
Essay on Bucket List

Students are often asked to write an essay on Bucket List in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Bucket List

What is a bucket list.

A bucket list is a collection of dreams and goals that a person wants to achieve in their lifetime. It’s like a wish list for adventures, experiences, and achievements. People make such lists to remind themselves of all the exciting things they want to do before they get too old or run out of time.

Why Make a Bucket List?

Creating a bucket list can inspire you to live life to the fullest. It can help you focus on what’s truly important to you and encourage you to make decisions that add excitement and joy to your life.

What Can Be On a Bucket List?

Your bucket list can include anything! It might have travel destinations, skills to learn, or even simple joys like watching a sunrise. It’s all about personal dreams and what makes you happy.

Sharing Your List

Sharing your bucket list with friends or family can be fun. They can help you achieve your goals, and you can help them with theirs. It’s a way to make memories together and support each other’s dreams.

250 Words Essay on Bucket List

Why have a bucket list.

Having a bucket list can give you something to look forward to. It can help you feel excited about the future. When you write down your wishes, it can also help you work harder to make them come true. Plus, it’s a great way to keep track of your dreams and celebrate when you achieve them.

What Can Be on a Bucket List?

Your bucket list can have anything you dream of. It might be places you want to visit, like Disneyland or the Great Wall of China. Maybe you want to learn something new, like playing the guitar or speaking another language. It could also include helping others, like volunteering in a community garden.

Sharing Your Bucket List

Sharing your bucket list with friends or family can be fun. They can help you think of new ideas, and you might even find someone who wants to do some of the same things. This way, you can make memories together.

Start Your Own List

Creating a bucket list is easy. Just grab a piece of paper and start writing down anything that makes you smile or gets you excited. Remember, this is your list, so there are no rules. Dream big, and have fun planning your adventures!

500 Words Essay on Bucket List

A bucket list is a collection of dreams, goals, and experiences that a person hopes to achieve or have during their lifetime. The term “bucket list” comes from the phrase “to kick the bucket,” which means to pass away. This list is like a to-do list for your life, filled with things you want to do before you get too old or run out of time.

A bucket list can have all sorts of things that you find exciting or important. Some people might want to travel to different countries, see the wonders of the world, or learn a new language. Others might want to go skydiving, swim with dolphins, or climb a mountain. Your list can also include simple things like reading a certain book, learning to cook a new dish, or spending more time with family and friends.

How to Create Your Own Bucket List

Creating your own bucket list is a fun and easy process. Start by thinking about what makes you happy and what you have always wanted to do. Write these ideas down on a piece of paper or in a notebook. You can add to the list anytime you think of something new. Remember, this list is personal to you, so there are no right or wrong things to include.

Working on Your Bucket List

Having a bucket list is just the start. The real fun begins when you start doing the things on your list. It might take time and effort to check off each item, but the joy and satisfaction you get from accomplishing these goals are worth it. Some goals might be easy to achieve, while others might take years of saving and planning. The key is to keep working towards them and enjoy the journey.

In conclusion, a bucket list is a powerful tool that helps you focus on what you want to experience in life. It is not just about doing thrilling activities; it is about making your life richer and more fulfilling. Whether your list has five things or fifty, it represents your hopes and dreams. So, think about what you would love to do, create your bucket list, and start living your life to the fullest!

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Essay Samples on Bucket List

A bucket list is a list of things one hopes to do before they die. It can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and goal-setting. Writing the bucket list essay can be a fun and meaningful way to explore your dreams and aspirations.

There are many different ways to approach a bucket list essay. Some people focus on their long-term goals, while others focus on more immediate desires. You could also organize your essay around different categories, such as travel, career, and personal development.

To write a compelling bucket list essay, it’s important to be honest and specific about your goals. Use vivid language to bring your dreams to life and convey your passion for achieving them. Be sure to include both big, ambitious goals and smaller, more achievable ones.

Remember, the purpose of bucket list essays is not just to list your goals, but to reflect on what matters most to you and why. So take the time to explore your dreams and aspirations, and don’t be afraid to be bold and adventurous in your writing.

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas for your bucket list, try brainstorming with friends or family members or better use our platform to find numerous bucket list essay examples for free.

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The Step-By-Step Guide to Writing Your Bucket List

bucket list title

At the age of 26, Ted thought he had it all.

But little did he know his world was about to get shocked to the core. He had just grown and sold a company for a boatload of cash. Bought his family houses, a fleet of cars, and was traveling the world. Things seemed like they couldn’t get better…

Until one fateful day, he not only had a very close brush with death, but he spent a harrowing 35 minutes waiting for it.

He was 30,000 feet up, and his plane was going down. And as the minutes ticked by, and as he prepared for a crash landing, he realized he would die unhappy:

“As you are praying and thinking, none of the things that you had were the things that you were going to miss. It was not like “Oh, if I only bought that third car.” So, you just go through this and think “I just have so much more to do…”

After luckily making it out alive, one of the first things Ted Leonsis did was create his, now famous, “ 101 things to do before you die .”

It was years later that I found myself asking the same questions Ted was forced to ask himself as he propelled back to earth. Mainly, what makes a good life, and what does that look like for me? I’m not sure what it was, but I came to the realization that although we may be breathing, it does not mean we are actually living.

“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with their song still in them.” Henry David Thoreau

The status quo is fundamentally unremarkable; therefore, we need to live awry… I know you agree, otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this right now. And writing your bucket list is pretty much the number one way to do this because it shifts your life in a couple of profound ways:

First, it holds you alone accountable. It’s your list, and yours alone. Anything and everything you add is something you are choosing to accomplish someday, regardless of anyone else.

Second, it creates a blueprint for an intentional life. You may have heard me beat the drum on “living an intentional life” before, and that’s because there’s no other way to LIVE. Creating a bucket list puts you in the driver’s seat of your short life.

And that’s my hope for you with this guide…

That you will dig deep, find out what makes you happy, build out a killer bucket list around those things, and work towards accomplishing them. I promise you that doing this WILL drastically change your life and that you’ll never look back.

But First, before we dive in, let’s go over a few helpful things that will ensure your list doesn’t fall by the wayside.

It’s not all about travel.

bucket list

I get it… You’re a travel junkie just like me. So, it’s going to be hard not to fill your entire list with far-off places and experiences you’ve always daydreamed of. But it’s not all about travel.

As you’ll soon see, we’ve broken things based on main categories like family, learning, health, etc. So, don’t forget that just because you can’t be traveling year ’round it doesn’t mean you still can’t be hammering out some awesome bucket list items.

It’s a living document.

Things change… and that’s good. So, your bucket list will have to follow suit.

For example, I used to have ‘bike through India for 4 months’ as a bucket list goal. But considering that it would be a bit tough with two little kids, I will either toss it, alter it, or keep it for later knowing it might not happen. And I’m fine with that. When life changes, change your bucket list. This is absolutely cool, as long as you’re still actively doing it!

Mix in the small with the big.

Similar to it not being all about travel, it doesn’t all have to be wildly large goals. So, consider adding smaller items—things you’ve always wanted to do but just haven’t gotten around to yet.

Maybe it’s planting a tree, learning to sew, paying for the person’s coffee behind you in line at the cafe, or running the pool table.

The same goes for adding things you want to do in your hometown or nearby because it’ll keep you progressing… And this will keep you activated with your list, while you simultaneously work towards the big ones (and it’s so much fun crossing off an item, even if it’s a small one!).

Be specific.

In order to actually check off your goals, they need to be specific. For example, “lose weight” is a good goal, but it’s not nearly specific enough to add to your list. And that’s because you have no idea when you’ve got there.

Instead, “drop to XXlbs” is perfect (if the weight is your goal, it might be body fat %, etc.) and you’ll know exactly when you can cross it off.

Do it for YOU.

This list is about you. So, don’t add items based on whether other people will think they’re cool.

Here’s the litmus test: Would you still do it if you couldn’t tell another soul? Do you really want to climb Everest? Do you really want to skydive? Do you really want to read Infinite Jest? If so, add ‘em! If not, skip them and add items that get YOU jacked up, whether anyone else on earth knows about it or not.

Add items you’ve already done.

If you have already accomplished stuff you would have added to your bucket list, then toss them into the mix with a big fat checkmark beside it!

What’s cool about this list is that over time it’s a great way to reminisce about the things you’ve done, the experiences you’ve had… all of which will have had a big part in shaping who you ended up being as a human (and I’d bet a better one with a list than not).

Be accountable.

To really spark a fire under your tush, find accountability. Inside our Life Listr app, we have a step in the creation of a new goal that allows you to share that goal with friends or family over Facebook or Twitter.

You don’t have to go as far as posting it for everyone on your social feed to see (although that’s not a bad idea), but the premise behind it is important: get someone to hold you accountable (or join you in that goal) so you don’t let it slip.

Let’s Get Started… It’s now time for the real fun stuff – writing your bucket list!

Follow these steps to create a bucket list of your very own.

Step 1: Give It A Name

give it a name

For more than any other reason, it’s just fun to name your list. If you remember, Ted Leonsis named his “101 things to do before you die,” which is a classic title (although I’d change to “… before I die.”) but also has a definitive number, which you might not want to do.

Some other ideas are:

  • My Life List
  • 101 Things To Do While Alive (if you want to give it a number)
  • My Dream List
  • My Life’s Aspiration List
  • My Lifetime Goals
  • Things to Achieve in My Lifetime
  • My Life’s To Dos
  • My Life’s Bucket List
  • Things to Conquer
  • [YOUR NAME]’s How To Live Guide
  • The Life Plan
  • My Life Blueprint In XXX Goals (if you want to give it a number)
  • My Life’s Must Dos
  • My Livin’ Right Blueprint

…and on and on. You get the point. Play around with your favorites on the next page and, remember, all of this can be changed so don’t overthink it.

Step 2: Brain Dump!

brain dump

We’ll get into fine-tuning and categorizing your bucket list shortly but, for now, just start tossing your BIG ideas down on paper or, of course, inside Life Listr ).

Don’t even think twice about them—about the money involved, the difficulty, or the criticism—just get ‘em down! We’ll walk you through plenty more ways to top up your list, but this step is about brain-dumping the big ones, the ones that you’ve always wanted, the ones that you always think about. Go for it.

Step 3: Pick Your Categories


Now that you’ve unloaded the big ones, let’s pick your categories.

Here’s our recommended list:

  • Adventure & Experience
  • Health/Fitness
  • Learn (Skills/Knowledge)
  • Do Good (Charity)
  • Work (Career/Business)
  • Family & Friends

If any categories don’t fit your list, toss or ignore them.

Step 4: Categorize Your Brain Dump


Now take your initial brain dump list and place each item in its most-fitting category. You’ll probably see that some overlap, and that’s totally fine. In fact, many will overlap in some regard. So just choose the most fitting category and plug them in. As you can see, your list is beginning to take shape!

Step 5: Brainstorm Time!


Before we load you up with more ideas than you can handle (don’t skip ahead! This is important!)… I want you to first brainstorm more ideas on your own because doing this will ensure that your list is as true to you as possible, without you having to over-think all your goals later and decide.

So think about these questions and add items to your list.

  • What’s something you’ve said “Oh, I could NEVER do that” but have secretly dreamed of doing?
  • What’s the wildest thing you can think of that would give you massive bragging rights? (and only add things that you’d still do if no one could ever know)
  • What major life changes would you like to make one day?
  • In the last year, have you done anything that seems bucket list worthy? Add it and use it to think of similar things that might also be bucket list worthy for you.
  • Think of your hobbies… are there any big goals related to them that you’d like to accomplish one day?
  • If you were to die tomorrow, what would you wish you could do before it happens?
  • What would you do if you had unlimited time, money and resources?
  • What have you always wanted to do but have not done yet?
  • Any countries, places or locations you want to visit?
  • What have you always dreamed of laying your eyes on?
  • What family dreams do you want to have? What about with friends?
  • What experiences do you want to have/feel?
  • Any work or business goals you’ve always had?
  • What activities or skills have you always wanted to learn?
  • Any fitness goals you want to achieve?
  • What about your finances—any big goals you have?
  • Look again into each of your categories… are there any goals you can think of that fit? Take any ideas you’ve derived from these questions and add them.

Those questions will certainly put the hamster wheel in high gear. Now, let’s take it deeper… See, you probably already have a sweet list of cool things to do, have, and experience. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t share with you the #1 way, I know of to dig deeper and find out what would give your life the greatest meaning it could. Here’s the deal…

If I offered you a crystal ball to peer into your future, to find out exactly how your life would be laid out, would you take it? We don’t have that. We have something better because what follows puts you in the driver’s seat before it’s too late and all in hindsight. But it’s going to take some kahunas because you’re going to have to face your own death… 

Introducing, The Obituary Exercise. It comes from our friend Roz Savage’s technique on getting more of what YOU want out of life while you still can.

Click to Download The Obituary Exercise

I have no doubt that going through this exercise is a LIFE CHANGER. It was the beginning of Roz becoming an ocean rowing world record holder (multiple times) and even the National Geographic Adventurer of the Year!

Please take the time to go through this. Who knows where you’ll end up! And that’s the best part because this process may light up some repressed dreams—stuff that makes you truly you. After you go through the exercise, take what you’ve created and write them as goals.

Step 6: My Bucket List

bucket list

Now that you’ve brainstormed, categorized, and piled up a slew of bucket-list-worthy ideas in this guide, it’s finally time to compile your master list.

Psst! Need some more inspiration? We got you covered with a list of Bucket List Travel Experiences here .

Step 7: Give It A Once-Over

look it over

Now that you’ve finished creating your list, go over it one last time and cut anything that isn’t truly compelling… that isn’t truly you.

And it’s okay to be tough with this because the goal is for you to accomplish your list, right? So anything that you’re not going to put in the work to do because you don’t want it bad enough, nix it. Then, what’s left will be the stuff you’re jacked up to get done!

Step 8: Get Specific

be specific

The last thing you’re going to do is go over your finalized list and make sure everything is specific enough like we discussed earlier.

So go over your list now and add the details that will allow you to KNOW you’ve done them, without a doubt. Now let’s get into the easy process for living your list.

Step 9: How To Actually Get It Done

get it done

Congrats on creating your very own bucket list! And if you thought that was fun, you’re in for a treat because dreaming is only the beginning of living a bucket-list worthy life… now you have to actually LIVE IT! And here’s how:

Phase 1: Create A Focus List 

The big problem with creating such a grandiose list as you’ve just done is that it’s hard to know where to start. Now all you need to do is pick 1-5 goals to focus on, and no more than that. Of course, this can be tough too. So let’s walk through a few ways to make it easier on ya…

First things first, pick one item you can do in the very near future. The reason is that it’ll get you off on the right track with a skip in your step because you’ll actually be accomplishing your bucket list and not just dreaming about it. (You can even use 2 fairly easy goals you can accomplish fairly soon if you’d like.) Another idea is to create mini-lists within your main list so have a smaller, more manageable group of goals to accomplish.

For example, you could create a seasonal mini-list, such as a “Spring 2020 Mini-List,” or a “#WinterGoals” list. Then, mark all the items you can accomplish during that season. Another example is to make a list for your current year (“Nailing Life In 2020”), or one based on your age (“40 Before 40”).

What’s good about these mini-lists is that they put a deadline on a group of goals, which will inevitably light a fire under your butt to get on with them!

And outside of mini-lists and adding an easier goal or two, you ideally want to add 2-3 tasks that need work, so you can continually be working towards them and crossing off the big life goals at the same time as some smaller ones. 

Phase 2: Plan Your Focus Goals

You know the goal, you know it’s a focus, now let’s set you up with the easiest way to eat an elephant (one bite at a time). For each of your Focus Goals, do the following:

Choose a realistic deadline:  It’s okay to be aggressive, but also be realistic.

Create your action steps plan: This is the meat of why you’ll live your list because you’ve created action steps and took action on them! Without doing this, you’ll be leaving it all up to luck and, most likely, time will zip by and you’ll realize you didn’t do nearly the amount of stuff you wanted.

For each goal have a spot for 3 action steps, a title, a due date, and a cost. Many tasks, like “research the smartest way to learn guitar,” won’t have a cost associated, so just leave it blank. But I suggest you do put a title and a due date for each. Then, I recommend you add that task to whichever ToDo List app you may use, or even just to your phone’s calendar, so you can be alerted of these deadlines so you stick to them (we also alert you of your deadlines in the LifeListr app if you’d like).

Phase 3: Get Started!

This new bucket list journey you’re on is exactly that: a journey . It’s not a sprint, it’s a way of life.

And your main priority in all of this is to simply keep progressing. That’s it! What will happen as you work on the action steps of your focus goals will be magical, and your life will never be the same. You’ll feel like you’re living with purpose and intention.

This will snowball into more adventure, more experiences, and an even stronger drive to live the width of your short life, not just the length of it. 

I applaud you for grabbing your life by the reigns. After you’ve hammered out a few items on your list, please share them with us over Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , email us . We LOVE to hear about and brag about our community members making incredible things happen in their lives!

Onwards and upwards, amigo.

P.S. If you want a dedicated place to keep your bucket list brainstorming, master list and focus goals – you’ll want to check out The Bucket List Blueprint!

Bucket List Blueprint

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My Bucket List

One Sunday evening my wife and I started creating a couples bucket list mainly consisting of all the places we wanted to travel and it got me thinking that I’ve never created a bucket list. Sure, I have pretty extensive goals, vision & values, but I had never taken the time to create a bucket list.

So, I opened up the Google Keep app on my phone and started a “Bucket List”. I brain dumped all the things I would like to do before I die (AKA Kick the Bucket). To get more ideas and spur the imagination I looked for bucket list examples by searching for things like best bucket list ideas, travel bucket list, and things you must do before you die. I was selective in what I added to my list but ultimately ended up creating a pretty good size list of things I wanted to do.

Jump to section: My Bucket List | Experiences | Travel & Destinations | Financial | Business/Professional | Couples/Relationship | Family

Tips for creating your bucket list

As I was creating my bucket list I found my “logical” (AKA Asshole Brain) brain kicking in and trying to reason why I shouldn’t add some things to my list.

  • Don’t limit yourself! When you’re creating your bucket list just put everything on there that sounds like something you might want to do, be, have, or experience.
  • Have a list app on your phone so you can easily add items when inspiration strikes. I like Google Keep. It has all of the features of Evernote, but it’s easier to use and I can share my lists with friends and collaborate. You can also set reminders so it pops up daily, weekly or monthly.
  • If you have a significant other consider creating a couples bucket list. It can be fun to daydream about vacationing together, making love in exotic destinations and that once in a lifetime experience you want to have together.
  • Even if you’re creating a couples bucket list make sure to create your own as well.
  • Understand that some items on your bucket list should also be included on your goals list. We’ll discuss how those are different later.
  • Also, make sure to add things you’ve already done!

Add the things you’ve already done

One of my favorite aspects about writing out my bucket list initially was seeing all the things I had already done. You see, I normally focus on the future and don’t dwell in the past, so it was nice to take a stroll down memory lane. This is the equivalent of writing something on a to-do list that you’ve already done and then crossing it off. It just feels right!

A few of the noteworthy things I’ve already crossed off my bucket list are : Fight in a UFC type fighting competition, dive off a waterfall in Maui, get published on Forbes, become a (great) father, start a business, build a successful business, own a rental house, and get married to the woman of my dreams.

A few of the items that are at the top of my list are : Make my company an employee-owned company, give a TED Talk, achieve zero debt, write and publish a book, speak at MozCon, become a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu, travel to Thailand, help inspire someone else to do what they once thought was impossible and many more below.


  • Learn to fly a plane
  • Fly a plane from Vancouver to another destination
  • Invent a product
  • Zipline through a rain forest (Thailand Jan 2018)
  • Fight in a UFC type MMA competition

  • Catch a wave surfing
  • Paddleboard from Fishers landing to downtown Vancouver on the Columbia River
  • Cliff Dive in Thailand
  • Snowboard Whistler, Canada
  • Do a back flip on a snowboard
  • Jump off a cliff on a snowboard
  • Dive off a waterfall in Maui (Dec, 2013 – Maui, Oheo Gulch AKA See even sacred pools)

  • Swim with the Dolphins
  • Drive a Ferrari (Aug, 2017 – Thanks Gongster! Link to video )
  • Ride in a hot air balloon
  • Shoot a sniper rifle (Dec 2016 – Hit a target from 500 yards away)

firing rifle

Travel Bucket List:

  • Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
  • Experience the Northern lights in a glass igloo
  • Dive the great barrier reef in Australia
  • Climb the Pitons in St. Lucia
  • Trek to Macchu Picchu Peru
  • Visit Ogle Iguaçu Falls, Argentina/Brazil
  • Ride on a jet ski
  • Get paid to travel somewhere
  • Travel the world
  • Stay in an overwater bungalow
  • Travel on a yacht
  • Learn how to cook Thai food… in Thailand (Feb, 2018)
  • Visit Stonehenge
  • Bungee jump
  • Drive the road to Hana in Maui (2013, 2015 & 2017)
  • Stand under a waterfall (2013, Maui)
  • Ride one of those Flyboards
  • Ride a horse down a beach
  • Visit the Colosseum
  • Tour the Vatican
  • See the Trevi Fountain
  • Visit Piazza San Marco
  • Ride in a gondola
  • Watch the sunset over Ponte Vecchio
  • Climb to the top of Giotto’s Campanile
  • Climb to the top of El Duomo
  • Take gratuitous pic of holding up the Leaning tower of Pisa
  • Travel to Cinque Terre, Italy
  • Visit the Louvre in Paris
  • Visit the Eiffel tower
  • Snorkel with manta rays in Bora Bora, French Polynesia
  • Thailand (Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Koh Samui – Jan/Feb 2018)
  • Santorini (Greece)
  • St. Marteen
  • Cruise the GalĂĄpagos Islands, Ecuador
  • Swing at the “end of the world” in Ecuador
  • Sydney, Australia
  • Fiji (Savusavu Sept 2018)
  • British/US Virgin Islands
  • Caribbean islands
  • The Cook Islands
  • South America / Brazil?
  • Furnando De Noronhah – Brazil
  • Turks & Caicos
  • Europe – Sicily, Barcelona,
  • Amalfi Coast
  • San Francisco
  • New Orleans

Health & Fitness Bucket List:

  • Achieve a Blue belt in jiu-jitsu
  • Achieve a Purple belt in jiu-jitsu
  • Achieve a Brown belt in jiu-jitsu
  • Achieve a Black belt in jiu-jitsu
  • See my abs 🙂
  • Run a Spartan (Sprint)

Climbing over obstacle at a Spartan Sprint

  • Run a Spartan Race (Super)

Finishing at Spartan Super in Seattle

  • Run a Spartan Race (Beast)

Positive Impact Bucket List:

  • Give at a TED Talk
  • Help teens/ high school students develop positive life skills
  • Do an inspirational talk (May, 2017 – Spoke at VanTalks. Link to Video )
  • Write a book
  • Publish a book
  • Create/Run a podcast
  • Help a stranger in an unexpected way
  • Volunteer at a homeless shelter
  • Work for free
  • Help another person develop a positive mindset
  • Help another person do something they thought was once impossible
  • Help someone become a millionaire
  • Speak to a High school and inspire them

Business/Professional Bucket List:

  • Start a business
  • Fail at business
  • Lease our first office
  • Hire our first employee
  • Build a successful business
  • Get nominated to the SEMpdx Board of Directors
  • Get nominated to the Vancouver Chamber Board of Directors
  • Build an amazing leadership team at Webfor
  • Make Webfor an employee-owned company
  • Have Webfor be listed as a top employer/workplace
  • Have Webfor win VBJ Fastest Growing Businesses Award
  • Be listed as Accomplished & Under 40
  • Get column published on Forbes
  • Be featured on Mashable
  • Get published on Huffington Post
  • Write a column for Entreprenuer.com
  • Speak (or have a team member speak) at SMX Advanced
  • Speak (or have a team member speak) at Pubcon
  • Speak at Swivel Conference (Oct, 2018)
  • Speak at State of Search (Oct, 2018)
  • Speak at Seattle Interactive Conference (Oct, 2016)
  • Speak (or have a team member speak) at MozCon

Financial Bucket List:

  • Start Roth IR
  • Invest in 401(k)
  • Have a rental home
  • Have a rental home that cash flows
  • Pay off vehicle loans
  • Hire a housekeeper
  • Achieve financial freedom
  • Pay off student loans
  • Have zero debt (other than mortgages)
  • Have zero personal debt (including mortgages)
  • Build dream home (April, 2011 – ended up buying it from a builder)

Relationship/Couples Bucket List:

  • Marry the woman of my dreams
  • Be the best partner/husband I can be (Always a work in progress)
  • Show my wife how thankful I am for her every day
  • Go to a Tony Robbins Seminar together (March & Sept 2018)
  • Have/Make great friends
  • Travel around the world together
  • Create our own private bucket list and keep private 🙂
  • Have a romantic dinner with her in all the places we visit
  • Go on a cruise just the wife and I (2011, Caribbean Cruise)
  • Run an obstacle course race together (2015, Rugged Maniiac)

Family & activities w/ kids:

  • Be involved in my children’s  school & extracurricular activities
  • Take the children on vacations with us (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017)
  • Become a (great) father (Always a work in progress)
  • Road Trip Across the country
  • Road Trip down coast through California
  • Road Trip on the Oregon Coast
  • Do the Road to Hana w/ the Kids
  • Take the kids snorkeling
  • Go on a Disney cruise w/ the kids (2006 & 2012)
  • Give them the right mindset to allow them to be happy and make a positive impact (A work in progress)
  • Spend quality time with them doing physical activities (paddle boarding,  hiking, snorkeling, etc. )
  • Paddleboard on LaCamas lake

Additional Info & Resources:

What is a bucket list?

Why create a bucket list?

How to create your first bucket list?

What are the differences between goals and a bucket list?

Some great example bucket lists here:


https://www.locationrebel.com/bucket-list/ (A dinner conversation with Shawn Ogle inspired me to make my bucket list public to hold myself accountable)



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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Bucket List — The Transformative Power of a Bucket List


The Transformative Power of a Bucket List

  • Categories: Adventure Sports Bucket List

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Words: 818 |

Published: Mar 16, 2024

Words: 818 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

  • Reflect on your values and passions: What are the things that truly matter to you? What activities or experiences bring you joy and fulfillment? By identifying your values and passions, you can set goals that resonate with your true desires.
  • Embrace new experiences: A bucket list is an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Whether it's traveling to a new destination, learning a new skill, or trying a new activity, be open to new opportunities that can enrich your life.
  • Set specific and achievable goals: When creating your bucket list, be specific about the goals you want to achieve. Whether it's running a marathon, volunteering for a cause you care about, or learning a new language, setting clear and achievable goals will help you stay focused and motivated.
  • Prioritize experiences over material possessions: While material possessions can bring temporary satisfaction, experiences and memories have a lasting impact. When creating your bucket list, focus on experiences and adventures that will create lasting memories and enrich your life.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Personal Statement: Bucket List

A bucket list is a compilation of experiences or achievements that an individual aspires to accomplish within their lifetime. It serves as a roadmap for personal growth, self-discovery, and fulfillment. Crafting a personal statement bucket list is an introspective exercise that prompts individuals to reflect on their values, passions, and aspirations, ultimately guiding them toward a life of purpose and significance.

First and foremost, my personal statement bucket list includes academic pursuits aimed at intellectual enrichment and professional development. Completing a degree in my chosen field of study is paramount, as it lays the foundation for my career aspirations and opens doors to endless opportunities. Moreover, I aspire to engage in lifelong learning by attending workshops, seminars, and conferences relevant to my field, fostering continuous growth and staying abreast of emerging trends and innovations.

Beyond academia, my bucket list encompasses a myriad of travel experiences that promise to broaden my horizons and deepen my cultural understanding. From trekking through the lush rainforests of Costa Rica to marveling at the architectural wonders of ancient Rome, each destination offers a unique tapestry of sights, sounds, and flavors waiting to be explored. Immersing myself in diverse cultures not only fosters a sense of empathy and global citizenship but also nurtures a spirit of adventure and curiosity.

Furthermore, my personal statement bucket list extends beyond personal achievements to encompass acts of kindness and philanthropy that contribute to the well-being of others and leave a positive impact on the world. Whether it's volunteering at a local soup kitchen, participating in environmental conservation efforts, or supporting humanitarian causes, giving back to the community is an integral part of my life's mission. By channeling my time, resources, and skills towards serving others, I hope to inspire compassion, ignite change, and create a ripple effect of kindness that transcends boundaries.

In conclusion, a personal statement bucket list serves as a compass guiding individuals towards a life rich in meaning, fulfillment, and purpose. By delineating aspirations across various facets of life, including academia, travel, and philanthropy, individuals can cultivate a holistic approach to personal growth and self-actualization. As I embark on the journey of fulfilling my bucket list, I am driven by a sense of purpose, fueled by passion, and empowered by the belief that every experience, whether big or small, has the power to shape and transform lives.

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Norfolk State University Personal Statement

Choosing a university is a pivotal moment in one's academic journey, a decision not to be taken lightly but with careful consideration of personal aspirations, academic goals, and the institution's offerings. For me, Norfolk State University stands out as the ideal choice to pursue my higher education endeavors. First and foremost, Norfolk State University's reputation for academic excellence precedes it. Renowned for its commitment to cultivating well-rounded individuals equipped with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, NSU offers a diverse range of programs tailored to meet the evolving demands of today's workforce. Whether in the fields of STEM, liberal arts, business, or education, NSU's faculty members are experts in their respective fields, dedicated to imparting knowledge and fostering critical thinking among their students. Moreover, the vibrant campus community at Norfolk State University presents an enriching environment conducive to personal and intellectual growth. As an institution that values diversity and inclusivity, NSU celebrates the myriad cultures, perspectives, and backgrounds represented within its student body. This diversity not only enhances the academic experience but also fosters a sense of belonging and mutual respect among peers, preparing students to thrive in an increasingly globalized world. Furthermore, Norfolk State University's commitment to community engagement and social responsibility resonates deeply with my own values and aspirations. Through various service-learning opportunities, volunteer initiatives, and outreach programs, NSU empowers its students to make a positive impact both locally and globally. By actively participating in these endeavors, I hope to contribute meaningfully to society while honing my leadership skills and cultivating a sense of civic duty. In conclusion, Norfolk State University embodies everything I seek in a higher education institution: academic excellence, a vibrant campus community, and a commitment to fostering social responsibility. By choosing to pursue my academic endeavors at NSU, I am confident that I will receive the support, guidance, and resources necessary to achieve my goals and make a difference in the world....

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Personal Statement For International Relations

As a young person growing up in an increasingly interconnected world, my fascination with international relations stems from witnessing the complexities and dynamics of global interactions. I am particularly intrigued by how diplomatic engagements, economic policies, and cultural exchanges shape international affairs. This passion has been the driving force behind my decision to pursue a degree in International Relations. From a very early age, I have been acutely aware of the impact of global issues on local realities. This awareness was sparked during a family trip to a refugee camp, where I first encountered the direct outcomes of political strife and environmental crises. The stories I heard and the resilience I observed left a profound impression on me, propelling me to seek a deeper understanding of the underlying causes of such global challenges. This experience instilled in me a sense of responsibility to contribute positively to the world and led to my involvement in various Model United Nations conferences. These experiences not only honed my diplomatic skills but also deepened my knowledge of international law and the United Nations' role in global governance. My academic journey has been rigorously aligned with my career aspirations. I have consistently excelled in subjects like history and economics, which are foundational to the study of international relations. Additionally, I have taken advanced courses in foreign languages, understanding that language is a vital tool in international diplomacy. My linguistic capabilities enable me to engage directly with diverse cultures and viewpoints, a critical skill in international negotiations. Furthermore, my internships at non-governmental organizations and local government bodies have provided practical insights into the mechanisms of policy-making and the importance of sustainable development. These experiences have underscored the significance of a multidisciplinary approach in addressing international issues, reinforcing my desire to study International Relations. At university, I aim to specialize in diplomacy and peace studies, with a keen interest in the role of international organizations in conflict resolution and peacebuilding. I am eager to bring my background, skills, and unwavering commitment to your esteemed program, confident that I will contribute meaningfully to the academic community. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to learn from distinguished faculty and international peers, which will further enrich my perspective and enhance my ability to make a positive impact in the field of international relations. Pursuing this degree is not just an academic goal for me but a pivotal step towards fulfilling my aspiration to foster a more peaceful, understanding, and cooperative global community....

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How to Make a Bucket List

Updated 17 March 2023

Subject Goals

Downloads 57

Category Life

Topic Bucket List

A bucket list is a collection of goals, dreams and aspirations that you want to accomplish in your lifetime. It's a great way to get inspired and start planning for the future. It can also help you stay focused and motivated to reach your goals, and it can be a fun way to make memories.

A bucket list can be as simple or elaborate as you want it to be, but the key is to have some sort of structure. Some people like to keep their lists private, while others use apps or websites to track them and share with family and friends. If you're not sure how to go about making your own list, check out our step-by-step guide to creating a bucket list.

When to Create a Bucket List

It's always a good idea to start your bucket list when you're feeling happy and content with your life. You'll find that it makes the list more manageable and easier to stick to.

If you're having a hard time thinking of ideas for your bucket list, try doing some brainstorming with your friends or family. They may be able to help you come up with some amazing ideas that you haven't thought of yourself. Consider using visual aids when you're creating your bucket list. Adding pictures or vision boards can give you a sense of accomplishment and make you feel more excited about the things on your list.

Add a Bucket List Name

It's important to have a name for your bucket list that inspires you and speaks to your passions. Whether you're a nature lover, sports fan, or just like to travel, it's important to name your bucket list something that has a specific meaning for you.

Having a good name will remind you why you are creating your bucket list, and it will also help to give you a sense of motivation. Maybe you're looking for a new adventure, or you're struggling to overcome a fear that's holding you back. Once you have a name, you can begin brainstorming ideas for your bucket list. This can be done in a variety of ways, including mind mapping or dreamstorming. You can even use a bucket list template to get you started.

Channel your inner child

If you want to create a bucket list that will be fun and memorable, it's important to include some activities that will bring you joy. Taking a vacation, building a sand castle or riding on a firetruck with your best friend are some of the most fun and exciting ideas for your bucket list.

Scuba diving

One of the most exciting and adventurous bucket list ideas is scuba diving, which allows you to experience the marine world in a whole new way. Getting up close and personal with sharks, turtles, and other ocean creatures will be an unforgettable experience that you'll never forget.

Finding a Soulmate

Another incredible bucket list item is to find your soulmate. Having your own special someone is the most rewarding thing you can do in your life, and this is an activity that everyone should have on their bucket list.

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My Bucket List

For example, some students don’t like the word “essay” because it seems like work. So, I used the word ‘letter’ instead or ‘essay.’ I asked my students to write a letter to describe their ‘bucket list.’ My students’ results were impressive (considering that they are exhausted from studying for grade 7 tests).

Photo by Longhorndave

Writing Lesson

In this writing lesson, write a five-paragraph letter that talks about things you want to do in your life.

‘My bucket list’ is the subject of the letter. ‘Bucket list’ is a slang phrase for your life goals. It’s the things you want to do before you die. Bucket list comes from the English expression – kick the bucket – which means to die.

The letter about your life dreams should tell a story, with a beginning, middle, and conclusion. Your letter should include:

  • details about what you wan to do
  • good paragraph structure
  • an introduction and a conclusion
  • sentences that read smoothly

Writing Prompts

Here is the writing prompt to start your thinking. “Before I go, I want to …”

In this sentence ‘go’ means die.

Choose one (or more) of these ideas for your letter: “Before I go, I want to …”

Student Writing

Here are two examples of student writing. They are grade 7 students. English is not their first language. This is what they wrote after one edit. I have not changed their writing.

Dear Grandpa,

It’s me. It’s been almost 2 years since you kicked the bucket. I want to do things you couldn’t before I kick the bucket.

Before I go to meet you, first I want to go to an amusement park with my grandma. You always told me your stories about when you were young. Also you told me about when you hoped to get better and go to an amusement park with grandma. So, before I kick the bucket, I would like to visit an amusement park with my grandma.

Second, I want to go into FNC Academy. FNC is a place where FT Island and Oh Won-bi work. When I go to FNC Academy, I will learn very much and go out to the world. You always wanted me to be a talk show host! I will try to become the legend of talk show hosts.

Third, as you wanted, I will make my sister become a famous violinist. When she becomes a famous violinist, I promise to visit you. I think she can be the next famous violinist in the world.

Fourth, I want to become a scientist. I will make a time machine and go back to the time when you were not sick. I will give you the medicine to make you better. And we will live happily ever after.

Lastly, I hope you come back. I hope you come back and have a nice time with me and do everything we couldn’t do when you were sick. This is the thing I have always wanted. Then let’s meet after I kick the bucket.

Have a nice Christmas,

Dear Santa Claus,

Hi Mr. Santa. It’s me. I am a 14 year old girl who has many dreams. There are some things I would like to do before I kick the bucket.

I would like to visit the DMZ. A school teacher said the DMZ is the cleanest place in the world because no one has been there for 60 years. I heard that there are many explosives but I hope to avoid a landmine if I go there.

I would like to see FT Island in concert. Preferably, a front row center seat. Then I can see them easily. Even thinking about it makes me happy. It would be cool to sit in the front seat and scream.

I would like to go to FNC Academy. FNC Academy is where FT Island, Oh Won-bi and CN Blue work. These are my favorite singers. I will like to go there with J and look around inside. Maybe Han Sung -ho will let J go on a comedy show.

These are the things I want to do before I kick the bucket. I hope you help me do these things. Thank you for reading my letter, Santa Claus. I will wait for your present on X-mas. Bye. ASAP.

2 thoughts on “My Bucket List”

Great idea! Thank you.

Thanks for the super positive comment, Kristen. If you try this writing exercise, let me know how it works.

Rob, the brains behind this website

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My Personal Bucket List

3 Pages 694 Words July 2015

Many of life’s failure are people who had not realized how close they were to success when they gave up This quote tells me to never give up on anything that I want to achieve because I can achieve whatever I can thought and believe in myself, so that’s why I created my personal bucket list. I have many things that I really want to do before I kick the bucket. Although the concept of the bucket list, destinations one wants to visit, experiences one want to undergo and accomplishments one wants to master before dying, is always connected with our end of life. The first thing in my list is to travel a particular place in the world, Ireland; I don’t know why that mysterious country catches my attention. I really dream to visit its landscapes and share and learn all about its culture. I really sure that had a strong connection with English History and its cultural backgrounds. The religion and many aspects of that place really are value to study and of course to know all about it. One of the most important things I want to do before I die is go back to Iguazu Falls, a place that I had visited when I was a child and I really want to experience now that I am older and I would appreciate with a different view this marvelous place. Iguazu Falls, which borders Argentina and Brazil. I visited from the Argentine side. Another thing I would like to make it real is to visit and of course live a few days in the Wine Route, Mendoza, to enjoy both the spectacular scenery, vineyards against a backdrop of the Andes and the local wine specifically the Malbec, who in my personal opinion is the Argentinian Wine. Wine tastings, mystical barbecues and certain customs in that area are similar from ours in Corrientes, all which is related with countryside, horses, lodge and all that. All that have connection with Outdoor activities are in my bucket list. And of course my real passion is here, fishing. One of the challenges of a Fisherman is to catch a m...

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My Bucket List

Most bucket lists include things like skydiving or bungee jumping, but I want to do things that leave a mark, because people are not remembered for the things they never did. To back up my claim that my bucket list is unique, I would like to give evidence. It would be worth my while to save a life as a successful doctor before I die. To be a successful doctor, I would have to go to school, and I would love it to be an Ivy League school. When I am done with all that, I am going to travel the world and see and do things most people only dream about. I am going to live before I die, because I refuse to die before I have lived. I like to aim big, and to me, an Ivy League school is big. I want to graduate from a school like Harvard or Yale because I want to know what it feels like to be the best; to be able to look at the wall and see my certificate hanging there, stating to anyone observant enough to look, that I, Hope, did not just go to school and get my credentials, but that I went to the school and got my credentials. Nobody comes from a place like that only to go nowhere. For me, it could open so many doors to success that there would be no way I could fail, including the door to my long pursued medical career. It may take a lot of time and resource, but it is time and resource I can afford with a little bit of hard work. With the help of my grades and sports (and my ethnicity), I could qualify for scholarships that could be my ride to school. Whatever I do to get there will be well worth it, but just because I am willing to work hard and wait for this particular goal does not mean it is the last thing on my list. Oh no, I am far from done. It is hard to believe that a couple of television shows could influence my life in such a way that it has, but alas, it did. I started watching shows like Scrubs, Untold Stories Of The ER, and House, M.D., and I was hooked. After that, I was drawn to all things medical. I started reading any medical texts I could get my hands on and I could not get enough. The more I was exposed to these things, the more interested I became, and the more my dream of becoming a big, successful doctor and saving lives grew. I can truthfully say that on this goal, I will not give up, but everyday my determination will expand until this gossamer web of dreams becomes an adamant reality. Once again, I must remind the reader of this list that this is not the end, for this list is unrelenting until I breathe my last breath. I would like to be the one who came, the one who saw, not the one who wished they had. I want to see everything my eyes can take, and I want to learn every language my brain can hold. I want to travel the world. On this seemingly endless trip, I would most likely look forward to New York and Japan the most. Forget about the Statue of Liberty. I want to visit the National 9/11 Memorial ,which lies on the exact spot the disaster of 9/11 took place, and learn every detail I can because like Mahatma Gandhi said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” The Japanese culture has always interested me and to learn its language and culture in Japan would be a great feat for me. I want to experience all the cultures, speak all the languages, and see everything. In the event that I graduate from an Ivy League school, become a world-renowned doctor, and travel the world, I will not sit down and wait to die, but I will continue to make the most of the world. Having a bucket list does not mean I am getting ready to die; it means I am trying to live. I have much more to do after that, like maybe writing a book or creating a clothing line. A bucket list is not a bunch of things to do so that you can die; it is a list to urge you to live and not just be. It is a reminder to anyone who took the time to make one that you have to die sometime and you can only live once. As I change my paths, I change my destinations, and this bucket list is a list of my destinations. Like Chuck Palahniuk once said, “We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever. It is to create something that will,” and by reaching these goals, I am creating a legend and leaving my mark: a mark that will live forever.

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my personal bucket list essay

My Bucket List For Life, Love And Adventure

It wasn’t until I saw the Movie ‘The Bucket List’ that I really thought about my bucket list. The movie really got the wheels turning in my mind for what I wanted to achieve in my life. Did I want to just go to school, get a job and lead a relatively normal life? Or did I want to live a daring adventurous one?

The thing about building my bucket list or for anyone who wants to make one, you should only do what you are comfortable with. As you complete things on your bucket list, you find out more about yourself and what you are capable of. You can make funny bucket lists , travel bucket lists , holiday bucket lists , and so on.

I want to share my bucket list for my life with you guys. It may seem crazy, but I am forever evolving as a person and finding new ways to live my dreams.

One of my favorite things to keep me excited about my next check off are these bucket list quotes .

My Bucket List

Visit Bora Bora

Travel solo to Asia and have my own Eat, Pray, Love moment

Take a cruise to Antarctica

Visit all the National Parks in the USA

Live in different states in the USA

Make a scrapbook

Go on an African safari

Give a TED Talk

Fly in a private jet

Build an online business that allows me the freedom to travel and work from anywhere

Swim with sharks

Eat at Zahav in Philadelphia

Take a solo trip through Alaska

Get a tattoo

Have a destination wedding

Live on an island

Make a calendar of all photos I have taken

Pay off all my student loans

See the salmon run in Alaska

Take a hot air balloon ride over Cappadocia, Turkey

Travel with my mom all over America

Visit the Palace of Versailles in France

Host a themed dinner party

Eat my way through Asia

Get a facial

Make a time capsule and bury it

Do family photos with crazy Christmas sweaters

See America with an RV

Write an e-book

Visit El Arco and Lovers Beach

Take a food tour at Disney World

Stay in an all-inclusive resort

Learn to cook paella

Watch all the iconic films from the 90’s

Learn graphic design

Meet Eric Ripert

Get a nose piercing

Relax in the Blue Lagoon in Iceland

Move to the Washington, D.C. area

Boating through El Nido in the Philippines

Learn to properly iron pants

See Broadway shows in New York

Work with my dream brands: Viking Cruise Line, Ritz-Carlton, Four Seasons,

Learn a new language

Swim in the highest infinity edge pool in the world (Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore)

Get certified to sail

Travel with my best friend all over Europe

Learn scuba

Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge

Sleep in a tree house

Fly in a helicopter over New York with the doors off

Become a self made millionaire

Go all the way to the top of the Burj Khalifa

Attend the Masters Golf Tournament

Visit all 50 states in the USA

See the sunrise from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial

Learn to make soap

Stay at the Four Seasons in Bora Bora

Attend a high school reunion

Learn to build websites

Attend a show at a roller derby

See Chapel of the Holy Cross in Sedona

Remodel a home from top to bottom

Rid a gondola in Venice Italy

Meet a celebrity

Read 50+ books in a year

Play bingo in a big hall

Invent something that makes life easier

Mentor someone

Become the best photographer I can and get paid for it

Learn to use a MAC computer

Name a star

Learn to fold a fitted sheet

Visit all the Disney Parks around the world

Visit a black sand beach

Be on a podcast

Design my business cards for a business I built

See movies at a drive-in

Drive the Road to Hana in Maui

Fill an entire passport with stamps from traveling

Stay in a Penthouse Suite

Watch a foreign movie/show with subtitles

See the Tunnel of Love in Ukraine

Spend Christmas in New Orleans

Travel with my best friend from high school

Visit 100+ wineries in Virginia

Ride a float and throw beads at a Mardi Gras parade

Fly luxury first class international

Try Pappy Van Winkle’s 15 and 23 year

Make lifelong friends in my travels

Attend the Cayman Cookout

Dine at a Michelin Star restaurant

Stay at the hotel Wedding Crashers was filmed at

Sail the Chesapeake Bay

Create something in a ceramic store

See the Cherry Blossoms in DC

Learn to fly a drone

Bet $50 on black in a casino in Vegas

Start a podcast

Learn to bake bread

Attend a white party and actually wear white, not off white

Stay in an overwater bungalow

Go on a whale watching tour

Spend a day at the spa

Visit Christmas markets in Europe

Learn calligraphy

Stay at the house A Christmas Story was based off of

See bears in the wild

Take a Viking River Cruise

Soak in the Széchenyi Thermal Bath in Budapest

Hang out with flamingos in Aruba

Drive a convertible to Key West from Miami

Stay in the Versace Mansion

See the Northern Lights

Eat at In-n-out burger

Visit the Smithsonian Museums in Washington, D.C.

Take a trip on a Schooner

Eat a lobster roll in Maine

Teach a class on something I am knowledgeable in

Rid the High Roller in Las Vegas

Attend Mardi Gras

Get wonderfully lost in the Medina in Marrakech

Watch all the Disney movies

Answer an ad on Craigslist

See the Balloon  launch at the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

Visit the pink sand beach in Bermuda

Go to a silent disco

Fly Q-Suites

Visit Maldives

Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

Try and find Nelly at Lake Loch Ness in Scotland

Meet a President

Visit Diagon Alley

Leave positive reviews for companies that go above and beyond

Explore Yellowstone during the winter

Take a flower bath in Bali

Eat at McDonald’s restaurants around the world

Spring break in Cancun, Mexico

Street food tour in Bangkok

Get crazy Caricature drawings with friends

Have a game night

Read the Harry Potter Series

Learn to make King Cake for Mardi Gras

Dye my hair a crazy color

Master the art of the four day work week

Get invited to a show at New York Fashion Week

Have a credit score over 800

Visit the Chocolate Hills in the Philippines

Eat wagyu beef

Stay in the only seven star hotel, Burj AL Arab in Dubai

Have afternoon tea in London

Learn to fly a plane

Work a seasonal job in another state

Road trip from one end of the country to the other

Learn to bullet journal

Write a memoir

Cook an entire cookbook

Get comfortable with public speaking

Make an impact on someones life

See the ball drop in Times Square for New Years

Find new ways to love the same person over and over

Visit the Great Pyramids in Egypt

Attend Oktoberfest in Germany

Go dog sled racing

Volunteer for those less fortunate

Learn to ice skate

Start a family tradition

Eat ramen in Japan

Take a sailing trip through Croatia

Visit Stonehenge

Go apple picking and make a pie

Go to a chocolate factory

Build a house with a pool

Salt Flats in Bolivia

Glamping in Joshua Tree National Park

Learn to fish

Route 66 Road Trip

Fall foliage tour of the USA

Horseshoe Bay Beach

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Washington, D.C.

Couples Bucket List – Ultimate List Of Over 100+ Things To Do Together

Usa bucket list: best places to visit in the usa, ultimate europe bucket list: the best places and attractions, looking for something.


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    This sample was provided by a student, not a professional writer. Anyone has access to our essays, so likely it was already used by other students. Do not take a risk and order a custom paper from an expert. A bucket list is a collection of goals, dreams and aspirations that you want to accomplish in your lifetime.

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    Make lifelong friends in my travels. Get an MBA. Attend the Cayman Cookout. Dine at a Michelin Star restaurant. Stay at the hotel Wedding Crashers was filmed at. Sail the Chesapeake Bay. Create something in a ceramic store. See the Cherry Blossoms in DC. Learn to fly a drone.