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Short Essay: Hostel Life

Writing a short essay on hostel life presents a unique opportunity to explore the vibrant and diverse experiences of students living away from home. Hostel life is not just about accommodation for students; it’s a mix of independence, challenges, learning, and fun. Whether you’re reflecting on your own experiences or researching the topic, a well-crafted essay can vividly portray the essence of life in a hostel. Here’s how to structure and detail such an essay effectively.

Table of Contents

Title and Introduction

Title : Choose a catchy and descriptive title that captures the essence of your essay, such as “The Adventure of Hostel Life: A Blend of Freedom and Challenges.”

Body of the Essay

Summarize the main points discussed, reinforcing the idea that hostel life is a crucial phase of student life that offers more than just a place to stay—it’s a community that fosters growth, learning, and lifelong friendships. Conclude with a reflective thought or a call to action, encouraging prospective students to embrace hostel life fully.

Hostel Life Essay Example #1

Hostel life is a transformative phase in one’s academic journey, offering a unique blend of independence, camaraderie, and personal growth. It is a period where individuals step out of their comfort zones, leaving the familiarity of home to embark on an adventure that shapes their character, broadens their horizons, and forges lifelong connections. In this essay, we will explore the diverse aspects of hostel life, including daily routines, relationships, challenges, personal growth, and the indelible memories that are formed within the hostel walls.

Hostel life is a melting pot of cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. It brings together individuals from various regions, fostering an environment of diversity and inclusivity. Within the hostel’s walls, lifelong friendships are formed, bonds that transcend geographical boundaries. The shared experiences, late-night conversations, and collaborative study sessions create a sense of camaraderie that becomes an integral part of the hostel experience.

Living in a hostel is not without its challenges. The transition from home to hostel can be daunting, with feelings of homesickness and a sense of unfamiliarity. However, these challenges become catalysts for personal growth. Hostel life teaches resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills as individuals learn to navigate through conflicts, manage their emotions, and find their place within a new community. The hostel becomes a crucible for personal development, shaping individuals into more self-reliant and confident versions of themselves.

The memories forged during hostel life are etched in the hearts of individuals forever. Late-night conversations in common rooms, impromptu celebrations, and heartfelt goodbyes, all contribute to the nostalgic tapestry of hostel life. The hostel becomes a sanctuary of memories, a place where laughter, tears, and personal milestones intertwine, leaving an indelible mark on one’s journey.

Hostel life is a transformative chapter in one’s academic pursuit, offering a rich tapestry of experiences, personal growth, and connections. It is a period where individuals discover their strengths, navigate challenges, and forge lifelong friendships. The hostel becomes a microcosm of the world, nurturing a sense of independence, cultural exchange, and personal development. As individuals bid farewell to their hostel days, they carry with them a treasure trove of memories, shaped by the invaluable experiences that hostel life has gifted them.

Hostel Life Essay Example #2

Living in a hostel inevitably brings forth a range of challenges that contribute to personal growth and resilience. Adapting to a new environment, coping with homesickness, and encountering diverse personalities are all part of the hostel experience. These challenges demand resilience, encouraging individuals to develop problem-solving abilities, emotional strength, and adaptability. Overcoming such obstacles nurtures a sense of resilience that extends beyond the hostel years into various facets of life.

Hostel Life Essay Example #3

The hostel experience is a pivotal chapter in the lives of many students, serving as a crucible for personal growth, independence, and self-discovery. It is a vibrant tapestry woven with diverse experiences, challenges, and transformative moments. In this essay, we will explore the multifaceted nature of the hostel experience, examining the development of independence, the pursuit of knowledge, the fostering of life skills, and the forging of lifelong connections.

Hostel life provides a fertile ground for the cultivation of independence. Away from the protective embrace of home, students learn to navigate the complexities of daily life on their own. From managing their finances and time to taking care of their personal needs, hostel residents gradually acquire self-reliance and decision-making abilities. This newfound independence empowers individuals to embrace responsibility and become architects of their own lives.

Living in a hostel equips individuals with a myriad of life skills that extend far beyond the academic realm. From managing conflicts and fostering effective communication to honing organizational and problem-solving abilities, hostel residents develop a versatile skill set that prepares them for the challenges of adulthood. The hostel becomes a training ground for personal development, nurturing resilience, adaptability, and resourcefulness.

Hostel life offers a fertile ground for self-discovery and personal growth. It is a period of exploration, where individuals have the freedom to discover their passions, challenge their beliefs, and explore their identity. Living among a diverse community exposes residents to a multitude of experiences, perspectives, and cultures, encouraging personal reflection and fostering personal growth.

The hostel experience is a transformative journey of independence, learning, and self-discovery. It provides a platform for individuals to develop essential life skills, broaden their horizons, and forge lasting connections. Through the tapestry of hostel life, students emerge as confident, adaptable, and well-rounded individuals ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. The hostel experience is not merely a place of residence; it is a transformative chapter that leaves an indelible mark on one’s academic journey and shapes the trajectory of their personal and professional lives.

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Essay On Life In A Hostel

Essay On Life In A Hostel | Life In A Hostel Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay On Life In A Hostel: Living in a hostel is a lesson in itself. While living at home the young does not turn into a self-dependent being for this thing and for that for little things even of personal nature, the young look up to the mother or the elder sister. They would keep the clothes in the wardrobe they would prepare the dress for the school and put it in order every morning, they would even arrange the school bag whether it contains all that is required the books and notebooks for the day, the pen with ink or lead and the pencil sharpened. The tiffin box should be got ready and then even the study table should be set right and of course, the bed to be put in order. The soap, the shampoo, the powder toothpaste, the brush the towel all to be there in the bathroom. Someone should always be looking after all these items. So much dependence, so much no-care attitude, so much demanding, so much supplying this is normally to be found in every home. The young grow a little too indulgent.

Long Essay on Life In A Hostel 500 Words in English

Short essay on life in a hostel 200 words in english, 10 lines on life in a hostel.

  • What are the advantages of hostel life?
  • How do you deal with Hostel Life?
  • What is hostel life for students?
  • What good qualities can hostel life develop?

Long and Short Essays on Life In A Hostel Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Life In A Hostel’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the Life In A Hostel of 400-500 words. This long essay about Life In A Hostel is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Life In A Hostel of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Below we have given a long essay on Life In A Hostel of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Sent to the hostel, that one who had remained so much dependent for everything on his or her mother or elder sister or servants, finds himself, initially at a loss. How to adjust, how to manage, how to look after everything by himself. The house-master would come for a surprise inspection and he should find everything spic and span, everything in order no clothes lying on the bed all properly folded and kept in the wardrobe; the study table properly set books and notebooks all kept arranged and the pen and pencil kept in the pencil box. The bed should have been well-set no servant or maid to do it.

So this is training in self-help which is the first and foremost lesson that one learns from the hostel life.

Qualities Hostel Life can Develop

The other very important training is discipline. Fixed hours and timings for everything time to leave the bed in the morning not that turning over sides while the mother cajoling to make you leave the bed or else would get late for school none to do that. A quick bath and dressing up, setting the school bag, nothing to be missed.

The bell rings calling each one to the dining hall for breakfast. The same menu for all no cringing, no crying that you like this and do not like that, or you want this or you want that. The menu, of course, would keep changing every morning new things added or served but the same for all.

It is a lesson learned in developing a taste for all kinds of food a disciplining of the palate, which does not happen in the home. There the mother keeps caring about what he or she likes more and whatnot.

The school hours, the lunch recess, the evening games, the dinner, and completing the classwork all has to go on in a regulated daily manner. The mind has to get set to the pattern and any delay or divergence would go wrong. Regulated way of life is another lesson that hostel life teaches.

The most important lesson that hostel life gives is the trailing incorporate living together. It is a lesson in Social living; in Sociability; in learning the spirit of adjustment and accommodation. This is a great lesson that goes a long way in later life on the Social front.

Hostel life thus has many things to learn, but there are, sometimes, many things that this life gives an occasion to, which can spoil one’s life.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

Below we have given a short essay on Life In A Hostel is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

At home, there is the mother, the father, sisters and brothers who give you company as also keep a watch on you. In the hostel if you catch the company of bad boys and if there is some laxity in Superintendence you can fall into evil ways, take to drugs, or indulge in late-night cinema shows and there is no one so concerned about you as a mother, a sister or a brother can be. The result can be a complete disaster in life.

Discipline is best that comes from within.

Hostel life, thus, has many good things and makes one’s life disciplined, organized, and self-reliant but if the track goes wrong it would mean a derailment and permanent damage.

Essay on Hostel Life

  • Life in a hostel is helpful to the students.
  • It teaches them a sense of responsibility and they become self-dependent.
  • Hostel life teaches many lessons — self-dependence, self-reliance, and disciplined way of life.
  • Most importantly they will adjust to all kinds of situations.
  • At home, the young remain dependent on the mother, the elder sister, or the servant, but in the hostel, everything has to be done by himself.
  • Hostel life gives one the training to develop a taste for whatever food is served. At home, one can show his own preferences and throw his own tantrums in the matter of food.
  • A regulated way of life is learned in a hostel’s life.
  • The most important lesson learned is to incorporate living; an adjustment and social accommodation with others.
  • There is the other side of the hostel life too.
  • Following in bad company and if there is any laxity in supervision one can go wrong, and very wrong sometimes — take to drugs or indulgence into other evils as there is no mother, sister, brother, or father to take any personal care about one’s welfare.

FAQs on Essay on Life in a Hostel

1.  What are the advantages of hostel life?

In the hostel, life is full of opportunities for both amusement and studies. You will get a sense of responsibility as well as independence.

2. How do you deal with Hostel Life?

Be polite with Hostel Staff and friendly with Roommates. Learn to adjust and this trick will help you deal with anything that comes your way in Hostel Life.

3. What is hostel life for students?

Life in a hostel makes a student self-dependent. It makes him smart, active, and disciplined.

4. What good qualities can hostel life develop?

Mutual cooperation, sympathy, discipline, and love are qualities that you can develop during your hostel life.

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life in English for Children and Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Essay on Hostel Life: Hostel life is considered the best part of a student’s life. Those who have experienced it swear by it and those who haven’t wish they could. Hostel life comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. Hostel life is full of friends, fun and independence. It gives numerous memories to the students to cherish forever. A student who has experienced hostel life is better off at taking decisions and forming viewpoint about various things.

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However, hostel life also has certain set of disadvantages. With independence and absence of guardian, it needs strong determination to stick to your schedule of studies and other extracurricular activities. Hostel life also presents the challenge of resisting wrong temptations wrong habits that could spoil health, career and life as well.

Long and Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life in English

Below we are providing Long and Short Essays on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

After going through the essays you will get to know complete facts about a hostel life, how it’s like staying in a hostel, what are the advantages and disadvantages of staying in a hostel etc.

You can go with anyone Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life essay which you like the most:

Short Essay on Hostel Life of a Student – Essay 1 (200 words)

Hostel life is a beautiful phase. It takes a few days for new students to adjust to the environment of the hostel. However, they soon get accustomed to the same and begin a journey which is cherished for a long time.

Children these days are extremely pampered. They get what they want and are taken utmost care of. From eating to sleeping to shopping, their parents are always there to take care of every little detail. However, once they are enrolled at a hostel and begin their life at this new place they need to learn to be more independent and less demanding. They require taking care of all their day to day needs on their own.

From ironing their clothes to shopping the things of necessity, they learn to do everything on their own. While they may find it a little difficult at times, it is also quite exciting to have found this feeling of independence. They learn to tackle different situations and take decisions on various matters on their own. They learn about the beauty and power of friendship. Friendships made during the hostel life last for a life time.

There is one thing that most students despise about the hostel life and that is the hostel food. However, all in all it is a great experience.

Essay on My Hostel Life Experience – Essay 2 (300 words)


My father is in a transferable job and hence has to move to a new city every three years. This was impacting my studies as the study pattern and teaching methods differ from place to place. Just when I used to get accustomed to the teachers, students and the school environment after great difficulty, we got the news that we had to move to a different city. In order to overcome this problem, my parents decided to enroll me at a hostel.

Hostel Life Made Me Bold and Confident

As I began my hostel life, I took a few weeks to set myself emotionally and adjust to the new environment just as every new student at the hostel does. However, I soon got accustomed to the new place and made quite a few friends. I had been quite shy and reserved before I entered the hostel three year back. I was dependent on my parents for every small need.

However, the hostel life has turned me into a bold and confident person. I can now deal with difficult situations with ease. I do not panic or get emotional easily. I have emerged as a strong person. This may be because living in a hostel teaches us to live independently and we are bound to take charge of our life.

Hostel is like a Second Home for Me

As excited as I am to visit my home, I am equally excited to get back to the hostel as the vacation comes to end. I look forward to meeting my friends and living my life over in that small hostel room. I look forward to the table tennis room where I spend hours setting new records and the hostel ground where I sit with my friends chit chatting about various things. Hostel has become a second home for me.

To conclude, I can say that hostel is the best thing that has happened to me. It has changed my personality for good.

Essay on Hostel Life is Good or Bad? – Essay 3 (400 words)

Ask a hostel student if life in hostel is good or bad and he will narrate all the pros and cons of the hostel life. However, if you ask an adult who has had an experience of living in a hostel, he is likely to narrate his memories fondly and tell you that it was the best phase of his life. This is because there are certain difficulties of living in the hostel however the benefits it offers surpass them and with time it is only the good that we remember. However, everyone can have a different experience.

Hostel Life is Largely Good

I have been living in the hostel for around four years now and my experience has largely been good. I am quite attached to my parents and being the only child I have always been quite pampered. My parents and grandparents have showered me with immense love and taken care of all my needs.

This is why the initial days in the hostel were very difficult for me. I was in fifth standard when my parents enrolled me here. I had never lived even a single day without my mother until that time. It was extremely hard for me to live without her particularly. However, I soon became friends with my roommates and the joy ride began. I was fortunate to have found like-minded roommates.

Gradually, we found out that we had a lot in common and so much to talk about. We have become the best of friends since then. We study, play, dance and enjoy numerous other activities together. Their friendship is the best part of my hostel life. There is just no boredom when you are in a hostel as you are always surrounded by friends.

I also love the fact that living in hostel has made me independent. I have learned to observe and understand people and situations before taking any decision about them. This has made me more confident.

But I really miss the home-cooked food. I look forward to the holidays not only because I am eager to meet my family but also because I crave for the yummy food made by my mother. Ironing the clothes and cleaning my bathroom are few other things that I despise about the hostel. But it is a part and parcel of the hostel life.

To conclude, I would say, I am grateful to my parents for letting me experience the wonderful hostel life. This has made me grow mature and take care of most of my needs on my own.

Essay on Hostel Life vs. Home Life – Essay 4 (500 words)

There is a big difference between the hostel life and home life. Both these have their set of pros and cons. Every student must experience the hostel life to know the perks it offers as well as the difficulties one has to face living in the hostel.

Hostel Life vs. Home Life

Here is how the hostel life and home life are different from each other:

  • Rules and Regulations

Hostels have certain set of rules and regulations that the students are bound to follow. The hostel warden is there to ensure that each and every student follows the rules and leads a disciplined life. However, at home there are no strict rules. While our parents do set certain rules for us they are flexible with them many a times unlike the warden who is stringent about the rules.

  • Use of Internet

The use of internet is restricted in the hostel. Unlike our house we do not get the benefit of enjoying unlimited Wi-Fi connection. Most of the hostels allow the students to use internet for few hours a day and that too for study purpose. Though many students have mobile phones these days, they do not get enough pocket money to take an unlimited data connection.

  • No Choice of Food

At home, we get the privilege of having what we want. All we have to do is to ask our mother for the same. However, in hostel there is no such choice. Students living in the hostel have to eat what is available irrespective of whether they like it or not.

  • No Late Entry

Students are not allowed to come back to hostel late at night. So, they cannot enjoy late night parties or movies whereas most of us our lucky to have parents who allow us to go out with friends late at night at times.

  • Outside Friends Not Allowed

We can only have fun with our hostel buddies when we are living in a hostel. Girls’ entry in a boys’ hostel and vice-versa is particularly a strict no. However, there is no such restriction at home.

  • Taking Care of Needs

At home our parents are there to take care of every single need of ours. We do not have to wash and iron our clothes or go shopping for the daily need goods. However, in hostel we need to do all of these things on our own.

While at home, we may get bored at times, in hostel there is no scope of getting boredom as our friends are always around and most of them are up to some fun stuff.

I have stayed at home and studied at a regular school until fifth standard and am living in the hostel for the last five years. With my experience, I can say that while both hostel life and home life are different and have their own set of pros and cons, hostel life is anytime better as we get a learn a lot from it. It is a great experience and shapes us for good. A student who has lived in a hostel is better prepared to take up various challenges in life.

Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life – Essay 5 (600 words)

Hostel life is challenging yet exciting. It offers numerous advantages but also comes with its set of disadvantages. One can clearly tell the difference between a student who lives in a hostel and one who lives with parents and goes to a regular school. Those who get the opportunity to stay in a hostel are likely to become bolder and more confident. However, they may also incur certain negative traits. Here is a look at the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life.

Advantages of Hostel Life

Let us first look at the advantages of hostel life:

  • Teaches Independence

Hostel life teaches students to become more independent. They learn to take charge of their life by taking decisions solely in different situations.

  • Boosts Confidence

Students are faced with different situations and meet all types of people while living in the hostel. Dealing with different situations and people over the years boosts their confidence.

  • Makes Bolder

Students living in the hostel also tend to get bolder compared to those who live with their parents and attend regular school. They are better prepared to tackle various challenges in life.

  • Instils Discipline

Hostels have certain set of rules that need to be followed at all times. The students are expected to wake up, take bath, reach their college and sleep at the same time each day. Students who do not follow the rules are punished severely so they do not repeat the mistake. This instils discipline in them.

  • Introduces to Various Cultures

Students from various cultural backgrounds come to stay in the hostels. Living with each other day in and day out, the students learn about their culture and traditions.

  • Builds Long Lasting Friendships

Staying away from the family, hostel buddies are there to take care of each other. They develop an emotional connect with one another over the time. Hostel is the place where people make long lasting friendships and memories to cherish forever.

  • Teaches New Skills

Hostel students need to do all their tasks on their own. They learn several new skills such as washing clothes, ironing them, cleaning their room, keeping their books tidy, purchasing stuff on budget and even cooking.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Here is a look at the disadvantages of hostel life:

  • Introverts May Face Difficulty

Introverts may have a difficult time interacting with their hostel mates and making new friends. They are often left out and cry their heart out when alone as they miss their family badly.

  • Living Far From Family

Living far from the family is difficult for everyone. Many students get extremely emotional at times as they are reminded of the good times spent with their family. It is particularly difficult for the students to return to hostel after the vacations.

  • Difficulty Adjusting in Family Atmosphere

While initially the students get emotional at the thought of staying away from their family, living in the hostel for a few years often makes it difficult for them to adjust in the family atmosphere. They grow so accustomed to taking their own decisions and living their way that they do not like any suggestions from their parents and want to live independently.

  • Quality of Food

The quality of food in hostels is not very good. Besides, there is no choice. Students need to eat what they get whether they like it or not.

  • No one to Take Care

Falling sick is the worst part. While the hostel buddies try to take care of each other however they cannot take care like the parents. Thus, recovering from illness often takes a lot of time.

Hostel life offers both advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on the student on how he/ she deals with it and what he imbibes from his stay in the hostel.

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Simple English Essay on Hostel Life for Children and Students

Hostel life is viewed as the best part of a student’s life. The individuals who have experienced it depend on it and the individuals who haven’t wish they could. Hostel life accompanies its arrangement of favorable circumstances and impediments. Hostel life is loaded with companions, fun, and freedom. It gives various recollections to the students to esteem until the end of time. A student who has experienced hostel life is in an ideal situation to make choices and shape perspectives about different things.

However, hostel life likewise has certain disadvantages. With freedom and no parents, it needs solid assurance to adhere to your schedule of studies and other extracurricular activities. Hostel life additionally shows the challenge of opposing bad habits that could ruin health, profession, and life also.

Example #1 of Simple English Essay on Hostel Life for Children and Students

Hostel life is a delightful stage. It takes a couple of days for new students to adjust to the hostel conditions. However, before long get acclimated with the equivalent and start an adventure, which is appreciated for quite a while.

Youths nowadays are amazingly spoiled. They get what they need and are taking the most extreme steps. From eating to resting to shopping, their parents are consistently there to deal with each and every detail. However, when they are selected at a hostel and start their life at this new place they have to figure out how to be increasingly autonomous and less demanding. They require dealing with all their everyday needs all alone.

From pressing their garments to shopping the things of need, they figure out how to do everything all alone. While they may think that it’s somewhat troublesome now and again, it is likewise very energizing to have discovered this sentiment of freedom. They figure out how to handle various circumstances and make choices on different issues without anyone else. They find out about the magnificence and intensity of fellowship. Companionships made during the hostel life keep going for an actual existence time.

There is one thing that most students loathe about hostel life, and that is the hostel food. However, with everything taken into account, it is an extraordinary experience.

Example #2 of Simple English Essay on Hostel Life for Children and Students

My dad is in a transferable job and subsequently needs to move to another city like clockwork. This was affecting my examinations as the investigation example, and training strategies vary all around. Exactly when I used to get familiar with the teachers, students, and the school condition after incredible trouble, we got the news that we needed to move to another city. To conquer this issue, my parents chose to select me at a hostel.

As I started my hostel life, I took half a month to set myself sincerely and change following the new condition similarly to each new student at the hostel does. However, I, before long, got acquainted with the new place and made many companions. I had been very modest and saved before I entered the hostel. I was reliant on my parents for each little need.

In any case, hostel life has transformed me into an intense and sure individual. I would now be able to manage troublesome circumstances easily. I don’t freeze or get enthusiastic effectively. I have risen as a tough individual. This might be because living in a hostel instructs us to live autonomously, and we will undoubtedly assume responsibility for our life.

As energized as I am to visit my home, I am similarly eager to return to the hostel as the vacation reaches the end. I anticipate meeting my companions and carrying on with my life over in that little hostel room. I expect the table tennis room where I go through hours establishing new precedents and the hostel ground where I sit with my companions chattering about different things. The hostel has become a second home for me.

The Final Words

To finish up, I can say that the hostel is the best thing that has happened to me. It has changed my character for good.

Example #3 of Simple English Essay on Hostel Life for Children and Students

Ask students whether life in a hostel is fortunate or unfortunate, and he will portray every one of the upsides and downsides of the hostel life. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you ask a grown-up who has had an experience of living in a hostel, he is probably going to portray his recollections affectionately and reveal to you that it was the best period of his life. This is because there are sure challenges of living in the hostel anyway the advantages it offers outperform them, and with time, it is just the decency that we recall. Notwithstanding, everybody can have an alternate experience.

Hostel Life is Largely Good

I have been living in the hostel for around four years now, and my experience has, to a great extent, been great. I am very appended to my parents, and being a single child, I have consistently been very spoiled. My parents and grandparents have given me immense love and dealt with every one of my needs.

This is the reason the underlying days in the hostel were tough for me. I was in the fifth standard when my parents selected me here. I had never lived even a single day without my mom until that time. It was amazingly difficult for me to live without her, especially. Nonetheless, I before long became companions with my roommates, and the moonlight trip started. I was blessed to have discovered similar roommates.

Step by step, we discovered that we shared a ton for all intents and purposes, thus a lot to discuss. We have become the best of companions from that point forward. We study, play, move, and appreciate various activities together. Their kinship is the best part of my hostel life. There is only no weariness when you are in a hostel as you are always encompassed by companions.

I additionally love the way that living in the hostel has made me autonomous. I have figured out how to watch and get individuals and circumstances before taking any choice about them. This has made me progressively sure.

Yet, I truly miss the home-prepared food. I anticipate the special seasons not just because I am anxious to meet my family, however, besides, since I desire the yummy food made by my mom. Pressing the garments and cleaning my restroom are scarcely any different things that I disdain about the hostel. However, it is a vital part of hostel life.

To close, I would state, I am appreciative of my parents for giving me a chance to experience the excellent hostel life. This has caused me to become experienced and deal with a large portion of my needs all alone.

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Essay on “Hostel life of a student” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Hostel life of a student

6 Best Essay on “Hostel Life”

Essay No. 01


Synopsis: – Hostel is a place where food and lodging are provided for students or certain groups of workers or tourists. Generally, a student stays in a hostel when his residence is located far from the educational institution food in a hostel is served in the mess. A hostel has a common room, a library, and a reading room. It also has facilities for games and sports. Students belonging to different regions and cultures stay together in a hostel. They learn the lesson of co-operation; Students learn many things in a hostel. It makes their life regular and systematic. They learn the lessons of punctuality and discipline. They develop their personality. They learn to be independent. School children in a hostel are guided by teachers and wardens. Ragging often takes place in a hostel. Students may go astray in a hostel. Parents should visit them regularly and give them precis of advice.

A hostel is a place where food and lodging are provided for students or certain groups of workers or tourists. Life in a hostel is different from life in a home. Generally, a student stays in a hostel when his residence is located far from the educational institution. Life in a hostel makes a student self-dependent. It makes him smart, active, and disciplined.

A hostel has a mess which at times is run on a co-operative basis. Food is served in the mess. The washerman and the barber visit the hostel regularly. Some students wash their own clothes. Others give their clothes to the washerman.

A hostel has a common room. Here are students assemble to watch television. They also discuss in groups the daily events, politics, current issues, etc. A hostel generally has a library. Many hostels have reading halls adjacent to the library. A hostel has facilities for indoor games. Some hostels have facilities for outdoor games like basketball, volleyball, badminton, etc. Unlike a hostel meant for students, a hostel for workers and tourists may not have these facilities. Life in a hostel is community life. They live together, eat together and go out together. They enjoy excursions and parties. Life is merry and jovial in a hostel.

Various types of students are found in a hostel. Some are very studious. They always remain busy with their studies. Some are mischievous. They give little time to studies. They spend their time moving around playing and bullying others or making runs or others. Students should not misuse their time. They should utilize their time in studies, games, debates, group discussions, and other such fruitful activities.

Students learn many things in the hostel. They help one another in the hour of need. They become enduring friends. They learn to become independent. In the hostel, students have to live according to the rules of the hostel. They have to wake up on time, sleep on time, have food on time, study on time, etc. This helps them in maintaining discipline in their lifestyles.

In hostels, students have to do a number of chores by themselves like taking care of their belongings, washing their clothes, making their beds, etc. This helps them to be self-reliant. They learn what is right and what is wrong. Here, they do not depend on their parents. They depend on themselves. School children staying in hostels are guided by wardens and teachers. The adults are masters of themselves. Hostel life makes the student’s life regular and systematic.

Students of educational institutions may face problems in a hostel in the beginning. Ragging generally takes place in a hostel. Senior students make fun of junior students. Unfortunately, at times, ragging crosses all limits of decency. Effective steps need to be taken to prevent ragging.

There are also chances of students going astray in hostels. They should be properly guided by the hostel authorities. Students stay away from their parents in a hostel. They crave the love and affection of their parents. They feel homesick. Some students who are not very good at studies, in the absence of proper guidance, neglect their studies. Some students feel free from all bondages and become masters of their own will as they are away from their parents. In such cases, students may choose evil companies and form bad habits. Parents should visit them regularly and give them emotional support and guidance to help them walk on the correct path.

Students face life practically on their own in a hostel. Life in a hostel instills confidence in them. They develop their personality. They learn to face the problems in life. They learn to be self-disciplined, regular, and punctual. They develop a feeling of respect for other religions and cultures. They learn to help and cooperate with one another. They learn social etiquette and lead a better and more disciplined life. Hostel life thus helps them to develop many good qualities and make the students good citizens.

Essay No. 2

Hostel Life

Hostel life is a free and sacred life. It is very conducive to living. The atmosphere is quite congenial for studies and suitable for the qualities of domestic life like co-operation, fellow- felling, and self–managing affairs. If a student takes it seriously, he can develop all qualities of a good citizen.

A student who lives in a hostel is free from ordinary anxieties and cares. He can concentrate his mind fully on his studies. Besides, he can take part in social activities and can learn many virtues from his senior students.

He can also increase his knowledge and remove his weaknesses. Thus, he becomes mannerly, polished, and cultured. His shyness fades always. He learns to speak fluently and express his ideas. It is because he mixes up with different types of students. he learns how to behave in society. He acquires good manners and in the future becomes a disciplined man and good citizen.

Life in a hostel is full of responsibilities. You are free from the sharp eye of your parents and elders but here you are to use your own intellect. You can fall easy prey to evil ways, bad company, drugs, smoking, wastage of time, and whatnot. This is the real test of your true self. You can make or mar your career. A hostel accommodates both the good and bad students. it gives an opportunity to a good student to take the benefit of everything, all facilities at hand, good teachers, good library, laboratory. You do have not to worry about anything except your studies. If you are able to make a good shine like a diamond. But if your show yourself down, give way to evil ways, they will go on closing their grip on you, and ultimately it will be difficult for your to get freed.

Hostel life is a memorable period of one’s whole life. it gives us lifelong friends and memories. It makes you self-confident and responsible. It takes you out of your parental care and shows you the reality of life you tend to learn by your own mistakes. Your seniors are your best guides. You learn to respect them and try to go in their footsteps.

Essay No. 03

Life in a Hostel

Every student cannot say much about the life in a hostel. Only a student who lives in a hostel or has lived in a hostel can say something at length about it. However, anybody can imagine certain things which do not need any explanation or corroboration from an expert. I have some idea of the hostel life not from personal experience but on the basis of experience as told me by my brother who lived in a big hostel of a famous public school.

In the hostel, a student has to lead a much-disciplined life. He has to get up early in the morning and take physical exercise or have a race according to schedule, depending upon rules and orders from the Principal or the warden. These days in some hostels yoga and meditation lessons are also given.

There are fixed times for various meals like breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the hostel. Usually, a bell is rung at the appropriate time. Meals are taken by the hostelers, class or block-wise or all together. The hostelers also play indoor games or watch T.V in the hostel hall together. This encourages interaction, mental trust, and help. In some hostels, TV sets may be provided in individual rooms of the hostelers. But that does not diminish the spirit of oneness and brotherhood which the hostel life provides with by its very nature. In some hostels, there may be AC rooms but that is not there in all hostels.

The commonest problem faced by students in most of the hostels is that of meals. Many students who live in hostels complain of poor food served at meals. They say that the food served is tasteless, unpalatable, and insipid. However, in hostels where the hostelers themselves manage the hostel mess and canteen on a cooperative basis and employ good cooks, the students can arrange the choicest food at reasonable rates, sometimes even better than that they get at home.

The hostel students have good company during the session but at the end of it or on vacation they feel bored because of loneliness or lack of any routine work and often visit their homes and families to the great delight of themselves and members of their families.

Essay No. 04

Hostel life is entirely different from life at home. Many parents prefer to send their children to a hostel so that they are away from the homely – pleasure and learn to live and grow on their own. Hostel life provides the most ideal atmosphere for study. The students get more time and suitable atmosphere to do their studies, to get help or guidance for anything from their class-fellows and moreover, from seniors who are living close by. Even a careless or negligent student starts working hard when he sees his roommate or neighbor competing for the position. Thus hostel life inspires a lesson of mutual co-operation and the spirit of healthy competition

The greatest blessing for students away from home is the independence in hostel life. Nobody is there to question whether they go to bed late at night or get up late in the mornings. Everyone is a master of his own, in spite of the strict rules and regulations of the hostel. Those who love freedom like hostel life very much. Even during vacations, such students do not wish to visit their homes. Further, there is no elder to check the activities. The student does not have to live as other members of the family life and he is required to adjust on so many occasions. He is to keep in mind the convenience of others and may have to study in spite of the presence of guests at home.

In hostel life, a student may learn many good qualities after coming into contact with many other students from different cultures, states, and walks of life. A student can get inspiration from other mates in the hostel who daily go for morning walks or exercise. A single student can set good examples for other students in a hostel. The characteristics of good hostel life are love, co-operation, and sympathy for fellow friends. All-round development of the personality is possible by living for a few years in a hostel. The students are always in touch with people of their own age and who have varied aptitudes and tastes. Friends can be selected based on your own choice and liking.

In hostel life, students learn a lot from mutual discussions. Whether it is the political scene of the country or the criticism of the latest picture seen by them or about their favorite heroine or hero or about a cricket match or favorite sportspersons, every discussion becomes lively and a source of unlimited information and knowledge. Then there are holidays, special events like eating competitions and indoor or outdoor matches which make hostel life a thing of envy for others living in homes. Further, whenever any student falls ill, all other students take good care of him and provide him all types of help. They try to guide him for the missed periods of study in the classroom.

Hostel life has many drawbacks also just like the two sides of a coin. Sometimes, freedom of hostel life leads them astray. They find the atmosphere entirely new and free. They start following some spoilt children of the rich class and start asking for more and more money from their parents. They make it a routine to go to cinemas and waste time in only enjoyment and merry-making. Even some students start smoking, gambling, or even go to the extent of drinking. They do not care for the hard-earned money sent by their parents. However, such students have to repent in the latter part of their lives for not learning anything in spite of the best opportunities.

Hostel life can be made free from all above harmful effects by following specific and strict rules and regulations. These rules need to be implemented and not just written down for the record’s sake. The management of the hostel should be professional and practical in approach to achieve the ultimate success of its students.

Essay No. 05

Many students live in hostels. There they live a kind of life which is different from their life at home. This life in a hostel is known as hostel life. In a hostel, students of different places, different families, different tastes, and temperaments happen to live together. Here they sink down their differences and try to adjust with one another and learn how to live successfully in a large society after they leave their school. Here they learn how to live a corporate life with full sympathy and co-operation. So, hostel life is a good life no doubt. Hostel life is very advantageous for those who undertake it. The inmates get a better facility for study through discussion in a hostel than in any other place. Here they learn discipline through the rigor of rules and through mutual adjustment and cooperation.

Students living in hostels lead a very regular life. They are very punctual in their daily duties. They get up at right time. They bathe at right time. They pray to God at right time. They come back to the hostel at right time. They sit for lunch, dinner, and breakfast at the right times.

They sup and sleep at the right times. The bell of the hostel rings at the right points of time to make the inmates regular and punctual. On Saturdays and Sundays, they make feasts and picnics and eat with a happier mood. On holidays and holy days, they make merry with pomp and ceremony. The mess of the hostel is directly managed by the inmates. At the end of every month, they hold a meeting, discuss the mess accounts and elect a Manager for the succeeding month from among themselves. They eat foods of general nature. On Saturdays, they hold music and debates. On Sundays, they borrow books from the library of the hostel. Hostel-life suffers from the possible disadvantages. Lack of essential necessities and necessary provisions bears a very bad effect on hostel discipline.

Essay No. 06

There are certain schools which admit only day scholars but some both boarders and day scholars. And some take in only borders. I have studied in a school which requires students to be compulsorily boarders. To me, hostel life was a pleasure, but my parents were never too keen to send me there for a very long time. It was only when I turned fourteen that I was admitted to a boarding house. After all, a home is a home. But I tried to take advantage of my stay in a hostel. Why do students get an education? The purpose of education is to prepare students in such a way that when they step out of their limited society called school they should be able to face life’s challenges and shoulder responsibilities. They should be well-adjusted in society. It presents a life situation in a miniature form. There, they are taught how to cooperate and develop qualities of sportsmanship. They become independent and self-sufficient. In a hostel, every student is expected to work for himself. They cannot think of anyone else doing their work as they would normally expect at home. They become more disciplined as there is no one to pamper them. They have to say good-bye to sloth and they become active. They have to wash their own clothes, make their own bed, etc. They have to take good care of their health. Whenever they are ill, they have to remember to take their medicines in time. In a hostel, I started doing all these things myself. I found myself becoming more and more responsible. But once you start living in a hostel you miss home a lot. I felt lonely and miserable at times. The food in the dining hall was unpalatable and I began to lose weight. I used to often have an upset stomach and I missed the comforts of home a lot. At times the strict discipline of the hostel becomes too curbing and one feels like breaking away from the chains of hotel life. I do find hostel life great fun because I got to stay with my friends twenty-four hours a day and enjoy all school activities with them, but I did find myself craving for home life too. So, hostel life is a mixture of pain and pleasure, but it is greatly recommended for all students.

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life | Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life Essay for Students and Children

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life: A hostel is where usually students of an institute live together and supervised by an administration. The time spent by these students in those hostels is called the hostel life.

Hostels are aimed explicitly at providing budget-oriented, sociable accommodation for students studying outside their hometown. Living in a hostel is a lifetime experience that makes you grow as a person. You will immensely develop your collaborative spirit. You will love sharing your food, drinks, stories, and laughter with other students in the hostel. You will see that unity will be created with great ease, and the things you have in common with other hostellers will exceed your expectations.

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Long and Short Essays on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life for Students and Kids in English

We provide the students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on this topic.

Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

A hostel is a place where comfortable stay, healthy and safe accommodation is provided for the students of a school or college studying outside their hometown. Many students move in from a different town away from their home for their education, and hostels are meant for them, but nowadays even students from the same town are opting for a hostel. Their students live a kind of life which is way different from their life at home. This different life in the hostel is known as hostel life.

Hostel life that gives a student a sense of responsibility as well as independence. Hostel life will teach you many other things like teamwork, helping your hostel mates, a sense of unity and adjustment among other hostellers. A student comes in contact with several other students of the same age with different backgrounds in a hostel. A student tends to develop many good qualities from other hostellers. But at the same time, students are also vulnerable to the evil influence of others.

When a student sees his next-door neighbour doing positive things like daily taking morning exercise, he also gets inspired. He too tries to develop this healthy habit. One good student in a hostel may become an example for other 25 hostellers and inspire them. Co-operation among hostellers, sympathy for others, and unity are characteristics of hostel life. Only a hostel is the place where a student gains an all-round development of personality. On the other hand, taking the example of a few boys who negatively influence others like an addiction to smoke and drinking may also give the same habit to their roommates or other hostel mates. If there are advantages to hostels, then there are also a few disadvantages to it.

In a hostel, the life of a student is full of opportunities and learning along. One can be friends with one’s hostel fellows who have diverse tastes and aptitudes, which will likely help you out in studying. One may choose his friends according to his likes and interests and spend quality time without regrets. Activities like mutual discussions on a particular topic, lengthy criticism of the latest picture seen by them, and storytelling, add charm to hostel life. Suitable arrangements of games and competitions, Sunday specials and eating competitions, and day-to-day work makes the hostel life adventurous. Apart from fun-leisure activities, hostellers have an unbreakable unity and are always ready to help one another whenever needed.

Hostel life with its so many advantages has some disadvantages also. Students who are new to the hostel life, find an entirely new atmosphere and sometimes find it challenging to adjust. Sometimes, students take disadvantage of their freedom which leads them astray. This may lead them to do evil and bad things. They begin to smoke, gamble, even drink, and then deteriorate their academic career. Some students spend money carelessly and even borrow money from their friends and stay in debts.

Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The life of a student in a hostel is entirely different from that of life at home. The greatest blessing of hostel life is that it teaches you how to lead an independent life. Students deal with their struggles under an independent atmosphere and learn to take decisions of their own. Unlike home in hostel life, no one is after you repeatedly asking you to study, which gives you a great sense of responsibility. Apart from the hostel’s general rules and regulations, which are to be followed by every student, one has to deal with their problems and learn to control his life.

Hostel life can be an enjoyable journey for students. Many students of the same age live together and study in the same or different class in a hostel. Thus, students of the same nature develop great intimacy among themselves while getting their freedom and developing a sense of self-responsibility. Studying, cooperating, and living together develop a great sense of oneness among the hostellers and grow unity and fellow-feeling spirit. Hostels give an excellent environment for studying unlike at home, where for most of the time one can get occupied by some of the other domestic duties which interfere with their studies a lot.

10 Lines on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life in English

  • As students living in hostels are not under their families’ care, they develop a sense of responsibility, independence, and self-reliability.
  • Individuals from the habit of co-operation with friends and learn the art of cultivating working and behaviour.
  • Living in the hostel that is usually located inside the campus helps save your travelling time and travelling expenses.
  • One gets a chance to develop a friendship with classmates who will help you out whenever needed.
  • Hostels provide the best atmosphere for study. If hostellers enjoy the hostel life in numerous ways, they also work very hard to achieve their goals when the time comes for it.
  • Hostel life tends to develop healthy competition and co-operation among hostellers.
  • The absence of care and love, which only parents can give students a nagging sense of loneliness.
  • A lot of students have the problem digesting the hostel food served at the mess.
  • Influence of bad company may lead a student towards smoking, drugs, drinking, and other nasty things.
  • Living conditions of a hostel are far less comfortable than that at home.

FAQ’s on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life Essay

Question 1. Which is a better hostel life or home life?

Answer: Rules and regulations are not applicable at home, but rules and regulations bind hostel life. To be able to live in a hostel, a student has to pay fees for staying. At the same time, no fee is needed to enjoy home life. Homelife is more comfortable than a hostel life. But living in a hostel will enhance your overall development of personality.

Question 2. Is hostel life good or bad?

Answer: Living in a hostel will teach you many other things like teamwork, helping your roommates, a sense of unity and adjustment etc. In a hostel, a student tends to acquire many good qualities from roommates and other hostellers, and at the same time, they are also vulnerable to the evil influence of the others.

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Essay on “Hostel Life” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

Hostel Life

Essay No. 01

Hostel life is a free and sacred life. It is very conducive to living. The atmosphere is quite congenial for studies and suitable for the qualities of domestic life like co-operation, fellow-feeling and self-managing affairs. If a student takes it seriously, he can develop all qualities of a good citizen.

A student who lives in a hostel is free from ordinary anxieties and cares. He can concentrate his mind fully on his studies. Besides, he can take part in social activities and can learn many virtues from his senior students.

He can also increase his knowledge and remove his weaknesses. Thus, he becomes mannerly, polished and cultured. Shyness fades always lie learns to speak fluently and express his ideas. It is because he mixes up with different types of students. He learns how to behave in society. He acquires good manners and in future becomes a disciplined man and good citizen.

Life in a hostel is full of responsibilities. You are free from the sharp eye of your parents and elders but here you are to use your own intellect. You can fall an easy prey to evil ways, bad company, drugs, smoking, wastage of time and what not. This the real test of your true self. You can make or mar your career. A hostel accommodates both the good and bad students. It gives an opportunity to a good student to take the benefit of everything, all facilities at hand, good teachers, good library, laboratory. You have not to worry about my thing except your studies. If you are able to make a good image of yourself, the evil will itself fly from you. You can shine like a diamond. But if you show yourself down, give way to evil ways, they will go on closing their grip on you and ultimately it will be difficult for you to get freed.

Hostel life is a memorable period of one’s whole life. It gives us lifelong friends and memories. It makes you self confident and responsible. It takes you out of your parental care and shows you the reality of life you tend to learn by your own mistakes. Your seniors are your best guides. You learn to respect them and try to go on their footsteps.

Essay No. 02

Majority of students live in their own homes but there are those also who have to study in hostels.

Hostel life is not easy because the day a student joins a hostel he has to live a life of discipline and punctuality, but soon the charm of new life, new friends makes him happy.

In a hostel, a student learns to be more responsible, generous and helpful to others and also be his own master.

Life in hostel teaches one to be disciplined and also many useful lessons which he can never learn from books. In hostels, students come from different backgrounds and mix with each other and form a lifelong friendship.

Moreover in hostel, students learn to be punctual in their studies and correct in behaviour. They are aware of the watchful eyes of the hostel warden and know that they would be punished if they misbehave. Certain irregularities of conduct can be tolerated by parents but not in hostel life.

Life in hostel teaches cooperation to students for they dine together, play together and enjoy themselves. Moreover in hostel, students understand the value of money also for they are not allowed to spend their money without proper reasons. Students become all-rounder in a hostel as they are encouraged to take part in various activities. This also boosts their confidence.

Thus hostel life teaches students to be disciplined, independent, self confident and cooperative and gives students an opportunity to become better individuals.

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Essay on Hostel Life in English – Best for class 6,7,8,9,10

Today, In this article we are going to write essay on Hostel Life in English in 400 words. This article is about Hostel Life.

This post can help the school students who are looking “Hostel Life par nibandh English mein” . We briefing about “Hostel Life in the English” which is very useful for student.

This essay on “Hostel Life” is generally useful for class 7, class 8, class 9 and 10 .

Table of Content

Hostel life: an exciting journey for school students, living with other students: a chance to learn and grow, academic support: a great learning environment, independence and responsibility: the right balance, opportunities for extracurricular activities: a platform for talent, challenges of hostel life: the other side of the coin.

  • FAQ about Hostel Life

Essay on Hostel Life

Simple essay on Hostel Life in English

For school students, hostel life can be an exciting journey full of new experiences, challenges, and opportunities for personal growth. Living away from home and parents can be a daunting experience, but with the right attitude and preparation, it can be a fulfilling experience. In this essay, we will explore the various aspects of hostel life and how it can benefit school students.

Hostel life offers school students the chance to live with other students from different backgrounds and cultures. This experience can be a great opportunity to learn from others and develop new perspectives. Living with others teaches valuable life skills like sharing, empathy, and teamwork. It helps in developing social skills and improving communication abilities.

The environment in hostels is favorable for learning. Most hostels have study rooms, libraries, and tutors who are available to help students with their academics. The constant presence of fellow students who are also studying can be an excellent motivator and provide a sense of community.

Hostel life is a perfect balance between independence and responsibility. School students are given the freedom to manage their time and schedules while also being held accountable for their actions. This balance helps in developing self-discipline and self-motivation. Hostel life helps to build confidence, resourcefulness, and problem-solving skills, which are essential life skills for any student.

Hostels offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, music, and drama. Students can take advantage of these opportunities to pursue their interests, showcase their talents and develop new skills. Participating in extracurricular activities can also help in building social connections and creating a sense of community among students.

Hostel life is not without its challenges. Homesickness, culture shock, and adapting to a new environment can be stressful for students. Some students may find it hard to adjust to the new surroundings, while others may find it challenging to manage their time and schedule. Nonetheless, with proper resources and support, it is possible to overcome these challenges.

Hostel life is an exciting journey for school students, full of opportunities for personal growth, academic support, and extracurricular activities. Hostel life provides a platform for students to learn, grow, and become independent, responsible individuals. While the challenges of hostel life can be daunting, with the right attitude, preparation, and support, students can overcome them and emerge as better individuals.

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Q. What is hostel life for school students?

Ans: It is a form of accommodation where students live together away from home.

Q. What are the benefits of hostel life for school students?

Ans: It provides opportunities for personal growth, academic support, and extracurricular activities.

Q. What life skills can students learn from hostel life?

Ans: Skills such as sharing, empathy, teamwork, self-discipline, and problem-solving.

Q. What challenges can school students face in hostel life?

Ans: Homesickness, culture shock, and adapting to a new environment.

Q. How can students overcome challenges in hostel life?

Ans: With the right attitude, preparation, and support.

Q. What is the ideal balance between independence and responsibility in hostel life?

Ans: It is the freedom to manage time and schedules while being held accountable for actions.

We hope you like this post about essay on Hostel Life in English . We are very glad to help the students to do their homework in an effective way. This was a “Hostel Life ka essay English mein” . This type of questions generally asked the students in their schools to write essay on Hostel Life.

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School Essay

Essay On Hostel Life

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Set 1: Essay On Hostel Life

Education is to prepare students in such a way that when they step out of their limited society into the real world they should be able to face life’s challenges and shoulder responsibilities. Hostels are a small world which teach us how to cooperate and develop the qualities of sportsmanship. In hostels, students become independent and self sufficient. There the students can not expect anything to be done for them. They have to do everything on their own. They become more disciplined as there is no one to pamper them. But many a times students miss their homes and the comforts of home. Strict disciplines of the hostels too become curbic and one feels like coming back to home. Hostels are a mixture of pain and pleasure but it should be a must for all the students to let him become more realistic.

Set 2: Essay On Life in a Hostel

Living in a hostel is a lesson in itself. While living at home the young does not turn into a self-dependent being for this thing and for that for little things even of personal nature, the young look up to the mother or the elder sister. They would keep the clothes in the wardrobe they would prepare the dress for the school and put it in order every morning, they would even arrange the school bag whether it contains all that is required the books and notebooks for the day, the pen with ink or lead and the pencil sharpened. The tiffin box should be got ready and then even the study table should be set right and of course, the bed to be put in order. The soap, the shampoo, the powder – toothpaste, the brush – the towel- all to be there in the bathroom. Someone should always be looking after all these items. So much dependence, so much no-care attitude, so much demanding, so much supplying this is normally to be found in every home. The young grows a little too indulgent.

Sent to the hostel, that one who had remained so much dependent for everything on his or her mother or elder sister or servants, finds himself, initially at a loss. How to adjust, how to manage, how to lookafter every thing by himself. The house-master would come for surprise inspection and he should find everything spic and span, everything in order no clothes lying on the bed all properly folded and kept in the wardrobe; the study table properly set – books and notebooks all kept arranged and the pen and pencil kept in the pencil box. The bed should have been well-set – no servant or maid to do it.

So this is a training in self-help which is the first and foremost lesson that one learns from the hostel life.

The other very important training is in discipline. Fixed hours and timings for everything time to leave the bed in the morning not that turning over sides while the mother cajoling to make you leave the bed or else would get late for school none to do that. A quick bath and dressing up, setting the school bag, nothing to be missed.

The bell rings calling each one to the dining hall for breakfast. The same menu for all no cringing, no crying that you like this and do not like that, or you want this or you want that. The menu, of course, would keep changing every morning new things added or served but the same for all. – –

It is a lesson learnt in developing a taste for all kinds of food a disciplining of the palate, which does not happen in the home. There the mother keeps caring what he or she likes more and what not.

The school hours, the lunch recess, the evening games, the dinner and completing the class work – all has to go on in a regulated daily manner. The mind has to get set to the pattern and any delay or divergence would go wrong.

Regulated way of life is another lesson that hostel life teaches. The most important lesson that hostel life gives is the training in corporate living – living together. It is a lesson in Social living; in Sociability; in learning the spirit of adjustment and accommodation. This is a great lesson which goes a long way in later life on the Social front.

Hostel life, thus has many things to learn, but there are, sometimes, many things that this life gives an occasion to, which can spoil one’s life.

At home, there is the mother, the father, sisters and brothers who give you company as also keep a watch on you. In the hostel if you catch company of bad boys and if there is some laxity in Superintendence you can fall into evil ways, take to drugs or indulge in late night cinerna shows and there is no one so concerned about you as a mother, a sister or a brother can be. The result can be a complete disaster in life.

Discipline is best that comes from within.Hostel life, thus, has many good things and make one’s life disciplined, organised and self-reliant but if the track goes wrong it would mean a derailment and a permanent damage.

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Simple English Essay on Hostel Life for Children and Students

Hostel life is viewed as the best part of a student’s life. The individuals who have experienced it depend on it and the individuals who haven’t wish they could. Hostel life accompanies its arrangement of favorable circumstances and impediments. Hostel life is loaded with companions, fun, and freedom. It gives various recollections to the students to esteem until the end of time. A student who has experienced hostel life is in an ideal situation to make choices and shape perspectives about different things.

However, hostel life likewise has certain disadvantages. With freedom and no parents, it needs solid assurance to adhere to your schedule of studies and other extracurricular activities. Hostel life additionally shows the challenge of opposing bad habits that could ruin health, profession, and life also.

Example #1 of Simple English Essay on Hostel Life for Children and Students

Hostel life is a delightful stage. It takes a couple of days for new students to adjust to the hostel conditions. However, before long get acclimated with the equivalent and start an adventure, which is appreciated for quite a while.

Youths nowadays are amazingly spoiled. They get what they need and are taking the most extreme steps. From eating to resting to shopping, their parents are consistently there to deal with each and every detail. However, when they are selected at a hostel and start their life at this new place they have to figure out how to be increasingly autonomous and less demanding. They require dealing with all their everyday needs all alone.

From pressing their garments to shopping the things of need, they figure out how to do everything all alone. While they may think that it’s somewhat troublesome now and again, it is likewise very energizing to have discovered this sentiment of freedom. They figure out how to handle various circumstances and make choices on different issues without anyone else. They find out about the magnificence and intensity of fellowship. Companionships made during the hostel life keep going for an actual existence time.

There is one thing that most students loathe about hostel life, and that is the hostel food. However, with everything taken into account, it is an extraordinary experience.

Example #2 of Simple English Essay on Hostel Life for Children and Students

My dad is in a transferable job and subsequently needs to move to another city like clockwork. This was affecting my examinations as the investigation example, and training strategies vary all around. Exactly when I used to get familiar with the teachers, students, and the school condition after incredible trouble, we got the news that we needed to move to another city. To conquer this issue, my parents chose to select me at a hostel.

As I started my hostel life, I took half a month to set myself sincerely and change following the new condition similarly to each new student at the hostel does. However, I, before long, got acquainted with the new place and made many companions. I had been very modest and saved before I entered the hostel. I was reliant on my parents for each little need.

In any case, hostel life has transformed me into an intense and sure individual. I would now be able to manage troublesome circumstances easily. I don’t freeze or get enthusiastic effectively. I have risen as a tough individual. This might be because living in a hostel instructs us to live autonomously, and we will undoubtedly assume responsibility for our life.

As energized as I am to visit my home, I am similarly eager to return to the hostel as the vacation reaches the end. I anticipate meeting my companions and carrying on with my life over in that little hostel room. I expect the table tennis room where I go through hours establishing new precedents and the hostel ground where I sit with my companions chattering about different things. The hostel has become a second home for me.

The Final Words

To finish up, I can say that the hostel is the best thing that has happened to me. It has changed my character for good.

Example #3 of Simple English Essay on Hostel Life for Children and Students

Ask students whether life in a hostel is fortunate or unfortunate, and he will portray every one of the upsides and downsides of the hostel life. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you ask a grown-up who has had an experience of living in a hostel, he is probably going to portray his recollections affectionately and reveal to you that it was the best period of his life. This is because there are sure challenges of living in the hostel anyway the advantages it offers outperform them, and with time, it is just the decency that we recall. Notwithstanding, everybody can have an alternate experience.

Hostel Life is Largely Good

I have been living in the hostel for around four years now, and my experience has, to a great extent, been great. I am very appended to my parents, and being a single child, I have consistently been very spoiled. My parents and grandparents have given me immense love and dealt with every one of my needs.

This is the reason the underlying days in the hostel were tough for me. I was in the fifth standard when my parents selected me here. I had never lived even a single day without my mom until that time. It was amazingly difficult for me to live without her, especially. Nonetheless, I before long became companions with my roommates, and the moonlight trip started. I was blessed to have discovered similar roommates.

Step by step, we discovered that we shared a ton for all intents and purposes, thus a lot to discuss. We have become the best of companions from that point forward. We study, play, move, and appreciate various activities together. Their kinship is the best part of my hostel life. There is only no weariness when you are in a hostel as you are always encompassed by companions.

I additionally love the way that living in the hostel has made me autonomous. I have figured out how to watch and get individuals and circumstances before taking any choice about them. This has made me progressively sure.

Yet, I truly miss the home-prepared food. I anticipate the special seasons not just because I am anxious to meet my family, however, besides, since I desire the yummy food made by my mom. Pressing the garments and cleaning my restroom are scarcely any different things that I disdain about the hostel. However, it is a vital part of hostel life.

To close, I would state, I am appreciative of my parents for giving me a chance to experience the excellent hostel life. This has caused me to become experienced and deal with a large portion of my needs all alone.

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Short Paragraph or Essay on Hostel Life of a Student

Essay on hostel life of a student.

Hostel life is both a boon as well as a curse. It has many advantages. A student can pursue his studies further in another city. He becomes independent. He can study at will, play at will and rest at will. He is free to make his own decisions.

He finds enough time at his disposal to study hard. He learns the habit of handling money. He is free in spending, wasting or saving money.He learns the habit of living in a group. It makes him social and co-operative. Hostel life has certain disadvantages also. The student enjoys unlicensed freedom. He lacks all check and control from the side of parents.

There are ample chances of his getting into silly and bad habits. He faces the worst situation when he falls ill or faces some other difficulty. His family members cannot support him on such occasions. By remaining lonely, he may feel neglected and turn out to be an incorrigible and undesirable citizen.

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Essay on Hostel Life | Advantages and Disadvantages

December 2, 2017 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

When we are born in this world, all of us have some elders beside us. Most of us have our parents with us when we are born. From the time we are born they start taking care of us. From when we are a baby till when we grow to do things on our own, our parents are always there to take care of us.

They make us eat our food, put us to sleep, bathe us, wash our clothes, make us silent when we cry, bring the games what we want, clear the mess which we do and many other things. There is no end to what our parents do for us. They sacrifice many things for us.

Out of this we will not be able to find out many of these sacrifices they have done for us in the past and are still doing for us. They mean everything to us and we mean everything to them. They are the first people with whom we form an attachment from the time we have first come into the world.

This is the reason why in the starting when we meet any new person, it is difficult for us to be with someone else. Even though we are small at that time we do not trust anyone else except our parents. We always want to stay close with our parents.

Even when they go away from us just for few seconds, we look for them in such a way that left us and have gone somewhere. We cannot let them go away from our eyes even for a fraction of seconds.

When we are big enough to join the primary school, they make us join the school. The first day of going school and staying away from our parents for four to five hours is very difficult for us. We start crying and do want to leave our parents. This continues for the first week but then slowly everything seems to be fine. After we join school our parents help us with our studies.

They make time for us out of their busy schedule so that they help us do our homework and study. No matter how tired they are, they will always be with us and help us. But after we grow up to study and do our homework on our own, our parents do not always sit with us.

But they do keep a check on our studies regularly. Slowly with time, the amount of time we spend with them starts to reduce. This is because they become busier with their work and we can take care of ourselves. We didn’t want them to be with us always even for the smallest things.

We should learn to accept that some day we have to go away from them for various reasons. Some of the parents send their children to hostels when they are still studying in school and are small. They have their own choices for doing this.

While some children go to hostels after finishing their school, some of them go out of their hometown for college. No matter how old we are staying away from our parents for six to seven months at a stretch or sometimes for a year is very heartbreaking.

The thought about it itself makes us melancholic. But at point of time of life we will be staying away from them. So, we should learn about it from before itself. We think that when we stay at hostel far away from our parents, it is very bad. Yes, there are disadvantages of living a hostel life but we learn so many things while staying a hostel.

We learn about various aspects of our life when we stay in hostel. We might not have learnt those things while staying with the family. So, staying in a hostel has both advantages and disadvantages.

Table of Contents

Advantages of Hostel Life

No matter one does not like to stay in a hostel or not, the hostel life teaches us many things which we would not be able to learn otherwise. Firstly, everything in the hostel has a fixed time. The breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner all of them have a particular time. As there is a particular time for having food, it will be a routine for us and we will not have any stomach problem.

There is a fixed timings for taking bath, washing clothes, studying and charging the phones or laptops. All these fixed timings make the person do everything according to the routine. They become active twenty four hours. They do not have time for lazing around and hence all their work will be completed on time. Due to the fixed timings, the students become punctual in everything. Not only this, but they start learning to manage things on their own.

They are careful with all their belonging so that no hostelites can take their things. They learn cleanliness and tidiness. They keep themselves clean, their room and clothes too. This would not happen if they would be staying at home because all these things would be taken care by their parents.

If they would be staying at home, they would waste a lot of time. They would eat their food, study and their work whenever they wanted. But this cannot be done while staying in a hostel. The students become disciplined. They are not dependent on anyone for their work.

They do all their work by themselves. The students usually do not do like the food that they get in hostel. But they do not have any other choice except eating whatever they get. The hostelites cannot stay out of the campus for long even if they want to spend some free time outside the campus.

This is because every hostel has curfew. They will be in problem if they cross the curfew. So, they learn to maintain their time for everything.

People come from different areas to stay in the hostel. This makes the students interact and cooperate with all of them because everyone is staying in the same hostel. They start to know about new things related to their culture and place. So, it is necessary to talk with each other and maintain a proper behaviour with them. The students learn to have friendship bonds staying in the hostel.

This does not mean that the students who stay at home do not understand anything about friendship bonds. The difference is that the ones who stays in hostel understand the importance more than them. This is because it is their hostel mates who become family for them, be with them and take care of them.

They are the ones who will be there during all the good and bad times far away from the family. If they do not like each other still they need to accept and stay together.

The relationship with the family can be seen between the hostel mates as well. When the students stay in a hostel, they get only limited amount of money. By this they learn not to waste their money and spend them only for important things. They start learning to maintain their expenditure.

The hostel life teaches the students so much that they follow the same thing when they go back home. This makes their parents happy seeing their children more disciplined, punctual and understanding from before. Even though hostel life is very strict and takes away our freedom, but this is for our betterment. Our personality and many other things improve after we having been living a hostel life for a few years.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

The disadvantages of a hostel life make a student sadder even though they learn so many new things. Staying in a hostel means being far away from the family. No one likes to be away from family for so long. Family cannot be replaced by anyone. No matter how close a student becomes to the hostel mates, the importance of family still remains the same.

The students feel that when they are living a hostel life their freedom is taken away. They cannot do whatever they want. At home too parents are strict but it is not like the one in hostel. They cannot eat according to their wish. They need to get used to with the hostel food.

They cannot study late night because it is not allowed in a hostel. If they miss any of the meal, they have to remain hungry. When they get sick, they miss the family because no one can replace that care which our family has while we are sick. The students are forced to follow all the rules and regulations even they do not like it.

They cannot stay out of the hostel for long due to the curfew. After one point of time every students gets fed up of the hostel food. During such times they wish to eat delicious food from outside. But if they do that, they need to cut down on their expenditures which might be necessary.

They get very limited amount of pocket money. So, they cannot spend their money they want. Ragging is a very serious offence at every place. People who rag others get punished. But still we hear the students get ragged by the seniors in hostel. This example can be seen in the movie 3 Idiots.

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Essay on Hostel Life

There are certain schools which admit only day-scholars, some both boarders and day-scholars and some take in only boarders. I have studied in a school which requires students to be compulsorily boarders.

After all a home is a home. But I tried to take advantage of my stay in a hostel. Why do students get the education? The purpose of education is to prepare students in such a way that when they out of their limited society called school they should be able to face life’s challenges and shoulder responsibilities.

In a hostel, every student is expected to work for himself. They cannot think of anyone else doing their work as they would normally expect at home. They become more disciplined as there is no one to pamper them. They have to say goodbye to sloth and become active.

They have to wash their own clothes, make their own bed, etc. They have to take good care of their health. Whenever they are ill, they have to remember to take their medicines on time.

In a hostel, I started doing all these things myself. I found myself becoming more and more responsible But once you start living in a hostel you miss home a lot. I felt lonely and miserable at times.

The food in the dining hall was unpalatable and I began to lose weight I used to often have an upset stomach and I missed the comforts of home lot. At times the strict discipline of the hostel becomes too curbing and one feels like breaking away from the chains of hostel life.

I do find hostel life great fun because I got to stay with my friends twenty-four hours a day and enjoy all school activities with them, but I did find myself craving for home life too. So, hostel life is a mixture of pain and pleasure, but it is recommended for all students.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life Essay

Hostel life is considered the best part of a student’s life. Those who have experienced it swear by it and those who haven’t wish they could. Hostel life comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. Hostel life is full of friends, fun and independence. It gives numerous memories to the students to cherish forever. A student who has experienced hostel life is better off at taking decisions and forming viewpoint about various things.

However, hostel life also has certain set of disadvantages. With independence and absence of guardian, it needs strong determination to stick to your schedule of studies and other extracurricular activities. Hostel life also presents the challenge of resisting wrong temptations wrong habits that could spoil health, career and life as well.

Long and Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life in English

Below we are providing Long and Short Essays on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

After going through the essays you will get to know complete facts about a hostel life, how it’s like staying in a hostel, what are the advantages and disadvantages of staying in a hostel etc.

You can go with anyone Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life essay which you like the most:

Short Essay on Hostel Life of a Student – Essay 1 (200 words)

Hostel life is a beautiful phase. It takes a few days for new students to adjust to the environment of the hostel. However, they soon get accustomed to the same and begin a journey which is cherished for a long time.

Children these days are extremely pampered. They get what they want and are taken utmost care of. From eating to sleeping to shopping, their parents are always there to take care of every little detail. However, once they are enrolled at a hostel and begin their life at this new place they need to learn to be more independent and less demanding. They require taking care of all their day to day needs on their own.

From ironing their clothes to shopping the things of necessity, they learn to do everything on their own. While they may find it a little difficult at times, it is also quite exciting to have found this feeling of independence. They learn to tackle different situations and take decisions on various matters on their own. They learn about the beauty and power of friendship. Friendships made during the hostel life last for a life time.

There is one thing that most students despise about the hostel life and that is the hostel food. However, all in all it is a great experience.

Essay on My Hostel Life Experience – Essay 2 (300 words)


My father is in a transferable job and hence has to move to a new city every three years. This was impacting my studies as the study pattern and teaching methods differ from place to place. Just when I used to get accustomed to the teachers, students and the school environment after great difficulty, we got the news that we had to move to a different city. In order to overcome this problem, my parents decided to enroll me at a hostel.

Hostel Life Made Me Bold and Confident

As I began my hostel life, I took a few weeks to set myself emotionally and adjust to the new environment just as every new student at the hostel does. However, I soon got accustomed to the new place and made quite a few friends. I had been quite shy and reserved before I entered the hostel three year back. I was dependent on my parents for every small need.

However, the hostel life has turned me into a bold and confident person. I can now deal with difficult situations with ease. I do not panic or get emotional easily. I have emerged as a strong person. This may be because living in a hostel teaches us to live independently and we are bound to take charge of our life.

Hostel is like a Second Home for Me

As excited as I am to visit my home, I am equally excited to get back to the hostel as the vacation comes to end. I look forward to meeting my friends and living my life over in that small hostel room. I look forward to the table tennis room where I spend hours setting new records and the hostel ground where I sit with my friends chit chatting about various things. Hostel has become a second home for me.

To conclude, I can say that hostel is the best thing that has happened to me. It has changed my personality for good.

Essay on Hostel Life is Good or Bad? – Essay 3 (400 words)

Ask a hostel student if life in hostel is good or bad and he will narrate all the pros and cons of the hostel life. However, if you ask an adult who has had an experience of living in a hostel, he is likely to narrate his memories fondly and tell you that it was the best phase of his life. This is because there are certain difficulties of living in the hostel however the benefits it offers surpass them and with time it is only the good that we remember. However, everyone can have a different experience.

Hostel Life is Largely Good

I have been living in the hostel for around four years now and my experience has largely been good. I am quite attached to my parents and being the only child I have always been quite pampered. My parents and grandparents have showered me with immense love and taken care of all my needs.

This is why the initial days in the hostel were very difficult for me. I was in fifth standard when my parents enrolled me here. I had never lived even a single day without my mother until that time. It was extremely hard for me to live without her particularly. However, I soon became friends with my roommates and the joy ride began. I was fortunate to have found like-minded roommates.

Gradually, we found out that we had a lot in common and so much to talk about. We have become the best of friends since then. We study, play, dance and enjoy numerous other activities together. Their friendship is the best part of my hostel life. There is just no boredom when you are in a hostel as you are always surrounded by friends.

I also love the fact that living in hostel has made me independent. I have learned to observe and understand people and situations before taking any decision about them. This has made me more confident.

But I really miss the home-cooked food. I look forward to the holidays not only because I am eager to meet my family but also because I crave for the yummy food made by my mother. Ironing the clothes and cleaning my bathroom are few other things that I despise about the hostel. But it is a part and parcel of the hostel life.

To conclude, I would say, I am grateful to my parents for letting me experience the wonderful hostel life. This has made me grow mature and take care of most of my needs on my own.

Essay on Hostel Life vs. Home Life – Essay 4 (500 words)

There is a big difference between the hostel life and home life. Both these have their set of pros and cons. Every student must experience the hostel life to know the perks it offers as well as the difficulties one has to face living in the hostel.

Hostel Life vs. Home Life

Here is how the hostel life and home life are different from each other:

  • Rules and Regulations

Hostels have certain set of rules and regulations that the students are bound to follow. The hostel warden is there to ensure that each and every student follows the rules and leads a disciplined life. However, at home there are no strict rules. While our parents do set certain rules for us they are flexible with them many a times unlike the warden who is stringent about the rules.

  • Use of Internet

The use of internet is restricted in the hostel. Unlike our house we do not get the benefit of enjoying unlimited Wi-Fi connection. Most of the hostels allow the students to use internet for few hours a day and that too for study purpose. Though many students have mobile phones these days, they do not get enough pocket money to take an unlimited data connection.

  • No Choice of Food

At home, we get the privilege of having what we want. All we have to do is to ask our mother for the same. However, in hostel there is no such choice. Students living in the hostel have to eat what is available irrespective of whether they like it or not.

  • No Late Entry

Students are not allowed to come back to hostel late at night. So, they cannot enjoy late night parties or movies whereas most of us our lucky to have parents who allow us to go out with friends late at night at times.

  • Outside Friends Not Allowed

We can only have fun with our hostel buddies when we are living in a hostel. Girls’ entry in a boys’ hostel and vice-versa is particularly a strict no. However, there is no such restriction at home.

  • Taking Care of Needs

At home our parents are there to take care of every single need of ours. We do not have to wash and iron our clothes or go shopping for the daily need goods. However, in hostel we need to do all of these things on our own.

While at home, we may get bored at times, in hostel there is no scope of getting boredom as our friends are always around and most of them are up to some fun stuff.

I have stayed at home and studied at a regular school until fifth standard and am living in the hostel for the last five years. With my experience, I can say that while both hostel life and home life are different and have their own set of pros and cons, hostel life is anytime better as we get a learn a lot from it. It is a great experience and shapes us for good. A student who has lived in a hostel is better prepared to take up various challenges in life.

Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life – Essay 5 (600 words)

Hostel life is challenging yet exciting. It offers numerous advantages but also comes with its set of disadvantages. One can clearly tell the difference between a student who lives in a hostel and one who lives with parents and goes to a regular school. Those who get the opportunity to stay in a hostel are likely to become bolder and more confident. However, they may also incur certain negative traits. Here is a look at the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life.

Advantages of Hostel Life

Let us first look at the advantages of hostel life:

  • Teaches Independence

Hostel life teaches students to become more independent. They learn to take charge of their life by taking decisions solely in different situations.

  • Boosts Confidence

Students are faced with different situations and meet all types of people while living in the hostel. Dealing with different situations and people over the years boosts their confidence.

  • Makes Bolder

Students living in the hostel also tend to get bolder compared to those who live with their parents and attend regular school. They are better prepared to tackle various challenges in life.

  • Instils Discipline

Hostels have certain set of rules that need to be followed at all times. The students are expected to wake up, take bath, reach their college and sleep at the same time each day. Students who do not follow the rules are punished severely so they do not repeat the mistake. This instils discipline in them.

  • Introduces to Various Cultures

Students from various cultural backgrounds come to stay in the hostels. Living with each other day in and day out, the students learn about their culture and traditions.

  • Builds Long Lasting Friendships

Staying away from the family, hostel buddies are there to take care of each other. They develop an emotional connect with one another over the time. Hostel is the place where people make long lasting friendships and memories to cherish forever.

  • Teaches New Skills

Hostel students need to do all their tasks on their own. They learn several new skills such as washing clothes, ironing them, cleaning their room, keeping their books tidy, purchasing stuff on budget and even cooking.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Here is a look at the disadvantages of hostel life:

  • Introverts May Face Difficulty

Introverts may have a difficult time interacting with their hostel mates and making new friends. They are often left out and cry their heart out when alone as they miss their family badly.

  • Living Far From Family

Living far from the family is difficult for everyone. Many students get extremely emotional at times as they are reminded of the good times spent with their family. It is particularly difficult for the students to return to hostel after the vacations.

  • Difficulty Adjusting in Family Atmosphere

While initially the students get emotional at the thought of staying away from their family, living in the hostel for a few years often makes it difficult for them to adjust in the family atmosphere. They grow so accustomed to taking their own decisions and living their way that they do not like any suggestions from their parents and want to live independently.

  • Quality of Food

The quality of food in hostels is not very good. Besides, there is no choice. Students need to eat what they get whether they like it or not.

  • No one to Take Care

Falling sick is the worst part. While the hostel buddies try to take care of each other however they cannot take care like the parents. Thus, recovering from illness often takes a lot of time.

Hostel life offers both advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on the student on how he/ she deals with it and what he imbibes from his stay in the hostel.

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Hostel is also a art of Education. It is a living place for the outsiders. The students who come from other places are allowed to live in hostel. Hostel life is regular and helpful to study and health. Hostel is a place where a student is given a proper environment for all round development while living there. All schools have no hostel. There are some who have hostels. The students coming from outside city places try to take admission in hostel. Here a student finds a safety against bad social evils if he lives in city. The student who studies in school in day time regularly is called day-scholar. The student who studies in school regularly in day time with facility of lodging in hostel is called boarder or Hosteler.

Differences between a Hosteler and a Day Scholar

A boarder has a regular life. He has to follow a regular time table. The life of day scholar is limited to study hours in school campus. After school hours he has to go to his house. There he lives with his parents. He has to depend on his mother. He hardly does his own work such as-washing clothes, arranging beds in proper order because there are other family members who are ready to help. He gets a habit to live on others’ help. But in hostel a student has to get up at fixed time. He has to follow the rules of hostel. He takes care of all things himself. He washes the clothes. He puts everything in a proper and neat-clean way. His education does not finish in class. He has his special social life. Social life also plays an important part in education. This life is best enjoyed in the hostels. The boys who live together in hostel, know each other. They form friendships which may be helpful in future life. They join games daily in the evening. They study in hostel at study hours. Thus they get a habit of study in time.

Benefits of Hostel Life

The superintendent of the hostel is a teacher. He always thinks to make all round development of his students who are living in hostel under him. If he needs, he also calls the parents to take co operation. Being a man of discipline, he has a good discipline. The students learn to obey rules. They are made good citizens to hold the future responsibilities. They have to enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner at proper time. They learn how to help and co-operate with each other. They learn to give and take. They also learn to help those who are in trouble or suffering. They attend the sick. They go to reading room and recreation hall in time. Hostel life teaches them to help themselves and to stand on their own feet. They learn to take own decision on the spot. They set their life in a definite pattern. It is true that they do not get the love of parents daily. But it is also true that to visit after some gap gives more joy when they meet their parents.

Harmful Effects of Hostel Life

Sometimes good boys get into bad company in a hostel. As a result they get bad habits. They begin to smoke. They become a fan of cinema. They become fashionable. They waste money and time. Here the superintendent is to be blamed. It is his duty to turn out the bad fish from hostel ocean. He should be alert and should have sudden checking personally. On the whole in this modern period to face the competition hostel life is very co operative and charming.

Alert- caution, watchful, Sick- ill, बीमार। Decision- settlement, निर्णय ।


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Short Paragraph on Hostel Life for All Students

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Short Paragraph on Hostel Life in 200 Words

Hostel life is an important part of student life . Sometimes students need to live in a hostel when they go to a different city or away from their home to study. In that case, lots of students live in the hostel together. Hostel life is very enjoyable. Sometimes it is good and sometimes it has some bad sides too. When a student lives in a hostel, he gets a free life. He can spend his time in study, game, or rest. He has full independence. Most of the students use that independence to improve their life. One student has to live with lots of other students. It gives them an opportunity to know each other. Students to live in the hostel, they get enough time after their study. At that time they can read books or can join social welfare works. There are so many things to do. Hostel life helps a student to become a good leader. It helps us to get rid of shyness. We can communicate with anyone after living in a hostel. Sometimes it has some bad sides too. Everyone needs to avoid bad companions in the hostel. It could ruin your life. So hostel life is a crucial part of our life.  

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Hostel Life - Complete English Essay with Outlines & Quotes

essay on hostel life in simple language

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be feit with the heart." _ Helen Keller
"Being considerate of others will take you further in life than a college degree."
"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow."
"We first make our habits and then our habits make us."
“Always look at life in a positive way, for we all act according to our perception.”
“Caged birds accept everything, But flight is what they long for.”
“The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation.” - Bertrand Russe
“Use what talents you possess. The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there, except those that sang best.” - Henry Van Dyke

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