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  • Sports Vocabulary

This page of sports vocabulary has been carefully created to help you prepare for your IELTS exam. Sport is an important part in many of our lives and is a topic that often comes up in the test.

Whether we play a sport ourselves, are a fan who likes to watch sport either live or on TV, or we have little interest in sport, we all have an opinion on it and the famous athletes that regularly appear in the media.

sports essay vocabulary

Sport is a subject that could come up in any part of your test, so learning some sports vocabulary is certainly to be recommended. You might also want to talk about it when answering questions about your hobbies, leisure activities or school days.

Here’s a quick overview of some of the things you could be asked about:

  • Your interest in sport
  • Your experience of playing a sport
  • The popularly of sport in your country
  • Sports facilities in your town or city
  • Sport in schools
  • Sports celebrities as role models
  • Money and sport
  • The importance of international sporting events

To ensure that you’re well prepared to answer any sport-related question, I've included four things on this page:

  • IELTS-style questions on the topic of sport and fitness
  • Sample answers
  • A list of common sports vocabulary with definitions & sample sentences 
  • Links to online reading and listening resources

You’ll find PDF downloads of both the questions and sample answers and the sports vocabulary list at the bottom of the respective sections.

The questions relate to the Speaking test because this part of the exam offers the broadest range of possible questions on the topic of sport. They give the best opportunity for me to demonstrate the vocabulary and for you to practise using it.

I’ve included IELTS-style questions and answers for all three parts of the Speaking test. I've highlighted keywords and phrases in  bold .

You'll find these words and phrases, and many others, in the vocabulary list beneath. The list also includes explanations and sample sentences and there’s an audio to listen to the pronunciation.

The sports vocabulary list contains words and phrases relevant to all parts of the IELTS exam.

Finally, at the bottom of the page I've added links to topical articles, short videos and podcasts that will help you to improve both your sports vocabulary and your reading and listening skills.

sports essay vocabulary

IELTS-Style Speaking Test Questions & Answers

Common sports vocabulary is highlighted in  bold .

1) Do you like sport?

I’m a great sports  fan . I sometimes watch on it TV but I prefer actually taking part in  sport .

2) What sports did you do at school?

Sport  was my favourite thing at school. In the autumn and spring terms I played  hockey  and during the summer months we did  athletics . I even enjoyed  cross-country running  which most people hated.

3) How important is keeping fit to you?

Keeping fit  is and very important part of my life. In fact, my friends would say I’m a bit of a  fitness fanatic . It helps to keep me healthy and I also  work out  to be in  good shape  for taking part in my  sport  of  rowing .

4) What do you do to keep fit?

I do several things to  keep fit . I take  weight training  classes, go  jogging ,  train  on the water with my  rowing   crew and  walk  my dog twice a day.

5) Is violence a problem at sporting events in your country?

There used to be a serious problem with  football   fans  getting involved in fights both inside and outside  stadiums  but a lot has been done to stop this happening. It’s much safer to go to  matches  now and they have become family events again.

sports essay vocabulary

Describe a sports club you belong to or used to belong to.

You should say:

  • what club it is
  • when you joined
  • why you joined

and explain the benefits of belonging to your club.

I belong to Barnstaple Pilot Gig Club. It’s a  rowing  club but we row a very special type of boat called a pilot gig. They’re traditional wooden boats, about 30 foot long and with six rowers and a cox. In the old days, these gigs would have been used to take a pilot out to sailing ships coming into port and they were also used as lifeboats. Now gig  rowing  has become a  competitive   sport  which is gradually growing in popularity.

I joined the club when it started back in 2010. I’d wanted to row pilot gigs from the age of 12 when my family started taking holidays in the Isles of Scilly where gig races between the islanders took place every Friday evening in the summer. I loved going out on the passenger boats to watch and cheer on the crews. As soon as I heard about a gig club starting in my own town I jumped at the chance to join.

Back when I was young, I never imagined that one day I’d be racing in the Pilot Gig World  Championships  in the Isles of Scilly but I’ve done so with my club several times now. It’s an amazing experience with over 140 boats taking part. …a bit different to all those years ago when I used to watch just seven or eight boats racing while on my holidays.

Although we mostly row on the river, we also   train  on the sea to prepare us for  rowing  in  competitions . We compete in  regattas  all year round but the main  season  is from March to September.

Rowing  is very  strenuous exercise  and you need a high level of  aerobic fitness  as well as strength. We  train hard  both on the water and in the  gym  and I really enjoy  working out  and  training  with the other club members. We’re all close friends and often enjoy social activities together. I’d go as far as to say that the club is my social life as well as my  sport .

I guess that sums up the main benefits of belonging to my club. It contributes so much to both my physical and mental well-being that I can’t imagine it not being a part of my life.

sports essay vocabulary

1) Do you think people in your country exercise enough? If not, why?

In my opinion, the majority of adults in the UK definitely don’t get enough  exercise . You only have to look around at the level of obesity to see that this is true. I’d go as far as to say that the majority of people are very  out of condition  and never do any  strenuous exercise .

I really don’t understand why this is the case. There’s more knowledge than ever before about the advantages to both physical and mental health of  keeping fit , and the negative effects of not taking enough  exercise  are well-known.

Every town has a range of  sports facilities  including  fitness centres ,  gyms  and  swimming pool  for people to use. Or they could just  walk  more or maybe  cycle  to work. There really isn’t any excuse not to take at least some  exercise  every day.

Many doctor’s surgeries even run their own  fitness programmes  or will recommend some that you can join to help you  get in shape . I wish more people would take their  fitness  seriously and take advantage of the opportunities to stay healthy.

2) Do you think competitive sport should be part of the school curriculum?

Yes, I definitely think it’s important for children to take part in  competitive   sports  at school. In recent years there’s been a trend of having non-competitive  sports  days so that less sporty kids can take part without always being the loser. I disagree with this.

I was good at  sport  and it was the only thing I really achieve a high level of success in at school. This was extremely important to me, so it works both ways. Life is  competitive  and schools need to help children to cope with this.

I’m not saying that those children who hate  sport  and always fail at it should put through this negative experience. Rather, I think schools need to rethink how  sport  is taught. There is such a huge range of sporting activities to choose from these days that I truly believe there’s something every child can enjoy participating in. Schools need to provide the opportunities.

3) What are the benefits of international sports events?

I think there are several major benefits of international sporting  competitions . Firstly, it helps to build relationships between people of different nationalities and cultures. This is so important in our divided world. While the  competitors  may be rivals during  competitions , there is friendship when the  contest  is over. You can see this and the respect they have for each other when you watch big sporting events on TV.

Secondly, when top international  athletes   compete  together, they motivate and inspire each other. This is why new world  records are often set  at events such as the Olympics and many  athletes  achieve  personal bests .

Finally, international sporting events encourage people to get involved in  sport  themselves, especially the younger generation. The TV coverage of  competitions  for disabled sportspeople in recent years has led to a massive increase in people with disabilities  taking up   sports  which is life-changing for them.

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Click this link to get a PDF download of these practise questions & sample answers.

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* Important

  • Do not try and learn this list of sports vocabulary.
  • Identify the vocabulary you find useful for answering practise questions about this topic.
  • Record these in your vocabulary notebook and practise using them regularly.

I recommend that you create your own answers to the Speaking questions on this page. You will find many other IELTS-style practise questions by searching online. 

For help on how to learn vocabulary, what to learn and how to record it, visit these pages:

How to Learn Vocabulary for IELTS

Top 6 Types of IELTS Vocabulary & Topic Word Lists

Sports Vocabulary – Common Words & Phrases

Sports Vocabulary Set 1: Key definitions

sport – an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another following rules

- Jamie always struggled with his school work but was excellent at sports .

extreme sport – a ​sport that is exciting but also ​dangerous such as skydiving

- Esther became interested in extreme sports when she tried bungee jump on a trip to New Zealand.

fitness – the condition of being physically fit and healthy

- I’m trying to improve my fitness by walking to work each day.

Sports Vocabulary Pronunciation

Sports Vocabulary Set 2: Fitness

to keep fit – to keep the body in good physical condition by exercising regularly

- I do several things to keep fit but dancing is the one I enjoy the most.

fitness fanatic – to be obsessed with keeping fit

- Dylan is a real fitness fanatic and goes to the gym every day.

to exercise – to do an activity requiring physical effort, generally in order to improve health and fitness

- I make sure that I exercise every single day even if it’s only taking the dog for a walk.

strenuous exercise – exercise that needs a lot of physical effort.

- I used to hate strenuous exercise until I took up running to lose weight and now really enjoy it.

to get into shape – to become fit

- Jae Hwa was so determined to get into shape that she started cycling to work.

to take up (a sport) – to start playing a sport.

- I have always wanted to take up archery and am going to join the new club that has just started in my area.

to warm up – to prepare for strenuous activity by doing gentle exercise first

- We always warm up before we start our workout session in the gym.

to cool down – to end a session of strenuous activity with gentle exercises to allow the heart rate to come down and the body return to a near resting state.

- It’s important to cool down after exercising hard as this helps to prevent injury.

to be out of condition – to be not physical fit (unfit)

- My friend is so out of condition that she gets out of breath walking up the stairs.

training – to work hard at physical exercise and skills in order to be fitter and better at a sport

- I often don’t feel like training but I know I have to if I want to win more races.

to train hard –  to train with a lot of effort and passion

- The team trained hard before the match and beat the other team easily.

fitness programme –  a  planned timetable of activities to help someone improve their health and physical condition

- Following a fitness programme at my local gym helped me to stay motivated as I got back into shape after having a baby.

aerobic fitness – having strong heart and lungs and being able to carry out sustained exercise such as jogging, swimming or cycling

- In order to be a competitive rower, you need a high level of aerobic fitness .

to work out – to exercise, usually in a gym.

- Dhruv worked out at the gym three evenings a week.

a workout   – a session of exercises, usually in a gym.

- Cressida found that a workout at the gym helped her de-stress after a hard day at work.

to bulk up – to make your body bigger and heavier, especially by gaining more muscle  

- He felt so much stronger since he started working out with weights and his body was really beginning to bulk up .

boot camp – a short, intensive, and rigorous course of training

- William couldn’t believe he’d agreed to go along to the boot camp with his friend. He didn’t even like exercising.

Set 3: Sports facilities

sports facilities – places and buildings used for sporting activities such as swimming pools and running tracks

- There are excellent sports facilities at my university which is one reason I chose it.

stadium – a large building, with tiers of seats for spectators, where people watch sports events such as football matches or athletics

- The stadium was buzzing with excitement as the two teams came out onto the pitch for the start of the match.

fitness centre – a place where people go to do physical exercise; usually has a gym, weights equipment and rooms for exercise classes

- I can’t wait for the new fitness centre to open as they’re advertising some great exercise classes.

sports centre – a building where people can do a range of different sports

- We have a great sports centre in our town which offers everything from martial arts training to indoor bowls.

gym – a large hall or room with special equipment for doing physical exercises

- If it’s raining when I want to go running, I run on the treadmill in the gym instead.

an athletics track – a sporting facility with a track for running and areas for other sports such high jump, long jump and javelin throwing

- Each summer we have a big competition for all the schools in our area down at the local athletics track .

pitch – a surface on which a particular sport is played, such as a football pitch or baseball pitch, that is marked out with lines

- Victor felt nervous as he waited with his team to go out onto the pitch for the first big match of the season.

court – a surface where you play sports such as tennis, badminton and squash

- Shelley was playing an excellent opponent who made her run from one side of the tennis court to the other throughout the match.

swimming pool – an area of water, often in a building, created for swimming in

- My mum took me to the swimming pool every Saturday morning when I was a child.

changing room – a room in a sports building or school where ​people can ​change ​their ​clothes before exercise

- The changing room smelt awful with all the sweaty bodies in there after the football match.

locker room – a changing room where people can leave their clothes in a small lockable cupboards

- Matilda put in a complaint as many of the lockers in the locker room were broken.

Set 4: People in sport

athlete – a person who is very good at sports or physical exercise, especially one who competes in organised events

- Kofi trained hard for many years to become one of the top athletes in his country.

coach – an expert who trains someone learning or improving a skill

- The coach made them focus on their tackling skills as this was a weakness in their game.

trainer – similar to a coach but often relates more to the fitness side of training

- Janine has been concerned about working with the new trainer but her performance improved considerably after just one month.

personal trainer – a coach or trainer who works with someone on a one-to-one basis

- If you find it hard to stay motivated when working out on your own, I recommend hiring a personal trainer .

competitor – someone who takes part in a sports competition

- There were nearly 100 competitors in the cycle race, so Megan was delighted to come tenth.

referee – a person who is in charge of a sports game and who makes certain that the rules are followed

- It’s hard being a referee as not everyone agrees with your decisions.

umpire – a referee in sports such as tennis and cricket

- The umpire ruled that the ball was out of court.

goalkeeper – the player whose job it is to stop the ball going into the goal in games such as soccer and hockey

- Our goalkeeper was the star of the match after saving two goals in the penalty shootout.

Set 5: Sporting achievements

a personal best –  to get a better score or achieve a faster time in your sport than you’ve ever done before

- Although Hicham didn’t win the 400m, he achieved a personal best of 45.38 seconds so was delighted with his performance.

to set a record – to achieve the best result in a particular sport

- I knew my jump was a good one but I couldn’t believe it when I learnt I’d set a new long jump record for my college.

to break a record – to do something that is better, faster, etc. than anything that has been done before

- The crowd in the stadium went wild when Usain Bolt broke the 200m record yet again.

prize – a reward that you get for being successful in a sports competition

- Fahmi didn’t compete for the prize money but because she loved playing tennis.

Set 6: Sports & fitness activities

athletics – the sport of competing in track and field events, including running races and various competitions in jumping and throwing

Athletics sport:

sports essay vocabulary

Ball sports:

sports essay vocabulary

Racket sports:

sports essay vocabulary

Water sports:

sports essay vocabulary

Winter sports:

sports essay vocabulary

Other sports & fitness activities:

sports essay vocabulary

aerobics  – vigorous exercise that strengthens the heart & lungs

gymnastics  –   exercises on bars, beam, floor, rings & vaulting horse

martial arts  – fighting sports that make both your body and mind stronger such as karate

sports essay vocabulary

Set 7: Other sports vocabulary

equipment – the items necessary to work out or do a sport

- My gym is going to install some new equipment as some of it is old and worn out.

kit – special clothing and equipment that you use when you take part in a particular activity, especially a sport

- Mandy was furious when her son decided to give up playing football just after she’d bought him some new kit .

membership – the state of belonging to a group, a club or organisation

- Like many people, I take out a gym membership every New Year but have usually stopped going by February.

a home game – a sports match played in the teams own stadium

- I’m so glad my team has a home game this week as my car has broken down.

an away game – a sports match played in the opposing team’s stadium

- I don’t enjoy playing away games as much as home games as fewer of our own supporters are there.

supporter – someone who  admires a sports team and watches them play regularly

- I’ve been a Manchester United supporter all my life and watch live games wherever I can.

a fan – someone who  admires a specific person, sport or a sports team

- I’m a huge rugby fan and especially enjoy watching the international matches on TV.

a competition – an event or contest in which individual people or teams take part in order to establish who is best

- The coach was pleased with the way the new team was playing and entered them in the under 12’s competition .

contest – a competition, often involving two people

- Tosin was very nervous before the contest as he was up against a very good boxer from Cuba.

match – a sports competition in which two people or teams compete against each other

- They were really disappointed to have lost the match after being ahead in the first half.

championship – a large and important competition

- She was overjoyed to be selected to run for her country in the world championships .

tournament – a competition for teams or single players in which a series of games is played, and the winners of each game play against each other until only one winner is left

- The school team arrived home with a large trophy after winning the regional hockey tournament .

regatta – a sporting event involving boats

- Gregor has only been learning to sail for six months when he took part in his first regatta .

versus/v  – against, used to denote competing teams or players in a sports contest

- The final of the men’s tennis championship was Nadal  versus  Federer.

to compete  – to take part in a competition or sports event

- Jolene was so excited about  competing  in her first professional golf competition.

competitive  – involving competition; wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people

- Danny was very  competitive  and trained harder than anyone else in the effort to be the best hurdler at his county.

league  – a group of sports teams who take part in competitions between each other over a period of time

- If they won the next game, they would end the season top of the  league .

to score  – to get a point or goal in a game or sport

- Baz  scored  in the last minute of the match and won the game for his team.

the score  – how many points an individual or team has

- The final  score  was 3-1 to the home side so there was much celebration in the town that evening.

a draw  – when two competitors or teams get the same score

- When the final whistle blew the score was 34-34 so the basketball match was a  draw .

reserve  – an ​extra ​player who is ​ready to ​play if ​needed

- Narong was pleased to be selected as a  reserve  but really hoped he’d have a chance to play.

to drop out   – to not do something that you were going to do, or to stop doing something before you have finished

- She was leading the race until she pulled a muscle and had to  drop out  in the third lap.

to pull out  – to withdraw before an event or competition

- The crew had to  pull out  of the regatta after they all fell ill with a stomach bug.

injury  – when part of the body is damaged or hurt

- Lena was favourite to win the golf tournament until she picked up a shoulder  injury .

season  – a period of the year when a particular sport is played

- I love it when the cricket  season  comes round each year as it means that summer has finally arrived.

a season ticket  – an entry ticket for all of a team’s home games during a specific season

- For my thirtieth birthday, my family bought me a  season ticket  to watch my favourite soccer team play.

amateur  –  a person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid basis

- Although he only played rugby in an  amateur  team, it was his dream to turn professional one day.

professional  –  a person is paid for playing a sport

- Professional racing drivers get paid vast sums of money.

Set 8: Sports idioms

blow away the competition – to easily beat the opposing competitor or team

- I thought it was going to be a challenging race but he blew away the competition .

neck and neck – when two competitors are level with each other and have an equal chance of winning

- Coming down the home straight, the two front-runners were neck and neck until Yoshi edged ahead as they reached the finish line.

front-runner –   the person or team considered most likely to win

- There were some excellent gymnasts in the competition but Nadia was definitely the front-runner and the one to beat.

to get second wind – to experience renewed energy after a period of fatigue

- He began to struggle in the final stages of the marathon but hearing the crowd cheer him on, he got second wind and finished in the top twenty.

underdog – a competitor thought to have little chance of doing well or winning

- The British skiing team were definitely the underdogs in the competition so everyone was shocked when they got third place.

Click this link to get a PDF download of this list of sports vocabulary.

Other Useful Sports Vocabulary

Whilst this list of sports vocabulary includes the most common sports, there are also others you might know about or take part in. In your country, you may even have sports that are unique to your culture. Add any that you are likely to want to talk about to your list.

It’s also a good idea to create your own list of sports vocabulary related to sporting or fitness activities you currently do or have done in the past so that you are ready to talk about them if asked.

Most sports and fitness activities have their own set of vocabulary – equipment, kit, specialist terms, etc. Include the most important words.

You’ll also find more sports vocabulary and fitness words on the  Health Vocabulary  page.

Ways to Improve Your Sports Vocabulary

One of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is through reading. Watching topic related YouTube videos and listening to podcasts is also hugely beneficial.

Here are some online resources I recommend.

Sports Articles 

BBC Sports   (also videos)

The Guardian

TED Talks are short videos with a powerful message and are generally very interesting. They’re ideal for improving your vocabulary and give valuable listening skills practise.

Search  TED Talks - Sport  to help you improve your sports vocabulary.

All Topic Vocabulary

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53 Sports Vocabulary Terms in English

Sports are a part of everyday life, and many people absolutely love them.

You might prefer to watch sports on TV or listen to live games on the radio .

Perhaps you play sports as a fun way to stay healthy, or you could even compete as a serious athlete.

No matter your relationship to sports, you’ll need to know some key sports-related words to participate at any level.

Read on to learn 53 must-know sports vocabulary terms in English !

4. Athletic

5. athletics, 9. cheer on, 11. compete, 15. defense, 21. half-time, 24. opponent, 25. overtime, 27. personal best, 28. physique, 30. pitcher, 31. practice, 32. professional, 34. referee ( ref ), 41. skilled, 42. spectator, 43. sportsmanship, 45. tactics, 47. teammate, 48. teamwork, 49. tournament, 50. trainer, 52. victory, 53. whistle, and one more thing....

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Noun: Another word for arena that you’re probably more familiar with is stadium . It’s a flat area that hosts (holds) sporting events like the Olympic Games, soccer and rugby games. It is circular (like a circle) in shape and surrounded by seats for fans to sit.

The arena was packed full of excited fans to watch the final of the Champion’s League.

Noun/Adjective: An amateur is a person who is not a professional or does not get paid for what they do.

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He’s an amateur soccer player, but one day he hopes to play for his favorite team in the UK: Manchester United.

She started off as an amateur before being recognized for her talent.

Noun:  A person who practices and competes in any sport.

Joan’s brother is a professional athlete and plays tennis for a living (for money).

Adjective:  A person who is athletic and is good at sports.

I’ve never been very athletic and I don’t think my gym teacher liked me very much at school because I couldn’t even catch a ball.

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Noun:  Athletics is the category for any track and field events, such as running (long and short distance), throwing the javelin, long jump etc.

My favorite events to watch during the Olympics are the athletics events. I love the running. I can’t believe how fast some people can run!

Verb: To be awarded something means to be given a prize.

The best three athletes at the Olympic Games are awarded medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

Noun: Any kind of prize, like a certificate, medal or a trophy.

She won the  award for “Best Female Junior Snowboarder” in the city!

Verb:  To win against or defeat another player or team.

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Carlos Alcaraz beat all the other players and won the Wimbledon tennis tournament.

Noun:  The captain is the team leader.

The captain of the team called the players over to talk at half-time.

Phrasal Verb: To shout words of encouragement to your favorite team or player.

In the final five minutes of the game, the fans cheered on their teams, hoping for a win.

Noun: A person who is responsible for teaching and training the athletes to improve their skills.

My basketball coach  told me I’m getting better at my free throws.

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Verb: To train.

He’s been coaching the local team since August.

Verb: To take part in a competition.

20 teams are competing to win the University Cup.

Noun: The rectangle area where games like tennis, basketball and badminton are played.

When I play tennis, I prefer to play on a grass court because doctors have told me it’s better for my knees.

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Noun: An area of land that is used for long running events like marathons, car racing and golf.

Before he gets married next week, he’s going to go to the golf course to play a few rounds with the boys.

Verb : To try and stop the other team from scoring points or goals.

The coach wants us to play our best to  defend  against a goal.

Noun: When someone is defending.

Manchester City has a strong defense and it’s very difficult to score a goal against them.

sports essay vocabulary

Note that in British English, this word is spelled defence.

Noun: When two teams finish a game with the same number of points or goals (also called a tie ).

It was a very boring game to watch and it ended up in a draw . The score was 2-2.

Noun: A supporter of a player, team or sport.

He’s a huge  fan of the All Blacks and he watches every game they play.

Noun: An area of grass that is used to play sports such as field hockey, rugby or soccer.

The team ran onto the field at the beginning of the game and the fans cheered loudly.

Noun: The last round of something (e.g., a match, a championship, etc). This can be written as the “final” or “finals.”

The diver was ecstatic after reaching the finals .

Adjective: The last one.

The runner passed the finish line for the final time in his career before retiring.

Noun: The place where you can go and exercise on machines or the inside area where sports lessons are done at school.

She’s trying to lose a few kilos and has started exercising at the gym twice a week.

Noun: The short break between the first and second half of the game.

The team gathered in the changing rooms at half-time while the coach explained the strategy for the second half.

Noun: A group of sports clubs from one area that play against each other for the season to try and win the championship.

Doncaster Rovers were at the top of their league last year, but this year they have been performing badly and are now positioned fifth on the table.

Noun: A small circle piece of metal that can be gold for 1st place, silver for 2nd place and bronze for 3rd place.

Michael Phelps, the American swimmer, broke the record when he won 6 gold medals at the Olympics.

Noun: The person that you compete with or play against in a competition.

Andy Murray’s biggest opponent at Wimbledon was Roger Federer, but he managed to beat him.

Noun: Extra time that can be added to the original allocated time for a sports event.

Since neither team had been able to score during the 90 minutes, the game went to overtime .

Verb: To kick or throw the ball to another player on your team. To go ahead of someone.

He passed the ball to his teammate who then went on to score the winning goal.

He passed his competitors and won the race.

Noun: When someone kicks or throws something to another person.

It was a bad pass and the other team managed to get the ball.

Noun: A record, the best results set by the athlete.

The runner set a new personal best during the 800m sprint.

Noun: The strength or shape of a person’s body.

She’s very small and slim. She’s got the perfect physique to be a gymnast.

Verb: To throw the ball to the person batting in softball or baseball.

He pitched the ball so fast that the person batting was unable to hit the ball.

Noun:  In baseball, the player who throws the ball from the pitcher’s mound to the batter.

The  pitcher was very talented; he pitched a perfect inning!

Verb: To continue training to improve the skill.

Our college basketball team practices  three times a week.

Noun: Training.

We usually have practice twice a week.

Noun/Adjective: To be paid money for the sport you do. Your sport is your job.

His dream to become a professional came true last year when he was asked to join the team. 

Many little boys dream of becoming professional sportspeople when they’re younger, but only a few can achieve their dreams.

Noun: The best performance of goals, medals, speed etc. that has ever been measured in a country or the world.

Usain Bolt holds the world record for the fastest man in the world.

Noun: The person who makes the decisions during a game. A referee runs up and down the field/court (soccer) with the players, but an umpire makes the decisions from one position (e.g., tennis).

The referee signaled for the players to stop and he gave the player a yellow card for kicking another player.

Noun: The laws of the game.

When you break the rules in any game, the referee punishes the player.

Noun: The points that each team has during the game.

The final score was 1-0; it was a really close game.

Verb: To throw the ball up and hit it at the start of play (e.g., tennis and volleyball).

Venus Williams is known for her strong serve in tennis and it’s often difficult for less experienced players to return the ball.

Verb: To hit, throw or kick the ball to try and score a goal or point (e.g., soccer and basketball).

The soccer player was far from the goal, but his team called for him to shoot as there were only ten seconds left and they needed to win the match.

Noun:  When someone shoots to score.

Michael Jordan is famous for scoring long-distance shots and taking three points for the team.

Noun: A talent.

One of the most important skills for success in any sport is coordination.

Adjective: To be able to do something well, to have talent.

He’s a skilled rugby player and if he keeps training, he might make it to the national team.

Noun: The viewer or person who watches a sporting event.

The spectators at Wimbledon are usually very calm compared to the shouting ones at a rugby match.

Noun: To have good or bad sportsmanship is your attitude and your respect for the other team or player when you win or lose a game.

Not shaking a player’s hand after losing is an example of bad sportsmanship .

Verb: To try and take the ball of the other team.

He tried to tackle Messi, but Messi was too fast and continued to run with the ball.

Noun: The plan, the strategy.

The tennis player had to change his tactics  after seeing how strong the other player was.

Noun: A group that works together.

The swimming team represented their country at the Olympic Games.

Noun: A member of your team.

After the match, Amy and her teammates go down to the bar for a drink.

Noun: Working with your teammates to try and win.

Cristiano Ronaldo is often criticized for his lack of teamwork . He prefers to do things alone.

Noun: A number of games and competitions between a certain number of teams or players to win the championship.

The Champions League tournament in Europe is probably the most famous European soccer tournament that is held every year.

Noun: Another word for a coach.

The trainer stood watching nervously as the boxer entered the ring.

Verb: To practice.

Most winter sports teams train through the summer months so they can build their skills and fitness.

Noun: Winning a competition.

The team celebrated their victory with a parade in their home city.

Noun: The small tool that makes a sound that the referee or umpire blows during a game (phrase: to blow the whistle).

The referee blew his whistle and moved his hand to show the start of the match.

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sports essay vocabulary


IELTS Sport Vocabulary: Useful Phrases & Expressions in IELTS Speaking

Courtney Miller

Updated On Jul 23, 2024


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Introductionto ielts sports vocabulary.

  • Collocations & Phrases for IELTS Speaking Test – Topic: Sports

IELTS Speaking Practice

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Mastering sports vocabulary is essential for those aiming to excel in the IELTS exam . IELTS Sports Vocabulary focuses on the key terms and expressions related to sports, helping you enhance your language skills and confidently discuss sports-related topics in your IELTS Speaking  and writing tasks.

Using IELTS Sports Vocabulary can greatly enhance your answers in the IELTS exam. To sound more natural and native, incorporate useful collocations and phrases. In this post, I’ll share some essential IELTS sports vocabulary to help you impress examiners and aim for a 7 or higher in the speaking section. I’ll also provide ideas on the pros and cons of sports, which can help you in both the speaking and writing tests.

  • Feel a sense of enjoyment Example: Whenever I play football with my friends, I feel a sense of enjoyment although I sweat a lot.
  • Have an opportunity to socialize Example: Participating in sports allows you to socialize, which means you can meet and make new friends
  • Face the risk of injury Example: You should be careful when playing sports otherwise you will face the risk of injury.
  • Need large investment of time Example: Playing a sport will need a large investment of time.

Collocations & Phrases for IELTS Speaking Test – Topic: Sports

1. To take up exercise: to start doing exercise

Example: I say I’m going to take up exercise all the time, but I always find an excuse to delay.

2. To train hard: to train with a lot of effort

Example: An athletic has to train hard to achieve their goal.

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3. To do judo: 

Example: My friend is physically very strong. She does judo every day.

4. To play tennis/football:

Example: At the weekends I like to play football with friends, and sometimes I just do judo to kill my times.

5. A strong swimmer: a good swimmer

Example: My father who is a strong swimmer teaches me how to swim.

6. To get into shape: to become fit

Example: My brother does many exercises, which help him to get into shape.

7. To keep fit: to stay in a good physical condition

Example: I try to keep fit by consuming healthy food and doing exercise regularly

8. To go jogging: to run around the street

Example: I usually go jogging with my mother in the park which is near my house in the early morning or the afternoon.

9. To set a record: to achieve the best result in a sports

Example: All athletics always want to set a record or get personal bests.

10. Sports facilities: the equipment and services needed to do a sports

Example: My university spends a lot of money on upgrading the sports facilities.

11. A personal best: to achieve the best result so far in the sports

Example: Sara trains hard to achieve her personal bests.

12. Brisk walk: a fast walk

Example: Doing a brisk walk is one of the best ways to maintain our health.

13. A big/huge/massive fan of: supporter or admirer who really like something

Example: I am a huge fan of football, and my favourite club is Real Marid.

14. To be out of condition: to be not physical fit

Example: Lacking of doing exercise and playing sports can lead to being out of condition.

15. An athletics meeting: an event where various athletics sports are held

Example: It has been my dream to go to an athletics meeting with my family to watch sports, especially football matches.

16. A football match: a game of football

Example: I have never missed a football match of my favourite club.

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IELTS Speaking Part 1

Discussing sports in IELTS Speaking Part 1   involves answering simple questions about your favorite sports, sports you play, and your general interest in physical activities.

1. Do you do any sports?

Absolutely yes, I am fond of playing football with my friends after school, because we are big fans of football,  and whenever playing it, we have a lot of fun with that and feel a sense of enjoyment.

2. Do you watch sports on TV?

Football is my favourite sport to watch on TV. Since I a huge football fan , I have barely missed football matches  of my favourite team including away games and home games.  I prefer to spend my Sunday night staying at home to see a match with my father.

3. What is the most popular sports in your country?

In my opinion, I believe football is the most common sport in my country. This is because it is not too hard to take up sports. In terms of watching a football match , this can bring so much fun to the viewer, not to mention that the sports does not cost much money to play and watch, which allow people to find it easy to approach.

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IELTS Speaking Part 2

In IELTS Speaking Part 2 , you might be asked to describe a memorable sports event or your favorite athlete, requiring more detailed and structured responses.

Band 8.0 Sample Answer 

Since I was a little boy, I began to fall for football, and until now I have ever stopped loving sports. At the very beginning, I first came to know football when my father took me to watch a football match in which our local team played against their biggest competitor.  Although our team lose that match , I knew that they had trained hard to prepare for the big match , also during the match, they showed their determination to win that game. All of this made me love our team and to start to fall in love with the interesting sports. After that, I always followed our local team and asked my father to buy season tickets , then I would never miss any games of my favourite team.

Apart from watching football, I am also into playing it. Thus, whenever I have spare time, I prefer to spend on playing football with my friends, which is not only easy for us to take up but also give us a sense of enjoyment . Though it makes me sweat a lot anytime I play with the ball, I love the fact that I always have a great time with my buddy. In addition, I was proud that by playing football regularly I can get into shape , then my relatives compliment on my fit body each time we meet.

Finally, I believe that does not matter that how busy I will be in the future, I will constantly spend a part of my time on football, and my love for football will never be faded.

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IELTS Speaking Part 3

IELTS Speaking Part 3 involves deeper discussion about sports, such as the role of sports in society, the impact of professional sports, and the importance of physical education, showcasing your ability to express complex ideas.

1. Should people be encouraged more to take up a sport?

Definitely yes, the most important reason is that playing sports can be regarded as a recreational activity . Indeed, while in the modern world individuals have to suffer from a high level of stress at work or school , so this activity can allow people to reduce stress significantly and feel comfortable. Another reason is anticipating that sports will allow people to socialize , which means they can meet and make new friends.

2. Which sports do you think is best for people who aren’t used to physical activity?

In my point of view, this kind of people won’t prefer strenuous exercise , so brisk walking can be a great choice because sports do not require a high level of fitness . Also, going on a brisk walk regularly help people to keep fit and have a good effect on their health . People who aren’t used to physical activity can also choose swimming, which is easy to take up and after go swimming, they can feel a sense of freshness.

IELTS Sports Vocabulary is a valuable resource for anyone preparing for the IELTS exam. By familiarizing yourself with key sports terms and expressions, you’ll be able to discuss sports topics more fluently and accurately. Incorporate this vocabulary into your study plan to boost your confidence and achieve a higher score in the IELTS speaking and writing sections.

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Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

Courtney is one of our star content writers as she plays multiple roles. She is a phenomenal researcher and provides extensive articles to students. She is also an IELTS Trainer and an extremely good content writer. Courtney completed her English Masters at Kings College London, and has been a part of our team for more than 3 years. She has worked with the British Council and knows the tricks and tips of IELTS.

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Mastering “Sports Academy” Vocabulary for IELTS Success: A Comprehensive Guide

Sports academies play a crucial role in nurturing athletic talent and providing specialized education. For IELTS candidates, understanding and effectively using vocabulary related to sports academies can significantly enhance their performance across all sections of the test. This guide will help you master the term “ Sports Academy ” and related vocabulary, enabling you to express your ideas more precisely in your IELTS exam.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Examples in Context
  • 1.2 Common Contexts
  • 1.3 Frequency in IELTS
  • 2.1 Word Structure
  • 2.2 Synonyms and Related Terms
  • 3.1 Mind Mapping
  • 3.2 Storytelling Technique
  • 4.1 Application in IELTS Writing
  • 4.2 IELTS Speaking Practice
  • 5 Conclusion

Definition and Usage

Sports academy (noun) /spɔːrts əˈkædəmi/: An educational institution that combines academic studies with intensive sports training.

sports academy students training

Examples in Context

The local sports academy has produced several Olympic athletes over the past decade. Analysis: This sentence highlights the success and reputation of a sports academy in developing top-tier athletes.

Students at the sports academy balance their academic studies with rigorous training schedules. Analysis: This example emphasizes the dual focus of sports academies on education and athletic development.

The sports academy’s state-of-the-art facilities attract aspiring athletes from across the country. Analysis: Here, we see the importance of infrastructure in a sports academy’s appeal and effectiveness.

Coaches at the sports academy work closely with nutritionists to ensure optimal performance from their athletes. Analysis: This sentence illustrates the comprehensive approach of sports academies, incorporating various aspects of athlete development.

Graduating from a prestigious sports academy can open doors to professional sports careers or sports-related fields. Analysis: This example shows the potential long-term benefits of attending a sports academy.

Common Contexts

Sports academies are often discussed in relation to:

  • Elite athlete development
  • Youth sports programs
  • Educational policy in sports
  • Career pathways in athletics
  • Sports management and administration

Frequency in IELTS

The term “sports academy” and related vocabulary are moderately common in IELTS, particularly in:

  • Reading passages about education or sports
  • Writing Task 2 essays on topics related to youth development or education
  • Speaking Part 3 discussions about sports, education, or career choices

Vocabulary Analysis

Word structure.

  • Sports (noun) + Academy (noun)
  • Academy: from Greek ‘Akademeia’, the grove where Plato taught

Synonyms and Related Terms

  • Athletic institute
  • Sports school
  • Sports training center
  • High-performance sports center
  • Elite sports program

Memorization Techniques

Mind mapping.

Create a mind map with “Sports Academy” at the center, branching out to related concepts:

  • Facilities (gym, track, pool)
  • Staff (coaches, trainers, teachers)
  • Programs (different sports, academic subjects)
  • Goals (athletic achievement, education, character development)

Storytelling Technique

Imagine a day in the life of a student at a sports academy, from early morning training to evening study sessions. This narrative can help embed the vocabulary in a memorable context.

Practice Exercises

Application in ielts writing.

Task: Write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of attending a sports academy. Use at least three of the following terms:

  • Sports academy
  • Elite athlete
  • Balanced education
  • Intensive training
  • Career prospects

Sample answer: Attending a sports academy offers aspiring elite athletes the unique opportunity to receive intensive training while pursuing a balanced education . This combination can significantly enhance their career prospects in both sports and academic fields. However, the rigorous schedule and focus on athletic performance may limit social experiences and put excessive pressure on young individuals.

IELTS Speaking Practice

Imagine you’re answering this question in IELTS Speaking Part 3:

“Do you think sports academies are beneficial for young athletes? Why or why not?”

Sample answer: I believe sports academies can be highly beneficial for young athletes for several reasons. Firstly, they provide a structured environment where aspiring athletes can receive professional coaching and access to state-of-the-art facilities , which are crucial for developing their skills to an elite level. Additionally, these academies often offer a balanced curriculum that combines academic studies with sports training, ensuring that students don’t neglect their education while pursuing their athletic goals.

However, it’s important to consider potential drawbacks. The intensive training regimes at sports academies can be physically and mentally demanding, which might lead to burnout or injuries if not managed properly. There’s also the risk of young athletes becoming too specialized too early, potentially limiting their overall development.

Despite these concerns, I think the benefits outweigh the risks when sports academies are well-managed. They can provide a unique pathway for talented young athletes to reach their full potential, both in sports and academics, setting them up for successful careers whether they continue in professional sports or pursue other fields.

Mastering the vocabulary associated with sports academies can significantly enhance your performance in the IELTS exam. By understanding the context, analyzing the word structure, and practicing its use in various IELTS tasks, you’ll be well-equipped to discuss this topic confidently. Remember to incorporate these terms naturally in your responses, and always aim for clarity and coherence in your communication.

We encourage you to practice using these terms in your own sentences and essays. If you have any questions about using “sports academy” or related vocabulary in your IELTS preparation, feel free to ask in the comments section below. Good luck with your studies!

For more IELTS vocabulary tips, check out our guide on how to learn English for IELTS without coaching . You might also find our article on discussing your middle school experience in IELTS Speaking helpful for expanding your educational vocabulary.

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Ielts vocabulary: sports.

  • by EssayKing-Jennifer
  • 1 minute read

sports essay vocabulary

If you encounter the topic of Sport in the IELTS test, how would you describe your favorite sport? How do you train daily? Let’s explore high-quality vocabulary with Essay King to help you apply words most accurately!

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sports essay vocabulary

2 . Sports Facilities Vocabulary

sports essay vocabulary

If the ball is in someone’s court, they have to do something before any progress can be made in a situation
happening or having an effect on people at every level and in every area:
at the current point in some event; currently. 
to not allow someone to win easily
to defeat someone or something completely, especially in a sports competition
to hit in an unfair way
to support someone when the person needs help
to be wrong about the reason for something or the way to achieve something
to be the person who controls or organizes a situation
until the last moment that it is possible to do something

4 . Collocations

Break /set the world record Commit a foul Promote team spirit To win the championship To reach/ be at fever pitch Rapturous/ thunderous applause Fierce/ intense competition The most outstanding athlete title Enhance my state of health

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IELTS writing vocabulary: sports topics

Home  »  IELTS vocabulary  » IELTS sports vocabulary: writing about sports topics

Collocations and examples sentences

Below you will find some common collocations for the IELTS essay topic of sport. Read each one carefully and think about what kind of sample answers you might give for the questions included in the IELTS test. Remember that there are several different question types including:

  • Discuss both these views and give your own opinion
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree
  • Is this a positive or negative development
  • Answer both parts of the question
  • Give causes/reasons and effects.

sports essay vocabulary

Sports Vocabulary IELTS Writing Task 2

Performance enhancing : Many athletes use performance-enhancing drugs to do better in sports.

Sample question: Many athletes use performance-enhancing drugs to do better in sports events , and gain the benefits of making money. Do the advantages outweigh the negative impact?

Competitive sports : Americans love watching competitive sports because they are inherently competitive.

Sample question: All sport should be sponsored by multinational companies so that governments can spend more money on public transport, art museums, public health and vocational training. To what extent do you agree with the statement?

Average body : Standard dimensions of weight and height, usually according to national or international average measurements.

Ultra-endurance : Ultra-endurance sports force humans to work their hardest for as long as possible.

Sample question: In recent years, the number of ultra-endurance events has increased dramatically in many countries. Is this a positive or negative development?

Specialized bodies : Tall people have specialized bodies for the sport of basketball.

Financial incentives : The monetary gain offered to successful athletes. Some athletes take steroids because performing better provides increased financial incentives.

Sample question: Athletes in many countries are paid millions of dollars a year. Is this a positive or negative development?

Athletic performance : Athletic performance varies between people and is based on body type and experience.

Sample question: Athletic performance varies between people and is based on body type and experience, as well as eating habits and getting enough physical exercise. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Energy-efficient : It is more energy-efficient to eat protein and carbs before playing sports.

Changing genes : Over time, changing genes in humans has caused athletes to perform better.

Sample question: ‘In some countries, children with athletic ability train many hours a day from an early age. While they receive a formal education, their special talent means they miss out on a normal childhood and has a negative effect on their personal development. In other countries. there are not enough sports facilities for athletes and this is not fair.’ Do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion.

Different mindset : We have a different mindset today about sports than we did twenty years ago.

Sample question: Some people believe that sport prepares young people for a competitive world. Others say that playing sport in their free time helps young people develop social skills, learn about different cultures and spend time with friends. Discuss both views and give your own opinion .

Tearing tendons : Athletes must be careful when lifting weights because tearing tendons is a serious concern.

Sample question: Young people in many countries do not get enough physical exercise compared to previous generations. What are the reasons for this, and what are some possible solutions to this problem?

Human health : Taking drugs and drinking alcohol has a negative impact on human health. People can be drastically affected by these substances and so must take individual responsibility for their own health.

Sample question: Sport helps combat crime and can affect individuals in a positive way. To what extent do you agree? Give examples from your own knowledge.

Controversial issue : Funding national teams is a controversial issue in today’s world.

Sample question: Some governments are spending far more on funding national teams for the Olympics than on supporting creative artists and art galleries to display quality art. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

5 questions eliciting the collocations:

1. According to scientific research, what contributes to an increase in performance in athletes’ abilities over time?

2. How have genetics and technology affected athletes’ performance? Is it a positive or negative development? How has the academic world affected this essential subject?

3. What is the difference in athletes’ mindsets between today’s world and in the past? Provide some sample answers and include your own opinion.

4. Do you agree or disagree that ultra-endurance sports are harmful to our health? Explain the negative effects.

5. What positive or negative development is there for children playing computer games in their free time from a very early age?

Task 2 sample essay – with collocations removed (gap fill task)

Performance enhancing drugs are a _____________ _____ in the sports world today. While some people believe these drugs can increase ________ ___________, it is obvious that these drugs are detrimental to _____ ______. These drugs cause athletes to have unfair benefits over others as well.

Firstly, supplements to increase athletic performance should not be allowed because they can cause significant harm to the human body. For example, athletes who take these supplements may overwork their bodies and end up _______ _______ in the process.

While professional athletes take these supplements because of _________ __________ in order to perform better, they are not ______ _________ to the body. Most athletes end up crashing after taking these drugs. Therefore, these performance drugs should be banned from all markets.

Secondly, supplements should be banned because they provide an unfair advantage. In the world of __________ ______, an unfair advantage can result in money loss and defamation for the losing athlete. These drugs help athletes create ___________ ______ for the sport in question.

Athletes on drugs have _____ _________ capabilities unlike the athlete with the drug-free and _______ ____. This causes the competition to lose its value and the real athletic talent to be lost. These drugs get rid of the real meaning of sports.

In conclusion, performance-enhancing drugs and supplements should not be allowed in competitive sports due to unfair advantages, and they should not be allowed in any marketplace, because they are unhealthy.

Click here for sample task two questions about sport.

Now test your knowledge

  • Does the writer believe there are more benefits or more drawbacks of athletes using performance-enhancing drugs? To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • What kind of practical problems occur as a result of athletes taking drugs? Give relevant examples from the script.
  • What reasons does the writer give for athletes not being allowed to take drugs? Give your own opinion.

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Giving your own opinion and including relevant examples

Many IELTS writing task 2 questions will ask for your opinion and examples. Try to state your opinion clearly and back up your own opinion with relevant examples that the examiner will be able to understand.

You could talk about an example in your local community from your own knowledge, or in other countries (or in many countries). For example, you could say that children in many countries take part in sport at school from an early age or that your government have decided to spend more money on a certain sport.

When you are talking about sport, related topics that are easy to add as relevant examples include the huge negative impact of fast food on young people, the positive impact of exercise on the current generation, the importance of physical exercise from primary school, more money for sports facilities for the local community and supporting the next generation of athletes.

If you are saying that you believe something is a positive development or a negative development, you need to give at least one reason. Using your own knowledge can mean mentioning a news story you saw on TV or other media to back up your argument. A news story from one of the world’s major cities will be more likely to be something the examiner has heard of.

If, as part of your opinion, you are saying what you think SHOULD happen, make sure you say ‘possible solutions to encourage people to exercise include….’ rather than ‘governments must encourage people…’ – this is more formal and shows you can use appropriate language.

You can also mention sports groups and pages on social networking sites in different countries, sports popular with young people in your own country, how fast food companies are sponsoring sports teams and sports-themed computer games.

Sports and athletics

Sports and athletics

Below is a detailed list of vocabulary related to "Sports and athletics" suitable for IELTS band 6.5-8.0:

  • Definition: A person who participates in sports or athletic activities.
  • Definition: A person who trains and guides athletes to improve their skills and performance.
  • Definition: A group of players who work together to compete against other teams.

Competition :

  • Definition: A contest or tournament where athletes or teams compete against each other.

Championship :

  • Definition: The final and most important competition in a sports season, determining the overall winner.

Tournament :

  • Definition: A series of games or matches where players or teams compete to win a title or prize.
  • Definition: A single game or contest between two individuals or teams.
  • Definition: The process of practicing and preparing to improve athletic skills and performance.
  • Definition: The overall physical condition and health of an athlete.
  • Definition: Gentle exercises performed before a sports event to prepare the body for physical activity.

Cool-down :

  • Definition: Gentle exercises performed after a sports event to help the body recover and reduce muscle soreness.

Athleticism :

  • Definition: The combination of physical abilities, skill, and agility of an athlete.

Endurance :

  • Definition: The ability to sustain physical effort for an extended period.
  • Definition: The physical power and ability to exert force.
  • Definition: The rate at which an athlete can move or perform an action.
  • Definition: The ability to move quickly and with ease.

Flexibility :

  • Definition: The range of motion in an athlete's joints and muscles.

Technique :

  • Definition: The specific way an athlete performs a skill or movement.
  • Definition: The highest achievement or best result in a particular sports event.
  • Definition: An award given to athletes who finish in the top positions in a competition.
  • Definition: The raised platform where medalists stand during a victory ceremony.
  • Definition: The official who enforces the rules of a sports event and makes decisions during the game.
  • Definition: A violation in team sports where an athlete is positioned in an unauthorized area.
  • Definition: A violation of the rules in sports, often resulting in a penalty.
  • Definition: A punishment given to an athlete or team for a rule violation.

Fair Play :

  • Definition: Sportsmanship and ethical behavior in competition, showing respect for opponents and abiding by the rules.
  • Definition: The use of banned substances or methods to enhance athletic performance.

Sportsmanship :

  • Definition: The behavior of an athlete showing respect, fairness, and integrity towards opponents and officials.
  • Definition: A devoted supporter of a sports team or athlete.
  • Definition: Shouting or showing enthusiastic support for a team or athlete during a sports event.

Home Advantage :

  • Definition: The benefits a team or athlete gains from playing on their home field or turf.
  • Definition: An extra period added to a sports game to break a tie if the score is equal after the regular playing time.
  • Definition: The reviewing of a play or decision by officials using video technology.
  • Definition: Physical harm or damage to an athlete's body during sports or competition.
  • Definition: The act of making a recovery or return after falling behind in a sports event.

Challenger :

  • Definition: An athlete or team that competes against the reigning champion to win a title or title shot.

Performance :

  • Definition: The manner in which an athlete plays or competes in a sports event.
  • Definition: The ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.

Triathlon :

  • Definition: A multisport event that includes swimming, cycling, and running.

Paralympics :

  • Definition: A sports competition for athletes with physical disabilities.

By incorporating these vocabulary words into your studies and practice, you can enhance your language proficiency and be better prepared for the IELTS exam. Best of luck!

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Sports Vocabulary

We all have a relationship with sport: we might watch it, play it or try our best to avoid it. Because it’s such an important subject you may find yourself being asked questions about sport in the IELTS Speaking exam.

Read the following IELTS-style questions and answers below and pay attention to the phrases in  bold . Use the ‘Definitions’ section at the bottom of the page to check the meaning of any phrases you don’t understand.

Part 1-style questions

Examiner: Do you do any sports? Loiuse: Not really … no … I always say I’m going  to take up exercise  and try  to get into shape  but I never seem to get started … I sometimes wonder whether  I should get  a personal trainer  … someone who will sort out  a fitness programme  for me and make me  train hard  ….
Examiner: How do you spend a typical weekend? Stella: I’m a big  football fan  and weekends always centre around  a football match  … I support FC Utrecht and have  a season ticket  so I go to most of the  home games  and quite a few of the  away games  too  … I’m really looking forward to the new  football season  starting soon …
Examiner: Have you got any hobbies or interests? Theo: Yes … I’m really keen on sports … I  do judo  once a week and  play tennis  in the summer … I think it’s really important  to keep fit  … it makes you feel good and energised for work and your studies ….

Part 2-style task

Describe a place you like going to in your leisure time. You should say:

  • what this place is
  • when you go there
  • what you do there

and say why you enjoy it there so much.

Maurice:  I’d like to talk about my local  sports centre  … it’s a place I spend a lot of time in  … it’s a new building with all the latest  sports facilities  … I probably go there at least twice a week … sometimes more often … it’s a huge place … there’s an outdoor  athletics track  and some  football pitches  … I  play football  so I’m often out there … there are several indoor  squash and tennis courts  that I use occasionally … a big  swimming pool  … although I don’t use that very often … I’m not a very  strong swimmer  … there’s a gym … lots of things really … why do I enjoy going there … it’s just a really fun place to be … there’s a good social side to it all … you can enter competitions … meet up with other people who want to do the same sports … and because there are so many activities on offer it gets you interested in different things … for example I was listening to some people talking about training  to run the marathon  and I’ve decided I might even think about that … I  go jogging  a couple of times a week so it would give me something to aim for … so yes … the sports centre … that’s the place I really like to visit …

Part 3-style questions

Examiner: Should people be encouraged more to take up sport? Alejandro: I think young people should be given the chance to discover which sport they might like … watching sport is sometimes a good way to get people started … not on TV but actually getting out … take athletics for example … they could go to  an athletics meeting  … there are so many different sports on show one might interest them …
Examiner: Why do some people enjoy participating in sport more than others? Florrie: That’s a good question … I suppose some people are more concerned about their health … they can’t stand the thought of  being out of condition  … other people might be driven to excel … they want  to set records  or get  personal bests  …
Examiner: Which sports do you think are best for people who aren’t used to physical activity? Julie: Well … I think people like this should avoid  strenuous exercise  so things like  circuit training  are definitely out of the question … maybe just doing  a brisk walk  every day … or swimming is always a good way to get started …


  • an athletics meeting : an event where various athletics sports are held
  • an athletics track : a running track
  • an away game : a football match played in the opposing teams stadium
  • a brisk walk : a fast walk
  • to do judo : (not go or play)
  • a football fan : someone who likes football
  • a fitness programme : a schedule of activities to keep fit
  • a football match : a game of football
  • a football pitch : the surface on which you play football (as opposed to a stadium, which is the building)
  • a football season : a period in the year when football is played
  • to get into shape : to become fit
  • to go jogging : to run around the streets
  • a home game :  a football match played in the teams own stadium
  • to keep fit : to stay in good physically condition
  • to be out of condition : to not be physically fit
  • a personal best : to achieve the best personal result so far in a sport
  • a personal trainer : a sports coach that helps you on a one-to-one basis
  • to play tennis/football : (not do or go)
  • to run the marathon : to run a distance of 42.195 Kilometres
  • a season ticket : a ticket that gives you entry to most of a team’s home games during the sporting year.
  • to set a record : to achieve the best result in a sport
  • a sports centre : a public building where people can do various sports
  • sports facilities : the equipment and services needed to do a sport
  • a squash/tennis/badminton court : the surface where you play these sports
  • strenuous exercise : exercise that needs a lot of physical effort
  • a strong swimmer : a good swimmer
  • a swimming pool : the place where you swim
  • to take up exercise : to start doing exercise
  • to train hard : to train with a lot of effort

IELTS Speaking

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IELTS Sports Vocabulary

March 1, 2013 By PeterT

Topic Vocabulary >> Lesson 4: Sport

We all have a relationship with sport: we might watch it, play it or try our best to avoid it. Because it’s such an important subject you may find yourself being asked questions about sport in the IELTS Speaking exam.

Read the following IELTS-style questions and answers below and pay attention to the phrases in bold . Use the ‘Definitions’ section at the bottom of the page to check the meaning of any phrases you don’t understand.

Part 1-style questions

Examiner: Do you do any sports? Loiuse: Not really … no … I always say I’m going to take up exercise and try to get into shape but I never seem to get started … I sometimes wonder whether  I should get a personal trainer … someone who will sort out a fitness programme for me and make me train hard ….
Examiner: How do you spend a typical weekend? Stella: I’m a big football fan and weekends always centre around a football match … I support FC Utrecht and have a season ticket so I go to most of the home games and quite a few of the away games too  … I’m really looking forward to the new football season starting soon …
Examiner: Have you got any hobbies or interests? Theo: Yes … I’m really keen on sports … I do judo once a week and play tennis in the summer … I think it’s really important to keep fit … it makes you feel good and energised for work and your studies ….

Part 2-style task

Describe a place you like going to in your leisure time. You should say:

  • what this place is
  • when you go there
  • what you do there

and say why you enjoy it there so much.

Maurice:  I’d like to talk about my local sports centre … it’s a place I spend a lot of time in  … it’s a new building with all the latest sports facilities … I probably go there at least twice a week … sometimes more often … it’s a huge place … there’s an outdoor athletics track and some football pitches … I play football so I’m often out there … there are several indoor squash and tennis courts that I use occasionally … a big swimming pool … although I don’t use that very often … I’m not a very strong swimmer … there’s a gym … lots of things really … why do I enjoy going there … it’s just a really fun place to be … there’s a good social side to it all … you can enter competitions … meet up with other people who want to do the same sports … and because there are so many activities on offer it gets you interested in different things … for example I was listening to some people talking about training to run the marathon and I’ve decided I might even think about that … I go jogging a couple of times a week so it would give me something to aim for … so yes … the sports centre … that’s the place I really like to visit …

Part 3-style questions

Examiner: Should people be encouraged more to take up sport? Alejandro: I think young people should be given the chance to discover which sport they might like … watching sport is sometimes a good way to get people started … not on TV but actually getting out … take athletics for example … they could go to an athletics meeting … there are so many different sports on show one might interest them …
Examiner: Why do some people enjoy participating in sport more than others? Florrie: That’s a good question … I suppose some people are more concerned about their health … they can’t stand the thought of being out of condition … other people might be driven to excel … they want to set records or get personal bests …
Examiner: Which sports do you think are best for people who aren’t used to physical activity? Julie: Well … I think people like this should avoid strenuous exercise so things like circuit training  are definitely out of the question … maybe just doing a brisk walk every day … or swimming is always a good way to get started …


  • an athletics meeting : an event where various athletics sports are held
  • an athletics track : a running track
  • an away game : a football match played in the opposing teams stadium
  • a brisk walk : a fast walk
  • to do judo : (not go or play)
  • a football fan : someone who likes football
  • a fitness programme : a schedule of activities to keep fit
  • a football match : a game of football
  • a football pitch : the surface on which you play football (as opposed to a stadium, which is the building)
  • a football season : a period in the year when football is played
  • to get into shape : to become fit
  • to go jogging : to run around the streets
  • a home game :  a football match played in the teams own stadium
  • to keep fit : to stay in good physically condition
  • to be out of condition : to not be physically fit
  • a personal best : to achieve the best personal result so far in a sport
  • a personal trainer : a sports coach that helps you on a one-to-one basis
  • to play tennis/football : (not do or go)
  • to run the marathon : to run a distance of 42.195 Kilometres
  • a season ticket : a ticket that gives you entry to most of a team’s home games during the sporting year.
  • to set a record : to achieve the best result in a sport
  • a sports centre : a public building where people can do various sports
  • sports facilities : the equipment and services needed to do a sport
  • a squash/tennis/badminton court : the surface where you play these sports
  • strenuous exercise : exercise that needs a lot of physical effort
  • a strong swimmer : a good swimmer
  • a swimming pool : the place where you swim
  • to take up exercise : to start doing exercise
  • to train hard : to train with a lot of effort

Test yourself on topic vocabulary to talk about sport. Sign up to IELTS Speaking: Advanced for vocabulary tests and whole lot more!


May 8, 2016 at 8:30 am

Hi. I don’t know English language very well,but I can speak some. I’m going to improve my speaking skills. I think this website is very useful for the beginners

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February 5, 2016 at 7:09 pm

There are a no. of sports in my country bt cricket is very popular in my country. I don’t knw exact reason behind it bt young generation is just likely to die out for it. It is funny bt it seems like it exactly in my country. It has a variety of rules. This game starts with a toss by coin in the presence of botj captains of each team n toss winner decides either to bat or ball. Then 2 players come into the ground n opposite team’s fielders enter into the ground. Bowler bowls the ball n batsman hitsn runs to run/ score. Any of Batsman if delays to reach in the range of wickets n if wicket is touched before batsman reaching then batsman cl b declared out n would b replaced with another team members n so on. In another case if Batsman hits the ball n ball is caught by any of the fielder then vl b out When all the batsman go out then rules go vice versa with other team There are around 11 playersin each team. In this game bat, ball, stump, knee pads,wickets, helmet, gloves are used. It is quite famous in my country bcz cricket players earn huge money, name n fame plus status symbol. So youngsters want to become just like them.

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August 11, 2015 at 10:42 am

please ! tell me that How to listen to audio or sound of topic

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May 25, 2014 at 7:34 pm

Descibe a sporn which is popular in your counntry? What this sporti s? What rules are included in this sport? How many people are involved? What equipents are needed? Explain why it is popular.

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April 18, 2014 at 7:49 am


Do you do any sports? Which sports are popular in your country? Why do some people enjoy participating in sport more than others?

Use some of the vocabulary above to answer these or any of the other questions on this page.

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IELTS Sports Essay – IELTS Writing Task 2 Samples & Tips

  • Last Updated On July 30, 2024
  • Published In IELTS Preparation 💻

sports essay IELTS

Writing task 2 in the IELTS test includes essays where the candidate’s writing skills are tested. The applicants must choose from the list of essay topics given in the question paper and write a 250 words excerpt justifying the topic to get good marks. 

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What qualifies as an essay topic like sports general line for task 2 worthy of a band score of 6.5 or more depends on the person checking the exam, but there are some ground rules that you must follow. While these rules apply to everyone giving the exam, your content, vocabulary usage, punctuation, coherence, and other essential things make the essay better. 

Useful Tips for Writing an IELTS Essay

For the sports IELTS writing task 2, here are a few tips and tricks to improve your band score. 

  • Familiarity with the topic
  • Time management
  • Satisfying the requirements

We will now discuss these individually to get a better understanding of how to tackle the IELTS essay topics.

Outline: The essay outline should be clear and precisely related to the topic. This means that at no point in the essay your content should digress from the core points.  

The standard outline includes an introduction, the main content body, and the conclusion. Specifically, the introduction should have the power to immediately hook the reader to your essay and provide an overview of your ideas and what the reader will find in the main content body. 

So make sure that you are investing some time creating a rough outline of your essay before you start writing. An outline will ensure that you stick to the topic and present relevant ideas. 

Vocabulary: An important aspect of your sports essay IELTS exam is using the right words that demonstrate your hold over the English language. Not to mention your knowledge about the subject matter, in this case, sports. So, make sure to use some sports-specific terms in the essay. 

With the other types of words that you will be using, too, it is important to ensure relevance, placement, and understanding. The words you write must be legible and rightly placed in context. 

Familiarity with the topic: Nobody is expecting you to be aware of a topic in detail. But you should have some idea about the current and trending topics. In sports, topics like substance use in sportspersons, steroids, the credibility of the notion that sports are dangerous, children in sports, and a few more are always current.

The essay topics for IELTS may also revolve around the same. For instance —

  • Some people think dangerous sports should be banned, while others think people should choose for themselves. (Academic Test, 2017).
  • Many countries want to host international sports events, while other countries think that hosting sports events has more problems than benefits. Discuss both views. (GT Test, 2017).

These two topics were taken from previous years’ IELTS exam question papers. As you can see, the topics are not very specific. They can be easily answered, provided you understand the general things involved here. Plus, to gain a better score, you must cite relevant examples to justify the points you will mention in the exam. 

Time Management: You cannot and should not spend too much time on writing task 2 IELTS topics. The ideal time to spend on this task is 40 minutes, and that too, considering the time you need to plan, understand, write, and review. 

So, if you are taking more time than this today, start practising and bring it down to under 40 minutes. Writing 250 words should not take more than 20 minutes. The other 20 minutes you need to spend on planning and other tasks. 

One of the main reasons examinees spend more than 40 minutes is their failure to process their thoughts or they get confused with what to write. So, move back to the first point where we talked about the IELTS writing task 2 sports topic outline. 

Following the outline can help you complete the task on time. You will be able to process your thoughts easily without deviating from the topic. 

Relevant Response: The IELTS writing task 2 topics is about academic writing. Your prerogative must be to present all the pointers. For instance, “Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, while others think people should be free to choose.” In this topic, you need to write about both perspectives.

One is for the argument, and the second is against the idea. In both, you need to cite relevant examples to justify your statements and end the discussion with your point of view and rationale behind choosing it. 

The academic writing test will mostly ask you to write different perspectives within the 250 words limit. So, while attempting this test, make sure that you present all the information with the pointers mentioned above. Most importantly, do not mix the ‘for’ and ‘against’ arguments at any point.

Sample Answer for IELTS Essay on Sports

Below you will find an essay on a sports topic that we have chosen at random. The model essay is written according to the 6.5 band score. So, writing this type of essay can get you a good score. Make sure to follow every statement and the presentation followed in the essay. 

Some people say that sports must be included in the school curriculum. However, others hold the opinion that it shouldn’t be there as it can lead to wasting time, which can be utilised for more effective academic training. 

Discuss both perspectives and give your own opinion.  

Students nowadays are expected to learn a wide gamut of subjects. This makes some people believe that athletics or sports should be a part of the school curriculum. However, others believe that sports take time in learning, practising, and then training. I think that sports should be a part of the school program and should be started from an early age. Today, we will elaborate on both sides of the argument to paint a better picture. 

Going into sports means the students can start doing some physical activity at an early age. Any type of physical activity helps increase the blood flow to the brain, which finetunes our neurons while promoting cell growth. 

Sports plays an important role for students as they become mentally capable of learning new things and physically capable of investing time in studying. I think that going into sports will make a student active, more knowledgeable, and social because they make friends while playing. 

The naysayers believe that the time students spend on sports can be otherwise invested in becoming better at academics. Being good at academics is essential as it helps students become intelligent and successful. Hence, parents don’t like their kids participating in sports because they don’t want them to be distracted from studying. 

As you can see, some parents wish to see their kids playing sports, and others don’t share the same feeling. But, I think that sports is an integral part of education and both of them must be developed simultaneously. 

The essay above satisfies the requirements of the task. We have stuck to the word limit and used some relevant words relevant to the topic. You don’t have room to write too much or too little in the IELTS writing task. So, the task is to find a balance between both arguments. 

Provide reasoning for your own knowledge and coherently present the information. 

Additional Practice Essays on Sports

Now that you have a good understanding of how to write an excellent essay, here are some more questions that you can use to improve your writing skills. Just remember to use the information provided in this blog to get top scores.

  • With the increasing incidence of puberty and being overweight, some people think sports should become a part of the school and university curriculum. To what extent do you agree with this point? Elaborate.
  • Should violent sports like boxing and other forms of martial arts be banned from broadcasting on TV and in international sports events like the Olympics? Discuss and justify your opinions. 
  • Sports are great for learning how to work with the team, but some parents think it teaches the vice of competing. Share your opinion and discuss both views. 

While you work on these topics, make sure to understand what is asked and write accordingly. You need to justify your requirements and present the information in an easy-to-understand manner. 

To get instant feedback and evaluation on your essays, you can also opt for Leap Scholar’s SmartTests

IELTS Sports Essay - IELTS Writing Task 2 Samples & Tips

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Attempting the IELTS essay on sports and exercise can turn out in your favour as it’s one of the most recurring topics, provided you do it right.  

Since writing about sports, leisure activities or any topic in the essay test can be easy if you have prior knowledge. A lack of knowledge can confuse you about what to write. Hence, ensure that you build some prior understanding of how to write a sports essay IELTS writing task 2 and stay updated with the subject matter to score good marks. 

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  • Describe a sportsperson that you admire
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Kanika took a detour from academics for the corporate world. Now she works as a senior editor specialising in content creation, marketing, and strategy.

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B2 English Vocabulary for Sports

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Sports are a universal language that brings people together from all corners of the world. Whether you’re playing, watching, or discussing sports, having a strong grasp of sports-related vocabulary can greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively in English. For B2 level English learners, mastering sports vocabulary is not just about understanding the rules of the game; it’s also about being able to discuss strategies, describe thrilling moments, and engage in conversations about your favorite teams and players.

In the context of the Cambridge B2 First exam, this vocabulary can be particularly useful in several parts of the test. For example, during the Speaking section, you might be asked to discuss a sport you enjoy, describe a memorable match, or even compare different sports. In the Writing section, you could be required to write an article, essay, or letter where sports vocabulary would make your language more precise and engaging. Additionally, the Reading and Use of English sections might include articles or excerpts related to sports, where understanding these terms could help you better comprehend the text and answer questions accurately.

In this blog post, we’ll explore a wide range of sports vocabulary that is essential for B2 learners. From general terms used across various sports to specific jargon related to popular games like football and tennis, this guide will equip you with the words you need to talk confidently about sports. Additionally, we’ll dive into descriptive vocabulary often used in sports commentary and give you practical strategies for learning and using these words. Finally, we’ll put everything into context with an essay that showcases these terms in action.

General Sports Vocabulary

Let’s start with some general sports vocabulary that is commonly used across different types of sports. These terms are essential for discussing various aspects of sports, from the structure of competitions to the roles of individuals involved in the games.

  • Competition : An event where individuals or teams compete against each other.
  • Opponent : A person or team that is competing against you.
  • Victory : The act of winning a competition or match.
  • Defeat : The act of losing a competition or match.
  • Tournament : A series of contests between a number of competitors, competing for an overall prize.
  • Match : A contest between two or more participants or teams.
  • Referee : The official who enforces the rules during a game.
  • Spectator : A person who watches a sport.
  • Coach : A person who trains and instructs athletes or a sports team.
  • Injury : Physical harm or damage to a person.
  • Substitute : A player who replaces another player during a game.
  • Tactics : The strategies planned to achieve success in a game or match.
  • Score : The number of points achieved in a game.
  • Draw : When neither team wins or loses, the game ends with equal scores.
  • Championship : A competition to find the best team or player.
  • Amateur : A person who engages in a sport for pleasure rather than as a profession.
  • Professional : A person who is paid to participate in a sport.
  • Medal : A piece of metal given as a reward for achievement in a competition.
  • League : A group of sports teams that compete against each other.
  • Fixture : A scheduled sports event.

These general terms provide a solid foundation for discussing sports in English, whether you’re talking about a specific game or general sports topics.

Specific Vocabulary for Popular Sports

Different sports have their own unique vocabulary. Here are key terms from some of the most popular sports:

Football (Soccer) Vocabulary

goalkeeper saving the ball

  • Penalty : A punishment given by the referee, usually resulting in a free kick or penalty kick.
  • Goalkeeper : The player who defends the goal.
  • Offside : A rule violation where a player is closer to the opponent’s goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent.
  • Midfielder : A player positioned in the middle of the field who plays both defense and attack.
  • Corner Kick : A kick from the corner of the field awarded to the attacking team.

Tennis Vocabulary

four men playing double tennis during daytime

  • Serve : The action of hitting the ball to start a point.
  • Deuce : A situation where both players have scored 40 points, requiring one player to win two consecutive points to win the game.
  • Rally : A sequence of back-and-forth hits between players during a point.
  • Ace : A serve that the opponent is unable to return, winning the point outright.
  • Breakpoint : A situation where the receiving player has the opportunity to win the game by winning the next point.

Basketball Vocabulary

basketball player about to free throw

  • Dribble : The action of bouncing the ball while moving.
  • Rebound : The act of catching the ball after a missed shot attempt.
  • Foul : An action that breaks the rules, often resulting in free throws for the opposing team.
  • Dunk : A shot where a player jumps and scores by directly putting the ball through the basket.
  • Three-pointer : A shot made from beyond the three-point line, worth three points.

Athletics Vocabulary

man on running field

  • Sprint : A short-distance race at high speed.
  • Relay : A race in which teams of runners pass a baton to each other.
  • Hurdle : A race where runners must jump over obstacles.
  • Marathon : A long-distance running race of 42.195 kilometers.
  • Javelin : A field event where competitors throw a spear-like object as far as possible.

Swimming Vocabulary

woman in black one piece swimsuit jumping on swimming pool during daytime

  • Freestyle : A swimming race where competitors can use any stroke, though the front crawl is most common.
  • Butterfly : A swimming stroke where both arms move symmetrically, accompanied by a dolphin kick.
  • Backstroke : A swimming stroke where the swimmer lies on their back and moves their arms in a circular motion.
  • Medley : A race in which the swimmer uses different strokes in a set order.
  • Lap : One complete length of the pool.

These sport-specific terms are essential for anyone discussing or participating in these sports at a B2 level.

Descriptive Vocabulary for Sports Commentary

Sports commentary often involves using descriptive language to capture the excitement and dynamics of a game. Here are some terms and phrases that are commonly used:

  • Under pressure : Describes a situation where a player or team is being challenged intensely.
  • Close match : A game where the scores are very close.
  • Breakthrough : A significant achievement or success in a game or season.
  • Upset : An unexpected victory, especially against a stronger opponent.
  • Comeback : A situation where a player or team that was losing recovers to win the game.
  • Unbeaten : Describes a team or player who has not lost in a series of games.
  • Injury time : Additional time added to the end of a game to compensate for stoppages due to injuries.
  • Red card : A card shown by the referee to signify that a player is sent off and can no longer participate in the match.
  • On target : A shot that is likely to score a goal if not saved by the goalkeeper.
  • Off the mark : Describes a team or player scoring their first point in a game.
  • Stalemate : A situation where neither side can make progress or win.
  • Spectacular : Something that is impressive to watch, such as a well-executed play.
  • Dominant : When a player or team is controlling the game.
  • Possession : The state of having control of the ball.
  • Counterattack : An attack made immediately after successfully defending against the opponent.
  • Clean sheet : A game in which the goalkeeper has not conceded any goals.
  • Thriller : A highly exciting game.
  • Form : The current condition of a player or team, often described as good or bad.
  • Suspended : When a player is temporarily banned from playing due to disciplinary action.
  • Trophy : A prize or award for winning a competition.

This vocabulary will help you describe games and matches more vividly and engage in discussions about sports with greater fluency.

Vocabulary in Context

To see how these words can be used in context, let’s look at an example essay that incorporates many of the terms we’ve discussed:

In the world of sports , few things are as thrilling as a close match where the opponents are evenly matched. Recently, I watched a football match that was a real thriller . Both teams were under pressure throughout, but they managed to keep the game tied until the last minute. The midfielder from the home team made a spectacular breakthrough by scoring an incredible goal, earning his team a victory in the final seconds of injury time . The spectators erupted in applause as the goalkeeper celebrated with his teammates, who had successfully maintained a clean sheet . It was a game where the home team dominated possession , making it difficult for their opponents to launch a counterattack . Despite being down for most of the game, the visitors made a comeback and almost secured a draw . However, the game was decided by a penalty after a foul in the penalty area. The referee had no choice but to show a red card to the defender , who had been suspended for a previous foul . With the team down to ten men, the task became even more challenging. In the end, the home team lifted the trophy as champions of the tournament , while the visitors accepted their defeat graciously. This match was not only a test of skill but also of tactics , as both coaches made crucial decisions that impacted the outcome. As a sports enthusiast, I find it fascinating how the right tactics can change the course of a game, turning an underdog into a victor . Sports vocabulary is essential not just for understanding the game, but for appreciating the strategy and drama that make sports so compelling.

In this article, we’ve covered a wide range of B2 English vocabulary for sports, from general terms and specific sports jargon to descriptive language used in commentary. Whether you’re discussing a thrilling football match, analyzing a tennis game, or simply enjoying a basketball game with friends, these terms will help you express yourself more clearly and confidently. To truly master this vocabulary, integrate these words into your daily practice, whether through reading sports articles, watching games in English, or engaging in sports discussions with others.

By expanding your sports vocabulary, you’ll not only enhance your language skills but also deepen your understanding and appreciation of the world of sports.

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20+ Sports Vocabulary For IELTS


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  • Aug 26, 2024

Sports Vocabulary For IELTS

Sports Vocabulary for IELTS is part of the IELTS Speaking test. Under this section, the test consists of various sports words, their meaning and their use in sentences. We are all familiar with words related to sports. From an early age, we have played one or the other sport or physical activity in school, college or university.

The IELTS Speaking test measures your ability to understand the definitions of words , their meaning and how well you can use them in sentences. This section often includes sports vocabulary , where words and phrases are given and candidates are asked to explain their meaning and their uses. This article guides you through Sports Vocabulary for IELTS.

Sports Vocabulary For IELTS 

Sports Vocabulary IELTS consists of various words and phrases related to the term ‘Sports’. Everybody considers sports an interesting topic. The IELTS Speaking section frequently includes sports vocabulary. Candidates preparing for their next IELTS test must be knowledgeable about sports vocabulary, as it is high-scoring. The table below highlights 20+ sports vocabulary for IELTS.

AthleteYou have to work very hard to become a top-level athlete.
AthleticismA blend of physical skills, abilities, and agility characteristic of an athlete.
Athletics TrackThe inside lane of the athletics track has a distance of 400mts.
ChampionshipThe national-level soccer championship will be conducted soon.
CompetitionShe’s got a badminton competition in the coming month.
CoachHis swimming coach is very strict.
EnduranceHis level of endurance is like a professional athlete.
ExerciseShe exercises daily for 2 hours a day.
extreme sport A sport that gives a high level of excitement but also comes with significant risks, like skydiving.
FitnessFor some people, fitness is a way of living.
GameOutdoor games are more fun than online games.
GoalArgentina scored the highest number of goals in the European League.
PastimeHe plays squash during his pastime.
Physical ActivityMy doctor recommended me to indulge in some physical activity to stay fit.
Runner-upHe worked so hard but still was a runner-up.
RefereeThe decision of the referee is final.
StrengthYou must go to the gym 4 times a week to build strength.
Strenuous exerciseStrenuous exercise refers to physical activities that require a significant amount of effort and exertion.
TeamThe FIFA World Cup has only 32 teams.
TournamentThe tennis tournament is conducted every year in January.
UniformThere’s a uniform for every sports activity.
VictoryTo secure victory, you must work hard each day.
Warm-upYou must warm up your muscles before beginning your workout.
WrestlingWrestling is considered a violent sport.

While there’s no strict list of sports vocabulary for IELTS, these 20+ vocabulary will be very helpful for you. To improve your vocabulary, make it a habit to practice and learn new words every day. This consistent effort will expand your language skills and boost your confidence during the exam.

Check Out the 50+ IELTS Speaking Words To Use

Sports Idioms and Phrases for IELTS

A lot of times the IELTS Vocabulary consists of Idioms and Phrases , where candidates are required to use them appropriately in a sentence. While answering Sports Idioms and Phrases, candidates should check the quality of their answers, as it will determine their scores. Here is a table that highlights idioms and phrases related to sports for IELTS Vocabulary and their use in sentences.

Ace in the HoleHis last step during the Chess competition was the ace in the hole for winning the championship.
All the marblesHe is trying to hold on to the first position so that he can put all the marbles in one shot.
Ballpark figureIt’s worth taking a friendly builder along on the second viewing to get a ballpark figure on costs.
Bench WarmerIt’s sad to see a top-level player performing like a bench warmer.
Caught flat-footedThe reporter’s questions caught the minister flat-footed.
Drop the ballHe really dropped the ball when he forgot to call back.
Full court pressThe Prime Minister will conduct a full-court press for Hindu voters.
Hail MaryHe threw up a Hail Mary during the last minute of the game.
Play hardballShe is a nice girl but can play hardball when things are tough.
Knockout blowHe must land a knockout blow to secure a win.
Jump the gunYou must not jump the gun with her, as you’ve just met her.
In the red zoneIt will be tough for the team to score points once it is in the red zone.
Level playing fieldThere should be a level playing field for my opportunities for job advancement.
To be out of conditionto be physically unfit
To outlaw dangerous sportsBanning or prohibiting sports that involve a high risk of injury

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FAQs on Sports Vocabulary For IELTS

The IELTS test is conducted around 48 times a year. There’s no limit on how many times a person can appear for the IELTS test.

To score better in IELTS Vocabulary, candidates must work on learning new words, their meaning and their uses. You can start by reading the newspaper articles and search for their meanings in the dictionary.

Every time candidates apply for the IELT test will have to pay INR 15,500 via credit card or PayPal. The IELTS application fee is non-refundable.

For the IELTS exam, there is no strict list of sports-related vocabulary that you need to know, but familiarize yourself with common sports terms to enhance your performance. However, the sports vocabulary for IELTS given in this article will be very useful to you. To improve your vocabulary, make a habit of practising and learning new words every day. This continuous effort will expand your language skills and increase your confidence during the exam.

Candidates who want to prepare for IELTS or any other language proficiency test, can Build a plan with Leverage Edu‘s Leverage Live classes and our top trainers and strengthen your English score as well as your application so that you can secure your spot in your dream college. Fulfil your dreams of studying abroad with Leverage Edu , to get a free counselling session, reach us at 1800527130 . 

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Shiva Tyagi

Shiva is a professional content writer with an experience of 2 years. Most of his content is focused on helping students with their education and future plans. In his spare time, Shiva enjoys reading biographies and real-life stories.

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Sport and Games

Table of contents, vocabulary – sports / games, illustrated sports and games vocabulary.


Sports Vocabulary List in Alphabetical order

Words and expressions, general terms, specific actions, game situations, outcomes and statistics, fan and spectator terms, sports idioms, general sports idioms, specific sports idioms.

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