18 Best Productivity Apps for Students 2024 (Free & Easy to Use)

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Yo!!! 🙋Are you struggling to manage your student life? Overwhelmed by endless to-do lists, assignments, group projects, and stuff? We feel you!

And guess what? Technology can help.

After 100+ hours of research, we’ve curated this list of 18 best productivity apps for students ( they all are free, user-friendly, and truly effective 😉).

Ready to excel in your exams, complete different projects on time, and still have time left for your personal life? Let’s get started!

18 Best Productivity Apps for Students in 2024

I. for task and project management.

Web, iOS, Mac, iPad, Android, Windows, Apple Watch, and wearOS

Todoist is an intuitive and simple to-do list app with a focus on task-keeping features. It’s ideal for students seeking a straightforward app for basic task management and collaboration.

What’s cool about Todoist? Creating tasks is as easy as sending a text.

Just hit the “+” button, type in your task’s name, add priorities, set due dates, and create reminders—all as if you’re messaging someone. Todoist immediately transforms your text into a task.

Read Full Review : Todoist Review .

Another highlight: Todoist is a cross-platform app, allowing you to easily access your to-do list from multiple platforms.

Key Features

  • Inbox, Today, and Upcoming views
  • Natural language input
  • Task management: priorities, notes, labels, and reminders.

18 Best productivity apps for students | #2 Todoist

Android, iOS, web.

Upbase is the best free all-in-one project management tool for us broke-but-brilliant college students.

Why? Because its free version offers unlimited essentials that any student needs to stay productive without spending a dime.

Imagine handling all your notes, tasks, projects, docs, slides, and more without stressing about the price tag.

18 Best productivity apps for students | #1 Upbase

Even when you add team members for collaboration, Upbase won’t bill you for that.

And oh, as a bonus, Upbase’s low-cost Premium version won’t break the bank.

Now, let’s dig into the main dish: functionality.

Upbase focuses on 3 things to improve your productivity:

  • Data organization
  • Time management
  • Collaboration

It takes a creative approach to help you manage important stuff effectively and keeps it easy to navigate with just a few clicks.

At the same time, it provides robust collaboration tools to let you work seamlessly with teams when in need.

Upbase also gives you multiple calendars to actively plan ahead, create schedules, and manage deadlines.

Plus, it’s packed with cool extras like Pomodoro timers, ambient sounds, and time-blocking to help you stay focused, fight procrastination, and skyrocket productivity.

Don’t worry, Upbase won’t overwhelm you.

Unlike other all-in-one apps trying too hard to be cool but ending up confusing, Upbase keeps it real. Right features, simple interface, no steep learning curve.

Its powerful simplicity has been tested and approved by lots of users.

Upbase's ease of use make it one of the best productivity apps for students

  • Lists : for project management and collaboration. Each list lets you organize tasks, files, docs, links, and schedules. Collaborate on all these items, discuss topics, or chat in real-time.
  • Task management : List/Board view; start and due dates, priorities, and color tags; recurring tasks; subtasks.
  • Collaboration : Assignees, watchers, comments, and file-sharing.
  • Custom filters to filter tasks the way you want.
  • Embedding Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Drive folders .
  • Schedule Page to manage tasks’ deadlines by day, week, and month.
  • Two-way Google Calendar sync . Note: Upbase preserves the original color codes of synced events when showing them on its calendar as other apps do.


  • Global search to quickly find your items within a workspace.

Upbase also gives you dedicated features to practice study techniques, boosting your productivity. They include:

  • Time blocking , with the ability to drag and drop tasks onto the calendar.
  • Pomodoro Timers and ambient sounds: to reduce distractions and stay focused.
  • Notepad : to quickly create notes before you forget them.
  • Daily Notes : Productivity is an ongoing process. Use this tool to record your daily performance for later review.

best app for doing assignment

iOS, Android, Windows, iOS, web.

Trello is a go-to productivity app for students who want a cool and visual way to keep their productivity game strong.

Here’s how it works: Break down your projects into manageable pieces using Trello’s boards, lists, and cards.

As your project progresses, effortlessly move task cards from one list to another, providing an intuitive view for tracking progress.

Need to set due dates, assign tasks to someone, or attach files? Trello’s got your back.

The cool part? The app lets you set up automations for repetitive tasks and enhance your board functionality with Power-Ups.

Quick heads up though: go easy on the Power-Ups. Too many might slow the app down.

best app for doing assignment

Read Full Review : Trello Review .

And FYI, Trello’s free version offers just the basic features and lacks the calendaring and time management functionalities.

  • Kanban boards, lists, and cards
  • Custom fields

18 Best productivity apps for students | #3 Trello

II. For communication & collaboration:

Clear communication is the key to the success of any group project.

Enter Slack, one of the best productivity apps for students who prefer staying connected through messaging.

Create channels for your projects, shoot messages back and forth, share files, and team up on assignments.

18 Best productivity apps for students | #4 Slack

And guess what? Slack isn’t just about the chat life; it also throws in a basic to-do list feature. It allows you to create checklists, set reminders, and even assign checklist items to others within messages.

Furthermore, Slacks integrates with other productivity apps, making it easy to stay organized and on top of work.

  • Channels and direct messages
  • Checklists, reminders, and assignments
  • Search and filtering
  • Workflow Builder

best app for doing assignment

Zoom is a must-have in the arsenal of productivity apps for students, especially those who prefer real-time conversations, like video calls.

What makes it stand out is its ease of use, reliability, and high-quality video calls. Even on the free version, Zoom’s got your back with unlimited 1-on-1 meetings and 40-minute group meetings in 720p quality.

The app also provides a variety of real-time collaboration tools, including screen sharing, whiteboarding, and chat.

  • 1:1 meetings and group meetings
  • Screen sharing
  • Breakout rooms
  • Whiteboarding

18 Best productivity apps for students | #5 Zoom

III. For note-taking

1. evernote.

Web, iOS, Android, Windows.

Evernote simplifies your note-taking game.

Just hit the “+New” button, choose the note type you want, and you’re good to go. The note-taking app offers rich text formatting options to make your notes intuitive.

And there’s this cool feature called Web Clipper, which allows saving articles directly to the app. You can choose to save web articles as a whole or just grab the text or images you want.

Now, what if you need to search through your notes or the existing saved web pages?

Easy-peasy. Evernote boasts the most powerful search capabilities among student productivity apps, allowing you to search by keyword, tag, or file type.

18 Best productivity apps for students | #6 Evernote

But wait, there’s more.

On its mobile version, you can scan physical documents and create notes straight from OK Google or Siri.

In a nutshell, Evernote’s robust search, note-taking, and web-clipping capabilities make it one of the best productivity apps for students looking to ace their university learning.

  • Rich text formatting options
  • Wide range of file support
  • Web Clipper
  • Voice commands
  • Search functionality
  • Notebooks and notes
  • To-do list, weekly planner, and habit tracker templates

The note-taking app offers both a free plan and several paid plans as below:

best app for doing assignment

Windows, macOS, iOS, Android

OneNote is among the best free productivity apps for students who want to get creative with their note-taking.

Picture this: a freeform canvas that lets you take notes however you feel like it. Type, draw, toss in images, and even throw in some videos and audio recordings.

Organization? OneNote’s got you covered with a digital notebook vibe. Sections and pages make it a cakewalk to keep your notes on point.

But what truly sets OneNote apart from other note-taking apps is its seamless integration with other Microsoft Office apps, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

  • Handwriting support
  • Ink-to-text conversion
  • Integration with Microsoft Office

This powerful note-taking app is completely free to use.

IV. For scheduling

1. google calendar.

Web, iOS, Android

If you’re already using Google products like Gmail and Google Drive, then Google Calendar is naturally the ultimate choice. It tightly integrates with the ecosystem, making it easy to schedule meetings, create to-do lists, and stay on top of your day.

It’s also free and easy to use.

The interface is clean and simple, letting you create and manage events in a snap, while the feature set is just right.

18 Best productivity apps for students | #8 Google Calendar

With Google Calendar, you can create multiple calendars for different life areas, set up notifications, choose how you want to view your calendar, and collaborate with others on your schedule.

  • Private or collaborative calendars
  • Customizable color codes
  • Location-based reminders

This calendar app is completely free to use.

2. Fantastical

Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch

Fantastical is one of the best productivity apps for students using Apple devices!

It’s known for its robust natural language processing capabilities that can create tasks, set deadlines, add priorities, and create reminders for you based on what you type in the app.

Many people also love its smart notifications feature, as it’s not too intrusive. For example, if you have a meeting at 1:00 PM, the app will send you a notification 15 minutes before it starts.

But the cool thing is: it will wait until you’re finished with your current task before sending you a notification about the meeting.

Note: Fantastical is a bit more complicated than other calendar apps. So, if you’re a newbie and not familiar with natural language processing, ensure to view its thorough tutorials.

But overall, Fantastical is worth a try, especially if you’re seeking a powerful calendar app to help level up your time management skills.

  • Natural language processing
  • To-do lists, events, and notes
  • Smart notifications
  • Customizable views

18 Best productivity apps for students | #9 Fantastical

V. File Management and Cloud Storage Services:

My recommendations are Google Drive or OneDrive.

They both are popular productivity apps for students due to their generous free plans, ease of use, and collaboration capabilities.

Your choice depends on three factors:

  • Your storage needs
  • Which platforms are you using?
  • Other services you use (then, choose a cloud storage service that integrates with those services.)

Let’s dig deeper to find out which one is right for you.

1. Google Drive

Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS

This app is offered by Google, so it’s tightly integrated with Google’s productivity apps, Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

Imagine this: you can dive into your files straight from the cloud; no need to download them first. Easy peasy!

Compared to OneDrive, Google Drive stands out in certain aspects:

  • It offers 15GB of free storage, compared to just 5GB for OneDrive.
  • A wider range of collaboration tools, including the ability to chat with other collaborators in real time and leave comments on documents.
  • Wider platform support, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.

So, if you’re on the hunt for a service with generous free storage, strong security, and advanced collaboration tools, then Google Drive is a great option.

  • Preview files
  • Offline access
  • Collaboration: view, edit, or comment on the files
  • Share files with links

18 Best productivity apps for students | #10 Google Drive

2. OneDrive

Windows, macOS, Android, iOS

18 Best productivity apps for students | #11 OneDrive

Three things make OneDrive stand out are:

1) Its seamless integrations with Microsoft Office’s productivity apps like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

2) Its seamless integrations with Windows. So, you can access and manage your files directly from File Explorer, enhancing productivity.

2) Personalized file recommendations. This feature helps you quickly find the files you need based on your usage patterns and interests, saving you time and effort.

So, if you rely heavily on Microsoft Office applications or prioritize user experience, choose this app.

  • File-sharing
  • Personalized file recommendations
  • 30-day file version history
  • integrations with Microsoft Office and Windows

best app for doing assignment

VI. Study and Focus Apps:

1. pomodone.

Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android

Meet PomoDone – one of the great productivity apps for students who need serious focus on tasks.

This app makes it easy to use the Pomodoro Technique, a popular time management method that’s been shown to be an effective way to improve productivity.

Here’s how it works:

  • Break down your to-do list into focus sessions, separated by short breaks.
  • When you’re ready, hit the button to start your focus session and the Pomodoro timer.
  • When it buzzes, take a break.
  • After the break, jump into the next Pomodoro.

Rinse and repeat until you get your to-do list done.

18 Best productivity apps for students | #12 Pomodone

  • Pomodoro timers & break timers
  • Customizable sessions and breaks
  • Pomodoro history

best app for doing assignment

Windows, Mac, macOS, Android, iOS, and Chrome

Freedom is a web block app.

It allows you to block those tempting websites and apps that sneakily steal your attention when you should be nailing your schoolwork.

But unlike many web block apps, Freedom is accessible from a wider range of devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Plus, it offers a variety of customization options, including the ability to schedule blocking sessions, set session timers, and use the “Lockdown” mode.

It’s like the app’s telling distractions, ‘You shall not pass!’

So, if you catch yourself endlessly scrolling through socials, wandering the internet, or diving into game worlds when you should be hitting the books, toss Freedom into your toolkit of productivity apps.

  • Ability to block websites and apps
  • Blocking sessions
  • “Lockdown” mode

18 Best productivity apps for students | #13 Freedom

VII. Reading and Research Apps:

1. mendeley.

Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android

Why should Mendeley be your go-to in the jungle of productivity apps?

Well first, for starters, it’s free and open-source – a rarity in the world of reference management software.

Second, it offers wide cross-platform compatibility. Mendeley doesn’t just lock you into Windows, Mac, or Linux as other software does.

Additionally, Mendeley has this cool ability: Automatic PDF fetching. Imagine it doing the heavy lifting, automatically grabbing those PDFs for your references. No more manual hunts or download marathons. It’s like having a personal PDF genie!

So, if you’re on the student grind and want a free, flexible, and time-saving app for managing your references, Mendeley is your wingman.

  • Automatic PDF fetching
  • Web importer
  • Citation generator
  • Note-taking and annotation tools
  • Group collaboration

18 Best productivity apps for students | #14 Mendeley

2. Instapaper

Got a mountain of articles to read but zero time? Enter Instapaper, your free “read-it-later” buddy!

This app lets you save articles, links, and other content to read later, offline, and distraction-free.

Picture this: a clutter-free space where you can dive into your saved stuff. No ads, no fuss.

And hey, you can even play librarian – organize everything into folders, slap on some tags, and find things in a snap.

  • Folders and tags
  • Cross-device sync
  • Ability to send articles to Kindle
  • Speed reading mode

18 Best productivity apps for students | #15 Instapaper

VIII. Other productivity tools:

1. grammarly browser extension: for identifying grammar and spelling errors.

Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari

A helpful tool for those writing in a second language or not confident in their grammar skills!

Grammarly helps you:

  • Identify and correct grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
  • Suggest improvements to clarity and conciseness.
  • Provide feedback on tone and style.

Its browser extensions can work on a wide variety of websites, such as Gmail, Google Docs, Quora, and social media platforms.

18 Best productivity apps for students | #16 Grammarly

2. Habitica: for habit building

Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, web.

Unlike other to-do list apps, Habitica turns your tasks into a game. Break down your big goals into doable tasks and get rewards for checking them off.

The app also lets you connect with other Habitica users, form guilds, and get that extra boost of motivation and support.

Want to build and track habits? No problem!

Habitica can serve well as your habit tracker, thanks to its robust habit system.

18 Best productivity apps for students | #17 Hatibica

3. Bitwarden: a password manager

Web, Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android

This app lets you create strong and unique passwords for all of your online accounts, and then securely store those passwords. This way, you can access them easily whenever in need.

It also helps you save a lot of time and frustration. Why? Because you will no longer have to waste time trying to remember your passwords or reset them if you forget them.

In addition to its password management features, Bitwarden also includes features, like a secure notes manager and a password audit tool.

18 Best productivity apps for students | #18 Bitwarden

Which productivity tools are right for you?

Alright, so there you have it—our roundup of the 17 absolute best productivity apps for students.

But hey, no need to overwhelm yourself and download them all. Just pick the ones that suit your needs!!

Our golden rule: keep it simple .

Instead of juggling a bunch of apps, think about making life easy with an all-in-one app at the core. For those random needs, find specific apps that got your back.

Less stress, more success!

Now, our star player? Upbase .

Why? Because it’s got all the features you need without the app overload.

Imagine just needing Upbase instead of juggling nine different apps for tasks, projects, collaboration—you name it.

And it’s not just about quantity; Upbase is organized in a way that makes sense, so it’s a breeze to use.

Plus, did I mention there’s a free version with all the essentials and a budget-friendly Premium version with unlimited everything? No brainer, right?

Ready to simplify your student life? Give Upbase a spin —your future productive self will thank you!

1. What is a productivity tool?

A productivity tool is a software or application designed to help individuals or teams manage tasks, streamline work processes, and enhance overall efficiency in accomplishing goals.

2. What are examples of productivity as a student?

Examples of productivity as a student include:

  • Efficient time management
  • Effective organization of tasks and deadlines
  • Active participation in class
  • Strategic use of productivity tools and apps
  • Consistent progress on assignments and projects.

3. How do productivity tools affect students?

Productivity tools can positively impact students by enhancing organization, time management, and collaboration, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and academic success.

4. What app can be used to improve productivity for students?

Consider using Upbase to enhance student productivity. It combines various features like task management, collaboration, and document organization in one app, streamlining the student experience for efficiency.

5. Are productivity apps worth it?

Yes, productivity apps can be worth it as they help streamline tasks, enhance organization, and boost efficiency, ultimately saving time and increasing overall effectiveness. However, the value depends on individual preferences and needs.

One place for all your work

Tasks, messages, docs, files, chats – all in one place.

best app for doing assignment

  • Help center
  • Terms of service
  • Privacy policy
  • iOS mobile app
  • Android mobile app

best app for doing assignment

Word Count Tool

  • Word Counter
  • Character Counter
  • Scrabble Word Finder
  • Pomodoro Timer

Closeup of hands typing on laptop

9 Writing Apps For Your College Assignments

When you are in college, writing can seem like a huge job. How can someone successfully manage and organize their thoughts when they have a lot of work to do? Do not be afraid! Lots of writing apps are out there that can help you write better and faster by working like your digital helper. Are you ready to start? Let’s look into these useful tools together.

Why You Need Writing Apps

Benefits of writing apps.

You might be wondering why all the fuss is about writing apps. Many people use writing apps instead of paper, but these apps are like superheroes in the world of writing. They come to your aid and help you fix your spelling, put your ideas in order, and even remember your homework.

The Modern Writing Toolkit

Imagine having a magic set of tools that changes based on what you need to write. In fact, these writing apps do just that. With features like real-time collaboration, grammar checking, and project management, they change and adapt to make sure you have everything you need to face your assignments head-on.

1. AssignmentBro

AssignmentBro is the first tool that stands out that you might want to use for your college assignments. This is a specialized do my assignment online service that helps college students handle and do well on their tasks. AssignmentBro stands out because it focuses on giving you help that is tailored to your needs.

2. Google Docs

Real-time collaboration.

When you want to work together, Google Docs is great. It’s easy to share your work and get comments in real time. Doesn’t that sound perfect for group projects?

Access Anywhere

Because Google Docs is in the cloud, you can view your work from anywhere at any time. No more forgetting to do homework at home!

3. Grammarly

Grammar and spelling checks.

In a way, Grammarly is like a kind but thorough English teacher. It helps you improve your work by finding and fixing mistakes that are simple to miss.

Enhancing Writing Style

Grammarly doesn’t just fix mistakes; it also offers ways to improve your style, which makes your writing clear and crisp. It’s like having a writing expert help you get better.

4. Evernote

Organizing your thoughts.

As you write, Evernote keeps your thoughts and notes in order, like a personal writing assistant. It’s like having a digital notebook that is well-organized and easy to carry around with you.

Ease of Access

You can easily get to your notes and thoughts from any device. Doesn’t it make the process of writing easier and more open?

5. Scrivener

For long assignments.

Scrivener is like the planner of writing apps; it helps you organize long, complicated tasks. It’s very helpful for working on theses and papers.

Powerful Writing Tools

Scrivener makes writing more organized and less stressful by giving you a lot of strong tools. You’ll feel like you have a writing warrior by your side, ready to fight the chaos of big tasks.

6. Hemingway App

Making your writing easy.

The Hemingway App is the best app for writing that is clear and to the point. You can think of it as a personal editor that cuts out words and sentences that aren’t needed, leaving your work clear and to the point.

Improvements to Readability

The app makes sure that your writing is clear and easy to understand, so your points and ideas stand out.

Workspace with Everything You Need

Notion is like a Swiss Army Knife; it gives you many ways to handle your writing jobs. It brings together different parts of your project, making sure that everything fits together and is well-organized.

Making Changes

With Notion, you can make your workspace fit your style and tastes by customizing it. It’s like having your own personal study space.

Managing a Project

Trello is the project manager you’ve always wanted. Making a plan and organizing your tasks will help you meet your due dates without any problems.

Writing with Others

Are you working on a group project? Trello makes working together easy and efficient, which encourages teamwork and unity.

9. FocusWriter

Writing without being distracted.

FocusWriter is a safe place for writers to work without being interrupted, which helps them concentrate and stay on task. It’s like going into a quiet room where you can be creative without any interruptions.

Customizable Backgrounds

Change the background and themes to fit your mood and tastes. This will make writing more comfortable and unique for you.

There are a lot of different writing apps out there, and each one is like a magic wand for writers. They help you plan, manage, and improve your writing, so you can turn in great assignments. So, are you ready to change the way you write?

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25 Best Apps for College Students: Productivity, Studying, Learning & More

Looking for the best apps for college students to boost productivity, organize busy schedules, practice mindfulness, learn new topics, or anything else we’ve got just the mobile app you're looking for.

Christian Eilers

Ready to optimize your university game?

There’s an app for that.

Whether you want to become more productive , boost your mindfulness, learn new topics, organize your university schedule, or anything else, we’ve got just the mobile app you’re looking for.

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Download the app now to get started for FREE!

Here’s our list of the best apps for college students:

Best Apps for University Productivity

Todoist is my favorite everyday tool, and I’m not alone: over 10 million people use this to-do checklist app for staying on top of things and keeping up their productivity. It’s a to-do list, sure, but it’s so much more than that. You can create different projects, add tags, due dates, reminders, and teammates, get daily and weekly progress reports, and integrate it with multiple apps you probably already have, such as Dropbox and Amazon Alexa.

Find this app on these app stores : iOS • Android • Chrome (ext.) • Windows 10 • macOS

2. Evernote

Evernote, at its very heart, is a note-taking app. But it’s a note-taking app on steroids, to be honest. With the ability to create multiple notebooks for different college classes, sync across devices, share and collaborate with classmates, save images, take voice notes, and much more, it’s really a perfect app for university students to stay organized and productive.

Find this app on these app stores : iOS • Android • Windows 10

Related Read : 15+ Free Online Learning Platforms & Tools to Use to Study From Home

Trello can be used by anyone for anything, and that includes college students for college-y tasks, as well! I’ve used it myself to organize my writing tasks in an easy-to-comprehend kanban layout. People also use it to renovate their homes, organize upcoming travel itineraries, and even to plan their weddings! You can use Trello to create as many boards as you want, populate each board with different lists and individual tasks, collaborate with your classmates, and even integrate it with other apps, including Google Calendar and Slack.

Find this app on these app stores : iOS • Android

I’ve seen a lot of people use this simple app, and it makes sense. If you’re looking to stay focused but need some gamification to follow through, Forest is the best app for you. The gist is this: when you’re ready to focus, you plant a tree seed. Then as you work, your tree begins to grow. If you can work all the way until it grows into a big, strong tree, hurray! If you check your phone to see Facebook or Instagram, your tree dies. It’s a great way to help you undo the constant phone-checking habit we’ve all succumbed to.

Related Read : 18 Types of Scholarships to Explore for Your College Needs

5. Google Drive

We all already have the Google Office Suite with our Gmail addresses for free, which already give it an advantage. But, with its super-powerful and seamless collaboration features on Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides apps, it’s easier than ever to work on group assignments with classmates. When you’re done for the day, save it to a shared folder on Google Drive where everyone and your professor can access it.

Top Classroom Organization & Study Apps

6. mystudylife.

MyStudyLife is one of the best apps for college students looking to take control of their lectures, classes, homework assignments, exams, and more. With a gorgeously designed mobile and web interface, you can plan your weekly schedules, get important reminders, create to-do lists, and keep everything synced across multiple devices.

Related Read : 10+ Tips on How to Stay Healthy Studying From Home

7. iStudiez Pro

iStudiez Pro is a favorite app among college students for its wide variety of features. There are live tiles and alarms to keep you on top of upcoming assignments, a classroom and college planner, university grade tracker, and a digest to get all your information as an overview at one glance. On top of those features, it has one of the best homework planners available on the market, with the ability to set priority levels, due dates, and even how much weight it carries towards your overall grade!

Find this app on these app stores : iOS • Android • Windows 10 • macOS

8. Cheatography

Not an app to help you cheat! Cheatography is all about cheat sheets, and with more than 3,500 of them available in a variety of subjects, they’re sure to have one for you. Whether you’re studying computer science, business and marketing, or sociology, Cheatography has plenty of cheat sheets to make your study sesh a breeze. And, if you can’t find one you’re looking for, help the next student by creating a cheat sheet and submitting it to the site!

Find this app on these app stores : Web Only

Related Read : Scholarships 101: Everything Students Need to Know About Getting a Scholarship

9. Habitica

Are you struggling under the weight of your various college tasks and responsibilities? Habitica makes it easy to manage your daily college to-do list, life goals, and your everyday habits with a gamified experience for fun. Use it to prepare for university reports, group assignments, and other college tasks and keep track of them effectively as you progress towards the finish line.

10. Adobe Scan

As a college student these days, you’re probably used to everything digital and accessible from your smartphone or university laptop . Unfortunately, perhaps your university isn’t so up to date with their learning material and documents. Adobe Scan lets you easily capture documents as a handheld scanner, fixes them up, and lets you save them as digitized files. If there’s a large whiteboard equation you want to save for later, you can take multiple pictures, stitch them together, and save them all as a single, seamless PDF. On top of that, its powerful OCR engine recognizes text in images, making searching a breeze.

Related Read : 25+ Studying From Home Tips for Productivity and Success

Best Mindfulness, Meditation & Mind Mapping Apps for College Students

XMind is a full-featured app for creating mind maps that are easy on the eyes. The Outliner feature helps you organize various facts, ideas, and thoughts floating around your mind, while the theme editor lets you view everything in a way that’s personalized just for you. Also, if you’re not sure how to get started with mapping your mind, there is an entire mind map gallery with templates you can download for free!

12. Headspace

Headspace is the top mindfulness app for college students, with plenty of guided exercises, meditations for relaxation and calming, helpful videos, breathing exercises, and much more. For college students, it’s perfect for any time of day, with wake-up sessions, stress release and motivation boosters throughout the day, and sleeping aids to help you get a great night’s rest before your next busy day at university.

Related Read : 15 Books to Read Before College

13. SimpleMind

More than 8 million people around the world use SimpleMind, one of the best cross-platform mind mapping apps for college students and young professionals.With SimpleMind, you can create multiple mind maps on one page, page size is unlimited, and you can even add images, video, and voice memos to take things to the next level.

14. Stop, Breathe & Think

Stop, Breathe & Think is one of the best meditation and mindfulness apps for university students. It’s got a fun design and powerful features, such as emotional check-ins, personalized recommendations, breathing timers, and more. Keep track of your emotional progress in the app and explore dozens of other activities to help you grow, broaden your perspective, and find peace during your stressful college life.

Related Read : 25+ Books for College Students to Read

15. Spotify

Everyone’s familiar with Spotify, and you likely are already a subscriber. However, it’s more than just music and recommendations. From study playlists to help you get in the zone to nature sounds to lull you to sleep, Spotify has it all. With their growing podcast library, you can even follow educational programs to give you that edge at school or in your professional life.

Top Learning Apps for University Students

16. quizlet.

Quizlet takes old-school flashcards, modernized them, and digitized them to make for one of the best learning apps for university students. There are flashcards to help you study, learn new languages, practice for tests alone or with your classmates, and even games to test your level of comprehension.

Related Read : How to Use Goodwall’s Web Profile to Score a Scholarship & Get Into Uni

17. Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha knows everything about almost anything. Powered by a powerful computational engine with expert data points in its database and tweaked algorithms, it can give you comprehensive answers to your questions. If you want 3D molecular models, domain-specific measurements (e.g., shipping container dimensions, tracheal tube size), biographical data on past government leaders, or advanced mathematical formulas, this is the tool for you.

18. Brainly

Brainly is a complete online community for students to help each other with tasks, learning, and studying. Whether it’s mathematics, history, chemistry, or another school subject, college students can use this app to get the answers and support they’re looking for, a crowdsourced information portal, so to speak.

19. Duolingo

Duolingo is one of the best language learning apps available, and you can use it completely free to practice 35+ languages. Whether you want to brush up on your Spanish, challenge yourself with Hungarian Magyar, or learn Klingon before the San Diego Comic-Con, Duolingo has it. With fun gamification, intermittent quizzes, and motivational tools, it’ll have you speaking a second or third language in no time. 

20. Dictionary.com

I love Dictionary.com and its sister site, Thesaurus.com, and their app is just as awesome. I subscribe to their word of the day, keep up with their blogs on grammar, slang, and writing, and save words for later use in my articles. 

Other Great Apps for College Students

Are you looking for an app that lets you budget and track your expenses while in college? Mint is the right app for you. Put out by Intuit, makers of the popular TurboTax software, Mint has features to help you with every aspect of budgeting for college life. Link your various bank accounts to get a single dashboard of everything in one place, set limits and alerts to help you stay on track, and get expert tips on how to best manage your spending habits.

Related Read : 15+ Easy Ways on How to Save Money in College

22. Brain.fm

I only recently discovered Brain.fm, but it’s been so helpful that I’ve purchased a subscription, so I definitely recommend it as one of the best apps for college students, young professionals, and anyone else looking for soothing sounds for work, sleep, or mindfulness. Brain.fm is all about functional music, using science-backed methods and proven approaches to produce sounds that enhance your ability to sleep, relax, meditate, and focus. There are various environments for each mood, from beach sounds to the pitter-patter of raindrops, all interlaced with melodic tunes to create soundscapes that work.

23. Circle of 6

Circle of 6 is a great safety app for college students, perfect if you’re walking home from the school library late at night or walking through an unknown neighborhood after a night out with friends. The app connects you with six nearby friends, and keeps them just a tap away for any situation you’re in. If you need an interruption from someone harassing you at the bar or you are feeling depressed, you can hit the appropriate button and get your friends to provide the assistance you need. There are even special hotlines to call for every need, including Spanish-language assistance, LGBTQ guidance, and more.

Find this app on these app stores : iOS • Android (Update: app seems to be removed from app stores at the moment!)

24. Sworkit

During your college years, you’re busy cramming for exams and trying to make it through lectures without falling asleep. For many of you, the only real exercise you might get is by running from one class to another. Sworkit is a great way to stay on top of your fitness routine, whether you are looking to lose weight, build muscle, increase your endurance, improve your flexibility, or just stay fit overall. There are a variety of workout plans to choose from with 400+ unique workouts and 800+ different exercises.

25. Goodwall

Last but not least, it’s us!

Goodwall is the perfect app for college students because it’s an app built specifically for students, young professionals, and entrepreneurs. Join over 1.4 million people from 150+ countries around the world to give and receive support, ask and answer questions, build meaningful relationships, find inspiration, gain recognition, showcase your achievements, and so much more.

Also, on the Goodwall Blog , you’ll find tons of helpful tips and guides to help you through your university years and advice for starting your first jobs once you’re out!

Well, that’s all for now on our list of best apps for college students, and we hope you’ve found several that will help you! Got any questions, feedback, or other great college apps to add to our list? Let us know below in the comments section, and thanks for reading!

Download our app today!

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Hello Christian, This is certainly a great list of productivity tools for University students. I’m currently studying for my master’s degree and finding a tool that helps me in note-taking was extremely important. I have never been an Evernote fan, but rather searched for apps with features like Zettelkasten or second brain. I recommend to try out Hypernotes, one of the recent knowledge management note-taking apps on the market, as an alternative.

Regards, Jess

When I was a student, I used kanbantool.com to manage my projects. It helped me a lot, especially that I studied two faculties at once, so there was quite a lot of tasks to deal with. In fact, I still use the app, to manage my work… that’s how good it is!

Hey Sasha, thanks for writing in! Yeah, I love kanban systems, just checked out the kanban tool you mentioned, it seems a bit like Trello, is that right? I love Trello and Asana for organizing projects, definitely a must-have app for college students, job seekers (you can organize your job hunt), and everyone else!

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50 Best Free Study Apps for College Students: Ultimate List

best app for doing assignment

How many times have you become frustrated when you had to pay for your favorite study app or when access to your most relied-upon website became paid-only?

Once? Twice? Dozens of times?

It’s time to say no to such frustrations. Because here at IvyPanda, we’ve gathered the best study services and apps for college students that are entirely free.

Keep reading!

  • The Best Time Management Apps for Students
  • The Best Online Collaboration Tools for Students
  • Critical Thinking Tools
  • Homework Apps and Websites
  • Digital Storytelling Tools and Websites
  • Citation Tools
  • Note Taking & Word Editors
  • The Best Apps For Students

Bonus: 11 Scholarship and Internship Websites

Use your time wisely: the best time management apps for students.

First and foremost, every student should learn how to manage their time efficiently . You take a lot of classes and have tons of homework and perhaps even a full-time or part-time job, which together may take up all of your time.

You may ask…

How can you possibly keep a study-life and work-life balance?

It is not as hard as it may seem because there are plenty of helpful time management apps for college students:

  • Google Calendar

Google Calendar Screenshot

This is probably one of the most popular time management products. Google Calendar has a traditional interface and may very well be a must-have app for every student. It is available on both Android and iOS platforms as well as online. Make your class schedule, plan your meetings, and share upcoming events with your friends.

Even better:

You can add descriptions, attach pictures or files to events, and set reminders.

Available on: iOS, Android, web

  • My Study Life

Mystudylife Website Screenshot

My Study Life is another cross-platform student planner that will help you organize your college schedule. The app supports both a traditional timetable and day/week rotation.

By the way…

Did we mention that it’s free?

Available on: iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows 8, web

  • Focus Booster

Focus Booster Screenshot

Have you ever procrastinated when doing your homework? If so, you should try the Pomodoro Technique for your studies. All you have to do is break your task into short time blocks (around 20 – 25 minutes each) and focus on your work. The Focus Booster app will help you keep your attention on the assignment, track the time, and create useful reports.

There is no Stop button!

The free version of the app allows for 20 sessions/month, including time tracking, the Pomodoro timer, and reporting.

Available on: iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, web

Rescuetime homepage

How much time do you spend surfing distracting websites instead of doing your writing assignment? RescueTime may become an indispensable app for you. Use its free version to better understand how you spend your time:

  • Keep an eye on the websites and applications you use while doing homework
  • Get a weekly report of your activity

There is also a premium pricing plan available for only $9/month, which will block distracting sites, keep a log of your accomplishments, and allow for the creation of detailed filters and reports.

Available on: Android, Windows, Mac, Linux

Todoist Website Screenshot

Keep an eye on all your tasks with this simple cross-platform tool. Todoist is a free online planner for students and anyone else who wants to stay organized. Use this tool to set up, track, and review your daily and weekly tasks.

Available on: Android, Windows, Mac, iOS, web

Collaborate With Your Classmates: The Best Online Collaboration Tools for Students

Teamwork and the ability to communicate with others are some of the most essential skills for your future.

You may be wondering: why are they so important?

And here is the deal…

Being able to work in a group gives you these benefits:

  • Improving your communication skills. To work on any problem, you have to communicate. You must be able to hear others’ opinions. This collaborative learning will become the perfect foundation for your future job, especially for teamwork with people of different backgrounds, religious beliefs, ethnicities, etc.
  • Learning how to trust others. When working on a group project, you have to collaborate with others. Of course, you may work without trusting your classmates. But if you want to finish your task quickly and efficiently, you have to learn how to trust your colleagues.
  • Immersing yourself in learning. Being heard in a small group gives you a feeling of value and prominence. Because your study experience will become more pleasant, you’ll be more eager to get more information on the topic at hand. Another way of acheving this benefit would be through visiting a database of college essay examples . Try it some time to get an extra source of inspiration.
  • Learning something new from your classmates. Two heads are better than one, so when working together, you will see different points of view on the raised question.
  • Becoming more confident. While working on a group project, you will get team support and be able to express yourself.

Why don’t you try one of these free tools for students for your next group project?

Padlet Website Screenshot

This tool allows you to create boards when working on group projects. On these boards, you can add comments, links, photos, audio files, and videos. And don’t forget to share them with your friends and classmates!

Available on: Chrome, iOS, Android, Kindle, web

Diigo Website Screenshot

Imagine that you have your own online library. You can create bookmarks and tag saved websites, and you can add text, notes, and reminders directly to any web page. And, of course, you can share it all with your mates!

Diigo Website Screenshot

Slack will take your group projects to the next level. Communicate with others, upload images and documents, and search through an archive of your team’s decisions, conversations, and work. 5 GB of file storage is included in the free version.

Available on: Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone

Trello Website Screenshot

It does not matter how big your project may be. Now you can forget about tons of sticky notes, dozens of emails, and the dreaded lost flash drive (the one with your completed group assignment). Trello is among the best study apps because it allows you to create a board, invite your friends, and add comments and attachments to Trello cards. This cross-platform tool is also great for brainstorming.

Available on: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, web

We Transfer Website Screenshot

WeTransfer allows you to share your files with others. All you have to do is upload a document, video, audio file, etc., and then send the link to your friends. The free version allows you to upload files up to 2 GB, with a link that expires in a week.

Available on: Mac, iOS, Android, web

Think Out of the Box: Critical Thinking Tools

Nowadays you have to deal with lots of information. Therefore, you should not be just a passive recipient of facts and news but rather an active learner.

In essence, you must be able to observe, analyze, evaluate, and solve problems using a systematic approach, not just your instinct or intuition.

Critical thinking involves a lot of skills: attention, analysis, evaluation, reflection, assumption, decision making, and problem-solving.

Critical thinking will help you.

Check out these critical thinking apps:

Xmind: ZEN Screenshot

Xmind is one of the best mind mapping apps. You can use it when working on any assignment to create a diagram and build out the logic of the project. The free plan allows you to create all kinds of charts. You can also get access to extended features with the Pro version for only $129.

Available on: Windows, Mac, Linux

Coggle - The clear way to share complex information.

Coggle is another great mental map app that allows you to create diagrams, take notes, analyze gathered information, and brainstorm your ideas. The free plan allows you to create unlimited public charts and image uploads, download your project as a PDF or image file, and share it with your classmates.

Available on: web

Fact Check Website Screenshot

One of the elements of critical thinking according to the Bloom’s Taxonomy matrix is evaluation. When writing an assignment, you have to review a lot of sources. SciCheck will help you avoid misleading scientific facts. And all you need to use this tool is a browser!

Elevate Brain Training Games

Elevate is an Android app that will help you increase your brain’s processing speed, improve your speaking and math skills, and boost your memory and attention. You will find 40+ games for your brain along with a performance tracker, workout calendar, and more!

Available on: Android

Ace Your Assignments: Homework Apps and Websites

If you’re like almost every other student, there will be a moment in your life when you ask yourself:

“How on earth will I be able to complete all these assignments?”

Studying in college involves a lot of homework. That’s why there are plenty of helpful apps for students to deal with all those assignments.

You may want to try some of these tools:

Photomath - Scan a math problem for an instant result.

Forget about struggling with your homework. Try Photomath, one of the coolest math apps for college students. Merely scan math problems with your smartphone and get an immediate answer.

Available on: iOS, Android

Socratic App Screenshot

Socratic is a digital tutoring app for your smartphone. Get homework help from teachers and other students. Just ask your question, and you will get an answer!

Supported subjects:

  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Astrophysics
  • Earth Science
  • English Grammar
  • Environmental Science
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Trigonometry
  • U.S. History
  • World History

Quizlet - Simple tools for learning

Ace your studies by creating diagrams and flashcards or by exploring those made by other users. You can master your knowledge on any subject using the tool’s online version or download it to your phone.

  • Office Lens

Office Lens convert images to PDF, Word and Power Point.

Time to digitize all your notes! Use Office Lens from Microsoft and convert your notes, recipes, and even blackboard scribbles to Word, PowerPoint, or PDF.

Available on: Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone, iOS, Android

  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Merriam Webster Screenshot

An extended vocabulary is essential for every student, no matter whether you are studying Humanities or Sciences. Learn new words, search for synonyms, and master your vocabulary using your smartphone or the dictionary’s browser version.

By the way:

If you are struggling with your assignments, do not hesitate to message IvyPanda ! You will get excellent homework help from an experienced Academic Expert.

Tell Your Story: Digital Storytelling Tools and Websites

Every day we tell stories to our relatives, acquaintances, and friends. Even essay writing for a class means storytelling.

So let’s take a closer look at digital storytelling and see what skills it will help you develop.

First of all, storytelling is about leadership. By participating in a digital storytelling project, you will learn how to engage, motivate, and convince your audience.

Carolyn Conforti-Browse quote.

It also develops your technical competency. Creating presentations and making videos requires a decent understanding of various interfaces and tools.

When working on a digital project, you will develop your critical thinking skills as you make a lot of decisions. You will have to think about your audience, how to persuade them in a limited amount of time, and so on.

You may want to try out one of these digital storytelling tools for students:

  • Storyboarder

Storyboarder - the best way to visualize your story.

This online storyboard generator from the Australian Center of Moving Images allows you to create your own video and share it with your friends. You can also check out the organization’s video library and download a free video for your project.

You can even learn from professionals! Watch video advice from Australia’s best screen professionals.

  • Make Beliefs Comix

Make Beliefs Commix website

Why not try to tell your story as a comic strip? Who says that digital storytelling has to be dull?

You can create your own story in a fun way. Also, you can find tons of ideas for your strips, writing prompts, and even some free ebooks. Make Beliefs Comix should definitely be listed among the most useful apps for students!

  • Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark - Create graphics, web pages and video stories in a minutes.

Are you searching for an outstanding tool to visualize your story? Try Adobe Spark. This app allows you to develop gorgeous web pages, custom graphics, and videos. All your projects will sync across your desktop, iPad, and iPhone.

Available on: iOS, web

WeVideo - storytelling tool for creating videos.

WeVideo is another simple but powerful digital storytelling tool for creating your videos. The app is available in both free and paid versions. The free version allows you create 5-minute videos with 480p resolution and 1 GB of file storage.

Available on: Chromebook, iOS, Android, web

Show Me - Creating tutorials.

With ShowMe, you can now create your own whiteboard, record a video, and share it with your friends. Moreover, you may want to check out their tutorial videos on the following subjects:

  • Art History
  • Contemporary Art
  • Music Theory
  • Musical Notes
  • Renaissance Art

Available on: Chromebook, iOS, Android

Don’t Steal, Cite: Citation Tools

Nobody wants to be accused of plagiarism. To avoid this, you should always cite your sources.

You may argue…

There are a lot of citation styles. How can I even remember them all?

Fortunately, you don’t have to! Use one of the citation builder apps or websites below:

  • Cite This For Me

RefMe - Referencing Made Easy.

Cite This For Me is a former RefMe app that allows you to create a citation in Harvard, APA, MLA, and several other styles simply by using your phone’s camera. All you have to do is scan a book’s barcode.

  • Mendeley Reference Manager

Mendeley Reference Manager

Mendeley is another completely free reference generator that is available on all platforms. Imagine having a whole library in your pocket. You can create citations in various styles with just a few clicks. Mendeley also offers a citation plugin that is compatible with Microsoft Word and LibreOffice. And you can access Mendeley from any web browser or mobile device.

Available on: Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, web

Zotero Screenshot

Zotero is among the must-have education apps for students. Like Mendeley, it has a plugin compatible with Word and LibreOffice.

Zotero supports over 8,000 citation styles!

Available on: Windows, Mac, Linux, web

Otto Bib - Bibliography Maker.

OttoBib is a clear and straightforward citation generator. Enter a book’s ISBN and get a citation. This app only supports the following citation styles: APA, MLA, Chicago, Wikipedia, and BibTeX.

  • Citation Machine

Citation Machine automatically generates citations in MLA, APA, Chicago and more.

Citation Machine is a powerful yet easy-to-use online app. It supports various citation styles. Choose the necessary style, adjust your search results, edit the information, and make a proper reference for your assignment.

Jazz Up Your Writing: Note Taking & Word Editors

A good note-taking app or word processor is a must-have for every student. It will help you concentrate on your studies instead of searching for a pen or piece of paper to write your ideas down.

And, of course, there is a plethora of digital tools for writing, both free and paid.

Choose from the best note taking apps and word processors:

Google Docs Website Screenshot

GoogleDocs is a simple but powerful word editor for all your needs. As you work on your text, all changes will be saved automatically. If your Internet connection is suddenly lost, you can still find the file in your Google Drive account.

Available on: web, iOS, Android

  • LibreOffice

Librare Office Website Screenshot

LibreOffice is a free alternative to the Microsoft Office Suite. Create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, diagrams, and charts on your computer or mobile device. LibreOffice is compatible with most popular document formats.

Available on: Linux, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android

Evernote Website Screenshot

If you are seeking the best apps for college students, you should try Evernote. You can use this tool to keep all your notes in one place or to serve as your handy assignment tracker―it syncs with your Google Calendar. You can also search among previous records and share them with your friends.

Available on: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, web

This is ZenPen Website

What do you need to start writing?

Only your ideas and a text editor. ZenPen is one of the most minimalistic online text editors. No distractions—just you and your writing. By the way, you can also set a target word count to keep yourself on track.

Talktyper Screenshot

TalkTyper is another online text editor. You don’t even need to type! Just plug in your mic and start dictating. TalkTyper allows you to edit, print, share, email, and translate text. The app supports 37 languages.

Store Your Files Safely: The Best Apps For Students

How many times have you lost your flash drive or had your hard drive suddenly crash? Now is the time to take care of your files like you always meant to. You should try these apps and tools for file storage:

  • Google Drive

Google Drive Screenshot

Start uploading your files to Google Drive with 15 GB of free storage. Among this tool’s many features, it is worth noting the integration with Google Docs, Gmail, and Google+, which makes it one of the most useful apps for college students. Also, you may backup files from your computer or mobile device.

Dropbox Screenshot

Over 100 million users have chosen Dropbox as their primary cloud storage provider. Dropbox integrates into your computer’s operating system and creates a folder with the same name. When you place any file in this folder, it is automatically uploaded to the cloud server.

In fact, you do not even need a web interface! 2 GB of free online storage is provided.

You can create public links that are available to everyone, whether they are Dropbox users or not.

Icloud for safe and easy sharing.

iCloud is an exclusive cloud storage service for Apple users, whether they use the iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, or Mac.

The service saves your content and provides access to photos, calendars, contacts, and files on any device. Each new user gets 5 GB of disk space upon registering.

Available on: Mac, iOS, web

Save files and photo on OneDrive Website.

OneDrive is not just cloud storage. It supports a vast number of formats, and the service is integrated into a lot of applications. Needless to mention Office Online, which is one of the best online office packages.

5 GB of free storage space is available. You can also purchase additional space.

When you purchase certain devices or pay for a subscription to Microsoft Office 365, you’ll also get up to 5 TB of cloud space for free.

Idrive Screenshot

IDrive is another file storage service. Get 5 GB of free file storage under the free basic pricing plan. You can access your files from any device and share your docs to email, social networks, and SMS.

No student would refuse additional funding or financial aid, right? Billions of dollars in grants and scholarships are available to future and current students.

You don’t even have to be an outstanding scientist or sports star to apply. All you need is to spend some time on research.

Take a closer look at one of these websites to get started:

  • Scholars4dev

If you have ever dreamed about pursuing your education abroad, you should check out this website. Here you will find a lot of available scholarships and grants from both governments and institutions all over the world. No registration required.

Only a few steps separate you from 1.5 million scholarships. Every year, colleges throughout the United States offer thousands of scholarships for students that may cover all or part of your tuition and fees.

Register to get access to financial aid worth over $3.4 billion. Be prepared to get a lot of emails with scholarships you qualify for.

Use Niche to explore thousands of available scholarships. You may apply filters for states, majors, minorities, and more to narrow your search.

More than $10 billion in scholarships is waiting for your application. A lot of universities, colleges, foundations, and private companies are ready to pay for your education. All you have to do is fill out your profile on Cappex and find the scholarship that matches you best.

  • Scholarships.com

Paying for college can put you in serious debt. Don’t spend your own money—search for an award instead. Whether you’re only finishing up high school or are a current college student seeking a grant or financial aid, just complete a profile on Scholarships.com and apply for your perfect match.

Searching among millions of student-specific, merit-based, career-based, and other types of grants and scholarships has never been easier. You may browse a full list of awards or use the scholarship search available on Unigo.

Benefits of Internship in Small Companies.

Have you found your next summer internship? Or are you perhaps searching for one of your first student jobs ?

Then why don’t you check out these sites?

  • Internships.com

This website offers thousands of student internships. Filter the search results by a particular field, city, company, etc. and apply to your preferred firm.

Indeed is a great search engine where you can find your first work experience, internship, or even full-time job. All you need to do to start is fill in two fields. Moreover, you may upload your CV so that interested employers can contact you directly.

This is another cool website to explore internship and job opportunities in startups around the world. You can browse positions by state or role.

Start your career with The Muse, where hundreds of employers are waiting for you. You can filter the search results by role, location, job level, and company size.

  • Go Overseas

If you’re looking for a summer internship abroad, you should check this website first. Here you can find tons of internships, guides, information about international studies, and more. Furthermore, if you have questions about a particular program, you may ask travelers who have already participated in it.

What are your favorite apps for students? Tell us in the comments below!

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The 5 Best Homework Help Apps You Can Use

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General Education


We know that homework can be a real drag. It’s time-consuming, and can be difficult to complete all on your own. So, what can you do if you’re struggling?

You might try looking online or in the app store! If you’ve already looked around you probably know that there are tons of homework sites for students and homework apps out there that all say they can help you improve your grades and pass your classes. But, can you trust them? And what are the best apps for homework help?

Below, we answer these questions and more about homework help apps–free and paid . We’ll go over: 

  • The basics of homework help apps
  • The cost of homework help apps
  • The five best apps for homework help
  • The pros and cons of using apps that help you with homework 
  • The line between “learning” and “cheating” when using apps that help you with homework
  • Tips for getting the most out of homework sites for students 

So let’s jump in!


The Basics About Apps that Help You With Homework–Free and Paid

The bottom line is, homework sites and homework apps are intended to help you complete your take-home assignments successfully. They provide assistance that ranges from answering questions you submit through a portal all the way to one-on-one tutoring, depending on the help you need! 

The big plus for both homework help apps and websites is that they usually offer help on-demand. So if you can’t make it to after school tutoring, or if you're studying late into the night (it happens!), you can still access the help you need! 

If you’re specifically looking for an answer to the question: “what is the best homework help website ?,” you can check out our article on those here! [LINK COMING SOON]

What’s the Difference Between a Homework Help Website and an App?

So if they’re both designed to give you a little boost with your take-home assignments, what makes homework apps and websites different from one another? First off, homework help websites are optimized to be used on a desktop, while apps are designed to be run natively on mobile devices. So depending on which devices you have access to, you may decide to use a website instead of an app…or vice versa! 

The other big difference between homework help apps and websites is that they sometimes offer different features. For instance, with the Photomath app, you’ll be able to submit photos of math problems instead of having to type everything out, which is easier to do by using an app on your phone. 

If you’re trying to decide whether to go with a website or app, the good news is that you may not have to. Some homework help websites also have companion apps, so you can have the best of both worlds!

What Makes a Homework Help App Worth Using

Apps that help you with homework should ideally help you actually learn the material you’re struggling with, and/or help you turn in your work on time. Most of the best apps for homework help allow you to ask questions and provide answers and explanations almost immediately. And like we mentioned earlier, many of these apps let you send a picture of a question or problem instead of writing it all out.

But homework help apps offer more than just quick answers and explanations for your assignment questions. They also offer things like educational videos, lectures, tutorials, practice tests and quizzes, math solving tools, proofreading services, and even Q&A with experts.

And the best part is, most offer these services 24/7! 

What You Should Look Out For

When it comes to homework help, there are lots–and we mean lots –of apps willing to prey on desperate students. Before you download any apps (and especially before you pay to sign up for any services), read reviews of the app to ensure you’re working with a legitimate company. 

Keep in mind: the more a company advertises help that seems like cheating, the more likely it is to be a scam. Actual subject matter experts aren’t likely to work with those companies. Remember, the best apps for homework help are going to help you learn the concepts needed to successfully complete your homework on your own. 

If you’re not sure if an app is legitimate, you can also check to see if the app has an honor code about using their services ethically , like this one from Brainly. (We’ll go over the difference between “homework help” and “cheating” in more detail a little later!) 

How Expensive Are Apps That Help You With Homework?

A word to the wise: just because a homework help app costs money doesn’t mean it’s a good service. And, just because a homework help app is free doesn’t mean the help isn’t high quality. To find the best apps, you have to take a close look at the quality and types of information they provide! 

Most of the apps out there allow you to download them for free, and provide at least some free services–such as a couple of free questions and answers. Additional services or subscriptions are then charged as in-app purchases. When it comes to in-app purchases and subscriptions for homework help, the prices vary depending on the amount of services you want to subscribe to. Subscriptions can cost anywhere from $2 to around $60 dollars per month, with the most expensive app subscriptions including some tutoring (which is usually only available through homework help websites.)


The 5 Best Apps for Homework Help

Okay, now that you’re up to speed on what these apps are and how they can help you, we’ll run you through the best five apps you can use. 

Keep in mind that even though we recommend all of these apps, they tend to excel at different things. We’ve broken these apps into categories so that you can pick the best one for your needs! 

Best Free Homework Help App: Khan Academy

  • Price: Free!
  • Best for: Practicing tough material 

While there are lots of free homework help apps out there, this is our favorite because it actually supports learning, rather than just providing answers. The Khan Academy app works like the website, and offers the same services. It’s full of information and can be personalized to suit your educational needs. 

After you download the app, you choose which courses you need to study, and Khan Academy sets up a personal dashboard of instructional videos, practice exercises, and quizzes –with both correct and incorrect answer explanations–so you can learn at your own pace. 

As an added bonus, it covers more course topics than many other homework help apps, including several AP classes.

Best Paid Homework Help App: Brainly

  • Price: $18 for a 6 month subscription, $24 for a year 
  • Best for: 24/7 homework assistance 

Brainly is free to download and allows you to type in questions (or snap a pic) and get answers and explanations from both fellow students and teachers. Plus, subject matter experts and moderators verify answers daily, so you know you’re getting quality solutions! The downside is that you’re limited to two free answers per question and have to watch ads for more if you don’t pay for a subscription. 

That said, their subscription fees average around only $2 per month, making this a particularly affordable option if you’re looking for homework help on a budget. Brainly subscriptions not only cover unlimited answers and explanations on a wide variety of school subjects (including Art and World Languages which aren’t always included in other apps), they also provide tutoring in Math and Physics!


Best App for Math Homework Help: Photomath

  • Price: Free (or up to $59.99 per year for premium services) 
  • Best for: Explaining solutions to math problems

This app allows you to take a picture of a math problem, and instantly pulls up a step-by-step solution, as well as a detailed explanation of the concept. Photomath subscription services also include animated videos that break down mathematical concepts–all the way up to advanced Calculus!--to help you better understand and remember them. 

The basic textbook solution service is free, but for an additional fee you can get extra study tools, access to one-on-one tutoring, and additional strategies for solving common math problems.

Best App for STEM and English Homework Help: Studypool

  • Price: Varies; you’ll pay for each question you submit
  • Best for: Science and English homework help in one app

When it comes to apps for science and English homework help, there aren’t lots of great resources out there, much less out there all in one place. While Grammarly is a good service for proofreading, SparkNotes has some decent summaries, and Khan Academy covers science, the best of the bunch if you need help with both subjects Studypool. Instead of using lots of different apps for STEM and English help, they’re combined together here! But while Studypool has great reviews, there are some downsides as well. 

The Studypool Q&A model is a little different than other homework help apps. After you create a free account, you ask questions, and tutors submit bids to answer them. You’ll be able to select the tutor–and price point–that works for you, then you’ll pay to have your homework question answered. You can also pay a small fee to access thousands of notes, lectures, and other documents that top tutors have uploaded.  

The downside to Studypool is that the pricing is not transparent . There’s no way to plan for how much your homework help will cost, especially if you have lots of questions! It’s also not clear how they choose their tutors, so you’ll need to be careful when you decide who you’d like to answer your homework questions. That said, if you only need a few questions answered per month, this could be cheaper than other monthly subscription services.

Best Homework Scheduling App: MyStudyLife

  • Best for: Keeping track of your schedule and deadlines

If the reason you’re looking for homework help is less about finding answers to questions and more about needing assistance with organization and time-management , MyStudyLife is a great option. This is a cross-platform planner that allows you to store your class schedule, upcoming tests, and homework assignments in the cloud so you can access it all wherever you are, and on any device. 

One of the unique things about it is that it easily works for daily or weekly rotating class schedules that can get confusing, helping you keep track of when you need to finish your homework based on your changing schedule. You can get reminders for upcoming classes and assignments as well as past-due homework and any revisions you may need to do. It can even let you know when you need to start studying for a big test!

Best of all, you can actually schedule assignments and study sessions for multiple nights, and specify how much of the task you got done each night. That way you’ll know how much additional time you’ll need to spend! 


While homework apps might seem like magic, it's important to weigh the pros and cons before you commit to one. 

What Are the Pros and Cons of Using Homework Help Apps?

Homework help apps can be useful tools if you’re struggling in any of your classes. But there are a few problems you might run into if you don’t use them ethically and responsibly. 

Below we’ll cover some of the good and the not-so-good parts of using homework help apps to complete your take-home assignments.

3 Pros of Using Homework Help Apps

Let’s start with the pros of using apps for homework help.

Pro 1: All-Around Better Grades

This is undeniably the main pro and the reason apps that help you with homework are so popular with students. Not only can you potentially get better grades on individual assignments, because they help you learn tricky concepts, you can also earn better grades overall .

Just keep in mind that if you want better grades you have to actually learn the material you’re studying, not just find easy answers. So be sure to use apps that provide good explanations . That way you’ll have the mental tools you need to succeed on your class exams and on standardized tests for college. 

Pro 2: Flexibility

It’s hard to beat homework help that you can access anywhere you are from your mobile device. You can also get assistance whenever you need it since the best apps offer their services 24/7. This is especially useful for students who need to study during hours when their free school resources aren’t available because of extracurriculars, jobs, or family obligations. 

If you need convenient and flexible homework help or tutoring services to fit your schedule, apps can be your go-to resource. 

Pro 3: Individualized Learning

Sometimes the kind of learner you are doesn’t match your teacher’s style of teaching. Or maybe the pace of a class is a little too fast or too slow for your tastes. Homework apps can help by allowing you to learn at your own speed and in ways that support your own learning style. 

You can use their features, such as educational videos, 24/7 conversations with experts and peers, and tutorials to review concepts you may have forgotten. These apps can also let you dive deeper into topics or subjects you enjoy! With homework help apps, you get to choose what you need to learn and how you learn it.


3 Cons of Using Homework Help Apps

Next, let’s look at the cons of homework help apps. 

Con 1: Questionable Info 

Unfortunately there are lots of less-than-reliable homework help apps out there. They might not hire actual experts in their fields to provide answers and create study tools, or they rely on user-submitted answers that they don’t verify. In those cases, you might not be getting the accurate, thorough, and up-to-date answers you need to really learn.

In addition to the possibility of running into plain-old wrong answers, even the best apps sometimes just won’t have a specific answer you need. This could be because you’re enrolled in an advanced class the app doesn’t really cover or because of the algorithm or chatbot a particular app uses. 

If that’s the case , your best bet will likely be to talk to your teacher or a free tutor (if your school provides them) to get help answering your question.

Con 2: Information Overload

While having tons of information at your fingertips can be helpful, the sheer amount and variety of videos, tutorials, expert answers, and resources a homework app provides can be overwhelming . It’s also easy to get sucked into a research rabbit-hole where you learn new things but don’t actually get your work done. This is especially true for students who tend to be easily distracted.

Additionally, you may be learning to do things differently than you’ve learned them in class , which could cause problems. For example, if your math teacher asks you to solve a problem one way, but you learned to do it differently through an app, you could get confused come test time! 

Con 3: Cutting Corners

There are a lot of apps out there that bill themselves as “the best app for cheating.” They allow users to type in a question or take a picture, then instantly provide an answer without any explanation of the material. Many of these are scams or provide unreliable answers, but not all. Some apps are legitimate and provide quick and easy answers that could allow you to do your whole homework assignment in minutes. 

The problem is that even though taking shortcuts on homework to save time is tempting, it can keep you from really learning. The point of practicing concepts and skills is so you develop them and can access them whenever you need to. This is especially true if skills build on one another, like in a math or English class. 

Sometimes s truggling with an assignment or question, trying, failing, then trying again until you succeed can help you learn difficult material. If you don’t let yourself really try, and instead take too many shortcuts, you may end up behind.


When Does “Help” Become “Cheating”?

When it comes to using homework help apps, sometimes the difference between “help” and “cheating” is really clear. For example, if you’re using an app to get answers while you’re taking a test, that’s definitely cheating . But what if you’re struggling with a math problem and need to know the correct answer so you can work backwards to learn the process? Is that “cheating” or is it “help?” 

The truth is, not everyone agrees on when “help” crosses the line into “cheating .” If you’re not sure, you can always check with your teacher to see what they think about a particular type of help you want to get. That said, a general rule of thumb to keep in mind is to make sure that the assignment you turn in for credit is authentically yours . It needs to demonstrate your own thoughts and your own current abilities. Remember: the point of every homework assignment is to 1) help you learn something, and 2) show what you’ve learned. 

So if you’re relying on an app to do all of the work for you, there’s a good chance using it might constitute cheating. 

Think of it this way: say you’re studying for an upcoming math test, and are stumped by a few of the questions on the study guide. Even though you’ve tried and tried, you can’t seem to get the right answer because you can’t remember the steps to take. Using an app to explain the steps as you’re studying is “help.” Using the app to get answers so you can make a good homework grade is “cheating.” 

The same is true for other subjects: brainstorming essay ideas with others or looking online for inspiration is “help” as long as you write the essay yourself. Having someone read it and give you feedback about what you need to change is also “help,” provided you’re the one that makes the changes later. 

But copying all or part of an essay you find online or having someone write (or rewrite) the whole thing for you would be “cheating.” Ultimately, if you’re not generating your own work or learning to produce your own answers, it’s probably cheating. 


5 Tips for Finding the Best Homework Help App for You

If you’re serious about using a homework help app, our expert tips can help you pick one that’s right for you and your budget!

#1: Decide What Tools You Need to Succeed 

While most apps offer Q&A services, the best apps provide study tools to help you learn the material you need to learn . 

For instance, if you’re a visual learner, you might need an app that provides lots of videos. If you learn best by reading, an app that provides lots of in-depth written resources might be better for you. Or, if you learn best by actually doing things, look for an app that provides practice tests and quizzes, along with explanations for correct and incorrect answers.

Before committing to an app, take a quick survey of the tools they offer users to make sure they meet your unique learning needs. 

#2: Decide Which Subjects You Need to Study

Not all homework apps are created equal. One might provide tutoring in math and science, but no proofreading services to help you with writing. Another might be perfect for American History, but what you really need help with is your Spanish class. So, before you can decide which app is best for you, make sure to create a list of the subjects you need the most help in.

#3: Do Your Research

As we’ve said before, there are tons of homework apps in the app store to choose from, and the most important thing you can do is research what they offer students. Services, prices for those services, and subjects that the apps cover all vary, so it’s important that you look into your options. We’ve compiled our all-around favorite (and reliable) apps here, but it’s still a good idea to do your own research to find out what might meet your individual needs best.


#4: Learn Why People Like and Dislike the App

Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “buyer beware?” It means that the person buying something should check for quality before actually handing over their money. This applies to both free and paid homework apps, but especially those that actually cost money.

Before you download anything, be sure to read the user reviews . While all apps will have both positive and negative reviews, you want to look for one that has more positive than negative. And if you’re considering paying for a service, be sure that users think it’s worth the price overall!

#5: Budget Yourself

If you find a paid app that provides the learning tools you need, covers the subjects you need to study, and that has good reviews overall, set a budget to pay for it before you hit that “install” button. The costs for paid homework apps vary, and especially if you’re using one that requires you to pay for individual questions or services, the prices can add up quickly. So make sure there’s money for it in your budget before you commit!


What’s Next?

If you’re not quite sure why you’re struggling with homework, or want to know how you can do your homework as quickly as possible , check out this list of 15 expert homework tips and tricks to make your life a little bit easier!

Effective studying requires the right balance of concentration, understanding, retention and rest. So if you need help striking that balance, read these 16 tips for better study habits in both the short and long-term.

Getting good grades is about more than just answering questions correctly on your assignments. It also requires planning ahead and participation. In this article we cover the academic survival strategies that can help you throughout high school .

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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Assignment Help: Seven Online Tools for College Students

Assignment Help: Seven Online Tools for College Students

4-minute read

  • 27th August 2023

As a student, managing assignments can sometimes feel like juggling a dozen tasks at once. From researching and brainstorming ideas to perfecting grammar and ensuring your work is plagiarism-free, the journey to academic success can be quite challenging.

Fortunately, several online tools are designed to make your life easier. In this post, we’ll explore seven indispensable online tools that can help you excel in your assignments. Let’s dive in!

Turnitin is a leading plagiarism detection tool used by educational institutions worldwide. It checks your assignments against a vast database of academic content to flag potential plagiarism.

●  Plagiarism detection

●  Feedback for improving originality

●  Grading tools

●  Integration with learning management systems

The pricing varies based on your institution.

●  Detects plagiarism with high accuracy

●  Provides comprehensive reports to improve originality

●  Is used and trusted by many educational institutions

This tool isn’t readily accessible for individual students. Your institution needs to have it available.

Zotero is a reference management tool that helps you collect, organize, and cite your research sources – no more headaches while compiling your reference list!

●  Provides browser extension for easy source collection

●  Organizes sources into folders and tags

●  Generates citations in various styles

●  Offers collaborative research groups

Zotero is free to use.

●  User-friendly, with accessible interface

●  Excellent for managing research materials

●  Free for basic features

It offers limited cloud storage, which can be a problem for substantial research projects with lots of sources.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a search engine designed specifically for academic research. It helps you find scholarly articles, books, and conference papers.

●  Advanced search options

●  Citation tracking

●  Integration with Google Drive

Google Scholar is free to use.

●  Vast database of scholarly content and academic sources

●  Easy-to-use search interface

Its features are limited compared with specialized databases.

Evernote is a note-taking and organization tool that helps you compile and keep track of ideas and research findings.

●  Note organization with notebooks and tags

●  Web clipping for saving online content

●  Synchronization across devices

●  Integration with other productivity tools

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Evernote offers a free plan with basic features, and premium plans start at $10.83 per month.

●  Versatile note-taking and research organization

●  Cross-platform compatibility

Some of the advanced features require a premium subscription.

Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor is a writing tool that helps you improve the readability and clarity of your writing. Simply copy and paste your work onto the page, and Hemingway highlights areas you can improve.

●  Highlights complex sentences and common errors

●  Provides readability scores

●  Suggests simpler alternatives

There is a free web version, and the desktop app is available for a one-time purchase of $19.99.

●  Improves writing clarity effectively

●  Has user-friendly interface

The grammar and style checks are not very in-depth, and the app doesn’t provide suggestions for rephrasing sentences that are difficult to read.


MindMeister is a mind mapping tool that aids in brainstorming and organizing ideas for essays and projects.

●  Collaborative mind mapping

●  Exportation to various formats

●  Integration with other productivity apps

●  Presentation mode

MindMeister offers a free basic plan, and premium plans start at $6 per month.

●  Great for visual brainstorming and idea organization

●  Collaborative for group projects

●  Accessible across devices

Advanced features are restricted to premium users.

We have a large team of expert editors who will check your written work for grammar, spelling, punctuation, formatting, referencing, tone, style, word choice, and more. Simply submit your document, and we’ll have it back to you within 24 hours.

●  Referencing expertise for any style

●  24-hour support

●  Subject matter specializations

●  Formatting and editing options

Your first 500 words are free, and from there, pricing starts at $30 per 1,000 words.

●  Compatibility with many document types

●  Adherence to your chosen dialect and style guide

●  High-quality editing and suggestions from a human editor with awareness of context and tone

The price can go up for lengthy documents, and you may be on a tight budget.

Whether you need help with writing, research, plagiarism detection, organization, or something in between, you’ll find a tool to suit your needs. Though some of these tools offer free versions, investing in the premium versions can provide additional features and benefits to improve your academic performance. And, of course, you can try ours out for free today!

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The Best Apps for Studying of 2024

Top 9 apps for studying to try, choose the apps for studying that are right for you, stay motivated, evernote — top pick, my study life — best free study tool, quizlet — best for quiz prep, chegg prep — best for flashcards, istudiez pro legendary planner — best for grade tracking, easybib — best for citations, duolingo — best for studying languages, khan academy — best for practice exercises, myhomework student planner — best for scheduling, apps for studying: features summary table.

Written by: BestApp.com App Testing Team - Updated: Dec 01, 2021

Best Apps for Studying Badge

From studying and writing papers to tracking your grades and organizing your class schedule, there are countless great study tools available online to help students stay organized. Evernote is our pick for the best overall study app, thanks to its versatile note-taking features, organizational tools, and feature-rich free plan. Though, if Evernote doesn’t have what you’re looking for, we found eight other great study tools to help you stay on track. Here are the nine best study apps available.

How We Chose the Best Apps for Studying

To find the best online study tools, we looked for those that offer the features students need to organize their schedules, track their progress, and study for important quizzes and exams. The apps on our list offer one or more of the following features: scheduling tools, offline use, note-taking, grade-tracking, and notifications or reminders.

Most of the apps on our list offer free tiers with the basic features and capabilities you need to stay organized and prepared. As many of the apps on our list serve different purposes, you might find that you could benefit from adding more than one of them to your collection of study tools. We recommend testing out multiple apps and reading reviews from other students to find the apps that best suit your needs.

One of the biggest obstacles students face when trying to be productive is staying motivated. Beyond the study tools listed below, we recommend trying out motivation apps to help you stay focused and committed to your education. Check out our list of the top 10 motivation apps to learn more.

Our Apps for Studying Reviews

Evernote App feature

Download: Android ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | iOS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Evernote is the best overall study app for students, thanks to its flexible note-taking and organizational features. Evernote is the only app on our list that allows students to take detailed notes and sync them across multiple devices, clip web pages to add to their notebooks, sync their calendars, search notes by keywords and dates, scan documents, and create to-do lists. The free plan includes all of the app’s note-taking features, web clipping, file attachments, and allows for up to two devices. The paid plans, starting at $7.99 per month, offer additional features like Google Calendar syncing, 10GB of file uploads per month, custom templates, and more.

Notable features:

  • Free version available
  • Subscription plans: Premium: $7.99/month; Business: $14.99/user/month billed annually
  • Support available: Help and Learning, Discussion Forum, Email, and Chat Support
Evernote Pros & Cons
Powerful note-taking features Free Version only includes 60 MB per month
Calendar syncing No grade tracking
Web clipping  

My Study Life App feature

My Study Life is one of two free study apps on our list and a great option for students that need to organize their schedules. With this app, students can store information about their classes, homework, and exams in the cloud. You can keep track of homework due dates, create a detailed class calendar, sync data between multiple devices, and access all of your data offline. Users can set up notifications to get reminders about unfinished tasks, upcoming tests, and more. While other student planners offer more features, My Study Life is the only one to offer all of these features for free, making it an ideal choice for students on a budget.

  • Subscription plans: None
  • Support available: Email and Help Center/FAQs
My Study Life Pros & Cons
Completely free to use No grade tracking
Keep track of assignments and exams No note-taking

Quizlet App feature

Quizlet is the ultimate quiz and exam prep tool. This interactive study tool helps students of all ages learn basic and advanced topics through flashcards, detailed explanations of textbook problems, games, and practice quizzes. One of the app’s most unique features is the ability for users to create and share custom flashcards, and the platform even features double-checked solutions written by experts to help students practice more advanced topics. All materials are available in 18 languages to accommodate as many students as possible. The app also offers features for educators through Quizlet Plus for Teachers, a subscription plan designed to help teach students through live classroom quizzes, student progress tracking, and more.

  • Subscription plans: Quizlet Plus: $35.99/year; Quizlet Plus for Teachers: $35.99/year
  • Support available: Email and Help Center
Quizlet Pros & Cons
Custom flashcards No scheduling
Expert textbook solutions No grade tracking
Features for teachers  

Chegg App feature

Download: Android ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Chegg Prep is a study tool designed to help students learn new topics through flashcards. Students can create, study, and share custom flashcards with other users. Unlike similar apps, users can even add custom audio and images to create more detailed study materials. After creating your own flashcards, you can use them to quiz yourself and track your progress. On top of flashcards, students can use Chegg Prep to store and access their study materials for different classes, including textbook chapters and study guides. As you use the app, you’ll also see recommendations for flashcards based on your studies.

  • Subscription plans: Pro: $9/month
Chegg Prep Pros & Cons
Create and share custom flashcards Not available on iOS
Store and organize study materials No grade tracking
Take custom quizzes  

iStudiez Pro Legendary Planner App feature

Download: iOS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

iStudiez Pro Legendary Planner is a feature-rich student planner that helps users manage their class schedules and assignments more efficiently. This app’s unique offerings include a grade tracker and GPA calculator that helps students stay on top of their grades and track their progress throughout the school year. Students can also use iStudiez to create class calendars and schedules, organize their assignments, track due dates, input course details, store contact information for instructors, and get real-time updates about their daily schedule. All of the app’s basic features are free, and by subscribing for $1.99 per month, you can sync your data to the cloud for access on multiple devices.

  • Subscription plans: Monthly: $1.99
  • Support available: Chat, Email, and Knowledge Base
iStudiez Pro Legendary Planner Pros & Cons
All basic features included in the free version Not available on Android
Grade tracking and GPA calculator No note-taking
Create course schedules  

EasyBib App feature

Another service provided by Chegg, EasyBib is the only service on our list designed to help students prepare accurate citations and review their school papers before submitting them. Students can use EasyBib to create bibliographies in many formats, including MLA, APA, and Chicago, though only MLA is included in the free version. The platform also includes a scanner that helps students identify plagiarism and grammar errors in their papers before submission. By upgrading to one of the premium tiers, students can access the ‘Expert Check’ feature, which allows students to submit their papers for feedback from writing experts.

  • Subscription plans: EasyBib Plus: $9.95/month; EasyBib Plus & Chegg: $19.95/month
  • Support available: Help/FAQs
EasyBib Pros & Cons
Citation assistance No mobile app
Plagiarism checker Limited free version
Grammar checker No note-taking

Duolingo App feature

Duolingo is a fantastic app for students taking a foreign language class. Duolingo provides accessible programs to help students of any level learn over 35 different languages. The app includes several features not offered by any other app on our list, including reading, speaking, listening lessons, stories, podcasts, language learning tips, and bite-sized daily language lessons. You can track your progress over time, compete with other users on leaderboards, and best of all, every language course on the app is free. Duolingo Plus users can access additional features like Mastery Quizzes, downloadable lessons for offline use, and an ad-free experience.

  • Subscription plans: Plus: $6.99/month
  • Support available: Email, Help Center/FAQs, Forum, and Ticket
Duolingo Pros & Cons
35+ free language courses No note-taking
Bite-sized lessons No scheduling
Progress tracking  

Khan Academy App feature

Khan Academy is a nonprofit that offers a massive library of free practice exercises, instructional videos, and study guides covering a wide range of courses and subjects. Unlike any other app on our list, Khan Academy includes thousands of interactive lessons that provide real-time feedback with step-by-step hints to help you learn new concepts. Users can also take their learning offline with downloadable lessons and videos. On the app’s website, users can access additional resources, like community discussions, computer programming content, test prep, parent tools, teacher tools, and district tools. All resources are accessible without an account, but by creating a free account, you can save your progress to pick up where you left off on any device.

  • Support available: Email, Help Center, Support Community
Khan Academy Pros & Cons
Completely free to use No note-taking
Large course library No grade tracking
Free practice exercises and study guides  

myHomework Student Planner App feature

myHomework Student Planner is a simple, reliable planner that helps students organize their class schedules, study materials, and assignments. The app is free with ads, and students can upgrade to Premium for $4.99 per year to get rid of ads, sync third-party calendars, and share their planners. The free version of the app includes the ability to track classes and homework, create calendars, and create block schedules. One of the app’s most unique features is the ability for students to connect with their teachers’ Teachers.io classes and download their class information, assignments, files, and announcements.

  • Subscription plans: Premium: $4.99/year
  • Support available: Email, Contact Form
myHomework Student Planner Pros & Cons
Create class calendars No note-taking
Download class information and assignments No grade tracking
Due date reminders  
Apps for Studying Comparison Table
— Top Pick Premium: $7.99/month
Business: $14.99/user/month billed annually
Offline Use
X Grade Tracking
Note Taking
— Best Free Study Tool None Scheduling
Offline Use
X Grade Tracking
X Note Taking
— Best for Quiz Prep Quizlet Plus: $35.99/year
Quizlet Plus for Teachers: $35.99/year
X Scheduling
Offline Use
X Grade Tracking
Note Taking
— Best for Flashcards Pro: $9/month X Scheduling
Offline Use
X Grade Tracking
Note Taking
— Best for Grade Tracking Monthly: $1.99 Scheduling
X Offline Use
Grade Tracking
X Note Taking
— Best for Citations EasyBib Plus: $9.95/month
EasyBib Plus & Chegg: $19.95/month
X Scheduling
X Offline Use
X Notifications/Reminders
X Grade Tracking
X Note Taking
— Best for Studying Languages Plus: $6.99/month X Scheduling
Offline Use
X Grade Tracking
X Note Taking
— Best for Practice Exercises None X Scheduling
Offline Use
X Grade Tracking
X Note Taking
— Best for Scheduling Premium: $4.99/year Scheduling
Offline Use
X Grade Tracking
X Note Taking

5 Essential Apps to Help You Write Your Assignments

best app for doing assignment

Cite This For Me

Available on iOS and Android Don’t spend precious hours of your time looking up Harvard Referencing guides or agonising over where to put the full stops in your bibliography.

Cite This For Me is an app designed to save you time and effort when writing your assignments. Scan the barcodes of your books and journals to generate references. You can choose from over 7000 referencing styles and when you’re done, you can download your finished bibliography straight to your email.

Dragon Dictation

Available on iOS and Android Spend less time typing out your assignment, you can simply just speak it out loud!

Dragon Dictation is a voice recognition app that listens to you speak and converts the words into written text. They say it’s up to 5 times faster than typing. Think of the hours you could save writing your assignments! You can also use this app to send notes and reminders to yourself, or even record your lecture notes; useful for any student who is constantly on the go.

Available on iOS, Android and desktop Stay organised and never forget about the important tasks you need to complete.

Trello is a free productivity app that allows you to keep track of all your projects and stay organised. Create to-do lists, boards, and invite your friends and family to collaborate on your projects. This is a must-have app for any student wishing to condense their studying time and find a better work-life balance.

Be Focused, Clockwork Tomato and Pomodoro Tracker

Available on iOS, Android and desktop Use the most trusted techniques that allow you to complete your assignments faster.

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management hack that aims to provide you with the maximum focus, consequently allowing you to complete projects faster. The idea is that you work for 25 minutes, and then take 5 minutes break. There are versions available on iOS, Android and on your desktop that replicate this technique. Why not give it a try?

Anti-Social and Freedom

Available on Windows or Mac and iOS Overcome your procrastination issues. Anti-Social is an app available on Windows or Mac (for a small fee) with the aim of solving your procrastination problems. Similarly, Freedom is an app available on iOS offering the same service. We all know that a “quick 10 minute check” on Facebook can soon turn into an hour of solid procrastination. These genius apps lock you away from websites where you are likely to waste your time so you can concentrate on your work.

By using these 5 trustee apps, you can be sure to complete your assignments faster than ever! Utilise technology and get back to doing the things you love quicker. Download them now!

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Top 6 Apps for Writing Your Assignments

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The most memorable thing that first comes to mind when you try to describe the university life is studying. That’s true, even with a lot of other activities like going out with friends and traveling around, falling in love or getting your first job, studying is always first. Doesn’t matter how low is your part-time job salary, you’re always more disappointed because of the countless nights spent writing essays and getting ready for tests.

And, one cannot but fully agree that it’s impossible to go through college or university without any outside help. That’s just how hard studying is. And whatever were the ways you got through it – copying, cheating, using online assignment help or getting a tutor – now it’s a lot easier to do so without breaking any rules. If you need quick hands on writing help be sure to check out sites like cheapwritingservice.com .

We’re presenting you 6 best apps to make assignment writing a lot easier and quicker.

Best apps to help you make your assignment quicker

best app for doing assignment

One of the essential apps for every student is Evernote, something that can save so much time on your hands. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to say that your assignment was eaten by the dog you own. It’s still for the best when you realize your computer broke down or your USB flash drive doesn’t work anymore.

Now you don’t even have to send all the assignments to your own email address because this app can be downloaded on both Apple and Android and more other devices. It synchronizes all the materials you upload and this way you can access any of your files from any device that has Evernote downloaded. It’s also useful for sharing important information between the users.

best app for doing assignment

Something we’ve been using since childhood is now quickly converted into an app, and it became a lot more convenient and easy. For sure, all the words we looked up made it a lot more exciting in school, and now we simply have to see if we do not forget the right definitions. Yet, it will be just as useful now when you’re writing your assignment and need to use some complicated words for every sentence.

You can check your words and see examples of how to use them on the go. Moreover, it’s accessible on Android, Apple, and Windows, making it perfect for college students.

Dragon Dictation

best app for doing assignment

Are you tired of typing when you need your coursework done very quickly? Do you want to get your work typed by someone else and feel like you’re a top-notch writer? Then Dragon Dictation is just for you. This application can literally listen to you talk and type all the information down while you’re simply having snacks or reading.

It’s very precise with wordings and easy to edit afterward. Speed is on the top, too, and it’s even faster than a person typing, so you’re saving quite a lot of time by using this application. You can download it on any device you want for free.

Sleep If You Can

best app for doing assignment

Sleep If You Can is one of the apps that help you a lot on the night when you want to pull an all-nighter and decided to take a nap. Of course, sometimes you won’t even wake up because you simply hit snooze until your alarm doesn’t work anymore. Then you realize that it’s morning already and not you have to attend classes… with an unfinished assignment, which will fail your grade.

With this application, you will definitely wake up because it won’t turn off until you complete a certain mission. Missions are always random and can require you to jump several times or take a photo of something in your room. You will wake up and become a bit more energized, for sure. This app can be downloaded on Apple and Android devices.

Cite This For Me (RefMe)

best app for doing assignment

In case you’ve ever had a problem with getting references and citations done, you don’t have to worry about it so much anymore as long as you have this amazing service on your mobile device. The most you have to do is just to take the book you’re using and scan the barcode on the back. The app will create an instant reference for you.

While it can be used on any platform including iOS and Android, it also has a huge list of citation and reference styles, so it’s impossible not to find the one you need in their library. Moreover, you can create a custom library for yourself to find everything you use frequently.

best app for doing assignment

Perfect for brainstorming, XMind will help you organize your ideas and create roadmaps for your assignments, which will make it a lot easier in the process. It’s not free, having you pay almost $10 for 6 months, and you can only download it for iOS, but it’s still an amazing app for Apple users. Use several methods of capturing your ideas and do your best with simple or complicated charts.

With those applications, the average student’s life will definitely get rid of unnecessary complications. You’ll have your way with everything – typing your essays fast and saving or sharing files with your friends. And, keep in mind, if you need to take a quick nap, you’ll surely wake up in time with the best alarm for your smartphone we could find. Good luck!

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8 Apps That Will Help You With Any College Assignment

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Assignments are meant to create learning opportunities for students. They help in building research skills, creativity, time management, organization, and team spirit. That said, today, assignments are also an easy source of stress among students because academics are only one portion of student life. 

Between managing internships, part-time jobs, extracurriculars, and personal life, today, students need all the help they can get to meet the academic demands. Fortunately, there are apps designed exactly to serve that purpose. If you are getting your phone ready for the next term, these are the tools that you need to download. 

Sometimes, essay writing is as casual as a breeze. Ideas flow right into your mind, and they form the perfect shape on your paper. Other times, you struggle with the topic, unable to find relevant sources to frame your thesis. Now, how can Essaypro help you with this? You can order any type of paper written by a professional essay writer using the app. They will even follow your requirements precisely while ensuring that the paper is entirely unique. You can then use this paper as a reference and swoop in the top for your class. 

  • Wolfram Alpha

If you are experimenting with assignment tools, you need to have Wolfram Alpha on your toolset. You can call this an all-in-one platform that has resources for almost every subject. You will find categories ranging from science, mathematics, social sciences, and literature to linguistics. The app is also equipped with computational intelligence that employs exclusive algorithms and AI technology to give you answers to your questions. All you need is to enter your problem, and the app will churn out matching results.

If you have a dissertation or a research paper lined up soon, then Mendeley is one of the handiest tools. It is a reference management software that allows you to simplify your research. You can store and organize all your references in their library. Most importantly, the Mendeley site functionality makes it easier for you to insert citations and bibliographies to your documents. Further, the app can also make research easier by highlighting or adding to your reference PDFs. The app also connects you to a network with other students and researchers with whom you can collaborate and share ideas.

The worst assignments come in the form of exam preparation or project presentation. If you are a fan of using flashcards to prepare, Quizlet could easily be your go-to app. The tool can be used to create your own flashcards, add images to them, and track your progress. There are also several built-in features at your disposal to add definitions and more. Moreover, you can upload these flashcards so other users can download and use them. Likewise, there are hundreds of flashcards available for you in the Quizlet library.

  • MindMeister

This intuitive tool is apt for students who want to work with flowcharts and mind maps for their assignments. Using Mindmeister, you can build these maps to visualize your ideas and communicate them to others using the built-in presentation mode. Once done, you can export these slides to share or broadcast it to your collaborators.

Socratic is very similar to Wolfram Alpha in principle. The tool is powered by Google AI, and you can use text or speech recognition to get answers to your questions. The solution comes with detailed and comprehensive steps, allowing you to understand how to arrive at the answer yourself. You can receive support on a myriad of subjects and high-quality learning resources, with links to video tutorials to help with your assignments.

best app for doing assignment

  • Google Docs

A majority of college assignments come with some sort of writing. You need to write essays, term papers, research, and the list could go on for a while. Google Docs is a word processor, accessible on all devices, both online and offline. Whether you forgot to save the document or left it in your room, no problem, you only need to log in to your Google account to access it. Plus, they also have a citation tool that can help you tremendously in adding references to your papers.

  • My Study Life

A big part of assignments is keeping track of all the deadlines and organizing them based on priority. My Study Life will help you stay on top of classes with rotational timetables. You can also include weekly schedules to plan with. Alongside, there is the to-do list functionality that can help you note down all the assignments. In case you forget these, the app will send you alerts on incomplete tasks and upcoming deadlines. In essence, it is like having a personal assistant who will remind you of when any critical work is due.

Remember that while these tools can make your life easier, do not rely entirely on apps to get the work done. The goal is to make your college experience less stressful and more productive with them. And in that regard, these apps can certainly help you shine.

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Kristijan has a bachelor of science degree in Engineering in IT Technologies from the university of Zagreb. He is an SEO expert and web developer who loves all things data. In his spare time he contributes articles that are tech related to TFOT.

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The 5 Best Assignment Help Websites for College Students

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The popularity of professional assignment help websites has grown significantly during the pandemic times when most students had to make a complex shift and start with their online studies.

There were numerous challenges that had to be faced, including heavy workload issues, misunderstanding of the grading rubric, and academic pressure.

The majority of students approach online help as a way to avoid plagiarism and receive better grades as they share their concerns with trained experts.

Still, finding the best assignment help services can be quite challenging!

Check out a list of reliable assignment help offerings online aimed at college students!

The Best Assignment Help Websites for College Students

1. assignmentbro.

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Company’s History. This friendly company belongs to relatively new offerings, yet they have already earned the hearts and minds of school and college students worldwide. They are reputable and always place the client’s needs first, as they are managed by a great team of university graduates who know what students are going through.

Reliability. A plethora of online reviews and the presence of direct contact with a writer makes them reliable. There are free revisions and refunds available as well. Moreover, there are excellent citation tools and writing tools for paraphrasing, a words-to-minutes converter, and a conclusion generator.

Quality of Assignments. Our Law assignment has been delivered on time, and the paper has been free of grammar or style mistakes. The formatting has been done properly, and the content itself has been done professionally with all citations in place.

Prices. As we looked for the best assignment services, we wanted to approach only the most affordable services where the quality still remains high. At AssignmentBro, they do not have a fixed price, which is a good thing because you can negotiate the final price. Our price depended on our subject, the qualification of the writer, and the deadline. It was affordable!

Reviews. Their Sitejabber page shows that they have 4.7 stars based on 53 reviews. People praise them for their affordability and their friendly attitude. The Trustpilot page has 4.4 stars based on 29 reviews. Their writers are always praised as well as their support team.

Customer Support. It deserves six stars out of five because they are the most caring and friendliest when it comes to getting your challenges fixed.

Why Choose It? A young company that is aimed at getting you understood as you ask for academic writing help. Affordable and high-quality writing with a plethora of helpful free tools.

2. A Research Guide

best app for doing assignment

Company’s History. This great service has been around for more than 10 years now, yet they are rarely mentioned when the best assignment writing services are mentioned. The reason for that is that they are not your typical company because it is a great hub for all things research writing. They offer free materials, tutorials, and templates even before you place an order.

Reliability. They cooperate with numerous institutions and businesses as they offer innovative research paper writing assistance and explore all the latest and most efficient ways to deliver excellent research. They have won several awards in the field and represent a fully legit service.

Quality of Assignments. This is where they truly stand out, as their specialists will ask you all the possible questions before they match you with a specialist in their field. We have approached them for a Political Sciences research paper, and they have delivered an excellent paper with credible sources, formatting, and high-quality research.

Prices. The prices start at $14.99 per page and belong to more expensive writing solutions. Still, when you think about the direct communication and assistance that you receive, it’s totally worth it.

Online Reviews. This is where things get rather rough, as the number of reviews is extremely limited. Still, we could find out feedback from professional educators, online course creators, and dissertation-writing students who needed complex research. Their testimonials speak in favor of the company’s reputation.

Customer Support. The support agents represent experienced researchers who will happily guide you through the website and help you with anything. They are available 24/7.

Why Choose It? Look no further if you need serious research paper writing help and want to enjoy freebies that will help you to deliver a perfect assignment.

3. EduBirdie

best app for doing assignment

Company’s History. The company is one of the most famous names in the industry. Their website states that they have been offering legit academic help since 2014. The company runs a blog and stands at the top of technical and academic innovations.

Reliability. They let you talk to your writer directly and provide free paper revisions. If you are not happy with the paper, they offer full refunds. The reviews online show that they are safe to use and follow their promises.

Quality of Assignments. Speaking of online assignment help websites, they offer timely delivery and focus on anything from essay writing and dissertations to personal statement writing and online exams. Placing an order with them, our experts received expert assistance, and the paper contained no grammar, style, or plagiarism issues.

Prices. The prices here start at $13.99 per page and remain affordable if we compare these services to similar offerings online. They implement a bidding system so your final price will depend on the writing quality chosen, the subject, the deadline, and the popularity of your subject.

Online Reviews. This company is constantly mentioned on Sitejabber, Trustpilot, and YouTube (they have their channel), and they are popular among social media users. They are rated at 4.7 out of 5 total points, which is a sign of reliability. Most of their clients are happy with the results.

Customer Support. They are trained well and respond immediately. We had a nice experience talking to the support agents. They are available 24/7 and offer human help with no bots.

Why Choose It? The positive reputation of the company and the chance to talk to your writer directly place them at the top of the most popular assignment help websites you can find these days. They are plagiarism-free and offer reliable quality at an affordable price.

4. SameDayPapers

best app for doing assignment

Company’s History. The company has been around since 2017 and started out in Great Britain and Australia. Later on, they added affordable writing help services in the United States as well. They are the best choice if you are an ESL student or a learner looking for complex custom assignments that focus on Sociology, Psychology, History, or Engineering.

Reliability. They offer free paper revisions and also provide you with a free tool to check your grammar. Regarding the plagiarism, they also let you check things free of charge. Employing native English speakers, they are very strict about their writers and let you cooperate with verified specialists.

Quality of Assignments. Placing an order is easy and logical here, which clearly shows that we are dealing with the best website for assignment help. Checking the paper on Psychology, we can state that it has been delivered even earlier than our deadline. The paper was original, had excellent formatting, and the content has been up to the highest standards.

Prices. They represent an affordable and the best website to do assignments, with their prices starting at $12.99. If you are looking for reliable editing services, the prices will start at $5.5 per page.

Online Reviews. Researching this company’s background, we could locate over two hundred reviews. Most of them are positive and come from the United States, the UK, and Australian users. The total rating is 4.38/5 points.

Customer Support. It’s available for American users, and they respond right away by assisting you with anything from placing an order to finding a specialist that matches your needs.

Why Choose It? It’s one of the global companies that implement verified writers and can offer professional assistance. There are also UK and Australian branches, should you need specific help or sources.

5. EduZaurus

best app for doing assignment

Company’s History. The story of this amazing sample essay database and academic writing company dates back to June 2015. Since then, they have collected a great resource for students coming from all disciplines. The company’s website claims that they have completed over 100,000 assignments as 2021 has started. They provide hundreds of skilled writers, yet what makes them unique is a great collection of free essay samples. It makes them one of the best choices when you need inspiration.

Reliability. Offering legit academic assistance, they can be safely marked as the best assignment writing help service for their collection of samples alone that showcases their work and provides a general idea of what can be expected. There are free revisions and refunds.

Quality of Assignments. Placing an order for the coursework paper in Journalism, we received an excellent document that has been formatted correctly and contained high originality. The grammar and style have been done well. The delivery has been set to only eight hours, yet the paper has been delivered on time.

Prices. Since there are many factors that affect the price per page (writer’s level, your deadline, task specifics), our price has started at $25 per page, yet the general pricing can vary between $20 and $50 if your order is urgent. The prices with a longer deadline start at $12.99 per page. Remember that you should always wait for the best bids to appear.

Online Reviews. Sitejabber users gave them 4.52 stars out of 5 based on 29 reviews. As for TrustPilot, they’ve earned 4.3 out of 5 stars based on 15 testimonials. Most people praise them for being legit and trustworthy.

Customer Support. They have an online chat feature, which is available 24/7. The support remains friendly even if you run into problems.

Why Choose It? This service is the best choice when it comes to finding free samples for inspiration, yet their writing assistance is also up to the highest standards. They cover a wide range of subjects and have a minimum deadline of 3 hours that actually works.

Where Can I Find Trustworthy Assignment Help?

You can find it online, as there are numerous offerings.

As a way to save time, we have tested and evaluated five of the best homework help websites that can be trusted.

Take your time to explore them and see which of them fits your academic needs first.

What is The Best Assignment Help Website You Can Recommend?

While the “best” is always subjective, you may safely check these five entries explored above.

Each of them is different and provides specific benefits in each case

A Research Guide service is the best choice for research paper writing, while EduZaurus will provide you with a great selection of free samples!

Is Assignment Help Described Legit?

Absolutely! Every assignment help website on our list has been tested in terms of being legit .

These services are acknowledged providers of academic help online and are absolutely safe to use, as many online reviews can confirm.

Sharing Your Instructions Well is Essential!

As you are looking through websites that do your homework online, remember that you should always start with careful preparation and sorting of your instructions.

These must be shared with a chosen specialist and have a clear description because it is the only way to achieve success and the necessary degree of clarity.

Although many services like EduBirdie or AssignmentBro let you talk to your writer directly, you must be precise with your instructions and share anything from the assignment grading rubric to the comments and recommendations from your college professor.

It will help you to get the best quality and save time as you avoid mistakes and explain what you expect to see as you place your assignment request.

Regardless if you require research paper writing services or seek an expert who can proofread your work and fix grammar mistakes, sharing your instructions should always come first!

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Passionate members of the College Basics community that include students, essay writers, consultants and beyond. Please note, while community content has passed our editorial guidelines, we do not endorse any product or service contained in these articles which may also include links for which College Basics is compensated.


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Top College Assignment Planner Apps For Students

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Surabhi Guleria

  • May 29, 2023
  • 11 Min Read

Top College Assignment Planner Apps For Students

A college assignment planner app is a tool that helps scholars to plan their assignments by breaking and organizing them into manageable tract and furnishing resources and support towards their completion.

When you are trying to choose a good student assignment planner, you must always choose the one that offers maximum features and helps you schedule your work and time.

Some of the top features that these apps must have are:

  • Visually clean or information-thick
  • Integrated either with other apps or self-contained, with all the features you will need in one place
  • Highly customizable
  • Specialized for students or transmittable to post-school life

Below are some of the best student planner apps available. All of them are highly rated and the most recommended by students.

Microsoft To Do

MS To-Do For College

Microsoft To-Do is an app especially for the promising freshman in the field of planner apps. One of the best features of the app is that if you have forgotten to check off a task from yesterday, it will stay in the “Yesterday” box.

That way you can specifically choose which details to transfer to ‘My day,’ and plan a better time for those that will not fit in the present-day schedule. It allows users to sort their tasks into introductory lists, such as ‘Work,’ ‘Home,’ or ‘Lab’ and add subtasks on each list. 

Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with Microsoft account

Special features:

  • The Dark mode is useful if you’re checking your day before sleep or when you wake up the next day
  • You can change the background for each list, with lots of ultramodern and inspiring designs.

ToDoist For Students

Todoist is both an assignment planner and a to-do list. Often used by companies like Amazon and Disney, and made for everyone from students to directors. Todoist is an app you can use at school, university, academy, and further.

They have both free as well as paid versions for their users. The free version offers a lot more than likely to be needed by the students. Todoist also allows you to label tasks.

You can mark by priority, by context (laptop work, library, etc.), or really by any other system you want to create. You can also indicate recreating tasks, like daily or weekly quizzes, so you never miss an assignment. 

Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrades available

  • Note down important details or tasks
  • Organize each class and other recreation activities
  • Add ‘next action’ items
  • Check details on your list without losing them
  • Due dates for individual tasks
  • Pop-up reminders or mail
  • Every quality is customizable too, so you will not be getting lots of announcements  or notifications without asking for them

Calendly For Students

Calendly simplifies scheduling with individual persons and groups.

Calendly helps you set up the group as well as one on one meetings with your batch mates or colleagues. Since meetings have become a big part of today’s world, Calendly makes this task easier for you and lets you connect with whoever you want in no time. Students can save time by scheduling and managing those meetings with Calendly.

This working process of Calendly is

  • Connect the Calendly app with your digital calendar, like Google Calendar, iCal, Office 365 and others.
  • Then create a meeting request.
  • Set the parameters. For illustration, you can let recipients view your available period, so that they can choose a day and time, or you can select a day and time and they can further accept it or request a different time.
  • Choose recipients and send.

Calendly collects responses from whoever you want to schedule a meeting with and all without the texting thread. It helps in setting up meetings and organizing your time so that you can use your time in a better way.

Compatible with: iOS and desktop: Free with paid upgrades to Premium and Pro

  • Round-robin or collective scheduling in the paid interpretations.
  • Calendly will showtimes that are favourable to work for everyone, so you can pick if others show up their availability.
  • You can set reminders both for yourself and for those who agreed to meet with you.

Power Planner

Power Planner For Students

Power Planner is a very well-known and well-established student planner app with numerous similar features with myHomework and iStudiez, like entering your schedule, keeping track of your GPA, and viewing assignments and examinations.

There are several useful features and elements that are offered to the students that set this app apart from its competitors. The is regularly streamlined to offer the best experience and features to its users.

Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrade available

  • The GPA calculator is more accurate in this app compared to others.
  • It also includes announcements for due dates coming up. 
  • The paid version undoubtedly allows you to enter more grades and stores your GPA info from one semester to the next one.

myHomework For Students

myHomework is a clean and straightforward interpretation of a student planner app. Numerous teachers have formally adopted it for e-learning or online instruction, but it’s great for individual use as well.

It is formatted for several types of class scheduling similar to block, time-based schedules, or periods.

myHomework allows you to input assignments and add tasks needed to complete them as well as allows for prioritizing and grading tasks, so you can concentrate on what is most demanded at any given time. You can get reminders for forthcoming due dates too, so you don’t miss deadlines by accident.

Plan your work or assignment smoothly.

Download the app and plan your every day work in the most hassle-free manner.


Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free or $4.99 per year for Premium

  • While you need an internet connection to sync with other devices, it works fully even if you’re disconnected from a wireless network.
  • The free version has plenty of great features, but the paid version lets you get relief from ads as well as share assignments, attach files to assignments and switch out your theme.
Also Read: Top Study Planner Apps for Students

iStudiez Can Help Students

iStudiez is one of the most high-rated planner apps designed just for students. Fill up your class schedule including the professor’s name, contact info, and office hours. Then, you can color decode your classes and use icons to make them visually intriguing and easy to scan.

‘Week view’ allows you to plan out your time and get ready for the forthcoming week. ‘Day view’ shows you tasks and scheduled details for the present. You can add assignments for each class, their due dates, and specific tasks associated with them.

Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid Premium upgrade available

  • Once you upgrade to iStudiez Pro, you can indeed get a regular update on your GPA. 
  • After receiving graded assignments back, enter the grade and point value and iStudiez will do the calculating for you with the GPA tracker.
  • It records the information from semester to semester, so you can keep the big picture in mind.

What are the benefits of a student assignment planner?

A student assignment planner is a routine or a guide that students create in order to better organize and communicate.

Students use these planners more likely to keep track of their assignments, set personal goals for students, and enhance communication between students, teachers, and parents. The four effective ways student planners can enhance learning are as follows:

Improves Organization  

 The organization doesn’t come fluently to utmost scholars. It requires constant effort and a great deal of planning; qualities that some pupils need.

Students frequently get frazzled and confused with having to keep up and plan for their numerous classes, assignments, test dates, and so forth. Due to lack of association, scholars’ work or grades frequently suffer. 

Assignment planners give an easy and creative system of taking note of their commitments and deadlines. It gives them a systematized approach to recording the necessary information on a day-to-day basis.

These are also related over the course of time, enabling students to prepare and be ready with their class necessities and activities. 

Tracks Achievements  

Student planners allow them to keep track of their objectives. They can make use of the planner to write down their to-do lists and targets.

As they achieve goals throughout the week, they’re suitable to construct momentum and get inspired to work harder. Ambition setting is a great skill to learn for school as well as in life after it.

Also Read: Track Students Attendance With Excel

Enhances Students’ Responsibilities

Having a planner gives the students the freedom to plan, organize and keep track of their work to the best of their capacities and necessities.

This has a binary benefit in that it increases the student’s responsibility to the commitments as well as provides them with a strategy that contributes to their success. Using these planners, students are suitable to take full responsibility and accountability to complete their work. 

Best way to organize your day..

Download the app and manage all your work and assignments with Lio.

Promotes communication  .

There’s always a chance for miscommunication to take place when conveying information to parents through students.

The Use of planners helps to overcome this challenge as it serves as an excellent line of communication between scholars, parents, and educators. 

Planners can have a separate section allowing school teacher-parent communication. educators can write regarding pupil performance, dates for school activities, or about academy programs, while parents can use the space to interrogate the pupil or inform the schoolteacher about any problem faced by the student. 

Using student assignment planners can help scholars stay on track and succeed to the best of their capability. 

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How can Lio help?

Lio helps in organizing your personal and business data on the mobile phone so that it is easily accessible for finding the information you need.

It is a user-friendly tally app that can help students in planning their schedules and routines in a more efficient and organized manner.

Not downloaded the Lio App yet? Here is how you can start with Lio App.

Step 1: Select the Language you want to work on. Lio for Android

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Step 2: Create your account using your Phone Number or Email Id.

Create Account using your Phone Number or Email Id in Lio

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Step 3 : Select a template in which you want to add your data.

Choose from 60+ Templates offered by Lio And Start Adding Your Data

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Step 4: All Done? Share and Collaborate with your contacts.

Share you files with friends and colleagues

A student planner app is very helpful in overcoming deadlines. It also keeps you away from missing deadlines, and you become more productive. Technology is a two-sided coin, but when used properly, it can make lives more convenient and easier. I hope you find this list useful and it helps you choose the right app for you.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best student planner app .

All the apps mentioned above are good, but personally speaking, the best so far is Todoist. This is because the app is very simple to use and it gives you an overview of everything you need to do. To be more precise, the app is limitless.

Why should you use a student assignment planner app?

You should use a student assignment planner app to help you organize all your assignments and school work. Student planner apps can be a great help for students not to miss out on deadlines. 

What should be included in a student assignment planner?

The following things should be included in your student planning: – Regular Time Interval for work homework – Assignment Due Dates – Exam Dates – Seminars or Projects Deadline

What are the other benefits offered by the student planner app apart from notifying deadlines of projects and assignments?

The following are the benefits provided by most of the student planner app: – Seminars Reminder – School or College Event Dates – Time for Physical Activity – Holidays

Can the student planner apps be operated offline?

Yes, most of the student planner apps are designed to be used both offline and online for the convenience of the students.

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I’m a tutor myself. My schedule has just gotten too busy. I would appreciate some advice on how to prepare my lesson plan before class.

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Hello Supriya,

The learning objectives for the lesson must be determined before you can begin to plan it. In contrast to what the learner will be exposed to during instruction, a learning aim explains what the learner will know or be able to do following the learning experience.

Estimate how much time you will spend on each learning activity as you plan them.

Finding out if your students are learning is made possible through assessment planning. Students have the chance to demonstrate and practice the knowledge and abilities outlined in the learning objectives through assessments (such as examinations, papers, problem sets, and performances), and instructors have the chance to give specific comments that can direct further learning.

After a lesson, there is an opportunity to reinforce what the students have learned. Instructors and students can both benefit from lesson closure. Hope you find this useful.

' src=

Could you please assist me in providing some tips on how to meet multiple deadlines? Thanks in advance.

Hello Manohar,

Here are some helpful hints for juggling many deadlines without becoming exhausted: Make sure you can actually see your workload, whether you write it down on a whiteboard or enter it into an app. You can use this to plan your timetable and break up the work at hand into more manageable chunks.

Organize your time by deciding what is urgent versus what is important, and then decide which projects will demand the most of your time, effort, and resources.

Try dividing up large projects into little chores if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the number of deadlines on your calendar. In this manner, you’ll remain on track to achieve your deadline and feel more driven to complete the task. I hope these suggestions prove useful.

' src=

This article is really top-notch. You have literally told us everything. Never stop writing, please. Thank you a lot.

Hello Anushka,

Thank you so much for your warm words. I’m happy this article piqued your interest and provided some useful information. Happy reading!

' src=

I work as a teacher. How can assignments be given to students in the best way possible without putting them under pressure?

Hello Rajmohini,

When giving out assignments, teachers need to be especially careful. Students may tune out and refuse to complete their assignments if it is too difficult, or takes too long. Students’ homework assignments ought to build on what they have learned in class. Consider these suggestions on how to assign homework to make sure it is clear and appropriate:

1. Establish a regular homework schedule at the start of the school year, 2. Give the students tasks they can complete, 3. Give homework in small clusters, 4. The assignment should be written on the chalkboard and left there until it is due, 5. Periodically remind pupils of due dates, 6. Work together with other educators to avoid a glut of assignments.

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The Lio app is amazing. Because of the lio app registrations, I’ve been able to do all of my tasks in a timely and organized manner. This app even has an expense tracker and other additional registers. Simply love this!

Hello Jared,

Your kind words are greatly appreciated. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it as you continue to explore the Lio app.

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best app for doing assignment

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“Assignments enable faculty to save time on the mundane parts of grading and...spend more time on providing more personalized and relevant feedback to students.” Benjamin Hommerding , Technology Innovationist, St. Norbert College

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7 Apps That Can Do Your Homework Much Faster Than You

7 Apps That Will Do Your Homework For You

In the field of educational technology, some apps might be getting too smart.

More and more apps are delivering on-demand homework help to students, who can easily re-purpose the learning tools to obtain not just assistance, but also answers. Whether or not that’s cheating—and how to stop it—is one of the concerns surrounding a new app that can solve math equations with the snap of a camera . While the software has inspired teachers to create real-world homework problems that can’t be automatically solved , that strategy doesn’t hold up to other apps that tap into real-life brains for solutions.

Here’s a look at 7 apps that can do your homework for you, and what they have to say about cheating:

Price : Free Availability : iOS, Android app coming in early 2015

The new, seemingly magic app allows users to take pictures of typed equations, and then outputs a step-by-step solution. As of Wednesday, the app is the number one free app on the App Store. But the biggest issue, one teacher argues , isn’t if students will use the app to cheat, because many will. Rather, it’s about how teachers will adapt. A PhotoMath spokeswoman said educators have welcomed the app with positive reviews, but the software remains “quite controversial.”

“We didn’t develop PhotoMath as a cheating tool. We really wanted kids to learn,” said Tijana Zganec, a sales and marketing associate at tech company MicroBlink, which created PhotoMath. “If you want to cheat, you will find a way to cheat. But if you want to learn, you can use PhotoMath for that.”

Whether you’re a high schooler with eight periods of classes or a college student tackling dozens of credits, there’s one thing you’ve got for sure: a mess of assignments. iHomework can help you keep track of all your work, slicing and dicing it in a variety of ways. Sorting it by due date, week, month, or by course, the app is more organized than a Trapper Keeper. And in integrating data from Questia, you can link your reading material to your assignments so you don’t have to dig through a pile of papers to find the right information.

A scheduling feature can help you keep track of those random bi-weekly Thursday labs, and you can even mark the location of your courses on a map so you don’t end up on the wrong side of campus. And finally, with iCloud syncing, you can access all this information on whatever Apple-compatible device you’re using at the moment — no need to dig for your iPad.

Google Apps for Education

Taking the search giant’s suite of free browser-based apps and sandboxing them so they are safe for school use, Google Apps for Education is an excellent alternative to the mainstream installable productivity software, but this one has a perk that almost school board will love—it’s free. Packaging together favorites like Gmail, Hangouts, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Drive with Classroom, a digital hub for organizing assignments and sending feedback, the goal of this collection is to make learning a more collaborative process.

Though Google Apps for Education is cloud-hosted, the programs can be used offline, ideal for when your student needs to escape the internet and work distraction-free. And since it works on any device, it also helps students avoid buying overly expensive hardware. That means more money for extracurricular activities.

Price: Free, but some homework services require payment Availability: iOS and Android

HwPic is a tutoring service that allows students to take send pictures of their homework to tutors, who will then respond within minutes to your questions with a step-by-step solution. There’s even an option to expedite the answers if a student is in a hurry. HwPic Co-Founder Tiklat Issa said that the app was initially rejected by Apple’s App Store, which believed it would promote cheating, but he successfully argued that just because someone uses the app in a way that it’s not meant to be used doesn’t mean the app should be punished.

Issa added that HwPic prohibits cheating in its terms and conditions. Tutors don’t solve homework that has words like “Quiz” or “Exam,” and they often know if a student is sending a photo during a test if they’ve paid for expedited answers, and if the photo is dim, blurry and taken under a desk. “We’ve minimized cheating,” said Issa. “We haven’t eliminated it. That’s kind of unrealistic.”

Wolfram Alpha

Price : $2.99 Availability : iOS and Android

Wolfram Alpha is similar to PhotoMath, only that it targets older students studying high levels of math and doesn’t support photos. The service also outputs step-by-step solutions to topics as advanced as vector calculus and differential equations, making it a popular tool for college students.

“It’s cheating not doing computer-based math, because we’re cheating students out of real conceptual understanding and an ability to drive much further forward in the math they can do, to cover much more conceptual ground. And in turn, that’s cheating our economies,” said Conrad Wolfram, Wolfram Research’s Director of Strategic Development, in a TEDx Talk . “People talk about the knowledge economy. I think we’re moving forward to what we’re calling the computational knowledge economy.”

Homework Helper

Price: Free Availability: iOS and Android

Chinese Internet search company Baidu launched an app called Homework Helper this year with which students can crowdsource help or answers to homework. Users post a picture or type their homework questions onto online forums, and those who answer the questions can win e-coins that can be used to buy electronics like iPhones and laptops.

The app has logged 5 million downloads, much to the dismay of many some parents who argue that the students spend less time thinking about challenging problems. A Homework Helper staffer admitted to Quartz , “I think this is a kind of cheating.”

Price: Free, but some homework services require payment Availability: iOS

Slader is a crowdsourcing app for high school and college students to post and answer questions in math and science. While students can post original homework for help, many questions in popular textbooks have already been answered on the app, according to Fast Company . An Illinois high school said earlier this year that it suspected students were using the service to cheat on their math homework.

Slader argues that it’s “challenging traditional ideas about math and education,” and said that the ideas behind its app “aren’t a write-off to teachers,” according to its blog . Slader told San Francisco media outlet KQED that it shouldn’t be dismissed as a cheating tool, but rather considered a way for students to access real-time help.

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Best Homework And Assignments Apps For iPad / iPhone

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As a student, I never feared the ever-mounting workload nor did the challenge to become the most adorable student ever pushed me back to the wall. The only thing that killed me—more often than not—was tracking assignments, as I would often miss out a few of them. Alas, I didn’t have a powerful tablet like iPad and intelligently crafted apps in those days! I’m really glad to see the best iPad and iPhone apps that make managing and tracking homework and assignments a painless experience.

1. Documents by Readdle

Documents by Readdle iPhone and iPad App Screenshot

Do you find it a bit tedious to manage a lot of files and important documents? No longer spend a lot of time in keeping your files in sync with your high demand by making the most the best file manager for iOS—Documents.

The app works with multiple cloud services like Apple’s iCloud, Microsoft’s OneDrive Dropbox and Box to ensure you have desired efficiency to manage your docs. Using several powerful tools, you can edit documents, annotate PDFs, browse photos, and read e-books. Oh yes, you can also watch videos and play your favorite music.

Price: Free Download

2. Power Planner

Power Planner

Power Planner boasts online sync for students. This feature enables students to access their homework from anywhere. Even if your kids go for a sleepover at friends’ homes, they can download their assignments and files.

A smart app allows your kids to manage semesters, enter classes with time schedules and room locations, add assignments and exams, get automatic reminders of upcoming homework, etc.

If you go for a premium version of this app, kids can add more than five grades per class.

Price: Free (In-app Purchases) Download

3. Socratic Math & Homework Help

Socratic Math Homework Help iPhone and iPad App Screenshot

Ranked as the 8th best app in education category and achieved 5 stars out of almost 10K ratings, “Socratic Math & Homework Help” doesn’t any introduction, doesn’t it? What I have found really admirable in this app is the ability to be a fantastic guide to help kids solve homework and Math.

Your child just needs to snap the photo of a Math equation to get the quick answer. Thanks to the step-by-step guide, he will be able to easily understand the trick to solve the problems. Better still, the app supports multiple subjects including Math (Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, Graphing, etc.), Science, Chemistry, History, English, Economics, etc.

4. Pocket Schedule Planner

Pocket Schedule Planner iPhone and iPad App Screenshot

Tracking down classes and assignments is a piece of cake with Pocket Schedule Planner! The app boasts a neat user-interface and easy-to-use features that bring about the essential convenience in getting the task done without any stress at all.

Based on your need, you can comfortably organize your entire courses and monitor them with ease. To take the hassle out of the equation, you can sort all of your assignments into a separate section. Additionally, it also allows you to manage the detailed info of your guider so that nothing goes for a miss.

5. myHomework Student Planner

myHomework Student Planner iPhone and iPad App Screenshot

“myHomework” is one of the most appreciable back-to-school apps for iOS. With this app, you can effortlessly keep an eye on your classes, homework, assignments, and tests. There is a smart calendar display to let you instantly find out the required information.

The support for the time, block and period based schedules offer you more flexibility to get on top of your task. Homework reminders never let you forget important things. If you ever feel constrained, you can upgrade to the premium version ($4.99) of the app to unlock all the features.

6. OmniFocus 3

OmniFocus 2 Managing Schoolwork iPhone and iPad App Screenshot

OmniFocus has always been one of my favorite task manager apps for both iOS and macOS. Though it’s not specifically designed for students, it can be immensely pivotal in helping them manage their tasks and assignments. The app lets you easily enter in a task and assign a due date. With notification reminders, it keeps you in charge.

As it’s location-aware, you will be able to assign a location to a specific task and be reminded of it whenever you reach that location.

7. The Homework App

The Homework iPhone and iPad App Screenshot

This one is what you should pick to manage your entire homework with complete peace of mind! You can easily add your tasks and complete them in time. To ensure you don’t miss out on any important assignments, you will also be able to keep track of them.

It lets you add subtasks to keep your homework fully organized. With custom reminders, you will remain alert to things that you have to do. There is an in-app calendar to help you quickly check out your tasks daily, monthly and yearly basis. Lastly, this education app supports only two languages like English and Korean.

8. iStudiez Pro Legendary Planner

iStudiez Pro Legendary Planner iPhone and iPad App Screenshot

Time to ramp up your productivity! iStudiez Pro can get the best out of you by letting you complete your projects more efficiently. The app features a smart built-in planner that allows you to easily enter all types of schedules. You can add holiday periods and cancel separate classes in case of outstanding events.

You will also be able to organize your assignments by date or by course or by priority or sort them into pending and completed. It allows you to view your third-party calendar events as well. Another notable feature of this app is the compatibility with several languages like English, Arabic, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German and more.

9. Class Manager– My Homework App

Class Manager My Homework iPhone and iPad App Screenshot

Manage all your classes, assignment, sessions, and many other things using the intuitive interface of the app. You can also tag your homework with the specific class that will make it easier to organize things. Besides, you can sort your homework by the due date, further making things easily accessible when you want.

You can also set reminders for homework, assignments, and classes. To again make things simpler, there are different views for homework, assignment, classes, and other things. Overall, the app has all the features you may need to keep your education in sync. Give it a try.

That’s all, folks!

What’s your pick?

Now that you have explored the top apps for education, Let us know which one have you chosen for your kid. And also tell us your feedback about the apps mentioned above.

Take a peek at these posts as well:

  • Best Calendar Apps for iPhone and iPad
  • Best Task Manager Apps for iPhone and iPad
  • Education Apps for iPhone and iPad
  • Best iPad Pro Drawing Apps

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7 best student planner apps

The best apps to help students keep track of classes, homework, due dates, quizzes, and more.

Thad Thompson

Thad Thompson Jan 21, 2022

12 min read

Student planner apps - blog - header

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If you're a student, you need a system to organize classwork, exams, and life in general. And it's true, there is an app for everything. But there are lots of apps for planning and time management. Which ones make effective school planner apps?

When deciding on a planner app, you should obviously look for one with features most relevant to your life and your schedule. It should have a distinct purpose. And It shouldn't be thought of as a one-size-fits all productivity app . Here are the qualities to look for in a good student planner app:

Visually clean user experience vs. info-dense

Highly customizable vs. highly structured

Integrated with other apps vs. self-contained, with all the features you'll need in one place

Specialized for students vs. transferrable to post-school life

Here, you can check out just a few of the best school planners currently available. Each is highly rated, affordable, and, in several cases, geared specifically toward school and study. And they’re easy to find. Most are available in the Apple App Store or Google Play store for use on your iPhone, iPad, Android, or other smartphone.

7 great planner apps for high school and college students

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrades available

Todoist is a project planner and to-do list all in one. Used by companies like Amazon and Disney, and made for everyone from students to executives, Todoist is an app that can carry you through school and beyond.

Although you can pay to upgrade, the free version offers more than most students are likely to need. Todoist includes features that help you: 

 Enter important details or to-dos in a note-taking section before you forget them

Set up projects for each class and any other activities or hobbies you're involved in

Add "next action" items, so you can always look ahead to your next assignment

Cross items off your checklist without losing them for good

Student planner apps - blog - Todoist screenshot

Other helpful features include due dates for individual tasks and reminders that pop up on your phone or email. You can customize every feature, so you won't get lots of notifications without asking for them.

Todoist also allows you to label tasks. You can label by priority, context (laptop work, library, etc.), or any other system you want to create. You can also indicate recurring tasks, like weekly quizzes, so you never miss an assignment.

2. Microsoft To Do

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with Microsoft account

A reworking of the long-appreciated Wunderlist, Microsoft To Do has continued to evolve its features to make it stand out in the field of student planner apps.

Student planner apps - blog - Microsoft To Do screenshot

One feature that stands out in To Do is that things you didn't check off from previous days stay in the “Yesterday” box. That way you can specifically choose which items to transfer to "My day," and plan a better time for those that won't fit in today's schedule.

To Do allows you to sort tasks into basic lists that you set up, such as "Work," "Home," or "Lab." You can then add subtasks to the items on each list. For example, if your list includes, "Presentation for econ class," create subtasks for "Brainstorm subjects," "Find sources," or other project milestones. 

To Do also includes some features that will please visually oriented people. Dark mode is helpful if you're reviewing your day just before sleep or when you first wake up in the morning. You can also change the background for each list, with lots of modern and inspiring designs.

3. Calendly

iOS, Android, and desktop: Free with additional features available on paid plans

Calendly simplifies scheduling with groups and individuals. As group projects have become the new normal, you’ll likely have to set up plenty of meetings with groups and individuals during the course of your time as a student. You can save a lot of time by scheduling and managing those meetings with Calendly.

Here's how it works:

Connect Calendly with your digital calendar, like Google Calendar , Outlook , and others.

Create a meeting request.

Set the parameters. For example, you can let recipients see your availability, so they can pick a day and time, or you can set a day and time and they can either accept it or request a different time.

Select recipients and send.

Calendly will gather responses from the people you want to meet with, and you'll have a meeting set up without the long texting thread that's usually required.

Other helpful features include the options of Round Robin or collective scheduling on the paid plans. If others share their availability, Calendly will show times that work for everyone, so you can pick. Or, you can use its Meeting Polls feature to let people vote on proposed times before setting your meeting . Also, you can set reminders both for yourself and for those who agreed to meet with you.

Calendly streamlines setting up meetings, so you can free up your time and attention for classes and other responsibilities.

Get started with Calendly

Ready to make scheduling easier than ever?

4. iStudiez Pro

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with available paid Full Version upgrade 

iStudiez Pro is one of the highest-rated planner apps designed just for students. Enter your class schedule including the professor's name, contact info, and office hours. Then, you can color code your classes and use icons to make it visually interesting and easy to scan.

Student planner apps - blog - iStudiez screenshot

"Week view" allows you to plan your time and get ready for upcoming classes. "Day view" shows you tasks and scheduled items for today. For each class, you can add assignments, their due dates, and specific tasks associated with them.

If you upgrade to the Full Version of iStudiez Pro, you can even get a regular update on your GPA. As you receive graded assignments back, enter the grade and point value. iStudiez will do the calculating for you with its GPA tracker. It keeps this info from semester to semester, so you can keep the big picture in mind.

5. myHomework

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free or $4.99 per year for Premium

The myHomework student planner is a clean and simple planner app for education. Many teachers have already adopted it for e-learning or online instruction, but it's great for individual use as well.

Student planner apps - blog - myHomework screenshot

It's formatted for several types of class scheduling, such as block, period, or time-based schedules. myHomework allows you to not only input assignments and add tasks required to complete them, it also allows for prioritizing and categorizing tasks, so you can focus on what's most needed at any given time. You can set reminders for upcoming due dates too, so you don’t miss deadlines by accident (or procrastination).

While you do need internet connectivity to sync with other devices, this homework app still has full functionality even when you're not connected to WiFi. The free version has plenty of great features, but the paid version of this homework planner lets you get rid of ads as well as share assignments, add file attachments to assignments, and switch out your theme.

6. Power Planner

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrade available

Power Planner is a well-established student planner app with many of the same features as myHomework and iStudiez, like entering your schedule, keeping track of your GPA, and viewing assignments and exams.

Student planner apps - blog - Power Planner screenshot

Though the app is full of useful features, one element that sets it apart from other similar apps is the responsiveness of the developer. Power Planner is updated regularly, offering continual improvements to its features.

The GPA calculator is more robust in this app compared to others, with its "What if?" feature, which calculates what scores you need on assignments to get an A in a class. It also includes notifications for due dates coming up. The paid version allows you to enter more grades and stores your GPA info from one semester to the next.

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with multiple paid plans starting at $5, and an automatic student discount

ClickUp is the only productivity platform built to tackle everything from complex projects to your daily assignments, all in one screen. With hundreds of customizable features to organize documents, take notes, schedule due dates, and more, ClickUp is a great daily planner for students at every level.

ClickUp's flexible organizational Hierarchy is perfect for breaking down course loads into manageable tasks, subtasks, and Checklists. There are over 15 ways to visualize your schedule in ClickUp including a dynamic Calendar, List, and Everything view for a high-level look at all projects and deadlines. Plus, ClickUp's Home feature syncs with your favorite calendar app to present your classes, reminders, and messages conveniently alongside your upcoming tasks.

ClickUp UI

ClickUp was built to consolidate your work into one centralized hub that can be accessed virtually anywhere, even offline, from your phone, or on your Apple Watch. You can create detailed course notes, format drafts, and everything in between using ClickUp's built-in document editor, then export or share them in seconds with a simple URL.

Access its top daily planner features, ClickUp Docs, unlimited tasks, over 1,000 integrations, and more when you sign up for ClickUp's Free Forever Plan, and automatically save 25% on any paid plan for being a student.

3 tips for getting the most from your student planner app

In addition to finding a great app for students, these tips can help you increase your productivity and keep your schedule running smoothly. No matter which app you choose, you’ll get more out of it if you use it alongside smart planning practices.

1. Treat yourself to a semester review

At the beginning of each semester, set aside a couple of hours to prepare yourself and get everything organized in your app and in your head. Make it fun: Take yourself out for coffee, turn on your favorite music, and turn off your texting and other notifications. This is time to get in the zone.

Give yourself time to look through your new app's features and figure out the best way to use them (or customize them) for you. It's helpful to read reviews, as people will talk about the most useful features. It's also an easy way to learn how to use the app.

Gather your syllabi, work schedules, and any other pertinent calendar info. First, enter all your calendar info for the semester. This helps you understand what your weekly schedule will be like. Then create projects or enter assignments (and due dates) for any big projects  your professors already have planned.

For example, the class may require a video assignment due at the end of the semester. Create a task called "plan out video project," and set the due date for around the time you want to begin the project. You don't want to get bogged down in planning the details of all those projects during your semester review. If you stay focused on the big picture, you may have time for more specific project planning at the end of your review session.

This is also a good time to set goals for yourself. Do you want to turn in more assignments on time or participate more in class? Do you want to learn a new instrument or join a team? Get inspired about doing more than just making it through the semester. With a powerful school planner app on your side, this could be your best semester yet — and there's more to that than just getting good grades.

2. Add a weekly review to your calendar

To keep your planner system functional, you have to keep giving it attention. Set up a time every week — about 30 minutes to an hour — for reviewing your projects and planning out your weekly schedule. Make this appointment as set-in-stone as your class times, so you aren’t tempted to put it off.

You can use this time to input any grades you've received if you've chosen an app with a GPA-tracking feature. Make sure that for every project, assignment or exam, you've entered specific tasks to prepare for them as well. You don't want to just remember that you have something due. You want to have a plan for turning in your best work! 

This is also a great time to set up meetings you'll need for the week. Use an app like Calendly to send out requests for meetings, so you're not scrambling at the last minute to find a time when everyone can meet.

And don't forget to schedule some rest! One of the best ways to stay motivated and stick with your work is to know you have some quality fun time coming.

3. Plan daily check-ins

Every morning look over your daily schedule and your list of things to do. This usually doesn’t take more than five minutes, but it can do a lot to help you bring your best to the things that are important to you.

Improve your learning through great planning

Choosing the student planner app that’s right for you is a great way of keeping your mind focused and your grades high during the semester. A great app will help you stay on top of your classes and work, especially if you keep your app up-to-date with regular reviews. 

A great calendar app can also help you to make the most of the other aspects of your life, for a less stressful, more rewarding student experience. The world needs what you have to give, and these apps can help you give your best.

Webinar: Getting Started with Calendly

Webinar: Getting started with Calendly

Thad Thompson

Thad is a former Content Marketing Manager at Calendly. When not sharing scheduling and productivity insights, you’ll find him hiking trails with his family or thumping a bass with a power pop band.

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10 Best AI Tools for Assignment Writing in 2024

AI tools for assignment writing have become essential for students in 2024. These tools use artificial intelligence to help students create high-quality assignments faster and more efficiently. AI-powered writing tools can offer grammar and style suggestions , research assistance , and even essay generation to help students succeed academically.

AI tools for assignment writing have become essential for students in 2024. These AI-powered writing tools use artificial intelligence to help students create high-quality assignments faster and more efficiently. AI-powered writing tools can offer grammar and style suggestions, research assistance, and even essay generation to help students succeed academically.


With these tools, students can get instant feedback on their work, helping them improve their writing skills and learn more effectively. AI tools for academic writing also save time by automating research and formatting tasks. In addition, they can provide plagiarism checks to ensure originality in academic writing.

This article will introduce the top 10 best AI tools for assignment writing in 2024 that students can use to improve their assignments and enhance their learning experience.

Why Use AI Tools for Assignment Writing?

What to look for in an ai writing tool, top 10 ai tools for assignment writing in 2024, contentatscale.ai, eduwriter.ai, is it legal to use ai tools for assignment writing in india, best ai tool for assignment writing – contentatscale.ai.

The Advantages of Using AI Tools for Assignment Writing:

  • Save time and effort.
  • Improve writing quality and accuracy.
  • Generate ideas and structure content.
  • Enhance research capabilities.
  • Maintain consistency and avoid plagiarism.

Key Features to Consider in an AI Assignment Writing Tool:

  • User-friendly interface.
  • Quality of content generation.
  • Plagiarism detection.
  • Multi-language support.
  • Customization options.
  • Integration with other tools (e.g., citation managers, research databases).

Here is the list of the top 10 AI tools that can help you write assignments in 2024. These tools make the writing process easier and more efficient, offering features like grammar checking , content suggestions , and more.

Jasper AI is a great tool that you can use to write your assignments and is among the best AI tools for assignment writing. It helps you overcome writer’s block and transform assignments to different languages, tones, formats, etc. If you have many tasks taking up your attention, you can definitely use Jasper AI to curate your assignments.

  • Write assignments in over 30 languages
  • You can generate unlimited words in each plan of the tool
  • It has a plagiarism checker powered by Copyscape
  • Integrated with Grammarly to help with spellings, formatting, sentences, etc.

  • Starter Plan – $24
  • Boss Mode Plan – $49
For current pricing, please visit the official website.

Rytr is an AI writing software for students that allows you to make high-quality assignments at minimal prices and really quickly. You have to choose your tone, section topic, and use cases, and the tool will start generating content for your assignments.

  • Rephrases different texts into catchy and engaging versions
  • Has AI text completer to finish paragraphs and sentences
  • Helps you summarize and shorten your assignment content.
  • Saver Plan – $9
  • Unlimited Plan – $29

AI-powered Yomu AI is one of the best AI tools for assignment writing that will let you write great assignments and academic papers. The tool is even trusted by labs and universities globally and has helped students complete their grants, assignments, essays, etc. on time. It also has a great citation tool to find and include citations in your assignments.

Yomu AI

  • Helps locate, format, and include citations properly
  • Allows you to transform the bullet points and lists into long-form text.
  • Great for brainstorming ideas, paraphrasing , refining, shortening, expanding, and summarizing content.
  • Starter – $7
  • Premium – $8.8

QuillBot is another AI tool for assignment writing through which you can summarize and paraphrase your texts. The tool also provides citation generation as well as a translator for your text. One thing is that the content generated by QuillBot does not pass AI-detection tools consistently.


  • Offers Word and Chrome extensions to check grammar and spelling
  • Supports nine paraphrase models to create simple as well as academic content
  • Ability to make citations in different styles.
  • Premium – $9.95

You can use the Writesonic Ai tool to write, edit, or summarize various forms of content, including essays and long assignments. The free trial has a 10,000 word limit and you must get the paid version to continue using it. It has a built-in plagiarism and spelling checker and even expands phrases and sentences into longer content. All this makes it one of the best AI tools for assignment writing.


  • Easy to summarize and paraphrase your writing assignments
  • Features Chatsonic, chatbot assistant powered by GPT-4
  • Even allows you to shorten content and make it accurate and precise.


  • Small Team – $13
  • Enterprise – $500+

For those who want to write long-form content and big assignments, Contentatscale.ai can be a great AI tool for assignment writing. The tool generates content that is quite similar to human writing and one cannot easily differentiate from text written by humans. Its AI detector tool is also one of the best out there.


  • It has a unique option for AI Voice training
  • It can detect AI-generated content
  • Allows you to analyze natural language processing.
  • Starter – $499
  • Standard – $999
  • Scaling – $1499

AI Writer is an AI-based tool that helps in assignment writing. It generates relevant content for your assignments by choosing recommended keywords or manually providing your list. The tool suggests sections, sub-sections, etc. to develop and structure your assignment perfectly, also citing the used sources.

AI Writer

  • Features the capability to reword text
  • Great AI text generator and SEO editor
  • You can directly publish to WordPress
  • Basic – $29
  • Standard – $49
  • Power – $375

Anyword is one of the best AI tools for assignment writing in 2024 and makes use of machine learning algorithms to create content. It is really helpful with long-form texts and assignments along with blogs , ad copies, social media posts , etc. It even analyzes previously done content to generate content that matches the voice and style.


  • Supports around 30 languages
  • It has more than 100 performance-driven templates
  • Easy Grammarly integration and Google Chrome extension.
  • Starter – $39
  • Data-Driven – $79
  • Business – $349
  • Enterprise – Custom Pricing

One of the best AI tools for assignment writing, Copy.ai helps you create long-form content , landing pages , long texts , web copies , and more. All this makes it one of the best AI tools for assignment writing in 2024. You can add a tone and voice so that the generated content is consistent and reflects your ideas. Anyone can learn how to use Copy.ai quickly and use it for their assignments.


  • There are more than 90 copywriting tools
  • You can save and reuse information through Infobase
  • Features a chat feature to help you interact with the AI.
  • Pro – $36
  • Team – $186

Eduwriter.AI is another AI tool for assignment writing. It offers scripts and long texts to users to complete their assignments. Users can conveniently choose topics and the tool generates college-level content on demand. Eduwriter. AI generates high-quality essays using AI, analyzing inputs by the user as well as from websites.


  • Easy to edit content before submission
  • Create custom essays using its essay generator
  • Ability to create narrative, descriptive, and other types of content.
  • Premium – $20

There is no specific law that bans the use of AI tools for assignment writing in India. However, it depends on the rules of each institution. AI tools can speed up writing assignments, but they raise questions about originality and the student’s input.

Many institutions don’t allow AI use or plagiarism in assignments and projects. AI tools can be helpful when used properly, but students should check their college’s rules before using them for assignment writing in India.

ContentatScale.ai is a great AI tool for assignment writing in 2024, and it might be the best choice available. The best thing about this tool is that it creates content that closely resembles human writing, making it hard to tell the difference between AI-generated text and human-written text. It also features an excellent built-in AI detector that can identify AI-generated content.

ContentatScale.ai offers various tools for content optimization and supports natural language processing for users. However, the tool doesn’t have a free version, and the paid version can be a bit expensive. If you work on assignments often, though, it’s an investment rather than just spending money.

In conclusion, AI tools for assignment writing offer a variety of benefits that can improve your writing process in 2024. From grammar checkers like Grammarly and Yomu Ai to advanced tools like GPT-3 and Jasper , these tools can help you write more efficiently and accurately.

Additionally, plagiarism detection tools such as Eduwriter.ai and Copyscape ensure your work is original and well-cited. Give these tools a try to enhance your academic writing experience and achieve better results.

Relates Articles: Top 10 Free AI Writing Tools for Content Creators Copy.ai – Free AI Writing Tool

10 Best AI Tools for Assignment Writing – FAQs

Which is the best ai tool for assignment writing.

ContentatScale.ai is one of the best AI tools for assignment writing out there. We feel that it is the best option which you can use. The best part is that this tool generates content that is almost the same as that written by humans.

Do colleges and universities allow the use of AI tools for assignments?

Most colleges and universities do not accept AI-generated or plagiarized content. Rather than using AI tools for writing assignments, you can use them to come up with ideas and structures for your assignment.

How do students benefit from AI tools for writing assignments?

AI tools for writing assignments help students save time by generating text, help with spelling and grammar, offer new ideas, and focus better on other tasks. It can take a long time to complete a long assignment on your own and AI tools make the job easier.

Are AI tools for writing assignments free to use or paid?

Many AI writing tools for students can be used. Most of them have both free and paid versions. Generally, the free AI writing tools have limited features and generate a limited amount of content. Paid versions of AI tools have many exciting features that you can use to generate better-quality content for your assignments.
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🤖 AI Homework Assignment Generator

Unlock the academic excellence you dream of with the power of AI! Streamline your studies with the Homework Assignment generator.

Do you remember those sleepless nights filled with stacks of books, research papers, deadline pressure, and nerve-wracking concern over how to get scoops beyond your peers? We all do. Say goodbye to academic pressure and utilize the power of technological advancement to make your homework assignments a breeze.

Let’s dive into the future with the remarkable Homework Assignment generator! An AI-powered tool that takes the hassle out of homework, giving you more time to focus on understanding concepts and less on the reiterative task of writing. It’s not about creating a shortcut, but it’s about optimizing your learning experience and outcomes. Let’s explore more!

What Is a Homework Assignment?

A homework assignment is a task assigned by educators as an extension of classroom work typically intended for students to complete outside of class. Written exercises, reading and comprehension activities, research projects, and problem-solving exercises are a few examples of homework varieties.

However, the primary goal remains the same: to develop the learner’s understanding of a specific topic or subject, enhance their skills, complement their learning, and prepare them for subsequent class sessions.

Why Use a Homework Assignment Generator?

A homework assignment generator plays a crucial role in not only simplifying students’ academic life but also enhancing their learning journey. Here are a few reasons:

  • Efficient Time Management: Unlike students, an AI-powered generator doesn’t procrastinate. It helps quickly provide homework outlines, ideas, and solutions, leaving you plenty of time for other tasks.
  • Quality Content: Drawing from a vast database of resources, this generator assures top-notch content. It furnishes well-researched and factually correct information, ensuring your assignment stands out.
  • Ease of Use: No complex instructions. Just input your assignment topic, and behold the AI unfolds its magic, rendering high-quality content almost instantly.
  • Learning Aid: This tool should not replace learning but aid it. It brings clarity by simplifying complex topics, making them more comprehensive and easier to grasp.

In conclusion, the Homework Assignment generator aims to transform your academic life. Its primary objective is not to eliminate homework but to streamline it, making it less stressful and more rewarding. It is designed to support, not replace, the traditional teaching-learning method, highlighting what is essential for success: understanding, skill enhancement, and knowledge application. Embrace this new era of learning where technology complements traditional education, and step into the future of academic excellence.

How To Use This AI Homework Assignment Generator:

  • Open your Taskade workspace and click “➕New project”.
  • Choose “ 🤖 AI Project Studio ” and describe what you want to create.
  • Use the drop-downs to define project type or upload seed sources .
  • When done, customize your project to make it your own!
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The best apps for helping students stay organized and safe

It’s time for students to head back to school, and that no longer means just stocking up on spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, glue, and Post-it Notes. The item that will pack the biggest punch in a student’s life fits right inside a jacket pocket: Today’s smartphones deliver a huge degree of functionality and support, no matter the student or field of study.

Campus Books

Microsoft to do.

Student lives become increasingly complex once they hit middle school and beyond. Thoughts turn to college, and for students already there, having to manage disparate classes, professors, and requirements can be an overwhelming amount to juggle. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. The best apps for students can help sort out everything, from assignments to taking notes to buying books. Below are a few of our favorite apps that should prove to be quite helpful.

It’s also time for teachers to head back to school, and we’ve already scoped out plenty of resources for them in our roundups of apps for educators  and general educational utilities .

There are plenty of news aggregators out there, but Feedly stands out from the crowd in providing a place to organize, read, and share the precise information you need to stay ahead of myriad topics of study. The app connects with more than 40 million feeds from publications, blogs, YouTube channels, and more, letting you access everything in one place, in a clean and easy-to-read format. Learn new topics and track keywords, brands, and companies as you delve deeply into your subjects in an organized way.


Once the province of graphic artists and designers with dedicated desktop flatbeds, scanning went mainstream years ago with popular desktop printer combos. Today, scanners have evolved even further into mobile apps that are hugely useful for academics. TurboScan lets you scan multipage documents into high-quality PDFs or JPEGS that you can easily store, search, print, name, and share in various ways. Powerful but easy to use, the app uses advanced algorithms to detect document edges, correct perspective, remove shadows, and set a pleasing contrast for text or photos, even in low-light conditions.

Some students may already be familiar with Wunderlist, a task management app that helped people keep track of everything they needed to do for any given day or week. Wunderlist has now shut down, but fortunately, it has been reborn as Microsoft To Do, which keeps much of the functionality and interface of its predecessor. The new app lets students make shopping lists or task lists, take lecture notes, plan events and seminars, or set reminders to ensure that they complete those all-important assignments on time. It includes a daily planner, the ability to group lists according to project, and also the ability to share lists and documents with friends.

With the Mega app, you never have to stress about how to store excess files from your mobile device as you go through your busy day. The app gives you 50GB of free cloud storage, with all files transmitted and stored with end-to-end encryption. Mega makes it easy to access, view, and share files even if they were not uploaded from your mobile device. The app lets you collaborate securely by chat, text message, or interface with individual or multiple contacts. You can also link up with the app’s end-to-end encrypted cross-platform audio and video calls and verify the cryptographic fingerprint of your contacts via a separate channel to make sure they are authentic. Paid subscriptions are available if you need more storage space.

Cash-poor students need a way to make sure that they always have enough on hand for emergencies and unexpected events. With Venmo, you get a fair and equitable way of paying for what you need, while splitting costs with your companions and paying off what you owe in a timely fashion. In addition to quickly sending money to friends, you can communicate with them, annotate expenses, pay for merchandise in stores, track your spending, and even use a Venmo card that lets you shop anywhere Mastercard is accepted — no fee or credit check needed.

This app makes the world a bit safer for anyone out and about when the campus gets dark, quiet, and deserted. It’s a personal safety app that lets users alert selected friends, called guardians, in situations where they feel vulnerable or in danger. You can use it to send SOS signals to friends by pressing a single button or saying a safety phrase. You can also use the app to stream and automatically record video in emergencies. Other nice features include the ability to receive a fake phone call in order to excuse yourself from unwanted attention, as well as the ability to have friends see your location. It’s a great app, although you do need to pay a monthly subscription of $8 if you want access to all safety features.

Whatever your subject of study, staying informed is a critical part of the educational process. PodBean supports that effort by providing a huge range of podcasts on almost any topic. The app has resources that let you search for specific podcasts or browse new and trending ones by category, as well as get customized recommendations for new resources. You can also hear audiobooks — bestsellers or classics — for free. The app lets you stream programs or play them offline and stay organized with your own playlists. A speed mechanism removes silences from episodes without distorting the sound, while volume boost and normalization features make podcasts easier on the ears. The app includes an audio recorder and editing tools so you can produce your own broadcast as well.

Editors’ Recommendations

  • You can finally try one of iOS 18’s coolest AI features
  • One of my favorite iPhone apps is finally coming to Android
  • This strange iOS bug can crash your iPhone in seconds
  • One of the largest U.S. states is supporting driver’s licenses in Apple Wallet
  • Apple’s AI features may cost as much as $20 per month

Jackie Dove

Today ended up being a big day for iPhone and Apple fans. Why? Apple kicked off the week by releasing its iOS 18.1 developer beta -- aka, the first iOS 18 beta with Apple Intelligence features included.

It's a notable step forward for Apple's big AI push, though the Apple Intelligence experience available in the iOS 18.1 beta isn't a full or finished product. Not every Apple Intelligence feature is available to use, including Apple's most impressive one.

If you’re part of the Apple Developer program and have been trying out the iOS 18 beta on your iPhone, then go grab the latest iOS 18.1 developer beta. This is a significant update, as it finally brings Apple Intelligence features to your iPhone 15 Pro or iPhone 15 Pro Max.

As of right now, Apple has only released the iOS 18.1 beta for developers. There is no public beta for iOS 18.1 yet, but it may be coming soon. You’ll also need the iOS 18.1 beta on an iPhone 15 Pro or iPhone 15 Pro Max, as those are the only two iPhone models that are capable of running Apple Intelligence features, though iOS 18 can go on devices as far back as the iPhone XS.

According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, the most anticipated new feature of iOS 18 won't appear when originally planned. Instead, Apple Intelligence is expected to see a delayed launch.

Apple Intelligence, announced at this year's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June, was supposed to be the centerpiece of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS 15 Sequoia. Initially, Apple was expected to allow iPhone developers to begin testing at least some of the components of this all-encompassing AI feature in a future iOS 18 beta this summer. Now, however, Apple is pushing this off to iOS 18.1. As a result, the public may not see the first parts of Apple Intelligence until October or later.

The 10 Best Study Planning Apps for All Students


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As a student, you're responsible for keeping track of test dates, quizzes, homework assignments, and final exams. On top of that, maybe you partake in after-school activities and sports. This makes it even harder for you to keep track of due dates and tests.

If you feel that you're sinking into a pile of assignments, you need to add some organization to your life. These are some of the best study planner apps for Android and iOS that can help you set times to study and remind you of upcoming exams, so you're not caught off-guard.

Chipper Study App Tasks

Chipper is one of the most popular and best study planners for students. Using Chipper can greatly improve your time-management skills.

This study planning app comes equipped with several tools dedicated to students . Simply add all the courses that you're currently taking, and organize them by time and date in the built-in schedule.

Chipper also allows you to add tests, homework due dates, papers, labs, and quizzes to your calendar to help you stay on top of your coursework. On top of that, you can set reminders that Chipper will send as notifications, so you never miss a deadline. And when you're ready to study, open the Study tab to set a timer for your session.

That means you don't need to download a Pomodoro timer app for such. But if you do, here are the best Pomodoro timer apps .

This app rewards you with earnings in the form of imaginary cash as you complete tasks. You don't actually receive any of these earnings in real life, but it's a good incentive to keep you moving forward.

Download: Chipper for Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

2. Classify

classify study planner home

Use Classify to build an easy-to-read schedule for your homework assignments, projects, quizzes, and other activities. Because it has a clear and simple interface and a lot of useful features, it is a unique study tracker app.

Classify helps you organize your school life by adding everything important in one place. It also provides templates for tasks, homework assignments, and events. For example, you can attach a PDF when you add an assignment, and you can set priorities for tasks.

Simply add this semester's courses, along with assignments and their due dates. Classify will let you know when your assignments are due and give you helpful reminders about upcoming deadlines, making it a great study planner app for students. Additionally, it has a Pomodoro functionality built-in if you fancy using the Pomodoro technique .

Download: Classify for iOS | Android (Free)

3. My Study Life

My Study App Study Dashboard

My Study Life is yet another great study planner app you should try today. With My Study Life, you can easily add tasks, classes, and exams to a weekly schedule template for students. When you add your classes, you can input detailed information about them such as the room number, module, time, and even the teacher.

If you struggle to remember holidays or class rotations, you can input that information in My Study Life as well. Your dashboard displays all your upcoming assignments, exams, and classes. This way, you'll never forget about that assignment that's due tomorrow.

Download: My Study Life for iOS | Android (Free)

4. Power Planner

Power Planner Study App Tasks

Power Planner is a clean and simple study schedule app that's perfect for middle school, high school, and even college students.

As one of the most useful apps for every student , it helps you remember class times, keep track of tests, and can assist you with staying on top of your assignments.

Power Planner integrates with Google Calendar to make your life even easier. Better yet, you can also estimate your GPA by inputting assignment and test grades.

However, if you want to add more than one semester and five grades per class, you'll have to spend a few dollars on the premium version.

Download: Power Planner for iOS | Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

5. Lessons School Planner

Lessons School Planner daily lesson plan

Lessons School Planner is a study tracking app that is built with simplicity in mind ensuring your energy is focused on increasing productivity and getting work done instead of organization. It can be likened to a simple to-do list tool but for students. When you download the app, you can start by creating a custom lesson plan, or importing one if you have it already on another device.

The app has lessons added already, but you can customize them depending on your needs. It makes organization easier by using a number system to organize lessons.

Tapping on a subject on your daily lesson plan allows you to add activities related to it, like an upcoming assignment submission deadline, exam, test, project, presentation, and more. These activities can then be viewed on a dedicated page. The app also allows you to set reminders for your tasks, ensuring that you don't miss out on anything important.

Download: Lessons for Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

6. Study Bunny: Focus Timer

Study Bunny Study Planner App Timer

Study Bunny is a less conventional study tracker app, but it makes studying a lot more fun. For starters, it introduces you to an adorable cartoon bunny that acts as your study partner.

You can use the app to time study sessions, create awesome to-do lists , make flashcards, and keep track of your progress.

When you start studying, you'll earn coins that you can use to treat the bunny. You can buy items to feed and customize your pal, which will help motivate you to finish a long study session.

Download: Study Bunny: Focus Timer for iOS | Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

Vaia study planning app home page

Vaia (formerly StudySmarter) is a helpful study-planning app that lets you collaborate with other students from around the world.

To help you save time, the app allows for shareable flashcards. This means that you can search for and use flashcards that other users have already made which makes learning easier. As a study planner app for students, Vaia is also featured in our list of the best flash card apps .

In addition to that handy feature, Vaia lets you upload and annotate documents, as well as create study groups with students from other universities. And when you want to check your progress, you can use the app's built-in charts to visualize your study time and see if you're meeting your weekly goals.

Download: Vaia for iOS | Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

8. myHomework Student Planner

myHomework Study Schedule

The myHomework Student Planner app is a straightforward way to keep tabs on your studies. To get started, you simply have to input your class schedule and any upcoming assignments.

myHomework Student Planner will then generate a color-coded class schedule, as well as a calendar that organizes your upcoming classes, assignments, and tests. Besides that, it also creates a clean list of homework assignments, which makes it much easier to remember important due dates.

Download: myHomework Student Planner for iOS | Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

9. Smart Timetable

Due events in Smart Timetable app

To get started on Smart Timetable, add your classes as events with how often you want to study for them. When it's time to hunker down, Smart Timetable will send a notification to your phone as a reminder.

The app allows you to input additional information about each class including the type, building and room number, and instructor, and you can even upload class notes. Each day the app's home page has the day's classes, and you can swipe left to view upcoming classes in the follow-up days.

There's also a task tab where you can add your upcoming assignments and tick them off once you're done.

Download: Smart Timetable for Android (Free, subscription available)

10. School Planner

School planner home page

The School Planner app has a ton of versatility when it comes to schedule options. You can input your classes into the app by using the available easy-to-use default templates.

Templates include everything you need to stay on top of your classes, including day, time, teacher, subject, frequency, and room. You also have the ability to add any upcoming events, whether it's a simple reminder, an upcoming exam, or a homework submission deadline.

All the upcoming tasks will show up on the app's home page in a sleek Overview page with a snapshot of any upcoming events in the next seven days, what's on your schedule today, tomorrow, and a detailed outlook of the upcoming week. School Planner's interface and organization make it one of the best study scheduling apps around.

The experience isn't limited to class times and assignments; you can also add grades, teachers, recordings, and days you were absent. Hit the hamburger icon in the top left to get an idea of how much the app offers.

Download: School Planner for Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

Stay on Track With the Best Study Planner Apps for Students

Who needs a messy assignment book when you have a study planner app? Instead of jotting down due dates on your calendar, take them with you on your smartphone.

Moreover, having an app at your fingertips can serve as a reminder to start studying or to complete an important assignment. Better yet, it's much easier to read and visualize when you use a template in an app.

  • Productivity

The University of Chicago The Law School

Innovation clinic—significant achievements for 2023-24.

The Innovation Clinic continued its track record of success during the 2023-2024 school year, facing unprecedented demand for our pro bono services as our reputation for providing high caliber transactional and regulatory representation spread. The overwhelming number of assistance requests we received from the University of Chicago, City of Chicago, and even national startup and venture capital communities enabled our students to cherry-pick the most interesting, pedagogically valuable assignments offered to them. Our focus on serving startups, rather than all small- to medium-sized businesses, and our specialization in the needs and considerations that these companies have, which differ substantially from the needs of more traditional small businesses, has proven to be a strong differentiator for the program both in terms of business development and prospective and current student interest, as has our further focus on tackling idiosyncratic, complex regulatory challenges for first-of-their kind startups. We are also beginning to enjoy more long-term relationships with clients who repeatedly engage us for multiple projects over the course of a year or more as their legal needs develop.

This year’s twelve students completed over twenty projects and represented clients in a very broad range of industries: mental health and wellbeing, content creation, medical education, biotech and drug discovery, chemistry, food and beverage, art, personal finance, renewable energy, fintech, consumer products and services, artificial intelligence (“AI”), and others. The matters that the students handled gave them an unparalleled view into the emerging companies and venture capital space, at a level of complexity and agency that most junior lawyers will not experience until several years into their careers.

Representative Engagements

While the Innovation Clinic’s engagements are highly confidential and cannot be described in detail, a high-level description of a representative sample of projects undertaken by the Innovation Clinic this year includes:

Transactional/Commercial Work

  • A previous client developing a symptom-tracking wellness app for chronic disease sufferers engaged the Innovation Clinic again, this time to restructure its cap table by moving one founder’s interest in the company to a foreign holding company and subjecting the holding company to appropriate protections in favor of the startup.
  • Another client with whom the Innovation Clinic had already worked several times engaged us for several new projects, including (1) restructuring their cap table and issuing equity to an additional, new founder, (2) drafting several different forms of license agreements that the company could use when generating content for the platform, covering situations in which the company would license existing content from other providers, jointly develop new content together with contractors or specialists that would then be jointly owned by all creators, or commission contractors to make content solely owned by the company, (3) drafting simple agreements for future equity (“Safes”) for the company to use in its seed stage fundraising round, and (4) drafting terms of service and a privacy policy for the platform.
  • Yet another repeat client, an internet platform that supports independent artists by creating short films featuring the artists to promote their work and facilitates sales of the artists’ art through its platform, retained us this year to draft a form of independent contractor agreement that could be used when the company hires artists to be featured in content that the company’s Fortune 500 brand partners commission from the company, and to create capsule art collections that could be sold by these Fortune 500 brand partners in conjunction with the content promotion.
  • We worked with a platform using AI to accelerate the Investigational New Drug (IND) approval and application process to draft a form of license agreement for use with its customers and an NDA for prospective investors.
  • A novel personal finance platform for young, high-earning individuals engaged the Innovation Clinic to form an entity for the platform, including helping the founders to negotiate a deal among them with respect to roles and equity, terms that the equity would be subject to, and other post-incorporation matters, as well as to draft terms of service and a privacy policy for the platform.
  • Students also formed an entity for a biotech therapeutics company founded by University of Chicago faculty members and an AI-powered legal billing management platform founded by University of Chicago students.
  • A founder the Innovation Clinic had represented in connection with one venture engaged us on behalf of his other venture team to draft an equity incentive plan for the company as well as other required implementing documentation. His venture with which we previously worked also engaged us this year to draft Safes to be used with over twenty investors in a seed financing round.

More information regarding other types of transactional projects that we typically take on can be found here .

Regulatory Research and Advice

  • A team of Innovation Clinic students invested a substantial portion of our regulatory time this year performing highly detailed and complicated research into public utilities laws of several states to advise a groundbreaking renewable energy technology company as to how its product might be regulated in these states and its clearest path to market. This project involved a review of not only the relevant state statutes but also an analysis of the interplay between state and federal statutes as it relates to public utilities law, the administrative codes of the relevant state executive branch agencies, and binding and non-binding administrative orders, decisions and guidance from such agencies in other contexts that could shed light on how such states would regulate this never-before-seen product that their laws clearly never contemplated could exist. The highly varied approach to utilities regulation in all states examined led to a nuanced set of analysis and recommendations for the client.
  • In another significant research project, a separate team of Innovation Clinic students undertook a comprehensive review of all settlement orders and court decisions related to actions brought by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for violations of the prohibition on unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts and practices under the Consumer Financial Protection Act, as well as selected relevant settlement orders, court decisions, and other formal and informal guidance documents related to actions brought by the Federal Trade Commission for violations of the prohibition on unfair or deceptive acts or practices under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, to assemble a playbook for a fintech company regarding compliance. This playbook, which distilled very complicated, voluminous legal decisions and concepts into a series of bullet points with clear, easy-to-follow rules and best practices, designed to be distributed to non-lawyers in many different facets of this business, covered all aspects of operations that could subject a company like this one to liability under the laws examined, including with respect to asset purchase transactions, marketing and consumer onboarding, usage of certain terms of art in advertising, disclosure requirements, fee structures, communications with customers, legal documentation requirements, customer service and support, debt collection practices, arrangements with third parties who act on the company’s behalf, and more.


  • Last year’s students built upon the Innovation Clinic’s progress in shaping the rules promulgated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) pursuant to the Corporate Transparency Act to create a client alert summarizing the final rule, its impact on startups, and what startups need to know in order to comply. When FinCEN issued additional guidance with respect to that final rule and changed portions of the final rule including timelines for compliance, this year’s students updated the alert, then distributed it to current and former clients to notify them of the need to comply. The final bulletin is available here .
  • In furtherance of that work, additional Innovation Clinic students this year analyzed the impact of the final rule not just on the Innovation Clinic’s clients but also its impact on the Innovation Clinic, and how the Innovation Clinic should change its practices to ensure compliance and minimize risk to the Innovation Clinic. This also involved putting together a comprehensive filing guide for companies that are ready to file their certificates of incorporation to show them procedurally how to do so and explain the choices they must make during the filing process, so that the Innovation Clinic would not be involved in directing or controlling the filings and thus would not be considered a “company applicant” on any client’s Corporate Transparency Act filings with FinCEN.
  • The Innovation Clinic also began producing thought leadership pieces regarding AI, leveraging our distinct and uniquely University of Chicago expertise in structuring early-stage companies and analyzing complex regulatory issues with a law and economics lens to add our voice to those speaking on this important topic. One student wrote about whether non-profits are really the most desirable form of entity for mitigating risks associated with AI development, and another team of students prepared an analysis of the EU’s AI Act, comparing it to the Executive Order on AI from President Biden, and recommended a path forward for an AI regulatory environment in the United States. Both pieces can be found here , with more to come!

Innovation Trek

Thanks to another generous gift from Douglas Clark, ’89, and managing partner of Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati, we were able to operationalize the second Innovation Trek over Spring Break 2024. The Innovation Trek provides University of Chicago Law School students with a rare opportunity to explore the innovation and venture capital ecosystem in its epicenter, Silicon Valley. The program enables participating students to learn from business and legal experts in a variety of different industries and roles within the ecosystem to see how the law and economics principles that students learn about in the classroom play out in the real world, and facilitates meaningful connections between alumni, students, and other speakers who are leaders in their fields. This year, we took twenty-three students (as opposed to twelve during the first Trek) and expanded the offering to include not just Innovation Clinic students but also interested students from our JD/MBA Program and Doctoroff Business Leadership Program. We also enjoyed four jam-packed days in Silicon Valley, expanding the trip from the two and a half days that we spent in the Bay Area during our 2022 Trek.

The substantive sessions of the Trek were varied and impactful, and enabled in no small part thanks to substantial contributions from numerous alumni of the Law School. Students were fortunate to visit Coinbase’s Mountain View headquarters to learn from legal leaders at the company on all things Coinbase, crypto, and in-house, Plug & Play Tech Center’s Sunnyvale location to learn more about its investment thesis and accelerator programming, and Google’s Moonshot Factory, X, where we heard from lawyers at a number of different Alphabet companies about their lives as in-house counsel and the varied roles that in-house lawyers can have. We were also hosted by Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati and Fenwick & West LLP where we held sessions featuring lawyers from those firms, alumni from within and outside of those firms, and non-lawyer industry experts on topics such as artificial intelligence, climate tech and renewables, intellectual property, biotech, investing in Silicon Valley, and growth stage companies, and general advice on career trajectories and strategies. We further held a young alumni roundtable, where our students got to speak with alumni who graduated in the past five years for intimate, candid discussions about life as junior associates. In total, our students heard from more than forty speakers, including over twenty University of Chicago alumni from various divisions.

The Trek didn’t stop with education, though. Throughout the week students also had the opportunity to network with speakers to learn more from them outside the confines of panel presentations and to grow their networks. We had a networking dinner with Kirkland & Ellis, a closing dinner with all Trek participants, and for the first time hosted an event for admitted students, Trek participants, and alumni to come together to share experiences and recruit the next generation of Law School students. Several speakers and students stayed in touch following the Trek, and this resulted not just in meaningful relationships but also in employment for some students who attended.

More information on the purposes of the Trek is available here , the full itinerary is available here , and one student participant’s story describing her reflections on and descriptions of her experience on the Trek is available here .

The Innovation Clinic is grateful to all of its clients for continuing to provide its students with challenging, high-quality legal work, and to the many alumni who engage with us for providing an irreplaceable client pipeline and for sharing their time and energy with our students. Our clients are breaking the mold and bringing innovations to market that will improve the lives of people around the world in numerous ways. We are glad to aid in their success in any way that we can. We look forward to another productive year in 2024-2025!


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  1. 18 Best Productivity Apps for Students 2024 (Free & Easy to Use)

    1. Slack. Clear communication is the key to the success of any group project. Enter Slack, one of the best productivity apps for students who prefer staying connected through messaging. Create channels for your projects, shoot messages back and forth, share files, and team up on assignments.

  2. 9 Writing Apps For Your College Assignments

    In fact, these writing apps do just that. With features like real-time collaboration, grammar checking, and project management, they change and adapt to make sure you have everything you need to face your assignments head-on. 1. AssignmentBro. AssignmentBro is the first tool that stands out that you might want to use for your college assignments.

  3. 25 Best Apps for College Students: Productivity, Studying ...

    7. iStudiez Pro. iStudiez Pro is a favorite app among college students for its wide variety of features. There are live tiles and alarms to keep you on top of upcoming assignments, a classroom and college planner, university grade tracker, and a digest to get all your information as an overview at one glance.

  4. 50 Best Free Study Apps for College Students: Ultimate List

    The Focus Booster app will help you keep your attention on the assignment, track the time, and create useful reports. And… There is no Stop button! The free version of the app allows for 20 sessions/month, including time tracking, the Pomodoro timer, and reporting. Available on: iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, web. RescueTime

  5. Classway

    Your smart study sidekick, powered by AI, streamlining assignments and boosting your performance. Open main menu. Features Pricing FAQ. Sign In. Humanize with Classway. Content. A rewriting assistant that gets you instant answers with no traces of AI. Get started for free. 3M+ questions solved.

  6. The 5 Best Homework Help Apps You Can Use · PrepScholar

    Best App for Math Homework Help: Photomath. Price: Free (or up to $59.99 per year for premium services) Best for: Explaining solutions to math problems. This app allows you to take a picture of a math problem, and instantly pulls up a step-by-step solution, as well as a detailed explanation of the concept.

  7. Assignment Help: Seven Online Tools for College Students

    There is a free web version, and the desktop app is available for a one-time purchase of $19.99. Pros Improves writing clarity effectively Has user-friendly interface. Cons. The grammar and style checks are not very in-depth, and the app doesn't provide suggestions for rephrasing sentences that are difficult to read. MindMeister

  8. The Best Apps for Studying of 2024

    Top 9 Apps for Studying to Try. Evernote — Top Pick. My Study Life — Best Free Study Tool. Quizlet — Best for Quiz Prep. Chegg Prep — Best for Flashcards. iStudiez Pro Legendary Planner — Best for Grade Tracking. EasyBib — Best for Citations. Duolingo — Best for Studying Languages. Khan Academy — Best for Practice Exercises.

  9. 5 Essential Apps to Help You Write Your Assignments

    Dragon Dictation. Available on iOS and Android. Spend less time typing out your assignment, you can simply just speak it out loud! Dragon Dictation is a voice recognition app that listens to you speak and converts the words into written text. They say it's up to 5 times faster than typing.

  10. The Best Study and Time Management Apps for College Students

    Find it on the App Store and Google Play. SimpleMind helps you create mind maps that can aid in your brainstorming, outlining, and studying. (More on the value of mind mapping for students can be ...

  11. Top 6 Apps for Writing Your Assignments

    XMind. Perfect for brainstorming, XMind will help you organize your ideas and create roadmaps for your assignments, which will make it a lot easier in the process. It's not free, having you pay almost $10 for 6 months, and you can only download it for iOS, but it's still an amazing app for Apple users. Use several methods of capturing your ...

  12. 8 Apps That Will Help You With Any College Assignment

    People photo created by cookie_studio - www.freepik.com Assignments are meant to create learning opportunities for students. They help in building research skills, creativity, time management, organization, and team spirit. That said, today, assignments are also an easy source of stress among students because academics are only one portion of student life. Between managing internships, part ...

  13. The 5 Best Assignment Help Websites for College Students

    The positive reputation of the company and the chance to talk to your writer directly place them at the top of the most popular assignment help websites you can find these days. They are plagiarism-free and offer reliable quality at an affordable price. 4. SameDayPapers. Company's History.

  14. Top College Assignment Planner Apps For Students

    Todoist. Todoist is both an assignment planner and a to-do list. Often used by companies like Amazon and Disney, and made for everyone from students to directors. Todoist is an app you can use at school, university, academy, and further. They have both free as well as paid versions for their users.

  15. Get Started with Assignments

    Easily distribute, analyze, and grade student work with Assignments for your LMS. Assignments is an application for your learning management system (LMS). It helps educators save time grading and guides students to turn in their best work with originality reports — all through the collaborative power of Google Workspace for Education.

  16. MyStudyLife

    Transform your study habits and get better grades with MyStudyLife's game-changing student planner. Organize your schedule, track homework and achieve success . Revolutionize the way you tackle your academic journey with MyStudyLife, the ultimate high school or college schedule planner and online organizer rolled into one. Seamlessly integrate your academic life with this comprehensive tool ...

  17. Homework Answers: 7 Apps That Will Do Your Homework For You

    Here's a look at 7 apps that can do your homework for you, and what they have to say about cheating: PhotoMath. Price: Free. Availability: iOS, Android app coming in early 2015. The new ...

  18. Best Homework And Assignments Apps For iPad / iPhone

    5. myHomework Student Planner. "myHomework" is one of the most appreciable back-to-school apps for iOS. With this app, you can effortlessly keep an eye on your classes, homework, assignments, and tests. There is a smart calendar display to let you instantly find out the required information.

  19. 7 best student planner apps

    6. Power Planner. Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrade available. Power Planner is a well-established student planner app with many of the same features as myHomework and iStudiez, like entering your schedule, keeping track of your GPA, and viewing assignments and exams. Source: Student-Tutor.

  20. 10 Best AI Tools for Assignment Writing in 2024

    Anyword. Anyword is one of the best AI tools for assignment writing in 2024 and makes use of machine learning algorithms to create content. It is really helpful with long-form texts and assignments along with blogs, ad copies, social media posts, etc. It even analyzes previously done content to generate content that matches the voice and style.

  21. AI Homework Assignment Generator

    How To Use This AI Homework Assignment Generator: Open your Taskade workspace and click " New project". Choose " 🤖 AI Project Studio " and describe what you want to create. Use the drop-downs to define project type or upload seed sources. When done, customize your project to make it your own!

  22. The best apps for helping students stay organized and safe

    The new app lets students make shopping lists or task lists, take lecture notes, plan events and seminars, or set reminders to ensure that they complete those all-important assignments on time.

  23. The 10 Best Study Planning Apps for All Students

    4. Power Planner. Power Planner is a clean and simple study schedule app that's perfect for middle school, high school, and even college students. As one of the most useful apps for every student, it helps you remember class times, keep track of tests, and can assist you with staying on top of your assignments.

  24. Best Target deals: Save on Beats, Keurig, Costway and more

    Black + Decker .7-Cubic-Foot 700-Watt Microwave Get this compact microwave for less than $50 today. $49.99 at Target (Save $31) If you're in a rush and have no time to cook, add this Black ...

  25. Innovation Clinic—Significant Achievements for 2023-24

    General The Innovation Clinic continued its track record of success during the 2023-2024 school year, facing unprecedented demand for our pro bono services as our reputation for providing high caliber transactional and regulatory representation spread. The overwhelming number of assistance requests we received from the University of Chicago, City of Chicago, and even national startup and ...