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How to Write Lesson Note [See Templates and Samples]

Henry Divine Leave a comment

Table of Contents

What is a Lesson Note?

A lesson note is a comprehensive outline of the content of a lesson, that helps teachers to remember what they want to teach during a lesson. The lesson note usually contains the main points the teacher hopes to cover, the activities they will do and the necessary materials for the lesson. Actually, a lesson note is like a cheat sheet or roadmap that guides the teacher through a class.

Important Characteristics of a Good Lesson Note

Before we begin to explore how to write lesson note for nursery, primary and secondary school, it is important to acquaint ourselves with the characteristics of a good lesson note.

Here are some of them:

1. Unlike a lesson plan owned by the school, a lesson note is the personal property of the teacher. It contains important information and instructions for both the teacher and students on delivering a specific lesson. The lesson note is the closest reference tool the teacher has while teaching in class. There, they can find the curriculum content and other necessary details needed to effectively impart knowledge to students.

2. A good lesson note contains essential information for effective teaching. For example, it contains learning objectives, instructional materials, assessment questions and so on. It, therefore, acts as a guide for the teacher from the beginning to the end of a lesson, ensuring that the learning objectives are attained.

3. It is possible for schools to modify lesson plans to suit their policies and standards, they cannot make such alterations in lesson notes. The primary focus of the school is on the instructional plan which they endorse by themselves.

4. A teacher’s lesson note does not have to be exhaustive like a lesson plan. The lesson note only needs to be practical enough to enable teachers to implement their lesson plan effectively.

5. The lesson note provides specific instructions for executing the lesson plan. Some of the instructions you may find in lesson notes include: teaching tactics, relevant examples, learning materials and any additional information required by the teacher to enhance learning.

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How to Write Lesson Note That is Effective

As a teacher, you need to appreciate the fact that writing an effective lesson note on a topic involves several steps. Here is how to write lesson note in simple steps:

1. Establish Learning Objectives

Clearly outline the specific learning objectives you expect from your students by the end of the lesson. With this, you establish the goal of the lesson before anything else.

2. Select a Lesson Topic

For a given term, there are normally several topics in the scheme of work arranged according to weeks and days. Select the topic you need to prepare lesson note on.

3. Gather Necessary Materials

Get all the reference materials you need in order to prepare an effective lesson note. Of course, after preparing the lesson note, you will need to also gather any other tool you need to deliver the lesson, for example textbooks, workbooks, pictures and so on.

4. Outline the Lesson Structure

Give the lesson an executable and logical structure by dividing it into sections. Examples of sections you may have in your lesson note include introduction, main content, activities and conclusion.

5. Write the Introduction

Begin your lesson note with an intriguing introduction to capture the attention of your students. If you do your introduction very well, it should also provide an overview of what they will learn at the end of the day.

6. Present Key Content

Break down the content of your lesson note into manageable parts depending on the nature of the topic. So for the lesson note, there may be direct lectures, then discussions and demonstrations.

7. Plan Activities and Exercises

Towards the end of the lesson note, include a variety of activities to actively engage students and reinforce the concepts they learned. The activities can be done individually or in groups, or as a class-wide exercise.

8. Assessment and Evaluation

This is a very essential part of any lesson note that would be effective. As a teacher, you must plan how to assess your students’ understanding and progress. So, incorporate assessment questions or exercises in your lesson  note.

9. Conclusion and Review

At this point, the lesson note is about coming to an end. So you need to summarize key points and allow for questions or clarification. Thereafter, provide a brief overview of the next lesson and give your students homework assignments.

10. Reflection and Revision

Number 9 above is where your lesson note ends. This number 10 is about what you ought to do after delivering the lesson. After the lesson, you need to sit back and reflect on its effectiveness. In so doing, you will be able to identify strengths and areas that need improvement. Then use the feedback to enhance future lesson plans.

Read Also: Basic Science for Primary 2 (Schémé, Topics & Questions)

How to Write Lesson Note for Nursery School in Nigeria

Teaching nursery school or kindergarten children can be tough yet fulfilling. As a nursery school teacher, you need to have a good lesson plan as well an effective lesson note if you must be able to sustain the interest of your students and help them to learn well. This section, we are going to offer tips on how to write lesson note for nursery school to meet learning objectives. In so doing, we shall discuss setting goals, planning fun activities, and checking how students are doing.

We hope that the tips we are going to share will help you to always make lesson notes that will foster learning in nursery school students, whether you are an experienced teacher or just starting out.

How to Write a Lesson Note For Nursery Schools

When writing a lesson note for nursery school kids, you need to always remember they have unique learning needs and shorter attention spans. So you must always endeavor to keep it all simple, clear and focused.

The first step is to set clear learning objectives. Make them specific, measurable, and achievable. For example, instead of just saying “students will learn about colors,” a more specific objective would be “students will be able to identify and name at least six colors by the end of the lesson.”

Next, plan activities and materials that match their age and are fun. You can use hands-on activities, songs, games, and stories to keep them engaged. Don’t forget to vary your teaching methods to suit different learning styles, like visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.

Remember to assess their progress as you go. Use informal observations or assessments to see where they’re struggling and adjust your lesson accordingly.

Overall, writing a nursery school lesson plan requires creativity and flexibility. With clear goals, engaging activities, and progress checks, you can ensure effective learning while having fun.

Lesson Note Format For Nursery School in Nigeria

Date: Class: Subject: Topic: Sub-topic: Time: Duration: Period: Content: Specific Objectives: Entry Behavior Set Induction: INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURE

Steps: Content Development: Teacher’s Activities: Students Activities: Instructional Materials: Evaluation Guide (Formative Evaluation): Evaluation (Summative): Closure/Summary: Assignment:

How to Write Lesson Note for Primary School

Primary school pupils are a little older than their counterparts in nursery school. This means that they are more mature physically and cognitively. So the approach to preparing a lesson note for primary school in Nigeria would be a bit different than what we explained above for nursery school. But at the end of the day, the goal is to write  comprehensive and effective lesson notes that meet the educational needs of primary school students.

Here’s a guide to help you write effective lesson notes for primary school:

  • Understand the Curriculum : Try to get familiar with the Nigerian primary school curriculum and the subjects in it. Examples of subjects you will find there include: English Language, Mathematics, Basic Science and Technology, Social Studies and and so on.
  • Set Clear Learning Objectives : Define clear and measurable learning objectives for the topic you want to write lesson note about. Ensure that the objectives are in alignment with the requirements of the curriculum.
  • Consider Local Context and Culture : Use examples and stories that border on Nigerian culture, history and local context so that the students can easily relate to the lesson.
  • Use Relevant Teaching Resources : Gather teaching resources and materials that are accessible and relevant to Nigerian primary school students. This may include textbooks, workbooks, visual aids, and educational technology tools that support learning objectives.
  • Assess Student Learning : Include formative assessments and evaluation questions to monitor students’ understanding throughout the lesson. You can use a variety of assessment techniques, such as tests and class discussions to measure learning outcomes.

Sample Lesson Note for a Primary School Class in Nigeria

Now let’s show you a sample lesson note for a primary school class in Nigeria. The focus here is on a Mathematics lesson for Grade 3 students. Our objective is to teach students how to add and subtract three-digit numbers.

Lesson Title: Adding and Subtracting Three-Digit Numbers

Subject: Mathematics

Time: 45 minutes

Materials Needed:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Number cards (0-9)
  • Worksheets for practice

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will be able to add three-digit numbers with regrouping.
  • Stµdents will be able to subtract three-digit numbers with borrowing.
  • Students will apply addition and subtraction skills to solve real-life problems.

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Begin by reviewing the concept of addition and subtraction using two-digit numbers.
  • Show examples of adding and subtracting two-digit numbers on the whiteboard. Emphasize the regrouping and borrowing process.
  • Explain that today, we will learn how to apply these concepts to three-digit numbers.

Main Activity (25 minutes):

  • Divide the class into small groups and distribute number cards (0-9) to each group.
  • Present addition problems that involve three-digit numbers on the whiteboard. For example, 234 + 189.
  • Guide students through the process of adding each place value column, starting from the ones, tens and hundreds. Emphasize regrouping when necessary.
  • Allow students to work in their groups to solve more addition problems on their own.
  • Repeat the same process for subtraction problems involving three-digit numbers. Demonstrate borrowing when needed. For example, 456 – 297.
  • Provide opportunities for students to practice subtraction in their groups.

Application (10 minutes):

  • Present real-life word problems that require adding or subtracting three-digit numbers. For example, “If John has 587 marbles and he gives away 238 marbles to his friends, how many marbles does he have left?”
  • Allow students to work independently or in pairs to solve the word problems.
  • Encourage students to explain their problem-solving strategies to the class.


  • Move around the classroom to observe students’ understanding and provide feedback as they work on the activities.
  • Review students’ completed worksheets to assess their ability to add and subtract three-digit numbers accurately.
  • Ask a few students to solve additional problems on the whiteboard to assess their understanding during the closing discussion.
  • Summarize the key concepts learned in the lesson: adding and subtracting three-digit numbers with regrouping and borrowing.
  • Reinforce the importance of practicing these skills to become proficient in Mathematics.

Another Illustration of How to Write Lesson Note for Primary School

The following illustration will show you how to write lesson note for primary school easily:

how to write lesson note (sample)

Sample Lesson Note: Personal Hygiene for Primary School Pupils

Topic: Importance of Personal Hygiene Grade Level: Primary School (Adaptable for specific grades) Objectives: Students will

  • understand the concept of personal hygiene and its importance.
  • learn about different daily hygiene practices.
  • identify the benefits of good hygiene in maintaining health and well-being.
  • develop positive attitudes and habits towards personal hygiene.
  • Large chart paper or whiteboard
  • Markers or colored pencils
  • Pictures or illustrations related to personal hygiene (washing hands, brushing teeth, bathing, etc.)
  • Short story or video about personal hygiene (optional)
  • Hand-washing demonstration materials (soap, water, towel)

1. Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Begin with an interactive activity or question to gauge students’ prior knowledge about personal hygiene. Examples: “What does personal hygiene mean?” “Can anyone think of different ways we take care of our bodies?”
  • Briefly explain the concept of personal hygiene as keeping our bodies clean and healthy through daily practices.
  • Introduce the lesson objectives and discuss the importance of learning about personal hygiene.

2. Exploring Hygiene Practices (20 minutes):

  • Brainstorm together different daily hygiene practices students already know. List them on the chart paper or whiteboard. Examples: washing hands, brushing teeth, taking a bath, showering, combing hair, cleaning ears, etc.
  • Use pictures or illustrations to visually represent each practice. You can also share a short story or video about personal hygiene.
  • Discuss the benefits of each practice for maintaining health and preventing illness. Explain how germs spread and how good hygiene helps to keep them away.
  • Introduce additional hygiene practices relevant to your grade level, such as washing face, cleaning nails, wearing clean clothes, etc.

3. Demonstration and Hands-on Practice (15 minutes):

  • Conduct a live demonstration of proper hand-washing technique. Emphasize the importance of using soap, washing all areas of the hands, and drying them thoroughly with a clean towel.
  • Divide students into pairs or small groups and provide them with materials for practicing hand-washing. Have them follow the steps demonstrated earlier.
  • You can extend this activity to other hygiene practices like brushing teeth or wiping face, adapting the materials and instructions accordingly.

4. Reflection and Review (10 minutes):

  • Encourage students to share their experiences with the hands-on activity and discuss how it felt to practice good hygiene.
  • Briefly review the key points of the lesson: what is personal hygiene, why is it important, and how do we maintain good hygiene daily?
  • Encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts or suggestions on keeping themselves clean and healthy.

5. Closure and Assessment (5 minutes):

  • Challenge students to set a personal hygiene goal for themselves, like remembering to wash their hands regularly or brushing their teeth twice a day.
  • Provide assessment opportunities through observations, participation in activities, or short quizzes to gauge understanding.
  • Offer positive reinforcement and encourage students to continue developing good hygiene habits.

How to Write Lesson Note for Secondary School in Nigeria

As a secondary school teacher, you need to appreciate the fact that writing an effective lesson note on a topic involves several steps. Here is how to write lesson note in simple steps:

In this article, we set out to explore how to write lesson note and we did justice to that. Remember, a lesson note is your personal guide. So ensure clarity and organization to effectively deliver lessons and engage students in the learning process.

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Read Also: Learn the Laws of Indices in Mathematics

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Standard lesson plan or note writing in nigeria – introduction and components.

In this post, I discussed the best approach you need to take to write a perfect lesson plan as a teacher. If you read this post to the end, you will learn what a lesson plan means, the procedure and elements of a good lesson plan.  I give a step-by-step approach you need to follow to achieve a good lesson note. You need to know that the content of this post is not a mere one-man suggestions or thoughts. The method I present here has been proven to be most effective approach used by veteran teachers. To make sure the approach is as accurate as it should be; I asked some of the best teachers I’ve known, consulted dozens of books and articles; and fused it with my experience over the years. If you are experienced teacher and thinks I left something out, please drop it by commenting below. This could be valuable to new teachers.

What is Lesson Plan or Lesson Note?

Lesson plan or Lesson note is what the name suggests: a set of related steps that a teacher intends to adopt in delivering a lesson to achieve the goal (s) of that lesson for a given week (s).

“Do you know how to write lesson note?” was one of the questions I was asked during my first interview. At the time I just graduated from secondary (high) school. So, I had neither teaching experience nor do I know anything about teaching. I know nothing else a teacher does in the school but teaching! And after a long time, I discovered that even today circumstantial teachers (people that become teachers to keep life going) still find themselves in same problem. However, mine didn’t stop at the term. When I eventually learned what lesson note meant, I wasn’t sure how to write one. If you are like I was, or plan to take a teaching job; then read on. This post will also be valuable to in-practice teachers; if not in addition of knowledge then in remembrance.

NOTE: In an attempt not to make this Standard Lesson Plan / Note Writing guide a heavy ready for you, I broke the entire guide into two parts. This part (1) covers the introduction and components of a standard lesson note while the second part, covers details of the steps. Click here to check out the second part after reading this and also see some of our lesson notes here.

Types of Lesson Notes

  • New Lesson Notes – this is a type that is developed from the scratch by the teacher. All ideas are original and exclusively his. This is the type that is required of young teachers in the majority of schools. Consequently, this post is based on how to write a new lesson note from ground up. All other lesson notes are done in almost same way. So, this covers all.
  • Review Lesson Note – this is written when an existing note needs to be updated with new method or ideas. The initial note may be written by you or another teacher. It is usually necessary if the teacher discover new (and more effective) teaching methods. This may be a simple addition or removal of presentation step. It is also required when there is a new discovery in the field, a change in the school syllabus or textbooks.
  • Skill practicing Lesson Notes – this is a lesson note that details the step taken to teach the learner a particular skill
  • Continued Lesson Note – this is when a teacher is required to continue note from where s/he or another teacher stopped. It may be a continuation of a week’s topic which needs to be broadened. Or a new week’s topic in the same subject. It may also be to continue note on a subject for the same class in a new term.

But I Really Need to Write Lesson Note?

Yes, you badly do need to write lesson note! One of the veteran teachers I discussed with while preparing this post put the need in the next sentence. “Note of lesson to a teacher is like a hoe or cutlass to a farmer. It is absolutely compulsory”. It is one of the duties of any teacher . Although you may have observed that some teachers in your school no longer make use of their lesson note. This may be due to other engagements which take up the time to write one. It could also be that they have taken that subject for years and have become familiar with the steps that work out well for them. However, both are only excuses which do not make the practice acceptable. Lesson note helps you to ‘guide you to become a better teacher’ and nothing is too good to be improved. Even if you have that type of teachers in your school, you still need to write a lesson note. Your head teacher will ask you for it anyway and besides, excellence is doing what others can’t do. Lesson note makes you effective and efficient. Some reasons why you need to write lesson note are:

  • To avoid uncertainty and errors – it enables you to prepare before the class. You see, when teaching topics you didn’t prepare for, there will be some things you are not sure of. Lesson notes reduce this uncertainty and chances of teaching the students the wrong things. It helps you to at any point in time; know which step you are now, and the next step to take.
  • To set boundaries – it limits you to the subject matter and prevent the temptation of drifting from it
  • To avoid omission and repetition – see a teacher who is repeating a sentence over and over again, then you have seen a teacher who isn’t prepare for the class.
  • To choose instructional materials – while preparing the note for a particular you will readily discover the materials you need to deliver the topic maximally.
  • To give direction – it helps you to follow the syllabus as you should
  • For proxy – lesson note makes easy for another teacher to cover (stand-in) for you when you are necessarily absent.
  • As a proof – your lesson notes is a proof that you are actually teaching. It shows that you have made effort to give the learners the best you can. That’s a plus for you!

What is the Steps Involved in Writing Lesson Plan?

In summary, I prefer to say the only two steps taken in writing a good lesson plan is “Think and Write”. Yes, that is the summary. But what do you have to think and write? I’ll explain.

You see, lesson notes are written in order of standard steps. These steps form the components of any lesson note. Nevertheless, not all lesson notes are the same. In fact, the way you write lesson plan may differ from subject to subject. Below are the components that form a standard lesson note. These components are also the steps involved in writing lesson notes. Follow the components/steps carefully to write yours. Feel free to drop a question at the comment box below should you have any question or observation.

Components of a good lesson plan

Although lesson notes are not all the same, the standard elements of a good lesson notes are:

  • Name of Teacher
  • Name of School
  • Class Composition (size, ability and characteristics)
  • Reference Materials
  • Instructional Materials
  • Entry Behaviour
  • Previous Knowledge
  • Method of Teaching
  • Teacher’s Activities
  • Learners’ Activities
  • Presentation(in steps)
  • Assignment; and

The elements also represent the progressive steps taken in writing a good lesson note.

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LeadinGuides is a limited liability educational technology company registered in Nigeria with company registration number 1967435. We pride ourselves as the publisher of the first independent publisher of free lesson notes and guides for schools, teachers, and parents in Nigeria. Our vision is to shift education in Nigeria from a knowledge-only/test-focused system to a school system that provides for the needs of the contemporary Nigerian society balancing real-life skills, knowledge, and character, one lesson and one class at a time.

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How To Write Lesson Notes for All Subjects (Primary & Secondary) – Templates & Contents of Good Lesson Notes

Effective teaching and learning do not just happen, they are a product of planning. The quality of teaching is enhanced greatly by planning. Every good teacher should plan his lessons well before giving them. If proper planning takes place, teaching is enhanced. The lesson note is the main tool of the teacher in the teaching-learning process which is often misplaced with lesson plan .

This article will help all teachers, assistant teachers and all who are in the educational sector especially in Nursery, Primary and Secondary school level the step By step approach on how to write lesson note for any subject offered in the above levels.

At the end of this post you should have learnt the following;

  • All about lesson notes
  • How to write a good lesson note for any subject and class you are teaching
  • Qualities of a good lesson note
  • Contents and features of a good lesson note
  • Imperatives in Teacher’s lesson notes
  • Scheme of work and syllabus


A good lesson note should contain the following: (i) Date (ii) Class (iii) Subject (iv) Topic (v) Aspect (vi) Periods (vii) Duration (viii) Reference books (ix) Teaching materials (x) Previous knowledge (xi) Objective (xii) Content (xiii) Presentation/ Methods (xiv) Evaluation/ Assignment (xv) Summary

A good plan must specify terms the objectives to be achieved as a result of the plan in behavioral terms, that is in terms of observable behavior.


The major responsibility of the classroom teacher begins with the interpretation of the school syllabus/ curriculum , and the scheme of work. It is relevant to note that while lesson notes are derivable from scheme of work, the latter are usually drawn out of syllabus which itself is derived from the curriculum.


Curriculum is all the planned experiences which the school wants its pupils to have. The curriculum usually has a format showing in separate columns. The theme/ unit/ topic. The objectives, the content the suggested teaching methods and activities, the suggested teaching materials and the evaluation.


The syllabus like the curriculum, may be described as a course of work planned to span a period of time. It usually indicates the periods of work planned for a school for a term or one academic year. It is not as broad-based as the curriculum. A syllabus normally has a list of topics to be covered within a given period. Like the curriculum. A syllabus takes into consideration such factors as:

  • Relevance of the syllabus to the needs of individual pupils and the society
  • Its suitability for the age of the pupils.
  • Consideration for and the knowledge work intended or skills already acquired by the pupils/ students for the future years.
  • Relationship/ linkage with other school subjects, and
  • Consideration for ability to complete the amount allotted time. of work in the


Scheme of work means plan of work, thus a scheme of work may be defined as the breaking down of the topics from either the curriculum or the syllabus to workable unit. In doing this, age, intellectual ability, educational and maturity of students should background be taken into consideration. The time allotted to the particular subject is also to be borne in mind. The relationship between lesson preparation and the topics in the syllabus is very crucial, significant, relevant and intimate. This is because the teacher has taken each topic in the syllabus and break it into series of lessons which will adequately over the topic.

Such a series of lesson which will adequately over the topic, and such a series of lessons is what is known as a scheme of work.

A good scheme of work must contain the following;

i. Have an aim. ii. to Indicate cover the in the amount allotted and time quantity. of material which the pupils have iii. Be flexible, that is, must be elastic; and iv. Indicate the teaching methods to be used.

How To Write Lesson Notes – Step by Step Approach

Below are the steps you need in preparing a lesson note for any subject offered in Nursery, Primary and Secondary school level in Nigeria. 1. Mastery of the Subject There is to an effective teacher to remind himself or herself of the topic he wants to teach, study and master it above the level of students, he wants to teach.

2. To Stimulate Teaching Having mastered the subject matter, the teacher needs to think of is not ways of stimulating the students via his teaching, if the teaching interesting, learning might not occur. This therefore needs to be planned for.

3. To Prepare The Teaching Method We plan so that we can bring about needed change or teaching method to suit a particular class or group of students.

4. To decide on Instructional Materials Learning in the Secondary School is better with a form of aid or the other. If we plan our English lessons, we can decide on instructional materials that will make lesson clearer.

5. Justification of Investment in English When we plan, we justify the huge investment in educational ensuring that lessons taught assist to develop in the students the necessary qualities of independence.

Initiative, sensitivity and thus equip them with the knowledge required to make active and positive contributions in the socio-economic and political life of the state and the country.


The features of lesson notes may vary from one institution to another. Some generally accepted lesson notes features, however, include the following.

I. Date and time of the lesson

II. Statement of learning objectives;

III. Introduction of the lessons

IV. Teacher Activities;

V. Pupils ‘ Activities;

VI. Teaching Methods/ Techniques,

VII. Teaching Materials/ Aids

VIII. Evaluation/ Lesson conclusion; and

IX. Summary of lesson


The teacher must ensure when writing his lesson notes that he/ she prints at the top the date and time of the lesson the subject and the class.


The teacher must appreciate the difference between aims and the objectives of a particular lesson. While Aims are general in nature. Objectives are more specific and measurable. Lesson objectives must be stated in behavioural terms. In stating the lesson objective, the teacher would be expected to write “At the end of the (or this) lesson, the learners should be able to correctly understand the topic being taught.


Lesson objectives should be specific and quite modest in scope; (a) They should be measurable and quantifiable; (b) They should be capable of being achieved; (c) The lesson objectives should refer mainly to change or changes the teacher hopes to bring about in the pupils/ students, their understanding, knowledge, skill and awareness. (d) the Individual subject. lesson should ideally contribute towards the wider aims


In the light of the above hints, it is pertinent should to stress here that in writing your lesson note. proper attention must be given to the following significant points.

1) FACTS It is expected that the teacher would avoid guess work by checking all his facts. That is, the teacher has to be  factual at all times.

2) AMOUNT OF INFORMATION The teacher has to give thought to the amount of information he pr she intends to pass on to the pupils/students in one lesson.  He or she must not allow a situation of “drying u” or Inability to finish” during the time allotted to the lesson. In other words, while he or she must not run out of information during the lesson, he or she must not waste another teacher’s time by over-staying his or her time.

3) TIME  The teacher’s time during lesson will be shared as follows: (a) Introduction:- Which should be brief and varied up with as and should link previous lesson as much possible.

(b) Teacher Explains:- The main point of lesson methods . (c) Teacher and Class:- In relation to chalkboard or written.

(d) Class Work:- Exercise which is oral, written or practical.

(e) Summary/ Revision:- Teacher or teacher and class. The above allocation of time is , however, not rigid and can be varied according to the subject and the experience of the teacher. It is strongly recommended that at least, half of the work in any period should be done by the pupils so that the latter are really and actively involved.

4) SEQUENCE This means how things follow one another. A teacher, like a builder, must build up step how by step by ensuring that each point follows clearly from the one before, so that the pupil can easily see the connection and he is not confused. This must also be borne in mind when planning the syllabus for the year’s work.

5) LAYOUT Things to pay attention to here are: (a) Chalkboard -Diagrams : are these simple, clear, large and do they tell the story with little or no words? (b) Writing: is this neat, plain, straight, uniform size? Bearing in mind the fact that students ‘ questions such as please sir, what is that word there? ” Waste a lot of precious time. (c) Placing your Class or Equipment: There must be evidence of planning so as to ensure that the pupil/students and the teaching materials are well placed so that the entire class is able to know what goes on with little movement or discomfort.

6) INTRODUCTION Teacher Introduction should be bright and uncommon, to capture and sustain pupils/ student’interest.

7) INTEREST This can be gained through appropriate introduction. It is crucial the to gain classroom and sustain. student’s interest which is key to good discipline in the class room.

8) EQUIPMENT AND APPARATUS Teachers should ensure that all needed teaching and learning materials such as maps, reference books, dusters, pictures, chalks, globes and other materials to be used are made available before the lesson actually begins.  Failure to do this may lead to teacher not being able to finish lesson as a result of time wastage on the material if he or she has to look for them when the lesson is already ongoing.

9) SUMMARY It has been observed that through bad timing or preparation, the most crucial part of preparing a lesson note is often neglected. The summary stage often offer the teacher the opportunity to bring out the main points of his lesson especially the fact. It is therefore important to note that there are three ways to through which the teacher can carry out this stage successfully.

(a) Chalkboard: A teacher who has planned his/ her chalkboard work carefully often has the map points on the chalkboard where he and pupil/ students can revise the lesson.

(b) Written Work: Here we often find students putting down essential from. points the chalkboard

(c Questioning: the questions should involve and both the teacher the students and the latter should be made to actively participate. In the light of the following, it is obvious that an ideal lesson note be well planned, well, thought-out and laid out. The ideal note should be short enough to be quick and arranged in a way that make finding each step easy. Adequate preparation and proper organization of the lesson notes can not be over emphasized.

Lesson Note Template Format

Lesson Title:


  • Recap the learning objectives of the lesson.

Key Points:

  • Summarize the main points that were covered in the lesson.


  • List the activities that were conducted during the lesson, such as lectures, discussions, group work, or demonstrations.


  • Describe the assessment strategies that were used to evaluate student learning during the lesson, such as quizzes, tests, essays, or projects.


  • Record any observations or notes on student participation, engagement, or understanding during the lesson.


  • Describe any challenges or obstacles that arose during the lesson, and how they were addressed.


  • Reflect on the lesson and its effectiveness in meeting the learning objectives, and any changes that could be made to improve future instruction.

It is important to note that this is a general template, and you can customize it based on your specific needs and teaching style. Additionally, you may want to include specific details such as student names, timeframes, and additional notes on specific activities or challenges.

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Free Teacher resources including over 1000 Powerpoint presentations

English language powerpoint presentations free download ESL

PowerPoint presentations can be a great way to enhance your English language skills and deliver effective presentations. Here are a few topic ideas for PowerPoint presentations on English:

Introduction to English Grammar: This presentation can cover the basic components of English grammar, including parts of speech, sentence structure, and common grammatical rules.

English Vocabulary Building: Explore strategies for expanding your English vocabulary, such as word roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Provide examples and interactive exercises to reinforce learning.

Effective Communication in English: Discuss the importance of effective communication skills in English, including verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening, and cultural considerations.

English powerpoint

Free powerpoint presentations on English Language

Feel free to learn and teach English using the resources below.

Below are a list of powerpoints.

These have been submitted by teachers to help other teachers. They can be used freely and modified to your own preferred format.

Please submit any of your powerpoints at the bottom of this page.

Anything you have also produced to enable other teachers around the world to benefit.

Title (click to download)Submitted by
Fran Roberts
Helen Trevizo
Lisa Ward
Golla Madhubab
David Watuha Waneroba
Lisa Ward
Peter L
Lisa Ward
Helen Trevizo
OW Holmes
Teresa Smith
Sushila Naidu
Ben Swanson
Amy Druce
Aireen Laudato
Aireen Laudato
Amy Druce
Lisa Ward
Adam Thompson
Terrie Boston
Terrie Boston
Terrie Boston
Terrie Boston
Terrie Boston
Terrie Boston
Todd Mullins
Terrie Boston
Mark Wain
Todd Mullins
James Chambers
James Chambers
Joan Evans
John Duffy
Lisa Ward
Lisa Ward
J Stoner
E Kaye
Gavin Lees
Lisa Ward
Gavin Lees
Gavin Lees
Ben Swanson
Irene Hui
Viviane Matos
Peter L
Gaile Wotherspoon
Gaile Wotherspoon
Sarah Lewis
Sandra K Dow
Cabell Charles
Golla Madhubabu
Chris Davies
Golla Madhubabu
MA Chemmal
Ken Kranz
Roger O
Aireen Laudato
David Woricker
Lisa Ward
Kelli Hicks
Kelli Hicks
Lisa Ward
Lisa Ward
Ben Swanson
Anna Connolly
Terrie Boston
Lisa Ward
Ben Swanson
Todd Mullins
Ben Swanson
Ben Swanson

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Remember to use engaging visuals, clear explanations, and interactive elements in your PowerPoint presentation to make it more engaging and memorable.

English Idioms and Expressions: Introduce common English idioms and expressions, their meanings, and how to use them appropriately in conversation.

English Pronunciation and Accent: Explain the basics of English pronunciation, including vowel and consonant sounds. Provide audio examples and practice exercises to improve pronunciation.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Teaching Techniques: Share effective teaching strategies for ESL learners, including interactive activities, games, and resources for language acquisition.

English Language Varieties: Explore the different varieties of English worldwide, including British English, American English, and other regional accents. Discuss variations in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

English Language Learning Resources: Compile a list of useful resources for learning English, such as websites, apps, online courses, and language exchange platforms.

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Notebook Lesson

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These are the last days before the Summer break! We know that there are some pending lessons that you need to prepare for your students. As they may be thinking about their friends and their holidays, catch their attention with this cool template!

This theme is based on a lesson structure. Its colorful design is notable for reproducing a notebook with highlights, tape and post-it notes. It also contains hand-drawn and collage-like elements, perfect for students! The title typeface is rounded, and it is inspired in some 19th-century fonts. Still, it is still fresh and soft enough for a presentation like this one.

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  • A realistic template that looks like a notebook
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  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
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Example of Lesson Note Format and Contents for Teachers

Example of Lesson Note Format – Here are  some examples on the question how do I write a lesson note and content for Teachers.

Lesson Note Format for any Subject

Table of Contents


A lesson note is the guide every subject teacher needs while delivering a lesson.

In teaching, though a subject teacher can be knowledgeable about a subject matter or a topic, there is always a point or the time when he or she would need to make reference to a lesson note.

The lesson note is that piece of writing that contains all the information put together by a subject teacher about a topic to teach a set of students.

The lesson note usually carries or has a particular structure that it follows. It can also be called a set of thought lines arranged by a subject teacher to deliver in the course of a lesson.

There are different steps a lesson note needs to carry or follow. The lesson note is first a directory, it is usually written in the third person plural, in order to enable a third party use the note, in the absence of a particular teacher.

Lesson note format and Examples

The topic which happens to be the first on the list for the lesson note format gives an introductory for the entire format. It states the topic a subject teacher intends to deliver.

This carries the information of the class and even the arm a subject teacher is to teach the subject.

The duration carries the time a teacher ought to spend teaching a particular topic.

This time depending on the subject is usually allotted to a subject teacher by the time table manager in a particular school.

The time allotted to a subject teacher in a secondary school is usually 40 minutes.

This is the slot that tells whether or not a lesson is to be delivered to a class of either just females or males or both. The students attending the school determine this. It could be a school of both sexes or either of one.

The age slot tells the average age range of the students in a class.

Teaching Aid:

Teaching aids are those materials that help a teacher deliver a lesson effectively.

Here, a teacher indicates the materials he or she is using for his teaching and the items used in preparing his lesson note.

These teaching aids range from varieties of visual aids, textbooks, white/blackboard, marker, etc.

How to Write Lesson Note and Contents

Below are some things that must be added to your Lesson Note for easy comprehension for the teacher and as a student aid.

Behavioural Objectives:

The behavioural objectives are a list of things or objectives a teacher is expected to have achieved at the end of a given lesson period.

The behavioural objectives usually follow the pattern or list of items that are come under the “instructional procedure”.

An example of behavioural objective(s): At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;

  • Define the term “Noun”
  • Mention the types of Nouns
  • Make sentences with Nouns

Set Induction:

On the lesson format, the set induction is what tells how a teacher starts a particular lesson.

An example of the most common phrase used on the set induction is: The teacher has told the students the meaning of Nouns.

Entry Behavior:

The entry behaviour tells how a teacher starts his lesson.

It is equally an important guide especially if the teacher who writes the lesson note is not the same person who takes the class.

The phrase used here most times is: The teacher introduces the topic on the board.

Instructional Procedure:

The instructional procedure is a step by step strategy as to how a teacher’s lesson will flow in the process of delivery.

In the Instructional procedure, the teacher indicates what steps exactly he or she will take in order to get to the point where students can be said to have acquired a new set of knowledge.

The content is that part of the lesson note that contains all that there is to a particular topic.

In the content, there is detailed information about the topic a teacher intends to teach.


The summary/conclusion is that point where a teacher wraps up or concludes his lesson.


In an evaluation, a teacher tends to ask questions to assess the knowledge of the students concerning the topic that has just been taught.

In some cases, a teacher asks direct questions or asks the students to perform evaluative tasks.

Assignment/Class Activity:

The assignment or class activity brings a class to an end.

This is the point where a teacher sets questions for the students, either to take home or to solve in class.

Most times, these set of questions or tasks are more difficult than the ones earlier asked. The essence it to build and strengthen the mental capacity of the students.

Having a lesson note is primary in the course of teaching or lecturing. It is the one and best tool that enables a lesson flow in the teaching and learning process .

Class Teachers that need Lesson Notes

  • Primary Schools Teachers (Primary 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)
  • Junior Senior Secondary School Teachers  (JSS 1, JSS2, JSS3)
  • Senior Secondary School Teachers (SS 1, SS2, SS3)
  • Pre-Nursery Teachers

Top Subjects using Lesson Notes

  • Literature in English
  • Mathematics
  • Christian Religious Studies
  •  Islamic Religious Studies
  • Civic Education
  • Agricultural Science
  • Yoruba or Igbo or Hausa



Very helpful,thanks.

Very nice I deed!

Thanks is really helpful

I appreciate this. It is the perfect answer to my needs. God bless you

Examples of already worked lesson noted both in tabular from and in prose form.

I like this website,it makes my work so easy

I love the systematic approach that this website has offered, thanks for making the teaching profetion easier.

I like this website, thanks

Is Home Economics not included among the top subject using lesson note

I do appreciate this guide.

Thanks much it really helped I really appreciated

Exactly what I need. Thanks so much

Thank you for finding the content useful

Thanks, but no lesson notes for Economics? Because it wasn’t among the top subject that needs lesson listed above.

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  • 3Q: Ephesians
  • 2Q: Three Cosmic Messages
  • 1Q: Managing for the Master: Till He Comes

    2022 Books 

  • 4Q: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope
  • 3Q: In the Crucible With Christ
  • 2Q: Genesis
  • 1Q: In These Last Days: The Message of Hebrews

    2021 Books 

  • 4Q: Present Truth in Deuteronomy
  • 3Q: Rest in Christ
  • 2Q: The Promise: God's Everlasting Covenant

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  • 4Q: Education
  • 3Q: Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in His Mission
  • 2Q: How to Interpret Scripture

    2019 Books 

  • 4Q: Ezra and Nehemia
  • 3Q: "The Least of These" : Ministering to Those in Need
  • 2Q: Family Seasons
  • 1Q: The Book of Revelation

    2018 Books 

  • 4Q: Oneness in Christ
  • 3Q: The Book of Acts
  • 2Q: Preparation for the End Time
  • 1Q: Stewardship: Motives of the Heart

    2017 Books 

  • 4Q: Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans
  • 3Q: The Gospel in Galatians
  • 2Q: "Feed My Sheep": 1 and 2 Peter
  • 1Q: The Holy Spirit and Spirituality

    2016 Books 

  • 4Q: The Book of Job
  • 3Q The Role of the Church in the Community
  • 2Q: The Book of Matthew
  • 1Q: Rebellion and Redemption

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The Book of Mark (3rd Quarter 2024)

Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly

The book of mark (3rd quarter 2024).


Memory Text: “Then He said to them, ‘Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given. For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him’ ” (Mark 4:24, 25, NKJV).

  • July 20–26, 2024


Memory Text: “And He said to them, ‘The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath’ ” (Mark 2:27, 28, NKJV).

  • July 13–19, 2024

A Day in the Ministry of Jesus

Memory Text: “Then Jesus said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men’ ” (Mark 1:17, NKJV).

  • July 6–12, 2024

The Beginning of the Gospel

Memory Text: “Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel’ ” (Mark 1:14, 15, NKJV).

  • June 29–July 5, 2024

The Book of Mark (3rd Quarter 2024)

Sabbath School Books

The book of mark (3rd quarter 2024) the great controversy (2nd quarter 2024) go to all books go to all lessons.

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Latest Lessons

  • 5 - Miracles Around the Lake (3rd Quarter 2024) July 27–August 2, 2024
  • 4 - Parables (3rd Quarter 2024) July 20–26, 2024
  • 3 - Controversies (3rd Quarter 2024) July 13–19, 2024
  • 2 - A Day in the Ministry of Jesus (3rd Quarter 2024) July 6–12, 2024

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University Libraries      University of Nevada, Reno

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APA Citation Guide (7th Edition): Presentations and Class Notes

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  • Reference List and Sample Papers
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  • Citation Software

In-Text Citation or Reference List?

Handouts distributed in class and presentation slides such as PowerPoint should be cited both in-text and on the Reference list.

Your own notes from lectures are considered personal communications in APA style. They are cited within the text of your assignment, but do not get an entry on the Reference list.

Presentation Slides from a Website

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Date). Title of presentation  [Lecture notes, PowerPoint Slides, etc.]. Publisher. URL

Kunka, J. L. (n.d.). Conquering the comma [PowerPoint presentation]. Purdue Online Writing Lab. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/workshops/pp/index.html#presentations

Presentation Slides from WebCampus (Canvas)

Instructor, I. I. (Year Presentation Was Created).  Title of presentation  [PowerPoint presentation]. WebCampus. URL

Graham, J. (2013).  Introduction: Jean Watson  [PowerPoint presentation]. WebCampus. https://unr.instructure.com/login/canvas

Note : The first letter of the word Watson is capitalized as it is part of a person's name.

Class Handouts from WebCampus (Canvas)

Instructor, I. I. (Year Handout Was Created if known).  Title of handout  [Class handout]. WebCampus. URL

Magowan , A. (2013).  Career resources at the library   [Class handout]. WebCampus. https://unr.instructure.com/login/canvas

Class Handout in Print

Instructor, I. I. (Year Handout Was Created if known).  Title of handout  [Class handout]. University Name, Course code.

Wood, D. (2013).  Laboratory safety overview  [Class handout]. University of Nevada, Reno,  BIO173.

Class Lectures (Notes from)

Note : Your own notes from a lecture are considered personal communications in APA style. They are cited within the text of your assignment, but do not get an entry on the Reference list. Put the citation right after a quote or paraphrased content from the class lecture.

(I. I. Instructor who gave lecture, personal communication, Month Day, Year lecture took place)

"Infections are often contracted while patients are recovering in the hospital" (J. D. Black, personal communication, May 30, 2012).

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Online Portal

Download GES Lesson Plan, Notes: KG, JHS, Basic 1 To 6, Week 1 To Week 12 All Subjects

Here are downloads of all the GES weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) for KG, JHS and primary school, basic 1,  basic 2, basic 3, basic 4, basic 5 and basic 6 and for  week 1,  week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6. week 7, week 8, week 9, week 10, week 11 and week 12. Each weekly lesson plan pdf covers all subjects such as English Language lesson plan  ( lesson notes ), Mathematics lesson plan ( lesson notes ), Science lesson plan or notes, Our World Our People  (OWOP) lesson plan ( lesson notes ), RME lesson plan ( lesson notes ), Physical education lesson plan ( lesson notes ), History lesson plan ( lesson notes ), Ghanaian language lesson plan ( lesson notes ) Creative arts lesson plan ( lesson notes ) and My Family lesson plan ( lesson notes ), for the respective levels (KG 1, KG 2, Basic 1 to Basic 6).

The GES weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) were drafted from the new Ghana Education Service (GES) curriculum that took effect in September 2019. The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) for all the subjects are organised in one place in this article. Just skim through the files and download the week and basic level you are after. The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) for the various subjects are grouped from week 1 up to week 12. As well as how to prepare GES lesson plan for primary school and how to prepare GES scheme of work for primary school.

The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) for subjects under week 1 are GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 1 week 1, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 2 week 1, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 3 week 1, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 4 week 1, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 5 week 1 and GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 6 week 1.

The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) for subjects week 2 are GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 1 week 2, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 2 week 2, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 2, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 4 week 2, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 5 week 2 and GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 6 week 2.

The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) for subjects under week 3 are GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 1 week 3, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 2 week 3, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 3, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 4 week 3, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 5 week 3 and GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 6 week 3.

  • Download GES JHS Lesson Plan And Scheme Of Work All Subjects
  • Download GES Annual, Termly And Weekly Scheme Of Learning All Subjects: KG, Basic 1 To 6

The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) notes for subjects under week 4 are GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 1 week 4, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 2 week 4, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 3 week 4, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 4 week 4, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 5 week 4 and GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 6 week 4.

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  • 2024 SHS Academic Calendar
  • Just In: GES To Release Third Batch Of Postings
  • GES Lesson Plan Second Term: KG, Basic 1 To 6, All Weeks All Subjects
  • Download New GES Basic School Curriculum All Subjects (B1 to B6)
  • Download New GES JHS And SHS Syllabus Curriculum All Subjects (B7 to B10)
  • Brief Summary Of The New Educational Reforms In Ghana
  • Understanding The New GES JHS And SHS Syllabus (NaCCA Curriculum)
  • Download GES Lesson Plan All Subjects
  • Overview Of The New GES Educational Reforms And Curriculum

Table of Contents

Download GES Lesson Plan First Term KG, JHS, Basic 1 To 6, Week 1 To Week 12 All Subjects

Download ges nacca lesson plan-notes week 5.

The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) notes for subjects under week 5 are download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 1 week 5, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 2 week 5, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 3 week 5, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 4 week 5, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 5 week 5 and download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 6 week 5.

GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 1 week 5
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 2 week 5
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 5
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 4 week 5
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 5 week 5
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 6 week 5

All credits to Obeng Henry. 0549566881 Fayol inc.

Download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Week 6

The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) for subjects under week 6 are download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 1 week 6, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 2 week 6, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 3 week 6, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 4 week 6, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 5 week 6 and download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 6 week 6.

GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 1 week 6
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 2 week 6
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 6
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 4 week 6
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 5 week 6
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 6 week 6

Download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Week 7

The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) for subjects under week 7 are download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 1 week 7, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 2 week 7, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 7, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 4 week 7, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 5 week 7 and download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 6 week 7.

GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes KG 1 week 7
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes KG 2 week 7
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 1 week 7
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 2 week 7
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 7
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 4 week 7
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 5 week 7
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 6 week 7

Download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Week 8

The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) for subjects under week 8 are download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 1 week 8, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 2 week 8, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 8, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 4 week 8, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 5 week 8 and download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 6 week 8.

GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes KG 1 week 8
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes KG 2 week 8
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 1 week 8
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 2 week 8
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 8
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 4 week 8
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 5 week 8
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 6 week 8

Download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Week 9

The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) for subjects under week 9 are download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 1 week 9, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 2 week 9, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 9, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 4 week 9, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 5 week 9 and download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 6 week 9.

GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes KG 1 week 9
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes KG 2 week 9
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 1 week 9
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 2 week 9
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 9
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 4 week 9
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 5 week 9
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 6 week 9

Download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Week 10

The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) for subjects under week 10 are download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 1 week 10, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 2 week 10, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 10, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 4 week 10, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 5 week 10 and download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan -Notes Basic 6 week 10.

GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes KG 1 week 10
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes KG 2 week 10
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 1 week 10
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 2 week 10
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 10
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 4 week 10
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 5 week 10
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 6 week 10

Download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Week 11

The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) for subjects under week 11 are download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 1 week 11, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 2 week 11, GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 3 week 11, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 4 week 11, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 5 week 11 and download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 6 week 11.

GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes KG 2 week 11
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 1 week 11
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 2 week 11
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 11
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 4 week 11
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 5 week 11
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 6 week 11

Download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Week 12

The GES NaCCA weekly lesson plan ( lesson notes ) for subjects under week 12 are download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 1 week 12, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 2 week 12, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 3 week 12, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 4 week 12, download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 5 week 12 and download GES NaCCA Lesson Plan – Notes Basic 6 week 12.

GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes KG 2 week 12
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 1 week 12
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 2 week 12
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 3 week 12
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 4 week 12
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 5 week 12
GES NaCCA Lesson Plan-Notes Basic 6 week 12

Download GES Lesson Plan Second Semester KG, JHS, Basic 1 To 6, Week 1 To Week 12 All Subjects

  • Download GES Lesson Plan Notes Second Term: KG, JHS Basic 1 To 6, All Weeks All Subjects

Download GES JHS Lesson Plan And Scheme Of Work All Subjects 

For access to GES JHS weekly lesson plan or lesson notes for Junior High School (JHS); JHS 1, JHS2 and JHS 3 for all subjects. Such as GES English Language lesson plan or notes for JHS ,  GES  Mathematics lesson plan or notes for JHS, GES Science lesson plan or notes for JHS  , GES Social Studies lesson plan or notes for JHS Second Term, GES RME lesson plan or notes for JHS , GES BDT lesson plan or notes for JHS , GES ICT lesson plan or notes for JHS, GES French lesson plan or notes for JHS and GES Ghanaian Language lesson plan or notes for JHS Second for the respective levels ; JHS 1, JHS 2 and JHS 3 and for the respective weeks; week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6, week 7, week 8, week 9, week 10, week 11, week 12 Check the article below.

And for access to GES scheme of work for JHS such as GES English Language Scheme of work for JHS ,  GES  Mathematics Scheme of work for JHS , GES Science Scheme of work for JHS  , GES Social Studies Scheme of work for JHS Second Term (Term 2), GES RME Scheme of work for JHS , GES BDT Scheme of work for JHS , GES ICT Scheme of work for JHS, GES French Scheme of work for JHS and GES Ghanaian Language Scheme of work for JHS for the respective levels ; JHS 1, JHS 2 and JHS 3 Check the article below.

French lesson plan and scheme of learning as well as lesson plan and scheme of learning of all other subjects will be added soon just let us know in the comments.

Photo of Mark Avenuegh

Mark Avenuegh

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Please I need Basic 1 Term one (week 1- week 5) all subjects Basic 1 Terms 3 (week 1-12) all subjects

KG1 All subjects, all weeks, all terms

Please I need term 2 mathematics lesson notes for JHS

Good work there. Please I need the scheme and lesson notes of Basic Two

How can I get the above scheme of learning?

Please I need JHS 1 science term lesson notes.

Can I have 2023 Basic 7 and 8 lesson plans for Mathematics term 1

Please, l need primary three third term lesson plan and lesson notes.

I like the site.

Please I need class one creative arts lesson notes for third term

Please I need primary one to six lesson note Thank you

Pls l need jhs 1-2 lesson plan.Thank you.

Need jhs lesson plan for Ghanaian Language ( Dagbani)

Please I need kg 2 lesson note.. thanks and God bless you

Please I need the weekly lesson plan / note for Basic 1-9

please I need jhs 1 to 3 lesson notes for all subjects

How can I get the first term jhs lesson plans

Please, do you have a weekly lesson note/ plan for the French subject from B1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ? If yes ,can you sent us the website / link / or download them for us,please !

Pls do well to add JHS1 mathematics lesson notes

Please add RME for jhs

Please there are no lesson plans for Creative Arts and Design & Physical and Health Educatio- JHS 1 ( Basic 7).

Can you help us with that?

The French lesson plan for JHS.

You are doing a great job

Please I couldn’t find the first term lesson plan from week 1 to week 4

Pls the development you giving is to enhance lesson delivery If not developing it up to full number of weeks , how do we rate your product in the near future ? Thinks

Please we can’t find the term 1 lesson plan for week 1 to week 4

Term 1 week 5-12 for basic 5 and 6 can not download but all the same thumbs up for the good work you are doing

Anxiously awaiting french lesson plans. Thank you

It’s great

Can’t find science and social studies lesson plans for jhs

Please the lesson notes start from the 5th week, but it stated from week1to12

Please the lesson note it was stated 1st week to 12th week but it start from 5th week.

Please in the lesson plan, there’s no strand and sub- strand.

So with all these lessons prepared, why should we still bother the poor teacher to write lessons in the traditional lesson note? barbaric and backward

Please where will I get or find 1st term weekly lesson plan for upper primary

Please I want first term lesson plan for BS5 and BS6 all subjects

Pls send me class 3 lesson plan from week 2 to week 4

Please can I get kg term three(3)

Please help me with term 1 weekly lesson plan for upper primary

Please kindly help me to get first term week 1 to 4 lesson plan

Pls Basic 6 week 1-4 can not be found. Any help for that..


The Basic five(5) starts from only week 5…week one 1 to 5 are not inclusive…..???

Basic 6 week 1and 2 lesson plan

Pls can I get third term lesson note from p1-6. Tnx

Please the lesson notes here are not up to date. Weeks 1-4 are not there. Any assistance on how to get it? Thank you.

Sure, I’ve also search and searched but not available

Your weekly downloads started from week 5. Week 1 to 4 is not visible to be downloaded. Thank you

Please can I get first term lesson notes from week 1 to 12 and termly scheme of work for kg 1.

Pls can I get first term lesson from week 1 to 12 for KG 1

Please can we get b1 first term lesson notes here?

Hard for some of us to get access to

This so helpful . Good job done .it releases a lot of stress from teachers.

Please I need the weekly lesson plan and daily lesson note for basic five

There is a link in the article

Pls I can’t find first term wk1 to wk4 notes. Any help

You are the Best

Please is third term lesson plan ready. Thank you

It will be ready during vacation.

Please I need lesson plan for term ones from KG to B6

1st term first week 1 to Week 2

Thanks but it rather unfortinate french is not part of the lsson plan and when is it going to be part please ?

Greetings sir, Please computing for basic 4 to 6 is not part.

I ve subscribed pls.

Check it here ; https://avenuegh.com/ges-lesson-plan-notes-second-term-kg-basic-1-to-6-all-weeks-all-subjects-2020-2021/

I need lesson notes for jhs

It will be added when you guys show appreciation for the effort

please waiting for the French lesson plan and the scheme of learning . thank you

You guys are not being appreciative. We asked you guys to show appreciation by subscribing to our YouTube page and almost no one is doing it.

Please KG 1 are not added We need it too.

Get it here ; https://avenuegh.com/ges-lesson-plan-notes-second-term-kg-basic-1-to-6-all-weeks-all-subjects-2020-2021/


Please basic 2 week 1 to week 4 is not part

Check this article ; https://avenuegh.com/ges-lesson-plan-notes-second-term-kg-basic-1-to-6-all-weeks-all-subjects-2020-2021/

Concerning the week 1 to week 5 Am not seeing them Please can u do something about that

Access it in this article : https://avenuegh.com/ges-lesson-plan-notes-second-term-kg-basic-1-to-6-all-weeks-all-subjects-2020-2021/

Thank you so much.

But please the link leads to second term lesson plan.

What about the first term lesson plan. wk 1 to wk 2

And again what’s the link to your youtube page?

Week 1to 4 basic 5 No t available

It is in this article ; https://avenuegh.com/ges-lesson-plan-notes-second-term-kg-basic-1-to-6-all-weeks-all-subjects-2020-2021/

Please French is not part

It will be added later

Pls week 3 and 2 for B 3 not available

it will be added soon

Please week 4 for basic 1 and 2 is not available

It will be uploaded soon.

Please do well to bring the rest for KG week 3,4,5 and 6

Well done. God bless you. You have indeed taken away my burden

Credits to obeng Henry. 0549566881 Fayol inc.

Please are we suppose to write the lesson plan after downloading

I can not find basic 4 week 4

It will be added soon.

Cherko Tetteh God bless you for the great work you are doing. I am surprised you are taking all the credits to your self. Meanwhile there is a brain begin all these files. Did u you acknowledge me before uploading my stuffs on the internet, or you think its Nacca who hired me to write all these notes. Well then am glad to inform you that I wrote all these myself, so these files are my property.

Why dont you rather help me champion my dreams. All we want is to see notes writing to be a thing of the past. I go through sleepless nights just to get notes ready for teachers.

It will better if you had stated the source of those files than to make it seems it’s coming from GES.

The name is obeng Henry. 0549566881

Regards Fayol inc.

Apologies sir, all credits will be attributed to you in the article right away. We thought it was contracted by GES.

Can you please work on the French language notes for us ? Thanks

If it is private does it mean you shouldn’t do the right thing? Did u study the carriculum well ? Then there is no need to share it since it is private.

My download was successfully completed Thanks a lot

Great and timely resource. Can I get lesson notes for first term. Thanks

I had wanted to download the lesson plan but is only week 5 to 12th. There is no week 1 to 4 why?

It will be uploaded soon just share the post

So why is that French is always left out??? Many don’t even want to mention they are french teachers because we are always left behind. We are not supported right from the very top to the bottom Soon and very soon nobody will be teaching French

This is a private initiative. I hope you understand.

And so what ? U didn’t do the right thing we are advising you and you don’t want to listen

Relax. Its not like you paid someone to prepare lesson notes for you.

I dont do French lesson notes because, the notes are supposed to be in french, which I cant even read and write.

I will start writing if only you want it in English. However I will be glad if you could translate them for me since u are a French teacher. Call me let’s have a chat

Fayol Inc 0549566881

You are doing well. I’ll like to know why French notes are always excluded

It will be added soon. Just keep sharing the post. If there is demand for it, it will be added.

It is needed because it is part of the curriculum if not I haven’t been fair to the subject or ur not in favour of that

Why should there be a demand for it before it is added when it is part of the standards-based curriculum? Did the other teachers demand for the lesson plan before it was given?

This is a private initiative.

HI, is the learner plan for term 2?

Please I haven’t seen French lesson plan in the package. Thanks

It will be included soon

Since first time it wasn’t and this time too. Does it mean the French language is not important or what ?

Pls I cannot download weeks 1 to 4 for basic 3. Any help pls ?

The post will be updated soon

useful source. If there are pamphlets on the new curriculum, it’ll also be of help.

Alright it is available here : https://avenuegh.com/ges-new-syllabus-all-subjects-download/

If you could get teachers some pamphlets on the new curriculum

Check here ; https://avenuegh.com/complete-overview-of-the-new-ges-educational-reforms-and-the-new-curriculum/

I can’t seek week one through to four.

They will be included soon

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Erudites Academy

SS1 Third Term Computer Studies Lesson Note – Presentation Package

by Sunday | Nov 2 | Lesson Notes | 0 comments

presentation of lesson note

The content is just an excerpt from the complete note for SS1 Third Term Computer Studies Lesson Note – Presentation Package. Check below to download the complete DOCUMENT

WEEK 9                                                                                              


  • Definition of Presentation Package
  • Examples of presentation package – PowerPoint
  • Features of a presentation package: creation of slides,


A presentation package is a software program that contains a text editor and the ability to add charts and graphic images, such as photographs, clip art, or other objects so as to make a slide show for the purpose of communicating visually to an audience.

Example of Presentation Packages

  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • org Impress
  • Windows Movie Maker
  • Harvard graphic


All presentation packages should be able to carry out the following functions:

  • Creation of Slides : Is used to create a collection of information that can be displayed sequentially.
  • Insertion of Pictures: It should have place holders that can hold pictures.
  • Insertion of Audio and Video: It should have the ability to accept sound and visual enhancement for the presentation.
  • Animation: Transition of slides should be able to move and change when the sequence is shown.
  • Slides shows : It should be able to display your slides.
  • Creation of graphics: It comes with a store of graphic objects that can be used to aid illustrations.
  • Creation of organizational and other charts: A presentation package should be able to present data as graphical information.

To gain full access to the note: DOWNLOAD FILE

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Presentation Package II


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking more about the presentation package. Enjoy the class!

presentation-software data processing classnotesng

Using presentation package Microsoft PowerPoint 2007

How a window display depends on the size of the window. Resolution determines how much information your computer monitor can display. If you use a low resolution, less information fits on your screen, but the size of your text and images are larger. If you use a high resolution, more information fits on your screen, but the size of the text and images are smaller.

  • Microsoft Office Button: In the upper-left corner is this button. You can use the menu to create a new file, open an existing file, save a file, etc.
  • Quick Access Toolbar: This tool providers you with access to commands you frequently use. The save, undo and redo appear on the Quick Access toolbar.
  • Title Bar: It displays the name of the currently working presentation. PowerPoint names presentation start with Presentation1.
  • Ribbon: This is located near the top of the PowerPoint window, below the Quick Access toolbar.
  • Ruler: rulers are vertical and horizontal guides. They are used to determine where you want to place an object.
  • Slides, Placeholders and Notes: slides appear in the centre of the window to create your presentation. Placeholders hold the objects in your slide. You can use placeholders to hold text, clip art, charts, and more. You use the notes area to create your notes. You can refer to these notes as you give your presentation.
  • Status Bar, Tabs and View Buttons: The view buttons appear near the button of the screen. It is used to change between Normal view, slider sorter view, and the slide show view.
  • Zoom: This allows you to zoom in and zoom out on the window. Zooming makes the window larger so you focus on an object. Zooming out makes the object smaller so you can see the entire window. You can click and drag the vertical and horizontal splitter bars to change the size of your panes.
  • Mention four features of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007
  • Mention the uses of the above-mentioned features
  • To open the Ms-PowerPoint application: click on the START button, navigate to All programs, navigate to Microsoft Office, click on Microsoft Office PowerPoint.
  • Creating a New Presentation: PowerPoint presentation can be created on slides. Use layouts to organize the content on each slide. PowerPoint has several slide layouts. You can add effects such as theme and backgrounds to slides. Themes are a set of colours, fonts, and special effects. Backgrounds add a coloured background to your slides.
  • Inserting the Contents: PowerPoint displays default slides in the slide pane when you open the package.
  • To Enter Text: Click and type the title of your presentation in the “click to add title area”, “click and type a subtitle in the click to add subtitle” area.
  • To Insert Graphics or Pictures: Click in the “click to add title” or “click to add subtitle” area, press the enter key to bring the cursor down, from the ribbon bar, click on the insert menu, select the type of graphic options from clip art, select shapes, and pictures buttons from the menu.
  • To Add Clip Art Object: Click on clip art button, in the search for the textbox, type a general description of the graphics you want to insert, then click on the ‘Go’ button., click on any image from the list of displayed graphics to insert into the slide.
  • To Add Picture Object: Click on picture button, the insert dialog box is displayed, click on the location of the picture on the computer from the look in options, click on the desired image and click on the insert command button. The picture is inserted into the slide as desired.
  • To Choose an Effect: Select the object you want to animate, choose the animation tab, click the custom animation button, the custom animation button pane appears, click the Add Effect button a menu appears, choose the type of effect you want. A submenu appears, click the effect you want, PowerPoint applies the effect.
  • To Add New Slides: Choose the Home tab, click the New slide button in the Slides group, the office theme dialog box appears and displays several layout templates, click the layout you want, the layout appears in the slide pane of the PowerPoint window. To add text, click inside the placeholder and type. To add an additional slide to your presentation, right-click the slide layout, a menu appears, click layout and then click the layout you want, choose the Home tab, click the New slide button, select from the options.
  • To Save a Presentation: Click on the office button, select save from the options displayed, select the drive you want to save the document, click on the file name, type the desired document name, click on the Save button.
  • To Run a Slide Show: Choose the slide show tab, click the “from the beginning button” in the start slide show group, click the slide show icon on the bottom right corner of your screen. Your slide show appears on your screen.
  • To Print Presentation: Click the Ms office button, a menu appears, choose print, click print preview, click the down arrow next to the print what field in the page setup group and then select what you would like to print. A preview appears on the screen, click the print, the Print dialog box appears, click the down arrow next to the colour/grayscale field to select whether you want your slides to print in colour, grayscale, or black and white, click ok.
  • To Close Presentation: click on the close button from the title bar.

General evaluation

  • Define a presentation package.
  • Mention two examples of presentation packages.
  • Describe how you would do the following in Ms-PowerPoint: (i) add new slide (ii) print  (iii) add a picture

Reading assignment

Data Processing for Senior Secondary Education by HiiT Plc. Pages 89-94

Weekend assignment

Instruction: Choose the correct option from the ones lettered  A to D

  • To close a presentation, click on the __ bar. a) title b) task c) status d) menu
  • To add new slides, you choose the __. a) animation b) Home tab c) office button d) file
  • To save a document, which of these will you click on? a) animation b) Home tab c) office button d) file
  • To run a slide, you choose from the __ tab. a) menu bar b) taskbar c) quick access toolbar d) slide show tab
  • To add a clip art object, you click the __button. a) clip art b) office c) home d) graphic

In our next class, we will be talking about Web Design Package .   We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Senior Secondary 2

  • Presentation package I

Get it on Google Play

  • Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term
  • Senior Secondary 2

Term: 3 rd Term

Class: Senior Secondary School 2

Age: 16 years

Duration: 40 minutes of 2 periods each


Subject:      Data Processing

Topic:-       Presentation package I

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  • Define a presentation package
  • Give examples of presentation packages

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, questions and answers, demonstration, videos from source

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Videos, loud speaker, pictures, Data Processing for senior Secondary Education by Hiit Plc, WAPB Computer Studies for Senior Secondary I by Adekunle et al, On-line Materials.




The teacher reviews the previous lesson on BASIC BUILT-IN functions

Students pay attention



He explains the meaning of presentation packages


Students pay attention and participates



He lists some common examples of presentation packages

Students pay attention and participate



The teacher writes a summarized note on the board

The students copy the note in their books


Presentation package is a computer program or software package that enables users to display information using slides.

A slide is a computer created single page of presentation using software packages such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Open Office impress, etc.

It allows presentations to be displayed one slide show at a time before moving to the next slide until all slide are shown.

Several slides put together which are enhanced by animation (movements) and sounds make up a slide show.


  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • OpenOffice Impress
  • Macromedia Flash
  • Corel Presentation
  • Softmaker Presentation

EVALUATION:    1. Define Presentation package

  • What are slides?
  • List some common examples of presentation packages

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the students positively

presentation of lesson note

Informal Presentations: My Country

€ 2.75

Level: This is suitable for A2-B1  level students.

Time: 1.5 hours +, depending on the number of students.

This ‘Informal Presentations: My Country’ lesson begins with some warm-up conversation questions on doing presentations. Next, the students read a transcript of an example presentation on the topic of Ireland, focusing on useful language for informal presentations. Then they are presented with more useful phrases before preparing to do their own presentation. 

We have a teacher’s copy (including teacher’s notes and answers, and a student version which you can email to your class for online lessons.

For best results when printing our PDFs, open and print them through Adobe Acrobat. https://get.adobe.com/reader /

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  1. Sample Lesson Note Template

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  2. 30+ Lesson Note Templates

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  3. 30+ Lesson Note Templates

    presentation of lesson note

  4. 30+ Lesson Note Templates

    presentation of lesson note

  5. 30+ Lesson Note Templates

    presentation of lesson note

  6. 30+ Lesson Note Templates

    presentation of lesson note


  1. How to write lesson plan

  2. Lesson Note Documentation

  3. Lesson Note 09_Chapter 9_Lesson 1

  4. Lesson Note 07_Chapter 02_Lesson 3

  5. Lesson Note 15_Chapter 10_Lesson 1

  6. Lesson Note 2 (Chapter 1, Lesson 1)


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    The teacher reviews the previous lesson on BASIC BUILT-IN functions. Students pay attention. STEP 2. EXPLANATION. He explains the meaning of presentation packages . Students pay attention and participates. STEP 3. DEMONSTRATION. He lists some common examples of presentation packages. Students pay attention and participate. STEP 4. NOTE TAKING

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  21. Informal Presentations: My Country

    This 'Informal Presentations: My Country' lesson begins with some warm-up conversation questions on doing presentations. Next, the students read a transcript of an example presentation on the topic of Ireland, focusing on useful language for informal presentations. ... We have a teacher's copy (including teacher's notes and answers, and ...

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