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renewable energy

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alternative sources of energy essay in english

renewable energy , usable energy derived from replenishable sources such as the Sun ( solar energy ), wind ( wind power ), rivers ( hydroelectric power ), hot springs ( geothermal energy ), tides ( tidal power ), and biomass ( biofuels ).

The transition to renewable energy explained by Phil the Fixer

At the beginning of the 21st century, about 80 percent of the world’s energy supply was derived from fossil fuels such as coal , petroleum , and natural gas . Fossil fuels are finite resources; most estimates suggest that the proven reserves of oil are large enough to meet global demand at least until the middle of the 21st century. Fossil fuel combustion has a number of negative environmental consequences. Fossil-fueled power plants emit air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide , particulate matter , nitrogen oxides, and toxic chemicals (heavy metals: mercury , chromium , and arsenic ), and mobile sources, such as fossil-fueled vehicles, emit nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide , and particulate matter. Exposure to these pollutants can cause heart disease , asthma , and other human health problems. In addition, emissions from fossil fuel combustion are responsible for acid rain , which has led to the acidification of many lakes and consequent damage to aquatic life, leaf damage in many forests, and the production of smog in or near many urban areas. Furthermore, the burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), one of the main greenhouse gases that cause global warming .

Combination shot of Grinnell Glacier taken from the summit of Mount Gould, Glacier National Park, Montana in the years 1938, 1981, 1998 and 2006.

In contrast, renewable energy sources accounted for nearly 20 percent of global energy consumption at the beginning of the 21st century, largely from traditional uses of biomass such as wood for heating and cooking . By 2015 about 16 percent of the world’s total electricity came from large hydroelectric power plants, whereas other types of renewable energy (such as solar, wind, and geothermal) accounted for 6 percent of total electricity generation. Some energy analysts consider nuclear power to be a form of renewable energy because of its low carbon emissions; nuclear power generated 10.6 percent of the world’s electricity in 2015.

alternative sources of energy essay in english

Growth in wind power exceeded 20 percent and photovoltaics grew at 30 percent annually in the 1990s, and renewable energy technologies continued to expand throughout the early 21st century. Between 2001 and 2017 world total installed wind power capacity increased by a factor of 22, growing from 23,900 to 539,581 megawatts. Photovoltaic capacity also expanded, increasing by 50 percent in 2016 alone. The European Union (EU), which produced an estimated 6.38 percent of its energy from renewable sources in 2005, adopted a goal in 2007 to raise that figure to 20 percent by 2020. By 2016 some 17 percent of the EU’s energy came from renewable sources. The goal also included plans to cut emissions of carbon dioxide by 20 percent and to ensure that 10 percent of all fuel consumption comes from biofuels . The EU was well on its way to achieving those targets by 2017. Between 1990 and 2016 the countries of the EU reduced carbon emissions by 23 percent and increased biofuel production to 5.5 percent of all fuels consumed in the region. In the United States numerous states have responded to concerns over climate change and reliance on imported fossil fuels by setting goals to increase renewable energy over time. For example, California required its major utility companies to produce 20 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2010, and by the end of that year California utilities were within 1 percent of the goal. In 2008 California increased this requirement to 33 percent by 2020, and in 2017 the state further increased its renewable-use target to 50 percent by 2030.


Essay on Renewable Energy

Narayan Bista

Introduction to Renewable Energy

In the quest for a sustainable and environmentally conscious future, adopting renewable energy has emerged as a pivotal solution to mitigate the challenges posed by traditional fossil fuels. Take, for instance, the remarkable growth of solar power in countries like Germany, where the “Energiewende” policy has catapulted them to the forefront of green energy innovation. This transformative journey showcases the potential of harnessing solar energy as an alternative and a cornerstone for economic prosperity, reduced carbon emissions, and heightened energy security. As we delve into the world of renewable energy, it becomes evident that these innovations are key to shaping a cleaner, more resilient global energy landscape.

Essay on Renewable Energy

Importance of Transitioning to Renewable Sources

A sustainable future and resolving numerous global issues depend heavily on the switch to renewable energy sources. This shift is crucial for several reasons:

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  • Environmental Preservation: Fossil fuel combustion contributes significantly to air and water pollution and climate change. Transitioning to renewables reduces greenhouse gas emissions, mitigates environmental degradation, and helps preserve ecosystems.
  • Climate Change Mitigation: Renewable energy is a key player in mitigating climate change . Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide, is crucial to prevent catastrophic outcomes such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels.
  • Energy Security: Wind and solar power, as renewable energy sources, provide a diverse and decentralized energy supply. This reduces dependence on finite and geopolitically sensitive fossil fuel reserves, enhancing energy security and resilience.
  • Economic Opportunities: The renewable energy sector fosters job creation and economic growth. Investments in clean energy technologies stimulate innovation, create employment opportunities, and contribute to developing a robust and sustainable economy.
  • Public Health Improvement: Transitioning away from fossil fuels decreases the release of harmful pollutants, leading to improved air and water quality. This, in turn, positively impacts public health by reducing respiratory illnesses and other pollution-related diseases.
  • Resource Conservation: Unlike finite fossil fuel reserves, renewable sources are inherently sustainable and inexhaustible. By harnessing the power of sunlight, wind, water, and geothermal heat, societies can meet their energy needs without depleting limited natural resources.
  • Technological Advancements: The transition to renewables drives innovation and technological advancements. Research and development in clean energy technologies contribute to a cleaner environment and the advancement of scientific knowledge and industrial capabilities.
  • Global Cooperation: The shift to renewable energy encourages international collaboration to address shared challenges. Collaborative efforts in research, development, and the adoption of clean energy technologies can foster diplomatic ties and strengthen global cooperation.

Types of Renewable Energy

Sources naturally replenished on a human timescale, making them sustainable and environmentally friendly, derive renewable energy. Listed below are the main types of renewable energy:

  • Solar Power: While solar thermal systems use sunshine to heat a fluid that produces steam to power turbines, photovoltaic cells use sunlight to convert light into energy.
  • Wind Energy: Wind turbines are machines that use the wind’s kinetic energy to generate electricity through wind energy. When the wind rotates the turbine blades, a generator transforms that rotational energy into electrical energy. Onshore or offshore locations often host wind farms.
  • Hydropower: Hydropower produces electricity by harnessing the energy of flowing water. Run-of-river systems divert a portion of a river’s flow, while dam-based hydropower involves the controlled release of stored water through turbines to generate power.
  • Biomass Energy: Organic materials like wood, agricultural waste, and agricultural residues produce biomass energy. Biomass can produce heat, electricity, and biofuels through combustion or anaerobic digestion, offering a versatile energy source.
  • Geothermal Energy: Geothermal energy taps into the Earth’s internal heat by harnessing steam or hot water beneath the Earth’s surface. Geothermal power plants convert this thermal energy into electricity, providing a consistent and reliable power source.
  • Tidal Energy: Tidal energy harnesses the moon’s and sun’s gravitational pull to create electricity as the tides rise and fall. Utilizing underwater turbines allows tidal stream devices to capture the energy of the water’s flow.
  • Wave Energy: Wave energy captures the motion of ocean waves to generate electricity. Wave energy converters, including point absorbers and oscillating water columns, convert waves’ up and down motion into usable power.
  • Hydrogen Energy: Hydrogen, often considered a carrier of energy, can be produced through electrolysis using renewable electricity. It is a clean fuel for various applications, including transportation and industrial processes, emitting only water vapor when used.

Technological advancements

Technological breakthroughs have shaped the modern world, revolutionizing industries and elevating people’s standard of living. Several key areas highlight the profound impact of technology on society:

  • Information Technology (IT): The evolution of IT has transformed communication, information access, and business operations. The development of the Internet, cloud computing , and mobile technologies has facilitated instantaneous global communication, d ata storage , and access to vast amounts of information.
  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: AI and ML have ushered in a new era of automation and decision-making capabilities. From autonomous vehicles to predictive analytics in healthcare, these technologies continue to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and problem-solving across various industries.
  • Biotechnology: Advances in biotechnology have revolutionized healthcare, agriculture, and environmental conservation. Gene editing tools like CRISPR-Cas9 offer unprecedented possibilities in treating genetic disorders, while biotech applications in agriculture improve crop yield and resilience.
  • Renewable Energy Technologies: Clean energy generation is now more economical and efficient thanks to renewable energy technology, including energy storage systems, wind turbines, and solar panels. These innovations are pivotal in addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable practices.
  • Nanotechnology: Nanotechnology manipulates materials at the atomic or molecular level. Nanotechnology has transformed the fields of materials science, electronics, and medicine. As a result, scientists have created sophisticated materials with unique qualities, developed more compact and potent electrical devices, and improved medication delivery methods.
  • 3D Printing: Layer-by-layer construction of three-dimensional items is possible with additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing. This technology utilizes diverse applications, from prototyping and manufacturing to healthcare, producing custom implants and prosthetics.
  • Blockchain Technology: The decentralized and secure ledger technology known as blockchain powers cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin . Beyond finance, it finds applications in supply chain management , voting systems, and ensuring the integrity and transparency of various processes.
  • Quantum Computing: Using the ideas of quantum mechanics, quantum computing can execute intricate calculations at a pace impossible for conventional computers. This can potentially revolutionize fields such as cryptography, optimization problems, and drug discovery.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): The technology known as the Internet of Things (IoT) enables commonplace objects to be linked to the Internet and gather and share data. This interconnectedness enhances efficiency in smart homes, cities, and industries, optimizing resource utilization and overall productivity.
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR): AR and VR technologies immerse users in virtual or augmented environments, transforming experiences in fields like gaming, education, healthcare, and training simulations.

Challenges and Solutions

Addressing the challenges posed by technological advancements, societal changes, and global issues requires proactive strategies and innovative solutions. Here are some main challenges and possible solutions:

  • Cybersecurity Threats:
  • Challenge: Due to the growing interconnectivity of systems and the dependence on digital technology, individuals and organizations are more vulnerable to cyber threats such as ransomware attacks and data breaches.
  • Solution: Implementing robust cybersecurity measures, regular updates, and user education can help mitigate cyber risks. Collaboration between governments, industries, and cybersecurity experts is crucial for developing effective strategies.
  • Privacy Concerns:
  • Challenge: The collection and utilization of personal data by companies and governments raise concerns about privacy infringement.
  • Solution: Implemented to safeguard people’s privacy rights, GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation) and other stricter laws and policies exist. Innovations like privacy-enhancing technologies and decentralized identity solutions offer alternative approaches.
  • Job Displacement Due to Automation:
  • Challenge: Automation and artificial intelligence technologies can lead to job displacement and economic inequality.
  • Solution: Reskilling and upskilling programs and focusing on education in emerging fields can prepare the workforce for the changing job landscape. Social policies like universal basic income (UBI) may provide a safety net during transitions.
  • Environmental Degradation:
  • Challenge: Industrial activities and resource exploitation contribute to environmental degradation, climate change, and biodiversity loss.
  • Solution: Sustainable practices, renewable energy adoption, and circular economy principles can mitigate environmental impact. International cooperation and stringent environmental regulations also play a crucial role.
  • Ethical Concerns in AI:
  • Challenge: Ethical issues surrounding artificial intelligence include biased algorithms, lack of transparency, and potential misuse.
  • Solution: Implementing ethical guidelines and standards for AI development, promoting transparency in algorithms, and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration on AI ethics can help address these concerns.
  • Healthcare Access Disparities:
  • Challenge: Access to quality healthcare is unique globally, with disparities exacerbated by factors such as geography and socioeconomic status.
  • Solution: Telemedicine, mobile health applications, and innovative healthcare delivery models can improve access. International collaborations and investment in healthcare infrastructure can reduce disparities.
  • Digital Inequality:
  • Challenge: Not everyone has equal access to digital technologies, leading to disparities in education, economic opportunities, and social inclusion.
  • Solution: Initiatives focusing on digital literacy, affordable internet access, and technology inclusion programs can bridge the digital divide. Governments and organizations can also invest in infrastructure to expand connectivity.
  • Global Public Health Crises:
  • Challenge: Events like pandemics can strain healthcare systems, disrupt economies, and create social upheaval.
  • Solution: Preparedness plans, early warning systems, and international cooperation in research and resource allocation are crucial. Advances in biotechnology and data analytics can aid in swift responses.
  • Ethical Use of Biotechnology:
  • Challenge: Biotechnological advancements like gene editing raise ethical concerns about human enhancement and unintended consequences.
  • Solution: Robust ethical frameworks, public engagement, and interdisciplinary dialogues involving ethicists, scientists, and policymakers can guide responsible biotechnological development.
  • Energy Transition Challenges:
  • Challenge: Shifting from traditional to renewable energy sources faces infrastructure, economic viability, and societal acceptance challenges.
  • Solution: Government incentives, public awareness campaigns, and investment in research and development can accelerate the transition. Community involvement and stakeholder engagement are critical for successful adoption.

Global Initiatives and Policies

Global initiatives and policies play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of technological, economic, and environmental progress. These initiatives often reflect the collective effort of nations to address shared challenges and promote cooperation in various domains. Here are some notable global initiatives and policies:

  • Paris Agreement: Global leaders reached a global agreement to keep the rise in temperature to less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Nations aim to enhance climate resilience while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The 17 goals address global issues, including poverty, inequality, and environmental sustainability. Goal 7 targets explicitly affordable and clean energy, promoting the transition to renewable sources.
  • IRENA(International Renewable Energy Agency): An intergovernmental organization promoting the widespread use of renewable energy. IRENA facilitates cooperation among nations, provides policy advice, and supports capacity building for renewable energy projects.
  • Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM): A forum bringing together energy ministers from various nations to promote clean energy policies, share best practices, and collaborate on initiatives to advance the global transition to low-carbon technologies.
  • Mission Innovation: A global initiative involving 24 countries and the European Union, committed to doubling public investment in clean energy research and development over five years. It aims to accelerate innovation and make clean energy more affordable.
  • European Green Deal: An ambitious EU policy framework aiming for climate neutrality by 2050. It describes plans to lower greenhouse gas emissions, support renewable energy, and completely revamp the European economy.
  • Renewable Energy Policies at National Levels: Many countries have established specific policies and targets to promote renewable energy adoption. Examples include Germany’s Energiewende, India’s National Solar Mission, and China’s commitment to peak carbon emissions by 2030.
  • Power Africa: An initiative by the U.S. government to increase access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa. Its main objectives are to encourage investment in the region’s power sector and to facilitate the development of renewable energy projects.
  • Global Geothermal Alliance: Launched at COP21, the alliance promotes geothermal energy deployment worldwide. It encourages collaboration between governments, development partners, and the private sector to harness the potential of geothermal resources.
  • ESMAP (World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program): ESMAP supports developing countries in building sustainable energy systems. It provides technical assistance, policy advice, and financial support for projects promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Case Studies

  • Germany’s Energiewende: Germany’s ambitious energy transition, known as Energiewende, aims to shift from conventional energy sources to renewable energy. The country has made significant investments in wind and solar energy, enacted energy-saving measures, and plans to phase out nuclear power. The Energiewende case study exemplifies the integration of renewables into the energy mix and the challenges of maintaining grid balance during this transition.
  • China’s Renewable Energy Expansion: China has become a global leader in renewable energy deployment. The country has significantly invested in wind and solar energy projects, increasing capacity. The case study explores China’s policy incentives, market dynamics, and technological advancements that have facilitated its rapid expansion in the renewable energy sector.
  • Denmark’s Wind Power Success: Denmark has been a pioneer in wind energy, with wind power contributing significantly to its electricity generation. The case study delves into Denmark’s wind energy policies, including favorable regulatory frameworks, community engagement, and advancements in wind turbine technology. It highlights the economic and environmental benefits of widespread wind power adoption.
  • California’s Renewable Energy Leadership: In the US, California has used renewable energy. The state’s case study examines its aggressive renewable portfolio standards, innovative policies promoting solar power, and the role of technology companies in driving clean energy initiatives. California’s experience demonstrates the potential for subnational entities to lead in renewable energy transitions.
  • Rural Electrification in India through Solar Power: India’s case study focuses on rural electrification efforts using solar power. Initiatives like the National Solar Mission and off-grid solar projects have brought electricity to remote areas, transforming lives and fostering economic development. The study explores the challenges faced and lessons learned in scaling up solar energy access in a diverse and populous country.
  • Costa Rica’s Renewable Energy Achievement: Costa Rica stands out for achieving high levels of renewable energy generation, primarily from hydropower, wind, and geothermal sources. The case study examines the country’s commitment to environmental sustainability, policies promoting clean energy, and the role of hydropower in maintaining a reliable and renewable energy supply.
  • South Australia’s Grid Transformation: South Australia’s case study illustrates its transition to a renewable energy-dominant grid. The state has faced challenges related to grid stability and intermittency but has also demonstrated successful integration of wind and solar power. The study delves into the policy measures, technological solutions, and lessons learned in South Australia’s journey toward a low-carbon energy system.
  • Morocco’s Concentrated Solar Power Project: Morocco’s case study focuses on the Noor Ouarzazate Solar Complex, one of the world’s most significant concentrated solar power projects. The initiative aims to harness solar energy for electricity generation, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and contribute to national energy security. The study explores the project’s technological innovations, financing models, and the impact on Morocco’s energy landscape.

Future Prospects

The future of energy holds exciting possibilities as technological advancements and evolving societal priorities shape the landscape. Several key prospects are likely to influence the trajectory of the global energy sector:

  • Emerging Technologies: Ongoing research and development in renewable energy technologies will likely yield breakthroughs in efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and energy storage. Innovations such as advanced solar cells, next-generation wind turbines, and novel energy storage solutions will be crucial in shaping the future energy landscape.
  • Tidal and Wave Energy: Tidal and wave energy, largely untapped at present, hold significant potential for sustainable power generation. As technologies mature, harnessing the kinetic energy of ocean tides and waves could contribute to a more diverse and reliable renewable energy mix.
  • Advanced Solar Technologies: Continued advancements in solar technologies, including thin-film solar cells, tandem solar cells, and solar paint, are anticipated. These innovations aim to enhance the efficiency of solar energy capture and broaden its applications across various industries.
  • Integration into Various Sectors: One of the most important aspects of the energy landscape of the future is integrating renewable energy into various sectors, including industrial processes and transportation. Electric vehicles, green hydrogen production, and sustainable manufacturing will likely gain prominence.
  • Energy Transition in Developing Countries: A significant role in the global energy transition is expected to be played by developing countries. International collaborations, financial support, and technology transfer will empower these nations to leapfrog traditional fossil fuel-dependent phases of development and embrace cleaner energy solutions.
  • Smart Grids and Energy Storage: Deploying smart power grids, in conjunction with advanced energy storage solutions, will simplify the integration of renewable energy resources in existing power systems. Battery technologies, grid-scale storage, and demand-response mechanisms will enhance grid reliability and flexibility.
  • Decentralized Energy Systems: Decentralized energy systems, such as community microgrids and distributed energy resources, will likely become more prevalent. These systems empower communities to generate, store, and manage their energy locally, promoting resilience and energy independence.
  • Circular Economy in Energy: The adoption of circular economy principles in the energy sector will gain traction, emphasizing resource efficiency, recycling, and waste reduction. This strategy seeks to mitigate the harmful consequences of energy production and consumption on nature.
  • Policy and Regulatory Shifts: Governments worldwide are expected to implement more ambitious policies and regulations to accelerate the transition to renewable energy. Carbon pricing, renewable energy mandates, and incentives for sustainable practices will shape the regulatory environment.
  • Global Collaboration: International cooperation and collaboration will be crucial for addressing global energy challenges. Shared research initiatives, technology transfer, and joint efforts to combat climate change will foster a collective approach to building a sustainable energy future.

The global shift towards renewable energy is pivotal in fostering a sustainable future. The imperative to mitigate climate change, ensure energy security, and promote economic prosperity underscores the significance of embracing clean technologies. The trajectory towards a low-carbon energy landscape becomes increasingly tangible as nations unite in initiatives like the Paris Agreement and implement robust policies. The successes of case studies from Germany to China demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of renewable energy adoption. By continuing to innovate, invest, and collaborate, humanity can unlock the full potential of renewable sources, ensuring a resilient and environmentally responsible energy paradigm for generations to come.


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IELTS Essay: Fossil Fuels and Alternative Energy

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 0 Comment

IELTS Essay: Fossil Fuels and Alternative Energy

This is my IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of fossil fuels and alternative energy from the real IELTS exam.

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Fossil fuels are the main source of energy around the world today. In some countries, the use of alternative sources of energy is replacing fossil fuels. 

Is this a positive or negative development?

Many nations are now supporting the adoption of various energy alternatives in order to reduce fossil fuel consumption. In my opinion, though there may be short-term economic downsides, this is a decidedly positive development due to the implications on the environment generally.

Those who feel the sudden adoption of alternative energies is a negative point out the financial repercussions. There are economies around the world that are currently dependent on exporting fossil fuels, in particular in The Middle East, South America, and Eastern Europe. Many of these countries are still developing and have few other natural resources or industries that could replace a decline in the energy sector. The economic effects will extend far beyond exporters though. Both developed and developing nations ranging from The United States and Vietnam to China and Russia exploit oil for private vehicles and various industries. Substituting cheap oil for a more expensive alternative might result in economic catastrophe with wide-ranging repercussions.

However, the environmental effect is overwhelmingly more important for the long-term health of the planet. The economic results of less dependence on fossil fuels will cause short-term problems but the issues caused by climate change are also becoming a present reality. For instance, there has been a rise in the number of cataclysmic natural disasters related to rising ocean temperatures and deforestation. Even more troubling are the less noticed problems such as habitats being destroyed in remote areas like Antarctica and the Amazon Rainforest. Beyond the animals becoming endangered and extinct, it is only a number of years before human life is affected. This existential threat is the reason alternative energies are a pressing need.

In conclusion, despite the economic drawbacks of a sudden shift to alternative power sources, this reorientation will have a markedly positive long-term impact on the environment. Governments should therefore implement and bolster alternative energy initiatives.

1. Many nations are now supporting the adoption of various energy alternatives in order to reduce fossil fuel consumption. 2. In my opinion, though there may be short-term economic downsides, this is a decidedly positive development due to the implications on the environment generally.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Those who feel the sudden adoption of alternative energies is a negative point out the financial repercussions. 2. There are economies around the world that are currently dependent on exporting fossil fuels, in particular in The Middle East, South America, and Eastern Europe. 3. Many of these countries are still developing and have few other natural resources or industries that could replace a decline in the energy sector. 4. The economic effects will extend far beyond exporters though. Both developed and developing nations ranging from The United States and Vietnam to China and Russia exploit oil for private vehicles and various industries. 5. Substituting cheap oil for a more expensive alternative might result in economic catastrophe with wide-ranging repercussions.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.

1. However, the environmental effect is overwhelmingly more important for the long-term health of the planet. 2. The economic results of less dependence on fossil fuels will cause short-term problems but the issues caused by climate change are also becoming a present reality. 3. For instance, there has been a rise in the number of cataclysmic natural disasters related to rising ocean temperatures and deforestation. 4. Even more troubling are the less noticed problems such as habitats being destroyed in remote areas like Antarctica and the Amazon Rainforest. 5. Beyond the animals becoming endangered and extinct, it is only a number of years before human life is affected. 6. This existential threat is the reason alternative energies are a pressing need.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically.
  • Finish the paragraph strong.

1. In conclusion, despite the economic drawbacks of a sudden shift to alternative power sources, this reorientation will have a markedly positive long-term impact on the environment. 2. Governments should therefore implement and bolster alternative energy initiatives.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Many nations are now supporting the adoption of various energy alternatives in order to reduce fossil fuel consumption . In my opinion, though there may be short-term economic downsides , this is a decidedly positive development due to the implications on the environment generally.

Those who feel the sudden adoption of alternative energies is a negative point out the financial repercussions . There are economies around the world that are currently dependent on exporting fossil fuels , in particular in The Middle East, South America, and Eastern Europe. Many of these countries are still developing and have few other natural resources or industries that could replace a decline in the energy sector . The economic effects will extend far beyond exporters though . Both developed and developing nations ranging from The United States and Vietnam to China and Russia exploit oil for private vehicles and various industries. Substituting cheap oil for a more expensive alternative might result in economic catastrophe with wide-ranging repercussions .

However, the environmental effect is overwhelmingly more important for the long-term health of the planet . The economic results of less dependence on fossil fuels will cause short-term problems but the issues caused by climate change are also becoming a present reality . For instance, there has been a rise in the number of cataclysmic natural disasters related to rising ocean temperatures and deforestation . Even more troubling are the less noticed problems such as habitats being destroyed in remote areas like Antarctica and the Amazon Rainforest. Beyond the animals becoming endangered and extinct , it is only a number of years before human life is affected. This existential threat is the reason alternative energies are a pressing need .

In conclusion, despite the economic drawbacks of a sudden shift to alternative power sources , this reorientation will have a markedly positive long-term impact on the environment. Governments should therefore implement and bolster alternative energy initiatives .

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

supporting helping

adoption of various energy alternatives use cleaner energies

reduce fossil fuel consumption use less fuel/oil

short-term economic downsides right now how it hurts the economy

decidedly positive development due to definitely good change because

implications results, what happens after

Those who feel the sudden adoption of alternative energies is a negative point out people in favor of more alternative energies argue

financial repercussions economic results

economies finances in a country

currently dependent right now reliant on

exporting fossil fuels sending oil abroad

in particular especially

few other natural resources or industries not many other sources of money

replace a decline in the energy sector substitute a drop in energy-related businesses

extend far beyond exporters though go far past the countries sending out oil

ranging from … to … and … including

exploit oil take advantage of fuel, petrol

private vehicles cars, motorbikes, etc.

Substituting … for changing for

economic catastrophe hurts finances a lot

wide-ranging repercussions effects on lots of areas

overwhelmingly very strong

long-term health of the planet the environment in the future

less dependence on fossil fuels not as reliant on oil

cause short-term problems hurt right now

present reality how the situation is now

rise increase

cataclysmic natural disasters related to rising ocean temperatures really bad storms caused by hotter seas

deforestation cutting down forests

Even more troubling are in fact much worse is

less noticed problems not as apparent issues

habitats where animals live

remote areas places far from cities

Beyond past

endangered not many left

extinct all gone

existential threat risk to their existence

pressing need really important now, an emergency

despite the economic drawbacks of a sudden shift to alternative power sources regardless of the financial downsides of a change to cleaner energy

reorientation shift

markedly positive long-term impact on definitely good for the future effect on

implement put in place

bolster support

initiatives efforts


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səˈpɔːtɪŋ   əˈdɒpʃᵊn ɒv ˈveərɪəs ˈɛnəʤi ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪvz   rɪˈdjuːs ˈfɒsl ˈfjuːəl kənˈsʌmpʃᵊn   ʃɔːt-tɜːm ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ˈdaʊnˌsaɪdz   dɪˈsaɪdɪdli ˈpɒzətɪv dɪˈvɛləpmənt djuː tuː   ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃᵊnz   ðəʊz huː fiːl ðə ˈsʌdn əˈdɒpʃᵊn ɒv ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv ˈɛnəʤiz ɪz ə ˈnɛɡətɪv pɔɪnt aʊt   faɪˈnænʃəl ˌriːpɜːˈkʌʃᵊnz   iˈkɒnəmiz   ˈkʌrəntli dɪˈpɛndənt   ɛksˈpɔːtɪŋ ˈfɒsl ˈfjuːəlz   ɪn pəˈtɪkjələ   fjuː ˈʌðə ˈnæʧrəl rɪˈsɔːsɪz ɔːr ˈɪndəstriz   rɪˈpleɪs ə dɪˈklaɪn ɪn ði ˈɛnəʤi ˈsɛktə   ɪksˈtɛnd fɑː bɪˈjɒnd ɛksˈpɔːtəz ðəʊ   ˈreɪnʤɪŋ frɒm  …  tuː  …  ænd  … ˈɛksplɔɪt ɔɪl   ˈpraɪvət ˈvɪəkᵊlz   ˈsʌbstɪtjuːtɪŋ  …  fɔː   ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk kəˈtæstrəfi   waɪd-ˈreɪnʤɪŋ ˌriːpɜːˈkʌʃᵊnz   ˌəʊvəˈwɛlmɪŋli   ˈlɒŋtɜːm hɛlθ ɒv ðə ˈplænɪt   lɛs dɪˈpɛndəns ɒn ˈfɒsl ˈfjuːəlz   kɔːz ʃɔːt-tɜːm ˈprɒbləmz   ˈprɛzᵊnt riˈæləti   raɪz   ˌkætəˈklɪzmɪk ˈnæʧrəl dɪˈzɑːstəz rɪˈleɪtɪd tuː ˈraɪzɪŋ ˈəʊʃən ˈtɛmprɪʧəz   dɪˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃᵊn   ˈiːvən mɔː ˈtrʌbᵊlɪŋ ɑː   lɛs ˈnəʊtɪst ˈprɒbləmz   ˈhæbɪtæts   rɪˈməʊt ˈeərɪəz   bɪˈjɒnd   ɪnˈdeɪnʤəd   ɪksˈtɪŋkt   ˌɛɡzɪˈstɛnʃəl θrɛt   ˈprɛsɪŋ niːd . dɪsˈpaɪt ði ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ˈdrɔːbæks ɒv ə ˈsʌdn ʃɪft tuː ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv ˈpaʊə ˈsɔːsɪz   ˌriːˌɔːriɛnˈteɪʃᵊn   ˈmɑːkɪdli ˈpɒzətɪv ˈlɒŋtɜːm ˈɪmpækt ɒn   ˈɪmplɪmənt   ˈbəʊlstə   ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪvz  

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Many nations are now s___________g the a_____________________________________s in order to r___________________________n . In my opinion, though there may be s________________________s , this is a d _______________________________________ o the i ____________ s on the environment generally.

T _______________________________________________________________________________ t the f_____________________s . There are e_____________s around the world that are c_________________t on e______________________________s , i_______________r in The Middle East, South America, and Eastern Europe. Many of these countries are still developing and have f___________________________________s that could r__________________________________________r . The economic effects will e ________________________________ h . Both developed and developing nations r______________m The United States and Vietnam t___ China a___d Russia e______________l for p___________________s and various industries. S_______________g cheap oil f___r a more expensive alternative might result in e_______________________e with w__________________________s .

However, the environmental effect is o_____________________y more important for the l___________________________________t . The economic results of l_________________s will c_____________________________s but the issues caused by climate change are also becoming a p_________________y . For instance, there has been a r____e in the number of c______________________________________________________s and d ______________ n . E_______________________e the l________________________s such as h___________s being destroyed in r________________s like Antarctica and the Amazon Rainforest. B__________d the animals becoming e_____________d and e________t , it is only a number of years before human life is affected. This e_____________________t is the reason alternative energies are a p________________d .

In conclusion, d_____________________________________________________________________s , this r_____________n will have a m ______________________________ n the environment. Governments should therefore i____________t and b__________r alternative energy i____________s .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic by watching from YouTube below and practice with these activities :


Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :


Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :


  • How are environmental problems dealt with in your country?
  • What can be done to make people recycle more often?
  • What is the most pressing environmental problem?
  • Is recycling a common practice in your country?
  • Are governments or individuals more responsible?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS essay topics below:

The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other private vehicles.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Essay: Fuel Costs

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Renewable Energy

Renewable energy comes from sources that will not be used up in our lifetimes, such as the sun and wind.

Earth Science, Experiential Learning, Engineering, Geology

Wind Turbines in a Sheep Pasture

Wind turbines use the power of wind to generate energy. This is just one source of renewable energy.

Photograph by Jesus Keller/ Shutterstock

Wind turbines use the power of wind to generate energy. This is just one source of renewable energy.

The wind, the sun, and Earth are sources of  renewable energy . These energy sources naturally renew, or replenish themselves.

Wind, sunlight, and the planet have energy that transforms in ways we can see and feel. We can see and feel evidence of the transfer of energy from the sun to Earth in the sunlight shining on the ground and the warmth we feel when sunlight shines on our skin. We can see and feel evidence of the transfer of energy in wind’s ability to pull kites higher into the sky and shake the leaves on trees. We can see and feel evidence of the transfer of energy in the geothermal energy of steam vents and geysers .

People have created different ways to capture the energy from these renewable sources.

Solar Energy

Solar energy can be captured “actively” or “passively.”

Active solar energy uses special technology to capture the sun’s rays. The two main types of equipment are photovoltaic cells (also called PV cells or solar cells) and mirrors that focus sunlight in a specific spot. These active solar technologies use sunlight to generate electricity , which we use to power lights, heating systems, computers, and televisions.

Passive solar energy does not use any equipment. Instead, it gets energy from the way sunlight naturally changes throughout the day. For example, people can build houses so their windows face the path of the sun. This means the house will get more heat from the sun. It will take less energy from other sources to heat the house.

Other examples of passive solar technology are green roofs , cool roofs, and radiant barriers . Green roofs are completely covered with plants. Plants can get rid of pollutants in rainwater and air. They help make the local environment cleaner.

Cool roofs are painted white to better reflect sunlight. Radiant barriers are made of a reflective covering, such as aluminum. They both reflect the sun’s heat instead of absorbing it. All these types of roofs help lower the amount of energy needed to cool the building.

Advantages and Disadvantages There are many advantages to using solar energy. PV cells last for a long time, about 20 years.

However, there are reasons why solar power cannot be used as the only power source in a community. It can be expensive to install PV cells or build a building using passive solar technology.

Sunshine can also be hard to predict. It can be blocked by clouds, and the sun doesn’t shine at night. Different parts of Earth receive different amounts of sunlight based on location, the time of year, and the time of day.

Wind Energy

People have been harnessing the wind’s energy for a long, long time. Five-thousand years ago, ancient Egyptians made boats powered by the wind. In 200 B.C.E., people used windmills to grind grain in the Middle East and pump water in China.

Today, we capture the wind’s energy with wind turbines . A turbine is similar to a windmill; it has a very tall tower with two or three propeller-like blades at the top. These blades are turned by the wind. The blades turn a generator (located inside the tower), which creates electricity.

Groups of wind turbines are known as wind farms . Wind farms can be found near farmland, in narrow mountain passes, and even in the ocean, where there are steadier and stronger winds. Wind turbines anchored in the ocean are called “ offshore wind farms.”

Wind farms create electricity for nearby homes, schools, and other buildings.

Advantages and Disadvantages Wind energy can be very efficient . In places like the Midwest in the United States and along coasts, steady winds can provide cheap, reliable electricity.

Another great advantage of wind power is that it is a “clean” form of energy. Wind turbines do not burn fuel or emit any pollutants into the air.

Wind is not always a steady source of energy, however. Wind speed changes constantly, depending on the time of day, weather , and geographic location. Currently, it cannot be used to provide electricity for all our power needs.

Wind turbines can also be dangerous for bats and birds. These animals cannot always judge how fast the blades are moving and crash into them.

Geothermal Energy

Deep beneath the surface is Earth’s core . The center of Earth is extremely hot—thought to be over 6,000 °C (about 10,800 °F). The heat is constantly moving toward the surface.

We can see some of Earth’s heat when it bubbles to the surface. Geothermal energy can melt underground rocks into magma and cause the magma to bubble to the surface as lava . Geothermal energy can also heat underground sources of water and force it to spew out from the surface. This stream of water is called a geyser.

However, most of Earth’s heat stays underground and makes its way out very, very slowly.

We can access underground geothermal heat in different ways. One way of using geothermal energy is with “geothermal heat pumps.” A pipe of water loops between a building and holes dug deep underground. The water is warmed by the geothermal energy underground and brings the warmth aboveground to the building. Geothermal heat pumps can be used to heat houses, sidewalks, and even parking lots.

Another way to use geothermal energy is with steam. In some areas of the world, there is underground steam that naturally rises to the surface. The steam can be piped straight to a power plant. However, in other parts of the world, the ground is dry. Water must be injected underground to create steam. When the steam comes to the surface, it is used to turn a generator and create electricity.

In Iceland, there are large reservoirs of underground water. Almost 90 percent of people in Iceland use geothermal as an energy source to heat their homes and businesses.

Advantages and Disadvantages An advantage of geothermal energy is that it is clean. It does not require any fuel or emit any harmful pollutants into the air.

Geothermal energy is only avaiable in certain parts of the world. Another disadvantage of using geothermal energy is that in areas of the world where there is only dry heat underground, large quantities of freshwater are used to make steam. There may not be a lot of freshwater. People need water for drinking, cooking, and bathing.

Biomass Energy

Biomass is any material that comes from plants or microorganisms that were recently living. Plants create energy from the sun through photosynthesis . This energy is stored in the plants even after they die.

Trees, branches, scraps of bark, and recycled paper are common sources of biomass energy. Manure, garbage, and crops , such as corn, soy, and sugar cane, can also be used as biomass feedstocks .

We get energy from biomass by burning it. Wood chips, manure, and garbage are dried out and compressed into squares called “briquettes.” These briquettes are so dry that they do not absorb water. They can be stored and burned to create heat or generate electricity.

Biomass can also be converted into biofuel . Biofuels are mixed with regular gasoline and can be used to power cars and trucks. Biofuels release less harmful pollutants than pure gasoline.

Advantages and Disadvantages A major advantage of biomass is that it can be stored and then used when it is needed.

Growing crops for biofuels, however, requires large amounts of land and pesticides . Land could be used for food instead of biofuels. Some pesticides could pollute the air and water.

Biomass energy can also be a nonrenewable energy source. Biomass energy relies on biomass feedstocks—plants that are processed and burned to create electricity. Biomass feedstocks can include crops, such as corn or soy, as well as wood. If people do not replant biomass feedstocks as fast as they use them, biomass energy becomes a non-renewable energy source.

Hydroelectric Energy

Hydroelectric energy is made by flowing water. Most hydroelectric power plants are located on large dams , which control the flow of a river.

Dams block the river and create an artificial lake, or reservoir. A controlled amount of water is forced through tunnels in the dam. As water flows through the tunnels, it turns huge turbines and generates electricity.

Advantages and Disadvantages Hydroelectric energy is fairly inexpensive to harness. Dams do not need to be complex, and the resources to build them are not difficult to obtain. Rivers flow all over the world, so the energy source is available to millions of people.

Hydroelectric energy is also fairly reliable. Engineers control the flow of water through the dam, so the flow does not depend on the weather (the way solar and wind energies do).

However, hydroelectric power plants are damaging to the environment. When a river is dammed, it creates a large lake behind the dam. This lake (sometimes called a reservoir) drowns the original river habitat deep underwater. Sometimes, people build dams that can drown entire towns underwater. The people who live in the town or village must move to a new area.

Hydroelectric power plants don’t work for a very long time: Some can only supply power for 20 or 30 years. Silt , or dirt from a riverbed, builds up behind the dam and slows the flow of water.

Other Renewable Energy Sources

Scientists and engineers are constantly working to harness other renewable energy sources. Three of the most promising are tidal energy , wave energy , and algal (or algae) fuel.

Tidal energy harnesses the power of ocean tides to generate electricity. Some tidal energy projects use the moving tides to turn the blades of a turbine. Other projects use small dams to continually fill reservoirs at high tide and slowly release the water (and turn turbines) at low tide.

Wave energy harnesses waves from the ocean, lakes, or rivers. Some wave energy projects use the same equipment that tidal energy projects do—dams and standing turbines. Other wave energy projects float directly on waves. The water’s constant movement over and through these floating pieces of equipment turns turbines and creates electricity.

Algal fuel is a type of biomass energy that uses the unique chemicals in seaweed to create a clean and renewable biofuel. Algal fuel does not need the acres of cropland that other biofuel feedstocks do.

Renewable Nations

These nations (or groups of nations) produce the most energy using renewable resources. Many of them are also the leading producers of nonrenewable energy: China, European Union, United States, Brazil, and Canada

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Essay On Renewable Energy | Renewable Energy Essay for Students and Chilldren in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay On Renewable Energy:  Sustainable power sources (or renewables) are approaches to produce energy from (hypothetically) limitless standard assets. These assets are either accessible with no time-restricted or renewed more rapidly than the rate at which they are burned.

Sustainable power sources are, for the most part, talked about rather than petroleum derivative energies. The petroleum products’ stocks are restricted and non-sustainable in a human timescale. The most known instances of these assets are coal, oil or gaseous petrol.

Unexpectedly, sustainable power sources are delivered from inexhaustible sources. Here, we’re discussing energy coming from sunlight based beams, wind or water cycles – all hypothetically limitless on a human scale time.

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Long And Short Essays On Renewable Energy for Students and Kids in English

We provide students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words on Renewable Energy and also a short essay of 150 words on the same topic of Renewable Energy for reference.

Long Essay On Renewable Energy 500 Words In English

Long Essay On Renewable Energy is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Several types of renewable energies are produced by different sources such as the sun, wind or water. These renewable sources’ power consumption has been growing over the last year. They provided 8% of the world’s electricity in 2017, and they now cover 1/3 of the power mix in Europe. Simultaneously, the energy lattice gets 1/4 of the all-out energy in China and 1/6 in the United States, India, and Japan.

Solar energy is inexhaustible in the sense that it will cease once the solar system’s star – the sun, dies. Notwithstanding, numerous individuals keep thinking about whether, from the viewpoint of a person’s ready to catch and utilize sun-powered energy in the long haul, regardless of whether sunlight based energy is inexhaustible or non-renewable.

Biomass is comprised of natural materials from plants or creatures that contain put away energy. The ignition of these characteristic materials produces sustainable power.

Straightforwardly consuming strong biomass like trash or wood to create heat; changing over biomass into biogases, for example, methane or CO2 because of the bacterial movement that occurs without oxygen (similar to the case in landfills) produce biomass.

Utilization of sugar or corn yields to make biofuels, such as bio-ethanol or biodiesel, and blend them in with petroleum products a while later is also a part of producing biomass.

The Earth creates and stores geothermal energy. As such, radioactive materials rotting inside the Earth are transmitting energy. Power can be made utilizing straightforwardly or in a roundabout way this energy, contingent upon the innovation actualized.

Wind power is another renewable energy. Here, the wind’s kinetic energy plays a vital role in making the turbines spin and then creating a mechanical movement. Afterwards, a generator transforms this mechanical energy into electricity.

Several types of wind renewable energies are there: onshore wind turbines, off-shore wind turbines, and even floating wind turbines. But the operating principles are similar for all these types of wind-generated energy.

The Earth generates and stores geothermal energy. In other words, radioactive materials decaying inside the Earth are emitting energy. By directly or indirectly using this energy or indirectly, electricity can be created depending on the technology implemented.

Especially, in examination (Edenhofer et al. 2011) shows that by 2050, geothermal energy could meet more than 3 per cent of worldwide power interest and around 5 per cent of the worldwide warmth interest, hydropower will contribute about 30% of overall power supply, wind force will develop to more than 20%, and sun based energy gets one of the significant wellsprings of energy supply with around 15 per cent.

Regardless of certain disadvantages of the energy, there are likewise motivations to accept the issues will be settled before long gratitude to substantial venture of government and endeavours’ researchers. The misusing and changing over from customary sources into sustainable power assets is a great defining moment. What’s to come is for sure brilliant and will be lit by elective energy.

Short Essay On Renewable Energy 150 Words In English

Short Essay On Renewable Energy is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Sustainable force sources (or renewables) are ways to deal with energy production from (speculatively) infinite ordinary resources. These resources are either open with no time to confine or recharge more quickly than the rate at which they are consumed.

Feasible force sources are generally discussed as opposed to petrol subsidiary energies. The oil-based goods’ stocks are confined and non-practical in a human timescale.

The most known occurrences of these resources are coal, oil or vaporous petroleum. Suddenly, manageable force sources are conveyed from inexhaustible sources. Here, we’re talking about the energy coming from daylight based bars, wind or water cycles – all speculatively boundless on a human scale time.

A few kinds of sustainable power sources are delivered by various sources, for example, the sun, wind or water. These renewables’ force utilization has been developing throughout the most recent year. They gave 8% of the world’s power in 2017, and they presently cover 1/3 of the force blend in Europe.

Short Essay on Renewable Energy

10 Lines On Renewable Energy Essay In English

  • Sustainable power sources are delivered from inexhaustible sources.
  • Several types of renewable energies are produced by different sources such as the sun, wind or water.
  • Solar energy is inexhaustible in the sense that it will cease once the solar system’s star – the sun dies.
  • Biomass is comprised of natural materials from plants or creatures that contain put away energy.
  • Straightforward consumption of strong biomass like trash or wood creates heat.
  • Utilization of sugar or corn yields to make biofuels and blending them in with petroleum products.
  • The world’s biofuels creation expanded by 3.5% in 2017
  • The wind’s kinetic energy plays a critical role in making the turbines spin and then creating a mechanical movement.
  • Radioactive materials that are decaying inside the Earth emit energy.
  • The misusing and changing over from customary sources into sustainable power assets is a great defining moment to us.

FAQ’s on Renewable Energy Essay

Question 1. Name three sources of renewable energy.

Answer: Sun, water, air

Question 2. What percentage of the world’s electricity has renewable energy produced?

Question 3. Do radioactive materials emit energy?

Answer: Radioactive minerals that are decaying inside the Earth emit energy.

Question 4. What does a straightforward consumption of strong biomass create?

Answer: Straightforward consumption of substantial biomass like trash or wood creates heat.

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  • Alternative Sources of Energy


Introduction to the World of Energy

Sources of energy are very important and we perform different day-to-day tasks with the help of energy. Can you imagine your life without sources of energy? It will be very difficult to survive and life will end. But from where is this energy obtained? Are these sources man-made or natural? Have you ever heard about the alternative sources of energy that are used other than the traditional sources of energy? Let’s discuss these.

People started looking for other energy sources in the late 1900s so they could heat their homes, light their homes, and power their vehicles. People worried that sources like coal, oil, and nuclear power were depleting. Waterpower, wind power, and solar power are examples of alternative energy sources. These and other non-depletable energy sources are referred to as green or renewable.

What are Alternative Sources of Energy? 

Alternative sources of energy can be defined as the use of sources of energy other than the traditional fossil fuels (such as oil, coal, and natural gas), which are shorter in supply and which are considered harmful to the environment. It includes all renewable and nuclear energy sources. 

The most commonly used alternative sources of energy include the following:

Wind Energy

Solar Energy

Geothermal Energy

Hydroelectric Energy

Hydrogen Energy

Nuclear Energy

Tidal Energy

The above-listed sources of energy are explained below:

Uses of Alternative Sources of Energy

1. wind energy.

In this source of energy, the wind is used for producing electricity by making use of the kinetic energy created by air in motion.

Wind Energy

2. Solar Energy

In this source of energy, the radiation from the Sun is used which is capable of producing heat, causing chemical reactions, and generating electricity.

Solar Energy

3. Geothermal Energy

It is a source of energy that is taken from the Earth’s core. It comes from the heat which is generated during the original formation of the planet.

Geothermal Energy

4. Bioenergy

In this source of energy electricity and gas are generated from the organic matter known as biomass. Bioenergy is one of the resources available to help meet the demand for energy, it includes electricity, heat and transportation fuel. 


5. Hydroelectric Energy

It is a source of energy that is obtained by falling water from high potential to low potential as potential is defined to flow down from a certain height. It is a form of energy that harnesses the power of water in motion—such as water flowing over a waterfall—to generate electricity.

Importance of Alternative Sources of Energy

The importance of alternative sources of energy are discussed below:

Protects the Environment: Alternative sources of energy help to protect the environment and give it the opportunity to regenerate.

Helps in Providing Sustainable Fuel Systems: The alternative sources of energy can help in creating a sustainable fuel system and can help in sustaining the ecological balance of a region.

Helps in Reducing the Dependence on Imported Fuels: Another use of alternate sources of energy is that it helps to reduce the dependence on imported fuels.

Helps in Enhancing Income: It helps in enhancing the income of the country by creating additional employment opportunities for the population of the country.

Useful in Conserving Fossil Fuels: When we make use of alternate sources of energy it helps us in conserving fossil fuels.

Useful in Slowing and Reversing Climate Change: Because the alternate sources of energy have a much lower carbon content it helps to slow down and reverse climate change.

Useful in Economic Growth: Producing more utility-scale energy systems can help in creating more economic growth.

Thus it can conclude that the alternate sources of energy are the future energy sources that will help in sustaining the environment as well as help in minimising the dependency on conventional energy sources. These sources of energy need to be explored more and more.


FAQs on Alternative Sources of Energy

1. What percentage of the world uses alternate sources of energy and which is the most widely used alternate source of energy?

From 27% in 2019 the share of renewables in global electricity increased to 29% in 2020. The increase in alternative sources of energy mainly came at the cost of gas and coal, though these two sources still represent close to 60% of the global electricity supply. The most widely used alternate source of energy in the world is hydropower energy. Before lockdown, some measures were implemented, and shares of renewables were higher due to favourable weather conditions. The global use of alternate sources of energy was 1.5% higher in 2020 than in 2019.

2. Why are we looking at alternate sources of energy?

We are looking at alternative sources of energy because as our standards of living are increasing day by day so are our energy requirements. So a need has arisen to exploit and look for more and more alternative sources of energy. Another reason why we are looking for alternate sources of energy is that our conventional sources of energy like fossil fuels get depleted very soon which is why we need to look for other alternatives as well.

3. Write some interesting facts about alternative sources of energy.

Some interesting facts about alternative sources of energy are given below:

There are over two million solar power systems installed in the United States.

The alternate sources of energy create five times more employment opportunities than the conventional sources of energy.

Solar energy is nearly 200 years old.

One wind turbine can be used to power nearly 1500 homes for a year.

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Essay on Renewable Energy

Energy obtained from renewable resources (natural resources) is termed as renewable energy.

Today, electricity is everything to us. We can’t imagine a day without it. The addiction to technology makes it almost impossible to live without electricity. We need electricity to carry out our daily activities. But where does electricity come from? Electricity is generated from different sources. One of them is a renewable resource that produces renewable energy. Let’s have a look at this.

Short and Long Renewable Energy Essay in English

Here, I’m providing short and long essays on Renewable Energy. This topic is useful for students of classes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and class 12. However, this topic is also important for everyone to know the importance of renewable energy.

Renewable Energy Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Renewable energy is produced from natural sources.

2) Renewable energy is unlimited on the earth.

3) It is a more clean and green form of energy.

4) Energy produced from the sun, wind, water, biomass, etc is considered renewable energy.

5) Generating renewable energy is expensive.

6) This energy can be produced only at a suitable location.

7) Renewable energy is more reliable than other forms of energy.

8) It causes very low or nearly no harm to the environment.

9) Renewable energy will help in saving the limited natural resources.

10) Depending on renewable energy is good for our future.

Short Essay on Renewable Energy (200 – 250 Words)

Renewable energy is produced from the resources that are available in nature. Energy can be easily produced from renewable resources that are available free of cost. We can use renewable energy without the fear of its running out. This energy is also called as ‘green energy’ and ‘clean energy’.

Some renewable energy is solar energy, hydro energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, and biomass energy. Today we are mostly dependent on non-renewable resources like coal, petroleum, etc that will end one day. Also, they are harmful to the environment. Hence, renewable energy is a good alternative for today as well as for tomorrow.

As the name suggests, renewable energy can be easily regenerated. Renewable energy does not produce harmful gases and is hence considered safe for the environment. On seeing the current condition of the environment, renewable energy is the need of an hour.  

However, renewable energy does have a black side. Generally, price is the superior reason that restricts the usage of clean energy in the world. It also requires higher maintenance and installation price. Another disadvantage is the location-centric. Not every type of renewable energy is produced everywhere. A particular atmosphere is required to produce renewable energy.

On noticing the consequences of non-renewable energy, indeed, the future can only be safe if we use renewable energy.

Long Essay on Renewable Energy (500 – 600 Words)


Electricity is a secondary form of energy. It is produced from different sources of energy. Energy can be renewable or non-renewable. Renewable energy can be renewed or re-generated easily but the non-renewable resources are limited on the earth. They can’t be generated again. Therefore, renewable energy is much better than non-renewable energy.

Sources of Renewable Energy

There are five major sources responsible for generating renewable energy. They are:

  • Solar energy: Sun is the major source of renewable energy that is termed as solar energy.  The light and heat of the sun are used to produce energy. Solar cookers, solar panels, or solar cells are used to utilize solar energy. Scientists are also preparing to launch solar-powered cars.
  • Wind energy: Wind is also used to produce energy. Windmills run using turbines and generators are constructed to generate wind energy. Wind energy is a good contributor to global energy demand.
  • Biomass energy: Wastes from plants and animals are used to produce energy, which we call biomass energy. Biomass is an eco-friendly method of energy production. Different methods are used to produce biomass energy from biofuels.
  • Geothermal energy: Geothermal energy is produced from the heat below the earth’s surface. This energy can be used to produce electricity, heat buildings, bathing, etc.
  • Hydropower energy: The force of water is used to produce energy and is referred to as hydropower energy. Hydropower is more reliable than other renewable sources. The construction of reservoirs, canals, dams, etc helps to control the flow of water which is later, used to run turbines to produce electricity.

Advantages of Renewable Energy

The primary advantage of renewable energy is that it can be renewed easily. It is the only option that will meet the energy requirement of today as well as tomorrow. Unlike fossil fuels that are limited on the earth, we can use renewable energy for a lifetime. Renewable energy is good for both humans and the environment. Non-renewable energy like fossil fuels causes pollution and environmental hazards like acid rain, global warming, etc. The amount of carbon emissions from renewable energy is much low than those of non-renewable energy.

Therefore, depending on renewable energy will save us from this serious issue. Renewable energy is the most reliable form of energy and we can also say that it is the future of the world’s energy needs.

Disadvantages of Renewable Energy

We all know the importance and benefits of renewable energy but there are some limitations to its usage. The main disadvantage is the cost. The cost of generating energy from renewable resources is very high when compared to that of non-renewable sources. People find burning coal cheaper and easier than installing a solar panel.

Most of the renewable resources depend on natural sources that can be obtained in a particular location. For example, solar energy cannot be fruitful for cold locations or geothermal energy can only be obtained in a location where fast-flowing water resources are available. This limits the use of renewable resources to a great extent. However, they cannot be considered fully safe for living things and the environment. The hydroelectricity project has an adverse effect on aquatic life and the ecosystem.

The increasing population demands an increase in energy consumption. Energy is necessary for home, business, and almost every work. Thanks to innovation and invention that helps in utilizing renewable resources and maintaining a sustainable level of energy in the world.

I hope the above provided essay on renewable energy is easy to understand. We should use energy efficiently to live a healthy and peaceful life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Renewable Energy

Ans. China, the US, Brazil, Russia, etc countries are the largest producer of hydroelectricity.

Ans. China is the largest consumer of electricity in the world.

Ans. Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu is considered as “Solar City” in India.

Ans. TATA power is the largest renewable energy company in India.

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Essay on Sources of Energy

Students are often asked to write an essay on Sources of Energy in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Sources of Energy


Energy is vital for our daily life. It powers our homes, schools, and cities. Energy comes from different sources, mainly classified into two categories: renewable and non-renewable.

Non-Renewable Energy

Non-renewable energy comes from sources that will run out or will not be replenished in our lifetimes. Examples include oil, natural gas, and coal. These sources are often used to generate electricity.

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is from sources that never run out or are replenished quickly. Sunlight, wind, water, and geothermal heat are examples. These sources are environmentally friendly but require technology to harness.

Understanding energy sources helps us make informed choices. It’s important to support renewable energy for a sustainable future.

250 Words Essay on Sources of Energy

Energy is the driving force behind all natural and artificial phenomena. It is an indispensable resource in our daily lives, powering our homes, industries, and transportation. The sources of energy can be broadly classified into two categories: renewable and non-renewable.

Non-renewable Energy Sources

Non-renewable energy sources are finite and will eventually deplete. They include fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These energy sources are primarily used for electricity generation and transportation. However, their usage results in harmful environmental impacts, including air pollution and climate change, due to the emission of greenhouse gases.

Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources, on the other hand, are inexhaustible and can be replenished naturally. They include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass energy. Solar energy, harnessed through photovoltaic cells, is a clean and abundant source. Wind energy, captured by wind turbines, is another potent source, especially in coastal and high-altitude regions.

Hydro energy, derived from the kinetic energy of flowing or falling water, is a dominant renewable source, while geothermal energy, obtained from the Earth’s internal heat, is reliable and consistent. Biomass energy, generated from organic materials, can be a sustainable option if managed responsibly.

The transition from non-renewable to renewable energy sources is crucial for sustainable development. While non-renewable sources have been the backbone of our energy infrastructure, their environmental impacts necessitate a shift towards cleaner, renewable sources. This transition is not only an environmental imperative but also an opportunity for economic growth and energy security.

500 Words Essay on Sources of Energy

Non-renewable energy sources.

Non-renewable energy sources are those that do not replenish in a short time. They include fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These energy sources are formed over millions of years from the remains of plants and animals. They are finite and their extraction and use lead to environmental pollution.

Coal, for instance, is used to generate electricity and in industrial processes requiring heat. Its extraction, however, often leads to environmental degradation and health hazards. Oil is used in transportation and manufacturing, but its extraction can lead to oil spills causing severe environmental damage. Natural gas, although cleaner than coal and oil, is still a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

Solar energy harnesses the power of the sun and converts it into electricity. It’s a clean, abundant source of energy, but its efficiency is affected by weather conditions and geographical location. Wind energy converts the kinetic energy of wind into electricity. It’s a clean and renewable source, but its effectiveness is dependent on wind speed and direction.

Hydropower uses the energy of flowing or falling water to generate electricity. It’s renewable and produces a significant amount of electricity, but it can disrupt aquatic ecosystems and requires significant infrastructure. Geothermal energy harnesses the heat from the earth’s crust to generate electricity. It’s a reliable and constant source of energy but its extraction can cause land instability.

The world’s energy needs are diverse and complex. Non-renewable energy sources have been the mainstay of our energy systems, but their environmental impact and finite nature necessitate a shift towards renewable energy sources. However, these too have their challenges. The future of energy therefore lies in a balanced mix of different energy sources, improved energy efficiency, and technological innovations that mitigate the downsides of each source. As we move towards a sustainable future, the understanding and exploration of these energy sources become more crucial than ever.

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alternative sources of energy essay in english

alternative sources of energy essay in english

This Is the Future: Essay on Renewable Energy

alternative sources of energy essay in english

Today the world population depends on nonrenewable energy resources. With the constantly growing demand for energy, natural gas, coal, and oil get used up and cannot replenish themselves. 

Aside from limited supply, heavy reliance on fossil fuels causes planetary-scale damage. Sea levels are rising. Heat-trapping carbon dioxide increased the warming effect by 45% from 1990 to 2019. The only way to tackle the crisis is to start the transition to renewable energy now. 

What is renewable energy? It is energy that comes from replenishable natural resources like sunlight, wind, thermal energy, moving water, and organic materials. Renewable resources do not run out. They are cost-efficient and renew faster than they are consumed. How does renewable energy save money? It creates new jobs, supports economic growth, and decreases inequitable fossil fuel subsidies. 

At the current rates of production, some fossil fuels will not even last another century. This is why the future depends on reliable and eco-friendly resources. This renewable energy essay examines the types and benefits of renewable energy and its role in creating a sustainable future.

Top 5 Types of Renewable Energy: The Apollo Alliance Rankings

There are many natural resources that can provide people with clean energy. To make a list of the five most booming types of renewable energy on the market today, this energy essay uses data gathered by the Apollo Alliance. It is a project that aims to revolutionize the energy sector of the US with a focus on clean energy. 

The Apollo Alliance unites businesses, community leaders, and environmental experts to support the transition to more sustainable and efficient living. Their expert opinion helped to compile information about the most common and cost-competitive sources of renewable energy. However, if you want to get some more in-depth research, you can entrust it to an essay writer . Here’s a quick overview of renewable energy resources that have a huge potential to substitute fossil fuels. 

Solar Renewable Energy

The most abundant and practically endless resource is solar energy. It can be turned into electricity by photovoltaic systems that convert radiant energy captured from sunlight. Solar farms could generate enough energy for thousands of homes.

An endless supply is the main benefit of solar energy. The rate at which the Earth receives it is 10,000 times greater than people can consume it, as a paper writer points out based on their analysis of research findings. It can substitute fossil fuels and deliver people electricity, hot water, cooling, heat, etc. 

The upfront investment in solar systems is rather expensive. This is one of the primary limitations that prevent businesses and households from switching to this energy source at once. However, the conclusion of solar energy is still favorable. In the long run, it can significantly decrease energy costs. Besides, solar panels are gradually becoming more affordable to manufacture and adopt, even at an individual level. 

Wind Renewable Energy

Another clean energy source is wind. Wind farms use the kinetic energy of wind flow to convert it into electricity. The Appolo Alliance notes that, unlike solar farms, they can’t be placed in any location. To stay cost-competitive, wind farms should operate in windy areas. Although not all countries have the right conditions to use them on a large scale, wind farms might be introduced for some energy diversity. The technical potential for it is still tremendous. 

Wind energy is clean and safe for the environment. It does not pollute the atmosphere with any harmful products compared to nonrenewable energy resources. 

The investment in wind energy is also economically wise. If you examine the cost of this energy resource in an essay on renewable resources, you’ll see that wind farms can deliver electricity at a price lower than nonrenewable resources. Besides, since wind isn’t limited, its cost won’t be influenced by the imbalance of supply and demand.

Geothermal Renewable Energy

Natural renewable resources are all around us, even beneath the ground. Geothermal energy can be produced from the thermal energy from the Earth’s interior. Sometimes heat reaches the surface naturally, for example, in the form of geysers. But it can also be used by geothermal power plants. The Earth’s heat gets captured and converted to steam that turns a turbine. As a result, we get geothermal energy.

This source provides a significant energy supply while having low emissions and no significant footprint on land. A factsheet and essay on renewable resources state that geothermal plants will increase electricity production from 17 billion kWh in 2020 to 49.8 billion kWh in 2050.

However, this method is not without limitations. While writing a renewable resources essay, consider that geothermal energy can be accessed only in certain regions. Geological hotspots are off-limits as they are vulnerable to earthquakes. Yet, the quantity of geothermal resources is likely to grow as technology advances. 

Ocean Renewable Energy

The kinetic and thermal energy of the ocean is a robust resource. Ocean power systems rely on:

  • Changes in sea level;
  • Wave energy;
  • Water surface temperatures;
  • The energy released from seawater and freshwater mixing.

Ocean energy is more predictable compared to other resources. As estimated by EPRI, it has the potential to produce 2640 TWh/yr. However, an important point to consider in a renewable energy essay is that the kinetic energy of the ocean varies. Yet, since it is ruled by the moon’s gravity, the resource is plentiful and continues to be attractive for the energy industry. 

Wave energy systems are still developing. The Apollo energy corporation explores many prototypes. It is looking for the most reliable and robust solution that can function in the harsh ocean environment. 

Another limitation of ocean renewable energy is that it may cause disruptions to marine life. Although its emissions are minimal, the system requires large equipment to be installed in the ocean. 

Biomass Renewable Energy

Organic materials like wood and charcoal have been used for heating and lighting for centuries. There are a lot more types of biomass: from trees, cereal straws, and grass to processed waste. All of them can produce bioenergy. 

Biomass can be converted into energy through burning or using methane produced during the natural process of decomposition. In an essay on renewable sources of energy, the opponents of the method point out that biomass energy is associated with carbon dioxide emissions. Yet, the amount of released greenhouse gases is much lower compared to nonrenewable energy use. 

While biomass is a reliable source of energy, it is only suitable for limited applications. If used too extensively, it might lead to disruptions in biodiversity, a negative impact on land use, and deforestation. Still, Apollo energy includes biomass resources that become waste and decompose quickly anyway. These are organic materials like sawdust, chips from sawmills, stems, nut shells, etc. 

What Is the Apollo Alliance?

The Apollo Alliance is a coalition of business leaders, environmental organizations, labor unions, and foundations. They all unite their efforts in a single project to harness clean energy in new, innovative ways. 

Why Apollo? Similarly to President John F. Kennedy’s Apollo Project, Apollo energy is a strong visionary initiative. It is a dare, a challenge. The alliance calls for the integrity of science, research, technology, and the public to revolutionize the energy industry.

The project has a profound message. Apollo energy solutions are not only about the environment or energy. They are about building a new economy. The alliance gives hope to building a secure future for Americans. 

What is the mission of the Apollo Alliance? 

  • Achieve energy independence with efficient and limitless resources of renewable energy.
  • Pioneer innovation in the energy sector.
  • Build education campaigns and communication to inspire new perceptions of energy. 
  • Create new jobs.
  • Reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels. 
  • Build healthier and happier communities. 

The transformation of the industry will lead to planet-scale changes. The Apollo energy corporation can respond to the global environmental crisis and prevent climate change. 

Apollo renewable energy also has the potential to become a catalyst for social change. With more affordable energy and new jobs in the industry, people can bridge the inequality divide and build stronger communities. 

Why Renewable Energy Is Important for the Future

Renewable energy resources have an enormous potential to cover people’s energy needs on a global scale. Unlike fossil fuels, they are available in abundance and generate minimal to no emissions. 

The burning of fossil fuels caused a lot of environmental problems—from carbon dioxide emissions to ocean acidification. Research this issue in more detail with academic assistance from essay writer online . You can use it to write an essay on renewable sources of energy to explain the importance of change and its global impact. 

Despite all the damage people caused to the planet, there’s still hope to mitigate further repercussions. Every renewable energy essay adds to the existing body of knowledge we have today and advances research in the field. Here are the key advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy resources people should keep in mind. 

Advantage of Green Energy

The use of renewable energy resources has a number of benefits for the climate, human well-being, and economy:

  • Renewable energy resources have little to no greenhouse gas emissions. Even if we take into account the manufacturing and recycling of the technologies involved, their impact on the environment is significantly lower compared to fossil fuels. 
  • Renewable energy promotes self-sufficiency and reduces a country’s dependence on foreign fuel. According to a study, a 1% increase in the use of renewable energy increases economic growth by 0.21%. This gives socio-economic stability.
  • Due to a lack of supply of fossil fuels and quick depletion of natural resources, prices for nonrenewable energy keep increasing. In contrast, green energy is limitless and can be produced locally. In the long run, this allows decreasing the cost of energy. 
  • Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy doesn’t emit air pollutants. This positively influences health and quality of life. 
  • The emergence of green energy plants creates new jobs. Thus, Apollo energy solutions support the growth of local communities. By 2030, the transition to renewable energy is expected to generate 10.3 million new jobs. 
  • Renewable energy allows decentralization of the industry. Communities get their independent sources of energy that are more flexible in terms of distribution. 
  • Renewable energy supports equality. It has the potential to make energy more affordable to low-income countries and expand access to energy even in remote and less fortunate neighborhoods. 

Disadvantages of Non-Conventional Energy Sources

No technology is perfect. Renewable energy resources have certain drawbacks too: 

  • The production of renewable energy depends on weather conditions. For example, wind farms could be effective only in certain locations where the weather conditions allow it. The weather also makes it so that renewable energy cannot be generated around the clock. 
  • The initial cost of renewable energy technology is expensive. Both manufacturing and installation require significant investment. This is another disadvantage of renewable resources. It makes them unaffordable to a lot of businesses and unavailable for widespread individual use. In addition, the return on investment might not be immediate.
  • Renewable energy technology takes up a lot of space. It may affect life in the communities where these clean energy farms are installed. They may also cause disruptions to wildlife in the areas. 
  • One more limitation a renewable resources essay should consider is the current state of technology. While the potential of renewable energy resources is tremendous, the technology is still in its development phase. Therefore, renewable energy might not substitute fossil fuels overnight. There’s a need for more research, investment, and time to transition to renewable energy completely. Yet, some diversity of energy resources should be introduced as soon as possible. 
  • Renewable energy resources have limited emissions, but they are not entirely pollution-free. The manufacturing process of equipment is associated with greenhouse gas emissions while, for example, the lifespan of a wind turbine is only 20 years. 

For high school seniors eyeing a future rich with innovative endeavors in renewable energy or other fields, it's crucial to seek financial support early on. Explore the top 10 scholarships for high school seniors to find the right fit that can propel you into a future where you can contribute to the renewable energy movement and beyond. Through such financial support, the road to making meaningful contributions to a sustainable future becomes a tangible reality.

Renewable energy unlocks the potential for humanity to have clean energy that is available in abundance. It leads us to economic growth, independence, and stability. With green energy, we can also reduce the impact of human activity on the environment and stop climate change before it’s too late. 

So what’s the conclusion of renewable energy? Transitioning to renewable energy resources might be challenging and expensive. However, most experts agree that the advantages of green energy outweigh any drawbacks. Besides, since technology is continuously evolving, we’ll be able to overcome most limitations in no time.

alternative sources of energy essay in english

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alternative sources of energy essay in english

Essay on Renewable Sources of Energy: Can we imagine life without electricity, transport facilities, and cooking gas? All these have become absolute necessities. Behind these, we have fossil fuels: the one common factor that could send us back to caveman life.

So, what are fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels include coal, petroleum products, tar sands, bitumen, natural gas, etc. Fossil fuels were formed millions of years ago and it takes a very long time to replenish these resources. They were formed when dead plants, animals, and other carbon-containing microorganisms got buried deep under the Earth’s crust and were decomposed under non-aerobic conditions. As they got pushed under the Earth’s surface, they were subjected to heat and high pressure and were transformed as fuels like natural gas, and crude oil. Fossil fuels are a rich source of energy and can be used immediately to get convenient forms of energy like heat and light.

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We know that on our planet Earth, Sun is the source of all energy. The plants and certain microbes have the ability to utilize the Sun’s energy through the process of photosynthesis.

Thus, it is Sun’s energy that is stored in the plants and get transferred to animals when they consume plants as food. Now, fossil fuels are primarily derived from living organisms that don’t decay due to the absence of air.

So, all the energy in them gets retained and concentrated as they get compressed. Thus, fossil fuels are a rich source of energy.

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The downside with fossil fuels is that they are limited and cannot be formed within a human’s lifetime. Moreover, we are not completely aware of the level of heat and pressure they were exposed to.

The first commercial oil well came into existence only in the eighteenth century. But since then, we humans have exploited the energy-rich fuels. It has turned the fortunes of nations within a short span of time. Today eighty percent of our energy needs are met by fossil fuels only.

Though we continue to discover more resources, they are limited, and we cannot be dependent on them forever. Another major drawback of fossil fuels is the release of carbon dioxide upon their combustion. This carbon dioxide is the main contributing factor to global warming.

Therefore, we need to look for alternative sources of energy in order to combat global warming and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

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Renewable sources of energy

It might be surprising to know that resources such as solar power, wind, and water were utilized for human energy needs much earlier than fossil fuels were brought to use. In fact, sunlight was utilized first to make fire. Windmills and watermills were present in the days of kings and kingdoms. Until the middle of the 18th century, only renewable resources were available. They are known as renewable as they are present naturally on our planet and are inexhaustible when compared to fossil fuels.

Why the shift to renewable resources?

After 1950, with the concept of oil peaks, began a new drive towards renewable. Today carbon emissions, intolerable pollution levels, global warming, climate change, and energy security are related factors that are pushing us towards a cleaner and sustainable sources of energy.

Unstable situations in oil-rich nations of the Middle East, tensions between Russia and the West have increased the rates of fossil fuels. Fluctuations in the price of oil affect the economy of energy-dependent countries.

Therefore, renewable resources are not only clean and environment-friendly but are a must for the progress and economic stability of the country.

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Types of Renewable energy:

1. Solar Energy

The Sun is the main source of life on Earth. As early as the 2nd Century B.C., the Greeks and Romans had used mirrors to focus the Sun’s rays and lit torches and set fires. Solar cookers were invented in the middle of the 17th century and solar-powered engines came into existence in the 1860s.

Albert Einstein got a Nobel Prize for the photoelectric effect, which explained the emission of electrons when light falls on the surface material. By the 1950s photovoltaic cells were developed and solar-powered buildings came into existence.

Solar cells have been regularly used for powering satellites. Solar-powered cars are also in the experimental stage. Now in India, we have solar parks and farms owned by both public and private companies. We have a total installed capacity of 29.55 GW of solar energy as of 30th June 2019.

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2. Water Power

Ancient Persians and Chinese used water wheels for grinding flour, irrigation, and for sawing timber and stone. Today we have hydroelectric power plants across the world and utilize the force of water to produce electricity.

We also have tapped the potential of tidal waves to produce electricity from tides in oceans, rivers, and human-made canal systems. We can install tidal energy converters at locations with fast currents of water.

3. Wind Energy

Wind energy was first used to propel boats. By the 11th century, windmills were used for making flour in the Middle East region. During the 17th century, the Dutch developed large windmills to drain water from lakes canals. As per March 2019 data, the total wind power capacity was about 36.625 GW. Germany is the highest wind power producer and India comes fourth in the list.

4. Biomass Energy

We know that fossil fuels were formed out of biotic materials. Similarly, we can utilize the plant wastes, manure, and even animal dung to make fuel.

The fuel so obtained is known as biofuel. Another way is to directly process raw materials from plants, and process them to form fuel.

It has been successfully deployed in coming up with fuels like CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and ethanol. We also have other forms of renewable energy such as Geothermal, Hydrogen energy, and Ocean Energy.

As of now, these resources do not contribute much and are highly location-specific. But still, we need to harness them wherever and whenever possible.

Renewable sources come with many limitations. They are not accessible all the time. So we need systems to store the energy obtained. We need to have a firm belief that a world without fossil fuels is not a utopia

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Alternative Energy Sources Essay

Some of the chief sources of energy are coal, gas, oil, electricity thermal and hydel), atom, the sun, etc. Energy is the motive force and the back-bone of modern industry.

t has been estimated that during the last sixty years man has consumed more energy than he has ever done since the dawn of history. It has also been estimated that the existing sources of energy (coal, gas, oil, etc.) may exhaust in the near future and the world shall have to face the greatest energy crisis.

The prices of oil have risen by three or four times the previous Ones During the last five or six years, the price of crude oil jumped from 2-50 dollars a barrel to nearly to 32 dollars a barrel.

The oil producing countries used it as a political weapon to put pressure on the U.S.A., the West European countries and others who supported Israel to have the Arab-Israel dispute settled on the terms of the Arab states.

India’s foreign exchange bill has gone up to Rs. 3500 crores which are very heavy America has threatened to use military force to resolve the crisis if the Arabs continue their oil policy indefinitely. the Arabs have threatened to blow up their oil fields if recourse is taken to war by the U.S.A. So the deadlock continues and the industrialization of the world has received a serious setback.

If this is the condition of industrially and technologically developed countries of the world, the plight of India, an underdeveloped country can be well imagined. She is one of the poorest countries of the world in terms of energy consumption.

The energy crisis has been responsible for the low production in almost all sectors. No further economy or reduction in the use of crude oil is possible. Our minimum demands of diesel for transportation and agriculture, of naphtha for fertilisers, cannot be further minimised.

What other alternative sources of energy are available for us? Oil is very costly and the deposits of coal and gas may be exhausted soon. Should we not then turn to nuclear and solar energy for our immediate needs? India is at present producing 4.11 million tonnes of crude oil a year. This is less than one-fourth of her present needs.

Of course, whatever little oil we have should be reserved for railway engines and the Naphtha based fertiliser. The method to be evolved for using atomic energy and solar energy in a controlled manner may yet take some time.

In the meanwhile, we should depend upon other uses. The amount of imported crude oil must be reduced at all cost. Stress should be laid on setting up new thermal power stations.

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Essay on Importance of Renewable Energy


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Energy Conservation Essay for Students and Children

500 words energy conservation essay.

Energy conservation refers to the efforts made to reduce the consumption of energy. The energy on Earth is not in unlimited supply. Furthermore, energy can take plenty of time to regenerate. This certainly makes it essential to conserve energy. Most noteworthy, energy conservation is achievable either by using energy more efficiently or by reducing the amount of service usage.

Energy Conservation Essay

Importance of Energy Conservation

First of all, energy conservation plays an important role in saving non-renewable energy resources. Furthermore, non-renewable energy sources take many centuries to regenerate. Moreover, humans consume energy at a faster rate than it can be produced. Therefore, energy conservation would lead to the preservation of these precious non-renewable sources of energy.

Energy conservation will reduce the expenses related to fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are very expensive to mine. Therefore, consumers are required to pay higher prices for goods and services. Energy conservation would certainly reduce the amount of fossil fuel being mined. This, in turn, would reduce the costs of consumers.

Consequently, energy conservation would strengthen the economy as consumers will have more disposable income to spend on goods and services.

Energy conservation is good for scientific research. This is because; energy conservation gives researchers plenty of time to conduct researches.

Therefore, these researchers will have more time to come up with various energy solutions and alternatives. Humans must ensure to have fossil fuels as long as possible. This would give me enough time to finding practical solutions.

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Another important reason for energy conservation is environmental protection. This is because various energy sources are significantly harmful to the environment. Furthermore, the burning of fossil fuels considerably pollutes the atmosphere. Moreover, nuclear energy creates dangerous nuclear waste. Hence, energy conservation will lead to environmental protection.

Energy conservation would also result in the good health of humans. Furthermore, the pollution released due to energy sources is harmful to the human body. The air pollution due to fossil fuels can cause various respiratory problems. Energy sources can pollute water which could cause several harmful diseases in humans. Nuclear waste can cause cancer and other deadly problems in the human body.

Measures to Conserve Energy

Energy taxation is a good measure from the government to conserve energy. Furthermore, several countries apply energy or a carbon tax on energy users. This tax would certainly put pressure on energy users to reduce their energy consumption. Moreover, carbon tax forces energy users to shift to other energy sources that are less harmful.

Building design plays a big role in energy conservation. An excellent way to conserve energy is by performing an energy audit in buildings. Energy audit refers to inspection and analysis of energy use in a building. Most noteworthy, the aim of the energy audit is to appropriately reduce energy input.

Another important way of energy conservation is by using energy-efficient products. Energy-efficient products are those that use lesser energy than their normal counterparts. One prominent example can be using an energy-efficient bulb rather than an incandescent light bulb.

In conclusion, energy conservation must be among the utmost priorities of humanity. Mahatma Gandhi was absolutely right when he said, “the earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed”. This statement pretty much sums up the importance of energy conservation. Immediate implementation of energy conservation measures is certainly of paramount importance.

FAQs on Energy Conservation

Q1 state one way in which energy conservation is important.

A1 One way in which energy conservation is important is that it leads to the preservation of fossil fuels.

Q2 Why energy taxation is a good measure to conserve energy?

A2 Energy taxation is certainly a good measure to conserve energy. This is because energy taxation puts financial pressure on energy users to reduce their energy consumption.

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Different Sources of Energy Definition Essay

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Energy can be transformed to a range of states. Energy in different states can be used for various physical works. Energy can be utilized in natural processes or in supplying services to the community. For instance, an inner combustion engine transfers the latent chemical energy present in petrol and oxygen into heat, which is next changed to kinetic energy for use by automobiles and a solar cell changes solar energy into electrical energy which can be used to power television or light a bulb.

Fossil fuels are products of decayed residues of ancient animals and plants. They consist of oil, natural gas and coal. Currently, they provide more than 90 percent of the world’s sum energy (Vas, 1998). Fossil fuels remain attractive for use today since they are cheap, easily distributed, easily available, and can directly generate heat and electricity. However, they emit hazardous substances to the environment. As a result, alternative sources like wind and hydro electricity which are less harmful to the environment are being explored.

Hydro electricity is produced by streaming water through turbines. In generation of hydro electric power, water is bunged up in dams. Big pipes run through the dam construction directing water to the turbines which are turned round by the power of water. The power stations then control the level of the water by opening and closing water gates that ferry water into the turbine quarters.

Hydropower has several benefits over other energy sources. It does not pollute the environment since water is a clean source of fuel. It is also a renewable source that is easily available. Impoundment hydropower builds dams and pools that offer various leisure opportunities, particularly boating, swimming and fishing. Hydropower installations are supposed to offer public access to the reservoir. Other benefits of using hydropower as a source of energy include: flood management and water supply.

On the other hand, hydropower has several limitations. Dams can be a cause of soil erosion and may cause threats to downstream animals and plants in case of floods. Also, developing hydro electricity power plants is really expensive.

The other alternative source of energy is wind energy. Wind energy is a reproducible source of energy that is fueled by the sun so as to produce electricity. Since the earth is enclosed by almost 70 percent water, there is a difference in the manner of heating between the land and the sea (Muljadi & Wang, 2004).

During the night, the air on top of water cools less fast than the air above land. The temperate air over the sea inflates and mounts up while the heavier, cooler air hurries in to replace it, generating winds. During the day, the opposite occurs. The land heats up quicker than the seas. The temperate air over the land inflates and goes up while the heavier, cooler air hurries in to replace it, generating winds.

Wind Energy produces electricity by utilizing blades on wind turbines to amass the kinetic energy of the wind. Wind turbines hold back the wind which streams above the airfoil formed blades causing lift, and making them to revolve. The blades are linked to a drive ray that revolves an electric generator thus generating electricity.

Wind energy is the most rapidly growing energy source in the world as it has several advantages (Farret & Simoes, 2006). The fact that it is fueled by wind makes it a clean source of fuel. It does not emit harmful substances in the environment and it is a renewable source of energy. Wind energy is cheap and easily available. Wind turbines can be constructed on agricultural estates or ranches, thus promoting the rural economy.

On the other hand, wind energy has some demerits. Despite the fact that wind power plants have somewhat less impact on the surroundings weighed against other common power plants, there is much distress over the noise created by the rotor blades. In other instances, birds have lost their lives by soaring into the rotors. However, these issues have been significantly reduced through technological upgrading and by locating wind plants appropriately.

From the above discussion, it is clear that the two alternative sources of energy, the wind and hydropower, compare with fossil fuels in many ways. First, all of them are sources of energy that are available in the world today. However, while the wind and hydropower are renewable sources of energy, fossil fuels are not renewable.

This is the major difference between them. Fossil fuels also emit greenhouse gases that are harmful to the atmosphere. There is also a difference in the way these sources are obtained. While wind energy and hydropower are obtained from the wind and water respectively, fossil fuels are obtained from decayed remains of ancient plants and animals.

In conclusion, energy is convertible to different states. Currently, the world is exploring alternative sources of energy that can suitably replace the common use of fossil fuels as the chief source of energy. This has been motivated by the fact that fossil fuel emits greenhouse gases which are harmful to the environment. Wind energy and hydropower are some of the alternative sources of energy that have been explored. However, each of these sources of energy has its own merits and demerits.

Farret, F.A. & Simoes, M.G. (2006). Integration of alternative sources of energy . New York: Oxford University Press

Muljadi, E. & Wang, C. (2004). Parallel operation of wind, turbine, fuel cell, and diesel . Melboume: Generation Sources.

Vas, G. (1998). Sources of energy . London: Sage

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IvyPanda. (2018, October 12). Different Sources of Energy. https://ivypanda.com/essays/different-sources-of-energy/

"Different Sources of Energy." IvyPanda , 12 Oct. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/different-sources-of-energy/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Different Sources of Energy'. 12 October.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Different Sources of Energy." October 12, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/different-sources-of-energy/.

1. IvyPanda . "Different Sources of Energy." October 12, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/different-sources-of-energy/.


IvyPanda . "Different Sources of Energy." October 12, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/different-sources-of-energy/.

  • Natural Sources Of Energy

Sources of Energy

The sun is the main source of energy on Earth. Other energy sources include coal, geothermal energy, wind energy, biomass, petrol, nuclear energy, and many more. Energy is classified into various types based on sustainability as renewable sources of energy and non-renewable sources of energy.

What Is Energy?

The classical description of energy is the ability of a system to perform work, but as energy exists in so many forms, it is hard to find one comprehensive definition. It is the property of an object that can be transferred from one object to another or converted to different forms but cannot be created or destroyed. There are numerous sources of energy. In the next few sections, let us discuss the about different sources of energy in detail.

Sources Of Energy

Sources of energy can be classified into:

  • Renewable Sources
  • Non-renewable Sources

Renewable sources of energy are available plentiful in nature and are sustainable. These resources of energy can be naturally replenished and are safe for the environment.

Examples of renewable sources of energy are : Solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, biomass, hydropower and tidal energy.

A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that is found underneath the earth. These type of energy resources do not replenish at the same speed at which it is used. They take millions of years to replenish. The main examples of non-renewable resources are coal, oil and natural gas.

Examples of non-renewable sources of energy are: Natural gas, coal, petroleum, nuclear energy and hydrocarbon gas liquids.

Sources Of Energy

Difference between Renewable and Non-renewable Sources of Energy

The resources that can be renewed once they are consumed are called renewable sources of energy. The resources that cannot be renewed once they are consumed are called non-renewable sources of energy.
These resources do not cause any environmental pollution. These resources cause environmental pollution.
Renewable resources are inexhaustible. Non- Renewable resources are exhaustible.
Renewable resources are not affected by human activities. Non- Renewable resources are affected by human activities.
Examples of Renewable resources- Air, water and solar energy. Examples of Non-renewable resources- natural gas, coal and nuclear energy.

Natural Sources of Energy

During the stone age, it was wood. During the iron age, we had coal. In the modern age, we have fossil fuels like petroleum and natural gas. So how do we choose the source of energy?

Good sources of energy should have the following qualities:

  • Optimum heat production per unit of volume/mass used
  • Easy to transport
  • Least Polluting

Types of Natural Sources of Energy

There are two types of natural sources of energy classified by their popularity and use,

  • Conventional Sources of Energy
  • Non-Conventional Sources of Energy

Difference between Conventional and Non-conventional Sources of Energy

These resources are exhaustible. These resources are inexhaustible.
These resources cause pollution as they emit smoke and ash. These resources are usually pollution-free.
These resources are very expensive to be maintained, stored and transmitted. These resources are less expensive for local use and can easily be maintained.
Examples- coal, natural gas, petroleum, and water power. Examples- solar, biomass, wind, biogas, and tidal, geothermal.

In this article, you learned about natural resources, energy sources, and what makes a good source of energy. Explore more such articles at BYJU’S, which provides detailed solutions to the questions of NCERT Book for the energy source so that one can compare their answers with the sample answers given for this chapter.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

What sources of energy are renewable.

  • Biomass energy
  • Wind energy
  • Tidal energy
  • Hydro energy

What is the main source of energy in India?

What are the sources of energy in india.

Following are the sources of energy in India:

  • Natural gas
  • Thermal energy
  • Mineral oil

Can any source of energy be pollution-free?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of wind power.

  • There are no harmful gases released into the environment.
  • It is a way for the generation of revenue in the local communities.
  • It is one of the clean sources of energy.


  • The storage of energy needs to be improved.
  • The initial setup requires a lot of investment.
  • Numerous lands will be used up.

List the examples of sources of energy

  • Biofuel energy
  • Geothermal energy
  • Solar energy
  • Nuclear energy

Watch the video and find out conservation measures we can take to save the natural resources depleting at an alarming rate.

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Primary energy sources take many forms, including nuclear energy , fossil energy -- like oil , coal and natural gas -- and renewable sources like wind , solar , geothermal and hydropower . These primary sources are converted to electricity , a secondary energy source, which flows through power lines and other transmission infrastructure to your home and business.

Learn more about America’s energy sources: fossil , nuclear , renewables and electricity .

Learn more about energy from solar, wind, water, geothermal, biomass and nuclear.

Learn more about how we use electricity as an energy source.

Learn more about our fossil energy sources: coal, oil and natural gas.

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Net Zero by 2050

A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector

alternative sources of energy essay in english

This report is part of Net Zero Emissions

About this report

The number of countries announcing pledges to achieve net zero emissions over the coming decades continues to grow. But the pledges by governments to date – even if fully achieved – fall well short of what is required to bring global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions to net zero by 2050 and give the world an even chance of limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 °C. This special report is the world’s first comprehensive study of how to transition to a net zero energy system by 2050 while ensuring stable and affordable energy supplies, providing universal energy access, and enabling robust economic growth. It sets out a cost-effective and economically productive pathway, resulting in a clean, dynamic and resilient energy economy dominated by renewables like solar and wind instead of fossil fuels. The report also examines key uncertainties, such as the roles of bioenergy, carbon capture and behavioural changes in reaching net zero.

Summary for policy makers

Reaching net zero emissions globally by 2050 is a critical and formidable goal.

The energy sector is the source of around three-quarters of greenhouse gas emissions today and holds the key to averting the worst effects of climate change, perhaps the greatest challenge humankind has faced. Reducing global carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions to net zero by 2050 is consistent with efforts to limit the long-term increase in average global temperatures to 1.5˚C. This calls for nothing less than a complete transformation of how we produce, transport and consume energy. The growing political consensus on reaching net zero is cause for considerable optimism about the progress the world can make, but the changes required to reach net zero emissions globally by 2050 are poorly understood. A huge amount of work is needed to turn today’s impressive ambitions into reality, especially given the range of different situations among countries and their differing capacities to make the necessary changes. This special IEA report sets out a pathway for achieving this goal, resulting in a clean and resilient energy system that would bring major benefits for human prosperity and well-being.

The global pathway to net zero emissions by 2050 detailed in this report requires all governments to significantly strengthen and then successfully implement their energy and climate policies. Commitments made to date fall far short of what is required by that pathway. The number of countries that have pledged to achieve net zero emissions has grown rapidly over the last year and now covers around 70% of global emissions of CO 2 . This is a huge step forward. However, most pledges are not yet underpinned by near-term policies and measures. Moreover, even if successfully fulfilled, the pledges to date would still leave around 22 billion tonnes of CO 2 emissions worldwide in 2050. The continuation of that trend would be consistent with a temperature rise in 2100 of around 2.1 °C. Global emissions fell in 2020 because of the Covid-19 crisis but are already rebounding strongly as economies recover. Further delay in acting to reverse that trend will put net zero by 2050 out of reach.

In this Summary for Policy Makers, we outline the essential conditions for the global energy sector to reach net zero CO 2 emissions by 2050. The pathway described in depth in this report achieves this objective with no offsets from outside the energy sector, and with low reliance on negative emissions technologies. It is designed to maximise technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness and social acceptance while ensuring continued economic growth and secure energy supplies. We highlight the priority actions that are needed today to ensure the opportunity of net zero by 2050 – narrow but still achievable – is not lost. The report provides a global view, but countries do not start in the same place or finish at the same time: advanced economies have to reach net zero before emerging markets and developing economies, and assist others in getting there. We also recognise that the route mapped out here is a path, not necessarily the path, and so we examine some key uncertainties, notably concerning the roles played by bioenergy, carbon capture and behavioural changes. Getting to net zero will involve countless decisions by people across the world, but our primary aim is to inform the decisions made by policy makers, who have the greatest scope to move the world closer to its climate goals.

Net zero by 2050 hinges on an unprecedented clean technology push to 2030

The path to net zero emissions is narrow: staying on it requires immediate and massive deployment of all available clean and efficient energy technologies. In the net zero emissions pathway presented in this report, the world economy in 2030 is some 40% larger than today but uses 7% less energy. A major worldwide push to increase energy efficiency is an essential part of these efforts, resulting in the annual rate of energy intensity improvements averaging 4% to 2030 – about three-times the average rate achieved over the last two decades. Emissions reductions from the energy sector are not limited to CO 2 : in our pathway, methane emissions from fossil fuel supply fall by 75% over the next ten years as a result of a global, concerted effort to deploy all available abatement measures and technologies.

Ever-cheaper renewable energy technologies give electricity the edge in the race to zero. Our pathway calls for scaling up solar and wind rapidly this decade, reaching annual additions of 630 gigawatts (GW) of solar photovoltaics (PV) and 390 GW of wind by 2030, four-times the record levels set in 2020. For solar PV, this is equivalent to installing the world’s current largest solar park roughly every day. Hydropower and nuclear, the two largest sources of low-carbon electricity today, provide an essential foundation for transitions. As the electricity sector becomes cleaner, electrification emerges as a crucial economy-wide tool for reducing emissions. Electric vehicles (EVs) go from around 5% of global car sales to more than 60% by 2030.  

Priority action: Make the 2020s the decade of massive clean energy expansion

All the technologies needed to achieve the necessary deep cuts in global emissions by 2030 already exist, and the policies that can drive their deployment are already proven.

As the world continues to grapple with the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is essential that the resulting wave of investment and spending to support economic recovery is aligned with the net zero pathway. Policies should be strengthened to speed the deployment of clean and efficient energy technologies. Mandates and standards are vital to drive consumer spending and industry investment into the most efficient technologies. Targets and competitive auctions can enable wind and solar to accelerate the electricity sector transition. Fossil fuel subsidy phase-outs, carbon pricing and other market reforms can ensure appropriate price signals. Policies should limit or provide disincentives for the use of certain fuels and technologies, such as unabated coal-fired power stations, gas boilers and conventional internal combustion engine vehicles. Governments must lead the planning and incentivising of the massive infrastructure investment, including in smart transmission and distribution grids.

Electric car sales in the net zero pathway, 2020-2030

Capacity additions of solar pv and wind in the net zero pathway, 2020-2030, energy intensity of gdp in the net zero pathway, 2020-2030, net zero by 2050 requires huge leaps in clean energy innovation.

Reaching net zero by 2050 requires further rapid deployment of available technologies as well as widespread use of technologies that are not on the market yet. Major innovation efforts must occur over this decade in order to bring these new technologies to market in time. Most of the global reductions in CO 2 emissions through 2030 in our pathway come from technologies readily available today. But in 2050, almost half the reductions come from technologies that are currently at the demonstration or prototype phase. In heavy industry and long-distance transport, the share of emissions reductions from technologies that are still under development today is even higher.

The biggest innovation opportunities concern advanced batteries, hydrogen electrolysers, and direct air capture and storage. Together, these three technology areas make vital contributions the reductions in CO 2 emissions between 2030 and 2050 in our pathway. Innovation over the next ten years – not only through research and development (R&D) and demonstration but also through deployment – needs to be accompanied by the large-scale construction of the infrastructure the technologies will need. This includes new pipelines to transport captured CO 2 emissions and systems to move hydrogen around and between ports and industrial zones.

Priority action: Prepare for the next phase of the transition by boosting innovation

Clean energy innovation must accelerate rapidly, with governments putting R&D, demonstration and deployment at the core of energy and climate policy.

Government R&D spending needs to be increased and reprioritised. Critical areas such as electrification, hydrogen, bioenergy and carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) today receive only around one-third of the level of public R&D funding of the more established low-carbon electricity generation and energy efficiency technologies. Support is also needed to accelerate the roll-out of demonstration projects, to leverage private investment in R&D, and to boost overall deployment levels to help reduce costs. Around USD 90 billion of public money needs to be mobilised globally as soon as possible to complete a portfolio of demonstration projects before 2030. Currently, only roughly USD 25 billion is budgeted for that period. Developing and deploying these technologies would create major new industries, as well as commercial and employment opportunities.

Annual CO2 emissions savings in the net zero pathway, 2030 and 2050, relative to 2020

The transition to net zero is for and about people.

A transition of the scale and speed described by the net zero pathway cannot be achieved without sustained support and participation from citizens. The changes will affect multiple aspects of people’s lives – from transport, heating and cooking to urban planning and jobs. We estimate that around 55% of the cumulative emissions reductions in the pathway are linked to consumer choices such as purchasing an EV, retrofitting a house with energy-efficient technologies or installing a heat pump. Behavioural changes, particularly in advanced economies – such as replacing car trips with walking, cycling or public transport, or foregoing a long-haul flight – also provide around 4% of the cumulative emissions reductions.

Providing electricity to around 785 million people that have no access and clean cooking solutions to 2.6 billion people that lack those options is an integral part of our pathway. Emissions reductions have to go hand-in-hand with efforts to ensure energy access for all by 2030. This costs around USD 40 billion a year, equal to around 1% of average annual energy sector investment, while also bringing major co-benefits from reduced indoor air pollution.

Some of the changes brought by the clean energy transformation may be challenging to implement, so decisions must be transparent, just and cost-effective. Governments need to ensure that clean energy transitions are people-centred and inclusive. Household energy expenditure as a share of disposable income – including purchases of efficient appliances and fuel bills – rises modestly in emerging market and developing economies in our net zero pathway as more people gain access to energy and demand for modern energy services increases rapidly. Ensuring the affordability of energy for households demands close attention: policy tools that can direct support to the poorest include tax credits, loans and targeted subsidies.

Priority action: Clean energy jobs will grow strongly but must be spread widely

Energy transitions have to take account of the social and economic impacts on individuals and communities, and treat people as active participants.

The transition to net zero brings substantial new opportunities for employment, with 14 million jobs created by 2030 in our pathway thanks to new activities and investment in clean energy. Spending on more efficient appliances, electric and fuel cell vehicles, and building retrofits and energy-efficient construction would require a further 16 million workers. But these opportunities are often in different locations, skill sets and sectors than the jobs that will be lost as fossil fuels decline. In our pathway, around 5 million jobs are lost. Most of those jobs are located close to fossil fuel resources, and many are well paid, meaning structural changes can cause shocks for communities with impacts that persist over time. This requires careful policy attention to address the employment losses. It will be vital to minimise hardships associated with these disruptions, such as by retraining workers, locating new clean energy facilities in heavily affected areas wherever possible, and providing regional aid.

Global employment in energy supply in the Net Zero Scenario, 2019-2030

An energy sector dominated by renewables.

In the net zero pathway, global energy demand in 2050 is around 8% smaller than today, but it serves an economy more than twice as big and a population with 2 billion more people. More efficient use of energy, resource efficiency and behavioural changes combine to offset increases in demand for energy services as the world economy grows and access to energy is extended to all.

Instead of fossil fuels, the energy sector is based largely on renewable energy. Two-thirds of total energy supply in 2050 is from wind, solar, bioenergy, geothermal and hydro energy. Solar becomes the largest source, accounting for one-fifth of energy supplies. Solar PV capacity increases 20-fold between now and 2050, and wind power 11-fold.

Net zero means a huge decline in the use of fossil fuels. They fall from almost four-fifths of total energy supply today to slightly over one-fifth by 2050. Fossil fuels that remain in 2050 are used in goods where the carbon is embodied in the product such as plastics, in facilities fitted with CCUS, and in sectors where low-emissions technology options are scarce.

Electricity accounts for almost 50% of total energy consumption in 2050. It plays a key role across all sectors – from transport and buildings to industry – and is essential to produce low-emissions fuels such as hydrogen. To achieve this, total electricity generation increases over two-and-a-half-times between today and 2050. At the same time, no additional new final investment decisions should be taken for new unabated coal plants, the least efficient coal plants are phased out by 2030, and the remaining coal plants still in use by 2040 are retrofitted. By 2050, almost 90% of electricity generation comes from renewable sources, with wind and solar PV together accounting for nearly 70%. Most of the remainder comes from nuclear.    

Emissions from industry, transport and buildings take longer to reduce. Cutting industry emissions by 95% by 2050 involves major efforts to build new infrastructure. After rapid innovation progress through R&D, demonstration and initial deployment between now and 2030 to bring new clean technologies to market, the world then has to put them into action. Every month from 2030 onwards, ten heavy industrial plants are equipped with CCUS, three new hydrogen-based industrial plants are built, and 2 GW of electrolyser capacity are added at industrial sites. Policies that end sales of new internal combustion engine cars by 2035 and boost electrification underpin the massive reduction in transport emissions. In 2050, cars on the road worldwide run on electricity or fuel cells. Low-emissions fuels are essential where energy needs cannot easily or economically be met by electricity. For example, aviation relies largely on biofuels and synthetic fuels, and ammonia is vital for shipping. In buildings, bans on new fossil fuel boilers need to start being introduced globally in 2025, driving up sales of electric heat pumps. Most old buildings and all new ones comply with zero-carbon-ready building energy codes. 1

Priority action: Set near-term milestones to get on track for long-term targets

Governments need to provide credible step-by-step plans to reach their net zero goals, building confidence among investors, industry, citizens and other countries.

Governments must put in place long-term policy frameworks to allow all branches of government and stakeholders to plan for change and facilitate an orderly transition. Long-term national low-emissions strategies, called for by the Paris Agreement, can set out a vision for national transitions, as this report has done on a global level. These long-term objectives need to be linked to measurable short-term targets and policies. Our pathway details more than 400 sectoral and technology milestones to guide the global journey to net zero by 2050.  

Iea Net Zero Milestone Figure Web

There is no need for investment in new fossil fuel supply in our net zero pathway

Beyond projects already committed as of 2021, there are no new oil and gas fields approved for development in our pathway, and no new coal mines or mine extensions are required. The unwavering policy focus on climate change in the net zero pathway results in a sharp decline in fossil fuel demand, meaning that the focus for oil and gas producers switches entirely to output – and emissions reductions – from the operation of existing assets. Unabated coal demand declines by 98% to just less than 1% of total energy use in 2050. Gas demand declines by 55% to 1 750 billion cubic metres and oil declines by 75% to 24 million barrels per day (mb/d), from around 90 mb/d in 2020.

Clean electricity generation, network infrastructure and end-use sectors are key areas for increased investment. Enabling infrastructure and technologies are vital for transforming the energy system. Annual investment in transmission and distribution grids expands from USD 260 billion today to USD 820 billion in 2030. The number of public charging points for EVs rises from around 1 million today to 40 million in 2030, requiring annual investment of almost USD 90 billion in 2030. Annual battery production for EVs leaps from 160 gigawatt-hours (GWh) today to 6 600 GWh in 2030 – the equivalent of adding almost 20 gigafactories 2  each year for the next ten years. And the required roll-out of hydrogen and CCUS after 2030 means laying the groundwork now: annual investment in CO 2 pipelines and hydrogen-enabling infrastructure increases from USD 1 billion today to around USD 40 billion in 2030.

Priority action: Drive a historic surge in clean energy investment

Policies need to be designed to send market signals that unlock new business models and mobilise private spending, especially in emerging economies.

Accelerated delivery of international public finance will be critical to energy transitions, especially in developing economies, but ultimately the private sector will need to finance most of the extra investment required. Mobilising the capital for large-scale infrastructure calls for closer co operation between developers, investors, public financial institutions and governments. Reducing risks for investors will be essential to ensure successful and affordable clean energy transitions. Many emerging market and developing economies, which rely mainly on public funding for new energy projects and industrial facilities, will need to reform their policy and regulatory frameworks to attract more private finance. International flows of long-term capital to these economies will be needed to support the development of both existing and emerging clean energy technologies.

Clean energy investment in the net zero pathway, 2016-2050

An unparalleled clean energy investment boom lifts global economic growth.

Total annual energy investment surges to USD 5 trillion by 2030, adding an extra 0.4 percentage point a year to annual global GDP growth, based on our joint analysis with the International Monetary Fund. This unparalleled increase – with investment in clean energy and energy infrastructure more than tripling already by 2030 – brings significant economic benefits as the world emerges from the Covid-19 crisis. The jump in private and government spending creates millions of jobs in clean energy, including energy efficiency, as well as in the engineering, manufacturing and construction industries. All of this puts global GDP 4% higher in 2030 than it would be based on current trends.

Governments have a key role in enabling investment-led growth and ensuring that the benefits are shared by all. There are large differences in macroeconomic impacts between regions. But government investment and public policies are essential to attract large amounts of private capital and to help offset the declines in fossil fuel income that many countries will experience. The major innovation efforts needed to bring new clean energy technologies to market could boost productivity and create entirely new industries, providing opportunities to locate them in areas that see job losses in incumbent industries. Improvements in air quality provide major health benefits, with 2 million fewer premature deaths globally from air pollution in 2030 than today in our net zero pathway. Achieving universal energy access by 2030 would provide a major boost to well-being and productivity in developing economies.

New energy security concerns emerge, and old ones remain

The contraction of oil and natural gas production will have far-reaching implications for all the countries and companies that produce these fuels. No new oil and natural gas fields are needed in our pathway, and oil and natural gas supplies become increasingly concentrated in a small number of low-cost producers. For oil, the OPEC share of a much-reduced global oil supply increases from around 37% in recent years to 52% in 2050, a level higher than at any point in the history of oil markets. Yet annual per capita income from oil and natural gas in producer economies falls by about 75%, from USD 1 800 in recent years to USD 450 by the 2030s, which could have knock-on societal effects. Structural reforms and new sources of revenue are needed, even though these are unlikely to compensate fully for the drop in oil and gas income. While traditional supply activities decline, the expertise of the oil and natural gas industry fits well with technologies such as hydrogen, CCUS and offshore wind that are needed to tackle emissions in sectors where reductions are likely to be most challenging.

The energy transition requires substantial quantities of critical minerals, and their supply emerges as a significant growth area. The total market size of critical minerals like copper, cobalt, manganese and various rare earth metals grows almost sevenfold between 2020 and 2030 in the net zero pathway. Revenues from those minerals are larger than revenues from coal well before 2030. This creates substantial new opportunities for mining companies. It also creates new energy security concerns, including price volatility and additional costs for transitions, if supply cannot keep up with burgeoning demand.

The rapid electrification of all sectors makes electricity even more central to energy security around the world than it is today. Electricity system flexibility – needed to balance wind and solar with evolving demand patterns – quadruples by 2050 even as retirements of fossil fuel capacity reduce conventional sources of flexibility. The transition calls for major increases in all sources of flexibility: batteries, demand response and low-carbon flexible power plants, supported by smarter and more digital electricity networks. The resilience of electricity systems to cyberattacks and other emerging threats needs to be enhanced.

Priority action: Address emerging energy security risks now

Ensuring uninterrupted and reliable supplies of energy and critical energy-related commodities at affordable prices will only rise in importance on the way to net zero.

The focus of energy security will evolve as reliance on renewable electricity grows and the role of oil and gas diminishes. Potential vulnerabilities from the increasing importance of electricity include the variability of supply and cybersecurity risks. Governments need to create markets for investment in batteries, digital solutions and electricity grids that reward flexibility and enable adequate and reliable supplies of electricity. The growing dependence on critical minerals required for key clean energy technologies calls for new international mechanisms to ensure both the timely availability of supplies and sustainable production. At the same time, traditional energy security concerns will not disappear, as oil production will become more concentrated.

Critical minerals demand in the net zero pathway, 2020-2050

Oil supply in the net zero pathway, 2020-2050, international co-operation is pivotal for achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

Making net zero emissions a reality hinges on a singular, unwavering focus from all governments – working together with one another, and with businesses, investors and citizens. All stakeholders need to play their part. The wide-ranging measures adopted by governments at all levels in the net zero pathway help to frame, influence and incentivise the purchase by consumers and investment by businesses. This includes how energy companies invest in new ways of producing and supplying energy services, how businesses invest in equipment, and how consumers cool and heat their homes, power their devices and travel.

Underpinning all these changes are policy decisions made by governments. Devising cost-effective national and regional net zero roadmaps demands co-operation among all parts of government that breaks down silos and integrates energy into every country’s policy making on finance, labour, taxation, transport and industry. Energy or environment ministries alone cannot carry out the policy actions needed to reach net zero by 2050.

Changes in energy consumption result in a significant decline in fossil fuel tax revenues. In many countries today, taxes on diesel, gasoline and other fossil fuel consumption are an important source of public revenues, providing as much as 10% in some cases. In the net zero pathway, tax revenue from oil and gas retail sales falls by about 40% between 2020 and 2030. Managing this decline will require long-term fiscal planning and budget reforms.

The net zero pathway relies on unprecedented international co-operation among governments, especially on innovation and investment. The IEA stands ready to support governments in preparing national and regional net zero roadmaps, to provide guidance and assistance in implementing them, and to promote international co-operation to accelerate the energy transition worldwide. 

Priority action: Take international co-operation to new heights

This is not simply a matter of all governments seeking to bring their national emissions to net zero – it means tackling global challenges through co-ordinated actions.

Governments must work together in an effective and mutually beneficial manner to implement coherent measures that cross borders. This includes carefully managing domestic job creation and local commercial advantages with the collective global need for clean energy technology deployment. Accelerating innovation, developing international standards and co-ordinating to scale up clean technologies needs to be done in a way that links national markets. Co-operation must recognise differences in the stages of development of different countries and the varying situations of different parts of society. For many rich countries, achieving net zero emissions will be more difficult and costly without international co-operation. For many developing countries, the pathway to net zero without international assistance is not clear. Technical and financial support is needed to ensure deployment of key technologies and infrastructure. Without greater international co-operation, global CO 2 emissions will not fall to net zero by 2050. 

Global energy-related CO2 emissions in the net zero pathway and Low International Cooperation Case, 2010-2090

A zero-carbon-ready building is highly energy efficient and either uses renewable energy directly or uses an energy supply that will be fully decarbonised by 2050, such as electricity or district heat.

Battery gigafactory capacity assumption = 35 gigawatt-hours per year.

Reference 1

Reference 2, related net zero reports.

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IEA (2021), Net Zero by 2050 , IEA, Paris https://www.iea.org/reports/net-zero-by-2050, Licence: CC BY 4.0

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Causes and Effects of Climate Change

Fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas – are by far the largest contributor to global climate change, accounting for over 75 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90 per cent of all carbon dioxide emissions.

As greenhouse gas emissions blanket the Earth, they trap the sun’s heat. This leads to global warming and climate change. The world is now warming faster than at any point in recorded history. Warmer temperatures over time are changing weather patterns and disrupting the usual balance of nature. This poses many risks to human beings and all other forms of life on Earth.

Industry and Transport

Causes of Climate Change

Generating power

Generating electricity and heat by burning fossil fuels causes a large chunk of global emissions. Most electricity is still generated by burning coal, oil, or gas, which produces carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide – powerful greenhouse gases that blanket the Earth and trap the sun’s heat. Globally, a bit more than a quarter of electricity comes from wind, solar and other renewable sources which, as opposed to fossil fuels, emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air.

Manufacturing goods

Manufacturing and industry produce emissions, mostly from burning fossil fuels to produce energy for making things like cement, iron, steel, electronics, plastics, clothes, and other goods. Mining and other industrial processes also release gases, as does the construction industry. Machines used in the manufacturing process often run on coal, oil, or gas; and some materials, like plastics, are made from chemicals sourced from fossil fuels. The manufacturing industry is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.

Cutting down forests

Cutting down forests to create farms or pastures, or for other reasons, causes emissions, since trees, when they are cut, release the carbon they have been storing. Each year approximately 12 million hectares of forest are destroyed. Since forests absorb carbon dioxide, destroying them also limits nature’s ability to keep emissions out of the atmosphere. Deforestation, together with agriculture and other land use changes, is responsible for roughly a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Using transportation

Most cars, trucks, ships, and planes run on fossil fuels. That makes transportation a major contributor of greenhouse gases, especially carbon-dioxide emissions. Road vehicles account for the largest part, due to the combustion of petroleum-based products, like gasoline, in internal combustion engines. But emissions from ships and planes continue to grow. Transport accounts for nearly one quarter of global energy-related carbon-dioxide emissions. And trends point to a significant increase in energy use for transport over the coming years.

Producing food

Producing food causes emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases in various ways, including through deforestation and clearing of land for agriculture and grazing, digestion by cows and sheep, the production and use of fertilizers and manure for growing crops, and the use of energy to run farm equipment or fishing boats, usually with fossil fuels. All this makes food production a major contributor to climate change. And greenhouse gas emissions also come from packaging and distributing food.

Powering buildings

Globally, residential and commercial buildings consume over half of all electricity. As they continue to draw on coal, oil, and natural gas for heating and cooling, they emit significant quantities of greenhouse gas emissions. Growing energy demand for heating and cooling, with rising air-conditioner ownership, as well as increased electricity consumption for lighting, appliances, and connected devices, has contributed to a rise in energy-related carbon-dioxide emissions from buildings in recent years.

Consuming too much

Your home and use of power, how you move around, what you eat and how much you throw away all contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. So does the consumption of goods such as clothing, electronics, and plastics. A large chunk of global greenhouse gas emissions are linked to private households. Our lifestyles have a profound impact on our planet. The wealthiest bear the greatest responsibility: the richest 1 per cent of the global population combined account for more greenhouse gas emissions than the poorest 50 per cent.

Based on various UN sources

Industry and Transport

Effects of Climate Change

Hotter temperatures

As greenhouse gas concentrations rise, so does the global surface temperature. The last decade, 2011-2020, is the warmest on record. Since the 1980s, each decade has been warmer than the previous one. Nearly all land areas are seeing more hot days and heat waves. Higher temperatures increase heat-related illnesses and make working outdoors more difficult. Wildfires start more easily and spread more rapidly when conditions are hotter. Temperatures in the Arctic have warmed at least twice as fast as the global average.

More severe storms

Destructive storms have become more intense and more frequent in many regions. As temperatures rise, more moisture evaporates, which exacerbates extreme rainfall and flooding, causing more destructive storms. The frequency and extent of tropical storms is also affected by the warming ocean. Cyclones, hurricanes, and typhoons feed on warm waters at the ocean surface. Such storms often destroy homes and communities, causing deaths and huge economic losses.

Increased drought

Climate change is changing water availability, making it scarcer in more regions. Global warming exacerbates water shortages in already water-stressed regions and is leading to an increased risk of agricultural droughts affecting crops, and ecological droughts increasing the vulnerability of ecosystems. Droughts can also stir destructive sand and dust storms that can move billions of tons of sand across continents. Deserts are expanding, reducing land for growing food. Many people now face the threat of not having enough water on a regular basis.

A warming, rising ocean

The ocean soaks up most of the heat from global warming. The rate at which the ocean is warming strongly increased over the past two decades, across all depths of the ocean. As the ocean warms, its volume increases since water expands as it gets warmer. Melting ice sheets also cause sea levels to rise, threatening coastal and island communities. In addition, the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide, keeping it from the atmosphere. But more carbon dioxide makes the ocean more acidic, which endangers marine life and coral reefs.

Loss of species

Climate change poses risks to the survival of species on land and in the ocean. These risks increase as temperatures climb. Exacerbated by climate change, the world is losing species at a rate 1,000 times greater than at any other time in recorded human history. One million species are at risk of becoming extinct within the next few decades. Forest fires, extreme weather, and invasive pests and diseases are among many threats related to climate change. Some species will be able to relocate and survive, but others will not.

Not enough food

Changes in the climate and increases in extreme weather events are among the reasons behind a global rise in hunger and poor nutrition. Fisheries, crops, and livestock may be destroyed or become less productive. With the ocean becoming more acidic, marine resources that feed billions of people are at risk. Changes in snow and ice cover in many Arctic regions have disrupted food supplies from herding, hunting, and fishing. Heat stress can diminish water and grasslands for grazing, causing declining crop yields and affecting livestock.

More health risks

Climate change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity. Climate impacts are already harming health, through air pollution, disease, extreme weather events, forced displacement, pressures on mental health, and increased hunger and poor nutrition in places where people cannot grow or find sufficient food. Every year, environmental factors take the lives of around 13 million people. Changing weather patterns are expanding diseases, and extreme weather events increase deaths and make it difficult for health care systems to keep up.

Poverty and displacement

Climate change increases the factors that put and keep people in poverty. Floods may sweep away urban slums, destroying homes and livelihoods. Heat can make it difficult to work in outdoor jobs. Water scarcity may affect crops. Over the past decade (2010–2019), weather-related events displaced an estimated 23.1 million people on average each year, leaving many more vulnerable to poverty. Most refugees come from countries that are most vulnerable and least ready to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

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Alternative heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (hvac) system considerations for reducing energy use and emissions in egg industries in temperate and continental climates: a systematic review of current systems, insights, and future directions.

alternative sources of energy essay in english

1. Introduction

  • What are the typical annual energy needs and the maximum thermal loads for heating and cooling caged and free-run layer hen housing systems? This research question considers the specific physiological requirements of poultry, housing characteristics, and seasonal variations across temperate and continental climates (using several locations in Canada evincing different temperate/continental climate conditions as examples) throughout the year (RQ1).
  • What insights from residential and commercial alternative HVAC systems are transferable for potential application in caged and free-run poultry housing systems in temperate and continental climates? What are the limitations? This research question considers the estimated heating and cooling loads and needs from RQ1, potential energy efficiency, and environmental impacts (RQ2).
  • What subset of alternative HVAC technologies could be recommended for priority consideration for application in confined poultry housing, subject to further, detailed life cycle-based sustainability assessment in order to determine potential net benefits/impacts in the context of egg production? This research question considers technological maturity, affordability, and the findings from RQ2 (RQ3).

2.1. Simulation Methodology

2.1.1. adopted simulation model, 2.1.2. theoretical layer hen house used in the simulations, 2.1.3. definition of the scenarios for the simulations, 2.2. prisma methodology, 2.2.1. search strategy and screening criteria, 2.2.2. extraction and synthesis of data, 3. results and discussion, 3.1. thermal loads and needs for conventional caged and free-run layer hen housing, 3.2. insights into the suitability of alternative hvac systems, 3.2.1. ashps for caged and free-run poultry housing applications.

Ref.Energy Efficiency FindingsEnvironmental Impact FindingsType of Finding (Favourable, Unfavourable, Inconsistent)Inland–DfcCoastal–DfbInland–DfbCoastal–Cfb
[ ]The ASHP did not meet the energy demandsN/AUnfavourablex
[ ]The ASHP had higher energy consumption than the GSHPN/AUnfavourablex
[ ]Performance was mainly driven by the climateN/AInconsistentxxx
[ , , , ]The ASHP had higher energy consumption than the GSHPN/AUnfavourablexxxx
[ ]The ASHP had higher energy consumption than the GSHPN/AUnfavourable x
[ ]The ASHP could reduce the energy supply with substantial improvementsN/AFavourable x
[ ]In warm climates, the GSHP saved little energy or used more energy than the ASHP, but the opposite was true in cold climatesN/AInconsistent x
[ ]N/AThe environmental impact was higher than conventional and GSHP systemsUnfavourablex
[ ]N/AReduced emissions were achieved compared to a conventional systemFavourablex
[ ]N/AThe environmental impact was higher than the GSHPUnfavourablexxx
[ ]N/AThe ASHP contributed more emissions than the EAHEUnfavourablexxxx
[ ]N/AThe environmental impact was lower than GSHPs and conventional systemsFavourablexxxx
[ ]N/AThe environmental impact was higher than conventional systemUnfavourablexxxx
[ ]N/AThe environmental impact was higher than conventional systemsUnfavourablexx
[ ]N/AThe ASHP contributed more emissions than a GSHPUnfavourable x
[ ]N/AThe ASHP could reduce emissions with substantial improvementsFavourable x
Ref.Energy Efficiency FindingsEnvironmental Impact FindingsType of Finding (Favourable, Unfavourable, Inconsistent)Inland–DfcCoastal–DfbInland–DfbCoastal–Cfb
[ ]The ASHP did not meet the energy demandsN/AUnfavourable xx
[ ]The ASHP had higher energy consumption than the GSHPN/AUnfavourablex
[ ]The ASHP had higher energy consumption than the GSHPN/AUnfavourable x
[ ]The ASHP contributed more emissions than the EAHEN/AUnfavourablexxx
[ ]The ASHP had higher energy consumption than the GSHPN/AUnfavourable x
[ ]The ASHP had higher energy consumption than a GSHP but less than conventional systemsN/AFavourablexxx
[ ]The ASHP could reduce the energy supply with substantial improvementsN/AFavourablexxx
[ ]The ASHP had higher energy consumption than the GSHPN/AUnfavourable x
[ ]The ASHP had higher energy consumption than the GSHPN/AUnfavourable x
[ ]N/AThe environmental impact was higher than with a GSHPUnfavourable xx
[ ]N/AThe ASHP contributed more emissions than an EAHEUnfavourablexxxx
[ ]N/AThe environmental impact was higher than GSHPs and conventional systemsUnfavourable xx
[ ]N/AThe ASHP could reduce energy consumption with substantial improvementsFavourable xx
[ ]N/AThe environmental impact was lower than GSHPs and conventional systemsFavourablexxx
[ ]N/AReduced emissions were achieved compared to a conventional systemFavourable x

3.2.2. EAHEs for Caged and Free-Run Poultry Housing Applications in Different Temperate and Continental Climates

Ref.Energy Efficiency FindingsEnvironmental Impact FindingsType of Finding (Favourable, Unfavourable, Inconsistent)Inland–DfcCoastal–DfbInland–DfbCoastal–Cfb
[ ]N/AThe EAHE helped reduce GHGEs.Favourablexxx
[ ]N/AThe EAHE reduced annual CO , SO , and NO emissions compared to the ASHP.Favourablexxxx
[ ]The EAHE provided energy savings in the summer season. N/AFavourable xxxx
[ ]The EAHE effectively heated and cooled the facility.N/AFavourable xxxx
[ ]The EAHE could effectively reduce heating load requirements.N/AFavourable xxxx
[ , ]The EAHE reduced energy consumption. N/AFavourable xxxx
[ , ]The EAHE could effectively reduce energy consumption, with higher cooling potential. N/AFavourable xxxx
[ , , ]The EAHE increased average temperature by 13.5 °C, 2.7 °C, and 8 °C and decreased by 13.6 °C, 6.6 °C, and 4 °C, respectively.N/AFavourable xxxx
[ ]The EAHE met the cooling and heating load requirements, and efficiency did not decrease with time. N/AFavourable xxxx
[ , ]The EAHE could effectively reduce heating and cooling load requirements.N/AFavourable xxx
[ ]The EAHE reduced energy consumption.N/AFavourable xxx
[ ]The EAHE met the cooling load requirements.N/AFavourable x x
[ ]The EAHE could effectively reduce energy consumption, with higher cooling potential. NAFavourable x
[ , , ]The EAHE reduced energy consumption for winter and summer. N/AFavourable x
[ , ]The EAHE met the cooling and heating load requirements, and efficiency did not decrease with time. N/AFavourable x

3.2.3. GSHPs for Caged and Free-Run Poultry Housing Applications in Different Temperate and Continental Climates

3.3. affordability analysis for the application of alternative hvac systems in egg production systems, 3.3.1. technological maturity of alternative hvac systems, 3.3.2. recommendations of alternative hvac systems based on the synthesis of affordability, technological maturity, and results from rq2, 4. conclusions, future directions, and limitations.

  • EAHEs are the alternative HVAC technology of highest priority for future investigation as a complementary system to reduce thermal loads and needs in poultry housing. Due to their passive nature, EAHEs were determined to have the smallest costs and potential environmental impacts. Combining EAHEs with conventional systems as a potentially economical and environmentally beneficial alternative to switching from conventional to active alternative HVAC systems would be worth future exploration, particularly for low-thermal-load and -energy-needs houses such as in mild temperate climates and free-run systems.
  • GSHPs are of second priority for further investigation as stand-alone systems. Despite their high installation costs, GSHPs were determined to possibly be energy-efficient and environmentally beneficial for egg production compared to other active systems due to having low operational costs. Although GSHPs would benefit both poultry housing systems, they would be particularly advantageous for caged systems due to the high thermal load and associated operational demand. Possible future work on reducing investment costs for GSHPs would be beneficial.
  • ASHPs are not recommended as a priority alternative HVAC system. Despite favourable literature findings as an affordable, energy-efficient system, many environmental impact findings were unfavourable. There is no strong indication from the literature that ASHPs would be superior in terms of environmental sustainability to conventional or GSHP systems. It is worth noting that the installation of ASHPs is usually easier. Nevertheless, further environmental impact investigation is suggested before large-scale implementations of ASHPs in livestock contexts, particularly for high-thermal-load and -energy-needs applications.
  • GSAHPs and WSHPs are not recommended for priority consideration at this time. WSHPs are technologically mature but, as the literature is limited, these systems’ suitability for egg production could not be determined. Moreover, as WSHPs need access to large bodies of water, their implementation can be geographically limited. GSAHPs are not technologically mature, and the limited literature also prevents the determination of these systems’ suitability. We encourage further research on WSHPs and GSAHPs as these systems are theoretically promising but require more investigation of their potential energy efficiencies, environmental impacts, and affordability to better understand their suitability across different application contexts.

Supplementary Materials

Author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest, abbreviations.

ASHPAir source heat pump
Cooling degree days [ ]
COPCoefficient of performance
CO Carbon dioxide
Annual total solar radiation on the horizontal plane [ ]
EAHEEarth–air heat exchanger
FAOFood and agriculture organization
GHGEsGreenhouse gas emissions
GSAHPGround source air heat pump
GSHPGround source heat pump
Heating degree days [ ]
HVACHeating, ventilation, and air conditioning
LCALife cycle assessment
Hen body mass [ ]
Number of hens inside the house [ ]
NO Nitrogen oxides
SO Sulphur dioxide
TMYTypical meteorological year
TRLTechnology readiness level
Stationary thermal transmittance [ ]
WSHPWater source heat pump
Daily egg production [ ]
Solar absorption coefficient [ ]
Internal aerial heat capacity [ ]
Total thermal emission from internal sources [ ]
5R1CFive resistances and one capacitance
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Envelope Component


Climate Regions
Inland–Dfc (Calgary, Alberta)5086374.05.0
Coastal–Dfb (Greenwood, Nova Scotia)41881397.04.7
Inland–Dfb (London, Ontario)39842337.35.0
Coastal–Cfb (Vancouver, British Columbia)2932419.74.4
Research QuestionsSearch Queries Number of Articles Reviewed over Available
RQ2(“ground source heat pump*” or “air-source heat pump*” or “water source heat pump*” or “earth tube*” or “earth–air heat exchanger*” or “ground source air heat pump*”) and (“Life cycle assessment*” or “energy efficienc*”)141/551
RQ3(“ground source heat pump*” or “air-source heat pump*” or “water source heat pump*” or “earth tube*” or “EAHE*” or “ground heat exchanger” or “ground source air heat pump*”) and (“payback period*” or “payback time” or “techno-economic” or “Life cycle cost*” or “LCC” or “Life-cycle-cost*” or “Life-cycle costing”)84/311
Heating, cooling, and ventilation loadsThe heating and cooling loads or needs of the referenced study were within 25% of those estimated in RQ1 (the selected percentage provides a general understanding that the technology could meet the loads with minor sizing modifications and that the corresponding study’s findings can be appropriately transferred to the scale of interest.) The heating and cooling loads or needs of the referenced HVAC were within 50% of those estimated in RQ1 (the selected percentage provides a general understanding that the technology could meet the loads with moderate sizing modifications and that the corresponding study’s findings can be mostly transferred to the scale of interest.)The heating and cooling loads or needs of the referenced HVAC were beyond 50% of those identified in RQ1 (the selected percentage provides a general understanding that the technology could meet the loads with extensive sizing modifications and that the corresponding study’s findings cannot be confidently transferred to the scale of interest.)
Useable floor area or volume of the facility The referenced study’s useable floor area or volume is within 25% of that of the theoretical house.The referenced study’s useable floor area or volume is within 50% of that of the theoretical house.The referenced study’s useable floor area or volume was beyond 50% of that of the theoretical house.
Climatic regionThe referenced study’s climatic zone matched the corresponding climatic zone of interest (Dfc, Cfb, or Dfb) from the updated Koppen classification model [ ].The referenced study’s climatic zone did not match the corresponding climatic zone of interest (Dfc, Cfb, or Dfb) from the updated Koppen classification model [ ]N/A
Outdoor ambient temperature The referenced study’s outdoor ambient temperature matched within 4 °C the annual temperature average range of the region of interest [ ].The referenced study’s outdoor ambient temperature matched beyond 4 °C the annual temperature average range of the region of interest [ ].The referenced study’s outdoor ambient temperature did not overlap with the reported annual outdoor temperature average range of the region investigated [ ].
Energy efficiency findings The referenced study identified favourable energy efficiency findings with respect to an alternative HVAC technology of interest.The referenced study identified inconsistent energy efficiency findings in terms of favourability with respect to an alternative HVAC technology of interest.The referenced study identified unfavourable energy efficiency findings with respect to an alternative HVAC technology of interest.
Environmental impact findings The referenced study identified favourable environmental impact findings with respect to an alternative HVAC technology of interest.The referenced study identified inconsistent environmental impact findings in terms of favourability with respect to an alternative HVAC technology of interest.The referenced study identified unfavourable environmental impact findings with respect to an alternative HVAC technology of interest.
Ref.Energy Efficiency FindingsEnvironmental Impact FindingsType of Finding (Favourable, Unfavourable, Inconsistent)Inland–DfcCoastal–DfbInland–DfbCoastal–Cfb
[ , , ]The GSHP was more energy-efficient than a conventional systemN/AFavourablexxxx
[ , ]The GSHP had lower energy consumption compared to conventional systemN/AFavourablex
[ ]The GSHP had lower energy consumption compared to the conventional systemN/AFavourable x
[ ]The GSHP saved energy consumption in heating mode compared to the conventional systemN/AFavourable xx
[ ]The GSHP had lower energy consumption than the conventional systemN/AFavourable x
[ ]The GSHP had lower energy consumption compared to ASHPN/AFavourablexxxx
[ ]The GSHP was more energy-efficient than the ASHPN/AFavourablexxx
[ ]The GSHP was more energy-efficient than conventional systemN/AFavourable x
[ ]The GSHP was more energy-efficient than the ASHPN/AFavourablex
[ ]The GSHP was more energy-efficient than the conventional systemsNAFavourablexxx
[ ]The GSHP showed higher efficiency for cooling than heatingN/AFavourablexxxx
[ ]The GSHP had lower energy consumption than the conventional systemsN/AFavourablexx
[ ]The GSHP’s performance did not degradeN/AFavourable x x
[ ]The GSHP met the heating load requirementsNAFavourablexxx
[ , ]The GSHP had lower energy consumption than the ASHPN/AFavourablexxxx
[ ]The GSHPs provided energy savings in cold climate zones, but in warmer climates, the GSHPs saved little energy or used more energy than the ASHPN/AInconsistent x
[ ]The GSHP met the cooling load requirementsN/AFavourablexxxx
[ ]The GSHP met the heating and cooling load requirementsN/AFavourablexx
[ ]N/AThe GSHP showed higher environmental impacts compared to the conventional systemsUnfavourablexxxx
[ ]N/AThe GSHP had lower environmental impacts than ASHPsFavourablex x
[ ]N/AThe GSHPs showed lowest environmental impacts in most cases compared to the ASHPFavourablexxxx
[ ]N/AThe GSHP had lower GHGEs compared to the conventional systemFavourablex
[ ]N/AThe GSHP reduced GHGEs compared to the conventional systemFavourablexxxx
[ ]N/AThe GSHP had lower GHGEs compared to the conventional systemFavourable x
[ ]N/AThe GSHP reduced GHGEs in heating modeFavourable xx
[ ]N/AThe GSHP reduced GHGEs throughout the operational stage compared to conventional systems but showed greater overall negative environmental impact across the entire life cycleUnfavourablexxxx
[ ]N/AThe GSHP generated higher emissions compared to the conventional heating systemUnfavourable x
[ ]N/AThe GSHP had lower GHGEs compared to the conventional systemsFavourablexxx
[ ]N/AThe GSHP had lower environmental impacts than the conventional systemsFavourablexxx
[ ]N/AThe GSHP had a greater impact on all impact categories when compared to the ASHPUnfavourablexxxx
Ref.Energy Efficiency FindingsEnvironmental Impact FindingsType of Finding (Favourable, Unfavourable, Inconsistent)Inland–DfcCoastal–DfbInland–DfbCoastal–Cfb
[ ]GSHPs were more energy-efficient than the conventional systemN/AFavourable x
[ ]The GSHP had lower energy consumption compared to the conventional systemsN/AFavourable xx
[ ]The GSHP was more efficient than the conventional systemN/AFavourablex x
[ ]The GSHP could save energy consumption in heating mode compared to the conventional systemN/AFavourablexxx
[ ]The GSHP reduced operational energy use compared to the conventional systemN/AFavourable x
[ ]The GSHP met the heating load requirementsN/AFavourablexxxx
[ ]The GSHP had lower energy consumption compared to the ASHPN/AFavourablex
[ ]The GSHP was more energy-efficient than the ASHPN/AFavourable x
[ ]The GSHPs met the cooling load requirementsN/AFavourablexxxx
[ ]The GSHP was more energy-efficient than the ASHPN/AFavourable x
[ ]The GSHP was more energy-efficient than conventional systemsN/AFavourable x
[ ]The GSHPs had lower energy consumption than conventional systemsN/AFavourablexxxx
[ ]The GSHP met the cooling load requirementsN/AFavourable x
[ ]The GSHPs used less operational energy than the conventional and ASHP systemsN/AFavourablexxx
[ ]The GSHPs used less energy than the conventional systemsN/AFavourable xx
[ ]The GSHP met the heating load requirementsN/AFavourable x
[ ]The GSHP was more energy-efficient than the ASHPN/AFavourable x
[ ]The GSHP was more energy-efficient than the ASHPN/AFavourable x
[ ]During very cold periods, i.e., −20 °C, the GSHP was not able to meet the heating load requirementsN/AUnfavourable x
[ ]The GSHPs showed high energy efficiencyN/AFavourable xx
[ ]The GSHP met the thermal load requirementsN/AFavourable x
[ ]N/AThe GSHP showed the most environmental impacts compared to the conventional systemUnfavourable x
[ ]N/AThe GSHP showed lower environmental impacts compared to the ASHPFavourable xx
[ ]N/AThe GSHP reduced GHGEsFavourable xx
[ ]N/AThe GSHP reduced GHGEs in heating modeFavourable xxx
[ ]N/AThe GSHPs showed a higher reduction in climate, energy, and land footprints in comparison to the conventional and ASHP systemsFavourable xxx
[ ]N/AThe GSHP saved GHGEs during heating compared to conventional systemsFavourable x
[ ]N/AThe GSHPs’ environmental impacts were lower than the conventional and ASHP systemsFavourable xx
[ ]N/AThe GSHPs’ environmental impact was lower than conventional systemsFavourable xx
[ ]N/AThe GSHP reduced GHGEsFavourablex x
Recommendation StatusAlternative HVAC TechnologyRecommendation ContextEnergy Efficiency Environmental Impacts AffordabilityTechnological Maturity
First priority recommendationEAHEAs a complementary system for free-run and caged housingFavourable Favourable Favourable Mature (commercially available)
Secondary priority recommendation GSHPAs a stand-alone system free-run and caged housingFavourable Mostly favourable Unfavourable Mature (commercially available)
Subsequent non-prioritized recommendationASHPAs a stand-alone system free-run and caged housingMostly Favourable Mostly unfavourable Favourable Mature (commercially available)
Not recommended WSHPAs a stand-alone system for free-run and caged housing in proximity to an open water sourceFavourable Favourable Favourable Mature (commercially available)
Not recommended GSAHPAs a stand-alone system for free-run and caged housingNANANAImmature
The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

Share and Cite

Vanbaelinghem, L.; Costantino, A.; Grassauer, F.; Pelletier, N. Alternative Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System Considerations for Reducing Energy Use and Emissions in Egg Industries in Temperate and Continental Climates: A Systematic Review of Current Systems, Insights, and Future Directions. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 4895. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16124895

Vanbaelinghem L, Costantino A, Grassauer F, Pelletier N. Alternative Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System Considerations for Reducing Energy Use and Emissions in Egg Industries in Temperate and Continental Climates: A Systematic Review of Current Systems, Insights, and Future Directions. Sustainability . 2024; 16(12):4895. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16124895

Vanbaelinghem, Leandra, Andrea Costantino, Florian Grassauer, and Nathan Pelletier. 2024. "Alternative Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System Considerations for Reducing Energy Use and Emissions in Egg Industries in Temperate and Continental Climates: A Systematic Review of Current Systems, Insights, and Future Directions" Sustainability 16, no. 12: 4895. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16124895

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Exploring the Efficiency of Renewable Energy-based Modular Data Centers at Scale

  • Sun, Jinghan
  • Agarwal, Anup
  • Noghabi, Shadi
  • Chandra, Ranveer
  • Huang, Jian

Modular data centers (MDCs) that can be placed right at the energy farms and powered mostly by renewable energy, are proven to be a flexible and effective approach to lowering the carbon footprint of data centers. However, the main challenge of using renewable energy is the high variability of power produced, which implies large volatility in powering computing resources at MDCs, and degraded application performance due to the task evictions and migrations. This causes challenges for platform operators to decide the MDC deployment. To this end, we present SkyBox, a framework that employs a holistic and learning-based approach for platform operators to explore the efficient use of renewable energy with MDC deployment across geographical regions. SkyBox is driven by the insights based on our study of real-world power traces from a variety of renewable energy farms -- the predictable production of renewable energy and the complementary nature of energy production patterns across different renewable energy sources and locations. With these insights, SkyBox first uses the coefficient of variation metric to select the qualified renewable farms, and proposes a subgraph identification algorithm to identify a set of farms with complementary energy production patterns. After that, SkyBox enables smart workload placement and migrations to further tolerate the power variability. Our experiments with real power traces and datacenter workloads show that SkyBox has the lowest carbon emissions in comparison with current MDC deployment approaches. SkyBox also minimizes the impact of the power variability on cloud virtual machines, enabling rMDCs a practical solution of efficiently using renewable energy.

  • Computer Science - Distributed;
  • and Cluster Computing


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Climate Change Added a Month’s Worth of Extra-Hot Days in Past Year

Since last May, the average person experienced 26 more days of abnormal warmth than they would have without global warming, a new analysis found.

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A woman wearing a patterned scarf and green pants sits on a hospital bed while connected to an IV stand.

By Raymond Zhong

Over the past year of record-shattering warmth, the average person on Earth experienced 26 more days of abnormally high temperatures than they otherwise would have, were it not for human-induced climate change, scientists said Tuesday.

The past 12 months have been the planet’s hottest ever measured, and the burning of fossil fuels, which has added huge amounts of heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere, is a major reason. Nearly 80 percent of the world’s population experienced at least 31 days of atypical warmth since last May as a result of human-caused warming, the researchers’ analysis found.

Hypothetically, had we not heated the globe to its current state , the number of unusually warm days would have been far fewer, the scientists estimated, using mathematical modeling of the global climate.

The precise difference varies place to place. In some countries, it is just two or three weeks, the researchers found. In others, including Colombia, Indonesia and Rwanda, the difference is upward of 120 days.

“That’s a lot of toll that we’ve imposed on people,” said one of the researchers who conducted the new analysis, Andrew Pershing, the vice president for science at Climate Central, a nonprofit research and news organization based in Princeton, N.J., adding, “It’s a lot of toll that we’ve imposed on nature.” In parts of South America and Africa, he said, it amounts to “120 days that just wouldn’t be there without climate change.”

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  11. Essay On Renewable Energy

    Essay On Renewable Energy: Sustainable power sources (or renewables) are approaches to produce energy from (hypothetically) limitless standard assets. These assets are either accessible with no time-restricted or renewed more rapidly than the rate at which they are burned. Sustainable power sources are, for the most part, talked about rather than petroleum derivative energies. The petroleum […]

  12. Essay on Renewable Energy

    Essay on Renewable Energy. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. The world has been powered by carbon-based energy since the industrial revolution. It is what humans know as convenient, reliable, and cheap.

  13. Alternative Sources of Energy: Learn Definition, Properties ...

    Alternative sources of energy can be defined as the use of sources of energy other than the traditional fossil fuels (such as oil, coal, and natural gas), which are shorter in supply and which are considered harmful to the environment. It includes all renewable and nuclear energy sources. The most commonly used alternative sources of energy ...

  14. Essay on Renewable Energy for all Class in 100 to 500 Words in English

    Renewable Energy Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words) 1) Renewable energy is produced from natural sources. 2) Renewable energy is unlimited on the earth. 3) It is a more clean and green form of energy. 4) Energy produced from the sun, wind, water, biomass, etc is considered renewable energy. 5) Generating renewable energy is expensive.

  15. Essay on Sources of Energy

    Renewable energy sources, on the other hand, are inexhaustible and can be replenished naturally. They include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass energy. Solar energy, harnessed through photovoltaic cells, is a clean and abundant source. Wind energy, captured by wind turbines, is another potent source, especially in coastal and high ...

  16. What is renewable energy?

    Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed. Sunlight and wind, for example, are such sources that are constantly ...

  17. This Is the Future: Essay on Renewable Energy

    As a result, we get geothermal energy. This source provides a significant energy supply while having low emissions and no significant footprint on land. A factsheet and essay on renewable resources state that geothermal plants will increase electricity production from 17 billion kWh in 2020 to 49.8 billion kWh in 2050.

  18. Essay on Renewable Sources of Energy, Renewable Sources of ...

    Renewable sources of energy. It might be surprising to know that resources such as solar power, wind, and water were utilized for human energy needs much earlier than fossil fuels were brought to use. In fact, sunlight was utilized first to make fire. Windmills and watermills were present in the days of kings and kingdoms.

  19. Alternative Energy Sources Essay

    Alternative Energy Sources Essay. Some of the chief sources of energy are coal, gas, oil, electricity thermal and hydel), atom, the sun, etc. Energy is the motive force and the back-bone of modern industry. t has been estimated that during the last sixty years man has consumed more energy than he has ever done since the dawn of history.

  20. Essay on Importance of Renewable Energy

    Tidal power generators are the most predictable and affordable source of energy. For example, The Bay of Fundy in Canada has the world's highest tides, which reach speeds up to 17 kph generating 700 kilowatts of power compared to 600 kilowatts produced by wind turbines (Meyer 66). Therefore, the global implementation of renewable sources is a ...

  21. Energy Conservation Essay for Students and Children

    First of all, energy conservation plays an important role in saving non-renewable energy resources. Furthermore, non-renewable energy sources take many centuries to regenerate. Moreover, humans consume energy at a faster rate than it can be produced. Therefore, energy conservation would lead to the preservation of these precious non-renewable ...

  22. Different Sources of Energy

    First, all of them are sources of energy that are available in the world today. However, while the wind and hydropower are renewable sources of energy, fossil fuels are not renewable. This is the major difference between them. Fossil fuels also emit greenhouse gases that are harmful to the atmosphere. There is also a difference in the way these ...

  23. Sources Of Energy

    These resources of energy can be naturally replenished and are safe for the environment. Examples of renewable sources of energy are: Solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, biomass, hydropower and tidal energy. A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that is found underneath the earth. These type of energy resources do not ...

  24. Energy Sources

    Energy Sources. Primary energy sources take many forms, including nuclear energy, fossil energy -- like oil, coal and natural gas -- and renewable sources like wind, solar, geothermal and hydropower. These primary sources are converted to electricity, a secondary energy source, which flows through power lines and other transmission ...

  25. Net Zero by 2050

    Solar becomes the largest source, accounting for one-fifth of energy supplies. Solar PV capacity increases 20-fold between now and 2050, and wind power 11-fold. Net zero means a huge decline in the use of fossil fuels. They fall from almost four-fifths of total energy supply today to slightly over one-fifth by 2050.

  26. Causes and Effects of Climate Change

    Globally, a bit more than a quarter of electricity comes from wind, solar and other renewable sources which, as opposed to fossil fuels, emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air.

  27. Saudi Arabia Eyes a Future Beyond Oil

    Sudair, which can light up 185,000 homes, is the first of what could be many giant projects intended to raise output from renewable energy sources like solar and wind to around 50 percent by 2030.

  28. Sustainability

    Egg production is amongst the most rapidly expanding livestock sectors worldwide. A large share of non-renewable energy use in egg production is due to the operation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Reducing energy use, therefore, is essential to decreasing the environmental impacts of intensive egg production. This review identifies market-ready alternatives (such ...

  29. Exploring the Efficiency of Renewable Energy-based Modular Data Centers

    Modular data centers (MDCs) that can be placed right at the energy farms and powered mostly by renewable energy, are proven to be a flexible and effective approach to lowering the carbon footprint of data centers. However, the main challenge of using renewable energy is the high variability of power produced, which implies large volatility in powering computing resources at MDCs, and degraded ...

  30. Climate Change Added a Month's Worth of Extra-Hot Days in Past Year

    May 28, 2024. Leer en español. Over the past year of record-shattering warmth, the average person on Earth experienced 26 more days of abnormally high temperatures than they otherwise would have ...