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  • Waste Management Speech


Long and Short Speech on Waste Management in India

In today’s time, waste management is a very important matter for our society. Waste generation is increasing day by day due to a continuous increase in the population of the world. Increase in waste management is affecting the lives of people also. For example, there are many waste disposal regions which are near the slum areas and the people living in those areas are being affected by it and are prone to many types of diseases. Therefore, for living a proper healthy life, waste management is much needed. 

Waste is just some type of product that is no longer in use and has come to an end. Often it is said that its life has been spent and that it will not be used anymore. It is the unwanted things people have thrown out of their homes. It is often referred to in other words as "garbage" and "trash." Here we have provided both Long and Short Speech on Waste Management in India and 10 lines for Speech on Waste Management so that students can refer to them as per their needs.

Waste management is a procedure in which unwanted garbage or waste is being dumped in a proper place and in a proper manner by disposing and recycling them to avoid any type of pollution so that people can live a good, healthy and disease free  life. To avoid contamination, waste should be dumped or disposed of in a proper place. Waste management helps people to avoid or eradicate those diseases which are caused by the waste or garbage. 

Waste management is considered to be one of the important and mandatory processes to avoid pollution, to avoid diseases which are caused by wastes and to care for the health of the people. With the increase in population, waste generation is also increasing. It leads to an increase in pollution which is an important issue to focus on.

Long Speech on Waste Management

Today, I am here to deliver a Speech on Waste Management In India. Waste management has been a major issue for many years, and since the era of industrialization in the world, this problem has evolved from time to time. It has many damaging environmental and atmospheric consequences. The gasses from these unmanaged waste are very harmful to the atmosphere, causing air pollution, which leads many people to suffer from respiratory problems. This unmanaged waste is one of the causes of global warming. Near the rivers or seas, several factories dispose of their waste in these water bodies and thus generate water pollution. They do not know that the disposal of such toxic waste, such as chemicals, etc., can lead to many diseases and can even be dangerous to creatures living underwater. 

The poor state of waste management is known to all of us, and there are hardly any places in the country that use the correct waste disposal system. Unmanaged waste that is not properly disposed of gives birth to a variety of diseases and emissions. There is an immediate need for better management of waste. 

Several concerns are resulting from the inefficient handling of waste. Water contamination is caused by the waste that is pumped into the water bodies. Many rural areas do not have access to sufficient toilets, and those with access to a proper drainage system, don’t maintain it well resulting in spills.

We need to follow proper waste management procedures to solve these problems. 

The definition of waste disposal or waste management is very clear. It means the substance that is used, excreted or unusable is disposed of. 

There are many ways of disposing of waste correctly and they are not harmful to the environment, such as-

(i) Recycling and reusing the usable portion of the discarded item;

(ii) landfills - To dump the everyday waste into the landfills;

(iii) combustion or incineration - To burn the waste material and convert it into gaseous items;

(iv) Plasma Gasification - To break down the molecular bonds of waste;

(v) Waste to Energy - To turn non-recyclable waste into useful products such as heat, electricity or fuel through various processes;

(vi) Composting - To convert biodegradable waste such as the kitchen or garden waste into nutritious food for plants;

(vii) Waste minimization - To break down the molecular bonds of the waste through the immense heat produced by the plasma that is an electrically charged gas.

These strategies will only be effective if we strive to initiate them in our everyday lives. If we want to do something about global warming, then this is a way to help as well.

Now it's time for us to do something about waste management. New waste disposal machines and technologies focused on municipalities should be created.

Short Speech on Waste Management in India

Today, I am here to deliver a Speech on Waste Management. With human population development, new places for human settlements and more factories are needed to meet the increasing population's basic requirements. To increase the degree of productivity, various means of cultivation are then introduced through the use of pesticides and fertilizers. So much more is being done to have a comfortable lifestyle. But do you know what our world earns in exchange for our everyday sustenance? Unfortunately, it's garbage.

Our domestic and industrial waste greatly affects the atmosphere and raises the amount of pollution. So, to minimize waste and handle it efficiently, a few things can be done. We should mainly ensure the garbage is thrown into the dustbin only and not elsewhere. And if the waste is a recyclable item, place it in the recyclable bin rather than in the trash bin. Let us make sure that both the bins are clearly labelled from our point of view. This will make it easier to minimize waste and recycle waste material for the next use while using it as a valuable resource.

In reality, so much old stuff, such as bags and jars, can be recycled at your homes; while broken products can be repaired to reduce waste. It can be very useful for our climate, to reduce the amount of soil, air and water contamination. By recycling old waste, we won't have to rely a lot on natural resources that have been drained by continuous use. Thirdly, it takes a lot of resources to use raw materials to furnish a new item than by recycling old ones. This will mean that we will become more efficient in terms of energy, conserve it and it will also aid in bringing down the cost of products.

10 Lines for Speech on Waste Management

Wastes can cause air and water contamination, and decaying garbage releases toxic chemicals and gases that are absorbed into the air and causes pollution.

Waste management is the method of mankind's disposal of waste for recyclable use.

Municipal waste, which includes household and commercial waste from a city, is a large amount of waste that is processed.

In ancient times, the population of the planet was very small because people mined the earth and buried their waste to dispose of their waste.

Just 43 million of the 622 billion tonnes of waste have been processed, 11.9 million tonnes have been treated and 31 million tonnes have been dumped on large plots.

The principal waste management process is to isolate the waste from its source and then recycle it.

One of the major causes of waste is overpopulation in India, as population growth would lead to an increase in waste.

This threat of waste has also been generated by rapid urbanization without proper planning as there is a major problem of throwing the trash.

Waste treatment plants have been built to efficiently dispose of the waste; as a result, manures and energy are obtained from the waste by individuals.

Many countries have developed these types of plants in which waste is transformed into manure and electrical energy is converted into other waste.

Importance of Waste Management

Waste management is one of the important methods for controlling pollution. It helps in reducing the effects of waste or garbage on the environment, people’s lives, natural resources etc. it makes our atmosphere friendly or we can say that waste management helps in making our surrounding positive. It also includes the reuse and recycling of many objects or resources like cans, papers, glass etc. 

There are a lot of things which need to be considered while managing wastes like methods of disposal, environment conditions, transportation of waste, recycling methods, etc. there are different types of waste like solid waste, liquid waste, gaseous waste and hazardous waste. All these need to be managed differently. Waste management can also be considered to be a method which helps in the cleaning of the environment. 

Categorization of Wastes  

Wastes can be categorized in two parts : organic wastes and inorganic wastes. 

Organic Waste - The wastes which can be decomposed easily in the soil and eventually become good fertilizers for plants and trees, are the organic wastes. Organic wastes include food wastes, green wastes, non hazardous wastes, etc. These wastes are good for the growth of crops. 

Inorganic Waste - The wastes which do not decompose or take years to decompose are the inorganic wastes. These are the waste which causes soil pollution. The main example of inorganic waste is ‘plastic’ as it takes a lot of years to decompose. Even during rainy seasons, the plastics used to get stuck in drains and sewages and cause flooding. In many places, plastics are being burnt which generates harmful gases which are injurious to human’s lungs. 

Methods of Waste Management

Waste can be disposed of through several methods and techniques. Some of them are - 

Recycling - The most important method for waste management is recycling. It is a more useful method among others because it doesn’t need any other resources and even utilizes the waste material. It converts the waste products into new products or we can say that it reduces the waste and useless materials. 

Landfills - It is considered to be the most common method of waste management. In this process, waste disposal is being done by burying the waste in the land which eventually decomposes over the years. 

Composting - Composting is an easy and natural way of waste management. It converts the organic waste into fertilizers. 


Now, you must be aware of what waste management is and its need. So should always throw the garbage in a proper way so that it can be managed and handled properly. It is our responsibility to contribute towards the management of waste so that our earth can be pollution free and become a green and healthy society. 


FAQs on Waste Management Speech

1. Why is waste management important ?

Waste management is considered to be important as it helps in making our environment better. It helps in the decrease of pollution which is one of the major threats to our environment. Wastes also affect the lives of many people especially those who live near the area of the waste dumping regions. Waste management helps in making the lives of people disease free which are being caused because of these wastes. It eventually helps in the betterment of the health of people. 

2. Why is it necessary to dump organic and inorganic waste separately?

It is very important to dump the organic and inorganic waste in separate dustbins because it helps in managing the wastes more properly which contributes towards reducing the environmental pollution. Organic wastes are biodegradable and can be disposed of easily. Whereas, inorganic waste doesn’t dispose off or if it does so, it takes years to do so. Hence, it will be easier and feasible to dump the organic and inorganic wastes separately. 

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Waste Management Speech | Speech on Waste Management for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Waste Management Speech: The procedure of dumping of wastes in a proper place and in a proper manner to avoid pollution is known as waste management. Management of wastes is very essential to reduce land, water and air pollution and to reduce health problems caused due to the waste.

This includes, dumping of wastes in proper places to avoid contamination of germs. The management of waste helps the population to avoid diseases which spread from the wastes. It also helps in saving the resources which are depleted.

There are many wastes which are recycled so that the new resources are not exhausted much.

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Long And Short Speeches on Waste Management for Kids And Students in English

A long speech on waste management of 500 words and a short speech on waste management of 150 words are provided to the students so that they can prepare for a speech on waste management. Ten lines on this topic are also provided to help the students develop an idea on this concept.

A Long Speech on Waste Management is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech on Waste Management is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Waste Management 500 Words In English

Good morning to my teachers and my friends, today I would like to give a speech on waste management.

Waste management is one of the mandatory processes which should be followed to avoid pollution and for taking care of the health of the population. Wastes are increasing today in this world due to increased population.

As the population is increasing, the wastes are also being produced in larger quantities. Due to these increasing wastes, the pollution is also increasing. There are two types of wastes mainly organic wastes and inorganic wastes.

Organic wastes are the ones which can decompose easily on soil and become good fertilizers, for trees and plants. The inorganic wastes are the ones which do not decompose or take years to decompose.

The inorganic wastes are the ones which cause soil pollution. These wastes include plastics mainly. The plastics take millions of years to decompose. During rainy seasons these plastics get stuck in the drains and cause overflow of water and flooding.

There are harmful plastics also, when they mix with water or when water passes through them, they seep through the ground and cause both water pollution and soil pollution.

In some places plastics are burned. These burnt plastics generate harmful gases which are injurious to people’s lungs. Nowadays, people put two dustbins for separate wastes one dustbin for organic wastes and one dustbin for inorganic wastes.

The organic wastes are thrown on soils or they are made into organic fertilizers which are good for the growth of crops. The inorganic wastes are either compressed or they are used to recycle.

There are other types of wastes like gaseous wastes which are released from factories. These harmful gases lead to many types of breathing problems like asthma, bronchitis and sometimes lung cancer.

The gaseous wastes should be released with special air purifiers which could cause less harm to the air. These gaseous wastes sometimes lead to acid rain which harms the upper layers of marbles. Taj Mahal has suffered a lot of damages on its marbles due to acid rain.

Management of waste properly causes less pollution which can lead to a lot of damage control. There are mainly three types of waste management; landfills, recycling and composting.

In the process of the landfill, the wastes are put into huge pits on the ground and then it is covered with mud. Landfill procedure is ideal for the dumping of organic wastes. In this process, the decomposition happens fast and it becomes a good fertilizer for plants.

In the process of recycling, the wastes which are dumped are recycled into new items. This leads to the conservation of resources. The process of recycling is ideal for inorganic wastes which take a lot of time to decompose.

In the process of composting, organic wastes are turned into fertilizers, which are needed for the better growth of crops.

If we are alert around our environment and if we take care of our surroundings and dump wastes in a proper manner then we can save the earth from being polluted.

Short Speech On Waste Management 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Waste Management 150 Words In English

Good morning to our respected principal and teachers,

Today I am going to present a speech on waste management.

When we generate wastes, it is our responsibility to check whether our wastes are causing problem to others. We should dump wastes on proper places where there are dustbins or other waste dumping sites.

Organic wastes and inorganic wastes should be dumped in separate dustbins, so that it gets easier to manage both the wastes correctly. Organic wastes are generally thrown on soils to let them decompose or sometimes they are taken to prepare organic fertilizers.

Inorganic wastes are generally recycled so that it does not harm the environment and so that new resources are not used to create new objects made of plastic or any inorganic materials.

It is our responsibility to keep a regular check on the management of waste. If we do it responsibly, then we can stop the earth from being polluted.

10 Lines On Waste Management Speech In English

  • Wastes cause pollution on land water and air. Proper management of waste is important to reduce pollution.
  • Wastes are of three types, solid wastes, liquid wastes and gaseous wastes. These three types of wastes should be managed separately and carefully so that it does not harm our environment.
  • There is another type of waste, known as nuclear waste; these wastes are generated while making nuclear or radioactive weapons.
  • The number of wastes increases due to the high population. More people, more waste.
  • If waste management’s are not carried out properly, then it may lead to pollution.
  • The cycle of reducing, reusing and recycling leads to less usage of new products and hence it leads to less production of waste.
  • All inorganic wastes are not possible to recycle due to its size, texture and material.
  • People should be more careful when they are buying things. As there are many people who buy items for their luxury, and then throw it away after a few days. People should focus on buying necessary items than luxury items to reduce waste.
  • For the betterment of the health of the people, wastes should be managed safely and in a hygienic manner.
  • Proper management of waste leads to less pollution of the environment and the health of the people are improved.

10 Lines On Waste Management Speech In English

FAQ’s On Waste Management Speech

Question 1. Why is waste management considered to be so important?

Answer: Waste management is important to avoid pollution and for the better health of the people.

Question 2. How should organic and inorganic wastes be dumped?

Answer: Organic wastes should be dumped by the process of the landfill so that it decomposes faster and inorganic wastes should be recycled so that the items could be reused and the sources would not be wasted.

Question 3. Does organic waste release anything useful?

Answer: When organic wastes are burned, they generate methane gas which is used in cooking and it reduces the combustion of fossil fuels.

Question 4. Why is it important to dump organic and inorganic wastes in separate dustbins?

Answer: Dumping organic and inorganic waste in separate dustbins helps to manage the wastes separately which is important to reduce environmental pollution.

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Speech on Waste Management in simple and easy words

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Modern civilization is now struggling with the problems of the high build-up of waste and its impact on the immediate and global environment. The present scenario calls for smart handling of waste which includes processing and recycling as per the latest technology. Proper waste management helps us be protective of the environment. Due collection of waste and disposal is the key to making the global cleanliness and sustainability programmes successful. Here we are providing you with four (4) speeches on Waste Management to help you with this topic in your examination. Good luck! You can select any waste management speech according to your requirement:

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Long and Short Speech on Waste Management in English

Waste management speech – 1of.

Dear All! Welcome to the school auditorium!

Before I begin my speech on waste management, please allow me to extend special thanks to our College Committee Members and Principal for always encouraging programmes based on social awareness. I sincerely hope that my fellow students would reap maximum benefits out of it by informing themselves about the burning issues of our times that our nation is grappling with and what we as the young generation of today can do to curb these escalating issues.

One such problem that has caught people’s attention in the current scenario is the ever-increasing waste and our inability to deal with it. With the ever-growing human population and increasing living standard of people, new settlements are seen burgeoning and industries have also been established to meet the growing human needs for survival. Of course, new agricultural methods are adopted with the help of pesticides and fertilizers for meeting the growing consumption needs. So many other things are also practised for a comfy living. In return, waste matter is generated from industrial and domestic activities, which is dumped into our surroundings.

Cities are now struggling with the problems of the high build-up of waste and its impact on our immediate and global environment. As a result, environmental pollution has come to an alarming stage where our environment is experiencing irreparable damage. Solid and liquid wastes as well as gas particles released from the industries; run-off pesticides and fertilizers from the agricultural practices as well as household sewage from urban regions have come to a point beyond disposal.

However, this problem has also allowed citizens to look for solutions by involving their social and private sectors, by involving the latest innovations for disposal of waste and last but not least, involving behavioural changes and raising people’s consciousness.

It’s high time when we have to do smart handling of “waste” and understand whether the waste is indeed a waste or not. There is an obvious requirement for the latest waste disposal technology which is centred on municipalities and makes use of high/energy technology to progress towards processing and recycling of waste.

The easier waste management method would be to bring down the formation of waste materials. This way we can control the quantity of waste thrown in the landfills. You can recycle old materials for waste reduction and it can be bags, jars, repairing broken pieces rather than buying a new one, avoiding the use of disposable items, such as plastic glass and bags, putting into use second-hand products and purchasing products that don’t require much designing.

Then composting is yet again a hassle-free and natural bio-degradation based process that makes use of organic waste, i.e. kitchen waste and remains of garden or plants and transforms it into nutrient-rich food for your plants. It is one of the excellent methods of waste disposal where it can transform unsafe organic items into safe compost.

Landfills are the highly sought after method for the disposal of waste these days. Landfills are only successful where there is a lot of space and unfortunately it’s a success only in developed countries. However, it is said that landfills lead to water and air pollution and inevitably affect the environment. So besides this, you can look for other methods I have just described for waste management and protecting your environment from the hazardous impact of piled up waste.

Thank You!!

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Waste Management Speech – 2

Today is World Environment Day and our company has always emphasized adopting environment-friendly measures and doing waste management. I would like to share some important thoughts on waste management on this occasion.

Waste disposal or waste management refers to managing the waste from its initiation to its final removal. This includes collation, transportation, processing, recycling and finally disposal of waste along with monitoring, regulation and control. It also covers the lawful and regulatory aspects that relate to waste management, including the instructions and guidance on recycling and disposal of waste management, etc.

The phrase usually relates to all types of waste, whether produced during the withdrawal of raw materials, the dispensation of raw materials into final goods, consumption of final good, or other human activities such as metropolitan (institutional, residential and commercial), farming and social (household hazardous waste, health care and sewage sludge, etc.) The objective of waste management is to minimize the hazardous effect of waste materials on health, environment or aesthetics.

The practice of waste management varies country-wise (developed and developing nations), region-wise (urban and rural area) and sector-wise (residential and industrial). While urban regions may employ advanced machines and the latest technology to supervise the waste, rural areas may be more dependent upon human labour; residential areas may utilize safe and sound processes whereas industries may utilize giant machines, etc to control the factory waste products. The waste materials at the institutional and residential level in the metros and cities are administered by the local authorities also known as Municipal Corporation; while the management of harmless industrial and commercial waste is accomplished by the generator of those waste.

I would now like to point out the most commonly used methods for waste management:

Landfills – This is managed by throwing the daily garbage in the landfills; it is the most common method used today.

Recovery and Recycling – Through this method, the useful items from the discarded is extracted for the next use such as conversion into energy, usable heat, fuel, electricity, etc.

Combustion or Incineration – In this method, community solid wastes are burned at high temperatures to convert same into gaseous products or residue.

Plasma Gasification – Plasma is an electrically charged gas. In this method, the molecular bonds of the waste are broken down due to the intense heat in the container.

Waste to Energy – In this method, the non-recyclable waste materials are converted into useful electricity, heat or fuel through various processes.

Composting – It is a natural process of bio-degradation; it converts the kitchen, plant and garden waste into nutritional food for the plants.

Waste Minimization – The best method is to minimize the creation of waste products by repairing the broken utensils, avoidance of plastic bags, etc.

It is important that we are protective of our environment and always follow the 3Rs of waste hierarchy: ‘Reduce’, ‘Re-use’ and ‘Recycle’ to save our environment.

Waste Management Speech – 3

Good morning respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends.

The topic allocated to me for our today’s assembly is ‘Waste Management’. We as human beings should necessarily be aware and cautious about this topic.

This term means the management of the waste. So, what exactly does waste mean? As our teacher has always taught us that waste means something that is eliminated or discarded as no longer useful or required after a stage. It is something worthless.

We as human beings should understand that everything that is called waste, involves some cost and effort of somebody or the other. We should minimize or further aim at eliminating the waste from our lives. Waste is both a consequence and a symptom of lives lived or things used unwisely.

Waste management is the science that deals with the prevention and monitoring of waste. Though it is a science, it is not a difficult one. We do not need a rocket science implementation for this. It is as simple as monitoring our activities and actions so that we ultimately release the least amount of waste.

Collection of waste and disposal of rubbish plays an extremely important role in the global cleanliness and sustainability drive. Most crucial is this accompanied with people’s health and the conservation of resources being the responsibility of every government. Our government has created many garbage dumps that indicate solid waste in a separate box and other waste in separate boxes. This is deliberately done to make it convenient for the companies or government to get this waste recycled and ready for next use in some other form.

In earlier generations during our great grandparent’s times, people used to dump their waste by digging a hole beneath the surface. Then, this was considered the best as this could easily be decomposed and act as the fertilizer of some sort. But for our generation or the coming one, this option is not at all feasible. This is so because, the population earlier was less and hence waste creation was less, also due to harsh chemicals and varied artificial products today; it is not at all easy for the waste to be decomposed.

Keeping in mind the healthy pollution-free air and overall environment; we should focus on managing our waste and even monitor the activities of others so that we ensure less creation of waste.

To conclude my point of discussion; I would just request you all to please watch your actions very closely and ensure minimal wastage. We should educate the public on the importance of conserving the environment by managing solid wastes. We all have the responsibility to make people learn the impacts which one can avail as benefits through managing wastes. Please spread the message and help us save our environment. Let’s aim at complete elimination or the perfect management of waste all around.

Thank you for being a part of this discussion. Your presence encouraged me to put forward my point in the most effective way. Thank you!

Waste Management Speech – 4

Hello friends, welcome to this seminar on the occasion of World Environment Day. It feels so good to see such a large number of enthusiastic audiences. I am glad that we all are gathered here to share our views on environmental-related topics.

I chose ‘waste management’ as my topic for today’s discussion. Managing waste is, in itself, a great deed that one can do to directly contribute to society and mother earth. One should monitor their activities and the amount of waste produced because of those activities.

Amongst all, the companies or the industries specifically the ones that manufacture should opt for the processes or techniques that control the waste production. To make our surroundings and environment healthy one should manage the waste properly. Manufacturing companies should encourage the consumers or customers to bring their own reusable for packaging and also the public should be given priority to choose reusable products.

To understand it more precisely, I would say that waste management is the process of treating solid wastes. It also offers a variety of solutions for recycling items that don’t belong to trash or are completely discarded and of no use. Waste management is about how garbage and waste can be used as a valuable resource for us and our future generations. Waste management disposes of the products and substances that you have used safely and efficiently. Rubbish, garbage and waste can cause air and water pollution. Rotting garbage is also known to produce lots many harmful gases that mix with the air and can cause breathing problems in people.

Waste management is something that every household, human being and business owner in the world needs. Many authorities collect such waste and focus on recycling it for the betterment of society. This is done by the method of regular collections. These industries work on the overall concept of waste management. It includes all amongst other things, collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste together with monitoring and regulation. Waste can easily be converted into reusable things by getting it recycled.

We as individuals should put in our efforts to work on waste management for the betterment of ourselves, our future generation and the overall economy. We all should understand that waste can be created by anything. It can be generated during the extraction of raw material, the processing of raw materials into intermediate and final products, the consumption of final products, or other human activities including municipal, agricultural, and social activities. And, waste management is intended to reduce the adverse effects of waste on health and the environment.

To conclude my discussion, I would just like to tell you all that it is our responsibility to closely adhere to every rule of government to control waste and efficiently exercise waste management. Helping eliminate waste will add to the environment’s health and prosperity. We as citizens of the country owe this responsibility of ensuring the proper execution of waste management.

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Essay on Waste Management for Students and Teacher

500+ essay on waste management.

Essay on Waste Management -Waste management is essential in today’s society. Due to an increase in population, the generation of waste is getting doubled day by day. Moreover, the increase in waste is affecting the lives of many people.

Essay on Waste Management

For instance, people living in slums are very close to the waste disposal area. Therefore there are prone to various diseases. Hence, putting their lives in danger. In order to maintain a healthy life, proper hygiene and sanitation are necessary. Consequently, it is only possible with proper waste management .

The Meaning of Waste Management

Waste management is the managing of waste by disposal and recycling of it. Moreover, waste management needs proper techniques keeping in mind the environmental situations. For instance, there are various methods and techniques by which the waste is disposed of. Some of them are Landfills, Recycling , Composting, etc. Furthermore, these methods are much useful in disposing of the waste without causing any harm to the environment.

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Methods for Waste Management

Recycling – Above all the most important method is the recycling of waste. This method does not need any resources. Therefore this is much useful in the management of waste . Recycling is the reusing of things that are scrapped of. Moreover, recycling is further converting waste into useful resources.

write a speech on waste management

Landfills – Landfills is the most common method for waste management. The garbage gets buried in large pits in the ground and then covered by the layer of mud. As a result, the garbage gets decomposed inside the pits over the years. In conclusion, in this method elimination of the odor and area taken by the waste takes place.

Composting – Composting is the converting of organic waste into fertilizers. This method increases the fertility of the soil. As a result, it is helpful in more growth in plants. Furthermore it the useful conversion of waste management that is benefiting the environment.

Advantages of Waste Management

There are various advantages of waste management. Some of them are below:

Decrease bad odor – Waste produces a lot of bad odor which is harmful to the environment. Moreover, Bad odor is responsible for various diseases in children. As a result, it hampers their growth. So waste management eliminates all these problems in an efficient way.

Reduces pollution – Waste is the major cause of environmental degradation. For instance, the waste from industries and households pollute our rivers. Therefore waste management is essential. So that the environment may not get polluted. Furthermore, it increases the hygiene of the city so that people may get a better environment to live in.

Reduces the production of waste -Recycling of the products helps in reducing waste. Furthermore, it generates new products which are again useful. Moreover, recycling reduces the use of new products. So the companies will decrease their production rate.

It generates employment – The waste management system needs workers. These workers can do various jobs from collecting to the disposing of waste. Therefore it creates opportunities for the people that do not have any job. Furthermore, this will help them in contributing to society.

Produces Energy – Many waste products can be further used to produce energy. For instance, some products can generate heat by burning. Furthermore, some organic products are useful in fertilizers. Therefore it can increase the fertility of the soil.

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English Summary

1 Minute Speech on Waste Management In English

A very good morning to one and all present here. Today, I will be giving a short speech on the topic of ‘Waste Management’.

Waste management thus involves the processes of waste collection, transportation, processing, as well as waste recycling or disposal.

Waste Management can be achieved by following the 3 ‘R’s. The 3 Rs of waste management are ‘Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.’ This will result in mimalization of waste and induce ways to efficiently make it productively useful as well. 

Manage your waste properly so as to not let diseases and infections spread!

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Speech on Waste Management

As waste management is one of our country’s most important concerns these days given the fast pace of growing population and increasing wastes, the environmental risk factors have also increased. The indisposed waste causes a lot of harm to our environment and breeds various diseases. Though the government is trying to sensitize people on this issue through its “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan”, as a citizen of this country it becomes our responsibility too to actively participate in this campaign and make our country clean and attractive. So if you need to address public or students at any institution, then our speech on waste management will certainly be of great help to you. Our both short speech on waste management and long speech on waste management are written from the point of view of everyone; hence these are comprehensive and easy to understand. You can use them as a reference point anytime.

Long and Short Waste Management Speech

Waste management speech – 1 (500 words, 5 minutes speech).

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Respected Colleagues and My Dear Children! Everybody is heartily welcomed at our school’s waste management program.

As a social science teacher of the senior secondary classes, I have been given this privilege to host this program and enlighten our students on various ways of managing the wastes of our homes and surroundings so that cleanliness can be encouraged amongst our young generation too.

Before I discuss various aspects of managing wastes, let me first ask you what waste management is all about?

Waste management is that branch of science that looks into the prevention and supervising of wastes. We all should owe some responsibility towards our environment and put every bit of efforts towards preserving it. Always remember that a clean and attractive environment will encourage a healthy lifestyle in the people. This is mainly because of the fact that a healthy and clean environment will not become a breeding place of mosquitoes and diseases and hence people living in those areas will remain immune to the diseases caused by waste.

The best possible method of managing solid waste is to reuse or reduce them. There are various ways of waste reduction. Firstly, manufacturing companies are bringing products with an innovative packaging which doesn’t harm the environment and create less garbage to be disposed in the environment after the consumption of that product. In fact, there are some manufacturing companies that encourage their consumers to carry their own reusable packaging item. And as responsible citizens of our country, we should encourage the use of reusable products in our family and people living in our surroundings.

As far as disposing waste is concerned, there are many ways of doing it – landfills, combustion/incineration and composting, to name a few. Disposing garbage or daily waste in the landfills is the most common method of waste disposal since a long time. This method of waste disposal involves burying the garbage in the land. In order to eliminate foul smell and risks caused to health some processes are involved. Even though it is true that landfills are the highly sought after method of waste removal, it is certainly not successful amidst space constraint.

Next comes, combustion or incineration, which is yet another method of waste disposal where solid wastes are made to burn at high temperatures so that it can be transformed into gaseous products or a residual form. The biggest benefit derived from this type of waste disposal method is that it has the capacity to reduce the amount of solid waste to 20-30 percent of the actual amount, thereby decreasing the space required to dispose them and bring down the burden from landfills.

Composting is a hassle free and natural process of bio-degradation that makes use of the organic wastes, i.e. remnants of kitchen, plant and garden waste and transforms it into nutrient-rich food for the plants. Clearly, composting is one of the finest methods for the disposal of waste as it can convert risky organic products into safe compost. However, it’s a slow method and requires a lot of space.

Since there are a lot of ways of waste disposal, you should look for a method that best suits you and allows you to maintain a clean environment without any struggle.

Waste Management Speech – 2 (500 Words, 5 Minutes Speech)

Respected Senior Managers, Managers, Colleagues and My Dear Friends – hope you all are doing good! I welcome everybody to the annual festival of our club and I am extremely pleased at the incredible performance of my team members. Of course, credit also goes to our respected senior manager and manager for dexterously delegating the responsibility and personally involving themselves in each and every project.

However, one issue with the team that management has come across is the lack of attentiveness towards maintaining a hygienic work condition. Garbage, especially packaging wrappers are strewn on the floor, empty tea cups are seen on the work table, etc. So today on this occasion since each one of us is present under one roof, I considered it wise to share a few concerns with you and waste management being one of the key areas.

It is clear that if we remain indifferent towards the unclean and unhygienic environment in our office and we are likely to have this same attitude at our home and in fact anywhere we go. But as a responsible global citizen, it becomes our responsibility to preserve our planet earth and keep it away from every possible threat, be it the threat of growing waste with the ever growing population on our planet.

With the growth of human population, new places for human settlements are required and more industries in order to fulfill the basic requirement of the growing population. Then, different means of agriculture are adopted through the use of pesticides and fertilizers in order to raise the productivity level. There is so much more that is done to have a comfortable lifestyle. But do you realize what our environment receives in return on which we are dependant so much for our daily sustenance? Unfortunately, it’s waste and only waste from both industrial as well as domestic sectors!

Our domestic and industrial wastes heavily affect the environment and increase the pollution level. So in order to cause reduction in waste and effectively manage it, a couple of things can be done. Primarily, we should ensure that garbage is only thrown into the dustbin and not anywhere. And if the waste is a recyclable material, then put it into the recyclable bin and not in a garbage bin. Let us ensure from our end that both the bins are clearly labeled. This way reduction in waste can be made possible and waste material can be recycled for the next use; hence using it as a valuable resource.

In fact, at your homes too old material can be recycled, such as bags and jars; whereas broken items can be repaired to minimize waste. And as far as recycling old or discarded items are concerned, it can prove to very helpful for our environment, i.e. in bringing down the level of land, air, water, and soil pollution. By recycling old waste means we’ll not have to depend quite a lot on natural resources, which have become exhausted through the continuous use. Thirdly, it requires a lot of energy to furnish a new item using raw materials than from recycling old items. This would imply that we can become more efficient in terms of energy, conserve it and it will also help in bringing down the price of products.

Managing waste is not impossible, provided each of us should get involved and save our environment from major catastrophic disasters.

Waste Management Speech – 3 (500 Words, 5 Minutes Speech)

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today, this event has been organized in this locality for the discussion over the issue of the waste management and I would like to thank all of you for showing your interest towards the responsibility of waste. As a host of today’s discussion, I would like to explain you that what waste management is about and its issues that are related to it?

Managing waste has been a leading problem from many years and this problem is getting bigger from time to time since the period of industrialization in the country. It has many harmful effects on the environment and atmosphere. The gasses which came out of these unmanaged wastes are very harmful for the environment and thus it creates air pollution due to which many people suffers from respiratory problems. One of the reasons for the global warming is this unmanaged waste. There are many industries that are located near the rivers or oceans and dispose their waste into these water bodies and hence it creates water pollution. They do not realize that disposing these harmful wastes such as chemicals etc can lead to many diseases and also can be harmful for the creatures living under water. To overcome these problems we need to follow proper waste disposing methods.

The meaning of waste disposal or waste management is quite simple. It means to dispose the material which is used, excreted or not usable. There are many methods of disposing waste in the right way and they are not harmful for the environment such as recycling- reuse of the useful part from the discarded item, Landfills– to throw the daily garbage in the landfills, Combustion or Incineration – To burn the waste material and convert them into gaseous products, Plasma Gasification – To break down the molecular bonds of the waste through the immense heat created by the plasma which is an electrically charged gas, Waste to Energy – To convert non- recyclable waste into useful products such as heat, electricity or fuel through different processes, Composting – To convert biodegradable waste such as kitchen or garden waste into nutritional food for plants, Waste Minimization – the best method to cut down the creation of the waste is by avoiding plastic bags and using the reusable products.

These methods can be useful only when we will try to initiate them in our daily life. If we want to do something for the global warming then this is also a way to help.

Now it is the high time when we need to do something regarding waste management and we should understand that what we are going to throw is actually a waste or may be recyclable. There should be rise of the latest waste disposal machines and technology that are centered in the municipalities.

On this note, I would like to end my speech and extend special thanks to the event organizers for organizing such an inspiring event.

Thank you and I wish you all a great day ahead!

Waste Management Speech – 4 (500 Words, 5 Minutes Speech)

Good Morning Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Friends!

As we all know that today is World Environment Day and on this beautiful occasion our school has organized a social event for spreading awareness among young generation and people about the problems of environment and its solutions. As a head girl of this school, I am feeling very fortunate to host this program and before the event begins, I would like to deliver a speech on waste management because it is one of the major environmental problems from many years.

We all are aware of the bad condition of the waste management and there are barely some places in the country that are using the correct method of waste disposal. Unmanaged waste that is not disposed in a correct way gives birth to many diseases and pollution. There is an urgent need of proper waste management. There are many problems that are rising from improper waste management.

The sewage that is getting drained into the water bodies is creating water pollution. Many rural areas do not have the access to proper toilets and those who have access are leaking in the proper sewage system. There are many problems regarding the unmanaged waste such as the rise of different kinds of harmful mosquitoes like malaria and dengue. There are many cases of deaths of people due to dengue and malaria that are rising due to improper waste management. It also creates harmful bacteria and viruses that lead to many diseases.

If we want to get rid of all these problems then there are many ways by which these problems could be solved. There are many new technological inventions of waste disposing machines that are used by municipalities but there are some techniques through which we can help in solving this problem at our level such as recycling, landfills, combustion, plasma gasification (an electrically charged gas), to convert waste into energy (electricity, heat, fuel), compositing, etc.

There are some policies and operations that are framed by the Indian government for waste management. In September 2000, Solid Waste Policy was framed and it specifies the duties and responsibility towards the hygienic waste management for cities of India. It was based on the report of the Committee for Solid Waste Management to the Supreme Court given on March 1999. In India, plastic bags are used on daily bases and thus in most Indian landfills they are dumped and it is dangerous for the environment. According to the policy, they provide a daily doorstep collection of biodegradable waste for compositing because in India we need manures for maintaining soil fertility.

Also, there is a campaign that was launched in recent year was Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. It was launched on October 2, 2014 at Rajghat, New Delhi by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Around three million government employees and students around the country are participating in this campaign. The main aim of this campaign is to provide facility of toilet in rural areas and maintain cleanliness around the country.

On this note I would like to end my speech and extend special thanks to our honorable principal ma’am and managing committee for organizing such a wonderful event for social awareness.

Related Links:

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97 Waste Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best waste management topic ideas & essay examples, 💡 interesting topics to write about waste management, 👍 good essay topics on waste management.

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IvyPanda . (2024) '97 Waste Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "97 Waste Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

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Essay on Waste Management


  • Updated on  
  • May 11, 2023

Essay on Waste Management

Every year, the amount of waste is doubling because of the increasing population around the world. The 3Rs, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle should be followed to help in waste management. Waste management is the need of the hour and should be followed by individuals globally. This is also a common essay topic in the school curriculum and various academic and competitive exams like IELTS , TOEFL , SAT , UPSC , etc. In this blog, let us explore how to write an essay on Waste Management.

This Blog Includes:

Tips for writing an essay on waste management , what is the meaning of waste management, essay on waste management in 200 words, essay on waste management in 300 words .

To write an impactful and scoring essay, here are some tips on how to manage waste and write a good essay:

  • The initial step is to write an introduction or background information about the topic
  • You must use a formal style of writing and avoid using slang language.
  • To make an essay more impactful, write dates, quotations, and names to provide a better understanding
  • You can use jargon wherever it is necessary, as it sometimes makes an essay complicated
  • To make an essay more creative, you can also add information in bulleted points wherever possible
  • Always remember to add a conclusion where you need to summarise crucial points
  • Once you are done, read through the lines and check spelling and grammar mistakes before submission

Waste management is the management of waste by disposal and recycling of it. It requires proper techniques while keeping in mind the environmental situations. For example, there are various methods and techniques through which the waste is disposed of. Some of these are Landfills, Recycling, Composting, etc. These methods are useful in disposing of waste without causing any harm to the environment.

Sample Essays  on Waste Management

To help you write a perfect essay that would help you score well, here are some sample essays to give you an idea about the same.

One of the crucial aspects of today’s society is waste management. Due to a surge in population, the waste is generated in millions of tons day by day and affects the lives of a plethora of people across the globe. Mostly the affected people live in slums that are extremely close to the waste disposal areas; thus, they are highly prone to communicable and non-communicable diseases. These people are deprived of necessities to maintain a healthy life, including sanitation and proper hygiene. 

There are various methods and techniques for disposing of waste including Composting, Landfills, Recycling, and much more. These methods are helpful in disposing of waste without being harmful to the environment. Waste management is helpful in protecting the environment and creating safety of the surrounding environment for humans and animals. The major health issue faced by people across the world is environmental pollution and this issue can only be solved or prevented by proper waste management so that a small amount of waste is there in the environment. One of the prominent and successful waste management processes, recycling enables us not only in saving resources but also in preventing the accumulation of waste. Therefore it is very important to teach and execute waste management.

The basic mantra of waste management is” Refuse, Reuse, Reduce, Repurpose, and Recycle”. Waste management is basically the collection or accumulation of waste and its disposal. This process involves the proper management of waste including recycling waste generated and even generating useful renewable energy from it. One of the most recent initiatives taken by various countries at the local, national and international levels, waste management is a way of taking care of planet earth. This responsible act helps in providing a good and stable environment for the present and future generations. In India, most animals get choked and struggle till death because they consume waste on the streets.

So far many lives are lost, not only animals but also humans due to a lack of proper waste management. There are various methods and techniques for disposing of waste including Composting, Landfills, Recycling, and much more. These methods are helpful in disposing of waste without being harmful to the environment. Waste management is helpful in protecting the environment and creating safety of the surrounding environment for humans and animals. This process of waste management evolved due to industrialization as prior to these inventions simple burying was sufficient for disposing of waste.

One of the crucial things to control waste is creating awareness among people and this can only be achieved only when the governments and stakeholders in various countries take this health issue seriously. To communicate with various communities and reach each end of the country, the message can be communicated through media and related platforms. People also need to participate in waste management procedures by getting self-motivated and taking care of activities of daily living. These steps to create consciousness about waste management are crucial to guarantee the success and welfare of the people and most importantly our planet earth.

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Speech on waste management in english in very simple words and easy sentences.

Here we have long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. "  Speech on Waste Management " which are widely written and easy to understand. If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 1st to 12+ class or IAS/IPS, Banking and other competitive exams students.

1- Speech on Waste Management

Today is World Environment Day and our company has always stressed on adopting environmentally friendly measures and managing waste. I would like to share some important ideas on garbage management on this occasion.

Waste disposal or waste management refers to the waste disposal from management to its last expulsion. Includes collision, transportation, processing, re-rotation and finally disposal of waste with monitoring, regulation and control. It also covers legal and regulatory aspects that are related to waste management, including directions and guidance for recycling and disposal of waste management etc.

Phrase is generally related to all types of wastes, whether produced during the return of raw materials, distribution of raw materials to final goods, ultimate well-being, or other human activities such as metropolitan (institutional, residential and commercial) Agriculture and social (domestic hazardous wastes, health care and sewage sludge, etc.) The purpose of waste management is to reduce the waste on health, environment or aesthetics Dangerous effects of Rthon is low.

Waste management practices country-wise (developed and developing nation), sector-wise (urban and rural areas) and sector-wise (residential and industrial). While urban areas can use advanced machines and latest technology to monitor the waste, rural areas may be more dependent on human labor; Residential areas can use safe and sound processing to control the factory's waste products, while the industry can use huge machines etc. In the metros and cities, waste materials at the institutional and residential level are known by the local authorities as a municipal corporation; While the management of harmless industrial and commercial waste is completed by those garbage generators.

I now want to point to the most commonly used methods for waste management:

  • Landfills - It is managed by throwing daily garbage in landfills; This is the most common method used today.
  • Recovery and Recycling - Through this method, the disposable items are removed for the next use, such as energy change, usable heat, fuel, electricity, etc.
  • Combustion or impregnation - In this method, community solid waste is burnt at high temperatures to change equally in gaseous products or residues.
  • Plasma gasification - Plasma is basically a power charged gas. In this method, the molecular binding of waste is broken due to intense heat in the container.
  • Energy from waste - In this method, non-recyclable waste substances are converted into useful electricity, heat, or fuel through various processes.
  • Making compost - this is a natural process of biodegradation; It transforms kitchens, plants and garden waste into nutritious food for plants.
  • Waste minimization - The best way is to minimize the construction of waste products by repairing broken-broken utensils, protection from plastic bags etc.

It is important that we are protective towards our environment and always follow the 3Rs debris hierarchy to save our environment: 'Reduce', 'Re-use' and 'Recycle'.

2- Speech on Waste Management

Good Morning ladies and gentlemen!

Today, this program has been organized to discuss the issue of waste management in this area and I would like to thank all of you for showing your interest in the garbage duties. As a host of today's discussions, I want to explain to you what is related to waste management and its issues?

Management of waste has been a major problem for many years and this problem is getting bigger from time to time since the industrialization period of the country. There are many harmful effects on the environment and the environment. These unmanned waste are very harmful to the environment and thus it produces air pollution, due to which many people are suffering from respiratory problems. One of the reasons for global warming is unmanned waste. There are many industries which are located near rivers or oceans and put these waste into these water bodies and hence produce water pollution. They do not realize that disposal of these harmful waste such as chemicals etc. can lead to many diseases and can also be detrimental to the living beings. In order to overcome these problems, we have to follow appropriate waste disposal methods.

The meaning of waste disposal or waste management is quite simple. This means disposal of material that is used, not emitted or usable. There are several methods of disposing of waste properly and they are not harmful to the environment such as recycling- reuse of useful part from the discarded substance, landfill - to throw daily waste into landfill, combustion or infusion - to burn For waste products and convert them into gaseous products, Plasma gasification - The molecular blockage of waste through immense heat created by plasma Which Hne to convert non-recyclable waste into energy - useful products from an electrically charged gas, waste. To convert biodegradable waste into kitchen or garden waste in nutritious food for compost - plants or plants - such as heat, electricity or fuel through various processes, waste minimization - the best way to cut waste The way to avoid plastic bags and use reusable products.

These methods can be useful only when we try to get them started in our daily life. If we want to do something for global warming, then this is also a way to help.

Now it is high time when we need to do something about waste management and we should understand that whatever we are going to throw is really a waste or can be reusable. Must be the emergence of latest waste disposal machines and technology which are concentrated in municipalities.

On this note, I would like to end my speech and I would like to thank the organizers for organizing such a stimulating program.

Thanks and I wish all the great days ahead!

3- Speech on Waste Management

Loved ones! Welcome to the school's auditorium!

Before I begin my speech on garbage management, please allow me to give special thanks to the members of our college committee and the principal for the programs that are always encouraging on the basis of social awareness. I sincerely hope that my fellow students will get the maximum benefit by telling themselves about the burning issues of their time, which is what our nation is fighting and what we can do to prevent these problems as a young generation today. Are.

One such problem which has attracted the attention of the people in the current scenario is that continuously increasing wastage and our inability to deal with it With the ever increasing human population and the growing standard of living, the domination of new settlements is seen and industries have also been set up to meet growing human needs for survival. Of course, new agricultural methods are adopted with the help of pesticides and fertilizers to meet growing needs for consumption. There are so many things that are popular for staying comfortable. In turn, the waste material is generated from industrial and domestic activities, which is thrown in our environment.

Cities are now struggling with high construction problems and its impact on our immediate and global environment. As a result, environmental pollution has come in a dangerous situation, where our environment is facing an irreparable loss. Gas particle emitting from industries along with solid and liquid waste; Apart from running pesticides and fertilizers from agricultural areas, domestic sewage from urban areas has come to a point beyond settlement.

However, this problem has given the citizens an opportunity to incorporate their societies and private sectors, by including the latest innovations to the disposal of waste and at least not to look at the solutions to increase behavioral change and people's consciousness.

This is a high time when we have to do a smart handling of "useless" and actually have to understand whether the waste is actually useless or not. To make progress towards processing and recycling of garbage, there is a clear need for latest waste disposal technology focused on the municipalities which utilizes high / energy technology.

Waste management method will be easy to reduce the production of wastes. In this way we can control the amount of waste that is thrown in the landfill. You can recycle the old materials for the lack of waste material and can repair the bags, jars, broken pieces, instead of buying a new one, avoid using disposable items such as plastic glasses and bags, Using second-hand products and buying products does not require much design.

Again, fertilization is still a hassle-free and natural bio-erosion process, which uses organic wastes, i.e. kitchen waste and garden or plant residues and transforms it into nutritious food for your plants. This is one of the best ways of disposal of waste where it can turn insecure organic material into safe manure.

There is a lot of demand for landfills in these days after disposal of garbage disposal. Landfill only succeeds in many places and unfortunately it only succeeds in developed countries. However, it is said that landfill is water and air pollution and essentially affects the environment. Other than this, you can look for other ways which I have just described for waste management and can save your environment from the dangerous effects of wastes.

4- Speech on Waste Management

Good morning honorable Principal, respected teachers and my dear friends!

As we all know that today is World Environment Day and on this beautiful occasion, our school has organized a social program to spread awareness among the youth and the people about the environment and its solutions. As a Head Girl of this school, I am feeling very lucky to host this program and before the program starts, I would like to give a speech on waste management because it has been the main problem of the environment for many years Is one.

We are aware of the bad situation of all waste management and there are barely some places in the country which are using the correct method of disposal of the waste. Inappropriately disposing of waste does not lead to many diseases and pollution. There is an urgent need for proper waste management. There are many problems that are increasing with improper waste management.

Sewage flowing into water bodies is causing water pollution. Many rural areas do not have access to proper toilets and those who have access to it are leaking in the proper sewage system. There are many problems related to unmanaged waste such as the increase of various types of harmful mosquitoes such as malaria and dengue. There are many cases of death due to dengue and malaria which are increasing due to inappropriate waste management. It also produces harmful bacteria and viruses that give birth to many diseases.

If we want to get rid of all these problems then there are many ways in which these problems can be solved. There are many new technological inventions of waste disposal machines which are used by municipalities but there are some techniques through which we can help solve this problem at our level such as recycling, landfill, combustion, plasma gasification (an electric current) Charge Gas) Change the waste to energy (electricity, heat, fuel), compositing etc.

There are some policies and operational prepared by the Government of India for waste management. In September 2000, Solid West policy was prepared and it specifies the duties and responsibilities of clean waste management for the cities of India. It was based on the report submitted to the Supreme Court on March 1999 on the Committee for Solid Waste Management. In India, plastic bags are used on daily bases and thus they are dumped in most Indian landfills and it is dangerous for the environment. According to the policy, they provide a daily doorstep collection of biodegradable waste for composites, because in India, we need manure to maintain soil fertility.

Apart from this, there is a campaign which was recently started in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. It was launched by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Rajghat, New Delhi on October 2, 2014. About 30 lakh government employees and students from all over the country are participating in this campaign. The main objective of this campaign is to provide toilets in rural areas and maintain cleanliness across the country.

On this note, I would like to end my speech and special thanks to our Honorable Principal Madam and Managing Committee for organizing such a wonderful program for social awareness.

5- Speech on Waste Management

Hello friends, welcome to this seminar on the occasion of World Environment Day.

One of the problems we are facing at the present time is DISPOSEWASTE. Some terrible plastic waste are posing to the environment. So, it would be better to be able to manage non-biodegradable waste such as plastic, glass, batteries, certain chemical products, thermocol, ceramics, PVC pipes etc.

If we are able to use these things in a useful way, then it is called waste management. Here are some ways;

1) Use plastic bottles, cans, jars to plant trees. 2) Making paper career bag with newspaper, useless hoof etc. 3) Make decorative accessories from thermocol, glass bangles and bottles. 4) Waste pipe can be used in some science experiments. 5) Avoid using chemical products as far as possible so that it is harmful to the environment as well as ours.

See, there are a few ways that I can tell you. But, it all depends on your creativity.


Thanks to all !

6- Speech on Waste Management

It is so great to see such a large number of enthusiastic visitors. I am happy that we have all gathered here to share our thoughts on environmental related topics. I have chosen my topic 'discussion waste management' for today's discussion. Managing waste, in itself, is a big task which directly contributes to the Onkan Society and Earth Mother. One should monitor the amount of waste generated due to its activities and activities. In addition, all companies or industries should choose processes that specially manufacture or control waste production. To make the environment and the environment healthy, proper waste management should be done. Manufacturing companies should encourage consumers or customers to get their own reusable for packaging and priority should be given to the public to select reusable products. To understand it more accurately, I would say that waste management is the process of treatment of solid waste. It also offers a variety of solutions for the recycling items that are not related to the trash or completely discontinued and are of no use. Garbage management is garbage and waste can be used as a valuable resource for us and our future generations. Waste management disposes of those products and materials that you have used in an unsafe and efficient manner.

Garbage and garbage can cause air and water pollution. Deterioration of garbage leads to many harmful gases which are mixed with air and can cause breathing problems in people. Waste management is something that every home, human and business owner in the world needs. There are several such authorities that collect such waste and focus on recycling for the betterment of society. This is done by the method of regular collection. These industries work on the overall concept of waste management. This includes all other things, collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste with monitoring and regulation. Waste can be recycled easily and easily converted into reusable items. As people should put themselves in our efforts to work on waste management for the betterment of ours, our future generation and the overall economy. We all should understand that the garbage can be manufactured by anything. This can be generated during raw materials extraction, processing of raw materials in the intermediate and final products, consumption of final products, or other inhuman activities including municipal, agricultural and social activities. And, the purpose of waste management is to reduce the adverse effects of waste on health and environment. After finishing my discussion, I would like to tell all of you that it is our responsibility to closely follow every rule of government to control the waste and practice waste management in an efficient manner. Help in eliminating waste will increase the health of the environment and prosperity. We make sure to repay this responsibility in the form of citizens of the country so that the waste water is properly executed.

Speech on Waste Management in English in Very Simple Words and Easy Sentences, Long  Speech on Waste Management, Short  Speech on Waste Management, waste management our responsibility speech,  essay on importance of waste management,  my waste my responsibility speech,  our waste our responsibility speech in english, speech on waste management for students Author Manisha Dubey Jha

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Speech on Food Waste

Food waste is a big problem that affects us all. It’s when we throw away food that could have been eaten. You might not realize it, but you’re part of this issue too. It’s time to understand the seriousness of food waste and its impact on our planet.

1-minute Speech on Food Waste

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Imagine a mountain of food, piled high with all your favorites. Now imagine half of that mountain, just thrown away, not eaten by anyone. It’s hard to believe, but that’s what we’re doing every day. We waste nearly half of all the food we produce.

Why is this a problem? Think about all the energy, water, and land needed to grow that food. When we throw it away, we’re not just wasting food, we’re also wasting these precious resources. It’s like taking a bucket of water and pouring half of it down the drain.

But it’s not just about wasted resources. When food is thrown away, it often ends up in landfills. There, it breaks down and creates harmful gases that hurt our planet. It’s like we’re poking holes in our own umbrella, letting the rain in.

So, what can we do? It’s simple. We can start by not buying more food than we need. We can also learn to use leftovers in creative ways, turning yesterday’s meal into today’s snack. And finally, we can compost our food scraps, turning waste into something that helps plants grow.

Let’s make a promise today. Let’s respect our food, our resources, and our planet. Let’s say no to food waste. Thank you.

2-minute Speech on Food Waste

We are here today to talk about a subject that affects us all – food waste. It’s a problem that’s closer to home than we think, and it’s time we paid attention.

Imagine you’re at a grocery store. You fill your cart with fresh fruits, vegetables, bread, milk, and other food items. But when you get home, you throw away half of what you bought. Sounds crazy, right? But that’s exactly what we’re doing on a wider scale. We waste nearly one-third of all food produced worldwide. That’s enough to feed all the hungry people on our planet – four times over!

Food waste is not just about wasting food. It’s also about wasting resources. Think about it. When we throw away an apple, we’re not just throwing away an apple. We’re throwing away the water, the soil, the energy, and the labor that went into growing that apple.

But there’s good news. We can all do something about it. We can start by buying only what we need. We can learn to store food properly, so it lasts longer. We can learn to use leftovers creatively, so nothing goes to waste. And when we do have waste, we can compost it, turning it back into fertile soil.

Schools can play a big role too. They can educate children about the value of food. They can teach them about the resources that go into producing it. And they can show them how to reduce, reuse, and recycle food waste.

In conclusion, food waste is a big problem, but it’s a problem we can solve. It starts with each of us, in our homes, schools, and workplaces. It starts with understanding the value of food and the resources that go into producing it. And it starts with taking action to reduce, reuse, and recycle our food waste.

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write a speech on waste management


and typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating.

, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the "Mac" would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it's likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on that calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards 10 years later.

in my parents' garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a two billion dollar company with over 4000 employees. We'd just released our finest creation -- the Macintosh -- a year earlier, and I had just turned 30.

. But something slowly began to dawn on me: I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.

, another company named , and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the world's first computer-animated feature film, , and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, and I retuned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple's current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together.

, which was one of the "bibles" of my generation. It was created by a fellow named not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 60s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along. It was idealistic, overflowing with neat tools and great notions.


: 6/15/22





















































































































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Female delegates at the DNC are wearing white to honor women's suffrage on night of Harris' speech

Meg Kinnard

Associated Press

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

People wear white during the Pleadge of Alliegence during the Democratic National Convention Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

CHICAGO – If you think you're seeing a lot of women wearing white during the final night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, you don't need to adjust your television set.

There appeared to be a coordinated effort among female delegates and Democratic supporters as they arrived at the United Center on Thursday afternoon, with security lines and convention floor seats filling up with women clad in white suits, dresses and other attire.

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So when Vice President Kamala Harris takes the stage for to accept the Democratic presidential nomination — becoming the first Black woman, and only the second woman overall, to do so — she will be looking out across a sea filled with the color of women's suffrage, the movement that culminated with American women securing the right to vote in 1920.

The homage is a couture callback to other momentous political events in which women wearing white has played a role, particularly for other glass ceiling moments.

Hillary Clinton donned a white suit when she accepted the Democratic Party’s 2016 presidential nomination. And Geraldine Ferraro — the first female candidate for vice president — wore white when she accepted that nomination at Democrats’ 1984 convention.

There have been other moments, too. In 2019, the women of the U.S. House put on a visual display of solidarity during the State of the Union, joined by some of their male colleagues clad in white jackets or ribbons in support. A year later, on the 100-year anniversary of women's suffrage, congressional women yet again donned white, as a commitment to defending women's rights overall.

And again, earlier this year, the Democratic Women’s Caucus announced that many of its members would wear white to the State of the Union, intended as a message in support of reproductive rights.

Kate Gallego, mayor of Phoenix, said party officials had asked delegates to wear white Thursday night in honor of Harris' nomination.

“A lot of women fought for us to get where we are tonight, and we wanted to be part of the celebration,” Gallego said. “So it’s a forward-looking gesture, but also remembering a lot of people fought hard for today.”

Meg Kinnard can be reached at

Jack Auresto and Mike Householder contributed to this report.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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IDB, PAHO should have input on ‘Oil and Gas Waste Management Masterplan’

Dear Editor,

I write this letter with the hope to get the attention of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) and other similar international organisations. There is need in Guyana for an ‘Oil and Gas Waste Management Masterplan’. While there are specific problems of placing oil and gas waste treatment facilities without the requisite expertise and competencies to safely manage these facilities in communities, and protection for citizens’ health and wellbeing, livelihoods, and the environment – air, soil, water; there is a broader problem of the absence of a national policy, strategy and plan for oil and gas waste management. We believe that your organisations can provide significant support to the government and people of Guyana in the development of an ‘Oil and Gas Waste Management Masterplan’.

At the national level this can assist the government and the people of Guyana to achieve targets in Goals 3 and 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). More specifically, SDG Goal 3 – ‘Good Health and Wellbeing – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages’. Target 3.9 of SDG Goal 3 indicates that by 2030, countries must substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination’.

In addition, Goal 6 – ‘Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all’. Goal 6 – Target 6.3 which indicates that ‘By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally’. Also, Target 6.6 which states ‘By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers, and lakes.

I am aware that the request has to come from the government, but I am establishing the need and hope that the government will follow through with the request in the name of love for its citizens. This will also allow the government and country to measure progress under these goals.

Citizen Audreyanna Thomas

Resident, Coverden, East Bank, Demerara

August 24, 2024

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Providing recycling and garbage services for the Unincorporated County of Santa Clara


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Since July 2015, GreenTeam has been servicing the residents of the Unincorporated County of Santa Clara with Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) trucks. CNG is a cleaner burning alternative fuel made entirely in the U.S., meaning GreenTeam trucks help to keep our communities cleaner and preserve cleaner air.


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408-283-8500 TTY: 408-479-7364 For persons with hearing or speech disabilities only GreenTeam is the exclusive recycling, yard trimmings, food waste, and garbage hauler for Unincorporated County of Santa Clara Residents in Campbell, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Saratoga, Los Altos, and San Jose.

GreenTeam is proud to provide single stream recycling to single-family residents as well as commercial customers.

All recyclable materials are sorted at the Materials Recovery Facility and processed to make new products.

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GreenTeam also provides roll-off construction debris box rental services to residential and business cleanups/remodels in the County of Santa Clara, to include, businesses and industrial areas for large commercial and demolition projects. We deliver, your load, and we haul away!

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Contact us to learn about the customized Santa Clara solid waste services GreenTeam can provide.

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TEL: 408-283-8500 FAX: 408-283-8509 TTY: 408-479-7364 For persons with hearing or speech disabilities only

Monday-Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm

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  2. Speech on Waste Management

    2-minute Speech on Waste Management. Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, I stand before you to address a topic that is pivotal to our health, our environment, and our future - Waste Management. Waste management is a broad term that encapsulates everything from waste collection to disposal. In simple terms, it's how we handle, control, and discard ...

  3. Speech on Waste Management for School Students

    3.8. ( 71) Speech on Waste Management: Our world is changing fast, and the population is increasing day by day. People are doing their best for survival and finding every possible way to lead a comfortable life. But in between, there is a downside. All the items that provide ease to us and make us happy, somewhere, create waste.

  4. Speech on Waste Management

    Hazardous waste management is the collecting, handling, and disposal of waste carelessly. It seriously harms the environment, human health and safety. Hazardous wastes are typically produced by chemical production, manufacturing, and other industrial activities. They can be solids, liquids, sludges, or enclosed gases.

  5. Waste Management Speech in English

    Waste management is the method of mankind's disposal of waste for recyclable use. Municipal waste, which includes household and commercial waste from a city, is a large amount of waste that is processed. In ancient times, the population of the planet was very small because people mined the earth and buried their waste to dispose of their waste.

  6. Waste Management Speech

    A long speech on waste management of 500 words and a short speech on waste management of 150 words are provided to the students so that they can prepare for a speech on waste management. Ten lines on this topic are also provided to help the students develop an idea on this concept.

  7. 2 Minute Speech On Waste Management In English

    Waste management is the control of undesired trash by recycling and disposal. Also, effective waste management techniques are required, bearing in mind the environmental circumstances in our immediate vicinity. For instance, there are several methods and strategies that may be used to dispose of garbage. Landfills, recycling, composting, and ...

  8. Speech on Waste Management in simple and easy words

    Speech on Waste Management in simple and easy words. Modern civilization is now struggling with the problems of the high build-up of waste and its impact on the immediate and global environment. The present scenario calls for smart handling of waste which includes processing and recycling as per the latest technology.

  9. Speech on Plastic Waste Management

    Essay on Plastic Waste Management; 2-minute Speech on Plastic Waste Management. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today, I want to talk about a problem that affects us all - plastic waste. Just look around. Plastic is everywhere. We use it every day, from water bottles to shopping bags, to food packaging.

  10. Essay on Waste Management for Students

    Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas. Methods for Waste Management. Recycling - Above all the most important method is the recycling of waste. This method does not need any resources. Therefore this is much useful in the management of waste. Recycling is the reusing of things that are scrapped of.

  11. Speech on Recycling

    Recycling is like giving a second chance to the things we use every day. It's like saying to a used bottle, "Hey, you can be something new again!". First off, let's understand what recycling is. Imagine you have a piece of paper. You write on it, and then you don't need it anymore.

  12. 1 Minute Speech on Waste Management In English

    Namely, they are Landfill, Incineration, Waste Compaction, Biogas Generation, Composting, and Vermicomposting. Waste Management can be achieved by following the 3 'R's. The 3 Rs of waste management are 'Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.'. This will result in mimalization of waste and induce ways to efficiently make it productively useful as well.

  13. Long and Short Speech on Waste Management in English

    Waste Management Speech - 1 (500 Words, 5 Minutes Speech) Hon'ble Principal, Vice Principal, Respected Colleagues and My Dear Children! Everybody is heartily welcomed at our school's waste management program. As a social science teacher of the senior secondary classes, I have been given this privilege to host this program and enlighten ...

  14. 1 Minute Speech on Waste Management in English

    In this video, we will show you how to write a 1 Minute Speech on Waste Management in English_____English Summary🌍 Check our website: https://eng...

  15. 97 Waste Management Topic Ideas to Write about & Essay Samples

    E-waste disposal is destroying the environment in various ways depending on the type of the electronic disposed and the method of disposal. Step 6: To guarantee the effective reuse of the waste, it is necessary to pay attention to the containers for storing the waste and to the method used for reusing the substances.

  16. Long Speech on Efficiency of Recycling in English

    1. Recycling helps in minimising the carbon footprint. 2. Recycling also facilitates energy conservation thereby contributing to a more sustainable environment. 3. Efficient recycling systems reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and conserve valuable landfill space. 4.

  17. Essay on Waste Management in 200, 400 & 500 Words

    Essay on Waste Management in 300 Words. The basic mantra of waste management is" Refuse, Reuse, Reduce, Repurpose, and Recycle". Waste management is basically the collection or accumulation of waste and its disposal. This process involves the proper management of waste including recycling waste generated and even generating useful renewable ...

  18. Speech on Waste Management in English in Very Simple Words ...

    Here we have long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. " Speech on Waste Management" which are widely written and easy to understand.If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 1st to 12+ class or IAS/IPS, Banking and other competitive exams students.

  19. Our Story

    From "Waste Management" to WM, our company has evolved from waste services provider to sustainability leader. ... Writing the Story of a Sustainable World. The story of WM is written, but the story of tomorrow is ours to write. Innovative recycling technologies, renewable energy breakthroughs and social impact projects are some of the chapters ...

  20. WM

    Take care of your issue online or connect with a support agent. Major League Baseball™ trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major League Baseball. Visit WM is the leading provider of comprehensive waste management, offering services such as garbage collection, recycling pickup and dumpster rental.

  21. Residential Garbage & Recycling

    Garbage, Recycling and Yard Trimming Weekly Curbside Collection. Set carts out before 7:00 am on your pick-up day with the lids closed, and return them to the rear or side yard by the evening of your collection day. To increase or decrease the size of your containers, call Municipal Utilities Customer Service at 408-615-2300.

  22. Speech on Food Waste

    1-minute Speech on Food Waste. Ladies and Gentlemen, Imagine a mountain of food, piled high with all your favorites. Now imagine half of that mountain, just thrown away, not eaten by anyone. It's hard to believe, but that's what we're doing every day. We waste nearly half of all the food we produce.

  23. Commencement Address at Stanford University

    S teve J obs. Commencement Address at Stanford University. delivered 12 June 2005, Palo Alto, CA. [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio. (2)] Thank you. I'm honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college, and ...

  24. Female delegates at the DNC are wearing white to honor ...

    Months-old debris collected at Houston school after KPRC 2 reaches out to city's waste management. ... delegates at the DNC are wearing white to honor women's suffrage on night of Harris' speech.

  25. IDB, PAHO should have input on 'Oil and Gas Waste Management Masterplan

    Dear Editor, I write this letter with the hope to get the attention of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Pan American Health Submit Subscribe for just 27¢ a day

  26. GreenTeam

    Single-Family Service Information Commercial/Multi-Family Information. Welcome To GreenTeam! 408-283-8500 TTY: 408-479-7364 For persons with hearing or speech disabilities only GreenTeam is the exclusive recycling, yard trimmings, food waste, and garbage hauler for Unincorporated County of Santa Clara Residents in Campbell, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Saratoga, Los Altos, and San Jose.