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Personal Statement Editing

Make A Great First Impression

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Professional Personal Statement Proofreading

A good personal statement should set out your qualities, qualifications, experience, and ambitions in a clear, concise manner. Needless to say, it should also be completely error free. And that’s where our expert personal statement  editing services  come in, giving your application the edge you deserve.

Editor - Jayne L

Expert Editor

Editor - Samira M

We’re Professional Editors

Our editors know the difference a well-written personal statement can make. They’re also experts at improving written English and correcting errors, so we can help you make the best first impression possible in your application.

Make sure your writing is the best it can be with our expert English proofreading and editing

Personal Statement Proofreading Example (After Editing)

Personal Statement Editing Services

When you submit a document to our personal statement proofreading service, one of our expert editors will:

  • Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors
  • Tweak sentence structure and word choice for readability
  • Ensure your statement is clearly structured
  • Highlight issues of clarity or consistency
  • Provide helpful feedback on writing style in comments

And when we’re done, we’ll provide two copies of your document:

  • A ‘Clean’ copy that is ready to use
  • And a  Track Changes  copy with all edits highlighted for review

This allows you to check every change we make while editing your personal statement, so you’re always in complete control of the final draft.

Lightning-Fast Delivery

You’ll never miss a deadline with our speedy services: our Next-Day Guarantee means we’ll return any document up to 10,000 words long within 24 hours

And if you need a faster turnaround, simply select your desired delivery speed when you submit your document. We have three options:

We can also meet custom deadlines! Just let us know what you need.

*For documents up to 8,000 words 

**For documents up to 3,000 words

How We Work With Professionals

You’ll never miss a deadline with our speedy services: our Next-Day Guarantee means we’ll return any document up to 8,000 words long within 24 hours.

We can also meet custom deadlines! Just let us know what you need. 

* For documents up to 8,000 words

** For documents up to 3,000 words

Great Pricing

Our pricing is affordable and transparent – the cost is based on the exact length of your document. Check out our pricing calculator for an instant quote, and rest assured that you’ll receive the highest quality proofreading and editing for the best value on the market.

All Major Formats

Our system supports over 15 document formats, making it easy to submit content for proofreading and editing. Click the link below to find out more about how we’ll work with your document.

Learn More About Formats

Subject-Matter Experts

Our team includes 750 professional editors with expertise in thousands of subject areas. This means we can always match you with the best proofreader for your writing, whether you need help with a job application or a conference presentation.

24-Hour Support

Our support team is available around the clock to address any concerns or questions you have about your order. This means you’ll never be left in the dark, no matter where you are or what time it is.

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Med School Insiders

How to Edit Your Personal Statement (7 Review Tips)

  • By Med School Insiders
  • March 28, 2023

Your personal statement is one of the most vital pieces of your medical school application. You may have scored a perfect 528 on the MCAT, but it won’t matter if your personal statement is an uninspired rehash of your CV. How do you ensure you tell your story in an engaging way? How do you ensure your writing is faultless? Learn how to edit your personal statement and make revisions in order to impress admissions committees.

It only takes one mistake to sink an otherwise excellent personal statement. Keep in mind that you’re going up against thousands of other medical school applicants, many of whom have the exact same qualifications as you. Do not allow simple mistakes to ruin your chances of acceptance. Below we’ll break down seven review tips you can use to edit your personal statement to ensure you earn the acceptance you’ve been working toward for so many years.

Why the Personal Statement is Important

Your personal statement is the most intimate piece of your medical school application. It’s your opportunity to show an admissions committee who you are, what drives you, and what you have to offer; in other words, it’s your chance to sell yourself.

While your MCAT score and scholastic accomplishments may be impressive, the numbers don’t actually speak for themselves. Anybody can do well in school; admissions committees want to know who you are beyond your grades in order to determine if you fit the mold of the kind of student they want to join their program. Do you have the kind of passion and dedication needed to not only get by but to flourish in medical school? This is where the personal statement comes in.

Why do you want to be a doctor? What makes you uniquely qualified to attend medical school? What about your past makes you stand out as an applicant? How do you know you have what it takes to win acceptance and one day become a practicing physician?

Your personal statement is your chance to define who you are in your own words. Admissions committees look at personal statements very closely, so it’s important that you start early and give yourself plenty of time to conceptualize, write, and revise your personal statement.

Read our complete Personal Statement Guide , which outlines 11 steps to writing a personal statement.

How to Edit Your Personal Statement

1 | give ample time to the editing process.

Pencil breaking on paper

Crafting and editing your personal statement is going to take a great deal of time. This isn’t something you can slam out in a few hours—it’s not even something you can complete effectively in a few days. Getting your first draft done is excellent, but the work is far from over.

Get started on your personal statement early so that you have plenty of time to edit your work. It will likely take several drafts before you land on something that will impress admissions committees. You will also need to get other people to read and edit your personal statement, and this takes time too. You may think your personal statement is ready to submit until your mentor comes back and tells you that your central theme doesn’t work, and it might be best to look for another angle.

But don’t be discouraged—it’s all part of the process. A half-baked and rushed personal statement could completely derail your chances of acceptance. Your personal statement is one of the most vital pieces of your medical school application, so devote as much time as possible to the process.

2 | Take Time Away From Your Work

Once you complete a draft of your personal statement, step away from your laptop and do something completely unrelated. Go for a walk, read a book, go to the gym, or hangout with your friends or family. The personal statement needs time to sit.

After a break, come back to the personal statement with a clear head and fresh perspective. You may discover that the opening line you were so proud of an hour ago doesn’t sound quite as spectacular as you thought it did. By contrast, you could also find that one of the anecdotes you weren’t sure you should include actually ties the whole thing together.

Take time away from your personal statement and come back to it so that you can evaluate your work as objectively as possible.

3 | Read It Out Loud

Read your personal statement back to yourself out loud. Reading it out loud will slow you down and force you to look at each word individually.

This process will help you feel confident about what you’ve written while also pointing out areas of the personal statement that don’t sound quite right once said out loud. How does the personal statement flow? Does one point lead into the next? Are there any areas that are difficult to read?

If you have trouble reading or comprehending your own writing, other people definitely will too. Use reading your personal statement out loud as a chance to experience your personal statement as someone else would. Look for inconsistencies, errors, pacing, and anything else that detracts from the quality of your writing.

4 | It’s Okay to Start Over

Woman unhappy reading a paper Bad Personal Statement Examples

Premeds often get attached to the first draft of their personal statement. When in the editing and revising phase, be open to any and all suggestions you receive. You don’t have to take every suggestion, but you should consider each one.

Don’t let pride get in the way, especially when receiving advice from people who have succeeded in writing a personal statement or have served on admissions committees before.

It’s okay to start over—in fact, most premeds go through multiple iterations of their personal statement. Some applicants write multiple different personal statements entirely before reaching the best direction to take their essay. Don’t get disheartened if you need to start over or switch to another idea. This is part of the process. It doesn’t mean you’re doing a bad job if you have to start again; it means you’re committed to writing the best personal statement possible.

If someone with admissions committee experience or a reputable paid editing service suggests you take your personal statement in another direction, take that advice to heart. These people have a deep understanding of the medical school admissions process. Your personal statement could be extraordinary, but the story you choose to tell may be generic and overdone. Or you may mention something that could leave a negative connotation, such as mentioning anything that reminds adcoms of drug-seeking behavior.

Starting over is not a failure. It’s part of your journey to perfect your personal statement.

Learn more: Bad Personal Statement Examples and What to Do Instead .

5 | Use Editing Tools

You have come too far to let a simple spelling or grammar mistake ruin your chances of acceptance. Doctors must be patient, precise, and exacting—spelling mistakes make you look either careless or out of your depth intellectually, both of which are terrible messages to convey to an admissions committee.

Turn on spellcheck, but also utilize external editing tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor to catch spelling mistakes, comma errors, passive voice, structural issues, and readability.

6 | Don’t Rely on Editing Tools Exclusively

While editing apps are effective at catching most spelling and grammar mistakes, what they don’t understand is context. Do not rely on editing apps exclusively, as their capabilities are somewhat limited.

Consider each suggestion before accepting it. Don’t assume that the spellchecker is making an accurate suggestion. These tools can misunderstand your context, which will cause them to make an incorrect suggestion. This doesn’t mean they aren’t valuable—you should definitely take advantage of these tools—but you can’t rely on them alone.

Human editors are able to take context into account. Ask friends, family, or mentors you trust to edit your personal statement as well. When you ask someone to edit your essay, be clear about what they are editing for. Are they simply editing for flow and grammatical errors because they don’t have a deep understanding of medical school personal statements? Or are they editing the content, context, and narrative of your personal statement?

7 | Get Advice From People With Adcom Experience

Tow people with computers tutoring

Editing your personal statement yourself or having friends and family give you feedback is not enough. You must have your personal statement edited by people who understand the medical school application process—ideally, people who have actually served on admissions committees before.

These people can edit beyond spelling and grammar, providing you with an insider’s perspective on what will actually impress admissions committees. This type of feedback will help you produce a unique and stand out personal statement that goes above and beyond what other candidates produce.

We don’t need to remind you that there is steep competition to get into medical school, and gaining every edge you can on other candidates is a must, especially if you have competitive programs in mind. Even a good personal statement can fall short if the content is too similar to what admissions committees see over and over again.

If you don’t have a mentor, advisor, or family member with adcom experience to edit your essay, seek out a reputable admissions consultant service. Ensure the service you choose is run by real doctors who have admissions committee experience. If you are unsure—ask. You don’t need another grammar edit; you need professional advice from people who intimately understand how the admissions process works and what schools are looking for in medical school candidates.

Learn How to Choose the Best Medical School Admissions Consultant .

The Extra Mile: Personal Statement Editing Services

You’ll never receive a cookie-cutter approach from Med School Insiders . We are made up of a vast team of industry-leading physicians who have years of experience serving on admissions committees, so you’ll receive key insights from people who have been intimately involved with the selection process.

We offer a range of personal statement editing packages , including in-depth editing with a physician who will be there to advise you every step of the way.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. Learn more about our process , read our reviews , and make use of our massive database of resources .

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Personal Statement Editing & Coaching

Take your personal statement to the next level.

Expert editors polish your writing to reflect the work you put into it. Professional statement editing will:

  • Make sure you submit your personal statement with confidence
  • Make your personal statement tell a complete, convincing story
  • Maximize your chances of getting accepted


  • Proofreading & Editing
  • Personal statement editing

More than just a spell check

3 hour turnaround, 100% happiness guaranteed.

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Personal Statement Editing

Scribbr editors correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors using track changes, but that’s not all. To take your personal statement to the next level, they also give feedback and ensure

  • Clear sentence structure
  • Concise, coherent phrasing
  • Consistent tone and style
  • and more…

Rest assured, we make sure your voice remains dominant throughout your personal statement.

Get matched to the perfect editor

At Scribbr, you can rest assured that only the best editors will work on your personal statement.

All our 800+ editors have passed the challenging Scribbr Academy, which has a passing rate of only 2%.

We handpick your editor on several criteria, including field of study.

Janice Scribbr essay coach

Janice holds a PhD in German studies from Duke University. As a former professor, she has helped many students refine their application essays for competitive degree programs and study-abroad programs.

Alexandra Scribbr essay coach

Alexandra earned an Erasmus Mundus MA in cultural narratives and a BA in English from Emory University. As a teacher, editor, and writing coach, she has spent nearly a decade helping students find their voice and express their ideas.

Amy Scribbr essay coach

Originally from Maryland, Amy headed west to attend Scripps College in California, where she earned a bachelor's degree in music and gender studies. In 2009, she began working for the admissions office of her alma mater, where she focused on reviewing applications and interviewing prospective students.

happiness guarantee

For the Personal Statement Editing & Coaching service, you’ll be matched with a personal statement editor, who will review your draft and help you strengthen your writing.

You’ll receive…

  • A professionally edited personal statement
  • Advice on how to tell a clear and compelling story
  • Assurance that you’ve made a strong case for your admission
  • Suggestions to help you meet your word count

You can receive your feedback in as little as 3 hours or less. Get peace of mind knowing your personal statement is the best it can be, and boost your chances of getting accepted at your top schools.

Turnaround Pricing
Same day delivery
3 days
7 days
Setup fee

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How it works

Stay in control throughout the editing process, upload your draft.

Send us your draft. Share important information, including your prompt and any questions you have for your editor.

Feedback from an expert

Your editor reviews your work. You’ll receive a polished personal statement along with in-depth content advice.

Apply with confidence

The application process can be stressful, but with the help of your personal statement editor, you can apply with confidence.

Scribbr & academic integrity

Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our proofreading service, our AI writing tools ( plagiarism checker , paraphrasing tool , grammar checker , summarizer,  Citation Generator ) as well as our free Knowledge Base content are designed to help students produce quality academic papers.

We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

Your questions, answered.

Yes! Our personal statement editors can help you reduce your word count by up to 25%. You can choose to receive this feedback through direct edits or suggestions in comments – just select your choice when you upload your personal statement.

At Scribbr, we promise to make every customer 100% happy with the service we offer. Our philosophy: Your complaint is always justified – no denial, no doubts.

Our customer support team is here to find the solution that helps you the most, whether that’s a free new edit or a refund for the service.

Get in touch, with real people

We answer your questions quickly and personally from 9:00 to 23:00 CET

Support team - Nina

Knowledge Base

Finish your personal statement with scribbr’s top-rated guides.

Personal Statement

How to Write Your Personal Statement

How to write a statement of purpose, how to apply for graduate school, how to write a college essay.

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Personal Statement 463278

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Personal Statement 462746

Excellent editor! 100 % recommend. Thank you

Personal statement 461534

Thorough and detailed editing

Dental School PS 461406

Fellowship statement 461351

Perfect as always

Personal statement 2 461338

An amazing editor with very insightful feedback. Very timely responses. Thank you!

Personal Statement 526 461329

Personal Statement 2 461307

She is truly the best! An amazing editor with very insightful feedback. Very timely responses and awesome proofreading. Thank you so much!

Personal Statement Edit… 461267

Personal Statement Editing and Proofreading Services

Find your perfect personal statement editor.

Discover unparalleled personal statement editing expertise. Our specialists perfect your narrative for a memorable first impression.

Personal Statement Editing and Proofreading Services

Enhance Your Personal Statement

Experience professional personal statement editing.

Unlock the full potential of your personal statement with ServiceScape's editing service. We delve deep into the essence of your narrative, focusing not just on correcting grammatical errors but on enhancing the overall structure, flow, and clarity. Our commitment is to align your personal statement with the stringent expectations of admissions committees, ensuring your unique story shines through in every sentence.

Direct personal statement collaboration

Personalized Editing Experience

Direct personal statement collaboration.

Our platform facilitates open communication with your personal statement editor, ensuring your ideas are heard and refined with precision. Whether through direct messages or teleconferences, you'll experience a genuine one-on-one partnership. Engage in a collaborative editing process, where expert advice transforms your personal statement into a compelling narrative that captivates admissions committees.

Making your personal statement stand out

Your Gateway to Higher Education

Making your personal statement stand out.

Let us help you present a clear, engaging story that highlights your strengths and aspirations. With a deep understanding of what makes a personal statement successful, we carefully refine your narrative, ensuring it aligns with admissions expectations. Drawing from a wealth of experience and insight, our editors will sculpt your personal statement, ensuring every element draws in the attention of admissions officers, leaving a lasting and positive impression.

Crafting your unique story together

Tailored Personal Statement Editing

Crafting your unique story together.

Our editing service rejects the one-size-fits-all approach, focusing instead on customized feedback and edits that truly reflect your individual journey, goals, and the specific aspirations you harbor for your future in academia or your career. We work closely with you to ensure your personal statement resonates with your unique experiences and aligns perfectly with the requirements of your chosen program or institution.

Rapid, reliable personal statement editing

Quick Turnaround, Lasting Impressions

Rapid, reliable personal statement editing.

We understand the urgency of application deadlines, offering turnaround times as quick as one hour. Our commitment to efficiency ensures you receive high-quality edits swiftly, giving you ample time for review and revisions. Trust us to accelerate your application process, providing you with an impeccably polished personal statement ready to make an immediate, impactful impression on admissions committees.

How It Works

Have your personal statement edited in three steps.

Browse profiles of accomplished editing professionals.

Send your files and provide any details regarding the project.

Receive the edited version before your requested due date.

Our Editor Marketplace

Choose your own personal statement editor.

With ServiceScape, browsing and hiring a skilled personal statement editor is straightforward and hassle-free.

Many of our personal statement editors:

  • Hold Ph.D. or Master's degrees
  • Offer decades of personal statement editing experience
  • Have hundreds of client ratings and reviews
  • Are experts across various fields


M.A. in Linguistics from Northeastern Illinois University


Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Pathology from the University of California


Ed.D. in Psychology from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary


M.A. in English from the University of Louisiana


Editor at the Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship


M.S. in Chemical Engineering from Clemson University


Professor at Cincinnati State University


Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology from Duke University


J.D. from the University of Maine School of Law


M.A. in English from McMaster University


Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Hawaii


Copy Editor at Intergroup Japan


M.A. in Childhood Education from Hunter College


Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Illinois


J.D. from Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law

Our Testimonials and Experience

What we bring to the table.

ServiceScape is built on 24 years worth of experience, working on over 342,000 projects with over 98,000 clients. Our personal statement editing and proofreading services are rated 4.9 out of 5 stars, based on 1,052 reviews collected over the last 5 years. Join the thousands of people who have chosen ServiceScape to find the best and brightest talent.

Alessia Moretti

"My freelancer's attention to detail and commitment to quality exceeded my expectations. Every aspect of the project was handled with utmost professionalism."

Jasper van der Meer

"I was amazed by the promptness and efficiency of the person I hired. The project was completed well ahead of the deadline, without compromising on quality."

Emily Johnson

"The level of creativity and innovation in his approach was outstanding. He truly transformed my ideas into something extraordinary!"

Olivia Brown

"Exceptional service! The professional was incredibly responsive and attentive to all my requirements, making the entire process seamless and enjoyable."

Sarah Miller

"I highly recommend her services. The professionalism and expertise displayed by the freelancer were top-notch, and the results were simply superb."

Jean Kabila

"The quality of work delivered was impeccable. Every detail was carefully considered and executed to perfection. Absolutely thrilled with the service!"

Anke Verbeek

"Her ability to understand and adapt to my specific needs was remarkable. The final product was exactly what I was hoping for, and more."

Eduardo Ramirez

"Prompt, professional, and passionate about her work. She went above and beyond to ensure the project's success."

Lukas Schmidt

"The service was outstanding from start to finish. Communication was clear and frequent, keeping me in the loop at every stage."

Jingwei Zhang

"Truly impressed by the quick turnaround time. This professional managed to deliver a high-quality result in a remarkably short period."

Aditi Verma

"His commitment is evident in his work. He made sure I was completely happy with the final outcome."

Felix Weber

"A blend of professionalism, skill, and creativity. This individual brought a fresh perspective to the project that was both inspiring and effective."

Ryan Fletcher

"The freelancer's expertise in his field is unmatched. He provided invaluable insights and suggestions that greatly enhanced the project."

Elif Deniz Yılmaz

"I appreciated his attention to detail and dedication to delivering a product that not only met, but exceeded my expectations."

Irfan Hisham Kamarul

"Her approach to the project was both thorough and innovative. She managed to capture the essence of my vision perfectly. Thank you so much!"

Bram Visser

"Remarkable service! The quality of work was consistently high, and her ability to meet tight deadlines was impressive."

Learn More About Our Editing Services

The servicescape advantage.

Editing and Proofreading Video

Your Questions, Answered

Our personal statement editing service will elevate your writing by providing:

  • Grammar and Syntax Review: Ensuring your personal statement is free from grammatical and syntactical errors, allowing for clear and professional presentation of your narrative.
  • Spelling and Punctuation Precision: Diligently correcting all spelling and punctuation mistakes to uphold the professionalism of your statement.
  • Personalization of Your Statement: Customizing your personal statement to mirror your individual experiences and aspirations, making sure it resonates with admissions committees.
  • Structural Coherence and Flow: Improving the overall structure for a coherent flow of ideas, thereby making your statement both compelling and easy to understand.
  • Constructive Feedback: Offering insightful feedback and practical suggestions to enhance the quality and impact of your personal statement.
  • Adherence to Guidelines: Confirming that your personal statement complies with the formatting and content requirements set by the intended institutions.
  • Emphasizing Achievements: Highlighting your key achievements and qualities to showcase your potential contributions to the program and institution.
  • Optimizing Voice and Tone: Adjusting the tone of your personal statement to fit the academic and cultural environment of the institution while keeping your unique voice intact.
  • Enhancing Clarity and Impact: Focusing on clarity and impact to ensure your personal statement effectively communicates your message and leaves a lasting impression.

Our team is dedicated to transforming your personal statement into an outstanding reflection of your abilities and ambitions, helping you to not only meet but exceed the expectations of admissions committees.

At ServiceScape, we are proud of our track record in helping clients achieve their academic aspirations. Below is a list of notable institutions where our clients have successfully been accepted:

  • Harvard University
  • University of Oxford
  • Stanford University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • University of Cambridge
  • Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
  • California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
  • Princeton University
  • University of Chicago
  • Imperial College London
  • Yale University
  • National University of Singapore (NUS)
  • University of Toronto
  • Columbia University
  • University of Melbourne
  • Yonsei University
  • Tsinghua University
  • University College London (UCL)
  • University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
  • University of Sydney
  • Korea University
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Hong Kong (HKU)
  • University of Edinburgh
  • London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
  • University of Michigan
  • Peking University
  • Seoul National University
  • McGill University
  • University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

You can hire an editor by just browsing our marketplace of editors , clicking on the "View Profile" button of an editor you want to hire, and clicking on the "Hire Me" button. After your payment method has been processed, your editor will get to work and will deliver the edited version before your due date.

A list of prices and due dates can be found within each editor's profile. Just find your editor and click on the "View Profile" button.

Our fastest delivery option is one hour using our Express Delivery service.

Sure! Many ServiceScape editors provide free samples. You can submit a free sample request by just browsing our marketplace of editors , clicking on the "View Profile" button of an editor you want to request a free sample from, and clicking on the "Free Sample" button. If the editor accepts your free sample request, you will receive the sample edited version within a couple of days.

You can send a message to an editor by just browsing our marketplace of editors , clicking on the "View Profile" button of an editor you want to contact, and clicking on the "Send Message" button. We will email you a notification as soon as your editor replies to your message.

You can schedule a teleconference call by just browsing our marketplace of editors , clicking on the "View Profile" button of an editor you want to contact, and clicking on the "Teleconference" button. We will contact you right away about availability and set up the teleconference for all parties involved.

You can find ratings and reviews from past clients within most editor profiles. Just find your editor and click on the "View Profile" button to see them. You can also read thousands of ServiceScape ratings and reviews on eKomi .

In addition, ServiceScape has been featured in several publications and websites, including The Wall Street Journal , Los Angeles Times , UpWork , HuffPost , Indeed , and The Ladders .

Many editors have portfolios which feature their editing. Just find your editor and click on the "View Profile" button to view these edited versions.

Yes, we provide editing certifications. Simply request the document when you hire an editor. When your project is delivered, you can download the editing certification by clicking on your project and clicking on the "Certification" button. These signed declarations certify that a document has been professionally edited by a ServiceScape editor.

Browse Rated and Reviewed Editors

Are you ready for the right personal statement editor, right now.

  • Text or Call Us 917-994-0765

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Medical School Personal Statement Editing

- be memorable. get accepted. -, unbiased essay editing.

Our diverse team of 50+ editors provide personalized, unbiased, and honest reviews. Each editor brings something different to the table that is guaranteed to enhance your essays and give you that edge. 

Medical School Masters

Our rigorous application/screening process leaves us with only the finest core editing team of medical students and physicians. Reviewing countless essays has allowed us to identify the patterns that make certain students more memorable and competitive.

Affordable Review Services

We know what it’s like living on a pre-med budget, which is why we refuse to charge the outrageous prices other companies are charging ($300-$1K for a single essay review). Help us change the game and continue our mission by not letting our fair prices distract you from the superior quality of our services.

what others are saying...

Accepted medical school applicant, dr. precious anyaoha, dr. michael cellini, find your perfect essay review package, we will help to craft your best personal statement, extracurricular essays, secondary essays, or all of the above, ultimate acceptance package, all-in-one application cycle solution.

  • Unlimited Personal Statement Reviews
  • Unlimited Activities Description Reviews
  • Unlimited Messaging w/ Editors and Advisors
  • CASPer Prep (Or Additional Mock Interview)
  • Secondary Application Reviews
  • Mock Interview
  • Admissions Advising

Personal Statement Reviews

  • Advice from Admissions Committee Members
  • Custom Feedback & Recommendations
  • 48-72 Hour Turnaround
  • Complete Analysis of content/voice/tone

Packages starting at $120

Not sure which package is best for you, text or call becca at: 917-994-0765, activities reviews, secondary reviews, packages starting at $119.99, interested in seeing the quality of our personal statement editing, meet some of your editors.

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Ansel N., MD,PhD

The ohio state university college of medicine.

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Alexa S., MD

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

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Harvard Medical School

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Yale School of Medicine

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George Washington School of Medicine

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NYU Grossman School of Medicine

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Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

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University of California San Francisco School of Medicine

Most frequent questions and answers about our services.

Our carefully-selected editing team is currently made up of physicians and medical students who have completed our rigorous screening, application, and training process.  Some of our editors have either sat on admissions committees or have contributed in some capacity to admissions at their school.  It’s critical for your essays to be viewed from multiple different perspectives, so we make it a priority to have a very diverse team of editors.

This number is based off of the number of applicants who got back to us saying whether or not they were accepted into at least one medical school.

In order to be an editor for Motivate MD, the person needs to check off two boxes. 1. They were accepted and currently attend or graduated from medical school. 2. They have an expertise for English writing.  Both a medical student and physician can check off those boxes. We strongly believe that just because someone is a physician does not mean they are qualified to review essays.

That being said, we do have a few physicians a part of our team who are extremely talented. We primarily like to have medical students be editors for one simple reason: They are closer to the medical school application process.

This can vary depending on the time of the year (there is a huge influx of essays from late May through August), but we always have a team goal to get reviews back to people within 48 hours. We have a guarantee of a 2-3 day turnaround. We strive for timely delivery, however, quality and effectiveness are our main priorities.

After you purchase a review package, you will get an email with what the next steps are. All drafts and reviews are sent via email.

You will receive a confirmation email for your purchase (check your trash/spam folders, if you don’t see it after a day) that outlines the immediate next steps in our review process. 

The short answer is no.  Although we started by reviewing only medical school application essays, we have been able to cater our editing secrets to make any essay memorable. 

We have helped those applying to medical residencies, PA school, dental school, nursing school, and grad/law school create very effective and unique essays.  Just give us any information you can during the checkout process to help us optimize our reviews to fit your specific situation!

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Ansel N., MD/PhD

Radiation Oncology Resident Former Medical School: Ohio State

My name is Ansel Nalin. I am a current Radiation Oncology resident at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX. I graduated from the Ohio State University College of Medicine MD/PhD program.

While in medical school, I tutored first- and second-year medical students, helping them review lecture material and prepare for block exams. I taught study strategies to first-year students adjusting to the medical school curriculum. I worked individually with students during board exam preparation. I also led a review course for MD/PhD students prior to taking Step 1. In addition to my role as a tutor, I was also selected by the Ohio State College of Medicine Academic Office staff to serve in a leadership role for two years. In this role I led the team of 40 students on the peer tutoring team. I met weekly with College of Medicine staff to plan academic programs benefitting first- and second-year medical students. Together we organized and managed academic resources for medical students including our peer tutoring programs, group review sessions, and student-led review lectures. I coordinated the tutoring assignments for medical students involved in the program; over 100 students utilized the programs. We oversaw the creation of new student-led anatomy review sessions that were incorporated into the medical school academic program.

While enrolled in the MD/PhD program, I completed my PhD in cancer immunology studying natural killer cell development. I also collaborated on translational research projects seeking to identify new cell-based therapies for cancer. I published multiple papers in high impact journals and had the opportunity to present my work at both local and international conferences. I continue to pursue research that develops immune-based therapies for cancer and plan to pursue a career as a physician-scientist.

I joined the team at Motivate MD to help students achieve their goals in medicine. I have benefitted from the support of many outstanding mentors, and I strive to have a similarly positive impact in helping students succeed. My experiences as a tutor and teaching assistant, in both undergraduate and medical school, have helped me develop excellent skills in communication and mentoring. In addition to my teaching and leadership experience, I have developed specific skills to help students with the application and interview process for medical school and residency programs.

Not only am I familiar with what makes a strong application, I am prepared to help students highlight their strengths in their essays and interviews. I have extensive writing and speaking experience from my graduate studies. I have coached other students in communicating effectively. From my own experience in interviewing for medical school and residency, I can help students gain confidence in their communication skills and clearly express their motivations and goals. As a member of the Motivate MD team, I am passionate about helping students work toward their goal of a successful career in medicine.

personal statement review service reddit

I am an OBGYN resident and graduate of the University of Cincinnati. Throughout medical school, I engaged in research at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and UCCOM’s OBGYN department. I have a strong background in mentorship. In medical school, I was a part of an organization that would mentor local Cincinnati youths. I was also involved in mentoring medical students in the years below through her medical scholar’s program. I also have a lot of experience editing medical school essays and mentoring my scribes when I was a chief scribe during my gap years. I took two years off prior to applying for medical school. During this time, I completed research at WashU with a neuroimaging lab as a clinical research coordinator and scribed in an emergency department. The medical application process was daunting for me. I went through the process of taking the MCAT multiple times and struggled to figure out where I would be a competitive applicant. I chose to work for Motivate MD to assist students with this intimidating process and help in areas where I felt I was lacking guidance prior to medical school! I am very excited to get the opportunity to work with you!

personal statement review service reddit

Jisoo is a medical student at Harvard Medical School. She has a background in neurobiology wet-lab research, and has a strong interest in mentorship, especially of underserved populations. Everyone has a unique journey to medical school, and Jisoo is committed to helping applicants present their own unique journeys in a meaningful and comprehensive manner. She has lots of experience working with individuals that have diverse pathways to medical school and closely collaborates with applicants from the beginning to the end of their application process, providing individualized support for each applicant.

personal statement review service reddit

Hi! My name is Rhys (pronounced like “Reese’s Pieces”) and I am a medical student at Yale School of Medicine.

I have upwards of 9 years experience mentoring peers, most recently aiding students through the premedical path at my undergrad. I also have worked as an executive function/planning tutor for Los Angeles area high school and college students. Earlier in college, I worked as a research aide/teaching assistant helping students leverage “writing-to-learn” in order to improve their understanding of complex concepts.

After graduating  Summa Cum Laude  with a Bachelors of Science in Biomedical Engineering and Health Policy from the University of Southern California in 2021, I took a gap year primarily to scribe at a pediatric clinic to boost my clinical experience hours and to continue to work on a philanthropic start-up I co-founded while at USC.

At USC, I had multiple research experiences ranging from biomedical device research in a hybrid wet lab to policy analysis. I also was heavily involved in pro-bono consulting for non-profits and social enterprises.

I have personal experience approaching the common “Why Medicine?” question from a non-traditional angle (engineering major/activities and low clinical hours compared to non-clinical), tying in a non-standard major “X factor” extracurricular into the overall theme of an application, and expressing interest in dual degrees/interdisciplinary medical careers (policy, public health etc).

I look forward to helping you plan for and execute your unique path to medical school!

personal statement review service reddit

George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Hi Everyone! My name is Anthu Gnanakumar and I am a medical student at the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences. I majored in neuroscience and minored in English at the University of Virginia prior to taking a gap year and attending medical school. During my gap year, I worked as a medical assistant (MA) at endocrinology and pediatric primary care practices. I really value the hands-on experience I got through being an MA and would highly recommend taking a gap year if you are at all considering it!

I remember being daunted by the significant uptick in medical school applications during the pandemic and can empathize with the ever-increasing competitiveness of getting into medical school. I have mentored and advised multiple peers and friends from high school and college as they navigated the application process and look forward to extending that mentorship to many of you. It is my hope that we can work together to shape your narrative into meaningful essays and interview responses!

personal statement review service reddit

Duke University School of Medicine

Hi all! My name is Arthi and I’m a medical student at Duke. I am originally from New Jersey and went to Duke for undergrad where I was able to discover interests in medical humanities, global health, and peer mentorship. Having previously taught in an art studio, I found ways to engage with medical humanities through storytelling and creative arts with elders with dementia. In medical school, I help run a program that allows admitted patients to share their life story and with cartoon creations to simplify medical diagnoses. I also majored in global health and worked on projects in based in Uganda and India during undergrad that focused on studying how evidence-based interventions actually function in practice. I spent my gap year as a global health research assistant which allowed me to gain experience with all stages of project initiation, management, and dissemination. I’m working towards spending Duke’s MS3 research year engaging with global health implementation research on site. I don’t have any family in medicine so I asked for a lot of advice from upperclassmen and medical students throughout. I was a peer tutor for over 3 years and during my senior year, I started a peer advising program that’s goal was to reach beyond just academics. During that time, I mentored many premed students on course choice, finding research and volunteering experiences, applying to summer program and gap year jobs, MCAT, and building a school list. I continued many of these relationships since graduating and have been able to provide continued support through brainstorming and editing primary and secondary applications, interview prep, and ultimately decision making. One thing I’ve come to learn from my process and that my classmates is that there isn’t one right way to do things and it can be valuable to talk through and understand your priorities and the things that make you the most excited and craft your application around those. I know how stressful and draining each step of the application process can be and I would love the chance to provide some of guidance and support I received at whichever turn you need.

personal statement review service reddit

NYU Grossman School of Medicine Admissions Committee Experience

Hi! My name is Kate and I’m a current medical student at NYU Grossman School of Medicine in New York City! I’m originally from Kingsport, Tennessee and attended Clemson University where I completed my undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering and a master’s degree in Applied Health Research. I have many years of experience as an advisor and mentor, mainly through working as study abroad ambassador and as a peer tutor and peer mentor through a Women in Engineering organization at my school. Later in college, I also worked as a teaching assistant for a challenging chemical engineering course in my degree. I also volunteered my time as a tour guide and was able to provide loads of advice and guidance to future students through that role. While finishing my master’s degree at Clemson University, I worked as a scribe at a gastroenterology clinic to boost my clinical experience hours. During this time, I also served as a mentor and health coach for a local volunteer organization with a mission to help people get off of government assistance. At Clemson, I had multiple research experiences ranging from social psychology to OB/GYN clinical research. I was also heavily involved with STEM outreach at local schools, ran a pitch competition, and volunteered as a conversational partner for international students who were learning English. I also spent the summer after I graduated college working at Interlochen Arts Camp as a camp counselor and reigniting my passion for theatre and the arts. I have had a slightly more non-traditional path to medicine (engineering degree/extracurriculars, taking a year to do a master’s, working at an arts camp), and I have a lot of experience in how to best weave together your own unique story in order to stand out to admissions committees. As a current medical student, I now spend my time working as an Admissions Ambassador and serving as a mentor to incoming students. I also currently interview for my medical school and so I can provide a lot of insight as I’ve sat on both sides of the Zoom interview screen. I look forward to helping you put your best foot forward in your applications and interviews for medical school!

personal statement review service reddit

Hello! I am a medical student at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons planning to apply into neurology this upcoming fall. I have extensive mentoring and advising experience both prior to medical school, when I served as a peer advisor for my undergraduate institution’s pre-health club, and as a medical student, continuing to advise undergraduates on essay writing, interview preparation, and general application and career advice. I also work as a mentor in the local community, tutoring and advising 8 th grade and high school age students interested in the health sciences. I have significant research and publication experience beginning as an undergraduate and continuing throughout medical school, having published four first-author manuscripts while contributing to multiple others. Prior to medical school, I spent a gap year as a National Institutes of Health Post-baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award fellow, a role in which I studied Alzheimer’s disease proteomics and metabolomics. Currently, my research focus has shifted towards neuroinfectious diseases and contributions of infectious exposures to lifetime dementia risk. In addition to clinical medicine, I have a strong interest in public health and anthropology that informs my research and clinical pursuits. 

personal statement review service reddit

Hello! My name is Jessica, and I am a medical student at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine. I completed my undergraduate degree in Molecular & Cellular Biology at Johns Hopkins University, along with a minor in Entrepreneurship & Management. At Hopkins, I played on the varsity tennis team, served as a peer tutor, and volunteered at the JHH Sickle Cell Infusion Center. After graduating from college, I took on a full-time position at the Sickle Cell Infusion Center as a clinical research coordinator. I stayed in this role for one gap year, where I ran the largest registry of sickle cell disease patients in the United States, helping to characterize disparities faced in health outcomes and access to care. Since starting medical school, I have become heavily involved in cervical cancer research, volunteering at the Chinese Hospital in downtown San Francisco, and advocating for vulnerable populations. As a first-generation medical student, I understand how overwhelming the application process is and how vital near-peer guidance can be. I’ve helped several applicants through their application writing and interview process, who will all be matriculating to medical school this upcoming fall. I look forward to helping you curate your own story, put your best foot forward, and pursue your dream career!

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Professional Personal Statement Editing Service

  • Thread starter PsycheDrJ
  • Start date Jun 9, 2017
  • Tags applications editor essays experience personal statement professional review service writing

personal statement review service reddit

Full Member

  • Jun 9, 2017


Not a professional but would highly recommend writing your PS in a better voice than that post.  

2Infinity said: Not a professional but would highly recommend writing your PS in a better voice than that post. Click to expand...

Senescence kid

Senescence kid

Hey just a note, but people on this forum remain professional and refrain from name calling ; Some one once said, "youll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" also it would help you to relax because its going to be a LONG application year.  

Mad Jack

Critically Caring

Post deleted because I'm tired of getting 5 PMs a week lol  

all things possible

  • Jun 10, 2017

You don't deserve it, but here's a gem I found on the inter webz: servicescape.com super cheap compared to everyone else in pre-med mark-up land.  



My university's health career office had professional personal statement editing available for students and alumni. Check if yours has the same. Ask if they're selling better attitudes, too, while you're at it. Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile  

My apologies if I came off brash. I had literally read all the personal statement editing posts on here that date back to like '02 and none of them had straight forward or helpful replies... kind of like the trolly replies on here. I simply wanted the question I've been looking all over the internet for ANSWERED, instead of given unwarranted alternatives, that's what all those stipulations were about. There was no attitude, I was just attempting to make things as clear as possible which clearly is hard to do online.  

Mad Jack said: I would have offered to edit your statement for free, but hey, I'm unqualified I guess, what with my 100% success rate on getting people in post-edit, my having reviewed a veritable mountain of statements in the past without editing them, and my personal success at getting into medical school and every job save for one that I ever applied for. The irony is, I've had to go back and clean up the work of some of these "professional" editors for people because their work has been disinterested and bland garbage. Good luck. Choose wisely. Click to expand...


I don't understand the problem you have with having people on SDN having a read even though you don't know them. I understand you don't want people copying whatever you wrote but many of the PS readers are people either already accepted, in MS, or physicians themselves. Most of the "professional" editors are a money grab and sell you the false sense that you have a unique PS. Statements are somewhat generic, there's only so much you can say about going into medicine. As long as its sincere and coherent, it should be fine.  

Senescence kid said: Hey just a note, but people on this forum remain professional and refrain from name calling ; Some one once said, "youll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" also it would help you to relax because its going to be a LONG application year. Click to expand...
EODguy said: You don't deserve it, but here's a gem I found on the inter webz: servicescape.com super cheap compared to everyone else in pre-med mark-up land. Click to expand...
liquidsodium said: My university's health career office had professional personal statement editing available for students and alumni. Check if yours has the same. Ask if they're selling better attitudes, too, while you're at it. Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile Click to expand...
mysankofa said: I don't understand the problem you have with having people on SDN having a read even though you don't know them. I understand you don't want people copying whatever you wrote but many of the PS readers are people either already accepted, in MS, or physicians themselves. Most of the "professional" editors are a money grab and sell you the false sense that you have a unique PS. Statements are somewhat generic, there's only so much you can say about going into medicine. As long as its sincere and coherent, it should be fine. Click to expand...


PsycheDrJ said: I see what you're saying and thankfully a physician here id reach out to me privately to offer some feedback which I greatly appreciate, it's just free work at this point won't move along quickly enough. I have my ideas all shelled out I just needed someone with fresh eyes and experience to cut down my word count and verbiage quickly so I can submit THIS Tuesday. I wouldn't feel comfortable asking that rush of someone without paying them honestly. I also felt that going with a service would alleviate some stress. Click to expand...
PsycheDrJ said: It would behoove you to keep your unsolicited thoughts to yourselves, thanks in advance Click to expand...
  • Jun 11, 2017


"Professional editing services" are why adcoms are loathe to attribute an excellent PS to the talents of the applicant. How are adcoms to know where your writing ends and your paid consultant's begins? Here's my advice: If you are so confident in your writing, save your money. Ask a few close friends or professors you've worked with to look things over. The more confident you are in your writing, the fewer people you'll need. Going from a borderline applicant to a surefire acceptance because you doled out $300 to some "professional" seems unlikely. Remember, you have secondaries to look forward to, as well. The real measure of your writing will be taken into account there.  

OP, just ignore some of these trolls here. This is just the tip of the iceberg that is medicine.  

  • Jun 24, 2017

I might be late for a reply. But I used Brain, gurufi.com, to edit my personal statement. I also needed fresh eyes to revise my statement after having a friend and advisor read it. I worked in the ER and one of the PAs recommended me to him. I was very pleased with the outcome. Being a non-native english speaker, I struggle with sentence structure and word choice, but he was able to help me with this, but still keep my voice. He also helped me shortened it, which was much needed. I know I am not the greatest writer and $300 was difficult for me to spend (comparing it to other services, it is much cheaper), but I don't regret it. I highly recommended him. As for secondaries, I think they are easier to write because they are more focused, unlike the PS that is so broad so I struggled being concise and clear. Also, I am applying in Texas and some schools don't even have secondaries so I wanted my statement to be the best it could be. Best of luck applying!  

bannie22 said: OP, just ignore some of these trolls here. This is just the tip of the iceberg that is medicine. Click to expand...
  • Jul 1, 2017

Brian from Gurufi is awesome, very approachable and gives excellent tips on what kinds of PS to use and edits it in a very captivating way! Highly recommended.  



Membership revoked.

  • Jul 2, 2017

Just wondering how useful these services are, and what kind of service is 'accepted'? Does it edit the entire AMCAS or are there services that do? Can't you also shine in your written communication skills writing about all those experiences?  


  • Jul 12, 2017
  • Jul 26, 2017

I highly recommend Brian from Gurufi. He is very talented. He made my essay's overall flow very smooth, and cut off redundant meanings and made the sentences simple and powerful. Even though we were telling the same story, the way he told it was way more vivid and touching. The price is fair and the results definitely exceeded my expectation.  

  • May 1, 2018
aafhem said: If you want, I can take a look. I was accepted to a M.D. school this past cycle and have a bit of experience with personal statements, not just medical school ones. I majored in the humanities and have pretty extensive writing background. Let me know; I can address sentence structure and content issues. I understand if you prefer a professional though. Click to expand...
fermiworm said: Are you still offering to review statements?? Click to expand...
Mad Jack said: Nope. No time these days. Click to expand...



  • Jun 4, 2018
loba17 said: hello, I was wondering if you would still be available to proofread?? Click to expand...
  • Jun 6, 2018
Mad Jack said: No, I am not, to busy these days Click to expand...
SterlingMaloryArcher said: too* Click to expand...


  • May 8, 2019

As a personal opinion, the best reviewers are likely your mentor within the specialty of your choice or someone who knows you. I would not pay for revision unless you have have difficulty with english/grammar/spelling and need a "foundation-level" revision.  

Necro bump but I recommend fiverr.com There were plenty of people to pick from and I used one of the more popular editors. I was super happy with my edit and I think I paid $40 for the premium package. If people are interested I can PM the name of the guy I used. Edit: got lots of questions in my inbox about the guy I used so I’ll put it here. I used jakewmoss and his prices are higher now but still affordable IMO.  


  • Jun 28, 2019

I used Brian from Gurufi to edit my personal statement. Before I sent it to him, my PS had no flow. But he kept all my ideas in the edited PS and enhanced my sentence structure. Overall, I'd say it was really worth it. He also has tons of 5-star reviews. I promise he won't disappoint.  



  • Mar 3, 2020
  • Jul 3, 2020

Idk why Brian is advertising in this thread ^ That being said, fivver has cheap editors who are MDs or current med students. I had 2 people look over my activities and personal statement for $100  


  • Aug 21, 2020

Yup can add another agreement to the Fiverr recommendation as well. I used a few of the people on the page I linked that I liked  


Alta California

The number of applicants who have paid more than 4K to submit cringe-worthy essays is too numerous to count. Respond in your own voice, have an English major check for grammar.  


  • Aug 22, 2020

It would be interesting to know how successful the OP's application cycle was....  

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personal statement review service reddit

The Residency Statement Editing Service ensures your Personal Statement will meet and exceed the standards of residency program review committees. Our Editors do more than simply glance over your Personal Statement and offer shallow suggestions. They are trained to comprehensively analyze, restructure, craft, and optimize your Personal Statement.

If you are worried your current Personal Statement is not appropriate or competitive, submit it and get ready to collaborate with your Editor as they transform your draft by correcting grammatical errors, smoothing over rough language, and fine-tuning the format. Your Editor will also let you know if important content is missing or if certain content should be removed.

Your Editor will provide a first revision, including a detailed markup that outlines what changes they made and why. You can then approve their changes or choose to leave the original section intact. In this way, you contribute to shaping your Personal Statement.

The revisions made to your Personal Statement will be clearly annotated, and your Editor will also include a summary of changes made with detailed feedback.

Stay in contact with your Editor throughout the process via our in-house messaging system. If you have questions or would like to discuss the latest revision, it all takes place there.

You will be asked to submit:

  • Your full name
  • The specialty you are applying to
  • Request for a specific Editor (optional)
  • Detailed Note to Editor (optional)
  • Your complete original draft

Once activated (Expedite available at Checkout), one of our professional Editors will be assigned to help bring your statement to its full potential.

Your Editor will holistically transform each aspect of your Personal Statement including spelling, grammar, organization, sentence construction, word choice, transitions, professionalism, and overall fluidity.

First Revision

Your first revision will be returned, including a detailed markup outlining the changes your Editor made as well as the overall summary. You can then approve their changes or choose to leave the original section intact. Next, you can either finalize the statement or work with your Editor on additional revisions.

Final Draft

Once approved, a completed final draft will be provided for your use throughout the Residency Match Season. You can download the final version as either a Word Document or PDF.

Why choose the Editing Service (S-ES)?

If you have a pre-existing Personal Statement you would like to revisit, revise, or refine, the Editing Service (S-ES) is for you.

How long does the Editing Service take?

The total processing time for the Editing Service is 3 to 5 business days. You may select the Expedite option at Checkout to reduce the processing time to 24 to 48 hours if you need your Personal Statement right away.

Can I submit an outline or an incomplete draft?

No. The Editing (S-ES) service includes revision of fully written Personal Statements in paragraph form. Your Editor will let you know if important content is missing so you can provide additional paragraphs for inclusion. Statements must meet a minimum standard of completeness and relevance in order to qualify for Editing. Otherwise, they will need to be upgraded to the Writing Service (S-WS) .

Can my Editor draft new paragraphs for me?

No. For more in-depth Personal Statement work, please see the S-WS Writing Service page.

Is there a size limit for my submitted Personal Statement?

Yes. Your Personal Statement must be less than 1,000 words in order to submit.

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Personal Statement Review

Get your Personal Statement reviewed by a Medical School Admissions Tutor or a high-flying Medic. You'll receive detailed feedback in just a few days - with clear action points on how to improve!

Expert Personal Statement Reviews

  • Reviews from a Med School Admissions Tutor
  • Doctors and Medics can also review submissions
  • Receive a detailed report in just a few days
  • Implement improvements to boost your draft
  • Purchase a final re-review before the UCAS deadline

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Get Your Medical School Personal Statement Reviewed By An Expert!

An excellent Medicine or Dentistry Personal Statement is vital to your UCAS application. It’s essential that you stand out from the crowd! Get a Personal Statement Review today – and receive comprehensive feedback from a Medical School Admissions Tutor or a high-flying Medic in just a few days!

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How Does The Review Process Work?

Get your Medicine Personal Statement reviewed in three simple steps:

Submit Your Draft

Submit your draft (max 4,000 characters) and choose if you want an Admissions Tutor or Medic to review.

Get Expert Feedback

In just a few days, you’ll receive a detailed report, packed with action points for improvement.

Make It Amazing

Implement the action points for a better Personal Statement – and consider a re-review!

Personal Statement Review + Application Advice

Combine Your Review With Application Advice & Save 15%

Our UCAS Application Packages combine a Personal Statement Review with specialist Application Advice Tutoring sessions. You can save 15% on everything. You’ll also get one-year of free access to TMP MedSoc . There are two packages to choose from.

Get A Forensic Personal Statement Analysis

What Will Your Personal Statement Review Cover?

  • Work experience, wider reading and extracurricular activities
  • Structuring your Personal Statement for maximum impact
  • Grammar, spelling and punctuation
  • Writing about your motivation and suitability for Medicine
  • Language choice and writing style

Pick Your Review Type & Book Now

£ 80.00.

  • Tutor reviewed
  • Full report

£ 200.00

  • Admissions Tutor Reviewed
  • Full Report

prices from

£ 204.00, ucas application packages.

  • Application Advice Tutoring
  • Save 15% on everything
  • Free TMP MedSoc for 1 year

Build A Package That Suits You

Can’t see an option that best meets your needs? You can now bundle products together and get 15% off. Simply select 3 or more products from the list, from our UCAT Course to Interview Tutoring, and you’ll get an automatic 15% discount.

Check Out This Sample Medical School Personal Statement Review

Our Services Get 5 Stars

Platinum Service Winner in 2021, Awarded for Three Years of Outstanding Reviews

Got Questions About Personal Statement Reviews?

Frequently Asked Questions

We answer common questions about our Medical School Personal Statement Review Service.

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Who will review my Personal Statement?

Choose a Medical School Admissions Tutor or a Medic to review your Personal Statement. A Medic can be a trained medical student or a Doctor.

How long does a Personal Statement Review take?

You should receive your Personal Statement Review in a few days. At very busy times, it’s possible it could take longer.

What will my Personal Statement Review cover?

Your Medical School Personal Statement Review will cover common areas, and offer feedback and pointers on how to improve.

How long should my Personal Statement be?

You should submit a draft Personal Statement that is no longer than 4,000 characters – the length that UCAS requires a Personal Statement to be.

Can you write my Personal Statement for me?

No! We will not write your Personal Statement for you. This is not ethical. We will only give advice on how to improve your Personal Statement.

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Residency Personal Statement Writing & Editing Services

We know exactly what the admission committee is looking for in applicants. So we can craft a brilliant residency personal statement that stands you out from the crowd.


We craft each statement based on the filled Questionnaire exclusively from scratch. There’re no templates or cliche phrases to make your document only about you.

Your residency application document will be 100% customized to a particular residency program, emphasizing your traits & program's specifics, proving you're the best fit.

Every application document we produce is crafted by our medical experts with strict conformity to the ERAS® application system requirements & standards.

Request as many document revisions as needed until you're totally satisfied with it – we’ll be glad to rework and polish your residency personal statement to perfection.

All of our writing service experts are verified degree holders with years of field expertise, knowledge of admission processes & experience in application docs creation.

Your money will be returned if there're any issues with the text we cannot fix. Just drop a line to our support managers, and get a refund effortlessly without any questions.


Get the most from our writing service & editing support for all types of residency admission documents!


Highest quality writing & editing assistance, no matter where you're going to apply!


Meet our personal statement writers.

“I am always in touch with the support team to get feedback from my clients. And knowing that they were satisfied with my assistance and were successfully accepted warms my heart.”

Not a single imperfection will be left in your document if Lyndsey take it over. Professional writing & editing are her specializations, and perfectionism is her main service trait. Be sure of the best results – she'll not agree to anything less.

“I feel true satisfaction and big joy assisting everyone in finding the right words to tell their unique story that sounds in their voice”

Patrick’s prominent trait is the ability to create masterpieces from a vast range of random facts. He likes to communicate with customers and delve into their unique stories. Many clients often feel like Patrick has known them for years.

"My experience in crafting residency admission documents can serve you well."

You’ll be surprised by the variety of programs Carlos has dealt with. He’s a passionate expert whose smooth transitions and ability to structure large amounts of information give him the highest praise.

“I can assist with all types of admission documents you may require when applying for residency. And your positive feedback about my work is what I love specifically.”

His expertise and talent are remarkable. Having Joe’s writing or editing service is always a winning option.

“Feeling your voice in application documents is what makes them unique and remembered by the committee. And I’m good in such transmissions!”

Angela is not only our leading writing service expert but a respectable member of the admission committee. So she knows how to write a personal statement for residency that wins – the results of her work are always incredible.

“It doesn’t matter to me what residency program you’ve chosen. With my assistance, you’ll be accepted everywhere!”

Jessica is the top pro when it comes to complicated admission cases. She successfully copes with in-demanded program enrollment and helps her clients beat even the highest competition. Having such an expert means victory only, so entrust your document to her, without a doubt!

“I love to pay attention to details and particular facts, covering which allow me to create non-trivial & eye-catching documents.”

Remarkably, it was Conrad who assisted us in compiling the Questionnaires provided for your document personalization. He knows about the perfect structure and the information the committee wants.


How we work.

Place an order using our simple order form, 24/7 online chat, or a callback. Choose the service you need, deadline & volume. Don't forget to attach the filled Questionnaire and other materials, if any (like a CV, previous statements, resume, etc). You can upload them while ordering or add later via your Customer Area. We’ll assign your residency personal statement to your writer only after receiving materials for personalization.

As our service providers are full-time experts, they work only on prepayment. So pay for the writing or editing services securely online. After, you'll get a payment confirmation by email and data for the Customer Area login.

As payment is made, you'll get login data to get into your Customer Area. Your writer will start with the personal statement residency after receiving your materials. In your Customer Area, you can: communicate with the writer (to ask any questions, add more details, brainstorm fresh ideas, and more), request edits, or turn to our support team with any questions.

We work in such a way that when the writing expert finishes with the first draft, you'll get a notification of its readiness and be able to download it to review. After that, feel free to request a residency application doc revisions & add comments. Unlike other services, you can request edits as many times as you need. Whether it's 2 editing circles or 20 – you have 14 days to get them made free of charge.

Get updates on residency application document preparation in the best way for you.

Contact a writing expert directly, upload the text, request revisions & place new orders.

Turn to support managers 24/7 if any questions about your order or our writing services.

Residency personal statement help

Professionals from our residency personal statement writing service believe a personal statement is a decision-maker when it comes to selecting people for a medical residency program or fellowship. Creating this kind of document can be a stern challenge. If you would like to be a radiologist, pathologist, cardiologist, or family doctor, a decent personal statement is a pivotal part of your application. No matter if you are looking for an advantage over other applicants or some idea of how to start composing your document, writing a personal statement is uneasy. You have only one opportunity to impress the committee as favorably as possible! Our expert writers are able to craft a fabulous residency personal statement that will make you appear different from the rest of the candidates. Bear in mind ordering a residency application personal statement from our devoted team of specialists so as not to miss a chance to invest in your future career!

How important your residency statements are

A residency statement is just one piece of your application. However, they are often the most important. Many of the other applicants will have the same qualifications and experience as yours. Thus, your personal statement is the only method that you can use to make your application stand out from the crowd. Nevertheless, composing a personal statement for the residency that is going to be effective is not simple at all.

Many applicants can struggle for a long while with their writing and still submit a statement that they are unhappy with. People are merely not sure about what they should include in their statements and how to craft something that will truly get them noticed. That’s why so many applicants turn to professional residency personal statement help.

What should your ERAS personal statement include?

Every personal statement must be as unique as possible. There are also some things that you must always ensure that you cover to show the committee that you are the right person for the program. These will usually include all of the following:

  • Why do you have a strong interest in the field in which you are applying? What has made you interested, and how have you developed that interest?
  • What skills and other attributes do you have that will ensure that you will be a success in this field?
  • What are your future goals for your career in this field? Why have you chosen this specific residency program and not another?

Residency personal statements by expert writers and proofreaders

Getting selected for a post-graduate residency program is a hard task. The number of residency programs that are federally funded is capped. It is not likely to change so far, though the number of first-year medical students and, therefore, that of residency application personal statements is increasing, and medical organizations require the government to solve this. The situation can become different, but not soon. Talking of US medical graduates, they typically finish their studies with $200K in student loan debt on average.

It may be considerably hard for a medical student to compose a professional medical residency personal statement not only due to the formatting but the time and effort that are needed. Students also lack time to create a powerful statement because their schedules are busy.

Moreover, students are not taught how to recommend themselves. Similar to a professional resume, a personal statement needs a mix of creativity, writing skills, and knowledge of what the reader anticipates. That’s why an ideal surgical residency personal statement must also contain other things. That’s where we can help you succeed. We realize the significance of a high-quality residency personal statement and truly have the desire to assist you!

What ERAS application documents can we help with?

Our experts have vast experience in creating residency application documents, so they will surely do what you need. It can include all of the following:

  • PERSONAL STATEMENT. Writing a personal statement for the residency is complicated, but our specialists will make it easy for you. They work directly with you to make sure that your writing will fully reflect just what the committee wants to see. Writing is unique and corresponds with the standards to get you noticed.
  • CV OR RESUME. Just as with a job, you will need to ensure that your resume perfectly reflects just what they are seeking. Our specialists know how to present info in a way that will be obvious to the reader.
  • LETTER OF INTENT. Our specialists can make sure that your reasons for application are clear and compelling and make your letter different from many others that will be read. We work with you to ensure that you will get the best results, and you will always receive a letter that is written perfectly.
  • LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION. A good reference can go a long way to helping the applicant win a place. However, it is far from easy to write. It is not just a matter of what you say. It is also a matter of what you fail to say. Our specialists will work with you to ensure that you will submit an LoR that will be highly effective.

Our residency personal statements are all about quality

Our expert writers are able to deliver a fabulous personal statement. They all undergo rigorous writing and editing training. Consequently, they know how to describe your practical experience, unprecedented insight, creativity, and research skills, which admission review committees are searching for. Our expert personal statement editors constantly improve a multitude of personal statements, and these belong to various fields of study.

Every personal statement is out of the ordinary. Each is composed to reflect the client’s personality and skills. Our personal statement writing service can make you closer to achieving your objectives! Professional emergency, cardiology, and psychiatry residency personal statements written by us have already benefited a great many applicants for different programs.

Entrust our personal statement writers

The writers strive to get you selected for the program you have chosen! We know what to include and how to include it in a document for sure! If you turn to us, you will receive a personal statement of the highest quality possible! The percentage of those who, thanks to us, got into the programs they were applying for is close to 100%!

Our expert personal statement writers are knowledgeable about how to use the info you provide and emphasize your best attributes! We can compose a residency personal statement for almost any specialty! Thanks to us, you have the opportunity to save your energy, time, and money. Thanks to us, you have the opportunity to do things connected with self-development rather than struggle with a personal statement.

Our residency personal statement services

We can help you leave an exceptional impression on the admission committee with a brilliant residency personal statement! Here is what we can offer:

  • We compose impeccable, concise, and powerful personal statements for the residency!
  • We concentrate on your best features and describe them as masterfully as possible!
  • We have awesome customer support that can help you at all stages of creating your document!
  • We ensure that your residency personal statement emphasizes you as an individual!
  • We can proofread and edit a residency personal statement that you already have!

When working on your residency personal statement, our writers make it top-notch! We aim at meeting your expectations and even more. If you already have a residency personal statement but are not sure about its quality, turn to our expert personal statement editing service, and our editors will perfect it! We are very proud of the fact that clients of ours got residency positions, thanks to our effort.

Choose our residency personal statement services

  • We hire only the best writers: they are specialists in composing personal statements for every medical specialty.
  • Our rates are very affordable in comparison with those of other writing services.
  • We are knowledgeable about how the admission committee selects candidates.
  • We understand what admission committees want applicants to possess.
  • You can communicate with your writer directly during the process of creating your document.
  • We make revisions of your residency personal statement until you are fully content with our work.
  • We never duplicate documents: residency personal statements are all personalized and written from scratch.
  • We offer a full money-back guarantee.

Our personal statement writing service is committed to providing you with a superb residency personal statement that will make you get selected for the program you have opted for.

How can you get help from our residency personal statement editing services?

If you need assistance with writing or editing your personal statement for the residency, we will simplify the process. We offer you an easy way to complete your application up to standard.

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Personal Statement Examples

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By stephenpac October 25, 2015 in Personal Statements

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For anybody looking for real world examples of physician assistant school personal statements we have compiled a list of 31 essay samples submitted through our free personal statement review service. Just a reminder Don’t copy (plagiarize) from samples, examples, or anything not an original thought. 

31 Physician Assistant Personal Statement Examples

These sample essays should help you as you decide what to write, or what not to write, on your PA school personal statement.

It is important to note that these are examples of what other PA school applicants have submitted and are not meant to be examples of what you should write. We have left a very brief comment at the end of each essay, which was meant to provide the writer with some help and direction.

A great essay is seamless, it's smooth, it feels effortless yet, it is anything but.

After our our interviews with PA school administrators one things became extremely clear: The admissions committee wants you to cut to the chase, eliminate the drama and tell a fluid story.

Feel free to read through these example essays and take notes of what you think works and what doesn't.  Note common mistakes and common spelling errors that get people in trouble.

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Get your personal statement reviewed by a TSR PS reviewer before you submit

This is a peer-run service managed by TSR Volunteers who have both considerable experience of reviewing personal statements and have been through the university application process themselves.

Previously the volunteers ran The Student Room's PS Help service between 2005 and 2012 completing over 10,000 personal statement reviews.

TSR members submit their final UCAS personal statement draft confidentially into a private forum where only PS reviewers can view the content.

All PS reviewers have undergone a DBS check and can be trusted to keep your information safe

Service users are provided with an overall review highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of their PS. Including feedback on the content and structure of their personal statement.

Your personal statement will not be rewritten for you and you are expected to have checked the spelling and grammar before submitting.

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I Got a Full-Ride to Law School Using This Personal Statement

Jack Duffley

Law school admissions certainly are intimidating, especially when it comes to the rather daunting task of writing a personal statement with no real prompt. Generally, law schools will ask for no more than two pages of basically whatever you would like to talk about.

However, there are a few well-established principles for writing a successful personal statement. Here are 4 principles, along with my own personal statement, to help you hit a home run:

The personal statement should only drive your application forward. If it is holding it back in any way, it is not ready.

Your personal statement should explain your interest or purpose for studying the law.

This does not have to be the backbone of the entire piece, but it should be at least mentioned somewhere. It should also avoid legal jargon and should not be some sort of showcase for legal knowledge. It also should not be a regurgitation of your resume. The committee will already have your resume, so the personal statement serves as a supplement to it.

Spend the time making your personal statement better.

To get a competitive offer from whichever law school you may be applying to, it all starts with a good application package. The admissions committee is going to want to see a good LSAT score , a strong GPA, some recommendations, and a well-written personal statement. That much is clear. Your personal statement may never feel like it is just right, but it can only become better with consistent time and effort spent drafting it again and again.

Research examples of well-written personal statements.

To get some ideas about what a good personal statement could look like, I did a preliminary search to read a few successful ones. The University of Chicago had a few essays posted on  their site  from admitted students that gave me a good point of reference. Although there is tremendous flexibility in writing the personal statement, it should not be so wacky as to discourage the admissions committee in your abilities as a writer or in your seriousness about attending law school.

Take advantage of the resources around you to make your statement the best.

For my statement, I went through a couple of potential concepts and decided to do one on my life’s motto. And, no, it was not some cliché that I pretended was my motto; I picked words that I truly lived by and continue to live by to this day. I spent many hours writing and rewriting my personal statement. Thankfully, I had the invaluable help of my roommate, who is a strong writer himself, and he gave me useful feedback on many of my drafts (I promised him a nice dinner if I ended up getting admitted with a full-ride to somewhere). When I got close to a final draft, I took it to my school’s writer’s workshop to have someone I had never met before read it aloud. It allowed me to hear where someone might misunderstand something so that I could make changes accordingly for the final product.

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Beginning in the spring, picking up in September, accelerating further in October, and finishing in November when I sent my applications out, the whole process produced something that I thought gave me a very strong shot at success. So here it is. Enjoy:

“Ball: outside!” declared the umpire.

“Come on now! Get ahead, stay ahead, kid!” demanded my coach.

I checked the sign: fastball. That pitch was just not there; I shook my head no. My catcher gave me the next sign: curveball. Yes, the get-me-over-curve, my signature pitch. I stepped back to begin my windup.

“Steeeeeriiike! One and one,” the umpire grunted.

“That’s the way, Duff! Just like that!” my coach exclaimed.

My catcher fired that ball back to me. I toed the rubber and focused on his signs: he flashed two fingers and motioned to the right—curveball, outside. I nodded affirmatively. He and I were on the same page. I began my windup again, picked up the leg, and spun my big overhand curve to the plate.

“Two! One and two.” The batter stood motionless as he watched my back door hook clip the outer edge of the strike zone.

“One more now, Duff! Come on, kid!”

The pitch count, or the current amount of balls and strikes in a given at bat, is perhaps the most impactful construct of baseball. After every pitch, the umpire declares it to be a ball or strike, subsequently adding it to the count. If the batter reaches four balls, he earns a walk, or a free pass to first base; if he gets three strikes, the batter is out. The batter’s goal is to reach a base before three strikes. The pitcher does everything that he can to stop that.

As I got the ball back, I knew I was in the driver’s seat. The batter was at a tremendous disadvantage and would have to react to my pitches on two strikes rather than just being able to lock in on one. I leaned in for the sign: one finger, right, up—fastball, high and outside. I liked it. Even though it was not my best pitch that day, I understood that I could still use it effectively to keep batters off balance since I was ahead. I stepped back into the windup and let the pitch fly.

The batter flailed at the pitch. “Three!” shouted the umpire, raising his fist in the air to call him out. He was sitting on the big, slow curveball and not the fastball, but he could not be selective because he was down in the count. On to the next one.

“Atta kid! That’s what happens when you get ahead!”

Get ahead, stay ahead.

While my organized baseball playing days may be over, that fundamental is still strong. A picture of all-star pitcher Max Scherzer hurling a baseball towards the plate sits above my desk with that same motto in bolded letters:  Get Ahead, Stay Ahead .

What does getting ahead provide? For one, it gives the peace of mind that comes with flexibility; there’s room to react in case something goes off course. In baseball, it gives the pitcher more room to work within the count because he has more options when the batter must play defensively. In short, he can do what he wants. One of the key differences between baseball and life, however, is that baseball has a simple, predetermined goal: score more runs than the other team! Life, on the other hand, allows for enormous flexibility in choosing a goal. Rather than be content with the usual four-year bachelor’s track, I pushed forward as hard as I could to graduate in three years. Many people are surprised when I tell them about my efforts to graduate early; they often wonder why I chose to accelerate my education. I usually explain that it saved me a significant amount of money while expanding my room for error. Most importantly, I tell them, by efficiently reorganizing my schedule, getting ahead actually  gave  me time to think.

The most successful people throughout history have all had an overarching goal, no matter how grand; with the time from getting ahead, I chose mine. Andrew Carnegie sought to provide affordable steel, Henry Ford wanted to create a universal automobile, and Elon Musk aims to put a city on Mars. After seeing their success, I think about how I can do the same. Simply put, I want to be a leader in sustainable real estate. More specifically, I want to make green living universal. Whenever I get the same surprised looks from this claim as when I tell someone that I am graduating early, I clarify that there are already some pioneers designing revolutionary apartments with trees planted on all of their floors, working to clean the air in polluted cities. Stefano Boeri, for example, has designed a thirty-six-floor building covered with trees on terraces jutting out from its sides, dubbed the “Tower of Cedars.” I want to take this premise further: my mission is to expand clean living to all, not just the elite who can afford it. The law is one of the most important tools that I will need to achieve this. The complexities of environmental and real estate law will be major challenges. Regardless, to lead the industry, I must get ahead. When I start my business, I will reflect on my experience in running the Trial Team as its president, the perspective on efficient business systems that I gained with American Hotel Register, and the tips that the CEO of Regency Multifamily shared with me for optimally running a large real estate firm, among many other things. But I will always be looking forward. While history shows that there are answers in the past, only the future knows them. Thankfully, controlling the present by getting ahead can make the future that much more certain.

I stepped back into the windup, again. As I drove off the rubber towards the plate, I extended out as far as I could to get as much control and power as possible. The big hook landed firmly over the outer third of the plate, right into my catcher’s mitt with a solid  phwump .

“Steeeeeriiike! Oh-and-one.”

“Atta kid!” My coach was elated to see my pitch command this inning.

Are you inspired to get ahead? Don’t you just feel a sudden urge to admit me into your program? Well thankfully, it made an impression on someone. I did my best to show my ambitions while showing a bit of my personality. The greatest risk that I took was that some of the baseball jargon may have been hard to understand for someone unfamiliar with the sport, but I made sure that it would not detract from the overall meaning of the piece. It served as a useful supplement to the rest of my application.

As of 2018, I am enrolled at Chicago-Kent College of Law with a full tuition scholarship. While it is no Ivy program, it is a respectable school with a strong regional reputation. The great thing about having the financial burden of law school off my shoulders is that I can now focus on getting the most out of my studies, rather than stress to figure out how I am going to pay off the debt that would have financed my education. And if it turns out that the program is not the best option for me, I can walk away with no financial strings attached.

The personal statement should only drive your application forward. If it is holding it back in any way, it is not ready. Keep it professional but do be creative and show the reader more of your personality than a resume alone would give. You are selling them your brand as a student, so do not let them gloss over your application without much of a thought.

Jack graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in May 2018 with a degree in Economics and History, and he currently works in property management while attending Chicago-Kent College of Law on a part-time basis. He hopes to use his law degree to enhance his career in commercial real estate and eventually lead sustainable large-scale real estate developments nationwide.

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Find helpful tools and gadgets

Because neurodivergent people often need visual prompts or sensory tools, it is helpful to figure out what works best for you. Maybe you need a quiet fidget to use under your desk in class to help you focus. Maybe you need to incorporate the use of timers throughout your day. If you struggle with time blindness, you can use hourglasses to help you visualize time. Perhaps you struggle with extraneous sounds and need to use noise-cancelling headphones. More and more tools and gadgets are being made for neurodiverse individuals that can help you throughout law school.

Find the best time to be productive

Society can dictate when you are supposed to be most productive. See the traditional 9-5 work schedule. However, that model does not always work best for neurodiverse individuals. Some people are not morning people, and that is fine. Figure out when you have the most energy during your day to be your most productive self.

Identify your organizational system

Find one system to use for organization and don’t change it. Trying too many organizational systems can become overwhelming. If your phone calendar works best, use that. If you are a list person, write all the lists. If you are a planner person, find the coolest one to use throughout the school year.

Write everything down

It would be nice to think that you can remember every task or deadline, but let’s be honest, that’s probably not true. Write down every deadline, every task, meeting, assignment, important date, etc. in the organizational system that you use.

Figure out your maximum focus time

Just like you can only put so much gasoline in a car, most neurodiverse individuals only have so much room in their focus tank. Figure out how long you can truly focus and apply yourself to a task before you need a break. That amount of time is typically shorter for neurodiverse individuals. If you can only truly focus for 20 minutes, study for 20 minutes, take a break, and then come back for another 20 minutes.

Find your friends

You may have started law school with your mind full of horror stories. Throw them out the window. Most of the people you attend law school with are genuinely kind and helpful people. Try to find a group or a couple of people that you can trust and lean on when necessary. Your law school friends can help you stay on task, body double, and even provide notes on the days you may be struggling. These friends can be one of your greatest assets throughout your law school journey.

Be honest with your professors

Only discuss your neurodivergence with your professors to the extent that you are comfortable. If there are things you are concerned about related to your neurodivergence, it can be beneficial to make your professors aware at the beginning of the semester. Whether you are worried about cold calling or need a topic broken down, most professors love opportunities to discuss their area of law! They can’t know that you may need help if you don’t let them know. This is especially important if you aren’t successful in getting accommodations from your school’s Disability Services.

Trust your methods

As a neurodivergent student, you may not fit the traditional mold of all the things a law student is “supposed to do” in order to be successful. You have been in school for years, and now is the time to trust yourself and not be afraid to be an “outside of the box” law student. There is no harm in trying new study methods, but never fear going back to your personal basics. If you need help figuring those out, see if your law school has a learning center or faculty member that can assist you.

Outlining with jury instructions.

  • On your Westlaw Precision home screen, click on Secondary Sources and then Jury Instructions .
  • On the Jury Instructions page, use the Jurisdiction filter to select your desired jurisdiction.
  • Search for your cause of action. (Ex. elements of libel in Federal Jury Practice & Instructions )
  • Open your relevant jury instruction and don't forget to check the related notes.
  • To see more instructions, check out the table of contents to your left or click on View Full TOC.

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If the case arises out of the U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws, rules or regulations, or a treaty signed by the U.S., and the federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction, then the case must be litigated in federal court.

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Restatement of Contracts 2d


(1) A counter-offer is an offer made by an offeree to his offeror relating to the same matter as the original offer and proposing a substituted bargain differing from that proposed by the original offer.

(2) An offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated by his making of a counter-offer, unless the offeror has manifested a contrary intention or unless the counter-offer manifests a contrary intention of the offeree.

Negligence Defined

Restatement (second) of torts 282.

In the Restatement of this Subject, negligence is conduct which falls below the standard established by law for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of harm. It does not include conduct recklessly disregardful of an interest of others.

Black’s Law Dictionary (10th ed.2014)

Demurrer: A means of objecting to the sufficiency in law of a pleading by admitting the actual allegations made by disputing that they frame an adequate claim. Demurrer is commonly known as a motion to dismiss.

(2) An offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated by his making a counter-off, unless the offeror has manifested a contrary intention or unless the counter-offer manifests a contrary intention of the offeree.

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Tim Walz's military record: What to know about potential VP's National Guard service

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Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate on Tuesday, choosing a progressive yet plain-spoken VP candidate from America’s heartland to help her win over rural, white voters.

“I’m pleased to share that I’ve made my decision: Minnesota Governor Tim Walz will join our campaign as my running mate,” Harris said via text to supporters. “Tim is a battle-tested leader who has an incredible track record of getting things done for Minnesota families. I know that he will bring that same principled leadership to our campaign, and to the office of the vice president.”

We look at Walz, a 60-year-old U.S. Army National Guard veteran, and his military career over the years.

More: Tim Walz is Kamala Harris' VP pick: Minnesota governor named running mate: Live updates

How long was Walz in the military?

Walz served in the military for 24 years, enlisting in the Nebraska National Guard at 17 in 1981 and then transferring to the Minnesota National Guard in 1996. He retired in 2005 to begin his successful run for the U.S. House, representing Minnesota as command sergeant major, among the highest ranks for enlisted soldiers. His battalion went on to deploy to Iraq shortly after Walz's retirement.

Walz specialized in heavy artillery and had proficiency ribbons in sharpshooting and hand grenades.

But during the 21 years that Walz spent working with large artillery pieces, he suffered hearing loss and tinnitus in both ears, Minnesota Public Radio reported. He was allowed to continue his service after undergoing surgery, which partially resolved his hearing loss.

Where did Walz serve, and what did he do in the National Guard?

During his service, Walz responded to natural disasters, including floods and tornadoes in Minnesota and Nebraska, and was deployed overseas for months at a time, according to MPR.

In 2003, he was sent to Italy, where he served with the European Security Force to support the war in Afghanistan. He was also stationed in Norway for joint training with other NATO militaries.

Walz told MPR that he reenlisted in the National Guard after the September 11 attacks but never saw active combat in his years in the military.

Stars and Stripes reported in 2020 that Walz credited his Army experience with helping him steer Minnesota through the COVID-19 pandemic as governor.

As governor of Minnesota, Walz is commander in chief of the 13,000-soldier Minnesota National Guard. “I’m certainly proud of my military service, but it’s one piece of me,” he told Minnesota Public Radio in 2018. “It doesn’t define me.”

Reuters and USA TODAY reporter Tom Vanden Brook contributed to this story.

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Here’s a look at questions about Tim Walz’s military record

Walz’s military record under scrutiny as Vance, GOP question his service


FILE - Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the running mate of Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris, is pictured at a campaign rally in Philadelphia, Aug. 6, 2024. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

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CINCINNATI (AP) — Republicans are questioning Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s military record after Vice President Kamala Harris named him as her running mate this week.

Here’s a look at the issue:

He retired before his unit’s deployment to Iraq

Walz served a total of 24 years in various units and jobs in the Army National Guard. But it’s his retirement in 2005 that’s prompting criticism from some Republicans who are suggesting he abandoned his team to pursue a campaign for Congress.

As he ramped up for a congressional bid in 2005, Walz’s campaign in March issued a statement saying he still planned to run despite a possible mobilization of Minnesota National Guard soldiers to Iraq. According to the Guard, Walz retired from service in May of that year.

In August 2005, the Department of the Army issued a mobilization order for Walz’s unit. The unit mobilized in October of that year before it deployed to Iraq in March 2006 .

There is no evidence that Walz timed his departure with the intent of avoiding deployment. But the fact remains that he left ahead of his unit’s departure. In a statement, the Harris campaign pushed back on GOP characterizations of Walz’s service, and also noted that he advocated for veterans once he was elected to the U.S. House.


“After 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he chaired Veterans Affairs and was a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform — and as Vice President of the United States he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans and military families,” the campaign said.

Before leaving Detroit, where she and Walz played up their support for organized labor , Harris on Thursday responded to a question about the criticism of her running mate’s record.

“Listen, I praise anyone who has presented themselves to serve our country,” she said. “And I think that we all should.”

Walz didn’t serve in a combat zone

Earlier this week Harris’ campaign circulated on X a 2018 clip of Walz speaking out against gun violence, and saying, “We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.” That comment suggests that Walz portrayed himself as someone who spent time in a combat zone.

According to the Nebraska Army National Guard, Walz enlisted in April 1981 — just two days after his 17th birthday — and entered service as an infantryman, completing a 12-week Army infantry basic training course before graduating from high school.

While attending the University of Houston in 1985, he was reclassified as a field artillery cannoneer as a member of the Texas Army National Guard, later serving as an instructor with the Arkansas Army National Guard.

In 1987, Walz returned to Nebraska’s Guard detachment, continuing field artillery assignments while he completed a college degree. By 1996, he transferred to the Minnesota Army National Guard. In 2003, he deployed to Italy in a support position of active military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. But he was not in a combat zone himself.

“Do not pretend to be something that you’re not,” Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance said Wednesday as he campaigned in Michigan. “I’d be ashamed if I was saying that I lied about my military service like you did.”

Vance enlisted in the Marine Corps after graduating high school, serving four years as a combat correspondent, a type of military journalist, and deploying to Iraq in that capacity in 2005.

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Neither Trump nor Harris has served in the U.S. military. Trump received a series of deferments during Vietnam, including one attained with a physician’s letter stating that he suffered from bone spurs in his feet.

The Harris campaign statement said Walz “would never insult or undermine any American’s service to this country” and “thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It’s the American way.”

What about his rank?

Harris’ campaign has referred to Walz as a “retired Command Sergeant Major,” one of the top ranks for an enlisted soldier. He did in fact achieve that rank, but personnel files show he was reduced in rank months after retiring. That left him as a master sergeant for benefits purposes.

Minnesota National Guard officials have said that Walz retired before completing coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy, along with other requirements associated with his promotion.

Associated Press writers Darlene Superville, Trenton Daniel and Richard Lardner contributed to this report.

Meg Kinnard can be reached at http://x.com/MegKinnardAP


Hackers may have stolen the Social Security numbers of every American. Here’s how to protect yourself

Closeup of a hand holding a Social Security card.

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About four months after a notorious hacking group claimed to have stolen an extraordinary amount of sensitive personal information from a major data broker, a member of the group has reportedly released most of it for free on an online marketplace for stolen personal data.

The breach, which includes Social Security numbers and other sensitive data, could power a raft of identity theft, fraud and other crimes, said Teresa Murray, consumer watchdog director for the U.S. Public Interest Research Group.

For the record:

2:39 p.m. Aug. 15, 2024 A previous version of this article identified Teresa Murray as the consumer watchdog director for the U.S. Public Information Research Group. She works for the U.S. Public Interest Research Group.

“If this in fact is pretty much the whole dossier on all of us, it certainly is much more concerning” than prior breaches, Murray said in an interview. “And if people weren’t taking precautions in the past, which they should have been doing, this should be a five-alarm wake-up call for them.”

According to a class-action lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., the hacking group USDoD claimed in April to have stolen personal records of 2.9 billion people from National Public Data, which offers personal information to employers, private investigators, staffing agencies and others doing background checks. The group offered in a forum for hackers to sell the data, which included records from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, for $3.5 million , a cybersecurity expert said in a post on X.

The lawsuit was reported by Bloomberg Law .

Last week, a purported member of USDoD identified only as Felice told the hacking forum that they were offering “ the full NPD database ,” according to a screenshot taken by BleepingComputer. The information consists of about 2.7 billion records, each of which includes a person’s full name, address, date of birth, Social Security number and phone number, along with alternate names and birth dates, Felice claimed.

FILE - The AT&T logo is positioned above one of its retail stores in New York, Oct. 24, 2016. A security breach in 2022 compromised the data of nearly all of AT&T’s cellular customers, customers of mobile virtual network operators using AT&T’s wireless network, as well landline customers who interacted with those cellular numbers. The company said Friday, July 23, 2024, that it has launched an investigation and engaged cybersecurity experts to understand the nature and scope of the criminal activity.(AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File)

Data of nearly all AT&T customers downloaded in security breach

Information on nearly all customers of the telecommunications giant AT&T was downloaded to a third-party platform in a 2022 security breach.

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National Public Data didn’t respond to a request for comment, nor has it formally notified people about the alleged breach. It has, however, been telling people who contacted it via email that “we are aware of certain third-party claims about consumer data and are investigating these issues.”

In that email, the company also said that it had “purged the entire database, as a whole, of any and all entries, essentially opting everyone out.” As a result, it said, it has deleted any “non-public personal information” about people, although it added, “We may be required to retain certain records to comply with legal obligations.”

Several news outlets that focus on cybersecurity have looked at portions of the data Felice offered and said they appear to be real people’s actual information. If the leaked material is what it’s claimed to be, here are some of the risks posed and the steps you can take to protect yourself.

The threat of ID theft

The leak purports to provide much of the information that banks, insurance companies and service providers seek when creating accounts — and when granting a request to change the password on an existing account.

A few key pieces appeared to be missing from the hackers’ haul. One is email addresses, which many people use to log on to services. Another is driver’s license or passport photos, which some governmental agencies rely on to verify identities.

Still, Murray of PIRG said that bad actors could do “all kinds of things” with the leaked information, the most worrisome probably being to try to take over someone’s accounts — including those associated with their bank, investments, insurance policies and email. With your name, Social Security number, date of birth and mailing address, a fraudster could create fake accounts in your name or try to talk someone into resetting the password on one of your existing accounts.

“For somebody who’s really suave at it,” Murray said, “the possibilities are really endless.”

It’s also possible that criminals could use information from previous data breaches to add email addresses to the data from the reported National Public Data leak. Armed with all that, Murray said, “you can cause all kinds of chaos, commit all kinds of crimes, steal all kinds of money.”

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The personal information of more than 200,000 people in Los Angeles County was potentially exposed after a hacker used a phishing email to steal login credentials.

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How to protect yourself

Data breaches have been so common over the years, some security experts say sensitive information about you is almost certainly available in the dark corners of the internet. And there are a lot of people capable of finding it; VPNRanks, a website that rates virtual private network services, estimates that 5 million people a day will access the dark web through the anonymizing TOR browser, although only a portion of them will be up to no good.

If you suspect that your Social Security number or other important identifying information about you has been leaked, experts say you should put a freeze on your credit files at the three major credit bureaus, Experian , Equifax and TransUnion . You can do so for free, and it will prevent criminals from taking out loans, signing up for credit cards and opening financial accounts under your name. The catch is that you’ll need to remember to lift the freeze temporarily if you are obtaining or applying for something that requires a credit check.

FILE - This June 19, 2017 file photo shows a person working on a laptop in North Andover, Mass. Cybercriminals shifted away from stealing individual consumers’ information in 2020 to focus on more profitable attacks on businesses. That's according to a report, Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021, from the Identity Theft Resource Center, a nonprofit that supports victims of identity crime. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola, File)

Technology and the Internet

Are you the victim of identity theft? Here’s what to do

If you’re a victim of identity thieves or a data hack, you need to act quickly. Here’s what to do to protect yourself.

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Placing a freeze can be done online or by phone, working with each credit bureau individually. PIRG cautions never to do so in response to an unsolicited email or text purporting to be from one of the credit agencies — such a message is probably the work of a scammer trying to dupe you into revealing sensitive personal information.

For more details, check out PIRG’s step-by-step guide to credit freezes .

You can also sign up for a service that monitors your accounts and the dark web to guard against identity theft, typically for a fee. If your data is exposed in a breach, the company whose network was breached will often provide one of these services for free for a year or more.

If you want to know whether you have something to worry about, multiple websites and service providers such as Google and Experian can scan the dark web for your information to see whether it’s out there. But those aren’t specific to the reported National Public Data breach. For that information, try a free tool from the cybersecurity company Pentester that offers to search for your information in the breached National Public Data files . Along with the search results, Pentester displays links to the sites where you can freeze your credit reports.

As important as these steps are to stop people from opening new accounts in your name, they aren’t much help protecting your existing accounts. Oddly enough, those accounts are especially vulnerable to identity thieves if you haven’t signed up for online access to them, Murray said — that’s because it’s easier for thieves to create a login and password while pretending to be you than it is for them to crack your existing login and password.

Republican vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, left, and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, shake hands at a campaign rally at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Saturday, Aug. 3, 2024. (AP Photo/Ben Gray)

World & Nation

Trump campaign says its emails were hacked

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Of course, having strong passwords that are different for every service and changed periodically helps. Password manager apps offer a simple way to create and keep track of passwords by storing them in the cloud, essentially requiring you to remember one master password instead of dozens of long and unpronounceable ones. These are available both for free (such as Apple’s iCloud Keychain) and for a fee .

Beyond that, experts say it’s extremely important to sign up for two-factor authentication. That adds another layer of security on top of your login and password. The second factor is usually something sent or linked to your phone, such as a text message; a more secure approach is to use an authenticator app, which will keep you secure even if your phone number is hijacked by scammers .

Yes, scammers can hijack your phone number through techniques called SIM swaps and port-out fraud , causing more identity-theft nightmares. To protect you on that front, AT&T allows you to create a passcode restricting access to your account; T-Mobile offers optional protection against your phone number being switched to a new device, and Verizon automatically blocks SIM swaps by shutting down both the new device and the existing one until the account holder weighs in with the existing device.

Your worst enemy may be you

As much or more than hacked data, scammers also rely on people to reveal sensitive information about themselves. One common tactic is to pose as your bank, employer, phone company or other service provider with whom you’ve done business and then try to hook you with a text or email message.

Banks, for example, routinely tell customers that they will not ask for their account information by phone. Nevertheless, scammers have coaxed victims into providing their account numbers, logins and passwords by posing as bank security officers trying to stop an unauthorized withdrawal or some other supposedly urgent threat.

People may even get an official-looking email purportedly from National Public Data, offering to help them deal with the reported leak, Murray said. “It’s not going to be NPD trying to help. It’s going to be some bad guy overseas” trying to con them out of sensitive information, she said.

It’s a good rule of thumb never to click on a link or call a phone number in an unsolicited text or email. If the message warns about fraud on your account and you don’t want to simply ignore it, look up the phone number for that company’s fraud department (it’s on the back of your debit and credit cards) and call for guidance.

“These bad guys, this is what they do for a living,” Murray said. They might send out tens of thousands of queries and get only one response, but that response could net them $10,000 from an unwitting victim. “Ten thousand dollars in one day for having one hit with one victim, that’s a pretty good return on investment,” she said. “That’s what motivates them.”

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Susan Wojcicki, a Pivotal Chief of YouTube, Dies at 56

She helped turn Google into an internet juggernaut and became one of the most prominent women in Silicon Valley.

A woman in a leather jacket and white T-shirt sits against a dark background.

By John Yoon and Mike Isaac

Susan Wojcicki , who helped turn Google from a start-up in her garage into an internet juggernaut, and who became one of Silicon Valley’s most prominent female executives with her leadership of YouTube, died on Friday. She was 56.

Her death was confirmed by her husband, Dennis Troper, who wrote on Facebook that she had been living with lung cancer for two years. He did not say where she died.

Ms. Wojcicki’s more than two decades with Google began in 1998 in her house in Menlo Park, Calif., part of which she rented to her friends Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the company’s founders. For $1,700 a month, the two used the garage as their office to build the search engine.

Ms. Wojcicki, who had been working at Intel, soon joined Google as one of its earliest employees and was its first marketing manager. Over the years, she reached its executive ranks, becoming Google’s most senior woman employee. She eventually led YouTube, which Google acquired in 2006, and which became one of the world’s largest social media companies.

“She is as core to the history of Google as anyone, and it’s hard to imagine the world without her,” Sundar Pichai, Google’s chief executive, said in a statement .

When she became YouTube’s chief executive in 2014, Ms. Wojcicki was hailed as the most powerful woman in advertising. She had made Google enormously profitable, and she was expected to repeat the trick at YouTube. She led Google’s ad business and played a key role in its acquisition of DoubleClick , an advertising technology company, in 2007.

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  1. Personal Statement Services- Help! : r/prephysicianassistant

    There are plenty of people who don't use editing services and have been accepted, while there are other people who ask their friends, family, professors, and colleagues to help them revise their personal statement. If you're using one of these services, though, make sure you already have a good idea of what you want to convey to the admissions ...

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    That much is clear. Your personal statement may never feel like it is just right, but it can only become better with consistent time and effort spent drafting it again and again. Research examples of well-written personal statements. To get some ideas about what a good personal statement could look like, I did a preliminary search to read a few ...

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  30. Susan Wojcicki, YouTube's Former CEO, Dies at 56

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