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What Should Be On Your Bucket List? A Guide for Choosing Your Life’s Goals and Adventures

Brad couper.

  • April 17, 2020

If you’ve stumbled upon this blog post, then chances are you’re interested in having a Bucket List but aren’t really sure where to start. Well, thankfully we’re experts in this field so have all the tips and tools you need to create your own Bucket List. We have tons of ideas to help you write your ideal Bucket List so you can start ticking off your life goals and make wild adventures seem even more achievable!

What Is A Bucket List?

A Bucket List is a list of things you want to see or do in your lifetime. These are usually things that are new and exciting, that you’ve never done before, but that you want to try at least once before you die.

Many people used to write their Bucket List ideas on a scrap of paper, but now the digital age helps you to create an online Bucket List that you’ll never lose! An online Bucket List helps you track your goals, allowing you to tick things off when you’ve completed them, which enables you to feel even more accomplished in the process.

What Should Be On Your Bucket List?

Your Bucket List can feature absolutely anything that you want to complete in your life, be that travelling to far-flung destinations or simply learning how to do a press-up. Ideally, you’ll have a real mix of things on your Bucket List, including personal challenges, travel destinations, events, food and drink you want to try and charitable deeds that help give back to society.

There really are no limits as to what you can include on your Bucket List, but it can be helpful to break down your goals and dreams into sections to make it more manageable. We’ve come up with a guide for helping you choose your life’s goals and adventures so you can begin writing your Bucket List and then start ticking them off!

1. Bucket List Destinations

putting pins in a travel map

Travel destinations are a great place to start when thinking about writing a Bucket List as it’s likely that you have a few countries or cities in mind that you’d like to visit in your lifetime. Even if these destinations are thousands of miles from home, or your bank balance barely allows you to pay for the bus let alone a flight ticket, don’t be afraid to add them to your Bucket List. A Bucket List is all about dreams and goals.

Adding exotic destinations to your Bucket List helps you to dream big and think about a future in which you’ll be able to afford to travel to these incredible locations. Having goals in the back of your mind – even if they seem unobtainable right now – will help spur you on to achieve the things you want to in life.

The travel section of your Bucket List doesn’t only have to include set destinations though. It can also feature goals like: “travel to 10/20/50 countries”, “turn up at the airport with no destination in mind and just go” or “travel/backpack solo”. The world is your oyster!

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51 Bucket List Ideas for Travel in 2020
How to Travel on a Budget: The Ultimate Resource on Getting More For Your Money

2. Iconic Monuments/Landmarks

a view over machu picchu

In line with travel destinations, you may also want to choose a selection of iconic monuments or landmarks to add to your Bucket List. These may be some of the modern Wonders of the World, icons such as The Eiffel Tower, The Empire State Building or The Taj Mahal or certain National Parks, rivers or forests.

This section of your Bucket List is where you can get specific about your travel dreams, which again, makes your list much more manageable. When you have particular travel ideas in mind, you can start looking out for deals or start planning a trip around seeing something as iconic as the Colosseum in Rome or Anne Frank’s House in Amsterdam.

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3. Travel Experiences You Will Forget

on safari looking at wild animals

When you think about travel, it may be that you don’t have a specific destination in mind, rather that you know you want to have a certain type of experience. This may be something like “go on safari”, “go to Disney”, “see the Northern Lights” or “go on a cruise”. As such, the destination for these experiences can be changeable, as long as you get to do the thing you’re dreaming of.

Picking these types of experiences for your Bucket List lets you be flexible with your plans, meaning that you are more open to opportunities when they arise. Rather than saying “I want to go on safari in South Africa”, simply putting “go on safari” on your Bucket List allows you to be open to going on safari in Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda if the opportunity presents itself!

Of course, there will be certain experiences that are linked to set destinations, e.g. “swim in the Great Barrier Reef” or “drive Route 66”, but it’s great to have a wide variety of travel experiences on your list.

Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Go on a safari in Africa Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Visit The Great Barrier Reef, Australia Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Drive the length of Route 66

Experiences Over Things | 11 Reasons You Should Choose to Have Amazing Experiences Over Stuff

4. Bucket List Worthy Events

Yee Peng (Yi Peng) Or Loi krathong Festival Chiang Mai

Another section that can help inspire your Bucket List is Events. These can be small, local affairs or huge international gatherings that are renowned for being some of the biggest parties in the world! Whether you’re longing to go to a Full Moon Party in Thailand, want to attend Rio Carnival or would love to go to watch tennis at Wimbledon, there’s sure to be an event for you.

Attending events not only gives you memories of a lifetime but is also allows you to interact with different cultures, connect with people who have a shared interest and spend hours in the company of people having an incredible time!

Festivals, holidays, award shows, sporting competitions, weddings, Ted talks, fashion shows and Christmas markets are all ideas of events that can be added to your Bucket List.

Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Attend Carnival in Rio Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Attend a full moon beach party in Thailand Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Attend Wimbledon

5. Challenges That Will Help You Grow

running a marathon

Not all Bucket List items have to be travel related though. Challenges can also be a fun thing to add to your Bucket List. Challenges help you to grow as a person, push your boundaries and see what your body can really achieve when you put your mind to it!

Some people like to add sporting challenges to their Bucket List such as “make a hole-in-one at golf”, “run a marathon” or “get the perfect score in a game of bowling”. These challenges may relate to a sport you already enjoy but want to perfect, or could be something you’ve never even tried before but find intriguing.

Challenges could also be related to learning a new skill such as learning to juggle, learning a new language or instrument or figuring out how to knit, sew or whittle wood.

Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Run a marathon Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Bowl a perfect 300 game in bowling Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Become fluent in Spanish

6. Achievements - Goals You Can be Proud of

just bought a house

Similar to challenges, you may want to have an Achievements Bucket List which features goals that are meaningful for you and that you wish to accomplish during your life. For some people, an achievement may be getting a high score on a video game or watching a box set in one go, while for others it will be receiving a distinction in a course or buying a home of their own.

Each of us are individual, and therefore your Achievement Bucket List won’t be exactly the same as anyone else’s.

By writing up an Achievement Bucket List, you can see clearly what your life’s goals are and then work out the steps you need to take in order to fulfill them. There is no right or wrong here, so start creating your list without fear of failure or comparison!

Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Fully declutter my home Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Buy my Dream House Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Complete the IMDB top 250 movies

7. Food & Drink - It's About Trying New Things

trying sushi in Japan

A more light-hearted section of your Bucket List can be the food and drink section which includes everything your stomach wants to devour before you die. Whether you’re a foodie fanatic who wants to try everything under the sun, or a fussy eater for whom even trying a mushroom would be a breakthrough, creating a food and drink Bucket List can be a fun thing to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

It might be that you want to increase your culinary skills by learning to cook some authentic dishes, or you might just want to work your way around the world eating at restaurants and cafes.

Some foods are better when you try them in context, so why not add “eat paella in Spain”, “eat sushi in Japan”, “drink Tequila in Mexico” or “drink Guinness in Ireland” to your Bucket List?

Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Eat sushi in Japan Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Eat paella in Spain Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Drink Guinness in Ireland

50 Bucket List Foods You Must Try at Least Once in Your Lifetime

8. Personal Growth - Being the Person You Want to be

meditating in nature

Last but by no means least is the Personal Growth/Creative/Spiritual side of things. These are somewhat miscellaneous items to add to your Bucket List but can be equally (if not more) important than the travel achievements above.

Personal growth items for your Bucket List are there to help you discover things about yourself that you might not know, figure out what you want to do in the future or change things about yourself that you might not like or think are best for your health. This could be something like “write a letter to my future/past self”, “give up alcohol for a week/month/year”, “do a digital detox” or “conquer one of my fears”. Writing down these personal growth goals is the first step towards achieving them, and you’ll feel so proud when you are able to tick them off your Bucket List!

You may also want to add creative goals to your Bucket List such as “upcycle a piece of furniture”, “build a treehouse”, “paint something to hang on my wall” or even “write a book”. These creative dreams allow you to think outside the world of work and choose goals that help you to express yourself or and feel proud of your innate creativity.

Spirituality means different things for different people, but being in touch with a higher power or believing in the importance of connection helps your life to have meaning and purpose. Adding things to your Spiritual Bucket List can help you stay on track with tasks that are good for your mind, body and soul. Consider adding “write a gratitude list daily”, “meditate or pray every day” or “learn more about each religion” to your Bucket List, to ensure you continue to learn and grow throughout your life.

Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Learn meditation properly Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Pray everyday Add to Bucket List Add to Bucket List Bucket List Add to Done List Don’t drink alcohol for one year

Meaningful Bucket List Ideas That Will Enrich Your Life

The real joy of a Bucket List is that it is totally unique to you and therefore you’re not in competition with anyone else. You can choose items that feel challenging, exciting and inspiring you to, and you can work through them at your own pace. Of course, some things like hiking Everest may want to be higher up your Bucket List than, say, learning to paint (from a purely physical point of view), but it’s up to you to choose the order in which you wish to accomplish your goals.

What are the top things on your Bucket List? Have you started your list on BucketListHQ yet? Let us know all about it in the comments below!

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Essay Samples on Bucket List

A bucket list is a list of things one hopes to do before they die. It can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and goal-setting. Writing the bucket list essay can be a fun and meaningful way to explore your dreams and aspirations.

There are many different ways to approach a bucket list essay. Some people focus on their long-term goals, while others focus on more immediate desires. You could also organize your essay around different categories, such as travel, career, and personal development.

To write a compelling bucket list essay, it’s important to be honest and specific about your goals. Use vivid language to bring your dreams to life and convey your passion for achieving them. Be sure to include both big, ambitious goals and smaller, more achievable ones.

Remember, the purpose of bucket list essays is not just to list your goals, but to reflect on what matters most to you and why. So take the time to explore your dreams and aspirations, and don’t be afraid to be bold and adventurous in your writing.

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas for your bucket list, try brainstorming with friends or family members or better use our platform to find numerous bucket list essay examples for free.

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Essay on Bucket List

Students are often asked to write an essay on Bucket List in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Bucket List

What is a bucket list.

A bucket list is a collection of dreams and goals that a person wants to achieve in their lifetime. It’s like a wish list for adventures, experiences, and achievements. People make such lists to remind themselves of all the exciting things they want to do before they get too old or run out of time.

Why Make a Bucket List?

Creating a bucket list can inspire you to live life to the fullest. It can help you focus on what’s truly important to you and encourage you to make decisions that add excitement and joy to your life.

What Can Be On a Bucket List?

Your bucket list can include anything! It might have travel destinations, skills to learn, or even simple joys like watching a sunrise. It’s all about personal dreams and what makes you happy.

Sharing Your List

Sharing your bucket list with friends or family can be fun. They can help you achieve your goals, and you can help them with theirs. It’s a way to make memories together and support each other’s dreams.

250 Words Essay on Bucket List

A bucket list is a collection of dreams, goals, and experiences a person wants to achieve or have during their lifetime. Think of it as a wish list for fun and meaningful activities. The term comes from the phrase “kick the bucket,” which is a slang term for passing away. So, a bucket list is all about things to do before you “kick the bucket.”

Why Have a Bucket List?

Having a bucket list can give you something to look forward to. It can help you feel excited about the future. When you write down your wishes, it can also help you work harder to make them come true. Plus, it’s a great way to keep track of your dreams and celebrate when you achieve them.

What Can Be on a Bucket List?

Your bucket list can have anything you dream of. It might be places you want to visit, like Disneyland or the Great Wall of China. Maybe you want to learn something new, like playing the guitar or speaking another language. It could also include helping others, like volunteering in a community garden.

Sharing Your Bucket List

Sharing your bucket list with friends or family can be fun. They can help you think of new ideas, and you might even find someone who wants to do some of the same things. This way, you can make memories together.

Start Your Own List

Creating a bucket list is easy. Just grab a piece of paper and start writing down anything that makes you smile or gets you excited. Remember, this is your list, so there are no rules. Dream big, and have fun planning your adventures!

500 Words Essay on Bucket List

A bucket list is a collection of dreams, goals, and experiences that a person hopes to achieve or have during their lifetime. The term “bucket list” comes from the phrase “to kick the bucket,” which means to pass away. This list is like a to-do list for your life, filled with things you want to do before you get too old or run out of time.

Making a bucket list is important because it gives you a clear idea of what you want to accomplish. It can be a source of motivation to work harder and save money to fulfill these dreams. It encourages people to live their lives to the fullest and to make every moment count. When you have a list, you can see what you truly want and start making plans to make those things happen.

A bucket list can have all sorts of things that you find exciting or important. Some people might want to travel to different countries, see the wonders of the world, or learn a new language. Others might want to go skydiving, swim with dolphins, or climb a mountain. Your list can also include simple things like reading a certain book, learning to cook a new dish, or spending more time with family and friends.

How to Create Your Own Bucket List

Creating your own bucket list is a fun and easy process. Start by thinking about what makes you happy and what you have always wanted to do. Write these ideas down on a piece of paper or in a notebook. You can add to the list anytime you think of something new. Remember, this list is personal to you, so there are no right or wrong things to include.

Sharing your bucket list with others can be a great way to get support and even find friends or family members who want to join you on your adventures. They might have similar interests, and doing things together can make the experiences even more memorable. Plus, talking about your goals can make you more committed to achieving them.

Working on Your Bucket List

Having a bucket list is just the start. The real fun begins when you start doing the things on your list. It might take time and effort to check off each item, but the joy and satisfaction you get from accomplishing these goals are worth it. Some goals might be easy to achieve, while others might take years of saving and planning. The key is to keep working towards them and enjoy the journey.

In conclusion, a bucket list is a powerful tool that helps you focus on what you want to experience in life. It is not just about doing thrilling activities; it is about making your life richer and more fulfilling. Whether your list has five things or fifty, it represents your hopes and dreams. So, think about what you would love to do, create your bucket list, and start living your life to the fullest!

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Bucket List — The Transformative Power of a Bucket List


The Transformative Power of a Bucket List

  • Categories: Adventure Sports Bucket List

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Words: 818 |

Published: Mar 16, 2024

Words: 818 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

  • Reflect on your values and passions: What are the things that truly matter to you? What activities or experiences bring you joy and fulfillment? By identifying your values and passions, you can set goals that resonate with your true desires.
  • Embrace new experiences: A bucket list is an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Whether it's traveling to a new destination, learning a new skill, or trying a new activity, be open to new opportunities that can enrich your life.
  • Set specific and achievable goals: When creating your bucket list, be specific about the goals you want to achieve. Whether it's running a marathon, volunteering for a cause you care about, or learning a new language, setting clear and achievable goals will help you stay focused and motivated.
  • Prioritize experiences over material possessions: While material possessions can bring temporary satisfaction, experiences and memories have a lasting impact. When creating your bucket list, focus on experiences and adventures that will create lasting memories and enrich your life.

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My Personal Bucket List Essay (694 words)

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Many of life’s failure are people who had not realized how close they were to success when they gave up This quote tells me to never give up on anything that I want to achieve because I can achieve whatever I can thought and believe in myself, so that’s why I created my personal bucket list. I have many things that I really want to do before I kick the bucket. Although the concept of the bucket list, destinations one wants to visit, experiences one want to undergo and accomplishments one wants to master before dying, is always connected with our end of life.

The first thing in my list is to travel a particular place in the world, Ireland; I don’t know why that mysterious country catches my attention. I really dream to visit its landscapes and share and learn all about its culture. I really sure that had a strong connection with English History and its cultural backgrounds. The religion and many aspects of that place really are value to study and of course to know all about it.

One of the most important things I want to do before I die is go back to Iguazu Falls, a place that I had visited when I was a child and I really want to experience now that I am older and I would appreciate with a different view this marvelous place. Iguazu Falls, which borders Argentina and Brazil. I visited from the Argentine side. Another thing I would like to make it real is to visit and of course live a few days in the Wine Route, Mendoza, to enjoy both the spectacular scenery, vineyards against a backdrop of the Andes and the local wine specifically the Malbec, who in my personal opinion is the Argentinian Wine.

Wine tastings, mystical barbecues and certain customs in that area are similar from ours in Corrientes, all which is related with countryside, horses, lodge and all that. All that have connection with Outdoor activities are in my bucket list. And of course my real passion is here, fishing. One of the challenges of a Fisherman is to catch a monster of the River and there is a magic and mystic place to do that, The Amazons River, where you have plenty of species to cast. And many of fishes there are the original family of our species in our waters.

The most exciting thing is that you can catch big fishes because the climate and the entire environment help you to have a real fishing. You can use lures to have different results but you have to be prepared for the adventure in the Amazons. I wish I could be there one day. The next thing is probably the most exciting, but still I have wanted to do. To be in the Monumental Stadium and see a Final of Libertadores Cup, between the eternal rivals, Boca Juniors. A match that is top place in bucket lists of many around the world.

An experience which everyone who is passionate by football would have to experiment. In my opinion, there is no derby that will be similar to this one. Argentinian passion for Football has no frontiers and no limits, so our derby is the most famous in the world. The last thing I want to share about what I want to do before I die is donate money and help people with Obesity Care. Despite of the numbers of people who had Obesity, is important to give really support to them, mainly the first step to encourage disease with positivism and with the necessity to change the style of life.

I really had suffer with the disease and I through my personal experience I would help them in everything that will be possible. People become successful when they achieve their goal. The measurement of success is when you either go to the top and complete your goal or you stay at the bottom and don`t complete your desires. I want to complete my goals, so I am going to do all of these exciting and adventurous activities before I “kick the bucket”.

This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly . Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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My Personal Bucket List Essay (694 words). (2018, Aug 09). Retrieved from

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  • by Celes     |    
  • Filed in Goal Setting , Self-Improvement

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101 Things To Do Before You Die

“Every man dies — Not every man really lives.” — William Ross “The only people who fear death are those with regrets.” — Author Unknown

A few days ago, I was surfing online when I came across someone’s bucket list. It inspired me to create my own bucket list and write a post about it at the same time.

What’s a Bucket List?

If you have never heard of the term “bucket list”, it is a list of all the goals you want to achieve, dreams you want to fulfill, and life experiences you wish to experience before you die.

Why Create a Bucket List?

If you don’t live your days by goals and plans, chances are that you spend most of your time caught in a flurry of day-to-day activities . Ever felt that your days are passing you by without any tangible output? What did you accomplish in the past month? What are your goals for the next three months? Look at the things that you have been doing and the things that you’re planning to do next — do they mean anything to you if you are to die today? Having a bucket list reminds you of what’s really important to you so that you can act on them.

Even if you live by goals or to-do lists, they are probably framed within a social context, e.g. performance, career, health. A bucket list opens up the context for your life. It’s a list to identify everything you’ve ever wanted to do, whether it’s big or small, purposeful or random.

It’s just like planning all the highlights for YOUR life. :D Even though I already set goals by default, I still found many new things to do while writing on my own list. It was an incredibly insightful exercise. What’s more, coming up with my list gave me new-found enthusiasm knowing what I have planned ahead for my life!

The objective of creating this list isn’t to create some fear-based mentality towards death. I don’t see our existence to be limited to our physical years on Earth — our physical lifespan is but a short speck of our existence in the universe. The whole point of creating a bucket list is to maximize every moment of our existence and live our life to the fullest. It’s a reminder of all the things we want to achieve in our time on Earth so that instead of spending our time on pointless things, we direct it towards things that matter to us.

Create Your Bucket List

If you don’t have a bucket list, I highly recommend you to create one. How much will it cost? Zero. How long will it take? Probably 30 minutes to an hour; more if you get really caught up in writing it. :) What do you stand to gain? Significant clarity in what you want from life. It’s an invaluable exchange. :)

If you already have a bucket list, take this opportunity to review it. See if there are new items you want to add on. If so, add them in. Check if all the items listed are still relevant. If not, remove them.

Now, take out your pen and paper or open up a text document. Start writing down what comes to mind as you read these questions:

  • What if you were to die tomorrow? What would you wish you could do before you die?
  • What would you do if you had unlimited time, money and resources?
  • What have you always wanted to do but have not done yet?
  • Any countries, places or locations you want to visit?
  • What are your biggest goals and dreams?
  • What do you want to see in person?
  • What achievements do you want to have?
  • What experiences do you want to have/feel?
  • Any special moments you want to witness?
  • What activities or skills do you want to learn or try out?
  • What are the most important things you can ever do?
  • What would you like to say/do together with other people? People you love? Family? Friends?
  • Any specific individuals (celebrities, famous people, world leaders) you want to meet in person?
  • What do you want to achieve in the different areas of your life : Social, Love, Family, Career, Finance, Health (your weight, fitness level), Spiritual?
  • What do you need to do to live a life of greatest meaning as defined by you ?

Come up with as many items as you can. The items should be things you have not done yet. Don’t stop until you have at least 101 things! If you find yourself stuck, chances are you are mentally limiting yourself. Release those shackles — your bucket list is meant to be a list of everything you want to achieve, do, see, feel and experience in your life. Check out the next section for added inspiration.

  • 101 Things To Do Before You Die

Here are 101 items to consider for your bucket list. :) Look through the list — is there anything that resonates with you? ​ Note that the list below is a sample list of things you can put for your own list. Not all of them will work for you, and you shouldn’t do them for the sake of it. Take the items that resonate with you and use them for your own list! For your convenience, I’ve included useful resources (hand-picked by me) to aid you in your bucket list quest.

1. Travel all around the world


Traveling — it’s the single best activity that exposes you to new cultures, broaden your mind, move out of your comfort zone, allow you to meet new people, and experience the wonders of the world.

I’m a strong advocate of traveling and have in fact traveled widely around the world in the past years. In 2011, I went on a 7-month non-stop trip around Europe and U.S. where I met PE readers from around the world and held PE readers meetup in London , London again , New York , and Los Angeles . I’ve subsequently been to Kuala Lumpur , India, South Africa , Hong Kong , Scotland , and Hong Kong where I held PE reader meetups in all of them (except India).

All in all, I’ve spent about 50% of my time between 2011 to 2013 traveling! I look forward to visiting new places such as South America, Canada, Japan, Korea, and New Zealand moving forward.

How about you? What new countries would you like to visit? Here are some traveling resources:

  • List of Countries in the World (Alphabetical Order)
  • Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel
  • Wonders of the World
  • 1000 Places to See Before You Die
  • Insights on Holland — View from an Outsider’s Perspective (Series) — If you’re planning to visit Holland, here’s my 7-part series from when I visited the country in 2011
  • Hostel World — Low-budget accommodation
  • Couch Surfing — Free accommodation for travelers
  • Visa Requirements: Visa Requirements by Nationality
  • Packing: Ultimate Packing List

2. Learn a new language

Foreign Language

Learning a new language is never easy but it’s so satisfying when you are able to converse with someone in a foreign language! I admire people who are multi-lingual — I’m personally fluent in only English and Mandarin while having functional knowledge of Hokkien, Japanese, and Bahasa Indonesia. I hope to learn a few foreign languages — Spanish being one of them — in the future.

Some language resources:

  • List of Languages in the World
  • 12 Rules for Learning Foreign Languages in Record Time
  • How to Learn Any Language — Website
  • Verbling | italki — Language exchange site

3. Try a profession in a different field

What profession are you in now and how long have you been doing this? Is it time for a change in profession? It’s nice to do something different from what you have been doing, and it doesn’t have to involve quitting your current job — you can always experiment with volunteer work in a field you enjoy or start up a part-time business on the side. It’s all about expanding your horizon and trying something new.

4. Achieve your ideal weight

Yoga Exercise

I used to be a severe binge eater (a story which I’ve shared in My Journey With Emotional Eating series) and making the commitment to overcome my emotional eating, live healthily, and lose my excess weight has been one of the single best decisions I’ve made in my life.

Make the commitment to be healthy. What is your ideal weight? Are you at your ideal weight today? What can you do to start being healthy? Some weight loss resources:

  • 10 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight (and What To Do About Them)
  • How To Stop Emotional Eating (6-part series)
  • How To Lose 25kg in Just 8 Months [Video]
  • How to Develop a Positive Body Image (4-part series)

5. Run a marathon

Running a marathon

A marathon is a long-distance race of 42.2 km (26.2 miles) long — definitely not an easy feat that requires training and hard work! Training and completing a marathon will not only develop you in your physical strength and endurance, but also your mental persistence, will, and attitude. Read:

  • 26 Tips for Running Your Best 262
  • How to Run Your First Marathon

6. Take part in a triathlon


A triathlon is a “multiple-stage competition involving the completion of 3 continuous and sequential endurance disciplines.” Modern-day triathlons are swim/bike/run events that are done in that order. If you think that a marathon is tough, wait till you try a triathlon — the ironman triathlon consists of 3.86 km (2.4 mi) swim, a 180.25 km (112-mi) bicycle ride and a 42.2 km (26.2-mi) run (that’s a marathon-length race!), raced in that order and without a break!

But don’t run in the opposite direction just yet — there are many triathlons of varying distances that are completely manageable. For example, a sprint triathlon is 750 m / (0.47 mi) / 20 km (12.4 mi) / 5 km while an Olympic triathlon is 1.5 km (0.93 mi) / 40 km (24.8 mi) / 10 km (6.2 mi). One of my readers decided to train for a triathlon as a personal milestone — despite never having done a marathon in her life! She eventually completed the triathlon after a year of training, and was so proud of herself!

Ready to take up the triathlon challenge? :) Read:

  • How Do I Train For My First Triathlon?
  • The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Triathlons
  • Triathlon Training for Beginners — a training resource website
  • TriFind — Triathlon calendar for America

7. Take up a new sport


Sports are a great way to keep fit! Whether you’re an indoor or outdoor person, there is a sport for everyone. Here are some sports to try out:

  • Technique sports: Archery, Golf, Bowling, Billiard, Skateboarding, Skating, Roller-blading, Ice skating
  • Racket sports: Squash, Badminton, Tennis, Table tennis
  • Water sports: Water rafting, Kayaking, Wakeboarding, Sailing, Swimming, Scuba diving, Snorkeling
  • Group sports: Soccer, Rugby, Baseball, Basketball, Ultimate frisbee

8. Go scuba diving / snorkeling and experience marine life up close

Scuba Diving

As humans, we spend all of our lives on land. Yet there is a whole world under the sea that we’re not privy to! Do you know that 71% of the Earth’s surface is actually the ocean? And do you know that because of the ocean’s depth, it contains about 300 times the habitable volume of the terrestrial habitats on Earth — and many ocean species are still to be discovered?

With scuba diving and snorkeling, you have the opportunity to get up close and personal with the marine life — and see, feel, and experience the vast ocean in person. Scuba diving is one of my bucket list items!

  • Marine biology [Wiki]
  • — Complete resource for snorkeling
  • 25 Best Places To Go Scuba Diving
  • Scuba Diving — Complete resource for scuba diving
  • 10 Top Spots to Snorkel

9. Go skiing


There’s something about being able to glide on snow while controlling your motor movements that just makes skiing such a fun sport. It’s by no means easy or safe — one should take lessons before attempting to ski alone — but it’s worth trying out, especially for people who don’t live in winter countries. I personally haven’t skied before and would love to give it a shot next time. Read:

  • Beginner Ski Lesson [Video]
  • Ski resorts by country
  • Ski resources — including recommended ski equipment, ski wear, and accessories

10. Trek the Inca Trail

Inca Trail

The Inca Trail is the most famous trek in South America and is rated by many to be in the top 5 treks in the world. It starts from Chillca and follows a route to Machu Picchu, The Lost City of the Incas. Read:

  • Inca Trail — Comprehensive site dedicated to the Inca Trail
  • Inca Trail [Wiki] — When to go, what train to take, and what to prepare
  • Inca Trail Esssentials [Lonely Planet]

11. Go horseback riding

Celes horseback riding at Elliot's Beach

Horseback riding in Chennai, India, completing an item on my bucket list!

Since as early as 4000-3500 BCE, horses have been domesticated and living alongside men. While horses used to be kept as meat animals, and subsequently as working animals to transport materials and people, today, horse riding has transformed into both a hobby and a competitive sport. Horseback riding in itself can be a good sport to relax and unwind from the busy life. Unlike typical sports where you are alone or with other people, in horseback riding, you work together with an animal — the horse — and often times build an emotional bond with it, sometimes one even stronger, more unspeakable, than what you have with fellow peers.

More on horseback riding:

  • Horseback Riding — How to Start [Video]
  • Know Before You Go: Horseback Riding
  • Complete Idiot’s Guide to Horseback Riding [Book]

12. Do an extreme sport

I don’t consider myself an extreme sports person, but I like to experiment in life. When I was in Cape Town in April 2013, my host and reader Lizette invited me to go paragliding as she has friends who are licensed tandem paragliding pilots. I took up the offer, and went paragliding not once, but twice !

Celes Paragliding in Cape Town, off Lion's Head

Me paragliding in Cape Town on April 18, 2013. Check out THAT view! We were literally floating in the air for a good minute or two. One of the MOST surreal moments in my life!

The experience was immense and one that I’ll never forget. Of course, if you’re doing an extreme sport, make sure *all* safety precautions are in place and you are with professional and licensed instructors. While the experience may only last a couple of minutes, those few minutes will be some of the most memorable ones in your life.

More on my paragliding experience here: My Paragliding Experience in Cape Town

Get started:

  • 20 unmissable extreme sports (and where to try them)
  • Bungee jumping: Top 10 bungee jumps in the world
  • Paragliding: Top paragliding sites in the world
  • Skydiving: World’s best places to skydive and bungee jump

13. Climb a mountain

Mountain climbing

Why risk your life to climb a mountain when the journey is fraught with rocky terrains and with ever-changing weather conditions? For some, mountain climbing is an external conquest; some find enjoyment in the sport; others see it as a step in their personal growth journey . Whatever it is, mountain climbing is a feat that takes physical endurance and mental tenacity to accomplish, and is definitely a bucket list worthy item. I haven’t climbed a mountain yet but I plan to do that sometime in the future!

  • “ Why I Climb ” — an article by a climber who has climbed over 300,000 vertical feet, 90,000 on Everest expeditions alone
  • Climbing destinations around the world
  • Top 10 climbs around the world

14. Learn a strategy game


Strategy games like chess , checkers , chinese chess , Reversi (also known as Otello), Mindsweeper (part of Windows bundle) are great ways to train your mind. As a child, my brother and I played chinese chess together very often; I also enjoy playing mind sports like chess and Reversi a lot and would do so with my friends and against the computer). I don’t know if playing such games helped me to be smarter, but I know it certainly taught me to think quickly, to develop a plan of action in anticipation of future issues, and to think before I act!

  • List of Abstract Strategy Games [Wiki]
  • Yahoo! Games — Free strategy games and board games where you can pit your skills against players around the world

15. Connect with past teachers

Some of us may think of teachers in a bad light. After all, teachers are often remembered for giving us endless assignments and tests and generally making our lives miserable while in school!

Yet, our teachers are also crucial educators who impart importanted knowledge — and life skills — to us during our early ages when we were the most impressionable. They ensured that we would be on the right path as we entered preadolescence, adolescence, and subsequently adulthood. While teachers don’t always get everything right, their intentions come from a good place and they want to see us win .

Think about your past teachers in junior school, high school, and tertiary education. Find ways to get back in touch with them. (Calling your alma mater is always a good start.) Let them know how they have touched your life.

16. Let someone know how much he/she means to you

Best friends cuddling

In our life’s journey, we are constantly touched and supported by people around us, be it friends, family, or acquaintances. Can you identify someone who has made a difference in your life? Write a letter to the person today and let him/her know how much he/she means to you. You can do this as many times as you want, for as many people as you like. Read:

  • #GratitudeChallenge Day 3: Write a Gratitude Note to Someone
  • #KindnessChallenge Day 9: Write a Letter to Someone Who Has Made a Difference in Your Life

17. Give a heartfelt surprise to someone

Girl receiving a surprise

When’s the last time you gave someone a surprise? :) It’s always heartwarming to come home to a nicely cooked dinner, to have a bouquet of flowers sent to you at work, or to even receive a simple text message from a loved one. Who is someone you would like to touch today? What surprise can you give to him/her?

Read: #KindnessChallenge Day 14: Do Something Unexpectedly Nice For Someone

18. Perform a kind deed without expecting anything in return

Children sharing with each other

Many of us are often waiting to receive rather than to give. Yet for any relationship to work, there has to be both giving and receiving. If you often find yourself wondering why no one is giving you what you want, how about practicing giving to others first? :) The rest will follow.

Can you think of someone in your life who is in need of help or can benefit from your help? How can you extend your support to him/her? Read:

  • Day 11: Acts of Kindness in Be a Better Me in 30 Days
  • #GratitudeChallenge Day 9: Share Something You are Grateful For with Someone
  • How to Have More Best Friends: My Heartfelt Guide

19. Make a difference in someone’s life


Making a difference is more than doing a kind deed, though it can come as a result of a kind deed. When you make a difference in someone’s life, you change the person’s life for the better… permanently. What is the difference YOU want to make in others’ lives? How can you make that happen?

Read: #KindnessChallenge Day 7: Make a Donation

20. Be a mentor to someone

Student and Teacher

Teaching is one of the most rewarding things we can do. No matter how old you are, even if you are in your teens, you are always in the position to mentor someone else — perhaps someone who is more junior than you or someone who is older but can benefit from a particular expertise you have. Mentoring others is also a great way for you to develop yourself too.

Many communities are always looking for volunteer mentors, so check with your local community programs for such opportunities. At the same time, is there anyone you know who can benefit from being mentored by you? Extend your hand to help — who knows, it may well be what he/she needs at this moment!

21. Pursue your passion

Heart in hand

Honestly, life is too short to be spent doing something you don’t love. This was why I quit my day job in September 2008 (during the Global Financial Crisis no less) to pursue my passion to help others grow. I have never looked back ever since — for the past 5 years, I’ve been writing at Personal Excellence and helping people to grow. It has been the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever done and I plan to do this for the rest of my life.

What is your passion? Is it to be an artist? To sing and perform? To be a life coach? To travel? To help other people to grow (same as my passion)? To be the best that you can be? How can you start pursuing it?

If you don’t know what your passion is, this exercise will help you to discover it: Discover Your Life Purpose in the Next 30 Minutes

Some people pursue their passion part time while some make it their careers (or even turn their passion into a business). I personally think that if something is your passion, then you should turn it into your life’s work, because that’s the most synergistic and rewarding path you can pursue. Contrary to common belief that pursuing your passion is at odds with being rich, you can pursue your passion and be financially abundant. I’m an example of this.

These articles document the early stages of my passion journey and will help you in yours:

  • Passion or Money?
  • How To Discover Your Ideal Career: Your Message and Your Medium
  • Overcome Fear Of Loss And Pursue Your Dreams
  • Pursuing Your Passion With No Money
  • Passion Paycheck

22. Start your business

Laptop: Common Mistakes When Writing Business Proposals

Entrepreneurship is fraught with uncertainty but it certainly is fun and rewarding! I started my personal development business in 2008 without knowledge of professional blogging or coaching and started earning more than my last corporate pay within my third year. By being smart, diligent, and persistent in your endeavor, there’s no reason why anyone shouldn’t succeed. Read:

  • Can Everyone Be Successful in Starting Their Business?
  • Successful Businesses Interview Series
  • Million Dollar Tip Series

23. Fly in a hot-air balloon

Hot air balloon

The view of the world as you float away in a hot-air balloon… spectacular. Once, I got to fly in a hot-air balloon while I was in Orange County in 2012… though that was just a stationary balloon ride that went up for a minute before coming back down. My next goal is to have a real hot-air balloon ride.

Read: World’s 10 Best Hot-Air Balloon Adventures

24. Sing to an audience

If you love singing, don’t keep your passion to yourself! The next time there is an event, offer to sing as one of the performance items. Singing shouldn’t be limited to when you are showering in the bathroom. :)

25. Do volunteer work

People collecting trash

Volunteering is a wonderful way to give back to the world. As I mentioned in Day 4: Sign Up for Volunteer Work of the Kindness Challenge,

Volunteer work is one of the best ways to expose yourself to a new medium of helping other people. There are tons of volunteer work out there, from assisting the elderly at the old folks’ home, working with delinquent kids, being a mentor to kids at orphanages, helping out at animal shelters, beach cleanups, and so on. Volunteer work doesn’t have to be some grandiose act. As long as you are offering a part of yourself pro bono to the world (be it in terms of skills, knowledge, time, effort, or money), you are in fact volunteering.

Read more: #KindnessChallenge Day 4: Sign Up for Volunteer Work

Some places to get started:

  • Volunteer Match (for U.S. only)
  • SG Cares (for Singapore)
  • Do-it — Volunteering made easy (for U.K.)

Proceed to page 2 for bucket list ideas #26 to #50…

Hi, I’m Celes. Thanks for reading. Personal Excellence is where I write about how to live our best life as we tackle life’s challenges.  About Me »

  • How To Deal With Disillusionment
  • How To Deal With Uncertainty
  • How To Overcome Anger
  • How To Say No To Others
  • How To Tackle Naysayers
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  • How To Deal With Critical People
  • How To Handle Negative Criticism
  • How To Give Constructive Criticism
  • How To Deal With Unsupportive Friends & Family
  • How To Improve Your Relationship With Your Parents
  • How To Find Your Life Purpose
  • How To Find Purpose After a Hard Fall in Life
  • How To Move On From a Heartbreak
  • How To Find Your Soulmate
  • How To Stop Procrastinating
  • How To Make Life’s Hardest Decisions
  • How To Stay Focused & Not Get Distracted
  • 101 Ways To Live Your Best Life
  • 101 Ways To Be a Better Person
  • 101 Questions To Ask Yourself

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my personal bucket list essay

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  • Lesson Plans

Bucket List ESL Lesson Plan [Free PDF]

  • Posted by by ESL Questions About
  • 4 months ago

Table of Contents


The Bucket List ESL Lesson Plan is designed to engage students in discussions about their life goals, dreams, and aspirations while simultaneously improving their English language skills. This topic is important as it encourages students to use vocabulary related to travel, experiences, and personal interests. By exploring the concept of a bucket list, students can enhance their speaking and listening abilities by discussing and sharing their ideas with classmates. Additionally, this lesson plan provides a platform for students to practice using future tense verbs in context, further strengthening their language proficiency. This engaging subject matter not only motivates students to express themselves but also cultivates a positive learning environment where they can connect with the material on a personal level.

Vocabulary Building

Contextual usage.

1. When I retire, I plan to travel around the world and tick off everything on my bucket list .

2. Her dream is to climb Mount Everest someday.

3. Exploring new cultures and traditions can be a thrilling adventure .

4. They decided to explore the ancient ruins in Greece during their summer holiday.

5. Visiting Paris was a truly memorable experience for our family.

ESL Warm-up Activity

To start the Bucket List ESL Lesson Plan, begin by displaying images of various iconic landmarks, adventure sports, and unique travel destinations. Ask students to express their thoughts on each image and discuss whether they have ever visited or would like to visit these places. Encourage them to describe the experiences they imagine having at these locations and how it aligns with their personal bucket lists. This activity not only generates excitement but also prompts the use of descriptive language related to adventures, travel plans, and future aspirations – setting the stage for a lively discussion about bucket list goals.

Main ESL Lesson Activities

Activity 1: vocabulary building with bucket list ideas.

To kick off the lesson, distribute a list of bucket list ideas related to travel, personal achievements, and adventurous activities. In pairs, students discuss which items resonate with them and why. Afterwards, the class reconvenes for a group discussion where each pair shares their top three choices and elaborates on their reasons.

Activity 2: Listening Comprehension

Play an audio clip of someone describing their most memorable bucket list experience or achievement. Afterward, divide the class into small groups to discuss what they heard and share their interpretations. Each group then selects a spokesperson to summarize the story to the entire class.

Activity 3: Roleplay – Planning a Dream Adventure

In pairs or small groups, students roleplay as travel consultants and clients. One student takes on the role of a person planning their dream adventure while the other acts as a consultant offering suggestions based on common bucket list ideas such as skydiving in Dubai or trekking in Machu Picchu. The activity encourages creative expression and practical application of relevant vocabulary.

Activity 4: Writing – My Bucket List Essay

For this writing activity, students are tasked with creating a personal bucket list essay outlining their top aspirations and experiences they aim to achieve in life. This encourages independent thought while reinforcing vocabulary related to future plans and ambitions. After completing the essays, students can take turns sharing excerpts with their peers for feedback and discussion.

ESL Homework Assignment

For homework, students can complete the following tasks to reinforce the lesson content:

1. Write a Letter: Students are asked to write a letter to their future selves, describing at least three items they would like to accomplish in their lifetime. They should use vocabulary and expressions related to bucket list goals and aspirations.

2. Research Bucket List Destinations: Students are assigned a specific destination from well-known bucket list locations such as the Great Barrier Reef, the Northern Lights, or the Taj Mahal. They research and compile information about the destination’s history, culture, and unique features.

3. Interview: Students interview a family member or friend about their own bucket list goals and experiences. They should ask questions related to memorable adventures or achievements that person hopes to fulfill in life. This activity allows students to practice listening and speaking skills while gathering real-life examples of bucket list ideas.

These homework assignments provide opportunities for self-reflection, research skills development, and engagement with others on the topic of personal aspirations – all reinforcing key concepts from the Bucket List ESL Lesson Plan.

In conclusion, the Bucket List ESL Lesson Plan has provided an engaging platform for students to explore their personal goals and aspirations while enhancing their English language skills. Throughout the lesson, students have learned key vocabulary related to bucket lists, dreams, adventures, and memorable experiences. They have also practiced listening, speaking, reading, and writing in a variety of activities that encourage group discussions, roleplay, and independent reflection.

By reflecting on their own bucket list ideas and engaging with others’ experiences through interviews and discussions, students have gained valuable language development opportunities. They have strengthened their ability to express future plans using appropriate verb tenses and descriptive language.

Moving forward, students can apply what they’ve learned in this lesson to their overall language development by incorporating vocabulary from the lesson into everyday conversations. Additionally, they can continue exploring different cultures and destinations to expand their knowledge while practicing English communication skills.

This Bucket List ESL Lesson Plan not only empowers students to express themselves but also fosters a sense of positivity and motivation towards achieving personal goals – making it a valuable topic for ESL learning.

Why this topic is great for ESL learning

Engaging and meaningful topic.

The Bucket List ESL Lesson Plan is a great topic for ESL learning because it engages students in meaningful discussions about their personal goals, dreams, and aspirations. It provides them with an opportunity to express themselves and share their perspectives in a motivating and positive way. This topic taps into students’ interests and allows them to connect with the material on a personal level, which enhances their motivation to learn English.

Enhances Language Skills

The Bucket List ESL Lesson Plan also serves as an excellent platform for language development. It exposes students to relevant vocabulary related to travel, experiences, achievements, and future plans. They can practice using this vocabulary in various speaking activities such as role plays or discussions about different bucket list ideas. Additionally, listening activities help improve comprehension skills while writing activities encourage the application of grammar structures and creativity.

Cultural Awareness

This topic fosters cultural awareness as students explore different destinations or activities that are commonly found on people’s bucket lists around the world. They learn about diverse cultures, traditions, and landmarks while practicing English language skills.

By incorporating the Bucket List ESL Lesson Plan into their curriculum, teachers can create an engaging learning environment where students develop not only their language proficiency but also essential life skills such as goal setting, self-reflection, and global awareness – making it a valuable topic for ESL learning.

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My Bucket List

For example, some students don’t like the word “essay” because it seems like work. So, I used the word ‘letter’ instead or ‘essay.’ I asked my students to write a letter to describe their ‘bucket list.’ My students’ results were impressive (considering that they are exhausted from studying for grade 7 tests).

Photo by Longhorndave

Writing Lesson

In this writing lesson, write a five-paragraph letter that talks about things you want to do in your life.

‘My bucket list’ is the subject of the letter. ‘Bucket list’ is a slang phrase for your life goals. It’s the things you want to do before you die. Bucket list comes from the English expression – kick the bucket – which means to die.

The letter about your life dreams should tell a story, with a beginning, middle, and conclusion. Your letter should include:

  • details about what you wan to do
  • good paragraph structure
  • an introduction and a conclusion
  • sentences that read smoothly

Writing Prompts

Here is the writing prompt to start your thinking. “Before I go, I want to …”

In this sentence ‘go’ means die.

Choose one (or more) of these ideas for your letter: “Before I go, I want to …”

Student Writing

Here are two examples of student writing. They are grade 7 students. English is not their first language. This is what they wrote after one edit. I have not changed their writing.

Dear Grandpa,

It’s me. It’s been almost 2 years since you kicked the bucket. I want to do things you couldn’t before I kick the bucket.

Before I go to meet you, first I want to go to an amusement park with my grandma. You always told me your stories about when you were young. Also you told me about when you hoped to get better and go to an amusement park with grandma. So, before I kick the bucket, I would like to visit an amusement park with my grandma.

Second, I want to go into FNC Academy. FNC is a place where FT Island and Oh Won-bi work. When I go to FNC Academy, I will learn very much and go out to the world. You always wanted me to be a talk show host! I will try to become the legend of talk show hosts.

Third, as you wanted, I will make my sister become a famous violinist. When she becomes a famous violinist, I promise to visit you. I think she can be the next famous violinist in the world.

Fourth, I want to become a scientist. I will make a time machine and go back to the time when you were not sick. I will give you the medicine to make you better. And we will live happily ever after.

Lastly, I hope you come back. I hope you come back and have a nice time with me and do everything we couldn’t do when you were sick. This is the thing I have always wanted. Then let’s meet after I kick the bucket.

Have a nice Christmas,

Dear Santa Claus,

Hi Mr. Santa. It’s me. I am a 14 year old girl who has many dreams. There are some things I would like to do before I kick the bucket.

I would like to visit the DMZ. A school teacher said the DMZ is the cleanest place in the world because no one has been there for 60 years. I heard that there are many explosives but I hope to avoid a landmine if I go there.

I would like to see FT Island in concert. Preferably, a front row center seat. Then I can see them easily. Even thinking about it makes me happy. It would be cool to sit in the front seat and scream.

I would like to go to FNC Academy. FNC Academy is where FT Island, Oh Won-bi and CN Blue work. These are my favorite singers. I will like to go there with J and look around inside. Maybe Han Sung -ho will let J go on a comedy show.

These are the things I want to do before I kick the bucket. I hope you help me do these things. Thank you for reading my letter, Santa Claus. I will wait for your present on X-mas. Bye. ASAP.

2 thoughts on “My Bucket List”

Great idea! Thank you.

Thanks for the super positive comment, Kristen. If you try this writing exercise, let me know how it works.

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My Personal Bucket List

3 Pages 694 Words July 2015

Many of life’s failure are people who had not realized how close they were to success when they gave up This quote tells me to never give up on anything that I want to achieve because I can achieve whatever I can thought and believe in myself, so that’s why I created my personal bucket list. I have many things that I really want to do before I kick the bucket. Although the concept of the bucket list, destinations one wants to visit, experiences one want to undergo and accomplishments one wants to master before dying, is always connected with our end of life. The first thing in my list is to travel a particular place in the world, Ireland; I don’t know why that mysterious country catches my attention. I really dream to visit its landscapes and share and learn all about its culture. I really sure that had a strong connection with English History and its cultural backgrounds. The religion and many aspects of that place really are value to study and of course to know all about it. One of the most important things I want to do before I die is go back to Iguazu Falls, a place that I had visited when I was a child and I really want to experience now that I am older and I would appreciate with a different view this marvelous place. Iguazu Falls, which borders Argentina and Brazil. I visited from the Argentine side. Another thing I would like to make it real is to visit and of course live a few days in the Wine Route, Mendoza, to enjoy both the spectacular scenery, vineyards against a backdrop of the Andes and the local wine specifically the Malbec, who in my personal opinion is the Argentinian Wine. Wine tastings, mystical barbecues and certain customs in that area are similar from ours in Corrientes, all which is related with countryside, horses, lodge and all that. All that have connection with Outdoor activities are in my bucket list. And of course my real passion is here, fishing. One of the challenges of a Fisherman is to catch a m...

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Ruben Gallego and the Fight for Arizona

A black-and-white photo of Ruben Gallego at a podium giving a speech with U.S. and Arizona flags behind him.

By Tom Zoellner

Mr. Zoellner is a journalist and a fifth-generation Arizonan. He wrote from Phoenix.

Arizona has become an epicenter of political discord and conflict over issues that have roiled the national discourse. In the fall, the outrage over an abortion ban from 1864 and a potential ballot initiative on the issue are likely to motivate Democrats, and the outrage over chaos at the border is likely to motivate Republicans.

The margins in recent elections have been razor-thin: Purple Arizona is very much up for grabs in this election and beyond. Democrats might be thinking about building on their success in recent elections to secure the state as a future Sun Belt bulwark. Republicans want to re-establish dominance in the state.

Democrats are hoping that future may be embodied by Representative Ruben Gallego, who is running for a Senate seat to replace Kyrsten Sinema. Kari Lake is his likely Republican opponent.

Arizona may be offering a peek at the future of American politics, and the outcome of the Senate race will offer evidence for Arizona’s trajectory: Will the state continue to shade blue, as its older conservative base ages, or will it act like a Texas or Florida, with a red conservative attitude and blue pockets in the cities?

Mr. Gallego neatly personifies some of the state’s emerging demographic trends. Once a progressive, he now presents himself as a centrist Democrat who is young, Hispanic and — importantly — a striver who came here from the Midwest without connections, money or roots in Arizona. Since territorial days, a big part of Arizona’s pitch to the rest of the country is how friendly it is to newcomers, despite the heat and cactus thorns. You can move here cold and get plugged in fast.

The easy on-ramp also applies to politics. Arizona has historically sent lots of people to state and federal office who seemingly moved here yesterday, and the migratory badge is worn with pride. During the 2020 State of the State address, Gov. Doug Ducey proclaimed himself “a kid from Toledo” and noted that over 70 percent of the adults in Arizona weren’t born there. He asked the assembled legislators who else came from elsewhere. Hands shot up all over the chamber.

Mr. Gallego, a Marine Corps veteran, found a marketing job here in March 2006. It allowed him to be closer to his future wife, Kate (who would later become the mayor of Phoenix).

“My life fit into two seabags in the back of my beat-up 1998 Jeep Cherokee,” he wrote in his memoir. He was soon working for a candidate for the Phoenix City Council, organizing volunteers into military-style “fireteams” to go door-knocking in the summer heat. They won. Within a few years, Mr. Gallego was in the state House of Representatives, and then four years after that, in Congress, representing South Phoenix, which was one of the most economically hard-hit sections of the state.

The voter registration trendlines aren’t good for Mr. Gallego’s party. Democrats suffered a net loss of more than 61,700 in the past four years, compared with a more than 76,400 pickup by the Republicans and a gain of some 138,000 for independents and other registrations.

The state in-migration, in other words, is not a wind at Mr. Gallego’s back, contrary to beliefs that liberal Californians or Pacific Northwesterners moving to Arizona are turning the state blue.

“So many of these domestic migrants are mad about something they left behind: crime spun out of control, houses got too expensive, traffic got terrible, and they dropped their Democratic membership cards when they got to Arizona,” said Stacy Pearson of Lumen Strategies, a Phoenix consulting group that mainly works for Democrats (though not Mr. Gallego). “Even the most socially liberal Democrat wants the government to do something about crime and immigration. They are genuinely angry.”

Polling conducted by Noble Predictive Insights in February showed that among Arizona independents, immigration and inflation were the top concerns, with abortion further down the list behind education, health care and climate change.

These opinion patterns typically favor Republicans, but Mr. Gallego may get lucky in running against a relatively weak opponent, Ms. Lake. Another transplant, she moved here from Iowa and spent more than two decades as a television news anchor before running a smashmouth campaign for governor in 2022 that ended in a flurry of lies about a stolen election. She has been all over the place on the state’s abortion ban, which has the religious right worried about her commitment to its signature cause, and she has struggled with fund-raising after a long history of alienating the business-minded establishment faction of the state Republican Party.

Still, polling averages suggest a close race . (A recent Times/Siena poll put Mr. Gallego up by four points.) He is half Colombian and half Mexican, which certainly helps in a state where Hispanics are projected to be the largest ethnic group by 2045. The prevailing sentiment among this crucial voting bloc is still Democratic, though with a persistent malaise among younger voters and a heavy lacing of Latino support for Mr. Trump. The G.O.P.’s traditional message of faith, family and free enterprise sits well with the sensibilities of many Hispanic newcomers.

Mr. Gallego’s path to the seat may have been epitomized by another military migrant to the state who propelled himself into Congress within two years of arrival: Senator John McCain.

Mr. McCain used to joke about getting lost on the way to his own rallies. He also defined himself as an ideologically flexible moderate Republican — a “maverick” — with appeal to centrist Democrats wary of party orthodoxy. Ms. Sinema won her own Senate seat with a similar tack-to-the-middle formula in 2018.

In 2022, Senator Mark Kelly (another combat veteran who moved to Arizona because it was home to his wife) made an echo of Mr. McCain’s heterodox profile and conspicuous disdain of money in politics.

The key to Arizona politics lies in finding the squishy and slightly reddish group of voters who call themselves independents — the roughly one-third of the electorate who profess disgust with both parties but nevertheless care enough to stay registered. They turn out every two years in reliably erratic ways, often focused on single issues like guns or public schools.

“They have no meetings, no candidates and no T-shirts,” said Kevin DeMenna, a longtime consultant who works mainly for Republicans. “This is the cul-de-sac of voters who are taking a timeout. And that’s the governing center of Arizona. It makes it very difficult to talk to the whole population.”

Whether Mr. Gallego can peel off some of the 1.6 million voters who went for Mr. Trump in 2020 may not be as crucial as the appeal to the independent-minded within the flow of recent arrivals. Mr. Gallego has the kind of personal qualities that map well onto the ambitions of both the white and the Latino working class: impoverished background, hard work, defiant attitude, military, first-generation college.

“Lying on the floor of our apartment one night, hungry and tired because I worked after school earning money to help my mother pay for things, I told myself this was not who I was,” he wrote in his autobiography. “I was not going to be poor trash the rest of my life. I was going to college, no matter what it took.”

Mr. Gallego’s future most likely involves that most Arizona of maneuvers: yet another reinvention. He will have to distance himself from a previously liberal record in the Congress, probably say at least a few unkind words about Joe Biden and ease up on the hot-tempered and progressive persona that characterized his first years in elective office. He made a point of sounding hawkish in his support for the now-scuttled bill to toughen border security.

Beyond his pro-choice position in a state where many voters of both parties were left terrified by the draconian 1864 abortion ban, Mr. Gallego is also likely to emphasize lunch-bucket issues like prescription drug costs, affordable housing and further investments in semiconductor production, which have already brought a mammoth manufacturing plant to the north edge of Phoenix. He must steer between the extremes, stay reasonable-looking and eschew labels.

“The way you win a statewide race is to disavow most things that Democrats do nationally,” Stan Barnes, a Republican consultant, said. “That’s how Sinema and Kelly did it. You don’t talk about Democratic themes. You talk about Arizona themes.”

If Mr. Gallego succeeds not only in winning the seat against Ms. Lake but also in dealing a convincing blow to the MAGA minority she represents, it would be one indication that Arizona — while retaining its unpredictable independent edge — is moving more in the direction of California than of Texas.

Tom Zoellner is a journalist and the author of “ Rim to River : Looking Into the Heart of Arizona.”

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    Ruben Gallego and the Fight for Arizona. Mr. Zoellner is a journalist and a fifth-generation Arizonan. He wrote from Phoenix. Arizona has become an epicenter of political discord and conflict over ...