this case is letters of the alphabet. This method shall be preferred over the method using two lists because it reduces the time complexity of the program. It eliminates the need to find the index of letters in the chars list. It produces the same output as above:

Output By Dictionary

Also read: Python Dictionary (Dict) Tutorial

Method 3: Using Ord() Function of Python

The ord() function of Python returns an integer value, the ordinal number of characters assigned by ASCII. The ordinal number of character ‘A’ is 65. The rest of the characters are ordinal of character before it incremented by 1. So, ‘B’ is 66, ‘C’ is 67, and so on. Similarly, the ordinal number of ‘a’ is 97. So the ordinal number of ‘b’ is 98, ‘c’ is 99, and so on. Now a little math is required to convert these ordinal numbers to numbers assigned in this article.

As ‘a’ is 1, the ordinal number of ‘a’ returned by ord() function shall be subtracted by 96. It returns an output 1 as:

If it is continued on other lowercase letters, the same result is obtained. So, the required ordinal number of ‘b’ can be obtained by subtracting the output of ord(‘b’) by 96

But when it comes to letters in uppercase, the math changes. As uppercase letters are assigned ordinal numbers 65 and onwards, the required ordinal number would be 27 and onwards. The following math is applied:

This math tells that 38 should be subtracted from the output of ord() function when the letter is an uppercase letter to receive the ordinal number assigned in this article. The following code demonstrates it:

In the above code snippet, there is no need to maintain multiple lists, unlike earlier codes. The isalpha() function of a string tells the program if the character in question is an alphabet letter or not. The islower() function informs the program whether the string in question is lowercase. Similarly, the isupper() function informs whether the string is in upper case or not. In the if block of Lowercase variables, the output of ord() value is subtracted by 96 to receive the corresponding required ordinal number, and the output of ord() function for the uppercase character is subtracted by 38. It produces the same output as above:

Output By Ord Function

Also Read: Python chr() and ord()

Conversion of alphabet letters to numbers is a simple task in python. The data structures provided in Python make the task very easy to implement and execute. Here three methods have been discussed to implement the task. The first method, through two lists, is lengthier and has more time and space complexity than the other two. The second method, through dictionary iterable, is a comparatively shorter method having smaller time and space complexity than using two lists. But using the ord() function of Python provides the shortest and most straightforward method to implement the task. It has a constant time and space complexity, which is O(1). Hence, the ord() function shall be used to convert alphabet letters to numbers

  • Letter-Number Coding

Letter-Number Coding is an important section of the reasoning ability questions. Here we will be focussing on the letter number coding section. Let us begin!

In these questions, either numerical code values are assigned to a word or alphabetical code letters are assigned to the numbers . The candidate is required to analyse the code as per the directions in the questions. Let us see some examples that will help us get a better understanding of this concept.


Type I – When numerical coding values are assigned to words

Q1: If in a certain language A is coded as 1, B is coded as 2, and so on, how is B I D D I C coded in that code?

a) 294493                  b) 284563                c) 375582                         d) 394492

Answer: As given the letters are coded as:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I 1    2   3    4    5   6    7   8    9 So, in B I D D I C, B is coded as 2, I as 9, D as 4, and C as 3. Thus, B I D D I C is coded as 294493. Hence, the answer is (a).

Q2: If P A I N T is coded as 74128 and E X C E L is coded as 93596, then how would you encode A C C E P T?                     (L Tax , 1996)

a) 455978                    b) 547978                c) 554978                   d) 735961

Answer: Clearly, in the given code, the alphabets are coded as follows : P        A       I        N        T         E      X         C       E        L 7        4        1        2         8         9      3          5       9        6

So, in A C C E P T. A is coded as 4, C as 5, E as 9, P as 7 and T as 8. Hence, the correct code is 455978 and, therefore, the answer is a).

Q3: If D is coded as 4 and C O V E R is coded as 63, then BASIS will be coded as? (Assistant Grade. 1997)

a) 49                b) 50                  c) 54               d) 55

Answer: Clearly, in the given code, A = 1. B = 2, C = 3 …. so that C O V E R is coed as 3 + 15 + 22 + 5 + 18 = 63. [C + O + V + E + R]

Now, in B A S I S, B = 2, A = 1, S = 19, and I = 9. Thus, B A S I S will be coeded as 2 + 1 + 19 + 9 + 19 = 50. Hence, the answer is b).

Type II – Number to Letter Coding

In this type of coding, alphabetical code values are assigned to the numbers . Let us see some examples and try and understand the concepts and tricks.

Q1: In a certain code, 2 is coded as P, 3 as N, 9 as Q, 5 as R, 4 as A and 6 as B. How is 599423 coded in that code?

a) E I I D B C           b) R Q P A N B               c) E I M D B C              d) R Q Q A P N             e) R P P B Q N

Answer: Clearly, as given 5 is coded as R, 9 as Q, 4 as A, 2 as P and 3 as N. So, 599423 is coded as RQQAPN. Hence, the answer is (d).

Q2: In a certain code, 3456 is coded as ROPE, 15526 is coded as APPLE, then how is 54613 coded?

a) R P P E O            b) R O P E A                    c) P O E A R                d) P A R E O                 e) None of these

Answer: Clearly, in the given figures , the numbers are coded as follows:

3    4    5    6     1    2 R   O    P   E     A   L

Thus, 5 is coded as P, 4 as O, 6 as E, 1 as A and 3 as R. So, 54613 as coded as P O E A R. Hence, the answer is (c).

Miscellaneous Solved Examples

Q1: In a certain code, 15789 is written as X T Z A L and 2346 is written as N P S U. How is 23549 written in that code? ( Bank P.O. 1989)

a) N P T U L             b) P N T S L                  c) N P T S L            d) N B T S L             e) None of these

Answer: The numbers are coded as shown:

1    5    7    8    9    2    3    4    6

X  T    Z   A    L    N   P    S    U

Thus, 2 is coded as N, 3 as P, 5 as T, 4 as S and 9 as L. So, 23549 is coded as N P T S L and the correct answer is c) N P T S L

Q2: If M O B I L I T Y is coded as 46293927, then E X A M I N A T I O N is coded as? (Assistant Grade, 1998; S. S. C. 1993)

a) 45038401854                 b) 56149512965                   c) 57159413955                d) 67250623076

Answer: Let A = 1, B = 2, C = 3,…. X = 24, Y = 25, Z = 26. Then, M = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4; O = 15 =1 + 5 = 6; L = 12= 1 + 2 = 3; T = 20 = 2 + 0 = 2; and Y = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7.

So, M O B I L I T Y =46293927. Similarly, E X A M I N A T I O N = 56149512965 and the correct answer is b).

Practice Questions For You

Q1: If P A L A M could be given the code number 43, what code number can be given to S A N T A C R U Z? (Assistant Grade, 1995)

a) 75             b) 85               c) 120                 d) 123

Answer: d) 123

Q2: If M A S T E R is coded as 411259, then P O W D E R will be coded as?

a) 7 65439             b) 765439                   c) 7 65459                  d) 7 65549   (L Tax & Central Excise, 1995)

Answer: c) 7 65459.

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  • Coding-Decoding Practice Questions
  • Coding-Decoding Puzzles
  • Letter-Letter Coding
  • Number-Number Coding

16 responses to “Letter-Number Coding”

What the alphabets we get if we decide the numbers 11,15,22,24,32,32,35

It is not decide it should be decode


If the DRAW is 10 and RING is 12 what is REST?

If REASON is coded as 015327.. how is DISC coded?

Pls send full solution

this is a great article

How to decod in series nd6hk@24

Just decode this in contact no N.S.T.F.P.Fo.S.T.E.O


Write in number

If ROSTER is 96 aand LION is 44 then what is MOUSE ?

What is a4 e1 t1 ?

281@₹ %’-678( !()7&% Find

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Letters on Phone Dial (Letters With Each Number)

letter number assignment

Each number on a phone dial corresponds will certain letters.

Here are the letters associated with each number on a traditional phone dial: 0: (No letters) 1: (No letters) 2: ABC 3: DEF 4: GHI 5: JKL 6: MNO 7: PQRS 8: TUV 9: WXYZ

letter number assignment

This feature, known as “letters on phone dial,” allows users to input text by pressing the corresponding numbers on the keypad.

Below, we will explore the history, functionality, and practical applications of letters on phone dial, providing valuable insights into this often overlooked feature.

Table of Contents

The History of Letters on Phone Dial

The concept of assigning letters to phone numbers dates back to the early 20th century.

In the early days of telephony, rotary dial phones were the primary means of communication.

These phones featured a circular dial with numbered holes, and users would rotate the dial to input a phone number.

However, as technology advanced and touch-tone phones were introduced in the 1960s , the need for a more efficient way to input text became apparent.

The Bell System, the American telephone monopoly at the time, recognized this need and developed a system that assigned letters to each number on the phone dial.

The letters on phone dial system, also known as the “2-9 system,” was introduced to facilitate the use of automated services such as directory assistance and voicemail.

By allowing users to input text using the numeric keypad, these services became more user-friendly and accessible.

Functionality of Letters on Phone Dial

The letters on phone dial system follows a simple mapping of letters to numbers.

Each number from 2 to 9 corresponds to a set of three or four letters.

The mapping is as follows:

For example, if you want to type the word “hello” using the letters on phone dial, you would press the following sequence of numbers: 4 (for H), 3 (for E), 5 (for L), 5 (for L), and 6 (for O).

This functionality is particularly useful when using automated phone systems that require text input.

For instance, when calling a company’s customer service line, you may be prompted to enter your account number or other information using the letters on phone dial.

By understanding this system, you can quickly and accurately input the required information.

Practical Applications of Letters on Phone Dial

The letters on phone dial feature has found various practical applications in both personal and professional settings . Here are some examples:

1. Automated Phone Systems

As mentioned earlier, automated phone systems often utilize the letters on phone dial system to allow users to input text.

This is commonly seen when accessing voicemail, navigating through menu options, or entering account information.

By understanding the mapping of letters to numbers, users can efficiently interact with these systems.

2. Text Messaging

In the early days of mobile phones, text messaging was limited to using the numeric keypad.

To type out messages, users had to press the corresponding numbers multiple times to cycle through the available letters.

For example, to type the letter “C,” users would press the number 2 three times. While this method has become less common with the introduction of QWERTY keyboards on smartphones , it is still supported on many basic mobile phones.

3. Vanity Phone Numbers

Vanity phone numbers are phone numbers that spell out a word or phrase using the letters on phone dial.

For example, a business might choose a vanity number like 1-800-FLOWERS to make it easier for customers to remember.

These numbers can be a powerful marketing tool, as they are more memorable and can reinforce brand identity.

4. Mnemonic Devices

The letters on phone dial system can also be used as a mnemonic device to remember phone numbers or other sequences of numbers.

By associating each number with a set of letters, it becomes easier to create memorable phrases or words that correspond to the desired sequence of numbers.

This technique is often used in advertising jingles or catchy slogans.

FAQs – Letters on Phone Dial

1. how do i use letters on phone dial.

To use letters on phone dial, simply press the corresponding number on the keypad for each letter in the desired word or phrase.

For example, to type the word “hello,” you would press 4 (for H), 3 (for E), 5 (for L), 5 (for L), and 6 (for O).

2. Can I use letters on phone dial on a smartphone?

While most smartphones now feature QWERTY keyboards for text input, some basic mobile phones still support the letters on phone dial system.

However, this method is less commonly used on smartphones due to the availability of full keyboards.

3. Are there any limitations to using letters on phone dial?

One limitation of using letters on phone dial is the need to cycle through multiple letters for each number.

This can be time-consuming, especially when typing longer words or phrases.

Additionally, not all phone systems or services support text input using letters on phone dial.

4. How are vanity phone numbers created?

Vanity phone numbers are created by selecting a combination of letters that spell out a word or phrase using the letters on phone dial.

These numbers are often associated with a specific business or brand and can be obtained through phone service providers or specialized vanity number providers.

5. Can I create my own mnemonic devices using letters on phone dial?

Absolutely! Mnemonic devices can be a helpful way to remember phone numbers or other sequences of numbers.

By associating each number with a set of letters, you can create memorable phrases or words that correspond to the desired sequence of numbers.

6. Are there any security concerns with using letters on phone dial?

While the letters on phone dial system itself does not pose any security concerns, it is important to be cautious when entering sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers, using automated phone systems.

Always ensure that you are entering information on a secure line and be mindful of potential phishing attempts.

7. Can I change the mapping of letters to numbers on my phone?

The mapping of letters to numbers on a phone is standardized and cannot be changed by the user. This ensures consistency across different phone systems and services.

8. Are there any international variations of the letters on phone dial system?

While the letters on phone dial system is widely used in North America, it may not be universally recognized in other countries.

Some countries have their own variations or may not use letters on phone dial at all.

It is always best to familiarize yourself with the local phone system when traveling internationally.

9. Can I use letters on phone dial for other languages?

The letters on phone dial system is primarily designed for the English language.

While it can be used to input text in other languages, the mapping of letters to numbers may not align perfectly with the specific characters or sounds of those languages.

10. Are there any alternative methods for text input on phones?

Yes, there are several alternative methods for text input on phones, especially smartphones.

These include QWERTY keyboards, virtual keyboards, voice recognition, and predictive text input.

The choice of method depends on the device and user preference.

Summary – Letters on Phone Dial

Letters on phone dial, also known as the “2-9 system,” allows users to input text by pressing the corresponding numbers on a phone keypad.

This feature has a rich history dating back to the early days of telephony and has found practical applications in automated phone systems, text messaging, vanity phone numbers, and mnemonic devices.

While less commonly used on smartphones, the letters on phone dial system remains a valuable tool for efficient text input.

By understanding this system, users can navigate phone systems more effectively and create memorable phrases or words associated with specific numbers.

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Copy of EIN Letter From IRS: Everything You Need to Know

You may need a copy of EIN letter from IRS on various occasions to confirm your tax ID to your bankers, financers, and vendors. 3 min read updated on February 01, 2023

Updated June 24, 2020:

You may need a copy of EIN letter from IRS on various occasions to confirm your tax ID to your bankers, financers, and vendors. The IRS issues this letter in Form CP 575 within eight to 10 weeks of assigning you an Employer Identification Number (EIN). If you lose or misplace the original confirmation letter, you can request the IRS for a verification letter, which would for all purposes, substitute the original letter or certificate.

Why Do You Need an EIN?

An EIN, or an Employer Identification Number, is a unique nine-digit number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to a business entity. An EIN is for a business what a Social Security number (SSN) is for an individual. Businesses use this ID while filing tax returns, obtaining business licenses and industrial permits, opening bank accounts, and for various other purposes like submitting Form 1099 for contracting work.

Sole proprietors may want to obtain an EIN in order to avoid using their Social Security number for business purposes. Banks usually insist on providing EIN details for opening a bank account in the name of your business. Sometimes, your investors and vendors may also ask for your EIN.

EIN Confirmation Letter

On approval of your EIN application, the IRS mails you a confirmation letter within eight to 10 weeks of assigning you an EIN. This confirmation letter is known as Form CP 575 and is mailed to the address mentioned in your Form SS-4 application.

If you happen to lose or misplace your original EIN confirmation letter , which is typically a tax ID certificate, you can get an EIN verification letter only from the IRS. This verification letter serves the purpose of the original confirmation letter you received from the IRS. Thus, if you lose your EIN confirmation letter, you may need to obtain a verification letter to open a bank account or to confirm your EIN to your vendors.

How to Get an EIN Verification Letter From the IRS

Although it would be enough to know your EIN for conducting your daily business, you may need a copy of your EIN confirmation letter on several occasions. Before you start searching for the letter, know that this letter would be in Form CP 575. So, if you have Form CP 575 with you, you already have the confirmation letter. The IRS typically mails this form within 10 weeks of approving your EIN application .

If you can't trace your confirmation letter, you should put together some relevant information so that the retrieval process becomes easier. First off, if you only need the number, you need not locate the confirmation letter. You can find the number from your bank records, previous tax filings, or your business communication with the IRS.

You may need to know some details to confirm your identity to the IRS — for example, your business address as it appears in the IRS records and the type of form that your business uses for filing tax returns .

The easiest way to get a copy of an EIN verification letter is to call the IRS. Follow the below process to obtain a tax ID verification letter from the IRS:

  • Call the IRS support at 800-829-4933.
  • Provide the name of your business and other verification details like address and phone number to the support executive.
  • Request the support executive for a 147c letter; placing such a request is free.
  • If your contact information is the same as what you provided when applying for the EIN, the IRS can send you the verification letter through mail or fax.
  • If your contact information has changed, you can receive the verification letter only after you file Form 8822.

Getting a Copy of an EIN Letter From the Bank

Receiving a verification letter from the IRS can take about a month. If you've submitted a copy of your original EIN certificate to your bank, getting a copy from there would be much quicker. Although a photocopy received from the bank can't substitute the IRS verification letter, it can serve the purpose in some urgent situations. For example, your vendors may accept it as a proof of your EIN.

If you applied for the EIN through an external accountant or agency, you may be able to get a copy of your confirmation letter from them. If you applied for the EIN through the IRS website, try looking for the IRS confirmation email.

If you need help with copy of EIN letter from IRS, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.

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Grade Calculator

Use this calculator to find out the grade of a course based on weighted averages. This calculator accepts both numerical as well as letter grades. It also can calculate the grade needed for the remaining assignments in order to get a desired grade for an ongoing course.

Final Grade Goal
Weight of Remaining Tasks

letter number assignment

Grade Format: Points, percentage, mix Letters
Weight Format: Percentage Points
Show Final Grade Planning Options

Final Grade Calculator

Use this calculator to find out the grade needed on the final exam in order to get a desired grade in a course. It accepts letter grades, percentage grades, and other numerical inputs.

Related GPA Calculator

The calculators above use the following letter grades and their typical corresponding numerical equivalents based on grade points.

Letter GradeGPAPercentage

Brief history of different grading systems

In 1785, students at Yale were ranked based on "optimi" being the highest rank, followed by second optimi, inferiore (lower), and pejores (worse). At William and Mary, students were ranked as either No. 1, or No. 2, where No. 1 represented students that were first in their class, while No. 2 represented those who were "orderly, correct and attentive." Meanwhile at Harvard, students were graded based on a numerical system from 1-200 (except for math and philosophy where 1-100 was used). Later, shortly after 1883, Harvard used a system of "Classes" where students were either Class I, II, III, IV, or V, with V representing a failing grade. All of these examples show the subjective, arbitrary, and inconsistent nature with which different institutions graded their students, demonstrating the need for a more standardized, albeit equally arbitrary grading system.

In 1887, Mount Holyoke College became the first college to use letter grades similar to those commonly used today. The college used a grading scale with the letters A, B, C, D, and E, where E represented a failing grade. This grading system however, was far stricter than those commonly used today, with a failing grade being defined as anything below 75%. The college later re-defined their grading system, adding the letter F for a failing grade (still below 75%). This system of using a letter grading scale became increasingly popular within colleges and high schools, eventually leading to the letter grading systems typically used today. However, there is still significant variation regarding what may constitute an A, or whether a system uses plusses or minuses (i.e. A+ or B-), among other differences.

An alternative to the letter grading system

Letter grades provide an easy means to generalize a student's performance. They can be more effective than qualitative evaluations in situations where "right" or "wrong" answers can be easily quantified, such as an algebra exam, but alone may not provide a student with enough feedback in regards to an assessment like a written paper (which is much more subjective).

Although a written analysis of each individual student's work may be a more effective form of feedback, there exists the argument that students and parents are unlikely to read the feedback, and that teachers do not have the time to write such an analysis. There is precedence for this type of evaluation system however, in Saint Ann's School in New York City, an arts-oriented private school that does not have a letter grading system. Instead, teachers write anecdotal reports for each student. This method of evaluation focuses on promoting learning and improvement, rather than the pursuit of a certain letter grade in a course. For better or for worse however, these types of programs constitute a minority in the United States, and though the experience may be better for the student, most institutions still use a fairly standard letter grading system that students will have to adjust to. The time investment that this type of evaluation method requires of teachers/professors is likely not viable on university campuses with hundreds of students per course. As such, although there are other high schools such as Sanborn High School that approach grading in a more qualitative way, it remains to be seen whether such grading methods can be scalable. Until then, more generalized forms of grading like the letter grading system are unlikely to be entirely replaced. However, many educators already try to create an environment that limits the role that grades play in motivating students. One could argue that a combination of these two systems would likely be the most realistic, and effective way to provide a more standardized evaluation of students, while promoting learning.


Crafting an Effective Letter of Assignment: A Comprehensive Guide with Sample


A letter of assignment is a critical document in various business, academic, and professional settings. It formally assigns responsibilities, tasks, or roles from one party to another. Understanding how to craft an effective letter of assignment can ensure clear communication and smooth transitions in responsibilities. This guide will explore the essential components of a letter of assignment, provide legal considerations, and offer a sample letter to help you draft your own.

letter number assignment

Understanding the Letter of Assignment

What is a letter of assignment.

A letter of assignment is a document that formally assigns a specific task, responsibility, or job from one individual or organization to another. It is commonly used in settings such as journalism, where assignments are delegated to reporters, or in project management, where specific tasks are assigned to team members.

For more information on the role of assignments in organizational management, Harvard Business School provides a wealth of resources on organizational behavior.

Key Elements of a Letter of Assignment

Introduction : Clearly state the purpose of the letter.

Details of the Assignment : Specify the task or responsibility being assigned, including any relevant deadlines or expectations.

Resources and Authority : Outline any resources that will be provided to assist with the assignment and any authority the assignee has over others.

Expectations and Goals : Clearly define what success looks like for the assignment.

Duration of the Assignment : If applicable, state the start and end dates.

Contact Information : Provide contact details for someone who can offer assistance or answer questions related to the assignment.

To see a general template of business documents, including assignment letters, visit Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab.

Legal Considerations

When crafting a letter of assignment, it's essential to ensure that it does not violate any contractual agreements or employment laws. Consult legal resources or an attorney to confirm that all aspects of your letter are compliant with local and federal laws. The U.S. Small Business Administration offers guidelines on employment and labor laws that might be relevant.

Sample Letter of Assignment

Note: This sample is for illustrative purposes only and should be customized to meet specific needs and legal requirements.

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Company/Organization] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date] [Recipient Name] [Recipient Position] [Company/Organization] [Recipient Address] [City, State, Zip Code] Dear [Recipient Name], Subject: Assignment of [Task/Responsibility/Project Name] I am writing to formally assign you the responsibility of [brief description of the task or responsibility]. This assignment will commence on [start date] and will conclude on [end date], unless extended by mutual agreement. Details of the Assignment: - **Task Description**: [Detailed description of the task, including any specific expectations or deliverables.] - **Resources Provided**: [List of resources or support to be provided, including access to systems, budget information, etc.] - **Authority**: You will have the authority to [describe any authority over staff, budgets, decisions]. - **Goals and Objectives**: The primary goal of this assignment is [describe what successful completion of the assignment looks like]. Please confirm your acceptance of this assignment by signing and returning a copy of this letter. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me directly at [your phone number] or [your email]. Thank you for your attention to this matter and your continued contribution to our team. Sincerely, [Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)] [Your Typed Name] [Your Position] [Enclosures: if any]

Best Practices for Letter of Assignment

Clarity and conciseness.

Ensure that the letter is clear and concise. Avoid ambiguity about the responsibilities or expectations to prevent misunderstandings.

After sending the letter, follow up to ensure that the recipient has understood everything and agrees to the terms laid out in the letter.

Record Keeping

Keep a copy of the signed letter for your records. This can be useful for future reference or in case of disputes.

letter number assignment


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letter number assignment

A well-crafted letter of assignment not only clarifies roles and responsibilities but also sets the stage for successful project execution and employee engagement. By adhering to legal standards and following the guidelines provided, you can ensure that these documents are both effective and compliant. For further reading on employment and assignment contracts, visit Harvard University's Employment and Labor Law page .

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Alphabetical Numerology Chart

letter number assignment

Table of Contents

Brief explanation of numerology and its significance.

Numerology is an ancient metaphysical practice that studies the symbolic meaning of numbers and their influence on human life. It is based on the belief that numbers have a vibrational energy that can reveal insights about an individual’s personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and life path. Numerology has been used for centuries as a tool for self-discovery, personal growth, and gaining a deeper understanding of the world around us.

One of the key components of numerology is the Alphabetical Numerology Chart. This chart assigns numerical values to each letter of the alphabet, allowing for the calculation of numerical values for names, words, and phrases. The Alphabetical Numerology Chart serves as a guide to interpreting the meaning and significance of these numerical values, providing valuable insights into various aspects of a person’s life.

Letter Numerical Value
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
F 6
G 7
H 8
I 9
J 1
K 2
L 3
M 4
N 5
O 6
P 7
Q 8
R 9
S 1
T 2
U 3
V 4
W 5
X 6
Y 7
Z 8

Introduction to the Alphabetical Numerology Chart

The Alphabetical Numerology Chart is a fundamental tool used in numerology to calculate the numerical value of a name or word. By assigning numerical values to each letter of the alphabet, individuals can gain insight into their personality traits, life purpose, and potential challenges they may face.

The chart assigns the numerical value of 1 to the letters A, J, and S, 2 to B, K, and T, and so on until the value of 9 is assigned to the letters I and R. This chart allows for the calculation of a person’s numerological profile by adding up the numerical values of the letters in their name or word and reducing them to a single digit or a master number (11, 22, etc.).

For example, if we take the name John, we would assign the values 1, 6, and 5 to the letters J, O, and N, respectively. Adding those values together (1 + 6 + 5) gives us 12. We then reduce that number to a single digit by adding the individual digits together (1 + 2), resulting in a final numerological value of 3.

Understanding Numerology

Understanding numerology is key to unlocking its profound significance in various aspects of life. Numerology is the belief in the mystical relationship between numbers and events, and it has been practiced for centuries in different cultures around the world. Let’s delve into the definition, origin, basic principles, and concepts of numerology.

Numerology can be traced back to ancient civilizations, such as the Babylonians and Egyptians, who believed that numbers held symbolic and spiritual meanings. The word “numerology” itself derives from the Latin word “numerus” meaning “number” and the Greek word “logos” meaning “study.” Numerologists believe that numbers are not merely quantities, but powerful vibrations that influence our lives.

At its core, numerology operates on the principle that each number has a unique energy and vibration that can provide insights into an individual’s character, personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and even future events. These insights are derived from various numerical calculations and interpretations.

Number Meaning
1 Independence, leadership, and new beginnings
2 Harmony, cooperation, and diplomacy
3 Creativity, expression, and communication

Numbers hold immense significance in various cultures and religions. In ancient Chinese culture, the number 8 is considered lucky because it sounds similar to the word for wealth and prosperity. In Hinduism, the number 108 is considered sacred and represents the universe, with each digit symbolizing different aspects of existence. These cultural interpretations of numbers highlight their importance in shaping beliefs, customs, and rituals.

In addition to cultural significance, numbers have also played a vital role in religious texts. In Christianity, the number 7 is considered divine and represents perfection and completeness. In Judaism, the number 18 is associated with good luck and blessing. These religious associations provide a deeper understanding of the spiritual dimensions of numerology.

The Alphabetical Numerology Chart

The Alphabetical Numerology Chart is a fundamental tool used in numerology to assign numerical values to each letter of the alphabet. It serves as a guide for calculating personal numerology and gaining insight into the energetic vibrations associated with names and words.

The purpose of the Alphabetical Numerology Chart is to provide a consistent and standardized method for assigning numerical values to letters. This allows individuals to analyze and interpret the numerical patterns and meanings behind names, words, and phrases. By understanding these numerical values, one can gain deeper insights into their personality traits, life path, and potential destiny.

The chart assigns numerical values to each letter based on their position in the alphabet. The values range from 1 to 9, with each number carrying its unique energy and significance. The chart also includes the numerical values for the vowels, consonants, and master numbers (11 and 22).

Letter Numerical Value
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
F 6
G 7
H 8
I 9
J 1
K 2
L 3
M 4
N 5
O 6
P 7
Q 8
R 9
S 1
T 2
U 3
V 4
W 5
X 6
Y 7
Z 8

The Alphabetical Numerology Chart provides a foundation for calculating personal numerology. By assigning the numerical values to the letters in a name or word, one can then add up the values to derive a single-digit or master number. This calculated number represents certain energetic qualities and can provide valuable insights into an individual’s personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life path.

For example, if we calculate the numerical value of the name “John,” we would assign 1 to J, 6 to O, 8 to H, and 5 to N. Adding up these numbers (1 + 6 + 8 + 5) gives us a total of 20. Since 20 is a two-digit number, we further reduce it by adding the digits together (2 + 0), resulting in a final numerological value of 2. This indicates that individuals with the name “John” are likely to possess qualities associated with the number 2, such as diplomacy, cooperation, and intuition.

Calculating Personal Numerology

Calculating personal numerology is a fascinating process that allows individuals to gain insights into their personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses based on the numerical values assigned to their names or words. This process involves using the Alphabetical Numerology Chart to determine the numerical value associated with each letter in a name or word. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to calculate personal numerology:

Step 1: Understand the Alphabetical Numerology Chart

The Alphabetical Numerology Chart is a tool that assigns numerical values to each letter of the alphabet. This chart provides a framework for determining the numerical value of a name or word by summing up the values of its individual letters. Take a look at the chart below:

Letter Numerical Value
A 1
B 2
C 3

Step 2: Determine the Numerical Value of a Name or Word

To calculate the numerical value of a name or word, simply add up the values of its individual letters. Let’s take the name “John” as an example:

Now, add up these values: 1 + 6 + 8 + 5 = 20

Step 3: Interpret the Numerological Value

Once you have calculated the numerical value of a name or word, you can interpret its meaning using numerological principles. In this case, the name “John” has a numerological value of 20. To further analyze this value, you can refer to the interpretations associated with the number 20 in numerology.

Calculating personal numerology allows individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their unique qualities. By exploring the numerical values of their names or words, they can uncover hidden insights and use this knowledge for personal growth and self-discovery.

Interpretation of Numerological Values

In Alphabetical Numerology, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a numerical value, which holds a specific meaning and significance. Understanding the interpretation of these numerical values can provide valuable insights into the personality traits, strengths, and challenges associated with names or words. Let’s explore the meaning and significance of each numerical value in the Alphabetical Numerology Chart:

Numerical Value Meaning Significance
1 Independence, leadership Represents individuality and the ability to take charge
2 Harmony, cooperation Emphasizes the importance of balance and collaboration
3 Creativity, communication Highlights artistic expression and effective communication skills

When interpreting numerological values, it’s essential to consider the sum of the numerical values of all the letters in a name or word. For example, the name “John” would be calculated as follows:

J = 1 + O = 6 + H = 8 + N = 5 Total = 1 + 6 + 8 + 5 = 20

Once the numerical value is determined, it can be further analyzed to provide personal insights. For instance, a numerical value of 20 signifies a blend of independence and creativity. This suggests that individuals with this name may possess strong leadership qualities and have a natural inclination towards artistic pursuits.

Another example is the word “Love”:

L = 3 + O = 6 + V = 4 + E = 5 Total = 3 + 6 + 4 + 5 = 18

In this case, the numerical value 18 reflects a combination of creativity and harmony. It implies that the concept of love is associated with both artistic expression and the importance of maintaining balance in relationships.

Interpreting numerological values can provide valuable insights into various aspects of life, including relationships, career choices, and personal development. By understanding the meaning and significance behind each numerical value, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Applications of Alphabetical Numerology

Alphabetical Numerology, also known as the Chaldean Numerology System, is not only a tool for personal growth and self-discovery but also finds its application in various fields such as astrology, tarot reading, and spiritual practices. The numerical values assigned to letters in the Alphabetical Numerology Chart provide insights into the energetic vibrations associated with names and words, allowing practitioners to tap into the deeper meanings and symbolism behind them.

1. Astrology

In astrology, Alphabetical Numerology is used to analyze the numerological composition of an individual’s birth chart. By calculating the numerical values of the person’s name and birth date, astrologers gain a better understanding of their character traits, life purpose, and potential challenges. This information can then be used to provide guidance and insights into one’s life path, career choices, and relationships.

2. Tarot Reading

Tarot readings often incorporate Alphabetical Numerology to enhance the interpretation of the cards. Each tarot card is associated with a specific numerical value, and by considering the numerological significance of the cards drawn in a reading, tarot readers can provide deeper insights and guidance to their clients. The numerical values bring an additional layer of symbolism, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the messages conveyed by the tarot deck.

3. Spiritual Practices

Alphabetical Numerology is widely used in spiritual practices as a means of connecting with higher consciousness and unlocking spiritual insights. By assigning numerical values to sacred words, mantras, or prayers, individuals can harness the energetic vibrations associated with these spiritual concepts. This practice deepens their connection to the divine and facilitates personal transformation.

While Alphabetical Numerology offers numerous benefits for personal growth and self-discovery, it is important to acknowledge its limitations. It is not a predictive tool and should not be viewed as a definitive guide to one’s future. Rather, it serves as a tool for self-reflection and gaining deeper insights into oneself and the world around them.

Case studies and real-life examples further illustrate the practical applications of Alphabetical Numerology. For instance, a person exploring a career change may analyze the numerological values of different job titles to gain a better understanding of the potential energetic compatibility between themselves and the role. Additionally, individuals seeking a compatible partner may use Alphabetical Numerology to evaluate the numerological compatibility of their names with potential romantic interests.

Field Application
Analyzing birth charts for character traits and life purpose
Enhancing interpretations of tarot cards
Unlocking spiritual insights and connection to higher consciousness

In conclusion, Alphabetical Numerology finds practical applications in various fields such as astrology, tarot reading, and spiritual practices. It provides valuable insights into the energetic vibrations associated with names and words, allowing individuals to deepen their understanding of themselves and the world around them. While it is important to recognize the limitations of Alphabetical Numerology, its potential for personal growth and self-discovery remains significant.

Criticisms and Controversies

Although Alphabetical Numerology has gained popularity and followers, it is not without its fair share of criticisms and controversies. Skeptics argue that Alphabetical Numerology lacks scientific evidence and validity as a predictive tool. They question the accuracy and reliability of assigning numerical values to letters and words, and how these numerical values are then interpreted to provide insights into one’s life or future.

One of the main debates surrounding numerology in general is the scientific basis of the practice. Critics argue that numerology relies on subjective interpretations rather than objective evidence. They question the lack of empirical data and experimental validation to support the claims made by numerologists. Without concrete scientific proof, some view numerology as nothing more than a pseudoscience or a form of divination.

Alternative perspectives on the interpretation of numbers and their meanings also contribute to the criticisms of Alphabetical Numerology. While numerologists assign specific meanings to each numerical value, others argue that the interpretation of numbers is subjective and can vary across different cultures and belief systems. They believe that numbers hold different symbolic meanings depending on the context and individual interpretations.

Criticism Counterargument
Lack of scientific evidence While numerology may not have extensive scientific research, proponents argue that it is a tool for self-reflection and personal growth rather than a predictive science.
Subjective interpretation Numerology enthusiasts contend that interpretation is subjective in many fields and that the insights gained from numerology can be valuable for personal insights and reflections.
Cultural and contextual variations While interpretations may vary, numerology provides a framework for understanding the symbolic meanings of numbers and their potential significance in different contexts.

It is important to approach Alphabetical Numerology with a critical mindset and recognize that it is not a concrete science. While some may find value and meaning in the numerical interpretations, others may dismiss it as mere coincidence or subjective speculation. Ultimately, the validity and usefulness of Alphabetical Numerology depend on an individual’s beliefs and personal experiences.

Throughout this essay, we have explored the fascinating world of Alphabetical Numerology and its potential for personal growth and self-discovery. Let’s recap the key points discussed:

  • Numerology is a system that assigns numerical values to letters or words, based on the belief that numbers have vibrational energy and influence our lives.
  • The Alphabetical Numerology Chart is a tool used to assign numerical values to each letter of the alphabet, providing a framework for calculating personal numerology.
  • By following a step-by-step process using the chart, individuals can determine the numerical value of their names or words, gaining insights into their personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses.

As we conclude our exploration of Alphabetical Numerology, it is important to reflect on its significance and potential. While some may view numerology as a pseudoscience, it is important to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to explore its possibilities.

Alphabetical Numerology offers a unique lens through which we can gain deeper insights into ourselves and the world around us. By understanding the numerical values assigned to letters, we can unlock hidden meanings and patterns within our names and words. This knowledge can empower us to make conscious choices and better navigate our life’s journey.

However, it is essential to recognize the limitations of Alphabetical Numerology. It should not be solely relied upon for making life decisions or predicting the future. Instead, it should be seen as a tool for self-reflection and personal growth.

Further exploration and research in the field of numerology can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe. By delving into the ancient wisdom of numerology and combining it with modern approaches, we can continue to uncover its potential for personal transformation.

Benefits of Alphabetical Numerology Limitations of Alphabetical Numerology
Provides insights into personality traits and strengths Should not be used as the sole basis for decision-making
Aids in self-reflection and personal growth Does not guarantee accurate predictions or outcomes
Offers a unique perspective on life’s challenges and opportunities Should be used in conjunction with other forms of self-exploration

In conclusion, Alphabetical Numerology opens the door to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world we inhabit. By embracing this ancient practice and combining it with modern research, we can continue to unlock the potential of numerology for personal growth and self-discovery. So, why not embark on your own numerological journey and see what insights await?

FAQ about Alphabetical Numerology Chart

What is numerology and why is it significant.

Numerology is a metaphysical practice that assigns numerical values to letters and numbers. It is believed to reveal insights into a person’s character, personality traits, and life path. Numerology can provide guidance and understanding in various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and personal growth.

What is the Alphabetical Numerology Chart?

The Alphabetical Numerology Chart is a tool used in numerology to assign numerical values to each letter of the alphabet. This chart serves as a reference guide for calculating the numerological value of names, words, and phrases. It allows individuals to gain insights into the energetic vibrations associated with different letters and their combinations.

How does the Alphabetical Numerology Chart assign numerical values to letters?

In the Alphabetical Numerology Chart, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a specific numerical value. For example, the letter A is assigned the value of 1, B is 2, C is 3, and so on. By summing up the numerical values of the letters in a name or word, a corresponding numerological value is obtained.

What are the different numerical values assigned to each letter?

In the Alphabetical Numerology Chart, the numerical values assigned to each letter range from 1 to 9. The letter A corresponds to 1, B to 2, C to 3, and so forth. However, some charts may also include additional numbers for specific letters based on variations in numerological systems.

How can I calculate personal numerology using the Alphabetical Numerology Chart?

To calculate personal numerology using the Alphabetical Numerology Chart, you need to assign numerical values to each letter in your name or word, and then sum up those values. For example, if your name is John, you would assign the values 1, 6, and 5 to the letters J, O, and H respectively. Adding them together (1 + 6 + 5) gives you a numerological value for your name.

What is the meaning of each numerical value in the Alphabetical Numerology Chart?

Each numerical value in the Alphabetical Numerology Chart has its own unique meaning and significance. For example, the number 1 represents independence and leadership, while 2 signifies harmony and cooperation. By understanding the meanings of these numbers, you can gain deeper insights into your personality traits and life path.

How is Alphabetical Numerology used in various fields?

Alphabetical Numerology is widely used in fields such as astrology, tarot reading, and spiritual practices. It helps in determining compatibility between individuals, predicting future events, and providing guidance for personal growth and self-discovery. This tool can be applied in diverse areas to gain insights and make informed decisions.

What are the benefits and limitations of using Alphabetical Numerology?

Using Alphabetical Numerology can provide valuable insights and guidance for personal growth and self-discovery. It can help individuals understand themselves better and make informed decisions. However, it is important to approach numerology with an open mind and not rely solely on its predictions. It should be used as a tool for self-reflection rather than as an absolute predictive measure.

Are there any criticisms or controversies surrounding Alphabetical Numerology?

Alphabetical Numerology has its share of critics who question its validity as a predictive tool. Some argue that there is a lack of scientific evidence to support its claims. Additionally, alternative perspectives exist on the interpretation of numbers and their meanings. It is important to approach numerology with critical thinking and consider it as a tool for personal exploration rather than absolute truth.

How to Get EIN Verification Letter (IRS 147C) for an LLC

Matt Horwitz

By Matt Horwitz

Updated May 22, 2024

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Here is what an EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575) looks like:

Here is what an ein verification letter (147c) looks like:, how to get a 147c ein verification letter from the irs.

  • Here's how to call the IRS and get a 147C Letter
  • Here's how to write to the IRS and get a 147C Letter

How will the IRS send me EIN Verification Letter 147C?

When you first get an EIN Number , the IRS sends you an EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575).

  • If you got your EIN Number online, you can download the CP 575 online
  • If you got your EIN Number by mail or fax, the IRS will mail you a CP 575 (it’s mailed to the address you listed on 4a and 4b of Form SS-4; takes 4-6 weeks to arrive)

Note: If you are a Third Party Designee, you cannot download the CP 575 if applying online. The CP 575 will be mailed to the EIN Responsible Party.

The IRS only issues the EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575) one time. You can’t get this letter again. In fact, “CP” means the letter was auto-generated by a computer. So even if you call the IRS, no one there can recreate the CP 575.

However, there is good news . You can still get an official “EIN Letter” from the IRS. It’s just not called an EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575).

Instead, it’s called an EIN Verification Letter (147C) .

Note: The full name of the 147C is actually EIN Verification Letter 147C, EIN Previously Assigned.

The CP 575 and 147C are technically different letters, however, they are both official letters from the IRS and can be used for all business matters.

EIN Confirmation Letter CP575 for LLC

The only two ways to get an EIN Verification Letter (147C) is to call the IRS at 1-800-829-4933, or to mail the IRS a written request.

Recommendation: We recommend calling the IRS between 7am and 10am or between 3pm and 7pm. And don’t call on Monday (the busiest day).

An EIN Verification Letter 147C can be requested by phone or by mail. But you can’t request it by fax.

It’s also important to note that requesting this letter by mail takes longer than requesting it by phone. Said another way, requesting 147C by mail may take 4-6 weeks to arrive. If you’d like to get your EIN verification letter faster, we recommend requesting the letter by phone.

Here’s how to call the IRS and get a 147C Letter

  • Call the IRS at 1-800-829-4933 (the “business and specialty tax line”).
  • Press option 1 for English.
  • Press option 1 for Employer Identification Numbers.
  • Press option 3 for “If you already have an EIN, but you can’t remember it, etc.”
  • Tell the IRS agent that you have an LLC and need an EIN Verification Letter (147C).
  • The IRS agent will ask a few security questions to confirm you own your LLC.
  • Tell the IRS agent whether you’d like to receive the 147C Letter by mail or fax.

Tip: Only an owner of your LLC can request a 147C Letter. No one else can call for you, unless they have a Power of Attorney on file with the IRS. If you have a Single-Member LLC, refer to yourself as the “owner” (instead of Member). If you have a Multi-Member LLC, refer to yourself as a “partner” (instead of a Member).

Here’s how to write to the IRS and get a 147C Letter

You can also request an EIN verification letter 147C by mail.

What should I include in my IRS 147C request?

To request IRS Form 147C by mail, you’ll need to write the IRS a letter that contains:

  • your LLC’s name,
  • your LLC’s EIN number, and
  • a general request for Form 147C.

We’ve created a letter for you, so all you have to do is fill in the blanks with your LLC information.

IRS – Request for EIN Verification Letter (147C) (Word) IRS – Request for EIN Verification Letter (147C) (PDF) IRS – Request for EIN Verification Letter (147C) (Google Doc)

As long as the information you submit in the letter is correct, the IRS will fulfill your written request.

Where do I mail my written request for an EIN verification letter?

The address you mail your written request to is state-dependent. Said another way, the address you submit your letter to depends on where your LLC is located.

That said, you’ll need to mail your request to 1 of 2 addresses:

Internal Revenue Service 333 West Pershing Rd. Mail Stop 6055 S-2 Kansas City, MO 64108

Internal Revenue Service Stop 6273 Ogden, UT 84201

Which address should I use to request my 147C by mail?

You should mail your written request to the Kansas City, Missouri office if your LLC is located in and does business in any of the following states:

Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan New Hampshire

New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin

You should mail your written request to the Ogden, Utah office if your LLC is located in and does business in any of the following states (or anywhere outside of the US):

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Hawaii Idaho Iowa Kansas Louisiana Minnesota Mississippi

Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Mexico North Dakota Oklahoma Oregon South Dakota Texas Utah Washington Wyoming

For security reasons, the IRS will never send you anything by email. Instead, the IRS will send you an EIN Verification Letter (147C) two ways:

  • by fax (you can use an actual fax or a digital/online fax)

147C by mail

If you choose to receive your 147C by mail, it can take 4-6 weeks before your EIN Verification Letter (147C) arrives.

The IRS will mail your 147C Letter to the mailing address they have on file for your LLC. You’ll be able to confirm this address when you’re on the phone with the IRS agent.

147C by fax

If you choose fax, the IRS will fax you the 147C Letter while you’re on the phone.

Tip: The IRS agent will ask, “Do you have a private and secure fax next to you?” If you are using a digital/online fax, say yes .

Congratulations! You have successfully requested a 147C, EIN Verification Letter for your LLC. We recommend making a few copies and keeping them with your business records.

IRS: Lost or Misplaced Your EIN IRS: Telephone Assistance Contacts for Business Customers IRS: About Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number (EIN) IRS: Internal Revenue Manuals 21.7.1 BMF/NMF Miscellaneous Information IRS: Internal Revenue Manuals 21.7.13 Assigning Employer Identification Numbers (EINs)

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94 comments on “EIN Verification Letter (147C) for an LLC”

Disclaimer: Nothing on this page shall be interpreted as legal or tax advice. Rules and regulations vary by location. They also change over time and are specific to your situation. Furthermore, this comment section is provided so people can share their thoughts and experience. Please consult a licensed professional if you have legal or tax questions.

What happens if my session timed out before I could select the “confirmation letter” option?

You’ll get the EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575) in the mail (I’d allow 6-8 weeks). If you need some “proof” sooner than that, then you can call the IRS (instructions above on this page) and request an EIN Verification Letter (147C).


Hi Abel, I’m not sure. You could try calling again and asking if maybe you sending in a letter containing certain information could help. Otherwise, maybe try digging up old records to find that info. I’m really not sure.

Hi Matt… hope you are doing great.. Was wondering how do i get CP 575 notice if i am a Non Usa resident and dont have an SSN or ITIN…i received the EIN when i called the IRS. When i asked for the Cp575 notice they said they would send it to my mailing address which would typically take around 20 days. But previously i had taken a service from someone for EIN…he gave me the EIN and cp575notice PDF in 2 days… how is this possible? How did he manage to get the PDF of CP575 notice in 2 days?

Hi Cheryl, I’m doing well, thanks :) You were told correctly by the IRS. Even though non-US residents get the EIN number over fax, they later get the EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575) by mail. There is a chance the person who got your EIN in 2 days likely didn’t list you as the EIN Responsible Party .

Said another way, the only way to get an EIN that fast is to apply online. And you can’t apply online if the EIN Responsible Party doesn’t have an SSN or ITIN. So what we sometimes see is someone (that person hired) lists themselves as the EIN Responsible Party. And while you can change the EIN Responsible Party for an LLC , we recommend just doing it correctly from the start. Hope that helps.

Hello Matt, I have my small business as a DBA and have had my EIN for a couple of years. In March I applied in the state of Texas for an LLC with the same company name. I was certified and I sent the SS-4 application for my LLC to the IRS. 3 months passed and I did not receive anything. I made the application by fax. I called and they said my DBA EIN was the same for my LLC. Is this correct?

Hi Yadira, that doesn’t sound correct to me. First, DBAs themselves don’t have EINs. It’s the owner “behind” the DBA that has the EIN. Aka, you, or your LLC. So the first EIN you have is for your Sole Proprietorship. You want a new LLC, owned by your LLC.

Hello Matt, I received my Ein number by fax six weeks ago. CP 575 letter not received. I called the IRS number. After 20 days they sent a 147C letter. My LLC name was misspelled. I’m trying to call customer service, but there’s no answer. I checked my SS4 form, I sent my LLC name correctly. Should I write them a letter? What can I do in this case?

Hi Silvia, I’d mail the IRS a letter and let them know they made a mistake. Please see change LLC name with IRS . We have a template letter on that page you can use.

I called the number listed here for the business and specialty tax line and waited for 45 minutes to be told it was the wrong department to call for a 147C. The correct department is at 1800-829-4933. Thanks for wasting my time.

I apologize, the number was correct. The IRS is just the worst.

Thanks Kaitlyn, totally cool. The IRS can be really frustrating to deal with. Glad you got it sorted though :)

Hi, many people are saying that you can get an EIN for your DBA, calling to IRS. Have you already heard anything about that? Or, is it just for LLC or INC? Because, i faxed an SS4 form to IRS 3 weeks ago, and then, I’ve called them this week and they are saying that they don’t have anything in the system about my DBA! I talked to 3 differents representatives and all of them were saying the same thing, i guess, they don’t know how to explain what’s going on. If you ask them something, they never know, actually. Thanks for your help!

Hi Emerson, let me back up a step first. A DBA is simply “nickname” for a business entity (like an LLC or Corporation) or a person(s). If you don’t have an LLC, then your DBA is for yourself (aka your Sole Proprietorship ). If you had a business partner, the DBA would be for your General Partnership .

So… no, you can’t get an EIN for a DBA. But you can get an EIN for a Sole Proprietorship (that has a DBA). Which is what I’m guessing you have. In that case, you should wait longer than 3 weeks and then call again. It’s likely not in the system yet. I wouldn’t apply again as that can cause issues. Hope that helps.

Thanks for helping. Yes, I’m gonna wait for sure. I already have my Sole Proprietorship registered with the County Clerk and the next step I’d like to get an EIN from the IRS. But, unfortunately, they are taking too long to issue that number. They say, “we are so busy, sorry but, you can’t solve it in person, you have to wait and that’s it”. It’s ridiculous to expect a basic EIN within a month or two. It should be easy and fast!

I know, it’s really frustrating. Many people are dealing with the same issue.

Do you know what questions, they ask you to get a new copy of the cover letter?

I forget exactly, but they are just confirming you are who you say you are, and that that matches their records.

Hi. I need help, i want to verify someone else’s EIN number. How can I do it? Other than calling or Visiting IRS. Are there any possibility to do it online?

There is no such service that we’re aware of.

Legal zoom did not include my suite #, and my original EIN cert letter reflects this. I can’t open a bank account until it is rectified.I’ve been trying since October. Is there any other way to get this done? Can I go to an office?

Hi Robert, sorry to hear that. You’ll need to keep trying. This is the only way to get a 147C EIN Verification Letter. There is no office to go to.

I am a foreign national, I created an LLC on 11/09/2022 and got my EIN approved, and received it in the Fax form IRS stating EIN on the Form SS-4. its been 6 weeks and i have been waiting on CP575. can you shed a light why is it taking so long from IRS to mail the document

The IRS has been really backed up. It will eventually arrive, but for many foreign nationals, it can take 2-4 months. Hope that helps!

I am a foreign national, I created an LLC on 11/22/2022 and got same day approval. Then I applied for EIN using SS-4 and followed the method you stated for foreigners. Today I got my EIN approved and I received a fax from IRS stating EIN on the form SS-4. The quality of the document is not good (EIN is visible but most of the form is unreadable) How can I get Letter 147C and CP575? Should I follow the process listed in this blog or should I wait a few days? By the way you are doing an extraordinary job of educating ordinary people like us. Thanks

Hi Waseem, you’re very welcome! The IRS should have mailed you a CP575, which should much more clear. Those faxes can sometimes be really hard to read lol!

Is it the same process when trying to get a verification letter for an estate?

Hi Nina, yes, it is.

We need a 147C from IRS. We’ve callled this number 1-800-829-4933 many, many times, and after choosing 1, 1 and 3 options, we always got a voice mail saying they are busy and call back at different time. After several weeks of not being able to contact IRS by phone, the only option left is to request it by mail, even if it takes 4 to 6 weeks. My questin is which department of IRS and which location of IRS should we send our request for 147C letter. The website does not have this info. Thank you very much for your help.

Hi Justin, I feel you on this. Thousands of people are dealing with the same issue. The IRS is extremely back up right now. Some readers are getting through by trying multiple times per day and multiple days per week (sounds like you’ve been doing the same though). As of right now, we only know about obtaining a 147C via phone, however, we’ll see if we can find anything out. If so, I’ll reply back here (and we’ll update this page). It may take us a couple weeks if we do find something. Thank you for your understanding. We’re hoping things return to normal soon.

Hi Justin, we just got through to the IRS (after trying for a few days). We added a new note at the top of this page. But in short, a 147C can only be requested by phone. It can’t be requested by mail or fax. And 1-800-829-4933 is the only number to request a 147C. So you’ll need to just keep trying. I know it’s super annoying. But check the note at the top of this page for some additional tips.

Cannot get thru to them by phone. Can I request via faxing to them? what #?

Hi James, not that we’re aware of. The IRS is extremely back up right now, however, readers are getting through by calling multiple times per day and multiple days per week. Hopefully things return to normal shortly.

Hi Whenever i call it hangs up because there arent any people to answer. ANy advice on how to go about it now?

Hi Mary, the IRS is still a bit backed up. We recommend calling shortly after they open in order to get through. Hope that helps!

No that doesn’t work either. I called at 7am and then again at 7:01 am and was hung up on. The instructions are accurate. Just no one is wanting to do their job or they refuse to take calls for 2 weeks now. I DID get to an agent on the “Forms” option. She told me to try between 5 and 5:30pm however that proven to be fruitless.

I am going on week 3 now. This is a government department that just got approved to hire over 85k workers and they cannot answer the bloody phone. America’s finest.

Oh my! That is really bad. I totally hear you. Thanks for the update and letting us know. I hope things get better in the coming months :)

Thank you so much for the easy to follow instruction on how to get 147C.

You’re very welcome Maribel :)

Thank you for sharing! This was very helpful!

You’re very welcome Rebecca :)

Thanks for your article. It is very helpful. I tried to obtain an EIN verification letter on behalf a client by calling in and faxing them a Form 2848. On line 3 of the form, I listed “EIN and EIN Verification Letter” “SS-4 and 147C” and “2021”. They rejected the form (after an hour and half hold to get to them and advised that line 3 needs to be totally blank when checking line 4 (specific use not recorded on CAF). Does this sound right? When I read the Instructions, I am even more confused. The person I spoke with was stuttering and referring to incorrect line numbers at first, so I worry that if I send blank line 3, I’m going to get rejected again.

Hi Jeff, we are not sure as we don’t deal with Form 2848 filings. However, anytime we get “unconfident” information from an IRS representative, we always call back a few more times and ask the exact same question to someone else. The phones are busy right now, so calling between 7am and 8am is best. Hope that helps.

Hey Matt AT LAST I GOT MY EIN. :) It was mailed CP575. But now I have few question that I want to clear it up.

1. The first SS4 form was sent on 5th of November. When I tried to talk to representative from IRS after 45 business days I still had no EIN assigned and they told me to resend SS4 form again. So than I found Third Party Designee. They faxed it for me few times. Now, can i find out from IRS which SS4 form did they use? Mine or my Third Party Designee?

2. It appress that the Name of my LLC is correct My business address is correct My first name is correct and written in full My Last Name is correct and written in full However, my middle name has only “One alphabet letter”. I can’t find an information if it is ok for middle name or not. When I faxed them I had everything written in full. I need help on this, please?

Hey Rocky, that is wonderful news :) You can call the IRS to check, or you can just do this: Use the current EIN you have. If you get another EIN in the future, just cancel/deactivate the EIN . If your name is Rocky John Smith and it’s entered as Rocky J Smith, that is totally okay. Hope that helps.

I’ve had my EIN for 20 years and just need a copy of the letter… it seems someone applying for a new EIN has the convenience of downloading theirs after the application but I have to call the IRS and then try to find one of these FAX machines to receive it. (we aren’t in the 90’s anymore so my oversized phone-printer isn’t here anymore). Why does acquiring a new letter need to be so difficult for those who already have an EIN?

Enter my EIN, something personal and download.. ??

Hi Herbert, we don’t disagree ;) However, this (or sending in a written request) is the only way to get a copy of your EIN.

Hi, Good Day, My EIN Number was received by phone on November 2nd but up to this moment, CP575 Letter not yet received in my USA LLC Mail address.

1- Do You know if clients in similar situations have already received their letter? 2- To get 147C by fax, is it required to send to IRS a consent letter asking IRS to send to You mentioned letter via fax? (is there a template for that?).

Tks and have a nice weekend. Ps. You have no idea how Your Videos and messages have already helped me in my journey!! Thanks a lot!! You rock!!

Hello After getting EIN what else we have to do for IRS like for taxes. Do you have any idea. thanks

Hi Giren, unfortunately, there isn’t a simple and short answer to this. Taxes depend on how the money is made, where the business makes money, where actives are, and what the tax status is of the LLC owner(s). We recommend working with an accountant .

Hi Daniel, thanks so much! You’re very welcome :) If you are the owner of the LLC, you can just call the IRS. You don’t need a consent form. Yes, the CP 575 can take a while to arrive due to the current situation. Sometimes it’s taking 3 months. You can call the IRS and request an EIN Confirmation Letter 147C in the meantime. Hope that helps.

I was issued my EIN on Dec. 15, 2020 by computer and as I opened it my system crashed. I managed to get the number before it went blue. My problem is I have been calling every single business day since then and get a recording that they are busy and to call back later or try again tomorrow. I cannot set the woocommerce portion of my ecommerce site up without verification and cannot get verification. I am running out of money while trying to get the one piece of paper I need from the IRS to allow me to open my business. I have customers waiting but they won’t wait forever…

Hi Stephen, I feel you man. Thousands and thousands of people are in the same situation. The IRS opens at 7am (local time; based off the incoming phone number’s area code). We recommend calling at 7am or 8am, or as early as you can. We’ve called the IRS ourselves about 5 times this week. We’ve had to wait each time, but we’ve gotten through each time. When calling, please follow the prompts/option number as mentioned above on this page to speak to a representative. Hope that helps :)

I got the EIN number only but my agent is saying that foreigners dont get CP 575 is that true? My question is after EIN approval do IRS send EIN verification letter or CP 575 letter to the respective mailing address or not(agent address)?

Hi Giren, if the SS-4 application was faxed, the first approval from the IRS is the SS-4 returned with the EIN written on it. Then the CP 575 arrives in the mail. Usually that is a few weeks after the EIN is issued, however, due to current delays, that can take a couple months. The CP 575 is sent to the mailing address that was listed on the SS-4. However, if you get an EIN Verification Letter (147C) it does the same thing and has the same power as the EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575).

Thank you for your reply

After the EIN approval through fax will IRS send EIN verification letter automatically to the mailing address or we have to inform IRS for the mail.

Hi Giren, the EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575) is automatically mailed after your EIN number is faxed back to you. You don’t have to contact the IRS to request it.

If I apply for an EIN online ( ), it provides me with the EIN instantly. Where do I then go to download my CP575 instantly?

Hi Emily, the CP 575 (EIN Confirmation Letter) is provided in the very last step of the EIN online application. It’s a PDF form that you can download. If you didn’t download it and closed out of the EIN online application, you can call the IRS to get an EIN Verification Letter (147C) in the meantime. The CP 575 will eventually arrive in the mail, but that can take a few weeks to a couple months due to the delays the IRS is currently facing. Hope that helps.

Is that Step 5. EIN Confirmation? I don’t see where to download. It says “Congratulations! The EIN has been successfully assigned.” Then, under the EIN, it says “The confirmation letter will be mailed to the applicant.” The only links/buttons from this page is a “Continue” button to get additional information about using the new EIN, and a Help Topic link “Can the EIN be used before the confirmation letter is received?”

Hi Emily, yes, that is Step 5. EIN Confirmation. There should be a link that says “CLICK HERE for Your EIN Confirmation Letter”. We’ve never heard of that link not being there. That’s very strange. While the EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575) will be mailed to you, we recommend calling the IRS for an EIN Verification Letter (147C) in the meantime. We recommend calling early in the morning for the shortest hold time.

You only have the option to print the CP 575 if you the responsible party. Third party registers obtaining an EIN on behalf of another entity do not have the option to print the CP 575 and it will be mailed to the client. You may want to update the article so everyone knows.

Hi Hugh, this is very helpful, thank you. We’ve updated the page.

I figured out why the link was not there. I usually put in that I am a Third Party applying for the EIN on behalf of the entity (as I am). To get the link to the letter, you have to click you are one of the owners, members, etc. of the entity. I was instructed to try it that way, and sure enough, the link comes up on Step 5. Thanks!!

Hi Emily, that makes sense. While that works, you don’t want to submit false information if you’re not an LLC Member or LLC Manager. The EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575) will be mailed to the EIN Responsible Party if you’re applying as a Third Party Designee.

Thanks a lot, Matt, super helpful. One question remains, I already got a CP 575 but my name on it wasn’t full when I registered and this causes me trouble while registering as an Amazon seller. Is it possible to amend, extend my name while asking for the (147C) ?

Thanks a lot Antoine

Hi Antoine, you can ask while you call (I’m not 100% sure). If it doesn’t work, you can change the EIN Responsible Party for an LLC via Form 8822-B

Matt, buenos días Conoce algún número para pedir el 147Co ver si se ha emitido mi EIN que atiendan en inglés? Dado que sólo el titular puede llamar, es dificil comunicarse cuando sólo dan la opción en inglés en el número que mencionas. Llevo 9 semanas desde que envié mi SS-4 por FAX Gracias

Hola Nata, puedes llamar al 1-800-829-4933 y presionar la opción 2 para español.

Gracias Matt. Te cuento que intenté eso en Diciembre pero al parecer ese tipo de información sólo la brindan en inglés y te piden que vuelvas a comunicarte con un intérprete. Sin embargo, hoy llamé y la contestadora dice que el IRS se encuentra cerrado. Tienes idea a qué se debe este cierre o cuánto podría durar? Llevo 9 semanas de enviado el SS-4 por fax, sin ningún tipo de novedades aún.

Gracias eternas por tu ayuda.

Hola Nata, el IRS está abierto de lunes a viernes. A qué día y a qué hora llamaste? Intente llamarlos nuevamente esta semana y avíseme.

Hi, Thanks for your very informative documents. I have already received 147C but I changed my business name in that period and Should I change EIN number? How I can change my EIN number for changed business name company?

Hi Ersin, you’re very welcome. No, you would not change the EIN number if you change your LLC name (it’s still the same LLC). Instead, you just update the IRS with the new LLC name. We have instructions here: How to change my LLC name with the IRS . Hope that helps.

Can I apply for a new EIN # if I misplaced the one that I applied for recently?

Hi Christina, yes, you can do that. If you go that route, you can cancel the first EIN (see how to cancel an EIN with the IRS ). Alternatively, you can call the IRS and request an EIN Verification Letter (147C) as mentioned above on this page.

Hi, I received my EIN number by phone, 1 month ago, but up to this moment, I have not received the confirmation letter… Do you know if due to Corona Virus, is it taking longer than 4 to 6 weeks?? Tks and have a wonderful week ahead!!

Hi Daniel, yes, it’s taking much longer than 4-6 weeks right now. Sometimes 2 months or a bit longer. The EIN Verification Letter (147C) can serve as the official EIN approval though, in place of the EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575)… or until it arrives by mail.

Thank you for this post. Exactly what I needed to know.

You’re welcome Lisa!

I received my EIN but I can’t find the letter I Know my number but I need the letter to open a bank account t what can I do? Please help me

Hi Efraín, the instructions on how to get your EIN Verification Letter (147C) are above on this page :) If you can’t find your EIN Confirmation Letter, the 147C is the only kind of “proof” you can get from the IRS. You can also call the bank and see if they’ll just take your word on the EIN, however, most banks want a copy of the EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575) or EIN Verification Letter (147C). Hope that helps.

They didn’t accept, they want a copy. Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate.🙏🏼🙏🏼

I figured that was the case ;) You’re welcome Efraín!

Do foreign application having EIN can request for CP 575. (Non US citizen nor resident)

Hi Giren, yes, non-US residents/foreigners can get an EIN for an LLC. We have instructions here: How non-US residents can get EIN for LLC .

Hi Matt, I have been trying to get through to the IRS using option 1-1-3. It keeps telling saying they are experiencing higher than normal call volume and to try back. This has gone on for weeks. Any suggestions?

Hi Jennifer, the IRS has been horrible with phone support recently. Many people are having a hard time getting through. We recommend calling early in the morning, and if that doesn’t work, try multiple times per day. Some readers have gotten through, but only after trying for multiple days. Apologies, I wish there was something we could do or another way to solve this, but all we’ve been told by the IRS when we inquired was “keep trying”. Hopefully this doesn’t last too long and things soon return to normal. Thanks for your understanding.

Thanks for the article! It helped me a lot!. Btw, I faxed my EIN application 2 months ago. Now I still has not received any EIN/response from IRS? What should I do now?

Hi Thanh, it’s best to wait. The IRS has been delayed due to covid. You can call the IRS though at the number on this page to see if your EIN has been issued.

Thanks for the article! How long after receiving my EIN can I call the IRS to request a verification letter by fax?

Hi Momen, you don’t have to wait at all. You can request an EIN Verification Letter right after your EIN is issued.

Hello Matt, just wanted to see if you knew how to get my EIN letter because SWYFT Fillings sent it to the wrong address on file? I have tried calling the number but it keeps saying the office is closed. I started my business last August 2022 and i cant even do payroll or open a business account or anything without this letter..

Hi William, we posted an update at the top of this page. You’ll need to keep trying until you get through. There’s no other way to get the 147C letter.

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Numerology Voice

Alphabet Numerology: The Hidden Significance of Letters and Numbers

letter number assignment


There exists a realm where language converges with the mystical—the fascinating discipline known as numerology. While numerology has long captivated those seeking insights into their lives, relationships, and destinies through the study of numbers, a lesser-known yet equally compelling facet awaits exploration: alphabet numerology.

Beyond the mere letters that compose our names and words lies a hidden code, a numerical essence that resonates with the very fabric of the universe. Alphabet numerology, a branch of numerology that assigns numerical values to letters, unveils the profound connection between language and cosmic vibrations. This ancient and esoteric art suggests that each letter carries a unique energetic frequency, influencing our personalities, paths, and interactions in ways that extend beyond the surface of language.

As we embark on this journey through the cryptic corridors of alphabet numerology, we will delve into the foundational principles that underpin this mystical practice, explore the significance of individual letters, and decipher the numerical signatures that weave through our names. Join us in unlocking the secrets that letters hold and discover the profound impact they have on our personal and collective narratives. Through alphabet numerology, we aim to unravel the enigma of the symbiotic dance between letters and numbers, offering a lens through which to perceive the hidden harmonies resonating within the language of the cosmos.

The ABC’s of Alphabet Numerology

Alphabet numerology, a captivating branch of the ancient practice of numerology, unveils a world where the letters of the alphabet are assigned numerical values, offering insights into the hidden meanings and energetic vibrations associated with words and names. Before delving into the depths of this mystical art, it’s essential to grasp the basics that form the foundation of alphabet numerology.

Numerical Assignments

In alphabet numerology, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a specific numerical value. These assignments can vary based on different numerological systems, with two of the most widely recognized systems being the Pythagorean and Chaldean methods.

For example, in the Pythagorean system, the numerical values are assigned as follows: A=1, B=2, C=3, and so forth, up to Z=26.

Reducing Numbers to Single Digits

The core principle of numerology involves reducing multi-digit numbers to a single digit. This is accomplished by adding the individual digits of a number until a single-digit result is obtained.

For instance, if the numerical value of a name is calculated as 27, it is further reduced to 2 + 7 = 9, revealing the single-digit essence associated with that name.

Vowel and Consonant Distinctions

Alphabet numerology often distinguishes between vowels and consonants, attributing specific qualities to each. Vowels typically represent the soul or inner essence, while consonants are associated with the external expression or personality.

Understanding the distinct influence of vowels and consonants allows for a more nuanced interpretation of the energy associated with a particular name or word.

Calculating Core Numbers

Key numerological calculations in alphabet numerology involve determining core numbers associated with an individual’s name. The most common core numbers include the Life Path Number, Expression Number, Soul Urge Number, and Personality Number.

These numbers offer insights into various aspects of an individual’s personality, purpose, and life journey, providing a comprehensive profile through the lens of numerology.

Vibrational Energy of Letters

Each letter is believed to emit a specific vibrational energy, contributing to the overall energetic signature of a name or word. This concept suggests that the combination of letters in a name creates a unique resonance that influences an individual’s experiences and interactions.

Understanding these foundational aspects of alphabet numerology sets the stage for a deeper exploration into the intricate connections between letters and numbers. As we navigate this esoteric landscape, we begin to unveil the profound mysteries that lie within the language of the cosmos.

Spelling Out the Power of Letters

The power of letters extends far beyond their conventional role as components of language. Each letter is believed to carry a unique vibrational frequency, contributing to the energetic essence of words and names. Understanding the power of letters in numerology involves recognizing how these vibrations influence individual characteristics, relationships, and life paths. Here are key aspects that highlight the significant role of letters in numerology:

Energetic Signatures

Letters are considered to be carriers of specific energies, and their arrangement in a name or word creates a distinctive vibrational signature. The combination of these signatures is thought to influence an individual’s personality, traits, and experiences.

Consonants and Vowels

Numerology often distinguishes between consonants and vowels, attributing different qualities to each. Vowels, representing the soul or inner essence, are believed to unveil the core of an individual, while consonants, associated with the external expression, reveal aspects of personality and interactions with the external world.

Name Frequency and Influence

The repetition of specific letters in a name amplifies their influence, as each occurrence contributes to the overall energy of the name. The more frequently a letter appears, the more pronounced its impact on the individual’s numerological profile.

Each letter is assigned a numerical value in numerology, and these values are utilized in various calculations to derive core numbers, such as the Life Path Number and Expression Number. The assigned numerical values further enhance the depth of understanding regarding the energetic contributions of individual letters.

Harmonies and Dissonances

In numerology, the interplay of letters creates harmonies or dissonances within a name. Harmonious combinations are believed to enhance positive qualities, while dissonant combinations may pose challenges or conflicts. Analyzing these harmonies and dissonances provides valuable insights into the overall energy dynamics of a name.

Impact on Relationships

The power of letters extends to the realm of relationships. In numerology, compatibility between individuals is often assessed by examining the numerical values associated with their names. The resonance or discordance between the letters in names can offer clues about the potential dynamics of a relationship.

Expression of Creativity and Purpose

Beyond personal characteristics, the power of letters in numerology is also associated with creativity and life purpose. Certain letters are believed to be aligned with specific creative energies and purposes, shaping an individual’s pursuits and contributions to the world.

Understanding the power of letters in numerology involves recognizing their inherent vibrational qualities and the impact they collectively exert on the unfolding narrative of an individual’s life. As we explore the intricate dance of letters and numbers, we gain profound insights into the underlying forces shaping our existence.

How to Calculate Personal Numbers

Calculating personal numbers in numerology involves various methods that reveal insights into different aspects of an individual’s personality, life path, and destiny. These core numbers, derived from the letters in a person’s name and the numbers associated with their birthdate, offer a nuanced understanding of one’s strengths, challenges, and overall life purpose. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to calculate some of the key personal numbers in numerology:

Life Path Number

The Life Path Number is one of the most fundamental and significant numbers in numerology. It represents the path a person will walk throughout life.

Assign Numerical Values to Letters

Use a numerology chart to assign numerical values to each letter in your full birth name (first, middle, and last). Follow a specific numerology system, such as Pythagorean or Chaldean.

Reduce Each Name to a Single Digit

Reduce each name to a single digit by adding the individual digits together. For example, if the calculated value is 14, add 1 + 4 to get 5.

Add the Single Digits

Add the single-digit values of each name together.

Continue reducing until you obtain a single-digit or master number (11, 22, 33), unless the result is 10, in which case it remains as is.

Expression Number (Destiny Number)

The Expression Number, also known as the Destiny Number, represents your inherent talents, abilities, and potential.

Use the same numerical values assigned in the Life Path Number calculation.

Reduce Each Letter to a Single Digit

Reduce each letter of your full birth name to a single digit by adding the individual digits together.

Add the single-digit values of all letters in your full birth name.

Reduce the total to a single-digit or master number.

Soul Urge Number

The Soul Urge Number reveals your innermost desires, motivations, and what truly fulfills you.

Assign Numerical Values to Vowels

Use the same numerical values as in previous calculations but focus only on the vowels (a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y).

Reduce Each Vowel to a Single Digit

Reduce each vowel to a single digit by adding the individual digits together.

Add the single-digit values of all vowels in your full birth name.

These three personal numbers provide a foundational understanding of your character, destiny, and inner desires in numerology. Exploring the nuances of each number can offer valuable insights into your life’s journey and purpose. It’s important to note that numerology is a subjective and interpretative practice, and various numerologists may use different methods or interpretations.

letter number assignment

Alphabet Numerology and Compatibility

Alphabet numerology extends its influence beyond individual analysis to offer profound insights into the dynamics of relationships through the lens of compatibility. This fascinating aspect of numerology explores how the numerical vibrations associated with letters can shape the interactions, strengths, and challenges within partnerships. Here’s a breakdown of how alphabet numerology and compatibility are interconnected:

Calculating Compatibility Numbers

In alphabet numerology, compatibility between individuals is often assessed by calculating specific numbers associated with their names or combining the numbers derived from their birthdates.

Key compatibility numbers include the Life Path Number, Expression Number, and Soul Urge Number, which are calculated for each person separately.

Harmony and Discordance

Compatibility is determined by examining the harmonies and discordances between the calculated numbers of two individuals. Harmonious combinations suggest a natural flow of energy and understanding, while discordant combinations may indicate potential challenges or areas for growth.

Life Path Compatibility

Life Path Numbers are particularly crucial in assessing long-term compatibility. Individuals with compatible Life Path Numbers tend to share similar values and life goals, promoting a sense of unity and understanding.

For example, if one person has a Life Path Number of 3 and the other of 5, the combination could bring creativity and adaptability into the relationship.

Expression Number Dynamics

The Expression Number reflects the inherent talents and potential of individuals. Compatible Expression Numbers suggest that the unique qualities each person brings to the relationship complement and support one another.

For instance, a person with an Expression Number of 7, indicating analytical and introspective qualities, might find compatibility with someone whose Expression Number is 4, representing a practical and grounded approach.

Soul Urge Harmony

The Soul Urge Number delves into the innermost desires and motivations of individuals. Compatibility in Soul Urge Numbers indicates that the core desires of both partners align, fostering emotional connection and mutual fulfillment.

If one person has a Soul Urge Number of 1, symbolizing a desire for leadership and independence, and the other has a Soul Urge Number of 9, emphasizing compassion and altruism, their compatibility might stem from a balance between independence and empathy.

Considering Numerological Composites

In addition to individual calculations, numerologists often consider the composite numbers derived from combining the values of names or birthdates of both partners. Analyzing these composite numbers provides a holistic view of the relationship dynamics.

Navigating Challenges

Numerology doesn’t just highlight compatibility; it also sheds light on potential challenges within a relationship. Discordant numbers offer insights into areas where communication or understanding may require extra attention and effort.

Understanding alphabet numerology and compatibility provides individuals with a unique tool for navigating relationships with greater awareness. While it’s important to note that numerology is a subjective practice and interpretations may vary, many find value in exploring the energetic dynamics revealed by the numbers associated with names and birthdates in the context of their relationships.

Alphabet Numerology and Daily Life

Alphabet numerology, a fascinating and esoteric practice, extends its influence beyond the realms of introspection and self-discovery to offer practical applications in various aspects of life. By unveiling the hidden meanings behind letters and numbers, alphabet numerology provides a unique perspective that individuals can apply to enhance personal growth, make informed decisions, and navigate different facets of life. Here are some practical applications of alphabet numerology:

Self-Discovery and Personal Growth

Alphabet numerology serves as a powerful tool for self-discovery. By analyzing core numbers such as the Life Path Number and Expression Number, individuals gain insights into their inherent traits, strengths, and potential challenges.

Practical Application: Use numerology as a guide for personal development, focusing on areas where your natural tendencies align with your aspirations.

Career Choices and Life Purpose

Understanding the vibrational energies associated with letters allows individuals to align their career choices with their innate strengths and passions. Alphabet numerology provides insights into the types of work that resonate harmoniously with one’s life purpose.

Practical Application: When considering career options, analyze the numerical vibrations of job titles, company names, or industry keywords to discern their compatibility with your personal numbers.

Decision-Making and Timing

Numerology can be applied to make informed decisions by considering the energetic vibrations associated with specific options or choices. Additionally, numerology can play a role in determining favorable timings for important decisions.

Practical Application: When faced with a decision, analyze the numerical values associated with each option and choose the one that aligns harmoniously with your core numbers.

Business and Branding:

Entrepreneurs often use alphabet numerology to choose business names and brand identities. The numerical vibrations of a business name can impact its success and resonance with the target audience.

Practical Application: When starting a business or launching a brand, consult numerology to ensure that the chosen name aligns with the business’s goals and values.

Relationship Compatibility

Alphabet numerology offers insights into relationship compatibility by analyzing the numerical values associated with the names of individuals. This can provide guidance on potential strengths and challenges within partnerships.

Practical Application: Before entering into significant relationships, assess compatibility through numerological analyses to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics between you and your partner.

Personal and Business Communication

The vibrational energies of letters also influence communication styles. Alphabet numerology can be applied to enhance effective communication, both personally and in business contexts.

Practical Application: Tailor communication strategies by considering the vibrational qualities of words and phrases, ensuring alignment with your intentions and the energy you wish to convey.

Wellness and Balance

Alphabet numerology can be applied to promote holistic well-being by identifying areas of imbalance in an individual’s life. By aligning with the vibrational energies that support health and harmony, individuals can work towards overall wellness.

Practical Application: Integrate numerology into wellness practices by choosing activities, colors, or environments that resonate positively with your personal numbers.

While alphabet numerology operates within a metaphysical framework, its practical applications offer individuals a unique and insightful approach to navigating life’s complexities. By incorporating numerological insights into decision-making processes and various life domains, individuals can enhance their self-awareness and foster a deeper connection with the energetic currents that shape their experiences.

Critique and Defense

Lack of scientific foundation.

Critique: Alphabet numerology lacks a scientific foundation and empirical evidence to support its claims. The assignment of numerical values to letters and the subsequent interpretations are often arbitrary, relying on subjective associations rather than rigorous scientific methodology.

Subjectivity and Interpretation

Critique: The practice of alphabet numerology is highly subjective, and interpretations can vary widely among practitioners. Without standardized guidelines, there is a risk of inconsistency and personal bias in the analysis of names and numbers.

Overemphasis on Reductionism

Critique: The reductionist approach employed in numerology, where numbers are reduced to single digits, oversimplifies the complexity of human experiences and personalities. Human lives are multifaceted, and reducing them to a single number may lead to an incomplete understanding.

Lack of Predictive Validity

Critique: Alphabet numerology often falls short in terms of predictive validity. The predictions or insights provided are frequently ambiguous and open to various interpretations, making it challenging to assess the accuracy and reliability of numerological readings.

Confirmation Bias

Critique: Individuals engaging with alphabet numerology may be prone to confirmation bias, where they selectively focus on information that aligns with their expectations or desires. This bias can contribute to an illusion of accuracy and validation of numerological insights.

Defense of Alphabet Numerology:

Symbolic and archetypal significance.

Defense: While alphabet numerology may lack empirical support, it can be defended on the grounds of symbolic and archetypal significance. The practice draws on ancient traditions and esoteric wisdom, offering a unique lens through which individuals can explore symbolic connections between letters, numbers, and human experiences.

Personal Empowerment and Reflection

Defense: Alphabet numerology can be a powerful tool for personal empowerment and reflection. By engaging with the symbolism and vibrations associated with letters, individuals may find a framework for self-discovery and introspection, fostering a deeper understanding of their strengths and challenges.

Psychological Impact

Defense: The psychological impact of engaging with alphabet numerology should not be dismissed. The process of contemplating one’s name and its numerical associations may have positive effects on self-awareness, mindfulness, and a sense of personal agency.

Cultural and Historical Relevance

Defense: Alphabet numerology has deep roots in various cultures and historical traditions. Defenders argue that dismissing these practices overlooks their cultural and historical significance, as they have been embraced by diverse civilizations seeking meaning and connection.

Therapeutic and Introspective Value

Defense: Alphabet numerology can be defended for its therapeutic and introspective value. Even if the numerical associations lack empirical validation, the act of exploring one’s name and its numerological interpretations can serve as a tool for contemplation and personal growth.

In conclusion, while alphabet numerology faces criticism for its lack of scientific grounding and subjective nature, its defenders emphasize its symbolic significance, potential for personal empowerment, and cultural relevance. The debate around alphabet numerology ultimately centers on its value as a tool for self-reflection and the interpretation of symbolic connections within the broader context of human experiences.

letter number assignment

Alphabet Numerology in the Future

The future of alphabet numerology holds a dynamic and evolving landscape, influenced by advancements in technology, changing perspectives on spirituality, and the ongoing exploration of metaphysical practices. While the practice of assigning numerical values to letters has ancient roots, its future trajectory may involve a fusion of traditional wisdom with modern tools and approaches. Here are potential trends and considerations for the future of alphabet numerology:

Integration with Technology

As technology continues to advance, the future of alphabet numerology may involve the development of digital tools and applications. Numerology apps and software could offer personalized readings, automated calculations, and interactive features, making numerological insights more accessible to a broader audience.

Data Analytics and Personalized Insights

The future may see the application of data analytics to numerology, providing more nuanced and personalized insights. By analyzing larger datasets and patterns, practitioners may refine interpretations, offering individuals more specific and accurate information about their life paths, personalities, and relationships.

Interdisciplinary Connections

Alphabet numerology could find connections with other fields, such as psychology, neuroscience, and sociology. Collaborations with experts from these disciplines may lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the psychological and social implications of numerological insights.

Scientific Exploration and Validation

The future of alphabet numerology might involve increased attention from researchers seeking to explore its principles scientifically. Studies on the psychological impact of numerology, correlations with personality traits, or the neurological basis of symbolic associations could contribute to a more grounded understanding of the practice.

Cultural Adaptation and Globalization

As numerology has diverse cultural roots, the future may witness a continued adaptation of alphabet numerology to suit global perspectives. Practitioners may integrate various numerological traditions, accommodating a multicultural and diverse audience with different linguistic and symbolic backgrounds.

Education and Mainstream Recognition

The future could bring numerology into mainstream consciousness through educational initiatives. Courses, workshops, and certifications in numerology may become more widely available, fostering a greater understanding of the practice and encouraging its integration into diverse fields.

Ethical and Responsible Practice

With increased awareness and acceptance, there may be a greater emphasis on ethical and responsible numerological practice. Practitioners might adhere to professional standards, ensuring that the insights provided are empowering, respectful, and focused on the well-being of individuals.

AI Integration and Personalized Algorithms

Artificial Intelligence (AI) could play a role in the future of alphabet numerology by creating personalized algorithms based on individual data. AI-driven numerological insights may adapt dynamically, offering real-time guidance and adapting to changes in an individual’s life path.

Continued Spiritual Integration

Given its historical association with spirituality, the future of alphabet numerology may involve further integration with spiritual practices. It could become a tool for individuals seeking not only personal insights but also a deeper connection with their spiritual journey.

While the future of alphabet numerology holds exciting possibilities, its evolution will likely be shaped by a balance between tradition and innovation. As society becomes more open to exploring alternative perspectives and practices, alphabet numerology may continue to find relevance and contribute to the holistic well-being of individuals seeking self-discovery and personal growth.

Signing Off

In conclusion, as we traverse the intricate pathways of alphabet numerology, we find ourselves standing at the crossroads of tradition and innovation, spirituality and science. The journey through the vibrational tapestry of letters and numbers invites us to explore the depths of our own existence, seeking insights into the profound connections that shape our lives.

While skeptics may question the empirical foundations of alphabet numerology, its enduring appeal lies in its capacity to provide a unique lens through which individuals can contemplate their purpose, relationships, and personal growth. As we envision the future of alphabet numerology, it becomes evident that this ancient practice is not static but rather adaptable, ready to embrace technological advancements, interdisciplinary connections, and a globalized perspective.

Alphabet numerology, at its core, is a tool for self-reflection and empowerment. It encourages us to consider the symbolic and archetypal dimensions of language, fostering a deeper understanding of the energies that resonate within our names and, by extension, our lives. Whether one engages with numerology for spiritual guidance, personal insight, or as a form of creative expression, its influence is poised to transcend cultural boundaries and captivate the imaginations of those who seek a holistic approach to self-discovery.

In the kaleidoscope of possibilities that the future holds for alphabet numerology, one thing remains certain: the allure of unraveling the mysteries encoded within the letters of our names will persist. As we continue to explore the synergies between ancient wisdom and contemporary insights, alphabet numerology stands as a testament to the enduring human quest for meaning, connection, and the profound realization that, in the dance of letters and numbers, a symphony of significance unfolds, guiding us on our unique journey through the tapestry of existence.

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10 Examples of Good and Right Assignment Letters (Latest)

  • July 06, 2021
  • In Miscellanea

After previously discussing about formal letter sample The following will discuss in more detail related to an example of an assignment letter.

Table of contents

Definition of Letter of Assignment

sample job assignment letter psbb

Assignment letter is a letter made by an agency or company to give a special task to its employees.

As the name implies, this assignment letter is generally made by a superior or someone with a higher rank in order to assign tasks to his subordinates to do certain tasks.

This assignment letter is also one of the types of official letters, although the use of this assignment letter is internal (only within the scope of the agency/institution).

Function and Purpose of Assignment Letter

sample job assignment letter at psbb

Unlike an official letter or power of attorney, an assignment letter has several specific functions and purposes, such as:

  • For an official or formal sign if someone is indeed from a recognized agency/company.
  • To help the smooth running of a job if the one given the task wants to get in touch with other institutions/agencies outside the company.
  • Facilitate work in the community.
  • As an official sign in avoiding the occurrence of crimes against others.

Characteristics of Assignments

sample teacher assignment letter

To distinguish an assignment letter from other types of letters, there are several special characteristics of an assignment letter, including:

  • Have an explanation regarding the assignment of leaders from an agency/company to staff who will be given an assignment.
  • Do not use casual language, but use standard language and have brief, solid and clear explanations.
  • Have letterhead, signature from the authorizing authority and official stamp from an agency/company.
  • Does not have a double meaning.
  • Writing neatly and sequentially.
  • Use firm and polite language.
  • Easy to understand.

Parts of the Letter of Assignment

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Assignments can be in the form of narratives, columns, and tables.

To make your own assignment letter, there are several important parts that must be in it, including the following:

1. Headmaster

The head of the letter consists of:

  • Official letterhead. In this section the contents are in the form of a logo or symbol of an agency and are written using capital letters symmetrically.
  • Assignment said. Written using capital letters symmetrically.
  • Reference number.

2. Letter Body

The body of the letter consists of:

  • Opening paragraph. This section covers the considerations / basis of the letter. These considerations include the reasons for the assignment letter.
  • Fill in the assignment letter. It includes the word assignment to whom, the name and position of the employee who gets the assignment and writes down what tasks must be done.

3. Letter Closing

In the closing part of the letter / foot of the assignment letter, it consists of:

  • Name and position of the signatory officer. The name is written using a capital letter in each element and ends with a comma.
  • Full name of the official who signed the assignment letter. It is written in capital letters for the beginning of each element.
  • The signature of the official giving the assignment.
  • Place and date the assignment letter was made.
  • Service stamp.

4. Distribution and Copy

Assignment letter is given to the person who gets the assignment. A copy of this assignment letter will be sent to the relevant officials/agencies.

5. Things to Show

If the assigned task is a collective task, then the list of assigned employees will be included in the attachment containing the serial number, name, main number, position, rank and information.

The Assignment Letter is not valid after the assigned task has been completed.

Types of Assignments

sample letter of assignment during psbb

Here are some types of assignment letters that are often encountered, including:

1. Employee assignment letter

In general, this type of assignment letter is issued by an authorized official with a position above the one assigned.

3. Letter of assignment in charge of the event

For this type of assignment letter, it is usually given to individuals, collectives or individuals who have a special position to become a committee.

This assignment letter is an official assignment letter in which it also contains the jobdesk of the person who was given the letter.

2. Teacher assignment letter

There are many kinds of assignments for teachers, such as: Letters of assignment to attend training and guidance, letters of assignment to become a substitute teacher.

5. Organizational assignment letter

Organizational assignments are issued by the chairman of an organization, be it student organizations or other organizations.

The contents of the organizational assignment letter are generally intended for members of the organization or one of the members who are given the mandate to be able to regulate the activities of the organization's work program.

Example: Being the chairman of the organization's birthday, being the committee of the big day.

4. Company assignment letter

A company assignment letter is almost like an employee assignment letter.

But what distinguishes it is where the company's letter of assignment explains in more detail what tasks will be done.

While the employee assignment letter will not usually be explained in detail because it is still on a company/small business scale.

How to Make a Letter of Assignment

how to write mail letter

Here is a short way to make a good and correct assignment letter, including:

  • The writing of the head of the assignment letter is the same as writing the head of the official letter. Be it in the form of a description, narrative or table.
  • The word in the assignment letter uses capital letters, is symmetrical and is 4 hooks from the bottom line of the letterhead.
  • The assignment letter number is typed using a distance of 1 jarak hooks.

Important points that must exist in writing a letter of assignment:

  • The name of the official giving the assignment is typed by mentioning the name of the position, spaced 4 hooks below the word number.
  • The name of the recipient of the assignment is spaced 3 hooks from the bottom of the space with the name and job title giving the assignment.
  • If the assignor and assignee have an Employee Identification Number (NIP) then write down their NIP and title.
  • If the person giving and receiving the assignment has a NIP, state the group. This one is not required, depending on the agreement of the institution, agency members, companies and also the community.
  • The purpose of the letter, date and place of assignment is typed and spaced 3 hooks below the position word. And prioritize the word for.
  • Use a good closing greeting, standard, and not pushy.

The following is the order of making a good and correct assignment letter:

  • Letterhead.
  • No Letter, Attachment and Page.
  • Task Points and Time.
  • Job Desk / Assigned tasks.
  • Signature, Full Name and Agency Stamp.

Sample Letter of Assignment

mail letter

After knowing some important points about the assignment letter, here are some examples of the assignment letter, including:

a. Sample Company Assignment Letter


Number: 1906/ST/BS/V/2018

In connection with the construction of the Sri Ratu Hotel, which is located at Jalan Cibubur No. 345 Lembang Regency, West Java Province, hereby assign to:

Name Zaidan Putra
Position Field officer

In order to supervise the construction work of the Sri Ratu Hotel, starting from 19 June 2020 to 02 January 2021.

All costs incurred from carrying out this task will later be charged to the cost of the development project. Applies to the party concerned in accordance with the existing rules.

Thus, this assignment letter is issued truthfully. Participants are expected to be able to carry out with full responsibility.

Bandung, 15 June 2020 Project Manager,

Gilang Setiawan, ST

b. Sample Employee Assignment Letter

Employee Assignment Surat

The undersigned as Operational Manager on behalf of PT. Forward Jaya:

Information Explanation
Name Widia Setyo
Gender Man
Position Operational manager
Address Jl. Raya Seri Ratu No. 365 Bantul

Hereby has given the task to the employees of PT. Maju Jaya with:

Information Explanation
Name Sustiyono
Gender Man
Position Head of Engineering
Address Jl. Jasmine Flower No. 123 Bantul

In order to immediately work on and complete the fiber optic network installation project in the Bantul area. Not only that, he is also responsible for cleanliness, security, order and all matters related to his duties.

Thus this Letter of Assignment is given, to be used properly with full responsibility.

Bantul, 19 June 2020 Knowing, Operational manager,

c. Sample Teacher Assignment Letter




Pandjaitan District, South Purwokerto Regency, Central Java

Number: 09/154/SMA-1/III/2020

The undersigned is the Principal of the State Junior High School 1 Purwokerto, Pandjaitan District, South Purwokerto Regency, Central Java:

Name: Tiyas Safira, M. of

ID: 37764899910

Place, date of birth: Jakarta, December 08, 1986

Rank / goal. Room: Young Stylist/ IIB

Work Unit: SMP Negeri 1 Purwokerto

To take part in the "Training for Quality Improvement of Foreign Language and Indonesian Subject Teachers" which will be held at the General Sudirman University Meeting Building on 6 to 9 April 2018.

Thus, we convey this assignment letter so that it can be used properly and we ask the government to make a written report after participating in the activity.

Purwokerto, 27 March 2018

Principal of SMP Negeri 1 Purwokerto,

Drs. Gilang Setiawan, M. Ag

ID: 75846197658947225939

d. Example of a Temporary Substitute Teacher Assignment Letter

Number: 10/17-SM/XII/2017

The undersigned below :

Name: Setiawan Putra, M. Sc

ID: 7584357931929

Rank/ Goal.: Coach/ IV A

Position: Head of SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara

Name: Tiyas Safira, S. Pd

Position: Physical Education and Health Teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara

To carry out the task as a temporary substitute Physical Education and Health (Penjaskes) teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara during the even semester of the 2017/2018 academic year starting from June 19 to October 17, 2020.

Thus this Letter of Assignment is made, hopefully it can carry out its duties properly and responsibly.

Banjarnegara, 15 May 2017

Principal of SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara,

Setiawan Putra, M. Sc

e. Sample Organizational Assignment Letter



That I, the undersigned:

  • Name: Gina Wanda
  • Address: Jalan Simpang Jaya Ijen No 75
  • Position: Chairman of the East Nusa Tenggara Student Association

Give mandate to:

  • Name: Aulia Rahma
  • Address: Jalan Patimura No. 209
  • Position: Chief Executive Officer

To coordinate all members of the East Nusa Tenggara Student Association throughout the city of Jogja in preparation for the organization's anniversary. This task is expected to be done on June 25, 2020 until the event is completed, namely On June 28, 2020.

Thus this letter is made so that it can be done with full responsibility. Thank you for your attention.

Yogyakarta, 22 June 2020 Chairman of the East Nusa Tenggara Student Association

f. Sample Letter of Assignment in Charge of Events

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE WONOSOBO REGENCY SMA 2 WONOSOBO REGENCY Jalan Mawar No 17, Ijen, Wonosobo Tel: 0221976357 Fax. 737432842658

No: 10/SMA2/IIII/2020 Subject: Letter of Assignment

I, the undersigned below:

  • Name: Drs. Ade Prasetya
  • Position: Principal

Has Assigned Assignments To:

  • Name: Sagita Mondesya
  • ID: 949374359489
  • Address: Jalan Maju Jaya Number 76 Wonosobo
  • Position: Religion Teacher
  • Work Unit: SMA 1 Wonosobo Regency

To do a task, namely to be the chairman of the even semester Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) committee in the 2020/2021 school year at SMA 1 Wonosobo Regency. The activity will be held from March 30 to April 07 2019.

Thus this letter of assignment is made to be carried out properly with full responsibility. After the training and guidance activities end, it is expected to make a written report.

Wonosobo, 15 May 2020

Principal of SMA 2 Wonosobo Regency

Drs. Ade Prasetya

g. Example of a Training Assignment Letter

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo Jalan Manguwoharjo IV No. 100 Depok Sleman

Number: 011/SMAN-17/SRTF/01/20 Subject: Training

In order to improve the quality of high school teachers in the Sleman area and efforts to be successful in carrying out official learning work programs Sleman district government and for the sake of realizing it as a learning city, hereby the Principal of SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo will give the task to:

Name: Dwi Setyani, S.Pd ID: 3528324216232 Position: Islamic Religion Teacher at SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo

To participate in the certification teacher training education event which will be held on January 04, 2020 to January 10, 2020 at the Teacher Training Center, District Government Education Office Sleman.

Thus this training assignment letter is made so that it can be used properly and with full responsibility. Please submit a report on the results of these activities in writing after this task is carried out.

Sleman, 27 December 2019

Principal of SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo,

Vishnu Putra, M.pd

h. Sample Job Assignment Letter

PT. NUSA JAYA Jln. Ahmad Yani No.19, Wonoboyo 57998

Subject: Work Assignment Letter Attachments: – Number: 002/SSK-PI/IX/2020

I, the undersigned, as Warehouse Manager in this matter act on behalf of PT. Jaya shades:

Name: Setia Budi Male gender Position: Warehouse Manager Address: Jl. Ahmad Yani No.19 Wonoboyo

Hereby declare to assign tasks to employees of PT. Nuances Jaya, namely:

Name: Laskar Santoso Male gender Position: Head Driver Address: Jl. Soekarno II No. 35 Wonoboyo

In order to be able to immediately complete the task of sending goods from the main warehouse in the Jayabaya area. But also responsible for discipline, cleanliness, security, and all matters relating to the tasks above.

Thus, I have made this work assignment letter so that it can be used properly and with full responsibility.

Wonoboyo, May 12, 2020 Knowing ,

Warehouse Manager,

Ivory Commander

i. Sample Letter of Assignment from the Education Office

PATI DISTRICT GOVERNMENT EDUCATION AUTHORITIES SMK Negeri 1 Surakarta Jalan Soekarno Hatta 19 Surakarta


The undersigned as the Head of the Surakarta National Vocational School assigns tasks to:

Name Gilang Setiawan, S. Pd
NIP 3448773987
Date and place of birth Banjar/ 25/ June/ 1978
Rank/Goal. Room Young Coach/ IV B
Position School teachers
Work unit SMK Negeri 1 Surakarta

To be able to take part in the Quality Improvement Training for English Subject Teachers which will held at the Central Java Provincial Education Office starting from March 25 to April 10, 2020.

Thus, this assignment letter is given to be carried out with full responsibility and is requested to submit a written report after participating in the event.

Surakarta, March 20, 2020 Assignor, Principal of SMK Negeri 1 Surakarta,

Gunawan Mulyono, M. Pd

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Alphabet Number in Numerology: Complete Guide

04 Jan, 2024 by Snehil

Alphabet Number Numerology

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From the moment of our birth, numerology plays a crucial role in our lives; it then becomes simple to predict the future, including our love lives, careers, and family dynamics. Our names also contain numbers hidden within them. With every alphabet number in numerology, every letter has a unique number that facilitates future prediction.

Using your alphabets and numerology, numbers alphabet numerology is a unique way to discover more about yourself and the possibilities that lie ahead. By analyzing the alphabet's numerology numbers, this precise method offers instant insights into who you are and who you can be. Numerology uses numbers to reveal a variety of information about your personality, life, and future. 

Numerology with letters and numbers is based on the idea that every number has its own vibration and vibratory influence. It relates every alphabetic letter (A through Z) to a vibratory numerology number, which stands for a variety of heavenly energies and manifestations. Can’t get enough? Let’s explore more about the importance of alphabets in numerology.

Alphabet Numerology Chart

The following are some of the numbers that are associated with the alphabet:

Alphabet Numerology chart

Each letter in the alphabet can be given a value because of the way it is arranged; starting with A, we assign a value of 1 , and so on. In this way, each number is given a fixed value, making it simple to understand by simply glancing at the value and alphabet associated with the number.

How To Calculate Your Destiny Number by Alphabet in Numerology

Adding up the numerical values of the letters in your name is the most popular way to find your destiny number. You must be aware of the numerical value of alphabet letters in order to accomplish this. You can easily find your destiny number by adding the numerical values of each letter once you know the alphabet numerology numbers.

Add up all the letters of your name by identifying the value of each letter in the chart above.

  • Consider the name Maria Louise . To find the destiny number for this name, add up all the letters in your name. 
  • Each name's initial letter is added up, and any double digits are then reduced to a single digit.

M+A+R+I+A = 4+1+9+9+1 = 24 = 6

L+O+U+I+S+E = 3+6+3+9+1+5 = 27 = 9

  • Each name had to be shortened. Maria totaled 24 , which was divided by 6, and so forth.
  • Once the numbers are broken down into single digits, add them all together. For instance, we got 6 and 9 out of this name.
  • Once you reach a single digit, add and then decrease that number.
  • Use the two-digit rule to reduce 6 + 9 to 15 . 1 + 5 = 6

Finally, Maria Louise's destiny or expression number is 6 .

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Importance Of Alphabet Number In Numerology

Every alphabet and number in numerology corresponds to a particular set of vibrations. The alphabet numerology chart readily illustrates how this leads to a deeper understanding of numerology. The meanings of each alphabet are listed below. The significance of the a-z alphabet numbers differs from person to person. 

Every letter in the alphabet has a distinct meaning and consequence. There are lists of numerology numbers ranging from a to z, or numbers for the English alphabet. So, let’s find out what, according to the alphabet numerology chart and alphabet numerology calculator, these alphabet numbers in numerology stand for.

Alphabet A 

The Numerology number for alphabet A is 1, and according to the Numbers Alphabet Numerology, they are passionate and motivated. Their positive outlook, calm demeanor, and patience enable them to reach their goals. They are incredibly brave and bold, and they enjoy taking on any challenge in life. A-type personalities, according to the alphabet numerology calculator, are renowned for their sense of humor. They are highly adaptable and enjoy learning new things.

Alphabet B 

People who have the B alphabets in numerology are associated with the number 2 in numerology and tend to be sentimental and intuitive. There are moments when they think nobody understands them. They have a passion for reading and travel and are ambiverts who occasionally relish being by themselves. According to the numerology calculator for alphabets, these people appear to be highly efficient and adaptive.

Alphabet C 

People who have the C alphabet number in numerology are associated with the number 3 and are not at all shy; they bring humor to any situation. They are expressive and well-liked by those around them; they trust too readily, which causes them to suffer too. They are quite adaptable, and they enjoy offering solutions to any issues that those close to them face.

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Alphabet D 

People with the D alphabet number in numerology have a numerical value of 4 . They are life-focused and believe that by listening to others' problems, they are helping them. Their rigid attitude and authoritative demeanor make them susceptible to conflicts, but they are not readily influenced by other people. They put their work before people. 

Alphabet E 

People with E alphabets in numerology personality type are associated with a numerical value of 5. They are realistic and successful in their beliefs; they are also very intelligent, patient, and difficult to fool. They are intelligent and adept at considering all sides of an issue. Their tendency to be overly rigid is something that people find objectionable, and this can cause them issues in their professional lives.

Alphabet F 

People who belong to the F alphabet number in numerology are related to the number 6 . They are upbeat, generous, and enjoy spending time with their families. According to the numerology calculator for alphabets, they have the natural ability to maintain balance in their lives and effectively handle both their personal and professional spheres.

Alphabet G 

People with G alphabets in numerology are associated with Numerology number 7 . They are compassionate, gentle, and soft-spoken. They also have endearing personalities, a creative mindset from birth, and a constant sense of humor that permeates everything they do. 

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Alphabet H 

Personalities with the H alphabet number in numerology are related to the numerological number 8. They concentrate on studying and enjoy engaging in debate. When they feel bad about something, they talk about it loudly. According to the alphabet numerology calculator, these people are highly adaptable and deeply committed to their friends and family.

Alphabet I 

People who have an I alphabets in numerology are related to the number 9 . They are extremely spiritual and have a positive outlook on life; they have patience and balance in their lives. They are favored with great prosperity and success.

Alphabet J 

People who have Alphabet J are associated with the numerology number 1. They are self-motivated and counselors by nature. Because they are naturally inclined to trust people readily, they frequently fall victim to betrayal. According to the alphabet numerology chart, if they put in the necessary effort, they will be rewarded with prosperity and notoriety.

Alphabet K 

People who have the K alphabets and numerology are related to 2. They are kind and intelligent. They have the ability to bring happiness to those around them. People who are close to them find great inspiration in the way they handle challenges of all kinds. Instead of trusting other people, they follow their instincts.

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Alphabet L 

People who have the alphabet L are associated with 3. They are very lucky in business; they are gregarious and have a magnetic vibration. According to the L alphabets and numbers in numerology, the ideal industry for them to work in is finance.

Alphabet M 

The M alphabet number in numerology is related to the numerology number 4. This personality type is self-reliant and well-organized. According to numerology with letters, their reflective disposition makes them ideal for philosophy classes.

Alphabet N 

The people belonging to Alphabet N are associated with the numerological value of 5 . They are bold and well-behaved; they are skilled at arguing and fighting for what is right. As per the numerology calculator for alphabets, these people do not back down from a challenge, and they do not fear anything.

Alphabet O 

Personalities with O alphabets in numerology are connected to the numerology number 6. They are gifted with analytical abilities. These people have a large social circle and are prone to depression due to their tendency to overthink things.

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Alphabet P 

People with the P alphabet number in numerology have the numerological value of 7. These people possess ideas that they wish to materialize. According to the numerology with letters, these people are highly driven and fortunate to succeed.

Alphabet Q 

According to the numbers alphabet numerology, people with the letter Q have the numerology number 8. They have positive attitudes, maintain themselves above others, do not undermine themselves even when their plans do not work out, and have good opinions.

Alphabet R 

When it comes to their luck and spirituality, people with the Alphabet R are quite fortunate, as they have a numerological value of 9. They become wealthy in their late 20s and never let their objectives sidestep them.

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Alphabet S 

People with the alphabet S are associated with the number 1. They are endowed with a charming personality and a lovely voice that people adore. In their lives, they have achieved considerable success. They are good musicians, they love to chat, and they adore spending time with the people they care about.

Alphabet T 

People with the T alphabet number in numerology are related to the numerology number 2. These people have many skills and abilities. They are good at imagining and crafting meaningful stories, have positive vibrations, and are fortunate to be prosperous and successful. They also never doubt their personalities.

Alphabet U 

People who possess the alphabet U are associated with the numerological value 3 . They are passionate about their goals and can inspire others by providing them with examples that make them feel better. As a result, they do not always produce their best work; they also do not always get the chance to grow and develop.

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Alphabet V 

People who possess Alphabet V are connected to the number 4. They are highly intelligent; they possess charismatic personalities, strong leadership abilities, and the ability to effectively manage any type of business or organization.

Alphabet W 

People seek the advice of those with the W Alphabet. As per the numerology with letters, the numerology number of W Alphabet people is 5. They are also quite private, have positive energy, are a source of entertainment, and excel in technical areas.

Alphabet X 

Those who have the X Alphabet are connected to the numerological value of 6. They are very industrious and guided by their intuition. They have a reputation for being perfectionists and enjoy finishing tasks on time. They are highly creative and self-reliant. 

People who have the Y alphabet number in numerology are associated with the number 7. They are hypercritical visionaries who take initiative and are born leaders. Their haughty demeanor makes them unpopular. They serve as therapists for depressed individuals.

Alphabet Z 

People with the Z Alphabet are associated with the numerology number 8 . They are gifted artists, highly visionary, proficient communicators, and endowed with a positive outlook. However, their self-centeredness is one of their weaknesses, according to numbers alphabet numerology.

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Astrology has a strong influence on numerology, which defines our traits and can be a sign of good or bad luck based on anything from our birthdate to numbers that the universe appears to be indicating as important in astrology. It might both bless us with fresh starts and serve as a warning about what lies ahead. 

The only method available to astrologers to forecast the future is through alphabets and numbers in numerology. You should speak with or give a call to an astrologer if you would like more information about your future and love life. They are the right people who can describe your personality and traits and offer you sound advice about potential opportunities.

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Alphabet in Numbers Numerology: Complete Guide

Numerology for Alphabet

Updated Date : Monday, 03 Jun, 2024 09:48 AM

Have you ever thought of checking your name by Numerology? Is your name lucky for you? What is your lucky Numerology alphabet number? What does your name say about you? 

Name Numerology is a unique way to know yourself and explore the various possibilities with the help of your name and Numerology number. It is an accurate method that provides quick insights into who you are and who you can be by evaluating Numerology numbers for alphabet. Based on the belief that each number has its own vibration and vibratory influence, Numerology uses numbers to uncover various information about your personality, life and future. It associates each letter of the alphabet from A to Z with a vibratory Numerology number that represents various celestial energies and expressions.

Do you have Rajyog in your kundali ?

While calculating your name number in Numerology, the Numerology number for the alphabet is analyzed according to the full birth name of an individual. The number reduced after analyzing in this way is called your “Expression number”. If you analyze only the Numerology number of consonant letters of alphabets, then the number deduced will be your “Personality Number”. 

Numerology Number for Alphabet

Want to know the Numerology numbers for alphabet? Check out the Numerology Number chart for the alphabet. Since the Numerology number for each letter of the alphabet is fixed, all you need to refer to is the chart while calculating your Name Number in Numerology. Here is the chart to find what number represents what letters of alphabet.

In Name Numerology or Numerology for Alphabet, the numbers only range from 1 to 8. The number 9 is omitted since it is considered sacred owing to its association with infinity. This type of Number Numerology for Alphabet is referred to as Chaldean Numerology .

Significance of Number Numerology For Alphabets

There is a great significance of the Number Numerology of Alphabet in an individual’s life. By understanding the Numerology alphabet numbers, you can explore your personality, both negative and positive. You may realize your strengths and identify the weaknesses that are hampering your growth. The Name Number Numerology can reveal your lucky alphabet and share how using that lucky alphabet for naming can influence your life. It can help in predicting your significant Numerology numbers such as Destiny Number, Life Path Number and Soul Urge Number which further can help you explore your future and improve your life accordingly. 

Q R L T N W - -
J - S - X - - -
Y - - - - - - -

Alphabets and Their Meanings: What Each Alphabet Tells About You?

Want to explore your personality? Curious what each Alphabet tells about you? Read on to reveal the Numerology for Alphabets and learn important details about your personality.

As per Numerology of Alphabet, the Numerology number for alphabet A is 1. People with alphabet A in their names are driven by strong motivation and purpose. They are independent, honest, and straightforward. They have strong willpower, courage and boldness. Inflexibility and obstinate nature are their weak traits.

Alphabet B relates to Numerology Number 2. As per Name Numerology for Alphabet, people having B in their name are sensitive, introverted and compassionate. They are very honest, reliable and faithful. These individuals stick to their ideals and are a bit rigid with their values. They need to be open-minded and more adaptable to attain their goals. 

Name Numerology chart associates number 3 with Alphabet C. It means these people are expressive and outgoing. They have a heightened sense of emotions and connect quickly with others. Their joyful, motivating and positive nature is their plus point. Lack of focus and fickle-minded attitude makes them stumble in their lives. 

According to Numerology for Alphabets, the alphabet numerical value for D is 4. People having this alphabet in their name are confident, determined, ordered and courageous. They are pragmatic and grounded by nature. These people shine under pressure and are very sensible and realistic. Inflexible attitude and obstinate behavior are the major weaknesses these people should work upon. 

People with the letter E in their name are associated with Numerology number 5. They are active, passionate, freedom lovers. These are social butterflies and can easily bond with others. Their sensibility, rationality and smartness save them from manipulative people. They have the ability to see things from different perspectives and if they stay disciplined they can achieve anything.

The Numerology alphabet number for F is 8. People with having F letter in their name are very generous, sensible and optimistic. They are sympathetic towards others and are very approachable. They connect with people’s emotions quickly and empathize with their situations. However, at times this nature makes them interfere in other’s life unnecessarily. If you have F letter in your name, try not to put your nose in other’s matters, suggests your Numerology Number for Alphabet. 

People with the letter G in their name are associated with Numerology number 3. These people are active, intellectual and visionary. They possess a powerful aura around them. Their determination to their work and pragmatic approach makes them successful. They have a knack for making money and can create wealth opportunities for themselves. They can be good telepaths, fortune tellers and psychics. 

According to Numerology for Alphabets, the alphabet numerical value for H is 4. These people have special abilities to make decisions. They tend to be very creative and unconventional in their approach. They have a tendency to spend money but they never depend on anyone for their needs. Having a skeptical mind and self-doubting nature are the major negative aspects that they need to work upon in their personal life. 

The Numerology alphabet number for I is 1. Having this alphabet in the name makes these people very emotional and compassionate. They possess creative thoughts and never short of out-of-box ideas. These people need to stick to their goals and stay focused on their work for achieving success. They have a great sense of fashion and art. Balance is the aspect that they need to focus on in their life.

1 is the Numerology number for the alphabet J. People having J alphabet in their name are honest, loyal and reliable. They are very smart, clever and talented. They exhibit great compassion for others and help people to overcome their problems. These people need constant motivation, zest and inspiration in their lives to move forward and fulfill their desires. 

As per Number Numerology for Alphabet, 2 is the significant number associated with the K letter of the alphabet. People having this letter in their name are intuitive, intelligent and strong-willed. They are very creative yet authoritative and emotional by nature. These people often face setbacks due to their negative traits such as hesitation, uncertainty, fearfulness and suspiciousness. 

L letter of the alphabet is associated with the Numerology number 3. People with the special letter L view things from an intellectual perspective. They are very intelligent and quick in making decisions. They take time in analyzing things and are sincere, genuine and truthful. These people love traveling and are prone to meet accidents frequently during emotional stress. The art of balancing is the key to achieve success for these people. 

4 is the Numerology number associated with the letter M. The presence of this letter in the name allows people to work hard and make most of their opportunities. They crave family love and look for a stable and secure life with them. These people are very hardworking and believe in diligently pursuing their goals. For success, these people should be more patient and calm in their conduct. 

The Numerology number for the N letter of the Alphabet is 5. People with this special letter in their name are known for their creativity, unconventional approach and fresh perspectives. They are genuine by nature and are strong-willed, and systematic. They carry much sensuality and usually have many love connections. These people should hold their firmness and stay patient while finding true love. 

7 is the number associated with the letter O as per Numerology. People with O letter in their name are very brave, determined and religious. They are patient in their work and deal with things in a calm and composed manner. These people live a disciplined life and are very sensitive and strong-willed. They are spiritual by nature and generally follow a righteous, lawful and good life. 

The letter P of the alphabet is associated with the Numerology number 8. According to Numerology for Alphabets, people having P in their name are intellectual, knowledgeable and analytical. They are reserved by nature and like to stay aloof and detached from people. However, they are possessive about their things and do not like to share them with others. Impatience and restlessness are their negative traits. 

As per Number Numerology for Alphabet, the letter Q is associated with the number 1. It means the people having Q in their name are dominant, incomprehensible and mysterious. They attract wealth but due to their unstable nature, they face financial difficulties. These people are born with leadership skills and are good at expressing their thoughts. 

2 is the Numerology Number for the letter R of the alphabet. People with this name are emotional, empathetic and considerate. They like to help others and show them warmth and generosity. These energetic people can work hard endlessly. They can achieve anything given to their great inner power and strength. Absent-mindedness and aggression are the main drawbacks that they need to overcome. 

The Numerology number is associated with the letter S of the alphabet. Having this letter in the name offers people a magnetic and charming personality. They exhibit generosity and are very gentle and kind-hearted to others. However, due to their moody nature, they lay a negative impact on people. Also, they show impulsive and impatient attitudes during decision making due to which they lose opportunities and experience various upheavals. 

The letter T of Alphabet is associated with the Numerology Number 4. This makes people with this letter very energetic, adventurous and enthusiastic. They explore new things and are always ready to take new challenges. Their emotional nature and over-protective behavior become reasons for their hurt. In personal matters, they can be seen as assertive and even aggressive. 

As per Number Numerology for Alphabet, the letter U relates to 6 numbers. This makes the people with this letter in their name very fortunate. They tend to be very creative, intuitive, intellectual and magnetic. However, they lack commitment and show a slow approach to understand things. They lack decisive skills and show a selfish and self-serving attitude. 

6 Number relates to letter V of alphabet numerologically. People with this letter are energetic, powerful and intuitive. They make wise decisions and are good at imagining things. Loyalty, reliability and genuineness are the strong traits of their personality. Eccentricity, unpredictability and possessiveness can be the major traits that can make them experience challenges.

Number 6 is associated with the letter W of the alphabet. People with this letter are multi-taskers. They are creative, devoted and very purposeful. They possess charisma and great communication skills to attract people to them. The only drawback that these people exhibit is their procrastinating approach which makes them delay their work. It is advisable to these people to consult an expert astrologer and numerologist for making most of their opportunities. 

According to the Numerology for Alphabet, the number 5 relates to the letter, X. This number brings the artistic and creative abilities in the people. They tend to be passionate and open-minded to new perspectives and thoughts. They are quick in grasping things and easily get engaged with people. Moodiness and too much passion in intimate matters can be the major problems of these natives. 

The letter Y of the English alphabet relates to Numerology number 1. People with having a Y letter in their name are brave, dependable and independent. They like to explore things and believe in living an independent and free life. Ambitions and courage make them push their limits and ever-ready to take challenges. These people should use their intuition and be quick in making decisions to grab success. 

7 is the Numerology Number for the letter Z of the Alphabet. People having Z in their name tend to have high standards of living. They are charismatic and have great common sense and understanding. These people are pragmatic, logical and spontaneous. They exhibit great knowledge and wisdom and need to stay calm and patient for overcoming hardships. Also, these people need to over-expect less to avoid feeling hurt and disappointed. 

Want to know if your name is lucky for you or not? Interested in Numerology for Alphabets and curious what name Numerology has to say about your future? Talk to Expert Numerologist and get live astrology and Numerology guidance for your name. Also, get effective remedies and suggestions for improving your life and achieving the heights of your dreams. Chat now!

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How Do Airports Get Their 3-letter Codes?

JFK, MIA, LAX, MSY ... the list goes on and on.

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Barry Winiker/Getty Images

If you've ever booked a flight, you're probably aware every airport in the world has a three-letter code. It's not surprising airports would have such an identifier, since it's easier to say and write than a full name. "Brevity on the radio is important, especially in busy air traffic locations," former airline pilot Dan Bubb, a professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, tells Travel + Leisure.

In many cases, those codes are fairly logical — JFK, for John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, for instance, or MIA for Miami International Airport. But some are head-scratchers, like ORD for Chicago O'Hare International Airport and MSY for Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. So, how in the world do all these airports get their codes? It all goes back to the early days of aviation .

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"Airport coding began in the 1930s," says Bubb. Back then, pilots used two-letter codes for cities designated by the National Weather Service. "However, that system had its limits, which became apparent in the 1940s, when more airports appeared," adds Bubb. Suddenly, the number of two-letter codes (a possible 676 combinations) wasn't enough to meet demand. As such, airports were given three-letter codes (a possible 17,576 combinations).

Some airports were assigned three-letter codes to match their city names, such as MIA for Miami. Others had an X tacked onto their two-letter code, like LAX for Los Angeles, PHX for Phoenix, and PDX for Portland, Oregon. By the 1960s, it was clear an international organization needed to organize and standardize the process. Enter the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

IATA now has a hierarchy for establishing new airport codes around the world. "They try to make the codes as intuitive and parallel as they can to minimize confusion for pilots," says Bubb. First, IATA goes to the city name, typically choosing the first three letters. Another top option is an acronym for the airport, like CDG for Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport.

But if a three-letter code is already taken by another airport — there can be no duplicates — IATA moves on to the next best option. In some cases, that's the historical name for the airfield: ORD for Chicago O'Hare comes from Orchard Field Airport, the airport's previous name. Other times, it references something else from the airport's or city's history. MSY (Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport), for example, stands for Moisant Stock Yards — the airport was built on the stockyard's former grounds. (Interestingly, ​​the stockyards were named after aviator John Bevins Moisant, who died in a plane crash on that land.)

Related: This Airport Was Just Named the Most Luxurious in the U.S.

There are also some quirks in the system. For instance, the U.S. Navy reserved all N codes, leaving some N cities with bizarre airport codes (here's looking at you, EWR, Newark Liberty International Airport ). And in Canada, most airport codes start with a Y — it's a long story, but in the 1940s, Canadian airport codes either started with a Y for "yes" or W for "without," referring to whether or not they had a weather station radio tower nearby.

There's also an entirely separate airport code system managed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). ICAO codes are four letters, and they also have a specific system: Airports within a given region all start with the same one or two letters. In the contiguous U.S., that letter is K, while Hawaii and Alaska use PH and PA, respectively. Generally speaking, IATA three-letter codes are more commonly used by passengers, whereas ICAO codes are typically employed by professionals, from pilots to air traffic controllers.

So, the next time you have a boarding pass in your hands (or on your phone), take a look at the airport codes, and remember there's a rich history behind those not-so-random jumble of letters. And they're one of the many, many reasons air travel is as efficient as it is today.

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Volume 30, Number 8—August 2024

Research Letter

Persistence of influenza h5n1 and h1n1 viruses in unpasteurized milk on milking unit surfaces.

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Examining the persistence of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) from cattle and human influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic viruses in unpasteurized milk revealed that both remain infectious on milking equipment materials for several hours. Those findings highlight the risk for H5N1 virus transmission to humans from contaminated surfaces during the milking process.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus was detected in US domestic dairy cattle in late March 2024, after which it spread to herds across multiple states and resulted in at least 3 confirmed human infections ( 1 ). Assessment of milk from infected dairy cows indicated that unpasteurized milk contained high levels of infectious influenza virus ( 2 ; L.C. Caserta et al., unpub. data, ). Exposure of dairy farm workers to contaminated unpasteurized milk during the milking process could lead to increased human H5 virus infections. Such infections could enable H5 viruses to adapt through viral evolution within humans and gain the capability for human-to-human transmission.

Illustration of milking unit surfaces tested in a study of persistence of influenza H5N1 and H1N1 viruses in unpasteurized milk. Before attaching the milking unit (claw), a dairy worker disinfects the teat ends, performs forestripping of each teat to detect abnormal milk, and then wipes each teat with a clean dry towel. Workers then attach the milking unit to the cow teats. A pulsation system opens and closes the rubber inflation liner (at left) around the teat to massage it, mimicking a human stripping action. A vacuum pump is controlled by a variable speed drive and adjusts the suction to allow milk to flow down a pipeline away from the cow into a bulk tank or directly onto a truck. Additional sources of exposure to humans include handling of raw unpasteurized milk collected separately from sick cows or during the pasteurization process. Schematic created in BioRender (

Figure 1 . Illustration of milking unit surfaces tested in a study of persistence of influenza H5N1 and H1N1 viruses in unpasteurized milk. Before attaching the milking unit (claw), a dairy worker disinfects...

The milking process is primarily automated and uses vacuum units, commonly referred to as clusters or claws, which are attached to the dairy cow teats to collect milk ( Figure 1 ) ( 3 ). However, several steps in the milking process require human input, including forestripping, whereby workers manually express the first 3–5 streams of milk from each teat by hand. Forestripping stimulates the teats for optimal milk letdown, improves milk quality by removing bacteria, and provides an opportunity to check for abnormal milk. The forestripping process can result in milk splatter on the floor of the milking parlor and surrounding equipment and production of milk aerosols.

After forestripping, each teat is cleaned and dried by hand before the claw is installed. During milking, a flexible rubber inflation liner housed within the stainless-steel shell of the claw opens to enable the flow of milk and closes to exert pressure on the teat to stop the flow of milk ( Figure 1 ). When the flow of milk decreases to a specific level, the claw automatically releases ( 3 ), at which point residual milk in the inflation liner could spray onto dairy workers, equipment, or the surrounding area. Of note, milking often takes place at human eye level; the human workspace is physically lower than the cows, which increases the potential for infectious milk to contact human workers’ mucus membranes. No eye or respiratory protection is currently required for dairy farm workers, but recommendations have been released ( 4 ).

Influenza virus persistence in unpasteurized milk on surfaces is unclear, but information on virus persistence is critical to understanding viral exposure risk to dairy workers during the milking process. Therefore, we analyzed the persistence of infectious influenza viruses in unpasteurized milk on surfaces commonly found in milking units, such as rubber inflation liners and stainless steel ( Figure 1 ).

For infectious strains, we used influenza A(H5N1) strain A/dairy cattle/TX/8749001/2024 or a surrogate influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic influenza virus strain, A/California/07/2009. We diluted virus 1:10 in raw unpasteurized milk and in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) as a control. As described in prior studies ( 5 – 7 ), we pipetted small droplets of diluted virus in milk or PBS onto either stainless steel or rubber inflation liner coupons inside an environmental chamber. We then collected virus samples immediately (time 0) or after 1, 3, or 5 hours to detect infectious virus by endpoint titration using a 50% tissue culture infectious dose assay ( 7 ). To mimic environmental conditions within open-air milking parlors in the Texas panhandle during March–April 2024, when the virus was detected in dairy herds, we conducted persistence studies using 70% relative humidity.

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Figure 2 . Viral titers in a study of persistence of influenza H5N1 and H1N1 viruses in unpasteurized milk on milking unit surfaces. A) Viral titers of bovine A(H5N1) virus diluted 1:10 in...

We observed that the H5N1 cattle virus remained infectious in unpasteurized milk on stainless steel and rubber inflation lining after 1 hour, whereas infectious virus in PBS fell to below the limit of detection after 1 hour ( Figure 2 , panel A). That finding indicates that unpasteurized milk containing H5N1 virus remains infectious on materials within the milking unit. To assess whether a less pathogenic influenza virus could be used as a surrogate to study viral persistence on milking unit materials, we compared viral decay between H5N1 and H1N1 in raw milk over 1 hour on rubber inflation liner and stainless-steel surfaces ( Figure 2 , panel B). The 2 viruses had similar decay rates on both surfaces, suggesting that H1N1 can be used as a surrogate for H5N1 cattle virus in studies of viral persistence in raw milk. Further experiments examining H1N1 infectiousness over longer periods revealed viral persistence in unpasteurized milk on rubber inflation liner for at least 3 hours and on stainless steel for at least 1 hour ( Figure 2 , panel C). Those results indicate that influenza virus is stable in unpasteurized milk and that influenza A virus deposited on milking equipment could remain infectious for >3 hours.

Taken together, our data provide compelling evidence that dairy farm workers are at risk for infection with H5N1 virus from surfaces contaminated during the milking process. To reduce H5N1 virus spillover from dairy cows to humans, farms should implement use of personal protective equipment, such as face shields, masks, and eye protection, for workers during milking. In addition, contaminated rubber inflation liners could be responsible for the cattle-to-cattle spread observed on dairy farms. Sanitizing the liners after milking each cow could reduce influenza virus spread between animals on farms and help curb the current outbreak.

Dr. Le Sage is a research assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh Center for Vaccine Research, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Her research interests include elucidating the requirements for influenza virus transmission and assessing the pandemic potential of emerging influenza viruses.


We thank the Lakdawala lab members, Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Response (CEIRR) risk assessment pipeline meeting attendees, Rachel Duron, and Linsey Marr for useful feedback.

This project was funded in part with federal funds from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under contract no. 75N93021C00015 and a National Institutes of Health award (no. UC7AI180311) from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases supporting the operations of the University of Pittsburgh Regional Biocontainment Laboratory in the Center for Vaccine Research. H5N1 studies were performed in accordance with select agent permit no. 20230320-074008 at the University of Pittsburgh.

This article was preprinted at .

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . H5N1 bird flu: current situation summary [ cited 2024 Jun 13 ].
  • Burrough  ER , Magstadt  DR , Petersen  B , Timmermans  SJ , Gauger  PC , Zhang  J , et al. Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) clade virus infection in domestic dairy cattle and cats, United States, 2024. Emerg Infect Dis . 2024 ; 30 : 1335 – 43 . DOI PubMed Google Scholar
  • Odorčić  M , Rasmussen  MD , Paulrud  CO , Bruckmaier  RM . Review: Milking machine settings, teat condition and milking efficiency in dairy cows. Animal . 2019 ; 13 ( S1 ): s94 – 9 . DOI PubMed Google Scholar
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Avian influenza (bird flu): reducing risk for people working with or exposed to animals [ cited 2024 Jun 20 ].
  • Qian  Z , Morris  DH , Avery  A , Kormuth  KA , Le Sage  V , Myerburg  MM , et al. Variability in donor lung culture and relative humidity impact the stability of 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus on nonporous surfaces. Appl Environ Microbiol . 2023 ; 89 : e0063323 . DOI PubMed Google Scholar
  • Kormuth  KA , Lin  K , Qian  Z , Myerburg  MM , Marr  LC , Lakdawala  SS . Environmental persistence of influenza viruses is dependent upon virus type and host origin. MSphere . 2019 ; 4 : e00552 – 19 . DOI PubMed Google Scholar
  • Kormuth  KA , Lin  K , Prussin  AJ II , Vejerano  EP , Tiwari  AJ , Cox  SS , et al. Influenza virus infectivity is retained in aerosols and droplets independent of relative humidity. J Infect Dis . 2018 ; 218 : 739 – 47 . DOI PubMed Google Scholar
  • Figure 1 . Illustration of milking unit surfaces tested in a study of persistence of influenza H5N1 and H1N1 viruses in unpasteurized milk. Before attaching the milking unit (claw), a dairy worker...
  • Figure 2 . Viral titers in a study of persistence of influenza H5N1 and H1N1 viruses in unpasteurized milk on milking unit surfaces. A) Viral titers of bovine A(H5N1) virus diluted 1:10...

Suggested citation for this article : Le Sage V, Campbell AJ, Reed DS, Duprex WP, Lakdawala SS. Persistence of influenza H5N1 and H1N1 viruses in unpasteurized milk on milking unit surfaces. Emerg Infect Dis. 2024 Aug [ date cited ].

DOI: 10.3201/eid3008.240775

Original Publication Date: June 24, 2024

1 These first authors contributed equally to this article.

Table of Contents – Volume 30, Number 8—August 2024

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Seema Lakdawala, Emory University School of Medicine, 1510 Clifton Rd, Rm 3121 Rollins Research Center, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA

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FactChecking RFK Jr.’s Rival Debate

By Robert Farley , Eugene Kiely , Jessica McDonald , D'Angelo Gore and Catalina Jaramillo

Posted on June 28, 2024

Este artículo estará disponible en español en El Tiempo Latino .

Excluded from   the CNN presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on June 27, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. livestreamed a parallel debate on social media, answering the same questions put to the major party candidates.

In our fact check of the CNN debate, we described a “relentless barrage of false and misleading statements” from the two candidates, and in Kennedy’s addition — what he called the “real debate” — he added a few of his own distortions and falsehoods.

Kennedy made a few unsupported and inaccurate claims about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s motives for the invasion.

  • He falsely claimed that Trump “spent more money in office than every president in the United States history combined.” Federal outlays during Trump’s presidency didn’t come close the $79 trillion the government spent before he took office.
  • Kennedy incorrectly claimed Trump and Biden “shut down every business in our country” during the COVID-19 pandemic, falsely adding that the businesses were forced to close for “no scientific reason.”
  • He also blamed Trump and Biden’s pandemic policies for transferring wealth to billionaires, but misleadingly used global statistics.
  • Kennedy misleadingly claimed that “Russians are in Cuba firing missiles” as a warning to the U.S. about its resolve to win the war with Ukraine. Russian warships on the way to an annual trip to Cuba conducted simulated missile drills in the Atlantic but did not fire live missiles from Cuba.
  • Kennedy proposed taxing marijuana to fund free “rehabilitation farms” to treat “depression … alcoholism, drug addiction to illegal drugs, but also addiction to SSRI’s, to Benzos, Adderall.” Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRI, are not considered to be addictive.

Kennedy’s rival “debate” was livestreamed June 27 on X , formerly known as Twitter.

Kennedy on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Steven Pifer , a former ambassador to Ukraine who is now a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said Kennedy’s remarks were “full of inaccuracies.”

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Kennedy, son of the late U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy, misleading claimed that “the only thing Putin wanted was to keep NATO out of the Ukraine,” falsely adding that Putin “didn’t even want to take Ukraine.”

He also blamed Biden for extending the war when Putin was ready to accept a deal to end it, and he incorrectly said that Putin “first invaded” Ukraine “with only 40,000 troops.”

Putin illegally annexed Crimea, then part of Ukraine, in March 2014, and has been trying for years to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. But he has signaled that his goals go beyond that.

In an article last month for the Council on Foreign Relations, Russian expert and council fellow Thomas E. Graham writes that Putin’s “goals fall into three baskets: weakening or disrupting Ukraine’s ties with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), stymieing Ukrainian nationalism, and expanding territorial gains.”

Peter Dickinson, editor of the UkraineAlert blog at the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, wrote that Putin’s goal is to create a “new Russian Empire.”

“Putin has launched the largest European conflict since WWII for the simple reason that he wants to conquer Ukraine,” Dickinson writes. “Inspired by the czars of old, Putin aims to crush his neighbor and incorporate it into a new Russian Empire.”

In his article, Dickinson cites Putin’s remarks on the 350th anniversary of Russian Czar Peter the Great on June 9, 2022, when Putin spoke about wanting to “return” Russian territory, as Reuters wrote .

Reuters, June 9, 2022: “Peter the Great waged the Great Northern War for 21 years. It would seem that he was at war with Sweden, he took something from them. He did not take anything from them, he returned (what was Russia’s),” Putin said after a visiting an exhibition dedicated to the tsar. In televised comments on day 106 of his war in Ukraine, he compared Peter’s campaign with the task facing Russia today. “Apparently, it also fell to us to return (what is Russia’s) and strengthen (the country). And if we proceed from the fact that these basic values form the basis of our existence, we will certainly succeed in solving the tasks that we face.” In response, a senior advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy dismissed what he called any attempt to legalise the theft of land.

Kennedy, who claimed that Putin “has been asking to settle this war from the beginning,” blamed Biden for extending the war “to weaken Russia.”

“Putin was withdrawing his troops, leaving Donbas and Luhansk,” Kennedy said, referring to eastern Ukraine. “And what happened? President Joe Biden sent [then-UK Prime Minister] Boris Johnson over to Kyiv and forced Zelenskyy to tear up that agreement because they had another agenda, which is to weaken Russia.”

But Pifer, the Brookings Institution senior fellow, called Kennedy’s claim “nonsense.”

“In March 2022, the Russians, having failed to take Kyiv, withdrew their forces from northern Ukraine and announced that they would shift the focus of their attack to Donbas (which is Luhansk and Donetsk combined),” Pifer said. “At that point, the Ukrainians were liberating towns such as Bucha and saw the many atrocities (summary executions, torture chambers, children deported to Russia) and their attitude hardened on negotiations.”

As for its troop size at the start of the Ukraine war, Russia built its forces on the Ukraine border throughout 2021, as we wrote in a timeline of events leading up to the war. In early December 2021 — more than two months before the war started — U.S. intelligence estimated that Russia had about 70,000 troops along the Ukrainian border, according to the Washington Post.

On Feb. 22, 2022, Russia first entered  Ukraine’s Donbas region in what Russian officials described as a peace-keeping mission. The next day, the Pentagon said Russia had between 160,000 and 190,000 troops on the Ukraine border.

The full scale invasion occurred on Feb. 24, 2020, and within four days the Pentagon estimated that almost 75% of Putin’s army entered Ukraine — which, at the low end, would be 120,000 of the 160,000 troops that were amassed on the Ukraine border in preparation for war. That’s three times larger than Kennedy’s claim of only 40,000 Russian soldiers.

Pifer said it was even higher than that.

“No serious analyst has suggested the Russian invasion force numbered only 40,000 troops,” Pifer said. “The generally accepted number is closer to 200,000.”

Trump’s Spending

Kennedy made a false claim about Trump while criticizing the amount of federal spending during his administration.

“President Trump came into office promising to balance the budget,” Kennedy said. “Instead, he spent more money in office than every president in the United States history combined. George Washington to George W. Bush, 283 years of history.”

Kennedy’s spending comparison is wrong.

From fiscal year 2017 to fiscal year 2020, which includes all but about three months of Trump’s four-year term, federal outlays totaled about $19 trillion, according to data from the Office of Management and Budget. There was an additional $6.8 trillion spent in fiscal 2021, when Trump was president for roughly three and a half months and signed some spending bills.

But that doesn’t come close to the combined total of about $79 trillion spent during the administrations of all other presidents before Trump took office.

If Kennedy meant to refer to debt , considering that he later mentioned the debt going up by more than $6 trillion under Biden, his claim would still be inaccurate.

Under Trump, the total national debt increased by about $7.8 trillion and there was a $7.2 trillion increase in the debt held by the public, which excludes money the government owes to itself. As we’ve written , Trump alone is not responsible for all that debt, since the debt added during a president’s term includes the fiscal impact of actions that predate their administration. Congress also plays a role.

However, when Trump was inaugurated in January 2021, the publicly held debt already was roughly $14.4 trillion and the total national debt was over $19.9 trillion. So, the amount added to the debt during his administration was still less than the cumulative debt of all the presidents who preceded him.

Kennedy confused and exaggerated several aspects of the COVID-19 response and the resulting economic effects.

“These two presidents shut down every business in our country, 3.3 million businesses with no due process, no just compensation,” he said. “There was no scientific reason to do this.”

As we’ve explained before , when Kennedy blamed Biden for business shutdowns, the pandemic closures occurred on Trump’s watch, since that was when the pandemic began. But Trump didn’t have the authority to shut down businesses. The federal government issued guidelines; many state and local jurisdictions then implemented temporary non-essential business closures. 

Not “every” business closed, of course. Essential businesses were allowed to stay open. Kennedy’s figure of 3.3 million likely comes from an August 2020 study from a University of California, Santa Cruz economist, and reflects the number of working small businesses lost between February and April of 2020. By June 2020, there was a “partial rebound,” according to the study, with a net decline of 1.2 million small businesses since February.

It’s worth noting that the government did provide some financial assistance to businesses affected by the pandemic.

Kennedy also misleadingly claimed that there was no scientific rationale for the business closures — a claim he repeated when discussing restrictions on church gatherings. At the time, scientists knew a new respiratory virus — without a vaccine or treatments available — was easily spreading between people. One of the few tools available was to limit people’s exposure to others, which included closing non-essential businesses and recommending against large gatherings, including religious services. Multiple studies have since found protective effects of such mitigation measures, although others have not.

Kennedy repeated two of his favorite claims about the pandemic enriching the wealthy. Speaking of both Trump and Biden, he said, “They shifted $4.3 trillion upward to this new oligarchy of billionaires … They created a billionaire a day, in 500 days.”

As we’ve explained before , the 500 new billionaires figure likely comes from a Forbes article , which reported 493 newcomers to the outlet’s billionaire list for 2021. But the tally is global, with only 98 in the U.S. Similarly, while it’s unclear where Kennedy sourced his roughly $4 trillion figure, he may be citing a 2022 Oxfam analysis , which is also global and not specific to the U.S. or its policies.

Russians Not ‘in Cuba Firing Missiles’

Kennedy misleadingly claimed that “Russians are in Cuba firing missiles because they’ve warned us: ‘We aren’t going to … lose the war in Ukraine.’” Russian warships on the way to an annual trip to Cuba conducted simulated missile drills in the Atlantic and did not fire live missiles from Cuba, which lies just several hundred miles from the Florida coast.

Kennedy’s claim mirrors a popular social media meme that we debunked on June 14. The social media posts shared clips of a years-old video of missiles launched from a Russian ship and a submarine surfacing, to falsely claim the Russian ships recently fired live missiles “off the coast of Florida” to show off their firepower to the U.S.

A spokesperson for the Department of Defense, which was closely tracking the activities of the ships, told us via email that claims that a Russian ship fired missiles near the Florida coast while en route to Cuba, is “not true.”

U.S. officials told the New York Times that the Russian warships posed no threat and were not carrying nuclear weapons. The Department of Defense has been monitoring the movement of the ships through the Atlantic Ocean, a spokesperson told the Times. The Russian Ministry of Defense said the warships practiced locating targets and used precision missiles to simulate destroying those targets at distances of more than 350 miles, according to the Times.

According to Al Jazeera , “The drills, by the submarine Kazan and the warship Admiral Gorshkov, involved firing high-precision missiles at mock enemy targets from a distance of more than 600km (370 miles), it said in a statement on Tuesday. The Admiral Gorshkov also conducted training in recent days to repel an air attack, the ministry said.”

Al Jazeera cited an anonymous U.S. official that the Russian exercises were “about Russia showing that it’s still capable of some level of global power projection.”

SSRI Antidepressants 

When talking about the opioid crisis, Kennedy said both Biden and Trump “missed the point.” The problem is not the border, he said, but “something much larger than that — it’s a generation that is alienated, that is dispossessed, that is depressed, that is suicidal, that is disconnected from community, and that is why they’re turning to drugs.” 

His proposed solution is to tax marijuana and with those funds — “8.5 billion dollars in revenue,” he said, citing this report — build “rehabilitation farms” where people can be treated for free from depression, drug and alcohol addiction, “but also addiction to SSRI’s, to Benzos, Adderall,” he said, referring to benzodiazepines , a medication that slow down the nervous system.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors , or SSRIs, are a very common type of antidepressant. People who stop taking them abruptly might experience symptoms similar to those of withdrawal, such as nausea, dizziness and lethargy, which are  described  as “discontinuation syndrome.” But SSRIs are not considered to be addictive. 

SSRI antidepressants are  considered safe  and  side effects  are usually temporary or mild. There are concerns that children and adolescents taking SSRI antidepressants may have an increased risk for suicidal behavior, but studies  are not conclusive  and some  have found  that the decrease of antidepressant use have in turn increased suicidal attempts. In general, the benefits of treatment outweigh the risks of not treating depression, including suicide. 

Kennedy has  repeatedly blamed these antidepressants  for the rise in school shootings.

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Pifer, Steven. “ Crimea: Six years after illegal annexation .” Brookings Institution. 17 March 2020.

Pifer, Steven, nonresident senior fellow, Brookings Institution. Email sent to 28 Jun 2024.

Graham, Thomas. “ What Does Putin Really Want in Ukraine? ” Council on Foreign Relations. 16 May 2024.

Dickinson, Peter. “ Putin admits Ukraine invasion is an imperial war to ‘return’ Russian land .” Atlantic Council. 10 June 2022.

“ Hailing Peter the Great, Putin draws parallel with mission to ‘return’ Russian lands .” Reuters. 9 Jun 2022.

Kiely, Eugene and Robert Farley. “ Russian Rhetoric Ahead of Attack Against Ukraine: Deny, Deflect, Mislead .” 24 Feb 2022.

Dettmer, Jamie. “ As Russian Tanks Roll, Fears Grow They Won’t Stop in Eastern Ukraine .” Voice of America. 22 Feb 2022.

Garamone, Jim. “ Ukrainians Continue Resistance as Russia Funnels More Troops Into the Country .” DOD News. 28 Feb 2022.

Garamone, Jim. “ Defense Official Says Russian Forces Ready to Launch Attack on Ukraine .” DOD News. 23 Feb 2022.

Gore, D’Angelo et al. “ FactChecking RFK Jr.’s V.P. Announcement .” 27 Mar 2024.

“ Covid-19 Economic Relief .” U.S. Department of the Treasury. Accessed 28 Jun 2024.

Jaramillo, Catalina and Yandell, Kate. “ RFK Jr.’s COVID-19 Deceptions .” 11 Aug 2023.

“ Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) .” Mayo Clinic. 17 Sep 2019.

“ What are the real risks of antidepressants? ” Harvard Health Publishing. 17 Aug 2021.

“ Side effects – Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) .” NHS. 8 Dec 2021

Lagerberg, Tyra, et al. “ Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and suicidal behaviour: a population-based cohort study ,” Neuropsychopharmacology. 24 Sep 2021. 

“ Teen suicide tries in c reased after FDA toughened antidepressant warning .” Harvard Health Publishing. 20 Jun 2014. 

Al Jazeera. “ Russian vessels conduct missile drills in Atlantic on way to Cuba .” 12 Jun 2024.

Jaffe, Alan. “ Posts Misrepresent Old Video of Missile Test as Russian Ships Visit Cuba .” 14 Jun 2024.

Sampson, Eve. “ Russian Warships Enter Havana Harbor as Part of Planned Exercises .” New York Times. 12 Jun 2024.

Office of Management and Budget. T able 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits (-): 1789–2029 . Accessed 28 Jun 2024.

U.S. Department of Treasury. Debt to the Penny . Accessed 28 Jun 2024.

Robertson, Lori. “ Biden Leaves Misleading Impression on U.S. Debt .” 13 Aug 2021.


See when hannah hidalgo responded to young fan's school-assignment letter, share this article.

Despite having only one season at Notre Dame under her belt, Hannah Hidalgo already is a player Irish fans can be proud of. Sure, she was fantastic on the court in her first season and earned several honors for it. But she has been just as impressive off the court, and it’s clear she loves her fans.

When one fourth-grader was assigned to write a letter to someone they admire, she chose Hidalgo. While we can’t speak to whether her classmates got responses, we can confirm that Hidalgo sent a package to her admirer, including a personalized autographed card and hoop earrings from the Hannah’s Hoops line . Hidalgo then shared the subsequent Facebook post from the family on her own social media account:

🫶🏼 — Hannah Hidalgo (@HannahHidalgo) April 24, 2024

While Hidalgo was a First Team All-American this past season, she probably was the least-known person to be so honored. Hopefully, with Caitlin Clark off to the WNBA, she can grab more attention during her second year with the Irish. We all will be eager to find out because she deserves it.

Contact/Follow us @IrishWireND  on Twitter, and like our page on  Facebook to follow ongoing coverage of Notre Dame news, notes, and opinions.

Follow Geoffrey on Twitter: @gfclark89

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Number 67 and the Three Dolphins Who Wore It Best

Alain poupart | 22 hours ago.

Guard Bob Kuechenberg (67) against Washington in Super Bowl VII at the L.A. Memorial Coliseum.

  • Miami Dolphins

The countdown to the start of the 2024 regular season has begun now that we're under 100 days away, so we'll honor every day the best players to wear the corresponding number for the Dolphins.

Today, we're at number 67.

The top players at each number so far have been  Jason Taylor at 99,   Jared Odrick at 98 ,  Phillip Merling at 97 ,  Paul Soliai at 96 ,  Tim Bowens at 95 ,  Randy Starks at 94 ,   Trace Armstrong at 93 ,  John Denney at 92 ,  Cameron Wake at 91 ,  Marco Coleman at 90 ,   Nat Moore at 89 ,  Keith Jackson at 88 ,  Andre Tillman at 87,   Oronde Gadsden at 86,   Nick Buoniconti at 85 ,  Bill Stanfill at 84 ,  Mark Clayton at 83 ,   Brian Hartline at 82 ,  O.J. McDuffie at 81 ,   Irving Fryar at 80 ,  Jon Giesler at 79,  Richmond Webb at 78 ,  A.J. Duhe at 77,  Branden Albert at 76 , Manny Fernandez at 75 , Mark Dennis at 74, Bob Baumhower at 73, Terron Armstead at 72 , Todd Wade at 71 , Kendall Langford at 70 , Keith Sims at 69 , and Robert Hunt at 68.

As a reminder about the ground rules, the top three will be determined only by what the players did while wearing that uniform for the Dolphins.

Players who wore 67 for at least one regular season game for the Dolphins:

G-T Bob Kuechenberg (1970-84), T Chris Conlin (1987), NT Pat Swoopes (1991), G Jeff Novak (1994), T Barry Stokes (1998), C Joe Berger (2009-10), G Daryn Colledge (2014), G Laremy Tunsil (2016-17), C Daniel Kilgore (2018-19), C Ted Karras (2020)

The breakdown of 67 with the Dolphins

This is another one of those numbers where there's absolutely no debate because it's Kuechenberg all the way. He made the Pro Bowl at both guard and tackle, played more games than just about anybody in franchise history and a case could be made that he should be in the Hall of Fame. Beyond Kuechenberg, nobody played more than two seasons wearing 67, so it's tough to flush out a top three. Joe Berger started 20 games over two seasons with the Dolphins (after first wearing 65 for a brief stint in 2005) and went on to start 64 games in seven seasons with the Vikings. Laremy Tunsil wore 67 in his first two seasons when he started at guard and tackle, respectively, before switching to 78 in 2018. Daniel Kilgore started all 17 games he played over two seasons after coming over in a trade with the 49ers. Daryn Colledge started 13 games in 2014 in what became the final year of his nine-year NFL career

The top three Dolphins players with number 67

1. G-T Bob Kuechenberg

2. G-T Laremy Tunsil

3. C Joe Berger

Dolphins 67's among the NFL's all-time best

There is no Hall of Famer who wore mostly 67 in the NFL, and a very strong case could be made for Kuechenberg being the No. 1 player to wear that number. Other candidates would be fellow offensive linemen Kent Hull, Stan Brock and Grady Alderman, but Kuechenberg does deserve the top spot.

Alain Poupart


Alain Poupart is the publisher/editor of All Dolphins and co-host of the All Dolphins Podcast. Alain has covered the Miami Dolphins on a full-time basis since 1989 for various publications and media outlets, including Dolphin Digest, The Associated Press, the Dolphins team website, and the Fan Nation Network (part of Sports Illustrated). In addition to being a credentialed member of the Miami Dolphins press corps, Alain has covered three Super Bowls (for, Football News and the Montreal Gazette), the annual NFL draft, the Senior Bowl, and the NFL Scouting Combine. During his almost 40 years in journalism, which began at the now-defunct Miami News, Alain has covered practically every sport at one time or another, from tennis to golf, baseball, basketball and everything in between. The career also included time as a copy editor, including work on several books such as "Still Perfect," an inside look at the Miami Dolphins' 1972 perfect season. A native of Montreal, Canada, whose first language is French, Alain grew up a huge hockey fan but soon developed a love for all sports, including NFL football. He has lived in South Florida since the 1980s.

Follow @PoupartNFL


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    Kennedy's figure of 3.3 million likely comes from an August 2020 study from a University of California, Santa Cruz economist, and reflects the number of working small businesses lost between ...

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