Doctoral admissions

You can search for doctoral programmes on the application portal , or you can contact the universities directly about the doctoral study and research options they offer. Check the application times and procedures, eligibility requirements and other details with the university you are interested in. The following links will take you to each university's Doctoral studies and research info pages.

  • Aalto University
  • University of Helsinki
  • University of Eastern Finland
  • University of Jyväskylä
  • University of Lapland
  • LUT University
  • University of Oulu
  • Hanken School of Economics
  • University of the Arts Helsinki
  • Tampere University
  • University of Turku
  • University of Vaasa
  • Åbo Akademi University  

Doctoral / PhD funding opportunities

See the advice on doctoral level scholarships  to learn where you can search for doctoral level research funding. The universities may also offer paid doctoral and post-doc positions, see below.

Academic research positions and jobs

Announcements for doctoral and post-doc researcher positions at Finnish universities can also be found on academic recruitment sites like:

  • Jobs in Finland / Academic

Early career researcher info & advice

Information, advice and guidelines for early career researchers - compiled by the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers (FUURT)

Scientific research in Finland is a service offered by the Ministry of Education and Culture where you can learn more about the Finnish science and innovation system and policy, and research conducted in Finland.


Apply to Aalto

How to apply for doctoral studies.

A man with a doctor's hat on celebrating his promotion as a doctor with other doctors

Table of contents

Your path to doctoral studies.

  • Check the required basic qualifications
  • Find the right research field and professor
  • Read about funding for doctoral research
  • Find out how to apply
  • Read about what are doctoral studies like

A gold-plated cryostat sits half open with many cables coming out from the bottom.

Doctoral education pilot

We are hiring 178 new doctoral researchers - get your doctorate from Aalto

Two doctors raising their glasses to celebrate their promotion to doctors

What are doctoral studies like?

As a doctoral student, you are part of an international academic community. The doctoral research and studies develop you into an expert of your research topic and build your professional capacity.

Black and blue illustration of quantum world

Research & Art

Our research focuses on seven key areas combining four core competences in the fields of ICT, materials, arts, design and business together with three grand challenges related to energy, living environment, and health.

How to apply?

Two routes to doctoral studies and research.

  • Applying for a doctoral researcher’s salaried position first and then applying for the study right in a doctoral programme after the recruitment process. This route is more common in the field of technology.
  • Applying for the study right in a doctoral programme and either being hired as a doctoral researcher by the Department later or having funding for doctoral studies from another source. This route is more common in the fields of art and design as well as business.

Application instructions (study right in a doctoral programme)

Each doctoral programme has their own processes, schedules, requirements and instructions for their applicants.

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS)

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Business, Economics and Finance (BIZ)

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Chemical Engineering (CHEM)

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Electrical Engineering (ELEC)

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Engineering (ENG)

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Science (SCI)

After reading the application instructions you may contact the Doctoral education services of the Doctoral programme you are interested in for more information.

Application schedules (study right in a doctoral programme)

Schools can decide about additional application periods if necessary.

Applying for the salaried position of a doctoral researcher

Salaried doctoral researcher positions are applied for separately from the admission process to the doctoral programme. If you get accepted to a salaried position first, do note that you will need to separately apply for the study right in a doctoral programme to be able to complete the doctoral degree. 

When salaried doctoral researcher positions are open, they are advertised at  Aalto University Open positions . Any questions regarding the advertised salaried positions should be directed to the professors and HR personnel only, not to admission services or Doctoral education services.

Aalto has a great community and infrastructure to conduct research.

General eligibility and academic evaluation

The general eligibility criteria are fulfilled if the application includes

  • a degree granting eligibility to apply;
  • an accepted proof of language proficiency and
  • all the required application documents by the deadline.

Application fulfilling the general eligibility criteria are evaluated based on the academic evaluation criteria of the doctoral programme.

Master's degree grants eligibility to apply

To be eligible to apply in doctoral admissions, you must have a relevant Master’s degree or equivalent.

  • The degree must have been awarded by a higher education institution (university or university of applied sciences in the Finnish education system).
  • The degree must give eligibility to apply for doctoral degree studies at university in the awarding country.
  • The awarding higher education institution has to be a recognised part of the official national education system of the country. It has to be accredited as a degree-granting higher education institution by the country where it is located or by a relevant international organisation (such as UNESCO).

Generally an acceptable master’s degree has been carried out in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process (3+2 years). As a rule, a higher education degree (or degree combination) earned abroad in a country that does not follow the Bologna Process should include a minimum of 4 years of studies and a master’s thesis.

The degree as a basis for doctoral studies needs to provide the student with an adequate knowledge and skills needed for doctoral studies in the programme chosen. The university may require a student admitted to complete the necessary supplementary studies in order to meet this requirement. 

Read more about eligibility in the application instructions of the doctoral programme you are interested in.

Academic evaluation criteria

The academic evaluation of the applicant is based on school-specific scientific considerations, the schools’ strategic focus areas, and the applicant’s individual educational potential. Examples of evaluation criteria include: earlier academic performance, capacity to conduct research, the applicant’s possibility to complete studies within the target time, the relevancy of the research, the applicant’s possibility to receive supervision, and the applicant’s study motivation.

Language requirements in doctoral admissions

Aalto University's doctoral programme are taught in English, Finnish and Swedish (Doctoral programme in Business, Economics and Finance is taught in English and in some majors in Finnish). To be eligible to apply, applicants are required to be proficient in one of the languages of the programme, and demonstrate their proficiency by passing a language test, when necessary. The language test scores must meet the minimum requirements set by Aalto University.

Demonstrating proficiency in English with a language test

You must demonstrate your proficiency with an official language test, unless you are exempt from the language test requirement.

Recognised language tests and their minimum score requirements

  • IELTS  Academic:  6.5, and 5.5 for Writing ;
  • iBT (Internet-based Test):  92, and 22 for Writing   or
  • PDT (Paper-Delivered Test):  Reading 22, Listening 22, and Writing 24
  • Pearson Test of English Academic  (PTE A):  62, and 54 for writing
  • C1 Advanced (formerly known as Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English, CAE):  A, B or C
  • C2 Proficiency (formerly known as Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, CPE):  A, B, C or Level C1

Aalto University accepts also  TOEFL iBT® Home Edition test and  IELTS Indicator (Academic)  tests.

No language tests other than those mentioned above are accepted. 

Please see more detailed instructions in the application instructions of the doctoral programme you are interested in.

Exemptions from the English language test requirement

An English language test is not required if:

  • you have earned a higher education degree taught in Finnish, Swedish or English at a university or university of applied sciences  in Finland ;  or
  • you have earned a higher education degree in an English-medium programme at a university or university of applied sciences in an  EU/EEA country  while residing in that country, in which case the language of the degree must be stated unambiguously in the degree certificate or its appendix, or in the transcript of records or other official document issued by the awarding institution;  or
  • you have earned a higher education degree in an English-medium programme at a higher education institution in  Australia ,  Canada ,  New Zealand ,  South Africa ,  Switzerland , the  United Kingdom  or the  United States  while residing in that country;  or
  • you have received your primary and secondary education in English in an  EU/EEA country ,  Australia ,  Canada ,  New Zealand ,  South Africa ,  Switzerland , the  United Kingdom  or the  United States  while residing in that country;
  • You have completed the Aalto Executive Education MBA, EMBA or DBA degree

A minimum of one half of the degree  must be completed in a  country and higher education institution  that meets the requirements for exempting the student from taking an English language test. Make sure to note this requirement if your degree includes many transfer credits or if it is a double or joint degree.

Some of our doctoral programmes allow other exemptions to the list of examptions, please see the application instructions of Doctoral programme in Engineering and Doctoral programme in Science for more information.

Proof of Finnish or Swedish proficiency

In the admission 2024 you can prove your proficiency in Finnish or Swedish in the following ways:

Higher education degree or studies

You can demonstrate proficiency in Finnish or Swedish with a higher education degree or studies, if you have completed one of the following:

  • an approved maturity essay in Finnish for a degree at a higher education institution in Finland or an approved maturity essay in Swedish at a higher education institution.
  • as part of a degree at a higher education institution in Finland, a language test in Finnish/Swedish or language studies that serve to demonstrate proficiency in oral and written Finnish/Swedish (as the second national language) with a grade of at least Good .
  • an academic thesis (or written final project) written in Finnish/Swedish (at a higher education institution in Finland or abroad)
  • a study module of at least 60 ECTS credits (or 35 older credits, i.e. ‘study weeks’) in the Finnish/Swedish language as an academic subject (at a higher education institution in Finland or abroad)

Basic education and upper secondary school education

You can demonstrate Finnish/Swedish proficiency with basic education or upper secondary  school education, if you have one of the following:

  • Basic education, an upper secondary school final examination or other examination conferring eligibility for higher education completed in Finnish/Swedish
  • The certificate awarded for the studies referred to in the Basic Education Act (628/1998) or the Act on General Upper Secondary Education (629/1998; 714/2018), or studies corresponding to them, with a passing grade in Finnish/Swedish in the subject of "mother tongue and literature" or the "Finnish/Swedish as a second language and literature" syllabus
  • passed an amount of studies equivalent to Finland’s basic education syllabus in the subject of Finnish or Swedish through the Kulkuri School of Distance Education / Nomadskolan.

You can demonstrate language proficiency with any of the following studies (without having completed the whole matriculation examination):

  • Finland's matriculation examination test of mother tongue and literature in Finnish/Swedish or the ‘Finnish/Swedish as a second language and literature’ test with a grade of at least approbatur (A);
  • the test for Finnish/Swedish as the second national language of Finland at the advanced syllabus level, as part of Finland’s matriculation examination, with a grade of at least eximia cum laude approbatur (E);
  • the test for Finnish/Swedish as the second national language of Finland at the intermediate syllabus level, as part of Finland’s matriculation examination, with a grade of at least laudatur (L).

International examinations

You can demonstrate your Finnish/Swedish skills without having completed the whole matriculation examination, if you have one of the following:

International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma with one of the following:

  • Language A, A1 or A2 syllabus in Finnish/Swedish with a grade of at least 2
  • Language B syllabus in Finnish/Swedish with a grade of at least 5

European Baccalaureate (EB) diploma with one of the following:

  • Language 1 (L1) or Language 2 (L2) syllabus in Finnish/Swedish with an approved grade (a grade of at least 4.00, if the exam is completed before 2021, a grade of at least 5.00, if the exam is completed in 2021 or after)
  • Language 3 (ONL) (L3, Other National Language) syllabus in Finnish/Swedish with a grade of at least 8.00

Reifeprüfung (RP) or Deutsche Internationale Abitur (DIA)  diploma with one of the following:

  • the written test in "Finnish as a mother tongue" with a minimum grade of 4
  • the "Finnish as a second language" test at the CEFR level B2 with a minimum grade of 8
  • the written test in Swedish with a minimum grade of 4

Language tests

You can demonstrate Finnish/Swedish proficiency with one of the following language tests:

  • National Certificate of Language Proficiency (YKI) (Finnish/Swedish) intermediate-level test at a proficiency level of at least 4 in all subtests (reading comprehension, writing, listening comprehension, and speaking). Alternatively, completing at least three of the subtests of an advanced-level test (proficiency levels 5 and 6). Subtests from different test sittings may be combined.
  • Civil Service Language Proficiency Certificate (Finnish/Swedish) with a grade of at least Good on the written and oral component.
  • A combination of National Certificate of Language Proficiency (YKI) and Civil service language proficiency certificate (VKT), if you have: completed the National Certificate of Language Proficiency (YKI) with proficiency level of at least 4 in the reading comprehension and writing subtests, plus the oral component of the Civil Service Language Proficiency Certificate with a grade of Good; OR completed the National Certificate of Language Proficiency (YKI) at a proficiency level of at least 4 in the listening comprehension and speaking subtests, plus the written component of the Civil Service Language Proficiency Certificate (VKT) with a grade of Good.
  • TISUS test (Test i svenska för universitetsstudier), if you have passed all parts of the test.

The most common ways to fund doctoral studies are

  • working in a salaried doctoral researcher position
  • personal grant(s) or scholarship(s) from foundations or funding agencies

Most Aalto doctoral students combine different funding sources during their studies. 

How to find and apply for funding for doctoral studies and research?

Generally Aalto University does not offer scholarships for doctoral studies. However, there is an on-going scholarship scheme until 2024 for students from African and South American countries, read more below.

During the academic year 2024-2025, the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture is funding 178 new doctoral researcher positions at Aalto University through a doctoral education pilot.

Doctoral education pilot: 178 doctoral researchers' salaried positions

Fees and costs

Aalto University doctoral studies are free of tuition fees. Aalto University does not charge fees for enrollment to the University. Doctoral students are welcome to join the Aalto University Student Union. The membership of the Student Union is subject to an annual fee. Read more about the membership for doctoral students .

If you need a residence permit for research in Finland, please see more information about income requirement at the Finnish Immigration Services .

Finland Fellowships for doctoral students

Aalto University awards Finland Fellowships to doctoral students as part of a national scholarship programme funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The programme runs from 2022 to 2024. Applicants from Africa, Central or South America can apply for the fellowship.

Terms of the Finland Fellowship

Finland Fellowship is awarded to those applicants from Africa, Central or South America who rank best according to academic criteria in the admissions process at Aalto. Applicants for Finland Fellowships must be citizens of a country in Africa, Central America or South America. Applicants with dual citizenship in Finland and one of the target nations may receive a Finland Fellowship only if their domicile is not Finland.

Some of the terms of the fellowships to be granted have been changed. The amount of the fellowship per person is €2800/month for 12 months in addition to a €2000 arrival grant for moving expenses . Aalto scheme covers altogether 10 doctoral students annually. Each School has a quota (ARTS 1 student, BIZ 1 student, CHEM 1 student, ELEC 2 students, ENG 2 students and SCI 3 students), but in case there are not enough eligible applicants in some school, the funds will be used for applicants from other schools, if possible. 

Finland Fellowships are paid in accordance with Aalto University Human Resources processes to Finnish bank accounts. Students who are absent for reasons permissible by law during the first year, who are prevented from beginning studies in Finland due to force majeure circumstances, or who already have funding for the next two years, may postpone their Finland Fellowship for a maximum of two academic years.

Students apply for Finland Fellowships when applying for doctoral studies at Aalto . Finland Fellowships are awarded only by application. Decisions on Finland Fellowships are made only for those students who have applied for them. The dean decides on the recipients of the fellowship. During 2024, fellowship decisions can be made throughout the year, on first come, first served -basis.

By signing the employment contract, students confirm their acceptance of a Finland Fellowship with its monthly pay and its arrival grant. Students may also choose to decline a Finland Fellowship. This situation may arise for students who have funding from an external sponsor, for example. In such cases, the student declares to Doctoral Education Services in writing that he/she is declining the Finland Fellowship.

Contact information

If you don't know which doctoral progamme is relevant for your, read more about discovering your research topic and finding a professor .

If you have questions about applying for the study right in one of your doctoral programmes, please contact our Doctoral education services staff. Before contacting us, please read through the instructions for applicants .


Doctoral education services

We support doctoral students, supervising professors, thesis advisors and doctoral programme directors in matters related to doctoral studies.

  • Published: 10.4.2018
  • Updated: 8.5.2024

European Master’s in Clinical Linguistics at UEF recognised with a Master Course Award

Meri löyttyniemi appointed as the research manager of the sustainability transformations doctoral education pilot, study sheds first light on right atrium changes in cardiovascular diseases, course on multilateral environmental agreements, matti tweshiningilwa nghikembua, msc: doctoral defence in forestry, joensuu, gulraiz iqbal choudhary, msc: doctoral defence in computer science, joensuu.

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Doctor hat and a woman looking at hat

UEF Doctoral School

The University of Eastern Finland's Doctoral School and the associated doctoral programmes are responsible for arranging scientific doctoral studies at our university. Our doctoral programmes offer teaching and supervision for doctoral researchers. The aim is to ensure the high quality of doctoral education and to educate highly skilled researchers and experts.

The director of the doctoral school is Academic Rector Tapio Määttä. Administration of the school is coordinated by Head of Education Kaisa Laitinen, and the development of the doctoral school's activities and teaching programme are coordinated by Senior Lecturer Merja Lyytikäinen (contact information below).

Upcoming public examinations of doctoral dissertations

Karjalan tutkimuslaitoksen henkilökuntaa neuvottelupöydän ääressä.

New in doctoral education

The University of Eastern Finland is involved in 11 doctoral education pilots. New doctoral positions with three-year employment contracts will be available.

Learn more about the doctoral education pilots

Doctoral programmes

Doctoral education in the University of Eastern Finland is arranged in 13 discipline specific or thematic doctoral programmes. Further information about applying to programmes, research areas and doctoral studies can be found on the homepages of doctoral programmes.

Philosophical Faculty

  • Doctoral Programme in Educational Studies
  • Doctoral Programme in Social and Cultural Encounters
  • Welfare, Health and Management (WELMA) Doctoral Programme

Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology

  • Doctoral Programme in Science, Forestry and Technology

Faculty of Health Sciences

  • Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research
  • Doctoral Programme in Drug Research
  • Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine
  • Doctoral Programme in Health Sciences

Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies

  • Past, Space and Environment in Society Doctoral Programme
  • Doctoral Programme in Business Studies
  • Doctoral Programme in Law

Content related to doctoral education

Student handbook Kamu on mobile

Instructions and forms

Find information for different phases in the doctoral education on Kamu Student handbook.

Young woman speaking on the phone

Doctoral researcher positions

Learn more about salary-paying UEF doctoral researcher positions and shared doctoral researcher positions.

Researchers browsing genome database

For grant-based researchers

We have gathered information and instructions for grant-based researchers in Kamu Student handbook.

Doctoral hats in conferment ceremony.

Conferment ceremonies

The Doctoral Conferment Ceremony shows appreciation for persons who have completed a doctoral degree.

Contact information

The UEF Doctoral School coordinates doctoral education at the university and provides transferable skills studies to all of the university's doctoral students. All doctoral students are automatically included in the doctoral school.

Doctoral programmes processes applications and makes proposals for the faculties on the rights to study to be granted. They are responsible for the organisation of subject-related doctoral studies, and for the supervision of doctoral students.

Faculties are responsible for the administration of doctoral studies. Faculties decide on requirements of doctorates, approve the doctoral studies curricula, grant the right to pursue doctoral studies, approve the research topic and research supervisor(s), research and doctoral study plans and any changes made to these. Faculties also appoint the preliminary and final examiners for doctoral dissertations and licentiate theses and the opponents and the chairman of the public examination (the Custos) for doctoral dissertations. Faculties grant the permission for the public examination, approve and grade the licentiate thesis and the doctoral dissertation, and approve completed doctoral degrees, award the degrees and give the degree certificates.

Development of the doctoral school's activities and teaching programme: Senior Lecturer Merja Lyytikäinen .

Administration of the doctoral school: Head of Education Kaisa Laitinen .

Contact information of the directors and coordinator of the doctoral programmes can be found on the homepages of programmes .

Contact person: Amanuensis Kaisu Kortelainen .

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact person: Head of Education Kaisa Laitinen .

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact persons: Head of Education Annikki Honkanen and Academic Affairs Coordinator Anne Korhonen .

Top Streams

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Top Specialization

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Top Universities

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  • University of Melbourne
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  • University of Oxford
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Top Resources

  • Universities in Germany
  • Study in Germany
  • Masters in Germany
  • Courses in Germany
  • Bachelors in Germany
  • Germany Job Seeker Visa
  • Cost of Living in Germany
  • Best Universities in Germany

Top Courses

  • Masters in Data Science in Germany
  • MS in Computer Science in Germany
  • Marine Engineering in Germany
  • MS Courses in Germany
  • Masters in Psychology in Germany
  • Hotel Management Courses in Germany
  • Masters in Economics in Germany
  • Paramedical Courses in Germany
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • University of Bonn
  • University of Freiburg
  • University of Hamburg
  • University of Stuttgart
  • Saarland University
  • Mannheim University
  • MBA in Ireland
  • Phd in Ireland
  • Masters in Computer Science Ireland
  • Cyber Security in Ireland
  • Masters in Data Analytics Ireland
  • Ms in Data Science in Ireland
  • Pharmacy courses in ireland
  • Business Analytics Course in Ireland
  • Universities in Ireland
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  • Bachelors in Ireland
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  • Ireland Student Visa
  • Part Time Jobs in Ireland
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  • University College Dublin
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  • Dublin Business School
  • Maynooth University
  • University College Cork
  • National College of Ireland

Colleges & Courses

  • Masters in France
  • Phd in France
  • Study Medicine in France
  • Best Universities in Frankfurt
  • Best Architecture Colleges in France
  • ESIGELEC France
  • Study in France for Indian Students
  • Intakes in France
  • SOP for France Visa
  • Study in France from India
  • Reasons to Study in France
  • How to Settle in France

More About France

  • Cost of Living in France
  • France Study Visa
  • Cost of Living in Frankfurt
  • France Scholarship for Indian Students
  • Part Time Jobs in France
  • Stay Back in France After Masters

About Finland

  • Universities in Finland

Study in Finland

  • Courses in Finland
  • Bachelor Courses in Finland
  • Masters Courses in Finland
  • Cost of Living in Finland
  • MS in Finland
  • Average Fees in Finland Universities
  • PhD in Finland
  • Bachelor Degree in Medicine & Surgery
  • MBBS Courses in Georgia
  • MBBS Courses in Russia
  • Alte University
  • Caucasus University
  • Georgian National University SEU
  • David Tvildiani Medical University
  • Caspian International School Of Medicine
  • Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
  • Kyrgyz State Medical Academy
  • Cremeia Federal University
  • Bashkir State Medical University
  • Kursk State Medical University
  • Andijan State Medical Institute
  • IELTS Syllabus
  • IELTS Prepration
  • IELTS Eligibility
  • IELTS Test Format
  • IELTS Band Descriptors
  • IELTS Speaking test
  • IELTS Writing Task 1
  • IELTS score validity
  • IELTS Cue Card

IELTS Reading Answers Sample

  • Animal Camouflage
  • Types Of Societies
  • Australia Convict Colonies
  • A Spark A Flint
  • Emigration To The Us
  • The History Of Salt
  • Zoo Conservation Programmes
  • The Robots Are Coming
  • The Development Of Plastic

IELTS Speaking Cue Card Sample

  • Describe A Puzzle You Have Played
  • Describe A Long Walk You Ever Had
  • Describe Your Favourite Movie
  • Describe A Difficult Thing You did
  • Describe A Businessman You Admire
  • Memorable Day in My Life
  • Describe Your Dream House
  • Describe A Bag You Want to Own
  • Describe a Famous Athlete You Know
  • Aquatic Animal

IELTS Essay Sample Sample

  • Best Education System
  • IELTS Opinion Essay
  • Agree or Disagree Essay
  • Problem Solution Essays
  • Essay on Space Exploration
  • Essay On Historical Places
  • Essay Writing Samples
  • Tourism Essay
  • Global Warming Essay
  • GRE Exam Fees
  • GRE Exam Syllabus
  • GRE Exam Eligibility
  • Sections in GRE Exam
  • GRE Exam Benefits
  • GRE Exam Results
  • GRE Cutoff for US Universities
  • GRE Preparation
  • Send GRE scores to Universities

GRE Exam Study Material

  • GRE Verbal Preparation
  • GRE Study Material
  • GRE AWA Essays
  • GRE Sample Issue Essays
  • Stanford University GRE Cutoff
  • Harvard University GRE Cutoff
  • GRE Quantitative Reasoning
  • GRE Verbal Reasoning
  • GRE Reading Comprehension
  • Prepare for GRE in 2 months

Other Resources

  • Documents Required For Gre Exam
  • GRE Exam Duration
  • GRE at Home
  • GRE vs GMAT
  • Improve GRE Verbal Scores

Free GRE Ebooks

  • GRE Preparation Guide (Free PDF)
  • GRE Syllabus (Free PDF)
  • GMAT Eligibility
  • GMAT Syllabus
  • GMAT Exam Dates
  • GMAT Registration
  • GMAT Exam Fees
  • GMAT Sections
  • GMAT Purpose

GMAT Exam Study Material

  • How to prepare for GMAT?
  • GMAT Score Validity
  • GMAT Preparation Books
  • GMAT Preparation
  • GMAT Exam Duration
  • GMAT Score for Harvard
  • GMAT Reading Comprehension
  • GMAT Retake Strategy

Free GMAT Ebooks

  • GMAT Guide PDF
  • Download GMAT Syllabus PDF
  • TOEFL Exam Registration
  • TOEFL Exam Eligibility
  • TOEFL Exam Pattern
  • TOEFL Exam Preparation
  • TOEFL Exam Tips
  • TOEFL Exam Dates
  • Documents for TOEFL Exam
  • TOEFL Exam Fee

TOEFL Exam Study Material

  • TOEFL Preparation Books
  • TOEFL Speaking Section
  • TOEFL Score and Results
  • TOEFL Writing Section
  • TOEFL Reading Section
  • TOEFL Listening Section
  • TOEFL Vocabulary
  • Types of Essays in TOEFL

Free TOEFL Ebooks

  • TOEFL Exam Guide (Free PDF)
  • PTE Exam Dates
  • PTE Exam Syllabus
  • PTE Exam Eligibility Criteria
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PhD in Finland 2024: Scope, Universities & Scholarships

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Updated on 02 April, 2024

Neha Uppal

Sr. Content editor

Neha Uppal

Universities in Finland are renowned not just for their world-class education but also for their generous educational policies that make the education affordable for students regardless of their nationality. Did you know you can pursue your PhD in Finland for free? Not only this, the students also get stipends to cover their living costs. Known for its prowess in research and development (R&D) globally, the country offers PhD programs in various domains that allow you to work with the leading academics in your field and engage in groundbreaking research. 

In this article, we have formulated an ultimate guide to pursuing a PhD in Finland, including the scope of PhD, specializations offered, admission requirements, top universities, career prospects, and much more.

Table of Contents

Scope of phd in finland, engineering, computer science, social sciences, natural sciences, top 5 universities in finland for phd, documents for phd in finland application, cimo fellowships, university of helsinki doctoral program scholarships, edufi fellowships, aalto university school of business doctoral scholarships, career prospects after completing phd in finland, frequently asked questions.

  • Finland offers a unique and enriching experience for students pursuing higher education, particularly a doctorate degree. The Finnish education system is known for its high-quality education, top universities in Finland for PhD, innovative teaching methods, and research-oriented approach. Doctoral studies in Finland are structured to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of their field of study, including theoretical and practical knowledge.
  • Students are encouraged to take ownership of their research projects, develop critical thinking skills, and contribute to the academic community. Doctoral studies in Finland usually take four years to complete, and students during the program are expected to deliver a doctoral thesis based on their research.
  • Studying for a PhD degree gives access to the   finest research facilities and equipment. Finnish universities in   Finland for PhD are well-funded and equipped with modern technology, providing students with the resources to conduct their research effectively. The multicultural environment and welcoming community also make it an ideal place for international students.
  • Another interesting aspect of pursuing the PhD from Finland is that there is   no tuition cost   involved. 

Specializations Offered in PhD in Finland

There is a wide range of specializations in various fields of study PhD in Finland. Some of the popular disciplines include:

Pursuing a PhD in Engineering in Finland will allow you to work with some of the leading engineers in the world. Universities in Finland for PhD offer specializations in fields such as Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering.

A PhD in Business in Finland will provide you with the opportunity to work with leading academics in the field. Finnish universities offer specializations in fields such as Marketing, Management, and Finance.

Finland is home to the leading computer science programs in the world. Pursuing a PhD in Computer Science in Finland allows you to work with experts in the field and contribute to groundbreaking research.

Universities in Finland for PhD   offer specializations in fields such as Educational Psychology, Educational Leadership, and Curriculum Studies. Pursuing a PhD in Education in Finland offers you the prospect of working with top academics in the field and contributing to the education system's development.

Finland has the top Social Science programs in the world. Getting a PhD in Social Sciences in Finland allows you to collaborate with specialists in the field and conduct unexplored research.

PhD programs in Finland in Natural Sciences focus on chemistry, physics, and mathematics research. Students in these programs undertake independent research, attend seminars and workshops, and publish their research in academic journals.

Finland has several top-ranked universities offering PhD programs. Here are the top 5 universities in Finland for PhD based on the QS World University Rankings , their specializations, and the average tuition fees for a PhD.

Source: *, **university official website

PhD in Finland for International Students: Admission Requirements for 2023 

The admission requirements for a PhD in Finland vary depending on the university and the field of study.

General Requirements for PhD in Finland:

  • A master's degree or equivalent in a related field of study
  • Proof of English language proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS, or equivalent)
  • Letters of recommendation from academic referees
  • A statement of purpose outlining your academic goals and research interests
  • Application form (hardcopy or softcopy as per the requirement of the university/ college)
  • Transcripts of records
  • Upper secondary-level educational documents
  • Degree certificates/ officially certified copies awarded by the main university
  • Score reports of IELTS/ TOEFL/ PTE/ Cambridge Proficiency
  • Score reports of SAT/ GRE/ GMAT
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Other documents such as portfolio/ sample work, etc.
  • Proof of finances
  • Medical tests

The application process for PhD programs in Finland involves the following steps:

  • Find the universities and PhD programs in Finland   you are interested in.
  • Check the admission requirements and application deadlines for each program.
  • Prepare your application materials, including transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a research proposal.
  • Submit your application materials online or by mail.
  • Wait for the university to inform you of their decision.

The application deadline varies depending on the university and the field of study PhD in Finland.

Scholarships for PhD in Finland

There are various scholarships available for PhD in Finland for Indian students   and international students pursuing a PhD in Finland. Scholarships offer financial assistance to students and can help cover tuition fees, living expenses, and research costs. Here are the top scholarships for PhD in Finland:

The CIMO Fellowships are awarded by the Finnish National Agency for Education to pursue a doctoral degree in Finland. The scholarship covers the living expenses and provides a monthly allowance of €900 to €1200.

 To be eligible for the CIMO Fellowships, students must submit a complete CV, a motivation letter, and a short research plan (between 2 and 5 pages). They will also have to send out two printed and signed copies of the application form with the required attachments.

The University of Helsinki offers several doctoral program scholarships to both domestic and PhD in Finland for Indian students and international students. As part of the national Finland Scholarship program, the University of Helsinki awards Finland Scholarships that cover 100% of tuition fee and also includes a €5000 relocation grant. Students must have an acceptance letter from the University of Helsinki to apply.

The EDUFI Fellowships are awarded by the Finnish National Agency for Education to pursue doctoral studies or research in Finland. The scholarship covers living expenses, travel costs, and insurance and provides a monthly allowance of €19,00 per month. To be eligible for the EDUFI Fellowships, students must have a Master’s degree, be proficient in English, and have a research proposal that aligns with the research interests of a Finnish university.

The Aalto University School of Business offers several doctoral scholarships to highly qualified international students. The scholarship is awarded as a tuition fee waiver. PhD in Finland for Indian students must have a research proposal and an acceptance letter from the Aalto University School of Business to apply.

Completing a PhD in Finland can open up various career opportunities, both in academia and industry. Here are the top career prospects for PhD graduates in Finland:

Source: Payscale


Pursuing a PhD in Finland can be a rewarding experience academically and professionally. The country’s high-quality education system, supportive academic environment, and ample research opportunities make it an ideal destination for international students seeking to advance their education and career prospects. If you are considering a PhD in Finland, explore the universities in Finland for PhD requirements, scholarships, and funding opportunities available. With the right preparation and research, you can unlatch the doors to a successful academic and professional future in the ‘Land of a Thousand Lakes.’

Can Indian students apply for PhD programs in Finland?

Yes, Indian students can apply for PhD programs in Finland. However, they must meet the same academic and language proficiency requirements as other international students.

Which universities in Finland offer PhD programs?

Many universities in Finland offer PhD programs across various fields, including the University of Helsinki, Aalto University, University of Turku, and Tampere University, among others.

Is it difficult to secure funding for a PhD in Finland?

While funding opportunities for PhD students in Finland can be competitive, many scholarships and grants are available to help support international students pursuing a PhD in Finland. It is important to research and apply for funding opportunities early to increase your chances.

Neha Uppal is a passionate content creator and editor. She carries 7.5+ years of experience working with leading edutech companies where she worked as a Faculty, Community Manager, and Content Marketeer. At upGrad, she is helping out people keep informed about the scopes and opportunities of studying abroad via informational articles/blogs.

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International Doctoral Programme in Epidemiology and Public Health (IPPE)

Excellence in research training and capacity building, degree earned, planned duration, extent of studies.

The main objectives of the international doctoral programme are to increase knowledge and understanding of major public health problems, particularly in low and middle income countries, and to build sustainable public health capacity by training epidemiologists and public health personnel for leadership positions in research, administration, programme planning and policy development, in collaboration with global partners.

The selected PhD candidates will attend one academic year (August – May) at the Health Sciences Campus (Kauppi Campus) to complete the required full-time coursework (60 ECTS).

The required coursework includes doctoral level courses in epidemiology, biostatistics and other health sciences. There are also courses and seminars on research proposal development, study design, implementation and analysis, comminication and reporting. For more information see the Curricula guide . The courses may be selected to meet  the students individual learning and professional goals.

Completion of a doctoral degree usually requires 3-4 years after completion of coursework.

PhD research (3-4 additional years): Field research (in Finland or abroad) is generally conducted after the coursework has been completed. A doctoral dissertation requires 3-4 original scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

After completion of coursework and successful public defence of dissertation, the candidate will receive a doctoral degree (PhD) in epidemiology or a related field.

Detailed information on the content and structure of the studies is included in the curriculum.

Become a student

Learn more about the studies, admissions, and eligibility criteria on Studyinfo. In addition, applications are submitted via the service.

Carefully read through the admissions requirements before applying. For additional questions on applying, application documents and application process, please contact coordinator of doctoral studies Ms. Tiina Kangasluoma ( ippe.doc.tau [at] (ippe[dot]doc[dot]tau[at]tuni[dot]fi) . For questions concerning Studyinfo and officially certified copies of educational documents, please contact the Admissions Office ( admissions.tau [at] (admissions[dot]tau[at]tuni[dot]fi) ). 

In autumn 2022 the application period for IPPE was organised between 14 November – 15 December.

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Degree programme   Postgraduate degree (University)

Degree earned: Doctor of Health Sciences , Doctor of Medical Science , Doctor of Philosophy

Extent of studies: 240 ECTS

Planned duration: 4 years

City: Tampere

Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) constitute the Tampere Universities community. Our areas of priority in research and education are technology, health and society. Tampere University: +358 (0)294 5211 Tampere University of Applied Sciences : +358 (0)294 5222

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Roof of LUT University main lobby

Doctoral Programme in Business and Management

The Doctoral Programme in Business and Management offers a possibility to study and conduct research leading to a doctoral degree in the research field of Economics and Business Administration. The doctoral programme enables graduates to become professional researchers in the academic sector and to work in demanding expert and developmental tasks in companies and public sector organizations.

The doctoral programme belongs to LUT Business School, the research of which focuses on sustainable value creation, entrepreneurship and international business as well as digitalization and business analytics. The overall objective of research conducted in the school is to provide explanations of the factors that lead to sustainable business renewal, i.e. approaches that will ensure that companies are successful in international competition and, at the same time, operate in a way that is economically, ecologically and socially sustainable.

Research is conducted in international and national research groups and in close cooperation with companies. In addition to companies, other actors that provide funding for research include Research Council of Finland, the EU and Business Finland.

Doctoral degree

A doctoral degree, Doctor of Science (Economics and Business Administration), includes doctoral studies (40 ECTS credits) and research leading to writing publications and a dissertation that has to be defended publicly. During doctoral education the student acquires a theoretical knowledge of the research field and topic in question, skills in applying scientific research methods and capabilities to generate new scientific knowledge and to understand its impact to practice.

Those selected for doctoral education will be expected to have research skills which will be verified for example on the basis of the completion of a selection of courses before being approved as doctoral students. Those entering into the doctoral programme for the field of Economics and Business Administration are usually recruited to become a part of a research group, which are formed of professors, post-doctoral researchers and doctoral students. In these groups, the practices of scientific work open up to the junior researcher to their whole extent.

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5 Countries That Offer Free or Very Cheap PhD Programmes

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  • Updated on  
  • May 11, 2023

free phd in finland

Do you currently hold a degree or a master’s degree and desire to advance your education by pursuing a PhD abroad? The good news is that those with graduate degrees, like master’s or doctoral degrees, had the best salaries and lowest unemployment rates in several countries. Is that terrible news? A PhD program overseas might be quite expensive. When studying overseas, you would have to take tuition, living fees, and other extra costs into account. However, there is a solution to this. The next step would be researching the nations with the most affordable PhD programs. Fortunately, there are quite a few nations where the cost of attending a PhD program is either zero or extremely low. This enables you to enrol in a prestigious university overseas and learn what it’s like to live in a foreign nation and adjust to other customs. You can concentrate on your studies and any other personal or professional goals when you study for a PhD abroad with little concern for your financial situation. Having said that, the following are the 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes in the world.

This Blog Includes:

Swedish doctoral degrees, fees and funding, admissions requirements, norwegian phd fees, admission requirements, entry requirements, types of phd in germany, phd programmes, programme length, phd fees .

A Ph.D. in Economics normally includes coursework in both macroeconomics and microeconomics. However, if you intend to teach or conduct formal research in economic subjects, this is a beneficial degree. Once the proposal is approved and the oral exam is passed, the final years of enrollment are devoted to dissertation research, writing, and defence.

Sweden is the greatest option if you want to pursue a PhD in renewable energy or a field that is closely related to it. According to data, about 56 per cent of the energy utilized in Sweden in 2019 originates from renewable sources. What is the nicest thing about obtaining a PhD in Sweden? Everyone can use it for free, even students from other countries. (Note that students seeking bachelor’s or master’s degrees who are not EU/EEA citizens are not eligible for free tuition.)

Seven of Sweden’s universities are included in the top 350 universities in the world according to the QS World University Rankings 2023, making it the home to some of the most highly regarded universities in the world. The KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Lund University, the two top universities in Sweden, are 89th and 95th, respectively.

Key details-

For students in Swedish universities, a PhD signifies the pinnacle of academic success. Similar to other nations, the focus is on your independent study leading to an original thesis that adds new knowledge to the topic.

countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes

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In Sweden, a doctoral study might take one of two forms:

A typical Ph.D. confers a full doctorate (together with the crucial title of “doctor”) after a minimum of four years of full-time work (240 ECTS credits).

As an alternative, you might decide to pursue a licentiate degree. Typically, this only necessitates two years of full-time work toward a more condensed and modest thesis (equivalent to 120 ECTS credits). Some students first enroll for the Swedish licentiate before upgrading to full Ph.D. candidates since it is comparable to the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree provided in the UK or other countries.

In Sweden, there are two teaching terms (August to January and January to June), which are separated by summer and winter breaks. You will often have more flexibility throughout the year as a PhD student, but some additional courses and other activities can be connected to particular teaching periods.

There are no tuition fees for PhD study at state-funded Swedish universities (note that this does not apply to Master’s or Bachelor’s degrees). Doctoral programs are free for students from the EU, EEA, and other countries.

The same is true of application costs; there are none to be paid for a PhD in Sweden.

Although you will need to pay for your housing and living expenses, your university might be able to provide assistance.

Universities in Sweden are permitted to establish their own admittance standards for PhD programs. A bachelor’s degree in an applicable area is typically the required minimum, but a master’s degree is also preferable, especially if you’re asking for funding.

Your capacity to exhibit prior research experience will be as crucial as your previous qualifications. It is crucial that you can demonstrate some preparation for the independent research you will conduct on your PhD, even if this is just the dissertation project for one or both of your previous degrees.

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Norway is another Nordic nation that ranks among the 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programs. All students, regardless of nationality, are not charged tuition at Norway’s public universities. Norway’s cost of living is comparable to that of Sweden, therefore you may want to look into ways to reduce your out-of-pocket spending. Other than that, you will just need to pay a nominal semester student union charge to cover expenses like tests or sports facilities, which would only cost you between 300 and 600 Norwegian kroner (approximately INR 2353.24 to INR 4706.49). You can try your luck by submitting an application to the University of Oslo , the top-ranked institution in Norway, which is currently placed 101st in the most recent QS World University Rankings.

Following the Bologna approach, Norwegian PhD programs are third-cycle degrees. As a result, conducting research and creating a PhD thesis will be needed for you.

In Norway, PhDs frequently adhere to a standardized format. Before beginning your PhD research and thesis writing, this usually entails a training component. You might also be regarded as an employee of the university, complete with benefits. In this situation, you will need to uphold your teaching and administrative duties.

The fact that all PhD students in Norway get free tuition is a significant and alluring feature of the program. The cost of living is high in the nation. As a result, maintenance financing of some kind is typically required.

Universities in Norway do not charge tuition for their PhD programs. However, in order to join and receive a student card at many Norwegian universities, you must pay a charge of INR 4149.5 to INR 8299 to the student union each semester.

In Norway, candidates for a PhD are required to hold a master’s degree in a related field. You can check your qualifications’ eligibility at the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. A similar degree may be approved (NOKUT).

Each research organization has a different set of conditions for applications. Always double-check with your desired university.

Typically, PhD candidates must submit a strong research proposal or project description together with the necessary application materials. Other standard materials for PhD applications may also be requested from you. These are some extra materials that might be needed:

  • certified copies of all the documents that are pertinent to your education
  • a strategy for financing your studies (for the full 3-4 years of full-time study, plus information about the funding source and type)
  • An explanation of any significant scholarly or material resource needs
  • a minimum of one proposed academic supervisor’s name (unless stipulated otherwise)

Also Read: PhD in Netherlands

Another Nordic nation, Finland , is at the top of our list of 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programs. In Finland, pursuing a PhD is entirely free, even for those who are not citizens, similar to Norway and Sweden. According to QS, Finland is home to two of the top 150 institutions. This includes the 106th-ranked University of Helsinki and the 116th-ranked Aalto University . It is distinguished as a top-tier study destination by more than just its educational features. Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is ranked 66th in the most recent QS study of “Best Student Cities.” The midnight sun and the Northern lights (aurora borealis), which fill the sky with a breathtaking vista for anywhere between 10 and 20 nights a year, are only two of the most magnificent natural phenomena that can be seen in Finland’s vast, open areas.

Finland is a very economical alternative for your PhD study abroad because of its generous higher education policy. Any student, regardless of country, is not now required to pay doctoral fees.

In contrast, fees are often charged to non-EU students for Finnish Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

A master’s degree (or its equivalent) from a recognized institution is necessary for admission to a PhD program in Finland.

Other prerequisites will be determined by the area of study you are applying for and the particular procedures followed by your university. If unsure, consult your department.

Germany is famous for having a top-notch educational system and for being an innovative nation. According to QS, three of its universities are among the top 100. This includes Heidelberg University, which is ranked 65th, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, which is ranked 59th, and the Technical University of Munich , which is ranked 49th. According to the most recent Best Student Cities rankings by QS, two of its cities, Munich and Berlin, are among the top 10.

Germans invented the doctoral degree, which is based on independent study leading to the submission and review of a thesis. Most colleges continue to offer this style, although some others provide more “organized” programs:

The traditional PhD requires you to choose a research project and conduct it on your own under the supervision of a qualified supervisor (Doktorvater/Doktomutter). The candidate selects the setting for their research, whether it be in a university, non-university organization, or German corporation.

Structured doctoral programs are conducted mostly in English and are focused on the global market. Along with writing your thesis, you will complete extra training, which may entail partnerships and job placements with outside research organizations.

Doctoral degrees are typically free in Germany for all students, regardless of nationality, due to the generous governmental investment in education. You might, however, have to pay additional costs while you are a student.

All public institutions in Germany offer free tuition for doctoral-level studies for up to three years (six semesters). For any additional time beyond the term of your PhD, you might have to pay tuition.

Despite not having to pay tuition, you will still need to pay a semester contribution (Semesterbeitrag), which typically ranges from INR 8k to INR 29k. This pays for office expenses, student government, and student services (Studentenwerk).

In general, you must have completed at least eight semesters of college work before enrolling in a PhD program in Germany. Your final certification must be on par with a German master’s degree.

Additionally, the Dean’s Office (Dekanat) or Board of Examiners (Promotionsausschuss) at your university must acknowledge your prior higher education degree(s).

International students with exceptional qualifications may be admitted to a PhD program with a Bachelor’s degree (fast-track program), albeit you will normally need to pass an entrance exam.

France , which has four universities ranked among the top 100 by QS, is another nation that makes it to our list of 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes. French institutions demand comparatively little tuition. A typical annual cost at a public university, for instance, is around 380 euros (INR 31k at the time of writing). Three French cities—Lyon, Toulouse, and of course, the nation’s capital Paris, which is placed ninth by QS—are included in the top 100 Best Student Cities list as a result of their high academic standing and affordable tuition.

The bulk of PhDs is completed as part of a program inside doctoral schools, although French universities occasionally do offer specific doctoral research programs.

The number is 266 in total. In order to provide doctorate training for PhD candidates and foster the growth of early career researchers, they are affiliated with universities and work in partnership with related research laboratories and other centres.

For a typical three-year PhD, a “doctorate” consists of six semesters, yielding two teachings (or research) semesters annually:

  • late September to early January, with a break between Christmas and New Year
  • early February to early June, with a spring break at Easter for several colleges

Exams are normally held at the conclusion of each semester, and institutions take a three-month summer break from July to September. As a full-time student, you will typically complete your PhD in France in 3–4 years.

The current French PhD tuition is the same for all students, regardless of nationality. But costs can differ greatly depending on whether you attend a public or private school (such a Grandes École).

Must Read: PhD in Switzerland

Public institutions charge substantially lower tuition since the State invests an average of INR 11,62,147.82 per student, per year.

The following fees may apply depending on your institution:

  • Fees for PhD students at public institutions are €380 annually.
  • Private institutions – Tuition at private institutions, particularly business schools, range from INR 2.49 Lakh to INR 8.30 Lakh per year.
  • Administrative fees (frais de dossier), which universities may impose, are normally modest—a few tens of euros.

In France, each institution is permitted to establish its own standards and conduct personalized evaluations. However, in order to enroll as a PhD student, you will normally need to hold a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in a suitable field.

If you are pursuing your master’s degree and expect to graduate before the PhD program begins, you may apply.

Additionally, you could be accepted based on your performance on entrance tests and in pre-college courses like the ‘Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles’ (CPGE), which is a frequent practice among French Grandes Écoles.

Pursuing PhD in Finland is entirely free.

The average cost of PhD in the UK is GBP 40,000 (INR 40.67 Lakh)

One of the top countries to pursue an MBA abroad is the United States of America.

Hope now you know 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes. Not sure which country to choose for your PhD? Don’t worry! Our Leverage Edu experts will provide you with end-to-end assistance starting from your university application to the time you reach your university and commence your studies. Call us at 1800 57 2000 to book a FREE 30-minute counselling session today.

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Nikita Puri

Nikita is a creative writer and editor, who is always ready to learn new skills. She has great knowledge about study abroad universities, researching and writing blogs about them. Being a perfectionist, she has a habit of keeping her tasks complete on time before the OCD hits her. When Nikita is not busy working, you can find her eating while binge-watching The office. Also, she breathes music. She has done her bachelor's from Delhi University and her master's from Jamia Millia Islamia.

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How are indigenous groups in guyana saving the bird they ‘discovered’.

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Leroy Ignacio holding a male Red Siskin in the South Rupununi in 2017.

Indigenous conservationists are helping to save the Red Siskin ( Spinus cucullatusa ) — an endangered little red bird — after it was "discovered" there in 2000.

Although Guyana is one of the world's fastest growing economies , it is a heavily forested, biodiverse country and only about 9 percent of its territory is slated for conservation .

Leroy Ignacio , president of the South Rupununi Conservation Society, a grassroots Indigenous-led conservation NGO, explains that in 2000, he was guiding scientists from the Smithsonian Institute and the University of Kansas when they spotted a Red Siskin , a bird already slated as endangered in Venezuela and Colombia.

"The Red Siskin was then considered 'scientifically discovered' in Guyana," he says, adding that it is important to note that local residents knew of the species and even had a local name for the bird, they just weren't aware of its conservation status.

"The discovery of the siskin then acted as a catalyst for myself and a group of friends from other surrounding communities to form the SRCS to help protect the siskin and other important species," he says, adding that the NGO has now created a 75,000 hectare Red Siskin Community Managed Conservation Zone and they now have over 200 active registered members, including people from the region's Indigenous peoples like the Wapichan, Makushi and Wai Wai.

"My colleagues and I have worked to collect information on the species locally as there was no knowledge on the Red Siskin prior to 2000," Ignacio says, "This includes determining the range of the siskin, conducting population estimates through mist netting and banding, completing genetic analysis through blood sampling, assessing their life cycle and observing their behavior."

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Ignacio explains they have also rolled out an environmental education curriculum; publishing of a local bird guide and taking Indigenous youth on bird watching expeditions — all with the aim of lowering habitat destruction and trapping.

On May 1, 2024, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne presented a £50,000 (about $62,500) Whitley Award from UK charity the Whitley Fund for Nature to Ignacio for strengthening the protection of the Red Siskin.

Growing up in Guyana

Ignacio was born and raised mainly by his grandparents in an Indigenous Macushi village called "Shulinab Village" in Guyana's South Rupununi region, bordering the Brazilian Amazon.

"I spent my childhood in nature, at the farm and in the forest during which time my grandfather passed down his traditional knowledge and taught me the importance of preserving our resources and wildlife," he says, adding that when he was 12, he received a scholarship and spent 5 years Guyana's capital.

"When I returned to the Rupununi, I noticed big changes including more infrastructural development, greater exploitation of natural resources (including minerals and wildlife) and a loss of culture," Ignacio says, "This inspired me to want to do something to prevent further losses occurring."

Ignacio explains that much of the world's biodiversity can be found in the Global South, but researchers there are often viewed as lacking the scientific capacity for research and conservation.

"The world is now recognizing that Indigenous people have sustainably managed their biodiversity for years and that even now, many areas under the stewardship and management of Indigenous people have higher levels of biodiversity than protected areas, national parks etc," he says, adding that the Rupununi region has been a victim of "parachute science" where foreign scientists and international NGOs conduct studies and research, then leave without sharing the results, leaving equipment or building capacity.

"This trend is changing and many NGOs and scientists are recognizing the importance of building local capacity," Ignacio says, "Further, it is important to recognize that Indigenous People possess local and traditional knowledge which is essential for successful conservation yet we recognize that we also need scientific knowledge to manage our wildlife and this is where we need support in building our capacity."

A male Red Siskin in the South Rupununi in 2017.

Citizen Science in Colombia

Elsewhere in northern South America, Colombian biologists have leveraged hundreds of observations made by non-scientists to build up a picture of hummingbirds' range in time and space.

Cristina Rueda-Uribe , a PhD candidate at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, explains that she focuses on hummingbirds in the high-mountain ecosystems of elfin forest and alpine meadow (paramo) in the northern Andes mountain range.

In a research article called Citizen science data reveal altitudinal movement and seasonal ecosystem use by hummingbirds in the Andes Mountains and published in the journal Ecography, Rueda-Uribe and her coauthors inferred movement of Andean hummingbirds by calculating changes in their range (including altitude) and their ecosystems, thanks to "citizen science" data.

Rueda-Uribe explains that "citizen science" data is generated by people that publish in public databases their records of species that they see or hear, which helps scientists and also allows non-scientists to get more involved with nature.

"The power of these data lies in the fact that their use is getting more and more popular, so millions of data points are readily available over large spatial scales and encompassing different time periods," she says, "This is much more than scientists could collect, even with the largest research budgets and all the time in the world."

Andrew Wight

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  2. PhD Study in Finland

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  3. Doctoral programmes

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  4. Apply to doctoral programmes

    The University of Helsinki Doctoral School has 33 doctoral programmes. Doctoral study rights are applied to from the programmes. Study rights are applicable 2-5 times a year, depending on the doctoral programme. Call for applications for new university-funded doctoral researcher positions is opened once a year.

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    Leroy Ignacio holding a male Red Siskin in the South Rupununi in 2017. Indigenous conservationists are helping to save the Red Siskin ( Spinus cucullatusa) — an endangered little red bird ...