English Summary

100 Words Essay On Say No To Crackers In English

Crackers are fireworks that are burst during festive occasions as a mode of celebration. They, however, have extremely negative implications.

Firstly, crackers are pollutants harmful to the environment. They are dangerous for our health- especially respiratory issues- and for animals as well. In addition to this air pollution, they also cause noise pollution. 

Another dire issue to note is that children are often employed to make crackers, even when it is a very hazardous atmosphere for them, not to mention that it is also illegal. This is especially so in the case of Sivakasi fireworks in Tamilnadu, India. 

Say no to crackers thus!

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essay on say no to crackers


Paragraph on Say No To Crackers

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Say No To Crackers in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look

Paragraph on Say No To Crackers in 100 Words

Saying no to crackers is important for keeping our air clean. Crackers make a lot of smoke and loud noises, which can scare animals and hurt our ears. The smoke is bad for our lungs and can make it hard for some people to breathe. It also dirties our beautiful sky. Instead of using crackers, we can have fun with colorful lights, music, and dancing. This way, we protect our health and our Earth. So, let’s promise to celebrate without crackers and help everyone enjoy clean air and a peaceful environment. Always remember, a joyful celebration is one that keeps us all safe and happy.

Paragraph on Say No To Crackers in 200 Words

Say No To Crackers is a really important thing to remember, especially when festivals come around. Crackers might seem like fun with their bright sparks and loud noises, but they are not good for us or our planet. When we light crackers, they make the air dirty with smoke and harmful things that can make it hard for us to breathe and can make animals scared and sick. They also cause a lot of noise, which can hurt our ears and make babies and older people very uncomfortable. Plus, sometimes crackers can cause accidents and hurt people because they can catch fire very quickly. Don’t forget about all the trash they leave behind, which can make our streets and parks look dirty. Instead of crackers, we can enjoy festivals by drawing beautiful pictures with colored powders, hanging pretty lights, sharing sweets with friends, and making lots of happy memories without any harm. So, let’s make a promise to keep ourselves and the Earth safe by saying no to crackers and yes to cleaner, quieter, and safer ways to celebrate. When we choose to do this, we show that we care about our health, our families, and our beautiful world.

Paragraph on Say No To Crackers in 250 Words

Saying no to crackers is an important step we can all take to protect our environment and health. Crackers cause a lot of air pollution, which makes it hard for us to breathe and can lead to diseases, especially for people with asthma. The loud noises they make can also be very harmful to our ears and disturb animals and birds. The waste from crackers litters our streets and can take a long time to clean up. Moreover, making crackers often involves dangerous chemicals, and sometimes children are made to work in unsafe conditions to produce them. This is not fair to those children, who should be in school just like you. Also, every year, many people get hurt by crackers that go off unexpectedly or are not handled safely. By choosing not to use crackers, we can enjoy festivals in other fun and safe ways, like lighting lamps, making rangoli, or spending time with family and friends. When we decide not to buy or light crackers, we save money and protect our planet. It’s like giving the Earth a gift, showing we care about our home and the people and animals we share it with. Encourage your friends and family to join in and find joy in celebrations that are safe for everyone. Remember, when we say no to crackers, we say yes to a cleaner, quieter, and safer world for all of us.

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Say No to Crackers Posters, Slogans, Drawing and more for Diwali

Say No to Crackers Posters: Diwali is one of the most sought festivals in India. Irrespective of the religious significance,

Reported by Anshika Saxena

Published on 1 June 2024

Say No to Crackers Posters : Diwali is one of the most sought festivals in India. Irrespective of the religious significance, the festival offers an opportunity to spread happiness and illumination in each other’s life. Diwali is dominantly known as the Festival of Lights. Usually, the Hindus decorate their homes with lights, such as Fairy Lights, Diyas, Candles, Chandelier, and more. On the other hand, the entire India is keen to celebrate the arrival of the festivities by bursting crackers and lighting up little hot air balloons. The skies glow up with all kinds of illumination making it very positive and watchful.

While the night of Diwali shines up with lights and contentment of festivities, the following day witnesses a significant environmental change . The pollution that is instigated by the firecrackers is highly harmful to the environment. In order to make posters, write slogans, and draw to promulgate the idea of “ Say No to Crackers “, you can derive ideas from the following article and prepare your rallies to promote an eco-friendly Diwali.

Say No to Crackers Posters for Diwali

India is already facing a huge deal of climate change . When Diwali arrives, the quotient of unhealthy air quality increases. While the festival lasts only for a day, it might be an enormous topic for debate on why crackers should be avoided in one single day. This can be a very valid argument, but as mentioned before, the crackers burst on Diwali, result in unhealthy breathing air the next day. The logic is when the air quality is already depreciating, and there is a sudden or occasional outburst of crackers, the pollution content of the air increases drastically, making it unbreathable.

Hence, a major control or a straightforward ban on the bursting of crackers is essential. There have been major health issues due to the immediate reduction in breathability post-Diwali. Thus, to avoid any dangerous outcomes for humans, animals, and, most importantly, nature, the idea is important and must be spread.

Say No to Crackers Posters

This subject is more about the environment than any religious angle. Since Diwali signifies two incidents. One is the return of Lord Rama to his Kingdom, Ayodhya, along with his wife Sita and younger brother Laxman, after an exile of 14 years and a war with the Sri Lankan King Ravana. The other incident was the devastation of the mythical demon king Narakasura when he was killed by Lord Krishna, Satyabhama, and Goddess Kali on the 14th day of the month.

This first story leads to the celebration of Diwali, while the second leads to another celebration under the term of Narakchaturdashi. However, both signify a huge victory of the virtuous over evil, upon the arrival of Lord Rama, the locals of Ayodhya celebrated by illuminating their houses. Thus, the festivity signified ending darkness with light and celebrating both occasions. The importance of Diwali or Narakshatardashi is never dependent on crackers. Thus, it is not compulsory to let the ecological system suffer for a mere fashion under the illusion of festivity.

Making posters and writing slogans can be very helpful. An awareness regarding the issue can be alarmed, which shall ease the entire process and assist in decreasing the unnecessary adverse effects on the environment, human life, animal ecosystem, and so much more. Drawing and spreading the word through art can also be very helpful as it will indicate an extra effort through art for the preservation of the environment.

Say No to Crackers Posters: Quotes

Posters can be made virtually or on paper. Since we are already promoting eco-friendly campaigns, making a digital poster is always a feasible and environmentally friendly option. You can create your poster online to post on social media or maybe make them on paper and distribute it to spread awareness regarding the subject. While depicting visuals or pictures is important, the poster must also contain quotes. These will provide weight to the message that the poster intends to deliver. A poster without a quote will be only a portrait and shall not serve the purpose. Check all ideas for quotes to add to your posters for a cracker-free Diwali:

  • Diwali is a festival of lights, not of pollution and plights.
  • Make Diwali Safer and Healthier for everyone around you. Celebrate with smiles and laughter, not firecrackers.
  • Let’s not forget our Nature, This Diwali celebrate an Eco-Friendly Diwali.
  • Deepavali means Festival of Lights and Elation; Let’s not make it a Festival of Pollution.
  • Let’s not fill our delicate environment with the toxic smoke of crackers.
  • Diwali with earthen lamps, Rangoli, Sweets and gifts instead of crackers!
  • Thousands of birds pets and other animals die due to Shock and fear. This Diwali says no to firecrackers.
  • Green is the new black. Have an Eco-friendly Diwali. Share it with your friend.
  • Your planet needs you. Say no to fireworks and fumes and celebrate an Eco-friendly Diwali this year and every year.
  • Malfunction and careless Use of fireworks result In hundreds of Injuries annually. Go-Green Diwali This Year!

Slogans for Eco-Friendly Diwali

Short Slogans, which can be catchy and trendy, are always easy to promulgate. It is easy to use them in status, tweets, wishes, and Diwali gift cards. This can conveniently leave an impact on the person reading them. Quotes can be elaborate and might get ignored due to their obvious intent to imply or behest. However, slogans prove very attractively utilisable. Here are some readable and interesting slogans which will be impactful and fun while delivering a huge message to celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali:

  • This Diwali burst your ego, not crackers.
  • Earn but not burn! Celebrate a safe Diwali.
  • Have a pollution-free, easy-breathing Diwali.
  • Crackers are of no use, they are just environmental abuse.
  • This Diwali only Diyas no Firecrackers !
  • Keep Calm and Have a Green Diwali
  • Don’t act mean, go green on Diwali!
  • Avoid Crakers, Celebrate Nature!
  • Crackers are a waste, avoiding them at Diwali is the best.
  • Let Us Have A Smoke Free And Breathe Free Diwali.

Drawing Ideas for Cracker free Diwali

Making drawings in order to promote an eco-friendly Diwali with no crackers would be an interesting way to spread awareness. In schools and at home, usually children are tasked to make relevant drawings. This not only urges them to think but also is a very valuable activity. Delivering ideas using art is always a very impactful option. Check the following drawings available on the internet and obtain inspiration for your Say No to Crackers Drawings:

Let us know about your thoughts on Eco-Friendly and a Craker-Free Diwali in the comment box below.

Anshika Saxena

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Say No To Crackers Paragraph

Say No To Crackers Paragraph: A Step Towards A Better Environment

Say No To Crackers Paragraph: Crackers are a common sight during festive occasions, but their usage has become a major cause of concern in recent times. The smoke and noise generated by crackers are harmful to both humans and the environment. The practice of bursting crackers has become so widespread that it has become a norm in our society. However, it’s high time we realize the damage that it is causing and take a step towards a better environment.

Table of Contents

Say No To Crackers Paragraph

In this blog Say No To Crackers Paragraph, we include About Say No To Crackers Paragraph, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover Say No To Crackers Paragraph for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children and students. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines, and about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc
 About Say No To Crackers Paragraph is available in different languages. Say No To Crackers Paragraph, the following features are explained in the given manner.

Negative Impacts Of Crackers

The smoke generated by crackers contains harmful chemicals like sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide, which contribute to air pollution. This can lead to respiratory problems and worsen existing health conditions like asthma. The loud noise generated by crackers can also have harmful effects on our hearing.

Apart from the health hazards, crackers also contribute to environmental degradation. The waste generated by crackers, including the burnt paper and chemicals, contributes to land pollution. The use of crackers also leads to an increase in carbon footprint, which can worsen climate change.

Negative Impacts Of Crackers

Ways To Celebrate Festivals Without Crackers

There are several ways to celebrate festivals without compromising on the environment. Here are a few suggestions:

Use Eco-Friendly Decorations: Instead of using plastic decorations that contribute to environmental pollution, opt for eco-friendly options. You can use decorations made from recycled materials or natural materials like flowers, leaves, and wood.

Opt for Noiseless Fireworks: If you can’t resist bursting crackers, choose noiseless fireworks over the traditional ones. These fireworks produce less sound and smoke, reducing the harmful effects on the environment.

Celebrate with Lights: Light up your house with eco-friendly lights like LED lights. These lights consume less energy and have a longer lifespan, making them a better option than traditional lights.

Donate to Charity: Instead of spending money on crackers, donate the money to charity. This will not only help those in need but also give you a sense of satisfaction.

Spread Awareness: Spread awareness about the harmful effects of crackers and encourage others to celebrate festivals in an eco-friendly way. You can start by educating your friends and family members about the negative impacts of crackers.

The use of crackers during festive occasions has become a norm in our society, but we must realize the harmful effects that it is causing to both humans and the environment. By taking small steps towards celebrating festivals in an eco-friendly way, we can contribute to a better environment. Let’s make a conscious effort to say no to crackers and celebrate festivals in a way that benefits everyone.

Read More: Diwali Essay In English 150 Words

Say No To Crackers Paragraph (FAQ’s)

Question 1. What are the harmful effects of crackers on the environment?

Answer: The smoke generated by crackers contains harmful chemicals like sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide, which contribute to air pollution. The waste generated by crackers contributes to land pollution, and the use of crackers also leads to an increase in carbon footprint.

Question 2. Can we celebrate festivals without crackers?

Answer: Yes, there are several ways to celebrate festivals without crackers. You can use eco-friendly decorations, opt for noiseless fireworks, celebrate with lights, donate to charity, and spread awareness.

Question 3. What are noiseless fireworks?

Answer: Noiseless fireworks produce less sound and smoke than traditional fireworks, reducing the harmful effects on the environment.

Question 4. What are eco-friendly lights?

Answer: Eco-friendly lights like LED lights consume less energy and have a longer lifespan, making them a better option than traditional lights.

Question 5. How can we contribute to a better environment?

Answer: We can contribute to a better environment by taking small steps like saying no to crackers, using eco-friendly products, conserving.

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Omilights-Connecting World with the Power of Words

9 reasons why decision of ban on crackers is right.

Table of Contents

Real Meaning of Deepawali Celebrations

Deepawali is not all about crackers, it is far beyond the noisy mess or  fiery show. Every Diwali leaves Delhi densely covered with a blanket of smog, leaving people suffocating and gasping for breath. Last year, PM 2.5 level reached which was dangerously too high-level post-Diwali. This is considered the most harmful particulate matter because it goes directly into our lungs.

Excuses on “No Crackers Supreme Court Verdict”

People who are condemning verdict of Supreme Court have their own lame excuses “ Arey Bacchae Kaise Khush Honge, Diwali Bina Pataka  Kya Diwali? Sirf Ek Din Ki Baat Hai.

We force our kids to know about crackers and use them to celebrate Deepawali. Have you ever given a though how did kids get to know that something like crackers do exist in this world? Did they learn it from inside womb? No, we as a parent have created a picture of Diwali celebration in front of our children, which stays incomplete without fireworks.

  • Celebrate this Diwali for Good Luck and Happiness

Some people argue that Diwali is not accomplished without firecrackers. Firecrackers have been a part of Diwali celebration for years and implementing a ban on it have hurt; religious sentiments of many.

Religiously, drinking and gambling are too forbidden on this, an auspicious day, however many among us ignore this for our own amusement. Please don’t, let everything on toll in the name of religion as the mother nature is above all.  After the ban on crackers by Supreme Court,  nobody seems to be talking about its positive impact on nature. This has apparently become a communal issue!!

I have a question for people against banning crackers. When did crackers come into existence in Delhi? No crackers, in Delhi, till 1920, until Nadar brothers settled a firecracker industry in Sivakasi in the southern part of the country. Pious scriptures of Hindu mythology “Ramayana” had been written by Sage Valmiki many centuries before that. According to historians and astronomers, the Ramayana events fall sometime between 2200-2000 BC, so do you think crackers were existing in that era?

Naraka Chaturdashi-Rituals and Celebrations before Diwali

It is not a matter of one day when people burn crackers. We could observe kids use to burn firecrackers many many days before the arrival of Diwali. For the sake of only one-day celebration, we suffocate Delhi each and every time post-Diwali with the dense layer of pollution, which gets difficult to settle down even in the next 6 months. Delhi’s air already remains polluted throughout the year, so how can have a room for additional pollution during Diwali?

The environment can bear to a certain level. The human race had exploited each and every single resource of nature for own benefit to its maximum potential. Crackers are the example of this.

What does Law of Ban on Crackers say?

Only we people have forced the Supreme Court to take such a radical step to put a complete ban on crackers in the Delhi NCR region. Reformatory measures were taken earlier to lessen the amount of these firecrackers, but all in vain, we people put everything into the drain.

As per law, no fireworks beyond 10 pm, but we usually start our celebrations after that only. Crackers should be burnt collaboratively in open spaces, but we prefer space in front of our house. Whatever measures are taken every year to lessen noise and air pollution ultimately get hazed in the heavy smoke of these crackers.

People may have their own stories narrating their own unique reasons for burning firecracker. Unfortunately, Supreme Court has banned the sale of crackers but nothing is mentioned regarding bursting last year stocked crackers. Many websites are selling firecrackers online are not within the realm of the ban.

But I can too quote multiple reasons why to ban crackers and I welcome the decision of the Supreme Court of India to ban sales of crackers in Delhi -NCR till after Diwali.

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9 Benefits of Ban on Crackers in Diwali

1. eco-friendly diwali- lesser air pollution.

Firecrackers emit harmful nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and particulate matter, taxing ecological balance and lethal to health. I am aware of the fact that Diwali is not only the reason for air pollution, as other more contributing factors are road dust due to demolition and active construction around the city including metro, industrial pollution, vehicular emissions, crop burning by our neighbouring states.

Diwali is not a hundred per cent responsible for Delhi’s pollution, but still, it is. Every single small effort counts.

2. Lesser Noise Pollution

The noise ceiling for firecrackers is 145 decibels. High decibels of noise pollution created by firecrackers can cause temporary and sometimes permanent hearing impairment. Other problems that people of old age face on Diwali nights are sleeping disorders, restlessness, the rise in blood pressure, and even heart attacks. Worst hits are pets and birds.

3. Lesser diseases

Particulate matter emitted by crackers bursting are so minute that they can even cross the most resistant defence barriers of a human body. They have a propensity to get lodged in the lung and can even enter the bloodstream. Patients (children and elderly people)  with a history of asthma and other respiratory disorders may have increased discomfort and worsen of conditions during Diwali. Raised levels of pollution not even spare street dogs and house pets.

4. Lesser Accidents

Every year, so many accidents happen due to misuse or improper usage of firecrackers. Many victims of burn due to burning crackers are admitted in hospitals on the eve of Diwali and the next day also. Few of the lives are lost and some are maimed for the rest of their life. There have been incidents every year of people getting blind, losing body parts, or suffering from other injuries due to firecrackers.

5. Money Savings

Crackers and fireworks are usually on the top of the Diwali shopping list which engulfs major budget and remains quite taxing to pocket. Burning crackers are literary burning money with your own hands. On one hand, we worship goddess Lakshmi bless us with money and happiness, while we spend money from another hand mindlessly.

We need to realize that we ourselves spending our hard-earned money on the least important thing that is equally harmful and causes air pollution, noise pollution to our city.

6. Lesser Clutter Post-Diwali

Diwali celebrations leave behind a trail of litter which include burnt or half burnt crackers. According to Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), the solid waste produced by the city increases by nearly 25-30% on the day after Diwali.

“Cleanliness is next to godliness”. In holy Puraáč‡a also it is narrated that on the new moon night of Ashwin  the Goddess Lakshmi goes everywhere in search of an ideal home. Undoubtedly cleanliness, peaceful, beauty and excellence attract her not the “ fire show”.

7. Lesser Chinese Products

Many people connect the ban on Chinese crackers with patriotism, but this is only half part of the story. Actually, Chines crackers are extremely hazardous. However, increased enthusiasm has been registered among people for Chinese fireworks mainly due to their low cost. Also, Chinese crackers burn brighter and longer too.

These crackers are manufactured with potassium chlorate ( banned in India since 1992) which is highly unstable and can explode with just a sharp jolt. Chemicals in Chinese firecrackers are also toxic, causing skin diseases and triggering allergies.

8. Inhuman Conditions of Workers

Production of crackers is provided with no real precautionary measure or proper shield inhumane circumstances. Due to increased demand for bans during festivals, workers are bound to work day and nights with harmful chemicals, which many times adversely affects their quality of life. Small children are also involved in labour to meet the increased supply of crackers due to growing demands during festival season.

9. Fewer Disturbances to Animals and Birds

Fireworks can cause stress, terror and even death in both domestic and wild animals. Animals and birds can get burn injuries. Noise from crackers can bring temporary deafness among many animals and disorientation in the birds during the night hours. Air pollution created by crackers produce harmful chemicals which can affect the respiratory system of animals and birds both.

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essay on say no to crackers

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Essay on Pollution Due to Firecrackers for Students and Children

500 words essay on pollution due to firecrackers.

Firecrackers have become a common thing nowadays; in fact, special events are now incomplete without bursting them. Everyone loves the spectacular visions and colours in the sky. Moreover, the bangs and fizzes it creates are loved by people. However, all this show is only stunning to look at. The impact it has on the environment and the health of the people is worrisome. We need to take measures to control the use of firecrackers so we do not hamper the ecological system and lives of living beings.

essay on pollution due to firecrackers

Causes of Pollution Due to Firecrackers

There are various times when firecrackers are burned in excess. It mainly happens to celebrate something or the other. The festival of Diwali is a great contributor of pollution due to firecrackers. At this festival, people all over especially in India burst loads of firecrackers to celebrate it. However, what they do not realize is that the harm it is causing to the others . Air pollution and noise pollution soars high during this time.

Moreover, wedding celebrations are also a great cause of pollution due to firecrackers. People burst all sorts of firecrackers during the wedding day and in other events before that to celebrate the big day. Each day hundreds of weddings take place and thus millions of firecrackers get burst round the year.

Furthermore, commercial events like cricket matches and product launch also use firecrackers to celebrate. Similarly, New Year ’s Eve is also filled with firecrackers. It is almost like bursting firecrackers has become a tradition of showing your happiness.

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Impact of Pollution Due to Firecrackers

Firecrackers have a major impact on the quality of life of living beings as well as the environment. It contributes largely to air pollution. The fireworks in the air release great amounts of toxins in the air. It worsens the air quality and makes it toxic as well as full of smog.

Furthermore, firecrackers also pose serious health hazards to living beings. It results in respiratory disorders , hormonal imbalances and more. Moreover, it also impacts the mental health of a person. The great level of noise raises the anxiety levels and also causes panic attacks. People lose their sleep due to it and also cause hyperventilation.

Most importantly, the bursting of firecrackers is very dangerous to birds and animals. It is a big torture to them as they have sensitive hearing. The loud levels of noise also cause deafness in some of the animals. The continuous sounds and noises of the firecrackers are enough to scare them. The pets at least have the option to hide in their homes, the stray animals have nowhere to go during this time.

For instance, some inhuman people even mess with the poor strays during such times. They tie firecrackers to their tail and do it for fun. Not caring about what their fun costs to those poor animals. The birds also get impacted badly. The bright light can disorient or blind them.

FAQs on Pollution Due to Firecrackers

Q.1 What are the effects of pollution due to firecrackers?

A.1 The pollution due to firecrackers has a negative impact on various things. It not only hampers the air quality but also affects the health of living beings. It contributes to noise pollution and also affects the poor animals severely.

Q.2 What are the causes of pollution due to firecrackers?

A.2 Firecrackers have become so common now that any function is now incomplete without bursting them. Diwali is a major festival when firecrackers are burned endlessly. Special events like weddings and functions also call for the bursting of firecrackers.

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Short speech on urging students to say no to crackers

Answers (1).


Good morning esteemed teachers and my dear friends. Today I will be speaking on the topic “Say no to bursting crackers”. Due to technological development and rapid increase in population, the carbon emission is skyrocketing. The process of global warming whose result was expected to be in a distant future is now rapidly approaching. Major carbon emission is produced by smoke. Burning crackers plays a major role in creating air pollution. Crackers not only produce noise but pollute the air as well which leads to respiratory problems. People with breathing diseases are prone to such problems as their immune is easily targeted. Not only humans, but animals breathing the same air as us suffer with it. They are frightened and it affects their visibility. Pranksters light crackers near animals, to make them suffer. Burning crackers is a cowardly act. People burn crackers to represent celebration but they have it wrong. If you want to celebrate something, do it with a conscience mind so others around you don’t suffer from it. The cracker industry has dark truth behind it which is veiled by mainstream news which is that underage children produce crackers under hazardous situations. It affects their health and their life expectancy. I urge you all to say no to crackers. It will save endless lives. Instead celebrate in a peaceful way. Hope you think upon it. You have the power to make a change. Thank you.

Deependra Verma

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Essay on Say No To Crackers

The festival of lights, Diwali, brings joy and celebration across India. However, the traditional practice of bursting crackers during this festival has come under scrutiny due to its environmental impact. This essay explores the reasons behind advocating for a cracker-free Diwali and emphasizes the importance of choosing eco-friendly alternatives for a sustainable celebration.

Quick Overview:

  • The bursting of crackers releases harmful pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and particulate matter into the air, contributing to air pollution and adversely affecting the environment.
  • The toxic substances present in crackers can have severe health implications, especially for individuals with respiratory conditions. The smoke generated contributes to an increase in respiratory issues and poses a threat to overall well-being.
  • Crackers contribute significantly to noise pollution, disrupting not only the peace of individuals but also affecting wildlife. The loud noises can cause stress and anxiety among animals, particularly pets.
  • Accidents related to fire caused by crackers pose a significant risk during the festive season. From burns to property damage, the use of crackers increases the likelihood of fire-related incidents.
  • Encouraging the use of eco-friendly alternatives such as LED lights, diyas, and celebrating with nature-friendly decorations fosters a sustainable and responsible approach to festivities.

Environmental Impact:

The bursting of crackers during Diwali contributes to a spike in air pollution. The release of harmful substances like sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, and heavy metals into the atmosphere poses a threat to air quality. This not only impacts human health but also damages the environment, affecting soil and water quality.

Health Concerns:

The pollutants emitted during the burning of crackers have severe health implications, particularly for individuals with respiratory conditions. The toxic substances can aggravate existing health issues and lead to respiratory distress. The smoke from crackers contains harmful chemicals that can linger in the air, posing a risk to the well-being of all, especially vulnerable populations.

Noise Pollution:

The loud noises produced by crackers contribute significantly to noise pollution. Beyond disrupting the peace and tranquility of neighborhoods, the sudden bursts of sound can cause stress, anxiety, and even hearing damage in individuals. The impact is not limited to humans; wildlife, including birds and animals, also suffers from the disturbances caused by these loud explosions.

Fire Hazards:

The festive season witnesses a spike in fire-related incidents, often attributed to the use of crackers. Accidents involving burns, property damage, and even more severe consequences pose a significant risk to communities. The combination of combustible materials and open flames during Diwali festivities increases the likelihood of fire incidents, putting lives and property at risk.

Promoting Eco-Friendly Alternatives:

Advocating for a cracker-free Diwali is not about dampening the festive spirit but rather redirecting it towards eco-friendly alternatives. Embracing LED lights, traditional diyas, and nature-friendly decorations allows individuals to celebrate without contributing to environmental degradation. These alternatives not only reduce the environmental impact but also promote a sense of responsibility towards sustainable practices.


In conclusion, saying no to crackers during Diwali is a conscious choice towards a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable celebration. Recognizing the environmental, health, and safety hazards associated with the use of crackers encourages individuals to adopt eco-friendly alternatives. By prioritizing the well-being of the environment and communities, a cracker-free Diwali becomes a step towards fostering a culture of responsible and mindful celebrations. It is a collective effort that, when embraced by society, can contribute to a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar is a passionate educator, writer, and subject matter expert in the field of education and professional development. As an author on CoursesXpert, Rahul Kumar’s articles cover a wide range of topics, from various courses, educational and career guidance.

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New York Today

Gold bars, steakhouse dinners and fast talkers: the menendez trial.

The trial of Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey could last another month in federal court in Lower Manhattan.

Benjamin Weiser

By Benjamin Weiser

Good morning. It’s Monday. Today we’ll look at the bribery trial of Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey as it enters its fourth week in Federal District Court in Manhattan.

Senator Robert Menendez, center, walks under an umbrella.

As former President Donald Trump’s motorcade drove in recent weeks to Manhattan’s criminal courthouse for his hush-money trial, it passed a federal courthouse down the block where a trial is underway of another political figure — Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey.

With the Trump verdict in, let’s catch up on Menendez’s trial, which began on May 13 and could last another month or so.

Menendez, 70, and his wife, Nadine Menendez, 57, were charged last year with conspiring to accept gold, cash, a Mercedes-Benz and other bribes collectively worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for the senator’s willingness to meddle in criminal prosecutions in New Jersey and to steer aid and weapons to Egypt. A federal indictment says the conspiracy dates to before the couple were married in 2020, and it depicts Nadine Menendez as a kind of go-between among conspirators.

“What else can the love of my life do for you?” she asked during dinner at a Washington steakhouse in one of the meetings she arranged for her husband and Egyptian officials, the indictment says.

The trial comes as Menendez, a Democrat and former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, nears the end of his third full term in the Senate. He has consistently maintained his innocence, has said that he will be exonerated and has left open the possibility of running for re-election as an independent . He, his wife and two New Jersey businessmen charged with him — Wael Hana and Fred Daibes — have all pleaded not guilty.

Highlights of the trial have included:

Menendez’s ‘blame my wife’ legal strategy : The senator’s lawyers have put blame squarely on Nadine Menendez. “She kept him in the dark on what she was asking others to give her,” one of the senator’s lawyers told the jury. “She tried to get cash and assets any which way she could.”

The strategy could carry risks, legal experts told The New York Times . “One worries that the jury will say you’ve committed two crimes — you’ve taken bribes and you’ve blamed your spouse,” one expert said.

Nadine Menendez was to be tried with her husband, but the judge, Sidney Stein, postponed her trial until at least July because she is being treated for breast cancer.

Gold, gold and more gold : During the trial’s first week, a prosecutor handed a juror a plastic bag containing an object that glinted under the courtroom lights: a gold bar. One by one, jurors took turns holding the bag. The prosecutor then handed over another bag, which contained several gold bars.

Gold has been at the center of the government’s case against the Menendezes. An F.B.I. agent testified that a June 2022 search of the couple’s home in Englewood Cliffs, N.J., turned up 11 one-ounce gold bars and two one-kilogram gold bars, as well as $486,461 in cash.

The gold and cash were among the “fruits” of the alleged bribery scheme, the indictment says.

Testimony about a brief exchange between the senator and a U.S. official: Ted McKinney, a former official at the U.S. Agriculture Department, testified on Friday that he received a curt phone call from Menendez in May 2019 with a clear message: “Stop interfering with my constituent.”

McKinney said he had been raising questions about a decision by Egypt directly benefiting a New Jersey startup firm run by Hana, a co-defendant and longtime friend of Nadine Menendez. Despite Hana’s having no experience in the area, Egypt had granted him a monopoly on the business of certifying that halal meat sent from the U.S. to Egypt had been prepared according to Islamic law.

The decision, McKinney told the jury, was causing the price of halal products to rise in Egypt and was hurting U.S. ranchers, farmers and beef processors. But McKinney said he had no success in trying to explain that to the senator. “I felt he was telling me to stand down,” McKinney testified.

Prosecutors say Hana’s firm was used to funnel bribes to the senator and his wife.

Fast talkers: The trial has not lacked for tension as the parties have clash over evidence and legal issues. But another problem has surfaced in court that for years has been endemic among New Yorkers : They talk very fast.

Indeed, Judge Stein has gently reminded the lawyers and witnesses to speak less quickly, noting he was getting “looks of screaming eyes” from the court’s interpreters and stenographers.

At one point, Judge Stein addressed a prosecutor: “Let me ask a personal question. Did you happen to grow up in New York, sir?”

“I did,” the prosecutor replied.

“Well, you speak very quickly,” Judge Stein said. He added, “All New Yorkers speak too fast.”

The judge, who is from New Jersey , asked the prosecutor to try to slow down a bit.

The trial resumes on Monday.

Prepare for a chance of showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures in the low 80s will drop to the low 60s at night.


In effect until June 12 (Shavuot).

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Downtown Manhattan

Dear Diary:

My first job in Manhattan was downtown. The building, on Rector Street, dated to the early 20th century. I had to use my entire body to pry open the heavy brass door. My father could do it with one arm.

A building employee greeted us with a broad smile every day. He wore dark pants, a dark tie, dark shoes, dark socks and a white shirt. We always said hello.

The lobby was narrow and dark. The floor was marble. The ceilings were high. The walls were unadorned. If we looked at the lights, we saw spots. The sound of the click-click-click of my father’s shoes echoed through the lobby.

We tapped an elevator button to go up. The buttons were off-white with the letters U or D in black. We stood quietly as we waited to go up to the 12th floor.

My father and I worked in different departments. When we reached our floor, he turned one way, and I turned the other.

Every morning at 10:30, our work was interrupted by the ring of a bell. It was the signal that the woman with the coffee cart had arrived. She wore a black waitress uniform with a white hat, white apron and white gloves.

We filed into the hallway to buy a cup of tea or a Danish wrapped in plastic or a package of peanut butter crackers.

— Betsy Petrick

Illustrated by Agnes Lee. Send submissions here and read more Metropolitan Diary here .

Glad we could get together here. James Barron is back tomorrow. P.S. Here’s today’s Mini Crossword and Spelling Bee . You can find all our puzzles here .

Melissa Guerrero and Ed Shanahan contributed to New York Today. You can reach the team at [email protected].

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Benjamin Weiser is a Times reporter covering the federal courts and U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan, and the justice system more broadly. More about Benjamin Weiser


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