Center for Teaching Innovation

How to evaluate group work.

Students working in small groups often learn more and demonstrate better retention than students taught in other instructional formats. When instructors incorporate group assignments and activities into their courses, they must make thoughtful decisions regarding how to organize the group, how to facilitate it, and how to evaluate the completed work.

Instructor Evaluations

  • Create a rubric to set evaluation standards and share with students to communicate expectations.
  • Assess the performance of the group and its individual members.
  • Give regular feedback so group members can gauge their progress both as a group and individually.
  • Decide what criteria to base final evaluations upon. For example, you might weigh the finished product, teamwork, and individual contributions differently.
  • Consider adjusting grades based on peer evaluations.

Peer Evaluations

Consider providing a rubric to foster consistent peer evaluations of participation, quality, and quantity of work.

  • This may reveal participation issues that the instructor might not otherwise know about.
  • Students who know that their peers will evaluate them may contribute more to the group and have a greater stake in the project.
  • Completing evaluations early in the project allows groups to assess how they can improve.

General Strategies for Evaluation

  • Groups need to know who may be struggling to complete assignments, and members need to know they cannot sit back and let others do all the work. You can assess individual student progress by giving spot quizzes and evaluate group progress by setting up meetings with each group to review the project status.
  • Once or twice during the group task, ask group members to fill out a group and/or peer evaluation to assess team effectiveness. Consider asking “What action has each member taken that was helpful for the group? What action could each member take to make the group more effective?”
  • Help students reflect on what they have learned and how they have learned it. Consider asking students to complete a short survey that focuses on their individual contributions to the group, how the group interacted together, and what the individual student learned from the project in relation to the rest of the course.
  • Explain your grading system to students before they begin their work. The system should encourage teamwork, positive interdependence, and individual accountability. If you are going to consider the group’s evaluation of each member’s work, it is best to have students evaluate each other independently and confidentially.

Example Group Work Assessment Rubric

Here is an example of a group work assessment rubric. Filling out a rubric for each member of the group can help instructors assess individual contributions to the group and the individual’s role as a team player.

This rubric can also be used by group members as a tool to guide a mid-semester or mid-project discussion on how each individual is contributing to the group.

Example of a Group Work Assessment Rubric
Skills 4 Advanced - exceeds expectations 3 Competent - meets expectations 2 Progressing - does not fully meet expectations 1 Beginning - does not meet expectations
Contributions & Attitude Always cooperative. Routinely offers useful ideas. Always displays positive attitude. Usually cooperative. Usually offers useful ideas. Generally displays positive attitude. Sometimes cooperative. Sometimes offers useful ideas. Rarely displays positive attitude. Seldom cooperative. Rarely offers useful ideas. Is disruptive.
Cooperation with Others Did more than others. Highly productive. Works extremely well with others. Did own part of workload. Cooperative. Works well with others. Could have shared more of the workload. Has difficulty. Requires structure, directions, and leadership. Did not do any work. Does not contribute. Does not work well with others.
Focus, Commitments Tries to keep people working together. Almost always focused on the task. Is very self-directed. Does not cause problems in the group. Focuses on the task most of the time. Can count on this person. Sometimes focuses on the task. Not always a good team member. Must be prodded and reminded to keep on task. Often is not a good team member. Does not focus on the task. Lets others do the work.
Team Role Fulfillment Participates in all group meetings. Assumes leadership role. Does the work that is assigned by the group. Participates in most group meetings. Provides leadership when asked. Does most of the work assigned by the group. Participates in some group meetings. Provides some leadership. Does some of the work assigned by the group. Participates in few or no group meetings. Provides no leadership. Does little or no work assigned by the group.
Ability to Communicate Always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Provides effective feedback. Relays a lot of relevant information. Usually listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Sometimes talks too much. Provides some effective feedback. Relays some basic information that relates to the topic. Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Usually does most of the talking. Rarely listens to others. Provides little feedback. Relays very little information that relates to the topic. Rarely listens to, shares with, or supports the efforts of others. Is always talking and never listens to others. Provides no feedback. Does not relay any information to teammates.
Accuracy Work is complete, well-organized, error-free, and done on time or early. Work is generally complete, meets the requirements of the task, and is mostly done on time. Work tends to be disorderly, incomplete, inaccurate, and is usually late. Work is generally sloppy and incomplete, contains excessive errors, and is mostly late.

Total Points ______

Notes and Comments:

Gueldenzoph, L. E., & May, G. L. (2002). Collaborative peer evaluation: Best practices for group member assessments.  Business Communication Quarterly, 65 (1), 9-20.

Johnston, L., & Miles, L. (2004). Assessing contributions to group assignments.  Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 29 (6), 751-768.

Oakley, B., Felder, F. M., Brent, R., & Elhajj, I, (2004). Turning student groups into effective teams.  Journal of Student Centered Learning, 2 (1) 9-34.

A Guide to Effective Group Presentations + Free Checklist ✨

A Guide to Effective Group Presentations + Free Checklist ✨

Picture this, it is the morning of your big group presentation.

AI generated image of a woman looking at a calendar

You and your team have put in many late nights, working on slides, rehearsing lines, and fine-tuning every detail (if only, sigh). As you gather in the conference room, there’s a mix of nerves and excitement in the air.

AI generated image of a group of people sitting in a room, about to deliver a group presentation

You’ve got a solid plan, but there’s ALWAYS that lingering doubt: will everything work according to plan? Will everything go off without a hitch?

We’ve all been there, the anticipation, the hope that all your hard work pays off. Group presentations can be tough to pull off. But with the right strategies, and a bit of know-how, you can transform your next group presentations into a success story.

Most of the challenges surrounding group presentations revolve around navigating the dynamics of a team presentation, and ensuring a smooth, cohesive delivery. This requires careful planning and practice. In this guide, you’ll learn tips and strategies to nail your upcoming group presentation.

How to Get Started on Your Group Presentation

There is a different dynamic to group presentations because different individuals bring with them different ideas. Here are some basics on getting started with group presentations.

Decide How You are Going to Collaborate

First things first. Decide how your team and you are going to collaborate on the presentation material. If you’re using MS Word, you can easily save a document and share its link with team members. And each member can then work on the same document, on the specific subject that they’ve been assigned. Alternatively, you can also use Google Docs.

When it’s time to create the slides, PowerPoint has collaborative features that you can put to good use.

👉 First create a PowerPoint file.

👉 At some point you need to decide what your slides should look like. You can check out SlideBazaar’s choice of presentation themes, or work on slide designs from scratch (which will take more time).

👉 If you’ve already worked on the content for the slides on a Word file, you can divide the work in PowerPoint for each member as well. To do this, go to the outline view on the left, and create sections for each team member:

PowerPoint's outline view with some purple slides visible, which are themes designed by SlideBazaar

To create sections, simply right click a slide, and click on Add Section, and name your section. You can even right-click the area between 2 slides to create a section.

Once you’ve created sections, each member can work on the section assigned to them.

👉 But be sure to lay down some ground rules on what kinds of fonts, images, etc. are allowed. This is to maintain a visual consistency across the entire presentation.

👉 Now all you have to do is share the file with your team and let each member work on each slide.

How to Nail the Slideshow Part of Group Presentations

Now when it comes to preparing the content for your group presentation, the slideshow, there are some things that you should keep in mind:

Know Your Audience, Understand the Objective

Before creating content, take a step back and clearly define your target audience and the goals you want to achieve with your group presentation. Tailor your content, language and visuals around them, for a better presentation.

Visual Appeal

Create visually engaging slides that complement your presentation delivery. You can spend time working on the design of your slides, or use templates or themes, like those found on SlideBazaar, to create stunning presentations in no time.

Content Quality

Proofread the content in your slideshows. Make sure your slides are organized well. You may also want to rehearse presenting the entire slideshow, while recording yourself. Watch the recording back to ensure your slideshow has a logical flow, and that the content in your slides is easy to understand.

👉 Pro Tip 1: Never fill your slides with too much text. You are not supposed to read aloud from the slides. These slides are meant to support your presentation. 👉 Pro Tip 2: To ensure seamless sharing and distribution of your presentation after rehearsal and finalization, consider converting your PowerPoint slides to PDF format using an online PPT to PDF converter . This not only preserves the layout and design integrity but also makes it easier to share across different platforms and devices without the need for specific software.

A good rule to follow is Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 rule. Have less than 10 slides, spend 20 minutes presenting them, and don’t use font sizes smaller than 30 pts. This ensures that your presentation is short, concise, and does not have too much text.

Presentation Delivery – Useful Tips

Nonverbal cues and stage presence.

Pay attention to your posture while presenting. Maintain good posture, and don’t forget to make eye contact with your audience. Use natural hand gestures to emphasize your points.

Speak loud enough for the audience to hear. You can also try varying your tone to keep the audience engaged. Remember, even silent team members that are with you, contribute to the overall impression through their body language and attentiveness. So, make sure you’re all standing with good posture, and look relaxed and confident.

Transitions and Handovers

When presenting as a group, seamless transitions between speakers are crucial. Practice clear handoff cues.

Handoff cues are signals or actions used to coordinate the transfer of responsibility from one person to another. These could be either verbal or non-verbal, and are needed to maintain a smooth flow during your group presentation.

Here are some examples of handoff cues that you can use:

Verbal Cues:

  • Introduction: Now, I’ll hand it over to [NAME], who will talk about [TOPIC].
  • Summary and lead-in: Now that we’ve covered [TOPIC], I would like to invite [NAME] to expand on [NEXT TOPIC].
  • Question prompt: To answer this question, I’ll pass the stage to [NAME].

Non-Verbal Cues:

  • Physical gesture: A nod or a smile towards the next speaker.
  • Movement: Stepping aside to physically clear up space for the next speaker.
  • Eye Contact: Making eye contact with the next speaker to signal it’s their turn.

Visual Cues:

  • Props or clicker handoff: Passing the clicker or a relevant prop to the next speaker.

Addressing Questions as a Team

Designate a team member to manage the Q&A session or establish a system for fielding questions. This ensures all inquiries are addressed effectively and avoids confusion for the audience.

Common Challenges You Might Face – And Solutions

Here are some of the most common challenges people usually face with group presentations:


Problem: It’s a challenge to coordinate schedules and align everyone’s availability for meetings and rehearsals.  

Solution: One way to fix this problem is to use tools like polls or Google Calendar to find times that work for everyone. If you’re all in one group chat, add a poll, and ask your team members to vote on a time and date that they’re available. Try to finalise a time that everyone’s available, and set regular meeting times and dates in advance to allow team members to plan accordingly.

A WhatsApp chat that shows a poll, asking people when they're free for a quick meeting


Problem: Miscommunication or lack of clarity can lead to confusion among team members and can cause inconsistencies in the final presentation.

Solution: Make sure you establish clear channels of communication, such as a group chat, to facilitate ongoing discussions and updates. Document important decisions and action items in these channels to ensure everyone on your team is on the same page.

Unequal Contribution

Problem: Balancing workload and ensuring everyone contributes can be difficult.

Solution: One of the first things to do, is assign specific roles and responsibilities to each team member to ensure a fair distribution of tasks. There should be regular check-ins with team members to assess progress and address any concerns about workload distribution.

Creative Differences

Problem: Creative differences and disagreements can arise in groups.

Solution: Your meetings can have brainstorming sessions where every team member can openly share ideas and provide feedback. Focus on finding a common ground, and compromise to reach consensus on the decisions you make.

Time Constraints

Problem: Tight deadlines can add pressure, which can impact the quality of the final presentation.

Solution: Break down your presentation project into smaller tasks with clear deadlines . Prioritize tasks based on urgency, and allocate time for regular progress checks to make sure you’re all on track.

Nervousness and Performance Anxiety

Problem: Some members may struggle with anxiety or nervousness, affecting their ability to deliver their parts of the presentation effectively.

Solution: Offer support and encouragement to team members who may be struggling with presentation anxiety. Make sure they get to practice their parts enough. The rest of the team can also pretend to be the audience, if they want to practice in front of people.

Additional Tips for Success

Embrace technology:.

Instead of assigning someone to click through your slides, you can use a clicker, or even a wireless mouse. If you’re using a wireless mouse, make sure you only click through your slides, and do not accidentally move the mouse about.

However, the simplest way I’ve found to move through the slides in your presentation, is to just use your phone. If you have an Android, install PPTControl and its desktop client (search for PPTControl Desktop in the Microsoft Store). Once done, simply connect the app to your device, and you’ll now be able to control the presentation using your phone. It’s super useful!

A picture of a phone and a laptop, the phone is being used to control a presentation on the laptop.

You can also use other tools like polls, quizzes, and more to keep your audience engaged throughout your presentation.

Time Management:

You should be mindful of the allocated time for your presentation. There’s a quick way to keep track of time during your presentation. You can either do this during rehearsals, or during the actual presentation.

Click on the Windows button on your keyboard and search for “Clock”.

A windows search bar, showing someone search for "clock".

Click on Clock, and in the sidebar of the app, find and click on Stopwatch.

The sidebar of the clock app on Windows, showing the stopwatch option.

Now just above the stopwatch, click on the Keep on top button.

The stopwatch on Windows, with a tiny button on one corner that reads "Keep on top"

You now have an onscreen, floating timer. Place it somewhere on the screen as you practice or during your presentation, to keep track of time.

Oh and, one more thing. Here’s a group presentation checklist for you to make sure everything is on track.

Group Presentation Checklist

  • Establish clear communication channels for the team.
  • Pick a tool (polls, Calendar), to schedule meetings and rehearsals.
  • Assign roles and responsibilities.
  • Define target audience and presentation goals.
  • Tailor your content, language, and visuals (with SlideBazaar themes).
  • Create sections in PowerPoint, share it with your team.
  • Let members create slides.
  • Proofread for errors, and logical flow. Check for visual consistency.
  • Rehearse the presentation and record yourselves.
  • Practice handoff cues for seamless transition between speakers.
  • Decide on a system for handling audience questions.
  • Use a clicker or a smartphone app to transition between slides.
  • Use tools like polls or quizzes in the presentation to keep your audience engaged.
  • Keep track of time with a floating stopwatch.

Well, that’s about it. These were some tips on how you can get started on your group presentations, some best practices on nailing them, and general advice on getting success! I sure hope you found this article helpful, and that your presentation goes well. Why not check out SlideBazaar, you might find a presentation theme or template that might make your slideshow look amazing. Don’t believe me? Have a look for yourself.

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3 Group Presentation Pitfalls — and How to Avoid Them

  • Allison Shapira

how to assess group presentation

Strategies for a polished, unified final product.

Putting together an effective group presentation takes teamwork and coordination so it doesn’t look like a patchwork quilt. And yet, many of us never budget the time to fully prepare. The author outlines some of the common mistakes people make in group presentations and offers best practices to keep you on track. 

Many of us have experienced poor group presentations. If you’re giving one, it’s the last-minute scramble the night before to decide who is presenting which part of the presentation. If you’re observing one, it’s the chaos of hearing multiple people talking over one another or, even worse, simply reading their slides word-for-word and ignoring their audience. 

how to assess group presentation

  • Allison Shapira teaches “The Arts of Communication” at the Harvard Kennedy School and is the Founder/CEO of Global Public Speaking, a training firm that helps emerging and established leaders to speak clearly, concisely, and confidently. She is the author of the new book, Speak with Impact: How to Command the Room and Influence Others (HarperCollins Leadership).

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Assessing group work

Guidance on how to implement assessed group work in your programme or module. 

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1 August 2019

Group work is not produced by one person, but a team.

Assessment of group work can include both:

  • the output: the Product — see the UCL Student Assessment Criteria for Taught Programmes in the Academic Manual; and 
  • how the team worked together: the Process — see the  Peer assessment  toolkit. 

Educational benefits for your students 

Assessed group work encourages student participation and peer learning through discussion and interaction with peers.

Students can develop a sense of team spirit and participate fully.

Group work can also help to build skills relevant to employment, such as:

  • team-working 
  • collaboration
  • organisational and personal time management.

Peer assessment and other student-based assessments can help to manage the problem of students not doing their fair share and enable greater student involvement in the assessment process.

Implementing group assessment guidelines

  • Communicate clear learning outcomes and assessment criteria related to the Product and/ or Process. Make sure students understand what counts as evidence of participation as well as contribution. 
  • Determine group membership size and formation process. Include consideration of how to support students who end up working individually or in smaller groups if the groups break up e.g. through illness.
  • Develop context-specific strategies for dealing with group breakdowns, clear guides on the process to be followed and the point at which the lecturer will intervene.
  • Determine and make clear who will apply the assessment criteria: students, lecturer or both.
  • Tell students how the marks will be distributed (e.g. shared group mark, group average, marks for individual component parts).
  • Plan mechanisms to gather evidence for the group assessment (e.g. minutes of meetings, individual journals or reflections, on-line forum activity).
  • Specify media which best meet the learning outcomes for both group and any related individual components (e.g. written report, presentation, video and other audio-visual media).
  • If peer assessment (marking) is used:
  • Inform students whether assessment is formative (e.g. peer review) or summative (peer marking).
  • Students need to be briefed and trained on how to undertake peer assessment.
  • Criteria for assessing performance in the team must be linked to behaviour (e.g. attendance at meetings) in a way that can be linked to evidence.
  • Where practical, involve students in the development of peer assessment criteria.
  • For additional good practice guidance, see the  Peer assessment  toolkit. 
  • Assessing by Group Work by University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney including videos, guides and case studies 

Assessment and feedback: resources and useful links 

This guide has been produced by the UCL Arena Centre for Research-based Education . You are welcome to use this guide if you are from another educational facility, but you must credit the UCL Arena Centre. 

Further information

More teaching toolkits  - back to the toolkits menu

[email protected] : contact the UCL Arena Centre

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Case studies : browse related stories from UCL staff and students.

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Guide for Giving a Group Presentation

February 21, 2018 - Dom Barnard

In certain academic and business situations, it is more valuable to deliver a group presentation than a solo one. Many people prefer group presentations because there is less pressure on the individual. However there are also unique challenges, such as having to ensure multiple individuals collaborate in order to produce a cohesive piece of work.

Preparing for the group presentation

As with any presentation, there is a significant amount of work during the preparation stage. The group must be well organised because there are multiple individuals, and therefore multiple personalities involved.

Presentation moderator

To assist with organisation, the group should first decide on a presentation moderator – this is essentially the “leader”. The presentation moderator can have the final say when decision-making is needed and, during the Q&A portion of the presentation, can decide which speakers will answer certain questions.

Understanding the audience

To make your presentation engaging you need to  think about the audience  so you can tailor it towards their needs. How much will the audience already know about this topic? What will they want to get from this presentation?

For example, if you are presenting the topic of building a bridge to a group of civil engineers, you can confidently use technical language. However, if you are presenting to secondary school students, you would need to use simpler language and not explain the methods in as much detail.

The presentation’s purpose

As a group, ensure you agree on the purpose of the presentation so that you all understand the message that needs to be conveyed e.g. “We want to find out which treatment works best for social anxiety.” Deciding on your message means that the group can start building key points around this – just keep in mind that each subtopic must contribute to the presentation’s aim.

Divide the presentation

The presentation needs to be  divided into main areas  so there is a clear beginning, middle and end. This is where can you decide on the order of the subtopics. Presentations usually follow this structure:

1. Introduction:

  • It is useful to agree on the first minute of the presentation as a team. This is because the audience should be interested from the start and convinced to listen.
  • The presentation’s aims are also discussed and an overview of the presentation’s structure is provided. For example, “We set out to explore the effectiveness of different treatments for social anxiety. We will first cover the symptoms and prevalence of social anxiety, before explaining the different treatments. This will then lead into a discussion about the pros and cons of each treatment route. Finally, we will explain which treatment route we decided was the most effective for this disorder.”

2. One or two middle sections:

  • These sections consist of providing the information that addresses your presentation’s aim.
  • There can be more of these sections depending on your topic.

3. Conclusion:

  • After summarising all of the key points, there must be a clear conclusion. It is beneficial to appoint the conclusion to the best speaker as this is where all the information is pooled together.

After segmenting the presentation, a time sequence can be created so the group understands the order in which tasks must be completed. It is important to set deadlines for this.

Share responsibility

A frequent problem when working within a group is unequal participation as this can subsequently cause disharmony.

But this is easily avoidable by assigning each speaker a section of the presentation to work on depending on their interests. This means that each speaker should be doing the research for their section and putting together a speech and slides (if being used).

  • It is important to specify exactly what each group member should be doing with their time.
  • Make sure the length of time per speaker is agreed on.
  • Do not change speakers more than necessary because this can reduce the coherency of the presentation.

Build the presentation together

For an audience to follow and enjoy a presentation, it must flow together. Meeting up and building the presentation helps with this because:

  • This prevents the duplication of content.
  • You can put the slides together, although only one individual should be responsible for merging the slides so there is consistency within the presentation.
  • It is useful to receive feedback on the speeches before presenting to an audience.
  • The team can agree on any edits.
  • The team can agree on the conclusion.
  • You can make sure that each speaker will talk for the same amount of time and cover a similar amount of information.
  • The team can come up with the first minute of the presentation together.

Business people giving a group presentation

Use stories to engage the audience

A good presentation opening could  start with a story  to highlight why your topic is significant. For example, if the topic is on the benefits of pets on physical and psychological health, you could present a story or a study about an individual whose quality of life significantly improved after being given a dog.

The audience is more likely to remember this story than a list of facts and statistics so try and incorporate relevant stories into presentations.

Know what each speaker will say

Each speaker must know what the other group members will say as this prevents repetition and it may be useful to refer to a previous speaker to assist in explaining your own section.

Also, if a team member is unable to attend on the day it will be easier to find cover within the group.

Write and practice transitions

Clean transitioning between speakers can also assist in producing a presentation that flows well. One way of doing this is:

  • Briefly recap on what you covered in your section: “So that was a brief introduction on what social anxiety is and how it can affect somebody”
  • Introduce the next speaker in the team and explain what they will discuss: “Now Sarah will talk about the prevalence of social anxiety.”
  • Then end by looking at the next speaker, gesturing towards them and saying their name: “Sarah”.
  • The next speaker should acknowledge this with a quick: “Thank you Nick.”

From this example you can see how the different sections of the presentations link which makes it easier for the audience to follow and remain engaged.

Practice the presentation

Rehearse with the group multiple times to make sure:

  • The structure works
  • Everyone is sticking to their timing.
  • To see if any edits are needed.

The more you  rehearse a presentation  the more you will feel comfortable presenting the material and answering questions as your familiarity with the content increases.

Handling nerves before the presentation

It is  natural to feel nervous  when presenting in front of others, regardless of the size of the audience. Here are some tips:

  • Remind yourself that the audience is there to listen to you and wants you to do well; there is no need to be afraid of them.
  • Remember that the audience members will have to present their projects later and are almost certainly feeling just as nervous.
  • Practicing with your group and practicing your section at home will make you more comfortable and familiar with the material and increase your confidence.
  • Practice pauses  – when people feel nervous they tend to find silences uncomfortable and try to fill gaps, such as using “um” multiple times (filler words). Practicing pauses will help the silences feel less unnatural when you present therefore reducing the need for filler words.
  • When we are nervous we often begin breathing quickly and this in turn can increase our anxiety. Controlled breathing is a common technique that helps slow down your breathing to normal thus reducing your anxiety.

Exercises to control your breathing:

  • Sit down in an upright position as it easier for your lungs to fill with air
  • Breathe in through your nose and into your abdomen for four seconds
  • Hold this breathe for two seconds
  • Breathe out through your nose for six seconds
  • Wait a few seconds before inhaling and repeating the cycle

During the group presentation

Introducing the team.

The presentation should begin with the presentation moderator introducing the team. This is smoother than each individual presenting themselves.

Pay attention to the presentation

You may feel nervous as you wait for your turn to speak but try to listen to the presentation. The audience is able to see the whole team so it is important that you look interested in what is being said and react to it, even if you have heard it multiple times.

Body language and eye contact

Body language is a useful tool to engage the audience:

  • If it is your turn to speak then stand slightly in the foreground of the rest of your group.
  • Smile at the audience as this will make you look more confident.
  • Make eye contact  as this helps you engage with the audience.
  • Keep your arms uncrossed so your body language is more open.
  • Do not look down and read from your notes- glancing down occasionally is fine but keep in mind that you are talking to the audience.
  • This is the same for  presenting visual aids ; you may need to glance at the computer slide but make sure you predominantly face the audience as you are still speaking to them.
  • Keep your hands at your sides but use them occasionally to gesture.

Vocal variety

How you say something is just as is important as the content of your speech –  arguably, more so . For example, if an individual presented on a topic very enthusiastically the audience would probably enjoy this compared to someone who covered more points but mumbled into their notes.

Here are some pointers:

  • Adapt your voice depending on what are you saying- if you want to highlight something then raise your voice or lower your voice for intensity.
  • Avoid speaking in monotone.
  • Sound enthusiastic – the more you sound like you care about the topic, the more the audience will listen.
  • Speak loudly and clearly.
  • If you notice that you are speaking quickly, pause and slow down.
  • Warm up your voice  before a speech

Breath deeply for vocal variety

Take short pauses and breath deeply. This will ensure you have more vocal variety.

Handling nerves during the presentation

  • If you find that you are too uncomfortable to give audience members direct eye contact, a helpful technique is to look directly over the heads of the audience as this gives the impression of eye contact.
  • Try not to engage in nervous behaviours e.g. shifting your weight or fidgeting.
  • Remember that it’s unlikely that the audience knows that you are feeling nervous – you do not look as anxious as you feel.
  • Notice whether you are speaking too quickly as this tends to happen when nervousness increases. If you are, pause and then slow down.

Strong conclusion

Since the conclusion is the last section of your presentation the audience is more likely to remember it. Summarise the key points and lead into a clear concluding statement. For example, if your presentation was on the impact of social media on self-esteem you could list all the main points covered in the presentation and conclude “Therefore, from the amount of evidence and also from the quality of evidence, we have decided that social media is negatively/positively impacting self-esteem.”

Questions and answer session

The questions and answers session after the main presentation can be a source of anxiety as it is often difficult to predict what questions will be asked. But working within a group setting means that individually you do not have to know everything about the topic.

When an  audience member asks a question , the presentation moderator can refer a speaker who has the relevant knowledge to provide an answer. This avoids any hesitant pauses.

If you are answering group presentation questions:

  • Pause before answering- take the time to gather your thoughts and think about your answer
  • Make sure you answer the question- sometimes you may start providing more information than necessary. Keeping answers as concise as possible will help with this.
  • Ask the questioner for clarification if you do not understand- it’s better to ask rather than answering in a way that does not address the question.
  • You’re not expected to know everything- challenging questions will emerge and if you do not know the answer you can respond with: “That’s a really good question, I’m not certain so let me look into that.”

Ending the presentation

A good ending usually consists of the presentation moderator thanking the audience. If there is another group afterwards they should transition to the next group.


Evaluating Business Presentations: A Six Point Presenter Skills Assessment Checklist

Posted by Belinda Huckle  |  On April 18, 2024  |  In Presentation Training, Tips & Advice

In this Article...quick links

1. Ability to analyse an audience effectively and tailor the message accordingly

2. ability to develop a clear, well-structured presentation/pitch that is compelling and persuasive, 3. ability to connect with and maintain the engagement of the audience, 4. ability to prepare effective slides that support and strengthen the clarity of the message, 5. ability to appear confident, natural and in control, 6. ability to summarise and close a presentation to achieve the required/desired outcome, effective presentation skills are essential to growth, and follow us on social media for some more great presentation tips:, don’t forget to download our presenter skills assessment form.

For many business people, speaking in front of clients, customers, their bosses or even their own large team is not a skill that comes naturally. So it’s likely that within your organisation, and indeed within your own team, you’ll find varying levels of presenting ability. Without an objective way to assess the presenter skills needed to make a good presentation, convincing someone that presentation coaching could enhance their job performance (benefiting your business), boost their promotion prospects (benefiting their career) and significantly increase their self confidence (benefiting their broader life choices) becomes more challenging.

Businessman delivering a great presentation

So, how do you evaluate the presenting skills of your people to find out, objectively, where the skill gaps lie? Well, you work out your presentation skills evaluation criteria and then measure/assess your people against them. 

To help you, in this article we’re sharing the six crucial questions we believe you need to ask to not only make a professional assessment of your people’s presenting skills, but to showcase what makes a great presentation. We use them in our six-point Presenter Skills Assessment checklist ( which we’re giving away as a free download at the end of this blog post ). The answers to these questions will allow you to identify the presenter skills strengths and weaknesses (i.e. skills development opportunities) of anyone in your team or organisation, from the Managing Director down. You can then put presenter skills training or coaching in place so that everyone who needs it can learn the skills to deliver business presentations face-to-face, or online with confidence, impact and purpose.

Read on to discover what makes a great presentation and how to evaluate a presenter using our six-point Presenter Skills Assessment criteria so you can make a professional judgement of your people’s presenting skills.

If you ask most people what makes a great presentation, they will likely comment on tangible things like structure, content, delivery and slides. While these are all critical aspects of a great presentation, a more fundamental and crucial part is often overlooked – understanding your audience .  So, when you watch people in your organisation or team present, look for clues to see whether they really understand their audience and the particular situation they are currently in, such as:

  • Is their content tight, tailored and relevant, or just generic?
  • Is the information pitched at the right level?
  • Is there a clear ‘What’s In It For Them’?
  • Are they using language and terminology that reflects how their audience talk?
  • Have they addressed all of the pain points adequately?
  • Is the audience focused and engaged, or do they seem distracted?

For your people, getting to know their audience, and more importantly, understanding them, should always be the first step in pulling together a presentation. Comprehending the challenges, existing knowledge and level of detail the audience expects lays the foundation of a winning presentation. From there, the content can be structured to get the presenter’s message across in the most persuasive way, and the delivery tuned to best engage those listening.

Businesswoman making a great presentation

Flow and structure are both important elements in a presentation as both impact the effectiveness of the message and are essential components in understanding what makes a good presentation and what makes a good speech. When analysing this aspect of your people’s presentations look for a clear, easy to follow agenda, and related narrative, which is logical and persuasive.

Things to look for include:

  • Did the presentation ‘tell a story’ with a clear purpose at the start, defined chapters throughout and a strong close?
  • Were transitions smooth between the ‘chapters’ of the presentation?
  • Were visual aids, handouts or audience involvement techniques used where needed?
  • Were the challenges, solutions and potential risks of any argument defined clearly for the audience?
  • Were the benefits and potential ROI quantified/explained thoroughly?
  • Did the presentation end with a clear destination/call to action or the next steps?

For the message to stick and the audience to walk away with relevant information they are willing to act on, the presentation should flow seamlessly through each part, building momentum and interest along the way. If not, the information can lose impact and the presentation its direction. Then the audience may not feel equipped, inspired or compelled to implement the takeaways.

Connecting with your audience and keeping them engaged throughout can really be the difference between giving a great presentation and one that falls flat. This is no easy feat but is certainly a skill that can be learned. To do it well, your team need a good understanding of the audience (as mentioned above) to ensure the content is on target. Ask yourself, did they cover what’s relevant and leave out what isn’t? 

Delivery is important here too. This includes being able to build a natural rapport with the audience, speaking in a confident, conversational tone, and using expressive vocals, body language and gestures to bring the message to life. On top of this, the slides need to be clear, engaging and add interest to the narrative. Which leads us to point 4…

Man making a great visual presentation

It’s not uncommon for slides to be used first and foremost as visual prompts for the speaker. While they can be used for this purpose, the first priority of a slide (or any visual aid) should always be to support and strengthen the clarity of the message. For example, in the case of complex topics, slides should be used to visualise data , reinforcing and amplifying your message. This ensures that your slides are used to aid understanding, rather than merely prompting the speaker.

The main problem we see with people’s slides is that they are bloated with information, hard to read, distracting or unclear in their meaning. 

The best slides are visually impactful, with graphics, graphs or images instead of lines and lines of text or bullet points. The last thing you want is your audience to be focused on deciphering the multiple lines of text. Instead your slides should be clear in their message and add reinforcement to the argument or story that is being shared. How true is this of your people’s slides?

Most people find speaking in front of an audience (both small and large) at least a little confronting. However, for some, the nerves and anxiety they feel can distract from their presentation and the impact of their message. If members of your team lack confidence, both in their ideas and in themselves, it will create awkwardness and undermine their credibility and authority. This can crush a presenter and their reputation. 

This is something that you will very easily pick up on, but the good news is that it is definitely an area that can be improved through training and practice. Giving your team the tools and training they need to become more confident and influential presenters can deliver amazing results, which is really rewarding for both the individual and the organisation.

Audience applauding a great presentation

No matter how well a presentation goes, the closing statement can still make or break it. It’s a good idea to include a recap on the main points as well as a clear call to action which outlines what is required to achieve the desired outcome.

In assessing your people’s ability to do this, you can ask the following questions:

  • Did they summarise the key points clearly and concisely?
  • Were the next steps outlined in a way that seems achievable?
  • What was the feeling in the room at the close? Were people inspired, motivated, convinced? Or were they flat, disinterested, not persuaded? 

Closing a presentation with a well-rounded overview and achievable action plan should leave the audience with a sense that they have gained something out of the presentation and have all that they need to take the next steps to overcome their problem or make something happen.

It’s widely accepted that effective communication is a critical skill in business today. On top of this, if you can develop a team of confident presenters, you and they will experience countless opportunities for growth and success.

Once you’ve identified where the skill gaps lie, you can provide targeted training to address it. Whether it’s feeling confident presenting to your leadership team or answering unfielded questions , understanding their strengths and weaknesses in presenting will only boost their presenting skills. This then creates an ideal environment for collaboration and innovation, as each individual is confident to share their ideas. They can also clearly and persuasively share the key messaging of the business on a wider scale – and they and the business will experience dramatic results.

Tailored Training to Fill Your Presentation Skill Gaps

If you’re looking to build the presentation skills of your team through personalised training or coaching that is tailored to your business, we can help. For nearly 20 years we have been Australia’s Business Presentation Skills Experts , training & coaching thousands of people in an A-Z of global blue-chip organisations. All our programs incorporate personalised feedback, advice and guidance to take business presenters further. To find out more, click on one of the buttons below:

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Belinda Huckle

Written By Belinda Huckle

Co-Founder & Managing Director

Belinda is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of SecondNature International. With a determination to drive a paradigm shift in the delivery of presentation skills training both In-Person and Online, she is a strong advocate of a more personal and sustainable presentation skills training methodology.

Belinda believes that people don’t have to change who they are to be the presenter they want to be. So she developed a coaching approach that harnesses people’s unique personality to build their own authentic presentation style and personal brand.

She has helped to transform the presentation skills of people around the world in an A-Z of organisations including Amazon, BBC, Brother, BT, CocaCola, DHL, EE, ESRI, IpsosMORI, Heineken, MARS Inc., Moody’s, Moonpig, Nationwide, Pfizer, Publicis Groupe, Roche, Savills, Triumph and Walmart – to name just a few.

A total commitment to quality, service, your people and you.

How to Give a Great Group Presentation

A Little Preparation Can Go a Long Way

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Whether for an introductory course, internship, or senior seminar, group presentations are part of everyone's college experience and can be a source of very real anxiety. Next time you are assigned a group presentation, don't panic—instead, embrace the opportunity to learn and demonstrate your abilities. Read to find out what you can do to make your next group presentation memorable.

Distribute the Work Evenly

The first step to planning an A-worthy presentation is to make sure everyone carries their own weight, though this is easier said than done. This step will set your presentation up for success but can be challenging to pull off. It is likely that at least some of the people in your group will have unmatched academic abilities and work ethics, but this problem can be overcome.

Outline the work that needs to be done for the whole project and divvy up roles based on what people are comfortable doing. Make the expectations of each person clear so that there is accountability from start to finish—if something gets sloppily finished or is left entirely undone, the issue can be traced back to whatever group member is responsible and handled accordingly. If necessary, discuss problems with the professor . Don't let one person's laziness sabotage your entire group's work.

Schedule Deadlines and Rehearsals in Advance

As a college student, it can be incredibly difficult to manage your own time let alone synchronize the schedules of several different group members. Planning to get together as far in advance as possible makes it less likely that other commitments are prioritized over important group planning time.

At your first group meeting, set a timeline for when things need to be done. Schedule meetings, deadlines, and rehearsals as far into the future as the assignment allows. Never plan to cram at an all-night stress fest the night before—tired and over-extended group members will have a hard time executing even the most well-planned presentation.

Present Together

Just as you should use the strengths and weaknesses of group members to assign planning roles before the presentation, you should consider the abilities of every group member when deciding how the presentation itself should actually be delivered. Cohesion is crucial to a great presentation. People will notice if one or more group members do not speak or the presentation gets off-topic each time a new person takes over, and weak delivery does not bode well for your grade.

When you are planning how you will present, ask yourself and your group members the following questions:

  • What is the best way to deliver this material?
  • What presenting strengths does each group member have?
  • What goals must be met during the presentation?
  • How will we divide and conquer scripting the presentation?
  • What will we do if the presentation gets off-topic or a member forgets their part?

Prepare for Emergencies

Hopefully, you have put the time into creating an outstanding presentation, so don't let small hiccups derail it. Make sure that you know each other's responsibilities well enough to take over for them in times of crisis.

You never know when someone will get unexpectedly sick , face a family emergency, or be otherwise unable to show up for a presentation. Have a system in place where one group member can serve as an understudy for another group member so that your presentation does not crash and burn if someone is not there. Make the most of your preparations by planning for any scenario and remember to work as a team when things go wrong.

For a crisp presentation that leaves a strong impression on your professor and classmates, you need to rehearse. At least one run-through from beginning to end can smooth out any wrinkles, help nervous members overcome their fear, and ensure that you haven't left anything out.

Go through your parts as planned and offer each other constructive feedback immediately after. This may be uncomfortable, but helpful peer feedback can prevent negative feedback and bad grades from professors. Frame comments to members positively with a "glow and a grow": one thing they did really well and one area for improvement.

You should also discuss a dress code right before you rehearse so that all group members don the appropriate attire for the occasion. Lend each other clothes to help each other out if needed.

Stay Present During the Presentation

As long as your group is up there presenting, you need to be giving the presentation your all. This means that, even if your part is over, you should remain alert, engaged, and undistracted. This will make your presentation look and sound better while also enabling seamless emergency transitions. If you pay attention to your whole presentation, you will be much better prepared to step in for someone that needs rescuing—also, odds are that everyone else (professor included) will be more likely to pay attention if they see you paying attention.

Group presentations can be very effortful and time-consuming, so celebration is definitely in order once it's over. Reward yourself as a team for a job well done to bond after the potentially traumatizing experience you have shared.

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how to assess group presentation


How to give a good group presentation

Focus on strong planning, transition, and Q&A execution.

How to give a good group presentation

[Photo: Cecilie Skjold Wackerhausen/ Stock]

BY  Matt Abrahams 4 minute read

Facing an audience alone can be anxiety-producing. But copresenting with others brings its own set of challenges as well: from confusion to unclear roles. 

I once taught a class in which students were required to deliver a group presentation on the topic of their choice. One group told me they would be speaking about whales, but failed to coordinate their talk. I think they were as surprised as I was when one member discussed the marine mammal whales, one treated us to some enlightening information about the country of Wales, and a third proceeded to give us an overview of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem!

Thankfully, most teams do a better job of coordination than my students did. In fact, just a bit of planning and collaboration beforehand can minimize the potential messiness of team talks and allow the benefits (diverse perspectives, time efficiency, teamwork, etc.) to shine. When you coordinate your work together, communication can flow smoothly and your presentation will look like a unified effort, rather than disparate talks thrown together under a single heading. 

You don’t have to synchronize and coordinate every word, but the three elements that will make the most difference in your group presentation are planning, transitioning, and executing a strong Q&A. Here are three keys to giving a great group presentation:  

Before you get in front of your audience, it’s critical to align on your group’s goal, the depth and road map of your content, and the tone of your presentation. Discuss these questions before crafting content:

  • Goal: What is the objective of your talk? What do you want your audience to know, feel, and do as a result of what you share? By agreeing on your goal, you can each then begin crafting your content. Of course, be sure to check in with your group periodically regarding what you are saying and how you’re saying it to avoid overlaps and miscommunications.
  • Depth: How much detail will you provide, and in which sections? You might make the decision to have different speakers cover the content at different levels of specificity, or you might opt to keep everyone at the same level. This is a great time to also agree on joint terminology to use across all sections.
  • Road map: What is the journey you will take your audience on, and what is each presenter’s role along the way? Each of you should know what you need to say to set your fellow presenters up for success.
  • Tone: How formal or informal will your presentation be? Coordinate formality among your presenters in terms of appearance (the clothes you wear), language (contractions and cursing), and concision (how long you speak). 


When moving from one speaker to the next, you need to transition both topic and presenter. Too often presenters will simply say, “And here is Sven . . .” and hand over the microphone. Instead, offer a more complete transition that allows your audience to mentally shift from one section of your talk to the next. For instance, “Now that we all understand the significance of the problem, Sven will come up and share our proposed solution.”

If you are presenting in person, there is a delicate dance when one presenter relinquishes the stage to the next person. These transitions work best when the current presenter turns to face the direction the next presenter is coming from, then waits until the new presenter takes center stage before exiting. If you need to pass a remote slide advancer and/or microphone, extend the equipment to the new presenter and allow them to take it. Think of it as “passing the baton” in a relay race; to avoid a literal mic drop, someone’s hand needs to be on these at all times. This exchange also allows you to symbolically pass authority to the next presenter.

Going from broadcasting information to interacting with your audience is a critical shift. A Q&A section allows the audience to engage in dialog with the presenting team. It also invites deeper understanding for the audience and allows the presenters to gauge how well the audience has understood their message. When this shift is handled adeptly, the team preserves their credibility and authority.

Here are three suggestions to make this portion of your presentation a success:

  • Determine in advance who will take which questions. This coordination eliminates the awkward moment when everyone is looking blankly at each other, wondering if they should speak. If you have additional thoughts to add to a previous answer, do so by connecting your response to theirs (e.g., “In addition to what Juana said, I also think . . .”).
  • Assign an “orchestra conductor” who manages the audience’s questions and hands them off to the appropriate answerer.  The “conductor” will also manage time and wrap up the Q&A.
  • Pay attention even when you aren’t answering. Consider yourself in the spotlight even when you aren’t speaking. Look at the audience or your fellow presenter who is answering.

Successful group presentations are like scenes in a stage play. Knowing your role, agreeing on timing, paying attention to details, and practicing will create a positive experience for your team members and will enhance your ability to successfully convey your message to your audience. 

And here is some bonus advice for virtual team presentations: Always test mic levels so that everyone’s sound level is even, work to have the same level of lighting, coordinate virtual backgrounds to give a sense of cohesion, and have each member position their bodies in their stage areas the same way.

More and more of our communication is occurring in teams. By taking some time to coordinate and give feedback in advance, we can maximize the benefit of team presenting and avoid barriers to success.

Matt Abrahams is a lecturer at Stanford Graduate School of Business, the author of Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You’re Put on the Spot and Speaking Up Without Freaking Out , and the host of the Think Fast, Talk Smart podcast.

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Matt Abrahams is a lecturer at Stanford Graduate School of Business, the author of Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You're Put on the Spot and Speaking Up Without Freaking Out , and the host of Think Fast, Talk Smart ThePodcast .   More

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Methods for Assessing Group Work


Students should be made aware of assessment before starting the project

  • assessment method
  • criteria (product and/or process)

Product versus process

  • assessing the product - measuring the quantity and quality of individual work in a group project
  • assessing the process - evaluating individual teamwork skills and interaction

Assessment by instructor versus by group members

  • by instructor - instructor assigns all marks
  • by group members - group members evaluate their contributions to the group and assign marks

Product assessment by instructor

Equally shared mark.

  • All group members receive same grade
Advantages Disadvantages

Exam questions

  • Questions should be  specifically  about the project, and are answerable only by students who have been thoroughly involved in the project
Advantages Disadvantages

Splitting tasks

  • Project must be divisible into multiple tasks of the same complexity
  • Each student is responsible for one task
  • Final mark is part group mark (e.g., 50%) and part individual task mark (e.g., 50%)

Direct evaluation

  • Instructor judges individual merits
  • Oral interviews
  • Periodic reports
  • Meeting minutes
  • Observation

Product assessment by peer evaluation

Issues with peer evaluation:.

  • Should we use self-assessment?
  • Should instructor adjust marks?
  • Should it be done individually or collectively by consensus?

Distribution of a pool of marks (see Appendix for example)

  • Award the group a mark equal to ( group mark ) X ( no. of group members )
  • Let group divide marks among themselves

Individual weighting factor (see Appendix for example)

  • Points awarded for a list of tasks
  • Individual mark = ( group mark ) X ( peer assessment factor )

Process assessment

List of skills to assess, such as:

  • adoption of complementary team roles
  • cooperative behaviour
  • time and task management
  • creative problem solving
  • use of a range of working methods
  • negotiation

Process assessment by instructor

Direct evaluation of team behaviour using teamwork logs - sample questions:

  • what steps have you taken to organize your teamwork?
  • what steps have you taken to monitor the effectiveness of your team?
  • what steps have you taken to improve the effectiveness of your team?
  • what problems have you encountered in working as a team and how did you tackle them?
  • if you were to embark on a second, similar task as a team, what would be different about the way you go about working, and why?

Process assessment by peer evaluation

  • Individual assessment (see Appendix for example)
  • how members view each member of the team
  • use lists of key group work traits
  • average of individual marks must be the same as the group mark
  • Gibbs, G.  Learning in Teams: a Tutor Guide . Oxford, 1995.
  • Lejk, M. et al. A Survey of Methods of Deriving Individual Grades from Group Assessments. In  Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education . Vol. 21, No. 3, 1996.

Appendix with numerical examples

Example for distribution of a pool of marks.

  • Group project mark: 70
  • No. of group members: 4
  • Instructor awards 280 points to group
  • Advises students that difference between marks must not be greater than 20
  • Group members divide marks by consensus as follows:
Student Mark

Example for individual weighting factor

List of tasks Ann Bob Chris
a) Literature search 3 4 1
(b) Analysing the literature 4 5 1
(c) Writing a report 1 2 4
(d) Group presentation 3 1 1
Individual Totals 11 12 7

Rating scale

1 -Did not contribute in this way 2 -Willing but not very successful 3 -Average 4 -Above Average 5 -Outstanding

Peer assessment factor = (individual total) / (average total) Average of individual totals = 10 If project mark = 60

Individual marks:

Ann = 60 * (11/10) = 66 Bob = 60 * (12/10) = 72 Chris = 60 * (7/10) = 42

Example for individual assessment

3 group members (Ann, Bob, Chris), no self-assessment

Student name: Ann Evaluated by: Bob (marks selected are in boldface in this example)

Aspect of team functioning well below average below average average above average well above average
1. Forming good team cohesion -2 -1 0 2
2. Leadership, managing meetings -2 -1 0 1
3. Planning and allocating tasks -2 -1 1 2
4. Generating ideas and solutions -2 0 1 2
5. Tackling team social problems -2 -1 0 2
6. Organising individuals to do jobs -2 -1 1 2
7. Helping team members to finish jobs -2 -1 1 2
8. Willingly taking on unpopular jobs -2 -1 1 2
Instructor’s mark for team project Sum of evaluation marks Individual mark for Ann given by Bob
60% +3 63%

Note: Bob’s evaluation of Chris must add up to -3

Student name: Ann Evaluated by: Chris

Aspect of team functioning well below average below average average above average well above average
1. Forming good team cohesion -2 -1 0 2
2. Leadership, managing meetings -2 -1 0 2
3. Planning and allocating tasks -2 -1 1 2
4. Generating ideas and solutions -2 0 1 2
5. Tackling team social problems -2 -1 0 2
6. Organising individuals to do jobs -2 -1 1 2
7. Helping team members to finish jobs -2 -1 1 2
8. Willingly taking on unpopular jobs -2 0 1 2
Instructor’s mark for team project Sum of evaluation marks Individual mark for Ann given by Chris
60% +1 61%

Note: Chris’ evaluation of bob must add up to -1

Ann’s final mark: (63 + 61) / 2 = 62%

If you would like support applying these tips to your own teaching, CTE staff members are here to help.  View the  CTE Support  page to find the most relevant staff member to contact.

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This Creative Commons license  lets others remix, tweak, and build upon our work non-commercially, as long as they credit us and indicate if changes were made. Use this citation format:  Methods for assessing group work . Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo .

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Eberly Center

Teaching excellence & educational innovation, grading methods for group work, instructor assessment of group product.

The group submits one product and all group members receive the same grade, regardless of individual contribution.

Individual submissions (allocated tasks or individual reports) are scored individually. The group members each receive the averageof these individual scores.

Each student completes an allocated task that contributes to the final group product and gets the marks for that task

Each student writes and submits an individual report based on the group's work on the task/project

Exam questions specifically target the group projects, and can only be answered by students who have been thoroughly involved in the project

Student Assessment of Group Product

Instructor awards a set number of scores and let the group decide how to distribute them.

Instructor gives shared group grade & individual grade adjusted according to a peer assessment factor.

As Above

As Above

Assessment items are anonymously completed by students who identify whether their peer has met the assessment criteria and awards a grade These grades are moderated by instructor and rating sheets returned to student.

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5 Powerful Group Presentation Examples + Guide to Nail Your Next Talk

Leah Nguyen • 04 April, 2024 • 6 min read

A group presentation is a chance to combine your superpowers, brainstorm like mad geniuses, and deliver a presentation that'll have your audience begging for an encore.

That's the gist of it.

It can also be a disaster if it's not done right. Fortunately, we have awesome group presentation examples to help you get the hang of it💪.

Table of Contents

What is a good group presentation, #1. delivering a successful team presentation, #2. athletetrax team presentation, #3. bumble - 1st place - 2017 national business plan competition, #4. 2019 final round yonsei university, #5. 1st place | macy's case competition, bottom line, frequently asked questions, tips for audience engagement.

  • Manager your timing in presentation better
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What is a good group presentation?Clear communication, convincing arguments, careful preparation, and the ability to adapt.
What are the benefits of group presentations?Collaborative effort, shared resources, and fresh concepts.

Group presentation example

Here are some key aspects of a good group presentation:

• Organisation - The presentation should follow a logical flow, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. An outline or roadmap shown upfront helps guide the audience.

• Visual aids – Use slides, videos, diagrams, etc. to enhance the presentation and keep it engaging. But avoid overly packed slides with too much text. For the sake of convenience of quickly sharing the content, you can attach a QR code directly in your presentation using slides QR code generator for this goal.

• Speaking skills - Speak clearly, at an appropriate pace and volume. Make eye contact with the audience. Limit filler words and verbal tics.

• Participation - All group members should contribute to the presentation in an active and balanced way. They should speak in an integrated, conversational manner. You can also gather attention from your audience by using different interactive features, including spinner wheel word cloud , live Q&A , online quiz creator and survey tool , to maximize engagement.

🎉 Choose the best Q&A tool with AhaSlides

• Content - The material should be relevant, informative, and at an appropriate level for the audience. Good research and preparation ensure accuracy.

• Interaction - Involve the audience through questions, demonstrations, polls , or activities. This helps keep their attention and facilitates learning.

• Time management - Stay within the allotted time through careful planning and time checks. Have someone in the group monitor the clock.

• Audience focus - Consider the audience's needs and perspective. Frame the material in a way that is relevant and valuable to them.

• Conclusion - Provide a strong summary of the main points and takeaways. Leave the audience with key messages they'll remember from your presentation.

🎊 Tips: Icebreaker games | The secret weapon for connecting a new group

Present in powerful and creative visual

Engage your audience in real-time. Let them imprint your presentation in their head with revolutionising interactive slides!

Best Group Presentation Examples

To give you a good idea of what a good group presentation is, here are some specific examples for you to learn from.

The video provides helpful examples and recommendations to illustrate each of these tips for improving team presentations.

The speaker recommends preparing thoroughly as a team, assigning clear roles to each member, and rehearsing multiple times to deliver an effective team presentation that engages the audience.

They speak loudly and clearly, make eye contact with the audience, and avoid reading slides word for word.

The visuals are done properly, with limited text on slides, and relevant images and graphics are used to support key points.

The presentation follows a logical structure, covering the company overview, the problem they are solving, the proposed solution, business model, competition, marketing strategy, finances, and next steps. This makes it easy to follow.

The presenters speak clearly and confidently, make good eye contact with the audience, and avoid simply reading the slides. Their professional demeanor creates a good impression.

They provide a cogent and concise answer to the one question they receive at the end, demonstrating a good understanding of their business plan.

This group nails it with a positive attitude throughout the presentation . Smiles show warmness in opposition to blank stares.

The team cites relevant usage statistics and financial metrics to demonstrate Bumble's growth potential. This lends credibility to their pitch.

All points are elaborated well, and they switch between members harmoniously.

This group presentation shows that a little stutter initially doesn't mean it's the end of the world. They keep going with confidence and carry out the plan flawlessly, which impresses the judging panel.

The team provides clear, supported responses that demonstrate their knowledge and thoughtfulness.

When answering the questions from the judge, they exchange frequent eye contact with them, showing confident manners.

🎉 Tips: Divide your team into smaller groups for them to practice presenting better!

In this video , we can see instantly that each member of the group takes control of the stage they present naturally. They move around, exuding an aura of confidence in what they're saying.

For an intricate topic like diversity and inclusion, they made their points well-put by backing them up with figures and data.

🎊 Tips: Rate your presentation by effective rating scale tool , to make sure that everyone's satisfied with your presentation!

We hope these group presentation examples will help you and your team members achieve clear communication, organisation, and preparation, along with the ability to deliver the message in an engaging and compelling manner. These factors all contribute to a good group presentation that wow the audience.

More to read:

  • 💡 10 Interactive Presentation Techniques for Engagement
  • 💡 220++ Easy Topics for Presentation of all Ages
  • 💡 Complete Guide to Interactive Presentations

What is a group presentation?

A group presentation is a presentation given by multiple people, typically two or more, to an audience. Group presentations are common in academic, business, and organisational settings.

How do you make a group presentation?

To make an effective group presentation, clearly define the objective, assign roles among group members for researching, creating slides, and rehearsing, create an outline with an introduction, 3-5 key points, and a conclusion, and gather relevant facts and examples to support each point, include meaningful visual aids on slides while limiting text, practice your full presentation together and provide each other with feedback, conclude strongly by summarising key takeaways.

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

Words that convert, stories that stick. I turn complex ideas into engaging narratives - helping audiences learn, remember, and take action.

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