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Faculty of Science

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, phd programs, doctoral studies and graduate schools.


Students who complete our doctoral program are awarded the doctoral degree of Dr. sc. nat. – doctor scientiarum naturalium ). The degree requires students to conduct original, independent research and usually takes between three and four years. We offer doctoral programs that have an excellent international reputation in the following fields. Graduate Schools

  • Life Science Zurich Graduate School
  • Zurich Graduate School in Geography
  • Zurich Graduate School in Mathematics
  • Graduate School in Chemical and Molecular Sciences Zurich
  • Graduate School in Physics
  • Graduate School for Computational Science and Astrophysics and Cosmology


Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism Director:  Prof. Dr. Raymund Dutzler

Cancer Biology Director: Prof. Dr. Maries van den Broek

Chemical and Molecular Sciences Director:  Prof. Dr. Roland K.O. Sigel

Computational Science Director:  Prof. Dr. Romain Teyssier

Ecology Director:  Prof. Dr. Owen Petchey

Epidemiology and Biostatistics Director:  Prof. Dr. Milo Puhan

Evolutionary Biology Director:  Prof. Dr. Kentaro K. Shimizu

General Doctorate Director:  Prof. Dr. Ulrich Straumann

Geography/Earth System Science Director:  Prof. Dr. Ross Purves

Integrative Molecular Medicine Director:  Prof. Dr. Thierry Hennet

Mathematics Directors:  Prof. Dr. Thomas Kappeler  and Prof. Dr. Michael Struwe

Microbiology and Immunology Directors:  Prof. Dr. Leo Eberl  and Prof. Dr. Annette Oxenius

Molecular and Translational Biomedicine Director: Prof. Dr. Christian Wolfrum

Molecular Life Sciences Director:  Prof. Dr. Michael Hottiger

Neuroscience Director:  Dr. Wolfgang Knecht

Physics Director:  Prof. Dr. Andreas Schilling

Plant Sciences Director: Prof. Dr. Samuel Zeeman

Public Understanding of Science Director:  Prof. Dr. Kai Niebert

RNA Biology Director: Prof. Dr. Frédéric Allain

Science and Policy Director:  Prof. Dr. Ueli Grossniklaus

Systems Biology Director: Prof. Dr. Jörg Stelling und Prof. Dr. Uwe Sauer

Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology Directors:  Prof. Dr. Ben Moore  and  Prof. Dr. Lucio Mayer

Application and Admission Procedure

Important note: If you originate from a foreign country, which is not a member of the European Union it is of utmost importance, that the following procedure is followed exactly as specified below.

Chart - How to become a PhD student and what the administration offices will do for you (PDF, 97 KB) .

  • Application to the Admissions Office of the University of Zurich .
  • Visa application for non-EU students.
  • You cannot start working on your doctoral thesis in Zurich until you have obtained a visa and a work permit.

Contacts for PhD students

If you encounter problems during your PhD studies, there are several offices at the Faculty of Science you can contact.

  • Your first point of contact is always your doctoral committee or the  human ressources representative at your institute. 
  • Then you should contact the director of your PhD program.
  • In the last resort you can contact the Persons of Trust of the Faculty of Science .


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Graduate Campus

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, guide: how to phd, this section provides those interested in pursuing a doctorate with an overview:.

Food for thought for beginning PhD candidates

  • Collection of links to relevant topics for PhD candidates
  • Preparation and procedure at UZH (following)

Table of contents

Find a supervisor, admission to doctoral studies, requirements for admission and procedures, content and requirements, individual phd and phd programs, procedures at uzh faculties, employment and funding, for international students and scholars.

First of all, get in contact with a UZH professor who is willing and able to supervise your doctoral project. If you are interested in participating in a PhD program, you should first of all carefully read through the application procedures for the program in question. Doctoral programs at UZH

The doctorate is comprised of a PhD thesis as well as coursework. It serves as a qualification for an academic career or other demanding professions.

As a general rule, a Master's degree or an equivalent degree from an accredited university is the prerequisite for admission to the doctorate. Certain criteria regarding content as well as formal conditions (e.g. grade-point average, qualification phases) are also considered when processing applications.

Admission to Doctoral Studies

The requirements for admission and the admission procedures are set out in the ordinance for obtaining a doctoral degree at the faculty in question. Some faculties also offer a  fast-track  doctoral program, a program for particularly talented students in which the Master's degree and PhD are integrated in a single program of study. The individual programs define their PhD programs' admission procedures – which, as a rule, are highly competitive.

Please note that PhD candidates must be matriculated at the University for the duration of their doctorate, i.e. until they have been conferred the final degree. 

Application and admission Application period

Writing a PhD thesis – independent and original academic work – forms the core part of the doctorate. The thesis can take the form of a monograph or consist of several publications on a single subject which have been published in scientific journals (a cumulative PhD thesis). You can find more information about the formal requirements in the doctoral program regulations for your subject area. As a general rule, however, the thesis should be of such scope and content that it can be completed within three years.

The required coursework serves to enhance subject-specific skills, but also goes toward developing transferable skills. All coursework will be recorded in your final transcript of records and Academic Record. Coursework requirements can be fulfilled by attending courses in your subject area, by visiting classes from the main pool of courses in transferable skills (transferable skills and university-level teaching), or, in some cases by attending courses at another institution. Alongside the required coursework (including transferable skills), it is highly recommended that PhD candidates develop their teaching skills. Transferable skills courses University-level teaching  

In many disciplines at UZH there are two types of doctoral programs offered: the individual doctorate and the structured doctoral programs . Moreover there are also interdisciplinary and inter-university schools or programs, partly financed by third-party funds. Doctoral Programs

Because the various faculties at UZH are thematically and structurally so diverse, each faculty is in charge of designing its own PhD program.

Be sure to read about the specific requirements at the faculty in question.

Various types of academic employment opportunities at UZH are open to junior scholars. During doctoral study, you can find employment as a «PhD candidate» or an «academic assistant»; postdocs receive positions as «postdocs» or «senior research and teaching assistants». These junior academic positions are an integral part of the procedure when pursuing an academic career. Junior academic positions are by nature temporary and are funded either by the university department in question or by a third party. Junior academic positions give young scholars the opportunity to achieve their next professional goal and to further qualify themselves for a career in academia. The main requirement for earning the necessary academic qualifications is performing individual research, but junior researchers are also given the opportunity to qualify themselves for teaching roles. In 2003 the guidelines for specifications at UZH faculties for employees holding junior academic positions were issued to define the rights and duties of UZH employees in junior academic positions. These were revised in fall 2023 and a new employment model was defined, which will come into effect on January 1, 2024. Employees with the status of a junior academic receive individual specifications which refer explicitly to their job description.

Employment as a PhD candidate or teaching and
research assistant (new regulations from 1.1.2024)

Legal principles and regulations
governing employment

Open Positions of the University of Zurich
Funding for Early Career Researchers
Funding for PhD Researchers

This UZH platform provides neccesary information from visits & exchange at the UZH to Visa, entry and residece permit. UZH for International Students and Scholars FAQ for International Students and Scholars

Weiterführende Informationen

Successful phd.

Food for thought for beginning PhD candidates

Collection of links to relevant topics

Mobility, Continuing education and courses, Career & Networking, Scientific integrity and Counseling

Best Practice for Doctoral Education

The guideline shows ways and possibilities to strengthen the quality, attractivity and internationalization of the doctorate at UZH.


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Doctoral study programmes

At ETH Zurich, doctorates are not organised within an overall doctoral study programme in the way that students may be familiar with from other universities. Each doctoral student is free to select and assemble the components of their doctoral studies for him or herself. However, the departments do have the option of organising and offering their range of courses for doctoral studies in the form of doctoral programmes.

The Life Science Zurich Graduate School, for example, offers this kind of programme. There are 16 highly competitive doctoral programmes, run jointly by ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. The aim is to attract the most promising young scientists from across the world by offering a comprehensive and challenging education for doctoral students in biosciences.

If you are interested in one of the doctoral programmes available at ETH Zurich, please visit the following pages:

  • external page call_made Life Science Zurich Graduate School
  • external page call_made Zurich Graduate School Mathematics
  • external page call_made Zurich Graduate School in Computational Science and Engineering CSE

Joint Doctoral Programs

Graduates of the following programs will obtain a joint doctoral degree certificate from ETH Zurich and the partner institution.

> Contact the Doctoral Administration

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PhD Program Biomedicine

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation.

The comprehensive study and understanding of organ function in health and disease requires multidisciplinary approaches in basic, applied and translational biomedical research. The PhD program “Biomedicine” (BioMed) is part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School (LSZGS) and imparts knowledge, concepts and modern technologies to address complex questions in biomedical sciences on a molecular, cellular and systems level with the vision to advance clinical translation and improve patient care. BioMed offers students a strong and interactive program that combines groups from the University of Zürich (UZH), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETHZ) and the University Hospital Zürich (USZ). The highly international scientific environment at the institutions combines cutting-edge research with a modern teaching curriculum.

The PhD students of the PhD program in Biomedicine can not only choose from a broad selection of research topics and participate in front line science, but can also take advantage of a large number of graduate courses on various topics. Topics range from human physiology to cancer biology, stem cells, genomic medicine and laboratory techniques. They also include transferable skills like statistics, project management for research, scientific writing and career planning. The PhD program organizes an annual retreat for scientific exchange and networking among students.

The PhD students of BioMed can either register at the University of Zürich or the ETH Zürich, depending on the affiliation of their direct supervisor and her/his research group.

Students can apply to the program via Track I by May 1st and November 1st through the website of the LSZGS or via Track II (see application ). Enrollment into the program is decided by an admission committee.

  • Research groups
  • Current students
  • Application
  • Travel Grant
  • Documents to download and useful links


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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, doctoral programs and admission.

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics offers various Doctoral programs for very good Master's and excellent Bachelor's degree holders. Acceptance and admission are granted after individual reviews conducted by both the program directors and the University.

General process for acceptance and admission

Persons who are currently not enrolled at the University of Zurich must first apply with one of the study program directors to be accepted to a program (in the Informatics department, with the respective professor). Additionally, they must apply online with the Admissions Office, who reviews the application on behalf of the University. Acceptance to a program is only possible after these steps have been completed.

Persons who begin a Doctoral program immediately after completing a Master's program at our Faculty must also apply for acceptance with the study program director (in the Informatics department, with the respective professor). They must also register for the corresponding Doctoral program in the scope of semester enrollment.

Candidates can apply for different tracks (Tracks A, B, or C). An application for Track A requires an explicit confirmation of a professor from our Faculty to act as the applicant's supervisor. More information regarding the different tracks is available on the following website:

Doctoral programs

When applying, please note the information and deadlines published on each study program website. Only complete and properly submitted files will be considered.

Program contacts

Doctoral programs in economics and neuroeconomics.

Examination delegates: Prof. Dr. R. Weber (Economics) and Prof. Dr. T. Hare (Neuroeconomics)
Study program coordination: and

Graduate School of Business

Examination delegates: Prof. Dr. R. Göx (Business Administration) and Prof. Dr. U. Kaiser (Management and Economics)
Study program coordination:

Doctoral program in Finance

Examination delegate: Prof. Dr. S. Ongena
Study program coordination:

Doctoral program in Informatics

Examination delegate: Prof. Elaine M. Huang, PhD
Study program coordination:

Weiterführende Informationen

phd program zurich university

Further information

  • Regulations
  • Graduation PhD
  • Graduate Networking Event


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Department of Economics

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, phd programs, table of contents, zurich graduate school of economics, marlene porsche graduate school.

PhD in Economics at the University of Zurich

phd program zurich university

The Zurich Graduate School of Economics  at the University of Zurich, ZurichGSE in short, was launched in its current format in 2009. It offers a set of courses taught (in English) by internationally renowned academic faculties at the University of Zurich and world-class research opportunities. A specific feature of the doctoral program is a close attachment between graduate students and advisors and a strong team spirit among students. The goal of the program is to produce independent young researchers who can obtain academic jobs in the best universities, central banks, and international organizations.

Overview Zurich Graduate School of Economics

PhD in Neuroeconomics at the University of Zurich

phd program zurich university

The Marlene Porsche Graduate School of Neuroeconomics was launched in 2017, enabled by a donation by the Marlene Porsche Foundation. The interdisciplinary degree program in the cutting-edge field of Neuroeconomics has a strong scientific focus, with the goal of enabling students to become independent researchers of the highest caliber. Its faculty consists of internationally renowned scholars with expertise in behavioral economics, neuroimaging, neuropharmacology, brain stimulation techniques, and computational modeling.

Overview Marlene Porsche Graduate School of Neuroeconomics

Weiterführende informationen.

phd program zurich university

Contact Graduate Schools

phd program zurich university

Graduate Campus (GRC) – for early career researchers

phd program zurich university

Global Student Experience

  • Marlene Porsche GS Neuroeconomics


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Graduate School of Business

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, welcome to the graduate school of business.

The Graduate School of Business at the University of Zurich (GSB-UZH) aims to educate PhD students to become the next generation of leading researchers, teachers and practitioners. Our mission is to provide rigorous training for an academic career and to produce future leaders in business research and education. Our Structured PhD Course Program is one central pillar to that mission and provides rigorous education to prepare our students to face future challenges. Our other pillars are cutting edge research and translation of our results to practice.

Students in the Structured PhD-Course Programs specialize in one of four fields of study: Management, Organization and Strategy; Managing Human Resources and Education; Accounting, Auditing and Corporate Governance; Marketing . In addition, all PhD students take the General Program to acquire a solid theoretical and methodological basis in business administration and take courses on Generic Competencies.

As a student in our structured PhD programs you will receive a profound training in management, behavioral, and economic sciences as well as a strong foundation in quantiative and qualitative methods necessary for an academic career in your chosen field. At GSB-UZH you benefit from small classes and your are in intensive interaction with faculty members research problems that are highly relevant and of interest to the academic and business world. You will also benefit from the opportunity to interact extensively with fellow PhD-students within one of our four fields of study.

Further reading

Doctoral Programs (Study Tracks and Fields of Study) Application and Admission

Weiterführende Informationen

Useful links.

  • University of Zurich
  • Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
  • Department of Business Administration
  • Open positions (Department)
  • Open positions (University, all)
  • UZH for Doctoral Candidates
  • UZH for International Students and Scholars
  • Graduate Campus
  • Research Funding (Grants Office)

University of Zurich Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Business Plattenstrasse 14 8032 Zurich Switzerland


  • Doctoral Programs
  • Application and Admission
  • Student Section
  • Public Thesis Defenses


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UZH for International Students and Scholars

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, study at uzh, join us in zurich - become part of a vibrant, international student community.

Studying at the University of Zurich (UZH) means developing independent and critical thinking skills, welcoming new and unfamiliar ways of looking at the world, and learning how to generate new ideas, test new procedures, and gain fresh insight.

Students, and PhD candidates find ideal conditions at UZH to achieve their potential.

  • The largest and most comprehensive offer of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in Switzerland, with over 100 different major subjects and flexible program design
  • Outstanding libraries and study centers
  • State-of-the-art teaching methods
  • Student advisory and career services
  • Attractive PhD programs
  • In-house research fund to promote talented junior academics

Doctoral Programs

Did you know that Albert Einstein earned his doctorate at UZH? Follow his footsteps and discover the opportunities to complete your doctorate at UZH. We offer attractive doctoral programs and, with our Graduate Campus , offer a central and cross-faculty platform to support doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers.

First Steps to a PhD

Admission and Application

Health insurance for PhD candidates

Funding opportunities for PhD candidates

Further information for PhD candidates

Master's Study Programs

As a research university, UZH is committed to inspiring, research-based teaching. Our Master's degree study programs provide in-depth knowledge in fields such as banking & finance, bioinformatics, quantitative earth sciences and others, for tomorrow's global leaders and change-makers. The main language of instruction for most Master's study programs is either German or English. For some programs in language and literature, it can also be French, Italian, or Spanish.

Find out more about:

Master's Study Programs

Language Requirements

Application and Admission

Bachelor's Study Programs

UZH offers more than 60 study programs for undergraduates, ranging from astrophysics and business administration to social anthropolgy and theology. The main language of instruction for all Bachelor's degree programs is German.

Bachelor's Study Programs

Curious? Listen to our students' stories and find out more about student life at UZH.

Tuition Fees and Living Expenses

How much does it cost to study at UZH?

Find information about our tuition fees, living expenses in Zurich, and ways to finance your studies on the following websites:

Fees and contributions

Finances and living expenses

Visa, Entry and Residence Permit

For detailed information on what you need to take into account before travelling to Switzerland, please refer to the following websites:

International Students - Entry and Residence

FAQ for international students and scholars

Information for Refugees

The University of Zurich wants to help refugees gain access to university education. The Coordination Office Explore at Global Affairs is responsible for coordinating the various services available. For more information visit .

Weiterführende Informationen

Einstein's doctorate at uzh.

Zurich played an important role in the scientific career of Albert Einstein– he was a student here, and in 1905 submitted his dissertation to the University of Zurich. Einstein’s doctoral certificate has now returned to the university and is on permanent display. 

  • UZH News: “Doctor Einstein”
  • Press Release: “Einstein’s Doctoral Certificate Returns to UZH”
  • New Publication "Albert Einstein: Revolutionizing Physics"

phd program zurich university

FAQ for International Students and Scholars

  • Link to FAQs

Further information

Find links to further information on the following websites:

  • For Prospective Students
  • For UZH Students
  • For Doctoral Candidates


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Department of Psychology

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, phd in psychology.

All important administrative information about the doctoral studies in Psychology can be found on the webpages of the Graduate School of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences :

  • PhD according to regulations 2019 (for matriculations by fall semester 2019)
  • Regulations
  • Research Funding and Grants for Doctoral Students
  • External links

Weiterführende Informationen

German Version

To subscribe to the mailing list, please send an e-mail to

[email protected]

Subscribe for the Postdoc- mailing list (course vacancies)

Register here

Central offers of the University of Zurich for PhD students

• Graduate Campus • Continuing Education in University Teaching and Learning  

  • PhD according to regulations 2019
  • Research Funding / Grants


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Life Science Zurich Graduate School

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, application.

Impressions of Zurich and its universities

Welcome to apply for a PhD Program at the Life Science Zurich Graduate School!

Image research field examples

Doing your PhD at the LSZ Graduate School of the ETH and the University of Zurich means that you will belong to a large and ambitious life science research community. You will receive a comprehensive and challenging education that will allow you to take further career steps within academia as well as in industry – in Switzerland or worldwide.

We are searching for highly motivated students with a Master’s degree in the field of Life Sciences. You are looking for a PhD position at a renowned institution? That could be a good match! You are welcome to apply now!

Can I apply?

As a rule you must hold or anticipate receiving a university Master’s degree or equivalent in the field of natural sciences, computer sciences or engineering. With an excellent track record and good skills in spoken and written English you are welcome to apply to our PhD programs. Our funded positions are open for national and international (also non-EU) students. PhD studies at our programs usually last around 4 years.

When can I apply?

Our deadlines are 1 November (23:59 CET) and 1 May (23:59 CEST).

Please note that PhD Programs: Drug Discovery, Biomedical Ethics and Law - Medical Track, MD-PhD Program are not recruiting via track 1 ! 

Ready to apply?

Weiterführende informationen, application process, registration form, frequently asked questions, admission requirements, admission to doctoral studies at uzh, admission requirements at ethz, what is it like to do a phd in zurich.

Screen shot video spot by Samer Angelone

Meet our students in the video spot


  • Application Process
  • Candidate Registration


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Neuroscience Center Zurich

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, international phd program in neuroscience.

The ZNZ doctoral program, founded in 1998, offers students of different disciplines a solid foundation in the neurosciences. With over 600 alumni and an average of 300 registered students, it is the largest PhD program in the Life Science Zurich Graduate School. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds: biology, medicine, human movement science, psychology, pharmacology, biochemistry, physics and engineering. In accordance with their supervisor's affiliation, they register either at the University of Zurich or at ETH Zurich for their doctoral studies and  carry out their thesis work at one of the following institutions: University of Zurich, ETH Zurich, University Hospital, Children's Hospital, Balgrist University Hospital or the Psychiatric Clinics. 

Weiterführende Informationen


Doctoral Studies at ETHZ

General Information PhD at ETHZ

Doctoral Studies at UZH

General Information PhD at UZH


Unterseiten von phd program.

  • Program Description
  • Application and Registration
  • Student Office


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Faculty of Law

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, doctoral program of the faculty of law, table of contents, application, recognition of externally conducted doctoral colloquia.

The doctoral program of the Faculty of Law generally takes three years and includes the composition of a doctoral thesis and modules totaling at least 30 ECTS credits.

The doctoral thesis should be in the form of a monograph and should make an independent contribution to current research.

The curriculum comprises two compulsory modules, along with additional modules that can be selected individually. In addition, a large selection of further education programs exist both inside and outside the university. An official assessment must be obtained for each module.

Students have the option of having work and ECTS credits completed before the beginning of the doctorate program recognized. The responsible Doctoral Committee will decide whether to grant recognition.

The curriculum is divided into:

  • compulsory modules totaling 12 ECTS credits
  • modules from the core elective pool totaling 18 ECTS credits

The PhD candidate will provide the Doctoral Committee with a suggested module selection at the beginning of the doctorate program. This suggestion will be discussed and the outcome documented in the doctoral agreement.

Compulsory Modules (12 ECTS credits)

UZH Faculty of Law colloquium 1 6 ECTS credits
UZH Faculty of Law colloquium 2 6 ECTS credits

Core Elective Pool (18 ECTS credits)

Attendance at conferences, presentation of academic lectures, composition of academic texts, etc ECTS credits to be agreed*
General offering of the Master programs of the University of Zurich or offering of equal value ECTS credits as per web course catalogue
Continuing module at doctoral level On request
General further education offering of the University of Zurich or further education offerings of equal value from other universities ECTS credits to be agreed*

* The Doctoral Committee will determine the requirements regarding the official assessments and number of ECTS credits awarded for successfully completed official assessments. They will be documented in the doctoral agreement.

The modules must be booked in the Module Booking Tool during the booking period. Booking includes registration for the official assessment. This excludes the doctoral colloquia, registration for which must be lodged with the relevant professorship.

Die Module sind während der Buchungsfrist im Modulbuchungstool zu buchen. Mit der Buchung erfolgt die Anmeldung zum Leistungsnachweis. Davon ausgenommen sind die Doktorandenkolloquien, wofür man sich direkt über den jeweiligen Lehrstuhl anmelden muss.

Modules available from web course catalogue

Modules available from the Center for University Teaching and Learning

Modules involving transferrable skills


Admission to the doctoral program is subject to the approval of the Admissions Committee and the admission requirements of the ordinance for obtaining a doctoral degree .

  • Appointment of a head instructor (completion of the doctoral candidate confirmation)
  • Selection of additional members of the Doctoral Committee together with the head instructor (application for appointment of the Doctoral Committee)
  • Submission of application documents to the Admissions Committee (please note the application deadline)
  • (possible personal interview )
  • The Admissions Committee decides who is to be accepted into the doctoral program
  • Enrolment or change of degree program at the Admissions Office

Application Documents:

  • Letter of application
  • Curriculum vitae with photograph
  • Copies of prior degrees and educational certificates
  • Doctoral candidate confirmation
  • Enrolment record as PhD student and/or proof that the prerequisites for enrolment have been met (Master of Law Degree or equivalent and faculty member as supervisor)
  • Application for appointment of the Doctoral Committee
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Synopsis, to be no more than five pages in length (will give some piece of information regarding your research project and ambitions, the questions, preliminary work and the current status quo of your appropriate and relevant literature and research). 

Application period

  • Fall semester: 1 April - 31 May
  • Spring semester: 1 September - 31 October

All information on the recognition and crediting of externally completed doctoral colloquia, can be found here .

Weiterführende Informationen

Contact student center.

University of Zurich Faculty of Law Study Dean's Office Student Center

  • Consultation hours Student Center
  • Doctoral Program Regulations
  • Doctoral Agreement
  • Application for Appointment of the Doctoral Committee
  • Doctoral Candidate Confirmation


  • Web Course Catalogue
  • Booking Modules

How to Finance your Doctoral Thesis

Information about the financing of your doctoral thesis can be found on the homepage of UZH for Researchers.


  • Interesting for you
  • My settings

University of Zurich

  • #109 Ranking
  • 1,581 Academic Staff
  • 23,714 Students
  • 5,217 Students (int'l)
  • 13,517 Students (female)
  • Public Institution Type

The University of Zurich, the largest university in Switzerland ,was founded in 1833 as the first university in Europe by a democratic state and is today one of the best universities in the German-speaking world. Seven faculties offer a wide range of study opportunities at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level. In addition, UZH has a wide-ranging training portfolio.

From MAS courses of study over several years with renowned international institutions to individual day courses: all of the courses on offer meet the University of Zurich's highest quality standards.

Continuing education at the University of Zurich is more than imparting knowledge: it is knowledge exchange. Participants of our courses integrate new techniques, models and methods, based on true-to-life examples and exercises, into their professional lives. We offer high-quality education of academic standards by continuously comparing ourselves with national and international universities and universities of applied sciences as well as by selecting academically educated and committed lecturers.

The University of Zurich is a member of the League of European Research Universities and one of the leading basic research institutions in Europe. The University of Zurich is leading house at three National Centers of Competence in Research and is a partner in numerous others. The Clinical Research Priority Programs are a part of the University's efforts to promote strategic areas of research in University Medicine and to support junior scholars. Researchers at the University of Zurich have access to state-of-the-art technology platforms and highly qualified personnel. 

UZH recruits outstanding scholars for professorial appointments and offers first-rate conditions. The University is particularly committed to supporting junior scholars from an early stage and provides them with favorable conditions for their future academic career.

PhD Programmes

  • Ph.D. Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism
  • Ph.D. Cancer Biology
  • Ph.D. Chemical and Molecular Sciences
  • Ph.D. Computational Science
  • Ph.D. Drug Discovery
  • Ph.D. Epidemiology and Biostatistics
  • Ph.D. Evolutionary Biology
  • Ph.D. Mathematics
  • Ph.D. Microbiology and Immunology
  • Ph.D. Molecular Life Sciences
  • Ph.D. Neuroeconomics
  • Ph.D. Neuroscience
  • Ph.D. Physics
  • Ph.D. Plant Science
  • Ph.D. Public Understanding of Science
  • Ph.D. RNA Biology
  • Ph.D. Science and Policy
  • Ph.D. Systems Biology
  • Ph.D. Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology
  • Ph.D. Veterinary Medicine Science
  • Ph.D. Asia and Europe
  • Ph.D. Chinese Studies
  • Ph.D. Economics (Track A)
  • Ph.D. Economics (Track B)
  • Ph.D. Economics (Track C)
  • Ph.D. Geography - Earth System Sciences
  • Ph.D. Indian Studies (Individual Doctorate)
  • Ph.D. Management and Economics (Track A)
  • Ph.D. Management and Economics (Track B)
  • Ph.D. Management and Economics (Track C)
  • Ph.D. Political Science (Individual doctorate)
  • Ph.D. Psychology (individual doctorate)
  • Ph.D. Sociology
  • Ph.D. Biomedical Ethics and Law
  • Ph.D. Biomedical Ethics and Law - Medical Track
  • Ph.D. Biomedicine
  • Ph.D. Clinical Science
  • MD-PHD Medicine
  • Ph.D. Veterinary Medicine
  • Ph.D. Banking and Finance (Track A)
  • Ph.D. Banking and Finance (Track B)
  • Ph.D. Banking and Finance (Track C)
  • Ph.D. Business Administration (Track A)
  • Ph.D. Business Administration (Track B)
  • Ph.D. English Literature (Individual Doctorate)
  • Ph.D. English and American Literature (Individual Doctorate)
  • Ph.D. Islamic Studies
  • Ph.D. Theology
  • Ph.D. Ecology
  • Ph.D. Informatics
  • Doctorate Law

University of Zurich Scholarships

Below you will find scholarships related to University of Zurich. Distinction can be made between scholarships provided by the University and those provided by independent providers.

Read more about eligibility

For a complete overview of scholarships for University of Zurich, visit our scholarship search .

University Ranking

Student services.

  • Central advisory services of the University
  • Student Advisory Services
  • Psychological Counseling Services
  • Housing Office of University and ETH Zurich
  • Student Financial Aid Office
  • Disability Office
  • Career Services University of Zurich
  • International Scholars Center
  • Office for Gender Equality
  • Funding for Individuals and Projects

Housing services

The University of Zurich neither owns nor rents out any student rooms. In fact, none of the universities in Zurich administrate student accommodation. Housing for students is offered by different institutions that are connected with the University, but operate independently.Since the demand on housing is high, it is important to start looking for accommodation in good time and to explore every possible avenue. The Housing Office of University / ETH Zurich issues an overview of useful addresses, if you’re looking for reasonably priced accommodation as well as accommodation at short notice. Accommodation offers can also be found on the various notice boards in the University buildings and institutes.

Library services

Libraries at the University of Zurich are regulated and supported by two committees established by the Executive Board of the University: The Library Commission makes strategic decisions and users are represented by the Library Coordinating Board.

  • Main Library – Study Center
  • Main Library – Medicine Careum
  • Main Library – Science

Medical services

Health insurance is compulsory for anyone staying in Switzerland longer than three months. Students from an EU state who are legally insured in their home country can apply for exemption from this obligation by using the European Health Card or a provisional certificate, both of which issued by the health insurance company in the home country.

Campus life

Public transportation in the city of Zurich is dense and well planned, and residents can get around by bus, streetcar, regional train - even by boat. There is a discount for students under the age of 25. Bicycles are an inexpensive alternative to public transportation.You can find more information about getting around in the city on website of the City of Zurich, where there are maps for pedestrians or cyclists, walking tours, and other information (website in German):

Sports facilities

Do you enjoy physical exercise? Do you want to get or stay in shape and improve your quality of life? Then the Academic Sports Association Zurich (ASVZ) is the right place for you. The ASVZ and its wide range of sports facilities and activities are open to the entire university community. Its offers include traditional sports as well as various new and exciting kinds of sports.

Student clubs

  • The University of Zurich Student Association VSUZH – Switzerland's largest student association – represents all students at the University of Zurich
  • Academic Alpine Club Zurich
  • The Zurich Academic Choir
  • Association for Critical and Interdisciplinary Thinking
  • Academic fencing club Zurich
  • Amnesty International - University Group Zurich
  • Catholic Community of the University of Zurich
  • Academic Chamber Orchestra Zurich
  • Student organization advocating animal rights.
  • African Students Association of Zurich
  • Banking & Finance Student Association
  • Erasmus Student Network
  • The Finance Club
  • Initiative for Psychology in Ecology

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Department of Chemistry

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, phd degree in chemistry.

A master's degree is the prerequisite for starting a PhD. This study consists mainly of independent research work, but also additional courses, seminars and attendance at congresses. The PhD program should promote independent thinking and an extended knowledge of chemistry. The PhD study can mainly be arranged by the PhD student in discussion with the supervisor. With the PhD degree the student should be able to take over and to solve independently scientific research problems. The study ends with the award of the PhD degree (Dr. sc. nat. = PhD). The regulations for the PhD studies can be found here.

Weiterführende Informationen


Graduate School CMSZH

The Graduate School of Chemical and Molecular Sciences Zurich (CMSZH) is a melting pot of science and innovation, offering a highly competitive Ph.D. program for a comprehensive and challenging education.

  • To the website of CMSZH


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Department of Astrophysics

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, phd programme in computational science, graduate school for computational science.

The PhD programme in Computational Science is a joint initiative of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, which aims to:

  • Foster sustained interactions between PhD students, faculty and staff
  • Promote exchanges between academia, industry and society enabled by computational science

Computational Science (CS) integrates Information Technology and Mathematics to address scientific and societal challenges such as Energy, Health, Climate and Finance.

CS is a unique method of scientific inquiry, complementing theory and experiments, providing us with unprecedented potential for scientific discovery and innovation.

Application and enrollment

The Computational Sciences PhD programme is a 3-4year MSc to PhD program. Participating students can choose from a broad selection of research topics and classes. Enrollment into the program is decided by an admission committee. In order to graduate, students need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Acquisition of 12 credit points of advanced courses
  • Deposition and defense of a Ph.D. thesis describing the student’s original research work,
  • Additional requirements imposed by the host institution (University of Zurich or ETH Zurich) so as to comply fully with their regulations.

The final degree is conferred by either the University of Zurich or the ETH Zürich, depending on the academic affiliation of the host laboratory.

Official PhD regulations for the Computational Science Programme: PDF EN / PDF DE

Link to the Regulations Governing PhD Studies at the MNF

Link to the official page of the Graduate School for CS

Admissions to Promotion - Useful links and documents:

Admission to Doctoral Studies at the University of Zurich

Factsheet Admission to a PhD Program at the Department of Astrophysics (PDF, 621 KB) Checklist for PhD students

"Confirmation of Supervision for Doctoral Students" (PDF, 242 KB)

"Acceptance Confirmation Structured Doctoral Program" (PDF, 225 KB) Annual committee meeting minutes (PDF, 1 MB)

Confirmation Sheet - TA Hours (PDF, 224 KB)

Fact sheet PhD Defence (EN) / Merkblatt (DE)

Program Director Prof. Dr. Robert Feldmann [email protected]



18 fully funded phd programs at university of zurich, switzerland.

Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Zurich, Switzerland invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI (including chat-bots and large language models) and Democracy

Summary of phd program:.

The Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group at the University of Zurich is looking for motivated applicants who are interested in investigating how AIs can interact with users to help large-scale participation in democratic processes. You will work the context of a new SNSF interdisciplinary project that will investigate how to use AI in direct democracy. The project includes user experiments of AI support in the context of real-world democratic processes. The project includes 8 PhD students – three of which in CS/CSCW/AI, two in political science, and two in law – as well as a post-doc and faculty members form these disciplines.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

2. fully funded phd position in bioinorganic chemistry.

Your research will span the entire area from identifying new and exciting protein sequences, cloning and recombinant protein production, purification and initial spectroscopic and spectrometric characterisation (UV, CD, AAS, ESI-MS, MALDI, etc), followed by structural studies with NMR and X-ray or functional analyses in collaboration with groups from the biological field.

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in structural biology of Fe-S proteins

A PhD student position, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, is available in the research group headed by Prof. Susanne Kassube at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Highly-motivated, goal-driven and team-oriented candidates with an interest in biochemistry and structural biology, particularly cryo-electron microscopy, are encouraged to apply. The selected candidate will become part of the PhD program in Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism and the Life Science Zurich Graduate School.

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4. fully funded phd position in information systems.

We are seeking highly motivated and enthusiastic individuals for a PhD position in the field of Information Systems, as part of the DIZH-funded research project “Government as a Platform: Orchestrating Stakeholders in Crisis Situations through Digital Platforms” (short description). In the project, we take advantage of digital platforms and their principles to improve the coordination and orchestration of relevant actors in the Canton of Zurich on the example of the Ukraine refugee crisis. As a PhD student, you will be supervised by Dr. Liudmila Zavolokina (Digital Society Initiative, University of Zurich) and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schwabe (Department of Informatics, University of Zurich.

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5. fully funded phd position in plant evolutionary biology.

This position involves expert level bioinformatic work including genome assembly (long-reads, Hi-C) and genome annotation. Furthermore, the project uses comparative transcriptomics (spatial transcriptomics) including gene regulatory network analyses in a phylogenetic context, and high-throughput reverse genetic work. Therefore, this position requires advanced skills in handling, analyzing and interpreting high-throughput next-generation sequencing and RNA-seq data. Good skills in assembling vectors, carrying out genetic transformations and microscopy are also required.

6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Clinical Science Program

We are interested in pulmonary hypertension, dyspnea, exercise and hypoxia and are performing several clinical and physiological studies in this field. Our trials involve exercise testing, echocardiographies, sleep studies, near infrared spectroscopies and many more, mostly in patients with cardiopulmonary diseases, but also in healthy people living at different altitudes. We often perform field studies in different areas of the world, including Switzerland, but also Central Asia or South America. We have long-lasting collaborations with different labs and research groups.

Looking For More Funded PhD Programs? Click Here

7. fully funded phd position in ultrafast spectroscopy and photochemistry.

The project deals with the advancement of solution-phase and surface-sensitive ultrafast spectroscopy and photochemistry techniques, surface preparation and characterization, investigation of ultrafast photoinduced phenomena with time-resolved IR and multidimensional spectroscopy methods. We are experimentally investigating the real-time molecular dynamics of the novel classes of organic molecules and aiming towards the unconventional methods of catalysis.

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8. fully funded phd position in business.

The Chair of Quantitative Business Administration focuses on the development of quantitative methods for improved decision making. From the methodological perspective our main interests are in mathematical optimization, in particular, integer programming, combinatorial optimization, bilevel optimization and optimization under uncertainty.

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9. fully funded phd position in psychology.

The research focus of the chair is on social-cognitive development in infancy and childhood. The project focuses on multilingual language development in early childhood. Previous research shows that monolingual and multilingual children differ in the repertoire and flexibility of their communicative behavior. In the planned research project, the characteristics of these differences in early childhood (0 – 6 years) as well as the underlying mechanisms will be investigated in more detail. For this purpose, behavioral methods but also eye tracking or electroencephalography (EEG) can be applied.

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10. fully funded phd position in epidemiology / digital & mobile health.

You will analyze fitness tracker and patient-reported data from ongoing studies in collaboration with our project partners, including the University Hospital Zurich, the Rehabilitation Clinic Valens, and the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry. In collaboration with team members and staff from the Rehabilitation Clinic Valens you will also design and conduct your own study to evaluate an existing intervention for physical activity improvement in persons with chronic illnesses. You will further contribute to the development and maintenance of our own mobile health data collection platform, which is programmed in Python.

Application Deadline: 01.07.2023

Looking for funded scholarships programs click here, 11. fully funded phd position in immunology.

You will work on a project investigating the immune response against the skin commensal yeast Malassezia in the normal and diseased skin and identify fungal secreted products that activate and modulate the Th17 and γδT17 antifungal response. The project relies on mouse models of skin fungal commensalism and of atopic dermatitis in combination with cell culture experiments. The project will involve immunological, microbiological, genetic, transcriptomic, and biochemical approaches.

Application Deadline: 30.06.2023

12. fully funded phd position in political science.

The Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich invites applications for a PhD position in the research group of Professor Jonathan Slapin, Professor of Political Institutions and European Politics.

Your responsibilities

  • Development and conduct of own PhD project in the field of comparative political institutions, broadly defined. Applicants should have a focus on parliaments, parties, legislative behavior, representation, European politics, or European integration.
  • Participation in the Department’s doctoral program, which offers advanced methodological and substantive training as well as professional development.

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13. fully funded phd position in educational and family sociology.

The University Research Priority Program (URPP) “Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R” explores the societal impacts and legal implications of human reproduction. This interdisciplinary positioned URPP brings together researchers from six faculties as well as from various disciplines from the humanities, social, medical and natural sciences. You will join a working group within this program, consisting of two senior researchers and two PhDs. We focus the on the value-related origins and the economic consequences of reproductive decisions. Both positions are located at Institute of Sociology, which is one of the leading empirically oriented institutes in Switzerland and Europe.

Application Deadline: 12.06.2023

14. fully funded phd position in automatic sign language processing.

The PhD position is part of an innovative research project titled “Fundamental linguistic tools for sign language machine translation – SIGMA” at the Digital Society Initiative and the Department for Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich. SIGMA aims to provide fundamental tools for automatically processing sign languages, with the main goal of improving a higher-level task: sign language machine translation. Improving machine translation for sign languages is relevant for Swiss and international societies. While for hearing persons translation technology is mature and usable in every-day situations, such tools do not exist for Deaf sign language users. Deaf individuals can only be full members of a digital society if translation technology is afforded to them.

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15. fully funded phd position in palliative care within doctoral progam clinical science.

You will work on research projects with focus on questions related to caregiver burden and bereavement-related distress. The death of a spouse is considered one of the most stressful and impactful life events and is associated with increased morbidity and premature mortality. This PhD project studies the impact of lifetime stress exposure and neuro-inflammatory sensitivity to psychobiological adjustment to bereavement among cancer caregivers. We aim to map profiles of individual differences in long-term adjustment to loss based on psychological and biological markers over time and to identify psychological and biological markers of individuals who are most at risk for poor health outcomes following bereavement.

Application Deadline: July 1st, 2023

16. fully funded phd position in multimodal behavioral pattern recognition using machine learning.

The PhD position is part of an innovative research project titled “Computational analysis of personal identity in interaction: Recognition and ethics – CAPIRE” at the Digital Society Initiative and Department for Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich. This interdisciplinary project aims to develop advanced computational models for person identification analysis using multimodal communication signals such as speech, gestures, and facial expressions. The research will involve analyzing large datasets of human interaction data and applying state-of-the-art machine learning methods to identify unique patterns indicative of personal identity.

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17. fully funded phd position in chemistry.

We are looking for candidates who would be interested in either of these topics. Depending on the selected focus, the PhD Student will be given an opportunity to gain experience in the design of catalysts and ligands, multistep organic synthesis, coordination chemistry (including synthesis of highly sensitive molecules), transition metal catalysis, supramolecular chemistry, and the chemistry of organic materials.

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  • Andy & Barbara Gessner College of Nursing
  • Graduate Programs

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Admission deadline.

The University of Houston offers a Master of Science in Nursing degree. Our face-to-face and web-enhanced classes are designed to work around your busy schedule, and you’ll receive a quality university education from excellent faculty at a great value.

The Master of Science in Nursing program (Education, Administration and FNP) is designed to build upon the BSN degree and is offered at the University of Houston at Katy and online. Students in this program are prepared to function at advanced levels with an expanded knowledge of theory, research and clinical application. Graduates are prepared to provide evidenced based health care and to work on collaborative teams. Lab and/or clinical course requirements will be in a face-to-face learning environment for practice and demonstration to meet course objectives and accreditation requirements. Each graduate will be able to function in an advanced practice role as a Nurse Administrator, Nurse Educator, or Family Nurse Practitioner. Nurses who have a master’s degree in nursing may be eligible for a Post Master’s Certificate as a nurse educator or nurse administrator.

MSN Administration

The Administration track prepares students to lead healthcare innovations by improving access, addressing quality and safety issues, and supervising the finance and operations of a health care organization.

MSN Education

Through the Education track, nurse educators prepare to apply educational theory and practice, develop courses and curriculum for nursing students and staff, and develop classroom and clinical strategies to prepare nurses to function in the health care environment.

Family Nurse Practitioner

The FNP track integrates both academic and community-based training to promote an evidence based approach to the care of individuals, families and the community. Hybrid graduate tracks offer face-to-face classes one day a week for maximum scheduling flexibility for students, while offering the essential benefit of role-modeling and networking with leaders in the profession.

Post Master's Certificates

Post Master’s certificate candidates are required to achieve a grade of B or higher in all post MSN certificate courses to be eligible to earn the certificate.

Doctor of Nursing Practice

The new Post Master’s Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program (Administration, Family Nurse Practitioner) is designed to build upon the MSN degree and is offered at the University of Houston Main campus and online. The Doctor of Nursing Practice is an evidence-based-practice-focused program and students who complete this program will demonstrate the Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice. Nurses who have a Doctor of Nursing Practice have completed the highest level of education in nursing practice.

Texas Medical Center

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University of Zurich

Joint Doctorate at the Faculty of Science of the UZH and the ETH Zurich

A joint doctorate at the Faculty of Science of the UZH and the ETH Zurich is only open to applicants whose responsible professor, with the right to confer a PhD at the Faculty of Science, has a double professorship at the UZH and at the ETHZ.

Doctoral Program

  • Cancer Biology
  • Computational Science
  • Drug Discovery
  • Evolutionary Biology

Doctoral Program (cont.)

  • Molecular Life Sciences
  • Neuroscience
  • Systems Biology

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PhD Program of Study Process

The Ph.D. Program of Study is designed to allow students some flexibility to develop their curriculum in accordance with the Ph.D. graduation requirements and with the expectations of their Program of Study committee.

Students are assigned three committee members during the first semester of their Ph.D. program, based on their research interests. Two committee members are appointed from the student's primary area of research interest and the third member from the secondary area of research interest.  Effective Fall 2020, the student's (prospective) advisor can serve as a committee member.

Students must prepare the Program of Study form in consultation with their Program of Study committee through individual meetings, a group meeting, or other forms of correspondence. Students will discuss their area of interests with their committee to determine what required courses must be completed and develop strategies for meeting educational and career goals as well as the Ph.D. graduation requirements.

  • Required Coursework : A minimum of one course and a maximum of three courses (not including CS 591 PHD and CS 591 TA seminars) must be identified as required courses. Required courses are courses you and your committee agree that you must complete. Each of these courses should be marked as pre-qual or pre-prelim . Pre-qual courses must be completed prior to taking your qualifying exam. Some exceptions can be made for any courses you take in the same semester as your qual. Pre-prelim courses must be completed before you can schedule your preliminary examination. Any changes to your required courses must be approved by all members of your Program of Study Committee and a revised form must be completed. 
  • Recommended Coursework :  Courses that your committee suggests and you plan to take that are intended to help you plan your studies during your research. These courses are not required and any changes to recommended courses do not require an update to your program of study form. These courses will meet the minimum credit hours required for your degree.
  • Strategy : brief explanation of the motivation for the choice of coursework.

Here is a " Sample " of a program of study form to view. Students must have all three committee members electronically approve the completed Program of Study form by the posted deadline announced when committee assignments are released . The Program of Study form may be altered by the student at any time, but a revised copy must be completed and approved by the Program of Study committee if any of the "Required Coursework" is changed.

Requests for a change of a Program of Study committee member may be submitted to Viveka P. Kudaligama ( [email protected] ) for consideration.

Note: Students' progress with respect to their Program of Study and the quality of the Program of Study itself are open to evaluation at the annual area meetings, where all Ph.D. students are evaluated. For a student who is not making satisfactory progress in terms of Qualifying Examination preparation, depth of coursework, breadth of coursework, and so on, will receive a warning indicating the requirements to be completed.

How to access the Program of Study Form

The Program of Study Form is an online form available through My.CS portal in the "Grad Student Toolbox" area. Students can "Save" the form and return to complete the form over multiple sessions. Once all data is entered, students must click " Submit for Committee Review " at the bottom of the form, which closes the form.   Prior to submitting the form for committee review, students must also confirm with their committee members that each individual committee member will approve the submitted course list.  Please keep in mind this may take several iterations for all committee members to approve the proposed plan, and plan for time accordingly. Once submitted, the form will be routed to the committee members for electronic approval. All committee approvals must be logged in My.CS system by the posted deadline.  (First-year PhD students in the CS 591 PHD/PH2 seminar may have an earlier deadline to have the approval process completed.)

Note: If the Program of Study Form is not available in the "Grad Student Toolbox" area,  please use the drop-down menu "Add content to above column" to add Program of Study Form. If Grad Student Toolbox is not visible, the same menu can be used to add it to the main account page. 

A few things to remember when completing this online form.

  • When entering in a CS 598 and CS 591course , it is important that you start the course name off with the section number - RHC Special Topics or PHD Advanced Seminar. We need to know what section you plan to complete when entering in a 598 or 591. This also goes for any 498 courses as well.
  • Two courses can be entered for one required course. Students should use this if the committee says that either course would be acceptable. To do this, enter in the first course and click "Add". Then under "Action" next to the course that was just added, click on the "OR". This will allow you to add the other course. This means that you must complete one of these two courses in order to meet that required course requirement.
  • When entering in " Strategy ", " General Comments ", or any other comments in the text boxes, avoid using apostrophe.

Any problems with accessing or completing the online Program of Study form, please contact either Viveka P. Kudaligama ( [email protected] ) or Engineering Tech Support ( [email protected] ).

Additional Recommendations and Information to Consider

  • Ph.D. Coursework Requirements
  • CS Current Course Schedule and Class Websites
  • All CS Graduate Level Courses (Graduate level courses are 400- and 500-level)

phd program zurich university

Graduate Advising

The Graduate Academic Office, a guiding hand for graduate students, offers assistance every weekday.

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Graduate Studies

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Offering more than 230 graduate degree programs, many of which rank among the top in the country, South Carolina is one of a select few universities to earn the Carnegie Foundation’s top tier designation in both research activity and community engagement. 

Stay on Track to Your Graduate Degree

After you have been accepted into your degree program, use these Graduate School resources to continue your progress, check important deadlines, prepare your thesis or dissertation and always check the Graduate Bulletin .

phd program zurich university

Forms Library

This comprehensive list of Graduate School forms allows you to search by title or browse the entire list to find the form that fits your need.

phd program zurich university

Progress to Degree

Follow the steps and track the milestones to complete your masters or doctoral program. The Graduate Bulletin posts your specific degree requirements.

phd program zurich university

Thesis and Dissertation

Take advantage of Graduate School workshops and resources as you prepare your thesis or dissertation. Find detailed policies in the Graduate Bulletin.

phd program zurich university


Commencement exercises are held in December and May, and you will need to meet your academic deadlines along the way.

phd program zurich university

Academic Appeals

As a graduate student you are responsible for meeting your academic requirements, but the Graduate Bulletin outlines the policies for academic appeals.

phd program zurich university

Graduate Program Coordinators

Contact the coordinator for your academic program with questions about Graduate School forms, policies and processes.

Woman writing dates on a whiteboard.

Dates and Deadlines

Thesis and dissertation format checks, defense deadlines, graduation application due dates and more are all events to note. Make sure you check back often to stay on track to your goals.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.

Types of graduate scholarships

Where to find graduate school scholarships, tips for applying and winning scholarships, graduate school scholarships and grants: how to fund your master's or phd.

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  • Grad school scholarships provide funds to cover your educational costs. 
  • In general, you don't have to repay scholarships or grants after graduation. 
  • Start your search for grad school scholarships with your school's financial aid office.

Graduate school can help you take your career ambitions to the next level. But the cost can be very high. That's where grad school scholarships and grants come in. Scholarships and grants don't need to be repaid, which means you can leave school with minimum drag on your post-graduation finances.

Merit-based vs. need-based scholarships

Merit-based scholarships are awarded based on your academic achievements and other achievements. In contrast, need-based scholarships are awarded based on the financial need of the student.

Subject-specific scholarships

Beyond these need-based and merit-based scholarships, you can find specialized scholarships designed for particular fields of study or demographics. For example, you might find a scholarship opportunity based on your prior military experience or your desire to obtain a graduate degree in STEM.

Your university

Before you can snag a scholarship, you'll have to find the opportunity and apply for it. Your school's financial aid office is a good place to start your search because they might have information on school-specific scholarships.

Online scholarship databases

You can also find scholarship opportunities through online search engines, like the U.S. Department of Labor's free tool or . To locate scholarships specific to you, filter searches by "graduate level" and your field of study.

Professional organizations and employers

Many organizations offer some form of scholarship or tuition reimbursement to students pursuing related careers, or those gaining skills to aid in their existing role.

Grant databases

Grants are another form of funding that you usually don't have to pay back. Below are some of the most popular grants for grad school:

  • Federal grants: Some federal grants are available to graduate students, including the TEACH Grant, which is designed to prepare them for teaching at the elementary or secondary school level. After graduation, grant recipients must teach full-time for at least four years in a school that serves low-income students. Skipping the teaching commitment means you'll have to repay the funds. 
  • State grants : Many states provide grant opportunities to students. In some cases, these grants are designed to support students pursuing a graduate degree that's relevant to the state's needs. 
  • Institutional grants : Many colleges and universities provide grant opportunities to students. You can find out about these opportunities through your school's financial aid office. 
  • Private grants: Some organizations and foundations offer grant funding to graduate students. In most cases, you'll need to meet some specific eligibility requirements to apply. 

Tapping into this source of free money for college is a worthwhile option. If you are interested in grant funding, start by filling out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to potentially tap into federal grant opportunities. 

In terms of state-level, institutional, and private grants, you'll need to do some research to find grants that might apply to your unique situation. Consider reaching out to your school's financial aid office, they might have more information on grant opportunities you can apply for.

When you find an enticing opportunity, it's important to craft a compelling application. Many scholarships require an essay, which could make or break your chances. 

"Writing essays for a graduate scholarship is not the same as it was for undergraduates," says Ben Ralston, president of Sachs Foundation , an organization that provides scholarship opportunities to Black Coloradans. 

"You are later in your career and can focus less on what you want to do with your education and more about what you have already accomplished," Ralston says. "Get specific in how graduate studies will develop more professional skills to build on previous accomplishments instead of speaking more generally about future goals."

Start early and apply often

It's important to note that the scholarship search process can take quite a bit of time, and once you've identified scholarships to apply for, you'll need time to prepare. Don't be selective with your scholarship applications; The more scholarships you apply to, the better your chances of winning.

Tailor your applications

When applying, personalize your essays and highlight how your experience aligns with the scholarship's mission. Be sure to triple-check your essays, and ensure that you're not referencing a separate scholarship opportunity from the one you're applying for.

Get strong letters of recommendation

Choose recommenders who can speak to your academic abilities and potential. This can be a teacher, employer, coworker, etc.

Grad school scholarship FAQs

Competition for graduate scholarships can be high, but many scholarships are available. Applying to a wide range increases your chances of success.

No, you don't. Scholarships are typically considered gift aid and don't need to be repaid.

While it's uncommon, there are some full-ride scholarships are available, especially for highly competitive programs or exceptional students.

phd program zurich university

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Two people dressed in business attire look at a large white screen with data on it.

Lindner launches AI in Business graduate certificate

Students learn ai skills, how to deploy them to solve business problems.

headshot of Grant Freking

The Carl H. Lindner College of Business at the University of Cincinnati has announced the addition of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Business graduate certificate, which focuses on empowering students with the means to leverage AI platforms for developing solutions to business problems.

Lindner graduate certificates allow students to gain specialized business knowledge to boost their career options. AI in Business can be completed in two to three semesters (nine to 12 months) of study and can be taken as a standalone certificate while also easily paired with the  Lindner MBA ,  Master of Science in Business Analytics  or the  Master of Science in Information Systems  programs.

AI in Business, which can be fulfilled via in-person and online modalities, is accepting applications for the fall 2024 and spring 2025 semesters. While no previous experience with AI tools is required, a basic background in Python programming and information systems is helpful.

Sachin Modi, PhD, professor and head of Lindner’s department of operations, business analytics, and information systems.

“AI is becoming a big part of business, and a lot of people want to upskill on AI quickly and learn how to apply AI to business,” said Sachin Modi , PhD, professor and head of Lindner’s department of operations, business analytics, and information systems . “The intent of the certificate is to equip students with the correct tools and techniques to achieve this.”

AI in Business provides students with flexibility; hands-on experiential learning opportunities with the latest AI tools; access to expert faculty who are working on and researching AI’s latest business applications; and a connection to Lindner's 50,000-strong alumni network, who can aid certificate recipients in landing job placements in a rapidly growing talent field.

The curriculum features four required two-credit-hour courses, plus four elective credit hours (from seven elective course options) that must be completed. AI in Business syncs up with job opportunities across business fields , from data scientists, business analysts, financial advisers and investment managers, to marketing managers, information systems managers, and operations and supply chain managers.

“The core courses take you from relatively little to no knowledge of AI to having a good understanding of how to design and deploy AI solutions,” Modi said. “The elective courses put you on two possible tracks — a more managerial path or a more developmental path.” 

The graduate certificate application deadline for fall 2024 semester enrollment is July 31. For the spring 2025 semester, the priority deadline is Oct. 15, with the final deadline on Dec. 1.

Featured image at top courtesy of Adobe Stock.

Enroll in a Lindner graduate certificate program

Lindner graduate certificate programs are fast (complete a certificate in as little as eight months), focused (specialized knowledge of a particular business function) and relevant (students gain new skills and learn to leverage your existing expertise). Apply today .

  • Center for Analytics
  • Lindner College of Business
  • Operations, Business Analytics & Information Systems
  • Graduate-Programs

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July 11, 2024

Lindner recognizes 2022-23 faculty and staff award winners

April 13, 2023

The Carl H. Lindner College of Business touted its award-winning faculty and staff from the 2022-23 academic year in a reception April 12 at Lindner Hall.

Lindner honors 2022-23 student award winners

April 4, 2023

The Carl H. Lindner College of Business held its Student Awards reception in Lindner Hall on April 3 to recognize its standout future business problem solvers for the 2022-23 academic year.


  1. UZH

    Faculty of Science. Doctorate Faculty of Science. Joint Doctorate at the Faculty of Science of the UZH and the ETH Zurich. Studying at the University of Zurich: important information for students and prospective students at a glance.

  2. PhD Programs

    Students who complete our doctoral program are awarded the doctoral degree of Dr. sc. nat. - doctor scientiarum naturalium). The degree requires students to conduct original, independent research and usually takes between three and four years. ... Application to the Admissions Office of the University of Zurich. Visa application for non-EU ...

  3. How to PhD

    If you are interested in participating in a PhD program, you should first of all carefully read through the application procedures for the program in question. ... University of Zurich | Graduate Campus (GRC) Raemistrasse 59 CH-8001 Zurich [email protected] Map. GRC Annual Report. Facts & Figures 2023; Follow us. X; LinkedIn;

  4. Doctoral study programmes

    The Life Science Zurich Graduate School, for example, offers this kind of programme. There are 16 highly competitive doctoral programmes, run jointly by ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. The aim is to attract the most promising young scientists from across the world by offering a comprehensive and challenging education for doctoral ...

  5. Doctoral Programs and Tracks

    The Graduate School of Business at the University of Zurich offers two doctoral programs, one in «Business Administration» and the one in «Management and Economics». They are comparable to international PhD programs. The Graduate School of Business at the University of Zurich comprises 26 professors offering PhD courses in four fields of ...

  6. UZH

    The degree program requires participants to conduct independent research, write a PhD thesis, and to perform coursework worth a total of. 12 ECTS credits. Program outcomes include acquiring subject-specific skills in the area of specialization and improving research methodology. Graduates acquire transferable skills (i.e. university-level ...

  7. Welcome

    The PhD program "Biomedicine" (BioMed) is part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School (LSZGS) and imparts knowledge, concepts and modern technologies to address complex questions in biomedical sciences on a molecular, cellular and systems level with the vision to advance clinical translation and improve patient care. BioMed offers ...

  8. Doctoral Programs and Admission

    Doctoral Programs and Admission. The Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics offers various Doctoral programs for very good Master's and excellent Bachelor's degree holders. Acceptance and admission are granted after individual reviews conducted by both the program directors and the University.

  9. UZH

    Admission to doctoral study is governed by the ordinance on admission to studies at the University of Zurich (Verordnung über die Zulassung an der Universität Zürich VZS). The main requirement for admission to doctoral study is a Master's degree from a university or an equivalent degree.

  10. PhD

    PhD in Economics at the University of Zurich. The Zurich Graduate School of Economics at the University of Zurich, ZurichGSE in short, was launched in its current format in 2009. It offers a set of courses taught (in English) by internationally renowned academic faculties at the University of Zurich and world-class research opportunities.

  11. Graduate School of Business

    The Graduate School of Business at the University of Zurich (GSB-UZH) aims to educate PhD students to become the next generation of leading researchers, teachers and practitioners. Our mission is to provide rigorous training for an academic career and to produce future leaders in business research and education. Our Structured PhD Course ...

  12. | Life Science Zurich Graduate School

    PhD Programs PhD Programs ... Life Science Zurich Graduate School. Apply here to one of our PhD programs; The next application deadline is November 1, 2024. ... University of Zurich Winterthurerstr. 190 Building 55, Room K12 CH-8057 Zurich. Email [email protected]. Quicklinks.

  13. Study at UZH

    We offer attractive doctoral programs and, with our Graduate Campus, offer a central and cross-faculty platform to support doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers. ... and in 1905 submitted his dissertation to the University of Zurich. Einstein's doctoral certificate has now returned to the university and is on permanent display.

  14. PhD in Psychology

    All important administrative information about the doctoral studies in Psychology can be found on the webpages of the Graduate School of the Faculty of Arts and Social ... Central offers of the University of Zurich for PhD students • Graduate Campus • Continuing Education in University Teaching and Learning . PhD according to regulations ...

  15. Our PhD Programs

    PhD Programs PhD Programs Menü schliessen. Courses for PhD students ... Life Science Zurich Graduate School Dr. Susanna Bachmann University of Zurich Winterthurerstr. 190 Building 55, Room K12 CH-8057 Zurich. Email [email protected]. Quicklinks. Application;

  16. Application

    Welcome to apply for a PhD Program at the Life Science Zurich Graduate School! Doing your PhD at the LSZ Graduate School of the ETH and the University of Zurich means that you will belong to a large and ambitious life science research community. You will receive a comprehensive and challenging education that will allow you to take further ...

  17. International PhD Program in Neuroscience

    The ZNZ doctoral program, founded in 1998, offers students of different disciplines a solid foundation in the neurosciences. With over 600 alumni and an average of 300 registered students, it is the largest PhD program in the Life Science Zurich Graduate School. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds: biology, medicine, human movement ...

  18. Doctoral Program of the Faculty of Law

    The doctoral program of the Faculty of Law generally takes three years and includes the composition of a doctoral thesis and modules totaling at least 30 ECTS credits. ... General offering of the Master programs of the University of Zurich or offering of equal value: ECTS credits as per web course catalogue: Continuing module at doctoral level:

  19. University of Zurich

    Made up of seven faculties covering some 100 different subject areas, the University offers a wide variety of Bachelor's, Master's and PhD programs. #109 Ranking. 51 PhDs. 1,581 Academic Staff. 23,714 Students. 5,217 Students (int'l) 13,517 Students (female) Public Institution Type.

  20. PhD

    The PhD program should promote independent thinking and an extended knowledge of chemistry. The PhD study can mainly be arranged by the PhD student in discussion with the supervisor. ... University of Zurich Winterthurerstrasse 190 CH 8057 Zürich Tel: +41 44 635 46 80. Mail. Y19 Quicklinks. How to find us; Follow us. X; Weiterführende Links ...

  21. PhD Programme in Computational Science

    The PhD programme in Computational Science is a joint initiative of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, which aims to: Foster sustained interactions between PhD students, faculty and staff. Promote exchanges between academia, industry and society enabled by computational science. Computational Science (CS) integrates Information Technology ...

  22. 18 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Zurich, Switzerland

    1. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI (including chat-bots and large language models) and Democracy. Summary of PhD Program: The Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group at the University of Zurich is looking for motivated applicants who are interested in investigating how AIs can interact with users to help large-scale participation in ...

  23. Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

    The Master of Science in Nursing program (Education, Administration and FNP) is designed to build upon the BSN degree and is offered at the University of Houston at Katy and online. Students in this program are prepared to function at advanced levels with an expanded knowledge of theory, research and clinical application.

  24. UZH

    A joint doctorate at the Faculty of Science of the UZH and the ETH Zurich is only open to applicants whose responsible professor, with the right to confer a PhD at the Faculty of Science, has a double professorship at the UZH and at the ETHZ. Studying at the University of Zurich: important information for students and prospective students at a ...

  25. PhD Program of Study Process

    (First-year PhD students in the CS 591 PHD/PH2 seminar may have an earlier deadline to have the approval process completed.) Note: If the Program of Study Form is not available in the "Grad Student Toolbox" area, please use the drop-down menu "Add content to above column" to add Program of Study Form. If Grad Student Toolbox is not visible, the ...

  26. Graduate Studies

    Graduate Studies. Offering more than 230 graduate degree programs, many of which rank among the top in the country, South Carolina is one of a select few universities to earn the Carnegie Foundation's top tier designation in both research activity and community engagement.

  27. Meet Our Residents

    Preliminary Residents PGY-1 PGY-2 PGY-3 PGY-4 PGY-5 Research Residents Preliminary Residents Name Medical School Omar Alrashid Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science Mustafa Farooqi Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science Mason Forchetti University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of

  28. Gartner Announces Rankings of the Top 25 North American Supply Chain

    For the graduate program ranking, University of Tennessee repeated in the No. 1 position (see Table 2). University of Arkansas, Rutgers University, University of Texas, Dallas and University of South Carolina round out the top five. Wayne State University and University of North Texas returned to the ranking and two programs, University of ...

  29. Graduate School Scholarships in 2024

    Graduate School Scholarships and Grants: How to Fund Your Master's or PhD Written by Sarah Sharkey ; edited by Sarah Silbert 2024-07-18T15:21:46Z

  30. Lindner launches AI in Business graduate certificate

    Lindner graduate certificates allow students to gain specialized business knowledge to boost their career options. AI in Business can be completed in two to three semesters (nine to 12 months) of study and can be taken as a standalone certificate while also easily paired with the Lindner MBA, Master of Science in Business Analytics or the Master of Science in Information Systems programs.