1. 12. Conditional Statement in Shell Script

    shell conditional assignment

  2. Shell Scripting Tutorials: Conditional statatement using if

    shell conditional assignment

  3. Shell Script Chapter 5: Shell Script Conditional Statements

    shell conditional assignment

  4. Exploring Conditional Statement Operators in Shell Scripting: A Complete Tutorial |if,then,else

    shell conditional assignment

  5. [Solved] How to use and/or conditional in shell script

    shell conditional assignment

  6. Shell Scripting Tutorials: Conditional statatement using if

    shell conditional assignment


  1. Working with BASH shell

  2. Shell Game

  3. May DevOps Shell Scripting conditional statement

  4. FALL GUYS(theres this arab guy at work i wanna dominate)

  5. CSC 109 Shell Script Assignment Demo

  6. conditional statement shell script