Problem Solving and Decision Making
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- Linda Drake Gobbo 3
Part of the book series: Advances in Group Decision and Negotiation ((AGDN,volume 3))
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Problem solving and decision making in multicultural work teams are the last of the skill areas to be covered in this book. This topic will be discussed from the cultural, individual, and organizational levels of multicultural team development, building on the frameworks that have been presented in previous chapters. Many theorists consider problem solving and decision making as synonymous-all decisions are made in response to a problem or opportunity. Simply stated, if problem solving is the process used to find a solution to the problem, challenge, or opportunity. However, how one solves problems can be quite varied. An individual can use analytical tools based on logic, deduction, or induction, or intuition based on an understanding of principles, or creative thinking. Problem-solving abilities and approaches may vary considerably, actually using different paradigms or frameworks. In this chapter one approach, with the steps and methods to do problem solving in work teams, will be presented.
There are six steps to the problem-solving model described and demonstrated in this chapter. Several of those steps within the model are used for decisionmaking, and are covered as well. How a team makes the decision, and who on the team makes it are important elements and will also be discussed. As prior chapters have noted, membership of multicultural teams varies greatly. The procedures each member follows, the different value orientations guiding their behavior (Smith et al. 2002), the nature of the tasks they must complete, and the communication tools they employ (face-to-face and/or technology-based) all impact how they approach problem solving and decision making. When done effectively, problem solving, which includes decision making, moves through all the steps described here equally, engaging the knowledge and skills of all team members.
This chapter will first present theoretical frameworks for problem solving, then define the steps that comprise problem solving and decision making within them. This will be followed by a discussion of the cultural variations, and impact of individual styles and societal assumptions on decision-making. Shared mental models and consensus are offered as methods to equalize participation in team decision making, and an overview of other methods provided. The last section will look at ways to coordinate the stages of team development with the variety of problemsolving and decision-making techniques in order to maximize a team’s effectiveness.
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School for International Training, Brattleboro, VT, USA
Linda Drake Gobbo
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Claire B. Halverson & S. Aqeel Tirmizi &
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© 2008 Springer Science + Business Media B.V
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Gobbo, L.D. (2008). Problem Solving and Decision Making. In: Halverson, C.B., Tirmizi, S.A. (eds) Effective Multicultural Teams: Theory and Practice. Advances in Group Decision and Negotiation, vol 3. Springer, Dordrecht.
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