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USpace's Theses and Dissertations collection includes dissertations, theses and masters projects from University of Utah graduates.

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Department of modern dance & ballet.

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Masters of Fine Arts

Theses projects produced by A+P graduates

Architecture + Planning theses

Digital archive supporting the full text version of the condensed printed volume published by Oxford University Press.

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Honors College

The Honors College and departments across campus have provided a Departmental Honors Liaison (DHL) for students in every college. Liaisons can help you explore ideas for your thesis, connect with other faculty in the department to supervise your thesis work and, in some cases, develop a plan to complete Honors track requirements.

Departmental Honors tracks have specific course requirements that must be completed to earn an Honors degree.   Students need to meet with the Departmental Honors Liaison in their department to be admitted to the Honors track and fulfill track requirements.

Find Your Advisor:

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Department of Writing & Rhetoric Studies

College of humanities, main navigation, honors in writing & rhetoric, departmental thesis advisor.

Your first step is to meet with the Honors departmental thesis advisor so they can help you in the initial stages of the project, especially in terms of connecting you with the most appropriate thesis advisor, if you don’t already have one in mind. Currently, the Honors departmental thesis advisor is  Dr. Maureen Mathison . You can  contact her via email .

Thinking about your Thesis

The thesis represents the culmination of your Honors Degree. It may seem daunting to begin, but you are not alone. We are here to support you. A good rule of thumb is to start early and make an appointment with the Honors departmental thesis advisor for the Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies.

Ideally, you will meet with the Honors departmental thesis advisor two semesters before you complete the thesis and graduate. This provides enough time to help you explore what you want to do and to direct you to a faculty advisor who will work closely with you to mentor you through the process. Your schedule and working relationship will be decided between the two of you. How often will you meet? When will you provide drafts for feedback? Etc.

Once you have connected with your faculty advisor, the two of you can further develop your ideas and determine the genre and style of your document. Theses in our department tend to run between 30- 80 pages. The length and content should be appropriate for your goals. Your project may also be multimodal, engaging visual, sonic, or include other elements of rhetoric. The scope of the project is to be decided with your faculty advisor. The quality of your thesis is based on whether or not you have achieved your purpose given the project.

The final thesis is approved by your faculty advisor, the Honors departmental thesis advisor, and the chair of the department. The Honors College deadline is toward the end of each semester, so be sure to note that several people will be reading your final document and signing off on it.

PLEASE NOTE that a J. Willard Marriott Library Award is given each year. If you wish to be considered for this award, your thesis deadline will be approximately April 1st.

Otherwise, your final thesis is due to the Honors College on the last day of classes of the semester you complete it.

Resources for your Thesis

For more information about the thesis process and deadlines, visit the Honors website.

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Department of Political Science

College of social and behavioral science, main navigation, political science honors degree.

" When you graduate with an Honors Degree, you will have developed and practiced the skills necessary to become a force in your chosen field. You will be armed with the critical thinking, writing and nimble problem solving skills   needed  to contribute to the economic and social vitality of our communities." -  Sylvia Torti, Honors College Dean

The Department of Political Science offers graduate level courses for students in the Honors College who wish to enrich their experience within the Political Science major. Taking advanced coursework in Political Science may be especially useful:

  • for honors students majoring in political science who are focused on graduate school by helping them to engage in serious research and take classes in an accelerated curriculum;
  • as an alternative to University Honors for students who come to the University with a significant number of AP credits and have completed most of their general education requirements and are ready to work on their major;
  • for transfer students who have an Associate's Degree or have already satisfied most of their general education requirements and who are ready to enter the major.

Students can either complete an Honors College degree and submit an honors thesis through the Political Science Department or complete the departmental honors courses to complete the honors degree and submit an honors thesis through the Political Science Department. The departmental honors courses count toward the student's major as well as toward the honors degree, or the honors certificate.

Students considering getting an honors degree in Political Science should talk to an advisor in the Honors College to make sure they understand all requirements for the honors degree. A year prior to graduation, students need to schedule a pre-thesis interview in the honors program. The honors advisor will explain the thesis process and provide information on deadlines, formatting, signature requirements, and the like.

Students should also schedule an appointment to meet with the department honors advisor, Dr. Ella Myers. The department honors advisor can provide honors students with additional information on the graduate level courses, help students to plan for completing the course requirements of the degree, and prepare to complete an honors thesis in Political Science.

Honors Advising

 Honors Advisors serve as a bridge connecting students to opportunities tailored to their interests. Honors advisors and students work together to develop academic plans, explore campus and community resources, and set attainable goals.

Karleton Munn Student Program Manager, Honors Advisor Email

Honors Faculty Advisors can help you explore ideas for your thesis, connect with other faculty in the department to supervise your thesis work, and (in some cases) develop a plan to complete Honors track requirements.

Professor   Eunbin Chung  Assistant Professor & Honors Faculty Advisor Office:   Carolyn and Kem   Gerdner   Commons, Suite 3345 Email

Admissions and Requirements

  • Students must apply and be admitted to the Honors College Program.
  • two semesters of the honors core in intellectual traditions
  • one semester of honors writing, either Honors 2211 (WR2) or Honors 3200 (CW)
  • two additional honors courses (American Institutions, Honors Calculus, Honors Core in Social and Behavioral Science, Honors Core in Physical and Life Science, Honors Core in Fine Arts, Construction of Knowledge, or any of the Honors seminars).

After completing the Honors Certificate requirements, students may complete an honors degree by completing two additional honors courses, or graduate level political science courses and submit an honors thesis through the Political Science Department. The specifically approved graduate level courses are offered each semester. These courses meet with regularly scheduled graduate classes. Prior to each fall and spring semester, honors students in political science will be notified of approved honors courses offered during that semester and a current list of approved courses will be available within the Political Science Department. Students must complete the departmental honors courses with a minimum grade of a B and must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better in all course work to complete the degree.

Research Seminar and Honors Thesis

It is possible, and often desirable, for students to take the topic and the paper from a research seminar, POLS 5810, and develop it substantially for the honors thesis. Indeed, this process fits with the common scholarly practice in which research is conducted and presented at conferences and then later revised and refined.

Even if students choose not to pursue the topic from their research seminar, the research seminar requires the completion of a major research project and thus ensures that students have a substantial research and writing experience that prepares them for the honors thesis process.

Honors students should consult with the department's honors advisor concerning when is most appropriate to take a research seminar in the student's academic career. Generally, it is advised that students consider a research seminar after completing approximately 75 hours of course work.

Honors Supervisory Faculty Member

In order to complete an honors thesis, each student needs to have an   eligible   political science faculty member to supervise the research and writing of the thesis. Honors students are responsible for identifying and asking a political science faculty member to serve as the honors supervisor but the departmental honors advisor can help identify faculty whose scholarly interests may fit with the student's honors topic. Please be aware that teaching assistants, graduate instructors, and most adjunct professors are not eligible to supervise an honors thesis. The faculty supervisor must approve the final version of the honors thesis and will grade the required honors thesis hours (POLS 4999) when the thesis is completed.

Though it is ideal for an honors student to have taken a class from the faculty member who will supervise the thesis, it is not necessary to do so. Having completed a research seminar (POLS 5810) or an honors track seminar course to demonstrate one's research and writing experience can be very useful in identifying a professor to serve as the honors thesis supervisor. In some cases, however, it may be best to identify a faculty member as a possible thesis supervisor based on the professor's area of interest and expertise in the general area of the thesis topic. In either case, it is critical to consult with the supervisor early in the process so that there is mutual agreement on the topic, specific research question, and general approach. Students should expect to submit multiple drafts of their thesis to their faculty advisor and to prepare to make substantial substantive and stylistic changes in order to produce a completed honors thesis of acceptable quality. Completing an honors thesis takes time, willingness to assess and revise one's work, and persistence. Students should be aware that a first draft, particularly if handed in close to the deadline, may not pass muster.

From the perspective of faculty, the ideal honors student has the ability to work independently and responds enthusiastically to constructive criticism of drafts. It is also ideal if the student has, or can develop, a passionate interest in his or her substantive topic.

Prior to beginning work on theses, students should consult with their faculty supervisor on the preferred citation style. The Department of Political Science recognizes four styles that are acceptable for citations and references in an honors thesis:

  • the citation style used by the   American Political Science Review   (APSR);
  • the citation style used by the American Psychological Association (APA);
  • the in-text citation style based on the   Chicago Manual of Style ; or
  • the footnote style of citation based on the   Chicago Manual of Style .

Select one of these styles of citation, reference, and presentation and use it exclusively (except when it conflicts with the style mandates for an honors thesis required by the Honors College, in which case follow style specified by the Honors College).

More information on proper usage of citations and references can be found by consulting the following sources:

  • for the APSR style the current edition of the   Style Manual for Political Science   (Washington, DC: American Political Science Association);
  • for the APA style the most current edition of the   Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association   (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association); and,
  • for in-text references or footnotes in the Chicago style, see the current edition of Kate L. Turabian,   A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations   (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).

Honors Thesis Deadlines

  • Fall semester: November 15
  • Spring semester: March 31
  • Summer session: July 15

The deadlines above are the deadlines of the honors program. Honors supervisors and honors advisors need a minimum of two weeks to respond to a draft. A common problem is that students do not allow sufficient time for working through drafts with their honors supervisor, for the department honors advisor's final reading, or to gather of signatures for the final title page.

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Honors College

The what and why.

The culmination of the Honors Bachelors degree, the Honors Thesis is a significant undergraduate research project completed under the supervision of a faculty member approved by the Honors Faculty Advisor in the student’s major. Its purpose is to advance knowledge and understanding within the context of a research university and to further develop the student’s intellectual, professional and personal growth as a member of the Honors College. Thesis projects may take different forms in different majors – e.g. laboratory experiments, historical research or artistic creations, to name a few – but always demonstrate research expertise in the major field, a command of relevant scholarship and an effort to contribute to that scholarship.

Whether you’re committed to working in your major field, or keeping your options open, completing an Honors Thesis gives you the experience to help you get where you want to go.

Gain real research experience in your field and learn how to communicate it. Tackle and own a project that you’re passionate about. Stretch yourself intellectually through close work with a faculty expert. And the practical value of an Honors Thesis? Unlimited. An Honors Thesis helps you to:

Get accepted to grad school, medical school, law school Competitive programs greatly value research experience and the motivation, maturity, and depth of study required to complete a thesis. Find a job. Employers, in your field or outside it, seek candidates with the commitment and practical skills required to complete an independent project. Figure out your path. Do you even like research in your major? Or are you ready to try something else?

Each department defines the appropriate topics, parameters and standards of Honors thesis research. Faculty outside of the major may supervise thesis projects with the approval of the Honors Faculty Advisor in the student’s major. Topics might be developed out of faculty research, coursework, class projects, UROP projects, community engaged research or even internships. The required Thesis Proposal Form must be signed by both the Thesis Faculty Mentor and the Honors Faculty Advisor within the student’s major. Take a look at our general Thesis Guidelines.

There is no uniform required length for Honors theses, which vary widely across different fields and topics. However, a range of 30-40 pages is common. Honors Faculty Advisors in each major and the Faculty Supervisor will set specific expectations. See examples of theses from your major here.


Think About Potential Thesis Topics While taking upper-level classes in your major, start thinking about what topics you like that are being discussed.  What interests you?  What sounds like a good project? Is there a paper, group project, or internship  you have completed and would like to continue or develop further? If you are in the sciences and are working in a research lab, is there a project you could start working on that might culminate in your thesis? Talk to your professors!  Based on your classes and other academic or research experiences, think about narrowing down to a more specific topic. See examples of theses in your major.

Second and third years typically see students refining their interests in their major, and starting to hone in on a research topic. Continue taking classes in your major, and paying attention to things like: topics that interest you; faculty whose research is interesting, and with whom you connect; questions you have that don't seem like they have good answers. These are all important data in developing your project! Make sure that you are a part of the Thesis Mentoring Community, and that you are consulting those modules and attending events that are of interest to you. And connect with other students in your major - though everyone types their own thesis, we never think in a vacuum and having a community of peers makes the process so much more fun. Also, be in touch with your Honors Faculty Advisor. You can determine who that is from the link below.

Honors Faculty Advisor Directory

For many of you, this could be your first time working on a big research project. You might be excited, but you also might be nervous and feel unprepared. All of those things are normal! The Thesis Mentorship Community (TMC) is here to help with that. This community has a living-learning community (LLC) component but also is open to all students in the Honors College via the Canvas Course for the community. The TMC is open to students in their second year and beyond, and will help guide (mentor) you through the thesis process from preliminary planning, to research, and on to the writing of the thesis. Information on the Canvas course as well as programming organized through the Canvas course connects students to other honors students in their field of study as well as faculty in their home department and resources throughout the larger university that will assist in the thesis research and writing process.

Meet with your department’s Honors Faculty Advisor to discuss potential topics and faculty members to serve as your Thesis Faculty Mentor. (If you are working in a research lab, usually the professor over the lab can be your thesis mentor.)

Meet with Thesis Faculty Mentor and Solidify Topic: Meet with your Faculty Mentor and confirm the topic and scope of your thesis.  Work together on creating a timeline for your thesis work, and establish how you will go through the revision and completion process. After you have finalized your thesis topic, submit a signed Honors Thesis Proposal form to the Honors College.

Meet with Your Honors Faculty Advisor


You have your thesis topic and mentor, now the real work begins. Here are the steps you need to take to complete your Honors thesis.

*Note: Dates are for a Spring graduate, modify accordingly if you are graduating in a different semester


Typically during your Third and/or Fourth Year

Turn in Completed Thesis Proposal Form via email to Dr. Virginia Solomon ( [email protected] ). The soft turn in date for this form is September 15 th to ensure you are on track.

Be sure to meet with your Faculty Mentor to agree on a schedule for reviewing your progress, submitting drafts, making final revisions, etc. Theses with approval signatures are due to the Honors College one week before grades are due to the Registrar's Office , the semester you plan to graduate.

Please use the Thesis Formatting Template for your final thesis.

Sign up for **** 4999 (Honors Thesis Course in your major)

4999 is a 3 credit hour class in your major, which indicates you are working independently with your supervisor on your thesis. Talk to your Honors Faculty Advisor or major academic advisor to receive a permission code.

Also make sure your major advisor has declared you for an Honors Bachelors Degree in your major (HBA, HBS, HBFA etc.)


Honors students must present their thesis work at the annual  Undergraduate Research Symposium  at the U, at NCUR, or at discipline related research conferences


You can also publish in the U’s Undergraduate Research Journal. Submissions are accepted year-round for online publication each summer

Click here to submit – students must submit on their own behalf


Your final Honors Thesis will require electronic signatures from your Thesis Faculty Mentor, Honors Faculty Advisor, and Department Chair before you submit it to the Honors College. Approval signatures are due to the Honors College one week before grades are due to the Registrar's Office , the semester you plan to graduate. Please give yourself and Faculty Mentor at least three weeks to make final revisions and collect your three signatures.

Submit an electronic copy of your final Honors thesis with e-signature approvals from your Thesis Faculty Mentor, Honors Faculty Advisor, and the Department Chair. The Honors College will provide you with the upload link during your final semester.

Turn in a signed USpace Permission Form when you submit your thesis. USpace is the J. Willard Marriot Library’s institutional repository and provides permanent electronic storage for your work to be publicly available. If you have questions or concerns about making your thesis available through USpace, please contact the main Honors Office.


Spring Graduates (January 17th), Fall Graduates (September 4 th ), Summer Graduates (May 20 th )

Information on this process can be found through the Office of the Registrar


Students who complete two semesters of research with a faculty mentor and present and publish their work (for example in the Undergraduate Research Symposium & Abstracts Journal) are eligible for this special transcript designation. Deadlines found here .

Honors Thesis Advice: Home

  • Links to useful resources

Honors Workshop Handout

  • Time Management 2013 workshop This handout covers tips and ideas about 3 topics related to your thesis: seeing the bigger picture of your thesis process, "chunking" your work into smaller pieces to make it more manageable and how to pace yourself.
  • Goal Setting and Time Management Workshop Handout - 2014 This workshop focused on the different types of tasks you have as part of your thesis process and how you might track those and manage them in a more efficient way
  • How To Write an Abstract
  • Time Management Thesis

Honors Thesis Information

U of U Honors College Thesis and Capstone Information

Honors College Thesis Template in Word

Marriott Library Subject Guides of Interest

  • Writing Research Papers libguide
  • Advanced Researh in the Social Sciences Libguide
  • Advanced Research in the Sciences libguide
  • Art History Research libguide
  • How to Post Research Papers in Uspace libguide
  • Writing a Literature Review libguide
  • Writing an Annotated Bibliography libguide
  • End Note Support Libguide

Managing the thesis Writing Process

Time Management Strategies for a Thesis Writing Process

At the beginning your thesis project, the whole research and writing process may seem daunting and difficult to get your head around.  It is important to devote adequate time to the thesis process, stay organized, and remain on task so you can be successful. To do this I recommend you focus on three things:

1.      Plan for the Bigger Picture In order to really get a handle on the whole thesis project it is easier to visualize the bigger picture of the project first and then drill down to define tasks to be completed. This bigger picture view will also show you all that needs to be done and in what order and you will see stronger connections between the individual thesis projects and tasks. This will help you make sure you do not miss anything along the way that might cause a delay in your thesis completion.

  • Schedule out your thesis
  • University of Michigan: Writing a research paper schedule

2.      Chunk the Larger Project into Smaller Tasks A large writing project is always a little intimidating, but if you chunk into smaller tasks and deadlines it becomes easier to manage and succeed (see section 1 above).  Chunking out tasks and assignments into smaller pieces will help you make progress and build upon your progress as you go. So for example, you will need to find resources for your topic before you can write a review of the literature as an introduction for your paper. So don’t worry about your literature review until you have done your research – that would be a waste of time.

  • Concept map or brainstorm ideas
  • A video about using concept mapping to identify a topic
  • Getting started on a research topic
  • One of the free concept mapping softwares IHMC Cmap  ( )
  • Get creative juices flowing: Creativity Links
  • Analyzing text for your research study (will need to consider this if you are designing a research project)
  • How will you analyze data?
  • Transcription Tools (will not transcribe for you but will help the process along)
  • F5 for Macs / F4 for PC
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking   and App
  • Coding Analysis Tools
  • NVivo Library Guide , Atlas.ti (text Analysis) Library Guide , Excel, Magic Markers?

3.      Pace Yourself Remember to pace yourself. It is important to stay on task on a continuous basis. Try to build in time to just reflect on your project, think about your draft, reread your drafts after taking a break so you have time to reflect. Sometimes you can be the most productive when you take a break and the pressure is off to “complete” a part of your project. Be open to thoughts popping into your head about your work; I often find I get great ideas like a few days or a week after I have written something.

  • Reflect on your writing: Reflecting on your drafts
  • Keep a research journal

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May 05, 2022 Honors Graduates Receive Theses Awards from Library

The Marriott Library is proud to recognize the extraordinary work of two graduates in the Honors College –  Hailey Danielson and Isabel Fuller – for their exemplary senior theses. These recipients were selected from the pool of senior Honors College students who create theses projects prior to their graduation in the fields of humanities and general sciences. Danielson and Fuller were each presented with a $1,000 award on behalf of the library in recognition of their outstanding projects.

Hailey is a double major in English and Communications with an emphasis in Journalism. She spent her time at the U serving as a photo journalist for The Daily Utah Chronicle and a tutor, now coordinator, at the University Writing Center.

Despite being a native of the quaint town of Pocatello, Idaho, Hailey Danielson’s University of Utah roots run generations deep. Her grandfather worked at the university and each of her parents graduated from the U, in fact Hailey is graduating almost exactly 30 years after her mom walked the same stage! Her roots may have been in Utah already but she felt that she was meant to attend the university only after she came on a tour with the Honors College when it really “felt right” to become a Ute.

Her journey to her thesis began with signing a contract for an Honors writing course that required her commitment to attend a 4:00 a.m. class! With the early morning behind her, the now finished project also serves as a book titled If I Should Die Before I Wake , mimicking the name of an 18 th century children’s prayer. This contemporary romance follows two young people who’re struggling to find themselves, a concept that feels all too familiar as a college student herself. The young characters help one another “find their own answers and grow together” but don’t get too attached; Hailey warns it does not have a happy ending!

This is no children’s book though, the approximately 360-page project features models and designs of various elements in the book Hailey created by hand for a visual reference to the setting. She also conducted significant research to accurately understand and portray the medical conditions some of her characters exhibit. All in all, the almost 100 pages of supporting documents that her project features are a testament to the intense passion and extensive time Hailey devoted to her creation.

university of utah honors thesis

To her, this was more than just another item on the checklist toward graduation, it was her achieving her goal to become an author. For the first time, Hailey states she felt, “the emotions and power of literature as the author, not just as the consumer.”  The whole process can be described as “bitter-sweet,” the first part referencing the sorrow she felt in finishing the book. “The book really writes itself,” Hailey explains. “I knew it had to have a heart-breaking ending, but when I got there, I cried my way through it.”

Working on this thesis turned book has adequately helped set Hailey up to successfully tackle her future. She reminisces on the 4:00 a.m. wake calls and how the overall thesis writing process refined her already good work-ethic and pushed her self-motivation to new heights. This intrinsic motivation will serve Hailey well as she moves on to work the graveyard shift at local television station KSTU following graduation.

And who knows, we may just see Hailey around campus again one day, as she aspires to earn a whopping three doctorate degrees!

Izzy Fuller is the second award recipient representing the category of general sciences. She came to the U from her Wisconsin home to double major in Environmental and Sustainability Studies and Urban Ecology. She received a scholarship to the university but it was the Honors College that won her over. “I was looking for a small school feel,” she explains. “It was the Honors College that I knew could provide me this experience despite the U being a large university.”

Once at the U, Izzy dove in head-first, immersing herself in a number of opportunities to get the most out of her undergraduate education. She served as the Chair for the Honors Student Advisory Committee, worked at the Bennion Center with community partner Food Recovery Network and gardened in the Edible Campus Garden.

Izzy’s thesis, “Impact of “Landscape Lab” Green Infrastructure on Red Butte Creek Hydrologic Patterns,” unintentionally began at the start of her freshman year when she was enrolled in an environmental course. The class offered guest lecturers—one of whom was Dr. Hinner, her now thesis faculty supervisor. Intrigued by Dr. Hinner’s presentation, Izzy stayed after class to learn more about how she could get involved at the U’s Landscape Lab, an ecological revitalization project near Red Butte Creek that conceptualizes turning urban storm water into a resource. Before she knew it, Izzy was working in the lab and even wrote a grant for additional lab funding, which dovetailed into her thesis project. “It was a natural transition,” Izzy recalls. “I had no idea that this was going to turn into a thesis when I talked to the professor at the end of that class, but it just made sense.”

university of utah honors thesis

Not only will her project earn her the distinction of an Honors College graduate, it will also serve as a valuable source of research for municipalities or other researchers who are interested in green infrastructure. Most existing urban stormwater studies are based in climates that experience high precipitation. Of course, the Landscape Lab is located here in Northern Utah so Izzy’s research is some of the first of its kind in featuring a semi-arid climate. Her work focuses on whether or not this is a sustainable and optimal path to continues down. Essentially, it will serve as a pilot to indicate if more Landscape Labs should be constructed as an efficient source of green infrastructure in obtaining stormwater.

Reflecting on the immense amount of time and effort she put into her project, Izzy admits that she was tempted to procrastinate thinking about how massive this endeavor in front of her was. What motivated her to tackle the thesis was considering the positive effects her research could have. “When I started focusing on something I really cared about, I became motivated to do the work. I really hope this is going to help other people, that it will do a lot of good,” Izzy confesses.

Ahead of Izzy lies big dreams and tremendous opportunity as she embarks on her post-college life. She has accepted an internship in sustainable agriculture in her home-state of Wisconsin for the summer. Beyond that, she aspires to study abroad in Europe, working in an urban planning program.

Izzy would like to thank Dr. Sarah Hinners for her mentorship and guidance through her college career.

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  • Environmental Humanities 5
  • Teaching & Learning 5
  • Educational Administration 4
  • Metallurgy 4
  • Zoology and Entomology 4
  • Education 3
  • Film & Media Arts 3
  • Interdepartmental Program in Neuroscience 3
  • Middle East Studies 3
  • Neurosurgery 3
  • Science Education 3
  • World Languages & Literature 3
  • Anesthesiology 2
  • Bennion Center for Community Engagement 2
  • Educational 2
  • Educational Leadership and Policy 2
  • Geological & Geophysical Sciences 2
  • Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program 2
  • Health Promotion and Education 2
  • Health, Physical Education & Recreation 2
  • Languages 2
  • Management 2
  • Marketing 2
  • Neurobiology and Anatomy 2
  • Operations & Information Systems 2
  • Asian Studies 1
  • Ballet & Modern Dance 1
  • Bioengineering 1
  • Biological Scineces 1
  • Biophysics and Bioengineering 1
  • Bussiness 1
  • Computer Science 1
  • Educational Adiminstration 1
  • Educational Studies 1
  • Engineering 1
  • Family and Preventive Medicine 1
  • Fine Arts 1
  • Geological & Geophysical 1
  • Health, Kinesiology, & Recreation 1
  • Health, Physical Education and Recreation 1
  • Health, Physical Education, & Recreation 1
  • International Studies 1
  • Invertebrate Zoology 1
  • Journalism 1
  • Master of Science 1
  • Meteorology 1
  • Mineralogy 1
  • Modern Dance, 1
  • Molecular Pharmaceutics 1
  • Neuroscience 1
  • Nutrition 1
  • Parks, Recreation & Tourism 1
  • Program in Neuroscience 1
  • Psycghology 1
  • S. J. Quinney College of Law 1
  • Secondary Education 1
  • Social work 1
  • University of Utah Libraries 1
  • Vertebrate Zoology 1
  • Zoology & Entomology 1

Publication Type

  • dissertation 4,050
  • thesis 3,851
  • honors thesis 50
  • online portfolio 8
  • Columnar Section 1
  • Dissertation 1
  • Integrative Service Project 1
  • dissertration 1
  • disswertation 1
  • honors research project 1
  • Physiology 121
  • Genetics 113
  • Nursing 110
  • Thesis and dissertation georeferencing project 62
  • Pharmacology 49
  • Psychology 49
  • Biochemistry 48
  • Metabolism 48
  • Immunology 45
  • Computer science 42
  • Education 38
  • Mechanical engineering 37
  • Nutrition 37
  • Materials science 36
  • Analysis 35
  • Biomedical engineering 31
  • Chemistry 31
  • Communication 31
  • Neurosciences 31
  • Public health 30
  • Civil engineering 28
  • Medicine 28
  • Proteins 28
  • Molecular biology 26
  • Thesis and dissertation georeferencing project 25
  • Applied sciences 25
  • Educational psychology 25
  • Biomechanics 24
  • Electrical engineering 24
  • Microbiology 23
  • Oncology 23
  • Pharmacokinetics 23
  • Atmospheric sciences 22
  • Chemical engineering 22
  • Epidemiology 21
  • Etiology 21
  • Childbirth 20
  • Economics 19
  • Kinesiology 19
  • Rhetoric 19
  • Children 18
  • Mathematics 18
  • Social psychology 18
  • Stratigraphic 18
  • Engineering 17
  • Identity 17
  • Manpower 17
  • Modeling 17
  • Molecular Biology 17
  • Choreography 16
  • Drug Therapy 16
  • Patients 16
  • Sociology 16
  • Data Processing 15
  • Geophysics 15
  • Performance 15
  • Robotics 15
  • Salt Lake City 15
  • Behavioral psychology 14
  • Cellular biology 14
  • Pathology 14
  • Recreation 14
  • United States 14
  • Bioinformatics 13
  • Clinical psychology 13
  • Demographic 13
  • Geography 13
  • Gerontology 13
  • Kinetics 13
  • Linguistics 13
  • Modern dance 13
  • Physical education 13
  • Remote sensing 13
  • Simulation 13
  • Statistics 13
  • Urban planning 13
  • Behavior 12
  • Developmental psychology 12
  • Exercise 12
  • Great Salt Lake 12
  • Health sciences 12
  • Management 12
  • Nanotechnology 12
  • Social work 12
  • Software 12
  • Concrete 11
  • Developmental biology 11
  • Environmental engineering 11
  • Higher education 11
  • Inflammation 11
  • Maternity Nursing 11
  • Mental health 11
  • Microfluidics 11
  • Organic chemistry 11
  • Physical chemistry 11
  • Questionnaire 11
  • Religion 11
  • Bioengineering 10
  • Biophysics 10
  • Computer Engineering 10
  • Diagnosis 10
  • Educational technology 10
  • Environmental literature 10
  • Inversion 10
  • Magnetic resonance imaging 10
  • Motivation 10
  • Paleoecology 10
  • Physical activity 10
  • Pure sciences 10
  • Qualitative 10
  • Sightlines 10
  • Summit County 10
  • Technology 10
  • Toxicity 10
  • Verification 10
  • Visualization 10
  • Adolescent 9
  • Adolescents 9
  • Climate change 9
  • Geochemistry 9
  • Geology -- Utah -- Box Elder County 9
  • Geology -- Utah -- Tooele County 9
  • Machine learning 9
  • Meteorology 9
  • Narrative 9
  • Nuclear engineering 9
  • Older people 9
  • Petrology 9
  • Pharmacy sciences 9
  • Physical therapy 9
  • Political science 9
  • Prevention 9
  • Purification 9
  • Questionnaires 9
  • Synthesis 9
  • Therapeutic Use 9
  • Transportation 9
  • Womens studies 9
  • Architecture 8
  • Attitudes 8
  • Carbon dioxide 8
  • Cognitive psychology 8
  • Cretaceous 8
  • Drug Effects 8
  • Early childhood education 8
  • Environment 8
  • Gender studies 8
  • Health education 8
  • Intervention 8
  • Medical Informatics Applications 8
  • Optimization 8
  • Pyrolysis 8
  • Rehabilitation 8
  • Social support 8
  • Sustainability 8
  • University of Utah 8
  • Adolescence 7
  • Adverse Effects 7
  • Analytical chemistry 7
  • Antibiotics 7
  • Cardiovascular reactivity 7
  • Catalysis 7
  • Coalville region 7
  • Combustion 7
  • Computer graphics 7
  • Condensed matter physics 7
  • Corrosion 7
  • Depression 7
  • Drug Delivery Systems 7
  • Electrochemistry 7
  • Electrophysiology 7
  • Elementary education 7
  • Ethnic studies 7
  • Geology -- Utah -- Summit County 7
  • Grand County 7
  • Health care management 7
  • Hospitals 7
  • Leadership 7
  • Literature 7
  • Medical Informatics 7
  • Morphology 7
  • Natural gas 7
  • Perception 7
  • Personality 7
  • Physiological Effect 7
  • Prenatal Care 7
  • Psychotherapy 7
  • Qualitative research 7
  • Stratigraphy 7
  • Thin films 7
  • Turbulence 7
  • Uinta Basin 7
  • Wasatch County 7
  • American history 6
  • Antibodies 6
  • Assessment 6
  • Beaver County 6
  • Biosynthesis 6
  • Breast Cancer 6
  • Caenorhabditis elegans 6
  • Climate Change 6
  • Cognition 6
  • Complications 6
  • Detection 6
  • Electromagnetics 6
  • Endocytosis 6
  • Geology -- Utah -- Beaver County 6
  • Geology -- Utah -- Mineral Mountains 6
  • Geology--Utah 6
  • Gilsonite 6
  • Health Care 6
  • Higher Education 6
  • Individual differences 6
  • Information science 6
  • Medical records - Data processing 6
  • Medicine - Data processing 6
  • Migration 6
  • Molecular dynamics 6
  • Monitoring 6
  • Navajo Indians 6
  • Neurology 6
  • Nurses' Instruction 6
  • Obstetrical Nursing 6
  • Organizational behavior 6
  • Pediatric Nursing 6
  • Physiological 6
  • Physiopathology 6
  • Precipitation 6
  • Preschool 6
  • Public policy 6
  • Receptors 6
  • Resilience 6
  • Salt Lake County 6
  • Signal processing 6
  • Special education 6
  • Spectroscopy 6
  • Terahertz 6
  • Transcription Factors 6
  • Validation 6
  • climate change 6
  • Accounting 5
  • Algebraic geometry 5
  • Applied Mathematics 5
  • Astrophysics 5
  • Biochemical 5
  • Biological sciences 5
  • Bioretention 5
  • Blood pressure 5
  • Chemotherapy 5
  • Coal liquefaction 5
  • Compensation 5
  • Creative process 5
  • Cycloaddition 5
  • Development 5
  • Diffusion 5
  • Disability studies 5
  • Drug delivery 5
  • Economic theory 5
  • Empowerment 5
  • Experiments 5
  • Father and Child 5
  • Flotation 5
  • Fluid mechanics 5
  • Foreign body response 5
  • Gene Expression 5
  • Geography--Research--United States 5
  • Geothermal 5
  • Growth and Development 5
  • Heat transfer 5
  • Indians of North America 5
  • Individual & family studies 5
  • Intrauterine growth restriction 5
  • Lake Bonneville 5
  • Latter Day Saints 5
  • Localization 5
  • Marketing 5
  • Medical imaging 5
  • Mitochondria 5
  • Mormonism 5
  • Mutations 5
  • Nationalism 5
  • Nurse and Patient 5
  • Oil-shales 5
  • Older People 5
  • Ophthalmology 5
  • Palladium 5
  • Parenting 5
  • Pathophysiology 5
  • Patient Satisfaction 5
  • Pharmaceutical sciences 5
  • Physiological psychology 5
  • Provenance 5
  • Psychiatric Nursing 5
  • Public Health 5
  • Reading instruction 5
  • Relationships 5
  • Secondary education 5
  • Seismology 5
  • Self-assembly 5
  • Self-efficacy 5
  • Smoke prevention 5
  • Social sciences 5
  • Social skills 5
  • Temperature 5
  • Treatment 5
  • Ultrasound 5
  • Uncertainty quantification 5
  • Ute Indians 5
  • Virtual reality 5
  • Water resources management 5
  • Zinc -- Metallurgy 5
  • Aerospace engineering 4
  • Agglomeration 4
  • Aggression 4
  • American literature 4
  • Archaeology 4
  • Asynchronous circuits 4
  • Attachment 4
  • Attention 4
  • Autism spectrum disorders 4
  • Basalt -- Utah 4
  • Biography 4
  • Blood Pressure 4
  • Blood flow 4
  • Body image 4
  • Bonneville 4
  • Breast cancer 4
  • Breastfeeding 4
  • Bryostatin 4
  • Cellular Biology 4
  • Characterization 4
  • Classification 4
  • Coal mines and mining 4
  • Collaboration 4
  • Colonialism 4
  • Communications 4
  • Compilers 4
  • Composites 4
  • Composition 4
  • Conservation 4
  • Convection 4
  • Data analysis 4
  • Decision Making 4
  • Decision making 4
  • Demographic Data 4
  • Demographics 4
  • Density functional theory 4
  • Deposition 4
  • Dielectric 4
  • Disability 4
  • Ecocriticism 4
  • Electric prospecting 4
  • Electrodeposition 4
  • Electrowinning 4
  • Environmental Health 4
  • Environmental science 4
  • Epigenetics 4
  • Escherichia coli 4
  • Ethnicity 4
  • Evaluation Studies 4
  • Experimental psychology 4
  • Family Planning 4
  • Fetal growth retardation 4
  • Finite element analysis 4
  • Formal verification 4
  • Gasification 4
  • Geology -- Structural -- Utah -- Willard Peak area 4
  • Geology -- Utah -- Kane County -- Paria Northwest quadrangle 4
  • Geology -- Utah -- Weber County 4
  • Geomorphology 4
  • Glaciology 4
  • Globalization 4
  • Green River Formation 4
  • Groundwater 4
  • Health Education 4
  • Heterogeneity 4
  • High temperature 4
  • Hurricanes 4
  • Hydraulic Fracturing 4
  • Hydrometallurgy 4
  • Hypertension 4
  • Immigration 4
  • Induced polarization 4
  • Infant, Newborn 4
  • Infection 4
  • Information technology 4
  • Inorganic chemistry 4
  • Insulin resistance 4
  • Integrated circuits 4
  • Interpersonal 4
  • Intimate partner violence 4
  • Journalism 4
  • Juab County 4
  • Kaolinite 4
  • LDS Hospital 4
  • Large-eddy simulation 4
  • Longitudinal 4
  • Macrophage 4
  • Magnetic resonance 4
  • Masculinity 4
  • Mathematical models 4
  • Measurement 4
  • Medical Care 4
  • Medical Informatics Computing 4
  • Medical Records 4
  • Methylation 4
  • Midwifery 4
  • Mineralogy 4
  • Mining engineering 4
  • Mother-Child Relations 4
  • Nanoparticles 4
  • Numerical modeling 4
  • Numerical simulation 4
  • Oil sands, Utah 4
  • Ore deposits 4
  • Organization and Administration 4
  • Palestine 4
  • Parent and Child 4
  • Patient Care Planning 4
  • Patient Education 4
  • Permeability 4
  • Personality psychology 4
  • Personnel Management 4
  • Petroleum 4
  • Petrology -- Utah -- Wasatch Mountains 4
  • Pharmaceuticals 4
  • Postnatal Care 4
  • Prevention and Control 4
  • Protocols 4
  • Psychiatric nursing 4
  • Psychological 4
  • Psychophysiology 4
  • Puerperium 4
  • Radiology, Medical 4
  • Reservoir 4
  • Risk Factors 4
  • Sandstone 4
  • Screening 4
  • Second language acquisition 4
  • Sedimentology 4
  • Sediments (Geology) 4
  • Self-regulation 4
  • Sequestration 4
  • Sexuality 4
  • Shale oils, refining 4
  • Signal Transduction 4
  • Social Justice 4
  • Social justice 4
  • Socialization 4
  • Software Design 4
  • Standards 4
  • Stratigraphic geology 4
  • Tomography 4
  • Transportation planning 4
  • Tropical cyclones 4
  • Ventilation 4
  • Volume rendering 4
  • Working memory capacity 4
  • Academic achievement 3
  • Adaptation, Psychological 3
  • Afghanistan 3
  • Air pollution 3
  • Algorithms 3
  • Alliances 3
  • Anesthesia 3
  • Animation 3
  • Anticoagulants (Medicine) 3
  • Applied Sciences 3
  • Applied mathematics 3
  • Artificial limbs 3
  • Asian Studies 3
  • Atmospheric boundary layer 3
  • Atomic force microscopy 3
  • Authenticity 3
  • Bacteriophage 3
  • Behavioral Sciences 3
  • Bereavement 3
  • Biomaterials 3
  • Biosensors 3
  • Biostatistics 3
  • Biotechnology 3
  • Bitumen, refining 3
  • Body Image 3
  • Body composition 3
  • Bond energies 3
  • Bone Marrow 3
  • Boundary layer 3
  • Box Elder County 3
  • Breathing apparatus 3
  • Business administration 3
  • Carbon County 3
  • Carbon nanotubes 3
  • Cardiac hypertrophy 3
  • Caribbean 3
  • Carrier Proteins 3
  • Case study 3
  • Chemical Synthesis 3
  • Child abuse 3
  • Cognitive control 3
  • Cold-air pool 3
  • Colostrum 3
  • Community 3
  • Comparative literature 3
  • Comparison Study 3
  • Composite materials 3
  • Computational 3
  • Computational fluid dynamics 3
  • Computer Architecture 3
  • Computer architecture 3
  • Connectomics 3
  • Conotoxins 3
  • Counseling 3
  • Creative writing 3
  • Critical Care 3
  • Crystalline 3
  • Cultural anthropology 3
  • Cultural studies 3
  • Culturally relevant pedagogy 3
  • DNA damage 3
  • Data assimilation 3
  • Data mining 3
  • Dental Enamel 3
  • Dentate gyrus 3
  • Depression, Mental 3
  • Diffeomorphisms 3
  • Difunctionalization 3
  • Disabilities 3
  • Distracted driving 3
  • Domestic violence 3
  • Drosophila 3
  • Dynamic verification 3
  • Earth sciences 3
  • Earthquakes 3
  • Ecohydrology 3
  • Economic development 3
  • Efficiency 3
  • Electronic structure 3
  • Embryology 3
  • Endangered languages 3
  • Endocrinology 3
  • Energy efficiency 3
  • English as a Second Language 3
  • Environmental Studies 3
  • Epithelial cells 3
  • Ergonomics 3
  • Evaluation 3
  • Evolution 3
  • Evolution and Development 3
  • Executive function 3
  • Expert Systems 3
  • Family relationships 3
  • Fluorescence 3
  • Fragmentation 3
  • Gene Regulation 3
  • Geochronology 3
  • Geology -- Uinta Mountains (Utah and Wyo.) 3
  • Geology -- Utah -- Grassy Mountains -- Maps 3
  • Geology -- Utah -- Juab County 3
  • Geology -- Utah -- Kane County 3
  • Geology -- Utah -- Lakeside Mountains -- Maps 3
  • Geology -- Utah -- Sheeprock Mountains 3
  • Geology -- Utah -- Upton area 3
  • Geology, Economic -- Utah -- Sulphurdale 3
  • Great Basin 3
  • Great Salt Lake (Utah) 3
  • Great Salt Lake Basin 3
  • Green infrastructure 3
  • Health and environmental sciences 3
  • Heat flow 3
  • Hispanic Americans 3
  • Histology 3
  • Homelessness 3
  • Human engineering 3
  • Hybridity 3
  • Hydroclimate 3
  • Hydrologic sciences 3
  • Hydrology 3
  • Hydroxyapatite 3
  • Ichnology 3
  • Identification 3
  • Image processing 3
  • Image segmentation 3
  • Immunodiffusion 3
  • Immunoglobulins 3
  • Information Technology 3
  • Inhibition 3
  • Instrumentation 3
  • Interferometry 3
  • Intermountain Health Care (Utah) 3
  • Intermountain West 3
  • International relations 3
  • Interpretation 3
  • Ionic liquids 3
  • Job satisfaction 3
  • Kinematics 3
  • LGBTQ studies 3
  • Landslides -- Utah -- Kane County 3
  • Latin America 3
  • Life Change Events 3
  • Locomotion 3
  • Machining 3
  • Magnetostriction 3
  • Mass spectrometry 3
  • Mathematical biology 3
  • Mathematical model 3
  • Medical robotics 3
  • Mentally Ill 3
  • Mentoring 3
  • Metabolites 3
  • Metamorphic 3
  • Microbial 3
  • Microelectrodes 3
  • Microphysics 3
  • Middle Eastern Studies 3
  • Middle Eastern history 3
  • Military studies 3
  • Millard County 3
  • Mindfulness 3
  • Mine safety 3
  • Mineral Range (Utah) 3
  • Mines and mineral resources -- Utah -- Deep Creek Mountains 3
  • Mines and mineral resources -- Utah -- Sulphurdale 3
  • Models, Theoretical 3
  • Modern Dance 3
  • Moenkopi group 3
  • Molecular chemistry 3
  • Molecular motors 3
  • Monitoring, Physiologic 3
  • Mother and child 3
  • Motor learning 3
  • Mount Ogden 3
  • Multivesicular body 3
  • Nanoparticle 3
  • Nanopores 3
  • Nanoscience 3
  • Native American studies 3
  • Natural Language Processing 3
  • Natural Resource Management 3
  • Nervous System 3
  • Neural stimulation 3
  • Neural transmission 3
  • New Mexico 3
  • New media 3
  • Newfoundland Mountains 3
  • Nitrification 3
  • Nuclear chemistry 3
  • Nursing Personnel 3
  • Online learning 3
  • Ore-dressing 3
  • Organic Chemistry 3
  • Organic semiconductor 3
  • Organizational communication 3
  • Ottoman Empire 3
  • Ozonation 3
  • Paleoclimate 3
  • Parasitology 3
  • Pathogenicity 3
  • Patient Compliance 3
  • Perceptions 3
  • Performance studies 3
  • Petrology -- Utah -- Beaver County 3
  • Pharmacy Administration 3
  • Phenotypes 3
  • Philippines 3
  • Philosophy 3
  • Philosophy of Science 3
  • Phonology 3
  • Phosphorus 3
  • Photonic crystals 3
  • Photovoltaic 3
  • Physical geography 3
  • Plasmonics 3
  • Polymeric drug delivery systems 3
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder 3
  • Precambrian 3
  • Pregnancy 3
  • Pregnancy - Complications 3
  • Primary Care 3
  • Primary care 3
  • Principal component analysis 3
  • Professional-Patient Relations 3
  • Protein Kinases 3
  • Quality of Life 3
  • Quantitative 3
  • Radiation 3
  • Radiography 3
  • Ray tracing 3
  • Relative timing 3
  • Religious history 3
  • Rendering 3
  • Respirators (Medical equipment) 3
  • Revolution 3
  • Rural Health 3
  • Salt Lake Valley 3
  • Saudi Arabia 3
  • Self Concept 3
  • Separation 3
  • Sequence stratigraphy 3
  • Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted 3
  • Silver Island Mountains 3
  • Skin Absorption 3
  • Social Environment 3
  • Social Support 3
  • Sociolinguistics 3
  • South America 3
  • Speech therapy 3
  • Spinal muscular atrophy 3
  • Spintronics 3
  • Spirituality 3
  • Stability 3
  • Stable isotopes 3
  • Stansbury Island 3
  • Staphylococcus aureus 3
  • Stem cells 3
  • Stereotype threat 3
  • Stochastic 3
  • Storytelling 3
  • Stress, Psychological 3
  • Substance abuse 3
  • Sulphur mines and mining -- Utah -- Sulphurdale 3
  • Surgical Nursing 3
1 Benson, Sheryl RichardGeorge Peabody Gooch states in his book, History and Historians in the Nineteenth Century, that "anyone who feels a taste for history should study above all the history of his fatherland. It is not a duty cut an instinct of the human heart." Being of Swedish ancestry and having lived in Sweden for s...History
2 Kim, DonginThe goal of this hypothesis-driven application is to develop a polymeric micelle that targets multidrug resistant (MDR) tumors via pH sensitivity. The micelles target tumors that overexpressed folate receptors on their surface, and internalized into the tumor cells by folate receptor-mediated end...Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Chemistry
3 Bates, JeffreyStimuli-responsive hydrogels are called "smart" materials because they autonomously respond to environmental stimuli. For example, pH-responsive hydrogels swell at lower pH levels and deswell as the pH increases. Hydrogel-based sensors could prove beneficial for providing continuous monitoring of bi...Materials Science & Engineering
4 Cox, Richard MThe study of the reactions of Sm+ and Th+ with several small molecules using guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometry is presented. The kinetic energy dependent reaction cross sections of these reactions are modelled using a modified line-of-centers model, and thermochemical values, including bond d...Chemistry
5 Stewart, Kelly LouiseColorectal cancer (CRC) is a global health problem. In the United States, approximately 1 in 20 people will be diagnosed with CRC in their lifetime. Typically, CRC is associated with inflammation. Many factors influence CRC risk and development, most of which work through an inflammation connection....Nutrition & Integrative Physiology
6 Andersen, Rebecca KayeZionism in Zion: Salt Lake City's Jewish Community and Israel, 1933-1967 seeks to understand how Zionism and the creation of the state of Israel affected a Jewish community in the western United States. It will be argued that the Salt Lake City Jewish community followed national trends in their in...History
7 Nielsen, J. PaulArchitecture
8 Messenger, Jyana"Is sustainability inherently beautiful? When translated to architecture, is the application of ‘latest technology' all it takes to practice excellent (sustainable) architecture? In the pursuit of ‘honest expression' does technology relieve the architect of searching further for beauty? Is...Architecture
9 Morton, John JasonZinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) are chimeric proteins composed of a DNA-binding domain comprised of several tandem Cys2His2 zinc fingers and a nonspecific endonuclease domain from the Type IIs restriction enzyme FokI. When expressed in the nematode Caenorhabditis elagans, these molecules bind it's DNA...Biochemistry
10 Liu, ChangThis thesis records and analyzes the process of creating my own Zen dance, 間 (Ma), and how the aesthetics and philosophy of Zen rebuilt my heart. The beginning idea of this thesis was dependent on a personal question, which was why Zen, a Buddhism concept defined by ancient Chinese people, exists ...Modern Dance
11 Barber, Amelia EllenSepsis is a life-threatening systemic inflammatory condition that is characterized by a high degree of patient heterogeneity, making it notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat. Among the most common and lethal causes of sepsis are strains of Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC). T...Pathology
12 Topping, Gary RexThis is a series of essays on various aspects of Zane Grey's novels. Their goals are to evaluate Grey both as a writer and as a thinker and to place his books in the context of broader intellectual and literary movements. A brief introductory chapter reviews the recent interpretive literature on Gre...History
13 Wilson, CaitThis dissertation examines summer camps as a context for youth development. There is a lack of empirical evidence in three areas of the camp literature: 1) campers' learning that transfers to everyday life long after camp ends, 2) the mechanisms at camp that facilitate important learning for campers...Health, Kinesiology & Recreation
14 Morgan, Cass A.This dissertation is comprised of five chapters, three of which are written in an article format and will later be submitted for publication. The remaining two chapters, Chapters 1 and 5, serve as introductory and summary chapters. This dissertation seeks to address conceptually, empirically, and fr...Parks, Recreation, & Tourism
15 Zemmels, David R.This project is an activity-based study of American teens (13-17 years of age) and their material engagement with new media. This study documents the participants' engagement with new media in networked spaces and the everyday practices that surround their participation. Study participants were ask...Communication
16 Bowen, Kimberly SuzanneSocial support is a reliable predictor of psychological and physical health. However, received social support can result in either improvements or detriments to health depending on contextual processes. The cultural facet of independence-interdependence â€" cultural variations in social orientati...Psychology
17 Stone, Heather JoyThis research is a case study about the benefits and challenges of participating in a close-knit religious society. It uses oral history and rhetorical analysis to examine the lives of fifty-five young Latter-day Saint (Mormon) women who moved to Mormon homelands from 1975 through 2000. In this stud...Communication
18 Mosher, Samantha JaneYōkai have long existed as the wicked and mischievous antithesis to the kami of Japan. Unlike the venerated kami found in Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, these apparitions, depending on the place and time in Japanese history, were reviled, avoided, or made into caricatures for entertainment. ...Asian Studies
19 Perkins, RebekahExtensive research has been published on the benefits of yoga for older adults; however, little is known about older adults’ beliefs and perceived barriers to participating in yoga. The purpose of this research was to conduct an exploratory study that examined older adults’ beliefs abo...Nursing
20 Pockman, William TheodorePlants replace evaporative water losses with water drawn through the xylem under negative pressure. Water in the xylem is therefore susceptible to cavitation: the nucleation of vaporization. Cavitation results in a gas-filled or embolized conduit that is nonfunctional in transport. This dissertation...Biological Sciences
21 Liu, YangRelying on moral testimony has been widely considered to be problematic in a way that relying on testimony about nonmoral matters is not. One explanation for this difference is the problem associated with identifying trustworthy sources of moral testimony. Moral knowledge involves knowledge of appro...Philosophy
22 Schrank, Geoffry M.I will describe a low-pressure flow-through 129Xe polarizer and report its performance by examining both the output 129Xe and in situ Rb polarization. The 129Xe polarization was made using standard NMR techniques, and the Rb polarization measurement was made using optically detected electron paramag...Physics & Astronomy
23 Kunz, JoshuaCloud infrastructures have massively increased access to latent compute resources al- lowing for computations that were previously out of reach to be performed efficiently and cheaply. Due to the multi-user nature of clouds, this wealth of resources has been "siloed" into discrete isolated segments ...Computing
24 Bacchuwar, Sanket ShrikantSpecific gravity washability curves used in the coal industry to define the theoretical gravity separation efficiency can be used in the same way for evaluation of preconcentration operations in the metal mining industry. These theoretical metal recovery/gangue rejection curves, which establish the ...Metallurgical Engineering
25 Garcia, Efren CoradoThis thesis examines how using subjects that are deeply personal and private, in this case loneliness, can serve as source material for the creative process. How can a choreographer use the act of recognizing intuition and the subconscious as an enlivening choreographic tool? I seek to discover how...Dance, Modern
26 Reiser, Robert AlanI will examine the "Q" of 1Q84 as an invitation for questions about authenticity that result in an acknowledgement of the necessity to interpret one's own heritage and construct meaning in one's own present context. I will use examples of 1Q84's narrative structure, especially the parallel narrative...World Languages & Cultures
27 Wallis, Bryan VerdinThe writings of essayist, poet, novelist, and farmer Wendell Berry are a preeminent influence in an ongoing neo-agrarian renaissance. Drawing from his cannon of essays, fiction, and poetry, this work elucidates several key principles of Berry's "agrarian argument" including his sense of the relatio...English
28 Muñoz, OmarIn spite of the demonstrated accuracy of modern hematology analyzers, many laboratories repeat critical and delta results. No studies have evaluated the efficacy of repeating these results. Manual review of blood smears is a practice with considerable variability and also poorly studied. In this stu...Pathology
29 Almomen, AliyahWith the steadily increasing prevalence of endometrial hyperplasia (EH) and endometrial cancer (EC) among premenopausal women, the pursuit of improved conservative therapeutics is vitally important. Work in this dissertation attempts to optimize treatments for EH and EC through three different appro...Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Chemistry
30 Macnamee, Katherine FWe sought to determine whether Working Memory Capacity (WMC) predicts when an individual will exert or withhold cognitive control when faced with a control dilemma. We employed a high-congruency variation on the Stroop task to maximize conflict between automatic and controlled processing, and manipu...Psychology
31 Coleman, James RichardThe present study investigates individual differences in information processing following an error. Participants with high working memory capacity (WMC) and with low WMC performed a high congruency version of the flanker task under both speedand accuracy-stress. We recorded event-related potentials ...Psychology
32 Carnell, John WalterRenewable sources of energy are of extreme importance to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from traditional power plants. Such renewable sources include geothermal and solar thermal energy. These involve harnessing the heat from underground water sources or from solar irradiance. The heat energy is us...Chemical Engineering
33 Augello, Jean BassThe purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences of workers who were disabled from work for a minimum of 6 months by chronic musculoskeletal pain and then eventually returned to full-time employment. Through open-ended, semistructured interviews, a heterogeneous group ...Nursing
34 McCarthy, Colleen MargaretAn industrial hygiene survey of two semiconductor plants was performed in order to characterize and quantify toxic emissions during preventive maintenance of standard ion implantation machinery used in the semiconductor industry. Maintenance personnel at both plants were monitored during routine pr...Family & Preventive Medicine
35 Sun, XiaojunFormal verification of hardware designs has become an essential component of the overall system design flow. The designs are generally modeled as finite state machines, on which property and equivalence checking problems are solved for verification. Reachability analysis forms the core of these tech...Electrical & Computer Engineering
36 Pruss, TimAbstraction plays an important role in digital design, analysis, and verification, as it allows for the refinement of functions through different levels of conceptualization. This dissertation introduces a new method to compute a symbolic, canonical, word-level abstraction of the function implemente...Electrical & Computer Engineering
37 DeLong, Catharine CollettLiterature addressing aphasia recovery suggests a combination of patient-related and injury-related factors can predict, to some extent, overall language recovery. Even among highly controlled analyses, however, large portions of unexplained variance often remain. Evidence concerning prognosis for l...Communication Sciences & Disorders
38 Engleman, Lisa F.This was a cross-sectional descriptive investigation designed to describe the symptoms reported by women in the perimenopausal transition. Seventy-eight women completed a 2-part questionnaire concerning their experiences with menopause. The first part contained an open-ended question asking the wo...Nursing
39 Butters, CindyOral contraceptives (OCs) represent one of the most popular and efficacious reversible forms of birth control available to women in the United States. However, there continues to be a high rate of discontinuation due to experiences of side effects. Most women (80%) should be able to tolerate at leas...Nursing
40 Hoover, Stephanie MarieThe purpose of this study was to develop a conceptual model of women's experiences of participating in qualitative research on a traumatic topic, namely sexual assault. Prior literature addressed participants' motivations to participate in a study, their experience of participating, and the effects ...Educational Psychology
41 Mather, Sally JaneA survey of women's interests in alternative maternity facilities was conducted in Salt Lake County. The survey sought to answer the following questions: (a) Is there a market for alternative maternity facilities (birthing suite, birth center and homebirth service) in Salt Lake County? (b) What a...Nursing
42 Rhea, Martha H.This descriptive, exploratory study was designed to develop an understanding of women's spontaneous descriptions of depression and its causes. Twenty-eight women participated with in-depth interviews. Numerous theoretical perspectives have been offered as explanation of the high prevalence of depr...Nursing
43 Burton, Susan E.This qualitative descriptive study was undertaken to address the lack of research based published literature that compares actual to expected home birth experience, or considers how well home birth met the needs that drove the decision to birth at home. Eleven women who gave birth at home with a cer...Nursing
44 Romagosa, Carol J.Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic debilitating disease that has an uncertain course. Although uncertainty is a universal experience in chronic illness, uncertainty in MS is especially threatening to psychological well-being. Chronic illness, including conditions of disability, is one of our grea...Health & Kinesiology
45 Lambert, Madeline StaufferWoman's place in industry has been the subject, in the past few decades, of innumerable articles in the newspapers, and magazine, of lectures, and even of books. From this abundance of material, many different views of the problem loosely group themselves into three divisions.Sociology
46 Evans, Vella NeilThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a rapidly-growing religious organization whose presence and political influence is increasing throughout the world. This study investigates the image of the ideal woman in that church to understand her stated nature and her roles. The data were auth...Communication
47 Feickert, Marcus Deanquantifier phrases that she describes in later research, and I explain how they combine with verbs. I then show how full copies of quantifier phrases and verbs can occupy different positions in the syntactic tree and that they can be interpreted in the semantic interface without requiring traces in...Linguistics
48 Tom, Sally AustenThis research consists of the biographies of four women who practiced nurse-midwifery during the first forty years of the profession's existence. Analysis of the biographical information reveals that the four subjects share many similar characteristics. It is postulated that these shared character...Nursing
49 Min, Kyeong T.Millions of people are affected by infectious and chronic diseases every year. Epidemiologists and exposure scientists strive to create more accurate models of such diseases. However, researchers who deploy wireless sensors in large human subject studies for the development of such models face spec...Electrical & Computer Engineering
50 Zhang, JunxingWe study and advance unique representations of physical layer wireless links, and explore opportunities to use them in location distinction, secret key establishment, and perimeter distinction applications. Location distinction is the ability to determine when a device has changed its position. We ...Computing
51 Baughman, Diane Catherine.The problem investigated was whether or not the presence or absence of window that hospitalized patients can look out of from their beds makes any difference in their physiological course of recovery after surgery. The study was of a descriptive, retrospective, exploratory nature, utilizing two hun...Nursing
52 Haycock, Barry BryanLow-load resistance exercise with blood-flow restriction (REBFR) is an effective way to increase muscle mass and strength, making it potentially useful in rehabilitation settings. However, blood-flow restriction (BFR) causes pain and discomfort, detracting from its use in rehabilitation. The purpose...Occupational & Recreational Therapies
53 Fryer, Gregory K.Wildland firefighters are often called on to make tactical decisions under stressful conditions in order to suppress a fire. They frequently make these decisions based on their gained intuition over time, and also by considering previous specific fire experiences. This assists them in anticipating f...Geography
54 Sorensen, Linda JeanPrior evidence from several research areas suggests that performance improvements can accrue during intervals that preclude further practice of a procedural skill; however, the mechanism underlying this improvement is unclear. In order to test competing explanations for such improvement, the author ...Educational Psychology
55 Maughan, Erin DelOnly 13 states are in compliance with the national recommendation of 1 school nurse for every 750 students. The purposes of this investigation were to (a) determine if/how state laws mandating school nurses or school health services/activities influence state school nurse ratios and (b) identify oth...Nursing
56 Soulier, Scott MartinThis thesis addresses the subject of drop-out from running programs and the reasons runners give for having stopped running. A review of the literature revealed that must is known about running and the effects on health. Although some authors have written about the adverse affects of running on he...Family & Preventive Medicine
57 Parsons, RichardThis research studies the three main economic theories of wage as they apply to a specific case study using longitudinal panel data. The firm in the case study pays employees above market wage which presents an interesting opportunity to scrutinize the validity of each wage theory. The economic theo...Economics
58 Mostofi, KhosrowThe nationalization of the oil industry in Tran was merely one link in a long chain of events that have shaken the underprivileged parts of the world during the last few decades. From China to Ceylon and from Iran to North Africa the great masses of underfed, poverty stricken and downtrodden people ...Political Science
59 Luzbetak, Kailey AustinDespite a large body of literature describing the way rural public lands are used in Utah and their contestation and significance, there is a gap in research conducted on the contestation of urban public spaces. In 1999, a block of Main Street was sold from Salt Lake City to the Church of Jesus Chri...Environmental Humanities Program
60 He, JingI investigate the informational role of top executive social networks by examining the association between top executive network centrality and corporate reporting choices. More centrally positioned executives might derive power from being well connected and thus be less concerned about the ex post ...Entrepreneurship & Strategy
61 Merrell, Allyson JeanThe mammalian diaphragm is the most critical skeletal muscle and defects in the development of the diaphragm give rise to congenital diaphragmatic hernias (CDH), which are common and frequently lethal birth defects. The diaphragm has been proposed to develop from multiple embryonic sources, but how ...Human Genetics
62 Seawright, GardnerThis dissertation is the result of a qualitative phenomenological case-study of a 9th grade Geography classroom. Using audio-video data collection to create representative narratives of everyday classroom interactions, this project illustrates the ways that the spatial, temporal, and embodied dynami...Education, Culture & Society
63 Houchon, Áine ClotildeThis a/r/tographical study was the third in a series of youth-driven Comic Book Art Apprenticeships and Visual Studies. Its purpose was that of border poetics, to create a set of inherently geographical and artistic strategies for analyzing and deconstructing hard space, or fixed borders, in transmi...Educational Psychology
64 Kwon, SoonjuUniversity of Utah School of Architecture Faculty Design Award WinnerArchitecture
65 Susca-Lopata, Gabriel AnthonyGlobal analysis fields, infrared and passive microwave satellite observations, lightning data, and airborne radar reflectivity and dual-Doppler wind analyses show the evolution of environmental conditions, precipitation characteristics, and kinematic structure before, during, and after the rapid int...Atmospheric Sciences
66 Mace, Dylan J.The lands of the Great Basin are often considered to be bleak, empty places without history or stories. When I was fifteen, my grandfather led me on a short journey around the center of the Pahvant Valley, a relatively small portion of the Great Basin. Using this trip as a frame, I illustrate the co...English
67 Shehata, Asmaa KThis study addressed the role of talker variability in the perception of nonnative contrastive phonemes by adult second language (L2) learners who had no prior knowledge with the target language. Specifically, the study explored how training with varying talkers could affect native English speakers'...Linguistics
68 Edwards, SamanthaBarcelona's most prominent newspaper, La Vanguardia, framed a fierce resistance to Franco during the Spanish Civil War even when it became clear that defeat was imminent. Its writers and editors made a desperate plea for democratic values, not just to struggling locals or the international community...
69 Jensen, Tyler K.Previous research documents prominent associations between firm characteristics and the value of corporate cash holdings. Among these associations, the prior literature shows that firm-specific financial constraints influence the value of cash. We extend the prior literature by introducing time-vary...Entrepreneurship & Strategy
70 Ritter, Benjamin JosephThe literature is rich with studies about accessibility to opportunities. However, most of these studies focus on driving or assume a fixed transit travel time between origins and destinations. Using the Utah Transit Authority's (UTA) public transit network, this research uses temporally dynamic pub...Geography
71 Lonsinger, Dawn AprilWhelm is part wildness and part witness, part love song and part lament. It is an elegy to former times and selves that admits fear of a future where humanity, community and strangeness are lost to manmade systems, and is also an ode to oddity and intricacy. These poems attempt to understand how dif...English
72 Rosenberg, KathrynThis collection of poetry can best be described as a text;ual triptych with each "panel" bearing a tonal quality that marks it from the others. Because so many of these poems throughout the collection share phrasal qualities and a common lexicon, the division between sections warrants merely a blank...English
73 Roderick-Landward, Amber MarieUsing an embedded, single-case study design, the current study examined factors that make a teacher more likely to act upon feedback given about instruction. Specifically, the study explored the nature of the feedback process used to provide teachers with feedback about instruction, a principal's ab...Educational Leadership & Policy
74 Watson, Curtis W.This study explored the expectations of stakeholders in substance abuse treatment services. These findings may help inform treatment, research, and policy development concerning substance abuse disorders. An exploratory qualitative approach was taken to minimize the effect of the model on outcomes....Social Work
75 Oldroyd, KristinaIn recent years, the idea that a bidirectional relation exists between physiological and psychological processes has become widely accepted (Barsalou, 2010; Glenberg et al., 2009). The current data show that emotions are inextricably linked to the body, and that an inherent part of having an emotion...Psychology
76 Meerts-Brandsma, LisaThis dissertation contains three studies that examined what outcomes participants on immersion semesters achieve and what mechanisms embedded in immersion semesters support those outcomes. Students who attend immersion semesters speak anecdotally about how powerful and transformational they found th...Health, Kinesiology & Recreation
77 Komolova, MariyaThe goal of this study was to assess whether and how children carve out a personal sphere in the context of conflicts with their friends' desires and preferences. Seventy-two participants in three age groups (ages 5, 10, and 17) were interviewed about three hypothetical stories in which the main c...Psychology
78 Jin, JiaqiIn this dissertation research, Molecular Dynamics Simulation (MDS), Sum Frequency Vibrational Spectroscopy (SFVS), and contact angle measurement have been used to investigate the wettability and interfacial water structure at selected mineral surfaces. The primary objective is to provide fundamental...Metallurgical Engineering
79 Folkman, David IzattThe great exodus to the west following the discovery of gold in 1848 has attracted the attention of numerous western historians. Much has been written about the overland journey, the voyage around Cape Horn, and travel by the Isthmus of Panama. Considerable attention has also been paid to the d...History
80 Shell, Lynn PeboleQuality of life for people with dementia is a topic of great concern and study, due in part to the growing number of people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Happiness is an important aspect of well-being and quality of life, yet the subjective experience of happiness in dement...Nursing
81 Andreason, HopeThis qualitative study explored the personal experience of optimal performance of psychotherapy through personal well-being practices as described by 10 therapists. Psychotherapy is defined herein as a healing art in which the therapist is the instrument of healing. Based on the high level of interp...Educational Psychology
82 O'Byrne, MeganPeaceful Uprising grew out of civil disobedience actions taken in 2008 by Tim DeChristopher on behalf of the environment, when he illegally bid on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land parcels to withhold them from businesses that would exploit that land. The resulting collective is the focus of this...Communication
83 Peterson, SusanChildren with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) types 2 and 3 are at risk for overweight and increased body fat. Research objectives were to determine whether increased caloric or fat intake were associated with weight increases across percentile curves over a 1 year period and to support alternative me...Health & Kinesiology
84 Bohnen, Mollyn VillarealAccurate measurement of fluid losses is important in infant patients, especially in burn cases. Indwelling catheters, urine collection bas and other commonly used methods of continuous urine collection and measurement have several disadvantages including trauma, danger of infection, skin irritatio...Nursing
85 Watanabe, YohsukeLet Sg,n be a compact surface of g genus and n boundary components. Let x(Sg,n) = 3g + n − 3 be the complexity of the surface. Our main space in this dissertation is the curve complex C(S) by Harvey. The curve complex is known to be a Gromov hyperbolic, infinite diameter, and locally infinite spac...Mathematics
86 Davis, Shane BryantThe following writing is a collection of thoughts and explanations of my choreographic thesis project, which was a practice in combining two unique art forms: Drag and modern dance. In this process, I was asked, "Do you have a point of view beyond ‘Drag is good?'" My ideas revolving around my proj...Dance, Modern
87 Waddell, Anne-MarieThis thesis begins to examine the ways that marginality and prejudice are formed. Specifically this study examines marginality and prejudice formation through identifying ways that differences are accepted. As an introduction, this study begins with the question of how cultures that profess openne...Communication
88 Batchelor, Chase ElizabethEarthquake swarms are defined as clusters of events that occur closely in space and time without the presence of an outstanding main shock. Swarms are especially common within the seismically active region of the Intermountain West, monitored by the University of Utah Seismograph Stations (UUSS). Th...Geology & Geophysics
89 Tavakol-davani, HassanControlling combined sewer overflows (CSOs) is one of the greatest urban drainage challenges in more than 700 communities in the United States. Traditional drainage design typically leads to centralized, costly and energy-intensive infrastructure solutions. Recently, however, application of decentra...Civil & Environmental Engineering
90 Subrahmanyam, Nithya BalaThe extracellular matrix (ECM) is intricately involved in most aspects of cell life and survival. During tumorigenesis, tumor growth, and metastasis, there are extensive changes to the ECM which are correlated with and causative of tumor progression. This offers opportunities for both targeting and ...Molecular Pharmaceutics
91 Bradbury, Christopher DavidGeology & Geophysics
92 Hogsett, Mitchell ClayUrban rivers are plagued with a variety of ailments ranging from hydraulic modifications, organic matter enrichment, loss of biodiversity, toxic pollutant loads, and chronically low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. Utah's Jordan River is no exception, and the purpose of this research was to be...Civil & Environmental Engineering
93 Abual-Foul, Bassam M.The problem of water shortage in Jordan has increased over time and has recently become an acute problem, particularly during the drought. Various factors contribute to water shortages in Jordan such as the arid climate of Jordan, the increasing demographic pressure, the expansion of the economy, a...Economics
94 Bylenok, LauraThe poems in this collection are situated in the multiple definitions of the verb "warp," which in contemporary usage most often means "to distort," but is also used to describe what happens to space and space-time in the theory of relativity. In addition, the OED entry for the word includes multipl...English
95 Allen, Jim E.At the Ontario Mine, Park City District, Utah, the tertiary age mesothermal lead-zinc-silver-copper minerealization is located in the Mississippian Humbug and Deseret Formations and is associated with a diorite intrusive. Hydrothermal alteration products were determined in various sedimentary host r...
96 Niermeyer, MadisonExecutive functioning (EF) is more vulnerable than other aspects of cognition to fluctuations caused by transient factors, such as mood states, sleep disturbance, and pain. Fluctuations in EF likely reduce the efficiency and accuracy of older adults' motor functioning (more so than is the case for y...Psychology
97 Casper, Lorrie KlossnerPeople do things based on deep conviction that they would not do otherwise. Convictions can be used by leaders and movement to cause people to serve their personal agendas, while their victims believe their actions are their own. Walking for Life examines ways belief is used to manipulate people to...English
98 Xiao, WeiyeWalking is regarded as the best moderate to vigorous physical activity (PA), which benefits people’s mental and physical health by decreasing obesity, increasing disease control, and relieving depression. Hence, promoting walkability is critical to sustainable development. In this thesis, we ...Geography
99 Joshi, AnshulWe propose to examine a representation which features combined action and perception signals, i.e., instead of having a purely geometric representation of the perceptual data, we include the motor actions, e.g., aiming a camera at an object, which are alsComputing
100 Aman, Andrew JohnDuring development, groups of cells in the embryo must organize into precise morphologies required for the function of tissues and organs to enable the survival of organisms. This morphogenesis requires the coordinated regulation of basic cellular behaviors such as migration, cell shape changes and ...Neurobiology & Anatomy
101 Van Raay, Terence JohnThe central nervous system is an amazingly complex structure. Understanding the process of lineage determination is one of the fundamental challenges facing developmental biologists. This dissertation is focused on deciphering the molecular mechanisms by which the wnt signaling pathway is involved i...Neurobiology & Anatomy
102 Jensen, MichaelThe adult nervous system is plastic and undergoes activity dependent alterations, which are essential for behaviors such as learning and memory. Paramount to plasticity is the expeditious insertion and removal of synaptic receptors; however, the molecular mechanism(s) that regulate the abundance of ...Biological Sciences
103 Wang, XuPostdevelopmental neurogenesis is a general phenomenon found in all vertebrate brains, and is of potential therapeutic interest for the treatment of human degenerative diseases. It is known that the rostral migratory stream (RMS) and the subgranular zone (SGZ) o...Neurology
104 Veien, Eric SigurdFor our eyes to see, they must establish topographic connections to visual processing centers in the brain, a process critically preceded by patterning of the retina. Gene expression gradients divide the retina along both the dorsal-ventral and the nasaltemporal axes, leading to a retina in which...Neurosurgery
105 Smith, Ray D.Leadership of groups is of great importance whatever the group. It has been known for many years that the leader is essential to the adequate functioning of any organization, whether it is formal or informal. Great emphasis is placed upon leadership in adult organizations of many types. It become...Sociology
106 Morlan, Natalie JaneThe University of Utah Hospital's Office of Interpreting Services supplies the University Healthcare system with interpreters in a wide variety of languages. These interpreters assist patients as needed in situations ranging from doctor visits to medical procedures to emergency room visits. While In...
107 Jarvis, Ellen FassmannIpecac syrup is the emetic of choice for decamination of the stomach in many drug overdoses and poison ingestions. Ipecac is derived from the dried root of Cephalis ipecacuanha or C. acuminate, plants indiginous to Brazil and Central America, and cultivated in India and Malaysia. The active emetic p...Pharmacotherapy
108 Gonzalez, Mario AlbertoDirect electrolytic reduction (DER) of UO2 utilizes a molten LiCl-Li2O electrolyte operating at 650ºC. The productive processes at the cathode are UO2 and Li2O reduction (which is followed by metallothermic reduction of UO2 by Li metal). Non-productive reduction current has been observed that could...Metallurgical Engineering
109 Price, Walter GaryClinical computer applications are becoming increasingly important in health care delivery. The expense of video terminals limits access to the power of the computer. Voice response, using a common telephone as a computer terminal, increases accessibility and is shown to be a workable means of com...Biomedical Informatics
110 Newman, Arielle Mercedes BadgerPolitical Science
111 Romney, Alexander ClarkThe purpose of this dissertation is to introduce a new aspect of employee voice, namely voice contagion. Voice contagion is a process in which employee voice spreads from a speaker to his or her coworkers. While previous research has done much to elucidate the conditions necessary to enable employee...Business
112 Cavanaugh, Beverley J.Rehabilitation is a dynamic force directed at changing the lives of the physically handicapped person from a dependent, depressed state to one of social and economic productivity.Social Work
113 Brown, Samuel PaulAccurate interpretation of seismic travel times and amplitudes in both the exploration and global scales is complicated by the band-limited nature of seismic data. We present a stochastic method, Viterbi sparse spike detection (VSSD), to reduce a seismic waveform into a most probable constituent sp...Geology & Geophysics
114 Choudhury, A.N.M. ImrozComputer programs have complex interactions with their underlying hardware, exhibiting complex behaviors as a result. It is critical to understand these programs, as they serve an importantrole: researchers use them to express new ideas in computer science, while many others derive production value ...Computing
115 Saquib, NazmusIt is common to extract isosurfaces from simulation eld data to visualize and gain understanding of the underlying physical phenomenon being simulated. As the input parameters of the simulation change, the resulting isosurface varies, and there has been increased interest in quantifying and visuali...Computing
116 Potter, KristinThis dissertation is about the visualization of data that is accompanied by some measure of uncertainty. By including information describing qualitative aspects of a data set within visualization, scientists are able to improve their understanding of the data by becoming more aware of its intrinsic ...Computing
117 Padilla, Lace M. K.Given the widespread use of visualizations and their impact on health and safety, it is important to ensure that viewers interpret visualizations as accurately as possible. Ensemble visualizations are an increasingly popular method for visualizing data, as emerging research demonstrates that ensembl...Psychology
118 Song, YingAdvances in data collection tools and computation abilities result in a significant increase of capabilities for both collecting and generating data. The consequent growth of available data generates an urgent need for techniques to transform the massive amount of collected data into useful infor...Geography
119 Liu, ShusenWith the ever-increasing amount of available computing resources and sensing devices, a wide variety of high-dimensional datasets are being produced in numerous fields. The complexity and increasing popularity of these data have led to new challenges and opportunities in visualization. Since most d...Computing
120 Moser, Megan ChristaGlaciers have been retreating since the end of the little ice age, and their retreat "has increased dramatically since the 1980s. Some of the glaciers that are retreating are" "within national parks and are main visitor attractions. For example, visitors come from" "around the United States to exper...Parks, Recreation, & Tourism
121 Wallace, James MiltonVision/Revision is the title of a ballet I created during my graduate studies, and in many ways, it is the culmination of my two years at the University of Utah School of Dance. It exists in many forms: the stage version that was first shown during the spring semester of 2018 and a final version per...Dance
122 Maverakis, Nick HarryThe term specific capsular reaction has been used in this thesis instead of capsular swelling reaction or "quelling" because no data were available to indicate that an increase in capsular size occurred when specific antiserum and encapsulated staphylococci were combined. When specific antiserum an...Pathology
123 Pang, HongboAfter budding from infected cells, Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) undergoes a maturation process that is required for viral infectivity. In the immature state, the major structural protein of viral particles, Gag, forms a thick protein shell underneath the viral membrane. During maturat...Biochemistry
124 Lyons, JustinArchitecture
125 Oquendo, Luis AlainIn the post-Cold War era many closed or fully authoritarian regimes experienced massive changes and transitions. It is important to note that many of these regimes did not transition toward democracy. Instead, we witnessed the proliferation of hybrid regimes, regimes that have both democratic and au...Political Science
126 Williams, Devon O'NealIn an effort to build a modern transportation system, an economically bankrupt Qing government approved the funding and construction of provincial railways. When these provinces proved incapable of building these projects, the central government nationalized every proposed railway line to facilitate...History
127 Carroll, Patrick NealThis dissertation demonstrates the Victorian novel's preoccupation with what it understands as liberal society's disavowed reliance on arbitrary and often violent decisions as a means of overcoming political and moral incommensurability, or, in other words, what Carl Schmitt has rather infamously ca...English
128 Burrell, Patricia M.This is a critical reflection on power relations and deviance in the development of nursing in general, and psychiatric nursing in particular. Deviance and power in regards to nursing's legitimization are examined. In light of nursing's interdependence on the social, economic, and political ramifi...Nursing
129 Pflieger, Courtney L.The term "Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)" encompasses a wide range of noncongenital injuries, including stroke, brain surgery, and encephalitis, with traumatic brain injury (TBI) being most prominent in the research. TBI has been called a "silent epidemic," with an estimated 1.7 million new TBIs occurr...Educational Psychology
130 Jory, Jean AnneOne of the most vibrant, emotional men in theatre to. day is my father, Victor Jory. He is chanting or vicious, understanding or egotistic, sentimental or hard, romantic or realistic, but always a man of extremes.Speech
131 Newman, Arielle Mercedes BadgerThis research combines two theoretical traditions-Hirschman's (1970) theory of exit, voice, and loyalty and the theory of social movements-to understand when and why informal entrepreneurs will attempt to influence formal institutions. The decision about whether or not to attempt influence of formal...Political Science
132 Boyle, Jason M.Ion molecule studies have not only determined reactivity of systems that would have otherwise been unavailable, but also provide a perspective that improves the understanding of the mechanisms that drive reaction. Presented here are studies of three ion molecule systems one of which is accompanied ...Chemistry
133 Kuhnow, Frederick B.When performing blasting operations in open pit settings, energy is released and transmitted through the geological structure. Some negative effects can significantly impact mining operations and can adversely affect mine production. This thesis presents recommendations for blast design to prevent d...Mining Engineering
134 Thum-Thomas, Nancy JoIn 2003, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) introduced My HealtheVet (MHV), an electronic personal health record intended to complement traditional healthcare services. However, most veterans are not using this program. This study generates knowledge as to why this is so. The purpose of this st...Nursing
135 Doetsch, EthanUsing a new, representative, longitudinal microdata sample that observes native-born white and black men in 1917 and in 1930 in rich detail, this dissertation investigates the determinants of World War I (WWI) draft probability, the effects of WWI military service on subsequent occupational and geog...Economics
136 Hui, Chiumun MichelleThe majority of the known extragalactic very high energy (E>100 GeV) gamma ray emitting objects are blazars, active galactic nuclei with relativistic jets aligned close to the line of sight. Due to this geometry, the location of the gamma-ray emission along the jet is unclear. M87 is a nearby radio ...Physics & Astronomy
137 George, Andree HasoppeFrench
138 Ray, Jaclyn DianeDespite the fact that scrap metal recycling is a profitable industry, there are limitations to the methods currently being used to sort the scrap. Particle sizes below 2.5~cm present the biggest challenge for current sorting technologies. This limitation creates a need for an improved technique to s...Metallurgical Engineering
139 Perry, JustinThe Utah (Slanted) Electrode Array (U(S)EA) provides a high-density, microelectrode interface for neural recording and stimulation. Device efficacy and longevity is crucial to successful implementation. Determining an array's potential efficacy prior to implantation would prevent low-quality arrays...Biomedical Engineering
140 Lammers, Matthew RobertSoftware has been developed to evaluate National Weather Service spot forecasts issued to support prescribed burns and early-stage wildfires. Fire management officials request spot forecasts from National Weather Service Weather Forecast Offices to provide detailed guidance as to atmospheric conditi...Atmospheric Sciences
141 Hardin, ShelleyThe purpose of this study was to compare mothers' perceptions of infant adaptability, intensity of response, and approach/withdrawal with observations of behavior to a stranger in a laboratory setting using the Infant Wariness Response Scale. If the observed behavior correlated with the reported beh...Nursing
142 Zhang, ZhenOver the last decade, cyber-physical systems (CPSs) have seen significant applications in many safety-critical areas, such as autonomous automotive systems, automatic pilot avionics, wireless sensor networks, etc. A Cps uses networked embedded computers to monitor and control physical processes. The...Electrical & Computer Engineering
143 Crawford, Douglas SpencerThe method of moments in conjunction with the maximum entropy method of reconstructing density distributions is applied to the energy dependent neutron diffusion equation to solve for neutron flux within a critical assembly. The energy dependent neutron diffusion equation (EDNDE) is converted into a...Civil & Environmental Engineering
144 Austin, David MarkVerification and validation (V&V) principles are applied to assess massively parallel simulations of hypervelocity perforation of a well bore casing and subsequent penetration into oil-laden sandstone via shaped-charge jet. This technique for liberating oil from geological formations has the potenti...Mechanical Engineering
145 Hayes, Loran P.This study experimentally tested the effects of concurrent tic suppression on a verbal learning task in children with a chronic tic disorder in a semirandomized agematched between groups design using reinforced suppression and tic freely groups. Analyses revealed equal initial learning and immediate...Psychology
146 Ahmed, Hossam Eldin IbrahimA class of Modern Standard Arabic complementizers known as ‘ʔinna and its sisters' demonstrate unique case and word order restrictions. While CPs in Arabic allow both Subject‐Verb (SV) and Verb‐Subject (VS) word order and their subjects show nominative morphology, CPs introduced by ʔinna ban...Linguistics
147 Watterson, JaclynThe English ventriloquism comes from the Latin venter (belly) and loqui (to speak), suggesting a disembodied or misplaced voice, a speaking that appears to come from where it cannot logically originate. Indeed, one of the earliest appearances of the EngliEnglish
148 Johnson, Elmer PThis study was made to determine the value of efficiency studies of various aspects of coal mining. Studies were made of air coursings and the effect of adding or eliminating air courses on fan performance. Mine characteristics were compared under different conditions of fans9 stopped and running, ...Mining Engineering
149 Kamauu, Aaron Wailana CharlesAlthough digital teaching files are important to radiology education, there is no current satisfactory solutions for export of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) images from Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) in desktop publishing format. The Vendor-Neutral Digit...Biomedical Informatics
150 Arbuckle, Troy K.Admittance-type robotic devices are commonly used to complete tasks that require a high degree of precision and accuracy because they appear nonbackdrivable to many disturbances from the environment. Admittance-type robots are controlled using admittance control; a human interacts directly with a fo...Mechanical Engineering
151 Roemer, Ann E.This dissertation adds to the literature on campus climate in higher education in the United States, by 1) focusing on international students, especially those from China and Saudi Arabia, and their perceptions of the classroom climate as the racialized Other, in particular, their feelings of being ...Education, Culture & Society
152 Kar, ArmitaEnsuring the safety of urban residents while traveling through flood events can be challenging. The goal of this research is to develop a method for identifying relatively safe travel routes during tropical storms and floods. The method considers four topographical and environmental factors: elevati...Geography
153 Mleynek, Tara MariellaEndothelial cells exist in a state of dynamic stability allowing for a balance between quiescence and response. These cells create the barrier system of the vasculature as well as drive the growth of new vessels. The disease Cerebral Cavernous Malformation (CCM) disrupts both processes and is charac...Oncological Sciences
154 Park, Soung HunIn the first study, skeletal muscle feed arteries (SMFAs) were harvested from young, middle aged, and old subjects, and mitochondrial respiration as well as citrate synthase (CS) activity were assessed. Complex I (CI) and complex I+II (CI+II), state 3 respiration were greater in the young compared t...Nutrition & Integrative Physiology
155 Hayman, Melissa AnneThe overall objective of this dissertation was to provide greater insight into changes in vascular function, blood flow regulation, and exercise-induced hyperemia associated with health, chronic heart failure (CHF), and heart transplantation (HTx). In the first study, we aimed to determine the centr...Exercise & Sport Science
156 Hydren, Jay RichardMany aspects of cardiovascular disease (CVD) are preceded by an attenuation of the ability to adjust vascular tone appropriately, termed arterial vascular function. Thus, utilizing simple noninvasive measures of arterial vascular functions provides an assessment of vascular health, risk of CVD and i...Nutrition & Integrative Physiology
157 Arnow, Lois Aileen GoodellBiology
158 Rice, Cassandra Elizabeth DeeringNanomaterials are promoted as a promising technology in highly diverse applications, but concerns about risks of these materials have stimulated extensive research on the adverse effects of manufactured nanoparticles. Our research utilized ex vivo tissues to study quantification of unlabeled nano...Pharmacology & Toxicology
159 Li, HuizhongIn microsurgical operating room environments, it is often necessary to cut and reattach vessels multiple times during surgery. The current method of vascular anastomosis is hand suturing. This technique is time consuming, difficult, and requires complex instruments. To solve this problem, researcher...Mechanical Engineering
160 Brewster, Ryan WallaceIn performing microsurgeries, the procedure of vascular anastomosis is performed frequently. When executing this procedure, the most widely used method is hand suturing the vessels back together. This process, however, is extremely time consuming (depending on the size and location of the vessel and...Mechanical Engineering
161 Lai, Ching-JuiWe study the geometry of higher dimensional algebraic varieties according to the dichotomy of Kodaira dimensions, negative or nonnegative, and the corresponding pictures in the Minimal Model Conjecture. On the one hand, according to the Minimal Model Conjecture, a variety with nonnegative Kodaira di...Mathematics
162 Zwick, Patrick DylanTropical geometry connects the fields of algebraic and polyhedral geometry. This connection has been used to discover much simpler proofs of fundamental theorems in algebraic geometry, including the Brill-Noether theorem. Tropical geometry has also found applications outside of pure mathematics, in ...Mathematics
163 Miyagi, HaruhitoArnold Schoenberg's only complete solo organ work, Variations on a Recitative for Organ, Op. 40, presents many technical challenges for the performer. This paper serves as an introduction to a new performance edition of Schoenberg's Op. 40 for two organists and provides some clarification of the iss...Music
164 Peterson, Michael JayThe optical properties of lightning observed by the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) aboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite between 1998 and 2010 are described and examined in the context of how they interrelate, when and where they occur globally, the nature of the cloud envi...Atmospheric Sciences
165 Craft, Kevin MichaelSpecifying surface albedo accurately as a function of land surface type is critical for simulating boundary layer processes in weather and climate models. Desert playas, such as those in northern Utah, form a landscape often in stark contrast to surrounding mountain ranges due to their minimal topog...Atmospheric Sciences
166 Peterson, Mieko FuseThe current study used the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (NICHD-SECCYD) to examine the associations among marital status, home learning and home social environments, and preschool children's pre-academic and social skills at ...Family & Consumer Studies
167 Berry, James FrederickPhenetic relationships among populations of the mud turtles of the Kinosternon scorpioides and K.. leucostomum complexes in Mexico and Central America were examined using multivariate statistical techniques. Thirty-one mensural and five qualitative characters were measured on the external surfaces o...Biological Sciences
168 Williams, Lora Jean GardinerThe blood pressures of fifty hospitalized school age children were measured at interval to determine if the variables age, weight, sex, and the passage of time between readings have a significant effect on the systolic and diastolic blood pressures and the pulse pressure. The variables age, weight,...Nursing
169 Fernandes, ClintonLegs are found to be a better mode of locomotion than wheels when it comes to mobile robots traversing on rough terrains. However, maintaining the stability of a legged robot while it moves is a big factor in the development and use of these machines. Studies conducted on legged robots show that the...Mechanical Engineering
170 Horton, BrendanWith shale resources becoming increasingly more important in the global energy fuel mixture, a thorough understanding of heterogeneities present within individual units is crucial to an accurate assessment of resource potential. A wide variety of core data collected from the Lower Blue Gate Member, ...Geology & Geophysics
171 Ranga, PraneethPower devices are intimately involved in generation, transmission, and consumption of electricity. Current silicon-based power devices are limited by the low breakdown field and low switching frequencies of silicon. Due to its large bandgap and critical breakdown field strength, β-Ga2O3 has emerged...Electrical & Computer Engineering
172 Patton, Gregory AlanHealth information systems are networks of computers employed by health care enterprises to facilitate the delivery of their health care product. Computers originally entered the medical domain solely as tools aimed at the business functions of the hospital. Having demonstrated their utility in this...Biomedical Informatics
173 Kirgis, Carol Anne.The increased incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis among newborn infants has prompted research to discover tools for early diagnosis of the disease. Previous studies have shown that elevated levels of fecal reducing sugars precede the symptoms of the disease. The study attempted to establish the...Nursing
174 Lemieux, Matthew DavidLignocellulosic biomass can be upgraded via pyrolysis, yielding biochar as a value-added product, in addition to condensable liquid fractions known as pyrolysis oils; however, the utilization of these pyrolysis oils is hampered by high water content, instability, and corrosiveness. Oily biomass can ...Chemical Engineering
175 Huffman, Adrienna AlysThis dissertation is the first to empirically test an asset measurement framework that links asset measurement to asset use. Specifically, I examine whether fair value applied to in-exchange assets and historical cost applied to in-use assets (i.e. measurement consistent with asset use) produces inc...Entrepreneurship & Strategy
176 Chentnik, Brenton MichaelFacies and stratigraphic analysis of the John Henry Member of the Upper Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation, exposed in the northern Kaiparowits Plateau of southern Utah, reveals deposition of four regressive-transgressive (R-T) cycles. Each of the four R-T cycles is discussed in detail, with empha...Geology & Geophysics
177 Villani, Julia MarieAssessment of functional movements in athletes can help to assess athletes' risk of injury. The purpose of this study was to examine the use of the Functional Movement Screen™ (FMS) assessment tool as a predictor of injury in secondary school athletes. It was hypothesized that due to differences i...Physical Therapy and Athletic Training
178 Hyland, Dillon ESideline concussion assessments can prove difficult in situations where athletes claim to be asymptomatic and do not present with obvious cognitive deficit. More thorough neurocognitive assessments, such as Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT), can be difficult to admi...Physical Therapy and Athletic Training
179 Clendennen-Peirce, Crystal RaeThis work uses three asphalt concrete mixtures with decreasing nominal maximum aggregate size (NMAS) to evaluate the validity of using the bending beam rheometer (BBR) to obtain flexural creep modulus of asphalt concrete mixture beams. The flexural creep modulus of asphalt pavement is an important p...Civil & Environmental Engineering
180 Appleton, Rebecca StakerThe aims of this research were (a) to evaluate the validity of pulse oximetry as a criterion of tissue oxygenation for nurses to use during ventilator weaning in adult open heart surgery patients, (b) determine which measure of tissue oxygenation (via pulse oximeter or arterial blood gas analyzer) i...Nursing
181 Schiffman, Donald OwenCarbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage and nephrectomy are commonly used to determine the fate and excretion of anticonvulsant drugs. It is generally assumed that such alterations do not otherwise affect the response of the central nervous system to such drugs or to the tests employed to measure ...Pharmacology & Toxicology
182 Ball, Trever JosephFew instruments have been developed to assess patient physical activity (PA) in primary healthcare, nor assessed for validity. The purpose of these studies was to provide evidence of validity for a PA "vital sign" (PAVS) self-reported by clinic staff and patients and for the PA portion of the Speedy...Exercise & Sport Science
183 Parker, Olive Wyoma HeckmannThis study was designed to establish the external validity of the Parent Participation Attitude Scale (PPAS). The PPAS and a personal data sheet was administered to 35 members of the nursing personnel at the Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. A modified Q sort of subjects was don...Nursing
184 Gowan, Thomas MichaelConvection-permitting ensembles (CPEs) can capture the large spatial variability and quantify the inherent uncertainty of precipitation forecasts in areas of complex terrain; however, such systems remain largely untested over the western U.S. In this study, we assess the capabilities of deterministi...Atmospheric Sciences
185 Allahham, Jafar TalalThe moisture content in civil engineering materials determines many of the structural properties of the material such as strength and durability. In geotechnical engineering, the moisture content of soil deposits determines their susceptibility to landslides and settling. In structural engineering, ...Civil & Environmental Engineering
186 Brown, Claudia CisneirosGaucher disease (GD) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by deficiency of the lysosomal hydrolase glucocerebrosidase (GBA) (EC, required for the degradation of glycosphingolipids. In Gaucher disease, as a result of GBA deficiency, the body is unable to breakdown glucocerebroside, thu...Pathology
187 Booth, Thomas MichaelThe Quick Urban and Industrial Complex (QUIC) dispersion modeling system has been developed to calculate wind and concentration fi elds in cities with buildings explicitly resolved. As opposed to other models which are either limited to a simpli ed gaussian plume without buildings or are computation...Mechanical Engineering
188 Mathews, Kiran SerahSeveral neural interfaces have been designed in order to improve access to peripheral nerve fibers and more accurately monitor or evoke various functions. Currently, such devices are more successful in larger nerves, but are limited in potential applications involving smaller target nerves. For exam...Biomedical Engineering
189 Tate, Jess DavidComputer models of the heart can provide a greater understanding of the mechanisms of arrhythmias as well as tools to develop treatment strategies, yet adoption of computation modeling in biomedical sciences lags behind that in other fields. One of the reasons for the slow adoption of computational ...Biomedical Engineering
190 Tang, HongyingBackground. Prognosis of kidney transplant outcomes, while clinically important, represents a challenging problem. Existing prediction models use the predictors that are available in the post-transplant period. However, the real value of a model is to predict outcomes prior to the transplantation...Biomedical Informatics
191 Diekjürgen, Dorina Eva LisaKidney toxicity is the second highest cause of new drug candidate failure, after liver toxicity, leading to drug withdrawals from the market and failed clinical trials. Therefore, development of more reliable and accurate in vitro screening systems for assessing drug nephrotoxicity is of high import...Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Chemistry
192 Cox, David BaileyIn the latter half of the twentieth century, neoliberal capitalism has become the governing mode of reason around the world. Central tenets of this mode of reason include the absolute supremacy of the free market and the supposition that consumer choice is the best way to ensure maximum freedom and ...Environmental Humanities
193 Holak, Elena J.Theophylline, which first saw medical use as a diuretic as early as 1900, became widely used for treatment of bronchospasm associated with asthma and chronic obstruction lung disease in the 1930s. The use of this xanthine derivative as a bronchodilator in reversible airway disease is well establishe...Pharmacotherapy
194 Rossi, Julia AnnThe LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah wishes to utilize the computerized patient acuity data to determine the staffing requirement of the nursing units. Acuity items are the nursing care procedures provided the patient during a shift; a standard time is assigned to each procedure. A model was d...Biomedical Informatics
195 McCracken, Merrick K.This work seeks to improve upon existing methods for device-free localization (DFL) using radio frequency (RF) sensor networks. Device-free localization is the process of determining the location of a target object, typically a person, without the need for a device to be with the object to aid in lo...Electrical & Computer Engineering
196 Loverin, Amy Elizabeth XiangFetal outcomes after uteroplacental insufficiency (UPI) include growth restriction and sex-divergent increase in neonatal and adult-onset disease. Fetal acquisition of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) is 1) linked to disease outcomes, 2) mediated by the placenta, and 3) impaired in pr...Nutrition & Integrative Physiology
197 Kutzler, David LynnA method for estimating fetal birth weight was studied. The method was developed in the early 1950s by Polous and Langstadt. The method was based on the assumption that there was a close statistical correlation between the volume of the gravid uterus and the birth weight of the fetus. The method w...Nursing
198 Harward, Jennifer SueIn August of 1964, Congress responded to President Lyndon B. Johnson's declaration of War on Poverty, passing the Economic Opportunity Act (EOA). Three months later, Johnson secured a landslide victory for a second term, and for the last time in the twentieth century, the Utahns gave their electoral...History
199 Lees, Jon EugeneThe thesis shows that the penny stock market that traded uranium stocks during the 1954-1957 era was a market unique in itself. It shows that stock market models used for contemporary analysis cannot be applied to the penny market. The inexpensive uranium stocks traded during this era fluctuated wil...Economics
200 Peterson, Ferdinand EUtah was settled by a band of Mormon colonists in July, 1847. The valley of the Great Salt Lake became their first home, and here was begun the building of a united economic, social and political organization, which in time produced a prosperous state. The early settlers of Utah were a distinct ...History

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Department of Linguistics

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PhD Dissertations

Matteo Fiorini

Exploring Focus in Camuno: Descriptive and Theoretical Insights

Ahmed Alnuqaydan The Interaction of Stress and Phonological Variation in Qassimi Arabic

Dori Huang The Use of Cohesive Devices in High School Chinese Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Learners' Writing

Catherine Showalter "Orthographic input familiarity and congruence effects on phono-lexical acquisition of Russian by native speakers of English”

Taylor Anne Barriuso "The L2 acquisition of phonemes and allophones under various exposure conditions."

Jin Bi "Bilingualism and Cognitive Control: A Comparison of Sequential and Simultaneous Bilinguals"

Abdulaziz Alzoubi "The Effect of Social Factors on Emphatic-Plain Contrast: A Sociophonetic Study of Arabic in Amman City of Jordan"

Miranda McCarvel "Harmonic Serialism with Lexical Selection: Evidence from Jèrriais Allomorphy"

Sarah Braden “Scientific Inquiry as Social and Linguistic Practice: Language Socialization Pathways in a Ninth-Grade Physics Class”

Katherine Matsumoto "Recent language change in Shoshone: Structural consequences of language loss"

Kristin Hiller "International Undergraduates and Discourses of Internationalization: Exploring Conceptualizations and Experiences of the Internationalization of Higher Education and Representations of International Undergraduates at a U.S. University"

Hossam Ahmed "Verbal Complementizers in Arabic"

Zebulon Pischnotte " A Sociolinguistic Study of Bitburger Platt German "  

Neil Olsen A Descriptive Grammar of Koho-Sre: A Mon-Khmer Language

Heeok “Jade” Jeong Exploring the spaces of culturally relevant pedagogy: The discursive (trans)formation of the pedagogical practices of two teachers of English language learners

Tamrika Khvtisiashvili Principal Aspects of Xinaliq Phonology and Morphosyntax

Asmaa Shehata " When Variability Matters in Second Language Word Learning: Talker Variability and Task Type Effects"

Kristen Lindahl Exploring an 'Invisible Meduim:' Teacher Language Awareness among K-12 Preservice Educators if English Learners

Anna Krulatz Interlanguage pragmatics in Russian: the speech act of request in email , 

Jelena Markovic The effects of the explicit instruction of formulaic sequences on second-language writers

Wilson Silva A Descriptive Grammar of Desano

Raichle Farrelly Emerging from the Echo Chamber: An Activity Theory Perspective on the Situated Practice of L2 Teachers of Adult Emergent Readers ,

Mara Haslam " The Effect of Perceptual Training Including Required Lexical Access and Meaningful Linguistic Context on L2 Phonology"

Naomi Palosaari Topics in Mocho' Phonology and Morphology

Zuzana Tomas Textual borrowing across academic assignments: Examining undergraduate L2 writers' implementation of writing instruction

Eleonore Lemmerich An Explicit Awareness-Raising Approach to the Teaching of Sociopragmatic Variation in Early Foreign Language Learning

Christopher Rogers A Comparative Grammer of Xinkan

Ellen Shipley Knell A Longitudinal Study of Early English Immersion and Literacy in Xi'an, China

Qing Xing "An Investigation of the Relationship Between the Teaching Beliefs and Behaviors of Teachers of English as a Second Language or Foreign Language"

Aleksandra M. Zaba "Relative Frequency of Patterns and Learnability: The Case of Phonological Harmony"

Susan McKay Raising-to-Object in French: A Functional Perspective

Toochukwu Awolor

Diagnostics, Atomicity, and Complementation in Semelfactive Eventuality Descriptions in Igbo

Maryam Kinani

E nglish Learners’ Perceptions and Use of Oral Communication Strategies in a Saudi Higher Education Context

Olamide Ogundare

Crosslinguistic Variability Judgement of Telicity in English and Yoruba

Dijana Trajchevska Crosslinguistic Influence and Evidentiality

Brendan Terry An Approach to Embedding Pronunciation Instruction into an Intermediate-High Level ESL Content-Based Instruction Course

Austin Tracy Looking for the Essence of Lexical Diversity

Daniel Razo Spanish Adverbials: Scales and Repetitian

Brian Collins "The Roles of -Ywac in the Polish Aspectual System"

Jessica Larsen "How 'Enjoying a Meal' Is Similiar to 'Beginning a Book': Investigating Compositionality and the Processing of Complement Coercion Verbs"

John Blackham "There and Back Again: An Adverb's Tale"

Dursun Altinok "Quantifier Scope and Prosody in Turkish"

Shasha Xu "Effects of ESL Instructors’ Ethnicity and Perceived Accent on University ESL Students’ Expectations of ESL Instructors"

Rachel Haynes Miller "Students’ Discrimination of German Contrasts after One Year of Dual Immersion"

Andrew Hayes " Integrated Versus Decontextualized Approaches to Vocabulary Instruction in a Second Language Writing Course"

Josh Jackson "The Effects of Novel Orthographic Elements and Phonetic Instruction in Second Language Phonological Acquisition"

Jemina Keller "An Investigation of K-5/6 Pre-Service Teachers’ Knowledge and Beliefs About the Utah Core State Standards and English Learners"

Andrew Bayles "High-Vowel Lenition in the French of Quebec and Paris"

Kelsey Brown "The Influence of Explicit Instruction on Failure to Acquire a Phonological Rule Due to Orthographic Input: The Case of Native English Speakers Learning German"

Derron Borders "The Role of Gender Socialization and Sibilants in the Perception of Gay- and Straight-Sounding Voices: A Study of Returned Latter-Day-Saint Missionaries in Utah"

George Michael Pescaru "Coordination and Interaction in Markedness Supression"

Christina Yong "Adverbial Ordering in English"

Andrew Zupon "Icelandic Quirky Agreement Restrictions: Evidence for Phi-Defective T in Quirky Subject Constructions"

Maria Alexeeva "Academic English Learners' Perceptions of the Value of Discourse-level, Form-focused Activities in College-level Grammar Instruction"

Mengqi Wang " Evidence on Long Head Movement in Mandarin Predicate Cleft" 

Vitor De Souza Action Research: Perceptions of Content-Based Instruction in an English as a Foreign Language Setting

Lindsay Hansen Second-Language Writer and Instructor Perceptions of the Effectiveness of a Curriculum-Integrated Research Skills Library Guide

Tulay Orucu , "Teaching English Grammar in a Hybrid Course: Student Performance and Teacher and Student Perceptions"

Amanda Rabideau Talker background and individual differences in the speech intelligibility benefit

Daniel Dixon "Leveling Up Language Proficiency Through Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games: Opportunities for English Learners to Receive Input, Modify Output, Negotiate Meaning, and Employ Language-Learning Strategies"

Kevin Kau Teaching Beliefs and Practices of Language Teaching Assistants

Scott Duede Expanding and Explaining Classifier Typologies

Catherine E. Showalter The Influence of Novel Orthographic Information on Second Language Word Learning: The Case of Native English Speakers Learning Arabic

Deborah Wager Fingerspelling in American Sign Language:A Case Study of Discourse Styles and Reduction

Jennifer Mitchell Historical Duration in Modern Day Shosone Reflexes *aCi "

Gene Deal Shoshoni Geminates: A Description and Analysis

Todd McKay An Investigation into a Communicative Approach to English Language Teaching in Governmental and Nongovernmental Primary Schools in Bangladesh

Jenia Ivanova Phonological Aspects of Teacher Talk ,

Karen Marsh The Impact of Parent English as a Second Language Classes on Children's School Performance and Parent-School Interactions

Elizabeth Neilson Oral Stop Contracts in Omaha: An Acoustic Analysis

Robert D. Sykes A Sociophonetic Study of (ai) in Utah English

Dominique Samantha Pantophlet A Critical Period Hypothesis from an English as a Foreign Language Perspective

Sadie Moon Dickman Differences in Intelligibility of Non-Native Directed Speech and Hearing Impaired Directed Speech for Non-Native Listeners ,

Sara Christine Bridge Write Your Story: A Course to Promote L2 Writing Fluency Through Theme-Based Memoirs

Katherine Matsumoto-Gray Politeness in Increasing Degrees of Imposition: A Sociolinguistic Study of Politeness in Political Conversations

David Joseph Iannucci Aspects of Chitimacha Phonology

Shaun Paul Matthews Antisymmetry, Relative Clauses and Adjectives

Albert O. Jarvi Effect of Lexical Access and Meaningful Linguistic Context on Second Language Speech Perception

Joshua Bowles Agreement in Tuyuca ,

Marcus Feickert Without a Trace: Interpreting Full Copies of Qualifier Phrases in Semantics

Hossam Eldin Ibrahim Ahmed Parallel Derivation and Multiple Loci

Marlin Taylor Complements, Small Clauses, and Antisymmetry

Zebulon Aaron Pischnotte Optimality Theory Applied to Iñupiaq Eskimo Consonant Assimilation

Jennifer Leparmentier Novel Feature Processing by Children and Adults

2006 - 2003

Waleed A. Alrowsa Agreement in Najdi Arabic

Anna Lee Variable Consonant Sequence Reduction in English: An Optimality Theory Approach

David Patrick Hall Topichood, Scope, and Events

Zuzana Sarikova Shared Cognitive Learning Styles between Instructors and Students as Predictors of Attitudes toward Learning

Aleksandra Zaba Cross-Modular (Re)Balancing Effects in Language

Undergraduate Honors Theses

Andrea Gutierrez-Prieto A Psychopy Implementation of the Artificial Grammar Learning Paradigm: Replication LAIA Psychopy 

Hallie Allan Noun Incorporation in Crow: An Assessment of Various Approaches

Cailey Lloyd The Role of Written Input in the Acquisition of a German-Like Pattern of Final Devoicing by Native English Speakers: Evidence from a Listening Task

Marcel Peterson Language-Internal Alternatable Feature Strength in English and Italian

Julia Vonessen The Relationship between Listener Attitudes and the Comprehension of Nonnative-Accented Speech

Angel Elizabeth Kaiser

Tyler Watson Laws

Differences in Voice-Onset Time (VOT) in Spanish Between First Language (L1), Second Langauge (L2), and Heritage Speakers 

Austin Dean Buttars

Jacqueline Danae Jolley

Eve Olson Voice onset time in Arabic and English stop consonants

Sara Blalock NG

Musical Text-Setting as Evidence for Syllabification of Highly Moraic Structures in English

Eizabeth Anne Nakashima

Linguistic Reclamation in the LGBTQ+ Community

Jessica Loveland Learning styles of teachers and students in a second language classrooms

Alexander Nash The Proto-Indo-European urheimat: The Armenian hypothesis

Savannah Manwill Sociolinguistics of Basque in the U.S.

Andrew Lee Zupon Restrictions on Denominal Verb Formation

2009 - 2001

Stephen John Sovinsky Speech Act Theory and Internet Culture: Computer-Mediated Communication in the Era of Web 2.0

Zachary Bret Rasmussen The Interlanguage Speech Intelligibility Benefit: Arabic-Accented English

Robert Benjamin Young The Syntax of Double Objects as an Instance of V Segmentation

If you graduated with us and you don't see yourself listed here, please send your name, title, and semester and year of graduation to [email protected] .

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  1. Thesis

    The culmination of the Honors Bachelors degree, the Honors Thesis is a significant undergraduate research project completed under the supervision of a faculty member approved by the Departmental Honors Liaison in the student's major. Its purpose is to advance knowledge and understanding within the context of a research university and to ...

  2. Honors Theses Open Access

    University of Utah 1; University of Utah - Faculty 1; University of Utah - Students 1; University of Utah. Health Sciences Center 1; ... The purpose of this Honors thesis paper is to provide educational evidence that the integration of movement in the classroom affects learning in deep and meaningful ways. I wanted to experience this creative ...

  3. :Finding Honors Theses at the Marriott Library:

    More recently submitted honors theses are available online as part of the University of Utah's Institutional Repository, in turn a part of the Marriott Library's Digital Library. We are in the process of digitizing earlier theses, with the goal of eventually having all honors theses from 1960 to present available online.

  4. USpace

    USpace collects and maintains intellectual writings such as published journal articles (pre- and post- print), conference papers and proceedings, creative research, data sets, reports, theses and dissertations, and other scholarly endeavors by the University of Utah faculty and provides free open access to anyone in the world.

  5. Completing Thesis Work

    Dear Honors students: If you are actively working on your thesis, this message is of high importance. You are probably wondering about your honors thesis/capstone work…

  6. University of Utah

    The Honors College Curriculum and Community give students unique opportunities to learn to think critically and to develop excellent communication skills and problem-solving. The Honors College at the University of Utah is a place for motivated, engaged students to make a difference and impact the world. Here students get the most out of their ...

  7. Find Dissertations/Theses

    USpace (the University of Utah's Institutional Repository Initiative) is a collaborative project between the libraries at the University of Utah and the University community which collects and archives the intellectual capital of the institution and make these scholarly materials freely available on the Internet. ... Finding Honors Theses at ...

  8. PDF Honors Thesis Guidelines

    plan to graduate. Provide copies of the proposalto your Honors Thesis Advisor and the Honors College. During the third and fourth years in the Honors College: • Enroll in the honors thesis course (4999) in your major. Consult with the Honors Thesis Advisor if your Department does not offer 4999. • Write your thesis, using the Thesis ...

  9. Honors Thesis Advice: Links to useful resources

    University of Utah; ULibraries Research Guides * Marriott Library Research Guides; ... Honors College Thesis Directions. Honors Thesis Guide from UNC. 20 Tips for Writers (from Tufts University) Essentials of thesis Writing. Resources for Publishing your UG Research. Undergraduate Journals & Conference Directory. ... // ...

  10. Departmental Honors Liaison

    Departmental Honors Liaisons. The Honors College and departments across campus have provided a Departmental Honors Liaison (DHL) for students in every college. Liaisons can help you explore ideas for your thesis, connect with other faculty in the department to supervise your thesis work and, in some cases, develop a plan to complete Honors ...

  11. honors-writing

    The thesis represents the culmination of your Honors Degree. It may seem daunting to begin, but you are not alone. We are here to support you. A good rule of thumb is to start early and make an appointment with the Honors departmental thesis advisor for the Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies. Ideally, you will meet with the Honors ...

  12. PDF Honors Thesis Guidelines in Math

    To ensure that an Honors Student is well positioned to succeed in the year-long process of preparing for and writing their thesis, an Honors Thesis Proposal Form is required to be signed by September 15 for expected enrollment in MATH 4999 in a Spring semester, May 19 for Fall, and January 20 for Summer. These are deadlines for approval by the ...

  13. Political Science Honors Degree

    In order to complete an honors thesis, each student needs to have an eligible political science faculty member to supervise the research and writing of the thesis. Honors students are responsible for identifying and asking a political science faculty member to serve as the honors supervisor but the departmental honors advisor can help identify faculty whose scholarly interests may fit with the ...

  14. Thesis

    THE WHAT AND WHY The culmination of the Honors Bachelors degree, the Honors Thesis is a significant undergraduate research project ... University Endorsement Scholarships; Graduate Studies Scholarships ... & Alumni Spotlights; Honors Alumni Spotlight Submission form; National Honors Advancement Board; Search Site. Powered by the University of ...

  15. Home

    Time Management Strategies for a Thesis Writing Process At the beginning your thesis project, the whole research and writing process may seem daunting and difficult to get your head around. It is important to devote adequate time to the thesis process, stay organized, and remain on task so you can be successful.

  16. J. Willard Marriott Library Blog

    These recipients were selected from the pool of senior Honors College students who create theses projects prior to their graduation in the fields of humanities and general sciences. Danielson and Fuller were each presented with a $1,000 award on behalf of the library in recognition of their outstanding projects. Hailey Danielson.

  17. Theses & Dissertations

    thesis. 2. Jensen, Robin Scott. "Archives of the better world": the nineteenth-century historian's office and mormonism's archival flexibility. 2019. dissertation. 3. Call, Christy. "Every least thing": reading Cormac McCarthy's literary ecologies for a practice of thinking ethics.

  18. Theses & Dissertations

    This dissertation examines summer camps as a context for youth development. There is a lack of empirical evidence in three areas of the camp literature: 1) campers' learning that transfers to everyday life long after camp ends, 2) the mechanisms at camp that facilitate important learning for campers...

  19. Student Theses & Dissertations

    The University of Utah. Department of Linguistics College of Humanities. Search. Reveal Menu. About. OUR DEPARTMENT; Department Statements. ... Student Theses & Dissertations . ... Undergraduate Honors Theses. 2023. Andrea Gutierrez-Prieto

  20. LaTeX example for U of Utah's Undergraduate Honors Thesis

    Phillip's Notes: Fall 2011 This is a honors thesis example template as adapted from Allegheny's Thesis to be used for the University of Utah's Honors College. It has been brutally hacked up but I'm posting it here since there is no official LaTeX template and this may save somebody a whole lot of time. Just run the Makefile to compile the pdf.

  21. Honors Thesis Mentoring Communities

    Honors Thesis Mentoring Communities are in two Officers Circle Houses and the Donna Garff Marriott Honors Residential Scholars Community. Students who live in a TMC have increased access to faculty, staff, and peer support as they pursue one of the most crucial points of their Honors Degree, the thesis. This support will help connect you to ...

  22. Honors Thesis University of Utah

    The document discusses the challenges of crafting an honors thesis at the University of Utah. Some of the primary challenges are the extensive research required, organizing and structuring the thesis into a cohesive narrative, and meeting the university's rigorous formatting and citation standards. Many students turn to external assistance, such as, to navigate the intricacies ...

  23. University of Utah Honors Thesis

    University of Utah Honors Thesis - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing an undergraduate thesis, and promotes as a service that provides assistance throughout the thesis writing process. It notes that writing a thesis requires meticulous work, extensive research, and strong writing skills.