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The 10 Most Respected A-Level Subjects – Ranked for 2024

In A-Level by Think Student Editor January 1, 2021 17 Comments

Figuring out which A-Level subjects to choose can be difficult as there are so many things you may need to consider. This includes what subjects you’re good at, what subjects you enjoy as well as what subjects can help with future applications. If you’re not quite sure what you want to do next, it can help to pick A-Level subjects that keep your options open. One way to do this is to choose from subjects that are perceived as being the most respected A-Levels.

Be advised.   The information that this ranking is based off is explained at the end of this article. Please understand that this list is not definitive. Perception of an A-Level subjects’ respectability is highly subjective. Your opinion may differ from the ranking displayed in this article. Please vote in our poll to have your say. We try our best to update these rankings as often as possible.

Most respected A-Levels: Student Perception

Below you can find the visualisation A-Level subject difficulty rankings (top – most respected, bottom – 13 th most respected).

(*) Perception of which A-Levels are most respected voted by students. You can learn more about how we collected this data at the end of this article.

Continue reading to learn more about which subjects students feel are the most respected. This article will outline the top 10 and give you some insight into why students may have chosen these subjects.

10. A-Level English Language

2.45% of the poll considered A-Level English Language as the most respected A-Level, putting it in 10th place.

In A-Level English Language, students learn about the linguistic side of the English language. This will be done through analysing and evaluating different texts, as well as studying how children develop language and the different varieties of English that are spoken.

Students may consider A-Level English Language as one of the most respected A-Levels due to it being a core subject and allowing you to develop many transferable skills. These include writing skills and critical thinking skills, both of which would likely be useful for any degree that you may want to study or a range of jobs.

To learn more about A-Level English Language and why students may consider it one of the most respected A-Levels, check out this Think Student article .

9. A-Level Foreign Languages

3.87% of the poll considered A-Level Foreign Languages as the most respected A-Level, putting it in 9th place.

A-Level Foreign Languages refers to a wide range of different language A-Levels that you can take. The most popular of these are in French, Spanish and German but you may also be able to take A-Levels in Italian, Mandarin and other languages. Unlike at GCSE, students don’t just study the grammar and vocabulary of a language but also the culture of where the language is spoken.

A-Level Foreign Languages may be considered one of the most respected A-Levels as language skills are a great skill to have. This is especially as the world is becoming increasingly globalised and more companies are operating on an international scale. This means that A-Level Foreign Languages can give your CV a great boost as people with language skills are increasingly being sought after.

To learn more about the benefits of studying languages, check out this Think Student article .

A-Level Foreign Languages may also be considered one of the most respected A-Levels as it is valued by universities. This is because both A-Level Modern Languages and A-Level Classical Languages are considered facilitating subjects. Facilitating subjects were subjects that the Russel Group universities considered to be good A-Level options, although this is no longer used, they show which subjects the top universities respect most.

To learn more about A-Level Foreign Languages, check out this article by CIFE.  For more on facilitating subjects, check out this guide by The Uni Guide.

8. A-Level Biology

4.9% of the poll considered A-Level Biology as the most respected A-Level, putting it in 8th place.

In A-Level Biology, students continue their learning of biology and how organisms function. This includes topics on cells, energy transfer in organisms, ecosystems, gene expression and more. To learn more about these, check out this page by AQA.

Students may consider it one of the most respected A-Level subjects as it is one of the main science subjects. Due to this, A-Level Biology is often a requirement for studying science subjects when continuing education, particularly for degree subjects such as Medicine or Biomedical Sciences.

Also, as a largely academic subject, A-Level Biology was also one of the facilitating subjects, as mentioned above, showing that universities respect it highly. To learn more about why students may consider A-Level Biology one of the most respected, check out this article by Online Learning College.

7. A-Level Psychology

5.16% of the poll considered A-Level Psychology as the most respected A-Level, putting it in 7th place.

In A-Level Psychology, students learn about the mind and behaviours. A-Level Psychology students will particularly study topics such as attachment, memory, social influences and research methods in psychology. To learn more about the A-Level Psychology course, check out this page by AQA.

It may be considered one of the most respected A-Level subjects as it is both one of the sciences and an essay-based subject. This means that the course will allow you to develop a wide range of skills that are favourable to university study and employment. These include critical thinking and analysis as well as strong research skills. To learn more about this, check out this article by Learn Direct.

Students may also consider A-Level Psychology as one of the most respected as the subject of psychology is largely on the rise in both popularity and status. In 2023, A-Level Psychology was the 2nd most popular A-Level course and the most popular degree subject. For more on these A-Level and degree popularity rankings, click here and here to see their respective Think Student articles.

6. A-Level English Literature

6.13% of the poll considered A-Level English Literature as the most respected A-Level, putting it in 6th place.

In A-Level English Literature, students study a range of texts such as poetry, plays and novels from different time periods. Similarly to GCSE, these texts will be analysed by looking at different themes, characters and features of the novels themselves.

A-Level English Literature may be considered one of the most respected A-Levels due to the skills you can gain from it. This is particularly as it can enable you to develop writing and debating skills, both of which can be absolutely crucial for various degree subjects.

Improving your written communication skills is also important for working environments. To learn more about why A-Level English Literature might be considered one of the most respected, check out this Think Student article.

Also, A-Level English Literature is highly regarded by the top universities for students taking a humanities course. To learn more about this, check out this page by Trinity College of the University of Cambridge.

5. A-Level Physics

6.51% of the poll considered A-Level Physics as the most respected A-Level, putting it in 5th place.

In A-Level Physics, students will advance their scientific study of physics, specifically covering areas such as electricity, waves, mechanics, nuclear physics, radiation and more. To learn more about this, check out this page by AQA.

It may be considered one of the most respected A-Level subjects as once again, it is one of the main scientific subjects. This means that it will often be a requirement for science-based degree programmes, particularly ones like Engineering and Astrophysics.

This may make students consider it one of the most respected as it is valued by universities and can be a useful A-Level to have. To learn more about this, check out this article by Online Learning College.

4. A-Level History

6.71% of the poll considered A-Level History as the most respected A-Level, putting it in 4th place.

In A-Level History, students study specific areas of history in-depth and develop their critical thinking and analysis skills in order to evaluate how reliable historical sources and interpretations are based on their context and wider information. The exact historical topics that are studied will depend on the exam board and what your school has chosen.

To learn more about what is studied in A-Level History, check out this Think Student article .

A-Level History may be considered one of the most respected A-Level subjects as it allows you to develop key analytical, evaluative and debating skills, which could prove to be useful in a range of humanities degrees and career paths. A-Level History is often regarded as a good basis for prestigious degree options, such as for studying a Law degree.

Similarly to A-Level Foreign Languages, as mentioned above, A-Level History was also on the list of facilitating subjects, showing that it is also highly respected by top universities. To learn more about all this, check out this guide by CIFE.

3. A-Level Chemistry

7.67% of the poll considered A-Level Chemistry as the most respected A-Level, putting it in 3rd place.

In A-Level Chemistry, students will advance their studies by learning about more in-depth and advanced chemistry concepts. Students will cover organic, inorganic and physical chemistry split up into topics such as spectroscopy, thermodynamics, isomerism and more.

To learn more about the A-Level Chemistry course, check out this Think Student article .

It is considered one of the most respected A-Level subjects as it is another one of the main science subjects. This means that it is often a compulsory subject in order to study degrees, such as Chemical Engineering and Pharmacology.

As one of the main sciences, it is also one of the facilitating subjects as mentioned above, meaning that it is highly respected by universities. To learn more about this, check out this article by Online Learning College.

2. A-Level Further Maths

22.37% of the poll considered A-Level Further Maths as the most respected A-Level. This puts it in 2nd place with substantially more of the poll considering it the most respected A-Level than for the previous ones.

A-Level Further Maths is one of the hardest A-Level subjects, in which students learn about much more advanced mathematical concepts. To learn more about this, check out this Think Student article .

Due to its difficulty, students may consider it one of the most respected A-Levels as doing well on it shows off exceptional academic and mathematical ability. As 39.7% of students got an A*, much more than the average across subjects, A-Level Further Maths may also be respected as it shows off dedication and commitment to the subject.

For scientific or mathematical degree paths or career options, this can be incredibly useful. To learn more about this, check out this Think Student article . For more on this statistic, check out this page on Ofqual’s website.

1. A-Level Maths

29.59% of the poll considered A-Level Maths as the most respected A-Level, putting it in 1st place.

In A-Level Maths, students will advance their mathematical studies, with particular focus on the main areas of pure maths, statistics and mechanics with each having their own topics. Some of these topics may include integration, kinematics, forces, statistical hypothesis testing, logarithms and differentiation. To learn more about A-Level Maths, check out this page by AQA.

A-Level Maths may be considered one of the most respected A-Levels due to it being so challenging. This is because it shows that students have advanced and specific mathematical knowledge. This can be useful for a range of degree options, particularly ones with a scientific basis, such as Physics, and even some social sciences, such as Economics.

To learn more about why students may consider it one of the most respected subjects, check out this article by Bright Young Things.

  • Health and Social Care
  • Physical Education
  • Classical Subjects
  • Media/Film/TV Studies
  • Design and Technology
  • Art and Design Subjects
  • Further Maths
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • English Language & Literature
  • Computer Science
  • Foreign Languages
  • Religious Studies
  • Performing/Expressive Arts

How were these rankings decided?

Over the past few years, we’ve asked thousands of students what their opinion is on the most respected A-Level subject. When we refer to student polling, we are referencing the results of these polls. If you wish to add your vote to the list, please navigate to the questionnaire above.

How was the polling data collected?

Between January 2021 and January 2023, we displayed a poll on this page which prompted readers to vote on which A-Level subject was the most respected. Within this timeframe, we collect 1,551 votes, excluding submissions that were disregarded from the data set due to formatting issues or other errors.

Listed below are some key limitations of our polling methods that could’ve swayed results:

  • Static ordering of subjects on voting form: A previous iteration of our survey form listed A-Level subjects in the same order each time. It could be argued that this would favour the subjects that were listed at the top. This issue has been fixed in our updated voting form below.
  • Voting form displayed only a subset of A-Level subjects:  Previously, only a small selection of A-Level subjects was displayed on the survey. We have since expanded the size of this selection on the voting form.
  • Potential bad actors:  Despite having anti-spam software in place, it is possible repeated entries were made by single individuals. With respect to privacy, we don’t ask for more information than we need and as a result, it is almost impossible to identify submission users to check if they are unique.

This article is a member of a series of A-Level ranking articles listed on this site. If you find our data and analysis within this article helpful, you may also wish to take a look at our other articles below:

  • The 10 hardest A-Level subjects
  • The 10 easiest A-Level subjects
  • A-Level combinations that universities love


i thought there were supposed to be 10


You don’t learn a language at school, full stop!

Lord Varys

Psychology over physics, yep this top 10’s a bunch of crap


IKRRRR. Physiology is easy as well. Physics is well…. You get it.


MAN SAID PSYCHOLOGY IS EASY LOOOOL – what exam board do you do


what about computer science?? Literally so many people graduating from ivys and russel groups major in computer science>


yeah but even for computer science degrees you dont really need the subject


geography is not on there but languages are bruh


Learning foreign languages is important.


But geography is not that hard so it isn’t respected compared to maths or psychology


Oxbridge and RG would not like Psychology


Geography is missing here, it’s another Oxbridge and RG winning ticket. English Language is not

English language is hard and respected geography is not that difficult so it is not respected

Yes English Language is an RG wining ticket, geography is not unless you want to do geography at uni or should I say colouring in


neither of them are up there lmao. hardest a levels by far are maths and sciences (bio, chem, physics ONLY), then philosophy and history


Top tier: Further Maths, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Foreign Languages, with English Lit rounding it out — they’re the hardest, most useful, and most respected. — 2nd tier that are hard, useful, and respected to varying degrees: History, Computer Science, Economics, Music … Bottom tier: any of the other ones, although some folks would love to pretend Geography and Psychology are serious things 😂 belonging in the top 2 tiers.

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Confused About Your Options? Here Are the Best A-Level Combinations


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students studying for a levels

How many A-Levels can you take?

What is the most respected a-level, what is the most common combination of a-levels, what are the best a-level combinations, what is the hardest a-level combination, what are the easiest a-levels.

boy studying for a levels

While you can take a maximum of five A-Levels , students tend to take three and most universities are happy with this too. However, if you want to take more than three, it’s best to talk to your teachers and seek their advice because five A-Levels would mean a lot of work and you don’t want to spread yourself too thin. As the saying goes, it’s quality over quantity.

We don’t advise that you apply for A-Levels purely based on the fact that they’re the most respected, but this could help if you’re unsure what subjects to choose and you want to make choices that set you up well for university. Here are three of the most respected (and probably most difficult!) A-Levels.

  • Further Mathematics

 Modern Foreign Languages

If you fancy yourself as quite the languages aficionado , maybe Modern Foreign Languages are for you. From French , German and Spanish to Italian and Chinese, there are a number to choose from but be warned – your writing, understanding and speaking in this language need to be on point. You may also be expected to know some of the history and politics of your selected language’s original country too.  

The Sciences

The jump from GCSE Biology , Physics and Chemistry is quite something, so if you excelled in these subjects at school and wish to take your knowledge to the next level, expect challenging times ahead but with a superb pay-off at the end. You’ll need several skills to shine in these A-Levels but once you acquire those, along with excellent exam results, you could get into some seriously good degree courses. 🧪

If you’re lost in the sea of A-Levels and need some food for thought, take a look at these facts about the most popular and most common combination of A-Levels taken in 2019. This might help and inspire if you’re wondering what A-Level combinations are best.

  • Of students who took A-Level Physics, 83% also took Mathematics.
  • 66% of students who took A-Level Chemistry also took Biology and 57% studied Maths.
  •  The most popular subject taken by Art and Design students was Psychology.
  • Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics was the most common A-Level combination in 2019.
  •  In the top 10 list of popular subject combinations, only one entry featured no STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and that combo was: English Literature, Psychology and History.

If you’re planning on going to university after college or sixth form, it’s best to align your A-Levels with what you intend to do at degree level. You may not know exactly what job you want yet, but if you have an idea of the area you want to specialise in then this will really help you when it comes to selecting your A-Levels. You may be certain about one subject such as biology, for example. But what A-Levels go well with Biology? Let us help you out.

Best A-Level combinations for law

  • English, History and Law

If you’re curious as to what A-Level combinations are good for law degrees , it’s best to choose a mix of other essay-based subjects. English and History are great companions for Law because History will develop your critical-thinking skills and English will hone your language abilities, especially when it comes to writing! It’s also a good idea to choose A-Level Law to see if you actually like the subject and find it interesting.

  • English, History and Psychology

You may be surprised to not see Law in this combination but it’s not actually a requirement to take A-Level Law if you want to study it at uni. You do, however, need to take the essay-based subjects – hence English and History. Your third option could be A-Level Psychology, because it will help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of the human mind. 🧠

Best A-Level combinations for medicine

  • Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics

For all you budding doctors out there, this blend of A-Levels is tough but worth it if you want to get into your chosen university to study medicine. You’ll need to show that you can handle a heavy workload along with difficult exams so while this combination does seem scary, it will act as great prep for the next step!

  • Chemistry, Biology and Psychology

If you’re asking yourself “is A-Level Psychology good for Medicine degrees?” then you should check the entry requirements for your preferred universities. However, if you’re taking A-Level Chemistry along with either Biology, Physics or Mathematics, that does leave you with a choice to take Psychology as your third A-Level. However, bear in mind that Cambridge does not accept A-Level Psychology as one of the “science/mathematics subjects”.

  • Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Mathematics

Is it worth doing 4 A-Levels for Medicine? If you want to get into top-ranking universities, this heavy-hitting combination should make your UCAS application is very competitive – especially if you’re applying to Oxford or Cambridge where most applicants take three or four sciences .

Best A-Level combinations for business  

  • Business Studies, Law and Politics

You may be an aspiring businessperson, and therefore wondering what subjects are good for Business or what A-Levels go well with Business. This trifecta not only gets your business brain churning, but you’ll also be arming yourself with the always-helpful knowledge of law and politics.

Best A-Level combinations for economics

  • Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Economics

It may come as no surprise to discover what A-Level goes well with Economics . It’s Mathematics and lots of it. If applying to a top university, Further Mathematics is often required whereas it’s not required at all universities so make sure you check the requirements of your preferred institutions.

  • Business Studies, Economics, Mathematics

Great for careers in accounting or economics, if you’re not applying to a top university then this combination could be just for you because it shows that you have excellent literacy skills and maths skills.

Best A-Level combinations for engineering

  • Mathematics, Physics and Further Mathematics

You might question which subject is most important for Engineering degrees. Well, it’s Mathematics. And if you’re looking to go to a top-ranking university, you’ll probably need Further Mathematics too. Lastly, adding A-Level Physics into the mix will show off your scientific know-how. 🧬

  • Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science

If you’re leaning towards a more technology-based degree, switch out Further Mathematics with Computer Science to show that you are tech-savvy.

Best A-Level combinations for psychology

Psychology, Biology and Mathematics

For a degree in Psychology, you don’t need to study all three sciences at A-Level, but most universities prefer at least one. Biology may give you a more comprehensive understanding of the human body along with study of the mind, and Mathematics will come in handy when you cover various studies and statistics.

  • Psychology, Chemistry and History

Adding an essay-based subject such as A-Level History into the mix will show you have excellent written skills, which will certainly be helpful when it comes to report writing!

Best A-Level combinations for art

  • Art, English Literature and History

For all the creatives out there, you’ll surely need to study A-Level Art if you want to continue with this at university. And to show that you’re also a critical thinker with great writing skills, English Literature and History offer a superb combination. Some Fine Art degrees require more written work than you’d think so it’s best to show you’ve got what it takes.

  • Art, Photography and Psychology

What better way to show that not only are you creative, but you also have an academic mind too? These three A-Levels will develop the many facets of your artistic mind, while also exploring the depths of the human brain. Interesting? We think so too!

Best A-Level combinations for computer science

  • Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Computer Science

Funnily enough, many university courses don’t require you to take Computer Science or IT at A-Level, but you do need to take Mathematics though!

Even though you’re not required to take A-Level Computer Science, it’s still a good idea if you know you’re interested in this subject and are great at it! Add in another science such as Physics to show that you’re a logical thinker, and you’re good to go!

  • Computer Science, Graphic Design and Art

Aspiring graphic designers out there should take this winning combination to show that not only are you creative, but you also have a scientific mind with a knack for technology . 🖥️

Best A-Level combinations for philosophy

  • Philosophy, History and English Literature

Philosophy degrees don’t tend to require any particular subjects but it’s a good idea to choose a good mix of social sciences and humanities subjects. You’ll need to show that you have superb critical-thinking skills and sound essay-writing abilities .     

  • Mathematics, Sociology and English Language

If you’re applying to Cambridge (and why shouldn’t you?), you’re advised to take Mathematics, a science/arts subject, and an essay-based subject. With that in mind, Maths, Sociology and English Language are suitable choices.   

Best A-Level combinations for politics

  • Politics, Economics and History

As with a few degrees, Politics doesn’t require any specific A-Levels, but you won’t go far wrong with taking these three. These subjects give you the opportunity to show off your critical-thinking and analysis skills and therefore making you a prime candidate for a Politics course.

Many A-Level combinations are difficult in their own way, and it depends a lot on what your strengths and weaknesses are as a student. However, if you’re wondering “ what is the toughest subject in A Levels ?”, the answer is Further Mathematics. Not far behind are Modern Foreign Languages and just behind them is Chemistry. So, if you’re curious about the hardest A-Level combination, those three will give you a good idea.

So, enough about the difficult A-Levels! We’re sure you’re wondering about the easy ones. Well, according to Oxford Summer Courses , here are the top 5 easiest A-Levels.

  •     Film Studies
  •     Food Studies
  •     Religious Studies
  •     Information Technology (IT)
  •     Classical Civilisation

Food Studies? We like the sound of that one! 😍

As you go through the process of choosing your A-Levels, make sure you talk to your parents and teachers if you’re unsure. They can offer you some guidance and support.

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By Nik Taylor (Editor, The Uni Guide) | 24 October 2023 | 4 min read

Six things you need to know before making your final A-level choices

Whether you already know which A-levels you want to take or if you're struggling to decide, here are six pieces of advice to help you make the right choices.

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Already have some subjects in mind? See where they could take you with  our A-level explorer , including possible degree and career paths.

What A-levels should you take?

The subjects you choose at A-level could impact what you can do in the future – like which  courses you can apply to at university  – so it's worth putting some time into considering your options. Even if you don't know what you want to do after college, you can still make choices that could help you get you on the right path. Here are six things to think about when you're deciding which A-levels to take.

  • Read more on The Student Room:  what can you do after A-levels?

1. Certain A-level subjects may help with university course options

For some university degrees, you'll need to have studied specific subjects at A-level (or equivalent). Put the A-levels you're considering into  our explorer tool  and you'll see which degree and career options could be a good match for you. If you're not sure about university yet, you can keep your options open by choosing a range of A-levels. Some universities may discourage students from taking certain combinations of subjects , particulary if they're very similiar – like business studies and economics.

  • Read more:  what are university entry requirements?

2. A-levels are a lot tougher than GCSEs

Here are three of the most common reasons for choosing to study an A-level subject: 

  • you need it to pursue a particular career
  • it’s a subject you enjoy and are good at
  • it’s a subject you’ve not studied before but you think will suit you

Whatever made you choose the subject, just bear in mind that A-levels are more difficult than GCSEs and it can take time to get up to speed with the ways you're taught and what's expected of you.  So don't worry if you initially struggle with the step-up – there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to adjust to the workload. 

  • Read more: how important are GCSE choices when it comes to university?

3. Certain uni courses will look for specific A-levels

If you're eyeing up a  degree , it's a good idea to research if they require any specific A-levels – you may not be able to take the course otherwise.  Here are a few examples of which A-levels you could need for certain courses: 

  • A pharmacy degree must have: chemistry, plus at least one from biology, maths and physics
  • An English literature or language degree must have: usually either English Literature or English Language – sometimes both
  • A geology or earth sciences degree  must have: at least two from maths, physics, chemistry and biology
  • An economics degree  will sometimes need: maths

For more guidance on which A-levels are needed for particular degrees, see our full list of uni subjects  for more information about their typical A-level requirements . It's also worth checking the full entry requirement details for a handful of courses across different unis to make sure you’re ticking all the boxes within your subject – you can find a course's entry requirements on The Uni Guide. 

non essay based a levels

4. Some courses and unis have lists of subjects they don’t accept

Particular courses view certain A-levels as 'less effective preparation' for university studies than others, meaning that the subject area of the A-level is too far removed from the focus of the degree. For example, London School of Economics and Political Science  has a list of ‘non-preferred’ subjects. While some universities (such as the University of Sheffield ) list which A-level subjects they prefer. Don't let this put you off taking a creative or vocational A-level subject though – just make sure the other subjects you choose meet the entry requirements.

Are there easy A-levels?

Unfortunately, there's no such thing as an easy A-level. But if you lean into subjects that you're good at, then they might seem easier to you than they do to other people – the same way that some students might seem better at subjects that you struggle with.  Also – you'll probably find it easier to stay motivated for a subject that you have a genuine interest in, which could lead to better grades.  As we mentioned earlier, some universities and courses have subjects they require and those they don't accept. Keep this in mind, but focus on studying subjects you like.

5. Know myth from reality

You might be told different things about universities depending on who you ask – it's always worth doing research to reach your own conclusions.  For example, some universities may still consider your application even if your grades are slightly lower than their entry requirements – but you'll likely need a strong  personal statement  or portfolio to do this. There's no harm in getting in touch with a university and asking what they'll consider. 

6. Many unis and courses will consider you whatever you choose

There are plenty of degrees that have no specific subject requirements – you can apply to study them with any combination of A-levels. These courses include business studies, law and marketing as well as philosophy, politics and psychology.  Even though some courses have strict subject requirements, you'll still have plenty of options no matter which A-levels you decide to take. If you want a better idea of which degrees could be suitable for the A-levels you're interested in, use  our explorer  tool. 

  • Read more: what A-level subjects do you need for the degree you want to study?

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What a-level subjects do you need for the degree you want to study.

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Why your AS-level grades still really matter

Contrary to what you may hear, AS-levels are still important following the recent shake-up of A-levels, in particular when it comes to applying for university.

Where could your A-levels take you?

Enter your a-level choices below to find out.

  • Enter A-level option 1 Accounting Afrikaans Anthropology Arabic Archaeology Art and Design Bahasa Basque Bengali Biology Business Studies Chemistry Chinese Classical Civilisation Communication Studies Computer Science Craft and Design Critical Thinking Czech Dance Danish Design Design and Technology Drama and Theatre Studies Dutch Economics Electronics Engineering English Language English Language and Literature English Literature Environmental Studies Fijian Film Studies Fine Art Finnish Food Technology French Further Mathematics Gaelic General Studies Geography Geology German Government and Politics Graphics Greek Gujurati Health and Social Care Hebrew Hindi History History of Art Hungarian ICT Irish Italian Japanese Latin Latvian Law Leisure and Recreation Malay Mathematics Media Studies Mongolian Music Nepali Norwegian Panjabi Performing Arts Persian Philosophy Photography Physical Education Physics Polish Portuguese Product Design Psychology Religious Studies Romanian Russian Sanskrit Science Slovak Sociology Spanish Statistics Syariah Tamil Textiles Travel and Tourism Turkish Urdu Welsh World Development
  • Enter A-level option 2 Accounting Afrikaans Anthropology Arabic Archaeology Art and Design Bahasa Basque Bengali Biology Business Studies Chemistry Chinese Classical Civilisation Communication Studies Computer Science Craft and Design Critical Thinking Czech Dance Danish Design Design and Technology Drama and Theatre Studies Dutch Economics Electronics Engineering English Language English Language and Literature English Literature Environmental Studies Fijian Film Studies Fine Art Finnish Food Technology French Further Mathematics Gaelic General Studies Geography Geology German Government and Politics Graphics Greek Gujurati Health and Social Care Hebrew Hindi History History of Art Hungarian ICT Irish Italian Japanese Latin Latvian Law Leisure and Recreation Malay Mathematics Media Studies Mongolian Music Nepali Norwegian Panjabi Performing Arts Persian Philosophy Photography Physical Education Physics Polish Portuguese Product Design Psychology Religious Studies Romanian Russian Sanskrit Science Slovak Sociology Spanish Statistics Syariah Tamil Textiles Travel and Tourism Turkish Urdu Welsh World Development
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Choosing A Levels

Choosing your a level subjects is a big decision. read our advice on how to decide, whether you know what you want to study at university or not..

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What are A Levels?

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A Levels (Advanced Levels) and AS Levels (Advanced Subsidiary) are courses that students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland take after GCSEs. They're the most common qualifications for university admission. Other qualifications include Scottish Highers/Advanced Highers and other alternatives to A Levels .

A Levels are two-year qualifications that give students a chance to study an existing GCSE subject in greater depth or try a completely new subject like Law, Drama or Economics. 

What to expect from A Levels

  • An increase in difficulty compared to GCSEs
  • Differences in the way you’re taught and what's expected from you 
  • More independent study time – you'll only have between three and five subjects to study as opposed to ten or more at GCSE, meaning less time in the classroom

How many A Levels can you take?

Students can take up to five A Levels but you generally choose three A Levels to study for a two-year course. You can decide to work towards AS qualifications or combine the two. Discuss your options with your school or college and find out whether they'll offer both AS and A Levels so you can decide the best route for you. The vast majority of schools and colleges now focus on A Levels, with the one-year AS Level less popular and available.

If you already know what you’d like to study, you can contact the university admissions office and ask about entry requirements for the course(s) you’re interested in.

How many GCSEs do you need to do A Levels?

Most schools and colleges will expect you to have gained at least five 9–4 (A*–C) grades in your GCSEs. However, other pathways are available including BTEC and other vocational courses.

Requirements can vary from four to six passes, so you should check with your school or college. Often you'll need a GCSE at grade 5–6 (B) or above in a subject if you want to continue it at A Level.

GCSEs have also changed in recent years, with most students in England now getting new numerical grades (9–1) and changes to exams, coursework and specifications.

A level students in a laboratory

Take advice from your school careers advisor and university admissions departments so you can make an informed decision based on accurate and up-to-date information. It’s worth asking questions and researching entry requirements for courses at various universities to get a good idea of the subjects you should take.

Things to consider when choosing your A Levels

If you want to go to university, the main question to ask yourself is: 'Do I know what I want to study at university?'. Your answer will dictate which subjects you should choose for A Levels.

It’s perfectly normal not to know what you want to do for a career, or what you want to study at university. Many graduates go on to work in fields unrelated to their chosen degree. However, if you have aspirations for a certain career, you'll need to take a related degree. For example, subjects such as Law, Medicine, Architecture and Veterinary Science will all need specific qualifications.

If you already know what you want to study at university

Knowing what you want to study at university puts you in a good position when choosing your A Levels. Your first step should be to check entry requirements on university websites for your chosen course.

A lot of courses will specify at least one subject you'll need to have studied at A Level. For example, Medicine, Veterinary Science and certain Engineering courses may need three specific subjects. Also some universities publish a list of preferred A Level subjects that are acceptable for general admission, as well as specific requirements for individual courses.

If you don't know what you want to study at university

You may not be sure what you want to study at university, or if you want to go at all. Don’t worry, as it means you can choose whichever subjects you want (within reason) and let that dictate your degree choice should you go on to study at university.

There are eight 'facilitating' subjects listed by Russell Group universities to help you keep your degree options open until you decide which course to take:

  • English Literature
  • Maths and Further Maths
  • Modern and Classical Languages

Generally speaking, taking two facilitating subjects will keep a wide range of degrees open to you. Make sure you still choose subjects you like – you'll be studying them for the next two years.

If you’re still uncertain, phone or email the university admissions or schools liaison team for their advice before finalising your choices.

Other factors to consider when choosing A Levels

  • What you're good at – your career or degree plans may change so make sure you choose subjects you can do well in
  • What you enjoy – if you don’t enjoy a subject at A Level but need it for a specific university course, you might want to reconsider your degree preference
  • Your subject combination – if you're taking a science A Level, for example, you should consider whether you need to look at taking another science or maths subject
  • The syllabus – knowing the course content should tell you whether a particular A Level is the right option for you
  • The workload you can handle – for example, some courses may involve a lot of essay writing, so be realistic about how much work you can do

Course entry requirements are used to help admissions staff at universities pick students for their courses. Many courses will have more applicants than places so they'll set an entry requirement to allow them to reduce the number of students to consider.

Specific course requirements (e.g. Chemistry and Biology for a Biochemistry course) are there to make sure students can cope with the pressures of the course content itself. The majority of university courses look for at least Cs in GCSE English and Maths. Some courses go further and list specific subjects and grades they expect you to have.

Remember that some courses may only consider certain A Level qualifications or accept certain qualifications when taken with another. This will depend on what the university department is looking for.

For example, a History department may be looking for students who can write essays and handle exams, and so might have a preference for A Level or Highers students. If you’re a BTEC student, look out for courses that name specific units you need to pass with specific grades.

Check our subject guides to see if a course might need specific A Level subjects (or equivalent).

Keep in mind

  • Some universities discourage students from taking certain combinations of A Levels – this tends to be for very similar subjects such as Business Studies and Economics, or Maths and Further Maths
  • Core Maths generally isn't a suitable substitute for AS or A Level Maths or Further Maths
  • If you do too many practical or vocational subjects (such as PE, Music Technology, Media Studies, Textiles or Drama), it may limit what you can study at university – some universities include these in lists of 'non-preferred' subjects
  • Highly selective courses such as Medicine may state that A Levels should be taken in the same sitting after no more than two years of study – this can affect you if you're looking to repeat some exams after sixth form or if you’ve taken some exams early

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Ramesh Kugendran

October 5th, 2022, choosing the right a-levels can get you one step closer to lse.

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

This blog seeks to provide you with some suggestions on how to pick the best A-Level subjects to get into LSE. So read on to find out the best tips.

“Traditional” vs “non-preferred” subjects

LSE, like many other Russell Group universities, favours conventional subjects regarding A-Levels. But, of course, this is not limited to Mathematics, English and Science, but also to Sociology, Psychology, History and other studies. * To make your life a little easier, you can see the complete list by clicking  here * The Undergraduate Admissions Office recommends selecting at least two of your subjects from the traditional list as they will provide you with the best preparation for studying at LSE.

Similarity of subjects 

When picking your A-Level studies, try to acquire a good balance of disciplines to demonstrate that you’re a well-rounded individual who can think critically in complex ways. For example, instead of Economics, Business Studies and Accounting, consider throwing an essay-based subject into the mix, like English or Sociology.

Degree programmes with prerequisites  

Regarding A-Level choices, some degree programmes at the LSE have prerequisites. If you know the exact degree programme you want to do or have a rough idea of what you would like to study, I recommend you check the course’s admission requirements before selecting your A-Levels. For example, BSc Mathematics and Economics requires either “ A-level Maths, A-level Further Maths, and one other subject ‘  OR  ‘ A-level Maths, two other courses, and AS-level Further Maths “.

Passion and pressure

The last and most important tip: choose what you are passionate about! I cannot stress how important this is. If you study something that you are not passionate about, you are less likely going to revise for that subject. And also, do not succumb to outside pressure, whether that comes from friends or even family members; please remember it is you who’s going to study the A-Levels, not them!

My personal A-Level experience

Granted, the advice above is all highly subjective and does not fully reflect LSE as I do not work for the Admissions team, but they are some of the prevalent tendencies found with the A-Level selections at LSE. For example, I studied Economics, Mathematics and Sociology for A-Levels, which helped me with my undergraduate degree in International Social and Public Policy. While Sociology and Economics are arguably the most directly connected in terms of theory and subject material, the Mathematics A-Level I took offered a solid foundation for studying statistical analysis in my degree.

Nonetheless, while many of you in Year 11 may have already chosen your A-Level subjects and are set to start on the following chapters of your academic pathways, whether that is college or sixth form, it is not too late to change your mind. You typically have two weeks after the commencement of the semester to swap your subjects, so if you are hesitant about some of your selections after reading the above, you are at liberty to alter them.

If you have any questions about anything I’ve written above, please comment below, where I can respond to any questions you may have. For further details on admissions, plase contact the LSE Undergraduate Admissions team by clicking  here .

About the author

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Welcome to my blog! I'm Ramesh Kugendran, a student of International Social and Public Policy at LSE. As someone who is passionate about Social and Public Policy, I am excited to share my thoughts, insights, and experiences on this blog. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy reading my blog!


Hi Wanted your advice if Business Studies, Maths, Sociology and AS in Further Maths are good subject choices if I wanted to do BSc Mathematics and Economics from LSE.

Also, does it lessen my chances of getting into LSE if I pick Business and Economics A level together with Maths.

Hi Shreya, many thanks for your interest in applying to LSE. Please get in touch with the team at and they will help you with your queries.

I intend to study economics in LSE. Will I have a disadvantage by not taking Further maths.

My subjects are Maths, Economics and chemistry

Hi Nidhi, thank you for your interest in studying at LSE. Please get in touch with our team who will be happy to assist you with your query:

Studying Politics and Economics (LL12) in LSE is my dream, I just started AS level, I’m in year 12. I’ve already picked Mathematics,Economics and Geography, do you think they are suitable subjects for LL12? Or should I choose Sociology over Geography? Which combination do you think would be the best?

Hi Nikoloz, many thanks for your query. Please get in touch with our team at who’ll be able to help you.

Hello, im currently doing 4 a level subjects which are Further maths, Maths, economics and Psychology. And i was wondering if its worth keeping further maths or dropping it and concentrating on my other three subjects (Maths, economics, psychology) in order to get the A*AA.

If i were to do 3 A levels , (Maths, Psychology, Economics) and got A* A A , or above, would this set me at a disadvantage if i didnt have my further maths? Or it doesnt matter ? (I hope on getting into the Bsc Economics faculty)

Hi Ali, many thanks for your interest in applying to LSE. Please get in touch with our team who’ll help you with your question –

Hi I am taking Maths, Economics, English Literature and Phycology for my ALs. I am really interested in applying to LSE but I just found out I need to have Further Maths for AL to get into LSE. Now I am taking AS Further Maths and I have done Add Maths and Maths for my GCSE. Can you please advise not taking Further Maths for AL would disadvantage on getting a place at LSE. Thank you

Hi, Sudeshi, thank you for your interest in our degree programmes. Please get in touch with the student recruitment team at and they’ll provide you answers to your questions.

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A-level choices: which subjects should you pick?

I t's that nailbiting time of the school year when prospective sixth-form students must choose which A-levels to do. Those who plan to go on to university will be hoping to pick the perfect combination that will ensure a place on their course of choice.

But it's hardly surprising if, aged 15, you don't have much of an idea what degree you want to do, let alone the shape of your future career. So Guardian Students has asked university admissions departments and sixth-form tutors to answer some of the questions pupils ask as they try to figure out which subjects to take.

Which A-level subjects are blacklisted by the more prestigious universities?

"An A-level subject blacklist does not exist, but certain universities do require particular subjects for particular courses, and applicants applying without these subjects will often not be considered," says Julian Skyrme, head of undergraduate recruitment and widening participation at the university of Manchester. In some cases it's obvious: you need to take science subjects to apply for medicine and dentistry, but in others, Skyrme says, the requirement "may be more subtle". A drama course might require that you have at least one essay-based A-level, for example. It's time consuming, but to be safe you need to look at the detailed entry criteria given by each university for individual degree courses you think you might be interested in.

What are the Russell group "facilitating subjects" and what does the term mean?

The Russell Group, to which some of the UK's most prestigious universities belong, publishes a guide called Informed Choices . It tells you the most common subject requirements for different degree courses at those universities. It also features a list of "facilitating subjects" and advises pupils wanting to be considered for a Russell Group university to pick two of them as part of their A-level mix. The facilitating subjects are: mathematics and further mathematics, English literature, physics, biology, chemistry, geography, history and languages (classical and modern).

Will universities really consider a BTec as equivalent to an A-level?

"Some will, some won't," says Matt Cole, head of modern history and politics at King Edward VI college in Stourbridge. "And I've seen departments that will one year, and won't another. There may also be a difference in what universities say they will consider and what in reality they do. They may consider BTecs – but not equally."

It depends on the type of course, adds Laura Lane, from the admissions service at Sheffield University. "The general rule is that BTecs should be in a relevant subject area to the degree a pupil wants to do."

"Students who are considering studying a BTec or another more vocational qualification (such as applied double-award A-levels) should research university entry requirements very carefully," says Skyrme, who points out that all universities publish precise details of what will be required both on their own websites and on the Ucas website.

"Sometimes universities will only be able to accept these sorts of qualifications when combined with other qualifications. For example, some engineering courses at university require students to have an A-level in maths alongside their BTec diploma, to ensure they have the mathematical skills required to complete the degree successfully."

Do teachers put pressure on pupils to take "easier" subjects to keep the school's results high?

Suspicion was voiced in comments on a Guardian Students feature last year that some schools advise pupils not to risk getting lower grades by taking on "hard" subjects at A-level. But Ian Hunt, MD of Gabbitas Education says: "I think what you'll find is that the pressure comes from the individual [school] department wanting to pick the best students to do their subjects, not an overarching directive from above."

At King Edward VI college, which last year saw 86% of its A-level pupils apply successfully to university, "we'd be encouraging pupils to play to their strengths", says Cole. Pupils occasionally do have to be guided away from a particular choice though – "there are some subjects, such as further maths, where you would have had to get a very good GCSE result to be accepted for A-level". Cole says teachers would make sure pupils understood that this was because you'd be unlikely to cope with the subject without a strong aptitude for maths.

If you feel you're being pushed towards subjects you don't want to do, what should you do?

"Teachers and parents can be a great source of advice to students; teachers especially can provide an honest insight into students' academic strengths," notes Skyrme. "However, students shouldn't be pressured into taking subjects they don't want to study, or that they don't feel confident about. Students should remember that it is they who will be studying the course, and taking the exams at the end of it, so it really must be a personal choice."

Should your GCSE grades dictate which subjects you pick at A-level?

For some subjects, you should take your GCSE grades very seriously, says Hunt. "Take maths: it's the sort of subject that if you don't get an A* at GCSE, it becomes a really big leap at AS and A-level and you need to consider that." But, he adds, this doesn't apply in all subjects – "for the humanities it's not nearly so strict a rule."

Do universities look at your GCSE results?

"Performance at 15 or 16, and sometimes even 14 if you take a GCSE early, isn't necessarily a good indicator of whether you'll be a good undergraduate and do well when you sit your finals," says Cole. But GCSEs – together with AS-levels – are the first filters that universities will use, simply because of the numbers they're dealing with. Most universities don't interview any more, Cole points out, so they've lost a valuable way of making a judgment, and in turn must rely more on a pupil's past performance.

"GCSE results do have a great bearing on university acceptances in some subjects," says Hunt. "Certain universities see GCSEs as great predictors. Oxford do, for instance."

How can you keep your options open?

Reality check: growing up is about making choices, and you can't keep every option open. But it may be useful to ask yourself if you really need to. If you're pretty sure you want to do medicine or engineering, then you can stop agonising: you need to narrow, not widen, your subject choice. But, says Lane, if you're not set on a particular area, "play to [your] strengths, but don't specialise in one area too much".

You could consider not doing A-levels at all. "The International Baccalaureate doesn't suit everyone, but if you're bright and want to keep your options open, that can be the best option," suggests Hunt.

Young people need to think carefully about what they enjoy and what they're likely to excel at, says Louise Banahene, education outreach manager at Leeds university. "If you study at least two of the facilitating subjects – ones you're interested in and good at – then the options are as wide as possible."

Skyrme says it's worth noting that by choosing facilitating subjects, pupils aren't restricted to applying for degree courses that require those subjects. "Even if a student studies three facilitating subjects, they would still be able to apply to study law, for which most universities do not require any specific subjects."

Should you always do maths A-level if you're capable of getting a decent grade, even if your interests lie elsewhere?

Most of the experts said no to this question: unless you want to do a maths- or science-based degree, it's not likely to be required. Skyrme suggests that students ask themselves a series of questions to decide: Will I enjoy maths A-level? Do I need it for my chosen university course? Might it be useful for my chosen university course? Will I get a good grade?

If the answer to most of these questions is yes, then clearly it would be a good idea, he says. If the answer to most of them is no, then don't do maths.

Should you try to do a science A-level if you can, even if you prefer arts and humanities?

It depends on the course a student is interested in. "A psychology course may prefer to see a science A-level in a student's portfolio, but an English course wouldn't see this as a benefit," says Skyrme. If a science A-level is preferred, it will always be clearly stated in the published entry requirements. If nothing is specified, "then students should prioritise those subjects they enjoy and will do well in".

If you don't think you're getting good advice from your school, where can you go for a second opinion?

"Ring up the universities – you're a customer, after all," says Hunt. "You'd be amazed how many humans they have in their admissions departments. They're very friendly people!"

"Students should feel confident contacting universities they are interested in applying to, from year 10 onwards, to discuss A-level choices," confirms Skyrme. Contact details for all courses are listed on university websites, so students can call or email admissions staff for the courses they are interested in to get advice directly.

Don't be shy if a university comes to your school on a careers day – ask lots of questions, advises Lane. Sheffield University encourages pupils to phone or email directly, and the applicant information team will answer your query or find someone for you to talk to in the relevant academic department. Sheffield has an online database of frequently asked questions – and so do most other university admissions website pages.

As there are so many universities, a good initial approach might be to choose a dozen or so that you think you might be interested in, and ring up the admissions offices for a chat, says Cole.

"But remember that whatever information you get, it's in principle, not a guarantee. There isn't a guaranteed way of getting a place university, but [by following their guidance] there is a guaranteed way of being considered for a course."

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How to choose A levels or high school subjects

Are you 14 years old, or older, and starting to think about university? We‘re here to help you choose the subjects you should study at school to prepare for studying at Cambridge.

A level and International Baccalaureate (IB) subject combinations you choose to study at high school, sixth form or college could have an impact on what you can study at university.

How many A levels or IB subjects should you take

You should take at least 3 A levels or 6 IB subjects. These are standard entry requirements for most undergraduate courses in the UK.

If you aren’t taking A levels or IB, find out more about the other qualifications that we accept .

If you know which course you'd like to study

Find the course you’re interested in. Take a look at the entry requirements section to see which high school subjects are recommended and which you need to have. You should also check to see what grades we expect you to achieve.

If you aren’t taking A levels or IB, the subject requirements for your course will still apply. For example, if Mathematics is a required subject for your course, we would expect you to be taking an appropriate Mathematics qualification.

If you're not sure which course you want to study

If you want to keep your options open, we recommend that you take A levels and IB Higher level subjects that go well together. Choose subjects that you’re passionate about, and which interest you the most.

It’s good to have some idea of the subject or area you’d like to study at university. This is because arts and humanities courses have different entry requirements to maths and science ones.

Best A level subjects and combinations if you’re interested in arts, social science or humanities courses at Cambridge

Arts, social science and humanities courses at Cambridge include Archaeology , Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic , History , Modern and Medieval Languages , Economics , Education , Music , Human, Social, and Political Sciences , and Law . You can find a full list of courses on our courses page .

We recommend that you choose 2 of these A levels:

  • English Literature
  • a language, such as French, German, Spanish or Latin 
  • Mathematics, which is useful for many courses at Cambridge, including Law

Below are some examples of other relevant A level subjects you could take. Some of these are very important for particular courses at Cambridge.

  • An extra language
  • Ancient History
  • Classical Civilisation       
  • Further Mathematics (if you are interested in Economics )
  • History of Art
  • Government and Politics
  • Religious Studies

Best A level subjects and combinations if you’re interested in Maths or Science courses at Cambridge

Maths and science courses at Cambridge include Mathematics , Natural Sciences (Physics, Biology, Chemistry), Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology , Engineering ,  Medicine  and Veterinary Medicine . You can find a full list of courses on our courses page .

We strongly recommend that you choose 3 of these A levels:

  • Chemistry, which is useful if you want to study Chemical Engineering, Biological Sciences or Medical Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Further Mathematics, which is essential if you want to study Mathematics or Computer Science and very useful if you want to study Engineering, Economics, Chemical Engineering, or Natural Sciences (if you want to specialise in Physics). If your school doesn’t offer Further Mathematics and you live in England, you can join the Further Mathematics Support Programme.

Less helpful A levels and IB subjects

Undergraduate courses at Cambridge are more academic than vocational. Vocational courses are more practical and hands on, while academic courses are more traditional and focus on theory.

If you want to study at Cambridge it’s less useful to choose:

  • Vocational A levels and IB subjects related to a specific profession or career, such as Business, Health, Photography, Performing Arts, Travel and Tourism, and Media Studies.
  • A level Critical Thinking and Key Skills. We don’t count these subjects as an A level, but you could take it as your fourth subject.

If you're not taking A levels or IB

Find out more about the different qualifications that we accept, combining qualifications, and any requirements that you may need to meet.

Check our entry requirements .

Other things to consider

We don’t just look at which A levels or subjects you’ve studied. We look at other things you’ve been doing too, such as extra reading about the subject you’re interested in or taking part in activities related to it.

Find out how to make a great application to Cambridge .

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Cambridge International AS & A Level subjects

Cambridge offers a range of Cambridge International AS & A Level teaching support and resource materials for each subject. Select the subjects below for details of the support resources available for each syllabus.

  • Accounting - 9706
  • Afrikaans - Language (AS Level only) - 8679
  • Arabic - 9680
  • Arabic - Language (AS Level only) - 8680
  • Art & Design - 9479
  • Biblical Studies (9484) New
  • Biology - 9700
  • Business (9609)
  • Chemistry - 9701
  • Chinese - Language & Literature (A Level only) - 9868 New
  • Chinese Language (AS Level only) - 8238 New
  • Classical Studies - 9274
  • Computer Science - 9618
  • Design & Technology - 9705
  • Digital Media & Design - 9481
  • Drama - 9482
  • Economics - 9708
  • English - Language and Literature (AS Level only) - 8695
  • English - Literature - 9695
  • English General Paper (AS Level only) - 8021
  • English Language - 9093
  • Environmental Management (AS only) - 8291
  • French - Language (AS Level only) - 8682
  • French (A Level only) - 9716
  • French Language & Literature - 9898
  • French Language (AS Level only) - 8028
  • Geography - 9696
  • German - Language (AS Level only) - 8027
  • German - Language (AS Level only) - 8683
  • German (A Level only) - 9717
  • German Language & Literature (A Level only) - 9897
  • Global Perspectives & Research - 9239
  • Hinduism - 9487
  • History - 9489
  • Information Technology - 9626
  • Islamic Studies - 9488
  • Marine Science - 9693
  • Mathematics - 9709
  • Mathematics - Further - 9231
  • Media Studies - 9607
  • Music - 9483
  • Physics - 9702
  • Portuguese - Language (AS Level only) - 8684
  • Portuguese (A Level only) - 9718
  • Psychology - 9990
  • Sociology - 9699
  • Spanish - Language & Literature (A Level only) - 9844 New
  • Spanish Language (AS Level only) - 8022 New
  • Sport & Physical Education (AS Level only) (8386) New
  • Tamil - 9689 (A Level only)
  • Tamil - Language - 8689 (AS Level only)
  • Thinking Skills - 9694
  • Travel & Tourism - 9395
  • Urdu - Language (AS Level only) - 8686
  • Urdu - Pakistan only (A Level only) - 9686
  • Urdu (A Level only) - 9676

To find English General Paper filter the subject list by ‘Humanities and Social Sciences’ or ‘English Language and Literature’. If you are interested in the Cambridge AICE Diploma please be aware that Cambridge International AS Level English General Paper only contributes to Group 4: Interdisciplinary subjects.

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A-Level Choices: How to Decide

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a-level choices

If you’re interested in a career in law , you’ve probably been told to consider doing the ‘right’ A-level subjects, to give you the best chance of avoiding disappointment later. But do they even exist?!

While law schools don’t have specific subject requirements, there are some factors to keep in mind when choosing your A-levels.

Want to become a law student? Start by booking a free ticket to one of our ‘Get into Law’ TLP Aspire events in 2018!

A-Level Choices: Essay-Based Subjects

It is no secret that a law degree will involve a huge amount of writing essays and, therefore, it is usually recommended to take at least one subject that will develop these skills, which you can talk about in your personal statement. Universities and certainly employers in the legal sector look for candidates who showcase the ability to write coherently, reason and argue. As a result, A-levels in English literature or history are highly regarded subject choices.

On the other hand, having sciences or maths alongside an essay-based subject is also seen as very impressive since these students have a strong ability in problem-solving, logic and analysis – which are key skills needed for a law degree and certainly a career in law.

A-Level Choices: Facilitating Subjects

Whilst not strictly necessary, it’s worth bearing in mind the idea of facilitating subjects. According to some Russell Group universities, you must have at least two facilitating subjects as part of your A-levels.

Facilitating subjects are traditional academic subjects which allow you to keep your options open for the future and enable you to develop many key skills needed for any career within law. They include maths, English literature, physics, biology, chemistry, history, geography and a foreign language.

A-Level Choices: Good Grades

If you would like to secure a spot in one of the Russell Group universities, getting good grades is essential, which is why it is so important to pick subjects that you not only enjoy, but can also excel in.

Many of these universities also emphasise their selection process in choosing strong, academically-able students suited to this challenging degree. This is why top universities and big commercial firms ask for between AAB-A*AA.  Below are only a few examples of A-level entry requirements from some top universities:

  • University of Oxford: AAA
  • London School of Economics and Political Science: A*AA
  • University of Durham: A*AA with LNAT
  • University of York: AAA

>> Want to see more entry requirements for top UK universities? Take a look at our Uni-by-Uni comparison page!

A-Level Choices: Extended Project Qualification

Slightly unrelated to subject choices, however if your sixth form/college offers the opportunity to complete an EPQ, you should definitely do one related to law.

This is a great point of discussion in a law personal statement, in interviews and generally, it successfully shows your interest in the field.

A-Level Choices: Good Example Subject Combinations

Remember, almost all subject combinations which include at least two facilitating subjects are favoured. However, below are just a few good example combinations, popular with aspiring lawyers.

  • English literature, history, maths
  • English literature, maths, economics
  • Chemistry, biology, history
  • History, french, geography

A-Level Choices: Other Factors to Consider

But A-levels aren’t the only crucial aspect…

Competition for a law degree is increasingly high – there was a 4% increase in UCAS applications for law courses in 2017. Therefore, it is important to note that alongside good A-level subjects/grades, there are also other factors to consider:

Work Experience

Alongside good academia, work experience is equally as essential. Work experience proves to universities and future recruiters that you have a genuine interest in pursuing a career in this field.

Many firms and chambers offer short work experience placements for students in year 12 such as Pinsent Masons, Royds Withy King, BLP, Foot Anstey, Old Square Chambers, Matrix Chambers, and the list goes on. While it is not crucial for admission into a law degree, it would certainly put you to an advantage.

>> Read our new page on The Ultimate Guide to Law Work Experience for Year 12 Students as a starting point!

Personal Statement

Finally, your law personal statement should play a significant role in convincing admission tutors that you have a genuine interest for studying a law degree. Universities look for proof about the reasons why you want to pursue a law degree, which could be shown in the form of relevant work experience, related extra-curricular activities, EPQ’s or any books you have read that have a legal dimension.

Overall, as long as you are well informed about these key aspects, there is nothing stopping you from obtaining a place in a good university for a law degree.

Best of luck!

Published: 23/02/18    Author: Tvara Shah

Deciding on Law Careers? Read These!

  • The Big Debate: Should I Take A-Level Law
  • 4 Reasons Why You Should Do a Law Apprenticeship
  • The Ultimate Guide to Law Work Experience for Year 12 Students

TLP Aspire

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Admissions information

Each application we receive is carefully considered on an individual basis, taking into account the full range of information presented on the UCAS application form.

The information below is designed to help our prospective applicants who may have queries ranging from preferred subject combinations, our stance on retakes, and the manner in which we assess the information presented in your application.

As you will see from the application data provided on our individual programme pages , there is a great deal of competition for places at the School. In 2023, we received around 26,000 applications for 1,800 places. This fierce competition for places means that meeting or exceeding the entry requirements does not guarantee that an offer will be made, and every year we unfortunately have to disappoint many well-qualified applicants.

Subject combinations

Introduction As the majority of our applicants apply with A-levels, this guidance is written primarily towards that audience. However, the information contained is relevant to students offering any qualification. If you are unsure how this guidance applies to your qualification, please contact the  Undergraduate Admissions Office . Note that where specific guidance regarding the suitability of a particular subject/subject combination is given on the entry requirements pages of  Information for international students , that guidance supersedes the more general guidance given below. Subject combinations and non-preferred subjects The School considers not only the individual qualifications offered by applicants but also the combination of subjects offered. Individual degree programmes may have specific subject requirements or preferences which are listed in the admissions criteria for each individual programme. We also have a number of general policies, listed below. We consider traditional academic subjects to be the best preparation for studying at LSE. We expect applicants to offer at least two full A-levels or IBDP Higher Levels in these subjects (although typically, applicants will apply with three or four); please see the list below for guidance. Some subjects provide a less effective preparation for study at LSE. We refer to these as non-preferred subjects; please see the list below for guidance. These subjects should only be offered in combination with two traditional academic subjects. Finally, there are a small number of A-levels which are normally excluded from our standard offer; please see the list below. Applicants should offer three full A-levels or equivalent alongside these subjects.

For applicants studying more that three A-level subjects

If you will have studied more than three A-Levels (either in the same year or over more than one year), the Admissions Selector reserves the right to specify grades in non-prerequisite subjects in any offer they may make, in order to indicate the preferred combination of subjects. This may be particularly relevant if you are studying two similar subjects, for example Business and Economics, and the Admissions Selector would accept a grade in either of them, but not both of them. 


Sam has applied for BSc Management (N200) and is studying A-Levels in Mathematics, Business, Chemistry, and Economics. The entry requirements are grades AAA at A-Level including A in Mathematics. The Admissions Selector is happy to consider a combination of three of these subjects which includes either Business or Economics but not both. Therefore, the Admissions Selector makes an offer with the following conditions: "Achieve grades AAA at A-Level including Mathematics and Chemistry. 

Common traditional academic/'generally preferred' subjects:

  • Ancient History
  • Classical Civilisation
  • Electronics
  • English (English Language, English Literature and English Language and Literature)
  • Further Mathematics*
  • Government and Politics
  • Languages: Modern Foreign, Classic and Community**
  • Mathematics
  • Religious Studies

Common "non-preferred" subjects:

  • Any Applied A-level
  • Accounting****
  • Art and Design
  • Business Studies
  • Citizenship Studies
  • Communication and Culture
  • Creative Writing
  • Design and Technology
  • Drama/Theatre Studies***
  • Film Studies
  • Health and Social Care
  • Home Economics
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Leisure Studies
  • Media Studies
  • Music Technology
  • Physical Education/Sports Studies
  • Travel and Tourism

Normally excluded subjects:

  • Critical Thinking
  • General Studies
  • Global Perspectives and Research
  • Knowledge and Enquiry
  • Project Work
  • Thinking Skills

If you would like information about the suitability of a subject which does not appear on these lists, please contact the  Undergraduate Admissions Office .

* See the Mathematics and Further Mathematics section below.

** See Language Qualifications information on the Entry Requirements webpage

*** The Departments of Anthropology, International History, International Relations, Social Policy and Sociology consider Drama and Theatre Studies equally with other generally preferred subjects. Therefore, they will consider Drama and Theatre Studies alongside one other subject from the non-preferred list. However, the majority of departments continue to regard Drama and Theatre Studies as a non-preferred subject.

**** The Department of Accounting considers Accounting equally with other generally preferred subjects. Therefore, they will consider Accounting alongside one other subject from the non-preferred list. However, the majority of departments continue to regard Accounting as a non-preferred subject.

Essay based A-Level subjects:

  • Art History
  • Business Studies 
  • English Literature
  • English Language
  • English Language and Literature (Combined)
  • Environmental Studies
  • Modern Languages
  • Modern Studies

The combination of subjects studied, in conjunction with the level of competition for the programme, may sometimes result in those offering three (or more) preferred subjects being deemed as less competitive by the Academic Selector on the basis of their subject combination.

Overlapping subjects

Many of the undergraduate programmes at LSE are multi-disciplinary and for this reason we consider a broad mix of traditional subjects to be the best preparation for study. A broad academic background will provide the skills to perform well in any of the challenging programmes at LSE. Students offering a narrow range of subjects may be at a disadvantage compared to those offering a broader combination. Examples of narrow subject combinations might be Economics, Business Studies and one other or English Language, English Literature and one other. Please also refer to the subject combination guidance on our programme pages and the Mathematics and Further Mathematics section below.

Core Mathematics

Core Maths is a generic title for a range of different Level 3 mathematical qualifications; it is not a qualification title in itself.

For the qualification titles see below:

  • AQA Certificate in Mathematical Studies
  • City & Guilds Certificate in Using and Applying Mathematics
  • OCR (MEI)* Certificate in Quantitative Problem Solving
  • OCR (MEI)* Certificate in Quantitative Reasoning
  • Pearson Edexcel Certificate in Mathematics in Context
  • WJEC Eduqas Certificate in Mathematics for Work and Life

*MEI: Mathematics in Education and Industry

The key purpose of Core Maths qualifications is to widen participation in the study of mathematics from age 16 and to support the development of mathematical skills for progression to higher education and employment.  The qualifications offer an opportunity for students not studying AS or A-level mathematics to study a Level 3 mathematics course alongside their main programme of study. Core Maths is available to those with grade C/4 or above at GCSE and is based on GCSE content with 25% new material.

Core Maths may add value to an application, similar to the EPQ, in particular where the programme has a specific mathematical content but does not require a specific maths qualification e.g. Psychology or Geography. 

Core Maths cannot be used as a replacement for A level Maths (or equivalent qualifications) for programmes with a maths A level requirement.

Core Maths can be considered as an alternative way to meet the standard LSE GCSE maths requirement (Grade B/6).

Mathematics and Further Mathematics

Some degree programmes at the School are highly mathematical in content and therefore Mathematics A-level or equivalent is a requirement. A number of programmes also require a qualification in Further Mathematics (where available), or consider one helpful. However, the combination of Mathematics, Further Mathematics plus one other subject is considered insufficiently broad for many of our programmes. Please refer to the degree programme pages and/or the table below for details on Further Mathematics and its acceptability for each programme. We are aware that not everyone has the opportunity to follow a Further Mathematics programme and find it helpful if applicants and/or their referees can indicate whether or not the applicant’s school or college offers Further Mathematics classes. For programmes requiring A* in Mathematics A-level, an A* in Further Mathematics in addition to an A grade in Mathematics is an acceptable alternative.

 Combination Degree Programme

 Programmes which require either 
 A-level Maths, A-level Further Maths and one other subject

 A-level Maths, two other subjects and AS level Further Maths

BSc Mathematics and Economics (GL11)

BSc Mathematics with Economics (G1L1)

BSc Financial Mathematics and Statistics (GN13)

BSc Mathematics with Data Science (G140)

   Programmes which are happy
to consider applicants offering A-level Maths, 
A-level Further Maths and one other subject

BSc Actuarial Science (N321)

BSc Data Science (N3UD)

BSc Mathematics, Statistics and Business (G0N0)

BSc Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method (V503)

BSc Psychological and Behavioural Science (C800)

 Programmes which are happy to consider applicants offering
A-level Maths and A-level Further Maths in combination with an essay writing subject

BSc Accounting and Finance (NN34) *

BA Anthropology and Law (ML16)

BA/BSc Social Anthropology (L601/3)

BSc Economic History (V300)

BSc Economics and Economic History (VL31)

BSc Economics (L101)

BSc Econometrics and Mathematical Economics (L140)

BSc Finance

BA International History (V146)

LLB Laws (M100)

BSc Management (N200) 

BSc Philosophy, Politics and Economics (L0V0)

BSc Philosophy and Economics (LV15)

 Programmes where a combination 
of A-level Maths, A-level Further Maths and one other subject may be considered less competitive

BSc Economic History and Geography (V3L7)

BSc Environment and Development (FK84)

BSc Environmental Policy with Economics (F9L1)

BA Geography (L702)

BSc Geography and Economics (L7L1)

BSc International Relations (L250)

BSc International Relations and History (VL12)

BSc International Relations and Mandarin (L2T1)

BSc International Social and Public Policy (L400)

BSc International Social and Public Policy and Economics (LLK1)

BSc International Social and Public Policy with Government (LL42)

BSc Language, Culture and Society (L3R9)

BSc Politics (L230)

BSc Politics and Data Science (N3UD)

BSc Politics and Economics (LL12)

BSc Politics and History (LV21)

BSc Politics and Philosophy (LV25)

BSc Politics and International Relations (L290)

BSc Sociology (L301)

*  BSc Accounting and Finance and BSc Management prefer an essay writing subject but will consider other combinations.

Changes to International Baccalaureate Diploma Mathematics Courses from September 2019

IBO revised their Mathematics curriculum in September 2019, introducing two new subjects ; Mathematics: analysis and approaches  and  Mathematics: applications and interpretation . 

Additional information is available on our Entry Requirements page. 

  • For programmes requiring Further Maths A-level (for example BSc Financial Mathematics and Statistics, BSc Mathematics and Economics)  Mathematics: analysis and approaches at Higher Level   will be   a requirement.
  • For programmes where Further Maths is strongly preferred (for example, BSc Economics, BSc Finance) we would strongly prefer  Mathematics: analysis and approaches at Higher Level however we would still consider both streams for admissions purposes.
  • For other programmes where A-level Maths is a requirement (for example, BSc Management) then either stream at Higher Level would be acceptable.

Test of Mathematics for University Admissions (TMUA)

Which LSE programmes use the TMUA in their selection process?

For these two programmes for September 2025 entry taking the TMUA is mandatory – all applicants are required to take the test.

  • BSc Economics
  • BSc Econometrics and Mathematical Economics

For these eight programmes for September 2025 entry taking the TMUA is recommended but not mandatory – applicants are encouraged to take the test and a good score may make an application more competitive.

  • BSc Mathematics and Economics
  • BSc Mathematics with Economics
  • BSc Financial Mathematics and Statistics
  • BSc Mathematics with Data Science
  • BSc Mathematics, Statistics, and Business
  • BSc Data Science
  • BSc Actuarial Science
  • BSc Actuarial Science (with a placement year)

For more information please see our TMUA guidance .

Given the competition for places and the nature of assessment at LSE, we prefer students who have achieved high grades in their first attempt (and in one sitting) at relevant examinations. If extenuating circumstances have impacted your exam performance, you should include details of these in your application.

Mature applicants

LSE welcomes applications from older students and values the contribution they make to the School community. LSE also has a large proportion of postgraduate students. This means that the student population at LSE is rather older on average than at many other universities; older undergraduates should not feel out of place. Information for mature applicants .

Contextual Admissions

For applicants from the UK who are eligible for Home tuition fees, contextual information is used to gain a more complete picture of the educational and individual context of an applicant. This allows our admissions selectors to assess achievement and potential whilst recognising the challenges an applicant may have faced in their educational or individual circumstances.

You do not need to do anything in addition to the standard UCAS application, your application will automatically have the contextual information added when we receive it.

What contextual information is used?

The following nine pieces of contextual information will be flagged for the attention of the admissions selector:

1. Care experienced (This means you will have spent time living with foster carers under local authority care, in residential care (e.g. a children’s home), looked after at home under a supervision order, or in kinship care with relatives or friends, either officially (e.g. a special guardianship order) or informally without local authority support). This information is self-declared on the UCAS form and verified at a later stage.

2. The performance of the school/college where the applicant took their GCSEs (or equivalent qualification). Specifically, where the school’s or college’s performance is below the national average.

3. The performance of the school/college where the applicant took their A-levels (or equivalent qualification). Specifically, where the school’s or college’s performance is below the national average.

4. The home postcode of the applicant is compared against the POLAR 4 dataset. The Office for Students (OfS) assess how likely young people from different postcodes are to progress to Higher Education. We will flag applicants with postcodes in quintiles 1 and 2 (the 40 per cent least likely to progress to Higher Education). The Office for Students has a POLAR 4  postcode checker  on their website.

5. The home postcode of the applicant is compared against the IMD (Indices of Multiple Deprivation) dataset. We will flag applicants with postcodes in quintiles 1 and 2 (the 40 per cent most deprived areas). The UK Government has this  postcode checker  for English postcodes on their website. For the IMD classification of Northern Irish postcodes see this  postcode checker ; for the IMD classification of Scottish postcodes see this  postcode checker ; and for the IMD classification of Welsh postcodes see this  postcode checker .

6. The home postcode of the applicant is compared to CACI’s Acorn dataset. CACI classifies postcodes according to a range of socio-demographic indicators. We will flag applicants with postcodes in Acorn types 40 and above.

7. Participation in an intensive LSE Widening Participation (WP) programme. We will flag applicants who have completed LSE Springboard, LSE Thrive, LSE Pathways to Law or LSE Pathways to Banking and Finance.

8. Participation in any Sutton Trust Pathways programme at any UK university. This includes Pathways to Engineering, Pathways to Medicine, Pathways to Law (in-person or online), Pathways to Banking and Finance (in-person or online), and Pathways to Consulting online.

9. Where a student is known to have been eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) in the previous six years.

10. Other individual circumstances that may have disrupted or adversely affected an applicant’s education and achievement, as outlined in an  Extenuating Circumstances Form .

How is contextual information used?

Applicants who have been flagged for the attention of the admissions selector will receive additional consideration.The selector may use this information in the following ways:

- to make an applicant a standard offer where the applicant’s academic record (eg, GCSEs/AS levels or equivalent) or personal statement may be marginally less competitive than the cohort overall

- to make an applicant a standard offer where the applicant is predicted marginally below the usual entry requirements

- when making confirmation decisions for offer holders that have marginally failed to meet the entry criteria (usually this means one grade below the standard entry requirements).

Eligible students (students flagged with a home postcode that is classified as POLAR4 Quintile 1 or IMD Quintile 1, as a care leaver, or a participant in a specified LSE WP programme or a Sutton Trust Pathways programme), may be considered for a  contextual offer.  The contextual offer will be one grade lower than the standard offer for the programme (with the exception of LLB Laws, BA/BSc Anthropology, BA Geography, BSc Geography with Economics, BSc Environment and Development, BSc Environmental Policy with Economics, and BSc International Social and Public Policy, where the contextual offer will be 2 grades lower than the standard offer). Any mathematics requirement must still be met. All academic departments are participating in the contextual offer scheme.

The contextual offer grades are listed alongside the standard offer A-level and IB entry requirements on the relevant  programme pages . 

Contextual information is used as part of the holistic admissions assessment and applicants are assessed alongside all other similar applicants, therefore having a contextual flag does not guarantee that an offer will be made.

Information regarding use of GCSE and equivalent qualifications

If you have taken GCSEs or equivalent qualifications, these will be taken into account when we assess your application. All applicants who have taken GCSEs/iGCSEs are expected to have at least grade B/grade 6 in GCSE English Language and Mathematics or the equivalent. For some programmes this may be higher. Exceptions are made for applicants with extenuating circumstances. As competition for places at LSE is intense, we look for applicants who have achieved highly at GCSE (multiple A or A*/8-9 grades), particularly within the context of their school. If you have not taken GCSEs or iGCSEs, you will not be disadvantaged. The assessors will refer to the equivalent qualification in the curriculum that you have studied (if applicable) and consult the information provided by your UCAS referee to gain an understanding of your education history. 

Undergraduate Admissions Assessment (UGAA)

LSE requires students who study certain qualifications to complete the Undergraduate Admissions Assessment (UGAA) before a final decision can be made on their application. Only the most competitive applicants with these qualifications are invited to sit the assessment. Applicants cannot request to sit the assessment and invitations will be sent on a rolling basis from January. Further information about the UGAA

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Arts Sciences

  • Preferred A Levels


Preferred UK GCE A Levels for Arts and Sciences

ArabicAncient HistoryBiology
Art and Design*AnthropologyBiology (Salters-Nuffield)
Art and Design: 3D Design*ArchaeologyBiology (Human)
Art and Design: Critical and Contextual Studies*EconomicsChemistry
Art and Design: Fine Art*Economics and Business (Nuffield)Chemistry (Nuffield)
Art and Design: Graphic Design*Environmental ScienceChemistry (Salters)
Art and Design: Photography*Environmental StudiesComputer Science
Art and Design: Textiles*GeographyFurther Mathematics
BengaliGovernment and PoliticsGeology
Biblical HebrewHistoryMathematics
Business Studies*LawMathematics (MEI)
Classical CivilisationPsychology APhysics (Advancing Physics)
Classical GreekPsychology BPhysics (Salters-Horners)
Drama and Theatre Studies*SociologyPure Mathematics
Dutch Statistics
English Language  
English Language and Literature  
English Literature  
Film Studies  
Information and Communication Technology*  
History of Art  
History of Art and Design  
Media Studies  
Modern Greek  
Modern Hebrew  
Religious Studies  
Theatre Studies*  
Welsh (Second Language)  
  • Subjects marked with an asterisk (*) will only be counted as an essay-based subject if there is a minimum 50% essay-based or written response assessment as part of the overall award. This may vary by exam board so please contact us if you have any queries about this.
  • Mathematics and Further Mathematics can be considered as two separate A Levels.
  • If a student takes an A Level in their native language, it is at the discretion of UCL as to whether this will be considered as a 'humanities' A Level for the purposes of Arts and Sciences (BASc). Please contact us if you have a specific query.

Save £500 when you enrol by 30th September!

Other languages

  • How to Write a Great Essay for Different A-Level Subjects

Image shows an open notebook with a pen resting on it.

In previous articles, we’ve given you lots of advice on how to write the perfect essay.

However, the skills we’ve discussed up to now have been generic, and have not taken into account the fact that different subjects require different skills when it comes to writing excellent essays for them. In this article, we look at the particular skills needed to write great essays for individual A-level subjects, so that you can familiarise yourself with what you need to do to excel in whatever A-levels you happen to be studying.

Image shows a painting of a house on the moors.

Good English literature essays revolve around intelligent interpretation. The problem many students have with this is organising their interpretations into a tightly structured essay that flows well; many simply let their ideas run wild and flit aimlessly between one point and the next. To combat this problem, you need to consider the writer’s overall aims and then show how they have conveyed those aims, paragraph by paragraph, with each paragraph devoted to a particular technique or focus. A good structure to use is as follows:

  • Point – make a statement, such as “Brontë uses the bleakness of the moorland setting to reflect Heathcliff’s temperament.”
  • Explanation – elaborate on the statement in more detail. In this example, your explanation would involve explaining the parallels between Heathcliff and the moors – their unpredictability and wildness, for instance, and the violence of the weather mirroring Heathcliff’s violent personality.
  • Evidence – now provide quotes from the text to back up what you mean. In the Heathcliff example, you could quote specific words and phrases that show similarities in the way Heathcliff is described and the way in which the moorland landscape and weather are described.
  • Reiterate – close off the paragraph by reiterating the point, and perhaps developing it a little further or introducing the idea you’re going to carry into the next paragraph. For example, “This ties in with a wider theme running through the book as a whole, which is that nature parallels human emotions.”

Good English essays pay close attention to detail, noting specific words, phrases and literary devices a writer has used, and to what effect. They quote liberally from the text in order to support each point, deconstructing the writing and analysing the use of language; they look at different interpretations, seeing beyond the surface and picking up on possible deeper meanings and connotations. But they also consider the meaning of the piece as a whole, and the overall effect created by the specific details noted. All this should be considered within the framework of the genre and context of the piece of writing. For instance, a poem by William Wordsworth would be considered within the context of the Romantic poets, and might be compared with work by contemporary poets such as Shelley or Keats; the historical background might also be touched upon where relevant (such as the Industrial Revolution when discussing the poetry of William Blake).

Image shows a painting of Luther at the Diet of Worms.

Though it’s also a humanities subject, History requires its own very particular set of skills that differ to an appreciable degree from those expected of you in English. A history essay is unequivocal about its writer’s opinion, but this opinion must be based on a solid analysis of evidence that very often can’t be taken as fact. Evidence must be discussed in terms of its reliability, or lack thereof. The good historian considers what biases may be inherent in a source, what vested interest the source might have, and what viewpoint that source was written from. For instance, you might analyse a source by discussing whether or not the person was present at the events they are describing; how long after the events they were writing (and therefore whether they are remembering it accurately if they were there, or whether they are getting their information second or third hand from someone else; and if so, how reliable the original source is); whether they are trying to show evidence to support a particular political view; and so on. So, each time you make a point, back it up with evidence, and consider the strengths and weaknesses of that evidence. A good history essay makes connections between what’s been written about, considering how issues interrelate, so think about how what you’re writing about ties in with other things; what was the impact of the event you’re discussing, did it happen in isolation, and what were the events that led to it?

Image shows a painting of workers in a factory.

It’s vital to look at both sides of the argument – or, where many possible viewpoints exist, to acknowledge these nuances. It’s fine to contradict yourself, provided you do so consciously; that is, you can build up an argument and then turn it on its head, observing that you are doing so (for example, “So far, so compelling; but what about the less well-known evidence from such and such?”). You can use quotes from historians you’ve read, but use these in the context of discussing scholarly opinion. Don’t quote a historian’s words as evidence of something, because this is only someone’s opinion – it’s not proof. Finally, where possible, use specialist terms to show that you know your stuff (“proletariat” instead of “workers”, for example).

The primary task that lies ahead of you in writing a French essay is, of course, to demonstrate your superior language skills. Keep the content itself very even-handed, sitting on the fence rather than presenting a forceful opinion that could distract attention away from the quality of your use of French. Focus on using as wide a variety of vocabulary and tenses as you can. It will help your essay if you can learn how to say more sophisticated phrases in French, of the sort you would use if you were writing an essay in English. This useful document from, Writing Essays in French, will give you numerous useful French phrases to help you put together an impressive essay, including the vocabulary you need to present a balanced argument.

Image shows the contrast between old buildings and skyscrapers in the Philippines.

Geography is a subject that crosses the divide between the sciences and the humanities, considering both physical processes and human activities (and their effects on the world around us). Essays for Geography may differ depending on which of these focuses the essay is discussing, and the evidence you might include in your essay could vary from phenomena observed and data gathered in the natural world to the results of population censuses. To write a good Geography essay, you’ll need to include both theory and detailed, real-world case studies to support your answer. Mention specific places by name, and communicate the facts accurately. Your teacher will be assessing not just your knowledge, but your ability to support what you say with relevant information that proves it. You shouldn’t just rattle off everything you know about a particular case study; you should deploy relevant facts from the case study to support a specific point you’re trying to make. Keep linking each point back to the question, so that you’re always working towards answering it; this also helps you ensure that everything you include is actually relevant to the question. Showing that you’ve thought about an issue from multiple perspectives, and that you appreciate how they interrelate, is important in Geography. You can do this by organising the content of your essay into categories, considering different factors in turn, such as the scale of the issue, and the timeframe and environment involved. Discuss the various factors involved logically, one by one, such as the environmental impact of climate change or a natural disaster (such as a tsunami or volcanic eruption), followed by its physical, economic, social and political implications. Acknowledging the numerous nuances of the situation will demonstrate your appreciation of its complexity and show that you are thinking at a high level.

Classical Civilisations

Image shows a close-up of the Charioteer of Delphi.

As the study of the ancient world (primarily ancient Rome and Greece), Classical Civilisations combines archaeology and history, looking both at what survives materially (from small finds, to art and sculpture, to temples) and what survives in the way of texts by ancient authors. A good essay for this subject analyses, evaluates and interprets. The historical elements of the subject will require the same set of skills we discussed for History earlier, while the archaeological components of this subject require slightly different skills. With your archaeologist hat on, your job becomes similar to that of a detective, piecing together clues. Archaeology crosses over into science, and with that comes scientific considerations such as how archaeological evidence has been gathered – the methods used, their reliability, whether or not they could have been tampered with, how accurately they were recorded, and so on. You’ll look at a variety of different types of evidence, too, from the finds themselves to maps of the local topography. As with Geography, for which you’re required to learn lots of detailed case studies and names, you’ll need to learn plenty of examples of sites and finds to use as sources of evidence in building up a picture of the ancient world. And, as with any subject, looking at both sides of any argument is crucial to good grades. If the evidence you’re discussing could show one thing, but it could also show another, don’t just present one possibility – show that you’ve thought in depth about it and consider all the possible interpretations.

Science subjects

Image shows the Hubble Space Telescope.

The sciences – Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics – are generally less essay-focused, so we’re grouping them together here because the essay skills required for each of these subjects are very similar. While the fundamentals of scientific essay writing are the same as any other subject – having a logical structure, well-developed argument, and so on – there are a few subject-specific considerations to bear in mind, and some common pitfalls to watch out for. The first is that there is no room for opinion in a scientific essay; unless you’re specifically asked for it, leave your own thoughts out of it and focus instead on a completely objective discussion of the evidence gathered through scientific research, which will most probably be quantitative data. Avoid vague language such as “it is thought that…”; be as precise as possible. Start with a hypothesis, and then discuss the research that supports or disproves it. Back up every statement you make with solid data; it’s not enough simply to drop in the name of the research, so briefly describe what the findings were and why they prove the statement you’ve just made. Another mistake many students make is to confuse cause and effect; this arises because of the tendency to assume that correlation implies causation, which is a common logical fallacy. Just because two things appear to be related, it doesn’t mean that one caused the other, and committing this error in an essay is a major faux pas that will lose you marks. It’s also a good idea to ensure that you’ve included every piece of research that could be relevant; if you don’t, you could be leaving out a crucial piece of evidence. Finally, mention any limitations there may have been with the methodology used to gather the data you discuss.

Image shows a hand squeezing a stress ball.

Psychology essays are best approached with a scientific mindset, but it’s far more difficult to prove anything in this subject – and this should be acknowledged in your essay. The task becomes one of assessing which theory is the more probable one, based on an analysis of the data from various studies. Make liberal reference to named and dated psychological experiments and research, but acknowledge the fact that there may be more than one theory that could account for the same set of results. When these experiments are quoted as evidence, this should be done with reference to any possible limitations of how the experiment was conducted (such as a small sample size). If you’ve reached the end of this article, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to write fantastic essays guaranteed to impress your teachers. You’re also well on the way to thinking in the right way for university-level essays, so keep working on these skills now and you’ll find it much easier to make the leap from sixth former to undergraduate.

Image credits: banner ; Wuthering Heights ; Diet of Worms ; factory workers ; Charioteer ; Hubble Space Telescope ; Psychology . 

Will my non-essay-based a level subjects hinder me if I choose to do a law degree

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    Subjects marked with an asterisk (*) will only be counted as an essay-based subject if there is a minimum 50% essay-based or written response assessment as part of the overall award. This may vary by exam board so please contact us if you have any queries about this. Mathematics and Further Mathematics can be considered as two separate A Levels.

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  21. How to Write a Great Essay for Different A-Level Subjects

    French. The primary task that lies ahead of you in writing a French essay is, of course, to demonstrate your superior language skills. Keep the content itself very even-handed, sitting on the fence rather than presenting a forceful opinion that could distract attention away from the quality of your use of French.

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