Business Plan 2021 - Tusla

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Business Plan 2021 - Tusla

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Tulsa Planning Office

Better known as planitulsa, the City’s comprehensive plan serves as a guide for the physical development of the city, other government operations, and funding priorities. Our team worked with a broad network of Tulsa residents, community organizations, City of Tulsa departments, and other subject matter experts to update the previous comprehensive plan. The update was adopted by the Planning Commission in May 2023, and approved by Tulsa City Council on June 14, 2023.

Read the Plan

Click here to download the full document , or use the links below to read individual chapters.

planitulsa Introduction

What’s New in this Update?

Plan chapters.

The 2010 plan had 5 chapters: Land Use, Transportation, Economic Development, Housing, and Parks, Trails, and Open Space. This update includes 10 chapters.

The Land Use, Transportation, and Economic Development chapters stayed and were updated. Housing became Housing & Neighborhoods, and the Parks, Trails, and Open Space chapter was split in two: Parks & Recreation, and Environment & Natural Resources.

We’ve also added four new chapters: the Development Review Guide; Communities; History, Culture, and Creativity; and Public Services.

Chapter 1: Development Review Guide Everything in the comprehensive plan relevant to reviewing development proposals is contained in this chapter to make it easy for developers, the Planning Commission, City Council, residents, and others to use the plan.

Chapter 2: Future Land Use The vision for future land use development in Tulsa is outlined in this chapter. This includes how new development occurs in relation to existing development, as well as how the development review process is conducted by the City.

Chapter 3: Transportation This chapter consolidates the transportation planning recommendations from a variety of plans adopted since 2010. All types of transportation are covered in the chapter, as well as transportation innovations.

Chapter 4: Economic Development This chapter contains recommendations to achieve the economic development vision of the City of Tulsa. Business retention and expansion, entrepreneurship, and economic mobility are all covered in this chapter.

Chapter 5: Housing & Neighborhoods This chapter identifies approaches to ensure a variety of housing options at several price points are plentiful in Tulsa. Housing affordability, neighborhood characteristics, and addressing homelessness are addressed in this chapter.

Chapter 6: Communities This chapter outlines ways the City of Tulsa and residents can engage with each other. Encouraging civic participation, building strong community partnerships, and ensuring City communications are accessible are covered in this chapter.

Chapter 7: History, Culture, & Creativity Tulsa’s historical, cultural, and artistic environment sets it apart from other communities. This chapter identifies ways the City can support and promote these valuable community assets through programming, promotion, and funding.

Chapter 8: Parks & Recreation Tulsa’s parks and recreation facilities are valuable community assets. This chapter outlines the vision for a successful parks system, including how to connect residents with opportunities to exercise, strengthen community, and commune with nature.

Chapter 9: Environment & Natural Resources Tulsa’s place in Green Country comes with a wide array of environmental assets and risks. This chapter covers preparedness for flooding, pollution, energy resources, and the conservation of valuable habitat and tree canopy coverage.

Chapter 10: Public Services This chapter compiles the planning goals for several City departments that provide services to the residents of Tulsa. It also considers the most efficient and effective ways to ensure consistent public service distribution.

Chapter Structure

Each chapter includes an introduction that explains the content of the chapter, existing conditions in Tulsa, and what we heard from the community. Next, in order to make the plan easier to use, each goal of the plan has a page in the plan, with a description of the goal and strategies to achieve the goal. Each chapter also has an Action Table, which goes into greater detail than the Goals & Strategies pages, adding a level of recommendations under each strategy.

Each chapter of the plan also includes sections that put the subject matter into different contexts. For each chapter, metrics were identified to compare Tulsa to cities from around the United States, and over time these metrics can help evaluate Tulsa’s success in achieving the goals of the plan.

There is also a section that identifies potential considerations regarding health and wellness, social equity and resilience, funding priorities, and how Tulsa fits into the larger region.


Language: the entire plan will be available in Spanish, which will make it one of the first fully bilingual comprehensive plans in the entire country.

Colorblindness: We’ve also taken the time to ensure that all maps, graphs, and charts are colorblind-friendly.

Low Vision: We’ve also included alternative text for all photographs in the plan and have been testing our plan with screen readers that people with visual disabilities use in order to use computers.

Terminology: Jargon can be a barrier to understanding content in a plan, so we’ve created glossaries for each chapter of the plan, and where those terms show up in the text, we’ve turned those into links that can take you to the glossary to learn what the term means.

Development Review Guide

This guide consolidates in one place all of the information needed to understand the steps of the development review process, as well as geographically specific guidance that is considered when determining the appropriateness of a development.

Land Use Designations

To simplify review, make the process more predictable, and provide clearer distinctions between land use designations on the Land Use Map, which is referenced to determine if rezonings are appropriate, the 12 existing land use designations were consolidated to 8.

planitulsa land use designations

“Existing Neighborhood”, “Downtown Neighborhood”, and “New Neighborhood” were consolidated into one category – “Neighborhood”. The distinctions between “Neighborhood Center” and “Town Center” were often unclear, and the two categories now form “Local Center”; “Regional Center” remains.

“Mixed-Use Corridor” and “Main Street” were merged “Multiple Use” to reduce confusion with the City’s mixed-use zoning districts. The Major Street & Highway Plan is where streets designated as Main Street exist now, so as to apply to both the street and property along the street.

The remaining four land use designations—Downtown, Employment, Park & Open Space, and Arkansas River Corridor—remain the same.

Development Era Map

We created the Development Era Map to distinguish the types of developments that are appropriate in different areas of the city based on existing characteristics of their built environment. What’s suitable for new subdivisions at the edge of the city is not necessarily what’s appropriate for infill development near downtown.

tusla business plan 2023

Downtown Era –  The Downtown Era originally developed in the early 20th century around the Frisco railroad, prior to the introduction of a streetcar system or the proliferation of automobiles. Downtown is composed of a tight grid of straight streets and short blocks. There is a high degree of mixing residential, commercial, and mixed-use types, and strictly residential properties are generally high density.

Streetcar Era –  These parts of the city originally developed between the 1910s and the 1930s, facilitated by the expansion of the city’s streetcar network. This era still includes a grid of straight streets with a high degree of street connectivity, but blocks are longer and residential and non-residential uses are a bit more separated than in the previous era. Most non-residential uses exist along a half-mile grid of major streets, with some non-residential uses mixed into residential areas.

Early Automobile Era –  The Early Automobile Era primarily developed during the 1930s to the 1950s. During this time, Tulsa’s land use pattern became more centered around the mile-by-mile grid of major streets. In this development era, street layout shifts from a grid of straight streets to a curvy pattern, though street connectivity remains high. Residential and non-residential uses are substantially separated, and non-residential uses are primarily oriented along linear arterial streets.

Late Automobile Era –  Beginning in the late 1950s and the 1960s, major changes occurred to Tulsa’s urban form, coinciding with the introduction of the Interstate Highway System and the annexation events in the 1960s that more than doubled the land area of Tulsa. The development pattern of the Late Automobile Era is highly automobile centric, with residential areas having primarily curvy street network with a low level of street connectivity. Uses are even more separated, with non-residential uses almost exclusively located at the intersections of major arterial streets. Major streets are intended to serve as both transportation corridors and destination corridors, generating higher rates of traffic congestion.

Future Growth Areas –  Areas of the city that have yet to develop designated as future growth areas lack streets beyond the mile-by-mile grid; lack adequate public services like fire, police, public and transit; have insufficient utility infrastructure like water, sewer, and broadband; and some are undeveloped due to geographic constraints such as exposed bedrock and extreme slopes.

Development Era Street Pattern

Development Review Guide Online Tool

Our team developed an online tool that allows users to find all relevant information from the Development Review Guide for a given property by searching for an address. This can be used by anyone, but will be particularly useful for quickly evaluating properties during the development review process. The online tool provides many types of information, including: Land Use, Development Era, Zoning, Economic Development Incentives, Commercial Revitalization, Industrial Site Suitability, Tree Canopy Coverage, Flood Area, and more. → View Development Review Tool

Documents for Download

planitulsa, full document

Online Development Review Tool

View Online Development Review Map

Video Presentation

The video is available in English and Spanish .

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a comprehensive plan.

A comprehensive plan is a visionary, long‑term guide (not law) for physical development. Developers use it to guide their proposals, and the Planning Commission and City Council use it to evaluate projects.

City departments use it to plan for future needs as the city grows, like where new police and fire stations should be located. Comp plans are also used to promote the well‑being of residents, ensure the efficient use of public funds, and to help conserve natural resources.

What is in this plan?

The Comprehensive Plan includes 10 chapters covering a variety of topics.

Is this a law?

No, a comprehensive plan is not a law. It is a guide used by the City of Tulsa to help make land use decisions and achieve city departments’ priorities.

How often is it updated?

Typically, comprehensive plans are updated about once every 10 years. The last update to planitulsa was in 2010. Before that, it had been 40 years since it was updated.

Who wrote the update?

No consultants were hired for this project. A team of Tulsa Planning Office staff developed the plan and its recommendations, and has engaged with roughly 3,000 Tulsa residents, 200 organizations, and federal, tribal, state, county, and local government officials. In addition, each of the plans incorporated into this update had their own outreach efforts.

How is the plan funded?

Recommendations for infrastructure projects would likely be funded through bond issues, which are voted on by Tulsa residents. Funding for personnel, and policy and operations recommendations may come from the City’s general fund.

What was the public input process like?

In November 2022, the Tulsa Planning Office sent a bilingual post card to all 196,200 residential addresses in the City of Tulsa informing Tulsans of the plan update and the myriad ways to participate in the process.

Tulsa residents were invited to review and provide input on the draft plan update from November 2022 to March 6, 2023. Residents were able to participate in many ways: they could watch a video presentation, review the draft online and leave comments directly in the document, send an email, leave a voicemail, review printed copies at local library branches and provide written feedback there or by mail, or attend any of the eight come-and-go open houses held across the city to ensure all Tulsa residents had chance near them to participate.

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Investment Portfolio Challenge Official Rules

1.0 Introduction And General Provisions 1.1 Conflicts of Interest and Insider Information 1.2 Plagiarism 1.3 Participant Information 2.0 TEAMS 2.1 Team Composition and Member Requirements 2.2 Research 2.3 Presentations 3.0 COMPETITION PARTICIPANTS AND ROLES 3.1 Faculty Advisor 3.2 Business Contacts 3.3 Virtual Tournament Industry Representatives 3.4 Industry Representatives 4.0 COMPETITION LOGISTICS AND AWARDS 4.1 Registration 4.2 Submission package 4.3 Virtual Tournament Schedule 4.4 Presentation Schedule 4.5 Awards Appendix A – Investment Portfolio Challenge Guidelines Appendix B – Presentation Scoring Sheet

1.     Introduction And General Provisions

The University of Tulsa Investment Portfolio Challenge charges university-sponsored teams with assessing a legacy investment strategy for a hypothetical $6 mm investment portfolio.  Teams are asked to modify the strategy in light of current and prescribed forecast economic environment with focus on: (i) sector weighting according to Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS” ®) sectors; (ii) individual stock selection, and (iii) liquidity management.  The University of Tulsa’s Collins College of business hosts and administers the University of Tulsa Investment Portfolio Challenge at the local level; however, the 2024 competition allows for virtual competitors regionally, nationally and globally. Any questions or uncertainties pertaining to the Official Rules of the University of Tulsa Investment Portfolio Challenge should be directed to [email protected] .

1.1    Conflicts of Interest and Insider Information

Students , Administrators , Faculty Advisors , Business Contacts and Industry Representatives involved with the University of Tulsa Investment Portfolio Challenge , have an obligation to avoid actual or potential conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest is any matter that could reasonably be expected to impair an individual’s independence and objectivity or interfere with an individual’s duties.  Conflicts may be actual or perceived.

As students research their project they may come in contact with material [1] , non public [2] information.  Acting on such information could lead to insider trading violations which violates SEC Rules 10b-5.  Students , Faculty Advisors , and Business Contacts are advised to use and disseminate such information judiciously.

1.2    Plagiarism

Plagiarism is defined as copying or using in substantially the same form materials prepared by others without acknowledging the source of the material or identifying the author and publisher of such material. Teams can read existing research on the GICs sectors and individual companies, but all analysis should be their own; they may not copy analysis (i.e., plagiarize) from another source.

Teams also must not:

  • use excerpts from articles or reports prepared by others either verbatim or with only slight changes in wording without acknowledgment,
  • cite specific quotations as attributable to “leading analysts” and “investment experts” without naming the specific references,
  • present statistical estimates of forecasts prepared by others and identifying the sources but without including the qualifying statements or caveats that may have been used,
  • use charts and graphs without stating their sources, or
  • copy proprietary computerized spreadsheets or algorithms without seeking the cooperation or authorization of their creators.

1.3    Participant Information

By participating in the University of Tulsa Investment Portfolio Challenge , each participant acknowledges that the University of Tulsa has access to and shares personal information of participants in the University of Tulsa Investment Portfolio Challenge.  Each participant agrees that the University of Tulsa shall have the right to use such individual’s name, voice, photograph, likeness, their appearance in any medium or forum anywhere in the world (including online) without further compensation, unless prohibited by law.

2.0     TEAMS

2.1  team composition and member requirements.

Teams must be sponsored by a college or university (“school”). There is no limit to the number of teams that may compete for any given school.  However, only two teams may compete synchronously on the presentation date.  Any school with over two teams will run teams through a virtual tournament administered by the University of Tulsa that comprises judges with some affinity to that school.

  • Must consist of undergraduate, graduate, or a combination of undergraduate and graduate
  • Must consist of no fewer than three and no more than six

Each team member must:

  • complete the official registration form, or be separately identified on the form;
  • be a currently enrolled college or university student in an undergraduate or graduate program at the sponsoring university Time Of Registration
  • be registered for at least a part-time course load, as defined by his or her university, at the Time Of Registration.

2.2    Research

Only team members may conduct research on the subject company for the purposes of the University of Tulsa Investment Portfolio Challenge . Teams may use only publicly available information in conducting their research [3] .

  • Teams may use a Business Contact , and/or Faculty Advisor as resources but may not enlist the help of any Industry Representatives involved with this competition. They may consult industry experts and representatives at publicly held companies to gain insight into publicly available information to inform the teams’ recommendations.
  • The presentations should be prepared from the perspective of an independent research
  • Teams can read existing research on industries and their recommended companies, but all analysis should be their own. Specifically, do not copy analysis (i.e., plagiarize) from another source.  Teams need to properly cite sourced information into their presentations.

2.3    Presentations

Presentations will be judged according to Appendix B , “Presentation Scoring Sheet.”  Each team will present their recommendations to a panel of Industry Representatives in two ways:

Report (Digital Material); 

  • Six calendar days prior to the event, each team must submit a pre-recorded digital copy of their analysis. This may be done in the form a paper, PowerPoint deck, or other clear digital form.
  • While there is no prescribed length for the report it must support the teams’ conclusions. Teams have only 30 minutes to present their material in their virtual submission.  This is not sufficient time to detail the work invested by teams to determine an optimal allocation of sectors.  However, the 30 minute cap will be strictly adhered to by judges.
  • There is also no prescribed organization for the written material. However, judges will likely prefer written material that follows the Appendix B judging criteria order.


  • Teams may utilize their Business Contact , and/or Faculty Advisor as a resource for guidance, direction, suggestions, and feedback. Teams may not enlist the help of any Industry Representatives.
  • The teams must provide their pre-recorded digital presentations, along with any supporting materials to Charity Barton by 5:00 pm April 11, 2024. Examples of supporting materials  include financial summaries, equations, model results or other detail supporting recommendations.
  • Presentations must reference source
  • Only student team members may participate in the digital presentation.
  • The digital presentation is limited to 30 minutes; however, on April 17, 2023, teams must participate in an on-site Q&A session during which Industry Representatives and the general audience including Faculty Advisors will ask questions concerning the presentation. Competing teams will not be permitted to pose questions to a team during the Q&A portion of a presentation.  Each team gets a 20 minute Q&A session.  The Q&A sessions will all occur on competition day, April 17, 2024, at the University of Tulsa.  Teams unable to attend the Q&A session in person may arrange to attend virtually by contacting Charity Barton at [email protected] or Tally Ferguson at [email protected]; .
  • Each Q&A session will be timed and last no more than 20 minutes. The timekeeper will provide a five-minute warning and an announcement when time has expired during the presentation. The timekeeper will announce when time has expired during the question and answer period. When the timekeeper announces that time has expired, teams must immediately


3.1    faculty advisor.

  • Each team may avail themselves of one faculty advisor. The faculty advisor must be currently employed as staff or a faculty member by the team’s sponsoring A faculty advisor may server more than one team within his or her school, but may not advise teams other than from their school.
  • The faculty advisor’s primary responsibility is to provide guidance and direction to the team during the
  • Faculty Advisors are not permitted to conduct any analysis for the team’s presentation or supporting handouts, nor may they contribute research or content to either the handouts or the presentation material beyond providing guidance, direction, suggestions, and
  • Faculty Advisors may not participate in the Faculty Advisors may ask questions during the competition presentations, but they may not ask questions of their own teams.

3.2    Business Contacts

Each team may avail themselves of any number of Business Contacts at their own discretion.  These contacts can share expert knowledge about industries or companies to supplement the teams’ research.

  • The Business Contacts may not conduct any analysis for the team’s written report or presentation
  • The Business Contacts may not contribute any research or content to either handouts or the presentation beyond providing guidance, direction, suggestions, and
  • Teams must cite any intelligence drawn from Business Contacts used in presentations or handouts.

3.3    Virtual Tournament Industry Representatives

Virtual Tournament Industry Representatives independently judge a specific school’s set of teams if that school posts more than two teams.  Schools with two or fewer teams bypass the virtual tournament.  Schools may select their own industry representatives, or select from a set of judges provided by University of Tulsa IPC administrators.  Virtual Tournament Industry Representatives shall judge each team according to the presentation scoring sheet (see Appendix B ).

Virtual Tournament Industry Representatives may be selected from their school’s Business Contacts (see section 3.2 above).  In that joint capacity, Virtual Tournament Industry Representatives may spend as much or as little time with their teams as agreed between them, the teams, and the team’s Faculty Advisor.

There are no prescribed minimum or maximum number of Virtual Tournament Industry Representatives;  however, it is recommended that schools select at least three judges.

Virtual Tournament Industry Representatives are welcome to join the presentations on presentation day to observe their school’s top two teams.

3.4    Industry Representatives

Industry Representatives independently judge each synchronous presentation made on presentation day using the presentation scoring sheet (see Appendix B ).

  • Industry Representatives represent industries with significant presence located within a 6 hour drive radius of Tulsa.
  • There will be a minimum of three judges per team presentation.
  • The judges will be invited by Collins College of Business staff, but participating schools are encouraged to nominate Industry Representatives.
  • Virtual Tournament Industry Representatives may not serve as Industry Representatives.


4.1    registration.

Registration opens on or around January 15 and will be done through digital entry at this url:

Registration ends on February 15 th .  Exceptions, i.e. late registrations, must be approved by the University of Tulsa and a majority of schools registered by February 15 th .  As used in these rules Time of Registration means the date and time that a school’s team registers on line.

4.5    Submission package

Each team must submit a prerecorded presentation of up to 30 minutes in length with any supporting documentation or reference material according to the following schedule.  Upon registration, teams will be given a url at which to upload their presentation material.

Virtual tournament, for schools with over 2 submitted teams, April 1, 12:00 pm

Synchronous submission, April 11, 12:00 pm.  For clarity, the top two teams from each school’s Virtual tournament must resubmit their presentations on April 11.  Teams may change their presentation from their April 1 submission based on Virtual Tournament Industry Representatives feedback.

4.1    Virtual Tournament Schedule

Teams from schools sponsoring more than two teams will go through a school-specific virtual tournament to pare the school down to two final teams for the day of the synchronous presentation.  This is the schedule for such tournaments:

April 1, midnightsubmit the 30 minute prerecorded digital presentation along with any reference documents intended to supplement the presentation. Upon registration, teams will be given a url at which to upload their presentation material.
April 2, midnightDigital presentation and Scoring form url made available to Virtual Tournament Industry Representatives.
April 7, midnightVirtual Tournament Industry Representatives submit their scores via scoring form url.
April 8, midnightUniversity of Tulsa IPC Administration digitally notifies schools which two teams move on, and shares the virtual tournament scores for teams at that school, along with any judge comments.

4.2    Presentation Schedule

Presentations will take place in sequential 20-minute sessions spread across cohorts according to the following schedule.  Depending upon the number of teams, simultaneous presentations might be arranged.  Competition sessions will be sandwiched by an introduction/orientation and the University of Tulsa’s Friends of Finance guest speaker lunch during which the winners will be announced.  The number of competing teams in each cohort will be determined based upon the number of teams that register.

Schedule;  There will be up to two cohorts following the below schedule.

9:00 - 9:10Introduction and Orientation
9:10 - 9:30First presentation
9:30 - 9:35Judges compile notes for scoring sheets
9:35 - 9:55Second presentation
9:55 - 10:00Judges compile notes for scoring sheets
10:00 – 10:20Third presentation
10:20 – 10:25Judges compile notes for scoring sheets
10:25 – 10:45Fourth presentation
10:45 – 10:50Judges compile notes for scoring sheets
10:50 – 11:00Judges submit all scoring sheets
11:00 – 11:15University staff complies judges’ scoring sheets and determines 1st , 2nd and 3rd place teams.
Post Competition FOF in-person lunch:Awards and recognition

4.5    Awards

Cash prizes will be awarded to the first and second place teams. The winning team award is $10,000, and the second place team award is $5,000, and the third place team earns $2,500.  These winners will be announced at the April 17, 2024 University of Tulsa Friends of Finance luncheon featuring key note speaker, Jared Peterson President of AAA Oklahoma.

Appendix A – Investment Portfolio Challenge Guidelines

Situation; You have been hired as financial advisors by your university’s endowment committee to assess the holdings and strategy implemented by Monumental Endowment Management  Enterprises (“MEME”).  MEME was established by a consortium of economists, psychics, and hedge funds.  Your university hired MEME three years ago to set up a $6mm fund (“SIF”) donated by a collection of alumnae seeking to give students an opportunity to manage equity investments.

For SIF, the donors sought a student-led fund that seeks to: (i) distribute 3% of the fund annually to provide scholarships for students interested in studying finance; (ii) supplement $100,000 in finance department expenses annually; (iii) grow at a rate commensurate with a broad-based index of US equities.  As such SIF has a long-term investment horizon and seeks a moderate growth investment style consistent with moderate risk tolerance.

MEME made the following governing suggestions for the funds’ investment policy:

  • At least 20% of the portfolio must be invested in iShares S&P sector index funds (see table 2 below)
  • At least 10% of the portfolio should be in “alternative investment” asset classes which they define as comprising private equity, commodities/metals, and crypto currencies.
  • Up to 70% of the portfolio should be invested in well known individual “blue chip” stocks with at least $2 billion in market capitalization, traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

MEME’s stated return objective is to grow rapidly but responsibly so that, in five years, students have a considerably larger base from which to distribute scholarships and supplement expense funding.  Their stated risk tolerance is high.   That is, they are comfortable suffering losses in a down market provide they outperform a bull market.

This is the portfolio MEME established three years ago which they have left unchanged for the past three years.  For clarity, neither the students, nor MEME made any transactions, and all dividends were reinvested into the dividend paying issuers.

TickerShort NameSectorPercent Allocation3 year annualized return3 year annualized risk
NVDA US EquityNVIDIA CORPInformation Technology23.00%48.30%55.60%
SBUX US EquitySTARBUCKS CORPConsumer Discretionary6.00%4.00%27.90%
GRMN US EquityGARMIN LTDConsumer Discretionary6.00%2.00%22.40%
NKE US EquityNIKE INC -CL BConsumer Discretionary6.00%-4.10%32.20%
AMZN US EquityAMAZON.COM INCConsumer Discretionary6.00%-0.50%33.40%
NFLX US EquityNETFLIX INCCommunication Services11.50%-4.70%47.70%
DIS US EquityWALT DISNEY CO/TCommunication Services11.50%-12.40%36.20%
Spy US EquityIndex FundIndex20.00%10.20%17.60%
BitCoinAlternative Investments10%28.70%33.00%
Sharp Ratio0.31
S&P Index ETF10.20%17.60%
S&P Risk Adjusted excess return ratio0.41

Challenge;  Your alma mater hired you to advise them on the following five issues:

  • How closely does MEME’s governance suggestions and stated return objectives match what the SIF donors requested?
  • Discuss how prudent MEME’s investment allocation by sector and individual holding is from the standpoint of the SIF donor’s risk tolerance and investment objectives. Be sure to discuss both return, risk and their transaction strategy.
  • Sector portion of funds; how should SIF allocate their portfolio by sector ?  State what percent of the sector portion should be in each sector ETF rather than individual holdings and justify why.  Following are the funds with their Ticker symbols.  You are advised to incorporate macro economic variables in your projections.  Quantitative methods for optimizing portfolios are encouraged if well understood by analysts.
Table 1Sector Funds and weightings
TickerSector nameS&P 500 composition as of 11/30/23Your sector recommendation
XLCCommunications Services8.60%
XLYCons Disc10.70%
XLPCons Staples6.30%
XLVHealth Care12.70%
XLKInfo Tech29.10%
XLREReal Estate2.45%
  • Alternative Asset portion: Should SIF invest any of its funds into “alternative investments”?  If so, which of MEME’s three categories do you recommend, private equity, commodities/metals, and/or crypto currencies?
  • which of MEME’s stocks do you recommend keeping and why?
  • Select 3-5 stocks not on MEME’s list that SIF should swap into and provide an investment thesis for each, supported with fundamental analysis.
  • Final portfolio construction; Present your recommendation for how to invest SIF’s $6 million today.  Highlight reasons for diverging from MEME’s portfolio.
  • Economic Scenario Adjustment; MEME’s economists and psychics laid out the following projections for selected economic variables.  How does your response to 5 change under these scenarios?
Table 3Economic Projections
Personal Income (US$ Billions)23,38325,50819,13117,006
10 Year Treasury Yield3346
Crude Oil price6060110150
Unemployment rate US (U-6)3.6348
US GDP (US$ Billions)26,82629,26421,94819,510
EU GDP (US$ Billions)18,80420,51315,38513,675
China GDP (US$ Billions)15,62017,04012,78011,360
Japan GDP (US$ Billions)5,5666,0724,5544,048
UK GDP (US$ Billions)2,9373,2042,4032,136

Prepare a digital presentation of no more than 30 minutes responding to these five issues.  Supporting material that cannot be covered in the 30 minute presentation may be included with your submission.

Appendix B – Presentation Scoring Sheet

University of Tulsa Investment Portfolio Challenge

Presentation Scoring Sheet

Team: __________________________

Industry Representative: __________________________

CriteriaMaximum PointsPointsNotes
a)     Consistency of MEME with SIF donors request.
b)     Prudence of MEME’s investment allocation by sector and individual holding is from the standpoint of the SIF donor’s risk tolerance and investment objectives. Be sure to discuss both return, risk and their transaction strategy
a)     Allocation of sector portion
b)     Quantitative support of allocation
c)     Qualitative support of allocation, look for economic data support
a)     Recommendation (whether to “invest” at all and if so in what)
b)     Quantitative support of recommendation
c)     Qualitative support of recommendation
a)     which of MEME’s stocks do you recommend keeping and why?
b)     Select 3-5 stocks not on MEME’s list that SIF should swap into and provide an investment thesis for each, supported with fundamental analysis.
a)     How to invest SIF’s $6 million today.
b)    Highlight reasons for diverging from MEME’s portfoli
a)     How does portfolio construction change under the Psychics’ rosy prediction
b)     How does portfolio construction change under the Economists’ dour prediction
Quality of digital presentation
Question & Answer10
Did team answer the questions effectively and with confidence?
Team Involvement5
Team involvement in both the presentation/questions and answers
  • Information in company finan cial statements and press releases;
  • Information in the media about the company and its competitors;
  • Information produced by data aggregators for general use (e.g., Bloomberg, S&P Global, FactSet, etc.), and
  • Information provided by the subject company in the informational session and/or any permitted follow-up.
  • Information about the company that is (or should be) known only to staff or some staff employed by the company or firms with whom the company does business, and
  • Information that is (or should be) known only to those involved in legal or regulatory proceedings involved with the company.

Privacy Overview

Studies, Plans, and Reports

2024 state of downtown tulsa report.

The State of Downtown Tulsa report is an in-depth and data-rich snapshot of ongoing development and economic growth in Downtown Tulsa. Download here.

2023 State of Downtown Tulsa Report

Downtown tulsa strategic plan.

Endorsed and Adopted in Fall 2020, the Strategic Plan for a Downtown Management Organization formally recommended the creation of the Downtown Tulsa Partnership and the establishment of a clear delineation between City services and enhanced services to be provided by the Tulsa Stadium Improvement District and to increase the value proposition to TSID ratepayers by maximizing accountability, responsiveness, and reflecting myriad of Downtown interests. The Downtown Tulsa Partnership is now implementing the goals and tactics identified in this plan. 

Strategic Plan for a Downtown Tulsa Management Organization Includes executive summary, priorities from stakeholder roundtables, roundtable summary and community survey results viewable separately below:

Frequently Asked Questions Executive Summary Priorities from Stakeholder Roundtables Roundtable Summary Community Survey Summary Public Forum Presentation Public Forum Feedback Summary

Downtown Studies, Plans and Reports

The Downtown Tulsa Partnership (and previously the Downtown Coordinating Council) has facilitated and numerous research projects and planning efforts to help shape the future of Downtown Tulsa. Learn more by clicking the links below:

Value of U.S. Center Cities and Downtowns (2020)

Downtown Housing Study (2020)

Downtown Tulsa Walkability Study (2018)

Arena District Master Plan (2019)

Market Assessment Report (2018)

Downtown Streetscape Plan (2011)

Downtown Area Master Plan (2010)

Additional Strategies and Reports

Downtown Tulsa stakeholders have participated in strategy development and have helped inform City-wide planning initiatives and studies as further detailed below:

City of Tulsa Mobility Innovation Strategy (2022)

A Way Home For Tulsa Strategic Plan (2020)

City of Tulsa Affordable Housing Strategy (2019)

Arts District Small Area Plan (2012)


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Hornsby Shire Council has developed a long term vision for the Shire that identifies Hornsby Shire’s special characteristics and the values that are to be preserved and how change will be managed into the future. Find Out More

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Council has strict building codes and standards to ensure that all building, renovations and other development work are carried out to a safe standard.

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Hornsby Shire is famous for its bushland and waterways. Along with vibrant commercial centres, many sporting facilities and parks, Hornsby Shire is a great place to live!

Sports and Recreation

  • Bushlands and Nature Reserves
  • Parks, Playgrounds and Gardens
  • Sporting Facilities
  • Hawkesbury River
  • Bicycle Paths and Trails
  • Discover Hornsby

Arts and Culture

  • Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre
  • Hornsby Art Prize
  • Submit Your Event


Hornsby Shire Council is directly responsible for 2,000 hectares of bushland. Council manages policies and strategies as well as operate programs to ensure that our bushlands and waterways and the flora and fauna that live in them are protected.

Flora and Fauna

  • Fire Management
  • Native Plants and Weeds
  • Citizen Science
  • Community Nursery
  • Pests and Nuisance Animals
  • Wildlife Protection
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  • Platypus in Hornsby Shire


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  • Renewable Energy Sites
  • Thinking of Going Solar?
  • Cities Power Partnership


Hornsby Shire offers a wide range of opportunities for investment, with a highly-skilled local labour force and a business-friendly Council.

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  • Filming in Hornsby Shire
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  • Family History Group


Council adopts 2023-2026 Delivery Program including the Operational Plan 2023/24

HSC logo black

Following community consultation, Hornsby Shire Council last night adopted its 2023-2026 Delivery Program and 2023/24 Operational Plan (DPOP) incorporating the Budget, Rating Structure and Fees and Charges for 2023/24. These documents outline the key initiatives and levels of service to be provided to the community in a prudent and financially viable manner.

Following the challenges of recent years, Council is focused on remaining financially strong and building a resilient Shire, well prepared for a growing population. Hornsby Shire Mayor, Philip Ruddock AO said that in the coming year, the community can look forward to seeing a range of upgrades to essential services.

“For 2023/24, we look forward to delivering tangible results for the community, committing over $93 million in capital projects, largely funded by external grants and development contributions. As well as progressing our major projects at Hornsby Park, Westleigh Park, and the Asquith to Mount Colah Public Domain Improvements, we’ll make improvements to local roads, footpaths, drainage, parks, sporting facilities, bushland and waterways for the benefit of all residents,” said Mayor Ruddock.

By adopting the Rating Structure, Council also determined to apply the first year of the four-year Special Rate Variation approved by IPART. For more than 10 years, Council has avoided a rate increase for its residents by focusing on cost containment and making savings of over $6.2 million per year. However, to ensure that Council can continue to support and provide the community with the levels of service it has come to expect through maintaining financial sustainability, it had little option but to apply the SRV at this time.

“We reluctantly put forward the application to IPART to have the rate increase approved, and an independent objective evaluation substantiated what we are seeking to. We don’t do it with any alacrity, we are very reluctant,” Mayor Ruddock continued.

“For the past year, we have been making difficult decisions and taking necessary steps to rebalance our future financial capacity within acceptable levels. We reluctantly sought approval for a rate increase on this occasion. It is important that people know that the only reason that we did that, was to ensure that we could continue to maintain the level of services that are expected now and into the future.”

“While these decisions have not been easy, the choices we have made have been fiscally responsible to ensure we meet our legal obligation to manage our budget responsibly. We look forward to maintaining financial sustainability for Hornsby Shire.”

To address concerns in the community around financial hardship, Council adopted a revised Hardship Policy. Following a review, the Special Circumstances section of the Policy has been broadened and the revised Policy includes all relief that is legally permissible according to the Local Government Act.

Further, the pensioner rate concession will increase by $50, to $300 per annum, commencing from the 2023/24 financial year.

The 2023-2026 Delivery Program and 2023/24 Operational Plan was on public exhibition from 13 April to 15 May 2023. 67 submissions were received from the community.

Also at last night’s meeting, Council adopted the draft Property Strategy following community consultation.

The full agenda of the meeting, along with details of each item discussed, can be found at . The video recording of the meeting will be available from tomorrow afternoon.

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Business Plan 2023-2024

Our business plan 2023-2024, business plan priorities , housing that meets your needs.

  • Support the delivery of affordable and green housing.
  • Ensure minimum standards in rented housing.
  • Work with partners supporting new ways to prevent homelessness.
  • Support our most vulnerable residents.
  • Deliver the Local Plan.

Supporting environmental sustainability

  • Work towards our commitment to be carbon net zero by 2030.
  • Promote the green economy.
  • Support waste reduction, reuse and recycling.
  • Work with partners to improve air quality.

An enterprising economy with strong and vibrant local centres

  • Support business retention and growth.
  • Work with partners to support skills development and innovation.
  • Work with others to support growth.
  • Work with partners to promote the district as a visitor destination and attract investment in our town centres.
  • Work with businesses to ensure compliance and promote best practice.

Healthy, resilient and engaged communities

  • Support and encourage active lifestyles and health and wellbeing.
  • Support development of leisure services and facilities meeting the needs of residents.
  • Support community and cultural development.
  • Work towards our commitment to equalities, diversity and inclusion.
  • Work with partners to address the causes of health inequality and deprivation.
  • Work with partners to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour.

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The 9 best things to watch this weekend, from Alex Garland's dystopian nightmare 'Civil War' to the final season of 'My Brilliant Friend'

  • Shows like "Sister Wives," "The Old Man," "Tulsa King," and "My Brilliant Friend" return this week.
  • New series like "How to Die Alone" also debuted.
  • Theatrically released movies, including "Civil War" and "In a Violent Nature," are now streaming.

Insider Today

There are plenty of new and returning TV shows to sink your teeth into this weekend.

On the reality side, the long-running TLC hit "Sister Wives" about a fracturing polygamist family returns for its 19th season.

For scripted series, "The Old Man" (starring Jeff Bridges) and "Tulsa King" (starring Sylvester Stallone) are both back for their second seasons, while HBO's "My Brilliant Friend" premiered its fourth and final season.

Some buzzy movies released in theaters earlier this year are now available to watch at home. That includes Alex Garland's "Civil War" and the experimental arthouse horror film "In a Violent Nature."

Here's a complete rundown of all the best movies, shows, and documentaries to stream this weekend, broken down by what kind of entertainment you're looking for.

Looking for YA? Watch "Uglies."

tusla business plan 2023

Millennials of a certain age will already recognize this story.

Based on the first book in author Scott Westerfeld's YA series, the sci-fi drama takes place in a dystopian future where every teen receives government-provided plastic surgery on their 16th birthday to transform them into society's expected standard of beauty.

Joey King stars as the main character, Tally, who ends up pushing back against the system. Chase Stokes ("Outer Banks") costars as her hot friend.

Streaming on: Netflix

"Civil War" is now streaming.

tusla business plan 2023

Speaking of dystopian, Alex Garland's divisive 2024 film "Civil War," starring Kirsten Dunst as a hardened war photographer, conjured up some big feelings when it was released in theaters earlier this year. It was a big departure for Garland, who'd previously been known for sci-fi stories like "Annihilation" and "Ex Machina."

"Civil War," on the other hand, feels all too realistic.

Streaming on: Max

Reality fans can tune into a new season of "Sister Wives."

tusla business plan 2023

Kody Brown is technically no longer a practicing polygamist, now that three of his four wives have left him. But the family's drama continues to unfold on a new season of the long-running TLC series.

The upcoming episodes focus on Meri and Janelle also leaving Kody, as Christine embarks on a new relationship with her now-husband, David Woolley .

Horror lovers should watch "In a Violent Nature."

tusla business plan 2023

Written and directed by Chris Nash, this slasher movie was one of the most buzzed-about indie horror releases of the year, largely because of its style. Nash was inspired by the films of Gus Van Sant and compared the style of his movie to a nature documentary — no music, and long, slow, often static shots.

Of course, there are still plenty of gruesome deaths courtesy of the resurrected masked killer, including at least two particularly memorable ones.

Streaming on: Shudder

"My Brilliant Friend" is back for a new season.

tusla business plan 2023

The HBO drama, based on Elena Ferrante's bestselling novels , follows the complicated, decades-spanning relationship between childhood friends Elena Greco and Raffaella "Lila" Cerullo. Its fourth and final season premiered this week.

So is "The Old Man."

tusla business plan 2023

Jeff Bridges returns as Dan Chase, an ex-CIA operative who's forced to confront his past.

Streaming on: Hulu

"Tulsa King" returns for a new season too.

tusla business plan 2023

The Paramount series from "Yellowstone" co-creator Taylor Sheridan stars Sylvester Stallone as The General, a New York mafioso rebuilding his circle after serving a lengthy prison sentence.

Streaming on: Paramount+

For a new scripted comedy, check out "How to Die Alone."

tusla business plan 2023

Natasha Rothwell , best known for "The White Lotus" and Issa Rae's "Insecure," stars in this new Hulu comedy that she also created. Her character Melissa is a dissatisfied but stagnant employee at New York City's JFK airport who's propelled to take a journey of self-discovery.

The Emmys are also this weekend.

tusla business plan 2023

If you're thinking, "Didn't I just watch the Emmys not too long ago?" the answer is yes, you did. The 2023 edition of the awards show was postponed until January due to the Hollywood strikes. So if it feels like less than a year ago, that's because it was.

But this year's show is back on course, airing in September as it normally does. The Academy will be honoring the best TV that aired between June 1, 2023, and May 31, 2024 — so all of the (probably many) "The Bear" wins will actually be for last year's season two, not the latest season that aired this past June.

Streaming on: Hulu Live TV

Disclosure: Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Business Insider's parent company, Axel Springer, is a Netflix board member.

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Mark Cuban Praises Kamala Harris' Support For Business: Is Her New Tax Plan A Game-Changer?

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Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban continues to share his support of Vice President Kamala Harris as she pushes on in the presidential race – particularly regarding policies around entrepreneurs and startups. 

Recently, Cuban posted on X, "Kamala Harris is listening to business leaders and gathering their feedback on what's fair and what will lead to more investment in businesses. She is pro-business. She is more supportive of entrepreneurs than any other candidate in recent memory. It's only going to get better."

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  • A billion-dollar investment strategy with minimums as low as $10 — you can become part of the next big real estate boom today.
  • Amid the ongoing EV revolution, previously overlooked low-income communities now harbor a huge investment opportunity at just $500.

Accompanying his post, Cuban shared @unusual-whales' post about Harris's proposal for a 28% tax on long-term capital gains for any household with an annual income of $1 million or more. This rate is lower than the 39.6% that President Joe Biden outlined in his 2025 fiscal budget. 

Cuban also praised Harris for her support of entrepreneurs and being willing to listen to those in the business. After her speech in New Hampshire, Cuban remarked, "She’s talked more about entrepreneurs and helping them have access to investment and making it easier for people to invest in startups than any president that I’ve ever heard." 

Trending: General Motors and other leaders revealed to be investing in this revolutionary lithium start-up — allowing easy entry by launching at just $9.50/share with a $1,000 minimum.

While Cuban's support of Harris's tax plan demonstrates his belief that it will help businesses, critics are quick to argue that an increase in capital gains taxes could slow economic growth and discourage investment – particularly in innovation and startups. Entrepreneurs rely on capital to fund risky ventures, and higher taxes could cause potential investors to hesitate. 

Cuban's endorsement of Harris as a pro-business candidate signals a shift in how some business leaders perceive her policies. By prioritizing entrepreneurship and creating more investment opportunities, Harris may have found a way to appeal to progressive and moderate voters. Cuban himself met with Harris's team to offer insights on how capital gains taxes could impact small business investments. He believes her willingness to listen and adapt is a sign that she's aligned with business interests, particularly those of underrepresented groups.

Trending: Here’s the AI-powered startup that turns traders into influencers achieving 12% monthly growth – invest in it at only 10 cents per share.

However, some experts remain cautious, questioning whether this tax plan alone will be enough to spark long-term growth in the small business sector. Harris's success may depend on how entrepreneurs and investors receive these policies.

As debates about the capital gains tax continue, the issue remains divisive. Whether Harris's proposal will indeed be a game-changer for entrepreneurs remains to be seen.

If you're concerned about how either presidential candidate's economic policies could impact your investments or business plans, it's wise to stay informed on the developments during and after the election. With complex tax laws and changes on the horizon, talking to a financial advisor can help you better understand the implications of these changes for your individual circumstances. 

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Grande Portage Resources Develops Conceptual Mining Plan

Monday, 09 September 2024 07:00 AM

ACCESSWIRE | Article Logo

Grande Portage Resources Limited

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VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / September 9, 2024 / Grande Portage Resources Ltd. (TSXV:GPG)(OTCQB:GPTRF)(FSE:GPB) ("Grande Portage" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that, further to its recently filed updated **NI #43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate, the Company has developed a Conceptual Mining Plan to determine the optimal development pathway for its Herbert Gold project located in SE Alaska.

To that end, earlier this year, the Company engaged the services of OreLogic LLC, a consulting firm providing mine planning and project development services. OreLogic is led by Kyle Mehalek, formerly Chief Mining Engineer at Hecla Mining's Greens Creek Mine in southeast Alaska, one of the largest and lowest-cost primary silver mines in the world.

The Company's gold deposit, formerly known as the Herbert Gold project, has been re-named the "New Amalga Mine Project" in recognition of the gold mining heritage of the local project area. The historic Amalga Gold Camp located approximately four miles (6.5km) from the project site, produced tens of thousands of ounces of lode gold during the early 20 th century. Today, little evidence remains from this once-bustling hub of mineral production, the site having been overtaken by the rapidly advancing temperate forest.

The Conceptual Mining Plan evaluates the development of a selective underground mining operation which would extract high-grade material with minimal dilution. Due to the project's location near tidewater and less than 4 miles (6.5km) from existing paved highway, the Company considers off-site processing to be the most favourable configuration and is investigating numerous business opportunities including strategic partnerships, potential use of third-party facilities around the Pacific Rim, and direct shipment to smelters in East Asia.

The Company's board of directors, management and its advisors assess that an offsite-processing configuration for the New Amalga Mine is the optimal development pathway, providing a number of potential benefits including:

Elimination of the requirement to develop a tailings disposal facility near the mine. No tailings would be generated at the site.

Elimination of the requirement for permanent waste rock storage facilities. All waste rock generated from mine access development would be returned to the underground workings for stope backfill.

No use of gold processing reagents at the site.

Dramatically reduced land usage and overall environmental footprint.

Greatly simplified post-mining closure and reclamation.

De-risking of the environmental review and permitting process.

Minimization of project construction CAPEX.

The scope of the Company's Conceptual Mine Plan includes underground mine design, underground development and production scheduling, surface facilities design and layout, ore transportation and logistics planning, ore marketing evaluation and internal financial modelling. Use of "real world" inputs and benchmarking against existing mining operations has been extensively applied.

Ian Klassen, President and CEO comments: "We are extremely pleased to deliver a few key milestone developments thus far in 2024. Our updated mineral resource estimate continues to confirm that the deposit has grown and is open to future expansion. Importantly, the deposit has continued to mature and expand whilst maintaining world-class high gold grades. The now completed Conceptual Plan was a comprehensive and time-consuming undertaking. The Company wishes to thank OreLogic and Kyle Mehalek, in particular, for his vision, common sense approach and underground mining development expertise. The Plan is an important step forward to better understand how to best maximize this gold asset whilst continuing to focus on what's in the best interests of the local community and the regulatory regimes in southeast Alaska. Our commitment is to exceed all regulatory requirements and environmental expectations while also contributing to the local economy and creating valuable, long term job opportunities for the hard-working residents of the Juneau area".

Grande Portage intends to continue to advance the New Amalga Mine project using a Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) platform and to that end it expects to announce further steps in due course.

** Indicated Resources of 1,438,500 ounces at 9.47gpt gold and Inferred Resources of 515,700 ounces at 8.85gpt gold (See Company news releases dated June 12, 2024 & July 22, 2024).

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Fig. 1 Project Location near paved highway and tidewater

Fig. 2 View of Conceptual Underground Mine Layout for the New Amalga Mine

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Kyle Mehalek, P.E.., is the QP within the meaning of NI 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure in this release. Mr. Mehalek is independent of Grande Portage within the meaning of NI 43-101.

About Grande Portage:

Grande Portage Resources Ltd. is a publicly traded mineral exploration company focused on the Herbert Gold discovery situated approximately 25 km north of Juneau, Alaska. The Company holds a 100% interest in the Herbert property. The Herbert Gold property system is open to length and depth and is host to at least six main composite vein-fault structures that contain ribbon structure quartz-sulfide veins. The project lies prominently within the 160km long Juneau Gold Belt, which has produced over seven million ounces of gold.

The Company's updated NI#43-101 Mineral Resource estimate reported at a base case mineral resources cut-off grade of 2.5 grams per tonne gold (g/t Au) and consists of: an Indicated Resource of 1,438,500 ounces of gold at an average grade of 9.47 g/t Au (4,726,000 tonnes); and an Inferred Resource of 515,700 ounces of gold at an average grade of 8.85 g/t Au (1,813,000 tonnes), as well as an Indicated Resource of 891,600 ounces of silver at an average grade of 5.86 g/t Ag (4,726,000 tonnes); and an Inferred Resource of 390,600 ounces of silver at an average grade of 7.33 g/t silver (1,813,000 tonnes).


"Ian Klassen" Ian M. Klassen President & Chief Executive Officer Tel: (604) 899-0106 Email: [email protected]

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements" under applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as "believes", "anticipates", "expects", "estimates", "may", "could", "would", "will", or "plan". Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties as described in the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulators. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

Please note that under National Instrument 43-101, the Company is required to disclose that it has not based any production decision on NI 43-101-compliant reserve estimates, preliminary economic assessments, or feasibility studies, and historically production decisions made without such reports have increased uncertainty and higher technical and economic risks of failure. These risks include, among others, areas that are analyzed in more detail in a feasibility study or preliminary economic assessment, such as the application of economic analysis to mineral resources, more detailed metallurgical and other specialized studies in areas such as mining and recovery methods, market analysis, and environmental, social, and community impacts. Any decision to place the New Amalga Mine into operation at levels intended by management, expand a mine, make other production-related decisions, or otherwise carry out mining and processing operations would be largely based on internal non-public Company data, and on reports based on exploration and mining work by the Company and by geologists and engineers engaged by the Company.


SOURCE: Grande Portage Resources Limited

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The Market Alone Can’t Fix the U.S. Housing Crisis

  • Brian Callaci
  • Sandeep Vaheesan

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Unaffordable housing is a major drag on the economy. Here’s what governments — and businesses — can do to meaningfully improve the situation.

Unaffordable housing is a drag on regional and national economies. In areas where housing costs are high, employers end up effectively transferring significant sums to landlords as the cost of attracting talent. But what will it take to fix this problem? Will market-based solutions suffice? If not, what kinds of interventions are necessary? Recent research shows that the market itself needs to be fixed. Any plan to overhaul the housing market needs to, first, confront the power of landlords to raise rents. Second, it requires rethinking public governance of housing markets behind simplistic prescriptions to just free the housing market from government regulation, assuming lower rents will follow. And third, it needs to provide more muscular government involvement in housing, through price regulation, more robust planning, and even direct public provision.

The United States is experiencing a serious housing crisis, and has been for a long time. Growth in rents continues to exceed overall price inflation. Mortgage rates have been at a multi-decade high due to the Federal Reserve’s aggressive rate hikes since summer 2022. Tens of millions of households spend more than 30% of their income on housing. Shelter is a basic human need and unaffordable housing is — and should be — a national scandal.

  • BC Brian Callaci is the Open Markets Institute’s Chief Economist, researching the affect of corporate power on workers, small businesses, and other groups. He received his PhD in economics from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2019. Prior to coming to Open Markets he worked at Workers United, SEIU, the Strategic Organizing Center (formerly Change to Win) and the Data & Society Research Institute.
  • SV Sandeep Vaheesan is legal director at the Open Markets Institute. Vaheesan previously served as a regulations counsel at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, where he helped develop and draft the first comprehensive federal rule on payday, vehicle title, and high-cost installment loans. He is the author of Democracy in Power: A History of Electrification in the United States , which will be published by the University of Chicago Press in December.

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