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How to Write a Business Plan Mission and Vision Statement [Sample Template]

Are you currently writing a business plan? If YES, here’s an in-depth guide and sample template on how to write a workable mission & vision statement for a business. A vision and mission statement are some of the most important requisite for business success and sustainability, but unfortunately, most entrepreneurs and small business owners run their business without these two thing out of ignorance.

What is a Mission and Vision Statement?

A mission and vision statement ( more commonly called a mission statement or a vision statement ) is a brief sentence that declares the goals that a business plans to achieve in the future. Like a compass guides a ship, it guides a business to success by providing continuously inspiring its stakeholders in their daily operations and strategic moves.

A mission statement helps you plan your business effectively. It provides the destination for your journey to business success. Of course, without a destination, you can’t plan a route. Before we discuss the steps involved in developing a mission statement for your business, let’s look at the components of a mission statement and why you really need a mission statement for your business.

Today, I will be sharing with you an underground secret to building a business from scratch. This secret is one of the contributing factors to the success of any business; yet, it’s often ignored. This secret is nothing more than a “ Business Mission Statement. ”

“The thing I really care about is the mission; making the world open.” – Mark Zuckerberg

The importance of a mission statement can never be over emphasized. I have seen so many startups without a mission; even some established firms also make the mistake of operating without a mission.

“Being an entrepreneur, I have come to realize that all successful businesses are driven by three fundamentals. One is the cash flow, two is the team and three is the mission. Of these three, the mission is the most important.” – Ajaero Tony Martins

Now what has a mission statement got to do with building a business? What’s the impact of a mission statement on an entrepreneur undergoing the entrepreneurial process? Is a mission statement a source of ? While I am not going to answer these questions directly, the following points will help you further understand why you need to develop a mission statement for your business?

Why Your Business needs a Mission Statement

1. The mission is the foundation on which your business will be built. It’s the true purpose of your business and that purpose is reflected in the mission statement. Without a strong mission statement, you don’t have a true business. All you have is just a profit making venture that will soon be wiped out with time.

“To turn really interesting ideas and fledging ideas into a company that can continue to innovate for years, it requires a lot of disciplines.” – Steve Jobs

2. The entrepreneurial spirit is found in the mission statement. When I look at the mission statement of any business, I get a peep into the life of the entrepreneur that founded that business. The entrepreneurial spirit is what drives the entrepreneur forward. If the mission is strong, your spirit will be strong towards the pursuit of your goal.

“The IKEA spirit is strong and living reality. Simplicity in our behavior gives us strength. Simplicity and humbleness characterize us in our relations with each others, our suppliers and our customers.” – Ingvar Kamprad

3. Your mission statement is the bond binding you, your team, employees and your customers to the business. Take away the mission and other key elements will fall apart. Your mission also has the power to attract other like-minded individuals and entities to your cause. The reason is that people with the same mission align together; more like birds of the same feather flocking together.

4. With a strong mission, your business will weather any storm. Take a look at businesses that has been around for over 100 years and you will see businesses with a strong mission. As an example:

  • General Electric has stood the test of time because the spirit of its founder “ Thomas Edison ” continues to guide the company through its mission.
  • Henry Ford’s mission statement was: “ To democratize the automobile ” and that mission has kept the Ford Motor Company going.
  • Aliko Dangote’s mission statement goes: “ Providing your basic need ” and this mission drives the Dangote Group to dominate the commodities market of
  • The Rich Dad Company; founded by Robert Kiyosaki keeps waxing strong because of its mission, which is “ To elevate the financial well being of humanity .”

By contrast; I have come to observe that when a company forgets its mission, its starts to lose its relevance. The bond holding the business will be broken and good customers will leave, employees will resign and the business will dwindle. Just as the case of the Dot com burst, many profitable Dot com companies went under because they forgot their mission.

3 Components of a Mission and Vision Statement

1.  a vision.

This, simply put, states the impact you envision your business having on the world in years to come. You can have more than a single statement in here, but don’t go beyond three. Gloss it over to make sure anyone who reads it feels at least one of inspiration, hope, commitment, and awe.

In addition, your vision statement must be compelling, detailed, and reflective of the intended end outcome. Avoid one that is bland, generic, uninspiring, or unreasonable. An example of a good vision statement is that of Amazon:

“Our vision is to be earth’s most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.”

2.  A mission statement

This is a brief statement that states the important goal or purpose that your business is poised to achieve. In other words, it’s a single sentence stating why your business exists in a convincing manner. Keep your mission statement specific and concise ( the shorter it is, the better ), make it connect with both employees and stakeholders, and make it highlight your value proposition. Don’t make it too long, generic, or confusing. An example of a good mission statement is that of Nike:

“To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.”

Here’s another example of a mission statement:

“To contribute to development of value-added agricultural businesses . ”

3. Core values

These outline the principles and values that the stakeholders in a business will follow in their bid to achieve their vision. They also specify the bounds or limits that the stakeholders must watch while trying to actualize the mission. The following are examples of core values:

  • Respect and protect the environment
  • Offer high quality products that are safe for consumers
  • Meet the ever-changing needs of consumers
  • Practice highly ethical business standards

If your business is going to stand the test of time, then you will have to build it upon a strong mission. With the above in mind, let’s now look at the steps involved in developing a mission and visions statement.

How to Write a Mission and Vision Statement for a Business Plan

Please bear in mind that you are learning as much of yourself each day as you are about your customer. So, don’t feel that anything you state here is etched in stone and cannot be changed. The more you understand your customer and the market, the more necessary it would become for you to shift grounds accordingly. But you need to state here what you have to offer at the moment. This will be a starting point for any changes you may need to effect later ( as your business grows ).

1.  Sit down in a quiet spot and reflect upon your thoughts

Ask yourself what drives you forward? What keeps you motivated? When you have figured out the answer to these questions, put it down in writing.

2.  Ask yourself how best you can serve your customers

What will your business stand for in the heart of your customers? What will be the ultimate benefit your customers can derive from your business? When you figure the answer to these questions out, put it down in writing.

3. Brainstorm for your vision statement

The vision is the most important component of your mission statement. Simply put, this is a picture or idea of what you plan to achieve in future . A vision statement is always concise and easy to remember, and for this reason, every stakeholder in a business can easily focus on it; and their decisions and activities are directed towards achieving the vision. Here is a good example of a vision statement:

“ Creating a vibrant rural economy driven by value-added agriculture. “

Once you get one down, then getting other components becomes very easy. To find the best vision statement for your business, simply ask yourself the question, “Why does this business exist?” Present answers from various angles, and you will find your mission statement among them.

4.  Get down your mission statement

As stated earlier, your mission statement is that action sentence that describes how you will achieve your vision. Finding this is much easier once you have found your vision statement. If you are stuck, just do it this way: If your vision is “A diabetes-free society” , then simply add the word “ To ” and another suitable verb to convert it to an action sentence. And there you will have your mission statement.

Using the same vision, you will get “To bring about a diabetes-free society .” You can go further by tweaking it, so that you will have something like: “To manufacture products that can cure diabetes effectively and permanently.” You get it now?

5.  List your core values

First off, you need to clarify your values. This means taking into account all the various stakeholders that your business is ( or will be ) accountable to—including investors, customers, employees, and suppliers. Now, consider how you would like to ideally conduct business with each of these stakeholders. Start making a list and your core values should start to emerge.

These are the various steps you will follow in your quest to achieve your vision. Brainstorm for as many as possible, list them down, and the prune your list down to as few as possible without leaving out any important ones. Now, let’s look at some additional tips that you will need to keep in mind when preparing your mission and vision statement.

4 Extra Success Tips for Developing a Business Plan Mission and Vision Statement

  • Your mission statement must be brief and simple. Being succinct as demanded by a mission statement isn’t easy. And you may need to go through several hours of tweaking and editing before arriving at the perfect sentence. Though short, your mission statement must capture the very essence of what your business plans to achieve. The fewer words the better. Use just only the few words needed to pass the message without leaving out any vital details.
  • Your mission statement must be in tune with your vision, and both sentences must blend to form a single thought.
  • There’s no rule that says you must get it perfectly at once. You can keep review your mission statement later, if necessary.
  • Your mission and vision statements must give the reader an insight, a covert one, at least into what you offer. This is more important if the name of your business doesn’t suggest what products or services you’re offering.

If you follow the guidelines I shared in this post, you will prepare a perfect vision and mission statement that will drive your business to success. Now I want you to know that no one can help you develop a mission statement. You alone can develop your mission and as a final note, it’s worthwhile you know that of the entire business system, the mission is the most important.

  • Go to Chapter 8 Part C: Writing your Business Plans Goals and Objectives
  • Go Back to Chapter 7 : H ow to Write a Business Plan Executive Summary
  • Go Back to Introduction and Table of Content

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35 Vision And Mission Statement Examples That Will Inspire Your Buyers

Lindsay Kolowich Cox

Published: February 28, 2024

Why do you choose to buy products and services from certain brands even when cheaper options exist? It often comes down to a compelling brand mission — like these 35 mission statement examples.

mission and vision statement examples

Brands use a mission statement to express their values. As consumers, we like to patronize businesses that have values we believe in.

→ Free Resource: 100 Mission Statement Templates & Examples

A strong mission statement makes it easy for consumers to understand your values and feel confident purchasing from you.

Still, loyalty doesn’t happen overnight. Building brand loyalty, like creating mission and vision statements, takes time. You may just find the inspiration that you need in someone else’s mission statement, so we’ve gathered 35 example mission statements to help make your research easy.

If you’re in a bit of a time crunch, use this table of contents to find precisely what you’re looking for to inspire the development of your company’s mission.

Table of Contents

What is a mission statement?

How to write a mission statement, what is a vision statement.

  • Mission vs Vision Statements

Mission and Vision Statement Template

Best mission statement examples.

  • Best Vision Statements Examples

A mission statement is a simple statement about the goals, values, and objectives of an organization. A mission statement summarizes why a business exists and helps a company respond to change and make decisions that align with its vision.

This brief description helps customers, employees, and leadership understand the organization’s top priorities.

An effective mission statement will naturally change over time. As a company grows, it may reach its early goals, and they’ll change. It’s important to revise mission statements as needed to reflect the business’s new culture as it achieves its goals and develops new targets.

What makes a good mission statement?

A great mission statement combines physical, emotional, and logical elements into one exceptional customer (and employee) experience that you value as much as they do. A good mission statement will not only explain your brand’s purpose but will also foster a connection with customers.

When your brand creates a genuine connection with customers and employees, they’ll stay loyal to your company, thereby increasing your overall profitability.

Mission statements also help you stand out in the marketplace, differentiating your brand from the competition.

I’ve personally observed that there’s more brand recognition for companies when consumers think they have an important mission.

When wearing a pair of TOMS shoes, I’ve noticed that people comment more on my shoes than when I’m wearing Converse or Nike shoes (which are both more well-known brands). TOMS famously created the One for One® model, where they vowed to donate one pair of shoes for every one purchased.

A memorable company mission makes your product more noteworthy.

What are the three parts of a mission statement?

Your mission statement should clearly express what your brand does, how it does it, and why the brand does it. You can quickly sum this up in your mission statement by providing the following:

  • Brand purpose. What does your product or service do or aim to offer and for whom?
  • Brand values. What does your company stand for? For example, are you environmentally conscious and provide a more sustainable solution to solve a problem? Values are what make your company unique.
  • Brand goals. What does your company accomplish for customers? Why should they purchase from you instead of other competitors?

With these three components, you can create a mission that is unique to your brand and resonates with potential customers. Next, we’ll guide you step by step on how to write a proper mission statement to build on as your company evolves.

You understand the importance of a well-crafted mission statement that effectively summarizes a company’s purpose, but how do you write one? Let’s look at the steps to write a good mission statement, and then we’ll dive into mission statement examples to inspire your creativity.

  • Explain your company’s product or service offering.
  • Identify the company’s core values.
  • Connect how your company’s offering aligns with your values.
  • Condense these statements into one.
  • Refine your mission statement.

1. Explain your company’s product or service offering.

A good mission statement helps prospects understand what your company does in a literal sense. This means explaining your offering in basic, clear terms. Your explanation should answer the most basic questions like:

  • Are you selling a product or service?
  • Why would customers buy it?
  • How does your offering solve for the customer?

Record your answers and focus on how your product or service brings value to your buyer personas , otherwise known as your target audience.

2. Identify the company’s core values.

Now, this is where you can start thinking bigger. You didn’t just make a product or service at random. Instead, you’re most likely motivated by a set of core values . This is particularly important for socially conscious businesses and brands that care about well-being.

Core values are deeply ingrained principles that guide a company’s actions. Take HubSpot’s culture code, HEART , for example:

  • Empathetic.
  • Remarkable.
  • Transparent.

These are principles that not only company employees respect but are principles that our customers appreciate as well. By identifying core values that hold meaning on personal and organizational levels, you’ll have an appealing set to add to your mission statement.

3. Connect how your company’s offering aligns with your values.

So, how can your company offering serve your core values? You need to draw a connection between the two in a way that makes sense to the public.

For example, if one of your core values centers on innovation, you want to frame your product or service as pushing boundaries and explaining how it helps customers innovate their lives or business practices. Essentially, you’re taking the literal benefit of the offering and expanding it to serve a higher purpose.

4. Condense these statements into one.

A mission statement can be as short as a single sentence or as long as a paragraph, but it’s meant to be a short summary of your company’s purpose. You need to state the what, who, and why of your company:

  • What — The company offering.
  • Who — Who you’re selling to.
  • Why — The core values you do it for.

Condense this to be between one and three sentences long. At this stage of development, it’s often helpful to write several mission statement drafts to help process ideas and experiment.

Once you have successfully conveyed your brand’s message, it’s time to refine and perfect your mission statement.

5. Refine your mission statement.

Above all, your mission statement stands as a marketing asset that is meant to be:

  • Free of fluff.

Your mission statement should clearly outline the purpose of your company offering, capture the company spirit, and show the common goals the company is working to achieve.

Have other team members or advisors read your mission statement draft and make adjustments if needed according to their recommendations. This is normally a slow process for brands, and I’ll share ideas and company mission statement examples in a moment to help inspire creativity in the writing process.

A vision statement is aspirational and expresses your brand’s plan or “vision” for the future and potential impact on the world. They often serve as a guide for a brand’s future goals and explain why customers and employees should stick around for the long haul.

What makes a good vision statement?

A good vision statement should be bold and ambitious. It’s meant to be an inspirational, big-picture declaration of what your company strives to be in the future. It gives customers a peek into your company’s trajectory and builds customer loyalty by allowing them to align their support with your vision because they believe in the future of your brand as well.

What are the three parts of a vision statement?

Your company vision is meant to be inspirational while also aligning with the company’s mission. A vision statement should have the following characteristics:

  • Aspirational and ambitious. Have a lofty outlook for what you want your business to accomplish? Here’s the place to put it. Your vision statement should be aspirational and showcase how your business will grow in the future.
  • Practical and achievable. While your statement should be ambitious, it shouldn’t be impossible. Set a goal that is both challenging and practical.
  • General. Your vision should be broad enough to encompass all of your brand’s overall goals. Think of it as an umbrella for your mission statement and company objectives to nest under.

Both mission and vision statements are often combined into one comprehensive “mission statement” to define the organization’s reason for existing and its outlook for internal and external audiences — like employees, partners, board members, consumers, and shareholders.

The difference between mission and vision statements lies in the purpose they serve.

Mission Statement vs. Vision Statement

A mission statement clarifies what the company wants to achieve, who they want to support, and why they want to support them. On the other hand, a vision statement describes where the company wants a community, or the world, to be as a result of the company’s services.

Thus, a mission statement is a roadmap for the company’s vision statement.

A mission statement is a literal quote stating what a brand or company is setting out to do. This lets the public know the product and service it offers, who it makes it for, and why it’s doing it. A vision statement is a brand looking toward the future and saying what it hopes to achieve through its mission statement. This is more conceptual, as it’s a glimpse into what the brand can become in the eyes of the consumer and the value it will bring in the long term.

In summary, the main differences between a mission statement and a vision statement are:

  • Mission statements describe the current purpose a company serves. The company’s function, target audience, and key offerings are elements that are often mentioned in a mission statement.
  • Vision statements are a look into a company’s future or what its overarching vision is. The same elements from the mission statement can be included in a vision statement, but they’ll be described in the future tense.

Now that we know what they are, let’s dive into some useful examples of each across different industries.

100-mission-statements examples

100 Mission Statement Examples & Templates

Mission statements from 100 companies and templates to create one for your business.

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  • 10 industries
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10. Cradles to Crayons : Provides children from birth through age 12 living in homeless or low-income situations with the essential items they need to thrive — at home, at school, and at play.

Best mission statement examples: Cradles to Crayons

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example of business plan mission and vision

17 Seriously Inspiring Mission and Vision Statement Examples (2024)

Money is a by-product of value .

So, to thrive in the long run, businesses must remain focused on producing value.

However, it’s easy to lose sight of value creation and get sidetracked by other things like profit margins, expanding your product catalogs , or competitors.

To become a runaway success, businesses must have a purpose that unites and inspires people – “make more money” won’t do the trick. As the author Simon Sinek said , “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

This is why organizations create mission and vision statements.

These statements unify the organization and keep everyone focused on what really matters – because if you get these things right, the profits will follow.

This post will give you an introduction to the two statements. Plus, we’ll share some great mission and vision statement examples to help inspire your own. 

Now, let’s dive in.

What is a Mission Statement?

A mission statement is a short summary of an organization’s core purpose, focus, and aims. This usually includes a brief description of what the organization does and its key objectives.

What is a Vision Statement?

A vision statement is a short description of an organization’s aspirations and the wider impact it aims to create. It should be a guiding beacon to everyone within the organization and something which underpins internal decision-making and determines the intended direction of the organization.

Mission Statement vs Vision Statement: What’s The Difference?

In short: The mission is the “ what ” and the “ how ,” and the vision is the “ why .”

The mission statement defines what an organization does and includes tangible goals which the organization strives to accomplish. The vision statement, meanwhile, should clarify the aspirations of the organization and define the direction it’s heading in.

Many organizations combine the two statements to form one clearly defined reason for existing that unites the efforts of everyone involved.

Does Your Business Need Mission and Vision Statements?

Mission and vision statements are signposts.

Effective mission and vision statements will unify the focus of an organization – for the organization and their target audience .

Okay, but what if you’re only just starting a business ?

Well, whether you’re a massive corporation or a solopreneur , you can use mission and vision statements to gain clarity and ensure that you consistently make decisions in line with your ultimate goals.

These statements also help you develop a stronger brand that differentiates you from the competition.

Now, let’s look at some examples.

Mission and Vision Statement Examples

For quick reference, here are 17 examples of mission and vision statements from highly successful businesses:

  • Tesla : To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.
  • Nike : Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. *If you have a body, you are an athlete.
  • MVMT : Style shouldn’t break the bank.
  • Warby Parker : To offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price, while leading the way for socially conscious businesses.
  • Shopify : Make commerce better for everyone, so businesses can focus on what they do best: building and selling their products.
  • Patagonia : Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.
  • IKEA : To create a better everyday life for the many people.
  • TED : Spread ideas.
  • Amazon : To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.
  • Southwest Airlines : To become the world’s most loved, most flown, and most profitable airline.
  • Google : To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
  • Asos : Become the world’s number-one destination for fashion-loving 20-somethings.
  • Loreal : To provide the best in cosmetics innovation to women and men around the world with respect for their diversity.
  • Bulletproof : Help people perform better, think faster, and live better.
  • Honest Tea : Create and promote great-tasting, healthy, organic beverages.
  • Starbucks: To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.
  • Passionfruit: Create inclusive clothing and accessories that enable you to show your pride all year round while giving back to our community.

17 Inspiring Mission and Vision Statements Explained

Now you know what they are and how they serve organizations, let’s take a closer look at these mission and vision statement examples and draw out the key components.

Tesla Vision statement

Mission statement: To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.

Vision statement: To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.

Tesla’s mission and vision statements are a class act.

Their mission statement clearly defines their core goal: “To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century.” Then it tells you how they intend to accomplish that goal: “By driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.”

It’s simple and it works.

However, it’s Tesla’s vision statement that stands out.

The car company’s clever use of the world “accelerate” helps to enliven their lofty aspiration. This vision statement also showcases their drive (pun intended) for sustainable energy and how it steers (pun intended) the business.

It also allows them room to explore and develop their other set of energy solutions, Powerwall, Powerpack and Solar Roof.

All in all, Tesla’s vision for sustainable energy is one that resonates with countless people around the world.

Nike Vision Statement

Mission statement: Create groundbreaking sports innovations, make our products sustainably, build a creative and diverse global team, and make a positive impact in communities where we live and work.

Vision statement: Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.

*If you have a body, you are an athlete.

Nike’s mission statement might sound run-of-the-mill, but it effectively sums up what they aim to do and how they aim to do it.

Take note of the words that declare Nike’s underlying company values: Innovation, sustainability, diversity, and community.

However, it’s Nike’s vision statement that has captured the hearts of millions.

“To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world” sounds a little vague at first. It’s Nike co-founder Bill Bowerman’s addition that hits you right in the feels: “If you have a body, you are an athlete.”

Bowerman’s statement staunchly stands up against body-shaming and is a powerful call for inclusion. And it’s not hard to see this shape Nike’s philosophy and marketing:

As a result, Nike’s vision statement is transformed into a moving sentiment that impacts every person who reads it. It’s also one of the best vision statement examples for business owners to use for inspiration.

MVMT Vision statement

Mission and vision statement: We were founded on the belief that style shouldn’t break the bank. Our goal is to change the way you think about fashion by delivering premium designs at radically fair prices.

MVMT have combined their company mission statement and vision statement and addressed it directly to customers.

It begins with the vision: “Style shouldn’t break the bank.”

This business vision statement cuts straight to the point and perfectly sums up MVMT’s key selling proposition of high-quality fashion watches at low prices.

The statement then goes on to explain the mission.

First, they tell you what they aim to achieve: “Change the way you think about fashion.” Then, they tell you how they intend to do it: “By delivering premium designs at radically fair prices.”

It’s short, punchy, and music to customers’ ears.

4.  Warby Parker

Warby Parker Vision statement

Mission statement: Warby Parker was founded with a rebellious spirit and a lofty objective: To offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price, while leading the way for socially conscious businesses.

Vision statement: We believe that buying glasses should be easy and fun. It should leave you happy and good-looking, with money in your pocket. We also believe that everyone has the right to see.

Warby Parker’s mission statement reminds us of why it was founded and then reveals its aims for a better future.

Note their core business aim: “Offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price.”

In the vision statement, they address the core problems consumers face when purchasing glasses: It can be annoying, boring, costly, and still leave you anxious about whether or not they look good.

Instead, they aim to solve these problems and make buying glasses easy, fun, pleasing, and inexpensive.

Both statements also mention Warby Parker's dedication to providing glasses to people in need around the world.

Shopify Vision statement

Vision statement: Make commerce better for everyone, so businesses can focus on what they do best: building and selling their products.

Shopify’s vision statement begins with their overarching vision: to make commerce better for everyone.

Then they promote the reason why they’re driven to remove the hassle and complications of managing an ecommerce website: so businesses can focus on what’s most important to them.

Shopify’s business mission statement and vision are clear: empower businesses.

6. Patagonia

Patagonia Vision Statement

Mission and vision statement: Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.

Patagonia starts with the basis of their success in business: high-quality products .

Then they explain their environmental stance in three points which explain their aim to make their business as environmentally friendly as possible and actively combat the environmental crisis.

Patagonia goes on to say, “a love of wild and beautiful places demands participation in the fight to save them.”

And the business isn’t afraid to put their money where their mouth is. The company donates at least 1% of its sales to hundreds of grassroots environmental groups around the world.

If you’re looking for vision and statement examples that clearly articulate a company’s values and goals, this is one right here.

IKEA Vision statement

Mission statement: Offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.

Vision statement: To create a better everyday life for the many people.

IKEA’s mission statement is clear and to the point.

Note the use of the words, “wide range,” “well-designed,” “functional,” and “prices so low.” If you’ve ever been to IKEA you’ll know how well they’ve managed to embody these attributes.

IKEA’s vision statement focuses their mission statement into one singular purpose: “To create a better everyday life for the many people.”

Both statements use inclusive phrasing that solidifies IKEA’s commitment to being accessible to “as many people as possible.”

Mission statement: Spread ideas.

Vision statement: We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.

TED , which stands for “technology, education, and design,” managed to boil down their entire mission into two simple, yet powerful words: “Spread ideas.”

With such a simple, highly focused mission, it’s easy to see how the TED brand has become a global phenomenon in recent years.

It’s a truly great mission statement that focuses all of their efforts.

“Everything we do – from our Conferences to our TED Talks to the projects sparked by The Audacious Project, from the global TEDx community to the TED-Ed lesson series – is driven by this goal: How can we best spread great ideas?”

In what could be considered their vision statement, TED goes on to explain that they “believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.”

Mission statement: We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection, and the utmost convenience.

Vision statement: To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.

Amazon ’s mission statement sums up the three things that have made them loved by millions: low prices, a huge selection, and incredible convenience.

Like all great mission statements, it shines a light on the values that bring success.

Amazon’s vision statement brings these elements together into one unified goal: “To be Earth’s most customer-centric company.”

10. Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines Vision Statement

Mission statement: The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and company spirit.

Vision statement: To become the world’s most loved, most flown, and most profitable airline.

Southwest Airlines is all about customer service .

Their mission statement summarizes this dedication to customers and highlights the importance of one-to-one interactions between staff and customers.

So it’s no surprise that Southwest’s vision statement is “to become the world’s most loved, most flown airline.”

However, although they heavily emphasize customer service , they don’t forget to mention the thing which allows the company to exist in the first place: profit.

example of business plan mission and vision

Google’s mission statement perfectly summarizes what they aim to do.

Take note of the last word: “useful.”

Google understands that it doesn’t matter how well organized or accessible information is if it can’t be readily applied in life.

Their mission statement is brilliant.

But unfortunately, Google doesn’t seem to have a vision statement that clarifies the reasons why they want to organize the world’s information for everyone to use.

ASOS Vision statement

Mission statement: Become the world’s number-one destination for fashion-loving 20-somethings.

Asos’ mission statement solidifies their purpose by voicing exactly what they want to achieve.

In what could be considered their vision statement, they go on to say, “We focus on fashion as a force for good, inspiring young people to express their best selves and achieve amazing things. We believe fashion thrives on individuality and should be fun for everyone.”

The addition gets a little vague in places, such as wanting young people to “achieve amazing things” – I mean, don’t we all?

However, it successfully showcases their brand image and their passion for individuality and expression .

Loreal Vision Statement

Mission statement: To provide the best in cosmetics innovation to women and men around the world with respect for their diversity.

Loreal’s mission statement comprises two key parts.

The first lays out their dedication to providing the best in cosmetics innovation. The second is all about inclusivity.

This is key.

They aim to include people from all over the world, “with respect for their diversity.”

And despite most companies marketing cosmetics solely to women, Loreal is looking to the future as gender stereotypes break down.

This type of sensitivity and awareness will position Loreal for long-term success.

14. Bulletproof

Bulletproof Vision statement

Mission and vision statement: “Help people perform better, think faster, and live better using a proven blend of ancient knowledge and brand new technologies, tempered by research, science, and measured results from our customers, top athletes, and medical professionals.”

Bulletproof has combined their vision and mission in one short paragraph.

It starts with their purpose: “Help people perform better, think faster, and live better.” Then it goes on to explain exactly how they plan to do it: Using ancient knowledge, brand new technologies, and science.

Sure, it’s a little wordy.

But it gets to the heart of why Bulletproof exists and how they plan to make an impact on the world as a business.

As a result, Bulletproof’s mission and vision statement is well-suited to unify everyone in the company and guide their decisions.

15. Honest Tea

Honest Vision Statement

Mission statement: Honest Tea seeks to create and promote great-tasting, healthy, organic beverages. We strive to grow our business with the same honesty and integrity we use to craft our recipes, with sustainability and great taste for all.

Honest Tea’s mission statement aims to live up to their brand name.

It starts by explaining what it is they do, and by doing so, they also tell you what they don’t do: chemical-laden, artificially produced beverages.

They’re talking directly to their target market and conferring their key selling proposition: beverages that are great-tasting and healthy.

They go on to showcase their values by using words like honesty, integrity, and sustainability.

And this brand doesn’t just talk the talk – they walk the walk.

Each year, the company publishes a Mission Report in an effort to be transparent about their business practices.

16. Starbucks


Mission statement: To inspire and nurture the human spirit—one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.

Another short and sweet mission statement that tells a lot about the company.

Starbucks doesn’t use big sentences or fancy words to communicate its goals. It uses clear, simple, and direct language to express what the company wants to be and for whom.  

They aspire to be known for more than just coffee by creating a culture of warmth and exclusivity.

In other words, Starbucks wants to ensure that anyone who comes through its doors feels welcomed and at home.

17. Passionfruit

passionfruit vision statement

Mission statement : We strive to create inclusive clothing and accessories that enable you to show your pride all year round while giving back to our community.

The folks at Passionfruit strive to promote the idea that pride is not just a one-day event.

Rather than making their mission statement about trendy clothes for the LBGTQ+ community, they promote the idea that pride is an everyday expression of oneself.

And by doing so, they remind people that the brand is aligned with LBGTQ+ values and supports the community by giving back.

All in all, it’s clear that Passionfruit wants everyone to recognize the truth for the queer community and spread inspiration – we’ll take it.

Done right, mission and vision statements are powerful things.

They can unify an entire organization’s efforts and be the signpost that continually focuses everyone’s efforts on the things that truly matter.

The key to great mission and vision statements is clarity.

Remember, a mission statement is the “ what ” and the “ how ,” and the vision statement is the “ why .”

Plus, it doesn’t matter how large or small your business is, every business can benefit from strong mission and vision statements.

If you’re considering writing a mission or vision statement for your business, start with your core values. Then, consider the wider impact you hope to have on the world through your customers.

What’s your business’s mission or vision statement?

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@media(min-width: 1024px){.css-hqxvux{max-width:100%;}} 22 vision statement examples to help you write your own.

When launching a startup, founders typically have an idea of what they want to achieve — a vision of what success will look like. During the strategic planning process, it’s important to put this vision into concrete terms. Not only does a vision statement clarify your thoughts, but it helps employees and stakeholders understand what the business has set out to accomplish. No matter what the business, a good mission and vision statement can inspire and motivate employees to make that vision a reality.

Whether it’s your first or fifth business, writing a compelling vision statement can be challenging. Below, we'll share how to write a vision statement — one that inspires your employees and positively impacts your business — and we'll look at a few vision statement examples to help you get started. 

What is a vision statement? 

A personal mission statement and personal vision statement can be used to guide our decision-making and help us stay focused to meet our long-term goals. Company statements are no different. A company vision statement is one of your most important business documents, along with your mission statement and core values. Although it’s easy to confuse the three, each one is unique and serves its own purpose. 

Core values are the organization’s long-term beliefs and principles that guide employee behavior. A mission statement deals with “why” an organization exists, while a vision statement outlines “what” that existence will eventually look like. A mission statement has to do with what the organization is doing in the present, while a vision statement focuses on the future. Mission statement examples include L’Oreal’s “Offering all women and men worldwide the best of cosmetics innovation in terms of quality, efficacy, and safety.” Conversely, Disney’s vision for itself is “to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information.”

Primarily intended for internal employees and shareholders, a vision statement describes what an organization aspires to be. It helps to think of a vision statement as part roadmap, part inspiration. By outlining a long-term vision, rather than just short-term goals, a vision statement helps give the organization shape and purpose. 

Why it’s important to have a vision statement.

Despite the importance of a vision statement, many companies choose to operate without one. Some simply combine their mission and vision into one general document. Others do away with the idea altogether, thinking that corporate visions are vague statements that serve no actual purpose. 

Furthermore, studies show that highly aligned organizations grow revenue 58% faster, and are 72% more profitable than ones that are unaligned. If an organization doesn’t have a vision or a clear idea of what it wants, it will greatly limit its opportunities and have a difficult time inspiring employees to stay committed.  

How to write a vision statement.

Writing a vision statement may seem like a daunting task. It’s read by every employee and shareholder, and greatly impacts the success of the organization. And a vision statement takes time and thought. When done well, a vision statement can provide the encouragement your company needs to achieve its goals. To streamline the process, keep the following steps in mind while crafting your vision statement:

1. Determine who will help write your vision statement.

When starting out, it’s likely you and your partners will be responsible for writing your company’s vision statement. Once you start hiring, you can ask managers and employees to contribute additional insights. Interviewing a range of individuals will help create a vision statement that integrates and speaks directly to the entire organization. 

2. Project your goals for the future.

Imagine your company five or ten years down the line. The outcome you envision — your dream for the future, your success as a company — should be captured in the vision statement. Keep in mind that the statement should only include the vision, not an actual step-by-step plan for implementing solutions. 

The following questions can help you clarify your vision: 

  • Where do we want the organization to go? 
  • What can we realistically achieve?
  • What problem does the organization intend to solve?
  • What are the changes we believe the organization can make for individuals? For the industry? 
  • How will things be different if the vision is realized?
  • What phrases or keywords describe the type of organization and outcome we want?

3. Stick to the specifics.

A generic vision statement — one that sounds like it could apply to any company — will not be enough to motivate your team. Vision works best when it’s specific and describes an end goal only your organization can provide. Don’t be afraid to dream big. A lukewarm vision will only yield lukewarm results. So it’s important to be bold, and even risky, when writing your vision statement. 

4. Keep it short and simple.

While it should be specific, a vision statement shouldn’t be overly detailed. It should be concise. Start by jotting down all of your ideas, and then pare those down to the essentials. Keeping just one or two key points helps create a clear vision that’s easy for everyone to focus on and fulfill. Stay away from technical terms and jargon, and use the present tense. Rather than trying to write something catchy, aim for clarity. A great vision statement works best when it’s simple, memorable, and inspirational. 

Revisit your vision often as your company evolves.

A vision statement sets an organization’s sights on the future. However, once that future is reached, the vision needs to continue moving forward. Your vision statement is a living document, not a set of static sentences. It plays an important part in your overall strategic plan for a certain time frame. It should therefore be regularly updated to reflect your organization’s current purpose. 

Constantly communicate your vision.

Once you have a vision statement that articulates your end goal, make sure it’s clearly communicated. A vision is more effective when your entire organization takes it to heart. Commit the proper resources and time toward realizing the vision you’ve set. This can mean investing in seminars and training or launching a new product. It can also include offering the lowest possible prices, entering new markets, or exploring other areas of opportunity. A good way to help everyone align with a company's vision statement is by inviting them into the process. Ask for employees’ input, and suggest ways to incorporate the vision into their work. Then, make sure to recognize or reward individuals for their standout contributions.

Vision statement examples.

Sometimes, seeing what works for notable companies is just the inspiration you need to create your own vision statement. Below are some inspiring vision statements from today’s top companies:

Concept-based vision statements.

Some vision statements are based on concepts of what the company hopes to be or achieve in the future. This can be a general statement focused on customers, or a position the company wants to hold within the industry. Below are a few examples of concept-based vision statements:

  • BBC: “To be the most creative organization in the world”
  • Disney: “To make people happy.”
  • Google: “To provide access to the world’s information in one click”
  • IKEA: “To create a better everyday life for the many people”
  • Instagram: “Capture and share the world’s moments”
  • LinkedIn: "Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce”
  • Microsoft: “To help people throughout the world realize their full potential”
  • Nike: “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world”
  • Oxfam: “A just world without poverty”
  • Shopify: “To make commerce better for everyone”
  • Sony: "To be a company that inspires and fulfills your curiosity.”
  • TED: “Spread ideas”
  • Tesla: “To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy”
  • Uber: “We ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion”
  • Whole Foods : “To nourish people and the planet.”

Quality-based vision statements.

Other common vision statements are focused on internal goals. These include the type of products and services the company hopes to provide as they grow. Quality-based vision statements can also relate to company culture and operations. The following are some examples from actual United States companies in different industries:

  • Amazon: “Our vision is to be earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.”
  • Avon: “ To be the company that best understands and satisfies the product, service, and self-fulfillment needs of women—globally.”
  • Ben & Jerry’s: “Making the best ice cream in the nicest possible way”
  • Ford: “People working together as a lean, global enterprise to make people’s lives better through automotive and mobility leadership.” 
  • IBM: “To be the world’s most successful and important information technology company. Successful in helping our customers apply technology to solve their problems. Successful in introducing this extraordinary technology to new customers. Important because we will continue to be the basic resource of much of what is invested in this industry.”
  • McDonald’s: “To move with velocity to drive profitable growth and become an even better McDonald’s serving more customers delicious food each day around the world.”
  • Nordstrom: “To serve our customers better, to always be relevant in their lives, and to form lifelong relationships”
  • Starbucks: “To establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.” 
  • Warby Parker: “We believe that buying glasses should be easy and fun. It should leave you happy and good-looking, with money in your pocket. We also believe that everyone has the right to see.”
  • Zappos: “To provide the best customer service possible. Deliver 'WOW' through service”

Keep a clear vision.

Even if it’s just a few sentences, a vision statement provides a lot of value. Not only does it outline the company’s desired outcome, but it can communicate intentions and hopes for the future. The best part is that a vision statement changes with your organization. When a vision is reached or updated, it’s time to create a new vision statement. This encourages everyone toward greater goals, and opens your company to more possibilities.


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Vision and mission examples: inspiring statements for success, share this article.

If someone asks, “Why do people start businesses?”, the first answer that comes to mind might be, “To make money”. 

On the surface, that’s true. But making money isn’t all there is to a successful business.  

In business, there’s no guarantee you’ll make money just because you have a product or service to sell. Instead, you make money when people actually buy your product(s) or hire you to perform a service for them.  However, no one will buy a product or service unless they stand to gain something valuable from it — be it a smoother workflow, lighter workload, or a better way of living.  

And that right there is the bedrock of a successful business — value. Without offering value to your customers and employees, you can’t have a successful business. But then, how can you show people the value that your brand offers? 

Short answer: Vision and mission statements. 

Organizations use vision and mission statements to communicate their goals and aspirations to internal and external stakeholders. Well-crafted mission and vision statements provide internal teams with clarity, direction, and focus on their goals. On the other hand, external stakeholders, use these statements to gauge if a brand aligns with their personal values and is worth supporting.

In this article, we’ll explore what vision and mission statements are, the differences between them, the key components of both statements, and great statement examples that can inspire your own. 

Skip ahead:

Understanding Vision and Mission Statements

Key components of vision statements, examples of inspiring vision statements, key components of mission statements, examples of impactful mission statements, crafting your vision and mission statements, inspire your stakeholders with impactful vision and mission statements, vision statement .

A vision statement is one that expresses your brand’s meaning and plans for the future to stakeholders, especially employees and customers. It serves as a reminder — and a roadmap of sorts — of how you want your business to impact the world, which prevents you from losing sight of the big picture even as you’re inundated with your day-to-day activities. A great example is Microsoft’s early vision of putting “a computer on every desk and in every home.”  

A good vision statement gives customers and employees a glimpse into the direction your business is taking, and shows them why your end goal is worth their time and investment. This is especially important as 82% of consumers now prefer to buy from brands that align with their values. 

A vision statement is important because it outlines the shared goal of everyone in the company — from the C-suite to the receptionists. This plays a huge role in figuring out which new hires are a culture fit because anyone who applies to work at your company will know exactly what goal their efforts will be contributing to. And when employees know what their collective efforts are leading up to, they’re more inclined to stay and see it through.

The same goes for people who share similar values as your company — they’ll be more interested in buying from you and helping you achieve your goals. 

Mission statement

A mission statement is a concise declaration of the present goals and core values of an organization. It helps your employees and customers immediately understand what your company is about, your top priorities, and how you differ from your competitors. 

The best mission statements are a combination of physical, logical, and emotional elements that not only explains their companies’ purpose , but also fosters a connection with customers and employees. This connection helps build customer loyalty, which will eventually increase your overall profitability. 

Since a mission statement is primarily about a company’s present goals, it should be revised as the company’s goals change. This way, the mission statement will always reflect the business’ current culture as it achieves its objectives and sets bigger goals.

Differences between vision and mission statements 

Sometimes, the terms “vision statement” and “mission statement” are used interchangeably, but they’re actually different. The difference between them lies in the purpose they serve.

Simply put, a vision statement describes how a company plans to improve its immediate community, or the world at large, while a mission statement clarifies what your company wants to achieve, the product (or service) it offers, the audience it caters to , and why it’s doing it. Thus, a mission statement is a roadmap for a company’s vision. 

It’s a case of “where you are right now” versus “where you’re going.” 

For example, if someone asks you, “What do you do?” , you might answer, “I’m a content writer at a new software startup” or “I’m a barista at a nearby Starbucks shop.” 

But if they ask you, “Where do you see yourself five years from now?” , you won’t give the same answer, will you? You’d probably say, “My goal in five years is to occupy a management position where create the company’s marketing strategy and oversee its execution” or “I want to own my own coffee company, selling locally-sourced coffee beans.” 

The first scenario symbolizes a mission statement — the current purpose a company serves. And the latter scenario represents a vision statement — a glimpse into a company’s future.

To craft a great vision statement, here are some key components you should keep in mind: 

  • Ambitious: The purpose of a vision statement is to inspire stakeholders — customers, employees, and investors — to believe in your company. Having a lofty vision statement showcases how much impact you want your business to have in the world as it grows. It also conveys to people your passion for making a positive difference in others, far and wide. 
  • Practical: While your company’s vision should be aspirational, it shouldn’t feel impossible. You want to craft something that your company can work towards, so be careful not to make it so far out of reach that it feels unattainable. It’s a vision, after all — not a fantasy. 
  • Broad: A vision statement shows the correlation between your mission and your goals — but it isn’t a goal itself, so it shouldn’t feel too finite. Instead, it should be broad enough to cover all your brand’s overall goals and objectives.

Here are some examples of vision statements to inspire yours: 

Vision statement: “Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce” 

LinkedIn is the world’s largest online professional network with over 900 million members across 200 countries worldwide . With LinkedIn, these individuals and businesses are connected with one another, which enables them to find jobs, hire qualified candidates, find investors, expand their investment portfolio, get speaking gigs, increase the creator economy, and more. 

LinkedIn’s vision statement clearly shows why the company is doing what it’s doing: to create economic opportunity for every working person, regardless of their background or level. And one look at the community on LinkedIn and you’ll see that the company takes its vision statement seriously. 

The statement itself is concise. It’s one sentence that encompasses what LinkedIn is doing (creating opportunities), why it’s doing it, and who it’s catering to (members of the global workforce).

Vision statement: “To make our oceans as rich, healthy, and abundant as they once were”

Right off the bat, Oceana’s vision statement makes anyone who reads it envision bodies of water filled with plastic, which makes up 80% of all marine debris found in oceans. This appeals to their emotions — sadness and shame for all the ways they might have contributed to polluting the world’s oceans and encouraging environmental crises. 

However, Oceana’s vision also gives people hope that there’s an organization that’s working hard to fix the situation and renew the health of these oceans.

Vision statement: “ To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices”

Customers are at the center of what Amazon does — and their customers know it. There’s nary a thing you can’t find on Amazon — from books to kitchen appliances to clothing to skincare. And these items are affordable, too. 

Amazon’s vision statement encapsulates everything it wants to offer: a huge selection of everything, low prices, and convenience. All of that merges into one ultimate goal: to become Earth’s most customer-centric company. 

This vision statement is succinct and memorable, and clearly shows the values that Amazon upholds.

When formulating your mission statement, here are some important things to remember:

  • Purpose : Ask yourself: “Why does this business exist?” What does your product or service do, how does it do it, and who is it created to help? A mission that summarizes your purpose gives everyone who reads it a high-level overview of the essence of your brand. 
  • Values: A mission statement is a way to communicate your values and core beliefs to stakeholders. What does your company stand for? What do you believe in that sets you apart from competitors? Perhaps your products are environment-friendly or you donate part of your annual revenue to a charity your customers choose. Whatever your values are, include them in your mission statement. 
  • Clarity: Always write your mission statement in simple language that people can easily understand, interpret, and remember. You also need to keep the statement to a sensible length — not too short that it excludes important information, and not too long that it becomes forgettable and unwieldy.
  • Emotional appeal: A mission statement isn’t just a quick rundown of what your company does; it’s a reflection of who you are. So as you write it, focus on appealing to people’s emotions and inspiring them to think (and act) differently. Doing this will increase the chances of your mission resonating with people and building customer loyalty. 

Below are some real-life examples of mission statements that positively impact the stakeholders of the companies: 

Mission statement: “To offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them” 

IKEA is known as a company where people can get very cheap, but functional, furniture. So IKEA’s mission statement clearly states what it already does. But you may notice that the statement isn’t about offering beautiful furniture; instead, it’s about making life better for their customers . 

Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of IKEA, states, “I KEA is not the work of one person alone, it is the result of many minds and many souls working together through many years of joy and hard work. ” The phrase “many minds and many souls” conveys a sense of teamwork, togetherness, and inclusion that helps IKEA meet the needs of its customers. 

Mission statement: “To entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling”

With classics like The Lion King, The Adventures of Aladdin, and Frozen, Disney’s storytelling is immaculate. Thankfully, Disney’s mission statement accurately portrays how central storytelling is to the work Disney does. 

Disney’s mission goes beyond simply entertaining kids and tweens; it intends to put out high-qualities stories that inspire other people’s creativity, increase personal growth, and enact positive change in the world. This mission statement is impeccable because it portrays Disney’s desire to inspire others to channel their own creativity to make their communities better. 

Cradles to Crayons 

Mission statement: “To provide children from birth through age 12, living in homeless or low-income situations, with the essential items they need to thrive – at home, at school, and at play” 

Cradles to Crayons is a non-profit organization that is trying to eradicate a popular economic issue in the United States (and the world): child poverty. This organization’s mission statement appeals to the humanity in people by showing how dedicated it is to give young children who live in poverty the basic things they need to survive and thrive. 

This inspires people to donate items and money to support Cradles to Crayons’ mission to equal the playing field for children all over the country, regardless of background. The more people who donate, the more children the non-profit will be able to help.

Here are some tips for creating compelling vision and mission statements: 

Think about your “why” 

Your “why” is the heartbeat of your mission and vision statements. Why are you here? What problems do you solve? What ultimate impact do you want your business to have in your industry, your community, and the world at large? 

For Thinkific, it’s to “revolutionize the way people learn and earn online by giving them the tools they need to turn their expertise into a sustainable business that impacts both them and their audience.”

Before writing your mission and vision statements, think about what drove you to start your business. It doesn’t have to be some lofty goal to save the world from imminent destruction, but there has to be a reason for every action you take and product (or service) you offer that goes beyond simply making money. 

Involve your stakeholders 

Great mission statements are almost always a result of the collaboration of a company’s stakeholders. So, work with your stakeholders — including leadership, employees, customers, and investors — to bounce off ideas and get their perspectives on your company’s purpose. 

Speaking to customers is especially important because, without them, you have no business. Your mission statement should encompass the views of your internal team, as well as external stakeholders to explain what you have to offer, the problems you’re solving, and why your business is the right consumer choice.

Pro tip: If you don’t have a team just yet, you can get your friends and family to help you out.

Don’t fixate on what you do

Your mission and vision statements are quite different from your unique selling proposition (USP). So, with your mission and vision statements, don’t fixate on the products (or services) you offer and why they’re so awesome. Instead, look at your offers from your customers’ point of view and communicate how your offers will improve their way of life. 

For example, you mightn’t be excited about shoes in general, but if a shoe company says that they’ll donate a pair of shoes per purchase to people who have no shoes in certain parts of the world, that’ll pique your interest, right? 

Connect your statements with your brand goals and objectives 

Your mission and vision statements should be more than a catchy tagline. Instead, they should be reflective of the goals, objectives, and values your brand is working toward. These three elements play a significant role in building brand loyalty, because they show that you’re not just running a brand to get rich. You actually want to make a positive difference in the world, and seeing this can appeal to people on an emotional level and influence their decision to support you, be it through their hard work or their money. 

Use plain language

If your mission and vision statements were only used for internal purposes, then there’d be nothing wrong with using buzzwords and complicated industry terms to describe your company. 

However, individuals who probably have no idea what “agile manifesto” and “decentralized blockchain applications” mean still need those statements to gauge whether your company aligns with their personal values or not. So your best bet to converting these people is to use plain, simple language for your mission and vision statements. 

Get rid of any corporate speak or industry jargon, replace complex words with plain language, and be specific. Not only does this help people interpret your words correctly and easily, but it also makes your statements feel authentic and genuine.  

Keep them at optimal lengths

While most agree that mission and vision statements should be concise and succinct, things aren’t that cut and dry. You want your statements to be short enough that people can remember them and repeat them quickly, but long enough to contain the main thing(s) you want people to know about your brand. 

So, the lengths of your statements are completely up to you. If it’s too long, only the writers may use it. But if it’s short enough to be recited, employees can use it as a decision-making and culture-shaping guide . And if it’s memorable, customers will connect with your brand and purchase your products (or services). 

Pro tip: As a rule of thumb, they should be between 1-2 sentences long. Anything longer is probably too long and hard to recall. 

When written well, vision and mission statements can be powerful at attracting customers and driving business growth. They can be a beacon of light that keeps the team focused on the things that actually matter. 

The key to creating the best vision and statement statements is clarity. For your mission statement, clearly define what you do and how you hope to help others with your brand. And for your vision statement, define why your brand exists and the kind of difference you want your business to make in the world. 

When you stay true to your values and show people what matters most to your business, the right audience will resonate with your statements and support you in achieving your goals. 

If you’re currently in the process of crafting a vision and mission statement, the examples outlined above can inspire the direction you take. Try, however, to be as honest and original as possible.

What is the difference between a vision and a mission statement?

Simply put, a mission statement is a concise phrase that outlines what your business is doing right now, while a vision statement is an aspirational sentence that describes what your business hopes to achieve in the future. 

How do I create a compelling vision statement for my organization?

To create a compelling vision statement for your business, work closely with your internal team and customers to define your organization’s purpose, values, and long-term aspirations. Then write a short, aspirational paragraph of no more than two sentences that encapsulates all of these elements in a way that’s memorable and appeals to the emotions of all who read it.

What are some examples of personal mission statements?

A personal mission statement is a statement that describes a person’s values, their goals, and how they define success. Here are some examples of personal mission statements from famous people: 

  • Amanda Steinberg: “To use my gifts of intelligence, charisma, and serial optimism to cultivate the self-worth and net worth of women around the world.”  
  • Oprah Winfrey: “To be a teacher and to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.”
  • Richard Branson: “To have fun in my journey through life and learn from my mistakes.” 
  • Maya Angelou:  “ My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style”

Can I use a vision and mission statement interchangeably?

While some people use the terms “vision statement” and “mission statement” interchangeably, they serve slightly different purposes. Mission statements focus on the “how” and “what” of a company — letting people know everything there is to know about your brand at present. Vision statements, on the other hand, focus on the “why” of a company — letting people know what your brand hopes to achieve in the far future.

Want to learn more about creating your brand? Download our free business brand workbook below!

Althea Storm is a B2B SaaS writer who specializes in creating data-driven content that drives traffic and increases conversions for businesses. She has worked with top companies like AdEspresso, HubSpot, Aura, and Thinkific. When she's not writing web content, she's curled up in a chair reading a crime thriller or solving a Rubik's cube.

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  • Inspiration , Operations

Mission statement examples: 16 of the best to inspire you

A stylized illustration of a rocket on a planetary surface against a starry sky, designed with Biteable video maker.

  • 15 Jun 2021

More than just a planning exercise, a mission statement focuses your leadership team, inspires employees, and communicates your core values to the larger world.

All in a single sentence. Magic.

A mission statement is one of the most important documents in your company’s arsenal, but it’s also one of the most difficult to craft. We’ve gathered 16 of the best company mission statement examples to help get your creativity flowing.

Level up with a mission statement video:  Deliver your mission statement with the most engaging communication medium — video. Turn your company’s mission statement into a video with Biteable. Start with a brandable  mission statement video template  and let Biteable’s smart editing features do all the heavy lifting for you.

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Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

What is a mission statement?

A mission statement sums up the core of who your company is and why it exists. It’s  raison d’etre , if you want to get fancy and speak a little French.

Company mission statements are typically short and sweet, only a sentence or two. And the best mission statements are anything but boring.

When done right, your company’s mission statement acts as a powerful driver that informs every aspect of your organization, from daily operations, to customer loyalty, to employee satisfaction. When done wrong, a mission statement is just another line of jargon everyone pretty much ignores.

Take the Starbucks company mission statement as an example:  To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.

Starbucks could have said:  To challenge the predominant infrastructure of coffee culture and develop a network of coffeehouses in every major market.

Did your eyes glaze over on that second one? Ours too. While technically true, our made-up example of a company mission statement is full of dreaded corporate-speak. It belongs deep in the bowels of a strategic plan, not as it’s headline.

On the other hand, the real Starbucks mission statement makes us want to be a part of it all. And even more than that, it conveys a sense of the beating heart behind the company.

The best mission statements do just this — clearly convey a company’s reason for existing, in language that is exceedingly human.

Mission statements vs. vision statements — what’s the diff?

It’s easy to confuse vision statements and mission statements. But there are a few important differences.

A vision statement is aspirational. It outlines where your company strives to be in the future — whether that is one year from now or ten. In contrast, a mission statement spells out where your company is right now.

Think of your company’s vision statement as a long-term goal post. The end point towards which you are working. If your vision statement is a goal post, then your mission statement is what drives you toward that goal post.

Why your company mission statement is important

You’ll probably write your company mission statement during your strategic planning because it’s a valuable tool that helps your leadership team make big-picture decisions. Chances are, you’ll even look at examples of other company mission statements to help you craft your own.

But the purpose of a mission statement goes far beyond strategic planning.

Consumers value mission-driven companies

It’s no secret that today’s consumer values a company with, well, values. These values don’t have to be centered around saving the world. But they do need to be clear, focused, and genuine.

A 2020 study  by global communications agency Zeno Group found that if consumers think a company has a strong purpose, they are:

  • 4 times  more likely to purchase from the company
  • 4.5 times  more likely to recommend the company to family and friends
  • 6 times  more likely to defend the company in the wake of public criticism

Think about this in terms of your personal life. The more you connect with a person, the more likely you are to invite them over for coffee, introduce them to your other friends, and come to their defense. The same is true for the companies we buy from.

We humans value connection and a shared sense of purpose. All things equal, your company’s mission statement can be a powerful differentiator.

Employees want a sense of purpose

Just as your company mission statement makes an impact on consumer sentiment, the same can be said about employee sentiment.

According to a recent Gallup poll  Gen Z and millennials (who make up nearly half of the full-time workforce in the US) value belonging to a company with a strong moral compass. They appreciate ethical leadership, and they want to know that their own work has a positive impact on the world at large.

The more effectively human resources and the rest of the leadership team communicates the company’s mission to rank and file employees, the better.

But it doesn’t stop there. It is equally important to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak. If your company mission places value on the environment, do you give your employees opportunities to act upon these values in their everyday work life?

The most effective company mission statements are clear and actionable, from the products a company makes all the way down to the food in the employee cafeteria.

How to write an effective mission statement without a lot of headache

Understanding mission statements is one thing. Actually sitting down to write your company’s own mission statement is quite another.

But if you take the time to do it right, the process is a really useful exercise. Think of this as a chance to clarify and fine tune your purpose so you can point the company in the right direction for years to come.

Brainstorming your company mission statement

To get started, gather your leadership team and brainstorm answers to these four questions. If you are the solo founder of a fledgling company, gather key stakeholders or a handful of your professional mentors instead.

Aim for a short paragraph on each question.

  • Why does our company exist?
  • What value do our products or services bring to consumers?
  • What core beliefs guide our work?
  • What makes our company different, better, or more inspiring than our competitors?

After you brainstorm answers to these questions, review your answers and highlight the concepts that are central to your company. You might also pick a few company mission statement examples from businesses you admire and use those to help guide you.

If this brainstorming discussion took place with a group of people, now’s the time to send one or two individuals off to winnow the answers down to a couple of sentences.

Task this pair with writing several drafts of a mission statement, so the final decision makers have choices to work with.

This group process might seem cumbersome, but remember, your company mission statement is a core document. It should reflect the thought processes of as many stakeholders as possible.

Finalizing your work

After you land on a mission statement, do one final check to make sure it meets these criteria:

Plausibility:  Your mission statement is big-picture, but it should ultimately tie back to your everyday business operations. At least in a broad sense.

Readability:  No corporate speak or jargon. Avoid unnecessarily big words or complex sentences. Keep it simple.

  • Voice:  Now isn’t the time to be dry and boring. Use language that’s active and compelling. Your mission statement should reflect the unique voice and culture of your company.

Pro-tip:  Give your mission statement more reach by creating both a text and video version. The video can be simple, just an eye-catching background, animated text, and a soundtrack.

Include your mission statement video as part of hiring announcements or other  HR video communications . Or send it over to your marketing team to use as a Facebook cover, website content, and more.

Company mission statement examples: 16 of the best

How do other leading companies tackle their mission statements? We searched far and wide for the best company mission statement examples.

Starbucks Mission Statement Example

1. Starbucks: Inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.

The Seattle-based coffee giant originated in 1971 and has since become ubiquitous around the world.

Starbucks mission statement :   Inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.

Why it works:  We touched on the Starbucks mission statement earlier, but we’ll elaborate more here. We included this example of the Starbucks company mission statement because it works well for two reasons: it’s ambitious without being overreaching, and it uses down-to-earth language.

Inspiring and nurturing the human spirit isn’t directly related to coffee. But considering the role the company played in reviving coffee house culture in the US, the human spirit and a sense of community doesn’t seem like too big of a stretch. The second part of the statement is exceedingly tangible. It paints a small-scale picture of the company and its work.

The Honest Co - Mission Statement Example

2. Honest Company: Meaningful transparency and thoughtful design. We’re on a mission to change the world, one product at a time.

Honest Company made headlines when it went public in mid-2021, with founder Jessica Alba as the youngest-ever Latina to list a company on the New York Stock Exchange.

Honest Company mission statement :   Meaningful transparency and thoughtful design. We’re on a mission to change the world, one product at a time.

Why it works:  As a company committed to creating “clean” baby products, a mission of meaningful transparency and thoughtful design is two-fold. It’s a necessary part of their business practices, and it also speaks to consumers looking for a higher standard in their products.

Being on a “mission to change the world” might be a bit of a stretch. But considering the  baby products market  is projected to be worth $88.72 billion US dollars worldwide by 2026, maybe it isn’t such a huge stretch after all.

Patagonia - Mission Statement Example

3. Patagonia: We’re in business to save our home planet

The outdoor apparel and equipment company is known for its social and environmental activism.

Patagonia mission statement :   We’re in business to save our home planet.

Why it works:  Patagonia is often used as a good company mission statement example, and for a reason. Although it’s wildly lofty, the company really does put their money where their mouth is.

Patagonia originally began as a scrappy company specializing in steel pitons for rock climbing. But when the founders realized their gear damaged the rock face they so loved, they pivoted to low-impact aluminum chocks.

From the moment Patagonia pivoted to aluminum chocks, it became an environment-first company with far-reaching efforts built into every aspect of their business practices.

Microsoft - Mission Statement Example

4. Microsoft: To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more

The software giant is currently valued at  approaching $2 trillion .

Microsoft mission statement :   To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

Why it works:  Notice, Microsoft’s company mission statement makes no mention of software, or PCs, or technology at any level.

This isn’t to say the company is focused on something other than tech. But by concentrating on the “why” not the “what” of the business, this mission statement example remains flexible and agile. No matter where the market moves, Microsoft aims to increase productivity with it’s products.

Square - Mission Statement Example

5. Square: Everyone should be able to participate and thrive in the economy.

Square’s point-of-sale and online payment platforms came out on top during the pandemic. But even before that time, the company was a leader in POS products.

Square mission statement :   Everyone should be able to participate and thrive in the economy.

Why it works:  The company’s extended mission statement goes on to say: No one should be left out of the economy because the cost is too great or the technology too complex.

Similar to Microsoft’s mission statement, Square leaves room for agility here. It aims to produce simple, low-cost payment products, regardless of where the market takes it. We also appreciate Square’s focus on who the company serves and why.

Pinterest - Mission Statement Example

6. Pinterest: Bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love.

Ah, Pinterest. Inspiration central for crafters everywhere, but also a valuable tool for businesses looking for new marketing platforms.

Pinterest mission statement :   Bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love.

Why it works:  More than the words it uses, we appreciate how Pinterest discusses the ways its mission evolved along with the company.

According to Pinterest, the platform was originally conceived as “a tool to help people collect the things they were passionate about online.” It quickly became clear that people most enjoy using the site to get inspiration from others. And with this, Pinterest’s current mission was born.

Target - Mission Statement Example

7. Target: Help all families discover the joy of everyday life

Fun fact: According to Target’s website, 75% of the US population lives within 10 miles of a store. And why not? Everyone loves a trip to good old Target.

Target mission statement :   Help all families discover the joy of everyday life.

Why it works:  This company mission statement example is equal parts broad and super-specific, depending on how you look at it.

It speaks to Target’s affordable products, geared toward everyday people. But this mission statement can also easily extend to the company’s focus on community giving, corporate responsibility, and creating a positive employee experience.

Southwest Airlines - Mission Statement Example

8. Southwest Airlines: Connect people to what’s important in their lives through friendly, reliable, and low-cost air travel

The smallest of the “big four” US airlines, Southwest is known for its friendly crew and affordable ticket prices.

Southwest Airlines mission statement :   Connect people to what’s important in their lives through friendly, reliable, and low-cost air travel.

Why it works:  Maybe you can chalk it up to the company’s southern roots, but Southwest consistently ranks high for customer service. Its mission of connecting people to what’s important in their lives touches on this value.

Southwest sees itself as doing more than just moving people from point A to point B.

Spotify - Mission Statement Example

9. Spotify: To unlock the potential of human creativity — by giving a million creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it

The Swedish audio streaming platform currently has 356 million users across 178 markets.

Spotify mission statement :   To unlock the potential of human creativity — by giving a million creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it.

Why it works:  We included this example because, technically speaking, this is a mission statement and a vision statement combined into one.

When you write your mission statement, it’s important not to confuse the two. But for marketing purposes, wrapping a mission statement and a vision statement up into one shiny package sometimes works very well.

Google - Mission Statement Example

10. Google: Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful

This one needs no introduction. After all, to Google is officially listed in Merriam-Webster as a transitive verb. If that isn’t a sign of a powerful company, we don’t know what is.

Google mission statement :   Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Why it works:  Google’s effectiveness is centered around its algorithms. At its heart, an algorithm is a system for organizing information. So Google pretty much nailed it here.

We also appreciate the focus on making information “universally accessible and useful.” Google is arguably the most powerful search engine in the world, yet it’s simple enough for anyone to use. Universally accessible and useful sums that up nicely.

Nike - Mission Statement Example

11. Nike: Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete

The Oregon-based footwear, apparel, and sports equipment company was founded in 1964 and is now synonymous with athletics.

Nike mission statement :   Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete.

Why it works:  We admit, we like the asterisk more than we like the actual mission statement. Nike outfits some of the biggest names in professional sports, but its mission specifies “if you have a body, you are an athlete.” The word “inclusion” doesn’t appear in the company’s mission statement, but it says it — and then some — in so many words.

CVS - Mission Statement Example

12. CVS: Helping people on their path to better health

Founded as a drugstore in 1963 by brothers Stanley and Sidney Goldstein and partner Ralph Hoagland, CVS bills itself as a “health care innovation company that is reinventing pharmacy.”

CVS mission statement :   Helping people on their path to better health.

Why it works:  This isn’t one of the most inventive examples of a company mission statement, and it also seems somewhat obvious for a drugstore. But CVS embodies its mission in some pretty bold ways. In 2014, it became the  first national pharmacy in the US  to stop selling cigarettes and tobacco products.

Harley Davidson - Mission Statement Example

13. Harley Davidson: More than building machines, we stand for the timeless pursuit of adventure. Freedom for the soul

Harley-Davidson was founded in Milwaukee in 1903, and it remains one of the most popular motorcycle brands.

Harley Davidson mission statement :   More than building machines, we stand for the timeless pursuit of adventure. Freedom for the soul.

Why it works:  Harley-Davidson is known not only for its iconic design and distinctive engine sound, but also for the unique subculture of Harley riders.

Although Harley enthusiasts might balk at the idea, the company is as much a lifestyle brand as it is a motorcycle manufacturer. And that lifestyle delivers just what is promised in the company’s mission statement: adventure and freedom. And a whole lot of leather.

Dove - Mission Statement Example

14. Dove: Help women everywhere develop a positive relationship with the way they look, helping them raise their self-esteem and realize their full potential

What started as a single product — the Dove Beauty Bar — grew into a major line of personal care products used by women around the world.

Dove mission statement :   Help women everywhere develop a positive relationship with the way they look, helping them raise their self-esteem and realize their full potential.

Why it works:  The company’s mission statement combines seamlessly with their vision statement, which says, “We believe beauty should be a source of confidence, and not anxiety.”

Dove delivers on this promise with its far-reaching body positivity campaigns, research initiatives, and self-esteem projects.

Livestrong - Mission Statement Example

15. Livestrong: Which everyday cancer problem will we fix today?

Livestrong is a nonprofit organization that supports people living with or affected by cancer.

Livestrong mission statement :   Which everyday cancer problem will we fix today?

Why it works:  Because selling products and services to consumers isn’t part of the equation, nonprofit mission statements differ from those of their for-profit counterparts. But we included Livestrong here, because it has such a unique mission statement.

Very few mission statements are in the form of a question. This was very intentional on the part of Livestrong. As the company puts it on their mission page, “We have a Mission Question, not a Mission Statement, because we believe that we can only achieve the best solutions through asking the right questions.”

TED - Mission Statement Example

16. TED: Spread ideas.

The media company solicits keynote-style talks from some of the best minds and makes these available, for free, via video and through their podcast,

Ted mission statement :   Spread ideas.

Why it works:  This is another company mission statement example that makes the rounds on the best-of lists. You can almost imagine the lengthy thought process that transpired as TED execs winnowed their mission statement down to just two words. Two words! But that’s all they need.

This mission statement doesn’t say they are “creating opportunities for…” or “gathering the brightest minds to…” They do all of these things as well. But at the very core of the organization, their mission is to spread ideas.

In those two words, they say it all.

FAQs about company mission statements

These company mission statement examples are just a sample of what’s possible when a company really takes the time to craft a thoughtful mission statement. To help you write yours, here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about mission statements.

What should a company mission statement include?

A company mission statement should include one or two strong, well-written sentences that talk about why a company exists, the value it brings to its customers, the core beliefs that drive its work, and what sets it apart from other companies doing similar work.

What are the 3 parts of a mission statement?

The three parts of a mission statement are:

  • Mission and purpose:  the main reason a company exists. Its purpose in a broad sense.
  • Values:  the core values that drive everyday decisions and behavior in the company.
  • Goals:  what the company hopes to achieve by sticking close to its mission and values.

What is a strong mission statement?

A strong mission statement is short and actionable. The strongest company mission statements are written in accessible language (no corporate speak) that reflects a company’s unique culture and voice. A good mission statement is lofty, but also ties back to a company’s everyday business practices.

What is Coca Cola’s mission statement?

Coca Cola’s mission statement is  “to refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit, to inspire moments of optimism and happiness through our brands and actions, and to create value and make a difference.”

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74 Mission Statement Examples That Define Companies and Inspire Customers

Plus a guide on how to write a mission statement.

Stephen Gossett

Some skeptics are eager to criticize mission statements. They see them as generic and platitudinous , another startup box that founders need to check.

 Turns out, though, a mission statement’s success depends on how it’s written.

What Is a Mission Statement?

In his influential 1998 research article , consultant and business professor Chris Bart found “a significant and positive correlation” between organizational performance and mission statements when managers were satisfied with those statements . He also found a correlation between performance and the process used to develop statements. Simply having a mission statement was a non-factor, but one created with real buy-in delivered the goods.

Related Reading Tips for Effective Business Storytelling

Mission Statement Examples

Later, we’ll tease out what exactly makes a mission statement effective and explore tips for writing one. But first, here are some examples to fuel your inspiration.

  • Apple: “To bring the best user experience to customers through innovative hardware, software and services.”
  • Procter & Gamble: “To provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come.”
  • Reddit: “To bring community and belonging to everyone in the world.”
  • Nike: “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Piaggio Fast Forward

Mission statement: “Our mission is to build technology products that move the way people move.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Supernova Technology

Mission statement: “At Supernova, our mission is to enable investors to achieve financial wellness.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Jabra Hearing

Mission statement: “We empower people with hearing loss to connect with their world through effortless technology and delightful care.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement:  “At Hivebrite, our mission is to help organizations build vibrant communities.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “Humanizing brands to move people.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Bectran, Inc

Mission statement: “Our mission is to reshape the credit industry and disrupt traditional processes. We believe in leading our business partners into the digital age to adapt to the tools and technologies that will allow them to remain at the forefront of their industries. Here at Bectran, we are committed to helping businesses leverage the power of SaaS solutions to save time and money and actualize their full growth potential through innovated, automated software.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement:  “To save lives and minimize loss by identifying active threats globally and facilitating timely communications when an emergency situation threatens personal safety and business continuity.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “We help people secure their future and protect the ones they love.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement:  Make a difference: Improve community health and safety through the power of data.

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “We’ve built the nation’s leading social care network with a clear focus on our mission — to connect people to the help they need with dignity and ease.”

W Logo

Mission statement: “In a world rife with complex relationships and hidden risk, we stand as torchbearers of corporate transparency, aiming to illuminate the intricate connections that exist between businesses, people, supply chains and the inner workings of a globalized economy.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “Our mission is simple: To provide employers with a uniquely fair, predictive, and easy-to-use assessment that helps them identify the candidates most likely to succeed in all their open roles.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “Our mission is to make the best care possible for all pets.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “Our mission is to help financial institutions win and keep customers by delivering flawless customer experiences. Pinwheel’s activation and lifecycle management solutions remove friction, increase transparency, and help create a fairer financial ecosystem for all.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “Founded on the mission to simplify healthcare and improve outcomes.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “Our mission: deliver powerfully-simple email marketing software for small businesses that does 90 percent of the work for you. We leave the last 10 percent for you to have fun!”

example of business plan mission and vision

Bridge Legal

Mission statement: “At Bridge Legal, our mission is simple: To improve access to legal services in America.”

Personio company logo

Mission statement:  “At Personio, our mission is to help HR focus on what matters most: people.”

example of business plan mission and vision

GrayMatter Robotics

Mission statement: “Our mission is to help your people and your industrial assets become smarter and more visible.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Inspira Financial

Mission statement: “We solve complex problems for countless strategic partners and thousands of employers. We help millions of individuals to thrive today, tomorrow and into retirement.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Scythe Robotics

Mission statement: “To provide the most advanced and sustainable autonomous technology for maintaining off-road environments safely, effectively, and responsibly.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Biz2Credit Inc.

Mission statement: “Our mission is to provide small businesses with the best funding options for each and every project or capital need, with technology that makes business financing easy to understand and easy to access.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Gradient AI

Mission statement: “Gradient AI is on a mission to increase precision and automation throughout the insurance industry.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “At Inato, we’re on a mission to bring clinical research to each and every patient, regardless of who they are and where they live.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Formation Bio

Mission statement: “Our mission is to bring new treatments to patients faster and more efficiently. We are a tech-driven, AI-native pharma company changing the way drug development is done.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “Our mission is to empower every homeowner. We’re creating a world where home ownership comes with ease, security, and financial know-how.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Bilt Rewards

Mission statement: “Renting should be rewarding.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “FPFX Tech delivers technology solutions that bridge the gap between what brokers offer and what traders want, with innovative products and applications that create points of differentiation and client loyalty.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “Our mission is to make authentication and authorization simple and secure for every developer.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “Our mission is to place the right person in the right shift, every time.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Invoice Home

Mission statement: “We strive to maximize business efficiency with an affordable and easy-to-use billing and invoicing service. We cater to time-strapped small businesses and freelancers who seek to grow their business and build their brand.”

example of business plan mission and vision

LoanStreet Inc.

Mission statement: “Our mission is to provide the most efficient, transparent and robust tools for financial institutions to manage their balance sheets, connect with partners and effectively share risk.

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “Meetup’s mission is to help people grow and achieve their goals through real-life, human connections. From professional networking to craft brewery crawls to coding workshops, people use Meetup to get out of their comfort zones, meet new people, learn new things, pursue passions, and find supportive communities that will help them thrive.

example of business plan mission and vision

Gogo Business Aviation

Mission statement: “To keep your passengers, pilots and planes seamlessly and continually connected worldwide.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Snap! Mobile

Mission: “To empower coaches and educators in their dedication to develop the leaders of tomorrow. Our vision is to strengthen developing programs through technology-driven, community-first solutions that support dedicated leaders and champion the next generation.” 

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Mission statement: “Making the world’s best workplaces safer and more sustainable.”

example of business plan mission and vision

OTR Solutions

Mission statement: “OTR’s mission is to create exceptional value for our clients by providing industry leading financing and back-office solutions. Three pillars that are crucial to supporting that mission are outstanding customer service, technology that creates efficiency for ourselves and our customers and a culture that provides the opportunity for employees to achieve greatness.”

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Mission statement: “To be a trusted partner in providing homeowners and their families safety, enjoyment, convenience, and peace of mind through innovative, professionally installed solutions that protect the condition and grow the value of their homes.”

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Mission statement:  “Help families elevate the next generation through sports.”

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Mission statement:  “We exist to advance the economic power of people living and working in the real world.”

MetLife logo, now hiring for IT positions

Mission statement: “Always with you, building a more confident future. MetLife contributes to a more confident future as an employer, an investor and a provider of financial solutions and expertise. Our purpose is at the heart of our virtuous circle of delivering for our colleagues, our communities, our customers and our shareholders.”

Terakeet logo

Mission statement:  “We bring together brands and their audience to make connections that matter.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement:  “For over a decade, we’ve been building tech for food people, so restaurant owners can save money, staff members can save time, and diners can order better. Because when restaurants thrive, they can keep serving food that gives your community its unique flavor. We want to keep it that way.”

example of business plan mission and vision


Mission statement: “Bringing joy to others one game at a time.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement:  “We empower everyday people to move forward on the path to a better financial future.”

First Entertainment Credit Union

Mission statement:  “We build lifelong financial relationships with the people in entertainment based on a deep understanding of how they live and work.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission statement: “Our mission is to rebuild the infrastructure of the travel industry in order to bring freedom, simplicity, and trust to travelers everywhere. We are bringing change to an industry that has been held back by outdated technology and complicated financial incentives that solve for the needs of middlemen instead of providing the best experience to users. Travel matters when communication is essential to building trust, commitment, and a shared sense of purpose. In essence, business travel is a necessity any time success depends on the strength of human connections.”

PatientPoint Logo


Mission statement:  “ PatientPoint is on a mission to make every doctor-patient engagement better, and that goal is at the core of everything we do. We are the patient engagement platform for every point of care. Our digital solutions impact 750 million patient visits every year, helping drive better health outcomes that enable people to live longer, healthier lives.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement:  “At Trupanion , we’re on a mission to help loving, responsible pet owners budget and care for their pets.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement :  “We’re on a mission to simplify the complexities of payments to help you grow.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “Our mission is to bring the best user experience to customers through innovative hardware, software and services.”

Asana logo

Mission Statement : “To help humanity thrive by enabling the world's teams to work together effortlessly.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “To be the most trusted and convenient destination for pet parents (and partners), everywhere.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “Our mission is to increase economic freedom in the world. Everyone deserves access to financial services that can help empower them to create a better life for themselves and their families. If the world economy ran on a common set of standards that could not be manipulated by any company or country, the world would be a more fair and free place, and human progress would accelerate.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “DoorDash is a technology company that connects people with the best of their neighborhoods across the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Germany. We enable local businesses to meet consumers’ needs of ease and convenience, and, in turn, generate new ways for people to earn, work, and live. By building the last-mile logistics infrastructure for local commerce, we’re fulfilling our mission to grow and empower local economies.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “Our mission is to design a more enlightened way of working. Dropbox helps people be organized, stay focused and get in sync with their teams.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Bright Horizons

Mission Statement :  “Dedicated to the highest quality education and care; making a lasting difference, one child, one student, one teacher, one family, and one employer at a time.”

example of business plan mission and vision

EFFECT Photonics

Mission Statement : “To interconnect humanity through fast, affordable, sustainable, and effective communication technologies.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement:  “Our mission is to build the most popular car subscription platform. Our aim is to help anyone who loves driving a car of their own but fears the struggle, commitment, and intransparent costs associated with ownership to get behind the wheel.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “The Fivetran mission is to make access to data as simple and reliable as electricity. The invention of the lightbulb spawned generations to change the world through electricity, creating millions of new products, devices and services. We’re empowering future ‘Thomas Edison’s’ to transform the way the world makes decisions through our always-on access to accurate data. This helps drive better data-driven decisions in pursuits like discovering new drugs, serving humanity in ways big and small (think: banking the underbanked, keeping hospital records up to date, and more!), and enabling social good organizations to do what they do best by improving lives everywhere.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “It is GitLab’s mission to make it so that everyone can contribute. When everyone can contribute, users become contributors and we greatly increase the rate of innovation.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Intel Corporation

Mission Statement : “We create world-changing technology that improves the life of every person on the planet.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “Our mission is to ensure the Internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all. An Internet that truly puts people first, where individuals can shape their own experience and are empowered, safe and independent.”

NBCUniversal Brand Logo


Mission Statement : “To be the premier content provider for television and digital platforms, spanning all television.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.

*If you have a body, you are an athlete.”

example of business plan mission and vision

The Pokémon Company International

Mission Statement : “At Pokémon, our mission is to become an entertainment leader and bring the fun of Pokémon to people around the world!”

example of business plan mission and vision

Procter & Gamble

Mission Statement : “We will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come. As a result, consumers will reward us with leadership sales, profit and value creation, allowing our people, our shareholders and the communities in which we live and work to prosper.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “Our mission is to bring community and belonging to everyone in the world.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “We help people achieve independence by making it easier to start, run, and grow a business. We believe the future of commerce has more voices, not fewer, so we’re reducing the barriers to business ownership to make commerce better for everyone.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “At Smartsheet, our mission is to empower anyone to drive meaningful change — for themselves, their businesses and even for the world.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Warby Parker

Mission Statement : “To inspire and impact the world with vision, purpose, and style.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Mission Statement : “We’re empowering everyone to create for the web — and leading impactful, fulfilling lives while we do it.”

How to Write a Mission Statement

When it comes time to draft your company’s mission statement, consider the following:

Tips for Writing a Mission Statement

  • Make it simple, aspirational and memorable.
  • Direct it toward stakeholders, but don’t prioritize shareholders.
  • Keep employees — current and future — top of mind.
  • Avoid saying you’re “the best.”
  • Leave room for the mission to evolve.

Make it Simple, Aspirational and Memorable

A successful mission statement has three important traits, according to Jeffrey Abrahams, author of 101 Mission Statements From Top Companies . They are simplicity, aspiration and memorability.

There’s no magic word count, but experts agree that concision is best. Abrahams recommends aiming for a single-sentence statement. “That has greater impact and can be communicated easily, both within the company and to the target audience,” he said.

Bart, meanwhile, recommends capping at around 70 words. And Inés Alegre, a professor at the business school of the University of Navarra who led a 2018 review of mission-statement research, told Built In that three sentences or so is appropriate.

Your precise mileage may vary, but the “KISS” recommendation put forward by Bart in his 1998 paper still seems appropriate: Keep it simple and straightforward.

It’s common to find an organization’s mission statement posted on an “About” page, but it doesn’t have to be merely descriptive; incorporate some ambition, Abrahams suggested. He invoked Microsoft’s statement: “Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.”


Action verbs, wariness of jargon and bizspeak — these are a CEO’s allies when drafting a statement. It should be organization-specific, too. 

“If the mission statement could be used by a number of companies, especially competitors, it’s not going to be either memorable or serve the company very well,” said Abrahams. “You want it to be distinctive.”

Direct It Toward Stakeholders

“Missions describe why an organization exists, but in particular, they should describe the relationships that the organization wants to have with the stakeholders upon whom it depends for survival, growth and sustainability,” Bart said.

According to him, an effective mission statement should at least speak to two audiences: customers and employees. He cited Southwest Airlines as an illustrative example:

“The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride and company spirit.   To our employees: We are committed to provide our employees a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth. Creativity and innovation are encouraged for improving the effectiveness of Southwest Airlines. Above all, employees will be provided the same concern, respect and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share externally with every Southwest customer.”

In addition to customers and employees, a strong statement will also often address shareholders and the community at large, Bart said. Here’s one he helped draft for a casino resort that directly targets all four groups:

“Our mission is to provide every guest with a ‘blow away experience’ that is inspired by a celebration of the sea and the myth of a lost civilization. We accomplish this by bringing the myth of Atlantis to life by offering warm, positive, engaging service.   At Atlantis, we are a team of individuals who are passionate and committed in everything that we do. We continuously strive for perfection. We are proud to work at Atlantis because we are a caring and learning organization, which rewards accomplishment and promotes teamwork, respect and innovation.   At Atlantis, we are the pride of our community while providing enduring value for our shareholders. When Atlantis succeeds, we succeed as individuals, and we contribute to the success of the Bahamas.”

… But Avoid Prioritizing Shareholders

It may be more obvious today — after the rise of sustainable investing , office-perk culture that caters to employee happiness and the fact that we’re in the midst of a job seekers’ market — but the thrust of the mission can’t simply be shareholder yield.

Statements that center the returns of the investor class will align approximately zero employees to an organization’s mission. “Shareholder value was the typical mission in the nineties — not anymore,” said Alegre.

One possible symptom of such misalignment? Jargon creep. “When buzzwords and platitudes happen, they usually happen when the focus of the company moves from customer to shareholder,” wrote entrepreneur and Built In expert contributor Joe Procopio.

Read Next 3 Reasons to Prioritize Mission Over Profit in Tech

Resist the Superlatives

As mentioned, mission statements should have an air of the aspirational. But, especially in this era of superlative fatigue , beware of “the biggest,” “the boldest” and “the best.” They’ll inspire more shrugs than hearts, especially when unsupported.

“When a company says its mission statement is to be the best [category here] company in the world — the best steel company in the world or the best clothing company in the world, it’s too general,” said Abrahams. “It needs to be backed up by strongly worded core values, a vision, and guiding principles and beliefs.”

Think of It as a Management Tool

Even though mission statements address multiple audiences, they shouldn’t pretend to think each audience is listening with equal attention.

“There’s a question of prioritization of stakeholders — is it the clients, employees, suppliers, investors? You probably cannot satisfy all at the same level,” said Alegre.

That begs a question: Should companies think of mission statements more as an internal compass for culture and strategy, or an external branding — or even recruiting — element? That is, are they management or marketing? 

“My answer is yes,” said Abrahams. 

Ideally, it can serve as both, experts told Built In, but it should be considered first and foremost a management tool. (Indeed, most research on the topic is published in management, not marketing, journals.) “My impression is that it’s much more useful as an internal alignment tool than external branding,” said Alegre.

Think of the statement primarily as something for employees, Bart said, a true north against which the workforce can always orient itself.

Reinforce the Mission Statement in All Your Communications

Once the statement is finalized, think of it as a muscle: Exercise it often to prevent it from losing definition. Reference the mission during onboardings, training, team meetings, board reviews of key projects and wherever else reinforcement makes sense. Post it on your website, of course, but also your wall. “I work in a business school where the first thing you see after the entrance is the mission,” Alegre said.

Mission statements are especially important during times of uncertainty, such as early in an organization’s life or during growth pushes, Alegre said. Still, lean on them in times of greater stability, too. That provides room for the mission to organically evolve.

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How to write an effective mission statement (with free template)

How to write an effective mission statement article banner image

A mission statement explains your company’s purpose. You should write a mission statement when starting a business so you have a clear idea of what you stand for. Read on to learn how to write an effective mission statement that can help you tackle company goals.

It’s natural to face challenges when leading teams and managing projects, and one way to push forward despite the hard times is to remember your “why.” Your company mission defines why you do what you do, who you do it for, and the impact you’ll create by doing it. When you know your mission, you’ll feel good about where your company is going, even through ups and downs. 

What is a mission statement?

A mission statement is a brief declaration of your company’s what, who, and why. You should share this statement with everyone in your organization so team members understand your collective goals. While a mission statement isn’t specifically for marketing, you’ll likely share it externally as well. This is why it’s important to write it eloquently.

Your mission statement is a foundational piece of content you can use as a jumping-off point for various other materials, including:

Value propositions

Business plans

Company vision statement

Once you’ve solidified your core values and initiatives, you’ll have an easier time expanding on those ideas and getting the message out to your audience.

5 steps to write a mission statement

Your mission statement isn’t something you can craft by yourself. Before you sit down to draft it, recruit other senior and executive leaders at your company who have a sense of what you’re aiming for. Together, use the steps below to get to the root of what your company stands for and the message you want to spread.

[Inline illustration] how to write a mission statement (Infographic)

1. Answer fundamental questions

To figure out what your mission statement should say, you’ll need to answer fundamental questions about your business. 

What do we do?

What do we create?

Who is our audience?

How do we make a difference?

Once you’ve answered the basics, consider questions that can help you craft a strong mission statement.

How do we differ from others in the industry?

How can we make our mission statement stand out from our competitors?

Can we use other mission statements for inspiration?

Consider having each member of your mission statement tiger team answer these questions separately, then pool your answers together. Your mission statement should be evergreen, so think about it in a way that incorporates business growth. It’s important to consider what your company’s purpose is in the context of what your future might be. 

2. Use your answers to brainstorm copy

Now that you have the ideas for your mission statement, you need the right words. Use brainstorming techniques to help you and the other leaders at your company come with creative ways to express yourselves. The goal is to inspire your team without sounding cliché or overly complex.

Some helpful brainstorming techniques include:

Mind-mapping: Mind mapping is a visual brainstorming technique you can use on your own or with your team. Start with one word or idea and use it to inspire other ideas. You’ll need a large piece of paper or whiteboard to write down a topic. Then, draw lines connecting tangential words or ideas to it.

Brain-netting: Brain-netting is great for remote collaboration , and it involves brain dumping ideas virtually, whether on a Slack channel, Google Doc, or through your project management tool . Team members can add ideas whenever inspiration strikes, and the list will be ever-evolving. 

3. Write your first draft

Now that you have solid ideas about what to put in your mission statement and creative ways to express those ideas, you can start experimenting with what sounds best. The following formulas can help you get started:

To [contribution/goal] so [impact] .

Our mission is to [contribution/goal] by [what you offer/how you do it] for [target audience] so [impact] .

To build/offer [what you offer/how you do it] for [target audience] to [contribution/goal] and [impact] .

For example, if you work for a content marketing company, here’s how your first draft might look:

To increase the value and visibility of content so companies can build strong relationships with their audiences . 

Our mission is to increase the value and visibility of content by offering content marketing services for companies so they can build strong relationships with their audiences . 

To offer content marketing services for companies to increase the value and visibility of their content and help them build strong relationships with their audiences. 

4. Ask for feedback

Draft a few versions of your mission statement so you can ask for feedback from current team members. Because the mission statement applies to everyone, it’s nice to include everyone in the feedback process—even if executive feedback gets slightly more weight. Don’t rush through the writing process. Take your time and get your mission statement to a place everyone is comfortable with.

Collaborate with your team by holding a Q&A session or by sending out surveys to ask which version of the mission statement resonates with them most. That way, once you complete your statement, you’ll feel confident that the result was a team effort. 

5. Revise and share

After collecting feedback, revise your mission statement as needed. Then, finalize it and share it with the rest of the organization. You can also include it in your business plan and share it on your website. 

Your mission statement explains your company’s purpose to those working for the company, stakeholders who may get involved with the company, and customers or clients who may spend money at the company. While you shouldn’t craft your mission statement for selling, it’s something you should be proud of and will likely want to display.

Examples of mission statements

Most companies share their mission statements with the public, either front and center on their websites, or in an easily searchable location. By making your mission statement visible to the clients and customers, companies show what they stand for and what they strive to achieve—both as an internal workforce and with the products or services they sell.

[Inline illustration] Mission statement examples: Asana, Paypal, Patagonia (Example)

“To help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly.” 

At Asana , our mission statement explains who we serve and what we want our impact to be on the world. While we have various goals we work toward as a company, our mission statement is our guiding principle among all others. 

Let's do great things together. Join our team.

“To build the web’s most convenient, secure, cost-effective payment solution.” 

PayPal’s statement is more product-focused, but it’s still effective. Businesses may imply the impact they hope to make by explaining the unique features of their product offering. PayPal’s mission is to create the best product possible for customers because doing so will improve lives.

3. Patagonia

“Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.” 

Patagonia’s mission statement is complex, but it shows that their company has many layers beyond the clothing they sell. While on the surface, Patagonia offers outdoor gear, they set themselves apart from other companies by keeping the environment front of mind in all they do. 

Free mission statement template

Using a mission statement template can help you centralize your company’s most important information. Below, you’ll see how a content marketing company would’ve answered fundamental questions about their business and used those answers to design their mission statement with the provided formula.

[Inline illustration] Mission statement example: Content marketing company (Example)

Use the free mission statement template below to answer relevant questions about your company’s values and goals.

Why is a mission statement important?

Your mission statement is a building block for everything your team does. When you get it right, it leads to a stronger team dynamic in the workplace , more successful projects, and happier customers. Your mission statement should:

Define your brand to team members: Give your team clarity on what product you’re creating, why you’re creating it, and who you’re creating it for.

Present your brand to others: Tell others outside of your company what your team strives for everyday. 

Uphold values and objectives: Refer to your mission statement when you need to hold yourself and your team accountable to your ultimate goals.

Mission statement vs. vision statement

Many people use a mission statement and vision statement interchangeably, and while some companies combine the two, they have different meanings. A mission statement is your company’s “why” statement—in other words, your company’s purpose. Consider your mission statement as what you’re currently trying to achieve.

A vision statement can be a “how” statement or a future-focused statement. It should paint a broad picture of how you want to achieve your mission. Sometimes, companies incorporate the vision statement within their mission statement so they can state and explain their mission simultaneously. 

For example, Google's combined mission and vision statement is:

“To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” 

Mission statement: To organize the world’s information…

Vision statement: ...and make it universally accessible and useful.

While LinkedIn has separate mission and vision statements:

Mission statement: Connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.

Vision statement: Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.

Use a mission statement to drive company success

Your mission statement is the launchpad for your company’s success. It states what you want to achieve and serves as a constant reminder of your purpose. But the only way to accomplish your mission is with small, everyday actions. A goal is just a dream until you put a process in place.

With work management software , you can set up workflows , schedules, and tasks that align with your mission statement and make your purpose a reality. Asana helps you create a purposeful and productive work experience for all your team members by giving them the clarity they need to achieve their goals.

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Small Business Trends

30 mission statement examples and how to write one for your business.

There’s even a template to follow at the end that’ll help you write your company mission statement in no time at all. By crafting a compelling mission statement, you can articulate your business’s purpose, values, and direction, setting the foundation for your company’s success and differentiation in the competitive market.

Table of Contents

30 Amazing Mission Statement Examples

Tesla’s mission statement reflects the company’s focus on sustainability and its commitment to driving change in the energy sector. It inspires stakeholders to work towards a shared goal of creating a more sustainable future.

Amazon’s mission statement emphasizes its focus on the customer and reflects the company’s commitment to innovation and technology. It communicates the company’s purpose in a memorable way.

The Walt Disney Company

Microsoft’s mission statement emphasizes its focus on innovation and technology, while also reflecting its commitment to helping people and organizations achieve their goals.

Ben & Jerry’s

“To make, distribute and sell the finest quality all-natural ice cream and euphoric concoctions with a continued commitment to incorporating wholesome, natural ingredients and promoting business practices that respect the Earth and the Environment.”

General Electric

General Electric’s mission statement reflects its commitment to innovation and technology, while also emphasizing its focus on improving people’s lives. It communicates the company’s values and purpose in a memorable and inspiring way.

Procter & Gamble

Southwest airlines.

Southwest Airlines’ mission statement reflects its commitment to providing affordable and friendly air travel. It communicates the company’s values and purpose in a memorable and inspiring way.

“To connect the world through the most innovative, reliable, and secure payment network – enabling individuals, businesses, and economies to thrive.”

Apple’s mission statement reflects its focus on innovation and technology, while also emphasizing its commitment to improving people’s lives. It communicates the company’s values and purpose in a memorable and inspiring way.

American Express

Universal health services, inc..

Universal Health Services, Inc.’s mission statement reflects its commitment to providing quality healthcare services that meet the needs of patients, physicians, purchasers, employees, and investors. It communicates the company’s values and purpose in

What is a Mission Statement?

Why your company’s mission statement is so important.

Just like a mission statement, a business needs to establish a process for putting down plans on paper to make sure they are carried out. Creating a one-page marketing plan and even conducting a SWOT analysis are all part of this process. If you establish these disciplines early, you will continue to improve your business and better chance of ensuring the success of your business.

How to Write a Good Mission Statement

A company mission statement should be crafted with your target audience in mind. Consider who your company serves and what problem you’re solving for them. Your mission statement should be clear and concise, using language that resonates with your target audience.

Common Mistakes to Avoid Writing Your Company’s Mission Statement

One common mistake when writing a company’s mission statement is being too broad or generic. A mission statement that is too general or lacks specificity may fail to communicate the unique value proposition of the company, and may not inspire or motivate stakeholders.

Benefits of Having a Mission Statement

Challenges of developing a mission statement, mission statements vs. vision statements.

Mission and vision statements are essential components of any company’s identity and strategic direction. While both are designed to guide decision-making and communicate the company’s values and goals, there are distinct differences between the two. Here are some key differences between mission statements and vision statements:

Use this Mission Statement Template to Create Your Own

The first step in creating a mission statement is to define your company’s purpose. This includes what your company does, why it exists, and the impact it seeks to have on the world. A clear understanding of your purpose is essential for crafting an effective mission statement.

After drafting your mission statement, review it carefully and seek feedback from stakeholders. Revise and refine as necessary, ensuring that it accurately reflects your company’s purpose, target audience, and values. A well-crafted mission statement is an essential tool for communicating your company’s identity and inspiring stakeholders to work towards a shared goal.

No.StepsKey PointsDetails
1Define Your Company's Purpose- Identify what your company does and why it exists- Clearly articulate the impact your company aims to have on the world
2Identify Your Target Audience- Consider who your company serves- Understand the problem your company is solving for your target audience
3Consider Your Values- Determine your company's core values- Reflect on the principles that guide your company's behavior and decision-making
4Draft a Statement- Craft a clear, concise, and memorable statement- Summarize your company's purpose, target audience, and core values in an inspiring and motivating way
5Revise and Refine- Seek feedback from stakeholders- Carefully review and revise the mission statement to ensure it accurately reflects your company's purpose, target audience, and values

The Template in Action

Integrating your mission statement into business operations, start writing your mission statement today.

A compelling mission statement is a defining piece of a business plan, articulating the company’s purpose, values, and goals. It sets the direction for the organization, guides decision-making processes, and communicates its purpose to stakeholders.

Remember that a mission statement is a dynamic expression of your company’s ethos, and revisiting and refining it over time can ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness in guiding your business toward a bright and prosperous future.

How to Write a Mission Statement + 10 Great Examples

Gym owner assisting a client with exercising and reminded of what his mission is.

17 min. read

Updated May 10, 2024

Download Now: Free Executive Summary Template →

Why is an effective mission statement so valuable? It’s worth taking a minute to ask what it is about certain brands that keep us coming back. What is it about them that makes us spend more time, money, or effort over other options? Is it the price? Maybe the convenience? Or is it something more?

The brands and businesses that we really connect with do more than just supply a product or service . They showcase a purpose, a mission that we can get behind. This can be displayed in how they interact with customers, the organizations and communities they support, and even the way they develop their products.

And there’s no better way for a business owner to showcase this purpose, than through a well-written mission statement.

On this page

  • What is a mission statement?

Mission statement or vision statement?

  • Why write a mission statement?
  • How to write a great mission statement
  • 10 Examples of Great Mission Statements

A mission statement is a simple action-oriented statement that explains your company’s purpose. It summarizes what your company does for customers, employees, and owners, and typically includes general descriptions of your organization, its core function, and its goals. In short, you’re explaining what you do and why you do it within a mission statement.

Depending on the focus of your business, your mission statement may be even broader. Explaining not just how you serve your customers and employees, but your community and the world at large. Some businesses even opt to separate this larger aspiration into what’s known as a vision statement.

A vision statement is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a vision for the direction of your company and what it aspires to be. 

These two statements aren’t really interchangeable. They both reflect the purpose and goals of your business, but serve completely different purposes. Your mission statement is the roadmap to achieve your vision. Your vision statement is a much broader picture of the aspirations for your business. 

These can be completely separate written statements for your business, or they can be combined into a more comprehensive mission statement. Having all three does allow you to utilize them for different business purposes, so it may be worth developing variations over time.

Speaking of variations, it’s important to note that your mission statement will likely evolve over time as your business grows and changes. So, don’t be afraid to make adjustments when it seems necessary, and avoid looking for the perfect version of your mission statement. 

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I’ve had a 30-year love-hate relationship with mission statements. I’ve read thousands. I love it when a mission statement defines a business so well that it feels like strategy—which does happen—and I hate it when a mission statement is generic, stale, and completely useless. 

Just because a traditional business plan often includes a mission statement isn’t a reason to do one. If it’s not going to be useful for you and help guide your business, don’t bother. The vast majority of the mission statements are just meaningless hype that could be used to describe any business.

Don’t fall into the trap of writing a mission statement just because some checklist or expert said you had to. There are actually sites that poke fun at how most mission statements use vague, high-sounding phrases to say nothing. You should write a mission statement if you want to add clarity to your business goals and you want to get your employees, investors, and customers to understand what your organization is all about. 

Developing your company’s first mission statement, or writing a new or revised one, is your opportunity to define the company’s goals, ethics, culture, and norms for decision-making. The daily routine of business gets in the way sometimes, and a quick refresh with the mission statement helps you take a step back and remember what’s most important: the organization has a purpose. 

So how do you make a useful mission statement? Over the decades I’ve spent reading, writing, and evaluating business plans , I’ve come up with a process for developing a useful mission statement, and it boils down to these five steps.

1. Start with a market-defining story

A really good market-defining story explains the need, or the want, or—if you like jargon—the so-called “why to buy.” It defines the target customer or “buyer persona .” And it defines how your business is different from most others, or even unique. It simplifies thinking about what a business isn’t, what it doesn’t do.

Imagine a real person making the actual decision to buy what you sell. Why do they want it? How did they find your business? What does it do for them? The more concrete the story, the better. And keep that in mind for the actual mission statement wording: “The more concrete, the better.”

This isn’t literally part of the mission statement. Rather, it’s an important thing to have in your head while you write the mission statement. It’s in the background, between the words. If you’re having trouble getting started, make a quick list of what your company does and doesn’t do.

2. Define what your business does for its customers

Start your mission statement with the good you do. Use your market-defining story to suss out whatever it is that makes your business special for your target customer .

Don’t undervalue your business: You don’t have to cure cancer or stop global climate change to be doing good. Offering trustworthy auto repair, for example, narrowed down to your specialty in your neighborhood with your unique policies, is doing something good. So is offering excellent slow food in your neighborhood, with emphasis on organic and local, at a price premium.

This is a part of your mission statement, and a pretty crucial part at that—write it down.

If your business is good for the world, incorporate that here too. But claims about being good for the world need to be meaningful, and distinguishable from all the other businesses. Add the words “clean” or “green” if that’s really true and you keep to it rigorously. Don’t just say it, especially if it isn’t important or always true.

For example, Apple Computer’s 2020 mission statement is:

“Apple revolutionized personal technology with the introduction of the Macintosh in 1984. Today, Apple leads the world in innovation with iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. Apple’s four software platforms—iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS—provide seamless experiences across all Apple devices and empower people with breakthrough services including the App Store, Apple Music, Apple Pay, and iCloud. Apple’s more than 100,000 employees are dedicated to making the best products on earth, and to leaving the world better than we found it..”

That one obviously passes the test of defining the company with flying colors. Nobody could mistake that mission for generic hype. And it’s an interesting change from the early mission as defined by founder Steve Jobs:

“To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind.”

Ikea, on the other hand, starts its mission statement with something that could be any company anywhere. “Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the [sic] many people.” To its credit, it goes on to define a “rest of the mission” that could only be IKEA:

“We make this possible by offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.”

And note, in this mission statement, how Sweetgreen incorporates a world vision into a product-oriented mission statement:

“Founded in 2007, Sweetgreen is a destination for delicious food that’s both healthy for you and aligned with your values. We source local and organic ingredients from farmers we know and partners we trust, supporting our communities, and creating meaningful relationships with those around us. We exist to create experiences where passion and purpose come together.”

3. Define what your business does for its employees

Good businesses are good for their employees too or they don’t last. Keeping employees is better for the bottom line than turnover. Company culture matters. Rewarding and motivating people matters. A mission statement can define what your business offers its employees.

My recommendation is that you don’t simply assert how the business is good for employees—you define it here and then forever after make it true.

Qualities like fairness, diversity, respect for ideas and creativity, training, tools, empowerment, and the like, actually really matter. However, since every business in existence at least says that it prioritizes those things, strive for a differentiator and a way to make the general goals feel more concrete and specific.

Don’t worry about being fully unique

With this part of the mission statement, there’s a built-in dilemma. On the one hand, it’s good for everybody involved to use the mission statement to establish what you want for employees in your business. On the other hand, it’s hard to do that without falling into the trap of saying what every other business says.

Stating that you value fair compensation, room to grow, training, a healthy, creative work environment, and respect for diversity is probably a good idea, even if that part of your mission statement isn’t unique. That’s because the mission statement can serve as a reminder—for owners, supervisors, and workers—and as a lever for self-enforcement.

If you have a special view on your relationship with employees, write it into the mission statement. If your business is friendly to families, or to remote virtual workplaces, put that into your mission.

You may not need to focus on employees

And this is rare in mission statements. The vast majority are focused on messaging for customers. My recommendation here is not the norm. I include it because it’s good practice, even though not common.

While I consulted for Apple Computer, for example, that business differentiated its goals of training and empowering employees by making a point of bringing in very high-quality educators and presenters to help employees’ business expertise grow. That was part of the culture and, to my mind, part of the mission; but it wasn’t part of the mission statement. It could have been.

American Express, however, includes the team in its mission:

“We have a mission to be the world’s most respected service brand. To do this, we have established a culture that supports our team members, so they can provide exceptional service to our customers.”

4. Add what the business does for its owners

In business school, they taught us that the mission of management is to enhance the value of the stock. And shares of stock are ownership. Some would say that it goes without saying that a business exists to enhance the financial position of its owners, and maybe it does. However, only a small subset of all businesses are about the business buzzwords of “share value” and “return on investment.”

In the early years of my business, I wanted peace of mind about cash flow more than I wanted growth, and I wanted growth more than I wanted profits. So I wrote that into my mission statement. And at one point I realized I was also building a business that was a place where I was happy to be working, with people I wanted to work with; so I wrote that into my mission statement, too.

However, this element too, as with the suggestion about including employees, is unusual. Few mission statements do it. That’s understandable, since most mission statements are outward-facing only, aimed at customers and nobody else.

Still, some of the best mission statements incorporate a much broader sense of mission that includes, or at least implies, the mission of ownership.

Warby Parker, an eyewear company, does a great job at voicing a higher mission that includes customers, employees, and owners.

“Warby Parker was founded with a rebellious spirit and a lofty objective: to offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price while leading the way for socially-conscious business.”

5. Discuss, digest, cut, polish, review, and revise

Good mission statements serve multiple functions, define objectives, and live for a long time. So, edit. This step is worth it.

Start by considering developing a full mission statement for internal use and using a customer-facing subset for general publication. That’s common. Many companies have segmented mission statements, with sections set aside and categorized by type or goal. Use bullet points or sections if that works for you. Part of the reason people confuse mission with mantra and vision is that many businesses use them together, and many others also redefine them to fit their context. So what a company does for customers is often called vision, despite the formal definition.

Remember, form follows function, in mission statements, as in all business writing. Make it work for your business. Or don’t do it at all. If you want to call it a vision, and that works for employees and customers, then do that.

Cut out general terms

As you edit, keep a sharp eye out for the buzzwords and hype that everybody claims. Cut as much as you can that doesn’t apply specifically to your business, except for the occasional special elements that—unique or not—can serve as long-term rules and reminders. Unique itself, the word, means literally, the only one in the world. Use it sparingly. Phrases such as “being the best possible,” “world-class,” and “great customer service” mean little because everybody uses them. Having great customer service is way harder than writing that into a mission statement.

Read other companies’ mission statements, but write a statement that is about you and not some other company. Make sure you actually believe in what you’re writing—your customers and your employees will soon spot a lie.

Then, listen. Show drafts to others, ask their opinions and really listen. Don’t argue, don’t convince them, just listen. And then edit again.

And, for the rest of your business’s life, review and revise it as needed. As with everything in a business plan, your mission statement should never get written in stone, and, much less, stashed in a drawer. Use it or lose it. Review and revise as necessary, because change is constant.

  • Great Mission Statements: 10 Examples

If you’re looking for some inspiration to get you started on your own mission statement, here are a few of my favorites.

1. Southwest Airlines

“The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and company spirit.”

What’s most interesting about Southwest’s mission statement is that they don’t mention anything about getting from point A to point B. Their mission is all about how they differentiate what, these days, can be seen as a commodity experience. They also focus on their own employees and the “spirit of the company”, not just the customer experience.

2. Urban Outfitters

“A lifestyle retailer dedicated to inspiring customers through a unique combination of product, creativity and cultural understanding. Founded in 1970 in a small space across the street from the University of Pennsylvania, Urban Outfitters now operates over 200 stores in the United States, Canada, and Europe, offering experiential retail environments and a well-curated mix of women’s, men’s, accessories and home product assortments.”

Urban Outfitters focuses on the experience that they deliver and the focus on what they do. Their mission drives what their stores look like and what their goal is: to inspire. They also nod to their heritage of starting small and growing.

“At Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI) we believe a life outdoors is a life well-lived. We believe that it’s in the wild, untamed and natural places that we find our best selves, so our purpose is to awaken a lifelong love of the outdoors, for all.”

REI’s mission focuses mostly on what it wants to do for its customers, but hidden in the mission statement is a mission to preserve the environment as well. Their focus on “getting outside” is what creates a connection between them and their customers.

4. Starbucks

“To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.”

Starbucks expands on its mission statement by stating its core values. This is really an extension of the mission statement and explains how they focus on their customers, how they grow their company, and how they work with employees. You can read their values here .

5. Walgreens

“Walgreens’ mission is to be America’s most-loved pharmacy-led health, well-being, and beauty retailer. Its purpose is to champion everyone’s right to be happy and healthy.”

Walgreen’s mission really defines their goals: what they want to achieve and in what product categories they want to achieve it in. They also bring in their broader purpose when they talk about “everyone’s right to be happy and healthy.”

“Make work-life simpler, more pleasant, and more productive.”

While Slack’s mission statement is short, it implies a lot. “Work” doesn’t just mean their customer’s work, it means their own work at their company. Their mission statement serves them both internally and externally.

7. The Coca Cola Company

“Refresh the world. Make a difference.”

Coca Cola takes a slightly different approach with a statement of purpose and then a vision statement. Their purpose is essentially their mission statement and says a lot for being so short. They want to refresh people in both body and spirit while making a positive impact on the world. Their vision also implies their goal of serving the entire world’s population which hits on their corporate and shareholder goals.

8. Patagonia

“We’re in business to save our home planet.”

Another short mission statement that says so much more than you would think at first glance. First and foremost, Patagonia doesn’t say that they are a non-profit – they state that they’re a business. And, this implies that they need to be a strong, healthy business to meet their goal of saving the planet. Their mission applies to their employees, their customers, their products, and their activism.

9. charity: water

“charity: water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries.”

charity: water’s mission statement is clear and to the point – it simply describes what it does and who it does it for. For most non-profit mission statements, this is enough.

 10. Asana

“Asana’s mission is to help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly.”

Similar to other mission statements, Asana blends a message about what they do with a higher goal of enhancing the world outside of their company. Yet, they still hint at their target market and goals of being a world-wide company, thus improving the lives of their employees and shareholders.

Content Author: Tim Berry

Tim Berry is the founder and chairman of Palo Alto Software , a co-founder of Borland International, and a recognized expert in business planning. He has an MBA from Stanford and degrees with honors from the University of Oregon and the University of Notre Dame. Today, Tim dedicates most of his time to blogging, teaching and evangelizing for business planning.

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Difference Between Mission and Vision Statements: 25 Examples

  • Written By Britt Skrabanek
  • Updated: June 4, 2024

Mission. Vision. Values. 

You’ve probably heard that phrase (or something similar) a thousand times. But they’re actually three distinct concepts.

The lines especially blur between mission and vision. And when it comes to the drive and direction of your company, it’s essential to know their distinction from one another. So what’s the real difference between mission and vision statements?

In this in-depth guide, we’ll compare and contrast mission and vision statements. We’ll break down each one’s definition and then discuss the best 25 brand examples that demonstrate their differences. Through that, you’ll be able to better understand and define your company’s essence and direction with confidence and clarity.

The Difference Between a Mission and Vision Statement

This is the easiest way to break it down:

  • The mission statement focuses on today and what the organization does to achieve it.
  • The vision statement focuses on tomorrow and what the organization wants to become.

While companies commonly use mission and vision statements interchangeably, it’s important to have both. Because having purpose and meaning is critical for any business, one doesn’t work without the other.

What is the mission statement for your brand?

What is a Mission Statement?

Your mission statement drives the company. It’s the core of the business. From it stems your company’s objectives and what it takes to reach those objectives. Ultimately, it shapes your company’s entire culture.

Mission statement questions look like:

  • What do we do?
  • Whom do we serve?
  • How do we serve them?

This trickle-down effect of a mission statement confirms its value at any company. A solid mission sets up your content operations for success by starting your team all at the same place and motivating them to work together to reach the same end goal.

On the other hand, a weak mission — or no mission at all — can have the opposite effect. Picture this: silos, miscommunications, flailing, feeling unmotivated. And, imagine what that does to a company. Scary, right?

For content marketers

Your content marketing strategy supports your company’s mission statement — think of it as the HOW of what you do.  It helps keep you on track. Through it, you stay true to your brand and your goals. Every piece of content you create should be rooted in your mission statement, from the tone of voice to the call to action .

What is the vision statement for your brand?

What is a Vision Statement?

Your vision statement gives the company direction. It is the future of the business, which then provides the purpose.

The vision statement is aspirational- it’s about what you want to become.

Vision statement questions look like:

  • What are our hopes and dreams?
  • What problem are we solving for the greater good?
  • Who and what are we inspiring to change?

The vision statement promotes growth, both internally and externally. A strong vision helps teams focus on what matters the most for their company. It also invites innovation. A purpose-driven company envisions success as a whole because they know what success means for their company.

On the flip side, a lack of vision is a road to nowhere for a business. Imagine this: stagnation, outdated processes, moving without purpose, feeling uninspired. Can a company even survive without a clear vision? You know the answer to that one.

The content vision supports the company’s vision statement — it’s the WHY of what you do. This helps you stay forward-thinking, true to your beliefs, and true to your purpose. Every piece of content you dream up should fly high with your vision statement, from the inception of an ebook to the lofty blog traffic milestone.

Brands That Get It: 25 Mission and Vision Statement Examples

So, what do great mission and vision statements actually look like? Here are 25 companies that get them right, with the brand loyalty to prove it.

Tesla's mission and vision statements

Mission: To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.

Vision: To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.

Why it works:  What better word than “accelerate” in a mission to serve as the driving force behind what Tesla does. While boldly stating “best in the century” reflects loftier dreams in the vision.

Mission:  We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection, and the utmost convenience.

Vision:  To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.

Why it works:  Amazon’s mission is cut-and-dry about what it offers to customers. The vision takes the offerings further, saying their company will offer “anything” customers want.

Mission:   We’re in business to save our home planet.

Vision: A love of wild and beautiful places demands participation in the fight to save them and to help reverse the steep decline in the overall environmental health of our planet.

Why it works: Patagonia’s mission and vision statements show a deep commitment to improving lives and saving the planet through its products. They do a great job of using the Noble Edge Effect .

Mission:  Spread ideas.

Vision: We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world.

Why it works:  The TED mission to “spread ideas” is a simple demonstration of how they serve. The vision is all about impact, and how spreading ideas invokes change in the world.

Mission:  To connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.

Vision:  To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.

Why it works:  LinkedIn succinctly captures what they do (connect) and who they serve (the world’s professionals) in their mission. While the vision encompasses every working person in the world.

Mission:   To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Vision:  To provide access to the world’s information in one click.

Why it works:  Google may seem complex, but its mission clarifies that organization and accessibility are what they offer. Their vision statement is about improving accessibility in the future “in one click.”

Mission:  We reimagine the way the world moves for the better.

Vision:  Smarter transportation with fewer cars and greater access. Transportation that’s safer, cheaper, and more reliable; transportation that creates more job opportunities and higher incomes for drivers.

Why it works:  Uber “transports,” so it is the perfect actionable verb for their mission. The vision dives deeper into how their transportation services exist for the greater good of everyone.

Mission: To create a world where anyone can belong anywhere, and we are focused on creating an end-to-end travel platform that will handle every part of your trip.

Vision: Belong everywhere.

Why it works: The Airbnb mission says, “We help you feel at home,” while encapsulating the company’s goals for the future. They explore a deeper sense of belonging in the vision, tapping into the universal human desire their company aims for.

Mission: Delight our customers, employees, and shareholders by relentlessly delivering the platform and technology advancements that become essential to the way we work and live.

Vision:  If it is smart and connected, it is best with Intel.

Why it works: Intel promises to deliver the most technologically advanced products in its mission. Their vision uses more boastful language, illustrating great confidence in the future of their solutions.

Mission:  We build cars, symbols of Italian excellence the world over, and we do so to win on both road and track. Unique creations that fuel the Prancing Horse legend and generate a “World of Dreams and Emotions.”

Vision:  Ferrari, Italian Excellence that makes the world dream.

Why it works:  “We build to win” in Ferrari’s mission focuses on the strength and quality of their product. In this ambitious vision, their cars will reach the pinnacle of “Italian Excellence.”

Mission: Our mission is to empower entrepreneurs everywhere, making opportunities more inclusive for all.

Vision: Our vision is to radically shift the global economy toward independent entrepreneurial ventures.

Why it works: GoDaddy positions itself as the entrepreneur’s champion, making opportunity and success attainable for all.


Mission: To provide the best value to customers, grow a profitable business, develop and reward people, and encourage social responsibility.

Vision: Be the global leader in customer value.

Why it works: Caterpillar explains both their “how” and their “why” in their mission statement: By providing affordable and high-quality products to customers, they will continue to grow their business, recognize and reward employees, and make a positive impact on the environment. Their vision reaffirms their commitment to providing value.

Mission:  To attract and attain customers with high-valued products and services and the most satisfying ownership experience in America.

Vision:  To be the most successful and respected car company in America.

Why it works:  Toyota’s mission and vision statements demonstrate what they are known for: products and services. Even in a highly competitive industry, their vision states that they will become the best car company in the country.

Mission: We will devote our human resources and technology to creating superior products and services, thereby contributing to a better global society.

Vision: To inspire the world with our innovative technologies, products, and designs that enrich people’s lives and contribute to social prosperity by creating a new future.

Why it works: Samsung wants to improve people’s lives by creating exceptional and innovative products, which they make clear in both their mission and vision statements.

Mission:  To empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally.

Vision:  Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That’s our commitment.

Why it works:  Wikimedia’s mission motivates its team to move toward a common goal of empowerment and engagement. Their vision paints a future world where their company’s commitment makes a lasting impact.

Mission:  To be the world’s favorite destination for discovering great value and unique selection.

Vision:  Our vision for commerce is one that is enabled by people, powered by technology, and open to everyone.

Why it works: When you break eBay’s mission and vision statements down, you see that eBay’s mission uses “destination” to show their virtual company as a real place people come to. An ongoing focus on people and technology gets into the “why” of their vision.

Mission:  Offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.

Vision: To create a better everyday life for many people.

Why it Works:  The mission here focuses on the functionality of IKEA’s products and the affordability of their customers. In the vision, the IKEA team has a true sense of purpose in “creating a better everyday life.”

Mission: Shape the future of the internet by creating unprecedented value and opportunity for our customers, employees, investors, and ecosystem partners.

Vision:  Changing the way we work, live, play, and learn.

Why it works:  Cisco decided to blend its mission and vision statements. Language like “shape the future” is more vision-oriented, but the mission talks about the people they serve.

Mission:  A company that inspires and fulfills your curiosity.

Vision: Using our unlimited passion for technology, content, and services to deliver groundbreaking new excitement and entertainment, as only Sony can.

Why it works:  Sony gives a customer-focused touch to its mission by using “your.” The “unlimited passion” and “groundbreaking entertainment” messaging in their vision demonstrate innovation.

Southwest Airlines

Mission: The mission of Southwest Airlines is a dedication to the highest quality of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and company spirit.

Vision: To be the world’s most loved, most efficient, and most profitable airline.

Why it works:  Southwest Airlines tells us right up front that quality customer service is their mission. Their vision is highly aspirational across the board in saying they want to be “the most” of everything.

Mission: Our mission is to provide insightful solutions that drive value and success for our clients by allowing them to focus on their business.

Vision:  Be the world’s authority on helping organizations focus on what matters.

Why it works: ADP puts its clients at the forefront of its mission and vision statements. After all, their clients’ success is what makes them successful.

Kaiser Permanente

Mission: Kaiser Permanente exists to provide high-quality, affordable healthcare services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve.

Vision:  We are trusted partners in total health, collaborating with people to help them thrive and creating communities that are among the healthiest in the nation.

Why it works:  Saying “exist” sounds more like a vision statement, but the rest of the mission says what Kaiser Permanente does. In the vision, “thrive” and “healthiest” are big words that show their impact.

Mission:  The mission of Coinbase is to create an open financial system for the world.

Vision:  Digital currency will bring about more innovation, efficiency, and equality of opportunity in the world by creating an open financial system.

Why it works:  Coinbase didn’t sugarcoat what they do in their mission statement, did they? And, in the vision, their message speaks well to the change their company will bring one day.

Mission:  To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.

Vision:  People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.

Why it works:  Facebook’s mission is focused on the community their platform promises. Their vision talks about why community matters, interweaving how they will “bring the world closer together” from the mission.

Whole Foods

Mission: Our purpose is to nourish people and the planet. We’re a purpose-driven company that aims to set the standards of excellence for food retailers. Quality is a state of mind at Whole Foods Market.

Vision: Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet.

Why it works:  This mission uses repetition throughout to reinforce the quality that Whole Foods is known for. Making everything “whole” in their vision binds their company to a set of beliefs that they complete people’s lives.

More Mission Statements From Top Brands:

  • Adidas — To be the best sports company in the world.
  • CalArts — CalArts is a multidisciplinary community of artists. Our ongoing educational endeavor is grounded in openness, experimentation, critical engagement, and creative freedom. Through artistic practice, we transform ourselves, each other, and the world.
  • Coca-Cola — To refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit; to inspire moments of optimism and happiness through our brands and actions; to create value and make a difference.
  • Dunkin’ Donuts — Everything we do is about you. From chefs who create exciting new flavors to crew members who know exactly how you want your drink—we prioritize what you need to get you on your way. We strive to keep you at your best, and we remain loyal to you, your tastes, and your time. That’s what America runs on.
  • Goodwill — Goodwill works to enhance people’s dignity and quality of life by strengthening their communities, eliminating their barriers to opportunity, and helping them reach their full potential through learning and the power of work.
  • L’Oréal — L’Oréal has set itself the mission of offering all women and men worldwide the best of cosmetics innovation in terms of quality, efficacy, and safety. By meeting the infinite diversity of beauty needs and desires all over the world.
  • McDonald’s — Our mission is to make delicious feel-good moments easy for everyone.
  • The Met — The mission of The Metropolitan Museum of Art is to collect, preserve, study, exhibit, and stimulate appreciation for and advance knowledge of works of art that collectively represent the broadest spectrum of human achievement at the highest level of quality, all in the service of the public and in accordance with the highest professional standards.
  • Microsoft — Our mission is to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more.
  • MIT — The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.
  • NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) — NASA explores the unknown in air and space, innovates for the benefit of humanity, and inspires the world through discovery.
  • Nike — Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. *If you have a body, you are an athlete.
  • Northwestern University  — Northwestern is committed to excellent teaching, innovative research, and the personal and intellectual growth of its students in a diverse academic community.
  • Oprah Winfrey Network — OWN’s mission is to create multiple platforms for women, men, and their families with a purpose and a passion: to celebrate life, inspire and entertain, empower viewers around the world to live their best lives, and by doing so, lift the lives of those around them in ever-widening circles.
  • Pepsi — Create more smiles with every sip and every bite.
  • Shopify — Making commerce better for everyone.
  • Starbucks — To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.
  • Target — To help all families discover the joy of everyday life.
  • Walt Disney Company — The mission of The Walt Disney Company is to entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling, reflecting the iconic brands, creative minds, and innovative technologies that make ours the world’s premier entertainment company.

Mission vs. Vision: Know who you are and where you're going

Know Who You Are and Where You’re Going

The mission statement focuses on today and what we do, and the vision statement focuses on tomorrow and what we want to become. Both are important to a company’s survival.

Call it the essence, beating heart, or the defining characteristic — whatever you call it, make sure your mission and vision statements are clearly defined and understood for the sake of your content and your company.

Get a content mission and a content vision statement down on paper. Share it with your team members. Then you can measure your future content efforts against the two. Although they are not slogans or taglines themselves , they should definitely help inform them and all your content.

Knowing who you are and where you’re going is the foundation of an organization’s success. So, who are you? And, where are you going?

Elevate Your Mission and Vision with Expert Content

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example of business plan mission and vision

Mission & Vision Statement: Simple Steps, Examples & Templates

Use this template to create a truly inspiring mission and vision statement.

People are drawn to personalities, not faceless brands. When you think of great companies, you probably imagine Apple and Nike. However, behind the brand is a mission you connect with on an emotional level. A mission statement humanizes a brand and makes it attractive to investors, potential employees, and customers.

Your mission and vision statement is the driving force of your organization. It’s the foundation that shapes and influences everything you do, from internal communications to marketing. It’s why your employees show up in the morning.

A vision statement acts as a north star for your organization. It’s a lofty, audacious statement that defines what you stand for and the reason you exist. 

In the famous words of Simon Sinek, “Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.” Likewise, a mission statement instills a passion for your company’s purpose in employees, leading to increased performance and profitability.

In this guide, we’ll explain how to write the perfect mission statement and share some of the best examples we’ve seen.

What is a business mission statement?

A business mission statement is a concise and memorable way to communicate your business goals to clients, employees, and stakeholders. Mission statements are usually within a paragraph or sentence length. 

Yours answers:

  • What your company does for employees
  • What your company does for customers
  • What your company does for the owners and stakeholders

The Best Mission Statements Have These in Common

Include your mission statement as part of a business plan under the executive summary . You could also post your mission statement on your company website for external and internal stakeholders to read.

What is a non-profit mission statement?

A non-profit mission statement communicates your nonprofit’s fundamental purposes. It’s a brief explanation of:

  • Why you exist
  • Who you serve
  • How you serve them

It’s important to note that a mission and vision statement are not the same. The vision statement describes the goals you want to achieve in the future, while the mission statement explains how you plan to achieve the vision.

What are the benefits of mission and vision statements? 

Provides direction.

A mission statement gives your organization a focus target. It provides a strong sense of direction that influences decisions, strategies, and future plans. Everything you do aligns with your overarching goals. As a result, you’re focused on the bigger picture instead of getting caught up in short-term business performance.

Measures success  

A mission statement is the main criterion you use to measure business progress. You know you’re succeeding when your product, services, and actions align with your mission.

Aids recruitment  

When a potential employee is trying to learn about your company, they navigate to the about us section of your organization’s website. The mission statement tells them about your culture, values, and beliefs. Candidates are more likely to gravitate towards your organization when they see your team living your company mission. 

A Gallup research of nearly 50,000 businesses showed that mission-driven leadership encourages employees to:

  • View their organizational contributions more broadly
  • Have higher productivity
  • Stay with their current employer
  • Be proactive in creating a safe workplace
  • Build connections with customers

Unifies teams

Your organization’s purpose Is essential to employees. A Deloitte survey revealed much higher levels of employee engagement (73%) in a purpose-driven company. A mission statement keeps your employees united, committed, and driven towards a common goal.

Ensures accountability

A public mission statement keeps you accountable for the goals you’ve set out to achieve. Your customers know the claims you’ve made, and they hold you to that standard. The same applies to your in-house teams and partners who feel encouraged to strive for the company goals in all they do. 

Improves internal branding

Internal branding is the process of communicating your mission and vision to your employees. It helps employees understand how they fit into your company’s long-term goals. In addition, employees develop an emotional connection to your company when you have a strong internal brand.

A few ways to improve internal branding include:

  • Defining your company mission
  • Explaining your core values
  • Featuring your core values and mission statement on your company website
  • Include internal branding as part of the employee onboarding process to personalize the employee experience from day one
  • Using your company’s knowledgebase software   to share updates to your branding
  • Publicly recognizing employees who live the company mission
  • Making internal branding a priority

8 tips for writing a company mission statement

1. ask questions.

For this step, gather the founders and stakeholders in a room. You may include your business coach or top managers in this session. Your goal is to establish a clear purpose of your mission statement by answering the following questions:

  • What do we do?
  • Why does it matter?
  • Who is our target audience?
  • What are our main strengths?
  • How does our product or service make a difference?
  • What are the most ambitious goals we want to achieve?
  • What impact do we want to have on our community and the world at large?

Schedule a meeting or two to answer these questions in detail; review mission statements from other organizations to draw inspiration. 

2. Identify themes from your interviews   

Next, you’ll want to answer these questions:

  • What is our key differentiator?
  • From what we’ve reviewed, which mission statements resonate with us?
  • Which descriptions feel right?
  • What common themes emerged?

From the answers, you’ll notice several words, sentences, or phrases that keep coming up. As you develop ideas from these themes, remember the following:

  • While your mission statement is lofty and audacious, it should also be attainable. 
  • Your mission statement should be clear enough for anyone to understand.
  • It should inspire management and employees to live the core values.
  • It should encourage buy-in from stakeholders.

3. Create the first draft

Invite employees from public relations, marketing, and the content department to participate in the writing process. 

Use the recurring words or themes from the answers to form the base of the mission statement. Then, ask everyone involved to say what comes to mind based on the theme. Some will sound great; others not so much—but that’s okay!

Write down as many ideas as possible without editing or rewording the ideas. Then, use the ideas you’ve gathered to write a few drafts. 

Remember those mission statements from other companies you liked? Take a second look at the structure of their mission statement to see how you can replicate it in yours.

Pro tip: Looking for a way to save time? Use the mission statement templates we’ve provided in this article to speed up the process.

4. Keep it short

A long mission statement is hard to remember. If nobody remembers the mission statement, then it has no impact. Limit sentences to 10-20 words. Avoid words longer than four syllables or 12 letters. Don’t use more than a one-word string (A, B, and C).

5. Ask for feedback

A mission statement that inspires you isn’t necessarily going to inspire others. Hence, asking for feedback ensures that everyone understands your message. 

Get feedback from employees, customers, and even board members. Questions you want to answer in the feedback include:

  • How does the mission statement make you feel?
  • What part of the mission statement doesn’t work for you?
  • What would you change?
  • Is it missing something?

6. Finalize and share

Use the feedback to improve the mission statement. Once you’ve arrived at the final version, update all company materials to reflect the new mission statement. When sharing your mission statement, remember you have two audiences:

  • Your customers and partners
  • Your employees

7. Employee-facing documents

Living your mission starts with the onboarding process. First, include your mission in the employee handbook and onboarding documents. Next, add the mission statement to your careers page, workplace posters, paycheck stubs, offer letters, and internal communications platform.

Asana’s CEO, Justin Rosenstein , has an interesting process for reinforcing the company’s mission to employees. First, he walks up to an employee and asks what they’re working on. The answer is usually related to a current project. Again, he asks why they’re working on the project, and when they respond, he asks why again. He follows this chain until the answer leads to the company’s mission statement.

At Guru, we use a reward-based system to encourage employees to live the company’s values . We ask employees to nominate colleagues who exemplify the company’s values. CEO Rick Nucci reads out these names during company calls and shares stories of employees who are great examples of value in action.

If you’re using Guru as your internal communication tool , you can share updates to your company mission using announcements. These ensure that everyone in the organization sees it and you can see who read critical information.

8. Customer-facing documents

A few ways to share your mission statement on external-facing documents include:

  • Product brochures
  • Business cards
  • Extranet software with partners and vendors
  • Company website
  • Company vehicle
  • Press releases

Mistakes to avoid when writing a mission statement

✅jargon and buzzwords.

When it comes to writing a mission statement, the best way to have an impact is to make it unique and powerful. Every organization wants to be a leader, but using the term in your mission statement is simply too common and tends to fall flat. 

Here are the most common buzzwords and jargon to avoid:

  • The best possible
  • World-class
  • Maximize investor returns
  • Superior customer service
  • Outcome focused
  • Professionally competent
  • Quality assured
  • Efficient and effective
  • Leader/leading
  • Highly valued

‍ ✅Replacing a mission statement with a tagline

Some readers may confuse a tagline with a mission statement. A tagline is usually a few words that describe your organization, but it doesn’t replace your mission statement.

Examples include:

Nike - Just do it

Wendy’s – Where’s the beef?

Coca-Cola – Open Happiness

L’Oréal – Because you’re worth it

You can’t tell much about an organization by reading the tagline, but your mission statement clarifies what makes your company unique.

✅Lacking personality and reading like a fact sheet

Factsheets are great for information. But nobody ever read a factsheet and came away feeling inspired to do more. So, avoid being passive or descriptive with your mission statement. Instead, think of the bigger picture of what guides your company strategy and motivates your employees.

Don’t take yourself too seriously or give in to the trap to sound serious and professional. The best mission statement is infused with humanity and reflects your company’s personality.

The 7 most inspiring mission and vision statement examples for business

Vision statement example - Guru

When Rick Nucci and Mitch Stewart built Guru, they had one goal in mind: To create a product that gives people the knowledge they needed to do their jobs right inside the tools they already work with. The mission statement perfectly encapsulates the overarching goal of Guru which is to make knowledge easily accessible. We are also guided by these core values listed on our about us page .

2. American Express

Mission and vision statement example - AMEX

There are several core values that American Express promotes in its mission and vision statement: 

  • American Express is building a respected service brand that prioritizes customer services and offers unique products and services
  • There’s an emphasis on teamwork, so employees are in the best position to help customers

Mission and vision statement example - Spotify

Spotify is giving all musicians a platform to release their music and get paid simultaneously. In addition, they’re removing the constraints of traditional record labels and providing artists with direct access to their fans through Spotify’s global presence.

Mission and vision statement example - Tesla

If you love green energy and care about the environment, then Tesla’s mission and vision statement will resonate with you. Tesla’s goal is perhaps one of the most ambitious you’ll see in this list. They wanted to revolutionize the automobile industry through electric vehicles that are safe to drive without sacrificing performance.

And they’ve done it! Tesla attained its first full year of profit in 2020 and delivered nearly 500,000 electric cars to customers. They’re currently worth over $500 billion, which is more than the nine largest automobile companies combined. 

But it’s not just about money. Tesla identified a real problem and built an entire company to reduce air pollution. 

Where competitors were adamant that fuel-based cars were the only way to guarantee performance, Tesla transitioned the transport sector from polluted engines to eco-friendly energy sources. Everything they’ve achieved goes back to their corporate vision to drive the world’s transition to electric vehicles.

Mission and vision statement example - Nike

If you’ve watched a Nike commercial, then you’ve seen them living their mission. For Nike, an athlete isn’t just a professional with a sports career. It’s the teenager in the Middle East playing soccer while wearing her hijab. It’s the young, Black kid who loves basketball and dreams of going pro one day. 

Nike believes everyone is an athlete. They promote individualism and inclusion through sports. You don’t need a six-pack or a young body to be an athlete. With the right motivation, anyone can do it.

Interestingly, there’s no mention of apparel or sneakers in their mission statement. It’s clever because it doesn’t limit Nike. Instead, it allows them to expand and evolve with consumer needs.

A few ways that Nike achieves their mission include:

  • Designing the Vaporfly Next% shoes helped Kenya runner Eliud Kipchoge become the first human to run 26.2 miles under 2 hours. It remains one of the greatest achievements in sports.
  • Fostering an environment where inclusion, respect, and empowerment are practiced daily. For example, Nike recruited several LGBT and Black sports icons to lead the 2020 equality campaign. Famous names include Megan Rapinoe, Serena Williams, and LeBron James.
  • Giving back to communities by investing over $81 million in the Made to Play program. As a result, over 100,000 coaches and 15 million kids have benefited from the program.

6. Microsoft

Mission and vision statement example - Microsoft

The mission and vision statements show that Microsoft focuses on empowering people and organizations to reach their full potential.

The first component is empowering customers. We see this in the affordable products Microsoft makes to help students unlock their learning potentials with software like OneDrive and Microsoft Office.

The second component is empowering customers. Again, we see this in Microsoft products such as Microsoft 365, Microsoft Power Platform, and Microsoft Azure.

The third component, “on the planet,” shows that Microsoft is a global brand, and everyone who comes in contact with a product can benefit. They live their company mission by fostering an innovative culture that encourages employees and customers to reach their full potential.

Mission and vision statement example - Asana

According to Asana , the first half of the statement “help humanity thrive” is the mission statement, and the second half, “enabling the world’s teams,” is the vision statement.

The goal of enabling the world’s teams is what drives company goals and product development at Asana. They’ve cracked the code on helping teams of any size manage projects and workflows through user-friendly applications.

Asana is one of the best examples of living a company’s mission. They treat culture as a product, and they’re committed to empowering their employees to thrive. Asana values teamwork, co-creation, and doing things fast. 

Through a distributed workflow where each employee focuses on their core expertise, everyone has the right structure to reach their personal and professional goals.

Mission statement examples for nonprofits

Alzheimer’s association.

Mission and vision statement example - Alzheimer's Association

There are several elements here to unpack:

  • Accelerate global research
  • Drive risk reduction and early detection
  • Maximize quality care and support
  • Find a cure for Alzheimer’s

The Alzheimer’s Association achieves its mission in the following ways:

  • All care and support services are focused on providing timely and accurate diagnoses as well as increasing the quality of care for people living with Alzheimer’s
  • Collaborate with community-based providers, volunteers, and health systems to increase access to diagnosis and quality care

The Women’s Center

Mission and vision statement example - The Women's Center

The Women’s Center’s mission statement is comprehensive and direct. They clearly state their desired impact on improving the mental health and well-being of all members. They also show the how through education, counseling, and support.

The Women’s Center achieves its mission and vision in the following ways:

  • Therapy and support groups
  • Legal and financial advising
  • Domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy
  • Family, individual, couple, and adolescent counseling
  • Awareness, advocacy, and community programs
  • Teaching institution for mental health professionals

American Red Cross

Mission and vision statement example - Red Cross

The mission statement of the American Red Cross is easy to understand. They aim to alleviate human suffering during emergencies through the support of donors and volunteers.

A few ways the Red Cross achieves its mission include:

  • Community of volunteers are ready and prepared to act in an emergency
  • People affected by disasters access lifesaving blood products, shelter, and care
  • Prioritizes the most urgent cases of distress without regard for race, nationality, or religious beliefs

The Trevor Project

Mission and vision statement example - Trevor Project

A few ways the Trevor Project achieves its mission include:

  • Free and confidential suicide prevention support via chat, phone lifeline, and text
  • TrevorSpace, a safe social networking site for LGBTQ youth
  • Trevor Research, a program that brings new knowledge and clinical implications to the field of suicidology
  • Trevor Advocacy to support policy change at state and federal levels. The goal is to improve the mental health and well-being of young LGTBQ young people through interventions that address the risk factors for suicide.

Streamline your mission and vision statement templates with Guru 

A mission drives the most successful organizations. It’s how your employees and customers know what you believe in or stand for. 

Whether you’re writing your first draft or updating your mission statement, our mission and vision templates give you an easy format to simplify the process.

Make your templates accessible for everyone by storing and managing them on Guru. In addition, you can download a range of mission, vision, and business templates and customize them to fit your organization’s needs.

Frequently asked questions about mission and vision statement

What if my mission statement changes? 

As your organization grows, your objectives and mission can (and should) change. Think of all the places you shared your old statement, from internal resources to external-facing documents. If you’ve documented the placement, it’s easy to make changes at once. Start with a press release to promote your updated mission. Next, send an email to your customer base and stakeholders informing them of the updated mission. Finally, use Guru to share new changes with your employees and partners.

What is the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement?

A mission statement defines the goals of your organization and how you plan to reach those objectives. The vision statement is where you hope to be in the future.

What are the three parts of a mission statement?

The three parts of a mission statement are:

  • Your target audience
  • Your product or service
  • The distinctive quality that sets you apart from competitors

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Purpose, Mission, and Vision Statements

Purpose, Mission, and Vision Statements explain why a company exists, how it plans to achieve its goals, and what the business will ultimately achieve.

  • January 31, 2023

example of business plan mission and vision

What Are Purpose, Mission, and Vision Statements?

A Purpose Statement is an explanation of the company’s motivations and reasons for being, and why it works the way it does.

A Mission Statement is a definition of the company’s business, who it serves, what it does, its objectives, and its approach to reaching those objectives.

A Vision Statement is a description of the desired future state of the company. An effective vision inspires the team, showing them how success will look and feel.

Usage and satisfaction among survey respondents

How are purpose, mission, and vision statements implemented.

Typically, senior leaders will write the company’s Purpose, Mission, and Vision Statements with inputs from the broader organization. The development process usually begins by clarifying the purpose, then defining the mission, and then painting the vision. This requires leaders to:

  • Clearly identify the corporate culture, values, strategy, and view of the future by interviewing employees, suppliers, and customers
  • Address the commitment the firm has to its key stakeholders, including customers, employees, shareholders, and communities
  • Ensure that the objectives are measurable, the approach is actionable, and the vision is achievable
  • Communicate the message in clear, simple, and precise language
  • Develop buy-in and support throughout the organization

Related Topics

Corporate Values Statements

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What Are Common Uses of Purpose, Mission, and Vision Statements?

Purpose, Mission, and Vision Statements are used both internally and externally.

They are used internally to:

  • Guide management’s thinking on strategic issues, especially during times of significant change
  • Help define performance standards
  • Inspire employees to work more productively by providing focus and common goals
  • Guide employee decision making
  • Help establish a framework for ethical behavior

They are used externally to:

  • Enlist external support
  • Create closer linkages and better communication with customers, suppliers, and alliance partners
  • Serve as a public relations tool

Abrahams, Jeffrey. 101 Mission Statements from Top Companies: Plus Guidelines for Writing Your Own Mission Statement. Ten Speed Press, 2007

Blount, Sally, and Paul Leinwand. “Why Are We Here?” Harvard Business Review , November/December 2019.

Collins, Jim, and Jerry I. Porras. “Building Your Company’s Vision.” Harvard Business Review , September/October 1996, pp. 65–77.

Kirkpatrick, Shelley A. Build a Better Vision Statement: Extending Research with Practical Advice. Lexington Books, 2016.

Knowles, Jonathan B., Tom Hunsaker, Hannah Grove, and Alison James. “What Is the Purpose of Your Purpose?” Harvard Business Review, March/April 2022.

Kotter, John P., and James L. Heskett. Corporate Culture and Performance . 1992. Reprint. Free Press, 2011.

Nanus, Burt. Visionary Leadership. Jossey-Bass, 1995.

Quinn, Robert E., and Anjan V Thakor. The Economics of Higher Purpose: Eight Counterintuitive Steps for Creating A Purpose-Driven Organization , Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2019.

Raynor, Michael E. “That Vision Thing: Do We Need It?” Long Range Planning, June 1998, pp. 368–376.

example of business plan mission and vision

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5 Top Vision Statement Examples For Your Business Plan

Mission and Vision Statement Templates

Free Mission and Vision Statement Templates

Aayushi Mistry

  • October 25, 2023

Vision Statement Examples

Example 1: A vision statement by Microsoft

To help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential.

Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company with headquarters in Redmond, Washington. It develops, manufactures, licenses supports, and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services. Its best-known software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, and the Internet Explorer and Edge web browsers. Its flagship hardware products are the Xbox video game consoles and the Microsoft Surface lineup of touchscreen personal computers. Microsoft ranked No. 21 in the 2020 Fortune 500 rankings of the largest United States corporations by total revenue; It was the world’s largest software maker by revenue as of 2016. It is considered one of the Big Five companies in the U.S. information technology industry, along with Google, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook.

Information Courtesy: Wikipedia

Ratings by experts: 4 / 5

  • This mission statement communicates the intention of the empowerment of people and organizations.
  • It also indicates the vision of catering to the world’s unity and productivity.
  • However, the [How] is missing.

Example 2: A vision statement by Harley Davidson

Harley-Davidson, Inc. is an action-oriented, international company, a leader in its commitment to continuously improve our mutually beneficial relationships with stakeholders (customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, government, and society). Harley-Davidson believes the key to success is to balance stakeholders’ interests through the empowerment of all employees to focus on value-added activities.

Harley Davidson , Inc. is the fifth-biggest motorcycle manufacturer of heavyweight motorcycles in the world.

  • The mission statement shows the company is looking forward to expanding its business. Moreover, they have shown interest in the stakeholder’s leadership.
  • No user benefit is shown.

Example 3: A vision statement by Google LLC

To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, a search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware. It is considered one of the Big Five technology companies in the U.S. information technology industry, alongside Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft.

Ratings by experts: 5 / 5

  • Clear communication on the intention.
  • Short, simple, and catchy.
  • Relevant to the audience and their services.

Example 4: A vision statement by KFC in the year 2013

To sell food in a fast, friendly environment that appeals to price-conscious, health-minded consumers…

KFC stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken. It is an American fast-food restaurant chain headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, that specializes in fried chicken. It is the world’s second-largest restaurant chain after McDonald’s

Ratings by experts: 3 / 5

  • Clear mention of the target customer.
  • Can’t be used for branding purposes.
  • The reason why the statements fall back is that their actions as a brand did not completely align with their mission.

Example 5: A vision statement by Unilever

To make sustainable living commonplace. We believe this is the best long-term way for our business to grow.

Unilever plc is a British multinational consumer goods company headquartered in London, England. Unilever products include food, confections, energy drinks, baby food, soft drinks, cheese, ice cream, tea, cleaning agents, coffee, pet food, bottled water, toothpaste, chewing gum, frozen pizza, pregnancy tests, juice, margarine (Upfield), beauty products, personal care, breakfast cereals, pharmaceutical, and consumer healthcare products. Unilever is the largest producer of soap in the world. Unilever’s products are available in around 190 countries.

Information courtesy: Wikipedia

  • This statement targets the current requirement of the world community. Which is very relevant to the industry in which the company serves.
  • This is a long-term vision and can even concrete vision statement
  • Good use of vocabulary.

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About the Author

example of business plan mission and vision

Since childhood, I was in awe of the magic that words bring. But while studying computer science in college, my world turned upside down. I found my calling in being a copywriter and I plunged into a world of words. Since then, there is no looking back. Even today, nothing excites me to find out the wonders the words can bring!

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Vision and Mission Statement

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example of business plan mission and vision

Unlock the power of purpose with our comprehensive guide on crafting compelling Vision and Mission Statements . Discover examples from successful organizations, learn step-by-step techniques to articulate your values and objectives, and inspire commitment towards achieving your goals. Transform your aspirations into action with clarity and conviction.

What is Vision Statement?

A Vision Statement is a strategic plan for the future, a means of describing what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the long term. It is a source of inspiration and provides clear decision-making criteria.

What is Mission Statement?

A Mission Statement, on the other hand, is a concise explanation of an organization’s reason for existence. It describes the organization’s purpose, its overall intention, and its guiding principles. It provides a roadmap for the organization’s objectives and directs the course of action.

What is an Example of Mission & Vision Statement?

Vision Statement: “To be the world’s leading provider of quality products that enhance people’s lives.”

This vision statement suggests a long-term aim to lead the global market, providing superior quality products that positively impact people’s lives.

Mission Statement: “Our mission is to design and manufacture innovative, reliable products while upholding excellent customer service, sustaining an engaged and skilled workforce, and delivering value to our shareholders.”

The mission statement outlines how the company intends to achieve its vision: by designing and manufacturing innovative products, providing excellent customer service, investing in employee engagement and skill development, and ensuring shareholder value.

100+ Mission & Vision Statements of Top Brands & Companies

Mission Vision Statements

Size: 802 KB

Company Name Mission Statement Vision Statement
Amazon To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online. To be Earth’most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices.
Microsoft To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. To help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential.
Tesla To accelerate the advent of sustainable transport by bringing compelling mass market electric cars to market as soon as possible. To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.
Google To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. To provide access to the world’s information in one click.
Apple To bring the best user experience to its customers through its innovative hardware, software, and services. We believe that we are on the face of the earth to make great products and that’s not changing.
Facebook To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.
Starbucks To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. To establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.
Coca-Cola To refresh the world in mind, body and spirit. To inspire moments of optimism and happiness through our brands and actions. To achieve sustainable growth, we have established a vision with clear goals: Profit: Maximizing return to shareholders while being mindful of our overall responsibilities.
Nike To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. (If you have a body, you are an athlete.) To be the world’s leading sports and fitness company.
McDonald’s To be our customers’ favorite place and way to eat and drink. To be the best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile.
Disney To entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling. To be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information.
Walmart We save people money so they can live better. To become the worldwide leader in retailing.
Adidas To be the best sports company in the world. Through sport, we have the power to change lives.
LinkedIn To connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.
Intel Delight our customers, employees, and shareholders by relentlessly delivering the platform and technology advancements that become essential to the way we work and live. This decade, our mission is to create and extend computing technology to connect and enrich the lives of every person on earth.
Samsung Inspire the world, create the future. Samsung is dedicated to developing innovative technologies and efficient processes that create new markets, enrich people’s lives and continue to make Samsung a digital leader.
Ford To drive human progress through freedom of movement. People working together as a lean, global enterprise for automotive leadership, as measured by: Customer, Employee, Dealer, Investor, Supplier, Union/Council, and Community Satisfaction.
Procter & Gamble We will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers. Be, and be recognized as, the best consumer products and services company in the world.
Netflix We promise our customers stellar service, our suppliers a valuable partner, our investors the prospects of sustained profitable growth, and our employees the allure of huge impact. Becoming the best global entertainment distribution service.
Twitter To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers. We strive to be a force for good in the world.
Visa To connect the world through the most innovative, reliable and secure digital payment network that enables individuals, businesses and economies to thrive. To be the best way to pay and be paid, for everyone, everywhere.
Spotify To unlock the potential of human creativity by giving a million creative artists the opportunity to live off their work and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by these creators. We envision a cultural platform where professional creators can break free of their medium’s constraints and where everyone can enjoy an immersive artistic experience that enables us to empathize with each other and to feel part of a greater whole.
Oracle We help people see data in new ways, discover insights, and unlock endless possibilities. Oracle’s vision is to foster an inclusive environment that leverages the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of all our employees, suppliers, customers and partners to drive a sustainable global competitive advantage.
PepsiCo To provide consumers around the world with delicious, affordable, convenient and complementary foods and beverages from wholesome breakfasts to healthy and fun daytime snacks and beverages to evening treats. To deliver top-tier financial performance over the long term by integrating sustainability into our business strategy, leaving a positive imprint on society and the environment.
IKEA To create a better everyday life for the many people. Our vision also goes beyond home furnishing. We want to create a better everyday for all people impacted by our business.
Uber We ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion. Smarter transportation with fewer cars and greater access. Transportation that’s safer, cheaper, and more reliable; transportation that creates more job opportunities and higher incomes for drivers.
Airbnb To help create a world where you can belong anywhere and where people can live in a place, instead of just traveling to it. Tapping into the universal human yearning to belong—the desire to feel welcomed, respected, and appreciated for who you are, no matter where you might be.
Mastercard Every day, everywhere, we use our technology and expertise to make payments safe, simple and smart. A World Beyond Cash®.
Dell Technologies To empower countries, communities, customers and people everywhere to use technology to realize their dreams. Our vision is to ensure that technology drives human progress.
Salesforce We help our customers to create connected customer experiences, empower employees to innovate, learn and grow, deliver on our values, and improve the state of the world. Improving the state of the world.
Kellogg’s Nourishing families so they can flourish and thrive. To enrich and delight the world through foods and brands that matter.
Heinz Our mission is to be the world’s premier food company, offering nutritious, superior tasting foods to people everywhere. Being the world’s premier food company does not mean being the biggest but it does mean being the best in terms of consumer value, customer service, employee talent, and consistent and predictable growth.
Volvo We provide innovative transport solutions for people and goods. We will be the world’s most progressive and desired premium car brand.
Roche Doing now what patients need next. As a research-focused healthcare company, Roche discovers, develops and provides innovative diagnostics and therapeutic products and services that deliver significant benefits to patients and healthcare professionals – from early detection and prevention of diseases to diagnosis, treatment and treatment monitoring.
SAP Help the world run better and improve people’s lives. To help the world run better.
General Motors We are committed to providing solutions that improve people’s lives and make the world a better place. To design, build and sell the world’s best vehicles.
3M To solve unsolved problems innovatively. 3M technology advancing every company. 3M products enhancing every home. 3M innovation improving every life.
Lockheed Martin We solve complex challenges, advance scientific discovery and deliver innovative solutions to help our customers keep people safe. Be the global leader in supporting our customers to strengthen global security, deliver citizen services and advance scientific discovery.
Caterpillar Our mission is to enable economic growth through infrastructure and energy development, and to provide solutions that support communities and protect the planet. Our vision is a world in which all people’s basic needs — such as shelter, clean water, sanitation, food and reliable power — are fulfilled in an environmentally sustainable way and a company that improves the quality of the environment and the communities where we live and work.
Nestle Good Food, Good Life is the promise we commit to everyday, everywhere. Unlocking the power of food to enhance quality of life for everyone, today and for generations to come.
Airbnb To create a world where anyone can belong anywhere. To help create a world where you can belong anywhere and where people can live in a place, instead of just traveling to it.
Walgreens To be America’s most-loved pharmacy-led health, well-being and beauty retailer. To champion the health and well-being of every community in America.
Bayer Bayer: Science for A Better Life. Health for all, hunger for none.
SpaceX To revolutionize space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets. Making life multiplanetary.
Estée Lauder Bringing the best to everyone we touch by offering the best products, services and experiences. The global leader in prestige beauty: a well-diversified, brand-building powerhouse of unrivaled creativity and innovation.
Costco To continually provide our members with quality goods and services at the lowest possible prices. To become the most recognized and respected organization in our industry worldwide.
Zara To give customers what they want, and get it to them faster than anyone else. Zara’s vision is to offer products of the highest quality to all its customers at the same time.
Slack To make work life simpler, more pleasant, and more productive. A world where organizational agility is easy to achieve, regardless of your size.
Spotify To unlock the potential of human creativity—by giving a million creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it. To provide a platform where limitless discovery and creation can occur.
Pinterest To bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love. A world where everyone has access to a lifetime of ideas and inspiration to create a life they love.
Tesla To accelerate the advent of sustainable transport by bringing compelling mass market electric cars to market as soon as possible. To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.
Slack To make work life simpler, more pleasant, and more productive. Our vision is to create alignment and shared understanding across your team, making you more productive, less stressed, and just a little bit happier.
Zoom To make video communications frictionless. Video Communications empowering people to accomplish more.
Uber We ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion. Smarter transportation with fewer cars and greater access. Transportation that’s safer, cheaper, and more reliable; transportation that creates more job opportunities and higher incomes for drivers.
Lyft Improving people’s lives with the world’s best transportation. Reconnecting people and communities through better transportation.
Intel Utilize the power of Moore’s Law to bring smart, connected devices to every person on earth. If it’s smart and connected, it’s best with Intel.
Stripe To increase the GDP of the internet. Our vision is to enable more commerce on the internet and to increase the economic output of the web.
Square To make commerce easy. We believe everyone should be able to participate and thrive in the economy.
Pinterest Help people discover the things they love, and inspire them to go do those things in their daily lives. A world where everyone has access to a lifetime of ideas and inspiration to create a life they love.
Shopify Make commerce better for everyone. We envision a future where every entrepreneur is equipped with the tools they need to sell online and off.
Twilio Fuel the future of communications. To build the future of communications.
Salesforce We help our customers to transform themselves into customer companies. We are creating a world where technology thinks and acts the way people do.
Mastercard To connect and power an inclusive, digital economy that benefits everyone, everywhere by making transactions safe, simple, smart and accessible. A World Beyond Cash.
Nestle Good Food, Good Life is the promise we commit to everyday, everywhere. Unlocking the power of food to enhance quality of life for everyone, today and for generations to come.
Bloomberg To provide the information, insight and analysis that financial professionals need to make fast and accurate decisions. Bloomberg connects decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas.
FedEx FedEx Corporation will produce superior financial returns for its shareowners by providing high value-added logistics, transportation and related business services through focused operating companies. FedEx Corporation will strive to develop mutually rewarding relationships with its team members, partners and suppliers. Safety will be the first consideration in all operations. Corporate activities will be conducted to the highest ethical and professional standards.
Visa To connect the world through the most innovative, reliable and secure digital payment network that enables individuals, businesses and economies to thrive. Visa’s vision is to be the best way to pay and be paid for everyone, everywhere.
Toyota To attract and attain customers with high-valued products and services and the most satisfying ownership experience in America. Toyota will lead the way to the future of mobility, enriching lives around the world with the safest and most responsible ways of moving people.
Adobe To change the world through digital experiences. We believe everyone has a story to tell. Adobe helps people tell their stories.
Alibaba To make it easy to do business anywhere. We aim to build the future infrastructure of commerce. We envision that our customers will meet, work and live at Alibaba, and that we will be a good company that lasts 102 years.
Twitter To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers. We serve the public conversation.
Disney To entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling. To be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information.
Coca-Cola To refresh the world…To inspire moments of optimism and happiness…To create value and make a difference. Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth.
Starbucks To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. To establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.
Microsoft To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. To help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential.
Amazon We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection, and the utmost convenience. Our vision is to be earth’s most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.
Apple To bring the best user experience to its customers through its innovative hardware, software, and services. We believe that we are on the face of the earth to make great products and that’s not changing.
IKEA To create a better everyday life for the many people. Our vision also goes beyond home furnishing. We want to create a better everyday for all people impacted by our business.
Walmart We save people money so they can live better. To become the worldwide leader of all retailing.
McDonald’s To be our customers’ favorite place and way to eat and drink. To be the best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile.
Nike To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. *If you have a body, you are an athlete. To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.
Lenovo We create and build exceptionally engineered personal technology, but we are much more than a tech company. We are defining a new way of doing things for you, for us, for everyone. Lead in PCs and be respected for our product innovation and quality, service and business conduct.
Samsung Inspire the world, create the future. Inspire the world, create the future.
SAP Help the world run better and improve people’s lives. Help the world run better.
Johnson & Johnson We blend heart, science and ingenuity to profoundly change the trajectory of health for humanity. For every person – to help them live longer, healthier, happier lives.
Intel Delight our customers, employees, and shareholders by relentlessly delivering the platform and technology advancements that become essential to the way we work and live. If it’s smart and connected, it’s best with Intel.
Oracle We help people and companies collect, organize, and visualize data to deliver competitive advantage. Help people see data in new ways, discover insights, unlock endless possibilities.
AT&T To inspire human progress through the power of communication and entertainment. To be the world’s best at bringing people together by providing them with unsurpassed access to their world and so they can do and experience more of what they love.
Adidas The Adidas Group strives to be the global leader in the sporting goods industry with brands built upon a passion for sports and a sporting lifestyle. Our mission is to become the best sports company in the world.
L’Oréal Offering all women and men worldwide the best of cosmetics innovation in terms of quality, efficacy and safety. Beauty for all.
Unilever To make sustainable living commonplace. To double the size of our business, whilst reducing our environmental footprint and increasing our positive social impact.
Honda Maintaining a global viewpoint, we are dedicated to supplying products of the highest quality, yet at a reasonable price for worldwide customer satisfaction. Seeking to meet the needs of individual customers with our unique technology, we strive to create new value at the interface between people, vehicles and the road to provide our customers with joy and excitement.
Goldman Sachs Our mission is to provide a superior investment experience by blending the intimacy of a boutique with the resources of a global financial institution. To be the employer, advisor and investment of choice by attracting and retaining the best talent and clients and by delivering superior results, realizing shareholder value and being a good corporate citizen.
Volkswagen Offering mobility solutions for people and goods on a planet whose resources are limited. Volkswagen: Moving people and driving them forwards.
Louis Vuitton Louis Vuitton has made a promise to create objects that embody the spirit of the company: to be the symbol of elegance and refinement, while being useful and durable. To represent the most refined qualities of Western Art de Vivre” around the world.”
3M 3M is committed to providing innovative, cost-effective products that help protect people, equipment, and our environment. 3M technology advancing every company. 3M products enhancing every home. 3M innovation improving every life.
Pfizer To be the premier innovative biopharmaceutical company. To create a healthier world through our medicines.
General Motors We are dedicated to earning customers for life by building brands that inspire passion and loyalty through not only breakthrough technologies, but also by serving and improving the communities in which we live and work around the world. To shape the future of mobility by integrating our hardware expertise with software and services to make lives safer, better and more fun.
BMW The BMW Group is the world’s leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility. To be the most successful premium manufacturer in the industry.
Boeing Connect, protect, explore and inspire the world through aerospace innovation. Over the next 100 years, we will inspire the world, and be inspired by the world, to accelerate aerospace innovation and lead our industry forward in ways that deliver maximum benefit to our stakeholders.
Merck Our mission is to discover, develop and provide innovative products and services that save and improve lives around the world. To make a difference in the lives of people globally through our innovative medicines, vaccines, and animal health products.
Heineken Brewing a better world. To be the best, most respected and innovative company in our industry, recognized for our professionalism, integrity and the quality of our people and products.
Shell To meet the energy needs of society, in ways that are economically, socially and environmentally viable, now and in the future. To be the most innovative and competitive energy company in the world.
General Electric We bring good things to life. Imagination at work.
Airbus Make things fly. A better-connected, safer and more prosperous world.
Accenture To deliver on the promise of technology and human ingenuity. Innovation to improve the way the world works and lives.
Huawei To bring digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world. Build a Better Connected World.
BP Our purpose is reimagining energy for people and our planet. We want to help the world reach net zero and improve people’s lives. We see possibilities everywhere – to help the world reach net zero and improve people’s lives.
Nestle Enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future. Unlocking the power of food to enhance quality of life for everyone, today and for generations to come.
Lockheed Martin We solve complex challenges, advance scientific discovery and deliver innovative solutions to help our customers keep people safe. Be the global leader in supporting our customers’ missions, strengthening security and advancing scientific discovery.

100+ Mission & Vision Statement Examples for Different Companies

This collection comprises Company Mission Statements and Business Mission Statements, offering valuable insights into various industries. It illustrates how businesses can convey their core values, aspirations, and commitment to stakeholders effectively. This compilation serves as an essential guide for businesses striving to formulate impactful, authentic mission and vision statements.

Business/ Company Type Mission Statement Vision Statement
Eco-friendly Apparel To create sustainable, high-quality fashion that empowers consumers to make eco-conscious choices. Leading a global fashion revolution for a sustainable future.
Vegan Restaurant To provide delicious, plant-based meals that promote health and well-being without compromising on taste. A world where ethical, healthy eating is the norm.
Green Energy Solutions To develop and promote energy solutions that are sustainable and accessible to all. Creating a world powered by clean, renewable energy.
Biotech Research To leverage innovative biotechnologies to advance medical science and improve health outcomes. Pioneering the future of medicine for a healthier world.
Fintech Startup To make financial services accessible, efficient, and secure through digital innovation. Transforming how the world interacts with money.
E-commerce Platform To simplify online selling and buying by providing an intuitive, reliable platform. Evolving e-commerce for the next billion users.
AI Development Firm To build intelligent systems that augment human capabilities and improve efficiency. Redefining the interface of human-machine collaboration.
Education Technology To enhance learning experiences through technology, making education engaging and accessible. Empowering every learner on the planet to achieve their potential.
Luxury Hotel Chain To provide world-class hospitality experiences that exceed guest expectations. Setting the global standard for luxury hospitality.
Organic Farming To cultivate and distribute fresh, organic produce that supports healthy lifestyles. Nurturing the planet for a sustainable food future.
Craft Brewery To brew unique, quality beers that bring people together. Becoming a worldwide ambassador for craft beer culture.
Health and Fitness Center To foster healthy communities through comprehensive fitness programs and services. Inspiring people everywhere to embrace a fit and healthy lifestyle.
Social Media Consultancy To help businesses thrive in the digital age through effective social media strategies. Becoming the go-to partner for social media success.
Electric Car Manufacturing To produce high-performance electric cars that are both sustainable and desirable. Driving the world towards a zero-emission future.
Telecommunications Company To connect people and businesses through reliable, innovative telecommunication solutions. Bridging distances and bringing the world closer together.
Augmented Reality (AR) Gaming To create immersive AR games that blend digital and physical realities. Transforming how we play and interact with the world.
Online Education Provider To democratize education by making high-quality courses accessible to all. Creating a world where anyone can learn anything, anywhere.
Recycled Furniture Company To design beautiful, sustainable furniture from recycled materials. Furnishing a greener world, one piece at a time.
Vegan Beauty Brand To produce cruelty-free, vegan beauty products that don’t compromise on performance. Redefining beauty standards in a compassionate, sustainable way.
Food Delivery Service To connect customers with their favorite meals from local restaurants swiftly and reliably. Crafting a world where no one has to ask ‘what’s for dinner?’ again.
Micro-mobility Solutions To provide efficient, eco-friendly micro-mobility solutions that improve urban transportation. Revolutionizing urban transport for a sustainable future.
Plant Care Subscription Service To help plant lovers thrive by delivering hand-picked plants and care instructions monthly. Fostering a greener, happier world through the joy of plant care.
Telehealth Services To provide convenient, quality health consultations in the comfort of your home. Transforming healthcare delivery for everyone, everywhere.
NFT Marketplace To facilitate the creation, purchase, and sale of unique digital assets on the blockchain. Driving the democratization of digital art through blockchain technology.
At-Home Fitness Equipment To deliver quality, engaging fitness solutions for workouts at home. Creating a fitter world through accessible and enjoyable fitness experiences.
Alternative Protein Company To develop and provide innovative, sustainable protein alternatives for a healthier planet. Reinventing food systems for a sustainable future.
AI Ethics Consultancy To guide companies in ethical AI usage and ensure fairness, accountability, and transparency. Leading the charge for responsible AI in a rapidly evolving digital world.
Influencer Marketing Agency To connect brands with influential voices that amplify their message authentically. Crafting the future of marketing through influential storytelling.
Social Impact Investment Firm To generate social and environmental impact alongside financial returns. Driving large-scale positive change through impact investing.
eSports Training Platform To enable eSports athletes to reach their full potential through comprehensive training tools. Raising the bar for eSports performance and professionalism globally.
Blockchain Solutions Provider To develop and implement secure, efficient blockchain solutions for businesses across industries. Shaping the future of business with secure, scalable blockchain solutions.
AgTech Company To improve agricultural productivity through innovative technologies. Creating a sustainable, tech-driven future for global agriculture.
Renewable Energy Storage Solutions To design and manufacture efficient energy storage systems that harness renewable power. Driving global energy independence through advanced storage solutions.
Virtual Events Platform To enable immersive, interactive experiences for virtual events. Redefining how we connect and engage in virtual spaces.
Edible Insect Company To provide nutritious, sustainable, and ethically farmed insect-based food products. Pioneering a new era of sustainable nutrition with insect-based foods.
Privacy Tech Company To protect digital identities and personal data through robust privacy technology. Ensuring digital privacy for all in an interconnected world.
Urban Farming Solutions To revolutionize food production through innovative urban farming technologies. Creating self-sustaining urban food ecosystems for a healthier planet.
Online Therapy Platform To provide professional, confidential therapy services via an easy-to-use online platform. Democratizing access to mental health services.
Digital Nomad Co-working Spaces To offer flexible, inspiring co-working spaces for digital nomads worldwide. Building a global network of workspaces that fuel creativity and collaboration.
Virtual Reality Training Solutions To enhance professional training with immersive, VR-based learning experiences. Elevating professional skills development with transformative VR technology.
Cybersecurity Firm To safeguard digital assets through cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. Creating a safe and secure digital world.
Remote Work Solutions To enable seamless remote work through innovative technology and support. Empowering businesses to work effectively from anywhere.
Online Mental Health Services To provide accessible, quality mental health services online. Making mental health care accessible to everyone, everywhere.
Subscription Box Service To surprise and delight customers with curated products delivered monthly. To become the preferred choice for personalized, at-home retail experiences.
Data Analytics Company To help businesses make data-driven decisions through advanced analytics. Transforming how businesses perceive and use data.
Digital Marketing Agency To help brands connect with their audience through innovative digital strategies. Being the catalyst for brands to achieve digital excellence.
3D Printing Company To revolutionize manufacturing with accessible, efficient 3D printing solutions. Driving a new era of innovation and sustainability in manufacturing.
Drone Delivery Service To reimagine delivery solutions using drone technology for quicker, safer services. Pioneering the future of delivery in a connected world.
Plant-Based Food Producer To craft delicious, nutritious plant-based foods that benefit people and the planet. Creating a sustainable future through innovative food solutions.
Virtual Reality Entertainment To deliver immersive, thrilling experiences through Virtual Reality technology. Redefining entertainment in the age of Virtual Reality.
Podcast Production Company To produce compelling a content that informs, entertains and inspires. To become the world’s most loved destination for quality a storytelling.
Green Construction Company To build sustainable, eco-friendly structures without compromising on design or functionality. Leading the transition to sustainable construction for a healthier planet.
Cloud Kitchen To provide diverse culinary experiences from our optimized, delivery-only kitchens. Setting a new standard for dining in the digital age.
Personal Finance App To simplify personal finance management with smart, user-friendly digital tools. Empowering everyone to achieve financial wellness.
Wearable Tech Company To enhance daily life with innovative, wearable technology that monitors and improves health and fitness. Integrating technology seamlessly into the rhythm of life.
Autonomous Vehicle Company To develop safe, efficient autonomous vehicles to change how we commute. Shaping the future of mobility with autonomous technology.
E-sports Organization To nurture talent and push the boundaries of competitive gaming. Becoming the world’s leading organization in E-sports and gaming entertainment.
Mobile Health Tech To deliver health care solutions at your fingertips for better disease prevention and management. Revolutionizing healthcare through the power of mobile technology.
Sustainable Packaging Solutions To develop innovative, eco-friendly packaging solutions. Eliminating waste through sustainable packaging alternatives.
Space Tourism Company To make space travel accessible to everyone and advance interstellar exploration. Opening up a universe of possibilities in space tourism.
Sustainable Seafood Company To supply sustainably-sourced seafood, ensuring marine biodiversity and livelihoods. Leading a sustainable revolution in the seafood industry for a healthier ocean.
Robotic Process Automation To automate routine tasks, improving productivity and job satisfaction. Transforming the future of work through intelligent automation.
Digital Art Gallery To showcase and promote digital art, creating a space for artists and enthusiasts alike. Becoming the world’s premier platform for digital artistic expression.
IoT Home Solutions To integrate technology into homes for improved comfort, efficiency, and security. Reimagining home life in a connected world.
Prosthetics Development Company To design comfortable, functional prosthetics, enhancing quality of life. Revolutionizing mobility for all, regardless of physical limitations.
Virtual Cooking Classes To inspire and teach cooking skills through interactive online classes. Becoming the most beloved platform for culinary education worldwide.
Electric Bike Manufacturer To produce efficient, high-performance electric bikes for sustainable transportation. Redefining urban commuting, one e-bike at a time.
Pet Wellness Brand To provide top-quality, natural products that promote pet health and happiness. Ensuring a healthier and happier life for pets everywhere.
Digital Twin Technology To create virtual replicas of physical systems for improved analysis and prediction. Shaping the future of predictive analysis with digital twin technology.
Music Streaming Service To provide a platform for artists and listeners to connect through music. Uniting the world through the power of music.
Vertical Farming Company To grow high-quality produce year-round in urban settings, using less water and no pesticides. Revolutionizing agriculture for a crowded, urbanizing planet.
Personalized Nutrition Company To create personalized nutrition plans based on individual health and wellness needs. Helping everyone eat smarter for a healthier world.
Digital Privacy Law Firm To protect the privacy rights of individuals in the digital age. Ensuring a future where privacy is respected as a fundamental right.
Micro-lending Platform To provide small loans to underserved populations, empowering them to improve their lives. A world where everyone has access to the financial resources they need.
Eco-Tourism Agency To offer unique travel experiences that promote environmental conservation and local economies. Inspiring sustainable travel for a more mindful global community.
AI in Healthcare Company To use AI to improve diagnostics and treatment for better patient outcomes. Transforming healthcare through the power of AI.
Quantum Computing Firm To develop quantum computing solutions that solve complex problems faster. Accelerating scientific and technological progress with quantum computing.
Space Debris Removal Company To provide solutions for space debris to ensure safer space operations. Preserving the space environment for future generations.
Online Language Learning Platform To make language learning accessible and enjoyable with digital tools and community support. Breaking down language barriers and connecting the world.
Lab-Grown Meat Company To produce lab-grown meat that is humane, sustainable, and safe. Shaping the future of food with science and ethics.
Craft Brewery To create high-quality, unique craft beers that bring people together. Reimagining beer as a craft, not just a drink.
Elderly Care Services To provide compassionate, professional care for the elderly, enhancing their quality of life. A world where every elder leads a life of dignity and fulfillment.
Virtual Fitness Training Platform To provide personalized fitness training virtually, for every fitness level and goal. Becoming the most engaging and effective digital fitness platform worldwide.
AI-Based Hiring Platform To streamline hiring using AI, making the process efficient and unbiased. Revolutionizing the future of recruitment with intelligent solutions.
Green Cleaning Products Company To manufacture eco-friendly cleaning products that are safe for people and the planet. Leading a green revolution in the cleaning industry.
Augmented Reality Education Tools To enhance learning through AR, making it engaging and interactive. Transforming education by making learning immersive and fun.
Micro-housing Developer To provide affordable, sustainable micro-housing solutions for urban dwellers. Redefining urban living with innovative and sustainable housing solutions.
Non-Profit for Youth Development To empower youth with the resources and skills they need to succeed. Enabling every young person to reach their full potential.
Vegan Cosmetics Brand To produce high-quality, cruelty-free cosmetics, promoting compassion in beauty. To be the leading brand in ethical, sustainable beauty.
Mobile Veterinary Service To provide comprehensive pet healthcare at your doorstep, for convenience and comfort. Redefining pet care by bringing compassionate veterinary services home.
Community Solar Provider To provide accessible, affordable renewable energy solutions through community solar. Creating a sustainable energy future, one community at a time.
Gluten-Free Bakery To bake delicious, high-quality gluten-free goods everyone can enjoy. To be the go-to bakery for gluten-free indulgence.
Eco-Friendly Fashion Brand To design stylish, sustainable clothing that respects people and the planet. Fashioning a future where style and sustainability coexist.
Mobile App for Meditation To help users cultivate mindfulness and reduce stress through guided meditations. Making the world healthier and happier through the practice of mindfulness.
Biodegradable Products Manufacturer To produce high-quality, biodegradable products as alternatives to single-use plastic. Leading the change towards a zero-waste future.
Natural Skincare Brand To create skincare products from natural ingredients that nourish the skin. Redefining skincare with nature’s best resources.
eSports Arena To offer a state-of-the-art venue for eSports competitions and community engagement. Becoming the premier destination for eSports events globally.
Remote Employee Engagement Solutions To help companies engage and motivate their remote teams effectively. Creating a world where remote teams thrive.
Smart Home Security Company To provide reliable, user-friendly smart home security solutions. Ensuring peace of mind through smart, secure homes.
Organic Farm-to-Table Restaurant To serve delicious, locally-sourced organic meals that support sustainable farming. Setting a new standard for eating well and responsibly.

What are the Differences Between Mission & Vision Statement?

Mission Statement Vision Statement
1. Describes what the company does in the present. 1. Outlines what the company aspires to be in the future.
2. Focuses on the company’s purpose and core reason for being. 2. Focuses on the company’s long-term goals and what it hopes to achieve.
3. Generally describes the company’s customers, markets, products, and technologies. 3. Typically goes beyond the specifics and imagines an ideal future scenario.
4. A mission statement answers the question “What do we do?” 4. A vision statement answers the question “Where do we want to be?”
5. It helps in guiding the company’s day-to-day operations and strategic decisions. 5. It inspires and provides a sense of direction to the employees and stakeholders.
6. Usually more concrete and pragmatic. 6. More abstract and aspirational.
7. Used as a tool to generate tactical strategies and plans. 7. Used as a guide for strategic planning and setting long-term objectives.
8. Provides clarity on the company’s immediate purpose and what it seeks to accomplish. 8. Sparks motivation and fosters an environment of enthusiasm and commitment.
9. Remains relatively stable and changes less frequently. 9. Might change as the company evolves and adapts to the market conditions.
10. Helps to distinguish the company from its competitors. 10. Sets a unique trajectory for the company’s future, making it stand out.

How to Write Mission & Vision Statement (Step by Step Guide)

Writing a mission and vision statement requires a clear understanding of your business, its goals, and its values. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you craft effective mission and vision statements:

1. Understand Your Business Core Values and Purpose:

The first step is to clearly identify and understand your business’s core values and purpose. What are the guiding principles of your business? What is its fundamental reason for existence?

2. Define Your Business Goals:

What does your business aim to achieve in the long run? What are your objectives and what impact do you want your business to have on your customers, employees, stakeholders, and the wider community?

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Mission Statement:

1. Identify Key Stakeholders:

Your mission statement should consider the key stakeholders in your business. These may include customers, employees, and shareholders. Consider their needs, expectations, and the value you intend to deliver to them.

2. Outline What Your Business Does:

Describe the primary activities of your business. This includes the products or services you provide and how you deliver them.

3. Define Your Business’s Value Proposition:

What makes your business unique? What value do you offer to your customers that sets you apart from your competitors? Your mission statement should communicate this.

4. Write a Draft:

Combine the above information into a concise statement. Avoid using jargon and ensure the statement is clear and easy to understand.

5. Get Feedback:

Share the draft with key stakeholders. Their feedback can provide valuable insights to improve the statement.

6. Finalize Your Mission Statement:

Revise the draft based on the feedback you receive and finalize your mission statement.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Vision Statement:

1. Look Into the Future:

Vision statements are future-oriented. Consider where you want your business to be in the next 5, 10, or even 20 years.

2. Dream Big:

Your vision statement should be aspirational. It represents the highest goals you have for your business, so don’t be afraid to dream big.

3. Stay True to Your Business’s Core Values:

Your vision should align with the core values of your business. It’s not just about what you want to achieve, but also how you want to achieve it.

Like the mission statement, combine all the information into a clear and concise statement.

Share the draft with your stakeholders and gather their feedback.

6. Finalize Your Vision Statement:

Incorporate the feedback, revise, and finalize your vision statement.

Remember, your mission and vision statements may evolve as your business grows and changes. It’s good to review them regularly and make updates if necessary to ensure they continue to reflect your business’s purpose and goals.


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How to Write a Business Plan: Your Step-by-Step Guide

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So, you’ve got an idea and you want to start a business —great! Before you do anything else, like seek funding or build out a team, you'll need to know how to write a business plan. This plan will serve as the foundation of your company while also giving investors and future employees a clear idea of your purpose.

Below, Lauren Cobello, Founder and CEO of Leverage with Media PR , gives her best advice on how to make a business plan for your company.

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What is a business plan, and when do you need one?

According to Cobello, a business plan is a document that contains the mission of the business and a brief overview of it, as well as the objectives, strategies, and financial plans of the founder. A business plan comes into play very early on in the process of starting a company—more or less before you do anything else.

“You should start a company with a business plan in mind—especially if you plan to get funding for the company,” Cobello says. “You’re going to need it.”

Whether that funding comes from a loan, an investor, or crowdsourcing, a business plan is imperative to secure the capital, says the U.S. Small Business Administration . Anyone who’s considering giving you money is going to want to review your business plan before doing so. That means before you head into any meeting, make sure you have physical copies of your business plan to share.

Different types of business plans

The four main types of business plans are:

Startup Business Plans

Internal business plans, strategic business plans, one-page business plans.

Let's break down each one:

If you're wondering how to write a business plan for a startup, Cobello has advice for you. Startup business plans are the most common type, she says, and they are a critical tool for new business ventures that want funding. A startup is defined as a company that’s in its first stages of operations, founded by an entrepreneur who has a product or service idea.

Most startups begin with very little money, so they need a strong business plan to convince family, friends, banks, and/or venture capitalists to invest in the new company.

Internal business plans “are for internal use only,” says Cobello. This kind of document is not public-facing, only company-facing, and it contains an outline of the company’s business strategy, financial goals and budgets, and performance data.

Internal business plans aren’t used to secure funding, but rather to set goals and get everyone working there tracking towards them.

As the name implies, strategic business plans are geared more towards strategy and they include an assessment of the current business landscape, notes Jérôme Côté, a Business Advisor at BDC Advisory Services .

Unlike a traditional business plan, Cobello adds, strategic plans include a SWOT analysis (which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) and an in-depth action plan for the next six to 12 months. Strategic plans are action-based and take into account the state of the company and the industry in which it exists.

Although a typical business plan falls between 15 to 30 pages, some companies opt for the much shorter One-Page Business Plan. A one-page business plan is a simplified version of the larger business plan, and it focuses on the problem your product or service is solving, the solution (your product), and your business model (how you’ll make money).

A one-page plan is hyper-direct and easy to read, making it an effective tool for businesses of all sizes, at any stage.

How to create a business plan in 7 steps

Every business plan is different, and the steps you take to complete yours will depend on what type and format you choose. That said, if you need a place to start and appreciate a roadmap, here’s what Cobello recommends:

1. Conduct your research

Before writing your business plan, you’ll want to do a thorough investigation of what’s out there. Who will be the competitors for your product or service? Who is included in the target market? What industry trends are you capitalizing on, or rebuking? You want to figure out where you sit in the market and what your company’s value propositions are. What makes you different—and better?

2. Define your purpose for the business plan

The purpose of your business plan will determine which kind of plan you choose to create. Are you trying to drum up funding, or get the company employees focused on specific goals? (For the former, you’d want a startup business plan, while an internal plan would satisfy the latter.) Also, consider your audience. An investment firm that sees hundreds of potential business plans a day may prefer to see a one-pager upfront and, if they’re interested, a longer plan later.

3. Write your company description

Every business plan needs a company description—aka a summary of the company’s purpose, what they do/offer, and what makes it unique. Company descriptions should be clear and concise, avoiding the use of jargon, Cobello says. Ideally, descriptions should be a few paragraphs at most.

4. Explain and show how the company will make money

A business plan should be centered around the company’s goals, and it should clearly explain how the company will generate revenue. To do this, Cobello recommends using actual numbers and details, as opposed to just projections.

For instance, if the company is already making money, show how much and at what cost (e.g. what was the net profit). If it hasn’t generated revenue yet, outline the plan for how it will—including what the product/service will cost to produce and how much it will cost the consumer.

5. Outline your marketing strategy

How will you promote the business? Through what channels will you be promoting it? How are you going to reach and appeal to your target market? The more specific and thorough you can be with your plans here, the better, Cobello says.

6. Explain how you’ll spend your funding

What will you do with the money you raise? What are the first steps you plan to take? As a founder, you want to instill confidence in your investors and show them that the instant you receive their money, you’ll be taking smart actions that grow the company.

7. Include supporting documents

Creating a business plan is in some ways akin to building a legal case, but for your business. “You want to tell a story, and to be as thorough as possible, while keeping your plan succinct, clear, interesting, and visually appealing,” Cobello says. “Supporting documents could include financial projects, a competitive analysis of the market you’re entering into, and even any licenses, patents, or permits you’ve secured.”

A business plan is an individualized document—it’s ultimately up to you what information to include and what story you tell. But above all, Cobello says, your business plan should have a clear focus and goal in mind, because everything else will build off this cornerstone.

“Many people don’t realize how important business plans are for the health of their company,” she says. “Set aside time to make this a priority for your business, and make sure to keep it updated as you grow.”

example of business plan mission and vision

35 Inspiring Mission and Vision Statement Examples

mission and vision cover image

Gone are the days when your business could satisfy customers by simply offering a good product for a reasonable price. 

Today, brand values are a game-changer. A well-thought-out combination of emotional and logical factors is what makes customers stick to a brand even when more affordable options are available. 

This is why a well-designed mission and vision statement can contribute to brand loyalty. 

How to create a mission and vision statement? And what’s the difference between the two, anyway? 

Let’s find out the answers with some of the most inspiring mission and vision statement examples.

In this article:

  • What is a mission statement and how to write it
  • Best examples for inspiration
  • How to create a vision statement
  • Top companies’ vision message examples
  • The difference between a mission and a vision statement

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Let’s jump straight into the necessary theory.

What is a mission statement?

A company mission statement is a message that communicates the purpose of the organization to its audience. It’s supposed to be concise, action-oriented, and empowering to portray a general view of the company and its goals, values, culture, as well as strategic plans. 

Of course, as the company grows and develops, its values and the approach to culture might change. Thus, at some point, the organization might have to sit down together and revise the mission statement. It’s a natural process that every business goes through as it grows.

But how do you actually write a great mission statement? And how to make it concise while also conveying an empowering and inspiring message at the same time?

Let’s find out the answer, shall we? 

How to write a mission statement?

how to write a mission statement image

Now that the importance of a good mission statement is clear, it’s time to learn the basics of writing a perfect mission statement for your business.

Here is a step-by-step guide:

1. Emphasize your company’s products and services 

To put it shortly, if your mission statement doesn’t explain what your product is and what your company does, it’s a waste of words. You have to think about how to explain the products and services you offer in a concise and simple way. Everyone should understand what you are offering just from one simple statement. 

Things to consider here include:

  • If you are selling a product or a service
  • Why your customers need to buy your product or service
  • What customer pain points your offering solves

Carefully craft your answers and take into account the value that your products and services bring to your customers. Also add how your offering impacts the shopper’s overall customer experience , and what makes you stand out.

2. Think about your core values as a business

As previously mentioned, a good product or service sold for a reasonable price is simply not enough to satisfy modern-day customers. 

Nowadays, every offer has to be supported by a set of values that will make your clients fall in love with your brand and shop with you repeatedly. Values are an essential component of any mission statement. Identifying and emphasizing them in your mission statement will inevitably attract your target audience to your brand.

3. Build a connection between your products and the values you stand by

This step is an essential conclusion flowing from the first two: 

  • Figure out how your values accompany your offering and vice versa
  • Make the statement simple and clear for your customers to feel the connection 

For instance, if one of your core values revolves around dependability, you should emphasize that your products are extremely reliable, timeless, and low-maintenance. To put it shortly, you describe how your product solves your customers’ problems in an inspiring and empowering way.

4. Make a statement out of your findings 

It’s a logical result of all previous steps combined. You need to formulate your statement from your ideas and keywords, answering the following questions:

  • What do you offer?
  • Who do you offer it to?
  • Why do you offer it (your core values)?

The only rule here is to make it work for your business. A highly relevant and unique mission is key to building brand loyalty and establishing your brand voice. Thus, do spend a lot of time polishing, rewriting, and reformulating your mission until it’s just right.

5. Make sure it’s short and sweet 

The very last and probably the hardest step is to ensure that your company’s mission statement is concise, simple, and to-the-point. Generally, there are no strict length requirements: your statement can be one sentence or one paragraph. The most important thing is how you use this sentence or paragraph to convey your message. 

Take some time together with your team members and, possibly, stakeholders to brainstorm all possible mission statement options. Then, put your effort into choosing one that will best serve your organization. Make sure to include as many relevant people in your decision-making as possible.

We have compiled a list of the best mission statements out there for some inspiration. Having some examples to go by is useful whether you are a small business or a huge corporation, right?

Read more : Want to discover more tips to grow your business? Take a look at this guide by Tidio on how to add a live chat to your website for exceptional customer experience.

Best mission statement examples

Here are some of the best examples of a mission statement—

Tesla: To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.

Patagonia: We’re in business to save our home planet.

Disney: To entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling, reflecting the iconic brands, creative minds, and innovative technologies that make ours the world’s premier entertainment company.

T-Mobile: Redefining the way consumers and businesses buy wireless services through leading product and service innovation.

Dunkin Donuts: To be the leading provider of a wide range of delicious beverages & baked products in a convenient, relaxed, friendly environment that ensures the highest level of quality product and the best value for money.

PayPal: To democratize financial services to ensure that everyone, regardless of background or economic standing, has access to affordable, convenient and secure products and services to take control of their financial lives.

Hubspot: Helping millions grow better.

Ted Talks: Spread ideas

American Express: To become essential to our customers by providing differentiated products and services to help them achieve their aspirations.

Target: To help all families discover the joy of everyday life.

Google: To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Zappos: To provide the best customer service possible. Deliver WOW through service.

J&J: We bring the science and sense of sight to life through world-class innovation and patient experiences.

Life is Good: To spread the power of optimism.

Red Bull: Giving wings to people and ideas.

Nordstrom: Provide a fabulous customer experience by empowering customers and the employees who serve them.

Apple: To bring the best personal computing products and support to students, educators, designers, scientists, engineers, businesspersons, and consumers in over 140 countries around the world.

Asana: To help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly.

Now, let’s dive deeper into what makes those so empowering. Read on for elaborate explanations of why these statements made it into our selection. 

“To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.”

tesla logo

Tesla’s mission statement truly stands out from other car companies’ statements, simply because it’s not just about cars. Tesla prioritizes sustainability as its core value and greatly conveys this fact through its mission statement. 

However, by using the word ‘transition’, Tesla emphasizes a long way to go towards sustainability and its commitment to contribute to it. This promise for a better world is what makes it a perfect example of a good mission statement. 

2. Patagonia

“We’re in business to save our home planet.”

patagonia logo

Patagonia is a company that makes environment preservation its biggest priority, which is nicely communicated in its mission statement. Patagonia’s mission statement explains why the company exists in the first place and what it aspires to do in the form of one short but powerful sentence.

What’s important for any mission statement is to be integral and ensure that your walk matches your talk. This is true in the case of Patagonia that directs 1% of all its sales to environmental protection groups .

“To entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling, reflecting the iconic brands, creative minds and innovative technologies that make ours the world’s premier entertainment company.”

walt disney logo

This mission statement communicates a few angles important for Disney. 

First, it talks about entertainment that is an inseparable part of Disney operations. At the same time, it mentions being “the world’s prenatal entertainment company”, which is a big and ambitious goal. 

Disney’s mission statement is all about growth and improvement, positive change, and the way Disney views itself as an organization. All factors here create an organic mixture that makes this mission statement stand out and inspire. 

4. T-Mobile

“Redefining the way consumers and businesses buy wireless services through leading product and service innovation.”

t-mobile logo

It’s a simple and concise statement that does a great job of communicating T-Mobile’s priorities to its customers and the world. They use bold words like “redefining”, “leading”, “innovation”, which is a great choice for a telecom company that wants to stand out in the eyes of its customers.

The business aims to change the world of wireless services, and thanks to its mission statement, people are more likely to believe they can. 

5. Dunkin Donuts

“To be the leading provider of the wide range of delicious beverages & baked products in a convenient, relaxed, friendly environment that ensures the highest level of quality product and best value for money.”

dunkin donuts logo

Dunkin Donuts’ mission statement focuses on the things the company wants to be recognized for: deliciousness, friendliness, convenience, and high quality. These values are what makes customers loyal to Dunkin Donuts, and they are happy to prioritize shoppers in this concise and easy-going mission statement. 

Dunkin doesn’t just share that they want to be leaders in their field, but effectively explains how they can do so, which makes their mission statement particularly successful.

“To democratize financial services to ensure that everyone, regardless of background or economic standing, has access to affordable, convenient and secure products and services to take control of their financial lives.”

paypal logo

PayPal makes the emphasis on how they want to improve lives by changing the way payments are handled. It’s great how they point out the fact that their service and their democratization is not just for the affluent. It is for everyone who wants to lead a better, more secure and convenient financial life. 

The emphasis on equality and fairness makes PayPal’s mission statement particularly powerful. Hence, you should consider learning from the example they set.

“Helping millions grow better.”

hubspot logo

HubSpot’s mission statement consists of just four words. However, it comes across as very powerful. 

By using the word “millions”, HubSpot highlights its wide reach and influence in their field, from ecommerce businesses to SaaS companies. They help brands grow and with this mission statement, it becomes easy to trust their services.

8. Ted Talks

“Spread ideas.”

ted talks logo

TED’s mission statement is a winner when it comes to being concise and to the point. In just two short words, it conveys the whole essence of such an influential platform as TED Talks. 

TED’s mission to spread ideas is present in every single talk recording they have ever made. And every TED Talk out there, in fact, does spread ideas. This mission statement is unique and highly efficient in its simplicity.

9. American Express

“To become essential to our customers by providing differentiated products and services to help them achieve their aspirations.”

american express logo

American Express prioritizes something it really wants to be recognized for: being a necessity for customers to achieve their unique goals through great services and customer experience.

This prioritization works wonders for them and their mission statement is undoubtedly effective – in 2020, for example, there were more than 112 million American Express users worldwide. 

“To help all families discover the joy of everyday life.”

target logo

Target positions itself as a reliable, evergreen brand. This attitude shines through their mission statement. They promise to “help all families” no matter their background to enjoy and cherish the simple pleasures of everyday life by satisfying more than just their basic needs. 

By reading this mission statement, one does start wanting to go to Target, which is the ultimate purpose of any mission. Target managed the task of conveying their values and attitude truly well. 

“To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

google logo

Being the biggest and the most successful company that actually does the job of “organizing information”, Google mission statement comes across as very relevant. 

Prioritizing its organizing capacities and global accessibility, Google highlights that absolutely anyone can use their products and services. This puts them ahead of any competition and grows the number of their users every day.

“To provide the best customer service possible. Deliver WOW through service.”

zappos logo

Zappos decided not to stop with just one sentence describing how good their customer service is. The word “WOW” is in the second part of the mission statement, as if to make it final once and for all: their customer service is truly exceptional. 

Delivering such WOW emotions through service is a continuous task for Zappos. It’s great if they manage to always ensure their walk matches their talk.

13.  J&J

“We bring the science and sense of sight to life through world-class innovation and patient experiences.”

j&j logo

Johnson & Johnson use highly relevant and strong words in their mission statement.

It focuses on science, sense of sight, innovation, and patient experiences. 

At the same time, it also circles around the company’s area of expertise, health care, in a concise and simple way. Such a statement makes people trust the company, which is exactly what J&J aspires for. 

14. Life is Good

“To spread the power of optimism.”

life is good logo

Both the name and the mission statement of Life is Good shine with the company’s personality and its uplifting mood. Life is Good is a T-shirt company, and the competition in this field is more than fierce. However, its mission statement is what actually makes it stand out from the crowd.

Additionally, it’s quite rare to find a mission statement that also highlights the social activities a company is doing. This is exactly the case of Life is Good. They participate in a lot of charity work, and, though not so openly, their mission statement lets the world know.

15. Red Bull

“Giving wings to people and ideas.”

red bull logo

The company’s primary product is soft drinks. However, Red Bull wants to be known and recognized for more, which is obvious from their statement. 

As an organization, Red Bull supports multiple sport activities and teams around the world. Hence, with their sponsorship, they do “give wings to people and ideas”. We like how nicely Red Bull reflects what they do in a simple one-sentence mission statement.

16. Nordstrom

“Provide a fabulous customer experience by empowering customers and the employees who serve them.”

nordstrom logo

What makes Nordstrom’s mission statement so special is that it doesn’t mention the primary product Nordstrom sells—clothes. Instead, it focuses on highly exceptional retail customer service that the brand provides and highlights empowering not just customers, but also employees. 

Being so customer-centric and focused on well-being as Nordstrom is, there was no better decision than emphasizing it in their mission statement. Just by reading it, one wants to go and do some shopping in their store, which means a lot.

“To bring the best personal computing products and support to students, educators, designers, scientists, engineers, businesspersons and consumers in over 140 countries around the world.”

apple logo

Apple is fully aware that they are changing the world, which is nicely reflected in their mission statement. 

Moreover, they often point to their mission when addressing concerns in the global market or introducing their revolutionary products. By highlighting both their innovation powers and their global reach, Apple makes a strong statement out of their mission.

“To help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly.”

asana logo

It’s an inspiring mission statement focusing on how teamwork can become easier and smoother by using Asana. 

Team empowerment, boosting productivity, and effortless collaboration are the values that Asana successfully reflects in its mission statement. It seems obvious that it can truly “help teams thrive.” 

Read more : Need more business growth inspiration? Check out our case study on how a business grew by $100K/year using automations.

What is a vision statement?

Now, moving on to vision statements. While a good vision statement is equally important for the company as a mission statement, the difference between them remains unclear for many people. 

So, what is a vision statement?

A company vision statement is a sneak peek into the company’s future. It’s a statement describing the bigger vision of the organization, an aspiration for the future, and a manifesto to what the brand aims to become for its customers and the world. 

Additionally, a well-formulated vision statement makes employees more engaged. According to research , employees who think their company’s vision is meaningful have engagement levels of 68%, which is 18 points above average.

Now you are probably wondering “how to write a vision statement that stands out from the rest, supports the mission, and highlights the brand voice ?” 

Here’s a short guide you need.

How to write a vision statement?

how to write a vision statement image

Let’s dive into each step in detail.

1. Think about your future projections 

It’s a great idea to dream a little and imagine a perfect future for your business before creating a vision statement. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What does the world look like? 
  • What is your target audience doing? 
  • How can you get there? 

Think carefully and try to visualize all details. Picture the success metrics you are using, the range of products and services you are offering, as well as the new markets you are expanding into. For a less vague vision, try to project five to ten years into the future.

2. Understand your purpose as a company

This step is as essential as recognizing your company values. Think about why you exist as a company, what problems are you solving right now for your customers, and what is your bigger purpose in the world. 

This is especially important as it is estimated that 64% of consumers see brands as more attractive if they actively communicate their brand purpose. Hence, a great vision can be built only on the basis of a well-formulated purpose.

3. Describe what success means for your company

Your vision is, essentially, your understanding of success for your company. Think about what conditions should exist for your ultimate success. 

But that’s easier said than done, isn’t it?

Well—you can start by completing the sentence “We are successful if we…” in as many ways as possible. The answers should be concise and action-oriented, giving you a common definition of success for the whole company.

4. Put it all on paper

After completing all previous steps, it should be fairly easy to draft your vision statement. Brainstorm together with your colleagues the best ways to combine your future projections, purpose, and ultimate success vision. 

And do put it down in the notebook— research states that writing something down on paper increases brain activity by 25%, which could lead to an original and creative vision.

5. Separate the wheat from the chaff and formulate your vision statement 

Just like with your mission, it’s crucial to be as concise and to-the-point as possible. Make sure every word in your statement has its own purpose. 

It’s easy to get carried away, but try not to. This will help you to create as powerful a statement as your belief in your business is. 

Want to hear some empowering examples of vision statements? 

Best vision statement examples

Take a look below to learn from the best.

Microsoft: We strive to create local opportunity, growth, and impact in every country around the world.

JetBlue: Continual emphasis on providing competitive rates for customers for all of our destinations.

Puma: To be the most desirable and sustainable sport lifestyle company in the world.

Taco Bell: To grow into the largest fast-food provider of Mexican style cuisine in emerging markets.

Ikea: To create a better everyday life for the many people.

Samsung: Inspire the world with our innovative technologies, products and design that enrich people’s lives and contribute to social prosperity by creating a new future.

LinkedIn: To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.

Meta: To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.

Netflix: Becoming the best global entertainment distribution service.

Amazon: To be earth’s most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.

Zoom: Video communications empowering people to accomplish more.

BBC: To be the most creative organization in the world.

Uber: Transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere for everyone.

Coca-cola: To craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love, to refresh them in body & spirit.

Harvard University: Creating and sustaining the conditions that enable all Harvard College students to experience an unparalleled educational journey that is intellectually, socially, and personally transformative.

Nike: To bring inspiration to every athlete in the world and to make sport a daily habit.

Oceana: To make our oceans as rich, healthy, and abundant as they once were.

Now—let’s dive in deeper into our selection. What makes a good mission statement? And why are they so powerful? 

Read on for the elaborate explanations. 

1. Microsoft  

“We strive to create local opportunity, growth, and impact in every country around the world.”

microsoft logo

Microsoft seems to have a pretty clear vision for their future—they want to provide growth and opportunity on both local and global levels. With Microsoft being one of the most influential tech companies in the world, it’s hard to doubt that they will fulfill their purpose. 

“Continual emphasis on providing competitive rates for customers for all of our destinations.”

jetBlue logo

The most important aspect of this vision is prices that JetBlue stands by. They promise to stick to a wide range of destinations for a competitive rate, which is a great vision for the future. It feels like a promise for stability in our highly unstable times.

“To be the most desirable and sustainable sport lifestyle company in the world.”

puma logo

Puma chose to have a highly ambitious vision. They want to be not just the most desirable, but also the most sustainable company in the world. It’s a great goal focusing on Puma’s own wish for fame and success. However, the company also prioritizes its corporate social responsibility initiatives and contribution to a more sustainable sports equipment. 

4. Taco Bell

“To grow into the largest fast-food provider of Mexican style cuisine in emerging markets.”

taco bell logo

Taco Bell aims to conquer the fast-food industry by becoming the best at what it does—Mexican cuisine. It spreads not just locally in the USA, but also globally. This company also constantly improves its standards and works towards its ambitious vision.

“To create a better everyday life for the many people.”

example of business plan mission and vision

Ikea is known as a reliable, predictable, and simple retailer. Their vision goes beyond simply being a leader in the home furnishing industry. They want to make lives better, offer people more comfort, and be accessible to all. 

“Inspire the world with our innovative technologies, products and design that enrich people’s lives and contribute to social prosperity by creating a new future.”

samsung logo

In its vision, Samsung focuses on its aspiration to inspire, innovate, and enrich people’s lives. These goals together with their promise to contribute to social prosperity make it an ambitious and well-formulated vision with a clear look into the future.

7. LinkedIn

“To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.”

linkedin logo

In its vision, LinkedIn does a great job of prioritizing their aim for equal economic opportunity for workers of any level and background. This promise for a chance to network and do efficient job search is what makes this vision so special.

“To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.”

meta logo

Meta, the social media company that evolved from Facebook, has a brand-new vision that perfectly reflects the changes that came with the famous rebranding. Aiming to help build a global community and connect people even more, Meta is working on offering more and more innovative solutions.

“Becoming the best global entertainment distribution service.”

netflix logo

Netflix deals in entertainment, and is extremely successful in it. Their ambitious vision to be the best entertainment distribution service shines with confidence and determination for which Netflix is to be applauded.

“To be earth’s most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.”

amazon logo

Amazon mentions customer centricity and their extremely rich range of products. It aims to allow anyone to find anything they might want to ever purchase. These two things combined allow this vision to really communicate the message Amazon has put into it. 

“Video communications empowering people to accomplish more.”

zoom logo

Zoom chooses to empower people and make their lives better by allowing its users to smoothly communicate through video conferencing. The company wants people to accomplish more by achieving more itself. 

“To be the most creative organization in the world.”

bbc logo

Aspiring to be the most creative organization globally is a challenging task that BBC puts in front of itself. However, the whole essence of the company is conveyed through their vision statement, which makes it so effective.

“Transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere for everyone.”

uber logo

Uber makes perfect use of the metaphor by saying “transportation as reliable as running water”. In general, using word-play, metaphors, and comparisons is a great idea to create an eye-catching vision statement. Uber managed really well and thus made it into one of the top platforms used for transportation/commute and food delivery. 

14. Coca-cola

“To craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love, to refresh them in body & spirit.”

coca cola logo

Coca-cola aspires to be loved by everyone and to continue being the leader in the beverage industry. Their vision statement is not pushy but, at the same time, it’s very effective in conveying their vision of a perfect future with Coca-cola in it.

15. Harvard University

“Creating and sustaining the conditions that enable all Harvard College students to experience an unparalleled educational journey that is intellectually, socially, and personally transformative.”

harvard university logo

Harvard is one of the top world universities, which is reflected in its vision. Harvard wants to be a change-maker and to provide unique education that makes lives better. Its vision is simple and powerful, which is a perfect combination. 

“To bring inspiration to every athlete in the world and to make sport a daily habit.”

nike logo

Nike’s vision statement is simple yet powerful, even poetic. It doesn’t just say that it wants to be the best sport’s goods company. Instead, it seeks to bring inspiration to athletes around the world and to further promote sport in all its forms.

“To make our oceans as rich, healthy, and abundant as they once were.”

oceana logo

Oceana’s vision statement makes people feel emotions. In particular, sorrow and a tint of shame for turning the world’s oceans into what they are today and contributing to the environmental crisis. This feeling of slight guilt together with Oceana’s promise to fix the situation is what makes this nonprofit vision statement so great. 

Now, back to the theory. Let’s recap the most important differences between mission and vision statements.

What’s the difference between a mission and vision statement?

In short, the mission statement claims what the company wants to achieve. Its vision statement digs deeper into where and how the company wants its customers and the world to be as a result of its existence and activities. A mission statement is an essential guideline for the vision statement, and one is impossible without the other. 

To summarize what we have just discussed:

  • A mission statement is a declaration of the company’s current offering, company’s core values, and aspirations. 
  • A vision statement is a preview of the company’s future, so to speak. It can include similar or the same points as a mission statement. However, they will be written in the future tense. 

mission statement vs. vision statement image

It should also be mentioned that sometimes companies decide to combine their mission and vision statements into one. Then, it becomes a roadmap for the company’s present and future activities. 

Now that the difference is clear, and you are inspired by our great examples, let’s sum up what we’ve learned about mission and vision statements.

Mission vs. vision: summary 

It seems like a good mission and vision statement is an absolute must for business growth, customer loyalty, and a positive brand image. 

But, crafting your own great mission and vision statement is truly an art that requires patience, team effort, and practice. 

Don’t worry, though—by following the examples from above, you can reach your full potential and write a powerful statement conveying the whole essence of your business.

Just remember, stay true to your values and express what’s most important for your business. The right audience will resonate with your message and the statement you put forward. Looking at examples is a great idea to gain inspiration but, at the end of the day, you should try to be original. 

We hope you found inspiration in our list and feel ready to brainstorm a perfect mission and vision statement for your company. 

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Maryia Fokina

As a PR and Content Specialist, Maryia loves exploring hot topics in business and tech to further share them with the world.

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15 Vision Statement Examples to Inspire Yours

Writing vision statements can seem like an abstract activity with no bearing on day-to-day business operations. After all, customers and investors are more interested in your product and how much revenue you bring in. However, brands like Amazon clearly think otherwise.

In its drive to be ‘Earth’s most customer-centric company,’ Amazon strictly enforces two-day delivery with sellers and suppliers. Going by their stupendous success, it’s clear that a strong vision statement can have a catalyzing effect on business growth. Besides, that’s an amazing vision statement example to have!

For outsiders looking in, a vision statement gives a glimpse of the values your business stands for. A good vision statement also communicates trust to your customers and employees alike. That sets the foundation for a long-term relationship. 

But how do you write a vision statement that’s inspiring and unique? This blog has the answers.

In this blog, we’ll deep dive into:

  • What is a vision statement?
  • What makes a vision statement different from a mission statement?
  • What should a vision statement include?
  • How to create a vision statement?
  • Words to use in a vision statement
  • How to write a vision statement?
  • 15 vision statement examples to inspire you

Table of Contents

What Is a Vision Statement?

A vision statement shows where an organization sees itself in 5 to 10 years. It’s a key document that helps in strategic planning. It articulates the values and defines the culture of an organization . You can build on the ideas outlined in a vision statement to create specific goals, KPIs, and strategies for business growth.

Done well, a vision statement can help employees feel a part of a larger mission and drive engagement. To investors, it gives a sense of your long-term aspirations. A good vision statement can differentiate your brand and create customer loyalty.

There are no rules for writing a vision statement. It can be as long or as short as you like. However, it must not be too specific or discuss products and services. It should be about the impact you want to make in the future.

Mission vs Vision Statement: What’s Different?

Conceptually, mission and vision statements may sound similar. However, there are many differences between the two. Let’s take a closer look:

A vision statement lays out the long-term goals of an organization over a 5-10 year timeline. It tries to imagine the future based on present realities. On the other hand, a mission statement outlines what you do , how you do it, and why you do it. For example, it describes the products or services you produce, and what makes you different (processes, systems, etc.). 

So, a vision statement describes ‘what will be’ while a mission statement talks about the present state or ‘what is.’ 

Based on the future state envisioned in the vision statement, a mission statement lays out specific objectives and goals to focus on. So, if you’re starting a new business, write your vision statement first, followed by a mission statement. Finally, you create a strategic plan that outlines specific KPIs and timeframes for achieving those objectives. 

Remember, a vision statement is not meant to be static. As business goals change over time, they should be updated to reflect new priorities and aspirations.

What Should a Vision Statement Include?

A good vision statement inspires employees, customers, investors, and the public at large to participate in and buy from your business. While it may not be possible to cover all of these points, you should aim for a mix of 2-3 of them.

Think about the experience you want to create for employees, suppliers, investors, and, most importantly, customers. What do you want them to say after every interaction?

2. Products

What tangible needs do you want to fulfill? This can also include features and/or attributes like quality, durability, professionalism, etc.

How do you plan to support the environment or create sustainable outcomes? What difference do you want to make for future generations?

What value do you create for investors and shareholders?

5. Productivity

A lean, agile organization can be more competitive and survivable in the marketplace.

How to Create a Vision Statement?

Creating an effective vision statement requires a great deal of clarity about who you are and the outcomes you want to create. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key aspects of writing a vision statement.

1. Define your purpose, values, and business goals

A vision statement should highlight the outcomes you want to create for others. This is not about your product but the benefits your customers get out of it. Next, define your ‘why’ for doing what you do.

This includes the values and personality that make you unique. Think about how the world will look after you’ve achieved your goal.

2. Think about what your audience wants

Next, think about the needs of your target audience. This should include not just external customers but also internal employees, suppliers, etc. This exercise will help you relate to them better and create a balanced vision statement – one that’s not too vague or altruistic.

3. Use the right words and phrases

Brainstorm words or phrases that best capture your brand essence (core ideas, feelings that your brand evokes) and your audience’s pain points. You can leverage existing market research , ideal customer profiles (ICPs) , customer reviews, and other data. 

You also want to consider the brand’s tone and voice. For example, if your brand is aspirational, use words that are inspiring or forward-looking.

Dos and Don’ts

  • Use simple, clear language that leaves no room for misinterpretation
  • Use present tense
  • Use action-oriented words
  • Keep it short
  • Keep it open-ended. Don’t use numbers or deadlines

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to writing a winning vision statement. However, you can glean a lot of good ideas by looking at other examples. To make it easier, we’ve compiled a list of the most inspiring vision statement examples across industries.

A. Vision statement examples for nonprofits

Here are some examples of non-profit vision statements.

1. Alzheimer’s Association

The Alzheimer’s Association is a non-profit working towards ‘a world without Alzheimer’s’. The vision statement is a great example because it’s clear and outcome-oriented. Reading it makes you want to take action – either by donating, volunteering, or simply spreading the word on social media. Notice how they avoid talking in terms of specific targets or KPIs.

2. The American Red Cross

The American Red Cross is part of a global humanitarian aid and advocacy organization. Their vision is to ‘prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors’. 

This wording evokes many emotions like action, empathy, collaboration , and inspiration. It has a long-term outlook and is thoughtfully worded to resonate with both volunteers and donors.

3. The Smithsonian Institution

The Smithsonian Institution runs 21 museums in the US, including the National Zoo. Its vision is to “provide Americans and the world with the tools and information they need to forge our shared future”.  One thing that stands out about this vision statement is its forward-looking perspective.

It has a global character as it talks about a “shared future”.

Vision statement examples

B. Vision statement examples for any business

In this section, we’ll look at examples of vision statements from businesses across industries.

4. Citibank

Citibank’s vision is “to be the most competent, profitable, and innovative financial organization in the world”. The wording used is aspirational yet clear. It has a global outlook as you’d expect from a company their size. This vision statement tells customers and investors that the company is committed to delivering the best possible value.

5. McDonald’s

McDonald’s vision statement reflects its desire to “be the world’s best quick service restaurant experience.” McDonald’s is already famous for its quality and customer service. The vision statement shows that the company sets the bar much higher for its employees and suppliers. Notice how simple and brief the wording is.

Pfizer aspires to “innovate to bring therapies to patients that significantly improve their lives.” Two things stand out in this vision statement: One is the company’s long-term commitment to innovation with a patient-centric approach. Two, the statement implies its goal of making therapies accessible to patients all over the world. 

This is a great example of a forward-looking mission statement that bridges Pfizer’s value proposition with the needs of its customers.

C. Vision statement examples for law firms

If you’re a law firm, a compelling vision statement can help differentiate you from the competition and build trust with clients.

7. The Lynch Law Group LLC

The Lynch Law Group is a full-service law firm based in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Their vision statement breaks with tradition in wanting ‘to create a different kind of law firm, putting culture first, with great people doing the best legal work for our clients’. Notice how it starts with the cultural aspect. 

After all, building an empowering culture supports employees to serve clients in the best possible way. This is a great way for high-performance organizations to inspire employees to perform to their fullest potential.

8. Smith and Smith Law Firm

In contrast to the previous example, Smith and Smith take a top-down approach in writing their vision statement. Their desired future state is ‘to be the leading advocate for justice and integrity in our community, providing exceptional legal services with compassion and professionalism.’ 

This wording inspires trust and respect in employees as well as clients. It shows a sense of responsibility on the part of the company to uphold justice and make a positive impact. 

9. Wong Fleming

Wong Fleming started operations in 1994 and practices law in the US, Canada, and Germany. Their vision for the future is ‘to become a global law firm called upon before others and be valued for our creative, cost-effective solutions.’ Simply put, the company wants to be a preferred legal partner for global clients by delivering innovative and affordable services. 

This customer-centric vision statement seeks to build trust and authority with a diverse clientele. This approach can be great for small and medium businesses that rely on personal relationships to attract and retain customers.

Read also: A Roadmap to Mastering Law Firm Marketing Automation 

D. Vision statement examples for real estate

For real estate companies, a vision statement is a key part of building an effective brand identity. Here are some examples of real estate vision statements.

10. Milne Construction Co.

Milne Construction Co. is a construction company based in Dearborn, Michigan. Its vision statement is ‘to be the world’s pre-eminent designer/builder of unique, architectural memorial structures.’ Open-source information shows that the company also has other lines of business, such as residential properties. 

However, the vision statement focuses only on one of them – memorials. This is a great example of how vision statements can be used to create differentiation in a crowded market. The wording used is ambitious and highlights the niche expertise of the firm.

11. National Association of Realtors

The National Association of Realtors is a real–estate industry body with over 1.5 million members. Its vision statement is ‘to be a trusted ally, guiding our members and those they serve through the ever-evolving real estate landscape.’ 

Considering the vital role the NAR plays in advocating for the real estate industry, the vision statement is very straightforward and subtle. The phrase ‘guiding our members’ is very reassuring and subtly brings out the decades of experience and resources the association has at its disposal. If you’re a non-profit, this can be a great template to build on.

12. Coldwell Banker

Coldwell Banker is a property brokerage and investment management company with operations around the world. Its mission statement is ‘to provide our community and clients a principal partnership in the investment of real estate and leading the way through serving others in investment, home, and happiness.’ 

‘Principal partner’ is real estate terminology for a senior manager responsible for running one of the hundreds of Coldwell Banker offices worldwide. The vision statement alludes to the company’s expertise in delivering growth for clients. It’s another example of a modest but

E. Vision statement examples for retail stores

Here are some examples of vision statements for retail.

Amazon’s is perhaps one of the most succinct yet powerful vision statements of any company. ‘To be the world’s most customer-centric company,’ you’d need to put the customer at the center of every business decision. 

Amazon certainly exemplifies that. Notice how the wording is concise but meaningful. 

Nike’s vision statement, “to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world,” is another great example of an all-inclusive/universal theme that inspires admiration and respect. It reflects the aspirational appeal and quality of Nike’s sporting products. Another aspect that stands out is accessibility. 

Nike wants to make the latest sporting goods and accessories available worldwide. This vision statement is certain to motivate Nike employees to go above and beyond in customer experience. 

This vision statement specifically names the company’s target audience. The phrase ‘to be the go-to fashion destination’ indicates that Asos wants to provide a wide range of products and build a deep understanding of customer needs and preferences.

Overall, the vision statement is very clear about the outcomes the company wants to create in the time to come.

Read also: How to Overcome the Silo Mentality in Your Organization

Wrapping Up

A vision statement is the foundation of business strategy. It can directly impact your business growth by telling customers and partners ’why’ you do what you do. Creating a compelling vision statement isn’t a one-time task. It should evolve as your business evolves. 

You can’t go wrong if you stick to the values you care about most and the needs of your audience. After all, everything you do flows from it!

1. How do I write a vision statement?

When writing a vision statement:

  • Think about your long-term goals for your business
  • Identify the key steps that will get you there
  • Think about the problems you want to solve for your customers
  • Brainstorm words and phrases that best describe what you want to achieve
  • Keep it under 30 words and two sentences long
  • Ask for feedback from your team and iterate

2. What is the ideal vision statement?

The ideal vision statement is forward-looking, uses compelling words, and is open-ended. Here are a few key factors to keep in mind:

  • Timelines: Write from a 5 to 10-year perspective
  • Purpose: Consider the problems you want to solve for customers
  • Values: Think about your brand identity and make a list of the values you stand for
  • Business goals: Review your business plan and list all the major goals you want to achieve

Here are a couple of examples of effective vision statements:

  • To be the most customer-centric company in the world – Amazon
  • To provide access to the world’s information in one click – Google

3. Which comes first – vision vs mission?

Typically, you’d first start with a vision statement to provide a long-term direction for your business. You can then break down those high-level goals into smaller, actionable steps to be taken on a day-to-day basis.

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Vision, mission, strategy and values.

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Mikhail Saidov, master coach instructor, creator of Metacognitive Programming, a coaching and therapeutic technique. Founder & CEO of IMCP .

Whether you already have your own company, are about to start one or are helping someone else start theirs, the question of vision, mission, strategy and values is bound to come up. Those with corporate experience know that formulating a company's vision, mission, strategy and values is a big deal.

I remember one company I worked for had the values written on their walls, the vision written on internal documents and the mission written on their logo. But neither I nor anyone else who worked there took those words seriously. Why? They did not mean anything to us.

Once I started my own company, I realized the importance of having a mission, vision, strategy and values and communicating them to employees (and the unimportance of writing them on your walls). I'd like to share my understanding of these concepts, as well as why each of them is essential.

Typically set by the owner, the founder or the leadership team, a vision is about where you are going and what you are trying to build as a company. A vision should be explicitly stated because it provides clarity: You know where you are headed, and so do your employees.

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People like to know what they are working for. Sure, they work for money, but there are things we value beyond money. Humans do not thrive on endlessly going in circles, living from and for short-term reinforcements. We need a direction and a destination. Where am I going? That is basically what a vision is.

If vision stands for Where am I going? , mission stands for Why am I going there? Every human being thinks, at least occasionally, about the meaning of their work, and life more generally. We need that meaning; without it, we merely exist. Having a mission makes you ready to commit, to invest your time and effort into making it happen.

Moreover, if your organizational mission resonates with your employees, they will feel more involved and prepared to push forward along with you.

Note that a mission is more stable than a vision. For example, if your mission is to leave this world at least a bit better than it was, you may do this in different ways, and the ways may change as you go, but the mission remains.

We now understand where we are going (vision) and why (mission). Strategy answers the third question: How do I get there?

People who create strategies need to conceptualize both the big picture (i.e., milestones and the resources required to achieve each of them—money, time, etc.) and the small pieces (i.e., what everyone should do every day so eventually we end up where we are supposed to). A carefully planned strategy ensures smooth movement toward the company vision.

If strategy is subordinate to vision (answering the question of how we reach where we're going), then our last element, values, is subordinate to mission—answering the question of what our why consists of.

Here's another way to look at it: If vision and strategies are about the external world (what we want to achieve and how), then mission and values are about the internal world (why we want it, why it matters, what drives our mission).

Values are inherently personal (e.g., honesty), but they can translate into business principles (e.g., transparency in employee relations).

Creating A Corporate Culture Based On Mission And Values

If you know and communicate your mission and values, you attract prospective employees who share them, who want to walk the walk with you. They then attract more people of your kind, and the group increases, increasing the potential to create a better vision and better strategies.

Sometimes, we (the owners) make mistakes, hiring people who only pretend to share our mission and values. But don't worry; that will become apparent sooner than you think. And the same applies to you. If you promote specific values (e.g., honesty and hard work) but then cut corners or cheat, your employees will see and feel the dissonance. Seeing that you act contrary to what you have written on your walls, your employees will not follow the code you've written down but rather, imitate what you do. That leads to failure.

People shape the culture. If you stick to your values, you shape a culture where values matter. Seeing you stay true to your values encourages your employees to stay true to theirs. And that will eventually benefit everyone—the company, its owners and its employees.

Don't Promise The Future

When speaking to prospective employees, I don't discuss my big dreams and goals for a beautiful future. Why? Because the future is inherently uncertain. Therefore, promising people a specific location where they will end up would be a deception, even if you have the best intentions and elaborate plans to get there.

How is this related to mission, values and culture? Instead of speaking about the future, I talk about the current culture. I talk about who I am and what drives me, and I ask my employees to do the same. This doesn't mean I have no goals or plans; just that those goals and plans are not set in stone.

Rather than having a clear goal, I prefer to have by my side a team of individuals driven by the same internal force as I am. After years of experience, I figured out that having a well-attuned team took me further than anything else.

Final Thoughts

Mission, vision, strategies and values are all important when doing business. And for me, mission and values are the most important, as they help me pick people who care about the same things, with whom I can build a healthy culture, shape a vision and choose the strategies that will ultimately lead us to success.

Forbes Coaches Council is an invitation-only community for leading business and career coaches. Do I qualify?

Mikhail Saidov

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    Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Mission Statement: 1. Identify Key Stakeholders: Your mission statement should consider the key stakeholders in your business. These may include customers, employees, and shareholders. Consider their needs, expectations, and the value you intend to deliver to them.

  22. How to Write a Mission and Vision Statement for a Business Plan

    1. The mission is the foundation on which your business will be built. It's the true purpose of your business and that purpose is reflected in the mission statement. Without a strong mission ...

  23. How to Write a Business Plan: Step-by-Step Guide

    According to Cobello, a business plan is a document that contains the mission of the business and a brief overview of it, as well as the objectives, strategies, and financial plans of the founder. A business plan comes into play very early on in the process of starting a company—more or less before you do anything else.

  24. 35 Inspiring Mission and Vision Statement Examples

    Discover the best vision and mission statement examples. Learn how to write a perfect vision and mission statement to maximize your brand potential.

  25. 15 Vision Statement Examples to Inspire Yours

    The vision statement alludes to the company's expertise in delivering growth for clients. It's another example of a modest but. E. Vision statement examples for retail stores. Here are some examples of vision statements for retail. 13. Amazon. Amazon's is perhaps one of the most succinct yet powerful vision statements of any company.

  26. Vision, Mission, Strategy And Values

    Mission, vision, strategies and values are all important when doing business. And for me, mission and values are the most important, as they help me pick people who care about the same things ...