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Your Guide to Preparing a Great Software Demo Presentation

Photo of the author, Mendy Shlomo

Table of Contents

What is a software demo?

5 key elements every good software demo presentation must include, things to do when preparing for a software demo, 3 common ways software demos can go wrong, create software demos your prospects will absolutely love.

We believe congratulations are in order!

If the rumors are to be believed, word on the street is that you’ve successfully scheduled the demo . 

Your prospects have shown great interest in your SaaS offering and are looking forward with excitement to getting to know it better during the software demo . 

All that’s left for you to do is blow them away with a demo presentation that’s more riveting and engaging than a Martin Scorcese film.

Goodfellas ? Pfft. If you thought that was good it’s because you haven’t yet seen this demo.

A live software demo is a tool that sales teams use to showcase a SaaS product to their buyers. 

Let’s say you walked into a store to buy a pair of pants. Would you let the salesperson describe the pants to you and then buy them without seeing them? We didn’t think so.

So software customers also need a way to see the product, understand how it works, and check out its features and benefits before they decide to buy it. That’s where the software demo comes in.

The software sales demo acts as a way for the marketing and sales teams to give your buyers a chance to experience your product. While it is most commonly used during the sales demo phase of the buyer journey, an interactive software demo created with a tool like Walnut allows you to send prospects links for them to engage with on their own at any point throughout the sales experience.

Learning to create an interactive product demo is the easy part, especially on a platform like Walnut. The harder part is making the demo amazing.

Do you want to create a software demo that will leave your customers bored and confused?

The best way to create a boring software demo presentation is by using a slide deck or a video. You should also be as generic as possible and spend your time focusing on how cool your product’s features are. This is bound to leave your prospects with a bad taste in their mouth and inexplicably sleepy.

But if you want to knock the socks right off of your prospects, we recommend making sure your demo includes the following 5 elements:

1. Personalization

The first thing you should ask yourself when creating your software demo presentation is:

Who is the prospect and what do they need?  

Focus on the solutions your product can provide to match their specific needs. Adding small personal touches to the product demo , like the prospect’s name and company logo, can also let them understand that this demo was made with them in mind. 

When you create your demo presentation for your prospect, you need to make sure it tells a story. Ask yourself:

Why is the prospect coming to this software demo?

Create an interactive sales experience that will leave the prospects feeling like they understand your product flow, the value it brings, and how it can easily integrate with their current workflow. They aren’t there to be blown away by the functionality of your product. They are there because they want to solve a pain.

3. Interactivity

Your prospects don’t want a show. Ask yourself:

Would you buy anything without trying it out yourself first?

Give your audience the link to their personalized software demo and let them try it by themselves. Keep them engaged by having them click through the product so that they can see how it works and the value it can bring them.

4. Engaging content

Don’t be boring. That’s it. That’s the post.

Ok, that’s not the whole post. When creating content for your demo and working on your demo script , ask yourself:

How can I keep the prospect engaged?

Use GIFs, humor, sales memes , rich text, movie references, sports references, or whatever the prospect is interested in to spice up this demo. Be professional but also be yourself and build a genuine connection with your audience.

5. Strong CTAs

The goal of a good software demo is a closed deal. So ask yourself:

What’s the next step that you’d like the prospect to make?

Include clear CTAs throughout your software demo so your audience knows what’s the next step in the process.

When you’re getting ready for your demo, there are two things you should make sure to do.

1. Get to know your audience

The first thing you need to make sure you have down when preparing for your software demo is understanding who you will be speaking to.

Learn their names.

Don’t underestimate how effective it is to engage your audience by calling them by their first names. 

Before you get on that call, make sure you know who you’ll be speaking to. Ask your champion exactly who will be attending the meeting so that you can know in advance and prepare.

Write down each of their names and have it by you when the presentation starts if that’ll help or take a few minutes to read their resume on LinkedIn before the meeting. This way, you can speak more directly to each member of your audience.

Learn their roles.

Next, learn the positions they hold within their company. 

If a feature you are showcasing is relevant to a specific role, you’ll be able to say, “Hey Salvador. You may be interested in this. By clicking here you can solve all of your problems so that you can finally curb that horrible drinking habit.” 

…or something like that.

Learn their needs.

Each team member has specific pains that they want to resolve. Sometimes they may not know that there could be a better way.

It’s your job to make sure that you explain to them how your product can provide value to them as a team and to each of them individually. You can only do this by having an extremely firm understanding of their aims and objectives.

2. Create a memorable experience

Make sure the demo experience is not boring. 

Remember, we are competing with Martin Scorcese over here. 

Create an interactive product demo that prospects can click through on their own or show teammates after the call. 

But you can also make your demo engaging by preparing questions to ask your prospects. Take the beginning of the demo to create a conversation to make sure you don’t spend the next chunk of time in a monologue. After all, nobody wants to be spoken at. 

As much as possible, try to create a human and personal connection. By creating real relationships you’ll make sure your prospects remember you and respect your advice.

And, whatever you do, don’t be boring!

When you’re this close to closing a deal, every interaction is crucial. So when it comes to the software demo, you need to make sure you’re not making any of the classic errors.

Here are a few of the sales demo mistakes that many sales reps find themselves making.

1. Feature dumping


Sorry for yelling. But we feel passionate about this. 

Stop telling them about what the feature can do and start telling them how that feature can help them. 

Talk about value, not about functionality.

2. Talking at people, not to them

You want to make sure your prospects are engaged. Do you know how to make sure they are bored out of their minds? Go on a monologue about your product while flipping through slides. If they stay awake during the whole call it’ll be a miracle.

Instead, use interactive sales demos and engage your audience. Speak to them by name. If you’re demoing over Zoom, stop sharing your screen for key moments so that they can see your face in big. Put questions in the chat so you can gauge their interest in specific features.

3. Sticking to the script

Have you ever seen the Saturday Night Live bit of Jacob, the bar mitzvah boy? The gist of the gag is that Seth Myers asks him questions but all he does is continue with his prepared speech.

Here’s a clip:

We know that you created a demo agenda and a demo script and want to stick to it. But you also need to respond to the questions and concerns that are being asked presently. 

If you want to take your software demo presentations up a notch and win more deals, you need to make sure you are showcasing your product in the best way possible.

Start creating interactive demos that prospects can engage with themselves and give them the chance to understand your product thoroughly. Better demos will lead to more engagement, which in turn will lead to more sales.

So what are you waiting for? Book a meeting with us now by clicking that “Get Started” button on the top of the screen.

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Demo Presentation Template

Captivate your audience by delivering a professional product demonstration. Show customers or investors how your product or service will benefit them.

Trusted by 65M+ users and leading companies

About the Demo Presentation Template  

This Demo Presentation Template helps you get your flow of ideas across easily and professionally. With this template, you can show potential and existing customers what your product or service can do.

When you have a visual presentation showing how your product works, customers can better understand how it solves their pain points. Use a demo presentation to enhance your sales presentation and stimulate interest in your product.

What’s a demo presentation?

A demo presentation is a meeting between your business and a client (or potential client) in which you showcase and present a product or service. It typically includes a full run-down of the product’s key selling points, uses, target audience , and other relevant features. 

The aim of a product demo is to demonstrate your product’s selling power and hopefully win over the client in question with a deal. It’s all about showing your product in the best possible light and answering any questions the client may have. 

An amazing demo presentation should inform, enlighten, and excite your client. 

While it’s important to be vocal about your product’s highlights and potential, a big part of any product demonstration should include a fair degree of listening. The essence of a demo presentation is to bring life to your business’ product or service and inspire clients to take action. 

What should a demo presentation include?

Miro is the perfect online presentation creator . When putting together a demo presentation, the following several boxes need to be ticked: 

Excellent product/services knowledge

If you don’t know your product inside and out, clients will be able to tell, and they’ll be put off as a result. Make sure to conduct a thorough analysis of your product well before the presentation starts. You need to be able to clearly communicate the product’s attributes and confidently answer any questions.

Real-life examples and scenarios

Clients will gain a much stronger impression of your product if they feel they can apply it to their own lives or businesses. Providing real-life examples of how they can benefit from your product is a crucial aspect of any demo or prototype presentation.

Effective visual aids

Make it even easier for clients to fall in love with your product by providing effective, well-designed visual aids. From infographics and images to demo videos, visual aids can make your presentation more impactful and increase the client’s likelihood of conversion. 

When to use a demo presentation

A demo presentation is helpful for connecting with clients. Just about every product and service can benefit from a strong presentation, such as: 

A sprint demo presentation. Within the Scrum framework , a demo presentation comes at the end of a sprint. Sprint demos are needed to showcase progress and project status to stakeholders who are invested in the outcome.

An app demo presentation. This type of presentation is especially useful if you’re trying to find investors for the development of an app. It sheds light on the potential app’s revenue and social impact.

A prototype presentation. A prototype presentation is also useful for gaining support from investors for a still-developing product. By presenting a prototype, you can summarize the problems your product is trying to solve and improve investors’ overall understanding of your product.

How to use the Demo Presentation Template  

If you’ve never created a demo presentation before, using a template can be tremendously helpful. Follow these simple instructions to make the most out of Miro’s Demo Presentation Template: 

Step 1: Fill in your template

You’ll need to fill in your template with information for each slide. You might include the following information in your slide deck:

the product’s identity

the target market

the revenue potential

key selling points 

potential risks along the way 

Step 2: Edit and customize 

Whether you’re creating an app demo or prototype presentation, this customizable template can suit your needs. Edit, refine, and polish the order, layout, visuals, and structure of your Demo Presentation Template to suit your business and what it offers. 

Step 3: Brainstorm ideas and collaborate

With Miro’s presentation mode , you can preview your entire presentation as a team. With an easy-to-navigate structure and flexible framework, your demo presentation plan can evolve and be improved with ease. When you’re ready for your final presentation, simply select this mode and use the forward and back arrows to move smoothly through your presentation.

Tips for a great demo presentation

Whether you’re delivering a sprint demo presentation, an app demo presentation, or a prototype presentation, here are a few helpful tips to bear in mind: 

Know your product well. Uncertainty and lack of knowledge aren’t going to win over clients. You want to demonstrate confidence, diligence, and professionalism. Make sure to do your research well and have answers prepped for questions you might be asked.

Have a clear intro, middle, and conclusion. Using a storyteller structure in your presentation can make it more digestible to clients. Use visuals and clear communication to break down your product’s features into distinctive, cohesive sections.

Listen well. Even though this presentation is about your product, it’s important to leave some room for others to speak. This will make the presentation more conversational and allow clients to flesh out your product from their perspectives.

Don’t be distracted. When delivering a professional demo presentation, you want to emulate reliability, uniformity, and expertise. Maintain strong eye contact and stay focused on the presentation’s goals. Make sure your connection is strong, especially if the presentation is virtual .

How do you start a demo presentation?

Your demo presentation should start with a brief description of its agenda. Then, dive into your intro, work your way into the main points, and end with a conclusion or call to action. An open Q&A session can be held at the end.

How do you prepare for a demo?

Prepare for your demo with lots of research on your product/service and the clients you will be presenting it to. The more you know about these things, the more influential your presentation will be.

What makes a good demo presentation?

An effective demo presentation should include relevant and accurate information about your product. The presenter should have great communication skills and use strong visual aids. Your demo presentation should have a clear structure and logical flow — which you can get using this Demo Presentation Template.

Get started with this template right now.

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6 Software Demo Presentation Examples That Drive Conversions

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What is a Software Demo Presentation?

1. office 365 , 2. employeecycle , 4. grammarly, 5. duolingo, 1. well-crafted demo script, 2. a memorable start, 4. illustrate the business benefits and roi, 5. make it interactive, 6. add visuals, 7. compelling ctas, 8. don’t forget accessibility, do’s and don'ts of creating a software demo presentation, wrapping up.

Does your marketing team want your audience to know the product's features?

Perhaps your customer success team wants to help existing customers resolve their real-time queries.

Maybe your sales team wants to show the product's unique features tied to a pain point before a live demo call. 

Software demo presentations fit throughout the buyer's journey—and across functions. This article will briefly explain software demos, the best software demo presentation examples, and the ingredients that make the best demos. 

A software demo presentation is a visual walkthrough, video, or demonstration of software. Demos are extremely useful for marketing & product marketing teams, sales teams, solution engineers, and account executives to attract new customers and retain existing ones. They showcase the features and benefits of your product to potential customers in a visual and interactive manner.

About 88% of consumers believe interactive SaaS demos help them make better purchasing decisions. And it's pretty easy to understand their growing popularity. Software demo presentations allow potential customers to experience the product hands-on and review its many features without spending much time signing up or setting up a new account. This helps them reach the "aha moment" without encountering a paywall, subscription or sales demo. This, in turn, helps build trust and confidence and facilitates a shorter and more efficient sales cycle.

Let’s move on to the best software demo presentation examples and learn from them. 

6 Software Demo Presentation Examples

Software demo presentations can be used for varied use cases. Whether you’re looking to boost customer engagement, increase conversions, or bring in more revenue, you need a stellar demo of your software product. Here are some great examples from leading brands.  

Office 365 uses a protagonist – Ms. Coleman, in their demo video. Through engaging storytelling, the demo tackles common pain points experienced by teachers—tight budgets, task overload, large class sizes, and time constraints. The demo effectively illustrates how the product addresses these challenges, empowering Ms. Coleman to enhance her efficiency and productivity.

What makes it stand out?

This software demo presentation example stands out for its masterful combination of storytelling, visual aesthetics, and clear communication. It effectively highlights the platform’s specifications, functionality, and accessibility. 

Employee Cycle, a leading platform for HR data visualization, is another example of an interactive self-serve product demo. This demo guides HR professionals through their comprehensive analytics hub. It ensures users effortlessly grasp the platform's capabilities, streamline onboarding, and effectively utilize features for visualizing and optimizing HR data. 

This interactive demo provides a hands-on approach for HR professionals to understand the platform's capabilities. This immersive experience ensures that users can actually use the platform before making the buying decision.  

Slack uses its interface to demonstrate what it can do for its users. Slack’s product demo takes users on a guided journey highlighting the key benefits, such as initiating channels, integrating tools, and fostering collaboration while demonstrating how to accomplish tasks effectively.

What sets Slack demo apart is how it steers the conversation. The demo seamlessly guides prospects through each section even without a sales rep.

Grammarly product demo videos stand out for their persuasiveness. It is one of the best software demo examples showcasing the product’s USPs. This software demo perfectly overviews the problem and showcases the simplicity of their solution. This demonstration effectively showcases the product's capabilities and demonstrates how it solves day-to-day writing problems.

The real-life footage featuring actors in everyday situations enhances the viewer's understanding and engagement

Duolingo starts its software demo with social proofs. It also uses animation to take precedence over screenshots to demonstrate the platform's functionality. With a runtime of 41 seconds, Duolingo is a great software demo example of “Short Is Sweet”. The demo covers features, benefits, and why it's better than competition without being boring or long. 

Duolingo includes statistics and hard facts showcasing its effectiveness. It leaves viewers confident about the app's ability to facilitate language learning.

Strell, an AI-powered SEO content optimization platform provides self-serve demos and product tours. It uses SmartCue to create an interactive product demo that allows users to understand the depth of their AI-driven SEO tools, showcasing how real-time data analysis can enhance content optimization.

Strell enables its users to dive deep into their platform. Giving a first-hand experience of the platform allows prospects to understand how the nuances of AI-driven SEO align perfectly with their requirements. 

8 Essential Components of a Software Demo Presentation

An excellent software demo presentation includes some must-have components to win over your prospective customers. We recommend making sure your demo consists of the following eight elements.

The demo script is a foundational ingredient that can make or break your interactive demo. It should be captivating enough to capture your prospect’s interest. You can enhance the script with engaging elements like GIFs, humor, sales memes, rich text, movie or sports references, etc.

Start your software demo with something that grabs the viewer's attention. It can be a stat related to their specific pain point, a question related to their pain point, a quote, or successful customer stories.

3.  A solution to a problem

Your product exists to solve your prospect’s problems. Don't just guide them on the features and functionality of your product in your software demo. Instead, help them understand how your product solves their problem.

Apart from covering the basics, your demo should clearly illustrate the ROI. You should answer how much time and money your product can save and how it will drive efficiency. This will make your product stand out. 

Prospects get onto sales calls two weeks faster when they view an interactive demo. Interactive product demos help create engaging experiences that showcase the value your audience is looking for. They also help them understand how your product solves their pain points.

Attractive title screens, characters, motion graphics, and transitions can make your software demo more interesting. It can transport viewers to fantastical worlds, evoke specific emotions, and build engagement. 

Do you want your prospects to download a resource, contact sales, request pricing information or sign up for a free trial? The call-to-action for your software demo should align with what you want to achieve from your demo presentation. In addition, the placement of the CTA should also be thought about carefully. It's a good idea to place a secondary CTA in the middle of the demo for customers who might not reach the end. 

Use the right titles, tags, captions, descriptions, and alt texts to make your demo more accessible. Captions and transcripts can benefit people who speak different languages, have different accents, or prefer to consume your content differently. 

Now that you understand the components of a great software demo presentation, we will discuss the do’s and don’ts you should keep in mind while creating product demos.

By now, you know software demo presentations make your and your teams’ lives easier. However, to tap into their benefits, you need to tap into your buyer personas, pick key pain points your product solves, and use a robust tool to create these demos quickly. Smartcue is one such interactive product demo software that helps you take your demo game a notch higher! You can create product demos in minutes and close deals faster than ever. 

Ready to take SmartCue on a test drive? Book a call with us and Try SmartCue for free!

Interactive Demos

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SmartCue - Deliver customized demos for EVERY buyer and close deals faster.

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The Ultimate Checklist for Preparing Your Next Software Demo Presentation

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Table of Contents

Software demo presentations - what exactly are they?

7 essential elements for a good software demo presentation, an opening to remember, personalized to the target audience and their problem, focus on the value that ties back to their pain point, a strong demo script with engaging content, an interactive product demo that wows the buyers, strong ctas that get them to take actions, clear metrics to measure engagement, common mistakes to avoid in a software demo presentation, feature dumping without regard to their pain point, making the conversation a one-way street, sticking to the script with no regard for the buyer's pov, a guide on how to create a software demo presentation, start with a warm introduction, highlight the product features that solve their problem, take them to the aha moment of the conversation, engage them in a question-and-answer segment, communicate the next steps clearly and close, create demo presentations that your prospects will love with fable.

Your prospects have expressed interest in your SaaS offering and are eager to learn more about it during the software demo. Now, all that remains is for you to deliver an effective demo presentation that is more captivating and engaging than the final minutes of a Super Bowl game with the scores all tied!

That's what a great demo presentation is supposed to achieve - to deliver a great demo experience that wow your prospects.

This article will provide an overview of the various elements involved in a great software demo presentation. So, let's get our demo thinking hats on and nail those demo presentations!

A live software demo is a tool that sales teams utilize to demonstrate a SaaS product to prospective buyers. It is a visual walkthrough of the software. Sales reps, solution engineers, and account executives rely heavily on visual demonstrations to showcase the product's functionality to buyers, and to engage, attract, and persuade them.

Software customers require a method to evaluate the product, comprehend its functionality, and assess its features and advantages prior to making a purchasing decision. The software sales demo provides an opportunity for the sales teams to allow buyers to experience your product. An interactive demo created with Fable can be used during the sales demo phase of the buyer journey, providing prospects with links that they can engage with on their own at any point during the sales experience.

Learning to create an interactive product demo can be straightforward, especially on a platform like Fable . Today, we will discuss how to make the demo presentation impressive and delve into the more challenging aspects.

Having learned about what a software demo is, it is important to explore the essential components of a great software demo presentation:

Begin your demo with something that captures the viewer's attention. Possible options for a welcome message include a variety of methods such as an interesting statistic that relates to their specific pain point, successful customer stories who faced a similar problem, an appealing image, or even a video.

Remember, first impressions make a huge difference!

Before you start creating a software demo, ask yourself this - what the buyer persona is, and what their problem is?

Highlight the potential benefits of your product to meet their requirements. Including personalized elements in the product demo, such as the prospect's name and company logo, can enhance their understanding that the demo was tailored specifically for them.

Once you have collected all the necessary information, analyze how your product features can address your prospect's biggest challenges. To maintain viewer engagement with your demo, it is important to not solely focus on guiding them through your product. Develop a compelling story that addresses the areas of concern.

Ensure the story of the demo revolves around what the buyer wants to know about your software.

To create a successful software demo, it is important to have a well-crafted demo script that incorporates a compelling storyline to capture the customer's interest. A demo script that starts with a problem, provides a solution, and highlights the benefits of the product is an effective approach. Include various engaging elements such as GIFs, humor, sales memes, rich text, movie references, sports references, or any other topic the prospect finds interesting to enhance this demo.

The gist of it all is - whatever you do, please don't be boring!

Of course, nobody just wants to hear how a product will solve their problem, but want to see how the product actually works. They want to learn how to navigate and utilize all the features effectively. It is important to carefully break down the process into small steps by following a step-by-step guide. Provide your audience with the link to their customized software demo and allow them to try it on their own.

Keep them engaged by having them click through the product so that they can see how it works and the value it can bring them.

The demo presentation should be aligned with the purpose of its creation by including a strong call to action. If your goal is to increase sign-ups for a free trial, your call to action could be "Sign up for a free trial."

Include clear calls to action (CTAs) throughout your software demo to guide your audience through the next steps of the process.

Analyze the analytics to assess factors such as the timing of demo views, duration of views on different screens, viewership demographics, etc. This will allow your sales team to effectively follow up with the prospect.

Use this information to fine-tune your future demos and make them failproof.

Regardless of how excellent your software may be, if it is not effectively presented, it will not capture and engage decision-makers interest. Below are some common mistakes seen in sales demos that sales representatives often make.

Your prospective client is not interested in hearing about the features of your product and how amazing they are. They are solely focused on how those features can address their issue. Emphasize on the product features that can benefit them, rather than simply discussing its capabilities. Focus on the value rather than the functionality.

Most demo presenters go on a monologue about your product while flipping through a slide deck. There is nothing worse for a potential client than having to stay awake through a conversation that has so little role for them.

Utilize interactive sales demos to effectively engage your audience. Address them by their name. During a Zoom demo, it's recommended to pause screen sharing for important moments so that your audience can see your face. Please ask any questions you may have in the chat to better understand their interest in specific features.

It is recommended to create a demo script, prepare, and practice before giving a demo presentation. However, it can be uncomfortable if the prospect asks a question that is not in your script and you are unable to answer.

One way to solve the problem is by becoming more adaptable in utilizing the script. If the prospect asks questions, it is important to take a moment to pause and respond to their inquiries.

When presenting a demo, it is beneficial to plan ahead and organize your presentation in order to maintain control and effectively respond to any unexpected situations on the field. It is beneficial to be prepared, confident, and have a structured flow during your demo presentation.

The main purpose of introducing yourself is to establish a connection with the prospect. After introducing yourself, provide a brief overview of your product demonstration and outline the agenda for the call. Ending the introduction with a question, such as "What are your thoughts on this agenda?" creates an opportunity for discussion.

As stated previously, it is recommended not to overload your demo with excessive features and unnecessary details of your tool. Instead, consider the potential customer's concerns and connect the features as a solution to those concerns. It is your responsibility to ensure that you explain to them how your product can offer value to them as a team and individually. To achieve this, it is necessary to have a strong grasp of their goals and objectives.

Find a way to create a memorable 'Aha!' moment for the prospect that will make them remember you and your product. This is the time to demonstrate your showmanship to your prospect, rather than simply talking about it. Using an interactive product demo can help create an 'Aha!' moment sooner by allowing the prospect to try out the tool on their own, in a sandbox environment, without the involvement of a salesperson.

Additionally, one can enhance their demo by preparing questions to ask their prospects. Beginning the demo with a conversation will ensure that the next chunk of time is not spent in a monologue.

A higher level of engagement leads to an increased likelihood of purchasing. Encourage them to ask questions to ensure ongoing engagement with the demo. It is recommended to establish a connection by being relatable and personable whenever feasible. Establishing genuine relationships can help ensure that your prospects remember and value your advice.

Please conclude the demo presentation by restating the message and providing a call to action or outlining the next step. Would you like the prospect to complete a form, arrange a follow-up online meeting, or proceed to the final stage of signing the deal? Include your next action in your demo script and ensure clear communication before concluding the presentation.

To maximize your chances of closing deals, it's important to present your software demos in the most effective manner possible.

Fable is a software that allows you to create interactive product demo presentations. The platform offers advanced features such as analytics, no code personalization, unlimited sharing, integration with CRM and Slack, and more.

So what are you waiting for? Book a free demo with us now and see for yourself how you can take your demo game a notch higher!

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Home PowerPoint Templates Software Development

Software Development Templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Software Development Templates for PowerPoint cover various presentation topics for making slides related to your software development plan.

The available slide designs include Agile Scrum Diagrams, Use Case and Sequence Diagrams, among others.

Pick a template that is right for your topic and customize it to create a software development related presentation with professionally crafted layouts and graphics. You can even customize the color, size and shape of slide elements and move slide objects using drag and drop.

Download software PowerPoint templates and diagrams for software engineers who need to make nice slide designs in PowerPoint. Under this category you can find very useful slide designs, diagrams and charts for software developers and system engineers including activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, use case diagrams for PowerPoint and more.

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How to Do a Software Demo in PowerPoint

Community Team

Click here to view the demo.

In this example, you can see three different ways to do a software demo.  As you can see they range form static screens to something a bit more interactive. 

You can learn more about this example in this blog post, Here Are Some Time Saving Tips for Your Next Software Demo .  The source files are available via the download section .

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20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

Carly Williams

Published: January 17, 2024

When it comes to PowerPoint presentation design, there's no shortage of avenues you can take.

PowerPoint presentation examples graphic with computer monitor, person holding a megaphone, and a plant to signify growth.

While all that choice — colors, formats, visuals, fonts — can feel liberating, it‘s important that you’re careful in your selection as not all design combinations add up to success.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

In this blog post, I’m sharing some of my favorite PowerPoint tips and templates to help you nail your next presentation.

Table of Contents

What makes a good PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint design ideas, best powerpoint presentation slides, good examples of powerpoint presentation design.

In my opinion, a great PowerPoint presentation gets the point across succinctly while using a design that doesn't detract from it.

Here are some of the elements I like to keep in mind when I’m building my own.

1. Minimal Animations and Transitions

Believe it or not, animations and transitions can take away from your PowerPoint presentation. Why? Well, they distract from the content you worked so hard on.

A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image.

2. Cohesive Color Palette

I like to refresh my memory on color theory when creating a new PowerPoint presentation.

A cohesive color palette uses complementary and analogous colors to draw the audience’s attention and help emphasize certain aspects at the right time.

software demo presentation ppt

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

Download ten free PowerPoint templates for a better presentation.

  • Creative templates.
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  • Professional templates.

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Click this link to access this resource at any time.

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It‘s impossible for me to tell you the specific design ideas you should go after in your next PowerPoint, because, well, I don’t know what the goal of your presentation is.

Luckily, new versions of PowerPoint actually suggest ideas for you based on the content you're presenting. This can help you keep up with the latest trends in presentation design .

PowerPoint is filled with interesting boilerplate designs you can start with. To find these suggestions, open PowerPoint and click the “Design” tab in your top navigation bar. Then, on the far right side, you'll see the following choices:

software demo presentation ppt

This simplistic presentation example employs several different colors and font weights, but instead of coming off as disconnected, the varied colors work with one another to create contrast and call out specific concepts.

What I like: The big, bold numbers help set the reader's expectations, as they clearly signify how far along the viewer is in the list of tips.

10. “Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling,” Gavin McMahon

This presentation by Gavin McMahon features color in all the right places. While each of the background images boasts a bright, spotlight-like design, all the characters are intentionally blacked out.

What I like: This helps keep the focus on the tips, while still incorporating visuals. Not to mention, it's still easy for me to identify each character without the details. (I found you on slide eight, Nemo.)

11. “Facebook Engagement and Activity Report,” We Are Social

Here's another great example of data visualization in the wild.

What I like: Rather than displaying numbers and statistics straight up, this presentation calls upon interesting, colorful graphs, and charts to present the information in a way that just makes sense.

12. “The GaryVee Content Model,” Gary Vaynerchuk

This wouldn‘t be a true Gary Vaynerchuk presentation if it wasn’t a little loud, am I right?

What I like: Aside from the fact that I love the eye-catching, bright yellow background, Vaynerchuk does a great job of incorporating screenshots on each slide to create a visual tutorial that coincides with the tips. He also does a great job including a visual table of contents that shows your progress as you go .

13. “20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius,” IMPACT Branding & Design

We‘ve all seen our fair share of quote-chronicling presentations but that isn’t to say they were all done well. Often the background images are poor quality, the text is too small, or there isn't enough contrast.

Well, this professional presentation from IMPACT Branding & Design suffers from none of said challenges.

What I like: The colorful filters over each background image create just enough contrast for the quotes to stand out.

14. “The Great State of Design,” Stacy Kvernmo

This presentation offers up a lot of information in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming.

What I like: The contrasting colors create visual interest and “pop,” and the comic images (slides 6 through 12) are used to make the information seem less buttoned-up and overwhelming.

15. “Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines,” Ethos3

Not going to lie, it was the title that convinced me to click through to this presentation but the awesome design kept me there once I arrived.

What I like: This simple design adheres to a consistent color pattern and leverages bullet points and varied fonts to break up the text nicely.

16. “Digital Transformation in 50 Soundbites,” Julie Dodd

This design highlights a great alternative to the “text-over-image” display we've grown used to seeing.

What I like: By leveraging a split-screen approach to each presentation slide, Julie Dodd was able to serve up a clean, legible quote without sacrificing the power of a strong visual.

17. “Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint,” Slide Comet

When you‘re creating a PowerPoint about how everyone’s PowerPoints stink, yours had better be terrific. The one above, based on the ebook by Seth Godin, keeps it simple without boring its audience.

What I like: Its clever combinations of fonts, together with consistent color across each slide, ensure you're neither overwhelmed nor unengaged.

18. “How Google Works,” Eric Schmidt

Simple, clever doodles tell the story of Google in a fun and creative way. This presentation reads almost like a storybook, making it easy to move from one slide to the next.

What I like: This uncluttered approach provides viewers with an easy-to-understand explanation of a complicated topic.

19. “What Really Differentiates the Best Content Marketers From The Rest,” Ross Simmonds

Let‘s be honest: These graphics are hard not to love. I especially appreciate the author’s cartoonified self-portrait that closes out the presentation. Well played, Ross Simmonds.

What I like: Rather than employing the same old stock photos, this unique design serves as a refreshing way to present information that's both valuable and fun.

20. “Be A Great Product Leader,” Adam Nash

This presentation by Adam Nash immediately draws attention by putting the company's logo first — a great move if your company is well known.

What I like: He uses popular images, such as ones of Megatron and Pinocchio, to drive his points home. In the same way, you can take advantage of popular images and media to keep your audience engaged.

PowerPoint Presentation Examples for the Best Slide Presentation

Mastering a PowerPoint presentation begins with the design itself.

Get inspired by my ideas above to create a presentation that engages your audience, builds upon your point, and helps you generate leads for your brand.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

Blog - Beautiful PowerPoint Presentation Template [List-Based]

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Micro Demos: The New Way to Sell

software demo presentation ppt

The customer attention span is eight seconds . No wonder, ninety percent of them prefer short-form content.

This has seen the rise of snackable content, such as TikTok videos, infographics, bite-sized news, explainer videos, and micro demos. 

In this article, discover how to use micro demos for sales and marketing and some best practices to consider. 

What Is a Micro Demo? 

A micro demo is a condensed form of a product demo that focuses on a single customer pain point or product feature . 

Think of it like an elevator pitch, short , focused , and value-driven . 

While a traditional product demo communicates the entire product features to the customer, a micro demo focuses only on the ones the customer needs. 

Micro Demo vs Traditional Product Demos 

Here are the primary differences between the micro demo system and traditional product demos: 

Where and How to Use Micro Demos?

Micro demos have both sales and marketing use cases. Here's how you can use them:

1. Build prospect interest with pre-sales outreach

Want to give your newsletters an edge? Want to reduce your pre-demo churn? Want to boost your email click-through rate? Slide in micro demos in your email sequences. They reduce the conversion pressure of a call-to-action (CTA); instead, they take your prospects closer to the purchase stage with an interactive product demo . 

2. Boost product recall with post-sales interactions

Your deal close rates will diminish if you don’t send a demo follow-up email. An important component of a successful follow-up email is adding leave-behinds, i.e. summarize takeaways such as key features or solutions. Customize your micro demos to include key takeaways from your original demo. This way, you’ll be able to drive greater product recall. Here’s a micro product demo follow-up email template you can copy:  Hi {Name} ‍ Thanks for joining the product discovery call yesterday. It was great meeting your team and learning more about your goals to {enter business pain point}  ‍ Here are the key takeaways from yesterday’s call: 

‍ Here’s a short demo that shows how {your product can solve their pain points} . As a next step, I’m sharing my availability for a 30-minute call next week to answer any questions.  ‍


3. Get prospects excited about product updates

Your prospects can easily miss out on product updates unless you make them stand out. The difference between a help doc describing the update and a micro demo showcasing it is huge. Micro demos are also a great way to let prospects try out your product in real-time before onboarding.  How to use micro demos for various customers: 

  • New customers - Use micro demos during onboarding to align key product features to specific pain points and proven outcomes. For example, showcase how your product can reduce customer churn. 
  • Existing customers - Demonstrate which specific challenge your product update helps solve with a micro demo. Bring out—with data—how the update can add value to their day-to-day operations. 
  • Potential customers - Highlight product comparison with micro demos. Show a before-after comparison that clearly points out your product’s competitive advantage.

4. Optimize website conversions 

The global average website conversion rate is 3.68 percent . Website conversion is hard. It’s not enough to just place screenshots of your product offerings on your website. That won’t convert your visitors. However, interactive micro demos will. Especially if you place them strategically on landing pages, blog posts, or knowledge base pages.

Also read: 15 CRO strategies for 2024

Best Practices for Creating a Micro Demo

Micro demos are a powerful way to capture attention and drive results. The effectiveness of micro demos, rely mostly on strong planning and smart execution. Here are some key practices to ensure your micro demo hits the mark

Know your audience: Whether crafting a marketing piece or a sales tool, understanding your buyer personas or target demographics is crucial. By tailoring your message to resonate with your target audience, companies will be able to gain more traction.

Define your goal: Align your micro demo's objective with the company’s ultimate goal. A clear objective, be it to raise brand awareness, generate leads, or educate potential customers about your product, keeps your message focused and impactful.

Focus on one problem (or solution): Each micro demo should address a single pain point your audience faces or showcase a specific and compelling value proposition of your product. 

Craft your value proposition: Clearly communicate the "why" in your product in the micro demo. Once you've communicated your value, conclude with a clear call to action, encouraging users to take the next step, whether it's visiting your website, contacting your sales team, or learning more about your offering.

How Can Storylane Help You Create a Micro Demo in Less Than 10 Minutes?

Creating impactful product demos can be time-consuming. Storylane streamlines the process, letting you capture your product directly through our Chrome extension –  no complex software needed.

Our platform intelligently sequences your screens, automatically adds tooltips, and guides users through key touchpoints.

With Storylane, you create a demo once and personalize it endlessly using dynamic tokens, perfect for sales presentations. Plus, embedding your demo on websites, landing pages, or emails has never gotten more easier, making it a marketing powerhouse too.

Micro Demo Examples: Powered by Storylane

Micro demos are short, interactive product tours that condense complex features into bite-sized explanations. Storylane allows businesses to create these micro demos, enhancing user understanding and driving conversions.

  • OtterTune : Their micro demo guides users through the product directly on their website, leading to a significant increase in both demo engagement time (over 5 minutes) and sales inquiries (by 10%).
  • BugHerd : They skyrocketed website engagement and conversions with an interactive homepage demo. Shilpa Wason, their Head of Growth, saw over 150,000 impressions and a 6.45% increase in trial signups within four weeks.
  • Uberall : They used a micro demo to introduce their new Social Post Assistant, resulting in an average engagement time of nearly 10 minutes and a remarkable 77% conversion rate for their call to action.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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"Previously, there was scope for error and we’ve gone from a process that could be time consuming and painful to a process that’s super quick."

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Hands-on: Chromebook Plus is Google’s push for affordable AI

Michael Crider

Did you know that computers have artificial intelligence now? You didn’t? How’s that? We’ve been subjected to an absolute avalanche of marketing touting AI from seemingly every tech company, from Microsoft and Nvidia to laptop makers and even thermal paste sellers . Well if you’ve somehow avoided the AI blitz, possibly by using a Chromebook, you’re about to get it in spades from Google.

The company has been pushing its Gemini (nee Bard ) AI tools into most of its high-profile products, most notably Chrome and Android. Now Chromebook Plus, Google’s higher tier of ChromeOS laptops revealed last year, are slated to be Google’s flagship platform for the best and brightest of Gemini, with a few tools and options that aren’t available elsewhere.

With all this coming just a week after Microsoft’s big push for Copilot+ hardware , its own brand of devices that can access its cutting-edge generative AI tools, it’s hard to see this as anything but Google and Microsoft squaring up for a good old-fashioned tech race. (That’s not even mentioning Google’s all-AI, all-the-time I/O presentation .) While there’s a lot of crossover between Copilot and Gemini, Google is highlighting that its tools will be available at a far lower entry price — just $350 for the cheapest Chromebooks that meet the Plus designation, and come with a year of premium AI features for free.

What features? Let’s break it down. These tools are spread out within the Chromebook Plus interface, or available as more of a standard chat prompt by clicking the Gemini button on the task bar.

‘Help me write’ text generation

This will surely be the big draw if you’re convinced of AI’s power to save you time on office-style work. Gemini’s text-based prompts aren’t doing anything that we haven’t seen before with Copilot and similar systems, but it is surprisingly fast, and available just about everywhere that the Chrome browser is, plus all of the slightly skinned web apps in ChromeOS. Users can give direct prompts for text generation, modify existing text (like “make this headline shorter”), or choose from a quick list of auto-generated suggestions.

chromebook help me write

Trying this out in person was impressive in terms of speed, but had the usual hiccups that generative AI users might be accustomed to at this point. Getting Gemini to give me a PowerPoint (or Google Slides) presentation on a specific topic was easy, but I still needed to go through it, touch things up, and cut out some irrelevant info. It certainly saved a lot of time, if not to the magical degree that Google’s presentation promised.

Magic Editor for Google Photos

Owners of Google’s Pixel phones have had access to some of these advanced photo editing tools for some time now, and they’re coming to Chromebook Plus owners now. These are particularly impressive once you bring them to a bigger screen, with the ability to move, resize, and otherwise gently alter objects (including people) and automatically adjust the rest of the image to match.


As someone who’s been a Photoshop jockey for decades, the system’s ability to quickly select relevant objects and accurately fill in backgrounds was impressive. Even though I can do this stuff myself, the Magic Editor does it 10 times faster and without any immediately obvious artifacts. Since I use Windows for my work machine, I’m genuinely jealous that this won’t be available outside of Chromebook Plus devices.

AI-generated wallpaper and video call backgrounds

These are some interesting options, but by far the least useful of Google’s demonstrations. The Chromebook interface will allow Plus users to input prompts for AI-generated wallpaper for free. This seems like something that’s done so infrequently that it’s kind of an afterthought for Google’s big-iron AI systems, but what the hey, everybody wants cool-looking wallpaper.


The video backgrounds are perhaps more relevant to everyday use. The same system will let you generate backgrounds that will appear behind you in video conferencing, no greenscreen required. The generation is the new thing here — pretty much every video chat system will give you the option to set a custom background. But Google representatives did say that this tool is platform-agnostic — it’ll work fine on browser-based Zoom or Teams running in ChromeOS, as well as Google Meet.

2TB of cloud storage and Gemini Advanced for a year

Android phones and Chromebooks have often come with freebies from Google — a current promotion will give you 100GB of Google One storage and three months of YouTube Premium for any Chromebook purchase, for example. If you buy a Chromebook Plus model starting today, you get 12 months of free access to the Google One AI tier, which includes use of Gemini Advanced and 2TB of Google Drive remote storage. After a year it’ll cost $19.99.

Gemini Advanced includes the more general “Help me write” tool above, available in the Chrome browser on any platform. Other, more specific tools, like the Magic Editor and the AI wallpapers, are only available on Chromebook Plus hardware.

Other new features coming to Chromebooks

In addition to the AI-centric announcements, Google showed off new stuff coming to all current Chromebooks with free software updates.

GIF recording

ChromeOS is getting a built-in screen recorder that can output in GIF format. My fellow tech writers should appreciate this.

Game Dashboard and touchscreen control remapping

ChromeOS is getting an Xbox Game Bar-style interface for playing over games, be they web-based, local (including Android games downloaded from the Play Store), and streaming (RIP, Stadia). More notably, the system includes a tool to map out touchscreen controls to the mouse and keyboard, making phone-only and controller-only games playable on a laptop.

chromebook touch controls

Michael Crider/Foundry

It’s nothing we haven’t seen before with third-party tools, but appreciated nonetheless. Even if you already have a touchscreen on your Chromebook, this should be a welcome addition for gamers.

Google Tasks integration in the taskbar

Google Tasks in the taskbar on Chromebooks

Click on the taskbar’s clock to bring up a mini-calendar, which now includes a quick view of Google Tasks for the logged-in account. Very nice, but I feel burned as a Google Keep fan. The graveyard beckons…

Faster Chromebook setup for Android users

If you buy a new Chromebook and you have an Android-powered phone handy, you can scan a QR code on the former to sync all your relevant Google data across, including Wi-Fi networks and passwords.

Even more stuff coming to Chromebooks soon

Google also demonstrated a bunch of new tools it hopes to bring to Chromebook users sometime later this year. The most dramatic was probably the ability to combine voice-to-text typing with “AI-powered” facial scanning, which allows a user to control a huge amount of the interface without using their hands. For example, the user dictates an email message, then moves their head a bit to guide the cursor down to the “Send” button, and quirks their mouth to the left to click it.

chromebook face gesture control

It’s definitely a bit awkward, and I think it’s trying to work around including expensive accessibility tech (like dedicated eye tracking sensors) into low-cost Chromebooks. But the live demo, awkward as it was, seemed to have a lot of promise. We’ll see if this makes it to a release candidate, or slowly disappears into the news background, as these features sometimes do.

In addition to “Help me write,” Google is working on Gemini-powered “Help me read.” This is basically the same as ChatGPT’s auto-generated summaries, but for a specific website or document you’re looking at. Helpful in a sort of auto-speed-read kind of way, but this one is also going to be limited to Chromebook Plus models, at least at the start.

Google Chromebook help me read

Google is working on a system that will help you pick up from where you left off automatically when you log into a Chromebook. It’s kind of like a browser remembering all the tabs you had open when you closed it, but it’ll include multiple apps and files, including cross-device compatibility where possible. An example of reading a long article on iOS and picking it up on your Chromebook. It’s nothing you couldn’t do already with various apps and tools, just hopefully a bit more seamless.

New Chromebook models (sort of)

Google’s presentation and demo area had a handful of recent and new Chromebooks. These are all pretty basic machines, as Chromebooks tend to be, and mild refreshes of existing hardware. Notably, the cheapest Chromebook with all those Plus extras is now $349.99, down from $399.99 late last year.

current chromebook models

Chromebook Plus devices require at least a Core i3 12th-gen/Ryzen 3 7000 CPU or better, 8GB of RAM, 128GB of storage, a full HD IPS screen, and a 1080p webcam. There are seven new Plus models being announced today from Acer, Asus, and HP. But again, there’s nothing mind-blowing here — they all seem to be mild chassis refreshes and CPU bumps.

Acer gaming chromebook

The most interesting model continues to be Acer’s “Gaming Chromebook,” the 516 GE, which PCWorld reviewed last month . Just keep in mind that, due to ChromeOS’s web-focused structure, you can really only make the most of its gaming keyboard and high-refresh screen if you have access to some serious cloud-based games, a la GeForce Now or Xbox Game Pass. We’ve seen others on this list before too, including the Asus Plus CX34 and the Acer Spin 714 .

chromebook tablet asus

I also tried out the Asus Chromebook CM30, a MediaTek-based tablet with a Surface-style keyboard and kickstand. Notably, this is not a Chromebook Plus machine…and it shows. The thing chugged even as a demo. Chromebooks can generally get away with far less RAM than a Windows laptop. But I think ChromeOS has gotten so resource-intensive that this 10-inch tablet’s battery-sipping Arm processor and eMMC storage were overwhelmed.

Author: Michael Crider , Staff Writer

software demo presentation ppt

Michael is a former graphic designer who's been building and tweaking desktop computers for longer than he cares to admit. His interests include folk music, football, science fiction, and salsa verde, in no particular order.

Recent stories by Michael Crider:

  • Get a laptop for $149 in Best Buy’s big Chromebook sale
  • Chromebooks finally receive custom mouse and keyboard shortcuts
  • Google axes Chromebooks with discrete Nvidia GPUs

software demo presentation ppt

A simple guide to slideshows

Learn what slideshows are, how they’re used, common features, and how to choose a slideshow maker. Get started creating your own slideshows today with Microsoft PowerPoint.

What is a slideshow?

What are slideshows used for.

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Meetings and presentations

Slideshows are most frequently used to create professional presentations for business meetings, conferences, and educational purposes. A  slideshow program  allows people to organize content, include visuals, and enhance the overall impact of their message.

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Visual storytelling

Because slideshows sequentially display engaging visuals, text, and other multimedia, they’re a strong way to tell a cohesive and compelling narrative from start to finish.

software demo presentation ppt

Content creation

Slideshows give content creators a versatile and efficient way to organize information, increase visual appeal, and communicate effectively across different contexts.

software demo presentation ppt

Photo and video sharing

Slideshow makers are popular for creating photo and video presentations, especially for events like weddings, birthdays, and vacations. People can add transitions, music, and captions to fully bring the photo-sharing experience to life.

software demo presentation ppt

Training and tutorials

Slideshows help break down complex information into digestible chunks with the support of visuals and text, making them ideal for instructional materials, tutorials, and training modules.

software demo presentation ppt

Collaborative projects

In collaborative settings, teams use slideshow makers to create joint presentations or reports. The best slideshow makers enable multiple contributors to add their content simultaneously, which helps ensure a cohesive and unified presentation.

What are the features of a slideshow creator?

Slideshow creators vary in what they offer but ideally include:

A library of templates, themes, and images.

If you’re not a designer, this feature is huge. Simply browse the options available in your slideshow maker library to create a polished, professionally designed presentation in a flash. Be sure to confirm that access to the library is free and the images are approved for unrestricted usage.

Audio and video compatibility.

Keeping your audience engaged is key to any successful slideshow presentation. To mix things up, being able to add a multimedia element—like a song or a video clip—will help people stay focused and interested.

Presentation tools.

Handy presenter tools go a long way toward making your slideshow experience seamless. For example, straightforward slide navigation, slideshow keyboard shortcuts, pen and highlighter markup, and adjustable resolution settings.

AI assistance.

With AI revolutionizing content creation, using a slideshow maker that has AI capabilities will enhance efficiency and innovation. Depending on the slideshow app you have, creating an entire slideshow could be as easy as a quick prompt, like “Make a presentation about the benefits of sustainable fashion that has 15 slides.” 


Like audio and video, animations give your audience a bit of sensory surprise that can capture their attention. 

Slide transitions.

Add some pizzazz to how you change slides with visual effects like fading, wiping, and zooming. 

Screen recording.

Being able to record your screen in a slideshow maker is helpful when giving an instructional talk, software demonstration, and other types of presentations that require visual aids.

A place to put speaker notes.

Having somewhere to jot a few notes down will help remind you of everything you want to cover as you present.

Different viewing options.

Looking at different views—for example, a presenter view, an audience view, and a high-level view of slide order—is useful when organizing your slideshow’s structure and understanding and preparing for what you’ll see versus what your audience will see.

How do I choose the right slideshow maker?

When choosing a slideshow maker, keep the following questions in mind to make sure you get the most for your money:

Is it scalable with your business?

As your organization grows and changes, it’s important to have flexible technology that adapts to new needs. Having certain features—such as cloud-based collaboration, compatibility with other work apps, and a mobile app—will help ensure that no matter how your business changes, the slideshow maker is up to the task. This also applies to pricing plans. Consider choosing a slideshow app that has a subscription plan (so the software is always up to date), volume-based pricing, or enterprise-level pricing.

Does it have a variety of visual elements?

It’s pretty much a given that a slideshow maker will allow you to add images, but think outside the JPEG box—what other visual elements are available to you? Features like preset themes, free templates, SmartArt, a built-in clip art library, shape tools, background styles, 3D models, and charts and graphs provide diverse ways to switch up how a slideshow looks without relying solely on adding your own images.

Is it easy to use?

You could have the most feature-rich slideshow maker on the market, but if it isn’t easy to use, you probably won’t use it. Or you will, but you’ll be frustrated, waste valuable time, and have difficulty convincing people you work with to use it. As you research slideshow makers, look for videos that show the apps’ interfaces in action to help you decide if they’re intuitive and will have a shorter learning curve.

Does it have collaboration and sharing options?

Because making a slideshow is often a collaborative effort, it’s worthwhile to find a slideshow creator that was designed with this in mind. Pick one that offers editing controls and commenting, as well as the ability to work on a slideshow at the same time as someone else. Having a cloud-based slideshow maker will be key here. You’ll not only save yourself time but also keep things simple by not having multiple versions of the same slideshow.

Explore more about slideshows and slideshow makers

Copilot in powerpoint.

Transform how you make slideshows with the versatile AI in Copilot for PowerPoint.

Improve your presenting skills

Practice presenting with an AI speaker coach to get feedback on body language, repetition, and pronunciation.  

Six slideshow tips and tricks

Read up on tips about how to finesse your slideshows to give your most confident presentations.

Get free PowerPoint templates

Show your style with PowerPoint templates in more than 40 categories.

How to make a branded slideshow

Create a cohesive visual identity for your brand that goes beyond adding a logo to every slide.

Try a photo album template

Relive your favorite memories with photo album templates designed for all your unforgettable moments.

The benefits of visual aids in slideshows

Discover why using visual aids helps communicate ideas and messaging more effectively.

Slideshows that reach all learners

Explore the different ways that people learn and how to include all learning styles in your presentations.

Frequently asked questions

How do i make a good slideshow.

Making a good slideshow in PowerPoint is easy:

Plan what you’d like to include in your slideshow.

Launch your slideshow creator.

Choose the theme you’d like.

Import media.

Add text, music, and transitions.

Record, save, and share your slideshow.

Learn more about how to make a slideshow .

How do I add music to a slideshow?

To add music to a slideshow, first make sure that you’re using a slideshow maker with music compatibility. In PowerPoint, follow these steps:

Open your PowerPoint presentation and select the slide where you want to add music.

Click on the Insert tab in the ribbon menu.

Click on the Audio button and select Audio on My PC.

Browse to the folder on your computer where the audio file is located and select it.

Click on the Insert button.

How do I record a slideshow?

The steps for recording a slideshow in PowerPoint will vary depending on the version that you own. Get help with slideshow recording based on your version. 

What types of files can I add to a slideshow?

File compatibility in PowerPoint includes the use of JPEGs, PNGs, TIFFs, GIFs, PDFs, MP3s, WAVs, MIDIs, MPEG-4 Videos, and Windows Media Videos.  

How do I share my slideshow?

To share your PowerPoint slideshow, follow these steps:

Open your presentation and click Share at the top right of your screen.

If your presentation isn't already stored on OneDrive, select where to save your presentation to the cloud.

Choose a permission level, like Anyone with a link , or maybe just people in your company. You can also control if people can edit or just view the doc. 

Select Apply.

Enter names and a message.

Select Send.

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