Essay: Customer satisfaction

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  • Subject area(s): Business essays
  • Reading time: 2 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 26 October 2015*
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  • Words: 442 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 2 (approx)

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Customer satisfaction is one of the most important key factors for customer’s future purchase (Mittal & Kamakura, 2001). Those clients that have been satisfied by consuming or buying any goods or services will most likely inform others about their great encounters likewise those dissatisfied customers will without any doubt communicate about their bad experience of the products or services. This is another reason why a company should take into consideration the level of customer satisfaction, as it defines the image of the products/services and the company that the customers have in their mind. By delivering goods and services that meets with the needs and wants of consumers, they will have a positive image and will talk good about the company, but in case a company do not meet the needs or wants of the customers, it will create a negative image for the company in the mind of the customers and thus discouraging the customer to buy products or services from that particular company. Moreover, according to Gundersen, Heide and Olsson, customer satisfaction is regularly defined as an evaluative conclusion made by a customer after consuming a particular product or service (Gundersen, Heide and Olsson, 1996). That is in regards to Gundersen, Heide and Olsson’s definition of customer satisfaction, the customer is able to conclude whether he/she is satisfied or not with the product or service only after consuming it. On the other hand, according to Oliver, consumer satisfaction is the process that compares the expectations of customer’s before buying any products or services to the process where the customer is consuming the product or service and after the consumption of the product or service (Oliver, 1980). In other words, according to Oliver, consumer satisfaction is the course where they compare what the buyer has in his mind about any products or services before buying it to what the buyer feels and has in his mind while consuming and after consuming any products or services. While analyzing the definition of Gundersen, Heide and Olsson to that of Oliver, we can see that the definition of Oliver is more detailed compared to that of Gundersen, Heide and Olsson. The definition of Oliver takes into consideration the expectations of the consumer about a product or service before he evens purchase it and compare it to what the buyer feels while consuming and after consuming the product or service. Therefore using the theory of Oliver, it will be easier for a company to have a better idea about what types of products or services customer’s want to consume and what do consumer’s expect while consuming and after consuming any products or services.

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The importance of customer satisfaction (+ stats to prove it)

importance of customer satisfaction

The importance of customer satisfaction cannot be overstated. There is a direct correlation between how happy customers are and how much money a business makes. Your customer satisfaction score (CSAT) affects repeat purchases rates and customer loyalty, word of mouth referrals, and helps to inform business decisions. 

According to this study by InfoQuest , the repeat purchase rate of “totally satisfied” customers is 3 to 10 times higher than that of “somewhat satisfied” customers. Knowing your customer service ratings provides a far greater chance of understanding what your potential revenue will be. 

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what customer satisfaction is and why it’s crucial to strive for positive customer satisfaction results. 

What is customer satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction is how happy your customers are with your company, product or services, and the assistance they receive before and after making a purchase. It’s also a way for your customer service team to ensure their actions are producing consistent results of happy customers.  

The key is to define what customer satisfaction means to your company using a specified rating system, then identify KPIs that are important to your overall customer service goals .

Your customers’ satisfaction levels are typically found by asking the question on the phone or sending a survey afterwards. You’ll need to identify and communicate if those ratings will be stars, numbers, smiley faces, or something else so everyone (internal and external) understands the measurements. 

8 reasons why customer satisfaction is important

We know you understand the importance of customer satisfaction. But in case you’re on the fence about whether it’s the most important customer service metric, let’s look at some of the benefits of positive customer satisfaction. 

1. Reduces customer churn

In today’s capitalistic world, there are always new and existing competitors to be aware of. This is important because your customers will always have somewhere else to buy similar products or services. According to these customer retention statistics , 66% of B2B customers stopped buying after a bad customer service experience and 52% of B2C customers did the same. 

Ensuring your customer service team is going above and beyond the competition to keep CSAT scores up is crucial to reducing customer churn. 

Retaining customers is a vital piece of the customer service puzzle. By doing everything in their power to help customers, your team will produce numbers that help the company stay competitive while also boosting customer loyalty and repeat business. 

2. Boosts customer loyalty and recurring revenue

Existing customers spend an average of 31% more and are 50% more likely to try new products compared to new customers. Higher customer loyalty is also an indicator of customer satisfaction levels. Happy customers will continue to make repeat purchases (or keep their subscriptions), ultimately boosting your bottom line. 

Consider this example: 

Your business sells software with a monthly subscription. Each subscription costs $10/month and there are currently 100 customers. Through your surveys, you learn that 90% of them are happy this month so you’re at risk of losing 10 customers and $100 next month. Now multiply that by 12 months and you’ve lost $1200 over a year. 

Next month you find that only 70% of customers are satisfied. You’re now at risk of losing 30% of your revenue or $300 next month and $3600 over a year. The lower your customer satisfaction rate, the more your bottom line suffers — especially when you’re at a higher pricing tier.

Customer satisfaction is one of the top ways you can measure potential repeat purchases and loss risks. When customers are satisfied with your products or services, they stick around and spend more.

Increasing customer loyalty and retention by only 5% can result in growing profits from 25-95% , and it can help cut down on customer acquisition costs (CAC). In fact, acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than keeping an existing customer.

boosting customer loyalty

3. Improves efficiency and productivity

Evaluating your CSAT and other customer service KPIs will help you determine where your agents can improve to make customers happier. Satisfied customers mean you’ll spend less time fixing problems and more time getting work done. 

For example, if your agent’s resolve rate has decreased, you may discover they need more training to resolve tickets faster. 

The information you learn from these numbers can help you make processes more efficient, thus improving agents’ productivity. It can be as easy as asking your agents what they find most difficult, tedious, or what causes bottlenecks in the process to guide you to fixes that ultimately improve your CSAT scores and overall revenue.

4. Increases employee satisfaction

When your team is happy, they’re much more likely to provide great customer service than when they’re frustrated. Learning and implementing what your agents need to be more productive makes the entire process smoother for everyone involved.

Removing any barriers to your agents’ tasks creates a better flow of work and a more clear way for you as a leader to identify what’s working and what’s not. This ultimately leads to a better CSAT score when your agents can resolve issues quickly.

It also boosts morale in your team. Especially when 55% of customer service agents in a recent survey say that a supportive work environment is the most important thing they need to do their job well.

Another morale-booster is rewarding your employees for improving CSAT scores. By creating an environment where they are accomplishing set goals, agents will feel happy and engaged. This will help improve employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. 

5. Encourages brand advocacy 

Customer satisfaction and loyalty are important for brand advocacy. Whether you want them to or not, customers talk about their experiences with your company. But unhappy customers tell 15 people on average about their bad experience. Extrapolate that by your number of customers and that’s a lot of bad press.

Conversely, Salesforce found that 72% of satisfied customers share their positive experiences with others and 92% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know. Improving your CSAT scores means your happy customers will talk about their good experiences with their friends and family, ultimately leading to more business for your company. 

6. Helps you stand out from the competition 

In some cases, it can be extremely difficult for customers who are trying to get help to find the right person or to get a hold of a human at all. This frustration for customers creates a very poor experience and a decrease in customer satisfaction and loyalty. That’s why positive CSAT scores are important to stay competitive. 

Being more accessible to your customers is an excellent way to create benefits for your customers as well as your company. While other companies are difficult to reach, you can be the standout by offering an omnichannel customer service experience. For example, having a live chat option, being responsive on social media, and/or a human simply to answer the phones.

Create a culture around having great customer service and satisfaction by training agents to ask customers if they need anything else. You could also create automated customer service email templates to improve your CSAT . For example, you could send an automated email confirmation to customers who open a help ticket letting them know how soon they can expect to hear back. The little things add up to a great overall customer experience and positive customer satisfaction.

7. Provides upselling and cross-selling opportunities

Think back to the last time you made a purchase and it was exactly what you needed. Were satisfied with the customer service experience. Did you return to that company for another item? It’s likely you did because that’s what 60-70% of happy customers do.

Positive customer satisfaction leads people to return to your company for another purchase. This provides salespeople with more opportunities to cross-sell complementary products or upgraded services to increase sales revenue. The customer will be more likely to buy because they’re already happy with the product and customer service. 

8. Benefits other departments

Your agents are the front line for your current customers. They are the people who speak to customers — happy or not —  to identify their needs. You have the ability to take the feedback you receive from these customers and share it with other departments.

For example, if you work together with the marketing department, you can help them better understand the pain points of the customers to inform marketing campaigns. This way they can create marketing messaging that explains how your product or service solves potential or existing customers’ problems. You can also tell the sales team what people tend to complain about after they’ve purchased so they can preemptively reduce buyer’s remorse.

Using tools can help a great deal with cross-team communications and could raise overall productivity by 25% . Better communication allows everyone to understand expectations, receive information quickly, and react to the insights faster.

Having a cohesive cross-department communication flow will allow for a holistic picture of the customer experience. Then you can see where the process needs improvement to create a better end result and more satisfied customers.

Customer satisfaction is key to your success

Creating an environment where your customers and agents are happy 100% of the time is impossible. But now that you understand the importance of customer satisfaction, you can tackle setting and achieving goals for this essential customer service metric, while also making sure your customers and agents feel appreciated and understood. 

Kaizo helps customer service teams boost their efficiency, productivity, and quality to provide a better overall customer experience. Customer Support Team Leads can use the tool to measure and, eventually, manage customer satisfaction rates and prevent customer churn. Book a demo to see how you can increase your CSAT today!

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The importance of customer satisfaction for business

Photo of Mikayla Fuller

We are living in a new era. The transformation of commerce over the years has gone from prioritizing products and services to putting emphasis on the consumer; a trend we predict will remain for quite some time. Customers are the centerpiece of your business and all marketing efforts. Every business should not only reach for a high level of customer satisfaction but should always be actively pursuing it through various support operations .

Most businesses do strive for customer satisfaction, but the problem is that their understanding of what makes a satisfied customer is vague and their goals lack intention. There are a few ways you can analyze your customer satisfaction and determine the success of your CX critical care plan , but before that, let’s get a firm grasp of what exactly customer satisfaction is.

What is customer satisfaction?

In simple terms, customer satisfaction is a measurement that determines how well a company’s products or services meet customer expectations. It includes making a human-to-human connection at every touchpoint with the customer, going above and beyond to provide solutions, and proactively reaching out. When we say every touchpoint, we don’t mean that lightly.

61% of consumers switch to a competitor after just one poor customer service experience. (Zendesk, 20220)

To say that customer satisfaction is important is an understatement. Customer satisfaction is a necessity. Most of the time, customers purchase with preexisting expectations regarding what they will receive from you. Maybe they saw one of your marketing campaigns and ended up giving your product a try. If you made promises to them or were even slightly disingenuous about your deliverables, your customers will be disappointed. You may also lose them forever.

A large part of customer satisfaction is being honest, real, and genuine with your customers. The integrity of your business will bleed through into your employees, the quality of your services, and the way your buyers perceive your brand.

The key word in our definition of customer satisfaction is ‘measurement.’ It may come as a surprise to you that customer satisfaction can be measured, but you can and should take a data-driven approach to your customer satisfaction strategy.

How to measure customer satisfaction

Having a bunch of customers is not going to cut it when determining their contentment with your brand. We have to dig a little deeper than that. One of the best ways to determine this is by calculating your customer satisfaction score (CSAT). It’s a commonly used metric that acts as a KPI for customer service and product quality. Your score will be a percentage—0% being horrible and 100% being wonderful—and is always determined by feedback.

Creating a customer survey follow-up email after buyers shop your products is one of the simplest approaches. You can do this by setting up a campaign segment so your customers receive an automatic email upon receiving the product. Automatic email surveys are low-hanging fruit that helps to reveal your CSAT and give you valuable insights into what your customers really think about your services.

Some customers may not be signed up for your newsletter. Maybe you don’t have one yet, or maybe they purchased the product in-store or through a third party. Ideally, an omnichannel marketing strategy yields the most success, but whatever platform your brand is on, customers will most likely share their thoughts. This could be through social media comments, support chats , or review systems such as your Google Business Profile or Yelp.

Customers are 2 to 3 times more likely to write an angry review than customers who had a great experience are to post a happy review. (Online Reputation Management)

Striving to give each customer an experience so profoundly positive that they feel compelled to share their interaction with your business should be a goal for customer satisfaction.

The main point here is that customer satisfaction is determined by feedback, and customers will share their opinions wherever they have a voice. They also won’t lie to you. A large part of building a customer satisfaction strategy is giving your audience the opportunity to share their voice, and then fully listening to them when they do so. The benefits of simply listening to your customer can propel your organization towards growth. Besides listening to your customers, which is vital, let’s discuss a few other ways you can encourage customer happiness.

How to improve customer satisfaction

There are two important questions to ask when you establish customer support : who is your customer base? And what do you need to do to satisfy them? Here are a few techniques to begin implementing in your customer relations journey, if you aren’t already.

1. Segment your customers

This can be done in many different ways, whether you do so demographically, geographically, or behaviorally, to name a few. The value of learning more about your customer base allows you to tailor your content to fit their specific needs. It further emphasizes that you are listening and taking action. Segmenting ensures that you effectively reach your audience and helps to boost your conversions.

2. Be genuine

If your company makes a mistake, own it. Tell your honest story and stay true to your company’s mission. Hire employees who are authentic and prioritize a transparent-centric work culture.

3. Build credibility

You can accomplish this with case studies , testimonials, or influencer/guest blog features from people who genuinely enjoy supporting your business.

4. Bring value wherever possible.

When customers typically evaluate your services, they perceive the value compared to the price. However, many customers are willing to spend more for product attributes, support of your brand’s mission, convenience, and overall quality. In fact, 67% of buyers are willing to pay more to get a better customer service experience. (Sales Force) How can you make the buying process better?

5. Prioritize connecting with your current customers.

Focusing too much on gaining new customers can leave gaps in relationships with preexisting customers. An increase in customer retention of merely 5% can equate to an increase in profit of 25%. (Bain & Company) Spending less on operating costs increases your success and your customer’s happiness. It’s a win-win.

Our top 7 reasons why customer satisfaction is important

1. customer satisfaction drives customer loyalty and business growth.

High-quality products and systematic support services that are designed to meet customer needs will create high levels of customer satisfaction. This increases customer loyalty and is the single most important driver of long-term financial performance.

2. Customer satisfaction improves churn rate

U.S companies lose $138.6 billion per year due to avoidable consumer switching. (CallMiner) If customers are unhappy, they leave. It’s as simple as that.

3. Customer satisfaction helps you stand out

There are a handful of businesses that are known for being over-the-top with their empathy to customers. Take Chick-fil-a’s ‘my pleasure’ as an example. The phrase itself is so effortless, yet, has completely elevated their verbiage in a way that makes the customer feel appreciated. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but something as small as a trademark phrase can elevate any business.

4. Customer satisfaction attracts new customers

93% of customers say that online reviews influence their purchase decision. (Qualtrics) Honest testimonials speak for themselves and create a community of individuals who believe so strongly in your company that they feel the need to share it with the world.

5. Customer satisfaction represents your brand’s mission, values, and image

You don’t want to be known as a business with horrendous customer service. Nowadays, the chances of going viral for a negative situation can severely impact your reputation that can sometimes never be recovered. Working with an experienced and trained support team assists in keeping your image golden.

6. Customer satisfaction is cost-effective to retain customers

There is a 60-70% chance of selling to an existing customer. (Finances Online) Prioritizing existing relationships with your customers cuts down on operating costs and increases overall customer happiness, driving you further towards growth.

7. Customer satisfaction grows customer lifetime value (CLV)

The longer your customer stays with you, the more profit they bring. This assists with maximizing your ROI since you don’t need to spend additional money on customer acquisition to drive sales.

Improve customer satisfaction with Influx

Increasing your customer satisfaction is a long game that requires patience to establish trust between your customers and your brand. Outsourcing support solutions to a 24/7 team of trained professionals with expertise in all things related to CX ensures that your customer satisfaction increases in staggering amounts. Get a quote today !

About the author

Mikayla fuller.

Mikayla is an avid copywriter. If she’s not out on an adventure, you can find her somewhere with a book in hand.

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Customer Service Excellence and Customer Satisfaction Essay

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Academic libraries are facing several external and internal pressures in their environments. For instance, the popularity of the internet is causing potential library users to shift away from libraries as their primary source of knowledge. Additionally, academic institutions are struggling with budgetary allocations because they are competing with other public services such as hospitals.

University and college administrators have to critique the use of their resources in libraries and some may have to reduce allocations if minimal efficiency exists. Furthermore, the development of online libraries has created a renewed challenge in information services because new legal and copyright rules must be instated in order to protect authors. These and many more factors have/will force academic libraries to reconfigure their customer service or service quality provisions so as to survive in such challenging environments.

Evaluation of quality of services provided by academic libraries based on theories and models

Services marketing and 7 ps.

Services are quite distinct from fast moving goods because they possess certain qualities that cannot be found elsewhere. Services typically encompass economic activities transferred from one party to another. Usually, these are time bound and may not encompass exchange of physical assets; in other words transfer of ownership will not occur.

Customers in the services sector often exchange money and time for value derived from systems, networks, facilities, labour, skills or even goods owned by the service provider. In the case of academic libraries, customers exchange money (through annual fees) for facilities, systems and labour in those institutions. These qualities make the marketing of services quite unique; that aspect can be analysed through the 7Ps i.e. Product, promotion, price, place, people, process, physical environment (Lovelock and Wirtzm, 2011).

In service offering, product refers to a service concept that has the capacity to give value to customers. This will be a combination of a core need and a supplementary need. Academic libraries offer information through books and this is their core value; other supplementary needs include rental book services and cataloguing services which are designed to add value to the core product.

The second ‘P’ is promotion. Service marketing promotion often employs educating customers about the service, how to use it and how to drive maximum benefits from it. Academic libraries often do promotions through websites, self service equipment or use of display screens. Third, service marketing employs price.

Any service provider needs to be offering services at a price that will be worthwhile to customers so that they can go beyond price considerations and purchase the service. Academic libraries ought to minimise time and travelling expenses that can inflate price. They can do this by making their services convenient.

Place is also another important consideration. This refers to the channels used by the service provider and may be a physical location, website, the phone or other outlets. Libraries now have a wider access to distribution channels through the internet and this can improve performance.

‘People’ denote the employees used to deliver those services and they need to possess the right attitudes, interpersonal and technical skills. Academic libraries cannot compromise on this element as it is what users employ to assess their effectiveness. ‘Process’ means those variables involved prior to actual offerings. These may involve training, standardisation of services as well as automation. Academic libraries ought to employ rigorous service quality management as part of ‘process’.

Lastly, ‘physical environments’ refer to the look of tangible aspects of the service such as the building, furnishings and equipment. In academic libraries, this normally involves appropriate seating arrangements, arrangements of books and design of the actual library (Gummesson & Lovelock, 2004).

The latter overview of service marketing gives a brief illustration of what this concept entails in academic libraries. However, one needs to know whether actual institutions pay attention to 7ps of marketing. Primary data that has been collected from academic libraries by a number of researchers has illustrated challenges in the ‘people’ aspect.

Some employees have attitudinal issues. Many will be so preoccupied with the task at hand that they may not bother clarifying exactly what customers want. New students who may not know how to use library systems may often get assistance about how to locate references but rarely understand verbal illustrations. Many libraries lack practical illustrations for using their systems.

Overly speaking, the manner in which employees handle complications can be improved in most academic libraries. Additionally, libraries seem to have a problem with their product aspect because there is often very little excitement about new books. Displays are often not there or may not be attractive or value driven.

Promotional aspects of this industry are quite good because many institutions utilise the internet in order to educate customers about use. Libraries tend to be academically oriented so the physical environment in marketing can also be improved as many have not considered customer wants (Goh & Vhung, 1999).

Customer service system theory

Customer service systems encompass those kinds of configuration of technology and networks that are crucial in delivering the wants and needs of customers. In other words, it is a configuration of technology, people, external service systems, internal service systems and others connected through the use of shared information.

Domino’s Pizza is an exemplary case of how customer service systems can translate into profit. Domino’s decided to automate the pizza making process such that all unnecessary processes could be eliminated. This implied that the organisation could deliver quality pizzas uniformly. Also, in order to reduce time spent in handling paperwork, the firm adopted an IT system that would assist in management of marketing costs, inventory and payroll.

These contributed to their success. However, some service providers may have greater contact with their clients than others as is the case with academic libraries. Here, their aim in the customer service system should be to boost the quality of their interactions with users.

In such scenarios, they need to have technologies and networks that allow relatively new employs to carry out their roles effectively even as they go through the learning curve. Most customer service systems are complex and keep changing as more innovation takes place.

Many institutions have realised the importance of this aspect so most are using technology to boost their systems. However, it was found that most libraries will often introduce new product stacking methods yet they will not bother to inform and educate consumers about it. Customer service systems can only be effective if they involve the consumer so universities are failing in this area (Goh & Vhung, 1999).

Service quality model

The service model proposes a number of issues that must be tackled by service providers in order to enhance customer satisfaction. First, it proposes an assessment of customer perceptions on the services under consideration and assessment of their actual expectations. Many institutions will stop at customer perceptions of what they have already offered but most of them will rarely focus on the things that customers wish for or expect from that service provider. It is crucial to measure both these aspects in order to know where a library is and where it needs to be.

Service quality also encompasses improvement of services. This should involve the use of technology in library systems and effective training of those offering the service (Usherwood, 2003). Service providers also need to look for ways of cutting costs as these will translate into effective pricing strategies in the company.

Libraries often need to charge users for services used and if they can eliminate all the backlog in their service systems then this could definitely translate into lower unit pricing. Sometimes service improvement can translate into reduced costs but in other situations it could increase them. Libraries need to be aware of this potential clash and hence work on a compromise between the two goals.

Nothing matters more in service quality than valuing one’s customers. When most users are asked about the issues that make them highly dissatisfied in libraries, most will cite poor treatment by employees. Therefore, libraries need to ensure that the customer is valued by according him due respect.

This means responding effectively and promptly to their concerns. Scorning or criticising customers for complaints will often do more harm than good. Furthermore, valuing the customer also means offering timely service. Many library users have complained about waiting times when trying to get help from librarians. Academic libraries are not doing so well when it comes to the issues of prompt service delivery.

Service quality should also involve tangibles. Here, organisations need to pay attention to ambiance in their organisations. Customers should be able to derive satisfaction from this aspect in much the same way that they do from goods. Libraries often work on ambience by improving seating arrangements and design.

The users would prefer a place that is comfortable and satisfying. However, sometimes this may not work well because libraries are meant to facilitate knowledge acquisition rather than provide comfort. Therefore extremely comfortable seats may work against them.

Numerous academic libraries have created areas where students can seat around a table and even engage in discussions. This works against the major principle in operation in libraries because it creates noise and interrupts other serious students. Such a problem is quite rampant in a number of institutions and therefore needs to be addressed in order to improve service quality (Goh & Vhung, 1999).

Didactic model

The didactic model is an old school of thought in library and information services. In this model, it is assumed that the librarian knows best. He or she can anticipate the needs of the student and should therefore provide that individual with them.

It should be noted that this model focuses on needs and not wants; needs refer to things that students cannot do without while a want refers to an inherent desire that may not be that important. Librarians adhering to this school of thought will pay attention to student needs by relating them to an overall school mission or to certain policies applicable within the library.

In other words, the librarian considers himself or herself as a professional and someone who facilitates learning. He or she will therefore deduce users’ needs through external mechanisms. Librarians often reason that students may not always understand what is best of them and this implies that librarians must educate them about this knowledge.

If for example a student has been given an assignment by his or her lecturer, a librarian following this model will tell him how to find information that he is looking for rather than show him exactly where it is. In a number of academic libraries, it has been shown that many adopt such a stance.

Theirs is to encourage a spirit of independence and this can only be learnt when one is not spoon-fed. Practically speaking, many librarians in academic institutions have stated that they consider themselves as co teachers. Theirs is to complement the relationship that exists between students and their teachers in their lecture rooms. Consequently, most do not do searches on behalf of students especially those new ones who appear to be having unrealistic expectations (Martula & Menon, 2005).


Academic libraries can improve customer service through a series of approaches. The deficiencies in the 7 ps found in these institutions can be corrected through clarification of expectations. Libraries can repeat back what users tell them – a technique called mirroring.

This will ensure that they handle the right problems. Alternatively, they can teach new students how to use a new method of finding books or any other thing. They should deal with one sample and then let users do the rest. During waiting times, libraries can reduce pressure by installing video monitors which educate students about new developments in the library system.

Also, employees can empathize with students when they bring forward complaints or they can direct them to superiors if they feel that they cannot answer the question at all. This would cool down the concerned user and make them understand the situation especially when they hear it from a superior.

Libraries can work on promotional aspects by displaying new books at the entrance of the library to attract customers’ attention. All these issues will go a long way in improving customer excellence hence satisfaction.

Lovelock, C. and Wirtzm J. (2011). Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy. NJ: Prentice Hall

Gummesson, E. & Lovelock, C. (2004). Whither services marketing? In search of a new paradigm and fresh perspectives. Service research journal, 7(1), 20-41

Goh, C. & Vhung, P. (1999). Service typologies: a state of the art survey. Journal of Operations and productions, 8(3), 403-456

Usherwood, B. (2003). Libraries as a public service. Public library journal, 7(5), 141-145

Martula, C. & Menon, V. (2005). Customer expectations; concepts and reality for academic library services. College and research libraries journal, 56(13), 33-47

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IvyPanda. (2019, March 22). Customer Service Excellence and Customer Satisfaction.

"Customer Service Excellence and Customer Satisfaction." IvyPanda , 22 Mar. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Customer Service Excellence and Customer Satisfaction'. 22 March.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Customer Service Excellence and Customer Satisfaction." March 22, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Customer Service Excellence and Customer Satisfaction." March 22, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Customer Service Excellence and Customer Satisfaction." March 22, 2019.

Why Customer Satisfaction Should Be a Top Priority for Your Business

A smiling woman talking on the phone while holding a tablet.

Table of Contents

Are you putting enough focus on customer satisfaction in your business? If not, it is time to do so! Besides, you already know this – it’s all about the customer.

Customer satisfaction should be a top priority of every business because happy customers are more likely to stick around and recommend your business to others . Satisfied customers are also more likely to return after making a big purchase and become loyal supporters of your brand .

Are there really sweeter words to the ears of entrepreneurs? We don’t think so.

What many business owners do not realize, though, is that there are a few specific things they continuously need to keep their customers satisfied.

In this blog post, we will list all the reasons ‌you should invest in customer satisfaction and suggest some ways to improve it, to help your business thrive!

So read on–your customers will thank you later.

Table of contents

  • 1 The Importance of Customer Satisfaction
  • 2 The Negative Effects of Poor Customer Satisfaction
  • 3 How to Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 4 Measuring the Success of Your Efforts to Improve Customer Satisfaction

The Importance of Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction (CSAT) is a way of measuring how content and satisfied your customers are with your company’s product and services. It is used to help you understand how well your customer experience meets your customers’ expectations , and how potential buyers perceive your product.

As one of the most important metrics and key performance indicators – KPIs , customer satisfaction comes in handy, especially when you want to measure the effectiveness of your wider customer training initiatives.

Apart from bringing big returns and profits for your business , ‌high customer satisfaction is important for a multitude of additional reasons. According to research by Zendesk , customer satisfaction leads to greater customer retention, increased lifetime customer value, and stronger brand reputation.

In a nutshell, these are the key benefits of customer satisfaction:

  • Reduced marketing costs
  • Advantage over competitors
  • Decreased customer churn
  • Increased customer loyalty
  • Brand reputation boost
  • Healthy sales revenue
  • Enhanced customer retention
  • New customer acquisition

Customer satisfaction relies on customer experience (CX) and is important because all the aforementioned points are great indicators of business growth . According to Gartner’s 2017 report , two out of three marketers say their companies compete mostly based on CX and 81 percent of them believe ‌it is the main competitive factor of their industry.

Another research led by Bain & Company confirms that it is less costly to keep an existing customer happy than to gain a new customer. This means that building loyal customer relationships will generate higher ROI as repeat customers will keep buying from a company‌‌. ROI may vary among different industries, but for the financial services, a 5% increase in customer retention produces more than a 25% increase in profit. Imagine what it could do for your business!

Therefore, it is essential to ensure that customers who are already engaged continue to be happy every step of the way throughout the entire customer journey. Keeping customer satisfaction high allows you to predict your business revenue and growth while helping you create a loyal customer base that keeps coming back for more.

The Negative Effects of Poor Customer Satisfaction

Unhappy customers will almost certainly have something bad to say about your product or service. If they do not get what they need on time, are not treated right, or are simply not satisfied with the quality of your product or the support you offer, they are going to put you on their blacklist and even start telling others to do the same.

As there are many similar products out there nowadays, many people rely heavily on reviews to make an informed decision. Online reviews can have a big impact on your sales, especially when they are shared on social media. Positive reviews have the power to get a customer to convert, but a negative review will prevent many from doing so.

PwC’s Future of Customer Experience survey showed that 59 percent of customers will stop interacting with the company after several bad experiences, and 17 percent will ‌do the same after just one bad experience. Bad customer service can also cost a business a billion of dollars a year as a result of lost revenue and lower profits. Such numbers show that customers may leave a company forever because of poor customer satisfaction.

Luckily, though, there are strategies that help you move past this.

Despite of all the negative impacts of low customer satisfaction, it can ‌reveal some profound information about your business. Low levels of customer satisfaction offer the opportunity to identify your customers’ needs and give your customer success team access to customer insights that help you improve the entire customer experience journey.

How to Improve Customer Satisfaction

Just because technology moves fast and customer demands and priorities change in an instant, it is a considerable risk to assume you already know what your customers want. Yes – you might have a general idea; if you want to be 100 percent sure, you must check in with them regularly .

The best way to do this is by interacting with them, asking and getting their feedback , and working your way up to building their trust in you by offering them exceptional customer service.

Here are some ways how to do this effectively:

1 Conduct customer satisfaction surveys

Assuming that you already know your customers, you need to learn what it takes to satisfy them . An excellent way to do this is by encouraging them to participate in a customer satisfaction survey after interacting with your company.

These surveys are easy to understand and analyze, but they also save time and help you identify problem areas. To make the survey process even more convenient for your customers, you can leverage modern technology like any of these best QR code generators to create scannable codes that lead directly to the survey. The surveys can take different formats depending on which customer touchpoint you want to explore, measuring the customer satisfaction score – CSAT .

For example, it could be a customer service survey after interacting with your support team, a product satisfaction survey after they have used your product, or even before purchasing your product.

Customer satisfaction surveys are typically a list of questions that request customers to rate their service experience either on a simple 5 or 10-point scale, or express how they felt about it with pre-defined responses, from ‘Highly Dissatisfied’ to ‘Highly Satisfied’.

essay about customer satisfaction

💡 You can create any type of survey using LearnWorlds’ powerful multi-purpose form builder ! Use it to capture leads easily, learn more about your customers, or gather feedback.

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2 use net promoter score – nps surveys.

Like customer satisfaction surveys, net promoter score surveys can measure customer satisfaction , but they investigate a more long-term perspective, focusing on overall brand satisfaction and customer loyalty.

Whereas CSAT surveys ask specific questions about customer interactions with your company, NPS surveys will determine if customers would refer your products or services to their friends and family, taking into consideration their overall experience. If they have a positive experience, you can measure the likelihood of recommending your brand to others.

This can help you classify your customers into specific categories – e.g., promoters (those who rated a likelihood of 9 or 10), passives (those who rated a possibility of 7 or 8), or detractors (a probability of 6 or below) and then take the appropriate measures to engage them more.

3 Invest heavily in your support team

No matter how unique your product is, business success and growth largely depend on how you treat your customers . Since your customer support members are at the frontline of your company, they are the ones who talk regularly with your customers and need to be good customer service providers.

As long as your support team eliminates poor customer service practices and strives to deliver fast responses , you have nothing to fear. So train your customer support team effectively and get them accustomed to your customers’ most essential needs. Create canned responses to the most common inquiries if you must, but make sure your customer support employees will go the extra mile to get customers what they need as quickly as possible. Trust us – it works!

4 Reward customer loyalty

Not all your customers are the same. In fact, they are different in the rate they interact with you and at the level of engagement with your organization. To encourage them to stick around, love and trust your brand, ‌you can offer incentives to your top ambassadors .

Here are some ideas:

  • Celebrate and share their achievements
  • Invite them to a special event
  • Offer them a referral bonus
  • Give them a discount
  • Provide them early access to your product (e.g. your course)

Rewarding your customers’ loyalty shows that, as a company, you appreciate their valuable contribution. It also shows that you like to keep things personal and that you prefer to engage with each customer at an individual level.

5 Act on customer feedback promptly

Whenever you get a review or a complaint, try to react in real-time or as soon as possible, utilizing your enterprise help desk for efficient resolution.

To avoid churn, take your customers’ feedback seriously, use it to improve your business processes, and never ignore their complaints. Also, ‌‌ address negative customer feedback immediately and develop alternative suggestions or compensation that suit their situation.

Upset and disappointed customers are more likely to share their opinions , which often backfires, as it helps build a bad reputation through word-of-mouth.

So challenge your existing perceptions and keep track of customer interests every step of the way. You will gain a better understanding of the value they expect from you and come up with actionable solutions to their problems.

6 Offer omnichannel support

Customer feedback is the most valuable piece of information you can get your hands on as an entrepreneur, so ‌you need to keep that communication channel with them open at all times.

Paying attention to your customers and hearing what they have to say always comes first, which means you want your support representatives to follow up on them through multiple channels, including social media, phone calls (using mobile or local phone service ), and live web chats . Making use of a VoIP software solution is sensible if you want to get the best in terms of call quality, convenience, cost-effectiveness and cross-device compatibility for customer support purposes.

Doing so should help you resolve queries quickly, meet customer expectations, providing them with quick tips and directions while avoiding giving out repetitive information.

7 Build an integrated community

With a dedicated online community in place, you get to improve the customer journey and gradually build more trust in your brand. It will also make it easier for them to network with others, feel part of a group and get more value and opportunities to use your product effectively. In such a friendly environment, you are more likely to foster and maintain greater brand loyalty.

Meet customers where they are and create a special online space where they can connect and interact with each other often. Enable them to exchange information, views, ideas, and opinions on things that matter to them. Encourage conversations, answer their questions or let existing customers guide the newbies around your website or give a tour of your product.

8 Educate your customers

Start creating a customer-centric culture and focus on providing customers with your best and most valuable resources for free. Do not just offer training and additional support to your customers; be proactive and give specific directions and advice before they even ask for it.

If you do not yet have a customer education program , this is the best time to do so. As part of a broader and collective customer training effort, it will help you increase the customers’ level of interaction with your product. On top of this, you will help them learn how to use it to its maximum potential and allow them to integrate it better into their everyday lives.

You can also create a customer portal by using customer service software, such as any of these Zendesk alternatives . A customer portal can help answer queries, reduce tickets, and educate customers on the use of your product, but would not replace a customer-faced academy with dedicated training.

This way, customers will get to know how to search for answers on their own and resolve their issues quickly, leaving them feeling as satisfied and connected with your brand as never before.

Measuring the Success of Your Efforts to Improve Customer Satisfaction

At any point, measuring the level of customer satisfaction towards your company is very easy. Being consistent and having a sustainable customer satisfaction measurement process to check if your customers are happy with your product and service is the key to success.

The key metrics to monitor for customer satisfaction are:

Customer satisfaction score (CSAT):

The customer satisfaction score metric uses questions related to specific interactions of customers to measure whether your product meets their expectations.

To calculate the CSAT score, simply add the sum of the survey responses using a 5-point scale satisfaction rating question – ‘Satisfied’ to ‘Very Satisfied.’ The higher the number is, the happier your customers are.

Customer satisfaction index (CSI):

The customer satisfaction index metric shows the overall customer satisfaction with a company regarding product quality, customer service, price, and more. It is like the customer satisfaction score, but this combines different attributes and helps determine why customers are satisfied or dissatisfied.

CSI = (attribute 1 + attribute 2 + attribute 3) / 3

For example:

Attribute 1 – Customer care = 65 Attribute 2 – User experience = 50 Attribute 3 – Price = 60

CSI = (65 + 50 + 60) / 3 Then the CSI is 58.33.

Net Promoter Score (NPS):

The net promoter score is an index that ranges from (-100) to (+100) and reflects the willingness of customers to recommend your product or services to others. With NPS, you can gather quantitative data that you can compare against your industry’s benchmark.

To calculate NPS, ask your customers to answer a survey question on the likelihood of recommending your product and rate it using a 10-point scale.

Customer effort score (CES):

The customer effort score is a metric that combines CSAT and NP; it calculates how much effort customers have put into specific interactions with your company.

To measure it, count the average of all the answers you collected from respondents. When the number is low, it means that customers are putting too much effort into interacting with you.

💁 Even though customer lifetime value, customer acquisition, and customer churn are more related to sales and marketing, they can also help you get a more accurate view of overall satisfaction. Learn more about these KPIs here .

What’s Next: Make Customers Your Number One Priority

Even more so today, there is a major focus on customer satisfaction with a growing interest in offering the best service to existing customers.

A Gartner’s 2021 report shows that 64 percent of customer service and support leaders say growing the business is the most critical priority in 2022. This shows a shift towards adding value and growing existing clients having customer retention as the main goal.

How does this affect you?

Regardless of your industry, achieving high customer satisfaction is a must. After all, your customers are the people who help to keep your business alive.

Brands that have high customer satisfaction levels have a defensible advantage over their competitors. Since it can either make or break your business, ‌try to keep your customers happy, and get brand ambassadors that will help you stay relevant in the market.

Further reading you might find interesting:

  • How to Create and Sell Profitable Online Courses: Step-by-Step Guide
  • How to Teach Online & Earn Money in 2022: Definitive Guide
  • How Much Money Can You Make Selling Online Courses?
  • How to Design an Online Course in 2022: Best Practices, Tips & Templates
  • What is an LMS (Learning Management System)?
  • 18 Amazing Outline Templates to use in Course Design [3 Downloadables]
  • The Essential Guide on How to Create Cohort-Based Courses

essay about customer satisfaction

Kyriaki Raouna

Kyriaki is a Content Creator for the LearnWorlds team writing about marketing and e-learning, helping course creators on their journey to create, market, and sell their online courses. Equipped with a degree in Career Guidance, she has a strong background in education management and career success. In her free time, she gets crafty and musical.

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Customer Satisfaction, Essay Example

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CanGo can potentially increase customer satisfaction by implementing several strategies that can be costly to initially install, but would considerably save CanGo’s expenditure in maintaining the customer service department.

Package Tracking

The company can invest in a package tracking system that allows customers to receive updates on the status of their packages and even provide updates on the physical locations of these packages as they traverse certain geographic points. This reduces the number of calls the customer service switchboard receives, reducing the cost of running customer service.

The company can invest in an in-depth, detailed and interactive website that can help consumers keep track of their packages and get customer care services. This can be achieved through the use of an interactive customer service live chat service within the website. This would be facilitated by the customer filling in details about their order before initiating the chat. The customer would wait for 2 minutes at most then get assigned to the customer care agent with all the information pertaining to their given package. The client would then be allowed to state their problems or issues with their package and this would be ironed out.

Customer Service Portals

It is vital that all clients can contact CanGo’s customer service department. This is essential for the customer to realize quality services for moneys paid. CanGo can invest in opening up official customer service portals on the different social media platforms to help customer service handle issues with packages in the most convenient manner any time of day. This will help the company interact with its customers, while gaining meaningful insight into trends in customer wants, desires and fashion.

Works Cited

Humphrey, Doris. Customer Service . Mason: South-Western Pub., 2011. Print.

Macahdo, Ricardo and Colin Diggines. Customer Service . Lansdowne: Juta, 2012. Print.

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How to Structure Customer Service Calls to Boost Satisfaction and Sales

  • Jonah Berger,
  • Grant Packard

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Researchers found that service agents yield better results when they use warm language to start and end conversations, focusing on problem-solving in the middle.

We all know from our experience as customers that the things that salespeople say in a conversation affects our feelings and choices. A new study showed that the timing of language matters as well. By analyzing tens of thousands of moments or turns in service calls, researchers found that service agents get better customer satisfaction and purchase volume if they use warmer language at the start and finish of their interaction with a customer. Contrary to some common practices where a problem-solving mode is used right away, the results suggest that employees should use words that show competence only in the middle of a customer conversation.

Language plays a key role in almost every marketplace interaction. It’s how salespeople talk to prospects, leaders talk to teams, and customer service agents talk to customers. Recently, firms have been measuring and optimizing their language to manage the customer experience , automate service , and help make business decisions .

essay about customer satisfaction

  • Jonah Berger is a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the author of Magic Words: What to Say to Get Your Way (Harper Business, 2023).
  • Yang Li is an associate professor of marketing at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing, China.

Grant Packard is an associate professor of marketing at the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto, Canada.

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Measure. Improve. Delight. Transform CX with Zonka Feedback

Listen to your customers, act on the feedback, and improve the experience with our AI-powered CX and survey platform. Automate feedback management, get real-time actionable insights, and close the feedback loop effectively.  

What is Customer Experience (CX): Importance, Examples, and Strategies

essay about customer satisfaction

Companies that improved their customer experience (CX) improved their sales revenue by 2 to 7 percent. And, their profitability by 1-2 percent. 

It's no surprise, that customer experience will strongly impact your bottom line. 

Consider the tale of a major retailer that revamped its entire CX strategy and saw its customer satisfaction scores soar by 30% within a year. This isn't just a singular success story; it's a testament to the transformative power of a well-executed customer experience program.

cx stat 1

Superior customer experience is no longer a luxury but a necessity for staying competitive. As organizations navigate this dynamic landscape of changing customer expectations, understanding and acting towards improving customer experience becomes paramount, not just for retaining customers but for driving sustainable growth.

But how can corporations with hundreds and thousands of customers, clients, or consumers achieve this feat of customer experience?

By creating memorable experiences at every point the customer interacts with your business!

Ready to take the leap towards a holistic customer experience?

In this article, we'll explore customer experience in detail, discussing its significance for your business, how you can create an effective CX strategy, and methods that can improve the overall customer journey.

  • Customer experience is the customer's perception or sentiments while interacting with your business. It includes all direct and indirect touchpoints in the customer journey.
  • CX impacts the bottom line of your business. Focusing on customer experience can improve ROI, reduce churn, boost loyalty, enhance cost efficiency, and much more.  
  • Developing an effective customer experience requires building a CX vision and aligning the company culture with it. 
  • Measuring CX is imperative to understand the impact of your customer experience initiatives and iterating accordingly. Utilizing CX metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS),  Customer Effort Score (CES), and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), identifying reasons for customer churn, performing sentiment analysis, etc., can help you measure customer experience.
  • To improve customer experience, you can leverage customer experience surveys , automate workflows, utilize advanced reporting and analytics, capture in-moment feedback, and segment users.
  • With Zonka Feedback, you can easily create CX surveys, share via different communication channels, and analyze results to take action and close the feedback loop . You can sign up for a 14-day free trial or schedule a demo to explore its various features.

Elevate Customer Experience With AI-Powered Insights

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What is Customer Experience?

Customer experience (CX) is the overall perception or feelings that a customer has while interacting with a brand throughout the customer journey. It is the core of the relationship your business shares with its customers. 

Typically, you would think customer experience ends at having a well-organized store with attentive staff or an intuitive website or mobile app. However, it encompasses all touchpoints, from the initial awareness stage to post-purchase interactions.

Everything, from your brand and frontline people to the products, price, systems, and channels, contributes to customer experience.

This includes every interaction, whether it is an exposure to your ad, a visit to your store, browsing of your website, using your product, or a message/call to support, every exchange adds something to the relationship between a business and its customer.   

The key is to do everything you can to keep your customer needs and expectations on priority. To ensure your customers view those experiences in the utmost light.  

A positive customer experience aims to meet or exceed customer expectations, boosting brand loyalty, advocacy, and repeat business. It involves understanding customer needs, providing seamless and consistent interactions, resolving issues promptly, and continuously improving based on customer feedback.

Typically, people limit customer experience to the interactions they have with the frontline or service team- attentive store staff, customer support, etc. Basically, they connect it with people, representing the business. 

However, that's where they confuse customer service with customer experience.

CX goes beyond the frontline. 

It navigates into every possible trench of your customer journey, not just the reactive part where the customer reaches out for support.

How is Customer Experience Different From Customer Service (CX vs. CS)

Even though both customer service and customer experience aim to ensure satisfaction, they represent broader and distinct aspects of managing customer relations.

Customer service refers to the personalized care provided to customers through various channels like email surveys , in-person interactions, or online support, addressing their immediate needs and concerns.

It's a crucial part of customer experience management but focuses mainly on solving problems and answering queries, whether through staff interactions or automated tools like chatbots.

On the other hand, customer experience (CX) is much broader and covers the entire customer journey.

It covers not just customer service but also everything influencing how customers perceive a brand. This includes marketing, product design, brand values, aesthetics, and even external factors like reviews and media coverage.

customer experience vs customer service

Let's understand the difference better with an example.

An enterprise, MegaCorp, uses a software solution from a vendor, TechPro. When MegaCorp encounters issues, its IT team contacts TechPro's support multiple times, struggling to get clear answers. Each interaction is transactional, focused solely on resolving the immediate issue. There’s no proactive communication or understanding of MegaCorp's broader needs. 

However, this is a reactive approach that assists a customer when they've experienced an issue.

Now, here's how a holistic customer experience approach changes the perspective. 

TechPro has transformed its approach to focus on customer experience. They now maintain a dedicated CX team that ensures a holistic understanding of MegaCorp's journey. Before MegaCorp even installs the software, TechPro's customer success manager initiates two-way communication, learning about MegaCorp's specific goals and challenges. They provide a tailored onboarding process, including training and resources to prevent common issues. Throughout the relationship, TechPro engages in proactive service, offering regular check-ins and updates to MegaCorp, ensuring the solution continues to meet their evolving needs. 

Under the new, holistic approach, MegaCorp experiences a seamless implementation process with TechPro.

  • They receive proactive support
  • Feel that their feedback is valued and acted upon. 

This relationship-driven approach ensures MegaCorp's satisfaction and fosters long-term loyalty, as opposed to the frustration and disjointed interactions experienced in the old way.

Importance of Customer Experience

The importance of customer experience can be understood from the fact that 86% of consumers express their willingness to pay more for a superior customer experience. Moreover, about 64% are inclined to recommend a brand if they have had a positive experience.

Imagine a large bank with a fragmented customer experience.

Their online banking platform is modern and user-friendly (pre-purchase). However, calling customer service requires navigating a confusing phone menu and long wait times (purchase). Once connected, representatives often struggle to access complete customer history, leading to frustrating back-and-forth conversations.

This disjointed customer experience harms the banks in more ways than one.

  • Reduced Customer Satisfaction: Customers become frustrated and may switch banks due to the hassle of simple tasks.
  • Increased Operational Costs: Long wait times and inefficient processes require additional staff and resources.
  • Missed Opportunities: Dissatisfied customers are less likely to consider additional products like loans or investment services.

While the bank understood the importance of customer experience, they did not take the holistic approach. 

A modern online platform was just one piece of the puzzle.

Had they addressed all touchpoints in the customer journey, from pre-purchase to post-purchase, the bank could have created a seamless and positive experience which you've led to: 

1.  Positively Impact your Revenue and Sales

A better customer experience directly results in better sales. When customers have positive interactions and experiences with your brand, they're more likely to help increase sales through the following:

  • Repeat Purchases: Satisfied customers are more likely to make repeat purchases. A positive experience encourages customers to return to the brand for future needs.
  • Customer Advocacy: Happy customers often become advocates for the brand, sharing their positive experiences with friends, family, and colleagues. These word-of-mouth recommendations can lead to new customers who trust the opinions of existing customers, thus driving sales.
  • Increased Spending: By fostering loyalty and repeat purchases, CX helps increase customer lifetime value (CLTV). This metric represents the total revenue a customer generates throughout their relationship with your business.
  • Loyalty Programs: Effective CX can integrate well with loyalty programs, encouraging customers to spend more to earn rewards.
  • Product Development: Insights from customer feedback can lead to improvements and innovations in products or services, making them more appealing and increasing sales.
  • Upselling and Cross-Selling: Happy customers are more receptive to upselling and cross-selling opportunities. If they trust your brand and value your products or services, they're more likely to consider additional offerings.

A strong focus on CX creates a positive customer journey, fostering trust, loyalty, and ultimately leading to increased sales

2.  Enhances Cost Efficiency

Delivering a streamlined and enjoyable experience contributes to cost reduction across various fronts. This includes reducing expenses related to customer acquisition, retaining existing customers, and marketing your brand.

You must keep in mind that while a positive customer experience can increase brand loyalty among customers and advocacy, poor customer experience results in additional costs, as efforts are required to rectify the dissatisfaction and retain customers.

3. Increases Customer Loyalty and Retention

Successful businesses often share a common trait—loyal customers who are exceptionally satisfied with their experience. It's noteworthy that approximately 65% of a company's business stems from existing customers alone.

The customer retention rate affects the profit potential of the business. If your customer retention rate is high, it will also augment revenue and the profit rate. 

Usually, customers want quality-grade products/services at an optimal price, but if you provide the same and the extra value, they are willing to pay more for the same products/services. This, in turn, enhances both your conversion and profit rate.

Happy customers transform into brand advocates, actively promoting a product or service through positive word-of-mouth thereby increasing new customer acquisition and over time loyalty.

4.  Reduces Customer Churn

Customer Churn Rate is not the happiest measure but a crucial metric to evaluate the growing business. Simply put, it refers to the percentage of customers that stopped using your product/service during a certain period.

For instance, if you start your quarter with 600 customers and end at 580, your churn rate is 5% because you lost 5% of your customers.

A brand that consistently delivers exceptional customer experience facilitates enduring customer relationships; thus, reducing churn. Enhanced customer experience increases customer lifetime value and significantly reduces the likelihood of them switching to competitors.

By creating a strong emotional connection and loyalty, companies offering superior experiences form a tough barrier against churn. Moreover, loyal customers tend to be more forgiving of occasional service hiccups and are more likely to remain committed to a brand, contributing to its long-term success.

5. Provides Crucial Customer and Market Insights

A strong focus on customer experience (CX) involves actively listening to customer feedback. This feedback provides enterprises with valuable insights into customer preferences, pain points, and market trends. Understanding what customers like or dislike, and what they need, allows businesses to make informed decisions.

Customer feedback offers real-time data that can be used to refine strategies, improve products, and tailor services to better meet customer demands.

This continuous loop of feedback and adjustment ensures that the company stays relevant and competitive.

By systematically gathering and analyzing customer insights, you gain a deeper understanding of their needs and expectations. This empowers you to continuously improve your offerings and craft a CX that builds loyalty, drives sales, and positions your business for long-term success.  

Understanding CX Better With Customer Experience Examples and Use Cases

Customers tend to come back when they feel heard and their expectations are fulfilled.

This includes understanding what customers expect and then acting on their feedback using customer feedback tools and making necessary improvements. A lot of businesses across various industry verticals have excelled at customer experience. And can be a great source of inspiration for your CX strategy. 

Let us look at some of the examples of customer experience across different industries.

1. Banking (BFSI) Customer Experience

Banking was considered to be a very stodgy, old industry. Even as simple a task as opening an account required filling so many forms, visits to the retail branches, getting signatures from different departments, and whatnot. 

Cut to today, you can do it in seconds. 

How did this happen?

They analyzed customer behavior, gathered insights from feedback across every touchpoint, and created more defined customer journeys with connected omnichannel experiences. 

From undefined customer journeys, disjointed data sources, and process/product-based workflows, they gradually shifted towards understanding customer expectations and evolved, with technology playing a huge part in it.  

From mandatory in-branch visits, they shifted to ATMs, phone banking, and online banking platforms in the early 2000s. However, personalization was still limited and experience still remained impersonal. 

Today, we can see personalization and omnichannel experience playing a crucial role in baking customer experience. Mobile apps have become the dominant channel, offering on-the-go banking with features like mobile deposits and bill pay. 

CX became a strategic priority, with banks investing in data analytics to understand customer behavior and tailor products and services.

Examples of Customer Experience in Banking 

Capital One: Capital One, a leading bank in the US, taking note of the increasing use of voice assistants for banking, launched Alexa-enabled functionalities in the mobile banking app. It would connect with a chatbot and answer questions, thus improving their experience.  

Simpl: Simpl integrated their platform with Zonka Feedback for feedback management and transformed their CX strategy. They reached out to and gathered feedback from 6 lakh+ users and were able to pinpoint pain points, customer concerns, and areas where their services fell short of expectations. By implementing improvements based on feedback, they were able to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

2. Healthcare Customer Experience

According to a recent survey conducted by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, 60% of 115 healthcare industry executives have identified enhancing CX as their top business priority, surpassing all other priorities.

However, this wasn't the case always. 

For years, the healthcare sector struggled with outdated technology and a disjointed ecosystem.  Doctors were the ultimate authority figure, patients had less access to medical information, and scheduling appointments over the phone was a hassle. Patients navigated a complex maze of paperwork, scheduling challenges, and impersonal interactions. 

Today, consumers expect a more personalized experience across every touchpoint and put a high value on convenience, quality, support, and communication.  

Today, healthcare executives have an array of data coming in from electronic health records (EHR), information reported via patient feedback systems and survey apps (via voice, email, or text), public health data (e.g., social determinants of health), lab and pharmacy data. They're using data and technology as catalysts for a digital transformation, revolving the experience around patients. 

A large majority are even using AI to understand patient needs, improve satisfaction, and ensure exceptional care by uncovering the "why" behind patient feedback . 

Examples of Customer Experience in Healthcare

  • Mayo Clinic: Mayo Clinic Platform utilizes data from remote patient monitoring, sensors, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices placed in patients' homes. This data is continuously analyzed by advanced AI survey tools and systems to monitor patient health in real-time. If any anomalies or health concerns are detected, the system alerts healthcare professionals to take immediate action, ensuring timely and proactive care, delivered directly in patients' homes. 
  • Intuitive Health: Intuitive Health, by combining urgent care and emergency room model, seeks to improve the patient experience by providing convenient access to care and reducing wait times. 
  • Cleveland Clinic: Cleveland Clinic places a strong emphasis on patient experience. They have implemented a comprehensive patient feedback system to continuously improve care quality. The MyChart app allows patients to easily schedule appointments, access medical records, and communicate with their healthcare providers. Additionally, they offer virtual consultations, making healthcare more accessible and convenient, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

3. Retail Customer Experience

Remember the days of fighting crowds at Walmart on Black Friday, the only way to score those deep discounts?  Retail has come a long way from those limited-choice, impersonal experiences. Back then, giants like Walmart thrived on brand recognition and a vast selection under one roof.

The internet changed everything.

Suddenly, customers had access to a world of products at their fingertips. Comparing prices became a cakewalk, forcing even retail giants to adapt.

Delivering omnichannel experiences enables retail conglomerates a comeback at a time when Amazon became a challenge.  

But outstanding customer experience isn't just about online bells and whistles.

Large retail conglomerates are also investing in making the physical store experience more engaging and efficient. Interactive displays, self-checkout kiosks, and even in-store pickup points for online orders all contribute to a smoother, more convenient shopping trip.

They are actively utilizing technology, collecting customer feedback using the right retail survey questions , and modernizing their own systems like retail mobile apps, AI-retail chatbots, etc. They know that integration of insights and actionable metrics is the only way to enhance customer experience. 

Customers crave personalization! Stores that offer unique experiences see more repeat business. One survey highlights this, showing 88% of online shoppers prefer personalized sites. An amalgamation between physical stores and online shopping- "Phygital retail" is also on the rise. It would allow one to use QR codes on products revealing details, or use a digital catalog to buy online for in-store pickup. To truly excel, a seamless customer experience across all channels is key. Retail stores can let customers follow up through their preferred method, be it social media, website, etc. An FAQ page empowers customers with immediate answers, while feedback forms help you improve.

Finally, a strategic omnichannel messaging strategy ensures you reach the right audience, boosting brand awareness and sales.

Examples of Customer Experience in Retail

  • Walmart: Walmart was one of the first few to undergo the retail renaissance. It created its one comprehensive online shopping portal where customers could browse their extensive online selection, check local store availability for pickup, or even order online with in-store delivery options. They've been piloting drone delivery in select areas, allowing customers to receive everyday essentials directly to their doorsteps within a short timeframe. They're even offering a GenAI powered shopping assistant in their app. 
  • Target: K nown for its trendy finds, Target now allows its shoppers to create a digital shopping list, scan product barcodes in-store for reviews and recommendations, and even use their app to pay for purchases, skipping checkout lines altogether. IT even aced at personalization, offering recommendations based on customers' recent online browsing habits. 

4. Customer Experience in Hospitality

Experience is the most powerful differentiation in the hospitality industry.  And it has undergone a significant transformation in customer experience (CX) over the years!

Initially, services were generic, but modern hospitality emphasizes personalization, with customized experiences tailored to individual preferences.

The integration of technology has streamlined processes, from online booking systems to mobile apps for seamless check-ins and digital concierge services.

Enhanced amenities, such as luxury spa services and high-end dining, have become standard. Continuous customer feedback drives service improvements. Players in the industry have started asking hotel survey questions to capture feedback on guest experience, identify gaps, get in-depth insights, and deliver a better experience.

Data analytics allow hotels to personalize experiences with targeted recommendations, room preferences based on past stays, and local recommendations.

Hospitality goes beyond the stay. Seamless booking, contactless check-in, and mobile room keys enhance convenience.

Mobile payments, self-service options, and voice-controlled amenities like smart thermostats are becoming commonplace.

Examples of Customer Experience in Hospitality

  • Marriott International: Marriott International exemplifies this evolution. They have incorporated advanced technology with their Marriott Bonvoy app, offering seamless booking, mobile check-ins, and personalized experiences. They continuously enhance their amenities and maintain high standards of hygiene and sustainability, reflecting modern hospitality trends.
  • Ritz-Carlton: Ritz-Carlton is renowned for its exceptional customer experience. They empower their employees to create personalized experiences for guests, going above and beyond to meet their needs. For example, if a guest mentions a preference or need, the staff ensures it is addressed during their stay and even remembered for future visits. This level of personalized service creates a memorable and luxurious experience, fostering strong customer loyalty. 

What is a Good or Positive Customer Experience?

A good customer experience (CX) is all about leaving the customer feeling satisfied, valued, and wanting to return for more. Here's what makes a positive experience, along with practical examples:

However, ensuring a good customer experience isn't about a one-size-fits-all approach. Each business and its customers are distinct.

Yet, there are several common principles that underscore a positive customer experience. These include:

1. You are Meeting & Exceeding Expectations

This is sure way to enhance customer experience and leave them feeling satisfied. You can check whether the product/service meets the advertised quality? Was it delivered/completed on time? Did the company address any issues promptly and efficiently?

Example: You order a pizza online with a promised delivery time of 30 minutes. It arrives hot and fresh within 25 minutes. (Meeting expectations) The delivery person even throws in a free order of dipping sauce. (Exceeding expectations)

2. Your Support & Service Is Exceptional 

Train support staff to prioritize customer satisfaction, empower them to handle queries effectively, and gather post-resolution feedback for insights and improvement. Evaluate staff friendliness, attentiveness, and problem-solving approach.

Example: You call customer service with a question about a product. The representative listens patiently, addresses their concerns directly, and offers a personalized solution, they even follow up to close the feedback loop.

3. You've Mastered Personalizing Experience

Tailor interactions and solutions to meet the specific needs and preferences of each enterprise client. Use data analytics to understand and anticipate their requirements. Remember their past behavior and offer targeted recommendations based on your history. 

Example: Delivering a birthday email offering a personalized discount or free drink.

4. You Take a Proactive Approach Than Reactive 

Today's customer experience is about being proactive rather than reactive. Provide proactive assistance by identifying potential issues before they arise and offering timely solutions. Regular check-ins and updates can prevent problems and build trust.

Example: Predictive maintenance for products or services, preventing breakdowns before they happen.

5. You Can Anticipate Your Customers Needs Beforehand

Collect feedback using customer feedback software and data to understand customer pain points and preferences. Anticipating their needs before they arise can help deliver an exceptional experience. It can help measure customer satisfaction, identify pain points, and even uncover crucial insights even from unstructured data using AI feedback analysis. 

Example: Analyzing negative feedback patterns in food delivery at a large conglomerate, you are able to identify pain points like bad taste or low quantify being set and work on the same to eliminate churn.  

6. You've Identified & Leveraged the Power of Omnichannel

Customers navigate your brand across various touchpoints - website, social media, physical stores. Ensure a consistent experience at each one. Information, processes, and customer service should be seamless, regardless of the channel they use.

Other ways to deliver a positive customer experience

Apart from the ones discussed above, there are few more ways in which one deliver a positive or a good customer experience. 

Here are some of them:

  • Embrace the Customer Journey: Move beyond individual transactions and map the entire customer journey. Understand your customers' needs, expectations, and pain points at every stage of their interaction with your brand. This holistic view allows you to identify areas for improvement and personalize touchpoints accordingly.
  • Harness the Power of Data: Leverage customer data analytics to personalize interactions.  This can involve recommending products or services based on past purchases, remembering communication preferences (email vs. phone), or offering loyalty program benefits that align with customer behavior.
  • Invest in Employee Empowerment: Empower your employees to deliver exceptional service.  Provide comprehensive training on customer needs, product knowledge, and effective communication. Equip them with the tools and resources they need to resolve issues efficiently and go the extra mile for the customer.
  • Embrace Self-Service Options: Provide customers with convenient self-service options. Utilize online knowledge bases, FAQs, or chatbots to empower them to find answers to common questions or resolve minor issues independently. This frees up your customer service team to handle more complex inquiries.
  • Feedback is a Gift: Actively solicit customer feedback through surveys, social media monitoring, or post-interaction emails.  Analyze this feedback to identify areas for improvement and demonstrate that you value their input. Respond to both positive and negative feedback promptly and professionally.

What Makes a Bad Customer Experience?

A bad customer experience leaves the customer feeling frustrated, angry, and unlikely to do business with you again. 

While there can be numerous contributing factors, a bad customer experience can stem from various factors including:

1. Lack of Personalization

  • Problem: Clients face long wait times for support, leading to operational disruptions.
  • Example: A critical support ticket is submitted but goes unanswered for days, causing frustration.
  • Solution: Implement a robust support system with defined SLAs (Service Level Agreements) that guarantee prompt responses. Use automated acknowledgments and provide estimated resolution times.

2. Slow Response Times

3. poor communication.

  • Problem: Clients are left in the dark about project progress, leading to confusion and frustration.
  • Example: Clients are not kept informed about milestones or delays, hindering their ability to effectively plan.
  • Solution: Establish clear communication channels with regular updates. Utilize project management tools to share progress, address issues promptly, and keep clients informed.

4. Inefficient Problem Resolution

  • Problem: Repeated issues go unresolved, requiring clients to contact support multiple times.
  • Example: A service continues to malfunction after multiple support requests, wasting the client's time.
  • Solution: Provide thorough training for support staff to empower them to resolve issues effectively in the first interaction. Implement a feedback loop to ensure problems are permanently fixed and don't recur.

5. Complicated Onboarding Processes

  • Problem: New clients struggle with a cumbersome onboarding process, delaying service utilization.
  • Example: A new client encounters a confusing onboarding process, hindering their ability to get started quickly.
  • Solution: Simplify and streamline the onboarding process. Provide clear instructions, user-friendly tools, and dedicated onboarding specialists for personalized guidance.

6. Ignoring Feedback

  • Problem: Client feedback is not acknowledged or acted upon, leading to feelings of being undervalued.
  • Example: A client submits detailed feedback that is never addressed, making them feel unheard.
  • Solution: Actively solicit client feedback and demonstrate how their input has led to improvements. Utilize surveys, follow-up calls, and dedicated feedback tools to gather valuable insights.

7. Inadequate Post-Sale Support

  • Problem: Once a sale is made, clients find it difficult to get ongoing support, feeling abandoned.
  • Example: After the initial purchase, the client finds it challenging to access support, hindering their ability to maximize the product's value.
  • Solution: Establish a dedicated post-sale support team and schedule regular follow-ups to ensure client satisfaction. Offer ongoing training sessions, provide access to updates, and maintain a channel for continued assistance.

Improving Customer Experience: Strategy & Best Practices

A customer experience strategy is like a roadmap designed to ensure customers have great interactions every time they connect with your brand. It involves understanding what customers need and want and making sure that everyone in the company works in tandem to achieve the business goal. This strategy helps in attracting and retaining customers by providing top-notch experiences.

Here are some suggestions to help shape your overall approach to creating customer experience strategies .

Strategies to Create and Improve Customer Experience

A customer experience strategy is like a roadmap designed to ensure customers have great interactions every time they connect with your company. It involves understanding what customers need and want and making sure that everyone in the company works in tandem to achieve the business goal. This strategy helps in attracting and retaining customers by providing top-notch experiences.

When it comes to creating a customer experience strategy, the key is to create a culture centered on people and experiences. 

Here is a step-by-step of how you can create a culture where improving customer experience is not just a task but a continuous process. 

Step 1. Set your CX Goal or Aspiration

The first step is crucial- you need to start with your senior executives, even the CEO. As CX is a cross-functional issue, every team, department, and decision-maker needs to align with the same CX goal. 

Remember, CX is a company-wide effort, so everyone needs to be on the same page.

You also need to break down departmental silos and foster cross-functional teamwork. Customers don't care about internal structures, who's in finance, who's handling design, or who's managing operations. They expect a seamless journey and won't need to get their issue resolved, fast.

Step 2: Strengthen Your CX Data

Next, empower your data.  

Unify customer data, operational data, and financial data from across departments. This holistic view lets you understand the customer journey and identify improvement opportunities.  

Invest in the right skills – human-centered design to understand customer needs, and data science to analyze data and gain valuable insights. Build a team of "CX athletes" – adaptable, high-potential employees who can work across departments to tackle CX challenges.

Step 3:. Leverage CX Surveys

Employing surveys like NPS surveys , CSAT surveys, or CES surveys helps in understanding customer sentiment. Starbucks, for instance, utilizes feedback surveys to refine store experiences, menu offerings, and loyalty programs. These surveys provide crucial insights into the satisfaction levels of customers and specific pain points, facilitating targeted improvements.

Customer Experience CX Surveys

Step 4: Create Feedback Loops

Encourage customers to share their thoughts and experiences through various digital channels, such as online surveys , feedback forms, or social media platforms. By actively collecting customer feedback and valuing user opinions, you gain invaluable insights into their needs and preferences.

Additionally, customer feedback often uncovers pain points, highlighting areas where your business can improve. Respond promptly to feedback, acknowledge their input, and take actionable steps to address their concerns. This engagement not only shows customers that their opinions matter but also demonstrates your commitment to their satisfaction, fostering a stronger and more loyal customer base.

Step 5: Creating a Customer Journey Map

Building a customer journey map involves visualizing and understanding every touchpoint a customer encounters when interacting with your brand. This map outlines the entire customer experience, from initial awareness to post-purchase engagement, helping identify pain points, moments of delight, and opportunities for improvement.

By mapping out the customer's journey, you can gain an understanding of customer needs, emotions, and motivations at each stage.

Customer Journey Map (2)

This, in turn, facilitates the implementation of targeted strategies to enhance these touchpoints, ensuring a seamless and satisfying customer experience throughout their journey with your brand.

Step 6: Cater Every Touchpoint for Omnichannel Experience

Ensure a consistent and smooth experience for customers across all touchpoints. Whether they're interacting with your website, or mobile app, or visiting your physical store, maintaining a unified brand message and service quality is key. For example, you can offer the same discounts or promotions both online and in-store.

Step 7. Automate Workflows

Automating workflows significantly enhances customer experience by streamlining processes, reducing response times, and ensuring consistency.

For instance, automated email responses acknowledging customer inquiries or purchases assure prompt acknowledgment, instilling confidence in customers. These workflows also enable personalized follow-ups, such as post-purchase emails with relevant recommendations, promoting customer engagement.

Moreover, automation eliminates manual errors and ensures tasks are executed seamlessly, allowing customer service teams to focus on complex issues, ultimately improving efficiency and delivering a smoother, more responsive experience for customers throughout their journey.

Step 8: Measure ROI

Measuring ROI in customer experience aligns initiatives with tangible business outcomes. It quantifies the impact of CX improvements on metrics like revenue or retention, guiding resource allocation. This data-driven approach informs strategic decisions, optimizing investments toward high-impact CX initiatives.

ROI measurement completes the feedback loop, enabling iterative enhancements and fostering a customer-centric culture. It ensures that efforts are directed effectively, demonstrating the value of CX improvements in driving business success and elevating customer experiences.

Step 9: Make CX a Priority

Finally, make CX a strategic priority, not a quick fix.  Leadership needs to view it as a long-term investment that fuels business success.  

Remember, happy employees lead to happy customers. Invest in employee experience to ensure your team is empowered to deliver exceptional service.

Best Practices to Improve Customer Experience

Customer experience has evolved over the years. 

With customer expectations evolving, there is a shift in how brands interact with their customers. 

 To keep up with the same, one need to follow the trends and best practices to ensure they are offering everything that their customer expects and more. 

1. Personalize User Experience

Personalizing the user experience involves adapting interactions to the customer's preferred contact method and offering tailored product recommendations based on past behavior. Too much automation or outreach that isn't personalized can lead to a consumer experience that is impersonal, disconnected, or generic.

By leveraging customer data to comprehend preferences and habits, you can swiftly address customer needs, offering targeted support and a more personalized experience.

For example, you can send customized product suggestions that align with past purchases. Or, browsing history can enhance the shopping journey's relevance and overall customer experience.

Customer Experience Personalization

2. Utilize AI Effectively

Leveraging AI involves using chatbots and virtual assistants to streamline routine tasks, offer real-time aid, and enhance overall efficiency. These technologies analyze vast customer data, like purchase history, browsing behavior, or customers' interactions in the past, enabling personalized recommendations and targeted marketing.

Incorporate AI-driven customer experience solutions like chatbots for instant customer support. These bots can answer common queries or guide customers through simple tasks, providing timely assistance 24/7.

Our software also has AI feedback analysis that helps you identify customer emotions, sentiments, intent, and much more to make the most of their unstructured feedback data. You don't just know what customers say about your brand but also the feelings and the reason behind it. 

This aspect of Zonka Feedback can be used effectively to gather customer data across all touchpoints, trigger workflows to take action based on what customer are feeling, and close the feedback loop.  

3. Offer Proactive Experiences

Creating a proactive customer experience means anticipating needs before they're expressed. By offering solutions preemptively, like providing guides to local attractions upon booking in the hospitality sector, you can enhance customer journeys.

Proactive gestures, such as targeted information and support before inquiries, cultivate customer centricity, ensuring customers feel supported throughout their experience.

4. Utilize Advanced Reporting & Analytics

To understand user expectations, it is essential that you analyze customer behavior and preferences. Leveraging advanced reporting and analytics revolutionizes the customer experience by exploring behavioral patterns and preferences through a spectrum of reports. You can utilize an survey software that enables you to take:

Snapshot Report : Provides a quick overview of essential metrics and KPIs at a glance.

Insights Report : Offers in-depth analysis and detailed findings derived from data or customer interaction.

Trends Report : Uncovers evolving patterns and changes in customer behavior or market trends over time.

Tags Report : Categorizes and organizes data or customer interactions based on specific tags or labels for easy reference and analysis.

Text Analytics: Text analysis tools mine unstructured data from feedback, reviews, or social media to extract sentiments and key themes.

5. Segment Users for Personalization

Segmenting customers based on behavior or preferences allows for tailored experiences. Spotify, for example, leverages user behavior to curate personalized playlists, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

Personalization based on segmentation creates a deeper connection with customers, catering to their unique needs. By using an online survey tool , you can conduct surveys and send them to a specific audience. For instance, you can employ segmentation to send an NPS survey exclusively to individuals who haven't responded in the past month and to those who have given score between 0 to 8.

Create Dynamic User Segmentation in Zonka Feedback

6. Leverage Multichannel Customer Satisfaction Strategy

A multichannel customer satisfaction strategy maximizes customer engagement by offering diverse interaction avenues. It integrates various platforms—online, in-store, and social media—ensuring consistent service delivery. For instance, Apple provides a seamless experience across its website, stores, and customer support, ensuring a consistent brand experience.

A cohesive multichannel strategy ensures customers receive consistent service and support, irrespective of the platform they choose to engage with. This unified approach across multiple channels ensures a consistent brand experience, enhancing overall customer experience and promoting loyalty.

How to Measure and Analyze Customer Experience?

Or should I think about what kind of use cases or what kind of questions I need to ask and then start getting the data? Because we also hear from our clients that collecting data is a problem and processing data is another problem. Finding the right people to do all this work is another problem. So, what would you do if you were an executive on this one? And how can you measure the value or the return on investment on this one?

Once you have your customer experience strategy in place, you need to check if it is effective. By measuring your CX programs, you can track progress and determine if they are working effectively.

Let us look at some of the methods that can help you measure customer experience and get a holistic understanding of it.

1. Utilize CX Metrics

Utilizing quantifiable CX metrics through voice of customer tools enables ongoing tracking of its progression or regression. Here are some most popular key customer experience metrics widely utilized by CX professionals and customer relationship management (CRM) teams to monitor and evaluate customer experience across various stages of the customer journey.

Net Promoter Score : NPS or the Net Promoter Score is a customer loyalty score derived from asking customers how likely customers are to recommend your product/service to others. It's calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

Customer Effort Score : CES or the Customer Effort Score evaluates the ease of a customer's experience with a product/service. It measures the effort customers need to exert to accomplish a task or resolve an issue.

Customer Satisfaction Score : CSAT or Customer Satisfaction Score helps to measure customer satisfaction with a specific interaction or experience.

Customer Experience Metrics

You can leverage these CX metrics to gain a comprehensive view of customer sentiment, enabling targeted improvements in specific areas. For example, analyzing CES might reveal pain points where customers face undue difficulty in completing tasks, such as a convoluted checkout process in an e-commerce platform. This insight prompts focused efforts to streamline processes, simplifying the checkout steps and reducing customer effort.

2. Identify Reasons for Churned Customers

Analyzing the reasons behind churn offers valuable insights into the effectiveness of your customer experience strategies. By examining why customers churn, you can gain an understanding of pain points or issues that negatively impact the customer journey.

For instance, through exit surveys, discovering that a substantial churn results from unresolved support issues highlights the need for improved customer service or streamlined issue resolution processes.

customer experience churn reasons

3. Perform Sentiment Analysis

Performing sentiment analysis aids in gauging customer experience by examining emotions and opinions within feedback, online reviews, and social media mentions. This method employs natural language processing to categorize sentiments as positive, negative, or neutral.

A sentiment analysis tool unveils underlying reasons for customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction, identifying key pain points in the customer journey. Insights that you gather can guide improvements, benchmark against competitors, and drive personalized strategies, promoting better experiences aligned with customer preferences.

Based on the sentiments, emotions, intent, or urgency, you can easily create workflows and trigger follow-up emails, send out apologies for customers with negative sentiments, route feedback to the respective team, and much more.  

4. Analyze Time to Resolution (TTR)

Analyzing Time to Resolution (TTR) significantly measures customer experience by assessing how promptly customer issues are resolved. It acts as a barometer for customer service efficiency—a shorter TTR often indicates higher satisfaction.

Addressing prolonged TTRs helps streamline processes, ensuring prompt issue resolution, and ultimately fostering positive customer experiences aligned with quick problem-solving.

5. Conduct Comparative Tests

Performing comparative tests, like A/B experiments, compares different aspects of the customer journey or interfaces. This method evaluates variations to pinpoint which gives better results. By testing multiple approaches, such as website layouts, mobile apps designs or service processes, you can gather practical data to make informed decisions.

Identifying the more effective option empowers you to implement changes that noticeably enhance the overall customer experience, ensuring strategies are based on proven success rather than assumptions.

Customer experience is the cornerstone of business success, and as a company, your aim should be to offer the best customer experience. Enhancing customer experience directly impacts profitability through increased sales, customer retention, and positive word-of-mouth referrals. Furthermore, a better reputation attracts new customers while solidifying trust, driving long-term success and sustained growth for your company.

By utilizing a powerful customer experience software tool like Zonka Feedback, you can streamline data collection, analyze customer feedback, and implement tailored strategies that resonate with customer preferences. With features like customizable survey templates, user segmentation, workflow automation, and multi-channel feedback collection, you can easily enhance customer experiences and cement your brand's reputation for exceptional service.

Sign up for a 14-day free trial and get started to experience how it works for your business!

Published on Jul 08, 2024. Updated on Jul 08, 2024.


Written by Swati

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essay about customer satisfaction

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  1. Essay about Customer Satisfaction Free Essay Example

    essay about customer satisfaction

  2. Customer Satisfaction in Business

    essay about customer satisfaction

  3. 📌 Essay Example on Maximizing Customer Satisfaction Through Service

    essay about customer satisfaction

  4. Read «Customer Satisfaction and Quality Care» Essay Sample for Free at

    essay about customer satisfaction

  5. Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction Free Essay Example

    essay about customer satisfaction

  6. 📚 Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction, Marketing Essay Example

    essay about customer satisfaction


  1. Pre Written Essays and Example Papers

  2. Customer Satisfaction

  3. Marketing Research at McDonald’s

  4. Essay On Job Satisfaction vs High Salary

  5. Customer Satisfaction || Importance and Benifits || Marketing Management || MBA second semester

  6. Creating Customer Value


  1. Customer Satisfaction Management

    When marketing services, there are five factors that are important in attaining and maintaining customer loyalty. Reliability, assurance, tangibles, responsiveness, and empathy are the five main factors. Each of these factors can be important in determining service quality of the business.

  2. 10 Ways to Boost Customer Satisfaction

    10 Ways to Boost Customer Satisfaction. by. G. Tomas M. Hult. and. Forrest V. Morgeson. January 12, 2023. Tim Robberts/Getty Images. Summary. Customer satisfaction is at its lowest point in the ...

  3. Customer satisfaction

    Text preview of this essay: This page of the essay has 442 words. Download the full version above. Customer satisfaction is one of the most important key factors for customer's future purchase (Mittal & Kamakura, 2001). Those clients that have been satisfied by consuming or buying any goods or services will most likely inform others about ...

  4. The Importance of Customer Service: Satisfaction, Loyalty ...

    This deep understanding is key to effective problem-solving, which is the linchpin of customer satisfaction. When customers encounter issues or challenges, they expect swift and efficient resolution. ... Customer Service Scenario Essay. Customer service is a critical component of any successful business. It is not only about satisfying ...

  5. Full article: Customer satisfaction, loyalty, knowledge and

    Customer satisfaction, loyalty, product knowledge and competitive ability are variables which have been researched extensively across the globe. The relationships which tend to be researched the most are customer satisfaction and loyalty (e.g., Fornell, Johnson, Anderson, Cha, & Bryant, Citation 1996; Türkyilmaz & Özkan, Citation 2007).

  6. The importance of customer satisfaction (+ stats to prove it)

    2. Boosts customer loyalty and recurring revenue. Existing customers spend an average of 31% more and are 50% more likely to try new products compared to new customers. Higher customer loyalty is also an indicator of customer satisfaction levels. Happy customers will continue to make repeat purchases (or keep their subscriptions), ultimately ...

  7. (PDF) An empirical research on customer satisfaction study: a

    Customer satisfaction is the key factor for successful and depends highly on the behaviors of frontline service providers. ... least squares, No. 4. W orking Papers of the Department of Economics ...

  8. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Essay (Article)

    Introduction. Yuksel (2008) described the attitude that customers create after receiving services from the providers. The description revealed clear positivity or negativity in accordance to the quality of services offered. Primarily, dissatisfaction is associated with poor quality of services while satisfaction relies on good quality of services.

  9. Importance of customer satisfaction

    Importance of customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is a key and valued outcome of good marketing practice. According to Drucker (1954), the principle purpose of a business is to create satisfied customers. Increasing customer satisfaction has been found to lead to higher future profitability (Anderson, Fornell, and Lehmann 1994), lower ...

  10. The importance of customer satisfaction for business

    1. Customer satisfaction drives customer loyalty and business growth. High-quality products and systematic support services that are designed to meet customer needs will create high levels of customer satisfaction. This increases customer loyalty and is the single most important driver of long-term financial performance.

  11. Customer Satisfaction: Articles, Research, & Case Studies on Customer

    New research on customer satisfaction from Harvard Business School faculty on issues such as the distinction between understanding and listening to customers, how to determine how much of a CEO's time should be spent interacting with customers, and how satisfied employees and customers can drive lifelong profit.

  12. Customer Service Excellence and Customer Satisfaction Essay

    Get a custom essay on Customer Service Excellence and Customer Satisfaction. University and college administrators have to critique the use of their resources in libraries and some may have to reduce allocations if minimal efficiency exists. Furthermore, the development of online libraries has created a renewed challenge in information services ...

  13. Essay on Customer Satisfaction Strategies

    Customer satisfaction is a key ingredient to the success of any business.It is the most important factor that creates repeated customers. Some people know it but do not …show more content…. These interpretations of the promises they listen you make or your product delivers are the "product" they are buying. Their expectations may contain ...

  14. Why Customer Satisfaction Should Be a Top Priority for ...

    The Importance of Customer Satisfaction. Customer satisfaction (CSAT) is a way of measuring how content and satisfied your customers are with your company's product and services. It is used to help you understand how well your customer experience meets your customers' expectations, and how potential buyers perceive your product.. As one of the most important metrics and key performance ...


    for measuring customer satisfaction ... Conceptual papers . 10 . Other methods . 14 . Other issues related to CS . 8 . These selected articles are fro m a wide spread of journals with m ore than ...

  16. Impact of Service Quality on Customer Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction

    The term customer satisfaction and its importance were defined by Zeithami et al. (1996) as, to achieve continuous success of companies in the long run, the need to emphasize customer satisfaction is a key consideration. In other words, satisfaction can only be met when the performance generated by companies exceeds customer expectations. ...

  17. Essay On Customer Satisfaction

    1007 Words5 Pages. The definition of customer satisfaction has been widely debated as organizations increasingly attempt to measure it. Customer satisfaction can be experienced in a variety of situations and connected to both goods and services. It is a highly personal assessment that is greatly affected by customer expectations.

  18. Customer Satisfaction, Essay Example

    CanGo can potentially increase customer satisfaction by implementing several strategies that can be costly to initially install, but would considerably save CanGo's expenditure in maintaining the customer service department. Package Tracking. The company can invest in a package tracking system that allows customers to receive updates on the ...

  19. Customer Satisfaction Essay

    Literature review: Customer satisfaction has been a famous topic in marketing practice and study research since Cardozo's (1965) earlyl study of customer effort, demands and satisfaction. In spite of many try to measure and explain customer satisfaction, there still does not show to be a accord regarding its explanation (Giese and Cote, 2000).

  20. Essay On Customer Satisfaction

    This essay will discuss the adversities that businesses are facing when dealing with customer satisfaction. These mainly circle around the employee's pursuance to maintain customer gratification, continue customer loyalty and how to cultivate a harmonious relationship.

  21. Customer Satisfaction Essays (Examples)

    Customer Satisfaction Measuring Customer Satisfaction The modern business environment is flooded with intense competition in most industries and in most markets. In this macro environment it is critical to truly understand the customer. Customers now generally have multiple options for their consumption preferences and can usually find an alternate or substitute product.

  22. Service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty: a case study in

    Customer satisfaction is paramount in all marketing endeavors of a market-oriented firm. It is crucial for fulfilling the firm's objectives, ... International Review of Business Research Papers, 1(2), 10-21. Google Scholar. Kandampully, J., & Suhartanto, D. (2000). Customer loyalty in the hotel industry: The role of customer satisfaction ...

  23. How to Structure Customer Service Calls to Boost Satisfaction and Sales

    Researchers found that service agents yield better results when they use warm language to start and end conversations, focusing on problem-solving in the middle. We all know from our experience as ...

  24. What is Customer Experience (CX): Importance, Examples, and Strategies

    Customer Satisfaction Score: CSAT or Customer Satisfaction Score helps to measure customer satisfaction with a specific interaction or experience. You can leverage these CX metrics to gain a comprehensive view of customer sentiment, enabling targeted improvements in specific areas. For example, analyzing CES might reveal pain points where ...

  25. Salesforce: The Customer Company

    Boost efficiency and customer satisfaction from the contact center to the field with AI and data. Watch demos Small Business Improve productivity and grow your business faster with sales, service, and marketing in a single app. Watch demos Find the right solution for your company - any size, any industry. ...

  26. Review

    As for the admission essay, with the highest level of demand for writing, we charge at least $34.00 per page. further enhances the e-commerce channel by offering an 11% discount on ...